Staff Prayer Items(March / 2013) Headquarters (Milton Keynes UK) Prayer requests 1. A training camp “Empowered Serving” will be held at mission centre on 8-‐10 March. Professor Kwok from USA will be the keynote speaker for this camp and his messages will be focusing on evangelism and discovering spiritual giFs. 2. Mandarin Easter Conference “Be Different” will be held at mission centre from 28 March to 1 April. This conference aims to strengthen the faith of the new believers and get to know more about God.
Henry and Ling Lu (General Director, Headquarter Office; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for His protecOon on the road and His provision of strength for Henry to finish his back to back preaching schedule in February during Chinese New Year. Please pray that he can find Ome to rest and renew while balancing his Ome to aTend to different ministry needs. Prayer requests 2. March is a busy month for everyone in the mission centre. Please pray for us to prepare our body, soul, and spirit in the Lord before it gets too busy. 3. Please conOnue to pray for the planning meeOng of future ediOons of the Living Water Magazine on 8th of March. May the Lord conOnue to bring us suitable writers to work together. Pray especially for writers who understand the challenges of new immigrants throughout Europe.
Rebecca Mao (Director of Member Care; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. The experience of feeling weak and inadequate in ministry has forced me to draw back to God and to learn anew to cling to Him and not to reply on my own power. Praise the Lord for His promise: His grace is sufficient for me in all circumstances. 2. Thank God for the privilege to do ministry among young people: staff, volunteers and students. I count it my blessing to care for them, to walk with them and to learn from them. Prayer Request 3. A closer walk with God and a renewed passion to love Him and His Word. 4. Preaching in MKCCC (in English) and in London Chinese Alliance Church. 5. Pray for wisdom for planning different ministries.
Gordon and Maggie Lam (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Prayer Request 1. 1-‐2/3 We will lead two workshops in Lancaster University Fellowship 2. 8-‐10/3 Maggie serving in COCM B.E.S.T. Training camp and lead one workshop 3. 6-‐11/3 Gordon serving in Southern France–lead bible study, visit students and preach on Sunday service 4. 21-‐25/3 Serving in Northern England–lead bible study, visit students and preach on Sunday service 5. 22/3 Sharing with local BriOsh churches on COCM Chinese student gospel ministry in Dundee, UK 6. 24-‐26/3 Gordon will be leading a 3-‐day training on evangelism in Sunderland CCF 7. 28/3-‐1/4 Serving in Mandarin Easter Camp 8. Gospel Team events: A few churches have agreed to work with us this year, now sOll waiOng for others to reply. Pray that the schedule for all locaOons can be arranged smoothly regardless of the different requirement from different churches. 9. Pray for our health and our families’ health, and that they can come to know Christ.
Connie Yu (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Prayer Request 1. Went to Leicester three Omes this month. There are now a number of students coming regularly to the Bible study, give thanks for their commitment and hunger for God. Please pray that more students would have a thirst for God and His Word. 2. Quite a few of the students got ill last month, and the illness doesn't seem to go away. Pleaes pray for healing and recovery. 3. Besides serving in Leicester, there are two camps in the mission centre this month, one is traning how to serve, and the other is Easter camp. Please pray that more students would respond to God's love and calling. 4. Will have a video call to a Chinese congregaOon in the US during their Sunday service, pleaes pray that we would have a smooth communicaOon, and may our meeOng be a mutual encouragement in our faith and love in Christ. Give thanks for their prayer and support. 5. Please pray for my parents in China that they would come to know God, and find strength to look aFer their elderly mothers.
Staff Prayer Items(March / 2013) Josh Shek (Second GeneraHon Ministry; Milton Keynes & Bristol UK) Thanksgiving 1. The PHAT Leader's Retreat in February had to be postponed unOl April. Despite the change, several leaders sOll travelled to COCM for a weekend of fun, honest sharing and good fellowship. I thank God that he used to weekend to strengthen the bond between the commiTed leaders in this ministry. 2. February was a quieter month with Ome to reflect on my past year with COCM. I thank God for having led me to this place and for all that I have discovered and experienced so far and look forward to what he has in store ahead. Prayer Request 3. March will be the start of a busy period as I prepare to support SEEC at the end of the month. Please pray that God will lead and provide for me as I prepare to give a workshop and worship amongst other ministries. 4. I will be speaking in London Chinese Alliance church on 24th March. I pray that God again will give me a clear message to speak to the English ministry there. 5. My sister, Grace, has spent the past year in New York on an internship and will be returning this month. Please pray for her as she re-‐adjusts to life in the UK and begins her search for jobs.
Paul Du (IT/Maintenance; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. I am thankful for a relaxed and joyful holiday back home with parents. Prayer Request 2. Please pray that I will re-‐adjust to the working life in UK when I come back on 6th March. May God grant me a smooth journey. 3. May God watch over the health and emoOons of my parents at home.
Dennis Yau and Jessica Guo (Associate; Bookroom; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Shannon (daughter) is doing well and her weight is increasing. 2. Thank God that Dennis’ parents had a good Ome in UK. Prayer request 3. Pray for Cranfield Fellowship, that more students will be willing to come and open their heart. 4. Pray for Dennis’ preaching in Bristol and Luton in March and Bible study leading at MKCCC. May God grant him wisdom to prepare the message. 5. Pray for Jessica’s Mum that her new found faith in Jesus will be strengthened. 6. Pray for the healing of Shannon’s blocked nose so that she will have beTer sleep quality. May God’s healing hand touch her.
Min Yin (CommunicaHon; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Give thanks for my first weekend to Canterbury and the installaOon service arranged by the fellowship. Thank God that I’m going to serve with a group of dedicated brothers and sisters in Canterbury. 2. Thank God that I shared with students and have good fellowship with them at Guildford CCF on 27 February. Prayer request 3. Pray that God will conOnue to work in my parents' hearts through His Word and by reading relevant books. 4. Pray that I will get to know the students at Canterbury and connect with them beTer. 5. Pray for 6 students who are coming to aTend the COCM Mandarin Easter Conference. May God touch their hearts and change their lives during the conference. 6. Pray for my other commitment at the mission centre. May God give me wisdom to use Ome wisely and be able to manage the workload.
Tzyy-‐Terng Su and Yu-‐Mei Wu (Mission Centre Ministry CoordinaHon Manager; Graphic Designer; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that both TT and Yu-‐Mei have enough Ome to do their check-‐ups in Taiwan. 2. Both of us went back to Taiwan Omely so that we are able to reunite with the family and also take care of their needs. 3. We had a great Ome sharing with pastors and congregaOon from our home churches as well as brothers and sisters from our previous fellowship and pastors and leaders from General Assembly of PCT. 4. Pastor Lee came to visit us and had meeOngs with Rev. Henry Lu. Prayer requests 5. Pray for preparaOon of TFiL ministry this year, including preaching, Bible study with seekers, follow-‐up visits and discipleship training. 6. Mission centre maintenance and hospitality will be picked up mostly by volunteers in February while staff members are on annual leave. May God grant them wisdom that they can be trained to shoulder different responsibiliOes on their own. 7. Pray for new volunteers coming during the second half of the year. 8. Pray for TT’s post operaOon recovery and Yu-‐Mei’s treatment of her anemic condiOon. 9. Pray for TT’s parents, his mother’s blood sugar control and his father’s further check-‐up on symptoms caused by recent car accident.
Staff Prayer Items(March / 2013) Anthony Lau (AdministraHon; Milton Keynes & Cambridge UK) Thanksgiving 1. SEEC Bible Reading Camp went well. 2. SEEC planning is a bit slow, but thanks God for a good team. 3. A good turn out for the SEEC 28 March – 1 April (170 and rising). Prayer request 4. SEEC training camp on March 1-‐3. Progress is very slow. Only 8 people so far. 5. SEEC March 28 – 1 April. There are a few non-‐believers. Quite some loose ends to Oe up; Ken (PA) may not be able to help in SEEC this year. Cecily (Oxford) may not be able to join / help for personal reasons as well. 6. Need more wisdom to handle the administraOon work.
Patrice Li (Church PlanHng; Bristol) Thanksgiving 1. Give thanks for all the logisOcs moving into Bristol. Prayer request 2. Please pray for the new start including the work content and the soho style of working. Pray for self-‐discipline, Ome management, moOvaOon and integrity. 3. Please conOnue to pray the recovery of a stroke for my grandmother. 4. Please pray for a smooth relaOonship built among the leadership team and pastoral team. 5. Please pray for the church member to be ready to accept a new worker in the church. 6. Please pray for the field of Chinese students in Bristol ready for harvest.
Oiling Lam (Student Ministry; Colchester UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that I re-‐adjust to the life in Hong Kong quickly. 2. Thank God that I can spend more Ome with family and brothers and sisters from the church. Prayer request 3. Please pray for the Monthly Prayer MeeOng on 4 March at the HK office and the sharing with a fellowship on 16 March. 4. Please pray for the mission conference on 17 March and may God sOr up the passion for mission of those who are going to aTend the conference. 5. Pray that God will grant me wisdom to study during my furlough and I will learn to draw close to Him.
Chu-‐Yin Ho (Student Ministry; Dundee UK) Prayer request 1. Thank God for the Chinese New Year celebraOon on 8/2 in Dundee, about 90 aTended and heard Professor Kung speaking on the topic 'Abundant Life'. Some of those who responded that they want to know more about Jesus came back and joined the evangelisOc Bible study on our Friday fellowship meeOng. We praise God for that. 2. Pray for the seekers in our midst and especially two Hong Kong students who joined us since last semester are more ready to receive. Pray that at the end of our evangelisOc Bible studies their hearts are prepared by God to receive Jesus into their lives. 3. Pray for one of our young mother who is a young believer and the husband yet to believe, she needs support and encouragement as she is sOll adjusOng to motherhood. Recently, she is hospitalized for high temperature. But thanking God she sOll holds firmly to her faith and believes in prayer and she shared that during this Ome when she is at the hospital, she feels close to God. This is wonderful tesOmony consider the struggle she has gone through as a first Ome mother and a young believer. We praise God for her faith.
Monica Li (Student Ministry; Lancaster UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise God for His grace in my Ome in Hong Kong. Originally I had planned to bring Grandma home for a few days over Chinese New Year. But she was unwell and was admiTed to hospital for 10 days. Thankfully she was discharged the night before I leF for the UK. Please pray for God to bless her with His peace and good health. Prayer request 2. In the midst of the students’ busyness with their studies may God touch them to be willing to invest Ome in their relaOonship with Him and make the effort to grow. 3. Over the Easter weekend a few students will aTend the Mandarin camp at the COCM Centre. I will be at the South England Easter Conference serving as an interpreter. Please pray for safety in all the travelling and that God would open the minds of our hearts and draw us closer to Him at this Easter Ome.
Grace Li (Student Ministry; NoUngham UK) Prayer request 1. Thank God that a few seekers come on Friday regularly. Pray that their hearts would be open by God especially pray for students Zheng Han who is longing to know the truth, but have bondage from his past knowledge of Buddhism, so May the Lord break the chains on him. 2. Pray for students to focus on study as now they are busy for various works 3. Pray for our Friday’s gospel meeOng, the lord would give me the words to share. 4. Pray for my mom's health as her back feels extremely painful, and her legs feel no strength.
Staff Prayer Items(March / 2013) Mary Ma (Student Ministry; Brighton UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise the Lord that two students got bapOzed on 24 February at Brighton Holland Road BapOst Church. May God conOnue to lead them and strengthen their faith. Prayer request 2. There will be two students being bapOzed on Easter Sunday (31 March) at Brighton Holland Road BapOst Church. May God aTract people to come and know God. 3. Please pray for the student fellowship on 2 and 8 March. 4. Mary’s elder sister passed away and Mary will go back to China. Please pray for her family in China and God will use Mary to spread the Gospel in China. 5. Pray for Mary to have needed strength physically and spiritually in her ministry.
Yuen Yee Ting (Church PlanHng; Perth UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for His faithfulness and Grace. The Restaurant Ministry's Chinese New Year meeOng got more than two hundred parOcipants and at least one person believed in Jesus and several commiTed their lives again to Jesus. God gave us an extremely good weather that day. Prayer request 2. Pray for the special meeOng to celebrate the Easter. Pray that we really know about the real meaning of Easter and the amazing love of God.
Simon and Lydia Tam (Church PlanHng; Colchester UK) Thanksgiving 1. Essex Chinese ChrisOan Church moved to another English Church for Sunday service on 3 March. Please pray that the congregaOon will soon adapt to the new environment. Prayer request 2. We will distribute leaflets and tracts in the city centre of Colchester from 11:30 to 13:30 on 23 March. May God touch the hearts of those who are burdened to join us. 3. Lydia will go to serve with the Basel Chinese ChrisOan Church on 15-‐18 March (preaching, Bible study leading, visitaOon and training).
Kam Hung and Mi Ting Ho (Interim Dirctor of Admin, Church PlanHng; Hull UK) Thanksgiving 1. During Chinese New Year, we organise a hot pot evening in Scunthorpe. More than 60 people joined this acOvity. We are going to organise a lady fellowship as follow-‐up work. Pray that God would lead this meeOng. Prayer request 2. Praise the Lord that a few ladies in Scunthorpe accepted the Lord recently. Pray for their spiritual growth. Pray for the new lady fellowship as well. 3. Pray for student work. 4. Pray that we could have good health and spiritual strength to serve God. Mi Ting got a flu for 2 weeks and sOll has not recovered.
Tin Chung and Carol Wong (Church PlanHng; Exeter UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise the Lord that we have faithful commiTee members and brothers and sisters serving with us during the past 7 years. Prayer request 2. Please pray for the church evangelism that we will be able to know new friends. 3. Please pray for the children’s ministry that the Lord will add more people to our team. 4. Please pray for the students – some of them will go back home; some will aTend conferences and most of them will have exams immediately aFer the Easter holidays. 5. Please pray for several families who are now in difficult situaOons. 6. Pray for God’s protecOon of our health.
Tiger and Joy Liaw (Student Ministry/Church PlanHng; London UK) Thanksgiving 1. For Joy’s smooth delivery & recovery . 2. Smooth rides to hospital three Omes during the cold snowy weather . 3. Street parking which normally would be extremely difficult to find near hospital in Zone 1 was available due to the snow. 4. Joy was able to take care of baby & discharging while Tiger was leF for worship the whole day and both Joy & baby were home the same day at the evening. Prayer requests 5. For our strength to take care of baby and Winston’s adjustment to new baby. 6. For bapOsm class to start in Feb and those candidates and a place for bapOsm in April. 7. For God’s wisdom as Tiger needs to preach every Sunday and lead the fellowship every week.
Staff Prayer Items(March / 2013) Lawrence and Clara Sin (Student Ministry; Birmingham UK) Prayer requests 1. Pray for the promoOon and preparaOon of Midlands Easter Conference 2013 to be held from 29 Mar to 1 April. The theme is ‘Unchanging God’. Pray also that everyone will be renewed by the Holy Spirit. 2. Pray for the new commiTee members of Warwick University Chinese ChrisOan Fellowship (Cantonese), Loughborough CCF and Bath CCF so that they have wisdom and giFs to serve the fellowship and spread the gospel to the students in the universiOes 3. Pray that TEE students that they will be able to complete all the coursework aFer aTending the classes.
Chi Ming and Wing Chun Tang (ExecuHve Director -‐ HK Office, Europe Field; HK) Thanksgiving 1. Chi Ming and other 7 brothers and sisters from the Den Bosch church toured around the UK on 22-‐26 February. During this period of Ome, Chi Ming taught “Church History”. We are thankful for God’s protecOon and blessings. Prayer requests 2. Chi Ming will conOnue to work in Hong Kong from 13 March to 15 May. 3. Chi Ming will aTend the meeOng of Hong Kong Board on 18 March. 4. Wing Chun will be preaching on 31 March at the Den Bosch Church and interpreOng for Dutch speakers on 3, 17 and 24 March. 5. Wing Chun’s Mum hurt her waist while liFing heavy stuff so that Wing Chun sOll needs to take care of her younger sister. 6. Yan Chee (daughter), together with other two young people, will be in charge of the preparaOon of the upcoming conference in May.
Faye Lee (Missionary Partner; Milton Keynes and Manchester, UK) Thanksgiving 1. We finished the data collecOng process for the online Bookroom. If everything’s going well, the online store will be put into use in this coming May or June. Prayer requests 2. I will renew my visa at the end of March and pray that it will come through before the end of April so that I will be able to do ministry in Finland. 3. Ruth (daughter) will wisely use her Ome before university starts in September. Pray that she will be able to find a job during this gap.
Mei Lam (Finance; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. I am grateful that I had a smooth journey back home to spend Chinese New Year with family. My parents are enjoying good health. Prayer requests 2. There are conflicts between siblings, which make my parents sad. Please pray that God will give me wisdom to support them as a ChrisOan. 3. I need to catch up with a lot of work leF behind during the holiday, especially the finance of the mission.
Shaohua Wang (Bookroom; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. With the help from volunteers, I was able to Ody up the stock. Prayer requests 2. Pray that the books will be ready for three Easter conferences (SEEC, NEEC and MEC). 3. Please pray for the progress of E-‐commerce. 4. Please pray that the tracts sold by the Bookroom will be helpful for the evangelism of various churches in the UK.