Staff prayer items 2013-04-E

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Staff Prayer Items(April / 2013) Headquarters (Milton Keynes UK) Prayer requests 1. London Chinese Student Ministry Consulta5on will be held at mission centre on 13 April. The pastors, church leaders and some brothers and sisters will come to a?end it. May God give us the same vision to do the student ministry in London. 2. PHAT Leaders training camp will be held at mission centre on 27-­‐28 April. May God give wisdom to the speakers and prepare the hearts of those who are coming to a?end this camp.

Henry and Ling Lu (General Director, Headquarter Office; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for His grace and provision during the different camps in March. May the Lord grant us rest and renewal. Hopefully we will have some family 5me during the April school holiday. Prayer requests 2. Our son Jonathan injured his wrist at school at the end of March and missed two days of school. Thank God he didn’t have any broken bones, and the swelling was gone aPer a few days of rest. 3. Pray for Henry’s preaching schedule: 7/4 Bristol CBC bap5sm; 13/4 London Chinese Student Consulta5on at COCM; 28/4 Sheffield CCC. 4. Please con5nue to pray for the ministry of Living Water Magazine. May the Lord bring suitable writers who understand the challenges of immigrants in Europe. 5. Our daughter Annabel will be going to Cranfield University to get a work shadowing experience in April, but her leave of absence request was not authorized by her school because the dates are too close to her AS exams in May. Please pray that we will be able to work this out with her school and the experience will be a good one.

Rebecca Mao (Director of Member Care; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that the B.E.S.T training camp “Empowered Serving” went well. The students learned different ways of sharing gospel and also had chances to prac5ce some of it. 2. Thank God that His words sustained me all the way through the spiritual warfare I encountered during my service. Prayer Request 3. Please pray for the prepara5on work of Gradua5on Ceremony of TEE (18/5), Annual Staff Retreat (the end of May) and Bible Camp (in the mid June). 4. Pray that God will bring suitable volunteers in this coming summer. 5. Please pray for my Mum’s health and may God give doctors wisdom to diagnose the reason of her illness. Please also pray for the health of my brother-­‐in-­‐law as he was rushed to the A&E once for clogged artery. May the Lord heal him through the medica5on.

Gordon and Maggie Lam (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Intensive March serving has completed. Thank God for protec5ng us on the road and throughout the whole period. Prayer Request 2. 5-­‐15/4 Gordon serving in 3 ci5es in Southern France – in addi5on to leading bible study, visi5ng students and preaching on Sunday service. He will also provide discipleship training to the students. Pray that God will raise up more brothers and sisters to serve in the student fellowships. 3. 13/4 Maggie will share the gospel team ministry at London Chinese Student Ministry Consulta5on. 4. 25-­‐29/4 Serving in Northern England – lead bible study, visit students and preach on Sunday service. 5. Gospel Team events: Most of the partnering churches have confirmed partnership with us. We need to confirm all event loca5ons and dates by the end of April. Please pray that God will lead us during our decision-­‐making process. Also pray for the gospel drama scriptwriter that she can finish the script by the end of April. 6. Our immune system has been weak recently and we are easy to get 5red and sick. Please con5nue to pray for our health and our families’ health. May they come to know Christ.

Connie Yu (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Give thanks for a nice training camp in March, I was inspired by the message and benefited so much from it. Pray that there will be more 5me like this for me and also for the students. 2. There were a couple of Chris5an students coming back to our fellowship, which also marked their return to the Lord. Give thanks for the wonderful work God had done in their hearts, and pray that they will grow in their rela5onship with God. Prayer Request 3. Will preach on four Sundays in April, as well as preparing for Bible studies and sharing in a student ministry consulta5on. Please pray for my prepara5on. 4. Please pray for my parents that they hope to come visit me this summer. Please pray for their visa applica5on and may they have the desire to know Jesus.

Staff Prayer Items(April / 2013) Josh Shek (Second GeneraHon Ministry; Milton Keynes & Bristol UK) Thanksgiving 1. March was filled with new challenges, including my first external preaching engagement and first conference workshop presenta5on. Thank God that he gave me the resources I needed to prepare and deliver all my work, and for the chance to bless others through it. 2. I also thank God that my applica5on to study at the London School of Theology has now been processed. My interview has been scheduled for the 15th May. Prayer Request 3. "PHAT Camp" ac5vi5es will kick off in April with a Leaders Retreat taking place on 27-­‐28th April, hosted at COCM HQ. Please pray for the prepara5on work and for those who will be joining us. 4. Prepara5ons for this summer's annual PHAT Camp will also begin in April and there will be much to do. Please pray for me as I manage the launch of the project as well as carry on serving the youth group in Bristol CCC.

Paul Du (IT/Maintenance; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. I was well adjusted back to the life at COCM. Thank God that I have more quiet 5me with God, praying and wai5ng upon Him. 2. I was reminded again of the importance of building up a closer rela5onship with God at B.E.S.T. training camp. May God con5nue to strengthen me to have a deeper rela5onship with him and to love him more. 3. Alan, a seeker at Cranfield University Fellowship made his commitment to follow Jesus at our Easter Camp. He went back to Taiwan and may the Lord bring him to a suitable church. Pray that he will con5nue to grow in his new found faith. Prayer Request 4. Please pray for my family and friends back in China that they will have the opportunity to hear the gospel and respond to it. 5. My applica5on of Bri5sh ci5zenship is under progress now. May God watch over the whole process and use it to bless many others. 6. Pray that God help me to study English. I found that I gradually have the desire to learn English. 7. May God give me a heart to love the lost souls. Pray that He will strengthen me and mold me to care for them. 8. Pray that God will guard my heart while I’m wai5ng for my future spouse.

Dennis Yau and Jessica Guo (Associate; Bookroom; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Jessica's Mum got bap5zed in March. Thank God for accomplishing wonderful work in her heart. 2. Li?le Shannon will be 100 days old soon. Thank God for watching over her health. Prayer request 3. Pray for Dennis's sharing in MKCCC and Leicester Chinese Student Fellowship in April. 4. Con5nue to pray for Cranfield University Fellowship. Please pray for Alan, who became Chris5an during our Easter Camp, and another student who have been to Easter camp but not yet made his decision. Pray that all the students will con5nue to have desires to seek the truth. 5. Pray for Jessica's Mum who will go back to China on 20th April. Pray that she will have a safe journey and may God's peace dwell in her heart. 6. Pray for Jessica's Dad who will apply for visa to visit UK during the summer 5me. 7. Pray that Jessica will have wisdom and energy to take care of Shannon as well as to handle the housework aPer mum leaves for China in April.

Min Yin (CommunicaHon; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Give thanks for two students from Canterbury who made their decisions to follow Jesus at our Easter Camp. The other three students who are believers were also greatly encouraged. 2. Have been to Canterbury for three 5mes and started to get to know the students there. 3. Praise the Lord that my parents keep going to the church on Sundays. Prayer request 4. Pray that God will con5nue to work in my parents' hearts through His Word and by reading relevant books. 5. Pray that God will give me wisdom and strength to serve at Canterbury in April, especially for the follow up of those two new believers and for the deeper rela5onship with the students and families at the fellowship. 6. I will preach in Luton CCC on 28th April. May God give me a humble heart to study and receive the message from him. 7. Pray for my other service at the centre that God will give me wisdom to wisely allocate my 5me and to faithfully finish what he has entrusted to me.

Staff Prayer Items(April / 2013) Tzyy-­‐Terng Su and Yu-­‐Mei Wu (Mission Centre Ministry CoordinaHon Manager; Graphic Designer; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that the health condi5on of Joe’s Dad is stable and he is back to normal life with the help of Joe’s Mum. 2. Yu-­‐Mei is recovering from anemia aPer her check-­‐up and treatment in Taiwan. 3. The prayer support network is gradually taking shape. 4. Thank God that the Easter Camp went well with the help of our staff workers, volunteers and STM team members. We also took a rest aPer the camp. Volunteers were having a good 5me together visi5ng Woburn Abbey and Willen Lake. Prayer requests 5. Pray for Joe’s Dad that he will con5nue to recover. 6. Please pray for Joe’s preaching and Bible study leading in April. 7. Pray for the candidates of core members and cell group leaders of TFiL. May God prepare the suitable leaders for the 2nd half of the year. 8. Please con5nue to pray for the e-­‐commerce system of our Bookroom. 9. Please con5nue to pray for the volunteers and may God reveal himself to them so that they may know their future paths.

Ian and Wai Ma (Second GeneraHon Ministry, Headquarters Office; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for fruisul ministry at the Midlands Easter Conference! Ian had a blessed 5me ministering in the English track but also enjoyed mingling with the Cantonese-­‐speaking students. 2. We are grateful for an encouraging work environment at COCM. God has given us much grace as we try to get used to life in the UK.

Anthony Lau (AdministraHon; Milton Keynes & Cambridge UK) Thanksgiving 1. SEEC prepara5on is completed with lots of grace from the Lord. Prayer request 2. May the Lord con5nue to use SEEC for His prupose. 3. SEEC 2014 planning and complimentary SEEC ac5vi5es in UK and HK 4. My allergy is geung be?er but s5ll not completely gone. 5. Both sons are preparing for public exams later this year.

Patrice Li (Church PlanHng; Bristol) Thanksgiving 1. Praise God for a great Easter Camp: for His Words, for the revival of a?endants, for healing, for spiritual growth and for provision of the logis5cs and team works. Prayer request 2. Please pray for wisdom for the first few planning mee5ngs that I will a?end in April 3. Please con5nue to pray for my searching of vision and strategies for the overall ministry and specific tasks in BCCC.

Oiling Lam (Student Ministry; Colchester UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that He gave me strength to do what I need to do. 2. Thank God that I am learning new things in Hong Kong. Prayer request 3. Please pray that students will put into prac5ce what they have learned during the Easter Camp. 4. Pray that God will give students the wisdom to prepare the final exams and disserta5ons.

Chu-­‐Yin Ho (Student Ministry; Dundee UK) Prayer request 1. Pray for me as I am on leave visi5ng family in Singapore. Pray for a blessed 5me and also I fell sick aPer arriving Singapore. I have seen the doctor and was given an5bio5c. S5ll I am coughing and slowly recovering. Pray that I will be well soon. 2. Pray for me and has I will meet with the Missions Commi?ee of my suppor5ng and home Church to give a 20 minute report. Pray for wisdom and my prepara5on. 3. Upon arriving back from Singapore on 16/4, I will be giving a teaching session in DCCF on 19/4. I will also be preaching in ACCC on 28/4. Please pray for my prepara5on.

Staff Prayer Items(April / 2013) Monica Li (Student Ministry; Lancaster UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise the Lord for His enabling in the interpreta5on at SEEC and that it was a help to those who par5cularly found it difficult to understand the preaching in Cantonese. Prayer request 2. Please pray for the founda5on students who will start their new term next week and for the university ones whose term start at the end of April. The la?er will start their exams soon upon returning aPer their holidays. 3. Please pray for my mother who is living on her own in the UK whilst my dad is s5ll in Hong Kong that God will keep her in good health and help her in her daily life. 4. Please remember the 4 students who a?ended the COCM camp that they will take into their daily lives the spiritual lessons they learned.

Grace Li (Student Ministry; NoUngham UK) Prayer request 1. Pray that the young brothers and sisters are renewed by God’s word during the Easter Camp and be?er follow Jesus. Please pray for the brothers and sisters from Noungham, especially those who were the group leaders. May God help them to grow more through service. 2. Pray that the students will use Easter holiday to do their revision and they may experience rest in the Lord while they are busy. 3. Please pray for student Jin who is s5ll a seeker. Praise the Lord that he said he was very happy to see that he changed a lot. Currently he is applying for a PhD scholarship but it seems difficult. Please pray for him that God will work in him and guide his future path. 4. Please pray for student Zheng as he just made his commitment two weeks ago. But aPer that, he never came back to the fellowship. Though we don’t know what is happening, we realized that it is a spiritual warfare. Please pray for him and may God take away the lies and doubts that the devil sows in his heart. 5. My Mum is not very well. Her leg is painful because of diabetes. May God have mercy on her to relieve the pain and heal her so that she will be truly convinced of God’s grace and mighty power. But thank God that my Dad’s health is good and may God con5nue to keep him well.

Mary Ma (Student Ministry; Brighton UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise the Lord that a student was bap5zed at Brighton Holland Road Bap5st Church. Thank God for their con5nuous prayer support and care. 2. Thank God for his protec5on. Though my eldest sister passed away, the whole family is s5ll having peace and joy, especially my Mum. God loves her so much that my sister passed away only aPer I went back to China to look aPer our Mum. My Mum and I have this assurance that we are going to meet her again in heaven. My Mum is reading Bible and listening the music every day, enjoying the presence of the Lord. 3. I was also able to meet up with some sisters who became Chris5ans in Brighton during my stay in China. Knowing that they are s5ll serving the Lord and growing in their spiritual lives, I was very grateful for them. Prayer request 4. Please pray for the university students who are busy with disserta5ons and exams. 5. Please pray for the believers who will con5nue to renew and root in God’s word. 6. Please pray for the gospel mee5ngs on Fridays and discipleship mee5ngs on Sundays. 7. Pray that the overseas students will have chance to hear the Good News. 8. Pray that the brothers and sisters will have a same vision in the Lord to spread the gospel. 9. Please pray for the financial support for COCM and Mary’s ministry.

Yuen Yee Ting (Church PlanHng; Perth UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that in Easter we had a special mee5ng and believers got deeper understanding of Jesus ' sacrifice. Prayer request 2. Kelly Chan who is going to have an opera5on on 10th April. Please pray that God's guidance and wisdom to the surgeon to operate. Pray for the peace on Kelly's heart.

Simon and Lydia Tam (Church PlanHng; Colchester UK) Prayer request 1. Essex CCC will have our AGM on 14th April and may God help the brothers and sisters to care for the church. 2. Essex CCC will hold a bap5sm service on 5th May and three brothers and sisters applied for that. May God’s name be glorified. 3. Simon will serve in Romania on 19-­‐29 April and may God give him grace.

Staff Prayer Items(April / 2013) Kam Hung and Mi Ting Ho (Interim Dirctor of Admin, Church PlanHng; Hull UK) Thanksgiving 1. This March has been the coldest March for 50 years. The last day of the month is Easter and the start of summer 5me. The joy of celebra5on of Easter and the sunshine warms our hearts. We have to make use of the light to spread the gospel of resurrec5on. May God empower us! Prayer request 2. 13 of us will be joining the North England Easter Conference from 1 to 3 April. This conference was full due to using a nearer venue. We are joining the Cantonese, Mandarin, Youth and Children conference. Some of us will be serving in different roles. Hope this will be a learning 5me for us and brothers and sisters will grow in Christ. 3. Con5nue to pray for the follow-­‐up work of new believers and the arrangement of lady fellowship in Scunthorpe. 4. Pray that God will provide a suitable teacher for our Youth class in Sunday school. The present teacher will graduate and leave in July.

Tin Chung and Carol Wong (Church PlanHng; Exeter UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that he gives us wisdom and strength to harvest the crop. Prayer request 2. Pray for four Bible study groups that God will help the believers to grow in their faith. 3. Pray for the Chinese parents who raise their kids in western culture. Pray that they will have wisdom to teach and communicate with their kids. Please remember these kids. 4. Pray for the students who went back home for family reunion and for exam prepara5on. Please pray that the core members of the fellowship will learn to serve. 5. Somerset CCC will move at the end of May. Please pray for the moving and re-­‐adjustment to the new environment. Please pray for various ministries in the church and that God will send more workers. 6. Please pray for safe journey and health under current Bri5sh weather. 7. Please pray for the financial support.

Tiger and Joy Liaw (Student Ministry/Church PlanHng; London UK) Thanksgiving 1. A church core group is formed. We thank God for their commitment to serve in the coming year. Prayer requests 2. Three students had a fruisul 5me at the Easter camp; pray for their spiritual growth and they can live out a Chris5an life. 3. We’ll start to look for a new place for worship, as our current place will be re-­‐built some5me next year. 4. Please pray that Winston will adjust to the life with baby brother Kaden.

Lawrence and Clara Sin (Student Ministry; Birmingham UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise God for Midlands Easter Conference 2013 (MEC 2013). The sermons, workshops and par5cipa5on of each fellowship in the conference are really encouraging. Students commi?ed to live a holy life before God and serve the Lord. The tes5monies sharing on the last day of the camp is very touching -­‐ they experienced difficul5es in their lives and ministries and they found renewal during the 5me in the conference. Two people professed faith in Christ in the conference. 2. Praise God that there is a very good response of TEE study in Manchester CCC; there are over 30 people who enrolled the whole TEE program. Lawrence has finished teaching the first course in March. Prayer requests 3. Invita5on for TEE students who have finished TEE program to a?end a gradua5on event in May. Pray that it can encourage more students to finish all the coursework for the whole program. Also pray for wisdom to organise the whole event. 4. Pray for the furlough in Hong Kong in end June -­‐ early August that we will have a even closer rela5onship with our sending and suppor5ng churches. Also God will move more churches and individual supporters to pray and support our ministries. 5. Need some reflec5on on the ministries for university students in the Midlands and how Lawrence can support them effec5vely. Also, we are s5ll wai5ng for a fellowship or church in the midlands to host MEC 2014. 6. Pray for Evangelism explosion 3 (EE3) personal evangelism training for Bristol CCC; hope we can start the visita5ons again. Also, pray for wisdom to use EE3 to evangelise in the UK.

Chi Ming and Wing Chun Tang (ExecuHve Director -­‐ HK Office, Europe Field; HK) Thanksgiving 1. Wing Chun’s Mum is recovering from her waist pain aPer seeing the doctor. Prayer requests 2. Chee Yan (daughter) and other two young people will be in charge of planning the retreat camp of the church on 8-­‐12 May. 3. Chi Ming will con5nue to work in Hong Kong and come back to Holland on 15th May. 4. Wing Chun will start to teach bap5sm class at the end of April and Chi Ming will conduct the bap5sm service on 8th June. 5. Wing Chun will do the interpreta5on from Mandarin to Dutch on 7th April and preach on 14th April. She will also a?end the regular commi?ee mee5ng on 26th April.

Staff Prayer Items(April / 2013) Faye Lee (Missionary Partner; Milton Keynes and Manchester, UK) Thanksgiving 1. Give thanks to our Lord that my daughter Ruth has started a part 5me work in WHSmith recently. Prayer requests 2. We are s5ll wai5ng for our visa renewal. Pray that I will get back my visa in 5me to go on a ministry trip to Finland before the end of April.

Mei Lam (Finance; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Met all my datelines in March. 2. Good health enables me to enjoy my work. Prayer requests 3. New set of datelines in April. 4. Learn to rest in Christ more & not rely on one's strength/ability.

Shaohua Wang (Bookroom; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for providing for us a house very close to COCM and we will move on 27th April. Prayer requests 2. Pray that I will have a regular devo5on 5me. 3. Pray that the books we ordered from Hong Kong will be shipped to UK smoothly.

Tim Li (Volunteer; Glasgow UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise the Lord for the past Glasgow CCC retreat. Many brothers and sisters benefited from the messages of the speakers and came to realize the importance of Bible reading and prayers, which are vital to our spiritual giPs. 2. Student Home went well and a seeker also went to the retreat. God gradually changed his values. 3. There are more than 20 people regularly coming to the Bible study group at Strathclyde University. So we divided the group into two sub groups. Both groups went well and may God bring more seekers to the Bible study and give them desires to know more about God. Prayer requests 4. Pray for the bap5sm class at church. May God give me wisdom to help me prepare the material and the sharing with the brothers and sisters. May God give me more love to care for them and walk with them in daily life. 5. Pray for the students who are preparing the final exams. May God help them to wisely use their 5me. Pray that the Chris5ans will be a good witness to their fellow students and they will have love to care for the seekers.

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