Staff prayer items 2013-05-E

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Staff Prayer Items(May / 2013) Headquarters (Milton Keynes UK) Prayer requests 1. COCM annual staff retreat will be held at Pioneer Centre on 28-­‐31 May. Please pray that God will grant wisdom to our leadership team for organizing the retreat and also pray for rest and fellowship for all of our staff workers, volunteers and council members. 2. There will be a graduaGon ceremony for TEE students on 18 May, who have finished the whole TEE program. Pray that more Chinese churches will be encouraged and conGnue to nurture mature ChrisGans and leaders in partnership with COCM equipping ministry.

Henry and Ling Lu (General Director, Headquarter Office; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. We are thankful to the Lord for the sunny days and slower pace in April. Instead of the usual family’s day out, dad and son went bowling while mom and daughter stayed home to experiment with health conscious cooking. 2. Annabel had a good Gme at Cranfield University doing a work shadow placement in April; she had the opportunity to learn basic cell culturing techniques and she wrote a short paper about it. We are especially thankful that her school decided to authorize her absence. She is also able to change the date of a hospital work shadow placement from May to later part of June. Prayer requests 3. Please pray for Annabel’s upcoming AS exams: Maths, History and CriGcal Thinking in May; Biology and Chemistry in June. Jonathan will be taking a GCSE exam for Philosophy of Religion in May; lately he has been feeling very Gred at the end of a school day. Please pray that they will be effecGve in revising and will be in good physical and mental condiGon throughout the exam period. 4. Pray for Henry’s preaching schedule: 12/5 London Chinese Alliance Church mission Sunday; 19/5 Milton Keynes Chinese ChrisGan Church; 24-­‐26/5 East London Chinese BapGst Church retreat.

Rebecca Mao (Director of Member Care; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for his word and presence, which strengthen me when I am weak. 2. Thank God for a team of co-­‐workers and volunteers, who are commi_ed to serve with me. Prayer Request 3. Please pray for the preparaGon of the upcoming Staff Retreat (28-­‐31 May). May God grant travel mercy to all who are coming and wisdom to delegate ministry duGes during their absence. 4. Please pray that God will give me love and paGence to build up trusGng relaGonship with brothers and sisters from the church where I’m an advising pastor. 5. Please conGnue to pray for the health of my family, especially my Mum. May God’s healing hand is upon her.

Gordon and Maggie Lam (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. A young couple in Montpellier has marriage issue. The wife was a non-­‐believer, but aber some counseling, the wife has decided to believe in Christ. 2. Two people were bapGzed in Nice. Thank God for blessing and protecGng Gordon’s health in the 11-­‐day France trip. Prayer Request 3. Please pray for our working visa renewal process that our applicaGon will be successful. 4. Gordon preaching in Canterbury (3/5) and Coventry (19/5) 5. 23-­‐27/5 Serving in Northern England – lead bible study, visit students and preach on Sunday service 6. Gospel Team events: We will start recruiGng members in the UK on 1/5, pray that God will prepare suitable people and enough people to apply. We will also start planning for the training camp for members in early July; pray that God will give us wisdom to plan the content of the camp. 7. Please conGnue to pray for our health and our families’ health, and they can come to know Christ.

Connie Yu (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Give thanks that the students have been encouraged by the Easter conference, and they conGnue to grow in their walk with the Lord. 2. Give thanks for God's work in the Mandarin congregaGon, that 8 of them will be bapGsed in June. Please pray for their conGnuing commitment, for them to grow in God's Word. Prayer Request 3. Please pray for my parents to have the desire to know Jesus. Pray for their health and strength, and for their visa to come visit me in the summer.

Staff Prayer Items(May / 2013) Josh Shek (Second GeneraHon Ministry; Milton Keynes & Bristol UK) Thanksgiving 1. A PHAT Camp Leaders Retreat was held in HQ at the end of April for the current staff and volunteering teams from the PHAT Camp iniGaGve. I thank God for a very smooth preparaGon process and for a good Gme of fellowship during the conference. Prayer Request 2. PHAT Camp 2013 has now been launched with the theme "Libed Up". This year brings a new leadership team to work with and new challenges for me on the administraGve side of the preparaGon work. Please pray that I can be effecGve in preparing for this important event. 3. My applicaGon to study at the London School of Theology will be decided on Wednesday 15th May when I go for my interview. Please pray that I will prepare well and submit to God as he opens and closes doors.

Paul Du (IT/Maintenance; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. I was grateful for warmer weather in April. Prayer Request 2. Please pray for my parents in China and may God have mercy upon them. 3. I posted out my ciGzenship applicaGon material. May God watch over the whole process and use it to bless many others. 4. Pray that God will guard my heart while I’m waiGng for my future spouse. May God help me to understanding his leading and mould me into maturity. 5. Please pray for the Cranfield Fellowship and may everybody in the fellowship build up a be_er and closer relaGonship with God.

Dennis Yau and Jessica Guo (Associate; Bookroom; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Jessica's Mum was safely back to China and now she is on a relaxed travel trip with families. She has also shared about Jesus with close families as soon as she went back. Prayer request 2. Pray for Dennis’ sharing in MKCCC and preaching in Luton and Sheffield in May. Dennis' work is also very busy in May so pray that he has enough Gme and energy to balance. 3. Pray for Cranfield student fellowship, there are some students who are coming regularly so pray for soben hearts. 4. Pray for Jessica's adjusGng to the life to taking care of Shannon on her own. Pray for Jessica also has Gme be close to God in daily life. 5. Pray that Jessica's Mum will conGnue to grow in God during this period before she has a regular church to go. Also pray for her other family’s hearts when they listen to her Mum’s sharing.

Min Yin (CommunicaHon; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that I have already been to Canterbury for 4 Gmes and it was a great encouragement to see young student have willing hearts to know more about God. I also thank God for commi_ed brothers and sisters at Canterbury CCF to be my co-­‐workers. 2. Thank God that my parents' relaGonship is greatly improved and it is especially encouraged to see my Mum enjoying her reGred life. 3. Thank God for the encouragement and gibs I received from loving and caring ChrisGan friends far and near. Prayer request 4. Please pray for my 2 weekend ministry at Canterbury. May God conGnue to bless the students fellowship there and also pray that God will give me the opportunity to get to know more about the young families at the fellowship. 5. Please pray that I am going to lead the Bible study at Guildford CCF on 8 May. May God help me to divide his word faithfully and help the students to benefit from the study. 6. I will give a workshop on 12 May at London Chinese Alliance Church during their mission month. 7. Please conGnue to pray for my parents and may they come to know the truth soon.

Tzyy-­‐Terng Su and Yu-­‐Mei Wu (Mission Centre Ministry CoordinaHon Manager; Graphic Designer; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that the health condiGon of Joe’s Dad is stable and he is now starGng the treatment in languages and acupuncture. 2. Yu-­‐Mei is recovering well in Taiwan and she is back to the UK on 1 May. 3. Many new people came to TFiL recently though it is now towards the end of the term. 4. Thank God that some of the new students coming to TFiL last year are part of our serving team. 5. Most of the voluteers at the centre knew what they are going to do for the next stage. They all can serve as good leaders or coordinators for various ministry at the centre. Prayer requests 6. Please pray for Joe’s preaching and Bible study leading in May. May the seekers respond to the truth. 7. Pray for the core members, cell group leaders and caring ministry of TFiL. May God conGnue to bless the development of the fellowship. 8. Please pray for the elecGon of new core members. Pray that the co-­‐workers for training will conGnue to develop the ministry. 9. Please conGnue to pray for the e-­‐commerce system of our Bookroom and the construcGon of our website. 10.Please conGnue to pray for the support project to be parGcipated by volunteers and may this project become the training framework for the future volunteers.

Staff Prayer Items(May / 2013) Ian and Wai Ma (Second GeneraHon Ministry, Headquarters Office; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Grateful to the Lord that we finally moved into our le_ed flat, and are adjusGng to the rhythm here in the UK. Praise God for warmer weather! 2. We had a good turnout for the PHAT Leaders Conference on 26th-­‐28th April. There was effecGve evaluaGon of and feedback from the past summer's PHAT Camp, and eager anGcipaGon of the one to come.

Anthony Lau (AdministraHon; Milton Keynes & Cambridge UK) Thanksgiving 1. SEEC 2013 concluded and the commi_ee for SEEC 2014 is formed. 2. My allergy problem is mostly recovered. Prayer request 3. Mary is in HK unGl May 5. Mother in law is stable but week. Currently sGll in hospital and should be able to be discharged if no more complicaGons. 4. Staff retreat at the end of May. 5. Both boys are having public exams soon.

Patrice Li (Church PlanHng; Bristol) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for the new elected deacons in the church commi_ee. Please pray for the transiGon between the old and new teams. Please pray for the previous team to withdraw with a sense of saGsfacGon and the new team to assume with a vision. Please conGnue to pray for leaders in BCCC to lead the church in humility and unity with God-­‐given wisdom. Prayer request 2. Praise the Lord who conGnuously give blessings. Please pray for wisdom and the gib of pastoring and languages. In addiGon please pray for paGence and gentleness. 3. May God make provision in the process of searching suitable accommodaGon and logisGcs.

Chu-­‐Yin Ho (Student Ministry; Dundee UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank you for praying for me and I had a good Gme in Singapore with family and friends. Though I was not well throughout the Gme, but I do not have any official engagements, so I feel relax during the trip. Prayer request 2. ConGnue to pray for my health as I am not in perfect health since I arrive back from Singapore. Think it is bronchial inflammaGon and I am on medicaGon. I do need rest as the condiGon goes up and down but I am sure I am on the way to recovery. 3. Pray for the students as they return from their Easter/spring holidays, they are into the exam period. Pray for their revision, good health and that those who are believers, they will conGnue to walk close with God and those who are yet to be believers, will also experience His grace and mercy during this Gme that will draw them to Him.

Monica Li (Student Ministry; Lancaster UK) Thanksgiving 1. I am very thankful for the Hong Kong couple who live next door to my mother. They have been taking very good care of her, helping her in many ways. Prayer request 2. Praise God that a Hong Kong male student who will be graduaGng this summer will be bapGzed on 5 May. May God strengthen his faith and conGnue to nurture him to grow. 3. Praise God that my 2 aunGes and uncle live not too far away and we have more opportuniGes to get together. Please pray that God will soben the hearts of my aunGes’ husbands who are not yet ChrisGans. 4. Please remember the students who will soon be facing exams. Please pray for God’s help for them and that they know to rely on God and experience Him.

Grace Li (Student Ministry; NoUngham UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God I have done my sabbaGcal study arrangements, it released me a lot. Thank God for people in Toronto who are willing to host me. Prayer request 2. Pray the provisions for my financial needs for my study in Canada. 3. Pray for students who are going to be bapGsed on Sunday 5th May. May God bless the day and conGnually bless them, strengthen their faith. 4. Pray for a few visiGng scholars who are coming for our Friday’s bible study, May God work in their lives. 5. Pray for wisdom because I have to arrange all things well before my departure for my sabbaGcal.

Staff Prayer Items(May / 2013) Mary Ma (Student Ministry; Brighton UK) Prayer request 1. Please pray for the university students who are busy with dissertaGons and exams. They are under great pressure as the university is now Gghtening the entry requirement for masters students. Some of the students have to pay £750 to resit one of the courses in order to meet the requirements. 2. Pray that the brothers and sisters in Brighton will have a same vision in the Lord to spread the gospel. Give thanks for God’s guidance that I have the opportunity to have meeGng with brothers and sisters from other churches. All of us realised the urgency of sharing the gospel however we also deeply regre_ed that we haven’t been in an effecGve partnership in this ministry. May God grant us love and unity to do this in the future. 3. Pray that the overseas students and Chinese in Brighton will have chance to hear the Good News.

Yuen Yee Ting (Church PlanHng; Perth UK) Thanksgiving 1. Kelly Chan had a successful operaGon. Give thanks to God and pray for her recovery. Prayer request 2. Chan Fook annual general meeGng will be held on 6th May. Rev. Frank Cheung will be the speaker. Please pray for the meeGng. 3. Several believers had just lost their parents and husband. Please pray that God to console them. 4. My skin allergy is coming back. please pray for healing.

Simon and Lydia Tam (Church PlanHng; Colchester UK) Prayer request 1. Essex CCC will hold a bapGsm service on 5th May and three brothers and sisters applied for that. May God help them to grow in Him. 2. The students are busy with exams in May. May God grant them health in body, soul and spirit. 3. Simon will preach at Reading CCC on 5/5 and 12/5 and at other locaGons on 19/5 and 26/5. Lydia will preach on 12/5. May God use our messages.

Kam Hung and Mi Ting Ho (Interim Dirctor of Admin, Church PlanHng; Hull UK) Thanksgiving 1. We parGcipated at the North England Easter Conference in the beginning of April. This year around 350 people from different churches of North England joint this conference. !3 brothers/sisters from Hull CCC parGcipated in this conference. We learnt to serve in different camps too. It's a great learning Gme. On the second day of the conference, Kam Hung experienced great pain at his right knee. He could not stand or walk on his own. Through prayers by brothers and sisters, the pain is released aber taking some painkillers and he could drive home aberwards. Aber consultaGon with family doctor, he has to start physiotherapy. His legs are quite weak now. Prayer request 2. Pray that Kam Hung will have strength to serve Him. Pray for healing of his legs. 3. ConGnue to pray for the follow-­‐up work of new believers and the arrangement of lady fellowship in Scunthorpe. 4. Pray for students from the university as they are facing assignment deadline and examinaGons in this month.

Tin Chung and Carol Wong (Church PlanHng; Exeter UK) Prayer request 1. The church will move to another venue for Sunday service at the end of May. Please pray for the moving and the future development of our church. 2. Please pray for the students who are preparing their dissertaGons and exams. 3. Pray for our plan for summer acGviGes. 4. Please pray for the student ministry next term. 5. Please pray for our health, especially Carol’s hey fever.

Tiger and Joy Liaw (Student Ministry/Church PlanHng; London UK) Thanksgiving 1. Good fellowship & sharing with our C&MA regional director in the past weekend. Prayer requests 2. We will partner with CCIL to evangelize to Chinese students at Middlesex University, pray for the unity of two churches & may His name be glorified. 3. May God prepare a new place for worship. 4. For students who are busy with school finals & papers. 5. For a smooth visa renewal process.

Staff Prayer Items(May / 2013) Lawrence and Clara Sin (Student Ministry; Birmingham UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise God for a good response to COCM promoGon in Manchester CCC mission weekend on 20 April, more people get to know our evangelism, equipping and encouraging ministries. 2. Praise God for another new TEE class to be organised for Birmingham Chinese Methodist Church in June. Prayer requests 3. Pray for our preparaGon for furlough in Hong Kong from end June -­‐ early August. While Lawrence and Clara are busy with ministries now, we need to Gme off to prepare for the details of our vision sharing in Hong Kong as well as a good rest. 4. Need some reflecGon on the ministries for university students in the Midlands and how Lawrence can support them effecGvely. Pray for the new commi_ees of different fellowships who are taking over the responsibiliGes in the final term of 2013. Also, we are sGll waiGng for a fellowship or church in the midlands to host MEC 2014. 5. Pray for Abraham who is taking GCSE this year, Noah his exams in early May.

Chi Ming and Wing Chun Tang (ExecuHve Director -­‐ HK Office, Europe Field; HK) Thanksgiving 1. Wing Chun visited three Dutch senior people and got opportuniGes to share faith and pray together. 2. The Den Bosch Church retreat on 8-­‐12 May is fully booked and 40 people will come to join the retreat full-­‐Gme. Prayer requests 3. Pastor Judy Chu from Hong Kong came to visit us on 25-­‐28 April. We went to visit some seekers together and may the seeds conGnue to grow in their hearts. 4. A family camp will be held on 17-­‐21 May and 20 people can a_end the camp to enjoy a quality family Gme. 5. Chee Yan (daughter) and other two young people will be in charge of planning the retreat camp of the church on 8-­‐12 May. 6. Chi Ming will be the speaker for a gospel meeGng in Hong Kong on 8 May and he will also a_end the HK council meeGng on 13th May. 7. Chi Ming will come back to Holland on 15th May and stay here unGl 15th June. 8. Wing Chun will preach at the retreat and the theme is Unity and Team Spirit. 9. Chi Ming and Wing Chun will go to the UK to a_end annual staff retreat on 28-­‐31 May. May God grant them travel mercy.

Faye Lee (Missionary Partner; Milton Keynes and Manchester, UK) Thanksgiving 1. Give thanks to our Lord for the health of my family. Prayer requests 2. I am going to prepare six messages this month (including Sunday schools and Sunday services). May God give me clear mind to prepare. 3. Please conGnue to pray for our visa renewal and the safe return of our passports.

Mei Lam (Finance; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Family members are in general good health. 2. The majority of the work was done in April. Prayer requests 3. Need to travel home in June to celebrate Dad's 90th birthday and am trying hard to plan my work round the home trip 4. My 3rd sister (jie) is sGll looking for work aber being made redundant over a year ago

Shaohua Wang (Bookroom; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that my work was done smoothly in April and I had good rest. Prayer requests 2. Pray for the e-­‐commerce as the staff workers and volunteers who are working for this project are not in the same places. Pray for good communicaGon and cooperaGon. 3. As the current tenant in the flat we are going to move into encountered some problems, the date for us to move house is pending. Please pray for us. 4. Pray that the books we ordered from Hong Kong will be shipped to UK smoothly.

Tim Li (Volunteer; Glasgow UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that a sister was bapGzed on 28th Apr before she went back to China the next day. May God protect her faith when she is in China since her parents are not believers. 2. Thank God that a number of seekers come to church and bible study group. They have shown interest on Jesus. Prayer requests 3. BapGsm course will come to an end before June comes, but most of students will have their exams during May. Please pray for these brothers and sisters to put their faith in God and carry on their study on bapGsm course once a week even when they prepare their exams. 4. As our leader of mandarin ministry of GCCC will go back to China for two weeks, Tim need to facilitate coworkers in their services and take more responsibiliGes. Please pray God to give Tim more strength and wisdom and to lead Tim's way.

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