Staff Prayer Items(June / 2013) Headquarters (Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. We give our thanks to the Lord for a very special staff retreat where we remembered God’s calling in the past, spent @me to focus on the need of learning at present, and commiAed ourselves to trust the Lord for guidance and provision in the future. Prayer requests 2. This year’s 1st Bible Camp will be held at the COCM mission centre from 17-‐21 June. Campers will study the Book of Romans. Praise the Lord, more than 60 people have already applied and the camp is basically full. Please pray for the work to finalize the camp schedule and arrangement of logis@cs at the centre. The teachers will be coming from SeaAle, USA. Please pray for their teaching prepara@on and travel safety.
Henry and Ling Lu (General Director, Headquarter Office; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. We especially thank the Lord for our wonderful team of workers at COCM, for the apprecia@on and heart-‐warming encouragement from everyone at the retreat. 2. Thank God for giving Henry the energy and strength to finish his preaching assignments before and aUer the retreat. Pray that Henry will be able to block a few days to rest and have family @me before he gets busy again. Prayer requests 3. Children finished all their exams by the first week of June. Annabel will do a day of work shadow with the Radiography department at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital, and we hope to bring her to visit some universi@es on their open days in June. Please con@nue to pray for guidance from the Lord as to what subjects Annabel should con@nue in A2 and what to study at university level. 4. Ling needs to meet deadlines for publishing the next issue of Link and Living Water magazine in June. Please pray that she will have wisdom to arrange her @me accordingly and will be produc@ve throughout the month.
Kam Hung and Mi Ting Ho (Director of Admin, Church PlanEng; Hull UK) Thanksgiving 1. God brought 2 more ladies in Scunthorpe to believe in Him. Pray for their spiritual growth. Prayer Request 2. A bap@smal service will be held on 16th June. Pray for the 4 candidates. 3. Students have finished their exams so the student fellowship would not have regular mee@ngs now. Pray that they will follow God's leading. There will be an ou@ng on 15 June. Pray for all the arrangements. 4. Pray for our health. Kam Hung is doing physiology to strengthen the muscle at his knee. Mi Ting is wai@ng to see eye specialist for some problems in her vision.
Rebecca Mao (Director of Member Care; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for all the co-‐workers who helped out in the staff retreat to serve as one team. 2. All the new volunteers have adjusted to life at the centre very well. 3. Thank God for carrying me through the hec@c schedule for the past three months. Prayer Request 4. There will be six or seven non-‐believers coming for Bible Camp. Please pray for their salva@on and for their hearts to be opened to learn God's words. 5. There will be two new classes for volunteers: Tuesday night, spiritual forma@on class and Friday night, Learning Together class. Pray these classes will be good training for all.
Gordon and Maggie Lam (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Our working visa was successfully renewed. 2. We have recruited about 40 members and drama script was completed 3. Physically and spiritually refreshed aUer a week’s break in May. Prayer Request 4. Gordon preaching in Reading on 2/6 & 23/6. 5. 13-‐17/6 Serving in Northern England and 26/6 – 1/7 serving in Southern France – lead bible study, visit students and preach on Sunday service. 6. Gospel Team events: In June, we need to finish detailed content of the training camp, confirm the overall program content of the gospel events including selec@on of songs, drama direc@ng arrangement and message of the sermon. We also need to develop promo@onal material, detailed event schedule and members’ work alloca@on list. Pray that God will give us wisdom and strength to prepare all the work. 7. Con@nue to pray for our health and our families’ health, and they can come to know Christ.
Staff Prayer Items(June / 2013) Connie Yu (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Give thanks for the commitment of the students, even though it is their busy exam @me, they s@ll come to Sunday service, as well as Bible studies, and even par@cipated in the street evangelism in Leicester city centre. 2. Give thanks for having opportuni@es to catch up with friends. 3. My parents were granted visa to visit the UK and they will spend two months with me here in the summer. Please pray that they will come to know Jesus. Prayer Request 4. Please pray for the 9 people to be bap@zed in June that they will con@nue to grow in their walk with the Lord. 5. Please pray for the upcoming Bible camp that the students will learn to love the Word and apply it to their lives. 6. Please pray for my sermon, Bible study, prayer mee@ng and morning devo@on prepara@on.
Josh Shek (Second GeneraEon Ministry; Milton Keynes & Bristol UK) Thanksgiving 1. My interview to study at LST went smoothly and the school has now offered me a place to study a 3 year degree in Theology star@ng this September. Thank God for opening the door for me to go into full @me study to equip myself and for leading me into my next step on this mission journey. Prayer Request 2. PHAT Camp prep is now in full swing. Registra@ons opened mid May and people are beginning to register. Please pray for me and the rest of the team as we now do the hard work of praying and preparing for the camp in August. 3. June will also be my last month of formal assignment to the church in Bristol. I will be speaking to the youth group there on 2 occasions and be saying my goodbyes. Please pray for my sharing in the midst of conference prepara@on, and that I will leave on a good note.
Paul Du (IT/Maintenance; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. I was grateful for God’s presence and protec@on in my applica@on for UK ci@zenship. 2. I had opportuni@es to fellowship and get to know many other workers in a deeper level. The examples of seasoned missionaries gave me encouragement to grow and serve the Lord. Prayer Request 3. Longing for more in@mate rela@onship with God, and being disciplined by His love. May He grant me wisdom and the right agtude to approach my life and service, so I will share with other staff and volunteers more and mutually care and encourage one another. 4. Pray for more self control in managing my @me, lately I have been drawn to games on my mobile phone. May God change me and direct me to use my @me for more meaningful ac@vi@es. 5. Con@nue to pray for my parents’ health and their salva@on. May God’s mercy be on them soon. 6. Pray that God will guard my heart while I’m wai@ng for my future spouse. May God help me to understanding his leading and mould me into maturity. 7. Con@nue to pray for my ci@zenship applica@on. May God watch over the whole process and use it to bless many others.
Dennis Yau and Jessica Guo (Associate; Bookroom; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Jessica's dad was granted visa to visit UK and he will come in July. 2. Daughter Shannon is growing healthily and happily. Prayer request 3. Dennis will lead bible study in MKCCC on 7/6 and preach in MKCCC on 9/6, and in Bristol later. 4. The Cranfield fellowship will have its last mee@ng for this academic year in June, pray that God will con@nue to work in the hearts of the non-‐believers. 5. Dennis will turn 30 in June; we pray for clear vision from God about our life and future plan. 6. Pray for wisdom when choosing a childcare for Shannon aUer Jessica returns to work. 7. Pray that Jessica has the strength and wisdom to look aUer Shannon as she grows up. 8. Pray that Jessica's mum will have regular church life aUer going back home from a long holiday.
Ian and Wai Ma (Second GeneraEon Ministry, Headquarters Office; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Our belongings finally arrived from America! Nothing was missing, and with only 2 broken bowls. 2. God provided a reliable second-‐hand car with low mileage and at a very good price, affording us greater flexibility in our travel plans. Prayer requests 3. PHAT Camp prepara@on is star@ng to pick up. Need to finalize the program and recruit more leaders. 4. Ian has begun to go on the preaching circuit, and needs extra doses of God's wisdom and grace.
Staff Prayer Items(June / 2013) Min Yin (CommunicaEon; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for road safety as I drove around a lot during May. 2. Thank God that my sharing at Guildford CCF and LCAC (home church) was well received and I myself was very much encouraged by the message. 3. Been to Canterbury twice in May and was encouraged to see the seeking hearts of some new believers there. 4. AAended Midland Ministry Training Course in Nogngham and was really blessed by the teaching. Prayer request 5. Please pray for the editorial work of Link and the prepara@on mee@ng of Living Water. May the Lord use our literature ministry to bless those far and near. 6. Please pray for the discipleship training group at Canterbury CCF and pray that the Lord will con@nue to work in the lives of those who are coming. Some at CCF wanted to be bap@sed and pray that the Lord will prepare the right @me for them and use their lives as a living tes@mony to many others. 7. Please con@nue to pray for my parents in China. Pray that they will enjoy good health and may the Lord open their hearts to see and receive the truth.
Tzyy-‐Terng Su and Yu-‐Mei Wu (Mission Centre Ministry CoordinaEon Manager; Graphic Designer; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that the recovery of Joe’s Dad who is now in stable condi@on and can go about the daily rou@ne by himself. 2. One sister in TFiL recently decided to be bap@sed. 3. Volunteers at the centre are finishing up their work and moving on to the next stage. Thank God for their faithful service and response to the Lord. We are also thankful that a new batch of volunteers will be coming in June. Prayer requests 4. Pray for the transi@on and training of new volunteer workers. 5. Please pray for Joe’s preaching and leading Bible study for the seekers’ group in June. 6. Pray for the upcoming core members, cell group leaders and the con@nuing ministry of TFiL in the second half of the year, as well as prepara@on work to welcome new students. 7. Please con@nue to pray for the e-‐commerce system of our Bookroom and the construc@on of our website. 8. Volunteers have been assigned a part of the support project, and we hope to fine tune this project so it can become the training framework for the future.
Patrice Li (Church PlanEng; Bristol) Prayer request 1. Please pray for the process of segng up Mandarin-‐speaking services in July. Three main areas to pray about are: loca@on for the service, personnel for worship team and subcommiAee, and preachers. 2. Please con@nue to pray for spiritual protec@on and strength to overcome weaknesses and tempta@ons, especially to pray against misuse of power and @me. Please pray for my daily inner encounter with God. 3. A great encouragement of new students joining the fellowship. In addi@on, one was bap@sed on the last Sunday of May and the other is planning to be bap@sed in November. Please pray for their spiritual growth and protec@on.
Chu-‐Yin Ho (Student Ministry; Dundee UK) Prayer request 1. Please con@nue to pray for full recovery from my prolonged sinus and throat infec@on. Though the situa@on seems to have improved, but I am not 100% recovered. I know God is our healer and He will con@nue to heal and bring full restora@on. 2. Pray for the new students who I am expec@ng to arrive during the summer for language course. Pray that good connec@on and good rela@onship will be established.
Monica Li (Student Ministry; Lancaster UK) Thanksgiving 1. I am very much encouraged by students who come to the morning devo@on even when they have exams in the aUernoon. 2. Please give thanks for the smooth comple@on of the follow up course. Prayer request 3. Some students from China face extra pressure at exam @me as they think their English is not good enough. Please pray for God’s help for them to concentrate as they revise and to grant them peace and that exams can be an opportunity for experiencing God and grow in the process. 4. Please pray for me that whether I am seeing students on a one to one basis or during fellowship @me or other ac@vi@es that the Lord will guide me to lead the students closer to Himself. 5. Please pray that the Fellowship’s registra@on with the University’s Student Union will go smoothly. This is so that we do not need to pay for charges when hiring the room for our mee@ngs.
Staff Prayer Items(June / 2013) Grace Li (Student Ministry; NoUngham UK) Thanksgiving 1. I arrived in Toronto safely and was well received by Pastor Harding and his coworkers , I felt really blessed .The host family is very nice to me.. Prayer request 2. I have started taking my courses and so far so good. They gave me insight into my ministry. Pray that I will have good absorbing of all these courses and will also make friends at the seminary. 3. Pray for the students who are taking exams, that they will spend @me to prepare and s@ll have the heart to worship God in busy @me. Pray for the returnees to con@nue to pursue the truth back in china and live a victorious life. 4. Pray for my mother as her health is s@ll not very good.
Mary Ma (Student Ministry; Brighton UK) Thanksgiving 1. Being renewed aUer the annual staff retreat. Many of us only see one another once a year and I was comforted and encouraged by the sharing and fellowship with other workers. Prayer request 2. Our partnership in ministry also has unity in the same spirit, so we have power to serve the Lord. 3. Many students are doing final exams and disserta@on. May God grant them power to show what they have learned and achieve good results. 4. Pray for those going home during the summer that the believers will stay close to God. 5. Prepara@on for welcoming new students in September, that we can find new ways to pull resources together to build a good team to carry out the great commission. 6. Pray for the believers in Brighton area to have unity and build up the body of Christ, so others will be drawn to Him. 7. Pray for Mary’s healing and renewal in body, soul and spirit. May the Lord grant wisdom to face everyday issues according to His will. 8. Funding for the mission, may God raise more people to par@cipate in our mission.
Simon and Lydia Tam (Church PlanEng; Colchester UK) Prayer request 1. We came to the end of the trial period in our use of the Bri@sh church facility. We will meet the pastor to discuss the long term plan of using their church. Pray that God will lead the way. 2. Simon will preach on 2/6, 9/6, 16/6 and 30/6. Lydia will also preach on 9/6. 3. Simon will visit Romania from 7-‐17/6 for various ministries. Pray that God will use him according to His purpose.
Tin Chung and Carol Wong (Church PlanEng; Exeter UK) Thanksgiving 1. We started to meet in a new loca@on on Sunday 26th May. It is more spacious than before. 2. Students have finished their exams. Prayer request 3. Pray for more people to aAend our service at the new loca@on. 4. Please pray for the new deacons just joined the co-‐workers’ team. 5. Please pray for the prepara@on of events to welcome new students in September. 6. Please pray that we will draw our strength from the Lord daily.
Tiger and Joy Liaw (Student Ministry/Church PlanEng; London UK) Thanksgiving 1. Good fellowship, wonderful tes@monies & relaxing @me at COCM annual staff retreat this past week. 2. Our Visa renewal applica@on has been approved. Prayer requests 3. New students started to come in June, pray for our prepara@ons for the welcoming fellowship in the first week of July. 4. Pray for us to have more quality and quiet @me with God.
Lawrence and Clara Sin (Student Ministry; Birmingham UK) Thanksgiving 1. Give thanks for TEE gradua@on and the students' pursuit of spiritual growth. 2. Give thanks for the bap@sm of 2 sisters of Nogngham (NICF) in June. 3. Give thanks for a wonderful COCM staff retreat; we felt greatly the love in Christ and have been encouraged to complete the Lord's tasks for us. Prayer requests 4. Pray for our furlough in Hong Kong in the summer so that the churches, brothers and sisters will be more zealous to support COCM and our mission services aUer our sharing, preaching and vision sharing mee@ng. 5. Pray for wisdom for Lawrence to support Midlands Easter Conference 2014.
Staff Prayer Items(June / 2013) Chi Ming and Wing Chun Tang (ExecuEve Director -‐ HK Office, Europe Field; HK) Thanksgiving 1. Chi Ming will lead the bap@sm ceremony at Den Bosch Church on 8th June. 2. We aAended the staff retreat at the end of May and our strength had been renewed. Prayer requests 3. Wing Chun will translate from Dutch to Chinese on 2/6 Sunday, and will give a short message at the Den Bosch Church 13th anniversary service on 23/6. 4. Chi Ming will preach on 9th June, may the Lord use his message. 5. Chee Yan (daughter) will move house in June at the end of the current contract. We are thankful that she has already found a suitable place. 6. On 17/6 Wing Chun’s mother will have a rou@ne check-‐up for her cardiac pacemaker.
Faye Lee (Missionary Partner; Milton Keynes and Manchester, UK) Thanksgiving 1. Give thanks that our visa has been approved. Prayer requests 2. We will all travel back to Taiwan in June and be back in July. Pray that this will be a good @me for rest, and gathering with family (with parents, my brothers' family) and safe journey.
Shaohua Wang (Bookroom; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. With help of coworkers we moved into a new place. My new home is within walking distance to the COCM mission centre. 2. We received books ordered from Hong Kong. The bookroom is now able to accept card payments. Prayer requests 3. Pray that the June Bible Camp will help those who come, and the campers also find good books to buy. I hope to grow more through the study of Romans. 4. My husband Eddie will take his last ACCA exam on 6/6, please pray for him.
Tim Li (Volunteer; Glasgow UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that we have 19 brothers and sisters bap@zed on 2nd June, 7 of them are from the Mandarin ministry. Their tes@monies had encouraged some seekers as well as Chris@ans. 2. We have reached some new students who came early for their six-‐week language course. Some of them took part in our Sunday service and Bible study group. Prayer requests 3. As new students are coming in, we plan to have some welcoming events. Pray that God will give us passion and energy to reach these students and all of us can work together to serve God. 4. Pray for the upcoming Bible camp that five brothers and sisters from Glasgow will aAend. Pray that God will be with them and lead them into a deeper understanding of the Bible. 2 of them are new believers and one is a seeker. May God work in their hearts, lead them to know the importance of studying the Bible.
May Tsang (Hong Kong Office; Hong Kong) Prayer requests 1. My father was in the hospital on 27/5 for a third @me. He had emphysema of lung and needed machine assistance to remove excessive carbon dioxide from his body round the clock except when he was ea@ng. 2. We are applying a full @me preschool posi@on for my son. Pray that God will lead the way.