2 minute read
Chief Customer Officer at laFeltrinelli
Roberto Merlini Chief Customer Officer at laFeltrinelli
in the Post-Pandemic age, the oPPortunity to imagine and create new formats is growing
The emergency has undoubtedly accelerated the evolution of retailers towards omnichannelality, a direction that laFeltrinelli had already taken by investing in an ever greater integration between physical and digital, with the aim of building a pleasant and effective customer journey in terms of shopping and cultural experience. The shop thus becomes the fulcrum of corporate innovation where new products or concepts, new
«the shOp becOmes the hub Of innOvatiOn in terms Of prOduct Or cOncept experimentatiOn, immersive experiences, service mOdes as well as new Ordering and payment systems»
immersive experiences, new service modes and, above all, new ordering and payment systems, the real link with the digital world, are experimented. In the new laFeltrinelli bookshop in Piazza Piemonte in Milan, for example, new digital services that dialogue with the physical dimension of the store have been integrated: touch screens with the bookshop’s reading recommendations, consultations via WhatsApp and via Facebook, a self-scanning system via QR code, the laFeltrinelli app for information and bookings, POS payments and self-check-out and scan&go via the app. As places of exchange and culture, our bookshops respond to the growing need among readers to build their own tailored path of study. While the book remains their centre of gravity, they are increasingly becoming spaces in which to enjoy diversified experiences of sociality, relations with the local area, culture and art or entertainment. And places that reaffirm, through design, the importance and centrality of books, enriching themselves with themed islands to accommodate and integrate new merchandise, concepts and activities. We are talking about spaces dedicated to meetings and presentations with authors, to cultural and artistic events, but also to the universe of pop culture, from comics to e-sports and board games, up to areas for children, which allow them to enjoy the reading experience in a playful and educational way. Not to mention the RED Café areas geared towards sociability and conviviality. In addition to all this, there is an increasing focus on sustainability. Inside our stores, for example, we integrate greenery as a structural element to make the context more welcoming and healthy: the natural light helps to nourish the plants used to decorate the environment. With a view to upcycling, the furniture in many


of our bookshops is largely composed of salvaged furniture from various eras. In addition, in the Feltrinelli Cafeterias and REDs we serve draught water at the table in glass bottles, greatly reducing the use of plastic, while the take-away packaging is made of biodegradable material or recycled plastic. Also since 2020 our shelves have hosted Open Wor(l)ds, our stationery line made from certified, sustainable and recycled materials. Finally, the post-pandemic scenario imposes some reflections on the changes in our living, working and purchasing habits that are likely to be adopted for a long time. This presents an opportunity to imagine and realise new formats focusing on key aspects such as flexible layouts, permeable indoor and outdoor spaces and virtuous synergies between offline and online. •