CoECT Training Brochure

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Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma

About CoECT

What sets us apart at CoECT?

All of our trainers have lived in life experience as either therapeutic parents (adopters, foster parents, kinship carers, parents of neuro diverse children), or former children in care, as well as being social workers, therapists, and teachers. This means that we are uniquely able to powerfully connect to audiences to empower them to bring about meaningful change.

Our work encompasses independently accredited qualification framework, comprehensive training both online and face to face with our inspirational speakers, best selling publications and books in the sector, bespoke support services for therapeutic parents and supporting professionals working across health and social care and education This includes the ground-breaking Therapeutic Fostering Assessment now used as a streamlined process in agencies and LAs throughout the UK.

Welcome Message

Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma

As an adopter of 5 children and former social worker, I found that there were huge gaps in resources that I needed to meet my children’s needs. Over the last 20 years our team has worked hard to fill those gaps and provide a powerful range of services and resources to help everyone working in the field of child trauma.

I have been delighted by the best selling levels of sales for our books, including the well known A-Z of Therapeutic Parenting, this has now opened the door to more learning for our colleagues. We pride ourselves on offering real life solutions and practical break through moments.

We now work globally, delivering training days, conferences, and keynote speeches, in the UK, USA, Canada, Singapore, Ireland, Malta, Estonia, New Zealand and Australia.

Whatis TraumaInformedPractice (TherapeuticParenting)

Trauma Informed practice means being aware of the impact of trauma on children’s behaviours, and adjusting our responses to them through empathy, nurture and structure

At the Centre Of Excellence in Child Trauma we work nationally and internationally with client groups across social work, fostering and adoption, children’s residential care and education We have found that there is a significant gap between being Trauma Informed and putting that knowledge into practice

We are that missing link and see ourselves as operating across the different levels of the Trauma Practice Framework Model as shown below – the relationship between universal and specialist approaches all working in a trauma-informed way, recognising how individuals move between practice levels based on need, in a non-linear way

Reference: Trauma-Informed Wales: A Societal Approach to Understanding, Preventing and Supporting the Impacts of Trauma and Adversity (2022) ACE Hub Wales & Traumatic Stress Wales

Therapeutic Parenting (also called Trauma Informed Parenting), uses high levels of empathy to look behind behaviours and give children the ‘gift of why’ Firm but fair boundaries are also essential to aid the development of new neural pathways in the brain so children may gain trust in adults, and understand their own behaviours. This leads to much more positive outcomes for all.

Our role is helping people to understand how this is done practically.


Therapeutic Parenting (practical application)

PACE in Real Life

The A-Z of Therapeutic Parenting

Overcoming Blocked Care and Reconnecting

Resolving complex behaviours

Reconnecting to your child

Online Safety

Managing common behaviours

Best Trauma Informed Practice for Social Workers

Trauma Informed Teaching

What is the difference and how to implement it? (Standard Parenting vs Therapeutic Parenting)

Survival Strategies for Therapeutic Parents

Overcoming grief, guilt, and anxiety

Managing Siblings

Helping children who have been sexually harmed

Therapeutically Managing Violent Behaviour

Trauma Informed Life Story Work (Qualification)

Becoming a Trauma Informed Practitioner (Level 4)

ACEs - Adverse Childhood Experiences

Trauma and anything else related to childhood trauma!

Conferences& Seminars

The A-Z of Therapeutic Parenting: Strategies & Solutions

Sarah Naish’s first-hand experiences of parenting 5 children with Developmental Trauma.

This seminar will guide parents and professionals in their Therapeutic Parenting journey and help them to…

Overcome challenges.

·Understand how Trauma affects their children every day.

·Rediscover empathy

·Learn a step-by-step process to walk you through even the most difficult situations.

·Why do our children do the things they do?! The P.A.R.E.N.T.S Model.

Practical solutions for real-life perspective - From Reactive to Proactive

Reducing stress by changing our approach to trauma Information on the Trauma Tracker, Schools and Education, Behaviour Assessment Intervention Resolution Tools, preventing lying and stealing.

Straight talking solutions for professionals working with our most vulnerable children

- From Trauma to Trust

Truth, Lies, and the ‘Memory Carousel’ – Why do our children seem to remember things one day but not the next? Why do false allegations happen and what can we do about this? Sarah Naish and Sarah Dillon will explain how this looks and feels from the parent, supporting professional and child perspectives, offering real strategies and insight to tackle these complex issues.

Healing Children through Therapeutic Parenting

Why do some children need therapeutic parenting? How is it different from ‘standard’ parenting? How can we practically put Therapeutic Parenting strategies in place and make a REAL difference? UK Leading expert Sarah Naish, answers all the questions and more in a clear and compelling manner Inspirational, moving, and motivational.

Essential Tools of Kinship Care

All the essential information for kinship carers, connected persons and special guardians. Taking things back to the beginning and thinking about where we start when it comes to kinship care. How to find safety in an unsafe system, looking at kinship/connected person options as a way out of the care system. Thinking about how we recognise our children's early life trauma, then looking as strategies to support working with these behaviours.

Survival Strategies for Therapeutic Parents - From Chaos to Cake

Proactive mental health support for carers and parents. If the A-Z of Therapeutic Parenting was your roadmap of strategies through to sanity, this conference is your hot flask of tea or coffee, and a cosy blanket which will keep you warm, safe, and well on your journey, ensuring you reach the other side, mentally and physically well.

WhatToDoWhen NothingWorks

Therapeutic Parents Strategies-based Workshops

Inspirational workshop using their lived-in experiences

Solve your hardest parenting problems, on the spot strategies and solutions therapeutic parenting workshop Whatever your problem is, we have the answer!

Residential Children’s Home

Sarah Dillon has experience of therapeutic work in children’s home and Sarah Naish has run small groups of therapeutic children’s homes in the past. Together they do bespoke training for residential units.

Strategies-based workshop - Starting off with why children do what they do, the trainers will then open this up for delegates to provide them with scenarios, and they will look at those in detail with strategies to manage that behaviour in their particular environment.

Interrupting Trauma

On the day, as well as their tried and tested practical strategies for every situation, they will also help you to use trauma interruption methods such as Havening to see immediate and dramatic effects around Trauma-based behaviours and fear

Our methods have produced amazing results leading to reconnection and family stability

Bespoke Training

Are you looking for a more bespoke training session for your organisation? Get in touch with us today to arrange a FREE consultation to discuss your needs. Our trainers will help devise a training course/programme for you!


Telephone: 01453 519000

DistanceLearning& Qualifications

Level 1

First Steps in Parenting Certificate

Are you new to parenting and wondering what you do when you welcome your child home?

This is the introduction to parenting you will need.

Level 1

Award for Kinship Care

Are you a Kinship Carer, Special Guardian or Connected Person for a child or young person in your care?

Are you new to therapeutic parenting and wondering how to support a child you are now caring for?

This is the Trauma Informed Preparation and Assessment for Kinship and Connected Carers.

Level 3

Diploma in Therapeutic Parent Coaching

The customised qualifications for Therapeutic Parent Coaching will assist you in comprehending how to provide support to parents and families through therapeutic parenting strategies and coaching tools The Diploma equips participants with the skills to become effective coaches, providing comprehensive support to families and children dealing with parenting challenges.

Level 4

Trauma-Informed Practitioner Diploma for Social Workers & Therapists

This provides learners with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills when working with families whose children have experienced early-life trauma and have complex needs.


Level 2

Award in Therapeutic Fostering (TFQ)

The Therapeutic Fostering qualification is aimed at foster parents and supporting professionals who work within the agency and who support lookedafter children who have suffered early life trauma through pre or postnatal stress, neglect, domestic violence, and/or abuse. It is used alongside the Therapeutic Fostering Assessment (TFA) our ground-breaking, streamlined assessment tool, which is proven to enhance stability in fostering families

Level 3

Certificate in Trauma-Informed Life Story Work

The qualification is aimed at supporting professionals (social workers, family support workers, children’s support workers, and therapists) who support children, young people, and their families to navigate the often challenging process of life story work

Training FacetoFaceCourses

Caring for Sibling Groups

Domestic Abuse Training

Helping Children to Understand their own Behaviour Using Narratives.

Introduction to Attachment

Introduction to De-escalation

Introduction to Therapeutic Parenting

Managing Feelings for Parents - Overcoming Compassion Fatigue

Managing Feelings for Supporting Professionals - Recognising, Understanding, and Managing Compassion Fatigue

Therapeutically Managing Violent Behaviour – In Children and Adolescents

Meeting Unmet Developmental Needs in Older Children

Staying Sane as a Therapeutic Parent

Strategies to Manage Behaviour

Strategies to Manage Behaviour in Adolescents

Tentacles of Trauma

Therapeutic Parenting in Real Life

Through Our Eyes – The Male Perspective

Understanding and Managing Food Related Issues in Traumatised Children

Understanding the Teenage Brain

Understanding Toxic Shame

Working with Children who can’t Engage.

Essential Guide to Kinship Care

Understanding and Responding to Grief, Loss and Bereavement in Children who have Experienced Early Life Trauma and Neglect Up to 40 attendees. If above 40, please

Training WebinarOnlyCourses

10 Vital Steps of Therapeutic Parenting - Workshop

Acing the ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences)

Always on the move - Managing high cortisol

An Anxious Child is not a Learning Child

Calming the Angry Child

Challenges for Parents who have Experienced Trauma

Dealing with Lying

Dealing with Meltdowns in Public

Helping Your Child to Manage Transitions

Honesty and Necessary Lies

Hungry Heart - Food Related Issues

Juggling Act - Managing Siblings

Lost and Lonely - Teens in Crisis

Lying and The Shame Game

Managing Birthdays and Celebrations

Managing Issues with Washing, Bathing, and Personal Care

(Hygiene) - Workshop

Managing Sexualised Behaviour – Workshop

Managing the Early Days

Mess Everywhere - Disorganisation

Naming the Need

No-One Asked Me! - Managing visits (contact)

On the Look Out - Hypervigilance

Preparing for School - Working with schools (4 x 1 hour webinars)

Safe Internet Usage


Separation Anxiety

Sleep Issues – Workshop

Strategies to Manage Behaviour – Dealing with Lying and Stealing

Supporting Families with Swearing

Supporting You to Support Your Families: Food Issues!

Surviving in a Couple Relationship as Therapeutic Parents!

Surviving the Holidays - Summer and Christmas

Teens and Social Media - Safe use of Social Media

Teenage Friendships and Absconding

The Real Child - Sabotage

The Trauma Room

Toilet Tales

Top Tips for Christmas

Truth, Lies, and the Memory Carousel

Understanding and Managing Triggers Therapeutically

What Lies Beneath - Internal Working Model

What’s Wrong with Me? - Diagnoses

Why Can't My Child Keep Friends?

Why Do Children Do the Things they Do?

Why I Wobble at Easter!

1 hour webinars

Delivered via Zoom

Includes 7-day recording

Assistance throughout Certificated

Client Testimonials

“Absolutelyfantastic,Ihave laughed,andIhave cried,I couldlisten allday!”

“I’mintearshere becausethat’s exactly howitis.We’vejust signed upto all Thank you so much.”

“Love the real-life experiences, makes a difference.”

“The course supported and boosted my implementation of knowledge, as well as provided me with new and additional information to develop my skill further.”

“Very professional –for the first time I feel I’m not alone in what I have experienced.”

“Pleasepassonourappreciation and “thankyou”toSarah. Her vtrainingyesterdaywasbrilliantand erywellreceived. Wehavealready fhadsomepositiveimpactreports romit, andeveryoneagreeshowthoughtprovokingitwas.”

“Interesting,informative, real-lifeexampleseasyto identifywith.”

“Firstclass, given from personalexperiences withprofessionalism andhumour.”

“First training I’ve attended with real life experiences. Very informative and should be used by more professionals.”

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