The Cofield Report t s i t r A l e p n w Gos o r B e i Stac
s e m l o H n h g g u n i a V m e o D pc u s ’ y l l l e d o Phi eM Mal
s e i d o B y l h t l a He ps i T p i h s n o i t a l Re
Augus t ,2012
Vol ume19
The Cofield Report EDITOR
Allen Green
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS AUGUST 2012 Mary Daniels Simone Malone Lenora Young Phil Hughes Christine Tunstall Irene Council Mozelle G Kathryn Kemp Kemba Cofield Denise Statham A. Green August 2012 Issue Featuring Philadelphia upcoming male model DeVaugh Holmes
Minister Stacie Yvette Brown Stacie Yvette Brown is a Preacher of the Gospel, an Anointed Psalmist, a loving wife and entrepreneur. But she prefers simply to be known as a worshipper. She started singing on the church choir at about age six and though she has little memory of these accounts, family members recall her prophesying by the age of ten. Stacie attributes her love for God to both her paternal and maternal grandparents, but she especially praises her mother, Bettye Jean Staten, for instilling a commitment to the Body of Christ and a special love for music. Stacie sang professionally with the Unites States Military Entertainment Tours. In 1991, she traveled to various nations such as Bermuda, Antigua, Puerto Rico, Honduras, Cuba, and Panama singing in remote areas for the United States Armed Forces. In 2001, she was also afforded a wonderful opportunity to travel to Africa on an assignment to minister Praise and Worship in various churches in the area of Rustenburg, South Africa. She humbly admits that she learned far more from the people of South Africa than she could have ever taught them about the Ministry of Praise and Worship. She currently serves as an Associate Minister under the leadership of Bishop Kenneth White at the Linconia Tabernacle Christian Center in Trevose, PA. Stacie said yes to the higher call of God in 2002 and preached her initial sermon at Linconia Tabernacle Christian Center in May 2004. She is a product of Temple University, Montgomery County College, True Light Fellowship School of Biblical Studies and the Linconia Tabernacle School of Ministry. Stacie is presently embarking upon the next phase of her biblical training as a student of The Christian Bible Institute and Seminary of Spring, TX. She is a part of The Christian Bible Institute and Seminary’s (CBIS) distant learning program where she is pursuing a certification in Christian Counseling and a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies. Amazed by the favor of God upon her life, Stacie has also begun another exciting phase of ministry as a gospel recording artist as the featured psalmist on the Live at Linconia CD project (TO BE RELEASED SUMMER OF 2012). As a result of the widespread support of this endeavor, Stacie has garnered over 400 followers in support of her monthly e-blasts. This on-line ministry is a creative 2
writing and outreach ministry designed to encourage and enlighten the Body of Christ in reference to the everyday struggles facing the people of God. Stacie feels that God has placed a special anointing upon her life, to not just sing, but to be a prophetic instrument of God’s glory. She likens her prophetic call as unto the prophet Jahaziel as he ministered to the people, “Be not afraid, nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” (2 Chronicles 20:15) Minister Stacie presently resides in the Northeast section of Philadelphia, PA with her husband of 16 years, James H. Brown. James and Stacie are the owners of JamStac, LLC. JamStac is a company that provides affordable printing, graphic, photographic services to the Body of Christ and to the community at large. “Above all else, I just want to be effective,” says Stacie. “My goal in ministry is for the people to experience the love of Christ in whatever I do!” “For it is in Him that I live, move, and have my being...” (Acts 17:28)
Relationship Tips from the Heart Writer: Irene Council Women, we put on many hats in our relationships, mom, nurse, cook, financial advisor, chauffeur, counselor and so on. Why in the world are you adding "wearing the pants" to that list. Girl, sit down, get pretty and let him be man. You don’t look right in that role anyway! You will not always like your mate, but you must always respect them! That is Love! Please know that "meekness" does not mean "weakness". Even the most calm spirited, easy-talk'n, sweet speak'n, level-headed person have "Buttons" that can be pushed. Everybody has a TWIN (good or bad), trust me! Stop fighting God, when all He is trying to do is get that "mess" out your life and replace it with what He has prepared for you! You're not happy anyway, so let go! The "enemy" loves driving a wedge in-between what you and your mate have worked to, stability, happiness, understanding, etc. So don’t let the traps of deception overtake your relationship because what you see as your mate being crazy isn't always the case. Prayer and communication is VITAL! Yelling never settles anything, cursing (although it feels good) won't make the argument shorter and blaming, keeps everything going. But SILENCE will help you re-analyze, re-focus and maybe even bring a conclusion to the issue. So Silence is Golden...think about and stop trying to be right! Don’t you think for one moment that just because you get along great with the In-Laws, that in rough times, they will side with "you"... Blood is thicker than Water always. So be careful in how much of your business/relationship you share.
I am the fruit bouquet artist for Platinum Fruit Creations. If you are interested in ordering, call 215.455.2480. Delivery is available PA & NJ! Bouquets start @ $25.
Friendship: A Help to Holiness Submitted by: Mary Daniels John 15:12-15 In all of God's creation, just one thing did not meet with His approval. He looked upon Adam, who was the only being of his kind, and said, "It is not good for the man to be alone" (Gen. 2:18). The Creator designed people for emotional, mental, and physical intimacy so they'd be able to share their innermost selves with one another. Jesus explained this to His disciples, saying they should love each other as He had loved them. In a Godhonoring friendship, two people build each other up and spur one another toward Christlikeness. Many people, however, fall far short of making and maintaining relationships that sharpen their faith (Prov. 27:17). They instead welcome the trivial talk of casual acquaintances: the weather, tough bosses, and world affairs are safe topics. Sadly, believers often shy away from the penetrating conversations about sin, accountability, and biblical living that would serve to enrich their faith. Strong relationships begin with men and women who decide to risk their pride and comfort in order to love as Jesus does. They recognize that friends are meant to motivate one another toward holiness. In a friendship of mutual trust and submission, two people will confess sin, offer gentle reproof, and share burdens. The walls we build to keep people at a distance are often defenses against God as well: we don't want Him too close to our most personal business. But as believers learn to share openly and freely with a brother or sister in Christ, they develop the capacity to be more honest with God. Are You Waiting for Something? Have you wondered what God is doing when you can't see him? Have you ever felt that He is too busy to answer your cry for help? Have you felt forgotten in this crazy world? We all feel that way at times. For whatever reason, sometimes, God chooses to be silent. His purpose is not to punish you. He is not too busy. Don't for a second believe the lie that He may have forgotten you. The silence may be what pushes us to dig deeper, like a growing plant in search of water. It could be that the answers are before our eyes, but we are too human to see what God wants us to see. Maybe we are looking with our eyes instead of our heart. It might not be time for God to reveal what he has for you. It's not easy to wait, especially when God is silent, but experience tells us that it will be worth it. We know that our impatience will only get in the way of what he plans to do with us. We can try to hurry him along, but we'll only end up feeling frustrated. The truth is that we should only want what he wants for us. True happiness lies in resting in his will, in his hands, on his path, in his time. So, we wait and believe and trust. In posture of prayerful acceptance we can leave all of our doubts behind. "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged" (Deuteronomy 31:8). 6
Feel good flavor 15: Writer: Simone Malone This month, I want to focus on the importance of taking care of yourself. As our days become busier and more hectic, it can be difficult for us to take a needed and deserved break. I am sure that even an aware person like yourself, has experienced moments when you would have liked to have more time to yourself. The truth is that even for those of us who are aware and clear on the importance of self-care, it is easy to get caught up in daily routines, events, special projects, and the like, to the point that you forget to take time out for yourself. As a result, you may find yourself feeling tired and out of sorts. However, I have a few suggestions for giving yourself time, slowing down your mind, enjoying your surroundings, and replenishing your energy. My first suggestion is to walk where you need to go. If you walk to work or to the corner store instead of driving there, you get a chance to slow down your mind, enjoy the surroundings, and get some great exercise to boot! If you can afford it, consider joining a gym and making the commitment to go several times a week. Getting exercise is an excellent way to bring your mind and body back into alignment and boost your energy levels. For Simone, I enjoy walking my dog and riding my bike. Another way to create self-time is to join a group or club that meets on a regular basis. It could be a social group, choir, or even a meditation or yoga group. The idea behind these suggestions is to have time that is separate from your work and daily activities. Finally, I have other suggestions for making extra time. Leave work on time or arrive at appointments early, equipped with a favorite book or something spiritual to read so that you take advantage of the wait time for pleasure reading. I'm sure that you can come up with many more ways to take care of yourself than I shared here if you put your mind to it. I hope that you will make this a feel good day and week. Take some time for you to have fun, relax, and rejuvenate. Remember to give yourself what you need to feel whole and good each day. We are now in the middle of summer!!!
Betrayal Writer: Christine Tunstall For it is not an enemy who reproaches me; then I could bear it. Nor is it one who hates me who has exalted himself against me; Then I could hide from him. But it was you, a man my equal, my companion and my acquaintance. We took sweet counsel together, and walked to the house of God in the throng." (Psalm 55:12-14) To be betrayed is a heart wrenching, heartbreaking experience. David points out in the Psalms a story of betrayal. I believe betrayal comes from someone close to you. The enemy cannot get close enough to you to betray you. Depending on the dynamics of a family, it is difficult to even be betrayed by every member in your family because you are closer to some and distant with others. Betrayal comes from within your inner circle, persons in close proximity to your heart. I don’t believe it is something you can ever prepare for. I also believe the only person who can ever truly understand the pain you feel when the realization of betrayal hits is God. God is also the only one who can heal you from the hurt that comes from betrayal. When Jesus was betrayed by Judas, we only know the words He offered to give hope to others. It was God and God alone who knew the full magnitude of the pain Jesus felt. Only God knew the emotions that reached down to the depths of Jesus soul. Judas was one of the 12 disciples that Jesus chose to be in His inner circle. Jesus didn’t choose these men haphazardly. Jesus prayed long and hard before choosing these men. When Jesus dipped a morsel of bread and handed it off to Judas, it was a sign of love He extended to Judas. Here Jesus was displaying love while the betrayal of Judas was in full motion. Judas had already received monies to betray his friend, his master. When Judas took the bread that Jesus offered, Judas already had broken their vow of friendship/brotherhood. When Jesus told Judas to go do what he had to do, He already knew He was about to be betrayed by someone he held close to His heart. We do not have the inner sight of our Master. When betrayal hits us, it blind sides us. We have to turn to God who sees all to guide us through this pain of betrayal. Over the years, we have all grown up hearing our parents admonish us, letting us know that we are to keep family business in the family. We were not allowed to run all over the neighborhood or to school telling family business. Many times, having diarrhea of the mouth would cause you to be punished more severely than if you had forgotten some household chore to complete. That being said, not only was family business sacred, family was sacred. While many times we may have wanted to trade our sisters/brothers in for a kinder/gentler model, we were taught to be loyal to and love who we were given as siblings. We could not, even if we really wanted to, show more loyalty to our friends than we did to our siblings. We were taught blood is definitely thicker than water. It was understood therefore that family secrets, remained within the family structure. As we grew older, we more than likely chose friends to share special times with but no matter what, family was supposed to have a stronger bond than anyone or anything else.
It is for that reason that close family members are privy to information about contents you possess and oftentimes secrets you have held close to your heart. What happens when you accidentally stumble upon a betrayal? You are merely going about your daily tasks and quite accidentally you realize that you have been betrayed. There is no doubt of whom the guilty party is. However, you go through the fruitless exercise of exposing the evidence only to hear the party ask, as Judas asked, ‘is it I?’ Oh, don’t be fooled, the guilty party knows they are guilty. Their question is merely to find out if you really know of their guilt or if you are on a fishing expedition for information, for clarity, for a confession. I have learned, in my limited experience that the betrayer rarely calculates the damage they cause with their betrayal. The betrayal itself is just a selfish act – they wanted something you had but thought you would not give it to them so they took it; or they felt empowered with a secret and shared your inner most secret with someone who couldn’t handle knowing even the most minute or mundane information concerning you. What do you do when the betrayer is someone who you know you are unable to stop loving? It is hard to even stay mad at the individual because of the relationship between the two of you. Some relationships don’t allow for grudges merely because of the dynamic of that relationship. What do you do when the betrayal is so utterly surprising and so utterly devastating yet you know the betrayer does not realize the emotional damage? To the betrayer, the action was merely a means to an end. To you, the action itself violated so many levels in the relationship that you may never be the same. You heart will never freely feel what it once felt. Time will allow you to move forward but not without caution. E.M. Forester once said “I hate the idea of causes, and if I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to betray my country. That statement is so powerful, to me, because it shows the trust that is alive when you have someone who has occupied your heart, to betray you. This individual knows you will always love them because you cannot do anything but love them so they take the love for granted. They expect to always have that love and when betrayal hits, your heart feels like it will break into little pieces. Steven Deitz once said that “One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope.” What do you do when betrayal has occurred? You do just what Jesus did. You cry out to your father in heaven. You cry out to God and ask him to heal the pain in your heart. You ask God to give you the strength to continue loving and continue trusting. You ask God to forgive the one(s) that betray(s) you because that person does not know what their actions have done. God is a healer of all hurt, harm and danger. He will see you through the pain of betrayal just as he sees you through every other circumstance in your life. Turn to God in all things but especially when you are betrayed. He will give you the peace that passes all understanding. Be blessed.
Café LeMont’s (The Experience) 610.622.5580 717 Church Lane, Yeadon, PA For classy good home style southern cuisine at affordable prices ($7.99 lunch & $12.99 dinner + tax. All You Can Eat) and the very best in musical entertainment Café LeMont’s is the place you would want to be. The Café hours are Tuesday through Saturday 11 AM to 9 AM and 11 AM to 8 PM on Sundays. Tuesday’s are Senior Citizen Day. All seniors get 10% off your meal. Just show your ID
DeVaugh Holmes - Model 11
Writer: Phil Hughes Welcome back. Today, I’d like to share some information with you about milk. First, I have to say, I like milk. As a child, I had milk with my cereal almost every morning. As a teen, I left milk alone and never touched it again until a few years ago. Today, I enjoy it with whole grain cereal two to three times a week. Some friends and even a few family members promote the idea of enjoying a breakfast cereal with a non-dairy milk like, soy, rice or almond milk. A couple of them are vegans, but the rest are just concerned about my well-being, for which I am very grateful.
I took a picture of my breakfast cereal with blueberries and posted it on Facebook one morning. One response acknowledged the blueberries as a good source of nutrition, but questioned if the milk was dairy. My response was “Moo”. Afterwards, I began researching the pros and cons of milk. You won’t believe what I found. I was a bit upset with the findings. I guess we have to agree that the truth is not always pretty. Helpful? Yes. Pretty? No.
I always knew that milk contained calcium, which is the key source for healthy bones. Getting enough calcium from childhood through adulthood helps build bones up and then helps slow the loss of bone as we age. While calcium and dairy can lower the risk of osteoporosis and colon cancer, high intake can increase the risk of prostate cancer and possibly ovarian cancer. Talk about a red flag. I’ll be sixty in October and I am dealing with issues of the prostate already. In addition, dairy products can be high in saturated fat as well as retinol (vitamin A), which at high levels can paradoxically weaken bones. Good, non-dairy sources of calcium include collards, bok choy, fortified soy milk, baked beans, and supplements that contain both calcium and vitamin D (a better choice than taking calcium alone). It’s also wise to make sure you’re getting adequate potassium, which is abundant in tomatoes, spinach, sweet potatoes, bananas, oranges, and other fruits and vegetables. I researched this information from one of my favorite sources, The Harvard School of Public Health. But I didn’t stop there, I researched further.
WebMD add these professional opinions: “Milk contains a big package of nutrients that are especially important to bone health. People who don’t drink milk tend to be deficient in them”, says Connie M. Weaver, PhD. ‘So it makes good sense to encourage people to consume dairy products. Milk is also a good source of potassium -- another compelling reason the USDA committee increased the recommended servings from two to three in 2005.”
Walter Willett, MD, PhD tells WebMD, “as beverages go, milk is relatively high in calories. One cup of 2% milk has 138 calories, for instance. Drinking three cups a day adds 366 calories to the diet -- a lot for anyone watching their weight. One of the chief worries is that drinking too much milk may pose dangers. “By now there’s quite a body of data showing a higher risk of fatal prostate cancer associated with milk and though the evidence is somewhat mixed, we’ve still seen a slightly higher risk of ovarian cancer associated with drinking three or more servings of milk.”
Well, I can’t give information and not heed to it as well. I’m on a mission for fortified non-dairy milk for my breakfast cereal. The only question I’m asking myself now is, “what do I do with the rest of the half gallon of milk in the refrigerator? See you next month. Eat well and live long. 1 Corinthians 9:27 But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to
others I myself should be disqualified.
Mozelle G’s What the Hell Corner! The other day someone showed me a photograph of a missionary in some third world country standing next to a little black child with a handful of bibles which they brought with them to distribute. The caption on the photo read, “You brought bibles! Where is the food?” So, I asked you this question. What the hell is wrong with this picture? Where is the food? Unh! Can anyone explain to me what makes you think you can witness to a hungry person? To a homeless person! To anyone that is down on their luck. The only thing on their minds is trying to extinguish their hunger pains, where they are going to lay their head down, how they are going to make it another day. But here you are “The sanctified ones” ready to give them a bible a tract and quote a thousand scripture and tell them God will provide. Yes my babies, the Lord will provide however I believe in my heart He does the providing through us the Christians. Why don’t you Christian folks wake the hell up? You get on my LAST nerve. Some Christians are so deep in the spirit. When you see someone in need physically do you try to help them out? Heavenly bound Christians but no damn earthly good. Hell the majority of you will try to go the other direction if you spot a homeless soul whom you assume might want to ask you for a handout. I’ve seen it done! You are out witnessing to people on the street and the first thing you want to give them is a tract to read but are not concerned about the fact they may be in need physically. They could be hungry! Homeless, down and out. The scriptures let us know that Jesus was concerned about the whole person, the physical as well as the spiritual. However, it seems in the church today, preachers are only concerned with the financial. How much money can we raise? How can I build this church into a mega ministry? Yea, a mega ministry with thousands of people giving, two or three services on a Sunday morning. You have the so-called high profile preacher flying around the country in private jets, charging big bucks to preach the word and living it up under the pretense of ministry. I say F.O.S.! Ching! Ching! $$$$$. That’s about the only thing these preachers ears can hear. Yet many of these mega ministries are full of suffering people some who are struggling to feed and clothe their families. Where do the suffering, down trodden, down on their luck folk go to get help. It should be the church. Oh NO! If I put on a old dirty torn dress, run over shoes and did not wash my face and went into a church to ask for help I would probably have better luck and get more compassion going to a local bar to ask for help. I have a serious problem with this. The Word tells us we should give tithes and offerings to the house of God that there will be food in the storehouse. So after the tithe and offering have been collected what is the church doing to help the people? What kind of outreach programs do you have in place to help folk? Do you have shelters that the down on their luck persons (Shouldn’t have to be a member of your little 14
church club) can stay at until they get back on their feet? I can answer that right now. Hell to the No! Now don’t get me wrong I realize there are expenses that come along with running a “church business” which by the way the church has turned into. But once those expenses are met set aside funds for helping those in need. You may question why I am talking about black churches? Because being a black woman I used to go to one and have experienced first handed all the crap and BS that transpires in these so called ministries. Stop using the excuse we cannot afford to help. Instead of being on a yearround building fund drive, open up a kitchen to feed folks that are hungry, get clothes to clothe folk. If you are going to build with your building fund drives, build shelters to house folk who cannot afford the cost of high rents. Open a store to provide lost cost necessities to families. Stop always trying to beautify the building you worship in unless you are going to let folk live there, which I doubt. Let’s go back to when we were our brother’s keeper. Jesus said that the poor will always be with us. The church should be a where you can get spiritual as well as physical help. Think about it my loves. When a person comes into your body of believers seeking assistance don’t just pray for them but see what you can do to alleviate some of their suffering. I have vented enough for this month. Next month I am going to hit ya’ll with my take on TITLES IN THE CHURCH! Yeah that’s gonna be a good one. Holla back. See you in September.
This is the history I love! Submitted by Denise Statham Interesting History – Writer: Anonymous They used to use urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all pee in a pot & then once a day it was taken & Sold to the tannery.......if you had to do this to survive you were "Piss Poor" But worse than that were the really poor folk who couldn't even afford to buy a pot.....they "didn't have a pot to piss in" & were the lowest of the low The next time you are washing your hands and complain because the water temperature isn't just how you like it, think about how things used to be. Here are some facts about the 1500s: Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May, and they still smelled pretty good by June. However, since they were starting to smell. Brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor. Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting married. Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children. Last of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the Bath water!" Houses had thatched roofs-thick straw-piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof...Hence the saying "It's raining cats and dogs." 15
There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could mess up your nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That's how canopy beds came into existence. The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt. Hence the saying, "Dirt poor." The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter when wet, so they spread thresh (straw) on floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they added more thresh until, when you opened the door, it would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entrance-way. Hence: a thresh hold. In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes stew had food in it that had been there for quite a while. Hence the rhyme: Peas porridge hot, peas’ porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old. Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special. When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of wealth that a man could, "bring home the bacon." They would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and chew the fat. Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous. Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or the upper crust. Lead cups were used to drink ale or whiskey. The combination would sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a wake. England is old and small and the local folks started running out of places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a bone-house, and reuse the grave. When reopening these coffins, one out of 25 coffins was found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people alive. So they would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the graveyard shift.) to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be, saved by the bell or was considered a dead ringer. And that's the truth....Now, whoever said History was boring!!!
Living for Today Dr. Donna Rouse The day is always consumed with list of things to do, love ones to care for, and demanding occupations. We can sometimes get caught up in this rat race called Life and forget to smell the roses. Life is precious and we should appreciate the small things in life. We need to learn how to be grateful for the things we have and lessons we learned. Here are two things we should do to live for Today to have a more peaceful tomorrow. 1. Forgive. No matter what someone has done to you or what you have done to yourself, it’s important to forgive. Once you have forgiven you are at peace with yourself and can enjoy your life. If you have a grudge against someone you are hurting no one but yourself, while the person who hurt you sleeps at night. Free yourself! Forgive! 2. Appreciation. Appreciate the things we take for granted. Walking, for there are many who cannot walk. Seeing, for there are many who would love to and but cant. Having food on the table because many are hungry. Focus on what you have and more blessings will come. 3. Live your life. Simple as that. Stay away from negativity. Do one thing you have never done before. Be happy and show love.
Rev. Dr. Stanley Keeble President: Chicago Gospel Heritage Music Museum By Kathryn Kemp: Author - Make A Joyful Noise: A Brief History of Gospel Music Ministry in The Rev. Dr. Stanley Keeble is the visionary behind the proposed Chicago Gospel Music Heritage Museum. Music, reflects Dr. Keeble, is an inborn quality in his life. ” I always liked music – I guess from my inception.” His first public solo occurred in a third grade school assembly. He learned then that God had given him musical talent when that 3rd grade teacher asked that he sing at her church. His grandmother consented and he sang “Is Your All on the Altar”. God used him to minister to that A.M.E. congregation. The seed for music ministry was planted and watered from that point to the present. Dr. Keeble is also known as an anointed gospel singer, director, pianist and organist. He was mentored by Professor Willie Webb (now deceased) who introduced him to gospel greats such as Bessie Griffin as a young man in New Orleans. It was here that he first played on a huge stage. Dr. Keeble continued to share tidbits about gospel singers in Chicago from Roberta Martin, The Roberta Martin Singers, the Gay sister, Inez Andrews, Eugene Smith, Willie Webb, Robert Anderson, Norleslie McKissick, Mahalia Jackson, James Cleveland, Mavis Staples, Aretha Franklin, Pop Staples, Rev. Clay Evans, Dorothy Love Coates, Sammie Bryant, the Davis sisters, Alex Bradford, Jessy Dixon, Sam Cooke and the Soul Stirrers. Dr. Keeble organized a group “The Voices of Triumph” that recorded a 45rpm in the 1950s. The musician for that group was Marvin Yancey. Stanley Keeble served as musician for Inez Andrews in performances at the Apollo in New York City, the Atlanta Civic Center and other venues as well as the Chicagoland area. He directed the radio choir at Fellowship Baptist Church where he also served as pianist and organist for Rev. Dr. Clay Evans. He was a regular on Jubilee Showcase, the first television program dedicated to gospel music anywhere. It was organized by Sid Ordower. He has played in Europe as well as the United States, directed and coordinated gospel plays and workshops. He organized the Rush Hospital Gospel choir and presently is a part of the music ministry at Logos Baptist Assembly where the Rev. Donald L. Parson is pastor. He was interviewed for a documentary on Mahalia Jackson by Sarah Cuddon of BBC Radio 4 in London, England last year. The documentary aired in London this year. Dr. Keeble was featured as a Chicago History Maker on February 23, 2006 at Merit School of Music. Dr. Robert Wooten Sr. and Iceman Jerry Butler completed the panel sharing contributions of African-Americans to music in this country. He is the recipient of numerous awards including Gospel Supreme (2008), and Gospel Music According to Chicago (GMAC) as a living Chicago gospel legend on June 14, 2010 at Christ Universal Church.
This vision to establish a museum dedicated to Chicago’s gospel legacy was given to him by God. Dr. Keeble vividly recalls a trip while riding the 47th street bus in Chicago. The Lord spoke to him as the bus came to a stop before an empty building at 47th and State Street. God said to him:” I want you to put together a gospel music museum”. Dr. Keeble later went back to the building and heard the Lord confirm his message for a gospel museum. The building, unfortunately, was torn down before negotiations took place. Plans to move into a donated building in 2010 didn’t come to fruition. The president and board of directors are still searching for the ‘perfect’ location for this museum. The museum will begin by showcasing eight of Chicago’s gospel legends. The ‘Magnificent Eight’ are Thomas Dorsey, James Cleveland, Mahalia Jackson, Theodore Frye, Sally Martin, Roberta Martin, Milton Brunson and Pop Staples. The museum will eventually recognize other gospel music pioneers and legends. Plans include a bookstore that provides resources on gospel music. Dr. Keeble insists that CHICAGO must first receive it due honor as the birthplace of gospel music. Then other gospel artist will be included. Dr. Keeble was very disappointed that children in the Chicago area wouldn’t have this resource as soon as planned. Dr. Keeble, a retired high school English teacher, knew first-hand the lack of knowledge students had concerning Chicago’s gospel heritage and legacy. He remembers asking students to write essays about Thomas Dorsey. “The students”, remarked Keeble “didn’t even know his name”. Keeble is also concerned that books written on gospel history have erroneous information in them – “information that goes all over the world”. The museum archives contain source material: records, documents and memorabilia of gospel greats. Visitors will hear first-hand from gospel legends and pioneers. Dr. Keeble spends his time raising funds to bring this dream to reality. “My ultimate goal”, emphasizes Dr. Keeble, “is to tell the whole world that gospel music comes from HERE”. “The Lord is preserving me to finish the job he has for me to do” remarks Dr. Keeble. He knows that the Lord spoke to him. He wanted the museum up and running before gospel pioneers in Chicago died such as Eugene Smith, Queen Albertina Walker and Chicago’s songbird Delois Barrett Campbell. Dr. Keeble has located a new site. Negotiations with the city of Chicago are on-going and have not yet produced the desired outcome. Members of the Board of Directors include such gospel luminaries as Dr. Clay Evans who wrote the first song that ever made number one on the radio. “Bye and Bye”, recorded by the Davis sisters out of Philadelphia, was an instant hit. The success of that song was the catalyst for record companies to take notice of gospel music. Dr. Keeble is working to see that Dr. Clay Evans is honored on his 88th birthday, June 23, 2012 at the 28th annual Chicago Gospel Fest for his outstanding contributions to gospel music ministry. Dr. Keeble wants the museum to help young boys see themselves in a new way. He then spoke of the killings of honor students such as Derrion Albert (September 24, 2009) that gained national attention.
“I want to inspire children to do something different than what they’ve been doing… I need to introduce these fellows to something different… these boys need a whole lot more help and they do need men in their lives…There’s an educational component that’s attached to it. When folks are exposed to certain things …that peak their interests…, “muses Dr. Keeble, “lives are changed”. He shared the experience of playing on television at age fourteen. He remarks” I made more money in that thirty minutes than my mother made in a week”. Music, Dr. Keeble inferred, offers youth many opportunities for careers and exposure. Someone saw something in him that changed his life. His goal is to provide that experience to youth in the city. Youth will see gospel role models and hear stories of what they accomplished. The Chicago Gospel Heritage Music Museum will offer that opportunity.
DeVaughn Holmes, Model 21
THE PASTORS CORNER Pastor Lenora G. Young “In The Time of Adversity, Sing” Pastor Lenora G. Young
II Chronicles 20: 20 – 25 20
And they rose early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa: and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper. 21And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto the LORD, and that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the LORD; for his mercy endureth for ever. 22And when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were smitten. 23For the children of Ammon and Moab stood up against the inhabitants of mount Seir, utterly to slay and destroy them: and when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir, every one helped to destroy another. 24And when Judah came toward the watch tower in the wilderness, they looked unto the multitude, and, behold, they were dead bodies fallen to the earth, and none escaped. 25And when Jehoshaphat and his people came to take away the spoil of them, they found among them in abundance both riches with the dead bodies, and precious jewels, which they stripped off for themselves, more than they could carry away: and they were three days in gathering of the spoil, it was so much. Def.
To produce musical sounds or notes with the voice, especially in a connected series as in voicing a song. If you would open your bible to the book of Psalms, there are many applications in reference to singing. Let’s look at a few; (Psalm 7:17) “I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high.” (Psalms 9:11) “Sing praises to the LORD, which dwelleth in Zion: declare among the people his doings.” (Psalms 98:1) O sing unto the LORD a new song; for he hath done marvellous things: his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory. We also see in the Old Testament in the book of Exodus, 15th chapter, when the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea, Miriam and all the women picked up their tambourines and began to play and dance – Miriam sang “Sing ye to the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.” Firstly, in order to sing, you need to have a song to sing. A song that comes from within the spirit – a song that comes from the heart. For the scripture tells us in Eph. 5:18,19 “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; 19Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” It will start in the heart, then to a hum, and then it will overtake you and the melody that comes from the heart will come out of the mouth. When is the best time to sing? It’s easy to sing when everything is going well. It’s easy to sing when you’ve been given a promotion on your job. It’s easy to sing while you have money in your pocket. It’s easy to sing when the family is getting along well. It’s easy to sing when your body is well. BUT when everything has turned upside down – when all around is desolate – when the job is gone – when the doctors have said we’ve done all that we can do – when you’ve been given a pink slip after working on 22
the same job for many years – What am I going to do – How can I sing a song in such a strange land? Please let me help you – cheat the devil out of his aim – YOU cheat him out of the victory and “Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 8Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. 9Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 10Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory.” “ JUST SING” David said, “Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass (surround) me about with songs of deliverance.” A song writer picked up her pen and said, “God gave me a song – that the angels cannot – I’ve been washed in the blood of the crucified one – I’ve been redeemed. The Lord has been so good to me – He opened doors I could not see – Sometimes when I am feeling low – No one to care – no place to go – My Father is rich in houses and land –He holds the power of the world in His hand. “JUST SING” In spite of it all, sing. Singing is a form of praise. The bible tells us that Jehoshaphat’s army went out early in the morning headed for battle site. They were given instructions to believe and keep the faith because the battle was not theirs, it was the Lord’s. Singers were appointed to sing unto the Lord, and they should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the LORD; for his mercy endureth for ever. As they began to sing and praise God, the LORD set ambushes for the people of Ammon, Moab, and Edom who had come to attack Judah. (Attack their praise) And they were defeated. You might say, “I Can’t Sing” it’s to hard – it hurts to bad – I’m to sick – I’m drowning in my situation – “I Just Can’t”. Please let me encourage you and let you know that you can. I can do all thing through Christ who continues to give us the strength to get through and to endure. “When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to that rock that is higher that I” Remember the statement that was made earlier? It will start in the heart, then to a hum, and then it will overtake you and the melody that comes from the heart will come out of the mouth. Let’s take step by step – get a song in your spirit. Something like “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” or a song that you know fits your situation. Start with a hum. Matters not how it may sound. You are not singing to impress anyone. Matters not whether it makes sense to you or not, it makes sense to God. HUM – HUM until it overtakes you and then let it come out of your mouth. “Singing to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” “In The Time of Adversity, Sing.
KEMBA’S CORNER Writer: Kemba Cofield August is a unique time of year. Summertime starts to wind down and life as we know it begins to change. Usually it’s the last hot month before fall begins to dawn but one thing is for certain it is a month of change. I am honored to write something for this month’s magazine because I have a colossal birthday this month and I’m excited. Looking over the last several years, I have had a great many downs that have hindered my ups. I realized I have focused so much on the negatives in my life sometimes decades have gone by and the positive just dwindled around in all of that negative. I can’t let that happen ever again. Recently, my uncle passed away and a song came into our discussion, I Won’t Complain. I couldn’t find a composer of this song but I rehearsed the words and the melody for hours one night. It wasn’t a song my church family sang at my church. It was actually not a song I even heard much but the simplicity of its lyrics touched me. I want the next decade of my life to be filled with remembrances of the good times more so than the bad times. Relishing the great days rather than the bad because we all know there will be both. This is a very different from my habitual focus. I’ll go along happy for a while and then when the dark times come they get all of the discussion. I remind myself of the children of Israel. They complained and complained and murmured and murmured until God himself let most of them die and their children took the blessings their fathers were supposed to have. I don’t want to miss anymore blessings from God because I am complaining about the life I am living or not living. Therefore, I won’t complain anymore. Think about it, we all know we are going to have great days. Births, marriages, parties, reunions, purchases of new homes, friends dropping by, dinners, etc... However; when the bad days come we don’t remember all the good times we had. It’s time to relish the positive in our lives. Love the people you have as much as you can. My Uncle Caesar was a pastor and a friend to many but he wasn’t always like that. He lived a lascivious lifestyle until God put that mirror in front of him and forced him to look at all of the things he did to others. That’s when he became the man my grandparents raised him to be and what a great man he became. So I leave with you, if you are in a dark place in your life and things are not working out, be patient. Look for another avenue. Strive to get out of that place but enjoy the time you have and those you have with you. There are some great days and hills you will have to climb. Don’t complain, rejoice in the fact that what goes down MUST come up. Happy Birthday to all of the August folks. Mine is August 2. I’m struggling in many ways but this year, I’m gonna cheer and shout Hallelujah, another year to rejoice. God Bless!
GOD HAS DONE THIS! Writer: Jerome Robbins You never know where seemly casual moments of friends working together will lead. Only God knows where we will be in the future (and how rich!). But I tell you it seems as though God has looked directly at me. I have been chosen from millions of hands uplifted and prayers submitted. So many have prayed for me and I for myself, but it seems as though God has focused his glance directly at me and my life for just a moment! And that is all anyone needs! A brief look from God can last a lifetime for us. And now the sun is definitely shining on me and winds of blessings and brighter days beyond my comprehension are on their way for me! (hmmm sounds like a song. I have to remember that). God is presently doing something special with my life! I have a since of freedom and peace that I've never experienced before. I'm being revamped, renewed, regenerated and remodeled before my very eyes! Most people I meet now, look at me and just shake their heads. They see it too. Some even start praying immediately to thank God for what they see with eyes tearing (me too). I tell them I know...God has done this! Right now I'm overcome with great joy and appreciation. I always knew I would have a turn at what's going on, but I never thought it would be so intense! I've missed out on so many opportunities to be rich and famous. It's like God is turning things around, redeeming time and rewarding me double maybe triple for my faithful journey. Some say "man you are glowing." I tell them "God has done this!" There is an anointing; something very good and great happening to me and my life, and it's lifting me higher! It's a very humbling experience...Yes indeed! GOD HAS DONE THIS!! Please pray for me...this journey is being fabulously orchestrated by God! Again I say, GOD HAS DONE THIS!
The Cofield Report Focus for this month is on DeVaughn Holmes Up and Coming Super Model from Philadelphia DeVaughn Holmes is the featured upcoming Philadelphia super star male model of the August 2012 Cofield Report. DeVaughn is a talented, sexy male model who emanates from the cool town of Philadelphia. His exotic and sophisticated looks can be attributed to the fact that his Mother is of Jamaican descent and is father is half Dominican, Native American, and African American. DeVaughn plays the gorgeous yet rough bad boy who the beautiful and ''innocent'' young ladies cannot resist. He displays quick wit, is good looking and has a great smile. DeVaughn is smart, well groomed, and wellinformed academically. He enjoys travelling and wants to see the world and enjoy his youth. He is an avid reader and maintains family values and mementos. In his spare time make some of his own clothing, DeVaughn works very hard to maintain his healthy body. When he not doing photo shoots he can be found in the gym pumping iron trying to stay healthy and as sexy as possible. DeVaughn has been influenced by some of the top male models in the business today, Tyson Beckford, Shemar Moore, Henry Watkins and Wendell Lissimore. DeVaughn Holmes could fit in anyone of these guys shoes. Yes, he is the future of the business. Cofield Report: Hello Vaughn, you have some great photos. Who does your shoots? Vaughn: I get called by a variety of studios and photographers; however the shots you are referring to were done by master of cinematic photography. Cofield Report: What made you go into modeling? Tell the readers a little something about yourself.
Vaughn: Being a black boy in America just isn’t easy. I grew up with few role models to look up to, so I looked down the wrong roads with nowhere to turn to. No fork in the roads. No other options but to hustle hard like momma taught me. I never overlooked the overtime she put in to raise us. She carried the load through the Philly underground roads so the world wouldn't slave us. So not to make something of my life would be disrespectful to those sacrifices made so I'd have a chance to be successful. And this modeling life may seem far in reach but I see things in 3D. Carrying the promises of my mom and sister so there's actually three of me. And every day is different so I'm never the same. I adapt to my surroundings and never place blame. I just keep the pictures in mind of seeing the end the road. When I finally get signed, frame the contract and hang it over mom’s living room door.
DeVaughn Holmes Height: 6’3 Weight: 182 Hair: Dark Brown Eye: Brown Waist: 32 Shoe: 10 Lean, Tall, and very handsome
JUST SAYIN...... Writer: Dr. Ouida W. Harding It would be so wonderful if those of us in the Black Church would study before we jump. Learn our OWN history...and understand the OTHER stuff that is out there. I have been asked what is my beef with Praise and it is, first of all it is a little theologically twisted. To Praise God IS to Worship God. Praise is an act of Worship. It is not separate from worship. It’s the word AND that helps the mess-up. ...IF you can accept that Worship is the overall activity of believers in their gatherings, and includes every affirmative response to God, (praise, thanksgiving, confession, dedication submission and petition)....then you will understand why I have a problem with the term. P&W believers have a systemic approach that requires fast songs that are exciting, extravagant repetitious songs of pure praise to give way to a hush of awe and in silence or quiet song, then one is finally into the Presence of God, and there is where according to their definition, worship takes place. (See Jubalatee II, Hustad, page 189) Last time I checked the records...I remember that God is Omnipresent ....I want someone to think about that for a minute...did the slaves have to sing real fast songs and then get into the quiet songs to get "into the presence of God" so they could get out of dodge quick fast an in a hurry? Or did they pray ...Lord We (I) need you frustration is that we don't read...and can't identify what we do. ...or why we do it......even Praise &Worship!!!!!! Look at our history people we did not have to do all that to "get into God's Presence"........while I'm at it. I need just ONE MORE PERSON to scold me for not jumping up and down, and waving my pom poms in praise and yelling at me because I don't feel like standing up sitting down standing up sitting down standing up sitting down, and standing up again....and sitting down.......and standing it just ONE more time. I will blow BUBBLES ~a-men.
ANTS- GO Figure!!!! Writer: A. Green Can I take a little time to talk to you about ants? In my research I discovered there are more than 10,000 known species of ants. They can be found all over the world especially in tropical areas. Ants are basically social insects and they live in structured communities which typically are
Ants working together as one
underground or in trees and mounds. Ant communities are headed by a queen (leader). The job of the queen is to lay eggs which ensure the survival of the colony. Worker ants forage for food, care for the queen’s offspring, work on the nest, protect the community and perform a variety of other duties. There is power in unity. Each member of the colony has a specific task to do and each knows which task for which they are responsible. Ants communicate and cooperate by using chemicals that can alert others to danger or lead them to a promising food source. There is no in-fighting, disagreements or conflict within the community. Therefore, when the community is in trouble or comes under siege they become one. Like I said there is power in unity. If black folks would only adopt this principle of unity there would be no stopping us economically or politically. Yes, we would most definitely be a major force to be reckoned with. For the first time in the history of the United States of America there is a black man at the helm of government who is fighting not only for African Americans but for all citizens. However, there are some Americans who hate the man only because he is black. (I sincerely believe this and you cannot tell me anything different) These individual have vowed to make him a one term president. On the very day of our Presidents inaugural ball a group of republicans were meeting at a restaurant licking their wounds like dogs plotting on a strategy to block his every move. For those of you that read purchase or download the book, Do Not Ask What Good We Do by Robert Draper. President Obama has been called un-American, his birth certificate has been called into question, he has been called a liar, a Muslim and I am sure many other names behind closed doors. These racist haters have thrown road blocks to thwart the Presidents every move. Then we have those “African Americans” who for some strange reason seemed to have forgotten their history. The history of what blacks went through in America. These blacks (Uncle Thomas, Cain, West, Mammy Rice and others) have formed an unholy liaison with the haters in an effort to destroy the good President Obama has done and wants to do for all Americans. Although one may not agree with every policy or program the first African American President may have instituted why our black brothers and sisters feel it necessary to tear him down along with the haters is mind boggling to me. Go 31
Figure! We need to unite as one and support the President. United we stand divided we fall.
Stop asking what’s has he done for me? This burns me the hell up especially when you ask black brothers and sisters the question, are you registered to vote? Did you vote and they come back with these lame azz excuses and statements. I believe the only reason the layout of the Congress changed in the 2010 election is because people that should have gone to the polls to vote stayed home. Please do not let this happen in November. Our country our people need President Obama back for another four years. Not only that we need to take back the House and keep the Senate. So people STOP the madness. Stand behind our President! Lock hands and be Ants. Work together for the common goal.
Losing Weight the Healthy Way Writer: Donald Willis Speaking as a person who lost 40 pounds in 6 months, losing weight in a healthy way is not so easy. It is downright frustrating and there are days you want to yell obscenities at every skinny person you see on the street, but guess what: Get It Out. Please leave the skinny people alone, but vent, vent, and vent. Find one good friend and let them know that whatever you say to them when you are hungry, they are sworn to secrecy and are never to tell another living soul. Seriously, I am a licensed mental health professional and losing weight is a rough emotional journey and it is important not to hold negative emotions in. You need a confidante especially when you get upset when you are not allowed to have that second piece of fried chicken. Remember: maintaining a sense of humor is important because you will have days when you feel like going off of your weight loss plan, so laugh about it and keep it moving. The most important step to losing weight is to be mentally prepared and to maintain a positive mental attitude, so start writing down your feelings about weight lost in a journal, share your thoughts with close friends and relative, and remember never ever put yourself down. Personally, I lost over 50 pounds a few years ago, yet I did it in a very negative emotional way, by playing emotional games with myself. I engaged in a lot of negative self-talk, like “if you eat that, you will look like a fat pig and etc. I berated myself a lot and thought this was the way to success. Nevertheless, it was unhealthy and I started to look unhealthy. Also, I gained all of the weight back and some more. Through that painful experience, I now understand it is important to laugh, live fully, love more, and mostly importantly: learn how to be happy with me. [More of my story and weight loss tips to follow in the next edition].