TheCofield Report t s i t r n A e l r e i p S s e o e c G i e w R e N Jul y ,2012
Vol ume18
JULY 2012
The Cofield Report EDITOR
Allen Green
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS FOR JULY 2012 Donald E. Graham, Jr. Mary Daniels Simone Malone Lenora Young Phil Hughes Christine Tunstall Irene Council Carl C. Gable III Mozelle G Monica F. Hudaon
Independence Month Dear Readers the “Make It So Report” has been re-named. The e-magazine is now titled The Cofield Report. Same great articles, same great writers. Also look forward to more writers and better articles in the upcoming issues.
JULY 2012
“FROM PRAISE TO WORSHIP” By Minister Donald E. Graham Jr. I honestly believe that the true purpose of praise has become diluted by the lack of authentic worship in our sanctuaries. There is a misperception in many of churches that promotes the idea that praise supersedes worship. Yes I know that when the praises go up the blessings come down, but worship is the prerequisite for having a TRUE and AUTHENTIC relationship with God. For what good is the blessing if you have no wisdom regarding how to handle it and use it for the kingdom? Praise does have its rightful place and serves a purpose. For it is the outward expression of the abundance of joy in our hearts toward the God. It should not be contingent upon what He has done for us but rather who He is to us. The praise & worship portion of the service is our opportunity to give thanks and shout unto God with a voice of triumph. By giving God the fruit of our lips we permeate the atmosphere with a sweet smelling savor which fills His nostrils and causes Him to inhabit our praises. We are commanded to “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise.” (Psalm 100) Praise in general means making positive statements about someone, while worship is the act of showing devotion. Praise can be about anything, it can be about a person, an item, a place, a concept or just about anything one wants to promote or talk good about. Praise may or may not always be about one’s devotion or their sentiments toward God. Praise is normally to glorify an accomplishment. Since most people are responsive to praise it may generally be done to perk up someone’s spirit or raise their confidence level. Worship is normally unconditional and an expression of gratitude to almighty God simply because of who He is. I do believe that praise should be an integral part of the worship process; however, it should invariably be accompanied by thanks and gratitude towards God. Praise by itself is not really considered worship. I believe the problem arises when people go through the external motions of praise and but do not put their heart into it. In John 4:23-24 Jesus said, “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.” For it is when we find our place of worship that God begins to share His purpose and plan for our lives. It is through worship that He reveals the mysteries hidden in His divine will, and it is through worship that He moves us from the mundane to the miraculous. If we want to see people set free in our churches, we must get back to worshipping Him. If we want to see people move from healing to wholeness, we must be intentional about worshipping Him. However, if we become blinded by the thought that simply getting our praise on is enough to sustain us on our journey...then I guess we’ll just have to settle for church as usual.
JULY 2012
Relationship Tips from the Heart Writer: Irene Council It is your job as a couple to make "Happy Happen!" Complimenting each other visually as well as verbally is a great start. Asking how their day was and actually listening without the "will you hurry up" look, is nice and understanding that silence is not personal, just needed sometimes to think things through, is a good asset for your mate to have. So enjoy your relationship.
If you say, "I'm sorry" then you're actions should show you're sorry. If you say, "I forgive you", then you forgive, and don’t keep reminding the person of the issue you say you've forgave. Easier said than done, but totally possible! Your relationship can withstand money problems. So don’t let money issues come in between what you have worked to build. Any situation can be worked out with "two" strong people Navigating the wheel! And believe me; every relationship is tested with money issue. A great relationship is equivalent to a "fulltime" career. If the interview goes well, you get the vacant spot, you do a great job, and you get promoted, if you stay in it long enough, you get benefits (marriage, kids, etc.) and if you slack on the job, you get REPLACED....yup, sounds like a job to me! There is a high rate of divorce because people listened to their "biological clock" instead of their "intuition". Don't let that be your determining factor, you wait until God sends what really belongs to you. And you know God don't care about age, so get comfortable until it's your turn! Swagger at 80% is greater than arrogance at a matter of fact; it's a 125% turn-off! There is a thin line between confidence and cocky (ness)! Unless you and your mate have date night at the arcade, there is no reason for two grown people to play games in their relationship! Let your "yes be yes and your no be no"...anything else is child's play. If you weren't invited to the family cookout, he probably is taking the "Main Chick"...hint-hint! If your pursuit for a mate is greater than your pursuit for God...good luck in your search! Find God, and then find the Gift! It makes things so much opinion.
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Is this the flip-flopping fabricator you want for November 2012? . 4
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May the Lord continue to order your steps Love, Mary Daniels
Don’t Eat Fortune’s Cookie Michael Lewis, author of Money ball, recently delivered the graduation speech at Princeton University. In his presentation, he shared this story: A few years ago, just a few blocks from my home, a pair of researchers in the Cal psychology department staged an experiment. They began by grabbing students, as lab rats. Then they broke the students into teams, segregated by sex. Three men, or three women, per team. Then they put these teams of three into a room, and arbitrarily assigned one of the three to act as leader. Then they gave them some complicated moral problem to solve: say what should be done about academic cheating, or how to regulate drinking on campus. Exactly 30 minutes into the problem-solving the researchers interrupted each group. They entered the room bearing a plate of cookies.
Four cookies. The team consisted of three people, but there were these four cookies. Every team member obviously got one cookie, but that left a fourth cookie, just sitting there. It should have been awkward. But it wasn’t. With incredible consistency the person arbitrarily appointed leader of the group grabbed the fourth cookie, and ate it. Not only ate it, but ate it with gusto: lips smacking, mouth open, drool at the corners of their mouths. In the end all that was left of the extra cookie were crumbs on the leader’s shirt. This leader had performed no special task. He had no special virtue. He’d been chosen at random, 30 minutes earlier. His status was nothing but luck. But it still left him with the sense that the cookie should be his. Michael used this story to remind the graduates of how lucky they were to be in their positions and that they shouldn’t take their positions for granted. He ended by saying, “All of you have been faced with the extra cookie. All of you will be faced with many more of them. In time you will find it easy to assume that you deserve the extra cookie. For all I know, you may. But you’ll be happier, and the world will be better off, if you at least pretend that you don’t.” Chances are, if you are reading this post, you live in fortunate circumstances. You may not consider yourself to be a part of the fortunate few, but if you have access to clean water, eat more than one meal a day, have a roof over your head and have enough money for yourself and your family’s basic requirements, you are in the minority. The reality is that much of our good fortune is due to the arbitrary circumstances we were born into. I know that I responsible for making the most of my opportunities in life and I constantly say that we make our own success, but I am also aware that being born in Australia rather than a small rural village in Burundi or Afghanistan gives me access to many more resources. This story from Michael is a reminder to not just to take all that we can because we feel entitled, but to make sure that everyone is being looked after. Some say that we are blessed so that we can be a blessing to others. I would encourage you today to be that blessing to those less fortunate and not eat fortune’s cookie. 5
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Feel good flavor 14: Writer: Simone Malone Well, summer is here and many people are in the community more and enjoy taking vacations this time of the year. For many it’s all about change. I talk to many people through my radio shows and inspirational moments via video and counseling in mental health that wants to change aspects of their life. One of the things I get them to look at is their personal magnetism. Personal magnetism is not something only attributed to people like movie stars or politicians. All of us possess our own brand of magnetism. On a very basic level, our bodies have own energy field, and, just like a magnet, we all can attract (or repel) people, situations or things either to or away from us. This is because our thoughts and emotions are forms of energy as well, and the thoughts and emotions that we “send out” have a great deal to do with how others perceive us and how we interact in the world. Changing our thoughts and getting clearer about our emotions has a direct effect on our energy. The key here is for us to become aware of the types of thoughts and emotions that we generally have. Are they positive and open to possibilities, or negative and critical (of yourself or others)? A simple point to remember is that we attract what we focus on. Try to check in throughout the day to see how you are feeling. For example, if you catch yourself having a negative thought such as, “I'll never get ahead,” you're sending out a negative, or repelling, energy. But if you can turn it into a more positive statement, like “I am tackling the challenges along my chosen path,” you'll be sending out a positive, attracting energy. This summer boost your personal magnetism with positive thoughts, and, like the old folk song, “let your little light shine.” Until the next time Remember that you are never alone with Simone Malone.
JULY 2012
My Head Hurts Writer: Christine Tunstall My head hurts from the ridiculousness of society. There isn’t enough Tylenol or Excedrin available to rid me of this ache. Let me share with you some of the issues that plague my normally calm demeanor, causing a tremendous headache to appear whenever these topics (and many more) crop up each day. Have no fear, there isn’t a day that passes that I haven’t had to look at a situation, shake my head and wonder why I cannot obtain a Tylenol drip to help ease the pain. Voting – The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was signed into law on August 6, 1965, by President Lyndon Johnson. It outlawed the discriminatory voting practices adopted in many southern states after the Civil War, including literacy tests as a prerequisite to voting. The events that led up to the signing of the Voting Rights Act are well known and documented. There were numerous people who lost their lives and underwent savage treatment just because they understood how important it was for every citizen of these yet to be United States to be able to exercise their right to vote. Even with the limited choices of viable, desirable candidates to vote for, the fact remains that you still have a choice. Not voting is not a choice. It is ridiculous. Not voting has you making a decision which goes against your interest. Today, the republicans are actively doing all they can to discourage minorities from exercising their basic right to vote. They clearly understand that a non-vote is the same as voting republican. When I listen to, read up on or review the practices of the Republican Party, I shake my head in disgust and dismay. My migraine is not far away when I hear minorities (or any person) remark that they have decided not to vote because it just doesn’t matter. This headache just won’t go away! Sagging – This phenomenon began with the prison industrial system. Inmates were not always given clothing that fit them which caused their pants to sag. Later, in the same prison environment, when sagging pants were observed, it normally implied the person who wore the pants was willing to participate in sexual advances from other male prisoners. For some ungodly reason, the hip hop culture decided to latch onto this unkempt look. Emulating this sagging pants culture has gotten completely outof-hand. There are now laws in various counties around the country which makes it a crime to sag your pants. In some areas, the pants are worn so low that the appearance of skin between the bottom of the bloomers and top of the pants is even visible. The sight of dirty, nasty, skidded drawers is enough to give the most tolerant of society a terrible headache!! Driving While Distracted – Whether you are texting, talking, shaving, reading the paper (yes I said reading the paper), chastising children or having sex, if you are doing any of these items while driving, YOU HAVE A PROBLEM and YOU ARE A PROBLEM. Children have been killed. Accidents that could have been avoided are not. Driving, in and of itself, takes all of your concentration. There is no excuse for driving while distracted. If you must participate in any activity that competes with your driving concentration, you need to pull over, complete your task and then get back on the road. The situation has gotten so out of hand that when an accident occurs, the phone records of the drivers are subpoenaed and reviewed before a determination can be reached concerning what distractions could have caused the accident. Unless you happen to be the Commander in Chief, making 7
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a decision about national security, you can pull over or wait until you reach your destination before you begin an exchange on your mobile phone. Riding on the highways and streets around this country, it is infuriating to see how few drivers are giving their total attention to the road ahead. This headache caused by this behavior is bigger than Tylenol can conquer. Dumbing Down – Benjamin Mays said “not failure but low aim is the real sin.” James Russell Lowell said “If we could solve our problems by sitting on the couch and watching TV we would live in paradise.” Just a mere short time in history ago, it was a crime to educate minorities. Once our ancestors succeeded in making certain that education was available to minority children as readily as it was to white children, they instilled in us a hunger for knowledge. In the 1960s and 1970s and even a small part of the 1980s, minority children hungered to reach the top. Minority children excelled in every subject, showing the law makers that it was not a mistake to have minority children learn right beside white children. In the later part of the 1980s, all of the 1990s and since then, it is fashionable to fail. Minority children are dropping out of schools in record numbers. Many of the minority children who attend school create disciplinary problems and interrupt the learning environment. Not only do many minority students show they have no interest in learning, but, they make certain those around them cannot learn in a safe, calm environment. What happened? When did everything change? Do you have a headache yet? My head hurts something terrible and it will definitely take more than Tylenol to get rid of this ache. It will take the combined effort of every single person who wants more for themselves and their society. It will take the concerted effort of every individual to patiently attempt to guide our sisters/brothers/children (and many time ourselves) back to a place where we can build each other up, not tear each other down. We need to get back to a place where we are our brothers (and sisters) keeper. Get back to loving thy neighbor and loving one another in the love that only Jesus Christ can give you. Be blessed!!
JULY 2012
Café LeMont’s (The Experience) 610.622.5580 717 Church Lane, Yeadon, PA For classy good home style southern cuisine at affordable prices ($7.99 & $12.99 All You Can Eat) and the very best in musical entertainment Café LeMont’s is the place you would want to be. The Café hours are Tuesday through Saturday 11 AM to 9 AM and 11 AM to 8 PM on Sundays. Tuesday’s are Senior Citizen Day. All seniors get 10% off your meal. Just show your ID
JULY 2012
Riecee Siren “If you opened me up instead of blood you’ll find music notes.” Formerly known as the girl from Renewed Disciples, Falonn Lawrence Witherspoon better known as Riecee Siren began her solo artist career in January 2012. Growing up listening to singers such as Rance Allen, The Winans and Commissioned; defining some of her favorites as Ella Fitzgerald, Kim Burrell, TaTa Vega and Bilal… music is her life!
Inspired by the scripture “Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy” ~ Psalms 126:5 using her personal life experience to reach souls across the nations, the pen goes to the paper and the mic to her hand. As she sings and raps about trials of life and the “Unnecessary Pain” that is brings, Riecee’s music is not limited to the body of Christ; but expanded to reach all.
Motivated by hurt and pain, Riecee Siren is the relatable form of gospel and hopes the body of Christ will realize that this form of music is needed today. Being the “Rule Breaker” that she is with her aggressive approach, unique vocal capability, different music and loud hairstyles; Riecee has been ordained to show young people that living Holy can be fly. “Ima push hope I just make it look dope”, she proclaims in one of her songs. Her mission is to break the misconstrued idea that humility is low
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self-esteem and confidence is arrogance. Tasked to show others that living Holy can’t be stereotyped based on appearance. What matters is the lifestyle.
Taking music to the next level, breaking barriers, removing limitation; Riecee is reaching goals and setting new standards…Enigma vs. Siren emerged! In a matter of five months, writing all of her music, Riecee has been able to go solo and produce a seven track EP. With her known works such as “Unnecessary Pain “and “Rule Breaker”, Riecee is also releasing some of the hottest tracks “3Ring Circus” and “Zombie” With song titles that people would turn their noses, hoping that people would use that very thought of curiosity to listen to the lyrics.
“It is my assignment to shed God's positive light in all that I do. In my walk, talk, music, dress and lifestyle; I should always be an encouragement unto you. Helping young ladies to find liberty within them resulting in confidence, freedom to express, walk with their heads high and being the phenomenal women God called us to be! We are the "Game Changers" in Christ!” Riecee proudly declares.
Although her style is different, her hair is loud; but her message even louder. It would behoove you to pick up her CD “Enigma Vs. Siren” for it will relate to you in some way of this journey called life; drawing you nearer to our Heavenly Father Jesus Christ. Get your copy today on the variety of download sites such as iTunes and more. Or call (856) 418-0329 to see where the CD is being sold in a store near you! Stay in the know as Riecee broadens the horizon of gospel music by following her on Twitter @RieceeSiren_nRD. If you ever need a vocalist who can sing; but is genuine, real and will deliver a message, book Riecee by e-mailing
Manna Enterprises Event Planning Limited Only By Your Imagination Christian G. Schley, CEO New Talent & Business Development Servant is who I am, Service is what I do! (856) 579-8267 Office (856) 418-0329 Cell
JULY 2012
JULY 2012
A HEALTHY BODY IS A HEALTHY MIND IS A HEALTHY SPIRIT Writer: Phill Hughes During this summer season, with temperatures rising, I thought it appropriate to talk about “healthy drinks”. Beverages are usually the first thing we reach for when the mercury is on the rise. In doing my research for what’s best to drink, I consulted the Harvard School of Public Health and here’s what they had to say; “It's time to address America's hidden drinking problem—the rivers of sugary soft drinks, juices, and other beverages we guzzle daily. On a typical day, four out of five U.S. children and two out of three U.S. adults drink sugar-sweetened beverages, gulping them down in astonishing amounts. Teen boys average more than a quart of sugary drinks a day. Even adults trying to lose weight average more than two 12-ounce cans of sugary drinks a day. Fruit juice doesn't offer a better option, though it has more nutrients, because ounce for ounce it contains as much sugar and calories as soda pop.” Taking this information into consideration, let’s take a closer look at some of the pros and cons in beverage consumption. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggests the following: For coffee, instead of that medium (16 oz) café latte with whole milk which adds up to 265 calories, try the small (12 oz) café latte with fat free milk which is only 125 calories. To wash down that combo meal for lunch, change from a 20 ounce cola which has 227 calories, to water, which has zero calories. For the afternoon break, instead of that 16 ounce sweetened iced tea from the vending machine, which has 180 calories, enjoy a cool glass of water with a fresh slice of lemon or lime which has zero calories. Now when it comes to milk, milk contains vitamins and other nutrients that contribute to good health, but it also contain calories. Choosing low-fat or fat-free milk is a good way to reduce your calorie intake and still get the nutrients that milk contains. Harvard School of Public Health suggests, store-bought or cafe smoothies are marketed as "health" foods, but they are often loaded with sugar and high in calories—some have upwards of 300 calories in a 12 ounce serving. Try making a refreshing fresh fruit cooler instead. There's no added sugar, and just a small amount of fruit, so this drink is only about 18 calories for each 12-ounce glass. • • • •
1/2 cup of ice 3/4 cup of sugar-free sparkling water 1/3 cup of melon or berries Chopped mint leaves or citrus slices (optional)
Place ice, sparkling water, and fruit in a blender. Blend until slushy, pour into a glass and garnish with mint or citrus slices. Serves 1. Don’t you just want to say, AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Be safe and think healthy this summer. 1st Corinthians 6:20, For you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. 13
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Mozelle G’s What the Hell Corner! I hope you all read my saggin britches story last month. I know I was just beating a dead horse! I thought after last month’s unloading of my feelings about this style I would have been over it. However, the more I see young men walking the streets with their pants off their azz the more disgusted I become. Have belt makers stop making belts? Everywhere I go the mall, department stores, schools, places of business, even in the church. What the hell is going on with this fad? It has even crossed over to the women. That’s right I saw a girl (I guess she was a girl. One can’t be too sure these days) with her pants saggin. In my day when I was a young girl our parents taught us to be ladies and boys to be gentlemen! A man would take pride in the way he dressed. Now days they even wear sneakers with a suit. Women in skin tight britches and tank tops that show all their goods. Men pants dropped, showing their drawers. What the Hell! Waiting on the right one! To all the girls who are in a hurry to have a boyfriend or get married, a piece of Biblical advice from Mozelle: " Ruth patiently waited for her mate Boaz." While you are waiting on YOUR Boaz, don't settle for any of his relatives: Broke-az, Po-az, Lyinaz, Cheating-az, Dumb-az, Drunk-az, Cheap-az, Lockedup-az, Goodfornothing-az, Lazy-az, and especially his third cousin Beatinyo-az. Wait on your Boaz and make sure he respects Yoaz. R. E. S. P. E. C. T. Can someone please tell me when roles of adults and children got reversed? You may ask me what the hell I am talking about. Hell! I saw a story on the TV about a group of children who were harassing a grandmother who was a bus monitor on a school bus. They was prodding, picking and generally disrespecting this older lady. Look-a-here I’m old school! I believe in beating azz! Children need to learn to respect authority and ole folk. I was raised up that way by my parents. I raised my children up that way and hopefully they are raising my grand’s up that way. Where the hell is the home training of the youth of today? God knows that I am sooooooooo glad I was not the monitor on that bus. I would have made the driver pull the bus the hell over and wup some azz. Yes Sir! There is no way in heaven or hell I would have let those young punks harass me like they did that poor woman. You parents better wake up and start parenting the old fashion way. That’s all I gotta say.
JULY 2012
The Expectation of Faith Writer: Monica F. Hudson Let the believer look at the powerful definition of faith written in the book of Hebrew 11:1. (nlt)What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see. God gave his approval to people in the days of old because of their faith. In the continued reading of the Scriptures in both the old and new testaments the bible projects events where the Lord’s people were placed in impasse situations that proved to be divinely orchestrated to show God's power and his chosen their conviction in his promises fulfilled were binding. Those of scientific or psychological character have explored and tried to reason, expose and explain heightened biblical events that happened through natural scientific origins to reason with the mental and optical influence of such events not excepting that God was involved in these awe inspiring moments that faith was responsible for holding back the rain or dividing the sea. Some ask where the origin of this miraculous faith is and how does one harness it's power to be used for selfish goals? One must first be obedient to God to except his will and be compliant to God's promises and mission this keeps one in right relationship with God this believing is pleasing and effective in the daily walking with God. Genesis 17:3 (nlt). At this, Abram fell face down in the dust then God said to him this is my covenant with you: I will make you the father of not just one nation but a multitude of nations! What's more I am changing your name. It will no longer be Abram now you will be known as Abraham, for you will be the father of many nations. I will give you millions of descendants who will represent many nations. Kings will be among them! This faith isn't for manmade selfishness but conviction of God for his relationship with man demonstrating his promises and love that man would follow all of God's commandments which lead towards the Son. Luke 22:20 (nlt) After supper he took another cup of wine and said, "This wine is the token of God's new covenant to save you-----an agreement sealed with the blood I will pour out for you." Beyond man's own understanding stands Wisdom, Proverbs 2:5-9 (nlt) then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge of God. For the Lord grants Wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He is their shield protecting those who walk with integrity. He guards the path of justice and protects those who are faithful to him. So in the expectation of faith what does the believer yet find in one's own life? THe Lord who has shown his covenant to his people true by words and actions through the generations starting with Abraham the promise of a Savior a Messiah that would come to save man, to redeem man from sin and that in this expectancy of faith we living would behold God working in our life's that our faith might indeed increase because of his glory. Job 37:22-24(nlt). In today's world an ever increasing amount of trials and tests are coming into the believers life encircling and confusing his stability with himself and the-world his joy and faith attacked
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from every side. Man's expectancy that God would remove these illness pains and fiery arrows would draw the believer into an intimate relationship with Christ. 1Peter 1:7 (nt) These trials are only to test your faith to show that it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold----and your faith is far more precious to God than mere gold. So if your faith remains strong after being tried by fiery trials it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. May the believer in Christ know that through this walk of faith God will not abandon you his supportive actions in your life can be revealed within the generations from Abraham through to King David and his son Solomon the prophets and all those God gave his promise too that you may have empowerment and fullness of life through the Holy Spirit until we shall receive our salvation.
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THE PASTORS CORNER “A Dead Situation Brought To Life” Pastor Lenora G. Young Scripture: 9
Genesis 18:9-14 – Romans 4:19-21
“Where is Sarah, your wife?” they asked him. “In the tent,” Abraham replied. 10
Then one of them said, “About this time next year I will return, and your wife Sarah will have a son.” Now Sarah was listening to this conversation from the tent nearby. 11 And since Abraham and Sarah were both very old, and Sarah was long past the age of having children, 12 she laughed silently to herself. “How could a worn-out woman like me have a baby?” she thought. “And when my master—my husband—is also so old?”
Then the LORD said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh? Why did she say, ‘Can an old woman
like me have a baby?’ 14 Is anything too hard for the LORD? About a year from now, just as I told you, I will return, and Sarah will have a son.” Rom 4:19-21 And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb: He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.” Definition: Dead Deprived of life; having died – Having the appearance of death – Lacking power to move, feel or respond Situation: Relative position or combination of circumstances at a certain moment – A critical, trying, or unusual state of affairs. Life: The period from birth to death – a specific phase of earthly existence – a living being, especially a human being. The state of being alive. The scriptures we have read are indeed familiar passages. We are or should be acquainted with the story Abraham and Sarah. This story deals with something that was dead and in the eyes of man, impossibility – but in the eyes of God – a great possibility. In this life of Christendom, we go through 17
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many transitions – some pleasant, some not pleasant. God has promised many things in our lives, but they have not as of yet come to pass. We have gone through much for the sake of Christ waiting on the promise to come to pass. It seems that we’re right at the brink of getting what God promised and then for some reason it disappears. When we have done all that we could do – when we have lived all that we know how – we’ve obeyed the word and we’ve kept His commandments – we’ve kept our prayer hours – we’ve fasted – we’ve sacrificed and gave up the things of the world only to find out that all we have done has lead us into a dry – desolate place. All around you seems to be dead. Nothing is happening – God don’t you hear me – don’t you see what’s going on – Don’t you care. How many of you have looked into the heavens and possibly spoke these words as recorded in the book of Psa. 13, “How long wilt thou forget me, O LORD? forever? How long wilt thou hide thy face from me? How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily” Psa. 88 “But unto thee have I cried, O LORD; and in the morning shall my prayer prevent thee. LORD, why castest thou off my soul? why hidest thou thy face from me” But the word of God speaks back to you and says these words; “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” Makes no difference what you are going through – what you see – what you hear – what you feel “God said my situation is coming to life.” No matter how old the promise is – makes no difference how old you are – I’ve come to let you know that your dead situation is coming to life. When you put your hands into the situation trying to revive it – trying to resurrect the promise yourself – it just lies there. Why? Because you don’t have the power to bring yourself back to life. I’m not talking about an order that has been placed by man – but I am talking about an order that has been placed by God. When God orders your situation, only God can bring it back to life. It has been done in this manner to prove to you that God is still in control. It has been done in this manner that God will receive all the glory and honor. No man will be able to take credit for what God is doing in your life. The bible says “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” Isa 40:4, 5 “Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain: And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” We are familiar with this story. It speaks of a man – past the age of procreation and a woman – past the age of conception. God uses impossible situations to prove that there is nothing impossible with Him. No matter how old the promise, it has not been forgotten and it shall be. God told Abram in his word, and thou shalt be a father not just a father of one but a father of many nations. All of Gods shalls are loaded. There is no such thing as a dud with God. It will always hit the target and always brings forth fruit. We see in the scripture that the promise of God – the Word of God backs itself up – it proves itself. Let’s look at the proof. Gen. 17:1-4; And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. Gen 17:6-10
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And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God. And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations. This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; God meant what he said. His Word is infallible. His Word is perfect. His Word water tight. His Word is dependable and reliable. His Word is flawless. His Word is foolproof. The bible goes on to say that Sarah thought it was funny. I can vision and hear her saying to herself, “ME, HAVING A BABY AT THIS AGE? - - - YEA! - - - RIGHT. Age has nothing to do with the promises of God. When God speaks into your life, look for it. It may look like it is dead but look again it’s in the process of coming to life. You may say, I can’t see it – everything has turned around – everything seems to be upside down. Let me encourage you and bring you into the realization that you are in the right position for the promise. Babies that have gone full term cannot come into the world until they are in the upside down position. Your promise is in the blessing canal. That which has been lying dormant (your promise) is coming to life. It’s beginning to stir and kick within your spiritual womb. It’s coming into manifestation. It will – It shall come. Now is the time to praise God for your situation coming to life.
Gospel Music Preservation Alliance Pre-Musical Service On Saturday July 28, 2012, 5 PM at the Bright Hope Baptist Church located at 12th & Cecil B. Moore Avenue, Philadelphia, PA The Gospel Music Preservation Alliance will have sponsor its Pre-Musical to the National Convention of Gospel Choirs and Choruses. The Special Guest will be the Thomas Jennings and the Inspirational Choral Ensemble of Atlantic City, New Jersey. Also joining us on July 28th will be the Reverend Dr. Kevin R. Johnson, Senior Pastor of Bright Hope Baptist Church along with the Bright Hope Mass Choir. Everyone is invited. This is a Freewill Offering. Serena Blanco, President & Founder
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Thomas Jennings & the Inspirational Choral Ensemble of Atlantic City The Inspirational Choral Ensemble was born November 8, 1974 with the blessing of the Rev. I.S. Cole, the assistance of Rev. Milton L. Hendricks and Sis. Pearline Glass. There were 19 present at the original meeting and of these 19, 3 are still active members. Now, 37 years later, the over 70 member choir, affectionately known as I.C.E., is one of 5 choirs praising the Lord with members and visitors at Second Baptist Church in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The Inspirational Choral Ensemble is led by the talented hand of Min. of Music, Thomas Jennings. With the exception of 4 years while serving his country, Min. Jennings has been the Organist/Director and inspiration these past 37 years. Over the years I.C.E. has been fortunate enough to travel throughout New Jersey and the East coast proclaiming God's message in song. The Inspirational’s have also been blessed to sing with several recording artists; Richard Smallwood Singers, Edwin Hawkins Singers and the John Howard Gospel Caravan to name a few. Over the last three years the choir has been regulars at the Gospel Brunch at the House of Blues in the Showboat Hotel/Casino. Praise the Lord and pass the biscuits! In December of 2007, the Inspirational Choral Ensemble released their debut CD "Consecration". 11 original tracts written by members of the choir and arranged by the Min. of Music and musicians.
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The Importance of Continuing Lifelong Education Writer: Carl C. Gable III Most physicians, especially those who have completed residency and/or fellowship training in the last 5 to 10 years, are aware of a relatively new requirement known as primary or subspecialty recertification along with continuing medical education (CME). Other professions have similar requirements. These are measures taken by licensing boards in an attempt to ensure that each physician or other professional continues his or her education beyond the classroom and/or formal training, thereby forcing that individual to stay current, and by extension relevant, in their chosen profession. These relatively new requirements highlight the importance that professionals must continue to learn above and beyond that which is minimally required upon completion of formal study. Though prevalent in medical and other professional careers, the concept of an individual continuing his or her education can and should be extended to almost every aspect of life. Proverbs 15:14 (NIV) admonishes us that “the heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge, but the mouth of fools feed on folly.” Too many of us, when we graduate from either high school or college adopt the idea that the diploma marks the end of our education. This way of thinking is often reflected in many of our comments on the subject: “I am so glad to be done with school.” “I am so glad I don’t have to read anymore.” “I am sick and tired of taking exams.” In reality however, the diploma should be the beginning of a lifetime of learning that subsequently becomes self acquired. Outside of the classroom, the principle still applies. All of us should be students of life so that as often as possible, we improve upon or perfect some aspect of our lives as a result of our study. Without this attitude, we are sure to remain stagnant not only in the occupational arena of our lives but in life in general. Imagine for a moment the elite tennis player who after winning a championship match adopts the attitude that he or she has reached their goal and no longer needs to practice or improve. Such an attitude virtually guarantees a different champion the following year. It is no different with us! Each of us should routinely examine our lives in an effort to find areas within which we can improve by arduous study. Once we find that area of our lives within which we would like to make improvements, we would do well to figure out exactly how we might go about making those improvements. Perhaps some of you want to become better parents. If so, then study those who have successfully reared children and have perhaps written a book or two on the subject. Perhaps you desire to become a healthier individual. If so, then reading up on how to properly exercise and nourish the body with appropriate foods would obviously be of benefit. Regardless of the improvements any of us wishes to make, there are fortunately many sources of information readily available to us. In addition, the sources of information are available in many different forms (books, the internet, videos, etc.) so that the excuse of not enjoying reading is no longer quite as valid. In other words, often the only major thing required of us is the motivation to 21
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educate ourselves on a particular topic. With this in mind, may all of us adopt the attitude that continuing our education beyond that which was required of us in school is not only desirable but a great necessity.