June ,2012
Vol ume17
JUNE 2012
Make It So Report Happy Father’s Day EDITOR
Allen Green
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Donald E. Graham, Jr. Mary Daniels Simone Malone Lenora Young Phil Hughes Christine Tunstall Monica F. Hudson Irene Council Donna Rouse Carl C. Gable III
JUNE 2012
Father’s Day June 17, 2012 Once a year in the month of June we set aside a special day to honor and celebrate Fathers. Following is a brief history of the origin of this celebration.
Father's Day is always the third Sunday in June. Father's Day honors the role of dads and men who serve in father-like roles in the lives of others. Fathers, grandfathers, stepfathers, fathers-to-be all have a day to stand in the spotlight on Father's Day. As "non-traditional" family structures become more common, any nurturing man – "big brothers," brothers-in-law, uncles, neighbors and others who are "like a father" – is likely to be honored on Father's Day. Father's Day originated in 1909 when a woman named Sonora Dodd came up with the idea. Mrs. Dodd's father, William Jackson Smart, had raised her and her five siblings after their mother died in childbirth. While listening to a Mother's Day sermon at a church near her family's home in eastern Washington State, Mrs. Dodd thought about the sacrifices her father had made for his children and the fine job he had done in raising them. Because her father had been born in June, she decided to encourage the churches in her area to honor fathers in June. Through her efforts, the first Father's Day was celebrated in Spokane, Washington, in June 1910. Although Congress passed several resolutions over the years in support of Father's Day, it did not become an official U.S. holiday until 1972, when then-President Nixon issued a proclamation declaring the third Sunday in June as Father's Day in the United States. http://www.calendar-updates.com/info/holidays/us/fathers.aspx 2
JUNE 2012
The Heart of a Hazer Writer: Christine Tunstall The handsome young couple meets each other in their junior year of high school. They attend both their junior and senior proms together. After graduating from high school, they attend different colleges but remain only romantically interested in each other. After college, they marry and begin their life together. They work in their respective fields and become the proud parents of three children. Picturesque is how anyone could describe their life together. All three of their children grow up loved, nurtured and encouraged. When their children attend college, two of the three opt not to pledge in a sorority or fraternity due to the pledging rituals. After all, when their parents attended college, pledging was not dangerous or harmful. When the mother in this family pledged, the most risqué part of her pledging ritual was all eleven girls who pledged had to take turns completing the laundry needs of their sorority sisters for a full semester. When their father pledged, he and his fellow pledges, had to parade around the campus wearing diapers for two days – humiliating but nothing life threatening. Let’s fast forward to the youngest son of these parents now faced with the choice of pledging. He is very impressionable, eager to please and very interested in being a member of this very popular fraternity. Without sharing with his parents the information concerning the rite of passage to pledge, this young man just goes along with all of the requirements. On the final evening while he is still a pledge and not a full member, he goes through the final condition. He and the nine other young men are walked through a line of the fraternity brothers who take turns hitting and beating these young men until they reach the end of the line. This is called hazing. This young man and one of the other young pledges were severely injured during this ritual. While this is a very popular method of induction into many fraternities (and even sororities) around the world, it is not an American invention. “Keep in mind three words – penalism (Europe) fagging (G.B.), and hazing (U.S.). Penalism, on the European continent, goes back to the middle Ages. The underlying idea was that the newcomer to the university was an untutored, uncivilized man, who had first to be polished before he could become a regular member of the university; before he could taste the sweets of a student’s life he should suffer hardships. To make the ‘freshman’ aware of his proper mode of behavior, he was subjected to weird dress, physical abuse, coarse jokes and extortion of money or dinners from the hazers.” In the 1600s this ceremony was accepted as an official act by a number of European universities which even required that to receive a master’s degree the student must produce an official statement that he had successfully completed it.” However, penalism was abolished in the 1700s. “Fagging was strictly an English practice which began to take clear shape in the English aristocratic prep schools and to a lesser degree in Oxford and Cambridge. This was also a form of shaping up the freshmen. Fagging differed from penalism in its emphasis upon personal menial service and drudgery. Each upper-classman selected a ‘fag’ from the new boys, made him run errands and clean up his digs or quarters and administered physical punishment along with verbal abuse to the miserable fag. Justified as a means of teaching humility and proper behavior, fagging led to bullying, permanent injury, deaths and 3
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suicide. Penalism was a one-event initiation of sorts but fagging was a round-the-clock yearlong proposition. Fagging reached its high point in the nineteenth century but disappeared in the twentieth.” “Hazing became prominent only after 1850. It stressed horse-play and pranks, not personal service (like fagging); it was erratic and occasional, rather than an everyday affair. Hazing of freshman by sophomores began to develop in the Eastern colleges. It had developed even earlier at the military academies – West Point and Annapolis, and their college imitators. Large numbers in universities made students search for some means to build class unity, and sports teams seemed to require school spirit for psychological motivation. Hazing was one answer and it became a new American college tradition at the Ivy League and other state university institutions.” “State legislation against hazing began to appear in the early 20th century and became fairly general by 1950. In 1950 hazing itself was illegal.” To participate in a hazing (as the victim) is equivalent to staying in an abusive relationship. Now, back to the story. The parents of both young men were notified that their sons were air-lifted to the hospital. There would be five long days waiting for a positive change in condition. The parents were outraged and expressed their concern that, obviously, a group of hooligans were travelling the area of the college attacking young college students. The outrage reached boiling heights. After all, their children were attending a prestigious university; both boys were on the dean’s list and were responsible young men. There weren’t any reports of misbehavior during their time at the university and no evidence of problems with other students. The beating their sons underwent could only come from some sick individuals who needed to be removed from the streets and incarcerated with others who have shown society they cannot be part of the civilized who co-exist each day peacefully. The parents demanded justice. The police exhaustively investigated the beating and were finally able to reconstruct the events that took place the day of the beating. What a shock to the university, the police and, more importantly, the parents to learn that these two young men were beat savagely by students at the university who their sons sit beside every day; students on the dean’s list whose philanthropic contributions had won the university many awards. The savage attack was a result of young men who one day could have easily been senators, congressmen, policemen, doctors, lawyers and university presidents. Most heartbreaking was that the boys participated willingly. Once the detectives completed their interviews with the young men who savagely beat their fellow colleagues, the university conducted an open forum concerning hazing. The response from alumni of the university who are also members of various fraternities was incredible. These men discussed their experiences of being in fraternities. Many admitted that although their ‘final day ritual’ was tolerable to them, when they had the opportunity to participate in a ‘final day ritual’ they expended harsher treatment to those under them. They admitted they would hit the person a lot harder than they themselves were hit when they joined. What is in the heart of someone who believes that inflicting bodily harm (and sometimes death) is the most reasonable way to show you care? Beating rituals are a rite of passage to be a part of a gang. Many women have had to relocate themselves and their children to get away from a loved one who repeatedly beats them with the same savage result these fraternity/sorority/gang rites of passage inflict. What is in the heart of someone to attempt to justify such a barbaric manner of induction, claiming a positive end result – brotherhood/sisterhood? 4
JUNE 2012
Hazing, in my view, is abuse. When I meet a victim of domestic violence, I urge that person to flee to safety. A youngster who is ‘jumped’ into a gang, I urge that person to flee to safety. A student at a university who must participate in a hazing ritual -- flee to safety. In colleges, hazing is the most extensive discussion and the least tolerated ritual by public opinion. The mere savage nature should make it appalling to everyone. I ask, what is in the heart of a hazer -- certainly not the love of Jesus Christ! Be blessed.
True Love Written by: Dr. Donna Rouse Webster defines love as a profound tender, passionate affection for another person. Another definition is explained as a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend. This definition is correct on a general basis. On a spiritual aspect of things this definition has nothing on the true meaning of LOVE. The human perception of love is obscured to a level of confusion. With society playing a major role in telling us what to think, feel, do, and the ideal mate to have, confusion is evident. You cannot adhere to societal standards of love. Society changes its views every five to ten years on what’s right and wrong. It’s pretty simple. Read the Bible! From the beginning to end are great representations of true love. We as humans place too much pressure on individuals to be something unattainable. We could never love each other to the level of how God loves us, but we can love each other (enemies included) in efforts to emulate Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the perfect example of love. One man gave his life for our sins. Now that’s love. Some people wouldn’t give up a seat on the bus for an expecting mother, but this man gave his life for every human being ever created in Gods image. That’s amazing to me. My favorite verse to read and to live by is 1 John 4:7-9 (NIV) Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9 This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son[a] into the world that we might live through him. The true definition of LOVE.
JUNE 2012
“Defeating the Pharaoh in Your Mind” Writer: Minister Donald Graham Jr. The book of Exodus gives an account of Israel’s deliverance out of Egypt. It is both a compelling and inspiring story to read, but we cannot overlook the fact that it is also a story of faith, hope, trust, and deliverance by the mighty hand of a God who loves his people. Israel desperately wanted to be delivered from the oppressive bondage and torment inflicted upon them by the tyrannous hand of Pharaoh. Does this sound like you? Have you found yourself living in bondage to someone else’s agenda or their perception of you? Are you in an abusive relationship or marriage that has you bound or afraid to speak up for yourself because of the consequences? Whatever it is that has you bound it is a good chance that there is a Pharaoh calling the shots behind the scenes. Pharaoh can represent different things to different people. He can represent a toxic person, relationship, or even an addiction. Pharaoh is often the ruler of your own belief system which causes you to believe things that keep you bound as opposed to releasing you into the purposes of God. As we read the Exodus story we find that not only did Pharaoh have a physical hold on the children of Israel, he also had an emotional and psychological grip on them as well. That grip was so tight that even a few weeks after Moses led them out of bondage; they murmured against him at the first sign of trouble and expressed a desire to go back into Egypt. Imagine being so mentally weekend to the point that you would even consider the idea of going back into bondage simply because it is familiar. Unlike physical bondage, the person who is emotionally imprisoned keeps psychological bondage in place. To be emotionally oppressed one must participate in the oppression, therefore keeping them bound. There are two types of oppression that occurs as a result of psychological bondage. The first type is internal oppression. This is where a person is unable to let go of what has happened to them, what they have done to themselves or what they have done to someone else. These memories can be carried from childhood to adulthood and it causes the person to react and act upon situations based on their prior experiences. The second type is external oppression. External oppression comes in the form of someone who constantly tries to dictate to you who you are to them. For some it could be a controlling spouse, a boss who is abrasive and condescending, or that parent who constantly reminds their child of their past failures. For others it may come in the form of someone you have hurt in the past who now uses that same hurt as the barometer by which they measure you with. Fair or not, it is a fact that people will often define you by where they first met you. It is time to shift our focus from our past mistakes and hurts to who we are today and who we can become in Christ. The apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 10:5 “Casting down imaginations and every high thing that would exalt itself against the knowledge of God and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” God will use you regardless of your past sins, and he loves you enough not to allow you to remain in your present state. Do not be fooled my friend. You can say you are free until you’re blue in the face, but if your actions do not line up with what you say out of your mouth…people will begin to take notice. Like 6
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the children of Israel it is possible to be delivered from bondage physically but still be bound mentally and attached emotionally. I've seen God remove people from unhealthy situations just to see them end up right back where they were. Deliverance is not always about being removed from a physical location, but rather, it is about mental and spiritual emancipation, in other words – freedom of the mind. Make a vow today not to allow people or situations to live ‘rent-free’ in your head ever again. Let go and let God cleanse your heart from the residue of bondage that you were delivered from. When you think about it, what good is it to leave Egypt but still long for it in your heart? Therefore I urge you to bury your Pharaoh…before your Pharaoh buries you!
JUNE 2012
JewelFetish Talks Fashion Jewelry www.JewelFetish.com Ahhh…Yellow. We ♥ yellow…sunflower, goldenrod, dandelion, canary, and even neon. Outerwear, tops, pants, cocktail dresses, shoes, and of course, accessories are beaming shades of yellow, which has taken hold of the season. How do we explain the overload of “the canary” this spring? Maybe there was a special on yellow fabric from the previous spring season. Whatever the reason, this season, yellow is popping! Yellow might be a little daunting for those who love the bright and cheery color, but are unsure if they can actually pull it off. Albeit, everyone can wear yellow…choose your shade!
JUNE 2012
Relationship Tips from the Heart Writer: Irene Council
Taking relationship advice from your bitter girlfriend, your scorned cousin, your lonely mom and her bitter single friend is not going to lead you in the right direction. So prayer seems to be your best bet at this point! It's not a good idea to ask about your date's past relationships, especially on the first date. Focus on "now" and trust me, the past "Boo conversation" will come up (eventually) without you saying a word, just wait! Trust me, it's not the weight you've gain that is keeping men from asking you out. But it could be the lack of confidence you walk around with. Men can sense low self-esteem a mile away and if you don't have any confidence in yourself, neither will he. Girl hold that head up and start loving "you", every inch! Even as "Macho" as your man is, he still has a soft side that presents its self when he feels like he can trust you with that part of his manhood. But if you date one that is always macho and rough, then he hasn't truly let his guard down around you because every man has a little boy in them that wants to be noticed and loved! "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but NAMES will never hurt me"... (NOT)! Trust me; it does hurt, especially when it comes from someone who loves you. I've found that walking away before that insult hit your tongue is the best remedy, because once it's out...it's out and you don’t want to be responsible for damaging your mates self-esteem...do you? I can promise you that your man is not listening to you when you "nag", even though he can hear you. We must learn to communicate our requests from a place of love and support, oppose to acting like we are mom and they are child. This will make "him" shut down fast! So pay close attention to your tone and facial expressions and maybe that request will get fulfilled.
JUNE 2012
A HEALTHY BODY IS A HEALTHY MIND IS A HEALTHY SPIRIT XI Writer: Phill Hughes Today, I’d like to talk to you about cholesterol and your arteries. As I mentioned in a previous article, there are foods that are good for you and help boost good cholesterol levels (HDL) and foods that are not good for you and raise bad cholesterol levels (LDL). The LDL foods work to clog your arteries, which can lead to a heart attack, stroke or heart disease. Even though medications that keep cholesterol levels under control are very effective, it is important to note that a healthy diet and exercise are the first line of defense in high cholesterol and clogged arteries. Everyday Health provided the following: The worst foods you can eat on a cholesterol-lowering diet are those that contain saturated and trans fats. Both of these fats can actually raise the level of cholesterol in the body, even if the amount of cholesterol in the diet is low. Saturated fats are generally animal fats and are found in fatty meats, poultry skin, egg yolks, bacon, sausage, shrimp, lobster, crab, whole milk, cream, cheese, and butter — all foods high in cholesterol — and in palm and coconut oils. The even more dangerous trans fats are in a wide range of commercially prepared baked goods, typically those made with hydrogenated oils (designed to increase shelf life). The Mayo Clinic suggests five foods to help reduce LDL cholesterol levels. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Oatmeal, oat bran and high fiber foods Fish and Omega-3 fatty acids Walnuts, almonds & other nuts (although high in calories, a handful is sufficient) Olive oil (contains a potent mix of antioxidants) Foods with added plant sterols and stanols (margarine, orange juice & yogurt drinks)
Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician, who is credited with coining the Hippocratic Oath, is quoted as saying, “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.” Leviticus 3:17 “It shall be a statute forever throughout your generations, in all your dwelling places, that you eat neither fat nor blood.” Enjoy the beautiful month of June which will close the door to Spring and open the door to Summer.
JUNE 2012
Feelgoodflavor12 Writer: Simone Malone Happy Summer my angels! Maintaining vitality and enthusiasm for life is an important aspect to living well. But all the multi-tasking and constant rushing about we do on a daily basis can make it difficult to keep our energy up. When you think about it, with so many balls in the air and such high personal expectations, it is no wonder that people feel drained and exhausted at the end of each day. I see this tendency time and time again with my coworkers in radio and mental health. I am very sympathetic to their plight at times. Many are rushed and harried on a daily basis; yet still complain of fatigue and a lack of energy. What I say to my colleagues who are struggling with this, is that there is a way to keep your energy level up, so that you can feel happier and more in control of your life. I like to think about energy like I think about money. If you continually withdraw money from your bank account without putting it back, eventually you will be overdrawn. In real life, the bank charges hefty fees for this practice. However, when it comes to your energy levels, the toll exacted on your body, mind and spirit is even heavier when your energy reserve is depleted. So, the question remains, how do you keep your energy up? First, think about what might be depleting you in the first place. It could be an emotional or physical drain. It could be a job, a specific person or an unpleasant task, too much technology, time constraints, negative people, etc. Whatever this drain may be, I suggest thinking of ways to eliminate it or cut way back on it. Budgeting energy is one way to make things better, but you need to have regular energy coming in as well. To this end, I ask you to think about the things that make you happy and then I suggest doing some of these things regularly with the goal of building up your energy bank. I thoroughly enjoy this because people light up when they talk about the things they love. It is great relief to realize that while it is important to take time for ourselves, it is essential due to the multi-tasking and added pressures most of us experience in today's world. I can honestly say that every person or close friend who has made a concerted effort to reduce their negative energy drains, all the while building up positive energy doing things they love, has reported feeling better, having more energy, and enjoying life more fully. That is a powerful testimony to this practice. Remember to make an attempt to feel good daily.
JUNE 2012
The Pastors Corner “Are You Sold Out For the Cause or A Sell Out Because of It?” Writer: Pastor Lenora G. Young Scripture –
St. John 13: 18 – 30 (NIV)
“I am not referring to all of you; I know those I have chosen. But this is to fulfill the scripture: ‘He who shares my bread has lifted up his heel against me.’ 19 “I am telling you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe that I am He. 20 I tell you the truth, whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me; and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me.” 21 After he had said this, Jesus was troubled in spirit and testified, “I tell you the truth, one of you is going to betray me.” 26 Jesus answered, “It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish.” Then, dipping the piece of bread, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, son of Simon. 27 As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him. “What you are about to do, do quickly,” Jesus told him, 28 but no one at the meal understood why Jesus said this to him. 29 Since Judas had charge of the money, some thought Jesus was telling him to buy what was needed for the Feast, or to give something to the poor. 30 As soon as Judas had taken the bread, he went out. And it was night. What does it mean to be to be sold out? It means to be completely for the cause - in agreement with the purpose of the cause, if not in agreement, you’re willing to work toward the resolution– with no thoughts of unfaithfulness – disloyalty – deceitfulness or betrayal. To be a sellout means to do the complete opposite. What does it mean to be a sellout according to our terminology or the world’s terminology? It means to be a snitch – or to infiltrate to get information to return and give the said information to the enemy – or to set up for a down fall – or in this case to betray a person for a reward. In this twenty first century, we find that the word of God has stated many truths that have come into existence. For the word tells of the days of perilous times – when men would be lovers of their own selves – lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God – the word tells us there would be those that have a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. We are in the days of unfaithfulness – deceit – pride – un-thankfulness – false accuser – selfishness – if it’s nothing in it for me, then I’m out, don’t bother me. We are in the day when those that once were fervent in service and prayer, fervent in faithfulness to the Lord, allowing the enemy to be convincing. But we must remember “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:” The one that comes in to take your spiritual belongings – your heritage in God – your divine purpose, he has only one purpose in mind and that is to strip you of all that God has placed in you. “Are You Sold Out For the Cause Or A Sell Out Because of It? Some of us are only willing to go so far and after that, alright Lord, I’ve done all I’m going to do. God is looking for those that will give him all – He’s looking for those that have a desire and are willing to tap into His mysteries – those that will say as Isaiah said; “Lord, I’ll go! Send me.” Yes, the methods in the Christian world has changed. Yes, the approach has changed – but the principals of holiness and God’s Word has not changed. We were chosen before the foundation of the world – you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light: We have been set aside for the Master’s use – set aside to become vessels of honor – set aside to be used by God. For the 12
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bible tells us that we are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s. – Set aside for His purpose. “Are You Sold Out For the Cause, Or A Sell Out Because of It? Are we willing to give our all to Him – are we willing to give our all for Him or shall we continue perpetrate – shall we continue to pretend and act like we are all for the cause and when the right offer comes – when the right man or woman comes into our lives – when the right position comes along, will we sell Him out? If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? What shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, (think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you – it comes with the territory) - or distress, or persecution, (everyone who lives a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.) or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. Here in the text, we have the discovery of Judas’s plot to betray his Master. Christ knew it from the beginning; but now he tells his disciples, who had of what was about to take place. Although he had often told them so, they did not suspect it would be one of them. He speaks to them by saying; I speak not of you all, I’m not speaking to all you, but I know whom I have chosen, but the scripture will be fulfilled. He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me. He relates to them, although I have chosen you to be my disciples, I know you. Jesus himself knew who were right, and who were not: I know whom I have chosen, – I know all of you are not right – I know all of you are not for me. Those that are chosen are known to Christ, for he never forgets any whom he has once had in his thoughts of love. You are clean, but not all. So here, I speak not of you all. The disciples are amazed at these words. He that eateth bread with me – one of you at this table – hath lifted up his heels against me. One of you will betray me – one of you will sell me out. Wondering who it might be. Asking the question, “Lord is It I?” Of course the guilty party at the table knew who the culprit was. Judas knew he had been exposed. By this act of treachery of him that proved himself false to him, the scripture was fulfilled. Christ took one into his family whom he foresaw to be a traitor, and did not by effectual grace prevent his being so, that the scripture might be fulfilled. Judas, as an apostle, was admitted to the highest privilege: he did eat bread with Christ. He was familiar with him, and favored by him, was one of his family, one of those with whom he had intimate conversation. Wherever he went, Judas was welcome with him, did not dine among servants, but sat at the table with his Master, ate of the same dish, drank of the same cup, and in all respects fared as he fared. He ate miraculous bread with him, when the loaves were multiplied, ate the Passover with him. Judas was guilty of this treachery: he lifted up the heel against Christ. He became a sellout. He forsook him, turned his back upon him, went out from the society of his disciples and became an enemy to him; spurned at him, as wrestlers do to their adversaries, whom they would overthrow. Those who pretended to magnify him magnify themselves against him, and thereby prove themselves guilty, not only of ingratitude, but treachery. Jesus tell his disciples "Now I tell you before it comes or before it happens, before Judas had begun to put his wicked plot in execution, that when it is come to pass you may, instead of stumbling at it, be confirmed in your belief that I am he, he that should come.’’ Christ foretold that Judas would betray him when there was no ground to suspect such a thing, and so proved himself the eternal Word, which is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Christ more particularly informs them of the plot, of which one of them sitting at the table with them – one in the number was now plotting against him; When Jesus made this statement in a general sense, to prepare them for a more particular discovery, he was troubled in spirit, and showed it by some gesture or sign, and he testified, he solemnly declared it, "One of you shall betray me; one of you my apostles and constant followers.’’ He foretold it, not only for the sake of the rest of the disciples, but for the sake of Judas himself, that he might take heed to the 13
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warning, and recover himself out of the snare of the devil. An opportunity to repent – an opportunity to make it right. Jesus Christ, the one he would betray is giving him an opportunity to flee from the enemy. But instead that the scriptures might be fulfilled he continues with the plan. “Sell Out His Master” Judas himself, instead of being convinced of his wickedness, he was the more confirmed in it, and the warning given him was to him meaningless, even unto his death. This is when the enemy took possession of him. For the bible tells us “After the supper, Satan entered into him” His purpose to betray his Master was now a fixed resolution. Christ speaks of the sin of Judas as greater than that of any his persecutors. Christ dismissed him, and delivered him up to his own heart’s lusts: Then said Jesus unto him, What thou doest, do quickly." What you plan to do, do it quickly, if you are resolved to ruin yourself, go on, and take what comes.’’ When supper was done, Judas went out. He went out as one weary of Christ’s company and the society of his apostles. Christ needed not to expel him, he expelled himself. Withdrawing from the communion of the faithful is commonly the first over – act of a backslider, and the beginning of selling out. He went out to put the plan into action, to look for those with whom he had made the bargain, and to settle the agreement with them. He went to Sell Out The Savior, Jesus Christ. Now, Christ gives His disciples instructions. Christ did not begin this discourse till Judas was gone out, for he was now considered a false brother. The presence of wicked people is often a hindrance to good discourse. When Judas was gone out, Christ said, now is the Son of man glorified; now that Judas is discovered and discarded, who was a spot in their love-feast and a scandal to their family, now is the Son of man glorified. If You Are Not Sold Out To God, Will You Become A Sell Out Because of Him.
JUNE 2012
Café LeMont’s (The Experience) 610.622.5580 For classy good home style southern cuisine at affordable prices ($7.99 & $12.99 All You Can Eat) and the very best in musical entertainment Café LeMont’s is the place you would want to be. Located at 717 Church Lane in beautiful Yeadon, PA, the hours are Tuesday through Saturday 11 AM to 9 AM and 11 AM to 8 PM on Sundays.
JUNE 2012
What the Hell Corner! Writer: Mozelle Hey Everybody, It me Mozelle! I told you all in the May issue that I was gonna talk about these teen boys and men’s and their sagging britches. Those saggin britches! Let me say it the proper way, those sagging pants. I have one thing to say to all the young men, black and white. Pull them up! PULL THEM THE HELL UP! No one wants to see your nasty underwear or the crack of your AZZ. For the life of me I cannot understand the reasoning for this style of dressing so many young men today have adopted. You see them everywhere, walking down the street; pants drooped almost to their knees, all colors of nasty underwear showing. I say, why wear pants at all if you want to show off your underwear? Come on out of your houses in your draws. Young men do you know what it says about you when you come out in the public with your pants draped around your knees? I did some investigation and discovered that this mode of dress started in prison. That’s right! In prison! First, in prison no belts are allowed to be worn. That’s for security purposes so the dummies don’t go hanging themselves or being hung by somebody else. Second reason, I was told that it let other male members of the inmate population know that the pant saggers were 'available' for a Booty call! Pants down translates the boy is easy! I’m gonna say this again to all the young brothers. PULL THOSE PANTS THE HELL UP! It does not look nice! You look so stupid and you’re asking to screwed! Ex-cuse my vernacular for all those readers that’s deep. I believe in being REAL! Telling the truth like it is. Think about it you can’t even walk without constantly pulling at the pants to keep them from falling down. If you were being chased by a dog you can’t run. For the sake of God, wake up gentlemen! Parents you all need to enforce some dress codes in your household! That is if you ain’t afraid of your child. I wish I would bring a child in this world and be afraid to discipline him or her. Look at what your child is wearing before he or she leaves out of YOUR house in the morning or evening. If you are still giving them money to buy clothes make sure they buy stuff that proper and decent. If they got a job and buy their own clothes and still live in your house you are still the rule maker. Start parenting and stop being punks. This is a tip from Mozelle, mom and grandma! Guest what? In the July issue I’m gonna talk about these obese men and women especially the young ones who can’t seem to control their food intake. It ain’t healthy and you are sending yourself to an early grave. Check me out in July! Peace my loves!
JUNE 2012
Stop Focusing on Minor issues and See the Larger Picture! Writer: Allen Green Whether you agree or disagree with what President Obama has said regarding same sex marriage is of no importance. What is crucial is making sure you have your paper work in order to be able to vote in the November 2012 Presidential election. We need to concentrate wholeheartedly with making sure President Obama is back in office for another four years. The Republican Party is attempting to block older adults and young people, the poor and disenfranchised from voting. We cannot afford to have flip flopping, etch-a-sketch Willard Romney or the republican party running our country. If you listen to the news at all you will hear about the cuts in child care, Medicare, Medicaid, women's rights, youth rights, voting suppression, and education that ‘this party of NO’ wants to enact. Take the money from the middle class and give big tax breaks to the millionaires. Heed my warning, let the republicans back in the white house and you will definitely have something to pray about. If you do not believe in what the President has said regarding gay marriage, pray for him. Did you hear me? PRAY for him!! And take your assets to the polls and VOTE for him!! Remember, President Obama only expressed his personal opinion on the subject, which he is entitled to do. He did not sign his opinion into law! You do not have to agree with his PERSONAL opinion. For all the deep scripture readers we all know what the bible says about sin! Not just one particular sin, but all sin. Remember President Obama is not the religious leader of the United States! He is the President of ALL the people of the United States. Believe what you believe and let’s get the country back on the right track. It is sure not going to get there with the republicans at the helm. Eight prior years of republican rule was what got the country in the position it is in. This entire problem was dumped into the lap of Mr. Obama in 2008. We have come a long way but not far enough. The republicans have done everything in their power to block all the changes the President has tried to implement. As a matter of fact the republicans from the very beginning vowed to do everything to make Mr. Obama a one-term President. For those of you who like to read, (read the book "Do not ask what good we do") by Robert Draper. You will read firsthand and understand the low-down, dirty, underhanded, sneaky, back-door workings of the Republican/tea Party and their leaders. As hard as it may be to believe, the Republican tactic is to keep this country from progressing by any means possible. Their philosophy is working to block the President from a second term and to keep this country in the worst possible shape. They are trying to prevent jobs from being created, allowing student loan rates to skyrocket, cutting public education, laying off teachers, police officers, fire fighters. They will not lift a finger to help home owners, they are fighting to prevent the President’s health care law from helping those in need by blocking it from being implemented, blocking the Wall Street reform bill, which allows Wall Street to continue the same gambling with the American people’s money that nearly brought this country down in 2008. 17
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If the country remains in turmoil, the Republicans feel they have a better chance to defeat President Obama. In other words, they want to win at the expense of, and with little regard, if any, to the state of this country and its people. The middle class, low-income, poor, seniors, the sick, students, minorities, women and immigrants are in jeopardy. This election will literally be the fight of our lives. Please‌fight with the President to preserve this country and our lives. This could be a terrible turning point for our country if the Republicans retake control. If you do not have one, please get you state issued photo ID and make your presence known and voice heard at the polls‌Again as previously mentioned, VOTE November 6, 2012
Fellow writers please keep fellow monthly contributor to the Make It So Report, Demetrius Adams in prayer. Both his mother and grandmother recently went home to be with the Lord. Much Prayer and love to you Brother Adams and your family.
JUNE 2012
Where Has Good Music Gone? By Carl C. Gable III It is not customary for me to offer a written or verbal critique of the so called talent pool in today’s musical industry. However, primarily as a result of my wife forcing me to watch pseudo-reality shows such as American Idol, The Voice, XFactor, etc. (if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all), I can no longer keep my thoughts to myself. I begin by reflecting back on a time when the music produced by the most popular artists; irrespective of the musical genre, was a pleasure to listen to. The words to the songs were easily understood. The melodic lines were well written. The lyrics made sense and contained little to no profanity. Harmony was tight and intentional rather than accidental. There was neither the presence of nor the need for elaborate studio equipment to hide the imperfections in vocal quality or instrumentation during a live performance. By way of random examples to illustrate a couple of these points, consider the legendary Nat King Cole. Even if you don’t like the genre in which he sang, if you are fluent in English, you cannot reasonably argue that it is difficult to understand what he was saying. Even on vinyl recordings, a format whose clarity is far inferior to the compact disc and digital recordings of today, it is apparent that he made every effort to clearly enunciate every single word. If we were to switch genres and consider the vocal qualities of the late greats Whitney Houston, Luther Vandross, and Frank Sinatra, the results are the same. None of these three needed great studio equipment in the course of a live performance for the purpose of hiding imperfections in either their voice or their ear. Perhaps I am old fashioned and/or out of touch, and if so, would someone please educate me on what I am missing? But when I contrast many (not all) of today’s musical artists with those of even twenty to thirty years ago, I often find myself asking the following questions: 1.Why is this person famous? In other words, it seems like anybody could do what they are doing and/or there is nothing special about their musical “ability.” 2. Why do their albums sell, especially in these tough economic times? Better yet, who are the music executives who concluded that their music was worthy of recording? Similarly (3), who told them that they could sing and/or play at a level great enough to be considered professional? At times it seems that the only thing needed to become a famous musician today is a weird first name (a last name is not even required), an even weirder wardrobe, and some fancy studio equipment that can make the individual sound fifty times better than he or she would in the absence of that equipment. A nasty attitude that may or may not be reflected in lyrical vulgarity often helps as well. Is it any wonder that most of the winners of these reality show music contests rarely go on to become household names? I don’t mean to imply that there are no great musicians out there today. We all know that just as the athletes of today are bigger, faster, and stronger than many of the athletes of years gone by; many of the musicians are likewise just as good or better than many of those from years ago. It just seems to me, that for every one great musical talent today, there are hundreds more who have no talent in the music arena at all. Yet it is these individuals who insist on flooding our televisions, radios, and the internet with their pitiful attempts at making “music”. To those who fall in the latter category, please do us all a favor and find yourselves another venue to assault in your attempt to become rich and famous. Leave the music industry (and our ears) alone! 19
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The Mark of Excellence Writer: Monica F. Hudson In the beginning of this article and as the month of June is quickly approaching to celebrate and give honor to “Father’s Day” I’m reminded of my own relationship with my Father who’s passing always saddens me but also gives me explicit joy in all that he did for me in my tender youthful years to encourage and guide me to Christ. It is even greater to listen to others speak in honor of their fathers weather alive or in memory the joy in their hearts and lives of this special relationship changes brought just because they have been instilled to share and empower others with precious gifts of wisdom and life lessons given by their fathers, in this narrow scope those that look at us see the mold of how we have been shaped for greatness. We find in the biblical text or contents the Holy Trinity, God as our Father, Jesus as the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the counselor each one playing a part in molding us to excel, teaching us the value of who we are and the hallmark of the road that we have been placed to walk. As we look at the life of Christ, the Son who educates us about the Holy Trinity and the relationship each one has regarding our life we also see Jesus life as He teaches us about this mark of excellence, He starts within the prayer He left for us to always speak, those first words, “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us of our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Matt 6:9-13. Throughout the bible God can be characterized in many ways, first we are reminded that He created everything, that He is near everyone, that He is holy, all-powerful, living, almighty, a warrior, trust-worthy, gracious and merciful, our rock and hope, He is spirit, He is too great to describe and his relationship with His Son is why we praise Him for the plan to free us, His love that we are a part of a great plan through His Son, Jesus. Excellence can be defined as surpassing goodness, merits; something in which a person or thing excels; particular virtue, the same as Excellency which is defined as a title of honor applied to various persons of high positions, as an ambassador, bishop, governor, etc. The word excel implies superiority in some quality, skill, achievement, etc., over all or over the one (or ones) specified. Transcend suggest a surpassing to an extreme degree. Theo, to be separate from or beyond (experience, the material universe, etc.) ------to be transcendent; ---material universe: said of God. It is Christ, the second in the trinity that taught us how to excel and travel this life, both through God the Father and Christ the Son speaks to us about rising above difficulties, striving to reach goals and believing in who we are through Christ our Savior. We can follow Christ walk here on earth, His teachings and anchor in all the events even those foretold before His birth through Isaiah the prophet, Isaiah 50:4(nlt) The Sovereign Lord has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know what to say to all these weary ones. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will. Isaiah 20
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50:7(nlt) because the Sovereign Lord helps me; I will not be dismayed. Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will. And I know that I will triumph. He who gives me justice is near. Isaiah 51:1-2(NLT) ‘Listen to me, all who hope for deliverance--------all who seek the Lord! Consider the quarry from which you where mined, the rock from which you were cut! Yes, think about your ancestors Abraham and Sarah, from whom you came. Abraham was alone when I called him. But when I blessed him, he became a great nation.” Through the Holy Spirit, the third in the Trinity, those called by God and used through the spirit are given explicit directions how they should conduct ourselves as children of the Most High, reminding us that we are citizens of heaven, through Paul’s letters and visitations to the church gave him remarkable stance and courage that Christians can use in everyday life today. Philippians 1:9-11 (NLT) I pray that your love for each other will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in your knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until Christ returns. May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation*----those good things that produced in your life by Jesus Christ-------for this will bring much glory and praise to God. 2Timothy 2:20 (NLT) in a wealthy home some utensils are made of gold and silver and some are made of wood and clay. The expensive utensils are used for special occasions, and the cheap ones are for everyday use. If you keep yourself pure, you will be a utensil God can use for his purpose. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for everyday work. This month of June should be a time to give honor to our natural fathers who have been leaders, teachers and builders in our life’s and even those who may not be true fathers but adopted fathers who give of their time and energy to help the youth through encouragement, advice, caring, integrity, and demonstrating a faith conscience life. Too strive for all things holy and pleasing to God, too show humility and kindness to others and let God’s redeeming quality come through us, the children of the Most High.
JUNE 2012
JUNE 2012
BEST POEM IN THE WORLD Submitted by Earl Williams I was shocked, confused, bewildered As I entered Heaven's door, Not by the beauty of it all, Nor the lights or its decor. But it was the folks in Heaven Who made me sputter and gasp-The thieves, the liars, the sinners, The alcoholics and the trash. There stood the kid from seventh grade who swiped my lunch money twice. Next to him was my old neighbor who never said anything nice. Joe, who I always thought Was rotting away in hell, Was sitting pretty on cloud nine, Looking incredibly well. I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal? I would love to hear your take. How'd all these sinners get up here? God must've made a mistake. 'And why is everyone so quiet, So somber - give me a clue.' 'Hush, child,' He said, 'they're all in shock. No one thought they'd be seeing you.' JUDGE NOT!! Remember...Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car. Every saint has a PAST... Every sinner has a FUTURE! Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil... IT HAS NO POINT!
JUNE 2012
Submitted by Mary Daniels Ephesians 5:19, Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. ... Another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs ... let us encourage one another-- and all the more as you see the Day approaching. When Is the Best Time to Encourage Someone? Sometimes, I think that the best time to encourage someone is when they’ve done something amazing. Sometimes, I think that it’s when I notice that a friend is looking as though they’ve had a bad day. Sometimes, I think that it’s when someone has tried really hard, but just fallen short of their goal. Sometimes, I think that it’s when someone has given up because they didn’t think that they can do anything significant. Sometimes, I think that it’s when I know that someone’s really busy and perhaps feeling overwhelmed by all of the demands that life has placed upon them. Sometimes, I think that it’s when a person has done something for the first time and they’re not sure how they went. Sometimes, I think that it’s when someone is short of confidence and needs building up. Sometimes, I think that the best time to encourage someone is immediately after they’ve had a success. Sometimes, I think that it’s a week later after I’ve had a chance to reflect on the significance of their efforts. Sometimes, I think that it’s just when God places a name into my head and I don’t know why, but I know that I should give them a call or send them a message to offer support or inspiration. Then I realize that there is no preferred time to encourage others, so I should just do it all of the time. People are never worse off for someone speaking into their lives, building them up, highlighting their skills and appreciating them for who they are. Encouragement builds confidence, team spirit, and resilience and often inspires people to do even greater deeds. So wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, think of someone you can encourage right now and do it. Because now is the only time that we have. Who are you going to encourage after reading this post?
Love, Mary D 24
JUNE 2012
Thanks Mr. President FOR
. . .the "room-lighting" smile: For being, in spite of all the hate, pettiness, racism, corruption and immaturity around, the most progressive and 'for the people' president in decades:
JUNE 2012
My Brother: Tell your brethren who are part of your ministerial coalition to “live their faith and not legislate their faith” for the Constitution is designed to protect the rights of all. We must learn to be more than a one-issue community and seek the beloved community where we may not all agree, but we all recognize the fingerprint of the Divine upon all of humanity. There is no doubt people who are same-gender-loving who occupy prominent places in the body of Christ. For the clergy to hide from true dialogue with quick dismissive claims devised from poor biblical scholarship is as sinful as un-thoughtful acceptance of a theological position. When we make biblical claims without sound interpretation we run the risk of adopting a doctrinal position of deep conviction but devoid of love. Deep faith may resonate in our position, but it is the ethic of love that forces us to prayerfully reexamine our position. The question I believe we should pose to our congregations is, “Should all Americans have the same civil rights?” This is a radically different question than the one you raised with the ministers, “Does the church have the right to perform or not perform certain religious rites.” There is difference between rights and rites. We should never misconstrue rights designed to protect diverse individuals in a pluralistic society versus religious rites designed by faith communities to communicate a theological or doctrinal perspective. These two questions are answered in two fundamentally different arenas. One is answered in the arena of civic debate where the Constitution is the document of authority. The other is answered in the realm of ecclesiastical councils where theology, conscience and biblical mandates are the guiding ethos. I do not believe ecclesiastical 26
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councils are equipped to shape civic legislation nor are civic representatives equipped to shape religious rituals and doctrine. The institution of marriage is not under attack as a result of the President’s words. Marriage was under attack years ago by men who viewed women as property and children as trophies of sexual prowess. Marriage is under attack by low wages, high incarceration, unfair tax policy, unemployment, and lack of education. Marriage is under attack by clergy who proclaim monogamy yet think nothing of stepping outside the bonds of marriage to have multiple affairs with “preaching groupies.” Same-gender couples did not cause the high divorce rate, but our adolescent views of relationships and our inability as a community to come to grips with the ethic of love and commitment did. We still confuse sex with love and romance with commitment. My father, who is a veteran of the civil rights movement and retired pastor, eloquently stated the critical nature of this election when speaking to ministers this past week who claim they will pull support from the President as a result of his position. He stated, “Our Ancestors prayed for 389 years to place a person of color in the White House. They led over 200 slave revolts, fought in 11 wars, one being a civil war where over 600,000 people died. Our mothers fought and were killed for women’s suffrage, our grandparents were lynched for the civil rights bill of 1964 and the voting rights act of 1965…my father never had the opportunity to vote and I believe it is my sacred duty to pull the lever for every member of my family who was denied the right to vote. I will not allow narrowminded ministers or regressive politicians the satisfaction of keeping me from my sacred right to vote to shape the future for my grandchildren.” “The institution of marriage is not under attack as a result of the President’s words.” Gay and lesbian citizens did not cause the economic crash, foreclosures, and attack upon health care. Poor underfunded schools were not created because people desire equal protection under the law. We have much work to do as a community, and to claim the President of the United States must hold your theological position is absurd. He is President of the United States of America not the President of the Baptist convention or Bishop of the Sanctified or Holiness Church. He is called to protect the rights of Jew and 27
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Gentile, male and female, young and old, Gay and straight, black and white, Atheist and Agnostic. It should be noted the President offered no legislation, or executive order, or present an argument before the Supreme Court. He simply stated his personal conviction. If we dare steal away from the noise of this debate, we will realize as a church we are called to “Do justice, live mercy and walk humbly with God.” Gay people have never been the enemy; and when we use rhetoric to suggest they are the source of our problems we lie on God and cause tears to flow from the eyes of Christ.
I am not asking you to change your position, but I am stating we must stay in dialogue and not allow our own personal emotional prejudices or doctrines to prevent us from seeing the possibilities of a beloved community.
November is fast approaching, and the spirits of Ella Baker, Septima Clarke, Fannie Lou Hammer, Rosa Parks, A. Phillip Randolph, James Orange, Medgar Evers and Martin Luther, King Jr. stand in the balcony of heaven raising the question, “Will you do justice, live mercy and walk humbly with our God?” Emmitt Till and the four little girls who were assassinated in Alabama during worship did not die for a Sunday sermonic sound bite to show disdain for one group of God’s people. They were killed by an evil act enacted by men who believed in doctrine over love. We serve in ministry this day because of a man who believed in love over doctrine and died on a hill called Calvary in a dusty Palestinian community 2,000 years ago. Do not let the rhetoric of this debate keep you from the polls, my friend. Asking you to imagine a beloved community, your brother and friend, Otis Moss, III Senior Pastor Trinity UCC