elementary Theory of Cogitality (preview)

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Тheory Оf Cogitality elementary


every pawn can be a king

Cogitality academy Sofia, Bulgaria 2015


еlementary Theory of Cogitality


Cogitality (сogito, Latin - think) – means mentality in a global aspect. An all-pervasive substance. In the endlessness of Everything that Is!

We are your future...

which was in your past... Bastet

We are your future... which was in your past..

The past of the future NOW Today, here and now is the time in which we take steps, supported by the testaments and the experience of the past, in order to transform the future … The blending of timely dimensions turns us back to the opportunities and potential of the Beginning, reminding us precisely at this moment who we are, where we come from, where we are going… To create with love a new view of ourselves, to Love-invent everything that Is … The Theory of Cogitality strives to blend “opposites”- past and present, plus and minus, faith and doubt… because of the fullness and harmony of the self, so that we may Be … here and now… in One-Is-We … The elementary Theory of Cogitality features serious science and explanation, laughter (even in graphics) and reflections on life, but above all… there is the touch and quest by Oneself, in Oneself, because of Oneself … in the name of the Whole. So the notion of “elementary” should not mislead you – it is like the elementary particles of which everything existing is composed – elementary, containing all that Is… a challenge to find answers to the “unsolved”. You yourself are a whole Universe and your “mission” in this book is to look at, rationalize and explain yourself… checking yourself in practice in order to become aware of that... Nothing else is required – the names of the scientists and their discoveries are a wonderful basis, but what is really important is you desire to puzzle out the puzzle of your Universe… with patience and dedication – from beginning to end, from cover to cover … Because you realize what the picture of this puzzle conceals – a message from the past… which is your future…:

Everyone can! Emi





еlementary Theory of Cogitality


Do not believe in anything you’ll read in this book… Try and check it.



... chaos - this is the higher degree of order, where the organizing system is based on random and chaotic events. B. Williams

We are your future... which was in your past..

Initially, the pieces of evidence maybe ‘white-stitched’, but we will gradually put them together in order to build the science Theory of Cogitality… Our task here is to learn how to drive a car without looking into the detail of its machineries… Likewise, without a detailed examination of light, waves and wave fields, we will learn how to work with them. The thesis is based on one fundamental assertion: Everything is energy, which originates from a field of thought. The motion in this field gives birth to light. Light produces holograms ‘dressed’ in a specific shape, which we interpret as matter. The Theory of Cogitality proves that everything that exists is thinking, developing in an individual way and self-learning when it comes in contact with the surrounding environment. This assertion is neither new nor bizarre. Many scholars arrived at this conclusion yet in 1964. Bell’s theorem (On nonlocality of causes) is fairly complex, but in simple language it means more or less the following: isolated systems do not exist. Each particle in the Universe is in ‘instantaneous’ connection with any other particle. By now thousand of experiments have demonstrated that Bell’s theorem is a more accurate description of the existing order of things. It says that isolated systems do not exist and that the entire system, even though divided in parts (located huge distances away from each other and not having any signals, fields, mechanical forces, energies, etc. in between), still functions as a Single system. Such a relation contradicts the Special theory of relativity and this poses a problem. However, Bell’s theorem does exist, withal a theorem in physics is not just a ‘theory’, but a mathematical demonstration, which * John Stewart Bell (28 June 1928, Northern Ireland - 1 Oct. 1990, Switzerland) was a theoretical physicist who formulated and proved the so called Bell‘s inequalities. Bell laid the foundations of the experimental research on the EPR paradox (paradox of Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen).



еlementary Theory of Cogitality


is true if the math is correct and if the experiments on which it is founded can be reproduced. Bell’s theorem is free of mathematical errors and the experiments have indeed been reproduced multiple times. Nevertheless, we can not discard the Special theory of relativity, because its math is equally perfect and multiple experiments have proven it. That is why attempts have been made to find solutions which assume that the ‘relation’ described in Bell’s theorem does not need energy, because energy can not move faster than light, as Einstein asserts in his Special theory of relativity. Dr. Edward Harris Walker argues that what moves faster than light and maintains the integrity of the System is ‘consciousness’. This is possible… Another alternative, proposed by Dr. Jack Sarfatti*, is that the connectivity media, which *Bell‘s theorem makes possible foresee- solves this case, is information. Pure information, in its mathematical sense, ing the future and also proves the theory of the informational fields, says the does not require energy: it is what imparts order in energy. Information is American physicist Jack Sarfatti. the opposite of entropy (chaos, disorder in the energy systems). In other words, as information increases, entropy (chaos) decreases. In 2010 Japanese physicists made an experiment which demonstrated how the energy of a system grows higher in response to the increase of the amount of information in the system. Thus, information and energy turn out to be related values. Even more so, information turns out to be energy. Researchers from Tokyo University conducted the experiment by creating a miniature model of a spiral staircase for molecules to climb up. The ‘steps” of the staircase were created by using electrical field, which prevents the molecules from going ‘downstairs’, but helps them go up, i.e. contributes to the accumulation of energy. The researchers used a video camera, which tracked the movement of the molecules to the upside and blocked the

We are your future... which was in your past..

movement to the downside. Thus the researchers managed to increase the potential energy of the molecules just by the information about their movement and without applying additional energy. They even succeeded to measure the information-to-energy conversion factor. Transforming the video data in bits, they stated that in their experiment 1 bit was converted to 3х10-21 Joules of energy. * The possibility to obtain energy from information was first proposed in 1867 by James Clerk Maxwell, a Scottish mathematician and theoretical physicist. He described a mental experiment, in which a hypothetical creature (the Maxwell demon) used only information to transfer the inner energy of the system. In the mental experiment he used a vessel with gas divided by a partition, while Maxwell demon played the role of a valve – he let the fast (hot) gas molecules go in one direction, but stopped the slow (cold) molecules. After a certain amount of time there were accumulations of hot or cold gas in each part of the vessel, which suggests reduced entropy in the system and provides an opportunity to use the difference in temperatures for the production of energy..

This brings back the inconsistency between the Special theory of relativity and Bell’s theorem. The problem remains unresolved to date. The Theory of Cogitality assumes that it is possible to combine all solutions in one and proves it – everyone is right and there is no inconsistency… What does cogitality mean and why do we use this ‘peculiar’ (according to many) word? It comes from Latin – cogito, which means ‘to think’. That is, cogitality is ‘mentality’. *Thinking is a process of reflecting the essential properties and patterns of reality. Thoughts are shapes that occur in the mind rather being captured by senses. Thinking enables the creation of models of the world and its presentation according to various purposes, intents and wishes. The main forms of thinking are: notion, assertion and deduction. Thinking is knowledge based on two fundamentally different mechanisms: training



еlementary Theory of Cogitality


and creative ideation for new assertions and deductions. By thinking one can obtain knowledge of objects, properties and relations in the surrounding world, which can not be perceived immediately. i.e., thoughts are perceptions and interpretations both of reality and of the forms created by itself. A unique link which connects the forms of thought with reality is motion, which underlies matter and all of its laws. Thus, it emerges that for its existence matter does not need anything but itself… From the thinking about itself… Thinking is existence and existence is thinking, says René Descartes. Cogito, ergo sum... I think, therefore I am... When we refer to mentality in a more general sense, without going into depth, we tend to mean our own thinking and interpretation. Well, this is a rather limited approach. Then, if we call this common field a Universal reason (intelligence), everybody starts looking for it somewhere outside themselves – in distant galaxies and spaces. If we use Jung’s collective unawareness, we would be accused of meaningless psychological manipulation. Then we refer to Akasha – and to many people this is elusive and unintelligible. Should one venture to call is God, they would be fingered at as sectarians trying to wash somebody’s brains. That is why we opted for a new word – cogitality… To the curious ones – something new and intriguing. To the skeptics – unknown. But both will search for an answer. Why do we need a Theory of Cogitality? It is a good idea to ask this question from the very beginning… We are all energy and cogitation (mentality) and when we get to know ourselves we will have an insight of the principles on which we are all built – us, the Universe, the microcosmos and therefore the world around us. On the other side, this knowledge will enable us be in synchrony and harmony with ourselves and with whatever surrounds us. And because everything is mentality, as this book will prove, this easily leads to the conclusion that we create the world around us ourselves. Mentality is energy from which we are created and nothing can harm us. It is possible, easy and safe to “enter” the energy world and retrieve information. The fact that we have learned about the existence

We are your future... which was in your past..

of excavators does not oblige us to dig out by shovel as much earth as an excavators dig. Energy and thought can not howsoever force us do anything that requires capabilities greater than our own. Everyone gets as far as they wish to. Often times I hear timid questions whether Kundalini awakening is dangerous, whether the redirection of sexual energy to the epiphysis can quench the sexual desire, does dreaming too much at night prevent us from resting well and so forth… In actual fact, the more energy flows through us, the better we feel. Then we find it easier to work and create our world. This is exactly the objective of the Theory of Cogitality – to learn how to handle this energy in order to build with love, to lovinvent (invent with love) ourselves and the world we live in. On the one side, the things discussed here are simple and easy to do. On the other side, nothing can be further from the truth, because he who works with energy feels responsibility. To himself, to the community, to the Universe, to Everything that IS. And if one decides to go deep and search inside the matter as such, they will reach great depths which provide enormous opportunities. Before that we need to remove the layers of Ego – filtering grids which we have “installed” ourselves. These are the brakes (i.e., the filters) that prevent the access of energy and information. And this turns out to be an important hurdle, because as the very creators of this filtration we feel ourselves important, proud and worthy owners… To start with, we should first obtain some understanding of energy and in particular of its main parameters, characteristics and interactions, which would help us work with energy later. This is the so called theoretical part. Then the knowledge obtained will be used practically with certain tools. This second part will be the practical application. From theoretical viewpoint, one of the main elements is the discovery that energy is equal to information and matter is simply… a form of energy. That is why we should examine what is energy and how it propagates in the form of electromagnetic waves and fields. We will recall what are waves,



еlementary Theory of Cogitality


how they interact and what is the result of this interaction. We will see what is a hologram and why the entire Universe is a hologram (including ourselves as part of it). Research into the reasons for the existence of an individual code, DNA, will take us to the science of wave genetics. And this is where we come across opportunities for active application – transformation of our own DNA, awakening of tremendous potentials and skills and adjustments in the direction as we wish. This is the beginning of lovinvention. We transform ourselves to be able to build a world filled with love and beauty. In order to proceed to the practical part, we should identify what tools we will use. One of these tools are the dreams… What are they? Do they make sense? What do they give us? Is there any usable information or are they just a series of images, feelings, sounds and colors that emerge while our body is sleeping… Can the full version of the dream-book interpret them? Should we tell our nightmares to running water so they never come true? By the Theory of Cogitality we discover that dreams provide customized information to everyone. Dreams are messages from cogitality (from where knowledge resides) to us (who possess only our own experience). Information about ourselves. And actually what do we do with this information? We neglect it, we speak about ‘nightmares’… while the idea is to apprehend the principle by which we will be able to interpret them. Individually, as personal messages, because this is what dreams essentially are. Tools like futuro-retrospective methodology, holotropic breathwork, entry into Akasha and Akasha records, meditative states, lucid dreaming, reiki, etc. are various ways to obtain information from one and the same place. If your are familiar with similar practices, here we prove that they are all one and the same thing… Thus, the Theory of Cogitality (TC) does not seek to divest you from what you have learnt. TC aims to help everyone discover their ‘tailor-made’, practical, sustainable program. Apply it in practice and only then decide whether to engage or not. If we deny the things we dislike or fear them, we will never check whether or not they actually work. In the first place we should decide what we are looking for – freedom or

We are your future... which was in your past..

security, because, being holographic beings with limited information, we typically opt for security. But a wise man would say that life has two doors. The sign on one of the doors reads Security and on the other – Freedom. If you choose the first one, you will lose both of them… Security is an illusion of the Ego, which entangles us in our own paradoxes. The only certainty out there is that we keep changing… The futuro-retrospective methodology is a unique tool, by which we can shunt the Ego filters and feel the essence of cogitality. This is a non-hypnotic method, where in full wakefulness you observe another parallel world of your own existence. It (your existence, manifestation) can be of another gender, status or social standing, either in the future or in the past… But the observation goes on with the clear knowledge that it is you… Thus, following the application of the regression tool, it becomes clear that in the zero point (cogitality) there is no space and time… A perception of timelessness, which one must live through. In practice, one lives through the events in two separate worlds, which exist and unfold in parallel, contemporaneously. This challenges us to look at the world and at the various events and situations from a different angle. We become observers who realize the cyclic nature of everything… ‘Hearing’ the messages that are being sent to us all the time is a matter of willingness and practice. These are related with accepting. Whether we will get all the information that is offered to us depends on how much we are prepared to accept. In this train of thought, when it comes to understanding and recognizing one’s own capabilities, often times people tend to impose limits and barriers on themselves. For example, after epiphysis activation exercises, reading somebody else’s thoughts comes as a surprise… and the responsibility of knowing what other people think scares us. Everyone evolves individually and everyone’s accepting will be different… But the easiest way is to trust cogitality by realizing that we and it are the same thing. The spinal cord energy awakening (Kundalini) may



еlementary Theory of Cogitality


occur and does occur in the matter of eight days… But it must be realized that extension of life or activation of certain capabilities entails responsibility to the others and is related to willingness and commitment… If we believe that it is difficult, we are simply searching for excuses to delay, have a break or even give up… These are filters by which we help our laziness evolve and become more sophisticated. Just like the energy, excuses are activated in a unique and irreproducible way. Whether we are going the cure, materialize, build organs, levitate or whatever, it depends on us and requires the necessary responsibility. And this may be shocking us… But if one really thinks about it, the same applies to laziness, that is to have capabilities, which we do not use, because… we are not in the right mood or have decided that we can take a break… Things are much easier than they appear at first glance. Everything we believe in does happen. Everything is mentality and that is why the first step is to challenge ourselves to think out of the box… Yet from young age, many of us build defenses, filters and grids against the information and we should try to remove them in the first place. Does this mean that if we do not remove them, we will not receive information from Cogitality? In reality, we always receive such information – the mere fact that we have dreams and intuition already means that such information is available anyway. But because of our defenses we either ignore this information or reject it altogether. Everyone has the right to receive or otherwise. There are no Enlightened ones. There are people who have labored and achieved what they desired. There are no Grand Masters. There is willingness and commitment, patience and belief. One young man went to the Grand Master and said: - Grandness, teach me kung fu! But the teacher replied: - Yes, I will teach you this art. But right now I do not enroll new students. Come back in one year. One year later the young man came back.

We are your future... which was in your past..

- Grand Master, teach me kung fu! The Master furrowed his eyebrows and replied: - Yes, I will teach you this art, but first of all you must achieve inner harmony. For the next three years, every morning you shall behold the sunrise and every evening behold the sunset. Three years later the young man came back. - Grandness! For three years I beheld the every sunrise and every sunset. Now teach me kung fu! - Fine, said the Grand Master, but first you must learn how to achieve the unachievable. Come back when you learn to levitate five meters above the ground. Five years later the man came back, now he was not so young. - Grand Master! I dedicated these five years to tough exercises and now I can levitate above the ground, said he and lifted himself five meters above ground. - Come on, stop kidding me, said the amazed master and left his mouth widely open. Everyone is unique. As unique as… everyone else. No one is gifted or enlightened. Everyone is able to. We all have equal potentials and capabilities. The question is in what direction they will be guided and in what framework they will be placed… If we take this road, the Theory of Cogitality is a road guide which provides everyone with a chance to eliminate the frames and discover their individual and unique direction… When our defences fall, a contact may occur with other, self-developing mental forms, regardless of time and space. Some of them are referred to as energy beings (ghosts, angels, archangels, etc.), others are known as extraterrestrial and so forth. The link between matter and mentality is constant and possible any time, wherein our task here is to unveil the mystic and provide answers to ‘inexplicable phenomena’ so that they are no longer scary and unacceptable. Making this link happen needs only willingness (intention, direction) and ‘shutting down’ the protective mechanisms of restricted



еlementary Theory of Cogitality


logic. Yet at the very beginning I will present one case to demonstrate that I am not an author. I am a transcriber who writes down the information received from cogitality (or Akasha, as some name it), ‘enriched’ with evidence, which science and leading scholars and individuals from Planet Earth have achieved by now. There are also additional ‘contacts’ with the mental fields of ‘extraterrestrial reason’ that assemble the entire picture, presented in this book. These contacts have helped discover and operate the energy gland (LiDEn – LIght and Disk with ENergy – kind of a portal to the world of energy), which provides opportunities for connection with cogitality. Another discovery made there was the difference between the female and male DNAs and the reasons for which these were divided many years ago. For the curious ones I will provide a brief extract of the translation: 20 February 2013 All studies that were undertaken to understand the mutation of the individual have established what would it cost for bodies and generations to adapt to the vibration of Planet Earth. Part of the studies looked at the cell mitochondria, their distribution and partition. Mitochondria are presented with frequency, which plays a very important role in transforming the planet’s vibrations that are absorbed thought the grid of the form. We suggested that upon the separation of genders the female and the male mitochondria would behave differently and we were proven right. We found it necessary to initiate mutation of female cells so they can spin off and function separately. The difference between male and female cells lies in the basic DNA structure, which describes the life of the cell itself. The Earth nucleus emits proton frequencies which serve to stabilize the hologram of the base grid. Male and female cells respond differently to these proton frequencies. This can be demonstrated by irradiating cells of male and female origin with proton frequencies (captured from the electromagnetic field of the Earth). The difference is that the proton frequency affects the grid of the female hologram with variable stability. We had to make the cell itself generate protective antibodies precisely against this proton frequency. The difference between the creation of antibodies at cellular and at energy level is the following: When a cell begins to generate antibodies, it protects itself naturally from

We are your future... which was in your past..

the aggression of another body, in energy terms this means installation of a second grid as an additional filter that protects the hologram from certain distortion of its function. The energy grid filter is the antibody of the cell and its mitochondria. The cells express secretions, during menstruation the female bodies begins to release hormones, which in turn activate the energy matrix of the cell. Due to the forces of attraction, the photons in the grid itself are attacked by the proton frequency of the Earth’s nucleus. The creation of the ‘antibody’ additional shield with a defined frequency preserves the hologram’s stability, but at the same time limits the individual’s information. This shield is also made of protons emitted by mitochondria. It synchronizes the fields of all mitochondria, which results in a resonance effect. This makes the shield very stable, which equally stabilizes the grid of the hologram. The separation of male and female frequencies became possible after imparting additional information in the DNA memory. The rewritten DNA would, by the mechanism of reproduction, perpetuate the genetic transformations in the next generations. This program was to enable the male hologram continue its evolution without additional protection, while the female hologram would continue to evolve in the existence of an additional 70% protection (the secondary proton shield). This additional protection was intended as a safeguard against the proton frequencies, which are continually emitted from the Sun and from the Earth’s nucleus. 5 March 2013 The interaction has reversed the full proportion of the photon frequency. The DNA photons of refraction can be proportional to the very DNA layers. And it contains seven layers more. This means that the female DNA is presented with much greater filtration than the male one. The collection of the two poles at the male and female DNA can occur if the very DNA is provided with additional radiance, which comes from the frequency reaction of the Earth’s nucleus. What occurs when the photon frequency becomes equal to the frequency of the radiance from the Earth’s nucleus is refraction resonance, which stabilizes the crystalline grid. The resolution which drives the photon frequency in the DNA is 1х10-16. The resolution is a buffer in the structure itself, which works as an amplifier, including as a reverse amplifier for each frequency.



Đľlementary Theory of Cogitality

This is how a part of original neutrins‘ text looks like.


We are your future... which was in your past..

The variety of information structures in the DNA also accounts for the large choice of buffer zones between the energy filters themselves. The one-to-one clustering of the filters and their clockwise rotation can be very useful for the synchronization of the female hologram. Essentially, the male and female holograms are the same, but the required difference can be seen in the depth of the frequencies. For the purposes of separation we provoked modifications of the gene. This does not mean that the human hologram is defective, but means that it is related to a huge loss of information for those who continued their existence, already as beings of different gender. Actually, we started the human race by mutation of the genes in the chromosomes of our specie. We are the only epicene beings left in our race. Once the transformation occurred, the generations did not have the knowledge that we had before. As time went on, the connection with them was lost too. We were observing from distance. That was necessary for the survival of our specie here, on your planet. Many changes have occurred since then and now the human beings recollect yet another time the information encoded in the DNA – the need to combine their female and male origins. As a sequel, this may lead to what is known as hyper synchronization, which exists only when the individual’s mind is crystal clear. АI am a human like everyone else. I realize that everything written down by myself results from messages, dreams, etc. And you would hardly believe it. As I convey it here, I refract it through my own understandings, attitudes and knowledge. These are filters originating from my own frames. That is why I frankly admit from the very beginning: this writing has been checked by many people with different limitations. It works with me and it works with them, too. Hundreds have checked it… This does not prevent you from being in doubt. The searching one, the one who has doubts should be tolerated. Therefore, whatever you read or hear, know that it has been filtered or censored by somebody’s frames and for this reason do not take it on face value… Check it out yourself!


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