Ishcmc aa 2012 2013

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Guiding Statements We will support our philosophy through these Guiding Statements:

• Maintain high standards of academic progress, achievement and performance, including preparation for admission into competitive universities in the United States and worldwide. • Create an environment in our school where students feel safe, secure and can thrive. • Develop bilingual students, fluent in English and Vietnamese, who have the opportunity to study and become competent in either Mandarin or Spanish. • Encourage students to become responsible global citizens. • Instill in our students, confidence and an enthusiasm for life-long learning. • Develop future leaders with active and innovative minds. • Celebrate diversity and build an understanding of and respect for different value systems and cultures. • Promote critical understanding and compassion for others and the courage to act based on one’s beliefs. • Provide a variety of learning support resources including English as an additional language, enrichment and counseling so that each individual can achieve success. • Recruit, retain and professionally develop leading American and international teachers. • Be a reflective and thoughtful community who seeks input from a variety of sources to successfully guide our progress. • Continue to develop a welcoming community that supports a happy and passionate staff, students and parents.



Letter from Headmaster !"#$%&'()"*'+, It is with great excitement that I write the first Sun Bear yearbook message for the students attending ISHCMC - American Academy. In all of my experience as a school educator and leader, never have I met a group of students with this much potential to positively impact the world. You have worked hard and are well on the way to becoming responsible global citizens. Your dedication and hard work is inspirational. Looking to the past, you have had challenges and successes that have contributed to who you are and who you will become. Your family, friends, and teachers have provided the caring guidance needed to develop into hardworking, ethical, and capable individuals. Looking to the future, you have all prepared yourselves for the next step. Many of you will be leaving home to attend universities that will take you to the next stage of adulthood. Others are looking to their senior year as the next major step. No matter where you are going it is important to have a plan to get where you want to be. You must look within to find the passion that drives you to your future aspirations, and then work that plan every day in order to make your dreams a reality. Former President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, wrote, ‘’the best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time’’. While it is important to remember the lessons of the past as well as focus on your future plans, it is equally important to be aware and present in the


current moment. Your daily actions, thoughts, and attitudes influence what your future will bring. I will leave you with the words of a very wise per!"#$%&"$%'"()* “Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.� %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-#$.%-/+0"+, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1$/2%3#./4'5* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%6#.7(+%8$/*2/7#4


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Nguyen Nhat Ha

Tran Thi Phuong Linh

My best memories: Ever since August 11th, 2010, 16 Vo Truong Toan has always been my favorite place. It is where I messed up with my friends and laughed until we wet ourselves. We sometimes hated, misunderstood and ignored each other for months, but after all I realized that without you guys the last 3 years would never have been so memorable.

My best memories: My best memory throughout the 3 years studying here is gathering around the lunch table with my friends where laughter and tears were shed, where all the gossip gathered, where all the conversations were never boring. I also remember how we all tried to eat each other© s food.

Message to teachers and friends: Thank you Dr. Lam for helping me with all of your best. Thank you Mr. Raffle for your hard work; without you we would have been lost. Thank you Mr. John for your valuable support. CCC-AAVN brings out the best in me. In the next 10 years, I will focus on my Bachelor in Finance, and after I graduate, I hope to find a job that will pay me well and be able to travel once a year.

Message to teachers and friends: To all the teachers that have given me, and all the students in general, everything they have: knowledge, things about life, behaviors, those will be treasured and follow us during each and every moment of our lives. Thank you for everything. And to all of my friends, thank you guys for the best 3 years of high school. I had lots of happiness and sadness. All the laughter and tears we shared will be the best part of my memories of this school. In the next 10 years: Haven© t thought that far. But I hope I'll be successful.

Truong Thi Bich Ngoc Nguyen Lam Duy Bao My best memories: The field trip in grade 9 was the best memory. It was the first year I joined the school. I had a wonderful experience and I made many good friends on that trip. Message to teachers and friends: It© s been a long journey these past four years$ We all have been through a lot together, a lot of troubles but also a lot of fun. I hope you all will succeed at what you want to do and be happy about your choices in the future. In the next 10 years, I will be finishing or starting on my Masters. I hope I will have enough money to be travelling and meeting new friends.

My best memories: My best memories in high school are lunch time and field trips. Through field trips, I made friends that I can proudly call ™ friends for life% and the bond between us grew stronger and stronger after every lunch time we spent together. Message to teachers and friends: I hope we can reunite after all of us have graduated or even further, when we have kids. It would be fun to watch our kids become friends just like we did. In the next 10 years: I will travel and work internationally. I want to be the manager of a famous theme park like Disneyland, so that is what I© m working for.

Le Ngoc Kim Ngan

Vuong Nguyen Minh Thu My best memories: I will always remember my lunchtime. It was all about happiness when I opened my lunch box, hilarious jokes of my friends and intense heat of the midday. Message to teachers and friends: Stay strong dudes$ In the next 10 years: Get a quality job that I love, have a happy family.

My best memories: Definitely the time I spent at the lunch table. The time of all the jokes, insanity and cheerfulness. I will never forget Mr. Tim's English class, playing chess every morning, 11W Thursdays' discussions and anyone who has made me laugh. Message to teachers and friends: Thank you to all of the teachers who have guided me for the last 4 years, especially Dr. Lam, Ms. Dien, and Mr. Martin with your worthy advice. And to my friends, I wish you guys the best in your journeys. And last but not least, thank you, Mom and Dad$ In the next 10 years: I am not sure yet, but I want to be an expert with a happy life. Having a favorite job, travelling and exploring the world are on my list.


Le Hoan Thao Linh

Nguyen Mai Minh Thu

My best memories: I will be both happy and sad when it comes to the day to say goodbye to this school. Lunchtime would be the thing from high school that I always want to keep in my memory. Also great friends that I have made throughout my 4 years of study in this school and all the great times I have had with them during the last fieldtrip.

My best memories: The lunch table, where emotions were exposed, growth and changes witnessed, where no kinds of conversations are inappropriate, and where I gained my dearest friends.

Message to teachers and friends: I am wishing you a ™ Good luck$ î in all of your decisions for your future. And I hope that we could have a high school reunion in the next 10 years. In the next 10 years: I will work for a pharmaceutical company and save money for traveling to places on my wish list.

Message to my teachers and friends (Especially Ms. Nicola, Mr Andrew, Ms. Van Anh and Mr. Gale): You are such passionate people, each in a different field and that alone is inspiring to me. Thank you for being my teachers. To all of my grade mates: meeting you gave me a peek at how diverse and weird it is out there. Whether we meet again or not, you all had very different ways to make imprints in my heart. Wish you the best in the next stage of your lives and until we meet again. In the next 10 years: Not sure what job I will be doing but it will be travelling and exploring new cultures. I will still be drawing.

Schultz Thuong Bao (Andy) My best memories: Perhaps some of my best memories were the times that all of us were on field trips and also after school activities. Message to teachers and friends: Thanks to all of my teachers that supported me throughout my school life. In the next 10 years: Don© t know what I will do within the next 10 years, life will guide me throughout my journey.

Tran Cong Minh My best memories: I have been studying at ISHCMC/CCC for 3 years and another year at AAVN. It has been a great experience. Message to teachers and friends: The teachers were really nice, dedicated and came from various places in the world. I met up with many people; over time many of them turned into my friends and were great parts of my daily life. I have learned a lot about different cultures, life and friendship. School is not just about studying all the time, ISHCMC teachers have taught me how to know about myself. I© m really happy and grateful that I was able to attend ISHCMC over the past 4 years. In the next 10 years: In the future, I will graduate from University and begin my own business. It would be a great surprise if I can meet up with the people that surround me right now.


Than Nam Anh My best memories: To me, every single day I spent in this school is a well spent day. I love my friends, my teachers, and the studying environment here. I will miss the school fieldtrips when my friends and I gathered, the glamorous parties, the classy prom that the SRC organized and all other school events that connected people together. Every little thing that seemed so normal will become a remarkable memory to me when I leave. Message to teachers and friends: I really appreciate and value the three years I have been here. Everything was so worth it. Last but not least, my life is going to turn to a new page soon, but it is alright. Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it. In the next 10 years: I will be happy, I will be what I always dreamed of, I will be what my inspiration follows, and for sure I will make my parents proud of me.

Nguyen Quang Minh My best memories: The field trips were always the most amazing time of every school year. I remember the time the Brotherhood and I did crazy things next to the swimming pool: belly dancing, singing, shouting, squaring, diving, jumping, racing and even taking off some of our shorts. Definitely my teachers, friends and the Brotherhood members who have supported me a lot since I came to ™ highî school. Last but not least, I will miss you a lot Tran Huu Phuc, a person with a unique personality, who never gave up in his way to beat me and become the ™ bestî in all aspects. In the next 10 years: I would like to see myself either as a professional software engineer working for Google or a high school IT/Mathematics teacher.

Nguyen Hong Nhan

Vo Nguyen Hai Tuong

My best memories: I will never forget school field trips, where we shared our fun and happiness.

My best memories: The last year of high school that I spent in AAVN, even though it was my first year and final year brought me so many memories with teachers and friends that I could never forget. Every day I come to school with happiness and joyfulness, learning and discovering a lot of different and funny stuff in my life, and sometimes I don't even think that I can figure out myself.

Message to my teachers and friends, I love you all. Don't forget to keep in touch$ In the next ten years, My dream so far is to become an IT analyst. Hopefully I will achieve my goal.

In the next 10 years: We will miss this place so much. Leaving AAVN is like closing one door and opening another for us. This is a year to remember.

Vo Nhat Anh My best memories: The last year of high school is totally memorable to me. Every day I go to school and have a lot of fun and many things to discover. Leaving the school, I will miss every field trip I had, every party I joined, every activity and the people that I worked with. AAVN is my second home and leaving this home is a memorable mark that turns my life into a new page. In the next 10 years: I hope I can fulfill my dream which is to become a doctor and to do something meaningful with what I have learned from school and from life. Time flies, I cannot believe that I am graduating. Four years of high school in CCC and AAVN was unforgettable to me.

Tran Duong Phuong Thao My best memories: First day at CCC 2 years ago, lunch time with the girls, how rebellious we were when CCC closed, grade fieldtrips, Mr. Nick's detentions, Mr. Brinkman's lullaby (lesson), Mr. Gale's unique way, Mr. Michael's class full of speak-Vietnamese-and-push-ups, noise in year 12, every other day and all the dramas that went along with it. In the next 10 years: Hopefully, I won't end up working a business job. Any other department is fine as long as I'm happy and I'll still be doing my art no matter what. One other goal is to live simple.

Tran Ngoc Tu Uyen Huy Nguyen My best memories: Even though this is my first year here at AAVN and also my last, I think this school is great with a lot of friendly people. Throughout the year I was able to learn a lot of things here along with making a lot good memories with those friends I made here. When I leave this school I think I will miss the people here along with all those good memories. In the next 10 years: After 10 years I will probably finish my study, graduate from university, and get a good job with good pay.

My best memories: Lots of things have changed in these past 4 years, and I have seen myself and all of my friends become more mature and more determined to achieve our future goals. I will remember all the fieldtrips, work experience, and club activities that we have been through together. I will miss Mr. Gale© s handsome hairstyles, Mr. Jack© s % Oh mah gad% complaint, the Ugly Girls Club, Mr. Toby, Mr. John and many other things. In the next ten years: I cannot guarantee anything about the future, but there are 3 things that I© m sure about: I will still hang out with my crew, I will do things as I like, and I won© t let my parents or my friends down.


Le Quang Thanh Tue

Le Tran Chau

My best memories: In AP Calculus BC, we tried to prove Euler' s identity, and subsequently Euler' s magic formula, at home. It took a while, but I was eventually able to arrive at the elegant result. This beautiful relation between five different, apparently unrelated constants in mathematics is truly the epic conclusion of our chapter on sequences and series.

My best memories: Attending at ISHCMC-AAVN, also known as ISHCMC_CCC, I had the best grade 9 time with many good and humorous friends. When I was at this school the first time, my English was really bad, but with the support of very kind English teacher, it has improved a lot. When I was at the school for the first time, I was afraid of a lot of things, but friends and teachers removed them from my thoughts.

Message to teachers and friends: My only year at AAVN has thus far been my most rewarding educational experience. My teachers have not only given me the knowledge but also the skills needed for my future career in science. Perhaps, more importantly, they have expanded my horizon of understanding and nourished my passion for learning.

In 10 years later, I hope that I will be successful in the future with my job and I can help many people, especially old people and children.

In the next 10 years: Four years from now, I will complete my undergraduate education with a major in physics and possibly mathematics. During the next years, I will attend graduate school in order to earn a PhD in Mathematical Physics.

Dang Thi Dieu Mai My best memories: Getting caught for allowing a friend to ditch into my room at midnight. We were all suspended from school for a day.

La Cam Thien Tri My best memories: My 3 years in CCC/AAVN are the best time in my life. I will never forget my time with 10B, 11T, 12B and the Sun Bear basketball team. Message to teachers and friends: Keep in touch, work hard and play hard$

Thing I will miss the most: Common room at lunch time. This place shows all the deeply unexpected characteristics of each person in grade 12. The place where the adjective % normal% would never be defined. Plan in next 10 years: Small apartment, big diamond ring.Â

In the next 10 years: I will own a big advertising company.

Le Cong Nguyen Ngo Hoang Long My best memory: For me, high school was great. I have lots of great memories with this school. I think it wouldn' t be fair to just pick one. Message for teachers and friends: Again, I have had a great time here. I will miss the teachers, and my friends. I hope I can meet them in the future with my head held high. Plan for next 10 years: I will graduate from university, get a masters degree, get a job, and get a house that I desire.


My best memories: Studying with Mr. Simon, a Physics teacher and he was very lovely. Message to my teachers and friends: Thanks to all of my teachers and good luck! To my friends, I wish you guys success. Plan in 10 years: Become rich, raise my children, have another nationality like Canadian.

Tran Huu Phuc

Phan Minh Duy

I will really miss all of my friends, especially Quang Minh. I hope all of them can be successful and achieve what they want in their life.

Message to friends: It was good to meet and become friends with you all, thank you.

In 10 years, I want to be a successful businessman.

Message to teachers: Thank you for teaching me many things in life as well as knowledge. Plan in 10 years: In ten years I will probably stay and work in Singapore.

Nguyen Ngoc Chau Uyen Nguyen Khanh Duy My most favorite memory is the field trip to Chau Doc with grades 11 & 12. We had so much fun together and had a chance to experience many new things that we have not had before in the city. In ten years I would imagine myself to be the owner and chief cook of my parentsŠ chain of restaurants. I would say to the future students who are attending the school that AAVN is an awesome school and you will be able to enjoy it every day.

Time flies. I cannot believe I am going to graduate, to leave this campus which was my second home for 3 years with joy and tears. I have lots of memorable moments with teachers and friends that I will never ever forget. Leaving this place will make me miss every day we were at school, every field trip that we had together, every party that we joined, every activity that we worked together and even every argument that we had. So, thank you for rocking my high school life. Love you all. And here is my message to all of my beloved friends: We are separating and living in different countries and we may not see each other again. So I hope you will get what you want in the future and just be awesome like you already are. Thank you for being here, being there, being everywhere, and of course I hope we can keep in touch with each other because once a friend always a friend.

Truong Phuoc Nguyen My best memory: Every single moment at high school will always remain in my mind. It was the place, the time, that spent with my beloved teachers and friends. Message to my friends: My friends, stay healthy, wake up your dreams and make them come true$ In the future, I want to become a financial advisor.























!"#$%$&'' The sun bear has been chosen as the American Academy mascot.

Sun bears are powerful, fierce animals, which are familiar to Vietnamese people. They have been endangered for a long time. Our school decided to select the Sun Bears as our representative symbol to encourage people to save them. 58



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The News Room


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Supporting Staff <I>&'$S$-&OA*A7




Departing Staff <'3".'7$=A&.A







Letter from Headmaster


Mascot Bears


Dean of Students


Art Class




Introduction to 3D Animation




The News Room


Class 6A




Class 7A


Video Production


Class 8A


The Terry Fox


Class 8B


Model United Nations


Class 9A


Welcome To Gin


Class 10A


Poetry Cafe


Class 10B


College Fair


Class 11A


Earth Day at ISHCMC-AA


Class 11B


UN Day


Class 12A


Halloween 2012


Class 12B


Moon Festival


Senior Testimonials


Merry Christmas


6th & 7th Grade Field Trip


Happy Lunar New Year 2013


Dalat Field Trip


Field Trip to the Independence Palace


Grade 10 Field Trip


White Valentine


Grade 11 & 12 Field Trip


Talent Extravaganza


Lion House


Spring Waltf


Shark House


Read Across America


Phoenix House




Dragon House


Yearbook Staff


Girls Basketball


Supporting Staff


High School Boys Basketball Team


Departing Staff






Table Tennis












Class of 2013!

School campus 16 Vo Truong Toan, An Phu Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (84 8) 3898 9098 Email:

Admissions office 26 Vo Truong Toan, An Phu Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (84 8) 3898 9100 Email:

Part of Cognita School Group


Inspiring Excellence

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