Ishcmc chronicle 17jan2014

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Jan 17, 2014

Dear ISHCMC Community, Another wonderful week has come and gone with plenty of learning taking place throughout the school. Grade 1 focused on their environment while Grade 3 put the finishing touches on their Digital Media unit. More information and photos can be found on page 3 and 4. Also this week, Grade 2 braved the traffic and took learning outside of the school with a trip to watch a movie and discuss migration. Thank you to our teachers for their hard work! Teachers are putting the final touches on reports that will go out electronically on January 28th. Early next week (Monday or Tuesday) you will get an invite to ManageBac, which will house your child’s report. This report will be in the form of a PDF. If you require a hard copy, you will be able to print this off through your computer at home. For parents who need an official school stamp, please bring your report to the school so we can help you with this process. A number of students have been seen in school well after the end of the school day. Please remember that students should be collected promptly after school or after their ASA. Also note that once a student is collected by an adult, they are then responsible for their well-being while on campus. Next week our After-School Activities (ASAs) will start. If you have not been able to sign-up for an activity, please email Mr. Connor in the PE department for support. ASAs are a great way for students to build on academic, athletic, and social skills. Have a great weekend, Kurtis Peterson

Event ASA starts

For Whom?


20th Jan, after school

Throughout the school

Primary EAL Meeting for Primary Parents Parents

21st Jan 8.00 -9.00am

Meeting Room

Tet Assembly

Parents and Students

28th Jan at 9.00am


KG 100 Days

KG Students

10th Feb

Primary Parent Coffee Morning

Primary Parents

13th Feb, 8am start

Upcoming Events

KG-Grade 5


In This Issue 

Principal’s Message


Caring for Our Environment

KG classrooms


Grade 1 Robots

Meeting Room


Grade 3 Photo Exhibition

Garbage: Lending a Helping Hand Class 1D and grade one is learning about sharing the planet. We went around the bushes near the football field. For a few minutes we picked up trash. We collect plasƟc cups, wrappers, candy sƟcks, boƩle caps and paper. The kids at ISHMCM threw this on the grounds. Tell par-

Photo of students (above) aŌer collecƟng garbage with the ‘’fruits’’ of their labour (below) in a plasƟc bag.

ents and children to not throw trash on the ground. This is our planet and we don't want animals or people to get hurt. We don't want ISHCMC to be a dump of trash. We should recycle and reuse. The planet is not just yours. It is everyone's. Grace Tierney Theresa Whitehorn Gabriela Murray-Treasure

Robots in Grade 1 Students in grade 1 have been making robots out of recycled items as part of their Unit of Inquiry (Sharing the Planet). Here are a few pictures of the creaĆ&#x;ons they have made. Great job grade 1!

Grade 3 Photo Exhibition

Over the past two weeks, digital media has played a large part in grade 3 learning. 3C put on a photo exhibition this week that showcased some of their favourite pictures. Excellent work 3C!

Grade 2 Visit the Leaky Tavern

Grade 2 students visited the Leaky Tavern to watch a film on migration. Students will use this information to further their inquiry into push and pull factors that encourage emigration and immigration.

PRIMARY CROSS COUNTRY TEAM @ ISHCMC!! Attention all students in grades 2-5 interested in joining our Cross Country team: The first practice/training run will be on Tuesday, 21 January at 6:30am, starting at school. The weekly Tuesday morning practices will lead up to the SISAC Cross Country Challenge/City Championship, which will be held on Monday, 10 March for under-9 years old, and under-11 years old students. Please wear athletic clothing and good running shoes, and bring a hat and water bottle. GO ISHCMC Cross Country "Running Rhinos!"

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