ISHCMC Middle Years Programme Personal Project 2016 - 2017

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MYP Personal


Project 2016/17





MYP Personal Personal Project 2016/17 Project


Sustainable Pottery

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Huong GOAL To provide an eco-friendly alternative to plant pot material


My whole life, I have been able to view many ways in which pottery can be designed. I’m inspired by the innovative materials utilized for pottery from the Anco Company in Binh Duong, founded by my father. I began this project as I wanted to experiment on an abundant eco-friendly material within Vietnam, that is not commonly utilized or consumed by other entities of production. Through this project, I want the audience to understand that a simple invention can be adapted to different levels which can widely impact sustainability in the amount of consumption by the target market. A simple renovation to provide an eco-friendly alternative for certain pottery materials can provide a huge improvement towards the global environment as long as it is accepted and consumed within the markets.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17


Saigon Vegan

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Carla To encourage and provide resources for people to incorporate veganism into their lifestyle, alongside factual and GOAL ethical content


My choice of goal is due to the fact that I am passionate about veganism and have had great interest in becoming an advocate for my community. This passion stems off the environmental, health and animal welfare factors that are benefited from a vegan lifestyle. Due to being vegan for over a year now I have gained a lot of experience that I believe has possible value to others, especially in a country such as Vietnam where the concept is still fairly new. I want my audience to become mindful as to their consumption of animal products as it has large negative effects on one’s health, the environment and animals. Generally speaking these negative attributes haven’t been largely communicated in society, therefore I want people to understand their effects on equal access to opportunities, peace and conflict resolution by people and other living things.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17


Learn to Swim Technical by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To be able to teach those who do not know how to swim all four strokes with the proper technique My reasoning/inspiration for my final project was that I love to swim myself and I want to be able to spread the love of swimming for me to be able to create this video and book it can show people want to learn how to properly swim each stroke with the stroke progressions and be able to continue the sport for life. I want other to be able to understand that learning to swim without the right stroke progressions can have a lot of risks and it is always better to get help from an expert or an educational video/book. The main thing that I want the audience to be able to appreciate is why I made a video and wrote a book for them to be able to learn these things and be safe in the water.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.


More than Basketball

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Khanh GOAL To develop basketball in Vietnam by involving the next generation to doing the sport


Growing up in a basketball environment, I have developed a huge passion for the sport. I want to take part in the development of basketball in Vietnam, and I believe that by involving the next generation, give them opportunities to interact with the sport, it could help them develop a healthy lifestyle and possibly develop a passion for the sport, which can would lead to a better basketball future in Vietnam. I want people to understand the next generation is the future and we have to help shape their ways in order to have a sustainable future.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.


Fencing - the sport

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Petra GOAL To spread awareness about the benefits of participating in fencing


Before I left Australia, nearly a year ago, I attempted to start a fencing club at my own school; I want to establish a fencing club here to start my dream, or at least be able to spread awareness of the benefits of fencing that people aren’t aware of. I would like the audience to understand that in circumstances that I could not control, the person that would have been the coach of my fencing club had to leave the country for eye surgery a month into my project, and will not be coming back any time soon. So I have been left with making pamphlets and posters to hand out and show around the school.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Children Books Translation

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Jung Yun To translate Vietnamese, Korean and Spanish folk tales into English to the ISHCMC library for the students to GOAL enhance their English skills as well as learning cultural morals


I believe that by reading folktales from various countries helps international students to be engaged as well as developing their English skills through reading. To translate languages from Spain, Vietnam and Korea involves fluency and comprehension skills in order for me to translate the exact message across to the English readers. The goal is to deliver cultural knowledge, morals as well as developing primary English skills through reading. Another aspect is on how we don’t rely on textbooks but rely our sources on the internet as our first source of research. Primary students should learn the importance of reading at the start of a young age for them to have a habit or even a hobby of reading.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Artificial Reef Regeneration

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Tess Create a plan to submerge a local sustainable platform and provide details on how it would help regenerate the GOAL coral and marine life in Con Dao


My reason for doing this project is that I enjoy recreational diving but have found that in Vietnam the coral reefs have been largely damaged due to improper fishing techniques. Thus, I wanted to create a project which could try and combat this issue, and would lead to the regeneration of one of Vietnam’s most important ecosystems. I would like others to be able to learn about the benefits to regenerating a coral reef and sustainable ways in which to do so. I also want others to understand how by regenerating a coral reef it will not only improve the marine environment but will allow for a greater amount of ecotourism.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Nature and Human Beings

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Hojin To give the message that human beings and nature are always important to each other; therefore if one of them GOAL disappears, the balance of the world will be upset


In Ho Chi Minh City I have seen people lying down and playing around on broken and destroyed trees and dead plants. So this gave me the inspiration to draw them - both nature and the people. I want people at least to know about they affected to nature (trees, plants, etc) to destroy and roast. Because usually people don’t know about why natural destruction happens which is because of them.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Modern Mix of Hanbok and Aodai

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Soo Min GOAL To produce 3 types of modern traditional clothing


The aesthetics and the history of traditional clothes are beyond amazing. However, young generations today are forgetting about them. This is a huge problem for the next generations. From mixing Hanbok and Aodai, I wanted to convey the forgotten beauty of two traditional clothes to the young generations and create new innovation. This project is valuable because I wanted to connect my Korean identity and Vietnam, where I am living. From this project, I want others to understand how traditional clothes can be worn daily. Thus I want others to appreciate the beauty and the history behind traditional clothes that cannot be forgotten in any circumstances. Mixing two cultures will create multiple perspectives.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17


Modifying plane model

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Phuc To design an airplane from an existing model and include some improvements to increase the performance GOAL and efficiency.


Airplanes nowadays is one of the most popular type of transportation. The number of people who travel by planes is increasing rapidly. Follow by that is the increasing in gas emissions, which largely affect our environment. By modifying the existed aircraft model, I believe that it is possible for other people, specifically aircraft manufacturers to improve their designs and increase the plane’s efficiency as well as capacity. Because a plane that only fly fast is not enough, it needs to be able to carry a lot of people and gas emissions reduced to the lowest limit.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17


Introducing a game

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Younho GOAL To make it easier for people to play the game “ league of legends”


I am interested in gaming and using computers. My goal is to help people who have trouble while trying to play new games and I want to teach them how they should play by making a blog (including videos). The global context that i am focusing on is sustainability and globalization. Through this project I want others to understand the goal of my project and just because it is related to gaming i don’t want them to judge because of that. I want them to understand the context that i wrote because that’s the main point of my project.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17


Fitness Revolutionized

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Mathieu Gripon GOAL To improve the physical capability and health of parents, teachers, students and staff of ISHCMC


I found a new fitness training technique around a year ago, after the warmup, I was drenched in sweat. It was one of the most physically demanding trainings I had done and I personally wanted to share my experience as I believed other people could benefit from it. During my first class I was expecting 6 or 7 people, but in the end no one came. This disappointed me but I was determined to make my project a success. After 2 weeks or so word was spreading between adults and teachers about the impact and the challenge one of my trainings was. I along with many teachers believe my project was a success as I accomplished all of my goals and impacted the students, staff and teachers of ISHCMC.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Sustainable Factory Model



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To create an environmentally friendly cost efficient innovative factory model Coming from a background of civil and pre engineered buildings, I’ve always had links to factories and their innovation. However, with recent findings I’ve found that the business is not only a costly one, but one that is very environmentally detrimental. This is why I opted to investigate means of innovating the growing market of pre engineered buildings in Vietnam. I wanted to bring light to the field of Pre engineered building, its relevance in Vietnam as well a the ways to improve it so that it remains a sustainable means for Vietnam to grow and prosper as a nation.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Water Desalination Device

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Marshall To design and construct an efficient and affordable device using saline water and to convert it into clean GOAL drinkable water


With almost 70% of our planet covered in sea water, and our rapid increase in human population, the demand for clean drinkable water is rising. This gave me the inspiration to design and construct an efficient and affordable device which would use saline water and convert it into clean drinkable water. Thus creating a concept for developing countries like Vietnam on investments in these alternatives towards producing clean drinkable water. Although the device which I have created does not convert water fast, I wanted people to understand the concept and the idea of how it can be accomplished through a small and cheap project. This could be a start and can be developed further if we research more.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Microbial Fuel Cell

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Alejandro GOAL To create a reliable way to harness energy from waste, biomass or another potential energy source


The reason why I chose this project is because I wanted to pursue something to do with the application of science in solving some real world problem. I was inspired by the numerous ways that energy can flow and be harnessed and the multiple ways that we have been able to harvest energy from many sources. I want others to understand that energy is present all over the world and that it can be harnessed from virtually anything with the right tools and applications. I also wanted to show that the process of generating energy is often not so difficult once you understand it and that there are many ways in which it can be accomplished in a more sustainable manner.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Random Name Picker by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

How can we make students participate more and make them more engaged in classes? The reason I decided to pick this topic was to create a sense that every student is acquiring the same level of knowledge and education. For my global context I decided to pick Scientific and technical innovation: “The impact of scientific and technological advances on communities and environments”. I created a solution to this problem by creating an application that will randomly pick a student rather than a teacher picking the same student. The program has an algorithm that makes it so that a student cannot be picked twice before everyone has been picked.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Learn Korea by

Jeong Yeon


MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To create an extensive web-guide on Korean writing/speaking for non-Korean speakers Being exposed to various different cultures throughout the years, I recognized my inability to communicate in Korean. Thus I decided to not only embrace my short-comings, but help those who are also in need of assistance with their Korean. As I was also fascinated by the concept of online tutoring, I decided to combine the ideas in order to create an online tutoring website in which I can teach others to learn Korean. As for my Global Context, I decided to focus on ‘Personal and Cultural Expression’ as I was able to learn about the value that lies in communication and expression through languages.

MYP Personal

Through this project, I hope others understand the value of personal experiences; I hope others can see how the decisions they make in their lives can help them pursue something far greater than what they can imagine. With regards to my project in particular, I want others to recognize the value of linguistic systems and the vast array of experiences they can construct through learning languages (specifically Korean). Click here to see student’s work.

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Seed Papers by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To promote positive images about recycling papers and to emphasize the relationship between papers and plants ISHCMC is a paper-free school, however this does not mean that we do not consume any paper. Rather, I have observed numerous cases which can be considered as wastes of paper. I felt the need to improve students’ awareness, and one day I came across by accident the Japanese Newspaper, called Mainichi, who print their news on seed papers; and this was the source of my project. I hope my project changes others’ awareness. It is a matter of common knowledge that paper is made from timber. Also, we have heard that we need to save paper since our childhood. However, do we actually practise that? I hope others plant seed paper, observe seeds grow and consider about the value of paper.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Homemade Phone Projector by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To show that money is not a necessity to enhance the capabilities of technology I was never able to afford products that would increase the usability of technology such as VR machines and such. I thought that the products offered by large corporations should be cheaper and accessible for the general public. That the public would start to take initiative in order to create their own methods of replacing brand products with their own imagination to enhance their entertainment and other necessities.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Electrohydro dynamic propulsion


MYP Personal

Project 2016/17



To reach a power efficiency of 20+N/kW This topic interested me as it is very relevant to my chosen path for the future — as an aerospace engineer innovating new and breakthrough means of aerospace propulsion. As electrohydrodynamic propulsion is a relatively unexplored type of propulsion - “there is surprisingly little experimental or theoretical data explaining this effect” this topic was a perfect match for my interests and my future career.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT The Bahnar Ethnic Group by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To create a video containing facts and knowledge about Vietnam’s ethnic groups and the Bahnar specifically. My inspiration was when I visited Da Lat and watched their “cong chien” performance. I didn’t really understand what they were trying to convey so I decided to use this opportunity to find out more about their lifestyle, and how are they different from the modern days people. I want the audience to discover about the Vietnam hill tribes and to acknowledge their existence, since I asked many people about their understanding of the ethnic groups in Vietnam but no one seems to have any knowledge about them.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Animal Cruelty Vietnam by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To raise awareness of how animals are being treated unequally compared to humans in Vietnam. Watching documentaries and videos of animals being illegally traded and locked in cages, I was influenced to make a website about animal cruelty. I want my audience to learn from my project about how this is becoming a worldwide problem and needs to be noticed by people.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Dyscalculia by

Thao Chi


MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To be able to understand the psychological process of an individual with dyscalculia in order to provide support for parents or teachers and produce a learning tool that builds learning skills and strategies to allow students to accurately demonstrate their ability

I have always been interested in the topic of psychology in education. I was captivated to investigate further into dyscalculia, a learning disability regarding mathematics. I have always been passionate to utilize my ability to support people who are less fortunate than myself. From this project, I hope I can provide more support for the students with dyscalculia along with their parents or teachers so they can overcome their disability and perform to their full potential. Outside this main goal, I hope people have more sympathy for people with learning disability. Often misunderstood as incapability, in fact people with a learning disability have the same capability but require a different approach to build a skill or strategy.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Organic /Non-toxic Facial Masks and Scrubs




MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To produce non-toxic facial masks / scrubs from organic supplies to promote health and beauty I have always been interested in health and beauty therefore I want to know about the topic more through this project. Beauty products out there can be too expensive for some people yet they contain chemical ingredients that we don’t know about. Organic supplies have always been the best sources for everybody’s health therefore I promoted them because I want people to understand the benefits in organic products, other than just a food supply. I want to acknowledge them that daily organic sources are good for yor health, and also very affordable comparing with other beauty products.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Recycling Quilt by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Creating an easy accessible online blog consisting of quilt tutorials using recycled fabrics for beginners. As people tend to throw their clothes away when it is too small, I felt it is a waste. So, I used my skills (Quilting) to recycle the clothes that can’t be worn anymore to produce new type of products, such as pencil cases, bags and more. I want people to learn that they can actually create new products recycling old clothes, quilting recycled fabrics. Also, they need to understand that they can learn new skills by watching online tutorials although they are still beginners.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT The Fatty Truth by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To write an eBook to change teenagers’ perspective of what is really healthy and help them to get a better lifestyle The society we live in has really bad eating habits, which has made our death indices from diseases such as cardiovascular and diabetes rise drastically. As teenagers our bodies are going through puberty and fully developing; we need to provide all the nutrients necessary to make this process happen successfully. I decided to take my own knowledge and experience on the topic, as a teenager, and share it with young people who are willing to change their lifestyles for the better. Through my project, I want teenagers to see that being healthy is not a cliche. I want them to realize that living a healthy lifestyle directly impacts their physical and mental health. Knowing how our own bodies work builds the importance of health and well-being. By improving their lifestyles and not following society’s habits, I want teenagers to explore their values and expand their thinking “out of the box” to grow as individuals.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Trading Lives - Human Trafficing in Vietnam




MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To raise awareness of human trafficking and child brides between Vietnam and China through a documentary in the perspective of a 15 year old girl 1.2 million children are trafficked every year worldwide, with Vietnam being one of the top sources of trafficking. Many Vietnamese women and girls are smuggled across the Chinese border and sold as brides, as a result of China’s gender imbalance and lack of women. These girls are my age, and we live in the same country, however live such different lives. Fairness and development is my global context, as the act of trafficking treats humans as tradable resources. It takes away the girl’s opportunities. I met young trafficking survivors currently living in a Compassion House run by the Pacific Links Foundation and heard their stories. My documentary raises awareness on a huge, yet unknown issue in Vietnam and also shows how we can help these girls to continue to establish their lives.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Music Collab Site by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Encourage the expression and exposure of people’s music capabilities Upon arriving to this school, I recognized the amount of musical talent students had. However, I was disappointed with the lack of opportunity for students to express their abilities. I figured that confidence was the one of the main factors. When performing or showing skills behind a screen, people tend to be more comfortable, thus encouraging more exposure in the future. I would like people to understand the fact that it is difficult to demonstrate and show what you’re capable of, especially if you are not used to it. With that in mind, it can be a detrimental factor to people’s skills and their growth of it. Thus, capping and limiting their potential. When encouraging to perform, it can really bring forth their capabilities, therefore developing their skills for the future.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Cooking Made Easy by

An Chun


MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To create a YouTube channel with easy cooking videos so that after my audiences (middle to high school students) watch my videos they can cook by themselves This project is personal to me because sometimes my parents are not in Vietnam because of work. Learning or knowing how to cook simple dishes is important because you become more independent. The reason I chose this project is because my younger brother doesn’t know how to cook, I hope my personal project can help him learn how to cook so I don’t have to worry about him. I want others to understand that cooking is not actually hard - if they start from learning simple dishes they can slowly approach to a high level. Also because there are recipes that are simple for beginners. I want them to know that there are recipes that are healthy and do not require complex cooking skills.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Making a Manga




MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To improve my art skills My inspiration for this project came from my personal hobby which is watching anime and reading manga. I wanted to do something related to that but making an anime was too hard so I decided to draw a manga. I wanted others to appreciate the art of anime and manga and know the difference between western comics/animation and japanese comics/animation. I wanted to specifically focus on the artstyle difference between these two.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Make a Website by

Minh Thu


MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Creating a website about disability and invisible disability and comparing them. To know are they the same symptoms. Websites are really popular nowadays, websites are worldwide. Websites give people information to find what they want. So, I am creating a website about disability and invisible disability and comparing them, to know are they the same disabilities. I chose this topic because back in year 6 I used to have an exhibition with a similar topic as I choosing right now. I have never learned or done website design before, so doing a website helped me to develop my skills, Creating a website, I can be creative and think more. Invisible disability is a disability that juts a few people know about. Therefore I chose to do this topic to combine the knowledge and learning to do a website.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT What Words Cannot Begin to Reveal




MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To create a collection of dresses in order to raise awareness and improve understanding of mental illness Mental Illness is gradually becoming a more accepted topic for discussion. However I felt that people were just accepting and trying to aid without truly understanding. As I have seen people in my life personally go through with this silent illness, I was inspired to raise awareness not only of its existence but the emotions and feelings it evokes. I want people to understand the complexity of it all. How a mental illness can’t be definitely defined by a sentence, and how each patient expresses the same diagnosis in a different way. And how depression isn’t just being “sad”, it’s a mix of feelings.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Air Pollution Documentary by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To create a quality 5-minute movie to raise awareness about air pollution in Saigon and provide practical solutions I chose to create a product relating to movie-producing because the movie industry has been my passion since I was first introduced to live action movies. I believe that storytelling is the main factor of producing a cinematographic piece. Movie is an effective media to spread a certain message through various methods. My goal is to spread the awareness of air pollution through the 5 minutes video. Air pollution is a major problem for the world we live in environmentally, healthily and economically as it is proven to be the most dangerous and damaging type of pollution there is. Throughout the documentary, I offer a detailed look at air pollution, its causes, consequences and ways to prevent it under a variety of perspectives such as personal, health, economic and environmental.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Making a Dalahäst




MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To inspire self cultural exploration and to also inspire creativity I chose to do this project because I’m a quarter Swedish and I thought that that was a part of my culture that I haven’t really experienced. This project was a chance for me to experience that Swedish culture as well as learn about it while expressing my creativity. I want others to see, through my work, that culture is rapidly changing and sometimes, those changes lead to traditions being lost. I want people to find some sense of initiative to keep traditions alive.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Making a Skateboard by

June Hwi


MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Use my personal expression to create a board The reason why I chose to create skateboards is because of the effect sports had in my life, and the current area that I live in. Since Thao Dien is a crowded area, when you travel somewhere within the area, you can only travel by car/motorbike or walking. However, with skateboards, we are able to move faster than walking and decrease my use of transportation. The global context that I chose is personal expression. In addition, I thought that through this project, I will be able to have a clear and possibly, better value of life.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Making a Webtoon by

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Hong Ngoc


To make a webtoon about global issues I chose this because webtoon is one of my favorite topics about comic art. I want to challenge myself to create a webtoon series about global issue in able to share my message and my art skill to the social media and to explore about comic art, where it originally came from and how it developed over time. Through this project, I want to be able to understand the deep meaning behind my comic series. in my comic series, each character will represent a global issue like domestic violence, rape etc. I think using webtoon is good wayto express my opinion and my ideas throuhg art, and to challenge myself using digital programs to make a webtoon.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

MYP Personal

PROJECT Making a Drone by

Project 2016/17



Environmentally friendly drone From a young age I have been fascinated with the world of science fiction and drones. However I realized that drones were quite wasteful in both environmental and economical ways and therefore wanted to build such a drone.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.


Football with Orphans by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To improve emotion, social and physical health of underprivileged children, through the act of football During the personal project, I created a service group. Having a main task of providing quality football training to underprivileged children, specifically orphans. To achieve this, routine training was put into place leading to end match, against an established football club. From a young age football has been a sport which has filled me with joy and passion. It holds the ability to relieve anxiety and create new friends. Knowing this impact, it has had on my life, it inspired me to give the opportunity to others, specifically orphans.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17


Pop-up Charity by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To organize a garage sale that will help to provide funds, clothing and objects for the less fortunate people in Vietnam through a charity I realized how lucky I am to be privileged enough to live such a healthy life. I am incredibly blessed with a family who loves me, friends who support me, an excellent school to attend and so on. I realized that I am luckier than so many people and it soon came to me what it must be like to not have my friends or family around me. I want everyone to understand that even in your hardest time, there will still be family and friends who are willing to help because they love you. Appreciate the things they give you and pay it forward.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17


Art of KAWS by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To create three paintings based on the theme of KAWS. The paintings are capable of improving human well-being I want to do this because i want to improve each individual’s to be a better person and expressed myself through art because it is something that i am passionate about, especially the theme of KAWS. I want everybody to change their perspective about the world, positively. As KAWS is a type of street art that is symbolizing the chaotic generation right now with a bit of abstract to create a sense of confusion. KAWS art is capable of lifting up humanity as well as human beings. It challenges the individual who encounters it to think differently about themselves and about the world. This art form can help to improve our quality of life, because it makes us stop and open our eyes and seek the abstract meaning of it.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Vietnamese infused molecular gastronomy




MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To combine Vietnamese food with modern techniques I like cooking and science and also I’m Vietnamese. So this was a good combination. The idea for the website was created later on after adjusting to my situation, and I chose a website to easily show people what is going on digitally. I want others to appreciate molecular gastronomy and realize what it is. My website teaches people about what the Vietnamese cuisine is, how it varies, different molecular gastronomic techniques and how to do them easily.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Kinetic and Solar Powered Charger




MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Recharge a power bank by harnessing energy of the sun and from intrinsic movement The reason for my choice is my personal interest in Physics and my encounters with recurring annoyances. Physics is a subject that most students are quite intrigued about due to its relations to our everyday life. Additionally, my phone’s battery life is a major concern when I am not at home or have an opportunity to charge; it is also very annoying that I do always forget to charge my power bank: thus, I wanted to make a free charging power bank. Corresponding to my global context: scientific and technological innovations:I want create a product that is quite innovative but is quite preliminary version of the final product.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Introducing Ho Chi Minh City by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To raise awareness of the underestimated perspectives towards Ho Chi Minh city, introduce the city with different perspectives and categories Every year, increasing number of foreign tourists are visiting Vietnam and the country itself is showing massive progressions. However, still there are misconceptions from people just because they think Vietnam is a developing country. Personal and cultural expression is my global context and I want to show my audiences specifically to english speaking tourists and my friends back in Korea. By providing different aspects of the nation would be sufficient to deliver my intentions of living in Vietnam. My video intends people to think with a wider perspective and grow their acceptance towards different cultures.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Drunk driving PSA by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To bring awareness to the effects of drunk driving and how it affects human relationships in Vietnam Global Context: Globalization and Sustainability From seeing the devastating effects of drunk driving accidents in the streets, I was inspired and had a strong desire to change this problem in my society. To understand the importance of our actions towards others, and know that drunk driving does not only affect the driver but also the victims around them. I aim to make the Vietnamese society be more aware of the situation and make better decisions.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Click here to see student’s work.

Click here to see student’s website.

PROJECT Children’s divorce book by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To provide support for children who are going through divorce with a message through the story Global Context: Globalization and Sustainability I was inspired to write a children’s picture book because I was never given that kind of support while in that position. I would like others to understand that children do deserve more support and attention during these tough times.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Terrariums by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To take terrariums to the new campus in 2017 and to show how terrariums can become sustainable and beneficial to others The personal topic that I selected for the MYP personal project was about terrariums. The reason I chose to focus on terrariums is that I noticed that everytime I walk outside the world is filled with life, and as buildings rise, it removes nature’s gifts. As one day I want to become a botanist, I want to show the importance of plants, as well as present it in an artistic way. So many processes happen in this tiny ecosystem, such as the water cycle, respiration, photosynthesis. I want individuals to understand the meaning behind terrariums and how impactful this exterior design is. I want to display the many benefits of terrariums and display the simplistic thought into a big idea.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17


Magic Variety by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To show people that magic can be used for more than just entertainment I have been a magician for almost 3 years now and I would like to expand the interpretation of it. I want magic to be used in different environments as well as school and work. I want people to understand that magic is not just something to entertain children but to also teach, inspire but still entertain and have fun.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Football Skill Development by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To encourage young children to improve their tactical skills when engaging in a football game I was always interested in football. Through teaching other kids I will be able to know something new about my project and football in general. I want others to understand that football is not just a sport that everyone can do easily. I want people to appreciate and realize how hard football is. My goal is to make people appreciate football and learn something new for themselves.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Mindful Colouring Book by

Hoang Han


MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To encourage adolescents to enjoy the practice of mindfulness by engaging in colouring I have a passion for art: I like to sketch things and colour things as a hobby. Colouring books are a great idea, if the designs are eye catching which makes the audience feel like they want to colour them as an entertainment. They can do this activity in their freetime or mindful time of the day; this could be a great way to get the mind off stressful things. Being an adolescent myself, I know how stressful it is with a lot of homework, assessments, exams and especially personal project can be what stresses us out most.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17


Composing Emotion by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Creating a mini album After looking at many people who were restricted from expressing their feelings like children getting picked on for crying, I wanted to show different ways emotion can be expressed. The second reason I chose this topic is because I was interested in composing because I was amazed by the fact that I can compose music that I thought that was impossible, I wanted to compose and improve my skill on this area. I want people to understand that there are many ways that emotions can be expressed and music is just one of them. By doing so, I want them to express their feelings more freely and fully without any restrictions and nobody would be afraid for expressing.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Reducing polluting properties from scooters




MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To make a filter to help the environment by reducing the pollution that comes out of the scooters’ exhaust With the incremental increase in pollution rates world wide, I felt like it was absolutely necessary to take some form of action, to at least mitigate pollution rates locally. While inquiring for a mean to do such, I thought of motorcycles and car exhausts, and the pollution emitted from there. I’m an enthusiast in cars and motorcycles, and have been for most of my life, so I thought it was only fitting to apply a cause I was trying to fight for onto something I personally enjoy. I want others to be aware of the possibilities in today’s society, and how even a student can make a difference. I want people to be inspired and possibly motivated to also solve world issues they advocate for.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17


Vegan Fusion Cuisine by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To globalize food by combining different countries’ foods and sustain the environment with vegan food I am interested in cooking and since I go to an international school, I thought that if I make a fusion cuisine, it will have more impact with many people from different countries. Additionally, more people are becoming vegan and it has a lot of benefits such as saving animals and planet. I want others to learn how to make vegan fusion cuisine by watching my recipe videos. I want people to understand that by globalizing vegan food from different countries can make a delicious cuisine.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

Link 5

PROJECT Football tutorial Website by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To teach people how to perform some of the most basic football skills Sports have always played a big role in my life, so in this project I have chosen to teach people how to play football because I am a very active person and I really enjoy playing all kinds of sports, especially football. I wanted to share my passion with other people by teaching them the basics so they can also enjoy the game of football. I want others to stay physically active while learning new skills, which is playing football. I also want to allow them to enjoy the game as much as I do and for that they need to know how to play it.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.


Dance Therapy by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Teaching dance as therapy My inspiration for this project was the happiness dance brought to me. Dance has always been a passion of mine and I really wanted to highlight the numerous amount of benefits and treat it as a form of therapy, rather than how most people treat it which is as an embarrassment to do in public. I want my audience and others to understand the numerous health benefits and really notice and appreciate the difference dance brought to my kids and how it is possible for anyone to achieve it. I want everyone to see this type of therapy is really effective and easy to do.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT 2D Platformer Videogame Tutorial




MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To teach anyone how to code Was always keen to know how C++ language coding works, as it is one of the most popular languages used in coding right now. I wanted to teach others how the concept of coding is quite simple and not as difficult as they think it would be. I was also interested in creating a videogame myself. I want others to appreciate the simplicity of coding and allow them to understand the technology surrounding them. Also, to encourage some of my audiences that has great gaming ideas. I want them to understand that once you put enough effort and dedication in coding, you will be able to express your creativity.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Academic pressure & students


My An


MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Raise awareness to Vietnamese parents about the impacts of excessive academic pressure on their children First is seeing my mother put pressure on my brother because his grades have slightly dropped. Second is because many of my friends have to attend extra classes to maintain good grades I would like parents to understand their child(ren)’s feelings when they’re being pressured about academic performance, and that grades are not the only factor that determines one’s success.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Food blog based on Saigon’s International Cuisine


Seung Jae


MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Promote restaurants in Vietnam, and to help people residing in Vietnam receive information about international and fusion cuisine available When I just arrived in Saigon, I wanted to discover the restaurants that serve not Vietnamese cuisine but others. Initiating working on the product, I believed that writing food blog is the most suitable topic for me. In addition to aforementioned idea, the fact that I experienced numerous adversities motivated me to choose writing food blog. Majority of people believe that everyone can easily adjust to certain environments. However, such belief commits logical fallacy on the grounds that it is not applicable on real instances. In fact, there are plenty of people who are not able to adopt some cultures. I want others to appreciate that plenty of people in Saigon have difficulty with encountering new types of cultures.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.


Fish Tanks for Working by

Cong Can


MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To help people be more convenient in looking after their fishes as pets while working as well as a method of relieving stress Since I raise fish at home as pets in my pond and after stressful moments of studying, I generally seek out the fish to watch them and relieve stress. Therefore, I want to help other people who experience stress a lot in their lives by producing tanks which are smaller and more affordable and they would greatly help them in terms of raising the fish while doing their work. I want people to understand that by fusing two objects together, this could make an object serving two functions and more beneficial. Also, I want people to understand and value aesthetics of objects; besides aesthetics, I want people to learn about the true value that objects may hold and how they could actually help people in society.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Social Isolation Short Film


Quang Phuc


MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Raise awareness and inspire others to take action against this issue of Social Isolation I always had the idea of sharing my story that I had issues with such as Social Isolation. It is then I thought the best way to tackle this issue is to present myself as part of it. Which is why I decided to make this project very personal to me as I deeply reflect on my life, writing a film inspired by it and help everyone, including myself overcome this issue in the future of our lives. There is always a time in life where you can re-evaluate yourself, where you are and what you want to do. As time passes, there will be an interception where you want to take a break and develop your relationships but sometimes it comes with a cost. That is where balancing your life is better than losing one aspect of yourself for another.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Expression Through Writing by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Creating a Book: Global Context - Personal and cultural expression The basis for writing a book was simply because I wanted to: stories have always played a role in my childhood. Games, manga, anime, movies and light novels are the forms that I have used to explore these stories. The stories I read are often fantasy novels because they are often unattached to our own and because of this they seem to build their own world. That is the reason I choose to write a Fantasy Novella.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Song for Happiness by

Quoc Hung

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

GOAL Producing an electronic dance song that encourages people to dance and be happy and express my ideas, Culture and Creativity.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Air pollution in HCMC by

Tuong Vy


MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To create an art mural design on canvas to raise awareness about air pollution in Ho Chi Minh City My chosen goal was to create an art mural design on canvas to raise awareness about air pollution in Ho Chi Minh City. The reason for this choice is that nowadays getting fresh air and seeing the beautiful blue sky is rare in Ho Chi Minh City. Air pollution is one of the most serious problems in Ho Chi Minh city. It has been increasing rapidly day by day and it has affected the community. This issue really concerns me because we all live in this unhealthy atmosphere.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17



Nhu Mai


MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To form a charity organization through which money will be raised to help people with difficult circumstances I chose this project because I want to develop the equal rights of the people living in this world - right to food, clothing, shelter, and education and good physical & mental health. Thien Tam Charity Organization focuses on the responsibility of the country toward each other in a broader sense. To be specific, it also focuses on the responsibility and the relationship of the people living in a community. The aim of my project is to deliver an impactful message that every of us should appreciate what things we have. We are very lucky to be grown and raised under a privileged environment. We need to take this advantage and keep trying to achieve higher goals in our lives. We should always be thankful for the things we have because sadly, there are many more unfortunate lives out there. It would be a good idea to appreciate all the wonderful things we have now before it disappears.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Mixed Media Art Designs Sexism/Double Standards


Ngoc Han


MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To raise awareness about the double standards and sexism in the community My reason for doing this project is to raise awareness and advocate for my issue. Sexism and Double Standards is quite a sensitive one that not many people like to talk about or like to be confronted with which is another reason why it was important for me to do this. I want people to understand that gender equality is not a milestone that needs to be achieved, but a process that should keep progressing. Also it is important to understand that this affects everyone in the world either on a bigger scale or a smaller one.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Misolar by

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Sang Beom


To build a multi rechargeable battery pack These days there are significant increase in demand for electronic devices. Which means the need of extra battery has become crucial to the people who often use electronic devices. I want people to understand and appreciate that this battery’s original purpose was to charge through solar panel and electronic outlet. From this people have some awareness of solar energy and how people can develop this to a bigger extent.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Media Interpretations by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To investigate how our social background affects our opinions and beliefs, whilst promoting diversity and acceptance Throughout my life I have attended many different international schools and have met people of many different nationalities, religions, etc. However, sadly I have also seen many different forms of discrimination. As a result of this I have decided to create a project that promotes diversity and the acceptance of our differences. Through this project I want others to understand how people of different lifestyles have different opinions and beliefs. Even though someone’s viewpoints may contradict our own, that doesn’t mean they’re wrong or invalid. Through promoting diversity I hope people will be more accepting of people’s differences.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Greenhouse by

Bao Phuc


MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To design a multi purpose greenhouse that can be built to help purify the air in HCMC and other polluted urban areas Earth was green and ocean was blue back in the 1750s, but humans started to invent machines which helped them with everything in the 1800s with more than thousands of inventors and scientists gathered to help improve our daily life. We were powerful yet greedy and took away Earth life span slowly through time. This reason supports my idea about my greenhouse project which will decrease the amount of Carbon Dioxide. I want to live in a future where everything is clear and clean, a sustainable project that will change the Earth. Greenhouses are not just a place for relaxing and entertaining but also for educating and marketing. Around the world, people plant crops using chemicals to make them grow faster and bigger, I think it is dangerous and unsafe for the consumer to obtain those chemicals.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Expat Teen by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To create a website where teens can come and find resources and help about moving to a new country for the first time As an expat child, I have travelled during my childhood and know how hard it is to just move to a new country. Therefore I wanted to help teens around my age be able to feel more comfortable about moving to a new country. I didn’t want others to be in the same situation I was in and maybe help them prepare better. I want others to be able to learn from my website and from my personal experiences, I want them to feel more comfortable about moving. I want them to take away from my personal experiences.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Say NO to Plastic Bags by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

To raise awareness about the plastic bag problem and motivating people to ‘say no to plastic bags’ through a flashmob When I moved to vietnam, I was shocked by the amount of plastic bag waste on the street, in the river, literally everywhere. This made me realize that we should address this problem and do something about it. Through this project I want people to realize that the problem of plastic waste is not just going to stop itself, we have to solve it. A small individual step to this is to say no to plastic bags when you don’t need them, in the grocery store, shop or market, think before you take a plastic bag, do you really need it? Bring your own bag and help improve the sustainability of our earth.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

MYP Personal

PROJECT Human Emotion by

Project 2016/17



Able to help people use Emotion Every human feel emotion. Emotions can change way of thinking or way of thinking can be change by emotions. Relationship between people is really important and relationship can improve better just by using emotion. Through this project I hope people use my website usefully to have better relationship between other people, control emotions, and use emotion for better education.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17 Click here to see student’s work.

PROJECT Longboard by



MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Building a longboard deck using the tools and equipment available around our school, home as well as all of HCMC My aim within this project was to completely build and craft a longboard following my passion and innovation to learn more. Through the making of my longboard I hope to keep my passion driven and perhaps inspire people to skate or longboard but also to engage people within their own project of building of making something that they enjoy, to achieve success.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

PROJECT Tennis Video Tutorials




MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

Through video tutorials, teach the basic skills of tennis Tennis has always been a big part of my life which is why I wanted to share my passion with the rest of the world. Teaching and learning a new sport engages many parts of the human physical and mental capabilities which is something that I think is really important in human growth and development. Through this project I hope that people will use my videos and take the initiative to go out there and try something new for them. This will allow my audience to perhaps find a new hobby and indulge in a newly discovered world.

MYP Personal

Project 2016/17

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