17th October 2014
Dear Parents, A quarter of our academic year has now passed as our students enjoy a well-earned term break with their families. The School terms seem to go faster and faster each year. There has been much accomplished in this short period of time; on the sporting field, in the classrooms, and in the service programmes. ISHCMC was due to send a team of students and staff to Jordan last week for the annual Round Square Conference. However due to the unrest in some areas of the Middle East we decided, following discussions with the parents of the students involved that it would be better not to attend. The Round Square is a group of over 100 schools worldwide whose students promote Independence, Democracy, the Environment, Action, as well as Leadership and Service activities. It is an organization that our school would very much like to become involved with as it will give our students a broader context in which to focus and participate in activities with likeminded young people which ultimately will benefit those who do not have the same opportunities that we have. We will have further opportunities in the future to connect with the Round Square organization. Recently some of you may have received advice from our Human Resources Department about a security screening process which we are asking all parents who volunteer at school to undergo. There have recently been, at other international schools in the world, some serious issues regarding inappropriate behavior by adults with, or in the presence of children. As you would expect we are therefore obligated and willing to do all that we can to ensure that our children are protected and safe when at school or on school sanctioned events. This screening applies to all groups or individuals who are in close and regular contact with ISHCMC students and who are assisting them in isolation. These include (for example): teachers, coaches, support staff, catering staff and outsourced activities e.g. ASA’s. Hence if you have received or receive in the future information from our Human Resources Department in regard to this matter I would be grateful for your co-operation. The School will pay for the screening to take place. The company that has been contracted to undertake this service is First Advantage. More information about the company can be found at: http://www.fadv.com/ If you have questions about the process please contact our Human Resources Director Mr. Steve Pham at HRManager@ishcmc.edu.vn I wish all members of our community a safe and enjoyable half semester break. With kind regards, Simon Leslie Headmaster
Celebration Of Cultures This morning’s Celebration of Cultures was viewed around the world with viewers watching our live film footage in the US and Dubai. Thank you to the PTO for such a well-organized event and to the students and parents that worked so hard to deliver magnificent performances. Further performance images will be shared in the next edition of the newsletter and a full DVD will be produced. Click to the ISHCMC Facebook page to see further photographs: https://www.facebook.com/ISHCMC
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