31st October 2014
Deputy headmaster letter Dear ISHCMC Community, I hope that you all shared an enjoyable break with your children last week. We have a very busy schedule underway at the present time for our students. This weekend we have our MRISA Senior Volleyball Team competing at UNIS in Hanoi and also the Senior Saigon Mathematics Competition is being held here at ISHCMC. Next week is ‘Book Week’ at ISHCMC and each day during the week, we shall commence the day with staff and students taking the opportunity to read to each other. Thank you to the more than 350 families who have registered for security passes and car passes. If you have not yet done so I would be grateful if you could do so as soon as possible. I am told that the lanyards are only six days away. Once they arrive we will be able to commence the distribution of the passes. There will be sent home in an envelope and once received the security gates at the school should be used immediately. We will allow some flexibility during the first days of operation until we get into the routine of carrying and using the cards. We realize that it will take a little time for people to get used to the system. Again, thank you for your patience! With kind regards. Simon Leslie Headmaster
Deputy headmaster letter Dear Parents, My newsletter contribution this week is related to EMPOWERMENT, which is one of the key words in our mission and refers to the increased capacity of stakeholders to make choices that direct and control their own learning and lives. For students we do this in many different ways by increasing their: • • • • • • • • • • • •
Understanding of the world in which they live Ability to access and analyse information wisely Knowledge Skills as lifelong learners Ability to use failure to make them stronger and more resilient Preparedness to express their thoughts and opinions to different audiences using a variety of techniques Connectivity both locally and globally Curiosity about their lives Ability to plan and take action to support their values and beliefs Comfort when working collaboratively Confidence to take risks with their learning Leadership skills
However, our desire to deliver the ISHCMC mission doesn’t end with students. We believe that all stakeholders need to be empowered to be the best that they can be, and that this includes both teachers and you, the parents. Teachers have already spent many hours this year learning from external consultants, working collaboratively in their teams and sharing ideas and activities with colleagues. Walking around the school it is very noticeable that this focused attention on pedagogy and collaboration is paying dividends with increased student engagement and learning across the school. For the week of 10th -14th November we have Robyn Trevyaud at ISHCMC working with students, teachers and parents. Robyn Robyn is internationally recognized expert in online safety and digital citizenship and is a founder of Cyber Safe Kids, a global organization that assists educators, school and parent communities to understand the challenges of living and working in the digital world and then equips them to meet these challenges. Robyn will be giving a series of workshops for parents. I have posted the programme and a description of the workshops at: http://4u2nomore.blogspot.com/2014/10/fantastic-opportunity-for-all-ishcmc.html Robyn would also like to capture a ‘snapshot’ of what interests you and what you are finding challenging about digital parenting would you please complete a short survey which can be found here: http://goo.gl/Mk8d2U Robyn would appreciate it very much if as many of you could complete this survey by Monday 3rd November. Robyn will share the results of the survey during the parent forums. A second opportunity for you as parents to make a choice that will help you direct and control your life is to join with us in our movement towards being more mindful. A few months ago I was introduced to the Oprah and Deepak Chopra 21 day Meditation Experience. I have to say that I was skeptical that I would be able to find time and learn to meditate. All I can say is that is has been an empowering experience and I will always be grateful to the person who shared this opportunity with me. Hence, I’d like to do the same for all of you. There is a NEW 21Day Meditation Experience, The Energy of Attraction – Manifesting Your Best Life, starting November 3 and you can join this 3 week journey to learn how to tap into your true power source, to fulfill your life . . . and your dreams. Each session starts with about a minute of Oprah, followed by deeper thoughts about ourselves and our bodies given by Deepak Chopra that leads into approximately a 10 minute meditation which Deepak guides you through. In all it takes approximately 20 minutes. Time which I think that you owe for yourself each day, to center, reconnect, energize and be in the present. Just thinking about the kind of positive thinking that Deepak espouses can help us all be more mindful in our lives. You can register here. I hope you enjoy the experience and look forward to seeing you at Robyn’s workshops. Yours Adrian Watts Deputy Headmaster
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