Newsletter April 10th

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10th April 2015

Headmaster letter Dear ISHCMC Community Helmets I would like to remind all parents, staff, and students of the need to wear helmets when riding on a bicycle or a motor bike. This applies to both the driver and any passengers. Commencing next week the local authorities will be stopping riders and imposing fines on their parents, for any children who are over the age of 6 years who are not wearing a helmet. The authorities will also report the students to their schools and are expecting the School to follow up. The National Traffic Safety Committee and the Traffic Police Department have agreed on the above approach as part of promoting the National Child Helmet Action Plan. The plan aims to significantly increase child helmetwearing rates and is an important step towards improved motor cycle passenger safety in Vietnam. Do Thanh Binh, Deputy Director of the Traffic Police Department says that the priority is the safety of children. In addition: “Enhanced child helmet enforcement is a powerful and effective response to the UN Global Road Safety Week and will lead to safer child passengers on the road�. Departing Teachers July 2015 Below a list of the full-time teachers who will be departing ISHCMC at the end of this academic year. They have all given our school excellent service during their tenure however it is now time for them to move to other schools somewhere else in the world. I know that you will share with me our gratitude for the assistance and expertise that they have given our ISHCMC children over the years. The 17 departing teachers represent 17% of our teachers at ISHCMC. 15% - 20% departure on an annual basis is considered to be acceptable in a quality international school setting. Primary Diana Goyder - Grade 4 Ingrid Kelly - Grade 1 Jacklyn Tram Nguyen - Upper Primary Music Sarah Schnack - Student Support Services - Gifted and Talented Rebecca Stockdale - P.E. Carmen Weaver - Spanish Teacher Secondary Elliott Cannell - Secondary Science Teacher Brian Chesher - Secondary Counselor Heather Ferreira - Secondary English Teacher Glen Fleury - Secondary Drama Teacher Rachel Fleury - Secondary Music Teacher Vishal Ganguli - Secondary French Teacher Kerry Hurst - Secondary Science Teacher Casey Jackson - College Counselor Jaimi Litus - Secondary English Teacher Andres Lopez - Secondary Spanish Teacher Warren Schnack - Secondary Maths Teacher & TOK Teacher The recruitment of new teachers for the 2015-2016 academic year is nearly complete. As soon as the appointments are finalized I will advise you of the new teachers joining our school for the 2015-2016 academic year. Calendar Change There has been a change to the published calendar for the 2015-2016 academic year. The ISHCMC long weekend which was scheduled for Friday 18th to Monday 21st September inclusive has been moved to the following weekend. i.e. the ISHCMC long weekend will now be Friday 25th September to Monday 28th September inclusive. The reason for the change is that we are unable to obtain the services of the outside provider to conduct professional development activities with our teaching staff on the scheduled holiday weekend for students. Thus the shift in dates. Please see this link for more details: Please accept my apologies if this has inconvenienced parents in any way. With kind regards. Simon Leslie Headmaster

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