24th April 2015
Graduation Assembly Last week’s Grade 12 Assembly was an emotional farewell to the students. For anyone that missed it, click to view the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi0-JNIEQso
Message from the Grade 12s Grade 12 students, Elijah McKeogh shares a thank you and good bye to ISHCMC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcFBWzopPK0
Secondary SRC Introducing the new executive student representative council of the secondary school: StuCo (short for Student Council). Comprised of Jee Ye Hong (Grade 11), Gabriel Laude (Grade 11), Kyle O’Dore (Grade 10), Naomi McKeogh (Grade 10), Vy Trinh (Grade 9), and myself, Christina Macdonald (Grade 11), StuCo aims to take a ‘’teamwork’’ approach, discarding traditional roles such as president, vice president, etc., in order to make the next academic year as fun, fulfilling, and inclusive as possible. StuCo combines 6 different nationalities, 3 grade levels and various aspirations, talents, hobbies and experiences. Moreover, we hope that, as dedicated students, we can use all our qualities, experiences, and backgrounds to ensure that next year will be a year to remember. StuCo has many events and activities planned, such as Clash of Classes and Spirit Night, in hopes of starting new traditions and bringing peers and grade levels together. StuCo also makes it a priority to be available and approachable to the student body so we can make decisions based on the wants and opinions of the student body as a whole, not just the student council. We want to be representatives of the students and give them the best student life possible. Over the years, the members of StuCo have come to realize that ISHCMC could benefit from more student involvement and enthusiasm. StuCo strives to give students the opportunity to look back on their school life and remember all the events and opportunities that they said yes to and that they had fun joining in on. School spirit not only makes student life more exciting and enjoyable, but it is also an opportunity for fun, which is an essential component of a balanced IB student’s life. In conclusion, we came together as StuCo for various reasons and with various ambitions, predominantly looking to create the best year possible for our student body, as well as raising our school spirit. In doing so, we have a diverse collection and mixture of ideas planned for next year. And we hope that with StuCo at the helm of the student body next year, we will have an unforgettable and enduring year! Christina Macdonald Grade 11, ISHCMC student
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