13th March 2015
deputy headmaster letter Hi to everyone from a cold but dry London, One of the most common complaints that I here from parents is about traffic congestion around the school and An Phu. Obviously as more and more families have cars the congestion on the roads will only increase. Reducing traffic is certainly a goal that would bring numerous benefits and help reduce fumes and pollution in the environment of our school. Some of the ideas that have been suggested by our community members and others in An Phu are: • Encourage more families to walk or ride bicycles to school. • Make more use of school and apartment busing. • Car sharing/pooling. This system has been successfully introduced in many countries around the world. All it takes is a bit of time to organise with neighbours to share pick-ups and drop offs. • Instead of driving right to school to drop off students drivers families could walk the last 100-200 meters so that the pint of maximum congestion is reduced ie dropping students on the other side of the Nguyen U Di bridge and walking the last 50meters. • Reduce the time drivers keeps their engine running, thus increasing exhaust fumes in the air around the school in the afternoon. • Encouraging drivers to drive more carefully and slowly near the school so that it is safe for student and parents to walk and ride to school. Have a good weekend, Yours Adrian Watts Deputy Headmaster
DEER PARADE The Grade 10 art classes were presented with the CowParade and ElephantParade art phenomenas that are happening all over the world. www.cowparade.com www.elephantparade.com Students were then assigned an art movement and asked to research, interpret and express what the movement means by painting it onto their own deer. When the deer arrived in the classrooms you could feel a buzz. Students were excited and nervous to paint these children’s toys. They worked hard and over 7 weeks to create ISHCMC’s very own Deer Parade.
DESIGN WORKSHOPS American artist and illustrator Kris Kotcher (aka ‘Frenemy’) spent two days at ISHCMC running character design workshops for Grade 6 and Grade 9 students. Kris began his career as a graffiti artist before finding commercial success as a character illustrator. As well as sharing with students his secret tips on giving their drawings personality, he talked to them about what it was like to carve a career as an artist, and how working for clients (such as Converse Korea) has developed his style. Kris’ murals can be seen at Thao Dien swimming pool, Vin Space and Saigon Outcast as well as various locations in D1. His work can be seen at http://www.frenemylife.com/
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