ISHCMC Student Tablet Guide

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Student Tablet Guide

Contents 1. School Day 2. A list of Do’s 3. A list of Do Not’s 4. Support Model 5. FAQ 6. File management 7. Backing up 8. Online citizenship 9. Parents

10. Tablet Keys and Ports Front View Right side view Left side view Bottom view Rear View 11. Status Indicators 12. Power Indicators 13. Power management 14. Power Saving 15. Tablet Pen 16. ISHCMC Student Lenovo Tablet Policy 17. Technology Acceptable Use Policy



School Day Morning:

Start the day with a fully charged battery ready for school.

• Arrive at school before 7.40am • Go to your locker and organise your backpack for homeroom and Period 1,2 • In homeroom, start up your tablet and log onto the network.

• You will carry your tablet in your backpack to all lessons, close the lid for sleep mode.

Recess: At the end of Period 2 you should shut down your tablet (not sleep). • You should leave your tablet in your locker at recess (never leave it unlocked).

• After recess go to your locker and prepare your backpack for period 3,4,5.


At the end of Period 5 you should shut down your tablet.

• You should leave your tablet in your locker at lunch time.

• After lunch go to your locker and prepare your backpack for Periods 6,7,8 • At the end of Period 8, make sure you have saved all of your day`s work.


All Tablets must be taken home so you can charge your batteries.

• Take care outside of school with your backpack.



A list of Do’s You are responsible for the safety and security of your tablet at all times. 1. Back up regularly to the school network and to your Windows Mesh folder. 2. Remember to fully charge your battery before going to bed. 3. Shut down your tablet at recess and lunch times. 4. Save energy by using the sleep function when not using your tablet. 5. Save energy by only having open the programs you need.

6. Report all problems to the Technicians’ office (room 106). 7. Always carry your tablet in the backpack to lessons. 8. Make sure the backpack has your name tag attached. 9. Keep password secure and do not share with others. 10. Enjoy your new learning tool and use it to support your learning.



A list of Do Not’s A student found to be violating the Technology Acceptable Use Policy will be subject to school disciplinary action. 1. Don’t alter the security settings or install software on the tablet. 2. Don’t have food or drink around the tablet.

3. Don’t leave your locker unlocked. 4. Don’t abuse your Internet privileges at school. 5. Don’t partake in cyber-bullying. 6. Don’t use your tablet at recess or lunch time unless with a teacher. 7. Don’t get distracted with the internet or games during lessons.

8. Some parts on the tablet are delicate, be gentle and treat with care. 9. Don’t let anyone else use your tablet. 10. Don’t remove or add any stickers to your tablet.





Frequently Asked Questions Q:

How do I save battery life?


Turn Bluetooth off (Fn+F5), and if you don’t need the internet or network use turn Wi-Fi off (Fn+F5). Close all programs not being used. Restrict your use of videos and audio as they use up much more battery than word documents. Dim the brightness of the screen (Fn+End) Use sleep mode when not using your tablet (close the lid)


What if the computer freezes or you are getting random errors?


Select ‘Ctrl+Alt+Delete’ and chose Task Manager, Select each program that is open and chose ‘END TASK’.


How to reboot if your computer is completely frozen and ‘Ctrl+Alt+Delete doesn’t work.


If this fails, hold the power button down for 30 seconds. Warning: you will lose any unsaved work! Wait for 30 seconds then restart.



File Management Prepare 1. Clean your school network folder by deleting all files you no longer need. 2. Remove all games, music and videos that are not related to school work. 3. Create a folder called subjects on your school network account. 4. Inside the subject folder create folders for each of your subjects. 5. Copy all your work into it’s subject folder. Transfer 1. Copy the whole subject folder from your school network account to the D:drive of your tablet.



Back Up How to Back Up at School: 1. You must Back Up all your work to your school network account. 2. Copy the subject folder from your D: drive to your school network account. 3. Select ‘Yes’ to replace the folder on your school network account. 4. Wait for the copy process to finish before logging off. Optional: How to Back Up at Home: 1. Insert an external hard-drive to a USB port and copy your subject folder to this drive. How to Back Up Online: 1. Sign into windows mesh and drag and drop files into the mesh folder to sync to your Windows Sky Drive account.



Online Citizenship Internet Safety Tips 1.

Never give your own or a friends e-mail address, photo, name, address, mobile number or any other personal information.


Do not tell anyone your passwords other than to your parents.


Understand that the school can view your internet history.


Do not signup for any online competitions or reply to spam emails.


Do not open email attachments if you do not know who sent it to you.


Do not download or install any programs onto your tablet as they may contain a virus.


Do not use any chat rooms or websites that are not approved by your teacher or parent.


Do not take part in any form of cyber-bullying.


Do not assume that just because someone tells you something online about themselves that it is true.

10. If you ever in doubt about any online situation speak to your homeroom teacher or parents.



Parents Power / Tablet Battery Please support your child by reminding them to fully charge their tablets battery in the evening so it is ready for school the next day. You may find that the power connector and battery may overheat, please take care when handling. Note: There will be no charging facilities at school.

Saving/Storage The Tablet is a integral part of the student’s classes. Protecting student's schoolwork on the tablets is very important to all of us. Every attempt is made to keep school documents safe and secure. We advise students to make regular backups to their school network account. Each student also has access to Windows Mesh cloud synchornising software on their tablets with 5 gigabytes' of online storage. As an additional safety measure, we recommend that ALL student data files (including school documents) be backed up on an external drive at home. The backup can be done with flash drives or another home system. If a student needs to have a file recovered from the server, they can see a Technician and they will attempt to make that happen. Note: The school may as needed, conduct a re-imaging process that will erase all data from the C: drive in order to complete updates. Students are reminded not to use the C: drive but to save all work on their D: drive.



Parents Internet Filtering The school uses software to filter internet use in school. This software only works while students are in school. Parents will need to become aware and vigilant of your children's internet use at home.

Consequences International School Ho Chi Minh City may limit, suspend or revoke a student’s use of hardware (e.g. tablet), and access to the school’s technology systems/network upon violation of the Technology Acceptable Use Policy. A student found to be violating the Technology Acceptable Use Policy will be subject to school disciplinary action that could include network access restrictions, detention, suspension or expulsion from school.



Tablet Keys and Controls Front view



Tablet Keys and Controls

Right-side view



Tablet Keys and Controls

Left-side view



Tablet Keys and Controls Bottom view



Tablet Keys and Controls Rear view



Status indicators



Power indicators



Power Management



Power Saving



Tablet Pen


Tablet Pen


Lenovo X220T Details Model: ThinkPad X220 Tablet

Item List: •Tablet P •Power Supply with AC Cord •Traveling Bag with Name Tag •Digital Pen •Spare Battery



ISHCMC Student Lenovo Tablet Policy for Middle School



ISHCMC Student Lenovo Tablet Policy for Middle School 2011-2012 This policy is an addendum to the ISHCMC Technology Acceptable User Policy specific to students receiving a tablet PC with both a 6-cell battery and an additional ‘slice’ battery that connects to the base of the tablet.

The tablets remain the property of International School Ho Chi Minh City. Students are expected to ensure that batteries for their tablets remain charged at all times for instructional use. Students are not to bring power adapters to school. Students must only use tablets for educational purposes and must not waste either battery power or Internet bandwidth through following the statements noted in Prohibited Use of Tablets in school. (see below). Lost or Stolen Tablets If a tablet is lost or stolen, a fee based on the replacement value of the laptop will be assessed to the user. In the event of a theft outside school, a police report including the laptop serial number must be filed by the issuant within 24 hours. This report must also be filed with the Technology Department within one day, as well as with the parents’ applicable insurance agent, if appropriate.


Hardware Replacement In the event of a hardware failure, defective parts will be replaced under the tablet’s 3-year warranty at no cost to the user. This warranty applies to the tablet but does not include the batteries, power adaptor and digital stylus. Accidental damage may be covered by the warranty. In a case of abuse or neglect, however, ISHCMC cannot submit a claim under the tablet’s warranty, and thus the total cost of repair (replacement parts, labour, and applicable shipping) will be charged to the tablet’s issuant. The Technology Department, in conjunction with our vendor and warranty agreements, reserves the right to determine what constitutes the terms and conditions of the warranty. Software Settings Students are forbidden from trying to alter the security settings on the tablet provided by the school. Students are prohibited from changing any software settings, installing software or downloading programmes to the tablet. The school provides licensed software that includes core packages such as Windows 7, MS Office 2010, Adobe CS5 and a variety of subject specific programmes. It also provides digital copies of textbooks where possible. Maintaining Security of Tablets Students are expected to take all reasonable precautions to protect their tablets from damage or theft. Any damage of a tablet must be reported to the Technology Department at the first opportunity. Theft of a tablet must be reported to the Middle School Principal at the first opportunity. Students are cautioned about: Having food or drink around tablets Liquids must not be carried in the tablet backpack Carrying it carefully while walking, and remember it should be in the school provided backpack Transporting it carefully in cars or buses


Securing the Tablet Outside of School Sensible precautions should be taken to keep the tablet secure. Electrical storms are very common in Vietnam. To protect from lightning damage, tablets must not be left connected to modems whilst not in use and must be disconnected for the duration of a storm. Securing the Tablet within School Students are expected to either keep the tablet on their person, secured in their locker and/or locked classrooms, at all tim es. Students must use the backpacks provided to carry laptops around school at all times. Repairs and Installations All repair or software installations will be carried out by the Technology Department or through school approved companies. Failure to comply will invalidate the warranty. Maintain Internet Bandwidth Internet bandwidth is a limited resource that is for educational purposes only. Wireless Connectivity Use of the wireless network must be appropriate at all times. Prohibited Use of Tablets in school (Unless authorized by the teacher for educational purposes) Using email, messaging and joining chat rooms Listening to music Watching movies or videos on the tablets Accessing inappropriate web sites Gaming Using it as a tool for cyber-bullying


Responsibilities Keep passwords secure and do not share with others. Report any problems (hardware or software) to the Technology Department Ensure that all work is saved to “D” drive and make regular backups to school network account Follow the guidance of subject teachers regarding the use of the tablet as a learning tool, at school and at home Use the backpack provided and report to the Technology Department if your name tag is missing Tablets will not be in use during break times, unless supervised by a teacher Turn off the tablet at night and ensure the batteries are charged, ready for the next school day. Closing the lid only puts the tablet into Sleep Mode – it needs to be turned off Consequences International School Ho Chi Minh City may limit, suspend or revoke a student’s use of hardware (e.g. tablet), and access to the school’s technology systems/network upon violation of the Technology Acceptable Use Policy.

A student found to be violating the Technology Acceptable Use Policy will be subject to school disciplinary action that could include network access restrictions, detention, suspension or expulsion from school. Changes to Policy The School reserves the right to make changes to this document and notification will be provided to users.



International School

ISHCMC Technology Acceptable Use Policy 2011– 2012


ISHCMC Technology Acceptable Use Policy Please read this document carefully before signing. As part of ISHCMC’s educational programme, computer network and Internet access is available to students. We are pleased to bring this access to ISHCMC and believe that these facilities offer unique and diverse resources. Technology is an integral part of our educational programme and through the curriculum, students are made aware of acceptable practice. Our goal in providing this service to students is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication. The use of the computer network is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in disciplinary action. Our intention is to create a student- friendly network environment that supports the educational objectives of ISHCMC. This includes permitting students to transfer files between school and home. Such networks, by their nature, cannot be 100% secure. However, this in no way justifies deliberate attempts to breach security. Before being allowed to use the technology, all students must obtain parental permission and both the parents and the students must sign and return the enclosed form as evidence of parental approval and their acceptance of the school rules on this matter. Please note the serious nature of consequences for students violating the terms of this Technology Acceptable Use Policy.

ISHCMC Technology Acceptable Use Agreement The signatures at the end of this document indicate the party/ parties who signed have read the terms and conditions carefully and understand their significance. USER I understand and will abide by the above Technology Acceptable Use Policy. I further understand that any violation of the regulations contained in the policy is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit any violation, school disciplinary action will be taken. Disciplinary action could include access restrictions, detention, suspension or expulsion from school. User signature: _______________ Date: ______________ PARENT OR GUARDIAN As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the Technology Acceptable Use Agreement. I understand that this access is designed for educational purposes and so I hereby give permission for the school to issue an account for my child and certify that the information contained on this form is correct. Parent name:____________________________ Parent/Guardian’s signature:____________________________ Date: ___________________


Security – Security on any computer system is very important, especially when the system involves many users. If you feel you can identify a security problem on the network, you must notify the Acceptable Use – Your account must be used in support of education Technology Department immediately. Do not share the problem with and research and consistent with the educational objectives of other users. ISHCMC. Technology – Terms and Conditions of Use

Passwords – Passwords are an important feature of network security. Network Etiquette – You are expected to abide by the accepted rules Never use a password other than your own. Report breaches of of network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to the following: password security to the Technology Department.

Network Etiquette

Network Accounts – Do not use another individual’s account to gain access to the network.

Be polite. Do not be rude in your messages to others.

Software – The installation of software is not permitted without the express permission of the Director of Technology. The use of Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other Keyloggers and other Spyware is strictly prohibited. inappropriate language.

Illegal activities are strictly forbidden. Do not use the network in such a way that you would interfere with other people’s computer work. Do not copy other people’s intellectual output or other people’s computer resources without permission. Students whose behaviour is in violation of this may be deemed academically dishonest.

Games – Playing games or downloading games to the hard drive or to the network is forbidden. Wireless access – The schools’ wireless network is intended for instructional purposes only. Students caught using the wireless network inappropriately will have their laptop confiscated and may lose the privilege to bring their laptop to school.

These guidelines are provided so that you are aware of the Always use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect. responsibilities you are about to acquire. In general this requires efficient, ethical and legal utilization of the network resources. A student found to be violating the Technology Acceptable Use Policy will be subject to school disciplinary action, that could include network access restrictions, detention, suspension or expulsion from school.


Thank you


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