White Wing Messenger October 2011

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Church Planter Samvel Minasyan overlooks the city of Yerevan in Armenia


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Contents w w w w Bringing honor to the WORD by the printed word, the White Wing Messenger strives to inspire Christian thought and practice as it imparts the “good news” of the Gospel while serving the connectivity needs of our church community.

October 2011 • Volume 88, Number 4

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Calendar of Events October 6–8, 2011 CBL School of Practical & Advanced Studies III Midwest Region October 14–16, 2011 Children’s Conference Fayetteville, North Carolina children.cogop.org October 14–16, 2011 Mid-America Ladies Retreat Branson, Missouri

Features 6 God Is Communion by Dr. Wallace Pratt

9 Dancing Together by Fred Fisher

10 Unity by Jude Enxuto

12 Unity and Diversity by Tony Comer

14 Color Line Was Washed Away in the Blood by Brian Sutton

18 Precious Ointment of Unity by Rita Ford

23 Commoner by Debra McKinley

27 Making Music a Ministry A Conversation with Ron Scotton, Sr.

Ministries 19 Harvest Partners 20 Women’s: Turning Point

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21 Children’s: Developing Leaders 22 Youth: Fusion 26 Stewardship: The Number One Way Church Funds Are Embezzled


October 21–23, 2011 Youth Harvest Training Millbrae, California operationomega.org October 21–23, 2011 Rocky Mountains Ladies Retreat Billings, Montana November 3–6, 2011 CBL School of Practical & Advanced Studies I Alabama November 4–6, 2011 CBL School of Practical & Advanced Studies II Venezuela

4 Facing Forward: That We May Be One by Randall E. Howard, General Overseer

November 4–6, 2011 Youth Harvest Training • Costa Rica operationomega.org • children.cogop.org

31 Messages: Do Something by DeWayne Hamby, Managing Editor

November 4–6, 2011 Pacific Northwest Ladies Retreat Vancouver, Washington


November 9–12, 2011 CBL School of Practical & Advanced Studies I & II Delhi, India

5 News: Here & There 24 International Assembly: Hotel Listings 28 Local/State/International News In His Presence Visit us online—www.whitewingmessenger.org

White Wing Messenger Editorial Board: Londa Richardson, Chair; Daniel Chatham; Hanny Vidal; Cervin McKinnon; Perry Horner; Tapio Sätilä; Shaun McKinley; and Adrian Varlack

Executive Editor/Publisher: R. E. Howard, Managing Editor: DeWayne Hamby, Copy Editor: Marsha Robinson, Editorial Assistant: Pamela Praniuk, Graphic Artists: Perry Horner and Sixto Ramirez, International Offices (423) 559-5100, and Subscriptions (423) 559-5114 Please submit all material to the White Wing Messenger; Managing Editor; P. O. Box 2910; Cleveland, TN 37320-2910; phone (423) 559-5128; e-mail us at Editorial@cogop.org.

November 10–13, 2011 Youth Harvest Training • Jamaica operationomega.org White Wing Messenger (ISSN 0043-5007) (USPS 683-020) is published monthly as the official publication of the Church of God of Prophecy, 3750 Keith St NW, Cleveland, TN. Send all materials for publication to Editorial Department; PO Box 2910, Cleveland, TN 37320-2910; e-mail: editorial@cogop. org, fax: (423) 559-5121. For subscription rates, visit wwm.cogop.org; call (423) 559-5114; e-mail: subscriptions@cogop.org. Subscription rate: $18.00 per year, payable to White Wing Messenger by check, draft, or money order. Periodical postage paid at Cleveland, TN 37311 and at additional mail office. Donations for the White Wing Messenger may be sent to the above address. All scripture references are from the King James Version unless otherwise indicated. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to White Wing Messenger, PO Box 2910, Cleveland, TN 37320-2910.

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That We May Be One

Believers will be drawn together in unity more and more as the last days approach.


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The Vision/Mission of the COGOP says, “The Church of God of Prophecy will be a Christ-exalting, holiness, Spirit-filled, allnations, disciple-making, church-planting movement with a passion for Christian union. Empowered by the Holy Spirit through prayer, we will plant churches and equip leaders to carry out the biblical mandate to make genuine disciples of all the peoples of the world, to the glory of Christ our Lord, head of the church.” If we cut it short and focus on the theme of this magazine we are saying the Church of God of Prophecy will be a “movement with a passion for Christian union.” That is one of our aims as we drive toward the year 2020 and it is also the reason we decided to devote an entire edition of the White Wing Messenger to this vision objective. I love it when God’s people get together and do something in unity. I think God is quite partial to this as well. Some of us remember being on the Mall of our nation’s capital when over one million men gathered for the day of prayer and repentance initiated by the Promise Keepers. Some remember the March for Jesus held all over the world in so many nations where, all on the same day, from the sun rising in Japan to the sunset in Hawaii, believers were in the streets marching with praise to Christ. Some have participated in the World Day of Prayer where literally millions of believers are gathering all over the world on the same day to seek God for their lands and this world. The list could go on and on as unity efforts have become more and more attractive to masses of believers on every continent.

Yes, I think God is pleased with such efforts as He looks down from heaven. After all, it was the prayer of His Son. “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gave me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.” (John 17:20-23) What a lovely and powerful prayer! Because this is the prayer of Christ, we have strong assurance that the Father will answer it. He is praying in perfect agreement with the Father. This is the passion of the Godhead. Believers will be drawn together in unity more and more as the last days approach. I believe that is what we are seeing today, this growing appreciation and desire for Christian union, unity. The prayer of Christ is being answered and believers in every land are sensing this attraction to be closer, to relate more intimately, to work with more cooperation, to build the Kingdom and glorify God with more synergy. What we are seeing is actually a work of God bringing His people together and preparing for His ultimate glorious return. Read further for more inspiration about this passion for Christian union God is giving.


New Report Finds Fewer Fathers “A Tale of Two Fathers,” a June 2011 report from the Pew Research Center highlights a disturbing trend of fathers who live apart from their children. In 1960, the percentage of fathers in the United States living apart from their children was 11 percent. In 2010, that number more than doubled to 27 percent. Today, more than one in every four children live separated from their father. The report also cited a rise in children living apart from their mothers, from four percent in 1960 to eight percent in 2010. There was some good news in the report, however, concerning time spent with children. Of the fathers who live with their children, the time spent doing activities with children doubled from an average of 2.6 hours a week in 1965 to an average of 6.5 hours a week in 2000. —Source: Pew Research Center

October is Clergy Appreciation Month Clergy Appreciation Month is a time that congregations set aside to honor their pastors and pastoral families for the hard work, dedication and multiple blessings provided by these special people. God has instructed us to recognize His servants. “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching” (1 Timothy 5:17). For more information or for ideas on what to do for Clergy Appreciation Month, visit www.cogop.org or view the September Messenger at www.whitewingmessenger.org.


Kearns, Utah; organized on March 6, 2011; Pastor Anthony Roberts. Chicago, Illinois; organized on March 13, 2011; Pastor Gestone and Marie Etrenne. Nevada; organized on March 13, 2011; Pastor Cesar Bardales. New Mexico; organized on March 20, 2011; Pastor Rosa Valdovinos. Tigard, Oregon; organized on March 20, 2011; Pastor Byron Rodas. St. Johns, Oregon; organized on March 20, 2011; Pastor Cherian Pillay. Springfield, Massachusetts; organized on March 26, 2011; Pastor Henry Garcia. Weiser, Idaho; organized on April 2, 2011; Pastor Robert Mora. Buhl, Idaho; organized on April 3, 2011; Pastor Casey Knudson. Cleveland, Texas; organized on April 10, 2011; Pastor Hector Vara. Denver, Colorado; organized on April 24, 2011; Pastor Felipe de Jesús Gonzales. Kirkland, Washington; organized on May 15, 2011; Pastor Salvador Miron. Portland, Oregon; organized on May 22, 2011; Pastor Jesús Escudero. Silverton, Oregon; organized on May 29, 2011; Pastor Salvador Lopez Salazar. Phoenix, Arizona; organized on May 31, 2011; Pastor Daniel Carbajal.

República Dominicana

Outreach Team Ministers at Native American Reservation

An outreach team organized by Pastor Don Stanton, New Haven, Alabama, COGOP, traveled to the Sisseton Wahpeton Sioux tribe, Sisseton, South Dakota, on June 20-24, 2011. Northwest Territory COGOP Regional Overseer Rick Lee traveled to meet with

San Pedro de Macorís; organized on April 26, 2011; Pastor Dominga Hodge. San Pedro de Macorís; organized on April 27, 2011; Pastor Cristino Trinidad. San Pedro de Macorís; organized on April 28, 2011; Pastor Tulio Berroa. República Dominicana; organized on April 29, 2011; Pastor María Esther Santana. División Higueral; organized on May 4, 2011; Pastor Emilio Mateo.


Tasna Rosario; organized on June 30, 2007; Pastor Santiago Flores Condori.

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Created for Community Dr. Wallace Pratt, State Overseer Idaho, Oregon, and Utah

I was raised with no extended family around me. There were no grandparents, no uncles or aunts, not even a cousin nearby. My father was a church planter who went place-to-place, state-tostate, wherever he was invited to open up a new field for the organization. In fact, I only went to the same school two out of twelve years.


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My children were raised in much the same way, since the frequent changing of pastors was our accepted church practice. Only after they began entering their adolescent years did my wife and I begin to realize this destructive habit. As our five grandchildren began to be birthed over several years, Judy and I became convicted that the past experience of isolation from family and the fracturing of friendships were producing undesirable effects. It had to stop and we had to take the lead to be sure we were present in the lives of our children and grandchildren. This has produced a deep intimacy of closeness and love within our family. As Robert Alan so acutely points out: “In our hectic, fast-paced, consumerdriven society, it’s common to feel overwhelmed, isolated and alone. Many are re-discovering the healing and empowering role that community can bring to our lives. The sense of belonging we feel when we make the time to take an active role in our communities can give us a deeper sense of meaning and purpose.” In Colossians 1:15-20, Paul writes: “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He might have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven,

having made peace through the blood of His cross” (NKJV). Later in the same letter, Paul adds more insight: “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power” (2:1-2). Finally, in chapter 3:12-15, he completes this thought on unity: “Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.” The Trinitarian “community of unity” is beyond most sermons, lessons or Bible studies today. We are so consumed with observing one another, celebrities, and people we meet on Facebook, and listening to the pop-psychology of television talk shows. In all of these pursuits, we know less about ourselves and slowly drift apart from the very community God intended for us. In reality, we know so little about ourselves today because we know so little about our creator God. The more we rely on such parades of ordinariness to infatuate and inform us, we are steadily moving farther from the uniqueness of our Trinitarian community of unity. In the Trinity, there is a communion so enmeshed, so intimate, and so powerful that we cannot imagine such closeness and love. There is a mutual

interrelatedness in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Unity is so complete that the scriptures call the Trinity “one God, and one Spirit.” Yet, the Trinity’s distinctiveness is seen in the appropriation of certain works to each. The primary work of creation is sovereignly appropriated to the Father; the work of reconciliation freely embraced by the Son; and the work of empowering and unifying His redeemed creatures is encompassed within the Holy Spirit. Yet, they are intimately involved in each other’s work; in the Trinity, no one expression acts alone! The Father is not the Son, and the Son is not the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is not the Father,

In the Trinity, there is a communion so enmeshed, so intimate, and so powerful that we cannot imagine such closeness and love. but they are one. The Father is God, the Son Jesus Christ is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, yet they remain unique expressions so different and so connected that they are perfectly one. I am reminded how the Son, Jesus, in humility proclaimed, “I can of myself do nothing . . . but the will of the Father which hath sent me” (John 5:30). On the other hand, the Father dearly saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). The communion is real, the unity evident, and the results life-giving. Oh, if only those created to be His children could have such fondness for WWM O C TO B E R 2 0 1 1



fellowship, unity of purpose to reach the lost, and genuine appreciation for the uniqueness of each other. In creation, the Creator made Adam and Eve to have daily communion with God. This communion was broken by a lack of thankfulness for the Creator. The community was shattered and it erupted first as familial disdain and eventually led to war among the peoples and nations birthed within these communities. Unity is always severed by the appetite of individualism and self-gratification, since both emerge not from the created image of God. The entire purpose of Jesus’ incarnation was to restore us to the communion with God. The Old Testament provided no relief from the “rugged individualism” that revealed man’s inner struggle to identify himself outside the image of his or her Creator. Even the death of Jesus and the symbolic cup of the Lord’s table were a reflection of God’s will that we be one body, even as He is one! But the more we separate/split families and churches today, the less the world sees of the God who created them. Unity is not something we choose to establish, maintain, or arrange through councils, compromises, and legislation. It is the result of people who come into intimate communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As such, they are mixed like precious wine into the cup of blessing that Jesus shared through His mediated death. Then those who behold this Trinitarian presence in believers can repeat the holy words, “O, taste and see that the Lord is good . . .” (Psalm 34:8). To be created in God’s image is to be made for love and fellowship with


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each other. No wonder Jesus told his disciples, “. . . I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, that where I am, there you may be also . . . At that day you shall know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you” (John 14:3, 20). Can you understand it? God moves us through the Holy Spirit toward ultimate full participation in this divine drama of life to restore humankind’s original communion with the Trinity. In truth, what is really needed today in the body of Christ is a revision or recreating of the church where independence and self-sufficiency are no longer worshipped more than unity within God. There must be a restoration, a united mindset (phronesis in the Greek) that crushes the exclusiveness of denominations and the selfish individualism of local churches “doing their own thing” that has separated us from the community of God. “Let this mind (phronesis) be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every

tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:5-11 NKJV). I challenge each of us to not be tempted to look for political means, social causes, or economic remedies for our current crisis throughout all our villages, cities, and nations. It is impossible to understand who we are and who we should be until we know better and more intimately the Divine who created us. The longer this world’s system tries to circumvent this revealed knowledge from heaven, the more chaos will develop to divide humankind. The same is true in our churches, the more we rely on our own plans and efforts to regain what was lost, the more we will mar the perfect image of our Trinitarian Maker. Thomas Berry grasped this divine revelation

Unity is the result of people who come into intimate communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

when he wrote: “The natural world is the larger sacred community to which we belong. To be alienated from this community is to become destitute in all that makes us human. To damage this community is to diminish our own existence.”


“Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, both young men and old together” (Jeremiah 31:13). In an agrarian society, harvest time was a period of celebration. The community would come together to give thanks to God for the bountiful harvest. There would be singing, laughing, sharing stories, and dancing. Prior to the celebration, parents would rise early in the morning, plow the fields, plant the seed and the youth would bring water to the workers. The older children would babysit the younger and help prepare food. It was a well-organized family effort to bring in a crop for survival. Then, when harvest time came, everyone celebrated. The old and the young would dance together. Good and pleasant music depends on the right harmony and rhythm. Without the right combination, it can be confusing and difficult for the listener; with it, there is an enjoyable sound. It makes one want to “keep time” with the clicking of the fingers, the tapping of a foot, the nodding of the head or clapping of hands. The drummer of the band helps to keep the good tempo. The secret is that it is all done together. A healthy church is composed of a variety of people of all ages. Having all old is dangerous. Having all young is out of balance. The Lord never intended that the gospel be “targeted to an age group.” His commission was to reach every creature (Mark 16:15, 16). To keep the harmony for a healthy church, it requires the master conductor (the pastor) to keep all the instruments playing in harmony and staying focused. That is when a beautiful sound is produced and all can dance together (v. 20). At our church, last Sunday was a prime example. It was “Youth Sunday” as is every third Sunday of the month. Our youth minister directed worship that morning and preached that night. It was wonderful to hear the congregation joining in as he began playing the guitar and leading us in some new “youthful” choruses. When the Spirit began to bless, several young people came up to the front of the church with hands raised in praise. Immediately following them, several older folks marched up with hands raised, praising God. During the sermon, you could hear “Amen,” and “Praise the Lord” being said by a mixture of old and young as they gave verbal support to the message. At the end of the altar service, a young girl came to one of the older people and shared a need for prayer and the two of them prayed together. I watched as we all “danced together” in worship and praise to God, each generation showing a deep respect for each other. The Psalmist states it like this . . . “Let us exalt His name together” (Psalm 34:3). Every man, woman, boy, and girl have a part to play in the great harvest of God. It will be a celebration time when the unsaved come home to Christ. That is a cause for worship, for celebration. Worship is celebration and it can be done together in harmony with both the young and the old dancing together.

Dancing Together Fred Fisher, General Overseer Emeritus

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“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:3 NIV).


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Unity is a concept that is not very hard to describe. It comes from the Latin word unus, “one,” and has to do with oneness, sameness, or agreement among two or more parties. There is strength and effectiveness in union. Most of us have delivered or heard inspiring biblical messages on this theme. The commandment is clear: “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3 NIV); and the consequences, impressive: “. . . there the LORD bestows his blessing, even life forevermore” (Psalm 133:3 NIV). Realistically, however, successful models are few and far between, such as the short–lived togetherness in one accord at Pentecost (Acts 2:1) and achieving unity may result in a tedious, unfruitful process that resembles searching for gold. But as other goals set forth in the Holy Scriptures, we seek our motivation, inspiration, and strength from the author of unity, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In the book of Zechariah, chapter 11, we find a passage that includes a curious image of a shepherd’s staff that receives a name, and that name is unity (NRSV). Other Bible versions attempt to capture the thought behind the original Hebrew word by translating it as union, bands, harmony, or bonds, all suggesting oneness. This staff was a tool used by the shepherd to lead a suffering people. He had another staff that was called grace (favor, pleasant, lovely or beauty). In this prophetic parable Zechariah was to play the role of a good shepherd who was to rescue the sheep previously led by greedy, abusive, and uncaring leaders and would implement the two staffs to instill just leadership and interhuman social conditions. The most curious part of the passage is that, even with these powerful, godly tools, the shepherd is not successful in acquiring a just reign or a good relationship with the other rulers and the people. He is rejected and comes to the point of abandoning the flock to

their own rebellious ways. This he does by symbolically breaking first the staff of grace. Then in verse 14 we read: “Then I broke my second staff Unity, annulling the family ties between Judah and Israel”. So much for oneness. After years of division, and then Babylonian captivity, there collapsed the last chance for reuniting the two rival tribes of God’s covenant people. The good shepherd then replaces his own rule with that of a wicked, selfish shepherd who would harm the sheep more than ever. This Old Testament parable brings to mind the parable Jesus told in Matthew 21:33–39 of the vineyard hired out by the landowner to tenants that only cared about their own selfish gain, killed the servants sent to collect the produce and then killed the very son of the landowner. At first glance, these seem to be stories with sad endings. If grace and unity failed in fulfilling God’s holy purposes, even in the hands of the Good Shepherd, the very Son of God, what are we to do with the command to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit (Ephesians 4:3)? Will we be capable? Will it help? It seems not to, so why bother? In both Old and New Testaments, we would be much encouraged if we could just get and appreciate the whole picture, for the story doesn’t end with breaking the staff of unity or with the brokenness of Christ on the cross. By being “unsuccessful” and breaking the staff, equivalent with the annulling of His covenant, God could continue His complete plan by bringing in the new dispensation of the Gentiles, and the Good News to the ends of the earth. Even the wicked shepherd, the prophetic antichrist, would be a living warning against putting our hope in any promise of human, idolatrous efforts to govern the world. Our eyes would be open to deception and point us to a better way. No, our Good Shepherd was not a failure after all, and the momentary

postponement of unity clearly reveals that in the still future there is an even better plan, which is a continuation of the past. In the beginning, God’s creation was good. His plan to make a holy people, Israel, to carry His name was good. The coming of Christ to die for us and renew the covenant was even better. And His second coming to establish the millennial reign is better still. “And the LORD will become king over all the earth; on that day the LORD will be one and his name one” (Zechariah 14:9). So, what do we do now with unity? We continue to glorify God requesting His Spirit of unity as we follow Christ; accepting one another, as Christ accepted us (Romans 15:5). We continue to bear with each other, forgive one another, and clothe ourselves with love which binds [us] all together in perfect unity (Colossians 3:13) We continue to ask on behalf of those who would believe the Word, that they may all be one . . . so that the world may believe that you have sent me (John 17:20, 21). Let us not get sidetracked by what appears to be failure in unity, but push forward until our Lord brings to pass the consummation of His whole, perfect plan, foretold by the prophets of old. He will then shepherd us in all His glory, having disposed of false and sinful pseudo-leaders and rebellious followers, and having perfected us in His likeness, that we may one day truly be one and at rest from our labors. The best is yet to come. That’s a promise.

Jude Enxuto (licensed minister, wife of Ximo Gregorio, overseer of Italy, Malta, Bosnia and Macedonia)

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Unity and


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Though strongly represented in the Word of God, the idea of unity and diversity occupying the same space seems to be a foreign concept to many. It must be understood that unity is not an option for the redeemed; it is a holy mandate that must be met and nurtured if we are to enjoy His presence and abiding power. Within God’s

where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. And if they were all one member, where were the body? But now are they many members, yet but one body” (12:14–20). So, we see in this one passage that diversity does not conflict with unity. Indeed, in the life of the redeemed, they complement and

Diversity Church, there is ample room for individual and diverse giftings. There is no need for jealousy or fear or competition in the expression of our calling. Rather, if we are truly called of God, we should work in harmony with all of the diversity that God Himself has placed into His Church. Hebrews 12:14 tells us to—“Follow peace with all men, and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord” (emphasis added). It shouldn’t take much thought to realize that peace will only be realized in the environment of unity. Therefore, the unity, the “one-accord”, the peace mandated by the Word of God is clearly a prerequisite to His blessing and presence. Though this may seem to be a “carrot-on-a-stick” issue, it really isn’t. It is, first of all, a matter of having been authentically born-again! Those that are in Christ take on the “mind of Christ” who is indeed the “Prince of peace!” Remember that Jesus said—“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God” (Matthew 5:9). Secondly, as we walk in this newness of life, we mature in Him. That causes us to abandon our selfish desires and carnal aspirations, humbling ourselves to His perfect will. As maturing, new creations, we are able to follow our vision and fulfill our calling in harmony with the diverse gifting and personalities in the body of Christ! The tragic inability to work in harmony with others is a clear indication of both emotional and spiritual immaturity. “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things” (1 Corinthians 13:11). “For the body is not one member, but many. If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? If the whole body were an eye,

nurture one another to actually produce the unity, the one-accord peace that is expected in the congregation of the redeemed!

The Fruit Of Unity Psalm 133

King David sang, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (v. 1) This isn’t a far-away, mystical theory that no one can attain. It is reality! In this present life there are tangible, experiential, life-changing blessings for those that have matured in the Word of God, in the Spirit of God and in the mind of Christ. “It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments” (v. 2). Clearly, King David is proclaiming the profound and abundant blessing that is awaiting those who know and practice the sacred attribute of unity. Believers who are able to recognize individual gifts and callings, working together under one banner, as one body, in harmony will experience that fathomless anointing of God in every area of their lives! Oh, how we need that fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit to pour down upon us, refreshing, revitalizing, and renewing us for His glory! “As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion” (v. 3). Everyone has experienced the freshness, the peacefulness of the early morning hours before the full heat of the day begins to take its toll on our daily walk, that fresh dew that has settled on the grass, the plants—to nurture, to revive all of creation. We breathe in the freshness of the dawning day, as the prevailing peace settles upon us before we enter the tasks before us —“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! . . . for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life forever more” (vv. 1, 3) There, in that peaceful, refreshing environment, both commanded of God and provided by God, we thrive, we grow, we are refreshed, and we are so very blessed! Who would want it any other way? Tony Comer, Brunswick, Georgia

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Site of Azusa Street Revival


R.G. Spurling and children

Brian Sutton, Pastor Sheffield, Alabama

The Christian Union

A group of people gathered at the Barney Creek Meeting House in Monroe County, Tennessee on August 19, 1886. They came together at the prompting of Richard Spurling, Sr. and his son R.G. Spurling. In The Church of God History and Polity, James Stone writes, “To the world this meager gathering probably had little significance. To them, however,


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it was an earnest attempt to find the will of God and break away from binding creeds and traditions.” R.G. Spurling preached to those present at Barney Creek, calling them to sever ties with man-made creeds and become a New Testament church. Eight persons came forward that day to join together and form a local congregation that would be known as the Christian Union. There were several published

reasons for the desire to form the Christian Union, one of which would open the door for the eventual embracing of Pentecostalism by the movement. Adrian Varlack, in Foundations—The Church of God of Prophecy: Concise History, Polity, Doctrine and Future writes that Spurling felt, “The reformers failed to reserve a right of way for the leadership of the Holy Ghost and for conscience . . . It was precisely this


state of affairs, the lack of fervency of the Holy Spirit, and the absence of true obedience to and proper regard for the Word of God, that sparked our religious forefathers on their search for truth and to attempt a recovery of the New Testament church . . .” The local Christian Union church would be pastored by R.G. Spurling and later they would establish other Christian Union congregations on their quest to follow the Spirit’s leading.

Schearer Schoolhouse Revival and the Fire Baptized Influence

In 1896, this small Christian Union movement would be impacted by a move of the Holy Spirit at a revival held in the Schearer Schoolhouse in the area of Cherokee County, North Carolina. In The Century of the Holy Spirit, Vinson Synan writes, “Exhibiting the doctrines and practices of Benjamin Hardin Irwin’s fire-baptized movement … (this revival) electrified the community with some unusual phenomena.” Apparently this revival, and subsequent meetings were strong in their preaching of holiness, sanctification as a second blessing, and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. In A.J. Tomlinson: A Biography, Lillie Duggar writes, “Sanctification seems to have been one of the principle subjects in the revival that resulted, and many people were sanctified by the blood of Jesus. Soon after the evangelists had closed the revival, the Holy Ghost fell in prayer meetings that were being held. As the people received the Holy Ghost they began speaking in other tongues.” The Schearer Schoolhouse Revival, and the biblical principles it instilled, would have a lasting effect on the DNA of the Church of God Movement. Early church pioneer, W.F. Bryant, was seeking the experience of sanctification.

“At the time, I was a member of the Baptist church and none of us believed in sanctification, although I attended this revival,” Bryant said. “I noticed how those who claimed sanctification would go to their fellow men and fix everything right . . . The Spirit within me would cry out, ‘give me the blessing like those other few have received.’” (Servants of the Spirit). This brush with the Holy Spirit baptism in 1896 would be the precursor to the Movement’s eventual embracing of Pentecostalism in doctrine and practice.

The Holiness Church at Camp Creek

In Upon This Rock, C.T. Davidson, Church of God of Prophecy historian writes, “On Thursday, May 15, 1902, a group of the people met at the home of W.F. Bryant, in Cherokee County, North Carolina. Richard G. Spurling Jr. was in their midst, and he organized them as The Holiness Church at Camp Creek. Apparently, it favored the continuation of the Christian Union some sixteen years before, but in a different location. Richard G. Spurling was chosen pastor, and W.F. Bryant, one of the officers, was set forth by the newly organized little church, and ordained, making the organization permanent.” James Stone takes up the question as to how long the previously formed Christian Union remained together. It is clear that Richard Spurling was the pastor of both churches (Christian Union formed in 1886 and newly formed Holiness Church at Camp Creek in 1902). Stone quotes Vinson Synan’s record of the Christian Union that by 1892 “the Christian Union had already disbanded and the membership had gradually returned to their original churches.” However, L. Howard Juillerat’s Book of Minutes of 1922 concludes that the Christian Union was still together and would be the body

that would form The Holiness Church at Camp Creek in 1902, changing their name when moving to a different location. Regardless of which account is accurate regarding the Christian Union, whether it died out or stayed together and was then formed into the Holiness Church at Camp Creek, Synan wrote, “This church might have existed alone except for the visit in 1903 of a traveling Bible salesman from Indiana by the name of Ambrose Jessup Tomlinson.”

A. J. Tomlinson and the Church of God

A. J. Tomlinson, who was a Quaker from Indiana, was a preacher who had become earlier acquainted with the Holiness Church at Camp Creek. He was invited to a special time to study God’s Word together at the home of W. F. Bryant on June 13, 1903. Tomlinson was fond of this group, having preached for them several times and he “appreciated the warm welcome they always gave him . . . (he said) they were a conscientious group and possessed great inspiration and enthusiasm to obey the precepts of the Holy Writ . . .”, Davidson noted. On Friday night, June 12, 1903, Tomlinson decided to climb Burger Mountain, behind Bryant’s home, for a time of seeking God. There he spent the night in prayer and prevailed, receiving what he called a vision of the “Last Days Church of God.” Tomlinson would come back down the mountain and decide to join with the Holiness Church in membership the following day, on June 13, 1903. Recalling that day, Tomlinson would later state, “Well if you take the whole Bible, rightly divided, that makes it the church of God. Why do you want to call it the Holiness Church at Camp Creek? . . . You have agreed that this that I have said makes it the Church of God, and will you be willing to take it and keep it the Church of God? They

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said they were willing. I then asked if they were willing to take me in with the understanding that this IS the Church of God—not going to be, but IS the Church of God? They were willing. So I stood right there in front of the fireplace and Brother Spurling, who has gone to heaven, took the Bible and gave it to me. He handed it to me and said, ‘Will you take this as the Word of God, believe and practice it, obey its’ precepts and walk in the light as God is in the Light?’ I thought deeply. I remembered what a time I had on the mountain. I meant business. God meant business . . . Right here I gave my hand to Brother Spurling . . . I took the obligation with deep sincerity and extreme sacredness never to be forgotten.” “With winning Tomlinson,” Synan writes, “the Camp Creek Church gained one of the great organizing geniuses of modern church history . . . The new denomination was typical of holiness churches formed in American in this period. The second blessing of entire sanctification was sought as a baptism with the Holy Ghost . . . . Under Tomlinson’s dynamic leadership, the Church of God planted churches throughout the mountain areas of Tennessee, Georgia, Kentucky, West Virginia and North Carolina.” This movement, now known as the Church of God (The name CHURCH OF GOD was officially adopted on January 11, 1907, but was loosely used until that time), was moving forward. At this time, however, as documented in Servants of the Spirit, “regardless of common talk among holiness believers of being led by the Spirit or being filled with the Spirit, there seemed to be that lingering sense that there was always ‘something more.’”

The Azusa Street Revival

There were many earlier instances of “stirrings” of the Spirit before Azusa Street. The previously mentioned Schearer Schoolhouse Revival in 1896 is one instance of people receiving the Holy


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One of the greatest proofs of the Azusa impact on the Church of God movement is the tremendous racial harmony within the Church of God of Prophecy family. Spirit baptism and speaking in tongues. Additionally, Agnes N. Ozman received the Holy Spirit baptism accompanied by speaking in tongues as evidence at a watch night service on December 31, 1900. This instance had great significance in relation to Azusa Street. Bible teacher and preacher Charles Fox Parham, known as the theological father of the Pentecostal movement, had a Bible school that Ozman attended. It was Parham who had laid hands on Ozman and prayed for her to receive the Spirit Baptism when she did. Synan writes, “It was Parham who was credited with first advancing the theological argument that tongues are always the initial evidence of a person’s receiving the baptism with the Holy Spirit.” Parham had another student at his Houston Bible school named William J. Seymour, an African-American man who was the son of former slaves and who was blind in one eye. In the book Fire From Heaven, Harvey Cox says that Parham had allowed Seymour to listen in to the classes “seated on a chair outside an open window. On rainy days he was permitted to sit inside the building, but in the hallway outside the classroom with the door left ajar.” Seymour had taken greatly to Parham’s teaching regarding tongues as the evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. In his book Azusa Street: An Eyewitness Account, reporter Frank Bartleman said, “Without question, William J. Seymour was the central figure of the Azusa Street revival and will always be remembered as the vessel chosen of the Lord to spark the worldwide Pentecostal revival.” Without the wonderful outpouring of the Holy Spirit during the Azusa Street Revival, the Church of God movement might have remained only a Wesleyan

Holiness movement and never tasted of the wonderful gift of the baptism of the Holy Spirit that would make it Pentecostal. According to The New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, the Azusa Street revival was an outgrowth of a home prayer meeting, conducted by William J. Seymour, at the home of Richard and Ruth Asberry at 214 N. Bonnie Brae Street. On April 9, 1906, the Holy Spirit was poured out in this home prayer meeting and people received the Holy Spirit baptism with tongues as the evidence. “News spread rapidly, and people came to Bonnie Brae to see and hear for themselves. Within a week the group had rented 312 Azusa Street, and the mission had begun.” Synan notes, “Few events have affected modern church history as greatly as the famous Azusa Street Revival of 1906-1909, which ushered into being the worldwide twentieth-century Pentecostal renewal.” Moving to Azusa Street from the home on Bonnie Brae did not diminish the fire of Pentecost. “In the early ‘Azusa’ days, both heaven and hell seemed to have come to town. Men were at the breaking point. Conviction was mightily on the people. . . .When men came within two or three blocks of the place, they were seized with conviction.” The revival grew significantly and the building, which was once used as an old stable, eventually saw between 300-350 worshippers gather every day for meeting. The services were wonderful and powerful with many healings reported and even a greater number of attendees baptized with the Holy Spirit, with speaking in tongues as the evidence of their baptism. “Many eyewitnesses reported seeing a glow from the building that was visible from blocks away.”

The message of the Azusa Street Revival was traveling around the world, which prompted many to travel to Los Angeles to experience this phenomenon for themselves.

The Color Line Was Washed Away in the Blood

A significant aspect of the revival was the racial integration that it saw in its meetings. Bartleman penned, “The color line was washed away in the Blood” and it is noted that blacks and whites, men and women and people from all classes and economic backgrounds came together to worship and experience this new Pentecostal outpouring. Azusa was “a fully integrated work with leadership drawn from blacks and whites, with Hispanics and other ethnic minorities comfortably present in most of its services.”

The “Apostle of Pentecost to the South”

The amazing accounts of the Holy Spirit’s work at Azusa brought to Los Angeles many seekers, but none were more important to the Church of God movement than G.B. Cashwell. An evangelist in the Holiness movement, Cashwell was “overcome with a desire to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, as taught by William J. Seymour, the pastor of the Azusa Street Mission.” Cashwell had heard of the Azusa Street revival from stories written by Frank Bartleman in The Way of Faith magazine. Cashwell traveled by rail to the Azusa Street revival in November of 1906. In his first service at Azusa Street, he was taken aback by some practices that to him seemed “fanatical,” but overall he felt that “God was in it.” On first seeking for the baptism in the Holy Spirit, he was antagonized by his aversion to being prayed for by blacks. He went to his hotel room,

where he “suffered a crucifixion” and “died to many things,” including his racial prejudice. He went the next night requesting that Seymour and other blacks lay hands on him. He promptly received the Pentecostal experience and, according to his own account, spoke in “English, German and French.” After Cashwell returned home in North Carolina, he began holding meetings in January 1907 that would prove to be used mightily by God to spread the message of Pentecost. As a result of Cashwell’s ministry, “Leaders of several holiness Bible schools accepted the doctrines espoused by Seymour and the Azusa Street revival,” Synan writes. Many denominations joined or were organized as Pentecostal movements as a result of Cashwell’s Pentecostal ministry. Because of this, Cashwell has been called, “The Apostle of Pentecost to the South.” He would be a vessel that the Holy Spirit would flow through to touch the Church of God with the message of Pentecost.

Church of God Becomes a Part of the Pentecostal Movement

General Overseer A.J. Tomlinson preached from the book of Acts and preached about the Holy Spirit baptism before receiving the experience for himself. Because of this belief, and his desire for the Spirit baptism for himself and the members of the church, Bishop Tomlinson invited G.B. Cashwell, “the Apostle of Pentecost to the South,” to come and preach at the General Assembly of the church in 1908. It was on Sunday morning, January 12, 1908, that Tomlinson had one of the most wonderful and unique experiences regarding the Spirit baptism. “While listening to Gaston Cashwell’s sermon, A.J. had a very dramatic and physical encounter with the Holy Ghost . . . after slipping off a chair to the floor

at Gaston’s feet, A.J.’s body moved as if being examined by a physician as he rolled and tossed back and forth experiencing floods of joy and glory.” Tomlinson spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave the utterance. He was “carried” to many different parts of the world and saw the awful conditions of the inhabitants and was moved with the vision. In his book Answering the Call of God, he testified that he spoke in ten different languages as he traveled, and shared the special presence and power of God through this experience. Synan notes, “With this event it was a foregone conclusion that the Church of God would be a part of the growing Pentecostal movement . . . The Church of God indeed began to move like a mighty army across the land. In 1910, some 1,005 members were reported in 27 churches. By 1920, those figures had mushroomed to 14,606 members in 389 congregations. One of the greatest proofs of the Azusa impact on the Church of God Movement is the tremendous racial harmony within the Church of God of Prophecy family. Just as William J. Seymour’s Azusa meetings propagated racial harmony, so the Church of God of Prophecy has been blessed with the Holy Spirit’s touch in the area of race relations. The New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements noted that, “The Church of God of Prophecy may be the most racially integrated Pentecostal church in the world . . . (it) may have been the first church to defy Jim Crow laws in their worship services, and they have long opposed the Ku Klux Klan.” In relation to Azusa’s revival, Grant Wacker’s Heaven Below quotes Apostolic Faith stating “No instrument that God can use is rejected on account of color . . .” With the acceptance of the Holy Spirit baptism, this is also a true statement in the Church of God of Prophecy; as it was in the Azusa revival, the “color line is washed away in the Blood!” WWM O C TO B E R 2 0 1 1




Ah, unity. David said it right: Psalm 133:1, 2 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity, it is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down the beard, even to Aaron’s beard, that went down to the skirts of his garment.” David’s Psalm is all about the preciousness of family unity. Its blessedness is exclaimed, which sanctifies, and solidifies. Unity of a whole family is important to survival. They need each other. We as the body of Christ have spiritual strength as being in unity in service for Him. Oh, how we need that wholeness within the body to please our Savior. He so wants His bride to be of one mind to perfect her, so she may be holy and without blemish. She shall be a holy nation lifting Him up, as one in spirit. The apostle Paul tells us in Romans 14:19 “Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace and things wherewith one may edify another.” Paul teaches us what is important in unity. We are strong when we unite as a whole. God wants us to be perfect and holy in His sight. When we seek Him in all we do, we please Him greatly. We must have solid unity in the body. He will bless us as a whole when we seek Him together for truth. Paul continues to tell us in Romans 15: 5-6, “Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus. That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” When we are like-minded, as God has wanted us to be; we are glorifying Him in our daily lives and blessing Him with our daily walk. When we are not like-minded, division enters our family. Division corrupts the family and we are not productive soul-winners as God intended us to be. Spots and wrinkles appear and we are not holy before our Master. Paul urges us in 1 Corinthians 10:1 “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no division among you, but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.” When we are in unity and one accord, we make for mature Christians ervice. Division will bring sorrow in the body of Christ. God wants us to walk in the spirit. To walk worthy, in noble conduct; this includes humility, with love and patience toward others, to maintain unity among the body. As Paul continues to r emind us in Ephesians 4:3, 4, “There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling.” Praise God, we are one body. We must stand steadfast. Fellowship with one another is one of the keys to spiritual growth. It occurs when Christians share their walk with God in an atmosphere of love and respect. Fellowship occurs when everyone communicates in love with other believers, and the whole assembly becomes strengthened as a result. Fellowship is so vital that we cannot live for God by ourselves. We need to put our arms around our brother or sister in the Lord and unite in love for strength. So let me end by saying let us live in harmony, as Paul writes in Philippians 2:2, “Fulfill my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.” Let no disunity be found in the body, but love and respect for one another. God bless us together in our walk with Him. —Rita Ford Autryville, North Carolina


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MINISTRIES Not too long ago, I attended a leadership conference in Denver, Colorado, where I was given a thin booklet entitled, The Spirituality of Fund-Raising by Henri J.M. Nouwen. From cover to cover the book is only 40 pages, but powerfully packed with nuggets to transform any individual’s thinking about their giving for the Kingdom. A few of Mr. Nouwen’s quotes from his booklet are: “The more we touch the intimate love of God which creates, sustains, and guides us, the more we recognize the multitude of fruits that come forth from that love.” [Front cover] “To set our hearts on the Kingdom therefore means to make the life of the Spirit within and among us the center of all we think, say, or do.” [p. 35] “As a form of ministry, fund-raising is as spiritual as giving a sermon, entering a time of prayer, visiting the sick, or feeding the hungry.” [p. 4] In most instances that I’ve experienced throughout my lifetime, receiving an offering during our local church worship has not usually reflected the realm of spirituality. We’re comfortably seated on padded pews, carpeted floors underfoot, enjoying seasonal temperatures to our liking from our heating and air conditioning systems, and probably don’t think of how our missions giving actually impacts other people. But what if we switched roles with some of our brothers and sisters around the globe and had to worship our Lord underneath a tree? Or a thatched roof? Or had a dirt floor underneath our feet? What if the elements of strong, blowing winds or pouring rains were to be contended with? What would we do? Would we continue to worship in genuine love of our Lord? This truly challenges my way of thinking as a North American; how about you? Although I have witnessed select moments that have brought our hearts together into true worshipful giving, and know firsthand that the fruits of those type of offerings are always far greater. It is in this spirit of giving that I appeal to you for some very specific needs for some of our church family around the globe. Presently, we have at least 2,500 church congregations who gather in makeshift situations underneath trees, thatched roofs, or in open fields to worship. Many congregations have begun making mud bricks and have erected structured walls, but need assistance in purchasing metal sheets for their roofs. I believe that we can unite our efforts to make a difference for the people in these congregations. Prices vary depending on a nation’s economic structure but my research shows that tents can be purchased as worship buildings anywhere from $350 for a local congregation to $5,000 for large, crusade-type pole tents. And metal roofs can be installed on existing structures from $1,500 to $2,500. Can we join together in worship by helping our brothers and sisters to “Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes,” as spoken in Isaiah 54:2? May the Holy Spirit truly prompt your hearts to respond. “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). By uniting our efforts together, we can make a tremendous difference for the Kingdom. Offerings for these projects can be channeled through churches’ Harvest Partners Level 2 Project Giving or through an individual’s Helping Hand giving. Such offerings should be designated as “Building Support” specifying for “tents” or “roofs.” Annette Taylor, International Director, Harvest Partners Ministry

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turning point

Caribbean International Ladies Retreats 2011

Saint Maarten

When returning from a journey to the Caribbean, many will describe the cloudless sky and crystal-clear Caribbean Sea. Others might tell about the beautiful and all-inclusive resorts. Some might note the warm welcome of the people or the promise of incredible Caribbean cuisine as a highlight. But for women representing 11 island nations, it was the Caribbean International Ladies Retreat that brought us all to St. Maarten for the first weekend of June. And the One we came to celebrate did not disappoint us! Early Friday morning, women began arriving at Sonesta Beach Resort in anticipation of a Turning Point encounter with God. Excitement reigned as the delegations from nation after nation safely completed the journey to the resort. Excitement continued through registration, rooming arrangements, and dinner and was still evident as we gathered for the first celebration of the weekend. After being welcomed by our host regional overseer’s wife, Annetta Greenaway, the women joined Nolma Chalwell and the retreat worship team as they led us into the presence of the Lord. From the beginning of the first service, the Holy Spirit began to move in liberty, initiating the work of salvation and restoration early in the first evening together. The miraculous power of healing moved in and several women testified to receiving healing during the sermon on that first evening. Guest speakers Gayle Harris of Virginia and Pastor Janice Roseboro of North Carolina were anointed throughout the morning and evening services on Saturday. We experienced the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit, especially after the altar time on Saturday evening as we experienced an explosion of the power and presence of the Lord. Sunday morning again propelled us into the awesome glory of our God. At the conclusion of the Word, women came to commit their lives and ministries completely to the Lord.


Additionally this past summer, the Women’s Ministries department of the Church of God of Prophecy International Offices partnered with the national islands that make up the ministry of the Windward Islands to sponsor a ladies retreat and women’s ministries conference in Grenada. Led by regional women’s ministries director, Muriel Byam, women in ministry and leadership, predominately from the four nations of the Windward Islands (Barbados, St. Lucia, Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines) participated in a three-day conference highlighting the mentoring process and examining the process of change, preparing for a crisis Turning Point moment in the presence of the Lord. After the concluding services of the regional convention and just before the regional youth camp schedule, women began to converge on the Monmot Hotel to celebrate this time of preparation for ministry. Sister Claudia Payne, wife of the regional overseer, welcomed the women in the opening service. From that beginning and into the first devotional service, the Holy Spirit began to lead us further into the presence and purpose of God. Each speaker imparted understanding—specifically in the preparation of our lives and ministries to be given all for the glory and purpose of God. These regional efforts, complementary to the last retreat of the season, were a true blessing to each one who made the effort to be there. Truly, how good and pleasant it is when we live together in unity (taken from Psalm 133:1). While this was our last retreat of the season, contracts have been signed in preparation for a new season of Regional and International Ladies Retreats beginning Fall 2011 (note the new schedule in the September issue of the White Wing Messenger and be watching for its completion on our web site). Please remember us in prayer as we transition to a new season of ministry. Cathy Payne, International Director Women’s Ministries


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What is the best strategy for assuring that the children of our congregations and communities experience anointed and excellent ministry? The most significant component of an effective children’s ministry is leadership. Therefore we will have the greatest impact on children and ministry to them if we develop those who God has called to lead them.


What’s our strategy?

Here at the International Offices our strategy for developing leaders who impact children is to—


The first step in leadership development is to identify those God has gifted in leadership. How are potential children’s ministry leaders identified? —Through prayer. Jesus spent the night in prayer before appointing twelve disciples as apostles (leaders of the soon-to-be early church). We too must find the mind of Christ concerning leadership of children’s ministry, now and in the future. The first step in knowing who He is preparing for leadership is to pray. —Through a good understanding of the characteristics of a leader. An effective children’s ministry leader is not always the one who is the most relational with the kids or who can plan a successful big event. A leader sees the big picture for the ministry he serves rather than just the small piece of the picture that he is directly involved in. A leader has influence. Others follow his lead and he impacts their thinking and their actions. A leader takes initiative. He doesn’t settle for the status quo. Instead, he initiates programs, finds funding, builds teams, or takes whatever steps are necessary for the ministry to develop. —Through a realization that God’s call to leadership is not limited to adults. Many children and teens in our congregations are gifted as leaders. Now is the time to begin developing their leadership gift and the character qualities that are needed to lead effectively.


It isn’t enough to know that God has called someone to leadership in children’s ministry. Now we must target them for intensive development of godly character, sound biblical theology, as well as leadership and ministry skills.

I believe this is biblical. Paul targeted Titus, Timothy, and other young leaders in the early church for intensive mentoring. He was not just concerned with helping them become excellent preachers. He consistently challenged them in the areas of godly character, sound theology, and leadership. He was their spiritual father and an example to them of how to live the Christian life. I do not think leaders can develop to their fullest potential without others making a consistent, personal investment in their development. Any Christian God has called to lead needs others to walk alongside him challenging, encouraging, and holding him accountable for integrity in his ministry and his personal life.


Finally, leaders in children’s ministry need to develop leadership skills that are common to all leaders. And they also need a unique set of skills required to lead and minister in children’s ministry. Training is not limited to classroom instruction, but can be done in a variety of settings: reading articles and books, observing other leaders and children’s ministers, serving alongside those gifted in leadership and children’s ministry, and instruction. Training is most effective when the learners determine how the training has impacted them personally and what steps they will take to implement what has been learned. Our vision is to facilitate the development of excellent ministry to children in every congregation and community throughout the world. We realize we cannot accomplish this “one child at a time” but we can accomplish this by developing the leaders who lead or will lead these ministries. —Kathy Creasy International Director

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Nick Warner

Commoner Debra McKinley Hendersonville, Tennessee

She was born Catherine Elizabeth Middleton on January 9, 1982, the first child of Michael and Carole Middleton. They called her Kate. Kate was always lovely, effervescent and popular in her circle, but self-assurance came only with time. A former classmate told People Magazine in 2010, “The poor girl, we felt sorry for her.” She and her friends dreamed of marrying in a true romantic and sentimental way. But she could have never dreamed of what was in store for her. She may have been well-bred, pretty, and intelligent but in British culture she was still a commoner. Now the term “commoner” as they used it, refers to a person not born into a position of high social rank; a person who had no

“royal” title. And the press used that term to describe her so many times that if I had a dollar for every time they used it to describe her, I’d be writing this from my own gated castle. But there she stood, Friday April 29th, 11:00 a.m., looking down the aisle of historical Westminster Abbey church. She would walk down the aisle with her hand held by her father. She took Mr. Middleton’s hand and began to walk— with the grace of a veteran princess. The church was decorated with seasonal British flowers and eight 20foot English field maple and hornbeam trees. The church was beautiful, but paled in comparison to the beauty of Kate, the commoner. Standing in attention, with their eyes focused on her, were foreign dignitaries, heads of state, and plenty of royals. And at the end of the aisle, stood Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles, Prince of

Wales, and Prince Andrew, Duke of York. When she finished her walk down the aisle, she would have passed by almost 2,000 guests. She had been told when she first started dating the young prince that he would never get serious with her because she was not of his class. She had been written about in the press as “Watie Katie.” But she had just passed by many of those who told her it would never happen, as they looked on from the crowd. There she stood at the altar, waiting. And in a split second she, “a commoner” would become a princess. Two simple words are spoken by her and Prince William, “I will”—and that quickly, she becomes a princess; no longer a commoner but a princess. Once she became a princess, she was automatically entitled to a few perks. She has access to the family jewels. Kate will be able to borrow from the WWM O C TO B E R 2 0 1 1


Queen’s priceless collection and will amass her own stash. She has all-expense-paid trips around the world. Not only will costs be covered for visits to countries to meet state officials and support needy causes, but the trips will include a formidable entourage of assistants and security. She will have ladies in waiting who will prep her for big events and keep her company. She has a $325,000 yearly allowance and will never have to use an ATM again. She has her own couturier to craft custom designs, plus a royal dresser to coordinate outfits. She has a chauffeur, driving luxury cars. She’ll cruise in Range Rovers, Audis, Bentleys and Rolls Royces.She has palace chefs to prepare all her favorites —parties, parties, parties with VIPs and foreign royals.

She has her own fleet of secretaries, about 12 just to handle her schedule and correspondence. And of course, her own palace or castle. Not bad for a commoner. Now I must interject something here that really has nothing to do with this article. As a mother of a princess and a grandmother of two princesses, I would feel the need, if I had been Carol Middleton, to have whispered in Queen Elizabeth’s ear, “Kate has always been a princess to me.” So please keep that in mind. Back to the article: As I watched the wedding on television, I could not help but think of the hundreds of women I have met in ladies retreats and during other ministry; ladies to whom life has not been kind. Some have been mistreated and abused by others, and

some, because of their own mistakes and failures. I can identify with these ladies. As a child, I too suffered at the hands of others and things were done to me that no child should go through. Child molestation can leave you with a soiled feeling, hopeless and helpless. I’ve met ladies who for years have waited for a break, a start over, a new beginning. They keep hoping that a prince is going to come and sweep them off their feet. But the carriage is still a pumpkin and the mice are still running around all scary looking. I hate mice; I wish they had been left off Noah’s ark. So I watched Kate walk that aisle, being referred to as a commoner, thinking of all of us who waited for someone to come to our rescue. All the while those around her saying, “It’s not

2012 International Assembly Hotel Information Reservations are now being accepted for the 2012 International Assembly taking place at the Louisville Convention Center in Louisville, Kentucky. Call the Assembly Reservation line at 800-743-3100 to book your rooms at the special Assembly rates for any of the following hotels or visit www.cogop.org for more information. HOTEL NAME

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.4 miles

320 West Jefferson Street, Lousiville, KY Rate $123.00 Discounted parking rate $5.00


280 West Jefferson Street, Louisville, KY 40202 Rate $123.00 Discounted parking rate $5.00


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Ramada Plaza Louisville

12.1 miles


.6 miles


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9700 Bluegrass Parkway, Louisville, KY 40299 Rate: $69.95 Complimentary parking and Internet

.3 miles

140 North 4th Street, Louisville, KY 40202 Rate $123.00 Deluxe rooms Discounted parking rate $5.00


Distance to Convention Center


.4 miles

333 E. Market Street, Louisville, KY 40202 Rate $99.00 Complimentary continental breakfast, Internet, and parking

132 E. Jefferson Street, Louisville, KY 40202 Rate $99.00 Complimentary continental breakfast, Internet, and parking


going to happen, he’s not for you.” Do you realize that many who stay away from God do so because they don’t think He will forgive them? They have sunk so low in life, and sinned so much that they think they cannot be forgiven. It’s so hard for them to believe someone would die an agonizing death on a cross just because He loved them, when they don’t love themselves. I was one of those ladies. However, late one October night, on a back road in Indiana, I met my Prince. Before I go further, I feel like telling you that I did marry a prince of a man. He has been the love of my life for over 30 years now and he is my best friend. But, the Prince I met that night on a back road is the Prince that can change everything in your life. He’s been waiting for you to say “I will” all of your

life. He is waiting for you to say, “I will” accept you, Jesus Christ, as my Lord and Savior. He has already promised to accept you. Jesus is far greater than any prince or earthly king, and He waits for us to open our hearts, minds and souls to be rescued. He stands with arms opened wide. He has already said “I will” when He gave His life on Calvary. He is just waiting for us to say, “I accept you, Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, as my Prince. Once we do that, we inherit eternal life and the Kingdom of God is ours. We are no longer commoners. Suddenly, we become a member of the Kingdom of God and because of our relationship with the Prince, we suddenly know Him in a more intimate way, He becomes:

Jehovah Ma’oz our fortress (Jer. 16:19) Jehovah Mephalti our deliverer (Psalm 18:2) Jehovah Rophe our healer (Isaiah 53:4,5) Jehovah Shalom our peace (Isaiah 9:6) Jehovah Tsori our strength (Psalm 19:14) Jehovah Jireh our provider (Genesis 22:14) Jehovah Ganar our defense (Psalm 89:18) Jehovah Sel’I our rock (Psalm 18:2) Jehovah ‘Ori our light (Psalm 27:1) Jehovah Yasha our Savior (Isaiah 49:26) Jehovah Hamelech-He is our King (Psalm 98:6)

It is with this great knowledge of who He is, we can remind ourselves and those around us of exactly what He said about us….“what God hath cleansed, that call not common.” (Acts 11:9)

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Search the App Store for the new COGOP app, which features the latest news, sermons, videos and photos from the Church of God of Prophecy. Visit www.cogop.org for more information. You can also read the White Wing Messenger on your smart phone or tablet by visiting www. whitewingmessenger.org, finding the PDF file you want and importing it into your mobile documents or bookstore. WWM O C TO B E R 2 0 1 1



The Number One Way Church Funds Are Embezzled Leadership, and even lay people in churches many times, are vulnerable to loss of funds. This happens relatively easily because “unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled” (Titus 1:15). “Unto the pure all things are pure” surely means out of a pure heart come pure thoughts. We who have our hearts washed by the blood of Jesus, tend to believe people readily. We tend to trust because we can be trusted. While this is the way it should be, it makes us easy targets for the one who is unbelieving, to whom nothing is pure. The next verse speaks of being disobedient and unto every good work reprobate. The reality is that sometimes people become disobedient and fail to have a pure mind and conscience. This can happen to people who are responsible for and must give an account of church funds. The person who has the most fiscal responsibility and accountability is the local church or the state/region/ national treasurer. The number one way that church money is embezzled is by the treasurer simply writing themselves a check. This can go unnoticed for years and amount to a large loss. The accountable way to be sure this is presently not happening in your area of supervision is to have the hard copy of the bank statement sent to someone other than the treasurer. The Finance and Stewardship Chairman or someone in leadership is a good choice. That person must open the statement and review the checks written to verify that none are written to the treasurer. If the treasurer writes his or her own salary check, that amount can be noted. The bank statement then is given to the treasurer for proper reconciliation and safe keeping. This is a very easy, simple procedure that you must begin immediately if you are not presently following it. In spite of all the safeguards, sometimes funds are stolen. However, the more safeguards you have in place, the less responsibility for the loss you will feel, and rightly so. Another way funds are stolen is by not depositing all the offering and tithes into the bank. An offering counter form is available on the Stewardship Page located at www.cogop.org/ministries/stewardship and also in the Treasurer’s Guide under Updates. This form should be filled out in duplicate by the two offering counters. One copy goes with the money to the treasurer, and the other is kept in the office under the supervision of the person designated to check the bank statement. The deposit amount should agree with the total on the offering counter’s form. This, again, is easily verified by the person checking the bank statement. Designate a person to receive the bank statement and compare the offering counter’s form with the bank’s deposit record today. These two simple procedures will protect the treasurer, the Church’s money, and your leadership’s credibility. Simply inform your treasurer this is a policy and procedure strongly recommended by Stewardship Ministries.


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Jan Couch Stewardship Ministries Director


Ron Scotton, Sr. is a familiar name in the Church of God of Prophecy, having served under general appointment from 1985–1994 and inspiring a generation of worshippers with his musical talents. Scotton, who now leads worship at the Jonesboro, Georgia COGOP, recently visited the White Wing Messenger offices to talk about his history and his love of music.

Has music always been a big part of your life? My family has always been a musical family. I was singing as a child and following my father’s pastorate. As soon as I was big enough to hit a drum or whatever, we started providing music in the local church. That’s always been our lifestyle. I got big enough to go to school. I did a stint in the military. I was the trumpet soloist for the 730th Air Force Band for four years. After being discharged from the service, I’ve always been the church musician. And I was a professional musician before I came to Tomlinson College; I was 30 years old when I came to Tomlinson College in 1973. I think what encouraged me is my dad needed musicians so he raised his own. There were nine of us and we were all involved in providing the singing. All of my life has been church music. That’s where my inspiration came. The educational part came along, caused me to upgrade my desire and skill. It was all from working in church and moving around and seeing that the musician level was: self-trained musicians who were very limited.

Do you have any advice for youth who feel a calling to music ministry?

Making Music a Ministry

A conversation with Ron Scotton, Sr.

Yes, they have to explore the idea that music is a ministry and use it as such. The struggle today is the professional aspect of it and what goes along with that. We have a lot of good talent coming through the ranks. When I came through, the churches were not paying their musicians, for example. Today, the larger churches pay good music salaries. So the bigger churches are pulling all of these young people and the idea of you becoming a good church musician, it’s foreign because as soon as you get good enough, you’re looking for a way to make a living. How do we make our young people feel the accountability, the commitment that we felt? That became inbred in me. I wanted His music to be good.

Your book, Hymns Played Simple, was a resource for new pastors who need music in their church. Why did you decide to bring it back? We released it in the mid–80’s and sold hundreds. Lately, I’ve been asked to revisit it, so I combined two books into one, with an instruction DVD and CD accompaniment. I placed it in a binder and sell it for $35. The inspiration came from the desire to help our churches that still find themselves without adequate musicians. Some pastors are assigned to a church and need a musician right then and there. This book can teach someone who’s never played music before to play up to 20 hymns, enough to do a service or two. It is designed for pastors of small churches.

What instruments do you play? I play piano, all the brass. I have a Masters in Music Education, so I had to tackle all of those. I’ve been a band director, choral director, and private instructor. My skill is all of the brass and keyboard. I also write, and arrange. If you are interested in Hymns Played Simple, contact Ron Scotton at scottonr@bellsouth.net or 404-819-6655. —DeWayne Hamby

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A New Mission Field Begins The Ward Avenue COGOP in High Point, North Carolina, was young man who has been under the discipleship of Dan Miller once again blessed to have a team travel in May and serve beside and has been regularly ministering in the town. It was such an missionaries Dan and Gwen Miller in Paraguay, South America. incredible sight to see a young person have such a heart for God. The following article is written by my assistant mission leader, This is becoming rare in my generation. He was truly a servant and Bailee Pierce, a student at Western Carolina University. Passing it was an honor to serve with him. the mantle is hard, but our church will be in good hands with this We also had the privilege of attending the Paraguay National next generation of mission servants. — Mariea (Bill) Shean Convention. Bishop Ebli preached at the convention and I know Our recent trip to Paraguay was an anointed one. We had a he was a blessing to everyone. We also met Bishop Gabriel Vidal small group that consisted of our leader, Stephen Schaffer, his from Cleveland, Tennessee, who is the South American General wife, Jessica, myself, Bailee Pierce, Amy Stone (from Stuart, Presbyter and Bishop David Orozco, Paraguay Overseer. During Virginia COGOP), and Bishop Ebli De La Rosa from Miami, Florida. the convention, our team, along with some area youth, performed We spent the majority of our time in the town of Quyquyho, a a drama/mime that was very powerful and was received well by small town where our local church the convention delegates. is helping plant a new community Another great event the team Foundation for the new mission ministry center. participated in was to hand out We hope construction of the Operation Christmas Child boxes. center will be completed by the Customs had been holding the end of this year. A pastor has boxes for “ransom” for several already been appointed to the months. Once money was paid, congregation of approximately 40 they released them. This was one of people. While there, we were able my favorite things. Not only were we to establish relationships with the able to lead more than 20 children townspeople by getting to know to Christ, we also handed out more them on our morning prayer walks. than 100 boxes. There is nothing This was a great experience of like the excitement on a child’s face evangelism. We told them about when they receive something they the work we were doing and invited would have never gotten otherwise. them to our evening services. We The boxes included items such as then asked if they would like us to soap, toothbrushes, toys, and candy. pray for them. It was always humbling Slinky’s, balls, and marbles seemed to pray for someone who lives in to be among the favorite toys. conditions far less comfortable The trip affected each member than your own and then have of the team in different ways. It is them say, “I will be praying for you always a great reminder to keep as well.” It is a great reminder that our faith in all circumstances and no matter the circumstance, we be grateful for the many blessings always need prayer. we have. For me personally, the trip During the evening services, was one that showed me that no Beginning construction on new ministry mission more than 30 people came to know matter what my age, I can be a Jesus as their Savior. The team, servant to God. I am to be His hands (From left) Amy Stone, Bailee Pierce, Stephen and Jessica Schaefer with Ebli De La Rosa speaking, and feet, and reach people at every did a daily radio program inviting opportunity. A scripture that speaks everyone to the nightly services. to me and reminds me of this is This town of 7,000 people has no 1 Timothy 4:12: “Don’t let anyone regular church of any denomination think less of you because you are operating there. Pray that God young. Be an example to all believers raises a mighty army of Christians in what you say, in the way you live, in this small area of the country. in your love, your faith, and your Quyquyho’s new COGOP pastor, purity.” (NLT) God Bless. —Bailee Pierce Angel Escobar, is a 20 year-old


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Outreach Team Ministers at Native American Reservation

NEW CHURCHES continued from pg. 5

the team as did Pastor Cecil Stanton, of Bismarck, North Dakota. Evangelistic meetings were held each evening with Monday and Tuesday services led by Johnny Hughes, Director of Indian Ministries of North America, Inc. A relationship was established with the tribal foster group home director, and daily Bible school activities were held with the children. Approximately 20 children were bused by the team to evening children’s church activities. A semi-truck of clothing and blankets, donated by the Evergreen Baptist Church, Vance, Alabama, were distributed to tribal members in the community, as well as gift bags made especially for senior citizens living in the elderly housing complex. The Second Chance band provided music, and Graham Agee organized a basketball tournament. Your prayers for reaching the Native American people for Christ are desired.


Continued fro pg. 5

Northeast Region Conducts Leadership Development

With the closing of the 2011 church year, the Northeast Region celebrated a record year of Christian Education training and leadership development. Teachers across the region participated in various programs designed to enhance their skills and effectiveness. From the Harlem, New York church in the Bronx/Manhattan district, seven completed the 7 Laws of the Learner course and the elective phase of training and four received their Certified Teacher certificates. Seven students from the Massachusetts and Rhode Island districts completed the Foundations course. Another group started and they are currently nearing completion. A record-setting 80-student class from the Long Island and Queens districts completed 7 Laws of the Learner course, with eight receiving their Certified Teacher certificate. Class

photo includes robed students who were certified, along with their pastors, Bishop Joseph Simpson (St. Albans Church, Queens, New York) and Bishop Errol Bryan (West Babylon Church, Long Island, New York), District Overseer Bishop Bruce Veit, District Christian Education Director, Roger Langley, and other district pastors. God has favored the region in raising the profile and level of appreciation for the ministry of teaching. Teachers throughout the region are increasingly embracing their divine call into this ministry and assuming their rightful place in the body of Christ. A number of students who participated in this year’s training are also pursuing further study through local seminaries and Bible schools. We give God praise for what He has done and will continue to do in Christian Education in the Northeast Region. —Minister Evelyn G. Gardiner Christian Education Director Boston, Massachusetts

Alto La Paz; organized on March 07, 2010; Pastor Rogelio Condori. Pailón; organized on August 22, 2010; Pastor Germán Poma. El Alto; organized on November 21, 2010; Pastor Ruben Huanca Aduviri. Oruro; organized on March 12, 2011; Pastor Senobio Mamani. Lourdes; organized on March 21, 2011; Pastor Vidal Iquise. Nuevo Paraíso; organized on April 3, 2011; Pastor Teodocio Lopez Calle. Rumi Corral; organized on April 17, 2011; Pastor Erasmo Escobar.


Nicaragua; organized on May 25, 2010; Pastor Santiago Perez Ocampo. Jinotega; organized on July 26, 2010; Pastor Henry Treminio. Jinotega; organized on August 17, 2010; Pastor Justino Torrez Zeledon. Nicaragua; organized on October 24, 2010; Pastor Justo Garcia Rivas. Jinotega; organized on November 14, 2010; Pastor Jose Angel Perez Gaitan. Rio San Juan; organized on November 21, 2010; Pastor Carlos Martinez. Rio San Juan; organized on November 28, 2010; Pastor Marcos Barahona Nicaragua; Pastor Lester Lima Amador. Jalapa; organized on December 5, 2010; Pastor Jose Luis Garcia. Nicaragua; organized on December 5, 2010; Pastor Julio David Webster. Nicaragua; organized on December 8, 2010; Pastor Nicolas Sevilla. Nicaragua; organized on December 9, 2010; Pastor Jesus Guillen Castro. Nicaragua; organized on December 12, 2010; Pastor Andres Mejia Lara. Nicaragua; organized on December 15, 2010; Pastor Nolberto Laguna. Chontales; organized on December 28, 2010; Pastor Pedro Flores Davila. Chontales; organized on December 29, 2010; Pastor Francisco Aguirre Espinoza. WWM O C TO B E R 2 0 1 1


NEWSHere&There In His Presence


NEW CHURCHES continued from pg. 29 Nicaragua

John Doroshuk John Doroshuk, 72, of Alberta, Canada, died July 23, 2011. He was born February 15, 1939. For 51 years, John and his wife, Ruth, served the Lord in the Church of God of Prophecy. Licensed as a minister in 1960 and as a bishop in 1974, Brother Doroshuk served as Overseer of Canada from 1980 until 1992. Following his service as Overseer, Brother Doroshuk spent 19 years working in Eastern Europe and Asia. Shortly after the fall of communism, John and Ruth made trips to Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. Within months, they moved to Rivne, Ukraine, where they set up a house and an office. They planted churches, trained leaders, and led thousands to Christ in more than 10 nations. Brother Doroshuk also ministered in Western Europe and the Middle East, where he served as an elder on the Europe, CIS and Middle East General Presbyters’ councils. He spent the last few years ministering in eastern Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and even Mongolia and China—leaving strong works in his path.

MINISTERS Chester D. Lobban; New Brooklyn, New Jersey; July 10, 2011; Licensed minister for 21 years. Buster E. Long; Rock Hill, South Carolina; July 14, 2011; Licensed minister for 37 years. Roy P. Martin; Georgetown, Tennessee; July 28, 2011; Licensed minister for 41 years. Sampson Smith; Charleston, South Carolina; August 4, 2011; Licensed minister for 76 years.


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Elizabeth K. Gary; Sumter, South Carolina; August 4, 2011; Licensed minister for 54 years.

MEMBERS Oscar William Emerson Sr.; Salisbury, Maryland; June 28, 2011; 55 faithful years of service. David P. Goff; Wellsville, Kansas; May 20, 2011; David was a deacon in the Olathe, Kansas church. Irene Camilla Dodd Smith; Rock Hill, South Carolina; August 10, 2011; The widow of Bishop Henry E. Smith, Jr.

Acoyapa; organized on February 10, 2011; Pastor Julian Francisco Quintanilla.


Chiapas; organized on October 16, 2010; Pastor Mario Torres Gomez. Chiapas; organized on October 16, 2010; Pastor Agusto Torres Martines. Chiapas; organized on November 7, 2010; Pastor Sebastian Perez Moralez. Mexico; organized on January 8, 2011; Pastor Francisco Javier Llamas Burciaga. Mexico; organized on February 13, 2011; Pastor David Ciriaco Cruz.


Congo, Brazzaville; organized on February 14, 2011; Pastor Andokabi Jean. Congo, Brazzaville; organized on June 8, 2008; Pastor Madzou Zachee.


Singapore; organized on May 13, 2010; Pastor Sonny Pasion Tayag. Singapore; organized on October 7, 2010; Pastor Andrew Lam Tong Lee. Singapore; organized on January 1, 2011; Pastor Christopher Chee Young Shum.


Finland; organized on April 8, 2011; Pastor Tapio Sätilä.


Pueblo de Esperanza; organized on June 11, 2011; Pastor Augusto Tapia M. Maule Colbun; organized on June 12, 2011; Pastor Gabriel Zapata. Santiago; organized on July 31, 2011; Pastor Luis Cusinanes Calfes. La Pintana; organized on August 7, 2011; Pastors Andrea Hernandez and Romero Galaz.


Trujillo; organized on December 3, 2010; Evira de Rosario. Venezuela; organized on December 13, 2010; Pastor Iris Josefina Curo de Farías. Barinas; organized on December 28, 2010; Jean Carlos Garcia.



Have you ignored doing the right thing because “it’s probably not going to make a difference anyway”?

DeWayne Hamby, Managing Editor

Do Something Have you ever felt that enough is enough? Honestly, I feel that way quite frequently watching the news, seeing some groups and individuals going to great lengths to erase any traces of Christian influence from society. Have you ever been confronted by the enemy and felt the Holy Spirit rise up in you to reenergize your spiritual apathy? The battle lines are drawn and yet sometimes we wonder what kind of difference one voice will make. Recently, I saw an article about an increasing amount of profanity in movies marketed to children. In the article, the representatives from the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) who design the movie ratings admit that they can restrict the language if they hear enough of an outcry from parents. That surprised me. Why hasn’t there already been an outcry? My guess is the parents don’t think they could make a difference. They have been fooled into apathy. We have to be reminded of the power of making a stand. Let me encourage you with a story. A man ran across an article in a mainstream magazine at a local grocery store that was not only indecent but promoted illegal behavior. He purchased the magazine, made a copy of the article and sent it to the store manager. It was a cordial letter,

but he pointed out the article, realizing that the store manager was most likely unaware of it. He also mailed the magazine’s editorial staff, not quite as kindly, telling them the damage he felt had been caused by the irresponsible article and that he hoped they’d go out of business. Then he began receiving responses. The first response was from the editorial team, wanting to print his letter. He told them that would be fine, as long as they didn’t edit or editorialize it. They printed it exactly the way it had been written. The second response was from the company who supplied the magazines to the store. They had been forwarded the letter from the store manager. They wrote to assure him they had no idea of the article’s content and that the magazine would be pulled from the shelves. He called to confirm. “So they’re pulling that issue?” he asked and they responded, “No, the entire run of the magazine.” Surprised, he further inquired, “From this store?” and they replied, “No, from all of the stores in this area that we service.” This would affect the distribution of hundreds, if not thousands, of magazines every month. The magazine, with headquarters in New York City, no doubt felt the effects of

a circulation dip. Within a few months, as my friend had hopefully predicted, the magazine, which had enjoyed a run of more than a decade, was out of business. Had he consulted with others before he launched his campaign, he might have been given reason to pause. Someone might have second-guessed his intentions or concocted a better way to respond. Another voice may have told him that his letter wouldn’t make a difference, adding credence to his own personal intimidation. But he acted instead of doubting. Think about your life. Has there been a moment when the Spirit prompted you to do something courageous and you declined? Have you inadvertently watered down your message? Have you ignored doing the right thing because “it’s probably not going to make a difference anyway”? The next time you see injustice or a big, intimidating “giant” challenging your faith or your God, don’t back away but realize you have been ordained to stand up for a cause greater than yourself, and “greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4). Make a phone call, write a letter, speak the truth in love . . . do something.

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February 17–19, 2012 (Bilingual) Mass Mutual Convention Center Springfield, Massachusetts

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