Oracle 1929

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1929 cpublfshed o/ the class




Colby College

C-Waterville. Maine

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Copyright FRANKLYN


Managing Editor HARVEY GEORGE FOTTER Business Manager



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Clarence Hayward White Admired as a Teacher and Scholar Honored as a


Gentleman and Friend The Class of Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-nine Respectfully



Dedicates chis Oracle


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Foreword In these pages we have attempted to present a history of the college year.


we have summarized the past, thoughts of the future have inevitably presented themselves.

In these thoughts we discover

that the prophecy of a reawakened Colby is already changing into a reality.

If in

this volume we have fused with the record of the p ast the confident hope the graduating class has in the future Colby, then we have achieved our end.




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Order of Books B OOK 1 Administration

B OOK 2 C lasses B OOK 3 Fraternities and S ororities B OOK 4 Honorary S ocieties BOOK 5 Our Athletes


B OO K 6 S tudent Organization B OO K 7 Campus Activities BOOK 8 Literary B OOK 9 Advertisements

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PR E S I D fil N T F RANKLIN W I N SL O W J O H N S O N , L. H . D . , M . A .

S ucnte1m

Officers of the Corporation t F RA N KLI

Presid nt


Vice-Pi esi,de11t


, L.H.D., M.A.


and Ex-Officio Chairman Board of Truste

Winthrop Center

HER B E RT E LI JAH W A D S W O RTH , B . A . Secretary


CA RE Y W H I T T E Ml O R E , D . D .





Board of Trustees Term Expire

in 1929



Expires i n

G E O RiGE CUR!TIS WI G, LL. D . G E ·O RiGE O T I S S M I T H , P H . D . G E O RiGE E D WIN M U R R A Y , B . A . REX WILDER DODGE, B.S. C H A R L E S E D W I N G U R E Y, LL.D. CA RR!OLL N O RM A N P E RK I N S , LL. B . WA RR. E N OO F F I N P H I L B RO O K, LL. B . *RA N D A L L JUD SO IN 00 D O N . LL. D . * H E RB E R T S H A W P H IL B R I C K, B.A., B . S . Term Expires i n



W OODr M A N B RA D B URY, D . D. N O R M A N L E S L I E B A S S E T T, LL. D . I RV I N G B E MI S M O W E R , D . D . L O U I S E H E L E N OO B U R'N, Ln'T. D . F R A N K W I LLIA M P A D E L FORlD, D . D . C H A R L E S F REDiERIC TA F T S E A V E RN S , M . A . G E O RGE GOOI D W I N A V E RI LL, M . D . * F R A N KLI N W I N S LO W JO H N S O N , L . H . D . *JOHN E DW A R D N ] E LS O N , B . A . Term, Expi?'es

i n 193w

*C H E S TE R H O U G H T O N S T U R T E V A N T , B . A . *F R E D F IO S S LA WREN C E , B . A . Term Expires in

*E V E R E T T C A R L T O N H E R!RICK, D . D . *LE O N C L I F T O N G U P T I L L , L L . B .

Elected by the Colby Alumui Association. t June, 1929.




Allston, Mass. Waterville, Ma ine Worcester, Mass. Fort Fairfield, Ma ine Winthrop Center, Maine Waterville, M aine Waterville, Maine New York C ity Auburn, Maine Washington, D . C. Lawrence, Ma s. Portland, Maine Portl and, Maine Waterville, M a ine Waterville, Maine Cincinnati, O hio Evanston, Ill. Newton Centre, M ass. Augusta , Maine Waterville, M a i ne Skowhegan, Ma ine Newton Centre, Mass. Hartford, Conn. Waterville, M a i n e Yonkers, N e w York Augusta, Maine Livermore Falls, M aine Portland, M aine Newton Center, Maine W inthrop, Mass.

C ommittees of the Trustees Standing Committees A cademies M E S S R S . A LDE.N, T R A F T O N , M O W E R, W H I T T E MOR E , H E R R I C K , L A W REN I C E, a n d M I S S C O B URJN

Buildings and (hoimd,s

M ES S R S . B A S SETT, P E RK I N S , D RUM'MO. N D, a n d A V E R I L L

Commencement P RO F E S S O R W E E KS , M E SSRS. PA DELF O R D and M O W E R PROF'ES S O IR S P A R M E N T E •R , A S H CR A F 'T , a n d W E B E R

Excttmining Committee MES S RS. G U R N E Y , ORA W F O R D , PH I L B RO O K , and N E LS O N

Finance M E SSR1S. WI N G, H U B B A RD , P E RK I N S , S T U R T E VA N l T , and A V E R I L L

H <nw1'ar'Y Degrees M 'E S SR S . P A D E L F O R D , D O D G E , JO H N S O N , and P H I L B R I C K

Instruction The F a c u1ty ex-officio and the Committee on Professorships

Investment M E S S R S . M UR RA Y , PE! R K I N S , and LA W RE4N C E

N omitna.tirnu;

M E S S R S . S M I ' T H, G U P T I L L , and P A GE

Professorships M E S SR S . MA R R I N E R, C R A W F O R D , D O D G E , B R A D B U R Y , C O N D O N , and O W E N

Prudential M ES S R S . D R U M M O N D, P E R K I N S , a n d G U PT I L L

Scholcirship A id P R O F E S S O R M A R RI N E R , T R E ! i.A.S U R E R H U B B A R D , a n d the D E A N OF T H E W O M E N 'S D I V I S I O N

Special Committees New Gyrnmasium M E S S R S . W A D S W O, R T H , S T URTEV,A N T , S E A V E R N S , D R U M M lO N D, a n d G U P T I LL

Nomination of P1·esident M E S S R S . S MI T H , P A D E L F : O R D , N E L S ON, W A D S W O R T H , a n d D RU M M O !N D

Women's Recreation Building M E S S RS . S M I T H , P A D E L F IO RD , and S T UR J T E V A ,N T Nineteen

J ulian Daniel Taylor, M . A . , LL. D. T"'yU>i· Professor of

the Latin La'1f/'1Ut!}e

and LilerM1tre

r� .

larence H ayward Wh ite, M . A . Professor o f t h

Gre •It Langu:i,gP and Literature





George F reeman Parmenter, Ph.D., Sc.D. Merrill Prof .<sflr of


Webster Chester, M . A. Profe8.�0r of Biology

Thomas Bryce Ashcraft, P h . D . Professor o f





,, ·:·.



Herbert Carlyle Libby, B . A . , Litt . D . Professor of Public Speaking

athaniel E rnest Wheeler, M . Sc. ProfPssoi¡ of Physics

C. H a rry E d wards, B . P . E . Professor o f Physical Education

E rnest Cummings Marriner, B . A . Professor of Bibliography

C urtis H ugh Morrow, Ph. D . Professor of Economics and Sociology


Carl Jefferson Weber, M.A. ( O xon . ) Roberts ProfPssor o f Enalfah Lileral11re

Edward Henry Perk ins, Ph. D . Professor of Geolo.QJJ

E dward Jo eph Colgan, M . A . Professor of EchwÂŤtion

Nettie May Runnals, M . A . De <tn o f Women Professor of Educ<ttion




Ph. D .

Acting Professor o f Gernrnn


H enry E merson Trefethen, M . A . Associate Professor o f Astro71omy

E uclid H elie, M . A . Associate Professor o f French

Arthur Galen E ustis, M . B . A . Associate Professor o f Business Administration

Lester F ra n k Weeks, M .A . Associate Professor of ChemistMJ

Everett Fisk Strong, B . A . Associate Professor o f Romance Lan guages


El mer

hapman Wa rren, B . S .

ln!!l n1clor i n Malhnnnlfrs

Winthrop Ha mor Stanley, B.A. As!li.•ln11I Proff'BROr of Ph11Rirs

Florence E l izabeth D u n n , D . L itt. Assistant Professor of English

Cec i l A ugustus Ro1l i n s , M . A . A.•.•i.•lanf

Proff'!l.•or o f En gli.•h

Herbert Lee

ewman, B . D . , M . S . T .

Assista n t Professor of Religious Education a11d Director of RPligious Activities




Thomas Morgan Griffiths, M . A .

As.�i!lfant Professor o f HistonJ

Lewell Quinton H aynes, M . A . Assist111it

Professor o f Ph;loso1Jhy

C -Orinne B. Van Norman Instructor in Hygiene a n d Physical Education

E lbridge Perley E aton, B . S .

Alfred K i n g Chapman, M .A . In stru cto1· i n Engl'ish


Walter Nelson B r eckenr idge, M . A . Jnslruclor in Economic.�

Art hur

leary Wall ace, B . A .

I 11sl rue/or i n FrPnch

John Reed Walden, M . A . Instructor i n English

H a rold Somers Fish, B . A .

Assistant in Biology


Other C ollege Officers M alcolm Bemis M ower, B . A . Registrar

F rank B a iley H ubbard Treasurer

E dward C illey Roundy Athletic Coach

E l l sworth Willis M illet Assistant Athletic Coach

M ichael J ames Ryan Athletic


H a rri on Avery Smith Cn.•lifrr

Sarah Waterworth Partrick House Mflnan r and DirUtian

E dith H unt Childs Secretary to President

Muriel E stes Lewis Assfatm1t Librarian

H a rold E dwin Clark Assistant Librarian





Graduate Organizations The General Alumni Association President, W A R R E N

. P H I L B R O O K , ' 8 2 , Waterville

Secretary, E R N I E S T C. M A RR!

ER, ' 1 3, Waterville

The General Alumnae Association President, R O S E A D E LLE G I L PA T R I C K , '92, Hallowell , Maine Secretary, H A RR.ilE T E A TO N RiO G E RS , ex- ' 1 9, Waterville









I A T I O .N











S E N IO R C LA S S O F F I E R S President


V ioe-Pr esiden l

Sec1 etary-Trea

HARLE urer



Senior Class History It seems but a few short months ago that we first trod the campus walks of Colby, yet in reality four year have passed, full of work, pleasure and life. We have given much to Colby, but she in return ha made us fit to traverse the j um bled paths of life to come. We do not fear them, but rather welcome them as an opportunity to prove our worth to our Alma Mater. We have passed through an age when we were considered as nothing, were told to do this, warned not to do that, and always were looked down upon. Then when that year was past we entered into an era when our word was law to those beneath us, but anathema to those above us. We had tasted, however, from the cup of authority and we were not slow in drink­ inJT from it when the next era came. During this period we seemed to stand still. We helped, but that seemed all. Yet we were preparing our­ selves for that time when we were to assume the reins of leadership. These reins we have held for a full year, the last year of our days as undergraduates. We have led those about us through the .m aize of campus politics, organizations, and publications, showing to others, in our turn, the Colby way of doing things. During this, our last year, we have helped materially in founding that organization which is to make of Colby an even more welcome spot for education, The Colby College Development Fund Committee. All this we have done, that which we hope to do is but a dream, that which we do the fulfillment of our destiny. We leave our college l ife fully equipped for the life to come, and as the years pass by we will look back with ever-increasing regret on the heyday of our youth which has been spent so profitably and pleasurably within these college walls. 1'hirly-lwo




H A R L E S F A V O R A B B O T T , Z'Y "Abbie" " Charlie"

"Hast thoil a met hod, let it t ested be! But thou hast -rwne, so leave t he to m.e!"

Dea.n Academy: Freshman Football ; Track Squad, l, 2 , 3, 4 : Mystic , Druid ; Interfraternity Basketball l , 2 ; Soccer 4 ; Debating Phi Kappa Delta: ORA u; Board 3.


Charlie, otherwise known as the youthful pride of F ranklin , has won a place i n the hearts of all who have known him here at C olby. An interested and i n dustrious worker , he has given his best to his studies a n d to all ac­ tivities i n which he has pa rtici p ated. Charlie's favorite pastime is reading i n the college l ibrary, a n d at those well­ known gather i ngs, termed "bullsessio n s , " his word is c on­ s idered final. If he continues to strive as eagerly as he has in college Abbie will certainly become a well-known barrister.

J. D R SKO A L L E N , AXA "Dick"

'A ll t h e world is behind one smile."

Columbia Falls High School ; Coburn Classical Institute ; As ist­ ant Mana�er Colby Echo 2; Business Manager Echo 3 ; Alumni Editor Echo 4 ; Cro�-Country 2 , 3 ; Sophomore Class Captain Gros Country ; Track 2, 3 ; Varsity Winter Sports 2; Manager Winter Sports 3 : Interfraternity Winter Sports 2, 4 ; Treasurer Y. M. C. A. 3 ; Commencement Usher 3 ; Powder and Wig Society ; Advertis­ ing Manager Powder and Wig 3 ; Commencement Program Com­ mittee ; Kappa Phi Kappa ; Vice-Pr idcnt Kappa Phi Kappa 4 : Class Numerals ; Mystics ; Wearer of the "C". Most of the work done in the world i s accom plished by ilent worker s . D ick is one of these, accom plishing i n his quiet, e nergetic way numerous tasks both i n fraternal and campus life. W ith his pleasing personal ity and will ing­ ness to do things for others h e has made many lasting friend s here a t Colby. We feel that into whatever field of work he enters he will bring honor to his Alma M ater.

O S B OR ;N E C O S T E R B A OO N , �T

Rothesay Collegiate School, Rothesay, N. B. Druids, President Chi Epsilon Mu, 3 , 4 ; Associate I nstructor in Chemistry 3, 4. " Bones" hails from Canada and ever s ince coming to us has shown what Canadians a re made of. A hard worker. a real student and a friend to all are the cha racteristic s which have m a de us honor him. Good luck to you, " B ones."


E DWARD BARRON "Eddie" Waterville High School.

It's too bad we never did know E ddie very well during his four years at olby, because he lived in town, but the few who were acquainted with him wil l never forget his cheerful smil e ; we know him t o be an accommodating cha p--a lways ready for a "bull" session. We wish you l uck, in whatever field you may enter.



" Dick" Manual Training High School. Brooklyn, N. Y.; Bethel High, Bethel, Conn. Track 1, 2. 3, 4; Upsilon Beta; Junior Prom Com­ mittee; lnt.erfraternity Track: Senior Hop Committee; Powdf'r and Wig 2, 3 ; Interlraternity Basketball 1, 2; Library Assistant 3, 4 ; Hand 3 . 4: Clas Numerals: Interfraternity Soccer 4 ; Upsilon Beta Dance Committee; Commencement Usher 3.

Isn't this j ust too good to be real ? At last, gi rls, you've got a picture of Dick. The handsome Swede has led a rather varied college life. During the day he is groomed under the tutelage of Mi ke Ryan ; in the evening he dances, j ust to keep in condition ; between these h�rnrs he hel ps the co -ords find reserved books at his office in the library. Dick i s a walking advertisement of what the well-d ressed col­ lege man should wear. Wherever Dick goes there i s con­ genial company, his wit and humor always clever and ever considerate of the feelings of others. Dick i s essentially a gentleman in the true sense of the definition.

TE A L DOW B O U S F I E L D , AXA "Neal "

Y. M.

"I go into a fa r country." 2, 3, 4 ; Secretary of Y. M. C. A.

C. A. 1 , Boardman Society

4: Honor Roll 4.

2: Pre ident of

Some men naturally inspire confidence and Neal is one of those. In his quiet, unassuming way he has made his presence felt on the c a mpus. The Y . M . C. A . never had a more wil l ing or energetic worker than Neal. Neal will be missed, but at the same time h e will be doing a great service i n his chosen field.


W E B S T E R J O HNiS O N B R O W N , A X A "Joe"


" Web"

I ' ll outrun any mian."

Lynn Classical High School. Upsilon Beta ; Freshman Hockey ; lnterfraternity Baseball 1, 2 ; Interfraternity Basketball 1, 2, 3 ; Intramural Track Medalist 1 ; Cross-Country 2 ; Varsity Track 2, 3 , 4 ; Relay 3 . 4, Captain 4 ; Class Numerals ; Student Council 4 ; Junior Class Day Committee ; Nominating Committee 4 ; Wearer of the "C". B rownie hails from the shoe city and has left behind him, here at Colby, a record that all of u s envy. J oe ' s c h i e f claim to g l o r y i s the cinder t r a c k a n d his m e d a l s a re d istri.buted far and wide. The world should offer few obstacles to him for he can show his heels to the best.

J . S TEN C A R L S O N , ATn " S tonie"


" S wede"

Norwood (Mass. ) High School ; Northeastern University. Fresh­ man Football ; Freshman Hockey ; Track S quad 2, 3, 4 ; Varsity Football Team 2, 3 , 4 ; Varsity Hockey Team 2, 3, 4, Captain 4 ; Powder and Wig Society : Goodwin Prize Speaking Contest. 2nd Pri ze 2 ; Mystics ; Nominatin g Committee : Wearer of the "C " . " Stonie's" exploits on the football field a n d on the hockey rink will ·be remembered long after he has left Colby. A giant i n stature, a n d genial by nature, he has made a host of friends and admirers. Wherever the boys are making whoopee, Ston ie's tremendous voice will be heard. H i s wit, good fellowship a n d capacity for leader­ ship will n o doubt w i n h i m a generous measure of success in his chosen field.

W IL L I A M S H E LD O N C H A P I N , ATn " B il l "

" Scoops"

" Wool"

"He has t he russet-apple 1nind That betterns a,s t he weathers wo?"Sen."

Tilton (N. H. ) School ; Searles (Mass. ) High School, Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Freshman Football Squad: Sporting Editor 4; S enior Gift Committee 4 ; Vice-President Colby Press S erv­ ice 4.


We will a lw a ys picture " Wool " dragging a t a cigarette and tapping away at his typewriter, surrounded by c l i p ­ pings , photographs, t u b e s of p aste a n d all the other p a r a ­ p h e r n a l i a of a high-pressure journalist. The most gentle and a m i able of men, he can a l ways be depended u pon for tobacco, a loan, or a kindly word. I t p uts one i n a com­ fortable, mellow mood j ust t o drop i n and h a ve a smoke w i th him. A ve, Guillielmu s !

Thirt y-five



H U T E , K.�P


Danver' High School. Danve r , M ass. Football l, 2, 3, 4 ; T rack 3: l nterfraternity Hock ey 3, 1: Druid S ocie ty: Junior C l a ss P resi­ d nt. Pi Ka pp a Delta; Kap pu Phi Kap p a : Student Cou ncil 3, 4 ; d wi n Pri ze Speak ing 3 ; Echo B oa rd Wearer o r th e .


Conte · t


In the fall of 1 925, agricultural Danvers offered Colby one of the mo t versatile men the college has ever seen . Occie has shown hi abil i ty in numernu li nes. Debater, tudent, all-round athlete, po sessor of exceptional execu­ tive ability, and tea-hound-all in the being of our "Occie." H e i n 't a shark at bridge, but if we quali fied this word "bridge" with "Me alon kee," we would be forced to ex­ pres. our op in ion in a contrary manner. Reserve d ? Yes, but if there i s anyone this side of Reno who can express him elf better, we want to meet him. We're sure of "Occie's" success, in whatever field he may enter.


L O U G H , �T

Higgin· C la ssical Jn t itute. Footbal l 1, 2 ; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Int erfr.ite rnity Ba kelball i. 2, 3 , 4: Up silon Beta, Epi curea n ; C h a irman Junior P rom Com m ittee: S t udent Council 4.

arl is another one of those Houlton boys a n d claims that A roostook is the best place on earth. Anyway, he's been successful in college, and hasn't been to Foss Hall too much, so here's to his success i n l ife.

M U R R A Y A L E X A N D E R OO K E R , AXA " M urray"

"A ti"'Umpeter appears." La wre n ce High Sch ool. Kappa Ph i Kappa ; Y . M . a n d W ig C l ub.

Band 1, 2 , 3 , C . A. 1, 2 , 3,

4; 4;

M usic al C l ubs 2. 3, 4 ; Cab inet 4 ; Powder


Four years ago the Fairfield trolley brnught to Colby a lad who could scarcely see over to the top of D u tchy's desk. What wonders have come to pass, for now he looks Murray has over the heads of most of his classmates. grown i n more ways than one, he has grown into the hearts of many friends. Colby will miss M u rray with his trumpet, but we wish him all the success that is sure to be his.


C A R R O L L J O S E P H COOKE, �KE "Joe"

Roxbury Sch ool, S t. John's, Manli u , N. Y. Football 2. 4 ; Glee Club l. 2, 3, 4; Interfraternity Basketball l, 2, 3, 4 ; Tennis 2 ; Associate Editor Echo 3 : Mystic ; Powder and Wig ; Senior Ode Committee ; Varsity Basketball 3 ; Wearer of the "C". During Joe's stay at Colby h e has m a de a name for h imself as an all-rou n d a n d c a pable man. For several years his clever acts have been one of the features of the Glee Clubs. Then i n his senior year he went i nto athletics. Starting in the backfield he was soon shifted to end and developed intQ one of the best ends ever developed at Colby. W itness h i s selection of A l l-Maine e n d a n d All­ Ne i w E ngland end. Joe i s a gentleman and a worker. H is success is assured.

C H A R LES A L B E R T C O W I N G , z,T, " Charlie"


ow see t ha t no ble a nd nuost sovereign reason, T ha t iinmat c h ed form and feature of full blown you t h."

West Springfield (Mass. ) High School ; Freshman Football Numer­ als ; Varsity Football 2. 3 ; Track 1. 2, 3, 4; Interfraternity Track 1, 2, 3; Interfraternity Basketball 1, 2, 3 ; Powder and W ig 1, 2, 3, 4 ; President and Director of Powder and Wig 4 ; Upsilon Beta ; G eneral Chairman of Junior Week End 3 ; Glee Club 3, 4 ; Orches­ tra 4 ; Vice-President J 11nior Cla s 3 ; Vice-President Colby Devel­ opment F 11nd Drive 4.

Charlie is the third of the Cowings to graduate from Colby. That about tells the story. Like his predeeessors, Cha rlie has ever been a hard worker, whether on the grid­ iron, the track, i n the c l a ssroom, or on the stage. A s a n actor C h a r l i e has been o n e of t h e ma instays in the Powder and Wig Society ever since its foundation. His contagious good-fellowship has made him one of the most l iked figures on the campus. After graduation Charlie i s going to enter business.

H E N RY E D W I N C U R T I S "Pedro"

" Pe d i e "

" H oscar"

"An,d thou gh I sitp on meagre bran, I'd change t he menu bu t not t he 1nan. "

Guilford High School. Echo Board I . 2, 3. 4 ; Managing Editor 4 : O RACLE Board 3 ; Kappa Phi Kappa; Honor Roll 4 : Interfraternity Bowling 3, 4. " W he n I 'm P resident my cabinet shall be composed of Gui lford Men." Pedro has been the l ight shining i n Rob­ e rts H a l l . H i s humor is contagious. A cheery smile, a quick wit, and the gift of repartee c ou pled with a wonder­ ful personality will a lways endear him to h i s acquaint­ ances. We shall miss you " H oscar."


R E E D WI Higgins Classical Institute. 4; Wcarer of the · 'C".

T E R D A V I S , �T Upsilon





R e e d ' s home town is Lincoln. When he first came to us he seemed a shy little boy, and tayed in to study every night. But his sophomore year brought a big change. Now we never see Reed in the evening, for Fo s Hall has claimed him as one of her own. B e st of luck to you , Reed.

F RA N K L Y N B E D E LL D E X'T E R, �KE " Frank" Fairhaven High School, O a k Grove Seminary. Football 1, 4 ; Track 1 , 4; Freshman Banquet Committee; Echo l, 2 ; Athletic Editor 2; White Mule, 1 , 2, 3; ORACLE 4; Editor of ORACLE 4; Development Fund 4; Student Council 4; Upsilon Beta; Wearer of the "C".


Frank has made a name for himself at Colby. For four years it has been a hard struggle, but an u nfailing determination has placed him at the top. A n athlete, a worker, and a gentleman. What more can one ask ? Frank will be missed by his many friends, but in this world he will hold u p the high stan dard h e has set here.

GE,O R GE E D M U N D F LE T C H E R "F11ech" Strong High School.

Baseball Squad


4; Kappa Phi Kappa.

Here is one of those quiet fellows, whom everybody knows in spite of his quietness and whom everybody re­ spects an d admires. A valuable teacher, indeed.




F RA N K C H A RL E S F O LE, Y , ATn " H anky"

" Wackie"

"I love vast libraries: y e t there is a doubt If one be be tter wit h t hem <Yr without."

Norwood (Mass. ) High School. Freshman Football Team ; Colby Board 1, 2 ; Colby ORACLE Board 3; Upsilon Beta ; Interfra足 ternity Basketball 1 ; Treasurer Colby Press Service ; J unior Prom Committee.


Urban e , u nhurried a n d discriminating, Frank h a s passed four very i ntere sting years at Colby. A k e e n mind, a ripe, Gaelic wit, a n d a capacity for bizarre e xperi e n c e s make him the best of company. H e can play football o r w r i t e a v e r s e w i t h the same c a r e l e s s p r o fi c i e n c y . Despite his leisurely manner a n d fi n e in d ifferen c e t o the conven足 tional values, w e feel that h e i s d e st i n e d t o b e a person Stout of importance i n the legal or c o m m ercial worl d . fella !


Waterville High School Freshman Football ; Varsity Football 2 ; Track 1 , 2 ; Interfraternity Basketball 1 , 2 ; Outing Club 1 , 2, 3 ; Interfraternity Bowling 3, 4; Interfraternily Track 1, 2 ; President Interfraternity Soccer League 4; Colby Handbook Committee 2, 3; Assistant Business Manager ORACLE 3 ; Business Manager ORACLE 4.

A n d a n other h o m e b o y makes go o d . He really has-足 His friends are legion and h e has no enemies. He has d o n e m u c h for u s w h o have k n o wn h i m d uring his college career and w e are sorry to see him go. But we wish y o u e v e r y success, Harvey.

D O N A LD H U L F O RD F RA S E R, <1>.ie " S horty"

" Do n "

"Then, welcome each rebuff Tha t tiwns Earth's smoothness rough."

Lawrence High School. Powder and Wig 1, 2, 3; Druid ; Interfra足 ternity Bowling ; Interfraternity Soccer ; Charter Member Dramatic Club ; Senior Program Committee ; Echo Board l, 2 ; Chi Epsilon Mu ; Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. "Shorty" i s as well known to the remotest off cam p u s P h i Bate as h e is t o the inmates of F o s s H a l l . H i s r e a d y smile a n d c o r d i a l greeting i s a campus fixtur e . T h e a d age, "the best things c o m e i n small packages," surely applies t o "Short y . " H e i s as versatile as h e is small, running the rounds from Druid t o member o f Powder a n d Wig, a c om e d ia n beyond par. H i s space will be easy to fi l l , but n ever his shoes. W e wish you success i n the world, Fraser, a n d the step ladder of fame will a i d y o u to reach the heights that high heels n ever c o u l d . Thirty-nine


Erasmus Hall H. S .. Brooklyn,

N. Y


.. Syracuse University 2.

C osmo po1 itan to the highe t degree is "Jack i e , " and well liked by a11. "Jackie" i s a composite of a gentleman, scholar, and sportsman. He i a naturally c1ever boxer and a powerful puncher, as all will testify who have sparred with him in the gym. His success in this field is unq uestionable if h e so desired to pursue this sport. "J ackie" has d eveloped a marvellous potentiality for philosophical and ocial courses. Though strictly "col­ legiate," he ha made many town friend , who will miss him as well as his college a sociates. We have the utmost confidence in his ability to make a great name for himself.



"So much one nian ca n do, That does both a ct and 1.--now."

Brooks High School. As istanl Manager Football 2 : Colby Echo Board 2, 3 : l:lusine s Manager 4: Manager Colby College Store : Student Chairman Colby College $500,000 Development Committee : Me!nber Student Council : Library A istant 3 : Chairman lnterfra­ ternjty Football Committee : Member Senior Dance Committee : Commencement Marshal 2 : Student Marshal 3: Senior Mar hal 4; Mystics : Delegate to First Maine College Economic Conference. Cecil is the typical American business man-vital, en­ ergetic, resourceful. H i s college career presents a be­ wildering list of activities. His accomplishments are so varied that we wonder how "one small head could carry all he knew." His work as student chairman of the De­ velopment Fund alone makes him an outstand ing figure on the campus. He put the Colby Echo on its feet finan­ c i ally, and we suspect that the C ollege Book Store has never been so profitable as when under his managership. With such a forceful, plea ing personality, Cecil will go far.

V I N A L G A R F I E L D G O O D E , .1KE "Good ie"

" Scannary"

"Haste t hee nymph a.nd bri?'l.g with thee, Jest amd youthf'ul jollity, Quips and qii.anks and wwnton wiles Nods and becks and wreathed smiles."

Houlton High School. Interfraternity Basketball 1, 2, 3. 4: Inter­ fraternity Track I. 2, 3. 4: Varsity Track 1. 2. 3, 4 : Interfra­ ternity Bowling 4 Class Day Exercises 4. :

Vinal always has a j e st where ere h e may be. His wit is unsurpassed by anyone. Yet withal h e is a willing worker, and has done much for h i s college during his stay · here. Success to you , "Scan nary . "


R IC H A R D H O D S D O N " D ic k "

Yarmouth High School. Hockey 4 ; Kappa Phi Kappa ; D ebating Squad 4; Honor Roll 4. H e r e is a m a n to b e looked u p to. After being out f or seventeen years, he returns and shines. A c heery "hello" f or everybody, has made him known and liked by all of us " y o u ngsters." A m a n with h i s steadfast purpose and ability will make good in whatever he u n dertakes.


Waterville High School.


Everett has been one of those quiet m e n , who does things a n d n e ver lets them b e k n o w n . H e ' s a real stu­ dent and a hard worker, and b o u n d to be succ essful.

GIL M A N S TA N L E Y H O O P E R, K�P " H oop"


"Phi Bete"

Danvers High School, Danvers, Mass. Honor Roll 1. 2. 3, 4 : De­ bating 2; Kappa Phi Kappa : Chi Epsilon Mu : Laboratory Assist­ ant in Physic 3, 4; Interfraternity Hockey ; Interfraternity Soccer 4; Phi Beta Kappa. A man with the will power to stick to the j ob ; a man w h o believes i n thorough n ess and tenacit y ; a m a n who will sit u p u ntil three in the morning to work out a math With these qualities, w e can predict n othing problem. but success in whatever " H oo p " d e c i d es to go into. Next yea r , "Cy" will be earning h i s master's while i n structing at B rown. A m a n of ability, a m a n of character, a " co u n ­ t r y " gentle m a n .


F R E D E RI C K A B DA LL A H H O W A R D " F reddie"

Transfor from Brown Univer ity. Debating Team 2 ; International Relations Club ; Hockey 4 ; Kappa Phi Kappa. When Fred left Brown , Colby gained a hard working, reliable man. A t Brown, h e was a numeral man in bas­ k etball, swimm ing and wrestling. Unfortunately, C o lby has not been able to utilize his powers, but his record here has marked him for success.

R U P E R T M A LC O LM I RV I N E , � P " R upe"

Caribou High School. Honor Roll 1, 2 ; Hockey 2, 3. 4; Tennis Squad 3, 4 ; lnterfraternity Track 3; Interfraternity Soccer 4 ; Interfraternity Bowling 3 ; J unior Week End Committee; Chair­ man Seninr Nominating Committee; Secretary-Treasurer Epk'ur­ eans; Wearer of the "C." When , in 1 9 25 , the great potato lands sent " R upe" to Colby for an education, the college sure got a lucky break. A capable student, a versatile athlete, and above all, a thorough gentleman, " Rupe" has left to us an example of a well-rounded college e d ucati on. " R upe" has a genu­ ine love for the classics and literature, and some day his philosophical criticism will be heralded far and wide i n book f o r m . We need a f e w m ore l i k e y o u , " Rupe , " and hope that you send your sons to C olby, after all.

C H A R L E S W I L L I A M S J O R D A N , �KE " Charlie"

Hebron Academy. College Band 1 ; Glee Club 2 ; Assistant Man­ ager Football 2, 3 ; Manager Football 4; Junior Class Day Commit­ tee 3; Presentation of Gifts 3 ; Track 2, 3, 4 ; Interfraternity Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Interfraternity Basketball 1, 2, 4; Epicurean 4; Vice­ Chairman Development Fund Committee 4 ; Vice-President of Senior Class 4 ; Wearer of the "C," Equalled Colby Pole Vault Record 4. Charlie comes from a line of Colby Graduates, and has done his share of k eeping up the record of that family. H e has been in many activities during his four years here, and into each he has put his whole-hearted support and has made a name for himself as one who will surely suc­ c e e d i n life.


D AVID F R.AiN K LI N K RJ O N Q U I S T , K�P " D ave"

East Providence ( R. I. ) High School. Hockey 2 , 4 ; Tennis 1, 3 , 4 ; Football 2, Honor Roll 1, 2 , 3 ; E c h o Board 2, 3, 4 ; Associate Editor Echo 4 ; D ebating Society 2, 3 ; Powder and Wig 3, 4 ; Pi Kappa Delta; International Relations ; Cercle Francais; Publicity Committee Colby College $500,000 Development Fund; Y. M. C. A. ; Hallowell Prize Speaking 2. Y es, a n other Swed e ! A n d the f u n n y part of it is that he's proud of it. "Dave 's" c ollege career has b e e n col­ ored b y m a n y a n d varied activitie s, perhaps but o n e of them to remain forever i n h i s heart. H e has h a d a suc­ c essful season with the B urleigh St. ball club, a n d h as a batting average of a thousand per cent, as far as one c ertain party i s c o n c e rn e d . D e bating, dramatic tenden­ cies, reporting, social engage ment, athletics-all have b e e n given their proportionate t i m e i n "Dave's" schedule ; all are capably handled by this b l o n d lad. We are c o n ­ fid e n t t h a t y o u w i l l s u c c e e d i n l i f e , n ever having seen y o u " f a w d own and go b o o m " i n c ollege.


Classical High School, Worcester, Mass. Baseball I, 2, 3 ; Foot­ ball 1, 2, 3 ; Interfraternity Track; Musical Clubs 1, 2 ; Wearer of the "C." "B o b " came t o u s from B owdoin, much t o their l oss and our gain, and for three and a h a lf years has done h i s b e s t for C olby. He's made frequent trips to W orcester during his stay with u s , but w e think we know why. The best of luck to you, B ob , and may you b e as successful out of college as you have been i n c ollege .


Cony High School. Y. M. C. A. ; Phi Beta Kappa. Here is a n off-ca m p u s m a n , who has spent m u c h of h i s time i n pursuing his studies. W e h a v e n o d o u b t t h a t h e r e is a n other Colby m a n w h o w i ll b e s u cc e ssful i n the after­ c ollege life.




ma n y a


fl ower is born

to blush 11nseen. "

North .Berwick High School. lnterfraternity Basketball 1, 2 ; Inter­ fraternity Soccer 4 ; lnterfraternity Bowling 2, 4 ; Chi Ep ilon Mu ; Echo Board 1 Track l . :

" Waif" has has kept things quite t o himself during his college career. He hasn't had much to say. But when he open up, you have j ust got to admit it's the right dope. And he carries a suitcase full of wit. ' ' Waif" has deprived us somewhat of his sunny countenance by being away many week -ends the last year. A toast to two, after graduation, " Waif" ! His destiny is pointed toward t eaching, and we back him to make good.

G S B U R Y LO R D , K P



Winterport High Srhool. Track 1, 2 ; Goodwin Prize Speaking Contests l, 2, 3, 4 ; Debating 2. 3, 4 ; Holder of Degrees of Honor in Pi Kappa Delta ; President. Pi Kappa Delta 4 ; "Y" Cabinet I , 2. 3. 4 ; Vice-President "'Y" 4 : Honor Roll I , 2 ; Murray Prize Debate 2 ; Interfraternity Track 3; Clas Numeral . No, girls, you can't have him, he's married. But he's the l a d that can marry you,-or bury you e ither. And how he can selJ life insurance ! It's not j ust oil that fl ows from his versatile tongu e . He kn ows what he is talking about, and his arguments show him to be a scholar and in some degree a philosopher. While be had time for athletics, h e showed Mike Ryan some tricks with the hurdles. A n d to top it off, he is a gentleman of the Galahad caliber.

G O R D O N PARKER M A R R , K�P "Gramp"

Oak Grove Seminary. Football SQuad fraternity Basketball I, 2. 3, 4.


Track SQuad 2 ; Inter­

The fact that it took G ordon six years to get through Colby does not reflect upon his ability as a scholar. This is the man who received A plus i n psychology, and i n a d d ition to t h a t a c o mment by t h e professor, " v e r y bright fellow . " Gordon saw fit to take for himself a helpmeet, as the B ible puts it, and h e learned about psychology from her. So that when he came back to us, after having stayed out of college, we expected him, as a married man, to be senile and too dignified for athletics, but n o , h e must don t h e old basketball j ersey and g e t out on the court in his u sual fine game . A long and busy c ol l ege l ife is over for you , Gordon , and a busier world beckons your services. Forty-four


Gould Academy. Kappa Phi Kappa ; Chairman International Rela­ tions Club 4 : Senior Hop Committee 4. Here is a man whose activities have been of a studious n ature. W h e n h e ' s through c ollege, h e ' s going t o teach, a n d what a whale of a teacher h e ' l l make. His success at his chosen work is a f oregon e conclusion.

H O RA C E P I E RC E M A XCY, AXA " M ax"

"Whose secret is not joy, but peace."

Rockland High School Interfraternity Basketball 1, 2, 3 ; lnter­ fraternity Baseball 1, 2 , 3 : Interfraterruty Hockey 4 ; Mystics ; Powder and Wig Club 1, 2, 3, 4 : Secretary and Publicity Manager of Powder and Wig 4 : Junior Prom Committee : Commencement Marshal 3 : Pi Gamma Mu : ORACLE Board 3 ; Managing Editor of ORACLE 4 ; Hallowell Prize Speaking Contest : College Economic Conference 4 : Chairman of Executive Committee, Colby Develop­ ment Fund Drive ; Class Secretary and Treasurer 3 : Class President 4 ; President of Student Council 4 ; Athletic Council 4 ; Manager of Hockey 4 ; Wearer of the "C." A s o n e m a y easily see, Horace is among the very prom­ i n e n t i n the c lass, a n d Colby is going to m i ss him ; it will be a difficult task to find a man to take the many respon­ sible positions he has so capably fi l l e d . His f a c u l t y f o r organ ization a n d leadership a r e s u r e to b e of the greatest value t o him in the b u siness career which h e has plan n e d , and in w h i c h he is certain to succeed.

C L I F F O R D JO S E PH McGA U G H Y " M ac "

Washburn High School. Gymnasium Assistant. "Mac" is so well k n own about the campus for his work in the gymnasi u m that it seems u n n e e d e d to assure a n y­ o n e of his success in after-co llege life. We know he will be s u cc essfu l, for he always has been successful while at Colby.


E A R L E A LT O N M cK E E N , TI< 1 "Mac"

"He rushed into the field and fore most fightings ta yed up."

Stearns. High School. Kappa Phi Kappa; Chi Epsilon Mu; I nter足 fraternity BasketbaU l, 2, 3, 4 ; BasebaU 1, 2, 3, 4. ; Associate Edi足 oi ORACLE 3 ; Junior Prom Committee ; Senior Program Com足 mittee.


Small ! B u t boy, how mighty ! Just a large bundle of dynamite squeezed into a match box. A n y ordinary man that could follow "Mac" around d uring his four years here at Colby, would need to recu perate for a couple of years after. But " M ac " i s still going strong. Geology has been "Mac's" major course, but it i s said he i s inter足 ested in the telephone business. He has certainly kept the wires hot in his research work here at Colby. Plenty of luck, " M a c . "

P H I L I P McLE A RY , A T O "Phil"

" Mac"

" Thy modesty is a candle t o t hy 1nerit."

Phillips High School, Waterville High S::hooL Freshman Football Squad : Colby Band 1, 2 , 3. " Phil" i s what you commonly call a plugger. While attending college , h e has been holding d own two or three j obs. This fellow kn ows the value of a college e du cation. M odest, yes ; and comprised of so much ambition that you cannot keep him d own. We expect to hear great things of you in the near future, "Phil."

C H E S T E R EARL M E R R O W " Chet"

Free Academy, Mountain View, N. H. Debating Team 2 , 3, 4 ; Manager Debating Team 4 ; Kappa Phi Kappa; Phi Beta Kappa. Here is an other who spends his time off campus, but how h e does make the rank when he's on the campus. He has been successful i n college, as his various activities show, and his future success is but a matter of course.



Damariscotta High School. Assistant Librarian. Here is still a n other off-campus m a n , who has every i n c e n tive to be a success. We know him as a successful student and an e fficient libraria n , a n d wish h i m all suc­ cess.


,SO N M E S S E N G E R , A X A

" Herb"

" Dickey"

" What m a nner of man is t h is."

Boston English High Scho I, University of New Hampshire, Mass. Agricultural College 2. Dru.ids ; Powder and Wig. " D ickey" gained m u c h wisdom am ong the several N e w E ngland col l eges w h i c h h e atten d e d , a n d w o u n d u p h i s c ollege c a r e e r here at C olby. H e is a q u i e t y o u t h , but behind h i s silence we can sense m a n y experiences. Ever a patron of fi n e arts, the d a n c e has n o t been the least of h i s pleasures, a n d there are few who h a ve n o t seen h i m t r i p p i n g the " l ight fantastic " at points far a n d wid e . " Herb" i s a friend to o t h e r s a n d a f r i e n d of others. H e i s sure t o fi n d fortune waiting f o r h i m . E RN E S T E DW A RJD M I L L E.R , IUP " E rnie"

" D octor"

Bethel High School, Bethel, Conn. Echo Board 1, 2 ; Associate Editor 3 ; Editor-in-Chief 4 ; Assistant in College Library 1, 2, 3 ; Document Clerk 4 ; President of Pi Gamma Mu 4 ; President of International Relations Club 4 ; Chairman of I nternational Rela­ tions Committee of "Y" 4 ; Member of Y . M. C. A. Cabinet 4 ; Secretary to the Director of the Colby Co!Iege $500,000 Develop­ ment Fund 4 ; Publicity Committee, Colby College Development Fund ; Honor Student 2, 3 , 4 ; Chairman of Senior Class Gift Committee. Witho u t questio n , the busiest man i n c ollege. A man of high pressure ability, h e has carried work e n o ugh for three men and a c c om plished all with his characteristic thoroughness. As e ditor-in-chief, h e has made a real n ewspaper o f the Echo, a paper that is one of the high­ e s t grad e c ollege weeklies i n the c o u n try. Through his c o n n ection s with the D evelopment Fund, as " Charlie" Brown's right-hand m a n , h e has d o n e m o r e for Colby than a n y other u n d ergrad uate. A n d d espite h i s many extra-curricular activities, h e h a s maintained H on o r Roll averages i n scholarsh i p . T ho ugh it m a y b e surprising to some, " Ernie" h a s e special talent i n playing his cards, and h e rivals M r . W or k as a bridge sharp. W e are con­ fident that " E r n i e ' s " experience at Columbia Law School will b e a s full of s u c cesses as has been his career at C olby.

'' �-' .. " ..




" Mia n y a

E T H R A Y M O N D M I LL E R , A X A " Ke n "

1?1 a n h a s walked the st reets o f London barefoot

for jailing to lecld trum ps."

A ·hby High School, Middlebury Co!Jegc. Kappa Phi Kappa; Ten­ ni 2, 3. 4 : lnterfraternity Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; lnterfraternity Track 2, 3 ; lnterfraternity Bowling 3, 4. " Ke n " is a very good student a n d athlete , in spite of his inveterate failing for bridge. H e i s an ardent disciple of H . C . Work, a n d hopes to follow in his fo otsteps. H e l i k e s to use b i g words, a n d his t r a c k aroun d the campus is easily followed, for he leaves behind him so many jaw­ breakers that they refuse to d issolve i n the surrounding atmo phere. We know " K e n " will succeed in whatever he un dertakes.

P H 1 LI P L E R O Y MI L L E R , � K E "Phil"

Caribou High School. Senior Dance Committee ; lnterfraternity Bowling ; Druids. Down to the city came " Phil" from the wilds of Cari­ bou. A man who is well k n own a n d liked by every one on the campus. Does " Phil" like a good tim e ? Oh, yes. But " Phil" has shown his real ability a n d has proved that he is a man that will succeed. O f course, there i s a Mrs. May your l ife be one filled with happiness a n d M iller. success, "Ph i l . "

J O H N W A L T E R M I N E R , Z'!f " J a wn " " Ichabod"

" What a piece of work is ci '17UJ..n! How noble in reason ! In fo'l"1n and moving how express and admira ble ! Im nction how like an angel."

Calais Academy. Druids ; Junior Prom Committee ; Prospect Com­ mittee of Colby Development Fund; Senior Prom Committee; In­ terfraternity Soccer.

J ohn is an other Calais boy made go o d . An apt a n d i n d ustrious student, Joh n h a s fi t t e d himself f o r medica l sch ool. Like his father, he i s to b e c o m e a d o ctor. U n ­ derneath his quiet, unassuming manner, which h as en­ deared h i m to those who k n ow h i m best, John reveals a tenacity of purpose that will carry him far in his chosen professi o n . Forly-eight

S A M U E L G Y L E S P A R S ON S M U LL I K E N " Gyles"

Newburyport ( Mass. ) High School. lnterfraternity Track 2, 3,


A lthough Gyles hails from the town of "Bo ssy" Gillis, we have n o t found h i m especially f o n d of the m ayor's tactics. Sam works hard a n d well, a n d h e sure knows his works. W e often w o n d er, tho ugh, where h e goes on that bicycle.

J O H N T H O M A S N A S S E , IUP "J-0hn"

" King Zogu"

Woonsocket High School, Woonsocket, R. I. Baseball 2; Inter­ fraternity Soccer 4 ; Musical Clubs 1, 2, 3 ; Chi Epsilon Mu, Secre­ tary-Treasurer 2 ; Goodwin Prize Debate 3. T h e r oyal blood that fl ows through the King's veins is n o p urer than his character. J o h n has always been a hard worker a n d possesses those q u alities that will make h i m c o m e to the top i n any venture h e u n d ertakes. He i s a s t u d e n t of Shakespeare, of imagination so c ompact that to him Skowhegan is the " Forest of Arden . " An aspirant M . D . , h e will some d a y b e a great d o ctor. M ore p ower to you, J o h n .

E DW A R D RA N D O L P H NE W H A L L, � X A " Red"

" Wh o but mus t laugh, if S'tWh a man t here be ?"

Lynn English High School. Lynn, Mass. ; Kent's Hill Seminary. Mystics; Epicureans; Track l , 2, 3 ; Class Numerals; Interfra­ ternity Track 1, 2, 3; Relay Team 2 ; Interfraternity Basketball 4 ; Interfraternity Winter Sports 3, 4 ; Interfraternity Hockey 4 ; Interfraternity Bowling 3, 4 ; Band 3, 4 ; Musical Clubs 3; Secre­ tary of Musical Clubs 4 ; ORACLE Board 3 ; Wearer of the "C. " "Red" is o n e of the m ost p opular m e n in the class, being well known a n d well liked b y every m a n on the c a m p u s, a n d having, a s well, a wide a c q u aintance among the e lite of Waterville a n d Fairfield. His ready wit has become an institution at Colby, a n d has carried h i m un­ scathed through many a wordy battle ; i n fact, h e claims never to have lost an argu ment. "Red's" athletic versa­ tility has c a u s e d m a n y a dispute between the coaches of different sports ; the truth is, that the D e a n of Women i s the o n l y faculty member who has n o claim o n "Re d , " for t h e o n e sport h e h a s n o u s e f or is Co-education. Forty-nine


Ware ( Ma s. ) High School. Baseball l , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Captain 4 ; Inter­ fraternity Basketball 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Wearer of the "C." "Joe" d e serve We are continue

has always been a hard working fellow, and every bit of success he has made for himse lf. orry to see you go, Joe, but hope that you will to be successful.


RI DGWAY P A Y S O N , A T fl "Warren"

"As chaste as unsu nn'd s now."

Waterville High School. Band Druids ; Chi Epsilon Mu.




4 ;

Musical Clubs


2 ;

Many words are often useless. Suffice it to say that Warren i s esteemed as a very modest and versatile young man, whose good qu alities are so many as to place him high i n the esteem of everyone who is acquainted with him.

R O B E RT A RN]O LD P E T E R S O N , T KN " B ab"


"Give me a e spark o' naf;ure's fire Tha t 's a/ the le-a1-ning I desvre."

Caribou High School. Interfraternity Bowling 4 ; Interfraternity Soccer 4; Chi Epsilon Mu. " Pete" hails direct from the metropolis of New Sweden. " Pete" i s a square shooter and has shown a willingness Wearing a constant to d o his best for his Alma Mater. smile there are never any dark clouds overhead for i n your profession, luck of Lots fight. ' S'ole " Pet � . " "Pete . "


O R. A C L E


Waterville High School. Hockey 2,

3 , 4.

"Porn" is another of the local boys who has made a success of college. H i s ready wit and w i n n i ng smile have made h i m c o untless friends, even among the professors, a n d w e know that h e can n ever be an ything but suc­ c essful.

N O' R R I S P O T T E R , JR., A T!1 " N orrie"

"He koi1de songes make a nd wel endite."

Norwood ( Mass. ) High School. Track l , 3, 4 ; Member Relay Team ; Wearer of Colby "C"; Literary Editor Echo 2, 4 ; .. Chairman Editor of "An A nthology of Recent Colby VerseColby of Ode Committee; Sophomore Declamation ; Hallowell; Speaker ; Li­ brary Assistant 2, 3, 4 . " Norrie" i s as versatile a man as can b e f o u n d . Care­ free and i m pulsive, he has packed a n u n believable n u mber o f achievements into his c ollege career. In the m i d d le of b i s j unior year, be s u d d e n l y set out on a year of vaga­ b o n d age around the c o u n try. He w o u n d up at the U. of Florida, but later d e c i d e d that there was more fun at C olby. B esides c o n d u cting his literary column in the Eoho, he wTote many bits of verse which were later p ub­ l i shed i n the "Anthology of Recent Colby Verse," and f o u n d tim e to make his letter on the varsity relay t e a m . W e are l o oking forward t o reading " Norrie's" n ext b o o k .

RI C H A R D J O S E P H R A C E , K � P " Dick"

" T iny"

Guilford High School. College Band 1, 2. 3 , 4 : Sophomore Decla­ mation ; ORACLE Board 3 ; Kappa Phi Kappa 3 , 4 ; President 4 ; Honor Roll 1, 3 ; Class Ode Committee 4 . T h e q u e s t i o n t h a t has always puzzled u s is h o w t h i s l i t t l e "half-pint" c ontains w i n d en ough to b l o w a saxo­ phone for hours at a time. We shall m iss those f u n n y noises n ext y e a r , a n d more, but i n a different way, w e s h a l l miss " Di ck" himself . E ntering c ollege i n the class o f ' 2 8 , " Dick" became tired a n d bored after two years, and played hookey for a year, to see what the big world was like. Now h e hates t o leave college, telling us authoritatively that the world is cruel. He i s well fitted to bluff along a class in high school E nglish, a n d w e offer our highest r e c o m m e n dations of h i m to a n y t e a ching age n c y,-provid e d that h e loses the saxophone. Fifty-cnie



J O H N R U S S E L L R IC H A RD S O N , <J>�e "Red"

"For t he more yoii have known of the other& T he less will you set tle to one. "

Waterville High School. Echo Board 1; Powder and Wig 1, 2, 3 ; Glee Lub 1 . 2. 3, 4 ; Hallowell Prize Speaking ; My tics ; J unior Prorn Committee : Senior Prom Committee : Assistant Literary Editor of ORACLE 3 : Basketball 1, 2 ; Track 2 ; Interfraternity Bas­ ketball 1, 2.. 3, 4 ; lnterfraternity Soccer 4 : lnterfraternity Hockey 3, 4 ; Varsity Hockey 4 ; Cheer Leader 1, 2, 3 ; Head Cheer Leader 4 ; Phi Delta Theta : Wearer of the "C." Red hair has served you to win the hearts of all the women's divisi o n . The c o-eds, after 1 9 3 2 , will m iss the thrill of their lives, as the shiek of them all will be miss­ ing. A a cheer-leader beyond par, football rallies will n ever be the same when you are gone, "Red . " From driving stakes on Chautauqua and shoeing race horses to paddling a mean canoe on the M essalonskee, u n der the faculty supervision you have lived a full four years of college life. May your affability and p e p win you the success and esteem in life as it has at C olby, and the string of broken hearts left behind will be eased by their pride i n you .

E LM E R R I V K I " E lmer"

Colby Preparatory. Brooklyn, N. Y. Track 2, 3, 4 : Relay 2, 3. 4 ; Cro s-Country 2, 3 ; Murray Prize Debate ; Chi Ep ilon Mu ; Class Numerals ; Wearer of the "C." Elmer spent his time at C olby in a fitting m anner. Three years of track and four years of classes have trained him well for his work in life. He was a steady plugger-and trai ned assidu ously. A n d n o one will for­ get that " 1 0 0 " in Public Speaking. E lmer, besides being an athlete and student, is a wonderful pianist .

J O H N E V E R E T T RO GE R S , � K E "Jack"

Westboro High School. Football ternity Track l, 2. 3 ; Mystics Wearer of the "C."

1, 2;

2, 3, 4 ; Track 1, 2 : I nterfra­ lnterfraternity Ba ketball 4 ;

"Jack" has been one of the outstanding figures at C olby during h i s four years here; I t has not been easy for him, but a will that could not be broken has pulled him through where others would have faile d . A s an athlete and scholar, there are very few that are ahead of him. S u ccess awaits "Jack. "




D O N A L D H E N R Y R O L L I N S , AXA. "Deke"

Winthrop High School. Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Track 2, 3 ; Winter Sports 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Vice-President of Main Interscholastic Winter Sports Association 3, President 4; Manager of Colby Interfraternity Win­ ter Carnival 4. Four y e a r s a g o , " D e k e " came t o C o l b y , a n u n s o ­ phisticated y o u n gster, w i t h the m ost v a g u e i d e a of what a college man really is. D uring h i s stay here, surr o u n d e d b y the h a l l o w e d traditions o f the college, h e has achieved his i d e a l . "De k e " has worked hard f or C olby a n d has brought h on ors t o h er o n the snow track. "Deke" has all the qualifications to make a success of life.

S T E R L I N G C L E VE LA N D R Y D E R, T K N " S teamboat"

"I have gone t he round of creation ; I saw a nd I spoke."

Deering High School. Interclass Cross-Country 2 ; Track 1, 2. 3, 4 ; Freshman Hockey ; Fir t Prize Freshman Interclass Track ; ln­ terfraternity Track 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Interfraternity Soccer 4 ; Student Council 4 ; Glee Club 2, 4 ; Junior Week End Committee ; Senior Hop Committee ; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet 4 ; Associate Editor of ORACLE 3. Here's a boy who goes out for a thing, tackles it, a n d if he d oesn 't o v e r c o m e it, h e sticks like g l u e . He has certa i n l y p r o v e n t h i s d uring his four y e a r s here at C olby and has a list of achievements to his credit. B esides being an athlete, musician, a n d scholar, h e fi n d s time for the fair sex. "Steamboat" intend s to enter t h e b usiness world. W o e b e to Ford and Morgan , with this b o y i n the field. S uccess, "Steamboat " !



" S c otty"

"A da y, an hou r of virtu ous libel'ty, ls worth a whole eternity in bondage."

Wilton Academy, Kent's Hill Seminary. Freshman Football ; Freshman Hockey ; Baseball Squad 1, 2 ; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4 ; Captain 4 ; Varsity Hockey 2, 3, 4 ; Wearer of the "C" ; Upsilon Beta ; Senior Gift Committee. "B o b " is the type of m a n w h o can yell, "Three for bridge ! " a n d have a game started i m m e d iately. His a ctivity i s i n cessant a n d infectious. W e think of him as being always i n m oti on-either tearing through the cen­ ter o f a line, checking a h ockey-player against the boards, H e is o n e of the or speeding over the trail to Fairfield. college ' s "big" l ittle m e n-a brilliant athlete, a c onscien­ tious stu dent, a hard worker-a n d a n incorrigible bridge fi en d . Fifty-three

M A Y O A. S E E K I

S, �KE


Maine Central Institute. Freshman Football, Captain ; Varsity Foot.ball 2, 3. 4 ; Track 1, 2. 3, 4 Captain Track 4 ; Vice-President Freshman Class ; Pr sident Sophomore Class ; Student Council 2 ; Athletic Council 4 ; Mystics , Druids. ;

" Seek's" days at C olby have been filled with work. E arly in his freshman year, he earned his reputation as an athlete, as a student, and as a gentle man. " Seek" has brought many honors to himself and to his college. A s a track man, there are none better. ow " Seek" leaves us with a place hard to fill. May success crown your efforts, " Se e k . "



Pennell Institute : Interfraternity Track 2, 3 ; Varsity Track 2, 3 ; Senior Class Gift Committee. George, in his spare time, between college years, has seen a lot of the worl d , yet he always c o mes back to C olby, to make new fri ends and renew old friends. He's bound to be successfu l ; h e can't help it.

MARK R I C H A R D S H I B L E S " Mark"

Belfast High Sch()(}I. Y. M. C. A. 1, 2, ,3 4 ; Deputation Teams 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Phi Beta Kappa ; President Y. M. C. A. 4 . Mark is a quiet fellow, who runs about d oing good turns un ostentaciously. H e ' s a student and a worker, and has put the Y. M . C . A . on the map this year. Good work, Mark, keep it up.





Lawrence High School, Fairfield, Maine.

H e re ' s a man who commutes to c ollege, and likes it. H ow he d o e s it we cannot u n d erstand , but i t seems to agre e with him, for he's n ever cut a class, and h e ' s always prepar e d , and h e j u st can't help being prepared for the after-college life. H e ' ll be successful, t o o .

N A T H A N I E L L A W R E N C E S I LO W I T Z " N at "

" B abe"

Colby Preparatory, Brooklyn. N. Y . Honor Roll 2, 3 : Freshman Football : Baseball l , 2 : Fencing 3, 4 ; Interfraternity Basketball 4 ; Class Numerals ; Pi Gamma Mu : First Prize Hallowell Speaking Contest ; Student Council 4 : Rhodes Scholarship Candidate. "Nat" came to C olby to study, a n d no one can d oubt that h e has s u c c e e d e d . H e has d o n e well i n all his sub足 j e cts, without ever losing a n y sleep. E ager a n d earnest in attending to the smallest details of all h i s duties, to足 gether with the fact that h e i s a d arn good athlete, makes h i s p osition at Colby one t o b e envied. The selection of h i m for cand idate for the Rhodes Scholarship i s ample evidenc e of his worth t o C olby.

ROY E1M E R S O N S M I T H , t.T

Waterville High School. Interfraternity Track 1 : ORACLt,: Board 3 ; Editor Freshman Handbook 4 ; Accompanist to Glee Club 3 ; Man足 ager of Glee Club 4 ; Powder and Wig. R o y is a n other h o m e town b o y who has made good. H e For some rea足 works hard, a n d c a n he p l a y that piano ! son or other, h e seems to enj o y the company of a certain m e mber o f the fair sex very well-an d w e can't say that W e know he'll b e successful i n his we blame h i m much. future l ife-so here's luck !



Y D E R, A X A

" Snitz"

"Mw good blade ca rves the casques of Men . "

Portland High School. Interfraternity Track 1 ; Varsity Track 1 ; Powder and Wig Club Productions 1 . 2, 3 : Upsilon Beta ; Glee Club 2, 3, 4 ; Fencing 3, 4 , Captain 4 ; Gift Committee. Another Portland boy has made a name for himself here at Colby. " Art" is a pl ugger, and when he starts t o d o a thing, it is always fin ished. For two years " Art" has been the mainstay of the fencing team and has proved himself a formidable man with the foils. A big future is ahead of " Snitz , 1 1 and we l o ok for his su ccess.

A L D E N C E C I L S P R A G U E , �T

Waterville H igh School. E c h o Staff 2 : White MuJe 2, 3 : Powder and Wig ; Junior Class Day Committee ; Vice-President Junior Class : Mystics : Secretary Athletic Association 3 ; President Ath­ letic Association 4 ; Track 1, 2, 4 : Relay 2, 3, 4 ; Captain Relay 3 ; Wearer of the ''C." Alden has been a big man i n college an d has done m u ch to help put Colby on the map. He used to make frequent trips t o Foss Hall, but this year he's been going t o North Anson, inste ad. But, strange to say, the reason remains the same. Sprague has made many friends at C olby, who all wish him the best of luck in everything that he attempts.

W I L L I A M S P R I N G E R , l<t.P " B il l "

Franklin H igh School. Track Squad 2 ; Cross-Country 1; Inter­ fraternity Basketball 1, 2, 3 ; Baseball 2 ; Druid Society ; Interfra­ ternity Soccer 4. " B il l " entered C olby with the class of 1 9 25,-n o , h e isn ' t a n o l d m a n , b u t w e c a n say that h i s staying o u t o f c ol l ege h a s proven o f in disputable value. T h i s is evi­ denced by his unfailing ability t o talk t o anyone of the Yes, he's married ,-say, greatest of world problems. perhaps that's where he acquired his p ower in argumen­ tation. " Bi l l " is a very likeable chap, ever faithful, and one who i s n o t satisfie d with a n ything but the best. B e st o' l uck, "Bill." Fifty-six




Hartland Academy. Football Interfraternity Bowling 4 .

" Fritz" 3, 4 ;

Pi Gamma Mu ; Honor Roll


" Fritz" is the j ovial s o r t of f e l l o w we all l ik e t o have H e has establish e d a m o n o p o l y on all the around us. business c ourses and gathered i n q u ite a f e w A ' s . There is n o doubt that " Fritz" w o u l d have been o u t f or f oot­ ball before his j unior year, but the truth is that h e c o u l d N o o n e will e v e r forget that n o t g e t a s u i t t o fit h i m . $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 sale. H owever, h e certainly spent an energetic Good luck to you, "Fritz " ; and brilliant college career. see y o u in Harvard B . A .

A L L A N J U LI A N S T I N C H F I E LD , A T !1 "Al"

"A merry heai·t doeth good like a medicine."

Skowhegan High School, Dartmouth College 1 , 2. Varsity Football 4 ; Chi Epsilon Mu ; Chemical Society. H e r e ' s to a man that has spent two years in " J o e " Colby's college, a n d departs this y e a r w i t h t h e coveted sheepskin. Lately this senior member has broken i nto the co-ord league , and seems to be visiting a certain house in town a bout four times per week. I f he pulls through this ordeal, w e predict for him the m o st brilliant of f utures.

J O HN D E X T E R S W A R T Z "Johnnie"

"Bu t where unln-u ised youth w ith unstuffed brain, Doth coi1ch his limbs, there golden sleep doth reign. "

Colby Preparatory School, Brooklyn, N. Y . Intercollegiate Debat­ ing 3 . 4 ; Debating Society 3, 4 ; Pi Kappa Delta, Secretary 4 ; National Forensic Society 3 , 4 Winning Team Murray Prize De­ bate 3 ; Interfraternity Basketball 1 ; Interfraternity Track 1. ;

I f "Johnnie" c o n t i n u e s t o a dvance after gradu ating, as he h a s in c ollege, then y o u m a y be assured that h e B y s t e a d y plugging a n d will a c c o mplish big things. willingn ess t o take o n extra w o r k , he has climbed t o the t o p of t h e ladder d uring his four years a t Colby. His w i l l i n g n e s s t o l e n d a h e lping h a n d , his perseverance a n d his i n im itable laugh are k n own a n d a d m i r e d by all. Har­ vard Law need have n o worry for its scholastic future. Pifty-seven



New Bedford High School, New Bedford, Mass. College Band 1, 2, 3 : Freshman Hockey 1 : Varsity Hockey 2, 3 : Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Captain-Manager of Tennis �. 4 : Maine Intercollegiate Tennis Champion 2, 3 ; Class Seeretary-Treasurer 2. 4 : Druids : Chi Ep­ silon Mu : Assistant in Geology Department 3. 4 Chairman Senior Program ommittee. :

" O h , what a cute little fellow !" The magic words which are guaranteed to rouse the temper of this young man, whose au burn hair is otherwise n o indication of his placid dispositi on. Tradition has it that a fair c o-ord first uttered them, on th e occasion of Harry's appearance at a meeting of the col legiate worshippers of Terpsichore. It is only a matter of conj ecture c oncerning the n u mber of times they have since been used in the same c onnec­ Seriously, though, you are gazing at the liken ess tion. of a responsible, trustworthy and capable classmate, whose traits are bound to change your acquaintanceship to lasting friendship and respect.

M A RTIN J . T I E RN E Y , AT !? " M arty"

" Doc"

" B uzz"

"M uscles"

"He was a promoter, fa r a bove superior."

Hudson ( Mass. ) High School. Inter-fraternity Basketball l, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 : J unior Week End Committee ; Epicur­ eans : Member of Colby Invitation Basketball Team ; Wearer of the Colby "C." " Doc,'' the pride of Hudson, has spent four fruitful years at Colby. Ever smiling, the possessor of a con­ tagious optimism, a good student and an excellent ath­ lete, his presence will be greatly missed by the legion of friends h e has made at C olby. " Doc's" ability on the diamond has made him an outstanding member of the baseball team for four years, and it is not at all unlikely that we shall soon be reading of his exploits in maj or league company.

GO R D O N MARIN E R TRIM, ATfl "Trimmie"

"He's discree t,

ma '<111n ,

" S hiek"

a nd devilish hard to hoodwink."

Washington Academy, Washington State Normal 1, 2. Interfra­ ternity Basketball 2. 3, 4 ; Secretary Colby Press Service.

Gordon Trim-quiet, drawling, sophisticated-takes as ( We have, how­ his motto, " M od eration in all things." ever, known him to make conspicuous departures from this motto ) . O n e rarely sees him study, but he manages to pull good ranks. With a minimum of d isplay and noise, he selects an obj ective and usually attains it. We shall not be surprised at his su ccess, and shall remark, reminiscently, "He was a cagey l a d . "


F R A N K J O S E P H T W A D E LL E , Z-¥ " Mose"

" Moose"

"La y on Macdllfj, A nd da rrun' d be himi that first cries 'hold, enough !' "

Good Will High School, Hinckley, Maine. Track 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Fresh­ man Hockey ; Chi Epsilon Mu ; Assistant Business Manager of ORACLE 3 ; Colby College Glee Club 4 ; Member Program Commit­ tee of Senior Exercises ; I nterfraternity and Class Track Team I . 2. 3, 4 . Frank c a m e to u s from Skowhega n . H e r e at C olby, he has won the respect of all. O n the athletic fi e l d , F r a n k e x c e l l e d i n the pole v a u l t a n d j avelin throw. In t h e class r o o m h e h a s shown proficiency i n the science c ourses. H e has taken a pre-medical c ourse a n d will e nter medical school i n the fall. In all h i s activities and relation s , Frank has been first a n d forem o st a " square shooter."

B E RJT I L A UG U S T U S U P P V A L L , K�P " B ent"

Dedham High School, Dedham, Mass., Antioch College, Yellow Spring.;, Ohio 1, 2. Le Cercle Francais 4 ; Interfraternity Bowling 3, 4 ; Interfraternity Track 4 : Football 4. E steem of men a n d women of Colby has very naturally fallen to this fair-haired young Nordic, for h e possesses the rare charm of those only-too-few-in-number c ollege m e n who are e qually at h o m e in the midst of a heated d i sc ussion of the B erkelian " i d ea" or of B oston's chances of c opping a pennant. H e is retiring only from the ad­ vances of "the eternal feminine," as many a co-ord can testify. The only u ngallant thing the fellow ever d i d was to ignore forty-seven Valentines from the Hall, with mag­ n ificent detachment. B u t this kind always falls hard and sure, and some fortunate young l a dy is dou•btless scheming while we write.

J O HN E D WA R D W A L K E R, Z'1' "Jack"


"Heig h ts of great men reached a nd kept, Were not a,ttainied b y sitidden fiigh t , But they, w h ile t heir companions slept, Wer e toiling 1ipww·ds throngh the nig h t . "

Winthrop High School, Winthrop, Mass. Upsilon Beta ; Epicureans ; Board 2 ; Varsity Track Tea.m l , 2, 3, 4 ; Interfraternity and Interclass Track 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; Captain Class Track Team 2 ; Relay Squad 2, 3 ; Commencement Usher 1 : Student Council 4 ; Chairman Notice Committee 4 ; Chairman Campus Parking Committee 4 : Colby Development Fund Executive and Publicity Committees 4 ; Class Gift Committee 4 ; Student Council Band Committee 4 ; Inter­ fraternity Ball Committee 4 ; Wearer of "C." Erho

" J ack" s u c c e ssfully carrie d off his difficult " major" i n e c on o m i c s a n d finance. H e i s t o e n t e r H arvard Graduate S c h o o l of B u si ness A d m i n i stration this coming fall. He will d o well there a n d i n after l i f e , if h e c ontinu e s t h e willingness to w o r k , c onscientiousness, aptitu d e a n d sportsmanship h e d isplayed i n t h e l ecture hall a n d o n t h e athletic fi e l d at C ol b y. Fifty-nine





vain i the belief


seqitestered pat h ha th fewest fiowers."

oburn lassical Institute. As ociate Editor Echo 2 ; Pre hman Pr !ze Contest 1; IntercoUegiate Debate 2, 3. 4 ; HaUoweU Prize Speaking Contest 2 ; Goodwin Prize Speaking Contest 2, 3 ; J unior Class Day Orator 3 : Powder and Wig 3, 4 : Commencement Marshal 2. 3 : Pi Kappa Delta. Thi gentlemanly, fastidious fellow takes his search for culture very seriou ly, retiring often to his pensive citadel to peru e those books which go t o enrich the mind of the young intellectual. A colorful vocabulary, an acerbic wit, a maj estic stature, a flashing eye, and a com­ manding platform presence will d oubtless win success for Woods, either in theatrical circles or in the law courts.



' Rod"

Oak Grove Seminary. Commencement Usher 1; lnterfraternity BasketbaU 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Druids ; Chi Ep ilon Mu, Secretary and Treas­ urer 4 ; Echo Board 2 ; Kappa Phi Kappa ; Murray Prize Debate ; Senior Hop Committee 3 ; Interfraternity Hockey. T o l o ok at "Rod," one would n ever suspect that he was a graduate of O ak Grove, that institution o n the Augusta road. "Rod" is a worker and is good at anything, from decorating for a dance to winning a debate. We'll miss " R o d , " with his cheerful grin and a friendly greeting for everyone. O n the other hand, h e is j ust the man the teaching profession has been waiting for. " Ro d " will make good.






Vice-Pre-sident Secreta ry-Treas u rer


Junior Class History D u ring our Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior years we have striven ever to live in the Colby way. We have followed the paths that those before us have trod, but always doing each deed a little better, a little more effi­ ciently. We are not as we were when first we saw this ancient campus. Our greenness has departed and no longer do we hark to the call of Phi Chi. We have grown in capacity and capability and Colby has been the motivating power Now we face the last year in ·o u r chosen Alma Mater. We, of the class of 1 930, have stri ven to further the work that has been left us to do, and we have done it well. We are now ready to take our place as the leaders in Colby traditions and ideals. We are Colby men and we hope to remain real Colby men until and after the d oors have closed upon our undergraduate days. We have always answered the call of Colby and have tried to place her name above all others. In the years to come it is our aim to further the interests of Colby to the best of our abilities, to place her even more firmly on the h igh pedestal she has reached, to expand her p olicies, to foster her growth, so that in the years to come we may be proud of that which we hav·e helped to do.






Junior Class Roll Franklin Prescott Adams M i les Lancaster A llen D onald E d ward Allison George Alphonso Allison George A rthur Andrews, Jr. C larence H erbert Arber H arry O sgood Ashmore Kenneth Gordon A ustin George H ovey B arnaby Forrest M i lton B atson Philip Stewart E ither Stephen Curtis B lakeslee Robert Parki B rown H azen Albert Calhoun, Jr. John A lbert Chadwick Lindon E dwin Christie Franklin Miner C obleigh Lawrence Dean Cole Chester Francis Condon Aaron C ook William Thornton Cowing Linwood Taft Crandall Paul Lester D avis Roland Sylvester Del aware William B ertrand D owney Clarence A ubrey Dyer Millan Ludmil Egert Dexter E verett E lsemore Philip Lloyd E ly Mark H ood Garabedian Charles Metcalf Giles Attilio Frank Gi uffra Ralph Leonard Goddard George Francis Grady Harold L loyd Grant B ertram LeForest H arding Robert Lowe H arlow H u gh Gordon H atfield Otto Arvid H avu Horace Lincoln H eath George Gilbert Henry, Jr. Karl R iester H i nes, Jr. Ralph B enj amin H u rlburt

Belfast W aterville West Medway, Mass. West Medway, Mass. T ucson, Ariz. Dorchester, M ass. Ellsworth W aterville North A nson Campobello, N . B . L inneus Troy, N. Y. Fairfield P utnam, Conn. Norwich, Conn. Milo Newton H ighlands, Mass. W aterville Shrewsbury, Mass. Waterville West S pringfield, Mass. O akfield B elfast Augusta Wellesley , Mass. E ast S umner York Village Grnnd Lake Stream F lorence, Mass. Cambridge, Mass. Damariscotta B rooklyn, N. Y . Portland New Haven , Conn. Waterville North Abington, Mass. D over-Foxcroft S axton' s River, Vt. O xford Waterville Ashfield, M ass. B erkshire, Mass. D anvers, M ass. Sixty-three

ďż˝- O RAC L E Lewi Wilfred Jackin Gerald A her John on Gordon Neil John on Michael Jo eph Karter H arland Llewellyn Keay Lewi Hermann Kleinholz Andrew Charles Klu ick Clarence Edwin Lamb John Henry Lee Robert Browne Lunt Lori mer Faunce MacDougall Charle Fr2d Martin .Tame Richard McConnell Edgar B urnham McKay Carroll Cullen McLeary Wallace Wh itney Meyer Murray William foyer William LeRoy Miner Sam uel Steven Morr i on Chandler Benj amin Mo her Theodore Nelson John Irizarry Pagan Albert Carlton Palmer Norman Dunbar Palmer Ralph Anthony Pape Harold Dana Phippen Ovid Felix Pomerleau Deane Reginald Quinton Thomas Alexander Record Kenneth Earl Robinson Will iam Patrick Rogers Cleophas Joseph Roy Bernard Clifton Shaw Walter Stanley Slosek Arth ur LeB aron Stebbins, Jr. Lucius Hazen Stebbins William Horace Stineford E rnest Joseph Theberge Wendall H ollis T hornton Joseph Trefethen Wendell Alexander Tufts George Linwood Walsh Charles William Weaver, Jr. Malcolm Small Weed Stanton Shaw Weed John Henry Wisnoski


Houlton Waterville Houlton Waterville Winter Harbor B rooklyn, N. Y. Rockaway, N. J. Rangeley Portland Old Town Fall River, Mass. South Portland Newport, R. I . Waterville Waterville B rooklyn, N . Y. B rooklyn, N. Y. Springfield, Mass. New York City Howard, Mass. Newport, R. I. B rooklyn, N. Y. H inckley H inckley B rooklyn, N. Y. Islesford Winslow Waterville Livermore Falls Dover-Foxcroft E ast Lynn, Mass. Waterville Waterville Ware, Mass. Colchester, Conn. Colchester, Conn . B rownville Junction Lawrence, Mass. R ockland Waterville Westboro, Mass. Millinocket Kittery Waterville Waterville Ware, Mass.





Presiden t


Vice-President Secreta ry-Tre a s u rer



So p homore C lass History The class of 1 9 3 1 has definitely proven its worth during this past year. We have filled those places left vacant by l ast year's Seniors and h ave given Colby another championship football team. We h ave not fallen behind i n our scholastic attainments an d h ave men prominent in all the l atia-curriculum activities. We are, without doubt, the most .outstanding class i n C olby College, with the p ossible exception of the outgoing Senior Class. We have attended to our d uty as F reshman class chapernnes success­ fully, chastising them sufficiently on "Bloody Monday N ight," and then allowing them to have a s uccessful banquet in order to encour.age them i n their col lege activities. O u r efforts have been rewarded f o r t h e Freshman class is well steeped i n Colby lore. We h ave now taken our place as up­ standing, dignified college men, always willing to help the Frosh whenever needed, but always turning 1our abilities to the advancement of C olby in­ terests.


So p homore Class Roll Willard Ebenezer Alexander George Proctor Allen Philip Frederick Allen Robert Allen, Jr. Harmon Bogart Baldwin Allan Bernard Block Henry George Bon all Henry Colin Dubar Louis Napoleon Charron Donald Melvin Christie 'Theodore Adrian Cloutier Edson Hathaway Cooper Alanson Robert Curtis Merton Leroy Curtis Jerome George Daviau John Stokes Davidson Henr y Francis Deetj en Wallace Alfred Donovan Carlton Earl Dorman Richard Godfrey Dow Herbert Kinsley Draper, Jr. Dexter Marshall Eastment Donald Albert Emack Arthur Bernard Esty Roderick Ewen Farnham Howard LeRoy Ferguson Arthur Arlington Flewelling Thayer Hall French Ralph Edward Fullam Alexander R. Gillmor Marvin Sydney Glazier Abraham Benj amin Glovsky George Linwood Graffam Hamilton Broughton Grant John Henry Gross E dward Francis Hayde Charles William Heddericg Charles Chester H icks Thomas J. Hodkiewicz Thomas Earl James H alsted Jenkins Francis William Juggins Andrew James Karkos Thomas Jam es Kenney Sixty-six

Saxton's River, Vt. Cherryfield Waterville New Bedford, Mass. Hewlett, L. I. Norway, Me. Waterville Monticello Adams, Mass. Milo Augusta Methuen, Mass. Harmony Biddeford Pool Waterville Omaha, Neb. Portland Waterville Belmont, Mass. Winchester, Mass. Canton, Mass. Glen Cove, N. Y. Calais Fayville, Mass. Brownville Jct. Whitman, Mass. Monticello Westminst e r, Mass. Mittineaque, Mass. Houlton Revere, Mass. Portland Unity Cherryfield Brooklyn, N. Y. White Plains, N. Y. Whitman, Mass. Columbia Falls So. River, N. J. Providence, R . I. Littleton Winthrop, Mass. Lunenburg, Mass. Cambridge, Mass.



Mark Stiles Kingsley Frederick Roy Knox Thomas B lake Langley B arney Harry L i pman Lucius Vanderburg Lobdell George Lord R upert LeRoy Loring Walter B enjamin Lovett E d ward Urban MacConnie R oderick Fred MacDougal John Charles McCoy, Jr. Henry O ldham McCracken I van E u gene McLaughlin E arle Tilson M c Naughton Edwin Wallace Maddocks Kenneth H ambleton Mansfield Edmund B rodie Marsland William Caldwell Martin Arth u r Montgomery Meckenberg Albert B i gelow Nelson John Frederick Pollard F1r ederick Donald Poulin Roland James Poulin Wayne E lwood Roberts E rnest Whitman R ood Merle Clark Ryder John H oward Sawyer Vaughan Allison Shaw Clayton Forsythe S mith Philip S with Snow Ralph M ilton S nyder George Freemont Sprague George Harold Sterns R obert Wilson Stewart Paul Tibbetts Virgil Connor Totman, Jr. H ugh Kearns T ufts Nathan T u pper A l len Turner Paul H erbeirt Urann Lincoln Dean Webber Dougl as H ewlitt Wheeler H oward H i ggins Whitten Richard Delano Willi amson Morgan Wilson John H oyt Wing J oseph E dward Yuknis

Hebron Concord, N . H. Cambridge, Mass. Skowhegan H artland, Vt. P ittsfield Center O ssipee, N . H . H udson, M ass. Sey mour, Conn. D over-Foxcroft Paterson, N. J . Waterville L i ncoln Dover-Foxcroft Fairfield W at erville New B ritain, Conn. Somerville, Mass. B rooklyn, N . Y. New Braintree, Mass. Fairfield Fairfield Waterville N orth B erwick Albion P ortland Waterville H oulton Flushing, L. I . P ortland Portland D anforth H artland H udson, M ass. B ristol, Conn. O akland Westboro, M ass. L isbon Falls Methuen, Mass. W oodfords Fairfield M illinocket Clinton Portland New York, N . Y. Medford, M ass. B ri dgewater, Mass.


C-- /w




P1 esident Vice-Preside n t


Secretary-Treas u rer



Freshman Class History Colby was indeed fortunate when the class of 1 932 entered its portals to take up their work in all kinds of oollege activities. The members of our class, while not yet illustrious, have entered into the spirit of Colby College, and our potentialities are great. On "Bloody Monday N ight" the Sophomores received us officially and chastized us greatly, but the tables were soon to be changed. Our football team was victorious and we did not lag i n the fall track events. On a cer­ tain night soon after the end of the football season was asserted our i nde­ pend �nce and held our banquet in spite of the efforts of the Sophomores to stop us. We have been successful thus far i n our college careers and we are confident that the i ncreasing years will find us even more successful.


Freshman Class Roll A lbert Edward Acierno Douglas B axter Allan Melvin Eldmund Anderson Ralph E llis Anderson Irvin E lbridge Arnold Henry Rogers Backes George E dward Bagnall Robert T. Beals Warren Frederick B ice James B lok Cl ifton Rolfe Brown Roland A lfred B urns Alton Roosevelt B ur nett Williaim Henry Caddoo Aaron William Christensen Stanley Luther Clement Louis Foster Conant, Jr. Charles Gleason Corse William Nelson Crabtree Theodore Randolph Croslin Richard Cummings John B irtwell C urtis William Stephen C u rtis, Jr. F ulton E r nest Daniels John A rthu r Davis Anthony John DeMiceli Harvey Bolles E vans Maxwell Harold Feinman William C harles Foster Lester Allen Freedman Frank Elden Fuller Gordon Keith Fuller Harold Albert Garr Paul Robert Richard Given 'Thompson D . Grant Everard Barron Grindall Nissie Grossman Robert William Hall Willis E dward Hamlin William Maxwell Hardy E lliott Thorp Hatch Bertrand Williams Hayward John Alex Herd A rth u r King Howard Talbert Benson Hughes Stanley C ha rles Jekanoski Louis Kaplan Donald Foster Kellogg

B rooklyn, N. Y. Wellesley, Mass. New S weden Yarmouth Waterville Wallingford, Conn. Houlton Waterville Seymour, Conn. Waterville Skowhegan Laury Philadelphia, Pa. Newbury, Mass. National Soldiers' Home Milo Cambridge, Mass. Clinton, Mass. D over-Foxcroft Baltimore, Md. Newton Centre, Mass. D anforth Waterbury, Conn. Millinocket Fairfield New York, N . Y. Wakefield, Mass. Lawrence, Mass. Forest City Lawrence, Mass. Freedom Waterville Matta pan Richmond Bangor Winslow Q u incy, Mass. Watervil le Lake Viwe D orchester , Mass. Pemaquid Harbor B ridgewater, Mass. W inslow Waterville National Soldiers' Home Amherst, Mass. Arlington, Mass. Augusta Si:i:ty-11i11e

1929 Maurice Krasow Harold Frank Lamoine Fred Joseph LaFleur Linwood Everett Lagerson Glen Bernier Lawrence John Joseph Leno Howard Libby, Jr. William Albert Lyons George Alden Macdonald Robert McNamara Herbert Marcus Sam uel Harry Marder D . Harold Maxim George Wil on Moody Chesley William Moore Harold John Murchie Albert Chesley M urray Christo Thomas N asse Atwood Crosby Nelson Oscar Stanley Nickerson Richard Wengler Noyes Frank Elwyn O'Neil Norman Chester Perkins Andrew Arnold Pettis Harry Parkes Pinson Beveridge Leigh Raymond William Sowles Richards Reginald Raymond Ricker Cecil Fales Robinson Henry Weston Rollins Ralph Rockwell Sadd Kenneth Frederick Sawyer Walter Thomas Sleeper Everett Russell Slocum M itchell Snitko Gordon Alexander Speedie Leroy Borcher Starbuck William Henry Steinhoff Wilbur Gresham Taylor Philip Thibodeau Harold Eugene Townes Forrest Clark Tyson, Jr. Daviďż˝ Lionel Vigue Bernard Wall John E dward Waite Ralph Hallowell Wakefield Maxwell Denham Ward John Allan Webb Brittain Webster Otis Walter Wheeler Stanley Frederic Wheeler James Draper Wolcott Seventy

Waterbury, Conn. Kennebunk Fall River, Mass. Westbrook Bellows Falls, Vt. New York, N. Y. Burnham Needham, Mass. Waterville Winthrop Dorche ter, Mass. Roxbury, Mass. Winthrop Weston Waterville Hodgdon Melrose, Mass. Woonsocket, R. I . Augusta Millinocket Millinocket Rockvi lle, Conn. Kennebunk Portland Bath Fort Kent Dorchester, Mass. Stratton Phillips Fairfield Hartford, Conn. East Millinocket Waterville Fairhaven, Mass. New York, N. Y. Winchester, Mass. Westport, Conn. B rooklyn, N . Y. Waterville Brookline, Mass. Gardiner Augusta Waterville Brookline, Mass. Milli nocket Gardiner Clinton B rockton, Mass. Lexington, Mass. Millinocket B rooklyn, N. Y. New Rochelle, N. Y.





Vice-Preside n t Secretary-Treasurer


Senior Class History Some things begin small and get bigger. Others begin big and ge t smaller. There is also a class of things of which you really cannot tell what they are going to do--grow or shrivel, swell or s hrink, increase or dimin足 ish. Some start with a whisper and end with a roar of artillery. Others start w ith a blare as of fifteen German bands and end l ike the song of a sickly mosquito. Miss Runnals' annual chapel discourse on "Petering" has stimulated us at each m ilestone of ,our j ourney and with what better challenge can we leave the cherished halls of dear old Colby ? When we, as verdant Freshmen, started the fi rst lap of our four-mile run, no one knew what we were really going to do. Some thought that we would begin small and get bigger. Others thought we would start big and grow smaller. Characteristically, we fooled them. We did both. In num足 bers we started big, but we petered. On the other hand, our enthusiasm, our spirit, our dignity, our deep l ove for Colby started l ike a m in iatu re h ot spring and is ending l ike Old Faithful. O u r members have given gener足 ously of their time to extra cu rricular activities, and in academic accom足 plishments we have not been found wanting. As we go our several ways, may Mother Colby's love be ever with us, and may she ever have cause to be proud of her daughters of '29. Seventy-two



J E S S I E G E N E V A A LE X A N D E R, A � L\ "Jess"

"She fo•rbids to despa ir; H e r cheeks man tle with mirth."

Cony High School, Augusta, Maine. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Health, L�ague 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Wearer of "C. H. L." ; Glee Club l, 2, 4 ; Delta Sigma Chi 3, 4 ; President 4 ; Kappa A lpha. Here i s " Jess"-steady, dependable, always " working h er head off" for someone or something, whether she is d etermin e d l y sweeping ign orance from the path of the y o unger generation or singing songs for critical Kappa A l phas. Y e t i n spite of her n um e r o u s activities, she has f o u n d time t o glad d e n the hearts o f several m al e s-one in particular.

M A R T H A A L L E N , �K " M an d y Lou "

' If music be t h e food o f love, play on."

Girls' Latin High School, Boston ; Watertown High School, Water­ town, Mas . Glee Club l, , 3, 4 ; Ma.nager 3 ; President 4 ; Sopho­ more Dance Committee , Chairman 2 ; Powder and Wig, Honorary Membership 3, 4 ; Junior Dance Committee 3 ; Hockey l, 2, 3 ; Manager 3 ; Ivy Day Committee 3 ; Volleyball 1 , 2 ; Soccer 1 , 2 ; Wearer "C. H. L." ; Junior Speaker Undergraduate Banquet 3 ; Alumnae Play 3 ; Powder and Wig Play 3 ; Chi Gamma Theta ; Colby Day Play l , 2, 3 ; Director 4 ; Daughters of Colby 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; President 4 ; Ivy Day Pageant 1 ; Y. W. C. A. 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; B. C. Clever, d ip l omatic, l ovabl e , charming, p eppy, intuitive, in spiring, ambitious, at once saucy a n d demure, fran k , e ffi c i e n t , i n short marve l o u s ! S o mething really special for entertainment, " perhaps M artha A l l e n will sing. " S u d de n illness-"M a n d y " to the resc u e ! W h o knows j ust h o w m u c h benefit her roommat e s h a ve d erived from " M a n d y , " the firm advocate of " hair-brush" d iscipline. B oth sexes succumb to " Mandy's" b e witching eyes and charming personality. A s a prima d o n n a , she ' s a geniu s ; a s a frien d , she's a sweetheart ; a s a co-ord, she's a w o w !

R U T H B A R T L E T T , ML\ "Rufus"


"Earth changes, bit t thly s ou l and God s ta nd sure."

Waterville High School. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3. 4 ; Honor Roll l ; Girls' Glee Club 2, 3, 4 ; Chi Gamma Theta, Dance Committee 2 ; Daughters of Colby, Secretary and Treasurer 4 ; Senior Dance Committee. S i n c erity, generosity, knowl e dge are all combined i n A n d besides this d angerous b l o n d e . Isn't it t o o cruel ? being a Galli C u rchi, she m u st n e e d s b e a n exponent of In spite of all this, she is m u ch the terpsichorean art. l oved by every o n e , a n d is i n d e e d a true friend.

Seventy-th Tee

T H A LI A BA T E S , <I>:l1 "Tabby"

"And welc01ne whereso'er she went, A oalm and graci<YUs element,

Whose p1·ese?ice seemed the s weet income A nd wornanly a t mosphere of home-"

Abbot High School Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Delta Sigma Chi ; Kappa Alpha ; Class Volleyball 2 ; Varsity VolleybaJJ 2 ; Class Soc­ cer Manager 2 ; Varsity Soccer Team 2 ; Wearer of "C. H. L.'' ; House Chairman of Foss Hall. Who is always needed to serve o n a committee ? "Tab­ by." Who hears all complaints an d disappointments, giving good advice and sympathy ? Thalia. Many's the time that " Tabby" has quietly take n the lead , and turn e d chaos into calm--€special l y h e r rooons after a visit from most of Foss Hall. B u t Thalia, we're still wondering what happened to that "man from B angor" for the Senior dance !

V I O L E TT E D O R I S B O U L T E R, <I>:.'.I "Vi"

" There is but one man in the world for me."

Traip Academy, Coburn Classical Institute. Y. W. C. A. l , 2, 3, 4 ; t.. lee Club l , 2, 4 ; Kappa Alpha ; "The Masque" 3, 4 ; Secre­ tary-Treasurer 4 ; Junior Play 3 ; Hockey Team 3 ; Colby Day Play 3, 4 ; Powder and Wig Play 3 ; Honorary Member of Powder and Wig ; Ivy Day Committee 3 ; Ivy Day Operetta 1 ; B. C. Lovable, good-natured, mischievous, witty,-a sure cure for the blues. " V i " is a person you like to have around. When she isn't ex-"poun ding" her excess energy on the typewriter, she's conj uring u p some original bit of deviltry that makes those fascinatingly black eyes, darker still. "Vi" likes to act, and we all wish her the success that i s bound to be her's, especially if she decides in "Favour" of that "one m a n , " when she appears upon the matrim onial "stage" as leading lady i n "B. C . Suite's" production, " Charlie, My B o y . " A N N E LLA GRAY B U C K N A M , <I>M "Nel l a "

"Sweet a.nd winsorne Eyes of bfJU e, She's teh girl that'.s always true ; Can't y o u gu ess ? Well I 'll oonf ess I t 's 'Nella' !"

Hallowell High School Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3 ; Chi Gamma Theta ; J unior Dance Committee ; Wearer of "C. H. L." ; Delta Sigma Chi ; ORACLE Board 3 ; Executive Board of Student League. Through four long years of c o l lege, this shy, young thing has spent a good d eal of her time watching the mail box. O f course, this has taken time from her Latin , but still her rank has not suffered. Yes, " Nella" has the mail complex-and that isn't all ; you should see her collection of elephants ! It's hard to u nderstand h o w she has been able to accomplish so much in c ol l ege, both socially and scholastically, with all her o utside attractions. B u t there­ i n lies a secret-ask "Nella. " Seventy-four


E LE A N O R G E R T R U D E B U T L E R , � K

"Drea ms a re h e r Toys."

Deering High S:hool. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Sophomore Dance Committee 2 ; Junior Class Play 3 ; Glee Club 3. This is Eleanor. Do you see E leanor ? E lean or sees you. Can you see th e twinkle i n her e y e ? I t i s a m e rry twinkle. E leanor tells f u n n y stories. D o y o u know E l e an o r ? E l e a n or writes poetry. I t i s c lever p oetry. E leanor makes things with her fi ngers, nice things for boys and girls. E l eanor w e nt u p n orth last summer to bring sunshine into the lives o f poor b.ackwood s people. T h e y l o v e d Eleanor. Don't y o u l ove E leanor, t o o ?


Y. W. C. A. 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Orchestra 1 ; Honorable Mention Gym Meet 2 ; Junior Play 3. Dorothy is o n e of our faithful commuters from Fair­ fi e l d . G e o l ogy is her m aj or, and she l oves t o study rocks a n d m in erals as well as t o h ik e long distances i n search of them. In her violi n , she has a r. ompanion f or leisure h ours. D orothy, we are sorry to see y o u go , a n d w e w i sh y o u success in y o u r future work.


" This world's no blot for us, nor blank ; it me-a.ns intensely a.?od 1nea1w good; To find its meaning in m y mea t a nd drink."

New· Salem Academy. Y. W. C. A. l, 2, 3, 4 ; Cabinet 1, 3. Class Horkey 1, 3 ; Soc�er l, 2 ; Wearer of "C. H. L."' ; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3 ; Second Assistant Business Manager Colbiana 3 ; International Relations Club 3, 4 ; Delta Sigma Chi.

All traffic m u st of n e c e ssity come t o a standstill whe-.1 Lucy crosses the street-for L u c y u ses j u st that particu­ lar time t o solve the proble m s of the u niverse ! Yet, with all h e r seri ousness, w e suspect that Lucy's wrinkles will come, when they m ust, " with m irth and l a ughter." Ab· sent-m i ndedness is n o way approaching thoughtfulness­ i n d u stry in which there is no d i straction-intense d evo­ tion t o all that makes u p worthiness-a sincere l ove for a l l things b e a utiful-"Tru sty, d u sky, vivid , tru e . " Seventy.five

'?''• '... . �

I .. ·.


L I L L I A N B E R N I C E C O L L I N S , xn " Bunny"

"No da y without a deed to crown it."

Berwick Academy. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Class Hockey 1 · Volley­ baU I . 2 : Soccer 1, 2 ; Tenni Manager 2 ; Wearer of "C.' H. L." and Class Numerals ; H_onorable Mention in Gym Meet 1, 2, 3 ; Sophomor� Dance Committee ; Ivy Day Committee 3 ; Honor Roll L 3, 4 ; Junior Class Play : Colbia:na Board 3 ; Glee Club 1 ; ORACLE ��lr�a��� �1h'e��t Library Assistant 3, 4 ; Delta Sigma Chi 3, 4 ; Ever wonder what makes the O l d Library so popular ? Here's the reason-being also the reason for other things for instance, why the Irish get a break, and why Al Smit h Somehow, things go right nearly won the last election. when " Bunny's" arou n d-sh e's capable. Somehow she kn ows j ust what to say-sh e ' s tactful. Somehow we love her-she's " B unny."


ANNA LO U I S E CON'E, A:E� "Lwugh

and th e w01·'ld

la:u ghs


HalJowelJ High School. Health League 1, 2, 3, 4.

you .


Louise is one of those cheerful, generous i ndivi duals, whose true worth is realized the better we become acquainted with her. I t is as good as a soothing syrup t o hear her cheerful laughter. J u st ask her advice about stud ying for an exam. She doesn't believe in cramming. How we shall miss your irrepressible giggles next year !

S Y LVIA D O R I S C R A N E , A :E � " Sib"

Colby Academy. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2. 3 ; Delta Sigma Chi 3, 4 ; Hockey l, 2, 4 ; Varsity Hockey 4 ; ORACLE Board 3 ; Junior Dance Com­ mittee ; Chairman Census Committee 4 ; Honor Roll 3 ; Wearer of "C. H. L. " In fact, she is a walking Sylvia is a studious person. I f you want t o know any­ encyclopedia of kn owledge. thing, from how t o pron o u n c e Lj iblhauhj aquaski t o what She can do will rhyme with mayonaise, go ask Sylvia . many other things, too-sew, get u p parties, play hockey, and o-oh, the c offee that lady can make !





" Daggie"

"I sing beoause I n'IJU s t ."

Coburn Classical Institute, Waterville, Maine. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Health League 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Hockey 1, 2, 3 ; Varsity Hockey 1 ; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Masque 3, 4 ; and Wig 3, 4 ; Com­ mencement Play Committee 2 ; AlumniPowder Play 3 ; Ivy Day Play Committee 3 ; Colby Day Play 4 ; SeniorCommittee Committee 4 ; Vice-President 4 ; Honorable Mention in Gym Dance Meet 1 Wearer of "C. H. L," and Numerals ; Chi Gamma Theta ; Dau2 ghters of Colby. ·

Ruth and daintiness are synonymous. She has the grac e a n d l i l t o f a bright-ey e d b i r d . Her l o v e l y v o i c e , t o o , i s a bird-voice. She d o e s n o t , however, rise and sing early in the m or n ing. H e r activities are t o o numerous t o men­ tion. S h e has i n terests at h o m e a n d abroad. Daint y ? Yes ! L o vab l e ? Rather ! M ischievous ? W e l l , hardly ever ! Charming a n d d ip l omatic-Ruth-exactly.

D O R: O T H Y E LI ZA B E T H D EE' T H , A M I " Dot"

"Intfm.t upon her destined cou rse, Gra.ceful a nd useficl in all she does, Blessing and blessed where'e?· she g oes." Murdock School, Winchendon, Mass. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2,

Health League 1, 2, 3, L."

4 ;

3, 4 ; Class Volleyball 1, 3 ; Wearer of "C. H.

A h earty " Hullo there," an arm linked i n yours, a fri e n d l y w o rd-that's " Dot. " She n ever ruffles or stirs you up, but l e aves a restful feeling of peace where'er she goes. She is c om petent, always ready t o l e n d a han d, a n d always o n t im e . She's very sedate, sere n e , a n d a good s p ort. S h e m e ets each task happily, and c onse­ q u ently her work lacks n o t " its fi n e st perfections." She'�; a r e a l frie n d .

V I RG I N I A D U D L E Y, �K " G i dge"

" There's langu age in her etyes, her cheek, her lip."

Houlton High School. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Cabinet 3, 4 ; Ham­ lin Prize Reading 1 ; Freshman Scholarship, Second Prize 1 ; Tennis Manager 1 ; Class Hockey Team 2 ; Class Soccer Team 3 ; Winter Sports Manager 3 ; Wearer of the "C. H. L." ; Honor Roll 1, 3 ; Junior Dance Committee 3 ; Junior Class Play 3 ; Echo Board 3, 4 ; Colbi.ana Board 3, 4 ; Pi Gamma Mu 3, 4, Secretary-Treasurer 4 ; International Relations Club 3, 4 ; Aroostook Club ; Daughters of Colby. She j u st " Gi dge " is a bunch of scintillating e nergy. bubbles over with enthusi asm . D a shing in a n d out, with something o n her mind that m ust b e done. Ready to jump i n at the crucial m o ment to finish u p the last d etails brilliant A before s o m e function is about t o c o m m e nce. c o nversationalist, a k e e n sense of humor, and a quick v. it , a l l a d d to h e r charming p ersonality. Seventy-seven




, <i>)I

" Ginny"

"A nything that is worth doing at ull, is worth doing well."

Caribou High School. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Honor Roll 1 ; Wearer of ··c. H. L. " ; Honorable Mention in Gym Meet 1, 2 ; Sophomore Dance Committee ; Vice-President Class 3 ; Ivy Day Committee 3 ; Member of Panhellenic Council 3, 4 ; Aroostook Club ; Delta Sigma Chi ; Treasurer Stu.dent League 4 ; B. C.

Competent, conscientious, d etermined, Ginn does well At the same time, she is whatever she attempts to do. j olly and good-nature d , and she simply would n ot m iss out on a su ite party. W ith her charming manner, her end eari ng sm ile, and her "mystical way of getting things done," Ginn leaves a place that will be hard to fi ll . We feel confident of her success in whatever she chooses t o un dertake.

A N N'I E H!OO P E R G O O D W I N , � K

"Bach deed th<n.L hast done Dies, revives, goes to work in the world."

Coburn Classical Institute. Colbiana Short Story Prize 1 ; Honor Roll l, 2, 3 ; Health League 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Volleyball l, 2, 3, 4 ; Ivy Day Speaker 3 ; Ivy Day Play Committee 3 ; Colby Night Speaker 3 ; Mary Lowe Carver Poetry Prize 3 ; Masque 3, 4 ; Colbiana Board 3, 4 ; Delta Sigma Chi 3, 4 ; Colby Night Play 4 ; Glee Club 4 ; Author of Glee Club Operetta 4 ; Wearer of "C. H. L." and Numerals ; Daughter of Colby. I f what Mr. Browning has said about d e e d s is true, Annje certainly has a lot of d e e d proge n y in this world. She writes our stunts, she plans our parties, she writes poetry and stories, and she ' s always ready t o help her friends. Sometimes we s u spect there are more than twenty-four hours i n her day, she gets so much done.


" Vivacity is


virtme in wo man ."

Sherman High School. Class Treasurer l ; Y. W. C. A. 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Cabinet Member 1 ; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Operetta 2, 4 ; Aroostook Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Secretary-Treasurer 2 ; Ivy Day Pageant 1, 2 ; Junior Class Play 3 ; Honorable Mention at Gym Meet 1 , 2 ; Class Volleyball 1 ; Dance Committee 2 ; House Chairman of Mower House 2. Pearle wasn't our Pearle until 1 9 2 8 were the ones t o lose- 1 9 2 9 has proved her skill at everything, H ouse to acting. Her size is the her.


she stayed out a year. the ones t o gain. She from Managing Mower only small thing about




" To knCYW her is to u nderstand her."

Lawrence High School, Lawrence, Mass ; School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass. Member of the Masque ; Glee Club 2, 4 ; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Cabinet 2, 3 ; Hockey Manager 1 ; Class Hockey Team 1, 2 ; Olass Volleyball Team 1, 2, 3 ; Class Soccer Team 2 ; Class Basketball Team 1 Colbiana Board 2, 3 ; Art Edi­ tor C1Jlbiana 2, 3 ; Art Staff White Mu.le 2, 3 ; Sophomore Dance Committee ; General Chairman, Junior Dance ; Senior Dance Com­ mittee ; Stage Manager, Junior Class Play ; Costume Manager, Op­ eretta ; Wearer of "C. H. L." and Class Numerals ; Health League 1, 2. 3, 4. :

D oris has a p ersonality of her own. She i s gifted , a n d above all, possesses a generous, carefree n a t u r e . S he h a s given u s speci m e n s of her work i n drawing. W h e n i nter­ e st e d , D oris i s ready t o give her u n divi d e d attention. D oris h a s p otentialities, and w e hope t o hear of their development.

N E TA I R E N E H A R M O N , <P�I " Harmie"

" When y o u need to tell y<YUr troubles A nd the s h,11 a bove -seems g ray, Jus t g o a.' fl,d call o n Neta She'll drive yo'ltr blues away."

Fort Fairfield High School. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Wearer of "C. H. L." ; Aroostook Club. N eta is a true c o n fidante, in fact, w e often suspect from h er helpful a dvice she h a s taken a c ourse in psycho­ analysis. F rom F rPshman tc Senior, from Foss H a l l to­ er-well , w a y up on the campus, poor unfortunates come t o her with their troubles, a n d she always has a remedy. With such a p ersonality, w e prophesy a " Harmonious" future f or her.

E TH E L R E B E C C A H ENiD E RJSOIN, xn " Henderson"

"One that loved not wiselty, but too well."

Houlton High School. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Class Hockey 1, 2, 4 ; Volleyball 1, 2 ; Soccer 2 ; Honorable Mention in Gym Meet 1, 2 ; Wearer of "C. H. L." ; Mandolin Club 1 ; Delta Sigma Chi ; Glee Club 4 Aroostook Olub ; Kappa Alpha.. If y o u hear a h earty laugh a n d a call : " Martha-Jean - B u n n y ! " it's " He n d e rson . " The j ok e may range from an obvious case of mumps to the latest borrowed c a r. B u t besides her r e a d y sense of humor, even if the j ok e i s on h e r , Ethel h a s t h e capacity of being a t r u e fri e n d . S h e h a s a n i n c o m parable a m o u n t o f that d e sirable asset, T o refer t o the c olloquially called " stick-to-itiveness." q u o tation b y which she h a s been d escri b e d , w e simp l y s t a t e that Ethel has merely exercised the c h i e f o f w o m a n ' s prerogatives,-tha t of changing her m i n d . Seventy-nine




"Sh e doeth little kindnesses Which most u nd01u or despise."

Cony High School, Augusta, Maine. Colby Day Speaker l ; Class President 2 ; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2. 3. 4 ; Cabinet 1, 3 ; President 4 ; De.legate to National Student Conference, Milwaukee 2 ; Secretary Student Government 3 ; Glee Club l, 4 ; Mandolin Club l ; Wearer of "C. H. L." ; lnternaitonal Club 3, 4. " Where's Carolyn ? " This is t h e incessant c r y in Foss Hall. Someone needs a haircut or a wave ; another comes to have her tem perature taken or to receive an osteo­ pathic treatm ent. Late at night, there is a hash party, and Carolyn helps solve our problems of love, politics, or religion . Tucked in between-somewhere-come l e ssons, done with the same enthusiasm as all her other activities. Next year, Carolyn's business will be nursing, a n d we all j oin in wishing her the best of luck.


E GE RTRUDE H E R S E Y , ďż˝.1.1

Deering High School, Portland. Honor Roll l , 2, 3 ; Hamlin Prize Speaking l ; Wearer of . H. L."; Mention in Gym Meet 1, 2 ; Junior Play 3 ; Junior Dance Committee ; Dramatic Clu.b 4 ; Colby Day Play 4 ; Delta Sigma Chi 4, Vice-President 4. Irene kn ows h ow to make m ore kinds of sandwiches than the Q u een of the San dwich Isles ; and she knows what to do when the percolator w o n ' t percolate. It doesn ' t make any difference what course a friend needs help i n , Irene can give that help. She can even furnish the big words for a cross-word puzzle. In fact, w e've come t o the con clusion that her motto is, " Service with a Smile . "

Clinton High School ; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Social Committee 2 ; Volleyball l ; Manager l ; Honorable Mention at Gym Meet 1 ; Banjo-Mandolin Club l ; Orchestra l, 2, 3, 4 ; Panhellenic Council 3, 4 ; Junior Class Play ; Senior Dance Committee ; Kappa Alpha. M A R T H A A LM E DA H OLT, xn


would be tnie, for there are those who love me."

When one thinks of Martha, there comes a d e luge of trite j okes, embodying the popular god of Love. We'll leave Kewp out of this ; he's had his share of razzing. Seriously, let's mention her smile, her i deals, her l oyalty. Martha's home will be beautiful , for her personality has powers to charm, and week-ends spent in Clinton have proved that she is a delightful hostess. If life is good to the friendly and the kind, then, M artha, untold happiness will be yours.


A L I C E B R A D FO R D J E W EI TT , A 2: u "Jewy"

Coburn Classical lnstitute. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Hockey 4 ; Vol2 3; W 1���� :Da n ce C��� i��e:·?·d!·55L ·� �!�:'a��-more Dance Committee ;

O n e n e ve r dares say where "Jewy" m a y b e f o u n d . T h e safes � gue?s w o u l d b e �t the H a i n e s or the O pera H o u s e . She s i t s s t i l l when she i s t h e r e , but o n t h e c a m p u s a n d i n Foss H all s h e d isappears as m ysteriously as a phantom . She kn ows h o w to have a good time, a n d when she m u 5 t b e , she can b e s e r i o u s . Although g a y a n d carefree, she i s not irresponsible. " J ewy" n ever lets her friends get bored, because she has i n abundance that a dmirabl e qual­ ity-variety.

H A RR I E T W H I TE H E A D K I M B A LL, xn " Hat"

"O spirit of the everbasting booJ, alert, elate, And ccmfident t hat Life is g ood."

Oak Grove Seminary. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet 1, 2, 3. 4 ; Class Hockey 1, 2, 3 ; Varsity Hockey 1 ; Class Socce» 2 ; Volleyball 1, 2 ; Health Leader 2, 4 ; Wearer of "C. H. L." and Class Numerals ; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Dramatic Club 3, 4 ; J unior Play ; Junior Cla�s Day Speaker ; Coburn Speaking Contest, Third Prize 3 ; Hamlin Con­ test Second Prize 1 ; Delta Sigma Chi ; Chi Gamma Theta ; Honor Roll 1, 2 ; Maqua Delegate 2 ; Colbiana Board 3 ; Editor-in-Chief 4.

A ctor, orator , m u sician, athlete, all of these i s H r.r­ riet, and more, she i s a student. B ut don't be d e ceived ; she is not wholly occupied with the prob1ems of the world ; sh e is b u oyant, spontan e o u s, a veritable R ob i n H o o d . ·we m ust a d m i t that " Hat" is absent-mind e d , b u t what does that m atter : h e r good-l u ck fairy is always near t o bring W o u l d that we a l l knew the secret of her o u t o n t o p . being "free as the wind."

H E LE N S T E WA R T L E I G H T O N , �K "I love her for her s mile--her Look--her way of

speaking gently."

Deering High S"hool. Y . W. C. A. 1, 2 3. 4 ; Honor Roll 2, 3 ; Wearer nf "C. H. L." ; Class Volleyball 2,. 3 ; Junior Dance Com­ mittee ; Secretary-Treasurer Class 4 ; Delta Sigma Chi. Two distinct and u nforgiveable faults keep H e len from One c o n sists of a distinct ten­ being p erfection itself. dency t o arise w i th the dawn, particu larly on cold, wintry m or n ings, while the other i s a n i n sistence on regular W e also n ote that o u r gentle class­ church atte n d an c e ! m ate has b e c o m e a m i l i tarist, and thinks that our coast ­ lines sh o u l d b e a d e q u ately protected w i t h battleships a n d everything ! B u t in s p i t e of the above-m e n ti o n e d faults, or perhaps of them, w e l ov e her j u st the same. Eighty-01ie



.. I

E L S I E H A T HiA WAY L E W I S , A .:l IT

"Me that had loved he r so, followed her, honored her."

Lynn Clas�ical High School. Honor Roll l ; Y. W. C. A. l, 2, 3, ; Secretary 3 ; Chi Gamma Theta ; Delegate to Student Govern­ ment onference at New Hampshire University 2 ; at Connecticut Agricultural College 3 ; Class Representative to Student League 2, 3 ; President of StuJent League 4 ; ORACLE Board 3 ; German Prize l ; Colb ia 1ui Board 2, 3 ; Delta Sigma Chi. 4

Who will do thi ; who will d o tha t ? Who always th i n ks of the funniest things to say ? Who wakes peoplP up r n Who gently mornings ? Who can't pron ounce "faith " ? will do j u st anything for anyb o d y ? None other than El i e . The burden of o many outside activities a n d of nu merous responsibilities have failed to daunt her d eter­ mination and co urage. Ever understanding, ever k i n d , a t r u e frien d , one c a n always look to her and say : "There's a girl who plays the game . "

F LO R E N C E E LI Z A B E T H L I B B E Y , A � II " Betty'' " L ib"

" 'Tis B aufry that doth oft make woman proud, 'Tis Virtue that doth make the m most admired, 'Tis Modesty that doth make them seem, divine."

Waterville High School. Y . W. C. A. 1, 2, 3. 4 ; Hamlin Prize Speaking 1 ; Glee Club 1 ; Class Volleyball 1, 2 ; Honorable Mention at Gym Meet 1, 2 ; Wearer of •·c. H. L." ; Chi Gamma Theta. " B etty" is one of those dainty, lovable, efficient, pseudo-shy, petite girls-demure, yet fairly radiating Yet with energy. " B etty" certainly appreciates youth. she appears, as she walks across the campus, in deep thought. Oh-perhaps we can account for that : " Betty" i s a great student. Q uiet, you say, perhaps to a few, but at h ome " Betty" becomes a living embodiment of pep. She's a truP compan ion, a good sport and a charming hostess. Our best wishes go with you , " B etty," in what­ ever you d o-:

E L E A. Ni O R M A R I E L U N N , J.:l� " Lunn"

"fresh and gay, Living and loving and loved todwy."

Waterville High School ; Coburn Classical Institute. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Class Hockey 1, 4 ; Honorable Mention at Gym Meet l , 2; Wearer of "C. H. L." ; Glee Club l , 2, 3. 4; ORACLE Board 3 ; Ivy Day Pageant 1 ; Junior Play 3 ; Chi Gamma Theta ; B. C. E leanor is one of those rare girls who i s e n dowed with Furthermore, she is en­ brains as well as with beauty. thusiastic about every sport, from .bridge to football. Freshmen worship her ; classmates appreciate her ; every­ one l oves her. Not only o n account of her beautiful sing­ ing d o we prophecy that Eleanor will sometime bear the name of a bird. Eighty-two



E L I ZA B E T H M A N N M A R S H A LL, .:.'d� "Liz"

" Betty"

" Love"

Westbrook High School. Y. W. C. A. l, 2. 3, 4 ; Mention in Gym Meet 1 ; Wearer of "C. H. L." ; Hockey Team 2 ; Kappa Alpha ; Chairman Senior Dance Committee. E lizabeth is friendly to all a n d a f o e to n on e . She is always good-natu r e d , a n d accepts life f o r what it has to offer, rarely c omplaining about a n ything. She has be­ c o m e a bit more dignifi e d and sobered this year, b u t the cause i s easily f o u n d when we notice that D ek e pin. D o n 't l e t that disturb y o u , E lizabeth, because we always l ove you.

L I L LI AiN E S T H E R M O R S E A.:HI " B il l ie "

She's She's She's She's


a darling, y e t adorable oapa ble, yet /,,-ind hap'{YIJ , yet sinoere just our "Billie."

Yarmouth High School. Glee Club, 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 Social Chairman 4 ; Chi Gamma Theta : Sophomore Dance Com­ mittee ; Chairman Freshman Reception 4 ; Class Volleyball 1, 2 ; Wearer of "C. H. L. " and "C. W." ; Honorable Mention at Gym Meet 1, 2 ; Chi Gamma Theta Dance Committee. ;

Yes, " B illie" ! As a r o om mate, she is the p eerless p e r­ sonification of c ongeniality ! We have yet to see her rise i n wrath, whether the medium of provocation be the con­ fiscation of members of her picture gallery or a b e d full N o r e freshment c om mittee can of b o oks a n d balloons. f u n ction properly witho u t the finished technique of But i n suite of h er " Bill's" cuisine. " Bi l l " k n ow s h o w ! accomplishm ents, she is always r e a d y to c o o k a delicious breakfast, wave your h a ir b y a n y method at all, or com­ f or t y o u if you are blue. A r e your n o o n d a y strolls past Rec i tation refreshing, " B il l ie " ?

D O R O T H Y L. M O R T O N " Dot"

"Straig h t got by hea rt this book to its pcige, Learned we f aund her."

Melrose High School. Melrose, Mass. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2. 3, 4 ; Maqua 3 ; Wearer of "C. H. L." ; Mention in Gym Meet 1, 2 ; Honor Roll 2, 3 ; President Reading Room Association 4 ; Delta Sigma Chi 4. ·

If Saint Peter i s a linguist, our fears f o r " Dot" are already allaye d . She can apply proficiently in at l east three languages. Her sweet d ispositio n , her u nruffled calm, a n d her scholastic ability have set a n example of perfection f o r her classm at es. But here ' s a dark secret­ she has aspirations, which we dare not mention here. A fter all, w e fi n d her a true friend , the best that b e said o f anyone. Eighty-three


"Still wa ter ·run deep."

Oakland H igh School. Y. W . . A. L . " ; Honor Roll Delta igma C h i

1, 2, 3, 4 ; Wearer of 4; P i Gamma M u.

1, 3;



Ro alie may be qui t, but you alway know when she's around. Her merry chuckle a n d her twi nkling eyes are foretell rs of some impudent thought about to be ex­ pres ed. There must b some rea on why b e wants to learn to kii and why she d i d n ' t mind being " d rabbled" in th rain at Bates last fall. H e r keen en e of humor i sure to carry her succes fully over the bumps of life.


" Thou loiter not, n o r ha lt i n t hy appointed way . "

W s t Boylston H igh School. Y . W. C. A. 1 4 ; Daui:: h ters o f oiby ; Hockey M a n ager 4 ; Class Hockey Team 2 . ; Var ity Class 4 : Class Volleyball Team l ; Var·ity 1 ; Gia s Soccer H ea l t h League Leader Wearer of " C . H . L." a n d Numerals ; I vy Day Play Ma quc 4 ; h a i r m a n Fos · H a l l 4 ; International Relation· Club K a p pa A lpha.

,2. 3,


3; 3, 4 ;


3, 4

1. 3 ;


" Where is ' Peg' ? I need her." Someone always needs Lora. Already he ha built up an enviable practice in her chosen profe ion, nur ing, beside being a n amateur electrician and carpenter of skill. B u t whether her tool be bandage or pliers, hammer or hockey stick, microscope or test tube, she handles it with a master touch.


O R'DON, <J? ) l


Hallowell H igh School. Y . W . C. A. 1 , L." ; W . C . A . Social Com m i ttee man of Y . W . C . A . Japanese Bazaar


2. 3, 4 ; Wearer of "C. H. 3 ; Della Sigma C b .i ; Chair­ 4.

"When you're feeling troubled, A n d the day seems hard and long, Ju t hunt up little Ruthie, And she'll cheer you with a song. Or if you've got an errand That simply must be done, Who'll b e sure to d o it ? Why, Ruthie is the one. She has a sense of humor, She's sympathetic, too. If we've ever sought a friend, We've found one, Ruth, i n y o u . " Eighty-fou r

B E A TR I C E M A R Y P A L M E- R , <l>)l " Bea"

"A s ni ile will go a long, long way."

Maine Central In titute. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Wearer of "C. H. L. .. ; Sophomot'e Dance Committee ; Vice-President of Cla s 2 ; Colby Day Speaker 2 ; Chairman of Finance Campaign of Y. W. C. A. 3 ; Sophomore Declamation 2 ; Volleyball 1. " B ea's" smile i s c on tagious, her enthusiasm refreshing and her cheer never fails t o comfort. B ut you d o n ' t know " B e a " unless y o u can p i cture her rushing into t h e r o o m , all s m i l e s , w i t h a n , " O h , girls, h a v e y o u h e a r d the latest ? " " B ea " l oves o utdoor life, a n d walking is her specialty. Of c ourse, there have been days when she a n d B i l l have resorted t o F o ss H a l l ' s m ost sought-for corner. In appreciation o f the use of this corner, "Bea" has decided t o reupholster the d ivan for the benefit of future Foss Hallites.


"She's a darling."

Fort Fairfield High School. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Treasurer 4 ; Cabinet 4 ; Aroostook Club ; Hamlin Prize Speaking 1 ; Glee Culb 2, 3. 4 ; Class Hockey 1 : Soccer 2 : Tenni Manager 3 : Vice-President of Aroostook Club : Wearer of "C. H. L." and Cla N umerals ; Class Health Leader 3 ; President Health League 4 ; Sophomore Dance Committee : Junior Dance Committee : Panhellenic Council 3, 4 ; Class Secretary-Treasurer 3 ; Class President 4 ; J unior Class Play ; Maqua 3 : Colby Day Speaker 4 ; Kappa Alpha ; Delta Sigma Chi. On In In In In

Animated Lovable ( an d love d ) I n teresting Charming Efficient


Campus Character Class Company Colby


" Dorkie"

" one /v"?iew he1· bitt to love lier, Nor ncumed her lntt to praise.'·'

York High School, York ViJlage, Maine. Y. M. C. A. I, 2, 3, 4 ; Wearer of "C. H. L." : Honorable Mention at Gym Meet 2 : Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Kappa Alpha. When one has said the above quotation i n speaking of D orcas, they have said the absolute truth. G en erous, loving, dependable, c o n sc ientious, sympathetic, and j olly - a more than enjoyable companion. A l ways ready for whatever might c o m e u p ; a go o d sport. 1 o o n e c o u l d ask for a better friend. M a y the Gods reward you, Dorcas, as you d e serve to b e rewarde d .

Eight y-five

R U T H V I V I A N PLA I S T E D , <l>:\I "Skeedunck"

"ls she not passing fair?"

Kingfield High School. Y. W . C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Junior Class Play 3 : Delta Sigma Chi 4 ; B. C. " Skeedunck" is one of the " su itest" of her suite. When " Winter" comes from the " N ortheast"-but, Ah ! That is a suite secret. Anyway, what party is complete with­ out two twinkling brown eyes, brown c urly hair, an en­ dearing personality, and wise sallies that put one imme­ diately on one's guard. Two m inutes after " Skeedunck" enters the room, peace and quiet are n o more-but who cares ? In spite of Foss Hall parties, " Skeedunck" finds time to d o her stud ying, and to do it well. Oh, yes ! She has her serious moments, e pecially if " Winter" comes.


"In m.ry hea rt there was a kind of fighting, That would not let m.e sleep. " M ost people feel they hardly know Fannie, this unob­ trusive little individual, who keeps so much to herself and who reads so widely. She is an authority on Scho­ penhauer in particular. B u t we who have known her m ost intimately can vouch for her kind heart, and we marvel at her ability as a conversationalist and an elo­ c utionist. W e know you will get on in the world, Fannie, for it takes only a little dynamite t-0 make a loud report.

S O P H I E R E Y NO L D S, � K "So"

" To gild refined gold, to the liby, and to throw a perfrume an the violet . . is wastefu,l and ridiculoos excess."

South Portland High School ; Earlham College. Health League 4 ; Y. W. C. A. 4 ; Senior Member Social Committee.

It's hard to talk about " So" witho u t exaggerating. She is q uiet, reserved, and studiou s ; nobody kn ows what she thinks, but the few who know her best treasure her friendship. She is a true friend, generous, l oyal, and staunch. It is seldom that anyone can, in one year, so endear herself to all with whom she comes in contact.


F L O R,A M A B E L R I D EO U T, � K "Flip"

" With siwh a c011i rade,-such a friend, I .fain would wa lk 'til joiirney's end."

Taunton High School, Taunton, Mass. Y . W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Class Treasurer 1 ; Delegate to Maqua 2 ; Wearer of "C. H. L . " ; Sophomore Dance Committee 2 ; Junior Dance Committee 3 ; Ivy Day Committee 3 ; ORACLE Board 3 ; Delta Sigma Ch.i. Flora is possessed with t hat enviable quality ; win­ someness. One could say much about her diversified interests a n d talents, for she herself is t o o inordin ately m o d est to even m ention that she wields a pencil, t o say n othing of her d e xt e rity with the same, and the resultant C o l o ni a l pictures which so delight her friends. Many hours i n c ol lege have been made happier by her wit, her charm, a n d her companionship. We trust that her ship will sail n o n e but the bluest, sunni e st a n d calmest of seas.


" We a lways fi n d h e r t h e same, S weet in all her ways . "

Coburn Classical Institute. Y . W. C. A. 1, 2, 3. 4 ; Archery ; Soc­ cer ; Honorable Mention in Gym Meet. Kindliness, helpfuln ess, l oyalty, are a few of A d el e e n ' s attributes. It makes n o d ifference when o n e d i sturbs her, she i s always ready to l iste n . She's ready for work or ready for play, sometimes studious and sometimes gay. When good o l d fate give s out futures, we hope that one of the very best is given to A d e l e e n . " O f softest m an n ers, u naffected mind, L over of peace and friend of h u m a n kind."

MILDRED A N N E R O B E RT S , � K " M iin"

" Th e glass of fashion and the mold of form . "

Caribou High School ; Simmons College, Boston, Mass. Health League 3, 4 ; Y. W. C. A. 3, 4 ; Ivy Day Committee 3 ; Junior Dance Co:nmittee 3 ; B. C. " M i m " came to u s from Simmons and has been with u s f o r t w o short years, y e t i n that short time she h a s e n ­ d e ar e d h e r s e l f to her frien ds b e c a u s e of her s w e e t charm. B lo n d e ( with n ever a hair o u t of place ) , pansy eyes, dainty ways, the gift of "chic," the ability to make and k e e p friends, because o f her l oyalty and steadfastness­ take all these, a n d add the spice of a Peter Pan person­ ality, a n d you have " M i m " a s her frien d s k n o w h e r !


M U RI E L S A N BO R N , :rn:


" The lw iLghter of girls is a nd ever was amwn.g the delightful so11nds of ea rth."

Wilton Academy, Wilton, Maine. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 : Glee Club Pianist 3 ; Mandolin Club l, 2 ; Health League 1, 2, 3. 4 ; Health Lea�ue Representative 1 ; Wearer of "C. H. L." and Numerals ; Honorable Mention in Gym Meet 1, 2 ; Junior Dance Committee 3 : Daughters of Colby ; Masque 3, 4 ; Kappa Alpha ; Delta Sigma Chi 4 ; Colby Day Play. Everyone knows Muriel, or rather Muriel's audible smile ( not exactly rau cous, but- ) . And besides being j oyous herself, her j oy is infectious. She bubbles delight and enthusiasm. She has music in her fl ying fin gers-in her dancing feet, and on her lips. Between chortles, she can give you information ( authentic, of course ) , on any subj ect whatever. Athletic, scholarly, aesthetic, and oh, so clever ! Besides, she is our Muriel, and we l ove her.



" H e who la.ughs last, lai1ghs harde,.st."

Madison High School ; University of California, Los Angeles, 1925192 . Right from the sunny climate of California comes Nellie, radiating the sunshine she "took in" there. H ow­ ever, she d oe sn ' t brag about the climate. A year i sn ' t such a l ong t i m e in which to g e t acquainted w i t h anyon e , b u t to sunny people a year is long enough to make a great Nelli e , you 've certainly found your way many friends. into Colby, and into the hearts of frien ds ; n ow, I ask you, isn't Maine better than Californ ia ?


Lawrence High School, Lawrence, Mass. Y. W. C. A. l, 2, 3, 4 ; Undergraduate Representative on Y. W. C. A. Cabinet ; Glee Club 1, 3, 4 ; Operetta of Glee Club 3, 4 ; Member of "The Masque" ; Junior Class Play 3 ; Commencement Play 3 ; Honor Roll 1 ; Vice­ President of Health 3 ; Hoekey 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Captain-Manager Hockey 2 ; Varsity Hockey 2 ; Volleyball l, 2 ; Soccer 1, 2 ; Wearer of "C. H. L. and Class Numerals ; Member of Chi Gamma Theta ; Win­ ner of" Third Prize in Coburn Prize Speaking Contest 3 ; Colby Day Play 4. B ehold one who has a combination of admirable quali­ ' ties. Grace has excelled i n many fields i n college, as is evidenced by her various activities. She is one of those persons who have the ability to get things done-done Tradition has it that those who love quickly and well. cats will be old maids. Although numerous cats decorate her room, everyone knows that Grace i s an exception to the rule. If you want proof, j ust take a look at her left hand. Lucky, indeed, is he, Grace, even if you will per­ sist i n having a cat in every room of his house. Eighty-eight

G R A C E MA U D E S Y LV E S T E R, � K " Gracious"

"To friends a frien d ; how kind to a ll."

Dean Academy, Franklin, Mass., 1923 ; Post Graduate 1924. Class Nominating Committee 1 ; Volleyball team 2, 3 : Baseball Team ; Ivy Day Play 3 ; Dramatic Club 3, 4 ; Colby Da;y Play 2 ; Property Manager 3 ; Glee Club 4 ; Stage Manager 4 ; House Chairman Mary Lowe Hall 192 : Delta Sigma Chi 3, 4 ; Wearer of "C. H. L." In s pite of a handicap, i l l-health, Grace has completed h e r work at C ol b y i n a very acceptable manner, d oing with capability whatever task has been hers. A l l friend s a r e glad f o r Grace i n h e r successful c om pletion of her c ol lege work a n d a u spici o u s beginning as a teacher.


E T H O M A S , A�.l "Mim"

" O h , the world ·is wide and t h e world i s grand, A nd there's little o r nothing new, But its sweetest thifng is the g rip of the han d O f t he f1-ie1ul tha t's tried a n d t n t e . "

Camden High School ; Ea tern State Normal School. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2. 3, 4 ; Kappa Alpha ; House Chairman Foster House 4 ; Dra­ matic Club 3, 4 : Ivy Day Play � : Colby Day Play 4 : Coburn Prize Speaking ; Hockey 1. 3, 4 ; Soccer I. 3 : Varsity Soccer 3 ; Volley­ ball 1, 3. 4 ; Manager Volley ball 4 : Wearer of "C. H. L. " and Class Numerals ; Panhellenic Council 3. 4. Such a friend i n d e e d may b e f o u n d in M iriam. She came to us i n 1 9 2 6 , and since that time has always been ever present with her calm, good sense, a n d her spirit of friendship. M iria m , follow your present tendencies, a n d y o u r life w i l l b e rich a n d f u l l , w i t h t h e greatest prosper­ ity of all, a wealth of friends.

M A R Y E LI ZA B E T H V O S E , Mb. "Vose"

"Sleep, s weet s leep tha t k"'nits the ravelled sleeve of care."

Caribou High School. Freshman Scholarship Prize ; Honor Roll 1 ; Class Secretary 1 ; Undergraduate Banquet Committee 1 ; Soccer Team 1 ; Aroo took Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Secretary-Treasurer 2 ; Colby Day Committee 2, 3 ; Program Chairman 3 ; Chairman of Ivy Day 3 : J unior Play ; Colby Day Play 4 ; President of The Masque 4 ; Secretary-Treasurer of the Health League 4 ; Wearer of the "C. H. L." ; Kappa Alpha : B. C.

Here w e have one of t h o s e few g i r l s who g e t s h e r work d on e , a n d done well, with j ust q u a ntities of time l eft over for the social side of life. Oh, yes-she often entertains M orpheus-so, altogether, her days sl ide along very har­ m oniously. Mary's broad gri n , her h earty laugh, a n d h e r n ever-failing optimism h a v e often b e e n a dispeller o f the " b l u e s " a n d h a v e w o n her hosts of fri e n d s . Appre­ ciative, gen u i n e , enj oyable, l ovable , interesting-that's V ose. Eighty-ni11e


O R AC L.- E




"The good breeze blew in a frie nd--a bo<Yn at any hour."

Ricker Classical Institute. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Class Hockey 1, 2, 3. 4 ; Volleyball 1. 2, 3, 4 ; Honorable Mention in Gym Meet 1. 2, 3 ; Wearer of "C. H. L." ; Soccer 1 . 2 ; Class Secretary-Treas­ urer 2 : Sophomore Dance Committee ; Junior Class Play ; Aroos­ took Club ; Chi Gamma Theta.

Jean's magnetism lies in her indivi d u al personality, her willingn ess to d o , and her friendli ness to all. Jean couldn't possibly be idle anywhere, and she s someone's idol everywhere. If you have known the best and the zest of college life, you must have known Jean. ·

P A U L I N E E LIZA B E T H W A U G H " Polly"

" Her mir t h was the pure spirits of various wit Yet never did her God or friend forget . "

Sangerville High School. Y . W. C. A. 1, 2, 3: Social Committee 2 : Health League 1, 2, 3 ,4 ; Class Health Leader 2 ; Class Tennis Champion 2 ; Cla s Hockey Team I, 2, 3, 4 ; Varsity 2 ; Hockey Manager 2 ; Class Volleyball Team l, 2, 3. 4 ; Varsity I , 2. 3 ; Volleyball Manager I , 3 ; Class Baseball Team I. 2 : Baseball Man­ ager I ; Varsity 1 : Cla s Basketball Team 2 ; Wearer of "C. H. L.", Numerals and ''C. W." ; Coburn Prize Speaking, Fourth Prize 2 ; Glee Club 1, 2 ; Delta Si!l'ma Chi 3, 4 ; Kappa Alpha ; President 4 ; Athletic Editor Colbiana 4 ; Honor Roll 2, 3. All the good fairies were present at " Polly's" entranc e i n t o t h i s mundane sphere. O n e gave h e r a r e a d y intelli­ gence ; one, the gift of tongues and musi c ; another, the ability to make friends ; and the queen of fairies herself gave her a gladn ess and l ove of life that never can grow old. Then, after all this, a little imp came and gave her large feet, that she might not stumble under the burden of gifts.

F R A N C E S W E I S S , A�� " Fanny"


"To know her is to love her."

Portland High School. Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3. 4 ; Health League ; Wearer of "C. H. L." ; Class Numerals : Honor Roll 3 ; Delta Sigma Chi ; Pi Gamma Mu. Frances has m ore friends than alm ost any girl at col­ lege. She deserves them. We all admire you, Frances, and wish you health, wealth, and happiness.



B A R B A R A A N N E TT E W E S 'D O N , 1: K " Babs"

" Barb"

" Ba rbie"

"To see her is t o love h�r."

Madison High School. Class President 1 ; Valleyball l , 2, 3, 4 ; C:a ptain Volleyball 1 ; Hockey 1 Hockey Manager 1 ; Var­ sity Hockey l!, 4 ; Glee Club 1, ,2,2,3,3,4 ;4 ;Sophomore Dance Commita e a i n ��a��;t 3� ri�no��bl� �:ti�� g;i;: �;�cf�r2 /·w�ar!; �?c'�C� H. L:" and Class Numerals ; Vice-President League 3 ; Tennis 1, 2 ; Secretary to Panhellenic Council to3 Student President to Pan­ hellenic Council 4 ; Ivy Day Play 3 : Chi Gamn'.ia Theta to Student Conference at New Hampshire 3 ; Y . W. C. A.; Delegate 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Speaker Undergraduate Banquet 1 ; Honor Roll 1. ·

" W h o is t h e girl with t h e sweet smile ? " W h y , that r n B arbara ! S h e j ust radiates happiness, f r o m t h e t o p o f h e r shining hair to h e r very toes. Sh ! We wonder if the daily l etters have anything to d o with it? " B arb" is versatile, to say the least-singing, dancing, and ath­ l etics-m y, h o w she d oes sock those hockey balls ! A lways a true frien d-that's why w e love you. A n d so we make this wish for you­ May all your secret dreams c o m e tru e .

I RE N E C O L E W O O D FO R D , AMI "Renie"

"Few h ea rts W..:e h e rs with vfrtue warmed, Few heads with knowledge so irnforrned."

r l ; a r o g "; �:;: ���k� �e;� ��· 2 � · I� · g�: ·c�;,,� it=: �� J�n;��· ��n�� Committee ; Delta Sigma Chi. Irene i s a fri e n d to everyon e-always l oving, sympa­ thetic, k i n d and generous. She is a real stu d ent, efficient, clever, e ntertaining, and witty. W h ether it is serving the general public or working with h e r classmates, Irene i s always ready, an d cheerfully "the d e e d i s done." But "Renie" is n o grind-far from it-she has plenty of pep and backbo n e . Just get her starte d , a n d see. Talk about sun n y dispositions, d i d y o u ever see her sad or sulky ? I sho u l d say not ; it j u st isn't her !


"Chee rfu l


shortens miles."

Waterville High School ; Coburn Classical Institute. Y . W. C. A. l, 2, 3, 4 ; Achery ; Soccer ; Honorable Mention in Gym Meet. D orothy, a very dainty, sweet M iss, with an attractive I n her, we find a real personality and charming ways. frien d , o n e who is ever re a d y to help, always with the same happy smile. She i s always good natured and de­ p e n d able-what more c o u l d you d esire ? Whoever is favored by h e r c o m p a n y is fortunate, i n d e e d . W e wish you happiness along life's way, and the best o f success i n a n ything y o u m a y u n d ertake.





"If s h e delig h t s t h ee not, tlvy heart

G, .rn:.

nii1st err. "

Brockton ( Ma ) High School. Hamlin Prize Speaking 1 ; Y. W. . A. Cabinet 1, 2, 3 ; President Y. W. C. A. S ; Student Volun­ teer ; Secretary Maine Union ; Class President 3 ; Sophomore Dance Committee 2 ; J unior Dance Committee 3 ; Senior Dance Committee 4 ; Wearer of ··c. H. L." ; J unior Class Day Speaker 3 ; Ivy Day Speaker 3 ; Vice-President lnternational Relations Club. The rare combination of efficiency, tactfulness, and a charming sen e of humor is found in Florence's small and dainty person . Needless to say, the result i s delightful. Her activiti es during her four years at C olby are evidence of the trust her friends put in her. "We all reckon" that her sincerity and d e termination will carry her through, even in the darkest part of Africa.






Vice-President Sec1¡e t a ry-Treasm er


Junior Class History By a process of evolution, lightning-like and brilliant, these girls have developed from becomingly shy, naive Freshmen i nto Juniors of surpassing poise and confidence. They have acquired qualities of m ind and body, attributes of charm and excellence and beauty, which single them out as above the ordinary. They have developed amazing athletic p rowess, have reached a lofty p itch of social grace, have amassed worlds of knowledge and built up brilliant i ntellects,-have garnered a few f.raternity pins. On all sides success has greeted them : with pride they may look back on three years of glorious achievements ; which j u st ice they may hope for better things to come. Colby i ndeed, should be p roud of her daughters, her won­ derful daughters of 1930.


Jun i o rs -- Cl a s s Louise May Armstrnng Pauline B akeman D orothy Carolyn B alentine Eliabeth Richardson Beckett E liabeth Janette B ottomley H elen Woodford Brigham Pauline Kathleen B rill Alberta Louise B rown E dvia Veronica Campbell Helen Alice Chase Virginia Gertrude Christie D orothy Mae D onnelly M uriel Iris Farnum A l ma Winifred Glidden M ary Louise Grearson Verna M u riel Green E velyn L o uise Grindall M argaret Pauline Hale E leanor A u gusta H athaway M i na Allan H iggins C arol Gertrude Hill Helen J oyce H obbs Maxine Hayden H oyt H arriet J ohnston B arbara C rosby Libby Jean Marie MacDonald M arj orie M ary MacLaughlin Barbara E laine Milliken Rena J oy Mills Margaret Gladys M ooers Pauline Morin B eatrice Mullen M ethyl Alone Page R uth A gnes Park L u cy Ella Parker Helen Jane Paul Mairy Christine Petke Mildred M argaret Pond Isa B ubar Putnam E velyn F rances Rollins Mary E velyn Rollins E thel Ruth Rose M iriam E dith S anders Ida Pauline Smith Thelma M artha Snow Barbara Arline Taylor Frances E lizabeth Thayer S usie Louise Thomas Mary K i lb urn W asgatt Lucille Norine Whitcomb A rlene B urrill Williams E dith Mills Woodward R uth F1r ances Young


f 1930 Waterville Peabody, Mass. Shawmut Ca1ais Pittsfield C oncord, Mass. East Waterboro Waterville Caribou H oulton Fort Fairfield Waterville Wilton Waterville Calais Dover-Foxcroft Waterville Caribou Columbia Falls D ennysville F.ort Fairfield H ope Phillips Fort Fairfield Albion Waterville H armony Corinna Caribou Caribou Ashland Corinna Waterville Fairfield W interport Fort Fairfield Terryville, Conn. H ou lton Danforth Waterville Fairfield Watervilkďż˝ Presque Isle W aterville Atkinson H ar mony Waterville W aterville R ockland Farmington Waterville B oothbay Harbor Camden Ninety-five



c r ....,. E



P r e ide n t




Secret a ry-Treas u rer


So phomore Class History Colby to thee we give our loyal praise, Ever we'll love thee for our college days Time will not alter loyalty so strong, You will be with us through our whole l ife long. O ur class we know will prove its worth at last Long after college days are in the past. Here we are at the end of our second year at Colby.

1 93 1 has been very busy

this year amassing facts, adding to our string of happy memories and building a foun­ dation steeped in Colby traditions.

A l l these will prove the sincerity of the spirit in

which we sing our class song and will hel p us fulfill its promise. When we began our work here a year ago, we knew that we were about to face tasks which would try our powers to the utmost and we were a little worried about the prospect, espec ially during our M id-Year E xaminations, but we survived and knew that ever afterward we would be able to pass the test whenever and wherever it would come : we have proved ourselves and we are j u stly proud. I n athletics, we have given the members of the other classes real opposition and have engaged the Juniors in a stiff fight for the " C u p . " O u r c l a s s has leaders in every activity and though we may n o t excel in P h i Betes, you may be sure that we will continue to lead, for everyone of our members i s of the steady, worth-while type that E lbert Hubbard says "the world i s looking for."




So p homore Class Roll Dorothy E sther Adams Mary E unice Allen Thelma B am ford Ada Elizabeth B ates Alona Stephanie Bean Winona May Benie R uby C rosby B ickmore D orothy Webster B lanchard Amelia Marcia B liss Velma Annie B rown M ary C adwallader Katherine S arah Calder Thelma Blanche Chase Isabel H azel Clark Florence Josephine Conn2rs Marion Davis C ooke Ada Minnie Cram E unice Mary D awson Marj ory Hopkins Dearborn Jennie D u n n Velma Lucille Fairbrother Geraldine F rances Foster Maxine Susan Foster B etty Gunter Fowlie E unice Marjorie Foye Pauline Strong Gay A gnes Melvina Ginn B arbara H ope Gurney J. E velyn H aycock B arbara H eath E leanor H i lton Ina Fletcher H ussey Inza Pearle King B eatrice Albra Ladd Alice B eatrice LePoer Frances E liza Libby

Waterbury, Conn. H oulton H oulton Abbott Somerville, M ass. P resq u e Isle Albion Waterville Island Falls Unity Waterville O akland Milo Cape N eddick Bar H arbor York Village West B aldwin Mexico B ath P resque I sle Fairfield Strong M onticello Waterville D orchester, M ass. H opkinton, M ass. B ucksport P .artland Waterville H opkinton, Mass. Waterville E ast Vassalboro Benton Station D over-Foxcroft West B oylston, Mass. Richmon d Ninety-seven


Alice Farrar Linsoott Janet Dorothea Locke Anna Wheeler Macruniber Ethel Cameron MacDougall Muriel Josephine MacDougall Mairgaret McGann Marian Monks Evelyn Morri on Louise M ulligan Alice Louise Murray Frances Page MY' rtle E velyn Paine Ruth Pineo Hope R. Pullen Helen Gordon Ramsey Barbara Aiken Sherman D orothy Frances Shippee Gertrude Lillian Snowden Doris Marie Spencer B eulah E velyn Stiles Gertrude Lucy Sykes Flom Harriet Trussell Florence Read Ventres Elizabeth Russell Walker Althea M ary Wheeler Marion Ruth White Arlene Doris Woodman



O RACI.....1 E

Portland Berlin, N. H. Fall River, Mass. Berlin, N. H . B rnoklyn, N. Y . Waterville Fall River, Mass. Haverhill, Mass. Revere, Mass. Waterville Hancock Atkinson Milo North Amity Hastings-on-H udson Yarmouth, Mass. Meshanticut Park, R. I. Stonington New Haven, Conn. S myrna Mills Wilton Berlin, N. H. Rockport, Mass. Gardiner M illinocket A ugusta A ugusta







Vice-Preside·nt Secreta ry- Treasitrer


Freshman Class History Since September 1 9 , 1 928, that day when we accomplished with some difficulty the task of our first registration, we have been proud to call our­ selves Colby Students. Our experiences have been many and varied, from attending Health League picnics on the Messalonskee to reciting in Public S peaking Class. All of these activities have helped to make us feel better able to oonduct ourselves as "co-eds" ; the haze of our first Freshman days is disappearing and we are coming to occupy an important place in the col­ lege. The dass of '32 is not as l arge as some entering classes h ave been, but in quality it surpasses all others,-"so say we all of us." When the year 1 932 arrives we are confident that we will be proclaimed an o utstand­ ing class of Colby.

Ninety- n ine

Freshman Class Roll Margaret E lla Adams Ruth L. Andrews Marilla Elizabeth Barnes Lucile Frances Blanchard Abbie Maria Boynton Ruth E leanor Brown Doris Margaret Campbell Lucille Mae Cunningham Helen Marcia Daye E lla Comins Gray Margaret A. Grover Martha Leonora Hamilton Phyllis Evelyn Hamlin Winifred Elizabeth Hammett Justina Mae Harding Barbara Hassen Kathlyn Clara Hilton Evelyn Leona Johnson Martha Johnston Marion Arlene Lewis Bernardine Marguerite Libby Verna Louise McGee Dorothy Louise McN ally Mary Theresa McN amara }'1.orence E lvfra Marble Gwendolyn Grace Mardin Marion Lora Merri11 H ildred Pauline Nelson Mary Gertrude Palmer Dorcas Mathews Paul E velyn M iller Platt R uth E vangel Ramsdell Liane Rancourt Helen Carper Ray Marion Louise Richardson Frances Isabelle Rideout Neta Charlotte Riley One hundred

Clinton Wytopitlock Fort Fairfield Waterville Henniker, N . H . Fairfield Bath Patten Waterville E ast Holden H inckley Caribou Milo Danielson, Conn. Washington, D. C. Fairfield Waterville Caribou Kennebunk Waterville Waterville Auburn Clinton Maynard, Mass. Harmony Portland Fort Fairfield Fairfield H inckley M ichigan City, Ind. Lawrence, M ass. Charleston Waterville North Anson Rockland Robinsons Lynn, Mass.


Marguerite de Rochemont Thelma R uth R oderick E leanor H ubbard Rogers Viola R uth Rowe Minnie Viola Rowell Ma�line Pearl Scott Helen A via Simmons Dorothy Mae Smith I rene M ary Tardiff E stelle Perkins Taylor Tina C atherine Thompson Sarah Irene Toabe G ladys Martindale True Marjorie Julia Van Horn E thel Alice Agnes Watt Florence M ildred Wein Jean Sigri Wellington Phyllis Carolyn Weston Dorothy Marie Wildman Barbara Valentine Works

R ockland Waterville H averhill, M ass. Waterville Skowhegan Medford Center O akland B ath Waterville H armony Waterville Lawrence, Mass. Skowhegan E ast B oothbay E aston Waterville M onticello Skowhegan Bethel, Conn. Dixfield

One hundred one

;:.. �...




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Front Row-Cooke, Jorden, Miller, Seekins, Goode, Rogers, Dexter Second Row-McCoy, Willis, Fisher, Buzzell, Karkos, Heddericg, D . Al1 ison, G. All ison Third Row-Davidson, Cole, McCornell, Thibodeau, Cobleigh, E vans, Cooper Fourth Row-Lovett, Donovan, R. Draper, H. Draper, Dyer, Martin




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\Q tv

0 r tn

Delta Kapp a E p silon Founded a t Yale University, 1844 Colors : A zure, Gules and O r

R O L L O F C HAPTE RS Y a l e U niversity B owdoin C ollege C o l b y C ol lege Amherst C o l lege Vanderbilt U niversity U niversity of A labama Un iversity of M i ssissippi B rown University Un iversity of North Carolina U niversity of Virgina Miami Un iversity Kenyon C ollege Dartmouth C o l l ege C e n tral U n iversity of Kentucky M i ddlebury College University of M i chigan Williams C ollege Lafayette C ol l ege H amilton C o l l ege C o lgate Un iversity C o l l ege of the City o f New York U niversity of R ochester R utgers C o l l ege

1844 1844 1 84 6 1846 1847 1 847 1850 1 8 50 1851 1852 1 852 1853 1853 1 854 1855 1855 1 855 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1861

DePauw University W e sleyan Un iversity Rensselaer P olytech n i c A d elbert C ol l ege C ornell U niversity Chicago University Syracuse U niversi ty C olumbia University Un iversity o f California Trinity C ol lege U niversity of M i n nesota M assachusetts I n stitute of Tech. T u l a n e U niversity T oronto U niversity U niversity of Pennsylvania M c Gill U niversity Leland Stanford, Jr., U niversity University of Illinois University of Wisconsin U niversi t y of Washington U niversity of T ex a s U niversity of L o u isiana U niversity of M an itoba

1866 1 867 1867 1867 1870 1870 187 1 1874 1877 1879 1 889 1890 1898 1898 1899 1 900 1901 1904 1906 1910 1912 1 92 2 1926

One hundred five


� .. ii'




Fow th Row-La Fleur, Cloutier, Hodkiewicz, J ohnson , McNaughton, Mc Dougall

Thi?-d Ro w--S leeper, Crabtre:e, Christianse n , Arbor, T u rner, Fullam, Allen

Second Row-G. MacDonald, Jehausshi, Nelson, Hughes, Merrick, McNama ra

First Ro w-W. M iner, Walker, Twadelle, C. Cowing, J . Miner, C . Abbott, T. Cowing


""' \Q tv

Zeta Psi Founded at New York University, 1 847 Colors : VT hite a n d Blue

ROLL OF CHAPTERS New York U n iversity W il liams C ollege R u tgers College University of Penn sylvania C o l b y C ollege B rown University T u fts C o l l ege Lafayette C ollege Un iversity of N orth Carolina U n iversity of Michigan B owdoin C ollege U n iversity of V irgi n i a Cornell U n iversity U n iversity of California Syrac u se University

1 847 1 848 1 848 1850 1850 1852 1855 1857 1 858 1858 1868 1868 1 8 69 1870 1875

University of Toronto Columbia University M c G i l l Un iversity Case School of Applied Science Yale Un iversity Leland Stanford University University of M in n esota Un iversity of Illinois Un iversity of Wisconsin Dartm outh C o llege U niversity of Washington University of M anitoba S o . Branch of U n iv . of California University of B ritish Columbia

1879 1879 1883 1855 1889 1891 1899 1909 1910 1920 1920 1921 1924 1926

One hundred seven


..,;· i!'


� ;:l


Fourth Row-- F oster, McKay, Waite, Roberts, Daniels, Andrews, Thornton, M ansfield

Secorrul Row-Sawyer, Bagnall, Wing, Keay, Tupper, Rood, Kendall, Klusick Third Row-- M arsland, Webster, Grindall, Saad, Taylor, Brown, H. Tufts

First Row-Ellsmore, Bacon, Davis, Clough, Fotter, Smith, Lavigne, Ashmore, W . Tufts



\a tv


� I..




Delta U psilon Founded at Williams College, 1 834 Colors : Old Gold ancl A_zure Blue

ROLL OF C H A PTE RS Williams U n i on Hamilton A m h e rst W estern R e serve W e sl eyan Colby R ochester M i ddlebury B owdoin R u tgers C o lgate New York Miami B rown C ornell M arietta S yracuse M i chiga n N o rthwestern Harvard W i sc o n si n Lafayette Columbia Lehigh T u fts D ePauw

1 834 1838 1 84 7 1847 1847 1 850 1852 1852 1852 1857 1858 1 8 65 1865 1 8 68 1868 1 8 69 1870 1873 1876 1880 1881 1885 1 885 1885 1 88 5 1886 1886

Pennsylvania M i n n e sota T echnology Swarthmore Stanford California M c G ill Nebraska T oronto Chicago Ohio State Illinois Washington Pen nsylvania State I owa State Purdue Indiana Carnegie K ansas O regon V irvinia M issouri I owa Dartm o u th O klahoma Johns Hopkins U n iv. of California, S o . Branch

1 888 1890 1891 1 894 1896 1896 1898 1 8 98 1899 1901 1904 1905 1910 1911 1913 1914 1915 1917 1 920 1921 1922 1924 1925 1926 1926 1 928 1928

One nine




Hansen, F raser, Richardson, Ferguson, H atch, Fiske

P H I D E LTA T H E TA Guiiffra,

Fourth Row-Pinson, F uller, Sternhoff, Lawrence, Acierno

Third Row-Weed, Grant, McCracken, Robinson, Terry, Perkins, Quinton

Second Row-Vigue, Arnold, Pape, Giles, Shaw, Lunt, Stebbins, Delaware

Front Row-Weaver, Therberge,



\a tv




'7 �



Phi Delta Theta Founded a t Miami U n i ersity, 1 848 Colo rs : Pale Blue a nd White



i s

Q v n p o\i t..5

o. " r-Q-

Miami Un iversity Indiana U n iversity C entre College Wabash C ollege University of Wisconsin Northwestern U n iversi t y B utler C ollege W esleyan U n iversity Franklin C ollege Han over C ollege Un iversity of Michigan Un iversity of Chicago DePauw U n iversity Ohio U n iversity University of M issouri K n ox C ollege U n iversity o f G e orgia E m ory C ollege Iowa W esleyan College Mercer C ollege Cornell U niversity Lafayette C ollege U niversity of California U niversity of V i rginia R a n d olph-Macon C ollege U niversity of Nebraska P e n n sylvania C ollege W a shington and J efferson C ollege Akron U n iversity V a n derbilt U niversity L ehigh University U niversity of Alabama Lombard C ollege Alabama Polyte c h n i c I n stitute Allegheny C ollege U n iversity of Vermont D ickinson C ollege Westminster C ollege U niversity of M i n n esota U n iversity of I o wa U niversity of K a nsas Sewanee C ollege O hi o State U niversity

1 848 1 849 1 850 1 850 1857 1857 1859 1 8 60 1 8 60 1861 1 864 1 65 186 1 8 68 1870 1871 1871 1871 1871 1872 1872 1872 1873 1873 1874 1875 1 875 1875 1875 1876 1876 1877 1878 1879 1879 1879 1 880 1880 1881 1882 1882 1883 1883

University o f Texas University of Pennsylvania Union C ollege C olby C ollege C o lumbia U niversity Dartm outh C ollege University of North Carolina Williams C o llege outhwestern University SyT a c u se U niversity Washington and Lee U niversity Amherst C ollege Brown UniveTsity T u lane Un iversity Washington U niversity Leland Stanford U niver ity Purdue U niversity Un iver ity of Illinois Case School of Applied Science University of Cincinnati University of Wa hington Un iversity o f K entucky M c Gill U niversity University of C olorado G e orgia School of T e c h n ology Pennsylvania State C ollege University of T oronto U niversity of South D akota U niversity of I daho Washburn College U niversity o f O regon C olorado C ollege I owa State C ollege University of N o rth Dakota Whitman C ollege D enison C ollege U n i versity of Utah U niversity of O klahoma C o lgate U niversity O regon Agricultural C o llege Un iversity of Pittsburgh State C ollege of W ashington Swarthmore C ollege K an sas State C ollege C olorado State C ollege U niversity of M ontana University of Southern California Southern M ethodist C ollege U niversity o f Arizona U niversity of Florida U niv. of Calif. ( So . Branch ) U niversity of W e st Virginia

1883 1883 1883 1 8 84 1884 1884 1 8 85 1886 1886 1887 1887 1888 1 8 89 1889 1891 1 89 1 1893 1893 189G 1 8 98 1900 1901 1902 1902 1902 1904 1906 1906 1908 1910 1912 1913 1913 1913 1914 1914 1914 1918 1918 1 9 18 1918 1918 1918 1920 1920 1 9 20 1922 1923 1923 1924 1924 1926

O ne hu ndred eleven






Fourth Row--- H uff, E astment, H arding, Lyons, Palmer, Lee, Jackins, R. L. Goddard

Thilrd Row-Austin, W illiamson, Brown, Clements, Rollins, Barnaby, La ngley, Nickerson, Davis

Secowi Row-Richardson, M addocks, Johnson, Sc:itt, Stinchfield, McLeary, Y uknis, Sharron

Front Row-Payson, Woods, Potter, Trim, G. C . Goddard, Carlson, C h apin, Tierney



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Alp ha Tau Omega Founded at V irginia M il itary Institute, 1865 Colors : S k y Elite a n d O ld Gold


V i rginia B eta V irginia D elta North Carolina Xi T e n n essee Pi Tenne:ssee O m ega North Carolina A lpha D elta A labama A lpha E p s i l o n P e n n sylvania T a u G e orgia A l p h a Theta Penn s ylvania Alpha Iota M i c h igan A lpha M u O h i o A lpha N u Pennsylvania Alpha P i N e w Y o rk A lpha O m icron P e n n sylvania Alpha Rho T e nn essee Alpha T a u Pennsylvania A lpha Upsilon Ohio A lpha Psi Florid a Alpha O m ega Iowa B et a B eta A labama B eta D elta L ou i siana B e ta Epsilon Vermont B eta Z eta Ohio B eta Eta New York B eta Theta M ichigan B et a Kappa M i c h igan B eta Lambda G e orgia B eta I ota S o u t h Carolina B eta X i M i c higan B eta O m icron T e n nessee B e t a Pi Maine B eta U psilon O h i o B e t a O m ega M ai n e G a m m a Alpha M assachusetts G a m m a Beta I n diana G a m m a Gamma T e nn essee B eta Tau R h o d e I sland Gama D e l ta I l l i n o i s Gamma Z eta N ebraska Gamma T heta T e xas Gamma Eta California Gamma I o t a

1865 1 8 68 1872 1 872 1877 1878 1879 1881 1881 1881 1881 1882 1882 1 882 1882 1882 1882 1883 1 884 1 885 1885 1887 1887 1887 1 888 1 888 1 888 1 888 1889 1889 1 889 1889 1891 1892 1893 1894 1894 1894 1894 1895 1897 1897

O h i o Gamma Kappa C olorado Gamma Lambda Kansas Gamma Mu M innesota Gamma N u Illinois Gamma Xi Indiana Gamma O m icron Washington Gamma P i M issouri G a m m a R h o M a ssach usetts Gamma Sigma W isconsin Gamma Tau Iowa Gamma Upsilon Kentucky Mu I ota O regon Gamma Phi California B eta Psi Washington Gamma Chi Wyoming Gamma Psi Pennsylvania Gamma O m ega I owa Delta B eta O regon Alpha Sigma I n diana D elta Alpha N e w Hampshire Delta D elta C olorado D elta Eta O hi o B eta Rho M issouri D elta Z eta e w York D elta Gamma T exas D elta E psilon Kansas Delta T heta O klahoma D elta Kappa Nevada D elta I ota North Dakota D e lta N u O h i o D elta Lambda N e w Y ork D elta Mu Penn sylvania D elta Pi I o wa Delta O m icron Indiana D elta Rho M ontana D elta Xi N e w H ampshire D elta Sigma M aryland Psi California D e lta Phi I d a h o D elta T a u S o u t h D akota D elta Upsilon G e orgia Alpha Zeta M ississippi D elta Psi California D elta C h i

1900 1901 1901 1 90¡2 1903 1903 1904 1 905 1906 1907 1 908 1909 1910 1911 1911 1913 1913 1915 1915 1915 1917 1917 1917 1918 1919 1919 1920 1921 1921 1922 1922 1922 1923 1923 1923 1 92 4 1924 1 92 4 1926 1926 1926 1927 1927 1927

One hundred thirteen

... 0 �



La,st Row-Burns, Kellogg, M u rry, Curtis, Kado'0, Rogers, L. E . Christie, Ha rdy

Second Row-Estes, Mc Laughlin, Farnum, R. M . Snyder, Dorman, Wheeler, H i nes, D . M. Christ ie, Bausfield Third Row-Warren, Batson, Phi ppen, Henry, M acConie, Bonsall, Baldwin, Maxim

First Row-Miller, Maxcy, A. H . Snyder, W y m a n , Messenger, Coker, N ewhaU, Rollins, Brown



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O R.


Lambda Chi Alpha F1ounded a t B oston UniYersity i n 1 909 Colors : Purple, Green and Gold

ROLL O F C HAPTERS B oston University M assachusetts Agricultural C ollege University of Penn sylvania Pennsylvania State C ollege B rown University M a ssachuse tts I n stitute of T e c h . University of M a i n e University of M i c higan R utgers University B u cknell University W orcester Polytech n i c Institute C ornell University University of C al ifornia W a shington State C ollege Rhode Island State C ollege D artm o u th C ollege L o u isiana State Un iversity D e Pa u w University University of Illinois A labama Polytechnic I n stitute K n ox C ollege Un iversity o f G e orgia Union C ollege Purd u e University B utler C ollege Un iversity of South Dakota H arvard U n iversity C olgate University N o rthwestern Univer ity O r egon Agricultural C ollege University o f Wisconsin C u mberland University Un iversity o f A labama M issouri School of M i n e s University o f D e nver I n d i a n a University

1 9 09 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1914 1914 1914 1914 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1916 1916 1916 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917

University o f Texas Iowa State C ollege O klahoma Agri. and Mech. C ollege Franklin and Marshall C ollege S yracuse U n iver i t y New Hampshire State C ollege University o f R i c h m o n d O h i o University Wabash C ollege Western R e serve Un iversity Colby C ollege Un iversity o f Washington University o f Akron University o f C i n c i n n at i University o f Pittsburgh Washin o-ton and Jefferson C ollege Denison University U n i versity o f Chicago Un iversity o f Tebraska S outhern M ethodist University Washington and L e e University V a n derbilt University C olorado Agricultural C ollege M ichigan Agr i cultural C ollege H amilton C ollege North C arolina State C ollege Trinity C ollege Kansas Agricultural C ollege University of O klahoma University o f Missouri University o f orth Carolina Lehigh University William a n d M ar y C ollege U n iversity o f I daho University o f T oronto

1917 1917 1917 1917 1918 1918 1918 1918 1 9 18 1918 1918 1918 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1920 1921 1921 1922 1 92 2 1922 1922 1 923 1 92 3 1923 1923 1924 1 92 6 1926 1926 1 92 7 1927 1 92 7

O ne hundred fifteen




;:>" � ;:!



F'Y'<>nt Row-Hooper, M arr, S pringer, Benson, Chute, Upval, L. Lord, Race, Tattersal Second Row-Raymond, Lemoine, Townes, Allen, S peedie, J. Nasse, Kronquist, Alexander, H u rlburt, Mosher, C . N asse Third Row-Juggens, Slocum, Harlow, Knox, Poulin, Nels:m, Wheeler, Dow, Curtis, Adams Fourth Row-G. Lord, Beals, Stewart, Lagerson, James, Blakeslee, StJinneford, Corse, Warefie1d



'C tv


0 1-4 \..



Kapp a Delta Rho Founded at Middlebury College, 1 90 5 Colors : Yale Blue cind Princeton Orange

R O LL OF C HAPTERS M i d dlebury C o l l ege Cornell U niversity New York State T eachers C ol lege C olgate U niversity Franklin C ollege P e n n sylva n i a State C o l l ege U niversity o f Illinois Purdu e U niversity

1905 1913 1915 1917 1919 1 920 1921 1921

O h i o State University University of California Un iversity of M ic higan University of Indiana C ol b y C o ll ege B utler U niversity Gettysburg C o l l ege Lafayette C ol lege

1 922 1924 1925 1926 1926 1928 1928 1928

One hundred seventeen




; ;::�



First Row-Snow, Littlefield, Bergstrom, Walsh, McKeen, S . Ryder, Pet erson, M a rtin Second Row-Kingsley, Curtis, Nelson, O 'Ne il, Condon, DeMiceli, Urann Third Row-Shaw, Ricker, French, Eggert, M . Ryder, Allen, Starbuck Fourth Row-Noyes, Leno, Given, Anderson, Calhoun



\C tJ

(J r tl1

0 p >

'7 I� �



'Theta lZa pp a l\Ju Founded at Springfield, Missouri, 1 924 Colors : A rgent, Sable a nd C 1¡ims o n

R O L L O F CHAPTERS H oward C ollege B irmingham-Southern C ol lege U niversity of Florida H a n over C o l l ege Iowa W esleyan C o l l ege Simpson C ol lege Baker U n i versity M i l l saps C ol lege Drury C o l l ege W e stminster C ollege N orth Carolina State C ollege Wake F o re st College Oklahoma C i ty U niversity Oglethorpe U n iversity E ureka C ollege DePauw U n iversity Rose Polytechnic I nstitution Franklin C ol lege Louisiana State U niversity C entenary C o l l ege L o u isiana Polytechnic I n stitute

1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1 924 1924 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925

Clark U niversity University of M ichigan Un iversity of Minn esota B r ooklyn P o lytechnic Institute Alfred U niversity University of orth Carolina Marietta C ol lege Thiel C ollege Washington a n d J efferson C ollege Alabama Pyoltechnic Institute University of Arkansas University of I l l i n o i s C u lver-Stockton College B aldwin-Wallace C ollege Wofford College Randolph-Macon C o llege Hampden-Sidney C ollege U niversity of California Ge orgetown C ollege Colby C o l l ege

1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1926 1926 1 9 26 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1927 1 92 7 1929

One hundred nineteen


g � �



Fow·th Row-Wellington, Mac Douga H ,

Richards)n, Hammett, Beckett, Linscott, Mull igan, Brown

Third Row-Marks, Rogers, Ramsdell , Dearborn, Johnston, Ventres, Hathaway, Brigham

Second Row-Bakeman, Pineo, Neal , Dudley, Reynolds, Sanborn, Weston, Macomber


First . Row-Grant, Rideout, Leighton, B utler, Daggett, Al len, Roberts, Goodwin, Young



\C tv

n 11111r tn

0 p >



Sigma Kapp a Founded at C olby College, 1 874 Colors : Ma roo n a nd Lavender

ROLL O F C H A PTERS C olby C ollege B oston U niversity Syracuse Un iversity G e orge W ashington U niversity Illinois W esleyan U niversity U n iversity o f Illin o i s Un iversity of D enver University of California U n i versity of Washingt o n M id dlebury C ollege U niversity of Kansas Jack son C ollege Leland Stanford U niversity Randolph-Macon W o m a n ' s C ollege S outhern M ethodist Un iversity University o f I n d i a n a O regon Agricultural C ollege Rhode Island State College O h i o State U niversity U n iversity of Wisconsi n Florid a State C ollege f o r W o m e n

1874 1904 1 905 1906 1906 1906 1908 1910 1910 191 1 1913 1913 1915 1917 1917 1917 1918 1919 1919 1919 1920

Univer ity o f B uffalo Washington State C ollege University of T e n n essee I owa State C ollege C ornell U niversity U n iversity o f M i n n e sota University of Louisville Miami U niversity University o f Nebraska A d elphi C o llege U niversity of M i chigan U n iversity of M ontana U niversity of I o wa U niversity of California Ohio W e sleyan U niversity V a n d e rbilt U n iversity W e stminster C ollege M i c higan Agricultural C ollege U niversity of North Dakota U n iversity of Oregon

1920 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1922 1922 1923 1923 1924 1924 1924 1924 1925 1 92 6 1926 1 92 7 1928 1928

O ne hundred twent11-011e




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First Row--M ills, Henderson, Watson, Kimball, Collins, Holt, Herrick, Rol l ins, Libby Second Row-Palmer, Cadwa l lader, H i lton , Woodman, Monks, Paul, D. Bl anchard, H amlin, Rose, L. Blanchard Third Row-Taylor, Spencer, Park, Connors, MacDon ald, Wasgatt, K. Hilton , M urray Fourth Row-Lewis, Brown, Nelson , Burrill, Rowe, Bean, Gurney, Haycock, Donnelly, Pullen, Allen




\() l'J

0 r tn

0 p �

2 �

Chi Omega Founded at t h e University o f Arkansas, 1 8 9 5 Colors : Cardinal a nd Straw

ROLL OF CHAPTERS U niversity of Arkansas Transylvania C o l lege Randolph-Macon Woman's C ollege U niversity of M ississippi T u lane University, N ewcomb C o l . University of T en n e ssee University of I l l i n o i s N o rthwestern University U niversity of Wiscon sin U niversity of C alifornia University of K a n sas Un iversity of Nebrask a University of T e xas West V i rginia University University of W ashington University of C olorado Colby C ol lege Dickinson College Florida State C ollege U niversity of W a shington U niversity of O regon T ufts C o l l ege Syracuse University O h i o University M i a m i U niversity U n iversity of M i ssouri U niversity of Cincinnati Coe College Kentucky State University U niversity of Utah New H am pshire C o l l ege Leland Stanford University K a n sas State Agric ultural C ol lege S outhern Methodist College Cornell University O regon Agricultural College O h i o State U niversity University of Oklahoma U niversity of C h attanooga Swarthmore C o l l ege U niversity of P e n n sylva n i a

1895 1897 1899 1899 1900 1 900 1 900 1901 1902 1902 i902 1902 1904 1905 1 905 1 906 1906 1907 1 908 1908 1909 1910 1911 1913 1913 1913 1913 1914 1913 1914 1915 1915 1915 1916 1917 1917 1918 1918 1918 1919 1919

Iowa State U niversity Purdue Un iversity Pittsburgh U niversity H o l l i n s College O klahoma Agri. and Mech. Colege M ontana State C o l l ege Drake U niversity U n iversity of M i n n esota William and M ary C o l l ege University of M a i n e University of A labama University of G e orgia Rhode Islan d State C ol lege Southwestern Presbyterian Univ. H u n ter C ol l ege University of I n d iana I o wa State C ollege Un iversity of Arizona University of North Caro l i n a University of M aryland Southern Branch of U niv. of Cal. State College of Washington A labama Polytechnic I n stitute U n i versity of North Dakota M arietta C ollege Louisiana State U niversity Un iversity of S outh D a kota Wittenberg C ollege O glethorpe U niversity H illsdale C o llege University of N e w M e x i c o W e stminster C ollege Ohio W e sleyan C ollege M ichigan State C o l lege P e n n sylvan i a State C ollege C u lver Stockton C ollege U niversity of V i rginia C entenary C ollege Q u e e n 's C o l l ege University o f South Carolina C o l l ege of C h ar leston

1919 1919 1920 1920 1920 1921 1921 192 1 1921 1921 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1 92 3 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1924 1924 1924 1 924 1924 1924 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1926 1926 1927 1927 1928 1928 1928 1928

Jne hundred t wenty-three







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Second Row-D. Campbell, Chvistie, Hill, Dignam, Snowden, McGee, Langlois Third Row-Sanders, Merrill, VanHorn, Ginn, Harding, Marden, Farwell, Dyer

D E LTA D E LTA D E LT A First Row-Foster, Vose, Lunn, Marshall, Bartlett, Hersey, E . Campbell


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Delta Delta Delta Founded at B oston University, 1888 Colors : Silver, Gold a n d Blue

ROLL O F C H APTERS B oston U niversity Simpson C ollege Knox C ol l ege A drian C ol l ege St. Lawrence U niversity of Cincinnati U niversity o f V er mont U niversity o f M i n n esota U niversity of Nebraska B aker U niversity Northwestern U niversity Syracuse U niversity O h i o State U niversity University of Wisconsi n G o u cher C ol lege U niversity o f California B u ck n e l l Un iversity University o f Iowa University of Pennsylvania Randolph-Macon W o m a n ' s C ollege Transylvania University C o l b y C o l l ege D e P a u w U niversity W ashington State Un iversity University o f C ol orad o U niversity o f Oklahoma U niversity o f O regon A d elphi C ollege M i a m i U niversity S outhwestern U niversity V a nderbilt U niversity U niversity o f T exas I ow a State C ollege C oe College Franklin C ollege Wyoming U niversity Nevada U niversity

1 888 1 8 89 1 8 89 1890 189 1 1892 1893 1894 1894 1895 1896 1896 1896 1898 1903 1 90 3 1904 1904 1 905 1907 1908 1 9 08 1909 1910 1910 1910 1911 1911 1911 1911 1912 1912 1912 1912 1913 1913 1913

C ornell University Stetson University Arkansas University Drury C o l l ege Brenau C ollege H o l l i n s C ollege Mt. Union C ollege University o f M i chigan University o f M issouri Kansas State C ollege Florida State C ollege Pittsburgh University S outhern M ethodist C oll ege M i ddlebury C ol lege U niversity o f M a i n e Indiana University O regon Agricultural C ol lege W a shington State B utler C ollege A labama U niversity C olorado State C ollege Leland Stanford Jr. Un iversity U niversity of Illinois University of Southern California Whitman College University o f Kentucky U niversity of T e nnessee O h i o W e sleyan U niversity S outhern Branch o f Univ. of Calif. U niversity of M ontana W a sh ington U niversity U niversity of M ississippi M illikin C ol lege B eloit C ol lege U . of S . Carolina C ollege o f W i l liam a n d M ary

1913 1913 1913 1913 1914 1914 1914 1915 1915 1915 1916 1916 1916 1917 1917 1918 1918 1918 1918 1919 1919 1 9 20 1 9 20 1921 1923 1923 1923 1925 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1927 1928 1928

One hundred twenty-five







Fourth Row-Chase, Dunn, Bamford, Walker, Th<lmas, Barnes, F·arnum, White

Second Row-Grinda l l , Johnston , S n ow, H . Pau l , Andrews, Paine, Foye, Foster, Sherman Third Row-Ramsey, Mac Dougall, Gray, Bottomley, Scott, Page, Ri ley, Fisher

Fi1·st Row-Plaisted, Morse, A . P a u l , Chapin, Deeth, Libby, Woodfords, Lewis Smith



\a tv

0 r tn

0 (j �


Alp ha Delta Pi Founded a t Wesleyan Female College, 1 8 5 1 Colors : Blue and White

ROLL O F CHAPTERS Newcomb C ollege S outhwestern U n iversity Lawrence College F lorida State College B renau College Randolph-Macon \ÂĽoman's College D uk e U n iversity I ow a State C ollege U niversity of Iowa U n iversity of Texas Boston U niversity U niversity of I ll i nois U niversity of Kansas W ashington State College H a n over College W ittenberg C ollege U niversity of C al ifornia U niversity of Lou i siana U n iversity of O h i o U n iversity of Colorado U niversity of M issouri Colby College U niversity of Nebraska S outhern Methodist U n i versity

1907 1 90 1 90 1 909 1910 1910 1911 191 1 1911 1912 1912 1912 1912 1913 1913 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1915 1915 1915

Kansas S tate College U niversity of W ashington H oward College U n iversity of P ittsburgh University of Tennessee U niversity of O regon U n iversity of Wisconsin U niversity of ew Mexico Okl ahoma Agri. and Mech. College Ohio State U ni versity George Washington University Ohio W esleyan U niversity U niversity of M innesota U niversity of We t Virginia U niversity of Syracuse B utler College Southern Branch of U n iv. of Calif. U niver ity of Southern California O regon Agricultural College U niversity of Indiana U n iver ity of hattanooga U niversity of Utah H unter College U niversity of S outh C ar ol i n a

1915 1917 1919 1920 1 920 1 920 1 920 1920 1 921 19Zl 1 922 1 9 23 1923 1 9 24 1 924 1925 1925 1 925 1926 1926 1926 1 9 27 1 9 2.7 1928

O ne h undred twenty-seven



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Pirst Row-Plaisted, Norton, Stone, Bucknam, Harmon, Ginn, Mosher, T. Bates, Boulter Seoond Row-Mc N ally, Hamilton, Sykes, M oo�rs, Bates, Hoyt, Morin, H assen, Brill Third Row-Platt, Marble, Russell, Johnson, Hale, Berrie, Hobbs, Ladd, Wlheeler, H i ggins



\a tJ

0 r tn

0 p �

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C L E-

292 9

Phi Mu Founded a t Wesleyan College, 1852 Colors : Old Rose and White

ROLL OF C H A PTERS Hollins College Sophie N ewcomb College Un iversity of Tennessee Southwestern University Randolph-Macon W om a n's College B re n a u College U n iversity of iew Mexico Akron U niversity U n iversity of M a i n e H a nover College Knox College W h itman College O hio State University U n iversity o f Texas U n i versity of Mjssouri A delphi College M illsa ps College La wrence College I owa Wesleyan College George W a shington U niversity U n i versiity of S outhern California Baker University S outhern Method i st U n i versity U n i versity of California U n i versity of W a s h ington Colby College

1 90 4 1 906 1 908 1 908 1910 1910 1911 1912 1912 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1 9 13 1914 1914 1914 1915 1915 1915 1916 1916 1917 1918

e w H a m pshire State College U niversity of W i sconsin Dickinson College Swarthmore College U n i versity of I ndiana Syracu se U niversity U n i versity of Pittsburgh U n iversity of Georgja University of Nebraska U niversity of I l l inois Drake University B ucknell College U n iversity of A rkansas U niversity of O klahom a Washington University O h io Wesleyan U n i versity Howard College U niversity of Minnesota M i ddleburv College U niversity of I owa University of M ississippi U niversity of Oregon O h i o State U niversjty College of William and M ary U n i versity of Cal iforni a U n iversity o f W e s t V irginia

1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1 920 1 920 1921 1921 1921 1 92 2 1922 1922 1 9 23 1923 1 9 24 1 924 1 9 24 1 9 25 1925 1 9 26 1 9 26 1 9 26 1 927 1 92'7 1 92'7

One hundred twenty-nine


.: ;;




Fir·st Row-Cram, Crane, Thomas, Alexander, Cone, Weiss, Jewett Second Row-Trusse11, Woodward, W att, Locke, Parker, Pond, Page Third Row-Heath, Styles, Boynton, Clark, Gay



'-0 tv

0 r t11

0 p �

Q � �

Alp ha Sigma Delta Founded at University of Cal iforni a Colors : Gold and White

ROLL OF CHAPTERS U n i versity of Cal ifornia


U niversity of California, Southern B r anch

1 9 26

Colby College

1 928

One hundred thirty-one






Gu•���;: ��:;"��o.�h;p Ym's Gnddm

Blue And Gray Show Surprising Defensive

Tells Alumni Group That NEW YORK ALUMNI Col� �:e•;:;:b::;,.i BROWN OPENS NEW EXPRESS SUPPORT a; OHICE IN DORMITORY tt... Been ':fighly �uccessful . ROLLO W BROWN NOTED LECTURER ln



Lectures to Large Audieoce .. Coogrega�onal COLBY TRACK STARS Tells oCofUGeraged_:a10u���g· Church of Speech SHOW WELL IN MEET --


Ncw �:: :���;e��ls�dd T c Division



Kappa Delta Rho and �igma Kappa Take Scholastac Honors


Cont.amG�neu A_nd Sin WALTER S. WYMAN NAMED AS A VIC[ In '::,b:•o;..:: lofe le CHAIRMAN Of DEVELOPMENT fUND


Strength Against Aerial Atiack--Contest




frequent Penalties Give Baces Nine first Downs --Many Long Runs ' Feature Game

w 2 2 1 0


COLBY - - - - - - - MAINE ---- - - BOWDOIN _:_ _ __ _ BATES _ _____ _ __

0 0 2 3


I 1 0 0


p 40 72 12 0

0 0 O w _ 84


Ex :.:.::

.<;�:���� New P�chase Include� the Bangs' Estate DEAN RUMNA�S' RETURN s:; THREE LffiER MEN and Rink of Waterville Hockey Club ith and Loyalty Fa 0jdPo.;,;00 Aftu to B•ck Y TO ROUND T E R POR ce T Colby Mentor Mwt Develop :; ;.�::s�:a:1: BINGHAM R. DOWNS SELECTED AS NEW STATISTICS SHOW Encin 8�;';6!�'008 Fr�ch Club Organized LIBRARIAN fOR COLBY N HJ YEAR GROWTH IN COLLEGE By College Students. H aA..�. ·zs, Elemd DEBATING SQUAD IN lJ n AND MA.I NE PLAY TO rioLBY "' .sosu t PRACTICE MEETING w d Trials SCORELESS TIE AT ORONO �:1;_:;,.M�:o to N BAN � � �� BE arold



Enrol�ent� Li��:� Aod e Development


Report Roundymen Threaten Goal . LIVING INSlllUTION GIVEN TO ROUNDYMEN Line-- 10 Finlt Qu artcr .POPULAR HISTORY PROFESSOR TO Citizens of Wa1ervilJe- Plan Pao(. Weber Gi,·e1 Rusoru Scott • Star. 7�:!: ..t T� o � FIELD sEA oF MuD T��; �:g!�.'.�0!f BE BACK AT COLBY NEXT Y_EAR


H[J]�[J]�ffe\�V 5J[][C � [Elf � [ES

Phi Beta Kapp a Society Colby Chapter ( B eta of Maine ) Founded at William and Mary College in 1 776 Colors : Green and White

OFFICERS FOR 1 928-1929 President Clarence H. White Vice-President Webster Chester Secretary-Treasurer Carl J. Weber Executive Com mittee Lester F. Weeks Nettie M. R unnals Alfred K. Chapman

MEMBERS FROM 1 928 MEN G. Stanley Corey Haiiiold E. Clark

A rthur Levine Lawrence A. Peakes

WOMEN Dorothy V. Sylvester H arriet E. Towle Janet Chase E velyn F. Ventres

One hundred thirty-four

Ruth E . Willi ams EUa L. Vinal Irma G. Sawyer Claire J. Richardson

Kapp a Phi Ka pp a National H onora ry E d ucaUonal Society Founded at D artmouth, 1 922 Delta of Colby E stablished 1 923 O FFICERS FOR 1 928-1929 President Vice-President Tre.asu rer . Secretary . Faou l t y Sponsor



MEMBERS Drisko Allen O scar Chute Henry C u rtis W illiam D o w n e y Richard Hodsdon G i l m a n H o oper Frederick H oward

Ralph H urlburt Samuel M ulligan Floyd Mason E d gar K ay E arle M cK e e n Wallace M eyer

K e n n eth M i ller T h e od or e Nelson Richard Race W illiam Rogers W i lliam Wyman M urray C oker G e orge Fletcher

C HAP'1 ER ROLL D a rtmouth College Lafayette C ollege University of Maine C olby C ollege Gettysburg C ollege Wittenberg C ollege J ames M illikin U niversity E m ery and H enry C ollege B irmingham- S o uthern C ollege U niversity of P e n n sylvania M iddlebury C ollege Syracuse U niversity Miami U niversity Wash ington & Lee U niversity Colgate U niversity

C ollege of William & Mary Drake University Wake Forest College University of Pittsburgh U niversity of Rochester Hamline U niversity N e w York State C ollege for Teac hers M uhlenberg College T emple U niversity Pennsylvania State C ollege U niversity of V ermont Centre C o llege E mory U niversity B oston U niversity University of Florid a One hundred thirty-five



Pi Gamma Mu National Social Science Honor Society Founded at Southwestern, 1924


President Secretary-Treasurer

The Colby Chapter of Pi Gamma Mu was chartered as Alpha of Maine in 1 926. This Natoinal Social Science Honor Society was organized to encourage high standards of scholarship in the social sciences. The term "social science" is taken to include sociol ogy, economics, political science, and history. E lection to membership is made .on the scholasti c record of students who have completed four years of study in the social sciences. MEMBERS Virginia D udley E rnest E dward M iller Rosalie Dorothy Mosher

One hundred thirty-six

Nathaniel Lawrence S ilowitz Fred James Sterns Frances Weiss



Delta Sigma Chi Founded a t Colby College in 1 923 OFFICERS FOR 1928-1929 . JESSIE A LEXANDER I RENE HERSEY ANNE GOODWI N

President Vice-President Sec retary-Treasurer

MEMBERS Jessie A lexander Thalia B ates Nella B ucknam Lucy Chapin Bernice Collins Sylvia Crane Marian Ginn Anne Goodwin E thel Henderson Flora Rideout Grace Sylvester Frances Weiss

I rene H ersey H ar-riet Kimball H elen Leighton E lsie Lewis Rosaline M osher R uth Norton Alice Paul R uth Plaisted M uriel Sanborn Pauline Waugh I rene Woodford R uth Wort

One hu ndred thirty-seven

Chi E p silon Mu OSBORNE C. BACON

President Vice-President




MEMBERS Lewis H. Kleinholz William R. Wyman Har.ol d D. Phippen Ovid F. Pomerleau Gilman S. Hooper Thomas A. Record Osborne C. B acon Samuel S. Morrison Kenneth E. Robinson

One hundred thirty-eight

Ep icureans CLASS OF NINETEEN H U NDRED E verett Richard Drummond Charles E dwin Towne A u gustine A nthony D 'Amico George Vinton



Meade Joshua B aldwin Conrad H artman H ines E dwin Wallace H airlow Jones

C LASS OF N INETEEN H UNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE Carl Tagget Clough Martin John Tiernej' Charles Williams Jordan

E dward Randolph Newhall John E dward Walker R upert Maloolm I rvine

O n e hundred thirty-nine

Druids CLASS OF NINETEEN H UNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE Philip LeRoy Miller Wendal1l Alexander Tufts Donald H u lford Fraser Osborne Coster B acon George H ans H anson Herbert D ickenson Messenger William Rodney Wyman Charles Favour Abbott John Walter Miner O scar Moody Chute H arry Estes Tattersall Allan Julian Stinchfield Warren Ridgeway Payson CLASS OF NINETEEN HUNDRED AND THIRTY Franklin Miner Cobleigh James R ichard McConnell William Thornton Cowing Allen Turner Harry Osgood Ashmore Harland Llewellyn Keay Charles Metcalf Giles Ralph Benj amin H u rlburt

O n e hundred forty

E rnest Joseph Therberge Ralph Leonard Goddard Kenneth Gorden Austin Lindon Edwin Christie Morgan Wilson George Linwood Walsh Chester Francis Condon Theodore Nelson



Mystics CLASS OF N INETEEN H U NDRED AND TWENTY-N I NE M ayo A ugustus Seekins Frank Edmond Chester Joh n Russell Richardson Cecil Garfield Goddard H orace Pierce

John Sten C arlson A lden Cecil S prague Harvey George Fotter Joseph Drislm A llen Maxcy

CLASS OF N INETEEN H UNDRED AND T HIRTY Thomas A lexander Reco·rd H erbert K insley D raper, Jr. D ana Maxwell Simmons Gerald Asher Johnson Attilio Frank Giuffra Stanton Shaw Weed

A ndrew Charles Klusick Wendall Hollis Thornton Lee Farnham B rackett H u gh Gordon H atfield Gordon Neil Johnson Robert P·arkin B rown

CLASS OF N INETEEN H UNDRED A ND T H IRTY-ONE Thomas J . H odkiewicz Dexter M arshal l E astman G ordon Keith F u ller John H oyt Wing D onald Melvin Christie A ndrew James Karkos

R alph E dward F ulilam Richard Delano Williamson H enry Oldham McCracken Wayne E l w ood Roberts Carlton Earle D orman E dward Francis H ayde O n e hundred forty-on.e

Up silon Beta CLASS OF NINETEEN HU NDRED AND TWENTY-NINE Ge orge A lphonso Allison, Jr. Charles Albert C owing John Edward Walker Reed Winter Davis Richard Eric B enson Franklyn Bedell Dexter Webster J ohn ton Brown George Francis Grady Carl Taggett Cl ough Robert Walter Scott Arthur Henry Snyder

CLASS OF NINETEEN HU NDRED AND THIRTY Harry O sgood Ashmore Paul Lester Davis James E dward Davidson, Jr. Karl Riester Hines Harland Llewellyn Keay Ernest J o seph Theberge

Lorimer Faunce MacDougall J ohn Henry Lee B ernard C lifton Shaw Philip Clifton Stinchfield D onald Allison Allen Turner

CLASS OF NINETEEN H UNDRED AND TH IRTY-ONE Walter B enjamin Lovett William Caldwell Martin Robert Eldredge Howard LeRoy Ferguson Lloyd V erdon Marsters Daniel Francis Scanlon Maurice E ugene Pearson

Robert England Waite Thomas B lake Langley He nry Francis Deetj en Thomas James Kenney Harmon B ogart Baldwin Francis William Juggins Thomas Earl James

CLASS OF NINETEEN H UNDRED AND TH IRTY-TWO Philip Thibodeau George Alden Mac Donald Fulton E . Daniels Norman C. Perkins Stanley L. C lement Albert C . Murray William Stephen C urtis, Jr. O n e hundred /orly-two

Harvey B. Evans Robert McNamara George E . B agn all Thompson D . Grant Harry M . Huff Roland A . B urns Harold E ugene Townes

O RAC L E 19


Ka pp a Alp ha Senior Society for Women

Founded at C olby in 1898

MEMBERS Alice Paul

E lizabeth Marsha.U

M artha H olt

Lora Neal

E leanor King

Pauline Waugh

M uriel Sanborn

Jessie A lexander

D orcas Plaisted

Miriam Thomas

Ethel H enderson

Thalia B ates

Mary Vose

Violette B oulter

One hundred forty-th;ee

c-i1_-w_O R A C L E


Chi Gamma Theta Founded at C olby in 1 9 00

Sophomore Society f o r Women S O R O R E S IN URBE E dith Chester B ertha Choate Alice C larkin K atherine Dundas Grace Grant M arion Hayden

Katherine Hatch Mabel Libby Florence Preble Lois Smith Marion Springfield Annie Sweet

B ertha Terry Margaret T otman Clara Weber Gladys Welch M ildred Wing

S O R O R E S E M ERIT AS Ruth Daggett Grace Stone E lizabeth Libbey E lean or Lunn H arriet Kim ball E lsie Lewis Martha Allen Jean Watson

Lillian Morse B ernice C ollins Ruth Bartlett A nnella B ucknam Barbara Weston Barbara Libby Pauline Bakeman H elen Brigham

Louise Grearson Louise Thomas Helen Paul Margaret Hale Margaret M ooers Advia Campbell Helen Chase

S O R O R E S I N C O LL E G I O B arbara Sherman Florence C onn ers Arlene W odoman M arjory Dearborn

One hundred forty-four

M uriel M a cDougall Alice Linscott M arion M onks Pearl Langl ois Agnes Ginn

Frances Page Gertrude Sykes Maxine Foster Winona B errie

OUR COACHES " B il l " M illet, " M ike" Ryan, " Doc " E dwards, " E d die" Roundy

O n e hmuired forty-five


0 R A. C L E

Colby Athletic Association ALDEN CECIL SPRAGUE, '29

President Secretary




Treas urer Sen io1· Councilm a n


Junior Co uncilman


Faculty Representatives A lumni Representatives A t hletic Director .

) l



COUNCIL MEMBERS Football Manager .


Baseball Manager .


Track Manager Hockey Manager Tennis Manager

One hundred forty-Bi�




Colby Ca p tains ROBERT WALTER SCOTT, '29













O n e hundred forty-seve11

re;· i!'


� Q ..

"" �



Third Row-Lobdell, C arlson, Pollard Seoond Row-Roundy, Coach ; Chute, Dexter, Cooke, Kilusick, Jordan First R�Karkos, Glazier, Lee, Capt.-E lect ; Scott, Capt. ; Donovan, Seekins, Hayde



\C lV

1 t7lr

0 p � /)

� �


Football Review Last fall the earl y football training session was conducted on the cam足 pus, when a squad of about twenty men reported for the early workouts. Prospects for a successful season were not very bright, as Coach Roundy had only three veterans from the championship team of the year before, around which to build his team. After about two weeks of conditioning work, blackboard drills and signal practice, the season opened on Septem足 ber 22, with Colby entertaining the Newport Naval Cadets at Waterville. The visitors presented a well-balanced team, and defeated the inexperi足 enced Colby team, 20-6. The loss of " Red" Williamson, promising end, who received i nj u ries in this game that kept him on the side-lines for the rest of the year, greatl y weakened the team for some time. The following week, Colby j ourneyed to the University of New H amp足 shire. The Blue and Gray started furiously, and scored a touchdown after but four minutes of play . Yet inexperience again forced our team to accept a 12-7 defeat at the hands of this fast travelling team from D urham. The Tufts contest, on October 6, was the next game for Colby. Colby played wonderful football, and held this strong, veteran team to four touchdowns. The T ufts aggregation, on which there were nine veterans from their u ndefeated team of the previous year, were repeatedly stopped, and were forced to be content with a 24-0 victory. Colby met Norwich University at Waterville o n the following Saturday. Norwich had a fast, hard-hitting team, but it was only after overcoming a stubborn resistance that they could defeat our fighting B l ue and Gray team by a 1 9-9 score. Greatly strengthened by the return of " Stonie" Carlson, " Red" Lee and "Wally" D onovan to the squad, the team defeated the strong Worcester Polytechnic team by a 1 2-6 score, on the following S aturday, for our first victory of the year. The next week, the first state series encounter of the year took place, when B owdoin came to Waterville for the annual game. B owdoin was supremely confident, but a determined, fighting Blue and Gray team could not be denied, and hammered the hapless Polar Bears into subj ection with a 1 4-0 victory. U niversity of Maine was next, and the teams met at Orono, on November 3 . A pouring rain, that continued throughout the entire game, made the playing conditions terrible. Colby marched the entire length of the field o n three occasions, only to be denied a score when the elusive, mud-covered ball slipped away, and was recovered by Maine. Maine threatened but once during the entire game, and the Brice machine was lucky and thankful to be able to hold the fast-stepping C olby team to a scoreless tie. The final game of the year was played with Bates at Lewiston, on November 1 2 . Colby battered her way to a 26-0 v ictory, as the dej ected B obcat again fell a victim to the crushing force of the M u le's blows. The superior running and all-round play of Colby was evident throughout, and Bates never had an opportunity to score. Colby defeated Bowdoin, 1 4-0 ; tied the University of Maine, 0-0, and o utplayed Bates, 26-0. Yet because of the tie game with Maine, the team was forced to share with Maine the honor of being hailed as state champions, as Maine also defeated both Bowdoin and B ates. One hundred fort11-nine



Baseball Captain


Ma nage r




Maine at Waterville . B owdoin at B runswick Providence College at Providence Newport at Newport Rhode Isl·and a t Kingston . B ates at Waterville . Maine at O rono St. Michaels at Winooski Connecticut Aggies at Storrs New Hampshire at Durham B owdoin at Waterville B ates at Lewiston One hundred fifty

10 3 4 3 7 5 9 15 8 4 5 6


9 3 6 10 4 4 6 3 9 6 3 4

O RA C L E +&-0 &

'6 *

Baseb all Summary Due to the poor conditions of the diamond, it was impossible for the Colby ball tossers to get outside until April 5th. A squad of thirty men reported for the first session. Coaches Roundy and Millet were req uired to b uild a new team, having but several veterans as a nucleus to work with. O'Brien, veteran shortstop, was unable to play, and S hannahan did not report u ntil the second week of practice. Heddericg, a promising fresh­ man, made a c apable backstop for the entire season. The first game of the season, an exhibition game with the University of Maine, was won by the M ules by a 1 0-9 score. In this opener, several pitchers and infield men saw action. MacDonald and Hannifin vied for honors at second base. Klusick, B aldwin and Heal played in the field, La Vigne covered shortstop, Niziolek held down the keystone sack, and Keetj en completed the infield at third. " C H" caught, and Brown and Ferguson alternated at pitcher. The Blue and Gray team opened its New E ngland trip with a 3-3 tie at Brunswick. This game was called in the sixth on account of rain. The next day, the Colby team suffered its first defeat at the hands of the New­ port Naval Training S chool at New port. They were also defeated by Providence College, but ended the trip by turning back Rhode Island State. The Varsity won its first State series game, defeating Bates, 5-4. John Trainor a llowed but few scattered hits. The Colby men then turned back Maine, and won its second victory in the series. St. M ichaels fel fan easy victim to the local boys, but they in turn were defeated by New H ampshire and C onnecticut Aggies. Poor weather conditions caused the cancellation of the next series games with Maine and Bowdoin. The Blue and Gray turned back B owdoin at Waterville, to win its third State series victory. I n the deciding game of the season, Colby played erratic ball, and were n osed out of the running by B ates. This placed Colby second in the State series.

One hundred fifty-one

Relay Captain






The 1 929 Relay season was one of the most successful in the h istory of that sport at Colby. The Blue and Gray runners ran in four races and placed in all. The first race of the season was at the Knights of Columbus Games in B oston, and Colby placed second to the B oston University flyers. At the B oston Athletic Association Games, Colby triumphed over Amherst and Massachusetts Aggies. The next week the Colby quartet placed sec­ ond in a triangular meet with Amherst and Williams at the Millrose Games in New Ymk. The B lue and Gray runners c losed their season with the Meadowbrook Games in Philadelphia and nosed out the crack Georgetown team for a third in the Intercollegiates. The letter men were Captain B rown, Potter, Rivkin, and Sprague.

One h undred fifty-two




Captain Manager Coach

COLBY RECORDS 1 00-Yard D ash 220-Yard D ash 440-Y aird D ash H al f Mile . M ile . Two-Mile R u n 1 20-Y·ard H igh H u rdles 220-Yard Low H urdles P uttin g S hot Throwing D iscus R unning H igh J ump . R unning B road Jump Pole Vault . Throwing H ammer J avelin Throw . 3 5-Pound Weight

M ittelsdorf, '27 M ittelsdorf, '27 Meanix, ' 1 6 B rown, '26 Sansone, ' 28 Sansone, '28 B rudno, '27 Weise, '24 Taylor, '25 Wentworth, '25 Joyce, ' 1 6 Seekins, '29 Nardini, ' 1 4 H errick, ' 1 2 Kemp, '23 Wentworth, '25 C obb, '30 Wentworth, '25

9 4-5 sec . 2 1 4-5 sec. 5 1 sec. 1 min. 57 3-5 sec . 4 min. 23 sec. 9 min. 45 2-5 sec. 15 4-5 sec. 24 3-4 sec. 41 ft. 8 i n . 124 f t . 7 in. 6 ft. 1h ! n. 21 ft. 3 1 -3 in. 11 ft. 1 43 ft. 4 in. 1 56 ft. 7 i n . 52 f t . 4 1h i n . O ne hundred fifty-three

-- /U?_


C I...J' E

Dual Track Meet Colby


Brown University


Forging ahead through the superior performance of their j avelin throwers, the Blue and Gray track team, led by Captain "Eb" Sansone, succeeded in taking its second con ecutive track meet from Brown cinder men at Providence, on April 28. The meet was in doubt until the final event, when Colby took fir t and second places in the spear throw.



1 2 0-Yard High Hurdles : Collier, B . 1 st ; Leland, B. 2nd ; Seekins, C. 3rd. 15 2-5 sec.


2 2 0 -Yard Low Hurdles : C ollier, B. 1 st ; Ryder, C. 2nd ; Walker, C . 3rd. 2 6 2 -5 sec.


1 0 0-Yard Dash : Dead heat for first between Brown , Martin , Giles, all C olby. Time, 10 4-5 sec. 2 2 0-Yard Dash : C ollier, B . 1 st ; Brown, C . 2nd ; M artin, C . 3rd.

Time, 2 3 1 - 5 sec.

4 4 0 -Yard Run : Kelly, B . 1 st ; H owaTd, B . 2 n d ; Hurlburt, C . 3rd. Time, 33 3-5 sec. 8 8 0-Yard Run : Sansone, C . 1 st ; Kearns, B . 2nd ; Aldrich, B. 3rd. 3 1 -5 sec.

Time, 2 min.

One-Mile Run : Sansone, C . 1 st ; K earns, B . 2 n d ; Christie, C . 3rd. 3 3 1 -5 sec.

Time, 4 min.

Two-Mile Run : Towne, C . 1 st ; Han d , B . 2nd ; Harlow, C . 3rd. 2 9 3-5 sec.

Time, 10 min.

High Jump : Russell, B . 1 st, 5 ft. 10 in. ; Seekins, C . 2 n d , 5 ft. 8 in. ; Packard, B. 3rd, 5 ft. 2 i n . Shot-Put : Corn sweet, B . 1 st, 4 0 f t . 10 in. ; Drummond, C. 2 n d , 36 ft. 7 in. ; Pol­ lard, C . 3rd, 3 6 ft. H ammer Throw : Cornsweet, B. 1 st, 1 28 ft. 11 in. ; Bagnall, C . 2nd, 1 26 ft. 1 0 in. ; Drummond, C. 3rd, 1 1 4 ft. 6 i n . R u n n i n g Broad Jump : Walker, C . 1 st, 2 0 f t . 1 1 i n . ; Carn ey, B . 2 n d , 2 0 ft. 3 in. ; Shaw, C. 3rd, 1 9 ft. 1 1 i n . Discus Throw : Seekins, C . 1 st, 1 2 4 f t . 6 in. ; Farber, B . 2 n d , 1 1 3 f t . 1 i n . ; C orn­ sweet, B. 3rd, 1 1 0 ft. 6 in. Pole V au lt : Stephens, B . 1 st, 1 1 ft. ; Treworgy, C . 2nd, 10 ft. 9 in. ; Snow, C . 3rd, 10 ft. 6 in. Javelin Throw : C obb, C . 1 st , 1 4 6 ft. 10 in. ; Drummond C . 2nd, 1 4 3 ft. ; Harly, B . 3rd, 1 3 9 ft. 10 in.

One h u ndred fifty-four



Dual Track Meet Colby


N ortheastern University


Colby emerged with the short end of a dual track meet, for the first time in three years, when the well-balanced N ortheastern University track team, of B oston, took the Blue and Gray track men into camp by a score of 79-56, on Seaverns Field, May 5, 1928. Colby was seriously handicapped in this meet by the illness of several star men.



1 0 0 - Yard Dash : R e p etto, N. 1 st ; M c C usker, N . 2 n d ; Giles, C . 3rd.

Time, 1 0 sec.

2 2 0-Yard D ash : R epett o , N . 1 st ; E arle, N . 2 n d ; M c C u sker, N. 3rd.

Time, 22 2-5

4 4 0 -Yard D ash : 5 1 1 -5 sec.

Earle, N .

1 st ; Thompson, N .

2 n d ; H urlburt,



8 8 0 -Yard R u n : Sanson e, C . 1 st ; Thompson, N . 2 n d ; D . Christie, C . 3rd. ( Ne w C o l b y record . ) 1 m i n . 5 7 4 - 5 sec.


O ne-Mile R u n : San son e , C . 1 st ; D . Christi e, C . 2 n d ; Thompson, N . 3rd. 4 m i n . 3 2 2 - 5 sec.


Two-Mile R u n : Ross, N . 1 st ; Towne, C . 2 n d ; Sheridan, N. 3rd. 8 1 -5 sec.


Time, 10 min.

1 2 0-Yard High Hurdles : Tatton, N . 1 st ; S e ekins, C . 2 n d ; Powers, N . 3rd. 16 1 -5 sec.


2 2 0 -Yard Low Hurdles : M c Aurern, N . 1 st ; R yder, C . 2 n d ; C o o k , N . 3 r d . 2 6 3-5 sec.


P o l e V a u l t : M artin, N . 1 st, 1 1 ft. 6 i n . ; Cheney, N . 2 n d , 1 1 ft. 3 in. ; Treworgy, C . 3rd, 1 0 ft. 3 in. Shot-Put : Drum m o n d , C . Ricker, N. 3rd, 37 ft. %, in.

1 st, 3 9 ft.

1h i n . ;




37 ft.

5 %,

in. ;

R u n n i n g High J u m p : M orang, N . 1 st , 5 ft. 10 i n . ; S eekins, C . 2nd, 5 ft. 8 i n . ; Tatton , N. 3rd, 5 ft. 6 i n . R u n n i n g Broad J u m p : W a l k e r , C . 1 st, 2 0 ft. 1 1 in . ; S l o c o m b e , N . 2 n d , 2 0 f t . 6 %, i n . ; Shaw, C. 3rd, 1 9 ft. 1 0 %, in. H a m m er Throw : B agnall, C . D r u m m o n d , C. 3rd, 1 1 5 ft. 9 i n .

1 st ,

1 3 7 ft. ; Nich ols, N .





in. ;

D i s c u s Throw : H amilton, N . 1 st, 1 1 6 f t . 7 %, i n . ; P ollard, C . 2 n d , 1 1 5 f t . 4 i n . ; Ricker, N. 3rd, 1 1 3 ft. 6 1h in. Javelin Throw : Fosberg, N . 1 st, 1 6 9 ft. 7 i n . ; Cobb, C. 2nd, 1 5 6 ft. ; Pollard, C . 3rd, 1 4 5 ft. 2 in.

One hundred fifty-}

The Thirty-seco n d Annual Ma ine Inter­ collegiate Track and Field Day LEWISTO N ,

MAI N E, MAY 1 2-13, 1928

Maine Bowdoin

Bates Colby

32% 10

A hard-fighting Colby track team went down t o defeat, handicapped terribly becau e of crippled men and unsatisfactory training conditions. The only Colby men to score were Captain Sansone, who won the mile, and Captain-elect Seekins, who won the high j ump. RESULTS



Track Events 3rd.

One-Mile Run : Sanso n e ( Colby ) , 1 st ; M c Time, 4 min. 27 sec.


4 4 0 -Yard Dash : Wakeley ( Bates ) , 1 st ; Niles ( Maine ) , 2 n d ; Morris ( B owdoin ) , Time, 5 1 sec.

1 0 0-Yard Dash : M ostrum ( B owdoin ) , ( Maine ) , 3rd. Time, 10 1-5 sec. 1 2 0 -Yard H urdles : Lucas ( Maine ) , 3rd. Time 15 sec.

aughton ( M aine ) , 2 n d ; Viles ( B ates ) ,

1 st ; B erenson

( B owdoin ) , 1 st ; Green

( M aine ) ,

2nd ;


( B owdoin ) , 2nd ; Chandler

8 8 0-Yard Run : Chapman ( B ates ) , 1 st ; Larsen ( M aine ) , 2 n d ; Mank ( Maine ) , 3rd. Time, 1 min. 5 9 1 -5 sec. 3rd.

2 2 0-Yard Dash : M ostrum ( B owdoin ) , 1 st ; Walnly ( B ates ) , 2nd ; Miles ( Maine ) , Time, 2 3 3-5 sec.

Two-Mile R u n : Richardson ( Maine ) , 1 st ; Wardell ( B ates ) , 2 n d ; Cushing ( Maine ) , Time, 1 0 min. 3-5 sec. 2 2 0 -Yard Hurdles : Lucas ( B owdoin ) , 1 st ; Jones ( Maine ) , 2nd ; Fisher ( Bate s ) , 3rd. Time, 25 3-5 sec.


Field Events Running High Jump : Seekins ( Colby ) , 1 st ; 2nd, tie between Knowlton ( B ates ) , Wood ( B owdoin ) , C u ozzo ( Maine ) . H eight, 5 ft. 1 1 in. Shot-Put : Thompson ( Maine ) , 1 st ; B lack ( Maine ) , 2 n d ; Brown ( B owdoin ) 3rd. Distance, 4 3 ft. 5 %, i n . Javelin Throw : B lack ( M aine ) , 1 st ; Brunett ( B ates ) , 2 n d ; Anthony ( B ates ) , 3rd. Distance, 165 ft. 7 i n . Runn ing B r o a d Jump : R o w e ( Bates ) , 1 st ; O ' Conner ( Maine ) , 2nd ; S c o t t ( B ow­ doin ) , 3rd. Distance, 22 ft. 1 i n . H a m m e r Throw : B lack ( Maine ) , 1 st ; W ilton ( B ates ) , 2 n d ; Wood ( B ates ) , 3rd. Distance, 1 6 8 ft. 4 %, i n . 3rd.

Pole V au lt : B echler ( Maine ) , 1 st ; Harding ( M aine ) , 2nd ; K e phart ( B owdoin ) , Height, 1 1 ft. 1 0 i n .


Discus Throw : Gowell ( M aine ) , 1 st ; B lack Distance, 1 2 3 ft. %, in.

O n e hundred fifty-six

( Maine ) , 2 n d ; Thompson

( Maine ) ,

Tennis Captain-Manager, HARRY E STES TATTERSALL

TENNIS S EASON, 1 928 I n spite of unfavorable weather conditions which caused an abbrevi­ ated sched ule, the 1 928 tennis season was very successful. The Blue and Gray racket men opened the season by defeating B ates at Lewiston 4-2 . At the State Tou rnament, held at Lewiston, C olby met with fair success. Tat­ tersall and Allen reached the semi-finals in the doub les and TattersaH won the singles crown. Colby l ost the l ast of the season to B owdoin by the score of 4-2. The letter men were Captain Tattersall, Nelson, MacCracken, and Allen.

O n e hundred fifty-seven


Hockey Captain Ma1wger Coach


Due to the fact that Carlson and Scott were the only letter men left on the H ockey Team from the previous season, prospects for a successful sea­ son were rather poor. Under the tutelage of Coaches Roundy and Millet a capable team was developed however. Scott, Kenney, and Lovett worked well in the forward ·line while Captain Carlson and Pollard showed well on the defense. Irvine proved himself a oapable goalie. Poor weather handicapped the team throughout the entire season. Snow and rain hindered practice and only half of the games we·re played. The .Jetter men were Captain Carlson, Manager Maxcy, Irvine, Scott, Kenney, Lovett, Pollard, and Delaware.

One hundred fifty-eight



Freshman Football Captain Manager Coach


This year's F.reshman Football Team is the first really s uccessful frosh eleven that Colby h as put in the field. Under the able tutelage of C oach Jack R ogers, a former Colby backfield star, the baby M ules played five games, winning two, tieing one, and losing one. The record is very remark­ able when it is considered that the freshman tea.m had very l ittle oppor­ tunity to p ractice as a team and w ith a set of plays of their own. D uring almost the enUre season they were drilled i n p lays of the arsity's maj or opponents and used them against the varsity i n dummy scrimmage. While every regular o n the freshman squad i s a potential varsity man and will in the future make strong bids for varsity positions. It is believed that B urnett, halfback ; Foster, guard ; Waite, fullback ; Herd, hal fback ; and B agnall , end ; were the outstanding players of the season. H i ggin s at Waterville . E. M. C. S. at B uc ksport Ricker at H o ulton . M. C. I. at W aterville . Kent's H i l l at W aterville

Fres h nien 6 7 27 12 0 52

Opponents 0 0 0 12 12 24

One hundred fifty-nine


History of the Develo p ment Fund The Colby College $500,000 Development Fund proj ect is the result of a process of evol ution. It grew out 'Of a motion made by the late Frank E dmunds, '85, who, when he made the motion, was a .member of the B oard of Trustees. Mr. E dmunds was one of the most interested of Colby Alumni in the development of the future Colby. His interest began during his undergraduate days when he was one of the most prominent members of his class. Some ten or eleven years after his graduation from Colby, and after he had become prominent as a New Y ork attorney, Mr. Edmunds founded the New Y ork Colby Alumni A sociation . His interest in the col lege was such that for over thirty years he never missed the annual dinner of the New York group. Nearly every commencement found him back on the Colby campus. So it was when he was serving on the B oard of Trustees in 1 925, that the great need for a new gymnasium for the men's division became im­ pressed upon his mind. At one of the regular meetings of the board that year, Mr. E dmunds proposed that a committee on ways and means of pro­ curing a gymnasium be appointed, with President Roberts and the chair­ man of the board included upon it. Others were to be appointed by the chairman. Mr. Edmunds died shortly after his motion was carried. B ut his plans were already being exec uted. A meeting of the committee resulting from Mr. Edmunds' motion was held soon after the trustees' meeting, and it decided that President Roberts should carry on the campaign for the funds. Although the ravages of his last sickness were then weakening him, President Roberts .desired to carry on the work himself. He communicated with the alumni and friends from whom he solicited both pledges and funds. At his death he had succeeded in securing over forty thousand dollars. The death of the president caused a slowing up of the work for funds, but the committee secured the services of Dr. Herbert C. Libby, who met with further success. It became increas­ ingly apparent, however, that a full-time man was needed for the work. The figure that the committee had considered adequate for the new gym­ nasium was $ 1 00,000. When Charles S. Brown of Augusta, director of the campaign, was secured by Vice-President Wadsworth last foll, the figure remained at $ 1 00,000. But at the November meeting of the B oard of Trus­ tees, Mr. B rown showed j ust how the sum was inadequate and how a much bigger proj ect of development could be undertaken with slightly increased eff�rt. The fi gure he proposed was $300,000. Vice-President Wadsworth One hundred-sixty

had already secured Mr. B rown's services for one year at a salary to be paid by him. The larger p rogram so appealed to the trustees that they at once endorsed it. At this siame N ovember meeting of the B oard of Trustees another im­ p ortant event occurred. Dr. Franklin W. Johnson, a C olby graduate of the c lass of '91 w as elected p resident of the 0ollege. With his election, optimism and faith in the ultimate s uccess of the gymnasium p roject rose to such heights that at a subsequent .meeting of Dr. Johnson, certain of the trus­ tees, and Mr. B rown, the figure was again riaised, this time to 500,000 and a general p rogram of development was brought i nto view-primarily a health program with a new gymnasium as the immediate goal, but w ith p lans of a scope heretofore undreamed of. The preliminary work of the Development Fund Committee gained m omentum and when the campaign began on M ay 1 5th, indication of suc­ cess was more than evident. The fact that Colby's greatest l i ving gradu­ ates, influential f.riends, and administration were s·o thoroughly behind the movement made this success all the more sure. C ombined with the enter­ p rise and aiding in its furtherance have been some very fortunate events. The election of President Joh nson, the reappointment of Dr. W ilkinson to the history department, and the election of Dean E r nest C . Ma.r riner are of such importance to the institution that the development seems to have worked itself i nto the very fiber and s ubstance of Colby.



PROPOSED SWIMMING POOL FOR MEN One hundred sfa;ty-011.e



Develop ment Fund C ommittee General Cha irman .


Vice-Chairm en




Executi-ve Cha irm a n








Secreta ry to Director




Chester H . Sturtevant, '92 Prof. E rnest C . Marriner, ' 1 3


Publicity State of Maine

C . Cecil Goddard, '29


Charles E. Gurney, '98

General A lumni

T. Raymond Pierce, '98


Shailer Mathews, '84

Chicago . Connecticut Valley .

Charles F. T. Seaverns , ' 0 1 James E . Davidson, '29

Missouri Valley

. Albert H. B ickmore, 93

New York Philadelphia

H arry T. Jorden


Dr. J. Frederick Hill, '82


Spaulding B isbee, ' 1 3

Western Maine Washington

One hundred sixty-two

Merle Crowell, ' 1 0

. H i•ram W. Ricker


George Otis Smith, '93

O ne h u ndred sixty-three

One hundred sfa;l'!f-four

The Alumnae Building If modern h istorians prefer to record, rather than to j udge, past events, how should a prophet dare to speculate o n futures ? When the E d itor of THE ORACLE asked me to disc uss the relation of the new Alumnae B u i lding to the general development of the Women's D ivision of Colby, I said promptly that he was asking me to expound a riddle which m ight baffle Apollo h i mself. It hardly needs a sibyl, how€ver, to reveal the plain, immediate i ntention of the building. H uman plants, like the flowers of the field, need space and sunlight i n which to grow to perfection. What the alumnae have tried to obtain through their seven years' endeavor i s more space and sunlight for Colby girls. The fact that the gymnasium consti­ t utes the center of the building would indicate that the main purpose is physical education and play, u nder healthful conditions. Though Colby does not advocate i ntercollegiate sports for girls, we m ust not forget that the harmonious development of the body is a very old and noble i deal in education. The Greeks b uilt mental poise upon a physical foundation . P lay, m oreover, has recreative and social u ses which cannot be safely ignored. Beside the play which pleases and develops the muscles, there is the i m itative play, which we call drama, affording an opportunity for youthful actors to g;o a little beyond their own depth i n l ively and e motional expres­ sion. E m otions need exercise and training and various opportunities for release. The gymnasium in the A lu mnae B ui lding has a stage at one end, so that the room may be u sed on occasion for more or less formal d ramatics. Various social uses for the gymnasium and the rooms which adj oin it, readily suggest themselves. Parties and receptions may here be held u nder pleasant and safe conditions. Several alumnae and friends have cooperated in making the Social Room, with windows toward the west, attractive and l iveable, with n one of the formal chill that would hinder the true purpose of such a place. A Y. W . C . A., or Assembly Room, upstai rs will accommodate religious and other gatherings. Many clubs are now formed under the d ifferent departments of the C ol lege, and these organizations will often be glad to use such a dignified and suitable room. Some meetings of the alumnae will a lso be held here. Perhaps I shall not be misunderstood i f I say that one great secret of l ife is how best to be happy. If the girls who use this b u i lding leave i t O n e hundred sixty-five

C::-'J-w. --:


after four years with a more discriminating understanding of happiness, its determining causes and social relation , the outside world will gain something by their presence. It is to be hoped also that they may some­ times use the Assembly Room for meetings that concern the problems of citizensh i p which women must now face. One can hardly open a magazine nowadays without finding some study of women in various new relationshi ps and occupations. Some writers, seeming to expect more rapid adaptation to new opportunities than is wholly reasonable, come to very gloomy conclusions. One realizes, at least, after reading such essays, the complexity and challenge of a woman's l ife in the modern world. If the modern woman's problem of adaptation is more difficult even than that of the modern man, surely the educational experiment must take due account of women's needs and possibilities in the new order. The home is still the ba is of society, platitudinous as that may sound, and it is a mistake to think of college women as educated primaril y for professional and business l ife. Though women should be able at need ( and the need is not always a purely financial one ) to realize themselves and serve the community by means of effective labor, the pres­ ent social conditions indicate that both men and women must first of all gain a fairer understanding of the fundamental human relationships. Then both must be trained to be c itizens of the twentieth century world . In Maine, if n o t i n Tennessee, o n e m a y believe in social evolution without danger of being banned. In the educational world of Colby, both men and women have a share. The loyalty and determination of the alumnae, as shown in their present achievement, have won in larger measure the interest and support of the trustees. Perhaps it may not be too much to hope that in future plans for making Colby a college of opportunity and progress, we may all work together for the things that we need. The more generous policy is almost always more fruitful in enduring results. Patience and fairness on both sides will do much to further the best interests of the College as it goes onward toward a broad and hopeful future. By FLORENCE filLIZABETH DUNN.

O n e hundred sixty-six

One hundred sixt11-seven


II�i� ,, ,,..,.���,, �'":"";�ff!�-"-" .



In the past the name of Colby has been outstanding in Athletics as in Education. Her teams, in pired with the spirit of vietory, but with a sense of sportsmanship and fair play, are known throughout New England. Colby is now blazing new paths into the future with a p rogram of "Athletics for All." The Alumnae Building is nearly completed. The Development Fund as� sures a new Gymnasium and Field House for the Men. It will soon be possible for a greater number of students to enter into, and receive the physical and moral advantages of, athletic competition.

• One h u ndred seventy




President Vive-President Secretary-T reasurer

FRATERNITY REPRESENTATIVES Franklyn B edell Dexter, 6 K E John E dward Walker, Z 'lr Carl Taggett Clough, .H George Francis Gr1ady, <J>SD.

W€bster Johnson B rown AXA Garfield Cecil Goddard, A T O O scar M oody C hute, K � P Sterling Cleveland Ryder, T K

CLASS PRESIDENTS 1929-Horace Pierce Maxcy 1 930-Andrew Charles K lusick 1 9 31-Richard Delano Williamson 1 93 2-Norman Chester Perkins

O n e hundred sevent11-011e

Student League President Vice-President Secretary Treasitrer Faculty A dvisor


Senior-Annella B ucknam Junior-Helen Chase

Sopho more-Agnes Ginn Freshman-Winifred Hammett

The Student League of .the Colby Women's Division was founded and given active powers by the faculty in 1922. The obj ect of the League is to regulate order and decorum among the women in the college dormitories and in the City of Waterville. All women who register at Colby are mem­ bers. Besides the active officers it has a n executive board consisting of Dean Nettie RuIJ,nals, E lsie Lewis, Margaret Hale, Mary Wasgatt, and a representative from each of the four classes. The Student League has, besides its other meetings, two regular meet­ ings a year, one in the spring and one in the fall to read the constitution and to make amendments. Mass meetings are called by the President whenever needed. One hundred sevent11-two




President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer Manager of Debate

The Maine Alpha C hapter of P i Kappa Delta, the N ational Forensic Society, was founded at Colby College in 1929. Membershi p to this Society is l i mited to students who have p articipated i n at least one i ntercollegiate debate. M E M BERS Oscar M oody Chute David F.ranklin Kronquist Lowell Pond Leland H arold F·rank Lamoine A lbert C arlton Palmer

N orman D u nbar Palmer Frederick Donald Poulin John Dexter Swartz C hester E arl Merrow Lemuel K ingsbury Lord O n e hundred seventy-three

Young Men,s Christian Association President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Assistant Treasurer


Campus Relations Committee-Wendall H . Thornton International Relations-Ernest C . Mil ler Mem bership-William B . Downey Church Relations-Frederick R. Knox Meetings-Stirling C. Ryder Publiciiy-Roy E. Smith Deputations-Lemuel K. Lord Financial-Harold D. Phippen

One }t.undred seventy-four

Young W omen� s C hristian Association President






T reasurer


C H AIRM E N OF COM M ITTEES Progra,m-Muriel MacDougall Social--L illian Morse

One hundred seventy-five




The Aroostook Club MARGARET HALE






MEMBERS Mary Allen Jermaine Archambault Marilla Barnes Thelma Bamford Winona Berrie Amelia Bliss Advia Campbell Helen Chase Virginia Christie Virginia Dudley Jennie D unn Phyllis Fisher Marj orie Fisher One hundred seventy-six

Maxine Foster Marion Ginn Margaret Hale Martha Hamilton Neta Harmon Ethel Henderson Carol Hill Adra Hodgins Evelyn Johnson Harriet Johnston Agatha MacEachrean Marion Merrill Rena M ills

Margaret Mooers Pauline Morin Alice Paul Helen Paul Mildred Pond Hope Pullen Frances Rideout Mildred Roberts Miriam Sanders Beulah Stiles Mary Vose Jean Watson Jean Wellington


O R. A. C L E

Society of the Daughters of C olby President




MEM BERS M artha Allen R uth B a rtlett R uth D aggett Virginia D ud ley Annie H ooper Goodw i n L o r a Neal Mildred R oberts M u r iel Sanborn Pauline B akeman Helen C hase Louise Dyer

Isa Putnam E d ith W oodwaird A . Stephanie B eane Florence C onners E unice Foye B arbara G urney Alice L inscott D orcas Paul R uth R amsdell D orothy Blanchard Lucile Blanchard

O n e hundred seventy-seven



Colby Oracle Board Editor-in-Chief


Business Manager .



Managing Edito r




Art Editor

ASSOC IATE EDITORS Herbert Kingsley Draper, '30 Karl Reister Hines, Jr., '30 George Arthu r Andrews, Jr., '29 Stephen Curtis Blakeslee, '30 Charles Metcalf Giles, '30 George Linwood Walsh, '30 Ralph Leonard Goddard, '30

John Irizarry Pagan, '30 Isa Bubar P utnam, '30 Rena Jo y Mills, '30 Mina Allan H iggins, '30 Lucy Ella Parker, '30 Carol Gertrude Hill, '30 Susie Louise Thomas, '30

BUSINESS STAFF Lawrence Dean Cole, '30 Lorimer Faunce MacDougall, '30 One hundred s�venty-eight

Theodore Nelson, '30 Edgar B urnh'.:1.m McKay, '30



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The Echo Board Editor-in-Chief Bus i·ness Mam,a,ger Managing Editor Wo men'-s Editor




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. W H ITCOMB, '30

EDITORIAL STAFF David F. Kronquist, . Theodore Nelson, Pauline B akeman, Charles Weaver, M argaret H ale, orris W . Potter, Philip Snow, J . Drisko A llen, . . John I . Pagan, William H . S tinneford, William S . Chapin,

A ssociate Editor A ssistant Editor A ssistant Editor Assis t ant Editm· Assistant Editor Lite rary Editor . Gladia tor Editm· Alumni Editor . Assis tant Managing Erdito-r Assistant Mram,aging Editor Sporting Editor

., ,..•,


'30 '30 '30 '30 '29



'30 '30


BUSI. ISS STAFF H a rold D. P h i p pen, Ralph M . S n yder, Donald M. C hristie, . Cecil Robinson, F rancis W. J uggin s ,

Circulatimi M(Jfl'l,(J, g er . A ssistant Bu-siness Manager Assistant Bu-siness Ma1wger Assistant Business Ma'Yl£Lger Assista11t Business Manager V irginia D udley, '29 B a1�bara Sherman, '31 Thompson Gra nt, '32 O t is W heeler H enry W . Rollins



'30 '31 '31 '.31 '3 1

M arjory Dearborn, '31 M a r i a n W hi te , '3 1 W illiam A. Lyons, 3 1 M a xwell W a r d H anild E . Townes One hundred seventy-nine


Colbiana Board Published three times a year by t h e Woman's Divi s ion o f Colby College BOARD OF EDITORS HARRIET W. KIMBALL, 1929 ELIZABEITH R. BEJCKEn'T, 1930 R.filN A J. M ILLS, 1930

. Editor-in-Chief . First Assistant Editor Second A ssista.nt Editor A SSOCIATE EDITORS

Literary Editm·s Mary E . Allen, '31 Evelyn L. Johnson, '32

A nnie Goodwin, '29 Mary K. Wlasgatt, '30


A rt Editor A tum;rw,e Editor Y. W. C. A . Editor . Joke Editor . Health Leagrue E.ditor

. .

Jean M . MacDonald, '30 . V i rginia Dudley, '2i'9 . Pauline S. Gay, '31 Marjory H . Dearborn, '31 Pauline E . W a ugh, '29


Business Manager First A ssistant M.a nager . Second A ssistant Manager One hundred eighty

Pauline B akeman . . Helen J. Hobbs Barbara A . Sherman



G irls ďż˝ Glee C lub FIRST SOPRANO J anet Locke Eleanor Lunn Isa P utnam Dorcas Plaiste d R ut h Ramsdell Gertrude S ykes

Alberta Brown Mary Allen R uth B artlett S tephanie Bean Ruth Daggett M uriel Farnum E unice F oy e SECOND SOPRANO

Lil lian M orse A lice Paul H elen Paul Florence Shapiro Grnce Sylvester G race Stone Tina Thompson F lorence Wein Louise M urray

Jessie Alexander Winona Berrie Violette Boulter P a uline Bakeman Phyliss Fisher Pearle Grant M artha John ston H arriet Kimball M u riel M acdougall A LTO E dvia Campbell H elen Chase Florence Conners Dolores D ignam Annie Goodwin Doris Groesbeck W i nifred H a mmett Carolyn H errick Ethel Henderson

H arriet Johnston Pearle Langlois M arian Morrell Evelyn M orrison E stelle Taylor M u riel Sanborn B arbara Weston M arjory Dearborn O ne hundred eighty-one

Seven Keys to Baldp ate On April 1 1 , 1 929, Powder iand Wig, assisted by The Masque, pre­ sented its fourth annual spring prio duction, "Seven Keys to Baldpate," written by George M. Cohan and directed by Professor Cecil A. Rollins. This p lay was presented at the Opera H ouse and was for the benefit of the Development Fund. SEVEN KEYS TO BALD PATE THE CAST Elijah Quimby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D avid F. Kronquist Mrs. Quimby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miriam J. Thomas William Hallowell Magee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard P. Hodgdon John Bland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ralph E. Anderson Mary Norton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anna W. Macomber Mrs. Rhodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alice F. L inscott Peters, the hermit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Albert C. Murray Myra Thornhill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martha E. Allen Lou Max . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B rittain Webster Jim Gargan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles A. Cowing Thomas Hayden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John A. Webb Jig gs Kennedy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James H. Woods � Thomas D. Grant . Poli cemen · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Lucius iV . Lobdel l ( . . . . . . Donald F. Kellogg Owner of Baldpate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




















One hundred eighty-two




Dramatic C lub . MARY E . VOSE, ' 2 9



S ecretar1J-Treasurer

MEMBERS M artha Allen, '29

H arriet Kimball, ' 2 9

Violette B ou lter, '29

Lora N e a l , ' 2 9

Alberta B rown, '30

R uth Park, ' 3 0

R uth Daggett, '29

M uriel Sanborn, ' 2 9

Annie Hooper Goodwin, '29

Grace Stone, ' 2 9

D oris Groesbeck, '29

Mjriam Thomas, ' 2 9

I rene Hersey, ' 3 1

L ucile Whitcomb, ' 3 0 M a r y Vose, ' 2 9

One hundred eighty-three

Le Cercle Fran cais ?

Founded at Colby College, 1929


President . Vice-President Seaetary Treasurer .



" Le but d u Cercle F rarn;:ais sera de donner aux ceux qui s'interessent au Franc;ais l'occasion de se trouver dans un milieu aussi Franc;ais que possible, de s'y evercer de ia conversation reelle. Le Cercle donners aux membres l'opportunite de s'instruire en s'amusant, de comprendre l'esprit, la litterature et les institutions Franc;ais et d'encour­ ager ainsi des relations amicales entre la France et les Etats-Unis. "

MEMBERS J essie Alexander D risko Allen Clarence Arber M ary Allen Germaine Archambault Pauline Bakeman Abbie Boynton Philip E l y Evelyn Grindall Irene Hersey Maxine Hoyt Evelyn Johnson H aniet Kimball One hundred eighty-four

David Kronquist Beatrice Ladd H elen Leighton Bernardine Libby R u pert Loring Anna Macomber E rnest E. M iller Pauline Morin Dorothy Morton Louise Mulligan H i l dred Nelson Dorcas Plaisted Ruth Ramsdell

Liane Rancourt E leanor Rogers E velyn Rollins Helen Simmons Grace Stone F rances Thayer Louise Thomas Bertil U p pval Florence Ventres John Webb Jean Wellington Marion White



Woman�s Health League Founded 1 92 1 .









H arriet Kimball, '29

1 93 1

Marj orie Dearborn, '3 1

Pauline B rill, '30

1 932

Phyllis Hamlin, '32

O n e hundred eighty-five

One hundred eighty-six

· JZf{e



Men"s Colby Night In the Colby Gymnasium, on Friday evening, October 2 6th, over eight h undred alumni, student�, faculty members and friends of the college gath­ ered for the annual observance of C olby N ight. Professor E rnest C. Mar­ riner, Chairman of the E xecutive Committee, presided at the meeting. In his opening talk he p r-omised those present an i nteresting and p eppy even­ i ng and he proved a good prophet. The fi rst spea�er to be introduced w as Judge W arren C. Philbrook, p resident of the Colby Alumni Association, and a member of the board of trustees, who brought the greetings of the Alumni to the college. Ralph H unt, principal of H ebron Academy, encouraged the team to forget self and remember to work well, for depending on the way they worked, w as success. J ud ge James H udson, a representative of the Alumni Committee, gave an i nteresting talk basing his remarks upon the idea that victory is the result of indom itable will plus perseverance. The Hon. H eribert Wadsworth, '92, told those p resent that C harles A. B rown of A u gusta, had been appointed Campaign M anager for the new gymnasi u m and that the drive was well under w ay. The Hon. B enedict M aher, of A ugusta, brought to the assembly an in­ spiring message of courage and the will t o win. The other s peakers were : T. R aymond P ierce, '98 ; Priof. C . Harry E d­ wards ; The Hon. F. H arold D u bord ; H orace Maxcy, '29 ; and Ass't. C oach M i llett ; all of whom gave words of encouragement to the team. Captain "Bobby" .S cott assured all that it would be a fi ghting team which took the field for C olby the next day. Coach Eddie Roundy ended the speeches with his q uiet announcement that while the team was n ot a highly polished one, i t was a fi ghting one and that they expected to win. Throughout the program the Colby band furnished the m usic. John Richardson, '29, led the cheers and kept the audi,ence on edge the w hole evening. A fencing match between Arth u r S nyder, '29, and Thomas A. Record, '30, W1as an innovation which was enthusiastically received. "Chef" Weymouth was o n hand with an even l arger assortment of "eats" than ever before. W ith his hail of "come and get it" the meeting broke up. O n e hundred eighty-seven

�'J-ic O RAC L E

Women� s Colby Night The Annual Women' Colby Night was held in Foss Hall on Friday evening, October 26th, and proved to be one of the most enthusiastic meet­ ings ever attended by the alumnae and undergraduate bodies. The dining­ room of Foss Hall was attractively dewrated with the College colors and banners. Dean Runnals welcomed the guests of the evening and was followed by the various class representatives. Mrs. Mary T1a rr B radbury, ' 93, extended the greetings and good-will of the Boston Alumnae Association, and Mrs. George Otis Smith, '93, gave an enthusiastic address. Miss Martha Allen, '29, gave several vocal selections. After a brief intermission the Dramatic Club presented a three-act comedy entitled, "Oh, Didn't It Rain." The oast of characters was as fol­ l ows : Mr. Delaney, New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harriet Kimball Sam J ohnsing, servant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annie H. Goodwin Marilyn Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ruth Daggett Vivian C ole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Muriel Farnum Pauline McKay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L ucile Whitcomb Samantha Jewett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miriam Thomas D inah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Stone !Siaac D obbs, Justice of Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Muriel Sanborn J.ohn B a rtlett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alberta B rown B ob Stires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irene Hersey Mrs. Perry Owen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Violette Boulter Mr. Perry O wen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Vose The evening closed with the singing of Alma Mater.

One hwndred eighty-eight



Wo�en,s Ivy Day Exercises T h e annual I v y D a y exercises, p resented under t h e general direction of Mary Vose, '29, Friday, M ay 23, 1 928, were conducted on the athletic field i n back of Foss H all. The address of welcome was given b y Annie H ooper Goodwin and was followed with several selections by the girls' or­ c hestra. The p lanting of the i vy followed an address by Mrs. H ilda Ives of Portland. M iss H arriet Towle, President of the Senior C lass, p resented the trowel to the J unior Class President, M iss Florence Young. The sing­ ing of the class ode concluded the exercises for the afternoon. The I vy D y play, "The Man Who Married a D u mb W i fe," w ritten by Anatole F rance and d irected by Professor Rollins, was given by the J u nior C lass, Friday evening. The cast was as follows : Master B otal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Vose H i s Wife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Violette B o ulter Adam F u mee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alice Paul D octor C ol len . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Stone S u rgeon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lora Neal Apothecary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E leanor B utler Giles B ois Courtier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I rene Hersey C hickweed Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agatha MacEac hron A lison, servant to B otal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pearl G rant W atercress Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H arriet K i mball Candle Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jean M . Watson Blind B e ggar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E leanor L u n n Fiddler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D orothy Carter Chimney Sweep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ruth Plaisted , ) Virgi n ia D udley D octor s Attend ants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · . · · l M iriam Thom as M ad ame de la B ri un e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lucy Chapin Footman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bernice Collins Mlle, de l a Grandier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martha Holt Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B arbara Weston

One hundred eighty-nine

Lyford Interscholastic Prize S p eaking Contest Special prizes aggregating one hundred dollars, the gift of Will Hart­ well Lyford of the class of 1879, ,of Chicago, Illinois, are made available to the College, and are open to the young men attending preparatory schools i n Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. The chief obj ect of the prizes is to encourage public speaking, and the awards are made for gen­ eral excellence in declamation :

SCHOOLS REPRESENTED IN 1929 Fa rmington High School

Kent's H ill Seminary

Canton H igh School

Cony ( A ugusta ) H igh School

M ad.ison H igh School

Biddeford H igh School

Coburn Classical Institute

New Gloucester H igh School

H ollis High School

Kingfield H igh School

M al den ( M ass. ) H i gh School

Monmouth Academy

Norwood ( M ass . ) H igh School

Good Will H igh School

Ricker Classical Institute

Presque Isle H igh School

Bar H arbor H igh School

Lewiston H igh School

Windham High School

Westbrook H igh School

Worcester ( Mass. ) Classical H igh

H opkins ( S. H adley, Mass . ) Academy

Bangor H igh School

Oakland High School

B ridgton H igh School

Wilton Academy

Searsmont H igh School

Deering High School

Lawrence ( Fai rfiel d ) H igh School

Houlton H igh School

Winthrnp H igh School

Mexico H igh School

Philips H igh School

E dward Little ( A uburn ) H igh School

Waterville H igh School

Strong H igh School

LYFORD PRIZES FOR 1 929 First Prize Second Prize Third Prize Fourth Prize

One hundred ninety

Christopher R. Demetry Clarence Lawton Lewis L ibby Robert Lawrence

Good Will H igh Strong H igh Presque Isle High Philips H i gh


0 RA C L E

Twentieth Annual Murray Prize Debate The sum of one hundred dollars, the gift of George E dwin Murray, of the class of 1 879, of L awrence, Massachusetts, i s award2d to the six p ublic debaters chosen from P ublic Speaking 6 . Seventy-five dollars is given to the winning team, to be distributed equally among the three speakers ; twenty-five dollars is given to the losing team, to be distributed in a like manner. MURRAY PRIZES F'OR 1 928-1929 First P rize A braham Benjamin Glovsky, ' 3 1 William Rodney Wyman, '29 R ichard Prince H odsdon , '29 representing the affirmative.

E l mer R ivken, ¡29

Second Pri_ e Barney Harry Lipman, '3 1 Thomas James Kenney, '3 1 representing the 11egativ2.

Annual Hamlin Prize Speaking Contest A first prize of ten dollars and a sec ond p rize of five dollars awarded to the two best speakers in the Men's and Women's D ivisions who participate i n the Freshman H amlin Prize Speaking Contest. MEN'S DIVISION First Prize : Second Priz e : First Prize : Second Prize :

Frederick D onald Poulin, '31 Philip Swift Snow, ' 3 1 Gertrude Lillian Snowden, ' 3 1 Marj ory Hopkins Dearborn, ' 3 1

The Annual Goodwin Prize Speaking Contest S pecial p rizes aggregati n g one hundred dollars, given by Matie E . Goodwin o f Skowhegan, Maine, i n memory of her h usband, Hon. Forrest Goodwin of the class of 1 887, are awarded to students in the Men's D i vision for excellence i n the delivery of original addresses. First Prize : Second Prize : Third Prize : Fourth P riz e :

Mark R ichard S hibles, '29 James Henry Woods, '29 Cecil E u gene Foote, '28 Chester E arl Merrow, '29 One h u ndred ninety-one



Junior Week End May �

17- 1 8

The Third Annual Junior Week E nd opened Friday afternoon, May 17, 1929, with the Ivy Day program held at the College Chapel. After the class exercises an address was given by Hugh Pendexter, noted novelist, who spoke on "Literature, Yesterday and Today." Following the exercises the Bates and Colby ball teams vied for championship honors on Seaverns Field. The Annual Junior Prom was held Friday evening at E lks' Hall. On S aturday afternoon the Maine Intercollegiate Track and Field Associa­ tion held its Sixteenth Annual Track and Field Day on the Colby athletic field. Activities for the week end were concluded with the Junior Prom Chaser held in the Alumnae B uilding.



. Mark Hood Garabedian

Awarding of Class Gifts O ration . Planting of Ivy

) Barbara Libby ( Charles William Weaver, Jr.

Albert Carlton Palmer Class Presidents

COLLEGE CHAPEL 2.45 Welcome Address

Professor E rnest Cummings Marriner H ugh Pendexter FRIDAY EVENI NG, 9.00

Junior Promenade .

E lks' H al l SATURDAY, M A Y 18, 2.30

State Track Meet


Seaverns Field SATURDAY, AT 8.00



One hundred ninety-two

. Alumnae B uilding


. Garth Coleg Koch MUSIC CLASS ODE

Soon in thy halls, 0 Colby, our voices will echo no more, And unknown feet too soon will tread the paths we trod before. Time has borne us on youth's river far along the tide To the spot where thy harborage recedes on either side. Chorus So Colby, cherished mother, we give our fond goodbyes, A wrench of anguish at ·our hearts and teardrops in our eyes ; With so many poignant feel ings, too mingled all to tell, The gladness of adventure stills the sadness of farewell.

Out to the deep we go now, out to the sea of life To find on her too fickle breast, peace, success or strife. The days we've spent were happy, too swiftly they have flown But here we've learned love, tolerance ; the seeds of l ife were sown. Charles Pembr·oke Nelson � Helen Claire Hight ( Charles E dwin Towne

O ration A warding of Class Honors MUSIC Address to Undergraduates Will ow Address S inging of Pipe Ode Smoking of Pipe of Peace Address by Class Guest of H onor Parting Address

� "l

Katherine B eatrice Greaney George Vinton Jones S R uth Mae Viles ( Clair Ellsworth Wood Merle W . C rowell, '10 Cecil E ugene Foote

PARTING ODE Presentation of Class Gifts Acceptance One hundred ninety-four

Conrad Hartman H i nes




Annual C ommencement OF

Colby College M O NDAY, JUNE 1 8 , 1 928 O R D E R OF E X E R C I S E S PROCESSIONAL I NVOCATlON "The Jewish Patriot" . "The Student Youth of China" "The College Press"

Arthu r B enj amin Levine . Ella Lydia Vinal . Lawrence Asa Peakes MUSIC

Commencement Address, "America in H igh" H on . George O tis Smith, Ph. D ., '93 D i rector of the United States Geological S urvey and President of the American I nstitute of Mining and Metallurgical E ngineers. Conferring of Degrees Awarding of Prizes B enediction

Honors in General Scholarship T H E M E N ' S DIVISION Magna Cwm Laude Arthur B enj amin Levine Cum Laude Lawrence Asa Peakes Cyrus Stanley C orey H arold E.d win C lark

THE W O M E N 'S D IVISION Magna Cum Laude D orothy Vaugh n Sylvester Cum Laude Janet Chase R uth E liabeth Williams Irma Gertrude Sawyer Harriet E stelle Towle E velyn Floyd Ventres E lla Lydi.a Vinal Claire Jane Richardson One hundred ninety-five

Honors and Prizes AW"arded.,

1927- 1 928

THE M E N ' S DIVISION Condon Medal : Not awarded. Com mencement Prize for Excellence in English Composition: Lawrence Asa Peakes, '28. Mem bers of Phi Beta Kappa : Arthur Benj amine Levine, Cyrus Stanley Corey, Lawrence Asa Peakes, Harold Edwin C lark. Goodwin Pu blic Speaking Prizes : Mark Richard Shibles, '29, James Henry Woods, '29, Cecil Eugene Foote, '28, Chester E arl Merrow, '29. Sophom ore Decla matio n : Not awarded. Hamlin Reading : Frederick Donald Poulin, '31, Philip Swift Snow, '31 . Freshman Scholarship Prizes : Ralph Milton Snyder, '31, E dward Cobb, ' 3 1 .

GERMAN PRIZES Prizes for Excellence in Germ a n : Norman Dunbar Palmer, '30, Philip Stewart E ither, '30.

THE WOMEN'S DIVISION Com menc e m en t Prfae for Excellence in English Compositio n : E lla Lydia Vinal, '28. Phi Beta Kappa : Dorothy Vaughn Sylvester, R uth Elizabeth Williams, Harriet E stelle Towle, Ella Lydia Vinal, Janet Chase, Irma Gertrude Sawyer, E velyn Floyd Ventres, Claire J.ane Richardson. Coburn Prize Speaking Contest : R uth Agnes Park, '30, Irma Gertrude Sawyer, '28, Grace Alli son Stone, '29, Harriet Whitehead Kimball, '29. Sophomore Decla, mation : Not awarded. Hamlin Reading : Gertrude Lillian Snowden:1 '31, Marj ory Hopkins Dear­ born, '31, Annie H ooper Goodwin, '30. Mary Lowe Carver Prize for Poetry : Annie H ooper Goodwin, '30. Freshman Scholarship Prizes : Geraldine Francis F•oster, '31 , B eatrice M iskelly, ' 3 1 .

GERMAN PRIZES Prizes for Excellence in German : Margaret Pauline Hale, '30, Rena J oy Mills, '30. O n e h undred ninety-six



D egrees Conferred

I ll



D e gree E dward J a m e s Ariel


f Bac h elo r

South B erwick

K e n n eth H avenor Cassens

R ockland

Harold E dwin Clark

Norwich, Ct.

D o n a l d Pierce Cobb


C yr u s Stanley C or e y

B r i dgewater

G ardner Dixon C ottle

Fall River, M ass. W aterville

E verett Richard D r u m m o n d A ubrey E rwin Flanders


C onrad H artman H i n e s

B erkshire, M ass.

D e gree


A ugustine Anthony D ' Amico

Law' c e , M ass. W ytopitlock

Ralph H erbert Ayer

E a st Lynn , M ass.

Charles Ira B agnall

M i llbridge China

N e lson Ward B a i l e y M e a d e Joshua B al dwin

Wilder, Ct.

George Paul B ernhardt

Lawren c e , M ass.

C l a u d e J oseph B o u chard


Charles E dward Callaghan

South Brewer

Harold E ugene Carson

H odgdon

Thomas J oseph Caulfield

D a lto n , M ass.

E verett O lmstead Champlin


R ob e rt C u m m ings Chandler

C olumbia Falls

Arthur Donald Clark


G eorge Leverett E dgett John Nelson Erickson


Newburyport, M ass.

E d m u n d Frank Fiedler

Adams, M ass.

f Arts

Garth Colet Koch William R o bert Lombard

Springv a l e W est Springfi e l d

Donald Hobbs M illett

Springfi e l d , V t .

Charles Pe mbroke Nelson


Lawren c e Asa Peakes

Poultney, Vt.

Cecil H oward R ose


William Stanley Tanner

A ugusta

G e orge Chester W e st


Clair E llsworth W o o d

f B ac h e lor

R o l a n d B utterfi e l d A n drews



H owland

f S c ie nc e

W alter Ferdinand Knofskie

S . M an'ter, Ct.

Weldon Ralph K n o x

T orrington , Ct.

Arthur B e n j a m i n Levine


J oseph Lewis Lovett

H u dson, Mass.

athan Randall Lufkin

N . Adams, M ass.

Leo Wilfred MacDonald

South Brewer

William Forrest MacLean

Norwo o d , M ass.

Clyde Lyford Mann

Livermore Falls

Rene Joseph M arcou


James Thomas M c Croary E arl H oward M c K a y

Adams, M ass. W . Hartford, Ct.

R obert H unter M c Leary


Vance Leonard M cNaughton Gilbert Muir

N . V a ssalboro

E dward M artin Nee

N orwood, M ass.

Lester R a ym o n d Nesbitt

R evere, M ass.

Jack Joseph Ricci

M e r i d e n , Ct.

Cecil E ugene Foote

H o lyoke, M ass.

Roland M a rj orie Robicha u d

Louis Pierre Fourcade

Purchase, N . Y.

C h a r l e s Jose ph Sansone

Wendell R u ssell Grant

N e w Limerick

D o uglas C lifton Grearson


A shton Sanford H a m ilton

E a stport

E l w o o d Jean H a m m o n d

D exter

Charles M itchell Hannifen

Lynn, M ass.

Theodore E verett H ardy, Jr. E dwin Wallace H arlow D urward Sawyer H e a l

Waterville Gardiner

E ast Millinocket

Daniel Joseph Shanahan S i d n e y Pillsbury Snow J o s e p h F r e d e r i c k Theriault Albert John Thiel

H aver'l l , M ass. Canto n , M ass.

Charles E dwin Towne


John A lfred Trainor

W aterville W e stboro, Mass.

James K e ltie T ufts, Jr. Gordon Granger W elch R oss H orton Whittier

M onticello

Watervi l l e R ockland

Lero y M illard Johnston G e orge V inton J o n e s

W aterville Norwo o d , Mass.

August Frank Stiegler, J r . Gr't N eck, N. Y .

A ugustus M ayhew H odgkins Farm 'ton Falls Campobel l o , N . B .


Peacham , Vt. Ipswich, M ass.

Lewis Van Nordon Wilso n N . Rochelle, N . Y . O n e hundred ninety-seven




Bachelor of Arts THE WO MEN'S DIVISIO N C ornelia A dair

Brownville Junct.

Elizabeth Lewis

Marguerite Elise Ames


Muriel Estes Lewis

M arie Laure d ' Argy


Ruth Melvina M cEvoy

Frances June Bragdon


Gladys Mae B unker Janet Chase


Adelaide C oombs

Augusta B ath

Dorothy Daggett


Violet Daviau


Margaret An nette Davis

M onson

V era Frances Day


Marion E stelle Daye

Waterville Bangor

A m y Dell Dearborn


Nellie Mae Dearborn Ava Frances D odge Evelyn Gertru d e Foster Katherine Beatrice Greaney

Newcastle Waterville Waterville

E lisabeth B ullard Gross


Mona E lizabeth H erron

Waterville Skowhegan Waterville

H e l e n Claire Hight Ruth Hutchins Marion Elizabeth Jacobs


Ena Ellene Page Esther Mary Parker Margery M o oers Pierce Estelle Margaret Pottle Emily Randall Claire Jan e Richardson B etsy Evelyn Ringdahl Henrietta Rosenthal Margaret Easton Salmond Irma Gertru de Sawyer Susie Wilhelmina Stevens D orothy Vaughn Sylvester M ary Thayer Ruth Nevers Thompson Ruth Mildred Tilton Emma Frances Tozier Edna E lizabeth Turkington Evelyn Floyd V entres Helen Alicia Wyman

Groton, Mass. Watervill e Henniker, N. H . Waterville Lisbon Falls O akland O xford Freeport Waterville New Sweden Waterville Winslow Canton M illbridge Deer Isle Waterville Smyrna M ills Portland Fairfield

3 Rivers, Mass. Rockport, Mass. Medford, Mass.

As of the Class of 1927 Frances Tweedie Giroux


Bachelor of Science Rose B lack H ilda Fran ces D e sm ond Mildred Lucille Fox Lela Haskell Glidden Helen E lizabeth Merrick Grace M orrison V iola May Philbrook

One hundred n i nety-eight

Springfield, Mass. Ridlonville Skowhegan Jefferson Augusta Waterville Kittery Point

O live Elizabeth Richardson Waterville M yra Spencer Stone Lawrence, Mass. Harriet Estelle T owle Ruth Mae Viles


Skowhegan E lla Lydia V inal N. Scituate, Mass. Arleen Harriett Warburton Lawr'ce, Mass. Ruth E l izabeth Williams



1928- 1929


Name Edna Hattie Huff

D ied 1929


Edward Hawes Smiley

1 928

1 878

Henry Marcus Thomp on

1 928

1 879

Charles Edward Conant

1 928

1 884

Ezra Elmer Mcintire

1 929 1 928

1 884

Alfred Irving Thayer


Charles Frederick Smith

1 928

1 893

E lmer Louis Nichols

1 929

1 894

Irving Bemis Mower

1 929

1 908

Frank B ramhall Condon

1 928


I rving Ross Stanwood

1 928

1 924

Mark Lester Ames

1 928


Augustus Eben Sawyer

1 929

1 888

Charles Henry Wood

1 928


Herbert Wilder Hall

1 928

1 908

Harry Leonar<l Kilgore

1 928


Leland Horace Miller

1 928


Augustus Leigh Welch

1 928

Dooley Ferguson

1 929


1 924

Two h u ndred

ED I T O R I AL D u ri ng the i nterval of time that has elapsed since the publication of the last ORACLE, C olby has taken great strides toward the realization of obj ectives heretofore merely d reams. W here an accumulation of signifi­ cant facts could be noted a year ago, accomplishments of tremendous s ignifi­ cance can now be indicated. The consummation of these steps and the bright outlook for the immediate future, as well as that more distant, seems to j ustify the statement of Merle C rowell , ' 10, editor of the American Magaine that : "Colby is about to have a rebirth. And a glorious one." A year ago the editor pointed with pride to a Memorial Gate ; a rebuilt Co­ burn Hall. Today the p resent editor can point, confidently, to a future, rebuilt Colby. T o speak of a "rebu i lt Colby" is not to belittle her past, her service. It is to indic ate the great p rogressive trend that has seized upon her. Prog­ ress is not heresy i n this modern age. A plan to move the college in its entirety would be evidence of advancement, n ot of i ngratitude. And devel­ opment does not mean placing Colby i n a position to compete with large u niversities in point of numbers or enrollment. It means giving the select group of students the max i m u m education that a small l i beral arts college can offer. This development has not taken place before because, in the evolution of colleges, the p sychological moment had not arrived. Strong i nstitutions are founded upon modest sites and grow slowly. So i t is with Colby. B ecause a thing h as not been done before is not sufficient reason to obstruct its being done. The action, of course, m ust be consistent w ith for­ ward-looking policy. And so this motivating spirit i n the fibre and sub­ stance of C olby, endeavoring �o accomplish new goals, is vigorous, healthy, wholesome. Two things, one the result of ev·olution ; the other the result of great good fortune and unlimited sagaci ty of selection, marked the beginning of the academic year 1 928-1929. The Colby College $500,000 Development Fund idea is the fi rst of these two. I n the minds of the origi nators, M r. Frank E dmunds of New York C ity, and President Arth u r J. Roberts, it amounted to a p roj ected new gymnasium for the men's divisi· on. I n 1928 i t became a $ 1 00,000, $300,000 gymnasium fund, and finally a $ 500,000 Dev€lopment Fund. The second item referred to is the election of Dr. Frankli n Winslow Johnson, '91, as tenth p resident of Colby. H i s election i n November was more than significant. It was coincident with the $300,000 step in the evolution of the Development Fund and r€sulted shortly in its being raised to $ 500,000. Furthermore, it meant that C olby was to have for its p resident a great educator, a department head i n one of the world's largest universities, the i ncarnation and embodiment of C olby's productive qualities.

Two hundred one

There are other events, by-products of the developing college, that augur well for the institution. lt had been long felt that Colby should have a dean of men. The A lumnus and the Echo had advocated it, but it was not until the April meeting of the Board of Trustees that the office of dean .of men was re-created. The election of Professor Marriner to the oftice satisfies a need which doubtless was great enough to shorten the l ife of the late President Roberts. H is selection completes the H ierarchy of administrative officials that will swing the new era into full operation. Being one of those remarkable men with executive ability, capacity for detail, and character that demands respect, there is little doubt that the student body will come to respect him even more as dean of men. The acceptance of reappointment as head of the history department by Dr. William J . Wilkinson is another most fortunate event. H is tremendous popularity with Colby students prior to his resignabon from the Colby faculty is ample proof of the wisdom of his reappointment. Nothing can express more truly the sentiment of the students than the words which appeared in the dedicatory note of the ORACLE ·of 1 927 : "Admired as a teacher, respected as a gentleman, and honored as a friend." The women are to be congratulated upon their splendid new recreation center. The completion of the Alumnae Building, a monument to a unified body of Colby women, is material evidence of their desire to make a Colby woman's education a better and more complete accomplishment. To one of their outstanding leaders, and teachers, Dr. Florence E. Dunn, they owe a large measure of appreciation. She has not only made possible the com­ pletion of the Alumnae Building, but has paved the way for the creation of a quadrangle with Foss Hall and the other dormitories on College Avenue forming the front. It is 1of importance that the term "development" does not extend merely to the men's division, nor to class buildings, but extends equally to both divisions. Further indication of the expansion of Colby in .a material way is the purchase of the Bangs Estate 1on College A venue. Although i ts use is not yet decided, the expansion of the college i n that direction makes the street more certainly a college thoroughfare. For all our successful year, the class of 1 929, which will soon consti­ tute the youngest of Colby Alumni, looks forward to the time when the four centers of the college are developed in a way consistent with Dr. John­ son's views-when Colby will have an administration building, a l ibrary, a chapel, all equipped equally as well as the new men's gymnasium will be, and the women's recreation center now is. E. E. M., '29. APPRECIATION The ORACLE wishes to thank Professors Libby, Rollins and Chapman for their helpful aid and suggestions and Professor E ustis for his time and consideration. The ORACLE w ishes to thank E rnest Edward Miller, E ditor of the Echo, for his co-operati1on. The ORACLE appreciates greatly the aid of the merchants who have advertised in this book. The Editor wishes to thank the members of his board for their splen­ did work that made this ORACLE possible. Two hundred two

The Inheritors By A N NIE H OOPER GOODWIN ( I wrote t his ge'm , m y a,d,ored readers, in exquisite Russian. Any discrepancies which may occur are entirely the fault of the t ranslator. ) For my own p art, I should never have considered Nicolai Chubukov and his mother, V.arya, as meek. My error-they were ; for the H oly B ook says that "the meek shall inherit the earth." In some unaccountable way the Chubukovs, male and female, had made elegant and elaborate progress toward that ultimate possession. Varya Chubukov, buxom survivor of a hundred funerals, p ressed as close to the table-edge as her two-story stomach would allow. She pursued the last bit of • nion around and around the yellow bowl ; she captured it, engulfed it, and licked her fingers shamelessly. O p p osite, her son N icolai leaned back from his well-scraped p late with all the smugness of an overfed gander. H e spoke, "The herring was good tonight, my mother, although the parsley was not over fresh. " H e paused. "Lubov Lapkin is very low." Varya ceased her finger licking. "Ah ! ( That was all she said ) Ah." N ioolai continued, "Lubov is very old. She is l ike to d.i e tonight . " "So ?" Varya r a n h e r tongue along t h e back of h e r spoon. "Ah ! " " S h e lies i n t h e very center of h e r great black bed. T h e white cat yawns beside her." "It is sad, my darling, to die and leave only 1 00,000 r ubles and a great white cat. M arry an heiress, my N i-0olai, and I will have many grand­ children." "Yes, my mother, perhaps Natalya Trofimov, ( if her rich uncle should see fit to will her his fortune ) . She is rich already in her own right. " " They said he could not last long when Lubov died. I will drive to see Lubov Lapkin this very afternoon, poor soul . " Varya Chubukov rose and w ra pped the cape which had been her dead sister's about her ample bosom . *





Varya c rushed some catnip in her moist fingers and approached the black bed with its pale occupants. "Ah, my darling Lubov, I heard you were ill and I have oome to see you. " The great white cat rose and fondled Varya's pudgy fingers. She stroked the great head, and murmured, "You beautiful cabbage . " T h e w a x of Lubov's face c racked and from t h e ghastly fissure came a whisper, "I am dying." " Dying ? God save u s ! W hat are you goin g to do w ith your cat ?" Two hundred three

The figure trembled. "If I only knew. He is all I have." The voice p ulsed on more distinctly. "Varya-he loves you-never before have I seen him permit another to caress him. Swear that you will care for him and I will leave you everything." Varya quivered with rapture and pleasure. Her fingers tightened on the great cat. "1 shall love him for his own sake, as my own child, ( and for your sake, dear Lubov. ) Already he is the apple of my eye. Him will I ·c herish while breath lasts." She gave free rein to her tongue and it gal­ loped on and on. A notary drew u p the will immediately, and while the death rattle shook Lubov's wind-pi pe, the great white cat purred under Varya's twitch­ ing hands. And that was that ! *





Varya loved the splendor of her new home ( she and N icolai moved in, in time for evening coffee ) . She would have spent a pleasant evening, counting the 100,000 rubles and planning the disposal of Lubov's worn-out body, had she not heard Olga, the maid servant, mention that Dashenka Petrovich ( little widow of the Pyotr Petrovich ) was dying of hemorrhage. "Little fathers, and I so weary," sighed Varya as she drew the cape once more about her robust form, .and stepped down the w ind-bitten street. Little D ashenka was very low i ndeed. Her sweet, pointed face was framed i n a .mass of heavy red hair. Her scarlet cheeks were p itifully thin. The servants were trying to ease her tortured p assing. Varya came through the vestibule and found fat, l ittle Marya playing by herself in the corner. Varya picked the child up and p lacing her on the upper deck iof her stomach puffed into the sickroom. Varya smiled at the child with an effusive sugariness. She approached the bed and lifted the molten mass of hair from the bl ue-veined forehead. "Ah, my darling Dashenka, I heard you were ill, and I have come to see you." The child fingered the tassel which hung from Varya's bodice. V.arya buried her third chin in the child 's ringlets. "You lovely l ittle cabbage !" she mur­ mured. The blood-flecked Ups of the sick woman parted. "I am dying ! Oh ! my every hair aches and throbs." One china hand brushed fretfully at the mass of red. "Dying, my D ashenka ? God save us ! What are you going to do with your child ?" The lips quivered. "If I only knew. I am all she has. Pyotr-" Vary a set the child on her fat, little feet. "Shan't I cut your hair, dear D ashenka ? It would be so much cooler." Snip, snip-the scissors n ibbled the rippling fodder from the feverish head. "You are so kind, Varya ; if I could only-" A gush of hot blood silenced her tongue. "Would you___:c ould you, Vary a, care for my l ittle Two hundred four

M arya, when I am gone ? I will give you half of the estate. O ne-half of it to be saved for M arya when she shall be grown. It i s a large estate. " Varya bit her tongue to keep f r o m smacking her l ips. " E ven if it were half as large, dear D ashenka, I w ould be only too glad. I shall love her as m y own Nicolai. A lready she is the apple of my eye. Her will I cherish while breath lasts-" The wild man of her tongue broke l oose and ran free i n the wind. A n otary came and drew the agreement that very hour and the child whimpered i n Varya's arms while little Dashenka played w ith death and l ost. Varya returned home after midnight with l ittle M arya wrapped in a blanket. The white cat yowled before the c losed door of L ubov's room. Varya p laced the child i n her own bed and coaxed the beast to the fireside. She caressed it with one newly gemmed hand while she sipped away a de­ canter of vodka. *





N icolai b reezed in, slightl y drunk. While his mother had made her call he had attended to some business of his own. Peter Fedotik, dying of black-leg, left a pretty wife and a notable tract of timber. N icolai had called. " I am sorry to hear you are ill, Peter Fedotik. " "Ill ? I am dying," moaned Peter Fedotik. "Dying ? God save us ! And leaving your little w ife alone." " I am, because I must. N icolai you are experienced i n money mak­ i ng. Will you take power of attorney for my w ife and make money from my timber for her." Nicolai smiled sadly. "It b reaks my heart, b ut yes I will do it my brother. Already I love her as my sister. She is the apple of my eye. Her will I cherish ( for you, my dear Peter ) as long as b reath shall last." The p ower of attorney was granted that very hour. And that was that ! "Ah m other, you are home again. I have had a bit of l uck." And he told her. "And I , my turnip. " And she told him. "And this ?" N i colai touched the parcel by the samovar. "Ah-that you must take to the barber's in the morning, my c abbage. I t i s D ashenka's hair. It will drag in a :few rubles by the tail . " Nicolai looked at h e r with b uttery eyes. -"My j ewel, you a r e all­ thoughtful, you are a l obster for rubles. - I have seen Nataly.a this even­ ing my mother. Her uncle has d ied and done the right thing by her. She is a rose among daisies. She has the bloom of a n unplucked p each. Her body is the work of an artist and as sweet as honey grass. She i s beau­ tiful and her p urse is very full. I encouraged her tonight, my mother . To­ morrow I shal l speak to her. It will not do to wait too long." The great cat yawned and stretched, and shed many white hairs on his trousers. Two hu1idred fi1,e

" Peter Fedotik blessed me, my mother, " he gasped. "God keep you from designing j ewesses, neu rotic women, scientific £.arming and Siberian uncles." Then he spat out his soul. Poor turkey,-so young,-he did not yet know how to wipe his own nose. ( Nicolai crunched a savory nut. ) "But Natalya, " he actually purred, "Do you know, my mother, I have a sweet tooth for women. One day when my calves are grown to cows, I shall have a great family. Natalya is rich in h ousehold goods. I shall surely speak tomorrow." But Varya's third chin had dropped on the upper deck for a nap. A dreadful snore shook her bountiful frame. *





The beautiful Natalya called next morning, while the Chubukovs were still slobbering their eggs. Natalya was very comely, but she was an extraordinariJ woman. She belonged to that group of extraordinary women who l ove men in their de­ cline. Gay plumage did not interest her ; draggled wings were her j oy . That was why she had married Anton Korolenko the previous evening, soon after Nicol·ai's encou ragement. Anton's j acket was ragged and his laugh like the neighing of horses ? Nicolai noted this as they entered. Natalya curtsied . "My sweet Varya, I am leaving for America, with my new husband this very morning. We have sold all of my goods and I have brought you, my deair Nicolai, the comb which my sainted family has used for generations. Goodbye, dear Varya, and you, my darling Nicolai. One can get oysters any day at all in America." The happy couple left. "Ah ! " shrilled Varya, "she h as married that flap-eared sausage. Oysters indeed ! You wooden-headed muj ik. She is married ! Now you must angle for Fedotik's widow. " Her tongue gall oped on. N icolai stood and blinked like a whacked donkey.

You were so angry, Flung your head so high, So sure-so p roudW e laughed, the wind and I. You were so wrong, dear And I was right. And yet, the wind and I Will sob tonight.

Two hundred ai:I:



While mounting to the milky way U pon a starry n ight, I gazed u pon the sleeping earth And wondered at the sight. Here were people far below me Who l ived and loved and died ; Were they content with their dull fate, Or had they ever tried Like me to trail amidst the stars, Mount the horns of the moon, Feel the thrill of the fancy world Which fades, alas, too soon. I pondered as I gazed below, And pitied those who slept, Who never trod the milky way Nor starlight vigils kept ; Who had never chased the moonbeams I n starry fields on high, Nor r idden the fiery comets That sweep across the sky. I suppose sleep is more soothing, The prick of stars may hurt ; B ut how m uch better is star dust Than ordinary dirt. B . M . P., '29.

PARTING Don't frown ! Don't stare ! You are1 amWhy care ? Let's laugh N ot cry­ You are. I am. Good-bye . G. H. T w o hundred seven

C L.1 E

Boundaries ( "After the m anner of" the world's highest paid short story writer )

MacDonald liked to visit Harry Barnaby's place. Harry had a lot of good books-many of them first editions. He had an eye for prints, too. There was usually some gu inea wine in the cupboard and occasionally a quart of Scotch, that Harry bought from an old fisherman at the foot of State Street. The gang liked to gather there and sing and gossip and dance and make love. It was all very casual. They were all good-looking, rather c lever people. MacDonald l iked to sit back and listen. He was amused at the little by-plays he aw, and the innuendoes he heard from one corner to the other. Occasionally he was slightly di mayed at the way in which the casual atmosphere developed into one of slackness. One must have a few moral convictions, you know. You can't be "emancipated" without having a few restrictions. MacDonald saw the value of inhibitions. *





There was the ca e of Fred and Ruth, for instance. Fred reported for the Post, and sold an occasional short story to the magazines. One day he covered a fire in J ordan-Marsh's basement. He got talking to one of the salesgirls, and in his impulsive fashion , decided to bring her up for the gang to see. She was a si lent, Japanese-looking little thing, with beautiful skin and delicate hands. Her inscrutable manner repelled the girls, but the men were quite excited about her. She wasn't well educated, but she had a surprisingly shrewd j udgment concerning all the latest books and plays. Fred was quite proud of his find. After a few weeks, they took a tiny apartment, not far from Harry's place, and she became a silent but appreciative member of the gang. She was an enigmatic l ittle devil. Fred, with his fondness for the bizarre, fell madly in love with her. Then George Dervin came back from New York. Harry staged a royal welcome for him. MacDonald qu ietly managed to get sixteen tickets for the first night of Jane Cowl. After the play, the eight couples had sup­ per at the little place that Dervin had discovered. Dervin danced with R uth, while Fred went out to look for some liquor. *






MacDonald, dancing with Dervin's girl, kept a speculative eye on the

"Dervin is a good-looking man. I don't blame her. " MacDonald looked quickly a t h i s partner. "You noticed it, too ?" he asked . "I think she is j ust playing. Fred is number one with her. " A few minutes later, MacDonald drew Dervin into a corner. " Hist, my Romeo," he sai d . "Don't dance l ike that. She's Fred's." "I beg the absent Fred's pardon, " said Dervin, contritely. "I didn't realize he was serious about her. " MacDonald's quietl y interposed words didn't avert the climax, how­ ever. For two weeks there was no sign of anything amiss. Then Mac­ D onald happened to walk i nto the Old France, about two o'clock i n the

Two hundred eight


O R. A. C L E

morning. Ruth and Dervin were sitting at a small table in the corner. Dervin was talking fer ently to the girl, who was l istening i mpassively, as usual. MacDonald walked over to their table. " Greetings, you two. Where' s Fred ?" Dervin looked up, startled. " Hello, Mac. Fred is covering a murder out in Roslindale ; so we are out on a n ight-hawking tour." After a few more words, MacDonald sauntered out. The next night everyone went over to Harry's. Harry had become acquainted w ith a n utty Belgian poet and had persuaded h i m to read his poems at the apart­ ment. H e was a ridiculously affected fellow, and the gang were enj oying him thoroughly. Dervin was there, slightly drunk. The party grew noisier and noisier. MacDonald, from his favorite seat i n the corner, saw Dervin pull R uth into the hallway and heard them run downstairs. Fred was apparently engro sed i n a new dance step, which one of the girls was doing. MacDonald quickly followed the couple and caught them j ust as they were about to step i nt o Dervin's roadster . "It isn't being done, George. N ot among friends, you know . " "Look here, M a c , t h i s is none of y o u r business. R u t h h a s h e r stuff packed for a week, and we're hitting the road for New York r ight now. Aren't we, R uth ?" R uth merel y smiled. MacDonald went on, " It's your fault, George. R uth doesn't understand the code under which our friends operate. But you know. And ) o u realize that if you two leave now, it will be for good. And remember, too, that Fred will be all cut u p about it. Are you sure it's worth i t ? It's not so much a q uesti on of m orals, but simply of good taste among friends. " Dervin hesitated. Then h e shifted the gears viciously, and the car slid around the corner and out on the Providence road. MacD onald, slowly climbing the stairs, met Fred coming down. "Where are you ,g-oing, Fred ?" " Have they gone ?" "Yes. D i d you expect it ?" "I h ave for two weeks. I didn't want to do anything about it, because I wanted to test Dervin. Ruth is only another woman, b ut I was counting on Dervin. It makes you feel rotten. doesn't it ?" MacDonald d i dn't answer, but took the other man's arm and walked u pstai rs with him. *





Two months later, the gang was gathered at the Old Yrance again. It was a merry, noisy party . Suddenly one of the girls pointed to the door. Ruth was standing there, alone. S oon she recognized the group, and walked up to Fred's place. She looked very tired and unhappy . " M ay I sit i n ?" she asked. Fred t urned to the comoany. "What do you say, folks ?" One by one, they turned their thumbs down, like a Roman audience. "You see, R uth ?" asked Fred gently. The girl smiled wearily, and went out i nto the street. It was a pity, MacDonald thought, b ut after all, you must have some boundar ies. ¡

Two hundred •tine


O R.A. C L E

TO THAT PARSI MONIOUS SALESWOMAN, LIFE Such a meager sample ! Saleswoman, if I could only pay I'd have a yard. Yet I am only sampling. I f I smile hard, and try to emulate A graciousness of manner not my own, Say that I l ike your pattern. Say that the fabric fills my instant need, Will you not let your clamping shears Slice me a sample wider than an inch ? H ow can I fairly j udge these goods you offer, H ow can I tell my neighbors of their excellence When all you give me is a shredded sliver, ragged on the edge ? I cannot see the beauty of the figure, See how the colors blend and highly please. I s it all-wool, durable, beautiful, fine ? But Saleswoman, when your glistening scissors cut so niggardly a strip How can I say, "Ah, this is excel lent ! " J udge for myself ? I can't ! Your sample is too small." R. J. M., '30.

TO SWINBURNE You sing of Proserpine, not Christ, and gods, Not God, inspire your verse. The Nazarene Has made your world a dreary place, a mean Uncompromising universe of clods, Whence man escapes, and couched beneath the sods Sleeps on, a sleep eternal and serene. And that is all, you think, no Light unseen E nwraps the soul. The Gospels are but frauds Deluding man beyond the grave to grope For immortality . A Dreamless Sleep I nduced by poppies' deadly wine may soothe The soul grown tired of lif e,-but ageless hope Joins me to Him. My spirits ever upward leap And death but leads me nearer to the Truth. E. H. L., '29.

Tw-:> h u ndred ten

The Pursuit of Happ iness A Freshman Theme by MARTH A J O H NSTON Why do people h urry so ? E very day, every hour, every minute, some­ one i s rushing from this to that, from that to this, never pausing to think, hardly stopping to breathe. Girls dash from class to chapel, from chapel to class, from class to lunch, from lunch to a bridge party, from anywhere to anywhere else-it doesn't seem to matter, as long as they are continu­ ally "on the go". Popu larity depends on the number of "dates" and social affairs one has-at least, that seems to be the opinion of "the young people of today . " ( What an over-worked phrase that is, by the way. ) Why are "the young people of today" going straight to perdition, according to their straight-laced elders ? D on ' t you suppose that this attitude of horror and up-lifted hands on the part of the older generation is at l east partly due to the brisk, h urried, even b reathless life of the young people ? B ut I wonder whether it is p ossible to be "in the running, " to "keep up w ith the times," without chasing about from morning till morning again. Would i t be high treason for me to say that I should rather be left in some back-water, w ith leisure to think things through and get a n ormal perspective of the great ocean of life than be r ushed headlong, pell-mell i nto that ocean w i th no experience, no training ? L ife is such a p roblem, even after careful training and bringi ng-up ; what can it be to those who have i t thrust upon them, so to speak ? It may be that those who si mply l ive, with no thought of why, what, o r wherefore, a r e happier than more c onscientious souls w h o religiously tear themselves to rib bons to discover their thoughts, emotions, and morals. And the thoughts, emotions and morals which they possess at one time may c hange entirely i n a year. Must they pass through the awful grilling and torture again ? Ambition is detrimental to art. That sounds l ike a contradiction ; I suppose .ambition is an art in itself. This is a case in which words are de­ ceptive. By ambition I mean desire, overwhelming desire for p ower, for wealth, for fame, d istinction. And by art I mean-wel l what, after all, d oes art mean ? There is industrial art, mechanical art, art i n business ; the a rt that I mean i s mastery of a certai n branch of learning. An artist in the E nglish language i s a complete master of the i ntricacies of grammar, i dioms, and phraseology. An artist in music is one to whom every shadow of a tone has a meaning, a vital q uality. I should l ike to be a master of the art of being leisurely. Now it takes a great man to loaf well. To keep calm ·a nd u nconcerned when you don't know where your next meal is coming from-that I con­ sider an art. Worry is the chief enemy of happiness. It gnaws away at the peace of mind and riddles i t with holes. It insinuates itself into the T w o hundred eleven




thought and undermines trust and faith. Why, anticipation is twice as harmful as any danger. I magine a man who is to wialk across a rope stretched between two eighteenth-story windows ! If he knows about the ordeal two days before, he loses sleep, appetite, "nerve." He is "all shot" at the time when he most needs every sense alert. Taking a case more nearly affecting us, imagine a man preparing for a final examination. He thinks of ·all sorts of "trick questions" which the instructor might be un­ pleasant enough to ask, and in searching for out-of-the-way i nformation, overlooks the representative facts which the professor asks for on account of their importance. Personally, I have never yet taken an examination as hard as I expected it to be. Returning to l oafing as an art ; perhaps I should qualify loafing ( not a very pretty word, to be sure ) a l ittle. There is a world of difference be­ tween people who loaf in that they do absolutely nothing at all, and people who are not directing all their forces to one ultimate goal, who loaf in that they are not devoted to one particular work. The sort of loafing that I mean is doing nothing in particular, but everything in general. Anatole France was a master in that art. ll fia nait. He browsed around, knocking against all sorts of people ; his French was very poor i n school, yet he is now famed as one of the greatest of French authors. Loafing was his policy-I wish I might succeed as well with it as mine. All this may sound like a very radical doctrine-what would happen to the world if everyone decided to devote himself to the art of loafing ? Yet it cannot be denied that ·at pr�sent the world is much too p ractical ; how can a medium be struck ? In this age of electricity, who cares about the civilization of Persia in the time of C roesus ? Probably I shall be another of the m illions who teach in a high school for a few years, then marry and bury their intellects i n routine. B ut I have a great desire to flaner-to live as I please for a while. And what I should like to be-well, Sam Walter Foss and I are of much the same mind. Let me l ive in a house by the side of the road Where the r.ace of men go by, The men that are good and the men that are bad, · As good and as bad as I . . I would not sit in the scorner's seat, Nor hurl the cynic's ban. Let me live in my house by the side of the road, And be a friend to man. .

EARLY S PRING My lover came this morning­ ! sent the boy away : The silly brought me orchids On a pussy-willow day. A. G., '29. T w o hundred twelve


O RA C L E 'tc




The Fair Day morn was fresh and cool. The shamrocks in the glen Were splendid i n the silvery shawls The dew had made for them. The j aunting car was polished bright­ ' Twould please a coachman's heart. Each color strong, each brave design, Bespoke the painter's art. II Ten dusty miles to Galway town­ B ut what was dust to me, Who knew that at the j ou rney's end My heart would leap to see A laughing rogue, w ith eyes of blue, Who swore his love for me ? III Th e F a i r Grounds reached, a happy lass Was thrilled to hear the crowd Of Maggie men and card-trick men, S ing out their wares aloud. Her love-lit eyes sought o ut one face, Among the hundred score. Alas ! her eyes will always seek And find him never more. F. C . F., '29.

A SPINSTERIAN S TANZA They call m e a fussy, perfinicky maid ; They rail at me, taunt me, leave nothing unsaid ; They call u p past scandals, and tell my affairs ; Delight to torment me and add to my cares, B ut it's all 'cause they're j ealous as j ealous can be That they're not unmarried and old maids l ike me ! Colby,'29.

Two hundred thirteen

C Lďż˝ E




It came from a shop on Boylston street, Nearly a year ago. A shop where j ag-scaled dragons sprawl And ramp and snort along the wall Sweet dusk-a j ade and copper shawl, The trousered form of a slant-eyed doll. ( Only a year ago ? ) It seemed s o j ovial, green-blue a n d squat, Even a year ago. We laughed ; you loved its "pottyness" And I was glad, I must confess, That I had made the lucky guess. You broke the seal of the pudgy jar Nearly a year ago. Incense rose from the open crock ; It smiled in its ragged wicker frock­ Cold tide full-ebbed and a ginger rock. You had "first taste"- ( ! saw you smile) Nearly a year ago. You gave me some with finger tips : " Take care, the golden syrup drips ! " T h e ting-tang taste b i t eager lips. It is almost gone. I brought it home Nearly a year ago. Pale amber crystals line the j ar, But the fragrance still can bear us far Through Camel-land and spice bazaar. The year has left me one deep scarI have one thing no year can mar. The dreams packed in your ginger j ar. A. H . G., '29

Two hundred fourteen


O R .A. C L E

A RTURO GIOV ANITTI They have j eered you, kind A rturo, They have j eered and called you mad. While your heart was filled with p ity, And your eyes saw n othing bad. They have thrown you i nto priso n ; Cajoled, their bloated kings­ And laughed because you told them That p rison walls h ave wings. And they tell me, b rave A rturo, That the Devil's in your talk, And they tell me that your way I s not the way they walk. They speak the truth i n all their folly : They speak the truth about your way­ B ut their children are your children N o matter what they say. F. C. F., '29.

ELFIN LULLABY H ush ! l ittle elfin child, C urled i n a rose ; W ith m oonbeams caressing thee, S eek sweet repose. C ri ckets are chirping in Thickets nearby. H ush ! l ittle elfin child, H ush ! H ushaby ! H ush ! l ittl e elfin child S afe in thy tower. Raindrops are p attering D own on our b ower. List to the drops as they Fall from on high ! H ush ! little elfin child, H u sh ! H ushaby ! E . H. L., '29.

Two hundred fifteen

SONNET TO WEALTH At night, the city is a fog-drenched screen Of blended tones from misty gray to black. The church spires trace aloft a dusky track Of pointing fingers, sign of faith serene. Below, the g1ay shop-windows subtly preen Themselves to make the passers-by turn back And gaze upon the beauties 'till they rack With hunger. Only maddening is the sheen Of silk to him who toils in rage for bread. One diamond on its background of soft j et Would make one hundred workmen hunger free. Unfair ! And yet-the centuries have said : "When states more wearers of fine clothes beget, More builders of tall churches there can be." L. W., '30.

I wanted a unique renown, A glory quite apart ; I wrote a story of a clown Who had no broken heart. P., '29.

Who never wept Has never laughed, Who never l aughed Has never l ived. I pity those Who never weep. F. C . F., '29.

Two hundred sixteen

H. E. WADS WORTH, President

H. S. WOODM AN, Treasurer

Wadsworth & Woodman Company M anufacturers of

Table Oil Cloths


Two hundred seventeen

A Com plete Line of High Grade Fraterni ty and College Stationery, Banners, Memory Books, and Fountain Pens

Colby College Store CARL CLOUGH


The Peoples National Bank M a ine

Waterv i l l e


The College Drug Store Dealeri;


Kodaks and Supplies Stationery, Periodicals Huyler's, A pollo and Foss Candies Ice Cream Soda


Th e

Two hundred c:ghteen

Serv ice B a n k

54 Coll ege Avenue

Opposite Seaverns Field

W hen I ts E atin g time you will find me at


Lu nch a nd Food Shop 4 MAPLE STREET

Compliments of

The Colgate-Rochester

M itchell's Flower Shop

D ivinity School

1 44 M a in St reet

Rochester, N e w York c ontinuing Colgate Theological

Fine Citstoni Ta iloring

L. R. BROWN 9 5 Main Street

Waterville, Maine

T elephone 2 6 6-M

S e m i n ary

Rochester Theological S e minary

Clarence A. Barbour, D.D., LL.D., President Thomas Wearing, Ph.D., Dean A Graduate School of T h e o l ogy with c ourses leading to


of B .D . ,

Th.M., and Th.D.


New s i t e purchased, n e w bu ilding i n i m m e d iate prospect.

E nriched c urric­

ulum, i n creased faculty, e nlarged

Tra ck 1n e n Tra i n i n g Ta b le 55 M ain Street

Waterville, Maine

library. C orrespo n d e n c e invited

G. B. E WELL, R egistrar

Two h 1indred ninetee1i

A A a t io n - 1 l id

The Little Gift Shop

I n t i t u t io n


P l a ce W h e re Th i n ,ry s A re D iffer n t


Exclusive Line of ovelties, Baskets, Candies, Jewelry, Pictures, Distinct­ ive Greeting Cards for All O ccasions


Cir · u l a t in g L i b ra ry


R eady-to- Wear Men's Clothing Furnish ings



Waterville, Me.

56 Temple St.


Sh oes One of Central M a i n e s Lea ding Department Stores

46-48 l\1ain Street Waterville

l\1aine A lways Emphasizing Quality

Coburn Classical I nstitute 1 820 - 1 929 Coburn

C l a s s ica l




Col l ege


School w i t h a record of one hundred and n in e years of successfu l

ervi ·e.


for a l l coll eges.

Spec i a l

cou r es for those n o t going t o col l ege. Athlet ics for a l l students. Standards o f schola rsh i p a n d character h igh.

Good Equip m ent and an Experienced Faculty For catal ogue, write t he P r incipa l , D R EW T . H AR THORN B ox 398-C

T w o hundred twenty

Wate rv i l le , M aine




M i n ers, S hippers, E xporters a n d B u nker S u p pliers o f

" Original Pocahontas"

Proctor & Bowie

C O A L La rgest Producers of Smokeless Coal in the United States No.




O perates Fleet o f Steamers, T u gs and B arges f or Transportation of Coal A l ong Atlantic Coast

Just Across the Bridge i n Winslow

Boston, Mass., Board of Trade B uilding ; New Bedford, Mass., Dock and Office, Pocahontas Wharf, foot of Hillman Street ; Portland, Me., Dock and Office, Pocahontas Wharf, foot of Moulton Street ; Norfolk, Va., 1 1 7 Main Street ; Cincinnati, Ohio, Traction B uilding ; Bluefield, W. Va., Pocahontas, B uilding.

The City J ob Print Printers t o Colby College Everything in Printing a n d Engraving that a C o llege M a n , W om a n o r Society nee ds. Come i n and consult us, n o matter how t rivial the j ob .

McALARY & JOSEP H , Proprietors

FRANCIS M. JOSEPH, Colby, 1901


I n B a sement, Savings B a nk B u i lding Waterv i l le, Ma ine



Two hundred twenty-cme




Hardware Dealers

House Fu rnishings Undertakers


l\I a in e




Silver Street

1' a terv i l l e

�I a ine

College Store


W e Feature


K uppenh eimer Clo thes

The C o llege Printers

For Young Men-Boys

Catalogue, Book and


Com m ercial Printing

Fairfi e l d , Maine 1 9 2 Main Street

Two hundred twenty-two

Telephone 4 0


Watervil le

Fa irfield


Samuel Clark


G. Whipple


S h ippers and Dealers in A l l



For L ight L u n ch

Anthracite & Bituminous C O A L

Wood, Coal , Lime, H O ME-MADE CANDY, S O D A ICE

C RE A M ,




Cement, Brick and Drain P ipe Orders Caref1tlly Filled a nd Promptly A ttended to

1 89 �I a in S t reet :\Ia i n e

Waterv i l l e O p p . Post O ffic e .

Tel. C o n n .

G. S. FLOOD & CO. INCORPORATED Coal Yards and Office : M a i n a n d P l e a s a n t Streets Telephone 8 4 0

Allen's Drug Store OYE R F I FTY YE A R S T H I S S 'l' O R E H A S H A D T H E P A T R O N A G E O F THE COLLEGE

Th a t S h o u ld B e A rg u 11ie n t E n o ugh

1 18 Main Street

Telephone 58

Two hundred twenty-three


F. A. Tibbetts

F. H. Porter

J. B.


WATERVILLE Managed by C o l lege M en C aters to C o llege M en

STEAM LAUNDRY 145 Main Street

Waterville, Maine

Cafeteria Service in Basement


Fraternity Banqu ets a Specia lty

The Ticonic National Bank OFFERS

A complete banking service conducted under the direct supervision of the United States Government 1 1 5 Years' Continuous B u s iness

WATE RVILLE Member o f t h e Federal Reserve System

Two hundred twent11-four

1\I A I N E




C. R. Green

We Make Our O wn Ice

S. A. & A. B. GREEN

Crea m






Light Lunches Fine Confectionery

Coke, H ard Wood and

Delicious Cold Sodas


WATER Telephone 3 0

ILLE, MAINE O ffic e , 2 5 1 Main S t .

Hager ' s

The Preble Studio 0.



Photographer for 1929 Oracle

' ' Photographs Live Forever ' ' L a rgest P ortrait B usiness in Central Maine Over D Orsay ' s D ru g Store

Phone 64-W

Two hundred twenty-five




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Colby College was chartered by the General Court of Massachusetts, February 27, 1 8 1 3 .

Students m a y study f o r either the A.B. o r B.S. Degree a n d for the A.B. Degree may present a Modern Language in place of Greek. The men and women are educated in separate divisions. They have different Chapel Services and a double set of honor prizes.



For Information and Catalogue, Address

MALCOLM A. MOWER, Registrar Waterville, Maine

Colby College

Tw:; hundred twenty-six


r& � ��/.,/ �



� C olby C ollege




� -



GEORGE H. PERRY, President

EDWARD F. PIERCE, Treasurer and Gen'! Manager

Pierce-Perry Co. Successors to George E . Gilchrist Co.

Heating and Plumbing Supplies JOBBERS OF

Steel, Wrought I ron and Brass Pipe, Water Works M aterials D I S T R I B UTORS C F

Hoffman Valves and Controlled Heat Equipment �36




Th e Place Wh ere You Eat Regular Dinner 50 Cents

Soup, Meat, Vegetables, Potatoes. Pie, Pudding, Tea, Coffee, Hot Rolls and Butter with all above order Roast Fancy Milk Fed Chicken every Tuesday and Saturday-Frie d Scallop with Tartar Sauce every Friday

Ho n i e of Co l by I n t e r-Fra t Lea g i t, e


Special Supper M en u P rices 4 0 c to 9 5 c

Meat. Vegetables. Potatoes, Tea, Coffee Hot Rolls and Butter with above orders

L. G . BUNKER, M .D . W atervil l e , M a i n e

Sunday Special Dinner



A. M. to 3 P. M.

Price 6 0 c to $ 1 .00

Young 's Restau rant

50 M a i n Street


RESIDENCE : 44 S ilver Street

Phone 49-W Phone 49-Y

( Formerly Harmon Electric Cafe )

Practice L-.'mited to Diseases of Eye,

Priva te Dining Room, for Parties

Ear, Nose a nd Throa t Tum hundred twenty-seven

Dependable Furnishings for Students ďż˝ Needs Desks, Tables, Chairs, Couches, Rugs, Draperies, Beds, Mattresses, and Bedding n

Op ra t


n ty


in N


E n g l a 11 ll

Atherton Furniture Co.

2 1 Main Street

Waterville, Maine

E . H . E m e ry MER CHA N T TA IL O R

2 Silver Street

Waterville, Maine Telephone

Two hundred twenty-eight

1 06-W

Lockwood Company vV A T E R ' I L L E , M A I N E

Fin e Sh eeting and Shirting L ockwood and Cast Iron B rands SELLI NG AGENTS



Reliable I n surance of

Holmes-Swift, Inc.

Every Descriptio n

Boothby &Bartlett Company

Wh olesale Grocers

Distributors of Fort W estern B ra n d F o o d Pro d u cts


And Fan c y G ro c ery S p e cialties





Two hundred twenty-nine

'Designers of Jrt Theme, engravers and Publuhers of thu book

fiOW-.AJill)� §§([))N (['oMP.ANY (Dngra�ers and Publishers of:BeUer c>ollege ....An nuals WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS

5 Two hundred thirty

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Colby College Development Fund Committee


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• • • • • • • • • t • • • • t • • t

MY COVENANT WITH COLBY Wherever passing years m ay lead me ;

� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 � 1 i • •

However Fortune's favor falls upon me, I pledge, i n solemn covenant, My loyalty to Colby . With faith in her unfolding future, As guided by the men of vision, Whose untiring efforts for her development Are building a new and better college, That future Colby men and women May find a greater service within these halls, I p ledge myself To carry on for Colby.


1 � 1 �

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1 ·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. ... ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ..1

Two hundred thirty-one

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