Oracle 1949

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Richard M. Mortin, B USINESS MANAGER Arthur W. Seepe, FAC U LT Y AD VISO R

Richard Fisch, Photographic Editor


Jay B. Hinson, Associate Feature Editor

Frances •





Raymond W. Deitz, Sports Editor



l A S





Julius Seelye Bixler who, although facing trials and duties confronting few college presidents, has shown his oulstanding devotion and loyally to flis "Colby Family."


Joan Abbott

Rockland, Maine History, Government, Economics Maine coast - Somerset Maugham - black coffee addict - day dreamer - plays hide­ and-seek with Randy and Jeff - distaste for Fairfield ditches - surrealism - "Chevy odality" - "That's goopy" - Echo l - I.R.C. I, 2, 3, 4 - Library Associates I, 2, 3, 4 - Outing Club I, 2 - Canterbury Club I, 2 - French Club I, 2, 3, 4.

Georgina Alger

Middleboro, Mass. Mathematics

"'Georgie'" - writing lo Deac - taking off for the weekend - a free thinker and a rebel - Shmoos - "Harvey" - always leaving everything 10 the last minute - hates

rules and regulation - a very smart gal with a Phi Beta Key - "and that' my frank opinion" - Dean's List I, 2, 3 - Glee Club I, 2 - l.R. '. 4 - Library ssociate¡ 4 - Outing Club 1, 4 .C. 1, 2, 3 - Boardman ociety I, 2 - Hockey Class Team 4.

Helen Alpert

Revere, Mass. Biology

"Al" - hate being called Louie - "earthy people" - closes her eyes when she talk - never waits for anyone - sings German songs on a has ock - Henry Wallace - is against capitalism - will never learn to play bridge or knit - "Clo e the window, Junie" - a tiny girl who look wonderful in her snazzy clothes - l.R.C. 4 - Riding Club I, 2, 3 - Hillel I, 2, Vice-Pre idenl 2 - German Club 1, 2, 3, 4.

Lesleigh Amlaw Lowell, Mass. English

"Lee" - ha n't aged a bit - hates Oriental meatball and people who ask for seconds at dinner - Helen singing German ongs - has a good collection of Shmoos "Vermont and ... ?" - always going to take and put - a gay and cheerful person to have around campus - J.R.C. 4 - Library Associates 4 - Outing Cl ub 1, 4 Contemporary Literature 2, 4 - Modern Dance I - Bapti t Youth Group 2.

John Appleton

Augusta, Maine Business Administration

Through years of backing Colby - no discouragement - Along with liking lobster and movies, Johnny ha other "typically college student" ideas and actions - Delta Upsilon - Echo I - J.R.C. 4 - Basketball Manager I - Class Officer 2, 3 Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4.

Evelyn Armstrong Jonesport, Maine Medical Technology

Aya - it's the Maine accent that distinguished Evie - One of the "spent my senior year at Lewiston" group - talk of Jonesport and her tea room - Alpha Delta Pi - Dean's List I 3 - Medical Society 2.

Nydda Barker

Houlton, Maine Psychology-Sociology

Always look very nice - should learn to play bridge - ready to help out at any time - likes the Lambda Chi's - hates 8 o'clocks in Miller Library - "Okay by me" a liule too serious - Transfer from Ricker Junior - Dean's List 1, 2, 3 - Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 - Echo 3, 4 - l.F.A. I, 3, 4 - Library Associates 4.

Joan Barnard

Buffalo, N. Y. Psychology-Sociology

"Barnie" - abhors committee women - evening dresse - always getting poi on ivy - sleeps in the afternoon - passion for stuffed animals - "Let's Spa-it" - "Tbis is nothing against you but . . . " - white orchids and red scarves - ORACLE Staff 3 - Echo I - I.R.C. J, 2, 4 - Outing Club I, 2, 4 - Riding Club 2.

Beverly J. Barnett Portland, Maine Psychology-Sociology

Bev is a girl who hate

to miss a party - always finds herself in hot water - A gum

snapper - has a phobia against hats - always lugging Bessie, her cello around misses Pot this year - "Why are men always late?" - Sigma Kappa - Orchestra I ? 1: 2:

3 4 ' 4 -

- Band 3 Red Cross 3,

Echo 4.

3 - J.R.C.


- Varsity Show 3 - Outing Club

Donna Lee Barter Deer Isle, Maine llistory

The annex - loves anything to do with the ocean - loves politics - spending money - hates to ride on trains - going home weekends - "Isn't it the truth?" - always waiting for the mail at 8. a.m. - Alpha Delta Pi, Secretary 4 - l.R.C. 1, 2 -

Outing Club 2,


Clara Mae Bartlett Portland,

Maine Biology

Carrie loves the 3 B's of the sports world ... baseball, basketball and badminton, as well as many others - is often een flying for the 7:20 bu aughn Monroe really rate with her lpha Delta Pi - Dean's Li t 2, 3 - Band 2, 3.

Elizabeth Beamish Pelham Fren h

fanor, N. Y.

On the cage, ability plus - Beamo' ambit.ion is to have a foreign affafr - Collect coins - direct play - peak French, but it i the personalit that counts Sigma Kappa - Glee lub 1, 4 - Women·s tudenc Go ernment I - I.R.C. 3, .f - Powder and Wig 3, 4 ar ity how 2, 3, 4 - Outing Club I, 3 - W.A.A. 2 French Club I, 2, 3 - pan.ish Club 3, 4 - Lelia Forster Prize I.

Jean Beauchamp Den ille, . J. P ychology

' Bugs · - likes to stud in the ta k or Jibe - forever rearranging her room sleep through alarm dock in the morning - Tom - "Do n't ii look better thi way?" - G.0.0.N. girl - can t tand dim! l ighted room - Echo I - l.R . . 4 - Outing Club I, 2 - Protestant Group I.

Robert S. Bedig Belmont, M Hi LOT)', Government,

E onomi

With contemporary di tinccion - an allian e ollege "as made for Bob who i, agreeable game for anything - Hi arm -modjfied approach 10 olb ' as on­ structive - Phi Delta Th ta 1udent oun ii .f - I.R. . 2 - I.F. . 3, 4 Pr te tanc Group 2.

Frances Julia Benner History,

Ro kland, la . Go,ernmen1, Economic;

To sch ol acti iti - a new approach - Peerz:ie ha, a permanent in1ere t in the leveland Indians in the form of a diamond - a bi mile (or evef)•one - and a oft poc for "red coat"' and "P-mobile·• - Dean' Li t 3 - Cap and Gown - Eeho 2, 3, 4, Managing Editor - ORACLE 2, 3, 4, Feature Editor amera lub 2, 3 . .A. 2, 3 - Chapel ommiue hairman - Delta Delta D lta holar hip 3 Transfer from Bo ton nivers:ity.

Martha A. Bennett Middleto� n, Conn. Engli h newsy bit - Marty hould et a ticket for talking 100 fast - an ITicient blond, a lover of soirees and a great reader - corrects her friend ' English, but 'phrai.e ii delicately" - Dean's Li t I, 2, 3 - ORACLE taff 4 - Echo I - l.R. . 2, 3 anterbury lub ontemporary Lfr rature 3 4 Library ociat I, 2 3, 4 I , 2, 3, 4.

J. Philip Berquist Newtonville, l\fa . Psycholog - ociology Even after four years of p ych - do n uicid lley - Hung his hat at olby; bis pin in Bo ton - Fancie .:\"an y - Found mo t anything trying to foil Hoyle - Delia lub I, 4 - Medical p ilon - Outing lub I, 2, 3, 4 - Var i1y hO\ 3 - Glee ociety 3.

Ann Beveridge carsdale, Physics

· . Y.

"Beancage" - fond of 1onh Haven - Camera 'lub trips - clan ing - despises 7 :45 clas es downtown - moody people - habitually wear her ' eater backward lov going to the coa t - 'Where' my o ks?., - Delta Delta Delta, orresponding ecretary 4 - Orche tra I - Band 2, 3, 4 - Glee lub 2 lub I, 2 Camera lub I, 2, 3, 4, ecretary I, 2 - Varsity oftball 1, 2 igma Pi igma, Vice-Pr





Arthur Blasberg, Jr. History,

Dobb Ferry, . Y. ove1,1ment, Economi

"This is the straight scoop" - Has a strong liking for Cape Code - Zeta P i Dean's List I , 2, 3, Vi e-Pre idenl 3, 4, President 4.

Jean Bonnell Huntington, Long I land P ycbology-Sociology



- I.R.C. 4 - Hockey



Phi Gamma



"Jebby" - alway laughing - loves to buy books and re ord - spends the , ek's allowan e the first two days - swimming at night - haces narrow-mindedn s ya?" on the teps - "How dumb can you get?" - Women' "How b Student overnment 4 - I.R . . I, 2, 4 - I.F.A. 2 - Outing lub 1, - , 4 o ial ommitlee, Re order 4 - Canterbury Club 4 - House Chairman.

Mary Ellen Bonsall Quincy, Mass. Art " Bonnie" can be found yawning for miles - omehow manage to find her way ? round he� r?om, famous for its mes iness - likes red wine and Marty and wash­ ing her hair 1n the wee small hours - loathes peanut butter - I . R . C . 2 - Varsity i g ' b 3, 4 - Art Club I nstructor 3, 4 I, 2, o i m i e C . a

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Earl S. Bosworth Farmington, Maine Busine s dministration ome Main iacs have two main interests - Earl seems to think that after the A . A. F . , Barbie a n d the fraternity come next , though o n e i a westerner - Delta Upsilon J . R.C. 4 - Outing Club 1, 3, 4.

Paul E. Bourne Waterboro, Maine History A sophisticated got to know sin l . R .C. 4 - l . 3 4 - Social

deacon has us guessing - Paul is a n organizer who says, "You've to light sin" - He knows it - Alpha Tau Omega 3, 4, President 4 F . A . I , 2, 3, 4 - Library Associates 3, 4 - Contemporary Literature Committee 3 - Founder of Canterbury Club, President I, 3.

Bette A. Brandt ew York, N. Y. History Jerry and her dfamond - matching weater sets - lipping cigarettes - teasing Terna - "It eem I have a sudden weariness" - always griping - loves to play double solitaire - dislikes anything Joan likes - "No . . the point is . . . ' - J . R . C . 2, 3, 4 Library Associates 3 - Medical Society 2 - Outing Club 1, 2, 3 - Con­ temporary Literature 2, 3 - Hillel Secretary 1 - Film Society 2 - F o cu 2, 3.


Muriel Briggs Waterville, Maine Geology "Bun ny" - always hiding out i n Geo Lab - inveterate loser of things - di likes long-winded lectures - snakes - fond of olives - Don - spends spare time painting, hunting or fishing - dislikes reading anything - "Golly Moses" " F 'Heaven's Sak e ! " - Dean's List 2 - Geology Club 3, 4 - Social Committee 4 Colby Daughter.

John W. Brown Waterville, Maine Business Administration Didn't ee Joh n around the campus often because of his married life and radio work - Chairman of Career Conference 3 - WTVL 3, 4.

Robert F. Byrom Waterville, Maine Biology Member of the "Bishop's Gestapo" - Strong like for married life and animals Hates hard work - on to veterinary school - ex-G . I . - Canterbury Club 2, 3, 4 .

Manson H. Carter Needham, Mass. Busines Administration Studies at the James - His success i n the business field will make him a future " underwear king" - Habit of sleeping through classes - Phi Delta Theta, officer I . R.C. 3, 4 - 1. F . A . 4 - Yacht Club 2 - Roberts Union House Committee 3.

John Chernauskas Ansonia, Conn . History, Government, Economics For a lumbering alias - no random activity - He is a gregarious photographer with a "Yeh tell me more" attitude and a will to do omething about it - Zeta Psi, officer 3, 4 - I . R . C . I, 2 , 3, 4 - Camera Club I, 2 , 3, 4, officer 1, 2 - Library Associates 3 - Social Committee 3 - Outing Club 1 2 , 3 4 - Baseball Manager 2 - 1ewman Club 3, 4.

John S. Choate Winslow, Maine Physics left Joh n Maine of . A debater' naturally likes to argue - The Signal Corps and an ability to manipulate words and technical gimmick - Sigma Pi Sigma Physics Society 3, 4 - Colby Son.

Evangeline H. Chumacas Haverhill, Mas . Chemistry From Chem lab - to eronomic 50. 5 1 - "Van'' ha plowed through the tougher cour es - M · tifies her friend with her Auent Greek - Habitually tells tall torie Has a craze for her hoe , all two dozen pair of them - Dean's List 3 - l.R.C. 4 - Library A ociate 4 - Outing lub I - Camera lub 4 - XEM Chemistry Honor ociety 3, 4.

Mary Louise Clare New London, Conn. History On the quiet side - and a cla ical music lo,·er - A burner of the midnight oil, . and a bridge fiend onstanll ejaculate , 'Oh. Hon tly?. - lpha Della Pi J.R. 1 2, 3. 4 - French lub 2. 3 uting Club 2, 3 - :'\ewman Club 3. -I.

David W. Clarie Ne' ton, Mas . P ycholog - ociology Poker and kiin Rapt rapture from b tem1ing co-eds .A.F. - Outing

lik to it around - From Debu.· e Lo horn-rim and beret Kenton. Gille�pie and Rellas - Ea ed him elf our of <ociely .. "phoney, and relaxin� on hi opinion - Della 'p ilon lub I, 2, 3 ar<it Hockey 2, 3, -I olby on.

Ruth E. Clements Bo ton, Mass. P chology

" lem" - tarts on bikehik in the ''" e hour " - avid reader of \ all \ hitman - Wagner - can't tand Maine "inter or d er meat - either coffee-in11 al Park· or bro"sing in the tacks - " ·e t dommag " - alwa ' has a corn joke lee lub I, 2 - I.R • . .j - Library A ocia1 s 1, 2, 3 - r hery Tournament I.

Ralph Collazzo

\ oburn, �la• . P cholo - ociol gy

hab rdasher's iconocla t echoin11 up the .tain,eJI - J'\o one "ill forget hort ·. numerous call for the phone - Thi na,•y vet pent hi off m men� brid'ling "ith ther A.T. : lpha Tau mega - Erhn I, 2 - Band 1 - Varoit · I Ba eball I. 2 - H ckey I - :'\'e\\man lub 3.4. A

Robert J. Cool< Xeedham, !Ila s. History For rn ed acti' iti - a ru11 ed individual eranamo ookie had th w ekend idea, never fully realized at olb ; o he wblimated by being a leader - Delta Kappa Ep ii n, officer 3 reek o iet 3 - Jnterfrat rnity ouncil 3 thleti Council 4 - F oiball 1, 2, 3, 4.

Saul A. Cooper Dorchester, lass. Pre-Medical Fun and stud have been miraculous! combined '"ilh the ir Corp and the Zete until hi lab lif P i 2, 3, 4 - Dean' Li t I, 2 - Erho 2 - ·ledical Committ e 2.

Charles M. Cotton Houlton, Maine Bu in dmini tration round the campus - a familiar figure - Jobs are done ' II by Med, who tran,ferred lpba from Ricker with hjs athletic antiabilit n .T.O. hair-tortoise ra er Tau Omega, offi er 4 - Interathletic uncil 4 - J.R . . 3 ar ity Hocke . Manager 4 - l.F . . 4 - Librar o iate 4 - Yacht lub 4 anterbury lub 3, -I -Outing Club 3.

Alice Covell Granville, Ohio Engli h Nothing eem to troubl Covie - take thing low and ea n avid re ord collector - a clas ical fan - onstantly exclaimin "Oh, Hilda!" - model la• I.R . . 4 .C.A. I, 2, 3, ecretary - I.F.A. 4, ouncil e retar - Library I, 2, 3, tudent ice-Pr ident 4 - Outing Club 3 sociat onternpora1 Literature 3, 4.

Cynthia Croolc Durham, Conn. En I' h From the Cit Job Print to backsta e cenes - he keep bu - a Ii cl blonde a pir to be a foreign corr pondent - Collect parking meters and sleeps through 8 o'clocks - Sigma Kappa - Women' tudent Go ernment 3 - Editor of Womc.n' Handbook - Echo I, 2 3, 4, Feature Editor - l.R.C. 4 - Powder and Wig 3, 4, ecreiary-Treasurer - Va�ity how 2, 3, 4 - Outing lub I.

Alice Crooks Glen Ridge, N. J. English "Acky" likes staying up late, and being late for class - a Brooklyn Dodger fan dislikes sea food and coffee - "Let s cut, Fran" can be found Spa-ing - an avid mystery book reader - Delta Delta Delta - l.R.C. 4 - Library Associates 4 Outing Club I, 2.

Bernard J. Crossmon Worcester, Mass. Economics Marriage is best in California - After the Navy and Harvard, Steve adjusted to being a small college fraternity officer and engaged to Jan - Zeta Psi, Officer 3, President 4 - Interfraternity Council 4 - Greek Letter Society 3 - Roberts Union Committee 3 - Colby Son.

Ray Deitz Bergenfield, N. J. Busines Administration Far from speechless - goodness nose - Adores snorers, statistics and his cara spousa, "A.T." - You figure it out - His flair for organization knitted the D . .'· to­ gether - Greek Letter Society 4 - Outing Club Council 1, 2 - Basketball 1, 2, Manager 3 - Delta psilon President 4 - J.R.C. 4 - lnterfraternity Council 4 avy Man.

Jean Desper Worce ter, Mas . P ychology-Sociology A sport enthusiast, Jean was basketball manager - partial to green - dislikes people who talk in corridors in the morning - can be found knitting constantly - A Mower Hou e gal, she's noted for reliability and her even disposition - Sigma Kappa Outing Club I, 2, 3 - Varsity Hockey - BasketbaU Manager.

Miriam H. Dickinson Lincoln, N. H . Medical Technology Baby Doll in person - is contagiously happy - Spent her senior year in a te t tube at Central Maine General Hospital - Madame Defarge had nothing on her - Dean's List I, 2 - Echo 2, 3 - Red Cro s 3 - Chapel Trea,urer 3 - President's Award for high honors in scholarship 2.

Roy A. Donn Augusta, Maine Bu iness Admin.istration Budgets time between battered Plymouth and daughter Darlyne - Charter member in Vet's Apartments - really goes for wife's cooking after hard day at Dun ham' .

George W. Doud Jaffrey, . H. English For definite idea - a literary outlet - A lover of well-worn things, George pipe­ smoked and hum orized his way through four years of teaching preparation - Glee Club 1, 2 - Library A>"SOciates 4 - Contemporary Literature 1, 2 - Independent Constitution Committee 4.

Constance lee Drake Caribou, Maine Biology Connie-Lee - procrastinator - passion for lobster - Manhattans - University of Maine weekends - partial to long hair and fingernails - movies every Sunday oversleeps during week - bull se sions with "Burr" and "Addie' - Spa-ing calls home e ery Sunday - "It break my heart" - "Half a pun-P. .''

Allen T. Dublin Brookline, History


How acrimonious can you get? what he wants, which includes, and listening to classical music I.R.C. 2, 3, 4 - Varsity Show

- he got - Derives among other failings: - Tau Delta Phi nion 3, 4 - Robert

immense pleasure from doing playing bridge, complaining, Dean's List 2 - Echo 2. Board 3, 4 - Coast Guard.

Norma Egerton Methuen, Mass. Medical Technology She's lovely - she's engaged - and it's a Bates' man - The senior year at Lewiston was no hardship for her - dividing her time between Bates and the Central Maine General Hospital - Mania for the measles - Outing Club I, 2, 3 Carnival Court 2 - Foster Mem orial Prize in Classics.


H. William Emerson Blue Hill, Maine History n organizer agajn t organization - Can·t do without luxuries but passes up necessitie - Goes to horror movie to relax - Hopes to be a lighthou e keeper Married Marine vet - Dean's Li t I, 2, 3, 4 - Contemporary Literature A o­ ciation 3, 4.

Ruth Edith Endicott Belgrade, Maine Pre-Medjca] butter-bug - Endy's interests and talents are myriad, ranging from pla ing the violin to piloting a plane - from writing poetry to court reporting - She has her feet on the ground, and the ·re pointed tO\ ard an M .D. - Dean's Li t 3, 4 ice-Pre ident - German Club 4 Orchestra I 3, 4 - Camera Club 1 3, 4, ward. Leija Forster Prize I - Mary Lo"' Carver Poetry Prize - tudent League

Dwight Erliclc Portland, Maine P ychology-Biology

Ne er known to buy a cigareue - smoke plenty - If he's around, keep your girl hool a tivities - Tau Delta under cover - Good tudent - very intere ted in lub Dean' List 2, 3, 4 - Band I - Echo 2 - Medical ociel)' 2. 3, 4 - Outing I, 2 - amera Club 1, 2, 3 - Publi peaking Prize I.

William M. Fairley Millinocket, Maine Geology nion with a certain co-ed bct"een field trips Thro' s rocks - found in Rober lpha Tau Omega - Orchc tra I, 2, 3, 4 - Band 2, 3, 4 - 1.F . . 2, 3 , 4, Pr ident 4. Ne' man Club 3, 4 - tate of faine cholarship - Geology ociet

Lucile E. Farnham Belgrade, Maine En lish uddle-bunnie , cheat at olitaire and tell �1aine stories equally well Dra' Celi sa , "I'll ne er tell!"' - but her creep , and pafr-o-dice lo t peak for ampire ociety I, 2, 3. 4 - I.R . . 2. 3 themselves - Dean· Li t 3 ociates 4. temporary Literature 3, 4 - Library

Hilda K. Farnum Tenafly, '. J. P ychology An industrious co-ed - efficient in all she undertakes - For "H.K." - ' eddin bell in June replacing the Mary Low do in bell - Hardly ever een ' ithout Don - Dean' Li t I, 3 - ap and Gown - Women' tudent Government I, 2, ecretary - Echo 2 - .C.A . I, 2, 3, Vice-Pr ident - Library ociate I, 2 Outing Club I, 2, Cabinet.

Everett J. Felker Monroe, i\faine French their food Colby's Good :'\eighbor to tho e outh of the Border - e\'en cnjo Knows his French, too - Radar innru tor while in A.A.C. - Dean·s List I , 2, 3, 4 - LR. . 3, 4 - French Club I, 2, 3, 4, ecretary-Trea urer 3 - pani h Club 2, 3, 4, President 3, 4 - Hi h Honor in General cholar hip in 1946-1947 and onsulate 1948 1947-1948 - first German Prize, 1948 - first Prize of French Phi Beta Kappa!! !

Shirley Fellows Peabody, Mass. rt - always planning a part - a fiend for aft r­ Fancy clothe and high heel d ho in an one - ocial hairman dinner bridge and movies - can't stand inefficien ociety I ociates I - Medical - Alpha Delta Pi - I.R.C. I - Library Outing Club I, 2, 4 - 'ewman tub 2, 3, 4.

Antonietta Fera Lawrence, M'a . Pre-Medical

"Toni" - carrie on windo' con er ations, can find her lothe on every one - bites her nail - "Doesn't my wa y hair make you seasick?" - going to find the cure that?" for cancer, bourbon - hates an orderly room - "How can you a - Dean' List 3 - I.R.C. 4 - Medical ociery 2, 3 - pani h Club 2.

Richard Fisch New York, N . Y. Pre-Medical Beside excellent grades - other worthwhile accomplishment - in e the 'a y, Dick ha been applying hi eemingly imple philo ophy to lhe more erudite activities Tau Delta Phi 2, 3, 4 - Dean's Li t 1, 3 - ORACLE 3, 4 - Echo I, 2 - I.R.C. I, 2, 3 - Library Associate I, 2 - MedjcaJ oci t 2, 3, Offi er 2, 3 - Camera Club 2, 3, 4, Officer 4 - Hillel lub 2, 3, 4.

Barbara Foley Winchester, Mass. Spanish "Flip" - a party girl - A fluent speaker of El Espanol - like to summer at . N. H. - Good at rationalizing - Sigma Kappa Secretary 4 - Women's Student Government I - l.R.C. 4 - Outing Club I, 2 - Spani h Club 2, 3, 4.

Melvin Foster Dorchester, Mass. Pre-Medical One could find Mel in the Chem lab any afternoon - ardent baseball fan Very easy-going - good student - Baseball I, 2, 3, 4.

Audrey Fountain Chatham, English

. J.

"Audie" - Hu h - has a sense of humor all her own - ute little blonde usually in bed by 10:30 - recites Genesis, Exodus, etc. - Harry's for a lemon makes up jokes - cracks hip and jaw - has a wide circle of eccentric relatives - "I want to live and die in dear old Jersey" - Dean's Li t 3 - Outing Club 2, 3 - Contemporary Literature 4 - Library A·sociates 4.

Barbara Fransen Swamp cott, Mas . Psychology-Sociology Butch, with the flashing smile - and a way with her men - Has a lo e for Vermont, but beads for Providence every possible weekend - Always has her nose in a fa hion magazine - collects antiques - Dean's List 2, 3 - l.R.C. 4 - Colby Daughter Riding Club I, 2 - Dance Club I, 2.

Margaret J. Fratano

Bloomfield, '· J. Psychology-Sociology Colby's socializer, P. Jay will always procrastinate by doing things on the spur of the moment - has such a spontaneous overflow of chatter, she even converses in her sleep - she HATES naturally curly hair and loves surprises - "Let's do some­ thing exciting" - Delta Delta Delta Vice-President - Dean' List 3 - Echo 4 l.R.C. 4.

Howard Freedman Brookline, Mass. Business Administration Conducts orderly fraternity meetings - Fire watcher - Dislikes watching roommate leep - Golf, skiing, theater, peanut butter, and bologna sandwiches - Tau Delta Phi President - Dean's List - LR.C. 2, 4 - Greek Letter Society 4 - Tennis 2 - Hillel 2, 3 - Blue Key.

Mary Ellen Gardiner Great Barrington, Mass. Mathematics and 'Education Sapriste - off to another conference - fighting for another cause - Meg, the philosopher, toujours gai - has had her share of house parties - Dean' List I Cap and Gown - Glee Club 3, 4 - Echo I, 2 - Concert Board 4 - l.F.A. 4 S.C.A. I, 2, 3 - Class Secretary 2 - Campus Chest 3, Co-Chairman 4.

Jean L. Gassett Brockton, Mass. English With her Mercury convertible - an exception to "tho e women drivers" - A slender miss - takes her black coffee straight - An Army fan - Glee Club 3 - Library A ociates 4 - Contemporary Literature 3, 4.

Mary Bauman Gates Waterville, Maine Psychology-Sociology The little woman - mixes cooking and studying successfully - finds herself con­ tinually aying, "Now where's Buddy?' - Writes thank-you notes in her spare time - Delta Delta Delta - Echo I - Outing Club l, 2, 3, 4; Co-Chairman of Winter Carnival 3, Secretary 4 - Camera Club 3 - Chapel Usher 4 - W.A.A. numerals, letter and cup.

Paul A. Golden Archibald, Pa. Business Administration shadow man o'clock Hayes office repre·entative at the Belvidiere hows - the 5 in the Gillette ads - Likes good cigars and water in his whisky - Ha recently acquired a new four wheel personality - Member of "Peasant Clan" - Phi Delta Theta - Treasurer of Inter-Student Council 3 - l.F.A. I, 2, 3, 4 - Greek Letter Society 4 - Social Committee 3 - Newman Club 2, 3, 4 - Business Manager of Focus - Army Air Force.

Lionel Goulet Lawrence, ?.1ass. Business Administration Watches smoke ring curling in the - mood - Hi fraternir fervor, and an un­ obtru ive but great per o:\ELLIEty made Lhis boy popular - till 'orries though, . about 'Who can I get a dare wirh? . - Phi Delta Theta - Echo 2. 3 - l.R.C. 2 - I.F.A. I. 2, 3, 4 .

Barbara Grant Leice ter, Biology


"Bobbie" hate to be kept wa1ung - is partial co pink coulotte and poetry , an insomniac, who' alwa s borrowing pencils - •·Li ten, weelS ! . - a fre h air fiend '�ho di likes mo ies - Dean s Li t I, 2, 3 - Library A ociat· 2 - :\!edical ociety 3 - Contemporar Literature + - German lub 3, +.

Ralph Gray, Jr. Hi.,tory,


alem, i\'£ Economics

A ' alkfog encyclopedia of misleading information - Phi Deir' Bill tern - Fir t to get the coop - perhap through hi, frequent calls to Loui e oburn - For snap courses ee Ralph - he has taken them all - Phi Delta Theta - l.R. . I, Outing lub 2 - Track I, 2, 3 - Newman Club 2, 3 - Imramural Athleti Council I - lmerfraternit · rheltic Council 4 - rm . -12 (R . . T . . ).

Arthur W. Greely Oakland. :\Caine Hi tory, Government, Economi trong fraternity man -

.ood student - Kappa Delea Rho.

Anne K. Hagar

�f r>hfield Hill , 1a . Bmin dministration

The outdoor irl - concentration on an thing athletic - Known as the human alann clock - nnie is a di turber of the peace - . iling enthu ia�t uting Club I, 2, 3, 4 - ocial omcninee + - Yacht lub 2. 3, Trea urer 'I, iceommodore and e retary - W . . . I, 2, 3, 4 - Women' l:nion ommitte 3, 4, Chainnan.

Jeanne M. Hall Waterbury, Conn. o iolog -P chology Lau bing on! M Hall can e - Brahm\ 3rd - rem te erm nt - like trange - a kjing people - '' ou're drunk \ ith power" - tealing her father' pnjam fiend - Ernie P le - rumble about 'ailing in line - lo es all the \\indO\\S "It eem I have a sudden \\ earine .. - l.R. . 3, + - Po, der and \ ig 3 a ity how 4, Busines Mana er - Outing lub 3 - ontemporar literature 2 Debatin� 'lub 4 olb Film ociet 2 rudent urri ulum 'ommiuee 4.

Beverly Hallberg

Lynwood P. Harriman l orwa , �1aine Philosoph -Religion

Rare pours tron l.R. 3 -

product of cit - licker from country ti � - leep hot wat r from third tory on erenading on ster est word - a :\a y vet too!!! lpha Tau Omega . 1 - Outing lub 1, 2 - Track 1, 2 - amerbury tale of 1aine holar hip I.


h, my go h," his

Barbara Hart ran ton, R . I. pani.h Barb, ' ho hat people before breakfast, is a o iable table-hopp r afterward Mo' er House irl with a contagiou laugh - ' B ho der" - like to read and wim lpha Delta Pi, Pr ident - LR. . 2, 4 - Outing lub 1 2, 3 anterbury Club I, 4 - pani h lub I, 2 President 3.

Hope Harvey Middletown, Conn. P y hology- ociology "Toby" - "l::ddie Joe" - stays up late - singing anything from Handel to Holida - loves to ki - up at the Water Tower - ha a p l in her heart for the Maine o l - "go d to ee you h y!" - igma Kappa lee lub I, 2, 3, 4, ic Pre id nt 2 - Women's tudenr o ernment I - l.R . . 4 - Powder and Wig 2 ar ity how 2, 4 uting lub 2 - hapel hoir I, 2, 3, 4 - Tran ferred from Oberlin ollege.

Mary Hathaway Kingston, Mass. English "Honey" goes foe the "Portuguese Drinking Song" but dislike people who can sing - can be found cutting classes and Spa-ing - She likes raw onions and mushrooms - " rp !" - hates bell duty and 8 o'clocks - a G.0.0.N. girl - Chi Omega Dean's List 3 - Echo I, 2, 3, 4 - l.R.C. 2, 4 - Library As ociates 4 - Powder and Wig 2, 3, 4 - Outing Club 2 - W.A.A. Board 3, 4, letter and numerals Var ity Hockey I, 4 - Class Vice-President I.

James C. Hayes Houlton, Maine Psychology Marriage - to wife and Spa - is sublime - Jim is the genuine veteran family man, and his concept of Americana includes organization and southern cooking - Alpha Tau Omega Officer 3 - Camera Club 3, 4 - Director of Greek Letter Minstrels 3 - Colby Son.

Donald Heacock Stalford Springs, Conn. Pre-Medical He's crazy - over strawberry shortcake - Strictly adheres to a tudy schedule and more strictly to the root of all evil - Latch on to Don for the time of your laugh.

Jean Hillsen Wor ester, Mass. Psychology Can always find her sculpturing - ays she's going to give up smoking - Biology Minor - will tell your fortune - Cezanne - writes biological poetry - a redhead - anything chocolate - l.R.C. 4 - Library Associates 2, 4 - German Club 2, 3, 4, Secretary-Treasurer - Co-Chairman for Sophomore Banquet - Arbor Day Committee - Art Club.

Joan Hoagland Southboro, Mass. History Her heart is for Holland and the Flying Dutchman - constantly losing her gloves and disappearing with Bette - A Beethoven, Agronsky and smoked pheasant fan l.R.C. I, 2, 3, 4 - Colby Film Society 2 - Medical Society 3 - Contemporary Literature 2, 3 - Yacht Club Secretary 2 - Focus 2, Business Manager 3 Student-Faculty Curriculum Committee 3, 4, President.

Georgiana F. Hooker Scarsdale, . Y. Psychology-Sociology With "Georgie" everything is "Peachy", except El Espanol - A G.0.0.N. girl and a Ru sian-Bank-during-finals-girl - never a dull moment when she is around - Sigma Kappa - Women's Student Government 4 - I.R.C. 2, 3 - Outing Club 2 - W.A.A. I, Letter 3, Hockey - House Chairman 4.

Samuel Horne Waterville, Maine Sociology To succeed - get down-wind - Has spent the better part of a decade m1Ss10g 8 o'clocks - Graduated in February - Strictly the outdoor type - hunting, fi hing, skiing and acking - Lambda Chi Alpha - Band I - Murray Prize Debate 2.

Ann Williams Houston Edgewood, R. I . Psychology-Biology

"Hootie" - always in jeans and sneakers - loves big blonds - her tan Studebaker - can be found "Spa-ing" or at a wrestling match - give up desserts for Lent - dislikes ice cream - authority - pea soup - "Keep the faith" - Delta Delta Delta - Echo l - Medical Society 2 - Outing Club I, 2, 4 - Class Team in Softball 2, 3 - Canterbury Club 2.

William Hurley Augusta, Maine Business Administration Hardworker - quiet - strong fraternity man - Ads for Echn - Delta Upsilon Dean's Li t 3, 4 - Erho I, 2, 3, 4, Business Editor 4.

John I ves Needham, Mass. Business Admini tration Will never live down his weekend at Amherst - Big wheel in Outing Club Owner of the bay window in Robbins Hall - Delta Upsilon - Dean's List 3, 4 Outing Club I, 2, 3, 4, Officer 4.


Justine Jackson Methuen, ;\fa


:Uedical Technology wearer of the DKE pin - a year at Lewiston technically - BeJie,•e nooze - "J. J ." knits ociety 2. 3 - Outing 3 - Riding Club I, 2.

dungarees pecially men' sock lub 1 - W.A.A. ::'\umeral 2 - ::'\e"man

of the afternoon fiend - :'.\fedical Club 2,

in the value

Martha Jackson Winchester


Engli h

:\!arty - fond of Glee Club excur ion - avacado - Mary Low alarm clock di likes breakfast before 10 - alwa sprouting un con cious pun - rela1es tales of fabulous relati,·es - "That' fine dear"' - "ler' change the room around'· - Chi Omega 3, 4 - Glee lub I, 2, 3, 4 - Women' tuden! Go,·ernmem I - \'arsit • how 2, 3, 4 - Outing lub I, 2 hapel hoir -I - Field Hocke·, ar ity I, 2.

Robert L. Jacobs, Jr. Gardiner, :\Iaine Ps cl1ology- ociolo For keeping class discu


Ji,·eJy - arguments - His not

re emble a book on

how to draw cartoon un \alley erenader, b 'II probabl end up on top or a mountain uting lub I. 2, 3, -1 lpha Tau Ome a Trea urer -I 3, 4 Basketball 1 - Football 2, 3, 4 olb • on - ::'\a,·y.

Baseball 1, 2,

Ann Jennings Winchester,


Psychology- ociology 'JeIL'<" - the station wagon, and ' twenry-five cen worth of ga , plea e·· - . Bo' doin bouse-party girl - talks about the Farm nd ''Pu•Ii ille·· with Pot and Bev ger - Red

igma Kappa - Glee lub I, 2, 3, -I - Echo I. 2, 3, 4, ub cription :'.\fan­ I.R.C. 4 - Varsity how Property ;\Ianager 3. 4 uting lub I. 2, 3. 4 ro 3, 4, Publicit Manager.

Loughlin Jennings Busin uiet little Lough wa

a big gun on the bMketball floor - B

Portland. Maine dministration

ketball I,


3, -I.

Alice Jewell Fairfield, Psycbolo

onn. - ociology

February graduate - amuse herself with economi - A habitual coffee-in-the­ pa girl - an artist at taking clas not , or o her friend think mith ollege lee lub I, 2 - LR. . 3, 4 - Library 4 - Outing lub 1, 2, 3 - W. . . I, 2 3 - Red ro s 2, 3,

transfer -

Alice Koble Watenille, Maine French

" .T." - !iv in lo\\ n - up ' ith the sun after eight hours sleep - watches othe r people work - "'orks cro word puul - death on "Big \ heels" and rah-rah people .. - crazy for cats, wimming, cl ical music - "Li ten, chum . "l feel igma Kappa I, 2, cretary 3, 4 like cutting clas . " uting lub 2.

Tema Joyce Kaplan Brookline, merican

Ma . i,•ilization

Lenny and a dazzzling diamond - a

pring ''

dding - "Do you think that June will

ever come?' - hat Maine and being alone - Professor Fullam - s nds a\vay for all advertisemen - never fini he cigarette - alwa sa ing thing - 'Lenny's coming, I have to prepare" - Dean' Ll t 2 - LR. . I, 2, 3, 4 - Planning Board 4 - Library sociate I, 2, 3, 4 - Film cretary-Treasurer 3, Executive Board 4 3, 4,

Lit r ture I, 2, 3, 4 - Hillel I, 2, 3, 4, Focus taff.

o · ty 2 - Powder and Wi I, 2, uting lub I, 2 ontemporary ident I olb Daughter -


Olaf Kays ew H d

Park, N. Y. Hi tory

On mind or film - silent ob ervations make a mark - Olaf acted according! on liked and disliked and a brew wa accept ble - I.R. . 2, 3, 4 - Yacht what h lub

2, 3 - Camera Club 2, 3, 4, Pre ideot 4.

Thomas F. Keefe, Jr. Falmouth, Maine H�tory Le Temp will miss its patron saint - The late-Ii ing Reefer h brid d. pokered, dete ti'e toried, and differ ntly dramatized four y ars th3l ould have been dull lpha Tau Omega - Inter- tudent ouncil 1 - Echo 1, 2 - l.R. . I, 2. 3, 4

- POI, der and Wig I, 4 -


ar ity Fooiball Manager I I, 2, 3, 4 - Editor, � hit Muf

lub l - Radio

ar it I.




cball Manager 2,

nn uncer I,

3, -l - Newman

2, 3 lub

Simeon J. Kelloway Chelsea, Mass. Business Administration Can' t miss him - if you do, you can always hear him - Make easy money behind the book tore counter - spends it at the Spa - Army vet - Alpha Tau Omega Officer.

Fay Klafstad Belmont, Mass. Sociology A Boston Braves rooter from 'way back, Fay is also a swimming and skiing enthusiast has a passion for Dartmouth Winter Carnivals - love to sleep, is allergic to --:- . rmng before 9 - "What time is it?" Alpha Delta Pi, President 3 - Glee Club 1, 2 --:- Powde� and Wig 1, 2 - Greek Lener Society 3, 4 - Outing Club, Katahdin Council 1 , 2, 3, 4 - Co-Chairman, Winter Carnival 4 - W.A.A. Board 1, 2, 4 - Pan Hellenic Council 3, 4 President - Career Conference Committee 3.

Doris Koshina Greenwich, Conn. Psychology "Cokey" sports a handsome diamond, can be found with Bud - she goes for onion soup and steak - is happiest when eating - hates cheerfulness in the morning - "I'm bushed" - Sigma Kappa - l.R.C. 2 - Outing Club I, 2 Newman Club 2, 3, 4 - Varsity Show 1.

Marion La Casce Fryeburg, Maine Economics She enjoys her weekend .:_ away from Colby - Roots for the Bowdoin Zetes - a Live wire - "Casey" is good on kis - and i genuine\¥ clever - Frequents Park' Diner - Outing Club I, 2, 3, 4 - W.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4, Board - Colby Daughter.

Robert J. Latham Marblehead, Mass. Business Administration For party poopers - a speeding puck - At Colby, Bob went about organizing "functions," poker games, and getting Pat a a fiancee - Delta Kappa .Epsilon Hockey 3, 4.

Donald G. Leach Madi on, Maine Business Administration On the active side - a well vocabularied moderator - Don's interest in the affairs of Colby made him known and liked socially and otherwise - The "wheel" on the Hill - Kappa Delta Rho I, 2, 3, 4, President 3, 4 - Pr sident of I.F.A. Cabinet Powder and Wig 3, 4, Vice-President 4 - Greek Letter Society 3, 4, President 4 - Social Committee 3, 4, Chairman 4 - Radio Club 3, 4 - Protestant Group l, 2, nion Committee 4 - Board of Ushers 4. 3, 4 - Roberts

Roy F. Leaf Waltham, Mass. History His wife's got his n u mber - ' · Bingo" - M o t of his activitie are extra-curri ular and her name is "B. W . " - Says here his habits are reading newspapers and shining shoes - Hmmmmmm - Delta Upsilon - Hockey 2, 3, 4 - Baseball 3, 4 - Army.

Louise Leavenworth Waterbury, Conn. Sociology Love the Annex - baby sitting - spaghetti - hates nickname "Lou" and long train rides - spend time in movies - buying food - always answering phone or door bell - "Ah, n o ! " - "My brothers . . . " - Alpha Delta Pi - Library A sociates 1, 2, 3, 4 - Medical Society 2 - Outing Club 1, 2 - French Club 1, 2.

Rae Frances Libby Portland, Maine Engli h A gal with a great amount of poise - Christmas diamond - never on time - Doesn't mind at all keeping people waiting - frilly hats are darling - Hates anything strenuous - knits ski sweaters - "Guess I ' ll cut class today" - Chi Omega, Secretary 4 Echo 1 - I.R.C. 1, 2, 4 - Library Associates 1, 2, 3, 4 - Contemporary Literature 1, 2, 3, 4.

Jeanne Littlefield Waterville, Maine English ribbage - coffee - live at the City Job Print - always has to run for the bus flips a coin to make decisions - abhors snakes and cokes - hobby is wasting time "like so" - "cute, huh?" - Orchestra I, 2, 3, 4 - I.R.C. 4 - Library A ociates I, 2, 3, 4 - Contemporary Literature 3, 4.

Roberta Longley Water ille, Maine Psychology-Sociology D . · . is wonderful - especially one - eats popcorn in the movie - a base­ ball fan - helps run the Spa - hates people who order root beer float in the Spa - collects ouvenir from anywhere and everywhere - bouncing along in a certain Model 'A' - ' Now, that' quite _ometh i ng ! " - Delta Delta Delta - Dean's List 3 - Outing Club I, 2 - Contemporary Llter3ture 3.

Martha Loughman Waban, 1a Geology


" Marty" - play ping pong at 2 a . m . - hates people ' ho can ' t take a joke - alway talking or fixing thing - likes I talian ndwiches and walking i n the rain - 'Ble s your pointed lit tle head' - "Got any cleaning?" - Delta Delta Delta - Glee Club eology lub I, 2, 3 , 4 - . . . I - ' f i n t r e l h o w 3, 4 - O u t i n g lub 1 , 2 3, 4 - Protestant Group I, 2.

I. Douglas Love Glen Ridge, . J. Bu i n dmini tration Monda night at the Belviedere - R um - His knowledge of automobile mechanics and his love for " ouped up ca r ' hould make him a ucc ·ful tru k driver or midget auto racer - Phi Delta Theta - Dean's Li t I , 3 - I.F . . 4 - Outing nion 4 - Colby on - Tran fer from lub 2 - Board of Director< of Roberts wanhmore - .. avy et .

James A. Lundin Abington, fass. Pre -Dental

Live i n vet' apartm nts - alway late to football practice - hunting and fis hi n g - pal around ' ith Ed Pniewske are his favorite pastim Jpha Tau Omega I , 2 3, 4 - Basketball I - " " man 2, 3, 4.

Patricia Lydon harle tow n, las . Engli h " Pa t ' ' - a >man gal "ho hate to tud but do n ' t need to anywa - Bob and the D .K.E.' - diamond rin - arrives in lasses late - a l i ttle too practical ome­ time - certainly wears a lot of artillery on her weater - one of t h e few who hate riental M ea t Ball - ·• hat time is it, ud?" - igma Kappa, ocial bairman 3 , P res id en t 4 - D a n ' List 2, 3 - I.R. . 4 - Library i c i te I, 2, 3 . 4 ontemporary Literature I , 2, 3 4 - . 'ewman lub 1, 2, 3, 4 - e re1ary of J u nior la ice,-Pr ident of enior Ja,s.

Da vid Lynch on ord, l\ I AdrninisLration Bus i n apable administration preced the foamier pastime - Da e ha play cl a role of th "army vet i n college a ti\ i ti " con cien1 iou�ly, taking only ccruional ocial Ain Phi Delta Theta, ffi er 2, Pr ident 4 - 1 . F . . 4 reek Letter ociety 3 '.\'ewman lub 3 4 - l n 1erfraternit)' oun il 3, 4 - President 3 olf 2, 3, 4.

Sally McCormack yracus , 1' . Y. ociology-P ychology

college romance ulm inating with a diamond at hristmas - Thi fem inine "fernm ," trikingly blonde, i s partial to com er1 ibles - especially regular mo ie-go r - and remembered for the weekly phone call home.

very Bill'

William E. McDonnell orthfield, Pre-Medical


That pipe, that car, and ally ually found folded up behind a teering wheel, a beer or a double feature - The magnific ntl aloof Lyp , ' Lil you get to know him - Delta Kappa Ep ilon - l\l ed ical ociety 4 - Yacht luh 3 , 4 - amera Club - farine orps.

Leon F. McFarland Gardiner, Maine H i to1·y He get tl1e last word - Easily recognized by hi harp wit and cutting re111ark5 -a gay blad - L hor he lik a long a. i t i n't labori u - His n i kname? - " la ," Lo coin a phrase.

Sid McKeen amden, I l i,toq•,

fain ov rnment, Economic

"A's" - a Lion, ab urdity, alcohol - His abhorence of on e1·vati 1 1 1 is The thr off et by hi, aJTi niry for N a n n ig's �uit - Meet "Dead Line " a l Lh la.L moment and Manhattan halfway - Lambda hi lpha - Echo 1, 2 - l . R . . 4 - Ba�eball I Radio luh 4 - oll ge R pre' n 1: n i v for Boston Hnald and Ban or J)aily News 2, �. 4 - '.\'a•'Y·

Robert McNaught Dedham, Mass. History Wife keeps Bob in line - new Pontiac - likes his wife's home cooking - very active in fraternity sports; softball , football and basketball - lpha Tau Omega I . R . C . I , 2, 3, 4 - Outing Club I , 2 - Social Commiuee 3 - Football I .

Nellie Macdougall Bingham, Maine English ellie is a ba ketball rooter who never mi ses a game - "Ayeh" - a Vacationland fan with a dry Maine sense of humor - has much company in her dislike of Oriental meat balls - 1ellie i usually completely oblivious to time - Echo 3 - S. . A . 2 , 3 - Library Associates 4 - Contemporary Literarure 4 - Prote Lant Federation, Treasurer 4.

Thomas F. Maguire orth Providence, R . I . Chemistry Loves all sorts of "Bugs" - Habit of wearing out road between Waterville, Rhode Island and ew Jersey - Dislikes Chem Labs and cha1terboxes - Navy Vet - Phi Delta Theta - Trea6urer of Senior Class ewman Club 2 , 3 , 4 - Chi Epsilon Mu 3, 4.

John Mahoney Clinton, Conn. Biology In his past, a Ford - Perpetually seen with a foot on the running board and a n eye on "Bobby" - Would rather play cards than study - Huh ? - Delta psi Ion, Vice­ President 4 - Marine Corps - Tra k 1, 2, 3 - Football 1, 3, 4 - Trea urer of Sophomore Cla s .

Jean Maloof West Roxbury, Mass. Spanish Jeanie - loves her comfort - Hal - dancing - mart black clothe - smokes fiendishly before exams - in the playroom every night - one of the "bridge set" snapping eyes - " I t's a riot" - "Don't be silly" - Dean's List 2, 3 - Glee Club I, 2 - I . R .C . 4 - Outing Club I, 2 - Spanish Club 2, 3 , 4.

Chana M. Marker Upper Montclair, . J. Sociology-Psychology Knee socks and shorts - Brahms, Delius - drip coffee pot for in-between snacks automatic water faucets are the bane of her existance - sings in the shower - goes to bed early - "Holy Canarsie" - "Semantically speaking . . . " - Dean s List 2 , 3 - Glee Club I, 2, 3 - l . R .C. 2, 3 - Library Associate I , 2 - Outing Club 2 - Contemporary Literature 2.

Shirley Marshall Waterville, Maine Psychology-Sociology "Scoop" - transfer from Westbrook Junior College - adores A .T.0. pins - Tri­ Delt hats ;- Oh, t � ose Ion� miles between here and Boston - "You don't say" _ always eating or knitting - Delta Delta Delta 3, 4.

Richard Martin Stamford, Con n . Business A d m i n i tration Of social situations - a smooth i ntegrator - As his economic mind has ramified in various directions, so has Dick's tendency towards co-eds - A conscientious wor�er Tau Delta Phi, Officer 4 - Dean's List 3 - ORACLE 2, 3, 4 - Erho 4 - Outing Club, Officer 3, 4 - Social Committee 4 - Football I - Hillel Club I, 2, 4, Officer 1 .

Robert B. Maxell Orient, Maine Chemistry Avid night-long reader (of chemistry books) - Can" t stand onions - bridge and movie fan � " Rattlin' Moses" - Transfer of Ricker Junior College - Alpha Tau Omega Dean's List I - Chi Epsilon Mu 3, 4.

Robert J. Maxwell Waterville, Maine .Busine s Administration Wants to see Colby converted to boys' school - after he graduates - Married et but still bending the elbow - Thoroughly dislikes giggling co-eds in t H e New Look - Lambda Chi.

Richard Michelsen Stamford, Con n . Business Administration "Sandwiches Punchy,









"D namite,"




court - Phi Delta Theta, Officer - Track

1, 2 , 3, 4.





paroneots the



1, 2 - Cross Country 1, 2 - Basketball

Robert Warren Mitchell Bath, Maine P 'chology- ociology Has



gets u p earl












- skiing aod dancing - collects records - Alpha Tau Omega - Outing

Club 1, 2 , 3,

4 - Captain of

ki Team 3.

S. Vincent Monaco Marblehead, Mas . Admini tration

Busin Liked by everyone - "Because"' -

jug of wine, a tub of spaghetti and a frau He's lea\'ing behind a college filled with his laughter, hi singing aod his thirty-Ii e pound hammen; lpha Tau Omega M i n�trPl how 1, 3 - Outing Club 2 - Football

I, 2 , 3 - Track I

3 , 4 Captain - "

" Club 2.

Urban Hannig Providence, R . I . Chemi try t the slroke of twelve - sardin and beer - His abhoreoce of inhibition is off et by his affinity for O'Reilly's suit - Lambda hi lpha - Orchestra I - 1 . R . C . 4 -

Ill Epsilon � l u 4.

Canterbury Club 2 -

Robert F. Nardozzi h.

er non,

' · Y.

History Io the nny i t was pecial er. i - at olby it was Jean - " oggie,' while not figuring u p the cleaning bill , played m n games of baseball and cards lpha Tau Omega 2 , 3, 4 , Officer 3 - I . R . . 4 - Library ociates 4 - Fr hman Ba eball a

ity .Baseball 2

3, 4 - Jean 3, 4.

Donald E. Nicoll W




History ·ew York City and r


ding - especially J.


dams -


pare time

helping borderline History students - corrects Fullam's hour e: ams - fi nd Hilda and you've found Don - Dean's Li t 2 , 3 lee lub I, 2 , 3 - Men's tudent ouncil

l - l.F .

. l,

3 , 4 - First Prize, Levine Extemporaneous Public

peaking Contest 3.

Benson Noice, Jr. Arlington,

lass. Hi tory


the fallacy lies i n your basic premise" - Ben's

itself i n L R .




., chess and arguing, but not in car purchases - Zeta Psi 3 , 4 - Glee I , 2, 3, 4, President 4 - Tennis 1 - Football 2 ro s

Club I , 2 , 3 - l . R .C . Country 3





1, 3, 4.

James C. Noice rlington, Mas . Psychology- ociology One supreme desire - the perfect date - Jim has had other extra-rurrin•hr inter ts though, and be ides, Navy men should b socially coo c.ious, or play tennis, or both - Zeta P i , Officer 4 - I . R . . I , 2 lee Club I, 2 - Hall0>ve1J ;)pc:.. A Jng Prize 1 - Track I, 2 - Tennis 2 , 3, 4 - Outing Club 2 , 3, 4.

Lois Norwood Warren, Maine Hi tory L� is · an all-round sports enthusiast - tennis, hockey, basketball, softball and swim­ m i ng - lov to eat pecially carrots - washes ber hair at 6 a.m. - dislikes people ' ho can't take joke lpba Delta Pi - Oreb ·tra 1 - Glee Club 2 Band 3 , 4 - I . R . C . 4 - Outing Club I, 2 , 3, Council 4 amera tub 4.


Frances Nourse Portland,


English All-n_ight cut, on




cky" -

in -


Louise likes

Coburn smoker are Franni 's idea of fun - "Let's " Hea rt of My Heart" - hate 10 get phone call . _ . gtrl h1 Omega, President 4 I.R. . 1, 2, oc.iat 3, 4 - Ouling tub 1, 2 , 3, 4 .A . .


\�erals ;�� i ;� ra


Elaine Noyes Augu La, l\faine Psycho lo IT big friendly smile for everyone - never beard to raise her voice Gershwi n"s nrn'ic - doe,n ' t like movies - sleeps through t h e alarm clock conLinually - "Oh my go;h" - loves to read Poe - former member of Mower Hou e - "I that true ?" - forever gelling laLe permission Dean's List 2, 3 - J . R . . 4 - Outing Club I , 2, 3 arecr Conferen e Plann ing Board 3 .

Leon V . O ' Donnell Waterville, Maine Bu iness Adm i n i !ration .T.O.' own W . C . Fields - His largest muscles are found in his elbow developed through constant bending - Likes hunLing, fishing and golf ' hen the bars are do ed - lpha Tau Omega - Social omminee 2 , 3, 4 - Transfer from Bales - Navy vet - Onie 1, 2 , 3, 4.

Andrew B. Offenhiser Pittsburg, Pa. P ychology-So iology Not exactly a teetotaler - A way all of his own with the co-eds - Transfer from niversily of lllinoi, - igma lpha Epsilon - I . R . C. 4 - Canterbury Club 3, 4, President 4.

Charles A . O ' Reilly Malden, Ma . Psychology-Engli h Living the l ife of O' . . . . - Hi; abhorence of dangling participles is offseL by his affinity for McKeen' suit - 'otoriou for being a notoriou caf-fiend - Lambda Chi Alpha - Echo l, 2 - Library Associates l , 2 , 3 - Anny.

Diane Palmer Wellesley H ills, Mass. Medical Technology Off to California - and to Bud - One of the Lewi ton five, Senior year at Central i'vfa i n e General Hospital - 'Di ' gave the po unao constant business her last year A perpetual worrier - dislikes blue Sunday - thrives on I talian Sandwiches OuLing Club l - Canterbury Club l , 2, 3 .

Robert Panasulc Waterbury, Conn . Pre-Medical Of the quiet and tJ1e conventional - a dislike - Weird eating conditions, town and a t\ o-campus l i fe had Bob raLionalizing big expensive convertibles - Zeta Psi, Officer 4 - J . R .C . 4 - Medical Society 4 .

John Paquette Lowell, Mass. Bu iness dministration He leads with his . . chin - Those are social circle under his eyes gained from : malt products. haphazard trips to parts unknow n , and listening to Stan Kenton Ask him for a smoke, and he'll give you proof po itive - Phi Delta Theta - Glee Club 2 - J . R . C. 2 , 3 - 'ewman Club I - French Club 3 - A . A . F .

Charles A. Pearce Fort Fairfield, Maine Psychology-Sociology For him - collections - Hand-knit so ks - I ncreased his popularity every day by following a not too rigorous schedule, and changing his major as often as he changed his ocks ( hand-kn i t ) - Delta Kappa Epsilon, President 4 - Greek Letter Society 4 - Proctor - Army.

James M. Pearl Scarsdale, ' · Y . Economics Five days of drudge - LWO days of weekend - Jim apparently never geared down from a comparati ely urban Air Corps Existence, but "econ" can be fun - Glee tub I - I . R .C . 3, 4 - Librar·y Associates 4 - Yacht Club 4 - Camera Club 4 Ba.ehall I - Outing Club 4.

Jeanne F. Pelletier Rockville Centre, Long I land, N. Y . French "Jeannie" can do praCLicaJly everything and do i t well - she'll follow Colby teams all over Maine for games - can be heard talking in her leep or playing " l . Loui Blues" for Helen - wrinkles her nose when she talks - Dean's List I - Eclro I, 2, 3 - House Chairman 2 - Riding Club I, 2, 3, 4 -- Newman Club ' I, 2, 3, 4 French Club 2 - W . A . A . Cup - Tenni Manager l , 3 - R id i ng Manager 2 . •

Marilyn Perkins pringfield. :\lass.

Ps--chologv man'· - she fulfills them all - ..\ fo]Jo,,er of Eddie Joe - Ii · es those letters from Paris and Greece - a ''i> i cal fiend but ne,·cr has matches - A regular ruden1 Go,·ernment I. 2. 3. ''goer-to-Park" ·· for coffee - Cap and Gown - Women' \'ice-Pres.idenL Pres.idem -I - Inter cudem Council 2. \'ice-President "al Commirtee 2. 3. Chairman -I.


Russell S. Ph illips, Jr. . ::'\ewton Centre. :\{ P ·chology ociology

An oracle and raron1eur lea\ es the place of his oouth - The Ze1e· ''ill m · , Bud orps - Zeta much as does H:i.rtland. :\faine. the poni . and the :\f edical almost · Psi - Freshman Pia•· I, 2 - Tennis 2. 3. -1. Committee I - Hocke

John R. Picerne Crans1on. R. r. Administration


Ho= and "omen - ride them - One-third ol P nie• n · i . Hamdin, and . . . - Likes headquanen for his eland tine aCLh;ties - Alpha pa '' �oal alarm cl lub -I - Ridin_ Club 4. Tau Omega - Outin

Marjorie Plaisted LinrolO\-ille. :\laine French .. taXb - can 6nd " :\fargie - \ cr.;atile athlete - prac1ice reacher - hat the �D in :\larv r.m, - ah,a . hurr--io off me !')>On - rin pla•-in - burns midni ht oil - ··Oh Bop ' . . - "no one e-er told me . . . ·• lub I . Pi - LR.C. 1, 4 - Women' l:nion Commiuee 4 - Outio · .ouncil 3 Commiuee 4- - W . ..\. A . I . 2, 3, -1. President -I up. . umera • Lener and

her anytime 10 meetin pha Delra 2. 3. ,I - \\ . ..\.A.

Edward S. Pn iewski W

tville. Conn. Pre-:\ [ edical

pent dispro,;nl! theori"" and He finds ab.cractioru. holdin11 - :\fo-c of his time · pa-in ,,;th his res from ''c hear about - Has ,.. ddle girb - The 1heori - Ba.s et II I - ..\rm..-. cohor - . lpha Tau Omeg-a - Dean· �1 2.

Carleton E. Porter Lowell. �lass. Ph1 ic:s :\ larrial!e ubordinat.e<> the phuical !.ciencc,, - Carl neHr realized the safel\· of lab. · r Corps until h e -enturcd ow.side them and lcxt his head - Zera fra1crni1 . . and hm• 2 - imta Pi igma. Psi, Officer 3 - Dean' List I - Glee lub 2 - \."ani1 lub '.?. Prtlidcnt 3, 4 - Outin

Janet Pride 1er. :\[a . Adminb.tra1fon

Winch .


- has an proc:ra3tina1or. "Peanu1·_ . ra, orite pastimes are mo\ ies and magazin cokes. \\hiske sours and imensc dislike for Wall treet Jourruill - · · hu-ab " lik pa'' - igma Kappa - LR . . 2 - \":u-si1' ho" � - ··Lei'· o 10 the coffee at · - Gr�k LeHer lub I , 2. 3. -4 - W . ..-\ . I cry 2. 3, 4-. ecrerary - Ouun mmi11ee ,! . 'nion -4 - \\'oml'n' rnivaJ Court 3 - ecretary or 1 Wimer

Joseph Putnam Houl1on, :\iaine Economi

One or the cir o" ners on campu - Loya] D . K . E . - The co-eds ]o,·e tha1 curlv hair and th� blue e - Ddta Kappa Ep_ilon - Football I. 2, 3 - Trac 2 - Board of t:shus 3. -1.

Mary Lou R.eed Wooh,ick. Maine En lish

:\fo" er House b 1 - \\OuJd rather o our than md Ct r all the ears rill lik to write letten but - "he' 50 njcc" - a gulliblt' ml - brio� our troubles hat ab_em-minded - diamond constant! - ve 10 her. _be" 'CTY _;mpathetic - doodl ho'' l lub 4 1in_ - igma Kappa - Lihrarv ssociates 4 - \'a,r,.it Caroi\-al Queen A1tendant 2.

Archie J. R.ellas .

'a!hua. ::'\ . H. chology


round make him a Becawe of college - a wallopin trauma? - H' Gre k ba a • x n."ltural arm-chair phile»opber - The D.l:." Elsa _ iax\\l'll - 'p ilon - Bu in _ - Delta biolocical inna1e drive " h ich could lead 10 mental cha no, . how 3 :\fanager of the �fi1mrd

Alexander Richard Madison, Majne Busine Administration From Richard - a peep - Hair today and gone tomorrow - His power o f con­ versation are exceeded only by hi omnambuli tic department - Delta psilon Var ity Football 2, 3, 4 - Hockey 2, 3, 4 - Newman Club - A . A . F .

Edward Rimpo Paterson, N. J . History

Carolyn Roberts Brownville J u nctio n , Maine Business Administration Splits everythjng spillable - fond of high heels - tall, ath letic men - shrieki n ' females and having t o hurry are taboo - avoids bus-riding - " But there RE street lights i n Brownville J u n tion" - "Rests" when she bas a minute - I . R .C. 4 - Outing Club 2, 3, 4 - Sports 2, 3, 4.

Mary-Lou ise Roberts Providence, R. I . Geology With "Lew" it's Bobby - and it's a diamond - A gal with a l'rovidence accent and a merry laugh - a mountain climber and a "rocksology" fiend - likes purple I . R . C . 4 - Library As ociates 4 - Outing Club I - Canterbury Club I , 2, 3, 4 Riding Club 2, 3 - Geology Society, Charter Member 3, 4.

Alice Rogers Rockland, Maine Latin Can be found i n nocturnal bull sessions - loyal to the coa t of Maine - mince pie adores warm weather - can't tolerate alarm clocks or people butting in on her privacy - "Oh what times, oh what a situation" - I . R .C. 4 - Newman Club 2 , 3, 4 - Fo ter Memorial Prize 3 .

A. Raymond Rogers, Jr. Waterville, Maine Geology A liking for - the traditional things - Ray is a pipe-smoking, ex-Navy man who wants to dig stones and enjoy married home l i fe - Famous for his wide friendly grin - Delta Kappa Epsilon, Officer 4 - Colby Geological ociety 3, 4, Officer 3 Colby Son.

Joan Smith Rogers Worce ter, Mass. English The hou ewife i n dungarees - entertajns her friends with coffee and Muffins - Had the mo t traumatic experience - had the most tonis - Chi Omega - Dean' List 3 - Colby Wives Club 4 - Vampire Society I, 2, 3, 4 - Contemporary Literature 2, 3 - Colby Daughter.

Claire L. Rosenston Mattapan, Ma s. History " A a matter of fact" - something of sophistication - One of the original scrimers - she's a "dearie" - "Treasure h u nts" \Vere her sport, the red coat her treasure, and the black sweater her masterpiece - Dean's List 3 - ORACLE Staff 4 - Echo 1, 2 - L.F . . 3 , 4 - Vampire Society I, 2 , 3 , 4.

Robert C. Rowell Waterville, Maine Bu iness Administration He's ju t a stay-at-home - Spends half his time in his convertible, the other hair with Pauly, and \vhat' left over at " the camp" or tudying or with Pauly - Lambda Chi lpha - Inter-Student Council 3 - I . R.C. 4 - Outing Club I, 2, 3, 4 - ocial Committee 4 - Debating Club I - Track 1 - avy.

Janet Royal 'orth Brookfield, Mass. Sociology "Poochie'' - famous for new songs, jokes - writes poems for all occasions -¡ loyal to U . of N. H. - Johnny Pesky and Red Sox - livens up Louise Coburn - " I got virtue but i t ain't been te ted" - "Let's have a party" - Chi Omega - Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 - I . R .C. l , 2 , 3 - Var ity Show 4 - Outing Club Council I, 2, 3 Social Committee 3 - Minst :[el Show 3, 4 - Colby Daughter.

Shirlee Rubin

Providence, R . I. Psychology

" kipp " never wears rubbers, kerchiefs or coal . and hates to have people ask, " ren't ou cold?" - Can be found on canoe trip or mountain h ike , whi ding as he goes - Likes the Tannhauser Overture and brO\ nies - Dean' List 4 - W om en ' cudent Government 1 - Echo 1 2, 3, Circulation Ia nager 4 - l . R .C . 3, 4 - Ouring arsity how 3 4 - Hillel lub 4 - Concert Board 3, 4 - Library ociates 2 , 3 lub 2 . 3, 4 - Red Cro· , ecretary-Trea urer and Club 1, 2 , 3, Treasurer - panish Co-Chairman o[ Togus Project 4.

Robert Sagansky Brookline, l\las . B u ine dministration

charter member - has be tter memories - Bob appreciated the post- rmy colleg e phone call is a necessary escape - Tau Delta Phi a \ al tham but no' ORACLE 4 - Echo 3 - LR . . 4 - Baskerball 1 - Baseball, Manager 3 . life,

Patricia Sales wamp cote, l\Jas . English Her claim to fame - playing the 'ham" - \ hetller it' candleli ht ser ices £or the kiddies or duets with June - she protests " ou're givin m a persecution complex ! " February graduate - Powder a n d W i g I , 2 , 3, 4 , P r jd nt ontem porary Literature 1, 2 , 3, 4 - Hillel ociet 2., 3 , 4, Pr ident erman lub 2 , 3, 4 French lub 2 3 - Library · s ociates 2 , 3, 4.

Thomas W. Samuelson Brooklyn, German


. Y.

I n tability o[ the American public - he's worried - 1\lad about T . Wolfe. Jonathan Ed' ards, and the A m ericarr Psyc hological Jou rnal imply hat authoritarianism, and claps his bands when h can dr a la Boheme I e lub 3 - Library ociat 4 - Outing lub 4 lub 3, 4 , onremporary Literature 4 retary and Presiden t .

Alvin Schwartz Hi.story,

Brooklyn, ' . Y . ovemment, Economics

A t h i n k i ng journalistic mind - Al' background o[ . . X. Y. and Xavy left him with a plea ntly cognizant and erious wa of dealing with things - Tau Delta Phi Echo 2 , 3, 4 , Erutor-in- hjef 4 - l . R . . 3, 4 - Dean' Li t 3 - Po' der and V ig 2, 3, 4.

Nancy Irene Semonian Concord, 1\fass . Psychology- ociology

" intone" is a n habitual afternoon and pallid e.arthwonns" n be jours gai - a blithe pirit with a - I . R . . 3, 4 - Powder and V ig

tea-drinker - has a phobia against "pickled frogs found tahlislling international relation - Tour­ h u k voice h i Ome a le lub L 2 , 3, 2 , 3, 4 arsily how 2 , 3, -1 - Radio lub 2, 4 .

\ e t

Jeannine Shaw carsboro, Maine P ychology

' ' Lin" - bothered by ti king lo ks - a gum napper - alwa last - a G.O. . � . call - fond of people who know "'here W t girl - alway getting long distan car boro i - "Hey, wait for m e ! ' - Dean' Li t 3 - Band 3 - GI e Club 2 , 3, 4 Echo 1 - I . R .C . 4 - Po"d r and Wig 3, 4 u t i ng tub I .

Jean Wright Sheppard l\felro e , M Religion-Latin "Jeannie,'' the wooden-spoon shr dder of the citement and prune juice - a rudent of the Cla i , he' ot pl nty of cla - llergi to nois , he ells "Q IET ! " You knucklehea d ! " igma Kappa - Glee lub I, 2, 3, Librarian 4 - Echo 3 - J . R . C . 3 , 4 - .C. . I , Deputation hairman 3 - Prote ta nt Federation Deputation hairman 4 - Red ro . 4 - M i n trel ho\ 3 - Outing lub 2 , 3, +­ Yacht lub 3 - Foster 1emorial Prize, r k 2, Latin 3.

Philip J. Shore Bu i n

Providence, R. I . dmi nistration

Hi dislike for mall women dri him to uebec where 1 hey are broad mind d Likes clean eating pla e and bathing beauti s on e Lra long weekend - pipe moker habit held over from bis visjts to Bo ton' hinatown - an x-houligan - Tau Delta Phi - I . R .C . 1 , 2 - Library o ·at 1 - Po, der and \ i I - Out ing lub 1, 2 , 3 - Basketball l - Baseball 1.

Ernest F. Sigety

ew York, � . Y. dmini tration Busin

ft r bigne s - a ' elcome hange - Ernie left tl1e arm a11d olumbia for olb and the "Temp" - Hi O\'Crt ophi. tication is ha ked by a eriou philo·ophy lpha Tau Omega, OrTi er 4 - J.R. . 4 - l . F. A . 3, 4 - Libra1 < o iat 3, 4 amera lub 4 - Fr nch lub 4 - Outing Club 4 .

Burton Silberstein Lyn n , Mas . Busines Adminisrration rbanization ha its part in maturation - Burt"s interests seem t o be i n a cosmo­ poli ta n vein , however, he' succes fully projected the infection of the baseball bug Tau Delta Phi 2, 3, 4 - I . R .C . 3, 4 - I . F . A . 1 - Basketball I - Baseball l , 2, 3, 4 - H i llel Club I , 2, 3, 4 .

William Slemmer Malden, Mass.

Philosophy-Psychology I n nate potentialities have found a release - Appreciative humor, " the scoop on life," and studiousness make Bill qualified to discuss the weather or Van Gogh - Dean' List 3 - Glee C l u b 3 - I . R .C . 3 - Newman Club 3, 4 - Outing Club 4.

George I. Smith Waterville, Maine Chemistry For n i ne seme ters of public service - olby's a ppreci a tio n - " . I . " ha; been an outdoor, extra-curricula, seriou minded avy vet whose numerous interest have often co-ordinated t h i ngs - Delta Kappa Epsilon, Offi ce r 3 - Dean's List 1, 2 , 3, 4 l . F . A . 1 , 3 - Camera Club 4 - Orchestra 1 , 2, 3, 4 - Outing Club, Officer 3, 4 - Tenni l - Track 2, 3, 4 - I . R.C. 4 - Concert Board 4 - Colby Son .

H. Guy Smith Bethlehem, Pa. Busine s Admin istration Majors in social life at Colby - Like Saturday nights - di;like unday mornings Never mjsse a Phi Delt party - Experienced table hopper - All around sport both on and off the playing field - "Member of Pea ant Clan" - Officer of Phi Delta Theta - I . R.C. 3 - J . F .A. 2, 3, 4 - Powder and Wig 2 , 3, 4 , President 2 Outing Club 2, 3 - Golf 2, 3, 4 - Newman Club 3, 4 - President of Class 3 , 4 Tran fer from Mararian College - Army Air Corps.

Lois Smith Waterville, Maine P ychology-Sociology Always flying around i n the "yella" convertible - rises before dawn and takes solitary night walk - loves travelling, e pecially to New York, Boston, and California , - dislike having a moment unoccupied - 'Gee, i n't that maddening?. - 'and tbus" - transfer from Colby Junior - Delta Delta Delta 2, 3, 4, ( Chapla i n ) - Colby Daughter.

Marilyn A. Sautter Waterville, Maine Bu;iness Administration Summer at the beach - gettin mail - knitting and waiting for Friday - "Any mail today?" - spends vacations i n Boston - Joe - a B . C. fan - a town girl alway at the dorm - good for a laugh anytime - I .F . A . Chairman 4 - Outing Club I , 2 - W . A . A . Volleyball 3 - Newman Club 2, 3, 4 - Executive Board 3, Secretary 4 - Spanish Club 2 .

Thomas S. S quiers Hallowell, Maine

Busines Administi:ation A married vet who eat up a quiet evening at home away from the noisy cro' ds hunting and Ii h i ng to get a' ay from home.

June Stairs Swampscott , Mass. Psychology From Carnival Queen to the Phi Beta class - she heads the list - Maladju tments are her excuses for everything - lobster partie , her idea of a good time - and duets with Pat her folly - Chj Om ega - Dean's List I, 2, 3 - Inter-Student Council, Secretary 3. Pre ident 4 - Women' Student Government 2 - Cap and Go' n Concert Board I, 2, 3, Chairman 4 - Social Committee 4 - Pi Gamma M u , Carnival Queen ttendant 2, Carnival Queen 3.

Barbara Starbuck Sca rsda l e , '. Y . Psychology-Sociology " Bobbie" - a bundle of boundless energy - that yellow slicker - onstantly Echo­ i ng and Spa-ing - being a nui ance - bumming cigarettes - eager fan of the S t . Louis Cards - " J hate him ! I hate him ! l h a t e him ! " - " B u t she's a friend o f mine ! " - Sigma Kappa - Eclto I , 2 , 3, 4, Advertising Manager 4 - I . R . C . 4 I . F .A . 1 - Powder and Wig I - Varsity Show 2, 3 - Outing Club I, 2, 3, 4 Yacht Club 2, 3 - W . A . A. 'umerals and Letter - Hockey, Var ity 4.

Carleton P. Stinchfield Woburn, Mass. Chemistry p before the crow of the cock i n the morning - Spends most of night in t h.� Chem Lab - Bus ervice conAjcts with his schedule - Mainstay of the Band - Alpha Tau Omega, Officer 4 - Dean' List I, 3, 4 - Orchestra I, 2, 3 , 4 - Band 2, 3, 4 - Football I - Colby Son - Chi Ep ilon Mu 3, 4, President 4 .

Gerald Stoll White Plain , . Y. Economics Contemporary suavity is the pice of life - G rry' di like of noise is probably a de ire to do something con rructi e with it, a var ity shm , perhap - Tau Delta Phi, Pre ident 4 - Band 2 - l . R .C. 4 - Concert Board I - Var ity Show 3, 4, Co-Author 4 - Greek Letter ociety 4 - H illel Club 3, 4.

Bertram E. Stritch Waierville, Maine Psychology "Give the college back to the youth" married vet and Temple . Iran fer, Bert likes oucdoor life and mechanical devices which be remini cently tinkers w i t h on doubt - Zeta Psi - Glee Club I - ocial Committee 1 - Hallowell peaking Prize I '.\forray Debate I - Le,;ne Prize I .

John R. Stuart Cran ton, R . I. Pr -Medical Toward ba i drives - a dri ing - Johan take everything i n stride, even marriage, and his unobrru ive tick-to-ic-tive-n has been helpful in his major - Delta Kappa E p ilon - Marston Mor e Phy ics Prize 3 - Concerc Board 2.

Margurite Thackeray New York, 1'. Y. panish

The commiuee girl, "Taff ' i alwa on the go - blonde and becomingly catter­ brained - a combination of ambition, energy and o erAowing enchu iasm - contagious smile - Delta D lta Delea, Treasurer 4 - Dean's Li t I , 4 lee lub 2 - Cap nd own, Pr ideoc - I . F . . 4 - . C . . I , 2, 3 hairman of millee 4 - Po, der and \ ig 3, 4 - ar it ho' 4 - reek Lener ommittee. · nit tub I, 2, 3, 4- ocial ommillee 3 - Yacht lub 4 - \ .

Harold J. Thompson Malden, '.\fas . Pre-�ledical " od end" to tho e D. lab - keeps the co-ed gu hemist:ry tub.

. 's who e marks were belo"' par - Ii e in the Chem ing - Dean· Li t I, 2, 3, 4 - D lta L'p ilon, ffi er

Stewart Thurston orinna, H i tory


avy vet - LI \...-ra pped u p i n h i family - Has lived i n Vets' parLmenl long enough to own 'em - \; ould rather pick and ohO\•el for Colb t han take quizze or e ams lpha Tau Omega - Dean' List l , 2, 3, 4 - Pi Gamma Mu 3, 4.

Robert M. Tonge Bu i n

Detroit, M ich. A d m i n i tration

long hot of s otch topped by his coonskin, this an \\'Cr to Bless my pronescium a 5' 4" blonde's prayer ' ill usually be found in the wings or th neare t tage - Phi Delta Theta - l . R . C . 3, 4 - . . . I , 2, 3 - I.F . . 4 - Library ociates 3 Powder and Wig I , 2, 3, 4· - Outing lub 2 - ocial Commicte 3 - Radio tub 2 - Tennis 3, 4 - . . F.

Alfred Tranten fadison, Maine Geology The third hall of Richard and Billing - Known for his frequ nt trip "up country" - Outstanding membe,r or eology lub - Delta p ilon - Ba eball 1, 2 Geology Club I , 2, 3, 4, President 4.

Barbara Van Every leveland, Ohio Biology Little " an" i partial to jewelled D . . pin - "Have you seen Ear l ?" - opposes acti e exercise and lo e being lazy - a leveland Indian rooter - can be found knitting on bell duty i n Louise oburn, or waking up tbe 3rd floor - Delta Delta Delta, Recording ecretary 4 - Dean L i t l, 2, 3 , 4 - LR . . 4 - Outing Club I, 2, 3 , 4.

Kenneth J. Vigue Waterville, Maine Physics "Jn case you didn't hear the results or the hock game this afternoon . - "What's troubling you, Ken ?" - Knows hi radio in ide and out - big bla k Bui k - Kappa Delta Rho.

Pauline Ann Vitkauskas Northampton, Mass. Psychology-Sociology ?vfarried in January, "Paulie's" favorite pastimes are writing to Charlie and re­ arranging her room - she passes on the scoops on the week's menu - dislikes mou taches and her penmanship - Newman Club I, 2 , 3 , 4, President - Red Cross 3 , Co-Chairman of the Togus Project 4.

Edward A. Waller Columbus, Ohio Economics A guiding light has passed o'er Colby dropping leaflets - The Air Corps and Ohio Stale U . gave a civic-minded politician to a career onferen ele s college - Phi Gamma Delta ( Ohio St. .) - Glee Club 3 - J . R . C . 3, 4, President 3 - Stage Crew 3 - Yacht Club 3 , 4 - Chapel Board 3 , 4, Chairman 4 - Colby Eight - Chairman of Assembly Committee - Co-Chairman of Hymn Book Committee 4 - Protestant Federation 4 - Track 3 , 4 - Golf 3, 4 - Independent Constitution Committee 4.

Arthur B. Warren, J r. Dover-Foxcroft, Maine Business Administration After years of Air Force - a return to the grind - An old time K . D . R . , Art has the kind of personality combined with useful activity which made him fraternity President i n his Senior year - Kappa Delta Rho I, 2 , 3, 4, President - Track 1, 2 - Baseball 2 , 3 - German Club 1 - Spanish Club 4 - l n terfraternity Council 4.

Leonard Warshaver Mattapan, Mas . Business Administration The conservative approach - to Colby's sports - "Lennie" came from the Merchant Marine and found it necessary t o take off on weekends - Now he's married - Tau Delta Phi 3, 4 - I . R .C. I, 2 - Basketball I, 2 - Baseball I, 2 - Tennis 3, 4.

John W. Washington Wiscasset, Maine Business Administration A t Colby - a serious-minded business man - John has a wife, children and an ability to dicker, which are combined with several cultural intere t - Zeta Psi, Officer 2 , 3 - Concert Board 1, 2 , 3, 4 - Library ssociates 1, 3 , 4 - Camera Club 1, 2 , 3 - Outing Club 1, 2 , 3.

Gordon W. Watts Oakland, Maine Business Admini tration Field and stream man - Just try to catcb him a t a dance or Colby football game Takes his cider straight - expert doodler - Lambda Chi Alpha - Dean's List 3 Yacht Club 4 - Camera Club I - Track 2 .

Philip Waugh New Braintree, Ma s. Physics Waitresses, wine and cucumber sandwiches - ah ays accompanies a bottle of wine to parties - Likes to sleep until 2 o'clock i n the afternoon - Sigma Pi Sigma 3, 4 Physics Society 3, 4, Treasurer 4.

Haroldene Whitcomb Scarsdale, N. Y . Business Administration I n an impish manner - she finds her fun - A natural outdoor girl, "Deanie" is good competition i n any sport - A good worker and spontaneous - Delta Delta Delta, President 4 - Dean's List 2 , 3 - Glee Club 2, 3, 4 - Women's Student Government, Treasurer 3 - Echo 1 - Cap and Gown - Varsity Show 4 - Yacht Club, Vice-Commodore 3 - W.A . . 1, 2, (Cup) 3 , Vice-President 4 - Red Cross 3, 4, Vice-Chairman.

Conrad White Waterville, Maine English From Pipe stems - megacycles and barley corn - The epitome of efficiency, the ogre of disorganization - Twelve and a half percent of the "Colby Eight" - Seems interested in "Marty" - Lambda Chi Alpha - Glee Club 2, 3 , 4 - I . F . A . 2 , 3 Varsity Show 2, 3 - Outing Club 2, 3, 4 - Radio Club 2, 3, 4 - Chapel Choir, Colby Eight.

June White ewton, Ma s. Chemistry Infectious giggle - as gay as they come - Excellent at mis-matching her colors and going to the movies before exams - The Banker o f Mary Low - always wants the window open - Dean's List 3 - l.R.C. 4 - German Club 3 , 4 - French Club 1 - Chemical Society 3 , 4 , Ser..retary-Treasurer - Hillel Society 1, 2 , 3, - Riding Club 3.

Mary Helen Wilson Providence, R. I. Psychology- ociology

"l\Iike" - studies in the woods with Frank - ah ay trying to change the world smells up rooms with clay models - likes to reform people - one of the bridge six - "This i the real thing" - Dean's List 2, 3 - House Chairman 3 - l . R .C. 4 Library ociat 3, 4 - Outing Club 3, 4 - Contemporary Literature 4 - Yacht Club 2 - Fr hman Cabinet, . .A. - 1 . F . A . Board 3 - Drama Committee -t French Club 4.

James Wing Gardiner, :\faine Physi

Chester Woods, Jr. Providence, R . I. History

:M arried -

lpha Tau Orne a - Tra k

I, 2, 3, 4.

I van Yeaton, Jr.

\ atervill , faine dmini tration Busin

I'm ah ays thinking o f ou - :\fargie - £,•en though h "s married, he hate those good part of bi tim i pent eating banana months long l\faine winters pancakes, and pla ing " i th hi son, Dick.

Virginia Young alem, 1 Psychology "Jinny" - Ob tho e dinner in Fairfield - has a diamond - one of the bridge s:ix - her expression is alwa givin her aw v - elephant f et - can ' t b ar to miss a thing - ah ays \ aiting for Frida - "What"s for cl ert?" - l . R . . 4 - Library ociate 2, 3, 4 - Medical ociety I - Outing Iub 2 - ontemporary Literature 4 - Yacht lub 2 - French lub l , 2.

Fred D. Sahagian Wat r ille, Maine Bu i n dmini tration I n on iderate and gullible people not wanted - Fred, a lover of simple luxuries at t he right time - Tran [erred from • "orwich and Chica o and al o the rmy Dean' Li t I , 2, 3, 4 - Outing lub 4 - anterbury Club 4.

C. Roy Woodman ugu ta, Maine Hi Cory-Government Major in the rmy - olby A . B . i n three year - Cigar- rooking Roy ,is a Ricker transfer who i interested in b i "·if ' cooking, journali m , and the ational Guard Delta L'p ilon - L R . . 3, 4 - Library ociate 3 - ontemporary Literature 3.

Karelcin Sahagian, Jr. Waterville, Maine Administration BU5in modern day Tran·cendentalist - will travel the world - Kay doesn't go for tereotypes, though be doe valu the truth and Field rtillery "ba k i n the good old da s of '44" - Dean' List I, 2, 3 , 4 - Outing Club 4 - anterbury Club 4 Pi Gamma M u .

Members of The Class of '49 without pictures. V ENCESLA US BORAC K I Waterville, Maine History, Government, and Economics ALBERT A BUNNY Brooklyn, New York Psychology JOAN DONNELLY Wa hington, D. C . English JOHN E . DRI SCOLL Waterville, Maine History DAVID EVANS Cambridge, Massachusetts History K ATHRYN E. GARR ICK Manhasset, New York Chemistry FRED H. HAM MOND Kegar F alls, Maine Chemistry CLAUS H I NCK Waterville, Maine Biology F REDERIC H U BBARD Buffalo, New York Physics K ENNETH I N C H Wytopitlock, Maine C hemistry W I LL I A M M I TC H ELL Sanford, Maine Business Administration ANN RODNEY Elmhurst, New York History ROBERT SLA V ITT Norwalk, Connecticut History JOHN S P I NNER Winthrop, Maine History R I C H RD WATTLES Wat rville, Maine Psychology-Sociology

R. Deitz

A . Warren

B. Cro sman

N . Ardiff


A . O'Halloran






















First Row, left to right : J. Pride, M. Brush, M. Thackeray, F . Klafstad, D. Leach, N. Ardilf, P. Tracey, B. Deschenes. Second Row, left t o right : P. Golden, R. Deitz, G. Stoll, J. Verrengia, C. Pearce, A. O'Hallo­ ran , R. Lund. A bsent whe11 picture was take n : J . Fritsch man.

First Row, I ft to rig h t : H. Mercer, J. Putnam, P. hearman. A. Lan horn, �lcDon nell, R . Rogers C . Pearce, Pr side n t , P. h r i topher, R . ook, G. R . \I illiams, R. Ren . 'Robinson. cond Root , I ft to righ t : D. Kea)·, J . Moodey, R . rmknecht , R . G ra n t , J . P . Dohert , L . Pre cot t , R . George, R . Tupper K . a" er. Third Row, I ft to rig h t : G . V hitne , ]. �lcCo , tallman, . Davis, J . Brigg , F. Ziegler, M. cot t , P. \alli, R. Ben , J . W . D. Lyn n .

P. Fl nagan. \ . E . mith, R . f illett, P. Fo ler, J. Hall, R . Beal, C . Fisher, F. Drummond, Finega n , . Terry,


First Row, left to righ t : R. Brackett, B. Noice, R. Phillip , R. Panasuk, J. oice, R. Wattles, M. Thompson, B. March, J. Chernauskas, C. Porter, A. Blasberg, 0. Lund, J. Hughes. Second Row, left lo right : S. Hughes, D. B . Legge, R. Merriman, K. Hill, R . Thompson, H. Mathieu, . White, R . MacDonald, C. Brigham, R. Startup. A . Thompson, R. Castelli, R. Reich, E . Guild, C. Smith, C. Crawford, R. Brigham, E . Laverty, D . Livingstone, g re n , S. Pike, J. Pettingill, J. Deering.

Crossman, Presiden t , R. Pullen, P. Hall, J. Deuhle, H. Panzenhagen, Third Row, left to right : F. Garon, W . Gelotte, R. Johnson, J . Love­

First Row, I ft to righ t : R. King, P. Berquist, W. Hurley, D. lark, E. Boswort h , ]. Fraser, R . Pre.ride n t , . Tra n t e n . . Richard , J . Mahoney. J . Appleton , J . Ives, H . Thompson, ] . Alex, J r . , . � f r . !ahon. c o n d R o w , left t o rig/r t : . curtevant. P. e y , F . l i e n . D . Borah, P. Law on, R. Joly, R. Fields, R. Lee E . cuart, L . Tempe ta, . \-\' erber er. . V.'hitelaw . H. Lenfors, W. ushman, R. \ allace, F. h· , �- Ever . Tltird Row. /,ft to rig h t : . Greenlaw, P . D i ne, . Bernier, R . Barlow 0 . Brow n . L . Pacterson, E . Billin , \ . Oli, er, . Doyle, T. A lloy, . �! iller, J . Bau m , D . M iller, D . Hailer G. riffin, . Leaf, L. eilleux, T. r man . . Gates. Deitz,

First Row, left to right : P. Golden, R. Tonge, 0. Love, M. Carter, D. Lynch, Presiden t , G. Smith, J. Paquette, R . Bedjg, L . Goulet. Second Row, left to right : F . Miller, T. Keene, H . Macko, R. Bonner, R. Barta, F . Jones, R . Lindquist, C . Lord, R. Gray, E . Harnden. Third Row, left to righ t : A. Johnston, W. Warner, F . Silver, R. M ilner, R. Creedon, R. Sanson, L . Rastelli, E. Eaton. Fourth Row, left to right. : R . Henderson, G. Pierce, K . Hart, J. Chri Lie, F. Burnham, F. Choate, R. Ca nnel l .

First Row, left to rig h t : G. Clark R. fitcbell, L. Picerne, . Monaco, E. Pniew ki, E. iget , T . Keefe, C. tinchfield, R . Jacob , J . errengia, Preside n t , M . o t t o n , R . l\fcl'\augbt, J . Hayes, \ . Borucki, D. Jacobs, L. Jenning . eco n d Row, left to rig h t : J. Doughty, G. Paine . Harrington, L. Smith, S . Kellowa , D . Montt, P. Bourne . Hays, R. errengia, P. Levecque, B . Berry, F. Hammond, Jr., L. Harriman, B . Pear on, Jr., B . Car ' ell, D . eager, T . hiro, R. Ma.xall, E . Carpenter, . Eu tis. Third Row, left to rig h t : J. Manoog, G . Brinen, P. Lo, rey, P. umand, G . Armstrong, J. Keffe, L. O'Donnell, G . Wal , E . Pecukonis, \ . :\'augler, orrentino. R. Hodgkins, K. I nch, \ . Farle , F. Bruckheimer, J. Benfari, E. Fayle, J r . , . Garland, D . ullivan, K. Pottle.

First Row, left In right : L. McFarland, G. Watts, C. O ' Reilly, F. Freeman, G. Johnston, C. White, W. Tippens, A. O'Halloran, Presiden t , R. Rowell, I. Hamlin, R . Maxwell, I . Yeaton, S . Horne, S. McKeen, U . Nannig. Seco n d Row, left to right : J . H i nson, S . Douglas, H . Jordon, W . Moore, C . Tobin, R . Staples, H. Wiley, G. Wi well, J. Harriman, J . Dick, L. Lowery, R. Smith, C. Mcintyre, R. Brown, S . Ferguson. Third Row, left to right : J. Ely, G. Colli ns, S. Cultrera, J. Tabor, F . Gavel, J. Jones, C. Curtis, J. O'Meara, C. Lowery, S. Hopkin on, G. Ritchie, P. Cole, N . Howlitt, 0 . S . Fader, R . Keyes.

First Row, left to righ t : H. Perkin , T. amuel o n . R. Ga . ]. Hannah. D. Leach. K. i ue, . Warren, Preside n t . A . Greele , A . LOney, H . . Wormuth, tander, H . Fales. co n d Row, left t o rigltt : . i\lott, . Gustaf on, Jell" on, H . B . Franklin, K. raham, G . .\ l erriam, . Corell, P. . H e)"\\l ood. R. Hartford, . Li ht ner, P. Kilmeister. :\. Ronayne. Third Rou,, It /I to rig h t : ] . Torrey, . H. Ryan, �L Bruegl, . \ itham. H. Ga<kill, R. Hooper, L. .\la on, D. Crockett \\ . :\oyes, D . .\for e . P. Hoag, B. Taylor, R . .\ l ac k .

FirJt Row, left to riglt t : D. Erlick, R. Fisch, B. Silberstei n , A. Dublin, P. Shore, L. Warshaver, J. Stoll, H. Freedman, G. Baker, J. Braff, A . Schwartz, R . Marti n . Second Row, left to rig h t : K . Jacobson, E . Lampert, A . Sweetbaum, A . Silberman, M . Mordecai, B . Sagansky, T. Parker, 0 . Rosen, S . Warshaw, M . Basseches, H . Kirstein, A . Mirken, M . Kre s , R . Goldsmi t h . Third Row, left t o right : J . Unobskey, H . Sacks, I . Winer, G . Holtz, R. Shapiro, A. Blackman, I . Barricini, D . Saltzman, G. Ramin, I. Swirsky, S . Berkley, H . agle, R. Peck, P. Castleman.

tarbuck, M. Reed, D. Ko h i na, E. Jennin,,,; , ?.! . Bru h A. 0 . First Row, left to rig h t : B. . Bond, C . Crandall, ery, P. L d o n , P r e idďż˝ n l . Jenning , J . Pride, J . Desper, B . Foley, B . ccon d Row, le/I l o righ i : B . beppard. B . Hallberg, G . Hooker, M . Baker A . Kable, J. eward, M . Lobdel l , E . Beamish, H . Harvey, C . Crook, E . Jacob , M . . Jenning Barnett, man, J . MacDonald, :" . MacDonald J . \> e t , M . K i l kenny, A . K i ng, ?. f . H . Boyer, R . . Rice. B . Jefferson, ).'I. Thoma , bearman, X. Ewing, G . Hand. Third R o w , le/I lo right : torrs, E. ?.filler, ?'.{. P. Ford, P. ash , R . \ a rt, i\. H i nkle , P. Root, R. hite, P. Letson, . Blanchard, argent, J . ?'.lcLeod, !. f. MacPher on. R. Peirce, G. Fi her, J . Martin, M . Bracy. A bsen t when picture u:a.r lake n : :i\anc \ ehber.

First Row, left to righ t : J. Royal M. Hathaway, J. Stairs, M. Jackson, N. Semonian, S. Goldey, M. Jordan, F. Nourse, Preside n t , R. P . Tracey, B . Deschenes, B . Miller. V . Davis. Second Row, left. to rig h t : S. Rees, . Nelson, J . Dillingham, S. Kunkel, J . Hill, A . Rossiter, A . Osbourne, P. Omark, J. Smith, C. Williams, J. Downey, M . Donavan, C. Huntington , H. Ritsher. Third Row, J. Perry, C. Winter, P. Ander on, A. Foshay, S. Campbell, C. Preble, P. Bain, F. McDonnell, J. Steady, E. Harris, B. French, H.

Libby, B. Hill, J . Remington, left to right : Leavitt.

First Row, left to righ t : :\' . W illiam , M. Plaist d, L. Lea, enworth, . Fellow , � I . !are, D . Barter, B . H a r t , Preside n t , D . K n i h t , . yl ester L. , ·orwood, B . Metcalf, C . Bartlett, F . Klaf tad. r r m d Row, l�ft to rig h t : B . Gaffney, F . Ward, J . Toulouse, J . \ i t h i n ton, H. Pratt. . �lacPbenon D . oodridge, J . Merrill. �- All n . Third J . B ey, J . Drew, J . 0 Donnell, . PhilRow, I ft to rig h t : J . \ allace, J. Yeaton, B. Forge ter n , J. De\ olf, E . �fuller , brook, . · . Tibbens, L . hitne , !'-. Parker. J . Pierce B. bee eman.

- -----

First Row, left to righ t : L. Tarr, S. McCormack, M. Thackeray, M. Loughnan, A. Beveridge, S. Mar hall, B. Longley, B. VanEvery, H. Whit­ comb, Presiden t , M. Fratano, L. Smith, M. Gates, A . Houston, A . Crooks, A . Klamcnt, C . Leonard, S . Frolio. Second Row, left to rig ht : J . Griffin, M . Drake, B . Stowell, M . Rieker, A . Morrison, V . Flagg, C . Johnston, J . Delong, B . Barrow, J . Camman, N . Ardiff, B . Holt, C . Leslie, L . Shibles, J. Cowie, J. Edwards, C. Burn . Third Row, left to righ t : R. Merriman, P. Merrill, C . Cook, B . Baker, D. Washburn, E . Levardsen, ilson, L. Hodge, A. Plowman, J. Vaughn. A. Orth, J. Leslie, E. Shaw, . Hollister, P. Berry, B. Vaughan, J. Gridley, . Howe, A. Ward, 1


FirJt Row, left to righ t : H. Harvey, K. Vigue, B. S tarr, C. Burns, £. Bi ttar, B. 1oice, G. Baker, O. Rosen, E . Wall o;- r, J. Fenwi k, P . Ba i n , R. Rosenthal. S cone/ Row, left l o rig/r t : C. Stern , R. Clements, C. Winter, C . Crook, M. Seward, P. Mcintyre, C . MacPher on, E . Greene, J. Hil lsen, S. Green, D. Av �ry, C . Crandall, A . Jennings, E. Jenning , P. Root, L. McFarland, J. Pearl. Tlrird lark , L . Cook, H. Boyer, B . Koster, E. Chumacas, D. Heacock Row, left to righ t : J. Unobsky, P . M . Foster, A. Langhorne, M. Roberts, M. Wilson, B. Fransen, £. Byther, M. Soutrer, B. Holt. Fo u rt ir . Brown, A. Dubli n , C. Rogers, V. Young, J. Maloof, R. Birch, 0 . .Kays, J . Row, left to rig/r t : Chernau kas, R . B e n , G. F rank, R . Slavitt, H . �1ercer, R . Stander.


Firs/ Row, left to rig h t : L. Amlaw, V . Young, C. Ster n, M. Bennet t , A. Covell, P. Sales, C. Ro enston, J . Hutchins . Seco11d Row, left to rig/r t : H . Boyer, R . S mart, A . Fou ntain, N . Barker, C. Burns, P . Blake, B . Holt, R . B e n s , J . Cotton, G. Doud, J . Pearl, A . S hulkjn, P . Bailey.


First Row, left t o right · C . White, M. Jackson, E. Kenerson, R. Tibbetts, K. Jacobson, G. Stoll, B. J. Beami h , H . Harvey, N. Semonian, P . Glascow, P . Lawerence. Second Row, left to right : A. King, Perry, D . Whjtcomb, S . Blanchard, M. Jordan, S . Da enport, M. Thackeray, H . Ritsher, B . Jacobs, Crook, C. Starbuck, B. Rosen, 0. : rig/rt o t left ow, R J. We t , R. Reny, L . Veilleux, J. McGowan. Third C . Preble, J. Royal, R. Smith, S. War baw, T. Merriam, B . Carswell, A. Legge, W. Moore, A . Dublin.


First Row, left to rig h t : H. Freedman, D . :\icoll K. igue. C . ' hice, �f. Foster. G . Doud. S cond Row, left to rig /i t : J . Put­ nam R . Phillip , �1onaco, J. )1aboney T. Pierce.


First Roa- . I ft to rig h t : T. �!erriarn. . Bean, A . L a n horne, P. Lawerence, R . Tibbens, P. Hinton uond Ro• , I ft Hal ey. to rig h t : R. Ar hibald, M . James, R . Tupper D. L n n E . Gro s, J . nob­ ky.


Left to rig h t : C . Bean, H. Wonnouth, R. Armitage, T. amuel on, R . Leonard, P. Lawerence, E . \ aller, . Whice.


First Row, left to rig h t : H . Harvey, �f. Lou hman, M . Jordan, . Daunport, Herd. Third Row, I ft to H . Leavitt, J . owie, M.

J . Royal, L. haw, . Je n n i ngs, B . Hallberg, B . Holt, 1 . Jack on, J . heppard, E. Beami h. co n d Row, lrft to rig /i i : . Leslie, P. Ford . Holli Ler, . Ryan, R . Watt, . Fairbanks, J . Perri1;0, . . Jenning , E. B Lher, . tigman, . rig h t : £. arpent r, J. Perry, ] . i\!cLeod, R. l\ l erriman, . Leonard, N. Barker, hearman, f. old , F. i\ [ Donnell, E. Kenerson.











First Row, left t o righ t : A. Shulki n , R. Ga s, D. Leach , P. Sales, C . Crook, R . Rosenthal, R. Greeley. Second Row, left to right : R. Tibbetts, C. Herd, K. Jacob on, T. Kaplan, S . Warshaw, B . Beamish , A . Jellison, N . Semonian, M. Ronayne, S . Green, R. Reny.


• Left lo righ t : G. Wasserberger, S. Cultrera, E. Levardsen, P. March, R. M i tchel l . I n fron t : ]. Hinson.



First Row. I fl lo rig h t : F . Benner, M . Thackeray, H . W h i tcomb, :M. Gardiner. ao11d Roao. left l o rig h t : J . , H. Farn um, ]\' ! . Perkin . First Row, left lo rig h t : J. Harriman. F. Klafstad, G. milh, P. Blake. cond R o w , left lo righ t : H . Pra t t , B . �!acPherson, R . Birch , H. Burg , L. :'\'orwood.





First Row, left to righ t : R. Graham, J . Hayn , . 0 . Jennings, E . Jennjngs, T. Merriam. eco n d Row, I fl to rig h t : J . Perry, :-!. Barker, . Brown J. food y, . Covell, B . Ietcalf.

Left lo righ t : R. Barteaux, P. Vit.kauskas, W . Clark, B . Hall­ beppard, . Rubin, J . ro n d Row, left to righ t : berg. randa ll. E . Jenning ,


P. Vitkauskas

R . Cyr

M. Sautter

W. Hurley


First Row, left lo right : J. Hillsen, S. Green, W . Ryan, W . Doyle, T. Sam­ uelsen, R. Stander, W. Gardner, P. Sales. Second Row, left lo rig h t : B . Grant, E . Bittar, K . H i l l , R . Armitage, D . Morse, M. Guiney, E. Walker, A. Stoney, P. Hinton, R . C. 0 . R o en, Grant, Herd.


First Row, left to righ t : P . Vitkauskas, C . Rosenston, W . Hurley, D . Nicoll, A. Covell, B. Starr. Second Row, left t o rig h t : P. Tracey, W. C. Thackeray, M. Clark, D. Merriam, T. Cotton, Leach, G . Baker, M . Sautter, I . Swirsky, M. Gardiner.


First Row, left to rig h t : E. Waller, J . Putnam, N . Macdougall, S . Goldey, E . Jennings, W . Clark, Chaplain. Wag­ oner. Second Row, left to righ t : C . Bean , J . Stewart, P. Leach, J . Perry, J. Haynes, B . Metcalf, M. Wilson, N . Barker, A . 0. Jennings, J . Shep­ pard, C . Burns, M . Thackeray, A. Covel l . Third Row, left lo rig h t : E. Living tone, J. Haskell, P . Lawerence, S . Brown, R . Barteaux, J. Briggs, J . Moodey, T . Merriam, R . Graham, R. Birch, D . Lynn.


P. K i l m i ter

M. J . Fenwick

R. Rosenthal


M . Ronayne

R . Hartford

. W h i te

J . \ ithington

. jelli on


First Row, left t o righ t : R . Endi ott, . Beveridge 0. Kay , Presiden t , D . tern, R. K night, Fi cb, J. Chernauskas. eco n d Row, left to rig h t : R. Rosenthal, G. I. mitb, J . Bro, n. Absent when picture waJ taken : C . Rob­ inson, T. Jordan , R. Mack, J . Pettengill.


First Row, left lo rig/it : Maguire, K. Garri k, . Nannig, J. Wbite, C . tinchfield, F. Hammond, R . Maxell, E . Chumacas, co n d Ro , G. I. mith. left lo right : R. White, M . Hemen' ay, C . Gar­ land, G . Rutherford, K . I nch, D . Kent. T.





First Row, left to right : M. Hathaway, F. Nourse, G. J. Beauchamp. Second Row, left to righ t : C. Leonard, E. Kenerson, M. Lobdell.


M. Plaisted

M. Thackeray

F. Klafstad

A . Hager, Chairma11,

M . Perkins

P. Tracey


D. Love

A. Dublin

I . Yeaton

D. Leacl!, Chairman

F . Dyer

L . Patter on

J. Chernauskas


P. Ford

P. Merrill C. Mcintyre W. Moore A. Hagar Abse 11 t when picture was take11 : H . Malloy, S . Kenyon, ' . Weber.



J. Pride


Firs/ Row, le/I to right : B . Starr S co11d Row, left t o rig h t : J . Stair . Hagar.


D. Leach, J . Bonnell . N . Ardiff, R . Martin,


Firs/ Row, Ir/I /fJ right : . Herd, E . Runkle, E . Warendorf, J . Merrill, L . �eyer, :" . :" i lso n . Sao11rl Row, le[/ lo righ t . C . Bea n , E . Felker, R . Birch, M. GLLine)•, H. imon . J. mol t , l\L Ronayne, P. Bailey.


Firs/ Row, I fl lo righ t : . Russell , H . Douglas, . Daggett. co11d Row, l ft lo rig h t : H. Wi wel l . H . Donn, R . Prunier, D . Porter, P . Henck, . Arm­ trong, R . Carpenter.


Firrt Row, left to right : . , ilson , J. Griffi n , E . Felker, j . Merrill. cond Row, left lo rig h t : M. Ronayne, E . R u n kle, J. M i l i e u , J. Vaughan, E . Warendorf, J . Maloof , A . Warren.



First Row, left to right : W. Fairley, E. Byther, A. Tranten, M . Robert. Second Row, left to righ t : G. Col lin , M . Briggs, R. Rogers, M. Loughman, H. Jordan.


First Row, left to rig/rt : P. Sales, M. Bennett, M . W il o n , V. Young. Second Row, left to rig h t : J . Littlefield, E. Warendorf, N. Nilson, J. M i llett, M. Gracie, J. Griffi n .


First Row, left to rig /r t : P. Waugh, C. Porter, J . . Beveridge, K . Wing, eco n d Row, left Vigue. to rig/rt : W . " Alger, D. Love, C. Stinchfield, R . Stander, J . Choate.


1 949 ORACLE would hardly be

complete page








Colby's new May­





to be found anywhere and consisted of


1 69 sections which could be taken up


at the end of the season - the cost of this floor alone was over $8,000.


1 948- 1 949 saw an entirely new athletic

floor was outlined in blue with the play­

plant put into



ing area being SO x 88 feet; the second



basketball court. a permanent structure

college in the nation has made such

for all-around use, was somewhat short-

a gigantic movement in providing six











major sports with new facilities within the space of two years. odus




The mass exto







1 700





games. If need be, the seating capacity

Colby teams.

used by

This l arge area includes













the new baseball field and the tennis courts


flower Hill

comprised Athletic





and all are

located within five minutes walk of one Another




With the generous gift of Dr. Charles Vigue. '20, a large plot of land. located within sight of Mayflower Hill. contain­ ing a natural slope and landing. was available for the development of skiing. Solely with student initiative this project

Directly adjoining the field house was

three football fields, of which two are

built the outdoor hockey rink complete

practice fields. and one the actual game

with lighting system. This rink. the first

field used for home games of the Colby

Colby hockey teams have ever had with

Varsity and Freshman football teams.

adjoining locker and shower rooms, is

The game field was appropriately dedi­

85 feet wide and 185 feet long.

cated on Homecoming Weekend in hon­

the new gymnasium is built and the

or of Charles F. T. Seaverns. 'OL loyal


Alumni and generous Benefactor.


Surrounding the game field is a quar­

new rink,

a new ski slope.



new facilities to be



not part of this Mayflower Hill Plant -


college of comparative size.

of these





compare with any to be found in any

The men's athletic field was the first


der running track having l l lf2 laps to



athletic the


was added to Colby's plant although





Surrounding these courts was a cin­

people were installed with temporary





which everyone connected with Colby be

The field



court be





was carried out. so that by snow time Colby was the proud possessor of one of


finest ski





This slope, with facilities for beginning and advanced skiers. included a trail of



1 400 drop

feet of










clearing of brush, uprooting of trees and


stumps. mechanical and administrative


door hockey rink.

planning all was done by students. The

ter-mile oval cinder track. with facilities

Facilities for the new Coombs base­

for the running of six hurdle lanes. or

ball field were expected to be completed



in time for the 1 949 season.

This field.

students and afforded a tow some 1 400






with a straight-away of up to 250 yards.




Outing Club backed the purchase of a tow







feet in length at a speed of about 1 0

Although only temporary stands were

athletic son. John Coombs. '06, former

m i l e s p e r hour.

up this year, plans have been formulat­

all-time great with Connie Mack's Ath­

in the near future with -jumps possible

e d for a permanent stadium to be built



up to 1 20 feet; a lodge is planned for a



Duke University, has perfect dimensions

future date to be located at the base

Seaverns field which will be 30 tiers

with all fields being over 340 feet distant

of the slope. as is a road leading in

high, seating 7,000 people, and having

and 60 feet clearance from all foul lines

to the base of this slope.

accommodations below the stands for

to the stands.







dressing rooms. concessions and stor­ age space.


Thus the

Adjoining the baseball diamond are the

Also used for the first time was the

and present Baseball





A j u m p w i l l be added



were epic

years for the athletic situation at Colby with






These courts were given to the college

Colby teams and students.

new field house located directly across

in memory of Walter M. Wales who was

is admitted that facilities in themselves

from the athletic fields.

killed in World War II, and they con­

do not make teams, the availability of

sist of 7 all-purpose hard surface courts,

modern facilities for students


and 7 quick-drying red clay courts for

continued participation under excellent

room. a first aid room. plus the avail­

Varsity and Tournament play. Although

conditions - Colby can well be proud

able playing area of 100 x 1 80 feet on

these courts had been in use prior to

of her athletic plant l l l

This new field








shower a

which were built two basketball courts.

this year, they reached peak use with

The game court was one of the finest


availability of locker

and shower

Although it





To the fragrance of leaves burning in little piles along the road, and to the aroma of hard cider bubbling in a jug was added this sea­ son the odor of defeat on our virgin vale. The phrase, "Well, maybe next year," mumbled by more and more people with less and less conviction, is beginning to sound like a chant or the theme of a new college song for Colby. After a survey we found most people at­ tributed our losses to a lack of subsidization. It wasn't because our men weren't trying MacPHELEMY


they were outclassed. To the man who does know the correct answer will go our undying devotion.


Row, seated left


righ t :


Mart i n , L. Prescott, R. Gabriel, H . Baldwin, T . Shiro, L . Temp la, R . Bowen, R . Stander, and Manager R. Ro enthal . Second Row, seated left t o rig h t : R . Cook J. Hal l , A . Rich­ ard, G . Toomey, Captajn G . Mac­ Phelemy, J . Alex, J . Lundi n , and D. Jacob . Third Row, standing left to rig h t : Assutant Coach Bob Keefe, K . Hart, H . Mercer, P . Valli, R . rant, T. Parker, H . Fraser, G . Wale , G . Wasserberger, P. Law o n , W . White· ley, W . Mitchell, and Head Coach Walt Holmer. Fo u r t h Row, standing left lo righ t : R. King, J. Doherty, C . Harrington, R . Joly, A . Gates, R . Cannell, J . Mahoney, E . Billings, and G . Doyle.



'4. J. e.


We hardly had enough time to admire the new field, to take in the scenery and to cross our fingers before Teddy Shiro leaned around left end in the first period and contributed six points plus another for conversion. We were happy. We were hysterical when Gene Billings took a punt, faked to Shiro and ended up sixty yards away





victory: a total of fourteen points for us after Shiro did the honors once more. Per­ haps one reason for our donning the laurels was the fact the A.I.C. had such a heavy, slow team; certainly most of it was due to Grant's punting and the de­ fensive play of Toomey. It was with much boasting and flexing of biceps that we walked off the field that day.



We fumbled our way into the stands "CAPTAIN ELECT '49" TOOMEY


this the





game, and watched helplessly as our team fumbled that game away.

The Jumbos

proved to be one of the stronger small college teams in the East, using a very fast and tricky "single wing." Taking the ball after a . . . you guessed it




Tufts made 7 points in the first period, and later racked up 14 more in the final quarter.





lifts when our Mules stopped that many Tuft marches to the one yard line. thanks to Gabriel. Toomey, and Tempesta.

This was


game which, if for no

was the nullification of the touchdown Captain

other reason than the presentation of the

pass from Wales to Harrington.

white mule mascot, many students, alum­

MacPhelemy, Gabriel. Mitchell, and Alex

nae and parents will remember.

were in the limelight that day.

e� o M


'Twas on a sunny day, and 'twas before a crowd of two thousand that w e worked hard for nothing. We missed a field goal in the last period tried from the 26 yard line by Shiro. Rubbing salt in the wound

If nothing else for us, this was a very interesting scoring contest.

Quite a few

of us made it to Pratt Field in time to see Lew Hammond lead the undefeated Jeffs in their early passing.

Succee ding their

first startling touchdown, we were able to drive back 6 5 yards, using the hard play of Billings,

Alex, Hall, and Mac­

Phelemy as a springboard for the Lundin­ Shiro pass that tied the score 7-7.


after the half they passed for one T.D., and came b ack again for another in the fourth division. Colbyite "Baldy" Baldwin was the spark plu g for the next Colby marker on a Wales-King pass.


one at this time could have won the game for us, but our fumble and their scoring on it in the closing minutes extinguished our hope for that day.

eo11u, o M<Une

:l.8 After our clear-eyed dedication o f the

We bummed, hooked, and asked for

new Seaverns Field the Polar Bears came

rides up to Orono that sunny afternoon

roaring onto it and soon had our loyal

and sat through the first quarter punting

alumni crying in their bottles.

duel a little bored but sensing that some足

We were

fortunate to hold our big rivals scoreless

thing was in the offing.

the first quarter, however, their first two

down on an aerial in the second period

j ust before the half's end, brought on the



Reggie Lord did it again for them on a







Maine's touch足


Bowdoin's Burke topped

beautiful punt return that second period.

off more Brunswick brow beating with his

After the half, our fumble gave them two

score on a pass to Lee in the third quarter,

more points, and it wasn't long after this

which was followed in the fourth by their

that Maine got their cave, but we just

score on Grant's blocked kick.

couldn't put it across.

palm punching.




A bit of recom足

Harrington, and Cannell made the team

pense, though, was the after-game fra足

look good at times, but Bowdoin obviously


had too much on us and the new field.

The day was dull, but the playing was brilliant - many thought it the best game of the year.

It was evident to us that

our team was out to win for it had control of the ball throughout most of the game. The crowd raised itself to tippy-toes twice

when Phil Lawson and Chet Harrington each made a sensational catch - each resulting in a touchdown. Phelemy's Shiro's


Captain Mac­






plunging, couple


double and triple reverses combined to give a polish to our team that dazzled the


But not


quite -

with one minute to play Smith lobbed to Vaughn and the sailors took it.

eo11u, o Brdtu


Even if we lost this one we were part­ ners in causing a situation which had never





produ ced the only three-way tie for titular honors in Maine football history - B at es, Bowdoin and Maine. We missed our chance in the first period to

score when we were





on the three




about cashing in the first 3 minutes of the second half. A c colades to made



Bob at

Gabriel this

for being




George official

capacity to George Toomey, who will be captain of the team in '49. JAY HINSON

C O O K '49

"48- '49



Nov. 30 Dec.

Coach : Lee W i l liams Captain : B i l l M itchell

SQUAD W . Mitchell, W . F inegan, R . Washburn, R . M ic helsen, T. Shiro, L. Jennings, T. Pierce, S . Welson, G . Paine, C . Crawford, J . Lazour, G . Billings, W . Russel, G . Giffin, J . Sonia.


8 11 17 18 28 29 31 1 Jan. 3 7 13 15 18 21 8 Feb. 12 16 19 22 26 Mar. 2 3 4

F armington State Teachers ( Exhib. ) Bowdoin Maine Bates Clark Northeastern Rochester A k ron St. Bonaventure Buffalo State Connecticut Wesleyan Maine Bates Bowdoin Springfield Providence Bates Bowdoin M. I. T. Mass. State ( Devens ) Maine St. Anselms (N A I B ) Providence ( NA I B ) Boston University

(C ) (0) 89 49

Home Away Home Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Home Away Home Home Home Home Away Away Home Home Home Away Away Away

42 60 60 56 53 59 44 43 47 45 66 60 68 62 60 79 55 53 57 62 54 58 58 53

41 45 66 59 59 75 52 52 55 58 59 49 55 48 65 62 48 48 42 48 36 76 48 70

Skde e� '49 First




right :

Paine, Giffin, Lazour, Jen­ nings, Michelsen, Shiro. Second Row, left lo right : Manager Britton, Welson, M i t c h e 1 1, rawford, Washburn, Fingan, Coach Williams.

Five returning lettermen. the nucleus of last year's freshman club.





dents were among a group of


left­ from

New faces to




remembered for their showing

ed Coach Lee Williams' call for

on the crack freshman quintet

candidates in late

of 1 9 47-48 were such players as

October. Williams, in his third

Teddy Shiro, former Waterville School



year as hoop mentor at Colby,


found the prospects for a good

Walt Russell, Jim Lazour, War­

season equally as bright as the


schedule was strenuous. Colby


had hopes of annexing its first

star at Madison High School.


series basketball


since the recent war. Heading the list of returning lettermen were Russ "Tubby" Washburn, high scorer for the

















transfer Paine,

formerly of Mass. State College ( Devens).

Mules for the past two seasons,

A s the date for the first game


drew near, the general opinion

Bill Mitchell, this year's

Pierce, the

was that the Mules would need

ballhandler and

all the reserves they had plus

excellent playmaker, and Dick

a goodly share of the breaks of



very smooth


Stamford, Conn. the



twenty-three men who answer­




"Punchy" handed

the game to surmount a back­

our scorers with 16 points and

breaking schedule of 25 games.

center Finegan tossed in 1 0.

the longest in the school's his­

The next

tory. High points on the sched­

Northeastern U., shooting with

evening in Boston,

ule were a pre-Christmas trip


into Massachusetts. and a five­

downed the Mules, 59 to 53.

game journey into western New

Colby scored 13 points in the

York. Connecticut. and northern

last minute and 50 seconds in



Ohio. In addition. home games

a desperate effort to get back

were carded with such formida­

in the game. Ever-reliable Russ

ble teams as Springfield U



Wesleyan. and Providence Col­




point man for his team, dump­


ing in 20 points. Ted Shiro was next in line with 1 5.

The season got underway on November


After a week's rest. Coach

trounced the Farmington State



Williams and his team assem­

Teachers College five in an ex­

bled in Boston and embarked

hibition game. 89 to 49. Good

on their all-important holiday

teamwork on all sides gave

trip. stopping first at Roches­


ter, N. Y. on December 28th to





come. Colby officially opened

play Rochester U.

the lid on the new season on

did not play their best basket­

December 4th when they sneak­ ed past the Polar Bears of Bow­

The Mules

ball in this game and wound


up on the short end of a 75 to 59 score.

High scorer for the

doin. 42 to 4 1 . Pivotman Fine­


gan excelled in this first State

overtime thriller. 66 to 60. Col­


Series clash as he dumped in

by, after holding a comfortable

with 1 5 points. Washburn had 1 1 points, Shiro 1 0.

1 7 counters to greatly outdis­

lead throughout most of the

tance his mates in the scoring

game. tired toward the end and


succumbed in the extra period.

The Mules really showed the fans some fancy basketball on December 8th as they easily outsped a sluggish U. of Maine outfit. 60 to 45. At times Colby seemed to score at will. com­

Russ Washburn was more than adequate




racked up 23 points, high total for the season thus far. Shiro played a grand defensive game and also tallied 1 1 points.

bining good backboard play

As Christmas vacation ar­


rived, Colby headed south for







The following evening, Akron U., with an undefeated team,

played host to the Colby club at Akron, Ohio. Against a team whose starting lineup averaged 6' 4lf2", the Mules showed their class by keeping pace with the home club until the last three minutes of play.

Then Akron

poured in three quick baskets

Teddy Shiro paced the attack

a pair of games in Massachu­

and held on to take the game,

with 1 6 points. closely followed

setts. The first of these two con­

52 to 44. Warren Finegan easily

by Tubby Washburn, who had

tests was with Clark U. of Wor­

was the best man on the floor

1 5. Three nights later, however.

cester and saw the Mules bow

as he hit the nets for 1 7 points.


in the last IO seconds after lead­

quintet handed the Mules their

ing all the way. the score being

traveled back into New York

first setback of the season in an

59 to 56. Washburn again led

State to meet a very strong St.


accurate-sh ooting





Bonaventure quintet. The Bon­

half, then weakened in the 3rd

nies. with a flashy offensive

and 4th periods to lose by a

club which played a shifting

few points. The Mules were far

man-to-man defense. throttled

from discouraged at the results

the Mules' attack throughout


most of the game and walked

these games have given them




off the floor with a 52 to 43 vic­


tory. Colby's Tubby Washburn

show their class against the

was key man in his team's

three other Maine colleges and


n ecessary


offense as he swished 1 7 points

enable them to cop the State

through the nets.

Series crown.

On New Year's night. the

Returning to their home court

Mules faced a good team from

for the first time since their

Buffalo State College. Although

game with Maine in Decem­

this opponent did not exhibit

ber. Colby played host to a

the classy brand of basketball

smooth-working combine from

shown by the previous two, the

Wesleyan on January 7th. Evi­

Colby attack j ust couldn't get

dently they liked the idea of

rolling. the result being our 4th

playing before home fans, for

successive loss on the present

they shot and passed with un­

trip. This time the score read

canny accuracy as they out­

55 to 47.

last ed the Connecticut club to

Russ Washburn was

high point man for the Mules

win. 66 to 59. The victory broke

once again. scoring 1 1 points.

a string of eight consecutive

Ted Shiro was next with 1 0






counters. For their final game of the Christmas trip. Colby traveled to Storrs. Conn. to meet Con­ necticut U.

Showing a tight

zone defense for the first half of the contest. the Mules battled their favored opponents closely all the way. However. the sec­ ond half told the story and Con­ necticut opened up a big lead and kept it to win going away, 58 to 45. Warren Finegan was

the bright light in the scoring department for Colby. hooping 15 points.

In virtually every game play­ ed on this trip. Colby's pattern of play was the same.


started out strong in the first





broke fast from the start and the outcome of the game was never in doubt after the first ten minutes of play. Ted Shiro led the offensive parade for the Mules, pumping in 13 points. Tubby Washburn and Warren Finegan followed Shiro with 1 0 points each. Two evenings later, in the Fieldhouse, Colby gained sweet revenge on Bates for an early­ season loss by drubbing the Bobcats 68 to 55. It was their 4th win in 5 series contests, and their 3rd win in a row since their return from their Christ­ mas




Washburn led the scorers with 22





Michelsen's play which insured The Punch threw

the victory.

in shots from all angles of the court, while displaying his best basketball





trailed Washburn by one hoop in the point department, scor­ "ALL-MAINE 1 st TEAM '49" FINEGAN

ing record (also the individual record



Staging a grand comeback

Washburn tied his own scor­ scoring

ing 20 points.



player) as he flipped 26 points through the hoop. It was also Tubby's best game individually thus far this season.


Shiro was outstanding defen­ sively and managed to score 1 6 points himself for the Colby cause.

in the second half, Lee Wil­

scorer for the Williamsmen with

liams' Colby outfit chalked up

16 points. Washburn and Shiro

their 4th win in a row January

followed with 14 and 12 points

1 8th as they smothered Bow­


doin, 62 to 48. It was the Mules'

As the ORACLE goes to press,

5th win of the year in State

Colby seems almost assured of

Series competition, their 2nd in

gaining at least a tie for the

succession over the Polar Bears.

State Series crown. With a rec­

Bothered by Bowdoin's smart,

ord that now stands at 7 wins

aggressive style of play, Colby

and 8 losses (including the ex­

left the floor at halftime leading

hibition win over Farmington),

However, by

the Mules can very well wind

The Mules captured their 3rd

switching to a floating-zone de­

up with one of the best records

only 25 to 23.

win of the year in State Series

fense in the second half, they

among the small colleges in

play when they thumped a very

completely tied up their oppo­


poor U. of Maine team at Orono

nents and dominated the game

maintain their winning pace for

on January 1 3th, 60 to 49. Colby

from there in. Finegan was high

the balance of the season.





d/.kv.tli . . .


Co l by ea s i l y won the State Se r-

i es C rown fo r 1 949 with a record of e i g ht w i n s a g a i n st a l o n e d efeat. T h e fi n a l season reco rd was 1 4 on the good side with 1 1 on the ba d-8 of the wins were i n a row a n d i n t h e l a tte r p o rt i o n o f t h e season afte r a ba d Xmas roa d t r i p . T h e M u l es were i nv ited to pa rta ke i n the i r fi rst tou rn a ­ m e n t by t h e Nati o n a l Assoc iation of I nterco l l eg i a te B a s ket­ ba l l ! N A I B ) New E n g l a n d Secti o n a l to u rn ey at New B r i ta i n , Con n . Afte r l o s i n g the open i n g rou n d t o St. A n se l m ' s b y a 76-58 score, Colby d efea ted Prov i d e n c e Co l l e g e the fo l l ow­ i n g n i g ht, 58-48, to wi n consolation h o n o rs. I n a d d ition to m a k i n g A l l -Ma i n e , Russ Wa s h b u rn wa s n a med to the N A I B A l l -Tou r n ey tea m at New B r ita i n a n d h a s s i nce s i g n ed t o p l a y p rofessi o n a l bas ketba l l next yea r with the Boston Celtics.

D u ri n g the cou rse of the sea so n

" T u b by" b roke most eve ry Col by sco r i n g record a n d e n d e d h i s col l e g i a te ca reer with a tota l of 4 0 0 poi nts scored f o r the 1 948-49 season a l o n e . R A Y DELTZ

Bill Millett was forced to va­ cate his position as hockey coach with the appointment by the college on the fund raising committee for the Mayflower Hill Campus. Rum Lemieux, '37, replaced him and is well known in northern New England as one of the all-time hockey greats from Colby in his under­ graduate days. He made a suc­ cessful debut when Colby de­ feated Fort Devens 4-2 in Waterville at the South End Arena. Opening the State Series with Bowdoin at Water­ ville, Colby defeated Bowdoin 5-0 to go into the lead in this traditional series. Marked im­ provement was noted on the part of the entire Mule sextet while Spinner in the nets was superb, and Bailey pulled the "hat trick" scoring three goals. The outstanding player on the squad is Johnny Spinner. one of the best goalies to be found in Eastern colleges. Cap­ tain Bingo Leaf. Laliberte, and Titus were the defensive main­ stays. The first line composed of McGrath, at center, and Bailey and Hall at the wings looked very good at this writ­ ing and scored all four goals against Devens at Waterville. The other lines were not set but Wales, Johnston, Harring­ ton. Millett, Reid, Clark. Rich­ ards, Doyle. Keefe, and Latham were all in the thick of the fight for positions on the 2nd and 3rd lines. It is hoped that the remain­ der of the season will be played on the rink built next to the field house on the new campus, for at this writing the flooding is just about completed. With these added facilities the re­ mainder of the season should bring forth a few more victories into the Mules net for, with the material at hand, the team is certain to improve - especially with better facilities at hand in the near future - we hope ! ! DICK BORAH ·

First Row, left to rig h t : A. Richard, R . LaLiberte, R . Leaf, R . Bailey, H . J . McGrath, D . Hall. Second Row, left to rig h t : Coach Lemieux, Staples, M illet, Wale , Harrington, Reed, Spinner, Cot­ ton, Mgr. Third Row, left to righ t : R . Johnson, Keefe, Clark, Doyle.

Coach : Rum Lemieux Captain : Roy Leaf

SQUAD M E MBERS: G . Doyle, A. Richard, D. Clark, R . Leaf, R. Lali­ berte,






Baily, D. Hall, G. Wales, C . Harring­ ton, R. Johnson, R. Millet, W. Reed, J . Keefe, J . Spinner, R. Staples.

The weather, which has been a "bugaboo" for hockey in Maine every year, really went out of its way to dampen the hopes of a successful season for the Colby Varsity Hockey squad this year. Although the team lacked experience, one of the prime reasons for a poor early showing was, other than the weather, a lack of a suitable place to practice - the squad doing most of their practicing on a pond without the use of ' the boards which are so neces­ sary for a hockey team to prac­ tice with in order to develop a smooth working organization. No matter how much material may be at hand there is no way to develop a winning combina­ tion without all the essentials to the game at the team's dis­ posal. At this writing only four games have been played. Two ing the Christmas vacation, and as in the past, they were invitations to defeat due to a lack of ice at Waterville, while the Boston clubs were using the Arena. Colby was defeated by Fort Devens 3- 1 . and by Boston University 1 1 -0.

First Row, left to rig h t. : Jor­ da n , Dowe, andler, O'Hallo­ ran, l\1arden, Gale , Law on. eco n d Row, left lo rig h t : Coach Ander on, Smjtb, Pul­ len, Manaco, Mazyruki, RobiJberman. in on

During the outdoor season of 1 948. the prospects of track at Colby took a turn for the better. The team won its first meet since 1 9 4 1 . by defeating Fort Devens 70-65. The thing which makes this so spectacu­ lar is that it was done with only thirteen men, all of whom were lettermen. This resulted in the fact that every man had to participate in at least two events. Added to the shortage of men was the loss of Captain O'Halloran for most of the sea­ son. Outstanding during the whole season was Aaron Sandler. In the meet with Fort Devens he scored 18 points by winning the I 00, 220. and 4 40 yard dashes and placing second in the broad j ump. In this meet Colby swept the 1 00, with Mar­ den second and Dowe third. Other firsts were G at es in the high hurdles. Dowe in the low hurdles, and Woods and Law­ son tying for first in the pole vault. In the meet with Vermont, Sandler again starred by win­ ning the 1 00 and 440 yard

dashes and placing a close sec­ ond to Marden in the 220. Al Gates made an excellent show­ ing in the high jump, despite a pulled muscle. John Harriman came through with a surprise win in the broad j ump and also took second in the 880 yard run. Harry Marden was Colby's star in the state meet. winning the 220 and placing third in the I 00. Sandler was lost to the team in the finals of the I 00, when he pulled a muscle. RICHARD PULLEN

The re ult of the meet were: Co lb ermont Bate

7 0Fort Deven 80Colb 8 8Colby

65 55 44

The ro ter of the team was: aptain 0 Halloran, Sandler, Monaco, Gate , M arden, Woods, mith, H a rriman, Jordan, Dowe, Law on, Pullen, Marzinski . Sam Monaco wa elected captain for the 1 948-49 ea on. U nfortuna tel , he graduated at mid- ear .

Mules returned to Maine to wind up the season in a blaze of glory and cop the coveted State Series diadem.

Staie eti� '48 R . Jacobs, Lea[, S t . Pierre, White, S i l berstein, Spi nner, Goulet. Row, left to rig h t. : Coach Roundy, Nardozzi, Eldridge, Pierce, Toomey, Wash­ burn, Fields, Clark, Keefe, Mgr. First Row. left lo righ t :


Coach Eddie Roundy's Colby Mule Pastimers - edition 1 948 - enjoyed one of the best sea­ sons in the history of Colby baseball last spring as they won the State Series, going undefeated in the regular sea­ son of the Maine Conference and carding wins over such schools as Boston College, Uni­ versity of Maine, Bates, and Bowdoin. After a bad start in the early part of the season when they dropped five straight games, two of them exhibitions with Maine and Bowdoin, the Mules came back to rack up five con­ secutive wins out of six, to wind up the year with a 5-6 record.


The games in Beantown were all heartbreakers. In the first one with the laddies from Cam­ bridge, Colby battled on even terms through nine long innings only to lose out in the home half of the tenth, 4-3. Pitching wildness set the stage for Col­ by's second defeat the follow­ ing day. After tallying five quick runs at the start. Mule pitchers went haywire and started handing out free passes like politicians in late October. The net result was that the Huskies capitalized and nicked the plate for a half dozen runs to sew it up, 6-5. The Boston University game was a real donney brook. Both nines used every pitcher on their roster and by game's end, the mound was busier than Central Park, but to no avail. The Mules collected all the ex­ tra base hits except three. Those three were all home runs by Boston University. - B. U. 1 7, Colby 1 5.

Two factors helped bring about the poor Colby record at the start of the year. One was the bad weather which plagued Maine athletics in the early spring and forced post­ ponements of both games and practice sessions. The other was the fact that Coach Ed Roundy had not yet devised a way to beat his apparent loss of experienced hurlers.

Things settled down to a dog trot when Colby returned from their toils in the Hub. Roy Leaf. up from the junior varsity of the previous year, and George Clark, fireballing third baseman from the previous year's var­ sity, who has since signed with the Brooklyn Dodgers. along with a couple of other capable twirlers, appeared to have it.

Good weather finally prevail­ ed and the pitching problem was ultimately solved. After a disastrous Massachusetts trip which saw them lose to Har­ vard 4-3, Northeastern 6-5, and Boston University 1 7- 1 5, the

Leaf was selected to toss the official State Series opener with Bates at Lewiston and the di­ minutive hockey captain threw a four-hitter at the Cats. It was all the Roundymen needed to cop 6- 1 .

Three days later it was Clark's tum to show how a converted infielder can pick up mound savvy in a fortnight. Clark kept the Bowdoin Polar Bears at bay with a fast sink­ ing curve ball to win 6-4. The Mules met Bowdoin again the following week at chummy Seaverns Field and Clark was given the assign­ ment of muzzling the Bears for a second time. This time the likeable veteran who was first scouted at Fort Dix, N. J., by Coach ( then Captain) Eddie Roundy, came through with a three hit shutout as Captain Norm White and crew unleash­ ed a 1 0-hit attack to capture the decision going away, 6-0. Only the University of Maine stoo d between Colby and its first State Series title on the afternoon of May 24th. George Clark, rapidly becoming a pitching mainstay, took over the pitching chores for the third straight time and gave up only five hits to muzzle the Black Bears as easily as he had the Polar variety, 6 - 1 . Thus it was that Colby scored exactly a half dozen runs in every official series game of the year to grab the bunting. Two other games - one with Boston College and the other with American International !'epresented the climax and anti-climax of the year. In the first, the Mules, behind the slants of right-hander Roy ( Bingo ) Leaf. nipped the B. C. Eagles, 5- 1 , handing the Boston club its second defeat of the season after five straight vic­ tories. In the finale, everything went a very dark shade of black for the Mules when the un­ heralded A .I.C. nine up and knocked Colby pitching to a fare-thee-well to snap the Col­ by string at five in a row, 1 1 - 2 .



Prospects for a good season in 1 949 look bright. Back for action from last year's club will be catcher Norm White, first baseman John Spinner, second baseman Bob Nardozzi, shortstop Tom Pierce, third baseman Nel Goulet, and out­ fielders Wils Eldridge, Dick Grant and Russ Washburn, and pitchers Roy Leaf and Burt Silberstein. Up from



beaten freshman club are such performers as twirlers Frank Gavel and Jim Keefe, infielders Chet Harrington, Teddy Shiro, and Gene Billings, backstop George Wales. and outfielders Marv Aarseth, Red Deering, and Cap Lowery. SID McKEEN



once­ ea


Re ult :

l Co lb 5 Co lb Co l b 3 5 olb olby 1 5 olby 6 6 Colb 6 olb olby 6 5 olb Co lb 2



Bowdoin 4 Bowdoin 0 . of M. 1 Bo ton ollege

. I.

. 11

ity 1 7

Left to right : Coach Soule, Poirier Sawyer, Harriman, Dobson, s, ett, Gair, Raup.

With snow conditions reported as frozen grass up to the date of this writing the ski team has been held to deep knee bends and general conditioning. Under the whip of able Coach "Les" Soule and the availability of the new slope. trail. and ski tow. improvements in the team should be great enough to earn skiing a berth in the ranks of varsity sports at Colby.


The strength of the team is based on the experience of such veterans as Captain John Harriman. Woody Gair. Ken Sawyer. Dave Dobson, and Hank Poirier. John Swett and Karl Raup will be point getters in the classic cross country race. Ten freshmen aspirants were greeted by Coach Soule with a sign of hope. They will undoubtedly add considera­ ble balance in meets this year and in the future. In addition to the annual Harvard Invitation where Colby rubs skiis with such colleges as Harvard, Middlebury, an d Dartmouth, a major feature of this season will be the East­ ern I. S. U. Championships at Williams. In the home state the team meets University of Maine, Bates, Bowdoin, M. I. T., and Tufts. JOHN HARRIMAN January 2 2-University of Maine, Maine Annex at Maine. February 1 1 - 1 2-Colby Winter Carnival, M . I. T., T ufts, Maine, Bates. February 1 8- 1 9-Maine State Meet at Bridgeton. March 1 9-Harvard Invi tational at Manchester, Vermont. I n ter-Collegiate Ski Union at Williams. D ual Meet with Bates.




v� qo1J 194a RECORD FOR 1 948 May

Colby's Varsity Golf team ended the 1 948 season with a record of two wins and four losses, scoring a total of 26 points in six games in comparison to 36 1/2 points for the opposition. The prospects for the coming season are un­ predictable as four of last year's six varsity men have grad­ uated. and the caliber of the newcomers is not known due to a lack of Junior Varsity or Freshman teams. RAY DELTZ

1 Bates 5 Bowdoin 7 Middlebury 8 Norwich 1 4 Babson I nst. 25 Maine

0 8 8 4�



Colby 9 Colby 1 Colby 1 Colby 1 3 Colby 2 Colby 0

Coaches : E . W . M i llett and Robert Taylor

Captain : Raymond Lindquist SQUAD: Thomas Blake, Raymond Lindquist, David Lynch, Gordon Mil­ ler, Guy Smith, Edward Waller.

Due to the very unfavorable weather and a mid-season inj ury to its Captain, the Varsity Tennis team lost all four of the matches played out of the original scheduled six - two matches being lost to the weather. The weather caused the squad many days of inactivity which never gave them an equal chance to hit their peak. Nelson Everts was re-elected Captain for the 1 94 9 season, and prospects for a fairly good season look bright with the return of six of last year's eight, plus some excellent Freshman replacements. RAY DELTZ RECORD FOR 1 94 8 May 3 Bates 5 Bowdoin 7 M iddlebur

8 Colb 8 Colb 6 Colb

! May



First Ro1 , left to rig h t : War haver, Felton, Evert , De­ Bevoi e, Farnsworth. eco11d Root', left t o rig h t : Coach Loeb Philljp , "oice, Ro en.

Coa ch : G . F. Loeb

Captain : Ne! on Everts


: Charles D e B e oise , Nelson E erts, oice, Ru sell Farn worth, George Felton, J am es Russell Phillips, Robert Ro en, Leonard W ar­ sha er.

8 Norwich ( rain ) 25 Maine ( rain ) 29 Boston Col. 7 Colby 2

N umerals were awarded to: G . A rmstrong, P. A umond, G . Bazer, R . Billington, E . Cawley, W . C lark, P. Cote, R . Dixon, ] . Dougla , H . Gaskill, W . Gouzie, W. H a e ,

. John ton,

B . LaLiberte, R. Lannan , P. Le ecque, W. M i ller, R . Morton, E . Pec ukoni , J . Ratoff, D. Sander on, R. Verrengia, B. Wall, R. Wallace, and E. Gro , ( Manager ) .

Although the won and lost rec­ ord of the 1 94 8 Edition of Baby Mules was not too impressive, it is felt that the material to be found on this squad was as good as any Frosh squad since the war.

ington and Bob Morton, with Wil Gouzie ad ding the extra point on both occasions. The final two points were scored when Paul Levecque trapped an opposing player in the end zone.

The Baby Mules opened the sea­ son against Higgins Classical on the new Seaverns Field and won by the margin of 1 6-0. The touch­ downs were scored by Ray Bill-

The second game of the season was a different story as unde­ feated M. C. I. came to town and left with a 26-2 victory. With the Baby Mules dominating the first

quarter and M. C. I. seemingly unable to move against our for­ ward wall, it looked promising for the Frosh, especially as our for­ ward wall had blocked a kick and led 2-0 early in the game. How­ ever, time soon told which was the superior team and, with the opponents line outcharging the Frosh, plus the excellent running of their entire backfield, the Baby Mules soon found themselves out of the game and the game turned into a rout. The third and final game of the abbreviated season was played at Hebron. The first half proved to be a fumbling contest. and it was not until the second half that either team scored. The Frosh broke the ice with a touchdown by Bill Clark and Hebron followed quickly after receiving the kickoff. Neither team made the extra point and the game ended in a 6-6 d eadlock. The standouts in the backfield during the season were Billing­ ton, Clark, Gouzie and Morton, while the line had such stalwarts as Armstrong, Aumond, Bazer, Sanderson, and Verrengia. It is hoped that these men plus others on the squad will b e able to give much help to the Varsity in 1 949.

First Row, 1 ft to rig h t : Pecukonis, Billington, Armstrong Bazer Clark, Gouzie, Verrengia, anderson. eco11d Row, left to rig h t : Coach M i l lett, f i l ler, Ratoff, Wallace, Cawley, Dixon, Gas­ kill, Gro s, Mgr.


Coach : Eddy Roundy

First Row, left to righ t : . Aumand, Gouzie, Whit e , Jones, Curtis, Ziegler, S � co n d Row , left to rr g h t : Coach Roundy, Fra er, Nagle, Lebherz, k P 1 e, M 1 gr.


Hopkinson, Bla e . Dixon, ilverma n ,

At the time of this writing the Frosh basketeers, coached by Eddy Roundy, are riding high with a victory string of seven wins and no losses. Their attack formed around big Paul Aumond has led to lopsided victories over all teams faced to date. Aumond, with a devastating hook shot, was leading the scorers; Blake, Nagle, Gouzie, O'Brien, White, and Wall, all capable players, were also outstanding in this early portion of the season. Thus, the Frosh with their winning ways are following the pattern set by the 1 9 47-48 edition which lost but one game during the entire season and avenged that loss at a later date. We hope this year's team can do as well during the remainder of the season as they have done to date.

A um and, Paul Blake, Frederick Cawley, Edward Cu rtis, Charles Dixon, R ussell F ra er, George Gouzie, Wilfred Hopkinson, John

( C ) -= (F) (C ) (C) (C ) (F) (G ) (G )

Jones, Robert Lebherz, George Nagle, Herbert O' Brien, C urtis, Silverman, Don'd Wall, Bradford White, Arthur Zeigler , F rederick

(F) (F) ( G) (F) (G) (F) (F) (C )

FRESHMAN GAMES Coburn Kents Hill Bangor Theo. M. C. I. Higgins Coburn Maine Annex Coburn

38 2L 24 50 58 54 54 48

Colby Colby Colby Colby Colby Colby Colby Colby


60 99

66 72 70 84


Home-1 2/ 9/48 Away-1 2/ 1 4/48 Home- 1/ 7 /49 Away- 1 / 1 1 /49 Away- 1 / 1 4/49 Home- 1 / 1 5/49 Home- 1 / 1 8/49 Home- 1 /2 1 /49


left to righ.t : Powell, Gunn, B i l l i ngton, Armstrong, Winer. Second Row, left to rig h t : Kennedy, Gelotte, Hay , Carey, Leaf, LaLiberte, R. Keyes, P. Keye , Coach Bryant.

First Row,

Coach : W i l l i a m Bryan Ma n ager : R usse l l Wall ace Left Wing-Bernard Laliberte Right Wing-William Gelotte Cen ter-Wesley Hays Defense-George A rmstrong and Jack Carey Goal-Norman Crook and Ray Billington Spares-Ray Keyes, Jack Powell, Carl Leaf, Robert Keyes, Donald Gunn, B ri t Kennedy, I rwin Winer and Ronald Lannen.

At this writing, the Freshman Indoor Track team has not entered into any competition. The roster of those men who are working out shows a well-rounded squad with great possibilities which should do well at the B.A.A. Games in Boston on February 5th, against the Varsity on February 26th, against Bates and Bowdoin on March 3rd at Lewiston, and in a meet to be arranged with M.C.I. Coach Robert Keefe plans to use the following men on the squad: Robert Brownell, 440; Richard Chamber­ lin, 440; Hugh Chandler, mile and high jump; Paul Cote, sprints, hurdles, high jump and broad jump; Charles Curtis, high jump; William Cushman, mile and two mile; Raymond Evans, 1 000; Bennett Foster, sprints; John Hop­ kinson, hurdles and high jump; Nelson Howlett, 440 and 880; George Lebherz, mile and two mile; Robert Libby, 8 80; Robert Morton, sprints; Skip Nordon, sprints and low hurdles; Curt O'Brien, high hurdles and high jump; Jack Powell, shot put and discus; Robert Ryley, 440 and 880; William Taylor, sprints; Floyd Thompson, shot put and discus; and Don Whitney, pole vault. BILL CUSHMAN



Finl Row. I. ft lo

rig h t :

R . Barta, B .

uo11d Row, le/I to rig h t :

M . Gates

M. Lacasce

L . ?\orwood

D. Whitcomb

towell, R. Merriman, Gardner, K. Ja ob on.

. Bean.



to rig h t : J . M illet t, . Frolio, M . Lacasce, � rdilf, F . Kia{ tad, H . h i t comb. Absent u h e n wa.s M. Plai ted, J. Ha n .


taken :

First Row, Ir/I lo rig h t : P. Root, E . Jennin , M . Pre ton, J . Pelletier, . Hagar, D . hitcomb. cond Row. left to rig h t : Frolio, M . Lacasce, :'\ . rdiff M . L . White, P . itkauska , ' . Fin berg.


Fir.rt Roz , I ft to rig h t : Rou·, left to rig h t : J .

E . Ko ter, �I . Pre ton,

. Frolio, M. Laca ce, . ampb ll, � £ . Hathaw , • . rdiff, E. Jenning , . H u n t i ngton, H. Wh itcomb, J\. Hagar. rco11d amman n , X . Finberg, J . ?-. ! i llett, ]. Merrill, . �lo kowitL. ]. De,per, F . Klaf tad, �[. Whit , randall, P. Root, 13 . Avery, . Morri on, L . Tarr. A bs 11/ 1Ll11 11 /iiclure wa< la km : :\! . Plaisted, Prciidc n l , P . Trace•.


Left to righ t : B . Deschenes, M . Lacasce, J . Desper, J . Merrill, E . Jennings, C . Philbrook. A bsent when /Jict u re was take n : M. Plaisted.


First Row, left to righ t : C . Winter, C . Draper, J . Pelletier, J . Acheson, S . Frolio, E. Koster, L. Shaw. Second Row, left to right : M . Seward, M . Preston, V . Kozlowski, L . Cook, A. Morrison, B . Starr, A . Moskowitz, S . Campbell.


First Row, left t o righ t : M . How, J . Pelletier, E . Jennings, A . Moskowitz. Second Row, left to right : M. L. White, C. Crandall, B . Stowell. Third Row, left t o righ t : J. Withing­ ton, F . Klafstad.


First Row, left to right : B. Starbuck, C. Shout, F . Ward, M. Brown, N . Ardiff, Manager P. Root, J. Desper, . Morrison, M . Rieker, M. Hathaway. A bsent when picture taken : M. Plaisted.



courtesy of the

Maine Central Railroad we were dumped off at the Waterville Sta­ tion to





Colby Family by a few campus­ wise members of the S.C.A. Ours was a mixed gathering of vet­ erans and those of us only a few short months ago graduated from widely scattered high and prep schools.

Our many varied skills

and abilities as yet unknown, we had a common feeling of mixed emotions; home-sickness, fear of possible hazings and wonderment as to all the mysteries of college life. The new Mayflower Hill cam­ pus was fast rising and some girl's dorms had already been oc­ cupied for a couple of years. How­ ever, we were already assigned to the old campus and found conso­ lation in the fact that these down­ town houses were closer to the hotspots in town, assuring us of easily accessible night life.


night life consisted of a couple of movies per week or possibly a bowling match or two.

Those of

our members who were known to frequent





frowned upon by those of us who still took our Puritanical upbring­ ing to heart. Little did we of the Puritan sect know that before our

seek our spirit and inspiration in those very demned.

spots we then con足

This first year did not offer too much in the way of athletic con足 tests. Some of our members turned out for football to find that the numerous afternoons of practice were to put them in shape for a "home




series with

Those of us who did

not possess the muscular devel足 opment necessary to be football heroes eagerly plied ourselves in the role of spectators, in our first chance to cheer our college to victory on the gridiron. Basketball also offered only an abbreviated schedule. It was sufficiently long, however, for us to discover the potentialities possessed by Chet Woods and Arvy Holt.

In the

same way b aseball had not come into its own. It was on the dia足 mond that we discovered that Nel Goulet and Bunny Fields were also athletes. As our first summer vacation approached




was growing. Many had joined the glee clubs and "Powder and Wig" but as of this first year they were only faces among the numbers,




chances at top billing and campus stardom.

Some had experienced

fleeting romances on this and the Bowdoin campus. some




It was with that





however, at the thought that next year





sophomores. When we arrived on campus for the '46-'47 year we found it already




eager freshmen. Among our own numbers we found familiar faces missing, many having


out. flunked or been bounced out. and some new ones added. Before too long we were also to learn that





romances some were still bloom­ ing and others were sadly shatter­ ed, reasons for both the male and iemale members to look over the new freshmen crop for possibles. The student body had definitely grown and we rejoiced over the fact that we were no longer the babies of the Colby family. This was the year that was to establish many of our members as 'names' on campus as the spotlight came back to focus on athletic games and other extra­ curricular activities. In a football season that was to find us arrived back too late for the only victory, Bob Cook, George MacPhelemy and Jim Lundin were instrumental in the team picking up points and

Bob Jacobs was busy picking out bench splinters. While those male members were making their fame on the gridiron, the girls were not idle either. The field hockey sea­ son found Jean Desper, Georgia Hooker,




swinging away for top honors, with little respect for life and limb. With winter many and varied activities were to be open to all. Bill Mitchell and Punchy Michael­ sen were to gain starting berths on the basketball team. Down on the cinder tracks Don Heacock (our combination laundry agent and Boston Post delivery boy) was having a great season tripping over hurdles.

Sam Monaco was

also found down there in the field house





President Bob Mitchell

of the Outing Club had arranged many mountain climbing expedi­ tions and parties at the lodge (the scene of birth of many a new romance).

The Winter Carnival






tioned organization, was a gala occasion





Stairs and Mary Lou Reed serv­ ing as members of the Carnival Queen's court. The first post-war Varsity Show was a great success with Nancy Semonian and Hope Harvey turning in

super- duper


Bob Mitchell was

gaining fame on his barrel staves at state ski meets and Roy Leaf and Bushy Welch were acquiring many a bruise in a disastrous hockey season. It was very plain to see that we were now begin足 ning to be recognized as individ足 uals and not as j ust sophomore class







Lynn Shaw and Franny Nourse were initiated into the GOONs. This was the year that saw fra足 ternities on the way back to pre足 war strength.

With the second

semester came a mass migration of the upper class male student body to newly completed West Hall. With the coming of spring all young men's fancies turned to love and baseball. Bob Nardozzi proved himself a topnotch second sacker on the varsity while Fields and on

Leaf a







At the same time Dave

Lynch, Guy Smith and Ed Waller were making valiant attempts to break par as they putted around on the links. Down on the softball diamonds Bauman

Bev and

Hallberg, Marion



were proving themselves major leaguers playing on an all-star

team that was to whop the stuff­ ing out of an aged faculty team on Arbor D ay. When the dust of this year had settled and we com­ menced packing our

bags we

were o ver the hump - at the half way mark. The fall of the ' 4 7-' 48 year found us going into the far turn. All of us would live on the hill this year though most of the athletic activi­ ties and science classes would still be on the old campus. In a small way freshman hazing came back to Colby but we oldsters contented ourselves with sitting back and watching the fun. This . was the year that was to find us witnessing our really first big foot­ ball victory in our college careers. A ll our past stalwarts were back on the team and, in addition, we had our graying Jack Driscoll tossing passes, and Jack Mahoney doing a goodly part of the run­ ning. In the winter the male student

body voted June Stairs in as Car­ nival





served as a member of her court. No longer were our members of the Powder and Wig a part of the supporting cast - drama fans were now to find Don Leach and Arthur Greeley often in starring

roles. Presentation of the varsity show at the Opera House found Martha Jackson and Connie White in the leading roles.


season brought back Lock Jen­ nings to bolster our successful team. In the spring Roy Leaf and Bert




worth to the baseball coach and made the mound staff on a team that couldn't be stopped as it rolled on to a State Championship. Georgia Hooker and Bev Barnett increased

our membership into

the GOONs to six. With a crew slightly diminished in number but still with plenty of spirit we re­ turned home for vacation to rest for one more year with the books. The 1 9 48-49 year found us com­ ing down the homestretch and headed for a diploma.

We had

made our names on campus in three years and now could coast on our laurels - but few of us did.

Our returning athletes now

boasted of five captains in their ranks: George MacPhelemy, foot­ ball; Roy Leaf. hockey; Bill Mitch­ ell,




track; and Bob Mitchell, skiing. In the fall our officers were elect­ ed, Guy Smith, Janet Pride, Pat Lydon, and Tom Macguire in the

usual order. George I. Smith was elected president of the Outing Club. To be sure many of us were wise and learned but still found that we were not letter perfect. To show one example Art Blas­ berg learn ed that one must be, oh, so careful in the selection of friends for not even the Pope is above suspicion.

Mary Bauman

Gates is now learning that two can live j ust as economically as one. providing they live on love. Bob





Pniewski and Bud Phillips have found





one cannot believe




tonics - for


knowledge comes baldness. With the end of college life at Colby in sight we again unite in a common feeling - a feeling that from these years we have gained not only graying heads and wrinkled brows, but also un­ told wisdom. It is only natural that we feel some uncertainties as to what lies ahead for us but we also feel that we are well prepared to face this unknown with the store of




knowledge that we have gained in our four y ears at Colby.


. . ....

R S�

J U L I U S SEEL YE B I XL E R , Ph.D., D . D . , L . H .D. Professor of Philosophy


President JULIUS SEELYE B I XLER, Ph.D., D . D . , L.H.D. Dean o f t h e Faculty

ERNEST C U M M I NGS MARRI NER, A . M . D e a n o f Men


N I NETTA MAY RUNNALS, A.M., D . Litt. Librarian

JAMES HUM PHRY, I I I, A.B., B.S. Treasurer and Business M anaaer

ARTHUR GALEN E U ST I S, M.B.A. Assis t a n t t o t h e President




D irector of S c h o o l of Nursing

M ARY ELI ZABETH CURTIS, B.N., R.N. Director of Medical Tec h n o logy

J U L I U S GOTTLIEB, M.D., F.A.C.P. , Sc.D .


t C umming

Marriner A . M .

D e a n o f t h e Faculty

Ninetta May R u nnal


Dean of Wo men

George Thoma

N icker on


Dean o f Men


Fran k l i n Winslow Johnson L . H .D. ,



Presiden t -Em crit 11s

Clarence Hayward W h i te \.M.,

William John W i l k i n;on

L IT I . D .

Prof .<so r-Emerit11<


P l-1 . D . ,


LLD. ,

L . 1-1 .D.

Professor-Emrritus of H i < t o ry

Creek language and litcraturr


Geor«e Freeman Parmenter P J-1 . 0 . ,


Profu10r-Emeritus of ClremiJtry

Webster Chester A.M.,


Professo r-Emeritus of Biology

• . ' •

l Thomas Bryce Ashcraft P R .D. Professor-Emeritus of Mat h e m a t ics






Hugh Morrow

Jefferson Weber

(oxoN ) ,


P J-L O .

Roberts Professor

Professor of

Edward Joseph Colgan

L I TT . D .



Literature C u ra t o r of Rare Books and

Eco n o m ics and Sociology




Taylor Professor



Herbert Lee Newman

John Franklin McCoy A.M.

P l-l . O .

Professor of 1\ll odern Languages Director of Schedul

Professor of Religio11

�, ,..;,� .

. '

Business A d m i 11istratio11 Treasurer and Business 1\lla nager

Lester Frank Weeks

Walter Nelson Breckenridge

' .


James Humphry, A.8.,






Librarian Profeswr of Bibliography

W i l l iam


Bovie cit • n.ce


Professor of Economics



, , :_:

fI . o.

P l-J. D .

I "i<iti11g Profe sor i 1 t


'![,t \_


Merrill Professor o f C h e m istry






Education a n d Psychology


Director of Religious Acti ities

Galen M . B.

Wadsworth Professor of


Wilbert Lester Carr


Professor o f

A . rociate Professor of Modern languages

Cecil Augustus Rollin .M .

Associate Professor of English

Gilbert Frederick Loebs A . .M .

Associate Professor of H alth and Physiral Education


Eno h

P H . D. ,


herwood Fiske Bro" n

,.... C . O .

rlhur William



te"art Bither

A s ociatr Profusor of £11glirh

\ endell

Associot� Prof .uor nf Buri11 H A d m i11istration

A.1.1,,riatr Prnf w r of Jfode ni Languages






Associate Professor of ,�fodern Languages

John Alden


Juliu M .O . ,

P H . 0.

Prof nor of Cliemi t ry

Gordon W i n low


Assoriatc Prof < o r of Health a11d Phyriral Education

P H .O.

i\ . lt .

A «oriat. Prnf, «Or of Philn ofJhy


F.A.C.P . ,


Prnfuwr nf Boclr riolog)' Direr/or nf .\ledicol Tech nology

asurt r

Paul Adrian Fullam


. �f .


Ell worth W i l l is M il lett


A s oristr Pmfessor of Plt)'Sics

�f . C . S .

Auista1ll Tr

Alfred King Chapman


Professor of Bio log)'

Winthrop Hamor




Associate ProfeHnr of E11g/iJ/i

£d,.•ard Gil ley Round

A11istaflt Prnfrssor of P1t,.1icr

Associate Professor n f Education Dir ctor oj Rnb rt s Union



. 8.

AssLrta11t Pro/1 ssor of H1 a/tit

and Ph)'rical Educatinr1

Paul Robin on P H .O.

" ase ED. M .

P H . O.

Prof s n r o f H i tor)'

Pattee omparetli ( l rs. E . F . ) Prnf unr


Prof ssor of H istory

Wilfred Jame


P H .D.

Pm/ r.ior of ,\la t h . m o t in

P H . O.

A ui1ta111

Asso iat



Henri Albert Jordan P H .O. Associate Professor of klothematics


for hant .M .

A 1 1i r t a n t Prnf< «or of 1/1 a/th and f'h)•siro/ Edur ot io n

Carl Gustav Anthon PH.O.

David Crosby Howard

Ermanno F. Comparetti

Margaret Buchner

Ossip Kurt Flechtheim

Assistant Professor of History

M .8.A.

P H . D.

I nst ructor in Business Administration Manager of the College Bookstore

Assist.ant Professor of Music

Assistant Professor of Modern Languages

Assistant Professor uf History

Walte.r Dray Wagoner

Robert White Pullen

Robert Jonas Keefe

Leon Palmer Williams

Ralph Coulston




EO. M .

Assistant Professor of Economics

Instructor in Health and Phy.<iral Education

Assistant Professor of Health and Physical Education

Assistant Professor of Ps)•cholog)•

Gordon Wells McKey

Irene Manning ( Mrs. Martin)



Assistant Professor of Religion Chaplain




M .S .

Assistant Professor of Chem istr)'

Jean Katherine Gardiner A.M.

/nstru.ctor in Modern Languages

Knowlton Mead Woodin A.M.


Assistant Professor o f Biology

Assista11t Professor of Biology

P H .O.


Ralph Samuel Williams M .B.A.

Instructor in Business Administratinn I nstructor in Shorthand and

Lucille Katherine Pinette

Joseph Warren Bishop


M .C . S .

Instructor ,;,. /vfat h e matics

l11structor in B11si11ess A dministration

Doris Chase Smith ( M rs. G . W . ) A.M.

l n s/ructor in English

Charles Frederick Main A.M.

l nstructor i n English

Charles Ne"comb Bacon .e .

Richard Knowlton Kellenber er

John White Thomas •B .

Director o f 1 ·ocal .\lusic



I nstructor in


Garfield Cecil Goddard

Donald Paine . l\L ,



nnie Dunn, R .

.M . e .

Donaldson Koons P H .O.



I ns t r u ct. o r in Busi11ess A d m i n i tration

an Buren Burdick

farion Lucille Hockrid e



Assistant Professnr of .\lodern

Francis Eliot



atherine Hanson Foland

Assista11t to t h e Prtside11t



Instructor i11 Health a n d Physical Educatio11

Louis W . Collier Direr/or of Public Relatio n s


Assi ta11t Professor o f English

Walter Blake lee


Assistant Professor of Fi11

Assista11t Professor o f E11glislr


A rt.1



I nstructor in Classics





Marjorie B . Meisner, R .

o r of

Heoltlt a11d Physical Education

Doane, R . B•

Walter Ragnwald H o l mer As ista n t ProfessOT of


A sista11t Prof

Francis Royster Bli

Win or

.B •

ugustus Milton Winder . a ..

I ns t r u c t o r in English


Assi ta11t Director of Public R lotions




pencer Hughe

firiam Mar b Barteaux ( Mrs. Robert)



Assista11t Libraria11

I nst ructor in Economics

lV u r e .• College I nfirmary

Associate Profes.wr of

1\ . 8 .

.B. , 8 .

/11 t. ru c t o r in Bibliography

I n structor in Modern LAnguages

I ns t ructor in Biology

Director of Reside11ce

Edwin A llan Lightner

Florence Elizabeth Libbey


. .M •

I n t ruclor in ,\,foden1 l.�rnguagn


Alu m n i

Henry Otto


P R .D.

ITL1t ructor i 1 1 E11gliJh

ally Irving

Kingsle · Harlow Birge



ummer Michael .M.

l 11st ructor i n E11glislt



i . t a 11 t Professor of :\'uriing

Kemp Frederi k Gillum .


In trurtor i n History

M A R V I N T. AARSETH 9321 -86 Ave . , Woodhaven, e' York, 1 • Y. HOMER D . ACHORN, JR. 19 Page S t . , H a l lowe l l PAUL W . ADAMS 2 1 Congres St . , Amesbury, Mass. BERNARD D . ALDERMA 50 Raymond S t . Magnolia, Mass. PAUL M . ALDR ICH 5 Eastern Ave . , Lin oln JOHN M . ALEX Star Route, kowhegan WALTER E . ALGER 1 1 5 South Main S t . , Middleboro, Mass. FRED E . ALLEN t., Brunswick 34-A School JOHN A. ALLOY . Y. 161 West 7 1 st St.. New York , J EREMY J . AMOTT . Y. eek , 30 Beverly Rd., Great RUSSELL A. ANTELL 1 9Y2 Madison S t . , Ame bury, M a s. JOHN A. APPLETON Riverside Dr., Augusta ROBERT E. A RCH IBALD 33 Cry tal Ave . , Springfield, Mass. P H I L I P C . AREY 107 Edgell St., Gardner, Mass. ROBERT J . A R M ITAGE 388 Park S t . , We t Roxbury, Mass. R ICHARD F. A R M KNECHT, J R . Donnellson, I owa DAV I D W . ARMSTRONG, J R . Pinewood Garden Apts . , Hartsdale, N . Y . GEORGE A . ARMSTRONG St . , Wakefield. Ma s . 9 Ess W I L L I A M H . ASHBAUGH . Y. 18 Greena res Ave . , Scarsdale, PAU L J. AUMOND . H. orth Walpole, J O Church St.,

H A ROLD L . BALOW! 5 Cherry St., Nashua, N . H. R I CHARD W . BALDW I N 1 9 Wil liam S t . , Andover, Mass. P H I LI P H . BANGS 24 Montc lair D r . . W t Hartford, Conn. ROBERT F . B A R LO W 4 C h a s e Ave . , Waterville I RA B A R R I C I N I 3 Kensington Rd .. Scarsdale, N. Y . R ICHARD J . BARTA eedham, Mass. 1 262 Great Plain Ave . , ROBERT A. BARTEAUX 1 3 High St., Waterville PH I L I P H . B A I LE Y 9 0 Depot S t . , Livermore Falls RALPH E . B A I LEY 2 7 Warren St . , Needham, Mass. W I L L I A M A. B A ILEY 30 Burleigh St . . Waterville G E RALD D . B A K E R 3 4 4 Russett Rd . . Brookline, Mass. MARK T . BASSECHES 65 Church Lane. Scarsdale, N . Y. NEWTON V . BATES 18 Lafayette St , Calais JOHN A. BAUM 65 Margaret Ave . . Lawren e, N. Y . GEORGE E. BAZER 7 \Nave ve . , Revere, Mass. RICHARD B. BEAL Richters Mill Rd .. Ardmore, Pa. C L I FFORD A. BEAN 25 Cherry St . • Danvers, Mass. JOHN A. BEATSON . Y. 9 Elm R d . , rar dale, ROBERT G. B E D T G Mass. , t 64 Douglas Rd . . Belmon ROBERT W. BEL YE 15 Teague S t . . Caribou ROBERT C . BENFA R I . Y. 30-21 S4th S t . . Jackson Heights, RALPH J. B E S, JR. . s Ma , h 69 Orchard S t . , Randolp

H O W A R D E . BENSON R. F . D . # I , Oakland STEPHEN BENSON 39 Gordon St., Waban, Mass. TEPHEN L . BERK LEY . Y. 8831-74th Ave., Forest H i l ls , A LBERT L . BERNIER 7 Elmwood Ave . , Waterville J. P H I L I P BERQUI T 369 Cabot S t . , Newtonville, Mass. BARTON L. BERRY W . 47tb St., Miami, Fla. 6116 PH I. L I P J . B I ES . Y. 92-05 2 1 6th St . , Queens Vil lage, EUGENE V. B I LL I NGS 3 Bean t . , Madison RAYMOND J. B I LL INGTON 1 252 Globe t . , Fall River, Mas . RICHARD B. B I RCH 80 H i l lcrest Rd., Belmont, Mass . W I L L I A M E. B I R D 7 4 Goudy S t . , South Portland E. EDWARD BITTAR Jaffa, Palestine ALAN R. BLACKMAN 1 40 Freeman Parkway, Providence, R. I . FREDERICK 0 . BLAKE Gui lford ARTHUR B LASBERG, J R . . Y. 2 6 9 Broadway. Dobbs Ferry, . BLON D I N FRANC! 400 Lowell St . . Manchester, N . H . CLAYTON F. BLOOMF IELD The Boulevard. Middletown, R . I . ER, J R . ROBERT B . B O · , 6 8 Waverley Ave . , Newton, l\<fass. f R I CHARD T. BORAH : 1 86 Rth S t . , Providence, R . I . WALTER V . BORUCK I 70 Elm St . . Waterville EARL S . BOSWORTH, J R . 79 H i � h S t . , Farmington PAUL E . BOURNE Box 54, Waterboro R ICHARD J. BOWE 731 Huntin ton A e .. Waterbury, Conn . N . GEORGE BOWERS, J R . 3 8 1esbit A e .. West Hartford, Con n . R ICHARD M . BOWKER eedharn, Mass. 56 Coulton Pk., FREDERICK R . BOYLE 1 97 Ashcroft Rd . . Medford, Mass. RAYMOND F . BRACKETT R . F. D . # 3, Gorham JAMES A . BRADFORD 20 Diman Place, Providence, R . I. J E ROME BRAFF 31 Horne Rd . . Belmont, Mass. JOHN A. B RIGGS 1604 Guilford Rd . . Columbus, Ohio CHESTER A . B R IGHAM 81 Linden R d . , Melrose, Mas . ROBERT L. B R I G H A M 81 Linden Rd . . Melros<', Mass. EUGENE C. B R ITTON Monticello ROBERT H . BROTHERL I N 2 8 Hibbard Rd . . Newton, Mass. JOHN W . B ROWN 1 8 Center St., Waterville ORMONDE L. BROWN R . F . D . :It I. Vassalboro RUSSELL BROWN . Y. 1 61 Emerson Place. Brooklyn, SAMUEL G. BROWN . Y. 47 Broad St . . Hamilton . ROBERT P. B ROWNELL 38 Brown St .. Providence, R . I. ROBERT E . BROWNLOW 8 Park Place. Danburv. Conn. FO TER BRUC K H E I M E R 3 Gorham C t . . Scarsdale, N . Y . A. BRUEHL MARTI 225 McKay Ave., H unti n�ton ration , '· Y. V IV IA N M. BRYANT, J R . E a s t Wilton

HUSH F . BURGESS, JR. 1 290 Commcrrial St., East Weymouth, Mass. W I L L I A M T . BURGESS 198 Maine St . , Dexter ROBERT C. BURK HART 212 Darragh Sc . , Pittsburgh, Pa. FRANCI H . B UR HAM 1 6 East Dunstable Rd., Nashua, H. JOHN H . BUTLER 43 Southfield Ave., Stamford, Con n . EARLE W. BUZZELL, J R . 9 Euclid S t . , Dorchester, Mass. ROBERT F. BYROM 34 Pleasant S t . , Waterville

ROBERT E. CAN ELL 1 1 0 Waverly St., Everett, Ma s . E D W A R D R. CAREY 3 Carey Lane, Waterville JOHN T . CAREY 22 Lovell Rd., Watertown �1[ a • ERNEST L. CARPENTER . , Providence, R. I . 497 Morris BRUCE CAR WELL . Y. 3 1 Brite Ave . , carsdale, H . CARTER MANSO 11 Tower S t . , Needham Heights, Mass. W I LLIAM H . CARTER, rr 1 1 Tower S t . , Needham Height , Mass. ALBERT R. CA E 74 Green St. Vergrnnes, V t . RUDOLPH E . CASTELLI 718 Palmer Ave., Teaneck, ' · ] . P H I L I P CASTLEMAN 185 Winthrop Rd., Brook Jjne, Mass. EDWARD J . CAWLEY 330 1 esmit11 St . , Lowel l , Mas . R ICHARD T. CHAMBERLIN 23 Pro pe t St . , Waterville HUGH S. CHANDLER 1 70 Clinton Pl., Hacken ack , N . J. EUGENE R. CHARTIER 1 289 M i l lbury St., Worcester, Mass. JOHN C . CHERNAUSKAS 22 Hubbell Ave . , Ansonia, Conn. JOHN S. CHOATE R . F . D . #3. Waterville S . FOSTER CHOATE R . F . D . # 3, Waterville JAMES P. C H R IST I E , JR. 1 8 Pasho St . , Andover. Mass. PAUL F. CHR ISTOPHER, JR. 4 Buswe l l St . , Boston, Mass. DAVID W . CLARK ewton, Mass. 363 Walnut St., GEORGE E . CLARK. J R . 2 8 Governors Rd . . Mi lton, Ma s . W I L L IA M C. CLARK 1 4 Orange St . , Abington, Mass. WINSTON E . CLARK 16 Winter St., Augusta N E I L W . COLLAR 1 26 Alpine S t . , Oakland RALPH C. COLLAZZO 28 Franklin St .. Woburn . Ma s. GEORGE Mel. COLL INS, J R . 1 7 Avon St . , Andover, Mass. PETER J . CONEY 4 Elm St., North Berwick JOHN L. COOK North Belgarde ROBERT L. COOK 347 Manning S t . . Needham, fa s. SAUL A. COOPER 45 Wildwood St.. Bo<ton, Mas . VERNON CORELL. J R . 9 8 Post Rd .. Scarsdale, N . Y . P A U L A . COTE 282 Pine S t . , Lewiston CHARLES M. COTTON 1 1 6 Main St .. Houlton JOHN P . CRAWFORD Ameri a n Univ. of Bei rut . Bei rut, Lebanon R ICHARD S . CREEDON 1 6 Mar hall St., Hartford, Con n .

WAT E RVI LLE, MAI N E Founded i n t h e year 1 8 1 8 J U L I US SEELY E B I X L E R ,

Presiden t



DA I D S . CROCKET 96 Warrenton Ave . , Hartford, Conn. NORMAN B . CROOK 227 Newman Ave . , Rumford, N. J . BERNARD S . CROSSMAN 8443 Vicksburg Ave. Los Angeles 45, alif. THOMAS J . CROSSMAN 4 Maple Ter. , 'eedham, Mass. SEBASTIAN J . CULTRERA 11 Wint hrop Ave . , Lawrence, Mass . CHAR LES P. CURTIS 1 7426 Berwyn Rd., Shaker Heights, O. JUDSON B. CURTIS 36 Oneida Rd., Winchester, Mas . W I LL I A M F. CUSH MAN 44 Summit Ave . , White Plains, N . Y. R ICHARD F . CYR 3 Autumn St., Waterville ROBERT B . DAGGETT Vets Apts. 1 0-C , Mayflower H i l l , Waterville ALAN G. DAV IS 21 Burton S t . , We tbrook R ICHARD C . DAV I D 23 Wheeler S t . , South Paris AUST I N M. DEANE Guilford GEORGE DEEB 1 6 A l len Rd., Waterville JOHN W . DEERiKG, J R . , Delano Pk . , Cape Elizabeth RAYMOND W . DELTZ 1 20 E . C lin ton Ave . , Bergenfield, N. J . JOSEPH 0. DEN IS, J R . , 2 8 Abbott S t . , Waterville JOHN H . DEUBLE 230 Mont rose Ave . , So. Orange, . J. JAMES E . DICK 2 7 Chestnut S t . , Kearny J. PHILIP P. DINE 1 23 Freeman S t . , Brookline, Mass. RUSSELL A. D IXON 601 Howard P L , N . W., Wa hington , D . C. DAV I D A . DOBSON 2 1 Holton S t . , Lawrence, Ma s. JAMES P. DOHERTY 17 Coolidge S t . , Lawrence, M a s. ROBERT N . DO AHUE Vets Apts. 1 4-B, Mayflower H i l l , Waterville ROY A . DONN Thomaston Rd., Augusta GEORGE W . DOUD I B lake St., Jaffrey, . H. JAMES F . DOUGHTY 1446 Forest Ave., Portland JOHN E . DOUGHLAS 70-52 Broadway, Jackson Height , N . Y . STUART D. DOUGHLAS 1 27 M y r t le Ave . . M i l lburn, . J. GEORGE J . DOYLE, JR. 33 Summer St., Waterville W I L L IA M T . DOYLE 34 B lack Rock Ave . , New Britain, JOHN E . DRISCOLL 30 Western Ave . , Waterville A . FOSTER D R UM MOND !11 7 So. Main St., Cohasset, Mass. ALLEN I. DUBL I N 1 59 Coolid!(e St . . B rook line, Mass. GARY B . DWYER :'forth Main St.. orthbridge, Mass. FRANCIS E . DYER 51 Ro edale St., Pro,· idencc, R. I . HARLAND H . EASTMAN Main St., Springvale W I LSON E . E L D R I DGE 29 Grove St.. Dover-Foxcroft JOHN R . E LY 355 Kinderknack Rd., Westwood, N. J . H . W I LL IA M EMERSON B lue H i l l JOHN F . ERICKSON 23 Chester St., Danvers, Mass. DWIGHT E . E R L I C K 433A Cumberland A e . , Portland ARTHUR G . EUSTIS M;ovflower Hill Dr., Waterville


DA YID L . EVANS 1 7 1 7 Cambridge St. Cambridge, Mass. RAYMOND C. EVANS, J R . , 8 0 Kirkland R d . , S o . Weymouth, Mass. NELSON T . EVERTS 1 1 4 Kirksta l l Rd., ewtonvi lle, Mass. OL I ER S. FADER, JR., 66 Otis S t . Needham, Mass. W I LLIAM M . FAIR LEY 1 85 Lincoln S t . , Mil linocket, HENRY H . FALES, J R . , 26 Barberry Hill, Providence, R. I . DA I D L . FARRINGTON 61 Bartl ·tt S t . , Chelmsford Mass. EARLE R . FAYLE E . Mi l lino ket EVERETT J . FELKER Monroe COTT D. FERGUSON 1 8 Joy St., Boston, Mass. RALPH H . F I ELD Cottage S t . , Bar Harbor WARREN J . F I NEGAN 601 W. 144 S t . , New Yor k , N . Y. RICHARD F I SCH 6 W. 77th St., ew York N . Y. CHAR LES M . F I HER 36 Vaille Ave., Lexington, Mass. JAMES J . FITZPATRICK 28 Pleasant St . , Waterville PAUL W . FLANAGAN 84 Shirley St., Quincy, Mass. ER EST V. FORTI G 23 Spring St., Madison BENNETT P. FOSTER 200 Lakcdc l l D r . , E . Greenwich, R. I . M ELVIN FOSTER 15 Wildwood S t . , Dorchester, M a . GERALD B. F RANK 47 East 88th S t . , New York, N . Y. J . BERNARD FRANK L IN 14 St . James P l . , Brooklyn, J • Y. GEORGE W. FRASER Summer St., Bar Harbor HADDEN F RASER 1 411, West St., Waterville JAMES E . FRASER 54 0 good Ave . , Mexico HOWARD H . FREEDMAN 43 Russell S t . , Brookline, Mas . EDGAR W. F REEMAN 76 Dunklee St., Concord, . H. F REDERICK C . FREEMAN, 1 72 Ce ntral Ave . , Milton, Mass. ROBERT L . GAB R I E L 23 East Dunstable Rd., Nashua, N . H . ELWOOD G A I R R. F . D . # 1 , Putnam Valley, . Y. W I L L I A M A. GARDNER, J R . 8 8 Pinckney S t . , Boston, Ma s . CHAR LES E. GARLAND East Rd., Hampstead, N . H. NORVAL E . GARNETT 1406 Narragansett B lvd . , Edgewood, R . I . FREDERICK R . GARON, J R . 3 6 W h i t i n g Rd., Wellesley H i l ls, Mass. HOWARD H . GASK EL L 1 9 Pine Circle, S o . Weymouth, �ass. R ICHARD H . GASS 37 Hobart Rd., Newton Centre, Mass. A LFRED B . GATES . Y. 23 Dupont Ave . , White Plains, FRANK J . GAVEL Rosbury, Conn. ROBERT J . GEAGHAN 307 Broadway, Bangor W I L L I A M A . GELOTTE 54 Prentiss Lane, Belmont , Mass. E M I LE L . GENEST 7 7 Western Ave . . Waterville ROBERT S. GEORGE 80 Maine St., Fort Fairfield GEORGE J . G I F F IN Box 85, Readfield JOHN F . G I L HOOLY 2 1 Whitt lesey Ave . , Waterbury, Con n .

PAUL H . GLASCOW 1556 York Ave . , New York 2 1 , N. Y. PAUL A. GOLDEN 332 So. Main St., Archibald, Pa. RUSSELL GOL DSM ITH, JR., 2 1 Blake Rd., Brook line, Mass. FORREST R . GOODALL 43 Franklin Ave . , Houlton L IONEL A . GOULET 99 Greenwood S t . , Lawrence, Mass. W I LFRED J . GOUZIE 21 orth S t . , Westbrook KENNETH R. GRAHAM 901 Tower Ave., Hartford, Con n . RAYMOND S . GRANT, J R . , 721 Crescent Pkwy . , Westfield, N . J . R I CHARD A . GRANT 1 1 Hughes S t . , Springfield, Mass. R ICHARD W . GRANT 29 Rogers Park Ave., Brighton, Mass. HENRY W. GRAY, JR., 1 6 Crystall S t . , Wakefield, Mass. RALPH W. GRAY 66 Broad St., Salem Ma s. ARTHUR W . GREELEY 82 Church St., Oakland CHARLES A. GREE LAW 31 W . 3 1 st St., Bayonne, J. GEORGE W . GREGO I RE 144 orthern Ave., Augusta EVERETT F . GROSS 31 Wyatt Rd., Garden City, . Y. JAMES F . GRUN INGER 1 0 Eastview St., W. Harthrd, Con n . E D W A R D M . GUILD 208A Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Ma s . MORTIMER M . GUI NEY, JR., 1 8 White Oak Rd., Waban, Mass. DONALD W . GUNN 1 1 4 Smith Rd .. Milton, Mass. GU NAR A. GUSTAFSON, J R . 1 Newhall S t . , Fairfield DONALD G . HAI LER 491 Chestnut St . , Waban, Mas . DAN IEL M. HALL 20 Sylvan Ave., W. Newton, Mass. JAMES S. HALL 55 Cave View Ave . , Stamford, Con n . J O H N A. HALL 59 Old Point Ave., Madison ALAN V. HALSEY 248 South Orange Ave., South Orange, N . J. I RV I N E. HAM L I N Box 3 2 , Milford FRED J . HAMMON D , J R . Kezar Falls JOHN E. HANNAH R . F . D . , Webster, Mass. ERNEST F . HARNDEN , JR. 31 1 Ocean St., So. Portland JOHN P. HARRI MAN 161 Manning Blvd . , Albany, . Y. LYNWOOD P. HARR IMAN 1 5 Elm St., Norway CHESTER D. HARRINGTON, J R . 46 Lewis Rd., Belmont , M a s . KENNETH N. HART 43 Stevem Rd., Cranston, R . I . ROBERT E . HARTFORD 233 Spring St., Portland GEORGE M . HASELTON 11 Cheever Circle, Andover, Mass. ROBERT B . HAWK I NS R. F. D. # 5 , Augusta JAMES C . H A YES 67 School S t . , M i l linocket WALTER P. HAYES 1 50 Bridge S t . , Beverly, Mas . W I LLIAM W. HAYS 244 Lexington St., Auburndale, Mass. DON R. HEACOCK Staffordville, Con n . RAYMOND E. HENDERSON 353 Lowell Ave . , Newtonvillc, Mass. W I L L IAM W . HENNIG 54 Sunset Dr., Hempstead, L . I., . Y. W I L LI A M H . HEUBISCH, J R . 1 2 Ferrante Ave . , Greenfield, Mass.

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P H I LI P C. HEYWOOD 40 Massachusetts Ave . , Worcester, Mas . KEVIN H I LL 50 Burleigh SL, Waterville CLAUS F . H I NC K , I l l i 7 N udd S t . , Waterville JAY B . H I NSON "The Ridge," Hart dale, . Y. PAUL R . H I NTON Bernard PETER K. HOAG 55 Beckwith Ter . , Roche ter, N . Y. R I C H A R D B. HODGK I NS 1 1 1 Perham S t . , Farmington GERALD J . HOLTZ 1 0 Paxton St., Dorchester l\(a PETER HONSBERGE Scarborough Rd., Briarcliff Manor, N . Y. ROBERT L . HOOPER 257 Madi on Ave . , Skowhegan JOHN R . HOPKI NSON Box 240, Silverton Rd . , Toms River, N. J . SAM UEL T . HORNE 37 Prospect St., Waterville RODNEY J . HOWES Jay N E LSON E . HOWLETT 338 Newtonvi l le Ave . , 'ewtom·i l l e. Ma s. F RE D E R I C S. H U B B A R D Randolph , N . H . J E RE L . H UG HES R. F . D. # 2 , M t . Vernon STEPHEN D. HUGHES R. F. D. # 2 , M t . Vernon H E N RY B . H U M M E L 4 7 1 5 F ulton S t . , N . W . , Wa hington, D . C . DUANE A. HURD R. F . D. # 1 , Madi on W I L L I A M G . H U R LEY 1 1 3 Bridge St., Augusta K E NNETH S . INCH Wytopitlock ROBERT A . INGRAHAM 1 56 Summer S t . , Bristol, Conn. FREDERIC IVES 1 07 Thornton R d . , eedham, Mass. JOHN H . IVES 1 07 Thornton Rd., Needham, Mass DONALD McG. JACOBS 936 Broadway, S. Portland DONALD M. JACOBS 24 Plummer S t . , Gardiner ROBERT L . JACOBS, J R . 2 4 Plummer S t . , Gardiner K ENNETH JACOBSON 44 Ticonic St., Watervi l le PAUL F. JAGEL 1 34 Harmon Ave . . Pelham, N . Y. ARNOLD M. JAMES, J R . 3 Bowles Ave . , B a r Harbor A L MOND E. J E L L ISON 7 Georges S t . , Thomaston LOUG H L I N B. JENN INGS 141 Congress S t . , Portland R IC H A R D A. JOHNSON 35 Stevens Rd . , Melrose, Ma s. RICHARD F . JOHNSON Chauncy St., Westboro, Mass. ALBERT S . JOHNSTON 2210 Jackson S t . . San Francisco, Calif. GEORGE W . JOHNSTON G u i l ford ROBERT L. JOLY 237 Main St., Waterville FRANK H. JONES, J R . V e t s . Apts. 1 4S . MayAower H i l l , Waterville ROBERT A . JONES 64 ew St. . . augatuck, Conn. H UG H B . JORDAN 1 73 Summit Ave . , Summit, N . J. THOMAS H . JORDAN 19 Hanson S t . , Wakefield, Mass. OLAF KAYS l772 New Hyde Park Rd . . New Hyde Park,

. Y.


DONALD P . KEAY 80 highland Ave., Wollaston, Ma s. J AMES K . K EEFE 38 Auburndale Ave., W. ewton, Mass. THOMAS F . KEEFE, J R . R . F . D . # 5, Portland THOMAS R. K EENE, JR. 92 K i nsley St., Nashua, H. S I M EON J . KELLOWAY 60�; Clark ve . , Chelsea, Mass. F R N K B . K EN EDY, J R . I Gammonn Rd., Waban, Mass. DONALD B . KENT Box 1 4, Benton HAROLD W. KENT Box 1 4 , Benton STEPHEN M . KENYON, J R . 1 8 West E n d Ave., Ridgewood, N . J . J O H N J . KEOUGH H un tington Rd . , Wort hington, Mass. RAYMOND F . KEYES 23 Regina Rd., Auburndale, l\ ! as . ROBERT J. KEYES 23 Regina Rd., Auburndale, Mas . PAU L B. K I ELMISTER 54·1 North State St., Con ord, . H. RICHARD H . K I NG 1 33 Sylvan S t . , Dam• rs, Mass. ROBERT N . K I R K 6 Hillside Ave . , Pre q u c Isle HARVEY M . K I RSTEJJ'( 30-l Lowell St., Peabody, l\la ROBERT E. KLINE 31 Pine Grove Ave . , Whalom. F i tchburg, Mass. MARTIN R. K RESS Briarvicw Manor Apt ., White Plain , :\. Y. BERNARD A . LALI BERTE 3 Roosevelt Ave . , Waterville ROBERT R . LALIBERTE 3 Rooseve l t Ave . , Waterville EDWARD LAM PERT 1 0 Gib on Rd., Lowe l l , Mass. EDGAR LANDRY 91 Temple S t . , Waterville ALLEN F . LANGHORNE 2 Waldo Ct., Wellesley, Mass. RONALD J . LANNA 26 Meredith Circle, M i lton, Mass. ROBERT I . LATHAM 3 1 Brookhou e Drive, Marblehead Mass. EDWIN J . LAVERTY R . F . D . # 3, Gorham P H I L I P R. LAWRENCE 2805- 1 3 l st S t . , Toledo, Ohio P H I LI P C . LAWSON 14 H i l lview S t . , Brookville, Mass. S . LAWTON JOH 26 Draper S t . , Lowell, Mass. JAMES LAZOUR 522 Cambridge S t . , Worcester, Mass. DONAL D G . LEACH 4 Locust St., Madison CARLTON D. LEAF 1 47 Alder St., Waltham, Mass. ROY F. LEAF 147 Alder St., Waltham, Mass. GEORGE H . LEBHERZ, J R . 2 9 Lovell S t . . Worcester, Mass. ROBERT S . LEE 68 Linda l l St., Danvers, Mass. ALFRED G. LEGGE 232 Kenyon St., Hartford, Con n . S . B L A I R LENT 72 Sargent St., Needham, Mass. PAU L A . LeVECQUE 227 Valley S t . , Portland NEIL LEONARD, JR., 31 Kenmore S t . . ewton Centre, l\1as . ROBERT H. L I BBY 6 Library S t . , Pittsfield ROGER F. LIBBY 29 Green S t . , Winthrop M . CASS L I GHTNER 300 Murray Ave. . Ridgewood. . J. ROBERT L INDQU IST • Puritan Rd . . Buzzards Bay, Mass. JOHN J . L INSCOTT 36 Mayo Ave . , Needham, Mass.

DONALD R. L I V I NGSTO E 32 Tobey Rd., Belmont , Mass. HARPER D. LOH R 1935 Stuart Ave., 'ew Hyde Park, . Y. CHARLES H . LORD 345 Highland Ave., Waterbury, Con n . I . DOUGLAS LOVE 2 Spencer Rd . , G len Ridge, ' · J. JOSEPH LOVEGREN, J R . 4 8 Town e n d R d . , Be lmont, Mass. CARLTON M . LOWERY Monticello LELAND F . LOWERY Monticello PETER S . LOWERY 1 0 Teague St., Caribou OLIVER M . LUND Powma. Rd., Freeport JAMES A . LUNDIN 42 West Chapel S t . , Abington, Ma s. ELMO C . LUSH 43 Church S t . , Oakland DAV I D D . LYNCH 6 Thoreau St., Concord, Mass. DAV I D E . LYNN 46 G lenn Rd., Larchmont . Y. M E LVIN LYON Princeton Rd . , Hubbardston, Mass. R ICHARD LYON, J R ., Old Princeton Rd., Hubbardston, Mass. JOHN F . McCOY 36 Morrill Ave . , Waterville ROBERT W . MacDONALD 2 1 Garfield St., Madison W ILL IAM E. McDONNELL orthford, Con n . LEON F . McFARLA ' D 5 1 Spring S t . , Gardiner JOHN H . McGOWAN, JR. 53 Sil er St., Waterville H ENRY J . McGRATH, JR. 184 Eliot St., Milton, Mass. GUY McINTOSH 8 Garfield St., Watertown, Ma s. CHARLES S. McINTYRE 30 Spray Ave., Marblehead, Mass. S IDNEY B. McKEEN Union St., Rockport JAMES A . MacLEAN 23 Pleasant S t . , Rockport, la ARTHUR F . McMAHON 38 Glendale Ave., Providence. R . I . ROBERT McNAUGHT Central Ave . , Dedham, Mass. GEORGE F . MacPHELEMY 57 Clinton Ave., Winslow BRUCE A. MacPHERSON 1 94 Orchard St., Belmon t , Mas . JOHN McSWEENEY 70 Central Park Ave . , Old Orchard R ICHARD B . MACK 1 9 Paris St., Norway HENRY W . MACKO 2 7 Union Ave . , So. River. N . J. R ICHARD A. MAGILL 4 Reservoir St . , Caribou THOMAS F . MAGUIRE 4 Layton St., No. Providence. R . I. DO ALD D. MAHEU 1 6 Sherwin S t . , Waterville JOHN V . MAHONEY 88 West Main St., Clinton, Con n . H ENRY L. MALLOY 1 Edgewood Ave . , Larchmont, N . Y. JOHN C. MANOOG 7 June St., Worcester, Mass. P H I L I P K . MARCH 426 I 8 St., N . W . , Canton. 0 . ROBERT V. MARRARO 1 8 No. Chatsworth Ave . , Lar hmon t , EDWIN W. MARTENS 41 Somerset Rd . , TenaAy, N. J . ALVO L. M A RT I N B o x 104, R t . 3, Augusta J . EDWARD MART I N 22 Middle Ave., Mexico R ICHARD M. MARTIN 68 Fairview Ave., Stamford, Con n .

. Y.

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LLOYD J. MASON 18 Gary St., Souch Paris H EN RY E . MATH I E U 1 7 Burri l l S t . , Fairfield ROBERT B. MAXELL Orient ROBERT J . MAXWELL 1 6 Belmonc Ave . , Waterville H A ROLD M E RCER . Y. 4 Ralph Ave . , White Plains, THORNTON W . MERR IAM, J R . 9 5 Dartmouth Sc. , Springfield, Ma s . ROBERT E . M ER R IMAN 46 South Ave . , Melrose, Mass. GERALD A . M ICHAUD 49 Sommer S t . , Waterville RICHARD G . M I CHELSEN 248 Hamilton Ave . , Scamford, Con n . JOHN J . M I LES, J R . 91 Plandome C t . , Manhasset, L . I . , N . Y . CARLTON D . M . M IL LE R 4 3 Beach Rd., Monmouth Beach, N . J . DAVID W . M I LLER 1075 Park Ave . , New York, N . Y . F RAN K LEN A . M I LLER 18 Savigns St., Waterbury, Con n . J O H N J . M I LLER H igh St . , Newport W I L L I A M J . D . M I LLER ewcon, Mass. 1 84 Va lentine St., W . ROBERT E . MILLETT 20 Harvard S t . , Whitman, Mass. EARLE R. M ILNER 710 Westchester R d . , Grosse Pointe, Mich. ALAN BENNETT M I RKEN 54 Riverside Dr., New York, N . Y . FENTON R. M ITCHELL, J R . 107 Prospect S t . , Wakefield, Mass. ROBERT W . M ITCH E L L 1 1 5 Dummer S t . , Bath W IL L I A M L . M ITCH E L L 1 1 3 M a i n e S t . , Sanford SAMUEL V . MONACO 4 1 Devereux S t . , Marblehead, Mass. DAV I D G . MONTT 3 Laurie Ave . , W . Roxbury, Mass. JOHN R. C . MOODEY 1 1 38 Broadway, Hewlett , N . Y. W IL L I A M B . MOORE 1 58 Collins R d . , Waban, Mass. M AR K S . MORDECAI 5 1 Montvale Rd., Newton , Mass. ROBERT MORROW Hopkins Ave . , Johnston, R . I . DAV I D MORSE, J R . 50 S h i r l e y B lvd . . Cranston , R . I . ROBERT T . MORTON 1 49 A l len St.. Bangor ARTHUR B. MOSHER 1 0 Forrest St., Cambridge, Ma s. SCHUYLER L . MOTT Paris C H ARLES A. M U RRAY 2 Myrtle Ave . , Bar Harbor H E RBERT S . NAGLE 29 Prospect S t . , Brockton, Mass . URBAN R. NANNIG 1 1 4 Stansbury St., Providence, R . I. ROBERT F . NARDOZZ I . Y. I W i l low P l . , M t . Vernon, A . W I NSTON NAUGLER 1 9 Madison Ave . . Beverly, Mass. DONALD E. N I COLL 24 Spring Val ley R d . , W . Roxbury, M a s . J O S E P H R . N I EDZINSK I , 9 4 Brookline Ave . , 'utley, N . J . BENSON NOICE, J R . 8 Addison S t . , Arlington, Mass. JAMES C . NOICE 8 Addison St., Ar lington Mass. FELIX A. NORDEN, I I I 723 South Sheridan R d . , Highland Park, I l l . W IL L IA M M . NOYES 1 0 Crestmont Rd., Montclair, N . J . CURTIS W . O'BR IEN 73!1, Bridge S t . , Augusta


JAMES S . O'BRIEN 5 Prairie Ave . , Newport, R . l. LEON V. O'DONNELL 98 Western Ave., Waterville ARTHUR S. O'HALLORAN Main St . , Amherst ANDREW B . OFFENH ISER 1 839 Wood St., Wilkinsburg, Pa. WINSTON C . OUVER I 1 45 Main S t . , Reading, Mas . ROBERT G. OLNEY 23 Bradford St . , Wal•ham, Mass. JOHN T. O'M EARA 89 Deepdale Dr., Manhasset, N . Y . CHA RLES A . O'REI LLY 8 1 Summer S t . , Evere t ! , Mass. ALAN A . PAGE Vets Apes. 1 4-C, Mayflower Hill, Wacerville GEORGE A . PA INE, J R . Greenfield Rd . , Montague C i t y , Mass. ROBERT B . PANASUK 460 No. Main St., Waterbury, Con n . HERBERT L . PANZENHAGEN 502 Cumberland Ave., Teaneck, N . J. J EAN R . PAQUETTE 3 Burri l l Pl., Lowell, Mass. THEODORE PARKER 31 Westbourn Ter . , Brookline, Mass. LOUIS M. PATTERSON 140 Chadwick St., Portland WENDELL 0. PEABODY 57 Park St., Dover-Foxcroft ROBERT W. PEALE 1 1 9 Laurens S . , Olean, N. Y. CHARLES A . PEARCE 5 Presque Isle St . , Fort Fairfield JAMES M. PEARL 17 Cooper Rd., Scarsdale, N . Y . BENJA M I N PEARSON, J R . M a i n St . , Byfield, Mass. ALLEN G . PEASE Box 1 6 1 , Wilton ROBERT PECK 48 Cotton St . , Newton, Mass. EDMUND PECUKONIS 227 Walnut St . , Lynn, Mass. EUGENE J . PELLETIER, J R . S o . M a i n St . , Middleton, M a s . HERBERT A. PERKINS, J R . U n i v . of Mass . , F o r t Devens, Mass. BERNARD L . PETERS 54 Front St., Waterville JOHN W . PETTINGILL 360 So. Orange Ave. W . , So. Orange, N . J. RUSSELL S. PHILL IPS ewton Center, Mass. 35 Oxford Rd . , JOHN R . P ICERNE 8 1 K nollwood Ave . , Cranston, R . I. GRAHAM T. P IERCE 20 Riverview Ter . , Springfield, Mass. PETER G . PIERCE 1 8 Pleasant St . , Rockport, Mass. RICHARD PIERCE R . F . D . # I , Western Ave. , Waterville THOMAS W . PIERCE 3 1 North St., Dover-Foxcroft STANLEY G . P I K E 1 9 1 South S t . , Gorham PAUL A . PLASSE 45 Oak St., Waterville EDWARD S . PNI EWSKE 1 20 Emerson St . , Westville 15, Con n . H EN RY F . POI R IER 11 Pleasant St., Ft. Kent L IONEL J . POL IQ U I N 62 Silver S t . , Waterville CARLETON E . PORTER 363 High St . . Somerset, Mas . K E M P M. POTTLE Lee JOHN D . POWELL orthfield , Mass. 201 Main St. . E . K ERSHAW E . POWELL 234 College Ave . . Waterville LEE R . PRESCOTT 280 Homestead Ave., Waterbury, Con n . ROBERT 0 . P R INCE Turner

CHARLES PRUNIER 1 8 Second St., Old Orchard R ICHARD D . PULLEN Danforth JOSEPH L . PUTNAM 191 North St., Houlton GERALD R . RAMIN 1 02 Naples Rd., Brookline, Mass. LORENZO C. RASTELLI 64 Scovell St . , Waterbury, Conn. JOHN J. RATOFF 2 7 Quincy S t . , Nashua, N . H. KARL A. RAUP 383 South St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. RICHARD P . PAYMAON 27 High St . , Caribou WINSLOW W . REED 83 Lenox S t . , West Newton, Mass. RAYMOND E . REICH 2 1 74 Davidson Ave., Bronx, N. Y. ROBERT V. REID 29 No. Main St., Caribou ARCH I E J. RELLAS 57 Chestnut St., Na hua, N . H . MOIR A . RENNIE 8 Smith St . , Glens Falls, N. Y . RICHARD E . RENY 4 Roosevelt Ave . , Waterville JAMES W . REYNOLDS East Wilton ALEXANDER R ICHARD 74 Maple St., Madison GRAHAM K. RICHARDS Swanzey Center, N . H. HERBERT H. RICHARDSON 8 Depot S t . , Bridgton ALAN R . RIEFE Vets Apt s . , MayAower Hill, Waterville EDWARD L . RTMPO %Maine Skewer & Dowell Co., Farmington GEORGE M . RITCHIE Great H i l l Rd., Kennebunk IAN L . ROBERTSON . J. 87 Hobert Ave., Short H i l ls , CHARLES W . ROBINSON 80 Berkeley St., W . Newton, Mass. DAVID S . ROBINSON, J R. 48 Thorndike S t . , Cambridge, Mass. A . RAYMOND ROGERS, JR. 12 Hazelwood Ave . , Waterville MAURICE F . RONAYNE, J R . 47 Pierce S t . , Malden Mass. ALFRE D J . ROXBOROUGH , JR. 642 Pilgrim Rd., Birmingham, Mich. OSCAR ROSEN 23 Fabyan S t . , Dorchester, Mass. ROBERT A . ROSENTHAL, 2 1 Roose,·elt Ave., Waterville W I NSTON McC. ROSS Albion ROBERT M . ROGH 412 58th St., New York, N. Y. WESLEY L . ROWE Litchfield ROBERT C . ROWELL 27 Main St., Waterville THURLO A. RUSSELL Blanchard WALTER E . RUSSELL 43 Harvey Rd., Windsor, Conn . FRANCIS J . ROSSO 20 Avorkd St . , Torrington, Conn . WILLIAM H . RYAN 4 Langdon Ter . , Bronxville, N . Y . ROBERT M . RYLEY 27 Oak St., Uxbridge, Mass. HOWARD B . SACKS 96 Gardner Rd., Brookline, Mass. ROBERT SAGANSKY 1 68 Gardner Rd., Brookline, Mass. FRED SAHAGIAN 26 Gi lman St., Waterville KZREKIN D. SAHAGIAN, J R . 25 Gi lman S t . , Waterville DAV I D SALTZMAN 29 New York Ave . , Brooklyn, N. Y.








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S T U D E N T AMUELSON THOMAS W. 1 49 8 1 st S t . . Brooklyn, N. Y. DONALD R. SANDERSON 277 Haverhill St., Lawrence, Mass. ROBERT E . SANSON 1 45 Quaker Ridge Rd., Manhasset, N . Y. P H I L J P M . SAVAGE 6 Mace St., Fairfield K ENNETH M . SAWYER Kenda l l Hill Rd., Sterling Jct., Mass. ALVIN SCHWARTZ 572 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, N . Y. M ALCOLM SCOTT, JR. Chamounix R d . , S t . Davids, Pa. BENJ A M I N R . SEARS 27 Brooks Ave . , Newtonville, Mass. RICHARD G . SEDGELEY 65 Granite S t . , Ridlonvil le ROBERT SHAPIRO 1 22 C lin ton R d . , Brookline, Mass. LEON P. SHOW Hotel Cumberland, Bridgton PH I L I P A . SHEARMAN Vets Apts. 6-C, Mayflower Hill, Waterville THEODORE N . SH IRO 53 College Ave . , Waterville WALTER SH MAVON 44 Brookline Ave . , Haverh i l l , Mass. P H I L IP J . SHORE 48 Harwi h Rd., Providence, R . I. A RTHUR L. S H U L K I N 1 7 A n d r e w R d . , Swampsco t t , lvfass. ERNEST F. SlCETY . Y. e w York, 1 2 1 0 Evergreen Ave . , ALAN E . S ILBERMAN 42 Brightside Dr., Stamford, Con n . BURTON S I LBERSTEIN 26 Harwood St., Lynn, Mass. F RANCIS J . S ILVER 404 Hammond St., Bangor DONALD C . S I LVERMAN I Oberlin S t . , Worcester, Mass. HERBERT SIMON ew York, N . Y. 1 82 West 79 St., ROBERT H . SLAVITT 141 East Ave., Norwa l k , Conn. W I L LIAM SLEM MER 2 7 1 Fellsway Eas t , Malden, Mass. ROBERT SLOANE 35 West 82 St., New York, N . Y. CHAR LES L. SMITH , JR. Maine St., E liot GEORGE I . S M ITH Waterville H . GUY S M IT H 1050 Seneca S t . , Bethlehem, Pa. LEONARD W . S M ITH I 1 24 Pickering Sq., Bangor R ICHARD L . SM ITH Mendenh a l l , Pa. JOHN W . SONIA 704 Washington St., Bath STANLEY L . SORRENTIO 1414 Freemont Pkwy., Providence, R . I . WARREN B . SOUTHWORTH 28 D utcher S t.. , Hopedale, Mass. ROBERT E. S PAULDING Poland R d . , Mechanic Fal ls JOHN E. SPINNER 1 1 6 Main St., Winthrop O L IVER J . SPROUL 33 Florence S t . , Augusta THOMAS S. SQUIERS 19 Page S t . , H a l lowe l l CHRISTOPH E R A . STALLMAN 2408 Berley Park Rd., Columbus, 0. ROBERT A . STANDER . Y. 65 Brite Ave. Scarsdale, ROBERT F . STAPLES 24 Arthur S t . , Whitman, Mass. ROBERT B . STARTUP 1 1 E lm Rd. , Scarsdale, N. Y. PETER C. STEAD Bronson R d . , Fairfield, Con n. HUGH W . STENFORS, JR. 1 1 K a h ler A ve . , M i l ton, Mass. ROBERT L . STEVENS 23 Burrill St., Fairfield WARD F. STEVENS, J R . Climas R d . , A v o n , Conn. " In attendance first semester only.


CAR LETON P. STI NC HFIELD 1 89 Winn S t . , Woburn, Mass. GERALD STOLL Y. 1 4 Lester Pl., White Plains, ALBERT STONE 401 North Avenue., Haverhi l l , Mass. M I LTON E . STONE 1 1 Fenwick Rd., Waban, Mass. ALAN H . STONEY 1 1 Fern S t . , Lexington, Mass. R ICHARD G . STREICH . Y. 74 Linwood Ave., Buffalo, BERTRAM E. STRITCH 15A Center S t . , Waterville FREDERICK A. STRITCH 19 Middle St., Sanford JOHN W. STRONG ash S t . , Waterville 5 EDWARD M . STUART 1 55 Dorset Rd., Waban, Mass. JOHN R. STUART 5 1 Colonial Ave., Cranston, R . I . RNOLD H . STURTEVANT 1 1 Pine Ave . , Livermore Falls BRUCE M. SULL IVAN 267 Colony St., W . Hempstead, N . Y. DANIEL J . SULLIVAN 9 Dartmouth St., Lawrence, Mass. PAUL F. SULLIVAN Hampstead, N . H. ALAN A . SWEETBAUM . Y. 580 West End Ave . , New York, JOHN H . SWETT Box 483, Mexico I RW I N SWIRSKY 76 Bronson Ter . , Springfield, Mass.

JAMES C . TABOR 5005 Whitney Ave., Cheshire, Conn. F. M I LTON TAYLOR . H. 2 Summer St., Charlestown, W I L LIAM N . TAYLOR 73 Chadwick St., Newport, R . I . LORETO TEMPESTA 6 1 Green S t . , Newton, Mass. GEORGE F . TERRY, I l l 1 2 1 Silver S t . , Waterville F. ALLEN THOMPSON, JR. 127 Sunset Ave . , Amherst, Mass. HAROLD J . THOMPSON 761 Highland Ave., Malden, Mass. LLOYD R . THOMPSON 1852 Hering Ave. Bronx, N. Y. MYRON B . THOMPSON 3358 K i lauea Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii W I LLIAM H. THOMPSON 274 Palm St., Hartford, Conn. ALFRED G . THOMSON 21 Palmer St., Passaic, N . J. J. STEWART THURSTON Corinna ROY W. TIBBETTS, J R . 27 Emery S t . , Sanford G I LBERT R . T IBOL T I Fox P l . , Newton Centre, Mass. WILLIAM A . TIPPENS 97 Lincoln St., M i l linocket CHARLES W. TOBIN 52 Broad St., Whitman, Mass. PAUL K . TITUS, JR. I High Rd., Newbury, Mass. ROBERT D. TOMPKINS 1 1 8 Albion S t . , Rockland, Mass. ROBERT M . TONGE 558 Seyburn S t . , Detroit, Mich . GEORGE V. TOOMEY 13 Newha l l S t . , Fairfield JOHN A . TORREY 1062 Webster St., Needham, Mass. ALFRED W . TRANTEN 1 02 Main S t . , Madison RICHARD B . TUPPER 2 Ivie Rd., Cape Cottage

JOSEPH H. UNOBSKEY 19 High S t . , Calais

PETER C . VALLI I Cabrini Blvd . , New York, N . Y. LUCIEN F . VEILLEUX 22 Sanger Ave . , Waterville ROBERT C. VERBOGGI 469 Furnace Brook Pkwy., Wollaston, Mass. JO�EPH VERRENGIA 1028 Main St., Malden, Mass. R ICHARD VERRENGIA 1028 Main St., Malden, Mass. KENNETH J . VIGUE Vets Apts. 6-B, Mayflower Hill, Waterville CECIL E . V I LES 8 Vose C t . , Waterville RICHARD A . VOSE 100 esmith St., Lawrence, Mass.

JOHN W . WAALEWYN 44 Frank lin St., Houlton GEORGE S. WALES 1 1 Ware Rd., Auburndale, Mass. BRADFORD L . WALL, J R . 8 1 Benton Ave., Winslow •JAMES L. WALLACE 7 Bart lett St., Waterville RU SELL E . WALLACE 62 Shore Rd., Ogunquit EDWARD A . WALLER 210 Stanbury Ave., Columbus, 0. WILLIAM L . WARNER 1 9 7 Southmayd Rd., Waterbury, Conn. ARTHUR B . WARREN, JR. 9 Essex St., Dover-Foxcroft LEONARD R. WARSHAVER 1 5 Hazelton S t . , Mattapan, Mas . STUART A. WARSHAW 1 9 Lorenze St., Longmeadow, !\•lass RUSSELL 0. WASHBURN 238 Main St., Fairfield JOHN W. WASHINGTON Wi ca set GEORGE D. WASSERBERGER 5 7 Old Orchard Lane, Scarsdale, . Y. LAWRENCE E . WATTLES China RICHARD G. WATTLES 14 Roosevelt Ave . , Waterville GORDON W. WATTS Second Rangeway, Waterville PHILIP W. WAUGH New Braintree, Mass. FRANK H . WEATHERBY 500 Pleasant S t . , Belmont, Mass. EDWARD C. WEAVER 160 Bangor St., Augusta ROBERT R . WEHNER Scar dale Chateaux, Scarsdale, Y. SHERWIN WELSON 1 23 Greenfield S t . , Hartford, Conn. DONALD E. WENTWORTH R . F . D . # 1 , Kennebunk STEWART C . WEST 1087 Azalea Rd., Union, N . J. ARTHUR W. WHITE I Parker St., Reading, Mass. CONRAD G . W H ITE 469 Main S t . , Rockland NORMAN R . W H IT E 4 5 P i n e S t . , Dover-Foxcroft ROBERT WHITE 81 Bracket Rd . , Newton, Mass. CHARLES H . WHITELAW 1052 Waddington S t . , Birmingham Mich. W ILFORD D. WHITELEY, JR. Box 8 , Tyngsboro, M a s . EDWARD D. WHITNEY ewton, Mass. 1 5 Fountain S t . , W . GEORGE W . WHITNEY 245 Highland St., Milton, Mass. HARRY R . W I LEY Lynn S t . , Norway ROBERT ED. W I L K INS, J R . Waterville R d . , Farmington, Conn. ROBERT N. W I LLIAM 52 Bellevue Ave., Summit, N . J . I RW I N WINER 12 Sherman S t . . Beverly, Mass. JAMES H . WING Route 1 -A , Gardiner

M A R K R. T H OMPS O N , ' 1 7




Compliments of

THE FEDERAL TRUST COMPANY "A Friendly Institution"



M ember of the Federal D eposit Ins urance Corporation


GEORGE C. W ISWELL, J R . 7 K i m b a l l S t . , Marblehead, M a F L O Y D C. WITHAM Dixfield DONN G . WOLFE l Totman Ct., Fairfield SCOTT S . WOOD 75 Sewa l l St., Augusta CHA RLES R. WOODMAN I 7 Dalton St . , Watervi lle CH ESTER J. WOODS, JR. 14Yo West St., Waterville H A ROLD S. WORMUTH Cobbleskill, N. Y. A RT H U R W . WYMAN l Highland Ct., Manchester, G E R A L D K . WYMAN 74 Silver St., Waterville


R IC H A R D P. YEAGER 32 Edgewood St., Scarsdale, N. Y. IVAN A . YEATON, J R . I 1 1 7 So. 4 6 t h S t . , Philadelphia 4 3 , Pa. FREDER ICK W. Z IEGLER 48 So. Stanwood Rd . , Columbus, O . J O A N E . ABBOTT 3 1 l Main S t . , Rockland AL ICE J . ACHESON 49 Western Ave . , Augusta RUTH ADELSON 4 Schuyler St., Roxbury, J\fass. GEORGINA ALGER 1 1 5 So. Main St., Middleboro, Ma s . NANCY R. ALLEN 59 S o u t h St., Medfield, Mass. H E LEN C. ALPERT 59 Garfield Ave., Revere, Mass. LESLE I G H J . A M LAW 58 Thirteenth St . , Lowe l l , Mass. PAT R I C IA H. AN DERSON 1 09 Grove Ave . , Woodbridge, N . J. GRETA E . ANTHOENSEN Route 5 , Falmouth NANCY J . A R D I F F 87 Harris Ave . , Needham, Mass. EVELYN L . ARMSTRONG Jonesport MARJORIE A. AUSTI N 1 4 6 K ingston Ave . , Yonkers, 1 • Y . B . D A L E AVERY 9 1 Washington Ave . , Winthrop, Mass. PAT R I C I A J . B A I N . J. 433 H i l lcr est Rd . , Ridgewood, BEVE R LY A . BAKER 1 9 Greenleaf St . , M a lden, Mass. MARGUERITE I . B A K E R 1 5 D o n a l d St., Waterville NYDDA I. B A R K E R 22 Bowdoin S t . , Houlto n JOAN K . BARNARD 240 Middlesex Rd . , Buffalo, N . Y . BEVERLY J . BARNETT 1 5 Bradley St., Portland BARBARA N . B A R ROW 24 A l lenwood Rd., Great eek, N . Y. DONNA L . BARTER Main S t . , Deer Isle _ CLARA MA E BARTLETT 357 Capi ic St., Portland E L IZABETH M. BEAM ISH 1 0 Elm Tree Lane, Pelham Manor, N . Y . B . J E A N BEAUCH A M P 122 L akewood D r . , L a k e Arrowhead, Den­ ville, N. J. F RANCES J . BENNER 579 Webster S t . , Rockland, Mas . M A RTHA A. BENNETT 96 So . Main St., Middletown. Conn. NORMA A . BERQUIST 1 54 Cambridge S t . , Win hester, Mass. PAU L I N E BERRY 3648 Peachtree Rd . , N . E . , t lanta Ga. JANET M . BESSEY 332 Park Ter . , Hartford, Con n . ANN M . BEVE R I DGE 84 Lee Rd . . Scarsdale, N . Y. * I n attendance first semester on ly.


MARGARET J. BLAGYS 258 Balmforth St., Bridgeport, Con n . E L IZABETH M . BLAISDELL New Harbor PATRICIA A . BLAKE 40 Lincoln P k . , West Newton , Mas . SALLY BLANCHARD 1 0 M t . Pleasant St., Winche ter, Mas . JOYCE A. B L U M 1 1 65 E . 2 8 t h St . , Brooklyn, N . Y . GLENYS M . B LUMENTHAL 1 45 Dartmouth St., Portland M A R ION E . BOHRER 8391 San Fernando Rd., Roscoe, Calif. S H I R LEY E . BOND Wilsondale St., Dover, Mass. BARBARA J . BONE 228 Manthorne Rd., West Roxbury, Mass. JEAN E. BONNELL Cold Spring Harbor, Long I s land, N. Y . M A RY E L L E N BONSALL, 1 58 Presidents Lane Quincy, Mas . CHRYSOULA H. BOU K I S 2 8 Lansing A v e . , Haverhi l l , Mass. H A R R I ET BOYER 204 Washington St . , Glouce ter, Ma CONSTANCE E . BRACKETT 344 Stevens Ave., Portland MARY S . BRACY 1 43 Norway Rd., Bangor NANCY J. BRADBURY 74 Chas S t . , Hyannis, Mass. LOIS I. BRAGG 19 H igh S t . , Fairfield BETTE A. B RANDT 160 Central Park Sout h , New York, ' · Y . JEAN E . BREWER 28 Capen St., Windsor, Con n . M U R I E L M . B R IGGS 8Y, Kelsey St., Waterville BETTY M . BROWN 5 Osgood Ave . , Claremont, N. H. M A RGARET A . BROWN 27 Edgewood Rd . . Lexington, Mass. MARION R . B R US H 4 2 5 Bedford A v e . , M t . Vernon, N . Y . PR ISC I LLA V. B U C K Vassalboro ELEANOR J . BROWN J O Belmont St., Camden ALBERTA J . BUNNEY 6 1 5 76 S t . , Brooklyn, N . Y. RUTH A . BURLEIGH 20 Summer St . , Tilton. N . H . CATHER INE E . B URNS 2 1 04 Poplar St., Terre Haute. Ind. ESTELLA M . BYTHER 35 Clinton St., M i lo JOAN H. CAMMANN 35 Conant Rd . , Weston, Mass. SUSAN J. CAMPBELL 1 24 Jewett Parkway, Buffalo, Y. E D ITH A . CARPENTER 5440 Netherlands Ave., Riverdale, Y. PAMELA J . CASH I 91 I Deodar Ave., Antioch, Calif. SALLY B . CATRON 200 Lewis Rd., Belmon t , Mass. LAURA B . CHEESEMAN 1 44 Loring R d . , Winthrop, Ma s . JEAN CHICKERING 3601 C o n n . Ave . , N . W . , Washington, D . C. ELIN M . C H RISTENSON 1 20 Green St., Woburn, Mass. EVANGEL I NE H. CHUMACAS 12 Arch S t . , Haverh i l l , Mass. M A RY L . CLARE 770 Wil liams St . . New London. Con n . ELIZABET H H . CLARK 28 Governors R d . , M i l ton, Mass. JANET CLARK School S t . , Kennebunkoort PATRI C I A A . CLARKE 25 Smyrna St., Houlton RUTH E . CLEMENTS 282 Massachusetts A ve . , Boston, Mass. G E RTRUDE C . CLEVELAND I 7 Silver St., Fairfield

SUZANNE CLOUGH 50 Princeton Rd., Natick, Mass. H A R R I ET R . CLOUTER 15 Tennyson St . , West Roxbury, Mass. CAROL M. CONNORS IOI Oakview Ave . , Maplewood, N . J. CYNTHIA COOK 25 Caroline Park, Waban, Mass. LOIS M. COOK Lime tone AL ICE E . COVELL 1 1 3 West Sands St . , Oneida, . Y. JEAN W. COWIE 312 Merion Ave., Narbertli, Penna. CHA RLOTTE M. CRANDALL 48 Oak St., Braintree, Mass. M A R I LYN CRANE 55 Fenno St., Wollaston, Mass. CYNTHIA F . CROOK Brick Lane, Durham, Con n . AL ICE CROOKS . J. 16 Madison St . , G len Ridge, BEVERLY R. CUSHMAN Route 2, Caribou DALE A. DAC I E R 1 42 1 Mamaroneck A v e . , Mamaroneck, ' · Y. S H I R LEY DAVENPORT 329 Bedford S t . , Lexington, Mass. PRISC I LLA F . DAVIS 7 Riverside Ave., Gloucester. Mass. V I RG I N I A M. DAVIS 404 Geddes St . , Wilmington , Del. PR ISCI LLA DAY 72 Welfare Ave., Cranston, R . I . J O Y W. DeLONG 26 High S t . , Houlton BEVERLY A . DESCHENES 333 Peterboro St., Jaffrey, . H. JEAN DESPER 9 Navasota Ave., Worcester, Mass. M I RIAM H. D IC K INSON Lincoln, N . H . JACQUELINE A. D I L LINGHAM 1 4 Lisbon St., Lewiston JOAN A . DONNELLY 1432-44th St . , N. W., Washington. D. C. M A R I E E . DONOVAN 240 Andover St., Lawrence, Mass. JACQUELYN T. DOWNEY 16 McKean St . , Nashua, N . H. CONSTANCE L . DRAKE 1 2 G lenn S t . , Caribou M A RILYN E . DRAKE 564 Cumberland Ave., Teaneck. N . J . CLAI RE DRAPER High Rd., Cornish JOAN L. D REW 1 70 Broadway, Arlington, Ma s . JEANNE E . D'WOLF I I Ridgeview Ave., White Plains, N. Y. JOYCE C. EDWARDS Box 706, Nassau, Bahamas RUTH E . END ICOTT R t . # 1 , Belgrade *ELAINE E . ERSKINE 66 High S t . , Waterville NANCY A. EWI NG 19 Flora St., Haverhill, Mass. ANNE V. FA I RBANKS 71A West Central St., Natick, Mass. LUCILE E . FARNHAM Belgrade H IL DA K. FARNUM 4 1 Jewett Ave . . TenaAy, N . J . S H I RLEY A. FELLOWS 2 Joy Rd., Peabody, Mass. DOROTHY A. FENNEMA 86 Harris Ave . . Freenort, N . Y . M I LD RED J. FENWICK Appleton ANTONIETTA M. FERA 1 77 Garden St. , Lawrence Mass. NANCY A . FERGUSON 1 39 Brook St . , Wollaston, Mass . NADEEN F INBERG 1 1 9 Pitt S t . , Portland


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1 1 3 Main Street



Waterville, Maine



GEORGIA F ISHER 527 Franklin Turnpike, A l lendale, . J. V I RG I N I A E . F LAGG 289 Augur S t . , Hamden , Con n . BARBARA A . FOLEY 26 M r . Pleasant St., W i nchester, Mass. P R I SCILLA S. FORD 1 5 Chiswick Rd . , Auburndale, Mass. BEVERLY I . FORGEY 3 1 School S t . , Melrose, Mass. ANNE FOSHAY 11 Bond St., Swampscott, Mass. JOAN C . FOSTER 46 orman S t . , Salem, Mass. AUDREY FOUNTA I N Fairmon t vc. , Chatham, N . Y . BARBARA J . FRANSEN 57 Norfolk Ave . , Swampscott, Mass. IARGARET J . FRATANO 67 Lexington Ave . , Bloomfield, 1 • J . BAR BARA J . FRE C H 70 M a i n S t . , Andover, M a s . I RM A M . FR ITSCHMAN , 2614 H i rst Ter . , Havertown, P a . H I R LEY A . FROLIO 279 Plymouth . Abbington Mass. BARBAR/\ M . GAFFNEY J O G len arry Rd., Winchester, i\fa s . MARTHA E. GALLUP Preston Rural Sta . . 1orwich, MARY E . GARDINER Gould Farm, Great Barrington, Mass. PHYLLIS D . G R D I N E R 77 N o r t h S t . , Watervi l le KAT H RYN E. GARRICK 332 Park Ave . , Manbasset, N . Y . J EAN L . GA SETT 50 M i l l S t . , Brockton , Mass. MARY B . GATES 23 Dupont ve., White Plains, . Y. BARBA RA L . G I F FORD 8 1 West St., Reading, Mass. LOU ISE G I NZBERG 6 Prentice Rd . , Newton Centre, i\•fass. MARY E . GOLDEY 919 Bancroft Parkway, Wi lmington, Del. DOROTHY A. GOODR IDGE 80 Adams St . . Waltham, Mass. GLORIA S. GORDON 1 56 Talbot Ave . . Dorcbc ter, M a s . M A R I LYN H . GRACIE Richardson St . . B i l lerica, Mass. BARBARA M . G RANT t., Leice ter, Mass. 58 Pleasant LOIS GREE 20 Pasadena R d . , Roxbury, Mass. SYBIL R. G REEN ve .. Dorchester, "Mass. 804 B l ueh i l l E I LEEN J. GREE E 1 39 East Haverh i l l S t . , Lawrence, Mass. E L I ZABETH J . GREER 5 Old Mamaroneck Rd., White Plai ns, N . Y . J O A N C . G RI DLEY 45 Oak Rid�e Ave . , Summit , ' · J . J EAN M . G R I F F I N 3 8 Beechcroft Rd., Newton , Mass. ANNE K . HAGAR Mar hficld H i lls, Mass. NITA HALE 219 Katahdin Ave. , Millinocket J EANNE M . HALL Waterbury, Vt. BEVERLY A. HA LLBERG . J. 658 Lincoln Ave . , Orange, J EANNE L . H ALLEE 1 4 Moore St., Waterville BAR BARA E. H A M L I N 550 Preble S t . , South Portland JANE HANCOCK Cape eddi k G RACE J. HAND 257 Washington S t . , 'orthport, EDITH L. HARRI 5 Gaden S t . , Belmon t , Mass . BARBARA J. H A RT 43 Ste en R d . , Cranston, R. I . * In attendance fi r t semester only.




HOPE R. HARVEY 20 Silver St., Middletown, onn. JOAN HASKELL R . F . D., Harvard, Mass. MARY C. HATHAWAY 240 Main t., Kingston, Mas . JANET B. HA YNES 19 Leavitt S t . , Skowhegan MYRA S . HENENWAY 1 37 Langley Rd., ewton Centre, Mass. CHARMIAN J . HERD 62 Benton A e., Winslow JA ET R . HEWI S 1 56 Willowbend Rd . , Roche ter, . Y. LORRA I NE S. H IGG INS 24 Main St., Fairfield BARBARA H I LL I I Dalton St . , Water i l le JOA S. H I L L I I Dalton S t . . Waterville JEA C. H I L LSEN 1 09 rarat St., Worcc ter, Mass. BARBARA H I LL 0 I I Colbourne Crescent, Brookline, Mass. NANCEY H I NCKLEY 19 Han•ard S t . , Hyannis. Mass. JOA H . HOAGL ND edar Acres, Deerfoor Rd., Southboro, Ma s . LOUISE G. HODGE _9 Barclay Rd., arsdale, . Y. A R A H L . H O L L I TER 909 Elk t., Fran klin, Pa. BEVERLY M . HOLT Upper fain SL. Clinton GEORG I A N F. HOOKER 59 Old Orchard Lane, Scar dale, . Y. ANNE W . HO TON 92 Columbia e., Edgewood, R. I . ATALIE G . HOW 6 Taylor ve. , South Norwa lk, Con n . ANCY C. H C H E 9 3 Hudson Ave . , Stil lwater, . Y. CAROL G . H UNTINGTON 76 Prichard S t . . Fitchburg, Mass. JOYCE HUTC H I S High pine J ST I N E H . JACKSON 6 Sunset ve. , Methuen, Ma *DOROTHY JACOB 20 Essex St., Newburyport, Mas . ELIZABETH AN JACOBS 24 Plummer St . . Gardiner M A RTHA A . JACKSON 212 Main S t . . Winchester, Ma s . BARBARA JEFFE RSON 1 45 Bond S t . , orwood, Mass. AL ICE 0 . J E N N I NGS 127 Church S t . , Winchc ter, Mass. ANN JEN INGS Winchester. Mass. ELIZABETH .JENN INGS 1 27 Church S t . , Winchester, Ma AOM I B. J E NISON Mayflower H i l l . Waterville J UN E R. JENSEN 12 Quincy Ave . , Ar lington, N . J . LOIS J. J ENSEN 2 Park Circle, Tow on, Md. PATRICIA E . JENSEN 1 1 2 Lamb St . . Cumberland M i l ls AL ICE E. J E WELL 879 Bronson Rd . , Fairfield, Conn . CATHER I NE M . JOHNSTON Main S t . , Guilford JOANNE D . JOHNSTON 83 Washington St . . Winchc ter, Mass. MARY E . JORDA 1 73 Summit Ave . , Summit , . J.

ALICE T . KABLE 49 Silver S t . , Waterville TEMA J . KA PLAN 70 Winche ter St., Brookline, Mass . JOAN K E L BY 923 President St .. Brooklyn, N. Y . ELLEN KENERSON 14 Brooks St., Winchester, Mass.

MARY LOU A . K I LKENNY 57 Chan ning Rd., Belmont, Mass. FRANCES F . K I MBALL outh St., Gorham AUDREY P. K ING I Edgett St., Bath R . FAY K LAFSTAD 8 Brookside Ave . , Belmon t , Mass. A TOINETTE R . K LAMENT 1 8 Danforth St., Norway DO RIS L . K N IGHT 534 Parkway Ave., Trenton, N . ] . D O R I S L . KOSHINA 8 Overlook Pk., East Port Che ter, Conn. BAR BARA A . KOSTER 29 Broad S t . , Rockland ELIZABETH H . KOSTER Quaker Ridge Farm, Freeport VERA KOZLOWSKI 354 Hutchinson Ave., Mt. Vernon, . Y. SARAH F. KUNKEL 26 Lewi Rd., Swampscott, Mass. MAR ION LaCASCE Fryeburg PRISC I LLA C. LEACH 346 Franklin St . , Framingham, Mass. LOU ISE J . LEAVENWORTH 147 Circular Ave., Waterbury, Con n . A. LEAVITT HELE . J. 1 50 Tryon . ve., Englewood, ELAI E R. LEHTONEN 43 Audubon Rd., Ea t Braintree, Ma s. MARY E . LEIGHTO R . F . D., Wallingford, Con n . C A R O L J . LEONARD 145 Silver St., Dover, N. H. CO TA CE M . LEONARD 47 Cary vc . , M i lton, Mass. CYNTH I A A. LESLIE 30 Summer St., M •thuen, Mass. JANET S . LESLIE 30 Summer St. Methuen, Ma s. ELISABETH L . LEVARDSE 438 Upp r Blvd . , Ridgewoo<l, N. J . RUTH LEVERETT 269 Clay S t . , Hackensack, . J. ELLEN A. LEWlS 54 Malcolm Rd., Jamaica Plain, Mass. RAE FRANCES L I B BY 75 Coyle S t . , Portland JEANNE LITTLEFIELD 96 College Ave . , Waterville E L IZABETH H . L IVINGSTONE 97 Moran Rd . , Gro se Pointe Farms, Mi h. MARY GLENN LOBDELL Berkshire Farm, Canaan, . Y. ARDES B . LOCKHART North Main St . , Caribou ROBERTA LONGLEY 7 Nudd S t . , Waterville MARTHA W . LOUGHMAN 1 8 Frcdana Rd . . Waban, Mass. PATRICIA A. LOVE R . F. D . # 1 , East Chatham, . Y. PATRICIA A. LYDON 1 02 Bartlett St., Charlestown, Ma s . S A L L Y P . McCORMACK Y. 410 Bradford Pk wy., Syracuse, A RLENE I . McCURDA P. 0. 1orth Whitefield, Jefferson JEAN L. MacDONALD 3 Wil liams St., Nort h Quin y, Mass. NANCY A. MacDONALD 3 Williams St., orth Quin y , Mas . FLORENCE W. McDONELL ! I A A l len Pl., Radburn, N . J. PAU L IN E E . McINTYRE I Brown St., 1orway CAROLYN N . McLEAN 48 Ken wood St . . Portland JANE E . McLEOD 20 Windemere Cir., Braintree, Mass. CARLENE F. MacPHERSON 68 Seavey S t . , Cumberland M i l l SUSAN H . M c P H E R ON Presque I s le

24 Hour Service

28 Passenger Busses




S p o r t i n g

G o o d s

Wh ite Top Cobs With

S upplies for

2- Woy Radio Communication


Stand: Hotel Elmwood Room 1 0 1

Telephone 5 8

W. B. A R N O L D C O.


"Establish ed Over o Century"


Complim ents of





Federal Reserve System


2 1 3 Main Street

Federal Deposit Insurance

Waterville. Maine


Telephone 24 1 0-W

S T U D E N T N E L L I E G. MA DO GALL Meadow St., Bingham MARGA RET H . MACPHERSON . Y. 20 North Hroad' ay, White Plain , ANNE M . MAGEE Diamond H i l l Rd., Manville, R. I . *DOLORES T . MAL LEY 1 �4 Colkge Ave., Waterville J EAN MALOOF 697 We t Roxbury Pkwy., We · t Roxbui-y, Mas . E TA G. MANDELL 30 Roose,·c lt Ave., Watcrvi l l M. •IARKER C H AN 1 6 Jerome P l . , Upper Mont lair, ' · J . KAT H LEEN L . MARKHAM 68 Middle St., kowhegan S H I RLEY I. MA RSHALL 1 8 Brook S t . , Waterville JOAN C . MARTIN 520 Cory Pl., Westfield, N. J. MATTHE M A R I LY 33 Fernald Ave . , Haverhill, J\lass. DORR IS MAY 'E 3552 33rd St., San Die •o, alif. BARBARA J . M E L L I N 1 8 Marmion Rd., Melrose, J\ l ass. JANE L . M E R R I LL 12 School S t . , Georgetown, Mass. PATR I C IA L . M E R R I L L 1 0 6 edric Rd., .!'! cwton Centre. Mass. RUTH E . MERR I MAN 46 South A e., Mel rose, J\ l a BETTY A . METCALF 4 7 Oxford St . , H ar t '.ord , Conn. L I LL I AN MEYER 91 Hil lside Ave . , Teaneck, N . ] . N N E W . M I L LER 43 Beach Rd . , Monmouth Beach, r J . BARBARA L. M I LLER 45 Jonson St., Newington. DORIS B . M I LLER 250 Ward S t . , Newton Cent re, [ass. EDNA MAE M I L LER [as . 235 Oak St., Holyoke, JOAN S. M I LLETT 89 Mystic Valley Pkwy . , Wincheste r, Ma s . U DREY E . MORGAN 3 1 7 South Pleasant St., Amher t, Mass. ANN A. MORR ISON 1 9 Cushman St., Augusta ALYCE ] . MOSKOWITZ 33 Rich Ave . , Mt. Vernon, N . Y. PATR I C lA E. MOSS 208 Belgrove Dr., Kearny , ' J . ELAINE K . M ULLER J. cw York Ave., Dumon t , 1 14 PAT R I C l A F . M U R RAY 2 1 Court St . , Farmington ANNALEE C. NELSON 1 34 3rd Ave., Pe lham, N . Y. NANCY NELSON Duquesn� H sc . , F t . Hill Viii., Scar dale, N . Y . NANCY E . NEWMAN 169 Bradlee Ave . , Swampscott. Mass. H ELEN R. N IC K E RSON . Y. 53-4-0 2 1 2t h St . . Bayside, W I NONA T. N I LE 4-0 Manning Rd .. Waltham, Mass. NANCY A . N I LSON 51 Oak S t . . Milton. Mass. C H ARLOTTE R. NOBLE 2 1 Woodland Rd . . Malde n , Mass. LOIS M . NORWOOD Warren F RANCES E. NOURSE 22 Woodmont S t .. Portland ELAINE F . NOYES 24 Columbia St . , Augusta

JANE O'DONNELL 39 Third St., Presque I s le PAT R I C I A D. OMARK 1 5 Upyonda Way, Rumford, R . I . ANN ORTH 1 1 2 Pleasant St., 'ewton Centre, Mass. ANNE OSBORNE . J. 35 Harding Rd. , G len Rock, * In attendance fi rs t seme ter only.


H E LEN H . PALEN 60 Morningside Ave . , Waterbury, Conn . D I ANE PAL MER 62 Woodcliff Rd . , Wellesley H i l ls, Mass. KATHA R I N E C . PA RKER 7 Ledgewood S t . , Win he ter, Mass. JOANNE P E I RCE 30 Brookfield Rd., Waltham, Mass. J EAN E F. PELLET I E R Y. entre, 83 Linden t . , Ro kvi l le PE R K ! S M A R I LY 1 1 I na S t . , Springfield, Mas . JA ET M. PERR IGO 59 Cent ral St., J-lallO\ ell JA 'E C . PERRY -17 Masonic St., Rockland CHA RL01TE E. PETTEE 93 Oakland S r . , Watervi l le CELI A J. P H I L BROOK JU Burton t . , Westbrook MARGA R ET D . PI ERCE 319 Lexington ve. Oneida. N . Y. R UTH E. PIE RCE 24 Bayle,, Ter., South Weymo u t h , Mass. M. M RJORIE PL ISTED Lincolnvi l le A I E c. PLOWM N 25 Morse S t . , Portland LOR RAI E A . POMERLEAU 2 Morrisoo Ave . , Waterville LOI H . P O L I N _ 8 Greenwood t . , Watcn·illc H I LDEGARDE D. PRATT 1 45 East Second S t . , Corning, 1\:. Y. TA CE H. PREBLE CO -171 Rivard Blvd., Gro se Pointe, Mich. LO IS L . PRENTISS 9 Leighton St., Waterville MARGARET L . PRESTON 6 1 04 Lombard S t . , Cheverly, Md. J A N ET PRIDE 37 Foxcroft Rd. , Winchester. ]\fa BEYERL Y F . P R IOR t., South Portland 1 98 Margaret

S H r R LEY L . RAYNOR 1 96 Forest Park Ave. , pringficld. Mass. DONA J . RECORD . Y. 89 Leland Rd., Rochester, MARYLOU REED Woolwich SUE REES 15 Shepley St., Auburn J EAN 0. REM I NGTON 63 Melrose S t . , Needham, Ma s. SYLVIA L . R ICE 54 Lawton Rd . . Needham, Ma s. A CY L. R ICKER 40 Court St . , Boston, Mass. MAY A. R IEKER 1 5 East Levering Mill Rd., Cynwyd, Pa . H E LEN L. RITSHER 229 Longmeadow St., Longmeadow, Mass. BETTY-LOU R IVERS 11 Central Ave . , Newtonville, Mass. CAROLYN L . ROBERTS 26 Henderson S t . , Brownville Junction MARY-LOUISE ROBERTS 153 Bayard St., Providence, R . I . M A RGARET S . RODGERS 22 Prospect Ave . , Swampscot t , Ma s. ANN RODNEY 4018 Hampton, Elmhurst, . Y. A L IC E R. ROGERS 151 Plea ant St., Rockland JOAN S. ROGERS 12 Hazelwood Ave., Waterville JOYCE A . ROOT 2951 Whitney Ave . , M t . Carmel, Con n . PAT R I C I A 0. ROOT 27 Mt. Pleasant S t . , Winchester, Mass. MAXINE A . ROSENBERG ew Bedford, Mass. 40 Oaklawn St.. C L A I R E L . ROSENSTON 629 Wa lk H i l l S t . . Mattapa n , Mass. A . FRANCES ROSSITER . Y. Jefferson Ave., Bayville, JANET ROYAL 1 1 9 South Main St North Brooldield, Mass.

D. S H I RLEE RUBIN 419 Union C t . Elizabeth, N . ]. ELEANOR L. RUNKLE 1 44 Mt. Pleasant Ave . , G lou ester, J\1ass. MARJO R I E RUSSELL 26 orth St., Plymou t h , Mass. GRACE RUTHERFORD 8 Wallace Ave . , Mt. Vernon, N . Y. A N E . RYAN 20- Davis D r . , Bristol, PAT R I C I A G. SALES 33 King's Bea h Ter., Swamp cot t , Mass. D IANE B . ARGENT 17 G len Ave . , Cape Elizabeth MARY F. ARGE T 1 1 7 Albion P l . , Passaic, '. J . BARBARA A. SCOTT orth Main S t . , Palmer, Mas . 635 JOAN C. EEK INS 5 Douglass ve. , Norwood, ]\fa s . NANCY I . SEMON IAN Potter St . , Concord, Mas . MARY NNE EW RD ollege, Pa. 720 Thomas t . , tate E ANGELI E FERE South Windham ELI ZABETH SHAW 2+ Grafton Ave . , M.ilton, Ma JEAN I NE L. HAW West Scarboro SA LLY N . SHAW 32- 1 1 2 1 3tb St., Bayside, 1 • Y . MARJ O R I E A. SHEARMAN 1 63 Eighth S t . . Cresskill , - . J. W . SHEPPARD JEA 33 Lovell Rd., Melrose, Ma LEANNE M . S H I BLE 4 1 Monroe Ave . , We tbrook CHARLOTTE J. HO L 33 Nobscot Rd., 1ewton Centre. J\lass. !STER MARY ALFRED 54 Elm St . , Waterville NANCY L. MALL High S t . , East Machias ELIZABETH ] . SMART 1 40 Laurel Hill Rd., fountain Lake , N . J. RUTH V . SMART Bailey Farm, M i lo CAROL S. M ITH 1 5 Dale St., 'ewtonvi lle, Mas . DEBORAH SM ITH 86 Brooks S t . , West Medford, Ma JEAN C. SMITH 488 West Main S t . , orth Adams, Mass. LO IS M. SM ITH 28 Gilman S t . , Waterville MA R I LYN A. SOUTTER 15 Roosevelt Ave., Waterville JUNE M . STA I RS 74 Rockland St . , Swampscott, Mass. BARBARA STARBUCK 1 5 Cambridge Rd., Scarsdale, N . Y. BARBARA E. STARR 1 4 Norton Rd., Quincy, Mas . JANE A. STEADY 21 Prospect S t . , Lakenort, N. H. CHARLOTTE B . STERN 383 North Ave .. Fanwood, N. J . RUTH H . STETSON ewcastle Glidden S t . . JOAN V. STEWART 1 0 1 -42 109th S t . . Richmond H i l l , N . Y. MYRA D. STICKNEY New Gloucester CAROLYN ] . STI GMAN 1 34 Cumberland St., Cumberland M i l ls ELLEN D. STILES 9 Rowan Rd., Summit. N . J. PRISC IL LA A . STORRS Manchester Center, Vt. M A RG A RET E. STOWELL 44 Woodland Ave .. Bronxville, N . Y. ALF.NE L . SYLVESTER Albion LUCILLE E . TARR 1 5 76 Fore t Ave. . Portland CAROL A. THACKER 219 Harris Ave., eedham, Mass.


Spring Brook


Ice and Fuel Company

Waterville Hardware and Plumbing Supply



FUEL and R A N G E O I L

* 1 2 Sanger Avenue Waterville, Maine





for Security



45 Front Street Waterville, Maine


1 82 Main Street Waterville, Maine


M A RGUERITE A. THACKERAY 8 Oxford Ave . , Ridlonville MARY W . THOMAS 1 0 Center St., Waterville ANNE E . THOM PSON 77 Concord St . , Nashua . H. LOIS L . T H O R N D I K E 1 6 Russell Ave . , Rockport DOROTHY M. T H U R BER Uncas ille, Conn . NORENE T I BBETTS 1 1 2 Dartmouth S t . , Portland *BARBARA J . TIRSBIER 24 West Clay Ave . , Roselle Pk . , N . J . J E A N T ITUS I H igh Rd., Newbury, Mass. E IL EE N V. TOLKOWSKY 393 West End Ave . , New York, ' · Y . H ELEN L . TORR ew Yor k , N . Y . 250 West 22nd St . , JACQUELINE P. TOULOUSE 49 Water St., Waterville S H I RLEY M. TOWN 1 98 Prospect St. Berli n , . H. ED ITH TOZI E R West Saddle River Rd., Saddle River, . J. PR ISC ILLA C. TRACEY 25 Woods!:±= S t . , Salem, Mass.

BARBARA J . VAN EVERY 2432 Channing Rd . , University Hts., Ohio BARBARA D . VAUGHAN Gorham


JANICE R. VAUG HAN White Oaks Rd., Laconia, N . H. PAULINE A. V ITKAUSKAS 99 Williams St . , orthampton, Mass. PAU LI N E S. WAKEFIELD Elm S t . , Bucksport CAROL A. WALKER 605 Middle St . , Bath EVELYN L . WALKER 52 Rochester St., Westbrook JOYCE G . WALLACE Elm Ave . , Monument Beach, Mas . ALMA M. WARD 6 Gray Circle, Arlington, Mass. FAITH WARD 1 56 Springdale Rd., Princeton, . J. E. H EN R I ETTA WARENDORF 7 Edgewood Rd., Scarsdale, N . Y. DOROTHY J . WASHBURN 7 Park Ave . , cw York, . Y. RUTH E. WATT 35 Roosevelt Ave., Holyoke, Mass. NANCY B . WEARE 23 Cedar Dr., Great 'e k, N. Y. NANCY J. WEBBER 1 03 South S t . , Bath SUZANNE WEBSTER 87 West Main St., Westboro BARBARA C. WENTWORTH 6 Franklin S t . , Belfast JANET F . WEST Willow Rd., Lawrenceville, N. J . HAROLDENE WHITCOMB 28 Vanderbilt Rd . , Scarsdale, N . Y.

* In attendance first semester only .

J EAN P. WHITCOMB Chester, Vt. JUNE D . WH ITE 8 1 Brackett Rd., Newton, Mass. MARY J . WH ITE 227 Washington Ave., Pleasantville, N. Y . MARY L. W H ITE 8 Hudson Ave . , Guillord LEDA H . WHITNEY 1 72 Church St . , Oakland CONSTANCE M . W ILEY 109 Main St., Sanford JOANNE S. W I LKES 4 1 Glenmore Dr., New Rochelle, N . Y. CAROLINE S . W I L K INS 405 Main St., Medfield, Mass. CAROLYN E. WILL IAMS 1 9 1 Sandwich St . , Plymouth, Mass. NANCY H . W I LLIAMS Hatchville Rd., East Falmouth, Mass. M A RY H . WILSON 1 5 Moses Brown St., Providence, R . I. C H R ISTINE E. WINTER Depot St . , Kingfield JOAN WITHI NGTON 63 Dryads Green, orthampton, Mass. BARBARA J . WYMAN 39 Newton St., Portland JOANNE J. YEATON Flagstaff V I RGINIA A. YOUNG 1 1 0 Federal St., Salem, Mass.

Are the men of your home


satisfied with their


S h i rt Serv i c e ?

If not . . .

They have not tried ours lately RELIABLE INSURANCE Buttons Replaced


Same-Day Service When Desired

Every Description

NATIONAL Steam Laundry

Dry Cleaning

Res to-Tone


1 85 Main Street

Tel ephone 468


Waterville, Maine

Compliments of


A lph a Delta Pi Chi O mega Del t a Del t a Del t a Sigm a Kappa

Youthful - Q ua lity - Clothes for

College Girls

E M E RY- BROW N CO. Waterville








STEAM LAUNDRY J e w e l e r •

1 45 Main Street Waterville, Maine

Waterv i l l e ' s ' ' Diamond" Headqua rters



42 Main Street

Neilson, Whitridge & Reid, Inc.

Lewiston, Maine Maine's Leading Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors and Dealers Roofing and Sheet Metal Work on the Roberts' Union,

Lorimer Chapel and

Miller Library by Hahnel Bros.


Co . ,

also Fabricators and Erectors of the Weathervane atop the M iller Library. OSCAR R. H A H N EL, President

SO Congress Street


Boston, Massachusetts

Bangor Roofing & Sheet Metal Co. Bangor, Maine













Canned Fruits - Canned Vegetables

Sa les Representative

Teas - Coffees - Relishes - Condiments


Boston, Massachusetts


Purveyors of Fine Foods at Wholesale Sin ce 1 886 Dine where they serve tem pting pre­ serves and jel l ies from Sexton's S u n­


shine K itchens. They are f a m o u s in states for their pure fruit goodness.

Fresh Fruits - Fresh Vegetables Canned Foods - Dairy Products Birds Eye Frozen Foods


HANNAFORD BROS. COMPANY Portland Telephone : Portland

Maine 2-28 1 1



Compliments of

48 Main Street


Telephone 520


19 Temple Street

Waterville, Maine

Hallmark Greeting Cards


Compliments of


G. Keit h Emery Mohil gas Station

"Maine's Best"


2 College A venue Waterville, Maine

73 College A venue

Telephone 82

Waterville. Maine

Telephone 2460

Road Service

Post Office Square Esso Station Waterville

Wood's Texaco Service T E X A C O PROD U CTS F I R ESTO N E T I R ES - BATT E R I ES "Service As

Maine N. P. S A PORITA

Bob-In Coffee Shop Specializing in


Like It"

Telephone 2204

9 College Avenue

Waterville, Maine

Waterville Esso Service Center


Comer of Front and Temple Streets Waterville, Maine

50 College Avenue Waterville, Maine Telephone 28 1 8

Compliments of

Compliments of

Mowry's Credit Jewelers

La Verdiere's Drug Store


I 77 Main Street 45 Main Street

Waterville, Maine Telephone 1 06

You Can A lways D epend On


� I

Ralph Good, ' 1 0,





Tel. Waterville 1 320

Waterville, Maine

Telephone 864

LAUNDERERS and CLEANERS A u tomatic Odorless Cleaning At Its Best


Can ada Dry Bot t l ing Company O F WAT E R V I L L E , I N C . B o ttlers a n d Distributors o f

Roy's Model Shop 1 97-A Main Street Waterville, Maine


Sul l i van's Cl eaners

Compliments of



P R E S S I N G - R E PA I R I N G


Telephone 629-R

Telephone 768

5 Getchell Street

90 Main Street

Waterville, Maine

Waterville, Maine



Compliments of

Evangel ine's Beauty Salon Telephone 4 1 0

2 0 Common Street Waterville, Maine

Compliments of

IRVING A. MOODY J E W E L E R 57 Main Street Waterville, Maine

Compliments of


Compliments of

LAUNDERETTE Store Hours: Monday - 8 A . M . - 7 P.M. Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sa t . , - 9 A . M . - 5 : 3 0 P.M. Wednesday - 9 A. M . - 1 2:30 P.M.

Compliments of


35 Main Street Waterville, Maine

Nichols Shirt Laundry 27 Hillside A venue Waterville, Maine Telephone 88

"Furniture That Makes Friends" Shirts Finished The Way You Want Them

21 Main Street Waterville, Maine

3 Day Service - Free Button Service

Puritan Restaurant GIGUERE'S Barber S hop & Bea uty Parlor

Where The Better Food Is Served Food For Particular People STEAK - C H I CKEN - CHOPS - SEA FOOD - At A l l T i m es -

Telephone 680


1 46 Main Street

1 5 1 Main Street Waterville, Maine

Waterville, Maine

Good Bye Good

. . .




A Pleasant Voyage To Wherever You're Going

Webber's Dairy Inc .



SID'S 2 8 Silver Street Waterville, Maine


FERRIS BROTHER S Goodyear Tires and Batteries


Heated Storage


24 Hour Service


C O L L E G E S,




Dolan Flavoring Co. Portland, Maine


9 2 Pleasant Street

Waterville, Maine

Tel ephone 1 52

New Metro Bowl




" Where Friends Meet" The Home of Champions Waterville, Maine

1 College A ve.

Compliments of

D A Y ' S J EW E L E RS a n d O PT I C I A N S Established 1 9 1 4

Waterville, Maine

1 3 0 Main Street

Telephone 207 1

For Service, Dependability a n d Q uality Call

Dexter Drug Stores INCORPORATED 1 1 8 Main St. 2 Clinton A ve.

Waterville, Maine Winslow, Maine Telephone s :

Waterville Store-2095

Winslow Store-363

L E V I N E ' S THE COLBY MEN'S STORE Whether It's Formal or Informal We Have What' s Needed Ludy, '2 1



Pacy, '27

Sterns, '29

Compliments of


Howie, '4 1

George H. Sterns, '3 1

Herbert D. Sterns, '4 1


S T E R N S Waterville




" The Store of Famous Brands"

Telephone 1 224

R. E. DRAPEAU Everything Electrical 1 34- 1 36 Main Street Waterville, Maine

Compliments of

HOTEL JAMES Roberts Square Waterville. Maine

Clothes for the Particular Man Next to Elm's Restaurant Temple Street Easy Payment Plan for Your Convenience

H arris Retail Store

Compliments of

Waterville, Maine

Main Street

Telephone 397

Farrow's Booksho p

Porty Cokes and Pastries Mode to Order

Main and Temple Streets


Waterville, Maine

EVELYN CARDIN Compliments o f


LA D I ES' S P E C I A LTY S H O P 42 Main Street

Waterville, Maine Telephone 394-W

Compliments of

G. S. FLOOD CO., Inc. COAL - O I L



H E N R Y D . McAVOY, Manager Telephone Waterville 600

Telephone 8 4 0



" Famous for Life-Like Portraits "

Compliments o f


E l m Cit y Toba cco and Confe ctione ry Co., Inc.

PREBLE STUDIO 0. K. B R A D B U R Y 68 M ai n Street

Waterville, Maine

* 25 Main Street Waterv ille, Maine


T h i s was

V o I u m e Designed,







E n g raved

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P r i n ted

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