CHNICALLY, COLBY is merely one of many small New England At the same time, she has a unique character born out of the efforts of her faculty, administration and students. In fact, all those connected with COLBY have a concept of what she should be, their own particular Idea of colleges.
University. The translation of these myriad thoughts into action has given us COLBY as she is today, as she will be in the future.
We will reason backwards and forwards, presuming that part of our fam:.Jy tree which is now yellowed pictures and memorial buildings tells us just as much about CoLBY as we do. We will watch us evolve. Where? In 1813, the Baptist Association had a title, Maine Literary and Theological Institute, which struggled to become a material phenomenon. The legal technicalities were prolonged and tedious, but finally permission to establish a college at Waterville-on-the-Kennebec was granted.
The Civil War weakened
the college but strengthened its female members, a revolt which has not subse quently been stifled.
Nevertheless, the Darwinian progression had, by in large,
regressed when Gardiner Colby contributed enough money to reconstruct us and the name.
1867 - Colby University.
1899 - Colby College.
By the early l 900's, Waterville had virtually surrounded our 30 acre campus.
The passing MCR shook the buildings, stopped classes, and covered the students with soot.
The downtown campus did not allow expansion and was, we might
assume, inconducive to quiet study. imminently desirable .
A larger and more desirable location was
Such a drastic change aroused a great deal of controversy,
On June 13, 1930, the Board of Trustees pup lished the statement that ". . . the college, as the means can be obtained and it is feasible, should be moved to a new and more adequate location."
editorials and finally a decision .
We return to our first question, where? Some said Augusta, but Waterville was the sentimental favorite. Soon the college began its pilgrimage to Mayflower Hill. In order to understand the enormity of this move, we must remember that in the l 930's the whole country was trying to crawl to its feet, with little success. Our plans to raise the necessary three million dollars bordered on the fantastic. Nevertheless we forged ahead, spurred on perhaps by the insane but highly adequate belief that "things will work out somehow." President Johnson coined the campaign slogan, "a new campus for old COLBY."
Jens Frederick
ar on wa
cha en to de i n the new campus.
tecture was nominat d "m traditions and the olved variou enu m erat he e
In this
en ral atmo phcr
probl m .
The planners faced and
bri f bi tor,
can not e en attempt to
ti n of the financing of fraternit cho l and l a
id d, would b built b. the
ay th
ew England
f the colle e. ·•
l t hou h thi
the e, a sam ple i
Colonial Archi
t appropriate, con id ring the Old
d to the fraterniti
chool cou ld in ur
to the per onalitie
m mb r
grandeur creep in the newcom r
rath r th n have con iderations of house
i ion .
common m n's dining room was
con tructed to further inter-fraternity acquaintance. The outstandin
problem was mon
om how, howe er, things did work
out and the campu
reached a major
Chapel was th
mi h d bui ldin ; the ot11er
while the cam pu
I if
plit b
ta e of completion in
n cla
next mov ment?
n ,. r
po ibilitie
for ex }oration and d ' lopment.
increa ed.
character of a Our bet\
mall colle e although
i at time
probabl: b h ,.
them elvc .
earin , w a rath
rem in d the
ign of t h i
final but alwa s opens up new
\\ e ha e retained our original
the definition of the word
that th
ame; y t '
, but i t i
investigating our intere t in
part, on how we a
f all po ible world '' ' ould
have changed. Jan.
not d th t th If.
\Ve are mo ing in the
The fir t
e were du
ar of i
pro rams
to individual lacks
1o t of us ha e enjo ed the challenge of
u jects w
touched, of tackJing a t heor.
1o t r cent! 'in th i our
d individu I indep ndence of thought.
the newl' er at d J anuar,
ome failur
to inhabit.
pH itly r ali
more than tho e of the plan
functioning entity.
the ne t m u sical theme, the
lthough the Jack of pri a ' con equent to thi
reali in
dull plac
direction of a more saw
For a
ize permits a per on I a ociation bet\ een faculty and students and
en the tuc.lcn
a thorough!
ii nee - where i
The pr viou
e on the h i l l and dormitories down
town but th n m iraculou ly, i\l ayffow r Hil l ' a After the mu ic come
were added gradually.
wou ld have probably not otherwise
t incom prehensible.
e qui ent nnial ear w hav ace pted the chal lenge of The
u ce
a cept th
of this n w
chall ng
dep nd , in larg
of our academic career .
The Maine Central Railroad passes through
Old Campus on the Kennebec River
ca m paa for Colby
CoUe1e, which
calion to a new elte two mllea
dt.tant bu been actively r•
awned by th• Colby truaten havlnc
four yean •Ion.
rrcdf'fd� Lef"M11.
ercau.ct, J.
W1terrille. Me.
for the
after put
of the deprea-
Althousb an occaalonal new colJece bu been atarted on a amall
Tbe campua layout wu
Different Site
tract of aome eoo acre• waa purchaaed by cltlzena of th• community. and preaented to tbe college In 1831.. A cttt from a grad · city.
faculty commttteea.
functlona and
atudent Ula of the make th• lllOlt
college, aa well aa to
of tbe tnte....U ns lan.S-pe � 1lbllltlea of the alb. Th• buUcllnp will be of red brick and white trim, ID tbe early American etyle. The central and dominant atruc
uate made It po18lble to conatruct the campua drtvea and clear oft the land. The approaching road9 ba v• ture i. to be the library, which, It lnat.ancea In wbicb an old eatab- been partly conatructed by tbe city , .. boped, will be erected aa memo Uahed college, with tbe momentwn of Waterville, and rial to Elijah P&rlab Lovejoy, a atretch of more tban century of educa- nectlng the campui with direct Colby graduate who wu ldlled tlonal eervlce and tradltlona behind route from tbe center of tbe city i. Df9UIY a century ago becauae of IWI It, bu propoeed to seek tbe advan- now being built u a WPA project. editorial cruaad• ag&lnat alavery. tacea of a tunctlonally planned Sewer and other 11rvlce uWIUea are The Plana DeKrtbe4 modern INllng laid. nd completely ; 1 The alopln& green ID front of the en : r ick L&non, ottl dal ad· library will be flanked by two row e Fred J. : a auch for drutlc Th• nuon :::: vbory architect for th• AMoclatlon of cla.uroom bulldlnp , the 8Clencea move II found In the· location of the of American Collecea and archltect on one lllde and th• hwnanlU. on pr1Mnt campua, whlcb WLI laid out the recently completed Intern&- th• other. Th• chapel wUI be at on the we>oded bank of the Kenn.. Uonal Studenb Union In Parla, u on• lllde and on a hJ&'ber elevation. bee River on th• oubklrU of a vii- well aa nwneroua college and uniDlqonally to the rear of the lqe. Since time the llttla vent!y =np tlWI :un� library wW be the men'• rul4enca campu. bu become llUl'rounded by om oned comprlalng groupe, uecu P Water- .... city th• fraternity houae. and IOClal union. viii• and hemmed In by bl1bway, Thi women'• dormltorl• and railroad and river. Thoup tbe union are to be on the oppollte mldl present plant la coDllldered ad.. of the main campua. Thi admlnl9quate for the Um• beln&' . th• Colby tratlon bulldlng and auditorium are truatee. ooncluded, when they tried to be conveniently p near ento formulate a tons-ranee plan for trancu to the campu. thl dty apanaton and improvement, that road . Th• p:E t and plarth• present alte could be eaU. Ing flelda will bl In thl raar of the factory even with the upendltun men'• boualng unite. of Jars• auma . The plana allow or tutun apan'nae :N... ()oatlrme4 aton of the 00U1... altlioup It la acala
�1. Mter a Hundred Years It' �:n �;a;:wat�1:Un'!:-' tro :!"':C:�i. lb I<> with Proposes to Move to caretull)'
HE project T
......., ._ ,..
may he mOTed to
bulldlns•. thla
well-planned one of tbe ttnt
\ \
body at time
pre.nt and
lim it for the oonftrUCtlon
will beatn wbeneftr flmda an band to Incl the lnd1dlDp -
work at
thla Illa. No date bu bMD met for th• -pllahmant of thla pal. l'Nlll dant l'nmll1ID W. Joia baa __. Uia& sa.000.000 wm ba DMded for the D.. plant. Al tbousll Colllr Coll....... ftMlyad
.-.,,. to accommodate a collep of
'fte ....w-t ., c:.a, C.O.a-
Dr. PrukU. w. J--
[::: '!.81-:t•.: �-==
, It .............. to ._. t.lda u a part of permaamt ...... -t of thl ......... . ... · UI)' of It for�� - I
First completed building: Lorimer Chapel
Between oId and new
Site of new \Vomen's Dorm
D dicated to our h istorian, rn
u mmin farriner
ADMINISTRATION, Present and Past, Robert E. L. Strider and John S. Bixler.
FRA C E S F. SEAMAN Dean of Women
Dean of
E. PARKER JOHNSON Dean of 'Faculty
RALPH S. WILLIAMS Administrative Vice-President
EDWARD H. TURNER Vice-President for Development
JONAS D. ROSENTHAL Administrative Assistant to the President
RICHARD N. DYER Assistant to the President
WILLIAM A. MACOMBER Director of Adult Education
EARLE A. McKEEN Director of Placement
WILLIAM L. BRYAN Director of Admissions
REB CC Recorder
CoUege Historian
College Editor
Director of Schedule
JOHN McKENNA Librarian
GEORGE E. WALON Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds
ENGLISH, First Row: R. Mark Benbow, Robert E. L. Strider, John H. Sutherland, Joseph B. Yokelson. Second Row: Daniel F. Kirk, John I. Iorio, William C. Wees, David Fong, Peter Westervelt.
First Row: Eileen M. Curran, Alfred K. Chapman, Alice P. Comparetti. Second Row: Irving D. Suss, F. Celand Witham, Richard Cary, Arra M. Garab, Frances X. Mathews. Absent: Colin E. MacKay. ENGLISH,
WDERN LA GUAGES, First Row: Gordon W. Smith, Henry D. SChmidt, John F. McCoy, John Kempers, Philip . Bither. econd Row: Jo ph F. Carroll, Francisco A. Cauz, David Tanun, Wayne M. Judah, Robert S. Cox. Absent: Archille H. Biron.
ART: C. Abbot Meader, Margaret K. Miller, James M . Carpcnt r, Mrs. McKenna, William B. Miller.
Ermanno MUSIC: Dorothy Reuman.
Archibald W. Allen. CLASSICS, Seated: Peter Westervelt,
George G. Welch, Jr.
D 11 'l TRATJO, :
Arthur \ .
eepe, Ralph
Yvonne R. Fisher, Walter H. Zukowski. . Williams, Henry . Ccmcry.
Social Sciences
SOCIOLOGY : Jonas O. Geib, King I y H. Birge.
E ·o. 0\.11 S, Seated: Wi!lkr . Bn•ck nridgc. umdi,tg: St41nlcy Bober, Hol�rt W. Pulkn.
Frederick A.
HISTORY-GOVERNMENT: Clifford J. Berschneider, David Bridgman, K. Frederick Gillum, Albert A. Mavernac, Harold B. Raymond, Keyvan Tabari, Marvin G. Weinbaum.
PSYCHOLOGY-EDUCATION: Norman S. Smith, E. Parker Johnson, James M. Gillespie, Paul P. Perez, James L. Fozard.
. Clark, Clifford H . PHILOSOPHY-RELIGIOr , First R01 : Mohit K. Haldar, John Osborne. Second Row: G u ta\'e H . Tod.rank Yaeger Hudson, Jay E. Bachracb.
Am SCIENCE, First Row: Capt. Gerard H . Culp, Lt. Col. Harry E . Peterson, Capt. Merrltte P. Woodward, Jr. Second Row: T/Sgt. John W. Parkes, S/Sgt. John M. Maxwell, Jr., M!Sat. John A. Peteraon.
MATHEMATICS, Seated: Lucille P. Zukowski, Wilfred J. Combellack. A. Junghans, Homer T. Hayslett, Jr., Norman E. Wheeler.
Natural Sciences
CHEMISTRY: Evans B. Reid,}. Richey, Wilmon B. Chipman, Wendell A. Ray.
Thomas W. Easton, Ronald B. Davis, Allan C. BIOLOGY: Scott, Robert L. Terry.
PHY IC : W. Beatty.
Hic:ko. , Jr.
luriel Koon ,
B. u tin. harle F.
. Fairley, Dennison Bancroft, James
Physical Education
on P. WJ!liams, E. Jan t Mnrchant, Gilbc-rt F. Loc-bs, PHY ICAL EOUCATJO , eatetl: landing: K â&#x20AC;¢nn th T. Wcinb I, John B. Simpson, Faith 1arjorie Bith r, John W. Winkin. . Holt, Jr. Ison, Charle arl Gulick,
CAP and GOWN, First Row: A. Sewall, Mrs. Webster, D. Emerson. Palmer, K. Beganny, P. French, B. Read.
Second Row:
J. W. Miller, P. Vogt, R. Kimball, C. Carey, R. Gula, B. Petrakis.
:\JOR hs nt:
: . Quirion, P. Frcn h. cwman, O. Trai tcr.
. l
. Proctor, M. Raikes, C. Peters, T. Kellogg.
Phi Beta Kappa
Beth Brown Jean A.
iel on
u an Robert
J on F. Hall Brian G. Laura H .
1cAlar ewrnan
1nth ia J. Peter al l
. Proctor
Anne M. Quirion 1arjorie R. Walton Wi lliam 1 J. With r
Wayne, Pennsylvania
Chi Omega 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3; Freshmen Orientation Com mittee 3, 4; Women's Uµion Committee 3, 4; Hangout 1, 2, 3; Dorm Council 2, 3; Outing Club 2, 3; Glee Club l; French Club 4; Junior Advisor.
Barrington, Rhode Island
Alpha Delta Pi 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 2, 3, Executive Commit tee 2, 3, Jeweler 3; Rodger Williams 2; Young Republicans 2; Dorm Council 3; International Relations Club 4.
New York, New York
Alpha Delta Phi 1, 2, 3, 4; International Relations Club 3, 4; Outing Club 3, 4.
Milton, Massachusetts
Delta Kappa Epsilon 1 , 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3, 4; Basketball l; Baseball 1; John Marshall Society 2.
JEANNE S. ANDERSON Brunswick, Maine
Sigma Kappa 2, 3, 4, Scholarship Chairman 2, 3; EPIC I ; Chapel Choir l; Echo 1, 2, 3, 4, Editorial Board 3, 4; Hangout 1 , 2; Junior Advisor; Subhead 3; International Relations Club 4. MICHAEL D. ARCHER
St. Davids, Pennsylvania
Alpha Tau Omega 1, 2, Treasurer 2; Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; International Relations Club 2, 3, 4, C<rChairman 4; Freshman Hockey; Varsity Hockey 2, 3; Varsity Tennis 4.
St. Davids, Pennsylvania
Zeta Psi 1, 2, 3, 4, Rush Chairman 2; Sophomore Class Presi· dent; Student Government Vice-President 4; Freshman Hockey; Varsity Hockey 2, 3, 4.
Antrim, New Hampshire
Kappa Delta Rho 1, 2, 3, 4, Propraetor 2, Alumni Chairman 4, President 4; Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4, President 3, Katahdin Council 1 , 2, 3, 4; French Club 2, 3, Vice-President 3; Chapel Usher 2, 3, 4, Co-Chairman 4; Junior Advisor.
STEPHE C. BARTOW ew York, ew York
Business Administration
Delta Upsilon l, 2, 3, 4, Scholarship Chairman 3, TreaSUl'er 3; Football l, 2; Powder and Wig 4; Dorm Counselor 4. C. BAXTER Pelham fanor, ew York History Canterbury Club l, 2, 3, 4; Powder and Wig 2, 3, 4, Co Cbaionan 4; Echo 2, 3; Outing Club l; Library Associates 4.
n' Lisbon Fall s, Maine
English Literature
Newman Club 2, 3, 4; Oracle 2, 3, 4; Winter Carnival Jee how 2, 3, 4; Dorm Council 2, 3; Dorm ocial Chairman 3; Junior Advisor; Varsity Cheerleader 3, 4, Captain 4; Judicial Board 3, 4; Student Government Dining Committee 3; Delta Delta Delta Scholarship 3; \ oman's tudent League cbolarsbip 4; Tra elli Scholar 2, 3, 4: Cap and Gown 4. WIIlTFORD s. BO ID Dedham, fassachusetts Economics
French Club J, 2, 3, 4; Winter Camiva1 Committee l, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3, 4; Campus Guide l; Vanity Hockey tati tician 2, 3, 4; Student Government Financ Committee 3, 4; Outing Club 4; Ford Foundation Leadership Conttrenoe 4; Pre-Alumni Council 4.
GLORIA BOWERS West Hartford, Connecticut Mathematics
Outing Club 1, 3; Echo 1; Dorm Council 3; Library Associates 4; Rodger Williams l. MARGA RET B RIGGS Bangor, Maine
Chi Omega l, 2 3, 4, Pan-HelJenic Representative 3, President 4; Varsity Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; Dorm Council 1, 2. DAVID G. BROMLEY Reading, Massachusetts Sociology
Delta Upsilon 1 , 2, 3, 4, Corresponding Secretary 3, Chaplain 4; Baseball I ; ROTC Drill Team 2; Library Associates 2, 3, 4; J.F.A. 4; Student Govern ment Social Committee 4; Channing Murray 4; Dean' List 3. JEFFERY L. BROOKS Portland, Maine Busine s Administration
Varsity Basketball Manager 2, 3; Varsity "C" Club 3. 4.
BONNIE T. BROWN Presque Isle, Maine
Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Ski Team 1 , 2, 3, 4, Captain 3, 4; Canterbury Club 1 , 2; Hangout 3; W.A.A. 3, 4. I. MARY BROWN Waterville, Maine
English Literature
Hangout 1, 2, 3; French Club 2, 3, 4; International Relations Club 4; Library Associates 4. MARY E. BROWN Seaford, New York
Junior Year in Paris; International Relations Club 2, 4; Spanish Club I; Echo 1; Powder and Wig 1, 2; Class Secretary 2; French Club 2, 4, Secretary 4; Modem Dance Club 2, 4; Folk Dancing Club 1, 2; Dean's List 1, 2; Travelli Scholarship 2, 3, 4; Phi Sigma Iota 4. PETER K. BROWN East Hartford, Connecticut
Soccer Manager 1, 2; Powder and Wig I, 2, 3, 4; Goodwin Speaking Contest 2nd Prize 2.
ANN M. BRUNO Concord, New Hampshire
Business Administration
Glee Club 3, 4; Winter Carnival Committee 2, Chairman 4.
DIANE E . BUCKLEY Scarsdale, New York
American Literature
Rodger Williams 2, 3; Modem Dance Club 3, 4, Secretary Treasurer 3, Publicity Chairman 4; Glee Club 2; French Club l,· 2; Outing Club 1, 2, 3; Powder and Wig 3, 4; Winter Carnival Ice Show 2, 3, 4. ELEANOR M. BURGESS Wilton, Maine
Chi Omega 3, 4, Social Chairman 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Folk Dance Club 2; Student Christian Association 2, 3, 4, Publicity Chairman 3, 4, Secretary 4; Oracle 2; Junior Advisor; Dorm Council 3.
XO KAREN BUTLER Natick, Massachusetts Chi Omega 1 , 2, 3, 4; Canterbury Club I, 2; Campus Guide 2; Pan-Hellenic Council 3, 4, President 3; Winter Carnival Committee 1 , 2, 3; Homecoming Committee 3, 4.
foriches, Long Island, New York
Outing Club I; Echo 3; EPIC I; Donn Council 2; Oracle 3, 4; ational Science Foundation Grant 4.
EDWARD F. B UYNISKI, JR. Cincinnati, Ohio Psychology
Alpha Tau Omega 1, 2 1, 2, 4.
3, 4; Football 1, 2; Track 1, 2; ROTC
Stoneham, Massachusetts
Et1glish Literature Alpba DeltA Pi 2, 3, 4, Corresponding Secretary 4; Echo 1, 2; ewman Club 11 2, 3, 4; I.F.A. 2; French Club 2, 3; Library sociates 4.
C RL A. CAITO Providence, Rhode Island
History Tau Delta Phi 1, 2, 3, 4, Editot, Historian 2, Alumni Scribe 3; .ROTC 1, 2, 3, 4; ewman Club l, 2, 3, 4; Hillel 2, 3, 4; fre hman Tennis; Varsity Tennis 2; Junior Year Abroad.
JANET F. CALI.AHA Lynn, Massachusetts
Chi Omega 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4; Junior Advisor; ewman Club I, 2, 3, 4; Dorm Council 2, 3; Campus Guide 2; Hangout 2, 3.
CHARLES W. CAREY Fall River, Massachusetts
Economics Lambda Chi Alpha 1, .2, 3, 4, Rush Chairman 2, 3, 4, Pledge Trainer 2, 3, Treasurer 3, 4; Blue Key, Vice-President; Senior Class Vice-President; Junior Class Treasurer; Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Co-Captain 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4. ALBERT F. CARVll.LE, JR.
Lisbon, Maine
Business Administration Alpha Delta Phi l, 2, 3, 4, Pledge Master 3, Vice-President 4: Outing Club I; Freshman Hockey; Varsity Hockey 2, 3, 4; Junior Advisor; Advisor 4; ROTC 1, 2.
PAUL B. CHADER ecdham, Massachusetts
Kappa Delta Rho 2, 3, 4, Scholarship Chairman 3, 4; ROTC l, 2. 3, 4; Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Yacht Club 1, 2, 3, 4, S crctary Treasurer 2, 3; ROTC DistingUished Cadet 4.
ROGERS S. CHASE Weymouth, Massachusetts
Alpha Delta Phi 1, 2, 3, 4; Outing Club I , 2; Young Republicans 2, 3, 4; Student Christian Association 1, 2; International Rela tions Club 4; Camera Club I . NEIL CLIPSHAM Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Pi Lamda Phi 1, 2, 3, 4, Corresponding Secretary 2, Social Chairman 2, 3, Financial Aid Board 3, 4, Marshol 3, House Chairman 2; Yacht Club 1, 2; Outing Club I, 2, 3; Chess Club 1, 2; Freshman Soccer; Varsity Soccer 2; Colby Eight 2, 3, 4. DONNA M. COBB Bridgton, Maine
English Literature
Chi Omega I , 2, 3, 4, Room Chairman I , Social Chairman 4; Dorm Counucil 1, 3, 4; Women's Student League 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3, Corresponding Secretary 4; Dorm Chairman 3; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Echo I; Oracle 2, 3; Folk Dance Club 2; Junior Advisor; Subhead 3; German Club 4; Travelli Scholarship 2, 3, 4; General Scholarship 1, 2, 3, 4. ALAN P . COHEN Brookline, Massachusetts
Hillel I, 2, 3, 4; Hangout 2, 3; Outing Club 3, 4; Spanish Club 1, 2; Library Associates 3, 4; Young Republicans 2, 3; Interna tional Relations Club 3, 4.
Sigma Kappa 1, 2, 3, 4; 2nd Vice-President 3, 1st Vice-President 4; Freshmen Orientation Committee 3, 4, Secretary 4; Campus Guide 2; Dorm Council 3; Outing Club I, 2, 3; M. L. Madden Award 3. CAROLYN S . COOK Nashua, New Hampshire
American History
Modem Dance Club 1, 2, 3; Hangout 2; Women's Union Com mittee I, 2, 3, 4; Canterbury Club I. GERARD A. CORBIN Waterville, Maine
Business Administratian
Alpha Tau Omega I, 2, 3, 4, Pledge Trainer 3; Freshman Base ball; Outing Club 1, Sports Car Club 4. PETER COUGHLAN Argyle, New York
Zeta Psi I, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4, Music Director 3, 4; Glee Club I; Colby Eight 2.
DAVID L. COX, JR. Basking Ridge,
ew Jersey
Chemistry Phi Delta Theta 1 , 2, 3, 4, Social Chairman 2, Warden 3, 4, Reporter I, Vice-President 4; Freshman Football; Varsity Foot ball 2, 3, 4; Freshman Hockey; Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Chi Epsilon Mu 1, 2, 3, 4. CORA�LOUTSE CROSMAN Schenectady, New York
English Literature Mary Low Carver Poetry Prize I. DIANA G. CROSS Wyckoff, New Jersey Chemistry
Alpha Delta Pi I, 2, 3, 4; Powder and Wig 3, 4; Chi Epsilon Mu I, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 2, Treasurer 4; Delta Phi Alpha 3, 4, Vice-President 4. TIMOTHY J. DAKIN
Falls Village, Connecticut
Phi Delta Theta I, 2, 3, 4, Alumni Secretary I, 2, 3, Reporter 3; Men's Judicia.rf Board 2, 3, 4, Vfoe-Pres:ident 3, President 4; Dorm Counselor 4; Arnold Air Society 2, 3, 4, Executive Officer 4; ROTC Distinguished Graduate 4; International Relations Club 3, 4; Outing Club I, 2, 3, 4; Canterbury Club 1, 4; Student Workshop 4; Freshman Soccer; Varsity Soccer 2, 3; Freshman Baseball; Blue Key 4.
Dover-Foxcroft, Maine
Zeta Psi I, 2, 3, 4, Supreme Council 3, Scholarship Chairman 2; Freshman Baseball; French Club I, 2, 3, 4; German Club 2. MARJORIE DE MOTI'E
Portland, Maine English Literature Canterbury Club I, 2, 3, 4, President 3, Co-President 4; Runnals Union Committee 1, 2, 3, 4, Tea Chairman 3, 4; Library Associates 2, 3, 4; French Club 2, 3; IFA 4; Carrie M. True Award 3. CHARLES T. DE WOODY Cleveland, Ohio Profe11tonal Chemtstry Alpha Delta Phi 1, 2, 3, 4, Social Organization Committee 4; Freshman Soccer; Varsity Soccer 2; Outing Club 3, 4; Roger Williams 3, 4; Canterburr_ Club 4; Library As.sociates 3, 4; Chi Epsilon Mu 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 2. MARY A. DEXTER Baldwin, New York
Psyclwlogy Glee Club J; Young Republicans 2; Outing Club l; EPIC l ; Chapel Choir 3 ; Oracle 3 , 4 ; Student Christian Association I , 2.
PATRICIA DIANO Southampton, Pennsylvania
Colby Community Symphony Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3; International Relations Club 3, 4; Powder and Wig 2, 3, 4, Recording Secretary 4; Outing Club 3. JOAN M. DIGNAM Winchester, Massachusetts
Delta Delta Delta 1, 2, 3, 4, Social Chairman 4, Panhellenic Representative 4; Freshman Cheerleader; Echo 2, 3, 4; Oracle 2, 3, 4; Hangout 1, 2, 3; Newman Club 1, 4; Outing Club I ; Dorm Council 1. JULIA F. DODGE Gorham, Maine
Alpha Delta Pi 1, 2, 3, 4, Room Chairman 2; Dorm Council I· Junior Year in Munich; German Club 4; International Relation � Club 4. ELIZABETH W. DOE Kennebunkport, Maine
Young Republicans 2; Canterbury Club 2, 3; Spanish Club 3, 4.
JAMES P. DOLIAN Stamford, Connecticut
Pi Lamda Phi 1, 2, 3, 4, Scholastic Chairman 2, IFC Repre sentative 2, 3, 4, Corresponding Secretary 3; Outing Club l; Chess and Checkers 1 ; Homecoming Committee 4; Baseball 1 ; Debating 3; Leadership Conference 4; Senior Advisor; John Marshall Society 2, 3, 4, Clerk 2, 3, 4; Goodwin and Hamlin Speaking Contests (Judge) 3; Julius and Rachael Levine Extem poraneous Speaking Contest 3rd Prize 1; Dean's List 2, 3. ALLEN A. DONAGHY St. JC?hnsbury, Vermont
Zeta Psi 1, 2, 3, 4; Geology Club 1, 2; Outing Club; Ski Council 1, 2, 3, 4; ROTC Rifle Team 1, 2; Student Christian Association 1, 2; Ski Team 1, 2. PATRICIA A. DUNN Pasadena, California
Alpha Delta Pi 1, 2, 3, 4, Head Sponsor 3, Guard 4; Outing Club l; Powder and Wig 3, 4. STEPHEN L. EITTREIM Neptune, New Jersey
Delta Upsilon 1, 2, 3, 4, Recording Secretary 3, Vice-President 4; Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Yacht Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Commodore 3; National Science Foundation Grants 2, 3, 4.
DIA R. EMERSOI Lexington, Massachusetts French
Sigma Kappa 3, 4 : Journalist 4; Student League 3, 4, Secretary 4; Campus Guide 2; Dorm Chairman 3; Outing Club 1, 2 ; Junior Advisor; French Club 2 , 3 , 4; Dorm Council 1, 2 , 3 , 4, Co-Chairman 3, 4, Social Chairman 2; Oracle 2, 3, Managing Editor 3; Campus Workshop 3, 4; Cap and Gown 4, Secretary Treasurer; Phi Sigma Iota 3, 4, Vice-President 3, 4; Dean's List l, 3. IE PORT OY EPSTEIN CO Ventura, California ociology
:fodem Dance Club l, 2, 3, 4, Secretary-Treasurer 3, 4; Hang out 2, 3; International Relations Club 3, 4.
PATRICIA A. EY Lisbon Falls, faine Engli h Literatllre Band 1, 2, Young Republicans 2, 3, 4; Outing Club I. J
I 'ETTE H. FAN Fulton, J ew York
Outing Club l, 2, 3, 4; Katahdin Council 2, 3, 4, Publicity 3, Corresponding ecretary 4; International Relations Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Powder and Wig 2, 3, 4; Rifle Club 1; Donn Council 3 ; Student hristian Association I.
S. STEIN FE N Hyannis, Massachusetts French
French Club 1, 2, 3; Outing Club l; Echo 2; Dorm Council I; Phi Sigma Iota 3, 4; Honors in General Scholarship 2; High Honors in General Scholarship 3 . W . BRUCE FENN
Dorset, Vermont Economics
Delta Upsilon 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 4, House Chairman, Execu tive Committee 4; Freshman Football; Var�ity Football 2; Ski Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Freshman Golf; Varsity Golf 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; Outing Club I, 2; Student Advisor; Robertson Society Medallion 4. SUSAN FERRIES Barrington, Illinois Economics
Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Librarian 3, Secretary 4; Chapel Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Colbyettes 1, 2, 3, 4, Leader 4; Junior Advisor; Jnterdonn 2; Oracle 3; Concert Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Academic Life Committee 4 . EDMUND E . FIELD Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey Philosophy - Religion
Outing Club 1, 2, 3; Student Christian Association 2, 3, 4, Co-Chairman 3; IFA 4, Treasurer; Campus Chest Treasurer 4; Spanish Club 1; German Club l; Philosophy Club 4.
KAREN FORSLUND Mt. Hermon, Massachusetts
Glee Club I; Concert Choir l; Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3, 4; International Relations Club 2, 3, 4; French Club 2, 3 ; Pre-Alumni Council 3, 4. MARILYN H. FOWLER Fort Fairfield, Maine American Literature
Alpha Delta Pi 1, 2; Student Christian Association 1; Library Associates 4. IVAN G. FREED Fitchburg, Massachusetts Business Administration
Phi Delta Theta 2, 3, 4; Baseball Manager l; Hillel 1, 2, 3, 4; Outing Club 4; International Relations Club 4. PAULETTE R. FRENCH French
Chi Omega 1, 2, 3, 4, Pledge Trainer 3; Band l; Campus Guide 2; Cap and Gown 4; Dorm Council 1; Le Cercle Francais 1, 2, 4, Secretary 2; Chairman of Junior Advisory Program 3; Editor of Woman's Handbook 2; Elsie Award 3; International Relations Club l; Freshman Week Committee 3, 4; Woman's Judiciary 3, 4; Student Government 3, 4; Senior Scholar; Woman's Student League 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 3, President 4; Student Government Scholarship 2; Josephine Bodentha Gagnon Award 4; Ninetta M. Runnals Award 4; Charles L. Travelli Scholarship 2, 3, 4.
PETER E. FRENCH Cranford, New Jersey
Business Administration
Delta Kappa Epsilon 1, 2, 3, 4, Alumni Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Pledge Master, Vice-President; Varsity Tennis 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; Freshman Hockey; Varsity Hockey 2, 3, 4; Outing Club 4; Student Advisor 4. MARGARET FUCHS Washington, D.C. Psychology
Modern Dance Club 1, 2; Student Government 3, 4, Election Chairman, USNSA Committee Secretary, Handbook Committee Secretary; Homecoming Committee 3; Dean's List 3; National Science Foundation Grant Participant. NATALIE GATES Topsfield, Massachusetts Sociology
Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 1, 2; Canterbury Club I, 2. MARY E. GIDDINGS Augusta, Maine
Chi Omega I, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Colbyettes 2, 3, 4; Dorm Council I , 2; Hangout I; Outing Club I; Guys and Dolls 3; Dorm Social Chairman 2.
History Alpha Tau Omega 1 , 2, 3, 4; Outing Club l; Powder and Wig 1, 2, 3, Head of Construction 2; Sports Car Club 3, 4. ROBERT P. GLENNAN Syosset, ew York Economics
.\X A
Lambda Chi Alpha I, 2, 3, 4, Rush Chairman 2, Social Chair足 man 3, President 4; ewman Club 1, 2; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; Freshman Basketball; Student Advisor 3, 4.
PAUL A. GOLDBERG ew York, ew York Biology Tau Delta Phi l, 2, 3, 4; Freshman Ski Team; Hillel; Outing Club.
STUART H. GOLLINGER ew Haven, Connecticut History Tau Delta Phi 1, 2, 3, 4, Custos 4; Hillel 1, 2, 3, 4; Intra足 mural Athletics 1, 2, 3, 4; Folk Song Society 4.
ew Jersey
Psychology psilon l, 2, 3, 4, Social Chairman 3, Curator of Manu足 scripts 4, District Historian 3, Executive Committee 3, 4; Colby Eight 3, 4; Homecoming Committee 3, Chairman 4; Tennis 1; Hangout I, 2, 3; Yacht Club Boatswain 4; Winter Carnival Committee 3. Delta
faine French Glee Club 3, 4; French Club 2, 3, 4; Roger Williams 1, 2; Accompanist for Dance Classes 1, 2; International Relations Club 4; WAA 4.
THOMAS S. GROSSMAN ewton, Massachusetts Philosophy - Religion Tau Delta Phi 1, 2, 3, 4; Freshman Sld Team; Varsity Ski T,.am 2, 3, 4; Woodman's Team 3; Hillel 1, 2, 3, 4.
ROBERT J. GULA Middletown, Connecticut Cl4uics Echo 2; Freshman Track; Varsity Track 2; Blue Key 4; Library Associates, Vice-President 4; Student Government USNSA Co足 ordinator 4; Dean's List 1, 2, 3, 4; Foster Classics Prize l; Bixler Scholar 3.
BARBARA J . HAINES Willow Grove, Pennsylvania Biology
Sigma Kappa I, 2, 3, 4, Philanthropy Chairman 4; Outing Club 3, 4; Chapel Usher 3, 4; Modern Dance Club 2, 3, 4, Vice President 3, President 4; Women's Union Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Advisor; Dorm Social Chairman 4. JON F. HALL Portland, Maine Geology
Orchestra I, 2, 3, 4, Manager I, 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Maine Intercollegiate Band 2, 3; New England Intercollegiate Band I; Phi Sigma Iota 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Library Associates 2, 3, 4; Dean's List 1, 2, 3; Alpha Delta Phi Trophy 2; Bixler Scholar 3, 4; High Honors in General Scholarship 2, 3; Symphonic Scholarship Award 3. STUART G. HARDY Hingham, Massachusetts
English Literature
Kappa Delta Rho 1, 2, Scholarship Chairman I; Dean's List I. SUSAN A. HASSEL Lakewood, Colorado
Delta Delta Delta 2, 3, 4; Newman Club I, 2, 4, Secretary 2; International Relations Club 3, 4; Outing Club 1, 2; Dorm Council I.
LEWIS K. HATHAWAY Lexington, Massachusetts French
Freshman Track; Chapel Choir I, 3, 4; French Club 2, 3, 4, President 4. CHARLES E. HAUCK Troy, New York French
Zeta Psi I, 2, 3, 4, Supreme Council 4, Athletic Chairman 4; Freshman Golf; Freshman Hockey. HERMAN A. RIPSON Auburn, Massachusetts
Delta Kappa Epsilon 2, 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4. DAVID P. HUNT Katonah, New York Government
Delta Upsilon I, 2, 3, 4, Editor 2, Secretary 4, Historian 4; International Relations Club I, 2; Outing Club I, 2, 3, 4; Senior Advisor; Soccer I, 2; Tennis I, 3, 4; Yacht Club 4.
SHERRY R. JACKSO Elmsford, ew York Spanish
International Relations Club 1, 2, 4, Secretary 2; Spanish Club 1, 2, 4; Modem Dance Club 1, 2, 4; Junior Year at the University of Madrid. ROGER B. JEANS Waterville, Maine History
Cross Country 3, 4; Track 1 ARLENE JENKINS Braintree, Mas achusetts
2, 3, 4, Captain 4.
Alpha Delta Pi 3, 4, Chaplain 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Outing Club 1; Juliu and Rachael Extemporaneous Speaking Conte t 1; International Relations Club 3, 4; Student Christian Association 1. DAVID JOHNSON Zw Lebanon, e Hampshire Zeta Psi 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Freshman Soccer; Varsity Soccer 2, 3; Freshman Ski Team; Varsity Ski Team 2, 3, 4; Outing Club 1.
JA fE P. JOH SO Vienna, uguua
P ychology
Talpha Tau Omega
2, 3, 4.
BEITY D. JOH1 TO San farino, California
Delta Delta Delta l, 2, 3, 4, cholar hip Chairman 3, Recom pani h Club 2, 3, 4, Secretary hairman 4; menda 'on Trea urer 3; Outing Club 1, 2; Oracle l; Hangout 1, 2, 3, xecuthe C.Ouncil 2, 3.
FRA CE E. JO ES ew York l ew Rochelle,
Alpha Delta Pi I, 2, 3, 4, Activities Chairman 2, Executive C.Ouncil 4; Outing Club l, 3, 4; IFA 2; Canterbury Club I; Library Associates 2. THEODORE f. KELLOGG orth Granby, C.Onnccticut
Senior cholar; Pi L mbda Phi J, 2, 3, 4, Historian 2, Corre cr tary 4; Tennis Manager 1; sponding r tary 3, Alumni Outing lub I, 2, 3, 4.
RALPH A. KIMBALL, JR. Topsfield, Massachusetts
Business Administration
Alpha Tau Omega 1, 2, 3, 4, President of Pledge Class 1, Secretary 3, President 4; IFC 2, 3; ROTC 1, 2, 3, 4; Arnold Air Society 2, 3, 4; Freshman Hockey; Varsity Hockey 2, 3 ; Blue Key 4 , President; Student Government Treasurer 4 . KIRK R. KOENIGSBAUER Tomaston, Connecticut
Pi Lambda Phi 1, 2, 3, 4 , President 2, 3, Vice-President 4 · Philosophy Club 3 , 4 , President 4 ; Student Christian Associa: tion 2, 3; Soccer Manager 1, 2, 3; Tennis Manager 1 , 2 ; Powder and Wig 1 , 2 ; Library Associates 3 ; Dorm Counselor 3, 4. ROBERT F . LAKIN Ellsworth, Maine Business Administration
Zeta Psi 1 , 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3, 4. HOWARD J. LAMSON Hartford, Connecticut Spanish
ELLEN L. LARKIN Lynn, Massachusetts History
Chi Omega 1 , 2, 3, 4, Chapter Correspondent 4 ; Red Cross Chairman 3; Togus Chairman 3; Hangout 1 , 2, 3 ; Guys and Dolls 3. W. BRUCE LAW Port Chester, New York American Literature
Zeta Psi 1 , 2, 3, 4, Delta 2 ; ROTC 1 , 2, 3, 4; Outing Club 1 , 2 ; Library Associates 4 . CONNIE E. LAY West Hartford, Connecticut Biology
Orchestra 1 ; Band 1 , 2, 3 ; Outing Club 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Roger Williams 1 , 2; Student Christian Association 1 ; Chi Epsilon Mu 3. CONSTANCE H. LEDERMAN Sands Point, Long Island, New York French
Alpha Delta Pi 1 , 2, 3, Song Chairman 2, 3, Rush Chairman 3 ; Glee Club 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , Treasurer 4 ; Concert Choir 1 , 2, 3 , 4 ; Hangout 1 , 2, 3 , Executive Member 3 ; WAA 2 ; Senior Council 4; French Club 3, 4 ; Women's Student League 3, 4 ; Newman Club 3 ; Hockey 1 , 2; Tennis 1 , 2; Dean's List 3 .
A. JAQUELINE LEE Brooklyn, lew York Psycholog
Student Christian ssociation l ; Donn Council 3; Campus Guide 2; Powder and Wig I , 2 3, 4· International Relations Club l 2, 3, 4 , Vice-President 3; Hangout 2 , 3. DIANE LERNER Lee, Massachusetts Mathematics
Hillel 1 , 2, 3, 4; Outing Club 3, 4· Library Associates 3, 4 ; Senior Council 4. LIONEL P. LEVE QUE Fort Kent, Maine Art Baseball l ; Band 1 , 2, 3
CHESTER V . LEW1S orwicb, Connecticut Government
Pi Lambda Phi 1 , 2 , 3, 4; panish Club l ; tudent Chri tian Association 2 , 3 ; Outing Club 2 , 3 ; \\ oodsman's Council 1 , 2 , 3 ; Track 3 ; International Relations Club 1 , 2 , 3 .
C HARLES S. LUDWIG Chel ea , Maine German
Delta Kappa Epsilon 3, 4; Glee Club 1 , 2 3, 4, President 4 ; Concert Choir I , 4; Chapel Choir 4 , Band 4 ; Colby Eight 2, 3 , 4, Musical Leader 3 , 4; Guys and Dolls 3; ROTC. ROBERT B . LU T, JR. Cape Elizabeth, Maine
Business Administration
Zeta Psi 1 , 2, 3, 4, Pledge Master 2, Rush Co-Chairman 3 ; Track 1 , 2 . JANET F . MACCOLL New York, ew York Biology
Powder and Wig 2, 3, 4, Co-Chairman of Make-up 4; Outing Club 4; Library As ociate 4; Biology Assistant 2, 3, 4 . DOUGLAS S. MAcMILLAN Summit, New Jersey Government
Alpha Delta Phi 1 , 2, 3, 4 .
THOMAS D. MAcMULLEN Butler, Pennsylvania
Alpha Tau Omega I, 2, 3, 4 , Usher 2, 3, Delegate to National Congress 4, Vice-President 3, 4; IFC 3, 4; Senior Advisor; IFA 2 , 3, Treasurer 3; Campus Chest 2 , 3, Publicity 2, Treasurer 3 ; Canterbury Club I, 2; Echo I, 2, Circulation Manager 2 ; Oracle 2 . SANDRA J. MAcWILLIAM Kittery Point, Maine Sociology
Outing Club I, 3; Modern Dance Club 2, 3; Student Christian Association I; Library Associates 3, 4 ; Dean's List I. JUDITH A . MAGALHAES Westfield, New Jersey
Delta Delta Delta I, 2, 3, 4 ; Canterbury Club I; Spanish Club 4; Junior Year in Spain; Phi Sigma Iota 4 . JESS R . MARCHESE Floral Park, New York
Tau Delta Phi I, 2, 3, 4, Social Chairman 2, Vice-President 3, Rush Chairman 3; IFA 2, 3, 4, President 4; John Marshall Society 3; Student Government 3, 4; Cheerleader 3; Campus Chest Chairman 2, 3 .
JOHN L. MARTIN Kearney, Nebraska History
Freshman Football; Guys and Dolls 3; Julius Caesar 4; Outing Club 3, 4 ; International Relations Club 3, 4 . THOMAS G. MAYER Greenwich, Connecticut
Business Administration
Pi Lambda Phi I; Golf I, 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 3; Chess Club 2. BARBARA E. MAYO Leominster, Massachusetts
Chi Omega I, 2, 3 , 4, Personnel Chairman 4; Outing Club . I, 2; Hangout I , 2, 3; French Club 4 ; Dorm Council 1, 2 . JANICE E. MAZZO West Hartford, Connecticut
Chi Omega I, 2, 3, 4; Newman Club I, 2; Freshman Cheer leader; Colbyettes I, 2, 3, 4; Junior Advisor; Rifle Team 3 .
CATHARINE A. McCONNELL Brewer, Maine Classics - English
Alpha Delta Pi 1, 2, 3, 4, Panhellenic Representative 31 4 ; Young Republicans 2 ; Religfous Convocation Committee 1 , 2 ; Student Government 2 , 3; Women's Student League 4 ; Dorm Chairman 4; Outing Club 4; Leadership Conference 4 ; Canter bury Club I . McCUNE San Francisco, California
Sigma Kappa I, 2 , 3, 4 , Panhellenic Representative 4 ; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Concert Choir I , 21 3, 4 ; Chapel Choir 2 , 4 ; Dido and Aeneas 1 . JOHN A . McDO ALD Gardiner, Maine Eco1wmics
Phi Delta Theta 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer ·3. GEORGE B. McLA UGHLIN Beaver, Penns'ylvania English Literature
Delta Upsilon 1, i, 3 4, Chaplain 1, 2; Camera Club I , 2 ; Outing Club J , 2 3 , 4 ; Men's Judiciary 2 , 3 , 4 ; Yacht Club 1 , 2 ; Varsity Soccer 1 , 2 , 3; French Club I , 2 ; German Club 2 ; Dean 's List I ; John Marshall ociety.
0 JA �E ff.LA Hanover, 1assachusetts Art
Sigma Kappa J, 2, 3, 4, haplain 4; Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Canterbury Club 2 ; I F 3 , 4 ; Hangout 3. ROBERT J. M TZLER, JR. Welle ley, 1assachu ett
Zeta Psi 1 , 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 2 , 3; IFC 3, 4; Arnold Air Soci ty 2, 3, 4 ; ROTC 1, 2, 3, 4, Group Commander 4 ; Homecoming Committee 4 ; enior Advisor. MARY . , t 1CHELMORE Foxboro, Massachusetts European Hi tory
Delta Delta D Jta 1, 2, 3, 4, Assistant Treasurer 3, Secretary 4; Outing Club l; Oreb stra 1, 2; Glee Club 3, 4; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Donn Coun ii 2 ; S nior Council 4; Runnals U nion Committee I, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Student League 3; Oracle 2, 3, Copy ditor 3. CO 'STA CE O. MILLER atfck, Mas achu tts
C h i O m ga 2 , 3, 4 ; Advisor; J fA 3, 4; AslOCiatcs 3; Round m nt Committe 4;
Donn ouncil 1; Campus Guide 2 ; Junior Interna tional Relations Club 4; Library Table 4; enior ouncil 4; Commence r shm n Orientation 4 .
GRETCHEN E. MILLER Lexington, Massachusetts American Civilization
Colbyettes 1, 2, 3; Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Concert Choir 2, 3, 4 ; IFA 1 , 4 ; Runnals Union Committee 2 ; Outing Club I , 4 ; Talent Show Chairman I , 2 ; Dean's List I, 3 . JUDITH L . MILLER Collegeville, Pennsylvania Government
Delta Delta Delta I, 2, 3, 4, Historian 4; Outing Club I, 2 ; Hangout I , 2 ; International Relations Club 2 , 4 , Secretary 4 ; Campus Guide 4 ; Junior Year i n India. J. WESLEY MILLER, III Springfield, Massachusetts English Literature
Colby Community Symphony Orchestra 1, 2, 3, Manager 2, 3 ; Library Associates I , 2, 3 , 4 , Vice-President 3 ; Student Govern足 ment President 4; Blue Key 4 ; Dean's List l; Hamlin Prize I ; Goodwin Prize 2 . MICHAEL S. MILLER Hamden, Connecticut Economics
Phi Delta Theta 1 , 2, 3, 4, Reporter 2, 3, Rush Chairman 2 ; Newman Club I , 2 .
GORDON L. MOOG Ridgewood, New Jersey
Arnold Air Society 2, 3, 4, Administrative Officer 3; 2nd Prize Architecture Model 3 . DONALD A. MORGAN West Hartford, Connecticut English Literature
Pi Lambda Phi 1, 2, 3, 4, House Chairman 1 , Athletic Chair足 man 2, 3, Marshal 4; Band 1 , 2, 3 ; Student Christian Associa足 tion I ; Outing Club I. SALLY B . MORSE Springvale, Maine
German Sigma Kappa I, 2, 3, 4, Recording Secretary 4; Echo I, 2 ; German Club 2, 3 , 4 , President 4 ; Chapel Usher 3 , 4 , Co足 Chairman 4; Dorm Council I, 3; Runnals Union Committee 3, 4, President 4 ; Dean's List I.
ROBERT T. MOULTON, JR. Salem, Massachusetts History
International Relations Club I; Freshman Track; Varsity Track Manager 2 .
SANDRA T. MOULTON Montreal, Canada French
Colby Community Symphony Orchestra I , 2, 4, Librarian 4; Band 1, 2, 4, Librarian 2; Powder and Wig 2, 4; Junior Year Abroad; String Ensemble 4; Colby Symphonic Society Award 2. DOUGLAS T. MULCAHY Lyme, Connecticut Spanish
Phi Delta Theta 2, 3, 4, Social Chairman 2, 3; Freshman Baseball; Varsity Baseball 2, 3, 4; Newman Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Spanish Club 2 , 3, 4. INGRID M. MULLER North Haven, Connecticut French
French Club l , 2, 4; International Relations Club 4; Student Council, Cultural Committee Secretary 4; Oracle 4; Junior Year Abroad. DEBORAH A. MU SELL Boxford, Massachusetts Psychology
Delta Delta Delta l, 2, 3, 4, Corresponding Secretary 4; Hang out I, 2, 3; Outing Club 1, 2; Junior Advisor; Echo 4, Oracle 4.
DIA E L. NELSO West Hartford, Connecticut
Sigma Kappa 1, 2, 3, 4, Corresponding Secretary 4, Assistant Rush Chairman 3; Hangout l, 2, 3; Outing Club l ; WAA 1 , 2, 3 ; Dean's List 3. JOAN L. ELSO Shrewsbury, Massachusetts French Outing Club l , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Roger Williams l , 2, 3 , 4 ; Youn g Republicans 3; Dean's List 3; French Club 3, 4; International Relations Club 4. PRISCILLA A. NEWBERT Rockland, Maine
Alpha Delta Pi 1, 2, 3, 4, Jeweler 3, Recording Secretary 4 ; Outina Club 1 ; French Club I , 2 , 3, 4 ; Student Christian Assodation l, 2, 3. LAURA H. NEWMAN New York, New York French •
French Club I, 2, 3, 4, Secretary, Vice-President 2, President 3; WAA Sports Manager 2; Col y Orchestra 2; Library A�socia�s 2, 3, 4; Canterbury Club 3, 4, Outfag Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Dean s Utt 1, 2, 3; Honors in General Scholarship 2; Honors with Distinction 3; Phi Sigma Iota 3 , 4 , President 4; Senior Scholar.
ANITA J . NOURSE Bridgewater, Massachusetts Psychology
Band 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3 . WILLIAM R. NUSSBUM Lexington, Massachusetts
History Zeta Psi 1, 2, 3, 4, Supreme Council 2, Secretary 3, President 4 .
LINDA S. ORR Suffield, Connecticut Professional Chemistry
Powder and Wig 1 , 2, 3, 4, Corresponding Secretary 3, Treas urer 4 ; Chi Epsilon Mu 1 , 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3, 4 ; Camera Club 1 ; Outing Club 1 ; Oracle 2 , 3 , 4. MARVIN C. OSTROVSKY Everett, Massachusetts
i Lambda Phi 2 , 3 , 4 , Marshal 2 , Pledgemaster 3 , Vice-Presi Jent 3, President 4; Band 1 , 2, 3, Vice-President 3; Hillel 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; ROTC Band l ; Chi Epsilon Mu I, 4; Library Associates 2, 4; Dorm Counselor 4; Dean's List 2, 3; Honors in General Scholarship 3 .
NEAL OSSEN Norwalk, Connecticut History
Tau Delta Phi 1 , 2, 3, 4, President 4; Echo 2, 3, 4, Assistant Business Manager 3, Business Manager 4; Hillel 1 , 2, 3, 4 , President 3 ; I FA 1 , 2 ; Freshman Football. MARSHA F. PALMER New Haven, Connecticut
Psychology Sigma Kappa 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , Rush Chairman 3 , Social Chairman 4 , Song Leader 2 ; Hillel 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , Secretary 3 ; Student Govern ment 3, 4, Secretary 4 ; Dorm Council 2, 3 ; Dorm Social Chair man 3 ; WAA 3 ; International Relations Club 3, 4 ; French Club l; Hangout 1 , 2, 3, Secretary 3; Cap and Gown 4 ; National Science Foundation Grant 4 .
SHIRLEY C . PARRY Madison, New Jersey
English Literature Sigma Kappa 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , Historian-Librarian 3 , Scholarship Chairman 4; Dorm Council 1, 4; Band 1 , 2; WAA 2; Campus Guide 2; Echo 2, 3, 4, News Editor 3 .
Westbrook, Maine German Alpha Delta Pi 2, 3, 4 , Vice-President, Pledge Trainer 4, Execu tive Board 4; Oracle Assistant Editor 2 , Editor-in-Chief 3 , Senior Editor 4 ; Roger Williams 2, 3 , 4 ; Dorm Council 2 , 3 ; Young Republicans 2 , 3 , 4 ; Music Associates 4 ; German Club 3 4 '· Women's Union Committee 4; Hangout 3; Dean's List 1 : 2 , 3, 4; 1 st Prize Award for Excellence in German 3 ! Senior Scholar; Honors in General Scholarship 3 ; Delta Phi Alpha 3, 4 , Secretary-Treasurer 4 .
E. PELSO SUS fattapoisett, lassachusetts American Literature
Student Christian Association 1, 2; Outing Club 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Yacht Club 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; International Relations Club 3 , 4 ; French Club 3, 4 . BYR01 PETRAKIS Haverhill, 1assachusetts
A merica 11 Literature
psilon l , 2, 3 , 4, President 4; IFC Vice-President 4 ; Delta B l ue K e 4 ; Sophomore Class ice-President; Dorm Coun elor 3, 4; Student Advisor 3; Dean's List I , a-, 3; Philip Tirabassi Award 3 . ROD EY D. PIERCE Cranston, Rhode Island
A6. ti>
Business Adrti inistration
Alpha Delta Phl J, 2, 3, 4, ocial Chairman 3, Treasurer 4 ; Arnold Air Society 3 , 4 ; ROTC Drill Team I ; ROTC Rifle Team 1, 2, 3, Captain 2. PAUL PINEO Ogunquit, Maine Economics
Lambda Chl Alpha l , 2, 3, 4; Fre hman Basketball; IFA 3, 4 ; Baseball tanager 3 , 4 ; Religious Convocation. Committee 4 .
E E. PINETTE YVO Guilford, Maine Government
WAA 1, 2; Spani h Club 1 , 2, 4; Outing Club 2; French Club l ; Dean's List 3 ; International Relations Club 4. DANIEL F. POLITICA Tenafly, New Jersey
Philosophy - Religion
Kappa Delta Rho 1, 2 , 3 , 4, IFC 3, 4 , Athletic Director 2 , 3 , Vice-President 3 , 4 ; Track 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Powder and Wig 3 , 4 ; Homecoming Publicity Chairman 4 ; 0.uting Club l , 2 , 3 , 4 . DAVID S . POOLE Abington, Massachusetts
Pi Lambda Phi 3, 4; Band I , 2 , 3; Hockey Manager RUTH S. PRATLEY Holden, Massachusetts
1, 2, 3,
Chi Omega 1, 2, 3, 4; Outing Club 1; French Club 2., 3, 4 ; IFA 2 , 3 , 4 , Con:esponding Secretary 3 ; Campus �Chest Co Chairman 3; Religious Convocation Committee, Co-Chairman 4 ; Canterbury Club l , 2 , 3 , 4 .
GAIL PRICE Worcester, Massachusetts Business Administration
Delta Delta Delta 2, 3, 4; Outing Club I , 2, 3, 4; Katahdin Council 2, 3, 4, Corresponding Secretary 3; WAA 2; Roger Williams 2; Badminton Club 2, 3 . SALLY A . PROCTOR
Chagrin Falls, Ohio Classics Delta Delta Delta I , 2, 3, 4, Scholarship Chairman 3, Social Chairman 4; Echo 3, 4; Bixler Scholar 3; Senior Scholar. LAURICE M. PUGLIA North Reading, Massachusetts Mathematics
Alpha Delta Pi 3, 4; Dorm Council 2, 4; WAA 2, 3, 4, Seer� tary-Treasurer 3, President 4; Water Ballet I , 2; Dance Club 3 ; Dean's List 3 ; Roger Williams I , 2 . DAVID PULVER West Hartford, Connecticut Economics
Tau Delta Phi I , 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3; Echo 2, 3, 4, Financial Manager 2, 3, 4; Faces and Places 2, 3, 4, Financial Manager 2, 3, 4; John Marshall Society 3, 4, Quaestor 3; Hillel I , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Orchestra I ; Dean's List 3 .
ANNE M. QUIRION Augusta, Maine French
Delta Delta Delta I , 2, 3, 4, Rush Chairman 3, President 4 ; Newman Club I , 4 ; French Club I , 2 ; Women's Judiciary Board I , 2, 3, 4; Dorm Council I ; Campus Guide 2; Junior Advisor 3; Phi Sigma Iota 3, 4, Secretary 4; Cap and Gown 4; Freshman Math Award. MERRILL C. RAIKES, III Baltimore, Maryland
Professional Chemistry
Pi Lambda Phi I , 2, 3, 4, Social Chairman 2; Roger Williams I , 2, 3; Powder and Wig I , 2, 3; Freshman Soccer; Chi Epsilon Mu 1, 2, 3, 4; IFA 2; Student Christian Association I ; Religious Convocation Committee 2; Library Associates 3; Senior Scholar; Dean's List 3 . BARBARA L . READ
Needham, Massachusetts American Literature Sigma Kappa 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; Chief Justice 4 ; Student League 3, 4 ; Dorm Chairman 3 ; Student Government 3, 4 ; Junior Advisor; Cap and Gown 4; Women's Union Committee 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Freshman Cheerleader; Hangout 1 , 2 ; Combined Judiciary 4 ; Campus Guide 2 ; French Club I ; International Relations Club 2; Dorm Council I , 2. NANCY E. REYNOLDS Medford, Massachusetts
Sigma Kappa I , 2, 3, 4, Panhellenic Representative 3, President 4; Colbyettes 3, 4; Homecoming Committee 2; Winter Carnival Committee 3, 4; Oracle 2, 3; Echo I , 2, 3; Hangout 1, 2, 3 .
CYNTHIA D. RICHMOND orthampton, Massachusetts Psychology
International Relations CJub 2, 3, 4; Student Christian Associa tion 1, 2, 3, 4; Young Republicans 2 3, 4 . K 6. P PAUL K . ROGERS, ID e w Britain, Connecticut Phy sics Kappa Delta Rho l, 2, 3, 4; Outing Club l, 2, 3, 4; Katahdin Council I , 2, 3, 4; Ski Council 1 , 2, 3, 4, President 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2; Ski Team I, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; Sigma Pi Sigma 3, 4 . PAULINE RYDER Waltham, Massachusetts
Alpha Delta Pi I, 2, 3, 4, Executive Committee 2, Ways and Means Chairman 3 , President 4; Modem Dance Club l; Bad minton Club 2 , 3 , 4 , Vice-President 3 , Secretary-Treasurer 4; Outing Club 1, 2, 3 , 4; WAA Mmager I, 2 , 3; Powder and Wig I; Dorm Council 2, 3; Alpha Delta Pi Scholarship 3; Delta Delta Delta Scholarship 4; ational Science Foundation Grant. ERNEST S. SAGALYN Springfield, · Massachusetts
American Literature
Delta Upsilon l , 2 , 3 , 4 , House Committee 2 , House Chairman 3 , Editor 4; Golf 2 , 3 , 4; Soccer l , 2; Yacht Club 4; Library Associates 4; Winter Carnival Committee 3.
OWE Hartford, Connecticut Busaness Administration
Delta psilon 1, 2, 3, 4, Alumni Secretary 4: Hillel Fre h man occer; Fresh man Track.
I, 4 ;
SUS. K. SCHAEFF Say •iUe, ew York
Delta D lta Delta 1, 2, 3, 4, Historian 3, Chaplain 4; Echo I , 2, 3, 4 , ake-up Editor 3 , Managing Editor 4; Women's Judiciary 2 , 3; Junior Advisor. RU TH A. . SCHAFER Arlington, Virginia
Engli h Literature
Alpha D lta Pi 3 , 4 , Historian 4; Glee Clu b 1 , 2; Concert oir J , 2; Student Govenunent 2; Donn Council 3; Senior lass crctary. M ICHA L S. SED R orwich, Connecticut Physics
Hangout l , 2, 3; Oracle 3; Hi11el I, 2, 3, 4; Outing Club Badminton Club 4; ports Car Club 3; Sigma Pi Sigma.
n SUSAN W. SENKLER Carlisle, Massachusetts Government
Sigma Kappa 3, 4; Hangout 1 , 2; International Relations Club 1, 2; Dorm Council 3. EDITH-ANN SEWALL Cape Elizabeth, Maine French
WAA 1 , 2, 3, Vice-President 3; Judicial Board 3, 4, Deputy Justice 4 ; Newman Club 1 , 2, 3, Secretary-Treasurer 2, Presi
dent 3; Oracle 3; IFA 3; Dorm Council l; Junior Advisor; Phi Sigma Iota 3, 4; Cap and Gown 4, President; Delta Delta Delta Scholarship 3 ; Dean's List I , 3 . A�cl>
JOHN S. SHELDON Chappaqua, New York Economics
Alpha Delta Phi 1 , 2, 3, 4, Rush Chairman 3, President 3, 4 ; Freshman Football; Glee Club 1 , 2 , 4 ; Cheerleader 4 ; Dorm Counselor 4 .
BARBARA D. SIMON Struthers, Ohio Biology
Chi Omega 3, 4; Junior Advisor; Sub-head 3; WAA 2, 3 .
Wayzata, Minnesota
German Chi Omega I , 2, 3, 4, Rush Chairman 3; Oracle 2., 3, 4; New man Club I , 2, 3, 4; German Club 3, 4; Hangout 2, 3 ; Junior Advisor; Junior Class Secretary; Delta Phi Alpha 3, 4 .
CYNTHIA L . SMITH Trumbull, Connecticut Sociology Glee Club I , 2, 3, 4, Librarian 1 , 3 , 4 ; Colbyettes 2 , 3 , 4 ; Chapel Orientation Committee Chairman Co-Chairman 3 ; Dorm Council 2,
2, 3, 4; Concert Choir 1 , 2 , Choir 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Freshman 4; Homecoming Committee 3.
STEPHEN W. SMITH West Medford, Massachusetts American Literature
JUD_Y SPEAR Waldoboro, Maine Philosaphy Junior Year Abroad; Hamlin Contest l; The Country Wife I ; Glee Club l; Chapel Choir l; Leadership Conference 4 .
Outing Club
1 , 2; Dorm
JERROLD B . SPEARS Winthrop, Maine Government
Phi Delta Theta 1 , 2, 3, 4, IFC 3, 4 ; Glee Club 1 , 2; Young Republicans 2 , 3 , 4 , Founder and President 2 ; John Marshall Society 3, 4, Founder and President 3; Guys and Dolls 3 ; International Relation Club 2 , 3 , 4 ; Senior Council 4 . R U T H G. SPRINGER Waterville, Maine Biology
Outing Club 1 , 2, 3, Dance Club I ; Hocke
4 ; Ski Council 4 ; Katahdin 4 ; Dean's List 1 , 2 .
Council 3, 4 ;
ROBERT J . STEVE SO ewington, Connecticut Bu.sine s Administration
Outing Club 1 ; Chapel Choir I . AAA
ELSPETH M . STUART Dover, M achu tt: Economics
D lta Delta Delta 1 , 2; Outing Club I , 2, 3, Dean's List 3 ; French Club 1 , 2 , 3 .
MARY M. STIN Weston Mills, French
EFORD ew York
Delta Delta Delta 3 , 4 , ctivitie Chairman 3 , 4 , President 4; French Club 3, 4. CARL W. STINSO Bath, Maine
ewman Club
Lambda Chi Alpha I , 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 2, 3, Vice-President 3, 4; Hangout 3, Trea urcr; Junior Advisor; Football 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; Track 1 . CHARLES C . STOKES Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Art International Relations Cl ub 1 , 2, 3; Spanish Club 1 , 2; Outing Club 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Hangout 3 ; Powder and Wig 3 , 4 ; Library Associates 2 , 3 . Mil CHARIS A. STORMS Yarmouth, Maine History Alpha D lta Pi 3, 4; Chapel Organist 2, 3, 4; Roger William s I, 2 , Secretary-Tr asurer 2; Dorm Council J.
Glee Club I , 2 ;
GEORGE SWASEY Massapequa, New York Economics
Lambda Chi Alpha 1, 2, 3, 4, Social Chairman 3, Secretary 4 ; Football l; Oracle 4 ; ROTC 1 , 2, 3 , 4 . BRUCE SWERLING Newton, Massachusetts
Business Administration
Zeta Psi 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 2; Hillel 1 , 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1 , 2 . THOMAS McK. THOMAS Mendhan, New Jersey History
Outing Club 1 , 2, 3, 4; Katahdin Council 1 , 2, 3, 4; Student Government 3, 4; Dorm Council 4 . AVA J. THOMPSON Madison, Maine
Sigma Kappa 1 , 2, 3, 4, Assistant Treasurer 3, Treasurer 4 ; Rush Committee 3 ; Sigma Kappa Scholarship Award 2, 3 ; Dean's List 3 ; Junior Advisor.
Lowell, Massachusetts Economics
Lambda Chi Alpha 2, 3 , 4 ; Religious Convocation Committee; Young Republicans 2, 3, 4; Outing Club 1 , 2, 3, 4; John Marshall Society 3, 4; International Relations Club 3, 4; Library Associates 3, 4 . JEANNE C. TOUGAS Brunswick, Maine French
Delta Delta Delta 1 , 2, 3, 4; Closed Party Chairman 3; Vice President 4; Colbyettes 1 , 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 2, 4 ; Teahouse l ; Guys and Dolls 3 .
ELLEN D. TOWER Ridgefield, Connecticut
American Literature Sigma Kappa 2, 3, 4; International Relations Club 3, 4 .
DANIEL H. TRAISTER New York, New York English Literature EPIC l ; Library Associates 1 , 2, 3 , 4 , Vice-President 2 ; Music Associates 3, 4; Echo 2, 3, 4, Copy Editor 2, Editor-in-Chief 3 , Editorial Board 4 ; Pre-Alumni Council 3 , 4 ; Senior Scholar.
RAOUL E. TSCHEBULL ATO toorestown, ew Jersey History Alpha Tau Omega l , 2, 3 , 4; Religious Convocation Commit tee 2; Outing Club 1 , 2, 4 ; International Relations Club 3, 4 ; po r Car Club 2 , 3, Treasurer 4 ; S ki Team l ; Echo 2 ; Track I . PETER S . VOGT estfield, ew Jersey
Amern:an Literature
appa Epsilon 1, 2, 3, 4, Social Chairman 4 ; Hangout Delta l , 2, 3, President 2, 3: Colby Eight 1 , 2, 3, 4, President 3 ; Oracle 2, 4 ; ROTC l , 2, 3 , 4 ; Outing Club 4 ; enior Advisor; Glee Club 4, Business Manager; Junior Class President; Library · te 3, 4 ; Distinguished Milit:.ary Graduate; Blue Key. A PETER WADSWORTH Framingham, Ma chusetts H istory Tau De l ta P h i 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , ire-President 2, 3 ; ROTC 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , Drill Team I , 2 ; Arnold Air Sode 2, 3 4, President 4; ROTC Flight Program 4: French Club 3; Cheerleader 3, 4 ; Oracle 3 ; Freshman B a ball; Dean's List 3 . lARGARET R . WALL Worcester, ;fas chusetts Sociology Delta D lt.a Delta J, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 4 ; Chapel Usher 2, 3, 4 ; IFA 3 , 4 .
HERBERT A . WAINER Shaker Heights, Ohio
Business Administration
Tau Delta Phi 3, 4; Orchestra 3, 4; String Group 2, 3, 4 ; Hillel 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Student Advisor 4 ; Freshman Soccer; Dean's List 3; Symphonic Society Award 3. MARJORIE R. WALTON Moorestown, New Jersey Philosophy
Outing Club I, 2, 3, 4 ; Katahdin Council 2, 3, 4, Recordin g Secretary 3, 4 ; Band 2, 3 ; W A A 1 , 2, 3 , 4 ; Dorm Council 2, 3; International Relations Club l, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3; Young Democrats 4; Philosophy Club 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4; Library Associates 4; Dean's List 1 , 2, 3, 4 . FREDERICK A . WATKINS Shaker Heights, Ohio
Business Administration
Zeta I , 2, 3, 4, Historian 2, Corresponding Secretary 4 ; Chapel Choir 1 ; Chapel Organist 4 ; Freshman Track; Varsity Soccer 2, 3, 4 ; Student Advisor 4 . LILLIAN J . WAUGH Berlin, New Hampshire European History
Colby Community Symphony Orchestra 1 , 2, 3, 4; String Ensemble 3, 4 ; French Club 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Basketball 1 , 2 ; Hocke J, 2; Lacrosse 2; Library Associates 4; Symphonic Award 2 : Dean's L i t 3 ; Phi Sigma Iota 3, 4 .
LUCILLE E. WAUGH Berlin, New Hampshire English Literature
Colby Community Symphony Orchestra 1 , 2, 3, 4; String Ensemble 3, 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Publicity Co-Chairman 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Hockey 1, 2; Library Associates 4; Modem Dance Club 1, 2; Symphonic Award 2; Dean's List 2; Phi Sigma Iota 3, 4. J. STEPHEN WEEKS Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
Delta Kappa Epsilon 1 , 2, 3, 4, Secretary 2, Social Chairman 3; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 1 . DAVID F . WESTGATE Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, Economics
Delta Upsilon 1 , 2, 3, 4, Corresponding Secretary 1, Social Chairman 2, House Chairman 2; Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Katahdin Council 3 , 4; Yacht Club 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , Team Captain 3, Commodore 4; Oracle 2, 3, 4, Business Manager 3, Senior Editor; Student Advisor 4. JAMES F. WESTGATE Rockport, Maine Philosophy - Religion
LLOYD WHITE East Lebanon, Maine German
Delta Phi Alpha President 4; Phi Sigma Iota 4; Powder and Wig 4; Dean's List 3; German Club 4, Vice-President; French Club 4, Vice-President.
R. OLNEY WHITE Oxford, Massachusetts
Kappa Delta Rho 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; ROTC 1 , 2, 3, 4; Arnold Air Society 2, 3, 4; Outing Club I , 2, 3, 4; ROTC Scholastic Award 2. SALLY M. WHITE Waterville, Maine English Literature
Delta Delta Delta 1, 2, 3, 4; Newman Club 1 , 2, 4.
ROBERT M. W H ITELAW Carmel, ew York Geology
Hamlin Speaking Contest 2 nd Prize 3. CHARLES P. WILLIA M SON, JR. Providence, Rhode Island
Business Admini tration
Delta Kappa Epsilon 1 , 2, 3, 4, Secretary 2, Vice-President 3 , President 4 ; Hocke l , 2 , 3 , 4 · Outing Club, Katahdin Council l , 2, 3, 4; J unior Advisor. DORI S D. WU.SO Jenkintown, Pennsylvania fat1zernatics
Alpha Delta Pi 2, 3, 4, Registrar 3, 4; Roger Williams l , 2 ; Dorm Council 1 ; I F 2 , 3 ; Alpha Delta P i Scholarship Award 3 . JOHN M . WILSO Centerville, 1assachus French
Zeta Psi 1 , 2 , 3, 4, upreme Council 3 ; Glee Club I ; Baseball l , 2 , 3, 4; Cla s Vice-President 3; Outing Club 2, 3, 4; Student Advisor 3 , 4 .
JO- N . ' W 'CZ West Hartford, Connecticut Art
igma Kappa J , 2 , 3 , 4; Fresh m a n h · rlcadcr, Varsity 4; J F 2 , 3 , 4 , Recording cc:rctary 3 , 4; � l odcrn Dance lub 3 , 4 ; Dorm Council 3. WI Ll I H. W ITH RELL West boro , fa sachusetts
3, 4 , Trca urer 4; tudent Tau D l ta Phi J , 2, 3, 4, J h ri tian 1\ ociation l , 2 ; John l\larsha l l ocicty 3, 4; Round Table 4 ; li brary As�ocia tl'S 1 , 2, 3; Frc hman Cheerleader; Echo 3 , 4, Fditorfa l Board; l nrcmational Relations lub 3 ; Student Advisor 4 ; igma Pi igma 2 ; Dean's List 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 . BRI .
Watetvill., Main
hem i try
D a n 's L�t ) , 2, 3, 4: Honor in Gene ral Ad\.iSOr 4 . ATHA
. BU
Holl)·wood, Jllinoi�
cholarship 3·
With the ability to grasp and to perceive th at comes with one is apt to see a similarity and repetition of events th at sets a pattern for life. The length of da s is all too like! 1 to be u nbroken by sudden or unexpected e ents. Even age
more so, the college •ear, with its clear d istin ctions same emester arrangements, fixed holida s, usual college events and activities, and same daily fu nctions, tends to make the similarity more pronounced .
\Ve of the senior class, howe er have een four . ear each of which contained certain distinctions th at set i t off from the fast. A recollection of the period 1959 to 196 3
will li kely shol four year any that will follow.
u n like an
'\ e have seen the labor of man
of the preceding and
bear fruit in the form
of two magn ificent additions to the campus - the Bixler M usic and Arts B u ilding, and the Eu tis dmini tration B u ilding. \ e have seen a large part of the library et aside for extra, late-hour stud ' pu rpo es, as a result of student interest:
ow we see the grou nd prepared for a new
women's dormitory. The incen tive given CO LBY by the Ford Foundation will, we are sure , set the pattern for even more rapid growth . Few could have been more fortun ate in sharing four years of an ever im proving and expanding entertai nment. We have danced to the bands of Wood 1altby and Urbie Gree n .
Hennan, Richard
We have spent man
able weekends in person with Josh Wh ite, the Brothers fou r. the Highwaymen , Dave B rubeck, and of course, our own Colby
ight and Colbyettes.
nderson , "Guys
Doll ," the
or will we forget J udith Berlioz Requiem,
"The Time of Your Life," the one hu ndred car cavaJcade to
e quicentenn ial Convocation with guest tan ton , or the lon g but worth�
speakers Handl i n , Peil , and while trips followin g the
ast's top hockey teams.
We have, i n fact, witnessed what ma well be considered a revolution in the social and academic spheres. Ours was the year of the i n titution of the January Pla n , as COLBY has
been ever more aware of i ndi idual responsibility. We have seen the initiation of a sen ior honor system, one of the fi rst of its ki nd in the U n ited States. The increased awareness of social recogn ition also became a reality with the in troduc
tion of co-ed d i n ing, increased class social fun ctions, and pla n s for in tegrated j udicial boards.
In short, we , the one-h undred-fiftieth class of CoLBY CoL· L E G E , have seen four extremely in teresti n g and rewarding years. The e were made po sible by our experiences, col lege facilities, and ever in creasing resources.
Senior Class History
Inside the Miller Library Clock
The last few months of second semester Bed quickly by toward finals and then , at last, to summer vaca tion .
History of the Year
The CoJb
l u les were cheered loudl into the semi-final , and J ack Kelle , ' as elected
March 1 962 -
Coach of the ear by the ational Collegiate Hockey Coaches As ociation . The la t fe,. games were watched with mixed feelings , for this was to be Kelley's last year as Coach of the l\ l ule ; in the fall he would head for his Ima l ater, Boston niversity.
March 1 963
Powder and Wig's production of ''GU)'S and Dolls'' was long to be remembered, as strains of ''Luck Be A Lady ' could be heard all the wa through fin als. I n
t h e spring, t h e group produced three other successful pla : Christopher r ' "PhoenL-< Too Frequent;" George Bern ard ha' 's "Dark Lad of the onnets>'' and A n ton Chekov'
" 1arriage Propo al."
A nother
highlight of the season was Dame J u dith A n derson, ho played House.
1 edia and Lad
f acbetb at the Opera
A group of twelve Ch ilean studen ts spent two weeks at CoL B Y in an expe rimental program in interna tional
The students attended clas
shared in extra
curricular activities, and noticed what the called the "amazing friend line s" of e eryone at CO L B Y . Gabrielson lectures in t h e spring included 11Frencb Politics
u ropean
I n tegration,"
Stanley Hoffman of H arvard ; "The
Profes or
orth Atlantic
Community in the Perspecti e of American Foreign Policy," by Professor Henry Kissenger; and a lecture on '
ATO and Western Defen
William E merson .
1r. Amas
e , ''
by Yale professor
ath Pandeya, a visit ing Professor of History poke on "T' o Decades of I ndian History. " Dr. Fran kl, au thor of From Death Camp to Existentialis m , the book of the ear, was one of the most warmly welcomed lecturers in the history of COL B Y . C oL B Y found itself j u s t a s proud t o hear the Berlioz Requiem performed for the first time in Maine u nder the direction of Professor Re.
J n spite of slightly rainy weather, a large force of students, rake , hoes, and baskets were victorious over the winter's destruction on the annual Johnson Day. Greek Sin g, likewise, was threatened by rain , and had to move from the Library tep into the Chapel ; Tri
Delt and K . D . R . emerged victorious. Directly follow ing came the faculty's not-so-Greek drama. President trider in blue jeans deaned u p the Spa 8oor and chugg d his beer at Onie's while other faculty
ing Greek
members performed as graceful and leggy balleri nas; however, the tanding ovation went to Alice.
President Emeritus Bixler attends Johnson Day Picnic
Janitor Strider
Prima Ballerina Kellenberger
Earl in September, with the weather like that of mid ummer, the eager cla of 1 9 6 6 arrived with copies of Dan te's " I n ferno" and Frankel's From Death
Camp to Existentialism. tucked in their crowded suit The had the campus to themselves for just three short da. s of the traditional Freshman Week before the u pper cla smen swanned upon them to
begin Freshmen hazing. U pper cla
men were presen ted with the pleasant
surprise of the elimination of the long and hectic registration, and before they knew it classes and the Soon hour
rush to the boo k store were in progres . exams and papers
ere assigned, and those upperdass�
men who thought they had grown used to the shortened semester were just as surprised as the freshmen . The fall was fu ll o f all kinds o f activ1ties.
the traditional events , many special one
B e ides
were added
d ue to the Sesquicentennial Celebration and the Ford Foundation grant.
September produced man
sports events, the successful acthritie ginnin g of fraterni
ru hing.
fair, and the be
at the All-College-Con ocation and explained the mean ing of the Ford Foundation G rant and the
e quicen
tennial Year. Bob GuJa pre en ted a piano concert which began the series of tures and concerts.
Freshman confusion ends in
tudent Go emment sponsored lec
new ccred lou n ge and long
awaited co-ed dining room were opened . Fall events includ d the
e qu kenten nial Convoca
tion ' ith Oscar Handlin, Frank Piel as guest speakers.
tanton , and Gerard
On Parent's Weekend the Phi
Beta Kappa lecture featured the Irish writer and critic Sean O'Faolain . Thi l ctu re, a r pl ' to C . P . Snow's "Two Culture ," was well attended by both students and parents who had just arrived wondering why we were too bu . to write home . On the following day a luncheon for the par nts preceded the Trinity foot ball game at which the Homecoming Queen Candidates
were presented . A n evening of music was a welcome relaxation after the events of the day.
Although the white bear from f aine trampled upon the Co L B Y l u le, Homecoming was a success. Vickey Rubin made a charmingly vi acious queen , and Oscar Brand provided the tradition a l , yet in this case exciting
Friday nigh t Concert. Chi Omega tramped to victory in the Roat contest through the unexpected snow fall. Classes as usual .
Chi Omega exhibits its Sesquicen tennial float
Removed from the field of Victory
Carry On r
Vickey learns that she is queen
Wig provided much
original manuscript to England.
Students sat in the as
through the presentation of several successful plays.
aisles to hear Dr. Todrank's lecture given
In "Julius Caesar," Dr. Suss and the drama department
were his final words to humanity.
experimented with many technical innovations. "The Judge," written in the tradition of the Absurd Theater
N. Pittinger's "Christian Thought and Progress PhilosoÂ
by faculty member Mr. Wees, and Edward Albee's first dramatic success, "The Zoo Story," incited spirited
tradition to the changed ways of the 2 0th century, was thoroughly enjoyed. Musical events warmly applauded
discussions in classrooms, the spa, and Onie's.
were a performance by the Abbey Singers, the Juliard
The book of the year, Lewis Carroll's Alice in Won derland, was another subject of discussion at COLBY.
Symphony and Glee Club.
phy," in which he advocated the adaptation of Christian
String Quartet and a Christmas concert by the CoLBY
This concert afforded a
momentary glimpse of approaching Christmas through
The opening witty and interesting Averill lecture on this book was given by Dr. Luther Evans, past librarian
of Congress, who was responsible for the return of the
if these
The Reverend W.
the blurred eyes of the students who anticipated the _
impending disaster of finals.
1 usic and the eternal student
Jan uary Plan , with boo ks , boo ks , and more books, sped by.
Those students who remained
on campus fou n d the month filled with all kinds of even ts.
Lectures and concerts were plentifu l ,
and a wide range of topics were covered .
who were not already on crutches or weari n g sli ngs m ade frequent trips to Sugarloaf or took advan tage of the skiing lessons on campus. Toward the end of the month Win ter Carnival was held .
M an y of the students who had been
studying off campus returned for this weekend which included the annual ice show, all-college d ance, Satu rday afternoon concert featurin g the Tarriers, an excellent folk singi n g group, and the Ette-Eight concert on Sunday. M argie Briggs, Delta Kappa Epsilon's candid ate was the charm ing q ueen of the weeke n d .
arn h •aJ . J\ h . Trott d id a boo m i n
fter furiou h
bu i
tudent. w rote and typed
ne __ in typing pap r. a
e me.ter br ak b
an .
eme tcr fou nd Lhc campu. wa. covered �;t h a m u ch on h·
m a n y of u
now a
qu ickk di ave u
h ad e\·er
e n.
O\ e red that th i., ou r " Jon
t r"
ne we k more than our . hort n r. t
eme tcr; and even one e t t l d down at once w i t h th ir p i l
of nc\
boo k .
Loo k i n g forward i n to p r i n g we cou ld of u
i n d u d i n g "The Time of You r Pen n � Greek
e ah ead
en•ral more Pm •der and \Yig prod uction Opera ;" i n g. a n d
Da � . . . . . then on
he. t.
a rd t
men t , and the calm of a
ife," and "Th ree
and and
lec t u re , John on
com p . com mence
u m m r ,. ca t ion .
Powder and Wig ano, L. Orr .
Standing :
Seated :
a. McGillicuddy, P. Di-
R. Hamburger, T. Curtis, D. Vogt.
Costume Preparations for Julius Caesar.
eated : Brennon, D. Westgate, \
B. J . Campbell, C. Peter , Dowden, C.
Under the leader hip of Susan Curi , editor, and Carlton Winslow, business manager, the members of the ORAC L E staff have attempted to paint an accu rate picture of events during 1 9 6 2- 1 9 6 3 . The most important innovations are jn honor of this the sesqui· cen tenn ial year. The special section and the intro ductory "Change and the Challenge" consist of student contributions dealing with the past, present, and future of Colby. It is hoped that the new sections will stimu late student awareness and action .
. Curi, C. Winslow .
tan.ding :
As R ichard Pious, Susan Schaef'f, and eal Ossen hand their positions as editor-in-chief, managing ed itor, and business manager to onnan Dukes, ancy Saylor, and Richard Geltman , respectively, it is ex pected that the ECHO will continue to fulfill its function as a EWS-paper . The Library Associates, an organization designed to promote in tere t in English and American Literature, is compo ed of both student and faculty members. The group sponsors four lectures per year. The " lby Library Quarterly'' is sent to alumni, thereby keeping them in closer contact with the school.
Floor: J. Martin, C. Cousins. Seated : J. Wood, N. Saylor, D. Pious, S. Schaeff, N. Ossen, J. Lewis. Standing : P. Pierson, B. Kreps, J. Lapides, R. Gould, W. With erell, R. Geltman, E. Baker, B. Lytle, C. Marquez, P. Fellows, D. Pulver, J. Anderson.
L ibrary Associates Standing :
s eated :
J. Baxter, J. Maccou, M. Walton.
R. Gould, S. Schoeman, B. Lytle, D. Minahan.
Student Government
seated : R. Gula, M. Palmer, J. Miller, P . kkerson, B . Read, P. French, G . Koch , S. Webster, Archer, R. Kimball. Fir t row : G. A. Smith, T. Dakin , S. choeman, A. Cohen, S. Thompson, M. Fuchs, P. Pierson, F. Seaman. cond row : T. Thomas, M. Donaldson, E . Thorson, J. alisbury.
Seri.Jice Organizations Student Government is the parent organization of all student activities at Colby. It admin isters regulations for student life, and acts as a sounding board for campus opinion . From the student activities fee, Student Government distributes some $ 3 0 ,000 an nually to the various campus organizations. A member of the U nited States Nationa1 Student Organization , C.Olby tudent Government is composed of four officers, a social chairman , and a U . S . .S.A. co-ordinator who are elected in the spring of each year, a representative from each service organization, and nineteen student and student-faculty committees. Under the leadership of President J. Wesley M iller, vice-president Peter Archer, secretary Marsha Palmer, and treasurer Kim Kimball , Student Government spon sored many traditional and several new activities. An essay contest for freshmen on the subject, "Dante's Vision of He11 and Its Relevance in the World of Today," wa held early in the fall. The institution of a concert and lecture series for the purpose of pro moting scholarship, taking cognizance of local talent, and helping to raise the academic tone of the college prov d highly ucce ful. Lecturers included Dan
Traister, Wes Miller and Steve Schoeman , those who gave concerts were Bob Gula, Shannon McCune, Carlos Ionta a, Mr. Kenton Stewart, and the Chapel Choir. Other projects undertaken by the Student Govern ment in the past year included a revision of some of the ocial rules of the college, surveys whjch were taken in an attempt bring to the foreground student opinion on pertinen t issues, and steps were taken to increase class activities, and thus insure a "class u n ity." Student Government decided in the fall to partici pate in the U . S . N .S.A. Academic Freedom Project. This project involved the careful analysis of student rights presently in force on campus. Work was under taken to obtain a formal, written , guaranteed bill of student rights and responsibilities from the adminis tration Special committee were formed for this purpose. The social committee proposed rules and special programming for the new co-ed lounge and co-ed dining room ; these were made successful by the efforts of the committee. Social events, on the whole, became more frequent, as did student interest in campus problems.
Inter-Fraternity Council
Witherell, B. Henkel. Standing : Cottle, J. Speers, J. Crawford.
seated : B. Petrakis, N. Butler, w. T. MacMullen, R. Drewes, J. Dolian, R. Metzler, W.
The Interfraternity Council, representative of the ten fraternities on campus, acts as a judiciary body which sets rules and regulations particularly in regard to rushing, and acts as a discussion group for the purpose of solving common prob lems. It provides any needed information about fraternities or fraternity life.
The Panhellenic Council, composed of two delegates from each of the four sororities, directs sorority activities, controls rush, distributes all sorority notices and, in conjunction with the In terfraternity Council, participates in Homecom ing Weekend, Greek Sing, and philanthropic projects. In the future, the officers plan to re evaluate the constitution and by-laws, and to hold an area workshop for improving rush period.
Pan-Hellenic Standing :
Seated : N. McCune, J. Eielson, B. Carr. J. Dignam, S. Tozier, C. Wulling, J. Martin, C. McConnell.
Women s Student League fnllr on, D. D. I tti on,
obb. . 1 I
eared: J. l i l nu, P. rcn h , D. ta,,ding: J . R ulon, . d rm n, M. P h illip , K. 1 i <'n, L. H kell , ad, B. Cordon . onnell, B.
en ior Honor Dorm ' a ucce ful l y con t i n ued , and ever I ru les go ern i n g the u nderclass women were revi ed . mong the e e n ts ,. h ich ' ere sponsored by the League were the A n n u a l R u m mage Sale, the prin g B a nquet at wh ich tudents enjoyed a program of fol k mu ic, n d the fe t ive Ch ri tmas B a n q ue t . I n addi tion t o the e e en ts, t h e League spon ored the \Vomen's H andbook, and a Last Lecture e ries where in the lectur r spoke a if thi were the la t lecture h e ' ould e er b e a b l e to gi . Earl in the fal l , the Leagu pon ored it a n n u al campu work hop at wh ich a ' ide repre entation of students facult , and ad m i n itra t ion were pre e n t to di cu curre n t i ues pert i n e n t t o ampu l i f . T h e th me of t h e work h o p wa "Colby Goi ng Fon a rd . " uch probl m a th college n ws pap r, th frat r n i t tern , and tud n t-facult rela t ion h i ps were d i cu ed .
h tuclent League Execu t i e Board , which con i t of rcpr n tative e l cted from the \ a riou uni of the ' omen' di i ion , i re pon ible for e tabli h i n g a m i n i mum of rule for ucce ful group Hving and for main tain i n g a maximum of indiidual and group re p n ibilitr. The form of government und •r '' h ich th board op rat is the Colb \ t m, an h onor y tern \ hereb) each girl i respon sible for a c t i n � honorably her elf and for n couragi n g imilar t i o n on th p rt f o t h e r . I t hold r gular m cting whi h nv lby girl i i n vited to attend and \'oice her opin ion i n the form ation and admini tration of it J ici . Jn t h i wn th T eagu act i n i ts a pa it� a o u n d i n g bo. rd for tud n t opin ion and a a link betwc n the ad m i n i tr t ion , facu lt , , and tudent . nd r t h I ad r h i p of Pr id n t Pol ly French, in a t t m p t i n g to c t nd th th Bo rd \ • \' r · ac:ti i n d h icl u a l r pon ibi l i t \ of ·ac.:h wom a n tud n t . The
Men S Jud�ciary ing:
Seated: J. Fredrickson, T. Dakin, R. Drewes. N. Butler, J. Salisbury, N. Dukes, J. O'Connor, G. McLaughlin, E. Spitzer.
Women s Judiciary Standing :
Seated : L. Sterns, B . Read, E. Sewall, A. Qumon. D. Brown, H. Sewall, J. Martin, B. Buis, K. Beganny, P. French, A. Owens.
The Women's Judiciary Board serves for the pur pose of hearing cases which involve serious infraction of the Colby System, and for counselling and giving corrective measures. It is also responsible for con tinually re-evaluating the Colby System , and for pro posing corrections and changes when they are neces, sary. Its ultimate aim is to see that the standards of the Colby System are upheld .
The Men's Judiciary Board, consisting of three men elected from the freshman class each spring to serve for the next three years. The chief justice, this year Tim Dakin, is elected each spring from the representa tives of the current junior class. The Board hears cases involving any infraction of Student Government regulations or college rules. Its recommendations are referred to and acted upon by the dean of men . The Judiciary Board also serves to counsel those students before it, and to eliminate the cause for infractions of the rules of the college.
The Board consists of three members elected from each of the upperclasses, two freshmen , the Student League president, and the chief justice, an appointed position held this year by Barbara Read.
r 1 1 1 t1 1i 1
Colby Eight
The Colb 8, led by Cy Ludwig and Ben Beaver, is ha\'ing a busy yea r. In the fall they sang at several of the campus eve n ts such as Homecom i ng, Paren ts' \\'eek n d , and va riou banquets. The also traveled to Bo ton to ing a t a d i n ner put on by the State of � l ain . With s t.ral new arrangemen ts done by m mb r of th gr u p , th . have a la rge va riety of mu ic at t h •ir com mand . pring plan i nclude trip to f i higa n , t . J awr ·nc • , and th niv r it of ew Hamp hir ·.
Musical Organizations
Chapel Choir
First row: J. Guptill, M. Gourley, B. Chamberlain, c. Sever ance, S. Hayward, L. Daman, J. Craig, C. Storms-organist, M. Kouba, L. Egbert, M. Wheeler, N. McCune, C. Smith, S. Ferries, F. Holmes. Second row: J. Wheeler, P. Vogt, J. Moody, R. Osborne, W. Burgoyne, C. Ludwig, N. Baxter, G. Bowie, C. Mabee, P. Nester, J. Workman, R. Waddington, K. Steward.
Singing under the direction of Professor Peter Re, the Colby College Glee Club has had a very busy and successful year. The group sang at college con vocations and presented various concerts throughout the year. In the fall they performed at the Lovejoy Convocation and took part in the Combined Colby Community Orchestra and Glee Club Concert. At that time the Glee Club presented The Cherubic Hymn by Howard Hanson, The Christmas Anthem by Henry Purcell and Jubilate Deo by Giovanni Gabriell. The Glee Club also presented a benefit concert for the Coburn Classical Institute Scholarship Fund and a wonderful selection of Christmas songs at their Annual Christmas Carol Concert. The Glee Club also recorded a tape for C . B . S . radio and a video-tape for a Maine television channel. Among the many pieces performed by the Glee Club were Glory to God on the Highest by Randall Thompson, 0 Clap Your Hands by Vaughan Williams, and Jubilate Dea by Henry Purcell. Through out second semester the Glee Club continued to per-
form at convocations and presented several concerts. Officers of the Glee Club this year were Cy Ludwig, President; Peter Vogt, Business Manager; Susan Fer ries, Women's Secretary and Lawrence Schulze, Men's Secretary. Martha Farrington and Nancy Pendleton were Glee Club Librarians. The Concert Choir participated in all the activities of the Glee Club and went on a concert tour in the spring. Their main stops were at the Town Hall in New York and at various dinners held in conjunction with the Ford Foundation Fund Raising Drive. The Chapel Choir this year was under the direction of Mr. Kenton Stewart. Besides singing at the regular morning services at the chapel, the Chapel Choir per formed a Christmas Concert on December 6. The concert included a selection of Christmas Carols, a reading by Chaplain Clifford Osborne, Ron Nelson's The Christmas Story. Chaplain Osborne narrated and Cy Ludwig and Peter Vogt were the soloists.
The i nstitution of the Colby Folk Song Society this year h as added to the appreciation of m usic of the life and lore of the people here at Colby and its i n formal approach h as met with evident success. The objec tive of the group h as been to al low the members of the Colby community an opportunity to sing, listen to, and learn more about folk music. With this objec tive in mind the club h as provided meetings once a week and hootenan ies in the co-eel lou n ge . The group also arranged for co-ord inate hootenanies and con certs with the U n i ersitv of 1aine, U n i ersity of 1assachusetts, orthea tern , Boston University, Boston College and the 1assachusetts Institute of Technology. _
The oc:iety has begun a lending library of folk son g records and magazines and large private collec tions of member have been made a ailable. In the new Folk ong ociety li teners as well as performers are welcome and all are invited to participate in the di cu sions and sin ing of the e elections from a most in tere ting branch of music. Officers of the Society tb i vear were Co-Presidents Jerry hapiro and Gordon Bowie, ecretary oi Lyman , and Treasurer lane, G ree n . The Colb · College Band under the direction of Dr. rmanno omparetti had an exdting ear of foot ball game and concerts. sisted b 1 r. Kenton teward, Dr. Comparetti d i rected the band at a fall concert on i o ember l 7 . The ba nd also plaved at the football games and at the concert for Parents' Weekend. Joint concer were arranged with the niversity of ew Hampshire and the U niversity of
Fo lk Song Socie ty
�tanding :
H. Grand, A.
P. BUI, C. Hayn
seated :
hroop, R. Monblca u,
Vermont to be held in the spring. Colby was also host to th e 1 9 6 3 In ter-Collegiate Band Festival on pril 1 2 and 1 3 . All the college bands in Ne� E�g land were invited to participate u nder the d i rection of Paul Laval guest conductor. The Colb Community Symphony Orchestra, com posed of students, faculty, �d m usicia i:i s from �e \\ aterville area celebrated its 2 0th anmversary this year. U nder the d irection of Dr. Comparetti t? e group played at the Combined Colby Commu mty Orche tra and Glee Club Christmas Concert on December 2nd. The program included the Overture to Didon by iccalo Piccinn i , The 1 agic H arp by Franz chubert, The 0 erture to Corialaneus by Lud wig van Beethoven , Trumpet Tune by John Stanley and oel ui e b Lou is C. Daquin , and Prelude, Choral and Fugue b J. . B ach . The orchestra also accompanied the Glee Club. The Youn People' Concert was presented by the Orche tra at the Opera Hou e on March 17 and the ann ual pring Concert took place on April 2 8. Virgj nia Rubattan wa isiting piano oloist . Among the mo t enjoyable pieces performed by tbe orche tra th is vear were oncerto in C f i nor o. III for Piano and · Orche tra b, Beetho en, Symphon · i n i f ozart, Corialaneus OverFlat M ajor o. 3 9 b ture b Beethoven, FingaJ's Ca e Overture by Men del sohn and Le Carna al des An imaux by aint aen . The final e ent in the Orchestra's bus and successful season was the Commencement Concert on J u ne 9th.
J. Shapiro, L. Lym a n , . Flo d,
. Green, G. Bowie. . Thor on, C. Mabee, }. A ll e n ,
This year, as in the past, the Colby Out ing Club enjoyed an active and successful schedule of events. U n der the capable Forslu n d , Jean nette Fan n i n , and M idge Walton , COC engaged in such activities as moun tain climbing, skiing, sailing, and square dancing. COC is designed to ac quaint Colby studen ts with the many recrea tional opportunities in Maine; members of the Katahdin Council make each of the various activities en joyable and instructive.
Modern Dance Club Wincze, J. Manegold. M. Brown.
First row: B. Haines, J. Second row : L. Aranovitch, C. Epstein, S. Jackson,
The ski council, headed by Peggy Chand direction of Donn Springer, aided by Karen ler and Terry Rogers, keeps the Colby ski slope in condition throughou t the year. Next fal l , they hope to i nstall a T-bar on the h il l . During t h e win ter season the s k i council sponsors buses to Sugarloaf i n Kingfield, M aine. This win ter, Warren M iller en thralled Colby skiers with his excellent movie, "Arou nd th e World on Skis . " T h e Woodsman's Council sponsors the Woodsmen's Meet at Homecoming, which this past fal l was won by Kappa Delta Rho. Every fal l the cou n cil participates i n meets with other schools, including Maine and M iddlebury. The Woodsmen are responsi ble for a certain stretch in the Appalachian Moun tain chai n , which they must maintain each year. Led by M arty Dodge, the Woods men enjoyed a very busy year. This fal l , the Yach t Council got off to a fine start with three new sailboats. With Dave Westgate at the helm , the cou ncil participated i n several meets in the fall , competing with such schools a s the Coast Guard Academy, M iddlebury, and Boston U n iversity.
Winter Weekend Committee
First row: A. Bruno, K. Eskesen, S. Saabye, S. Walker, P. Mille� , N. Reynolds. Second row : J. McKinne, W. Bond, D. Tracy, J. Fredrickson. 86
Kata hdin Council of the Ou ting Clu b
F t rst row : 1. ccond row : B. teven , K . Fannin, . ittreirn , 1. "V a lton, D. pri ng r, K. For J und. handl r, R . pri n�l'r, Mc r, . Harne , M. . \\'or e ter, D. Brown , G. Pri . Third row : P. t udge, 1. Dodge, T. Rog rs, J . l lis, J. Lockwood, C. 01 on, P. Williamson, D. \ e tgate, K. Gra)¡, R . m mett.
Woodsmen s Coun cil
First row : J. Black, M. B rodin k y , R. E m m tt, J. Loc kwood , D. pr1nger, R . hu rch . econd row : B . Willdorf, A. Throop, R. Morse, C. . Clark, P. Mudg , K. Gr y . Wahma n n ,
Yacht Club
Williams, B. Crockett. Westgate.
First row: Second row :
Ski Council Second row :
M. Kazanjian, R. Zimmerman, M. Clivner, A. A. Rhoades, S. Eittreim, T. Cox, T. Goodchild, D .
First row : C. Olson, T. Bidwell, T. Oakie, M. R. Springer, B. Stevens, T. Rogers, M. Chandler, G. Wollam.
Inter-Faith A ssociation fill ett, K. Eskesen. tandlng : L. bcCubr , J. Melanson.
1. Wall,
s eated : Dr. Osborne, 1. Marchese, c. . Rhoades, S. Johnson, R. Gehman, G. Robbins,
Christian Sden ce Clu b Griffin, K.
n, J. Glaz
T. Cox, B . ( ab . - N . Mitchel l , G. B rne ) .
Student Christian Association
Seated : S. Hayward, S. Burgoyne, C. Wilson. Standing : K. Parker, C. Rose, J. MacDonald, J. Moody, Dr. Osborne, L. Damon, J. Reinelt, M. Platt.
Roger Williams Fellowship S. Shaw.
Seated : J. Nelson, J. Guptill, Standing: Rev. Reynolds, M. Ross, R. Baggs, L. Scanlon.
Canterbury Club
Fir t row : G. Robbins, cond row : J . aU -
1ac ubrey, 1 • Johnson , . J o h n o n . bury, R. 'ock, G. Quadla nd.
Hillel Ful man, J .
L. Krc ger, farchc .
l i v n r,
Newman Club J . Wood, P. Belang r.
. Herve ·, D. Parri h, D
. Beaver tock, T. Cox,
Pulver, R. Geltman, A .
Foreign Interest Groups
International Relations Clu b nelt, M. Walton, S. Caillet-Bois, M. Palmer. A. Rhoades, D. Brown.
German Clu b
Standing :
s eated : s. walker, 1 . ReiG. Koch, S. Schoeman, D. Parrish,
Kneeling : J. Quirk, L. White, Penny. Peters, E. Simonds, S. Morse, H. Schmidt, J. Dodge, E. Hinterkopf.
Standing :
Spanish Clu b K. Jaff , M. Hackler.
S. Turner, B . Doe, S. Caillet¡Bois, K. Eskesen, B . Johnston,
Fren ch Clu b t.andlng :
L. White, L. Hathaway, L. Waugh , J. Turner. eated : L. Waugh, 8. Brown, J. }son, W. Bond, N. K ndig, E. Hinterkopf, L. Newman.
Chi Epsilon Mu
D. Cross, P. Densen, c. DeWoody, D. Cox, K. Skodnek, C. Cliche, L. Orr, S. Brudno, J. Vore, W. Chipman, W. Richey.
Sigma Pi Sigma
Seated : J. Ellis, M. Albertson, T. Boulette. Standing : . A. Fairley, E. Levi, N. Clipsham, T. Cleghorn, D. Bancroft, D. Vogt, J. Beatty, B. Nahawi.
Phi Sigma Iota L. White, B. FI welling, J . Kearns, R. Pious. ing.
eated :
iel on,
ewman , D. Emerson. Stand° Quirion, L. . Fen n, L. Waugh, . e' all, B. Brown D.
De lta Phi A lpha
seated : D. Wi wel l , Standing : J . Quirk, H. Schmidt, J . Dodge.
. Peters, L. White, B.
i mond .
Arnold A ir Society Wadsworth, J. Friberg, G. Moog.
First row: N. Anderson, B. Pritchard, P . Second row: R. Kimball, R. Pierce, 0. White, R. Metzler.
That R .0.T.C. look.
Chess and Checkers Knight, A. Raup, L. Braun, J . Quirk.
Forensic Co u ncil Baggs, S. Rakoff, W.
eated :
cil, R . A m m a n n .
eated :
T. Easton, S. Brudno.
R . Gou ld, B. Clark, J. Wulff.
tanding :
tanding :
Campus Chest
s. Johnson, L. MacCubrey.
John Mars_hall Society J. Speers.
St anding :
seated : o. Pulver, G. Shur - Justice, Giles, S. Schoeman, J. Friberg, A. Rhoades, D. Parrish, P. Coggan.
Young Democrats Hincks, D. Parri h .
Round Table -Vic
. Gr
n, P.
Pr idcnt, B. Lytle-Tr asur r,
kCla ',
l. \ alton, W.
w. Zukow ki . ta ndin� : . chocm n-Pr id nt.
Runnals Union Committee
First row: S. Thompson, C. Peters, J. McCarthy, L. Rudolph, J. Turner, B . Stevens, B. Haines. Second row: M. Achilles, J . Melanson, D. Weathers, S. Tozier, M. Michelmore, S. Morse.
First row: S. Ellsworth, M. Briggs, K. Beganny, P. Plumb, B. Lyman, M. Phillips, A. Clark, J. Wincze. Second row: T. Korst, P. 'Yadsworth, A. Seferia, J. Sheldon, P. Hart.
Red Cross Second rou.
rot :
R. Adams, C. " ood.
l. Platt, J.
Sports Car Club
Badminton Club wood, P. Ryder, C.
Allen, R. Deytr.
a , D.
1abee, J. Quirk.
J. Foritano, J. Lock-
Meyers, M. Cohen, J .
First Row: J. Roe, M. Harding, J. Anderson, K. McGee, J. Melanson, L. Kreeger, W. Lip pshutz, J. Hillery, J. Patterson; Second Row: M. Palmer, D. Emerson, J. Milner, S. Comeau, N. Reynolds, J. Thompson, D. Nelson, N. McCune, J. Wipcz, P. Borst; Third Row: B . Hodgedon, A. McCarty, S. Footer, L . Young, J . Anderson, J. Melanson, S. Senkler, G . Butchmann, S. Parry, B. Read, B . Haines, C . Sewall, J. Morse, B . Droitcoeur; Fourth Row: S. Wilson, M. Child, M. Libby, J. Martin, C. Johnson, C. Cousins, J. Coyle, J. Michener, B. J. Campbell, S. Curi, G. Hershleb, N. Gay, H. Hart, J. Hunt; Fi�h Row: S. Berry, C. Severance, B. Carlson, N. Greer, B. Darling, B. Crockett, G. Lenz, L. Scrafton, J. Gardner, B. Eldridge, N. Barnett, S. Leighton, H. Fullerton.
As the year draws to a close, the many happy memories of Sigma Kappa again run through our minds : fun , warm friendships, achievements and accomplish ments; but most of all, the parade of Sigma Lovelies passes - we hope - in review : Miss Sebasco Anderson, winner of the toppled-totem-pole award for 1 9 6 3 Cha-Cha o f the Pampas, Silvia "Thanks God" Caillet-bois Miss Scott Paper Co-mo, basso - "one foot on the floor" - VP Miss Sunset, B . Haines, talent winner with 'Tm forever Chasing bubbles" Mith Thong-bird McCune, girl with many countries Our Red-Headed Woman, Miss Mirror Melanson, a skiing Picasso Miss M aine, S. B. Morse, unsuited for swimming . . . Miss Sugarloaf Nelson, lover of flora in the lab and the home Miss Fern Palmer, Garden Club nominee for the sweetest violet Miss Punctuality Parry, 5-point trailblazer to stellar scholarship Miss Gavel Read, receiver of an "A" in Good Housekeeping Mother of the Year, Miss S. Senkler, pride of the Maine Colorists Assoc. Miss Computor Thompson, guarder of the golden treasure-y Most Gregarious Senior, Miss Ellen B an"day"d Tower, connoisseur of tea Miss Peatbog Wincz, landscape artist of renown At the apex of the Sigma Triangle, our Leader and Queen of the Lovelies for the past year, Miss Maybelle Reynolds "There they go . " .
Sigma Kappa
A lpha, 1 8 74
1 05
Chi Omega
Beta, 1 906
First Row: J. lijleson, K . .lJutler, E. Burgess, B. Mayo, M. Achilles, R. Pratley, B. Si�cnfs, J. Mazzo, P. SecondjD_w: B. Si�on, D. �obb, P. Down�g, M. Giddings, Mo Brig�" J. Cal�han, - . l, T'.. La4tB , C. Miller; Third Row: S. Tozier, Ji: Lyman , �. McFattl, -I::. J;)3•ti'1sOR , J. Stressenger, L. Sutherland, D. Leach, M. Fallon, P. Lynch, B. McGillicuddy, Terry, J. yaughan, L. Seidenstucker, P. Plu9-! ? • P. Chandler, S. Thompson; Fo!'1f-h , A. ;M cM1ch�� L : Stearns, K,1 Knudsen, (Field, C. Rogers; A: Godley,-r,-Phitttps , ' �· Pfolbr1ck, F:- Matdson, R..--Gihen , Q. Clark, M. Ft�h Row: E. ;McDon . b , V. Rubm, �· Norlmg, ls Jelmso'lt, S,
Rµ'. fi e s ��� �
The tree were soft on that ' a rm eptem er day, a 6 3 en tered and prepared for the t a T h e trees h ave aged and o h a e \ e ; watch out world w e l au gh in g} come t o greet thee. lemories are part of the pa t · ours will surely l i n ger and last But what h ave we done that vou hould remember so ; what h aven't we done · we ans' er i n toto? For tM was the time to grow a l i ttle tal ler-study, sh are , m ake ego j ust a b i t smaller. I t's done sa. we of 6 3 ; as we remember the e vear and begin to flee-out of one world and i n to a nother, older, wi er, none the wor e for the both e r ! Con n ie the clow n , w e a r h e r laugh as h e r crown J aggie, much lighter, ge ro e to bek n ight her lazz, the look, the oft puzzeled air, a earcher, an oddit. for one so small and fair. foll a voice, a pin a rin ; blond and anxiou to make that heart sing. E llie B. 0 graciou , yet gro' n u re and con ci e . hand to guide others tha t is wise. Beth , the n iver a l , per onalitv her forte · i n gi n g speaking a n •th ing a sport. llen , a com ic if laugh ter \'Ou'd a k; next momen t a poet; which one . . . both a m a kie K a re n , u re , the diploma t , one who e acquaintance warra n ts a tip of the h a t . B arba ra, s o n atural pice and v i n e l l a o rare a mixtu re , s o pleasan t a girl her. Poll , ole , fran k and in cere a leader. friend there are man · she leaves who'll grie e her? Jean n ie, outrigh t , spark and authority , \ ir i n i a i the state, Jim the social ame n i ty. f a rcia, a n example for u , u re , com po ed , Jo, el · and concise Rat, wholehearted l y wo rkin , a beli f that' protected with energ u n corking. Jan, calm a nd ere blu hin , a delicate girl yet a en e of re pon sibilit . R u th , Bowdoin , Booty, B londe, rench will be given a la Table Ronde. nm a ' , e n tlen her on n a , a pi ca. u re . t h i I <h of ou r� . <le i inn prowere s.
1 07
Delta Delta Delta
A lpha Upsilon, 1 908
First Row: S. Shaw, A. Ladd, P. Hornaday, B. Zimmerman, B. Stevens, L. Smith, S. Ma honey, O. Fioto D. Kearns, M. Phillipps; Second Row: S. White, B. Johnston, J. Oignam, C. Touga , A . Quirion, M. \ all, S. Schaeff, S. Hassel, D. Munsell; Third Row: R. Loker,
1. Aldrich, M. Kouba, J. filler, S. Proctor, J. Magelhes, G. Price, M. Stinneford, C. Roberts, T. Saunders, F. Clapp; Fourth Row: M. Eskovitz, . ewell, A. Kogut, C. lngennan, C. Simpson, S. Raynor, D. fattison, D. Van Wyck, S. Ellsworth, B . Harrison, S. Lockatt, V. Goddard, D. Weathers, B . Gordon, S. Seto, C. Midworth, B . BankE'rt, S. Noyes, V. Cole, M. Chandler, P. Charlton, J. Theil, P . Pierson, B . Carr, S. Clark, C. Worcester, J . Jolicoeur, C. Kelly.
At Colby College in Waterville, M aine Tri-Delts didn't grimace when Spring brought rain . Instead - a Greek Sing trophy they did gain . Spring turned to summer with mittens to knit And on seventeen pledges they did fit. Shortlv thereafter a challenge arose Our h oc key game with the ATO's To highlight Parent's Weekend festivities Tri-Delt sponsored a breakfast for the folks and their kiddies Winter brought Delta Week and service projects galore \Vith renewed enthusiasm for the semester in store. The tables were turned and come what may The girls did the asking on Sadie Hawkin's Day. It shouldn't be hard for you to guess That '6 3 spelled success And special thanks for this are due To the able leadership of Annie Q. To all the seniors - good-bye and good cheer Here's to '64 - another great year.
A lpha Delta Pi
A lpha Delta, 1 915
1 9 6 3 has seen the Alpha Delts through another year packed full with rushing for a class of wonderful, hardworking pledges, a closed party veiled in the muster ious aura of Arabian Nights, several spaghetti feeds at the Outing Club Lodge, knitting mittens for charity, selling Katydids, and enjoying a special Christmas treat given by the alumnae. Two of our biggest projects were working on our blue and white stork for the Homecoming float and creating a bust of Franco for snow sculpture to win the plaque for the second year in a row. \Ve wish our Seniors fond remembrances of the wonderful times experienced here in Alpha Delta Pi : Pi - with her gavel in hand and forms under her arm Cindy - pulling her sacred rug away from all dirty feet and tenderly putting it safely out of reach Mary-jo - buying a long string of I -cent stamps to equal all the out-dated four's
Prill - playing President for a day Fran - reclining on a lion skin rug, sporting her jeweled decorations, and giggling madly Dee-Dee - piling twenty kids bound for the outing club into her car Pooch - writing her thoughts with her knitting needles Cathy - riding across the burning sands plaintively crying-0-o-o-eee-ay, ay-oi-oi Pat - lucky enough to spend all her vacations in California Diana - tidying up the chem labs every afternoon Arlene - who can't help but know one psalm by heart Charis - with that quiet, winning smile Good luck to them all !
l lO
. _..,
� ...
.. .
• .,
First Row: R. Schafer, A. Jenkins, A. Gellhorn, M. Cahill, C. Peters, P. Newbert, N . Savlor, D. W ilson , F. Jones ; Second Row: L . Spear, M . Farrington, N. Eckel, J . Arnold, J. Copi· thorn , S. Webster, J . Hamilton, C. Wulli ng, J . Long, N. P ndleton , C. Storms, Th ird Row:
J. McCarthy, S. Wilder, C. Millett, J. Kelley, S. Shaw, N. Bergeron, D. Tyler, D. B u rr, L . MacCubr y, J. Brennon, 1. Hale, L. Cotton ; Fourth Row: H. McDonald, J. Stanley, S . Patterson, 8 . Clark, C. Khoury, V. Marshall, L. Aranovitch, J . Horvath, C. Christie, J . Farnam, S. Haber.
.. .
First Row: J. Loomis, F. Neil, J. Chollias, J. Field, T. Hill, T. Hudson, D. Erdman, M. Cutler; Second Row: S . Tsitsopoulos, G . Gross, K . Bryan, J. Choate, P. Williamson, P . Allison, P . French, B. Barker, L. Sawler; Third Row: D. Gilbert, H. Hyler, J. Cornell, T. Blaine, T. Gaillard, J. Floren, D. Haus, J . Beeson, R. Williams; Fourth Row: B. Smith, K. Palmer, G. Corey, P. Martin, C. Ludwig, J. Drummond, W. Loveday, F. Parker, M. Harrington; Finh Row: B. Hollowel, J. Robinson, P . Ross, J. Crawford, D. Short, P . Redmond, L. Bailey, S. Weeks, R. Birch, B. George, D. Cutler.
Delta Kappa Epsilon
XI, 1 846
W i l l the D K hou e e er agai n have a cla a a th letic, in tell ctu a l , and poi ed a the cla " h ich will be pas ing t h rough the hall of I for the la t time th is spring? Who cou ld po ibl� repla the hulk of " I bber-H alf- - t an " Fren h , or the i n tellectual aspiratio n of P e n "Bisq u i ts" \V il l iam son ! A n d ocialh . i there an •one ' ho could o f te e " q ueaks" m atch the i n d ivid u al ucce Weeks peciaJ l y with fonner homecoming q ueen s - or Phil " h ipm u n k" l 1 i on with the skatin g et?. \Ve didn't ee too m uch of tamati " Poustis'' T j polou \ ho pen t all h i time try i n g to learn to wear i n n g l i h or l ist n i n g to Greek record ( one peed too low ) on ru room eil m a te' record pla,·er. The n th re i alwa · " B u t " B u t ler, our I FC president em ritu , who di appeared for a week-end wh ich ended i n a mer er with th Pan- Hell presiden t . Peter " perry Factor'' ogt will n ed a moving a n to get h is tra h collection out of his room . For, during his thre - ·car re iden ce in the hou e , perr h col lected ever t h i n g from ru ty b roken word to fake b a n a n as a n d "fa i ries." Sociallv we eemcd i n constan t con fl ict with the Dea n for m i nor i n cidents - uch as poor gue t treatment at our fro n t door, and the sudden appearance of our flag on the chool flag pole. now or Fort u n atcl v we weathered a l l storm , ' oth rwi , a n d came out with n a ry a broken w i n d o w - a did a housemother. As we pick up our belongi n gs, and pr pare to make our fortu ne. out ide the hall of XI, we wi h the u ndergrad the be t of luck in tr i n g to match our astou n d i n g ach i v m n ts of repladoy.
Phi Delta Theta
A lpha, 1883
First Row: W . Cressen, I. Freed, J. Speers, J. Creideweis, W . Olson, D. Cox, M . Miller, T. Richardson, J. McDonald; Second Row: R. Gould, R . Hodge, R . Lunt, P. Berneau, J . Cosley, R. Beechenor, L. Ross, A. Houlihan; Third Row: R. Wattington, J. Huchel, C. Moody, A. Cornwall, M. Machuitz, J. Vermillion, J. Green; Fourth Row: C . Fallon, R. Moyes, R. Swartz, N. Mitchell, P. Choate, J. Carnegie, S. Machon.
Zeta Psi
Chi, 1850
1 18
Fir t Row: T. Fa , P. A nderson, \ .
f.arvin , T. Rief, J. Glaze, F. Bill, C. Little; econd Row: . teams, R . Lunt, C. Hauck, D . John on , \ . Nussbum , R . Laki n , R. 1ctzler, B. wcrling, A . Donagh ; T/iird Row: . mith, R . Ider, G . Barnett, H. Eckhardt, C. Bon all, B . Blatz, T. Flint, J . \J il on, F. Watkin ; Fourt11 Row: J . Lowery, . John on, D. William , E. Werner, ]. Kelleter, J. Friberg, J . Vore, R . Emmett, G. Charpentier, R. Dunnell; Fifth Row: 1. Kazanjain, 1 , nderson, F. Zaremba, P. B ruce, C. B irlem, P. Coggan , D. William on , P. Mudge, R. B ishop, C. Currie.
I n ma n . "Coach" led o u r football team i n a nother good season a n d , although our ha ketbal l team is m ade up of rookie , our big fou r bowlers h ave the league ewed up. \Ve h ave much to remem ber thi 1ear and our sen ior b how h alf the house h a faced death rid i n g with "Pee-Pee"-how u s got ma hed on half a fi fth of water-how L u n t i has for a ken h is o u n gcr way -how " 1oe11 enjo ed hi J a n uary P la n - how " B ull" e njoyed 1ew Year - how the " D u ke" was o i n cere the tim "FHn tone" �ot a date - the wonder ful world of Trov Don ah ue-Metz and h i math courses - "Low" a Fatima- ougb lan and h is 5 -da weekends, \Vil on a n d hi 5-dav romance ' "Sn i ktaw" picked off acttt a U v hol d i n g h a n d a t Carn ival-the n ew Fra n ki e Zaembs' apartm e n t pa rties and " titche " usele s ki trips- tew's off campus J a n Plan- teve's wcekl pilgrimages to 1aine. "J ake's" reall big how - "Lu nch" Winte rs The l a te Father Cra n e - Joh n so n help i n g to build the n ow sculptu re , th e "coach a n d his Jan P l a n s - W e onlv hope the n e w twenty will fill in the color we're losin g .
U nder the able leader h i p of P residen t B il l ' ussbu m , Chi of Zeta P s i began a nother good yea r . A n d v and " U n cle B arney" led our rush i n g effort u n de r t h e all-en com pass i n g eye of " 1etz." When all was said a n d done, a n d "Jake's" spectac ular Homecomin g show was enjoved bv evervone on campus, we had twe n ty n ew all-American s. Although the new bovs enjoved their few child ish pran ks, they soon learned how to co-operate, due to the heavy right h a n d of our Shawm u t
Delta Upsilon
Colby, 1852
It is fitting th a t during a celebrated col leoe a n n iversary, ( the Sesquice n tenial ) , the celebrated cla s o f 1 9 6 3 including The Ori2in a l ociety a n d those w h o aspired to be - ( H u n t , B artow and Gottfried ) - decided that it was time to spread the a u ra of their tale n ts to the out ide worl d . B e
T h e Original Society B rom ley E ittreim Fenn 1claughlin Petrakis agalyn Sanderson \\ estgate
Others B artow Gottfried Hunt ickerson
Oh , by the wa , our best to the remaining brothers : they
ere arou n d this year.
First Row: A. Post, R . Antick, P. Ives, J. Mutrie, J. McGirr, G. Man n , V. Surabian ; Second Row: W. Leighton, A . A saff, S. Eittreim, D. Westgate, B. Petrakis, D. Hunt, D. Bromley, G. Mcloughlin, J. Valhouli ; Third Row: R. Zimmerman, C. Winslow, J. Brassem, T. Mor
rione, J. Suitor, A. Hyde, . Dukes, E. Terborgh, J. Cook, M. Donaldson, D. Fischer, J. Lam bert. Fourth Row: V. DcRosa, P. LardJeri, J . Archambault, D. <;:art r, C. Eck, J. Bo�cr, K . . Burford, G. Gray, M. D :n n_y-Brown , J. McNa b b, C. Jam s, R. L wi . Fi�h row: G. W ilbams, T. Day, D . Polley, A . Goodchild, E . Cottrell, M. Knox, C. Mitchell, D . Kell y, K. Ingram.
First Row: C. Maabye, B. Kennett, M. Brodinski, W. Boothby, T. Moriyi, J. Kauer; Second Row: B. Beaver, J. Pomeranz, J. Fraze, T. McMullan, R. Kimball, J. Corvin, P. Ketcham, B. Stupski, R. Levesque; Third Row: G. Hooker, T. Richards, G. Ingham, C. Wahmann, R. Ri:insom, G. Eagle, J. Hill, C. Paul, J . Morse, D. Baird, R. Dyer; Fourth Row: M. Zitter,
J. Ladd, T. Carney, W. Hendrickson, C. Ostendorf, E. Buyniski, J. Johnson, K. Johnston; Fi�h Row: B. Potter, R. Tschbull, D. Springer, H. Onsager, C. Von Glahn, R. Horwood, J. Fredrickson, A. Olivetti.
other old guarder, left us his card but not his red garters. Donn Springer left us, still smirking after that coupe of Ruthie's in December. Kim is moving with "that certain feeling" onward but mostly skyward. ( No more Captain Video, gemeral? ) Pete (We have only 3 ¥2 pladges ! ) Ketchum shed a tear a s h e passed the ATO, clutching treasured shots of Vashte. Pete has run off to his beloved. ( No, not Hilda. ) Tschebull departs, too, going to be a Peace Corpsman in Africa. Glahn the old sage, leaves us, his head more pointed than his arguments. Corbs (dim ples) grinned, packed and ended up in the Cres cent after his long journey home. Howie "Cardi nal" Clarke (Class '4 9 . . . ' 5 1 . ?) leaves us one wife now, and two coupes later. Ralph ( I give u p you tell m e ) Noel i s still trying . . . I love Tom ; he's a marine. (Warning ! Don't tum your back on scarface ! ) Has anybody seen the count?
We were all in a pretty tight pinch this year but all hands were up for it. J. Fred who majors in winter carnival, had another great semester as social chairman. El Zitobes played matador in the hall, Stuie Kauie found the mailbox to his liking, and hid it among his "dead rats," Tom Carney looked at all the snowflakes the entire night of the first snowstorm, and Toshi (made in Japan ) "two car" exploited the Cresent and broke boards. ( Sloth tells us that the best way to get points is to study in the Library. ) The house band sounded like a thousand and one electric guitars, so dale was not entirely frus trated. Ybloc and Willy helped out Tom and Braglet when one or two fell by the wayside. Comps came and Seniors went. First we said goodbye to Cuffy - "We clap farewell to O . K . C u ff Back at seven, no good stuff; Throw a bottle, throw a can , And . . . lunch ! J. Taylor ( Parlay-vous Fransis) Fraze, an-
A lpha Tau Omega
Gamma A lpha, 1 892
1 23
Captain B. G. was the only one to strike out at Bone's. Bonny's handled many rocks this year. Swat and Needle held many :> soiree at The Club . Word has it Charlie's still in the closet while the Crow's pecking at the door. As usual Zeke drove in neutral all vear. Swaze and \,\link re cently acquired a credit card at Gero's. Hook's bringing home the bacon. R afferty passed the buck for joy, while Friendly Neighborhood Derr made a pit stop. Q bait went straight as Al and Obe watched the birdie. Freddy Fullback picks his holes. Flapper's been a great stickhandler while Sugarfoot kicked in a few. Narce, fairest of them all, was snowed on the dopes. Pollock switched from Queenie to Jeanie. Nobs bought 'em by the carton as the Buzzard cleaned up after every party. Ross lost money in the coke machine. Rembrandt slept while Byrnesapoo, B. J. and the Purple Tool jo.ined the cycle club. Whit shot par at the Indiana c.c. Kitten found out that the Bear has a Teel. N ails was pound ed on the head. Zeus and First National retired early as Grondy proceeded tn make the hat trick. Matt the Rat was snowed in . . . and in . . . and in. Mono lives at the Harriet for a penny.
Lambda Chi A lpha
A lpha Rho Zeta, 1 918
First Row: K . Kasarjian, W . Robbins, J . LaRouche, R . Davis, R . Aube, P . Brown, J . Gibbons, E. P. Densen, C. Rabeni, R. Vanhall, D. Wolley, G. Congdon; Second Row: P. Whalley,
P. Winkler, C. Stinson, S. Thompson, C. Carey, R. Glennan, G. Swasey, R. Bonalewicz, Fel Pineo, B . Lippincott, J. Zoehler, C. Brown; Third Row: F. Goodwin, R. Gillmore, P . T. lows, E. Mowry, T. Andrews, G. Ross, B. Waldman, R. Robbat, A. Grzelecki, G. Scotti, P. Bogosian; Fourth Row: W. Pollock, R. Drewes, J. Drewes, J. Gronlund, H. Rothman, Row: Fi�h Fearon; D. Romack, C. Wright, J. Miller, K. Wagner, J. Tewhey, J. Carvellas, D. R. Byrne, J. Stevens, L. Dyhrberg, M. Riddell, W. Cottle, D. Lowell, C. Olson, K. R�ed, Oberg.
1 2.5
Kappa Delta Rho
XI, 1 926
First Ro : J. Bither, J . Don ahue J . pat s, . Llovd, L. Barr, t . Robinson K. Robbins, T. 1al ley, ;\I. Dodge; econd Rou · G. McElrov, L . Welch, B. Davis, B. Egbert, C. Anquane, O. Rud •, E . Phillips, K. tor K . Murr , 1. \ ill iams, 1 • Locsin ; Tliird Row: S. mith, F. Wetzd, T. Clark, W . \ righ t, P. Chader, . Harri ngton , T. K nor t, T. o •, D. Lebeau , D . Reaves; Fourtli Ro11 : A . eferien, I . Hymoff, 1 . Henkle, . h · e , R. m a l l , P. Arsenault, T . B idwell, L . Eckel, P. Camplin, J . Fa enveather, . Pappi h .
eptember of 1 9 6 2 aw t h e KDRs return to the h i l l lookino forward to another good •ear s u u a l we were read and we were not den ied . to con quer the cam pus aga i n . B ruce won h i battle w ith Bowdoi n 3 n d got h imself a " ' i n low G irl . " Vivki was an ea y victor and she ga e us our second Homccom i n o Queen in three year . We won the " od m a n ' meet lead b • captain Dodge. Pap did h is best to ruin rush i n g ( Dappers and Smoker) , but Ken' - golden tongue emerged victoriou and we wou nd up with our inost spirited pied e cl as i n ce the "Bad Gu , . " A lex's h u n gn· e\ e drew p i t y from i n -laws a n d he fi n a n ced a ring. Robbie fi n al l • decided t o pin t h e u gar wom an i n stead of Libby . Ted proved h imself on the orid iron and Lawrie, pre teri tu rned hou emother, led u wel l as our pre ide n t . As J a n u ary P l a n g :w e w a v to kiin� a n d poke r , Worm pcr.onalh· took it u pon him elf to u pport Peter Webber . . . Olney and l\ 1 art\1 brought new pi n matcs i n to the hou e. Bob, Buck, J a y , A l , and hep made th Dea n 's List while the brothers com pi led the highe t scholastic average ever. The hockey and basketball teams were well respected and the be t ever. A second semester started ,
awrie relea ed u from h is apron strings and placed u i n the able hands of the Candyman . Once aga i n , we were glad to h ave B rother Garab a perm a nent fixture at all parties. As we look back u pon the ear how can we forget : Charle. , our hab rda her from Keyn a ; Yogi's all-year therm�] u n derwear; Lobster' social dot ; the ' orld's onl . parapleoic owl ; the G u 's cou n ter-wh irle ; Ch icken reconcilin hi bank balance ; I ax io' war w i t h noop ; " H ar-Don ;" Fu r's B u ffalo bowling h i rt ; 1organ 's m u le-kick's; Okie' love-l ive. : Tri pper's enthu ia m for ever t h i n g ; Fox m a n ' mou r n i n g ; kipper start i n g to speak; Tom' u n believable rush i n g ; creamer's two-ti m i n g ; f u r selling pots ; Cae ar's voice ; 1c 1 ahom's I 5 tr:iight hours at O n ie : Peter beati n g David : David beating Peter; t a i n e ' onlv " J a p · " Bu ck's braggi n g ; the J u n ior Jou n · and Jav's celestial pilgrimages . ext vea r we m u . t do withou t : Dan' horror show , Tem•' sleepwal k ing, Battv' n i m iabl wavs, Paul's plavbovs , Toto's toga , Ol nev' leav ing, Ken's pre idenc and Grandfather B a rr. Best of luck to our partin g Sen iors .
1 27
Tau Delta Phi
Tau A lpha, 1 933
Davis Cup \\ in ner got pin ned . Th e applications filed by Jess and Duba to stud abroad in a Gay Paree, looked rather on the dark side. \Vhat ? ? ? ? \Vbo is P a u l Goldberg - Where's R ay - Here comes Gro sma n . Alas, i t appear as i f super-sensi tive " tin ky" is gon n a Bunk. " B ru tu s" changed for 2 while, from snowin g girls and snowed his wa i n to pres emester. H erve . B aker, and econd idenc, Robbin , thev . . . got pinned. Ever d ay was a n ice one for T ax especially that bright one ' hen be and Vi almost got pinned . . . Serious} , 1 a R ieb , you' e bee!l great . The Futu re ? Phi o baxaganou once stated "non compus fallopianus modus retentu on pbfac . . . "
The Tuberaceou. Tau Delts returned in September hold ing in their dam n . h a n d a Bixler Bowl full of beer pins, and potential for ' 6 2 -'6 3 . weat�h i rt-les A s fir t seme ter dictator, a " foo e" welcomed 2 3 baby Tau into our qua i Custo , " weet " not n ational establ i bmen t. onl� cleaned u p all the noise, but cleaned up the Boors with bis trust bottle of Phi- o-hex. ew very e citing in G<>llinger fou nd th in H aven - or was it Hartford ? "\Vee-'ah-well-ah' \\ illie" fini hed his machi e-like car er, fell down everal time Jnd got pin ned , " J oie" dug i n downtown and literallv terrorized the citv and defen eles females. Horrible, hideou all i bubbly personality and the "Gorp," with hi
Seated: D. Penhale, P. Lester, G. Gitron, R. PcrJdn , M. Ward S. Wantma n , S. Kindy, J. Simon, C. Son nenberg; Fir t Row: K. Lc\•v, C. Cnito, . Gol ling r, W . Withcrall, T. Gro s man, R . Wise ( Pr sidcn t ) , J . Lapid , D. Pulv r, J. 1c onch ic, P . Wadsworth, R . Gehma n ; Second Row: A . ills, V . H rvey, J . O'Conner, K . Orloff, E . Barker, T . Sherman, W . Neil, M. Shova n , G. Robbins, J . Cisema n , H . Kowal, S. Dublitsk , G. B urke , R. Morriso n ; Th.�rd Row: D. Snow, R. Schcrel, E. Thorson, L. Fr idl r, O. McGirc, A. Maizner, B. Kligerman, R. Montblcau, P. Colch r, R. Adams, D. Hatch .
First Row: K. Thompson, N. Clipsham, J. Dolian, R. Holden, M. Ostrovsky, K. Koningsbauer, L. Symington, D. Morgan, T. Kellogg; Second Row: W. Barbour, E. Doubleday, R. Thompson, C. Floyd, A: Schwartz, G. Bouie, B. Below, R. Master, S. Harris, D. Poole, W. Latvis; Third Row: R. Mandel, K. Allen, R. Hiss, E. Levi, W. Burgoyne, B. Simcock, R. Connors, R. Amman, R. Church; Fourth Row: A. Repetto, B. Nahaivi, J. J. Njoya, G. Knight, R. Wiebust, A. Raup, J. Shapero, J. Wulff, M. Gilman, R. Gordon.
Pi Lambda Phi With the September outing, the Pi Lams com menced a year full of vigor, enthusiasm, and achievement. Morgs and gimpy engineered two big victories at Homecoming and Winter Carnival. Eric yelled, "Keeck dee ball" while Adolf and Jean Paul led the Colby soccer team, and Arnie fielded our highest scoring interfraternity foot ball team. Nineteen pledges added to our spirited number. Poole led our first hockev- team, Master led basketball, and Jockarnie, the bowling team. The pledges captured Rex Mary and left him to the girls. We adopted a Kenyan orphan while Frenchie led us to floor scrubbing at Sister's hos pital. The Christmas party and Mandy's surprise added spirit to the air while Art brought Winnie into the brotherhood. Our endeavors increased, but our scholastic average remained high . The old gave way to the new and we regrettably said goodbye to our venerable six-year man Tom Kat. Bob relieved M ary from the high command as M ark led our academically riddled pledges down the straight and narrow. To our senior� Mary, Ted, Merrill, Kirk, Niel, Doolie, Don, Dave, and Chet, we wish the best of luck.
Beta Chi, 1 959
A lpha Delta Phi
Colby, 1 961
M. Ross, P . Smith , D. R. Sears, P . Wille y, T. Hodsd on, First Row: R. Chase , D . Walls ey, , J. Baxte r, E. North rd, J. Heyne s, F. Sears, W. Morse Gella R. Row: d Secon ; n Paxto . Begg, P Cleghorn, F. Rickter, R. T. Row: Third s; Beatu P. Dedarian, ; Fourth acker, D. Hardy, G. Shur, E. T. Donahue, J. Adams, W. Fraily lle, J. Sheldon, D. Macm ullan, l. Rand, C. Angel Pierce, A. Carvi , W. Kittredge, C. DeWoody, S. Row: R. Osborne, J. Van Atta, A. Rhode
This will l i kel be known as the "vear of milestones" when fu t u re .D.' read the C h apter hi tor '. H ow can we foroet the wa that Pebble turned i n to a lock ( and o did Geo �ge ) ? Charl ie plan ted a new lawn ' h ile K it and Dixie ble ed it. \Ve all spe n t more time than ever at the girl's dorms with R aogs as a chaperone. Woody p u t on po t-party exhibition ' b i le he tudied astronom '. \\ e added another ear and Varne rejoiced. W iley dated a moose and hep attained the size of one. During one of Tom ' lectu re on racial toleration we pledged Dre -a-leo. Jerry impres ed us \ i th paren tal emulat io n an<l Kosra took hi advice. 1ed and Dick 0. an i-and o did Fi h when he was n 't at Forkam . J ack walked the " traight and narrow" u n der the i n fluence of B i ll and Eric . When Dust\' screamed from the third floor, h e was echoed bv R ickets, Pete and . Gene o n econd , Petf> on the fir t floor and P h i l a n d Ed in t h e basemen t. H a n z kept putting money i n the candy machine but it wa empty . T i m struggled i t h Dr. u ' peech cou r e wh il Jim struggled mth h i u ke Hod don and Rand vegitated a n d the motto "an apple a da\' keep the hou e away" rang loud and clear on th i rd .
1 33
Entra nce to an old camp us build ing .
Doors How many door h ave you opened That ou wou ld close from the i nside If only now you could? Annoyed bv warmth , vou wan ted fre h air And Je t in an everla t i n g draft . There is in and out. A threshold i for crossing either way; It is not a place to live. ome h ave the tren oth to pass it; Others onlv th ink thev do. You h a e m ade rou r c amp OU ide And ·ou must bu ild vour elf a fi re. E a ch m an bri n gs h i own l i gh t . If n o t , h i h a re i darknes nd a ch ill that gra ps h i being Til the ,·erv core i pa lsied . h \" , I ask aoain H ow man\' door would 'OU re-enter now If onl) yo u had n't loc k d the m ? B arbara Kreps
Fireside Chat Leaves arc flappin g together ide on si<le Veinlcss applause from ·ellowed hands Feet on a d irt road th ud B rass plates u n treed crash Out tunes of glory B a re branch , bare sky, bare borues B leak winter. Susan Curi
1 35
Espatriate of Soapdetergent I came across him lying beneath a tree
So black, its myriad leaves a'rippling o'er his calm, Attempting to rouse him . Tranquility was be! Man, Adam, from the Garden and misplaced 'mid world of Automobile. He came here from his soap-detergent home. He lives in highlands near the sky. He spoke To me of "Home," still remembered . "A colored-glass cave," He said, "A prowl with fierce and cunning bi-peds." My borne now ! He told me of his voyage across Two seas, afraid of finding not foothills but only Man's puffy machine-breath o'er floating white caked mounds Of sweat : of finding just another Automobileland. He Was looking for his Garden; N 'er lost, nor seen, nor heard. The talk in Automobileland was merely of man's machines I could not understand him, though he had the same two arms And same two legs as I I spoke of automobiles. "How could you leave your True Home;" "Lad," said he, " I live with this tree and think from in this ground." I , a mere babe still in adolescence, then thought him mad . -
B u t now, I live a s that tree and sense from in That ground and feel winter on my rough-bark, shining-grass skin. I feel summer on my frozen hands, and autumn on my budding fingertips. I too have since left that world of crinkled motley green ; After our meaningless meeting. My only neighbors are Life and Death. We three live close by one another and never Wander too far from our hill. My friends are Silver, when she rises On her inky blanket; and Gold , a dawning at my hut each morning. I live With Snow and Goat. I know where I'll spend my eternity When this last summer has passed - Earth, God's Garden ; shielded By these hills from Satan's growling automobile. Harvev, Hyler, '6 5 DKE
Poem I wan t to squeeze milk out of cheese, swash an o ean of wine and till be able to walk u p a church isle with reverence. I want to put my arms around a tree and break oft the trun k and the leafy branche and run down a hill carr 'ing the tree. I want to look into orneone'
long enough to u nder tand them.
I wan t to take pleasure in the sweete t hu m ble t, small sou n d a n d th e loudest brassie t bong. The words slip and fade in writing; will not stay in place . I want to - all is against me - not put do\ n words , but physical objects with feel, color, and smell. When I get out into life, I want to breathe deep great gasps of it, tear a shred of blue from the sky instead of walking down a narrow hall with all the door dosed, where th ere is a thin black une absolutely straight on the Aoor, and you place one foot just jn front of the other, all the way dow n . I wan t t o murder o n e w h o wrongs m e , a n d then bring him back t o life and break the bread with him,becau e he's onl h u man and so am I . When one puts u p , when one, when you start to talk to one and he first j u m ps down a well so that you can hardly hear what he's saying, for the echoes are so confusing, and th n he j u m ps into a pudding and refuses to speak . . . I want to reach in and pull him out, but I 'm afraid if I could it would be too m uch to stan d .
Stanley '6 5
"They brung me here"
Caught between am I - sterile silent Realm of limbo - bloodless existence Of sleep and frustration, and fear . . . . . . . of Waking to world of action - and Fear of sub-li- 1 Mation - Oh Christ. Why not Why not the essence; why just the form? I
I've got to wake Run , look M IRROR , Quickly M IRROR ! Still I see myself Nothing. Byron Petrakis '63
01" W AT K ll V I L L K, M �. OV IUll T K P T H I£ BO U N DS 0 TIUCU W lT H T H S CO. Da 0 TH U N I V It ITY.
P lt O P
Front Row: D. Mulcahy, C. Pingree, T. Farucci, J. Bridgeman, W. Waldeyer, C. Theobald, D. Shay, R. Wagner, D. Bonalewicz, B. Glennon; Second Raw: z. Pineo, B. Henkel, J. Fareweather, P. Brown, W. Leighton, B. Waldman, K. Stone, M. Knox, B. Lep�encot, J. Kredewise, L. Krinsky ( Manager ), Coach Winkin.
Varsity Baseball 1 962 For the seventh straight year Colby won the Maine state championship with an impressive 5 - 1 record . The season was finished with an overall record of II and 9. After losing 8 of the first II games, Coach Winkin's team rebounded for a fine season. The Mules overran state competition, winning · five games in a row after dropping the series opener to Bates. Ken Stone's fine pitching sparked the team throu�hout the season. Stone com piled a 4-0 record . Along with Mike Knox, Bob Glennon , Bruce Waldman and B ill Waldeyer, Ken was selected All-Maine. Jim Bridgeman received honorable mention.
Freshman Baseball 1 962
Front Row: K . Reed, B . Rohrs, G. Ro s, A . Repetto, J . Gronlune, R . Bunche, K . Bryan ; econd Row: Coach Kelley, T. Yeager, D. Van Hall, B. Cottle, J. Griffilh , W. Crossen, Z.
Lowell, E.
Men s Ski Team 1 962
Le� to R ight: T. Rod� rs, B. Clough, D. Johnson , S . Carpenter (Captain ), C. Olson, W.
( oach ), R . P rkins.
1 45
Varsity Track 1 962
Front Row: T. Andrews, S. Pappish, G. Crane, M. Perry, T. Flint, I. Balbus, 0. White; Back Row: B. Drewes, L. Dyhrberg, J. Beeson, B. Fergeson, R. Jeans, R. Perkins, Coach Simpson.
Golf 1 962
Coach Cliffor, B . Fen, E. Sigalen, J. McNabb, T. Richardson, R. Ryan, J. Lapides, R . Noel, T. Mayer.
Varsity Soccer
Front Row: Man ager B. Case, K. now, . Raup, A. Olivetti, T. A ndr ws, S. Weeks, J. wis, Valhoul i, F. Watkin , H. On ager , J . P. joia; ccond Row: P. Iv • B. n ne , B. B . mitb, D. Kelly, G. Burks, 1 . D. Brown, H. H ler, L. B a i l , T. H i l l , M r . Loeb (Coach ) .
Freshman Soccer
Fro•'lt Row: B. Schaster, N. Russell, C. McClellen , J. Stevens, R . Zimmerman, K. Ingram, F. Vin 1lo, Mr. I.ocb ( Coach ) ; econd Row: J . y ( Manag r), . Jam , B . Thomp�on, M . Donaldson, P. chwartz, J. Suitor, T. Gayer, C. Angw nyi, T. Eagle.
1 47
First Row: B. Rodgers, P. Choate, A. Cornwall, D. Abbot, A. Gracefla, V. Hervey, G. Scott, G. Garon, Manager J. Drummond; Second Row: Trainer C. Nelson, K. Orstendorf, H. O'Neill, R. Whitehouse, F. Goodwin, H. Smith (Co-Captain ), C. Carey c.c., D. Cox, R. Robbat, T. Malley, R. Hodge, Coach Winkin; Third Row: Coach Weinbel, Coach Simp son, K. Palmer, D. Bonalewicz, M. Riddell, N. Dukes, B. Byrne, P. Martin, B. Drewes, J. Brassem, K. Bryan, J. Tewhey, Coach Holt; Back Row: A. Grzelecki, B. Waldman, W. Olson, G. Ross.
Varsity Football The 1 9 6 2 Football season saw the arrival of a new coaching staff headed by John Simpson and assistant Ken Weinbel. The team arrived, as usual, in late August to begin a rigorous training schedule. They were in top condition in a few weeks as was shown in a pre-season scrimmage victory over the University of Vermont coached by Colby's former head coach Bob Clifford. The opening game of the season at Norwich was a disappointing 2 2 to 1 9 defeat for Colby. After losing their first game of the season by such a close margin the Mules were determined to win their first home game, but were again de feated in the last minute of play by a strong University of New Hampshire aggregation. Highly rated Tufts downed Colby the follow ing week 2 8 to 6 . The Mules went away for the weekend only to lose to a spirited Springfield team. Colby out played Springfield in almost every department but were on the short end of every break. On a sunny Parents Weekend, Colby lost to Trinity in a hard fought contest which cost Colby many injuries. Homecoming weekend against arch rival
Bowdoin saw the Mules downed 1 3 - 1 2 . This weekend was marked by a foot of snow. This was another heartbreaking loss in the last few seconds of play. The Colby squad which by now was injury ridden, traveled to Orono and lost its second game of the Maine State Series to a powerful Black Bear Eleven. The last game of the season saw a spirited Colby Team defeat Bates in a driving rain at Lewiston. The Mules were underdogs in this contest but showed the same spirit that they dis played throughout the season. Although the season wasn't a successful one on the record books, it was successful as far as desire and team spirit was concerned. Not once during the tough schedule did the Mules quit and their determination paid off in a rewarding victory over Bates. Co-Captains Charlie Carey and Herman "Binky" Smith are to be congratulated for the fine leadership they showed this fall. Seniors Dick Bonalewicz, Bob Whitehouse, Dave Cox, Carl Stinson, and Bill Olsen will be missed in the coming season. ·
1 48
"D n't just
tand there. help me!'' crie
mith roll
Colb 's Bob Whitehouse.
for more
Bruce Waldman grabs ball from Bowdoin.
Goodwin is hit hard by U.N.H.
"One more man and I' e got it made."
Football or Hockey Season ?
Varsity Tennis 1 962
Front Row: Mr. Loebs (Coach ) , L. Dubois, P. French, E . Woocher, J. Crawford; Second Row: ]. Mechem, J. Lockwood, D. Hunt, E. Grippencurl.
Freshman Tennis 1 962
Front Row: B . Lewiw, B. Boothby, H. Marshall, M. Dodge,,Second Row: M. Lowebs (Coach ) , vV. Morse, D. Anderson, H. Hyler, J. Foxman.
1 52
fir t Rmt : J. t \ n , B. Byr ne, K. Fed rma n, K. tone, J. Champlin, L. D hrberg; Second n011 : �Ir. \ illi m ( oach ), P. Brown , J . le abb, C. Eck, K. R ed, D . Jewell, D . Oberg ( pt i n ), J. Gibbon , G orgc h ur ( fanager ) .
Basketball 1 962 - 63 Lee Williams' squad opened with a flou rish . The f u lc came through with a bli teri n g sec ond h al f to top trong t. f ichael , then tu rned in traditional ri al 1 a in e's B l ack Bear . A crappy, well-d rill d Bat team topped alb i n overtim • a n d t h ree n ight later t h e 1 ules lost to Bowdoin in a poi n t eat-squ irmer. Following a n impr ive victor over B randeis, olby d ropp d fi e traight to dcl ph i , Ion a and A m ber t awa a n d to Brown and Maine in B a n gor' Downea t la ic i n D c mber. The 1 a i n e loss , p u l l i n g out a 1ul aveng d th on -po i n t d ci ion early in J a n uary at Orono.
1 53
D. Oberg Drives for layup against BU.
J. Stevens Battles for rebound.
A fourteen-point rally upset high-flying St. Anselm's at the field house, but the Mules stumbled four nights later against New Hamp shire in Durham. January 1 9 , was an important night. Colby playing host to Bowdoin, played the role too well. The Polar Bears won 69- 5 6 a n d increased their chances for the State Series title. Losses to Coast Guard and Assumption pre ceded the Mules' evening out the score against B ates with a 70- 6 3 victory. BU proved too strong, though the Colby five played their best game of the season. The Terriers had to come from behind to win . Powerful Northeastern, one of the East's best quintets, rolled to a 7 9-6 1 triumph on their home floor.
a eragi n g 20 poi n ts and 1 5 re tate eries
t ven , le abb,
Freshman Basketball
I ro n t R o u : ( oc1k t in . (j
IL L u n d , J . H a rri n gto n , P. w. rt1, K. A tor, C'onR<'l o n , B . Hnhl.'r , E. P h i l l i p ,
. fon fort .
1 55
B l u me n th a l .
Second Row :
Freshman Hockey 1 962 - 63
Front Row: J. Kollias, J. Eiseman, C. McLennan, B. Callahan, P. Proulx, P. Lax, M. Cutler, J. Field, J. Mutrie; Second Row: Coach Simpson, P. Winters, D. Erdmann, T. Eagle, W. Nock, J. Stevens, P. Win Stanley, T. Richards, M. Gordon.
Varsity Hockey 1 962 - 63
Front Row: L. Sawler, B. Oates, P. Archer, D. Sveden, J. Mechem, J. Choate, H. Hipson, P. French, A. Carvel; Second Row: D. Poole ( Manager), P. Williamson, J. Ruth, H. Hyler, D. Cox, B. Davey, R. Morneau, B. Hallowell, D. Short, C. Nelson (Trainer), C. Holt (Coach ).
1echcm out
ticks Bo too College.
1 57
Athletic Reco rds Colby Opp.
Colby Opp.
Fort Lee 3 Fort Lee 21 Fort Lee 1 Guilford College 3 Wake Forest 4 Wake Forest s Duke Univ. 2 Camp Lejeune 0 Boston U n iv. 2 B ates 6 Northeastern 19 U . of New Hampshire 1 7 Bates 7 Maine s Bowdoin 6 M aine 3 Providence s Springfield 4 Springfield 8 Bowdoin 7 VARSITY TENNIS Lowell Tech . 3 Babson Institute 7 B ates 3 M aine s 2 Bates Tufts 3 U.N.H. 6 0 Bowdoin Maine 4 0 Bowdoin VARS ITY GOLF 4 B.U. 5 Trinity M .1.T. 3 1 Williams s B ates 6 Maine 3 Bates 2 112 Bowdoin 6 M aine 7 Babson 6 Bowdoin
4 7 4 4 1
6 10 4 3
6 4 4
2 2
10 2 1
6 2
6 4 7 6 3 9 s
9 3
4 6
2 1
4 112 1
0 1
VA RSITY TRACK 97 37 Bowdoin S8 73 B randeis Bates B randeis Norwich 3 rd Place 4th Place State Meet VARSITY FOOTBALL 19 Norwich 14 New Hampshire 6 Tufts 6 Springfield 8 Trinity 12 Bowdoin 0 Maine 16 Bates VARSITY SOCCER 3 Babson 2 Lowell Tech.
22 18 28 21 22 13 27 12 2 1
B.U. Springfield Norwich Nichols Brandeis Bates Maine Bowdoin Bates Bowdoin
s 1
7 3 7 7 4 1 3
2 1 2 1
3 0 4
VARSITY BASKETBA LL St. Michael's 72 66 M aine S9 S2 Bates 66 S4 Bowdoin 6S 66 Brandeis 7S SS Adelphi 70 38 Iona S2 SS Brown S6 7S Maine 66 7S Amherst 64 S2 Maine S8 S9 73 St. Anselm's 62 77 U . of New Hampshire 7 0 Coast Guard Acad . 67â&#x20AC;¢ S9 69 56 Bowdoin 69 Assumption 57 63 Bates 70 75 Boston U n iv. 67 61 79 Northeastern 79 66 Trinity 66 72 Springfield 60 78 Bowdoin 59 61 Bates 68 87 Maine VARS ITY HOCKEY 0 New Brunswick 0 New Brunswick 3 Dartmouth 1 Harvard 10 Sir George Williams 4 Laval 1 B.C. 5 Bowdoin 4 Norwich 4 Providence 1 New Hampshire 2 Northeastern s B.U. 9 Amherst 3 Williams 2 Providence 0 B.C. 4 B.U. 1 Merrimack FRESH MAN HOCKEY 4 Waterville 2 Lewiston 1 H arvard 5 St. Dom's 3 Bowdoin s Dixfield 7 St. Dom's 158
3 4 7 3 6 10 4 2 8
4 9 10 2
7 6 6
2 2 1 1 s 2 1 2
Colby Opp.
U . of New Hampshire Kents H ill B ridgton Exeter Hebron Waterville Bowdoin
2 2 s
3 1
FRESHMAN BASKETBALL So. Portland 63 Maine 47 Thornton Acad . 58 M aine 69 Maine, Portland 74 New Hampshire 42 Bowdoin S9 M.C. I . so Bates S4 Bridgton Acad . 6S Thomas Junior College 66 M.C.I. 88 Bowdoin 47 Bates 77 Maine 61 FRESHMAN TRACK M aine 39 Bowdoin 39 Bates 48
3 0 4
1 1 2 2
Sl 66 S6 87 S2 S8 so
84 S7 63 34 72 SS 81
72 77 79 6S
FRESHMAN FOOTBALL M .C . I . 14 20 Bridgton Acad . CANC. Bowdoin 22 14 Maine CANC . FRESHMAN SOCCER Kents Hill s Hebron Acad . 0 Bowdoin 4 4 M.C.I. Hinckley School 5 FRESH MAN TEN NIS 3 Hebron Acad . 4 Kents H ill School 5 Bowdoin s M aine 9 St. Dom's
2 1
0 0 6 s
4 4 0
FRESHMAN GOLF U.M.P. Maine Bowdoin Bowdoin Maine
Colby Opp. 2 1 1 Ph 1
4 4 4 3 V2 4
FRESHMAN BASEBALL 12 2 M aine 2 4 Hebron Acad . 2 20 Husson College 7 8 Bowdoin 2 1 M aine 6 2 M .C . I . 5 14 1\1 .C . I .
6 1 Temple
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terling Headquarters
rham - H ei rl
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1 9
Stude.nt Directory Men 's Division
bbott, Frank D., '65
2 Old farlboro Rd., Concord. f ass.
dams,. James B., '63 425 E. 86 St., ew York,
.Y. dams, Robert S., '66 426 Pro pect St., ew Haven, Coon. Albertson, brk D., '64 37 E . Roseville Rd. , Lancaster, Pa. Allen, Jonathan, '64
544 High
Fall Ri ve r, Mass . Allen, Kenneth D., '66 alem Rd.,
Weston, Conn. Allison, Phillip E., '63 68 M urray Ave., Milton, Mass. Ammann, R i chard E., Jr., '66 1 52 Hayden Rowe St. ' Hopkinton, Mass . ndersoo, D avid C., '65 30 Longfe llow Ave.,
Brunswick Andenon, orman E.' '64 28 Mills Ave., o. Burlington, t. ndenon, Peter C., '66 1785 Holly Ave., . fenlo Park, Calif.
nderson, Willi am J. '64 42 o. Central Ave. ' Hartsdale, . Y.
ndrew1, Albert T., Ill. '64
Eayrestown Rd., . fedford, .] . ngell, Charles F., '64 7 Bre w ster Rd., Kingston, Mass. Angelo, Laurance E., '66 1 05 Andrea Rd. Cheltenham, Pa.' ngwenyi, Charles P., '64 c/o JCisii Farmer's UnJon P.O. JCisil, Kenya nsne:t. Bruce L :t 15 Hathaway M., carsdale, N.Y. ntik, RanclaU W., '65 915 San Vilente Blvd. , Santa Monica, Calif . Archambault, John C., '66 18 Wa yne S t. , • orwich., Conn., Archer, Michael D. '63 747 Brooke Rd. , ' St. DavidJ, Pa.
Archer, Peter H., '63 747 Brooke Rd., t. Davids, Pa.
rsen ult, Peter C., '66 70 East St., l ngton, Mau.
Arnn.iti t, Peter C., '84 41 Bellew Ave., • prfngfteld, Mus.
Beeson, John K., Jr.
Asa.ff, Allen G . , '66
93 Hancoclc St., Auburndale, Mass. tor, Kenneth A., '66 1 19 Pitt St., Portland ube, Richard . , '66 699 ew Harwinton Rd., Torrington, Coon.
Robert E., '65
28 1 Lovell Rd., Holden, f as .
Bailey Lawrence D. '65
36 Red Barn Rd., \ ayland, M . Bnird, Richard G ., '66 51 Montclair Rd .. Haverhill, fas .
Baker Edward J., '64 oac D., '64
1 1 7-0 1 Park Lane, So., K w Gardens, ew York, .Y. Balgooyen, Warren P., '63 The Cro way , Katonnh, ew York Boob.rt. Richard W., '65 10 Colby Rd., W 11 1 y, l ass.
Barbour, We ley R., '66 17 River Rd., r, .H. fanch Barclay Ceylon L . , '63
1 9 Union St,
Liv nnor
Barker, Bruce W., '65 1 40 unni holm Fair6 Id, Conn.
B me , Gar6eld L., '66
1 228 Linda Vista Ave., P o.d na, Calif. B mett, Daniel J., '66 l Wood tock Ave., B ro k ll n , M a . Barnett, George M., '64 P ru , New York Barr, A. Lawrence, '63 1 1 60 Cr t Pond Rd., . Andover, Mas . Bartow, tephen C., '63 1 1 6 E. 82 St., N w York, .Y. Baxter, John H . E., '65 17 Church St., War , M
Begg, David A., '65
4 Sunset Ave., Methuen Mass. Begin, Carl E., '66 84 Summer St., Waterville Beguin, Jean G. '65 34 Addi on Ave., London, W. 1 1 , England
Below, R. Barclay '66 40 t ac. 1 iUa n Dr., Brunswick
Da id C., '66
430 E. 6 St., ew York, .Y.
Berger, Ja on, '65
Bernau H ans P., '65 330 Hartford Rd., . Orange, .J.
Be eridge, Arthur W., '65
09 Fore t Clen Rd..
ilv r pring, Md. Bewig, Todd K., '66 l
f uxemont Rd ., andrin, Va.
Bidwell, Theodore H ., '64
2 Walker Lane, W. Hartford, Conn. Bill, Franklin C., '66 2228 Demington Dr., Cleveland, Ohio Birch, George R., '65 332 Reserve St., Boonton, N .J. BirI em Charles W . , '66 � Soutnwest Harbor Bishop Lawrence P., '66 R . F. D. Box 19,
Madison Bishop, Richard A., '66 404 1 Red di ng Rd. , Fairfield, Conn.
Bither, James M., '66 72 Prospect St., Portland
Block, Ira G., '66 7 1 5' Lindale Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa.
Blaine, Alton F., Jr., '64 73 Middle ex Rd., Darien, Conn.
Beatw, Peter E., '65 1 2 1 E. 79 St.,
Bea er, Bentley H.
Bleyer, Stephen
w York, N .Y.
River id Dr., w York, N.Y.
76 Clark Ave., Chelsea, 1a .
6 Almar t., H allowell
2 1 0 Farmington Rd., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Beaverstock, Eric E., '65 16 Perry Ave., Nashua, N . H .
B e hinor. Robert M ., '65 1 /5 2 F d rnl St., W. Hartford, Conn.
Durand B., Jr., '66
23 Beannont Ave., Wallingford, Conn.
. , '66 4 Ov rlook Rd. , w Roch lie, .Y.
Blumenthal, Peter I., '66 53 Bcacon6 Id Bo ton, M as .
Bober, J ck, '64 1 00 Ard n S t . , l'W
.Y .
Boghosian, Thomas F., '66 44 Spring St., Brockton, Mass.
Bonalewicz, Richard M., '63 50 Chapin St., Fall River, Mass.
Bond, Whitford, S., '63
62 Channing Rd. , Dedham, Mass. Bonsall, Charles A., '65 48 Boutelle Ave., Waterville
Boothby, William F. Jr., '65 1 4 1 00 Granville Rd . , Westerville, Ohio Boulette, Ervin T ., '65 46 Silver St., Waterville Bowie, Gordon W., '65 1 Iroquois Dr. , Brightwaters, N .Y.
Bradford, William C., Jr., '64 Nawthome Rd., Old Greenwich, Conn. Bragg, John W., '65 1 1 Graham Ave., Bangor
Brassem, John W., '64 23 Myrtle Blvd., Larchmont, N.Y.
Braun, Laurence I., '64
Mill River Rd., R.F.D. # 1 , Oyster Bay, N.Y. Brodinsky, Michael, '66 797 Washington St., Brookline, Mass. Brody, Robert D., '65 34 W. Second St., Moorestown, N .J. Bromley, David G., '63 235 Summer Ave., Reading, Mass. Brooks, Jeffery L., '63 56 Runnells St., Portland Brown, Christopher C., '65 Dover Rd., Dover, Mass. Brown, Paul R., '64 91 Portland St., Rochester, N .H. Brown, Peter K., '63 357 Forest St., E . Hartford, Conn. Bruce, Philip C., '65 52 Elm St., E . Hartford, Conn.
Brudno, Stephen J., '64
3 Buckingham Rd., Quincy, Mass. Bryan, Kennon W., '65 3620 Rockland Terr., McLean, Va. Buller, Claude L., '65 100 Pool Rd., No. Haven, Conn. Bunche, Ralph J., '65 1 15-24 Grosvenor Rd., Kew Gardens, N.Y.
Butler, Nathaniel E., '63 34 1 2 Arden Ave., Hollywood, Ill .
Buyniski, Edward F., '63
6242 Robison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio Byrne, Robert C., '65 7 Center St., Waterville
Caito, Carl A., '63
356 Taber Ave., Providence, R.I.
Callahan, William R., '66
91 Saunders Rd. , Norwood, Mass. Camplin, Peter M., '65 216 Hillside Dr. , Orchard Pk., N.Y. Carey, Charles W., '63 94 Seabury St., Fall River, Mass.
Carney, Frank T., Jr., ,65
208 So. Main St., W. Hartford, Conn. Carnochan, John F., '65 Lantern Lane, Cumberland Foreside Carter, Benjamin E., '66 68 Dudley St., Presque Isle Carter, Denis R., '65 1 7 Lake Ave., Melrose, Mass. Carvellas, John N., Jr., '66 937 Mountain Ave., Berkeley Heights, N.J. Carville, Albert F., Jr., '63 Webster Ave., Lisbon Case, William F., '66 1 33 Purchase St., So. Easton, Mass. Chader, Paul B., '63 21 Livingston Circle, Needham, Mass. Champlin, James M., '65 2 Elizabeth Rd., Cape Elizabeth
Charpentier, George C., Jr., '66 15 Stark St., Nashua, N . H .
Coggan, Peter S., '64 Warren Lane, Alpine, N.J.
Cohen, Alan P., '63 237 Bonad Rd., Brookline, Mass.
Cohen, Michael S., '64 1 1 1 Glenbrook Ave., Hamden, Conn.
Colcher, Paul S., '66
4658 Grosvenor Ave., New York, N.Y.
Congdon, R. Gilbert, '66
300 Parker St., E . Longmeadow, Mass.
Connolly, Joseph J., '66
25 Rice Rd., Hingham, Mass. Connors, Roland A., '66 Brownville Jct. Cook, James L., II, '66 901 Niagra St., Denver, Col. Cookson, John S., '66 90 Rock Meadow Rd., Westwood, Mass. Cooper, Peter A., '64 201 E . 66 St., New York, N.Y. Corbin, Gerard A., '63 5 C:escent St., Waterville Corey, Gordon M., '65 640 So. Main St., Mansfield, Mass. Cornell, John R., '65 1 18 Forest Ave., Orono
Cornwall, Andrew B., '64 57 Grove St., Winchester, Mass.
Crosbey, James III, '64 28 Cliff Rd. , Milton, Mass.
23 Roosevelt Ave., Waterville
504 Commercial St., Weymouth, Mass.
Cottrell, Gene F., Jr., '65
1 9 West St., Waterville
Coughlan, Peter, '63
Box 453, Bedford, N.Y.
Cox, David L., Jr., '63
Chesner, Louis E., '64 Choate, Jonathan, '64 Choate, Philip S., '64 R.F.D. #3, Waterville
Church, Richard R., '65 304 No. Euclid Ave., Westfield, N.J . .
Clark, E. Terry, '66
40 Dauntless Lane Hartford, Conn.
Clark, William E., Jr., '66
Borgoyne, Wilfred C., Jr., '64
Clark, William T., '66
2 Pickett St., Marblehead, Mass. Burks, George A., '65 432 Mountain View Rd. , Englewood, N.J. Burrell, William E., '66 3 Hart Rd., Lynnfield, Mass. Bush, John N., '64 269 Woodland Ave., Summit, N.J.
1389 Westover Rd. , Cleveland, Ohio Clivner, Michael S., '66 186-49 Grand Central Pkwy., Jamaica Estates, N.Y.
Cottle, William T., Jr., '65
Chase, Rogers S., '63
Burford, Kendall, '64
2 1 75 Hudson Terr., Ft. Lee, N.J.
Clipsham, Neil, '63
4410 42 St. N .W., Washington, D . C.
67 Kelly Rd., Hamden, Conn.
Clarke, Howard V., '63 170 County St., Attleboro, Mass.
Cleghorn, Timothy F., '65 1 42 Garth Rd., Scarsdale, N.Y.
Cliche, Carl E., '63 Clifford Ave., Winslow
1 1 14 Rue Ave., Point Pleasant, N.J.
R.F.D. #2, Argyle, N.Y. Lyons Rd. , Basking Ridge, N.J. Cox, Thomas A., '66 R.F.D., Brewster, Mass. Cramer, Stanton H., '63 1 40 Groen Van Prinstererlaan, The Hague, Holland Crane, Glen R., '64 725 r.eiracres Ave., Westfield, N.J.
Crawford, James B., '64
1 35 Ardmore St., Hamden, Conn. Crespi, Robert, '63 Rosendale, N.Y. Cromwell, John H., '66 6 Castle Rd., Lexington, Mass. Crossen, Wade K., '65 9480 Ridge Blvd., Brooklyn, N.Y. Crowell, John N., '63 76 Camp St., W. Yarmouth, Mass.
Currie, Charles E., '65 6 M athews Ave., Waterville Currier, Colby V., '66 5501 Huntington Pkwy., Bethesda, Ma. Curtis, T hompson, '63 Porter Hill, diddlebury, Conn. avid S., '65 Cutl W b· gton St, Duxbury, Mass . !f.ichael W., '66 Cutler i., Linel.Sley Rd., ew emon, .J.
�� �
Dahhed, John E., '66 4 Glen St, Concord, .H. Dakin, Timothy J., '63 Sugar Hill Rd., Falls Village, Conn. Danforth, Dana F., '66 R.F.D., Dover-Fo croft Danforth, Stephen C., '63 R.F.D., Do er- Fo croft Da,·ey, Broce M., '65 .W., 1019 7th Ave., Roch ter , . Hnn. Davis, Richard W., '65 67 Lawton Rd.,
eedbnm, Mass.
Davis Robert B., '66 RR l, Richmond, Ohio Day, Thomas R., '66 Holly-Woods, 1 attapoi tt, 1a • Dechtenberg, Philip, '66 166-31 16 Ave., \ hitestone , t.Y. Decker, John F., '65 35 Woodland Rd., Holden, 1 . Decker, Thomas E. Jr., '64 l 35 Woodland Ra. . Holden, • 1ass . Denny-Brown, Myles R., '65 3 • ferce r Circle, Cambrid e, Mass. Densen, Peter, '66 496 Summit Ave., .J. faplewood, Derderian, Edmond J., '66 250 Clemenceau St., Beirut, Lebanon DeRosa, Vincent A., '66 81 Beechwood Ave., W. Lon� Branch, N{ DeWoody, Charles T., 63 Topping Lane, R.F.D. #3, Chagrin Falls, Ohio DiMaio, Alfred J., '65 1 755 Paine St., Yorktown Hgts., N.Y. Dodge, Martin C., '65 612 So. Broolcsvale Rd., Cheshire, Co nn. OoJian, Jame• P .1 '63 Revo n.ah W.00<19, S ta mford, Conn. Doll, William M., '68 1 4 E.52 St., ew York. N.Y. Oona lth y, Allen A., '83 9 Mt. Pl asant, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Donahue, Thomu A., '65 304 F rum o r Rd., Apt. 7B famaroneck, .Y. Donahue, WOilam J., '68 !5606 Hoov r St. , a,
Donaldson, ialsolm L., '66 Trapelo Rd., Lincoln, Mass. Donohue, Bruce M., '65 4 East Trail Darien, Conn. Doubleday, Elwyn J., Jr. '66 67 Redin Dr., E. Longmeadow, Mass. Dowden, William I., '64 149-40 Ash Ave., Flushing, .Y. Downs, Edgar S., '66 907 Oxford St., Worthington, Ohio Drev e , Robert V • '64 107 CliH Ave., Pelham , . Y . Drisko Elliot H., Jr., '66 10 • titchcll ve., Yonker , .Y. Drummond Jo iah H., Jr., '64 100 �eal t, Portland Dubi ky tanley L. '64 1576 Highbnd Ave., Fall fuver, 1 . DuH , John P. '65 35 Cr twooa\ Dr., \ elle Icy H ill , Mas . Duk Edward . , '64 62 Taylor Rd . , \ ., Conn. Duke herid n, '66 200 Co lumbia Ave., Cranford, .J. Oum · Paul J., '66 73 Jord an Ave., Brunswick Dunn 11 Richard L., Jr., '66 32 Pine t., E eter, H. D er, Robert D. '64 3 En thill Dr. , Doylestown, Pa., ., '64 Dyhrb rg, Lauritz 33 1 Main St. , W tbrook Eagle, John F., ID '66 1 6 1 E.64 St., w York, .Y. Easton, Thom ·.- � '66 R . F.D #2, Fairneld t., a.kl and Eck, Charles R., Jr., '65 66 1 ke ide Dr., Bridgeport, Conn. Eckel, J ohn L. '66 3 H lfa t., fi mi, Fla. Eckh rdt, H arvey A., '65 49 Englewood Dr. , w Hav n, Conn. Egbert, Robert H., '66 257 Lynn t. Harrington Pk., .J. Egert, Timothy '66 t 6 1 04
W hington, D.C. Eiseman, John M., '66 55 Purimn Lane , w mp cott, Mn . . ittreim, tephen L., '63 5 1 7 o Riv r. ide Or., phin
N.J .
Ider, Robert b'.J '66 Whit H i l l Rd. , o l d pring H rhor, N.Y. Elli , Jame C., '64 4 1 3 Fi r t Av ., P lh m , .Y. Emt'r on, Luth r L., '64 227 1 RidJ.t Rd., o. Hav<'n, Conn.
l lJ3
Emmet, Robert E., '64 Box 7, Cape Porpoise Erdmann, David C., '66 801 Springfield Ave., Cranford, N.J. Erickson, Carroll L., Jr., '66 85 Norton St., So. Berwick Fallon, Charles D., '64 W. Bloom.field, N.Y. Fay,- Frank W., '66 424 Maple Ave. , Pittsburgh , Pa. Fayerweather, Jay C., '64 6 Edgewood Dr., Ho-ho-kus, .J. Fearon, David S. '65 l 25 Par on Rd., Portland Fedennan, Kenneth L., '64 1 92 Birch Dr., ew Hyde Park, N.Y. Feinberg, Barry L. '65 1340 Trafalga r t., W. Englewood, N . J . Fell, J a m e E . '66 655 Rock St., Fall River 1 a s. Fellow , Peter F., '66 v 4206 .E. 5th � Pompano Beach, l' Ja . Fenn, Wallace B., '63 Chu rch St., Dors t Vt. Ferretti WiJliam P., '65 .56 Map! Ave., hr w hury, Mas . Field, Edmund E. '63 247 pringfi ld Ave., Has rouck H gt ., .J. Field Fred F., IV '64 3 Battle t., Brockton, Ma . Field, John W., Jr., '66 1 4.50 H illsid e Rd . , Fairfield, Conn. Finizio, A. Francis, '66 564 Pie ant t., Milton, M a . Fi cher, Da id P., '66 Ful l r Ave.,
Fleuren, JefJery E . '65 Rockland l . Ho pital, Orangehurg, N .Y. Flint, Timothy M., '63 4 Pin St.,
Wrstport, Conn.
N . W. ,
Floyd, Carl M., '66 2 M iddle St., Farmington, Conn. Foritano Jame C., '65 57 Ch st r t., Arlington, Ma s. Fo , Charle S., '66 1 74 Craigic St., Portland Fo ter, John P., '66 7 H i g h l a nd T rr., tafford prings, Conn. Foxman, . Jame , '65 40 W . hington Av .
K am ,
.} .
Frnl , William M., '66 90 1 R, ym r Ave., W nnm . :i, N.J. Frnze, John T., '63 229 Hi(thlnnd Av . , Fall Riv r. 1 . Fredrik on, Jon A., '64 R W vsid Lan • S r<,d I , Y.
Freed, Ivan G., '63 18 Holman St., Fitchburg, Mass.
Freeman, MacGregor, '63
1 27 Coolidge Hill, Cambridge, Mass. French, Peter E., '63 20 Madison Ave., Cranford, N.J.
Friary, Richard J., '64 30 May St., Biddeford Friberg, John E., '64 539 Merrimack St., Manchester, N . H .
Goodchild, Anthony A., '64 86 Lawson Rd. , Winchester, Mass.
Goodwin, Charles F., Jr., '65 54 Goudy St., So. Portland
Hardy, John D., '63 7 Paris St., Norway
Hardy, Stuart G., '63
Gordon, Michael L., '66
577 Main St., Hingham, Mass. Hardy, William P., '66 24 High St., Wilton
Gordon, Peter G., '64
Harrington, John E., '65
122 Cedric Rd., No. Newton Centre, Mass.
Main St., Winterport
642 Elm St., New Haven, Conn.
1 505 Metropolitan Ave., New York, N.Y. Gordon, Robert A., '65 326 Maypole Rd., Upper Darby, Pa. Gould, Rodney E., '65 4 Winthrop St., Stoneham, Mass.
64 Lakeshore Dr., Beverly, Mass. Harris, James E., '64 15 South Dr., Larchmont, N.Y.
Fulman, Arthur S., '64
Gottfried, Herbart W., '63
Harris, Stephen H., '64
Friedler, Louis M., '66
163 Hawthorne St., Malden, Mass.
Furek, Robert M., '64 4 1 6 Palisade Ave., Cliffside Park, N.J.
Gaillard, Tristram C., '66 Route 1 39, No. Branford, Conn.
Garnett, Stanley I., '65
455 Monument Ave., Malvern, Pa. Garon, Gerald S., '65 43 Chenery St., Portland Gelbard, Robert S., '64 1 0 Westminister Rd., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Geltman, Richard B., '64 43 J(jngston Rd. , Newton, Mass.
George, Daniel T., '64 203 Elliot St., Brockton, Mass.
George, William H., '66
1 7 Country Club Dr., Rochester, N.Y. Gibbons, John W., '64 7 Alden Lane, Port Washington, N.Y. Gibbs, Robert S., '66 28 Puritan Ave., Swampscott, Mass.
Gilbert, David A., '63 Albion
Gilbert, Donald, Jr., '65
18 Princess Margaret Blvd. Toronto, Canada Giles, Anthony S., '66 88 Pleasant St., Marblehead, Mass.
Gilmor, John P., '65 49 High St., Camden
Gilman, Michael C., '65
Box 163, W. Trenton, New Jersey Gow, John R., '64 Westminister Sch., Simsbury, Conn. Graceffa, Alfio, C., '64 18 Sunset Rd. , Waltham, Mass. Grant, Kenneth C., '65 22 Summer St., Millinocket
Harrington, Michael E., '66
1029 Clay Ave., Pelham Manor, N.Y.
Hart, Peter D., '64
740 San Luis R . , Berkeley, Calif.
Harwood, Richard B., '65 303 Spirea Dr., Dayton, Ohio
Haskell, David F., '65
Gray, Gardner, '64
18 Jordt St., Manchester, Conn. Hatch, David R., '65 1 Parsons Ave., Lynnfield, Mass.
Gray, Kenneth S., '65
Hathaway, Lewis K., '63
18 Wildwood St., Winchester, Mass.
38 MacArthur Rd., Natick, Mass. Green, Benjamin S., '66 6 Haines St., Presque Isle
1404 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, Mass. Hauck, Charles E., '63 2420 Lavin Court, Troy, N.Y.
Greene, David, '64
Haughs, Donald B., '64
3 1 5 E .70 St., New York, N.Y. Greene, John S., '65 345 Upham St., Melrose, Mass.
Griest, W alter W., '66 2000 Ridge Rd. , N o . Haven, Conn.
3 Mulberry Lane, Cos Cob, Conn.
Haynes, John K., '64 29 Chestnut St., W. Haven, Conn.
Henderson, Jay '63 ,
17 Mystic Ro., Marblehead, Mass.
Gronlund, Jay K., '65
Henkle, Bruce A., '64
Gross, George M., '63
Hendrickson, William F., '64
589 Monterey Ave., Pelham, N.Y. Case Farm, Bristol, Conn.
Grossman, Thomas S., '63 95 Baldpr.te Hill Rd., Newton, Mass.
Grzelecki, Alfred J., '65 1938 Tower Ave., Schenectady, N.Y.
Gula, Robert J., '63
56 Sears St., Middletown, Conn.
170 Niles Rd. , Waterford, Conn.
380 Orienta Ave., Mamaroneck, N .Y. Hertz, Bruce E., '65 9 Edgewood Dr., Freehold, N.J. Hervey, Virgil W., '65 67 Roosevelt St., Garden City, N.Y.
Hill, Jonathan B., '66 1 1 Exeter St., Boston, Mass.
Hill, Thomas A., '65
33 Elliot St., Beverly, Mass.
Hall, Jon F., '63
235 Harriet St., So. Portland
Hallett, �ilmot C., III, '64
1205 Heberton Ave., Pittsburgh, Penn. Hipson, Herman A., '63 55 Wallace Ave., Auburn, Mass.
205 Thacher St., Milton, Mass.
Hallowell, A. Barney, '64
Hiss, Roger A., '66
82 1 Nathan Hall Rd. , Berywn, Pa.
Hamburger, Ronald, '64
Hodge, Carroll McK., '66
Gilmore, Richard S., '66 Glassman, Robert C., '64 Glaze, John B., '66
Glennan, Robert, '63 1 4 North St., Syosset, N.Y.
Goldberg, Stephen S., '64 242 Russett Rd., Brookline, Mass.
Golline:er, Stuart H., '63 1600 Chapel St., New Haven, Conn.
48 Leland St., Portland
373 DeMott St., Mineola, N.Y.
1 2 Hidden Field, Andover, Mass.
8 Bancroft Tower Rd., Worcester, Mass.
Hamby, Wallace B., '64 2 1 300 Sydeham Rd., Shaker Hgts., Ohio Hammer, Dennis D . , '64 206- 1 5 26 Ave., Bayside, N.Y.
Hardy, Dennis L., '64 York
59 Hill St., Floral Park, N.Y. Cragsmoor, N .Y.
Hodge, Robert J., '65 170 Laurel Hill Rd., Mt. Lakes, N.J.
Hodsdon, Caleb T., '66 125 Richdale Rd., Needham, Mass.
Holden, Randall L., '65 1 42 Lyons Rd., Scarsdale, N.Y.
3 1 Roo velt Ave., \V aterville
e, E., '65 3 1 Loorni Pl., 1 'ew H:iven, Conn. Hou hton, Charle E., '66 Holida Inn Intervale, ew Hamp hir Houl ban, ndr w P., '64 Round H ill Rd , Cr nwich. Conn. Hubbard Ueo . '63 rry Hi l l Rd., y� t, .Y. Ruck l, John, '65 180 Hill Park A Cre t eek, .Y Hudson, Chari T. '66 4 1 50 Black Point Honolulu, Hawaii Hunt, D vid P ., '63 3200 t. . \ . Waohin�on, D. C. H ton, Frank \i . , '65 5 F nway L Portland H d , lbert . '65 Old Redding Rd. \Ve ton, Conn. H l e r, Harv y '65 5 {h�;i:tht t. Brook l i ne . M H 11lofr, Ira H., '65 45 • fonson l B rock ton, . I
Kre idewe i s John L., '64 ?
2254 Baun oral Ave. Uni.on, New Jersey Kristenson Paul W., '66 42 Hauthorne St. We twood, Mass.
Hooker, Geor
Ladd John B., '65
Box 1 687 as au, Bahamas
Lakin, Robert F., 63
'66 f., '63
.. '66
Ket hum Peter P. '63 1 3i B ford Rei. Pica nt\'ille, . Y Kie ow, Thom '66 R )''DOI Rd. Wm low
'mball. Ralph, '63 H�v<'rhill Rd. Top 6 Id • . t Kind • Phillip , ' 6
Harmony Hill , Route # 1 wport. i inn. Kin don, Bru ce \ . , '63 1 429 St. Hold n, 1 . Kirb , Frank D., '63 62 \ clbeck t., pt. 1 2 A London, En�land Kittr d �e. William '65 20 Park t. Pittsfield Kligennan, Barr . , '66 34 Bixby t. R v r , fas . Knight, Linwo d G. '66 Pin Ave. iv nnore Fall 1'
fichael R., '64
Church t. BrownviU
Ko nig bau r, Kirk R., '63 W !nut Hill Rd. Thom ton, Conn.
Kollia , John D., '66 1 33 Elm St. B lmont, M . Kor t Tom, '65 1 L k vi w Drive Rivcrsid , Conn.
Ko ter, Will iam H., '66 99 1 Richard Crt. T :in ck, . J.
Kowal, Harold F., '6S
23 . ta.fford Rd ., wton Centre, M Krack, Conrad R., '65 52 Plymouth Rd. t, . Y. 1, nh onnan R., '65 85.t; an Av . w York , . Y.
1. 5
Ellsworth Lambert, James E., '66 1 75 Orchard Ridge Rd. Cbappaqua, . Y. Lam on, Howard J., '63 2 1 2 Penn Drive W t Hartford, Conn. Lapides Jame E., '63 92 Living ton St. ew Haven, Conn. Lardieri, Peter J., '66 4 Fifth t. wark, . J. LaRouche, Jame L . , '63 33 Pie ant St. Hlo Lar chao, Richard, '64 l - Park Row . Y. ' w York, Larsen D avid C., '63 2 We t Court Waterville L tham, Howard M., '66 70 Bel vedere Drive Cranston, R. I . atvis, William '66 17 Hooker t.
hua, .H. L w, \Villiam L., '63 6 Be y Brown Rd. Port Che t r, . J. Lav le , William J. III, '66 t. 50 o.mmj Rowayton, Conn. La , Peter J., '66 29 Linwood St. Arlington, Mas .
Lebeau, Donald P., '65
252 1ain t. Easthampton, Mass. Lederman, fark E., '66 6 Whi tewood Rd. White Plains, N. J . . Ill, '64 Leighton, William 15 Pi lgrim Drive Winche ter, Ma . Leonard, William P., '65 torm Kfog School Cornwall-on-Rud on, N. Y. Leupold, John K., '64 205 Orchard Hill Drive Fairfield, Coon. Leve que, Lionel P., '63 17 Elm St. Fort Kent Le e que, Richard W. '63 19 We t m Av . Wat rvill Levi, Eric H., '64 c/o L . Jon , Box 440, \1 ombas a , Kenya Lev , Kenneth R., '64 13 9 M i l h ood Lan \lerrick, . Y. Lewi , Che ter W., '63 Pa l m r t. oiwich, Conn. Lewi Robert 8., '65 18 Tum r Driv h ppaqua, . Y. Lewi , Ronald . , •es 13 RJ h rd on Av • Liv nnor F lls
Libby, Harry S., '64
68 Irving Ave. Torrington, Conn.
Lippincott, Bruce L., '64
Reigelsville, Pa.
Little, Craig B., '66
McLean, Gordon L., '66
16 East Hillcrest Havertown, Pa. McLennan, Charles J., '66 c!o Holt, Waterville Rd. Oakland
Mechem, John C., '64
239 High St. Westwood, Mass.
Metzler, Robert J., '63
30 Northgate Rd. Wellesley, Mass.
470 High St. Hampton, N .H.
MacMillan, Douglas S., '63
Meyer, Douglas W., '66
28 Hollywood Ave. Yonkers, N. Y.
McMahon, Michael E., '65
Miller, Arthur G., '64
28 Westover Circle Wilmington, Del.
MacMullen, Thomas D., '63
Miller, J. Wesley, III, '63
P. 0. Box 1 7 1 Bacolod, Negros Occ., Philippines
McNabb, John F., Jr., '64
Lloyd, Alex, '64
Lockwood, John A., '64 Locsin, Nicholas T., '65
Loomis, Jonathan L., '66
58 Bellevue Ave. Summit, N. J. 1647 Wallace St. Stroudsburg, Pa.
242 Sunset Drive Butler, Pa. 40 Beach St. Saco
19 Norman Ave. Wallingford, Conn.
82- 1 6 34 Ave. Jackson Hgts., N. Y.
5 Birchland Ave. Springfield, Mass. Miller, Kim C., '66 Congress Terrace Milford, Mass.
2323 Pebble Fork Northfield, Ill. Lord, Frederick C., '65 12 Rockridge Rd. Waltham, Mass.
Mabee, Carlton H., '66 Machbitz, Marc L., '65
Miller, Terrill S., '63
40 Lewis Rd. Swampscott, Mass. Lowell, David H., '65 Tenants Harbor
Machon, Stephen H., '65
Minahan, Deane G., '64
Mackinnon, Neil G., Jr., '63
Mitchell, Everett C., '64
Loveday, William J., '66
Lowery, James G., '65
24 Pleasant St. Brunswick Ludwig, Charles L., '63 Route # 2 Augusta
Lund, Richard D., Jr., '66
2 1 0 Central St. Gardiner
Lunt, Robert B., Jr., '63
36 Scott Dyer Rd. Cape Elizabeth
25 Highland St. Lexington, Mass.
97-37 63rd New York, N. Y.
8 1 Greenacre Ave. Longmeadow, Mass.
99 Hoover Rd. Needhan, Mass. Maguire, Dennis F., '66 6 Tufts St. Marblehead, Mass. Maizner, Andrew H., '66 8 Bryant Crescent White Plains, N. Y.
Malley, Edward W. ID, '64
1 43 Atlantic Ave. C.:-hasset, Mass.
Miller, Michael S., '63
1 55 Ridgewood Ave. Hamden, Conn.
218 Pickett District New Milford, Conn. 7 Echo Ddive Darien, Conn.
7 Gardner Place
Winchester, Mass.
Mitchell, Norman C.f '64
56 Sherwood Circ e East Bridgewater, Mass. Monbleau, Russell N., Jr., '66 505 West Hill Rd. Stamford, Conn. Monk, Harrison G
14 Wakeman Rd. Darien, Conn.
Mandell Robert, '65 ,
Moody, Carlisle E., '65
Rua Ilheus 1 13 Sao Paulo, Brazil
Manforte, Salvatore V., '66
Moody, Jonathan R., '65
16 Berkley P ace Buffalo, N. Y.
Mangion, Robert B., '64
Luternauer, John L., '64 Lytle, Bruce P 'i '64 McAlary, Brian G., '63
31 Johnson Hgts. Waterville 5 Custer St. Stamford, Conn.
75 Lunt Rd. Falmouth
14 Park Circle Newburyport, Mass.
32 Irving St. Melrose, Mass.
Moog, Gordon L., '63
222 North Van Dien Ave. Ridgewood, N. J.
16ÂĽ.i School St. Waterville
Mann, George, '66
Morgan, Donald A., '63
607 North Chester Rd. Swarthmore, Pa.
Marburg, Galen S., '64
Moriyi, Toshimichi, '64
20 Felsmore Ave. Pawtucket, R. I.
Marchese, Jess R., '63
Main Rd. East Corinth
Marquez, Camilo R., '63
McCabe, James L., '65
McClure Edward R., '64 1 MacDougall, Eric L., '66 McConchie, James H., '63
51 Monadnock Rd. Wellesley, Mass.
McDonald, John A., '63
46 Spring St. Gardiner McDowell, Charles C., '65 Haven St. Dover, Mass. McElroy, Gerald P., '65
South Main Rd. Vineland, N. J.
McGinley, Morgan, '64
Prospect Hill Noank, Conn.
McGirr, John M., '66
17 Adams St. Belmont, Mass.
McKinne, James W., '63
7 Pine Drive Woodbury, N. J.
McKinstry, Gary W., '66
Charlemont,, Mass.
McLaughlin, George B., '63
164 College Ave. Beaver, Pa.
Hill St. Topsfield, Mass.
1317 Fiddlers Green Falls Church, Va. 1587 Anita Lane Seaford, N. Y.
RR # 1 , Upper Shad Rd. Pound Ridge, N. Y. Marshall, Harry B., '65 66 Weed St. New Cannon, Conn.
Marsolini, Paul L., '64
20 Elm Drive West Hartford, Conn.
Tsuna-machi, Mita, Shiba Tokyo, Japan Morneau, Roland E., '65 727 Fourth Ave. Berlin, New Hampshire Morrione, Thomas J., '65
127 New Market Rd. Garden City, N. Y. Morris, John D., II, '65 Whippoorwill Rd. Armonk, N. Y.
30 Buckingham Rd. Milton, Mass.
Morrison, Richard, '66
Beech Hill Rd. , R#l, Skowhegan
Morse, Jeffrey C., '66
2120 Fourth Ave. Kearney, Neb.
Morse, Robert F., '65
East Sullivan
Morse, William J., III, '65
Martin, David F., '.65 Martin, John L., '63
Martin, Larry E., '66 Martin, Paul E., '65 7 Woolsey Ave.
Trumball. Conn.
Marvin, William E., '65
62 Fifth St. South Portland
2 1 1 Great Neck Rd. Waterford, Conn. 35 Elmore St. Newton Centre, Mass. 187 Berwick Rd. Attleboro, Mass.
Moulton, Robert T., '63
39 Warren St. Salem, Mass.
784 Hanover St. Manchester, N. H.
Mowry, Edward F., '66
10 Hillview Rd. North Reading, Mass.
Mud�e, Peter A., '65
Master, Robert J., '64
Mayer, Thomas G., '63
Old Mii.l Rd. Greenwich, Conn.
465 Channing Rd Westfield, N. J.
7 Palmer St. Hampton, N.H.
. fulcahy, Douglas T. '63 Rt. 1 65 Lyme, Conn. �fullen, John P. '65 wan Lake Ave .
�forray Kenneth J. '65 8 B ristol Rd. Clinton, . Y. • fosche, Frank W., '66 9 Cedar St. Dedham, Mass. Mutrie, James E., '66 1 Woodcliff Rd. \\!ellesley Hills, 1ass. ahawi, Baha E. S., '65 Taxi E sax.hid Amman. Jordan eal Frank G. ill, '65 49 Fairway Drive \I est 'e wton, las . eil, illiam G., '65 644 Linwood Ave. Ridgewood , �. J . e l on, Leonard . , '66 180 Castle Rd.
. 'nbant, . 1
. ter Peter C., '66 35-15 7 l Jae n Hgts., Y. 'evin, Donald E., '64 Bo 79 Co hen. Conn.
'ickerson, George T., Jr., '63
43 Johnson H igh \ terville 'jo a Jean.Paul, '64 OU
Foumban, Cameroun
oc .
\' alter R., '66
gu tm Ahumada 310 1exico City, . l ·co.
'oel, R alph E., '63 326 . 1a:in t. Lewi ton • orthacker, Eugene J. '63 1 1 Trumbull Rd . fanhn t. ' . Y. ' us bum \ iJHam R., '63 1 36 Blake Rd. Le ington, . f yce, Harry C., Jr., '66 606 .. el on e Lansd:ile, Pa. • 'ye, Kenneth P., '64 2 1 44 C l nvi w Rd.
Clenvew, Ill.
Oaks, John A., '6'6 1 04 Myrtle Ave , 'orth Plainfield, . J . Oates, William A. Jr., '65 t. Paul' choo[
'e w
Hamp hire
Oberg, Donald C., '6'6 3 W. Kidd r St. Portland O'Connor, John J., '65 72 1 Edgewood Ave.
Trenton, . J. Oe treicher, Lee D., '66 44 1 We t End Ave. . Y. • · w York,
Oki , William T., Jr., '65
1 28 Camp Ave.
Dari n, Conn. Olivetti, Alfred C., '64 Jvr a, l t1ly 01 on, Clifford B., '6'6 94 E ll i Fann Lanf' f Ir , ,f • 01 on, Wi11iam J., '63 2 Em on Rd . ham, f
eill, Herbert G., '65
75 Palmer Ave. Larchmont, N. Y. Onsager, Hans T., '64 84 1 Whiiney Ave. ew Haven. Conn. Orloff, K enn eth L., '66 Pond Rd. tamford, Conn. 0 borne, Richard T., '66 1 29 Acre Lane H icksville . Y. 0 en eal, '63 23 Friendl Rd. orwalk, Conn. 0 tendorf Karl B. '65 196 Ri<l� ge Park A e. t:runford, Conn. 0 trov k Mruvin C. '63 29 Baker Rd. Everett, fas . Our ler, ' illi m F., '65 25 utton Pl ce So. 1ew York N. Y. Palmer, P J K., Jr. '64 0 E:iton Rd. 'eedhrun, M
P p • h.
tepbeo I., '64 10 Gregory t. Danbwy, Conn. Pari h, David F., '65 75 B rly Rd. , • w Hav n, Conn. Parker, Frank H., '64 ut Rd. Cumberland Parke , John W., 12 \ i l liam S l \ at rville P r ons J. Cary, '65
Uthgow \ imlcw
., '6'6 1 26 Bla.lceslee Ave. 1 o. Hav u. Conn. P ul, J m F., Jr., '66 Brookhav n Rd. \ allingford, P .
\ illiam
P tric
P wlowicz, Peter H. '65 30 Maple St. E. Longmeadow, Mas . P xton, Peter C., '65 33
York St
L dngton, Mass. Penh le, Da id ., '66 1 B arberry Lane
John . '66 K nd u keag Ave.
124 Bangor
Perkins, Ra ym on d K., Jr., '64 1 05 chool t. Concord, .H. Pete on, John A.1 625 W. Pierce St. \filwauk e, Wf consin Petr ki.s Byron, '63
10 Victory Ave.
H ve rh H I . fas . Phillip , onnan E., '66 1 7 Concord St. Portland Pierce, Rodney D., '63 104 Wood tock Lane Cran ton, R . J . Pike, Lawrence ff., '66 Llv rmorc Fall Pin o, Paul, '63 hor Rd. Ogunquit Pious, Richard M., '6'6 370 an Pkwy. Brooklyn, . Y. Pitman, Jon P., 16'6
ac alboro
1 97
Pitnof, Nathaniel D., '66 356 Blue Hills Pkwy. Platner Edward W., '63 12 Tower Rd., Hingham, Mass. Politica, Daniel F., '63 1 10 Chrisie St. Tenafly, . J. Polley, David L. '64 19 Ashland St a hua, .H. Pollock, William B . , '64 28 Columbus Ave. Beverly, Mass. Pomeranz, John E., '64
74 Wright Drive Avon, Conn.
Poole, David S., '63
300 Colonel Hunt Dr., Abington, Mass. Po!!> Allen C. '65 .
1nistle Lane Rye, . Y. Po t, Frederick W., Jr., '64 74 Shoreham Drive
Roch ter,
. Y.
Potter Benjamin C. Jr. '64
468 Totten Pond Rd. Walthrun, Mass.
Pritchard Bruce G. '64 42 Quany Rd. \ ate rfo rd, Conn. Proulx, P hilip C., '66 13 Cold t
Pulver, David, '63 6 Dover Rd.
W. Hartford, Conn.
Punn'tt n °' L. Gardner, '65 The Ledges Hopedale, Mass ., Geoffrey W. '66 RFD # 2, Box 304 Katonah, N. Y. Quirk, James R., '65 2222 Worthington S t. Bethlehem, Pa. Rabeni, Charles F., '66 Central S t . Southborough, Mass. Rakoff, Stuart H., '65 686 Hall Sl , lanchester, ew Hampshire Raikes, Merrill C., Ill , '63 1 0 1 8 Calvert Sl Baltimore Md. Rand Robert S., '66 Tamarack Drive Plymouth, .ff. Ransom, Robert C. Jr., '66
22 Glad,vin Place
Bronxville, N. Y. Raup Adolf A., Rennstein l , Villach, Austria Record Duane C., '65 Livermore Fall Record Ralph' S., '66 Livermore Fall Redmond Peter W. '66 RFD # 2 Laconia, N . H . RePrf. Kenneth L. '65
Ree e , David M., Jr., '64 16 B njamin St. Old Cr nwich, Conn. Reif, Thoma '66 1 57- 1 0 nnford Ave. F1u. h i n g , . Y. Repetto, mo l d, '65 34 M npl Ave . Broad Brook, Conn.
Rhoades, Alan S., '64 Merrill Hall Exeter, N . H . Richardson, Thomas 0., '63 275 Wilmarth St. Attleboro, Mass. Richards, Timothy F., '66 12 Ballard St. Durham, N .H. Richter, Frederich B., Jr., '66 Fairwood Rd., Bethany, Conn. Riddell, Mathew A., '65 56 Pine St., Bar Harbor Robbat, Richard J., '64 38 Sherburne Rd., Lexington, Mass. Robbins, Geoffrey T., '65 1020 The Parkway, Mamaroneck, N .Y. Robbins, J. Whitfield, '65 Lee Terr., Williamstown, Mass. Robbins, Keith D., '66 8 Thayer Rd., Manchester, Conn. Robbins, Kenneth S., '63 30 Center Dr., Old Greenwich, Conn. Roberts, Bruce R., '66 E. Waterboro Robinson, John A., '64 7 Simsbtuy Rd. , W. Granby, Conn. Robinson, Michael A., '64 P . O. Box 176, Sherman Station Rogers, Paul K., '63 1 20 Ten Acre Rd., New Britain, Conn. Rogers, Robert A., '65 1 1 Charles St., Houlton Rogerson, John S., '66 38 Bowdoin St., Houlton Romack, Charles W., '66 Irish Lane, Cambridge, New York Roody, Randolph R., '65 305 South St. , Concord, N.H. Ross, Gary C., '65 301 Summer St., Lynnfield, Mass. Ross, Leon M., '66 Longmeadow Rd., Cumberland Foreside Ross, Murdock J., Jr., '64 1 64 Rosseter St., Dorcehester, Mass. Ross, Paul M. '65 750 Kappock St., Bronx, N.Y. Rothamnn, Harry E., '66 33 Highclere Lane, Valhalla, N.Y. Rudnick, Leslie H., '66 123 Buckminister Rd., Brookline, Mass. Ruf, John N., '64 1 46 Stafford Ave., Waterville, N.Y. Russell, Edward S., Jr., '66 15 Notre Dame Ave., Suncook, N . H . Ruth, John C . , '65 24 Inwood Rd. , Essex Fells, N.J. Ryan, John H., '64 3 Everett St., Walpole, Mass.
Saad, Ronald J ., '65 81 Huntington St., Brockton, Mass. Sagalyn, Ernest S., '63 96 Summer Ave., Springfield, Mass. Salim, Ahmed T ., '65 3 Wharf Rd., Port Loko, Sierra Leone Salisbury, James W., '65 8 Overlook Rd., Chagrin Falls, Ohio Sanderson, Owen M., '63 62 W. Ridge Dr., W. Hartford, Conn. Savage, William M., '65 25 Longmeadow Rd., Wellesley, Mass. Sawler, Lawrence E., '65 100 Centennial Ave., Gloucester, Mass. Scherl, Ronald A., '66 1 39-19 31 Rd., Flushing, N.Y. Schoeman, Stephen, '64 59 Abcrfoyle Rd., New Rochelle, N.Y. Schulze, Lawrence D., '64 4 West St., Newtown, Conn. Schwartz, Arthur H., '65 23 Blake St., Newtonvillc, Mass. Scotti, Gavin W., '65 1 15 Somerset Ave., Garden City, N.Y. Sears, Frederick T., '63 20 Rue de Boulainvilliers, Paris 16e, France Sears, Robert M., '66 20 Rue de Boulainvilliers, Paris 16e, France Seder, Michael S., '63 65 Williams St., Norwich, Conn. Seferian, Albert, Jr., '65 1 1 Edward Rd., Watertown, Mass. Schacter, Brian M., '66 1 46 Boulston St., Brockton, Mass. Shapiro, Jerrold L., '64 1 1 Blue Hill Terrace St., Milton, Mass. Sharron, William R., '63 63 Boulder Rd., Wellesley Hills, Mass. Sheldon, John S., '63 369 Millwood Rd., Chappaqua, N.Y. Sherman, Todd H., '64 171 Barbara Rd., Waltham, Mass. Shirley, Fredric C., '65 50 Woodridge Rd., Wellesley, Mass. Short, Donald J., '64 16 Mayflower Ave., Hull, Mass. Shovan, Mark J., '66 39 Ridge Rd., Concord, N.H. Shreve, D. Benjamin, '65 17� Chestnut St., Salem, Mass. Shur, George M., '64 24 Wadsworth St., Portland Sills. Arthur S., '65 85-96 Palermo St., Jamaica, N.Y. Silver, John B., '64 690 Longmeadow St., Longmeadow, Mass.
Simcock, Bradford L., '66 8 Chestnut St., Somerset, Mass. Simon, James S., '64 855 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. Simpson, James R., '66 169 Nutley Ave., Nutley, N.J. Sitkin, John H., '64 Inwood Lane, Furnace Dock Rd., Peekskill, N.Y. Skodnek, Kenneth B., '64 Wayaawi Ave., Bayville, N.Y. Small, Roderic 0., '66 Raymond Smith, Allan, '64 1800 Des Chenaux Rd., Three Rivers, Quebec Smith, Hermon E., '63 7 Hereford Rd., Marblehead, Mass. Smith, Jay McC., '63 Metcalf Rd. , R.F.D. #2, Willoughby, Ohio Smith, MacKenzie, '63 50 Pond St., No. Easton, Mass. Smith, Phillip A., '66 Main St., Sheffield, Mass. Smith, Starbuck, III, '65 8748 Old Indian Hill Rd. , Cincinnati, Ohio Smith, Stephen P., '66 2783 Edgewood Rd., Columbus, Ohio Smith, Stephen W., '63 86 Brooks St., W. Medford, Mass. Snow, Abbott K., '64 3 Tokencke Trail, Darien, Conn. Snow, Charles B., '64 49 Grosset Rd., Riverside, Conn. Sonnenberg, Carlos A., '66 Lopez Y Planes, 82 1 Acasusso, Buenos Aires, Argentina Soule, Charles D., '66 535 Marietta Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Spates, James L., '65 106 Meadowbrook Ave. , W . Springfield, Mass. Speers, Jerrold B., '63 R.F.D. #2, Winthrop Spitzer, Eric R., '65 4 Countryside Lane, Marblehead, Mass. Springer, Donne E., '63 188 Quinobequin Rd., Waban, Mass. Stearns, Stewart M., '63 1 13 Portsmouth St., Concord, N .H. Stevens, James H., '66 59 Curtise Ave., Wallingford, Conn. Stevens, John E . '65 i 29 1 Woodford St., Portland Stevenson, Robert J. '63 � 279 West Hill Ra ., Newington, Conn. Stinson, Carl W., '63 13 Dike Rd., Bath Stokes, Charles C., '63 1012 Westview St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Welsh, Lewis P., '66
59 C.enter Lane, Milton, Mass. Werner, Eric S., '66 Rou te #3, Holderness, N.H .
Westgate, David F., '63 Water St., Mattapoisett, Mass.
We tgate, James F., '63 Rockport
Wetzel, Fred J., '65
1 45 Belmont Ave.,
Kenmor , N.Y. Weygant Peter S., '66 265 Audubon Rd. , Eng lewood, N. J.
Whalley, Peter }., '64
22" Dunlap St., Salem, Mass. Wheeler, John A., '66 305 Waterville Rd., Oakland
White, Charles, '64 49 1 Main St., Saco
White Lloyd 0., '65
R . F.D. # 1 Box 1 95, E. Lebanon White, Raymond 0., '63 369 Main St., Oxford Ma .
Whitehouse Robert W., '63
W ddin on Richard J., '65 for na Rd.,
P nn all y, ar rth, Pa. W dswor1h, Peter '63 1 1 0 Lincoln t., Framingham, Mas .
agner, Peter B., '66
ppl t Farm, Hampden Fall ,
Wahmann, Chri topher P., '66 1 2 1 o . warthmor warthmor , Pa.
Herbert . , '63 1 90 1 5 Van A.ken Blvd .â&#x20AC;˘ hak r Hgts., Ohio W ldman, Bruce I., '64 Wain
62 ycamore Rd. Cochituate, M .
ce, Barry H., '63
377 For t Ave., Brockton, Mass.
Walley, David R., '63 rve's Lane, If Kenn unlcport Wanhnan, tuar1 C., '66 22 1 1 Av nue L Brookl yn, .Y. W rd, Michael D., '65 23 E arl t., orwood, Mas .
Warren, Der k L., '65 pruc wood Lan , Rids:t fi Id, Conn.
Watkins, Frederick A., '63
19 Lyman Circle, Shaker H gtJ . , Ohio Weck , John S., '63 12 Cl1moc Rd., Ch tnut H ill, Mru s. W ibu t, Robebrt S., '64 76 Bow r' S t . , fonch t r, Conn.
W iland. Andrew J., '64
R A P<'n Lane,
c¡w H yd " Plc., N.Y. W I h. Jonathan B., '65
t3R RI hbnd Rd , Cr11n ton, R . I .
1 99
756 Lynn Fells Pkwy., 1elro e, Mass. Whitelaw Robert M., '63 4 Ridge Rd., Cann el, N . Y. Wicker ham, Peter, '65 49 Ridge Rd., Ard ley, N.Y. Wiley Philip . , '66 K i n g Richard Dr., Boxford, Mas . Wildorf, Barry S., '66 1 1 4 Granville Ave., Malden, Mass. Will iam David E .1 '63 6 Penn C.enter Plaza, Philadelphia, Pa.
William 1 Dennis R. 10 Colony Pl., Millinock t
Williams, Geoffre y P., '66 72 tandi h Rd., W llesl y Hill , Mas . William , Randall, IV, '65 Main t., Dov r, Mass.
farshall F., '66
33 Ellsmore Terr., Braintree, Mas .
William on, Charles P., Jr., '63 1 30 Prospect St.,
Providence, R . I . William on, Dean D. ' 63 2 0 Holt St., Concord, N.H.
Wil on, John M., '63 Main St., C nterville, Mass.
Winkler, Edward D., '63 52 Pearl St., R nding, Ma
Winslow. Carlton H., m, '64 90 Hiller t Ter., terid n, Conn.
Win tanley, Peter F., '66 51 Crockett Ave . , Dor h st r,
Winter , D. Wayne, '66 cond Rn n g w y, Wnt rvlll
Wise, Robert I., '63 415 Penn Valley Rd., Narberth, Pa. Witherell, William H., '63 1 1 Steven Rd. , Westboro, Mass. Wood, John C., '64 78 Great Oak Lane, Pleasantville, N.Y. Woodard, James S., '65 33 Arrowhead Rd., Wilton, Conn. Woodbury, E. Arthur, Jr., '66 Valley Rd., W . Boxford, Mass. Woodward, Robert W., Jr., '64 Hatherly Rd., Rockland, Mass. Wooley, David S., '66 Box 1 4, E. Peru Workman, John T., '65 22 Prospect St., Hopedale, Mass.
Wright, David K., '63 80 Mt. Sanford Rd. , Hamden, Conn. Wright, Frank T ., '64 E. Denison Dr., Saddle River, N.J. Wright, Jeffrey D., '66 75 Maywood Rd ., New Rochelle, N.Y. Wulff, James R . , '66 60 Lexington Rd., W. Hartford, Conn.
Young, Stephen E., '64 169 Washington St., Wellesley Hills, Mass. Zaremba, Frank T., '64 Ridgeview Orchards, Shoreham, Vt. Zientara, Gerald R., '64 28 Amherst St., Augusta Zimmerman, Richard H ., '66 31 1 Carpenter Ave., Sea Cliff, N.Y.
York, Richard A., '64 15 Montgomery St., Warwick, R . I .
Zipser, Richard A., '64 88 George St., Warwick, R.I.
Young, Donald P., '63 31 Courtwright Rd., Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada
Ziter, Michael P., '63 94 Cunningham St., Springfield, Mass.
Young, Robert M., '65 160 Bush St., New York, N.Y.
Zoehler, Gerald E., Jr. , '64 764 Lexington St., Waltham, Mass.
Women 's Division haron L., '65 bbot, Main Comer \ ater
ts. ,
Blue Hill chill , '.tari.a A., '63 ter Oil Co., ct o 1 1de Valley Forge lndustrial Pk. 1 orristown, Pa. ckerson, Barbara J., '66 29 v OD Rd., 'eed.bam , 1 . dele H., '63 cldey, L, J ho Bamngton, R.l dams, Beth ., '66 ve., 199 Ponti Cranston, R.l. Aldrich, • ferrilyo ., '66 Po me roy Lane, o. A.mhent, M . Anderson, Jan H., '64 4 Woodard . Brock ton, �I a,
JO Lo. gfellow A .
., '63
Anglim, De borah G., '66 17 Par e Ave., . • o. QUIDcy, M Arnold, Joyce M., '64 1330 Kensing ton, Pointe, Mich. ro Ath e rton, . Jan, '66 4:2 H tlls1de A e., Falmou th Aranovitch, Le h, '65 1 0 o. \ alnu t t., Bry n, O h io Aver , Barbara D., '65 9 . ·o. pnng t., Concord, '.H.
Baker, Virginia A . , '63 . l ain L , B ucbport Bankert, Bonnie J., '64 1 1 0 • o. Cladston A e., \ farg t , , '.]. Barker, Merrill L., '65 L' 97 \ . . iain Yarmou th Barnett, 'aocy J., '65 1 • 'orwood. A e. ,
t r, Ma .
Barnum, Diana, '66 H u n t Lane, .Y. F ye teville, Bauer, Vivian B. '65 932 W. 7th St., Pl in6 Id , • . J. Ba ter, Joan C., '63 34 u liurh an Ave., P l hn m , · Y Beach, Mar o, '65 f 32 1 f om l A ve . ,
Bear, Andrea J., '66
Thor Pl., F ir6 Jd, Conn . B e ckw ith, Lesl ie '66 2
\ foming lae,
fiddl bury, Vl
ren C., '63
3.5 E t Ave., I i hon Fall
BelanRer, Pauline T., '85 5 W h t r t., ck B ru n Patricia A., '66 Ber 1 3 M t . V mon Rd., � · W ymouth, M
Bergeron, Do ris O t t t., 36
Cahill, Mary T., '63
' 64
orva.J Ave., U Stoneham, Mass. Caillet-J3ois, Silvia, 'Sp. Castro barros 2ti7, Buenos Aires, Argentina
ancy V., '64 ::iy
.H. Berlin, ally ' 64 Kennebunk Landing, Kennebunk Borst, P a m ela L., '66 R. D. 2.
Caito, Elinor A., '66 356 Ta be r Ave.
Providence, R.l.
Callahan, Janet F., '63
2:3 Flax Pond Rd., Lynn. Mass.
.Y. atalie J. '66 nnan. Bo 2 Kellogg St., Ft. Plain, .Y. Bowers, Gloria f., '63 e bit ve., 36 \V. H artfo rd . Conn . Br nnon, Jean G., '64 herbum .
Camp, Catharine F., '64 E. Bl ue Hill Campbell, Barbara-Jean, '64 55 Ri ergate D r. , \ il ton, Conn. Campbell, Patricia, '65 R.F.D. #2,
Concord, N .H.
1 22 Parkvie'
Carl on, Britt C., '66 3 Birch Hill Dr., \ . Hartford, Conn. Carr, Barbara C., '64 429 Owen Rd.,
Lowell, 1a . ler Carol . '66 Br 44 1 heare r Ave., .J. Union. �fargaret, '63 Bri f. R.-c, , 0, Bo B n or Broo , Janet E. '66 t., 6 Runne.11
ynnewood, Pa.
Carroll, Cynthia B., '64 9 Keofferam Rd., Old Greenwich, Coon. Charnper)ain, Barbara A., '65
306 o. Synnott Ave., Wenonah, .J.
Brooks Linda E. '64
-2 Kn
CbandJer, Margaret D., '64
Brown, Bo nnie T. '63 t., 72 Hardy Pr que I le Brown, Donna K. '65
Blanchard Rd., Cumberland Ct.
Chandler Mary L., '65 1 43 P::ilmer Ave.,
Falmouth, Mas .
Perry Lan ,
W ton,
n, I.
Charlton, Patricia S., '65
fo .
Liberty St., Madison, Conn.
fary, '63
9 • f a yflow r HiJI Dr. , \ t rviUe u an G. 'sp . Brown I. 5 Wi n ter St, \ aterville
Chase Deborah G., '66 46 Barnum St.,
Taunton , Mass.
Chatterton , Margaret E., '66
So. Water St., Edgartown, Mass.
Brown, Susan L. '65 727 Pearl Ave., Ma nheim , Pa nn f. '63 Bruno, 9 \ ildcmere. Terr., oncord, .H. Buchheim, Linda A. '66 oye St., 20
CMJd, Martha, '66
Pokonoket Rd., Sudbury, Mass.
Chin Catherine A., '66 4 0 Jefferson St.,
Christy, Carol J., '65
Portland BucJde.y, Diane E. '63 25 Cl a yt on Rd., ca1">dale, N.Y. Buffinton Janer IC., '65 413 E tern Ave.,
Bonnie Brae, W. Canaan, N.H .
Clapp, Frances L., '66 S. Main St,
ynn, fa . Barbara J. , '64 ancpa h e. me t S t . , 84 farhl h ad. lfa ataHe '65 Bullock T a l c te st. clru:it . Mas . Bura:e , Eleanor M. '63 Bui
Birch St.,
Wi l ton Burr. Diane £., '66 wmnn Spring 468 .J R ed Ba nk . Butler. K a re n M., '63 1 2 Ma<:'Arthnr Rd .. tick. Ma� .
D u tch m an, Gdl l am, '83 6R6 P.-ar«> Rd ., Swn n�e-R. M a . 8udon. Joanna L., '63 Ro 264, E. Morich" , N.Y. 20 1
Rd . ,
W.lrehouse Pt., Conn.
Clark, Adora J., '65
35 Bedell St., Portland
Clark, Lydia L., '66 30 Glendal e Rd. Sharon, Mas . ' Clark, Shirlee F., '6S 2 Fann Rd., M a rbleboro, Mass. Claus Meridith R., '63 Bos 375-C, R t . # 1
Pt. Clinton, OhJo
Cleveland Joanna L., '64 , 6 Nori<lge Dr. , orthfle ld, Vt. Coady, Alison A., '65 25 Spring Lane, Canton, M as . Cobb, Donna M., '63 12 Fow l e r St.,
Cobb, Shirley F., '64 27 Brook Bend Rd., Hanover, Mass. Cole, Virginia A., '65 59 Boston Ave., Winslow Comeau, Susan, '63 1 15 Main St., Orono Convery, Marjorie P., '64 So. Water St., Edgartown, Mass. Cook, Carolyn S., '63 42 Webster St., Nashua, N.H. Copithome, Joan R., '65 Box 67, Stratham, N .H. Cotton, Linda B., '65 P.O. Box 242, Amherst, N .H. Cousins, Cassandra C., '65 1 2 1 Middle St., Old Town Cox, Terry E., '65 1 9 1 E. Clinton Ave., Bergenfield, N .J. Coyle, Jocelyn M., '65 26 Kennworth Rd., Pt. Washington, N.Y. Craig, Jean E., '66 29 Mayfair Ave., Springfield, Mass. Crockett, Elizabeth A., '64 12 Linerock St., Camden Crosman, Cora-Louise, '63 1719 Albany St., Schenectady, N.Y. Cross, Diana G., '63 310 Oak St., Ridgewood, N.J. Cummings, Rebecca, '66 455 Concord Rd., Weston, Mass. Curi, Susan A., '64 Meadow Way, Irvington, N.Y. Curtis, Linda K., '64 92 So. High St., Bridgton Daman, Linda J., '64 Sugar Rd. , Bolton, Mass. Darling, Barbara W., '64 1 1 1 Midway Rd., Ithaca, N.Y. Darling, Bonnie M., '66 R.F.D. #2, Groton, Vt. David, Judith A., '66 Western Marland College, Westminster, Md. Davidson, Lynne R., '64 208 Ash St., Brockton, Mass. Davis, Deborah C., '65 104 Northwood Rd., Newington, Conn. Day, Constance, '66 8 Cross St., Freeport deCormier, Karen R ., '66 28 Mildred Ave., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. DeCou, Martha, '66 Ellisdale Rd., Crosswicks, N.J. DeMotte, Marjorie, '63 398 Spring St., Portland Dexter, Mary A., '63 261 1 Park Ave., Baldwin, N.Y.
Diano, Patricia, '63 975 Woods Rd., Southampton, Pa. Dignam, Joan M., '63 24 Hollywood Rd., Winchester, Mass. Dodge, Julia F., '63 Flaggy Meadow Rd., Gorham Doe, Elizabeth W., '63 R.D. #2, Kennebunkport Doe, Linda W., '64 65 Maple St., Franklin, Mass. Downing, Patricia J., '64 216 Arbor St., Cranford, N .J. Droitcour, Barbara C., '65 3 1 0 Kirby Ave., Warwick, R.I. Dunn, Patricia A., '63 1000 So. Orange Grove, Pasadena, Calif. Dupras, Cynthia J., '65 Dunstable Rd., Tyngsborough, Mass. Eckel, Nancy E., '64 23 Plymouth Dr., So. Glen Head, N.Y. Egbert, Lynne, '66 5 1 1 Oak Crest Lane, Wallingford, Pa. Eielson, Jean A., '63 225 Amesbury Rd., Haverhill, Mass. Eldridge, Elizabeth, '66 71 Arrowhead Re!., Weston, Mass. Eldridge, Lona L., '66 65 Twin Brooks Lane, Fairfield, Conn. Ellsworth, Susan, '64 5 17 Peck Rd. , Geneva, Ill . Emerson, Dian R., '63 39 Blake Rd., Lexington, Mass. Epstein, Constance D., '63 437 Dorothy Ave., Ventura, Calif. Eskesen, Karen M., '64 20 Church St., Greenwich, Conn. Etscovitz, Maxine, '66 1 1 Snow St., Bar Harbor Ey, Patricia A., '63 1 15 Pi ne St., Lisbon Falls Eyges, Judith M., '65 9 Drumlin Rd. , Marblehead, Mass. Fallon, Margaret L., '66 17 Drury Lane, Worcester, Mass. Fannin, Jeannette H., '63 713 W. First St., Fulton, N.Y. Farnham, M. Jane, '66 M .R.-C. Box 17, Bangor Farrington, Martha L., '64 11 Patterson St., Augusta Fasset, Judith, '64 145 W. Tioga St., Tunkhannock, Pa. Fencer, Elaine H., '66 23 Estabrook Rd., Wollaston, Mass. Ferguson, Jean L., '65 209 Middle Rd., Falmouth
Ferries, Susan, '63 234 Linden Rd., Barrington, Ill. Fioto, Diane F., '66 1 18 Stark Ave., Dover, N.H. Field, Linda A., '64 Westlawn Rd., Portland Fischer, Cynthia B., '64 22 Lynwood Lane, W. Boylston, Mass. Fitch, Nancy B., '66 61 Cottage St., New Bedford, Mass. Fletcher, Mary L., '66 38 Green Ave., Madison, N .J. Flewelling, Barbara A., '64 2 Baldwin St., Augusta Footer, Susan A., '66 949 High St., Bath Forman, Lesley N ., '65 25 Canterbury Rd., Great Neck, N.Y. Forslund, Karen, '63 Mt. Hennon School, Mt. Hennon, Mass. Fowler, Marilyn H., '63
R.F.D. #3,
Ft. Fairfield Frazer, Elizabeth A., '65 510 Beatty Rd., Spdngfield, Del. Co., Pa. Freitas, Karen, '65 175 Richland St., Portland French, Paulette R., '63 American Embassy, Santo Domingo, Dom. Republic Frost, Nikki J., '66 15 Lynne Place, Hillsdale, N .J. Fuchs, Margaret, '63 2220 49 St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Fugere, Claudia M., '65 45 Tory Rd., Manchester, N.H. Fullerton, Diane H ., '66 306 Windsor Ave., Wayne, Pa. Gardner, Jan E., '6S 65 C-edar Lane, Westwood, Mass. Gates, Natalie, '63 24 Mansion Dr., Topsfield, Mass. Gay, Nancy C., '65 5 Bradeen St., Springvale Gellhom, Anne F., '64 1 18 E. Hamilton Ave., Englewood, N.J. George, Susan A., '64 306 Amesbury Rd., Haverhill, Mass. Gerrie, Glenda J., '66 43 Roosevelt Ave., Waterville Giddings, Mary E., '63 5 Winter St., Augusta Gilson, Roberta J., '65 84 Tyler St., Attleboro, Mass. Goddard, Virginia S., '65 1 123 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, Mass. Godley, Anne C., '65 Cobbler's Farm, Wilton, N.H.
Goldstein, Rhoda L. '65 1 20 Robinson Garoe ns, Lewi ton Goodin Jeanne L. '65 lain St., Shnwmut Goodridg Karen E. 64 R . F .D . # 1 , Ru m fo rd Gordon, Barbara J. '64 30 athan Rd., ewton Centre, f . Gorsun, Cbarlcn R., '65 37 iagnolia St, ialdcn f . Gourle , • {ary R. '66 21 lbert t., lilo Gower Holly J. '65 6 ppletree Lane, \ i lton, Conn. Grand, Helen . '65 1 070 E. 28 t., Br k.lyn, .Y. Grant. • fary L. '63 1 0 1 \ . Br dway, Ban or Green, Dian C., '65 13 R� r White Dr , e' Haven Conn. L. '64 Gr n, 'an 337 . facArthur Blvd., Wa hi ni:tton, D.C. re r, ncy . '65 Highland Ave.,
Grelotti, Vir.itinia . '66 10 Hampden R d . , Farrni n siliam, •:f Gre , Ruth R., '63 Canaan, . H . Griffin. Roberta L., '66 39 G:ml m on ve., uburn Gupt ill. Judith E '65 :,i 27 Beverl y Rei ., W. Hartford, Conn. Haber, usan A., '66 R . F. D. #2, Dover-Foxcroft Hackler . fan1yn D., '65 23 j o. :fain t., Derry, .H. Raines, Barbara J . , '63 H ppy Va l l y Rd., R.D. . lfiddl bury, Vt. Hale, Marian P., '65 2 1 9 Katahdin Ave., f iJ linocket Rall, Linda A., '66
Hamilton, Jeryl L., '65 35 16 S t. , WilmPtte, Ill . Harding, Marcia H., '65 1 223 S a l em St. , falden, Mas . Harris, Anne P., '66 29 Ludlow Dr., Chap p aqua, N.Y. Harri , Dee·AM '85 S)3 . fain St., t, M a . Som Harriton, Mary B., '85 2A16 Riv r Rd., M a u m , Ohio Hart, Hilary C., '85 Jon Park, Riv de, Conn. Hartford, P a ul a C., '66
E. Boothh y , '64 k II, Wilmot Flat, . H .
Has el usan A., '63 1 0 1 60 W. 13 Pl., Denver, Col. Hayn Carol, '64 2 Apple Tree Lane, Bedford, Mn.s . Hayward andra '64 99 1 ywood St, Worcester , Mass. Hegmann Anita L. '64 31 Perry St., e\ London, Conn. Hernb r Elizabeth A., '66 73 Lincoln Pk., Longmeadow, Mass. Herschleb Gr tchen '66 2 Roo velt Ave. , Glen Falls , .Y. Higgins, Elaine C. '64 R . F.D. 2, Wi nthrop Hillery, Jan' '64 4 f ech ve. , Croton, Conn. '66 Hilton, • fary u tar Rou te, Waldo ro Hine , Martha F., '64 1 307 o. Cl veland St . . ArUngton, Va. Hint rk pf Elfie M. L., '65 1 Third S t. , Peru, Ill . Hoditdon, Beatrice . '64 obi boro H ddcins, dele M. '65 Jeff on Holm , Carolin S ., '65 0 eazie t., Old Town Holm , Harriett F., '65 33 Chandler St, kowh p;an Holt, Janice R., '66 34 Blcisd 11 t.., ugu ta Homada , Margaret J. '65 502 W. Country Club Lai Wnllfo�ford, Pa. Horvath Joyce P. '66 3 Pinewood Terr. , Bed ford, .H. Howard, Barbara R . , '65 Route 2 , H oe l ton Hubbard, Ro emary B., SP. P.O. Boit 6093, Charlotte, .C. Hunt, M. Jeanne '66 Church Rd., Brunswick Hunter, Jane M., '66 26 W. f a in St., Avon, Conn . lgersheimer, Judith I., '66 58 h rburn Circle, W r. ton , Mas . lngennan, Carol A., '64 Box 426, nt r, Vt. Manch t r J ckson, Sherry, R., '63 27 Abbott Ave., Elm ford, N.Y. Jaffe, K are n R., 402 .raham St., Hight nd Pk., N.J. Jenkin , rlene, '63 19 Wn hJngton t., Braintr , M J n n, Kar n C., '66 946 o. 26 t., Arli n lon, V .
Jobson, Gayle P., '66 3 Big Oak Lane1 Wilmington, De1. Johnson, Carol A., '65 30 Priscilla Circle, Wellesley, Mass. Johnson, Linda J., '64 9 Battle Green Rd., Lexington, Mass. Johnson, Linda M., '66 300 Hill berg Ave., Brockton, Mass. Johnson, Nancy L., '66 R . F. D . # 1 , Vassalboro Johnston, Betty D., '63 1889 West Dr., San Marino, Calif. Jolicoeur, Janet R., '66 15 Fairview Ave., Augusta Jones, Cynthia P., '65 246 S w nm er St., Auburn Jones, Frances E., '63 14 Forest Ave., ew Rochelle, N.Y. Jones, Judith A., '66 37 Court St., Flemington, N.J. Kaiser, Linda L., '66 1 06 Division Ave., Levittown, N.Y. Kallberg, Sonja A., '65 So. Newbury, Vt. Keams, Doris H., '64 1 95 o. Village Ave., Rockville Cen tre , N.Y. Kelleher, Ruth E., '66 20 Brook St., So. Paris Kelley, Judith C., '66 28 Boutelle Ave., Waterville Kelley, M. Carolyn, '65 2 Splitrock Rd., So. Norwalk, Conn. Kendig, Nancy J., '65 12 Cass St., Exeter, N . H. Kershaw, Patricia L., '65 29 1 Main St., Sanford Khoury, Colleen A., '64 94-01 2 1 8 St., Queens Village, N.Y. Kirkpatrick, Birgit, SP. China Kirn, Loretta K., '65 409 W. 24 St., New York, N.Y. Knouse, Laurie G., '66 69 So. Mountain Dr., New Britain, Conn. Knud en, M., '64 Longmeadow Rd., Cumbcrlnnd Fore Ide Koch, Gail P., '64 Main St., E. Brewster, Mass. Kogut A rla n a R., '65 Oknok, So. Country Rd., W. I lip, N . Y. Kouba, Mildred L., '66 47 Knth rfne St., Fa.Ir Hav n, N.J. Kreeger Lora C., '85 3020 Pi n Grove, Chical;(o, Ill. Krep , Barbara I,. '84 32 E . P storiu t. , Philr.d lphJa, Pa .
Ladd, Anne R., '66 108 Talbot Ave., Rockland LaFleur, Karen M., '66 2 1 4 Wesley St., Clemson, S .C. Lalime, Marjory R., SP. E. Vassalboro Larkin, Ellen L., '63 74 Jefferson St., Lynn, Mass. Laws, Judith H., '65 74 Silver St., Waterville Lay, Constance E., '63 48 Spring Lane, W. Hartford, Conn. Leach, Diane L., '66 72 Gardner St., Hamilton, Mass. Leach, Susan J., '66 12 Rowell St., Madison Lederman, Constance H., '63 Arcadia Dr., Sands Point, N .Y. Lee, A. Jacqueline, '63 618 McDonough St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Leighton, Sally A., '65
15 Pilgrim Dr.,
Winchester, Mass. Lenz, Gail A. '65 129 Dannell Dr., Stamford, Conn. Lerner, Norma D., '63 13 Richmond Ave., Lee, Mass. Levine, Bernice G., '64 91 Moraine St., Brockton, Mass. Lewis, Jane L., '64 29 Heminway Pk. Rd., Watertown, Conn. Libby, Martha R., '66 Vinal Rd., West Rockport Lippschutz, Mary L., '64 760 W. Ferry St., Buffa.lo, N.Y. Lockhart, Susan A., '64 24 Tall Oaks Rd., E. Brunswick, N.J. Loker, Ruth-Ann, '66 43 Rankin Rd., Rockland Long, Jill M., '65 Star Rte., Lyndonville, Vt. Lonitfellow, Lynn A., '65 3 Robin Rd., Manchester, Conn. Loomis, Anita L. '65 l 10 Morrison Ro., Wakefield, Mass. Lord, Sharon F., '65 28 Saco Ave., Old Orchard Lordi, Carol A., '66 1572 Gregory Ave., Union, N .J. Lowd, Rebecca A., '65 38 Oak St., Springvale Lutz, Margaret A., '65 16 Marie Dr., Somerville, N .J. Lyman, Elisabeth H., '65 1009 So. Orchard, Urbana, ill . Lyman, Lois B., '64 58 Chandler Rd., Andover, Mass. Lynch, Penelope B., '65 Byrnes Ave., Litchfield, Conn.
McCarthy, Judith E., '64 10 Greenwood Lane, Waltham, Mass. McCarty, Ann L., '66 Surf Rd., Cape Elizabeth McClarin, Barbara T., '64 22 1 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. McClay, Patricia L., '65 3 Redington St., Waterville McCobb, Sara A., '64 640 Arlington Ave., West.field, N .J. MacColl, Janet E., '63 43 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. McConnell, Catharine A., '63 522 No. Main St., Brewer MacCubrey, Ann A., '65 58 Hillcrest Ave., Wethersfield, Conn. McCune, Shannon, '63 CA-USCAR,
APO 48, San Francisco, Calif. MacDonald, Joyce A., '64 Whitefield McDonough, Esther E., '64 364 Ray St., Manchester, N.H. McFaul, Barbara N., '64 8010 B arron St., Takoma Pk., Md. McGee, Katherine L., '66 Riverside Ave., Ft. Fairfield McGhee, Joan R., '64 1 1 1 Church St., Winchester, Mass. McGillicuddy, Barbara C., '65 6 River St., Houlton McGinley, Susan L., '65 E. Holden MacKay, Margaret A., '64 155 Pieasant St., Athol, Mass. MacMichael, Ann A., '66 76 So. Main St., Pittsfield McNamara, Paula B., '66 40 Durkin St., Manchester, Conn. MacWilliam, Sandra J., 63 Bond Rd., Kittery Pt. Macdonald, Heather, '64 R.F.D. #1, Readfield Magalhaes, Judith A., '63 634 Knoolwood Terr., Westfield, N.J. Maher, Alta S., Weeks Mills Mahoney, Susan E., '66 5 Lincoln St., Houlton Maillett, P. Gail, '66 15 Edgemont Ave., Waterville Malcolm, Marguerite M., '66 8 B!mtwood Ct., E. Brunswick, N.J. Maloy, Kathleen S., '66 32 Wescroft Rd., Reading, Mass. Manegold, Joan E., '66 Pine Lake, Box 79, Nashotah, Wisc. Maney, Ardith L., '66 188 Brimbal Ave., Beverly, Mass.
Mann, Helen S., '64 41 Pembroke Rd., Weston, Mass. Marcus, Madeleine F., '64 35 Mountain Ave., Rivc::-side, RI. Marshall, Virginia R., '65 429 E. Illinois Rd., Lake Forest, Ill. Martin, Cheryl J., '66 E. Brookfield, Vt. Martin, Jean A., '64 12 Sanford Terr., Irvington, N.J. Mason, Diane L., '66 Rockingham Rd., Salem Depot, N.H. Matteson, Frances A., '65 Main St., Francestown, N . H. Mattison, Diane R., '65 170 Woodrow St., W. Hartford, Comi.. Mattraw, Margaret A., '64 Top!>ficld Rd., Boxford, Mass. Mayo, Barbara E., '63 53 Orchard St., Leominster, Mass. Mazzo, Janice E., '63 100 South St., W. Hartford, Conn. Melanson, Jane, '63 Broadway, So. Hanover, Mass. Melanson, Louise, '65 Broadway, So. Hanover, Mass. Meyer, Janet A., '66 33 Fairfield Rd., Havertown, Pa. Meyer, Kristin V., '64 Nashotah, Wisc. Michelmore, Mary E., '63 6 Woodland Rd., Foxboro, Mass. Michener, Jane E., '66 801 Westdale Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Midworth, Constance D., '66 5 Tower Terr., Burlin�on, Vt. Miller, Constance D., '63 16 Sherwood Rd., Natick, Mass. Miller, Gretchen E. ,'63 134 Burlington St. , Lexington, Mass. Miller, Judith L., '63 160 Ninth Ave., Collegeville, Pa. Miller, Margaret A., '64 304 E. High St., Lebanon, Pa. Millett, Craig B., '64 34 Chestnut St., So. Dartmouth, Mass. Milner, Judith A., '64 64 E. Levering Rd., Cynwyd, Pa. Mitchell, Ellen G., '65 237 Dorset Rd., Waban, Mass. Mitchell, Nancy E., '64 725 Main St., Shrewsbury, Mass. Moore, Christine, '65 35 Radcliffe Rd., We!lesley, Mass. Moran, Elinor C., '64 705 Hanford Pl., Westfield, N.J. Morrison, Nancy G., '64 46 Aberdeen Dr., Scituate, Mass.
Mor e Janet L., '66 1 Thornton t., .H. E. eter, ally B . , '63 Mor e 93 �tain t., pringvale Morse Virgini D., '65 \\ hitehall Rd. , o. Hampton, .H. andr T .� '63 • foultoo, 390 Lakcshore Ra ., B urcpaire, Quebec, Can fuller, Ingrid M . '63 1 prin Rd. , · o . Haven, Conn. '63 funsell, Debo.rah R F.D., Botlord, �1
Patter on, M . Jane, '65 6 chool St., Bucksport Patter on, ally F., '66 6 chool St., Bucksport Peirce, Laura S., '65 Bo. 4 1 4, York Harbor Pelsoo, usan E., '63 Bar tow t, M attapoi tt, Ma s. ancy A., '64 Pendleton, 205 Katherine Rd., Ridg wood, .J. Peo El izabeth F., '66 925 De law are A e., Buffalo, .Y. Pet r , Cynthi ]., '63 0 . fain t., \ ·tbrook Pet r en, Annette R. '64 1 193 Old D yke Ra. , Trumbull, Conn. Philbrick, Lo' A. '64 1 345 entral Ra. , Rye, . H. Joan R., '64 PhiWpp 40 Albert t., 1elro , M . P hillip , Marcia L., '64 66 H i hland Ave., I n Ridge, .J. Pi on, Pam la P., '65 Hurrican Heights, Caribou Pin tt e Y o nne E., '63 t. 0 ,
Platt, �fary L. '65 379 Common t., \ a l pole, 1 . Plumb Pamela R '65 1 ld Orchard Ra. , Riv ·rsid , Conn. P Uard, Gayle A., '66 t., l Ro armin�dale, . Y. Pratley, Ruth, '63 1 Lo ll Rd., Hold o, f Price, ail, '63 15 Reg nt t., \ or t r, Ma . Pr ctor, Uy A. '63 7785 Ch grin. B 'nbridge Rd., Ch grin Falls, Puglia, Lauri e M., '63 199 Park St., 'o. R ding, M Quirion, nne M., '63 1 -3 Bangor t., Augusta
RanJcin, ancy E., '64 Linco ln vi l le
Raymond, Patricia A., '65
Pl , ant Valley, .Y. Raynor, andra J., '66 39 K n•ck rbo le r Rd. , P i ford , .Y. Read, Barbara L., '63 3 1 0 Harri Av . , m, Ma . . · dh Reinelt, ancy J., '66 1 0.'3 Vi('W t., Franklin, .H. R ynold , ancy E., '63 17 Evrr t t t., Mf'clfor I , Ma . . Rich rds, Joanne M., '65 3 1 0 1 i nc t., Bnnhwl k
Richmond, Cynthia D., '63
4 1 Maynard Rd., Northampton, Mass. Riendeau, Karen L., '66 4 19 Maple St., Swansea, Mass.
Roberts, Cornelia, '65
Old Lakershore Rd., Lakeview, N . Y . Rodgers, Carol L., '66 Burnham Rd., Burnham Roe, Jacqueline A., '64 Kennebec Rd., Hampden Highlands Ro e, Cynthia A., '64 R . D. 1, Box 298, Jay St Kato � , N. Y. Rottner, Dale M., '65 19 Ral ph Ave. White Plains, N. Y. Rubin, Vicki M., '66 28 1 Linden Ave. Westbury, N.Y. R udol ph Lois A., '66 901 Covert Ave. . Y. ew Hyde P., Ruggles one C. '66 74 Main St., Gorham, . H. Rulon, Judith B., '64 226 Windermere Ave., Wayne, Pa. Rum ey, usan F., '66 E . Boothbay Ryder, Pauline, '63 339 Bacon St. Waltham, M Ryen, ancy, '65 6 Deer Lane Wantagh, . Y. aabye SaJly M., '64 249 Greenwood Ave. Warwick, R. I. aporita, Marjorie, E. Vassalboro aunder H. Terry, '66 2 Hall Ave. uff rn, N. Y. awyer Susan L., '64 w London, N. H . Saylor, Nancy E . , '64 5 4 Curtis St. Reading, Mass. Scanlon Unda J., '64 4 Temi Rd., B v rly, Mass. chaeff, usan K., '63 7 9 Greeley Ave. ayville, N . Y. Schafer, Ruth ., '63 4844 Old Dominion Drive, Arlington, Va. •Schatt, Martha P ., '64 8 20 SW 52nd Av . Miami, Florida Scrafton, Leonore J., '64 55 Au tin Place, ilv r Lak tat n I sland, N . Y. eidcn tuecker, Lynn I., '66 Conway, N. H . enlder usan W., '63 Lowell Rd ., llirli..l • fa s. eto, ybil M., '65 1 424 U n i vc r. lty Av . , Honolu l u , Hawaii everance, aro1, '66 1 uduhon Rd., WC'l l sl y Hill , Mas. .
Sewall, Edith-Ann,
4 Meadow Way, Cape Elizabeth
Sewall, Hannah H., '64
4 Meadow Way Cape Elizabeth
'66 63 Atlantic Ave., Groton Long Point, Conn.
Shaw, Sandra }.,
Shaw, Sara K., '64
1596 Longmeadow St., Longmeadow, Mass.
Shepherd, Gloria A., '64
194 1 3rd. Ave., Apt. 5B New York, N. Y.
Shliom, L. Deborah,
19 W. 16 St. New York, N. Y.
Simon, Barbara D.,
78 Wilson St., Struthers, Ohio.
Simonds, Lizabeth A.,
Simpson, Christina J.,
Rt. 2, Box 262, Sayzata, Minn. 935 Tower Rd., Winnetka, Ill .
'63 53 Francis St., Trumbull, Conn. Smith, Lynn W., '65 31 Apple Hill Rd., Melrose, Mass. Smith, Cynthia L.,
21 Woodmont St., Portland Tracy, Diana, '65 624 Chestnut Terrace Easton, Pa. Tracy, Roberta J., '66 2 1 3 W. Oak St., Rome, N. Y. New London, N. H. '65 156A Bainbridge St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Turner, Susan P., '66 1468 Tallyho Rd., Meadowsbrook, Pa. Tyler, Donna G., '66 1 Pleasant Ave. Cape Elizabeth
12 Rutledge Rd., Valhalla, N. Y. '63 Waldoboro
Spear, Linda I., '64
Stanley, Judith,
'65 347 New Providence Rd., Mountainside, N. J.
Urner, Lynne,
Goffstown, N. H.
Stearns, Linda R., '65 H ampden Stein, Susan B., '63
42 Pitchers Way Hyannis, Mass.
Stephenson, Janet L.,
65 Linden Ave., No. Andover, Mass.
'65 120 Babcock Drive Rochester, N. Y. Stewart, Elspeth M., '63 Bretton Rd., Dover, Mass. 0 Stimson, Mary A., '64 1212 Croft Lane, Evanston, Ill. Stinneford, Mary M., '63 Box 38, Weston Mills, N. Y. Storms, Charis A., '63 l l South St. Yarmouth Stressenger, Joan B., '65 22 Gale Rr., Swampscott, Mass. Sutherland, Leslie H., '66 558 Nod Hill Rd., Wilton, Conn.
Stevens, Elizazbeth C.,
'65 90 Longview Drive Longmeadow, Mass.
Terry, Diane,
Tozier, Shirley A., '64
Turner, Judith C.,
Spear, Judith A.,
Stark, Elizabeth A., 1 1 Elm St.,
135 Benvenue St. Wellesley, Mass. Timson, Pamela J., '66 Ocean Ave. Kennebunkport Thompson, A. Judith, '63 59 Old Pt. Ave. Madison Thompson, Sally R., '65 42 Edmunds Rd., Wellesley Hills, Mass. Tougas Jeanne C., '63 8 Curnbe!land St., Brunswick Tower, Ellen D., '63 Peaceable Hill Rd., Ridgefield, Conn. Tower, Katherine B., '66 30 Shaw St., W. Newton, Mass.
Tunis, Elizazbeth C., '64
Smith, Sandra G., '64
331 Pearl St., Manchester, N. H. '65 Hackett Circle Stamford, Conn.
Waugh, Lucille E.,
Thiel, Joan C., '64
VanAlstyne, Judith G.,
76 Bridge St., Winsted, Conn.
Vaughan, Janna D.,
Vaughan, Sarah T . ,
So. Main St., Wolfeboro, N. H. Elm Hill Farm Hallowell
Van Wyck, Diane G.,
Dewey Ave., Gladstone, N. J.
Wakefield, Linda D.,
503 Elm St., Biddeford
'66 '65
'66 192 Whitney St., Northboro, M as s ., Walker, Suzanne, '65 2335 Riverside ¡Drive., Columbus, Ind. Wall, Margaret R., '63 54 Holden St., Worcester, Mass. Walton, Marjorie R., '63 Mame Highway Moorestown, N. J. Watson, Martha L., '66 23 Sanger Ave., Waterville Waugh, Lillian J., '63 135 Sweden St., Berlin, N. H. Walker, Martha A.,
1 35 Sweden St., Berlin, N.H.
Weathers, Dorothy A., '64
12 Wyatt Rd., Garden City, N . Y. Webster, Sheila S., '65 283 Main St., Limestone Wesley, Margo E., '65 9 Rowland Lane Ridgefield, Conn. White, Sally M., '63 66 North St. Waterville Wilder, Faith, '65 1000 Lake Rd., Webster, N. Y. Williams, Ann S., '65 4 Brookside Circle Wayne, Pa. Wills, Eileen C., '65 42-05 Layton St., Elmhurst, N. Y. Wilson, Candice }., '65 44 Newton Ave. Wollaston, Mass. Wilson, Doris D., '63 792 Wooded Rd., Jenkintown, Pa. Wilson, Helen S., '65 4626 No. Cramer St., Milwaukee, Wisc. Wincze, Jo-Ann, '63 158 Whiting Lane, W. Hartford, Conn. Winslow, Nancy S., '65 90 Hillcrest Terrace, Meriden, Conn. Wise, Barbara, '66 40 Stratford Rd., Melrose, Mass. Wiswell, Dawne R., '64
Route 3, Waterville
Wollam, Gretchen,
1522 Essex Rr., Columbus, Ohio
'65 15 Webster St., Malden, Mass.
Wood, Janice L.,
Worcester, Carol T.,
52 Burr Rd., Hingham, Mass.
Worthley, Sherryl A., '64
Scantic Rd., Warehouse Pt., Conn. '66 R. F. D. # 1 , No. Jay
Wright, Lorna M.,
Wulling, Lucinda L., '64
613 No. 22 St., La Crosse, Wisc.
Yokelson, Elis A.,
Second Rangeway, Waterville Young, Alicia C., '66 405 Broadway Everett, Mass. Young, Janet, '64 14 Ganung Drive, Ossining, N. Y. Zimmermann, Bonnie A.,
35 Park Place, New Britain, Conn.
1 963 Oracle Staff
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