The Colby Oracle 1976

Page 1


The 1976 Oracle has been dedicated to Professor Jack Foner of the History Department. Professor Foner arrived at Colby some eight years ago, and will be remembered as the introducer of Black History to the Colby curriculum. This important field of studies has helped the History Department to improve itself, and reach a closer reality to what is happening in America today. Constantly giving help to those students who needed it, his classes were filled with the reality which history is supposed to be about. The truth is a difficult concept to seek out, but Professor Foner may have led all his students closer to that end, with his eight year tenure at Colby. Both Colby and his students have and always will benefit from his knowledge and dedication.



at Colby, they are filled with the memories

of pecial friends, the midnight oil burnt studying for a big exam, and admiration of the special beauty which is particular to the Colby campus. The dreams we had when we fir t arri ed, and the reality we faced as we left, this


the time we

all a part of our Colby experience. From nter a

freshmen, to the time we leave as

graduate , all of u

gather special memories. Come,

r member th

ear ju t past. A year which for some.

started the long road toward

graduation, for many,

bringing them clo er to that end, and for the seniors, ending an unforgettable experience.

The Many Mood s of Colby

Or, j ust short of our expectations?

Our best side? . . .


To Challenge and Succeed


To Think and Dream


To Drink and Be Merry


Even to Sm ile!

To Build and Rebuild

The new infirmary. Runnals Renovation.


To Create from Our Hands

The pleasures were many each time a crafts fair came around. The







jewelery, and the furniture, all brought so many and different expressions to our faces.


above it all, the value of these objects, did not come from the fact that they were made from precious metals, or jewels, but rather, their value comes from the tender care, the many feel­ ings put into each item, mak­ ing




their creator's character.



And We Spoke To One Another


WMHB Spoke to many of us! It Helped!

Then A Quiet Hush


Colby College like so many other schools,. is composed of people and the many different moods which people have. From Freshman Week, to Com­ mencement Weekend, Colby is alive with the feelings of those who are a part of it. The campus is filled with laughter, mutterings of unhappiness, challenges to the individual, and the dreams of many. For all of us, the experiences accumulated during our Colby days, help shape the "moods of Colby." When all i's done, the quiet hush which descends upon the pond, the trees, and the buildings, may be the best mood of all.

There is much talent on the campus of Colby College. The many plays put on by the students, the air of professionalism sur­ rounding these plays, reminded many of Broadway.

' Powder

and Whig',



Club, the Colby Community Orchestra, has given much pleasure to the Colby Commu­ nity. Yet, organized musical groups were not the






forming on the stage of the Coffee House, plays put on by the Spanish Club, "Los Subrosa," groups of students not in Powder and Whig, all of them making life a little easier. Walking around campus, one can hear the sounds of music coming from gui­ tars, banjoes, flutes, and plain old singing. The stage could be the grass near the pond, the






bringing just a little more happiness to the college. Groups like the 'Colby 8,', the Col­ byetts, and the Acappela Singers, proved to be joys to the ears of their audiences. Then the Student Association brought great con­ certs to Colby.

Entertainers such as Jesse

Collin Young, Livingston Taylor, and Bonnie Rait, graced the campus. Dance groups, and the occasional


Recitals, made the

campus seem the fountain of good enter­ tainment. The touch of class was added to Colby by the Friday Noon day Recitals, and the Colby Music Series. The Oracle thanks and salutes all those who took the time out to make life at Colby just a little more bearable.


hard work, fine perform­

ances, and beautiful music, deserve much A P PLAUSE.


The Colby




John Payne


The Brain Trust for many of Colby's plays: John Mulcahy, Charles Cow l i ng, and Peter Know lton.

T h ree of the many fi ne performers of the cast of 'A Little Night Music.'



B a uty of Dance The heights of perfe t 1on Both are combined above


There's Winter

Picture above was g i ven by the Out ing Club


And A Day In The Sun

Lovejoy Convocation The following lines are excerpts from an address given by Davis Taylor, Publisher of the Boston Globe, as the 23rd Elijah Parish Lovejoy Fellow at a Convocation on November 13, 1975. "We seem to do all right at Fenway Park and on the high school fields on Saturday afternoons. We cheer for the Tiants, the Plunketts, and the Herrons. We share in their accomplishments. And left alone, our children do not even think of intergration on the football field. Yet we have trouble putting a white youngster next to a black child in too many school rooms." "These are the Three Commandments of the Newspaper profession.

I am speaking of Accountability, Credibility, and Respect­ ability." "Newspapers, in the final analysis, are the educational text­ books of an informed citizenry."


Sigma Kappa


Delta Upsilon



Lam bd a Chi Alpha


Zeta Psi


Pi Lambd a Phi


Delta Kappa Epsilon


Alpha Tau Omega







Field Hockey



Women's Ice Hockey


• a







Ice Hockey





Cross Country







Wood men's

The value of sport goes far beyond the eye of the

pectator, the capacity of

the participant , or e en the price of victory, it is the value of principle which sport mo t emulate . The principle where thoughts of individuality, turn to tho e of an entire team, and the elf discipline needed to succeed in college, heighten to succeed for learn and school pride. The picture preceeded these the energ


ords do not tell the entire


tory of the training needed,

mu tered, the challenges faced. Yet, they reflect the changing

times where the male mu t yield to the capabilit

of the female, and


one must wonder whether there should be a change for the name of the woodmen's team. We apologize to tho e team

such a

the girl

ba ketball

team, or the gymnastics team, whi h were not represented in the e pages due to the lack of proper photographs, but let it not be said that they too have not felt the

ame pride, or faced the same challenge

team. The Oracle salute

as every other

e ery Colby team, and beyond that, the priciple

on which they play.


Colby's Faces



Paul G. Jenson Dean of Facult y President Robert E. L. Strider

Robert W. Pu l len Adm i nistrative Vi ce-President

Dane J. Cox Treasurer


W i l lard G


ma n Former Dean of Slude nt s and Byrd Allen Staff

ssistant ( ews Bureau)

Janice Se itzinger Assistant Dean of St udents

James Gill spie Act ing Dean of Students

1�1 1J r ..

A� 7� 'R#44 L.


Doris L Dow n i ng A stslant Dean of Facu lty


Sidney Farr D i rector of Financial Aid and Career Counseling

Sue Benson D i rector of Student Acti v i ti e s Robert Kany D i rector o f Special Programs


Edward Bur k A l um n i Secretar George L. Col ma n Regr trar

Fra n k P . Stephe nson D irector of Annua l Giving

Administrative Science

Yvonne Knight

Walter Zukowsk i

Art James Carpenter

Harriet Mathews

W i l l iam

1argret, 1 1 l ler

i l ler

Hugh Courie

Biology Miriam Bennett


hdmp lain


W i l liam Gi lbert

David F i rmage

Robert Muller

Chemistry endall Ray

Evans 8. Reid

Wayne Smith

Paul Machemer

G Douglas Maier



Peter Westervelt

Dorothy Koonce

Rochelle Snee

Economics Do n Leet

James Meehan

Jan Hogendorn

john M. Jo eph


Raouf Hanna Henry Gemary


Education Harold Jacobson

Elizabeth P estanrl


Harold p,•strlna d nd Donciklso n



Douglas Archibald

English Irving Suss

Edwin Kenney

Co l i n MaKay


Jane Wyman

F C land Wit ham

Jo hn we ny cind P t er Harns

R. Mark Benbow

)udeth Ferster

Pat r i ck Brancaccio

Rob rt Gil lespie

Dawn G herman

John M izn r



From left to R i g ht: Charles Hauss, Louis Maisel, Al bert Mavri nac, Kenneth Kodama, and Gunter Weissberg

H a ro l d Raymond


David B ridgman



Fred G i l lum

R1 hard H orwitz

Clifford Berschn id r

T hom

B urkman

Jack Foner, Hi story

Gera l d Li eberman


W i l fred Combe l l eck

Homer Ha slet t

Carl Shepardson

ona ld mall


Peter Re

Paul Machlin

James Armstrong Gordon Bow i e


del Heinrich


R uman

Modern Languages

Franci co Cauz

Guy Filo'-Of


Franet co Perez

Lore Fergu on

Priscilla Doel Jo peh Reuer


H ubert Ku t r


hm idl

Henry Ho l land

Char l<•s f •rgu'>On


�2�-\�\1!� "',_.,�1� \



Ri chard Kel l enberger

jean Bundy

John Kempers


Philosophy & Religion Robert McArthur

Gust a


Rob rt Reuman

Francis Parker

Roland Thorwaldsen

Yeager H ud son


Physical Education 11chael H odge




nnPth M u k31




D r . Dore

R i c hard Whitmore





tz John Dudl

Jonathan Briggs


From Left to Ri ght: Lew i s Lester, Paul Perez, David A bb i at i , G. D or i n Zahner, E. Parker J ohnson, James Gillespie, and D i ane


Fred erick Geib

Robert Doe!


Thoma Mor rione

Jonas Rosentha l

Kingsley Bi rge

Arthur Kingdon


W i ll i am H i ll


Eileen Curran

Deborah G i rad i n

Francis Parker


\1ch II

Gene C l e enger

D uit

J. F ra

r Cock

u B th Fair, Man grr, Colby Coll ge Book!>torl'

Barry Rabin Chemistry

J ayne R. Osler French

Stephen A. G asi orowski Chemistry - Phi l osophy P LP

J an E. Anderson Sociology

1 12

Denn i s P. M a estern Ct i lization Engli sh


Stuart Michener Environmental Studies


Pau la Sacks Sociology Chi Omega

t ven Parks Math


Robert D. Peterson English

Stephen Mixter Econom i cs I Adm i ni strative

Elizabeth M. Knight


Knight Government

Joy C. Sawyer English - M us i c


C harle B aeder oc1olog Hu man De elopment

K aren Pagnotta French

coll F. Ht lOr\ PLP

Jennifer Ea ton English Sigma appa

1 15


Janice J. B i spham English S.0. B. U.

Nancy Beng i s Eng l i sh - A me r i can St ud i es

Jim Hayes Admi nistrative Sci ence

Tamara Beni t a Woods

K. D . R.

Administrat i ve Science S.O . B. U .

1 16

Robert W . Richardson Spanish 5.0 B U

Tom 11 erman En\' i ronmental udie Ph i Delta Theta

Lou1 e A Gro 8 1olog

Patricia octolog O. B U

1 17


Susan Seaman British History

B i lly Younker Adm inistrative Science D . K.E. Mark L. Sullivan American Studies - Music

Tom Petot Soci ology ATO


Jeanne O'Brien F rench I panish

John Lumbard Economics D E

Avery Gund rsen Cla s1

C as A G i lbert H i tory DU


David A. Peckham Physics-Mathem atics

Enid H. Gardner Mathem atics Relig ion Leslie E. Reap Bi ology

Barry T. Cohen Admi nistrative Scie nce B i ology DU


Joseph L. Shaker C hemistr Economics - Mathemat ics

Su an E Hannigen Spanish SK

I Morgan urphy Economics

Paige Tyson Music

1 21

Paul Patrick Philbin French KDR

Kathleen E . Cone American Studies

Joel Swets Psychology KDR


J ane Hubie rt

alter Gor m an J r Admin1s trat1 e cience LCA

C harle Harper B1olog DR

Barbara Tnppel American St udies


Raymond Petzold Chem i s t r y AEP ZP

Ri ck D avis

Maury Maniff

Jerre Bryant

Jamie Firth

Econo m i cs

Ad m i nistrat ive Science


Ameri can Stud i es



Ned S m i t h Government

Bob Weinstein Ameri can S t u d i es Music English


Phili p H. F reund Government PLP

Laure Duclos Admi n 1 strat1ve c 1ence at he ma lie

A mbros Ch ung C he m1 try Ph SIC

1 25

Samuel Gowan Geology

Carol G. Mcintyre Sociology

Rebecca A. Gui ld Ameri can Studies

Paul Goghossian B i ology Psychology


haron V\al h Go,ernment

Rob rt R C oop r d mi n 1strat1\e C1ence KOR Alan H Jackson Adm1 ni trat1ve c1ence Economic DU

Kar n Fi nn P ycholog / K


Karen Ogulnick German

Bi ll Silverman Chem i stry

Karen G i kas Art Classics

Peter M. Labombarde French Mus i c


anc Hall Rel i gion

Stephen �arcus Go ernmenl

Daniel hepard H 1sto r

Court na o·sr ·an F re nc h

1 29

Dav id Systrom Biology TOP

Ann Dunlop English

K i m Fennell Biology

Peter L. Thompson Mathematics TOP


Roland artel at hemat ics OU

L n n Pitman Ea t '\ 1an tud1e

Leslie 1 mon Classic Ke in Jo e p h Mur ph dm1 nistrat1\e c 1ence Economics KOR

1 31

John F. McKean Hi story TOP

Karen Brown Spanish

John P. Mara Mathematics - Admini strative Science KOR

Myrna Ann Cath Biology Spanish


Heather Finne usic

Edward B L i pe dm1 n1strat1\e cience LC 1a1dli Pemn Economics Soc1ofog ¡

Lynn L a itt rt


James G ay

Anthony Robert Shup i n


History KDR

Nancy Noreen Environmental Studies Dan Dawe Soci ology


Daniel Mall ove Gover nment Sociol ogy

ReBecca Ann H1 h 1 ng English

Ted hanahan Psychology TO

Patricia M. Kelly French



Rick Clunie

Pam Gordon

Environmental Studies

Env i ronmental Studies

Scott Pickett Psychology - Mathe m at i cs

Peter Shaw American Stud i es


C at h \I orcester F rench

E d Harve E ngl ish

Julie ha lor Economics

H nr • 0 born!' E n gh�h

1 37

Debra Atk i nson Biology Psychology

Don G w i nner Mathemati cs

Ri chard P. Weaver Sociology TOP

Lucinda C. Johnson Art Sociology


C h ri Ko mer C hem1 If'\ TOP

ngela La\ opa Hist or p -.cholog - \ athemauc cott Burchart French - pans1h

John Harns P ycholog ATO

I 39

Aubrey L. Moore Jr. Government Lambda Chi Alpha

Ed m u nd W. Underwood English Kappa Delta Rho

Alan Rosenfeld Biology Chemistry

Janet McManama Econo m i cs Si gma Kappa


Rich Caru o Economic appa Delta R ho

Harry el on Environmental tud1e

'vlark Ta lor P ycholog

1 41

G i sele Nadeau Phi losophy

M i chelle Robert Government Art

Joanne DeFi lipp Art

Bob McAuliffe Economics


Brian Hurle\ 8 10!0

Jame \\oore Engl1.h

Bell Martha Human De elopment


Art Levering M us i c

Janet Oken Ad m i n ist rative Scie nce - Math

Sue Tauer French

Ann C. Conway American Studies Art


an() Dal E nglish

Jame Porter Go rnmenl Caren L tarr dm1n1 lral 1\.

c 1 nee - Math

Richard Oparo\ ski Economic -Mat h T a u Delta Phi

1 45

Peter Ashton Government Economics Tau Delta Phi

Lyd i a Hart McAnerney American Studies

Nancy Dubuc Roger Morse


East Asian Studies


Rob •rt D Ingraham P �cholog

Karen Blough Music

Joan Senn It Adm1 nistrat 1ce c1ence P�ycholog ·


P ter ara H1 tor) Lambda Chi Al pha

Bill Campbell Ameri can Studies

Dayle Drescher Mathematics

Jeffrey Garden

Adm i n i stratice Science

Administrative Science - Mathemat i cs


Andy English Psychology


Stephe n Rogers Classics

Bob trouac Em 1ronmen1al LCA


Dia ne Peter on American Studies

Caro l h11kop Biology


Ann Dunlap English Musi c

John Bawot Ameri can Stud i es KD R

Wendy Broadbooks Psychology

Mark Janos

Human Development

History KDR


ell sa Da

rt 0


Franci C al lahan pan1sh TO

n llo v11z holog

15 1

Susan H o i tt Psychology

Ann Beadle Mathematics SK

Julie Cassidy Art Hi story SK

Kathleen Anderson Econo m i cs


Laura Baskerville Soc1olog Religion

atherine I. Donohue oc1ologďż˝ Religion

Dale- 1arie Croo s American S t udies

Bets Buck land merican tud1e


D i ane E. Lockwood Art English

Cynthia Lou i se M archand Amer i can Stu d i es SK

Mark Tanguay A m erican Studies

Julie Stewart


American Studies


Brandon u lik merican tud 1es Em 1 ronmental tud1es

Ja Ga lord Go ernment DU

le e Lac hance Ch m1 tr B1olog}

Vd len Joneďż˝ AmPrican rud1 s Economics K


Anne M ar i es S i cli an Biology

Bain Pollard Admi nistrat i ve Science TDP

Kathy Rogers Government Sociology

0. James Morgan English


u an G 1 rou Go ernment French

Hamel Bu baum pan1sh

Wtnfl I d L Poller¡ ,\.1u IC Engli h

Micha I Ha lsey \athemat1cs


Ken Johnson Admi nistrative Science LCA

Barbie Brennan Government Economics SK

Noel Barry American Studi es

Brian Ki ely Ad m i nistrative Science KDR


David Dane Engl ish

Lin e · H u ntington rt

"'1eli a Waldron P cholog �·

Bob Compagna Adm1m nstra11ve Science Religion


Jeffrey McKeen Hi story Philosophy

Paul B i ther French Leslie Jane Taylor Sociology

Pamela Hebert Tracey Psychology - Mathemat i cs


ean Drumme E n gh sh

Doug "1c\1urre H1 tor

8111 Oldman Chem1 try B1olog

Robi n Bourne.> Env1ronm ntcJI tud1e�

Jane Sou z a Biology

Scott McDermott Am erican Studies Governament ATO

Connie Crosby History

Scott W. Houser Admi nistrative Science Econo m i cs LCA


Jack Hoopes Geolog

Gail C 1 borO\\S i Economics d m 1mstrat1 e cience Peter lark Le chner En\ ironmental tud1es

Carol Haffenreffer USIC


Dawn Beasley English Jack and Joey Rowbottom Psychology

Robert C. Chandler English


Left: Will Parrish B1olog

Ri ght: Michael orth C hem1strr

\'11tchel l E Brown Engh h - Go1vernment

Richard Deeran Adm 1nistra11ve

Melinda Walker MUSIC




James Stubner Paul Kueffner



American Studies

Nancy Wi lson Math

Nancy Coyne Government XO


tephen L. Whitfield H1 tory

arah )anne H1 tor

David Raue Ch m 1 stry


Peggy Ann Seiden Ancient and Medieval Studies

Joth Davi s Environmental Studies

Craig Spencer

Edith Metcalf

Geology - Biology



Karl Methven American Studies DKE

Gary Thornberg Biolog

Robert Leist Economics

Janice Ann Bc1r b r fr nc h Gov rnment


Chi p Hayden English

Phi li p Burke Admi nistrative Science German


Rick Anzelc Mathematics


Sarah Chambers English

Manuel A. Rosa H 1stor PLP

Lisa Wolman French

Ja Sarson Geolog K OR


Shirley Cunningham Spanish SK

Toby Babbitt Spani sh

Betsy A . Bowen Classics English

M i k e Harri s Sociology



Diane Z) m kowicz athemat1cs Adm i n i trati e Science Jed Sn der Biology

atharine \1c00\\el l L oi Engh h

Joe tella Emmonmental t ud 1es TOP


. Debra Hire h Gorman English

Ellen Maren Government Paul Casto Government KOR


Ke i n Carley Economics ATO

Diane Gurn1ak Ph SICS

David Chris t i e H is tory

John H. I rwin, Ill Biology K OR

Joann D. Cochran Psychology

Alan Howard Mathematics

Albert Shapiro Econo m i cs PDT

Jan Gorman Art H i story


Jackson A. Parker Go ernment L CA

John LoConte German

Susan Reed Government Adm i n istrative Science 0

Martha Nist Biology


Janet Dunwoody History Cecil Floyd Philosophy

Jeff Lowe American Studies Mus i c

John H. Dean

Peter Suorsa

Human Development


Ad m i ni s trative ?cience Dav id Finley Ad m i n i st r at i ve Science


c1ence - 'V1athemat1c

ltred <\I\ Joseph Jr . Phd 1soph

Jenn� Frutch v· rt


Dana Pope and Carolyn Anderson Econom i cs

G i lbert Becker Econo m i cs

Mark T i lton Geology

Mark Helmus Geology Government


class '75

Peter Hodge pani h EP

Robin h mood Ea I 1a n t ud1e

u 1 'h1lton Go rnment Spani h


Carolyn C. Carpenter Mus i c

Mary Tuttle English SK

Chris Whi t i ng English

John M. Maull




Bruce Olson Geolog - B1otog 1artha Bell Human De elopm nt

Jane Lombard Sociology XO

Frank J. Biology


a lino k1

Phi lip Freese English

Shelby Moravec Art

Tom Bove Geology KD R

Adel e L. D'Amico Biology


Bob H i rshland Ea l ian t ud 1e

Robert Gregor B1olog F rench TO

II n

he rr Deluca B1olog

Charl1 • f111 Geolog - B1olog K OR


Debbie Belanger Sociology

I I Sarah Vetault

Environmental Stud i es

George C. Turner Jr. Amer i can Stud i es

B. Scott Belanger Admi ni strat ive Sci ence


Rich C11e l l1 Soc1olog

Janeen pani h



Jim Da1i;n au Art PDT

Ho\ 1e Tutt man dmi n1strat1v c1 nc PDT

Bob Luciano Economics Admini trative c1enc


Wendy W. Swallow

G i nger jaschke

Eng l i sh


Mus i c

Paul Bishop

Roy Meyers

Administrative Sci ence


Government KOR


aren Lucinda Smith ociolog

Barbara Bower Ps cholog�

Doug \i erme Geology Geoloe - Biolog�

Rob rt Clay Economic


Barbie McCarty French Robert A. Bell English

Sue Davidson Art


Pamela Came oc1olog

Jame Theriault H1stor LCA

Roger Bre n Governme nt LCA



Janet Breslin Economics Ad m i ni strative Science French SK

Jeff S m i th M u sic

Jay Franzel English

Marg u er i te Mari e G i ngras French


le"e \cG1ll Biolog D E

David cudder Hi tor) KOR

Jan udol Engh h rt

Marian L1 hman Engh h 0

I 3

Sheila Ann Keane Government

Vincent O'H ara English - Philosophy

Left: Robert P. Southwick Adm inistrative Science ATO

Right: D avid Bangston Economics - Environmental Studies ATO

Com m encem ent and Baccalaureate 1976

1 5

Senior Class Mars hal, Tom Angers

How will we ever forget that last weekend of May, 1976? The long road from Freshman year, to senior year, finally came to an end. Now came the time to rejoice, to be sad, to think back, to look ahead. For the parents, and fami足 ly members, a proud moment, for the seniors, a sense of accomplishment. As we stood on line waiting for our names to be called, each of us had a special thought running through our minds. And then comes the moment. Your name is cal led, you shake hands with President Strider, moved the tassel on your cap, and you entered the "real world." It was the beginning and the end all at the same time. Where were we heading? What were we going to do? As we pondered these questions, we were con足 gratulated, and congratulating friends and fam足 ily alike. And then we left. Behind us, and forever with us, the special memories, the spe足 cial feelings, the simple beauty, of our four years, and that special weekend, in May of 1976.

President Strider with Rosemary Parks, Commencement Spea ker


I 7


EDITOR'S NOTE: The school year that was 1975-1976, was no different than those of years past. In structure, the year was the same, freshman week, parent weekends, midterms, finals, Jan. plans, etc.. By the time Commencement came, we were tired of hearing about our "Bicentennial" and Colby College had succeeded in releasing unto the "real world" yet another class. Yet, things were just a little different from the time when the class of '76 first set foot on the campus of Colby. The school was changing looks. The new Infirmary, the new Science Building, the renovation of Runnals and the new plans for Roberts. Eustis was setting up plans to bring more minorities to Colby. The enstallment of a "minority recruiter," and more Black professors. All this, left the class of 1976 wondering what the campus would look like in 1980. The Oracle was also different this year. Perhaps it is a book with more feelings rather than structure. Anyone looking at the 'Campus Section' of this book must be wondering why the last two pages were so cluttered. Two reasons. First, not enough good pictures. Second, the attitude on the part of this editor, that too much importance was placed on the 'Fraternities and Sororities' section of past books. The beginning of the book attempts to prove that Colby is not devoid of "moods." People create what happens on a campus, this yearbook attempts to put emphasis on that point. The picture may not be the best, for that we apologize, and we missed much that happened, again, our apologies. But when one gets down to basic facts, feelings, and attitudes, far exceed that which was not placed on the pages of this book. This book is different in that it did not have color pages. Finances played the key role in that decision. Due to lack of finances, there was no choice but to omit color. No one feels any sorrier that the editors of this book. The book is late, that is due to the procrastination of the editor-n-chief - more apologies. But there are no apologies for any changes within the "structure" of this particular yearbook. Much happened, we wish we could have placed it all down on these pages - perhaps that is impossible. Yet, we must not forget the people who made this book. These are, the professors, the students, the workers, and administrators of Colby College. Special thanks to, President Strider, Dick Dyer, Sue Benson, Sue Beth Fair, the Echo, and the Photography store, they were a very important part of helping put this book together. For the class of 76, the Oracle of 1976, can give no special kind of advise which would make each member of this class, wealthier, or wiser. The four years of Colby College, will have different meanings for all of its students. Yet, the question of whether Colby has prepared the Class of 1976 for what will happen in the "real world," remains unanswered. Only time can yield the answer to that question. However, the Oracle of 1976, wishes the Class of 1976, the best of luck and God's Speed. Editor

Editor-n-chief: Manuel A. Rosa

Thanks to:

Tim Buffum (photography)

Co-editor: Karen Starr (activities)

Chris Whiting (layouts)

Co-editor: Dave Kayatta (Business)

Jamie Morell (layouts)

Co-editor: Walter Ollen (Sports)

Joscelin Gorman (layouts)

Co-editor: Ann Conway (campus)

Nancy McGarrah (layouts)

Co-editor: Sue Hoitt (seniors)

Carol Hurtig (photography)

Co-editor: Janice Bispham (seniors)

Ed Busuttil (photography)

Co-editor: Peter Secor (Photography)

Nick Levintow (photography) John Devine (photography) Geoff Parker (photography) John Blazejewski (photography) Byrd Allen (many things) News Bureau And to the People of Colby College








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Cranberry Meadow Rd., Berwick, Me. Jose Amores

1635 Summerfield Street ew York, ew York Aleundra Anagnost

16 Orangr Court Ri er Vale, . J. J• Anderson

30 Longfellow Ave. Brunswick, Me. Robert Anderson

10 Waycross Street Worcester, Mass. Scott Anderson

430 Cascade Drive Fairfield, Conn. Al• AndrM

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55 Walnut Circle Basking Ridge, N.J.

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56 Mercier Ave. Dorchester, Mass.

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16 Cornwa l l Raod ew Britain Conn.

Harriet Bux�um

214 Blalock, Houston, Texas

Paul C. Bishop

Francis Callahan

118 Pacella Drive Dedham, Mass.

143 Parsons Street Brighton, Minn.

Paul Bither

Pamela Came

Bangor Rd. Houlton, Me.

Karen Blough

Mark Arnold

lewis Rd Swampscott, Mass.

N•cy Bengis

Richard Anzelc

3 ewha l l Street Fairfield, Me.

Besty Buckland

638 Old Stage Rd. Centervi l le, Mass.

Janice Bispham

5 Sachem's Trail West S i msbury, Conn.

185 Lincoln Rd. Brooklyn, ew York

David Arsenault

David Bodine

Box 474, Auburn, Me. Debra Atldn1<>n

283 Ph el ps Ave. Bergenf ield, N . J . Ronald Ayotte

Outlet Road. Augusta, Me. Charles IHder 12 Mackenzie G l en Greenwich, Conn J•ice lbrbber

15Yz Cedar Street Bratt leboro, Vt Noel lbrry

3 Boxwood Court Trenton, N J . uura lblkerville

5713 Schaefer Road Minneapolis, Minn John lbwot

515 River Rd NO M ianus, COS COB, Conn. Ann lucle

232 Greenwood Avenue Beverly, Mass Dawn le•l.y

123 Church Street Teaneck, N J. Catherine luulleu

62 Quinn Road L ynn, Mass. Giibert Beder

15 Lantern Lane Weymouth, Mass. Scott lebinger 73 Kennedy Memor ia l Ortve Waterville, M e . Debor•h lelMger

Box 28, Everittstown Rd. R D #1, Frenchtown, N.J. n5 Main Street Hanover, Mass.

Toby Bobbitt

91 Warrenton Avenue Hartford, Conn.

Peter Ashton

C•dace Campbell

William Campbell

15 Cooley Drive W i l braham, Mass.

6714 Holiday Drive Boise, Id. 63 Maple Ridge Rd Reading, Mass

36 Par is Street Norway, Me. 46

Robert Bell

R F D #2, o. Berwick, Me. Thonw Angers Pemaquid Beach, Me.

Jerre Bryant

Mario Cardenas

71 Academy Hi l l Rd. Brighton, Mass. Kevin Carley

13 LLanfair Lane Trenton, J

363 Beechwood Rd. Ridgewood, N . J .

Paul Boghossian

Peter Carman

640 East Ave. Pawtucket, R.I.

331 Fairmount Rd. Ridgewood, N.J.

Robert Bourne

Carolyn Carpenter

10205 L Loynd Rd Potomac; Md.

1 Cherry Brook Rd . Weston, Mass.

Thomas Bon

Richard Caruso

12 Penrith Rd. Portland, Md.

58 Ostend Rd. Island Park, New York

Betsy Bowen

Julia Cassidy

3 Coombe Nevil le, K ingston, S urrey, England

50 Great Woods Rd. Lynn, Mass.

Barbra Bowers

Paul Casto

136 Whitting lane West Hartford, Conn

P.O. Box 457 Piru, Ca

Leon Bradbury

Myrna Cath

Waterv i l l e Rd. Farmington, Conn. Roger Breene

Cedar Beach Rd. Southold, New York BarbMa BrenMn

3115 Mountainbrook Rd. Charlotte, N.C. Janet Breslin

28 Emerald Ave. Braintree, Mass.

clo J .C. Jones 115 Spring Street Martinsvi l le, Va. Sarah Chambers

103 Wi l l iams Street Providence, R . I. Sara Champlin

Winslow Rd. A l bion, Me. Robert Chandler

Wendy Broadbrooks

60 The l ma Ave. Cottage Hi lls, I l l .

29 Sul livan Rd. Wayne, Pa. Ambrose Cheung

912 Wah Yu House Wah F u Estate Pokfulam, Hong Kong

Karen Brown

P.O. Box 4816 Santa Fe, N.M.

D�vid Christie

One Birch Ridge Avenue Topsham, Me.

Mitchell Brown

65 Bald Hil l Rd. Wilton, Conn

Gail Ciborwski

Patricia Brown

16 Beechmont Street, Worcester, Mass.

5844 Burton Station Rd. Virg inia Beach, Va.

2 5

Richard Cifelli

401 Sherbrook Drive

S i lver Spri ng, Md. James Clarke Box 338 Oakland, Me. Robert Clay 421 L i ncoln Street Pont iac, I l l . Richard Clunie 237 Locust Street Danvers, Mass. Neville Clynes 1 20 Orchard Terrace Piermont, NY Joan Cochran 19 Piedmont D rive R ut land, V t . Barry Cohen 29 Graveside Road Port land, Me. Bradley Cohen 33 D i nsmore Avenue F ra m i n gton, Mass. Robert Compagna 74 E l m Street Saco, Me. Kathleen Cone 353 K i n g Street L i tt leton, Mass. Ann Conway 11 Sprague Street G reenvi l l e, R . I . Robert Cooper 1 75-1 5 Devonsh i re Rd. Jamaica, New York Nancy Coyne 31 Fisher Street Westboro, Mass. Dale-Marie Crooks McGregory Rd. Sturbri dge, Mass. Constance Crosby 89 Barker Street Pembroke, Mass. Shirley Cunningham 674 Plymouth S t reet Hal ifax, Mass. Kenneth Curtis 5 Lawrence St reet, Lawrence, Mass James Daigneau 2 Maple Rd., Oxford, Mass. Nancy Daly 511 Solana Drive, T e mpe, Az. Adele D'Amico 1 1 H i gh land Street, B i ddeford, Me. David Dane 1 00 Mou l ton, Ha m i l ton, Mass. Susan Davidson 1 05 S herman Street, Bel mont, Mass. Jonathan Davis Ice Val l ey Rd, Osterv i lle, Mass. Daniel Dawe 76 Pendleton Street, Brewer, Me. Cynthia Dawson 6 Wi ndsor Rd . , Stoneham, Mass. Melissa Day 20 Ward Rd., Sou t h boro, Mass. John H. Dean 25 River Rd, Cohasset, Mass. Luis Decorral 259 Sorbona Street, Rio P i edras, Puerto R i co

Sherry Deluca 11 Seton Lane, G reenw ich, Con n . Andrew Dennison 30 Foster St reet, Cambri dge, Mass. Katherine Donohue

5 5 Dawson Drive, Needham, Mass. Dayle Drescher Weekeepeemee Rd, Woodbury, Conn. Sean Drummey 1 20 Meet i nghouse Rd., Duxbury, Mass. Nancy Dubuc 71 Bel levue Ave, Adams, Mass. Laure Duclos 1 25 Ste i nmetz Dr ive, Manchester, N . H . Janet Dunwoody RD # 7 North D r i ve, Bethl ehem, Pa. Jennifer Easton 1 3 Brightonwood Rd., G l enmont, N.Y. Susan Ellowitz 1 05 Longmeadow Rd., Belmont, Mass. Andrew English Dogwood Lane, Pomona, N.Y. Joyce Wvans 424 H a m mond Street, Bangor, Me. Douglas Feldman 870 Knol lwood Ter, Westfield, N . J . K i m Fennell 454 Ocean Ave., Stratford, Conn. David Finley 1 1 6 Stebb i ns Rd., Somers, Conn. Karen Finn 40 Orchard Street, Medfield, Mass. Heather Finney 21 57 West Ridge Drive, Lancaster, Pa. Charles Fitts 4560 L in wood Lane, Excelsior, M i nn. Robert Fitzgibbons 1 2 Drum Lane, Sudbury, Mass. Cecil Floyd 96 K i ng Street, Port Chester, N .Y. Christine Foster 370 Victory H ighway, Aurora, Co. Mark Fowler 1 460 Pri nceton D r ive, Bethlehem, Pa. Susan Fox 58 H udson Road, Sudbury, Mass. Philip Freese 85 Wyndhurst D rive, Holden, Mass. Philip Freund 7241 Valentown Rd., Victor, N .Y. Jennifer Frutchy 672 Wall Street, E l m i ra N . Y. Jeffrey Garden 20 H u nter Street, W. Newton, Mass. Enid Gardner 11 W i l sh i re Drive, Sharon, Mass. Stephen Gasiorowski 281 7 D rive, Arundel, W I Carlos Gavilanes Casi l la 1 072, Gu ayaq u i l , Equador James Gay 50 Brook Rd., Sharon, Mass. James Gaylord 267 Pleasant Street, Bridgewater, Mass. Donald Gentile 50 W i l dwood Ave., Carl i n v i l le, I l l . Carrie Getty 33 Lower Barlett Rd., Quaker H i l l , Conn. Karen Gikas 1 377 Bel mont Street, Manchester, N . H .

Marguerite Gingras 1 24 State Street, Augusta, Me. Susan Giroux 9 V i les Street, Weston, Mass. Andrew Gleeman 31 2 Roger Ave., Westfield, NJ David Goodwin Box 461 , Sou t h W i ndsor, Conn. Pamela Gordon 11 Rock Meadow Rd., Westwood, Mass. Janet Gorman 247 Newman Ave, Seekonk, Mass. Samuel Gowan R FD # 1 , Candor, N.Y. Glenn Graham 140 Berkley Street, North Dartmouth, Mass. Robert Gregory 8 Si lver Terrace, Waterv i l le, Me. Louise Gross 452B East Merri mack, Lowe l l , Mass. Rebecca Guild Tower H i l l Rd., B r i m field, Mass. Avery Gundersen 1 1 4 South 1 5t h Street, La Crosse, WI Diane Gurniak 14 Carter Lane, E l k i n s Parks, Pa. Donald Gwinner 22 Caleb Brewster Rd, East Setauket, NY Nancy Hall 21 Westerly Street, Apt 10, Wel l esley, Mass. Michael Halsey 1 32 Mount Pleasant Ave., Mamaroneck, NY Robert Hamblett 21 Col u mbia Ave., Nashua, N . H . Arthur Handman 23 Bu rroughs Rd., Lex i ngton, Mass. Susan Hannigen 93 Summer Street, Andover, Mass. Charles Harper 186 W. Lake Street, Excelsior, M i n n . J o h n Harris 631 G l endal Street, Car l isle, Pa. Michael Harris 20 Peter Road, North Weymouth, Mass. Edwin Harvey 1 1 7 W. 8th Street, Med i a, Pa. Charles Hayden 1 4423 Bramblewood, Houston, Texas James Hayes 1 38 E . Main Street, Westboro, Mass. Pamela Hebert 84 Cleveland Rd., We l l es l ey Mass. Mark Helmus 1 49 Brompton Rd., Garden City, N .Y. Deanne Herman 9 W i nter Street, Watervil le, Me. Debra Hirsh 38 Lyndon Rd., Sharon, Mass. Robert Hirshland 1 266 Old Ford Rd., H u n t i ndon Val l ey, Pa. Peter Hodge 16 Belmont Street, Amebury, Mass. Susan Hoitt 36 Bran t Road, Pheasant H i l l , Portsmouth, R John Hoopes 17 Lantern Lane, Cohasset, Mass. Scott Houser Hol low Tree Rd., Boxford, Mass.

Richard Deeran 335 E. Eagle Street, E. Boston, Mass. Joanne Defilipp

Cass Gilbert 340 Amherst Ave., Ticonderoga, N.Y. Karen Gillum

Alan Howard Box 21 , Harborside, Me. Martin Hubbe 288 Katahd i n Ave., M i l l i nocket, Me. Lindsay Huntingdon

287 R iver Rd, Mexico, Me

4 West Cou rt, Waterv i l le, Me.

5 Maywood Rd ., New Rochel le, N .Y.


Brim H u rley

Thomas Litill n t

114 Westchester Drive, Westwood, Mass.

3 Douglas Rd., Lexi ngton, Mass.

Rebecu Hushing

Dime Lockwood

1111 Washington Street, Bath, Me.

124 Oakhurst Rd., Cape E l izabeth, Me.

Robert l ngrillh Mn 84

John Lillc onte

Warren Street, West Springfield, Mass.

2 El izabeth Road, Stoneham, Mass. ) illn e Lombillrd

John I rw i n

F l anders Rd., Woodbury, Conn.

an Buren Rd., Li mestone, Me.

Robert Lucimo

Alill n Jillc kson

156 Rochester H i l l Rd., Rochester,

R R #1, Box 379A, East hampton, Mass.


John Lumbill rd

Muk Jill nos

551 H udson Street, Seabrook,

382 Central Park West, NYC.


3310 La Sala Del Este


Pill u l• Lust

Virginiill Juchke

. E., Albuquerque,


324 F rankel Boulevard, Merrick, N .Y. Muy Millbo n

Eliubeth Johnson

5 Godwin Lane, St. Louis, Mo.

orris H i l l, Monmouth, Me. Kenneth Johnson

f rilln k Mill l inoski

53 Greene Ave, W. Barrington, RI

18 G ranada Terrace, Watervliet, N .Y.

Lucindill Johnson

Dill n iel Mill l love

50 Homestead Circle, South Hamilton, Mass.

28 Mallo e Drive,

Guy Jones

218 Livingston Drive, Charlotte,


Mill u ry Mill n iff


Paradi r Rd., 3 ) West, Swampscott, Mass.

John Mill ril

Vill l erie Jones

495 South Street,

ew LO DO , Conn.

eedham, Mass.


Cherry Street, Gardner, Mass.

Cynthiill Mvchill n d

Alfred Joseph

7 Aubrey Street, Watervil le, Me.


ew h 1ll Ave, Somerset, Mass.

Robert �helin

Stephen M•rcus

36 Third Ave, Ostervil le, Mass

57 Rose Way, Hol brook, Mass.

Olen Killl kus

Huold Muden

18 Shields Street,


ewport, R I

Westcl1ff Rd . Wilmi ngton, Del.

Dillv id Ki11V ill n illu gh

Shill ron Muden

22 Delano Way, South Dart mouth, M a.

PO Box 243, Watervil le, Me.

Shielill Keme

Ellen Muen

119 F aw n H i l l Rd,. U pper Saddle River,


Gale Rd . Swampscott, Mass.

1248 Ridgewood Drive,

130 Walpole Street, Canton, Mass.

Pine H i l l Road, Berwick, Me.

17 Captai n B rown's Lane, Acton, Ma.

John Mill u ll

Thomu Kelly .

orthbrook, I l l .

Rolill n d Mill r tel

Pill t riciil Kelly

Mountain Ave, Chatham,


l rf Mush•ll

Mill u reen Kelliher

1 T u rkey Shore Rd , I pswich, Mass.


Karl Methven

125 South Street, Concord, N . H . Roy Meyers

71 Glenwood Rd., R idgewood, N . J . Stuill rt Miche ner

2632 North Not t i ngham Street, Arli ngton, Va. Stephen Mixter

8 I ndian Spring T rail, Darien, Conn. Elizill be th Moberg

Bridge Street, Chat ham, Mass. Aubrey Moore

875 I l l i nois Ave., Southern Pines, N.C. )•mes Moore

7180 Given Rd., Cincin nati, Ohio Shelby Morillv ec

Box 149, Twin Mountain, N . H . J ill mes Morgill n

236 Gladstone Blvd., Shreveport, La. Roger Morse

Dolan Drive, G u i l ford, Conn. John Muluhy

Lake Shore Rd., Boxford, Ma Dmiel Murphy

6 Damon Point D rive, Marshfield, Mass. Morgill n Murphy

101 Cent ral Park West, NYC, N .Y. G isele Nadeill u

41 Sherbrooke Ave., Lewiston, Me. Williill m Nelson

1640 R idley Creek Rd., Media, Pa. Kenneth Ness

11 W i l low Lane, E. Lyme, Conn. N m c y Noreen

122 Morningside Drive, Laconia, N . H. Michul North

320 Mammoth Rd., Manchester, N . H . Jeill n ne O'Brien

1 1 Palmer Street, Watertown, Mass. Courtenilly O'Bry•n

5058 Sedgwick Street, N.W. Washington, D.C.

Brim Kiely

Dennis Mill y

19 Jenney St reet, Shrewsbury, Mass.

285 Concord Rd., Marl boro, Mass.

30 Homestead Rd., Tenafly, N. J .

Robert KiroUill c

Lydiill Munerney

Vincent O'Huill

70 Bow Street, Manchester,

Kuen Ogulnick

Route #1, Concord,



Elizabeth K n ight

Robert Mc ill u liffe

26 Jay Place,

9 Dean St reet, Brai n t ree, Ma

orth Branford, Conn.

96 Thorwood Rd., Stamford, Conn. J a n e t Oken

9 1 Maple Ave, Richmond, Va.

Chrostopher Koerner

BuhMill McC.rty

Bruce Olson

R R # 1 West View Drive, Woodstoc k, Conn

1226 Kasameda, Ft. Myers, F l .

7 Wood land H i l l, Wel lesley, Mass.

Kimberly Kou

Scott Mcdermott

Richill rd Oparowski

159 Whitewood Raad, Westwood, Mass.

19 Taylor Street, South Had ley, Ma

Gerill ld McDowell

Henry Osborne

99 Maple Ave, Claremont,

. H.

Peter Krilft


2 Birchwood Drive, White River J unct ion, Vt.

PO Box 75, Bel mont, Vt.

P•ul Kueffner

Lois McDowell

J illn e Osler

36 Old Academy Rd . • Fai rfield, Conn.

Carriage, Rd, Amherst, N . H .

MRS # 67, Bangor, Me.

Br•ndon K u l i k

Steven McGill

Steven Ossoff

17 Arbor Lane, Dix H i l ls, N .Y.

185 Lansdowne Rd . Warwick, RI

7 Gary Ave, Beverly, Mass.

Peter Ubom�rde

Frederick Mcgrilli l

Frederico Ott

94 Tamarack Rd., Westwood, Mass.

6537 Revere Ave., Wauwatosa, WI

C.rol Mcintyre

�ren Pillg noltill

219 M 1gazee Trail, Medford Lakes,

I ndian Rock Rd , N ashua,


Steve l.Khtlnce

100 Prospect Street, Auburn, Me.

27 Elm St reet, Marblehead

Box 55, Fisher's Island, N .Y.

Angelill uvopa

Jeffrey Mckeen

J•ckson Puker

E mery Rd., Kennebunk, Me.

331 Maple Street, W Boylston, Mass.

Brigham's Cove Rd., West Bath, Me.

Lynn LHvitt

John Mckeon

Steven Puks

25 Lawrence Drive, Longmeadow, Mass.

Thompson H i l l Rd., Port land, Conn.

Robert Leist

Alill n Mckersie

Willard Parrish

31 Bonnybrook Rd., Newton, Mass.

8 Gristone Rd., Chelmsford, Mass.

1506 Marquette Rd., Jol iet, I l l .

Peter Leschner

Janet Mcmtlntlmill

Gloriill Pill y ne

Douglils McMurry

Milli dli Perrin

31 Summit Ave, Rye, N .Y.

c /o Par Apartado, Caracas, Venezuela Arthur Levering

6106 Bel l 1 nham Court, Bal t i more, Md Edward Upes

74 Boulter Rd , Wethersfield, Conn. M.lrim Li1hman

34 Miriam Rd., Walt ham, Mass

40 H i l lcrest Rd., Bel mont, Mass. 576 Voss Rd, Houston, Texas John Mesevage

140 North Avenue, Park Ri dge, N . J .

3860 Nort h 17th Street, Phi ladelphia, Pa. RFD #1, Webb Rd., Sout h Windham, Me.

Robert Petersen

36 Bu rham Place, Manhas et, N.Y.

Edith Metulf

Diane Peterson

R F D #1 Blackburn Rd., Sewickley, Pa.

1827 W i l son Ave., Arcadia, Ca.


Thomas Petot 251 5 Norfolk Rd., Cleveland H e i ghts, O h i o Raymond Petzold 31 Memorial Circle, Andover, Mass. Paul Philbin 1 53 5th Avenue, West, North Bay, Ontario, Canada Scott Pickett 20 Pleasant Street, Needham, Mass. Lynn Pitman 58 Davis Rd., Ambler, Pa. David Plourde Route 3, Box 1 6, Fort Kent, Mo. Bain Pollard R iver Rd . , B ucksport, Me. Winfield Polley 150 Rochester Street, Westbrook, Me. Dana Pope 28 Sheridan Rd., Wel lesley, Mass. James Porter 73 Cypress Rd., Old Saybrrok, Conn. Barry Rabin Box 97, B U Med School, Bo E Concord Street, Boston, Mass. David Raue 1 000 Edgewood Ave., Pelham, N .Y. Leslie Reape 2 Ledge Lane, New M i l ford, Conn. Susan Reed Day's Ferry, Woolwich, Me. Jannen Reedy R i ple H i l l Rd., Coventry, Conn. Clifford Reichert 85 Prides Crossing Rd., Sudbury, Mass. Robert Richardson 446 Cyprus Place, Bronx, N .Y. Abdillahi Rijal PO Box 1 008, Zanzi bar, Tanzan i a, East Africa Michelle Robert 38 May Street, B iddeford, Me. Katherine Rogers 16 Stu rbridge Rd., Wel lesley H i l l s, Ma Stephen Rogers 18 Alden Street, Newton, Mass. Douglu Rooks 34 Bodn a r i k D rive, Edison, N . J . Manuel A . Rosa 452 T h i e riot Ave., Bronx, N .Y. Angela Rosales 4th Ave 1 0t h-1 1 t h Ca l les. B E l Copen, Puerto Cores, Honduras Alan Rosenfeld 2 H azelton D rive, Scarsdale, N .Y. J a c k Rowbottom Scott Road, Ashton, R I Paula Sacks 108 Orchard St reet, A u b u rn, Me. John Sanborn 13 Shady Lane, W. S i msbury, Con n . Peter Saras 89 U p land Rd., Cam bridge, Mass. John Sarson 28 Oakland Street, B rockton, Mass. Joy Sawyer S i lver Ranch, Jaffrey, N . H . David Scudder 27 M u r phy Way, Hyan n i ss, Mass. Susan Seaman 5270 North Maple Lane, Nashotah, W I Peggy Seiden 46 Gage Road, East Brunswick, N . J . Martha Seligman

12 Congress Street, Augusta, Me. Jean Sennett

29 Scarsdale Rd., West Hartford, Con n . Joan Sennett 29 Scarsdale Rd., West Hartford, Conn. Steven Shafarman 30 Genesee Street, Westfield, N . J . Joseph Shaker PO Box 1 1 3 1 , Middletown Spri ngs, Vt. Edward Shanahan 26 Essex Ave, Swampscott, Mass. Albert Shapiro 5 Cyn t h i a Rd., Newton Centre, Mass. Peter Shaw PO Box N-3229, Nassau, Bahamas J ulia Shaylor 234 Fal l ey Dr ive, Westfield, Mass. Daniel Shepard 80 Cush ing Avenue, Bel mont, Mass. Robin Sherwood Banco, Va. Anthony Shupin 272 H uxley D rive, Bricktown, N . J . Anne Sicilian 611 Buckin gham Ave, M i l ford, Conn. Thomas Silverman 3 1 1 Rosedale Ave, W h i te Plai ns, N .Y. William Silverman 25 Norris Ave, Netuchen, N.) . Leslie Simon 8 B i rch Brook D rive, Val hal la, N.Y. Elting Smith 434 Manor R idge Rd., Pelham, N.Y. Esther Smith Cat Mousam Rd., Keenebu nk, Me. Jeffrey Smith 302 Sothchester, Houston, Texas Karen Smith 26 Park Place, Newtonv i l le, Mass. Karen L. Smith 780 H o l mes Rd., Pttsfield, Mass. Scott Smith 33 West Parrish Drive, Andover, Mass. Jed Snyder 1 6 24 Monk Rd., G l adwyne, Pa. Jane Souza Merri l l H i l l Rd., G reene, Me. Craig Spencer RD # 1 , Danvi l le, Vt. Caren Starr 55 Carol Lane, New Roche l le, N .Y. John Steer 215 B i shop Drive, Athens, Ga. Joseph Stella 506 Second Avenue, Berl i ne, N . H . J ulia Stewart 1 85 Orchard R idge Rd., Chappaqua, N.Y. James Stubner 4366 92nd Ave., S . E . , Mercer I s. , Wa. Jane Sudol 48 Fog P l a i n Rd., Waterford, Conn. Young H. Suk 71 Hosmer Street, Acton, Mass. Peter Suorsa Read School Rd., Coventry, RI Wendy Swallow 1 205 Crest Lane, Mclean, Va. Joel Swets 35 Myopial . H i l l Rd., W i nchester, Ma David Systrom 70 Revolut ionary Rd., Concord, Mass. Diane Szymkowicz 614 Brewer Street, East Hartford, Con n. Mark Tanguay 14 Puritan Street, Marshfield, Ma Susan Tauer


23 Old Tavern Road, Wayland, Mass. Leslie Taylor 20 Lock Street, Nashua, N . H . Mark Taylor 9 G raham Ave, Cortland, N .Y. James Theriault 4 Rousseau Street, Wi nslow, Me. Mariana Thibeau Wyman Rd., M i l bridge, Me. Lynn Thommen Ferry Rd . , North Haven, Sag Harbor, N .Y. Peter Thompson 222 Pleasant Street, Marsh field H i l l s, Ma. Gary Thornberg 1 057 Old Connecticut Path Frami ngton, Mass. Mark Tilton Wiscasset Rd., Alna, Me. Barbara Trippel 1 454 Asbury Ave., Evanston, I l l . George Turner 54 Cindy Ann D r i ve, East G reenwich, RI Mary Tuttle RFD 1, Hancock, N . H . Howard Tuttman 2 Summit View D r i ve, Swampscott, Mass. Paige Tyson 1 51 North Sylvester Rd., San D iego, Cal. Edmund Underwood 7306 H u n t i ngdon Rd., I ndianapol is, Ind. Mary Uppgren 9263 St. Croix Tra i l North, St i l l water, M i nn. Raymond Vensel 1 1 7 Main Street, Oxford, Conn. Sarah Vetault 88 Pan tigo Rd., East Ha mpton, N .Y. John Vigue 13 Cherry H i l l Drive, Waterv i l le, Me. Melissa Waldron 87 Canoe Brook Rd., Trumbu l l , Con n . Melinda Walker 21 Mi lton Rd., Brookl i ne, Mass. Sharon Walsh 33 Brook Tra i l Rd., Concord, Mass. Holly Ware Box 1 76, 489 Center Street, Ludlow, Mass. Richard Weaver 20 Edgewater D rive, Needham, Mass. Rober Weinstein 1 1 1 1 Un iversity Blvd., S i l ve r Spring, Md. Douglas Werme 7090 Morley Rd., Pai nesvi l l e, Ohio Susan Whilton 1002 East 5th Ave, Warren, Pa. Stephen Whitfield Route 1, W i scasset, Me. Carol Whitkop 10 R idge Rd., East Longmeadow, Mass. James Wiederhold 300 Dogwood Ave., Fran k l i n Square, N.Y. Nancy Wilson 29 G r i swold Street, Manchester, N . H . Nathan Winstanley 18 W h i tecl iff Drive, Pittsford, N.Y. Lisa Wolman Caveswood Lane, Owi ngs M i l l s, Md. Tamara Woods 1 41 6 H ig h land Ave, Portsmouth, Va. Cathy Worcester Box 222, Lincoln, Me. William Younker 261 North R iver Rd., Charlottetown, P . I Canada


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