Alumni Office Colby
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Lovejoy Recepient Donald Bolles
Speaker Bob Greene
Union Hamilton
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0 2 � 1 LOST: '1
I am a yearbook fan. Since the days that I wrote c op y
Mostly you won't though. You'll remember the time
for my own school and college annuals, I have loved the
the guy hit me with the p ie while I was watching the
nostalgic. Carol and I - undergraduates together before
guy in the gorilla suit struggle with the guy in the
marriage - still waste evenings sniggering at the nerds
Superman c ostume. Or you'll recall an awful sp ur-of
next to us in the Newman club p hotograph.
the-moment Bassett metaphor: "Faulkner views the
But p ictures of the faculty fade more easily. That
Snopses as he might a spider on his tapioca p udding."
sup ertough c hemist or dull historian or gut sociologist is
Or some off-day p ontification, incredibly banal, like
often less memorable than the dog that always inter
"To live is to SUFFER!" Or Sandy Maisel laughing at
rupted the football games. The dog's name was George;
mv fumbles with the word "p articularly."
we've lost track of the sociologist's. What do you remember? As a p rofessor now, I hope you associate me with a series of breathtaking insights into the ironic c omp lexities of Americ an fiction. My faculty c olleagues share these wistful hopes for their disciplinary concerns.
Incredibly, however, some substance sticks (for ex ample, English majors will note the useless allitera tion in this sentenc e). Your letters tell me so: your suc cess - p ersonal and p rofessional - owes some thing to us fading memories. You may have spent more time in the Sp a than in c lass, but you have had to think critically about your culture, the moderate aim of most p rofessors. Still I bet you're glad I didn't interrupt any football games.
Each of co ering a sig n i fica nt. t his sca l e
our lives is a sequence of exp eriences, broad spectru m from t he t ri i a l to t he The factors which p lace a n experience on are the quality of awareness and the awareness of quality. E ery exp erience invol es both a quality of conscious ness and a content of con sciou s n ess. The bet t er t he qua li t y of awareness t he bett er t he chan ces of discoveri ng qu a l i t y i n t he con t en t of awareness. It behoves us t hen, as i n di idu als, t o cu l t i ate t he highest qu ali t y of awareness. By t he same t oken, each of us is cont en t for a n ot h er's awareness. I n t his relat i on s hi p i t beho es us t o devel op a ll t he s t yle a n d charm w e can i n order l o ex cite a n d reward t he awareness of others. When qu ali t y of awareness becomes awareness of qu ali t y t here i s significant exp erience. A s ig n ifican t ex perience is an event . an occasion , a hap p eni ng, when peak a\i areness encou n t ers a n en i ronment which t ru ly blesses i t . The qu i n t esse of events seems to be t he creat i e i n t erchange between people who s hare in both t he rai s i ng of consciousn ess and in esta bl ishing a common en vi ronment which merits a p la ce in memor . In t hat hap p en i ng t wo or more li es are shared in a common e ent \ hich u n i t es biography with a u t obiograp hy.
For more t ha n t wo decades it has been my p rivi l ege t o sha re even ts with some members of each gradu at ing class. They a p p ea r ou t of his t ory; we make ou r event u al encou n t ers; a n d t hey disapp ar to t heir com mu n i t ies arou n d t he world. Seldom do we meet ag a i n . An d yet, mys t eriously a n d miracu l ously, t he more t hey take away wit h them, t he more t hey leave at home wit h me.
J ust p rior to the 1976 Olympics, I found myself in a heavy bull session with several young speed skating champ ions. The c onversation led to a question p osed by Pete Meulller, which was, "Well, Carl, you've been with us three weeks now, what do you think about us?" My retort was, "What do you mean? How do I feel about you as p eople, athletes, or as a team." His answer was, "as p eop le." The question impressed me because these were ma ture, rather up-tight young men who had worked hard for almost four years for the opp ortunity¡ to represent the U. S. in Innsbruck, and they really didn't need my opinion. After a
short pause I
told Peter and his athletic
friends that they were not much different from the students I had the p leasure of working with at Colby College. The Olympic group may have been a little more talented, or p hysically endowed, but their willingness to work hard, their respect for this c ountry or college was much the same. They were just people, who, because of their talents, found themselves together, ap p rehensive about tomorrow. Our c onversation, believe it or not, led to philosophy - a way of life and man's satisfactions found in his daily work. I couldn't resist the opp ortunity to quote an address by William Osler to the Yale graduating class of
1913; and I can't resist the op p ortunity now: Listen to the exhortation of the Dawn! Look for this Day! For it is Life, The very Life of Life. In i ts brief Course lie all the Varieties and Realities of your Existence: The Bliss of Growth, The Glory of Action, The Sp lendors of Beauty; For Yesterday is but a Dream and Tomorrow is only a Vision; But Today well lived makes Every Yesterday a Dream of Hap p iness, and every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope. Look well, therefore, to this Day! Such is the Salutation of the Dawn! Osler also stated that, "The load of tomorrow added to that of yesterday, carried today makes the strongest falter . .. To youth, we are told, belongs the future, but the wretched tomorrow that so p lagues some of us, has no certainty, excep t through today. " Have a hap p y
I do not look back at 1968 and then 196 9 with nostalgia, nor do I think that I will ever be able to call those years the good old days. The era, to be sure, was exciting, but it was also violent. I was a student in France during the May revolution and at an Ameri can university during the war p rotests, and I found the turmoil as disruptive as it was exhilarating. We had a tendency to lose sight of anything other than the p resent moment. Viewing the calm of the c ollege campus today, it would be nice to believe that many of the p roblems of the sixties have been solved, that your generation has become less violent and that trend will continue, and that your outlook on life is perhaps broader than our own was, a bit more sophisticated, as if the three extra years of adulthood granted you by law have helped you mature in a way that we had not. Yet our hours of class together and our discussions have shown me that despite the exterior differences, our classes are actually very similar. We share the same comp lic ated feelings. As last year college stu dents we were as elated as you, and also as uncertain about the future. We made plans for work and for continuing our education. We dreamt of adulthood, freedom, p eace, justice while fearing their challenges. We had ambitions and doubts. We p rayed, we loved, laughed, and cried. I am not sure if a ten year difference gives me the right to offer suggestions about meeting the future. I am not sure if I
have yet met mine,
nor will I
p robably be any surer in another ten years. And I c an offer no formula for succ ess, nor would one apply to you all. But you have graciously invited me to ex p ress my opinions on c op ing with the future and I would like to close this brief message with the fol lowing thoughts: Remain a student as much and as long as you can, by that I mean, always be open to new ideas, maintain Your graduation coincides with the tenth anniversary
your enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. Never allow
of my own, and I could not resist making some com
parisons between your c lass and the graduate of 1968. I
p eople. Continue to exp eriment, to dream and love.
expertise to c ut you off from the world or
was in fact tempted to make quite a few observations,
but they would have surprised no one. You are quite
when you must. Do not allow another generation to
your sense of humor,
but become outraged
aware of what the campus climate was like ten years
impose its conduct upon you, but respect its opinion
ago, of the volitility of emotions and also of the in
and exp erience. Be true to your convictions. Be hon
volvement of students in all sorts of causes, social and
est. Listen to your heart, your conscienc e and your
political. You are a very different generation.
C L A R E y
W hen I wen t to t he Vi ll age Barbers on T u es da to get my "Disco Doo" renewed, Murra Diehard, gradua t e o f Urban U . , Class of '68, v as in t he n ex t chai r exclaiming o n his fa ori t e su bject o f l a te, t he a p a t hy o f toda 's Colby sen ior. .. o n e of those k i ds on t he hill g i ves a fig a bo u t anything i m porta n t ," h e sho u ted a t t he u n dersi de o f t he sprayer Glen n was u sing to remo e debris from Mu r ray's rap i dly recedi ng hairlin e. "All t he care abo u t is their gra de p o i n t a erage, \I hat to t ake p ass-fa i l. which cou rse to dro p , what grad school t o a p p l � to. W hat's hap p ened to t he sp i rit of re o l u ti o n we ha d i n college?" "Hi, Mu rray." I reto rt ed, witty retort s being o n e of my streng t hs.
"Yo u k now. C larey. the r al tragedy is that toda 's sen ior i s too damn ready for t he real worl d. " T he real worl d was a n o th r of Di bard's fa ori t e s u bjects. "It's schizop hren i c o u t there. On the o n han d, p eopl are busy trying to m a ke sense o u t of a whole l ot of co m p ! x val u es a bo u t thi ngs li ke indi idualism a n d commu n alism, equ ali ty a n d freedom, protect i o n of hu m n rights a n d n a t i on a l sovereign ty a n d a l l t hat heavy stuff. At the sa m e t i m e, t hey're ru n n i ng over each other i n pursu i t o f the alm ig ht buck a n d the so-called b tter !if . Today's sen i o r is n u ts eno ugh to thi nk h can han d! all that con fu s i o n an d work wi thin the system to mak i t better, i n s t ea d o f o ffing i t r dro p ping o u t o f i t . " An d you feel t ha t's a tragedy Murra y?" C m m en ts like Murray's always produce in me a n d to r p o n d like a Rogeria n thera p i st.
''Dam n right it's a tragedy. Look what these sen iors a r e m i ss ing: l o e beads, ma n t ras, Mother Earth a rt icles on how to make a m ill i o n dol l ars raising cra bg rass . T ha t 's what we had; that a n d the k nowl edge that the best wa. to change what didn 't please ou \I a n o t to deal with it rat i o n a l l , l ik e the ystem \: a n t ed ou t o , but to go after i t ham m er and t o n g u e u n ti l you beat it or it beats o u . Y o u had t o get fired u p , get the sp i rit, then there was s o m real mo em n t . We ha d fu n , we lived a t t h ra w edge of life. Today's sen ior is too serious a n d inn r directed. Jt's a real tragedy a lright . " Gl en n fin ish d p lasteri ng Murr 's forehead a n d yebrows \i ith ha i rspra a n d r leased the lever that k pt th cha i r suspen ded o er t he p i l e of l ong, stri ngy l ocks which had so recentl covered Mu r ra 's sho u l ders. W ith m d astatingl clever p a rti ng shot, " ee a !" s t i l l ting i n g i n his ears, Murra wen t o ff t o cap i ta l i ze s o m e assets.
President and Mrs. Robert E. L. Strider
V ice Presid ent s Paul Jenson E d T urner Robert Pullen
Registrar George Coleman
D ean's Office
Student Activities
Ad m inistrative Scienc
American Studies
B iology
Ch emistry
E conomics
E nglish
Foreign Languages
and Governm nt
Math matics
Philosophy and Religion
Performing Arts
Ph y sical E d ucation
Building and Grounds
Financial Aid and Career Counseling
Health Services
Doris Down i ng's first con t a ct \ i t h Col by was as a parent , when her da ughter P.J. mat ri cu lated at Col b as a freshman in t he fall of 1960 . The fol lowing s u mmer t he Down i ngs began s p en di ng s u mmer vaca t i on s in Smit hfield, a n d moved perman en t ! i n t o thei r former a ca t i on cot t ag e i n 1965. Doris almost i mme dia tely became a ecreta r in t he Admissi on s Office, a n d moved to the Reg is t rar's O ffice i n 1 966. S he had att en ded S mi t h College before W orld W a r I I , withdrawing after t wo years t o b e married. Her qu es t for edu ca t i on a l a n d i nt el l ect u a l i mprovement n ever" avered. however. a n d whi l e work i ng f u ll-t i me she t ook courses at Colby as a part -t ime st u dent . he earned her baccala u reat e de ree from Colby, gradu a t i ng in 1 969, summa cum laude, " ith dist i n ct ion i n her major i n French. Her con t a ct wit h s t u dent a n d facu l t while work i ng i n t he Registrar's O ffice qu i ckly led to t he de\'el opmen t of strong rapport wi th all seg ments of the Col b commu n i t . he was act i e i n Phi igma I ot a , t he modern la ngu age honorary societ '. a n d m Phi B t Ka ppa, to both of which sh had been elected as an u n dergradu a t e. he t ru ly loved t he Col b u li ng C lu b a n d rarely, if e er, miss d lh a n n u al fall t rip lo Mou n t Kat ahdi n . Hav i ng pla yed hock � hersel f. sh was wit hou t doubt t he strongest su pport er of t he fledg li ng women's hocke program. I n 1 970 she became A s oci a t e Dean of t u denls, where her qualit i es of firmness t mpered b u n der s t a n di ng ser ed s t u den t s a n d the College well du ring a period of t ransit ion for that office. I n 1 975 she became assis t a n t to the Dean of Facu lt , char d wit h a dmi n is t eri ng t he Jan u a ry Program a n d coordi n a t i ng foreig n s t u dy, excha nge. a n d field experience programs. S he is best remembered for her good hu mor, loyal ly t o her college, a n d lo e for her fellow hu ma n k i n d. Ma ny a s t u den t who felt n ea r th en d of his or her rope came awa from a session wi th "Dean Down i ng" wit h a n ew persp ct i ve. As t he mother of a Colby gradu ate, a n d t he onl known Col by p a ren t t o earn a degree a f t er the g radu a t i on of a son or daughter, she exhibi ted a u n iqu e qu a l i t y of un dersta n di ng in her cont act wi t h s t u den ts. Alt houg h her u n t i mely dea t h has left a oi d in th Colb commu n i t , we rejoice t hat we enjoyed a n d benefited from her p res n ee. ·
... In With The New
The Pub
Out With Old ... 73
94 98 97 77 110 105 94 71 69 90 95 90 70 69 72 92 95 75 98 80 103 109 106 85
BASKETBALL UMaine-Farmington
71 Salem State 94 UMass-Boston 71 . Boston State 87 Ke�ne State 102 Pace University 94 Bates 97 Norwich University 54 Middlebury 92 UMaine-Portland/Gorham 104 Williams 87 Amherst 65 Clark 82 Worcester P oly Tech 84 Bowdoin 65 Southeastern Mass. U. 91 79 Bates Tufts 93 Babson 86 77 Bowdoin Univ. of Lowell 93 96 St. Francis 96 Univ. of Hartford Quinnip iac 92 ECAC Div. II Champs, (16-8), CBB Record 3-1
4 3 1 5 2 5 4 6 1 2 3 4 12 1 3 3 3 6 3 3 1 4
Babson Boston Stat Merrimack Hamil Bow
ECAC Division I
in College
offs - Quarterfinals:
B wdoin College
Won: 9 Lost: 13 Tie: 1
Univ. of Maine
4 (OT) 6 4 4 0 4 5 4 2 4 2 7 0 6 4 (OT) 4 (OT) 2 5 6 4 4 2 7
� _\
OPP. 8 9 9 9 2 9 8 9 8 7 5 3 8 9
WOMEN'S ICE HOCKEY COLBY UNH Boston College Assabet Valley Club
2 6 Brown Univ. Tourn�tnent -
Boston State
4 Finals
Ed Smith
Pete Sheerin
Martha McEldowney
Paul E. Har\'ey
, n M. Kenvon
Anne Marie Hobson
Barbara Smith
Stephen D. Hart
Terence O'Brien
Sarah Pollard
Lydia A.
Yvonne D. Robert
John Sanders
Leslie Warren
Peter T. Gates
Dian Weisman
Meredith Keirnan
Robert R. Mcny
Bob Woodbury
Jeffrey N. Shribman Jenny Barber Karla J. DeSteuben
Gregory P. Jordan
Susan Berko-Merkin
Betsy Carlson
Karen Nicholson
Jerry Crouter
Dennis MacDonald
Chris Davis
Liz Gruber
Susan Pollis
Daniel IloeOc
Carl Nelson
Michael Faraca
Eleanor Gaver Hanna McCrum Bernie Hirsh Leigh Morse Terry Day Melissa Lind
Tracy Steadman
Susan A.reson
Le Ann Walsh
Tom Suddath
Steve Mague
Sue Moneymaker
Mary Jesse
Liz Treadwell
Thomas Scannell
Mary Jean Fitzpatrick
James Scott
Gary M. Lamont
Lisa McBride
Sarah Bryan
Bob Eaton
Ginger Woodring
Pierce Archer
Daniel Driscoll
Mike Sia in
Betsey Judd
David Kayatta
Tum Wi:lls. Gnril White
Joe Coan
Sam Cremin
Andrea Christine Hanson
Lucinda Kearns
Jane Seamans
Sharon Gulf
lan S Ogilvie --
� - -=-
----� .
Pe>ter Torres
Stephen Sparkes
Kim Miner
Ron Davids
Dave Farnsworth
Judy Fairclough
James Cook
Thomas M. Garrahan
J i m Crook
Alexander Price
Susan Reilly
1 12¡
Tom Staples
Nerio De Candido
Margaret Keat e Tom Trainor
Nancy Thomson
Sandy Pardee
Stephen Rieben
Brad Germain
Nancy Piccin
Mark Pesanelli
Ronda Faloon
Yasuo Kaneko
Val Brown
1 15
Allen Kleban
Doug Norton
Deborah E. Cronin
David H. Van Winkle
Fred Daniels
Karen Keithline
Marjorie G onzal z
Kath y Colello
Huguette Duteau
King, Alice Jellema
Christine Carey
Steve Culver
1 18
Miguel Browne
••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••••••• •••••••• •• ••••••••••• •••••••••••• )C •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• ............ ,, ••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••••• • •••••••• •••••• ••• •••• •
An drea D u mont
El izabeth A. Willia ms
Anthon· Cagino
Izzi Re
1 19
Dan More
Sue Ellen Shea
Mary Rolerson
Dan Fitzgerald
Al MacEwan
Chris Pesek
Hugh Gregg
Dave Sciore
Mary Shooshan
John Geismar, john Devine, Chris Noonan
Geri Rizzolo
Wilham R. Brit ton, Jr.
Chip Child
Meredith Turner
Stuart L. Alex
Nancy J. Paterson
Christopher Bradley
Allan Koerner
Cyndy Ford
Janet Bellows
J uan A. Queralt
Charlie Hurd
Peter Wetherbee
Louise A. Butenas
Joan Vicario Jane A. Neilson
Donna Mane Dee
Susan Chilton
Joanne Anthonakes
Ronald DesBois
Dawn St. Clair
Donald Furcillo
William Getchell
Joseph Kerw i n
Joann Barry
Will iam J. H. Hough lII
Hopeshll Ann Reed
Laura Hyer
Mary Claire van der Ploeg
James J. Deyoreo
Charles F. Beckett
P t r Bol hw 11
Donna Long
Sandra M. Walcott
Lindsay Leard
Gregory Colati
Bernie Hirsh
Linda Donnell
Tom G il ligan
Marty Rt'adcr
Chris Morrissey
Dotty Farrell
Janet Santry
Sandy Buck
Lea Jackson
Bob Underh ill
Leslie S t i l ler
Charles P. Jarden 11
Dave Christophe
Wendy Maurice
Lauren Proctor
Cathy Kindquist
John Gray
Bil l Guerin
Jane El izabet h Linge
Mary V. Fol �·
Karen A. Cout ure
Deborah Chichester
Katherine H. Kincaid
James Thrall
Marti Legg
Michele Rolfson
Phillip McCar t h
Carey James O'Connell
Lee-Ann Meservey
Thcanna Poulo
Jeff Potter
Jack Landry Amy Lucker
Jeffrey Clymer
Doug G iron Ramon Chai de M ier
Wayne B. Colin
Francie Palmer
Peter Jeffries
Steve Belanger
Al Wilson
Mike Scott
Leslie Y. Morgan
Sally Pearce
} ••
Lauri H utch
1 43
Lory Brigham
Kristin White
Cheryl Manson
Pam Cleaves
Hank Offinger
James Deu chle
Stephen M il ler
Robert S. S tevenson
Ethel Bowden
Caryn B. Resnick
Chuck Lukasik
Judith Cue
Mark Higgins
Woodson Bercaw
Paul D. Fachadu
h lton Vir d n
Douglas Kaplun
1 47
Gary Simon, Alan J. Avtges, Kevin Gliwa, Paul Wolfe, Dave Donegan
Linda Page
Ken Heckel
K1m Eierman
Donna D ietzko
1 49
Lyn H ildebrandt
Susan L. Plummer
Mark Seymour
Dana E. Bernard
Doug Blackwell
Al ice R. Langer
Maur en J ohnston
Jana E. Kendall
Robert Joh nston
Tim Sopel
Bruce Taylor
Ronni-Jo Posner
Alex Jackson
Aaron Lebenger
JP.ff Dalrymplr.
Henry Sigourney, Jr.
Kathleen Hastings
Ellen Kennary
Scott P. Hamilton
Donald P. Hyde
andy Hall, Portia Frazee
Kurt Cerulli
Margaret C. Murphy
Lynelle Jones
David C. Projansky
Deborah A. Ralphs
Sheila Wentworth
Marty Con nolly
Rus Lod i
Drennon Lowell
Jennifer Nelson
Linda Ewing
Wanda Wright
Larry Hill
1ark Brady
Liz Joyce
Gr gory K. Johnson
Fritz Martin
Kathy Jackson
Elizabeth A. Alpert
Lesley Johnson
Harry Martens
Jami's Bull
David Eells
Jane Brox
Alix Elizabeth Land
Steven P. Lary
Hanna McCrum
Andy D ming r
Abigail Rom
Kim E. At tr idge
Greg Billingt on
Lee Roberts
Jennifer Meade
Stephen Jacobs
Scott Graffam
Henry Banks
Lynn Baldwin
Ann McCreary
lark Gorman
ick Levintow
Rick Abrams
Barbara Shemin
Francie Prosser •
Spring 168
Martha S. Mceldowney 1956 -1978 MORTAL ITY D ath , l ike a n o verflowi n g stream weep s us away. Our li fe's a dre a m , A n e m p ty ta l , A morn i n g flow r Cut down a n d wi ther d i n an h o ur. - D a n i . l R e d. c. 1785
W ill iams Amherst Bos ton College
5 13-6
2-8 3 3 4 -13
2 4
Maine Clark Bates
CO BY -l
Keene State
OPP. 2 10
Plymo u th Bate WPI . cw England Bates ON:6 L OT: 5
13 14 5 13 12
SENIOR DIRECTORY ABRAHAMSON, DAVID 14 Avenue Du Maine, Paris, Franch 75015 East Asian Studies - Religion PLP
BECKETT, CHARLES F. 55 Broadlawn Park, Chestnut Hill. Ma. 02167 French LCA
BOTHWELL, PETER T. 99 Old Barn Road. Fairfield, Ct. 06430 Economics - Math
ABRAMS, RICHARD D. 132 Fosdyke Street, Providence, R.J. 02906 Economics - Math
BEHRER, DOROTHY E. Box 474, Orleans, Ma. 02653 Math
BOUCHARD. NORMAN E. 88 Summer Street, Kingston, Ma. 02364 English
ALEX, STUART L. Freedom. Maine 04941 Environmental Studies
BELANGER, PAULINE C. RFD 2 Ferry Road, Lewiston, Me. 04240 Psychology - Human Development
BOWDEN. ETHEL B. Penobscot, Me. 04476 English
ALPERT, ELIZABETH A. 25 Alden Road, Wayland, Ma. 01778 Art
BELANGER, STEVEN M. 1787 Hutchins Street, Berlin, N.H. 03570 Psychology
BOYLE, GERARD E. 265 Lansdowne Road, Warwick, R.I. 02888 English DU
ANTHONAKES, JOANNE 89 Washington Avenue, Needam, Ma. 02192 American Studies XO
BELLOWS. JANET 80 Alexander McGregor Road, Pawtucket, R. I . 02861 History
BRADLEY, CHR ISTOPHER W. 7273 Berry Hill Drive, Rancho Palos Verdes Ca. 90274 American Studies DKE
ARCHER, PIERCE 414 Penwyn Road, Wynnewood, Pa. 19096 Environmental Studies
BERCA W, WOODSON S. 7405 Oak Lane, Chevy Chase, Md. 20015 Math - Physics
BRADY, W. MARK Hillcrest Road, Prides Crossing, Ma. 01965 Classics
ARESON. SUSAN H. 153 Bellevue Avenue, Upper Montclair, N.J. 07043 English XO
BERKO-MERKIN, SUSAN R. 79 Trot Drive. Short Hills, N.J. 07078 Sociology - Human Development
BREEDLOVE, JOHN W. 1308 Poplar Street, Lamar, Mo. 64759 History
BERNARD, DANA E. Woodcrest Road, Boxford, Ma. 01921 Administrative Science ZP
BRIGHAM. LORY A. RD 2 Fairfax Road, St. Albans, Vt. 05478 Geology
BERNARD, JEFFREY M. Woodcrest Road, Boxford Ma. 01921 Administrative Science - Math LCA
BRITTON, WILLIAM R. RD 1 Beaumont Road, Newton, Pa. 18940 Administrative Science - Math - Economics LCA
ATTRIDGE. KIM E. Oscaleta Road, South Sali�m. N.Y. 10590 Environmental Studies AVTGES, ALAN J. 23 Ivy Road, Belmont, Ma. 02178 Chemistry KDR BALDWIN, LYNN F. 242 Brimfield Road Wethersfield, Ct. 06109 Economics - Psychology
BILLINGTON. GREGORY R. 217 Pratt Avenue, Somerset, Ma. 02726 Government - American Studies ZP
BROWN. VALERIE Library Lane, Old Lyme. Ct. 06371 Psychology - Human Development
BANKS. HENRY 305 Fillow Street, Norwalk, Ct. 06850 English - Biology
BLACKWELL, DOUGLAS E. 77 Chester Road, Belmont. Ma. 02178 Human Development - Administrative Science ATO
BROWNE. MIGUEL D. 5021 Seminary Road # 1317, Alexandria, Va. 22311 Economics - Math - Physics PDT
BARBER, JENNIFER C. 33 Orient Ave .. Newton Center. MA. 02159 English
BLACKWELL, ELISABETH Route 5, Box 128, Delavan, Wi. 53115 English
BROX, JANE M. 1363 Broadway, Dracut, Ma. 01826 English
BARRY, JOANN M. 133 Texas Road Westford, Ma. 01886 Human Development - Sociology XO
BONNELL, HELENA A. 59 Maple Street, Oakland, Me. 04963 English
BRYAN, SARAH L. 35 Mill Road, Ipswich, Ma. 02181 Art
BUCK, ALEXA D E R K . 4535 Province L i n e Road. Princet on. American Stud ies D K E
C H I C H E TER, DEBORAH M. 14 R i dg Road. Enfield. Ct. 06082 Human Developm nt
C RAWFORD. KA TH LEE T. 3238 Jasper Park, t. Louis, Mo. 63139 Administrat i e Science
BUCK. M ARGARET P . P.O. Box l , ashua. . H . 03060 H istorr
C H ILD, JOH. A. 30 tac y tree!, 'at1ck, rta. 01760 Chemistry ZP
CREMJ , SAM H . 4 B i l l rsweet Lane. Mt. K isco. English DU
B ULL. fAM E larlowe Rel igion
G 589 Queens Gran t , H i l t on H ad. Philosophy - R l igion XO
CRO I . DEBORAH E. 14 Locksley Road. Lynnfie ld, Ma. 01940 Fr nch
. J . 085.W
R. treet . Palo Alto, C a. 9-1301
BULLOCK . YL IA 1. 42 Doubling Road. Greenwich. Ct. 06830 Engl ish BUOt A I UTO. M ICHAEL J 210 Cedar tree!. Wam•ick, R I 02818 Geology - Biology
CHO G. LOUI F. 59 Ethelb rt Plac . Ridgewood. B10Jog�
.C. 29928
. ) . 07450
C H R I TOPHE. DA ID H . 1 19 Central A\enu . , · dham. 1a. 02192 Admm1 trail\ 1en e TOP
BU TT I L. ED\'\.'ARD J 198 en i ngton Road. Garden City. , Y. 1 1 530 Engl ish - Ph ilosophy K O R B TE. 'A . LO 1 E A 1 33 Alanb Ori\ • M riden. Ct. G ology
CACI. 0 ANTHOt 'Y J. 1 23 W in d or Plac . Broold� n. 11.Y 1 12 1 5 Biology CA AVA.' K AT H Y ) . 2 8 ta� trcet . \laterville. Me. 04901 ociology CARAVATY. RAE E. 534 We I t r I. Pill fi Id. Ma. 01201 Biology CAREY C H R I T I NE Bo 52 Renss lacr. .Y. 02144 PA,'l H CARL 0. ', BETSY 9 TO\\'Pr Road. H i ngham AmPriran tudies
fa. 02043
fr. 04107
CLY IER fEFFREY \'\. Dow n i ng Hnuc, . a C l irf, 'Y 1 1 579 Che m i ry - Cla s ics
.Y. 10549
CROOK, JAME E. 56 \ i l l is Ori e. Gumb rland. R . I . 02864 dmmislrali\'C ci nee LCA
RO TER. /ERROL A. Holl�'\.vood 'enue, Fairfield, o,e · rnment
.J. 07006
CUE, J D ITH E. 11 I phen Oriv , West Yarmouth. Ma. 02673 ociology E. orri town Road. Horsham, Pa. 19044 Biology
CO ·. 10 EPH F. 202 Dodge tr t. Be\ · rly, ia. 01915 Env1ronm ntal Studies TOP
CULLE , BRIA M. Oc an Boulevard, eabrook, Am rican tudies
COLAT I . GREORY C. 211 lngl sid Avenu , Pen n i ngton, 'J 08534 H1 tor ZP
CUL ER, TEPHE F. 3 H ickory Lane. Roseland. .]. 07068 Admini trat ive ci nee DKE
COLLELO. KATHY A. 2 Rand Road, Yan out h , Me. Art
C RT! . PAUL G. 2 1 Longwood Road. Milton. Ma. 02187 Psychology
COLLI . WAY E B. 1155 Hardscrabble Road. Chappaqua. 10514 Biology CO ' OLLY. M ART I G. 416 orlh Av nu . Wood Ridge, Engl ish - Ph1losoph
.J. 07075
.H. 03874
DALEY . LAURETTA. M . 6 6 Westernview Circle, Ea t Longm adow, Ma. 01028 Engl ish DALRYM PLE. fEFFREY C. 14 P arl treet, Cc md n, Maine ci nee Economics - Administrall
C .RULLI, K RT A. 23b Com m1:rr.h1l Ire t. Boston. Ma. 02 109 Hi ton· KOR
COOK, !AM ES . 108 Bay l te Road, Rehoboth, Ma. 02769 Economic ZP
DA I EL , FRED H. Trap lo Road, Li ncoln. Ma. 01773 Engl ish
C H EST UT, JOA 'E. P.O. Box 261 Rang .ley, Mr. 04970 RPl igion
COUTU RE. KARE A . 44 Longvi w Road, Reading, Ma. 01867 Psycho log
DAVI DS. RO ALO M. 8 Gr enleaf Road. atick, Ma. 01760 Gov r nment TOP
DAVIS, CHRISTOPHER V. Ice Valley Road, Osterville, Ma. 02655 Geology - Biology
DEYOREO. JAMES J. 41 Bartlett Street, Andover, Ma. 01810 Physics TOP
DAY. TERRANCE G. 66 Stretford Road, Scarsdale, N.Y. 10583 English DU
DIETZKO, DONNA M. 36 Cornell Street, Plainville, Ct. 06062 Human Development - Sociology
DE CANDIDO. NERIO 953 Rue De L'Eglise, Quebec H9g1H2 Administrative Science KOR
DONEGAN, DAVID P. 151 Brewster Avenue. Braintree, Ma. 02184 Environmental Studies KOR
FACHADA, PAUL 0. 112 Washington Street, Keene, N.H. 03431 Biology
DEE, DONNA M. 39 High View Drive, Cape Elizabeth, Me. 04107 English
DONNELL, LINDA J. 32 Gail Drive, Ellington. Ct. 06029 Economics - Administrative Science
FA C KLER, PAUL L. 5811 So. Dorchester Avenue. Chicago, II. 60637 Economics
DEGROUCHY, SUZANNE M. 4428 Province Line Road, Princeton, N.J. 08540 Western Civilization
DONNENFELD, ALAN E. 25 Highfield Drive, Dix Hills, N.Y. 11746 Chemistry - Religion PDP
DEININGER, ANDREW R. 10 Parkview Terrace, Summit, N.J. 07901 English - Administrative Science PDT
DRISCOLL, DANIEL F. 1455 Canton Avenue, Milton, Ma. 02186 Biology DU
DE MIER, RAMON A 1 Taft Street Apt. 16 C, Santurce, P.R. 00911 Art
DROWN, SCOTT K. 2 Maple Avenue, Natick, Ma. 01760 Biology
FARACA, MICHAEL L. 78 Lynn Road, Brockton, Ma. 02402 Administrative Science KDR
DENNEY, BRYAN T. 145 Mayfair Drive, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15228 Administrative Science - Economics DU
DUGAN, ELIZABETH 253 Old County House Road, Pen Yan, N.Y. 14527 Spanish
FARLEY, TIMOTHY S. 17 Darrow Court, Kendall Park, N.J. 08824 Human Development
DENTON, KIRK A 65 Wimbleton Road, Lake Bluff, II. 60044 French
DUMONT, ANDREA M. RFD # 1, Newcastle. Me. 04553 English - Human Development
FARNSWORTH, DAVID C. Ram Island Farm. Cape Elizabeth, Mr. 04107 Philosophy - Religion ZP
DESBOIS, RONALD R. 93 West End Avenue, Gardner, Me. 01440 Economics - Administrative Science KOR
DUNBAR, HENRY R. 93 Nashoba Road, Concord, Ma. 01742 Economics - Administrative Science
FARRELL, DOROTHY F. 25 Church Street, Weston, Ma. 02193 French SK
DESLAURIERS, DAVID A 10 Union Street, Sabattus, Me. 04280 Psychology
DUTEAU, HUGETTE 10 Delavan Terrace, Yonkers, N.Y. 01703 Human Development
FISHER, MARC D. 11 Lucille Avenue, Winslow, Me. 04902 Chemistry - Physics
DESTUBEN, KARLA J. 172 Forest Street, Saugus� Ma. 01906 Government SK
DWYER, JOHN F. 1273 North Avenue, New Rochelle, N.Y. 10804 Philosophy
FITZGERALD, DANIEL P. 18 Huron Circle, Boston, Ma. 02124 Administrative Science ZP
DEUSCHLE, JAMES K. 1212 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10029 Government
EATON, ROBERT G. 280 Estabrook Road, Concord, Ma. 01501 History DU
FITZPATRICK. MARY J. 616 Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Providence R.I. 02908 Government
DEVINE, JOHN B. 23 Gage Street, Methuen. Ma. 01844 English DU
EELLS, DAVID M. 21 Elbridge Road, Auburn, Ma. 01501 English
FOLEY, MARY V. 7 Spoondrift Lane, Cape Elizabeth, Me. 04107 English
EIERMAN. KIMBERLY S. 37 Ivy Church Road, Timonium, Md. 21093 Human Development EWING, LINDA L. RFD # 1, Caribou, Me. 04736 Human Development
FAIRCLOUGH, JUDITH A. 26 Sturges Commons, Westport, Ct. 06880 Economics FALOON, RONDA E. 575 Signal Hill Drive, North Barrington, JI. Sociology
FORD. CYNT H IA K . 5 6 Raymond I re t, a h ua. Engl ish - Government
. H . 03060
FORT I E R, M I C H ELE L. Barron venue. Lew iston, Me. 04240 Fr nch - Art
33 troud\,·Val r d m i n istrath
tbrook, M . 04092 - Math TOP
G I LL. PATR ICK J . 1095 W a h i nglon tre t . Weymouth. M a . 02189 Math K O R
FO TER. C H AR LENE M . 1 9 1 8 Jamaica t r t, Aurora. Co. 800 10 Human D ,·elopm al - panish FRAZEE. PORT! G. 3401 El m tr I. Baker field. Ca. 93301 Go\' rnmenl
, n Diego.
G I RO . DOUGLA 38 Barn tab! Road. We Fr nch DU
a. 92 129
wton. 1a. 02165
G I ROUX. REG! LO A. fR. 4 6 Merrimack , tr f'f, Manche ter, .H. 03103 Admm1 trata\ c.ienc - Math ZP F RCI LLO. D . ALO I 327 pach Lane. Brick TO\\n. KOR Adm mastrati\· c1 nc
f . 08723
G A G E J A 1E E . 2 8 Han·, rd t r et, Sou t h Y<1rmouth Ma 02664 Admi n i trat i\· Scienc. - Math LCA GA, 'DE, 'BERGER. C H R I TA L. R D 6 Fair\'i w Dri\'e. Fle m i ngt on, Chem istry
) . 08822
GARRAHA, . THOMAS M 10 Trappers Lan , Ea t Greenwich. R. I . 02818 Gov rnment ZP GATES PETER T. 63 In i ng Plac Buffalo Psychology
Y. 14201
GA VER. ELEA1 'OR E. 37 Broughton Road, Charleston, Philosophv
.C. 29407
GEi MAR, JOH W Tow .r Road. River ide, Ct 06878 English GERMAI ', B RADFORD S. 1 1 To""n Hou�c Road, A t l le horo. Ma. 02703 Chem istry GER. 'ERT, SA E. 145 Wt!s l m i nst ·r Avf!nue, Lak EnJ.llish
Forest, JI. 6004 5
GL l\VA. K E I 20 Cold. pring Hall· Road. H u n t i ngton. 117'13 Eng lish - American t udies LEZ, 3900. t. Paul
RJO R ! E A tr ct, Balt imore, Md. 21218 K
GREITER, JEA EM. K. 6 Haymont Terrace, Briarcliff. . Y . 10510 H u man Development - French G R I M ES. COURT EY A . 5 4 t r et r Road. P a ton, M a . 01612 H ist ory PDT RUBER . ELIZABETH 32 Peacock Farm Road. L American t u d ie
ingt on. Ma. 02173
UERl . W I LLI M J. 24 Ticonic I re t. Wat rvill . M . 04901 rt GU = Kay AJdogan o k . . Zincarliku •u I tanbul Turke'. dman istrall\e cience - Math
HALL, SANDRA E. 132 Dir h H ill Road, O\ r n m nl
gawam, Ma. 01001
aple . Me. 04055 cience - Math LCA
GOR 1A . MARK W. 59 Talbot \. ay. ekonk. Ma. 02771 Government G RAFFAM. SCOTT C P. 0. Bo 1 9 1 , Waldoboro, Me. 04572 H istory ZP GRAH M. RO 'ALO W P. 0. Bo 53, E s , Ma 01929 Phy ac - Math - d m i n istra t iv
ca nc
GRAY. JEFFREY A RFD 1 Bo 184. Orrington. M . 04474 Economics - Math TOP G RAY. JOH 90 School Ire I. Gro,eland, Ma. 08134 Governmrnt OKE G R EE FI ELD. LI E D. 2909 Ont ario Strcrt, Am . la 50010 Admamstrat 1\ e cience - American Studi s
H A R R I 0 . LE L I E D. Kill m I Jill Road, Bo ford. Ma. 01921 Government H ART. TEPHE 38 Parker Road. Am rican t u d ie
D. II sley. Ma. 02 181 OKE
HA RVEY. P UL E. 97 M iddle Road, Port mou th. Biolog · ZP
.H. 03081
H K ELL, TEPHA IE L. 21 vcnu E m i l Deschan I. Paris 75007 Franc H u man D ,, lopmcnt F. .H. 03060
XO REGr., H UGH R. 64 > Pcachtr r, Gros Chemistry
Pointe Woods, M1. 4823
H ECK EL, VER E K. 2209 Bio som Stre I. Columbia. Classics ZP
.C. 29205
HIGGINS, MARK A. 124 Fruit Street, Bangor, Me. 04401 History LCA
HUTCHESON, LAURIAN 5 Tolman Street. Needham, Ma. 02192 Art
HILDEBRANDT, LYN 68 Glenn Road, Belmont, Ma. 02178 English
HYDE, DONALD P. 485 WoodLane, North Andover, Ma. 01845 Biology - Chemistry PLP
HILL, LAWRENCE K. 136 Shore Road, Old Greenwich, Ct. 06870 Economics DU
HYER, LAURA J. 152 Marshal Street, Duxbury, Ma. 02332 Human Development
HIRSH, BERNARD L. 701 Jade Road, Yardley, Pa. 19067 Physics ATO
JACKE SUSAN E. 85 Seth Low Mountain Road, Ridgefield, Ct. Environmental Studies
HOBSON, ANNE MARIE 10 Claremont Place, Cranford, N.J. 07016 Administrative Science
JACKSON, ALEXANDRA M. 261 South Avenue, Glencoe, II. 60022 Human Development - Sociology
HOEFLE, DANIEL C. 21 Garland Road, Rye, N.H. 03870 Government KDR
JACKSON, KATHLEEN Box 193 Chittendon Road, Killingworth, Ct. 06417 Sociology
JORDAN, GREGORY P. 25 Brett Road, Fairfield, Ct. 06430 Administrative Science KDR
HOUGH, WILLIAM J.H. 502 Dogwood Lane, Conshohocken, Pa. 19428 History
JACKSON, M. LEA 49 Shorewood Road, Marblehead, Ma. 01945 American Studies
JOYCE, ELIZABETH C. 22 Virginia Lane, Cohasset, Ma. 02025 French
HOWARD. MARK G. 68 Lawson Lane, Ridgefield, Ct. 06877 Government - Economics
JACOBS, STEPHEN B. 47 Wickapecko Drive, Wanamassa, N.J. 07712 Chemistry
JUDD, ELIZABETH J. 7 Waterbury Avenue, Madison Ct. 06443 Administrative Science
HOWE, DAY ID M. Holly Hill Drive, Amherst, N.H. 03031 Economics - Math
JACQUES, RICKY P. Fayette Road Box 87, Livermore Falls, Me. 04254 Government
KAMIL, HOWARD G. 1041 Glen Road, Fort Lee, N.J. 07024 English
HUGHES, CHRISTOPHER V. 329 South Street, Medfield, Ma. 02052 Biology
JARDEN, CHARLES P. 1905 Cathedral Road, Huntington Valley, Pa. 19006 1 Music
KANEKO, YASUO 34-2 Sakuradai, Nerima-Ku, Tokyo, Japan Economics
HULING, LETITIA CHASA P.O. Box 169, Marshfield, Ma. 02050 Music
JEFFRIES, PETER T. 1268 Canton Avenue, Milton, Ma. 02186 Administrative Science
KAPLAN, DOUGLAS S. 71 Maugus Avenue. Wellesley, Ma. 02181 Government
HULM, NANCY M. 9 Crestwood Lane, Summit, N.J. 07901 Human Development
JELLEMA, ALICE M. 8875 Lapp Road, Clarence Center, N.Y. 14032 Classics
KAYATTA, DAVID F. 980 Sawyer Street, South Portland, Me. 04106 Economics
HURD, CHARLES C. 20580 Summerville Road, Excelsior, Mn. 55331 Administrative Science DKE
JESSE, MARY E. Cricket Hill Drive, Amherst, N.H. 03031 Administrative Science
KEARNS, LUCINDA P. 1301 Seventh Street, Rochester, Mn. 55901 Economics - Math
HUSSEY, TIMOTHY B. Maine Street, Kenneburkport, Me. 04046 Economics
JOHNSON, .GREGORY K. 1033 Enfield Street, Enfield, Ct. 06082 Chemistry ZP
KEATE, MARGARET 3443 Capella Lane. Almeda, Ca. 94501 Religion - Human Development XO
JOHNSON, LESLIE J. 540 Ewing Street, Princeton, N.J. 08540 Philosophy - Math - German
11 Rogers Road, Yarmouth, Me. 04096 Administrative Science - Math
JOHNSTON, ROBERT A. Box 215 Lincoln Me. 04457 Government - Economics JONES, LYNNELLE S. Quarters C. Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, Administrative Science - Economics N.H. 03801 JONES, PAULA M. 798 Somerset Street, Rumford, Me. 04276 Human Development - Math
KEIR 1, M EREDITH D. 1 4 Gardner t reet . H ingham . Ma. 02043 Biology - Art
K U H , MARK J . ill Lane. Olde L y m , Ct. 06371 Econom ics
LOD I , RUSTO F. 12 M ill iken Avenue, Fran klin, Ma. 02038 English
KEITHLI E. KARE1 E. 168 Pond C ircle. Glastonbury. Ct. 06033 Government
LAMONT. GARY M. 7 Clu bhou e Lan , Wa land. Ma. 01778 Admini t rat h e cience - Economic
LO DO , JAY E P. 41 Gerald Road, M ilton, Ma. 02186 Sociology
K ELTER. \i ALTER ] . I l l 1 4 1 Henry Avenue. Lynn. M a . 01902 Biology
LAND, ALIX E. 29 Berndale On e. Engl ish
LO G, DO A G. 1 Chestnut H ill, W il braham, M a . 01095 dministrat ive Science XO
KENDALL. jA. A E. High t reet . Gardner. Ma. 01440 H 1 tory - Psychology
LANDRY, JOH ' T. 28 Birch Brick Road, Yonkers, Eng l i h - Governm nt
l. KE. '. 'ARY. ELLE. 9 3 1oran Road. Grosse Pointe. M i . .i823 American t ud 1 - H istor ·
LA GER. ALICE R 346 Fou rt eent h Street , orwood, Em iron men tal t ud1 s
89 P i ne Hill Road. Wak fi Id. R . I . 02879 Go\. ernment
LARY. TE E P. 12 Orchard S tr et. Cape Eliza be t h , M a i ne 04107 Psychology
L WELL. ). DRE 0 26 jeff rson Road. Wi nchest r. Ma. 01890 Adminis t ra l iv ci nc - M a t h
KE R \ 'T ' JO 83 Vil lage tr et. M illis . Ma 02054 Em·ironmental t udie .KDR
LEARD, L I 0 A Y 2575 outh Oc Jn Boul 04107 Art - oc1ology
L C K E R . M Y E. 53 Buc k m a n Drive, Le ingt on, Ma. 02173 Cla s ic
K E A R I . GEORGE P. 87 1h er p n ng Lane. R 1 dg field. Ct 06877 H istory - Am r1can t udics
LEBE, GER. AARO L. 2537 L1 a Court . Bellmore. Englt h
K I . 'CA I D . K AT H E R I 'E H. R D 2 Bo 372 Po\ en ille Road. Boont o n. \J.). 07005 Art
LEFEBER. ROBERT L. 1420 East Bay Point Road. M ilwat• ke . W1. 53217 Econom ics PLP
NETTE LUM. 1867 Watson Avenue, New York, Administra l i e Science - M a t h
K l D Q U I T CAT Y E. Roll ing H ill Road. killman. . J . 08558 Psychology - H um a n Dev Jopm n t
LEGG, MARTHA L 100 Warren S t r et. eedham, M a . 02192 Governm nl
Ma cEWAN, A L A D . Bo 101 S ugar H ill, . H . 03585 Gov rnment D U
KI G. LE L I E A C IO Walcott 206 D von Road, Cinnam inson, .J. 08077 Art XO
LE I TOW, I HOLA S ]. 600 1 Mass. Ave .. Washington D.C. 20016 Gov rnmenl
MacLEA , W I LLIAM R. 182 Main S t reet . Borden P.E. I . Canada H istory D K E
KLEBA ', ALLA J . 772-B orth Tra il, t ra t ford. C t . 06497 Go\'ernmcnt KDR
LIGHT, DOUGLA B. 2 Dogwood Om , Armonk. Bio logy
MAGUE. STEP H E T . 1 62 u m mer S t reet , Fra m i ngh am. M a . 10701 Env ironmental Studi s ZP
KLEI . ', LL A K. R i chardson Lm . H arrison. Art
LI D. M ELI SSA A. ew York, N.Y. 10028 1035 Park A enu English
MAHONEY. F . CARL Bo 1 36 Athens Me. , 14912 Psychology
L I G E, JANE E. RFP 1 c/o W i n nesq uam House Laconia, . H . 0324 H ist ory K
MANSO . CHERYL L. 1 30 Plain Drive. St oughton. Ma. 02072 M a t h - Economics
.Y. 10528
KOER, E R , ALLA W. R R 1 V i w Drh . Wood!>l ock, Ct. Chemi t ry - I ! Js tor;: TOP
e t port . Ct. 06880
.Y. 10708
.]. 07648
ard. Palm Beach, Fl
.Y. 1 1 710
.Y. 10504
LOPEZ, A TO 10 M . Choa te chool, Wallingford, C t . 06492 pan ish - Religion PLP LO ETT, SUSA E. 9 Merritt t r et . Groveland, Ma. 01834 Econom ics
LUKA I , CH RLE P. 7 Wint h rop tr ct, Springfield. Ma. 01 105 Governm nt - Econom ics
.Y. 10472
MARCYES. RICHARD J. 405 Maple Drive, Fayetteville, N.Y. 13066 French
McELDOWNEY, MARTHA S. Deceased Biology
MORSE. LEIGH A. 12 Fernwood Avenue, Bradford, Ma. 01830 Art - Sociology
MARSDEN, ANASTASIA E. Petroleum Eng. - Department, Stanford, Ca. 94305 Human Development
McGUIRE, MARGARET M. 269 West Main Road, Portsmouth, R.I . 02871 Classics
MOUL TON, JAMES R. 11 Mckeen Street, Brunswick, Me. 04011 English
MARSH, KATHLYN J. Box 422, West Chicago, II. 60185 Environmental Studies
MEAD, ROBERT J. 152 Main Street, Ridgefield, Ct. 06817 English
MULLEN, JEFFEREY A. 27 Boardman Lane. South Attleboro, Ma. 02703 Economics - Administrative Science LCA
MARTENS. HARRY S. 2100 S. Ocean Lane, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33316 Psychology
MENY, ROBERT R. 3 Burr School Road, Westport, Ct. 06880 Art
MULLER, EVELYN A. 530 East 86th Street, New York, N.Y. 10028 Economics
MARTIN, FREDERIC P. 1685 Emery Road, East Aurora, N.Y. 14052 Physics
MESERVEY, LEE-ANNE 87 High Street, Farmington, Maine 04938 Music
MURPHY, MARGARET C. 23 Woodlawn Terrace, Cedar Grove. N.J. 07009 English - Religion
MARTINEZ, RENE 114 South Angel Street, Providence, R.I. 02906 Economics LCA
MILLER, KAREN J. 10 Longview Drive, Marblehead. Ma. 01945 Biology - Psychology
MURPHY, MARK J. 1 Webster Heights, Cromwell, Ct. 06416 Economics
MATHY, ELIZABETH 1 Turkey Shore Road, Ipswich, Ma. 01938 Government
MILLER, STEPHEN M. 171 Still Road, West Hartford, Ct. 06117 Psychology - Administrative Science
NELSON, CARL F. 75 Robin Road, Weston, Ma. 02193 Economics
MAURI CE, WENDY D. 40 Mohegan Lane, Port Chester, N.Y. 10573 English
MILLS, DAVID V. 74 Main Street, Durham, N.H. 03824 Government DKE
NICHOLSON, KAREN S. 41 Lakeview Street, Sharon, Ma. 02067 Physchology Human Development
MINER. KIM N. 53 Holly Drive, Woodbury, N.J. 08096 Government
NOONAN, R. CHRISTOPHER George Street, Mendon, Ma. 01756 History
McCARTHY. PHILLIP D. 1 1 Garden Terrace, Woburn, Ma. 10801 Administrative Science LCA
MONEYMAKER, SUSAN R. Lawton Road, Canton, Ct. 06019 Human Development
NORTON, DOUGLAS E. 22 Deblois Street, Portland, Mr. 04103 Administrative Science ZP
McCARTNEY, BRIAN P. 15 Woodlawn Road, Hadley, Ma. 01035 Sociology
MORE, DANIEL B. 100 Adams Avenue, Cranford, N.J. 07016 Administrative Science - Economics
O'BRIEN. TERANCE J. 4 Hillside Road, Boxford, Ma. 01921 Administrative Science TDP
McCLELAN, BRUCE D. 90 Harrow Road, Springfield, Ma. 01118 Economics DKE
MORGAN, LESLIE Y. 339 Gladstone Blvd., Shreveport. La. 71104 Biology
O'CONNELL, CAREY J. 20 Puritan Lane, Dedham, Ma. 02026 Government ZP
McCREARY, ANN M. Earlville Road, Hamilton, N.Y. 13346 English
MORLEY, JOHN C. 11518 Wendover Lane, Houston, Tx. 77024 Government
MEADE, JENNIFER S. State Department Port-Au-Prince, Washington, D.C. Spanish
McCRUM, JEAN HANNA 459 Oenoke Ridge, New Canaan, Ct. 06840 Art - American Studies
MORRISSEY, CHRISTOPHER C. 23 Peaslee Hill Road, West Hartford, Ct. 06107 Geology OKE
NELSON, JENNIFER L. Colonial Acres Route 49, Pittsfield, Ma. 01201 Sociology
McBRIDE, LISA 2 Captain Forbush Lane, Acton, Ma. 01720 American Studies XO
OFFI GER. H R R \' R. 250 Ch t nu l H 1 U Road, English
OG I LV I E. I A. T 82 Park t reet. Wilton. 1e. ().1294 1 a t h ZP
122 \\' h i ngton tr E onom ics - M ath
OLLE . . \\'ALTER T. 185 Wa lwort h tr et . Ro lindale. Engh h PLP OL E. '· . K RT 227 Washington t reet . Classic-_
PROCTOR. LAURE M. 133 Lancaster Road. Freehold. French - Spanish
ilton. Ct. 06897
ta. 021 3 1
ta. 01945
la. 2173
Y 117
PAL I ER, FRA 'Cl A 1C» For st I re t \\ cll e I ·y H i lls . . la. 02 181 Fr nch
PROSSER, FRANCES G. RFD 2 55 Horizon Drive, C h a tham, M a. 02663 Ps chology
P H I LLI P . I ICE E. 59 Cranbury Lan . Tru mbull. Ct. Economic
QU ERA IT, J UAN A 75 B i ck ford H i ll Road, Gardner, Ma. 01440 Government - French
prm field. 1a.
P ITCA I R1 '. G I LBERT L. 10 1 CJnton Road. \ 1m bury, Ct 06092 Hi ton D E PLO 1 R ITIS. Bridg • B1olog�
' H 03051
RALPHS, D EBORAH A. 8 Ross Road, Topsfield, M a. 01983 English - Administra tive Science
READ ER. M A RT I S . 271 - 1 4 E Gra nd Central P arkway. Floral P ark. .Y. 1 1005 Econom ics - Adm in ist a t i ve c ie nce ZP REDO, PH ILI P L. 435 E. 79th S t reet. Sociology PLP
H 03076
PL 12 Hcr1 t ag B1olog · POLLARD. AR.AH A R i\· r Road Bui k port P y ·hology
1 A5 H. Ban or. M . Q.t.W l cirn • D K E
PROJ KY. DA I D C. 611 add! ridg Road, Orange, Ct. 06477 English
PE EK. CH R I Tl 5 1 Three Pond Road. \ ayland. Ma. 01778 Economics
PfCCI ' A 'CY E. 47 onot uck Road, West .onom i 0 108
O'. 1 LLEY . . t l C HA E L E. 78 Andrew Road. Qu incy. fa. 02170 GO\ rnment TOP
PAGE. LI 'DA E. 25 Bolan Ro d H unt i ngton ')tal ion G ology
t . Ma lden. Ma. 02H8
. J . 07728
e" York,
. Y. 1 0021
REED, H OPESTI Ll.. A . Da 's Ferr . Woolwich, M e . 04579 American S t u dies X O REGAZZI I, D EBORAH A. 104 Scotland Road. Read ing, M a. 01867 American S tudies S K
. Q.l416
PARDEE. FRA; 'K D. Monk � Wr •n<.h L. ne. Bri tol. R. l . 0280 Engl ish K O R
A ' R POLLf ' 163 RJ) mond Hall Orn 027j() Sor 101 gy
PATER 0 , , 'A, CY J . 1 8 3 Du ndN· Road. S t am ford. C t . Engl ish
PORTER, Tl 1 0TH Y 1 19 Mayflowrr R o d d . W1 nchrstn. M a . 01890 Em·1ronmrntt1 l S t ud irs LC/\
R E I LLY. 73
PC S1 ER. RON 1-J 6 I ndian Roc:k Road. Sta mford, English
ICK. CARY B . RE 135-27 Union Turn p i ke. \ \ York. . Y . 1 1 367 Human D v lopm nt - P . chology
PATTE • . ELI ZAB �T H R. 7 o u t hwi1.k C ir .le. \\ e ll 1 Frt•nc:h PEAR , E, SARAI I J . 957 f. in St rc!•t, Ihngh, 1\ mrmc;in St ucl il's
Ma. 02 181
M . 02043
ort h
t t leb ro, Ma
POTTER, JEFFREY B. 97 Mas .1so it Drn·c. \\' , rw ick R I 02888 Engl ish - usic.
P R I C E. ALEXA DER ) . . J K O, MAR'I I ' W. 1 1 23 Tut k�r f{o,1 d, 'orth 0.1 rt mou lh , M.i 02'.'47 \\ <Jsh rngton St rl'<'I Bo ford. M,i. 01833 Economics K O R .c.onom1r.
RE I C H ERT. K ATHARI E A. 21 16 Woodside Road. Ann Arbor, ML 48104 English
Low II. M . 01852 SK
REX, ELIZABETl 1 3 Day t re t, out h Darmou t h , Ma. 02748 Art
.Y. 12033
RIZZOLO, GERALDINE A. 32 Pennsylvania Avenue, Flemington, N.J. 08822 English
SBARGE. MICHAEL Robin Circle, Tolland, Ct. 06084 Chemistry
SHEA, SUE-ELLEN 40 Robinson Street, Pawcatuck, Ct. 02891 English
ROBERT, YVONNE D. RFD Yvonne Drive, Becket, Ma. 01223 English
SCANNELL, THOMAS P. 52 Indian Path, Dedham, Ma. 02026 Biology
SHEEHY, ALFRED M. 80 Stanley Way, Centervil le, Ma. 02632 English DKE
ROBERTS, LEE C. 1 1 1 1 Wayne Road, Stuart, Fla. 33494 Art - Music
SCHINE. BRUCE A. 1101 Green Street, San Francisco, Ca. 94109 Chemistry
RODRIGUEZ, ALICE M. 194 Palfrey Street. Watertown, Ma. 02172 Spanish - French XO
SCHMIDT-FELLNER. PETER A. 36 Terrace Avenue, Riverside, Ct. 06878 Economics DU
ROLERSON, MARY E. 38 Walker Avenue, Lewiston, Me. 04240 English
SCIORE, DAVID M. 31 Sycamore Avenue, Brockton, Ma. 02401 Government - Economics TOP
ROLFSON, M I CHELE Sand Hill Road, Albion, Me. 04910 French ROME, ABIGAIL 14 Overhill Road, Scarsdale, N.Y. 10583 Biology ROSE, PAUL 139 Butler Street, New Bedford, Ma. 02744 Chemistry - Biology ROY, BONNITTA M. 75 Simpkins Drive, Bristol, Ct. 06010 Biology
SCOTT. JAMES E. 132 South Main Street, Hudson. Ohio 44236 Economics DU SCOTT. MICHAEL P. Forest Hill Avenue, Oak Bluffs, Ma. 02557 American Studies - Government SCOTT, SUSANNA K. 39 Washington Square South, New York, N.Y. 10012 English SEAMANS, JANE T. 8626 East Mackenzie, Scottsdale, Az. 85251 Art - Government
SECOR, PETER F. ROY, PAUL J. N. 127 Eastbourne Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, 24 Mount Pleasant Street, Biddeford , Me. 04 005 Canada History DKE Government - Biology SANTRY, JANET L. 418 OCean Avenue, Marblehead, Ma. 01945 American Studies SAUNDERS, JOHN 0. 238 Judy Farm Road, Carlisle, Ma. 01741 Music
SEEDS, NANCY J. Rampart Pass, Waccabuc, N.Y. 10597 Geology - Biology XO SEYMOUR. MARK G. Box 779 Biddeford, Me. 04005 �iology TOP
SAVCHICK, STEVEN W. Washington Road, Waldoboro Me. 04572 Government
SHANE, JAMES H. 3 Hobbs Road, Wayland, Ma. 01778 Administrative Science
SAWYER. WILLIAM D. 15 Spring Hill Road, Concord, Ma. 01742 Physics
SHARPE, JOHN M. 630 Philadelphia Avenue, Chambersburg, Pa. 17201 Philosophy - Religion
SHEERIN, PETER L. 20 Lincoln Drive, Acton, Ma. 01720 Biology DU SHEMIN, BARBARA A. 17 Otsego Road, Pleasantville, N.Y. 10570 English SHOOSHAN, MARY A. 311 Coleman Road, Middleton, Ct. 06457 Math - Philosophy SHRIBMAN, JEFFREY N. 20 Stanley Road, Swampscott. Ma. 01907 Government PDT SIGOU RNEY, HENRY 29 Waban Street, Newton, Ma. 02158 French SIMON, GARY B. Wildwood Drive, Needham, Ma. 02192 Math 46
SIMONDS, DAVID H. 65 Androscoggin Avenue, Lewiston, Me. 04240 History SINGER, STEVEN M. 11 Summit View Drive, Swampscott, Ma. 01907 Administrative Science PDT SKCRUPSKY, FRANK T. 123 North Hinchman Avenue, Haddonfield, N.J. 08033 Chemistry SLAB!, MARGARET M. 14 Longview Road, Framingham, Ma. 01701 English SLAVIN, MICHAEL R. Gaston Road Box 2037r, Morristown, N.J. 07960 Administrative Science SLAWSON, KAREN L. Anawan Court, North Attleboro, Ma. 02760 SMITH, BARBARA R. 434 Manor Ridge Road, Pelham, N.Y. 10803 Art
1 ITH, ED ARD D . S t ra ser Avenue. \i estwood. M a . 02090 Art
S U LL I A , JE M. 3 7 Spring S treet , Holliston, M a . 01746 English
TRAI ER. THOMAS A. 11 oodside D ri ve, C u m berl and, Me. 0402 1 E ironmen t a l S t u d ies KOR
MITH. )ONATHA A. Ting! y Road. Brookside. E nglish
S U LL I V . LI DA M. 73 Pine eedle Lane, M a nsfield, Admi nist ra t i \ e cie nce
TREAD ELL, ELJZA BETH C. M il ford Road Bo 327, Amherst, K French
M ITH. LA RE, ' A. 129 a lem l reet . \ o burn. American t u d1es
l a . 0 1801
1 YTH . TH EODORE 8. 2979 Forest Ori e, Pepper P ike, O h io 44 1 24 Hi st ory - A merican t udies ZP • 'YDER CARL P. Bo 186. u quehanna, Pa 186-t Economics - Admin is trat i\'e Sci nee
O PEL. T I M OTH Y D. Cha uncey Aven ue, i 1anch Go\ emrne nt PARKE . TEPI I E. 1 • 131 H a rv a rd R oad, L 1 l l l ton, E n I i h - Am r i an tudi PRAGUE. S Cush ing Brigg Hist ory
port. ,
. 0-1078
U !DBERG. R OBERT L. Tonalea Driv , Murray. Ut . &t 107 Chemistrr - Ph si
TR I B BLE. J AM ES I . Doten Road, Ph mouth. M a . 02360 Geology - B iology DKE
WEE EY, PATR ICK G. 193 Bancrofl A\• nue. R a dmg. 1a. 01867 Ad min i t ra t i v c 1 nc - Econom ic TO
TUR ER M E R I D ETH A. 304 Fa irway D ri \•e. Fort M i l l . S. C. 29715 Ad m ini t ra t i ve Science K
TAYLOR, BR CE C. 23 Ardmore Roa d. \\'ore Art - Psychology
H 03104
1a. O H ZP
A. ' P. Road. outh Fr
TAH L. L I , DA A. C rr iagc Dri\e, D ur h a m, C t . Biology
1a. 02048
ter, fa. 01
td. 04658
Gap H. Road, Troy. Eng lish
. H . 03465
U D E RH I LL. ROBERT Robi n Road. W ton, Ma. 02193 Che m i t ry - Economics D K E
TH I BEA . 1ARI E. Wvman Road, M il bridg • Me. 20906 Govemm nt
DER P L E G , r1A RY Old CPnl r Road. De rfi I d. Fr n h
TH O 1 . JOH B 82 Upland Or i\'e, W Eng li h
A UDE . J AM E. R . 20 1 a rie t ree! , Manch s t r, ,o\'emm nt LCA
t Hartford, Ct. 0 107
.H. 03102
TH O tP 0 ', LORRA I E M . Cop land H i ll Road, Brewer, 1e. 04422 Biology
VAN WJ K LE, D V I D H. Weller Bridge Road. Ro bury. Ct. 06783 Physics
TAP LE . THOMA C. R o bc· rt t re I , Br aintree. M a 02184 Econom1 - Adm i n i l rat h e 1 nc: KOR
CY J 20 H ickory L ne, Ha mpden, 1a. 01036 K Admini t ra t 1 v
E I LLEUX. L I A J. Bo 292 Greene. 1e. 0423 Ad m i nistra t i ve c i nee - Econom ic
STEVE. 0. , RO BERT . est on Road. Lincoln. Ma . 01773 Ea l As ian t u d ics
THRALL. J A M E American E m b Engli h
I C ruo. JOAN c. 1 Conrick La n . Do er, Ma. 02030 M a t h - Administrat ive cienc K
an Fra n
t r t. Pr sque Isle, Me. 04769 Ph ysic - M ath
! R O E , P. HELTO 52 13 B i rcher st Drive, Edina, Mn. 55436 Ad min1 l ra t i ve c ience LCA
STOV E R . E V 1 ' M. Wh •eler Road. Lit hfi Id. Ct . 06759 EngJish
TO R R E . PETER R . 19 Everell Road, Winches! r. Ma. 108 G olog - Biology - P hilo. ophy ZP
ALCOTT, Al D RA M . 894 Eas tern P arkway. Brook] n , Art - Wes tern C iv i liz l ion
IJ DDATH, THO MAS H. 3 pindrifl Lani', oha set . Ma. 02025 American S t u dies 0
TOZER. DAVID K . 2 2 Oakh urst Road, Severi , M a . 01915 Engh h - Art
WALM LEY , RO B ! 0. Cou nt r s ide Est . R u t l and. Vt. 05701 Hist ory
T I LLER. LE L I E B. 271 1 Carri ag La n . Carrollton, Tx. 75 Biology
. Y . 1 1213
WALSH, LEE A. 2300 Stackhouse Drive, Yardley, Pa. 19067 Government
WOLF, PAUL S. 269 Russett Road, Brookline, Ma. 02167 Environmental Studies PDT
WARE, CHRISTINA L. 77 Colton Road, Somers. Ct . 06071 Biology
WOODBURY, ROBERT S. 24 Monument Street, Wenham, Ma. 01984 Administrative Science - Government DU
WARREN, LESLIE T. Tenney Hill Road, Kittery Point, Me. 03905 Music
WOODRING, VIRGINIA A. 631 General Scott Road, Wayne, Pa. 19087 Human Development
WEISMAN, D IAN L. 14 Dinsmore Street, Nashua, N.H. English - French SK WENTWORTH, SHEILA 460 Oak Street, Laguna Beach, Ca. 92651 English - German WETHERBEE, PETER M. 41 1 0 Sunbury Road, Galena, Ohio 43021 Art WHEELER, JEFFREY W. 61 Old Niskayuna Rd., Loudonville, N.Y. 12211 Government WHITE, KRISTEN 50 Bloomfield Street, Lexington. Ma. 02173 Biology WHITEHURST, KIM M. 25 Arcadia, Tuscaloosa, Al. 35401 German - Psychology WILLIAMS, C. DAVID 102 Colket Lane, Devon, Pa. 19333 Biology PDT W I LLIAMS, ELIZABETH A. Bay View Street, Camden, Maine 04843 American Studies - French WILSON, AL VIN F. 3 Sherman Street, Attleboro, Ma. 01940 Administrative Science WINER. GARY S. 9 Yorkshire Drive, Lynnfield, Ma. 01940 Biology WOJCHOWSKI, DON M. Quinegan Road, Gray, Me. 04039 Biology
WRIGHT, WANDA L. 12091 Pine Street, Los Alamatos, Ca. 90720 Human Development YELLE, ANDREA J. 7 Elm Street, Norton, Ma. 02766 French
Staff Page
J ohn D evine Chris N oonan
Seniors Editors Pam Cleaves E d Smith
Sports Editor Tom Suddath
Faculty Editor Sandra Walcott
Literary Editor John Geismar
Co-Layout Editors Laura Hyer, Bev Nalbandian, Ken Heckel, Lea Jackson, Paula K ot, Holly Mackin, Sue Raymond, Judy Sheehan, Carol Sly, Bob Underhill, Jane V enman
Photography Geoff Parker, Tina Chen, Lauren D ustin, John E ginton, Eric E rtman, Sue Gellen, Rich Highland, Nancy Hulm, Bob Lefeber, Emily Lind emann, Martha McCluskey, Bruce Taylor
Business Manager Anne M arie Hobson
Advertising Managers Mary Van D er Ploeg, Ginger Woodring Thank you to Mark Shankland
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