The Colby Oracle 1981

Page 1











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Coach Deb Pluck'• vanity squad enjoyed an exceptional season. The ules were tops in the state in eeveral areas: they had the best record (.821); Bunnell wu the top goaltender (7 shutouts, .64 average); Lang and eyer had the most usists; and Maher was the number four ecorer. Sara Bunnell and heila Ryan were named ortheast College All- tan. They earned placement on the ortheast Regional Third Team and tra elled to Michigan to compete in the ationals where their team on the Third Division title.

COL.BY 5 7 5 7 7 3 7 5 4 6 WON:8

Front: Brigid McCarthy, Becca Cunningham, Korba Peterson, Maura Shaughnessy, Wendy Wittels, Sandy Winship, Jane Reimer. Back: Chris Robinson,

Vickie Crouchley, Nancy Raynor, Capt. Amy Parker, Sue Winslow, Ellen Huebsch, Coach Bev Nalbandian.

Front: Cathy Coniff, Jill Lord, Anne Tiedemann, Co-Capt. Pam Woods, Co-Capt. Karen Cowles, Gay Zimmerman, Katie Spencer, Cindy Milton. Middle:

Marsha Landau, Leslie Gregory, Sarah Chapin, Carrie Nelson, Ann Skinner, Mary Kennedy, Jeffra Becknell, Beth Ellis, Kim Wadkins, Beth Feldman,

Mary Glenn. Back: Coach Steve Knigh t, Manager Heidi Schwartz, Shannon Flynn, Fran Casoli, Allison Lary, Wende Davis, Lauren Watson, Mary White, Sue McNiven, Cathy Coleman, Maura Cassidy.

FRONT ROW, L-R: Melissa Carperos, Co-Capt. Karen Sondergeld, Co-Capt. Ginny Low, Margie Shea. SECOND ROW, L-R: Sarah Jordan,

Libby Wheatley, Peggy Hale, Eleanor Campbell, Roberta Bloom, Debbie Scanlon, Coach Father Paul Cote. ,,

COLBY 3rd 3rd 4th Low-19th Low-113 Campbell -132 WON:O

Bowdoin, UMO, US Bates, Bowdoin Bates lnvita�nal NESCAC MAIAW

OPP. teams teams teams teams 5 teams

4 3 6 10

0 7 13 3

FRONT: Alfred Bruzzese, Scott Mcintire, Michael Romano, Steve Pfaff, Todd Marble, Bruce Stokes, John Polimeno, Paul Belanger, Joel Potvin, Dennis

Ring. ROW 2: Joseph Lynch, Chris Gemeaskey, Peter Mitchell, Thomas Cone, Harry Hadiaris, John Daley, Jay Donegan, Larry Roop, Joseph Ciota, Michael Cronan, Doug Ferguson. ROW 3: John Crowley, Linwood Downs, Richard Valeri, David Kerrigan, Stephen Brown, Daniel Ferguson, Matt Maley, Jeff Wickman, Joseph Herman, Tim Dean, Jeff Paradis, George Katz. ROW 4: Bill Crabtree, Richard Erb, Brian Preney, Paul Strecker, David Berno, John lntravia, John Olson, Tom Chouinard, Charles Ciovacco, James Russell, Tom McGillicuddy, Dan Bowman. ROW 5: Brad Pickett, Dan Bliss, Robert Brooks, Hall Adams, Joseph Mizhir, Andrew Dubino, Tom Walsh, Andrew Sennett, Ray Forbes, Steve Achber, Bill Cusick, Lanze Thompson. ROW 6: Mike Milligan, Bob Hernando, Steve Litchfield, Mike Brown, Peter Ingraham, John Bowen, Tim Marr, Rich Eustis.


s E N I 0 R s

* Index to the 1enior1 can be fou n d in

enior Directory


Ginny Low 36

Jim Dwyer


fa ¡Millin 37

Al Jones

Terry E. Morales

Cheryl Carr

Jodie L. Hewey

Alison Jones 40

Kelley James Kash

Jon Boole

Ann Renner

Ellen Reinhalter 41

Emily Lindemann

Gary P Smith ·

Eric Stinneford

Jeffrey A. Hermanson

Bruce Barber

Vanessa Norton


Jane Hartzell

M. Lisa Phipps


Lisa Smith

J. Cody Harper

Bob Reynolds


Wayne Richard Gombotz

M:aureen Colillllane

Su Ingraham

Stewart Babbott

Laura Gockel

Chri topher Morrill


Catherine Dwyer

Jay Polimeno

Eleanor S. Campbell

Lauren Hampton

Joanne Terry


Kate Rogers

Toni Ciota


Rick Schaub

John Harvey


Deborah Cook

Pamela Jo Ellis


Burton ?

I. J � ....

.. "' .

Alan Mathieu





11r... �� •


.. ·-'.a:" ..•

Karen Pfeiffer, Michele Adams

Sally Fernsten

Neil Moynihan

Lawrence L. Anderson, Jeffrey A. Russell, John P. Matthews


John Dolbee

Laura B. Manger

Pamela J. Woods

Jeff Cochran

Karen Orloff



Ted Taylor

Mark Fortier

Salome Riley

Karen Sondergeld



Heidi Proctor

Stephen Healey


Randy Newbury

Stephen N. Batchelder

Laura Littlefield

Jeffrey Payton Protentis

Alfred Bruzzese

Craig Daryl Hill

San Orlandella Front Row (L to R): Tom Schofield, Champe Fisher, Bryon Wenrich, Middle Row: David Ryley, Joel Cutler, Geoff Neville, Back Row: Ned Lovejoy, Seph Huber, Jeff McLaughlin.


Alison Thomas


Katherine J. Dornish

Kimberly Hokanson

Steve Pfaff

Terry Jacques

Anthony F. Peduto Jr.

Carrie Bingham, Kathy Gallop


Dick Muther, Tom Betro, Jeff Davis

Harry Alexander Hadiaris

Alan Wolf

James Lafrance

---- -

Mark Kruger

Janice C. Johnson

Judy Duran

Jay H. Otis

Debby Bartlett

Dan McLean

Kathy Reilly

Scott Richmond Mcintire

Nancy Welsh

Peggy Babcock

Linda Clifford


Nancy Jones

Jeffrey Monhart

David Bolger

Susanna Schneider

Greg Pomeroy

Mike Martin


Ruth Morrison

Tom Baldwin

Joel D. Castleman

Bonnie Turnbull


Robert X. Clark

Brian Picard

Stephen Freese

Robin Dee Bickford

Melise Maggioni

Chai Hoon Ooi

Jennifer Ann Tolan

Dan Sheehey

Douglas F. Cawley

Moira Manning

Diane C. Jacque•


Lisa Kathryn Gale

Scott V andersall

Lisa D. Nolan

Bruce Stokes

Ken Bruder


Julia D. Mellentin

Michele Andrea

Janice Westman


Suze Connolly

J.D. Holder

Adelaide Aime

Darlene J. Howland


Whit Symmes

Dennis Ring


John David Neeson 100

Virginia R. Bulford

Tony Lainez

Jeffrey Goliger

Ruu Garrity 101

Peter Buzzini

Lynn Quincy

Tim Springer

Frank Wirmusky

Sally Pendleton

Larry Starke

Peter Clerkin

Janet Blau, Ellen Owens

Linda H. Suzuki Lynne Bruen

Katy Critchlow


Beth Pniewski

Joseph Kelliher

Susan Wolff

David Silk

Ingrid Macfarlane

Barbra Cooper

Michael J. Cronan Charles Higginson


Glenn Currier

Geoff Ives

President William Cotter

Learning from Liberal Arts

by Douglas Archibald

We in liberal arts colleges need business. We can't

the mind, the part interested in quarks, black holes,,

survive without it. So it is churlish, imprudent, and an

and indeterminacy principles; the part represented by

act of bad faith to pretend that we don't need business.

Melville, Nietzsche, Thoreau; or by William Blake,

It would he unfair to say or seem to say: "Give us your

who, Yeats said, "Beat upon the waWTill Truth obeyed

money and our students jobs and leave us alone."

his call."

On the other hand, I would rather not teach- this is

One of Blake's favorite lines (and fantasies) was:"&

a v;ery serious statement as teaching is one of the few

his seventy disciples sent/Against Religion and Govel'JI"'

things I love - than to conceive of my job as training

ment." He also said that we are not always privileged

people for l.B.M. Nor could I conceive of my job as

hear the voice of the Sybil, but a crucial act of the mi

"credentialing relevant competencies," as a professor

is to clear away all the rubbish so that she can be heard.

of higher education has characterized my job. What kind of a mind does it take to turn a collective

In light of these conserving and subverting functione I would like to suggest some of the ways in which


noun into a plural and make "credential" a verb? We

liberal arts are survival skills: survival

credential our students? It sounds like something for

business, for we hope our students get jobs;

which you might go to jail. A liberal arts education has' both conserving and subverting functions. Matthew Arnold celebrates liter­


you, as you hope they will increase your producti

But also - I do not want to duck the issue - suni


you. I do not mean moral superiority, psyt

ary criticism as "a disinterested endeavor to learn and

survival in any corporate structure that is able to

propagate the best that has been thought and said in the

you up.

world." That is the great tradition that we serve. We

The leaders of underdeveloped and emerging

should be embarrassed that our students don't always

are likely to emphasize literacy, basic reading dd

know Newton, Faraday, Arnold himself, Keynes, and all the others who, in Faulkner's formulation, have

ing, in ways that sometimes seem strange to They assume that literacy is power and I they are right. It is at least one check


apiUt "mll

written "Kilroy was here" on the wall of oblivion. But there are other things to write on the wall, like

ness, one defense in the face of a hostile ancl

"Hell, No" or "Nonsense." That's Arnold's free play on

world. So for the higher literacy (Jiigher aot m



s, hired by the King on Hamlet. They are sm

ambitious, useful,

mined to get next to power, the John Dean and tuart Magruder of the play. Hamlet knows w they 're after - to kill him - but they don't know th he know , o he teases them into knowledge. The p


enter. Hamlet grab a recorder. and Gildenstern test in that oily way of his: Gui[. 0 my Lord. if my duty be too bold. my love is too unman­

nerly. Hamlet. I do not �ell understand that. Will you play upon thi•'!

orrupt lan!!'uage rincipal corrup­ hich i de igned to er re. pectahle, and pure wind. Orwell

Gui/. 'ly Lord. I cannot. Ham. I pra) )OU. Gui/. Believe me. I cannot. Ham. I do beseech you. Gui/. I know no touch of it. ID) Lord. Ham. It is as easy as lying. Govern these ve'tage, �ith your

finger., and thumb. gh·e it breath with your mouth. and it will cli ..coursc most eloquent music. Look you. these are the ..tops. Gui/. But the .. cannot I command to any utt"rance of harmony.

I have not the skill.


ART: Jim Carpenter, Gina Werfer, Claudia Kraehling Margaret Miller ' ' William Miller, Hugh Gourley.

CLASSICS: Peter Weatervelt, Dorothy Koonce.


MUSIC: Panl Machlin, Peter RE, Dorothy Reuman, Jamea Arnutrong, Adele


ENGUSH: (eated:) Debbie McDoweU, Pat Onion, Colin Mackay, Howard Koonce, nynia Mannocelai, Jeaa SaUonl, (� Pal Brancaechio, Ira Sadoff, R. Mark Benbow, Doug Archibald, Sman Kenney, Edward�. Jolan Sweney.

w I N T E R c A R N I v A L

This Page Compliments of Berry's Stationers


w I N T E

First Row, L-R: Linda Churchill, Alicia Curtin, Theresa Lynch, Pam Woods, Mary Coe, tri-capt., Steph Vrattos, tri-capt., Sara Bunnell, tri-capt., Kim Wadkins, Jeffra Beckness, Karen Cowles, Cindy Milton. Second Row, L-R: Asst. Coach Dick Muther, Asst. Coach Pat Fortin, Cathy Coniff, Sue Edwards, Sue McNiven, Val Lewis, Lauren Watson, Wendy Runstadler, Jody Parrinello, Leslie Breton, mgr., Heather McDonald, mgr ., Coach Bob Ewell.



Kneeling: Asst. Coach John Mitchell, Brian Russell, Don McLeod, Co-Capt. Tom Zito, Co-Capt. Paul Belanger, Rick Fusco, Mark Maher, Jim Gaudette,

Manager Ed Patterson. Standing: Coach Richard Whitmore, Bob Patience, Bill Storey, Tory Weigand, Bob Reynolds, Larry Crowley, Jim Garrity, Greg Pomeroy, Jeff Douglass, Manager Mike Adams.


WON: 12

Bates bow oin


LOST: 12

First Row: Donald Baker, Machael Thurston, Duncan Whitney, Chris Smith, Neil Moynihan, Gus Lyons. Second Row: David Howell, Todd Coffin, Barry

Cronin, Kwami Nkansah, Greg Hancox, Bill McCully, Asst. Coach Poindexter. Third Row: Ralph Hale, Joe Mizher, Kelly Dodge, Brian Russell, Phil Hough, Jim O ' Grady, Coach Jim Wescott. (Missing: Ken Seidel.)

Men's Indoor and Outdoor Track Highlights

Winner of New Englands Steeplechase: 9:04.6 Division 3 National Championships Most Valuable Runner Jim O'Grady: 2nd in Hammerthrow, Division 3 New Englanda: 166 ft Division 3 National Championships Most Valuable Fieldman Brian Ra.s1ell: High Jump: 6 ft. 7 in., Division 3 New England Championships Kwami Nltansah: 100 meter: 11 seconds; 200 meters 22.8 seconds Kelly Do"6e: 1500 meters: 3:5<>.6 at Division 3 New Englands Division 3 National Championships Todd Coffin.:


COLBY 91 30 59 78 51 51 38

OPP. 48 Brandeie 108 ortheastem 77 Keene State Bridgewater State 60 Clark 85 Bowdoin 89 85 UMO EWISDA: Colby was 2111 out of 26 teams. WIN : 2 LOSSES: 5

Front row, left-right: Pam Littldidd, Julie

ohdl, Li a Touranllleau, Captain

Rodger , Kathy Docherty, Deniae Bruneulle, <;rell:hen Epplt"r. Chri ti


ara Robin on, Lindy Lowell. Back Row, ltft-ri1tht: Nancy Havok, Sarte

mith, Faith Bramhall.

] l9


COLBY 57 49 41 60 74 33 50 40 WINS: 3

Brandeis Northeastern UNH Keene State Bridgewater State Clark Bowdoin Babson NEISDA Champs

OPP. 55 64 61 50 35 66 63 73 LOSSES: 5

n Sandy Whatley, Co-Captain Eric Ridgway, Harry Raphael. Bob McCurdy, Scott Dow, Scott Lotufo, Co-Captai

Women's BmketbaU

COLBY OPP. 46 Bridgewater State 82 55 Husson College 66 61 Bates 46 40 Salem State 65 51 New Hampshire College 41 USM 42 66 46 UMF 61 62 Bates 52 78 43 Williams 64 Franklin Pierce 43 48 Wheaton 60 37 60 USM 70 UMF 44 57 Tufts 55 52 Bowdoin 4.3 87 49 Holy Crot1 82 Clark Univenity 50 58 Huuon College 60 Bowdoin 64 45 70 St. Joseph's 60 80 52 UMO MAIAW STATE TOURNAMENT 48 Bowdoin 47 LOST: 17 WON: 5






' �




Konieczny, Maura Shaughnessy, Sue Mo Pine, Julie Leavitt, Sandy Winship, Kaye Cross, Kin Coach Gene DeLorenzo, Debby Caldwell, Carrie Nelson, manager. Crook, Becky Reef, Grace Kallio, Capt., Beth Ellis,

Men's Squash

front: Brendon Rtt�. Peter Buzzini. Champe Fi her. Co-Capt . . John Kaufman. Co-Capt .• Gar) We•tt>rman. Back:

cott H a rt z .·Ted Jenkin

Ja,e Filoon, Peter �cheetz. �lichael


OPP. COLBY Williams Round Robin 7 2 Vassar 9 Hamilton 0 1 8 Cornell 9 0 Columbia 7 Williams 2 1 8 Fordham 1 8 Bowdoin 9 0 Tufts Amherst 9 0 Amherst 2 9 MIT 0 1 7 U H Trinity Round Robin Wesleyan 2 7 I Bowdoin 8 4 Hobart 5 0 Trinity 9 0 Bowdoin 9 5 U H 4 3 Babson 6 WON: 2 LOST: 17

Women's Squash


OPP. Bowdoin 7 0 Tufts 7 3 UNH 4 0 Wellesley 7 Howe Cup at Yale 0 UPENN 7 I Amherst 6 0 Vas ar 7 0 F& M 7 0 Bowdoin 7 0 Smith 7 0 Tufts 7 5 Bowdoin 4 4 UNH 3 WON: 2 LOST: 11 ?

KnHli"B: Linda Greenlaw, J ill Jeffery, Ellen

okoll, Cathy Fraca se, Capt . , Barb Bullock. Lind ay Grigg

Cbria Robineon, Carole Mareh, Janis Krant, Julie Bruce,



ally Lo"egren, Mar ha Landau.



. -






s r •

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s p R I N G

Women's Lacrosse




Wheaton Providence Tufts

10 3


4 15 6




4 4 4

Wellesley Williams mith (final Colby- awyer Bate

15 9

2 20 7

2 5 LOT: 3

WO :9

The superb 1981 Women's Lacrosse campaign was highlighted by the game at Plymouth State when the Mules battled to within one goal of the two-time ew England Division II Champs. In addition, the Mules took second place in the New Englands, going into the tournament as third seed. Co-Captains ara Bunnell and Hilary Laraba, along with fresh­ man Tammy Jone , travelled to Ohio to participate in the {.; . Women' Lacrosse National Tourna­ ment. The real rea ·on for this team's succe s stems from the coaching talent of Deb Pluck. Three of her top player Bunnell, Laraba, and :MVP Mary Coe, had ne\·er played lacro e before coming to Colby. ara Bunnell' number 16 wa retired for both )aero se and field hockey. he wa the perennial top goaltender in the ·tale on both ·port . .




hri1 Hood, Hilary Laraba, Co-Capt.,

ara Bunndl, Co-Capt., Mary Coe, Becca Cunningham. SPcond Rou•: Emily Batrht"ldc-r, Briftid

McCarthy, Jane Vigeant, Tammy Jone , Liz Kr.uffrl, Anne Til!dl'!mann.

andy Lang,

ally l..c-e. Third Rou·: Coach Urli Pluc-k, Sarah Prrry, Jc-nnift"r Sur


Katit" Spc-nc-t"r,

Men's Lacrosse

COLBY 9 12 8

11 6

14 19 8

13 10 9 10

Merrimack Univ. of Lowell Tufts Babson Bowdoin Boston State Plymouth State Bates UMO New England College N.E. LAX Club Bates

WON: 1


11 10 14 19 IO

11 9 14 6


Castleman, Harvey

Tri-Capt. Chris Bauer, Tri-Capt. Pat Fortin, Tri-Capt. Joel First Row: Chip Kelly, Dick Muther, Tony Lainez, Shawn Morrissey, Mark Second Row: Coach Bob Ewell, Peter Ruggles, Mark Jeton, Lance Hanson, Coco, Josh Burns, Chris Castner, Carter Knipp, Nate Ewell-Mascot. Ray Forbes, Mike Coval, Asst. Coach Mark Serdjenian. Third Row: Steve Finch, Tom

Mscisz, Bill Lloyd, Nicholas Nunez, Tim Dawson, Rick Gilbert, Newman, Bob Drago. Sturtevant, Ted Jenkins, Jim Johnston, Holt Thrasher, Peter

OPP. 5


COLBY 4 0 11 0 15 2 10 6 8 1 11 6 2 11

13 2 3 24 19 4 7

18 15 2 13 2 9 1 6 2 WON: 15

Rollins Rollins Brown Valencia Calvin College Clark Clark Salem State Salem State USM USM UNH UNH Husson Husson Brandeis Bowdoin Bowdoin Williams Tufts Tufts Bowdoin Wesleyan Trinity Trinity Bates Bates UMO UMO Bates TIED: 1

OPP. 5 18 6 19 15 6 2 4 2 2 12 2 11 5 5 5 1 5 14 12 2 7

16 6 8 13 6 6 10 0 LOST: 13

Back: Paul Belanger, Tom Cone, John Crowley, Dave Berno, Tom McGillicuddy. Front: George Harrington, Jeff Paradis, George Katz, Troy Dagres,

Harry ' Roy Dow, Evan Dameshek, John Northrop. Mike Schafer, L.J. Thompson, Coach Covell, Peter Ingraham, Joe Valle, Jamie O Neil, Lloyd Hill, Raphael.

Men's Tennis


8 7 7

0 3

WON: 4


Salem State MIT USM UMO Bowdoin New Englands: 11th out of UMO Bates

OPP. 0 7 2

2 23

teams 9 6




First Row, L-R: Lynne Bruen, tri-capt., Moira Manning, tri-capt., Pam Woods, tri-capt., Leslie Breton, Beth Ellis. Second Row L-R: Anne Geagan, Suzanne Dawes, Tracy Sotir, Mo Pine, Kelly Zajechowski, Martha Driscoll, Kathy Nickerson. Third Row, L-R: Coach Gene DeLorenzo, Sue Brigham. Alicia Curtin, Diane Peterec, Linda Greenlaw, J ill Lord, Beth Feldman, Deidre Duffy, Grace Reef.

Men's Rugby Club

Women's Rugby Club


Dance Marathon


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La Flt>ur irport a ten illt', Maine TelephonÂŤ- 4207) 872-25-1:ďż˝

320 Kenned,

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Water\'ille, Maine 04901

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SENIOR DIRECTORY Michele A. Adams RFD 1 Box 206 Weeks Mills, ME 04361 Psychology (p. 56)

Karen E. Baumstark 818 South 130th Street Omaha, NE 68154 Psychology (p. 47)

James W. Bourne 10205 Lloyd Road Potomac, MD 20854 Government/Environmental Studies (p. 71)

Christine L. Ahlstrom 33 Scenic Drive Holden, MA 01520 Chemistry (p. 75)

Peter R. Baye 69 Ober Road Newton, MA 02159 Biology/Philosophy

Elizabeth H. Bowen 703 Pearse Road Swansea, MA 02777 French

Adelaide H. Aime 20 Possum Lane Norwalk, CT 06854 Physics/Art (p. 99)

Kathleen A. Beane 95 St. Paul Street Blackstone, MA 01504 English (p. 111)

Ms. Holly J. Brackett PO Box 747 Sands Road Eastham, MA 02642 Sociology (p. 57)

David S. Allaire Providence Street Mendon, MA 01756 English/Administrative Science DU (p. 109)

Paul R. Belanger 4 Goodwin Street Springvale, ME 04083 Administrative Science LCA (p. 89)

Allison Bradley 30 Haley Road Marblehead, MA 01945 Government/History

Jeannette Almodovar 129 Evergreen Avenue Bronx, NY 10472 Government

Timothy J. Bernard 14 Berwick Place Norwood, MA 02062 Administrative Science/History TDP

Faith W. Bramhall 1 Meadow Creek Lane Falmouth, ME 04105 Administrative Science (p. 83)

Lawrence L. Anderson III 192075 Barbizon Hinsdale, IL 60521 Physics PLP (p. 58)

Margaret M. Bernier 22¡ Cherry Hill Terrace Waterville, ME 04901 History (p. 49)

Leslie L. Breton 4 Forest Drive Tosham, ME 04086 Administrative Science (p. 95)

Michele Andrea 40 Norman Road Stamford, CT 06906 Sociology XO (p. 94)

Thomas A. Betro 51 Hemlock Street East Walpole, MA 02032 Government TDP (p. 72)

Mary E. Brooks Box 131 Orr's Island, ME 04066 English/Math (p. 88)

John W. Andrews 208 Jackson Boulevard Nashville, TN 37205 Economics/History PDT (p. 69)

Robin D. Bickford Harrison Road New Hartford, CT 06057 Government (p. 88)

Shannon Brown RFD 1 Box 36 Harmony, ME 04942 Economics (p. 57)

Peter G. Attenhorough 414 Ocean Road Portsmouth, NH 03801 Biology ATO (p. 96)

David J. Biggar 12 Hitchingpost Lane Chappaqua, NY 10514 Administrative Science LCA

Kenneth A. Bruder Jr. 208 Cottage Boulevard Hicksville, NY 11801 Chemistry/Economics (p. 94)

Joseph Azar Box 30 Accra, Ghana Economics (p. 59)

Carrie L. Bingham School Street West Burke, VT 05871 Administrative Science XO (p. 72)

Helynne E. Bruen 16 Euclid Road Lynn, MA 01904 Administrative Science (p. 106)

Stewart F. Bahbott Sand Spring Road Morristown, NJ 07960 Biology (p. 50)

Peter C. Bishop 497 Victoria Street Sherbrook, Quebec JlH 3J3 Canada Administrative Science (p. 81)

Alfred R. Bruzzese 93 Steeple Street Revere, MA 02151 Administrative Science LCA (p. 66)

Margaret F. Babcock 86 Ohio Street Bangor, ME 04401 American Studies (p. 81)

Janet B. Blau 48 Highland Circle Wayland, MA 01778 Math (p. 106)

Dawn M. Brydon 306 Bridgton Road Westbrook, ME 04092 Government (p. 95)

Thomas L. Baldwin 30 Pineloch Drive Portland, ME 04103 German ATO (p. 84)

Mark H. Bloom 27 Gallows Hill Road Salem, MA 01970 German ZP (p. 105)

Virginia R. Bulford 37 Cross Road Waterford, CT 06385 Environmental Studies (p. 100)

Bruce Barber 1115 Frost Street North Bay, Ontario P l B 6 E l Canada Administrative Science TDP (p. 44)

Suzanne A. Blunt 452 Warren Avenue Brockton, MA 02401 Human Development (p. 105)

Barbara E. Bullock 45 Bobby Drive Newark, DE 19713 English/French (p. 73)

Deborah A. Bartlett 11 North Spring Street Concord, NH 03301 Administrative Science-Math (p. 76)

David L. Bolger Ill Pleasant Street Groton, MA 01450 English/Spanish (p. 82)

Sara S. Bunnell 7 John Neil Drive Norwell, MA 02061 Government (p. 51)

Stephen N. Batchelder 155 Manchester Street Nashua, NH 03060 Government ZP (p. 66)

Jonathan W. Boole 28 Blacksmith Drive Needham, MA 02192 Biology DU (p. 41)

Stephen E. Burke 56 Mercier Avenue Dorchester, MA 02124 Administrative Science TDP


J. Town end Burns 35 Union Street Deep River, CT 064 1 7 English ( p . 63)

Peter L . Clerkin 383 Westfield Street Dedham, MA 02026 Administrative Science DKE ( p . 104)

Edward F . Curran Jr. 24 Brookview Terrace Portland, ME 04 1 02 History/Administrative Science K D R

Jeremiah S . Burn J r . 1 5 Chestnut treet Salem, �[.\ 0 1970 Economics-Math DU (p. 55)

John A . Clevenger 4 Algonquin Road Cape Elizabeth, �IE 04 1 07 History PDT ( p . 86)

Glenn W . Currier 65 Marilyn Avenue Westbrook, ME 04092 Government/Economics ( p .

Elizabeth A. Burton 4 Pig R oc k Lane Marblehead, MA 0 1 945 English)Classic -English (p. 56)

Linda M. Clifford 55 Victoria Dri' e Basking Ridge, �J 07920 Government (p. 8 1 )

Joel E. Cutler 1 72 Cotton Street ewton, MA 02 1 58 Government/Economics ZP (p. 68)

Peter T. Buzzini PO Box 1 75 Lincoln Center, }IE 04458 English DU

William P. Clifford 254 Oak treet Lewiston , "IE 04240 Go\ernment KDR

54 Chestnut Street Lynn, MA 0 1 902

Laura C. Byrne 1 30 Ea t 75th treet �e" York , 1'-Y 1002 1 English/Biology

W avne W. Cobleigh 27 Greenman AHnue We terlv. RI 02891 Biolog) °(p. 84)

Marisa H. D'Andrea 15 Cormier Road Lincoln, RI 02865 English XO ( p . 80)

Eleanor �. Campbell 17 Bate treet Cambridge, }I.A 0 2 1 4-0 Gon�rnment!French ( p . 52)

Peter J . Cocciardi 1 9 Jackson AHnue E\ erett. \t.\ 02 1 49 History PLP ( p . 75)

Lynn A. D'Angelo 480 Portsmouth Avenue Greenland, N H 03840 Engli h XO (p. 67)

Joyce K . Cannell 2 Robin Hood Lane Ca� Elizabeth . �IE 04 1 07 History· ( p . 67)

Jeffre't D . Cochran 1 9 Piidmont Dri" Rutlan d . VT 05701 Adminii.trati ' e ·c1ence (p. 60)

Alec E . Danz i Otlord Lane mithtown, '.'l'Y l l 787 Emironmental tudie

Cheryl I. Carr 1 4 Richard on Road Melro�. !\t.\ 02 1 76 Math/Admini trath f'

H a n « " . oco Bo• 1 00 Cottonport, LA 7 1 3 1 2 P )Cholog) DKE ( p . 87)

Jefferv T. Da\i Hanc� k Road William town , 't.\ 0 1 267 Chf'mi try TDP (p. i2)

J Ot" l D. Ca tleman 326 William � treet Loopneadow. · t.\ 0 1 1 06 E nglis h ( p . 86 )

Man W . Coe 23 Pond Coha et, )t.\ 02025 dmini trathe cience (p. 73)

Cynthia DelPapa 6 Palmer Road Marblf'hud, 'IA En'rironmf'ntal tudie

Douda F. Cawle., 26-0 Middle -t rtt t \l·e t Newbury, �l.\ 0 1 985 Art ( p . 9 1 )

faureen T. ommane 16 11\'aldo Road Milton, \t.\ 02 1 87 Human Developmf'ntlEconomic• ( p . 50)

Li.a Denham 14-0 R h e r ide Drhe i\'t" York, NY 10024 Government (p. 47)

uzanne L. onnoU\ · Valle\ Road farb.lf'h ad, �L\ 0 1 915 Economir Frenrh ( p. 98)

John H. Densmore 38 Oinden :tn-f't Rutland, VT 0570 1 Admini trati\f' cience LCA ( p . 57)

Trudi Annf' Cha e R FD 3 Box 62 ko"ht n . M E 04976 p Biolog1Chemistry- Biolog)

Eileen -'f. Con " a · 14 'tl'e tf'm \ f' nue Wakt>field, �IA 0 1 880 En� h

1ark L. D'Entremont i5 Cht terfield Road -"iorthhoro, MA 0 1 532 En� h

M�df'lene Chrutolo" 6 Grav treet Portl�nd, M E 04 1 0 1 English ( p . 7 7 )

Dtborah T. Cook PO Box 86. 108 Ba) tale Road Rehoboth. �IA 02769 mf'rican tudi.- XO (p. 56)

Patrick L. De\'ho 36 Woodleigh A'enue Greenfield, �IA 0 1 30 1 Engli h

J oaeph A . Ciota 1 7 Preteott Road Lyn n , MA 0 1 902 English LCA ( p . 1 05)

Douitla M , Cook 32 Botolph tref'l Melro e , MA 02 1 76 Admini trathe . rif'nre ( p . 107)

John \'. Dolbee 1 1 7 Lan do"ne treet Quincy. 'U 02 1 7 1 Biology ATO ( p . 58)

Toni M. Ciota 17 Preacott Road Lyn n , MA 0 1 902 Government/American

Barbra L . Cooper We t Shore Hancock Pond Ea l Baldwin, .M E 04024 Biology (p. 1 1 0)

John H. Donegan 49 -'fan field Road L ·nnfield. MA 0 1 94-0 Government/Hi tory LCA ( p . 7 1 )

Kathrvn L . Critchlo" Box I i 7 Lincolndalf', i\-Y 1054-0 Geololt)'/Environmf'ntal .:: 1 udif's

Katherine J . Dornish 90 outh treet Gorham, -'IE 04-038 Economics/German ( p . 70)

citnce ( p . 4-0 )

tephen M . Cha� 7 Eldred�e Road York , ME 03909 Philo ophy

John J. Daley J r . ociology LCA


XO ( p . 54 )

Robert P. Clark 7 Hampton Road Enfield. CT 06-082 Hi tory TDP ( p . 86) andra Clemen 1 1 Hayden treet udburv. MA 0 l 7i6 Admin�trative cience-Math XO ( p . 54)


1 07)

Michael J . Cronan trf'f't alem, MA 0 1 970 Admini trative cif'nct. .LCA ( p . 1 1 0)

44 Bar tow

l lO)

(p. 69)

Jtffery G. Dou[das 32 Quarry Road \l'atf'rvillf', ME 04901 Admini trati \ f' • cif'ncf'/M ath ZP ( p . 59)

1 97

Lawrence F. Drago 33 Rustic Drive Cohasset, MA 02025 Government DU

Mark L. Fortier 140 Water Street Skowhegan, ME 04976 Biology ZP

Harry A. Hadiaris 10 Foley Avenue Saco, ME 04072 Administrative Science LCA (p. 74)

John C. Driscoll 55 Ridge Road Milton, MA 02186 Administrative Science KDR

John J. Foster 370 Victory Highway Painted Post, NY 14870 English ZP (p. 36)

Lisa A. Hallee 319 Main Street Waterville, ME 04901 Government/American Studies (p. 97)

Richard J. Duhe 378 River Street Waltham, MA 02154 Administrative Science/Math

Ellen S. Freedman 32 Wyman Street Newton, MA 02168 Sociology (p. 111)

Lauren L. Hampton 48 Fox Run Road Topsfield, MA 01983 Human Development (p. 53)

Judy Duran 27 Hayes Road Concord, MA 01742 Biology (p. 76)

Stephen J. Freese 4 Washington Lake Drive Washington, NH 03280 Chemistry (p. 88)

Peter C. Hanson 1430 Spear Street South Burlington, Vt. 05401 Philosophy (p. 63)

Catherine M . Dwyer 16 Pheasant Hill Road Scituate, MA 02066 Economics/Art (p. 52)

Lisa K. Gale 36 Echo Acres North Conway, NH 03860 Geology (p. 92)

J. Cody Harper 38 John Cava Lane Peekskill, NY . , 10566 Geology/Biology (p. 48)

James W. Dwyer 405 Spring Street Manchester, CT 06040 Biology (p. 36)

Kenneth P. Gall 1310 Belmont Avenue North Haledon, NJ 07508 Physics DU

Joel S. Harris 13 Bow Road Wayland, MA 01778 Economics DKE (p. 41)

Jane E. Eklund 119 Country Club Lane Brockton, MA 02401 English (p. 87)

Kathy Gallop 53 Columbia Street Houlton, ME 04730 English/Sociology XO (p. 72)

Jane C. Hartzell 60 Merbrook Bend Merion, PA 19066 American Studies (p. 46)

Elizabeth D. Ellis 3 Viles Street Weston, MA 02193 French/Art

B. Russell Garrity III 16 Eagle Avenue Warwick, RI 02889 History LCA (p. 101)

John J. Harvey Jr. 45 Nott Street Saco, ME 04072 Government LCA (p. 55)

Pamela J. Ellis Route 4 Rangely, ME 04970 Art (p. 56)

Christy A. Gauss P.O. Box 159 Fairbanks, AK 99707 Human Development

Amy M. Haselton Pond Road Manchester, ME 04351 Psychology XO (p. 109)

Kathleen A. Ennis 165 Grafton Street Brockton, MA 02401 Classics/English XO (p. 7 1)

Daphne H. Geary 130 East 75th Street New York, NY 10021 English (p. 80)

Mark D. Haskins 4 Scott Drive Norton, MA 02766 Human Development

Elizabeth H. Eustis Mirich Road East Princeton, MA 01517 East Asian Studies (p. 85)

Peter Gent 23 Alden Circle Reading, MA 01867 Administrative Science LCA (p. 6 1)

Christopher S. Hasty 178 Pleasant Avenue Portland, ME 04103 Economics (p. 54)

Michael F. Federle 1 12 Mayflower Hill Drive Waterville, ME 04901 English

Laura C. Gockel 19007 Oxford Road Shaker Heights, OH 44122 Chemistry (p. 50)

Melissa A. Haussman 32 Boulder Brook Road Wellesley, MA 02181 Government (p. 39)

Douglas K. Ferguson Box 36 Hanover, ME 04237 English

Jeffrey A. Goliger 6 William J. Heights Framingham, MA 01701 Math/Biology (p. 101)

Michael J. Hawrylycz 38 Summit Rarms Road Southington, CT 06489 Math/Physics

Sally A. Fernstein 6327 Stephen's Crossing Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Administrative Science (p. 58)

Wayne R. Gombotz 37 Overlook Road Gales Ferry, CT 06335 Biology KDR (p. 50)

Susan E. Haywood 48 Savageville Road Lisbon, NH 03585 Psychology/French (p. 45)

Frank T. Finetto 170 Hickory Avenue Tenafly, NJ 07670 History (p. 109)

Charles B. Gordy P.O. Box 135, Fairbanks Street Harvard, MA 01451 English/Government (p. 93)

Stephen W. Healey l Millbrook Drive Plainville, MA 02762 Government/History DU (p. 65)

Champe A. Fisher, Jr. 43 Prince Street West Newton, MA 02165 Government/Geology ZP (p. 68)

Mark J. Govoni 17 Prouty Road Burlington, MA 01803 Sociology LCA (p. 62)

Pamela A. Heleen 420 Arnold Street New Bedford, MA 02740 Math SK

Richard M. Forster P.O. Box 26, Perham Street Farmington, ME 04938 Biology ZP (p. 77)

Judith M . Greene 133 Richardson Drive Needham, MA 02192 Economics/Economics-Math (p. 87)

Pamela S. Helyar 9 Pontiac Lane Falmouth, MA 02540 Philosophy


Glenn A. Herdeg 37 Howard treet outh Hamilton. MA 0 1 982 Phy ics (p. 48)

Virginia B . Johnson 17 Roni St reet Win�op. ME 04364 Classics ( p . 85)

Susan B . Lankton 32 Winthrop Street West Boylston, MA 0 1 583 Spanish ( p . 63)

Jeffrev A . Herman on Reser�oir � t reet Holden, )L\ 0 1 520 Go,·ernmentl"Economics (p.

Dana A. Johnston 1 :.\linott treet outh Portland, M E Economics/Religion

Hilary K . Laraba 333 South Main Street Bradford, l\.1A 0 1 830 English/American Studies ( p . 83)

Jodie L . Hewe'\ 40 East Dver · treet kowhegaii, "IE 04976 )lath (p. 40)

Alexander R. Jone U Curtice treet Win ted. CT 06098 Biology PLP ( p . 38)

Beryl F. Leach 3 Martin Avenue Waterville, ME 04901 Government

Charle Higgin s on J r . 1 59 Atlantic .-henue Cohas et . )L\ 02025 Government D (p. 1 1 0 )

Alison A. Jone 587 John Hancock treet Orange Park. FL 32073 Economic (p. 40)

Thomas D . Leary 5 Oneida Road Acton. �tA 0 1 720 Geology TDP

Craig D . Hill R R l Eben Hill Road Yarmouth (Cou ins I-land ) . )lE 04096 AdministratiH ciencei)lath ( p . 68 )

'.\anc\ J. Jone RFD ·1 Bo 101 Watenille, '.\1 E 04901 BioloP, (p. 82 )

Gregory G. Leeds 145 talion Road Great � ee k , NY 1 1 023 American Studies (p. 1 1 1 )

Paula J . Hinckle\ 8 1 1 Maple treet . )lanche ter. \ : H 03 1 04 American tudie X O ( p . 79)

Le:>lie D. Kaplan 71 )laugu AHnue '\\'e lle,.le,·. '.\IA 02 1 8 1 Admini,tratn e Science XO ( p . 63l

0. tevens Leland I I I 5 We·twood Road Welle ley , !\1A 02 1 8 1 P ycholoP. ( p . 8 1 )

Kelle' J. Ka•h


Kimherlv A . Hokamon 1 0 Dougia �treet Brunsw;<'k. )IE 040 1 1 American • tudie ( p . 70)

Watenille. '1 E 0490 1 Cla�•ics ( p. 401

tephen A . Leonard 226 Bay Road Duxhurv, )IA 02332 Human ·Development

Jonathan D . Holder 1 30 Ch·de treet Che tn"ut Hill . :.\IA 02 1 67 Psychology ( p . 98)

Jonathan M. Kaufman 2860 Arlington Highland Park . I L 600 3 5 'lath (p. i'5J

Choon H. Leong 26-0 Lorong Kampong �felayo Penang. Malay ia Eut A ian tudie

Philip J. Hou? 1 03 Chamberlin ..\HnUI" Colorado pring . CO 80906 Enpish TDP

Ke'in 0. Keh� 198 Colwell DriH Dedham. 't\ 02026 American Studil" K.DR

Adam �1 . Levin 55 Fairlee Road \l'aban. :\IA 02 1 68 Government ( p . 43)

Darlene J . How land 57 Whittier Road Welle le' . MA 02 1 8 1 E� h XO p. 99

Jo t'ph F. Kelliher 8 1 Walnut 't reet Reading. �t\ 0 1 867 P ycholog) I dmini trati' e .. cience ( p . 108)

Deann E . Lewi 139 Beechwood Road :"\ew Wilmington, PA 1 6 1 42 Philo ophy

Joseph F. Hu.her l I I 26 Wilfuton, \'T 05495 EC'onomic ZP ( p . 68 )

Henn· R . Kenned, · .amp Kil"H �obleboro, ME 04555 Economi D KE (11. l )

Margaret E . Libby R rD 2 Winthrop. ME 04364 Art

u an Ingraham 45 Court treet Houlton, ME 04730 Human InvelopmentJ. ociology (p. 50)

Ronald J . Koch J r . 5 1 4 Thorncliff Road Buffalo, ;\"Y 1 4223 Biolo�·

\l" illiam J. Llchthlau 1 Gracie quare >\ew York, "·y 10028 E<'onomic

Lawren<'e C. I aac on 63 Loring Avenue Auburn , ME 042 1 0 Economi<' P L P ( p. 73)

Paula Kot 6 James • lrl"el Enfield. CT 06082 Enpiah (p. I l l )

Jonathan W. Light Box 1 89 , Dogwood Drive Armonk, NY 10504 Math PLP (p. 85)

Geoffrey B . Iva 1 9 l'iorwood Avenue Rockport. MA 0 1 966 American tudie ( p . 1 1 0 )

Mark Kruger 595 Carhl� Avl"nUI" Montreai, Quebfo<' H35 1 1 8 Canada Economi<' (p. 74)

'u an J. Lindberg 2 awmill Road tow. MA 0 l i75 Biology (p. 79)

Diane C . Jacque 45 Powow trttt Amethury, MA 0 1 9 1 3 Math/Philoeophy·Math ( p . 9 1 )

Jav D. Krueell Bell Hill North Brookfield. Economics (p. 97)

Emilv Lindemann 4577°Hipitop Drive \l'e ten;tle, O H 43081 Environmental tudie (p. 42)

Thereaa M . Jacquet R FD l Liveremore F all1, ME 04254 Engliah ( p . 70)

Jama F. Lafrane� 56 Orchard Street Laconia, N H 03246 Economic (p. 74)

Laura E . Littlefield 51 Stonv Brook Road Raynha�, MA 02767 Government/American

J a nice C. Johneon 33 Cedar Drive Danbury, CT 068 1 0 Biology { p . 74)

Anthony L. Lainez 53 Blackmer Road udbury, MA 0 1 776 Economic• DU ( p . 1 0 1 )

Edward R. Lovejoy I O Po11um Road We1ton, MA 02 1 93 Chemiltry ZP ( p . 68)

Off Road

34 w·i nter .'treel




0 1 535

tudiea S K (p.



Virginia R. Low 203 Shore Road Old Greenwich, CT 06870 Biology (p. 36)

James M. McCracken III 220 Nehoiden Street Needham, MA 02192 Sociology

Teresa E . Morales 1238 Fteley Avenue Bronx, NY 10472 Spanish (p. 40)

Paulette M . Lynch 83 Victory Road Lynn, MA 0 1 902 American Studies (p. 9 1 )

William F. McCully III 96 Lucinda Drive Babylon, NY ll 702 Biology/French

Christopher C. Morrill 23 Bradley Brook Drive North Granby, CT 06060 Government ATO (p. 5 1 )

Holly C . Mackin 18 South Chestnut Street Augusta, ME 04330 Administrative Science/Economics (p. 7 1 )

Robert McCurdy 120 Sunset Drive Newburgh, NY 12550 Economics ZP (p. 36)

Ruth Morrison RFD 2, Box 3 1 5 Concord, NH 03301 Spanish (p. 84)

Martha D . MacMillin 398 Shelhourne Terrace Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Biology (p. 37)

Scott R. Mcintire 10 Edinburgh Drive Bedford, NH 03102 Administrative Science (p. 78)

Neil T. Moynihan RR 1, 37 Farrell Road Storrs, CT 06268 Government (p. 58)

Frederick R. Madeira 259 Foreside Road Falmouth, ME 04105 Administrative Science PDT

Lynn D. McLaren 2 1 St. Mary's Drive Westford, MA 01886 Administrative Science-Math XO (p. 77)

John J. Mscisz 26 High Street Topsfield, MA 01983 Economics/History DU (p. 89)

Maire E . Maggioni 31 Indian Path Dedham, MA 02026 Government (p. 90)

Jeffrey J . McLaughlin 19 Winsor Road Sudbury, MA 0 1 776 Government/Economics ZP (p. 68)

Trudy L. Mulford Mountain View Apts. A-3 Presque Isle, ME 04769 Psychology (p. 109)

William B. Maley Jr. 479 Ridge View Road Orange, CT 06477 Economics TDP (p. 7 1 )

Daniel J. McLean 152 Monatiquot A venue Braintree, MA 02184 Economics (p. 78)

Mary E. Mullen 1219 Pine Wood Road Villanova, PA 19085 Art

Laura B . Manger 7 Beacon Hill Terrace Shelton, CT 06484 French XO (p. 60)

Paul D . Meade 4 Ahbies Lane, Box 7 1 4 North Falmouth, MA 02556 English (p. 80)

Scott L. Murchie 61 Austin Street Leominster, MA 01453 Biology-Environmental Studies (p. 87)

Susan C. Mann 620 Head of the Bay Road Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 Biology (p. 108)

Christian L. Melby 26 Meredith Circle Milton, MA 02186 Human Development/Psychology ATO (p. 45)

Patrick D . Murphy 137 Dana Avenue Hyde Park, MA 02136 Administrative Science KDR

Moira E . Manning 57 Huntington Road Milton, MA 02186 Biology (p. 9 1 )

Julia D . Mellentin PO Box 473 Dover, MA 02030 Biology XO (p. 94)

Richard C. Muther 37 Grosvenor Road Needham, MA 02192 Administrative Science-Math TDP (p. 72)

Todd C°. Marble 1343 High Road Kensington, CT 06037 Administrative Science/History KDR

Susan M. Meyer 18 High Street Southborough, MA 0 1 772 American Studies

Cedric C. Nash ll Ridgewood Road Barrington, RI 02806 French

Kathy A. Marciarille 56 Dublin Street Somerset, MA 02726 History

David A. Mitchell 1 4 Middle Street Eastport, ME 04631 Biology DU (p. 83)

John D. Neeson Sruce Head, ME 04859 History PLP (p. 100)

Michael K . Martin Box l l 5 East Wilton, ME 04234 Biology (p. 83)

Joan E. Molino PO Box 1236 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Psychology (p. 45)

Daniela P. Nemec 57/3 Ruemannstrasse 8000 Muenchen 40 West Germany German/French XO (p. 97)

Alan J. Mathieu 600 Mount Hope Avenue Bangor, ME 04401 Chemistry LCA (p. 56)

Frank A. Moltz III 469 Westleigh Road Lake Forest, IL 60045 Economics ZP

Hugh C. Neville II 55 Lamson Road Barrington, RI 02806 Government/Economics DU (p. 53)

John P . Matthews RFD 1 Rockport, ME 04856 Administrative Science PLP (p. 58)

Jeffrey A. Monhart 69 W. Washington Street RM 3400 Chicago, IL 60602 English ATO (p. 82)

R. Geoffrey Neville Jr. 8 1 Glen Street Dover, MA 02030 Administrative Science ZP (p. 68)

Carrie M. Mauhs RD 1 Cobleskill, NY 12043 Philosophy

Ellyn T. Montgomery 4916 Greenway Drive Washington, DC 20016 Biology (p. 49)

Randall B. Newbury III Box 398 East Millinocket, ME 04430 Biology (p. 66)

William C. McCartney 3368 South Maplewood Drive Wantagh, NY 1 1"793 American Studies

Katherine H . Moore 68 North Abney Circle Charleston, WV 25314 Art (p. 45)

Lucy P. Nichols 30 Church Road Bedford, NH 03102 Government/Economics (p. 55)


Michael C. Nimon 38 Grove Street Oakland, ME 04963 Religion

Deborah M. Paul 12 Acorn Street Scituate, MA 02066 English ( p . 39)

Mari-Ellen Pratt Wakefield Boulevard Winsted, CT 06098 English ( p . 93)

Hiro hi l\"ishimura 30 Omiya-Dori ltsutsuji Agaru K.amigyo-Ku Kyoto 602 Japan Economics ( p . i5)

Anthony F. Peduto. J r . 282 Forest Street Arlington , MA 02 1 74 Government ( p . 70)

Heidi E. Proctor 578 Bumps River Road Osterville, MA 02655 Psychology XO (p. 65)

Lisa D . • "olan 263 Woodbridge Avenue Metuchen, � J 08840 Art Xo ( p . 92)

Catherine E. Pelletier Box 325 Lubec. ME 04652 �lath

Jeffrey P . Protentis 33 Montrose Street Brockton, MA 02401 Biology (p. 66)

Robert W. �orton 15530 Golf Club Dri,·e Dumfrie • VA 22026 Administrati,·e cience KDR

E�ene J. Pelletier 12 Centre treet Dan,·ers, MA 0 1 923 Geology PLP (p. 103)

M . Lynn Quincy 81 Grey Rocks R oad Wilton, CT 06897 Economics ( p . 102)

Vane a ll . �orton 468 Pro,;dence Road Palantine. I L 6006 i Biology ( p . 44)

aU,· Pendleton Box. 503 Portsmouth, RI 028i l Human DeHlopment ( p . 1 04)

Brigitte M . Raquet 36 Hunting Lane tamford, CT 06902 English (p. 79)

Dale P. Oak 66 Hillside treet Pre que I le, ME 04769 Administrati,·e cience ZP ( p . 95)

u an C . Perrv 1 1 6 Lake · trttt herborn, MA 0 1 770 BiolOP," (p. 59)

Carol A. Reed R FD l Center 0 ipee, '.'IH 038 1 4 Entdi b ( p . 38)

Elisabeth R. Ober 4 �t Road Framingham, MA 01 iO l Biology ( p . 93)

tephin C . Pfaff 8 Cornin� �lrttl Be' erh· . MA 0 1 9 1 5 Go,en";ment!Hi tor) LCA ( p . ';'0)

Kathrvn Reillv 736 �doler treet Lo" ell. �IA 0 1 852 Admini traliH! �cience (p. 78)

Edward W. Ofria 28 Juon treet �OD, MA 02 1 74 Adminiatrati,·e cience DKE ( p . 96)

Karen L. Pfeiffer 23 Jeffer on Road car dale , . iY 10583 Enpi h p. 561

Ellen L. Reinbalter I O 'lile R h er Road 'outh Hamilton, �l-\ 0 1 982 Go\.emmen Economics (p. 4 1 )

Chai H. Ooi 66M Lorong Pendekar Alor tar Kedah Malav· ia Biology (p. 90)

la'1· E. Ph.ipp 1 5 Undberpi Road frami�am. MA O l iO l Biolo�y ( p . 4';')

Ann E . Renner UM> Gile Road Cha�n Fall . H 44022 Ea t ian , ' tudie (p. 4 1 )

atoru Orlandella 1 4 19-A Wright Circle Bollin� AFB W aahington. DC 20336 Government/Ea t A ian tudi (p.

Brian J . Picard 261 Oak . trttt Win ted , CT 06098 Economi · • ath p. 86

Robert A . Revnold 30 Palmer Ro"ad Fox.horn. MA 02035 dmini trathe ...:d enc.-e-�lath ZP ( p . 49)

Martha L. Pingree 51 Ru t Lane elro • MA 02 l i6 P ychology

Timoth · � . Ric-e 4 Green treet (,reenfield. IA 0 1 3 0 1 dmini trati\"I" .::c ience Z P ( p . 43)


Karen J. Orloff 52 Plea ant treet Waterv ille, ME 0490 l P ycbology- Math 0 p. 62 ) J ay H. Otit Box 56, rbor Drive Veazie, M E 0440 1 Government!Economic


Du id . " . Rich 16 Midland Road '«'elle le} . � 02 1 8 1 Engli h ( p . 46 )

( p . i6)

Ellen C . Owen 62 Library Lane imlbury, CT 06070 dminiatrative cience- Math (p. 1 06 )

Beth . Pniew ki 43 Fuller Lane H de Park, . iY 12538 c;O, ernment 0 (p. 108)

• alome L. Rilev 40 Bralev trttt Albion, i\"Y 1 44 1 1 Human De"elopment , K ( p .

J o h n W . Pal.mer P.O. Box 1 2 Madawa k a , M E 04756 P ychology

iuanne M. Poitra Box 223. Pond Road Harvard , MA 0 1 4 5 1 Hittory/Adminittrathe

Denni P. R ing 7 '«'inter trttt \l'ohurn, MA 0 1 80 1 H i tory LCA ( p . 100)

Amy E. Parker 1 3 1 6 Dartmouth R oad Floumoor, I L 60422 Human Development/ panith

J o h n A . Polimeno, J r. 637 ummer venue Reading, MA 0 1 867 Engfuh LCA (p. 52)

Jame L. Roberti 2 1 6 Dutcher trttt Hopedale, � 0 1 747 Hi tory/ ociology (p. 9,7 )

Gregory C . Pomeroy 1 22 anterbury Circle Hyannia, MA 0260 1 Biology ZP ( p . 82)

ara A. Robin on 6 Blackwell Place Philadelphia, PA 1 9 1 47 Governmen t/Economic ( p . 67)

Joel A . Potvin 74 Weat treet Biddeford , ME 04005 dminittrative cience-Math LCA ( p . 63)

David K. R oc k 22 19 Lock.haven Drive Cold pring , CO 80909 Philo ophy

p. 3 7 )

Richard T. Parrith 5 J uniper Place on , MA 02 1 73 Admlliia trative ciencel dmini trative Science-Math D K E (p. 59)


Glenn A. Patenon 39 Park treet Malden, MA 02 1 48 Ecoaomica DKE


K ( p . 48)



Gary F. Rogers 48 Bramble Lane Riverside, CT 06878 Biology DKE

Daniel B . Schultz 780 Longview Avenue North Woodmere, NY 1 1 581 Philosophy

Christopher L. Smith 53 Meadowbrook Circle Sudbury, MA 0 1 776 Physics

Kathryn C. Rogers P . O . Box 143 Houlton, ME 04730 English (p. 54)

Katherine M . Scott 1613 New Scotland Road Slingerlands, NY 1 2 1 59 English/Economics (p. 6 1 )

Gary P. Smith 1 14 Boulevard Middletown, RI 02840 Philosophy (p. 42)

Michael F . Romano 192 Brace Road West Hartford, CT 06107 History KDR

Jennifer J . Sears 31 Sweetwater Avenue Bedford, MA 0 1 730 Environmental Studies (p. 62)

Lisa J. Smith 247 Woburn Street Wilmington, MA 01887 Economics/Biology (p. 48)

Renee A . Ross 1907 Julian Road Wilmington, DE 19803 Administrative Science/Spanish

Bruce Shain PO Box 610, Grammar Road Sanford, ME 04073 Human Development ZP

Lynda I. Smith 127 Thacher Street Attleboro, MA 02703 Biology (p. 57)

Deborah J. Rowe 6955 SW 128th Street Miami, FL 33156 English/Spanish (p. 6 1 )

Matthew L. Shapiro 1266 Emerson Avenue Teaneck, NJ 07666 Biology/Psychology

Victoria Sneff 1 19 Sandy Ridge Road State College, PA 16801 Sociology XO (p. 89)

Edward S . Rowland, J r . 230 Asbury Street South Hamilton, MA 01982 Economics DU (p. 4 1 )

Marda E. Sharkey 1 5 Partridge Circle Brockton, MA 02401 History XO (p. 102)

Cynthia A . Soder 2 Mansfield Road South Croydon Surrey CR2 6HN England French (p. 96)

Jeffrey A . Russell 464 Gray Road Falmouth, ME 04105 Biology/Environmental Studies PLP (p. 58)

Kenneth K. Sharples 102 Herbert Road Braintree, MA 02184 Biology KDR (p. 65)

Serge M . Sondak Piazza Pamiglione 10 Livorno 57100 Italy Philosophy

Robert M . Ruzzo 98 Buttonwood Street Dorchester, MA 02 1 2 5 Government/German DU (p. 80)

Emily Shea Phinney's Lane Barnstable, MA 02630 Biology/Chemistry: Biology (p. 5 1 )

Karen E. Sondergeld 20 Farm Hill Road West Hartford, CT 06107 Biology (p. 64)

Robert J. Ryan 284 Foreside Road Falmouth, ME 04105 English TDP (p. 107)

Judy A. Sheehan 280 Granville Lane North Andover, MA 01845 English/Government

Jose L. Sorrentino JA-7 Park Lane Garden Hills Bayamon, PR 00619 Chemistry-Biology (p. 9 1 )

David A . Ryley 6 Richard Road Canton, MA 02021 Biology ZP (p. 68)

Daniel P . Sheehy, Jr. 57 Jerusalem Drive Cohasset, MA 02025 Adminstrative Science/Economics ZP (p. 90)

John D. Sortor 33 Old Orchard Road Sherborn, MA 0 1 770 American Studies (p. 103)

Mari A . Samaras 43 Columbia Park Haverhill, MA 01830 Government (p. 73)

Edson P. Sheppard III 1 1702 Lipsey Road Tampa, FL 33618 History/East Asian Studies

Timothy S. Springer 5809 Jeff Place Edina, MN 55436 Biology (p. 102)

Bradford M. Sargent RFD 5, Box 636-E Plymouth, MA 02360 Economics LCA (p. 42)

Frederic J . Shore 24 Whites Avenue APT 63 Watertown, MA 02 1 72 Math TDP

Spencer W. Staples 430 Lyons Road Liberty Corner, NJ 07938 English

Veronica H. Saunero Pas. Florida # 1 0 Ave. Saavedra La Paz, Bolivia English/French (p. 43)

Jean Siddall 37 Wamsutta Road Attleboro, MA 02703 Biology (p. 75)

Lawrence C. Starke 328 Boston Post Road Amherst, NH 03031 Biology (p. 104)

Kathleen M . Scandura 390 Highland A venue Winchester, MA 0 1 890 Biology (p. 1 1 1)

David P . Silk 58 Randlett Park West Newton, MA 02165 Government (p. 108)

Elizabeth C. Stiller 155 North Bluff Avenue Wichita, KS 67208 Administrative Science (p. 1 0 1 )

Richard F. Schaub, Jr. Box 406A Annandale, NJ 08801 Government/Economics D U (p. 54)

Brian R . Skene 39 Ladyslipper Drive Shelton, CT 06484 Biology (p. 96)

Eric N . Stinneford Center Hill Weld, ME 04285 Math (p. 44)

Susanna Schneider 52 West Main Street Richfield Springs, NY 13439 German (p. 82)

Susan F. Slawson Anawan Court North Attleboro, MA 02760 Administrative Science/Biology (p. 39)

Bruce K. Stokes 8 Alderney Way Lynnfield, MA 01940 History LCA (p. 94)

Thomas D. Schofield 7 Maymont Drive Framingham, MA 0 1 7 0 1 Biology ZP (p. 68)

Bette A . Smith Box 1 0 1 Tenants Harbor, ME 04860 American Studies (p. 83)

Thomas S. Stratton RFD 5 Random Road Bedford, NH 03102 English


Gu t �. tringos R FD 3 . Box l i7 kow·hegan. ME 04976 Biology

Scott D . Vandersall 518 Park Avenue Huntington, NY 1 1 743 Economics PDT (p. 92)

Pamela J . Woods 1 84 Mountain Road Glastonbury, CT 06033 Administrative cience (p. 60)

Jennifer P .

trode treet Waterville. 'IE 04901 Western Ci'l'ilization

J o ephine '1. Venti 1 82 Farmington Road Longmeadow . MA 0 1 106 Biology/Art XO ( p . 79)

John W. Yates East Bare Hill Road Harvard, MA 0 145 1 Math ( p . 67)

52 Hillcrest Annue Brockton . MA 02401

Arthur L.

Yictor L. \'esnaver Box l l 7 Lincolndale, '.'I 10540 Administ ra t h e cience (p. 8 1 )

Diane C . Young 16 Sagamore Drive Andover, MA 0 1 8 1 0 French XO ( p . 1 08)

Linda H . uzuki 1 1825 ilent \'alley Lane Gaither burg. ,m· 20i60 P �·chology (p. 1 06 )

75 Violette Avenue Waten·ille. 'IE 04901

arah L. wager Box 555 Sheridan . .MT 59749 Art XO (p. 93)

Jame C. Votta 91 Trent Avenue Warw;cli.. RI 02886 Economic . lath (p. 36)

Chandler W. nnmes I I 1 80 Park Lane· Concord . MA 0 l i42 English (p. 100)

tephanie H. \rattos 20 1 2 entre S t reet \l e t Roxbu n . 'lA 02 1 32 American tu°ilie ( p . 98)

Valentine H . Talland 443 outh W aiola A ,·enue Lagrange. I L 60525 We tern Ci'l'ilization/Cla ic

Kimbf'rlv J. u· adkin ' bi�le\ . trt'et 108 . \l inthrop: '1E 02 1 52 .Math

Theodore W. Tavlor 14 Lawn Avenue · Cumberland, ME 0402 1 Geology DU ( p . 62 1

Robert J. \l' aUace P. O . Box 6 Albion, ME O-l9 10 dmini trative �·cience

8 1 Plea ant

Joanne E. TelT) treet Hopkinton, MA 0 1 748 P ycbology XO ( p . 53)

5620 ' , \\' . i t h .:: t reet Plantation, FL 333 1 7 Economic ( p. 49

Barry A . Te man 786 Andover Road Union, , ·1 07083 Adminiatrative cience/.Math (p. 3i

�anc�· E. \l ei h IO � ti.. rbridge Road \l'eUe lev Hill • MA 02 1 8 1 Math ( p : i8)

Elwin R. Thibault I I Box 457 cfo Pan Amer. h oe Co. Camuy. P R 00627 Government DU (p. 48)

Brvon P. \\'enrich 25 'Beaver treet , 'a hua. � H 03060 Economi German ZP ( p .

A.Won A . Thoma 3 14 Hemlock Circle Lincoln. MA 0 l 7i3 ociology p. 69)

Ja nice L. \l'f' tman Box 484 . \\'eat hore Road Grand I le, \'T 05458 P ychology/German (p. 96)

Peter H. Tihbetu P.O. Box 343, 67 Gilton Road Scituate, MA 02066 Phy ic

, ·ancy K. \l'eyl Mercer Lane Mclean. VA 22 1 0 1 Government/Hi tory X O

Robert . Todd 180 Maio treet Rowley, MA 0 1 969 American tudiet

Duncan H . Whitnev weetbrook R ad W' illianutown , MA 0 1 267 Chemittrv (p. 4 1 1

Jennifer A. Tolan

Frank F . Wirmu k y l l i Church treet Hoo ick Fall , :N Y 1 2090 ociology ( p . 1021

28 Common

ulli nn

Economic" TDP

20 1 Huaaon Avenue APT K-6 Bangor, M E 0440 I Hiltory (p. 90)




. \l'ei

u an K. W olff 57 Cre cent Drive Glencoe, I L 600 2 2 French 0 (p. 1 08 )

Madilon, CT 06443 P1ycbology (p. 86)

Keith . Yuen 707 Chi een Lau Fu Ning Kowloon City , Hong Kong Physic fath


Thoma J. Zito 18 Cleveland Avenue Cranston, R I 02920 Ad.ministratiH cience Z P (p.




Bonnie L . Turnbull

53 Foreat Road



A l a n E . W'olf 25 Longwood Terrace Portland, M E 04 1 02 Government ( p . 74)

paniab (p. 1 03 )

2 1400


Elizabeth Torraca purwiok Avenue Cape Elizabeth, M E 04107


Kathryn A . Young aratoga, CA 95070

Jame P . \·iolette


r .


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