C lb in Facult
Student Activities
FallWinter Spring eni rs
104 140
Commencement Senior Directory
214 222
Our experience with Commencement weather reports provided an appropriate final repetition of what the faculty so frequently says: a little bit of knowledge can indeed be a dangerous (or at least a frustrating) thing. Despite the disappointment of not being outside, my impression was that the Class of 1985 put together a spectacular Commencement weekend.
I have heard only raves for the senior ball which you inaugurated and suspect that your successors will want to follow your lead. Thank you also for initiating the senior class gift program which will help make possible for future students the same kind of Colby education and experience which you enjoyed, in part because of the support of generations of alumni who preceded you. It is now only mid-summer and yet I have already heard from a number of you as you pick up new and exciting challenges. I hope you will continue to keep in touch, and that you will come back regularly to your college. And don't forget to carry a good book wherever you go! William R. Cotter President
cJr Ciel
ot 1 85
Laura ahon nthia \om hireen haha Carol imon CcJrla Thomp on Cclth rine Ur tadt
d lu k,
Colby is a gift of time. The college experience offers four years - more or less - for students to grow and to discover. Seniors understand this better than freshmen. For those of us who are perennial students, the College gives a front row seat from which to watch this never-ending process. I've been privileged to occupy one of these seats for nearly twenty-four years, studying six generations of Colby students as they wind their way from English 1 15 to Commencement. Your class was the first whose members did not remember me as Dean of Students, a position I occupied from 1976 until you entered. I worried about you. I worried about me. I wondered if I would disappear into the bricks of Eustis and become some faceless part of "The Administration." Happily, such was not the case. As in the past, when the seniors took their turns walking across the Commencement platform, I was able to attach memories to many of you, snitches from Colby experiences that I had, in some small way, shared. I feel a special affinity for the Class of
1985. The primary and most lasting reason is that my own son is a member. By his own choice (and with the help of a very common surname) he was able to enjoy his gift of time at Colby with relative anonymity, always appreciating and, no doubt, participating in animated discussions about the latest deeds of The Administration. I am proud of him in ways that only a parent can understand, but I am proud of his class which, it seems to me, was privileged to be at Colby during very interesting times. Your tenure as students embraced the most revolutionary changes at Colby since
and sororities and, yes, some of you were
the campus was moved to Mayflower Hill.
pleased with the changes that
You experienced the shock of great
strengthened student control of campus
alterations in residential life and, because
life and made college housing equally
you were here at the precise turning point,
available to all.
could not fully experience the campus life
Never mind. The debate over the
of the past or of the future. You pioneered
Trustee decision of January, 1984,
a new plan, which many of you helped to
although ever diminishing, will go on for a
design and the early beginnings of which
long time. The fact that I heartily approved
you all experienced. You discovered some
the decision is well known and is not
of its weaknesses and worked to correct
relevant in this short message. What is
them. You could only imagine the
relevant is that each of you shared an
advantages of a new Student Center which many of you helped to conceive but
history and so many of you made sacrifices
none of you could enjoy. Some of you were angered by the loss of fraternities
exciting and important time in Colby's long and gave of your talent and energies in order to improve the gift of time for those
who will come after you. Thank you. Good luck, good health, and Godspeed. - Earl Smitt.
Thanks for sharing the best years of your life with those of us who will remain behind as you depart the campus for new challenges. You are certainly a talented group of people and I have no doubt that you will be successful The quality of your life after Colby will depend rather crucially on how you define success. The essential point was put rather well by Dons Kearns, a Colby graduate, and well-known biographer of President Lyndon Johnson. For Johnson, success was defined in terms of power He pursued the acquist1on of power single-mindedly through a career in Congress and finally to the Presidency By his standard at that moment he was a success. But obtaining power is a fickle goal.
Hi place 1n h1 tory fad d and h retired to his ranch, a brok n man. He had trampl d o many on his way to the top, he had very few true friends left. One of the la t time Doris aw him he had gath red all th workers on his ranch around him, g1v1ng them orders for the day. Though this ritual was complet ly unn c s ary, he needed to feel 1n charge A life without power was meaning! s . He had sacrificed everything to achieve success, only to find that once he had it, it slipp d away. On his deathb d if you had asked Lyndon Johnson 1f 1t was worth 1t, I wonder what he would have said. How many marriages have b en shattered by a ingle-minded pursuit of succes ? Ideally marriage is a partn rship where each spouse
supports the other in a shared quest. Yet many times one partner's total commitment to success on the job causes him or her to neglect the other partner's needs. To protect ourselves from the vulnerabilities of life (such as the risk of failure), we have a tendency to erect a moat around our lives, for much the same reasons that moats were constructed around medieval fortresses. We don't want to allow anyone in because they might see our insecurities. That's a shame because it means no one can penetrate the facade which separates our projected public image from our soul. One might assume that at least marriage provides an opportunity to tear these barriers down. As the rise in divorce rates testifies, this is not necessarily true. Marital communication is not as easy as it sounds, particularly when listening and haring have become replaced by pronouncing and dashing off to yet another commitment. omehow it ha become easier to share bodie than to hare ouls. It is unfortunate that intimacy has come olely to mean phy ical intimacy. True intimacy is so much more than that. When you take the time to notice the value in others, they begin to notice the value in you. The alue in all of us is lying there all the time, frequently unrecognized until omeone takes the time to notice. Mo t of us never tell others how much we value them until it's too late. A shockingly large number of teenagers take their own lives becau e they as ume they have no friend . If they could only see the mobs of sobbing friend that always attend the funerals. Do your friends, parents, or co-worker have to die without knowing what they mean to you? Let me an wer my own question by aying how much I have valued the years we have pent here together. Your presence ha mad Colby a better place. I hope that you will return often and hare your experiences. - Tom Tietenberg
Health Center Left to Right, First Row: William Taggart, Ann Norsworthy. Second Row: Carl Nelson, Peggy Coin. Third Row: Nan Davidson, Carolyn Larroz. Fourth Row: Helen Balgooyen, Cynthia King. Fifth Row: Janet lrgang, Priscilla Sargent, Janet Easton, Deborah Culporah.
Dean of Students Office Left to Right, First Row: Janice Seitzinger, Liz Lane, Greg Walsh. Second Row: Beth Reuman, Libby Todrank, Mark Serdjenian, Joyce McPhetres-Maisel, Hugh Coyle. Third Row: Jim Peacock, Pete Chenevert, Paul Johnston.
Student Activities Left to Right, First Row: Liz Lane, Trudy King. Second Row: Sarah
Dickinson, Hathy MacMahon, Manoj Kanskar, Tim Bonang, Jim Peacock.
library Left to Right, First Row: Mike
Gignac, Geraldine Randall, John Rosenthal, Don Brackett. Second Row: Earla Robertson, Janice Herbert, Catharine Cocks, Toni Katz, P. A. Lenk, Sunny Pomerleau. Third Row: Marilyn Pukkila, Frances Parker, Dot Marchetti.
Career Services Left to Right, Seated: Jim Mcintyre. Standing: Linda Cotter, Nancy Mackenzie, Beth Reuman, Penny Spears.
Alumni/Development Left to Right: Eric Rolfson, Sue Conant, Ann Robinson, Bobbie Black, Carol Mccaslin, Barbara Leonard, Becky Parent, Ellen Corey, Sue Ryan.
History Left to Right, Seated: Rob
Weisbrot, Harold Raymond, Pat Kick, Marcy May. Standing: Lee Feigon, Fraser Cocks, Greg Pfitzer.
Modem Foreign languages Left to Right, Seated: Valentina
Hernandez-Oasadu, Lauro de la Rosa Sanchez, Jonathan Weiss, Dominique Lassigny, G. T. Filosof. Standing: Charles Ferguson, John Westlie, George Olivares, Jim Alrozo, Marcia Tardito, Henry Holland, Jean Bundy, Barbara Nowland, Frank Kueter, Jane Yang, John Reynolds, Priscilla DoeI.
Music Left to Right: Adrian Lo, Judy
Cornell, Adel Heinrich, Bill Wallace, Jonathan Hallstrom, Bryan Gilliam, Dorothy Reuman, Paul Machlin.
Art Left to Right: Michael Marlais,
Sonia Simon, Abbott Meader, Meg Wickes, Harriet Matthews, Kathy Woody, William Miller, Margaret Miller, David Simon, Hugh Gourley, David Lubin.
Performing Arts Left to Right: Steve Woody,
Eric Binnie, Howard Koonce.
English Left to Right, Seated: Peter
Harris, Robert Farnsworth, John Mizner, John Sweney, Phyllis Mannocchi. Standing: Ed Kenney, Eileen Curran, Mark Benbow, Debbie McDowell, Pat Onion, Charlie Bassett, Jean Sanborn, Linda Tatelbaum, David Mills.
Mathematics Left to Right, Front Row: Carol Bassett, John Hosack, Don Small, Robert Kurtz. Back Row: Pete Hayslett, John Gimbel, David Kurtz.
Government Left to Right, Seated: Gunter Weisberg, Pat Kick, Chip Hauss. Standing: Al Mavrinac, Sandy Maisel, Lizz Kleemeier, David Growth, Jeremy Lewis.
Economics Left to Right, Seated: Bill O'Neill, Bruce Vermeulen. Standing: Tom
Teitenberg, Kristin Hallberg, Fred Moseley, Henry Gemery.
Administrative Science Left to Right: Donald McCarthy,
David Fearon, Yvonne Knight, John Bubar, Peter Nye.
Chemistry Left to Right: Jean Mcintyre, Wayne Smith, Anthony Tanner, Gary Mabbott, George Maier.
Physics Left to Right: Roger Metz, Murray Campbell, Bill Tiernan, Ross Reynolds, John Dudley.
Geology Left to Right: William Doll, Bruce
Rueger, Bob Nelson, Alice Ricky, Harold Pestana, Don Allen.
Biology Left to Right: Bruce Fowles, Ray
Phillip , Elizabeth Champlin, Eugene pears, David Firmage, Jay Labov, Frank Fekete, Miriam Bennett, Arthur Champlin, Thoma Ea ton.
Philosophy /Religion Left to Right, Seated: Paula Richman, Sondra Menssen, Michael Birkel. Standing: Daniel Cohen, Robert Reuman, Francis Parker.
Sociology Left to Right, Seated: Bea Edwards, Frederick Geib. Standing: Dallas Browne, Sonya Rose, Jonas Rosenthal, Susan DiGiacomo.
Education Left to Right: Marilyn Mavrinac, Harold
Psychology Left to Right: Dorin Zohner, Nicholas
Rohrman, Diane Kierstead, Ed Yeterian.
Outing :� :r Club
Woodsmen's Team 39
Colby 8, Colbyettes, and Tuxedo Junction .
Jamstand and Orchestra
Locomotion and Colby Band 43
Colby Christian Fellowship
Coffeehouse 45
Dorm Staff 46
Oracle Chapel Choir 47
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FALL Geraldine Ferraro is first woman to be named a Vice-Presidential nominee - Reagan/Bu h win land lide re-election u1cid blast hits U.S. embassy in Lebanon Reagan, Gromyko hold White Hou e meeting U.S. Congre s bans aid to Nicaraguan contras - CIA Nicaraguan terror manual unearthed - Indian Prime Minist r Indira Gandhi slain, on worn in as successor. -
A new them wa introduced to Colby during the 1 84-85 academic year, that of nuclear war and the arms race. The Freshman Book Program u ed Jonathan chell's The Fate of the Earth and thus began a series of lec ture and pr sentations about nuclear war, the arms race, and the impact of these on our live . Dr. Helen Caldicott, a founding member of Phy icians for o ial Responsibility and Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament, group formed to educate the public about the horror of nuclear war, poke to a packed Lorimer Chapel on Monday, eptember 24. Her speech was the 1mpetu for the forming of Colby for the Freeze, founded to promote and organize educational awareness concern ing nuclear is ue at Colby and to work ac tive! for a freeze of nuclear weapon . A rally wa held on aturday, November 3 and 1000 balloons with card attached outlining the group's purpo e were launched as a r pre entation of radiation. ome card were r turned from around Maine, but one even made it a ro th Atlantic to be returned by Le C ntre de Retraitment Nuclear in Beaumont-Hague, Normandie, France. The semest r drew to a lo e with the offering of a Jan Plan our by Chip Hau s, "Nuclear Weapons and the Threat of Nuclear War," a class designed to tudy and di cus the impact of nu lear war on th United State and the World A n w era had op ned in Colby students' awaren ss of one o f the top i sues of the day. The reality of nu lear war wa brought home through various forums and wa made real to many who had previou ly ignored the i ue.
The Three Sisters
November 1-3, 1984
62 --- - -
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67 •
4 •
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75 .
. .
GV\11� THAT ALJto�D Oft I'LL Rlf 1ovfl-. A R.M OfF
"Feed the World" - Gas leak in Indian Union Carbide plant kills 2500, injures 200.000 - The Colby Blue Light - "Star Wars" plan - Bernhard Goetz strikes back and shoots muggers in NYC - Soviet President Chernenko dies, Gorbachev chosen as successor - Baby Fae Amadeus named Best Picture of 1984
David Mills'
Over the River...
And Through the Woods December 7-8, 1984
Eugene O'Neill' s
Directed by: Susan A. Perry =ebruary 7-9, 1985
I'VE DONi :JV5T ABOllT EVER:( COftEl\/�BLE ::TO/J M Tt/15 SCffOOL CLEAN£]) VP AFT£� A LOTTA, /.//l-[) FAKT/ES H£LfEI> 5£T-llf fO!?.__ THE G-1\11lVATION CEl(E/"fON!ES EVERY 5PR.IN<r... ...
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February 15, 1985
Roo111lul of Blues
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G. Gordon Liddy October 18, 1984 Mastermind of Watergate break-in. Spent most time in jail for his part in the break-in and for his refusal to talk during the Watergate hearings.
Thomas Winship November 10, 1984 Editor of the Boston Globe and 32nd Lovejoy fellow. Made Globe one of the top ten newspapers in the country.
Alexander Ginzburg February 1 1, 1985 Soviet dissident, exiled from USSR for his human rights work.
Bella Abzug April 22, 1985 Leader of Women's movement and congresswoman from New York.
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SPRING Basketball title -
econd Claus von
April 18-19, 1985
April 13, 1985
Junior-Senior Spring Formal
Laughing Gas With Love
Yuri Belov and Tanya Sadofyeva Belov
One-Act Festival
April 10-13, 1985
A Coupla White Chicks Just Sitting Around Talking
Through These Walls
End game
Door Number One
Spring Dance Concert
April 2s-
2?, 1985
The Gin Pup Show
April 18, 1985
May 2-5, 1985 1 13
April 18-21, 1985
The Del Fuegos
April 20, 1985
, 17
���· /! 1 20
1 21
1 28
129 --
13 1
133 -
p1c.TV!lE To �E f:'/E'-.i f>oDi ELSE·� !
I M NOT c;.01t-1c;- TO ro�E IN FR.ON! OF Tt1E LI BR.�R.�l '1i Pit.TU� WILL REFLECT 11,y LM£' OF N�T\Jfl..E1 r\1 R.ESJ>EC.T fO� M�INE'S <TR.EAi OU�! NOW TAKE THE PICTURf!
Tom Valinote, Tom Cushman, Mark Hodin, Glenn Martin
Bethann Tutunjian
Jacquie White
Dave Beers and Paul "PJ" Nolet
Jim Fraher and Manoj Kanskar
Carla Thomp
n 143
Rebecca p. Bullen
Wendy Glenn
CiCi Bevin
Wendy W. Neville
Guillermo Rafael Perez
Margaret Hale
James A. Polk
Mario "Mickey" Ferrucci Ill
Jim Meltsner, Laura Mahoney, Wendy Howard, Dickie Eustis, Steph Curtis, Mike Brown, Tom Hoynes
John Bowen and friends
Will Cheever, Mike Bruno, Bill Maclndewar, Paul Evenson
Wayne Eddy and Kevin Bruen
Raymond Bligh
Gretchen R Bean
Victoria J. Whited
Kim Glendon
Lynne M. Rawlins
Tom Donahue
Duff McDermott, Chris Lebherz, Ashley Morgan, Elliot Kolodny, John Prorok, Rich MacNeille, Keith Turley, Mike Montembeau, Jim ffrench
Steve Haynes
Anna White
Brad Whitaker and friends 153
Bronwyn Quirk
Laurel Beeman
Karen Leach
Lori Gustafson
Linda Palian 155
(Eric Betke), Rick Anderson, and Ed Maggiacomo
Stephen R. Langlois
Jeff Flinn
Sean S. Padgett
John M. O'Connor
Catherine Urstadt, Sarah Peaslee, Wendy Howard 157
Jennifer Robbins, Jennifer Tuttle, Dawn Gale, Margie Harriman
John Carroll Schleck
Gregory E. Kelley 158
Peter Pagano
Gretchen L. Miller
Julie Engel, Cici Bevin, Katie Hollander, Carrie Rymer, Laurie Herlihy 159
St.::tnley T. Kuzia
Stu Krusell
Christopher Robinson Julie A. Briggs
Kristin E. Hazlitt
Tom Valinote 161
Johan Westra
Mary Jane Jame
Chri Murphy
Michael Bloom
Kristen S. Johnson
Clifford Tell
Joel Witter
Peter imp on
David K. Bell 165
Matthew Barry
Gail Usher
Mitchell ). Walkowicz
Carol Simon
Carl "Nip" Boutiette
Sara Babcock
Minton Reid
Robin Bye and Donna Boyler
Maryanne Stevens
Carolyn E. Gibbs
Lauren Ball
Jon Orcutt
Scott C. Blair Buster Clegg and Greg Apostol
Matthew D. Duffin
Peter Westervelt
David P. McCandless
Alison Cox
Christopher West 171
Daniel W. Allegretti
John P. O'Toole
Stacie Leo
Carolyn Caruso
John 0. Robinson Therese F. Langloi
Sarah S. Wood
Bradford M Tracey
Christine Rona
Dee Swan
Ginger Prigge 1 74
Kimberly Lyford and Janet Lamoreau
Debra Lindberg
Marita Stapleton
Meg Wimmer 175
Kim Rogers
Brian Clark 176
Hannah Blake
Daniel G. Murphy
Gary H. Ruping
Maria Morgan 177
Michelle Linder
James Hollis King
Mark Schleif
Kathleen L. Bagas
Amey Travis
Betsy Woodhouse James P. Gill 180
John J. Collins
John Makiver
Tracy Lehualani Waite
Amy Trott
Stephen Rogers
Mike Veilleux
James Kimball Goetz
Kathryn Craven Hughes Paul Bums
Greg Harris 183
Katherine E. Kamm
Philip DeSimone
Themba Syd Masondo
Margaret Lynn Williams
.\i\atthew Elliot Hummel
Suzanne M. Orcutt
Linda J Carroll 185
Charissa Pepin and Faith Delaney
Charles S. Hung
Beverly Rice
Miriam Redcay
Michael Vail
John E. Anderson, Jr.
Brian J. Morin 188
Meghan Casey and Carol Eisenberg
Arthur Eric Feeley
Scott Clark
. . . •
Anna andstrom Sarah Stevens 191
Carol Dunn
Tom Colt and Roy Hirshland
David Harris Resnicoff
Bruce 0. Hickey
Mary Elizabeth Boston 193
Wendy Rebecca Ronan
John F. Lyons
Jonathan Zelnik 194
Rob Boone
Leslie Woron
Catherine Spalding
John M. Collins
Catherine Stehman
Elizabeth Eddy
Barbara J. Knox
Rod A. McGillis, Donald P. Cronin, and John P. Siletto
Erica J. Baum
Lewis Holmes
Debbie Neumann
Susan Clang
John Kramer
T. Andrew Sheehan
Robert Hazard
Elizabeth Garcia
Susan A. Perry
Stuart C. Johnson
Lincoln Downey, Giles Welles, David Goldberg 201
Marie Seminary Willey
Todd Lachman
Linda Flight
'#£.J � , '/'
. .
Lisa J. Maria
Brian James 204
George S. Brownell and Linc Peirce
Julie Christine Sands
Deborah Ann England
Lynn Brunelle 205
"' .:.... -
-� . -
�- --�.�..-;r-
Heidi Adams Coventry Cool
Laurence Michael Yorra
Stephanie Hart
Gregory Mueller
Nancy Finman
Linda Flora
Steven E. Lawson
Anthony Sanford Codding, Jr.
John E. Buffum
Gilbert F. Davis
Richard M. Armstrong
Cathy Blagden and Marcie Campbell
Margaret Anne Davis
Keith Donnellan
Jeffrey D. Smith
Karen A. Killam
Annette E. Plummer
Wendell L. Perkins
Nash Robbins
Dan Cooke, Tracy Gowen, Tom Ponti, and Suzy Seymour
Graduation Ball Friday, May 24, 1985
May 25, 19s5
May 26, 19ss
PARENT PATRONS Debbie (Wilson '60 "Mumbly") and Frank Albee -
Mr. James G. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Allegretti Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Anderson
Parents of Andrew Castle
Charlotte A. Griggs
Bill and Kathy Cheever
Mr. and Mrs. Abbey Goldberg
Ken and Marilyn Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Gould
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Clark
John R. Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey J. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Armstrong Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hanna
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Colt
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Haynes
Ors. Robert and Roberta Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cooke
Robert E. and Cleo J. Hazard
George and Bonnie Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Crump
Jim Hazlitt
Mr. and Mrs. Morton S. Baum
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus C. Cushman Jr.
Reingard and Walter Heller
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Bean Mr. and Mrs. William Beckwith, Jr. David and Shirley Beeman-Moore Dave and Carol Beers Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Bevin
Shelby M. C. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Diffley, Jr. John L. Donahue Jan and Gerry Dooling
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Herlihy Peter A. Herring Sr. Thomas and Mary Heyman Mr. and Mrs. Brandon J. Hickey Mort and Nancy Hodin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Blair
T. Wayne Downey and Joan R. Downey
Richard and Jeanne Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Drury
Douglas and Barbara Blanchard
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Edwards, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Horner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Feiss
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Ferrucci, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold N. Howard
Ron and Irene Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. W. Barry Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Gill
Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. James
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ginsberg
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. James
Sue and Charlie Glendon
Bob and Beverly Jeck
Richard E. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bye
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Johnson
Thomas A. Campbell
Fred and Mary Lou Gowen
Richard M. Karoff
Bernard and Shirley Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Grace
Bob and Joan Kenny
Mr. James E. Casey
A Loyal Greek
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Boland Mrs. Charles E. Bowen Lenny and Pat Boutiette Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. P. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Brownell Mr. and Mrs. Timothy N. Buffum
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Holbrook Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Hollander, Jr. Leslie M. and Lewis B. Holmes
Robert and Rita
orman and Marion
Mr. and Mrs.
Barbara- melia and Robert Le lie no
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Mr. and Mr . Donald Gre
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SENIOR DIRECTORY A Diane M. Albert 25 Eastern Avenue East Millinocket. ME 04430 German. Biology
118 Pascack Road Pearl River, NY 10965 Spanish, Economics
(p. 149)
Robert F. Baldwin Morgan Bay Road Surry, ME 04684 Biology
(p. 1 4 1 )
(p. 189)
Kimberly S. Alexander Box 4 31 West Water Street Smithsburg, MD 2 1783 History
Lauren 8. Ball 548 Ashbourne Road Cheltenham, PA 190 1 2
French, Economics
(p. 172)
John E. Anderson 279 Nayatt Road Barrington, RI 02806 Government, Administrative Science
(p. 188)
Administrative Science
(p. 170)
Gregory Apostol 6 1 Mount Hope Street Norwell, MA 0206 1 History. Administrative Science
(p. 170)
Jennifer K. Armstrong 37 Circle Hill Road Salem, MA 0 1970 Philosophy - Religion, Philosophy
(p. 1 54)
Richard M. Armstrong P.O. Box 633 West Chester, PA 1938 1 Spanish
(p. 209)
(p. 168)
Kathleen L. Bagas 37 Huntington Avenue Brockton. MA 02401 Administrative Science
(p. 178)
Joseph R. Baker
Scott C. Blair 24 Rankin Court Uncasville. CT 06382
(p. 170)
Administrative Science, Economics
Sociology: Anthropology, French
Elizabeth A. Banwell 2205 Demington Drive Cleveland, OH 44106
Julia P. Blanchard 9 Llewellyn Place Longmeadow. MA 01 106
(p. 177)
History, Art
George L. Barnes Turtle Pond Morstein Road West Chester, PA 19380
Raymond W. Bligh 293 Grove Street Wellesley, MA 02 1 8 1
Biology, Art
Philosophy, Economics
English. History
(p. 149)
Daniel I. Bliss 850 Fortunes Rocks Biddeford. ME 04005
(p. 166)
Russian Studies. Economics
John W. Bates South Street Blue Hill, ME 046 1 4
Michael L. Bloom 22 Ensign Road Rowayton, CT 06853
Erica J. Baum 2 Morningside Drive Swampscott, MA 01907 English, Philosophy
(p. 197)
Gretchen R. Bean 253 First Street Melrose. MA 02 1 76 American Studies, French
(p. 1 5 1)
Sara J. Babcock Rd. 3 Box 3700 Morrisville, VT 05661
(p. 209)
Hannah E. Blake 540 College Avenue Orono. ME 04473
Laurel P. Beeman Pleasant Valley RFD 1 Wolfeboro, NH 03894
Human Development
George K. Bamfo P O Box 895 Kumasi. Ghana
Matthew P. Barry 6 Freeman Street Harwichport, MA 02646
Richard 0. Anderson 6 1 Old Upton Road Grafton, MA 0 1 5 1 9
J. Catherine Blagden 239 Randolph Avenue Milton. MA 02 186
Art, Economics
(p. 160)
Carolyn R. Altshuler 1 10 Hillcrest Road Concord. MA 0 1 742
German. History
Biology: Environmental Studies
(p. 169)
Daniel W. Allegretti 528 Linden Avenue Lake Forest, IL 60045
Richard E. Rindler 22B Rolling Ridge Road Montvale. NI 07645
(p. 1 54)
David Beers 7 1 1 Forest Avenue Westfield, NJ 07090 History
(p. 1 42) David K. Bell 1657 Monument Street Concord. MA 0 1 742
(p. 163)
Anne R. Boatright 57 South Road Bedford, MA 0 1 730 Administrative Science
Mary Beth Boland 10 Osgood Street Andover. MA 0 1 8 1 0 Spanish, Administrative Science
(p. 179)
Robert H. Boone 10 Evans Avenue Bedford. MA 0 1 730 Government. Economics
(p. 195)
Mary E. Boston Box 1016 Amherst, NH 0303 1 English
(p. 1 ? 3)
Carl Boutiette 7 Rodney Road Peabody, MA 01960
(p. 165)
(p. 167)
Alicia G. Bevin 2201 Menoher Boulevard Johnstown, PA 1 5905
John A. Bowen 3 10 Bellevue Road Squantum, MA 02 1 7 1
(p. 1 59)
(p. 147)
Donna Ann Bo ler
Marcie M. Campbell
80 lohn on Place
uth Rr\er
810/og (p 108)
I 0888
Portland. 4rt (p 2
henandoah Terr R 7210
treet Landing # 1 K taten Island, Y 10301
Linda J. Carroll
Ht IOI'}
Dracut. MA 0 1826 Economic . German (p 185)
5 Ban roft
Bo 21-5 unqu1t, IE 03
I I)
treet P 0 Bo 72
Thomas F. Coll
5 De
e Road B dford. A 017 0
Econom1 (p 1 2)
810/og (p 143)
Alexandra G. Brown
6 CI ar aterHI Rt B ChapelHill C 2 514
Philo oph (p 10}
28Hend nck on
Robert J. Columbus
. French
M. Meghan Casey entre.
Economic (p. 195)
38 Cedar Road e ton, MA 021 3 P cholog , Ht tory (p 192)
Carolyn Ann Caruso
Susan M. Brigham
is- Rub treet Berlin 'H 035 0
John M. Collins 10 Ba
Julie A. Briggs
Go ernment (p 181)
1 Edgemont Road Braintree. MA 02184 Mathematic
115 0
Englt h. Philo oph (p 189)
Andrew S. Brown
14 John Poulter Road Le mgton I 02 I 3 American tud1
Heidi A. Cool
a hington Boule ard
Urn er 1t Height . H
Ph1lo�oph (p 2 )
Julie A. Copeland Route 2 E tna. ME
En Ith
Kevin F. Bru n
16 Eu hd Road
L nn
H1 tory (p 14 )
Lynn E. BruneUe
" nu purw1n Cape Elizabeth. ME
Eng/J h (p 205)
John E. Buffum
145 · w adow Road Barnngton, RJ 02
810/og (p 206)
Thoma A.
R onant Brow r R.adn r PA 1 7
Ph I (p 141)
Paul R. Bums
44 Pin hH Road Chappaqua. 10514
Philip K. Cu ick
56 L ckha
n Road Warw1 k. RI 0288
810/ogy (p 163)
Robin M. Bye
170 Ov rbrook Road Longm('adow, MA 011
Covemm nt
(p 108)
Anthony S. Codding 71 R1
r Road tratham, H 03885
dmm1 trdltve (p 200)
John J. Collin
1 nee. Econom1
307Hyd Par v nu Jam.area Plain. MA 2130
M<1ureen Cyr
Rt 62 Boll 2Y an Bur n. ME 04785
Econom1 (p 143)
D 223
Nathaniel B. Dane 16 Kennedy Road Cambridge, MA 02 1 38 English
(p. 1 55)
Andrew Davis 9 1 1 Park Avenue New York, NY 1002 1 Administrative Science, Economics
Gilbert F. Davis 47 Hurricane Road Falmouth, ME 04 105 Economics
(p. 209)
Riverside Drive Cherryfield, ME 04622 (p. 170)
(p. 186)
Administrative Science
(p. 184)
History, American Studies
(p. 190)
(p. 192)
Suzanne T. Dwyer 1550 Worchester Road # 2 1 7 Framingham, M A 0 1 701 English
Geology: Environmental Studies
Lisa A. Diffley 203 Mystic Street Arlington, MA 02 174 Economics
(p. 176)
Colette Diphilippo 96 Brook Road Portland, ME 04 103 Government, Art
Thomas A. Donahue 93 Hopkins Court Mahwah, NJ 07430 Government
(p. 1 52)
Keith M. Donnellan 79 Butler Road Sudbury, MA 0 1776 Biology
(p. 2 1 1 )
Peter K. Dooling 17 Oceanside Drive Beverly, MA 019 1 5 Administrative Science
(p. 165)
T. Lincoln Downey 1 3 2 Sachem Head Road Guilford, CT 06437
James A. ffrench 203 Park Avenue Swarthmore, PA 19081 Art
Dennis J. Fisher P.O. Box 66 Newfields, NH 03856
(p. 196)
Wayne A. Eddy 40 Washington Road Barrington, RI 02806
(p. 149)
Linda E. Flight 2 Harrison Road Canton, MA 02021 Administrative Science
Susan E. Edwards 88 Indian Memorial Drive South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Religion
(p. 162)
(p. 204)
Jeffrey P. Flinn Harbor Road Box 3108 Shelburne, VT 05482 Government
(p. 1 56)
Carol I. Eisenberg 1 724 Dunwoody Trail Atlanta, GA 30324
Linda J. Flora Estate Solitude SR 00864 Christiansted St . Croix. VI 00820
(p. 189)
(p. 207)
Julie T. Engel Box 1 5 Greenland, N H 03840
James R. Fraher 203 Lindley Avenue Wickford, RI 02852
Human Development
(p. 1 59)
(p. 1 42)
Deborah A. England 19 Sidney Street Bangor, ME 04401 Government
(p. 205)
Elizabeth S. English 2376 Torringford Street Torrington, CT 06790 Biology
(p. 164)
Paul G. Evenson 53 Edward Drive Stoughton, MA 02072 Government, English
Dawn A. Gale Box 108 Lovell, ME 04051 Government
(p. 158)
Deirdre E. Galvin 222 Tollgate Road Berlin, CT 06037
(p. 1 48)
(p. 201)
(p. 167)
Paul R. Doyle 269 Wolcott Hill Road Wethersfield, CT 06 109
Julia B. Farwell Blue Hill, ME 046 1 4
Economics - Mathematics
(p. 203)
(p. 2 10)
Matthew D. Duffin
Catherine Fasolino
(p. 146)
(p. 1 52)
Elizabeth P. Eddy 17 Belmont Street Portland, ME 04 101
(p. 191) Sarah S. Drury 205 Fairmount Street Lowell, MA 0 1852
Administrative Science, Economics
Sarah R. Dewey 7 Hazelbrook Lane Wayland, MA 01778
Christopher A. Feiss 103 Longwood Road Baltimore, MD 2 1 2 10 Mario Ferrucci 1 36 Earl Avenue Riverside, RI 029 1 5
(p. 2 1 1)
Philip A. Desimone 62 Viele Avenue Worcester, MA 01605
Arthur Feeley 88 Lake Street Auburn, ME 042 10
Administrative Science
Economics: Public Policy
Carol M. Dunn 103 Fairfield Street Needham, MA 02 192
Margaret A. Davis 38 Wolf Pine Way Concord, MA 0 1742
Faith E. Delaney 45 Seventeenth Avenue Haverhill, MA 0 1830
34 Pine Plain Road Wellesley, MA 02 1 8 1
Elizabeth A. Garcia 174 Floral Street Shrewsbury, MA 0 1 545 Economics
(p. 200)
Stephen M. Geneseo RFD 2 Box 1620 Harrison, ME 04040 Classics - English (p. 2 12) .../
H J. Georges
660 Boas treet pt 1 2 1 5 Harrisburg, P 1 102
Engl h
Milrgaret E. HaJe
Louis A. Geremi.l
1 3 Briarcliff A enue Warwick, RI 0288
Cla ics.
dministrati e Science
urotyn E. Gibbs
6 Sherbrooke Dn e Smithtown, Y 1 1 87
Music. P cholog
56 Ra mond treet Falmouth. MA 02540
Philo oph (p. 180)
Thomas V. Heyman
(p. 1 45)
Lisa M. Hals
279 1 Albany Avenue West Hartford, CT 06 1 1 7
merican tudies
- Math
Economics, Economics - Mathematics (p. 193)
Kathleen M. Gillespie
1 3 Car50n enue Wilmington. MA 0 188
(p. 2 10)
Susi1n K. Glendon
26 Old Turnpike Road Bristol. CT 060 10
Admin1 crati e Science, Economics (p 1 5 1)
Roy l. Hirshland
68 Marron Avenue
Stoughton, MA 02072
(p. 1 47)
dministrative Science
50 1 1 Grand A enue Western Springs, LL 60558
Independent (p. 144)
346 East Center A enue Lake Bluff . IL
Biology· Enwonmental Studies
Beachwood Road ennebunkport, ME 04046
Marl< M. Hodin
(p. 1 58)
Engli: h
7 Todd Road le ington, MA 02 1 7 3
(p. 140)
George F. Harrington
1 De ereu Rocks Marblehead, MA 0 1 4 5
dmm1 tratTVe
Vera Hoffmann
79 Cynthia Drive Raynham. MA 02767
4 50 1 Sherbrooke treet W #2B Montreal Qu bee H3Z 1 E7, Canada
Seth H. Holbrook
(p 183)
Eng/I h
Bo 146 Richmond Avenue Hoosick Falls, NY 1 2090
(p 179)
Stephanie H.trt
)i1mes K.. Goetz
1266 Old Ford Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 1 9006 (p. 192)
MMjorie L Harriman
Greg J. F. HMris
Wendy A. Glenn
270 North Mountain Avenue Upper Montclair, NI 07043
Bruce D. Hickey
14 ine Brook Road le ington. MA 02 1 7 3
Terrie J. Hanna
J.mes Gill
17 Plummer treet Li bon Falls, ME 04252
(p. 169)
Kimberty A. Herring
9 Crystal lane Cumberland, ME 0402 1
Barnegat Road Pound Ridge. Y 10576
John J. Holden
(p 2
Engh h
Amencan )
Box 276 ew Baltimore, NY 1 2 1 2 4
(p 183)
Kathryn K. Hollander
David R. Goldbef'g
Engli. h
Mauw hoo H1ll herman, CT 784
145 Fra m Comer Road Lawrence lie, J 08648
Admimstrattve (p 20 1)
Theodore Goodrich
1026 Col Ledyard Highwa 33 Ledyard, CT
(p 1 59)
P.1ul R. Hause
•j53 0a wood W ter Grov
MO 63 1 1
French. Eng/I h
Government (p 198)
Stephen J. Haynes
62 Hamp hire Road Well ley, MA 02 18 1
(p 202)
lewis 8. Holmes 377 Weston Road W I ley, MA 02 18 1
Elizabeth T. Holt
p 0 Bo 266 Grantham. H 037 53
Chemistry Biology
Robert L H.iurd
Sean P. Hooper
Tr.1cy L Gowen
Admin1 tra11ve
Stephen P. Gould
87 Church treet orth Adams, MA 0 1 247
198 Pine Point Road Scarborough, ME 04074
(p 1 53)
Government. Admm1 1ra11 e
5 1 1 Fl tcher Road orth mgs1own, RI 02852
(p 1
Kristin Hazlitt
Melindi1 u. Griggs 5 l.JttJe Point t
Co emment Pub/1 Poltcy
David W. He
Essex, CT
Lwrine F. Gunn
1 5 Columbus Avenue ewburyport, MA 01 50
Human Development
1 Island Dn e #8 East orwal , CT
22 R1verdal Road Concord, MA 0 1742
Economics - Mathematic Paul D. Henion
530 Oov r Street Roch ter, NY 1 46 10
Lori Gusufson
u&IM A. Herlihy
Engli h, Economic
1 '.:5)
30 Maple Avenu Atkinson, NH 038 1 1
(p 1 59)
603 Floren e treet Green burg. PA 1 560 1
Engli h Marlc
(p 16 1)
(p 198) 7 1<1ng Street lleadmg, MA 0 1867
603 Fred rick lreet Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Christopher IC Homer
Mathematics (p. 2 1 3)
1 nee
W. Howard
16 Birch Road Danen, CT 06820
Economics (p. 163)
Wendy E. Howard
5 10 East 86th treet New York, NY 10028
(p. 1 57)
Thomas M. Hoynes
8925 Burning Tree Road Bethesda, MD 208 1 7
Ameri an tud1es (p 1 46)
Kathryn C. Hughes West Smith Neck Road South Dartmouth, MA 027 48
Neal Kalechofsky 255 Humphrey Marblehead, MA 01945
Administrative Science
Matthew E. Hummel 7 Mansion House Road Southbury, CT 06488
Katherine E. Kamm 21 High Forest Drive Belleville, IL 62223
(p. 183)
(p. 2 10)
Elliot A. Kolodny 15 Gloucester Drive Half Hollow Hills, NY 1 1798 Economics
(p. 1 52)
Laura L. Kozloski 292 Meadow Road Farmington, CT 06032
History, Government
Administrative Science, Art
Cory L. Humphreys 1889 Tremont Road Columbus, OH 4 3 2 1 2
Manoj Kanskar 35 Kamalachhi Tole Kathmandu 1 1 , Nepal
John M. Kramer 1050 East 49th Street Chicago, IL 606 1 5
(p. 185)
(p. 184)
(p. 1 42)
Charles S. Hung 26 Waverly Street Unit 306 Brighton, M.A. 02 1 35 English, Classics
(p. 186)
John M. Karoff 249 West Newton Street Boston, MA 02 1 16 Government
Jozsef M. Hunyady 14 Promenade St . Antoine 1 204 Geneve Switzerland History, Economics
Brian A. James 39 Susan Lane North Haven, CT 06473 Economics
(p. 204)
Mary-Jane James 2205 Arron Center Petaluma, CA 94952 Biology
(p. 163)
Susan L. James 195 Sullivan Avenue Somerset, MA 02725 Spanish, Administrative Science
(p. 200)
Kelly A. Keenan 145 Little River Road Hampton, NH 03842 Chemistry: Biology
(p. 1 43)
Francis C. Kelley 93 Allied Street Manchester, NH 03 103 Government
Gregory E. Kelley 2 Rowell Road Danvers, MA 0 1923 Economics
(p. 1 58)
Sarah Kellogg 104 Ministerial Drive Concord, MA 0 1742 French, Biology
(p. 148)
Anne T. Kenny 3 Rolling Lane Norwalk, CT 0685 1
(p. 199)
Rodney B. Krause 8671 Old Towne St. Louis, MO 6 3 1 32 Economics
(p. 148)
Harry F. Krensky 2038 East 3 1 10 South Salt Lake City, UT 84 109 Government
(p. 167)
Suzanne L. Krumm 155 Dee1 field Terrace Mahwah, NJ 07 430 Administrative Science
(p. 1 75)
Stuart P. Krusell Bell Hill North Brookfield, MA 01 535 Government, Economics: Public Policy
(p. 160)
Stanley J. Kuzia 37 Everett Street Manchester, NH 03 104 Biology
(p. 160)
Stacey Kessel 12 Randy Road Framingham, MA 0 1701
Cynthia D. Jeck 1 45 Lake Drive Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046
Economics, Administrative Science
Karen Ann Killam 4 Hilltop Drive Bedord, MA 01730
(p. 198)
(p. 176)
(p. 1 50)
Todd R. Lachman 59 Maple Avenue Madison, NJ 07940
Elizabeth E. Johnson 15 Old Powerhouse Road Falmouth, ME 04 105
English, Art
James H. King 26 Lime Street Boston, MA 02 108
Janet B. Lamoreau 53 Barton Street Presque Isle, ME 04769
Elizabeth Z. Johnson Melvin Bridge Road Winchester, NH 03470
(p. 2 1 2)
(p. 203)
Jennifer Kirk RFD 1 16 White Horse Dr. North Conway, NH 03860
Sarah Land Millwood Road RFD 1 Mount Kisco, NY 10549
(p. 178)
(p. 174)
(p. 1 8 1 )
Kristen S. Johnson 1 18 Echo Cove Road South Hamilton, MA 0 1 982 Psychology
(p. 164)
Stuart C. Johnson 2980 Fontenay Road Shaker Heights, OH 4 4 1 20
(p. 206)
Karen R. Kirkman 425 Crossville Road Suite 105 Roswell, GA 30075
K 226
Lori R. Landay 204 Tudor Road Needham, MA 02 192 English
(p. 2 1 1)
(p. 201)
Barbara J. Knox Sugar Hill Road S Weare, NH 03281
Susan C. Lang 43 Five Fields Road Madison, CT 06443 Administrative Science, Administrative Science Mathematics
(p. 199)
(p. 1%)
Stephen R. Langlois
Clalrmont Court C-7 Portland. ME 04 103
Economi (p. 1 56)
2208 Irving Avenue South Minneapolis. MN 55405
Biology (p. 174)
Philosophy - Mathematics (p. 202)
John F. Lyons
Therese F. Lmglois
enue 38 Laurel Pro idence, RI 0 906
dmini trative Science - Mathematics
3 Addee Circle Larchmont. NY 10538
Terry J. Martin
Bald Hill Road New Gloucester, ME 04260
Engli h (p. 194)
(p. 1 7 3)
Stephen J. L.m�e
Sydney T. M.tsondo
1 1 Colonial Street Waterville, ME 0490 1
Admini trative Science, Economics Sheryl A. Luson
2 1 4 Grindlebroo Road South Qastonbury. CT 06073
Sodology. Spanish (p. 1 6) Steven E. Llwson
4 2 Mcfingal Road 795 Watertown, CT
Economics. Economics - Mathematics (p. 208)
KMen L Le•ch
� Rockport Road
eston. MA 02 193 I. M•
72 Ryder venue Melrose, MA 02 176
P3 1 5 Umlazi PO Ntokozweni 4066 South Africa
Administrative Science - Mathematics (p. 184) Bis.i A. Muwell
2 1 5 Music Mountain Road Falls Village. CT 0603 1
American Studies (p. 192)
Biology (p. 148)
D•vid P. McC.tndless
39 Crestwood Road Marblehead, MA 0 194 5
Biubeth H. M.tcM.thon
Lincoln Road Lincoln. MA 01773
Biology, Geology - Biology (p. 1 7 1 )
Biology (p 1 55)
M.try Lynne McC.trthy
14 White Oak Road Wellesle Hills, MA 02 18 1
Rich.t.rd A. M.tcNeiDe
36W280 Ferson Creek Road t Chari • IL 60 174
328 Elm Road Falmouth. MA 025
Edw.trd L M.tggi•como
7 Wyman Road Le 1ngton, MA 02 173
llichMd D. Leitch
Economi (p 1 56)
English (p 1 54)
Ouistopher G. Lebherz Economics (p 1 52)
5 Thompson venue Babylon. Y 1 1 702
dmtni tralt e (p 1 52)
Steven M. McC.trthy
1 4 1 Spencer enu arwtek, RI 028 18
Go emment, Ea t s1an tudies Rod A. McCillis
- M,JthemaL
4 5 Hunrer Street West Peterborough Ontario
Llur.t A. M.thoney
East Asian tudies
Bo 463
(p 197)
S�cie A. Leo 322 South Memck Avenu
Econorrv (p 1 )
Peter K. McHugh
Y 1 1 566
(p 172)
Debr.t A. Lindberg
0 Box 182
2 Sawmill Road P tow. MA 0 1775
Michele M. Linder
4 3 Falmourh Road West · ewton, MA 02 165
5 1 1 Counryhn Radnor. PA 1
37 1
(p 178)
18 Rowle Bndge Road Tops ield, MA 0 1983
Lesley F. Melcher
(p 204)
AdlTllnt tral/ e
Admm1 trat1ve
18 Wheaton Road Arhngton. MA 02 174
Government, Englih
Kimberty A. Lyford
18 Eustis Parkway Waterville. ME 04901
6 Memorial Grde Andover, MA 0 18 10
Ensfi h, Ru 1an tud1es
o. R. Menzies
23 Bishops Lane , MA O l Lynn 1
Economics (p 194)
2043 Ha !land Avenu Bronx, Y 10472
Gretchen L Miler
16 Dav ntry Hill Lane 1 Avon. CT
P ychology
Jeffrey A. M.vtin
26 Washington SQuare Marbl h ad, MA 0 1 45
Admmi trat1 e
MMfty M. MMtin Fairfield, ME
(p 1 7 1 )
SuYn M.trtin
1 2 20 Park Avenu New York. NY 1 28
(p 148)
Human Development
Kathryn p. Weier
50 Forest H"llls Drive Farmtngton, CT 06032
(p 1
J.imes H. M.trtin
(p. 182)
J.tmes R. Meltsner
Eng/tSh, lfistory (p 186)
19 Gayton Road London NW3, England
H 03801
55th Avenu Lachtn Qu bee H8T 386, Canada
Glenn A. M.trtin
Francis x. l.uc.1
Qtrs P Pnsy Portsmouth.
P•ul R. M.trte.u
Amencan tu<fJeS
Feldmeilen E1chholzstr 2 1 87 lunch. wuzerland
(p 1 8 1 )
H1 tory
J.ime E. McHugo
Road 7
Ben;.min A. Lowry
173 Middle Road Falmouth. ME 04 105
dmmi trative
John P. M.tldver
Us. J. �
M.JthemdtlCS (p 1 75)
16 Library Lane Old Lyme. CT
Dennis. MA 02660
H 2M7 Canada
(p 1 5 )
Imogen P. Mintzer
330 West 30th t. Apt . 1 New York, NY 1
Go emment
Joseph E. Mizhir
300 Elmwood Road Winch ndon. MA 0 1 47 5
Administrative Science
Mark D. Mongiello 20 Dennett Road Winchester, MA 01890 Biology
(p. 190) Michael I. Montembeau 1 2 2 Summer Str�et Biddeford, ME 04005 Geology: Environmental Studies
(p. 1 52)
Maria 8. Morgan 520 East 86th Street New York, NY 10028 Art
(p. 1 77)
Melanie M. Nelson 3660 Northome Road Wayzata, MN 5539 1
195 Worcester Street North Grafton, MA 0 1 5 36
Administrative Science
(p. 184)
Thomas 8. Nelson 24 Saddle Ridge Road Darien, CT 06820
Geology: Environmental Studies
(p. 1 59)
Deborah J. Neumann 9 Woodpark Circle Lexington, MA 02 17 3
Joel L. Paine P.O. Box 101 Raymond, ME 04071
Chemistry: Biology
(p. 198)
Linda S. Palian 22 Judge Street Warwick, RI 02886
Wendy W. Neville 55 Lamson Road Barrington, RI 02806
Matthew Nickerson 10 Pound Street Medfield, MA 02052
Brian J. Morin RFD 1 Box 1 405 Oakland, ME 04963
Administrative Science - Mathematics
(p. 1 55)
(p. 179)
Deirdre K. Paul 12 Avenue 2 Pine Point West Scarborough, ME 04074
John F. Nixon Cedar Point Lane Hampton, NH 03842
(p. 188)
(p. 142)
Heather S. Morton 35 Fields Pond Road Weston, MA 02 193 Government, History
John M. O'Connor 255 Mount Elam Road Fitchburg, MA 01 420 Classics
(p. 1 57)
(p. 207)
Independent, Mathematics
Christopher C. Murphy 16 Greenwood Lane Westport. CT 06880 Government
English, Economics
Jonathan L . Orcutt 41 Lincoln Street Lexington, MA 02 1 73
(p. 2 12)
Suzanne M. Orcutt 65 Orchard Street Medfield, MA 02052
American Studies, French
John P. O'Toole 3 1 8 Mountain Way Rutherford, NJ 07070
(p. 201)
(p. 172)
Edward J. Pfister 3664 Tallwood Terrace Falls Church, VA 2204 1 English
(p. 147)
(p. 200)
Christine E. Petersen 7 Meetinghouse Lane Topsfield, MA 01983
(p. 145)
Susan A. Perry 26 Sunset Drive Chatham Township, NJ 07928
Andrew D. Myers 104 Vine Street Chestnut Hill, MA 02 167
Government, Spanish
(p. 185)
Marc L. Murray 7 Zelenke Drive RD 4 Troy, NY 1 2 180
Guillermo R. Perez 34 1 Mauren Avenue East Providence, RI 029 1 4
Wendell L. Perkins 9 Knollbrook Lane Painted Post, NY 14870
Administrative Science
(p. 177)
(p. 186)
(p. 198)
(p. 1 4 1 )
(p. 169)
Daniel G. Murphy 40 Circuit Avenue Newton, MA 0 2 1 6 1
Economics, Economics - Mathematics
Art, Philosophy
(p. 163)
Charissa L. Pepin 2 10 Corthell Road Laramie, WY 82070
Tammy J. Perkins 805 Main Street South Portland, ME 04 106
William M. Olsen 29 Colonial Drive Somers, CT 0607 1
Michael R. Muir Box 65 1 Wilton, ME 04294
Lincoln Peirce 38 Coe Drive Durham, NH 03824
(p. 205)
(p. 179)
Biology, Art
(p. 157)
Gregory P. Mueller 30 Wayne Avenue Atlantic Beach, NY 1 1 509
(p. 162)
French, Government
Paul Nolet 105 Farnum Street North Andover, MA 01845 History
Shannon E. Morrissey 40 Valley View Irvine, CA 927 1 5
French, Government
Sarah R. Peaslee 2518 44th Street NW Washington, DC 2000 7
Cynthia G. Morris 44 Mansfield Road Wellesley, MA 02 1 8 1
(p. 1 57)
Peter A. Pagano 6 Gates Avenue Ossining, NY 10562
T. Ashley Morgan 2 36 Gladstone Boulevard Shreveport, LA 7 1 104
(p. 1 52)
p Sean S. Padgett
Mark N. Phillips 27 Terry Street Nashua, NH 03060 History
Aaron T. Pickering
1 42 1 orth 57th Wa cott dale. AZ 85254
Administrat1 e oence - Mathematic (p 1 4)
Government (p 16 ) H 03
est Coulter treet 12 1 Philadelphia. P 1 144
English (p
16 Iden Road ndover M 0 18 10
dmini tratl\e
German. Economic (p, 1 77)
Engli h
Lauren E. Russo 44 Phea ant Hill Ori e West Hartford. CT
David H. Re nicoff
4 Hill 1de Road Concord. H 0330 1
(p. 176)
(p 1 3)
Caroline D. Rymer
pani h. Economic
GO\ ernment
Thomas A. Ponli
(p 2 1 3)
Burlington. MA 0 1803
Mary M. Reid
enue 5 laurel l Cin innat1. OH 4 5246 (p
James A. Pol
Gary H. Ruping
59 Center Street
88 Freeman Parkway Pro 1dence. RI 02
Be erly A. Rice
1ence. Eng/Jsh
28 unland On e
Hud on.
1 59)
H 0305 1
(p. 186)
J. Nash Robbins
3 MJd ood Drive 30 Gre nwich. CT
Engfl h
E. Uewellyn Price
3 t. Laurent I D'Orl. Bo PQ GOA 320. Canada ontmoren
(p, 2 13 )
Engl h
Jennifer l. Robbins
Virgin� A. Prigge
Human De� elopment
33 Greenbrier Road eene. H 0343 1 EconofTIJ (p 1 4)
alnut Place 9 Broo hne MA 02 1 ·
Michael A. Sander on
(p 1 58)
Philo oph
1 52 5 Ea I Brook! n.
Y 1 1 234
(p 180)
Julie C. Sands
II enue uth 2420 Ru Minneapoh . MN 55405
John H. Prorok
2833 Greenleaf treet llentown. PA 1 8 104
E onom1 (p 205)
Chri lopher
(p 1 52)
Robin on
c o Ruth Id 1mon's Rock Gr .it Bamngton. M 0 1 2 3
En and
Fr n h
Fren h German
Pub/J Poli
Anna K. S.;indstrom
Broc1dwat r R oad
Bronwyn S.J. Quirtc
5 th Ire I
(p 1
(p 16 1)
John C. Schleck
2 Russen T rrace Montclair. l 07 2
4 1 R1 er Edg Farm Road 443 Madi on, CT
Sooo/ogy. Fr nch
Ht tory Philo oph
(p 1 54)
(p 1 58)
M.;irtc E. Schleif
367 Cedar Lan
Todd V. Robinson
R Lynne M. Rawtins
2 5 Com I Road Dan ers. MA 01 2 3 Economics (p 1 52)
l(jm S. Rogers
Bo A· l York Harbor. ME 0
Econom1 (p
dmlllt trtJt1ve
6, Canada 1
E. Cl.Jre Secker-Walker Point ppletr Burlington, VT 0540 1
dm1m trat1ve
(p 2 1 3) 543
ten e
Suunna H. Seymour
to ram o Bo 162 1 Dhahran. aud1 rab1a
Economic (p 2 1 3)
13 Parkv1 w Dnv Hingham MA 0204 3
Shireen S. Shah.;iwy Government Slephen B. Reed
(p 178)
(p 1 4 3)
MiNm R. Redcay
(p 187}
81olog , Fren h
8iot g
Joan M. Ray
Back M adow Daman ot ta. ME Econom1 (p 187)
w Canaan, CT
nu J l 4 01 kmann 81 1 1 M mph1 . T
Wendy R. Ro�n
48 Harvard Comm n Portlc1nd. ME 04 1 0
RF 3 Bo lb Guilford, ME 04443
lndepend nt (p
Joy-Lim Shaw 1 37 Anzavista Avenue San Francisco, CA 94 1 15 Physics, Math
T. Andrew Sheehan 44 Millwood Circle Norwell, MA 0206 1
Belmont, MA 02 178 Administrative Science - Mathematics
Catherine 0. Stehman 4 100 Johnson Western Springs, IL 60558 Biology, Psychology
(p. 196)
History, Economics
(p. 199)
Gregory P. Shefrin 14 The Crossways W. Hartford, CT 06 1 17
John P. Siletto 47 Osborne Lane New Canaan, CT 06840
(p. 197)
Administrative Science
Elizabeth A. Towle 50 Hutchinson Road Arlington, MA 02 174
(p. 179)
Bradford M. Tracey 17 Swan Street Beverly, MA 0 1 9 1 5
(p. 168)
East Asian Studies, History
(p. 1 73)
Sarah B. Stevens 4 1 00 Main Road Tiverton, RI 02878
Kevin M. Trant
Human Development
(p. 190)
34 Glen Street Somerville, MA 02 1 45
Ryan S. Stinneford Center Hill Road P.O. Box 27 Weld, ME 04285
Administrative Science - Mathematics
Carol Simon 1 56 Skyline Drive Middlebury, CT 06762
Maryanne V. Stevens 78 West River Road Waterville, ME 04901
Government, Economics
(p. 193)
Lanze J. Thompson 6 Ridlon Road Hyde Park, MA 02 1 26
(p. 209)
Amey A. Travis 25 Clover Hill Road Colts Neck, NJ 07722 French
(p. 166)
F. James Stone
(p. 180)
Peter H. Simpson 699 Warrenville Road Mansfield Center, CT 06250
American Studies
Amy R. Trott 48 Cripplebush Road Old Tappan, NJ 07675
15 Squam Rock Road Annisquam, MA 01930 (p. 1 4 1 )
American Studies
(p. 165)
Joshua J. Slavitt Morehouse Lane Darien, CT 06820 Government
Cindy M. Smith 11 Samuel Parlin Drive Acton, MA 0 1720 Economics - Mathematics
Jeffrey Dean Smith 10 North Riverside Avenue Waterville, ME 04901 Administrative Science
(p. 2 1 1)
Matthew S. Smith 8 East %th Street New York, NY 10128 Geology - Biology
(p. 2 10)
Jane R. Smyth 1 580 South Skyland Drive Lake Oswego, OR 97034
(p. 182)
Harland E. Storey RFD 4 Box 78A Portland, ME 04 1 10 Administrative Science
Thomas C. Sturtevant 12 Cole Road Wayland, MA 0 1 778 Philosop hy
(p. 1 44)
Deanna L. Swan 22 Wayman Lane Box J Bar Harbor, ME 04609 Government: Public Policy, French
(p. 174)
Paul A. Swartz 376 Canton Street Westwood, MA 02090 History, Economics
(p. 179)
M. Michael Swift 18 Fer.midge Road West Hartford, CT 06107
Eric M. Trucksess 1 1 Linden Tree Road Wilton, CT 06897 Economics
(p. 202)
Keith P. Turley King Brook Farm Warren Road Palmer, MA 01069 Economics
(p. 152)
Jennifer H. Tuttle 1 1 Jones Road Amherst, NH 0303 1 Administrative Science
(p. 1 58)
Bethann Tutunjian 155 Samoset Avenue Quincy, MA 02169 Government
(p. 1 4 1 )
English, History
Jill E. Snowman 9 Glendale Road Caribou, ME 04736
Human Development
(p. 169)
Catherine W. Spalding 4 Cornell Road Dover, MA 02030 American Studies
(p. 195)
Lisa A. Spollen 665-B North Trail Stratford, CT 06497 East Asian Studies
Marita T. Stapleton 294 Rumstick Road Barrington, RI 02806
Susan Talburt 7505 Memorial Woods Drive #59 Houston, TX 77024 English, Spanish
(p. 167)
Clifford A. Tell 7400 Glenbrook Road Bethesda, MD 208 1 4
American Studies
(p. 1 57)
Gail S. Usher 28 Farmstead Lane Farmington, CT 06032 Government
(p. 166)
(p. 164)
Carla M. Thompson 30 School Street Limestone, ME 04750
Kevin P. Starr 58 Bright Road
Catherine C. Urstadt 6 Beechwood Road Bronxville, NY 10708
American Studies
(p. 1 75)
(p. 1 43)
v Michael T. Vail
treet 465 Ludlo Portland, ME 04 102
Peter Westervelt
Sarah St. Wood
(p. 188)
D.avid M. Westra
Elizabeth Woodhouse
Biology: Environmental Studies
Economics. Administrative Science
1 1 Roland Street Waterville, ME 04901
(p. 1 73)
(p. 170)
Alexmder C. V
264 Grove treet Mandlester, H 03 103
Administrative Science ThomilS W. Valinote 19 Pond Street Do er. MA 02030
1 1 Copeland Avenue Reading, MA 0 1 867
(p. 1 6 1 )
Midwel P. Veilleux
3 1 Eustis Parkway Waterville. ME 04901
(p. 1 80)
Bradford S. Whitner
Leslie D. Woron
(p. 1 53)
(p. 182)
Peter H. Viele
(p. 1 5 1 )
68 eeler's Ridge Road Wilton. CT 068 7
Geology: Environmental Studies (p. 165)
1 Longfellow Place # 34 10 Boston, MA 02 1 14 (p. 195)
Ann-Margaret White 2660 Foothill Drive Ogden, UT 84401
RR # 1 Box 7 2 5 Philli ps. ME 04966
(p. 162)
54 Cross Lane Beverly. MA 0 1 9 1 5
5 1 Hitdlingpost Lane Bedford, NH 03 102
Andrew R. Worthington
22 Cider Mill Road Glastonbury. CT 06033
Mathematics (p. 204)
Anna E. White
RR 1 Box 3% Bridgton. ME 04009
German, Biology (p. 1 53)
Neil J. Wysocki
19 Fernway Lynnfield, MA 0 1 940
Administrati e Science
Jacqueline White
w Tracy L Waite
2 1 0 erlook Drive Southborough. MA 0 1772
Admini trati e Science (p. 1 8 1 )
1 35 U treet NW Washington. DC 2
Sociolog (p. 1 42)
Victoria J. Whited
194 Richland treet uth Portland. ME 04 1
dmini tr.itNe (p 1 5 1)
Llurence M. Yorn
6 Crawford treet Randolph. MA 02368
Amencan tudies. Hi tory
(p 2
Mit chel J . W.ilkowicz
6 Progress Avenue Dudle • MA 0 1570
(p. 166)
B.atbara A. Wilkes
Hetci A. WilSs
Amh r t.
Spanish (p 1 7)
P.O Box P Blue Hill, ME 046 1 4
D.avid S.B. W.a.sson 30 Maple Drive ew MLlford, CT
(p. 187)
OscM Weekes
39 Tenrus Road Mattapan, MA 02 1 26
Joseph B. Weinberger
I Road H O 03 1
Marie S. Willey
Jonathm R. Zelnik
2 Eaton Dnve Watervtll • ME 0490 1
(p 202) 3 1 1 2 Ori an Av nue Fores v�l • MD 20747
M. Lynn Wiliams
1568 W bster tr t ew Ori an . LA 70 1 18
(p 185)
MM)' Alice Weier
GleM Wilson
1 1 Dalton Road Glou est r. MA 0 1 930
Human Development (p 189)
P ychology
Giles T. Weles
Marg.aret M. Wimmer
Mathenw ics
(p 20 1 )
(p 1 75)
Owistopher F. West 39 Heritage Dnve Avon, CT 0600 1
Joel H. Witter
(p 1 7 1)
(p. 194)
French, Co emment
Go ernment
170 Coldspring Street ew Haven, CT 065 1 1
304 Gailndge Road T1monium. MD 2 1093
Owmongenee Wtlli.un
1 48 1 North 40th Street Allentown, PA 18 104
RD 2 Box 324 Lmcoln, DE 19960
Gen ral Amher
(p 2
2 5 Colonial Green Loudonville, NY 1 22 1 1
42A Montezuma Route Dillon. CO 80435
Econom1 (p 164)
23 1
Editor-in Chief
Karen A. Killam Layout Editor
Marita T. Stapleton Photography Editors
Harriet Haake Linda Kindblom Business Manager
Wendell Perkins Sales Staff
Debbie Burke, Debbie Fisher, Beth Henry, Betsy Lockhart, BethMurphy, Phoebe Nason,Melanie Nelson, Peter Weltchek. Photography Staff
Gretchen Bean, Lynn Brunelle, Beth Healy, Todd Lachman, Phil Purcell, Lisa Rathke, Tina Zabriskie. Layout Staff
Steve Geneseo, Betsy Lockhart, BethMurphy, Wendell Perkins, Bill Twomey. Special Thanks To
Harriet Haake and Linda Kindblom who printed 95 photographs on Wednesday of Senior Week, 75 on Thursday, 5 1 on Friday, lost count on Saturday - and never once complained; Lynn Bushnell and Eric Pendleton for last-minute photo help; Earl Smith for being there to listen; J. Cole Harris and the rest of Balfour-Taylor for all their help; Betsy Lockhart and BethMurphy for m;iking Wednesday Layout Meetings fun; Amy Carlson and Jeff Johansen for making this year possible; andMarita Stapleton for her great sense of humor and her dedication to the Oracle.