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F r eight years of devoted service to the Colby community we dedicate the 1986 Oracle to you Father Paul Cote. From marrying Paul'
olby alumni co coun eling srudencs Father
ministry on and off of Mayflower Hill has erved co
stren then the Paul and
lby c mmunicy and the presence of Father on campu will surely
be mi ed.
ow that commencement is over, Mayflower Hill seems silent and
Your class will long be remembered as one
class stone marker - after a lapse of 100 years.
without you.
of the largest in the College's history and one
But your past record is only prologue -
The Class of '86 has passed on its role as cam
of the most creative. You shaped the new
brief and fleeting at that. Now come choice
pus leader to the underclassmen and has
Residential Commons system and found in
and chance. Many of you, in the 2 lst cen
- and
genious uses for the Student Center which
tury, will hold currently unimagined jobs.
you inaugurated. You sponsored a film series
You will encounter them through a series of
on alternative life styles, and you led the
accomplishments and accidents that will fill you, in retrospect, with wonder.
packed up and left.
Despite a particularly soggy senior week,
campus debates and rallies on South Africa.
the rain stopped early Sunday morning and
You sec records for community service and
But fear not! You are prepared to confront
allowed us to hold the ceremony on the
in athletics, and brought crew and skiing
the unknown and "caking the path lease
library lawns. Wendy Lapham's speech was
back to recapture earlier glories. You pro
traveled" is really half the fun. Good luck!
memorable, and the sun even appeared to
duced wonderful musical and dance perfor
(And keep a good book handy.).
bid you and your families goodbye as you
mances and reesrablished the tradition of the
Bill and Linda Cotter
o: Class of 19 6
In che years ro come,
Oracle wiU you
From: Carol and Charles B
our copy of che
doubcless join che
earboo k chac
schools. Indeed, frequencly all rh
e heavy
books will be boxed up and rdegare<l co a comer of
ome attic, rhere ro a quire rhac
musry scene of che ancique. Like mo t of the rest of the world, you·u be lt in
for the presenc and rhe furure, e
n though
the past can call up ome powerful feelin times.
19 6
will be
catalyst becau e e eryone·s college )'ear Ba setts
undergra<lu ce
rogecher ac che Um ersiry of
ouch Dakoca
in the F1foes, and we occas1onally unearth
Th Co)Ott
(really! uni ersmes on ch
are proud of their indigenous an1m I : our chief athletic rivals were the J a krabb1c and the Bison) co pur a name with a ace or co verify an assoc1acion. Or ro srucker ac the r co remember
year-old madencs wtth a glee or sham
dorhes and hair uc .
wholly diminished by gray h 1r
are for nosralgia, for your memories frozen in thac wond rful year 1956 or 19 meone once �id char an alumni·
about '7
familiar buildings and rooms and people
best we had in 1986, but we hope that you
and will abouc '9 1 . We gave you che
locked forever in a recrospe ti e cime-warp.
don'c cry co freeze us and what we raughc you in
olby or a U D will be ..yours .. only so
che same way that you have preserved a vic
long as it rem ins e acdy the same as ir was in '56 or · 6. You can and do your
torious soccer match against Bowdoin.
han e, bur
alma mattr really shouldn't.
Be ause we hope we've caught you how co change, how co chink, how co generalize ra
Quite under tandably, chen, most of us
ciona!Jy. Alumni occasionally accesc to learning
are kin co Jay Gae by, every undergraduate's
such skill s from us and some 1 SO colleagues ac
fa orice romanu : "
Colby. We've cried co instruct you in principles,
1s a
while holding you likewise accountable for the
n·r repeat the p
h ' of cour e you can!" The k for you and Gae b)•,
haraccerized by
derails a well. We're commirced to crying new
··unum:r ble v1s1on " captured perfe cly in
methods with traditional materials and vice ver-
chat phoro
f you and rour friend
- eter
. In our experience, no better preparation for
nally 21
b J hn on Pond. And all tho e
chat cough ..real world.. ever existed. We live in
will w
powerful memories. The
or U D are all coo often static images, che
make the
u!J \\acer and
eorg1an spires
ic coo.
i ion at on e wonder ul and ·er
For all ch t, we're
Fr m our per pe tt e, h wever, fes ors ac
oing co change, and
olb ' goc co hange. For your children 's sake,
unreal olby,
of \J'acen1Ue, c.u.
payers tn Mame, chi /1 the ..real world
you·<l beccer be damned glad of ic; your
m 1Jer
had better not become obsolete. Your
rea her
\J' e
- even the hi corians - muse reach r
scudent . an<l che p
fucure co each generation of
o Jon· c ger all alienated if rhe place pie are different. You're different,
wh}' houldn·t we r
nrirely di� erenr. We remain pleased
WLth many o you and we look forward ro your furure achievemencs.
hen you come back co
olby, we hope you'll di over only rhac we're older and
i er. Beerer than we were in '86.
idding farewell to Col
by seniors seems like something Cal and I should be used to by now. Since Cal· s been teaching here we've seen eight classes come and go from Colby. You· d think we'd know how to do it. But saying good-bye to your class seems even harder than usual. After all, this is really my class too. Just as all of you were arriving for the first time on Mayflower Hill, I was setting up shop in Career Services, wondering how to help Colby seniors head out into the world each year. Writing resumes as a way to launch you into the job
crossed my mind. Just as jobs
were a long way from your thoughts too. I had been asked several times to consider working in Career
prior to my coming in 1982, but always I'd been emphatic in assening my
Jill Scasz Harris worked in our office before
lack of interest in career counseling. I had
she became wife, mother, and Phi Beta Kap
example possible of a life based on integrity
pa. How can I begin to cell her how much I
admire her courage and strength? And how
Powers for only three years, but what I have
can I express my pride in the four students
learned from her will guide my thoughts and
believed wrongly that counseling students about careers consisted mainly of describing manage ment training programs, pointing out reference materials, and expounding on the benefits and drawbacks of various occupations. What I was to find out, what your class was to teach me, was che larger meaning of the word "career," or as the dictionary puts it, "the progress of a per son through life." I learned chis lesson most poignancly through the close associations I've had with many of you over che lase four years. Because I was hired as a counselor, not a teacher, my role was most often
from Skowhegan who came here with their former guidance counselor - me. Linda Elliott, Andy Smith, Sherri Wonhen, and Ron Currier, each of you remained true to the unique qualities that you brought with you to college and which you are now taking beyond Mayflower Hill, and even beyond your home state of Maine. I met Miu Kwini chat first year, and have watched with awe
chat of listener. Instead of offering the pearls of
his development into a powerful and elo
wisdom you may have expected, I discovered
quent spokesperson for his people in South
who has provided for me the most striking commitment.
known Jane
actions throughout the course of my life. Her tireless effons to educate the college com munity
homophobia, sexual harassment, rape, and sexism often went unthanked and sometimes placed her in jeopardy. Bue Jane pressed on, both publicly and privately, offering infor mation and suppon and providing a model of courage and determination for every one of us. How can I thank her for kindling my own passion for social justice and equality? How can I adequately thank any of you for
chat we could learn much more together, just
Africa. And I am pleased to say that I have
talking and chinking about you and the progress
known Perrin Boyd since her days as a food
of your life. That meant that we ended up
server in Robens. How proud I am of her
But, here we are, parring company for
discussing many things chat had litcle to do
work with community programs for the
now, and while I know many of you will be
with vocational choices, but much to do with
elderly, homeless, and terminally ill.
back, we'll never again have the luxury of
enriching my life and teaching me about the true meaning of "career?"
how your life was going. Beginning early in Oc
Some of you I have only known for a year
tober chat first fall, and continuing on until your
or two, but you have left your mark on me as
times a week in class. I'll follow the progress
graduation, we talked about everything from
well. I've been moved by David Simpson's
of your careers with great interest, knowing
values and self-exploration to eating disorders,
sensitive perceptions, the intensity of Deb
that you will be thinking about chose careers
sexuality, and, of course, your hopes and dreams
Morse's quest for understanding, and Wen dy Lapham's wisdom and humor. And I've
a whole. And as we say good-bye, please
for the future. And because you were so open with me, I found myself learning, perhaps even more than you. I am especially graceful to several of you who allowed me to share a ponion of your lives in ways chat have proved inspirational to me. Mose of you I have known since your freshman year. 22
regular lunch dates or seeing each other three
in che context of che unfolding of your life as
been stirred by the non-stop energy and en
remember chat you have a home here, and
thusiasm of Kelly Chopus and Tony Sciker's warm, compassionate nature. I feel honored
people who care about you. And if you ever
that you have allowed me to know you and play a pan in the development of your lives.
Nancy Wanderer Mackenzie July 16, 1986
Finally, there is a member of your class
need co add anything co your resume . ..
o the
Lass of 19 6:
Our sincere rhanks co those of you who have made our being at
To cho e of you who
worked, who cried, who cared - you make it easy for us. We hope in return we have helptd you 10 some ways to learn to think, to
b more indtpendenr and co ke p a sense of humor and a s n e of p r pecri e. ' e've even made your day at
olby a lirtle
more fun and a little more memorable. We have no ..words of wisdom.. for anyone, ex cept perh ps co ay char we wish each one of you a life which 1s of your choosing, not one in which you live out che expe rations of ocher .
- )1111 and Jean Mrlntyre
History: (back rou1) Richard (Pete) Moss, Lindsey Wilson, Frederick Gillum, John Roderick. (front row) Lee Feigon, Harold Raymond, Jane Hunter, Pac Kick, Marilyn Mavrinac.
.. 'i
English: (back row) David Mills, Dianne Sadoff, Kirsten Wallace, Eileen Curran, Jean Sanborn, Colin MacKay. (third row) Susan Kenney, Patricia Onion. (second row) Phyllis Mannocchi, Deborah McDowell, John Sweeney, Pat Brancaccio, Ed Kenney, Charles Bassett, John Mizner. (front row) Garry Leonard, Eric Binnie.
Government: Sandy Maisel, Chip Hauss, Cal MacKenzie, Pamela Blake, Tony Carotta, Roger
Bowen, Beverly Hawk. 26
Biology: Ray Phillips, RusseU Cole , Dave Firmage. Frank Fckt-te, Mmam Bt"nnetr, Arrhur Champlin, Brun¡ Fowle , Elazabcrh Champlin, Tam hri uansen, Beth Flint, Thomas Ea ton, Bev George:.
Modern Foreign Languages: Guy FiJosof, Charles Ferguson, Jean Bundy, Priscilla DoeJ, Arthur Greenspan, Dale Weiss, Marcia
Tardito, Jorge Olivares, Javier Gonzalez, Anthony Anemone, Margrit Lichcerfeld, David Keenan, Vivian Pyle, Peter Nutting, Tamae Prindle, Frederique Deschamps, Anne Mabbott, Falko Bohme, Alain Bonora.
Psychology: Ed Yeterian, Diane Kierstead, Nicholas Rohrman, Dorin Zohner.
Student Activities Office: Amy Scott, Molly Couch, Niley Shrestha , Sara Dickison, Ginger Nowak, Trudy
King, Jim Peacock.
Administrative Science: Donald McCarthy, David Fearon, Yvonne Knight, John Bubar, Peter Nye.
REGISTRATION reg_* is •tra •tion
( r e j i strayshun) n. 1. A register ing, as of voters or students. 2. The number of persons registered, enrollment. 3. An experience often worth forgetting when a d ministered at Colby. Hoards of underclassmen are assigned t o b e at the fieldhouse at 12:45 p.m. and upon arrival are instructed to plan their college careers right then and there, before the seniors are expected to arrive at 1 :30. Of course the
seniors sneak through at about 1: 10, thus multiplying the chaos. Knowing just how hectic registration can get, the seniors often compete with each other to see who can get out of the fieldhouse the fastest. (The record is 53 seconds) Hence, it always seems like there is a senior in line in front of you trying to clear up that last gradua tion requirement, be it English 152 or that perennial favorite, gym. Registration can also be a trying time for friendships, especially when you learn that your best
friend has classes on Tuesday and Thursday only, while you, being a science major, have labs every day except Wednesday. 4. A potentially intimidating experience for students depending on their class. Freshmen are allowed in before the others so that the sight of 1200 peoused to the confusion and are very social at registration. ple they don't know won't send them into shock. Sophomores and juniors are away their junior year often have a very traumatic went who Seniors time. their take they so list priority everyone's on low are They 'is. anyone who g rememberin time hardest time as they have the
mov*ing (mo6ving) v.
1. To change the place
of or set astir:
agitate. - adj. 1. Af fecting the emotions. Synonyms:
ing, painful,
These words all refer to an emotional state of mind often incurred in that popular college ritual 'moving in.' In
the process of moving
in, certain scenarios arise among Colby men and women. Stu dent A learns too late that a
U-Haul full of
junk just won't fit into a closet single in the quads.
tressing. carries
Student large
dis· B
thick third
floor in Dana only to see from
brought his own. This
is a pain{ul experience. Student C helps her roommate to unpack and sees that she has a complete matching set of Laura Ashley towels, sheets and curtains,
realizing that it is the same exact pattern that she had bought for the room. That is path
ďż˝ Ii f) w T I '" r:
Seu-A sponsored several concerts at Colby this year, among them Toshi Reagan, "New Man," Sugar Cane Alley, The Neighborhoods, The Freedom Music Festival and ''Crossbow," a traditional Irish band. Other productions in cluded The Ridge String Quartet, Organist Chrisropher Young and the Festival of Carols and Lights.
Colby students and faculty combined forces to produce memorable theatrical produc tions such as Metamorphosis, A Little Night Music, Translations and Lysistrata. Powder and Wig put on several plays as well: True West, Black Comedy, Butterflies Are Free, The Cask of Amontillado and the annual One-Act Festival.
n A L L â&#x20AC;˘ w I I I
T w o l i nge r ie sal esmen make a bol d appearan c e i n their silk s at Foss.
George letting it rip in his own rendition of the Go-Go's 1982 hit "Our Lips Are Sealed."
The Saran Wrap Flasher showing us hi be l side.
, ..
Colby played host to several well足 known lecturers throughout the year, a few of whom are shown here. Dith Pran and Elie W iesei spoke eloquently about their lives under oppressive cir足 cumstances
Yuppie Jerry Rubin and always-a足 Yippie Abbie Hoffman engaged in a debate in the Chapel. After receiving the '33' Annual Lovejoy Award, the Washington
spoke of her experiences in journalism covering presidents and political hacks over the past decades. Former U.S. Secretary of the Interior James Wact spoke in the Wadsworth Gymnasium, controversial as ever.
The J osephes receiving praise decades of service co the colJege at ch dedication ceremonie for th New Scud enc Cencer.
The N ational Tug-0-War Team f r o m Gr e e c e visited Dana Lawn t o meet their foe ...
Typical of New England weather, Colby had a spring thaw the last week of January but luckily snow returned to liven up the campus for Winter Carnival. The theme was "Where the Wild Things Are"; hence a humungous snow sculpture appeared on Frat Row to grin eerily down upon all the party animals.
which proved to be a team from the show 'Hod ge Podge Lodge.'
Tom takes charge of events on Dana Lawn but can on ly watch as Greek strength proves too much for the team of natural ists. (below)
Tom then turned his sights on judging the 'Dance-Around-The
Bot-In-The-Snow' Contest.
It was amateur night at the Coffeehouse and
Harris puc in
a guest ap
pearance, wearing his rrademark Blue Boy body suit. Thrilling the standing-room-only cro d with his sizzling fingerwork and uni que rwang, Harris was able co bring out some old crowd favorites like "Mary Low Blues" and really brought the house down with
ome mean strumming on the ever
popular "
hy in Maine?". Harris then left
che rage and gave ome coaching rips co his fans.
Samantha Smith dies in a plane crash in Maine
The Titanic is
found after 73 years of darkness off the coast of northern New England ° Classes begin at Colby
clothing, dies in Wales
An earthquake strikes Mexico City killing
Laura Ashley, purveyor of fine English
thousands and causing widespread destruction; Colby students in Cuernavaca are safe
Hurricane Gloria slashes the Eastern Seaboard
and knocks out power at Colby for four hours
cumbs to Aquired Immune-Deficiency Syndrome
Rock Hudson suc 0
Washington Post
columnist Mary McGrory receives the Elijah Parish Lovejoy Award from Colby for outstanding journalism opened for use
The New Student Center is
National Anti-Apartheid Day is held across America
and there is an Anti-Apartheid Rally on the seeps of Miller Library Divestment hearings are held at Colby
An Italian cruise ship, the
Achille Lauro,
is h1gh1a kt:J in che Mediterranean and one American i
The Prince and Prince
of Wal
vi it Washin ron,
A mudslide cau td by the eruption of a C lumbian vol ano
buries several cowns, lea mg more than 20,000 peo le dead Kansa
icy Royal
win che World
ov1et Leader Mikhail Gorba hev meet in Geneva fi r the first Power
Presidenr Re.gan and ·
ummic' of the decade.
Or * a * de Pho * tog * ra * pher (or'ah-kul foe togg'rah-fir) n. 1. A warmblooded migratory mammal common to a one square mile area in rural Waterville, Maine from September to June. Their migratory patterns are wide and varied; some have been known co spend che off-season in New Jersey or the Caribbean. Intrepid as ever, the Oracle photographer is in search of che right look, the right move to capture on film. Harassed by editors and deadlines on all sides, chis rare breed of photographer works surprisingly well under pressure. Horrified of being photographed with their lense caps on, this carnivorous animal is hard to catch on film so beware upon approach. You never know, you might get zapped and your face plastered in a book such as chis to remain in print for all perpetuity. (See right for exhibit A) 64
Cross Country: Brian Norris, Tim Oakes, Tim Fisher, Toby Yos, Bill Baerg, Mike Farley, Kevin Misner, Hans Hagen, Phil Thornton, Joe Beal, Coach Jim Wescott. (front row) Bill Jenkins, Jeff Farley, Jake Ulick, Bill Derry, Mark Pagnano, Rick Lan zi, Kurt James, Chris Cohoes. Men's
(back row)
Elena Stamoulis, Ann · Field Hockey: (back row) Coach Brenda Baird, Lee Scammon, Helene Landers, Lori O'Keefe, Coach Debbie Raible, Cindy Bruzzese, Anne Burger, Hilary Seward, JoAnn LaMarre, Nancy Donahue, Lisa Bontempi, Karen Buckley, Caroline Pluck. (front row) Karen Czuchry, Mel Brown, Meredith Magee, Lori Raveis, Sarah Maddox, Knowles.
Men' Soccer:
(back row) M ark O'Donnell, Torgny Anderson, Steve Webb, Peter Vigue, Mark Burke, B1U Carr, Rok Zajec, Rich CaJKhman, Neil Menard, Asst. Coach Dave Srukey, oach Mark Serdjenian. (front row) Evan Dangel, Bill Clendenen, Peter Bowers, S<:ot t H u nter, J eff King, Bill Duncombe, Brett Asherman, Charles McHugo, M ichael Ayers.
Football 1985: (Team Roster) Jamie Arsenault, Andrew Ayers, James Brandt, Robert Brunelli, George Byras, Michael Cameron, Brendan Canning, Paul Deutch, Edward Devine, David Dugan, Tony Ekstrom, Jeff Emerson, Vincent Emery, Marc Enger, Jim Feeley, Peter Gerber, John Hamlin, Taylor Henderson, Tom Hiemstra, Francis Hodsell, Scott Johnson, Gary Khoury, Richard Lasley, Brad Lord, Sean Mahoney, Tony Mazzola, David McCauley, Steve McCue, John McNinch, Alex Millman, Todd Molloy, John Mullen, Tom Oxholm, Jim Pietro (Capt.), Scott Pratt, Guy Prescott, Paul Prescott, Matthew Reilly, Mike Ricci, Craig Rogers, Mike Rollins, Matthew Sotir, Andrew Spirito, Majester Stewart, Eric Sullender, Dan Sullivan, Andrew Sul ya, Louis Uible, Danny Valeri, Joe Walcon, Scott Wentzell, Bruce Whiting, David Wilson. Cua::hed by Chris Raymond, Tom Radulski, Robert Pfieffer, Harold Violette, Al Paquette and Scott Laughinghouse.
Women's Soccer: (back row) Coach Parlin. (4th row) Karen Linde, Sarah Pope, Lisa Tomasetti, Barbara Swartz, Martha McTavish. (3rd row) Stacey Mendelsohn, Carolyn Bell, Ingrid Kasaks, Camilla Johansson, Carol Ann Beach. (2nd row) Courtney Celi, Marianne MacDonald, Tanya Mead, Kathy Sullivan, Laura Shaver, Sue Whittum. (1st row) Molly Couch, Deborah Brooks, Mary Needham, Patrice Galvin, Jennifer Estes, Jennifer Douglas.
Coach Paula A boud, Allison Capstick, Deb Potter, Lorin Haughs, Nina Hell m a n, N o r m a Delaney, Karen Mit chell. (front ro ) Heidi G reen man, K ate W a l k e r , S o nja Meuhlman, J enni Pat ue Pearson, tison, Tempe Evans.
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DA T E L I N E Olaf
assassinated on the quiet streets of Stockholm
Rubin and Abbie Hoffman speak in Lorimar Chapel ••
An Army transport plane crashes in Canada before
the holidays, killing more than 240 service men and women
The main airports in Rome and Vienna are
hit by terrorist attacks; an eleven year old girl is numbered among the dead
The Chicago Bears win
the Super Bowl over the New England Parriors
Space Shuttle Challenger wirh seven astronauts aboard, including rhe first civilian in space, Concord, N.H. high school reacher Christa McCauliffe, explodes 74 seconds inro the flight
rhe Do '
Duvalier, Presidenc-for-L1fe m HaHi, flees for h1 life after widespread re olc among rhe populace
or zon Aquino mounts an
election campaign ro challenge Philippine Pre idenc
Ferdin nd
• •
with the backing of the milit ry, stages a relacavely endm ••
rhe ex-Pres1denc inro exile in Hawaii
Imelda Marc
found co have had
over 3000 shoes in the Presidennal Palace in Manila.
(back row) Delorenzo, Carol Anne Beach, Heidi Irving, Susan Whittum, Lisa Hataway, Lisa Troeger, B renda Gilman, Lisa Collett, Kelly Marchetti, Nancy Pare, Pam Hoyt, Manager Heidi Senkler. (front row) Karen Jodoin, Beth Staples.
Anhur Swimming: (back row) Jake Unrick, Tripp Johnson, Mike McCartney, Marc Doolittle, Rick Frank, John Morrow, Paul Hesrerburg, Randy Barr, Dan Bullis, Brian Moore, Coach Bob MacDonald. (middle row) Russell, Goldman, Tom Hagerty, Lindsey Carver, Jamie Ray, Mary Thompson, Jon Moffit, Rob Young, Dave Haake, Holly Swanson, Jim Bachand, Marian Robbins, Kelly Powers, Jean DeNapoli, Sue Urrerstrom, Harriet Dayna Bob Casey. (front row) Ruth Rosenstien, Tempe Evens, Katie Behn, Carolyn Lockwood, Sherly Powers, Adams, Alison Forest, Kim Lynch.
Men's Squash:
(back row)
Dan Deluca, George G rader, Shaun Dakin, David Longscape, David Avedesian, Edgard Mem brano, Ogden Timson, J ay Stabile, J ay Allen, Coach S core Laugh i ng house. (front row) Peter Wecchek, G ilberc Falcone, R ob chwandc, Brenc Harris, M ik e A s h l e y , C h ris Whelan, Dan Cullary, Noshir Dubash.
Men' Hockey: (back rou) Ball Koules, Dave Los r, Bob Lewis, Net! Menard, Quinn Moyer, Bob Burn , J oe Bisson, Asst. Coach Brian Foster (m1ddlt row) Coach M ickey Goulet, John McCarthy, Brian Murphy, Peter wley, ceve Getto, Tim Murphy, Rob Mayea, Chns Parker, Ken Vopn1, Matt Elders. (front rou•) Greg Bearry, Greg ronin, Vin Paolucci, Jon D()(:hr ( pt.), Gus Wilmerding, Tom Boyd, Walt Edwards.
Men's Indoor Track and Field: (back row) Coach Jim Wescott, Kevin Farley (Co足 Capt.), Hans Hagen, Lawrence Pierson, Bill Mc足 Crillis, Jim Pietro (Co-Capt.), Brian Norris, Phil T ho r n t o n , Phil Lapp. (middle row) Sam Uible, Mark Pagnano, Bill Derry, Rick Lanzi, Rich Lasley, Ma足 jester Stewart, Asst. Coach Bud Seigmund. (front row) David Duane, Toby Yos, John Moore, Tim Fisher, Peter M ueller, Mike Misner, Doug St. Lawrence, Laurent Kosbach.
Women's Hockey: (team roster) Paige Alexander, Leah Basbanes, Courtney Celi, Christine Corcoran, Molly Couch (Capt.), Jemma, Craig, Patricia Haffey, Julie Irmischer, Carolyn Keshian, Patricia King, Robin MacWalter, Sue Mad足 dox, Tanya Mead, Megan Patrick, Roxann Pitkin, Jennifer Plott, Tracey Robem, Stefanie Rocknak, Jennifer Rubin, Amy Scott, Jenny Webster, Karen Welling, Coach Rob Pfeiffer, Asst. Coach Bill Clendenen.
Women's Squash: (back row) Alison Murray, Jen
Pierce, Laura Thorton, orma Delaney, Karen Mirchell, haron Marusik. (front row) Lisa Kerney, Abby Lausier, arah Whir cle, Lucia ranron, Erica Eisenbach.
Men's Basketball: (back r()UJ) Asst. Coaches John Mitchell and Chris Murphy, E. J. Perry, Joe Delucia, core Carver, Chris Cole, Tim Bonang, Chris Powell, J a mie Arsenault, Tim O'Donnell, Scott Hunter, Coach Dick Whitmore. (front row) Chris Vickers, Art Nagle, Eric Brown, Mike Hill, Scott Jablonski, Mike Marchetti, Bill Maheďż˝, Mike Gibney.
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Baseball: (Team Roster) Arsenault, Scuarc Babb, John, Michael Burr, Doug Calandrella, Vin Emery, Denis Foley, Norman Hugo, Jim Kaufman, Michael Kelly, Joe Marcoux, Lawrence McGrath, Rich Mueller, Robert Murray, Sean Murray, Keith O'Leary, Steve Rand, Doug Scalise, Stetson, Chris Taron, Coach Gene DeLorenzo, Asst. Coach Scott Laughinghouse.
Men's Outdoor Track and Field: (back row) David Duane, Toby Yos, Phil Lapp, Phil Thorton, Brian Norris, Jim Pietro (Co-Cape.), Bill McCrillis, Lawrence Peirson, Ed Devine, Kevin Farley (Co-Cape.), Coach Jim Wescott. (middle row) George Gibson, Doug Sc. Lawrence, Bill Ralph, Jim Connolly, Mark Pagnaoo, Ma jescer Stewart, Rick Lanzi, Bill Derry, Manuel Balmeseda. (front row) Guy Prescott, John Seidl, Gary Christensen, Hans Hagen, Mike Misner, Laurene Kosbach, Sam Uible, Mace Reilly, Rich Lasley, Charles McHugo.
Women's Track: (back row) Coach Debbie Aitken, Karen Boomer, Diedre Beal, H eacher Frasier, arah Redfield, Lisa Hathaway, Danielle Archam bault, Chris Gilman, Veronica Knight, Lauren Patterson. {front row) Laurie Anderson, J uliet Blake, KeUy hopus, Megan Flaherty, Megan Patrick, Tracey Morrow, Daryl Angney, Linda Roberts, Jeanne Guild.
Women's Lacrosse: (back row) Coach Debbie Pluck, arah Geiger, Callie Knowles, Sue Maddock, J ulie Dodge, l.alyn Ordey, Heather Arwood, J essica Truslow, Kim Lynch, Hansi Hals, Heidi Lombard, Lynn Sullivan, Lara Beecham, Robin Trend. (front row) Karen ReiUy, Kim Gorton, J ane Nicol, Melissa Brown, Laurie Raveis, J enny Websrer.
Softball: (back row) Coach Julie Treadwell, Lisa Tomasetti, Ellen Meigs, Brenda Knuer, Linda Baroncelli, Beth Staples, Sue Whittum, Julie Karas, Elaine De Berardine, Rob Levine. (front row) Jayne Holman, Jennifer Allen, Pam Hoyt, Carolyn, Crowe, Barbara Swartz, Elena Stamoulis. (Beth McSorley not present).
Lacrosse: (bark row) Greg Cunningham, Garec Heinbach, Chuck Burke, Jeff Konz, Ed Barr, Greg Pastore, Josh Marx. (middle row) Joe Ricci, Joe Bisson, Bran Oaycor, Marco Loretto, Andy Palmer, Bill Oapp, John De R ham, W ill Holmes, Bill Warren, Don KJein, Kevin Plummer, Coach Rob Pfeiffer. (front row) Bob Erdman, Jeff Tracy, Paul Deurch, Karl R uping, Reihl Mahoney, Mark Burke, Doug Parker, Gus Wilmerding, reve Getto, am Igo, Taylor Henderson, Matthew Gove, Eric Whitford, Tom Abbaciello.
Men' Men's Tennis:
(bark row)
rewa.rr, mith, Ed J eff M ike Archibald, Rob Koff, Mike Ashley, Coach Bell. (front rou¡) M ark Demian, apolsky, Ogde n reve Timpson, John Miller, Pac Hanssen.
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Maria Shriver weds Arnold Schwarzenegger prices plummet to under $12 per barrel wins the Oscar for Best Picture
World oil
'Out of Africa'
A TWA plane is blown
open over Greece while a Berlin disco is bombed in another terrorist attack
The Stock Market hits 1800 for the first
time in history
The New Student Center is dedicated
Controversy boils at Colby over the 'Room Search' Policy as a search found proof of underground fraternal activities which are banned at Colby
The U.S. Navy and Air Force launch
an attack on Libya in retaliation for fostering terrorist ac-
A nuclear reactor at Chernobyl near Kiev in the Soviet Union explodes during safery tests and burns for four days, spewing radioactive gases into the atmosphere and con taminating more than one hundred thousand people
Duchess of Windsor, Wallis Warfield Simpson, dies in Paris at 89, thus ending the century's most infamous love affair that caused the abdication of Britain's King-Emperor Ed ward VIII in 1936
Dith Pran, subject of the movie 'The
Killing Fields,' speaks to hundreds at Colby
Elie Wiesel, urvi or of che Holocausc, gives a mo ing leccure co a standing m-only cro'I d in che Commons Room
.. The 'One In Ten· film series debucs on ampus, heighcening che awarenes
of human sexualicy
lass of 19 6, Colby's largesc clas radu tes on the
e er,
ceps of MiUer Library
P rrin Escher Boyd, of Edina, Min ondon Medal at ommen ement Bo con
win cheir sixceenrh
hris Everc Lloyd wins
the French Open Tennis Championship
fi r
unpre edenced
croun ing
e enth
avranlova in che final
Andre che
d1t:S .., The King of
wing, Benny Good
m n, dies
carue of Libercy is
r d di aced on her I OOch Birthday chree years of refurbishment
Bouvier Kenned>'• only daughter of) FK marrie in
chlo in
private cere on Fer and Britain' Anare married in a
people a ro the globe.
Kri can't believe some Col by women actually wanr co train co become Bah Hahbah Aehline scewardesse . The women, ar left, are being put through their p es an Runnels Union. Kris and George were at a gala party introducing the new course, ti tled "Flap, Flap and Away," co che olby curriculum. George had no ommenc.
L 0 u D N E99
Peter Solomon and Peter Cooke
Heather C. Reay
E. Northfield, Jr.
Laurie J. Brown nt
Greg Lockwood, Jim Frew, Dwight Trainer and George HuU David Severance
Deb Spieker
� alcer Phelps Bliss
hwab, Jr.
Paul 1artin
Kachle n 1.
Scott Perry and Mark Leondires
Linda Kindblom
William Yardley 1 34
Brent an<l Jill
Linda Baroncelli
Harriet Haake
Sarah Elizabeth Whittle
Andrea P. Mcinnis
David A vedesian
Rick Bernard
Dana De'\''m Burch Ill
Robm Ann Vendmi
I y
Tracy Burnham and friends
Julie Smith
Michael E. Marchetti
Mary Lou Kopas
M.m Murphy
,_ -
-':.� - • LS.:
.. � �
Helene Landers
1 42
..-: -
Richard Deering
(hJrle� F Cltppcrt
Judy M. Swift
Ann Yates
Amy Bleakney and Beth Peters
Louise Charbonneau
Suzanne Louise ScahJ
Lindsey Carver
Alec Murray
Kelly McPhail
Arlene Kasarjian
M. Jane Powers
Norma Delancy
Jay Allen
Todd Molloy and George Samaras
Cabot Harrison Philbrick
, ,,,
Kenneth Harris
Samuel Pietropaolo and Charles Cleary
Daniel Bullis, Gregory Getchow, Paul Wagner, Mike Fortin, David Blake and David Power
1 50
Richard Frank
Campbell I� I
Karyn Weafer
Robin 1. Schulman
Laurel Sue Gross
Kachlet'n Hooper
D borah M. Mt K, y !folly
wan on IH
Dorothy G. Mack
Lori J. Berger and Lyonhil Tinseltown
1 54
Fran Gladstein
Becky Hart
John Wilfong
J 56
Chris Parker
Cary H ills
Timothy Kasrrineli
I 7
Craig L. Cohen
Annette Hanzer
Elizabech Walzer
J ulie Grossman
Joy e L. tymour
1 �9
Philip C. Amarante, Jr.
Steve Brennan
Thomas J. Fisher Dan Auslander
Karen Clark
Linda Michaud
John Yett
Elizabeth H. Kerney
Rick Tolscrup
1 62
Matthew R. Canady
Robin L. Chalmer
Kachy Jone
Cynthia Ann Kelly and Mary Ellen Kim
Kimberly Burnham
1 64
Genevieve Marie Hammond
Lon Moo<ly
M. Barbera
W. R 1blt
Karl Rupiog
Amy Melker
Paul Buckley
Bruce Raphael
Hi.lacy M Breed
Beth Harringron Anne Du Haime
Juliet Blake and Rachel Brandzel
Robin Scheuer
Kathleen Pinard and
uzanne Battit
r) Michael A. Heel (w/ J oh n Doeh
Stephen Potts Walter Pezcon
Heather Leigh .tras1er
1 70
Kachy Braverman
Regan Hargraves
I bel
Moira Houcon
Kathy Reynolds
Deb Morse
Henrietta Adrian Yelle
1 72
Lynn Wunderlich
usan Aeck
J anet Kelley
Eri Pc:ndl ton I
Lucia C. Stainton
Walt Edwards
1 74
Randy Mitchell
Amy Glazer
Karen True and Heather Freeman
] essica Gahm
1 76
Sarah Eileen Pennington
Deborah Perni e, Eve-Lynne Ermer and Liz Libby
Heidi Arnao
Elizabeth Longval Rh ad
1 77
Robert A. Kenney
Carol Mae Duplessie
Gail Gh k man and Ellen Fi Id
1 79
Nicholas A. Ophuls
Christian Barner
Laurie Clark 180
Dan Hurley
hri rophcr Brog an ( riner)
Dave Turberc
1 82
corr Croll
J ohn
ceven M iller
Thomas B. Oucerbridge
Evan Dangel
Peter B. Coley
Mlungisi Kwini
Kevin J. Farley
Bill Donahue
Brian Norris
1 86
Patrice Galvin
Jeff O'Brien
Philip J. Guarino
Anne Elizabeth Butter
Elt7..abeth W. M orl<:y
1 89
Suzanne Pearson Leslie Greenslet
J oho Habemock and ] eff K ing
Kristin Giblin Kelly A. Donahoe
Wendy Birbrower
Grace S. Brown-Asgard and ' Prince' 1 92
Kt¡vin F. H u lse
I' '
Carolyn Rhodes, Robin Warren, Sonja Muehlmann, Jennifer Creamer, Jill Bond and Diana Dorsey.
Madeleine Budnick
Karen Jo Giamusso
J ill
Ru cia and friend
Gretchen Bean
Matt Hardey and J o
Peter L . Voskamp
Cindy Ardito
Lisa Falk
Nancy Levine Bngid Hoffman
1 97
David T. Wilson Dave Epstein
Joey Marcoux
Kenneth J. O'Brien
1 98
Scoct P.
H umphrey
hark E.
Back row (l t0 r): Cabot Philbrick, J oh n Fitzpatrick and Rick Greenwood. Middle row: Peter Cooke and Kevin Mead. Front row: J oe Bergera and Peter Solomon.
Caroline Moses
Charles Hargraves
Thomas B. Cu ack
Kri c op h r L. J n en
20 1
John Rafferty
Steve Poirier
Tricia Martin and Holly Harris
Scott Carver
Jonat han J . Greene
Amy Vander Vliet Grantland Rice
Kate Osborne and Jake
fl!llll===="'-- --- --- -ďż˝- --
Joan-Beth Witkes
Ethan R. Wiesler
George G isbon
Laura Larman
J •me< Pim •nd Thom0< Oxholm
\ \
J ohn Joseph Pelletier
Kace Paterson and Monique Reed
Adam H i rshman, Chris Brogan and
cott Baxcer
2 10
.l l I
" To laugh often and love m uch, to win the respect of in telligent persons and the affection of children; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give one 's self; to leave the world a lot better whether by a healthy child, a garden parch, or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived this is to have succeeded . "
- Ralph
2 14
2 16
Giving and receiving advice seems co be very importanr co human be ings and it also seems co be a big part of speeches. We can all remember specific pieces of advice that were lenr co us by people whose opinions we valued. I would like co share some of mine with you . The first i s a classic example of allow ing positive thinking co triumph over cynicis m . It's the old optimism versus pessimism story and it has kept my fami ly alive for centuries. The whole story revolves around a glass of water contain ing only half its volume. To the opti mise, the glass is half full; co che pessimist, the glass is half empty. Throughout my life whenever I have become disconrenced, disappoinred or disheartened, I have heard m y mother ' s voice say i ng " Remember, che glass is always half full. " I t cakes a tremendous amounr of courage co live your life this way. How easy ic is co dwell on what is lost, what re mains co be done, or what has not yet happened. But if you stop mourning over what has been taken away, and con cenrrate on whac still remains, you will have the power co conrinue. A glass thac is half full rather than half empty is full of possibilities. We must begin to con cenrrate on what we are able to achieve or have not yet achieved. My second piece of advice comes from my paternal grandmother . . . One of my grandmother's favorite sayings was " Everyone should make their own history . " I 've thought about this idea a lot in the last day and a half, both for the message it conrains and the way it was delivered ro me. I interpret my grand mother' s words as meaning that we must all go out inro the world and write our own individual stories, concentrating on what is valuable t 0 us and honoring and respeccing the separate histories of those around us. We must make our own choices and decisions and we m ust constantly look forward so that our own history, as she calls it, is something original that we leave behind, not a srory that is slowly dictated by the past or that has been told again and again. And yet the message is muddled by the fact that the letter itself is a piece of hisrory thac my family saved and remembered and kept for me. Her message has become something meaningful ro me because she had lived ro deliver it. She is part of my hisrory and her words are a part of whac I define as my own hisrory. Hisrory is something thac is repeated again and again, and it is something ro be saved and remembered. So the conclusion I have reached is this: We must make our own hisrory; we must be willing ro let others do the same; we must remember that where we come from is as importanr as where we arrive; and we must realize the connections between the past and the present while remembering tO apply them to the future.
- Excerpts from the speech given by ClaJJ Speaker Wendy Lapham
2 18
.? 1 9
Colby's 1 65th graduating class, the largest ever, assembles for one last time, having come a long w ay from F r e sh m a n Convocation in September of 1 9 8 2 . Does anyone remember their C O O T trip? O r 'The Kennedy I m prisonment'? D i d anyone r e a d it? find you Can yourself i n the pic ture at right? (Why isn't a n yone look ing at the camera?)
¡ ' Leaming is not at tained must
be sought for with
ardor and attended to with diligence. "
- Abigail AdamJ
22 1
H onma!) DL'grL'<: Dav 1J i ar;
F ranu:s
Doer or of Hu mane Leners
Do cor of Laws
BemarJ Lu\\ n The PurdanJ J u lia
Douur of H u m ane Letter m ng
t ep h tn
Z KtLsl-.emerhy
RonalJ P
Pau l R os
Mort i mt:r
B Zutkerman
Doctor of
1 u iL
Docrur of
f usic
Doctor of
1u ic
Do cor of M u siL Doctor of Law
E N I 0 R P A R E N T P A T R O N S
Dr. and M rs. F. Knight Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. M . Lewis Chaplowe
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frederick
Mr . and M rs. Philip Amarante
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Claff
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Frew
Mr. and M rs . Charles F. Clippert
The Frymoyer Family
John and Gail Appleton
Mr. and Mrs. Edward V . Clisby
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan J. Giblin
Ch a rles and Barbara Ardito
Robert and Beverly Cobuzzi
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P . Gibney
Mary S . Coley, M . D .
Mr. and Mrs. George C . Gibson
Sally a n d P h i l Cooke
Robert Flickman
Bernette and Bert Cote
Marvin and Carole Goldberg
Robert B. and Janet C. Couch
Beth W. Greene
G len Crocker
Dr. Martin L . Greene
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Delaney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S . Greenslet
Mr. and Mrs. John Devin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D . Groshek
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Dobbs
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Guarino
Mr. and M rs . C. Avedesian Frank and Vera Audolensky Fred an d Sheila Baroncelli Sue and Bob Bean David F. Beatty M r. an d Mrs. Jack Bellavance Mr. and M rs. James E. Berger E l eanore Case Bernard Frederick J . Bernard Karen and Thomas Blair Nanette and H arold Bond Mr . and Mrs. Lester F. Boyd Mr. and M rs . Kenneth Braverman Mr. and M rs. James F . Brennan Peter ('58) and Mary Ellen C hase ( ' 5 8) Bridge Ruth and Tom Briody David and Deborah Brooks Mr. and M rs. Stanley N. Brown Susan and Robert H. Bullis Mr. and M rs . John J. Burke, Jr. Roy an d Margaret Bu tter Tom Ca mpbell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Campbell, Jr. Frank and Jean Caps tick
David and Laurie Donahoe Mr. and Mrs. Edward A . Drennen Mr. and Mrs. James W . Duca Jean and Ed Duffy Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Du H aime Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Engstrom Mr. and M rs . Burton R. Epstein Joseph N . Ermer Mr. and Mrs. Richard W . Estes Mr. and Mrs. Richard T . Farley Amory Fay Mr. and M rs . John Noble Fiske David E . P . Fitzpatrick Patricia M. Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Fleck
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G . Gulizio Jerome H. Gundersen Mr. and Mrs. John C. Haake Mr. and Mrs. Roy A . Haberstock Boyd Hagen/ Penny Reay Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hagstrom Henry H. Hammond Mrs. Leonard Hanzer Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hargraves, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J . Harrington Virginia and Bernard Hart Mr. and M rs. Albert C. Hills Guy C . Holbrook l 1 l Mary a n d Jerry Hopson Joan Houton John F . Houton Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Hurley
Coleman and Margaret Foley
H . E . Igoe, Jr.
Mr. and M rs. Stuart Carver
Dr. and Mrs. William V. Frame
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Jackman
Mr. and M rs. Robert L. Casey
Mr. and M rs . Richard H. Frank
Nancy W. Jackman
Mr. and M rs. Neil Carver
Anne-Marie Doolittle
Robert E. J a ffe
M r . and M rs. C . David O ' Brien
Dr. and M rs . S tephen Solomon
Dr. a n d Mr . P a rnag H . Kasarjian
Mr. and M rs. Joseph E. O' Brien
Warren B. South worth
M r . and Mrs. Peter L. Kastri nelis
La wrence and N a ncy O' Keefe
A n d rew and Gail Spieker
M r . a n d Mrs. William E . Kel ley
Dr. and M rs. H. N. Olewiler
Kenneth R. and Na ncy H. Stahl
Rona l d R . Kell y
Mr. and Mr . Warren A . O'Su l l i a n
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W . Stinson
Mr. and M rs . Ralph M . Kindblom
Van and Luci l l e Parker
Mr. and Mrs. David L. S tone h i l l
Mr. and M rs. R icha rd S . King
Mr. a nd Mrs. Everett A. Pearson
J a c k a nd A n n ie Sutton
Paula a n d Rainer Koh ler
Dr. and M rs . Jo e D . Pezcon
R o n and E llie Swanson
Dr. Anthony R. Kopas
Mr. and Mr . Gordon R. Pendl eton
Robert B . Swift
Robert and Janet Kuenne
Mr. and
M r . a n d Mrs. Peter Leondires
Mr. and Mr . R nald L. Pinard
Dr. and Mr . Stewart Taubkin
Mr. and M rs. C l i fford E. Libby
r. and Mr . R nald Poiri r
Dr. and Mr . William S . Toder
Evelyn C . MacDonald
r . Thoma J. Power
John and Sandy Trainer
r . Samuel Pietropaolo
Mr. and Mr . George P. Turci
M r . and Mrs. Matthew D . Mad igan
Mr. and Mrs . Rob rt Prefontaine
Mr. and M rs . John P. Maheras
John and Rebecca Crane Rafferty
Wi l l ia m L. Twomey
M r . and M rs . Raymond Matusik
r. and Mr . Richard C. Reynold
R . Twome
Joan C . Vander V l iet
M r . a n d M rs . William B . Maley
Mr. and Mr . George Rhode
Mr. and Mr . Loui
Prof. and M rs . Dana W . Mayo
Dr. and Mr . W i l J ia m J . Rice
Frances K. M c i n n is
Dr. and Mr .
J a n t Stebbin Wal h ' 5 6
David and Ruth Rob rt
John and J u l ie McPhail
We and Janet Rydin
Warren M. Wel l , Jr.
Richard C . McSorley
John A . Sa age
Mr. and Mr . Proctor S . Waterm a n
Lois M u nson M ega t h l i n
Vic and Mary Scal i e
Donna A n n Melker
M r. a nd Mr . Le Ii
Ron and Carol Whittle
Brad and Pa tricia M il ler
Dr. and Mr . A . Herbert Schwartz
Melvin and Peggy M i tchell
Lyd ia and Dick Scott
Mr. and Mr . H. A. Wil merding, J r .
Mr. and M rs. Robert M . M i tchel l, J r .
E l i zab th Shriv r a nd Jonathan B l a ke
Mr. and Mr . Roland W . Wil on
Beatrice and Herbert Morse
Mr. and Mr . R. D. Sev ran e
Mr. and Mr . Bernard S . Witke
M r. and M rs. Frederick Moses I I I
Ruth and Le ter Sey mour
Mom and Dad Wh itney
Betsy M u rray
Mr. and M rs. John W . Shauck
M r . a n d M r . R ob rt Wood
eill McCormack Fam i l y
G. Samara
Sca m mon, Jr.
Ven di tti
Peter Vo kamp Fa m i l y
W af r
Fol k
hai and J u l ia Wie !er
Mr. and Mrs . John William Nelson, Sr.
I m ogen and Hen neke Sieve king
Mr. and Mr . Thoma
Bill and Diana Lee N icholas
Richard and Ba rbara Norris
Birgit a nd Langdon Smith
Henri a n d A l ta Y I I
Mr. and Mrs. W i l l i a m E. North fiel d, Sr.
Mr. and Mr . Cro by R . Smith
Fouadl and D ni
and Ch arles Si son
F. Yard! y
Zakh r
SENIOR DIRECT ORY AAAAA Alexander, Geoffrey K. (p.203) 323 Ocean Avenue Marblehead, M A 0 1 94 5
Barnes, Amy A. 3 2 Bradyll Road Weston, MA 0 2 1 93 Ad. Sci.
Allen, Benj amin M. c/o Royal Prod. JC! P.O. Box 200 1 0 Miami, F L 3 3 1 0 2
Baroncelli, Linda J. (p. 1 36) 24 Berglund Avenue Brockton, M A 02401
Chem . : Biology
Allen, James P. (p. 1 4 7) 20 Walnut Road Weston, MA 0 2 1 93
Bartlett, William M. 276 High Street Newburyport, MA 0 1 950
Allen, Jennifer A. 43 Ed g ewood Road Scarsdale, NY 1 0583
Biol.: Environ mental Studies
Battit, Suzanne J. (p. 1 69) 34 Woodbine Road Belmont, MA 02 1 78
Allen, Michael E. 1 29 Nurmi Drive Fort Lauderdale, FL 3330 1
Bausman, Richard G. 8 7 East Northwood Avenue Columbus, OH 43201
Allyn, Robert S. (p.203) 8 Smith Street Yarmouth, ME 04096
Baxter, Scott L. (p. 209) 38 Blueberry Cove Yarmouth, ME 04096
Alwan, Yasser M. 39 Howard Park Drive Tenafly, NJ 07670
Bean, Gretchen A. (p. 1 96) 55 Tall Timbers Lane Glastonbury, CT 06033
Chem.: Biology
Amarante, Philip C . (p.1 60) 1 Lantern Hill Road Westport, CT 06880 Govern ment
Antonelli, Stephen M. 80 Country Club Pl. Southbridge, MA 0 1 550
App leton, Terry L. 95 Fairview Avenue Augusta, M E 04330
Archer, Julie A. (p.1 58) 19 Lantern Lane Amherst, MA 0 1 00 2 Psych. Mat . : Psychology
Ardito, Cynthia L. (p.1 96) 77 Heritage Drive West Yarmouth, MA 02673
Arnao, Heidi A. (p. 1 7 7) 1 684 Washin g ton Street Canton, MA 0202 1
Govern ment
Audolensky, Thomas F. Rt. #302 Bath, N H 03740 East Asian Studies
Auslander, Daniel (p. 1 60) 4 3 7 Manor Ridge Road Pelham M anor, NY 1 0803 Economics
Avedesian, David J. (p. 1 3 8) 22 Denison Drive Saddle River, NJ 07458 English, A rt
BBB BB Babarovic, Christina M. C/ '- Zahm 1 6 Mohegan Road Larch:nont, N Y 1 0538
Barbera, Karen M. (p. 1 65) 92 Lisa Lane North Andover, M A 0 1 84 5
Psychology, Spanish
Barner, Christian L. (p. 1 80) RR 2, Box 1 1 79 226
Kenneb unkpor t, ME 04046
33 Welland Road Brookline, MA 0 2 1 4 6
1 4 Stony Comers Avon, CT 06001
Booth, Janet E. (p. 1 3 0) Rt. 2, Box 146 Pomfret Center, CT 06259
Burch, Dana D. (p. 1 3 9) 64 1 7 Three Chopt Road Richmond, VA 23226
History, East Asian Studies
Government, East Asian Studies
Bousum, Virginia A. P.O. Box 19 Kingfield, ME 04947
Burke, John Joseph (p. 203) 26 Piedmont Street Lynn, MA 0 1 904
Boyd, Lori C. (p. 1 90) Woodlawn Avenue Kennebunkport, ME 04046
Burke, Mark W. (p. 1 5 7) 506 Fair Street Warwick, RI 02888
Econ .: Public Policy
Ad. Sci.
Boyd, Perrin E. (p. 1 88) 7204 Shannon Drive Edina, MN 55435
Burnett, Elizabeth T. 87 Fisher Street Medway, MA 02053
American Studies
Boyd, Thomas J. (p. 1 84) 2 1 5 Blue Hill Drive Westwood, MA 02090
Burnham, Kimberly A. (p. 1 64) Rockwood Drive South China, ME 04358
Brandzel, Rachel L. (p . 1 68) 4 4 1 6 50th Avenue NE Seattle, WA 9 8 1 05
Burnham, Tracy Jo (p. 1 40) P.O. Box 1 5 80 Asp en, CO 8 1 6 1 2
French, Art
Braverman, Kathy L. (p. 1 71) 4 Cattle Crossing Andover, MA 0 1 8 1 0
Burns, Andrew W. 7 Greentree Lane Revere, MA 02 1 5 1
Beatty, Greg F. 221 Ascot Court Oshawa Ontario L l G 1 W9, CANADA
Breed, Hilary M. (p. 1 6 7) 19 Nebo Street Medfield, MA 02052 English
Burns, Kristan H. (p. 207) 40 Pleasant Street Fort Kent, ME 04743
American Studies
Bellavance, L y nn M. 38 Redington Road Needham, MA 0 2 1 92
Brennan, Stephen C. (p. 1 60) 1 60 Shore Avenue Groton, CT 06340
Burrell, Betsey B. (p. 1 53) 622 Front Street Marion, MA 02738
Ad. Sci.
Ad. Sci.
English, Spanish
Ad. Sci.
Bentivoglio, Antonio A. (p. 1 5 6) Elkins Park, 8 1 2 7 Cedar Road Philadelphia, PA 1 9 1 1 7
Bridge, Stephen C. 78 Sandy Lane Burling ton, VT 05401 English
Butler, Barrando 1 5 0 Blake Street Hyde Park, MA 02 1 36
Berger, Lori J. (p. 1 54) 43 Olde Lantern Road Bedford, NH 03 1 02
Briody, Scott F . 225 Thayer Pond Road Wilton, CT 06897
Butler, William 0. 32 North Street Bangor, ME 04401
A m erican Studies
Bergera, James J. (p. 1 78) 2763 Foothill Drive Ogden, UT 84403
Bro gan, Christopher J. (p. 1 8 1) 300Third Avenue Belmar, NJ 0 77 1 9
Butter, Anne E. (p. 1 88) 2034 East Glendale Avenue Milwaukee, WI 5 32 1 1
Bernard, Frederic W. (p. 1 38) 5 Horizon Road, Apt. 4 1 0 Fort Lee, N J 0 7024
Brooks, Deborah D. (p. 1 63) 1 755 Farmington Avenue Unionville, CT IJ6085
Berwick, James P. 8 Stratford Road Needham, MA 0 2 1 9 2
Brower, Hamilton M. (p. 1 4 2) Fleecydale Road Carversville, PA 1 89 1 3
Ad. Sci.
Birbrower, Wendy (p. 1 92) Nancy's Lane, RR 3, Box 1 62B Pound Ridge, N Y 1 0 5 76
Brown, Catherine D. (p. 1 65) 4 804 Sumner Drive Bethesda, MD 208 1 6
Blair, Thomas C. 23 East 93rd Street New York, NY 1 0028
Brown, Laurie J. (p. 1 3 1) RFD 1 , Box 1 68 Appleton, ME 04862
Blake, David K . (p. 1 50) 48 Lothrop Road Reading, MA 0 1 867 Biology
Blake, Juliet H. (p. 1 68) 4926 Hillbrook Lane NW Washington, DC 200 1 6
East Asian Studies
Bleakney, Amy L. (p. 1 44) 23 Ruddock Road Sudbury, MA 0 1 776
Bond, Jill (p. 1 94)
English, A rt
German, A rt
Brown-Asgard, Grace S. (p. 1 92) 28 Winter Street Waterville, ME 04901
East Asian Studies, History
Buckley, Paul J. (p. 1 66) P.O. Box 662 Wellfleet, M A 02667
Ch em.: Biology
Budnick, Madeleine A. (p. 1 94) 1 936 Asylum Avenue West Hartford, CT 0 6 1 1 7
A rt
Bullis, Daniel R. (p. 1 50)
American Studies, A rt
CCC CC Campbell, James D. (p. 1 5 1) 16 Bonaire Circle Waban, MA 0 2 1 68
Campbell, James G. 96 Brook Road Milton, MA 0 2 1 86
Campbell, Sara B. (p. 1 82) 7 North Road Pinewood Acres Coming, NY 1 4830
Canaday, Matthew R. (p. 1 62) Ridge Road, RD #2 Lebanon, NJ 08833
Psychology, Independent
Capstick, Alison J. (p. 1 75) P. O. Box 1 83 Devonshire 4, BERMUDA
Carlson, Craig A. (p. 1 84) 8 Kay Street Westborough, MA 0 1 58 1 Biology
Carlton, John B. 1 024 4th Street West
Birmingham, Al 35 204
Osterville, MA 02655
Hamilton, MA 0 1 936
Carver, Lindsey B. (p. 1 45) 249 Forrest Road Merion, PA 1 9066
Cole, Charles C. 22 East Bringhurst Sll'eet Philadelphia, PA 1 9 1 44
Cusack, Thomas B. (p. 201) 3 1 Lawson Road Cape Elizabeth, ME 04 1 07
Carver, Scott A. (p. 204) 26 Warren Cutting Chester, J 07930
Cole, Scott F. Deerfield Road Gates Mills, OH 44040
Govt.: Public Policy
East Asian Studies
Casey, Robert L. (p. 202) 32 Scott Circle Dedham, MA 02026
Coley, Peter B. (p. 1 85) 253 Ridgewood Road West Hartford, CT 0 6 1 0 7
Chalmers, Robin L. (p. 1 63) P.O. Box 98 Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896
Collings, Paula C. Route 8, Box 585 Thomasville, C 27360
Chaplowe, Scott G. (p. 1 8 ) 1 20 Lantern Road Sll'atford, CT 06497
Cooke, Peter B. (p. 130) 1 5 Pequot Road Marblehead, MA 0 1 945
Psychology, Classics
East Asian Studies, Russ. Stu.
C hubonneaQ. Louise J. (p. 1 45) 96 Pascals Avenue Rockport, ME 04856
Cookson, Anne C. 5 Rue Chene de Dieu 1 338 Lasne, BELGI UM
Cbopw, Kelly E. (p. 1 3 8) 72 Annelise Avenue Southington, CT 06489
Corn wall, Brian R . (p. 1 81) 1 1 2 Woodberry Lane Fayetteville, NY 1 3066
Human Development
Ad. Sci., Economics
Choquette, Jeanne M. (p. 1 33) 5 7 Forge Road WarwiCk, RI 028 1 8 East Asian Studies
Cote, Colette A. (p. 1 93) 2 4 Emmett Street Bristol, CT 060 1 0 French, Economics
Christman, Pamela J. Box 1 93 Sheffield, MA 0 1 2 5 7
Cotter, Michele L. 31 obscot Road Weston, MA 0 2 1 9 3
C h ristos, Laurie S. 406 Thayer Road Swarthmore, PA 1 90 8 1
Couch, Molly T. (p. 1 87) Williston orthampton School Easthampton, MA 0 1 02 7
A rt
Church, John F. (p. 1 73) 5 2 Blueberry Cove Yarmouth, ME 04096
Crawley, Jason (p. 1 48) 62 Sequoia Court San Carlo , CA 94070
Cla.ff, Valerie A. 1 439 Brush Hill Road Milton, MA 02 1 86
Crumer, Jennifer M. (p. 1 94) 1 70 Suomi Street Paxton, MA 0 1 6 1 2
East Asian Studies. ltrdependent
Clark, Kuen E . (p. 1 61) 1 43 7 Calle Santa Fe Solana Beach, CA 92075
Crocker, Charlene R. (p. 1 3 9) 88 1 6 Dupont Avenue S Bloomington, M 5 5420
Clark, Laurie A. (p. 1 80) 6 7 Vega Road Marlborough, MA 0 1 75 2
Croll, Scott l. (p. 183) Route l, Box 104A Hancock, M 1 49930
Psychology, English
Cleary, Chuln F. (p 1 50) 5 8 Avalon Road eedham, MA 02 1 92
Cronin, Gregory P. (p. 1 84) 45 Hodge Road Arlington, MA 02 1 74
Clippert, Charin F. (p 1 43) 5 8 6 Fairfax Bimungham, Ml 48009
Cullaty, Daniel E. 49 Possum Road Weston, MA 0 2 1 93
Clilby, Robin D. 1 1 9 Old Sherman Hill Road Woodbury, CT 06798
Cully, Shauna L. (p. 1 55) 425 Front Street Weymouth, MA 02 1 8
Cobuzzi, Robert J. <p 1 35) 65 Meadowbrook Circle Sudbury, MA 0 1 776
Cummings, Robert 8. Box 90 Waccabuc, NY 1 0597
Amencan Studies, History
History, A m encan Studies
Economics, East Asian Studies
Art, Chem. Bio.
Cohen, Craig L. (p. 1 58) 1 7 1 Fairway Drive Newton, MA 0 2 1 65
Curran, Donna (p 1 55) 2 Barnstable Road Peabody, MA 0 1 960
DDDDD D 'Agostine, Jeffrey D. (p. 1 85) 1 08 Russet Lane Boxborough, MA 01 7 1 9
Ad. Sci.
Dangel, Evan K. (p. 1 84) 23 Griscom Road Sudbury, MA 0 1 776
American Studies
Deering, R ichud B. (p. 1 43) 2 7 Hedgerow Drive Falmouth, ME 04 1 05
Delaney, Norma J. (p. 1 4 7) P.O. Box 268 Greenbush, M A 02040 English, Sociology
Delucia, Joseph J. (p. 1 61) 7 Femwood Road Monroe, CT 06468
Deobald. Amy E. 96 Eldridge Road Aurora, OH 44202
Economics, Govemmtnt
De Ro a, Marc S. 9 Atherton Circle Lynnfield, MA 0 1 940 Physics
Devin, Charles R. (p. 1 84) 32 Watch HilJ Road Moruoe, CT 06468 Economics
Dup l essie, Carol M. (p. 1 78) Rt. 1 , Box 1 5 1 0 Albion, M E 049 1 0
EEEEE Edwards, Walter R . (p. 1 74) 5535 Geddes Road Ann Arbor, M I 48 1 05
Ad. Sci.
Elliott, Linda M. 57 South Facto ry Street Skowhegan, ME 04976 English, Pe rf. A rt
Engstrom, Christopher C. 18 Rue Jean Jaures 92800 Puteaux, FRANCE Biology
Epstein, David S. (p. 1 98) 5 5 Martin Road Portland, ME 04 1 03
Ermer, E ve-Lynne K. (p. 1 77 347 Lloyd Avenue Providence, RI 02906
Economics, German
Estes, Jennifer M. (p. 1 67) 49 Candlewood Drive Topsfield, MA 0 1 983 Bio1ogy
FFFFF Falcone, Barbara G. (p. 1 3 7) 6 2 1 Lake Drive Princeton, NJ 08540 Biology
Falk, Lisa W. (p. 1 97) 30 Wriston Drive Providence, RI 02906
Dobbs, M ichael T. 1 1 2 · 1 8 68th Road Forest Hill , 1 1 375
Docherty, William A. (p. 203) 1 96 Fanncliff Drive Glastonbury, CT 06033
Chem.: Biology
Donahoe, Kelly A. (p. 1 9 1) 2297 Lantana Avenue San Jo e, CA 95 1 30
Donahue, William F. (p. 1 86) 39 Pinnacle Road Farmington, CT 06032
Doolittle, Muc H. 24 Sand Trap Lane Seekonk, M A 02771
Religion, East Asian Studies
Dorsey, Diana (p. 1 94) 9239 Doheny Road Los Angele , CA 90069 Government
Fallon, Cynthia L. 12 FlintioCke Lane Dedham, MA 02026 Fa.rley, Kevin J. (p. 1 86) 83 Blackberry Lane Hyannis, MA 0260 1
Fazio, GiovUU\i A. 255 Mill Street Newton, MA 0 2 1 60 East Asian Studies
Feifert, Kristen N . 2 6 Miantonomo Drive Warwick, R I 02888 Biology
Field, E llen J. (p. 1 79) S A Foxwood Road Great eek, NY 1 1 024 Government
Fischer, K urt R . 1 0 5 6 Tall Oaks Drive Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Douglas, Jennifer (p. 1 63) 36 Rocky Nf'ck Avenue Gloucester, M A 0 1 930
Government, History
Drennen, An �ela D. 1 92 1 Lyttonsville Road Silver Spring, MD 209 1 0
Ad. Sci.
Duca, Paul J. (p. 1 84) 38 Hanian Drive East Weymouth, M A 02 1 89
Ad. Sci.
Ad. Sci. Mat., Ad. Sci.
Colbert, Kath leen M. (p. 1 33) 9958 4 1 t Street North Pinellas Park, Fl 33565
Englis 1
Currier, Ronald C. RFD 1, Box 5 2 60 Skowhegan, M E 04976
Ad. Sci
Cole, Bruce F. 1 1 4 Bay Street
Curry, Tricia A. 721 Bay Road
DuHaime, Anne M. (p. 1 67) 5 4 High Street Peter&orough, NH 03458
Du�, Sheila A. 98 Elmwood Avenue East Aurora, NY 1 4052
Soc.: A nth ropology
Fisher, Thomas J. (p. 1 60) 1 5 Victoria Circle Newton Centre, M A 02 1 59 Fiske, Edwar d P. 41 Summer Street Weston, MA 0 2 1 93 Psychology
Fitzpatrick, John C. (p. 200) 1 9 Perkins Avenue Reading, M A 0 1 67 English
Fleck, Susan J. (p. 1 73) 71 Pri cilla Street Ea t Falmouth, MA 02536
Econ.-Mat., Economics
Flood, Jessica A. 227
Parkhurst Road Merrimack, N H 03054 H u m a 11 Development
Foley, Denis J. (p. 1 5 1) 8 Crest Road Sharon, MA 02067
A d. S c i . M a t h
Fortin, Michael R. ( p . 1 50) 6 Surrey Lane Cumberland Foreside, M E 04 1 1 0 History
Foster, William G. 2 7E Prince's Point Yarmouth, M E 04096
Frame, Kell y M. 8 0 1 South P lymouth Court, Apt. M Chicago, IL 60605
Glickman, Gail L. (p. 1 79) 4 5 1 East 84th Street New York, NY 1 0028
Hargraves, Regan M. (p. 1 7 1) 3 Heneage Lane Hanover, NH 03755
Goepfert, Laura W. 1 0843 St. Mary's Lane Houston, TX 77079
Harrington, Beth (p. 1 6 7) 18 Highland Avenue Cambridge, MA 0 2 1 39
Goldberg, Nancy B. (p. 1 8 7) 7 Oak Park Circle Lexington, MA 0 2 1 73
Harris, Brent T. (p. 1 3 5) 8402 Thorndon Terrace Bethesda, MD 208 1 7
A rt
Geo/.: Env.
Econom ics, Spanish
Gordon, Mark C. 4 9 1 2 SW Tyrol Circle Portland, OR 9720 1
Harris, Holly A. (p. 204) 55 Bishop Drive Cumberland, RI 02864
Gradstein, Fran M. (p. 1 54) 24 Frostfield Place Melville, NY 1 1 74 7
Harris, Jill Stasz (p. 1 3 5) Sunshine Canyon, Salina Star Rd. Boulder, CO 80302
A rt
Houton, Moira P. (p. 1 7 1) 1 6 Victoria Street Dorchester, MA 0 2 1 25
Hubbard, Hadley A. (p. 1 48) 1 408 Walnut Hill Lane Baltimore, MD 2 1 204
America n S t u dies, A rt
Hulse, Kevin F. (p. 1 93) 1 2 Margerie Street Newburyport, MA 0 1 950
Humphrey, Scott P. (p. 1 99) RR 1 , Box 1 587 Hallowell, ME 04347
Hurley, Daniel J. (p. 1 8 1) 25 Rocky Brook Rd., Box 461 Dover, MA 02030
Ad. SCI.
Frank, Richard W. (p. 1 5 1) 488 Firetown Road Simsbury, CT 06070
Greene, Jonathan I. (p. 205) 4 1 08 43rd Avenue N . E . Seattle, WA 9 8 1 0 5 History
Harris, Kenneth R. (p. 1 50) P.O. Box 1 89 Cohasset, MA 02025
Hurley, Elizabeth 16 Paquin Road Barrington, RI 02806
Greenslet, Leslie A. (p. 1 90) 1 5 Tomahawk Lane Greenwich, CT 06830
Hart, Rebecca E. (p. 1 55) 1 6 Northwood Drive Nashua, NH 03063
Chem.: Biology
Frasier, Heather L. (p. 1 70) 2 6 7 Portsmouth Avenue Stratham, N H 03885 Biology
Frederick, Pamela J. (p. 1 3 8) 24 Doris Road Framingham, M A 0 1 70 1
Freeman, Heather K. (p. 1 76) Edson Hill Road, Box 1 1 70 Stowe, VT 05672 Spanish
Frew, James J. (p. 1 3 2) 45 Blueberry Lane Westwood, MA 0 2090 A rt
Frymoyer, Margaret W. (p. 1 30) 1 2 75 Spear Street South Burlington, VT 0 5 4 0 1 Psychology
Fuller, Lynne A. 33 High Ridge Road Boxford, M A 0 1 92 1
GGGGG Gahm, Jessica R. ( p . 1 76) 8 Chebacco Road Ipswich, MA 0 1 938 Spanish, French
Galvin, Patrice M. (p. 1 86) 49 Rockland Place Newton, MA 0 2 1 64 H u m a n Development
Getschow, Gregory S. (p. 1 50) 1 2439 Lakeshore Drive Mequon, WI 53092 Gove rn m e n t, Religion
Giammusso, Karen J. (p. 1 94) 68 Summer Street Andover, MA 0 1 8 1 0 English, Spanish
Biology, A rt
Groshek, Paul M. 225 I vy Street Denver, CO 80220
Hartley, J. Matthew (p. 1 96) 22 Glezen Lane Wayland, MA 0 1 778
Gross, Laurel S. (p. 1 52) RFD 4, Box 89 Suncook, NH 03 2 75
Hauer, Nicholas J. Wooding Hill Road Bethany, CT 06525
Ch e m . :B iology
Grossman, Julie F. (p. 1 59) 94 Ardmore Road Needham, MA 0 2 1 94
A rt
Hayden, Juliana Winslow Road, RFD 2, Box 1 0 2 Gorham, M E 04038
A rt
Guarino, Philip J. (p. 1 88) 2 1 Mansion Drive Topsfield, MA 0 1 983
Heel, Michael A. (p. 1 70) P.O. Box 1 75 Northeast Harbor, ME 04662
Economics, Ad. Sci.
Gulizio, Daniel 39 Essex Drive Hau p pauge, NY 1 1 788
Hewett, Daniel M. 5 5 Maynard Road Northampton, MA 0 1 060
Gundersen, Erik A. 2 2 8 1 Crestview Place Lacrosse, WI 5460 1
Hill, Michael P. (p. 1 59) 6 Dalton Street Waterville, M E 04901
HHHHH Haake, Harriet A. (p. 1 3 6) 1 560 Wilson Avenue San Marino, CA 9 1 1 08 Econ . -M a th
Haberstock, John T. (p. 1 9 1) 207 Old Boston Road Wilton, CT 06897
Ad. Sci.
Hagstrom, A. Kyle (p. 203) 1 0 Riverside Avenue Gloucester, MA 0 1 930
Hammond, Genevieve M. (p.
Hills, Albert C. (p. 1 5 7) Platt Hill Road, RD 3 Winsted, CT 06098
Biol.: Env.
Hipson, Michael E. 6 Stowe Road Southborough, MA 0 1 772 Economics
Hirshman, Adam D. (p. 209) 83 Lincoln Road Wayland, MA 0 1 778 Spanish, Economics
Hoffman, Brigid M. (p. 1 97) 740 Linwood Avenue Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Economics
22 Medfield Street, Apt. 3 Boston, MA 022 1 5
Holbrook, Guy C. (p. 1 78) 644 Washington Street Duxbury , M A 02332
Gibney, Michael E. Tewalama Place Lakeville, M A 02346 English
Handwerg, Joan 7 Eastwood Drive Medford, OR 9750 1
Hooper, Jay W. (p. 1 84) 1 4 Lindenwood Road Cape Elizabeth, ME 04 1 0 7
A rt
Gibson, George D. (p. 207) 700 High Street Denver, CO 802 1 8
Hanzer, Annette S. (p. 1 58) 4 1 5 North Barrington Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90049
English, A rt
Hooper, Kathleen V. (p. 1 53) 603 Frederick Street Ridgewood, NJ 0 7450
Glazer, Amy L. (p. 1 76) 9 Spring Lane Framingh am, M A 0 1 70 1
Hargraves, Charles N. (p. 201) 51 Knight Road Ext. Framingham, M A 0 1 70 1
Hopson, Lila P. Box 1 50 Main Street Stratton, ME 04982
Giblin, Kristin D. (p. 1 91) 1 25 M amoch Drive Seekonk, MA 0 2 7 7 1
Econom i cs
H u m a n Development
1 64)
III II Igoe, Harold E. 21 Legare Street Charleston, SC 2940 1 English
Imhoff, Jennifer M. (p. 1 4 2) 1 626 Bolton Street Baltimore, MD 2 1 2 1 7
Government, History
JJJJJ Jackman, Kenneth E. 1 6 Tioga Avenue Ocean Park, ME 04063
Ad. Sci.
Jackson, Donald B . (p. 1 48) 53� North Benson Road Fairfield, CT 06430 Economics
Jaffe, Sally-Ann (p. 1 90) 64 Neptune Lane South Yarmouth, MA 02664 French
James, Kurt D. 31 Metacom Drive Simsbury, CT 06070 French, Music
Jensen, Kristopher L. (p. 201) 435 Long's Peak Alpharetta, GA 3020 1 Biology
Jodoin, Karen A. (p. 1 3 6) RFD 2, Box 2533 Oxford, M E 04270 Biology
Jones, Kathryn A. (p. 1 63) 22 Woodridge Road Wellesley, MA 0 2 1 8 1 Government, French
KKKKK Kasarjian, Arlene L. (p. 1 46) 84 Longmeadow Road Belmont, MA 02 1 78 Economics
Kastrinelis, Timothy C . (p. 1 57) Olde Farms Road Boxford, MA 0 1 92 1 Govern ment
Kelemen, John J. (p. 1 82) 4200 Great Oak Road Rockville, MD 20853 Economics
Keller, Katherine A. 9 Church Street Belfast, M E 049 1 5
Kelley, Janet L. (p. I 3) 26 Gardner Street Beverly , MA 0 1 9 1 5 English
K elly, Cynthia A. (p. 1 64) 1 8 Taylor Avenue Earlvill e, 1 3332 Biology
4925 South Cook Road Lafayette, NY 1 3084
Lapp, Phili p R. (p. 1 95) R R 2 , Bo 2 6 Chester, VT 05 1 43
Larkin, David S. RFD 1 . Box 3600 orridgewock, M E 04957
Kenney, Robert A. (p. 1 78) 28 Herrick Road Peabody, MA 0 1 960
K i m, Muy E. (p. 1 6 5642 Mosholu Avenue Bronx, Y 1 04 7 1
A rt
Human Dev., Soc.: A nth.
K indblom, Linda C. (p. 13 64 Druid Hill Road Summit, J 0790 1
Geology, Geol.: Env.
K i ng, Jeffrey S. (p . 1 91) 37 King Phillips Path Duxbury, M A 02332
Ad Sci.
K in� Paula L. 26 Lime Street Boston, M A 02 1 0
American Studies, A rt
K i nsley, Hury W. P.O. Bo 67 Limerick, ME 04048
Kohler, Maria G. 1 1 0 Richardson Drive eedham, MA 02 1 92
Ad. Sci.
Kop as, Mary L. (p 1 40) Lakeside A venue Webster, M A 0 1 5 70
En ironmental Studies
Kozma, Karen E. P.O Box 4 1 6 Old Saybrook, CT 06475 Ps chology
Kuenne, Carolyn L. (p. 1 4 8) 63 Bainbridge Street Princeton, NJ 0 540
Philosophy. French
Kules, William M. P.O. Box 1 1 29, Meadow Rd. Stowe, VT 05672
Physics, Math· Cpt Sc
K w i ni, M iungisi (p 1 85) Y 55- 1 3 Guguletu 7750 Capetown, SOUTH AFRICA
Latman, Laura J. (p. 208) 48 Washington Mews 1 0003 e\ York,
Lil Vigne, Robert K. (p. 1 8 9) 8 Crestview Drive, Apt. 40 Spencer, MA 0 1 562
leBaron, James B. 96 Draper Road Wayland, MA 0 1 77
leBlanc., Jill M. 15 Carpenter Street Amesbury, MA 0 1 9 1 3
Leondires, Mark P. (p. 1 34) 5 Highland Terrace Danvers, MA 0 1 923
History, Chem Bio.
Levine, ancy A. (p 19 ) 5379 South Kiameria Englewood, CO 0 1 1 1
Libby, E liz<1beth A. (p. 1 7 J RFD 2 , Box 1 00 West Bu ton, ME 04093
Lloyd, Cynthia C. <p. 1 80) 2 2 Rutgers Court V e tfield, 07090
French, Music
Lockwood, Gregory S. (p 1 32J 1 22 The Strand, Apt A Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 French
Lowe, Stephanie A. 12 Meadow Dnve Greenwich, CT 06 30 Huma11 Dtvelopment
Loynd, Robert D. 20 Crest Street Concord, MA 0 1 742
A merican Stud1ts
lull, Peter B. (p. 1 35) 1 23 2 Clearfield Circle Lutherville, M D 2 1 093
Hingham, M A 02043
Maier, E lisabeth A. 3 Picardy Lane Dover, MA 02030
McGrail, John R. (p. 1 81 ) 1 9 Ozone Road Branford, CT 06405
Human Development
M ale y, Andrew J. (p. 1 99) 4 79 Ridge View Road Orange, CT 06477
Mclnnis, Andrea P. (p. 1 3 7) 80 Courtland Circle Milton, M A 02 1 86
Math: Philosophy
Marchesi, Peter T. 24 East Main Street Yarmouth. ME 04096
McKay, Deborah M. (p. 1 53) 4235 Monticello Avenue Bronx, NY 1 0466
Marchetti, Michael E . (p. 1 40) 1 2 Junip er Road South H amilton, MA 0 1 9 2
McPha i l, Kelly l. (p. 1 46) 1 0 Campbell Street Hunters Hill, Sydney NSW 2 1 1 0, AUSTRALIA
Marcoux, Joey A. (p. 1 98) R R l , Bo 20 1 0 Burnham, M E 04922
Marn, M ichul H . 2 Belton Drive Bamngton, RI 02 06
Martin, P<1tricia J. (p 204) 52 Moorland Street W1Jliamstown, MA 0 1 267
Martin, P<1trick M. 17 DaVlS Street Lewi ton, ME 04240
McArdle, M<1tthew P. 80 LongV1ew Dnve Getty ourg, PA 1 7325 Hr story
McCabe, Charle E. (p. 1 99) Woodland Street Sherborn, M A 0 1 770
Government, History
McClellan, P<1trici<1 P. (p. 1 54) 3 1 1 Ea t Mors Boulevard Winter Park, FL 327 9
Lant, David W. 14 Mary Lane Portsmouth, RI 02 71
East Asian Studies
Lane, Laura H. <p 1 76) Palmer Island Old Greenwich, CT 06870
Lan&iu , Htldi 8ox l 20 5 dona, AZ 86336
Biology. A rt
Lapham, Wtndy E. fp. 1 4 7)
A merican Studies
MacKenzie, laura 8. (p. 1 4 9) 445 Greendale Avenue eedham, M A 02 1 92
McCall um, L. Thomu (p. 1 56) 6 1 Lincoln Street, Suite 209 Framingham, M A 0 1 70 1
Engli h
McCorm<1ck, Sean Ia.n (p. 1 3 9) l 0 Ledge Road Cumberland Fore 1de, ME 04 1 1 0
McCue, Stephen H. 12 Regwill Avenue Wenham, M A 0 1 984
German, Economics
Madigan, M ichael L. 85 S W 1 1 Court Boca Raton. FL 33432
McDermott, Sheila M. 3 70 Lantana Avenu Englewood, NJ 0763 1
Maherae, Gregory J. (p 1 84) 1 7 Liberty Road
Melker, Amy l. (p 1 66) Mayflower Drive Milford, H 03055
Mace, David A. Star Route Box 1 26B Amherst, ME 04605
Mack, Dorothy G. (p 1 54) 5 1 2 Greenwood Dnve Woodland, CA 95695
Govt'mmeut, Spanish
M<1yo, Ch<1pman S. (p 203) Prince Point Road, RR 5 Brunswick, ME 040 1 I
A m e rican Studits
McCarthy, K<1thleen A. R FD 1, Bo 50 Manche ter, M E 0435 1
Megathlin, Melanie R. (p. 1 4 9) 20 Ledg ewood Lane Cape Elizabeth, ME 04 1 0 7
MacDonald, Daniel W. (p . 1 4 2) 37 Hoitt Road Belmont, MA 02 1 78
Economics Performing Arts
Government, Errglish
M<1xwell, Susm P. (p 1 75) 2 l A Swee er Street Wakefield, MA 01 0
English, Economics
Lmden, Helene A. (p 1 42) 8 1 Wendover Road Suffield, CT 06078
Mead, Kevin (p. 200) 4 726 Dorchester Drive Erie, PA 1 6509
Economics, Ad. Sci.
A d . Sci.
Matu i k, Sharon-Muie (p 1 43) 1 25 Acacia Circle, Unit 207E Indian Head Par , IL 605 2 5
Philo ophy
Luikos, M ichael S. (p. 202) 20 Puritan Road Wenham, M A 0 1 984
Government · Independent
McSorley, Elizabeth W. (p. 1 89) 1 1 689 Grove Street Seminole, FL 33542
A rt
Lmdau, David P. 4 1 9 Linden Avenue Westfield, J 07090
Martin, Paul W. (p. 133) Bo 2 1 67 Centerville, MA 02632
Winchester, MA 0 1 890
McDonough, E l ise M. (p. 1 55) 2 Lakevie w Road
Melvi lle-Kraemer, Leslie 12 Middle Hollow Road Lloyd Harbor, Y 1 1 74 3
M ichaud, L inda J. A. (p. 1 6 1) 1 Silver Street Fairfield, ME 04937
M i ller, John S. (p 1 83) P.O. Box 359 Incline Village, V 89450
M i tchell, Karen S. (p. 1 75) Pinnacle Road Harvard, MA 0 1 4 5 1
A d Sci. Math
Mitchell, R andy D . (p. 1 74) 1 1 Leo Street Win low, ME 0490 1
Molloy, Todd M. (p. 1 4 8) R FD 3 Colchester, CT 064 1 5
A d Sci.
Moody, Lori A. (p. 1 65) Evan Road, RFD 2 Madbury, H 03 24
Ad. Sci. Math
Morse, Deborah J. (p. 1 72) 420 East 54th Street, Apt. 3A New York, Y 1 0022 Economics
Moses, Caroline R. (p 200) P.O Bo 547 W t Falmouth, M A 02574 Psycholo y
M uehlm<1nn, Sonja F. (p. 1 94) 59 Outlook Driv Le ington, M A 02 1 73
Murphy, Gavin E. 35 Sfocum Cre cent 1 1 37 Fore t Hill , Economic . Ad
Murray, Alec C. (p. 1 4 6) 4 2 1 South Union Str t Burlington, VT 05401
Myerow, Jill M. (p. 1 95)
9 Martin Circle Peabody, MA 0 1 960 Ch em.: Biology
Outerbridge, Thomas B. (p. 1 83) 74 Pascals Avenue Rockport, ME 04856
N agy, Ilona V. (p. 1 4 9) 326South Road Bedford, M A 0 1 730
Oxholm, Thom �s C. (p. 208) 6 Abbott Lane Wilton, CT 06897
English, Philosophy
Psychology, Ad. Sci.
Poirier, Stephen G. (p. 202) 83 Gamage Avenue Auburn, ME 042 1 0
Potter, Deborah S. 11 Sheffield Road Boxford, M A 0 1 9 2 1
Philosophy, German
Needham, Mary A. 2 8 Blueberry Hill Dedham, MA 02026
Parker, Christopher S. (p. 1 56) 73 Forest Street Winchester, MA 0 1 890
Poulin, Lisa Y. 41 Stanwood Street South Portland, ME 04 1 06
Human Development
Needham, W. Mark (p. 206) 80 Thistle Patch Way Hingham, M A 02043
American Studies
Nelson, Caroline H. 3357 Kincheloe Court Lafayette, CA 94549 Econom ics, French
Nelson, John W. (p. 1 95) 1 1 4 Summerfield Road Chevy Chase, MD 2 0 8 1 5
East Asian Studies
Nelson, Maren A. 312 Reigert's Lane Annville, PA 1 7003
Human Development
Nicholas, William R . (p. 1 92) 1 808 Old Ranch Road Los Angeles, CA 90049
A rt
Norris, Brian D. (p. 1 8 6) 3 Palmer Road Beverly, MA 0 1 9 1 5 Govern ment
Norris, Nancy J. (p. 1 64) 1 6 1 6 Mountain Top Road Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Human Development
Northfield 'Jr.', William E . (p. 1 3 1) 1 Windmill Lane Arlington, M A 0 2 1 74 Econom ics, History
Noyes, Judith S. 400 Tunlaw Road N .W. Washington, DC 20007
Parker, Douglas H. (p. 1 5 7) 1 0 1 Palisado Avenue Windsor, CT 06095
Power, David E. (p. 1 5 0) 1 7 Patriots Way Hingham, MA 02043
Paterson, Kathryn E. (p. 209) 1 83 Dundee Road Stamford, CT 06903
Powers, M. Jane (p. 1 4 6) 271 Wianno Avenue Osterville, M A 02655
Pearson, Suzanne B. (p. 1 90) 7 Shore Drive Warren, RI 02885
Prefontaine, Jay R. (p. 1 84) 5 Robertson Road Auburn, MA 0 1 5 0 1
Government, English
Peczon, Walter M. (p. 1 70) 1 1 Crescent Street Greenfield, MA 0 1 30 1
Prescott, Paul M. 18 Sheafe Street Malden, MA 02 1 48
Pelletier, John J. (p. 208) 32 Fem Avenue Amesbury, M A 0 1 9 1 3
Pendleton, G. Eric (p. 1 73) 295 Ferry Road Saco, ME 04072
Pennington, Sarah E. (p. 1 76) 67 Helen Road Needham, M A 0 2 1 92 Biology
Pernice, Deborah J. (p. 1 77) 3 Shirley Street Holbrook, MA 02343
Geology, German
Perri, Penelope M. 20 Wire Road Merrimack, NH 03054
O'Brien, Jeffrey L. (p. 1 8 7) RFD 1 , Box 338 Yarmouth, ME 04096
Perry, A. Scott (p. 134) P.O. Box 73 North Andover, MA 0 1 845
'()'Keefe, Loriann (p. 1 49) 13 Melody Road Peabody, MA 0 1 960
History, American Studies
Peters, Elizabeth W. (p. 1 44) 49 Leighton Road Wellesley, MA 0 2 1 8 1 Psychology
Petrell, Laurie E. 1 09 Candlewood Lane Hanover, MA 02339
Spanish, Economics
Olewiler, Scott D. (p. 1 69) 1 0 1 0 W. Macada Rd. Bethlehem, PA 1 80 1 7
Pfeifer, Deborah L. 3939 South Lookout Little Rock, AR 72205
Op huls, Nicholas (p. 1 80) c/o Dept. Psych. U . Aukland, Priv. Ba g Aukland, NEW ZEALAND
Osborne, Kate L. (p. 206) 55 Wheeler Road Monroe, CT 06468
O'Sullivan, Daniel J. 19 Pilgrim Road Nantucket, M A 02554
Ottley, Lalyn R. P.O. Box 1 444
Human Dev., Psychology
Ad. Sci.
O'Brien, Kenneth J. (p. 1 98) 6 5 7 Maude Street South Hempstead, NY 1 1 550
Potts, Stephen S. (p. 1 70) 1 1 Heritage Road East Lyme, CT 06333
Ad. Sci. Math, Ad. Sci.
Sun Valley, ID 83353
Econ . : Public Policy
East Asian Studies
Philbrick, Cabot H . (p. 1 48) 43 Grist Mill Drive East Basking Ridge, NJ 0 7920
Pietro, James J. (p. 208) 37 Mechanic Street Worcester, MA 0 1 608 History
Pietropaolo, Samuel F. (p. 1 50) 45 Thurlow Avenue Revere, M A 0 2 1 5 1 Psychology
Pinard, Kathleen A. (p. 1 69) 3 1 Hickory Lane Bedford, N H 03 1 02
Ad. Sci., Economics
Quillen, David c/o Plesset 309 Manvella Ave. Woodside, CA 94062 History, Chemistry
RRRRR Rafferty, John R. (p. 202) 24 Nutmeg Road East Granby, CT 06026
Raible, Ann W. (p . 1 65) 746 Avenue Road Toronto, Ontario M5P 2K2, CANADA English, French
Raphael, Bruce W. (p. 1 66) RFD 1 , Box 342 Waitsfield, VT 05673 Economics
Reay, Heather C. (p. 1 3 1) 448 West 37th Street, 6A New York, NY 1 0 0 1 8 Economics
Reed, Monique M. (p. 209) 1 43 7 Massachusetts Avenue Lexing ton, MA 0 2 1 73 Frenc h
Reynolds, Kathryn A. (p. 1 72) 1 8 Saddle Ridge Dr., Box 243 West Simsbury, CT 06092
Rhoads, Elizabeth L. (p. 1 7 7) 524 7th Street Paso Robles, CA 93446
Government, Spanish
Rhodes, Carolyn M. (p. 1 94) 9 708 Carriage Road Kensington, MD 20895
East Asian Studies
Rice, Grantland S. (p. 206) 8 Fairlake Road Grosse Pointe, Ml 48236
American Studies
Roberts, Susan E. (p. 1 85) 7 Highland A venue Waterville, M E 04901 Economics
Rosenthal, Susan F. 1 Bishop s Lane Short Hills, NJ 07078
R uping, Karl H. (p. 1 66) 59 Center Street Burlington, MA 0 1 803
Rupp el, Lindsay A. (p. 1 93) 1 3 6 Bellaire Road Massapequa, NY 1 1 75 8
A rt
Rustia, Melissa J. (p. 1 95) P.O. Box 85 South Egremont, MA 0 1 258
Ry din, Lisa A. (p. 1 89) 20 Bucket Mill Lane Hingham, MA 02043
Economics, Government
sssss Samaras, George N. (p. 1 48) 43 Columbia Park Haverhill, MA 0 1 830
Ad. Sci.
Sanborn, Ann R. (p. 1 4 1) 470 Vista Trucha Newport Beach, CA 92660 American Studies
Sardo, Nina A. 71 Haith Street Revere, MA 02 1 5 1
Human Development
Sarris, Andrea V. 7 Comiskey Road Dover, MA 02030 History
Savage, Michael A. (p. 1 93) 35 1 1 Cliff Drive Santa Barbara, CA 93 1 09
Ad. Sci. Math
Scalise, Douglas V. (p. 1 84) 1 1 8 Griggs Road Brookline, MA 0 2 1 46
American Stu dies, History
Scammon, Lee A. (p. 205) 1 50 Bradford Avenue East Providence, RI 029 1 4
Ad. Sci.
Scheuer, Robin L. (p. 1 68) 1 1 2 Coventry Circle Brockton, MA 02401
Econom ics, A rt
Schulman, Robin L. (p. 1 52) 10 Asbury Street Lexington, MA 02 1 73
Ad. Sci.
Schwab, Walter P. B. (p. 133) 78 E . Orchard Ave. Providence, RI 02901 East Asian Studies
Schwartz, Beth M. (p. 1 79) 6 Vaillencourt Drive Framingham, MA 0 1 70 1
Schwartz, Kara L. (p. 200) 23 Indian Trail Woodbridge, CT 06525
East Asian Studies
Scott, Amy L. 324 North Elm Street Wallingford, CT 06492 English
Scott, Susan N. 1 1 34 Green Street Salinas, CA 93905
East Asian Studies
Severance, David P. (p. 1 32) 1 6 Perry Circle Chapp aqua, NY 105 1 4 East Asian Studies
Seymour, Joyce L. (p. 1 59)
1 49 Killam Hill Road Boxford, MA 0 1 9 2 1
2761 Dover Road N .W. Atlanta, GA 30327
Ad. Sci: Economics
Shah, Nina J. (p. 1 58) 5 5 Sylvan Lane Weston, MA 0 2 1 93
Stainton, Lucia C. (p. 1 74) 460 West Chestnuthill Avenue Philadelphia, PA 1 9 1 1 8
A rt
Shapiro, Steven S. 17 Lantern Lane Lexington, MA 02 1 73, Karl F. 598 Main Street orwell, MA 02061
Trumbull, C:T 066 1 1 Econ.: Public Policy
Turci, Paul M. (p. 1 82) 1 5 Windsor Road Dover, MA 02030
Twomey, William L. 30 Virginia Lane Newburyport, MA 0 1 950
Ad. Sci. Math
Shauck, M ichael C. 408 Payne Drive Cheshire, CT 064 1 0
Staples, Beth D. (p. 1 3 7) 21 Hartland, Avenue Pittsfield, ME 04967
Shea, Laura A. (p. 205) 6 1 Buckman Drive Lexington, MA 0 2 1 73
Stiker, Anthony F. (p. 1 97) 1 1 0 Foreside Road Falmouth, ME 04 1 05
Govt.: Public Policy
Ad. Sci.
Shiffman, Daniel S. 540 orth Brooksvale Road Cheshire, CT 064 1 0
Stinson, Edwa.rd A. 293 H a erhil1 Street Reading, MA 01 67
Sidelinger, Deborah RR 1 , Box 2300 Burnham, ME 04922
Stonehill, Heidi A. (p. 200) 2 1 4 Highgate Lane Cherry Hill, J 0 003
English, Govemment
Sidman, Robert D. 1 38 Pine Street Natick, MA 0 1 760
Sullender, Eric W. (p. 1 5 1) 26 Wind ard Terrace Lunenburg, MA 0 1 462
Unobske y , Gera.ldine L. 12 Franklin. Apt. Bl Bangor, ME 044 0 1
Venditti, Robin Ann (p. 1 3 9) 3 Euclid A venue atick, MA 0 1 760
Government, Russ Studies
Vigue, Peter D. Sea Meadow Lane Yarmouth, ME 04096
Simpson, David C. (p 201) Star Route, Box 1 300 West Sumner, ME 04292
Sutton, Joyce M. fp 1 79) 8 Friar Lane, RFD 2 Cumberland, ME 0402 1
Smith, Andrew A. 40 Columbia Road Waterville, ME 0490 1
Swain, Suzanne C. (p 205J 309 Willi Road Sudbury, MA 0 1 77
Smith, Darren H. (p. 1 6 9) 3372 !Gphng Palo Alto, CA 94306
Swanson, Holly, <p 1 53) Mere Point Road Brunswick, ME 040 1 1
Ad. Sci.
Swift, Judy M. (p 1 44) 4 D rfoot Road Southborough, M A 0 1 772
A rt
Smith, C. (p. 1 88) Sb.II River Road Bolton, M A 0 1 740 Human Dev., Philosophy
Smith, Julie R . (p 140) 60 Linnard Road West Hartford, CT 06 1 0 7
Smith, U.etitia C . (p 1 52) 69 Sherwood Lane New Canaan, CT 06840
Smith, Lus S. (p 1 3 7) Valeursvej 1 1 DK2900 Hellerup, DE MARK
Smith, Murin F. (p. 1 83) 2 Hayes Lane Dover, H 03820
Solomon, Peter M. (p. 1 30) Fancher Road Pound Ridge, NY 1 0 5 76
Southworth, Rodney C. (p. 1 99) 1 9 1 5 Bnckell Avenue, C - 5 1 0 Miami, F L 33 1 29
Ad. Sci. Economics
Voskamp, Peter L. (p. 1 96) High Street, Bo 5 7 1 Block Island, R I 02 07
English German
Taubkin, Peter M. (p. 184) 1 09 Wind or Gate Drive North Hills, Y 1 1 040
English, American Studies
Wallace, Margaret K. 62 Plea ant St., P.O. Box 622 Wolfeboro, H 03 94 Walmsle y, Peter F. 50 Camglea Dnve Riverside, CT 06 78 English
Walsh, Kristen B. (p. 138) 5 Klifford Circle Millis, MA 02054
Psych Math
Trainer, Dwight C. (p. 1 3 2) Box 1 8 1 Durham Road Gardenville, PA 1 8926
A rt
Waterman, Mary L. (p. 1 4 1 ) Leeward Lane Riverside, CT 06878 Weafer, K aryn L. (p. 1 52) 1 5 Olde Towne Road Lynnfield, MA 0 1 940
Stahl, Suanne L. (p. 1 45) 55 Southwood Lane Rochester, Y 1 46 1 8
Truslow, Jessica M. (p. 1 4 8) 36 Centra l Street Beverly, MA 0 1 9 1 5
Stahle, Jamn R. <p. 1 57)
Turbert, David E. (p. 1 82) 30 Academy Road
Psychology: Ad. Ser.
Woods, Lisa D. (p. 204) 2 1 Pelham Crescent London SW7 2 NR, ENGLAND
Woodward, Catherine M. (p. 1 89) 5 1 Bertwell Road Lexington, M A 02 1 73 Human Development
Englisn, Math
yyyyy Yardley, William T. (p. 1 34) 45 Colgate Road Needham, M A 0 2 1 92 Economics
Yarrow, D iane F. (p. 1 68) 20 Liberty Road Hingham, MA 02043 Govt.: Public Policy
Yates, Ann K. (p. 1 4 4) NE 1 3 1 5 William Drive Pullman, WA 99 1 63
Spanish, Economics
Wolff, Benjamin E . 5 7 Crescent Drive Glencoe, I L 60022
Warren, Robin L. (p. 1 94) 52 Farmcre t Avenue Lexington, M A 02 1 73
True, Kuen A. (p 1 76) 1 475 Washin gton Street Bath, ME 04530
Spieker, Deborah A. (p. 1 3 2) 3.U Linfield Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025
Wilkes, Joa.n-Beth (p. 207) 6 Raleigh Road Worcester, M A 0 1 602
Walzer, Elizabeth A. (p. 1 5 9) 2 1 Renee Terrace ewton, MA 0 2 1 59
Tolstrup, Rich ard E. (p. 1 62) 1 00 Maureen Dnve Tewksbury, MA 0 1 876
Wilson, David T. (p. 1 98) 8 Old Farm Road Sturbridge, MA 0 1 566
Wunderlich, Lynn M. (p. 1 72) P.O. Bo 544 Loring AFB, M E 0475 1
Toder, Michelle E. 16 East Park Road Sterling, MA 0 1 564
A mwca n Studies
Wilmerding, Henry A. (p. 1 84) Piping Rock Road Locust Valley, NY 1 1 560
Wahlig, Suzanne L. 1 1 2 Parkview Drive Painted Post, Y 1 4 870
Ad. Sci.
Worthen, Sherri M. RFD 2, Bo 26 1 0 Mercer, M E 04957
Thayer, Ann W. 897 Remsen's Lane Oyster Bay, Y 1 1 77 1
Geology, Geol: Env.
East Asian Studies
Wilfong, John R. (p. 1 56) 400 E. Ohio, Apt. 1 203 Chicago, I L 606 1 1
Wagner, Paul A. (p 1 50) P.O Bo 494 South Dennis, M A 02660
Wiesler, E than R . (p. 207) 6 Carmel Circle Lexington, MA 02 1 73
Ad Sci.
French. A rt
Vander Vliet, Amy S. (p. 206) 23 Dunnell Rd. Greenfield, M A 0 1 30 1
Sundel, Philip L. 5 30 West 236th Street Bronx, Y 1 0463
Whittle, Sarah E. (p. 1 3 6) Choate Rosemary Hall Wallingford, CT 06492
American Studies, History
Sieveking, Ricardo H. Apartado 44-F Guatemala City, GUATEMALA
Whitney, Susan B. (p. 1 43) 90 Mosher Street South Dartmouth, MA 02748
Wells, Isabel L. (p. 1 71) 723 Charles River Street Needham, MA 0 2 1 9 2
Whitney, Laura J. (p. 1 92) 1 35 Main Street Chelmsford, MA 0 1 863
Yelle, Henrietta A. (p. 1 72) 7 Taunton Avenue Norton, MA 02 766 Yett, Jonathan E. (p. 1 61) 423 Concord Road Weston, M A 0 2 1 93 Government
zzzzz Zakher, Jehane C. (p. 1 75) 229 Lowell Road Welle ley, M A 02 1 1 Biology
Zuehlke, William W. (p. 1 62) 1 4 1 0 South Road Wakefield, RI 02 79 Biol.: Env., Geo/.: E11v.
ORACLE Editor-in-Chief Bill Northfield Photography Editors Harriet Haake and Linda Kindblom Assistant Layout Editors Betsy Lockhart and Beth Murphy Advertising Manager Jen Joseph Subscriptions Manager Lara Beecham A dministrative Assistants Liz Libby, Eric Lilja and Deb Pernice Cover Design David Simpson Assistant Secretary Trudy King A dvertising Staff Shaun Dakin , Susan Downey, Julie Lewis, Robyn Torrisi and Pamela Woolley Layout Staff Liz Libby, Betsy Lockhart, Beth Murphy and Deb Pernice Photography Staff Tad Allyn, Yasser Alwan, Cate Anderson, Laurie Brown, J i m Frew, Anestes Fotiades, Rob Garland, Harriet Haake, Linda Kindblom, Mathew Lebowitz, Betsy Lockhart, Beth Murphy, Linda Robens, Helen Sugarman and Tom Wilde Graphic Design Consultants John Mortimer and George Whitefield Cheering Section Annie Albrecht, Monika Chas, Linda Cotter, Doris Kazonzides, Trudy King, Nancy MacKenzie, Jim Mcintyre, Jim Peacock, Melinda Pittis, Amy Scott and Penny Spear Editor's Note The l 1 6th edition of the Oracle, the oldest student publication on campus, was the culmination of the efforts of a hoard of people, deserving of praise and great thanks. J . Cole Harris and Taylor Publishing offered excellent advice and patience at last minute changes; Earl Smith, our ad visor, supported our progress with enthusiasm while Cate Anderson provided more help than she knows, coming through for us when the going was really bleak. A million thanks. Personal appreciation from the ediror is as follows: Linda and Harriet should get some sort of dedication award for four years of service t0 the Oracle as they were great to work with . Beth and Betsy did a superb job of fielding complaints and flying objects during our many tense well-attended meetings. Deb, Liz, Lara and Eric handled the paper work that no one else wanted tO do with effi ciency and ease. Also thanks t0 friends whose continued interest and support were much appreciated: J ules, Butter, Lori, Jane, Wendy, Mark, Hank, J ulia, Ivar, Janet, Malteeser, Rachel, Cesca, John, Scott and Cosnem. LSAJ! Enfin, Tschuss und Pax Vobiscum