The Colby Oracle 1987

Page 1

THE BOOK Colby in Color


































First the Leaves Turned from Green to Red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Those Who Left Their Mark























Those Who Have Taught Cls Great Things . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Some Parting Words


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

Then the Tundra Set In






















The Finale






Parental Support






















































































For Future Reference


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147


But the Sun Finally Shone







Head of the Charles 17




Colby Community Orchestra

artseventsartsevents 22

Mitch Snyder Humanist/Activist

Tom Halsted Former Chief Spokesman - U.S. Disarmament

Jack Anderson Syndicated Columnist'

seventsartseventsart. .




artseventsartsevents 24



artseventsartsevents 25


Front row: Coach K. Naughton, M. Rollins, S. Reade, J. DeRham, V. Emery, J. Feeley (co-captain), D. Dugan (co-captain), A. Spirito, J. Ballaine, T. Henderson, J. McNinch; Second row: Coach R. MacDonald, M. Reilly, P. Deutch, A. Millman, J. Brandt, J. Hamlin, J. Arsenault, D. Wilson, J. Emerson, A Sulya, S. Pratt, D. Kispert; Third row: Coach H. Violette, C. Rogers, P. Gerber, J. Walton, G. Prescott, J. Lord, D. Valeri, F. Hodsoll, D. Sullivan, M. D'Agostino, D. McCauley, H. Irving (manager), S. Wentzel; Fourth row: Coach M. Drouin, M. Stewart, S. Murray, M. Cameron, A. Ayers, J. Gale, E. Devine, M. Duffy, B. Cooley, B. Whiting, E. Ekstrom, S. Webster, Coach S. Laughinghouse; Fifth row: Coach A. McGee, T. Moynihan, J. Phelps, A. Petrucelli, G. Lajeunesse, J. Gill, T. Griffin, M. Weaver-LaMountain, J. Woods, A. Evans, J. Verge, J. Clifford, Head Coach T. Austin; Back Row: Coach R. Pfeiffer, J. Vecci, C. White, G. Maroun, T. Whelan, J. Shulman, P. McElroy, F. Northrup, M. Eisenstadt, C. Calarusso, M. Doubleday, J. Olson, B. Farrell, G. Doherty.


h1le a final 1 win, 7 loss record was disap­ pointing for the '86 football team, en­ couraging progress was made towards becom· ing competitive; in all but two cases, the White Mules were in the gamel Defensively, the team improved their point differential from 284 in 1985 to 149 this season. Significant in that effort were middle guard Joe Walton, end Andy Spirito, and linebackers Brad Lord and John Gale. While the offensive unit struggled overland, White Mule

passing accounted for 1,236 yards and five touchdowns. Quarterbacks Chip K1spert and Chris White led the aerial attack that had five receivers with over ten receptions each. Jamie Arsenault led all receivers with 19 receptions. followed by Joe Vecch1's 13; John McNinch, Alex Millman, and Vin Emery made 12 each The high points of the season were the victory over the University of Lowell (which snapped a twelve-game losing streak) and the team's effort against Amherst, rated # 1 in New England at that time, although Colby narrowly lost the game. An article appearing in the Waterville Morning Sentinel after the Amherst encounter succinctly described the Mules' development "The Colby College football team has rediscovered how_ to play football... fjav1ng asserted their competence this year, the Colby men look forward to next season, needing only to develop the confidence to expect victory


Front row: C. Bulger, E. Stamoulis, K. Czuchry, R. Blanchard, M. Brown, A. Ellard, K. Buckley: To row: Coach D. Pluck, E. Davis, L. Brown, J. Brown, E. LeRoy, K. Cuhlman, K. Marchetti, C. Knowles,. LaMarre, C. Bruzzese, L. Bontempi, Assistant Coach M. Fowler


Front Row: B. Connelly, S. Humphrey, E. Kinney, T. Evans, H. Greenman; Back Row: Coach P. Aboud, L. Haughs, K. Walker, L. Thornton, E. Borgeson; Unpictured: N. Hellman, J. Pattison


t row: M. Ayers, L. Muir, B. Asherman, B. Clendenen, B. Duncombe, B. Reed, C. Brown, P. Bowers, M. Balmaseda, C. McHugo; Back row: B. Garr, K. Plummer, A. land, A. Zajec, D. Beale, N. Menard, T. Wilde, P. Clendenen, Coach M. Serdjenian


ck row: Coach 0. Laliberty, N. Walker, K. Linde, M. Clymer, I. Kasaks, J. Moriarty, J. Holsten, S. Arm­ ht, C. Cook, B. Schwartz, S. Bean, K. Malloy, C. White, Coach Osborne; Front row: L. Tomasetti, R. uchra, M. McTavish, T. Bishop, S. Beevers, C. Twigg, K. Sullivan, L. Shaver, M. MacDonald, C. Bell, C. na, K. Rossner


Front row: M. Pagnano, M. Misner, P. Thornton, H. Hagen, P. Mueller, T. Oakes; Middle row: Coach A. Lanzi, S. McDade; Back row: T. Fisher, D. Bailey, K. Barber, T. Yos, T. Shyka


J. Wescott, M. Hill, B. Derry, 0. Amundsen,

Front row: K. Boomer, A. Panzer, 0. Rebore, B. Kuller; Middle row: J. Vollweiler, M. Schwarze, J. Guild, L. Roberts, R. Graham; Back row: A. Shedd, J. Glesmann, L. Anderson, L. Schreck, 0. Beal, I. Ekstrom, S. Red­ field, 0. Greene, Coach 0. Aitken










Remember when? 51

Hildegard, Eric Betke, and Nicholas Mark


Barbara Barch

Stuart Babb, Robert Delahunt, Nicholas Niles and Eric Green


Katherine A. Wineapow

Chris Brena


Kelly Malloy

Becky Harrison

Peter Yale Ackerman

Susannah W. Crowell

Peter Bates Marshall


Mary Reineman

Elizabeth McKenna

Jennifer Erlandson


Kimberly Ryan


Elizabeth Gage Foster

Brian Low

58 '.


Peter B. Blau

Melissa Raffos and Dana Eaton

Aimee Good

Ned Case

Patricia D'Agostino



Jeannie Morrison, Elizabeth Warren, Joy Pratt, Krissy Ralph, Sara Bengur, and Jane Nicols

John Glass and Bill Castelli


Michael Salvador, Peter McKinley, Brett Oakes, Ingrid Hoffman, Richard Bachus, and Charles Herrera

Donna M. Rago


Jeanne Guild


Stephanie Greenfield

Ted Pappadopoulos

J. D. Stephens


Matt Moran and Matt Murphy

Jeff Russell


Ed Michaud

Richard Hastings

Pam Blanchard 67


David Sullivan, Sven Dubie, and Peter Voss Sarah Browning Graves


Arthur E. Murton

G. Herrick Wales Ill


Brenda Gilman

Karen Welling


K wasi Abankwah

Robin Blanchard

Alicia Ellard

Vincent Quirk


Jennifer Milburn Karen L. O'Neil

Alan Florian

Tammy Wolfe

Susan Whittum

Christopher Watt


Lindsay Wells Carroll

Birgit Uehling

Elaine Segal Maria L. Gonzalez


Glen Cummings

Keith Jones and Linda Marotto

Andrew C. Herdeg


Frederick C. Horwood

Marcus Ratliff 77

Bill McCrillis

Joe Simpson

Darin Jewell

Sherry Ann Kokinos 78

Jonathon Slate

Heather C. Anderson

Peter Nelson Bowers and Phillippa Kay Carter


Michael W. Ashley

Angela Piscitello


Sarah Elizabeth Redfield

Jean Elise Kroeck

Laurie Haley 81

Ben Diebold

Bill Clendenen and Bill Duncombe

Karen Buckley 82

Daryl Angney


Jsa Schreck and Rachel Graham

Hans Hagen


Phil Thornton

Eric Zolov

Mat Lebowitz

Deborah Gassner 84

Susan Kaplan

Branner Stewart

Will Holmes

Shannon MacDonald and Brad Fay 85

Lisa Moncevicz

Lauren Ann Sheridan


Kris Davidson

Paula M. Williams

Priscilla Jane Phinney





Jeffrey DiSandro Jeff Bednarz

Josh Shapiro Marghie Schoolfield


Karen Glahn

Pamela Farley Marianne Palmer


Jennifer A. Rubin

Hannah Howland

Stacy Anne Mathews


Elizabeth A. Kotler

Susan Cullaty

Loris Eminente

Dorcas Rebecca Sears

Elaine De Berardine


Katharine V. R. Webster

James A. Feeley Ill

Ellen Galambos 92

Jeffrey A. Wheeler

Gretchen Weiser Dave Dugan

Vin Emery

Wendy A. Barrows


Jean Dunphy

Patricia J. Rush


Teri Scally

Doris Kazanzides

Judith A. Fishel

Dorisann Weber


John Nadwairski

Steve Runge


Erin Borgeson and Ingrid Ekstrom

Stephan Brueckner


Karen Lawes

Althea M. Lathrop


Lou Profenno and Andrew Jeske

Lisa Foley, Suzanne Plansky, and Jackie Mullen

Janet Dean 99

Edith M. McGill


Douglas W. Chilson

1 01

David Elliot Philbrick

Elaine Cynthia Mullen

1 02

Sharon R. Ducey

Alison Como

Holly James and Sue Bliss

1 03

Cheryl A. Cole

Mary M. Griffith

Carol Hani Edie Bernhard and Sheri Reynold

1 04

Web Fletcher

John W. Book is 105

Elseke .Margarita .Membreno



Connie Gallagher

1 06

David McKay

Richard E. Strock

Marie Chadeayne, Sue Gray, Debbie Dunn, Noriko Miyakoda and Katie Kelly 107

Alex Y. Wu

Steve Sanborn 108

Irene Izquierdo

John Black, Danno Christie, Christopher Devine, and Dave Wolfson


Kris Kelley

Carol Ann Kenerson 110

Laura Brown

Marianne MacDonald

Jennifer Shackett 111

Arthur Nagle

Deborah R. Fillman


1 13

James R. Kaufman


Ellen MacDonald

Andrew I. Rudman

Bruce A. Dalbeck

Kathy Philips, Karen Schneck, Jill Paradis

1 15

Colleen Balch

Hannah Howland Richard Sanderson White Jr.

1 16

i(elley Powers

Kristin Richwagen and Choe-lit

Andy Palmer

George Padula, Dan Hurley 117

Rebecca E. Binder 1 18

1 19


Roma Vasa

Mitch Cook

Emily Scott

Dail Zimmerman

12 1

Buffy Connor


Jennifer Cole 122

Martha T. McTavish

Lisa Bothwick

Karen Czuchry

1 23

Art Nagle, Tim Bonang, Bill Maher, Scott Hunter, Tim O'Donnell, Chris Vickers, Chris Powell

Matt Gove

Heather Cameron

Liz Daly, Kathy Gates, Marianne Campbell, Karen Casey, Mary McNear,


Stephanie LeMieux, Christine Palmer

Tom Hubbard

Mary M. McCarty


Beth Healy

Rick Huntress


George A. Hull

Marybeth Hipson, Buffy Connor, Dora Delarosa

Tina Zabriskie

John DonneUy

Nell Draper

Stefan Wennik 127

Andy Hoag

Paul Gallant and friend 1 28

Cindy Matrazzo


Heide Schmaltz and Sue Costello


Elizabeth Applegate 130

Keith O'Leary

Allyson Goodwin

Marco Loretto, Tris Korten, Adam Ernster, Rich Strock, Lawrence Pierson

Helen Muir 131




Dear class members of 1987, I have always felt like a part of this class because your first year was my first year with the Colby Post Office. We en­ joyed two years at Roberts Union and then made the move to our present loca­ tion in the Student Center. Many pieces of mail - important, and not so impor­ tant - have passed through this office. Checking your mailbox is a "highlight" of the day. Happiness is a full mailbox without bills. As you leave the protective "arms" of Colby, take a bit of Maine with you wherever you go. Remember the members of the supportive staff who have been your Colby family throughout these years. People who picked up after you, kept your grounds neat, ke your walks shoveled, kept your telephone lines in repair, fed you, typed your exams, advised you, kept your mail o the move, and all of the rest who are a part of this community. Try to always look on the positive side of things and if you become discouraged at times think back on the bu blegum and fireball encouragement from your personal post office. Smile even when you don't feel like it, and try to make your part of the world just a little bit brighter and better.



1 36


Ah! One last chance to carry on, pontificating in the grand old style with a more or less captive au­ dience. (Turning the page is, of course, easier than walking out on a lecture in progress but at least you're not going to toss The Oracle away just because I've been given a page. Probably.) Don't think I'm not grateful: I am. Academics love an audience. There's more. What I'm really grateful for is the wonderful education you've given me these last four years, the best I've had. We came to Colby together, you and I, in the fall of 1983. You may have been fresh out of high school and so as omniscient as only a seventeen-year-old can be, but I was joining the faculty fresh from graduate school, still wet behind my Ph.D. and confident in my new-found status as a Certified Philosopher. Now it takes a certain amount of hubris to call onself a philosopher, but I was equal to the task. The result, I suppose, should have been predictable: I was thrown immediately and without mercy into a classroom full of philosophy majors, every one of them with the one goal in life of trying to expose me as unprepared for class. My first semester here cannot be measured in terms of success; it can only be measured by my survival. I suppose that challenges are what first semesters are all about. I'm reminded of my first semester at Colby my first time through - as a student, twelve years ealier. I met the challenges of residential life at college very well that semester; I met the challenges of academic life at college very well the next semester. I do learn; it just takes me some time. Perhaps that is why I think 1 was able to learn more from you in the last four years than I did from the faculty when I was a student - the lessons from a dozen years ago might just now be taking root. Or it might be that you're the better teachers. Then again, I also learned more from the faculty, my colleagues now, than I ever did from the faculty, my teachers then. There's probably a moral or two to be found here, if anyone cares to look. Can we take this to mean that leaving college makes one wiser? Generalize not hastily! Avoid the dread­ ed post hoc ergo propter hoc! All that my own history suggests is that you will never really leave the Col­ by community completely. Anyway, now that the dreary business of educating Colby's faculty can be put behind you, more atten­ tion can be devoted to the ever so much more rewarding project of furthering your education. That, after all, was the point of it all. Remember how you were warned against letting school get in the way of your �ucation? Well, you seem to have had your share of success there. But that was easy. Now comes the hard part: not letting a career get in the way of an education. I got lucky - I had your help.


Colby College Recipe: Select: 479 strangers. Remove: parents, childhood friends, siblings, home, familiar surroundings. Place on the edge of pan: filled with an array of offerings. Give a slight nudge: and watch to see that all are fully im­ mersed. Add: the opportunity to learn and grow. Shake in: a sprinkling of natural beauty. Stir in: a soupcan of skilled and dedicated professors. Simmer: carefully for four years. The end product is your class of 1987, a collection of wonderful individuals who have shared a fabulous adventure together and who will remember with great fondness their years here. I use the word adventure because I believe that you all entered Colby four years ago with a sense of apprehension mingled with wonder and excitement. You challenged yourselves in many ways and have achieved any number of milestones during your time here. The recipe above was paraphrased from a piece written by Mr. Derek Pritchard, Direc­ tor of the Minnesota Outward Bound Program in his attempt to describe the impact of an Outward Bound experience. In your own ways, you have encountered that same type of experience here by stretching yourselves physically and men­ tally. You deserve to be most proud of your achievements.

Each of you in your own way has had an effect on Colby which will be felt for years to come. Accomplishments range from R.B. Klinkenberg's efforts to convert skiing from a club sport to varsity status to Kathy Phillips winning of a Watson Fellowship. There are just so many of you to name that I hesitate to begin a litany, but this is my one chance to recognize many of you - some by name and others anonymously. I know that many of you have experienced some personal tragedy or revelation during your years here, whether it was the loss of a close friend, the break-up of a family, the discovery of an illness, the realization of one's sexual identity or the embracing of another in pain. There are many valiant souls among you and I take great pride in knowing you and in · observing the dignity and courage you have displayed. On the acknowledgement side of the ledger - I'd like to thank the Senior class officers for their hard work and perseverance in arranging Senior week and related activities. Special thanks to Dan Webster, Tim Bonang and Colleen Balch, who served as the first Commons Presidents Glenn Cummings for teaching me to ice skate ... to Greg Dumark for a wonderful skit on Commons governance presented at the Gin Pup Show the many athletes - like Bill Duncombe, Jeanne Guild, Pam Hoyt, Vin Paolucci and Chris Vickers - who graced our fields and won our hearts through their performances Philippa Carter for her indefatigable enthusiasm in planning social events Peter McKinley for his work with the Outing Club Paul Johnston for his service on the Judicial Board Alex Wu for his contributions to all of Colby and in particular to international students ...and to Scott Bates for his efforts in


volunteerism. As you leaf through the pages of this book, the faces and smiles will bring you back to your time here and to some powerful memories.I urge you to savor those thoughts and feelings and to return for Homecoming and Alumni Weekends to continue the sharing process you've begun with these now familiar "strangers."






Message to the Oracle Dear Members of the Class of 1987: I trust that each of you is doing your individual part to make true my Baccalaureate prophecy that you would, by fall, find jobs, be traveling happily in this country or abroad, or be enrolled in graduate school. I hope, also, that you have a book with you and have made the suggested trip to your local public library. But most of all, I hope you currently look back on your time at Colby as the best four years of your lives - but that you will never, again, feel that way. College years are an essential warm-up for the high adven­ ture, personal challenge, and self-fulfillment which should lie ahead. Subsequent four year intervals should be even more exciting and satisfying. Finally, I hope you become involved in social and political issues in your new location and will remember the words of Elie Wiesel which I read to you on the Saturday of your Commencement Weekend: "We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.'' Please keep in to uch. We always enjoy hearing from you. _ Cordially, William R. Cotter President

1 39

Career Services: Jim Mcintyre, Penny Spear, Nancy Wanderer Mackenzie, Linda Cotter; (unpictured) Wendy Lapham

English: (standing) Eileen Curran, Deborah McDowell, Patricia Onion, Ira Sadoff, Phyllis Mannocchi, Edwin Kenney, Dianne Sadoff Charles Bassett, John Sweney, Garry Leonard, Colin Mackay, Aklilu Gebrewold; (seated) Peter Harris, Linda Tatelbaum, John Mizner, David Mills; (unpictured) Mark Benbow, Patrick Brancaccio, Robert Farnsworth, Natalie Harris, Susan Kenney, Howard Koonce, Je Sanborn, Don Snyder 1 40

hemistry: Wayne Smith, R. Daniel Libby, Thomas Shattuck, Jean Mcintyre, Gary Mabbott, Jason Kittler

(front row) Henry Holland, Suellen Diaconoff, Ann Mabbott, Margrit Lichterfeld, (back row) Vivian Pyle, Peter Nutting, Jorge Olivares, Marcia Tardito, Dace Weiss,

em Foreign Languages: riscilla Doel, Guy Filosof;

nthony Anemone, Jean Bundy, Tamae Prindle, Barbara Nelson, Francisco Cauz, Arthur Greenspan, David �eenan; (unpictured) Jane Moss, Jonathon Weiss

1 41

Physics: Murray Campbell, Alice Ridky, Steven Shapiro, John Dudley, Ross Reynolds, Roger Metz

Music: Linda Fujie, Dorothy Reuman, Carl Dimow, 142

Machlin, Rebecca Gerber, Judith Cornell, Adrian Lo

"story: (front row) Patricia Kick, Joy Scime, Leonard Reich, Robert Weisbrot;


row) Lindsay Wilson, Frederick Gillum, Pete Moss, Harold Raymond, Rob


tudent Activities: Trudy King, Susan Riley, John Farkas 143

Geology: Keith Brugger, Bruce Rueger, Harold Pestana, Don Allen, Alice Ridky,

Charlie Bassett)

Administrative Science

(back row) 144

(special guest

, Bill Doll, Bob Nelson

(front row)

Amy Boyd, Yassaman Saadatman, Yvonne Knight

Randy Nelson, Leonard Reich

Pbllo90pby: Christopher Shields, Robert Reuman, Yeager Hudson, Daniel Cohen, James Anderson, Nikky-Guninder Singh

lology: (front row) R . Terry, Thomas Easton, Miriam Bennett, Russell Cole, David Firmage; Christensen, Bruce Fowles, Arthur Champlin, Elizabeth Champlin, Jay Labov, Frank Fekete

(back row) Timothy 145

Admissions Office: (front row) Judith Brody, Jane Dornish, Barbara Sweney, Gretchen Bean, Thomas Kopp; (back row) Parker Beverage, lta Lindquist, Darryl Scott, Ronald Whittle

Senior Staff: (front row) Douglas Archibald, Janice Seitzinger, Stanley Nicholson; (back row) Calvin Mackenzie, William Cotter. Parker Beverage

1 46

Deans' Office: (front row) John Farkas, Janice Seitzinger, Libby Todrank, Joyce McPhetres Maisel; (back row) Paul Johnston, Laurie Brown, Peter Chenevert, Susan Riley, Mark Serdjenian, Edward Blackwell





Dr. Charles King, Black Rights Activist


As You Like It

arts events arts event 152


Odetta, Folk Singer

David Black, AIDS Informer

rts even s arts

vents 153




arts events arts event 154

· ....

Colby Community

Symphony Orchestra

Broadway Musical Revue

arts events arts events 1 55

ioach G. Delorenzo, M.Costin, M.Feidelseit, C.DeAngelis, S. Whittum, D.Adams, B.Gilman, L.Collett, H.lrving, .Chiarello, E.Langford, N.Pare, C.Beach, Manager Heidi Senkler; Kneeling: Co-captains $.Hardy, P.Hoyt; miss­ g: J.Lally

Back Row: T.Evans, C.Johansson, J.Pierce, H.Muir, A.Lausier, E.Kinney, L.Thornton, S.Humphrey; Front Row: J.Pattison, K.Hock, B.Clark, S.Hayne, P.Higgins, E.Eysenbach, Coach P. Aboud; Missing: D.Feitler, L.Kerney, A.Murray, N.Walker



___ _ ---,---------- -



Back Row: J.Butler, S.Tucker, S.Dakin, C.Ostergaard, J.Smith, D.Longcope, Laughinghouse; Front Row: A.Schwandt, D.DelDuca, M.Ashley, P.Membreno, F.Rider




'front row) E. Alberich, A. Zajec, J. Hutchins, E. Hanson; (middle row) K. Sullivan, K. <foury, S. Mitchell, I. Kasaks, L. Beliveau, S. Berger, G. Lauman, A. Shedd, S. Schumann; 'back row) N. Niles, M.Taber, R.B. Klinkenberg, 8. Ralph, 8. Gallagher, B. Lian, S. Bates, ). Darby, B. Morgan, J. Selkowitz, T. Amundsen, Coach J. Meserve


1ront row) C. Nyhan, P. Cawley, J. McCarthy, B. Burns, J. Doehr, V. Paolucci, R. Angeli, J. Bisson, J. Reduto, J.B. O'Donut; (middle ow) Head Coach M. Goulet, M. Venezia, N. Menard, B. Murphy, C. Hurley, P. Clendenen, J. Guerrejro, B. Lewis, Q. Moyer, M. Elders, �. Stetson, D. Loser, V. Martinec; (back row) Statistician K. Lawes, M. Smith, C. Riopel, T. Powers, S. Rickards, M. Duchette, S. ecteau, M. Grant, Video Coordinator S. Ellison


(front row) P.T. Roberts, K. Welling, P. Alexander, L. Basbanes, T. Mead, J. Craig, S. Rocknak, A. MacWalte (back row) Coach A. Feiffer, T. Scaturro, M. Mead, M. Zimmer, T. Bishop, L. Barron, J. Holsten, A. Webster, Girvin, L. Shactman, K. Keller, S. Madden, S. Lee

(front row) L Roberts, L. Couture, A. Trend, A. Burger, T. Morrow, B. Kuller, M. Trend, J. Vollweiler, (back row) Bud, G. Schwarze, D. Beal, M. Brockway, K. Killmer, L. Hathaway, J. Margolis, K. Appleton, K. Boomer, J. Guild, Coach D. Aitken



front row) A. Forrest, C. Baker, K. Powers, L. Finkelman, L. Koptf, S. Costello, A. Farmer, P. Sekulow, K. Busick; (second ow) M. Thomson, W. Naysnerski, D. Hall, C. Powers, M. Vallis, W. Busineau, I. Gallogly, P. Voss; (third row) D. Russell, J. "'oldman, C. Van Horne, J. Arney, P. Marshall, J. Ray, J. Smith, P. Beach; (fourth row) T. Hagerty, R. Young, L. Tranchin, A. rookes; (back row) T. Sherry, P. Neidich, T. Johnson, D. Belkin, Coach R. MacDonald, L. Troeger, Assistant Coach D. odges; (missing) R. Bernstein, S. Carbone, C. Gilman, C. Lockwood, K. Lynch, J. Massengill, M. Robbins, R. Barr, L. Col­ ¡ns, P . Hesterberg, C. Rog, J. Ulick 173












arts events arts event 184




rts events arts events ¡1


Colby Dancers

Play It Again Sam

arts events arts event 186

Mrs. Beate Klarsfeld -Nazi War-Crimes Researcher

Senior Art Show

rts events arts event! 187

front row) S. Jones, J. Robbins, P. Deutch, G. Cunningham,

J. DeRahm, A. Herdeg, M. Gove, A. Palmer, B. Clapp, W. Holmes, M. oretto, B. Claytor, J. Bisson, J. Konz, S. Coan, A. Blankfein; (back row) Coach K. Naughton, A. Agers, A. Erdmann, C. Patterson, C. 'mith, J. Koch, C. Ostergard, D. Simmons, S. Remington, K. Plummer, C. McCormick, L. Scoville, J. Tracey, D. Stern, Coach Pfieffer 191

1 92

(front row) Coach G. Delorenzo, M. Hancock, N. Hugo, M. Burr, D. Batchelder, T. �owers, D. Calandrella, T. Griffin C. White, M. Kelley, J. Shulman, J. Arsenault, Assitant coach S. Laughinghouse; (back row) S. Murray, M. Stetson, Erkstrom, co-captain K. O'Learey, co-captain J. Kaufman. S. Rand, J. Olsen, D. Kispert 194

1 95

front row) M. Demian, 0. Timpson, M. Archibald, M. Ashley, E. Albano, S. Sapolsky (back row) J. Earl, P. Davis, ; Jones, P. Hanssen


(front row)

Tri-captains M. Misner, B. McCrillis, M. Pagnano (second row) D. McCauley, S. Vible, S. Pischel, R. Lanzi, M. Balmaseda, M. Stewart, R. Lanzi, 0. Amundersen, S. McDade (third row) M. Michaud, R. Salaverry, D. St. Lawerence, K. Barber, P. LaFon­ taine, M. Hill, D. Duane, T. Fisher, B. Labrecque, A. Richter, Assistant coach Bud Sieg­ mund (fourth row) Coach Kim Wescott, M. Reilly, T. Shyka, J. Jarosz, K. Spear, G. Lan­ zina, R. Cook, L. Peirson, J. Gale, P. Thornton, T. Vos

(front row) S. Fanburg, M. Flaherty. M. Trend, L. Roberts, S. Beevers, J. Guild, G. Schwarze, M. Patrick, B. Kuller, J. Vollweiler, S. Sadowski, T. Roberts (back row) Assistant Coach Bud Siegmund, K. Appleton, A. Burger, K. Gilbo, C. Harper, D. Beal, D. Greene, S. Redfield, H. Irving, L. Hathaway, L. Dougherty, J. Margolis, M. Brockway, S. Downey, K. Girvin, K. Boomer, N. Rotberg, T. Morrow, S. Penza, Coach Debbie Aitken

1 98

20 1





And the fun


never stopped!!!



The Finale







"give me ... pensive! Can you say Alumni Giving?" Okay, before I formally begin - from our home office in Augusta, Maine, here are the top ten reasons why students skip classes at Colby College. Number ten - Nagging fear that the pro­ fessor would call on me for my opinion. Number nine - I'm taking the course Pass/Fail, so I don't need to attend the classes. Number eight - Got lost and became frighteningly disoriented in the multi­ dimensional Student Center. Number seven - Afraid that that big kid would try to steal my lunch money again. Number six - Thought that the class was cancelled due to lack of interest and the pro­ fessor's desire to do research. (Joke, folks) Number five - Protesting student apathy through sleep. Number four - Was there class today? Number three - Hey, I'm a Senior. Number two - Girlfriend/Boyfriend and I were up late reading. And the number one reason that Colby students skip classes is: Hey, I'm paying for this and I just didn't feel like going. Mr. and Mrs. Cotter, honored guests, distinguished faculty, Board of Trustees, administrators, workers, and affiliates, exceedingly pa­ tient parents, relatives, and supporters, Howie, Colby graduating class of 1987. First, I would like to thank you for the great privilege and unique pleasure of delivering this speech to you on this emotion-packed occasion. There is, I believe, a dangerous tendency to "get serious" when we leave college, as if the last remnants of youth are to be left behind with our inordinately messy bathrooms and our loathesome college pranks. We want jobs, and money, and envision some eventual and nauseatingly attractive family which is, of course, well provided for: and, in the process, we seem to leave behind the thing that we have always treasured most - our childhood. Now that we are taking what seems to be ome formal step into a more educated adulthood, I ask that no one lose the ability to laugh in the face of utter failure. I believe that I have had at least one major flop, every day of my life since birth. At times, including this one, existence was a living, breathing hell. When I was in the seventh and eighth grades, I was overweight, acne-ridden, wore braces, and had just moved to a new neighborhood. I was a ridiculed man in almost every respect. It was a jungle, and I was a three toed sloth with ex­ cessive metal and accumulated gunk on my teeth. But I learned, as we all can learn from the most ridiculous mistake, that I should never take myself too seriously (and not just because nobody else did). One of the toughest thing·, about a new life is developing self-confidence. Always realize, regardless of the situation in which you find yourself, that everybody is insecure, and that confidence and self-esteem come mainly from within. Treat every new challenge as a special phase in your life, just as Colby was, and appreciate those failures, as well as the persistently sought achievements, because you can learn just as much from either. When I first came to Colby, I called home, actually crying that I would never again have friends. (Hey, I'm a sensitive guy. College has taught me not to be embarrassed about admitting such emotions). Course, it turns out that my instincts were correct. I never did have friends. But that's not the point, here. Don't bemoan, laugh with yourself, and bask in your God given idiocy. It's truly a special gift. For you survivalists out there, when you're irreversably insecure for a period, just fake it.Most people are so concerned with their own image, they'll never notice the difference. Colby is not a utopia, but it did offer us a stimulating environment in which we developed a greater understanding of intolerance and the need for societal equality. We are an elite crowd, in this respect, and I believe that it is incumbent upon us to carry this message and "spread the good word." (Can you say hallelujah? I know I you can.) Much progression has taken place, but equality is, as we all know, aeons away. I ask that we always put ourselves in the place of the persecuted minority, or, in the case of women, persecuted majority, and try to genuinely understand why people are so angry when they are judged for their color, religion, gender, or sexual preference. W shouldn't react defensively to their frustration; we should sift their words, and try to understand it. Allow people their individua freedom; fight for it with them. It is painfully easy to be comfortable, and thus apathetic. Imagine yourself being referred to in some per jorative manner, without having said a word; pretend that it is you who fears ridicule, for no justifiable reason, other than that other refuse to admit that you're an equivalent person. Defend them as if they were family - because, in a sense, they are. We must try not t merely appreciate the fact that diversity exists we must thrive on it. And can you believe that we actually played Amoeba with Playfair during freshman orientation? ... And how did we ever manage to coerce these uniquely compassionate, albeit oddly dressed professors, into accepting papers which were one month late, and six pages short of the ten required, without the use of artificial stimulants? ... And do our parents know that the campus is almost completely; refurbished just before each visit? ... And why am I still talking when I could be snoozing down there with you guys? Thank you parents. Thank you friends. Thank you, oh merciful professors. Thank you Colby, for broadening us, and allowing us to meet some of the greatest people of our lives. And thank you, Class of 1987.

Excerpts from graduation speech by Scott A. Lanier

21 0


This is the time to remember Cause it will not last forever These are the days To hold on to Cause we won't Although we'lL want to This is the time But time is gonna change You've given me the best of you And now I need the rest of you ...

21 3

PARENTAL SUPPORT Mr. and Mrs. David L. Alexander

Wendy and Roy Erlandson

American Glass Company

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ernster


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Feitler

Barbara S. Applegate

Mr. and Mrs. Saxton W. Fletcher

Dr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Ashley Mary Lord Balch

Bob and Joan Florian

Ellen and Bill Barch

Coleman and Peggy Foley Mr. and Mrs. Hugh K. Foster

Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Barsom

Carol and Michael Franklin

Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel B. Bates

Mr. and Mrs. Dana Friedman

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Bell

Alex and Carolyn Galambos

Steven and Barbara Bellinghausen

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gallant

Dr. and Mrs. Bradford Blanchard

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin B. Gammon

Jane and Henry Blau

Dr. and Mrs. Peter D. Gassner

Edwin H. Bothwicďż˝

William and Virginia Gilroy

Dr. G. P. Brena

Blythe and Darrell Glahn

Rev. and Mrs. Frederick R. Brown

Howard Glaser

Susan and Michael Brown

John S. Glass

Dr. and Mrs. Walter R. Brown, Jr.

Mrs. Antoinette Gonzalez

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Buettner

Thomas and Rachel Good

Mary E. Burke and Thomas F. Burke

Dr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Goodwin

The Butlers

Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Gorton

Donald P. Cameron

Michael Graves and Gail Graves

Mr. and Mrs. Nicola Caporale

Flu and Gary Green

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Carroll

Dot and Don Grosset

Dr. and Mrs. William Castelli

Mr.a nd Mrs. Owen R. Naley

Mr. andMrs. Lee Chadeayne

Marjorie G. Hardy

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Clendenen, Jr.

Dr.and Mrs. Peter W. Harman

Dick and Peg Como

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Harrison

Dave and Nancy Cook

Susanne Harrison

Judy and Dave Connolly

Arlene and Dick Healy

Tom and Daphne Corcoran

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Herdeg

John F. Cornacchio

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hubbard

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Costello

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Huntress

Robert P. Crease

Quintiliano Izquierdo

Mr. and Mrs. D. Elliot Cullaty

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick James

Larry L. Cummings

Janice G. Jenkins

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dalbeck

Mr. and Mrs. Marten R. Jenkins

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. D'Amico

Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. Johnston

Robert and Jean Delahunt

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Kaufman

Mr. and Mrs. Franco A. Di Bernardo

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly, Jr.

Dale D. Doehr

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kenerson

Daniel and Sheila Donnelly

Joseph L. Kennedy, Jr.

Charles and Sandra Drea

Nancy Kennedy

Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Dubie

Anne S. Kennedy

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ducey

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Kilmer

Denis and Brenda Dugan

Louise M. Kokinos

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dunn

Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey F. Korten

Rurik F. Ekstrom

William F. Lawes

Janice and James Ellard

Catharine Pilling Lennon


David and Anna Maria Loretto

Dr. and Mrs. Ferris S. Ray

Imogene and Peter Low

Susan and Roger Redfield

Judy Lowenberg

Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Reed

John and Elaine MacDonald

Laurence S. and Linda H. Reineman

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Macdonald, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Richwagen

Bill and Mitzie MacLehose

Fenn and Bronwyn Rider

Mr. and Mrs. William Maher

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rivers

John J. Mahon

Aline and Hal Rubin

Meredith and Jack Malloy

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Russ

Arne E. Mark and Gun L. Mark

Marion and Stephen Ryan

Milo A. Matrazzo

Mr. and Mrs. Jack V. Sanborn

Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius F. McCarty, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. A. Sander

Mr. and Mrs. John C. McCrillis

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Sawyer

Mr. and Mrs. George E. McGill

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Scally

Mr. and Mrs. John E. McTavish

George and Lorraine Schatzki

Dr. Edward Michaud

Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Schmaltz

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Misner

Sidney and Sally Schneck

Kikuro and Toyoko Miyakoda

Benjamin R. and Nancy R. Sears,

Donald W. and Sandra A. Moncevicz

Mr. and Mrs. David P. Segal

John and Susan Morrison Dr. and Mrs. Brockett Muir, J r.

Mr. and Mrs. Myron E. Shapiro

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mullen

Rev. Ellen and Mr. Alan Shaver

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Shackett

Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Mullen

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Sheridan

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Murphy

David and Eleanor Slate

Robert and Molly Nagle

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Spirito

Wayne and Sandra Nason

Carroll B. Stewart

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas NiJes, Jr.

Peter and Saralea Strock

Frederic and Joan Norton

James B. Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Nussdorfer

Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sullivan

Donald and Linda O'Leary

Robert E. and Anne M. Sullivan

Franklin and Linda Otten

Rev. and Mrs. Alvin Thomas

Mr. and Mrs. George T. Padula

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Tuck

Dr. and Mrs. Trevelyan E. Palmer

Charlie and Lia Twigg

James and Mary Parry Dr. and Mrs. John

0. Pastore

'52 & '50

Robert and Virginia Van Horne Alexander and Judith Watson

Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Pflumm

Joseph and Inga Wennik

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Philbrick, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. John S. Wheeler

Mr. and Mrs. Alcott K. Phinney

Paul and Joan White

Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence Peirson Ill

Dr. and- Mrs. Alan H. Wilde

Jeanne and John Piscitello

Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Wolfson

Jack and Louisa Porter

Mr. and Mrs. Evaristo Vasquez, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Poutre

Robert R. and Judith I. Vickers

Jack and Donna Powell

George H. and Judith B. Wales, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Powers

Jim and Karlene Webster

Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Profenno

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Webster Ill

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Purcell, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Williams

Dick and Nancy Quirk Downie

Carol Kaplan and Richard Wilner

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin M. Radican

John and Adelaide Zabriskie

Kenneth A. Margaret L. Rago

Sandra and Alan Zakon

Patricia and David Ralff

Mrs. Susan Zakon

Dr. and Mrs. William W. Rathke

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Zimmermann

21 5

Betke, R . Eric 85 Rensselaer Road


Applegate, Elizabeth A.

Essex Falls, NJ 0702 1

6956 Warwick Road

Binder, Rebecca E.

Westborough, MA 0 1 58 1

Indianapolis, IN 46220

235 White Oak Ridge Road

Brown, Kelly S.

Archibald, Michael P.

Short Hills, NJ 07078

22 River Road

Weeks Road Pittsfield, ME 04967




18 Forbes Street


.......__ p. 1 1 0


p. 1 03

p. 7 1 75 Bridle Path North Andover, MA 0 1 845 Marion Road Belmont, MA 02 1 78



Butler, Jeffrey S.C.

Clapp, William N.

220 Phipps Plaza

Box 2 1 3

Palm Beach, FL 33480

p. 1 2 1

Cameron, Heather A.

D ' Agostino, Patricia M. p.57

Dalbeck, Bruce W.

35 West Park Avenue p. 1 24

New Haven, CT 065 1 1

28 Melville Road Cranbury, N J 085 1 2

Clendenen, William H.

97 Grove Street Wellesley, MA 02 1 8 1

Pottersville, NJ 07979


1 7 Spoondrift Lane

Cameron, Scott W .

Cobb, Willa L.

Cape Elizabeth, ME 04 1 07

R R 1 Box 33

French's Mill Rd. P.O. Box 1 66

Daly, Elizabeth A.

Brownfield, .ME 040 1 0

Sangerville, ME 04479

Campbell, Marianne

Cole, Cheryl A.

96 Brook Road

Nyes Road Box 1 1 90

Milton, MA 02 1 86

p 1 24

Canfield, James A. 277 A South Broadway

Fairfield, ME 04937


Milton, MA 02 1 86 D ' Amico, Julie A. p. 1 22

73 Twinbrooke Drive

Cole, Jennifer A.

Holden, MA 0 1 520

207 North Main Street

Davidson, Krist• e RR 5 Atlantic Avenue

Caponigro, Giordano M.

Como, Alison M.

Vinalheven, ME 04863

63 Hyde Street

43 John Goffe Drive

Davia, Cynthia Holmes


Newton, MA 02 1 6 1

Bedford, N H 03 1 02

59 Lowell Road

Caporale, Ronald L.

Connolly, J.C

Westford, MA 0 1 886

1 6 Tallwoods Road

345 Mt. Airy Road

Armon , N Y 1 0504

Basking Ridge, NJ 07920


P. 0. Box 66 1 ME 04294 D

1 Stockman Avenue Saco, ME 04072

p . 96

Davia, Michael C. p.94

Connor, Elizabeth A. p.98

p.1 15

28 1 Reedsdale Road

Brewer, ME 044 1 2

Tarrytown, NY 1 1 766

p. 1 23

Gray, TN 376 1 5

p. 1 22 p.99

Dover-Foxcroft, ME 04462 De Berardine, Elaine A. p. 1 2 1

49 Clover Lane p.9 1

Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 Delahunt, Robert M. 39 Simon Hill Road Norwell

�06 1

eLarosa, Dora p. 1 28

1 80 1 LaSa le Avenue Harlingen, TX 78550 del Rio, Ro



p.58, 1 26


P. O. Box 834 Santa Cruz,


Devine, Christopher J . 76 Rockledge Drive West Hartford, CT 06 1 07 Diamond,

p. 1 09

ifford A.

34 East 75th Street 1 002 1

Susannah West Newbury,

Dennis, MA 02638

Chilso n, Dougl as W. 1 1 College Street Canton, NY 1 36 1 7

p. 1 0 1


jamin H.

1 99 West Broadway DiSa8dro, Jef&e7, J.

Brockton, MA 02401

36 Wdodland Road

Christie, Daniel C. 3652 Sutherland

din Drive


Bangor: ME 0440 1

72 1 North Main Street

Shaker Heights, OH 44 1 22

p. 1 1 4


Chin, Leslie A.

Clottone, Gregory R.

, Nancy A.

ntum Road

p. 1 09


1306 Gary Lane condido, C


I T.

r. / '

Estey, a...- A.


26 13 Pine

luff Drive

Vestal, NV 13850

Donnelly, John F. Crossfield

Farley, Pamela S.

Garrison, NY 10524

75 Buena Vista Drive

Dooley, Sarah C.

Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522

P.O. Box 5 U

Fast, James E.

Norfolk, C T 06058


p. 127

p. 1

36 Walnut Park

Draper, ftell M.

Newton, MA 02 158

49 Ave. Victor Hugo

Fay, Christopher d

Paris 75016, FRANCE p. 1 27

5 Penacook Place


Andover, MA 0 1 8 10


148 Russell Lane

Fay, WOilam B.

Abington, MA 0235 1

Box 56

Dubie, Sven H.

Hancock, NH 03449

824 Lopat<ong Street

Feeley, James A.

Belvidere, NJ 07823 p.69

6 Mystic Aven

Ducey, Sharon R.

Winchester, MA 0 1 890


uffolk Avenue

evere, MA 02 1 5 1 p . 1 03 Duchnicki, Robin A. 22 Cool Valley Road Malvern, PA 19355 Dugan, David P. North Bath Road Bax 10 Bath, ME 0453 -


p.80 Dunphy, Jean M. HCR 68 Box 535 Norttr New Portland, ME 0496 1


Eaton, Dana J . 3809 Windover Hamburg, NY 1 4015





p.9 1

p.56 Ernster, Adam J. 54 Riverside Drive New York, NY 1 0024

2 18

p. 130


Jenkins, Melissa A. 234 Highland Avenue p57

Gardiner, ME 04345 Jeske, Andrew S. p.99

Gronbeck, Lisa A. 33 North Policy Street Salem, NH 03079 Grosset, Alexander W .

Fairfield, CT 06430

RR # l Bo x I A

Hoffman, Ingrid L.

Yarmouth, M E 04096

1 1 1 Little Brook Road

Guild, Jeanne A.

New Canaan , CT 06840 p.64

1 5 Mechanic Street p.85

Horwood, Frederick C.

7 First Avenue p.81

1 25 South Main Street p.77

Howland, Hannah

Yardley, PA 1 9067 Jones, Richard L.

RFD 2, Box 1 28 South Harpswell, ME 04079

West Newbury, MA 0 1 985 Jones, M.C. Keith

2002 Halyard Lane Reston, VA 22091

Hallisey, Barbara A.

Winchester, MA 0 1 890 Johnston, Paul P.

377 Weston Road Wellesley, MA 02 1 8 1

Haley, Laurie A. Fort Kent, ME 04743

61 Arlington Street p.63

Holmes, William H.

RR 3 Box 1 32 Chester, VT 05 1 43

Johnson, Geo

RR #2, Box 1 65 p. 1 1 6

Enfield, NH 03748

Miami, FL 33 1 29 Keane, Ji p. 1 26


n A.

37 Metcalf Street Worcester, MA 0 1 609 KelleJ, Lydia Ann Tremont Pleasantville Road New Vernon, NJ 07976

p. 1 25

, , Katheryn W . •

Box 62

tchinson, Karen

Warner, N H 03278

Hobbs Road


pton, NH 03842 lzqul

, LIA Jll.

60 Ideal Court East Greenwich, RI 028 1 8

do, Irene S.

3207 Madera Avenue

Kenerson, Carol A.

Los Angeie. CA 90039

15 Mayflower Road

James, Holly L.


l, MA 02045

299 Tuttle Road p.67

Cumberland, ME 0402 1 Jenkins, Marten R. Kennelly, Edward J.

West Waldheim Road p. 1 26

Pittsburgh, PA 1 52 1 5


6943 Willard Street

p . 1 07

McElhenny, Melissa A 24 1 1 Stirrup Lane Alexandria, VA 2 McGill, Ed0 63

Lindenberg, Che 38 Hillcrest Drive


Cumberland Center, ME 040 Long, Martin J.


35 Emerson Street Wakefield, MA 0 1 880

Morrison, Jeanne M.

Loretto, Marco C.


55 Park Road

McDonough, Paul

Scarsdale, NY 1 0583

26 Poplar Hill

Louis, James G.


ouisville, KY 4020


80 1 Tonkawa Road Long Lake, MN 55356 Muir, Helen C. 46 1 5 Sundown Road


p 1 30

5 1 9 East 88th Street

rwins lane , CT 06430 ' .Je!!rq A. nite Street d, MA 02052

Peer, Andrew J. p. 1 24

1 0 Holly Drive Little Silver, NJ 07739 Peirson, A. Lawrence

p. 1 30

p. 1 1 8

Box 727

Mendham, N J 07945


Raffoni, Melissa A. 29 Granite Street Dedham, MA 02026 Rago, Donna Jiii .


l O Olde Carriage Road Westwood, MA 02090

Rotolo, Christa B. p.63

80 Finch Lane

blnwllle. Richard E.

Islip, NY 1 1 751

2 Schley Street

Rubin, Jennifer A.

Rochester, NH 03867


Ralff, Kri•tin A.

Bangor, ME 04401

1 1 Chase Road

Runge, Steven C.

Orchard Park.NY 1 4 1 27


Springfield, VA 22 1 52

597 South Mountain Road

Rueb, Patricia J.

New City, NY 1 0956


RaJ, Jama J.

279A Park Street

Sean, D. Rebecca p. 1 1 5

31 Sweetwater A Se


r, Elizabeth JIL

5 Granger Drive Dur

P.O. Box 35


Benedicta, ME 04733


Bedford, MA 0 1 730

77 1 7Jansen Drive

Ratliff, Jlllarcu G.


New Canaan, CT 06840

4 54 Garland Street

Rathke. U.. L.


Scott, EmDJ p.90

Rudman, Andrew I . p.6 1

39 Ma

parrington, RI 02806

64 Spring Grove Road Andover, MA 0 1 8 1 0

12 Lantern Lane Cohasse t , MA 02025

Scola, Francie p.1 1 3



H 03824 alae

1 39 Coul)try Drive

24 Hedgerow Drive

Ruse, Jonathan S.

Weston, MA 6a193

Falmouth, ME 04105

81 Farmington Road

Seltzer' Anclr

Redfield, Sarah E.

Williamsville, NY 14221

36 Mooring Road

Russell, Jeffrey P.

Schenectady, NY

181 Maine Avenue

Shackett, Jennifer a.

Marblehead, MA 0 1 945


Reed, Thoma• C.

Millinocket, ME 04462

Day's Ferry

Ryan, Kimberley A.

Woolwich, ME 04579

8 Tanglewood Trail

Reineman, Mary L.

Darien, CT 06820

43 Mayo Road Wellesley, MA 02 1 8 1

p. 56



2481 McGovern 'O


Westwood Box 1058 Bristol, NH 03222 Shapiro, Joehua D.


alvador, Michael Z.

27 Kingston Road Newton, MA 02 1 6 1

1 Masefield Lane

Shaver, Laura J . p.63

llmaud, Cheryl A.

Hartsdale,NY 1 0530

1 77 Williamsburg Drive

Sanborn, Stephen J.

Bronxville, NY 10708

20 Glenwood Street

SberbondJ, P......

Monroe, CT 06468

p. 1 1 1

Repold, Sheryl L.

Amesbury, MA 0 1 9 1 3

105 Penn Estates

Sawyer, Thomae E.

East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

65 Rhode Island Avenue

ReJDolcla, Ciara

Warwick, RI 02889

RR 1 , Box 1 98

Scally, Tbereea Jiii.

Tuxedo, NY 1 0987

p. 1 23

Hingham, MA 02043

21 Sunset Drive

Schatzki,Jeffrey C.

Danielson, CT 06239

9 Walbridge Road

Richard, Unda S.

West Hartford, CT 06 1 1 9

300 Porter

Scheetz, Edwin F.

t p.86

Schmaltz, Heide A.

3 Cutter Court Marblehead, MA 0 1 945

p. 1 1 7

..._, T. Pena

Dtlftielson, CT 06239

p. 1 18

19 Marianna Drive Schneck

Woodman Street

ar• D.

365 Mill ood 'Road

Qloucester, MA 0 1 930

Chappaqua, NY 1 05 1 4

lloMD, AaJ

�ooJfleld, Margueri

248 Pine Road p. 1 30

50 Tokeneke Drive rth Haven, CT 0647

......--. Mam R.

Schreck, LI• A.

8-t Street RR •4 Box 1 SOuth Salem, NY 1 0590

Darien, CT 06820

Hastings�:m-Hud:K>n. NY 1 07

., JUcbael R.

Briarcliff, NY 1 05 1 O

2 Meadowbrook Road Schmidt, Li• M.

74 Plos pect Avenue



p. 1

300 Hampton Road Pittsburgh, PA 1 52 1 5

Rlcbwagen. Krietin E.

P.O. Box 2635

720 Priest HiU Road North

3 1 5 Cushing Street

Ricci. Michael

Manchester, NH 03 1 03

p. 1 08

54 Northway



2 Meadowbrook Road Wellesley, MA 02 1 8 1

Ogden, UT 84401 p. 1 1 0

Uehling, M . Birgit

55 Robinwood Road, Box 1 385

74 Oak Creak Trail Madison, WI 537 1 7

Onset, MA 02558 p.75

91 Mill Road

1 9 1 Brewster Raod

Cumberland, ME 0402 1 p.54

Vasa, Roma A. p.69

p. 1 30


Wilde, Douglas M. Cleveland Heights, OH 44 1 1 8

p. 1 20

Vasquez, Michael E. Portsmouth, NH 0380 1

Williams, Paula M. 220 Lewis Road

Pease AFB 2 Walnut Avenue

Belmont, MA 02 1 78 p.60

Monhegan, ME 04852

Box 8 1 4

Windhorst, James C.

Caribou, ME 04736

p. 1 24


453-1 Rosewe I Avenue


Wincapaw, Katherine A.

Vickers, Christopher C.

Vopni, Ken e



2764 Fairmount Boulevard

327 Hawthorne Street Marlton, NJ 08003



Whittum, Susan L.

Van Horne, Christopher T. Scarsdale, NY 1 0583

p. 1 1 6

White, Susan C.


366 Ocean Drive West Stamford, CT 06902


Wolfe, Tamsen C.

Toronto, Ontario M4R 2B6 CANADA

637 Concord Road

Voss, Peter D.

Wolfson, David S.

Sudbury, MA 0 1 776 2935 Woodcliffe Road NW


7 1 3 1 Currin Drive p.69

Dallas, TX 75230

p. 1 09

Wright, Anita D. Box 6 1 90 p. 70

Pittsfield, ME 04967 Wu, Alexander Yin 68 Howard Street

p.6 1

Ludlow, MA 0 1 056 Zabriskie, Kristine B. 1 49 Mountai



Gillette, N

Zolov, Eric S. 320 Hollywood Avenue p.7 1

Crestwood, NY 1 0707


p. 1 27 Wheeler, Jeffrey A. 36 Great Rock Road Sherborn, MA 0 1 770


White, Richard S. 2660 Foothill Drive


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