tatements from faculty writers in college yearbooks are almost invariably solemn. Solemn and more than a little pretentious. Afloat on words like
Not in
moral seriousness,
ambivilence._ I
myself have written such uplift for
By the time most Colby people get this yearbook, a new year -and a new life -is well started, and all everyone
wants is to find a favorite friend's photograph. Or to chonle over how awful a former hated rival looks in his senior picture (your own intrinsic charm shines clearly in your photo - or is it a reflection from the Pond?) Thus, no sermonette from Bassett this year. My English composition students tell me they learned all the right stuff in kindergarten, in any case, so it's obviously too late for words to the wise in your college yearbook. Even the worst, most sluggish of you loons, however, are wiser for your four years on Mayflower Hill. You've come up a protraaed notch from that beer-drenched dweeb (still chilblained from Katahdin on COOT), to your present cool, suave, sophisticated self. You took Passionate Expression, Adolescents in Schools and Society, Quantum Physics, Jazz, Contemporary Japanese Politics, Business German, and the American Shon Story. You're liberally educated and petrified that you'll become a permanent temp. at H. & R. Block in Belfast. But, "people person" that you are, you'll talk and think and bamboozle your way to respeaability -you Horatio Alger wanna-be, you-just as you fooled Dean Serdjenian in your Colby years. You'll return- sleek and confident-to tell me that you finished
Scarlet Letter,
which I assigned you in
How can diligence and enterprise like this fail?
Yes, you'll be OK, but I'll be retired when you come back for your tenth reunion in
'02-Scarlet Letter
glowing on your bosom-
and will only recognize you only dimly. Except for Dwyer, who got me with the pie in EN353. I'll remember her. Good luck to all of you. Keep in touch! Charles Bassett Dana Professor of American Studies and English
R) Yvonne Knight, William Lee, Randy Nelson, Leonard Reich Absent from Photo: Elizabeth Fisher to
•ront row (L to R) John Mizner, Susan (enney, Jean Sanborn, Pat Mannocchi, Jnda Tatelbaum, Jim Boylan, Rich Russo �ack row (L to R) Laurie Osborne, Doug �chibald, David Mills
Ed Kenney, Pat
[)nion, Peter Harris, Charles Bassett, John weney .\.bsent from Photo: Mary Bartosensky, Pat ick Brancaccio, Cedrik Bryant, Michael 4urke, Judith Daviau, Natalie Harris, foward Koonce, David Mills Russell Pot ,
�r, Mary Ruefle, Robin Sherlock, Joylynn �ing, Arnold Yasinski
(L to R) Marilyn Mavrinac, Lyn Brown, Mark Tappan, Peter Kahn Absent from Photo: Karen Kusiak
Faculty � (L to I.) Jim Meehan, Patrice Praako-Jones, Michael Doaihue, <liffotd B.eid, Tom T"ieteabetg, l)a.. vid Pindlay, Hank Gemeiy, Johll Santos
Abs en t fro m Pho to: ] a n S. Hogend.om, l.andy Nelson, Sanmna llobkason, DaWI lloss
Front row (L to R) Anthony Corrado, Patricia Kick Back row (L to R) Kenneth Rodman, Al Mavrinac, Charles Hauss, Guilain Denoeux, Roger Bowen, L. Sandy Maisel Absent from Photo: Pamela Blake, Morton Brody, Beverly Hawk, Jo seph Lee, Calvin Mackenzie
Front row (L to R) Lee Feigon, Pam ela Hronek, Patricia Kick, Hal Ray mond Back row (L to R) Robert Weisbrot, Rosaleen Salvo, Joseph Roisman, David Das, Fred Gillum, Lyn Mavrinac Absent from Photo: Thomas Carson, Patricia Walls, Lindsay Wilson
(L to R) Dorin Zohner, Gregory K.oldnen, Edward Yeterian, Dianne Kierstead, William Klein, Nicholas Rohrman Absent from Photo: Dorothy Evert sen, Jabneene N ickerson
fop (L to R) Thomas Pickering, iobert Bluhm, Alice Ridky Bottom (L to R) Jarnes Fleming, Murray Campbell f\bsent from Photo: Barri Babow, :hades Conover, John Dudley
Front row (L to R) Keith Devlin, Pete Hayslett, Dale Skrien, Dex Whittinghill Back row (L to R) Jim Northrup, Amy Boyd, Batya Friedman, Fer nando Gouvea, Carol Bassett, Bob Fisch Absent from Photo: Carole Evans, Ben Mathes, Donald Small
ďż˝ (L to R) Robert Nelson, Bruce Rueger, H arold Pestana, Al ice Ridky, Donald Allen , Paul Doss
Front row (L to R) Bruce Fowles, Maureen Whalen, Paul Greenwood Back row (L to R) Betsy Brown, Beverly Eaton, Herb Wilson, Frank Fekete Absent from Photo: Miriam Bennett, A r t h u r C h a m p l i n , Eliza b e th Champlin, Tim Christiensen, Lindsey Colby, Russ Cole, Sharon Conover, David Firmage, Jay Labov, Ray mond Phillips
(L to R) Daniel Libby, Wayne Smith, Jean Mcintyre, Margaret Eastman, Julie Millard, David Bourgaize, Rosemary Flanagan, Whimey King Absent from Photo: Paul Chnnko, Jane House, Tom Shattuck
(L to R.) llonald Cuett, Hanna R.o m.n, Dorothy Koonce, Joseph R.o isman
(L to R) Constantine Hriskos, Cheryl ffownsend Gilkes, Christine Bow ditch, David Nugent, Phyllis Rogers, 5onya Rose, Sarah Willie, Tom Mor aone Absent from Photo: Susan Falgout
(L to R) Cheshire Calhoun, Debra Campbell, Yeager Hudson, Jill Gor don Absent from Photo: Daniel Cohen, Robert McArthur, Diane Ferm, Thomas Longstaff, Nikky Singh, Neal Walls
Front row (L to R) Hubert Kueter, Ulla Reidel-Schreve, Tony Anemone, Sheila McCarthy Back row (L to R) David Hanson, Vivian Pyle, Lore Ferguson, James Mcintyre, Misha Liadov Absent from Photo: Marc Damitz, Thomas Litcherfeld, Barbara Nowl and
Front row (L to R) Charles Ferguson, Jane Moss, Priscilla Doel, Guy Filisof Back row (L to R) Javier Gonsalez Alonso, Betty Sasaki, Jonathan Weiss, Silvia Bermudez, Jorge Olivares, Abbes Maazaoui,
Francis Bright, Adrianna
Paliyenko Absent from Photo: Francisco Cauz, Alan Davison, Suellen Diaconoff, Jose Garcia-Santalla Diez, Barbara Nelson, Barbara Nowland, Dace Weiss
Front row (L to R) Constantine Hris kos, Kenneth Ganza, Lee Feigon, Nikki Singh Back row (L to R) Xu Tao, Tamae Prindle, Noriko Katagiri, Y. K. Lo Absent from Photo: Kenneth Ganza
(L to R) David Simon, Harriet Matthews, Scott Reed, David Lubin, Sonia Simon, Michael Marlais, Hugh Gourley, Kenneth Ganz.a Absent from Photo: Nina Jerome Sutcliffe, Gay Kempton, Abbott Meader, Gina Werfel, Pam Wilder
(L to R) Christopher White, Cheryl Tschanz, Rebecca Gerber, Dorothy rR.euman, Steve Sanders, Paul Mach lin, Helen Staples, Jon Hallstrom Absent from Photo: Julia Adams, Mary Carlsen, Carl Dimow, Dennis Harrington, Mark Leighton, Karen ierce, Jean Rosenblum
(L to R) Samantha Risse!, Valerie Mitchell, Jessica Maclachlan, How ard L. Koonce, Richard Sewell, Anna Sullivan, John Ervin, C. M. Wentzel Absent from Photo: Patrick Bran caccio, James Campbell Thurston, Joylynn Wing
9Jeoa¥'� Front row (L to R) Paul Johnston, Janice Seitzinger, Mark Serdjenian, Joyce McPhetres-Maisel Back row (L to R) Pat Helm, Tullio Nieman, Gina Toman, John Frechette, Elizabeth Todrank Absent from Photo: Viaoria Her-
(L to R) Joanne Jurdak, Cate Talbot Ashton, Penny Spear, Cynthia Yasin ski
(L to R) Lisa Dow, Patsy Stearns, Rita Bowman A b s e n t fr om P h o t o: Ge o r g e Coleman, Je anne Hammond
""' ·
- .
, Kevin !mith, Eric Johnson
of 1992
A Wbiuiey Adams, Helen Hopkins, Dakota Glenn,
Tabby Biddle, Lisa Black
.6 Meg Ewing, Lyzbeth Makley, Jennifer Nehro, Amy Salinger
Smet Sauawoad, Jeff Malggla(, Chris Blown, Todd VerHocmn, Brian Kdlcber, Jason Mazzola, Fmnlc Boardman. Michad Doubleday, Cliris
Toa:, John Roth, Andy Zuccotti, Kc-vin Whalm, Perer Ginolfi, Brian Doreluy, Peter Peuoni, Doug Whalen, Jon Bartlett, Jim Hayes
... Danielle DesMarais
A Jay Hermsen, Joe Savoie, Steve Swartz, Andy Rhein, Trey Vincent, Bryan Chase
A Elizabeth We1ch
. . �-
� r; ....-:
� .
:. -. i :
<J. .. • •:� .
1.' 1
• Pmr Hayden, Pmr J. Camey
A Mi-Sun Cho
'' . :· ; "":'"'Ji-ti:-.'_. ....
.. J·, • : • II; I . ·, . ,
. {
.6. David Edelstein, Ben Beatie, Mark Boles, Andrew Eldredge, Ned Goodell
A Jmoifer Devine, Amy Moody, Kellie c.aron, Melissa Schmidt,
Kelly Hams, Jane Friedman
� Alexandria Perry
A Kristin
Kate Kane. Heather Glynn, Jocie Childs, Erica Gregg, Jessica D'Ercole, Kristen Russo, Bessie Moss
Kimberly. Zimmerman
Mary Beth Heiskell
.A Alicia Miller
.A Angela Toms, Heather Dowds
â&#x20AC;˘ James Albright. August Cenname, J.C. Klick, Oiristopher .Malcomb
.A John Rehm, David Yarrington, John Olsen, Kevin McCarthy, Michael Stanton, Mark Mellyn, Warren Oayror, Cltristopher Masaaogelo
A Anne Bowie, Alyson Kessel, Kristen McMahon
A Curt Bedcwith, Dave
Keller, Jim Conrad. Josh Staoberger,
Dave c.ody
A Gina Marsim
Andrew Barnett
A Joshua G. Green
A Norman}.
A Nicole Dauteuil, Helen
Sďż˝ Rachel Klein, Kelly Evans
A Caroline Earle, Felicia Gcfven
David Provencal
• Arthur
S�ert, Jennifer Alfond, Andrew Benson
A Oaig Menens
A Chris Flint, Brian Wierdnski
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& Lawa Kuske, Carolyn Harvey, Michele Rowell
A Stephanie Oement, Tara McDonough, Kimberly Ereminas
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A �flsha Purushotham
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Michelle Tupesis, Kacie Drowne
Kendra Smith, Diana Barton
s p 0 R T s
Fall Spo
Field Hockey
Mens' Socc er
Womens' Soccer
Mens' X-Country
ens X-Country '
Womens' Tennis
omens Volleyball '
Mens' RugbJi
omens' Rugby
Water Polo
All Fall Sports Team '91
(L ro R) Brian Wiercinski (mens' soccer), Lisa Black (womens' tennis), Michele Rowell (field hockey) Middle row (L to R) Todd Alexander (golf), Michelle Severance (womens' X-councry), Kathleen Creeden (volleyball) Back row (L ro R) Eric DeCosra (football), Jon Banlett (football), Meredith Johnson (womens' soccer) From row
Absent from Photo: Abe Rogers (mens' X-councry)
Dave M c9 art h y '93, This week's Devastator(s) is the Colby football tearr led Colby to By beating Bowdoin 28-13, the team secured its firsl victory over winning season since 1979 with a record of 5-3. The 1 M.dd lebury Mules also wrapped-up their fourth straight CBB title, and finished with the second-ranked defense il ast Saturda l theNESCAC. John Conaty DEVASTATOR with a 72-y '93, free safety on the Football' hdo"'!:nm t continued to be a big-game plc:_, OU� Hamilton, setting up two Colby touchdown: � � -�----�����...._.._ ...., __
Aflerican cross ountry runner h e 1 1 el everance '94, i
with a blocked punt and a pass interception � ·I\) O> He also had six solo tackles and two asslSts. 3 (5 Wom en's Socc er : � A Team. gainst Nor;. .g •
WI. ch,
·s week's Devastator is the Women's Tennis Team's Black '92. Black, who was 6-2 in singles competition . s year, won her third consecutive Maine State ampion�hip, an accomplishment that has not been ieved in at least 20 yea�s. Way to go, Lisa !!!!
Mike Eash '93, Captain of the
sto p pe d .
sconng attempts. In Colby S 3-0 blanking of UNE, she stopped all sixshots. Two shutouts-not bad!D
Woodsmen's Team. three-year veteran led the charge 13S the squad won its first-ever international competition.
goall e Johns on
al o S.
<C 0
�� g�
� Kr :l
Wi ter Sports
Mens' Basketball
Team Members
Jason Dorion, Todd Alex ander, Tyler Duvall, Chip Clark, Gregory Walsh, Gregory Becker, Matthew Gaudet, Theodore Bosco, Robert Carb o n e , J oho Daileanes, Thomas Maines, Cllris Baynes, Paul Butler, G l e n n M cC r u m , G a r y Bergeron, John Rimas -I
Womens' Basketball
Team Members
Heather Belanger, Andrea Bowman,� t y , Elizab s,Mj� f�+9.l Josette Huntress, --� }ewers, AddlNI"""�•
Team Members . Alexander Moody, Michael M� Carthy,
Pompeo, Keith
Gleason, Michael Maloney, w· liam Lanigan, BWr W�th :
James Zinman(" van
Timothy.n1uu.1.-1 '
Womens' Hockey
Team Members
Shawn G age r, Jennifer Devine, Anne McManus Heather Hamilton, Lyndsay G r iff i t h s , E l i z a b e t h Labovitz, Christine Haigh, Elizabeth King, Em i l y Muldoon, KK Smith, Elna Anne Gordon, Kate Diana, Devri Byrom, Jennifer Al fond , ebecca Apollon, Jemufer Walker, Laura Iorio, Everett, Alyssa .
Indoor Track
Indoor Track
' omen s 1mm1ng •
Team Members Alyson Angino, Elizabeth
Beals, .Rachel Clougherty, Girard, Blttabetb
Bonnell, Sarah Bramhall, Karyl Brewm:r, Anne
Sura Du Bow, Suzann e
Grauper, Louise Talben, Jen Jarvis, Susan Kaimes, Laura Lepler, Lyzbeth Makely, Kamin McClelland, Erin Mc
Teman. Heather Perry, Julia Rena, Amy Selinger, Debra Stinchfield, Kara Toms. Coaches: Sheila Cain, Al Holiday,
.Audrey Harlow
Mens' Squash
DEVASTAT of the week
This week's Devastator is men's basketball co-captain John Rimas '92. In last Saturday's victory over UMass-Boston, in which he had 20 points and 5 rebounds,
John joined Colby's hoop elite in
�,the 1,000 point club. . . . . ing !��m. men's hockey goalie Eric This week's Devastator (s) is the Men s Swimm and D1v1�1on The Water Mules, who were at the New Engl �thlete Turner '92. In the victory whopping 15 a e Championships this past weekend, brok 111 h E 1.�-----i• d over Bow dom, nc a an Colby records 1!1 ·
amazing 50 saves on 51 shots. And in the 3 game he has played, Eric has made 1 00 saves on 1 07 shots for a .935 save
percentage. Way to go;
' This week s Co-Devastator is Men's Squash Captain inpressive 5-4 at 11 singles since January, led Colby indivici.lal singles tannarrent at aates ws past &lrxia
John Daileanes '92 Men's basketball
Men's basketball co-captain John Daileanes '92, went out in typical Daileanes fashion, scoring 38 points in the ECAC final loss to Brandeis. The "Duke" put together a tidy 28.3 scoring average this year,
plwto by Yuglw Yamllguchi
totalling 735 points for the seaso:t and 1605 for his career. The season mark was second-best in Colby his-
Sura DuBow '92
Women's Swimming
Sura Du Bow '92, set women's swimming and diving team. "Sura Co-captain
6 school records on the
had anoutstandingyear," said coach Sheila Cain of her top breastroker. "(Sura] was a very solid leader, in and out of the water." Dubow was the team's sole representative at Na tionals, and will be nominated by Cain for Academic-All American.
,- _
Meredith fohnson 92
M1ke Keller '92
tory.Dailcanes is analmost sure bct
he_ named
Colby's other co- Devastator is Warren's Squash Tri-captai n redith, who q..iali ied for nationals this past weekend , was the , .ntercollegiate Squasn s highest Sportsnanship Award. Great Job, Me
This week's Devastator is men's hockey player Mike Flynn '92. Flynn scored two goals, including the game-winner, in Colby's 4-3 .
LA--· -
M ns' Lacrosse
Womens' Lac
1 31
Mens' Spri � Track
Womens' Spring Track
1 33
Golf Due
the bad weather,
our team
we were
unable ro catch have to do.
in aaioo. These fill ins will
Sorry guys.
1 35
Spring Deva tators
You might have noticed that a recurring theme throughout this section has been the weather and the havoc it has wreaked on Colby sports. Who-or what--is therefore more qualified to be our Devastator?
Well, Snow, If you were trying to get our attention, you succeeded, so here's a little more. About ten sporting events were cancelled, and its April 16. Don't you have something else to do?
This week's Devastator is C olby baseball tri-captain Jim Dionizio 192. Jim, a third baseman, is currently one of the top hitters in NESCA C, batting over .500. e Way to smack the pea arou yard, Jimbo !!! ¡
This week's (and the year's final) devastator is Captain Tom Capozza '92, of the men's track team. Capozza led his team to a third place finish at NES CA Cs by winning the long jump and set ting a new NESCAC record of 22' 1 1". Nice hang time, Tom 'I
co I
This week's devestator is the cycling team's Eric Johnson '93. Eric, a transfer student from UMass, qualified for Nationals for the third straight year.
In a field that included 45 teams and
hundreds of cyclists, Johnson finished third overall in this past weekend's Eastern Collegiate Cycling Championships. Way to
1 39
Clubs & Organizations Presidents' Council Front row (L to R) Jason Hogg, Dave Jorgen sen, Geoff Harvey, Alex Bici, Ryan Friel, Jason Pizer, Erik Mortenson, Andrew Benson, John Mitchell, Darrell Sofield Middle row (L to R) Jim Lindstrom, Michelle Tadros, Ken Lee, Kim Marshall, Kendra Smith, Ken Dupuis, Allison Alsip, Chris Mas trangelo, Sarah Pohl, Keith Dupuis, Lees Pa triacca, Laurie Silverman, John Yormak, Jason SOules, Karen Laidley Back row (L to R) Cate Czernicki, Tiffany Hoyt, Arthur Steinert, Kurt Niebuhr, John Olsen, Chris Rogers, Elliott Barry, Ben Morse,
Senior Class Officers (L to R) Sherri Beals, Katie Martin, Doug Oppenheimer, Karen Wu
WMHB Front row (L to R) Jono Medwed, Laurie Girard, Annie Earhart, Amy Kravnz, Heidi Thomas, Stephen Mo tion Back row (L to R) Mike Smoot, Anthony Couvillon, Keith Tashima, Karen Oh, Jay Hermsen, Scott Al prin, Jason Goldberger, Josh Reyn olds
The Oracle Front row (L to R) Bill Hanna, Amy Vreeland Back
R) K. C. Scott,
Kendra Smith, Stan Smith
The Echo p.,
Front row (L to R) Ari Drucker, Craig Appelbaum, Ethan Gettman, Todd]. Winick, Katey Ford, Jon athan Walsh Back row (L to R) Tracey Hardman, Katherine Bordwell, Paul Argiro, Amanda Hallowell, Andrea Krasker, Michelle Taylor, Laura Pavlenko
The Review (L to R) Jonathan Thometz, Erika Sayewich, Kristin Winkler
Organizations Colby 8
Front row (L to R) Matt Keams, Pete Caruso, Curt Srevenson, Kris Boyn ton
Back row (L to R) Mark Longsso, Chris Frothingham, Ross Nussbaum,
Jun Shirahama, Doug Sattan
Tuxedo Junction (L to R) Vanessa Lloyd, David Frothingham, April B. Armstroi David A. Bemer, Wendy Westm John Grady, Jenna Dinn, Zach Geisz, Michael Cobb
Colbyettes Front row (L to R) Kristin Winkler, Betsy Campbell, Erinne Clark, Va nessa Lloyd Back row (L to R) Wendy Halcom be, Christine Dixon, Jeannette Rid dle, Elizabeth Kowall, Heather John son, Denice Nickerson
Powder & Wig Front row (L to R) Tracy Callan, Kaatje van der Hoeven, Shawn Campbell, Ned Brown, Katie Thompson, Bill Kaufman, Katie Bredbeck, Tara Esua Middle row (L to R) April Armstrong, Bruce Villineau, Ellie Maddox, Kathy Tm ney, Kris McGrew, Tara McDonough Back row (L to R) Scott Callan, Stephanie Clement, Margaret Suggs, Robert Isaacson, Zach Geisz, Ben Damon, Sam Rissel , Scott
3roadway Musical Revue ront row (L to R) Elizabeth Kowal, o !nnifer Coffin, Sara Campbell, Becky
rraham, Ben Beatie, ] eannette Riddle fiddle row (L to R) Anthony Sabadini,
Jhn Dunkerley, Steve Earp, Roger chulrnan 1ack: row (L to R) Katie Thompson, .ebekah Freeman, Ned Goodell, B.J. �asperoni, ] en Greenleaf, Zach Sha iro, Stacey Warner, Kristen Hanssen, >oug Satran
Colby Dancers F ront row (L to R) Kathryn Colson, Jessica Maclachlan, Holly Labbe Back r o w (L t o R ) M a r ah E. Silverberg, Sandra Goldstein, Jenni fer Barnicle, Jill Soper
Newman Council F ront row (L to R) Don & Cate Ashton, Zeben & Nathan Ashton, Joy Marean, Nancy Putnam, Jon Ed dinger, Pa ul M a t thews, Cara O'Flynn Middle row (L to R) Bob Gramling, Jack Nestor, Matt Salah, Christian Qtarella
Back row (L to R) Misy Small, Karen Wu, y erson, r. Jofiii quis, Kristin Burati, Bill Higgins
Hillel Front row (L to R) Howa Katz, Zach Shapiro Back row (L to R) Andr Krasker, Jennifer Sullivan, J seph Roisman, Rabbi Krinsky
International Club (L to R) Sarah Poniss, Patricia Bal  dridge, Thokozani Kadzamira, Yvonne VanVeendaal, Jeanine Caunt
Geology Club Front row (L to R) Theodore Melis.u Biron, Lisa Churchill, Elizabeth Wallman, Susan Lee Middle row (L to R) Kaj Jensen, Leif Meayfield, Diane Decker, Barrett Smith, Jay Moore, Ben Strong, Stephanie Cleaves, "Dr. Bob" NelÂ
(L to R) Paul Doss , Hal es, Bruce Rueger, Don Allen row
Debate Club a r
rront row (L to R) Jen Lock, Erika �ayewich, Donna Burbank, Jen Kelley, Meilani Clark Back row (L to R) David Mills 'coach), Justin Wasielewski, Omar Lateef, Christopher Lavine, Dan Demeritt, Matthew Dubel, Mark Merzon, John Terborgh
Through Our Colby Years REMEMBER.... * Sledding Down Chapel Hill *Runnels Hill Late Night *The View from the Library Tower * Skiing Sugarloaf * Stickball on Frat Row *The Airline Chairs in the Library * Secret Santa * Campus Golf * Dorm Bonding During Fire Alarms *The Legend Behind the Blue Light *Late Night Runs to Shaws * Primal Screams during Exam Week
*The Jitney *The Echo *The Spa
* The Review * The Pequod *The Art Museu
*Nachos with Orange Cheese * Blue Colby Athletic Pants * Tevas * Birkenstocks
*Hypnotist Russ Burgess * Suzanne LandoI phi & afe Sex ishea & �y. the * Broadway Musical Review stua.en ts 01 C *The Festival of Carols & Lights - olby c01.1e, ge * Divali �'llte roI1
' '""- 24, 1992
1.e, Moi
.. n
Foll 1988 FALL 1988 SEPTEMBER •Yellowstone Park still in flames •Seoul Olympics Ben Johnson steriod use Greg Louganis hits head on platform MAtt Biondi and Janet Evans swimming winners •"Gorillas in the Mist"
OCTOBER • Bentson vs. Quayle debate "You're no Jack Kennedy" •"Discovery lifts off, 1st shuttle since Challenger explosion" •Bush vs. Duke
NOVEMBER •Abortion Pill debate •Bush wins election taking 40 states •Computer virus hits nationwide
DECEMBER •Soviet hijacked plane lands in Israel •Pan Am Flight 103 crash in Scotland •Armenian earthquake •James Brown sent to jail •"Mississippi Burning; Tequila Sunrise"
JANUARY •Madonna-Penn divorce •Congress vote themselves a payraise •Purdy shooting rampage at California elementary school •U.S. downs two Libyan jets •Bundy executed in Florida • "Rainman"
ave Pra�e, Dave Roderick, Kristen McMahon, Anne �wie,
Jen Robicheau, Shawn Gager, Allison Morrill, Merry Corbett
"'E:AM r \
Joe Tamburini, Rob Delello, Mich DeGrande, Jim Dionzio, Bill Higgins
fptiMg 1989 SPRING 1989 FEBRUARY •Princess Diana visits the U.S. •Salman Rushdie and Satanis Verses condemned by Ayatollah Khomeini •Last Soviet leave Afghanistan
MARCH •Nintendo madness hits •United Flight 8 1 1 loses its top in Hawaii •"Like a Player" video causes controversy •Chile's grapes banned - cyanide discovered •Exxon Valdez crashes in Prince Williams Sound, Alaska •USSR citizens vote for Yeltsin
APRIL •English soccer crowd trampling 100 died •Guns explode on USS Iowa •Chinese students take to the streets •"Field of Dreams" •New Kids on the Block craze
MAY •Oliver North found guilty in Iran-Contra •Gilda Radner died •Disney MGM studio opens
JUNE •Ayatollah Khomeini died •Poland votes in 1st open election in 40 years •Tiananmen Square protests •Kareem Abdul-Jubbar retires •Flag burning debate •"Star Trek V; Batman" •20th Anniversary of Moonwalk, Woodstock, Chappaquiddick, and Manson murders
JULY •Supreme Court votes 5-4 to put restraints on abortion rights •Mel Blanc died •United Flight 23 2 accident •Mazda Miata hits the roads •"When Harry Met Sally" •"License To Kill"
?, Yvonne Van Veenendaal
Beth..B�r, Kris Boynton
Foll 1989 FALL 1989 AUGUST •Pete Rose banned from baseball for gambling •Greg Lamond won second Tour de France •Lebanese hostage showdown •Communism crumbled in Poland
SEPTEMBER •Voyager 2 sent home pictures of Neptune •Chris Even retired from tennis •Ben Johnson stripped of records at Olympics •Hurricane Hugo •South Africa began desegregation • NBC Today Show Jane Pauley vs. Deborah Norville
OCTOBER •Panama coup attempt •Large exodus from East Germany •Wall Street dive - Dow drops 190.58 points •San Francisco earthquake
NOVEMBER •Carol Stuan's scandalous murder •The Berlin Wall (1961- 1989) comes down •Drug "ICE" hits the street •"Steel Magnolias"
DECEMBER •Czechoslovakian communists relinquish power over their country •Gorbachev-Bush Summit •University of Montreal massacre •Panama invasion by U.S. •"Driving Miss Daisy" •"Glory"
JANUARY •Jane Pauley left NBC's Today Show •Manuel Noriega surrendered •Charles Stuan revealed wife's killer, then committed suicide •Lithuania vs. Gorbachev •DC's mayor Mirion Barry caught with drugs
Mike Thiele, ·Andrew Finn
.fplflMg 1990 SPRING 1990 FEBRUARY •F. W. de Klerk lifted ban on ANC •Nelson Mandela freed •Gorbachev became benevolent dictator •"Teenage Nutant Ninja Turtles" MARCH •Sandinistas leave Nicaragua •Smoking banned for flights under 6 hours •Lithuania declared independence •Exxon Valdez captain Hazelwood acquitted
APRIL •Poindexter found
guilty in Iran-Contra
•Hemophiliac Ryan White died from AIDS •The Simpsons mania
MAY • Savings and Loan bailout predicted to cost $300 billion •Twin Peaks - "Who killed Laura Palmer?" •Measles outbreak in Minnesota •Magic Johnson named NBA MVP
JUNE •Flag burning Amendment failed in Congress •Suicide machine debates •Trump found to be in deep debt •Iran earthquake •"Total Recall" •"Dick Tracy"
JULY •Germany became united again •Soviets withdraw troops from Europe •"Presumed Innocent"
sten Russo, J oci Childs, Kristin Nixon, Traci Marquis, Heather
lynn - Kate's going away party.
Foll 1990 FALL 1990 AUGUST •Roseanne Barr offended the nation with her singing of the Star SJ:.>an gled Banner •Saddam Hussein and Iraq invaded Kuwait • Operation Desert Shield began •Pearl Bailey died •Where's Waldo mania
SEPTEMBER •University of Florida, Gainsville, murders •"Postcards from the Edge" •"Highlander 2"
OCTOBER •Germany became Federal Republic of Germany •Venus explored by Magellan spacecraft •David Souter becomes new Supreme Court J ustice •Trump and Marla Maples
NOVEMBER •US troop numbers in Persian Gulf increase •_Margaret Thatcher resigned as British Prime Minister, John Major takes her place •Mike Tyson found guilty of battety charges •"Dances with Wolves"
DECEMBER •James Baker goes to Baghdad to talk with Saddam Hussein •Saddam freed hostages •John Gatti arrested for racketeering •FDIC under strain bailing out S
• Politically correct language on the rise JANUARY •Desert Shield became Desert Storm as US troops moved into Kuwait •Soviet troops moved into Lithuania •Geneva talks between Baker and Iraq's Aziz
Dave Roderick, Dan Belvin
!°p!Wfg 1991 FEBRUARY
•Desert Storm: POW's •Danny Thomas died
• "Silence of the Lambs"
•Persian Gulf War declared victorious • U.S. troops began to return home - 148 died •Video recording release of LA. PD. beating Rodney King •Pamela Smart conspiracy murder case • Death fall of Eric Clapton's son from high rise •"Robin Hood"
•Slaughter of Kurds in Kuwait and Iraq
•Kennedy scandal #? - William Kennedy Smith accused of rape • Lee Atwater died
•Bush's heart scare - U.S. shocked into Quayle reality • Yeltsin vs Gorbachev •Abortion Pill in New Hampshire debate •Growing race relations problems • "Thelma
• "Backdraft"
• Yeltsin wins Presidency of Russian Republic • Rajiv Ghandi died • Croatia and Slovenia declare independence • Key apartheid laws repealed in South Africa
• ") ungle Fever"
• Iraq refuses inspection of nuclear sites for
weapons dismantling • Clarence Thomas nominated for the Supreme Court and the hearings begin •Jeffrey Dahmer arrested in Milwaukee bizarre serial killings discovered •Pee Wee Herman arrested for indecent exposure • Arms control deal announced by Bush and Gorbachev • Total eclipse of the sun over Hawaii • Michael Landon died
Nicky Vadenboncoeur, Nat Fenollpsa
Fol! 1991 AUGUST
•Release of British Joumalist John McCarthy after 5 years • Gorbachev resigned amidst coup attempts
• USSR became Union of Sovereign States •Harry Reasoner died •Final Exit debate - the right of ending one's own life
•"Rubbergate" revealed 8,33 1 bounced checks by Congress • Oarence Thomas confirmation hearings •Bag lady Mary Guzelian left $500,000 to MA House Rep. Fitzgerald • "The Fisher King"
• Oarence Thomas vs Anita Hill sexual harassment charges; Thomas voted in
• Bill Ointon, Paul Tsongas, and Robert Kerry campaign for Democratic bid •Roseanne, Oprah, and LaToya reveal their child abuse and incest •Elizabeth Taylor married for the eighth time •Red Foxx died
•Debate over 1980 Reagan - Bush campaign deal with Iran to delay release of the hostages until after the election • Magic Johnson announced that he has HIV •David Dulce (ex-neo Nazi, KKK official) ran for Governor of Louisiana •"My Girl"
•Hostage Terry Anderson released after 6 years • William Kennedy Smith acquitted of rape charges • "Prince of Tides" •"JFK"
Jay Hermsen, Erika Sayewich, Roger Schulman, Ben Beatie - Hall Staff Training
Trey Vincent, Andy Rhein, Joe Savoie, Bryan Chase, Jay Hermsen, Bad Beer Fest II
Dave Edelstein,
Karen Dunn, Kate Cain, Annie V araneese
.fplflMg 1992 SPRING 1992 JANUARY •Hunt for MIA's resurges • "Basic Instinct" causes comrovery over movie ratings
FEBRUARY •Mass Murderer Jeffrey Dahmer pleads insanity •Buy American emerges as a war cry for the umemployed MARCH •Jay Leno replaces Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show •Armenians slay 200 civilians •Clinton and Tsongas debate •Somalia struggles through Civil War • "Rubbergate" targets its Congressmen •South African whites approve voting for all colors. APRIL •Mike Tyson sentenced to six years in jail •Godfather Gotti found guilty and charged •Jerry Brown and Bill Clinton continue to battle •Duke and Stanford win men's and women's NCAA Basketball titles •Ross Perot's grass-roots movement gains strength •Arthur Ashe, tennis superstar, announces he has AIDS. MAY •Roe vs. Wade Abortion issue heats up •L.A. Riots after not guilty verdict in R. King trial •Racial problems in America brought to the forefront •Ross Perot leads slightly in Time/CNN polls •Dan Quayle vs. Murphy Brown and family values •Rio Earth summit set to begin
Christian Tony, Karin Wagner
Ellie Maddox, Glen Porter
Diana Barton
Amy Vreeland, Jenny Robicheau
Bermuda Boys - Jason, Mark, Ted, Bill, Kevin, Brian, Todd
Dakota Glenn, Whitney Adams, Helen Hopkins, Tabby Biddle, Lisa Black
Bessie Moss, Traci Marquis, Brian Mulvey
The Semi-Formal Do head
• Female Experience Projects • The Big Hair Party • The Variety Show • Breaking Sr. Pledge Records • Room Draw We Didn't Attend • Our last Stu-Ctr. Party • Bill Cosby c.ame to Our Graduation and Made Us Laugh
• The Band Concert • Food Fight in Bob's • The Semi-Formal Doghead • Senior Banquets • Senior Week • Saying Goodbye for the Last Time
Directory Phillip c. Allellillll 54 &m., Hil .....
W.,taad. MA 01778 508-358-2385
Maodf ] . AlllMlwia 30
Camlirlclet Dlioe
GliloaabalJ, Cl' IMOJS
20�3-9066 }ocli L Amme llm 160 111-
......... -.. _ rr: ,.. ""11 -=
WW..., L
P.0. 8- 216
a..i-, MA
�- ����..-�
.... . �
508-U2-'45IO S-... T. Aa-J I M.C- 1.tm
Duim, CT 06820 203-65'-7082
Ilic c. Albuio
1 Hlldl a-1 hlbody, MA 0196Ct '°8-'3,·2813 .. c. Albcridl 10 ... Glm Drift �. MA 01810
�I T. Albrip J V; A u c 1.J T... 11.
;.= 21Q1-875�
..--. . ....
617-8Jl-'A45 M. lllllr AlpriD MOC 3 11t S..,.
DC :�
Guy W. 6J.Clllllr oad
rowo, RI 02813 401-364-6128 Pettt 8. Andrews 26 Godfrey Cove Road York, ME 03909 207-363-6577
Marianne H. AnsdeU
17 Thomroo Road West Merri.mack, NH 03054 603-883-6966
Craig H. Appelbaum Box 810534
Boca Raron, PL 33434
407-479-0253 Paul E. Argiro 224 Puk Sm!Ct C-15 Sroocham, MA 02180 6 1 7-438-6419 Laura C. Armsrrogo 5653 Baseline Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-0545 Christopher D. Amok! 25 Porat Laoc Scandale, NY 10583 9 14-723-8198 Particia L. Baldridge 130 Riverview Tcrn.ce Pinsburgh, PA 1 5 2 1 5 412-781-0798
William B. Baldwin 59 Aadia Street
Darer, ME 04930 207-924-7424
Daniel P. Bar-Zccv
16 Wexford Drive Wcndham., NJ 07945
H 03031 3-673-5385 Andrew J. Benson 30 Quom Hunt Road West Simsbury, CT 06092 203-658-6470 Jerullfcr C. Berger 228 Pin Troy, NY 51 oo.d
Dettk A. Bettencourt Dundee Drive
Murrysville. PA 1 5668
4 12-327-2620
Ta.nia A. Biddle
881 1 Duveen Drive Wyndmoor, PA 1 9 1 1 8 2 1 5-233-3427 Sandra E. Billirri Schovdingsboslaan 1 1 3090 Ovcrijse, BELGIUM 013226872621 Meliisa L. Biron llR #1 Box 425 Colebrook, NH 03576 603-237-4188
Rebe=. L. Biadl
10 Bellview Circle Amherst, MA 01002 4 13-549-1302
Amanda E. BiJhop 28 Dudley Strc<l Hampden, Ml! 04444
Llsa H. Biid:
3616 E. Wud 5-
Scatde, WA 98 1 12 206-322-4623
Sarah E. Block 199 Longbill lloo.d Ease BiWtlift' Manor, NY 10510
Douglas c. Boudmm
8 Coppcr Hill Tcma 13-r Gaaby, CT 06026 203-653-2776 Suzanne G. Baber
201-543-4220 Kyle M. Barnard 3 5 Grove Sattt Wayland, MA 01778 508-358-7843 Andrew P. Bamett 5401 Taylor Smee HoUywood, FL 33021 305-966-0753 Jooathan R. Bartlett 1 Mooumcor Grde Hingham, MA 02043 6 17-749-9669
MilliDocka, ME 04462
llR 1 Box 2344
-.; w_ 11c,.;e
Ditna ] . Barron
N....c, .&n Yr 05345 802-36�340 Bech M. Beumer 10 Woodland AvCDUe Lisbon Pa.lh, ME 04252 207-353-8978 Muy D. Beale P.O. Box 64 Cb2dwn, PA 19318 2 1 5-869-8733 Shmi L 8cala 103 Windy Hill Road Wescbrook, CT 06498
l'Gll Hum lloo.d
New y.._., NJ 07976 201-HS--081'
Mark A. Bala
144 w... 86ch New Yark, NY 10024 212-5i.1495
n-b"e G. 8-o
125 c.aa,.- 5-
UD l, Bm l7
c.anDou.. ME 04736
207-492-2764 l'amda M. 8'2 Dalby Saea N-, MA 021'8 617-492-276'
Ame .._ Bowie
19 W....-d Dliw Nanb Dumioudi, MA 02747
508-99 � Kristian c. Baymon 16 South Smet
Manchesttr, CT 06040
Oovcr A. Bums
RFD, David.on Hill
Bello"' Falls, VT 0 5 1 0 1 802-463-9339
Saillh A. Bunu 22 Beckford Street Salem, MA 01970
508-745-1896 Alycia L Burchman 12504 Roll.inji Road Poromac, MD 20854 301-279-5827 Lancr N. Cabonban 1 5 18 MadUoa Evansroo, IL 60202 3 12-328-7073
Kare 8. Cain
2 2 1 Deer Park Dri•e Nashville, TN 37205 615-352-7805
Scott }. c.au... 14 PIUlllm Orm 1llWld. er 06082
Jill M. C'.amUIO
19 Edwud Avcnu.. Lymdield, MA 01940 617-334-46117
Tbamu A. Upma 9 Whim1lck Drift Gadllm, Mii 04038
207-892-9'76 Deborah L ea_, 41 CulJina Tmil Mmbfield, MA 02050 6 1 7-837-5691 Feur J . C'.amey 11 l!llliae lload Hingbun. MA 02043 617-741>-6634 Kdlic L c..an 18 5eamd A Pan Kmr, Ml! 04743 207-834-5655 Jaemr eu249 ,_ ._. Mcriaa, PA 19066 2 1 5-839-1471
pnia1 A. C-
4JB tawsbcaali ..... Caaalld. MA 01742 � Lila M- C....U-
89 � A
� U 02908
Au&Wt B. c-ine
2525 Slue lbm Road Cdwnbul, OH 43220
c.arol A. Ownberiaui
"A 23168 ..__ c566- l l l O 1i't'� � -1 David H. Cody 28 Windsor Road Wclblcy, MA 021 8 1
6 17-237-2839 Jerullfer L Coffin 27 Carl Road Walpole, MA 02081 508-668-4607
Freddie Cole P.O.
Box 1 12
Blue Hill, ME 046 1 4 207-359-2776
Brooke D. Coleman 9 North Pine Stteer 13 Salem, MA 01970
508-741-3608 Jill 8. CoUett 6 Brcndcy Drive Sbclmo, CT 06484 203-929-4084 James L Coodtoo 92 Chcsmut Hill Road Wilran, CT 06897 203-762-7843 James T. Cmad 79 Dorchesm lload Darien, CT 06820 203-6,5-0096 John M. Cook 3 12 George WuhiJl8'oo Tp Bwliapa, CT 06013-2416 203-673-0760
Maedidi A. Carbcu 178 Bnialc Sma fmDldia, MA 02038 ,08-,28-26'6
Kn.m A. c.orc,
Aubam, ME 042'tO
Midlello L CorripD llL 3, Baat 1 10 Ooldlad, Mii 04963 207-465-2015
�:.:.� ..,... Simlburf, er 06092 �,8-6722
Ja M Doil<a.ocs 58 Wagon Wheel Road Dmmr, MA 01826 508-957-1798 Cmlg K. Damrauer 830 Milwaukee Satt< Daiver, CO 80206 Nia>le C. Dau�uil 3 Coolidge Circle --- Sc.Johnsbury, VT05819 802-748-2046 Matthew T. Davie 1 3 1 O Gulf Bou1cvud Unir 9-D Cleanrarer Be.ch, PL 34630
8 1 3-596-9252
Aaron f. Davis 1 5 Warren Sa=
Boylston. MA 01505 508-869-6392 Sceph<n P. DeCasao 2 Mamcill Drive Sourhboro. MA 01772 508-481--0786 Robert A. Dd.dlo 13 Cape Cod Lane Canton, MA 02021 6 17-828-2H2 Jane E. DeSrefano 3409 Park Avenue Fairfield, er 06432 203-333-6857 Daruelle M. DesManis Bayside Village RR I, Box 2 Wolfeboro. NH 03894 603-569-25 1 2 Jennifer C. De-rine 76 Rockledge Drive west Hartford, er 06101 203-56H>067 Bonme J. Dewsbury 18 Gloria Grde Burhngtoo, MA 01803 617-272-3597 Marie E. Dillen<d=o 123 French Fa.nn Rood North Andover, MA 011145 508-686-3561 Wright C. Didcimon 839 3.oith Avenue, Eur SeaaJe, WA 98 1 12 206-329--0870 James A. DIOllizio 61 Colooial Avenue Cranston, Rl 02910 401-467-7645 Oiruonc I.. Daoo 19 Goodell Rood Stafford Spring>, er 06076 203-684-3635
P.O. Box 1 8 1 Andover, NH 03216 603-526-2780 Harry D. Enns IV 93 Proopea Satt1: P.O. Box 1534 , M.A 01237 4 1 3-499-0426 Kdly J . Enns
8 Crooked Lane Manchester, MA 01944 508-526-7273 Krista M. Gal 122 JeonicJ&s Rood Hollisron, MA 0 1 746 508-429-6105 Paula M. Gan!ner
�� �
r----�--...mr.__,;,.,...tt ;;;-
�-� -�-��� � lftlcNffiU.r veoue ·����-�����
.... ...... ...... 47 1, Cmnllatmd � 0.., 0... ND 2081' 301-ti�
,..., ...
=-viMll62 '?07-78�
Nlllmliol IC. ,_._ ._ 4 lloa ...... NH CSU!1 '°3-1....... ..... ,_ 18t :a.. a..
:;m e2116 �
Wesroo, MA 02193 6 17-893-7274 Lwra A. l>wyt'I 63 Pleuan< Saeet , MA 01944 501M26-79 18
CaroliM R.. Earlie
23 Su<eh.ffe Avenue Canmo.• MA 02021 6 17-828-3444 S<rren R. &Ip 12 Mill l.ood MA 01571
NH 03561 ��-5520
Pib GbDsh 1 138 Park Calama 700092. INDIA 72432-4
l'al!r R.. GiDolfi
17 Wmoar B...i Bilsim, MA 0182 1
1 ;:_:; :_
P.O. llos 402 ..., Ml! 049 1 S 20HJ8-2107 Dlbla A. GlmD 1'.0 Boa 1018 Kadiomi.. m 83340 208-726-7428
Smdn L Goldstein
w.-..., er 065 20�314
48-3 80 60J-49
2 1 2-722-9294 Hea<bet M. Glynn 14 a..may .Lme Riveaide, er 06878 203-637-4814
Louis c. Dorogi
Karen Dunn I Hi�to.d
ME 04 1 10
...,. C. Gb I ?9 ... 94dl Smit< New 'Yerk, NY 10128
Davtd p Dore 12 BemJcy Sa= Salem, MA 01970
202 708-475-85 77 E. Wylie Dufresne 105 Fifdr Avenue #68 N.,.. York, NY 10003 2 12-989-4085
L Gutman Old Famairua Ra.<! UD # 1
202-337- 1 147
1 1 1 Gn:mnd&" Avenue
felia& c. Gd'wat = 207-781-5423
a.t B. F..a m c/o Dr. ...... M. Mull l6lllictl Hmllh aDic APO. N.s Y... NY 09407
Whitt Plai.os, NY 10605
� i��
ee.?rly, MA 019IS 508-927-5305
Midlld A. Genni 10 Bmk Saeet klmaoa, NH 03766
9 1 4-428-29 19
Sura A. ill&lk>w
49 Cole 5aoef
Nicole E. -408 Q 5a.c N.Y. ......,._, DC 20007
Karen L Dison
9 � Drive Topobam, ME 04086 207-729-5408 Mlchod P , Jr 543 Andover Srroet l.owell, MA 01852 508-453-5055 � M. Drowne 4 5 Orchard Lane
04240 2 1 A. William Guperom JD
Oms S. Ainr 12 &bannoo Bndge Rood Broolclinc, NH --03033 603-673-8546 Micm.I P. Flynn 8 Apple TRe Couc I.I 02818
... .....
1 1 5 Millanl A......., L,....., MA 01904 6 17-595-2324 Edwin B Goodell Il 31 Hill Sm:ec 1..e:xingtoa, MA 02173 6 1 7-862-5806 S<epbeo E. Gorin, Jr. 43 Sm:liog Rood Wescwood, MA 02090 6 1 7-326-0484
"Michlllt.f. Gt>rra. llalclwia Hil N• ...... cr OliTn 203-868-7'48 M'id..i .
7 1 ..,._, Tllil ..... , CT 06074 201-044-96 5 7
�� ... � n 33'bl
Bedwiy J. Grohs 4828 Simooroo Rood Camden, ME 04843 207-236-4323 Tunochy J. Groves �undentown, Rl 02874 401-P.0. Box 1 3 1 Ou:istian J. Hagg 8 Wescan venue Kmnebunk, ME 04043 207-967-5824 Ake N Hum 6 &rl Streer Norwalk, er 06854 203-866-9700 Claudia M. Hackethal 6205 Orange Avenue lliako, CA 92376 714-875-7992 H<&ther S. Hamilron 26 Old Kmgs Rood A..,.. , CT 0600 1 203-673-4830
Saab R. Ramilroo 298 King Sma Cohasset; MA 202 5
61 -383-9 4 P. Dam Harding P.O. Box 6236 Lawrencnille, J 08648 609-896-2446 Tracq E. Hardman 39 132 H.igh-y � #2228 Zq>hyriillls, FL 33540 8 13-782-07 1 7
Kelly w. Hanis P.O. Box 1939 , MA 02105-1939 Carolyo •'· Haney 164 Focxr Rood South Glaswobwy, CT06073
203-633-5995 Pe<er IL Hayden 35 I.awma Drive West Springfield, MA 01089 4 1 3-736-2867 James V. Hayes 179 Commonwealrh Avenue Boswo, MA 02 1 16 617-262-4374 Sarah E. Hayoes RD 294 Souch Dorset, VT 0525 1 802-362-25 1 9 M ary E. Hellhll 207 Kil<hre Rood Garden Gty, NY 1 1 530 5 1 6-741-4614 Jerome M Hcnrum, Jc. 62 C.OOrord Satt1: West Hanford. CT 06 1 19 203-236-2235 Peter K Hoclcnell 23 Brian Rood -�--�-- �""'""'-. ·fonl, MA 01824 508-2>6-2248
1.-1. Holman Sutt0n Place Soorh New York, NY 10022 2 1 2-752-7288
Hl!lm A. Hoplr.W 26 8-kri� Coun 11.� Brook, NY 10573 9 14-967-9035
==--.::A-"'--'�' ..,1:9° ::�d 1
e Road -..,, er 06820 �03-655-1 126 Robert E. Gramling 198 Meadow Wood DaRoldm, MA 01)20 508-829-937 1 Gseg ory R G1'!C111 162 Willoo Avmuc Pnmden<r, Rl 02916 -438-02)-4 C. G
Ord, er 06057
Dawlr R. Hudsoa P.O. Box 7812 d, ME 04 1 12
-775-3023 }lllll M. Hll<ftll '235 Cooron:I Avmue l.aingron, M.A 02173 6 17 -861-11205 M.argam S. Igoe 332 ROUtt 148 Ki.lliogwunb, er 06419 203-663-2839 � M Jacksoo 3 5 1 3 Lalce Avenue Wilmette, ll. 6009 t 708-256-7544 Jennifer M Jarvi. 36 Galloway Road Oiclmsf01d, MA 01824 508-256-9184 Alicz T. Johason 520 MonQtOmery Lane , PA 19087 2 1 �7-3851 Eric D. Jobnsoo PO Box Bernardston, MA 0 1 3 37 4 1 3-648-9083 Meredim T. Johiuoo 101 Oarke Cu-ck Needham, MA 02192 6 1 7-237-S t 88 Tom.ua A . } ohnson 922 St. George Rood , VT 05495 802-8711-4 132 Ouuropber J ]ordan 95 Eur WbttlocX Suttt
1 97
Hanover, NH 03755
603-643-25 54 Da'Vid s. Jorgen= 163 War. Ban:. Hill Road Harvard, MA 014' 1 508-456-83 1 1
Wesnnocdand, NH 03467 603-399-4963 laura C. Longsworth Colcr-Ganm Howe Willianubuq, VA 2 3 L85 804-253-0200
J Olllca C. Joscpb 6030 Bunkerbill Satt< Pimbwgb. PA 15206
Adna W. Lowell 102 Mame Screcr Bridgton, ME 04009
Thokozlni Ka.dzamina c/o Dr. Z. D. Kadzamin Bunda Uillege Box 219,
Kwok W. Lw. 48 Rurgcra Sneer A 6P New York, NY 1 2
412-661 -8896
lilllllg'R MAl..A WJ 265-2n-298 Kathtrine A. Kane 380 Naha1a11 Suett Weorwood, MA 02-090 617-329-16 James P. Kavanaugh 49 Brookside Avenue Winchescet, MA 01890 6 1 7-729-0092 Michael R. Keller 649 Amalfi Drive Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 3 10-459-2 129 Kimberly L. Kennedy 1 129 Union Stttet Manchtsttt, NH 03104 603-669-H93 Kathryn L. Keogh 6 1 16 Franklin Park Road Mdean, VA 22101 703-534-1448 Alyson c. Kessel 9 Myopia Road Wiochescer, MA 0 1 890 6 1 7-729-0419
Rachel s. Klein 9 Stony Ridge Road Cumberland Forsidc, ME 04 1 10 207-781-3877
John C. Klick 667 Main Stttet
Norwell, MA 02061 6 17-659-7858
M.ich.ael S. Kolp 6527 East Halbert Road Bedtesda, MD 20817
30 1-229-4830 Jennifer S. Kosek 9 1 8 Union Meeting Road BlueBcll, PA 19422 2 1 5-628-92 16
Etiubeth A. Kowal LO Field Road
l.ai.ogtoo, MA 02 L 73 6 17-861-9612 Laura E. Kuske 807 W. Castlewood Tcr.
ChiCJ180, IL 60640
Yong Kwon 8 Jooar.han Lane Bedford, MA 01730 617-275-7880
Colin P. Lamont 322 Ceocral Park W #2A New York.NY 10025 2 12-662-1945 Heathcr M. Lang 347 Winding Trail Xenia, OH 45385 5 1 3-372-9067
Karen Larson 30 Jcffersoo Avenue
Norwell, MA 02061 6 17-659-2646 Jeremiah R. Leary 60 West M.Un ll!lld l.itde Compro<1, I.I 02837 401-63 5-2647 David C. Leavy 12 Meeker Road Wescporr, CT 06880 203-454-2627 Yul< Fong Susan Lee 3 73 Elephant R Dhaka 1205,
S07 1 5 1 Nicole M. Lctcndtt 4614 SW 6th Av_,., Cape Coral, FL 33914 8 13-540-1658
So:vc B. Lilley 471 Franklin Stn!l!f Reading, MA 01867
6 17-944-4572 George M. Llnge. 509 Osborne Lane Sewickley, PA 1 5 143 412-741-4402 Kyle L. Lissack
139 Cheswold Lane Haverford, PA L904H801 2 1 5-649-5075
Mark C. Lombard 26 Brentwood Circle Danvers, MA 01923 508-774--0 1 18
Gregory L. Long
21 2·285--090,
Krista L Lundbocg 4 Polhill Rood Woodbridge, CT 0652, 203-397-1363
u. Thommn s. Lmb 3 1 5 Scooehmae Dme Oldmd Padc, NY 1 4 1 27 KaduJD M. 1.Jfan1 1 2 1 Plcumt Sneer 0..--l'oxao&, MB 04426
5556 34m Avcoue NE Seattle, WA 98105 206-522-7618
Clmaopbcr C. M<Quill<in 80 SullCI< Mills llood Spena, NJ 07871 201-729-9781
Jcuia MalaK 105 Olde Wood lload Glucoobury, CT �3 203-633-6850 Brian A. Meehan 3 WCS< Pinc Dnw Walpole, MA 02081 508-668-3 7 I Marie L Mc11Jn P.O. lb 489 Ostcrwille, MA 02655 S0&-428-2785
61 7·3.26-"2 1 34
1 L2023402661 John E. O'Brien 1 3 Allen Avenue Auburn, ME 04210 207-784-5290
7 16-4112-0994
3 14-256-9503
81!l-798-46 L3 Jcuica Madadllan 226 lllizabcth Sneer. Adam&, GA 30307
Ford Fdn. Cairo Fld. Offc. 320 East 43rd Street New York, NY LOOL7
Cnig D. WNcn:1mus llood l(ocmar, NY 14609 Alicia S. Mi11or 525 w. w-....im, Hil ..... Medioniabars, PA l70SS
Dona R. Mackin N. Hollilmn Me. Alradcno, CA 9 1 00 1
508-256-9152 Tanya L. Nygaard
.;i 18
Colin D. MacAn1wr 6 19 Padd'ord Drift Chcatafield, MO 63017
Sc.ott B. Nussbum 1 12 Kriscin Drive Chelmsford, MA 0 1 824
7 17-766-0410
LiaJ. CorOnati aide Dedham, MA 02026
&in L W-.
Phillip llood Weld, ME 0428' 207-585-�54
� ��:�,���������� -tol���PaUiag · A. llA.U. Mill l.Mc l!CM>ll --�--� �m;J
6 Ashley Pl=
Glens Falls, NY 12801
5 1 8-798--0634 Elena B. Maddox 4760 East Prinooron Ave. Englewood, CO 80 L 10 303-758-7257 Gregory V, Mahoney 760 Brush Hill Road Milton, MA 02186 617-333-0426
Lyzbeth C. Makely Goslcc Cottage Box 66 Jewett, NY 12444
5 1 8-734-434 L Christopher W. Malcomb
RFD Ashburnham Smee Rd. Fitchburg, MA 01420
6 17-749-4297
Brian D. Monks c 9 Do11et
l..aiDIJUlO, MA 02173 61 7-863-8227 Amy E. Moody
84 Lakeview Avenue Haverhill, MA 01830 '°8-372-Ul2
n...id M. Moore 3:J Pinc Ridge; Sero, ME 04072 207-282-1976
Lori A. Moran 26 Hillside A'"'°"" Canbou, Ml! 04 736 207-498-3389
Ambon)> B. Mon . Sc-. 3901 . O CA 9'628
A1litM Ilea JIMlill 20 ......., .._ ffanUllDa , NY 13346
Joy A. Marean 8 Oxford Drive Eodicott, NY L3760 Jeffrey P. Marggraf 24 Pleasant Grclc
3 1 5-llM-07 81
Caro1iae S. l&ail
Mcrbucn, MA 01844 508-686-2 L09
� :��
Wayland, MA 01778 508-358-2642 Traci J. Marquis 12 3rd Avenue Fort Kent, ME 04743 207-834-3306 Angelina I. Marsico 126 Oxford Avenue Boooron, NJ 07005 201 -263-2075 Kachryn S. Martin 1 8 1 Larchmont Avenue U!.rchmonc, NY 10538 9 14-834-5537 Chriaopber Mastrangelo 5 DiNonno Road Smodwn, MA 02180 6 17-665-0096 Jason T. Mazzola
5 Sargcnc Avmuc
Beverly, MA 0 1 9 1 5 508-927-6 186 Kmn J. Mc:Canhy 133 Spring Same Stoocham, MA 02180 6 17-438--0100
Eliza M. McOaccbc)' 3377 Ridgewood Road Adanra, GA 30327
404-355-5262 Taay A. McCarmick 75 Hoplum A..-.oue Johns-. Ill 02919 "401-934-0 1 1 3 Tua Md)oaougb llf'D I, Box 799
Limerick, MB 0"4048
Kri1cm YcGmv 52 Gould Seftet
Jmnifet B. McLeod llD #2, Bm: 2895 Oalducl. MB 04963 207-63-4-32 13
Krisan E. lkMahaa a.ma.- Drift Mamoe. er 06468
1055 Whlmcy Driw Mmlo Parle, CA 94025 4 15-854-5603
Mark J. Loogsjo .ILll. # 1 Box 6
Lia M. McYahm
203-268- 1 '63
5 1 55
c 200'1�
l l Sunset� Falmouth, MB 04105
Brian P. Mulv<Y 200 Lewis Road
Belmont, MA 02178 617-484-5960
Scepbeo J. Murphy 34 Grtt0 Sttccr
Sconcbam, MA 02180 6 1 7-438-5314
Masashi Nalcagome Ikuta Manaioo Room 2 1 2 4-2-4 Mila Tama-Ku
Kawualti-thi, Kan.,_wa 2 1 4 JAPAN 044-933-9323
Jamifor L Ncbro
126 Colaay Rood Darim, CT 06820 203-655-4858 Galen C. Nelson 90 $pnlllO 5""ec
Milfonl, CT Q6.C60
203-877-0425 MlllMw G. Ncrm:y 76 Old him � Attleboro, MA Oi?03 508-222-4471 Steven B. Neuhauser 2655 Nanh Park Blvd.
a..mnd Heights, OH
44106-3622 216-321-1327
Jaai 0. NiSOD 54 Aegao ATampa. PL 33606 813-2'1-3736 Kliaio A. NiSOD
;a�MA�i 6 1 7-659-21a8
llladalf' P. � 761 Allftlia Sam Boca ._, l'L 33486 lQS-368-0838
...-. A. Nllfll MD ,.,_ ....,_ IGlll Gadlun, ME 04038 20749-2 1 32
Sarah Poriss 19 Stmford Road Wesr Hartford, CT 061 1 7 203-232-2294
Glen A. Porter 58 Parker Avenue Brockcon, MA 02402
508-586-7324 Nicole M. Porter 1 3 5 Sargent Sa:ccr Winthrop, MA 02152 6 1 7-846-4149
David A. Prause 44 Royal Oak Drive Wcsc Hartford, CT 06107 203-521-6487
Gunnar T. Proppe 179 Fnx Hill Ro.'.:!
Needham, MA 02192 6 17-449-4389
David P. Provencal
8 Sceveosoo Road IG=y, ME 03904-5540 207-439-9635 John P. Pwccll, Jr. 2559 Wcsc l!llt:ry Frcsoo, CA 93 7 209-435-6523
R. Nisha Pwwhocham 1 7 Burnap Sttccr Auburn, MA 01501 508-832-4972
Nancy W. Pumarn 5 Linden Lane Palm Harbor, FL 34683 8 1 3-786-2432
Brua C. Reed l 03 .Marked Tree Rood Needham, MA 02192 6 17-444-06 1 1 Michael P. Regan 30 Coffee Setter
Mcd-...,.y, MA 02053 508-533-8841 Suzanne M. Regnier 299 Spring Sacre Shrcwsbu.-y, MA 01545 508-842-4141 Tcnmce M. Reidy 46 Browning Road Shttwsbwy, MA 01545 508-842-3H4 Joshua E. Reynolds 12621 SW Edgecliff Road Portland, OR 97219 503-636-8748 Andrew N. Rhein 29 Flanagan Drive Frurungbam, MA 0 1 70 1 508-8n--0353 Amy M. Richan 42 Fum Road Mkldlerown, NJ 07748 908-747-1795 Jeannetet E. Riddle 1670 Bear Mounmin Drive Boukkt, co 80303 303-499-5189 Gregory B. Rid<:our 137 Holly Sirccr Rutland, VT 05701 802-755--0627 John M. Rimas 131 AndC<SOO Dritt Methuen, MA 01844 508-685-0003 SIU&D M. Robcm 2 Bndle Path Circle Dover, MA 02030 508-785--0766 Jennifcr L Robicheau 1 1 5 Oiurch Sirccr Wesnoood , MA 02090
Cbrsmur Hill, MA 02167 6 17-277-3408 Polly C. Sheridan 1 100 E. Hawthomc Bhd. Wheaton, IL 6o 187 708-668-4620 Kristin L. Shon 102 School Sneer Manchester, MA 01944 508-526-4981 Samir R. Shrestla P.O. Box 2350 Kathmandu Bagmac NEPAL
2 1 3 126 Robert N.Sibley 125 High Stttet Nc-..'tOn, MA 02164 6 1 7-2#-7635 Trcvot M. Sides Box 146 Kent, CT 0675T 203-927-49n Aticllc Y. Silvcr 24 Woodhaven Drive Kennd>unlc, ME 04043 207-985-4 1 16 Manh E. Silverberg 358 Cooey Beach Avenue P.asr Haven, CT 06 5 1 2 203-467-91 13 Dilan V. K. Sirirunga 21 lswari Road Colombo 6, SRJ LANKA 941-586453 Mclisu A. S111211 38 Daisy Drive Leominster, MA 01453 508-537- 1044
DUJI 26 M 2
ADbum, MA 0 1 501 508-832-�3 Debra M. Scincbfidd 3 120 Quems Cro..,.. Dave Midlothian, VA 231 13- 1 1 7 1 804-272-2350 Ryan J. Saowger 67 Sunniogdale on,.. G'°"" Poi.nee Sbora, MI 48236 3 13-8¥-9365
E. Sub
�� Tunotby]. SuOmn
� �845
Y....., Street Walpole, MA 02081
508-668- 1618 Cathryn G. Swaftiir 36 Concord l'lrk-,. Pimficld, MA 0 1201 4 1 3-447-9844
��""': #1
U.D. lfJ TO •
a.I � - �JO l07-Q2-74 1 3
ica...,. I(.
....... ..... :a.... 1 , a. 352
Arnr ll. s.w.,..-
4612 Aabwy � NW WubiDplll. DC 200 1 6 202-966-3345
7Ad...,- Jl. Shapiro
24 e... R-i
:;�=·Ts.::t... Riverside, CA 9;!507 7 14-684-9890 Michael ]. Swiron 91 Jdttnm Sacct Dedham, MA 02026 6 1 7-329-6546 Sain A. Swiwood 13 Lyman Sacre Beverly, MA 0 1 9 1 5 508-927-541 0
Daniel A. Sarr
9330 W. 28th Street Sc. Lows Park, MN 55426 6 1 2-5#-9791 Joobua M.. Stcinbcrgcr 7 Gury Sutt!. Marblehead, MA 0 I 945-3029 6 1 7-631-2583
17929 E. Kings Point Dr C 28078 704-892-4399 J. Wallace 24 E1izabctb Oiappaqua, NY I 0 5 1 4 9 14-238-4309 Kristin L. Wa.llacl
CoaAn� �
:Jo'!m 01845 508-687-4426 Clu:isrophcr A. Wan! 5 1 """°" Sirccr Scevm N. Swam West Boylsroo, MA 01� 3 589 Edmauds llood SOS-835-6358 Fr.uningham, MA 01701 Trim.n U. Warren 508-877-6 161 43 1 Hale Scrcct Joseph P Tambariai Prides Crossing, MA 01965 258 Killingly Saeer 508-927-2975 Providcoce, Rl 02909 401-751-7073 Elizabecb C. Welch 2 High Road Torin A. Taylot Wyomissing, PA 1 96 10 18 Eln� Avenue 2 15-374-927 1 Bevedy, MA 0 1.9 1 5 508-922-5 1 10 Ashlq N. Weld · .::.... ---- -21il.Citde. Dr. E ------Michad K. Thi1e1e---- :ai;.:. Ridgdicld, CT 06877-1920 RR 5 203-438-93 10 Cobowg Ontario K9A 4]8, CANADA Andttw B. Wdlni12 4 16-372-7 8 Twilight Drive Foxborough, MA 02035 JlllliiillllD A. n_._ 508-543-4796 l llO l.alpoocl AKelly L. Wenger Bm Glawe. WI ,, 1 22 4 14-7M-065 8 20 Winslow Road N......-k, DB 197 1 1 � II. oms 302-456-0648 " s.... oad k-. NH 03431 Hilda E. Wesrervelc �'2--0034 85 Johnson Heights W:uerville, ME 0490 1 llillilieda H. Tbomron 207-873-5254 :33 JI.a , NW W...... 2000 Wendy I. Westman 202-HMJ I I 15 Scats Road Wescoo, MA 02193 fnnlc .IL Toce 617-899-6689 3 Nomaan !load Billaica, MA 0 1 82 1 La ura L Weymouth �-4854 Quarmn 252 MCRD Pa.tU Island, SC 29905 Jalimme B. Tmdel. 803-525-4636 JO S.- 11.oM laiaigtm, .NA 02173 Calhaith R. Wbcatoo 617-861� 183 l Roc:kwuod Drive Saaamento, CA 95864 De-. N. Tiida 9 16-485-7228 6008 ...... .... ....... MD .Dl6 Kevin F. Whalen 301 -2Jllo.Cl26 3 Kinsman Sirccr Beverly, MA 0 1 9 1 5 ...... L ,... 508-927-3100 _ ......, ._
East Gmnwidi, IU 02818
tdt J ,_.
Nimle l'. Sc. John 7 1 19 Shore Roul Brooklyn. NY 1 12QP 7 1 8-745-0585
�,f= J8771-541'
Haverhill, MA 0 1 835 508-373-4949 J'*Ph P. S.VOle 2665 Gttgory Sacct Yorktown, NY 10598 9 1 4-245-1369 Rebeca. L. Sawyer LR. #I, Box 1 8 1 6 Kmocbunk, ME 04043 207--985-7626 Erika ] . S.vewich 12 � Dnve &aa, NH 03833 603-778-1464 Sandra A. Saraoo 7 38 Old Srrutbfidd Road North Smuhfidd, RI 02895 401-766-4880 M� A. Schaudc 168 PiM Sacct Medfield, MA 02052 508-359-8'36 lloger B. Schulman 150 Middlesa Road Buffalo, NY 142 16 7 16-874-«88 K. c. Saltt 18 ..,......, Sacre Sbttwsbwy, MA 01 �5 508-845- 1 793 Brmdaa J. Sailly 56 0U Hill Drift OaJdond. ME 04963 207-465-3136
Bumcl1 W. VUlCCDt m 5 5 2 1 Nebnsb Ave., NW WasbJnatoo, DC 20015 202-244-6843 Thcodott N. Voo Wallm<111ch 5 Hearon Sattt Moocpclicr, Vf 05602 802-229-9276 Amy L Vreeland 74 Horizoo Drive Oiadwn, MA 02633
, NY 13676
3 1 5-265-3558 Ulick
Stanhope, NJ 07874 Wa<enowu, CT 06795 203-274-4437
T� D. White RR 3 , Box 360 Oakland, ME 04963 207-465-2392
To My Dear Class of 1992, By the time you finally receive your yearbook, we will have embarked on a new year. I apologize for the delay, but good things come to those who wai When I took a position on the yearbook editors staff, I never expected to be in the situations I have been in for the past six months. The trials an tribulations of trying to finish the book have truly tested my patience. Though I traveled the road as the lone editor the last few months, I never would ha' made it at all without the help and suppon of many special people and friends. There are several people that I would like to thank, because without their help you probably wouldn't have received the book until 1994! First thank yo goes to Bill Hanna '95. You provided yearbook knowledge to the seniors on staff who never had it and never will. Mary Ellen Matava of Public Affairs an Scott Davis, thank you both. Without your picture taking, there would be no spons section. Yugho Yamaguchi, thanks for your patience and pictures. ďż˝ C. Scott and Stan Smith, I still don't know where you are coming from but, thanks for your help. Amy Vreeland, thanks for making me laugh an handling things I couldn't deal with. Mr. Cole Harris (our first Taylor representative), the staff treasured the few times we could actually arrange to meet with you, thanks for everything. Mi Jeff Graffam (our second Taylor representative), I appreciate all you went through to get Colby what we wanted. You dealt with more than your fair shat of problems and politics, and I thank you for your help. Dean Smith, thank you for your advice and help in finding a way to keep some color in our boot And lastly, Di and Ted thanks for just listening, you both helped me through some rough times and kept me sane. So, it is finally done. I hope you enjoy the book for the next 50+ years. Deep down, I know that the extra time and effon was wonhwhile. I look forwar to seeing you all at reunions and hope that you will continue to love and suppon Colby. Take care and stay in touch.
Kendra Smith '92
The Oracle Staff Kendra Smith ' 9 2 Senior Editor
Bill Hanna ' 9 5 Co-Editor
Amy Vreeland
Business Editor
K. C. Scott ' 9 2 Assistant
Stan Smith ' 9 2 Assistant