This yearbook brought to you by...
Jon I Work Well Under Pressure Engel and Emily Ulcer Mahlman
Jen Takin a C rop Blume
Drew Chuckles Hall
Mango Have You Seen My Mellons Chin
Emily Oh, the Yearbook is Du e Tim The Meathead' s Best-friend Rouhana 4
Tomorrow? Brooks
Steph I Got a New Camera Out of This McMurrich Ben
Katie Yes, I Have a First Name Stewart
And a special thanks to all those who signed up to help and never showed up. Enjoy...
Ifelt there was something special and memorable about the atmosphere at Colby. It seemed to me to be truly an atmosphere that honored individuality and yet was not in the least inclined to cloister it, that it was an environment which fostered independence and offered no exemp tions from challenge. Eavan Boland Irish Poet 6 Colby College
American Studies
"Don't start reading Danielle
"In essence, Administrative Science is about how to get
Steele! Read Raymond
organized, how to figure
Carver or Stephen Ambrose
out what needs to be done,
or Toni Morrison or George
and then how to go about
Lipsitz. My god, you
doing it. This technique
graduated from Colby!"
Good Luck!
"In the future, everyone will have fifteen minutes of fame." -Andy Warhol
works well in managing -Charles Bassett
organizations, and it's not a bad approach for much of life." -Lenny Reich
Administrative Science Department Ii ted alphabetically:
Barry Farber, William Lee, Deirdre Madden,
George Miaoulis, Randy Nelson, Andrea Ortmann. Lenny Reich (Dept. Chair)
Anthropology Department listed alphabetically: Jeffrey Anderson, Catherine Be teman (Dept. Chair), Judith Boruchoff, Andrew Brown, Mary Beth Mill , David ugent, Maritza Straughn Williams
8 Colby College
American Studies Department listed alphabetically: Cedric Bryant (Dept. Chair), Heidi Kim, Margaret Mcfadden, Pamela Thoma , Thaddeu Tuleja
Art Department listed alphabetically: Bevin Engman, Mark !win ki, Michael Marlais (Dept. Chair), Harrieu Mauhew , Garry Mitchell, Dee Peepe. Veronique Plesch. Scott Reed, David Simon, Gail Spaien, Thaddeu Tuleja, Ankeney Weitz
"The frontiers of biology are
"Life i one big timed exam."
many, from molecular biology to organismal
Computer Science
Classics "Non sum uni angulo natus,
"Wherever you go, bring a
patria mea totus hie mandus. '
good book with you."
-Whitney King
biology to ecology. You
-Former President William
have the ability and training
to make a contribution to
Translation: I was not born for
pushing back the frontiers.
the sake of this one comer this
Follow your heart!"
whole world is my homeland.
-Herb Wilson, Department Chair
Chemi try
Biology Department listed alphabetically: Catherine Be ier. Bets Brown, Arthur Champlin, Liz
Department Ii ted alphabetically:
Champlin, Timothy Chri tensen, Lindsey Colby, Russell Cole. Frank Fekete, David
Dunham. Stephen Dunham, Brenda Fekete. Margaret Henne
Firmage. Bruce Fowles, Bernadene Graham, Paul Greenwood, Scon Guay, Keith
(Dept. Chair), Jean Mcintyre, Julie Millard, Li a Miller, Brad Mundy, Thomas
Johnson, Ru s Johnson. Larkspur Monon, Ray Phillip . Judy Stone.
Shattuck, Wayne Smith, Dasan Thamattoor
ea! Taylor, Andrea
Tina Beachy, Rebecca Conry, Shari Uldrich y. Whitney King
Tilden, Herb Wil on (Dept Chair)
Classics Department Ii ted alphabetically: Peyton Helm, Kerill O' Joseph Roi man (Dept. Chair)
Computer Science eill. Hanna Roi man,
Department Ii ted alphabetically: Clare Bate Congdon. Chri Fernande , Randolph Martin Jones, Dale Skrien (Dept. Chair)
Cl a
East Asian Studies
"People are wishful, not to say
"I am always afraid of determining
romantic, in their desires, and
on the side of envy or cruelty. The priviledges of educationmay ome
they much prefer easy and
times be improperly bestowed, but
direct solutions to their problems... It is this
Good Luck!
wishfulness which makes the public so susceptible to the propaganda of both illiterate
Good Luck!
I hall always fear to withold them, lest I should be yielding to the sug gestions of pride, while I persuade my elfthatlam following thernax ims of policy; and under the ap
reformers and self serving
pearance of salutary restraints,
special interests."
should be indulging the lust of do minion, and that malevolence which
-George J. Stigler
East Asian Studies Department Ii ted alphabetically:
Ruth Beh, Kim Besio (Dept. Chair), Peter
delights in seeing others depressed." -Samuel Johnson
Economics Department Ii ted alphabetically: Debra Ann Barbezat, Michael Donihue, David
Ditmanson, Yoshiko Kawashima. Tamae Prindle, Melis a Jane Thompson. Ankeney
Findlay (Dept. Chair), Patrice Franko, Henry Gemery, Jan Hogendom, Ka hif
Weitz, Emiko Yasumoto. Hong Zhang
Mansori. Jame Meehan. Randy Ne! on, Clifford Reid, Thomas Tietenberg
Education & Human Development Department listed alphabetically: Mark Tappan (Dept. Chair)
Haren Barnhardt, Lyn Brown, Karen Kusiak,
English Department Ii ted alphabetically: Douglas Archibald (Dept. Chair), James Barren, Charles Bassett, Jim Boylan, Patrick Brancaccio. Cedric Bryant, Michael Burke, Angela Cannon, Andrew Dephtereo . Richard Flanagan, Robert Gillespie, Natalie Harri.. Peter Harri , Mark Hazard, Su an Kenney, PhyUia Mannocchi. Wesley McNair. David Mills, Elisa arin van Coun, Pat Onion, Laurie Osborne, Anindyo Roy, Ira Sadoff, Elizabeth Sagaser, Jean Sandborn. Earl Smith, Debra Spark. Katherine Stubb , David Suchoff, John Sweney, Linda Tatelbaum, William Underwood. W. Arnold Yasinski
IO Colby College
Environmental Studies
French& Italian
"The pa t may not repeat
rejouis ent le coeur,et plu que
itself, but it does rhyme."
"L e
Congratulation Alles Gute!
tous les deux l 'amour de la ages e."
-Mark Twain Pozdraliaem!
Good Luck!
-Guy Filo of The German & Russian Faculty
French & Italian
Environmental Studies Department listed alphabetically: Ellen Baum, Elizabeth DeSombre. David Firmage.
Deparunenl Ii ted alphabetically:
Philip N yhus, Sharon Treat
(Dept. Chair). Arturo Figliola, Guy Filo of. Anhur Greenspan. Beatrice Marzola. Jane Mo
Alexandre Dauge-Roth. Suellen Diaconoff
, Adrianna Paliyenlo, Leslie King Pelletier.
Weiss, Jonathan Wei
. Andre Siamundele, Dace
, Claire Wrobel
German & Russian
Department Ji ted alphabetically: Donald Allen. Li a Churchill-Dick on. Elvira
Department Ii ted alphabetically: Olga Andreeva. Julie de Sherbinin. Sara Kuhne,
Gastaldo, Robert Ga taldo, Robert Nel on. Bruce Rueger, Jennifer Sho a
Sheila McCarthy, Jame Mcintyre, Ursula Reidel-Schrewe. Christine Watt. Stephen Watt
"Clothes make the man: the influence of naked people in society being small if it exists Good Luck!
at all (with apology to Mark
Good Luck!
Good Luck!
Twain)." -Pete Moss
Department Ii ted alphabetically: Ariel Arrnony, Anthony Corrado (Dept. Chair),
Department listed alphabetically: Peter Ditmanson. Ben Fallaw, Paul Joseph on,
Guilain Denoeux, Elizabeth DeSombre, Shaohua Hu, Cal Mackenzie, Sandy
Elizabeth Leonard, Howard Lupovitch, Richard Mo
Mai el, Joseph Reisert, Kenneth Rodman, Jennifer Ann Yoder, Suisheng Zhao
Scheck (Dept. Chair), Larissa Taylor, Roger Thomp on, Jame
(Dept. Chair), Raffael Webb. Robert
Wei brot
International Studies
Depanment listed alphabetically: Kimberly Be io, Ur ula Reidel-Schrewe, JenniÂ
Department listed alphabetically:
fer Ann Yoder
Ramachandran Bharath, Otto Bretscher, Fernando Gouvea, Pete Hay leu (Dept.
Thomas Berger, WiJliam Berlinghoff,
Chair), Jan Holly, Leo Livshits, D. Benj amin Mathe , George Welch
1 2 Colby College
f-Iave rhythm, have flexible
"You philosophize when you
-hythm and don't be so
reflect critically upon what
;quare! -Eva Linfield
' The important thing is to not top que tioning. Curio ity
'Correlation doesn't infer cau ation, except when predicting that being a
you are actually doing in
has its own reason for existing.
your world. What you are
One cannot help but be in awe
p ychology major will cau e
doing i , of course, in the
when he [or he] contemplates
you to be fabulou ly succe
fir t place, living. And life
the mysteries of eternity, of
involves pa
life of the marvelous tructure
ions, faith ,
doubts and courage. The
of reality. It i enough if one
critical inquiry into what all
trie merely to comprehend a
the e thing mean and imply
little of this my tery every day.
i philo ophy.
Never lose a holy curio ity."
-Bill Klein
-Albert Einstein
-Jo iah Royce
Music De partment I i ted al phabeti call y: Juli a Adams, Kare n Beacham, Richard Bi hop, Angela Capp . M ary J oCar lse n, KevinOift on.Carl Dimow,JonathanHall tro m.De nni Harrington. Patri cia Helm, Stephen Kecskemethy, Ronal d Lantz, M ark Le ighton, Eva Linfield (De pt Chair) , Paul M achl in, Gayle Maroo n. Steven u . Elizabe th Patches.J eanRose nblum, Paul Ro , Steven Saunders , Eric Thomas. Cheryl Tsc hanz ewkirk. J oann Wes ti n Science .. Technology CSTS>
Philosophy Depan ment Ii ted alphabeticall y: Will iam "Bro" Adam . Che hire Calhoun, Dan Cohen. J i l l G ordon, Jeffrey Ka er. Rohen M cArth u r. Walter Ott
Physics Department Ii ted al phabetically: Roben Bl uhm ( Depr . Chair) . M urray Campbell. Charle Conover, Andrew Kortyna, Charle Lane, Li a Le ard. V irginia Long. Duncan Tate
Psychology Department Ii ted alphabeticall y: Coll een Burnham, Heather Haa . Scott Horton. B ill K lei n ( Dept. Chair) . David Prichard. Tarj a Raag, Patricia Robinet. ichola Rohnn an, Dianne Winn, Ed Y eterian
Clas of 2001 13
Religious Studies
"You have left a deep imprint
"Question Authority."
on us, and we '11 miss you. Continue to discover your
Buona Suerte!
Theater & Dance
Good Luck!
-Tom Morrione
self..." -Nikky
Religious Studies Department listed alphabetically: Debra Campbe l l , M an ha F inch. Thomas Longs taff, i kky-Gu ninder Singh ( Dept. Chair)
Sociology Department listed alphabetically: Terry Arendell, Alec Campbell, Cheryl Townsend G il kes, Thomas M orrione, John Talbot, Andrew Twaddle, Jonathan White
Spanish Department l isted alphabetically: V ictoriaRios Ca tano, Pri cilia Doe! , M eriwynn G rothe, G ina Ann Herrmann, Luis M i l l iones , Barbara Nels on, Jorge Olivares, Jame Robers on, Brunhilde Roman Ibanez, Yvonne Sanaviti , Betty Sas aki ( Dept. Chair)
Theater & Dance Department l isted alphabetically: J ack Axelrod, Elizabeth Caldwell, John Ervin. Holly Ru s ell, Richard Sewel l, Jame Thu rston ( Dept. Chair) , Christine Wentzel, Joylynn Wing
1 4 Colby College
Women's Studies
"To our women students
"We've enjoyed serving
¡specially, to quote Madeline
.l\lbright: 'Don't be afraid to
"With you gone, we'll
"Our savory nut balls are the
probably have to use less
best! Peace, man."
interrupt to men."' -Elizabeth Leonard
Women's Studies Depar tment listed alphab etically: Sar ah Andel. Lyn M i.k el Brown, Deb ra Campb e l . Shari Dunham, F leur Hopper, E lizab eth Leonar d ( Dept. Chair) , Phyll1 M annocch1 , M ar y Beth Mill
Class of 200 1 1 5
Earl Smith
Edward Yeterian
Dean of the College
Dean of Faculty
Dean of Student Office li ted alphabetically: Sue La Fleur, Lisa Hallen, Ron Hammond, Paul Johnston, Janice Kas man, Elizabeth Pierce, Jeri Roseboro, Mark Serdjenian, Leann Yeaton.
Allen LaPan
Janice Kassman
Po tal Worker Extraordinaire
Dean of Students
16 Colby College
Second Semester Class Dinner
1 8 Colby College
"Next time serve alcohol."
"Eric Lantzman is bald." "Food was kind of bland."
wish I cou{d fiavegotten more tfian one piece of chic/(gn. '' ((I
''IJ1)h&ze ck tlw6e Ldtk ďż˝ aJw_ dea4 ďż˝ pJaie <XJ+1W,
''Go for the rolls." "What's the number for Dominoe's?"
"J.C. is the worst roommate ever!"
"h's not m } fault."
'No feta cheese?'
Cl as of 200 1 1 9
JJ Ab odeely Anthr opology
Amanda Adam Sociology & Math
Alison Aiello Amer ican Sr udie
M eliss a Al ioto Engl i h
Kir k Al len Economic
Samantha A llen Engli h
J us tin Amir au l t Economics
Pr e ton Amo
Patr icia Andr ade Biology & Anthropology
Br ian Barnett Economic
William Barron Anthopology
Eri k Balsb augh International Studie
22 Colby College
Ja on Batchelder Computer Science
Mar tha Beebe P ychology
Pa trick Berna l I nterna tiona l Studie & Ja pa nese
M ega n B la ckb um G overnment & Interna tiona l Sc udie
Sa ra h Bela nger American Studies
La mb ie Bickford American S tudies
Reb ecca B i choff H i story
Scor t Bi xby Economic
Ca rol i ne B la ir Hi tory
M icha e l B loom Economic
Devin Belivea u G overn ment
Stephen Bigelow Engli h
ichola s B izier Chemi stry
Jennifer B lu me\ I n terna tiona l Studie
of 200 I 23
Nathan Boland Chemistry
Amy Bonnefo nd American S tu dies
Sara Bowen Economic
Christian Bru net Anthropology & Spani h
Emily Brook Engli h
Shanna Brownstein Government
Jennifer Bub rick Psychology & Art
Christopher Cady I ntenationaJ Stu dies & Spanish
Anne Cain Engli h
Donna Chen P ychology
Reagan Campb el l American Stu die
Reagan Carey Sociology
24 Colb y College
I nternational Studies
L. Rosa Bru no
Patricia Calong M ath
Jennifer Carlson English
E licia Car michael I ntern ational Studies
M atthew Carter Biology
M ark Cattrell Compu ter Science
Sarah Cavanagh P ychology
Tim Cassid) Economic
Michel le Chandler English
Sandy Cho Biology & Biochemi try
Alena Cianhetti Anthopology
Engli h & F rench L i terature
G ena Chavez A ian & International Studie
Jake Civiello M ath
Donna Chen P ychology & Ea t A ian Studie
David Clark Phy ic
of 200 I 25
Denni Clark Spanis h & French Studie
Sam Clar k Biology
Amanda Cochrane G overn ment
Pier ce Cole Amer ican St udie
Reb ecca Cole G over nment & L atin Amer ican Studies
Kimber ly Condon G overn ment
V aler ie Cooper
Philip Coppage Economics
M att Cost Sociology
Chad Cr eelman Computer Science
Jes ica Cr owley Engli h
Sar ah Culbertson English
26 Col by College
Tr ent Cunningham Hi tor y
G ina Dibella E ng l i. h
M ark D" Ambro io
Danielle D' Entremont Biology
Coy Dailey
Paul Dante G eol ogy
J acob Davie Econom1 c
Chri topher Dav ie Engli h
S haira Daya Anthropol ogy
Whitney Dayw n Eng l i h & Sociology
J il l Diamond Engl ish
Lou DiSta i
Thoma Dohl ie- Enen on Phy ic & M ath
Emi Domoto-Reilly Biol og y
Clas o f 2 00 I 27
Noam Dorros English
Reb ecca Downing Internati onal Studie
Julia O ree Chemi try
Jarrod Du ma Gov ern ment
Emily Du pill Govem mnet
Dana Du pre Internati onal Studie
Seth Eckstein East Asian & I n tern ational Stuctie
Erin Edinburgh Economic
Robert Egleston Biology
J ustin Ehrenwerth Philosophy
Curtis Ell ingham Economic
J onathan Engel Govern ment
Cara Erdheim Engl i h & Spanish
Stacy Erickson T heater and Dance
H i llary Ev ans Psychology
28 Colby College
Kelly F aJsani G overn ment
Lind ay F anj oy Sp ani h
Calla F an khane l Intern ational S tudie
Ann F arley Eng li h
Robin F arlow Chern i try
Ben F arrell A merican S tudie & H istory
Michelle F arrell Sp anish
S alena F eit I ntern ati onal S tudie
S tep hen F eldman Math
Kar in F el m ly H i tory
Elizabeth Fe ta G overn ment
Chri F it hian B iology
Catherine F lemming G overn ment
F red F loberg B iolog)
Brooke F itz immon
Robert F lei Hi tory
Clas of�OO l
Danielle Fam e Fr ench S tu die
David For yt h H istory
J emison Foster English
Theodor e Fowler I nt em ationaJ S tu dies
Rebecca Fowler Hu man Development
Pamela Foxley S ociology
Aubrey Frank B iology
Elizab eth Frankel Perform ing Art &Engli h
Mol ly Fr anke
Ja on Freedman Economic
S cott Fr iemann Physics & Math
David Fuent e Geology
30 Colby College
Amanda Gagnon Biology
J unko Goda Biology
Anne Garinger French & I ntem atioal St udie
Gavin G am er Phy ic
Kyle G arr y B i o log)
Dan iel Gear y B iology
athan Gehlert Govern ment & Germ an
Keith Gerry Govern ment
William Getty Hi tor y
A l ly on Giard Engli h
S tacy Gibbs Economic
J on Gonthier Economic
Emily Goldenber g Mathematic
W i ll iam Goldman Govern ment
Cla s of 2001 31
M ar ie Gonzalez Mul ler Economics/M athematic
S ar ah Goodr ich B iology
S tephanie Gr ab er I nter national S tudie
Dav id Gr een B iology
S tephanie Gr eenleaf Engli h
J an ice Gr eenwald Economics
V an Haidas Classical Civi l izations
J i l l Haefe le B iology/ East Asian S tu dies
Ju l ie "Dr ew" Hall Ar t Histor y
J ennifer Hal lee B iology/ Biochemi tr y
Richar d Hallqu ist Mathematic
Peter Hanby Bi ology
32 Colby College
Char les Gr ay on Biology/ Envir onmental S c ience
Elizab eth Han on Economic
Govern ment/ Cla
icaJ Civi l ization
Li a H art F rench S tudie
M it chell H auptman E nv ironment al Policy
Teresa H awko S panish/ H uman Dev elopment
Kat heri ne H illy Economic
Dana H ol chu h Anthropology/ Cla ic
E lizabet h H oom eman E ngli h
ichola H ou lahan Clas ic
Man H uber Ec onomics
April H u nt er B iology
S arah H oward Biology
E lizabeth Hu bbar d Cla ic
John Hut chin Admini tration S ci ence
Kir ten I ak en F rench
of 2001 33
Anne I ham Che mi tr y
Kate I le y Fre nch Stu die I I ntern ational S tu die
Be nj amin J allow Philosophy
Dou glas J ohn on Economic
Dre w J ohn on History
Hoku ala Johnson Environme ntal Policy
M ichae l J o e Che mi str y
Je nnife r Jo t Biology
Ka e Jubboori Government
Ju tika Kalghatgi S ociology/ Ar t
Qu inn Ke ating English
Ke nne th Kearn Economic
34 Colby Colle ge
A lyssa J ohnson Economic
Ryan Ke lly History
Bryan Ke ler Philosophy
Adela Kim Ec onomic
Ai da Khan Internati onal S tu dies
J ennifer Ki zlc i P yc hology
Margot P. Kidd B iology
Michael K le inman B iology
Tyler Knau e r Bi ology
Bethany Knor r Math/ B iology
Yu ki Kodera P yc hology
S cott Laliberte
Ju li e Lang dorf Eng l i. h/ Cla ic .
Eric Lantzman Chemi try/Rel i gion
Jonathan Lay Govern ment
Alex Lear Engli h
of 200 1 35
Anna Leavitt P ychology
J on LeBlanc Physics
Kather i ne Lee Philosophy/Math
Keith Leonar d Economic
Mary E. Leroy Religion
Ann Levy Religion
Megan Lewis
J o hua Lieb er man Computer S cience
Michael Liedtke
S ar a Lovitz Chemi try
Elizab eth Loyd American S tudie
S tuar t Luth I ntern ational S tudies/S pani h
36 Colby College
Mark Levy Economics
Darcy Lynch P ychology
Cynthia MacColl P ychology
Samuel E . Mateo i an Computer Sci enc e
Emily M ah l m an Govern ment
Angel i ka Makka Spani h
Marybeth Maney Engli h
Rodrigo Man i l ia A meric an Sr udie IP ycholog)
Kathry n Manu Psychology/Frenc h
Elizabeth M ar k G o em ment
R ipley Martin Ec onom ic
Sarah Martin H i tory
Marion Mar teďż˝ s Philo ophy
Raymond Mazza Computer Sc ience/Phy ic
enola Mason Spani h
Gw ynet h Mc Coy Spani h
Clas of 200 1 37
Marc McEwen Engli h
Elizab eth McGann B iology
David McGeehan Admi ns trative S cience
Colin Mckee Economic
Chri t opher McLean Int ern ational Sru die
Stephanie McMu rrich P ychology
S arah Meehan Eng l ish/S panish
Aaron Megqu ier B iology
Erik Mellen Environment al Policy
Ju l ie Mensh Psychology
Kat herine Meyerhan
Anne Miller Ps ychology
38 Colby College
Jason Meadows Govern ment
J ennif er M i ller Human Development
l\le lm da l\lraz Ec onomic'>
Todd M iner Engli h/ Creati e Wr iting
Beth Moloney Ec onomic
Elizabe th Monahan Ec onomic s/ Math
Lau ra Montgomer y G o em me nt
Hadley Moor e P yc hology
Kr i tin Moresi P yc hology/ Govem ment
Mayo Morgan Cla ic
Melanie Mor i n B iology/ B i oc he mi tr y
Carr ie Mo c a Engli h
Re becc a M u nste rer Engli h
Marylee Murphy Ge ology/Computer Sc ience
Jonathan atk i n Chemi try
of 200 1
Hi llary ei man Reli gi on
Bri an N ewman Economi cs
Bri an N gu yen Bi ology
S tephani e Ni chols M ath
Aly. on Ni ck e Bi ology
Eli zab eth Ob erli n Ameri can S tu di es
Heather Olson Chemi stry/ French
Peter Oppenhei m Government/I nternati onal S tu di e
Rob ert Pai nter Cla si cs
Bi nah Palmer Hi story/ Ameri can Studies
40 Colb y College
Jeffer on i chol l ntern ati onal S tu di es
b orn
Angela Pappa Bi ology
Abi gai l Parker Ameri can S tu di e
Ju tin Pare Govern ment
Lu is Perez I ntern ational S t udie
V ane a Pickett American S tudie / French
Ju malia Q azi B iology
Fred Perow ne Hi tory
icole Poland Py chology
Rett Q uattlebaum Hu man Development
Ow en Patrick Government/ C lassic
ya ha Pfu kw a Eng l i h
M ark Pau ten bach Govern ment
Andre Picher Engli h
Grace Price S pani h/l ntern ational S tudie
Lind ay Prichard American S tudie
M ichelle- icholle Rahming Theater and Dance
Jesse Randzio Engli h
of 200 1 4 1
Matthew Reeb er American S tu dies/History
Evan Reece I n ternational S tu dies/ German
J .C. Reeves Intern ational S tu d ies/French
Claire Richard Gem1 an
Elizab eth Richards Art History
S arah Richards Psychology
Kathleen R i ley English
S ean R inzler B iology
David Ri s Biology
Erin Rogers English
Rachel Rokicki English
Adam Rolewicz Physics
42 Colby College
Caroline Ro ch Mu ic
Cynthia Rosenbaum Human Development
Timothy Rouhana Govern ment
Kathry n Row en Environmental Policy
Lind e Row land B i ochemistr y
S arah R undq ui t Ar t
Mead R u t Environmental Policy
Eri c S andler Hi tOr)
Thomas S avage Economics
Juanito S avai l le
Lauren S c haad
Rebecca S cheer er Hi tory/ ln tem ar ional S tudie
Kimber ly S chneider Engli h
Benj amin S chreiner Economic
Meli sa S chuler American S r udie
Debor al1 S chw artz Chemistry/ Envir onmental St udie
L i ndsay S cott
of 2001 43
Paya! S hah Intern ational S t udie s
Thoma S hanley L nter nati onal St udie s
Gre gor y S he lton C he mi tr y
Y ane s a Sib le y
Kir¡ te n Si k Ar t/ Engli h
Emi ly S mi th Bi ology/ Re li giou S tud.ies
Matthew S ol o Phy ics
Hi lary S pi tz Bi ology
S ub ha hini Srivatďż˝ an Che mistry
Br ian S te phe n Mar h
Emily S te ve n S oci ology/ Wome n' s S tudie s
Jane S te ve n Govern me n t/Ar t
4 4 Colb y Col le ge
Me ghan S hor t Bi ology
Laure n S te ve ns S pani h/ lnternati onal S tudie s
Katherine S tewar t S oc iology
Chri topher Ta. hj ian Amer ic an S tu dies
Kar ie S timac Engl i h/Cl a ic
Wynter S ti nc hfield Engl i h
J an- ai S toke b ary Eas t A ian S tu d ie /Rel igio n
Mic helle S tor kan Math
Core S tranghoener Engi h
Lynne S trobl P yc hology
Geoffrey Sudderth Engli h
Carolyn S zu m Intern ational S tu di e
W i l l iam Tackab erry Geology
Catheri ne T homp on Biology/Ger m an
A l li son Threadgold International S tu die
Tara Thwing German/I ntern ational S tu die
Cla s of 200 1 45
Lydia Tomitova Govern me nt
Me l i sa Trou t Economics
Se ann Tu l loch Biology
Pie rre Borre V ande n Bioche mi stry
The re a Wagne r Economics
Elizabe th Wainwright English/Clas ical Civilizations
Lau ra Walsh Govern me nt
Bradford Wand Gove rnme nt
Kathryn Wasik Environme ntal S tu die s
W i l l iam We bb Engli h/Govern me nt
Tramaine Wee ke s B iology/CMB2
J onathan We inberg Compu te r S c ie nce
46 Colby Col le ge
Je s ica Wei sbe in Biology
Jennifer Worden > vem mentn ntem ational S tudies
Tr acey Wheatley Ar t Hi tor y
Coli n W i dener B iology
Lau ra W i lcox Geology
M i chael W ilmot Histor y/ American Studie
Jennifer Winn English/ Biology
Timothy W i swell l ntem ational Sr udies
Anne Wu l lsch lager Engli h
Elizabeth Y oung Art
of 200 1 47
Members of the Class of '01 Not Pictured Christos Hatzidakis Jeffery Calareso
Gauri Luthra
Cassandra Canfield
Anne Hottle
John MasonSara Gross Jason Mund
Mathew Cost
Christos Hatzidakis
Jennifer Coughlin
Stan O'Loughlin
Linsay Damon
Charles Pearce
Kellee Daniels
Logan Perkins
Zebulun Davis
Alexander Porteous
Moriah Doucette
Adelaide Prudden
Annie Eisinger
Andrew Quale
Kathryn Firth
S ara Matson
Jeffery Fishbone
Brendan McGillick
Michael Gibson
Jessie Mullen
Sara Gross
Aura Janze
Thomas Levings
Mark Johnson
Michael Liedtke
Nathaniel Johnson
Jisel Lopez
Eric Kostrowski
Jessica Hareford
Jose Lacson
Michael Natenshon Paul N uendorfer Anna Randell Elliot Sean Rinzler Jennifer Rutkiewicz Willaim Schmidt Seth Smith Day Thornton Joclyn Tosch Andrew Tripp Steven Tweedie Colin West
Jon LeBlanc Meng Wei Yeo
48 Colby College
Baseball & Softball Looking to the Future? The Colb y Ba eb all team u ed the 2 000 sea on a a r ebu i lding year , especially for it pitching taff. Of the Mu le 12 pitcher s. J 0 wer e fr e hman. whi le the other two wer e sophmor es. Colb y b egan its season with its anu al tr ip to Fon Meyer , Flor ida wher e it played eight game in six day . The team lo l it' s fir st two games bu t b ou nced b ack wi th thr ee tr aight wins. U pon r etur ning to Colb y, the team had an up and down year , bu t howed signs of pr omise with wins over Br andeis, ECAC finalist, Tu ft , and Wor ld S eri es qu alifier . S ou ther n Maine. I n the 200 I season the teams hopes to bu i ld on the positive fou ndation of 2000, and b and together b eh i nd the leader ship of senior s Lou DiS tasi, Andy Tr ipp, and B i l l Goldman.
2000 Highlights Us Them Trinity St. Joe's Brandeis
5 0 Colb y College
6 13
Picking Up Where They Left Off... The 2 000 Colby Softball team had yet another ucces ful season, w inning 1 8 gam e , again t 1 2 l o e . A s always. the team star ted its sea o n i n F or t M eyer . F lorida, playing 1 0 gam es i n seven days against com petitor f rom ar ound the countr y. Am ong the team ' victim wer e Salve Regina. Plym ou t h State. and U nion. Coach R ichar d Bailey also earn ed h i s m ilestone 300th win on the tr ip. The team cam e back fr om F lor ida with its best star t ever, a r ecor d of 7-3, which helped set the tone for the r est of the season. In the 200 1 eason the Colby Softball team w i l l be looking to im pr ove on 2000 u cce s behind the leader hip of seni or captians Stephanie Gr eenleaf and E lizabeth Ober lin.
2000 Highlights Us Them Plymouth St. 1 0 Union 6 Babson Thomas Bowdoin
UNE Husson Bates Bates
13 10 4 7 7 6 3
0 5 8 2 8 3 6 4 6
Clas of 200 1 51
Worn.en's Lacrosse
The Co lby Wo men ' s Lacro sse team finished a very succe sfu l 2000 ea on with a reco rd o f 1 1 -6, which earn ed t he team the 20th ranking natio nally. Early easo n wins ov er nat io nally r anked S t. Mary' s and Rando lph-Maco n gave the team the fire i t needed to finish as t he fourt h place eed, gaining ho me field advant age fo r the first rou nd of the ECAC Tourn ament . Co lby defeated Wheato n Co l lege in rou nd o ne, t hen went on to knock o ff the nu mber o ne seeded Bowdo in Po lar Bear at Bowdo in. Jn t he finals, Co lby u fferred a tou gh lo s to Co nnecru icut Co l lege, a game that fini hed L 3- l2 with a Co lby sho t hitting the po t in the final seco nds. In 200 l , the L ady Mu le w i l l ho pe ro repeat t he su cces of 2000 and then so me, fo l lo wing the example et by the tro ng senior clas of Katie Lee, Angela Pappas, V alerie Coo per, Emily Broo k , and Ro bin MacCo ll .
52 Co lby Co l lege
in 2001
The 200 1 Colby Men' Lacr o e Team i hoping to build on the succes of la t year¡ s team by fol lowing the leader hip of r eturn ing senior s J emi on F oster . Matt Cohen, B il l G etty, Jon Lay, and A lec Por teous. Thi year the team w i l l face o m e tough competition in games against N ESCAC r i vals M i ddlebur y. Bate , Bowdoin. Tr inity, Tuft â&#x20AC;˘ Amher st .Connecticut College. and We leyan. It w i l l be up to a olid senior cla and an ener getic uppor ting cast to build on Colby ' s tr adition of excellence. CBB CH A M PI O S - 1 985. 1 988, 1 992. 1 994 . 1 998, 1 999 NESCAC CH A M PI O S - 1 988, 1 99 8 STXN SI L A P O L L T O P 20 - 1 990, 1 99LI994. 1 995 . 1 997, 1 998, 1 999 ECAC TOUR A M ENT - 1 988. 1 989, 1 990, 1 99 1 , 1 994. 1 996, 1 997 , 1 998, 1 999 ECAC FI NALI STS - 1 999
D avi d Z azz ar o, H ead Coach
D av i d Z azzar o w i ll enter h i n inth year a head coach of men' ! aer o e. He i the winninge t men' ! aer o e coach in Colby' hi tory with a r ecor d of 67 -43 . In 1 998, Z azzar o wa the e w England D ivision UI Coach of the Y ear. Z azzar o earn ed a degr ee in political cience i n 1 99 1 fr om Dr ew U niver ity, wher e h e w a a tandout soccer and ! aer o se player . D ur ing h i enior ea on, he w as invited ro pan icipate in the or th-South D iv i ion lII All- St ar ! aer o e game in Mar yland. H e began hi coaching career at SU Y-Potsdam in J99 l . ser ving a a i tant coach for the men' occer and lacr os e team.. Z azzar o al o erv e as the Director of Club Spor t . the as i tant men' var ity occer coach. and head j uni or var ity coach for men occer. D uri ng the . ummers , he i the dir ector of the T otal Lacr o e Camp ( The Loomi Chaffee School. W indsor , CT) and the Colby Col lege Lacr oss e Camp. In addition, he work at var iou soccer and !aer o e camp thr oughout ew England.
Clas of 200 1 53
Men's Tennis The 1 999-2000 Tennis team endured one of i ts toug hest chedule to date, faci ng five top 20 reg ionally ranked team . The team finished the spring wir h an 8-6 record. Over Spring Break, the team traveled to Hi lton H ead, S. C., where they played five matches ag ai nst cro reg ional opponent . The team manag ed a 3-2 record on the trip, whi ch saw them bounce back wi th a 4-3 win over Brandeis after suffering a heartbreaki ng l oss to NESCAC rival Connecti cut Coll eg e the day before. U pon thei r return to Colby the team posted a 5 -4 record. which secured them a pot in the ESCAC Tourn ament. At the tourn ament Col by made it to the third day for the first time in a number of years. Senior Owen Patrick (featured below) was one of the team' mo t important players. Patri ck ' s hard-nosed pl ay earn ed him honor a a semi fi nal ist at the NESCACs, as well as at the Mi ddlebury I nvi tational.
54 Col by College
Class of 200 1 5 5
Men's & Women's Crew
56 Colby College
Men's Football A Season to Remember ln the F all of 2000. the Colby F ootbal l team hr ugged off pa t tr oubles and rer urned to prominence in the ESCAC. F rom the get go the team w as r eady for battle, w hich show ed in the thri l l ing 27-24 ea on opening w in over r ival Will iams. Through a tir e les w ork ethic and unw aver ing r e olve, the team built on i t ea on opening w in going on to a 7- l rec or d--its be t in three seasons. The M u les w on the C B B for t h e f i r t time since 1 996, a n d w er e NESCAC Co-Champion . Senior
Mark D ' Ambr osio. Andy Tr ipp. J ustin P are, Ja on Meadow . D ave McGeehan, Dr ew J ohn on, Chr i to H atzi d akis, Lou D i tasi. D ennis Clark. Matt Carter. and J ar ed Beer w er e the foundation for a determined and driven team and w ere complimented by a talented core of underclas men. - pecial thank to Mark D' Ambrosio
FOOTBALL U s Them Williams
28 3
B ates
Bowdoi n
of 200 I 57
Us Them
Trinity UNH Radford Claremont
38 46 31 8 29 5 57 30 25 16
N. Colorado UMO UMF Plymouth Bates Bowdoin
58 Colby College
10 0 11 45 32 0 0 7 14 20
0 13 15 3 5 15
0 5 0 12 18 24
e Colby Women' s o lleyball Team r e turn ed four starter from it 1 999 i son. With holes to fi ll the team looked to seniors Reagan Carey and Jessic a ďż˝ i ben, and returnin g tarters A manda Cuiffo and Laur a Reese, for leader hip j olid performance . The team u ed i ts m ix ture of ex perience and youth to t together an ex cellent eason against ome tough N ESCA C rival .
St. Joseph's Bowdoin Bate St. Joseph's Hamilton
3 3 3 3 3 3 0 3
0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0
Clas of 200 I 5 9
Women's Tennis
Results Colby Conn Wheaton Midd. Tufts MIT ITA Bates
6 8 2 2 2 2
5 7 USM Bowdoin 2 NEWITT 2
Colby Women's Tennis ended the season four and four with big w i ns over Connectict College and Bates. Fini heing 12th overall at New England's, the Women's Tennis team had three players advance to the quarter-final round. Although they are a vary young team, each eason show continual improve ment. They are looking forward to a strong spring ea on!
Opp. 1 1 7 7 7 7 2 2 7 7
Field Hockey '01
Under the leadership of captain Jane Ste ens '01, Becky Downing and Marcia Ingraham '02, the2000 team retuned a large cor of starater
and many other experienced players waiting to fill the remainig spots. Returing in goal was four-year starter and seruor captain , Jane Steven . Steven' consistancy and ability to make crucial save wa iportant in ensuring the ucess of the team. The defense remained largely intact, with captain and two-tiime Regional All-American Marcia Ingraham leading the backfield. Joining Igraham in the backfield was returning tarters Brook Bri son '02 and Lauren Rodier '02, both of whom have e cewllent marking skill . With a combination of depth and experience, the White Mule can be counted on for a sucessful and exciting future.
St. Joes
Will i ams
M i d d.
Men's & Women's Cross Country
Colby's di tance training program is divided into four or five phases. Each phase focu es on the improvement of a different enrgy system. Workout are de igned to improve cellular adaptation. imprive running economy, increa e maximum oxygen capacity and elevate lactate threshold. The emphasis is on individual develop ment. Heart rate monitor are u ed occasionally to check correct intensity levels and every effort is made to ensure that each individual i
challenged without over- or
62 Colby College
W ith a younger team than Colby ha een in ev eral year , the 2000 ro counl r) s ea on could hav e been facing a rebui lding year: howev er. the return of 6 of the team top 8 runner left the t ean1 in good hape. T he nucleus of the team v. as l eft in tact, and w as led by enior Ti ffany F ra zer. W ith a ho t of young runner Colb) had to regroup and depend on an ine pen enced team to ri e to t he challenge of a v ery com peti tiv e cro country e as on.
of 200 1 63
Men' s & Women's Soccer Men's Us Them Amherst
5 1
M i ddlebury
St Jose p hs
Leading the Way in 2000: (from left) Coach Mark Serdjenian and seniors Evan Reece, Jay Freedman, Justin Amirault, Bill Getty, Noam Dorro . Doug John on. The Colby Men ' s Soccer team faced an uphill battle in 2000. The team came into the sea on hav i ng lost two starting seniors, one a captain, and then suffered the early lo s of a tarting forward. Inexperience troubled the team throughout the season; however, behind the leader hip of captians B i l l Getty and Jay Freedman, and seniors Ju tin Amirault, Noam Dorro , Doug Johnson, and Evan Reece. the team battled to finish with a .500 record. Highl ight of the season for the team included a tie with ECAC champi ons. Tufts. and a 1 -0 win over Bates, which marked the completion of coach Mark Serdjenian ' s 25th season as head coach. -Special thanks to Bill Getty.
Rua, Jay! Run ! Captain Jay Freedman i l ludes an attacker.
64 Colby College
The 2000 eason marked a new schedu le and playoff system in the N ESCAC for the Colby Women ' s Soccer team. Senior Captain ' s Katie Rowen a n d Sara Lovitz. with sen jor Anne H onie and Carolyn Szum, led a talented group, looting to en ure Colby' ixth straight post- eason appearance. The team fini hed the Season with an 8-7 record, which earned them a tr ip to the po r- eason and the NESCAC sev en team tourn ament.
Worn.en's Us Them Amherst
St. Josephs
B ates
M i d d l ebury
UNE B o wdoin
4 0
0 6
Clas of 200 1 65
Men's & Women's Ice Hockey The 2000-200 1 eason marked the econd sea on in which the Colby Women ' s fee Hockey Team played in ECAC division I l l . The Lady Mule; looked to enior captains Jo ie Chapman, Regan Carey, and Amy Bonnefond for leadership, and were lead to a I 0- 7-4 record.
WOMEN Cortland
Bates Conn.
66 Colby College
Us Them
Success in 2000- 200 1 The 2000-2001 Colby Men's H ockey Team fini hed the season with a 1 2-5- 1 league record and a 1 5-9- 1 overall record. Led by a solid senior clas of G reg Stutman. J eff F i hbone, Marc McEwen, Steve Cunningham, M i ke D al ton, F reddy Perowne, Ken Kearn , Chris Ta hj ian, and Ryan Kell y, the tea m earned the number three seed in the 2001 NESCAC Tourn ament. U nfortunately Colby ran into a ery hot H amilton squad that defeated the M u le 4-0.
Looking B ack on 1 999-2000 . . . MEN
Hamilto n
Salem St.
B owdoin
USA u18
Tri n i ty
U M A S S B os. 1 2
Coming into the 1 999-2000 eason the Colb) M en ' s Ice Hockey team wa pumped u p for the return of a olid core inclurung F reddy Perowne, w ho scored the majority of the goal in 1 998-99. Colby began the eason with a weep of H am i l ton and Ski dmore. which wa a po itive s i gn becau e Colby was beating the team tha t had traditionally been trouble. Colby wa 6- l heading in to winter break. F ol lowing the holidays. the team was ready for battle a they rebounded from a lo to RIT. to beat u p on USM l 0- 1 . In January, the William Ephs proved tough competi tion once again, a Colby tied the fir t meeting and lo t in the second. The team continued its rollercoaster econd half with wins over T rinity and Amher t, lo es to M iddlebury and Norwich, followed by wins over Conn. College and Wesleyan. The team then went on to the NESCAC Tourn ament where it beat u p on We leyan again. but uffered a tough lo in the nex t round to W i l l i am . - pecial thank to Marc McEwen Cla
of 200 1 67
Men's & Women's Squash
During the 2000-200 1 Men ' Squash ea on, the team was ranked as high as number 1 0 by the National lntercollegiate Squash Racquets Association and fini hed the eason number 1 1 . Colby won the CBB Championship for the econd time in three years, and also had the individual champion. Senjors Mike atenshon, Preston Amo , and Rob Henzi provided veteran leadership for the rest of the team. whjch looks to be even tronger next eason. Over the past two sea ons the team has improved steadi ly, finishing number 1 8 in the 1 999-2000 campaign and number 1 1 this past sea on, after having played the team ' s toughest schedule i n its history.
Vassar Amherst
68 Colby College
The 2000-200 1 Colby Women ' s Squa h eason was the be t in team history. The team went to the national final , were it wa ranked an impres ive n umber 1 1 in the country. The team ¡ depth wa the key to its ucce , and w i l l prove important in n e x t year' s e a on.De pite the lo of enior Whitney Dayton, Emily Mahlman. Anne Garinger, and Liz Wainwright, the Colby women 's quash team w i l l be looking on to bigger and better thing in the 200 1 -2002 ea on. As Whitney Dayton ays, "we w i h ya'll a liule gana h. a l ittle special time, and a great 'O 1 - '02 sea on." - peciaJ thank to Whitney Dayton
M iddlebury
V assar
B rown
B ates
Class of 200 l 69
Men' s & Women' s Basketball Two Hoopsters hit 1 ,000 points The 2000-2001 Colby Men's and Women's Basketball Seasons saw a milestone achieved, not once, but twice. On the Men's team, senior Sam Clarke reached
the 1000-point career mark, while Kim Condon of the Women's team achieved the same. Below, Kim Condon drives to the basket.
Leadership Counts Colby's Women's Basketball team entered the 2000-2001 season riding the leadship of senior captians Kim Condon and Jen Hallee. Condon and Hallee, along with support from senior Mandy Cochrane, a solid sophmore class, and team chemistry that is second to none, have helped Colby to a 1 7-5 record entering the final weekend of the season. lf the team should win both games in the final weekend they would secure home court advantage and the first ever Colby hosted NESCAC tournament, with the winner gaining an automatic NCAA Div. III tournament birth. Throughout the 2000-2001 season Colby Women' s Basketball pulled together, gaining much respect throughout the New England. With contributions from every player and unsurpassed commradery Colby will surely be hard to beat in the 2001 playoffs, and in years to come.
Colb y 's Senior Women: ( from left) Mandy Cochrane, Kim Condon, and
-Special thanks to Kim Condon.
Jen Hallee, at Condon's 1 000-point celebration.
Us Them
89 86 70 73 65 65 70 63 84 90 70 80 72 61
Gordon USM Bates Wheaton Bowdoin Conn. Weleyan Williams Midd. Tufts Bates UMF Bowdoin
55 52 56 74 43 68 57 48 70 69 59 84 47 73
Dick Whitmore, who al o erve a Colby's Director of Athletics, completed hi 30th sea on at the helm of the men' basketball program. Colby ha compiled a Dick Whi tmore HeadCoach
record of 50 -226 for a .693 winning percentage during hi
tenure. Whi tmore, a
1 965 graduate of Bowdoin College, ha accumulated 25 winning ea on and taken hi team to post ea on competition 20 time in the la t 27 year . He was honored as Maine College Coach of the Year in 1 973, 1975, 1 9 8 1 , 1 995 and 1 997. He was inducted into the Maine Sport Hall of Fame in 1998. Before arriving at Mayflower Hill in 1970, Whitmore coached at Mor e High School in Bath, Maine, and at Hall -Dale High School in Hallowell, Maine. He i the co-director of the Pine Tree Ba ketball Clinic, which i conducted on the Colby campu each ummer.
Colby Men Go Down Under The Men'
Ba ketball team embarked o n a trip of a lifetime t o Au tralia thi
ummer. The team ran into flight delay and jetlag on theor trip to the other ide of the world. While in Melbourne they played, practiced and toured the city, while playing eight game in iA night . The team al o got a peek at the Sydney Olympic Center during a vic;it to Sydney, home of the 2000
game . Said one Mule of the trip, "The days were probably too packed, but we found Melbourne to be a city of many face and great cultural experience. From the gold mine of Ballarat, to the easide at Dromana, to the rain fore t in Dandenong and to Traralgon in the Latrobe Valley we viewed the city and
coutry life of Australia up do e and per onal. The public transpotation i s unbelievable, the kangaroo a pectacle, the people e tremely hospi table and the tyle re erved, but the arena a little cool."
Us Them
81 65 C Sawyer 62 otre Dame 96 Hamilton 75 Thomas 85 Bates 69 Bowdoin 62 Conn . 64 Wesleyan 66 William 58 Midd. 90 Tufts 68 Bowdoin 73 Hussen
75 48 39 83 69 60 75 75 61 63 67 69 65 52
1 1
The Colby ski team, which recieved varsity stats in 1986, won five Eastern Intercollegiate Skiing Association Division III titles between 1987 and 1992. The program moved to division I in 1993 and finished 15th at the NCAA championships that year. In 1994, Colby was host to the NCAA Championshjps at Sugarloaf/ USA. On snow training i s conducted on Colby's 10-kilometer groomed trail system and at the Nordic Touring Center at Sugarloaf / USA, which has had the most consistent snow i n the region over thepast several years. The winter season begins i n November with training camp at the Winter Sports Academy at Fort Kent, Maine. Racing begins in early December, but January and February are the peak of the season when the whole team competes in carnivals and the
ew England Junior Olympic Qualifying races. The eason conlude in March with the NCAA
and Junior Championships. 72
Co lby ' s Ath letic Supporters
:olby 's four-legged fan!
Let me at that pig, Bro!
:f] · Colby 's # 1 Fan - S enior, Coy Dailey
1 1
Colby College
THE SIRENS The Sirens are those enchanting vixens whose song teases and dances upon the harmonic fruit of all souls. These vixens close their eyes and melt into the music that is manifested in their hearts, and the sweet melody frolics afar, whispering in the distance beyond the mysterious fog, to be heard and felt by the senses of nature, but truly understood only by those who sing it. the Sirens are a family, learning, growing, creating, and loving together. We celebrate each time we gather, not only because we are a tightly-knit group, but mostly because we honor the music within ourselves.
1 1
COLBY DANCERS Colby Dancers i s a student-run c lub . It ' s about dance, friendship, and above al l , FUN ! DANCER QUOTE S : ''Nobody puts Baby i n the corner.' "Before the performance comes the prac tice . " " . . . dance l ike nobody ' s watching . " " . . . dancing is a perpendicular expression o f a horizontal desire . " G . B . S haw 'War is not a necessity of life, Danc e is ! " 'To dance i s the hidden language o fthe sou l , of t h e body." Martha Graham "O body swayed to music,
0 brightening glance, how can we tell the dancer from the dance?" WB Yeats
The Colby CoIJege Chorale i comprised of approximaely
70 singers, all students. For 2000-200 1
members of the clas of ' 0 1 , the
season is the culmination of a four-year experience that began with a spring tour to England (March 1 99 8 ) ; other trips to Hart ford ad new York Cit followed, as well as several concerts on campus. Repertoire for the current season included choral works by B enj amin B ritten and george Frederick Hande l , and several choruses from 1 9th century operas.
Paul Machlin, the current
director, is boh respected and admired by his students. In essence, the Chorale is an elite group of professionals .
Colby College
President Will Tackaberry (nght)
I I Stu Luth, Byn Parry
Clas of20 0 I 79
Broadway Music Review What is B MR? B MR is one of the craziest groups on campus-- it involves being up on sage, belting out showtunes,jazz squares, crazy choreography, B MR bond ing and MUCH MUCH MORE ! Each semester, the group puts on three perfor mances packed with at least twenty di fferent musical numbers. The shows, known for their audience participa tion, occurs in Page Commons where the entertainers mingle with their guests by serving lemonade, popcorn, and other tasty refreshments during intermission. Their selections of songs ranges anywhere from pieces by Stephen Sondheim and Andrew Lloyd Weber to Rogers and Hammerstein and Gilbert and Sull ivan. The groups is highly competitive and ranges anywhere from fourteen to eighteen people. During the year of 2000-200 1 , B MR was directed by Rachel Rokicki ' O 1 and Andrea Taylor
' 0 3 . Their motto is "come one and come all ! "
Colby Mountaineering Club Outrageous pri m ates Beautifu l spider motion C l i m b a n i mals c l i m b
what i s g ravity? Can YO U hang u pside dO\ b you r feet and dodge bas bal l s and lacrosse bal ls?
The Colby Eight i s Colby' s oldest a cappell a grou p . This year was a p articul arly successfu l one for them, taking on five new studs to add to the bunch . Kyle, Stan, and Gavin are the resident seniors of the group. E ric directed again, and the boys set out making music. "How the Grinch Stole Ramadan" is a fond memory for a l l : " D e a r M r . ' I' m t o o m e a n and cruel t o celebrate Christmas,' This will be the last present I ever give your ass So this i s my flea collar I'm sendin you, I hope you like it, Shit I'm in my doghouse now, I'm gonna take my water bowl and spike it. Hey Grinch, I just drank a fifth of vodka ... dare me to pull your sleigh? You know that song by Backstreet Boys, ' I Want i t That Way?' Well that' s kinda how this is, Grinch, I coulda been your rudolph We coulda sat around and thrown rocksand scared the Who' s off. But now it's too l a te, I ' ve got fleas and ticks and l ice And you ' re moping around about how ruining Christmas is s o nice . And a l l ever I w anted was a little pat or recognition But instead you just seek the j oy in your own destructive mission . I hope you're happy, Grinch, l ook at what you made me I chase around my own tail and have to lift my leg to pee. So I'm leavin. You can go ahead and get yourself another, Grinch, I'm not gonna spend my life bein' a color. "
Jesus answered, I am the way md the truth and the l i fe . "' J ohn
4:6 :o lby C hristian Fellowship (CCF) s a chapter ofthe Intervarsity C hri s ian Fel lowship and it provides op )Ortunities for fellowship worship, Jrayer, Bible studies, and C hri stian ; e rv i c e .
The 2000-2 0 0 1
)rought huge numbers t o C C F and nany new and exciting events and tctivities.
Women' s Group The Women 's Group is a c lub where women and men discuss issues that concern women 's experiences both on and off campus. I t also is dedicated to actively promoting women ' s rights.
Habitat for Humanity For the past few years, Habitat for Humanity has taken its annual service trip to Beaufort, South Carolina home of Colin Widener, working along side future home members. Habitat members construct homes and assist in general contract ing duties. The group always has a wonderful time and revels in their accomplishments.
MAS SAGE CLUB The massage club has several goal s . The first is to relax We l ive in a high stress environment and a good mas sage will help relieve that stress. The second goal of the massage club is to learn bout massage therap. We sponser several workshops throughout the semester, and we are building a small library of reference mate rial . We learn a lot from the lectures, but we learn the most from each other. "The best way to learn about massage is to get one. " It's definitely a fun way to learn
The final goal is to develop trust among each other. We try to create a safe comfortable environment where we can learn together. Letting someone give you a massagE can be an exercise in trust, therefore we make every effort to open clear lines of communication. Massage Club is j ust a nice place to relax and hang out with gooc people. Everyone is welcome.
Asian Cultural Society is a club dedicated to raising awareness about Asian culture and traditions. We sponsor home-cooked Asian dinners open to the Colby commu nity and celebrate holidays such as the mid-autumn Moon Festival, Diwali (The Indian Festival of Lights), and Chinese New Year. 82
COLBY IMPROV "Creamy Goodness"
�olby Emergency Response :olby Emergency Response (CER is an extension 1f Colby ' s Garrison-Foster Health Center. C E R vorks in conj unction with security t o provide on ·amps safety. CER is a group of radio-dispatched tudent Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT). 1iey are ava i lable 24 hors a day, seven days a veek during the academic year.
Muslim Group The Muslim Group was estbl ished to serve as a group where Muslims on campus can have a community to pray, tal k about issues in Islam and the Muslim world and educate both Muslims and non-M us lims about Islam. Every week we have a Friday prayer which is obligatory for every Muslim male and highly recom mended for every M uslim female. In addition if we feel Islam is not being properly represented in some way by on campus sources, we feel it' s necessary to address the issue and give the proper Islamic perspec tive and c l ear any misconceptions and fight any falsehoods.
The Colby Outing Club
The Colby Outing Club, founded
1492, is the only paramilitary organizatic on the Colby College Campus. The Chart of the COC states that the goal of the club to expand the borders of the United Stat1 into Canada. This goal has stayed with tl club through the years. Our tactic for achieving this goal is loan out gear, and lead trips to areas , Maine, New Hampshire, and as far away 1 Nevda and California.
the equipment
loaned out to allow members to get familii with some of the gear that will be needed i the pending invasion. the trips have thn purposes: to train ilderness survival skills, I scout terrain, and to increase membershi across the country. Recently our plans were grealtl helped with the building of the new CO headquarers, a nicely furnished cabin
Great Pond. Increased recruitment out We! has upped our timetable, and we hope t have taken British Columbia (great skiing!! by early Fall 2006.
By June of 2007, th
invasions of Nova Scotia and Newfounc land will be complete. Fighting a three-fror war will quickly deplete Canada' s limite1 military resources, and the rest of the cour try will follow within a year. Remember th COC motto, "The only good Maple is a tree.
The fall of 2000 brought with it not only a Presiden tial election, but also the strong resurgence of the Colby Democrats. The Colby Dems became heavily involved in local Waterville politics as well as fight ing for Democra tic Presidental candidate Al Gore here in the state of Maine. We registered over one hundred students to vote through registration d rives. We assisted the campaigns o f Democrats Ken Gagnon and Marilyn Canavan in their quests for te State Senate and State House o f Representa tives, pounding the pavement for them d uring multiple literature drops in W aterville. We partici p ated in campus debates about the Presidential elction. Three different field trips brought the Dems to see Tipper Gore, Al Gore, and his running mate "Jumpin'" Joe Lieberman.
On election d ay, we
teamed up with the State Democratic Coordinated Campaign in city-wide Get-Out-The-Vote efforts. That evening, hours of phone banking resulted in an above average turnout o f Waterville's Demo crats to the polls. Although the Colby Dems were responsible for single-handedly delivering the state of Maine to Al Gore, we take the most pride in having helped Ken Gagnon (a Colby employee ) and Marilyn Canavan (whose daughter is a Colby grad ) b ring home the victories i n o u r own backyard. N o recounts were needed i n Waterville . The Colby Dems wish the best of luck to the class of
- 200 1 .
SGA Presidential Debate
Dev and Tipper Gore strategizing
Election Night: Enjoying the fruits o f our labor. 85
Stu dents O ganized Against Racism' s goal is to combat racism at C olby b educating and encou raging facu lty, stu dents, administrators, and staff t actively address the insidiou s nature of racism and initialize changes t reduce the effects of prejudice and bigotry within our society. Together weca achive a more tolerant and egalitarian society that will benefit us all .
T h e B ridge - Col by's very own G LBT g ro u p - is respor s i b l e for many of the q u eer themed events on campuďż˝ T h i s yea r we h e l ped out with the YES on 6 campaign fc eq u a l rig h ts i n M a i n e a n d a lt h o u g h it d id n 't pass, th1 ca m p a i g n was a g reat experience for us to l ea rn a l ittl a bout how state l evel pol itics work. We a l so celebrate Nati o n a l Coming Out Day by g iv i n g away ra i n bow stick ers, send i n g out an i nformative m a i l i n g a bout wih mea n s to be q ueer, a n d bri n g i ng s peakers to campus t d i scuss t h e i r own com i n g out stories a n d com i cs t enterta i n a n d e d u cate . We a l so take field tri ps to expan our knowledge such a s the confe rence on G LBT issu at the U n ivers ity of M a i n e in Oro n o , M E ; and we went t the M a rch on Was h i ngton last yea r . . .
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