The Colby Oracle 2003

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" Shortly after the War of 1 8 1 2 , Caleb B lood , Sylva nus Board m a n , Daniel Merri l l , Benj a m i n Titcomb, a n d John Tri pp were charged by the Bowdoinham ( M a i ne ) Baptist Assoc iation to ' take i nto consideration the propriety of petiti o n i n g the General Court for i ncorporation' of a literary and theological i nstitution i n the District of M a i ne , then part of Massachusetts . Si nce February 1 8 1 3, when the commonwealth's legislature approved the c h a rter for Colby (then c a l led the Maine Litera cy and Theolog ical I nstitu­ tion ) , the nation has e n d u red the Civi l War and the Great Depressi o n , u ndergone the change from a n agra rian t o a n i ndustrial economy, parti c i ­ pated in two world wa rs- becoming a g lobal power i n t h e process- and a bsorbed waves of i m m i g ra nts. Colby, too, has changed. But some things that are central to the character of the College have remained . These be liefs and virtues a re the traditions that defi ne the essenti a l natu re of Colby Col lege, and it is important that they be honored and p rese rved . Self-sacrifice and perseverance, a devotion to development fou nded i n a bel ief i n the common value of every human being a re a few of the bel i efs Colbians have c l u ng to for close to two centuries . . . . we are rem i nded of a time when the handsome campus on the h i l l was l ittle more than a d ream, of the fi rst seven students who sailed up the Kennebec River in the sloop named " He ro" and bega n cleari ng the l a nd for the new college, of the men and women , who, through the i r dedication and g e n erosity, changed our l ives forever." F rom " Co l by College: A Venture of Faith , " by Anestes G . Fotiades

"Colby College, an elite college in central Maine." -Oprah vVinfrey 2

Colby 3

colby traditions COOT...

beeR die and beiruit...

JohNson Pond...




Senior week Rock 'N Bowl Jan Plan I-Play Colby/Bowdion hockey game 5







Parent's Weekend and Homecoming October 1 8-20, 2002



Parents, a l u m n i and students gather on this weekend every yea r to l a u g h , rem i ­ n isce, d ri n k and have a g reat t i m e ! Some memories a re the football game, a cape/la concerts, lectures and book signi ngs, receptions i n the spa and the pub for sen iors , and lots of other ath letic festivi­ ties! The 2 0 0 2 eve nt was beautifu l and many students got to show the i r parents a round Colby.

60-m i le Radius from Col by: -Augusta ( Maine State Museu m, Old Fort Western ) -Bath ( Ma i ne Maritime M useu m ) -Belgrade La kes ( boati ng, camping, fish i n g , picnic areas) -Boothbay Harbor ( Boothbay Rai lway Museu m , Maine coast) -Camden/Rockport (wi ndjammers, h i k i n g , a ntiq ues , f i n e crafts ) -F reeport (LL. Bea n , more th an 5 0 other major outlet stores ) -Georgetown ( Reid State Park, beach ) -Hal lowel l (antiques, rare books, riverside wal k i n g ) -Owls Head ( Owls Head Transportation Museu m ) -Pemaquid Point ( M a i ne coast, l ig hthouse) -Rockland ( Farnsworth Museu m , wi ndjammers ) -Sa bbathday La ke ( l ast fu nctioning Sha ker settlement in U . S . ) -Weld ( Mt. Blue State Park, swi m m i n g , boati ng, picnic faci l ities ) -Wiscasset ( m useum, o l d schooners , concentration of fine antiques shops)

Located i n the hea rt of centra l M a i ne, the C o l l eg e i s easily reac hed by c a r, p l a n e, o r b us. C o l by i s 7 0 m i l es n o rtheast of Portl a n d a n d 1 8 0 m i l es n o rtheast o f Bosto n . C o l by i s located i n W aterv i l le, ex it 3 3 off route 9 5 .

1 2 0-mile Radius from Colby: -Acadia National Park ( Mt. Desert Island and Schood ic Poi nt, Bar Harbor, boati n g , whale watching, trai ls, dramatic coastal views, fine shops i n Bar Harbor) -Bai ley Island (Casco Bay) -Baxter State Park ( Mt. Kata h d i n ) -Cape Elizabeth ( Portl and Head Light) -Casti ne ( historic coasta l town , Maine Maritime Academy) -G reenvi l le ( Moosehead Lake, boati ng, hunti n g , fish i n g ) -Kittery Point ( Lady Pepperel l House) -Old Orchard ( Ma ine's largest sand beach, board wa lk entertai n ment) -Phippsburg ( Popham Beach, Fort Popham) -Port Clyde ( ferry to Monheg an Island, outstanding scenery ) -Portl and (Old Port historic district with hotels, shoppi ng, g a l leries , resta ura nts , Casco Bay Li nes island cruises , charter fish i n g ) -Rangeley La kes ( s k i i n g , recreation) -Sebago Lake State Park ( boati n g , swi m m i n g , ca mping) -Suga rloaf and Sunday River (ski resorts, a l p i ne and nord i c ) -York (fine beach, historic poi nts o f i nterest)

Remember Colby




Cof�� Zoo




PJ Party

ule Pri

Colby Keer,s �ival Colleges on therrToes

C o l b y may face fierce competition in sports, academi cs, cam pus beauty a n d even p a rtying, but there is l i t t l e compet i t i o n when it comes to showing school pride. With the scamper to get t i c kets to the Col by-Bowd o i n hockey game it was ap parent that s t u d e n ts, a l u m n i , f a c u l t y

a n d staff were r e a d y to let

Bowd o i n know t h a t i t was

going down . A l l the c h ant-

i n g p a i d off as

the w i n, 4 to

faces the


C o l by took

"B u c k

F a t e s"



Blue p a i nted

t-s h i rts fi lled the crowd a t

a n n u a l C o l by - B a t e s

footba l l game.


C o l by d i d not c r u s h B a t e s as

hoped, it did show its strong

d e d i c a t i o n to i n t i m i d a t i n g

the opponents and su pport­

i n g M u l e s p o r t s . Riva l ri e s d o


d a u n t i n g question of "W ho

has the smartest students?"

beyond sports to the

C l e a rl y t h i s is a constant battle, with Colby a n d Bates con t i n u a l ly swapping spots on the i nfamous col l ege ra n k i n g c h a rt s .

But, we can say that Colby has the best food i n the

NESCAC . I n fact, accord i ng to the Princeton Revi ew, we a re n u m ber t h ree i n the nation fo r foo d . As fo r the p rettiest c a m p u s, whether its fa l l , w i n ter or spring, C o l by a lways takes the l e a d . F rom foot b a l l to foo d , parties to test scores, C o l by k nows how to make t h e i r rivals s q u i rm .

Mr. Colby M u le, B rad Peterson , and u lti mate fa n , Jeff Halsey, get the crowd psyched for another Colby Football g ame. 12

I v A 1 R y

M a scot: w h ite m u le

The C o l by F o o tba l l Tea m s hows the i r c h iva l ry by s h a k i n g h a n ds with t h e i r oppone nts a fte r a tou g h g a m e .

School c o lo rs : royal b l u e a n d g rey Motto : Lux M e ntis Sci en t i a ( Knowle dg e is t h e l i g ht of t h e m i n d. ) A l m a M a te r: Ha i l , C o l by, H a i l Presi de nt : W i l l i a m D . A da m s


Doghead Eve ry M a rc h , stu d e nts g a t h e r at a c e rt a i n h o u se off-ca m pus to c e l e b rate St. Patrick's Day as t h e Co l by n a m e d eve nt, Dog h e ad!



, Champagne on the Steps May9, 2003

A typ i c a l Colby p a s ti m e . . .


Beer Die 15

memory of HomerT. "Pete"Hayslett In

for forty years of teaching, advising, and inspiration

Homer T. "Pete" Hayslett

Pete was just twenty-four yea rs old when he began teaching at Colby in 1 9 6 2 . His forty-yea r career w a s marked w i t h a series of accomp l ish­ ments and p romotions, and he was made a ful l p rofessor i n 1 9 8 8 . H i s dedication and enthusi­ asm e a rned him the honor of being named Dana Professor of Mathematics in 1 9 9 7 . In that same year, Pete and his wife led Colby's prog ram in Cork, I re land and taug ht at the University of Cork. Pete is remembered for his energy and strength. Outside of Colby he served on the board of t ru s te e s a t Oak G rove C o b u rn S c h o o l in Vassalboro, M a ine as wel l as the Maine Audubon Society. But most i m portantly, he was dedicated to teaching and continued teac h ing even once he began facing t reatments for his i l lness. He was very much at the center of the energy and friendliness of Col by's mathematics department.

Colby Mathematics Dept. in 1984



Colby Mathematics Dept. in 2002

Faculty 17

David Nugent, Bobby Vaug hn, J effrey Anderson, M a ry Beth M i l l s not pictured: Catherine Beste man

Anthropology Biology

Back row. Art Champlin, Russell Johnson, Tim

C h ristensen, F rank Fekete, Herb Wi lson Front row. Deborah Kreiss, Judy Stone , Bev E aton, David F i rmage, Lynn Hannum , Sharon Lynn, Russe l l Cole


Art Chemistry

Back row. Dasan Thamattoor, Whitney King , Thomas Shattuck, Jeffrey Katz , Jane House, Lisa M i l ler, B renda Fekete Front row. Stephen Dunham , Jul ie M i l lard , Rebecca Conry, And rew Gilbert

K e ri l l O'N e i l l , H a n n a Rei s m a n , Joseph Rei s m a n

C a role Eva n s , Jim Hoag, C l a re Bates C o n g do n , M a rc S m i t h , R a n d o l p h Jones Not pictured: Dale Skri e n



Computer Science

East Asian Studies


Back row. Yuko Koike , K i m B e s i o , Li Qi n g K i n n i s o n , Ayaka Sog a b e , G ra c e Hui-chuan W u Front ro w. L e e But l e r, Ta m a e Pri n d l e , Steven Nuss, W a lter H atch

Back row. Roy v a n Ti l , M ic ha e l Doni hue, R a n dy


N e l s o n , David F i n d lay, J as o n Lon g , K a s h i f Ma n s o ri , J a m e s Mee h a n Front row. C l i fford R e i d , J a n H o g e n d o r n , Tho­ m a s Ti etenberg , D i a n n e LaB reck


Dear class of 2003 EDHD maj ors, minors, and friends, Best wishes to you as you graduate from Colby. Keep in touch; we love hearing about what you are doing!

Ka re n Barnhardt, Martha Den ney, Lyn Mikel B rown, Kare n Kusiak

Back row. Pat Onion, Jenn ifer Boyla n , Ted

Underwood, E l isa Nari n van Court, Karen Ka rnbiener, Nata l i e Harris, Pete r Harris, An i n dyo Roy, Michael Burke Front row. Doug las Archibald, Laurie Osborne



Environmental Studies

French and Italian

Paul Josephso n , Tom Tietenbe rg , Russe l l Cole, James Webb, Sha ron Treat, John Ta lbot, Jim Fleming Not pictured: Jenn ifer Shosa, M ichael Burke, Linda Tatel baum


Back row. Arthur Gree nspa n , Mario Morion i ,

Andre Siamundele, Jonathon Weiss

Front row. Nathalie Droug l azet, Adrianna

Pal iye nko, Jane Moss, All ison Cooper

Back row: Robert N e lson , Robert G a sta l d o ,

Dona l d A l l en Front row: A l ice R i d ky, J ennifer Shosa, B ruce Rue g e r

lll03,WABJIHEM ! 11 Herzlichen Glilckwunsch!

M a ri a M o rrison, U rsula R e i d e l -S h rewe , J a mes M cintyre , B a rb a ra H a be rm ann, Sheila M c C a rthy, Jul i e d e S h e rb in


German and Russian



J ennifer Yoder, A l b e rt M avrinac , M a rk B rewe r, W alte r H a t c h , Jospeh R e i s e rt , G. C a lvin M a ckenzi e , Wil Burns , K ennet h Rodm an, An­ t hony Corra d o , C a rlos Perei ra

Robe rt W e i s b rot, K i m be rly J a rv i s , Ben F a l l aw , J onathon B e a g l e , Si lvana Pal e rm o , E l i z a beth Leona rd, Larissa Tayl or, J a m e s Webb, Lee But l e r, Paul Josep hson, Raffael Scheck Peter ' Ditmanson, H owa rd Lupovich


Kenneth Rodman, Jennifer Yoder, Raffael Scheck, J a mes Webb

Back row. Si lvana Palermo, Ma risel a Funes Front row. David Nugent, Luis M i l l iones, Betty

International Studies

Latin American Studies Music


Back row. Ramachand ran Bharath , Otto B retscher, Ben M athes, B i l l Berl ing hoff, George Welch, Carole Evans, Tom Berg e r Front row. Leon H a rkleroad , Fernando Gouvea , .. Leo Livshits


Sasaki , Bobby Vaug hn

Eric Thomas, Cheryl Tschanz , John Hal lstrom, Di ane Kadyk, Steven Nuss, Steve Saunde rs

"To do philsophy is to explore one's own temperament, and yet at the same time to attempt to discover the truth.' --Iris Murdoch

Back row. J e ffrey K a sser, C h es h i re C a l h oun,

Dani e l C o h en Front row. J i l l G o rdon, Robert McArthur Not pictured: M a rk M c P h e rran, S a ra Conly,

Back row. Duncan Tate , Murray C a m p b e l l , Robert B l uh m , C h a rl e s Conove r, B rett F a d e m Front row. V i rg inia Long , A l i c e R i dky, Lisa Lessa rd

W i l l i a m " B ro " Ada m s


Physics and Astronomy


Religious Studies

Back row. G eorge Ladd

C arleen Mand o l fo , N ikky Sing h , D e b ra C a m p b e l l

Middle row. Rebecca Burc h , S h e i l a Libby, Sarah

Estow, C o l l een Burnha m , J o s e p h Atkins Front row. N i c h o l a s Rohrman, D i ane W inn

"Recognize the single caste of humanity.' --Guru Gobind Singh


jBienvenidos al departamento de espafiol!

Alice Ridky, Leona rd Reich, J ennife r Shosa, Ted Underwoo d, J a mes F le m ing , Paul Josephson , Sylvia Kraemer

Back row: Barba ra Ne lson, Meriwynn Grothe



Theater and Dance

Not Pictured

Back row: Joylynn Wing , J a mes Th u rston, Lau ra

Chakravarty Box Front row: Debi Ward , Tina Wentze l , John

E rvin, Lisa Caldwel l "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women are merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts ...



--Jacques, As You Like It, Act II, Scene


Mansori , Ma risela F unes, Prisc i l l a Doel Front row: Ma ria Col bert, Betty Sasaki , Lu is M i l lones

Administrative Science African Stud ies African-American Studies American Stud ies Creative Writing Jewish Stu d ies Soci ology Women's Studies

Clubs and Organiza ons 25

Amnesty International Amnesty International is a human rights organization working for the release of prisoners of conscience; people who are imprisoned based on their beliefs, creed, gender, political views or affiliations, race, or sexuality, and have not used or advocated the use of violence. Amnesty tries to curb human rights abuse and calls for fair and prompt trials for political prison­ ers and an end to torture, executions and "disappearances." This year, the Colby chapter organized a letter writ­ ing event, a lecture by the Northeast Regional Director of AI USA, as well as holiday letter writing events, human rights film festivals, and, of course, }amnesty. The events were successful and, all in all, it was a good year for the AI chapter at Colby.

Ad m issi ons Vo l u nte e rs

Asi an-Am erican Stu dent Association

Backg a m mon C l u b

Asian Cultural Society As members of the Asian CulturalSo­ ciety, we seek to promote various as­ pects of Asian culture to the Colby community. Our activities range from bringing a dance troupe to campus to gazing Autumn Moon at the flagpole to chopping vegetables for our popu­ lar home-cooked club dinners. Recent events we have sponsored include Taiko drumming, a Cambodian dance performance, our annual Chinese/ Japanese/Vietnamese/you-name-it New Year celebration, origami coffee hour, and movie nights. Our goal is to discover and learn about history-nch cultures of all Asia and have fun in the process! (Fruit is for wishing success and sweetness in life, according to the Asian New Year tradition.)


B'nai B'rith Hillel Hillel is a nationally recognized Jewish organization located in colleges throughout America where Jewish stu­ dents meet to socialize, share in Jewish traditions and festivities, and practice their faith. Hillel sponsors various so­ cial, cultural, and religious events. Of special note are Pad Thai nights (a staple of any good Colby organiza­ tion), the Purim hamentaschen bake and Megilla reading, the annual Pass­ over seder, our operatic renditions of the Kiddush, and our mutual appre­ ciation for challah, Maneshevitz, and matzo ball soup. Honorary members include Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler, Yitzhak Rabin, David Ben-Gurion, and George Bush, Jr. (his dad got him in). Shalom!

B l ue Li g h ts


C h em i s t ry Clu b

C h o ra le

C i rcle of H i p-H o p C u lt u re

Ballroom. Dance Club The Colby Ballroom Dance Club is a student-run organization that brings ballroom dance to the Colby commu­ nity. At weekly lessons during the year, members learn different dances from Waltz to Tango to Salsa. The dub also plays an active role in the JanPlan Ballroom Dance class that is offered each year. In additon to teaching social dancing, a small portion of the team has recently begun competing on the intercollegiate dance circuit against schools such as Harvard, Bates, and MIT in ballroom dance. The club offers many different dance expressions for dancers of all levels.


Best Buddies Best Buddies is one of two Maine chap­ ters of this international non-profit or­ ganization. Best Buddies is dedicated to enhancing the lives of people with mental retardation by providing op­ portunities for one-to-one friendships. Our officers corps this year consisted of Jill Wentzell, LauraShufelt, and Kate Caldwell.

Co l l ect ive fo r Insi g ht , Refu g e , and Cele b ration of Life Experi e nce

De bate Tea m

Bowling Club The Colby Bowling Club, founded by current presidents Justin P. Hedge and Nathan J. Good, has completed its first full academic year. It was a complete success, seeing regular biweekly meet­ ings held at local lanes throughout the year. In keeping with its inviting slo­ gan, come roll your balls with us, the club's members covered a wide skill range with everyone happy to break

100. The highlight of the season was the arrival of the outlandishly expen­ sive team shirts, created by Hedge with the fantastic assistance of artist Mindy Williams. Overall everyone improved, but the season high score belongs to Josh Civiello with a booming211. Beers flowed, pins fell and there were tur­ keys all around - what's not to love about Colby Bowling.


Broadway Musical Review Broadway Musical Review puts on two full-scale musical reviews a year, its cast singing and dancing to a wide variety of everyone's favorite showtunes. This year we performed songs from West Side Stan;, Mama Mia, Rent, The Sound of Music, and much, much more. Broadway Musical Re­ view is not just about the music; it is about bonding, popcorn, jazz squares, quick changes, haircuts, and white sneakers. This year BMR says good­ bye to its seniors: Andrea Taylor, Pam Sawyer, Megan Shannon-Winterson, Lauren Tharaud, Steve Creighton, and Jared Eggers. We wish BMR the best in the future and will miss it dearly!

D es i C lu b • T h e D i fferen c e • E c o n o m i c s C lu b • E n v i ro n m en t a l C o a l i t i o n •

Colby Dancers Colby Dancers is student-run, Let me tell you we have some fun. We meet for dance class once a week, Leaps and turns are moves we tweak. Sometimes we dance on the Runnals stage, Other times we perform in Page. The fall show was Dance Potion #9, Oh baby, it was super fine. Hootin' and ahollerin' sitting in their seats We entertained the crowd with our danc­ ing feets. The Opera House is where we had our spring show We really hope you had a chance to go We like to dance In our black pants Thanks for the .chance To fine tune our prance.


Colby Fillll Society The Colby Film Society presents a weekly film that is part of a semester­ long theme. This spring's theme was "Films from the 1980's." Films this year included West Side Story, Daugh­

ters of the Dust, The Second Circle, The Lady from Shanghai, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Jakob the Liar, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, The Conform­ ist, The Princess Bride, Poltergeist, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Beetlejuice, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Ghostbusters, Spaceballs, The Neverending Story, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, Blade Runner, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Animal House, and E.T.

E n v i ro n m e n t a l E d u c a t i o n • EVE • Fly F i sh i n g C l u b • F o u r W i nds • Fre e t h i n ke rs •

After what critics called a "rebuilding" year, the Handbell choir has surpassed the expectations of many this season. Despite several unforseen injuries (due the ever-prevalent ringers' elbow and big C collisons), they were undefeated in the five regular season performances. Coach Jenkins places much of this season's success on the leadership of the seniors: co-captains Holly Niles and Heather Reid, along with All-Ameri­ cans Michelle Keady and Shannon Corliss, Lisa D eKeukelaere, Kate Hughes, and this year's Golden Bell Award winner, Kate Mann.


Colby ltnprov Colby lmrov is a highly organized trade guild dedicated to the exchange of com­ edy. Each semester Improv performs at least four power-packed shows, dur­ ing which they spontaneously gener­ ate mirth for public consumption in the form of short improvised games and long-form improvised scenes. Improv's active agents for the 20022003 season are (from left to right): Evan McGee, Adrian LaRochelle, Neil Reynolds, Jane Lee, Ben Raphael, Liz Neumann, Mike Wiley, Mike Hidebrandt, Laura Thomason, and Alana McGee. If brevity is the soul of wit, Colby Improv is the match that lights the candle of our collective mer­ riment.

:re n c h C l u b • G a t h e r i n g T o g e t h e r i n C h r i s t • G e o l o g y Clu b • J u g g li n g Clu b •

Colby Volunteer Center The Colby Volunteer Center (CVC) provides opportunities for Colby stu­ dents to get involved in and to help make a difference in the greater Watervillecomrnunity. TheCVC spon­ sors one-time service events such as the Children's Halloween Extrava­ ganza, Valentine making, Divided World Hunget Banquet, and Colby Cares Day. The Center also oversees fifteen volunteer programs including Adults Reading to Children, Boys and Girls Club, Paw Pals, Soup Kitchen, and Rape Crisis. The Colby Volunteer Center is the primary link between the Waterville and Colby communities.


Colbyettes For fifty-two years, the Colbyettes, Colby's oldest all-female a capella group, have been singing. Since 1951, we've sung everything from jazz to classic rock to pop - and yes, there was even a time when we sang Britney Spears. There have been as many as fifteen of us, and as few as six, just enough to cover all of our parts. But regardless of the repertoire or size, one thing has remained constant and true throughout all these years: our love and commitment to music, and even more importantly, to each other.

K n i t t i n g Clu b


M a ssa g e C l u b

M e n Ag a i n st S e x i sm a n d H o m o p h o b i a

The Colby Echo This year,

The Colby

Eclw was put to­

gether by Jonathan Silberstein-Loeb (editor in chief), Emily Honig (opin­ ions editor), Liz Bomze (features edi­ tor, spring), Erica Ayotte (sports edi­ tor), Maura Myers (assistant layout editor), Deborah Dobeme (photo edi­ tor), Suzanne Skinner (managing edi­ tor), Abbie Newcomb (layout and busi­ ness manager), Kaitlin McCafferty (news editor, spring), Alexis Grant (as­ sistant news editor) and Melvin Ladera (A&E editor). Missing from the photo: Brad Seymour (photo editor), Kate Russo (news editor, fall ) , Emma McCandless (features editor, spring), Lisa Dekeukelaere (copy editor),Steve Weinberg (art coordinator), Anna Carlson (ad manager), Andrea Ernst (ad manager), and Amanda Surette


(subscriptions manager). Club The Colby German Club gives students the chance to enjoy German culture outside the classroom. Since it is not required for members to be able to speak any German, the events often appeal to a wide range of students. Most of the German club's events re­ volve around food, including the weekly Kaffeestunde (Coffeehour), annual fondue night, and an end of the year dinner at the local German restau­ rant. The officers for the 2002-2003 year are Barbara Haberman, Kim Langone, Alexis Frobin, and Kyle Burke.

M o u n t a i n eer i n g C l u b • M o vem en t fo r G l o b a l J u st i ce • M u s i c i a n ' s A l l i a n c e •

Habitat for Hum.anity On the weekends Colby College Habi­ tat for Humanity Campus Chapter members can be seen working up a sweat all over Maine. Currently we are helping Bowdoin's campus chapter build their Habitat house i n Bowdoinham, Maine. W e also spon­ sor the annual CVC/Habitat for Hu­ manity SK run in October to help raise funds for the Waterville Area Habitat for Humanity Chapter, which hopes to begin building its first house i n Waterville a s early as May 2003. Colby s dents, faculty, and staff will have the opportunity to work in coopera­ tion with the Waterville chapter on this project.

fl FUTURE ME SITE � aterOville \'�flf�

� :abitat forArea �� .... ...




International Club The International Club is, in essence, a space where people of diverse cultures and traditions can be embraced, and ideas and thoughts can be exchanged. The club runs a variety of events from ski trips to cultural events which allow students to mingle and enjoy the char­ acteristics that each member brings to the group.

N e w M o o n R i si n g • N ewm a n C o u n c i l • O u t i n g Clu b • P e p B a n d • P e qu o d •

Martial Arts Club Colby Martial Arts took its current shape in the fall of

2000. Since then,

over three percent of Colby students have thrown a punch or a kick in this club. Our mission over the years has been, and will continue to be, to help members develop mentally, physically, and spiritually through the study of Tang Soo Do in a positive, respectful environment.

Through the commit­

ment and caring of its members, we have grown to be a very close family. TangSoo!


Megalolllaniacs Colby College's original, paramount, and only co-ed a capella group; the Megalomaniacs reign in a musical province of their own. Formed in the spring of '95 after the breakup of the beloved Tuxedo Junction, the found­ ing members saw their destiny in a tattered copy of the OED that lay yawn­ ing on a couch late one night, just days before their premier show. Written in tiny letters, masked by dirt and time, was one word that was soon to become a campus phenomenon - "megaloma­ nia: a mental disorder marked by in­ fantile delusions of omnipotence and grandeur." So were born the Megalo­ maniacs.

P h i l o s o p h y Clu b • P h o t o g r a p h y Clu b • P o t tery C l u b • P s y c h o l o g y Clu b •

Muslilll Group The Colby Muslim Group is a student­ run organization that brings together Muslim and non-Muslim students on the Colby campus through organized religious and social activities for its members and the campus community. The group aims at informing the Colby student body about the religion of Is­ lam and clarifying related stereotypes and misconceptions. Activities include social dinners at Freedom Cafe and Pad Thai, J umma h prayer services on riday afternoons, Eid celebrations, and fasting for Rammadan (when we stumble out of bed to eat at 5 am and ravenously chow down bagels at 4 pm for thirty days).


Powder and Wig "I can't. . . I have rehearsal." This motto has always rung true for Powder and Wig, but this year it was ridiculous! Our


season began with an

exceptional performance of 12

Angry Men. Our JanPlan included Edgar Allen Poe's Politician and a return to the Strider stage with Raised in Captivity. Our spring season was also loaded with

Tlze Hypochondriac

and a work­

shop performance of This is

Our You tlz.

Powder and Wig also inaugurated din­ ner theatre at Colby with its fall perfor­ mance of mance of

Fools and a spring perfor­ Sylvia. Finally, Powder and

Wig worked in conjunction with the Bates' Robinson Players to initiate the new tradition of a Colby-Bates (and maybe someday Bowdoin) One-Act Play Festival.

P u g h C o m m u n i t y B o a rd

Qu i lt i n g C l u b

R o t a r a ct C l u b

Ska t ebo a rd C l u b

Project Ally Project Ally is a program modeled closely on Project Safe Zone, which is a project used by many schools, organi­ zations, and communities to promote awareness.

Project Ally promotes

awareness and the non-judgemental treatment of gay, lesbian, bisexual, in­ tersexual, transgendered, transsexual, and questioning people by educating the community.

After attending a

workshop, participants receive a but­ ton and a sticker (presumably for their office or room door) which they may use to show their support.


Sirens The Sirens: "The Sirens are tho e who voice to us the eternal appeal of Ro­ mance. They bid us over the hills and far away ... Within every man's soul and without, in all far, deep, forbidden places they range upon their quest. In their hearts are the restlessness of the sea, the hues of dawns and sunsets, the music of the sphere, the appeal of the eyes of birds and beasts. The Sirens song is the mighty invitation to the quest, and to its key every spirit is attuned subtly, responding in har­ monic vibrations however faint or strong." --William Marion Reedy

SOAR • Sou nd s of Gospel • S p a n i s h C l u b • Stud e n t Arts Com m ittee •

Student Govenunent The Student Government Association (SGA) is comprised of elected officials who represent students on important issues pertaining to student life and college policy. SGA is committed to initiating positive and realistic change and to providing a forum for the gath­ ering and expression of ideas and con­ cerns from all students. Two of our major accomplishments this year were the 3rd annual CBB Diversity Confer­ ence and Sexual Assault Awareness Week. President: Gretchen Groggel Vice-President: Jill Gutekunst Treasurer: Pete Loverso Secretary /Webmaster: Garrett Kephart Parliamentarian: Kate Hughes Publicity Chairs: Kim Langone and Justin Hedge


Student Progranuning The Student Progamming Board serves as the central programming group to provide the student body at Colby with an exciting extracurricular life.

The Student Programming Board is com­

mitted to initiating, planning, coordi­ nating, implementing, and managing an innovative, creative, and diverse array of both cultural and social pro­ grams for the Colby community. This year Thomas Jackson served as the Social Chair and Andrea Breau served as Cultural Chair.

Student Health on Campus


Student Women in Science


The Pocket

Symphony Orchestra The Colby Symphony Orchestra, con­ ducted by Jon Hallstrom, is the largest college orchestra in the state of Maine. The ensemble is comprised of students, local amateurs and professionals, as well as a number of Colby's Applied Music Associates. The Orchestra's four yearly concerts present a wide variety of music to the public free of charge. Recent performances have covered works ranging from standard classical repertoire to the most recent contem­ porary compostitions, including pieces from Bizet to Takemitsu.


Wind Ensemble Under the direction of Eric Thomas, the Colby Wind Ensemble reached new heights during the 2002-2003 academic year. The group performed on campus both semesters; however the work did not end there. On March 2nd, Colby hosted the first annual Tri-Band Festi­ val. Despite heavy snow, the wind ensembles of the CBB colleges gath­ ered for an afternoon of concerts. In addition to increasing communication among the three colleges, local high school students were also encouraged to attend and afterwards to ask ques­ tions about college life. Bates and Bowdoin plan to continue the tradition by hosting the festival in upcoming years.

Un i te d W o rl d a t Co l by • W e s t a n d R o c ky M o u n t a i n s a t Co l by • W o m e n ' s G ro u p

WMHB is a non-commercial educa­ tional station licensed to the Mayflower Hill Broadcasting Corporation. It serves Colby College and the central Maine communities by working to emphasize music from Maine and New England artists, as well as indepen­ dent artists from around the world. WMHB organizes an annual holiday food drive for the Mid-Maine Home­ less Shelter in Waterville, broadcasts many Colby sporting events both on the air and on the web, runs a live music week, and sponsors various music concerts, discussions, and lec­ tures thoughout the academic year.



Sports 41



The 2002 Men's cross-country season was punctuated by a number of notable ac­ complishments. The season started strong with their top runner, Nat " Buffalo Tip" Brown, coming off a six month injury. Capta ins Just in Sukiennik and John Tyson led the way in the Mule's early season and with the help of teammates Eric Reinauer and Richard Downing the team finished 9t h at the U-Mass­ Dartmouth Invitational. As the season progressed rookie of the year, senior Brian Hurley, made his presence felt as he posted a 27: 1 1 at the J. Earley Invitational. The Mules finished 1 2 t h at the New England Div. Ill Champi­ onships with their top seven finishing faster than last year's 4t h man. Brown returned to his former glory by placing h 1 5 t and qualifying for the national championships with a 2 5 : 1 1 . Brown was MVP for the third consecutive year while Sukiennik earned most improved. The Women's team enjoyed success as well under the leadership of se­ n i o rs M e g an H o a r , K i m Niederberger, Rena Taylor and Ellen Whitesides. They peaked at the end of their E m i l y A re l l , s e a son. Niederberger, Wendy Sicard, Anna Sommo, Annika Svore, Elizabeth Turnbull and Liz Turner secured a 3rd place

finish at the ECAC's. The N.E. Div. Ill team of Hillary Easter, Hoar, Karina Johnson, Jess Minty, Mary Phelps, Cristina Sission and Whitesides placed 7t h , just barely missing the nationa l c h a m p i ons h i ps . Phelps went on to glory in the NCAA Championships to fin­ ish up an amazing season. Front runner Karina Johnson provided energy for much of the season while the new runners added character to the team. Marissa Sowles and Niederberger, as upper classmen rookies, provided support for other new run­ ners. The large number of freshmen runners such as Lauren Buckel, Hillary Easter, Nell Kolden, Jess Minty and Liz Turner brought an excit­ ing dynamic to the team. ( Tyson & W h i te s i d e s )

Center: John Tyson and R ich Down­ ing work together to pick up another man . Above: R en a Taylor and Nell Kolden lead their pack. Right: Eric R einauer peeds away for the fini h

s1:11111:11111\111> 9 /21 U. Mass Dartmouth Invitational 9 / 28 Bates Invitatinal @ Twin brook 10/ 5 State o f Maine Meet @ Twin Brook 10 / 19 J. Earley Invitational Westfield, MA 11/ 2 NESCAC Championship @ Tufts 11/ 9 ECAC Championship @ Williams 1 1 / 16 NE Div. III Champs Westfield State 11/23 NCAA Champs St. Olaf, MN

MEN 9th Place (31 teams) 3rd Place (3 Teams) 3rd Place (9 Teams) 5th Place (27 Teams) 9th Place (11 Teams) 1st Place (42 Teams) 12th Place (35 Teams) Nat Brown 1 19th (26:35)

WOMEN 6th Place (37 Teams) 1st Place (4 Teams) 3rd Place (9 Teams) 4th Place (26 Teams) 11th Place (11 Teams) 3rd Place (43 Teams) 7th Place (38 Teams) Mary Phelps 120th (23:37)

M e g a n H oa r, Mary P he lp s, and H il l ary Eas-

work t h e ir w a y through the pack.

t er

·ont Row: Ju tin Sukiennik, John Tyson, Coach Jim Wescott· cond Row: M ike Gra e l le, M i ke O ' Brian, Nat Brown, Rich ov. ning, Scott Shahverdian; Third Row: M att B ucklin Peyton cElyea, Jame Thomp on, Brian H urley, Eric Reinauer.

Front Ro11: Karina Johnson. !arisa Sowles. Anna Sommo, Lindsay Antolino, 1ell Kolden. HillaiyF.a.ster,RenaTaylor, LaurenBuckle;Seco11dR011�CoachDebb1eAitken.MaiyPhelps,

Cristina isson.EmilyArelLE!izabethTurner,ElizabethTurnbull, Wendy Sicard.annika vore, Je tea Mrnty, Kim

iederberger; Back Row:

1egan Hoar. Ellen Whte ides.


The Mules storm the field as one.

Qua t e rb a c k P a t Con ley dominated the team's areial a sault this year.

The d e fe n s i v e l i n e ready t o pounce.

�1:11 11 1: li()j\ll lJ 9 /21 TRINITY COLLEGE

















Record: 4-4


Colby ' s offensive l i ne provided fantastic protection throughout the season.

VARSITY FOOTBALL Colby's 2 0 0 2 footbal l team played each g a m e l ike c h a mp ions . The squad a s a w h o l e won and l ost as a fa m i ly. This feel ing of com raderie guided t h e t e a m to g ive i t s ful l effo rt eve ryday. Lead by c a p ta ins M ike D i Stefano and M ike M o ran, t h e Mules s aw t h e i r fa i r s h a re of suc c e s s . The team started out on the road and did not s e cure t h e i r fi rst win unt i l Wesl eyan c a m e to Waterv i l l e . As the season p rog ressed the t e a m saw m o re and m o re success fini s h ing out t h e sea son with a two g a m e winning streak, including a shut out a g a inst Tufts and a win eve r C B B riva l , B owdoin. The c rowd p rovided a n i m po rt ant fac-

tor in the h o m e g a m e s , c h e e ring the m en on to a 3 - 1 rec o rd at h o m e . M oran's l eaders h i p on t h e f i e l d was de m onstrated by h i s t e a m l eading 6 5 t a ckle s . O t h e r nota bles were qua rterback P a t Conley t h rowing f o r 8 5 4 ya rds and 6 touchdowns , scoring l e ade r Aa ron Stepka w i t h 1 1 touc h ­ downs, wide receiver Lee C a r l son with 4 5 5 receiving yards and B ran­ don I rwin with 4 i nt e rcepti ons . It i s often said t h at i t i s n o t whethe r y o u g et knocked down, i t i s w h e t h e r you get b ack up. T h i s year's footb a l l t e a m c ontinual ly stood b a ck up and push ed for­ ward result ing in a strong fini s h . ( Mo ran)

Front Row: Guito Joseph, Pat Morris, Luke Web ter, Ian MacPherson, Jacob Seilheimer, Pat Conley, Matt Wallerstein, Seann Tulloch, Lee Carlson, Mike DiStefano, Mike Moran, Jason Cunnane Anthony DiSotto, Dan Pari e Kevin Smalley, Matt Mahoney, Don Williams, Matt York, Jeff Owen, Alex Burgess; SecondRow:

Pat Lever Mark Azevedo, Brendan Crighton, Curti Chin, B il l Fallitto Thomas Wilson, Kyle Miller, Brandon Irwin, Jeffery Moyer, Luke Bechtold, ChristopherDuncombe, Robert Lippert, Peter Sherman, Rob Vail, Brian Kittler, Matthew clason, Edward Mezer, Aaron Stepka, Alan Chang; ThirdRow: Michael Fleming Michael Curran, David Civitello, TirnSielschott, John McKee, Michael Callinan, Matthew Lundgren, Jeremy Jarnieson_

James Bradford, Lawrence Dagrosa, C. Patrick Harner,

oah Hoffman, Michael Tomich, Gregory Lynch,

Brandon Binder, Matt McPherson, Conor Sulli an, Jackson Parker, Mike Booras, Stephen Kasperski, Andrew Mato , Tyler Hales; Back Row: Daniel Oliphant, Jonathan Vacca, Bret Sabbag, John Goss As t. Coaches Chri kempton, Ed Mestieri MarkD 'Ambro io.B ill Lund, TomDexter Head Coach Tom Austin, Asst. Coach Mark Godomsky, Manager JeffHalsey, Equirnent Manager Chap Nelson, Video Coordinator Sasha Schroeder John Bateman, Tra is Agustin, Matthew Deloria.



Below: Captain M i ke J a rcho get phy ical with h i s m a n . Center: Brian M itchell boots t h e bal l upfield. Bottom: Capatin Stephanie H icks shows her break away speed.

SOCCER The Colby Women's Socce r Tea m , has a lways been known f o r i t s work ethic and desi re . Coached by Jen Holsten ' 9 0 , Lizzy Rice ' 0 2 , and Ryan G lennon, ' 0 4 , the Mules showed that their l ove for the game could with­ stand any c h a l l enge . This year's of­ fense was lead by Captain C h ristine O ' Donne l l and s e n i o r Lauren Gre me lspacher. With h e r 1 2 goals and 3 assists this season, O ' Donnel l broke Colby's a l l time scoring record . Her 9 5 career points place her ahead of Kim W a l d ron, ' 9 9 . O ' Donne l l ' s speed and h e r abil ity to take t h e bal l t o t h e goal were essential aspects of the Mules offense. Gre melspacher, whom the team re lied on to turn and beat defenders , was second in scor­ ing with 4 goals and 1 assist. Captain Ste p h anie H i cks and senior E m i ly Dattwyler anchored the Mules' de­ fense. Dattwyler's strong defensive instincts were key as she consistently stymied opponents. At sweeper, Hicks p rovided the defense with vision and was looked upon to jump-start the offense . The Mules relied on the speed of midfielder Jul ie B rown to bring the ball up the field and c reate scoring opportunities. In addition, the distri­ bution abil ities of center m idfielder Stacy Thurston, combined with her a b i l ity to p l ay both offense and de­ fense , ensured that Colby m aintained control of the midfiel d . Kate Ligg io doubled as both a center midfielder and a strike r; her abil ity to beat de­ fende rs with her footwork was dis­ p layed time and time again. Despite the record , the Colby Women's Soc­ cer Tea m never gave up. Game after g a m e , p layers displayed heart and pride in the prog ra m . ( H i cks)

The 2 0 0 2 Men' s soccer season was not the most outstanding season record-wise, but it was one filled with h i g h l ig hts that the team wi l l remembe r. T h e fi rst NESCAC win against Bates and an opening record of 3 -0 with no goals scored against was a g reat way to sta rt the season. The team remained undefeated out­ side the conference for the fi rst time in four yea rs . The heart of the team showed most clearly in the l ast game of the season against Tufts University in which the team twice came back from one goal deficits, once with less than a minute to play in regulation, sending the match into ove rtime. The team was lead by captain M ike Jarcho and assistant capta ins Zach Shul l and Jamie Yurek and despite strong re­ turning players, severa l freshmen were forced to quickly make the adjustment to collegiate soccer. The teams unity was strong starting with preseason camp at the Millbrook Schoo l , and rema ined strong a l l the way throug h the senior p rank at the last morning practice. The team received strong support from fans and parents who spent just as much time on the road as the tea m . The men also owed much of their suc­ cess to ath letic tra iner, Bobby-Jo Shekelton, Assistant coach B i l l Coo­ per, and of course Coach Serdj enian and his wife Tina . (Jarcho)

Front Row: R u s e l l Gullette, Bobby Abendioth, Aaron Poplack, Ryan Boccuzzi Matt Danziger- Second Row: Dan Ruiz, As t. Coach B i l l Cooper, Dannie O'Callaghan, B rian Kasarj ian, M ike Jarcho, Chris French J amie Yurek, trainer Bobbi-Jo Shekl eton Coach Mark Serdj enian ; Back Row: B rian Davidson Monty H ankin, Brian Venti, Jamie Lue, B rian M itchell, Zach Shull, Tre or M cW i l l iams, Brian Kel ly, Taylor B emis Andy Danziger.

Front Row: Kathryn Liggio Emily Dattwyler, Stephanie H ick , Christine O'Do n n e l l E l i zabeth Ri l ey , A s h l e y H arri s Stacy Thur ton, Laure n Gremelspacher, Ju he Brown; Second Row: Coach Jen Hai ten, Kara McCabe, L i ndsey Teittinen, Kristin Schmidt Amanda Waish, Aine McCarthy, Chris­ tina Andaya, Marisa Macna ghton, Katie A ustgen, Scarlett S l enker, Coach Li zzy Rice; Back Row: Coach Ryan Glennon, Lora Golann, Cara Pol lard, Kaitlin Herl i hy, Jess fo ter, Caitl i n Krause Kirn Jone , Kel l y DeLong.

ďż˝ 1: 11 11 1: ll ()j\ll l) Men 9/8 9 / 14 9 / 18 9 / 21 9 / 28 10 / 2 10 / 5 10 / 6 10/ 10 10I 12 10/ 19 10 / 23 10 /26 11/ 2

Thomas College Bates College Univ. of N.E . Trinity College

7-0 1-0 4-0 0-4

Middlebury College


Univ. S. Maine

2-1 (OT)

Wesleyan University 0-2 0-5 Williams College UMaine-Farmington 2-0

Amherst College Connecticut College St. Joseph's College B owdoin College

Tufts University

Record: 7-7

1-3 1-3 5-0 0-4 3-2

9/8 9 / 14 9 / 18 9 / 21 9 /28 10/ 3 10 /5 10/ 6 10I 10 10/ 12 10/ 19 10 / 24 10 I 26 11/ 2

Women Husson College Bates College UMaine-Farmington

Trinity College Middlebury College

Univ. S. Maine Wesleyan University Williams College

St. Joseph's College Amherst College Connecticut College Univ. of N.E. Bowdoin College

Tufts University

Record: 5-9

10-0 3-5 3-2 (OT) 0-5 1-4 1-2 (OT) 2-0 0-3 3-0 1-3 1-5 4-2 1-6 0-1


Colby' s 2 0 0 2 F i e ld Hockey team exceeded all expectations a s they earned t h e 5 th seed in the N ESCAC tournam ent and became CBB c h a m p i ons . C o l by started their season with a five g a m e winning stre a k boosting the young tea m ' s confidence . The tea m ' s success was l a rgely due to coaches B renda Beckwith and Ma rcia lng ra h a m ' s des i re for perfection. Captains Jenn B renneman and Lyndsay Peters, a long with the senior leadership of S h e l l ey Hug hes and Carrie Morin provided t h e work e t h i c and m enta l ity for success . B renneman finished second on the team for defensive saves while, Hug hes p rovided the team with incre d i b l e m id-fi e l d

support including the game­ winning g o a l a g a inst Bowdoin. Morin, a first time col legiate goalie, came up with 1 2 9 saves , ranking her a m ong the top N E SCAC goalies. Peters lead the of­ fence in assists while sopho­ more Wendy Bonne r l ead in scores and was nomiated to the Field Hockey All Re­ g ion Tea m and the N ESCAC F i rst Team . The h i g h l ight of the 2002 Colby Field Hockey season was Colby's 4-0 victory over Bowdoin, the fi rst time Colby had b e a ten B owd oin s ince 1 9 8 9 . T h e g a m e re p re­ sented the cul m ination of a long season of hard work, intensity, team together­ ness, and pride which e a rn e d t h e m t h e C B B c h a m p i ons h i p title.

Above: Lyndsay Peters moves the ball down field. Center: I njoo H a n and M ichaelyn Bortolotti clear the ball from Colby ' s territory.

�1:11 11 1:1111;\111 9/10 9 I 14 9 / 19 9 /21 9 /24 9 /28 10/5 10 I 6 10I 12 10/16 10/ 19 10/22 10 /26 11 /2 11 /3

Husson College

Bates College Plymouth St. College

Trinity College UMaine-Farmington Middlebury College Wesleyan University Williams College

Amherst College Univ. S. Maine Connecticut College

St. Joseph's College Bowdoin College

Tufts University NESCAC Champs Qua terfinals

4-1 2-1 1-0 1-0 (OT) 1-0 (OT) 0-2 0-2 0-3 0-1 2-1 (OT) 2-0 4-0 4-0 3-2 1-2 (OT)

Record: 10-5

Front Row: Carolyn Morin, Kimberly Betz, Adrie1me LeCla Jennifer Brenneman, Lynd ay Peters, Shel ley Huges, Lind ; Barada, Meli sa Mullen, Nicole Stadelman; Second Ro Lauren Smith, Michaelyn Bortolotti; Third Row: Emily Tu lnjoo Han, Sari Gi lbert, Brittney Lazar, Amy Cronin, Kn Putnurn, Katherine Gilroy, Stephanie Atwood Kel ly Wei

( Row: J u l i a !diet, Wendy ner Erin Parr, , 1ann S wartz, 1 h Goodrich.

Left: J ustin Ossoli nski bla ts one traight down the fairway. Center: C h ad Saylor rips another mon ter drive.

M att Row: Fro n t A s c h a ffe n b u rg . C h a d S aylor Greg Dupuy, Jake H obart, Chri S urprenant. Jeff Dick on; Back Row: B i l l Yo u n k e r. D a v e Salmon. B i l l H e n on, John Brighenti, Stephen P lana , Ju t i n Osso l i n s k i , L uk e Ferriter.



ďż˝ 1: 11 11 1: 1J (Ji\ll l) 9 / 22 9 / 28 10/2 1 0 /4 10/5 10/6 10/8

5th Place (5 Teams) @ Watervill e CC 8th Place NESCAC Champs (10 Teams) @Middlebury 3rd Place UMaine-Farmington (9 Teams) Invitational Maine State Tournament, 1 0th Place ( 1 2 Teams) Portland 1 st Place C B B Tournament (3 Teams) @Bates 4th Place Colby Classic (5 Teams) @ Waterville CC 5th Place Univ. S . Maine (5 Teams) @Nonesuch Golf Club Sid Farr Invitational

Early in September at a small country club in Waterville, Maine, an eclectic group of young men gathered on the first tee box. They were not there to compete for fame or fortune, rather motivated by a pure love of the game. Just over a month later with a disappointing season coming to a close, Colby sent a fou rsome to the five-man scramble hosted by USM. The tea m did not win or even come close, but for those eighteen holes the four golfers, three of whom were walk-on seniors, played as if the fate of the season hinged on every swing. On the eighteenth tee with victory well beyond their reach, senior captain Jake Hobart stared down the fairway. As the group waited, Coach T. reminded Hobart that this was his last collegiate golf shot. Hobart addressed the ball, paused, and sent a laser down the middle of the fairway, and the fou r set off one last time in search of the perfect golf shot. Looking back on the experience, one of the golfers that day, walk-on senior Luke Ferriter, summed up his experience: " While I of course enjoyed all the golf I was able to play, I was thankful coach took me on the team because I met g reat g uys that I otherwise probably never would have encountered." 49


Col by M e n ' s Ten ni s team started off strongly, going 4 - 1 over spring break i nc l u d i n g a big 4 -3 w i n a g a i nst Carlton Col lege. Although t h e team ended the season with a 6-9 record , they fin ished 8th at the N E SCAC tournament, ahead o f rival Amherst for the fi rst time in recent memory. l nj uries p l a g u ed m u c h of the start i n g l i ne u p as the team often had to play with n u m be rs 1 t h rough

3 of of the l i neup. Senior Co-Capt a i n R i c h Cook p l ayed strong all year a l o n g with Co-Ca ptain John M c M a n i g a l . The Colby Women's team had the best season i n yea rs , ending with a 5th p l a c e f i n i s h at t h e N E SCAC tou r n a m e nt . Much of the team's suc­ cess was due to the strength of B ritt Palmedo a n d Sara H u g hes who earned a trip to N ation­ (McManigal) als.

Fron t Row: Anna Erdh e i m , Paige Hanzl ik , Amanda Stein, A l i ce Henderson; Back Row: Head Coach J u l i e Wiensk i , Bri tt Palmedo, Jenny Grace, Sara H ughes , N i kki Pate l , Christina Pl uta, Ginny Rab o, Caren Harri s , Asst. Coach J i m Begi n .


Front Row: Kevin Yardi, Steen Sehnert; Back Row: Ben Crane, Mar Kassin, Tim Stenovec, John Fallon, John McM anigal, Nate Stone MIA : Rich Cook, Rhett Si lver tein, Matt Morri on.

P a i ge H a n z l i k and C a re n H a rris warm up prior to a match .


J e n ny G race with the

h igh follow through . �-------___...:...,. .._ _ .__ _ _ __,

C o - C ap t a i n J o h n M c M a n i g a l crushing a vol l ey at the net.

� 1: 11 11 1: 1111;\ll lJ Men 9 / 14 3/16 3 / 16 3 /24 3 /25 3 /26 3 / 27 3 / 28 4/2 4/4 4 / 12 4/15 4/16 4 / 20 4 / 25 4 / 29

Amherst College Wesleyan University

Brandieis Taylor Luther Carleton College Savannah College Oerlin Univ. S. Maine Trinity College Tufts University College of New Jersey

Bow doin College Connecticut College NESCAC Tournament Bates College

Record: 6-9

Women 0-7 3-4 1 -6 7-0 5-2 4-3 2-5 6- 1 6-1 2-5 0-7 4-3 0-7 3-4 8th 1 -6

9/21 10/2 10/5 10/6 10/8 10/9 10I12 1 0 I 18 3/9 3/15 3/16 3 /26 3 /27 3 /28 4/9 4/15 4/18

Tufts University Bates College Amherst College

Connecticut College Univ. S. Maine Bowdoin College Middlebury College NEWITT Wesleyan University MIT Brandeis Carleton College Middlebury College Oberlin Bowdoin College College o f New Jersey NESCAC Tournament

Record: 8-7

0-9 7-2 0-9 9-0 9-0 3-6 3-6 1 0th 6-3 7-2 3-6 7-2 3-6 6-3 4-5 8-1 5th 51


This season was a success i n a l l respects. A strong g roup of eight return i ng upperclass­ men combined with six fresh­ men formed one of the most athletic and wel l balanced vol­ leybal I teams in the h istory of the p rogra m . At the open­ i n g N E SCAC wee k e n d the team defeated H a m i lton, M i d d l e b u ry a n d W i l l i a m s , head i n g i nto the season with a 3 -0 start. The team f i n a l ly finished with a 2 3 - 1 0 record , thoug h n i ne of those losses were to top ran ked teams i n N e w E n g l a n d . Th i s y e a r ' s schedu le w a s the most com­ petitive sched u l e to date and worked to the tea m ' s advan­ tage. The team was ra n ked 8th in New E n g l a nd out of more than 60 schools a n d fi n ished second out o f e l even teams i n the N E SCACs , as wel l as being the only team to beat the top seeded Will­ i a m s . I n addition, they were a b l e to defend their title as the State of M a i n e I n te rcolle­ g i ate Champions with a con­ vi n c i ng w i n over the U niver­ sity of New E n g l a n d , a match in which all 1 4 p layers had g reat games. Three p layers were selected to the All State F i rst Tea m : Alyssa Hen l ey ' 0 4 , Kimberly Prescott ' 04 a n d Caitl i n C leaver ' 0 6 . I n add ition , three different play­ e rs were recognize d for their outsta n d i n g play d u ri ng the

State of Maine tournament and selected to the All Tou r­ nament team: Laurel Burnham ' 0 3 , Abbey Ste l l a ' 04 a n d Jennifer Radcliffe ' 0 6 . T h e t e a m also rec ieved sig­ n ificant conference honors as wel l . F i rst yea r player, Cait l i n Cleaver was not only named Rookie of the Year for the State of Maine but even more i m p ress i n g ly, she was n amed the NESCAC Rookie of the Year; this is the fi rst time Colby has ever had a conference rookie of the year. Cleaver and j u n ior, Kimberly Prescott , we re both honored this yea r as a confe rence Player of the Week and voted to the All N ESCAC Second ( Bu rnh a m ) Te a m .

Sl:OHl:HOJ.\HI 9 / 10 9/13 9 / 14 9/14 9 / 14 9/18 9 /20 9/21 9 /21 9/25 9 /27 9/27 9/28 9/28 10/2 10/5 10/5 10/5 10I1 1 10/12 10/12 1 0 / 18 10/ 18 1 0 / 19 1 0 / 19 10/25 10 /25 10 /26 10 /26 10/30 1 1 /2 ships

St. Joseph's College Suffolk UMaine-Machias Gordon Unity Bates College

Hamilton Williams College Middlebury College Bowdoin College Brandeis Babson Coast Gaurd St. Joseph's College l.nv1aine-Farmington Springfield Williams College Colby-Sawyer Wesleyan University Connecticut College Trinity College Bowdoin College Bates College Amherst College Tufts University

Wheaton Amherst College Smith Williams College Univ. S. Maine

3-0 3-0 3-0 0-3 3-0 0-3 3-1 3-0 3-2 3-0 3-0 3-2 1-3 3-0 3-0 0-3 0-3 3-0 3-2 3-0 2-3 3-0 3-0 3-1 0-3 3-0 0-3 3-2 1-3 3-0

State of Maine Champion-

3-0 vs. Univ. S. Maine 3-0 vs. Univ. of NE (Title) 1 1 /8 NESCAC Championships Quaterfinals vs Williams 2-3

Record: 23-10

C a i t l i n C leaver spikes one home with Johanna Schroeder looking on. Laurel Burnham set and ready to pounce.

K i m b e r l y P rescott and A bbey Stella work in uni­

son to create the block.

Dan Egan l ets one rip.

MEN'S VOLLEYBALL 2 0 0 3 was a reb u i l d i n g yea r for the m e n ' s vollyb a l l c l u b . With t h e l oss of 6 of t h e i r 7 sta rt e rs , a n d o n l y 2 ret u r n i n g s e n i o rs , expectations were n ot h i g h . T h e t e a m however, q u i c kl y bonded new p l ayers with old, and c o m pleted t h e seaso n better than ex­ pecte d . S e l f-coached and org a n i ze d , t h e m e n ' s t e a m h a d a fu n f i l l e d season o n a n d off t h e c o u rt . ( Pl ac e )

n t Row: Laurel B urnham E m i ly Parent, Alyssa Henley; Second Row: Melanie vton, K imberly Prescott, Vanessa Arnbatielos Jennifer Radcl iffe Mary H i l l , "'an Devlin; Back Row: Asst. Coach A n n e Tricomi, Johanna Schroeder, ·iah Daily, L i z Wyckoff, Cait C lea er, K a it l i n Adams, Abbey Ste l l a, Head ch Candice Parent.

Fron t Row: Steve Beaty, Park Ridill, Dan Egan; Back Row: Skyler Place, Josh C hri tie, Andy Ra er, (Nick Rohs)



BASKE TBALL T h e C o l by W o m e n ' s B as­ ketba l l t e a m fi n i s h e d t h e 2 00 2 - 2 0 0 3 season with i t s most s u c cessfu l s h o w i n g s i n c e t h e i nc e p t i o n o f t h e progra m . F o r the fi rst t i m e i n its h i st o ry t h e t e a m w a s ra n k e d i n the top 2 5 t e a m s i n t h e c o u n t ry , a n d was also i n t h e top-ten i n New En­ g l a n d fo r most of t h e sea­ son. Facing t o u g h compe­ t i t i o n from some o f the best teams i n t h e cou ntry, the W h i te M u l es went 1 8- 7 this ye a r with s i g n i fi c a nt contri­ b u t i o n s from everyone o n t h e roster. With a n ex­ t re m e ly you n g t e a m con­ s i s t i n g of fou r f i rst-ye a rs , o n e s o p h o m ore, t w o j u n­ i ors a n d fou r sen i o rs , C W B s u rpassed a l l expecta t i o n s f r o m a ro u n d New E n g l a n d and become a dominant force i n t h e co nference a n d C o l by w a s t h e reg i o n . ra n ke d i n the t o p two i n t h e N E SCAC t h ro u g h o u t t h e s e a s o n t h a n ks to t h e lead­ e r s h i p o f s e n i o rs O r e a C h ri stine Deangelo, O ' Do n n e l l ,

a n d Sarah W a l s h . ( Wa l s h ) The 2 0 0 2 - 2 00 3 M e n ' s Bas­ k e t b a l l T e a rn h a d an up a n d d own s e a s o n , f i n i s h i n g 61 6 but having seve ral big w i n s , beati n g B ates twi c e a n d B o wd o i n o n c e i n a double overtime thri l l e r that helped t h e m c a p t u re the C B B c rown . They were led by capta i ns Nick Lou kes, M att Forl i z z i a n d by the e x ce l l e n t play o f s e n i o r Kevi n Crossm a n w h o h a d m a ny b i g g a m e s f o r the i ne xperie nced mules. Los­ i ng o n ly one pl ayer to g radu­ ation, the m u les wi l l be re­ lyi ng o n t h is yea r ' s sta rs J a red McGowan , Pat Michael Cushman, Westbrooks a s w e l l a s oth­ e rs in h opes of c o m p l e t i n g a s u ccessfu l N E SCAC title ru n . Seve ral of t h e tea m ' s key l osses i n l e a g u e play were by fewer t h a n fou r p o i n t s , a p ro b l e m t h a t c o m e s w i t h a n i ne x p e r i ­ e n c e d tea m . ( Lo u k es )

B i a nca B e l c h e r

Above: Sarah Walsh on yet another break away. Right: The defense was helpless all season against A n d rea DeA ngelo. Above: Kevin Crossman with that look of determination that could always bring the mules to victory.

ďż˝ c: Cl It 1: II Cl J\ It IJ Men

1 1 / 22 1 1 /23 1 1 /26 12/5 1 /2 1 /3 1 /7 1 /9 1 /11 1 / 14 1 / 15 1 / 17 1 /18 1 /24 1 /25 1 /28 1 /3 1 2/1 2/7 2/8 2/12 2/15

1 1 /22 50-67 1 1 /23 1 03-90 1 1 /26 Bab son College 60-74 12/5 Colby-Sawyer 53-74 12/7 Cal. State Monterey 57-73 Dominican 44-65 12 /29 1 2 /30 Univ. S. Maine 66-69 1/7 UMaine-Farmington 80-76 1 /9 63-55 Bates College 95-91 (2 OT) 1 / 1 2 Bowdoin College 1 /14 Maine Maritime Acadamy68-73 (OT) 1/17 Amherst College 62-92 1 /18 69-71 Trinity College Wesleyan University 59-61 1 /24 1 / 25 Connecticut College 59-57 Lasell College 1 /28 69-78 1 / 31 67-86 Middlebury College 44-87 2/ 1 Williams College Bates College 68-64 2/ 4 Tufts University 71 -89 2/7 2/8 Univ. of Maine-Machias 63-79 Bowdoin College 61 -86 2/ 12 2/ 15 2/18 2122

Husson Univ. S. Maine

Women Roger Williams Plymouth State G ordon College Pine Manor Emmanuel

Elmira Salem State Univ. S. Maine

Bates College Thomas College Bowdoin College Amherst College Amherst College Wesleyan University Connecticut College St. Joseph's College Middlebury College Williams College

UMaine-Farmington Bates College Tufts University UMaine-Machias Bowdoin College

Newbury College Williams College

81 -39 1 05-97 (OT) 74-33 86-55 74-63 82-62 54-55 66-67 62-49 71 /44 66-76 67-63 63-67 62-72 72-34 55-34 77-60 65-58 57-56 59-73 73-50 9 1 -46 50-60 68-47 56-59

(NESCAC Quarterfinals)

Record: 6-16

Record: 18-7


tears down the slopes. Ri g h t : N oa h Siebeck­ S m i t h , and K ri s t i a n K n ights share a tender moment off the slopes. Female Alpine racer Mel ina Markos, Nicole Wessen, Jenny Lathrop, Jen Santini, Caro l ine Riss, and Caitlin Healey.

� 1: II II 1: Ii II i\ II IJ ' 1 / 18 1 / 19 1 /24 1 /25 1 / 31 2/1 2/7 2/8 2 / 14 2/15 2 / 21 2 / 22 3/5

Alpine Women Men S t . Lawrence Carnival; Ottawa, Ontario Day One: Slalom & Free 3rd ( 1 1 Teams) 4th (10 Teams) Day Two: Slalom & Pursuit 2nd ( 1 1 Teams) 7th (9 Teams) New Hampshire Carnival; North Conway, NH Day One: Giant Slalom DNF 4th (10 Teams) 6th Day Two: Slalom & Classic 5th University of Vermont C arnival; Stowe, VT Day One: Giant Slalom & Classic 3rd 3rd Day Two Dartmouth College Carnival; Hanover, NH 6th 6th Day One: Giant Slalom & Free 4th 2nd Day Two: Slalom & Classic Williams College Carnival; Prospect, VT 6th 2nd Day One: Giant Slalom & Free 4th 6th Day Two: Giant Slalom & Relay Eastern Championships/Middlebury Carnival; Middlebury, VT 4th 3rd Day One: Slalom & Free 6th Day Two: Giant Slalom & Classic 3rd NCAA Championships; Hanover, N H 5th 6th Day One: Giant Slalom 1 1 th 4th Day Two: Slalom

Nordic Women 9th (SK) 9th (SK)

9th (lSK 9th (lOK 8th (SK) 9th (15K 9th ( l OK 9th 9th (SK) 8th (15K

Both the men's and women's alpine ski teams had bre a kthrough seasons in 2 00 3 . The men's team was looking t o build on i mprovements from last yea r with the addi­ tion of Charlie Reed ' 0 6 to the a l ready strong roster of Robert Saunders ' O S , W a rner N ickerson ' O S , Kristian Knights '04, Captai n Noah Siebeck-Smith ' 0 3 , Tyle r Rowe '04 and Tom Richardson ' 0 3 . Saunders , Reed and Nicke rson a l l q ualified for the N CAA champi­ onships, and for the first time Colby sent a fu ll team of three to the N CAA's. Saunders placed eighth i n the GS, e a rning himself a n Al l-Ame rican spot. The women's team picked up more depth this season with the addition of twin sisters Abbi and Jenny Lathrop ' 0 6 , Melina M arkos ' 0 6 , Caitli n Healey ' 0 6 , and Katie Lucas ' 0 6 to l a s t year's roster of N icole Wessen ' O S , Captain J e n Santini ' 0 3 , Lydia D u rant ' O S , a n d Caroline Riss ' 0 3 . Behind t h e consistent top three fi nishes of the Lathrop twins, the women usually placed i n the top 4 . The highlight of the season was Jenny Lath rop's stre a k of slalom victories i n which she won five of the six regu l a r season races. Both twi ns q u alified for the N CAA championships and both were All- Americans in the salom and GS. ( Siebeck-Smith)

This yea r was one of the better winters for snow in recent m emory and the N ordic ski team benefited from the conditions. The women's team added some new faces to an experienced core of skiers . Ann a C a rvi ll and Kim Neiderberg e r provided sol id senior lead­ e rship. Both had very s uccessfu l seasons with Anna scoring 2 top 30 fi nishes including a 2 7 th at the Dartmouth carnival . K i m re­ turned from a yea r a broad to ski better than ever before . Kate D u rd a 'OS and Sarah Getchell ' 0 4 both retu rned, bri nging valuable carnival experience to the tea m . H i l l a ry Easter ' 0 6 , Nell Kolden ' 0 6 , and Alex Jospe '06 joined the team becoming i m m ed i ate assets. Easter was consistently one of the team's top three s kiers and had 2 top 3 0 finishes. Another new face, M arisa Sowles '06 consistently p laced i n the top three for the team and scored a 3 0th place fi nish at M iddlebury to score N CAA points. The men's Nordic team lacked senior leader­ ship but benefited from having n ine skiers of very comparable abil ity and was lead by three juniors . E ric Fitz '04, the top fi nisher for the m ajority of the season , was forced to miss the Williams and M iddelbu ry carnivals after contracting mononucleosis. At these carnivals, Colin Witheri l l '04, and Kris Dobie ' 0 6 , stepped up and took the lead for the men's' tea m . Adam St. Pi e rre '04, Evan Allen'O S , Aaron Blazar ' O S , a n d C a ry Fridrich ' O S , also skied wel l for the M u les. The team also benefited from the acquisition of t ra ns­ fer Russ Spitler ' O S , and Ezra Dore-Hark ' 0 6 . ( St. Pierre)

Front Row: Mari s a Sowles, Kirn Niederberger Nell Kolden Hillary Easter, Head Coach Tracey Cotes; Second Row: Evan A l len, Cary Fridrich, Kate Durda Exra Dore-Hark Adam St. Pierre, Anna Carvill, Asst. Coach Patrick Cote, Russ Spitter, Kris Dobie Aaron B la zar; B ack Row : C o l i n Witheri J I .

Front Row : Charlie Reed, Abbi Lathrop, icole We en. Katie L ucas, Me l i n a Markos, Jenny L athrop, W a rn e r ickerson; B ack row : Noah Siebeck-Smith, Jen Santi n i , Rob Saunders, Tyler Rowe C arol ine R i ss, Tom R i chardson Kri tian Knight 57


h ( l OK) h (SK)

th (20K) th ( l OK)

th ( l OK) h (20K) h (lOK)

th h (lOK) h (20K)


VARS11Y HOCKEY The Colby m e n ' s hockey team fin­ ished the season ran ked 1 1 th i n the country with a n 1 8-6-2 record . The M u les made the New England Small Col lege Athletic Confere nce semifi­ n a ls for the second strai g ht year, but l ost an ove rtime heartbreaker to eventual N ESCAC champion, the Tri nity Bantams. Sophomore forward Nick B ayley finished the reg u l a r sea­ son as the leading scorer i n the N ESCAC a n d e a rned fi rst team a l l­ conference honors . He finished the season with 1 7 goals a n d 22 assists for a total of 3 9 poi nts . Bayley had 2 goals a n d added 2 assists wh i l e playing i n a l l k e y defensive s itua­ tions. Fi nal ly, i n what has become i n herent i n the strong Colby Hockey trad ition , the team and seniors in particul ar, recog n ize that much of their s uccess this season could not have happened without the su pport of pare nts, fans, and the dedication of coaches a n d of players to each

other. ( Ba rto n ) Colby Women's I c e Hockey e nded their NESCAC season 6-9- 1 and 9 1 4- 1 overa l l . T h e t e a m picked up their play at the end of the season taking nationally ra nked Middlebury i nto OT j ust a week before u psetting #4 H a m i lton , who the White M u les had previously lost to twice, i n the first round of NESCAC playoffs. Col by was eventua l ly e l i m i nated by riva l Bowdoin i n the Sem i-fi nals. Con­ g ratul ations to J. You n g , N ESCAC pl ayer of the week, Sweeney and Devito for making the 2nd team a l l N E SCAC a n d Putnam f o r m a k i n g NESCAC wi nter all-academic tea m . S e n i o rs J i l l Yo u n g , La u re n Gremelspacher and Merri l l H awki ns will be missed by allplayers. ( Hawkins)

Front Row: J a y Goebel, Brian Chisholm, Asst. Coach Jody Edit, Head Coach Jim Tortore l la, Sean O'Grady, Brock Barton, Evan Keams, Asst. Coach Tony LaPlante, Nate Stanglein, Jean Francois Auffrey; Second Row: Matt Kasberg, Nick Meinte l , J . D . Hadiaris, Patrick Walsh Kevin Lyons, Eric Molander Joel Morash, Nick Bayley, Chris Ries, Ken Pitter, Cory Ernst; Back Row: Tim Weston, Judd Moldaver, Jake Bayley, Ryan O ' F lanagan, Patrick Slipp, Ross MacMil lian, Jared Gordon Barry Brown, Adam Carl on, Todd O'Hara, Rodney Ferland.

d���� f� :�o�r:;e�is : Working together, �;�moves �:� ung the puck into the zone yBottom o Mallon



<!I M o rash

boxe out i n front of tbe goa l .

Front Rov. : Lynn Hasday, Kristin Pu tnam, Ka te Sweeney, Christina Dotchin, Lauren Gremelspacher Jill Young, Merrill Hawkins Michele Bannash, Sarah Webster; Second Row: Heather Devito, Lynday Barada, Caitlin Leahy, Megan Barringer, Mallory Young, Jacqueline Rolleri, Gillian Butsch, Sarah Goodrich, Sasha Schroeder, Anna Morro, Jennifer Anderson, Johana Black; Back Row: Bobby Jo Shekelton, Asst. Coach Danilo Arcenas, Head Coach Jennifer Holston, Manager Ryan Glennon.

�1:11111:1J()i\ltlJ Men 1 1 / 22 1 1 /23 1 1 /30 12/ 1 12/3 12/6 12/7 1 /4 1 /10 1 /1 1 1 /17 1 /18 1 /2 1 1 /24 1 /25 1 /3 1 2/1 2/7 2/8 2/ 1 1 2/ 14 2 / 15 2/21 2 / 22 3/1 3/8

New Eng. College St. Anselm Curry U.S. N at'l U18 Team

Bowdoin Massachusetts College Skidmore College Univ. S. Maine Babson UMass-Boston Middleb ury Williams College Plattsburgh State

Connecticut College Tufts University Wesleyan University Trinity College

S t . Michael's College Norwich Bowdoin College Salem State Univ. S. Maine

Hamilton College Amherst College Amherst College

NESCAC Quarterfinals Trinity NESCAC Semifinals

Record: 18-6-2

Women 7-6 (OT) 7-0 7-3 5-5 (OT) 3-5 4-1 3-1 1 0-0 4- 1 8-0 1 -5 5-4 3-5 4-2 3-3 7-0 3-1 8-3 2-6 4-1 5-2 8-0 1 -8 5-0 1 1 -0

1 1 / 22 1 1 / 23 1 1 / 26 1 1 /30 12/l 12/6 12/7 1 /5 1 /7 1 /1 1 1 / 12 1 / 17 1 /18 1 / 24 1 /25 1 / 29 2/1 2/2 2 / 12 2 / 14 2 / 15 2/21 2 / 22 3/1 3/8

2-3 (OT)

Trinity Wesleyan

Univ. S. Maine Utica Elmira Amherst Hamilton John Abbott (Exhibition) Univ. S. Maine

Wesleyan Trinity Middlebury College Williams College Plattsburgh State Plattsburgh State Bowdoin College

Connecticut College Connecticut College Bowdoin College Hamilton College Amherst Williams Middleb ury

Hamilton College NESCAC Quarterfinals Bowdoin College NESCAC Semifinals

Record: 9-15-1

4-1 3-1 2-6 4-3 (OT) 1 -5 5-3 4-6 4-7 4-1 3-2 4-4 1 -9 1 -3 1 -4 1 -4 2-10 3-2 4-3 0-6 3-6 0-2 0-4 2-3 (OT) 5-3 0-5

Right: A m i t Gaind goes all out to make the hot. Below: On the court, Kate G i n ty is always too focu ed on the court to notice the media.

The numerous hours spent practicing by J i l l Geissler, set t h e stan­ dard for dedication. C h ri s Reige l u t h , with his



excellent head speed, strokes the bal l very hard.

The Colby Women finished with a final ranking of 1 1 th in the country, which is the highest that the team has been ranked i n the history of Colby Women's Squash. During the Howe Cup, t h e n a t i o n a l s of c o l l e g i ate women's squash, the Colby Women beat Cornell, the team's first ivy victory since 1 9 9 7 and ral l ied to upset Amherst, who the team had previously lost to twice during the regular sea­ son . Led by senior co-captains Heather Finn and Kate Ginty the team's accomplishments were the result of hard work and dedication from all players on the team. The team wil l g raduate four seniors b u t has finished with a historic ranking. (Ginty) The 2 002-2003 Men's season , despite being plagued b y i n­ j u ry, the men's team had many highlights of which to be proud . F re s h m a n s e n s a t i o n s S a m Weeks, Todd Basnight, Ted

McDermot, and Amit Gaind a l l had huge wins for the Mu les, his sea­ son provid i ng their fair share of support. Steve Jones and Alden McWilliams, demonstrated i mpres­ sive skills at the #2 and #3 spots, and they played major roles in anchoring the team this year. The g reatest assets however were the s e n i o rs . R o b B u rt o n , C h r i s Reigeluth, and Rahul Singh have started for the Mules since the 1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 0 season when the team finished 1 1 th i n the country, and they had a significant impact on the teams success this year i n getting t o the National Champi­ onship match of Division Il l . Senior Tom Mace has made huge im­ provements since he began play­ ing during his junior year and se­ cured a starting spot on the team during his senior campaign. De­ spite batt l i n g many oppos i n g forces, t h e 2 003 season was a huge success and wil l be with continued support of the pro­ g ram. ( Reigeluth)


Front Row: A l ex L ibby, Emilie S l a ck , Rachel L uskin, Maura M yers, Virginia Raho; Back Row: Coach Sakhi Khan, Morgan Pratt, J il l Geissl er, Cate Young, Nikki Pate l , Jen B a rrett Kate G in ty, H eather Finn, J u l ia Benedict, Asst. Coach Julie Weinski

Front Row: Trevor M cWilliams, Sam Weeks, Todd Basnight, Ted M cDermott, Amit Gaind; Back Row: Coach Sakhi Khan, R ah u l S ingh, Chris Reigel uth, Rob Burton, Tom M a ce , Asst. Coach J u l ie Weinski.

ďż˝ 1: (J ll 1: Ii (J J\ ll I> Women

Men 1 1 / 22 11 / 25 12/7 1I11 1/11 1 /18 1 / 22 1 / 24 1 / 25 1 / 25 1 I 25 1 / 26 1 / 26 2/2 2/2 2/ 5 2/11 2/11

MIT Bowdoin College

Amherst College Denison Williams College Wesleyan University Bates College Franklin & Marshall Yale University Navy Stanford Cal-Berkeley Princeton University Brown University Dartmouth University Bowdoin College Bates College Bates College

Record: 3-14

4-5 0-9 0-9 4-5 0-9 8-1 2-7 3-6 0-9 0-9 9-0 8-1 1 -8 0-9 1 -8 0-9 0-9 3-6

1 1 / 25 12/7 12/7 12/7 1/11 1I11 1 / 12 1 / 12 1 /18 1 / 18 1 I19 1 / 19 1 / 22 2/2 2/2 2/5 2/11 2 / 14 2 / 15 2/16

Bowdoin College

St. Lawrence WiUiam Smith Middlebury College Mt. Holyoke Amherst College Smith Williams College Middlebury College Wesleyan University Amherst College Vasser Bates College

Brown University Dartmouth College Bowdoin College Bates College Howe Cup vs Cornell Howe Cup vs Bowdoin Howe Cup v s Amherst

Record: 9-11

1 -8 5-4 7-2 3-6 6-3 3-6 9-0 0-9 6-3 9-0 3-6 5-4 3-6 1 -8 1 -8 3-6 3-6 5-4 3-6 5-4

VARSIIT The Colby Men's Swimming and Diving team had a n exciting 2 00 2 - 0 3 campaign. The team concluded the season with a 6 - 6 record and despite being hampered by inj u ries, the M u l es finished a strong ninth at the NESCAC Championship meet within fifty points of Bowdoin. Without Jonathan Eck and Nick Walendziak swimming at the NESCAC meet the rest of the team came through w i t h m a n y i m p re s s i v e swims to stay competitive throughout the event. All year long, the men showed their fans and opponents that they should " Expect Big Things . " Meet after meet, the Mule swimmers displayed the tenacity that defines champions and esRyan t a b l i s h es los e rs . Con nell, Albert Goodman, Clay Smith and Eck were t h e fou r-year swi mmers leading the team. Their g raduation wil l leave the team with significant gaps to fil l . Arg uably the high point of the seniors' season was a stun ning u pset victory over rival Bates. A true team effort helped the M ules be victorious i n conThis v i n c i n g fa s h i o n . it like memory and others wi ll be forever etched i n the minds of these ath letes as the most rewarding moments of college

G swimming. For the Men's Colby Swimmin g and Div­ ing Team , " moisture is the essence of wetness & wet­ ness is the essence of beauty. " ( Eck) The Colby Women's Swim Team finished the 20022003 season with a win­ ning dual meet record of S losses and 7 wins. The team finished 7th at the N E SCAC c h a m p i o n s h i p meet after a three day battle with rivals Tufts and Bates. Sophomore stand­ out Laura Miller placed 6th at NCAAs in the 1 00-yard butterfly earning All Ameri­ can status. Colby had sev­ eral relays in the top five at the NESCAC championship meet as well as several top-eight finalists includ­ ing Carolyn Plant '04, Mindy Williams ' 0 3 , Kristan Jiggetts '04, Melissa Plante ' O S , and Laura Miller ' O S . Colby Women's Swimming had an extremely united and hard-working team this year, whose dedication paid off as the team thrived. With zero divers, the team was at a constant disad­ vantage in terms of points scored, but the mules still raced hard all season long not allowing their lack of divers to hold them back. The Women's team cer­ tainly stepped out of the box this year to give. (Wil­ I iams)

Above: M i n d y W i l l i a m s stroke down the pool; Right: Jon Eck led the Colby team to many victorie .

Rya n C o n nell di es up and out in the breast stroke

S 1: 0 H 1: II 0 J.\ H IJ Women 11 / 23 12/7 12/31 12/31 1 I5 1 /11 1 / 12 1 / 17 1 / 25 2/1 2/1 2I8 2 /23

Coast G uard M IT

99-1 24 1 35-157 1 6 1 -43 150-55 89- 1 1 1

Centre College Loras College Amherst College Middlebury College98- 1 75 33-0 Norwich Vassar College Bates College Trinity College Wesleyan College

1 60-121 141 -153 1 80- 1 1 4 1 91 - 1 03 1 75-1 00

Bowdoin College Women's NESCAC 7th Place Championships 2 / 28 Men's NESCAC Championships

Men 81-150 98-161 147-53 128-75 89-1 02 1 12-165 1 79-70 148-122 1 65-123 1 83-96 139-149 143- 150

Clay Smith gasping

for a ir races o n .

9th Place



The 2003 men's indoor track and field team had a strong season marked by i ndividual accompl ish­ ments. Ryan Hollett broke the sophomore record for the 5 5m Dash, and sopho­ more Xavier Garcia cap­ tured the school record in the 400m. Hollett, Garcia, and co-captain Lee Rankin, who throws the 3 5 lb weight, received All-New England honors. Garcia fin­ ished his season at nation­ als at DePauw University with All-American honors in the 400m. Despite the team's small numbers, they still placed sixth at the New England Division Ill Champi­ onship meet. The team's h i g h p l a c i n g in season meets were due to the weekly outstanding perfor­ m a nce by senior M att Riportella-Crose and Josh

Hinojosa in the long and triple jumps, Reed Sibley in the jumps and hurdles, Pawel Brodalka in the ZOOm, and R i c h Down i n g , Peyt o n McElyea, and senior Steve Creighton in the mid-distance distance events. Co-cap­ tains Justin Ossolinski, Lee Rankin, and Justin Sukiennik along with seniors Justin Stempeck, Ben Pearce, Matt Riportella-Crose, and Steve Creighton added the neces­ sary experience to make this season so successful for the individuals on the team. The improvements achieved this year will strengthen the team in future years. (Sukiennik) Colby Women's Track and Field enjoyed two of their most successful seasons in recent memory in 20022003. At the New England Division Ill Indoor Champion­ ships, Colby finished a strong

third behind only Williams and Tufts. Karima Ummah '04 captured first place in both the high and triple jumps while Connie Beal '03 took second place in the weight throw and third place in the shot put. The Mules continued their suc­ cess at the New England Wome n ' s I ndoor Track Championships at Smith College, comprised of the top athletes from Divisions I, II, and Ill. Placing 1 3th in a field of 2 7 scoring teams, Karima Ummah, Connie Beal, Elizabeth Frederick '03, and Karina Johnson '05 all earned points for Colby. At the Eastern Col­ lege Athletic Conference Championship, Colby ath­ letes had an amazing day and finished second out of 5 1 scoring teams behind only Wheaton.

s c: O H l: liOJ.\IUJ : I N IJ O O H Women

Men Bowdoin Meet Bowdoin Univ. Laval Invitational Tufts Invitational Maine State Meet @ Univ. S. Maine 2/21 NE Div III Champs @ MIT 2/28 Open NE Champs @ Boston University ECAC Champs 3/7 @ Tufts University 3 / 14 NCAA Champs @ Depauw University 1 / 18 1 /25 2/1 2/8 2 / 14

2nd (4 Teams) 2nd (3 Teams) 2nd (4 Teams) 4th (13 Teams) 3rd (4 Teams) 7th (19 Teams) 20th (31 Teams) 39th (44 Teams) 8th 400m (Garcia)

Southern Maine Meet Bowdoin Univ. Laval Invitational Maine State Meet @ Bates College 2/14 Tufts Stampede 2/21 NE Div III Champs @Bowdoin College 2/28 Open NE Champs @ Smith College 3/7 ECAC Champs @ Tufts University 3 / 14 NCAA Champs @ Depauw University 1 / 18 1 /25 2/1 2/7

1st (5 Teams) 92.5-74.5 2nd (4 Teams) 2nd (4 Teams) DNF 3rd (23 Teams) 13th (27 Teams) 2nd (51 Teams) 3rd Tripple Jurr & 2nd High Jun (Ummah); 5th Shot (Beal)

J ustin S u ki e n n i k drafts

behind the competition.

X a v i e r G a r c i a


mt Row: P1wel Brodalka Reed Sibley Matt Riportel l a Crose, tin Stempeck, Steve Creighton , Justin Sukiennik, Lee Rankin, tin Os o linski Brian H urley, B e n Pearce, Xavier Garcia, Ryan l lett, Josh M ontague; B ack Row : Coach Jim We cott, Coach B i l l oper, Coach Dick Whatley, J o h H in oj osa, Kyung Ko, Keegan Jaugh, Peyton McElyea, Ja un Fo ter, David Civitello, Brett Sabbag, :h Downing, Nick Oxenhom, Coach Dan Camann, Coach B i l l 1 d , Coach Debbi e A itken.

pu 1 1 i ng away with the win in the 4 0 0 m (be1ow).

Front Row: Becky E v a n s , Shannon Corl iss. E l l e n W i t e s i d e s , CarolineMinkoff, Karima Ummah, Stephaine Pierce, E m i l i e Loulson, Liz Turner, Maggie Johnson, Kara McCabe, Connie Beal, Jess M inty· Back Row: Coaches B i l l L und, Dick Whatley, and Dan Camann, Miruna Sa uolark, Anna Shum karina Johnson, Torrey Kulow Lauren B uckel, Katie Ghelli. Sarah Lindeke-Wolff, Theresa Leyro, Liz Frederick Mel­ issa Poulin. Meredith M i l len, Lyndsay Antolino, ora Gouge, Meridith B lascovich, Coaches Jim Wescott, B i l l Cooper and Deb Aitken .


Beating Williams for the first time in at least four years, the Mules had a first place finisher in 5 out of the 6 field events. Karima Ummah captured the high and triples jumps, Connie Beal won the weight throw and shot put, and Elizabeth Frederick won the pole vault. Also placing well for the Mules was the 4x800 relay t e a m c o m p r i s e d of E l l e n Whitesides '03 , Meredith Millen '03, Becky Evans '04, and Jess Minty '06, in third, and Shannon Corliss '03 with a fourth in the pentathlon. To finish the indoor season , U m m a h , B e a l , a n d Frederick traveled to DePauw University for the NCAA Division Ill National Championship. Ummah became a two-time All-Ameri­ can with a second place finish in high jump and a third place finish in the triple jump. Beal added another All-American honor with her fifth place heave in the shot put. Continuing the momentum from the indoor season, finishing third behind Williams and Tufts at the NESCAC outdoor champi­ onships. Ummah picked wins in the high jump, long jump, and triple jump, Beal captured the javelin throw, and Frederick won the ole vault. Ummah also

placed second in the 1 00 high hurdles, and fourth in the 2 00 meter dash while Beal also placed znd in the hammer throw. At the NE Division Ill Out­ door Championships, Colby improved, fin­ ishing second behind onlyWilliams. Ummah again did her part, wi n n i ng the h i g h , triple, and long jumps and adding a second i n t h e 1 00 h i g h hurdles. Beal won the discus and placed third in the shot put while Frederick placed second in the pole vault. Karina Johnson added a third place finish in the 1 0,000 meter run and Emilie Coulson '06 captured second in the high jump. (Corliss)


� 1: 11 11 1: 1J()j\ll lJ : 3/24 4/29 4/12 4/29 4/22

Men Claremont Challenge La Verne Classic Bates College and Univ. S . Maine Maine State Meet

Bates and Bowdoin Colleges and Univ S. Maine @ Bates College 4/26 NESCAC Championships @ Williams College 5 / 3 N E Division III Championships @ Bates College Open NE Championships 5/9 @ University of New Hampshire 5/22 NCAA Championships @ St. Lawrence University

Top : J a s o n F o s t e r s p i n s the h a m m er. Above: S h a n n o n Corliss leaping the hurdles.

3rd Place (3 Teams) No Scoring Team 2nd Place (3 Teams) 3rd Place (4 Teams) No Scoring Team 5th Place ( 1 1 Teams) 9th Place (23 Teams) 35th (38 Tearns)


.. ..... . ._-. �-

Front Row: Reed Sibley. Kev i n Smalley , M a tt M a h o n e y G u ito J o s e p h , S t e e C re i gh to n , J u s t i n S te m p e c k , J u st i n 0 solinski, L ee Rankin, Justin Sukiennik Ben Pearce, Brad Booth, B rian H urley, M att Riporte l l a-Cro e, X av i er Garcia; Back Ro•I': Coaches Jim Wescott, Dick Whatley, and Deb Aitken, Josh hi noj osa, oah Hoffman. Ste e Dj ordj e ich, Brett Sabbag, David Civitello, Peyton McE l yea, M i k e W a l h J a s o n F o ter, Keegan Albaugh Kyung Ko. Ja on Chew, M att Delauria, Ryan Hollett, Jo h M ontague, Coaches Dan Camann, B i l l Cooper and B i l l L und.

Front Row: Anna Shum, Karina Johnson, Kate Gurfein, ora Gouge, H i llary Eas­ ter, Amanda Walsh, Katie Ghel l i , L i z F rederick i c o l e Wesson, M ered i t h M i llen, Lauren B uckel, Torrey Kulow , Katie S lemp, Meridith Blasco vi ch M iruna Sasuclark; Back Row: Coaches B i l l Coo­ per and Dick Whatley, Je s M inty, L ind­ say Anto l i no, Megan Hoar, Kel l y DeLong, E l l e n W h i t e s i de s , S ha n n o n C o r l i s s , Caro l i n e M in k o f f , Steph a n i e P i erce, Ka r i m a U m m a h , L i z T u r n e r , Kara McCabe, Maggie Johnson, Devon H utton, Connie Beal, Rebecca Evans, Theresa Leyra M e lissa Pou l i n , Coaches B i l l Lund and Deb Atkien .

O IJil> O O H Women �4 Claremont Challenge �9 La Verne Classic .2 Bates and Bowdoin Colleges

3rd Place (3 Teams) No Scoring Team 1 st Place (4 Teams)

and MIT

1 st Place (6 Teams) _9 Aloha Relays @ Bowdoin College �2 Bates and Bowdoin Colleges No Scoring Team and Univ. S. Maine @ Bates College 3rd Place ( 1 1 Teams) �6 NESCAC Championships @ Williams College 2nd Place (27 Teams) NE Div. III Championships @ Will i ams College 29th (33 Teams) Open NE Championships @ Northeastern University _6 ECAC Championships @ Springfield Co liege �2 NCAA Championships @ St. Lawrence University

B rett S a b b ag hurls the discus.


VARSIIY BASEBALL The M e n ' s base ball team did not meet overwhe l m i n g success this seaso n . There were however i ndividuals who earned recog n ition . The most i mp roved p layer and most valuable pitcher was J a mes Ga rrett. The most va l u a bl e defensive and offensive p l ayers were E ri c Roy and Kevin B ru nelle respec­ tively. Brunelle a lso made the All-N ESCAC Second Tea m .

Front Row: Brandon Royce, Vince Damestico, Travis Agustin, Matt Gibson, Kevin Brunelle, Owen Kenney, Dan Lynch, Jacob 'Boomer" Dexter; Second Row: Coach Chappy Nelson, N ick Miller, Phil Geiger, Tyler Si lvestro, Jon Vacca, Jay Johnson, Chad Saylor, Kevin Presbrey, Head Coach Tom Dexter; Back Row: Assistant Chip Kennett, Kris Kfog, Jared Cushman, Andy Jenki ns, Rob Jacobs, Rodney Ame , Dan Deacon, B .L. Lippert, Tyler Hale , Eric Roy. Joseph Joh nson ready to catch

the base runner off gaurd.



makes a hard cut.

ďż˝:IJlll:ll(Jl.\111) 3 /23

Coe College

3 / 24

Hamilton College

3 / 25 3 / 28 3 /29 3 / 29 4/4 4/9 4/ 10 4/12 4/13

Middlebury Col lege Bethel Lawrence Mount Mercy Bowdoin College

4 / 14 4/15 4 / 18 4 / 19

Univ. Me Farmington Thomas College

Trinity College Trinity College St. Joseph's College

Husson Col lege Bates College

Bates College

4 /25 4 /26

Tufts University Tufts University

4 / 29 4 / 30 5/3

Univ. Me Orono Thomas College


Williams College

Bowdoin College

2-6 7-0 13-10 2-5 2-2 7-0 1 3-7 3-6 2-6 3-4 3-0 6-1 7 1-5 9-1 9 1 -4 4-6 6-8 2-3 7-0 5-1 5 4-5 5-1 1 3-9 8-4 4-1 1 5-6 7-8 2-14

Record: 7-20-1 )

Capta i n C a r r i e M o rin leads the way with a single.

Front Rovv: Meaghan S hea, Michaelyn Bortolotti, Annette Caswe ll, S hannon Emerson , Emily Allen, Kate Hurd, Toni-Lynn Robbi ns; Second Row: Coach Bai ley, Stephanie Eidt, Jodi Eidt, Elizabeth Ri ley, Wendy Bonner, Lauren Olmstead, Sarah Belden, Kara Fagan, KK, Candice Parent, Bomze; Back Row: Carrie Morin

�1:11111:1J11J..\lllJ 3/24 3/24 3/25 3 I 25 3/26 3 /27

Hamline MIT Union Bethel North Central Middlebury College

3/28 3/28 4/10 4/ 12

Thomas Lawrence Thomas Tufts University


Bowdoin College

4/18 4/19

St. Joseph's College


Bates College

4 / 27

Trinity College

4/30 5/3 5/3 5I4

Univ. Me Orono

Univ. Me Farmington

Middlebury College Tufts University Williams College

Record: 12-13

3-4 7-1 1 -2 0-4 1 -3 0-1 5-7 3-2 3-0 8-0 0-8 5-2 3-2 1 -2 4-1 3-4 2-5 3-2 6-1 3-1 8-0 0-6 4-0 0-4 0-1

VARSITY SOFl BALL T h e 2 0 0 3 s o ft b a l l s e a s o n was u n i q u e from p a st y e a rs b e c a u s e t h e t e a m was s m a l l but t h e few n u m b e rs a l s o a l l owed fo r g re a t t e a m c h e m i s t ry . D u ri n g t h e s p ri n g t r i p t o F l o ri d a t h e m u l e s p l a y e d g o o d d e f e n s e b u t we re u n a b l e to s t r i n g h i ts tog e t h e r in o r d e r to s c o re r u n s , a n d s o re t u r n e d h o m e w i t h a 3 - 6 re c o rd . An early h i g h l ight of the s e a s o n w a s a v i ctory ove r T u ft s , w h i c h set t h e t o n e for t h e rest o f o u r s e a s o n . The w o m e n cont i n u a l l y i m p roved i n o u r

c o n s i st e n c y of p l a y , f i n · i s h i n g w i t h a 6 - 2 c o n fer e n c e r e c o rd a n d a f i rs· place title for thE N E SCAC E a s t . Aft e r de· fe a t i n g M i d d l e b u ry 4-0 t h e t e a m f a c e d East ri val T u ft s , l o s i n g 4-0 . I r t h e f i n a l effort to ad· v a n c e to t h e c h a m p i on· s h i p the t e a m fe l l t o W i l· I i a m s a ft e r l e a v i n g n i nE ru n n e rs o n b a s e . W h i le the team constantly suf f e re d t h ro u g h o u t the s e a s o n by n ot b r i n g i n� i n t h e b a s e ru n n e rs , the year w a s s t i l l d e e med < s u c c e s s . ( M o ri n )

WOMEN'S VARSITY LACROSSE �:«Jlll:IJllJ.\lllJ 3 / 1 5 Middlebury College 3 / 20 Univ of N.E. 3/24 Oswego State 3 / 26 Williams College 3 / 27 Oberlin 3 / 29 Amherst College 3/30 Wellesley College 4 / 10 Univ. S. Maine 4 / 1 2 Tufts University 4/ 13 Trinity College 4 / 1 6 Bowdoin College 4 / 19 Connecticut College 4/22 Keene State College 4/24 Bates College

Record: 11-3

7-1 7 25-1 1 4-3 5-1 6 23-0 1 2- 1 7 1 3-9 24-1 1 1 -10 12-9 1 2-9 19-13 1 7-4 1 3-4

The 2 0 0 3 Colby Women's Lacrosse season marked the best season i n the his­ tory of the women's pro­ g ra m . CWL earned a # 1 5 ran king in the preseason national poll , and ultim ately was ran ked # 1 1 in the country with a 1 3-4 record . Senior captai ns Ally King a n d Katie Tra i nor lead the team towards the i r 3 rd consecutive CBB champi­ onship and N ESCAC Semi­ Finals ( 4th seed) . This year, King became Colby's All­ Time leadi ng scorer, while

Tra i nor broke the record i n C a u s e d T u rn ove rs . T h e M u l e s a re grad u ating six s t a rt e rs , K i n g , T ra i n o r, Amanda m i d f i e l d e rs Epste i n and La u re n G re melspacher, defender Meredith Pfaff, a n d goalie Anna Schierberl Scherr, a n A l l -A m e r i c a n i n 2 0 0 1 . Though playing i n the u ltra competitive N ESCAC has shielded Colby from the s po t l i g h t , t h e C o l by Wome n ' s Lacrosse is con­ t i n u i n g t o m a ke g re at s t ri d e s . ( Pfaff)

Front Row: Becca Avrutin, Kate Weiler, Cara Dionisi, Kate Wheeler Second Row: Meredith Pfaff, Lauren Gremel pacher, Ally King, Kate Trainor, Amanda Epstein, A nna Schierberl Scherr; Third Row: Asst. Coach, Marcia I ngraham, Caitli n Grasso J u l ia Benedict, E mma Mi l l er, Kirn Jones, Sarah Burlingham, Nora Beltz, H ead Coach H eidi Godomsky; Back Row: Leah Weisberg E lizabeth Ghi l ardi, Katie Roberts, K e l ey N e v i ll e T r a c y K o l a k o w k i , P r i c i l l a C a t i r . Gazing upfield M e redith Pfaff look to pass while sprinting towards the goal .





Coming off a very strong 2 0 0 2 season , t h e men's lacrosse team had high hopes for 2 00 3 . How­ ever, a series of early season N ESCAC losses lowered team mora l e a n d set the tone for what was to become a med iocre seaso n . Additionally, a n u mber of key i nj u ries further h i nd e red performa n c e . Coach Rob Qu i n n stru g g l e d to account f o r t h e l osses b y movi n g p layers to po­ sitions with which they were u nfa m i l i a r a n d many freshmen

saw s i g n ificant p l ay i n g t i m e . Some o f t h e few bright spots incl uded the strong play of j u n­ ior goaltender Matt LaPa g l i a , the leadership o f the five se­ niors , and a very encou rag ing l ate season win agai nst Bowdoin College. Although the team fi n ished 4-8 , it has a strong core of j u n iors exhibiting talent and experience that provided for the tea m ' s strength this year and will undoubtedly con­ tinue to i n the future . ( Cooper)

Captain Ry a n T y l e r leads the charge upfield. Conor Cooper

u e his superior size to get where he needs to be.

Senior Captain Barron B utler makes his move to get a shot off.

M at t


Rolan d

cra n k s o n e toward the goa l .

,sc:OHl:IKIJ.\llll 3/15 3/15 3 /26 3 / 29 b/2 b/5 b/8 b/12 b/17 b/19 b/23 b / 26

Plymouth State Middlebury College Williams College Amherst College Bates College Trinity College Keene State

Tufts University Univ. S. Maine

Connecticut College Bowdoin College Wesleyan University

1 3-3 5-9 5-9 9- 1 1 2-4 13-18 9-7 9-1 1 1 7-7 3-9 1 3-1 1 10-11 OT

Record: 4-8 73

The Women 's Varsity Eight boat mounting a chase at t h e Head of t h e C h a r l e s race.

women The unity w a s k e y to their ucces .

Coach Stokes gives la t sec­

ond advice before race time.

The men ' Var­ sity Ei ght make a pass, moving up another place.

The Men ' s Var ity Eight and second The men 's Varsity Eight boat Var i ty E ight teams at the CBB Regatta. pulls hard in the Head of the C h a r l e s race in B o s t o n .

VARSITY CREW The m e n ' s c rew tea m , l e d by c a pta i ns Todd B rooks '03 a n d T i m C ro n i n ' 0 3 , fi n ished t h e season at the New Eng l a n d R ow i n g C h a m p i o n s h i ps o n M a y 3 , 2 00 3 . Overa l l , the team o n ly g ra d u ates fou r s e n i o rs ( t h re e rowe rs a n d o n e coxswa i n ) aft e r a season w h e re t h e M e n ' s Varsity 8 fi n ished i n the t o p t e n at t h e H e a d o f T h e C h a rl e s ( a nd a u to m a t i ca l ly q u a l i f i e d fo r n e xt y e a r ' s race ) , won the New H a m p s h i re C h a m p i o n s h i ps , a n d won the S pri n g race a g a i nst

Wesleya n a n d W P I for the first t i m e in fou r yea rs . The men's t e a m a l so fie l d e d a J u n i o r Va rsity boat for the fi rst time in t h ree yea rs , which u ndoubtedly added to the e n t i re te a m ' s success by c o ntri b u t i n g to the com­ petitive n a t u re with i n the t e a m . Look i ng a h e a d , t h e t e a m retu rn s a n extre mely s o l i d sophomore c l ass from l ast yea r and a fresh m a n g ro u p t h a t h a s s e e n s u c­ c e s s t h ro u g h o u t t h e year. ( B rooks)

� 1: 11 11 1: li ()j\ll l) 10/6 10/12 4/5 4/ 6 4 / 12 4 / 20 5/3

Textile River Regatta New Hampshire Championships Lake Quinsigarnond, VVorcester MA Merrimack River, Lowell 11A U.S. Coast Gaurd Academy, Lowell 11A Bates and Bowdoin Colleges, Lewiston ME NE Rowing Championships, VVorcester 11A



4th Place 1 st Place 1st Place 1st Place 2nd Place 2nd Place 9th Place

7th Place 3rd Place 1 st Place 1 st Place 2nd Place 1 st Place 6th Place


WOMEN'S RUGBY Afte r wi n n i ng N o rtheastern ' s l ast fa l l Co lby Wom e n ' s Ru gby moved from D i v i s i o n I l l to D i v i s i o n I I . Althoug h they faced n ew a n d cha l l e n g i n g t e a m s , t h ey p l a ced t h i rd a t N e w E n g l a nd ' s , defeati n g So uthern Con足 n e cti cut a nd l o s i n g to Plymouth State . This s p ri n g t h e wo m e n d e feated t h e Divi足 sion I l l c h a m p i o n s , U. M a i n e O ro n o , a n d wo n t h e M a i n e C o l l e g i ate To u rn a m e n t , p l a ci n g fi rst i n t h e state as t h e y be at Bowd o i n and U. M a i n e F a r m i ngton fo r a co mbi n e d sco re of 9.0 to 0 . They e n ded t h e y e a r with a n 1 1 - 3 re cord . O n l y g ra d u 足 a t i n g s i x s e n i o rs , the team looks pro m i s i n g f o r n e xt y e a r . " We wi l l re a l ly m i ss the team n e x t ye a r. Not o n ly do we love the sport , bu t t h e rugby t e a m h a s provided us with wo n d e rfu l fri e n d s and a g reat fou r ye a rs of co l l eg e , " say ca pta i ns Amanda Ke l l a r and La u re n A l e i n ikoff. You don ' t h ave to be cra zy to p l ay rugby . . . we ' l l teach you . ( Ke l l a r) Colby Women li ne-out against Tri nity

Colby Women scrum against Orono

76 ---

Front RoH': Vane sa Haleco, Doan Trang Nguyen Pam Sawyer Heather Fi hman, J u l ia Steele Lauren Aleinikoff, Amanda Kel lar Andrea Oullette, Mary Phelps; Second Row: Kri stin Carlson, Katlt Ryckman, Rachel Ri tchie, Dori E J lowitch, Jenn Coli flore , Sara!足 Belden, Brittany Kureth, Nani Phi l l i ps, Katie Sigalow, I lana Saxe. Caitlin Pea le, Amanda Re tel l, Jackie Dao; Back Row: Taylor Mayo. Kendra King, Brenna Cheslack-Po tova, Meli ssa Landau, Rachael

heinbaum Lauren E rickson, Arny q u i re , C r i s t i a n A l b a , E r i k a e l on, Laura H udecek, Ashley Front roiv: Asst. Coach ate Barnes A lex Ritter, Evan Woolley, J o n H ier!, M att Tabas, Charle Strom. elanger. Adrienn e LeClair, C hrisate Mylrea, M ut u Vengesay i, Adam Gras i , Dae Ho Kim; Back row: Asst. Coach "Doc," Tim H aa . ne Brennan Erin H i l l , i lanjana C ameron Doman iko Schnerrnann Matt Courtney, John Moss Benson Hyde, Ryan Lochhead Scott utt. Megan Wil on, Asst. Coach Si o, M att Brewer, Chris Reigelutb, Ryan Crotty. Robbie Moore, Max igrosh, H ead Coach Tony F letcher ate Barne


A l t h o u g h t h e t e a m ' s b l ood swe at a n d te a rs d i d n o t c u l m i n a t e i n a b i d to N a t i o n a l s , C o l by took s a ti sfac­ tion in b e a t i n g Bowd o i n in one o f t h e m ost e x c i t i n g m at c h e s e v e r p l ayed by e i t h e r te a m . C o m i n g fro m b e h i n d a fte r t h e fi rst h a l f , d o m i n a t i n g p l ay t h ey battled b a c k to win by two po i n ts . T h e team l oo ke d to t h e s p ri n g to p rove o n c e a n d f o r a l l t h a t C o l b y R u g by i s i nd e e d b e t t e r t h a n t h e i r P o l a r B e a r riva l s . ¡lby Men crum again t Connecticut Colby Men fi ght for po es ion

I n M a n h attan Col by t o o k t h i rd , s h ow i n g t h a t weat h e r a n d lots o f l u c k a re key. T h e t e a m d e fe at e d D i v i s i o n I U MA S S A m h e rst a n d t h e n e n d e d t h e ye a r a t t h e M a i n e S t a t e Tou rn a m e nt . O n c e a g a i n i t was C o l by a nd B o wd o i n i n t h e fi n a l s a n d i n a m o re c o nv i n c i n g fash i o n , Co l by t o o k t h e Po l a r B e a rs a n d s e n t t h e m h o m e fo r t h e s e c o n d t i m e . T h e t e a m i s l o s i n g m a ny s e n i o rs t h i s y e a r i n c l u d i n g a l most t h e e n t i re f o rw a rd p a c k : M att Co u rt n e y , J o h n H i e rl , E v a n W o o l l e y , P e t e C u l l e n , S c o t t Sivo , R o b b i e M o o re , D o n B a rry , C h a rl es S t ro m , A d a m G ra ss i , M att Ta b a s , C h ri s Re i g e l ut h , a n d Scott M ag g s . T h e y w i l l be m i s s e d d e a rl y , b u t a s we a l l know, C o l by R u g by h a s s o m et h i n g g o o d i n s t o re f o r t h e futu re . ( Wo o l l ey ) 77

WOODSMEN F rom the comfort of their ha nd-b u i l t c a b i n , this team p refers comparing saw blades ove r cars. The Colby Woodsmen ' s Tea m takes fu l l advantage of the vast M a i n e wilderness that surrou nds our tiny college. O n a ny g iven afternoo n , team membe rs can be fou n d am idst flyi ng woods chips on their fi e l d behind Bob's. The team practices and competes i n a nu mber of l og g i n g events i nc l u d i n g the sta ndi ng-block chop, log rol l i n g , sawi n g , pole c l i m b i n g , axe throw, a n d chai nsaw. Some events, such as axe throwi n g , focu s on i ndividual competition, however most a re t e a m events. Sta n d i ng­ block chop, for example, i s a three-person re lay event that req u i res swi ft a n d c l e a n performa nces from a l l three members. Bow-cut and cross-cut events are a l so re lay events, which demand not only strong performa nces, but good tea mwork as wel l . H a n d i n g off a saw is a bit riskier than handing off a baton , espec i a l l y when you ' re i n a rus h . Tea m mem bers a lso need to brace the wood while each team mate is cutt i n g . But most i mporta ntly they e njoy competing a n d they e njoy the sport, which is good s i nce the sport req u i res throwing a double-sided axe, c l i mbing a 3 0 or S O-foot pole, and close contact with chai nsaws . They com pete i n five i ntercol legi ate meets each year and host the Mud Meet each spri n g . The team is coed and open to all s k i l l levels.


Colby Women relay i n the horizontal block chop. from left t o right: Beth D u s h m a n , Kristen Vaughn, and M adelei ne M ineau

N ic k M a r k h a m and B r a m G e l l a r compete in the men ¡ cross cut competition while N a te Fletch e r, C h a rlie H ale, Peter T i e rn a n , and A n d rew M c K e o n a- Foster watch i ntently

Alex J ospe and Beth D u s h m a o compete in the women '


rel ay event as their teammates

Miko Yokoi (above) and Beth Dushman (right) work the bow saw a

Anna Carvill, Kristen Vaughn, and Madeleine Mineau give

encouragement as they wait their tum

WATER POLO The 2 0 0 2 season represented a m arked i m p rovement from p revious seasons for the Colby College Water Polo Tea m . The team experienced a s u rge of p a rticipation, especi a l ly from the fre s h m a n a n d sophomore classes, a n d they hope to b u i l d off this season as they look to next year. Co-captains j u nior La u ra Ba rrow and senior Nat Chamberl i n led the inexperienced but e nthu­ s i astic White Water M u l es to a 3-5 season and a fou rth p l ace fi nish i n the N o rth Atl a ntic Division, ahead of Holy C ross a n d a mere fou r poi nts beh i n d rival B owdoi n . The h i g h l ight o f the season was a 1 5 - 1 2 w i n over Bowdo i n on Septe mber 2 9 t h . The Wh ite Wate r M u l es defeated their riva l as sophomore Tom I reland showed off h i s su perior scori ng tou c h . For the second season i n a row, I reland led the team i n scori n g . Chamberl i n a n d I reland were both selected as Second Tea m All-Conference field p layers this season and this is the second time each has e a rned this distinctio n . For the u pcom i ng season Colby will l o o k to I re l a n d to cont i n u e his ste l l a r p l ay as the team welcomes back j u nior James Log a n , who was abroad in New Zea land for the 2 0 0 2 seaso n . F reshmen Noah B a l a zs, Aya Constantino, a n d Lau ra S i m mons a l l l o o k to bui ld on their strong fi rst-year performances. The team looks forward to a strong season next year.

Colby Water Polo loves Bates (left to right): Lauren Simmons, Katy C urtis, Caroline O ' Connor, Kate Rooney, Jon Eisenberg, Aya Constantino, M indy Will iams, Andy Wameck, Matt Birchby, Laura Barrow, Noah Balasz, Katy Chamberl in, Hank Wameck


Above: Bates' biggest fan


Tom I reland

R ight : K a te Rooney and Katy C u rtis

cheer their teammates on

ji-ont row: Rodney Ame , Rafa! Urban, Will Sander back row: Kir ten Hel mcke, Vass ilena Zheleva, J ustina Pelenis


Above: Vassi Z heleva and Rod n ey A m es return

serves Left : co-President hows off his moves Will Sander

Below : Kirsten H elmcke prepares to vol ley

The C o l by B a d m i nton C l u b h a s been i n existence s i nce 1 9 9 6 , w h e n i t was fou nd e d by M ic h a e l Farre l l . S i n ce then the c l u b has g rown c o n s i d e rably. Altho u g h t h e B a d m i nton C l u b i s a n ath l et i c c l u b there a re n o t ryouts a n d t h e c l u b i s o p e n t o a l l w h o e nj oy p l ay i n g t h e sport . I n fact one of the m a i n a p p e a l s of the c l u b i s that a nyone who wants to c a n c o m e down to t h e A l fo n d C o m p l e x basketba l l cou rts a n d p l ay some bad足 m i n to n . S k i l l l eve l s ra n g e from n a t i o n a l c o m peti足 tors to beg i n n e rs . The club a l so d raws i l l ustrious p rofessors from C o l by a c ad e m i a , i nc l u d i ng P ro足 fessor Raffael Scheck and P rofessor Leo Livs h its. Besides being open to all l evel s of p l ayers , t h e c l u b a l so s p a n s i ntern a t i o n a l b o u n d a ri e s . The B a d m i nton Club has affi l iations a rou n d the w o rl d . Stud e nts fro m a l l a c ross t h e E u ra s i a n conti n e n t p l ay i n the c l u b a n d m a ke u p a v e ry l a rg e conti n 足 gent. T h e c l u b n ow o w n s o v e r twen ty rac q u ets and fou r nets. R e g u l a rl y scheduled meeti n g s h a p p e n every F riday a n d S u nd a y t h ro u g h o u t t h e year. The c l u b benefits from stro n g l e a d e rs h i p from i t s co-Preside nts s e n i o r K a t e H u g hes a n d j u n io r W i l l S a n d e rs , a l o n g w i t h t h e e x c e l l e n t a i d e of s e n i o r B e n H offma n . T h e c l u b i s g ratefu l t o a l l t h e stu dents w h o h ave c o m e o u t to s u p p o rt t h e c l u b , whether i t w a s o n c e o r n u m e ro u s t i m e s . 81


Class of 2003 83

Freshman Year 1999-2000


dances, screw your roommate, pimps and hoes, ' 'meat' ' book

Sophmore Year 2000-2001



Junior Year •



Freshman Girls, Farmhouse Eviction, HELL, Ultimate Dining


September 1 1 , 200 1 , Wishing for S enior Apartments, Abroad

Senior Portraits A l iya Al-Aufy Russian

Em i l y A l l e n

Jonathan Allen

R o s a n g e l a A m a ro



E c o n o m i c s/Psychology

N a t h a n i e l A rg u e l l e s

H a n n a h A rn o l d

Jasmine Ashe




J e a n - F r a n c o i s A u ffrey

Lucy B a k e r

Jonah Barasz

Sarah B a rc l ay

H i story


C h e m i stry- B i o c h e m i stry

Govern m e n t



Meade B a rl ow

Donald B a rry , Jr.

Brock Barton

Theater and Dance

Physics/Mathematical Science


A b i g a i l Benj a m i n

J a ke Bere n

Adam Bickelman

Adam B i rt


E n g l i s h / Art

Gove rnment/Re l i g ious Studies

Computer Science

S a ra B l a s k

Lauren B l iss

J u l i e Blossom

Eri n Bodner

I nternational Studies

B iology



G. Tre n h o l m B o g g s , J r .

Alexis B o n d

Bradford B o o t h

American Studies/ Art

C h e mi stry


A n d re a B re a u

Tracy B re n n e r

John B r i g h e n t i , J r.

W o m e n ' s Studies


R e l i g i o u s Studies

A. Todd Brooks

Casey B ro w n

J u l i e B rown

L a u ra B ro w n

Mathematical Science



American Studies/Wom e n ' s Studies


R i c h a rd B rown

Sarah Brown

Zachary B rown

Economics/Mathematical Science

Alexander Browne

Environmental Studies



Peter Brush, J r.

Heidi Bu ngeroth

Alice B u rden

Alex Burgess



B i o logy

International Studies

Kyle B u rke

Laurel Burnham

Amity B u rr

M aya Burton

Computer Science/Mathematics




La u re n Cal i m eris

Eri n Campbe l l

M a i a Campoamor

Anna Capezzera


Environ mental Studies

S o c i a l Justice



A n n a C a rl s o n

E m i l y Carre i ro

K a t h ry n C a rroll

Anna C a rv i l l


C h i l d re n in N a t u re



N a t h a n i e l C h a m be r l i n

Leda C h a n g

Peter C h a p i n



Anth ropology

JiaPing Chen

Daniel C hiacos

J o s h u a C h ri s t i e

El i z a b e t h C h u rc h i l l

Computer Science/Mathematics

Latin Amer./lnternation a l S t u di e s


H i s to ry

Joshua Civiello

Eri n C l o u g h e r

Adam Cohen

La u ra C o l l i n s






J a mes Combs

E m i l y Condon

Ryan C o n n e l l

Com puter /Mathematical Science



Benj a m i n Cooper

Conor Cooper

Shannon Corl iss



Art/Med. and Renaissance Studies

M atthew C o u rtney

J a m es Cowan

M ichael Cox

J . Griffi n Coyle

Chemistry-Bi ochemistry



International Studies


R e n n i e C ra b t re e

J o h n C raske

M a ry C raver

Steven C re i g h t o n

I ntern a t i o n a l Studies




Timothy C ro n i n

Kevin C ro s m a n

A n d rew D a n z i g e r

Matthew D a n z i g e r

Econo m i c s



I nternational Stu d i e s

Sarah Dean

A n d re a DeAngelo

L i s a D e K e u k e l a e re

H i s t o ry

Mathematical Science

M a t h e m atics

1 03

R u t h Denehy

Jeffrey D i c kson

Deborah Doberne




Devon Douglas

B ri e Dru m m o n d

Damaris Drummond

Government/Environmental Studies



Beth D u s h m a n

H i ' i l e i Dye

Jonathan Eck




J a red Egg ers

Eric E i c h l e r

Susan E l l sworth

Theater and Dance



1 04

Amanda Epst e i n Government/International Studi

Eri n Estey

M a tthew F a rl e y

Joseph F e e n e y

B i o l ogy

I ntern a t i o n a l Studies

H i story

M. Luke F e rriter

Heather F i n n

Julie Finn


Psyc h o logy


Jessica F i t z g e ra l d

B re n d a n F it z patrick

Katrina Fletcher


H istory


Nathan Fletcher

Sean F l o o d

A l i c i a F o rd

Elyssa F o rd

P h i l osophy

American Studies


I ntern a t i o n a l Studies

1 05


C a ra F ra n k e n

E l i z a beth F rederick

Adam F reed man

Alexis F ro b i n

B iology/ E n g l i s h

Biology /Chemistry


I nternational Studies

Court n ey F ry

Tamika G a m bre l l

Joshua Garfe i n

Catherine Garth

Latin American Studies

H u m a n Development



B ry a n Gates

J i l l i a n Geissler

Alexandra Gel bard


Psychol ogy


Jay Goebel

N a t h a n Good

A l b e rt G o o d m a n




H e i t o r G o uv e a

J e n n i fe r G ra c e

J a so n G ra h a m

H istory /Government

A n t h ropology

Mathematical Science

A m y G re e n b e rg

L a u re n G r e m e l s p a c h e r

Sylvie G riffit h s

E n g li sh/Theater a n d Dance


H u ma n Deve l o p m e nt

1 07


G retchen G roggel

Vero n i q u e G root

Jee Gu i m ont

J i l l Gutekunst

B i ology


American Studies


Joshua Hadiaris

J avanese H a i ley

Vanessa Haleco

Annie H a l l

Govern ment



American Studies

H a ro l d H a l l s te i n , IV

Jeffrey H a l sey

Erin H a n ra h a n

Brighton H a nson

Asi a n Perspectives

Administrative Science


H i story/International Studies

A n d rew H a rtnett

B rooke H a rris

Caren H a rris

L. Me rri l l H awkins


American Studies

Mathematical Science

I nternational Studies

J ustin Hedge

Arra s h ke H e k m a t

A a ro n H e n c k l e r



E c o n o m i c s/ I nternatio n a l Studies

William Henson, I I

S h a r o n H e r b e rt

S te p h a n i e H i c k s

V i v i e n n e Ho


Psyc h ology

Governm e n t

B i o l ogy /Classics

J a ke H o ba rt

B e nj a m i n H offm a n

C o u rt n e y H offm a n

Art/Digital M e d i a a n d I nteraction

E c o n o mics/Governm e n t

I ntern a t i o n a l Studies

Chelsea H offm a n n

Katherine H u g hes

S h e l l ey H u g h e s

Spencer H utchins

I ntern a t i o n a l Studies


H istory

Government/Ec o n o m i c s

1 09


Katie Isaacson

E l i zabeth Jackson

Thomas Jac kson

B i o l ogy

French/Span i s h


Karl i J a ffe

Michael J a rc h o

Catherine Jessop

Psych ology

B iology


J oseph J o h nson

Andrea Jones

Gu ito Joseph

Anne Kaferle

H istory




Ian Kahn

A l e x a n d e r K a s u y a , II

M i c h e l l e Keady

B a y a rd K e n nett, I I

Physics/Mathematical Science



H istory/Govern ment

G a rrett K e p h a rt

C a i t l i n Keys

Chanda Kheang

Kevi n K i ley

P h i l osophy

A n t h ropology

R e l i g i o u s Studies

C l a s s i c a l Civilization

A l lyson K i n g

W h it n e y A n n K i n g

John Knoedler

B i o l ogy

Mathematical Science

H i s t o ry

11 1

Jessica Knox

Patrick Koch

Caro l i n e Koskinas




M e l issa Krause

E l i z a beth Kueffner

Den n i s K u h n e l

Lee L'Heureux

E n g l ish

English/ Art

Philosophy /English


C h ristopher La Putt

Colleen Lacey

Melvin Ladera


American Studies/Women's Studies


K i m b e rly Langone

Amy Lansdale

J i l l Laramee

D a n i e l l e Larsen

I n t . Studies/German





M o n i k a Kraft

C o n o r Le B l a n c

M i c h a e l Lee

La u ra Lev i n g s

M a t h e m a t i c a l Science



K a t h ry n L i g g i o

Alyson L i n d q u ist

Nathan Lindsay

Govern m ent/ American Studies

H istory


Tyler L o c k a rd

Lesley Loss

Peter Loverso

Govern ment



P i p e r Loyd

K a t h e ri n e Lyd e c k e r

T h o m a s M ac e

W i l l i a m M ac P h e rs o n


H i story/ Art

Computer Science

M a t h e m a t i c a l Science


L i n d sey M a honey

C h ristopher Makarewich

Alida M a l com

C h i n g i z M a m madov

Nature and N u rture

Biology /Geology



Katelyn M a n n

P a u l M a rs h a l l

Ashley Martin

Jessica M a rtin

Computer /Mathematical Science




1 14

K e l a n i M a rt i n

Sarah M a rt i n

Sarah M a rv i n

Sarah Mason

B iology

I nternational Studies/Government

Psychology/Ge rman


Ann Mau

E l i z a be t h M ay h a l l

A l i s o n McAn n e ny

Aaron M c C l oskey

H u m a n Devel o p m e n t


B iology/French


Evan M c G e e

B o n n ie M c G u i re

Amanda M cKnown

P hy s i c s/Computer Science

B iology

S p a n i sh/Latin American Studies

John M c M a n i g a l

B ro o k e M c N a l l y

Kyle M e l l e n

Douglas Melzer

Govern m e n t

Govern m e n t


B i o l ogy


R a c h e l M e rri ck

L i l l i a n Meyers

D i m i tri M i c h a u d

Theater and Da nce/Government

Me red ith M i l l e n



Environmental Studies

Kev i n M i l l i e n

Melissa M i naya

Madeleine M i neau



Biology/Environmental Studies

C h ristopher Moneta

Carolyn Morin

Patrick Morris

Daniel Morrison


B iology



La u ra M o rrison

Robert Morse

Joanne Moy

Matthew N a l esnik

English/Wo m e n ' s Studies

Environmental Studies




J ustin Nasatir

Matthew N e l s o n

Peter Newbe rry

Abbie Newcomb

Philosophy / M a t h e m a t i c a l Science


E c o no m ics/Mathematical Science


Jesse N e w m a n

M e l a n ie N ewton

D o a n Tra n g N g uyen


B iology


K i m berly N i e d e rb e r g e r

Helen N i les

M a ri N i s h i n a

Peter N o w a k

Intern a t i o n a l Studies/Fre n c h

Govern ment


H i story

K a t ri n a N oy e s

C h ri s t i n e O ' D o n n e l l

D a n i e l l e O ' Steen

Peter Osborn


B io l ogy


P h i losophy / M a t h e matics



J u s t i n Osso l i n s k i

Andrea O u e l l ette

Jeffrey Owen

Heidi Packard


International Studies/French



M o n i c a Pages

B rittain P a l m edo

D a n i e l Parise

Carl i Parise l l a




Spanish/Eng l i s h

Susannah Pa rke

Kelly Patterson

Benja m i n Pearce




M e re d i t h Pfaff

Edwa rd P i a s e c k i

Sarah P i e rce

A n d re P i l o n

H i story

E n g l i s h / American Studies

B i o l o g y /Mathematics

C h e m i stry-Bi o c h e m i stry

K ev i n R a d l off

LeA n d rew R a n k i n

F re d e ri k R a s m u s s e n

Computer Science

H i story


Kumar Ray

Eri n Reed

Heather Reid

C h ri s t o p h e r R e i g e l u t h

Environmental Studies/Econ o m i c s


B iology



M i c h a e l Rei l ly

N e i l Reynolds

M i c h a e l R i c h a rdson




E. R i c h a rd R i e d e l

M i c h e l l e R i ffelmacher

M atthew Ripo rt e l l a-Crose

Caro l i n e Riss


International Studies



Leah Robertson

G rete Rod

N i c h o l a s Rohs


Economics/I nternational Studies


Eric Rose n t h a l

A l l e g ra Roundy

Anne R u d o l p h

Keagan Russo


Culture and Cognition




N i co l e R u s s o

Ave re l l R y l a n d

C h rist i a n a S a l a h

David Sandak




Economi cs/Gove rn m ent

G re g o ry S a wyer

P a m e l a S a wyer

A n n a S c h i e rberl S h e rr

D a n i e l S c h i e ss

Chemistry- B i o c h e m i stry /Biology




Tracy S c h l os s

Daniel Schu lson

S a ra S c h w a rt z

Anne M a ri e S e a rs

P h i l os o phy/ Art

Latin A me rican Studies/S p a n i s h


E n g l i sh

C a ro l i n e S e k l i r

E r i c C h a rl e s S h a k a

J oyce S h a n n o n- W i nterson

S a m u e l S h aw




C o m p u ter Science

1 21

Lau ra S h u fe l t

Z a c h a ry S h u l l

Noah Siebeck-Smith

Robert S i l berman

French/Religious Studies




J o n a t h a n S i l berste i n - Loeb

Rahul Singh

Jeffrey Siteman

Yvo nne Siu

H istory

Mathematical Science


I nternational Studies

S u z a n n e S k i n ne r

Kevin S m a l ley

C l a i borne Smith

Courtney Smith

H istory

B iology

H i story

Religious Studies


J e n n i fer S o m e rs

Tra c i Speed

Jasmeen Spidle

K a t h ry n S p i re r


C h e m i stry

I ntern a t i o n a l Stud ies/Spa n i s h

A n t h ro p o l o g y

A n d re w St. M a rt i n

J u l i a Stee l e

J u s t i n Ste m p e c k

T h o m a s Sterio

C l a s s i c s / H i story

American Studies/Wo m e n ' s Studies

E n g l i sh


C l a rk Steve n s

C a ro l i n e Stewa rt

C h l o e Stoffel

Govern m e n t

A n t h ropology

E n g l i s h / Art

1 23

Edwin Stone

Sa rah Style

J u st i n S u k i e n n i k

Govern ment/Ph i losophy

Sociology/Theater and Dance

Chemistry /Mathematics

Amanda Su rette

E. Ryan Swank

Katherine Swayne

Matthew Ta bas



Environmental Science


Nozomi T a k a h a s h i

Lind say Tarasuk

Stephanie Tat


H istory


Rena Taylor

Alexander Tee

Sounon Tek

Lauren Tharaud

B iology

Physics/Mathematical Science




C a re i T h o m a s

R i c h a rd T h o m a s , J r.

L a u ra T h o m a s o n

William Thompson


H i s tory of Technology


Governm e n t / P h ilosophy

K ri sty T h u rs t o n

Stacy T h u rston

L a u re n Tiberio

Erika Tog a s h i

B i o l ogy


I nterna t i o n a l Studies

I nternat i o n a l Studies

G. M a t t h e w Ts i a ra s

B e nj a m i n Tuff

A n d re w U m a n s

Enviro n m e n t a l Studies


I ntern a t i o n a l Studies

E l i z a be t h U rs t a d t

M i c h a e l V a l kevich

J e n n i fer Varley

K i ra V a s s a r


C l a s s i c a l Civilization


E n g l i sh

1 25


Kristen V a u g h n

Serena Vayda

Sarah Walsh

J. Henry Warneck





K a ra Watson

Te n n essee Watson

Joshua Weitz

E ngli s h

Latin Amer. Studies/Government


J i l l Wentze l l

E l l e n W h itesides

Donald W i l l iams, I l l



American Studies

B e nj a m i n W i n s t o n

H a rrison W res c h n e r

R o bert W y koff

J e s s i ca Wysor

Economics/Mathematical Science


America n Studies

E n g l is h / S p a n i s h

G a rn e t Yokoi

Jillian Young

C h ri s t o p h e r Z e i e n

C h e m i stry-B i o c h e m istry

A n t h ropology


Sarah Zerbo n n e

Kathleen Zimmerman

Environmental Studies

E n g l is h / P h i losophy

1 27

Not Pictured Kenneth A l l gyer Vaj ra Alsop Jayant Alter Katherine Altneu Amanda Ashman Jacoby B a l l a rd Sarah Sa ndow Lu ke Bechtold C h ristopher Becker B i a nca Belcher Adam Bent kover Laura B i lodeau Laura B i rx Jason Bougere J e n n ifer B re n n e m a n K e v i n Brunelle David B u rke Robert B u rton Drew Bush B a rron Butler Justin Ca rbo n e l l a Lee Carlson Susannah C l a rk Timothy C l a rk C h a rles Colwe l l P a t r i c k Conley Peter C u l l e n Jason C u n n ane Daniel Deacon Jesse Delaughter Anthony Di Sotto M ir:: hael D i Stefano M i c h a e l Donohue Ca meron Du ffy C h ristopher French Matthew G i bson Adam Grassi Blake G rosch R i c h a rd H a rbison Ian H a rt Kristin H e i m J o n a t h a n H ie rl Al lyson H i l l M a ri n Hoffm a n Adam Hotc h k i ss Brian H u rley Eva n Kearn s A m a n d a Kel l a r


J e s s i c a Kel lett Owen Kenney Matthew K i n g Jonathan Lord J a m i e Lue Ian M ac P he rson Scott M aggs Matthew M a h o ney P a u l Mat hewson Katherine McCarty Kelly M i l l er Robert Moore Andrew Moraco Michael M o ran Eric Ng uyen Sean O ' G rady E l i z a beth Parks Bradley Petersen E m i ly Posner Kevin Pres brey Mandy Reid E l e a n o r Roan Cra ig Robinso n S e a n g - H e n Ryoo Eric Sandler Jen nifer Santini Lauren Sassoubre Chad Saylor Matthew Scheck Jacob Sei l h e i me r S c o t t Sivo Kenneth Soltis C h ristopher Sot z i n g Rachel Ste rry Pamela Stoner C h a rles Strom Peter Tiernan Seann T u l l oc h Robe rt Vail Ryan Vaughan Christina Wall ace Matt hew W a l l e rste i n Luke Webster M i c h a e l Wiley Evan Wool ley Matt hew York Jamie Y u rek J e n n i fer Z i mmermann

Candids 1 29


Senior Week

May 19-22 , 2003

has finally arrived to begin the end of our longjourney... Monday: Happy Hour in the Pub and Spa Rock and Bowl

Tuesday: White Water Rafting Watervil le Pub Crawl

Wednesday: Bob 's BBQ Portland Pub Crawl G olf Tournament

Margaritaville with Dave Binder Last Student Center Dance Bonfire!


GRADUATION May 25, 2003

" Me m be rs of t h e c l ass of 2 00 3 , pare nts a n d fa m i l y me m be rs , m e m b e rs of the B o a rd of Trustees , facu lty and a d m i n istrative col leagues, welcome to t h i s 1 8 2 n d e d i t i o n of C o l by ' s C o m m e ncement cere m o n i es . We h ave been d o i n g this kind o f t h i n g for a long, l o n g t i m e- s i nce 1 8 2 1 , to be exact. But e a c h time i s spec i a l . F o r each t i m e cele brates the ach ievements a n d fut u res of a u n i q u e g ro u p of C o l by students. Today i s no d i ffe rent. We g a t h e r here, a t the h e a rt of the College, to a c knowledge, to praise a n d to say fa rewe l l . T h a n ks to a l l w h o h ave j o u rneyed fro m afar to b e with u s . M a ny of those who h ave made t h a t j o u rney a re p a rents, g r a n d p a re nts a n d f a m i ly m e m be rs , w h o s e s t e a d y support h as m a d e the a c h i evements of t h e s e stude nts possi b l e . We s a l ute you , and we t h a n k you for your efforts. At t i mes I know it m u st h ave seemed l i k e the e n d w o u l d never c o m e . But now it h a s . I know y o u r students a re a l so g rateful for you r su pport . And I k n ow they won't m i n d i f I a s k t h e m to r i s e a n d s h a re t h e i r appreciation fo r y o u w i t h t h e i r a p p l a use . " - Pres i d e n t B ro Adams Welcome Rem a rks

" M r. P res i d e n t . . . I h ave t h e p l e as u re to p resent to you t h e c a n d i d ates f o r t h e d e g ree of B a c h e l o r o f A rts . " -J a n ice Kass m a n

1 51

Heather Finn



C re i g h t o n

All Done ! " "Where your treasure is, there

Congratulations Heath! Lots of love, Dad, Mom and Rob

will your heart be also." Love always, Mom

------- ' KIRA VASSAR

F l ec h e r

N ate

. . . For as he thinks within himself, so he is . . . Congratulations

Proverbs 23:7 Finally ... Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute . . . Let your mind dwell on these things. Phil 4:8

Nate . We 're proud of you . Love, Mom, Dad and Kevi n

C ongratulations Class of 2003


Congratulations You've come a long way, Jenny Grace ! Congratulations on your gradua­ tion . Warm wishe to you and all your wonderful friend at Colby ! W i th Love, Mom, Dad and Christopher




We're proud of you ! Love, Mom, Dad, Ann, Jeff, and Chris


Ti m i d i Mater Non Flet- Mom

Congratulations Jasse ! I t ' s all worth i t !

Lunem Soli M utuum Das­ Dad

1 52

N ew b e r ry

P et e r

Lauren, you have always made us very proud of all you have accomplished and the wonderful, loving person you have become. Congratulations ! Love, Mom, Dad and Greg

Peter, You' ve alway been able to amaze us and make u l augh ! What would we do w ithout you ? ! Love, Mom, Dad, Chri and Sarah


Congratulations Congratulation Andy ! Even at your kindergarten gradua­ tion, we knew you were destined for ucce . . . Please conti n ue to deve lop and hare your many tal­ ent and gift to make the world a better p l ace and you a happy per­ son ! We love you, Mom, Pat, Greg and V aleria

We are so very proud of you ! Love, Mom, Dad and Matt


Dear Harrison


Congratu l ations Tennessee !

We are so proud of you! We know you will accomplish great things. Much love, Mom, Dad, Shauna & James

C l a rk Congratu l ation C l ark ! Thank for being uch a wonderful on and a fabulou big brother ! We art> o very proud of you and love you o very muc h ! Love, Dad, Mom, B rent and Luke

Keep rai ing your voice for people . It' s a life ·


B i ll and Suz and Gram and the Fam, and of cour e, Mom

Ste v e n s



We are s o very proud o f you, Julie ! Congratu l ation ! We love you and wi h you al l good things. Mom, Dad, and S arah

1 53


Q YuJ�;§rt.


"Beauty can mu. ic, n ature, a per on' s face o r sou l , and anythi ng else that give one pl easure . Everything has beauty to someone and everyone seeks beauty. Teach your en ses to percejve the beauty in all things ; then teach others . " Katri na­ you are a beautiful person ! You' ve made us so proud. Lots of love, Dad, Tara & Alexis

B a rc l ay

Colby College Class of 200 To Sarah and the Class of 2003: Congratulation on so much accompli h ment ! May you all know every joy, uccess, happi nes - and peace. All our love, always, Mom and Paws too

Kate Swayne Thanks to all at Colby dedicated to the suc­ cess of our children. Congratulations to Kate and the class of 2003! From the Swayne Family

G retc h e n

G ro g g e l

And remember the

To my son, Tom You ' ve been a source of pride and joy and love from the day you were born, to your first day of kindergar­ ten to now, your graduatjon from Colby. Congratulations ! W i th love always, your Mom


Con gratulations

truth that once was spoken : to love another person i s to see the face of God .



Bye Bye Miss American pie and the good ole boys drinkin' whiskey and rye. Love, Tinkerbell


-Les M i serables We love you, your fami l y and friends

To Jess

And the Class of 2003

Keep that wide-eyed wonder! Congratulations on a job well done. We are so proud of you!

1 54

Congratulation ! Dear Erika, We are all o proud of you, who you are and what you have achei ved at Colby ! With our love and hope for a life fi lled with good health, joy and succes . Love, Mama, Papa and Elana

Sarah Ellen Marvin of MN

Con g ratulations S y l vie, A n au piciou mile tone on your l ong and winding road. M ay your j ourney be fi l l ed with adventure, love and contentment. With all our love, Mom, Dad, Jennie and M organ

Ginny, Peter, Graham & Mimi; Dan, Kristie, Jakie & Bo; Paul, Maureen, Owen & Anna; Willy & Bobbie; Katy & John

A l e xa n d ra

Li bby

B i l l i n gton

Carpe D i e m "Life i s either a Congratu l ation , Traci Jene l le , our very special "dolly." We are so proud of you and al l you have acheived . . . Your mixed doubles tenni match i n Berm uda i clo er than you think. Love, Mom, Dad, and B rent


great adventure or n othin g at a l l . " M argaret Mead Love, Mom, Dad, Jes e, B rooke, Dave, Zoe, Lilo, Scout, Chester and Putty


Dear Amanda,

Thank You for being you !

Even though we did not sign your birth certificate, we

Thank you for bringing such love and joy into our lives. Continue to reach for the stars as you continue your journey through life . All our love, Morn and Dad

are your real birth parents. We are very proud of you and we love you very much. Mom & Dad


Mindy! You make us incredibly proud! We love you very much,


G a rf e i n

J o h love l i v i ng and friend hips and his oxygen. He i a ocial and environmental activi t and outdoor man. Zion N . P . i h i piritual home . He adore his fami l y and cat, Phoebe.

Mom & Dad 1 55

Sarah Pierce


Well Done !


Great Job, Anna ! And great hat !

From jeans and bouquets, To genes and DNA How far you've come. Congratulations­ Well done! Love, Morn and Dad

Love, Dad and Morn, Nick, Auntie, Tops, Nim, PK, and Guard and Alice, too .

Con g ratulations, Jen! You 've met the challenges that Colby has offered you with persistence, spirit and heart. And, as always, you have shown us all what you're made of. I'm so proud of you, honey!



Here ' s t o the j oy of

ii .: ii =��... you , the goodness liiiiiiiiiliii of your Colby years , and the wonder of SCOUTing the future . With love, Mom & Dawn

Love, Mom


John! Whitney, Congratulations on all of your ac­ compl ishments at Colby. We are o proud of you ! A l l our love, Mom, Dad, David and John


We love you and are very proud of you. Morn and Dad To my little brother and best friend, I've got your back. Love, Teresa

M c c l o s k ey

Congratulations Aaron and the Class of 2003 . A l l our love alway s , Morn, Dad, Jamie and Leigh

1 56


Congratulations, B i l ly ! Love, Robin Mom- Colby '68 Dad- Colby '66

J e ff

Congratulations ! We are so proud of you ! Love, Mom, Dad and Elizabeth





We are proud of al l you have accompU hed; but e pecially for whom you h ave become. Continue to pur ue your dreams. Thank you for a l l the j oy you ha e brought to u . Love, your greate t fan . Mom, Dad S ara and Jenna

Dear Chris

Congratulations and B est Wishes To you and your classmates ! Love Mom, Dad Jon and Phebe

With the wind at your back and the sun on your face, may you head off on your next adventure with a song in your heart! Con­ gratulations and love, Mom, Dad, Cat and Corinne


C ongratulations To our wonderful son, brother, friend. We love you ! Mom, Dad Michaet Ryan, Tyler, Connor & William

N icole

C on g rat u l azioni !

Dear Emily, We are so proud of the per on you have become . Love alway , Mom, Dad and Matt

R u sso


The entire family

You have ex­

joins me in wi hing

c eeded our

you the best of luck

With l ove a n d pride, M o m and D ad

A n d e rs o n

Dear Linnea,

What a daughter !

dre a m s .

M ay your

future be fi lled w ith happine

and letting you know how proud we all are of your accomplishments. Love Fro ty

1 57


We' re proud of the "character" you have built. Congratulations! Love, Mom & Dad

It was ye terday that you arrived, m i l i ng with wide observing eye to Pachebe l ' s Canon i n D. The mile, the eyes, the warm and sen足 i tive heart, the gracious oul re足 main present, only richer and wiser. Congratul ation ! Love, Mom, Dad, Jeffrey and Trekker

Dani e ll e Lars e n Congratulations Dani. Your whole life - filled with promise and adventure - awaits you. We are so proud of you. Go find your dreams and always remember we love you. --Your family.






Congratulation s , B rooke ! We love you ! Mom, Dad and Parker

Tracy Elizabeth

Schloss Go confidently in the direction of your dream Live the l i fe you ' ve imagined ! With pride and love, Mom, Dad and A hley

She's ready to go anywhere and do anything. We love you, Mom and Dad



"Get m e four beers and my conversation hat ! " Congratulations足 we l ove you madly. Mom & Dad


Dear M i ke, Your pa ion for l i fe and knowl 足 edge i contagious and s o ev ident i n all that you do. We love you for who you are . . . and who you have yet to become ! With love al way , Mom, J i m, Kate Dad and Lanie


Con g ratulations Brendan!

Your first trip from Maryland to Maine was the beginning of many great adventures. The memories of your Col by years will include Sugarloaf, Paris, NYC, Notre Dame, Boston, Australia (Sydney


Whitesunday Isl ands, Three Sisters),

N ew Zealand, Connecticut, Seattle, and Orcas Island, Lake Pl acid, Cape Cod, and Sheldon Place. Happy Graduation! Love, from Morn, Dad, Kevin, Salty, Granrnary and Saga, Mom-morn and Pop-pop.


H e r b e rt

Ly n

"You are full o f l i fe and lo e A fountain of j oy to tho e around you, A seeker of truth, A ource of great pride to your fam ily On the thre hold of great ignificance ." Proverbs 3: 5-6 Love, Mom, Dad & H arold


Matthew Dear M att, we pray that you w i l l find a m u c h j o y , friendship love and chal lenge in l i fe a you h ave at Colby. We w i l l al way be here for you ! Love, Mom, Dad and Ab . M atty- Thanks for being a great bro ! It' going to be hard l i v i ng up to your accomplishment , but I w i l l try ! Thank for everyth i n g ! -Abs

We are so happy for you and so proud of you! Love, Sara, Mom and Dad


Lauren Tiberio

Take the Plunge ! Make a BIG Splash! Most of All. . . Enjoy the Swim. You 're Ready to Go the Distance. Con­ gratulations on your wonderful accomplish­ ment. We Applaude You!


Steve We are so proud of you and all you have ac­ complished. Be happy and true to yourself, and great success will be yours. We love you ! Love, Dad, Oksana, Christine and Brad

You're simply the B est. . . . ! Congratulations on thi great accomplishment. All our love, Mommy & Daddy







Congratul ations L i n dsey You h ave et y o u r goals high and acheived them in a grand way ! We are all very proud of you . Thank you for being a very pecia1 l ady . Thank you for h aring your love w i th me. I h ave enjoyed every tep of the journey ! Love alway , Mom

1 59

This Yearbook was brought to you by: Rebecca Stem Editor-i n -Chief

Joanne Head Cl ubs and Organizations Editor

Justin Hedge Sports Editor

With special thanks to Kate and Lauren, Lisa Hallen and Beth Bridge 160

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