0 R A c L E 2005
Table of Contents Colby Tradition�
Cla�� of 2005 T hrough the Year�
... (3
genior Portrait�
... 35
Tribute to the genior�
.. 75
Cla�� of 2006. 2007. 2008
Faculty by Departrnent
gport�. Fall. Winter. gpring
Club� and Organization�
Congratulation�. Cla�� of 2005!
... (75
4 Mule Pride
Mule Pride 5
6 Loudness
Winter Carnival 7
MR. COLBY 2005
8 Mr. Colby
12 Dances
Class of 2005: Through the Years
Miller Library
14 The Class of 2005
The Class of 2005 15
Colby Outdoor Orientation Trip�H!
* Baxter State Park * Acadia National Park * Camden on the Coast * Grafton Notch State Park * Appa lachian Tra i l * Kennebeck River *Western Maine
* Ca noei ng * Excursion * Backpacking * Sea Kayaking * Fish i ng & Fly Fishi ng * Biking, Road & Tra i l * Tra ilwork/Service * Theater * H i king Shagory, E. Johnson; Roundtop B
Surplus Elephant B
Reme1nber back to when it al I started ...
Scenic Maine
Flagstaff-Bigelow A and B
Gulf Hagas A
Kasperski, Slemp
Stepka, Robbins
Cote, Olsson, Gage
So young and so naive...
Lancaster, Kahn, Vanderveen, Stars, Uhlman, Orr 18 freshman Year
Putnam, Bortolotti, Mullen
Novice Crew Girls
Semmens, Shattenkirk, Bogden
McGuire, Olson, Schienbamm
Trip to Paris, Colby in London
Quigley, Miller, Barron
Harrold, Dutt, Ridill, Cole, Klemarcz , Raser, Patel, McGuire,
Binder, Mezer, Harrington, Hoffman, Albertelli, Murphy, Stepka
ill i e
Toga Pa rty in Dana
freshman Year 19
Greer, Cummins
20 Sophomore Year
Musser, Durda, Saxe
Chamberlin, Morrison
Normand, McGuire, Rockney, Goodyear, Foley Huleatt, Conrad, Perez
Silberman, Brockmeyer, T. Smith, Peters, Mylrea Sophomore Year 21 J
Junior Year: 2003 - 2004
Officially upperclassmen ...
Lowell, Grasso
22 Junior Year
Uhlmann, Starz, Spitler, Larsen, Bemis, Orr
Kassin, Hughes
Dennehy, N. Miller, Nadel
Lederman, Wessen, Pollakowski, Acker
Sear, Collins, Markowski
Junior Year 23
gtudy Abroad
24 Study Abroad
Kulow, Rittner; New Zealand
Conrad, H uleatt, Rockney, K. Foley, Heitzman; England
Shum; China
Study Abroad 25
Biggins, M. Johnson
Goodyear, E. Allen
Germain, Reinhalter
LeClair, Chin
A. Walsh, Normand, Crawford
Klemarczyk, Tozer
Warneck, Russo
Making memories to last a lifetime...
M. Cole, Lipton, Wiley
26 Senior Year
Ghelli, Slemp
Campfield, Nadja, E. Brown
Reining, Chamberlin, Curran , Heitzman, Quigley
Hill, Conrad, J . Andrews
Senior Year 27
28 Halloween
Duval, Willhite, Riley, LeBlanc, Magner
Fallon, McGee
Serotta, Garrett
Cole, Seifert
Day, Bryar
Halloween 29
Rockney, Van Wagnenen
Bucklin, Bogden
Mullen, Lederman
Al l dressed up... and ONE place to go..
Maltz, Daley, Gwinn, Scherer 30 Cotillion
Gagne, Nickerson
it , o
as erski, Putnam,
Gray, Saxe
. King, Maguir , Gouge
LeClair, Goodrich
Cummins, G reer
Ghelli, Biggins, Buchanan, Slemp, M. Johnson
Eisenberg, Blazar, Van der Veen, Kahn, Downing, Pollakowski, Acker
Pluta, Henderson Cotillion 31
Life Before May flower �ill...
E. Miller 32 Class of 2005 Childhood Pictures
Class of 2005 Childhood Pictures 33
K. Johnson 34 Class of 2005 Childhood Pictures
Senior Portraits
Johnson Pond
Risk the !all in order to fly.
-Karen Goldman
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Shareen Abbasy
Daphne Abrams
Jennifer Abramson
French Studies
James Albright
Christian Allen
Evan Allen
Vanessa Ambatielos
Christina Andaya
Lisa Andracke
Caroline Andresen
International Studies
36 Senior Portraits
Shoot for the moon. Even ifyou miss1 you will land among the stars. -Les Brown
Siri Ashton & Sexuality Studies
Kathryn Austgen
Michele Barmash
Sean Baron
Meghan Barringer
Jennifer Andrews Art
International Studies, Sociology
Stephen Bakios Economics
Hande Barutcuoglu
Lauren Baumgarten
Nicholas Bayley
Rachel Beaupre
Alan Ashbaugh
Women, Gender,
Senior Portraits 37
When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and aaing like the most gigantic idot on earth. So what the hďż˝ leap. -Cynrhia Meimel
Jessica Beetz
Lindsay Begin
Eleanor Beltz
Taylor Bemis
English, Environmental Studies
Julia Benedict
Jessica Berger
Mary Biggins
Brandon Binder
Government, Religious Studies
Aaron Blazar
Ryan Boccuzzi
Margaret Boehmke
Steven Bogden
English, Government
38 Senior Portraits
Education is not the filling of a pa4 but the lighting of a fire. -William Butler
Wendy Bonner
Michael Booras
Michaelyn Bortolotti
Christine Brennan
Matthew Brewer
Pawel Brodalka
Barry Brown
Elizabeth Brown
Economics, Government
Senior Portraits 39
I learned three impartant
things in college
use a librarl f to memor4'e quickly and visuallJJ to drop asleep at any time given a l10r4'ontal surface and fifteen minutes. -
-Agnes DeMille
Graham Brown
Helen Brown
Jarvis Brown
Kathryn Brown
Anthropology, English
Government, Philosophy
Latin American Studies
Julie Bryar
Logan Buchanan
Matthew Bucklin
Megan Burd
Government, Psychology
Heather Burke
Sarah Burlingham
Justin Burner
Adelin Cai
American Studies
International Studies
40 Senior Portraits
There is nothing like rerurning to a place that remains llllchanged to find the w�s in which you yourself have altered -Nelson lvfandela
Kathleen Campbell & Dance
Psychology, Theater
Amy Campfield
Julie Carlson
Brendan Carroll
Environmental Studies
Annette Caswell
Caitlin Chamberlin
Calvin Chan
Ka Yan Chan
Environmental Studies, International Studies
East Asian Studies, International Studies
Mathematical Sciences. Physics
Mark Chapman
Aaron Charniak
Curtis Chin
Jennifer Chu
International Studies, Religious Studies
Government. International Studies
Senior Portraits 41
The greatest danger for most of us is not that we aim too high and we miss it, but we aim too low and reach it. -Miclielangelo
Laura Cimini
Michael Civitello
Chase Cohen
John Cole
Classical Civilization, East Asian Studies
Michelle Cole
Caroline Collins
42 Senior Portraits
Jacob Colognesi
Lilian Conrad
Human Development
Don't be called out on strikes. Go down swingllig. Jackson Brown
Nicole Conrad
Alison Cook
Michelle Cote
Nadra Crawford
Brendan Crighton
Kate Crocker
Ryan Crotty
Richard Crowley
Biology, English
Government, International Studies
Environmental Studies
Charles Culver
Daniel Cummins
Jared Cushman
Lawrence Dagrosa
Biology, Economics
Amencan Studies
Senior Portraits 43
Experience is the name everyone gives his mistakes. -Elbert Hubbard
Megan Daley Art, Biology
Rachel Damon & Dance
American Studies, Theater
Jacklyn Dao
Benjamin Davis
History, Religious Studies
Emily Day
Caitlin Dennehy
Thomas Deutsch
Heather DeVito
Biology, Economics
Jeanne DiBella
Richard Downing
Douglas Dua
44 Senior Portraits
Justin Dubois & Literature, International Stud
German Language
That1s what educadon means: to be able to do what you've never done before. -George Herbert Palmer
Sarah Dunham
Lydia Durant
Kate Durda
Nilanjana Dutt
Computer Science, Mathematical Sciences
Meredith Duval
Kristi Eck
Sarah Eilefson
Jonathan Eisenberg
English, Spanish
International Studies
Laura Ellis
Patrick Ely
Shannon Emerson
Hannah Emery
International Studies
Senior Portraits 45
Your incredible brain can take you from rags to riches, from loneliness to papularit)'J and from depression to happiness andjoy - ifyou use it properly.
-Brian Tracy
Cory Ernst
Justin Fahey
James Falk
Nicholas Falker
Mathematics, Physics
International Studies
John Fallon
Christopher Farrell
Theodore Farwell
Michael Feldman
Chemistry, Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Catherine Fillebrown
Megan Finn
Charles Fizer
Kyle Foley
East Asian Studies
Computer Science
French Studies
46 Senior Portraits
In your life1 look for the thing that is gomg to bring you the
greatestjoy. Joy is the only goal really worth seeking. -Oprah Winfrey
William Foley
Joanna Fontaine
Brian Footer
William Ford
French Studies, International Studies
Jessica Foster
Courtland Fowler
Mary Frederick
Carrie Fredland
Senior Portraits 47
You can do anything ifyou have enthusiasm. -Henry Ford
Cary Fridrich
Jonathan Fuchs
Kerri Furlong
Francesca Gage
Economics, International Studies
Katie Gagne
William Gallitto
Xavier Garcia
Emily Gavryck
Ashley Germain
Kathleen Ghelli
Rharaka Gilbert
English, Music
German Studies, Government
48 Senior Portraits
When you 're younger, you want to be sure by the time you're eighty years old you can sit on the bench and look back and say, cMan, I did it all I didn't miss a thing." -Bill OJ
Jonathan Gilboy
Marisa Giller
Corey Gittleman
Emily Given
Classics, Economics
American Studies
Sarah Goodrich
Emily Goodyear
Jared Gordon
Caitlin Grasso
Joshua Gray
Samuel Gray
Economics, Government
Senior Portraits 49
This above all: to thine own self be trueďż˝ -William Shakespeare
Juliana Green
Ariel Greenspan
Constance Greer
Matthew Guy-Hamilton
Biology, History
Economics, History
Dana Gwinn
Timothy Haas
English, History
Leah Hagamen
Sara Hamada
50 Senior Portraits
No one else can tell you what your life's work is, but it's im[XJrtant that you find it. There is a part of you that knows-affirm that part. -Willis Harman
Heather Hansman
Paige Hanzlik
Jessica Hardy
International Studies
Wayne Harrington
Nina Harrold
Economics, Mathematical Sciences
Lynn Hasday History, Science Technology
& Society
Rachel Hatch
Zachary Hauptman
Brittainy Heitzman
Graham Hennessey
French Studies, Psychology
Senior Portraits 51
The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning. -Ivy Baker
Peter Henry
Melissa Hernandez
Erica Hill
Mary Hill
Economics, International Studies
Mathematical Sciences
Melisse Hinkle
Anne Holt
Emily Honig
Lubos Hudec
French Studies, International Studies
German Studies, Physics
Eliza Huleatt
Nathaniel Hulme
Alexandra Humphreys
Carolyn Hunt
French Studies, Government
American Studies, History
52 Senior Portraits
Ifyou can dream it, you can do it. -Wale Disney
Asma Husain Art, Economcs
Devon Hutton
Thomas Ireland
Biochemistry, Biology
Christopher Johnson
Elizabeth Johnson
Karina Johnson
Art, French Studies
Maggie Johnson
Whitney Johnson
Kathleen Jones
Kimberley Jones
Mathematical Scienes
Mathematical Sciences
Katherine Hurd Psychology
Senior Portraits 53
Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work. -Booker I Washington
Whitney Jones
Joshua Kahn
Sean Kamp
Bradley Kasnet
Stephen Kasperski
Marc Kassin
Elliott Katz
Brian Kelly
Biology, Economics
Michael Kershaw
Dae Kim
Michael King
Natalia King
American Studies
54 Senior Portraits
The direaion in which education starts a man will detennine his future life -Plato
Kelly Klemarczyk
Hillary Klug
French Studies, International Studies
Clara Koh
Alexander Kronauer
Biochemistry, Religious Studies
Torrey Kulow
Yan Kung
Kara Lanahan
Timothy Lancaster
Mathematical Sciences
Biology, Environmental Studies
Senior Portraits 55
Life is my college. M'!J' Igraduate w� and earn some honors!
-Louisa May Alcott
'J·� '
Melissa Landau
Gregory Lanson
Darren Larsen
Nicholas Larsen
International Studies, Spanish
Biology, Geology
Biology, Psychology
Nels Leader
Jocelyn LeBlanc
Adrienne LeClair
Jeffrey Lederman
Biology, Freilch Studies
Jonathan Lees
Brandy Lipton
Jeremy Little
Megan Loosigian
Economics, Mathematics
56 Senior Portraits
Th.ere is nothing brilliant or outstanding in my record, except perhaps tliis one thing. I do the th.ings I believe ough.t to be done. And wl1en I make up my mind to do a thing, I act. -Theodore Roo erelc
Abigail Lowell
Matthew Lundgren
Rachel Luskin
Eric Luth
Economics, English
Mathematical Sciences
Daniel Lynch
Emma Lynch
Kathryn Lynch
Matthew Lynes
American Studies
Mathematical Sciences
Ann MacDonald English, French Studies
Jennie MacPherson & Culture
Art, Russian Language
Elizabeth Magner
Elisabeth Maguire
Biology, Latin American Studies
Government, lntematlonal Studies
Senior Portraits 57
Wealth mustjustify itself in happiness. -George Santayana
Natalie Maida
Lily Maltz
Kyle Manson
Katherine Markowski
French Studies, International Studies
Danielle Martin
Casey McCarthy
C. Smith, Pluta, Morrison, Henderson, Trzyna
58 Senior Portraits
' r
Devon McConnell-Gordon
Caitlin Mccusker
Art, Biology
Government, Spanish
life is an end in itseft and the only question as to whether it is worth living is whether you have enough ofJc -Oliver
Wendell Holmes}Jr.
Liam McDonnell
Peyton McElyea
Alana McGee
Patrick McGowan
Anthropology, Classical Civilization
American Studies
Abigail McGuire
Trevor McWilliams
Mary Medlin
Robert Mehlich
American Studies, English
Edward Mezer
Ivan Mihajlov
Ashley Mihos
Szymon Mikulski
English, Government
Biochemistry, French Studies
Chemistry, Psychology
Senior Portraits 59
There is no thing on this earth more to be p�ed than true friendship -Saint Thomas Aquinas
Emma Miller
Laura Miller
Nicholas Miller
Michael Misencik
Human Development
Biology, Environmental Studies
Adrianne Mohn
Eric Molander
Todd Moore
Joel Morash
Latin American Studies
Courtney Morris
Julia Morrison
Jonathan Moss
Carreau Mueller
American Studies
60 Senior Portraits
It is not so very impartant for a person to learn faas. For that he does not really need a college. He can learn them from books. The value of an education in a liberal arts college is not learning of many faas but the uaining of the mind to think something that cannot be learned from textbooks. -Alben Einscein
Margaret Musser
Gillian Nadel
Dorothy Najda
Contemporary Modes of Aesthetic, Written, and Analytical Expression, Economics
Timothy Newhouse
Warner Nickerson
Sara Nicolette
Economics, Government
Philosophy, Spanish
Rebecca Nisetich
Laura Normand
Patrick Ochieano
Joseph Okeyo
Anthropology, English
Senior Portraits 61
Aprofusor�o �who talksm�mro��e��� -W.H Auden
Mary Olsson
Danielle Orden
Andrew Orr
Andrea Palmer
Catherine Pappas
Jillian Parker
Nikki Patel
Justinas Pelenis
Economics, Mathematics
Katharine Perez
Ryan Phelan
Stephanie Pierce
Seth Pierrepont
Mathematical Sciences
62 Senior Portraits
A man is known by the company his mind keeps.
-Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Melissa Plante American Studies
John Pollakowski Economics
Carolyn Pollard
Aaron Poplack
Stanislav Presolski
Kristin Putnam
Classical Civilization, History
Chemistry, Physics
Senior Portraits 63
A liberal education... frees a man from the prison-house of his dass, race, time, place, backgrounďż˝ family and even his nation. -Robert Maynard Hutchins
Andrew Raser
Lisa Reinhalter
Isabelle Reining
Christian Resseguie
International Studies, Latin American Studies
Jeanette Richelson & Sexuality Studies
Alexander Ridder
Amanda Restell
Gabriel Reyes
Government, Latin American Studies
Parkin Ridill
Claire Riley
Elizabeth Riley
Rachel Ritchie
64 Senior Portraits
Women, Gender,
International Studies
Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temp or your self-confidence. -Robert Frost
Katherine Rittner
Jeremy Robbins
Toni-Lynn Robbins
Timothy Roberts
History, International Studies
Abigail Robson
Erin Rockney
Matthew Roland
Matthew Rosenberg
Biology, Economics
Daniel Ruiz
Karinna Russo
American Studies
Andras Rozmer Government, International Studies
Matthew Ruby & Literature, Psychology
German Language
Senior Portraits 65
Friendship, like wine, grows richer with age. -Orrie Foster
Michael Rutherford
Katie Ryckman
Daniel Saganey
Miruna Sasuclark
Economics, Government
German Studies
Biology, Spanish
66 Senior Portraits
Shawn Sato
Jessica Sattler
Biology, East Asian Studies
Robert Saunders
Ilana Saxe
Without friends, no one would want to liv0 even ifhe had all otherg ocxls. -Ariscode
Sasha Schroeder Art, Religious Studies
Eric Seidel
Kevin Selby
Conor Semler
Patrick Semmens
Nikolaus Schnermann
1 , . -
Rachel Serotta
Katlyn Shagory
Karin Shankar
Corrie Shattenkirk
International Studies, Spanish
Senior Portraits 67
You 1ve got to dance like there's nobody watching, love like you 11 never get hurt, and laugh like there's no tomorrow. -Susanna Clarke
Rachael Sheinbaum
Maureen Sherry
Anna Shum
Reed Sibley
Wendy Sicard
Michael Silberman
Miranda Silverman
Michael Sirois
Environmenial Studies
Art, International Studies
Sheena Siu
Austin Slack
Kathryn Slemp
Scarlett Slenker
History, Philosophy
French Studies, History
68 Senior Portraits
Hold your head high stick your chest out. You can make it. It gets dark sometimes but morning comes ... Keep ho]X alive. JesseJackson
Courtney Smith
Edward Smith
Lauren Smith
Economics, International Studies
English, Sociology
Jamie Snyder-Fair
Jeffrey Sparrow
Nicholas Snyder & Dance
Government, Theater
Russell Spitler
Christopher Starz
Sheldon Stevenson
Allison Stewart
Computer Science
Environmental Studies
Senior Portraits 69
SO whatever you dq just do it. Do not worry about making a fool of yourself. Making
a damn fool of yourselfis absolutely essential. And you will have a great time. -Gloria Steinem
William Stohner
Michelle Stone
Benjamin Stonebraker
Tara Studley
Douglas Summa
Abraham Summers
Christopher Surprenant
Anne Szender
Government, Philosophy
Alexander Telis
Caroline Tempesta
Saw Timothy
Kathleen Toole
70 Senior Portraits
Keep true to the dreams of your youth. johann Friedrich Von Schiller
Daniel Torres
Matthew Tozer
Margaret Trzyna
Daniel Uhlmann
William Van der Veen
Christopher Van Wagenen
Brian Venti
Andrew Volk
Nicholas Von Mertens
International Studies
International Studies, Mathematics
Senior Portraits 71
A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do. -Bob Dylan
Amanda Walsh
Michael Walsh
Patrick Walsh
Tsering Wangdi
Biology, Economics
Mathematical Sciences, Physics
Jonah Waxman
Ellen Weaver
Emily Weber
Sarah Webster
Government, International Studies
American Studies
American Studies, Art
Nicole Wessen
Kelly Wheaton
Stephen Whelpley
Michael Widdersheim
Mathematical Sciences
Biology, Psychology
Classical Civilization-English
72 Senior Portraits
The longestjourney starts with a single step -Lao Tse
¡� . ,, -
Hillary Wiley
Alana Willhite
Daniel Williams
Kevin Yardi
Christopher Yeoh
Melissa Yosua
Biochemistry, Religious Studies
Mathematics, Physics
Mallory Young
Vasilena Zheleva
David Zohn
Geology: Earth Science
Biochemistry, Mathematics
International Studies
Senior Portraits 73
In Memory of
Kyaw�war Win
Augu�t 8. 1983
74 In Memory of Kyawswar Win
May 31. 2002
Tribute to
the Seniors
President Adams and the 2005 brick for the Pub
WELCOME, 2005! We had just gotten back from
and were still a bit lost on campus. We gathered in the
chapel, where Parker Beverage, Dean of Admissions, presented us -- the Class of 2005, the -- to President Adams. What an
we were ...
My Colby admission colleagues and I selected you from a pool of first year applicants more than eight times your present size of 488. You had many good reasons for choosing Colby. One of you wrote, "Colby just seems like the ideal college experience: intelligent and passionate students, a unique and practical academic agenda, and a beautiful campus full of resources." A classmate, who had flown from Seattle to visit us, said, "The moment I stepped onto the Colby campus, I was speechless. My first thoughts were 'Wow! This is where I belong."' And you do. You all belong, and whatever your reasons for choosing Colby, we're absolutely delighted you're here. You came to Colby from all over the world, from the islands of Maine and from Manhattan, Long Island, Staten Island, Hong Kong, and Prince Edward Island. You came from Butterfly Town, USA, the City of Angels, the Big Easy, the Gateway to the West, the Snowmobile Capital of the World, and the Lobster Capital of the World. You are unquestionably the most multicultural and internationally diverse class ever to enter Colby. You speak Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, Romanian, Russian, Tagalog, Polish, Burmese, Portuguese, Korean, Albanian, Tibetan, Hindi, and 20 other languages33 in all! Ten percent of you represent African-American, Latin-American, Asian American, and Native-American backgrounds. Most of you come to Colby directly from a four-year high school. Two of you, however, finished high school in three years. Many incoming students this year follow family members to Colby. Two of you, in fact, represent the fourth and fifth generations of family members to attend Colby. On the other hand, nearly ten percent of you are from families in which neither parent pursued a four-year college education. In terms of academic strength, your class brings to Colby an impressive variety of interests and records of achievement. A number of you earned the Society of Women Engineers Award, the RPI Medal, and the Bausch & Lomb Award for outstanding achievement in math and science. Others won the Xerox Award for excellence in the humanities and social sciences. You received book awards from some 20 different colleges and universities, from Boston College, Brown, and Colby to Wellesley and Williams. A number of you scored perfect 800's on your verbal or math SATs; you earned 800's on SAT-II Subject, S's on Advanced Placement tests, and a perfect point total of 45 on your International Baccalaureate Diploma. One of you earned A+'s in every single academic subject throughout four years of high school. Your class brings to the Colby community a wealthy of work experience and special training, too. One of you has performed as a roving accordion minstrel; others have managed a candy store, served as a Sunday School superintendent, operated an apiary, raked wild Maine blueberries, worked as a stern man on a lobster boat, and been a baseball stadium vendor at Jacob's Field. You bring to Colby talents in art, music, and theater; accomplishments in speech and debate; and athletic skills. Many of you were all-league, all-conference, all-district, and all-state musicians and athletes, and some of you enjoyed even wider recognition. One of you is a professional actor and member of the Screen Actors Guild. Two of you have performed at Carnegie Hall, one with your fife and drum corps, another with the Children's Choru s of San Antonio. These, then, are some of the interests, talents, achievements, and backgrounds that distinguish your class. I coul enumerate many others. Let me just say, though, that each and every one of you made it successfully through a very competitiv admission process, and that each of you brings something special to Colby. Your many special qualities will enrich those at th College who are fortunate to study and work with you and to teach you during your years at Colby. Finally, while the numerou accomplishments of your class suggest that you are a very competitive group, you will, if you are like the Colby classes which hav gone before you, work together well, pulling and pushing one another along, rather than pushing one another aside, You will b proud of your own achievements; at the same time, you will delight in the success of your classmates. Now, President Adams, fo their matriculation at Colby College, it is my privilege to present to you and to the members of the faculty, this extraordinary Colb Class of 2005.
AU REVOIR, 2005! Baccalaureate -- the
given by Colby's president to the
graduating class. It was the closing event of the undergraduate experience that began with the :onvocation four years earlier when the
signed Colby's matriculation book.
In thinking about your time at Colby, I must confess to feeling a kind of personal connection with your class. For like my vn generation's College experience, yours, too, was profoundly marked and shaped by extraordinary things happening far from 3.yflower Hill. You know, I am sure, what I mean by extraordinary things. No future graduating class at Colby is likely to experience 9 startling surprises you have experienced. For it was here, in your time, that the curse of the Bambino was finally broken. It was ire, in your time, that the "idiots" staged the impossible comeback against the evil empire - "my daddy," as Pedro Martinez put 50 creatively. And it was here, in your time, that the New England Patriots won not one, not two, but three world championships professional football. If any period at Colby can be called historic, then, it is certainly yours. And I am sure that future classes II look back with envy and astonishment upon your experience. Now, on the verge of your departure, that reality is closer than ever before. I would not blame you if you are wondering how 9 degree I will lay in your hands tomorrow relates to the sorts of things you will encounter on the day after. Those things . . ---.,..L.:.·-·!-� are not limited, of course, to politics and history. They include the more familiar and prosaic things that all of us expect to have to sort out in life: a meaningful and rewarding - .. ·J professional life; engagement with the communities we inhabit; happy and satisfying personal lives. How well are you prepared to grapple with all of these things? Indeed, are you prepared in any way at all? Consider, first, an article that appeared in the April I I 12 edition of The Wall Street Journal entitled "Future CEO's May Need to Have Broad Liberal Arts Foundation. " The Wall Street Journal, I should note, has not built its I reputation on warm and fuzzy optimism or a particular friendliness to liberal arts colleges. But in the case of this article, a very definite sort of optimism is attached to the prospects of students from places very much like this one. "The route to the top (of the corporate ladder)," the article begins, "is changing, management experts say." One of those experts is Peter Veruki, head of external relations at Vanderbilt University's Owen Graduate School of Management. He defines the new route to success in this way. "It's about maturity and leadership," the article continues, "rather than about how many accounting courses did you take. . .. Companies are going to start to look at the fundamental value set of an individual and their basic education. Did they study philosophy and culture and history rather than just accounting, finance and engineering?" And here's my favorite part: "Fast-forward 20 or 30 years," this expert goes on, "and we're going to find business leaders who maybe majored in philosophy rather than business." Not everyone aspires, I know, to become a CEO. But for all you humanities majors out there, and there are many of you, I hope this perspective provides a general sense of encouragement, if not vindication. I will be happy to share a copy of the article - President Adams with your parents. In a variety of ways, from the personal to the occupational to the political, I predict that you will be steadily surprised and delighted by how well and often the intellectual foundation you have built at Colby will serve you. Never underestimate the quality and utility of what you have done here as a platform for engaging and iderstanding the thorny problems that will surely come your way in the years ahead. In ways you cannot now imagine, your Colby perience will return again and again to serve you. And so too, I trust, will your sense of belonging to one another and to Colby. >u carry this connection with you in your memory and feelings, and in your relationships with classmates and teachers. And now u can also look forward to encountering it among other Colby graduates. Like all large and extended families, this one has lots members. You will find them in every place you work and live, and you will discover in their presence the part of you that is still ·re. As you do so, I hope you will come to feel a keen sense of responsibility for Colby. For as alumni, this place really does belong you in a new and powerful way. Its future well being will depend increasingly on your affection and support, as its present strength ·pends on those who have preceded you. Thank you for your hard work, for your achievements, and for your commitment to this :tee. And thank you, above all else, for letting us be involved in this remarkably interesting and promising time in your lives. That why we are here, after all. And it is work in which we achieve our most important satisfactions. Good luck to you all; God bless u; and goodbye.
'In w ys �ou cann�t ow 1mag1ne, ..;] ·
tHill return again and .: . �ga1n to serve you. . fAnd so too, I trust, (wiU your sense of lbelonging to one �nether and to (Colby."
78 Tribute to the Seniors
The quality of
school is measured more by the kind of students it turns out than the kind it takes in."
Tribute to the Seniors 79
80 Tribute to the Seniors
Tribute to the Seniors 81
'· ·
94 Tribute to the Seniors
Class of 2006, 2007, & 2008
Reflection in Lovejoy door
Cla�� of 2006
98 Class of 2006
Class of 2006 99
100 Class of 2006
Class of 2006 101
Cla�� of 2007
102 Class Of 2007
Class of 2007 103
104 Class of 2007
Class of 2007 105
Cla�� of 2008
106 Class of 2008
Class of 2008 107
108 Class of 2008
Class of 2008 109
110 We are Colby...
We are Colby... 111
By Department
View from Keyes
Adtnini�tralive 9.cience L to R: Leonard Reich, Randy Nelson
Af rican-Arnerican 9.tudie� Back L to R: Jill Gordon, Cheryl Townsend Gilkes Front L to R: Maritza Straughn-Williams, Jeffrey Anderson
Anthropology Back L to R: Catherine Besteman, Jeff Anderson Front L to R: Mary Beth Mills, David Nugent, Maritza Straughn Williams
Art Back L to R: Dee Peppe, Vicki Hendsbee, Scott Reed, Bevin Engman, Garry Mitchell, Margaret Libby, Ankeney Weitz, Margaret McFadden Front: Daniel Rosenfeld
114 f awlty
L to R: David Firmage, Frank Fekete, Tim Christensen, Stacey Lance, Herb Wilson, Joshua Kavaler, Scott Guay, Judy Stone, Paul Greenwood, Russell Johnson, Cathy Bevier, Betsy Champlin, Lindsey Colby, Andrea Tilden
Back L to R: B renda Fekete, Dasan Thamattoor, Rebecca Rowe, Lisa Miller, Rebecca Conry, Jeffrey Katz, Thomas Shattuck Front L to R: Stephen Dunham, Julie Millard, Jean Mcintyre, Martin Lemaire
Computer gcience
L to R: Kerill O'Neill, Han na Reisman, Joseph Reisman
L to R: Clare Bates Congdon, Randolph M. Jones, Daniel Bilar, Marc. Smith, Dale Skrien
Faculty 115
Econornicďż˝ Back L to R: Phil Brown, Keller Kimbrough, Peter Ditmanson, Walter Hatch
Back L to R: David Findlay, Jim Meehan, Clifford Reid, Randy Nelson, Jason Long
Front L to R: Michiko Nakagawa, Kim Besio, Hong Zhang, Ankeney Weitz
Front L to R: Debra Barbezat, Patrice Franko, Phillip Brown, Kashif Mansori
Engli�h and Creative Writing Back L to R: Anindyo Roy, Daniel Contreras, Tracy Carrick, Jennifer Thorn, Tilar Mazzeo, Linda Tatelbaum, Pat Onion, Peter Harris, Elizabeth Sagaser Front: Laurie Osbone
116 Faculty
Back L to R: Russ Cole, James Webb, Paul Josephson, David Firmage, Philip Nyhus Front L to R: Cathy Bevier, Beth Kopp, Gail Carlson, Jim Fleming, Liliana Andonova
Geology Back L to R: Bob Nelson, Bob Gastaldo, Bruce Rueger, Don Allen Front L to R: Jen Shosa, Alice Ridky
French and Italian Back L to R: Allison Cooper, Alison Levine, Jonathan Weiss, Arthur Greenspan Front L to R: Christine Guillois, Davida Gavioli, Adrianna Paliyenko, Andre Siamundele
Gover nment
German and Ru��ian
Back L to R: Patrick McGuinn, Sandy Maisel, Ariel Armony, Guilain Denoeux, Liliana Botcheva-Andonova, Anthony Corrado
Back L to R: Sophie Schieler, Ulla Reidel-Schrewe, Jim Mcintyre, Masha Zhurbina, Julie de Sherbinin
Front L to R: Kenneth Rodman, Joseph Reisert, Jennifer Yoder
Front L to R: Maria Morrison, Shelia McCarthy
faculty 117
International gtudie�
Back L to R: Paul Josephson, James Webb, David Lewis Colman, Peter Ditmanson
Back L to R: Paul Josephson, Mary Beth Mills, Catherine Besteman, Ariel Armony, Ken Rodman, Kashif Mansori
Front L to R: Larissa Taylor, Elizabeth Leonard, Raffael Scheck
Front L to R: Ben Fallaw, Patrice Franko, Jennifer Yoder
Jewi�h gtudie� L to R: Guilain Denoeux, Eugene Avrutin, Elisa Narin van Court, Rabbi Krinski
118 faculty
Latin Arnerican gtudie� Back L to R: Luis Millones, Jorge Olivares, Patrice Franko Front L to R: Ben Fallaw, Maritza Straughn-Williams, David Nugent
Mathematic£; L to R: Victor Shubov, Jan Holly, Alvaro Lozano-Robledo, Otto Bretscher, Liam O'Brien, Katie St. Clair, Fernando Gouvea, Ben Mathes, Tom Berger
Back L to R: Steven Nuss, Jon Hallstrom, Eric Thomas, David Rothenberg Front L to R: Paul Machlin, Margaret Ericson, Diane Kadyk, Steve Saunders
Back L to R: Cheshire Calhoun , Daniel Cohen
Back L to R: Duncan Tate, Robert Bluhm, Charles Conover, Murray Campbell
Front L to R: Jill Gordon, Robert McArthur Front L to R: Alice Ridky, Virginia Long, Lisa Lessard
Faculty 119
P5;ychology L to R: Thane Pittman, Diane Winn, Joseph Atkins, Nicholas Rohrman, Sheila Libby, George Ladd
Religiou5; gtudie5; L to R: Joseph Marchal, Nikky-Guninder Singh, Debra Campbell
gcience. Technology. ďż˝ gociely
L to R: James Fleming, Jennifer Shosa, Leonard Reich, Alice Ridky, James Webb, Judy Stone, Dale Skrien
Back L to R: Teresa Arendell, Alec Campbell
120 Faculty
Front L to R: Cheryl Townsend Gilkes, Thomas Morrione
Theater and Dance
Back L to R: Jorge Olivares, Yvonne Sanavitis, Luis Millones, Marisela Funes, Priscilla Doel
Back L to R: John Ervin, Debi Ward, Jim Thurston Front L to R: Tina Wentzel, Joylynn Wing, Laura Chakravarty Box
Front L to R: Maria Colbert, Betty Sasaki, and Barbara Nelson
faculty 121
Williatn D. Adatn �
Janice A. Ka��tnan
President of the Col lege
Vice President forStudent Affai rs
To the Class of 2005 : I've been asked by the Oracle editors to offer you some words to live by . The task rem inds me of an icon ic movie scene from my youth . You probably know it. It is the moment in The Graduate when William Daniels sid les u p to Dusti n Hoffman and, i n a whisper, assures Hoffman that his future ca n be assured by just one word : " p lastics . " Even i f I cou ld , I wouldn't disti l l everyth i ng I have learned into one word and wh isper it into you r col lective ea r. As m i ne have been, you r lives and the mean ings you w i l l derive from them are yours to discover. It is a sweet and slig htly terrifying fact of youth (and of life, rea l ly). Whatever you have done up to this point, you cannot know for sure where you r future passions, victories or disasters w i l l lie. That uncertainty is w h a t makes life interesting a n d worth getting up for every morn i n g . As one of my teachers was fond of saying to his students: "the future is not some place you are going to-it's someth ing you are making . " I have met many o f you i n the course o f o u r time together a t Col by. I have watched you act i n plays, dance, compete in ath letic
Dear Class of 2005, Each Colby class has its own u n ique flair and rhythm with a mix of unforgetta ble personal ities and cherished stories. Your class has been graced with bright m i nds, u n l i m ited potential and close bonds that will last a lifeti me. From COOT trips, to walks around this beautiful campus, to heated debates with challenging professors who stretched your minds and sometimes scrambled you r brains, the Colby experience of approximately 1000 days, has been unforget ta ble in powerful ways. Each year at commencement, a sea of faces and memories flood my mind , as I have the honor of read ing graduation names, as seniors approach the stage for the last moment of Colby g lory . Please know how much so many of you have touched me. I know some of you better than others, but the endu ring pride I have in this place, is the result of a l l those who came before you, your own class and the promise of those to come.
contests, g ive speeches, sing, protest, play m usic, study on the M i l ler Lawn, g ive m useu m tours, and much more . I've joi ned you for dessert and a Red Sox game in your residence halls. I have met you d u ri ng my office hours, when you ca me to object earnestly to a College pol icy, or just to say hello (thanks for that) . I have read your e-mails to me on subjects ranging from the state of pol itica l discou rse on ca mpus to the state of our pa rki ng lots. I know you . And knowing you, I am sure of you . You r lives and thei r meanings are i n good hands: you rs. The words to l ive by? Trust yourselves. I do. Fondly, Bro
122 faculty
Jan ice A. Kassman Vice President for Student Affa i rs Dean of Students
Athletics : Fall Sports r1......
Miller in the fall
r=ootba ll The Mules continued to build on their winning 5-3 season in 2003 . Led by first year head coach Edward J . Mestieri, they ended their season 6-2, tied for second place in the N ESCAC with Wil liams a nd Amherst. This cohesive, close-knit group of young men worked and played extremely hard in all three phases of the game : offense, defense, and special teams. The Mules cli nched the CBB title for the second consecutive yea r, and for the 13th ti me in the past 17 years. Finishing sixth in Division III in New England, the seniors had thei r first back to back winning season si nce '94-'95, and ended with an overal l record of 19- 1 3 . Each senior has left their own i ndelible mark on "Blue . . . Team . . . Pride." Fou r players were honored to the N ESCAC All-Conference First Tea m : John Goss, Wayne Harrington, Daniel Oli phant, and Peter Sherma n . Two players were honored to the Second Tea m : Mike Civitello and Mike Poplaski . Six players were selected to the N ESCAC All-Academic Tea m : M i ke Bracco, Dave Civitello, Dan Giuliani, Wayne Harri ngton, Steve Kasperski, and Tom Wi lson .
Williams M iddlebury Wesleyan Amherst Hamilton Bates Tufts Bowdoin
124 fall Sports
10- 2 1 L 23-6 w 23-0 w 10- 19 L 35-0 w 17-16 w 1 7-3 w 23-0 w
Colby Football 2004 Front Row: Tom Wilson, Mike Civitello, Wayne Harrington, Matt Albertelli, Dan Saganey, Curtis Chin, Chris Duncombe, Capt. Mike Booras, Capt. Steve Kasperski, Peter Sherman, Ed Mezer, Steve Markesich, Brandon Binder, Larry Dagrosa, Brendan Crighton, Noah Hoffman. Second Row: Daniel Oliphant, Michael Tomich, Travis Agustin, Rob Jacobs, Brett Sabbag, Jon Vacca, Patrick Lever, Roddy Ames, David Civitello, Dan Giuliani John Goss, John Bateman, Conor Sullivan, Tyler Hales, Stephen Kiely, Alan Chang, Mike Bracco, Jos Berman. Third Row: James Cooper, Chris Gerhart, Tyler Cote, Andy Roland, Thomas Bourdeau, Sean L'ltalien Andrew Heaney, Josh Donabedian, Scott Roulston, Michael Paleokrassas, Nial DeMena, Paul Howanitz, Mik Poplaski, Brennan Moore, Matt Peabody, Jonathan Forsythe, Jackson Parker, Julian Lam, Justin Smith. Fourt Row: Billy Ryan, Greg Smith, Brian Ward, Camden Buckso, Chris Bashaw, Justin Candon, Chafic George, Gre Enos, Brian Liberty, Matt Crane, Clayton Marshall, Sean Collamore, Grant Netzorg, Kyle Smith, Bernie Barone Jimmy McDonough, Jon Godbout, Rob Ferriter. Back Row: Video Coordinator Sasha Schroeder, Leo Trude Coach Bill Lawrence, Coach Bill Lund, Coach Jonathan Michaeles, Head Coach Ed Mestieri, Coach To Dexter, Coach Brandon Irwin, Coach Rob Quinn, Eq.Mgr. Chap Nelson, Trainer Sara MacDonough.
l=ield 1-tockey The 2004 season was the most successful in the h i story of Col by Field Hockey u nder i nteri m Head Coach Amy Bernatchez. The seniors led the tea m t o t h e first ever N ESCAC Semifinals spot. T h e M u les fi nshed 9-7 and were undefeated in the state of Maine. This season, they also were Elm City Champs after beati ng Thomas College. One of the g reatest accomplish ments this season was beating Bowdoin twice; both at home on g rass and away on tu rf. This ea rned them the CB-cu bed title, a n extension of the CBB Cha mpionsh i p . Senior Ca pta in Wendy Bonner was na med to the DIII Al l-American Sec ond Tea m, after m a king the th i rd tea m the past two yea rs. Bonner also made the North/South Senior Al l-Sta r G a me, DIII New England West Reg ion Fi rst Tea m and the N ESCAC All -Conference Fi rst Tea m . Tea m m ate Kristin Putn a m made the DIII New England West Reg ion Second Tea m for the second yea r as wel l as N ESCAC All-Conference Second Tea m . Freshman Jamie Enos was named Co Rookie of the Yea r for N ESCAC. Sen ior Capta i n La u ren Sm ith w a s honored as N ESCAC Player o f the Week at the start of the season as wel l as MVP for the season . Senior Mel issa M u l len, J u n ior Emily Tu l l , and Putna m were na med to the N ESCAC All Academic Squad .
0-1 L 3-0W 1-0 W 4-0 W 0-1 L-OT 1-2 L 1-0 W D-4 L 1 -4 L 6-0 W H> W 1-2 L 7-0 W
Colby Field Hockey 2004 Front Row: Kristin P u tn a m , M i c h a e l y n Bortolotti,Capt. Lauren Smith.Capt. Wendy Bonner, Adrienne Leclair, Melissa Mullen. Middle Row: Coach Heidi Godomsky, Molly Rice, Kyla Wagman, Nikki Stadelman, Emily Tull C hristine Maloney, Emily Lawrence, Coach Amy Bernatchez, Sara Manoli. Back Row: Emily Wilson, Marie Claire McGovern, Jessica Egan, Jennifer Reilly, Jamie Enos. Fall Sports 125
Men's Soccer started off this season with a preseason tri p to Eng land and Scotland. They went undefeated there a nd headed into the season with confidence. The season was anchored by a strong defense. Sweeper Russell Gullette and Goal keeper Bria n Davidson both were named to the N ESCAC All-Conference Second Team for 2004 . Although the Mu les d id not make post-season tou rnament, they ended the season 5-7-2 and were unde feated out-of-conference. They played wel l a nd had a great ti me this season. Senior Capta in Ryan Boccuzzi, Sen ior Aaron Poplack, and Junior Monty Hankin were named to the 2004 N ESCAC Al l-Academic Tea m .
2004 Tufts Bowdoin U . of New England Trin ity Southern Maine M idd lebury Mai ne-Farmington Wesleyan Wi l l iams Amherst Thomas Connecticut College St Joseph's Bates
Colby Men's Soccer 2004 Back Row: Coach Mark Serdjenean, Adrian Walther, Russell Gullette, John McCormack, Brian Venti, Monty Hankin, Teague Dugan, Todd Rockwood, Trevor McWilliams, Brian Kelly, Capt. Ryan Boccuzzi, Bobby Abendroth, Dan Ruiz, Asst. Coach Jon Hunt. Front Row: Luis Mendoza, Chris MacFayden, Michael Butler, Donnie O'Callaghan, Brian Kasarjian, Jamie Waters, Josh Kahane, Brian Davidson, Adam Rafsky, Daniel Kiernan, James Pilgrim, Will Kinder, Aaron Poplack. 126 fall Sports
0- 1 1-2 3-0 3-1 1-1 2-2 2- 1 2-3 0-2 0-2 3-0 0- 1 7-0 0- 1
L L w w
T T w
L (OT) L L w
L w
'1 · 1·
i, .
.• ·
Women � goccer I n 2004, the M u les went 7-5-2 and were tied for 7th i n N ESCAC with two other tea ms. Although it was close, they were unable to beat Bates at the end of the season to secure a playoff b i rth . One of the h ig h l i g hts of the season was beating W i l l ia ms for the first time i n Col by Women's Soccer history. Tyi ng Tufts and Bates were also g reat accom plishments. The M u les have been undefeated in non-league play si nce the 2000 season . La u ra W i l l ia mson's was honored with a spot on the N ESCAC All-Conference Second Tea m . Th ree players made the N ESCAC All -Academic Tea m : Senior Amanda Wa lsh, J u nior Kaitl i n Herli hy, and J u nior Ka ra M cCa be.
SCOREBOARD 2004 Tufts U . of N ew England M a i ne-Fa rmi ngton Bowdoi n Tri n ity H usson Midd lebu ry Wesleyan Williams St. Joseph's Amherst Con n Col lege Southern Maine Bates
1-1 3-1 4- 1 0-2 1-4 4-0 1-3 4-0 1-0 3-0 2-3 0-2 2- 1 1-1
T w w L L w L w w w L (OT) L w T
Colby Women's Soccer 2004 Back Row: Trainer Tim Weston, Asst. Coach Kristina Katori, Kelly Delong, Lauren Barrett, Meggie Herlihy, Ali Fulreader, Katie McCabe, Kara McCabe, Kaitlin Herlihy, Asst. Coach Weed, Coach Jen Holsten. Middle Row: Laura Pomponi, Mollie Puskar, Meg Cord ner, Angela Martinelli, Meg Davis, Jenny Rutherford, Lauren Goethls, Liz Morbeck. Front Row: Jessie Kaplan, Julie Guilbault, Capt. Amanda Walsh, Scarlett Slenker, Liza Benson, Capt. Elizabeth Riley, Capt. Katie Ausgten,Christina Andaya, Libba Cox, Laura Williamson. Fall Sports 127
Men s; Cros;s; Country The Men's Cross Country team was led by sophomores Jeff Alden, Fred Bai ley, a nd Da n Vassa llo. Freshman Alex Gill was the nu mber four run ner for most of the season. Senior captain Peyton McElyea rounded out the top five. The highlight of the season was a successfu l NESCAC Championshi p meet hosted by Col by. The majority of the team improved their times by over a minute from earlier races in the season . The 2004 team ra n some of the fastest ti mes ever on Col by's tough home course. Seniors Peyton McElyea and Steve Bogden success fu l ly captured the Williams "T"-Bear du ring the NESCAC Cham pionsh ip Meet. Th is cherished mascot will only be returned when certain demands have been met.
SCOREBOARD 2004 U-Mass Darmouth Invite (29 teams) Bowdoin/Wesleyan (3 teams) Open New England (48 teams) State Meet (9 teams) NESCAC Meet ( 1 1 teams) ECAC Meet (34 teams) NE Div III (39 teams)
1 0th Place 3rd Place 27th Place 3rd Place 10th Place 1 5th Place
16th Place
Colby Men's Cross Country 2004 Front: Rich Downing, Tim Worthington, Coach Todd Coffin. Second Row: Alex Gill, Steve Bogden, Fred Bailey, Michael Collins. Third Row: Dan Vassallo, Bob Glotfelty, Jon Renos, Jeff Alden. Back Row: Mike Walsh, Peyton McElyea, Brad Woodworth, Tim McGuire. 128 fall Sports
Women � Cro�� Country The Women's Cross Country Tea m had a hig hly successful season this yea r, fi nishing fifth in the Division III N CAA Cha m pionsh i p Meet. Head Coach Deb Aitken was honored as N ESCAC and New England Division III Coach of the Yea r. Senior Karina Joh nson had a successful season and was named to the N ESCAC Al l-Conference Second Tea m for placing 1 1th i n the league meet. Joh nson, Senior Torrey Kulow, and J u nior J ess M i nty were honored to the N ESCAC All-Academic Tea m .Tea m mem bers will remem ber this season for their diehard fa ns that fol lowed them all the way to Wisconsi n , thei r "risky business, " bea ring their bunh uggers, and throwing a mean da nce party at N ESCACs.
SCOREBOARD 2004 3rd Place
1 st Place 1 0th Place 1 st Place 4th Place 6th Place 3rd Place
5th Place _J
� cmr, Colby Women's Cross Country 2004 Front: Shannon Burnham, Morgan Davies, Hillary Easter, Anna King, Jessica Iwasaki. Second Row: Julia Bachelder, Karen Prisby, Elizabeth Coogan, Jess Minty, Elizabeth Petit, Meghan Lehmann, Brianna Tufts. Third Row: Rebecca Flint, Elizabeth Littlefield, Jessica Hubert, Liz Turner, Lane Marder, S haron Fuller, Kirsten Davis, Coach Deb Aitken . On Mule: Capt. Karina Johnson, Capt. Torrey Kulow.
Fall Sports 129
Co-Ed Golf The Col by coed golf team put together another solid season in 2004, fol lowing a season in wh ich the Mu les won the Col by Classic Golf Tournament and took second at the Southern Maine Scramble. Men's golfer Matt Aschaffenburg '06 and women's golfer Jackie Page '07 each won ind ividual CBB (Colby-Bates-Bowdoin) titles. Aschaffenburg had a 75 in a field of 2 1 golfers to earn meda l ist honors at the CBB meet. Aschaffenburg, David Sa l mon a nd Chris Surprenant all earned N ESCAC Fa ll All-Academ ic honors.
SCOREBOARD 2004 Bowdoin Invitational (9 teams) Maine State Meet ( 14 teams) N ESCAC Tournament ( 10 teams) Sid Farr Invitational (4 teams) CBB Tournament (3 teams) USM Quad Meet (5 teams) Colby Classic (6 teams) Colby Invitational (4 teams)
Ultim ate t=ri�bee
9th Place 10th Place 10th Place 4th Place 3rd Place 4th Place 5th Place 2nd Place
¡ Women � Volley ball With a powerful j u n ior class, led by co-capta i n s Kaitl i n Ada m s a nd Ca it Cleaver, the Col by Volleyba ll had a 20+ win season for the th i rd consecutive yea r. Cleaver led the way offensively, averaging 4 . 2 kills per game and m a king key contri butions on defense as wel l . Kaitl i n Ada m s m a d e h e r presence known toward t h e e n d o f t h e season, after battl i n g n a g g i n g inj u ries and yet, N EVER m issing a game. S h e w a s Col by's only N ESCAC Player of the Week this yea r a nd was also named the East Coast Athletic Conference ( ECAC) Player of the Week, only the second player ever from Col by. Other j u n iors that made thei r mark this season were outside h i tter, Megan Devl in, and opposite hitter, M a riah Daly; they were second and fourth respectively on the tea m in kills per game. J u n ior player but first year setter, Jenn ifer Radcliffe, and Fresh m a n player Cassie Sancartier did a g reat job helping to run the offensive. J u nior Kaitl i n Adams w a s accepted t o t h e N ESCAC All-Academic Tea m for Fa l l 2004 .
smRE BOARD 2004
St. Joseph's Southern Maine SUffolk Maine-Machias Bates Middlebury Hamilton Williams Bowdoin Coast Guard Hunter Western Conn Coast Guard U New England JQlllSOll & Wales fMnoutll State JOlllhS(M'l & Wales ftmoudl State
3-0 3-0 3-0 3-0 3-0 0-3 3-0 1-3 3-0 0-3 3-0 3-0 1-3 3- 1 3-0 3-1 3-0 3-0 2-3 2-3 3-0 3-0 2-3 3-p 1 -3 3-0 3-IJ 3-0 2-3 3-0 2-3
W W W w w L W L W L W W L w W w W W L L W W L w L W W W L W L
Colby Women's Volleyball 2004 Front Row: Cassie Sancartier, Capt. Kaitlin Adams, Capt. Cait Cleaver, Jennifer Murphy. Middle Row: Coach Candice Parent, Jessie Prentice, Megan Devlin, Mariah Daly, Emily Parker, Julie Hike, Jennifer Radcliffe, Kendall Kirby, Amy Palmer. On Mule: Vanessa Ambatielos. fall Sports 131
132 fall Sports
Athletics : Winter Sports
Snow-covered Football Field
' Men c; Bac;ketba ll The men's basketba l l team tied for fifth i n the N ESCAC and ended the yea r at 14-8 under 34th yea r head coach Dick Whitmore, who earned his SSOth career win during the season. Colby opened the season by winning the Emma nuel Tou rnament. The Mu les went 8-3 playing at home at Wadsworth Gymnasi u m . Senior guard Patrick McGowan earned second team honors from the N ESCAC after leading Colby in scoring a nd stea ls. McGowan also earned D3hoops. com National Player of the Week honors early in the season. Sophomore center Drew Cohen averaged 1 5 . 8 poi nts and led the Mu les in rebou nding, blocked shots, and field goa l percentage. Cohen led the conference in blocked shots.Tom Nale and M i ke Rutherford earned NESCAC Wi nter All-Academic honors.
SCOREBOARD 2004 - 2005 Widener 95-64 W Widener 65-60 W Babson 69-80 L Newbury 80-42 W UMF 73-71 W , OT Thomas 77-60 W USM 68-42 W Bowdoin 82-64 W St. Joseph's 1 00-83 W Husson 65- 72 L Bates 65-59 W 69-76 L Tufts 66-71 L Bates 75-71 W Bowdoin Trinity 68-76 L, OT Amherst 58-85 L Con n Col lege 63-49 W Wesleyan 63-49 W Wil l iams 74-80 L Middlebury 83-66 W ME Maritime 97-68 W Tufts 88-99 L ( NESCAC Quarterfinals)
Colby Men's Basketball 2004 - 2005 Back Row: Asst. Coach Roy Pelotte, Asst. Coach Damien Strahorn, Michael Rutherford, Michael Westbrooks, Mark Gaudet, Tommy Nale, Jared Cushman, Nick Farrell, Andrew Jenkins, Mike King, Nate Dick, Pat Featherston, Head Coach Dick Whitmore, Asst. Coach JayJohnson. Front Row:Jon Sandi, Casey Civiello, Drew Cohen, Captain Patric McGowan, Jamie Snyder-Fair, Bryce Cheney, Preston Decker. 134 Winter Sports
Wornen � Ba�ketball The Col by women started fou r first-year players for most of the season a nd lone senior capta i n Wendy Bon ner led the M u les in scori ng and rebound ing i n a 6-18 seaso n . The M u les were 5-7 at one point and won their first league game against Tufts U n iversity . However, Col by h a d th ree o f thei r top s i x players suffer season-end ing knee i nj u ries i n t h e second half o f t h e seaso n . Bon ner earned second tea m N ESCAC honors w h i l e lead ing Col by in scoring, rebounding, a nd steals. Katie M cCa be, Reg ina Wohl, Ta nya Rosbash a nd Kath leen N icholson a l l showed prom ise in their first seasons.
SCOREBOARD 2004 - 2005 Wellesley St. Joseph's Gordon ME Maritime Rivier College Emmanuel
USM Bowdoin Bates UM-Presque Isle H usson Tufts Bates St. Joseph's Bowdoin UMF Trinity Amherst Conn Col lege Wesleyan Newbury Wi l l iams M idd lebury Thomas
63-75 58-46 58-46 76-82 77-40 66-77 57-69 37-64 48-72 84-40 66-69 59-54 56-75 58-7 1 48-56 39-55 44-60 60-70 45-59 42-57 50-68 5 2-67 59-66 61 -68
L w w L w L L L L w L w L L L L L L L L L L L L
Colby Women's Basketball 2004 - 2005 Back Row: Mgr. Elizabeth Riley, Asst. Coach Kristina Katori, Katie McCabe, Molly Rice, Captain Wendy Bonner, Jackie Grady, Megan Davis, Regina Wohl, Head Coach Patricia O'Brien. Front Row: Katie Harris, Robin Chanin, Tanya Rosbash, Kate qiley, Kathleen Nicholson, Laura Williamson .
Winter Sports 135
���� a!S� �8s�;�s-2 •
SCOREBOARD 2004 - 2005
The senior class r 6 s record this past season. Coach Jim Tortorella's l SQth career win fell during this season's play. The Mu les stea mrolled to a 7-0 victory over Williams Col lege in the New England Small Col lege Athletic Conference playoffs before fa l ling to eventual cha mpion M idd lebury in a semifinal game. Sen ior defensemen Patrick Walsh earned NESCAC first-team honors for the second straight season . Wa lsh earned first team Al l American and second team US College Hockey Online All-USCHO. He was also one of four defensemen na med to the ECAC East/NESCAC Al l-Star Team . Sen ior forward N ick Bayley earned second-team conference honors after lead ing the Mules in scori ng. Bayley, a two-time National Academic Al l-America n, fi nished third al l-time in career scoring at Colby. Senior forward Cory Ernst was second in scoring this season. Bayley, Ernst, Joel Marash, Ryan O'Flanagan, Ken Pitter, Chris Ries and Patrick Sli earned N ESCAC Wi nter All-Academic honors. T
St. Ansel m 3-6 L New England College 4-3 W, OT Sa lve Regi na 1 1 -0 W US U nder- 18 Team 1-5 L Skidmore 8-2 W castleton State 10-0 W Bowdoi n 5-4 W , OT Southern Maine 3-2 W Curry 3-3 T 6-1 W U Mass - Boston 1-3 L Babson 5-2 W Wil l iams M iddlebu ry 2-0 W 1-4 L Tufts 10- 1 W Con n Col lege Trin ity 2-4 L 8-3 W Wesleyan Norwich 3-7 L 9-0W St. Michaels Bowdoin 3-5 L Southern Maine 4-3 W 5- 1 W Salem State 3-4 L Amherst Hami lton 3-3T W i l l iams 7-0 W ( N ESCAC Quarterfi nals) M iddlebury 1 -4 L ( N ESCAC Semifinals @ Trin ity)
136 Winter Sports
Colby Men's Ice Hockey 2004 - 2005 Back: Rink Mgr. Rodney Ferland, Mike Butler, Arthur Fritch, J Rothwell, Adam Marino, Josh Reber, T.J. Kelley, Trainer Tim Westo Middle Row: Adam Carlson, Patrick Rutherford, Ben Grandjean, To O'Hara, Ryan Chrenek, Jason Weigel, Ryan O'Flanagan, Jake Bayl Chris Ries, Ken Pitter, Greg Osbourne. Front Row: Joel Morash, P Slipp, Jared Gordon, Asst. Coach Bobby Nagle, Asst Captain Co Ernst, Captain Pat Walsh, Asst. Captain Nick Bayley, Head Coach J Tortorella, Barry Brown, Eric Molander.
Wornen � Ice 1-f ockey
The women's tea m won th ree more ga mes than last year's season and made it back to the N ESCAC playoffs under first-year head coach David Venditti . The M u les fin ished their season at 7- 1 1 -3. The M u les opened the season with a 2- 1 win over Wi l l ia ms Col lege and ended the yea r with a 3-1 loss to the same tea m i n a league quarterfinal game. Senior forward Heather DeVito led the M u les i n scori ng . Devito was na med to the N ESCAC second team . Jenn ifer McAleer and M ichele Ba rmash were other top scorers. First-year goa l ie Genevieve Triganne kept Col by i n many games with solid play i n the nets with a . 904 save percentage. Devito and Triga n ne were named tea m MVPs. Kristi n Putnam and Li ndsay Ba rada earned N ESCAC Wi nter Al l-Academic honors.
SCOREBOARD 2004 - 2005 2- 1 W Williams 1-6 L M iddlebury 4-0 W USM 0- 1 0 L Plattsburg h 0-8 L Bowdoin Con n Col lege 2-0 W 2-2 T Amherst Sai nt Anselm 0-2 L 2-4 L Wesleya n 0-0 T Amherst 3- 1 W Conn College 3-1 W Sacred Heart Bowdo i n 2-6 L H a m i lton 2-2 T H a m i lton 0-3 L 3-5 L M iddlebury 3-4 L Williams 4-2 W Trin ity Wesleyan 6-1 W 1 -3 L Williams ( N ESCAC Quarterfi na ls)
Colby Women's Ice Hockey 2004 - 2005 Back Row: Head Coach David Venditti, Margaret Chute, Caitlin Leahy, M.C. McG011arn, Victoria Work, Lauren Goethals, Marisa Mullane, Caroline Voyles, Lindsay Tedesch i , Genvieve Trig a n n e , Erin Schlossman, Asst. Coach Jen Holsten. Front Row: Kit Hickey, Jen McAlear, Mallory Young, Sasha Schroeder, Tri-Captain Meghan Barringer, Tri-Captain Michele Barmash, Tri Captain Heather Devito, Kristin Putnam, Lynn Hasday, Sarah Goodrich, Lindsay Barada .
Winter Sports 137
' Men c; Alpin e gkiin g During the wi nter carnival season, Col by qual ified fu ll teams of th ree men and three women for the NCAA Division I Champion sh i ps. The Colby men were second in the g iant slalom a nd third in the sla lom at the NCAA meet. Warner N ickerson earned first team All-America honors for being second in the g iant slalom at the NCAA meet. N ickerson won three Eastern Intercollegiate Ski Association ( EISA) races du ring the season, includ i ng the Eastern title in the slalom at M iddlebury Col lege. He fi nished as the first double medal ist for the US alpine squad in the World University Games com petition since 1993 . Robert Sau nders ea rned second team Al l America honors for placing sixth i n the giant slalom at the NCAA meet. He a lso led the Mu les by finishing 13th in the slalom . Charlie Reed placed 14th i n the slalom for Col by. Reed and Jacob Colognesi were on the N ESCAC Wi nter All-Academic Tea m .
MEN ' S SCOREBOARD 2004 - 2005 Bates carnival
g iant slalom slalom St. M ichael's carnival giant slalom slalom UVM carnival g iant slalom slalom Dartmouth carnival g iant slalom slalom giant slalom Williams carnival slalom M iddlebury carnival slalom giant slalom NCAA Championships g iant slalom slalom
Colby Alpine Skiing 2004 - 2005 Robert Saunders, Warner Nickerson, Jake Colognesi, Rory Kelly, Charlie Reed, Ryan Praskievicz, Jody Centauro, Jack Mallia, Siri Ashton, Captain Nicole Wessen, Caitlin Healey, Abbi Lanthrop, Jenny Lathrop, Ashley Best, McKenzie Wessen , Alissa Consenstein, Brett Wagenheim.
/;.· ): . .
138 Winter Sports
��!.:�.� .-..�
6th of 10 7th of 9 3 rd of 1 1 4th of 1 1 6th of 10 3rd of 103rd of 10 6th of 1 6th of 1 4th of 5th of 1 5th of l 2nd of 3rd of
· Women � Alpine gkiing The women 's a l pine ski tea m had a first by qualifying a fu ll th ree-woman tea m for the NCAA Division I Cha m pionsh i ps. Abbi Lath rop, Siri Ashton and N icole Wessen made the N CAA tea m for Col by . Lathrop ea rned first tea m All-America honors after two g reat runs and fi n ished second in the g i a nt slalom at the NCAA Division I Skiing Cham pionsh i ps. She hel ped the Col by women place th i rd in the giant slalom . Lath rop was a consistent top- 1 0 fi n isher d u ring the cou rse of the Eastern Intercolleg iate Ski Association ( EISA) winter ca rnival seaso n . S h e was sixth in the giant sla lom a n d eig hth i n slalom at the Eastern meet. Ashton and Wessen both showed d ra matic i m p rovement i n earning NCAA spots. Aston capped of her EISA season by ta king eig hth place in the giant slalom a nd 19th in the slalom. Wessen was 1 3th in the slalom a nd 22nd i n the giant slalom at Easterns. Wessen then fi nished 1 7th in the giant slalom and Ashton was 20th at the N CAA meet. Ashton also made the N ESCAC Wi nter All-Academic Tea m .
WOMEN ' S SCOREBOARD 2004 - 2005 Bates ca rnival
giant slalom slalom ael's Carnival giant slalom slalom giant slalom slalom g iant slalom sla lom
Wll!lnlS Carnival
5th of 9 5th 4th 6th 5th
of of of of
9 11 11 10
6th o f 1 0 3rd o f 1 0 5th o f 10
giant slalom slalom
5th of 10
slalom g iant slalom
5th o f 1 5 4th of 1 2
giant slalom
2nd of 1 3 3 rd o f 1 3
7th of 1 0
Winter Sports 139
¡ Men � Nordic gkiing The men's Nordic ski tea m had one of their best fi nishes i n years in the open ing meet of the season while ta king fourth overal l in the 1 5-kilometer freestyle at the Bates Wi nter Carniva l . Colby had more top-20 fi nishes this season a nd was often one or two places higher in the team standings. Fred Ba i ley was 1 1th that day at Bates and had the most top finishes for the M u les. Kris Dobie, Brandon Smithwood, Jeff Alden and Austin Ross were other top fi nishers during the course of the season. Smithwood placed 14th at the Bates event, while Ross was 22nd a nd Dobie took 23rd . Dobie had a top-20 fi nish in the lOK pursuit at St. M ichael's and Bai ley was in the top 20 at Dartmouth . Ba iley also took 19th place in the lOK free techn ique at Williams. Sm ithwood earned NESCAC Wi nter Al l-Academ ic honors.
SCOREBOARD 2004 - 2005 15K 10K 10K ( P) 10K UVM carnival 20K 10K Dartmouth 3x5 mixed relay 10K FS Williams carniva l Men's relay 10K Eastern Cham pionshi ps 20K @ Middlebury
Bates Col lege carnival St. M i chael's carnival
140 Winter Sports
4th 8th 7th 8th 8th 7th 8th 7th 8th 8th 8th
of of of of of of of of of of of
10 12 12 11 11 11 10 11 11 11 12
· Women � Nordic gkiing H i l lary Easter led the Col by women's Nordic tea m with the most top fi nishes in EISA raci ng . Her best was 23rd at the Williams Col lege ski carniva l . Easter also had two top-25 finishes at the Vermont ski ca rniva l . Easter a n d Alex J ospe both h a d top-30 fi nishes a t the Eastern Cha m pionships. Easter was 2 3 rd in the 1 5-ki lometer free technique and Jospe placed 28th in the SK classic race.
SCOREBOARD 2004 - 2005 Bates College Carniva l St. M ichael's Carnival
lOK SK S K (P) UVM Carnival SK lOK SK Dartmouth 3 x S m ixed relay Williams Carnival SK FS Women's relay Eastern Championshi ps SK @ M iddlebury lS K
Colby Nordic Skiing 2004 - 2005 V1en: Aaron Blazer, Cary Fridrich, Kris Dobie, Brandon Smithwood, Jeff Alden, =red Bailey, Ezra Hark, Andrew Herstein, Anders Wood , Nicholas Kline, John ieno, Austin Ross, John Swain, Michael Collins Nomen: Hillary Easter, Alex Jospe, Jess Taylor, Miriam Trotscha, Mariah Nhitney, Anna Barnwell, Abby Finkel, Jessica Harold, Katie Klepinski, Alyssa _ee, Aime Schwarz.
9th 9th 9th 8th 9th 8th 8th 8th 9th 9th 8th
of of of of of of of of of of of
10 11 11 11 11 11 10 11 11 11 11
Winter Sports 141
Men � gqua �h Colby fi nished the season ranked 17th national ly, won d ivision play at the Div III (Summers Cup) Championsh i ps and went 12-10 overa l l . Colby played in the division for teams ra nked 17 to 24 at the tea m nationals. The Mu les earned wins over Wesleya n, Hami lton a nd Tufts du ring the matches at Harvard to secure the 17th ra nking . Ryan Phela n at the first position a nd second position player Trevor McWil l iams each com peted at nationals in sing les play. McWi l l iams was sec ond on the team in total wins with his 1 2-9 record . Nate Stone, who mainly played the eighth posi tion, led the team in wins with a 14-8 record . Andy Ca rr had 11 wins, while Ryan Maher and Mark Biggar each had 10 victories. Brett Willis added nine wins for the Mu les and Todd Basn ight went 6-5. Basnight, Stone and Sam Weeks all had N ESCAC Wi nter All-Academ ic honors.
( -
Colby Men's Squash 2004 - 2005 Back Row: Head Coach Sahki Khan , Nate Stone, Mark Biggar, John McCormick, Captain Trevor McWilliams, Todd Basnight, Asst. Coach Tony Fletcher, Asst. Coach Mike Morgan. Front Row: Jeffrey Mullins, Andy Carr, Brett Willis, Drew Moreland, Captain Ryan Phelan, Ryan Maher. Not pictured: Sam Weeks. 142 Winter Sports
SCOREBOARD 2004 - 2005 Tufts Williams MIT Rochester Denison Stanford F&M Navy Hamilton Bates Brown Bowdoin Wesleyan St. Lawrence Hobart Bowdoin Bates Northeastern St. Lawrence Team Championships Wesleyan Hamilton Tufts
5-4 W 0-9 L 9-0 W 6-3 W 7-2 W 6-3 W 1 -8 L 0-9 L 5-4 W 3-6 L 0-9 L 1-8 L 5-4 W 2-7 L 1-8 L 0-9 L 1-8 L 9-0 W 5-4 W @ Haivard 8- 1 W 6-3 W 5-4 W
Women � gqua�h The Col by women fi nished ra n ked 14th i n the cou ntry a nd had a 71 0 record . Col by had a big 5-4 home win over Bowdoin Col lege early in the seaso n . The M u les played i n the Div II (Kurtz Cup) Consolation Cha m pionship Fi nals, where they fi n ished sixth . Col by lost tou g h matches to Amherst and then beat W i l l i a m Smith to earn the right to play Bowdoin i n the 1 3th and 14th place match . Bowdoin took a hard-foug ht win and the M u les settled for the 14th ran king in the cou ntry. Rachel Luskin led Col by with 1 1 victories, w h i le J u l i a Bened ict had 1 0 wins. N ina Dela no, Jenny Abra mson, Emilie Slack and N i kki Patel added n i ne wins each . Stacy Petro played the entire season at the d ifficult first position . Kathryn Lynch and G i l l ia n Nadel both made the N ESCAC Wi nter All-Academic Team .
SCOREBOARD 2004 - 2005 Tufts Wil l iams Bates Brown Bowdoin
H olyoke lebury Vassar
2-7 L
0-9 L 1 -8 L 0-9 L 5-4 7-2 7-2 7-2
3 -6 L
8-1 w 7-2 W 4-5 L
0-9 L 3-6 L eam Championships @ Princeton 2-7 L herst 5 -4 w · an1am Smith Lawrence
3-6 L
Colby Women's Squash 2004 - 2005 Back Row: Head Coach Sahki Khan, Katie Dziedzic, Lindsay Snyder, Jenny Abramson, Stacey Petro, Captain Julia Benedict, Nikki Patel, Asst. Coach Tony Fletcher, Asst. Coach Mike Morgan. Front Row: Kathryn Tom , Rose Becker, Gillian Nadel, Katie Lynch, Captain Rachel L uskin, Emilie Slack, Nina Delano.
Winter Sports 143
' Men c;; gwitntn ing Col by fi n ished i n seventh place out of 1 1 tea ms i n N ESCAC, a n improvement over last yea r. Jabez Dewey attended the NCAA Division III Championships where he placed 48th in the 50-yd freestyle, 1 1th and honora ble mention All American honors i n the 100-yd backstroke, and 22nd in the 200-yd back stroke. Dewey earned N ESCAC All-Conference honors for finishing in third place in the 50 backstroke and 100 backstroke at the league meet. Tom Ireland also ea rned N ESCAC league honors after winning the 50 freestyle. He also placed fourth in the 100 freestyle event. Fi rst-year swim mer Eva n M u l l i n also earned conference honors in his first season whi le racing in the 200 freestyle. Justin Dubois, Ireland and Da n Seifert each earned N ESCAC Wi nter All Academic honors .
SCOREBOARD 2004 - 2005 Coast Guard M IT Amherst M iddlebury Norwich Bates Trinity Wesleyan Bowdoin N ESCAC Cham pionshi ps
100- 134 L 92- 195 L 1 14- 166 L 1 27-155 L 154- 1 0 1 w 182- 100 w 163 . 5- 126. 5 w 138- 148 L 180- 102 w 756 . 5 (7th of 1 1 )
Colby Men's Swimming 2004 - 2005 Captain Justin Dubois, Tom Ireland, Dan Seifert, Chris Desantis, Ken Thompson, Ry· Adams, Mitch Bartkiewicz, Eric Bergh, Ian Cross, Patrick Dean, Jabez Dewey, Jar Adler, Joel Alex, Nick Cade, Mike Finnerty, Daniel Herrick, Kevin Hobson, Evan Mull Andrew Peterson, Patrick Sanders, John Wickes. 144 Winter Sports
· Women � gwitntning Women's swi m m ing had their best fin ish ever at the N ESCAC meet by ta king fourth place out of 11 tea ms and then topped that by ta king a school -best eig hth place at the NCAA Division III Women's Swi m m i ng and Diving Cha mpionsh i ps. The M u les sent a record seven women to the NCAA Division III Championshi ps. Head coach Tom Burton ea rned N ESCAC Women's Swi m Coach of the Yea r. Fi rst-year swi m mer Kel ly Norsworthy ea rned Al l-America n honors i n both her races at the N CAA meet. Senior La u ra M i l ler won the SO butterfly at the N ESCAC m eet a l l fou r yea rs . She ea rned Al l-American honors again this yea r in the 1 00 butterfly by placing sixth at the national meet. M eg Va l la ly, Beth Foxwel l , Li l l i Higgins, Annie M u i r a nd Melissa Pla nte a l so went t o t h e national meet for the M u les. The M u les had th ree relay tea ms ta king sixth place fi n ishes and earn All America n honors for placing i n the top eig ht. Norsworthy, M i l ler, Foxwel l , H iggins, Pla nte and Va llaly a l l ea rned N ESCAC All-Conference honors for top th ree fi nishes i n the leag ue meet i n i nd ividual events and relays. Kristi Eck, Sharon McMonagle and Pla nte all ea rned N ESCAC Wi nter All-Academic Team honors.
SCOREB OARD 2004 - 2005 1 3 1 -86 W Coast Guard 139- 1 5 7 L M IT 1 17-169 L Amherst 1 15 - 1 5 5 L M iddlebury 1 47-47 W Norwich Bates 164- 1 28 W 190- 103 W Trinity 135-152 L Wesleya n 1 60- 1 3 1 W Bowdoin N ESCAC Championsh i ps 856 . 5 (4th o f 1 1 ) NCAA Diii Cham pions h i ps 1 64 (8th of 53)
Colby Women's Swimming 2004 - 2005 Captain Laura Miller, Kristi Eck, Joanna Fontaine, Me lissa Plante, Beth Foxwell, Sharon McMonagle, Caroline O'Connor, Lauren Simmons, Bridget Appe, Meg Smith, Kate Biddiscombe, Lilli H iggins, Anne Muir, Weather Potdevin , Meg Vallaly, Mary Warlaumont, Kristina B o ma n , J o c e l y n B u rk e , M a d d i e G i v e n , N a n c y M c D e rm ott, K e l l y M c E rl e a n , Tiffa n y Ng, K e l l y Norsworthy, Samantha Rose, Emily Sinnott. Winter Sports 145
Men � Indoo r Track
All-America n Xavier Garcia had some bad luck at the NCAA Division III Indoor Track and Field Championsh i ps after ru n n i ng wel l in a prel iminary race. Garcia won his heat and was fourth fastest among the 1 2 entrants, but he was d isqual ified in the fi nal for ta king three consecutive steps over the lane line. Ga rcia won the 400 dash at the Maine State Championsh i ps and also took the tri ple jump. Jason Foster came close to qualifying for the NCAA meet in the weight throw . He won the event at the Tri nity Last Cha nce Meet. Foster threw his way to fourth place at the Maine State Meet. Patrick Harner also did well in the ju mps and the spri nts for Col by. He won the Maine State title in the 55-meter dash and also took the long jump. Ja mes Fal k, Foster and Josh Montag ue all earned NESCAC Wi nter All Academic honors.
SCOREBOARD 2004 - 2005 Bowdoin Invite Brandeis Invitational State Meet@Bowdoin Tufts Classic NE Div. III @ Tufts N E Open Meet @ BU
2nd of 4 2nd of 7 3rd of 4 no scores 8th of 10 d id not place
Colby Men's Indoor Track 2004 - 2005 Back Row: Asst. Coach Bill Lund , Asst. Coach Dick Whately, Asst. Coach Dan Canann, Brad Woodworth, Brent Aigler, Josh Montague, Ian London, Captain Xavier Garcia, Captain Peyton McElyea, Mike Walsh, Captain Jason Foster, Jamie Falk, Kyung Ko, Josh Hinojosa, Captain Pat Harner, Asst. Coach Jared Beers, Head Coach Todd Coffin, Asst. Coach Deb Aitken. Front Row: Dan Vassallo, Chris Appel, Jon Waller, Alex Gill, Roy Wilson Madison Gouzie, Camden Bucsko, Dan Moss, Kyle Smith, Mike Aquino, Boti Glotfelty. Not pictured: Bob Mand, Nick Oxenhorn.
146 Winter Sports
Women � Indoor Track
The Women's Track tea m had a very successful i ndoor seaso n . With a larger tea m than ever before, led by ca pta i ns Katie G hel l i , Nora Gouge, Ka ri na Joh nson, and M issy Cia nciolo, Col by demonstrated its strength throug hout the seaso n . T h e tea m 's cohesive dyna mic, enthusiastic spi rit, a nd positive attitude ca rried them to a second place fi nish in the M a i ne State meet a nd a sixth place fi nish at the New England Division III Cham pionsh i p . Two ru n ners attended the N CAA Division III Indoor Track a nd Field Cha mpionsh i ps. J u n ior Jess M inty earned All America n honors, fi nished i n second place i n the 800 meters a nd first-yea r Anna King had a strong showing in the mile. At the Open New England meet for Division I, II and III ath letes, M i nty placed fifth in the m i le, fol lowed by n i nth place King . Both women also placed wel l at the M a i ne State meet, where King won the title i n the 1, 500 a nd the 3,000 and M i nty won the 400 meters and the 1 , 000 meters . Sen iors Ka rina Joh nson, Nora Gouge, and Maggie Johnson also won titles in the 5,000, 1 00-meter dash, and the high j u m p respectively.
SCOREBOARD 2004 - 2005 Southern M E I nvite Bowdoin Invite
2nd of 6 2nd of 8 State Meet@Bowdoin 2nd of 4 Tufts Classic no
scores NE Div. III @ Tufts 6th of 24 Open NE Meet @ BU 25th
Colby Women's I ndoor Track 2004 - 2005 Back Row: Asst. Coach Bill Lund, Asst. Coach Dick Whately, Asst. Coach Dan Camann, Jamie O'Connell, Becky Anderson, Emily Coulsen, Jackie Rolleri, Jess Young, Sarah Switchenko, Maggie Johnson, Lane Marder, Kirsten Davis, Sharon Fuller, Betsy Littlefield, Asst. Coach Jared Beers, Asst. Coach Todd Coffin , Head Coach Deb Aitken . Middle Row: Steph Agrimanikas, Jess Hulbert, Chantel Balesdent, Anna Bruno Captain Missy Cianciolo, Captain Nora Gouge, Captain Katie G helli, Anna King, Captain Karina Johnson, Steph Freese, Natalie Clay. Front Row: Sam Lawson, Christina Avena, Liz Petit, Jess Minty, Kristin Keefrider, lvica Petrokova, Morgan Davies, Brianna Tufts, Karen Prisby, Naomi Wilson, Laura Pomponi, Cassie Jendzejec. Not pictured : Allison Cogbill, Elizabeth Coogan, Alexis Heimann, Jess Iwasaki, Elli Jenkins, Margaret Martei, Ajima Olaghore, Elizabeth Turner. Winter Sports 147
148 Winter Sports
Athletics : Spring Sports
Miller Library in Spring
Ba�eba ll Col by Baseba l l struggled to a 0 - 27 season, but did play some close games with league rivals Bates and Tufts at the end of the season . Fi rst year N ick Spillane earned N ESCAC Rookie of the Year honors and made the league second team after fi nishing fourth in the conference in batting average at .418. Sophomore Andy Ca rr was second in hitting at . 333. Rob Jacobs was na med to the N ESCAC All-Academic Tea m . The only senior, Dan Mac Lynch, not only beat cancer but also managed to help coach the tea m, provide leadership, and earn his degree whi le under going chemotherapy. He won the Warren Finnigan Sr. Award for his dedication to the progra m .
SCOREBOARD 2005 Amherst Knox Plymouth St. Kalamazoo Lawrence John Carroll Husson Bowdoin Bowdoin St. Joseph's Trinity Husson USM Bates Thomas Tufts Bates
7- 1 0 L 2- 1 5 L 4-5 L I 2-5 L 8- 1 7 L I 3-22 L 6-7 L I 5- 1 2 L 7-14 L I 3 - 1 2 L 3-13 L 5- 1 1 L 1 - 1 7 L I 5- 16 L 3-6 L 2- 1 2 L I 1 -5 L I 0-9 L 5-9 L 5- 1 0 L 5-7 L I 3-4 L 3-8 L 6- 1 0 L I 0-22 L I 8- 1 0 1 -2 L
Colby Baseball 2005 Head Coach Tom Dexter, Asst. Coach Chappy Nelson, Asst. Coach Eric Brown, Asst. Coach Brandon Irwin, Colby Souders, Robert Rosenbaum, Greg Ortiz, Steve Sandak, Nick Spillane, Dan Lynch, Sam Kennedy-Smith, Capt. Tyler Hales, Tom Salemy, Andy Carr, Bob Brady, Matthew Musicaro, Brian Liberty, Zac Starr, David Bethoney, Adam Salamon, John Michael Beitia Capt. Roddy Ames, Adam Curatolo, Robert Jacobs, Jack Peet Jordan Henry. ' 150 Spring Sports
The Col by Softba ll tea m fi nished the 2005 season with a d isappoi nti ng 1 1 - 1 5 record and will g raduate five seniors from their starti ng l i neu p . The most rewa rd ing win of the season was a 4 - O victory over N ESCAC riva l M idd lebury . Thou g h Col by strugg led offensively t h i s season, there were many bright spots, i ncluding a three-run home run and first col leg iate hit for Amanda Roeh n to hel p the tea m beat Bethel i n Fort Meyers. Sen iors Shannon Emerson and El izabeth Ri ley a nd u nderclassmen M i ki Sta rr and Essie Widla nski all made solid contributions at the plate. Sta rr ea rned N ESCAC second tea m a l l -conference honors. The tea m ended the season on a high note by w i n n i ng their last th ree ga mes. Senior Kate H u rd was voted Best Defensive Player by her tea m m ates while Ri ley was voted MVP. Ka ra Fagan, H u rd , and Toni-Lynn Robbins were a l l na med to the N ESCAC All -Academic tea m .
SCOREBOARD 2005 Wellesley Ba bson U n ion Lawrence Plymouth St. Luther Bethel Wisc. Whitewater M iddlebury U Chicago USM Bowdoin H usson Trin ity UMF Bates Tufts St. Joseph's
1-2 L 2-3 L 1-5 L 1 -02 L 7-4 W 0-8 L 5-4 W 5- 1 w 4-0 W 3-4 L 1-2 L / 0- 1 L 4- 1 0 L I 3-4 L 1-2 L 5-2 W I 0-7 L 4-3 W / 2-5 L 1 -6 L / 0- 1 L D-4 L I 1 -6 L 2-0 w / 5-2 w I 4-2 W
Colby Softball 2005 Back Row: Head Coach Dick Bailey, Megan Bovill, Capt. Elizabeth Riley, Kara Fagan, Toni-Lynn Robbins, Lauren Olmstead, Capt. Wendy Bonner, Mollie Puskar, Amy Palmer, Asst. Coach Katrina Katori, Asst. Coach Candice Parent. Front Row: Essie Widlanski, Amanda Roehn, Kendall Howes, Miki S!arr, Shannon Emerson, Capt. Kate Hurd, Alaina Clark, Megan Watts, Lindsey Toomey.
Spring Sports 151
Men � Lacro��e The 2005 season was a chal lenging year for M u les, and the team fi nished the season with a 3 1 1 record . The M u les came into the season ra nked with the second best defense based on the 2004 season. Sophomore Ryan Scott had a breakthrough season, lead ing the team in points. Sophomore Ti m Brown was the second leading scorer. J unior long stick midfielder Nate Werl in earned MVP honors from his tea mmates and led the team in ground bal ls. First year Jon Bodansky, sophomore Kyle Haskett, sophomore Rya n Con nol ly, and senior Matt Lundgren all had im pressive defensive seasons. Eric Seidel, Tommy Deutsch, Matt Roland, Jon Bodansky, Ba i ley Stark, Peter Ippil ito, Nate Werlin, and Jeff Miller were na med to the N ESCAC Spring All-Academic Tea m . -
2005 Hamilton Hamilton Williams Keene State Amherst Bates Trinity New England Tufts Bowdoin Conn College Middlebury Bowdoin Wesleyan Colby Men's Lacrosse 2005 Back Row: Head Coach Rob Quinn, Nate Werlin, Matt Roland, Pete Ippolito, David BurtonPerry, Jon Bodansky, Capt. Eric Seidel, Capt. Tom Deutsch, Matt Lundgren, Sam Burke, Peter Lagos, Troy Lieberman, Trainer Tina Steeves, Asst. Coach Jon Hunt. Middle Row: Bailey Stark, Jeff Miller, Nick Klann, Kyle Haskett, Ryan Connolly, Ryan Scott, Tucker Kelton, Casey Turmelle, Geoff Buckle, Tim Brown, Dan Schupack, Rory Murphy. Front Row: Sean Collamore, Rob Dudley, Drew Piekarski, Ben Diesbach, Ryan Collins, Evan Phelps, Zach Goodnough, Adam Kirk, Dana McNally, Luis Mendoza, Tim Patch. Missing: Sean Murphy, Doug Rooke. 152 Spring Sports
6-8 L 8-9 L, OT 4-9 L 9-7 W 4- 1 1 L 6- 1 1 L 3-10 L 8- 1 w 6- 13 L 7- 1 1 L 4-9 L 3-14 L 17-10 w 6-12 L
Women � Lacro��e The Lady M u les had the third best season in the history of Col by Women's Lacrosse, fi nishing with an 1 1 - 5 record a nd ra nking 1 1th in the Intercol leg iate Women's Lacrosse Coaches As sociation (IWLCA) national pol l . In a memorable ga me, the M u les beat Wil liams for the first time ever, while head Coach Heidi Godomsky earned her l OOth w i n . Senior K i m Jones w a s na med to the N ESCAC Fi rst Tea m, while sophomore Al lie Libby was na med to the Second Tea m . Fi rst yea r La u ren Barrett was recog nized as N ESCAC Rookie of the Yea r a nd was a lso na med to the N ESCAC Second Tea m . Jones and sen ior Emma M i l ler were both na med to the IWLCA Northeast All Reg ion Fi rst Tea m . Jones also earned recog n ition on the All America n Second Tea m . Sen ior Sarah Webster ea rned N ESCAC All -Academic honors.
SCOREBOARD 2005 Will iams U nion Frostburg St. M iddlebury Wellesley USM Wesleyan Bates Amherst Plymouth St. Tufts Bowdoin Colorado Co.
9-8 W 1 0-8 17-5 9-20 1 6-6
18-2 14-6 1 0-6 9-13
1 1-10 W 9-8 W 9- 1 1 L 8- 1 5 L
9-5 W Con n College 2 1 - 14 W Iiams 6-8 L ( N ESCAC Quarterfinals}
Colby Women's Lacrosse 2005 On mule: Sarah Kunkel, Jade Davidson, Carrie Lovejoy, Isabel Whitcomb, Jamie Enos, Kathleen Minor, Emmie Theberge, Lau ren Barrett. Back Row: Asst. Coach Tom Austin, Liz Morbeck, Courtney Drake, Libba Cox, Allie Libby, Catharine O'Brien, Head Coach Heidi Godomsky. Middle Row: Sarah Webster, Sarah Burlingham, Capt. Emma Miller, Capt. Kim Jones, Nora Beltz. Front Row: Leah Weisberg, Kelsey Neville, Tracy Kolakowski, Elizabeth G hilardi.
Spring Sports 153
Men � Crew Colby Men's Crew did its share in helpi ng the Colby Crew pro gram win the Presidents Cup with wins over Bates and Bowdoin in Waterville. The Mu les also took seventh place at the New England Rowing Championsh ips, their best fi n ish si nce 1999. Sen iors Michael Feldman, Nathan iel Hulme, Kevin Selby, and Stephen Whelpley were all named to the NESCAC All Academic Team .
SCOREBOARD 2005 Textile River Regatta N H Cha mpionships Head of the Charles Coast Guard, Lowell Holy Cross, Ithaca, Tufts, a nd Connecticut College Bates, Bowdoin UNH, UVM N E Rowi ng Championshi ps ECAC Natl . Regionals
6th 4th 23rd of 42 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 7th did not place
Colby Men's Crew 2005 Head Coach Stew Stokes, Asst. Coach Pat Tynan, Asst. Coach Emily Allen, Capt. Ted Farwell, Michael Feldman, Sam Gray, Nathaniel Hulme, Liam McDonnell, Seth Pierrepont, Tim Roberts, Kevin Selby, Capt. Jeff Sparrow, Nick Von Mertens, Stephan Whelpley, Joey Berg, Jon Ferris, Alex McPherson, David Sparks, Arturs Vrublevskis, Mat thew Wallach, Robert Zondervan, Michelle Easton.
154 Spring Sports
Women � Crew Col by Women's Crew had a strong show ing this yea r, winning the CBB Head Race at home, placing fifth in the semifi n a l round a t the ECAC Nationa l Regatta, a nd quali fy ing for the NCAA Women's Rowing Championsh i ps for the th i rd time in fou r yea rs . They Lady M u les placed sixth at the N CAA d ivision III race i n San Fra n cisco . Ca pta i n Lea h Hagamen was na med to the Col legiate Rowing Coaches Asso ciation Division III All-American Fi rst Tea m . Senior Ca pta i n Ca roline Andresen, M a rg a ret D u g g a n , S a ra h D u n h a m , Kath leen Jones, Sharon McMonag le, a nd Annie Szender were a l l honored on the N ESCAC Al l-Academic Tea m .
SCOREBOARD 2005 Textile River Regatta NH Championsh i ps Head of the Charles Coast Guard, Lowell Holy Cross, Ithaca, Tufts, a nd Connecticut Col lege Bates, Bowdoin U N H , UVM NE Rowing Championships ECAC Natl . Reg ionals NCAA Cham pionsh i ps
6th 4th 37th of 42 2nd 3rd 1st 1 st
4th of 18 5th 6th
Colby Women's Crew 2005 Head Coach Stew Stokes, Asst. Coach Pat Tynan. Capt. Caroline Andresen, Caitlin Chamberlin, Sarah Dunham, Capt. Leah Hagamen, Katie Jonas, Megan Loosigian, Allison Neumeister, Annie Szender, Katie Curtis, Margaret Duggan, Dana Maglaris, Sharon McMonagle, Elyse Atkind, Valerie Friedman, Mariah Hudnut, Anna Khatutsky, Austin Phillips, Dannielle Priess, Erin Shanley, Janet Weidner, Anne Feutz, Justine Scott, Ling U. Spring Sports 155
Men � Track a nd r:1eld •
The 2005 Men's Track and Field Team produced many fi ne ath letes. Xavier Garcia was ran ked 8th in the country in the 400m and was awarded the JS Bixler Awa rd . Jason Foster was awarded the Most Va l uable Field Athlete and cl imbed to No. 2 on Colby's al l-ti me hammer throw l ist. He was also the N ESCAC champion in the ha mmer and automatica l ly qual ified for nationals. Ian London was named Rookie of the Year by his team mates a nd won the 1 50m at the Div. III N E meet. Andrew Heaney provisionally qual ified for nationa ls in the jave l i n . Pat Ha rner was the Most Va luable Track Ath lete and he was honored with the Norma n White Leadersh ip Award . Peyton McElyea com peted in the 500m at N ESCACs despite being injured . Mike Wa lsh set personal bests in his events and Dan Vassa l lo was the team's MIP.
SCOREBOARD 2005 3rd of 4 State Meet N ESCAC Champs. 6th of 1 1 N E Div. III Champs. 1 2th of 26 Open N E d i d not sco�
Colby Men's Track and Field 2005 Head Coach Todd Coffin, Asst. Coach Deb Aitken, Asst. Coach Jared Beers, Asst. Coach Dan Camann, Asst. Coach Bill Lund, Asst. Coach Dick Whatley, Brent Aigler, Jeff Alden, Mike Aquino, Fred Bailey, Chris Bashaw, Cambden Bucsko, David Civitello, Michael Collins, Jamie Falk, Jason Foster, Xavier Garcia, Alex Gill, Bob Glotfelty, Tom Goth, Madi son Gouzie, Capt. Pat Harner, Andrew Heaney, Joshua Hinojosa, Kyung Ko, Jan London , Timothy Maguire, Bob Mand, Steve Markesich, Capt. Peyton McElyea, Elek Miller, Josh Montague, Daniel Moss, Nick Oxenhorn, Mike Poplaski, Jon Reno, Brett Sabagg, Kyle Smith, John Swain, Dan Vassallo, John Waller, Michael Walsh, Brian Ward, Roy Wilson, Brad Woodworth, Tim Worthington. 156 Spring Sports
· Women � Track and Field The 2005 Women's Track a nd Field tea m was the largest si nce 1 999, with 45 com petitors . Strong show ings were put forth at the UCSD Invitational, the Tuft's H i l lside Relays, a nd at the N ESCAC Conference Meet. Deb Aitken was na med N ESCAC Coach of the Yea r. 26 tea m mem bers prod uced personal records a nd n u mer ous season best performa nces. Katie GhelU earned tea m MVP, Maggie Joh nson earned tea m M I P, Amanda Walsh ea rned the Coaches' Awa rd, Nora Gouge ea rned the Campbel l Track and Field Award, a nd Karina Joh nson ea rned the Ma rjorie Sither Award and also won N ESCACs in the 1 0,000m. Anna King ea rned Rookie of the Yea r and was named All -Conference . King also won the 3 , 000m steeple chase at ECAC Div . III. The N ESCAC All Academic Tea m i ncluded Emilie Cou lson , Gouge, K . Joh nson, M . Johnson, Ka ra McCa be, Jess M i nty, a nd Walsh .
SCOREBOARD 2005 1st of 5 2nd of 5 4th of 1 1 l ltho f 27 2 1 st of 36
Colby Women's Track and Field 2005 Head Coach Deb Aitken, Asst. Coach Dan Camann, Asst. Coach Bill Lund, Asst. Coach Dick Whatley, Asst. Coach Todd Coffin, Asst. Coach Jared Beers, Steph Agrimanikas, Jennifer Anderson, Rebecca Anderson, C h ris tina Avena, Julia Bachelder, Chantal Balesdent, Anna Bruno, Shannon Burnham, Melissa Cianciolo, Natalie Clay, Allison Cogbill, Elizabeth Coogan, Emilie Coulson, Morgan Davies, Kirsten Davis, Catherine Denny, Hillary Easter, Stephanie Freese, Sharon Fuller, Capt. Katie Ghelli, Capt. Nora Gouge, Jessica Hulbert, Cassandra Jendzejec, Capt. Karina Johnson, Maggie Johnson, Kristin Keefrider, Anna King, Samantha Lawson, Megan Lehmann, Betsy Littlefield, Lane Marder, Kara McCabe, Jess Minty, Jamie O'Connell, Lauren Oliff, lvica Petrikova, Elizabeth Petit, Laura Pomponi, Karen Prisby, Jackie Rolleri, Sarah Switchenko, Brianna Tufts, Caroline Voyles, Amanda Walsh, McKenzie Wessen, Naomi Wilson, Jessica Young.
Spring Sports 157
· Men � Tenni� Men 's Ten n is had a strong season this spring, with first year Zach Schuman lead ing the Mules to a 24 - 19 record, i ncluding a 13 - 9 sing les record wh i le primari ly playing at the second position . Ben Cra ne and John Fa l lon each had more than twenty victories this season, including three wins over nationa lly ran ked opponents. Fa llon, Marc Kassin, Matt Morrison, and Ti m Stenovec were named to the N ESCAC All-Academic Team .
SCDREBOARD 2005 M IT Wheaton Colby Cup Amherst Babson Thomas USM Santa Cruz Footh i l l cabrillo St. Mary's Bates Trin ity Bowdoin Tufts Connecticut Wesleyan
4-3 w 2-5 L 1st of 4 0-7 L 2-5 L 7-0 w 5-2 w 0-7 L 7-2 w 4-3 w 0-7 L 3-4 L 0-7 L 1 -6 L 2-5 L 7-0 w 4-3 w .._.
. ..., "".. ,. _ ... ...... . .. . ... �'"" .. . .. .. .. . ' • •• ... .......... : - - - lP• • ..
.. _ . , • �
158 Spring Sports
· Women � Tenni� The women's tea m had a successful season, pa rticu larly Sara H u g hes a nd Allison D u n n . Both women made it to the NCAA Division III Women's Ten nis Cham pion ships i n Ka lamazoo, M ich igan and ea rned ITA All America honors fo r thei r dou bles play. The pa i r fin ished third at the I ntercolleg iate Tennis Association Nationa l Sma l l Col lege Cha mpionsh i ps in Florida this past fa l l . H u g hes also ea rned the N ESCAC Sen ior Sportswoman of the Year for Women's Tennis a nd was na med to the N ESCAC All-Academic Tea m .
SCOREBOARD 2005 Babson Tufts Amherst M idd lebury Santa Cruz New O rleans Uta h Tri nity Bates Wil l iams Bowdoin Con necticut M IT
7-2 0-9 1 -8 3-6 2-7 0-7 4-5 5-4 4-5 1-8 3-6 3-6 5-4
w L L L L L L w L L L L w
Colby Men's Tennis 2005 Head Coach Michael Morgan, Asst. Coach Sakhi Khan , Dan Cherif, Ben Crane, James Cryan, Danny Epstein, Capt. John Fallon, Tom Gildersleeve, Tony Gill, Owen Gilmore , Dylan Harrison-Atlas, Chris Holcombe, Fraser Moncure, Zach Shuman, Tim Stenovec.
Colby Women's Tennis 2005 Head Coach Michael Morgan, Asst. Coach Sakhi Kha n , Rachel De Cruz, Alexandra De Sherbinin, Allison Dunn, Anna Erd heim, Meaghan Fitzgerald, Sara Hughes, Anna Jastrzab, Tracy Nale, Lauren Uhlmann. Spring Sports 159
Men'c;; Rugb!:J Colby Rugby began their outstanding season with a 37 - 5 win agai nst U Mass. The fol lowi ng weekend they domi nated 32 tea ms in the Beast of the East tournament and wal ked away the victors. The team conti nued their winning streak in the Al l-Maine Tournament, where they beat U Maine Orono and Bowdoin, again al lowing zero points in both games. Eight Colby players were chosen for the All-Mai ne All-Star tea m : Eric Brockmeyer, Brendan O'Keefe, Brennan Moore, Matt Brewer, John Wheelock, Nate Mylrea, Cha rles Wi lson, and Jon Moss. Of those eig ht, Brockmeyer, Moore, and Wheelock were also chosen for the All -New England Tea m . Overall, the men had a g reat season. They will be losing a lot of crucial sen iors who were a large pa rt of this season's success.
160 Spring Sports
· Women � Rugby Col by Women's Rugby enjoyed a successful seaso n . They ca me i n second a t t h e Maine State Champion sh i ps and had severa l players named to the Maine Al l-Sta r tea m both as starters and a lternates. In the Beast of the East Tou rna ment, the women were moved up to Division I a nd com peted against Boston University, U N H , and Plymouth State. Col by beat out BU 29 - O and U N H 1 0 - O after a scoreless first half. The U N H game was huge for the Lady M u les beca use the women had never beaten U N H . U nfortunately, the women lost in the sem i -finals to Plymouth State 0 - 10 despite a tremendous fig ht. Overa ll, the women had a successful season and a re looki ng to b u i ld on their performance next yea r.
Spring Sports 161
Wood�tnen I t was another muddy, successful yea r for the Col by woodsfolk.The Woodsmen ended the season ra nked first in NE in wood choppin' and first at Col by in respect. These dirty sawyers, pole cl imbers, axe th rowers and choppers were led by their fearless leaders, Tim "My Grandma Can Chop Faster Tha n You . . . Seriously" Newhouse, Josiah "Ca nada is for Lovers" Taylor, and Kate "I Hurt Myself" Braemer. Liz Stovall, Max Brown, Travis Kendall, and Zack Manke made up a sol id group of vetera ns that hel ped lead a g roup of prom ising and critica l new recruits. The highlig hts of the yea r i ncl uded first place fi nishes at Un ity, UNH, U MO, and the Colby Mud Meet, as wel l as a strong fi nish at the big Spring Meet in Apri l . It was an historic season, with new trad itions on our new field while old traditions, l i ke being under-fu nded, receiving biza rre looks from parents and knife fights in Foss, remai ned strong . One Tea m, One Love. PV= n RT
162 Spring Sports
Relay for Life Over $33, 000 was ra ised to support ca ncer research at Col by's first America n Ca ncer Society Relay for Life event. The event attracted 395 students, facu lty, staff, com m u n ity mem bers, fa m i ly a nd friends. Pa rtici pa nts col lected pledges and genera l donations to support their tea ms of at least ten people. Tea m Relay for Liz-ife ra ised the most money, followed closely by Tea m Sowce. Student bands a nd a ca pella g roups performed a nd a DJ played most of the even i n g . Impend i ng weather held off throughout the nig ht, however the event ended early a round 7 : 30 am d ue to heavy ra infa l l and h a i l . Colby predicts this will be the first if many futu re wa l ks and there a re hopes to make this wa l k a n a n n ua l event.
164 Spring Sports
Cotter Union
AN I M � CLU B The Colby Anime club has come a long way in its first yea r! We've acquired 25 members and held wel l-attended anime showi ngs to spread awareness of anime (Japanese ani mation ) . Our big event this yea r was a tri p to the Anime Boston convention . Yatta !
BA LLROOM DA N C I N G CLU B The Ba llroom Dancing Club met weekly to lea rn and practice ballroom and swing dance at Col by, with an emphasis on teach ing through lessons and events on ca mpus. Advanced members also com peted in various i ntercollegiate dance competitions.
BI O LOGY CLU B The biology club includes all biology majors and all the professors in the department. The club has activities such as pub nights, din ners, and ice cream socials that al low students to interact with each other and with their profes sors in a more casual setting than the classroom.
During the 2004-2005 year, the Colby Ch ristian Fellowsh i p provided students with various med i ums to learn more about a nd draw closer to Jesus. CCF holds weekly fel lowships, Bible studies, and other social events. Add itional ly, th is yea r CCF brought Bill I rwin to ca mpus and held their annual Thanksg iving Din ner.
After the reopen ing of the 24/7 health center, Colby Emergency Response was in service 24/7 during the 2004-2005 year. We treated many patients and provided our services to all Colby stu dents, faculty, and staff. We also orga nized many on-campus conti nuing ed u cation and CPR courses fo r cu rrent rescuers and welcomed the new EMTs from Jan Plan into our service.
The goa l of the Colby Fat Acceptano Association is to push for campus-wid acceptance of people of size and to a in the acceptance of one's own bod) regardless of social standards. Our maj event of the year was Internationa l Diet Day, which was celebrated in Ma
166 Clubs and Organizations
BLU E LI G � T9. A student-run male a ca ppella singing g roup, the Blue Lig hts performed both o n a nd o ff ca mpus t h i s yea r, often hosting s i n g i ng g ro u ps fro m other schools. The Blue Lig hts are a g roup of fun-loving g uys with a n u rge to enterta in, wel l-known for thei r crazy costu mes a nd colorfu l a ntics. The Blue Lights com b i ne m usical ta lent a nd engag ing personal ity .
BMR "What's a pi rate's favorite show???" " B M Rrrrrrrr ! ! ! " Broadway M usical Review is a g roup o f people w h o love singing, da nci ng, a nd show tunes! B M R prod uced two shows this yea r, performing 1 5-20 Broadway songs i n each . The g roup performed songs from classic m u sica ls, such as Grease and Chicago, and old favorites such as O klahoma a n d Bea uty a n d the Beast.
BR I D G E The Bridge is Col by's GLBITTQQA (gay, lesbia ns, b i sex u a l , i n te rsex, tra nsgendered, tra n ssex u a l , q ueer, q uestioning, and a l ly) com m u n ity . The g roup promotes an u ndersta nding of q ueer issues of the past and present, a nd serves as a foru m for discussi ng the concerns of members. This year's events incl uded Queer Tea, Com i ng Out Week, Pride Week, and t h e a n n u a l d rag show.
CJ-f EM l 9.T RY CLU B The Chemistry Club is focused on bring ing students a nd professors of Chemis try together to bond . By creating a strong Chemistry comm u nity, students are better able to work together on chal lenging problems. The cl u b facil i tates t h i s b y having B BQs, p u b nig hts, and l iquid n itrogen ice crea m socials.
C I R C LE The CIRCLE ( Co l l ective for Insight, Refuge, and Celebration of Life Experience) is a n interfa ith g roup ded icated to bei ng a visible com m u n ity of spiritu a l ity, exploring the d iverse religions and spi ritu a l trad itions of the world, providing a place fo r the practice of s p i ritu a l tra d i ti o n s, a nd promot i n g awareness and u ndersta nding of spiritua l ity.
CO LBY 8 The Col by 8 had a fu n a nd successful yea r, sing i ng at Sugarloaf for home coming weekend a nd at RPI in Decem ber a nd releasing their latest CD, "Seven What?" in Jan uary . The one sen ior, Chase Cohen, sa ng Semison ic's "Clos ing Time" at the Spa a nd senior con certs, fi nishing off a n excellent yea r for the 8. Clubs and Organizations 167
CO LBY C!-H� E R CLU B The Col by Cheer Cl u b cheered the footba l l tea m to victories at every home game this yea r. The club met each week to practice and had a repertoire of over twenty cheers. The members were Co-Capta in J i l l ia n Parker, Co-Captain All ison Stewart, Casey Lyons, Carolina Sicard, Angie Polanco, and Zoe LazarHale.
CO LBY DA N C E R £'. With over a hu nd red active members, Col by Dancers is a powerful group of student choreographers and dancers. There are cu rrently twenty studentchoreographed dances, including hiphop, jazz, ba llet, ta p, Irish step, tango, Indian classical, and Chi nese dance. The g roup performed to a packed house in Runnals this fal l and produced a fu llsca le production in the spri ng .
CO LBY DEMOCRAT£'. The Colby Democrats had over 30C members this year. In the fall, we werE very active in the presidential election We brought Chris and Andre Heinz step-sons of John Kerry, to ca mpus t spea k. We also hosted a ra l ly wit comed ian Al Fra nken and Representa tive M ichaud. Over 100 Colby student( vol u nteered on Election Day.
The Col byettes are the oldest a l l-female a cappella group on ca mpus. We featured a very eclectic mix of music this yea r. Our g roup dynamics and extensive amou nts of ' Ettes bond ing made th is year's g roup the closest ever. The g roup is extremely sad to say goodbye to Lau ra, Si ri, Cat, a nd Tara but know that they will a lways be a part of our group. EFL! ! !
Desi/ South Asian Clu b un ites members a nd interested individuals in the experience of the South Asian cu ltu re through promoting a nd organizing cu ltural and ed ucational activities focusing on South Asian cou ntries, including India, Pa kistan, Bengal, Nepal and Sri Lanka . The club offers an atmosphere cond ucive to social interaction to promote a sense of community building.
Weekly, this newspaper takes eve, thing on, off, and around the hill a throws it all attractively u pon ten bro sheets for all to read . We sleep l itt! People get ang ry with us when misq uote them . Occasiona lly we m people proud to go to Colby. But, stress, this is a rarity.
168 Clubs and Organizations
CO LBY OUT I N G CLU B The 2004-2005 O uti ng C l u b season was fi l led with adventu res in the outdoors. We not only skied the bumps, broke the skis, and got naked on top of Tumbledown . . . we were also never afraid to violate fi re code or break stuff. We leave this, a l l o f this, t o futu re generations of outing d u bbers and the Prussian Army.
CO LBY REP U B LI CA N g I t is with a heavy hea rt that the Col by Republica ns say good bye to the class of 2005. Thei r ti reless efforts to promote the ideas of l i m ited government and individual li berty, and to halt the insidious spread of social ism have added more diversity t o the Col by ca mpus then any other ca mpus i n itiative. Tha nk you to Professors Reisert and Find lay for their support.
EN V I R O N M E N TA L COA LI T I O N The Envi ron menta l Coa l ition is a student-ru n, activist environmenta l g roup. We work to ed ucate the Col by and Watervi l le comm u n ities a bout conservation and other g reen issues, ra ise money for various cau ses, vol u nteer at the Com mo n g ro u n d Fa i r, a n d plan events such as Earth Week and the 3Mi le Loop Clean-Up.
EQ U E gT R I A N CLU B The Equestrian Club conti n ues to ride at Ba llard Fa rm u nder the d i rection of Ruth Ba llard . Many g i rls showed interest in the club this yea r wh ich will create a good fou ndation for the prog ra m next yea r. This yea r, fou r g i rls sig ned u p to compete - a l l very ski l led riders. Our first show was at the U n iversity of Vermont i n March .
CO LBY VO LU N T E E R CE N T E R I t has been a g roundbrea king yea r for the eve, as four weekly programs were added this yea r and older programs conti nued to experience success. We held the best-ever Hal loween Extrava ga nza , the Ha bitat for H u ma n ity S K R u n , a Va lenti ne's Card Making event, Col by Ca res Day, an Oxfam h u nger ba nq uet, and sponsored the first-ever Relay for Life at Col by.
EVE, the you ngest a ca ppella at Colby, came from an i nspiration to explore and combine a variety of styles. EVE's g reat est interest has been the i nterpretation of m usic from d iverse eth n ic back g rounds with the incorporation of d ifferent cu ltura l elements i nto popular America n songs.
Clubs and Organizations 169
J=I LI P I N O CLU B During its third year, the Fi l i pino Club brought the Col by campus a variety of events i ncl uding a performa nce by the Philippine Dance Company of Boston held in Novem ber in Foss Dining Ha l l . The club has also hosted a va riety of study breaks a nd club di nner nig hts featuring authentic Fi l i pino food cooked by the cl ub mem bers.
J=O U R WI N D g The Fou r Winds promotes a greater awareness of American Indian issues. By sponsoring speakers, concerts, debates, panel discussions, literature readings, and other public activities, we hope to provide a venue to learn about a nd appreciate America n Indian cultu res and val ues, as wel l as to gain a better understanding of the present situation of America n Indians.
�AB I TAT J=O R �UMAN ITY Waterville's first Habitat house was com pleted in J une of 2004, and the second is now under way . In add ition to volun teering Saturdays at construction sites, our activities this year included the Hurry for Habitat SK Run, Send-a-Sweet, Row for Human ity, Operation Keep Maine Warm, a spring break trip tc Virginia, and Act! Speak! Build ! week.
� ttDa
12 ,,
The International Cl ub brings together students from a l l over the world to share their cultures, traditions a nd opinions with the Col by commun ity. The ICl ub sponsors events promoti ng i nternational u ndersta nding a nd awareness. The yea rly International Extravaganza is a collection of performances from many corners of the world. And remember - everyone is i nternational ! 170 Clubs and Organizations
There is a group of people who fa ith fu l ly get together every week for the sole pu rpose of d ropping stuff. Some of us juggle, some of us spin plates, and some like to rol l crysta l balls up and down our arms. It's a patchwork of experiences, but that's what l i bera l arts is all about, rig ht?
The League of Progressive Voters wo the election in Maine! Wel l, sort of. worked with the Colby Democrats an the New Voters Project to organize th campus "Get Out the Vote" effort. created youth-targeted voter guide for the Waterville area, developed progressive endorsement slate, a fo und hundreds of people will ing 1 pledge to vote with us.
�A N D B E L L C� O I R Col by Handbell Choir is a sma l l m usica l club on campus. Using English handbel ls, mem bers play a wide a rray of m usic incl uding Ch ristmas songs for Carols and Lights, religious songs for ch u rch services, and popu lar songs for our annual concert in the Spa .
i-ll L LE L The Col by H i l lel is a club that aims to promote Jewish culture a nd rel igion to Jewish and non-Jewish students a l i ke. We celebrate Shabbat (the Sa bbath) every Friday night by l ig hting ca nd les, eati ng challah, a nd d r i n ki n g Manischewitz . Other events that H i l lel coo rd i n a t e d t h i s y e a r w e re t h e Cha n u ka h pa rty, the Passover Sedar, cha l l a h ba king, and movie nig hts.
IM P R OV ColbY i M pRoV is Waterville's best a nd only comedic g roup (the two a re not related ) . O u r h i la rity enterta ins masses to the point of com bustion th rice a semester a nd occasionally cu l m i nates in a short fi l m wh ich will no doubt be shown at the Sundance Film Festiva l next yea r.
MART I A L ARTg CLU B The Col by M a rtial A rts i s a cl u b of dedicated members who tra i n three times a week in the Ta ng Soo Do style . Members trai n i n all aspects of a ma rtial a rt : forms, self-defense, a nd sparri ng. There is testing once a s e mester w h e n mem bers demonstrate thei r ski l ls for new ra n k.
MEGA LOM A N I AC g The M egalomaniacs, Col by's only co-ed a ca ppel la g roup, a re best known for their fu n , energetic sponta neity a nd intricate m u ltiple- pa rt m usic sty l i n g . They a rra nge a l l thei r own m usic and a re often i nvited t o s i n g a t various on a nd off ca mpus events. T h e M e g s ta ke both thei r fu n a nd their m usic seriously. M a ry M ed l i n , Jesse Wrenn, and N ichols M a l ick w i l l be missed next year.
NEWM A N CO U N C I L The N ewman Cou ncil i s the Catholic org a n ization on ca mpus. Na med after Ca rdinal John N ewman, our m i ssion is to provide students with a rel ig ious, i ntel lectual, and socia l climate at Col by . T h i s yea r, t h e Newman Cou ncil h a s pa rtici pated i n a day h i ke/retreat i n Ca mden, bi-weekly d i n ner d iscussions, a nd occasional d i n ners after M ass. Clubs and Organizations 171
PCB The Pugh Commun ity Board provides directio n on the ways the Pugh Center adva nces the Col lege's goa ls regarding mu lticu ltu ra l ism. This year, the PCB prog ram med lectures, concerts, performances, exhi bitions, workshops, and special events for the entire com munity.
POTT�RY CLU B The pottery club has over 100 members, including students, faculty, and staff. Members have 24-hour access to unlim ited clay, g laze, and lessons with loca l potters. The clu b sponsored the first Em pty Bowls event in conjunction with the CVC. The event was started to ra ise awareness of hunger across the nation using bowls donated by the Pottery Cl LI b.
POW D�R A N D WI G Powder and Wig is Colby's student-run theater g roup that provides students the opportunity to act, direct, and de sign thei r own productions. This year's productions included Oleanna by David Mamet, An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wi lde, The Pugilist Specialist by The Riot Group, and the CBB one acts performed at Bowdoin.
r· -: !-. RY or:
. 'rV
A N D t-\OURN Yout:< L o s s:
Students Aga inst Sexual Assa u lt is dedi The 2004-2005 Student Government cated to increasing ca mpus awareness Association worked on beha lf of the of sexua I assa u It. Projects fo r the awa re student body to improve the col lege ness ca mpaigns include sel l i ng t-sh i rts, and in itiate change. Executive Offic sponsoring a Clothesline Project, and ers were Catherine Welch, President; Adelin Cai, Vice President; Peyton ca nvassing the ca mpus with thoug ht McElyea, Treasurer; Christopher provoking statistics. This year, SASA ra ised over $2,000 fo r Waterville Rape Su rprena nt, Pa rli mentarian; and Eliza C r i s i s w i t h i ts a n n u a l b a c h e l o r/ Hu leatt, Secretary and Webmaster. bachelorette a uction . 172 Clubs and Organizations
Student Hea lth on Ca mpus (SHO seeks to raise awareness of the hea lt and wel l ness issues facing col lege st dents. Members present i nteracti workshops and promote ca mpus-wi outreach events. These events educa 1 and engage students in meaningf discussion as a means to improve t overal l health of the Colby ca mpus.
QU I LT I N G CLU B The Qui lti ng Cl u b has g rown and seen a n exciti ng u pdate of su ppl ies, mach i nes, and tech niq ues. The January Inspirations q u i lting cl ass attracted enth usiastic new mem bers to the club. In addition to u n iq ue personal work, recent g roup projects i ncl uded a large memorial q u i lt g iven to the fa m i ly of Dawn Rossig nol and baby q u i lts donated to a hospital for neonata l ca re.
ROTA R ACT Rotaract is a n i nternationa l service or gan ization ded icated to m a king a d if ference in the Col by com m u n ity and beyond . We vol u nteer with in Watervi l le with the Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter, Lakewood Conti n u ing Ca re Center, a nd Sahana Stars Project. O u r international i nvolvement includes a book and school supply d rive for schools in South Africa and the Dom i n ica n Republic.
QAA Student Al u m n i Association mem bers host and attend networki ng sessions with visiti ng a l u m n i . SAA mem bers plan the bi-a n n ual Etiq uette Din ner, a cha nce for students to enjoy a five-cou rse mea l and learn proper d i n i n g man ners. The SAA mem bers host various a l u m n i events throughout the yea r a nd gave a specia l gift to g rad uating seniors at the end of the yea r.
QI R E N Q The Sirens welcomed many new mem bers this yea r to create a fantastic group of g i rls that love m u sic a nd , more importantly, each other. This yea r we performed a mazing songs such as "At Last, " "Temptation," "This N i g ht, " and more. Our sen iors, H i llary, M a risa, a nd Melisse a re truly our i nspiration . Their fun attitudes and ded ication to the Sirens keeps our g rm1p strong.
QOB� U To celebrate cu ltural identity a nd u n ity, Students Organ ized for Black and H ispanic U n ity welcome members from a l l backg rou nds and sponsor events in honor o f Latino Heritage Month and Black H istory Month . Such events inelude Lati no Heritage d i n ner, Black Intellectua l ism Pa nel, a nd Sou l Food N ig ht. SOBHU also strives to enhance cu ltural awareness and promote d iversity .
QO U N D Q O r: GO Q P E L Col by Sou nds of Gospel is the only rel igion-based singing g roup at Col by. We sing conte m porary, traditional, a nd spiritual gospel music, a l l rooted i n Africa n-America n cu ltu re and heritage. This g roup sings both a ca ppella and accompanied m u sic, a nd performed th ree concerts this yea r.
Clubs and Organizations 173
go uT� EN D COA LI T I O N The Colby South End Coa lition strives to im prove relations between Col by a nd the Watervi lle community. Working with youth at the loca l South End Teen Center and the South End Learning Center, as wel l as through various other ven ues of service, the clu b's u lti mate goa l is student involvement and community awareness.
gu R F CLU B Lots of hurricanes late summer and through the fa l l . . . Barrels in Costa Rica during January ( Porq ue no) . . . Frozen faces back at H igg ins after that. . . Sweet year, sweet fried clams. Rig hteous.
174 Clubs and Organizations
gpB The 2004 - 2005 Student Programming Board coord inated an array of success fu l cam pus events. SPB worked in six comm ittees (Coffeehouse, Concert and Live M usic, Cu ltural Events, Publ icity, Social Events, and Special Events) to plan and implement dances, concerts, lectures, comed ians, and novelty per formances.
Student Women in Science consists mostly of female science majors, mi nors, pre-med students, and others interested in a career in science. This yea r SWIS sponsored a faculty pa n � I, partici pated in a science workshop in cooperation with Hardy Girls Hea lthy Women, and worked with Facu lty Women in Science.
gT U D E N Tg FO R A FREE T I B ET Colby Students for a Free Tibet wa founded in the spring of 2004 to voic Ti betans' fu nda menta l right to pol itica l freedom. Tibet Awareness Week was hosted in October and incl uded a screen ing of "The Cup," petition signi ngs, and a movi ng ta lk by former pol itica l pris oner Ngawang Sangdrol.
Women's Group supports all women c Colby and around the world . As a fe nist/woman ist organ ization, we prio ourselves in our commitment to equ ity across all racia l, ethnic, class, re g i o u s , a n d se x u a l o r i e n ta t i bou nda ries . B y organizing lecture performers, and fi lm presentations, hope to educate the Colby commun and encourage sol idarity for all worn
Congratulations Class of 2005!
Lorimer Chapel
Cong ratu lations , E m i ly Weber To E mily, I am so proud to be your big brother. Look at you now! Love, Ben P.S. And a huge
congratulations ! from Mom and Dad
Co ng r a t ula t io n s Gillian! We are so proud Mom, Dad, Lee, Eric, Marianne, Josh, Emily and Henry 176 Congratulations Class of 2005!
Ann MacDonald Congratulations, Ann ! Peace and happiness always Love, Mom & Dad
Matt Brewer "Th a t 's ri g h t, Ice m a n . I a m d a n g e ro u s ! " - M o m , D a d , Liz
Congratulations Class o f 2005! t n
C hristia n S layter Al bo Co n g ra t u l a t i o n s , C h ri sti a n ! W e a re s o p ro u d o f y o u a n d a l l y o u r a ccom p l i s h m e nts fro m S t . A n n 's S c h o o l to Tri n ity School to Co l by Co l l e g e . W e l o o k fo rwa rd w i t h a nt i c i  p a t i o n to t h e n ext p h a se of y o u r l ife . W e know that you will m iss M a i ne, but we w e l c o m e y o u h o m e to Tex a s . W e l ove y o u ! D e s e a m o s q u e tod o s t u s s u e n o s se h a g a n rea l i d a d . O m e d et6 g o za i m a s u . Love, Mom, D a d , A s h l ey a n d A n d rew
Matt Roland
"For when the great scorer comes to write against your name, he marks not that you won or lost, but how you played the game. " Matt, from the first day you boarded the bus and headed off to school, we knew you would excel. Congratulations. We are very proud of you and your record .
Love, Mom, Dad, Andy & Steve and all your Family and Friends!
178 Congratulations Class of 2005!
Melissa Widdis "You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one . " **********
than I ever thoug ht it cou ld . . . " * * * * ** * * * *
W e a re s o proud o f you ! Love, Mom and Dad
P re s c h o o l C h r i s t m a s p ro g r a m 1 9 8 7 e y e s l i ke s a u c e rs l i ps u n m o v i n g a n d n o w y o u 're a m eg a l o m a n i a c !
J esse Wrenn
Congratulations JEANNE DIBELLA ! Congratulations, Jeanne! We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. We love you! We wish you health, wealth, hapiness and love as you continue on life's wonderful journey. Love, Mom, Sue and Dad ps NNSTDL TBBBWUMLSDSM hugs and kisses
Congratulations W e c a n 't w a i t to s e e what comes next!
Jim Moreyl
Lov e a n d b e s t w i s h es fo r a fu l fi l l i n g fut u re ,
We are so proud
M o m a n d D a d , Amy, H e n ry , J o e a n d S p i ke
of you.
Mom, Dad, Kate, Matt, Sue and Sam Congratulations Class of 2005! 179
Ma ggie Allen
Cong ratulations. We a re so i n cred ibly proud of you . You have g rown i nto a competent, ca pa ble, beautiful young wom a n . Follow you r fondest drea ms and reach for the stars. You will be i n our hearts always. We will love you forever. Mom, Dad, and Annabel
Fro m the
beg i n n i n g to the e n d , you h ave done a n o utsta n d i n g j o b .
N ora Fitzgera ld Gouge We a re very p ro u d of you . We are very proud o f all that you have accompl i shed. Our graduation wish is that your pursuits in life bring you true happiness. Love, Mom and Dad
180 Congratulations Class of 2005!
xxoo M &D
Co ng r a t ula t io n s Karina Johnson! Congratulations on making the most of your four years at Colby . . . Cross Country State Champions and 5th at Nationals
2004 , Track , San Diego , Paris , Wisconsin , the Annex, French, Art , Quilting Club , Great Friends! Love from Mom , Dad , Elise , and Peder
Lucas (a . k.a . Lu ke} Thatcher " Everyth i n g fl ows, n oth i n g stays sti l l . N oth i n g e n d u res but ch a n g e ." - H e ra c l e i tu s
Congratulations Class of 2005! 181
Heather Burke
Our sweet girl has become her own beautiful woman. Thank you for 22 years of joy. You are such a special daughter, sister and friend. We love you. Dad, Mom, Alex and Colleen
Congratulations pATRICK HARNER ! Patrick ! We are so proud of you. With all our love, Your famiily
Congratulations JESSICA ! Wel l done ! Wishing you all the succe s you deserve in your future pursuits. Love, Mom, Dad, Katharine, Jonathan and Jake 182 Congratulations Class of 2005!
Alexa nder Telis Dea r A l e x , Co n g ratu l at i o n s o n y o u r effo rts, a cco m p l i s h m e nts, and g rowth . Kee p o n cl i m b i n g ! Love , M o m , Da d , M i key a n d K i n g
Paige Con g ratu l ations P a i g e . We are p ro u d of you Mom, D a d , C h e l s i , B l a i r, & A lys
On to the next challenge ! We love you, Mom, Dad, Eric, and Josh
John Cole . . . a n d i n the end t h e l ove you ta ke i s eq u a l to t h e l ove you m a ke . Co n g ratu l at i o n s, J o h n ! M o m , D a d , Kri sty
Congratulations Class of 2005! 183
Kristi n Putnam
"Go confidently in t h e direction o f your dreams ! Live the life you have i magined." Thoreau We are proud of you and all your accomplishments! Love, Dad, Mom, Doug and Cait
Annette Caswem Wow, Annette, wha t a great j ob you have done ! I am so proud of you. It is such a thrill to see you being rewarded for your achievements and above all, your hard work. Congratulations. You are the best! Love, Mom
Congratulations DUNC ! Chri stopher We have watched you over the years chase dreams and make them come true . . . Keep dream ing, keep maki ng them come true. With love and pride, Mom & Chuck
Dear Chris,
Chris Van Wa genen
Congratulations on your graduation. You found a special place at Colby, worked hard and earned this honor. These four years have gone so quickly but the memories will last forever. We are so proud of you and wish you and your friends the best of luck in the future. We love you, Mom, Dad, Charlotte, Libby and Annie 184 Congratulations Class of 2005!
Da n It's h a rd to b e l i eve fo u r yea rs h a ve g o n e by . I d o n 't k n o w w h o h a s h a d m o re fu n , y o u o r t h e fa m i l y ! We a re s o ve ry p ro u d of yo u , h o n ey ! Co n g ratu l a ti o n s ! M u ch Love, Mom & D a d a n d Tu rbo, too
Kara Lanahanl
We are so very proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad & Katherine
C o ngratu l atio n s B RENDAN ! I am so proud of you ! ! ! Best of l uck i n the future.
"Wake up with a smile and go after life." -Joe Knapp "Do it big do it right and do it with style." -Fred Astaire Don 't forget fun. Love, Dad, Mom Rory, Matt, Tim ' 00 Amy ' 99, Evan ' 0 3
May all of you r tra i ls lead to spectacu lar vistas . I Love You, Dad Congratulations Class of 2005! 185
Congratulations CATHERINE SEAR
Congratulations MEREDITH MARIE DUVAL ! I t i s with much pride and admitation that we congratu足 late you on your accomplish足 ments throughout your school years. You ' ve grown i n to a wonderful young woman. Love, Mom, Dad & Matthew
Congratulations Courtl You've worked hard to make it to today! We admire your academic achievements and are very proud of you. Our fondest wishes for you include a healthy life, lived with enthusiasm, filled with love, good work, and many friends. Your family will always be your biggest fan. Much Love,
Mom, Dad and Julia
Mom, Dad, and Brendon
Co ng r a t ula t io n s Laura Rebecca Hudecek! Laura, We are proud of your keen mind, your spontaneous spirit, your end足 less creativity, your strong will and your loving heart! Go forward with courage to be your足 self and meet the world, which has been waiting for you . Love always , Mom, Dad , Jeffrey, Matthew, and all of your family
186 Congratu ations C ass o 2005!
Ly n n H asda y O u r h e a rts a re fi l l e d w i t h j o y a n d p ri d e w i t h a l l y o u h a v e a c co m p l i s h ed a n d at t h e b e a u t i fu l , ca ri n g , l o v i n g , y o u n g l a d y y o u h a ve b e co m e . W e h o p e t h a t y o u w i l l l i v e y o u r l i fe w i t h  o u t l i m it s o r e x p e cta t i o n s , t h a t y o u w i l l fi n d h a p p i n e s s i n s i m p l e t h i n g s , a n d y o u w i l l b e k i n d , t h o u g h tfu l , a n d c o n t i n u e to p u rs u e y o u r d re a m s w i t h a n e v e re n d i n g p a s s i o n a n d p u rp o s e . C o n g ra t u l a ti o n s . We l o v e y o u . M o m , D a d , A l l i so n & D a n i e l
Lisa Andracke
Congratulations to our optimistic, cheerful, hardworking, flexible, adventurous student. Swallowing goldfish, reading 15th century Spanish, living in Bolivia and Spain. Colby got your best and gave back good friends and a millio n memories. We LOVE you . Mom & Dad
Congratulations Cary Fridrichl Congratulations on your milestone achievement! We are proud parents! Your hard work and perseverence have paid off! Keep your goals high and continue meeting challenges head on ! Love, Mom and Dad
How could it be graduation is near, Seems like you started only last year, When leaving Lancaster, our little girl, Going to Colby to give it a whirl. Studying German , and Government, too, Hard to decide? Just ma jor in two! Add Soccer and Track into the pot, And look what a busy girl we've got! Your feats in track sure showed us your spunk, Vaulting's easy, but beware of your bunk! Friends Logie, Slemp, Mary, and Mags nearby, There wasn't much that you wouldn't try!
Congratulations ALANA & MARGARET ! "I do not know where I am going, but I am on my way . " -Carl Sandburg
A year in Germany, study abroad, Every country in Europe your feet did trod, Good times with Anne, Tim, Katie and Claire, Bavaria will never forget � were there!
S ea n , Yo u 've been a b l essi n g to y o u r p a rents w ith y o u r k i n d s p i rit, g e n e ro u s hea rt, c a l m d e m e a n o r, a n d fa ith i n y o u r a b i l it i e s .
So the Colby years now come to a close, Too soon to leave there, I suppose, Yet the wide world awaits, be the toast of it, What the heck, you've already seen most of it! So here's to Katie, our Colby rooter, Our bubbly Scholar, Athlete, and Cooter, We couldn't be prouder of our little girl, For giving old Colby one hell of a whirl! Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations Danielle Ordenl Those big sharks on Wall Street better watch out! Best of luck and love, Mom, Dad, Erica and Mike 188 Congratulations Class of 2005!
Sea n G. Baron God w i l l conti n u e to b l ess you t h ro u g h y o u r p o s t g ra d u a te y e a rs . You a re d e s t i n ed t o contri b ute g reatly to the better m e n t of m a n k i n d . G o d b l ess yo u . M o m & Dad
Co ng r a t ula t io n s Miranda Silverman! Dearest Miranda, You make us proud and happy with your every achievement, the greatest of which is just being you . Poise, grace, warmth and intelligence are just a few of your good points - and you are also blessed with a true sense of humor. We wish you a world of happines s . W e love you s o , M o m and Dad
Mike As a l w a y s , w e a re s o p ro u d o f y o u . Yo u r C o l b y y e a rs h a v e b e e n a w o n d e rfu l a d ve n t u re o f t ea m  w o rk, l o v e , fri e n d s h i p a n d B l u e T e a m P ri d e fo r u s a l l . Y o u r t e a m  m a t e s w i l l b e y o u r l ife l o n g fri e n d s a s y o u h a v e w o rk e d s o w e l l tog e t h e r . G O M U LE S . W it h a l l o u r l o v e a n d s u p p o rt , D a d , M o m , M a tt ( a n d B ra d y )
Congratulations Class of 2005! 189
Co ng r a t ul a t io n s Jessica Pilcher! You are a precious gift to our family and to a world that awaits you. Happy graduation with our love and pride, Mom, Dad, and Annie
E mma Claire Miller Congratulations Emma! Welcome to the most exciting, rewarding, and challenging years of your life. We are so proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, and Sam
Sarah B u rl i ng ham
" I f you stand very still a n d hold t o your faith, you will get a l l the help that you ask; you will draw from the silence the things that you need; Hope and Courage and Strength for your task." We are so proud of you, your many accomplishments and trails, and the wonde rful woman you have become. We love you, M, D, K, J, J , I, M, P
C ongratulations ELIZABETH HAID GARRETT ! Congratulation ! We are proud of who you are and all that you have accompli shed. Love Mom, Dad, Chesley, & Edith
Congratulations Stephen A. Kasperskil Best wishes for future success. We' re all very proud of you and your many accom plishments, both on and off the field .
Congratulations, Dan ! Canterbury, Colby, Oxford and beyond , whatever you do, wherever you go, we know you will have continued success and make u s proud of all you do. Mom, Dad, Tom & Laura
Congratulations MEGHAN !
Love, Mom and D ad Congratulations Class of 2005! 191
Co ng r a t ula t io n s Brian! Remember, "As long as one keeps search ing, the answers come . " -Joan Baez Love , Mom , Dad , and Evan
Congratulations, Cory Cramer! Sugarloaf, the Volvo: aka "the corymobile", wearing a bathing suit skiing, London, Skyler, John, vDub, Tom & Dan; the classicist, beer die, keg stands! T.A. N . D . l.T.R. , waterpolo, Club 043! With love and admiration, Mom & Dad, Charlie & Peter
Ad aspera per advera
W hitney H a le J o h nso n
"A ship in port is safe, but that's not wha t
Katie Markowskil
ships are built for. " - G ra ce M u rr a y H o p pe r
Congratulation on a
C o n g ra t u l at i o n s o n a
fantastic four years !
w o n d e rfu l v o y a g e
Remember - you'll always
c o m p l et e d - C o l b y ! W e
have Paris and Waterville!
l o v e y o u a n d w i l l a l wa y s
Good luck in Law school.
b e y o u r h o m e p o rt a s
You make us proud!
y o u j o u rn e y t h ro u g h l i fe .
Lo e,
W e k n o w y o u r n e xt
Mom and Dad
voyage w i l l be a s ha ppy a n d e x c it i n g a s t h i s o n e ! Mom & Dad
Congratulations JEANETIE RJCHELSON ! You make the world a better p l ace now and forever. Carpe Diem ! We Love You, Mom, Dad, Jared, and Hayley
Lisa M . Rei n halter
Co n g ratu l a t i o n s N i co l e ! You 've wo rked h a rd a n d w e a re s o p ro u d of you !
Your Colby years are a treasure. Memories of wonderfu l friends, pa rties, a semester i n Chile, politics , dancing, singing abroad with the chorus, and end less hours of studying will remain with you forever. We are so proud of you . Love, Mom, Dad ,
Love , Mom & Dad
N icole Marie Conrad Good job S i s ! We l o o k fo rwa rd t o h a v i n g you b a c k o n t h e W e s t Coast ! Lov e , Bo b , M i c h e l e , and Ella
Congratu ations C ass o 2005! 193
Michael A. Civitello Congratulations, Michael on all your achievements at Colby. You have grown into an extraordinary young man that our entire family is so very proud of. Continue forward with excitement, passion, and with all the goodness that you are. All our love, Mom & Dad
Congratulations Co n g ratu l a ti o n s
t o Ra c h e l a n d t h e C l a ss of
We are so happy that you learned to play wel l with others. Congratulations on four wonderful years ! Love, Mom, Dad
2005 .
Rachel Luskin
Jamie Falkl As Calvin says, "It's a
Love ,
magical world Hobbes, ol'
M o m , Da d ,
buddy ... Let's go explor ing ! " All the best on your upcoming explorations. Love from Morn, Dad, Krissy, and Andrew
194 Congratulations Class of 2005!
a n d Sa ra h
Carpe <Diem!
Congratufations) Josli!
We are all so proud of you !
a{ways ?vlom el <Dad
With love,
Josiali James rtayfor
P. Lynchl
Mom, Dad, Meghan, and Amy
CONGRATULATIONS , MICHAEL WALSH ! -Be gentle with the Earth -Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time. -Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality. -Dali Lama Mike, we are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished . Love, Mom, Dad, and Dan
Elizabeth Brown As your parents we've watched you grow I nto the woman we love and know. And that is why we know it's true; The future holds wonderful things for you! Congratulations with love from Mommy & Daddy
Congratulations Class of 2005! 195
Congratulations KRISTIN !
Ala na Will hite
As you move forward in your life, play to your strengths. Smile, work hard and enjoy the moment. We are very proud of you. We will always be there for you . We are your biggest fans ! Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations Brittainyl " Hold fast to dreams ... " -Langston Hughes The rose in our lives, you continue to blossom. May happiness alight upon your shoul der !
Al a n a , We a re s o p ro u d of everyth i n g you h a ve acco m p l i s h ed i n yo u r fo u r yea rs a t Col by. We know that s u ccess l i es a h ead fo r you ! M u ch Love, M o m , D a d , a n d Krista
Love, Mom & Dad
Co ng r a t ula t io n s Mike (Indy) Misencik! May you soar as high and far in life as you do on the slopes ! Luv, Mom and Dad
196 Congratu ations C ass o 2005!
A Mother 's Pride A Father 's Joy We Love You Dad, Mommy, Christy & Reagan
Life is a tri p E nj o y t h e ri d e !
C o n g ra t u l at i o n s ! Mom, Dad, M i l lie, Vi c ki e , Pete , Al i ce
Bil l Ford Pa ri s n e s 'est pas fa i t e n Congratulations, Kerri. We are so proud of you and
u n j o u r.
all that you have accomplished. We w i sh y o u success a n d happiness. Love you always, Mom, Dad & Sara
Congratu ations C ass o 2005! 197
Jessica Rose Sattler
London - Colby - Rome
Congratu l ations on 4 amazing years of loving and learn i n g !
Love always, Mom , Dad , Joe and Jake
We are so proud of you ! Love, Mom, Dad, Jeni, M i ke, Si mone, Charl ie, Ja mie, Patrick, Katie, & Jakob
Congratulations ( I_
Mary Melissa Frederickl May God look favorably on you and keep you in H i s w i l l . " B u t t h e eye o f the Lord are on those who fear H i m , on those who e hope is in H i s unfai l ing love." -Psal m 33: 1 8 We are bles ed to have you i n our fami ly . With love and pride and congratu l ations to wonderful you !
Congratulations, Austin ATTAWAYTOGO Love, Mom, Dad a n d Dave
Wayne Harri ngton
Wayne, you r accom plishments over the last four years are a tribute to your work ethic for the past
years. You a re a son , brother and
friend that when someone mentions your name i n town, it's always
Andy Orrl
positive and g ives us a tremondous amont of pride. We love you , Dad , M o m , Shanno n
Andy: You may now be excused to go play.
Congratulation s CHRIS STARZ ! Wi hing you succe , happi ness and continued high adventure in the years to come. We know you will alway trive to reach great height ! -Your Fan Club-
Ashley Germain
"Reach for your star, Ashley. It doesn't have to be the brightest, but the one you can lie down with at night and feel secure and comfortable with." Puppa - August 2003 Congratulations on all your accomplishments. We're so proud of you ! Love, Mom, Dad , Shaelyn, Rory, Charlotte, Quimby and Jasper
Peyton McElyea
We have been proud of you every step of the way. You are the joy of our lives. Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations JULIE !
Congratulations KATIE
All of your hard work has finally paid off. Go confidently i n the direction of your dreams. Success is in your future. Love, Mom & Nige
Congratulations Evanl Your first day of kindergarten, and now ready to graduate from Colby! We know that you have worked hard even though you always made it look easy. Congratulations, we are very
We are so very proud of you and all that you have accompl ished. We ' ve enj oyed watching you grow. It
proud of you !
has been a great 4 years and we look forward to
sharing many more.
Morn, Dad, Lindsay, & Brad
All our love, Mom, Dad, Kevin, Jen and Jackie
200 Congratulations Class of 2005!
Wendy Bon ner Celebrating four memorable years
with a few images from the early days.
Congratulations !
We a re v e ry p ro u d of yo u r a cco m p l i s h  m e n t . Con g ratu l a t i o n s a n d b e st o f l u c k a s y o u e n te r a n ew sta g e i n yo u r l ife . We w i l l c o n ti n u e to be by yo u r s i d e . A l l o u r l ove, M o m , Dad, Rya n , and J u sti n
Congratulations Seanl Keep smiling! You make us prou d ! Lots o f love, Mom, Dad, and Shannon Best Wishes to the Class of 2005 !
Mic hel le "Go confidently i n the d i rection of you r d rea ms! Live the l ife you've imagined . " -Thoreau Que siem pre sueiie con los a ngelitos. Co n g ra t u l a t i o n s W e l ove yo u , D a d , M o m , J o n at h a n , La u ra , a n d M o l l y
Congratulations Class of 2005! 201
Congratulations ALLISON NEUMISTER ! You have been blessed with pecial gifts and talent and you have used them wel l . It has been a joy to admire your journey . Love, Mom, Dad, Ryan, Jason, Meghan, Whitley, and Li ly too !
H a n na h Emery
Congratulations Carolyn Huntll Our whole family is so proud of you ! From your 100% Dean's List to your Caribbean and Irish adventures, ball room dancing, furniture making, lake and forest
"Two roa d s d i v e rg e d i n a wood a n d I took the one less tra v e l ed b y a n d that h a s m a d e a l l t h e d i ffe re n ce . " - Ro b e rt Frost H a n n a h , we h a v e been so p ro u d of you a n d y o u r c h o s e n path fro m t h e t i m e y o u were a v e ry ti n y c h i l d . Keep y o u r eye o n t h e g o a l a n d k n o w t h a t y o u ca n a c h i e v e y o u r d re a m s . W e 'l l a l w a y s be h e re fo r y o u ! !
s tu d ies - you made the most of your years at Colby.
Love, M o m , D a d d y , & Ka ra
Much love, Mom and Dad
Thomas J . Irela nd We l l d o n e , Thomas ! We l ove yo u so m u ch a n d a re very p ro u d of yo u ! From M u m a n d Da d , J a mes, S a ra h , Lu ke, Do m i n i c, O l i v i a and Benj a m i n , G ra n n y a n d G ra n d a d
202 Congratu ations C ass o 2005!
Dou glas Vito Sununa
"In times of change, there is no incentive more forceful, no medicine more powerful, than the hope for a better future . " Congratulations, Douglas, as you graduate from college! After four extraordinary years, you have arrived at a discriminating level in your life. While we are sad that your Colby experience is coming to an end, we are content as your life heads in a new direction. College, for you, is the gateway to possibilities. In command of your life, we w ill remain your advocates, your sanctuary, overjoyed at your achievement. We love you, Mom and Dad
Congratulations Dan Williamsn S o y o u 're n ot g o i n g t o be a zoo k e e p e r a fte ra l l ! We know y o u 'l l m a ke a g re a t c o n t ri b u t i o n w h e re v e r y o u g o . C o n g ra tu l a t i o n s ! Lov e , Mom and Dad
C ongratu latio n s NICOLE WESSEN !
Congratulations Lakesiders of the Class of 2005 ! Annie, Alana, Tom, Nicole, Margaret
Nicole, As 4 memorable years come to a close we are so proud of who you are today and excited for opportunities ahead. Love you always, Mom, McKenzie, Walt Congratu ations C ss o 2005! 203
Nikolaus S chnermann Congratulations We love you !
Noah Hoffman
accomplishments. A l l o u r love a n d su pport ,
You ' re amaz i n g ! We're s o p roud o f all you r
Smile! It makes people wonder what you 've been up to ! We are very proud of our big sister. We love you, Cait and Doug
Congratulations EDWARD MEZER ! There i
someth ing in the human spirit,
A magic b l e nd of ski l l , faith and valor That can l ift men from certai n defeat To i ncredible v i c tory . (Wal ter Lord) Much l ove and congratulation
to our
i ncredi b l y hard work i ng son and brother Harry, Eleanor, J u l i a, & Matthew Mezer
204 Congratulations Class of 2005!
' 63
M o m a n d Dad
Congratulations Katie
E. Gagnel
Katie, Congratul a tions and best wishes. You make us so very prou d ! ! Love, Mom, Dad & Shelley
Katie Austgen " It's t h e h e a rt a fra i d of b rea k i n g t h a t n ev e r l e a rn s t o d a n ce . It's t h e d rea m a fra i d o f wa k i n g
t h a t n ev e r ta kes t h e c h a n ce .
It's t h e o n e w h o wo n 't b e ta ke n w h o ca n 't seem to g i v e , a n d t h e s h o u l d a fra i d of d y i n g t h a t n ev e r l e a rns t o l i ve . " Th e Rose D a re to D rea m . Love, D a d a n d M o m
May you be strong and flexible, and happy with who you are and what you have accomplished. We know you have a bright future . We love you. Mom, Dad, Kai l a and M az
Melisse Paige Hinkle M e l isse, W atch i n g y o u g ro w th ro u g h o u t t h e y e a rs W e 'v e h a d m a n y occa s i o n s fo r p ri d e fi l l e d c h e e rs O n ce m o re at g ra d u at i o n y o u ' l l h e a r u s ro a r W it h l o v e a n d b e st w i s h es a s y o u c o n t i n u e t o s o a r Lo v e A l w a y s , Mom a nd Dad
Congratu ations C ass o 2005! 205
M ichaelyn From your first game to your last, w e have watched you grow from a l ittle girl to a beautiful young woman . Congraulations, M ichaelyn . W e love you , Mom & Dad
Zachary Dea r Zack, We a re s o p ro u d of you a n d w i s h you a fu tu re fi l l e d w i t h h a p p i n e s s . O u r l ov e a n d cong ratu l a t i o n s , Mom, Dad, Maggie, and Hannah
Michael Feldman
Dear Michael, We all have two lives ... the one we are given and the one we make. What a fantastic ride it has been and what an amazing journey awaits you . . . Congratulations on your graduation. Your hard work and determination have put the world at your feet! Carpe Diem! Love, Mom, Dad, Gono, Eric, Grandma Betty & Grandpa Marshall
Heather DeVito
Congratulations N I K KI
Heather, Congratu lations on your graduation, you r fou r years have been so memora ble for a l l of u s . We w i l l miss traveling with the team a nd a l l the great friends we have made th rough you ; may you continue to grow and enjoy l ife. Cherish your l ifelong friends from Col by and p u rsue your drea ms. We a re so very proud of you . Love, Mom, J i m , La u ren, Pat, Jonathan & Sn ickers
Life begins, now that you have achieved the basics. Make the most o f it. Good luck and Best Wishes. Love, Dad, Mom, Minal & Ketan
After many miles and many smiles . . . You pulled out the BIG GUNS and GOT'ER DONE !
S HA R E E N H . AB BASY You have overcome so many obstacles to be here today. LIVESTRONG We are so proud of you ! ! ! Love, Mom and Jamil
CONGRATULATIONS JARED ! You 're playing with the B IG BOYS now. We are so very proud of you. Love Mom, Dad Gloria, Pat, Jess and Krick
Congratulations Class of 2005! 207
The Colby Ora cle 2005
Maryďż˝ Editor-in-Chief
/Jgan lUcbanan Portraits Editor
Kristin Putnam Spans Editor Oracle Sraff: -Katie GhelJi -Rand Hall -Ka5Si Nacheva
Katie Slemp Candid Seaion Editor
jrm;e Tharakan Underdass Editor
Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! A huge thank you to I1et:h !3ridger and Kelly Marton in Student Aaivities for their advice and assistance. Thank you toJeff13arickson, Laura Meadeij Michelle Q,ďż˝ Ilana 5axt:, and Ann MacDom1d for providing numerous piaures. Anc4 thankyou to Senior Gass Representatives Katie Glgne andJeffLederman This yearbook would not have been jXJSsible without the help of these people. 208
Shareen Abbasy Daphne Abrams Jennifer Abramson David Acker Matthew Albertelli Cristian Albo James Albright Christian Allen Evan Allen Margaret Allen Vanessa Ambatielos Christina Andaya Lisa Andracke Caroline Andresen Jennifer Andrews · Alan Ashbaugh Siri Ashton Kathryn Austgen Elissa Baim Stephen Bakios Michele Barmash · Sean Baron · Meghan Barringer · Hande Barutcuoglu Lauren Baumgarten · Nicholas Bayley Steven Beaty Rachel Beaupre Jessica Beetz Lindsay Begin Eleanor Beltz Taylor Bemis Julia Benedict Jessica Berger Mary Biggins Brandon Binder Aaron Blazar Ryan Boccuzzi Margaret Boehmke Steven Bogden Wendy Bonner Michael Booras Michaelyn Bortolotti Christine Brennan Matthew Brewer Pawel Brodalka Barry Brown · Elizabeth Brown · Graham Brown · Helen Brown · Jarvis Brown · Kathryn Brown · Julie Bryar Logan Buchanan Matthew Bucklin Megan Burd Heather Burke Sarah Burlingham Justin Burner · Victor Cabada Adelin Cai Kathleen Campbell Amy Campfield Julie Carlson Brendan Carroll Annette Caswell Caitlin Chamberlin · Calvin Chan Ka Chan Mark Chapman Aaron Charniak Molly Chester Curtis Chin Jennifer Chu Laura Cimini Michael Civitello Chase Cohen John Cole Michelle Cole Caroline Collins Jacob Colognesi Lilian Conrad Nicole Conrad · Alison Cook · Michelle Cote · Corwith Cramer Nadra Crawford Brendan Crighton Kate Crocker Ryan Crotty Richard Crowley Charles Culver Daniel Cummins Elizabeth Curran Jared Cushman Lawrence Dagrosa Megan Daley Rachel Damon Jacklyn Dao Brian Davidson Benjamin Davis Emily Day Galia Debelouchina Caitlin Dennehy Thomas Deutsch · Jonathan Devers · Heather DeVito · Jeanne Di Bella · Rebecca Di Savino R ichard Downing · Andrew Drummond Douglas Dua · Justin Dubois · Christopher D uncombe Sarah Dunham Lydia Durant Kate Durda N ilanjana Dutt Meredith Duval Kristi Eck Daniel Egan Sarah Eilefson Jonathan Eisenberg Laura Ellis Patrick Ely Shannon Emerson Hannah Emery Cory Ernst Kara Evanko · Justin Fahey · James Falk Nicholas Falker John Fallon Christopher Michael Feldman Catherine Fillebrown Farrell Joseph Farrell Theodore Farwell Megan Finn Charles Fizer Kyle Foley William Foley Joanna Fontaine Brian Footer William Ford Jessica Foster Courtland Fowler Mary Frederick Carrie Fredland Cary Fridrich Kerri Furlong Francesca Gage Katie Gagne William Elizabeth Garrett Eric Gartside Emily Gallitto Matthew Gangl Xavier Garcia Gavryck · Ashley Germain Kathleen Ghelli Rharaka Gilbert · Jonathan Gilboy · Marisa Giller Corey Gittleman Emily Given Conor Gleason Jonathan Golden Jared Goldsmith Sarah Goodrich Emily Goodyear Jared Gordon Nora Gouge Caitlin Grasso Joshua Gray Samuel Gray Juliana Green Ariel Greenspan Richard Greenwood Constance Greer Matthew Guy-Hamilton Dana Gwinn · Timothy Haas Leah Hagamen Sara Hamada Osman Haneef Heather Hansman Paige Hanzlik Jessica Hardy Patrick Harner Wayne Harrington Nina Harrold Adam Harvey man Brittainy Heitzman Alice Henderson Lynn Hasday · Rachel Hatch · Zachary HauptHernandez Erica Hill Mary Hill Melisse · Graham Hennessey · Peter Henry · Melissa Honig · Lubos Hudec · Laura Hudecek · Sara Hinkle Noah Hoffman Anne Holt Emily Alexandra Humphreys Carolyn Hunt Hughes Eliza Huleatt Nathaniel Hulme Hutton Thomas Ireland Meredith Jalkut Katherine Hurd Asma Husain Devon Karina Johnson Maggie Johnson · Whitney Christopher Johnson Elizabeth Johnson Whitney Jones Joshua Kahn Megha Johnson Kathleen Jones Kimberly Jones Marc Kassin Elliott Katz Brian Kelly Kapoor · Bradley Kasnet · Stephen Kasperski Natalia King Kelly Klemarczyk Hillary M ichael Kershaw Dae Kim Michael King Kronauer Torrey Kulow Yan Kung Kara Klug · Casey Knechtel · Clara Koh · Alexander Landau Gregory Lanson Darren Larsen Lanahan Timothy Lancaster Melissa LeBlanc Bianca Lech Adrienne LeClair Nicholas Larsen Nels Leader Jocelyn Legendre · Jennifer Leighton · Brandy Lipton Jeffrey Lederman Jonathan Lees Shawn Lundgren Rachel Luskin · Eric Luth · Daniel Jeremy Little Megan Loosigian Matthew Matthew Lynes Ann MacDonald Jennie Kathryn Lynch Emma Lynch Lynch Maguire John Mahoney Natalie Maida MacPherson Elizabeth Magner Elisabeth Nichols Malick Lily Maltz Kyle Manson Stephen Markesich Katherine Markowski Danielle Martin Casey McCarthy · Devon McConnell-Gordon Caitlin Mccusker Liam McDonnell Peyton McElyea · Alana McGee Patrick McGowan Abigail McGuire Trevor McWilliams Mary Medlin Robert Mehlich Edward Mezer Ivan Mihajlov Ashley Mihos Szymon Mikulski Elek Miller Emma Miller Laura Miller Michael Miller Nicholas Miller Michael Misencik Alexandru Mocanu Adrianne Mohn Eric Molander Todd Moore Joel Marash James Morey Courtney Morris Julia Morrison Jonathan Moss Carreau Mueller Melissa Mullen Sean Murphy Margaret Musser Nathan Mylrea Gillian Nadel Nandini Naik Dorothy Najda Thomas Nale Allison Neumeister Timothy Newhouse Maria Nguyen Warner Nickerson Sara Nicolette Rebecca Nisetich Laura Normand Patrick Ochieano Michelle Oh Joseph Okeyo Mary Olsson Danielle Orden Andrew Orr Andrea Palmer Catherine Pappas •
J i l l i a n Parker
N i kki Patel
Jessica P i lcher •
J usti nas Pe le nis
Kenneth Pitter
Stan islav Presolski
Kristin P utnam
Resseg u i e · Amanda Reste l l •
C h ristopher R ies
C l a i re R i ley
Ti mothy Roberts
Andras Rozmer
Matthew R u by
Maria S anders
N i kol a u s Schnermann
Semmens man
M a u reen S he rry
Ki rby Sholl
Kari nna R u sso
Katherine R ittner
Daniel Seifert
I lana S axe
Kevin Selby
Corrie S h atten k i rk
Jeremy Robbins
Daniel Saganey
C h ristian
Ton i - Lynn
Tyler Rowe
El izabeth Scherer
Conor Semler
Zachary Sager
R achael Sheinbaum
C h ristopher R ies
Matthew Rosenberg
M ichael R utherford
Isabelle R e i n i ng
Parki n R i d i l l
Jessica Sattler · Robert Sau nders
Karin S h an kar
Matthew Roland
Seth Pierrepont
Carolyn Pollard · Aaron Poplack
Lisa R e i n halter
Stephan ie Pierce
John Pollakowski
R achel R itchie
Catherine Sear
Katlyn S hagory
S hawn Sato
Sasha Schroeder
And rew R aser
Erin Rockney
Daniel R u iz
M i runa Sasuclark
R achel Se rotta
E l izabeth R i ley
Ryan Phelan
C h ri stina Pl uta
Jeanette R ichelson · Alexander R idder
Abigail Robson
N athan Q u ig ley
Gabriel R eyes
Katharine Pe rez
Mel i ssa Pl ante
Peter S h e r-
S h u bleka · An n a S h u m · Reed Sibley · Wendy
S i card · Kathryn S igalow · M ichael S i lberman
· M i randa S i lve rman · M ichael S i rois · Sheena
Siu · Au stin S l ack
Edward S m ith
Kathryn S le m p
Lau re n S m ith
N oah S m ith
Patrick S l ipp
N icholas S nyder
Jeffrey Sparrow · R u ssel l S pitler · Ch ristopher
M ichelle Stone
Tara Stud ley
Benjamin Stonebraker
A l l i son Stewart
· Anne Szender
· Alexander Tel i s · Caro l i n e Tem pesta · J u l i u s
Ti mothy
Daniel Torres
Kathleen Toole
M argaret Trzyna Brian Venti
Stephen Whelpley M e l i ssa Widdis
David Zoh n
Matthew Alberte l l i essa Ambatielos baugh
Cristian Alba
Daniel W i l l iams
Meghan Barri nger · Hande Barutcuoglu pre •
Jessica Beetz
Brandon Bi nder
Li ndsay Beg i n
Aaro n B lazar
E l issa Bai m
E leanor Beltz
• •
Evan Allen
Caro l i n e Andresen •
Step hen Bakios
Taylor Be mis
Jenn ifer Andrews
Victor C a b a d a
Brendan Carro l l
N adra Crawford
D avis
C h ri sti ne
Amy Campfield
Calvi n Chan
M ichelle Cole
G raham
J u l i e Carlson
Ka Chan •
Caro l i ne Col l i n s
J acob
Al i son Cook · M ichelle Cote · Corwith Cramer
C rocker
Ryan Crotty
beth C u rran
E l iza-
Rich ard Crowley
Jared Cushman
J acklyn Dao
Caitl in Dennehy · Thomas Deutsch · Jonathan
Jeanne D i Bella
Douglas D u a • •
Kate D u rda Laura E l l is
N i lanjana D u tt
Patrick Ely
Meredith D uval
Shannon E merson
Brian Davidson
Rebecca D i S avino
D u bois
J u stin
R ichard Downing
C h ristopher D u ncombe
Kristi Eck
Daniel Egan
Hannah Emery
Cory Ernst
M ichael Feldman
Catherine F i l l ebrown
Joan na Fontai ne
Brian Footer
Carrie Fred land
W i l l iam G a l l itto Gavryck
Matthew Gangl •
Megan Finn
Kath leen G h e l l i •
C harles Fizer
Jessica Foster •
S arah E i l efson
Kara Evanko
Kyle Foley
Francesca G age
E ric G artside
R haraka G i lbert
Jonathan G i l boy
W i l l i am M a ry
E m i ly
Conor G leason · Jonathan Golden
E m i l y Goodyear · Jared Go rdon
Katie Gagne
Court l and Fowler
E l izabeth Garrett
E m i ly G iven
Sarah Goodrich
Kerri F u rlong
Xavier G arcia
Corey G ittleman
· J a red Goldsm ith
W i l l iam Ford
Cary Fridrich
Ashley Germain
M arisa G i l l e r
· J u stin Fahey · James Falk · N icholas Falker · John Fallon · C h ristopher Farre l l · Joseph Farrel l · Theodore •
Lydi a D u rant
Lau ra C i m i n i ·
R achel Damon
Jonathan Eisenberg
J ustin B u rner
G al i a Debelouch i n a
Heather DeVito
Farw e l l
Logan Buchanan
Sarah B u rling ham
M ichael
• •
Jarvis Brown
· C u rtis C h i n · Je n n ifer C h u
John Cole
M a ry Biggins
E l izabeth Brown
Julie Bryar
C hamberl i n
Cait l i n
Brendan Crighton
Megan Daley
Wendy Bonner
Helen Brown
M o l ly Chester
N icole Conrad
B u rke
Kat h l ee n
Daniel C u m m i ns
Andrew D ru m mond D u nham
C hase Cohen
E mi ly D ay •
An nette Caswe l l
Lilian Con rad
C harles C u lver D ag rosa
Ad e l i n Cai
Aaron C h a r n i a k
M ichael C ivite l lo Colognesi
Megan B u rd
R achel Beau
Matthew Brewer · Pawel Brod alka
ryn Brown •
Alan Ash-
Sean Baron
M ichaelyn Bortolotti
Barry Brown
Jessica Berger
Steven Bogden
Steven Beaty
Matthew Buckl i n
Vas ilena
David Acker
Margaret Allen
J u l i a Bened ict
Margaret Boeh m ke
Michele Barmash
N icholas Bayley
Lau ren
Mallory You ng
Jen nifer Abramson
Lau ren Baumg arten
Thomas Wi lson
Mel issa Yosua
Ch ristian Allen
Ryan Boccuzzi
Daphne Abrams
Lisa And racke
Kathryn A u stge n
• •
James Al bright
C h ristina Andaya
S i ri Ashton
Shareen Abbasy
M ichael Walsh
Wol p i n · Jesse Wre n n · Kevin Yardi · C h ri stop her Yeah Zheleva
Christopher Van Wagenen
Mertens · Am anda Walsh
Alana W i l l h ite
S aw
Ly Tran
Kelly Wheaton
J osiah Taylor
Matthew Tozer
van der Veen
Sarah Thein
Douglas S u m m a
Donte Tates
Lucas Thatcher
• •
M ichael Widdersheim
H i l lary Wi ley
E l l e n Weaver
S arah Webster
N icole Wessen
N icholas von
Tsering Wangdi
Jonah Waxman
E m i ly Weber We lch
Daniel U h l m ann
Andrew Vol k
Patrick Walsh Warneck
Alice Torbert
William Stohner
Neha Sud
· Abraham S u m mers · Ch ristopher Su rprenant
C o u rtney S mith
Jamie Snyder- Fair