Colby Oracle 2006
Colby College Wateiville, Maine
Table of Content�
Beerd ie!?!
6 D rinking Games
D rinking Games 7
Looking Sharp
10 Looking Sharp
Looking S harp 11
Relay for Life
12 Relay for Life & M r. Colby
Class of 2006: Through the Years
___ .. ___ __ 1,_______
The Class
of 2006
The Cla s
of 2006 15
From COOTers...
Tho Way_ Life Should Be .) ·�
16 COOTers
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4·,/ ·.
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. COOT leaders!
COOT Leaders 1 7
Freshman Year 2002-2003
Adams and Parise
18 Freshman Year
Quil l
Scace, Weden, Skarin.ka, Davidschofer, Downing, Dodriguez, Gilroy, Atwood, Djordjevic, Munoz, Bertholf
Freshman Year 2002-2003
Hale and Geller
Lathrope, Lucas, Lathrope, Markos
Bastian, Stadelman, Civiello, l.amb, Dick
A lbaugh, Coulson, Geller, Hale
Cleaver, Chang, Kelly, Hickey
Freshman Year 19
Sophomore Year 2003 -2004
20 Sophomore Year
Sophomore Year 21
Junior Year 2005-2005
22 junior Year
junior Year 23
Junior Year Abroad New Zealand
24 junior Year Abroad
Junior Year Abroad 25
Senior Year 2005-2006
26 Senior Year
Senior Year 27
28 Senior Year
Senior Year 29
30 Senior Year
Senior Portraits
Anthony Abakisi
Gabe Adams
Kaitlin Adams
Travis Agustin
Economics, Mathematical Sciences
Philosophy, Psychology
Psychology: Neuroscience
Carly Alexander
Karen Alexander
Emily Allen
Mathematical Sciences
Rodney Ames
Matthew Aschaffenburg
Jonathan Ashcroft
Adam Atkinson-Lewis
American Studies
History, Biology
Spanish, Geology
32 Senior Portraits
Noah Balazs
Alanna Balboni
American Studies
Bennett Barnwell
Kathryn Sage Barus
Sarah Becker
John Michael Beitia
Senior Portraits 33
Sarah Belden
Dinah Bengur
James Bennett
French Studies
Andrea Berchowitz
Joseph Berg
Joshua Berman
Garry Bertholf
Anuradha Bhatnagar
Matthew Birchby
Johanna Black
African-American Studies, Music
Economics, International Studies
34 Senior Portraits
Jonathan Bodansky
Sara Booth
Tara Bouton
Physics, Economics
Lindsey Boyle
Charlotte Bradburn
Daniel Breen
Classics, Art History
Lindsey Brewer
Greyson Brooks
Emily Brostek
Alexander Brougham
Art, Anthropology
Philosophy, Human Development
Senior Portraits 35
Maxwell Brown
Daniel Burke
Colby Burns
Tucker Burr
Art History
Sarah Burrows
David BurtonPerry
Gillian Butsch
Randa Capponi
Environmental Studies
Hugo Caraballo
Adam Carlson
Rachel Carr
Kasi Carson
Spanish, Latin American Studies
Classical Civilization
International Studies, Government
36 Senior Portraits
Francis Chapuredima
Jia Chen
Administrative Science
Marissa Chin
Samantha Chun
English, History
• ·,
t ., ·� .
Casey Civiello
Caitlin Cleaver
Caitlin Colegrove
Jennifer Coliflores
Environmental Studies
International Studies
International Studies
Senior Portraits 37
Jennifer Corey
Caroline Cotter
Emilie Coulson
Benjamin Crane
Art History, English
Melissa Crawford
Amy Cronin
Katherine Curtis
Mariah Daly
Kelly Delong
Justin DePre
Geronimo Desumala
Kimberly Devine
International Studies, Economics
American Studies
38 Senior Portraits
Todd Dixon
Kristopher Dobie
Psychology: Neuroscience
Matthew Downing
Chelsea Downs
American Popular Culture
Travis Downs
Devon Ducharme
Margaret Duggan
Hillary Easter
Physics, English
Senior Portraits 39
Harriet Egessa
Dana Eisenberg
Dori Ellowitch
Emma Emory
Art, History
French Studies
Helen Emory
Daniel Eno
Anna Erdheim
Lauren Erickson
American Studies
Meris Esterly
Holly Eydenberg
Kara Fagan
Sarah Fallon
English, American Studies
East Asian Studies
40 Senior Portraits
Michael Fleming
Jason Foster
Elizabeth Foxwell
Geology, History
Katie Fuller
Shu-Hong Fung
Alexandra Funk
Physics, Mathematical Sciences
Economics, Philiosophy-Math.
... . r - ·
· -.r \ , . 1 •» .
- '\\
Amit Gaind
Meghan Gallery
Cybill Gayatin
Bram Gellar
International Studies
Senior Portraits 41
Elizabeth Ghilardi
Alexander Gillis
Katharine Gilroy
Robert Girvan
Human Development
Psychology: Neuroscience
Daniel Giuliani
Benjamin Godwin
Lora Golann
Zachary Goldman
East Asian Studies
History, Geoscience
Emily Greene
Rebecca Greslick
Tobias Grindal
Kate Gurfein
Mathematics, Classics
42 Senior Portraits
1J lA"
David Gutman
Charles Hale
Tyler Hales
Government, History
American Studies
Ezra Hark German
Sociology International Studies
Caitlin Healey
Kaitlin Herlihy
Allison Hertzberg
American Studies
Senior Portraits 43
Jun-Wei Hew
Caitlin Hickey
Lisa Hochman
Mathematical Sciences
Anne Hopengarten
American Studies
Government, Mathematical Sciences
Sarah Hoskinson
Barbara Hough
Michael Howard
Biology, Environmental Studies
Madeline Horwitz Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies, STS
Jessica Hulbert
Peter Ippolito
Margaret Jackson
Robert Jacobs
Psychology: Neuroscience
Chemistry, Economics
44 Senior Portraits
Julie Jaenicke
Andrew Johnson
John Jones
Ashley Jones-Pierce
Art, Mathematical Sciences
Lydia Joseph
Alexandra Jospe
Emily Judem
Gene Kafka
Human Development
Biology, Environmental Studies
American Studies
English, Physics
Brian Kasarjian
Shari Katz
Sarah Kelly
Environmental Studies
Senior Portraits 45
Stephen Kiely
Hui Kim
Michelle Kim
American Studies
Nicholas Klann
Brian Klonoski
Kyung Ko
Government, English
Edward Kotite
Alexander Kozen
Rachel Krause
Courtney Kubilis
Government, International Studies
Government, History
46 Senior Portraits
Elizabeth LaMantia
Peter Lagos
American Studies
Hilary Langer
Abigail Lathrop
International Studies, Environmental Studies
Cushman Laurent
Kirsten Lawson
Jane Leary
Jane Lee
Mathematical Sciences
Spanish, Art
Mathematical Sciences
Sociology, Theater
Senior Portraits 47
Jessica Lefoley
Patrick Lever
Anne Lewallen
American Studies
Troy Lieberman
Sarah Lim
Carolyn Litty
Todd Lohsen
Rebecca Longworth
Meredith Lowmaster
Katherine Lucas
Spanish, Latin American Studies
Mathematics, Economics
48 Senior Portraits
Stephen Luke
Gregory Lusk
Kevin Lyons
Dana Maglaris
Economics, Psychology
English, Philosophy
American Studies
Jamie Manzer
Melina Markos
Art, English
Lindsay Masters
Kara McCabe
Alexis McCallister
Aine McCarthy
Studio Art
Mathematical Sciences
Senior Portraits 49
Colleen McGee
John McKee
James Mclaughlin
Sharon McMonagle
Human Development
Environmental Studies, Biology
Matthew Meredith
Caitlin Miller
Jefferson Miller
Julie Miller
International Studies, Economics
English, Theater
50 Senior Portraits
Matthew Mitchell
Elizabeth Mollo-Christensen
Timothy Monahan
Biology, Music
Mathematics, Computer Science
Joshua Montague
Jenny Mooney
Colin Moore
Physics, Mathematical Sciences
French Studies
Kimberly Muke�ee
Nicholas Mwai
Computer Science
Senior Portraits 51
Kelsey Neville
Carrie Ngo
Christoph Nguyen
Tu-Quyen "Queenie" Nguyen
International Studies
Economics, International Studies
Government, Religious Studies
Max Nigrosh
David Northrop
International Studies, Economics
Caroline O'Connor
Ryan O'Flanagan
Todd O'Hara
52 Senior Portraits
Lauren Olmsted
Daniel Osar
Katherine Packard
Elizabeth Palten
Human Development
Brian Parise
Erin Pany
Gregory Patch
Kristoff Paulson
Physics, Religious Studies
Senior Portraits 53
Chelsea Pawlek
Ethan Payne
Caitlin Peale
Government, International Studies
Nichol Penna
Nani Crashley Phillips
Kristen Pinkham
Stephen Planas
French Studies, International Studies
Caroline Polgar
Melissa Poulin
Lauren Quill
Meghan Race
International Studies
54 Senior Portraits
X/omen, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Econ.
Anneliese Radke
Adam Rafsky
Romeo Raugei
Charles Reed
Rebecca Reisman
Erin Rhoda
Eric Richmond
Christian Rieben
Toinette Rivas
Kathryn Roberts
Government, Economics
Administrative Science
Senior Portraits 55
Todd Rockwood
Patrick Rodjito
Computer Science
Jacqueline Rolleri
Kathryn Rooney
Juila Rosenfeld
Courtney Rothbard
Art History
Stefan Ruiz
Kristen Russell
Zachary Russem
Heather Ryder
Government, Philosophy
Human Development
56 Senior Portraits
Jacob Saliba
David Salmon
Government, Spanish
Kurt Schleicher
Kristin Schmidt
English, Art
Jennifer Scotland
Melanie Scott
Steen Sehnert
Marie-Jeanne Sene
I nternational Stud ies, Economics
Psychology Philosophy
French Studies, Economics
Senior Portraits 57
Jessica Seymour
Scott Shahverdian
Elizabeth Shepherd
Miguel Silva
Environmental Studies
International Studies
Lauren Simmons
Jack Sisson
Michael Skarinka
Emilie Slack
Government, Economics
Human Development
Margaret Smith
Sarah Smithson
Brandon Smithwood
Ryan Spanich
Biology, Spanish
Government, Environmental Studies
58 Senior Portraits
Marina Stakes
Geoffrey Starrett
International Studies
Jairus Steed
Amanda Stein
Popular American Music
Timothy Stenovec
Aaron Stepka
Nicholas Stielau
Nathaniel Stone
Senior Portraits 59
Brendan Sullivan
Conor Sullivan
Bethann Swartz
Daren Swisher
Alexander Tallett
Kaitlyn Taylor
Lindsay Teittinen
Christina Terrell
English, Government
American Studies, Women's Studies
Caroline Theoharides
Eleanor Thermansen
William Thompson
Brian Tierney
English, Art
60 Senior Portraits
Emily Tull
Elizabeth Turner
Jessica Varnum
Jennifer Venezia
Government, International Studies
Environmental Studies
Tiffany Verdell
Johann Von Hoffmann
Tomas Vorobjov
Claire Walsh
Mathematics, Computer Science
Senior Portraits 61
Rachel Walton
Natalie Wayne
Katherine Weden
Samuel Weeks
Biology, Chemistry
Leah Weitz
Steven Weinberg
Carolyn Weinrobe
Leah Weisberg
Art, Government
International Studies
Art History
Nathan Werlin Mathematics
Senior Portraits
John Wheelock History
Catherine White
Elizabeth Whittington
Art History
Tomasz Zajaczkowski
Courtney Zecher
International Studies, Economics
Kate Zeigler
Adelajda Zorba
English, Psychology
French Studies, Biochemistry
Senior Portrait
Bobby Abendroth
Russell Gullette
Justin Ansel
Meredith Hagner
Scott Armstrong
Andrew Jenkins
Sarah Ayres
Elinore Jenkins
Jonathan Bastian
Claire Jimenez
John Bateman
Christopher Juraska
Jacob Bayley
Sean Kamp
Hannah Beach
Nina Korolyova
Nicholas Beaird
Spencer Koury
Evrim Bozkurt
Caitlin Leahy
Eric Brockmeyer
Heather Lersch
Lauren Brown
Sarah LindekeWolff
Samuel Burke
Jia-Ling Loo
Alan Chang
Abigail Lowell
David Civitello
Katherine MacBain
Michael Curran
George Mani
Adil D'Sousa
Theodore McDermott
Cameron Dale
Clara McDowell
Matthew Deloria
Jakob Moe
Christopher DeSantis
Matthew Morrison
Steven Djordjevich
Emily Mosites
Casey Dunton
Erika Nelson
Kathryn Emery
David Ng
Carolyn F indeisen
Nicholas Ofiesh
Daniel Fowler
James Oh
Timothy Geisenheimer
Gregory Ortiz
John Goss
Francis Orzechowski
Cassie Green
Daniel Pace
64 Senior Portraits
Courtney Page Eric Post Jill Pruitt Robert Redwood Kyle Ross Christopher Russoniello Katie Ryckman Justin Scace Melanie Scott Eric Seidel Laura Snider Adam Souza Samuel Stark Magdalena Stepien Sheldon Stevenson Geshu Sugandh Ann Swank Kenneth Thompson Michael Tomich Jonathan Vacca Mutumwapavi Vengesayi Villian Vilhelmov Adrian Walther Jessica Wansart Demeke Wondmagegn Jonathan Wong Lauren Woodward Mao Zheng
Senior Portraits 65
In Memory of
Dorothy ''Bibby'' Levine Alfond
April 16, 1916 - December 31, 2005 "Mrs. Alfond was a pillar of the comrnrity, serving on n1.Jlq:>le comrl'U'lity boards. Her ctik:ren's schools aid scores of other schools aid charitct>le institutions ttYougtnrt the state of Maine were all beneficiaries of her personal charm, her wise cOlllsel, her quiet, cof1l)aSSionate leader51't>, aid the Alfonds' fll1Cl1Cial generosity." Morning Sentinel, .Jau3ry 1, 2006.
66 Dedication
Senior Week!
Class of 2007. 2008�2009
Class of 2007
88 Class of 2007
Class of 2007 89
90 Class of 2007
Class of 2007 91
Class of 2008
92 Class of 2008
Class of 2008 93
94 Class of 2008
Class of 2008 95
Class of 2009
96 Class of 2009
Class of 2009 97
98 Class of 2009
Class of 2009 99
1 00 Underclassmen
r=acultyBy Departrnent
'.A.met:ican <tJ> '.A.ft.ican'.A.met>ican Studies Jeffery Anderson, Lisa Arellano, Cedric Bryant, Debra Campbell, Cheryl Townsend Gilks, Paul Machlin, Margaret McFadden, Maritza Straughn Williams, and Katherine Stubbs
Jeffery Anderson, Catherine Besteman, Katy Fulton, Constantine Hriskos, Mary Beth Mills, David Nugent, and Maritza Straughn-Williams
102 Faculty
Bevin Engman, Sharon Corwin, Vicki Hendsbee,
Cathy Bevier, Tim Christensen, Lindsey Colby,
Frank Hobbs, Maggie Libby, Linda Kim, Michael
Russ Cole, Frank Fekete, David Finnage, Paul
Marlais, Harriet Matthews, Garry Mitchell, Dee
Greenwood, Scott Guay, Lynn Hannum, Russell
Peppe, Veronique Plesch, Scott Reed, Dan
Johnson, Josh Kavaler, Stacy Lance, Sharon Lynn.
Rosenfield, Nina Roth-Wells, Laura Saltz, David
Kirsten Ness, Ray Phillips, Judy Stone, Andrea
Simon, and Ankeney Weitz
Tilden and Herb Wilson
Classics becca Conry, Gregory Dutton, Brenda Fekete, Jane >U e, Marcus Juhasz Jeffery Katz, Whitney King,
James Barrett, Kerill O'Neill, Hanna Roisman and Jo eph Roi man .
. �derick LaRivere Julie Millard, Lisa Miller, Kevin �e, Rebecca Rowe, Thoma Shattuck, and Da an amattoor.
East ':Asian Studies
Computet' Science )aniel Bilar, Clare Congdon, Jo eph Fischbach, �andolph Jone , Dale Sk:rien and Marc Smith.
Kim Besio, Philip Brown, Peter Ditman on, Walter Hatch, Paul Jo eph on, Ling Kang, Mary Beth Mill , Akiko Muroi, Michiko Nakagawa, Ste en Nu
, Tamae
Prindle, Ulla Reidel. Raffael Scheck, Nikky Singh, Ank:ene
Weitz Jennifer Yoder and Hong Zhang.
Faculty 103
Economics Debra Barbezat, Philip Brown, Ciistanna Cook, Michael Donihue David Findlay, Patrice Franko, Jason Long,
Education and Human DeiJeLopment Karen Barnhardt, Lyn Mikel Brown, Karen Kusiak and Mark Tappan
Ka hif Man ori, James Meehan, Randy Nelson, Clifford Reid and Thomas Tietenberg.
En'-'it>onmentaL Studies Karen Barnhardt, Cathy Bevier, Liliana BotchevaÂ
Stefania Capitani, Allison Cooper, Erin Cunen, Marina
Andonova, Gail Carl on, Ru s Cole, Charle Conover,
Davies, Meadow Dibble-Dieng, Artie Green pan,
David Finnage, Jim Fleming, Paul Jo eph on, Whitney
Christiane Guillois Olivia Holms, Ali on Levine,
King, Beth Kopp, Dave Nugent, Philip Nyhu , Lenny
Tanguy Ma1tin-Payen, Mario Moroni, Jane Mo ,
Reich, Jennifer Sho a, Linda Tatelbaum, Tom
Adrianna Paliyenko, Adele Parker and Jonathan Wei
Tietenberg and Jim Webb
104 Faculty
Ft>ench and Italian
Histot'y iald Allen, Robert Gastaldo, John Kuehne, Robert
Eugene Avrutin, Peter Ditman on, Ben Fallaw, Pau] JoÂ
on, Alice Ridky, Bruce Rueger, Adam Schoonmaker
sephson, Elizabeth Leonard. Howard Lupovitch, Ja on
Jennifer Shosa.
Opal, Raffael Scheck, Larissa Taylor, Jame
Webb and
Robert Wei brot.
Latin 1\met'ica Studies
n Fallaw Patrice Franko, Emma Garcia, Lui Millone ,
Tom Berger, Otto Bret cher, John Cullinan, Alexandro
vid Nugent, Jorge Olivare , Betty Sa aki and Maritza
Ghitza, Fernando Gouvea Jan Holly. Andrie
aughn-William .
Leo Liv hits, Ben Mathes, Liam 0 Brien, Margaret
Len tra,
Patterson and George Welch.
Faculty 105
Music Messan Jordan Benissan, Jonathan Hallstrom, Eva Linfield, Paul Machlin, Cheryl Tschnaz Newkirk,
Robert Bluhm, Murray Campbell, Charles Conover, Lisa Lessard, Virginia Long and Duncan Tate.
Steven Nuss, Steven Saunders and Eric Thomas
Psychology Joseph Atkins, John Bulevich, Colleen Burnham, Jean Burr, Yulia Chentsova Dutton, Sheila Libby, Thane Pittman, Tarja Raag, Ayanna Thomas, Diane Winn, Jennifer Yates and Edward Yeterian.
106 Faculty
Religious Studies Debra Campbell, Carleen Mandolfo and Nikky Singh
I rt
Spanish re a Arendell, Alec Campbell, Cheryl Townsend lk and Thoma Morrione
Gary Atwood, Li ette Balabarca, Maria Colbert, Pri cilia Dole, Mari ela Fune , Emma Garcia, Lui Millone , Barbara Kuczun Nel on, Jorge , Yvonne Sanaviti , Betty Sa aki and Marta Vaca Matos
Departments Not Pictured: Ad1ninistrative Science Get'mun. and Russian Philosophy Theult'e and Ounce
Women's Gendet' and SexuaLity Studies a Arellano, Elizabeth Leonard Margaret McFadden I Lynn Michael Brown
Faculty 107
William uBro" Adams President of the College
My congratulations and best wishes to the great class of 2006. As I noted at Baccalaureate, your legacy is extensive, and you leave Colby a better place than you found it when you anived. Thanhs for all of your efforts.
And don't stay away. Colby is here for you, your friends and family in the years to come. This is just the beginning of your relationship with the College. Good luck be
cool, and, as Garrison Keillor says, do good worh.
Best, Bro Adams
Janice A. Kassman Dean of Students & Vice President of Student Affairs It has been a pleasure to be your dean and to follow your accomplishments in many arenas with pride.
You are all poised to do great things in this worW.. You have received a fine education and are filled with confidence and spirit to embrace the unlimited possibillties ahead .
My adviu is to: -Follow your hearts .
- Find a career about which you are passionate. - Surround yourself with good friends and keep in touch with friends of the past. - Treat your family well. - VLeW Life as"the glass half full," instwd of" half empty". No matter what twists and turns you face, there is always someone traversing a tougher road with greater obstacles. - Have fun, greet each day with gusto. - Give back to the world and to people around you. - Read the Colby magazine to keep track of all the happenings here and to learn about your classmates and other Colby alumni who are malting a difference in the world.
And, remember that so many folhs at Colby, faculty, staff and fellow students, care deeply about you and want to hear from you over the years ahead .
Best of luck as you burst out of the Colby bubble! Dean Kassman
110 Faculty
J:all Sports
0-3 L
1-3 L
3-0 W
0-1 L
1-4 L
2-1 w
0-1 L
1-0 W
2- 1 w
Conn College
1-2 L
St. Joseph's
10-0 W
2-3 L
After graduating instrumental players from last year's N ESCAC semifinal team, the Mules finished 5-8 this season Tull an losing many tight games. The young CF H squad was led by Senior captains N icole Stadelman and Emily but th positions, starting in players year first 5 have to challenge a was It field. the off J u n ior Kyla Wag man on and McGovern('0 8 upper-classm en did a great job mentoring the younger players. Wagman was named MVP, MaryC laire Two players wer was awarded Most-Improv ed, and Mary Clare Snediker ('09) was honored as Rookie of the Year. Enos ('08) wer named to the N ESCAC All-Academ ic team: Tull and C h ristine Maloney ('07). Snediker and Jamie while Eno goals, nine with scoring in les Mu the led Snediker named to the N ESCAC All-Confere nce 2"d team. games. most in petitive com Colby keeping game, per saves 0 1 than more averaged 112 Fall Sports
FOOT BA LL The C ol by footba l l team fi n is hed second i n the N ES CAC and won the coveted Colby-Bates-Bowdoin title for the third strai g ht year. After going 6-2 under head coach Ed Mestieri in h i s first season in 2004, Colby improved to 7-1 this fal l . The M u l e s won t h e i r fi n a l fo u r g a m e s , i n c l u d i n g a n im pressive 28-3 road win over Bowdoin to end the season. Senior R o d d y A m e s e a r n e d N ew E n g l a n d Footbal l Writers D ivision 11/111 honors and was a first team a l l -conference selection. S e n i o r co-capta i n D a n O l i p h a nt was named to the fi rst team offens ive l i ne for the second stra i g ht season. Ames led Colby in scori ng with s ix touc hdowns for 36 points, wh i l e Oliphant played for the American sq uad against a Mexican team i n the Aztec Bowl i n December. Sen iors Aaron Stepka and M ichael Tom ich, as wel l as j u n iors Andrew Heaney and M i ke B racco a l l earned N ESCAC second team honors. Stepka fi nished his career with 3,465 yards and 27 touchdowns wh i l e earni n g all-confe rence honors three ti mes and N ESCAC Offensive Rookie of the Year. Tomich averaged 20.2 yards per catch and led the M u les i n catches and rece i v i n g t o u c hdowns. Heaney was second o n the team i n tota l tackles, a n d Bracco l e d the M u les i n total tackles, solo tackles and i nterceptions.
m Roster: Travis Agusti n , Roddy Ames, Brett Amick, B r i a n Bachow, C h ris Bashaw, J o h n Bateman, J o s h Berman Kevin Bird, Thomas Bourdeau, Mike xo, Camden Bucsko, J u stin Candon, Andrew Carey , Alan Chang, David Civitello, J ustin Clark, C h ris Copeland, Tyler Cote, Matt Crane, Denis C ro n i n , i Daley, Robert Dillon, J o s h Donabedian, G reg E n o s , Rob Ferriter, Jonathan Forsythe, C h afic George, Dan G i u l i a n i , Jon Godbout, John G o s s , Tyler Hales, c Halls, Sam Handler, G a r rett Hatton, Andrew Heaney, Sam Hough, Paul Howanitz, Rob Jacobs, Stephen Kiely, Julian Lam, Patrick Lever, Brian Liberty,
1ton Mars h a l l , J i m my McDonough, Michael McKeon, Brennan Moore, John M u rphy, G rant Netzorg, Daniel Oliphant-, Mark Ozarowski, Michael �okrassas, Gardiner Parker, Jackson Parker, Matt Peabody, M i c hael Poplaski, Bryan Prelgovisk, Andy Roland, Scott Rou lston, Billy Ryan, Brett Sabbag, ' Sack, Casey Shea, G reg Smith, J ustin Smith, J e remy Steed, Conor S u l livan*, Alex Tisch, M ichael Tomich , Leo Trudel, Jon Vacca, Brian Ward, Max iams, Dan Zawitoski, Head Coach E d Mestieri, Coach Tom Dexter, Coach Bill Lund, Coach Rob Quinn, Coach Jonathan Michaeles, Coach Brandon Irwi n , c h M i ke Civitello, Eq.Mgr C h a p Nelson
SCOREBOARD William Middlebury esleyan Amherst Hamilton B ates Tufts
35-9 W 20-7 28- 1 4 w 9-28 L 34-20 24- 1 7 28-16
28-3 Fall Sports 113
Colby Men's Cross Cou ntry en cou ntered several obstacles i n t h e 2005 season. Despite d isap pointing 3rd and 1 0th-place fin ishes at the State of Maine Meet and N ESCAC Championships, respectively, the Colby harriers placed 1 3th out of 43 in New England Division I l l. At the th i rd meet of the season, Colby lost by one point to rival Bowdoin Col lege, who u ltimately placed 4th in the N ESCAC meet. But the Col by men were plagued by inju ries and i l l nesses for the rest of the season. Sophomore and first time XC ru n ner John Swain led the M u les d uring the second half of the season , with sign ificant contributionsas we l l com i n g f r o m j u n i o r tri-ca pta i n s J eff A l d e n , F red B a i l ey , a n d Dan Vass a l l o, sophomore Smokey Col l i ns, and Rookie of the Year winner J i m H u rder. Swa i n fin ished a team-best 20th at the N ESCAC meet and was sixth at the State of Maine meet. Having no seniors on the squad in 2005 is bittersweet, as this year they com peted a g a i nst m o re sea soned teams. They are, how ever, ret u rn i n g each of t h e i r twenty run ners for t h e 2006 sea son.
SCOREBOARD UMASS-Dartmouth. Invite (33 Team ) Bowdoin Open ew England (47 Teams ) State Meet at Colby (9 Teams) NBSCAC Meet at Wesiey. ( 1 1 Teams at BC C (JS Teams) Sprhlgfidd NB Di m .
(43 Teams)
114 Fall Sports
WOMEN'S CROSS COUNTRY SCOREBOARD 1 st place 1 6-5 1 W 7th place
I t place
3rd place 6th place 2nd place 5 th place
The Women's Cross Country team d u p l icated thei r successfu l 2004 season, fi n i s h i ng 5th at the NCAA Division I l l Champions h i ps with the help of head coac h Deb Aitken. Senior J ess M i nty and jun ior Karen P ri s by each earned All-America honors for fi n i s h i ng in the top 35 overa l l at the national meet. M i nty fi n ished 1 6th, and Prisby i n 1 9th p lace. Col by got to the NCAA meet by placing second at the NCAA N ew England Regional Qual ifier. The M u les had fou r ru nners in the top 20: Mi nty ( 5th), Prisby ( 1 0th), Liz T u rner ( 1 7th) and Anna King ( 1 8th). E l izabeth Petit(31 st) and Kathleen Maynard (32nd) contri buted to Colby having six runners in the top 35. All received All N ew England D iv. I l l and All NCAA Reg ional Honors. The M u les also took 3rd place i n the N ESCAC meet behind a 4th from Prisby and a 6th by M i nty. Colby h osted the State of M a i ne Champion s h i ps and won the race with a win by Prisby, a second from M i nty, and a third from King. Maynard and Turner fi n is hed 6th and 7th, respectufully. All five ru nners earned All State Honors , making 2005 the second time in Col by history that Colby had five i n d ividuals on the Top 7 All State Team. The season started strong with a win from M i nty and a 3rd place fi nish by Prisby wh ich helped Colby win the 35-team U Mass-Dartmouth I nvitational.
1 Roster: Keri Buck, S h a n no n Burnham, Allison Cogbi l l , E l izabeth Coogan , Kirsten Davis, Jordanne D u n n ,
Easter*, Devan FitzPatrick, S haron Fuller, Anna K i n g , M e g a n L e h m a n n , Margit Liander, E l i zabeth
ield, Jennifer MacDowell, Lane Mard e r, Kathleen Maynard, Jessica M i nty* , Jessica Palffy, Elizabeth Petit,
1 Prisby, H a n n a h Taska, E l izabeth T u rnerâ&#x20AC;˘, Head Coach Debbie Aitken
Fall Sports 115
Team Roster: Bobby Abendroth*, Lucas Bennett, Todd Boertzel, Michael Butler, Scott Carberry, Andrew Che Adam C u ratolo, Jay Cu rran, B. Teague Dugan, Monty Hanki n , Matt Hirsch, Tom Huff, Josh Kahane, Brn Kasarjian, Danial Kiernan, Will Kinder, Logan King, Simon Levy, Chris MacFadyen, John McCormack, JoseLL Mendoza, Thomas Milaschewski, Adam M usial, Donnie O'Callaghan, Dylan Perry, James Pilgri m , Tyler Plourd Adam Rafsky, Todd Rockwood, Matthew Shatkin, Zach Starr, David Tessein, Bern Wakana, Adrian Waithe Jamie Waters, Head Coach Mark Serdjenian, Assistant Coach Kerry Serdjenian
SCOREBOARD Tufts Husson Bowdoin Trinity USM Middlebury Thomas Wesleyan Wil liams St. Josephs Amherst
0- 1 5-2 1 -2 1 -0 2-0 0-4
0-2 0-3 1 -0
w L
w w
w L
2- 1 UMP Conn. College 2- 1
w w
B ates
116 Fall Sports
20T 20T
1 OT
Men's Soccer had one of its best seasons in the last few years with a 7-7 record, despite some bad luck. T h e M u l e s l o st two g a m e s in overti me and fou r of the seven losses were by one goal. Junior Daniel Kiernan earned N ESCAC second team honors as a defender. Kiernan led the Mules last year in scoring, but moved to defense after graduation losses took their toll in back. S e n i o r ca pta i n B o b by Abendroth and Chris MacFadyen '07 led Colby in scori ng with five goals and two assists apiece. Monty Hankin '06 had four goals and two assists in just n i ne games after coming back from an i njury.
WOMEN'S SOCCER SCOREBOARD 2-0 W 3- 1 w 2-3 L 5 -0 W 2-0 W 1-1 T 2-2 T 0- 1 L 1 -0 W 0-0 T 4-0 W 3-2 W OT
/omen's Soccer made it to the N E SCAC Semifi nals for the fi rst time si nce the i n itiatio n of the playoff system. The M u les nished with a 7-3-5 record and advanced past Amherst College i n a penalty kick s h ootout in their N ESCAC Quarterfi nal ame. The M u les l ost, 2-1 , i n the confe rence semifinals to eventual champion Tufts U n iversity. The M u les beat Tufts -0 in the season opener. J u nior forward La u ra Wil l iamson and jun ior goa l keeper Liza Benson both were named to the ESCAC A ll-Conference F i rst Team. Will iamson ended the season second on Col by's l ist of a l l -time leading scorers with 4 goals and 13 ass ists for 81 career points, just 1 5 points shy of becoming the M u les' a l l -time scori n g leader. Benson 1as among the top three goalkeepers i n three statistical categories in the N E SACs. Senior co-capta i n Ka ra and sister atie McCabe were named to the N ESCAC Second Tea m .
m Roster: Veronica Barila, Liza Benson, Meridith Blascovich, Amanda Comeau , M e g Cordner, Libba Cox, Meg ¡is, Kelly Delong, R achel Freierman, Lauren Goethals, Kaitlin H erli hy', Meggie Herlihy, Libbie Howley, Jessica ders-Dumont, Whitney Lyn n , Angela M a rtinelli, Kara McCabe', Katie McCabe, Liz Morbeck, Laura Pompon i , lie Puskar, Jenny R utherford, E m m a Schofield, Laura Williamson, H e a d Coach Jennifer Holste n , Assistant 1ch Jennifer Clark
Fall Sports 117
SCOREBOARD Bowdoin Invitational ( 1 4 teams) Maine State Meet (13 teams) CBB Tournament (3 team ) Maine-Farmington Invite (8 teams) S idd Farr Invitational ( 5 team ) NESCAC Championship ( 1 1 teams) Women vs. Bowdoin Colby Classic
118 Fall Sports
lJlhplace 1 ()111 place Jrd place 6* place 4111 place IJlh place 240-243 w Cancelled
Matt Aschaffenburg, the CBB cham pion from 2004, had the top score for Colby's team at the N ESCAC meet in 2005.
WOM EN'S VOLLEYBALL Colby volleyball had a d ream season. N ESCAC cham pions, NCAA N ew E n g land Regional champions, a 374 record, and an u nbeaten record of 1 0-0 in the N ESCAC d u ri n g the reg u la r season. At the N E SCAC rou nd ro b i n t o u r n a m e n t, the M u l e s won t h re e stra i g ht matches, i n c l u d i ng a title match win over Tufts U n i versity. Colby earned its first-ever NCAA D ivision I l l Tournament bid by wi n n i n g t h e N ESCAC tourney and hosted the NCAA N ew England Regional Tourname nt. The M u les again won th ree straight matches, beati ng Tufts once more i n the regional final. The M u les' season fi nally ended in the NCAA quarterfi nals with a loss to defending national champion J u n iata College i n Virg i n ia. Colby fi n is hed the year ra nked 1 9th in the cou ntry i n the fi n a l American Volleyball Coaches Association national poll. Senior tri-ca pta i n Cait Cleaver became the first Colby volleyball player to earn Al l-American th i rd team honors. Cleaver had received a n h onorable mention Al l-American after her sophomore season. She fi n is hed as Col by's a l l-time leader i n kills ( 1 , 562) and defensive digs ( 1 ,648). Se nior tri-ca ptai n Ka itl i n Adams earned honorable men tion Al l-American honors after lead i ng the N ESCAC in h itti n g percentage at .378. Adams fi n is hed her career as the a l l-time h ittin g percentage leader ( .333). S h e ends w i t h a team-best 1 35 blocks this y e a r and h a d 4 25 k i l ls. A d a m s and Cleaver both earned N ew En g l a n d Al l-Reg ion a n d N ESCAC fi rst team honors. Megan D evlin '06 (388 k i ll s, 576 digs), Mariah Daly '06 (295 kil ls), Jenny Lawrence '09 ( 1 ,473 assists) and Kendall Kirby '07 ( 1 1 8 aces, 764 digs) also had big years for the M u les. Coach Parent earned New E n gland Region and N ESCAC Coach of the Year honors.
Scoreboard Gordon 3-0 W Bowdoin 3-0 W 3 -0 W USM 3-0 W UMF 3 -0 W Bates 3-0 W Tufts Amherst 3-2 W B owdoin 3- 1 W Endicott 3-2 W Smith 0-3 L Muhlenberg 3- 1 W 3- 1 W Vassar Jnsn &Wale 3-0 W Plymouth State 3-0 W 3-2 W Springfield Colby-Sawyer 3- 1 W B owdoin 3-0 W Conn College 3-0 W 3-2 W Trinity Wesleyan 3- 1 W UNE 3-0 W 3-2 W 3-0 W 1 -3 L 3-2 W 3-0 W
illiams Team Roster: Kaitlin Adams•, Cait Cleaver*, Mariah Daly, Megan Devl i n * , J u l i e H i ke , Kend all Ki rby , Meredith Lawler, Genevieve Lawrence, Carlie M i n i c h i n o , Jessie Prentice, Cassie Sancartier, H ead Coach Candice Parent, Assistant Coach M a rk Parent
Fall Sports 119
MEN'S TENNIS First-year player Bryan Brown came close to one of the big gest u psets in Division I l l this fa ll. Brown had advanced to the second round of the 'A' singles flight agai nst a Bates' player, who was a national fi nal ist in si ngles last year and one of the top-ranked players in the cou ntry. Brown won the fi rst set, but then lost the sec ond set and fell in a pro set 1 06. Brown also teamed up with Zach Schuman creating a solid dou bles team. Ben Crane won the 'B' fl ight singles title at B ates' W a l l a c h I nvitat i o n a l, wh ile Tom G i ldersleeve took the 'D' fl ight singles title.
Team Roster: Bryan Brown, Alex C h i n, Ben Crane* , Tim Fuhriman, Tom Gi ldersleeve, Owen Gi lmore, Holcombe, Mather Neil l , Griffin Richards, Nick Rosen-Wachs, Zach Schuman, Henry Sears, Scott Zeller, Coach Michael Morgan, Assistant Coach Sakhi Khan
SCOREBOARD Middlebury Invitational Brown, Fuhriman, Chin make indiv. Semifinals ITA Regionals at Williams Wallach Invite at Bates Crane, Gildersleeve win titles l-6 L Amherst
120 Fall Sports
Chr HeE
WOMEN'S TENNIS SCOREBOARD Tufts 2-7 L USM 9-0 W I TA Regionals Wesleyan 2-7 L Amherst 0-9 L NEWITI Tourney Nale, Raho, Ohlmann reach 200 round
Tracy Nale played fi rst si ng les for the M u les d u ri ng the fa l l season and ad vanced to the second round i n sing les and dou bles at the New England Re gional Tournament. Nale joined forces with G i n ny Raho at first doubles to be a com petitive sq uad.
Team Roster:
Liza Comeau, Alexandra De S h e rbini n , All ison Dunn, Anna Erdheim* , Meaghan
Fitzgerald, Anna Jastrzab, Tracy N ale, G i nny Raho*, Kristin Schmidt, L a u ren U h lm a n n · , N icole Veilleux, H ead Coach M ichael Morg a n , Assistant Coach Sakhi Khan
Fall Sports 121
SCOREBOARD Maine Maritime UMO 1 2-5 UMF 1 0-0 Bowdoin 16-3 Bowdoin 30-5 Middlebury 50-5 URI 0-47
Team Roster: Leigh Aud i n , Nick Bazarian, Aditya Bhat, Eric Brockmeyer*, Ned Brockmeyer, Brad Cantor, R Ooton, Charles Eichacker, Merle Eisenberg, Dave Helland, Sam Hoff, Andrew Kabatznick, John Koury, Spe ne Koury, Ch ris J u raska, Gustaf Lonaeus, James Luckenbill, Jess Megee, Max Nigrosh, Rob Oh, Brendan O'Kee
Jake Pinkston, Peter Raymond, Sam Reid, Bryan Solar, Nick Steilau, John Wheelock*, Charles Wilson, Coach B "Doc" Lawrence, Coach Tony Fletcher
The Colby Men's Rugby team made the playoffs for the 3rd consecutive year, led by valiant Senior co-capta ins John Wheelock and Eric Brockmeyer. Although not the strongest rugby team Colby has fielded in recent years, the men were sti l l s uccessful and look back on their season with pride. The highl ight of the fal l was the first game of the playoffs, where they met Bowdoin for the second time d u ring the season. Played on a beautiful fall day, the Colby men soundly defeated the Polar bears on their own pitch. It was the only game of the season when everything "clicked " : defense, rucking, passing, and running. The forwards control led the ba ll well and the backs scored several trys. It was a fun game, one that rem inded many players of the reason why they play rugby. With pure determination the Colby men rose to the cha l lenge and overcame the bigger Bowdoin team, again. It epitom ized Colby Rugby at its best: a flowi ng, skillful game with hard-nosed defense and most importantly a sense of pride that many other teams lack. Colby ruggers are more skilled and have more heart than any team in Maine. With this, they broke Bowdoin's wi l l with fanatical defense and a red hot offense. The team is excellently coached by Bob " Doc" Lau rence and Tony Fletcher. They instructed a strategy that the young and small Colby team used to make the playoffs. 122 Fall Sports
WOMEN'S RUGBY he Women's Rugby team had a somewhat challeng i ng season this fal l . ecause m a n y o f t h e more experienced players were stricken with i njuries, le team was n ot as s u ccessfu l as i n recent years. H owever, th i s gave the >okies and younger playe rs a chance to step u p and play in higher level ames, which they did with bou n dless enth usiasm and a strong devotion > the tea m . Colby Women's R u g by conti n ues to be a strong force through ut Maine and is a lways working hard to improve their game. The team rou ld l i ke to thank coaches Tony F l etcher and Doc Lawrence for thei r hard rork and dedication and to the pare nts and fans for the i r s u pport.
Tourney 5-27 L 5 -5 T 7-0 W 7-0 W 5-Z'/ L 20-20 T
:im Roster: Alanna Balboni, Kelly Bakulski, rah Belde n , Caroline Belinski, Laura Bisbee, ginia Brown, Caitlin Casey, Samantha C h u n , c a Ciszek, Lindsay C l u n i e , Val C o i t , Jess liflores, Jen Coliflores, Danielle Croc h iere, rah deliefde, Amanda Douangaphaivong, Jren Erickson*, Jamie Fierce, Beth Foxwell, ylar Fritz, Steph G ray, Ally H aas, Brittany mbl i n ,
S a rci
H a rr,
Alex Harris,
cke l m a n , Ash ley H u nt, Meaghan J e r rett, ndra King, Erica Kreuter, Annie Mears, Caitlin ale,
N a n i P h i l l i ps * ,
H i l a ry P re s t o n , J o
senfeld, Katie Ryckman, Kaila Saxe, Marcy rader-Lau i nger, Alicia Thibeau lt, Coach Bob :ic" Lawrence, Coach Tony Fletc h e r
Fall Sports 123
MEN'S ULTIMATE FRISBEE Overal l Colby U ltimate had a very strong season. The Men's U ltimate Team retu rned with the majority of their squad from last year, making it the fi rst season where players knew how their teammates played. I n addition, they a l s o gained s o m e s o l i d fresh men t o keep t h e legacy alive. After coming off a tie for first at their home tournament, Col by Ultimate fi n ished the remai nder of their tou rnaments in the middle of the pack. However, they did enter some higher level tournaments with more "elite" tea ms, and were pleased to see the team's ability to hold their own. The team had many close losses that could have gone either way, an issue of gel l i ng and wanting the win more. The men are looking forward to a competitive season in the spring. The biggest accomplishment this year was losing to the Brown Men's Team (last year's national champions ) 1 31 1 . They went i nto the game saying "we would be content if we could get 1 score on the defending champs." But they scored first, and started to step it up and tried to keep the momentum. They defi nitely held their own, and at the end, lost a little steam because Brown was well conditioned ; the game tru ly showed the Colby team's future potential. The capta ins feel they have left a strong team and a wel l developed program that wi l l hopefully continue t o grow a n d become a n even stronger force i n U ltimate.
1 1 -1 3 L 8- 1 3 L 1 0- 13 L 1 3-3 w 1 0- 1 3 L
M IXED UMF UNH X UNH Y Bates Holy Cross Wheaton
1 3- 1 2 w 1 1 -7 w 1 1 -8 w 8- 1 1 L 1 3 -7 W 1 3-6 w
Team Roster: Ian Campbe l l , Jeff Carroll, Nolan Collins, John Conroy, Adrian G i l more, Jake Hanin, Dan Heinrich, Ryan Holben, Sam H u ntington, M i ke Klaus, Taylor Kilian, Peter Kilkelly, Denton King, Greg LaShoto, Brian Lessels, Steve Luke*, Todd Olmstead, Alex Pietreforte, Henry Powell, J ustin Russell, Josh Sadownik , Lewiďż˝ Seton, Ander Tallett*, C h ris Vancisin, Danny Wasserman, Jamie Winterbottom, Chris Zajchowski
124 Fall Sports
Sara B u rbine, Hannah Coleman, H annah Converse, Caroline Donohue, Kirsten Duda, Chelsea Eakin, Eva Fari na-Henry, Anna G reen, Carla G u nther, Sarah Kelly, Lindsay Kohl hoff, Cou rtney Larson, Jamie M anzerâ&#x20AC;˘, Charlotte Morse-Fortier, Kaylea Nelson, Kate Nevius, Chelsea Pawle k , L a u ren Pongan, Caitl i n R u m ri l l, E m i ly Stimpson, Ann Swank, Krissy Thatcher
SCOREBOARD UVM BU Skidmore M IT Smith Northeastern M IT
1 0-4 w 6-4 w 8-3 w 3-5 L 9-0 W 3-5 L 8-9 L
olby Women's U lti mate is a major contender at every tournament they iter. The team is young with a roster com posed a l most entirely of nderclassmen, which i s concealed by the cool-headed play of their ieup. Wherever they lack tec h n iq u e, their heart and determ i nation 1ore than compensate for it. I n stand ings, they a re ra nked i n the top )th and a lways come out i n the top three at tourname nts. They are a :>unky g ro u p with amazi ng team s p i rit. At U Mass Amherst, h a rd work ave them v ictories over some tough teams. They won three out of their >Ur games o n their fi rst day of play a n d lost two out of three on the �cond with their top handler, Chelsea Pawlek, sidelined d ue to injury. fhile they only com peted in one women's tou rnament this fal l , they l ayed co-ed with the men's team i n several others. I n those match-u ps , te talent o f the women helped them to transition t o a faste r paced game. his spri n g , with only wom en's tournaments to com pete i n , the women 'i ll be looking to i mprove on their second place fi n i s h at sectionals and ee how they m atch u p at reg ionals. The future of this tea m could n't be righter. They'l l keep o n g rowi ng in n u m bers, the u nderclassmen will ontinu e to improve, and d efi n itely cont i n ue having a g reat time.
Fall Sports 125
TEAM ROSTER: MEN: Adam Atkinson-Lewis, Ivan Balbuzanov, Max Brown, Martin Con nelly, Brian Fulmer, Bram Geller, Charlie Hale*, Travis Kenda l l , Brian Kupke, Zach Manke, Tom Myers, N ick Nassikas, Tom Nichol, Jamie Plume, Doug Rooke, Ronnie Bones Wise WOM E N : Kate Braemer*, Catherine Delano, Sara Hutchins, Meredith Keyser, Paula Pelavin. Jamie Poster, Taylor Snook, Liz Stoval l , Rachel Terry
SCOREBOARD Unity Woodsmen Meet Men: 1 st Women: 1 st UNH Men: 2nd Women: 1 st University of Brunswick Men: 3rd Women: 3rd
The Col by Woodsmen Team chopped their way into another dominant season sweeping the Northeast and spreading democracy and freedom into the Canadia provinces. Lead by senior captain Charlie "I Heart Torches, I mean Fire Bui ld" Hal and ju nior captain Kate " Loudness" Braemer, the team captured first and secon places at U n ity and U N H. Seniors Max " I Only Wear Shorts" Brown, Bram " I Did a 2 Second Chop" Geller and Adam "Fresh Meat" Atkinson-Lewis, led the mens' tea in their fi nal year as woodsmen. Much pean ut butter and raspberries (PBR) wa consumed wh ile throwin' down to Johnny Cash . I n October, the team took Canad by storm in what was the Fall highlight. Proud to be Americans, the woodsme rushed the border in trucks fu ll of axes and routed McGill and 20 other Frenc speakin' Canadian schools in a surprising and epic 3rd place at Un iversity of Ne Brunswick. The team would like to thank Coach Dave Smith and everyone fro Colby who came to support the team during competitions and demonstrations.
126 Fall Sports
Fall Sports 127
128 Fall Sports
W inter Sport�
MEN'S ALPINE SKIING Charlie Reed qualified for the NCAA Skiing Cham pionships for the fou rth straight year and teammate Jody Centauro went to the national meet for the first time. Centuaro placed 1 6th in the slalom and Reed was 25th at the NCAA meet. Centauro was the most consistent skier for the men's team, e a r n i n g fo u r t o p t e n fi n i s h e s d u r i n g t h e E a ste rn Intercollegiate Ski Association (EISA) season.
T e a m R oster: J o d y Centau ro, Chris Copeland, Rory Kellyâ&#x20AC;˘, Jack Mallia, Brendan O' Riordan, Sam P e l l et i e r ,
Charlie Reed, Christian Talmage, Sam Witherspoon, Head Coach Mark Godomsky
SCOREBOARD Centauro 1 4th Colby Carnival Colby Carnival Reed 1 3th St. Lawrence Carnival Centauro 1 6th St. Lawrence Carnival Centauro 8th Vermont Carnival Centauro 1 4th V ennont Carnival Kelly 1 7th Dartmouth Carnival Reed 30th Centauro 5th Dartmouth Carnival Centauro 6th, Team 3rd Williams Carnival Centauro 27th Williams Carnival EISA Championships Centauro 1 9th EISA Championships Centauro 8th, Team 4th CAA Championships Centauro 1 6th Reed 25th
130 Wi nter Sports
WOMEN'S ALPINE SKIING Team Roster: Ashley Best, Julia Coffin Peck, Alissa Consenste i n , Caitlin Healey, Abbi Lathrop', Emma Schofield, Brett Wagenheim, McKenzie Wessen, Head Coach Mark Godomsky
A.bbi Lath rop won Colby College's fi rst NCAA title i n s ki i ng . .athrop won the giant slalom and then two days later she ook seventh i n the slalom. Lat h rop earned her fou rth ;traight Al l-America honor i n giant slalom and has a school ecord of six honors for head coach Mark Godomsky. She s the fourth Colby athlete to win a n i n d ividual national :hampio n s h i p .
S COREBOARD Colby C8mi al Colby cami al l..awrence Carnival S . Lawrence Carnival Vf'll:nvllr:iit Cami al'rnnnt Cainiva1 l)artmOUth �illl:Y·U
Consenst.ein Consenstein B est 29th Coosenstein Waqpallieim Lathl'9p 4tk Laduop th I..adttt)p 7th
22nd 34th 29lh 2 d
Winter Sports
MEN'S BASKETBALL The M u les missed some key players during the course of the season and fi nished 1 1 -1 4, includ ing a hard-fought 81 -84 loss to Trin ity College i n a N E SCAC quarterfi nal game. J u n ior center Drew Cohen fi rmly establ ished h imself as one of the best players in the N ESCAC by earning league Defensive Player of the Year honors and being named to the conference first team. Cohen, at 6foot-6, led the NCAA Division Ill in total blocked shots (1 1 1 ) and blocked shots per game (4.83). He also led the N ESCAC in rebounding ( 1 0.7) and was second i n scori ng ( 1 9.7). Cohen shot 48 percent from the field despite tough defenses against him. J u n ior point guard N ick Farrel l averaged 1 2.8 poi nts p e r game a n d was second in the conference in assists per game (5.56) and steals per game (2.32). Sophomore guard Mark Gaudet led the conference in 3-point shooti ng at 49 percent and averaged 1 0.4 points per game.
SCOREBOARD Univ. of Chicago Denison Lesley Maine-Presque Isle Brooklyn Babson Southern Maine Bowdoin Husson Southern Maine Thomas Bates Maine-Maritime Tufts Bates Bowdoin Trinity Amherst UMF Conn. College Wesleyan Williams Middlebury ewbury Trinity in NESCACs
132 Winter Sports
53-63 7 1 -74 93-90 93-90 78-58 56-62 68-77 75-73 75-77 7 1 -80 76-65 69-73 77-52 57-78 55-66 47-62 48-68 59-78 89-92 64-60 8 3-69 67-6 1 78-64 (,()..5 1 8 1 -84
L L w w w L L w L L w L, OT w L L L L L L W W w w w L
Team Roster: Jon Sand i , Casey Civiello¡, Drew Cohen , Arthur Cutrone, Preston Decker, Ne Dick*, N ick Farrell, Pat Featherston, Colin Flaherty, Mark Gaudet, Andrew Jenkins, Mike Kir Christopher Lem mons, Nicholas Planeta, Kevin Shers, Mackenzie Si mpson. Head Coa Richard Whitmore, Assistant Coaches Roy Pelotte, John "Swisher" Mitchell, Damien Straho1
Jay Johnson
Team Roster: Alanna Balboni, Lauren Cipriani, Megan Davi s , L a u r e n D u v a l , Kate E mery*, Jackie G rady, Katie H a rris, Tracy Nale, Katie
SCOREBOARD Newbury 75-38 W H usson 5 1 -48 W Maine Mari. Acad. 65-58 W Rivier 77-52 W Emmanuel 5 8-63 L 24-63 L Southern Maine 5 1 -73 L Bowdoin 5 3-74 L WPI Suffolk 56-59 L 52-62 L B ates 53-43 w Maine-Presque Isle 4 1 -6 1 L Tufts Bates 37-6 1 L 50-38 w Gordon Bowdoin 40-7 2 L 70-79 L UMF Trinity 63-59 w Amherst 45-59 L Conn. College 59-64 L Wesleyan 62-74 L 54-49 w St. Joseph ·s William s 3 1 -6 1 L Middlebury 60-3 8 w Maine-Machias 82-25 w B ates i n N ES CACs
44-65 L
McCabe, Kathleen N icholson, Molly Rice·, Kate R i l ey , Tanya Rosbash, Sarah W h itfield, Courtney Williams, Laura W i l l i amson*, Regina Woh l , Head Coach Lori Gear M c B ride, Assistant Coach Matt S i d hom
New head coach Lori Gear M c B ri d e h e l ped the M u l es i m prove last year's record by fo u r wins and retu rn to the N ES CAC p l ayoffs after a year's absence. C o l by ( 1 0-1 5) q u a l ified fo r the league p layoffs by t a k i n g a b i g 60-38 roa d w i n at M i d d l e b u ry C o l lege. The M u les then p l ayed a solid fi rst h a lf a n d stayed close to Bates in a l e a g u e q u arterfi n a l game before the Bob cats p u l led away i n the second h a lf.
forward Kati e McC abe l ed the team i n scori n g ( 1 2 . 6 ) , rebo u n d i n g (6.9) a n d fi e l d goal percentage ( . 52 6 ) .
Winter S p o rts 133
MEN'S ICE HOCKEY The Colby men's hockey team fi nished the year 1 5-9-1 and head coach Jim Tortorella was honored as Co-N ESCAC Coach of the Year for his work with the young squad. The top eight scorers, most of the defense, and the goal ies were jun iors or younger. Sophomore forwards T.J. Kelley ( 1 6 goals, 24 assists) and Josh Reber (6 goals, 32 assists) were the top two scorers for Colby. Kelley earned N ESCAC second team honors along with sophomore defensemen Arthur Fritch (7 goals, 19 assists). Reber led the N ESCAC in assists and junior forward Greg Osborne (1 7 goals, 15 assists) was fi rst in power play goals with 1 1 .
SCDRBBOARD + t.1 DIUS11t-.B ostori
Nichols Sal\fe Regina Southern Maine Castleton State Skidmore Bowdoin Bowdoin Cuny ew .England College S.t. Ansehn Middlebu ry Wil liams Connecticut College Tuft
Salem State Soutlletn Maine Hamilton Amherst esteyan Trinity Michael s orwich Trinity in NESCACs
4- 1 5-4 W 6- t 6-3 W 7- 1 w 7-4 W 2-3 L 6-7 L 3-2 W 4-2 W 4-3 W 2-6 L 2-S L 2- 1 w 5-7 L 3-S L 4-S L Sw l W 5- 1 w 1 -0 2-4 1. S-0 3-3 2-3 L (OT)
Team Roster:
Matt Ahern , Jake Bayley, Mike Butler, Adam Carlson. Ry,
Chrenek, Andy Cook, Joel Covelli, M i ke DiMaggio, Ben Grandjean, T.J. Kelle Dean Feole, Arthur Fritch, Adam Marino, Ryan O'Flanagan, Todd O'Hara, GrE Osborne, Josh Reber, Joe Rothwell, Patrick Rutherford, Chris Talbert, Gr Valenski, Head Coach Jim Tortore lla, Assistant Coach Matt Dennehy
134 Winter Sports
Team Roster: Laura Anning, Lindsay Barada , Lauren Bizzari, Lacey Brown, Jennife r Caruso, Margaret C h ute, Laura Clemson, Amanda Comeau , N icole Crocker, Colette Finley, Laure n Goethals, Rebecca J u l i a n , Caitlin Leahy, MaryClaire McGovern, M a rissa M u llane, Heather N ickerson, S h e l ley Payne, Lindsay Tedesc h i , Genevieve Trigan n e , C a roline Voyles, Victoria Work, H e a d Coach David Venditti , Assistant Coach Jen nifer Holsten
SCOREBOARD Connecticut College 2-5 L 2- 1 W Amherst U. Southern Maine 7-0 W U. Southern Maine 5-2 W 2-3 L B owdoin Utica College 1 -5 L 5- 1 W St. Michae l ' 3--0 W William 1 -7 L Middlebury Hamilton 4- 1 W Trinity 6-2 W Amherst 5-3 W Connecticut College 4- 1 W 0-3 L Middlebury 2-4 L William s 2- 1 W Trinity 1 -2 L Hamilton 5- 1 W Sacred Heart 4-2 W Sacred Heart 2-2 T 4-0 4-2 W 1 -3 L
lead coach David Venditti was honored as N ESCAC Coach of the Year after coaching the M u les to a team record for wins 1 a season and a trip to the conference sem ifinals. Colby fi n is hed with a 1 5-8-1 record and gave eventual N E SCAC hampion M iddlebury College a tough game in the league semifinal game. The game was tied 0-0 after two periods a n d 1as 1 - 1 i n t h e t h i rd period before t h e Panthers p u l led away, eventually wi n n i ng 3-1 . The M u les hope for a nother uccessfu l season next year s i nce the team i s los i n g just two seniors to g rad uation a n d there was just one j u n ior o n the earn . Seven of Col by's top eight scorers were fi rst-year students and the othe r was a sophomore. F i rst-year forward .aura A n n i n g earned conference fi rst team honors after lead i n g Colby in scori n g with 20 goals and 1 6 assists . F reshmen 1ebecca J u lia n ( 1 5 goals, 1 1 assists) and Amanda Comeau ( 6 goals, 13 assists) were also top scorers . Sophomore goalie ;enevieve Triganne made the N ESCAC second team after fin is h i n g second i n the conference i n save percentage (.91 8). Winter Sports 1 35
MEN'S INDOOR TRACK Senior th rower Jason Foster set a new school record in the weight th row with a toss of 6 1 -feet. With the throw, he placed seventh and earned All-America honors at the NCAA D ivision I l l I ndoor Championships. Foster broke his old school record by nearly three feet at the national meet. Foster had top five fi n ishes in two New England meets for head coach Todd Coffin before the NCAA meet. H is previous school record was a throw of 58-1 .25, and helped h i m take fourth place in the weight th row at the Open New England Championships. He also placed th ird in the event at the New England Division I l l Champion s h i ps.
SCOREBOARD 3rd place ( 4 teamsi USM, Bowdoin. Brandeis 1 1 th place ( 1 6 teams Tufts Invitational 5th place (5 teams) Bowdoin Invitational 4th place ( 4 teams) Maine State Meet non-scoring meet MIT Coed Invitational 22nd of 25 teams NE Div. m Foster 4th NE Open Meet ECAC at Ursinus College NCAA Division ID Meet
Team Roster: Brent Aigler, Camden Bucsko, Chris DeRoo, Jason Foster, Robert Glotfelty, Madison Gouzie, Menya H i nga, Tim Maguire, Joshua Montague, Daniel Moss, N icholas Oxenhorn, Garrett Rayner, Kyle Smith, Dan Daniel Vassallo, John Waller, Roy Wilson, Tim Worthington, Head Coach Todd Coffin, Assistant Coaches Caman n , Dick Whately, Bill Lund, and Deb Aitken
1 36
Winter Sports
WOMEN'S INDOOR TRACK A l l -American Jess M i nty won the N ew E n g land D ivision I l l title in the 800 meters and earned All-America honors for the sec ond stra i g h t year in the 800 meters at the NCAA D ivision I l l I ndoor Championsh ips. M i nty placed eighth in the 800 meters at the national meet, wh ile tea m  mate A n n a King fi nis hed i n n i nth place in the m i l e. Liz Turner a n d Karen Prisby both had success in the 5,000 meters.
Jennifer Anderso n , Rebecca Anderson, C h a ntal Balesdent, Erin Beasley , Anna Bruno, Brittany Cann iff, Mel issa Cianciolo, A l l i so n Cogbill, Emilie Coulson*, Morgan Davies, Kirsten Davis, Devan FitzPatrick, Abbie Frederick, Sharon Ful l e r, Katerina Gorbunova, Kate G u rfein, Jessica H u l bert, Cassandra Jendzejec, Anna King, Brianna Kondrat, Margit Liander, J e n n ifer MacDowe l l , Lane Marder, Jess M i nty* , Si nead Nyhan, Jamie O'Co n n e l l , Lauren O l i f f , Jessica Palffy, Elizabeth Petit, L a u r a P o m p o n i , K a r e n P risby, J a c k i e Rolleri*, S a r a h Switchenko, Hannah Task , Elizabeth Turner* , Naomi W i lson, Jessica Young, H ead Coach Deb Aitken, Assistant Coaches Dan Camann, Dick Whatley, Bill Lund, and Jared Beers
Southern Maine Invitational
Tufts Invitational
4th place
Bowdoin Invitational
4th place
Maine State Meet
4th place
( 1 6 teams) (5 team ) (4 teams)
Valentine 's Day Oassic
No team cores
MIT Coed Invitational
No team cores
New England Div. ID
1 0th
New England Open Meet
(22 teams)
o team scores
Last Chance Meet
Women s relay 3rd
NCAA Div. m Meet at St. Olaf
Minty & King make finals
Winter Sports 137
MEN'S NORDIC SKIING T h i s w i n t e r , t h e Co l by m e n ' s t e a m improved over their resu lts from t h e past few seasons. The best team finish was fifth at the Dartmouth ski carn ival in the 20ki lometer freestyle event. Fred Bailey was the top skier for the M ules, earning a 1 2th place fi n ish in the 1 0K classic at the Eastern meet at M iddlebury. Bailey also took 1 3th at St. Lawrence and had a 1 4th in the Dartmouth meet and Kris Dobie was 1 7th. SCOREBOARD Colby Carnival St. Lawrence Carnival UVM Carniv al Dartmouth Carnival Williams Carnival EISA Championships
138 Winter Sports
Swain 26th Dobie 23rd Bailey 1 3th Mixed Relay 8th Swain 1 7th Team 5th B ai ley 24th Bai ley 25th Relay 1 1 th 1 0th. 8th
Team Roster: Jordanne D u n n , H i l l ary Easter, Alex Jospe*, Katie Klepinski, Alyssa Lee, Kathleen Maynard, Aime Schwarz, Head Coach Tracey Cote, Assistant Coach Aaron B l azer
With first-year skier Kath leen Maynard lead i n g the way, Colby had a solid season u nder head coach Tracey Cote. Maynard fi n is hed i n 1 1 th place i n t h e 1 0-kilometer freestyle t o h e l p t h e M u les place fou rth i n t h e event a t t h e Will iams College ski carn ival. S h e a l s o was 1 5th a t the Colby Carnival a t the start of the season. Alex Jospe had the best i n d ividual fi n i s h of the season by taking n i nth i n the class ic spri nt at the Colby meet. Winter Sports 139
T e a m Roster: M a r k Biggar, Todd Basnight*, A n d y C a r r , A m i t G a i n d , A d a m Goldfarb, H e n r y Goldstein, Steve H o l t , J a k e Leiby, Gustaf Lonaeus, R y a n Maher, John McCormack, Drew Moreland, Jeffrey M u l l i n s , Gautam Nair, Giffin Richards, Justi n Russe l l , Lewis Seton, Nate Stone*, Sam Weeks, Bennett Barnwell, Brett Willis, Daniel Gomez, Mark Phill ips, Chris Holcombe, Andrew Cox, Prabhav Rakhra, Danny Wasserman, Head Coach Sakhi Khan, Assistant Coach M ichael Morgan
Northeastern 9-0 W MIT 9-0 W Williams 0-9 L Wesleyan 9-0 W Franklin & Marshall 1 -8 L George Washington 6-3 w Hamilton 6-3 w Denison 3-6 L Hobart 8- 1 w Stanford 7-2 w Navy 3-6 L Connecticut College 5-4 w Bowdoin 2-7 L Bates 2-7 L Brown 1 -8 L Tufts 1 -8 L Dartmouth 0-9 L St. Lawrence 4-5 L Bowdoin 1 -8 L 7-2 W Midd. in NESCACs Williams in NESCACs 0-9 L Tufts in NESCACs 2-7 L Bates 2-7 L Team Championships @ Princeton 7-2 W Connecticut College 4-5 L SL Lawrence 8- 1 w Hamilton
� �
The men's squash team ended the year ranked 1 9th in the country with a record of 1 1 -1 5. Andy Carr led the way with a 20-4 record. Carr played the ni nth position at the start of the year, but fin ished in the sixth positon with a record of 6-1 there. Brett Willis and N ate Stone both had 14 wins for Colby. Ryan Maher added 1 1 wins at the third position, wh ile first year player Jake Leiby played tough and secured the first position for the entire season. 140 Winter Sports
WOMEN'S SQUASH T h e Colby wo m e n fi n i s h ed 1 2th i n the cou ntry for head coach Sakhi Khan with the help of wi n n i ng records from their second and third position players. E m i l i e S lack went 1 9-1 0 at the second spot and N i na Delano was the top winner for Colby with a 21 -5 record at the third position. First position player Stacy Petro won 1 0 matches a n d we n t to the Natio nal I ndividual C h a m p i o n s h i ps w i t h S l a c k . F i rst-y e a r players Jessica Vogel and Catheri ne Monrad showed prom ise with 14 wins each for Colby ( 1 3-1 3).
Team Roster: Rosalind Becker, Elizabeth C o l e , N i n a Delano, Kate Dziedzic, Catherine Monrad , Sophia N ewbury, Cassie Ornel l , Stacy Petro, Emilie Slack*, Lindsay Snyder, Kathryn Tom , Jessica Voge l , H ead Coach Sakhi Khan, Assistant Coach M i c hael Morgan
Winter S po rts 1 41
Team Roster: Ryan Adams, Joel Alex, Mitch Bartkiewicz , Nick Cade, I an Cross, Patrick Dean, Ch ris Desantis*, Jabez Dewey, M i ke Finnerty, Lawson (Drew) H i l l , Evan McCulloch, David Metcalf, Evan M u llin, Andrew Peterson, Vaughan Read, Jeff Ruhle, Patrick Sanders, Travis Townsend, Sam Wampler, Head Coach Tom Burton, Assistant Coach Jess Knight, Diving Coach Andy Thompson
SCOREBOARD Amherst 99- 1 83 L Conn. Coll. Dewey wins Montclair State 1 25-84 W Misercordi a 1 25-25 W 1 1 5- 1 62 L M iddlebury Norwich 1 47- 1 1 1 W 1 24.5- 1 63.5 L M IT 1 73- 1 1 0 W Brandei Bates 1 60-94 W 1 23- 1 64 L Wesleyan Trinity 181-1 15 W Bowdoin 1 60- 1 20 W Dewey 2nd in 50 back NESCACs Mullin 5th in 200 free NESCACs NESCACs 5th in NESCAC Dewey 47th in 50 freestyle CAAs Dewey 5th in 1 00 backstroke CAAs Dewey 1 4th in 200 backstroke NCAAs 142 Wi nter Sports
Men's swimming had its best fi nis in Colby history at the NESCA meet, taking fifth place. While th team had no individual champion at t h e l e a g u e me et, a l l ha consistent fi nishes throughout th th ree-day event with every membE of the team contributing to th team's fifth place fi nish. Jabe Dewey placed second in the 5 backstroke and was fourth in th 1 00 backstroke at the league mee Evan Mullin placed fifth in the 20 freestyle while Andrew Peterso was seventh in the 1 00 breaststrokt Both Dewey and Mullin set schoc r e c o rd s. the At NCA Championships, Dewey lowered hi s c h o o l records in the 1 0 backstroke and 200 backstrok earn ing All-American honors in bot events. His fifth place fi nish in th 1 00 back was his highest finish eve at NCAAs. Colby had a 7-4 due meet record d u ri ng the regula season and fi nished ranked 34 nationally, the third highest fi nis in team history.
WOMEN'S SWIMMING SCOREBOARD 1 1 6- 1 54 L Norsworthy, Potdevin win fo r women ontclair State 1 08-55 W 1 08-23 w 1 08-44 w 87- 1 94 L 1 36-59 w 1 38- 1 59 L 207-90 W 1 73 - 1 1 8 w 1 57- 1 39 w 1 86- 1 33 w 1 65 - 1 34 w Norsworthy. Potdevin win titles Norsworthy relay team second Team 6th in NESCAC Norsworthy 1 st orsworthy 7th in 200 I M Norsworthy 2 n d in 1 00 breaststroke orsworthy 2nd in 200 breaststroke Team Roster: Kristi Boman, Jocelyn Bu rke, Courtney C h i lcote, Catherine Fanning, Beth Foxwell\ Maddie G iven, R uth Langto n , Emily McClure , Nancy McDermott, Sharo n McMonagle, Annie Muir, Kelly Norsworthy, Caroline O'Connor, Kelsey Potdevin, Weather Potdevin, Mari a R a m rath, Sam Rose, Meg Vallaly, Jamie Warner, M a ry Warlaumont, Head Coach Tom Burton, Assistant Coach Jess Knight, Diving Coach Andy Thompson
•ophomore All-American Kelly N o rsworthy earned t h ree i n d ividual A l l -America honors in the 1 00 b reaststroke, 200 1reaststroke and 200 individual med ley at the NCAA Division Ill Championships in M i n neapolis. N o rsworthy set school ecords and came i n second place i n both the 1 00 b reaststroke ( 1 : 03.32) and 200 breaststroke (2 : 1 8 . 1 8). The only person .topping N o rsworthy from win n i n g two n ational championship titles was W i l l iams College senior Lindsay Payne, who set 'CAA records i n both events. Norsworthy also placed seventh i n the 200 i n d ividual medley with a nother school record 1f 2:07.84. Kelsey Potdev i n , Maddie G iven and Courtney Chi lcote joined forces with Norsworthy to earn honorable nention All-American honors by tak i n g n i nth at the NCAA meet i n the 200 medley relay ( 1 :47 .05) and eleventh i n the 400 nedley Relay. At the N ESC'.AC meet, Norsworthy won two league titles and helped the M u les fi nish i n sixth place. forsworthy won the 50 a n d 200 b reaststroke w h i le taking second i n the 1 00 breaststroke at the conference champions h i ps . "he other N E SCAC title for the M u les c a m e from first-year swi mmer Potdevin i n t h e 50 backstroke. The 2 0 0 medley relay earn of Potdev i n , N orsworthy, G iven and Chi lcote placed second at the N ESCAC meet. All fou r women earned All �ESCAC honors for their efforts. The M u les had a 1 0-3 d ual meet record. Colby fi n is hed i n 1 5th at the national meet and 1as had top 20 fi nishes i n the past three years. Winter Sports 143
Winter Sports
Spring Sports
Winter Sports 1 -15
BASEBALL SCOREBOARD A mherst 2-5 L Fredon i a 1 6-7 w Oberlin (2) 6-2 W, 6-2 W Trinity Christian 9- 1 9 L St. Olaf 4- 1 l L Fredonia (2) 4-6 L, 9-3 W Trinity Christian 1 7-3 w Thomas 6- 1 0 L Trinity 3-4 L Trinity (2) 1 0-8 W, 1 2-8 L St. Joseph ' s 3-6 L B owdoin 3-1 1 L Bowdoin (2) 1 - 1 2 L, 3-8 L H u s so n 4-5 L Southern Maine 1 5- 1 8 L B ates 1 6-3 w Bates (2) 2-9 L. 3- 1 l L M aine-Presque Isle(2) l 6-2W ,3-4 L 4- 1 1 L Maine Maine-Farmington 6-4 W 5- 1 0 L Tuft s Tufts (2) 4- 1 2 L. 3- 1 5 L 3-2 w Bowdoin 7- 1 3 L B ates
Colby's basebal l team went 1 0-21 in 2006 and were com petitive in nearly all of their games. Andy Carr '07 led the Mules in batting average (.408), total h its (49), doubles ( 1 3), homers (4) , RBI (37), and slugging percentage (.633). Carr earned N ESCAC first team all-conference honors and wi l l be a captain next year for the second straight season. Roddy Ames '06 (.356) had just one error at first base, while Tyler Hales '06 batted .31 5 for Colby. Pitchers J ustin Clark '08 and Zachary Helm '09 had the best earned run aver ages for Colby while seeing innings in rel ief and as starters.
146 Spring Sports
T e a m Roster: Rodney Ames•, B o b Brady, A n d y Carr*, Justin Clark, Craig Cooper, Adam Cu ratolo, T Hales•, Zachary Helm, Jordan Henry, Robert Jacobs, Sam Kennedy-Smith, Brian Liberty, Kyle Mcf John M u rphy, G reg Ortiz, Jack Peet, Colin Riggs, Robert Rosenbaum, Tom Salemy , Steve Sane N ick Spillane, Zack Starr, Robert Tourek, Jon Vacca, Robert Whelan, Head Coach Tom De> Assistant Coaches Chap Nelson, E ric Brown, and Brandon I rwin
SOFTBA LL S COREBOARD 0- 1 L Luther D ' Youv i l l e 0-3 L 4-7 L Gustavus Adolphu W i sconsin-White w at e r 0-8 L Southern M aine (2) 0-5 L, 2 1 W 1 -6 L L uther l - 1 2L DePauw W isconsin-Wh itewater 0-2 L Oberli n 8-0 W 0- 1 L U. New Engl and Trinity (2) 4-5 L, 3-5 L 1 -0 W. 0-4 L B owdoin (2) H usson 7-4 W Maine-Presque Isle(2) 8-0 W, 1 1 - 1 W 5 -4 L, l 2inn. Maine Farm ington 3-0 W B randei 2- 1 w B ates 6-2 w Thomas 1 -3 L, 2-7 L St. Joseph ' s (2) 3-2 W , 1 3 -5W Tufts (2) -
rhe Colby softball team fi nished its ?006 season with a n 1 1 -20 record. The .earn faced a d ifficult spring break ;chedu l e down i n Fort Myers, Fla., osing some very close games to Luther '.:ollege and the U n ivers ity of Wiscon ; i n -W h i te wa t e r . H ow e v e r, C o l b y lattled back to take wins over the J n ivers ity of So uthern M a i ne a n d Jberli n before heading back t o Maine. rhroughout the season pitc h i ng kept ::: o lby i n m ost games, and by the end :>f the year, the bats started to come :ilive. In add ition to the win over Tufts, :he M u les had a 1 -0 win over Bowd o i n . Lauren O lm sted ' 0 6 pitched very well :1nd fi rst-year third basema n Carlie inich i no '09 blasted one over the left field fen ce for Colby's only ru n .
Spri ng Sports 147
MEN'S CREW This spri ng, the Men's crew team competed in a series of close races against N ESCAC's perennially strong competition. The highlight was a ni nth place fi nish at the New England Rowing Championsh i ps and a su bsequent selection to the ECAC National Invitational Regatta.
Team Roster: Devon Anderson, Darren Argabright, Andrew Auerbach, Alexander Boyd, So Craig-Muller, M ichelle Easton, Samuel Fabens, Jon Ferris, Robert Gorman , Trevor Hardiďż˝ Brian H u ntington, Samuel Jones, E m i l y McClure, Tim Monahan , Matt Thomas, Timothy Reg1 Alex Richards, Wallace Sedgewick, Ken Noel Wada-Shiozaki, Robert Zondervan*, Head Co, Stew Stokes, Assistant Coach Pat Tynan
SCOREBOARD 5 th Textile River Regatta 28'h (of 4 1 ) Head of the Charles 200 ( of 3) CBB Fall Race 2 nd Lanier S prints 3 rd Wesleyan. WPI 3 rd Coast Guard, U-Mass. Lowel l n1 Holy Cross, Ithaca, Tufts, Conn.College 3 1 si Bates, Bowdoin 1 s1 UNH, UVM New England Rowing Championships91h ECAC National Invitational Regatta 6 1 h
148 Spring Sports
WOMEN'S CREW Team Roster:
E lyse Atkind, Sarah B a rtels,
Caroline Brooks, Carolyn C u rtis, Rachel Daly, Megan Dodge, Pamela Dud ley, Sommer Engles, Anne Feutz, Valerie Friedman, Mariah H udnut, Jesse Kaler, Caitlin Leibe n h a ut , Kristyn Loving, Dana
M a g l a ri s • ,
S haron
McMonagle, C h ristina M o k . M a rissa Onaga, A u stin P h i l l i p s . R e becca R eis m a n · . Lin n e a R o o k e . M e g S c h roth, J u stine Scott,
S h agin, Hillary Smit h , A l lison Stewart. Jessie Tang Tang, Darcy Taylor, Cara W h alen , H ead Coach Stew Stokes, Assistant Coach Pat Tynan
Colby women's crew made the NCAA D ivision I l l Rowing Champion s h i ps for the fou rth time i n five years . The Col by women's vars ity eight fi ni s hed the season with a 1 3-3 d ua l race record , fifth at the New England Rowing Championships and sixth at the ECAC N ational I nvitational Regatta. In doing so wel l they earned a n at-large selection to the 2006 NCAA Women's Rowing Cham pions h i p. The second varsity eight had a tremendous season, record i n g the h i g hest fi n is hes at the New England Champio n s h i ps and the ECAC N ational Invitational Regatta s i nce 2003. Katie C u rtis '06 and Valerie Friedman '06 were both named to the Colleg iate Rowing Coaches Association's first-team Al l-American team.
Textile River Regatta
Head of the Oiades
28'h (of 4 1 )
Lanier s
� (of 3 ) 2nd
CBB Fall Race
leyan. WPI
2nd 3n1
2nit 2nc1 5111
Spring Sports 149
Team Roster: Jonathan Bodansky*, Todd Boertze l , Caddy Brooks, Tim Brown, Geoff Buckle, Sam Burke , David B u rtonPe rry, Sean Collamore, Ryan Connolly, Rob Dudley, Alex Farmer, Jason Farino, Chafic George, Zach Good nough, Kyle Haskett, Jason H i ne , Ian Holt, Pete Ippolito, Nick Kla n n , Tucker Kelton, Sam Ken nedy, Troy Lieberman, Dana McNally, Luis Mendoza, Jeff M i l l e r*, Rory M u rphy, Geoff Parr, Tim
SCOREBOARD Middlebury 4- 1 4 L Wheaton 9-4 W Babson 1 4-7 Colorado College 1 1-19 L 6- 1 3 L Williams 9- l O L Amherst 7-9 L Bates 8-7 W Trinity New England College 1 5-4 W 1 7-9 Tufts 9- l O L Bowdoin 1 0- 1 1 L Conn. College 15-1 w Southern Maine 6- l O L Wesleyan
Patch, Drew Piekarski , Evan Phelps, Christian R ieben, Dan Schupack, Ryan Scott, Bailey Stark, Nate Werl i n * , Head Coach Rob Q u i n n
2006 was a building season for the Men's lacrosse team, which fin ished 6-8. The squad was very competitive, losing th ree N ESCAC games by only a goal and another game by just two. The highlight of the season was a big 1 7-9 win over Tufts. The Jumbos were ranked 1 5th in the nation at that point i n the season, and the Mu les exploded for their highest goal output of the year. Caddy Brooks '09 was named N ESCAC Rookie of the Year and earned a league Player of the Week honor in April. He tied for the team lead i n scori ng and led the Mu les in assists with 24 goals and 14 assists for 38 points. 150 Spring Sports
WOMEN'S LACROSSE T h e Women's Lacrosse Team fi nished the i r regular season 1 3-2, 7 -2 i n the N ESCAC and 1 4-4 overa l l . T h e y placed t h i rd i n t h e N E SCAC and received the prog ra m's fi rst ever NCAA D ivision I l l Tournament bid. Colby ended its season in the NCAA tournament reg ional fi nals with a close loss to conference rival Bowdoin. Colby fi nis hed the season ra n ked second i n D ivision Ill for scoring offense at 1 6 goals per game and was 1 1 th i n scori n g marg i n. T h e 2 0 0 6 te a m e a r n e d s c h o o l records for goa ls, assists, a n d total poi nts. The Co l by defense a n d m i d fi e l d a l s o e a r n e d n a t i o n a l distinctions a s Col by ran ked fi rst i n the cou ntry i n d raw controls, t h i rd for caused t u rnovers, and n i nth for g round balls. Goaltender O'Brien '07 had the best save percentage in the N ESCAC and ran ked t h i rd in the N ESCAC for saves per game.
Team Roster: Lauren Barrett, Libba Cox, Courtney Drake, Jamie Enos, Cary Finnegan, Elizabeth G h ilardi*, Madison Gregor, Caroline H u nt, Becky J u lian, Sarah Kunkel, Allie Libby, Carrie Lovejoy, Liz M o rbeck, Kelsey Neville, Heather Nickerson, Catharine O'Brien, Kate S h e ridan, M a ry Clare Snediker, Lauren Strazzula, Emmie Theberge, Leah Weisberg*, Head Coach Heidi Godomsky, Assistant Coaches David Venditti a n d Amy Bernatchez
Spring Sports 1 51
MEN'S TENNIS Men's tennis fi nished the spring se; son 1 0-1 5. With the top three single pl ayers B ryan Brown '09, Brod Sau nders '08, and Zach Schuma '08 all retu rni ng, the Mu les shoul be strong next fall. Brown was tie for the m ost total wins with 23, whil Sch u man fi nished with 22 victorie! Sau nders joi ned the team for th spri ng season and contributed 1 wins. Tim Fuhriman '09 added 2 victories and Alex Chin '09 added 1 wins in his first season.
SCOREBOARD Brown, Fuhriman. Chin Midd. Invit. make indiv. Semifinals Wallach invite Crane. Gildersleeve win Amherst 1 -6 L Colby Invatational B abson 7-0 W Skidmore 6- 1 w 3-4 L B ates M IT 3-4 L 6- 1 w Southern Maine Missouri-St. Louis 9-0 W 4-3 W Wisconsin-Whitewater 0-7 L DePauw 7-0 W Sioux Falls 0-7 L Trinity 6- 1 w Brandeis 5-0 W Wesleyan 4-3 W Tufts 7-0 W Conn. College 2-5 L Bowdoin ...� ,... . _
- -
Team Roster: Bryan Brown, Alex Chin, Ben Crane•, Tim Fuhri man, Mather Neill, G riffin Richards, Nick Rosen-Wachs, Brody Saunders, Zach Schuman, Scott Zeller, Head Coach Michael Morgan, Assistant Coach Sakhi Khan
152 Spring Sports
¡earn Roster: Alexandra D e S h e rb i n i n , Allison D u n n , A n n a E rd h e i m * , Katherine Koleski, :lien Londo n , Tracy Nale, G i n ny Raho*, N adege Roux, Kristin Schmidt, Lauren U h l m a n n * , Jicole V e i l l e u x , H ead C o a c h M i c h a e l Morg a n , Assistant C o a c h Sakhi K h a n
Women's ten n is team ended their season 8-1 0. Tracy Nale '07 led the team i n tota l wins with 2 1 while Anna E rdheim '06 had 17 victories and Lau ren U h l m a n n '06 finished with 1 5. Allison D u n n '07 went to the NCAA D ivision Ill Tournament for si ng les for the first time. N icole Ve i l l e u x ' 0 9 e a r n e d s o m e k e y victories among h e r 1 0 wins a t fifth and sixth s i ng les. Vei l leux was the only Colby player to go 2 -0 for the day i n a 5-4 victory over rival Bates. She also had a key s i ng les win in a 5-4 win over N E SCAC rival Trin ity.
SCOREBOARD 2-7 L Tufts 9-0 W USM Nale wins ITA Tournament 2-7 L Wesleyan 0-9 L Amherst NE I n t e rc o l l e g i ate N a l e & Raho win 7-2 w B ab on 5-4 w B ate 9-0 W Regina 4-5 L 6- 1 w 4-5 L 4-5 L 0-9 L 9-0 W 9-0 w 6-3 1 -8 L 3-8 L 1 -8 L Spring Sports 153
MEN'S TRACK AND FIELD Jason Foster '06 fi n ished h i s s u ccessful Colby career by earn i n g Al l -America honors i n p l a c i n g fourth i n the h a m m e r t h row at the NCAA Division Ill C h a m p i o n s h i p . He also fi n i s hed second i n the hammer throw at the New E n g l a n d Division I l l C ham p i o n s h i ps a n d a t t h e N ESCAC C h a m p i o n s h i p s . Madison Gouzie '08 was t h i rd i n the 400 h u rd les and Jeff Alden '07 placed fourth in the 3,000 steeplechase at the New E n g l a n d Division I l l meet. Dan Vass a l l o '07
SCOREBOARD National Training Center Meet 2nd Foster wins Hillside Relays @ Tufts Bates 4111 3m ( 4 teams) State Meet 81h ( 1 1 teams. NESCAC Championships NE Division III at Springfield 1411i (26 teams Open NE Championship Alden t oâ&#x20AC;¢b ECAC Championships NCAA Championships
added a second i n the 1 0 , 000 meters at the N ESCAC meet.
Brent Aigler, Jeff Alden, M i ke Aquino, Fred Bailey, Ch ris Bashaw, Camden Bucsko, David Civitello, Michael Collins, Jason Foster, Alex G i l l , Bob G l otfelty, Tom Goth, Madison Gouzie, Andrew Heaney, Joshua Hinojosa, Kyung Ko, Ian London, Timothy Maguire , Bob Mand, Josh Montague, Daniel Moss, N ick Oxenhorn, Mike Poplaski , Jon Reno, Brett Sabagg, Kyle Smith, John Swai n, Dan Vassallo, John Wal ler, Brian Ward , Roy Wilson, Brad Woodworth, Tim Worthington, Head Coach Todd Coffin, Assistant and Specialty
Team Roster:
Coaches Deb Aitken, Jared Beers, Dan Camann, Bill Lund, Dick Whatley
154 Spring Sports
WOMEN'S TRACK AND FIELD The women ' s track a n d fie l d h a d a s u ccessfu l season. The team won the Bates I nv itat i o n a l a n d p l aced t h i rd at the Aloha Relays at B owd o i n . T h ey p l a ced seventh at the N ES CAC C h a m p i o n s h i p and were 1 0th at the N e w E n g l a n d D i v i s i o n Ill C h a m p i o n s h i p . T h i rty of C o l by ' s 46 team mem bers had pers o n a l -record perfor ma nces. S c h oo l records were b roken i n the 1 , 50 0 -m eter r u n a n d a 3,200meter relay. At the N ESCAC C h a m p i o n s h i ps , J e s s M i nty '06 wo n t h e 1 0 ,000 meters, M e l issa C ia nc i o l o ' 0 7 t o o k second i n the j a ve l i n a n d A n n a K i n g ' 0 8 p l a ced th i rd i n t h e stee p l e chase. The t e a m a l s o pe rformed we l l Team Roster: Jen nifer Anderson, Rebecca Anderson , C h ristina Avena, C h antal Balesdent, Erin Beasley, Anna
a t the New E n g l a nd D i v i s i o n I l l C h a m
Bruno, Brittany Cann iff, Melissa Cianciolo, Laura Clemson, Allison Cogbill, E m i l i e Coulson*, Kirsten Davis,
p i o n s h i p meet, w i t h M i nty p l a c i n g
Catherine Denny, H i l l a ry Easter, Devan FitzPatrick, Abbie G redercik, Sharo n Fuller, Ekaterina Gorbunova, Kate Gurfein, Jessica H u l bert, Anna K i n g , Brianna Kondrat, Margit Liander, Jen nifer MacDowe l l , Lane Marder, Kara
s e c o n d i n the 1 , 500 m eters w h i l e
McCabe, Jess M i nty*, S i nead N y h a n , Jame O'Connell, Lauren Oliff, Jessica Palffy, Elizabeth Petit, Lauren Pomponi, Kathryn Porter, Karen Prisby, Maria R a m rath , Jackie Rolleri*, Sarah Switchenko, Hannah Taska, Brianna Tufts, Elizabeth T u rner•, Caroline Voyles, Mckenzie Wesson , N ao m i Wilson , Jessica You ng, Head Coach Deb Aitken, Assistant and Specialty Coaches Dan Camann, Dick Whatley, Bill Lund, Jared Beers, and Todd Coffin
H i l l a ry Easter '06 t o o k t h i rd i n t h e stee plechase.
M i nty a n d K i n g q u a l i
f i e d for the N C AA D iv i s i o n I l l C h a m p i o n s h i p meet. M i nty fi n i s hed n i nth i n t h e 1 0 ,000 m eters a n d K i n g w a s 1 0th i n the 3,000 stee p l echase.
"'--.... � ,,..
SCOREBOARD ational Training Center Meet 3 n1 Hill ide Relay @ Tufts King. Turner. winners Colby/Bates/MIT Invite @ Bates 1 (3 teams) Bowdoin Invitational non-scoring meet Bo doin College Aloha Oassic 3n1 place (5 teams) NESCAC Championships ga ( 1 1 team ) NE Di . ion Il Championships l ()fa (28 teams) Champ" onsbips 24111 (37 teams) Open ECAC Oulmpionships CAA Championships Spring Sports 1 55
MEN'S RUGBY SCORBOARD Maine State Collegiate Tournament UMF 0-7 L 1 7-0 W Bowdoin Beast of the East 1 2-5 W Westchester College University of Rhode Island L
Team Roster: Leigh Audin, Brad Cantor, Rob Ooton, John Downing, Charlie E i hacker, M ichael Gwaze, David Helfand, Sam Hoff, Dan J u liani, C h ris J u raska, Andrew Kabatznick, John Koury, Spencer Koury, Jamie Lucken b i l , Brennan Moore, Oliver Max N i g rosh, Brendan O'Keefe*, Jake Pinkston, Sam Reid, Bryan Solar, N ick Stei lau, Walter Sainsbury, John Wheelock and Charl i e Wilson*
S p ri ng
During the spring season, the men's rugby team entered two tournaments. The first was the Maine State Tou rnament where Colby was expected to wi but placed second. At 'The Beast of the East' tourm ment in Rhode Island, Col by played in Division I du to repeated success in previous years. The team be West Chester (PA) College to make the fi nals despit very small numbers compared to their DI opponents Although they lost in the fi nal match to the Universi1 of Rhode Island, the success in Division I allowed th entire team to be proud of their level of play.
Team Roster:
Alanna Balbon i , Sarah Belden, Laura Bisbee, Virginia Brown, Caitli n Casey,
Samantha C h u n , Erica Ciszek, Val Coit, Jess Coliflores, Jen Coliflores, Danielle C rochiere , J ess Das h , S a r a h deliefde, A m a n d a Douangaphaivong, Jamie Fierce, S t e p h G r a y , A l l y Haas, Brittany Hamblin*, Sara Harr, Alex Harris, Melyn Heckel man , Meaghan Jerrett, Erica Kreuter, Melanie Larsen, Annie Mears , C h rista S h elley-Mil ler, Caitlin Peale*, N ani P h i l l i ps * , Kaila Saxe, Marcy S h rader- Lauin ger, Lindsay Tedesch i , A l icia Thi beault, Coach Bob "Doc" Lawrence, Coach Tony Fletcher, Assistant Coach Lauren Erickson and Sevens Coach Jon Moss
SCORBOARD B al l s to the Walls lndoor7s Champs M aine State Collegiate Champ UMF 35-5 W 1 7-0 W B owdoin B e ast of the East Holy Cross '9-0 W WIT Forfeit (W) Wheaton 3-0 W S m ith 0-5 L Portland U- 1 9 0-35 L (B-S ide)
"he Women Ruggers had a s uccessfu l spring tou rnament season under the g u idance of senior captains Caitl i n Peale, 3ritta ny H a m b l i n and N a n i P h i l l i ps. In February, the women won the Balls to the Walls Sevens Tournament, scori n g a tota l >f 45 poi nts with only 1 try agai nst them. The s u ccess conti n ued as the women " reclaimed Maine" in w i n n i n g the M a i ne itate Collegiate R u g by Tournament, beating out Bowdoin and Farm i ngton. J e n Col iflores '06, Erica Ciszek '08, Alanna 3alboni '06, Nani P h i l l i ps '06, Jamie Fierce '08, Sam C h u n '06 and Amanda Doua ngaphaivong '09 a l l received a l l -star 1onors. While the team fai led to score a s i n g le try at the Beast of the East Tou rnament, they won 2 games with kicks from =ierce and lost to the eventual tou rnament wi n ne rs i n a 1 try game. The B -side played a h a rd game agai nst the Portland J19 Team . Overa ll, the season was a Beal E u n .Dea l ! Spring Sports 157
T e a m Roster: J e ff Carroll, Tucker Hancock, R y a n H o l b e n , S a m H u ntington, Peter Kilkelly, G reg Lashoto, Brian Lessels, Steve Luke*, H e n ry Powe l l , Todd Olmstead, Justin Russel, Josh Sadown ik, Lewis Seton, Ander Tallett*
SCOREBOARD Season Record: 8-9 Lemony Fresh J 3lh (of 2 5 ) 4W, 4L Tournament UPA Sectionals 6lh (of 1 2), 4W, 5L
This spring was one of the strongest seasons in the young history of Colby's Men's U lti mate team . Led by sen ior captains Steve Luke and Ander Tallett, the team compi led an 8-9 record in the short three week season . Despite the team's sub-500 record, Luke, Tallett, and senior Todd Ol mstead agreed that the showing at UPA Sectionals (at Colby) was the fi nest that the team had played in fou r years, with the highl ight being an 1 1 -2 thrashing of #2 seeded Dal housie. Overall it was the most cohesive and fun season they have had and look to build on that spirit in the futu re. 158 Spring Sports
H annah
K i rs t e n
L a u ra
C o u rt n e y
G ra y ,
L a rs o n ,
Jamie M a nzer· . Char l o tt e M o rs e - Fo r t i e r , Kaylea
L a u re n
C a it l i n
Rumrill, Stimpson,
E m i ly K ri s sy
Thatc h e r· , Claire Th ompson
The spring season, although short, was very successfu l ! The women first played i n the Paradise Playoffs (Smith ) , and won the whole tou rnament, going u ndefeated ! They destroyed the 8 teams they played, and had pretty close games with Amherst, H a rvard and H a m p s h i re. The next tou rnament, Sectionals, the fi rst tournament i n the national college com petition, was held at C o l by . 7 teams com peted, with the top 2 q ua l ifyi ng for Regionals. Colby played 6 games of pool play and lost only to Dartmouth A, which was n ot a s u rprise as they go to N ationals. Colby beat the other team s pretty handily. As Colby was i n second place, they played D a rtmouth A again for the championship of the tou rnament. They won , again, no su rprise, and C o l by had to play UMF again for 2nd place, the last s pot to regionals. It was a tough game- UMF played much better than they did when the two teams played previously. The M u les had a tough time breaking UM F's zone defense. Also, co-captai n Jamie was i nj u red i n one of the first few poi nts, and was out for the rest of the game. C o l by ended u p losing, wh ich was a huge disappo i ntment, becau se the M u les thought they wou l d not be a ble to attend Reg ionals. H owever, the Tuesday before Reg ionals, the team got a bid to the tournament. N ot entirely s u re how this happened, the M u les managed to scra pe a team together at the last m i n ute . It was n ot the stro ngest Colby tea m , s i nce several of the best players could not make it o n s uch short n otice and J a m i e was sti l l i nj u red. But the team played wel l and learned a lot, even though they l ost all of their games and e nded up 1 5th o ut of 1 6. It was a good experience, especially s i nce it gave the newer players a n oppo rtun ity to play team s that were stronger.
Spri ng Sports 159
Team Roster: Adam Atkinson Lewis*, E m ma Balasz, Ivan Balbuzanov, Maxx Brown * , Moxie Connelly, Brian Fulmer, Bram Gellerâ&#x20AC;˘ , Charlie Hale, (Captain), Sara Hutchins, Meredith Keyser, Tom Myers, Isaac Neede l l , P a u l a Pelavin, J a m i e Poster (Captai n ) , J a m i e Plume, Doug Rooke, Taylor Snook*, Nate Lifton, Rachel Terry*, Ronnie "Bones" Wise
The Woodsmen Team moved into spring with confidence, after a stri ng of victories in the Fall and Wi nter in both the U and Canada. Lead by men's captain Charlie Hale and women's captain Jamie Poster, the team got off to a strong sta with a first and third place fi nish at Colby's Mud Meet. Seniors Bram Gel ler, Max Brown, Adam Atkinson-Lewis, Rach Terry and Taylor Snook were an essential part of Colby's success. In late Apri l , the team trekked into the Northern frontiâ&#x20AC;˘ to N ova Scotia, for the biggest woodsmen event of the year. With ESPN cameras rolling, Colby competed with its usu spirit and energy. Dressed in capes and suits, the team took an impressive third place among all the schools in the No East and Canada, earn ing a new Stihl chainsaw and promi nent presence in ESPN's coverage. Combined with a stro Colby a l umni presence and an impressive Sti hl Timbersport Chal lenge showing by sophomore Doug Rooke, Colby I Canada feel i ng satisfied and looking forward to being a dom inant team in 2006-2007. 160 Spring Sports
Spri ng Sports 1 61
'g! :M'
162 Spring Sports
Clubs s. Org anizations
1 63
The Anime Club is dedicated to the viewi ng and promotion of Japanese animation. We hold weekly anime showings and host discussions about Japanese anime. We also investigate other aspects ofJapanese cultu re by watchingJapanese music videos and reading manga, Japanese comic books. We try to spread awareness of the wonderful art form known as anime through out the Colby campus.
When you think of ACS you think of food . Yummy food . Th Asian Cu ltural Society seeks to bring Asian culture and custorr to the Colby campus through dinners, cooking classes and othe events. Two of the major events we celebrated are the Moo Festival and Chinese New Year where we can be seen cooking u a storm in the Pugh Center kitchen.
The Biology Club includes all biology majors and professors in the department. The club has activities such as pub nights, dinners, and ice cream socials that allow students to interact with each other and with their professors in a more casual and relaxed atmosphere away from the classroom.
Nestled deep in the dark tundra of the Colby campus there exis an ancient brotherhood : The Blue Lights. Since a few week before the dawn of man, the Blue Lights have continued t pursue their noble quest: to blend vocal mastery and fun-lovin shenanigans into a golden nugget of entertainment. From th Chapel, to the Spa, to the Dana Beach Bikini Bash the Blu Lights grow stronger each year, and shower the Colbďż˝ campu with a veritable Noreaster of golden nuggetry. For all involve it has been a great ride.
164 Clubs & Organizations
The Badminton clu b is for every bad minton enthusiast of any skill level. Ideally , we try to showcase the real version of the someti mes belittled backyard and PE version of the game which req u i res more e n d u rance and strength than one would think. But in reality we are actually quite laid back and have more recreational than competitive play.
The Bridge i s a campus group representing the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members of Colby College. It pro足 motes an u nderstanding of q ueer issues ofthe past and present, and serves as a foru m for discussing the concerns and needs of our mem bers. The Bridge seeks to enhance aspects of Colby College which acknowledge the honesty and dignity of the individual. We have an abiding interest in affi rming every person 's freedom to live safely and comfortably and be treated respect足 fully , regardless of sexual orientation.
The Ballroom Dance club promotes partner dancing on cam足 pus with both a social aspect a n d a competitive team. The team travels to compete against other college students and amateur dancers, and helps instruct social lessons on campus. The weekly meetings welcome experienced and begin ner dancers alike.
BMR Broadway Musical Review, better known as BMR delights audi足 ences twice a year with Broadway songs and slightly crazy antics. BMR shows always includes a Colby-ism rendition of a famous song and a special guest appearance by the Dean of Students Janice Kassman.
Clubs & Organizations 165
The Bu lgarian Club aims to promote a better understanding of Bulgarian culture, history, and heritage on campus. The club unites people from different backgrounds to celebrate Bulgarian culture through cooking and movie nights, d iscussions, workshops, exhibitions, and holiday celebrations at Colby Col lege.
T h e Colby Democrats started the year off early, sending a delegate to the College Democrats of America conference in D.C. In October a delegation of Colby Democrats went down to the Mai ne College Democratic Conference where they atte nd ed workshops and talks by Govern or Baldacci , Congressman Tom Allen and keynote speaker Al Franken. The major campaign of the fall was "Maine Won't Discriminate." 166 Clubs & Organizations
Chinese calligraphy is a unique gem ofAsian culture. Graphically. it is comparable to painting in its ability to express emotior through a rich variety of form and design. As abstract art, it displays the rhythmic and harmonious fiow of music. And from a practical point of view, it is written language. The Calligraphy club offers workshops to bring the essence of the Asian art to the Colby community.
T h e Colby 8 welcomed a strong freshman class into our ranks this year. Having released "Seven What?" in early 2005, we've begun work on our next record, developing a unique repertoire that mixes traditional vocal songs such as "Danny Boy" and "My Alabama" with contemporary popular music, as injamie Cullum's "All at Sea" and the Wallfiowers' "One Headlight." Thanks to our faculty advisor Michael Montgomery and most importantly to all our fans and supporters who have come to see us perform!
CO LBY C H R I ST I A N FELLOWS H I P The Colby Christian Fellowship (CCF) is a chapter of the lntervarsity Christian Fellowship that encou rages and nurtures students to strengthen their relationship with Jesus. Every week CCF holds bible studies, social events and a fellowship gathering. Annual events include an all-cam pus Thanksgiving Dinner and a missions trip to Camden, NJ through an organization cal led Urban Promise.
CER Colby Emergency Response had a great year. Our membership was up and we were able to bring a variety of continuing education classes to campus this year, including a Wilderness EMT Module. We wish our class of 2006 all the best: Nani Phillips, Bram Geller, Max Nigrosh, Colby Burns, Romeo Raugei, Katie Gilroy, Brian Rodriguez, and Todd Dixon
Colby Dancers i s a student run organization that offers weekly dance classes and performance opportun ities for interested students. All classes are student taught and performances are student choreographed and directed . Col by Dancers is composed of students with all levels of experience.
CO LBY FO R H U MAN ITY Colby for H umanity is a student organization that promotes awareness of human rights, international development and humanitarian crises. Past events include a conference on genocide and a fund-raising campaign for the victims of the on-going Darfu r genocide, a series of lectures on h uman rights i n South East Asia, and a bake sale to benefit the victims of the Katrina H u rricane. Clubs & Organizations 1 67
GOT RHYTHM? The lovely ladies of the Colby Step Club ( Rachel Carr,Katie Weden, Harriet Egessa, Aubrey Nickel, Lisa Portis, Katie Gilroy, Hui Kim,Cheryl Hahn, Tiffany Verdell, Emily Wagner, and Ch ristabel Kwabi ) take a break after their performance at the Colby Dancers Fall 2005 Show. "Step" is a type of bodily percussion popularized in African American fraternities and sororities that features complex synchronized body movements along with singing, chanting, and verbal play.
The Environmental Coalition seeks to educate the campus on environmentally friendly practices and strives to make Colby a "greener" place. This year we celebrated Sustainability Month in October, organized an Energy Competition and Water Week as well as bringing speakers to campus to educate Colby students about environmenta l issues within Maine and its application to broader contexts. 168 Clubs & Organizations
T h e Colby Volunteer Center exists to provide each member c the Colby com munity with the opportunity to have a positiv infiuence on the lives of others through volunteering in th greater Waterville area. CVC assists over a dozen student ru programs and multiple annual events including the Hallowee Extravaganza and Colby Cares Day. This year the CVC wa staffed by Casey Dunton '06, Zach Haas '07, Mitch Bartkiewic '07, and Celia Boren '08.
ENVIRO N M ENTAL STU D I ES CLU B The ES club aims to create a sense of community within the Environmental Studies program by hosting social and academic environmental awareness events and providing a network for students to talk about internships, courses, and common experiences.
DANCE T EA M The Colby Dance T earn made its mark on cam pus by performing at various athletic events i ncluding football, basketball, and lacrosse games. The group also put on a " N ight at the Arts" show where different styles of dance were displayed .
Colby Equestrian Club had a great start this year, even though we only made it to one show. We represented the school in spirit, coming home with great ribbons, learning a great deal, and having a wonderful time. Although we are a small club, we hope to expand our membership in coming years and make the sport popular at Colby.
D ESS E RT C LU B Dessert Club was fou nded this year for those students, faculty, and staff on campus who have a love of creating desserts. We meet twice a month and create the most delicious desserts you can image. Our motto is " Life is short, eat dessert first! "
EVE is the Ethnic Vocal Ensemble, Colby's youngest a capella group. We love long walks on the beach, getting caught in the rain and the OC. 2005-2006 was a great year of singing and we had some fabulous songs: Accidentally in Love, Heart of Gold, Elias. Next year will interesting and exciting, with half of EVE abroad and Anu graduating but as always we look forward to having lots of new, amazing members. Clubs & Organizations 169
Our blades don't have pointy ends, otherwise none of us would have been around for the picture, but even if they did, fencing would hardly be so easy. Killing each other, sure - but doing it right and without a scratch? Figuring out how to pull that off is why we're here. In co-presidents Greg Lusk and Becca Goldstein we had friendly and supportive leadership, and though Greg is graduating, we like to think he can do so satisfied with the growth he's helped lead the club through .
Colby's French Club organizes events such as Crepe night, French film nights, and outings to local cafes to take advantage ofWaterville's French Canadian infiuence. Members also traveled to Quebec, Canada for January's Winter Fest!
170 Clubs & Organizations
In the Colby Figure Skating Club, recreational and experienced ice skaters come together to help one another improve their skating skills and cultivate their love of the sport. Members perform in exhibitions and competitions, both individually and as a synchronized skating team. Our collegiate synchronized skating team, The Maineliners, has competed at the regional and national level.
Hillel is a club on campus for Jewish students to come together and feel at home. We light candles, eat challah, and drink Manischewitz every Friday night for Shabbat. We have parties for holidays such as Rosh Hashanah and Chanukah, and ou1 biggest event is always the Passover Seder. Our door is always open, and we invite you to come and share in our lively discussions, delicious food, and general good times!
The Col by Fil ipino Club strives to further awareness of Filipino culture, history, and heritage among the Col by com munity. The club offers many social and academic opportun ities for the campus through events and activities . This past year the club sponsored an ann ual performance by the Phili ppine Dance Com pany of Boston. The Filipino Club is proud to have the opport u nity to further Fi lip in o cu ltu re and tradition o n the Colby campus.
We are Colby College's first and only Im provisational Comedy Group. Fou nded in 1990 by students Col by l mprov remains the supreme improvisational force of the greater Waterville area to this very day. Our shows consist primarily of short improv games/skits. This year, Col by l mprov co-sponsored and perform ed with comedy groups such as Slightly Known People and Colby lmprov alums Neil Reynolds ('03) and Evan McGee ('03) .
F R E ET H IN K E R S The Freethinker's Club is a group that pursues the ideals offree thought through weekly d i n ner d iscussions. We debate i nformal ly on age-old issues, such as the natu re of good and evil. We also discuss many modern issues, such as the role of media in society, or the uses of biotechnology. We hope to promote open discussions of difficult issues free from the formalities of a classroom on the Colby campus.
INTE RNAT I ONA L C LU B The I nternational Club at Colby bri ngs together students from all over the world, who want to share their culture and traditions with the Colby community. Throughout the year the I-club sponsors a mu ltitude of activities that chan nel diverse customs and folk traditions to the college. Events organized include performances by artists and students from around the world, film festivals, and the annual I nternational Extravaganza. Clubs & Organizations 1 71
The Colby College I rish Club was founded in 2005 by Kim Jones and Rachel Luskin. Now in its second year the club is headed by Elizabeth Ghilardi and Kara McCabe. Because the club is in it early stages there are no set meeting times but we meet as often as possible to puck ( play Hurlin g) , watch Irish films and do as the Irish do.
The Musician's Alliance is a club dedicated to enriching students' lives through music and providing an opportunity for musical self-expression on campus. We actas a liaison between musicians looking for other musicians with whom to play and clubs looking for bands to enliven their events. Our spring '06 Battle of the Bands was the most epic in all of Colby's history. See you in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. 172 Clubs & Organizations
The mission ofThe League of Progressive Voters is to empowc our generation and interest them in what is happening aroun them. Most importantly, it is our goal to revitalize the way you people think about voting. We work to register voters and hel people to educate themselves about the candidates and issues ; hand so that they can go to the polls and make their voices hearc We are the future and we have to take a stand.
The N ewman Co u ncil is Col by's student ru n Catholic organization on campus providing and encouraging both Catholic and non-catholic students to develop and share their faith. Past events include the Mid-Maine Hunger fast, where students give up one dinner meal credit and all proceeds go the Waterville homeless shelter, day hikes, weekend retreats, and dinner discussions.
' Dedicated to both physical and mental health, Col by martial artists practice regularly throughout the school year. Through ded i cated p ractice, social acti vities, and cam p u s - w i d e > demonstrations, the club brings health, energy, and a wider cultural awareness to Colby. This year we have lessons offered in Tang Soo Do by black belt Lijah Barasz, a sparring seminar, and a mixed martial arts group.
The Colby Outing Club (COC) is the largest club on campus with over 300 members. The club leads outdoor trips in all seasons i ncluding h i ki ng, biking, sea kayaking, whitewater kayaking, snowshoeing, backcountry skiing, Nordic skiing, rock climbing, whitewater rafting and canoeing. Some past fall and spring break trips include climbing in Red Rocks, backcountry skiing in Montana, hiking and volcano exploration in Panama, and backpacking in the Smokies.
M EG A LOM A N I CS The Megalomaniacs is Colby's only co-ed a cappella group. Best known for their engaging light-hearted performances and their complex arrangements, the Megs are a group of entertaining and diverse individ uals who take both their music and their fun seriously. James Oh, Carly Alexander, Annie Hopengarten, and Christoph Nguyen will be missed next year.
P EQU O D The Pequod i s Colby's art and literary magazine. We are a student ru n publication dedicated to showcasing the creativity, originality, and talent bred in this college on the fai r Mayflower Hill.
Clubs & Organizations 173
The Pottery Club is a way for students interested in pottery to continue worki ng individually in the studio in Bobs. Wheel lessons are provided for any member who wou ld like one, but besides that everyone works individually in their own time to create whatever it is they want to make. Cu rrently, the club has six electric wheels, two kick wheels, three electric kilns, and all the clay one could ever want!
Powder and Wig promotes student-run theatre o n the Colby campus. Producing between three and six shows a year, Powder and Wig's productions are entirely student acted, directed, designed and produced, providing opportunities for student involvement on all l evels of the production process. Powder and Wig is an inclusive club that endeavors to make theatre a vibrant part of the Colby community!
Student Health On Campus (SHOC) is dedicated to raising awareness of health issues that affect Colby College students. The Student Alumni Association provides students with an SHOC presents fun, entertaining and informative dorm talks, opportunity to meet and network with Colby alumni. SAA helps facilitate Health Center Forums, and puts on other events members contributed to the Reaching the World Campaign such as the Stress Buster Fair during each semester. Kickoff events as well as the dedication of the new Schair Swenson-W atson Alumni Center. 174
C lu bs & Organizations
Today, the Col by Rotaract Club is one of the most progressive groups on campus. Since its establishment in the fall of2000, the Club has sent several groups of students to the Dominican Republic through our Janplan and Spring Break international service programs, while continuing to expand its service and leadership roles in the local Waterville community.
The Student Program m i ng Board ( S P B ) is the central programming group at Colby. Each semester SPB plans and implements a diverse array of events on campus. This October, SPB brought comedian Dane Cook to Colby, to perform to a sold out crowd of over 2,500 people.
The Sirens a female a cappella group is dedicated to and passion ate about both creating m usi c and s u pporting encouraging, and celebrating all of its members. The Sirens were founded in 1998 by two intrepid women looking for a new, democratic, non-solo based group in which women musicians could flourish. Their vision lives on as the Sirens' song always will . . .
SWIS (Supporting Women in Science) is a group that meets weekly to discuss current issues facing women in science and to plan u pcoming events. Each year we run a Faculty Panel Event and this year we look fo rwa rd to starting an after school science program for girls at the Waterville Middle School. Clubs & Organizations 175
SASA, Col by Students Agai nst Sexual Assault, is dedicated to raising awareness on cam pus about sexual assau lt and violence. SASA bri ngs speakers to campus, gives p resentat i o n s in dorms, and encourages people to openly discuss sexual assault. This year, SASA sold shirts with the well-known logo "sex is great - don't ruin it."
The United World at Colby pays its honor to the idealistic principles of the United World Colleges. The Club believes that through personal level contact, and t h ro ugh s h ari ng experiences across national borders, religion, and cu ltu ral backgrounds it is possible to learn the essence that unites all humanity. 176 Clubs & Organizations
Colby Students for a Free Tibet chapter works to raise campus awareness of Tibetans in their struggle for human rights and independence. Speakers for the year include Mikel Dunham, authorofBuddha's Warriors and Lobsang Sangay, Senior Research Fellow at Harvard Law School.
Whether it is the glassy warm water wave of Maui, the unexplored shark-i nfeste waters of Ghana, or the gnarly Hurrican swells on Block Island, Col by Surf Clu members have been all over the world i The Search. However, 9 months out ofth year we come together to surf the frigi waters of coastal Maine. As the sayin oes: If it swells . . . . . ride it.
WM HB is going strong. The executive board of WMHB, headed by General Manager Dan Burke '06 and Assistant General Manager Matt Sabi n-Matsumoto '06, work to make sure the station is working well for all involved, from Colby students to Waterville community members alike. We have prided ou rselves on having the most diverse shows in the area.
Women's Group is a Feminist/Woman organization working to connect wom at Col by with each other and with necesso resou rces to address issues regardi 1 oppression and em powerment fo r women. The group works closely with ti Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Stud¡ Department to provide ed u cati on programming for the campus.
Cong ratulations Class of 20061
J e nnifer Scotland Congratulations, Jenn! Wherever you go on your next journey, you can count on us to visit. Love, Matti and Ned
Civiello Congratu l ations!
T h r e e C o lby g ra d s and n o more tuition p ayments.
�-���·�� -i Congratulations, Casey! Love, Mom and Dad
Jen n ifer An n
Your energy, drive and motivation has
always made us proud of you .
The success you have
ach ieved at Colby is a mere ind ication of what will follow. You have persevered th rough many strugg les. We have watched you grow to become a remarkable young woma n . A s always , y o u will conti nue t o leave you r mark on every th i ng you touch, ach ieving whatever you set you r m i nd on. You are and always have been the best! With all our love , Mom, Dad , G randma, Aunt Penny, Michae l , and Max
R a chel E l i z ab e t h K ra u s e Rachet w e a r e very proud and excited about the next step after Colby! As you travel the world, we know you will touch many lives. Congratu lations on all your ac complishments. All our love, Dad, Mom, and Benjamin
Jane K. Leary It seems l i ke yesterd ay that I was rocki ng you to sleep. Now you ' re g raduati ng from col lege as a beauti ful young woman with the world at your feet. One thing rem a i n s forever - you wi l l always be m y l ittle gi rl . ' 'Gashu" Love, Dad
1 78 Congratulation s Class of 2006!
We're s o glad you chose a place that taught you to love to learn the rest of your life. Congratu lations ! Love, Mom and Dad
Zach Gold man
Kristen Lee Pi n kham We are very proud of all that you are and all that you have accomplished . You just keep getting better and better. With all of our love, Daddy-o, Mommy and D.J .
F ro m the baby who brushed
B u t you've a l so e njoyed
To the you ng man you a re
"Camp Col by" at its best.
We' re del ig hted t h at
With h a rd work and play And l ittl e t i m e to rest.
You 've come this far. Four years at C o l by
To you , Zach G o l d m a n
H ave gone t o o fast.
We p roudly say
"The Future belongs to those who believe in the
With d i l ig ence and pass i o n ,
C o n g rats and good l uck
beauty of their dreams."
W h at matu rity you 've amassed . I n fighting decay !
E. Roosevelt
M u c h love, Mom, Dad, and J esse
Jennifer Venezia Congratulations Jenny! We are so proud of you . With much love, Morn, Dad, and Eric
Congratulations Class of 2006! 179
Matt Birchby
Matt Birchby
We are happy and proud to be on your team.
Another graduation.
Love, Chris and Tim
Cong ratulations! We are proud of you and love you very much. Mom and Dad
M att
B i rc h by
CHEERS! We are happy to celeb rate with you . Love , Jeff, Jena and G ray
Colleen Marie McGee As per the January, 1 986 edition of "Spectator" magazine: "We have to conclude that the future of our 'cover girl' appears every bit as bright as the flag on her computer screen." We whole , heartedly agree and couldn't be prouder.
Love, KC., Mom, and Siblings
180 Congratulations Class of 2006!
Kathr y n Sa g e Barus Kate, With you, we look forward to your future with the hope that it w i ll be as happy and reward ing as y o u r y e a r s a t Colby.
Kaitty n Taytot'
We love and admire you, Mom, Dad and Eben
Congratu lations Ka it!
Li nds, To o u r favorite scientist! What a w o n d e rful Colby experience
Love, Dad and Leeiun
i t has been. We a re so p ro u d of you. With love, M o m , Dad a n d E l izabeth
Justin DePre
CONBRATULATIQNg JUgTIN! We wish you happiness and
success throughout your life. Love, Mom, Dad, Tom and Kristen
Congratulations Class of 2006! 1 81
Amanda Stein Congratulations
Love, Mom, Dad and Eric
El izabeth Whittingto n E l i zabeth, These are our wishes for you ... to embrace the future w i th excitement. ... to experience l ife ' s lesson ... to be
to their fulle t.
urrounded by love .
... to remember your friends, your professors, your campus, the blue skies of Maine, the white clouds on the wing . . . . to recall your four years at Colby w i th fondness and pride. Congratulation
Love. Mom. Dad, Catherine, Mitties
182 Congratulations Class of 2006!
CONGRATULATIONS From M o m, D ad, and Grant!
Julia You have always been ourjewel. Now, you are agem ofa \voman. We are very proud ofyou and wishyou every happiness in life. Gngratularions!
LOVE, Dad & Kat
and 1,
the fun's just begun.
'It's a magical world9 Hobbes9 ol' buddy ...... .ler's go exploring{' CBWarrerson)
}lnna CJ@se P,rc[lieim Tennis tenacity, academic comm it ment, lifelong friendsh ips: the epitome of you r Colby yea rs . Anna, we a re so proud ! Our love and admiration, Mommy, Daddy and Cara
Congratu lations Class of 2006! 1 83
"On To p of the World" Congratulations to Lora Gol ann and the Class of 2006 From the Golann Famil Sfuron McMonagle
Ander Tallet Cong ratulations! We are all so proud of you and your accomplishments at Colby. Love, Mum, Jim, James, Chris & Grandma
God Blessed the Child Sharon. With Love your family nurtured
you. Serious or playful, Your competitive spirit has accompanied you. Now, with God's Blessing and Our Love, Go, secure your dreams.
Mom, Dad, Nana, Colleen, Heather, Meaghan, Mocha, Norwood and (Eclipse)
Josh B er m a n All good things in life to you, always. These memo ries will last you fo rever. The best is yet to come. May all your dreams come tru e .
Love, Mom, Dad, Meghan &. Travis
184 Congratulations Class of 2006!
Matthew M. Me�edith Matt, we have been and continue to be so proud of you.
What a man you have grown up to be!
Alex Kozen
Josh couldn't ask for a better big brother. All our love, Dad Amy + Josh
We're so p ro u d of yo u and all you h ave accomplished. Now it's time to change the wo rld !
Your four wonderful years at Colby flew by, and now we watch you move confidently ahead to life's next adventure.
Love, Mom, Dad, Geoff & Tim
With Love and P ri d e Always, M u m , Dad and Josh
Katie Cham berlai n
Rachel Carr Your entlm?iasm7 upbear at titude and sweetness are pea, assers. Go iy,nj.te the \vorld. unue ro be e , d to yours . We are b )!.OU wi sr.ipport and ove7 forever and hlwl91s·
� Ft ,
iJ- 1jaddy and
Mom7 D
CONGRATULATIONS KATIE! We are so proud of you! You are awesome! Love,
Congratulations Rocket Man Mom Dad and Charlotte
Mom and Dad
Congratul ations Class of 2006! 185
Ken Thom p son It is with gratitude for the past with you, pride in the present, and hope
Stephanie L Atwaxl
for the future, that we congratulate you on your graduation day. Always with love, Bill & Mom
Con 9 t7atulahon s Ken b all We ace so pcoL1-d of you as ouc 6coth ec and we know that you will do somethixi. g spectacul at7 with youc futuce! We Love yoL1- tocevec, Ec�n , Kayhe, 'l:J> Laucen .
Dear Stephanie, We admire your strength and confidence and are so very proud of your many successes. That wonderful smile says it all! Love, Mom, Dad and Katharine.
Bennett Barnwell
Tyler J. Hales
Keep Shooting Threes... S am We eks
Two Guys' Two Sp:>rts1 Two Friends! Con�ah.zlahons Tyler and Travisf 186 Congratulations Class of 2006!
W e end o u r love and b e t w i h e t o y o u upon your graduation
knowing you wiU be succe
ful in whatever you choose to do.
Love, Dad, Mum. and Meg
Jennifer Radcliffe
Dear Jenny,
Life is a journey, not only when it takes you far away, but also when it seems to leave us standing stil l . Seek us out along the way. We are your landmarks along the road smiling to see you blazing by. Continue to fuel your engine with knowledge and passion. We are proud of all your accomplishments and all those yet to come. Love, Your Family
Johan na Black Brian J. Tierney
Dearest Johanna,
·vou never leave the place !:JOl.l love.
You al� take a
part of it with !:JOl.l. leaving part of !�elf behind... Ano�rnou�
I 've served you wel l ; fo r a l l the w i s d o m of a l ifet i m e ,
Thank you to the Colby Community for Johanna's four memorable years shared with unforgetable people.
no o n e can e v e r tel l . But w h ateve r road you choose; I'm right beh i n d you - W i n o r lose.
F o reve r you n g ,
foreve r y o u n g . . . " - Stewart/C rega n/Savigar
Congratulations to
the C lass of 2006. Cherish your yesterdays while dreaming of your tomorrows and living your todays.
" . . . And w h e n you fi n a l ly fly away, I ' l l be h o p i n g t h at
Love, Mom, Dad, and Sister Lexi
C o n g ratulations o n you r g ra d u ation d ay - y o u r fu t u re i s bright! Love , Mom, Dad , Kevi n a n d G ra n m a
Congratulations Class o f 2006 ! 187
Lauren �rickson
We are so proud of you!
love. You ouc a.n d joy You wi.ll tocever re1na.i.n
Love You Alway�. Morn. D ad. D avid. D aniel. Gra rnrny. and Maggie
To our 6ea.u.ti.Jul Cla.ixe. We
rn:e very proLtd of you my
our LiHle g ixl . . .
Mom & Dad
Roddy Ames A Son
(Author U nknown) There's n oth i ng l i ke the bless i ng of a l ittle baby boy,
To fi l l you r home with s u n s h i n e and fi l l you r hea rt with joy. With h ugs and bugs a n d footba l l s , baseba l l s , toys and g ri n s , You ' l l cherish a l l t h e me mories that you wi l l share with h i m . Take the time t o wal k a n d ta l k , t o share h i s d reams a n d plans. All too soon you r l ittle boy wi l l g row into a m a n .
we a re so proud of you!!
Love forever, Mom and Dad
188 Congratulations Class of 2006!
Congratulations Jess! We are all SO proud of you . Since the moment you arrived on campus, you have taken advantage of every wonderful opportu nity that Colby has offered, and have enjoyed (and excelled at) so many things - from Economics to The Sirens, from Captain of the x-c and track teams to being an A ll-Academic All-American runner several times over, to making such great life-long friends! You are an amazing and bea u tifu l person - inside and out! It's now your turn to spread this beauty out in the worl d . I 've a lways told you, that I truly want to be just like you when I grow up.
Uz WVckon
Colby College-yet another challenge
accu tomed to you making a deci ion to do
It doesn't seem like so long ago that we trudged up the stairs of Johnson with armload after armload of your stuff. Now you're graduating ! You have made the most of your time at Colby, excelling at what you love, trying new things and having fun throughout.
fu l l ) completed' We' \ e become omething and then " arching you
confidently and efficiently attain even your loftie. t goal . You constantly impres compa
with your per i tence. your initiative. and ) Our
ion. Ln your earch for your 11iche in thi
you ' ill find joy and fulfillment.
great wide world. we hope
You de'erve only the ver) be t that l i fe has
to offer. We watched with admiration a
you matured to thi
new beginning in your
l i fe. and no matter what you decide to do . our w i h for you i happine
Congratulat i o n s!
You have grown into a young man that an) parent would be extreml) proud to . have as their own. but we are the only one that can a) . . Brian i our on:¡
Mon & Dad
. Our promi e to you i
health and
W ho knew you'd be so successful in college? We did!
ro IO\'e you forever.
Love. Mom and Dad
Congratu lations Class of 2006! 189
metaphor ofthe Ideal
Relax. You're on a journey of di.scovertJ. Ler life An ideal gas is defined by Colby reveal itself ro lJ'll. students as one in which all collisions between atoms or molecules are per Start today to follow you r heart . Map out your own fectly elastic and in w hich there are no j o u rney. Have the adventure of a l ifetime. intermolecular attractive forces. One can visulaize it as a collection of per fectly hard spheres colliding without See yourself doing all the things you'd like to do. Take the time _.._..:..;;;;::,;,=ii otherwise interacting with each other. to use your creative power of visualization to create the life In such a gas, all internal energy is you'd like. But above all, take the time to see yourself being kinetic energy; any change in internal happy. energy is accompanied by a change in OXO Mom temperature. An ideal gas is character- 1------t ized by three state variables: absolute pressure (P), volume (V), and absolute T i m Gei s e n h e i m e r temperature (T). The relationship Tim - Congratulations and love from your betweem them is called the family, Mom, Dad, Graham and Kerry
where n=number of molecules; R=universal gas constant=8.3145 J.mol K; N=number of molecules; k=Boltzmann constant= 1 .38066x1Q-23 J / K=8. 6 1 7385xl Q-5eV / K; k=R/ NA =Avogadro's number=6.0221 x l 023 / mol
You have been a conscanr source of joy, inspiradon and pride. Than.ks for lercing us share in your advencures.
Congrarularions co you and die wonderful communiry diac is The Colby Gass of1006 We love you Cha! Mom, Dad, Ashley...andJackson!
190 Congratulations Class of 2006!
To Helen and Ern.nt a lov n g you toda and alw a ¡s. Your: T
�a 2006 T
Congratulations Class of 2006! 1 91
Andrew Fitzpatrick
E l izabeth Foxwel l
Dear Beth,
Congrats Andrew !
We re so proud of you ! A l l our love, Mom, Dad, Alison and Amanda
Congratulations on your wonderful years at Colby. We know your future will hold many more fun adventures. Be healthy, work hard and treasure your friendships! Much Love, Mom, Dad, and Taylor
A winner is someone who recognizes her God-given talents, works her tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish her goals. Liz, you are a winner in everything you do. We are so proud ! Love, Mother, Father and Sarah
192 Congratulations Class of 2006!
Mommy, Jessie, Piper, Frari<ie, BriA<ley, Little Big Bear, Big Big Bear, Folby & Snoopy
Geronimo Desumala III
Max N ig rosh
You finally did ic!
I am so proud ofyou! You have achieved a pare ofyour dream! More and bigger dream are waking for you. The fucure holds rremendou promise, go gee ic. \ Vatdring you grow and become a respansible young man bring
me so much joy.
I chank God for his blessinus and I chank you for being my son. MOM
Congratulations and love from your hometown fans! Mom Dad, and Sam Congratulations Class of 2006! 193
Cathy, we couldn't be more proud of the child you were or the beautiful woman you have become. Strive for your dreams, and focus on your journey. Remember there are no limits on love and live l ife to the fullest. We love you lots, Mom, Dad and Nicole
�Jenny Mooney Thankyou for all t:he hard work and good judge rnent: you have put: into rna king Colby a great: place t:o be for the pa�t: four year�. Your friend� and f arnily love you. Morn and Dad 194 Congratulations Class of 2006!
Love - Love Mom &.. Dad
Tt-acy iAnne Kolakowski
2nd Lt. Joseph D. Berg USMC
ceonsw1u1o1wM <75W1Jf Vv'e s o \lee proud of )'OU! ·
\ )'Oltr deteemi.nuhon, cllaroctee, lo0e of Li.fe and Gael's h,elp, )'Ott "vill 90 fue.
Yotl aee a beo. u h ful )'Oung vJomun.
:vfuy }OU hold. fast to )'Oltt' and. es.
Courage, Commitment
-Al\A1U}S eemembec. .
We Love You Vec y Much!
Love . Dad. Morn. Dani. and Jenny.
Main, Dad. Julte a.n.d
CO N GR AT U LAT I O N S MARGA R ET! ! ! ! With love from Mom, Dad, Eleanor & Tommy
Congratu lations Class of 2006 ! 1 95
Donnell P. O'Callaghan III We are so proud of you, Donnie . . . you are a leader and will not be led . . . you are concerned about others and try to make changes . . . you are determined without being arrogant . . . you love music and dedicate yourself to playing music . . . you are a brother and a role model . . . you are a son that is cherished and loved very much . . .
CONGRATULATIONS on your graduation and your pursuit of a fine future ! ! Mom, Dad, James, Brian and Amie "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters com pared with what lies within us. " Oliver Wendell Holmes
Kait Taylor
Aaron B. Stepka
TODA Y - You are a little wiser, truer to yourself and more confident and comfortable dian you ever were before. You are stronger and deeper on die inside because of the experiences Cdby has given you. You are dearer and richer because of the love,
Congratulations! We are so proud of you. You are a joy to us. Anything you want to acheive is yours if you put your heart & mind to it! 196 Congratulations Class of 2006!
laughter and friendshipyou have shared. All diese gifts you have gadiered just make you more IN CREDIBLE! Andyour familyprouder. We love you Kait. CONGRA TULA TIONS! You have so much
Todd Dixon Congratulations Todd, May you find joy in all you choose to do. We are very proud of you aid know you will rM<e a difference in the world Love you, Mom & Dad
Steven Djordjerich Ander Tallet
Stev e n , Excel l e nt-O d l i cno-Excelente W e a re s o p ro u d -T a k o s m o ponosn i-Estamos o rg u l l osos d et i Good L u c k- P u n a srece- B u e n a
Ander, A great time with achievements, memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. Congratulations !
S u e rte We l ove yo u - M i te v o l i m o-Te q ue remos mucho M o m , Dad & C h rissy
Love al!Vays, Dad & James To everything there is a season . . . Enjoy as the next one unfolds ! Congratulations! With love always, Mom Tim & Sabrina
Congratu lations Class of 2006! 1 97
198 Congratulations Class of 2006!
Congratulations Class of 2006! 199
you ! Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you !
Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you ! A BIG thank you to Kelly Wharton and Student Activities for all the advice, support and assistance. Thank you to Jeff Earickson, Laura Meader, Bill Sodoma, Sarah Belden, Liz Turner, Dick King and Facebook for providing numerous pictures. Thank you to Senior Class Representatives Jen Coliflores and Kristen
E D I T 0 R s
LAUREN E R IC KSON Sports Edi tor Life Saver
" C h e ri s h
th o u g h t s ,
'Cause thinkin and drinkin are all I have today."
NANI PHILL I PS Editor-in-Chief
tig h t
g rip
,..., Grateful Dead, Mexicali Blues
Candid Editor Ph tographer
Senior Candids Editor
Senior Portraits Ed itor
Photographer Ed itor al Large
200 Congratulations Class of 2006!
· · ·· �� .