'1 know ofno
more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability ofman to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor. " Henry David Thoreau
A Simple
Feast Wylie Dufresne '92 is one of the
hottest chefs in New York City. Not bad for a guy who once tended the salad bar in Dana. 10
Making Waves Familiar voices on National Public
Radio belong to reporters Chris Arnold '92 and
Gerry Hadden '89. 14
The D Word A reexamination of diversity at Colby
opens the door to new possibilities.
Dispatches editor's desk
periscope Gleanings from Earl Smith's campus
newsletter, FYI; Colby Update; commencement.
From the Hill 21
president's page Affirmative action as seen
on campus Dennis Ross on Mideast peace;
through the courts. Brody Award; McFadden receives senior teaching award; Wit & Wisdom; T he Other
Interview: Mark Serdjenian '73; Just Wonder足 ing: Why is a Blue Book blue? 26
faculty Guilain Denoeux; How vVe Teach:
Barbara Nelson '68; Hank Gemery retires; Q&A with Cheryl Townsend Gilkes. 29
development AIRE grant leads to research
students Jaq u elineJolr nson '0 1 lands a Watson
symposmms. Fellowship; Quebec protests; What's Next: new jobs for the Class of 'O 1. 32
media Kurt Wolff '84 on the evolution of country
sports 'Track's best hit their stride; women's
alumni Colbyettes 50 th reunion; a young
music; a history of country clubs; Recent Releases. lacrosse; Sports Shorts. trustee; reunion.
class notes profiles 42 48 54 58
Gardner Gray '64 David Melpignano '72
Jennifer Massengill '88 Mala Rafik '94
The Last Page
64 A Good Place to
Begin Earl Smith didn't intend to
stay so long and now he's leaving, sort of.
Gerry Boyle '7B managing editor Bnan Speer art drrector Robert. Gillespie alumni at large editor Stephen Collins '74 executive editor Leo Pando illustrator Alicia Nemiccolo MacLeay '97 media editor Joanne Lafreniere production coordinator Karen Oh 路93 online coordinator Blake Hamill '02, Aimee Jack '04 staff assistants Viviane Oh, Bernadette Pampuch, Art.hur Cohen, Brian Speer, Toby Hollis, Jeff Earickson contr1butmg photographers Kate Bolick '95, Frank Bures, Tory Ha1ss. Matt Apuuo
Anne Garinger '01, Chip Gavin '90, Erm Rogers '01, Earl Smith contributing writers Administration
William 0. Adams. president; Earl H. Smith, 5pecial assistant to the president; Peyton R. Helm, vice president for college relations: Margaret Felton Viens 路77, director of alumni relations Alumni Council Executive Committee
John Devine '78, chair, Lou Richardson '67 , vice chair, Eleanor Fleming Amidon '75, Rebecca Birrell '92, James Bourne '81. Hope Palmer Bramhall '56, Karl Dornish Jr. '54, Bruce C. Drouin '74, Ernest V. Fortin '51, Todd W. Halloran '84. Joanne Weddell Magyar '71, Wendy Kennedy Ralph '90, Christopher Tompkins '89, Frank A. Wilson '73, Philip Wysor '70 Colby is published four times yearly. Address correspondence to: Managing Editor. Colby 4181 Mayflower Hill Waterville, ME 04901-8841 e-mail to: mag@colby.edu visit us on the internet: www.colby.edu/colby.mag/ Alumni Office: 207-872-3190
Cover illustration by Leo Pando
Letters Where's other Side of Diallo Story?
\i\That in the world is going on at col lege? That, I believe is what my revered and highly regarded professor of history would have asked.As I recall, Professor Paul Fullam emphasi zed to his students i n the 1940s that there always are two sides to every issue . . . and the truth most times is somewhere in the mi ddle' Apparently that is not so today at Colby. Case i n point. The appearance on campus and your coverage of Kadiatou Diallo's all egation that her son, Amadon, was shot to deatl1 by New York police because "he was a black man." Following Professor Ful lam's admonition, let me provide another perspective on the tragic death of Mr. Diallo. I quote from The
H/nshington Post, May 28, 2001. "The four poljcemen who fatally shot w1armed Amadon
Two White Mules Alice Wong '98 with a white mule she encountered in the Dominican Republic,
Diallo will not be pwushed, but will not be
where she serves as a Peace Corps volunteer. The mule lives in the village of Alto de Cedro in the northernmost mountain range of the Dominican Republic, a three-hour hike from Wong's village. She had heard reports of another white mule farther north in the mountains but the White Mule alumna had yet to track that one down.
allowed to carry guns immediately," Police Comnussioner Bernard Kerik said yesterday. "... Kerik accepted the recommendations of two police investigative panels, concluding that tl1e officers acted witlun departmental guidelines.The panel said the officers believed their lives were in danger because tl1ey thought Diallo had a gwi ... "The officers were acqui tted of crim inal charges last year, and the Justice
Kudos for Education Stories
Congratu lations on (the] feature articles i n the spring 2001 issue of Colby. They were
would l i ke to do even more. Contributions
tant. You gave us a look at what improving
can be made to Colby College (Attention:
education really means.
Department declined to pursue a civi l
Brad Greeley '60 Devon, Pa.
So, you see, Professor Fullam was right. think" . .. not "how to think" . . . has stood me in good stead as an honored and
Remembering Ben
\Ne would l i ke to tl1ank Professor Sandy Maisel for tl1e beautiful article he wrote
respected newspaperman and documentary
about our dear friend Ben Ling, a 1998
motion picture and television producer.
Colby graduate who passed away in March
Too bad it no longer is fashionable in tl1e new mil lennium of Mayflower H i l l .
Cloyd G . Aarseth '-16 Sterling, Va. Editor's note: The writff is refeiTi11g to
an exmpt from Kndifltou Diallo 's speech flt
Ling Memorial B BQ. These efforts raised over $1,000 toward tl1e scholarship, and we
unfailingly interesti ng, moving and impor
rights case against them." H i s concept of teaching his students "to
and fol lowed tl1at witl1 tl1e First Annual Ben
("Ben Ling's Life," spring 2001 Colb)�· Since tl1at time, Ben's friends and fanuly have worked to establish a memorial schol arslup fund to support a Colby student i nternsh i p in Washington, D.C. In June, several of us ran as part of the Ben Ling Team i n the National Race for the Cure
Ben Ling Memorial Fund) and sent to tl1e Development Office, \iVatervi l l e, ME 04901. \Ne feel it's a fi tting tribute to Ben, a devoted student who was passi onate about government and public policy. Ben would take great pride in helping fellow Colby students work i n \Nashington.
Li::::::i:. e Iviy '98 mu/ Chl'is Coakley '98 \Naslungton, D.C. Interesting Issue
Just a note to tel l you that I think that this issue of Colby (spring 2001) is the most interesting one that I have read.
Jean O'Bi-ien Perkins '-16 Phippsburg, Maine
Colby that was pi-inted i11 Colby 111aga::::.i11e (spring 2001).
Correction: An editing error resulted in a misstatement of the population of Hartford, Conn., in the story about Robert Furek '64 in the spring 2001 Colby. The population of Hartford, where Furek helped turn around the city's public school system, is about 120,000.
2 001
G l e a n ed from Earl S mith's news letter, FYI
at the nation's lead ing l i beral arts
She Said Yes
col leges make significant contri
The final
butions to the literature.
ong of the year's final
Colby Ei ght concert had a Yery
29% of These Experts . . .
special twist that left the aud i
Pm·ents magazine asked national
ence smil i ng. During a hushed
experts what makes "a great
moment of the second encore
parent" and published a nswers
number, "Tupelo Honey," Kyl e Garry professed his loYe for
his longtime girlfriend, April Hunter, a n d asked her to marry
hi m .
he aid yes. Kyle and Apri l
were graduati ng eniors, both
A Classic Case
in the May issue. Two of
Hanna Roisman's (classics) propensity
the seven sages quoted are
for i d entifying c l a s s i c themes in popu l a r c u lture got h e r a pro m i nent mention
lide '79, program director of the
i n The Times (of London) on April 23, fol l ow i ng a presentation to the C la s s i
from Fra m i n gham, �lass.
Colby alumnae. Angela Micka
c a l Association at M a nc h e ster U n iver sity. "Few see Arnold Schwarzenegger
National Safe Kids Campaign, says a great parent "knows that safety a lways comes first." Alice
Hash from History
as Nemesis. Or one of the Fate s . O r
Domar '80, director of the
0.'osta lgia for Parks' Di ner is
a b l i n d Goddess," the article
Mind/Body Center for Women's
l i ke a bottomless cup of coffee
bega n . It described how " H a n n a
for generation of Colby alumni
R oi sm a n of Colby Col lege, Water-
''ho hung out at the �Iain Street
v i l l e , Maine," cons idered h u m a n fascination with predesti nation in sci
restaurant up until it closed i n the mid-l 960s. Hm,· m a n y know that the diner itself l i ,·es on'
� ---
Health at Harvard, says a great parent "finds the t i me to take
ence fiction c i n em a . ·' Both Greek literature a n d the best modern sc i-fi are deep phi losophical a n d moral e xa m i n at i o n s of o l d questions a s we l l a s ratt l i n g good enterta i n ment," the piece concl uded .
After spending a few years aban
care of herself, even if it takes t i me away from her kids o n occasi on. You don't do chi l dren a ny favors by a lways putting yoursel f last."
doned b�· the side of Route 201,
Economics Stars
ranks third for total citations per
''hat ,,·as Parks' got moYed to
A recent study of economic
capita. Among ful l professors,
Colby to the Corps
0.'e\1 Portl and in the earh· 19 Os.
scholarship at 50 of the nation's
Tom T ietenberg ranked third
T he 2001 Peace Corps report on
It operates there toda�· as The
leading liberal arts colleges ranks
among the nation's liberal arts
top volunteer-producing colleges
\ \Ire Bridge Di ner. It's on the
Colby fifth for tl1e number of
col lege professors, and Debra
is out, and Colby made the head
left side of Route 27 if you're
qua Ii�· citations of its faculty
Barbezat ranked second among
l ine as number three on the l ist.
in the top 130 economic jour
top associate professors. The
'i\Tith 21 Colby alumni active i n
study concludes that economists
the corps, we' re third among col
for Kingfield. Try tl1e
corned beef hash.
nals from 1991 to 2000. Colby
leges and universities with enr o l l
Colby Update: Macy DeLong M a c y Delong
p ro f i l e d in t h e w i n t e r
is first with 32 volunteers and Tufts (with more than twice our
furniture bank i s r u n n i n g smoothly, l i m i ted only by
enrollment) is second with 22.
the space ava i l a b l e .
We're up from the 10th slot
2000 Colby, i s still h e l p
" The economy h a s h i t us,'' Delong s a i d . " I f you
ing those who are home
had a sked me in the m i d d l e of l a st s u m m e r how
alwns are among 7,300 Peace
les s , as she once was .
th i ngs were go i n g , I w o u l d have s a i d , ' O h , they're
Corps volunteers and u·a inees
goi ng fab u lou sly." '
serving in 76 countries.
Delong i s executive director of Solutions at
A n o t h e r f rus t rat i o n , s h e s a i d , i s t h a t h u m a n
Work, a nonprofit in Cam
resource departments a re less w i l l i ng t o take a risk o n
bridge, M a ss . , that trains
people with crim inal records i n the wake o f a workplace
and e m p l oys people who
shooting in M assachusetts l a st December.
are homeless a n d e q u i p s them for life beyond the
But the orga n i zation i s c o p i n g , a n d Delong, a
stre e t s and s helt e r s . S h e reports that the Colby
one-t i m e H a rvard researcher whose mental i l l n e s s
profile resulted in several d o nation s , inc l u d i n g o n e
l e d her to sleep on t h e streets, i s c o p i n g , t o o . "I' m
ments w1der 5,000. Middlebury
s u b stantial gift.
d o i n g okay," s h e s a i d . "I actu a l l y j u st got m y s e l f
in the 2000 list. Our 21 Colby
Dreams Get Real
English Professor Phyllis Man nocchi's American Dreams video
showcase on May 11 filled Given Auditorium b yond capacity, and the audience filled collection bowls with 300 in spare change
·Fi n a n cially. things c o uld be bette r b ut t h a t 's
b a c k o u t of a n other, wel l , t h i s time it was n 't a b lack
a lw a s t h e w a y with a n o n p rofit." D e l o n g s a i d ,
hole, 1t was a gray hole. B u t I ' m learning m o re a bout
(and bil ls) when students took
from h e r Ca m b ridge office . ·orga niza t i o n a lly, it's
depre s s i o n every time o n e of these h a p p e n s . "
up a col l ection to help bui ld a
1ust fa bulous."
She s a i d her story is a b o u t coping with depre s s i o n
for Sudanese refugees
The clothing excha nge r u n by Solutions at Work
a s m u c h a s it's a bout her orga n ization : "You c a n l ive
in Uganda. One of the six
1s "bu rsting at the s e a m s ," Delong said. servi n g
with 1t. Maybe you d o n ' t ever c o m plete l y conquer it,
vi deos this year featured mem
twice t h e n um be r of people 1 t d i d a yea r ago . The
but you win the batt l e . "
bers of the Sudanese community in Portland.
Matter of Degrees At Colby's 180th commencement, 466 members of the Class of2001 received degrees and heard the Reverend Peter]. Gomes (upper left) of Harvard University talk about the necessity of virtue and the inevitability of failure. "T he fine art of failure," he said, "is the means to the greater art of endur ance and ultimately perseverance and success." Rev. Gomes kept graduates laughing (upper right), telling them, "The weather here is designed to produce character and to ensure virtue, and I am certain that if it hasn't, it will before these proceedings are over." Spring rains held off, permitting the Class of2001 to graduate outdoors. Class officers Emily Mahlman and Jonathan Engle (third row, left) introduced class speaker Todd Miner (third row, right), who said he got his best advice from Dean of Students Janice Kassman. Waving cereal boxes he had cut up, he said Kassman suggested he staple his speech to cardboard, "so when the wind blows the sound of the pages wouldn't be picked up by the microphone." President \Nilliam D. Adams, at his first Colby commencement, presented bachelor of arts degrees to each graduate, including Sarah Richards (bottom left). Jacqueline Ogutha (bottom center) of Nai robi, Kenya, a magna cum laude graduate in psychology, won the Condon Medal, the only award presented at graduation. Honor ary degrees were presented to Rev. Gomes, to renowned cardi ologist Gerald Dorros M.D., to outgoing Bowdoin College Pres ident Robert H. Edwards and to author and sea captain Linda Greenlaw '83. l\'ewly minted graduates included Calla Fankha nel (bottom right).
� 0 IE
There are more than 20,000 restaurants in New York City. Rumor has it that , given the rate at which they open and close, you could spend a lifetime eating out three times a day and still not visit all of them. The likelihood that any new restaurant will survive is slim. The likelihood that a tiny restaurant with an unknown chef in an unfashionable neighborhood will survive is slimmer still. And rave reviews from the city's most renowned restaurant critics? Dream on. But Wylie Dufresne '92 has beaten the odds-and then some. Two years ago he opened his own restaurant, 71 Clinton Fresh Food. Before he could even finish tweaking the wine list, the reviewers began waxing enthusiastic. Five months later, New York magazine put him on the cover and named him one of the 10 best young chefs in town. Not long after, The New York Times commissioned him to write a series of food columns. The rush of attention was truly unprecedented. "I don't think anyone has had the kind of success that Wylie Dufresne has had ," said Gillian Duffy, food ed itor of New York. "It's an entirely unique situation." Not bad for a guy who once tended the salad bar at Dana. New York City's Lower East Side is an unlikely spot for a
at the back beside a window through which the kitchen is visible,
fine-dining establishment. Crowded with bodegas and beauty
bright as a white dinner napkin. Every so often Dufresne, an
parlors, store-front palm readers and 99-cent emporiums, the
UJlassurning fellow with wire-rimmed glasses and shoulder-length
n e ighborhood, though vibrant, is hardly glamorous. But six
hair, appears briefly at the window to confer with a waiter, then
days a week discerning New Yorkers take the F train to the
retreats into the clamor of the ki tchen. Spotl ess, gleaming, the
Dela ncey stop, then turn and walk up Climon Street. There
ki tchen has the focused intensity of a laboratory.
they find a 30-seat restaurant so na rrow that when a fire engine
This is Dufresne's world, a newly named pinnacle in the moun ta i n range of New York's finest restaurants. To those
roars by it fills the entire front window. I nside, the restaurant's one room is shadowy and serene. Tiny
i n the food business, his ascent has been unprecedented. For
votive candles flicker on each small table, softening the clean
those who knew him i n past l ives, Dufresne's success is almost
lines of the modern decor. The waiters, dressed in black, gather
entirely unexpected. But not qui te.
$TE {;tJoucK..!}6
2 001
Dufresne didn't always know that he wanted to be a chef, despite growi ng up in the restaurant business. His father, Dewey, owned restaurants i n Provi dence, R.J.,
p.m. Arrive to empty restaurant. Sit
where the fa m i ly . l ived until moving to Greenwich Village when Dufresne was 7; today Dewev Dufresn e is a co-owner of 71 CUnton Fresh Food. The roots of that successful
at bar. Quickly peruse menu; decide to try
enter rise go back to the sun1111er before the younger Dufresne's senior y ea r at Colby,
two most popular items. Order a glass of
when something in the i ncipient chef clicked.
Bairrada Vinho Tinto, 1998, $9 .50.
· rking at one of the best resta u ra n ts in Tew Engl a n d-AJforno, i n H e was \1 o Prm�dence--owned by family friends who were kind enough to give the i nexpert cook a sw11111er job. "I'd worked at other restaurants before," Dufresne said, "but never in one
6:05 W ine, along with a small baguette, a large triangle of butter and a tiny butter
as legitimately high-end as this." He absolutely loved the experience: "The work, the
knife arrives. Two tables filled.
camaraderie-I enjoyed all of it."
6:15 First appetizer-marinated Scottish salmon wrapped in avocado with pickled horseradish oil, $10-arrives. Six tables filled.
Back at Colby there was l i ttle i n k l i ng that this philosophy major would one day become a near-celebrity chef. His role as student manager at the Spa had i ts perks, but Ripping burgers isn't exactly cooking. And though he l ived off campus, he didn't cook much at home. Instead, he frequented
6:25 Plate cleared.
the usual spots-weekend brea kfasts a t
6:30 Second appetizer-lamb shank
a spec i a l d i n n e r a t S l ate's or The Las t
dumplings, shiso leaf and pistachios in
Un_icorn. "YVe used t o make gril led cheese
black cumin consomme, $11 -arrives.
sandwiches and sell them for a buck apiece
Bon n i e 's D i ner, sandwiches a t B i g G 's ,
Only four tables left.
6:45 Plate cleared. Order second glass of wine, this time the Gigondas Domaine du Grapillon d'Or, 1998, $12 . Only one
out of the back of a van at Grateful Dead concerts,'' recalled B i l l Nlichels '93. But there were h i n ts of what was to come. Dufresne's former roommate David Leavy '92 sti l l remembers a Thanksgiving feast Dufresne prepared for 10 fri ends their senior year. "It was amazing,'' Leavy said. " Better than what anyone's grandmother could come up with. The turkey, corn,
table left.
squash-everything was del_icious and fresh."
6:50 Am introduced to Susan Belknap
in ;\Ianhattan. The schedule for the six-mont11 program was arduous. From 8 a.m.
'94 's mother. "I' m down from Boston and
until 2 p.m. he attended classes; from 2:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. he made pasa-ies at A l fred
Six weeks after graduation, Dufresne enrolled in the French Cul i nary Institute
was told I just had to come!"
Portall i's Gotham Bar & Grill. Dufresne continued working for Portal l i after getting his degree, and then , after a nother six months had passed, decided to move on.
6:55 Main course-sauteed black sea bass with endive, Asian pear and cauliflower-almond puree, $24 -arrives. Restaurant full.
There were sl.x restaurants he wouldn't mind working at, he concluded, and dropped his resume off at each one. Dufresne's first choice was J ean George, owned by J ean -Georges Vongerichten, one of the most respected chefs in New York City. Vongerichten's restaurants-Jo-Jo's, \ 'ong, .\Iercer Kitche n , a n d the eponymous four-star outpost, J ea n George-are
7:20 Plate cleared. 7:25 The waiter introduces me to Mike '92 and Curne Hamlin Keller '91 . "We love Wylie. We come here all the time."
7:30 Dessert-tiny chocolate cake with peanut center and vanilla ice cream with peanut crunch on top--arrives, "compliments of the kitchen."
among the best in town. As luck would have it, J ean George was the only restaurant that called the young cook_ing school graduate back. Dufresne returned t11e favor with loyalty, sticking with Vongerichten for six years, first working as a sous chef at his 1'c\1 York restaurants and finally, i n 1997, moving up to the position of chef when \ 'ongerichten opened up Prime in Las Vegas. " Suddenly I was put in a role that \1 as bigger than [ was," Dufresne said. "I was i n charge of twe n ty cooks. It was \ el} e\citing, l'Cry daunti ng." \fter six months in Las \ 'egas Du fresne returned to ew York and worked at Jean Louie Pallatin\ restaurant, Pallatin. Meanwhile, his father was open ing a restaurant \1 1th a fc,1 other im estors on the Lower East Side. They asked Dufresne to help as a consultant ;rnd soon im ired him to be the chef. "It was clear to us that Wylie didn't need to conrinue cooking under other people and that he was ready to express his 0\1 1 1 1 oic:e," De11 e) Dufresne said. \\de) Dufresne 11 as understandably nervous. "Jr's one thing to be a chef in Las
Vegas; a n oth er thing a l together to be a chef in New York," he said. B u t he was wi l l i n g t o take t h e leap. A n d w h a t a leap i t was. S i x months after 71 C l i nton Fresh Food opened, the emi nent New York Times restaurant critic W i l l i a m G ri mes wrote a rare glowi ng revi ew, adding that " i t wou l d b e hard to exaggerate Mr. D u fresne's virtues." Daniel Young, restaurant critic for Tbe New York Daily News, wrote that it seemed as though D u fresne "was operating
his dishes by remote control, ensuring you experience their i n terplay of flavors and text u res i n exactly t h e right s e q u ence a n d proportion." lod a y, Ci tysea rch.com's resta urant editor, Daniel McAJvanah, remembers the d i n ner he ate two years ago a t 71 C l i nt o n Fresh Food as one of the best he's ever had anywhere. So how is it that 71 C l i nton Fresh Food not only survived but the chef needs a press kit? New York magazine's G i l l i a n D u ffy summed it up: " Basical ly, \tVylie is a bril l i a nt chef. H e simply h as an amazi n g understanding of food." D u fresne's understanding of food comes clown to two words: fresh and simple. H e uses only locally grown ingredients, a n d he n·ies t o keep h i s dishes a s uncomplicated as possible. " I f there are more than three or four elements to a plate," he explained, "your palate gets muclcllecl and confused." Keeping things simple, h owever, means that
the re's nowhere to h i de. " A h u ge, overwrought dish can mask the not-so-wel l -executed
Makes a half gallon
el ements, but because it's so complex you don't notice. B ut when you're offering
o n ly f o u r e l ements, you' re rea l l y stick i n g your neck o u t, beca use each o n e h a s t o b e exce l l ent." T h i s doesn't mean that complicated tech n i q ues aren't employed, but, as Grimes pointed out in the Times, D u fresne " produces the maximum e ffect with minimal visible effort." The same could be said, perhaps, for D u fresne's wild success story. B u t the l i fe of a chef is a gruel i n g one. " Cooki n g i s about cutting your finge rs, b u rn i n g your h a n d s , l o sing your g i r l fr i e n d s , missing your best fri en d 's wed d i n g , and n ever
21/2 cups of almonds 1/4 cup of breadcrumbs 2 cups of water 1 cucumber
3/4 cup of olive oil 2 cloves of garlic 2 tablespoons of sugar 1 tablespoon of salt 3 tablespoons of sherry vinegar
cup of carbonated grape juice
sparkling water
having weekends off, or even vacations," Clams
D u fresne said. I n fact, if he didn't live with his girl friend, a wine expert-the two met l a st
16 littleneck clams, white wine,
red grapes, scallions
year when she came i n to the restaurant on business-and a former Colby roommate, Josh Steinberger
'92, it's likely D u fresne
would never see them at all. Most mornings Dufresne can be found at the year-round
1. Lightly roast the skinned and sliced almonds. Peel and chop cucumber.
nion Square G reenmarket
choosing h i s vegetables for the even i n g menu. By noon he's at th e resta urant, checking
2. Add all of ingredients, ex cept sparkling
on food deliveries and prepping for the n i ght. At 5 p.m. the entire staff-there a re
water, to blender and blend. Let ingredients
five working in the kitchen and five out on the floor on any given night-sits down
sit overnight. Pass through fine chinois twice
to s h a re a " f a m i l y me a l " prepa red by one of the cooks. At preci s e l y 6 p.m. t h e
and thin as necessary with sparkling water.
resta urant o p e n s for business; seven hours later Dufresne locks t h e d o o r and heads home. " I t's the n a ture o f the beast, and I wo u l d n't change it for a nythi n g. I love what I do," D u fresne said. An d of course, so do patrons and critics. Asked if he was surprised by his ascent,
3. Steam littlenecks (four per person) in white wine until opened.
4. Divide soup among four bowls.
D u fresne flushed and nodded. "I haven't completely adj usted to seeing my name in
Place clams in middle of soup creating
th e paper on a regular basis," he admitted.
a line. Garnish with chive oil, sliced red
So�-spoken and di rect, Dufresne does seem a n u n likely celebrity. In fact, that day,
dressed in brown boots and a tan hunting jacket, he looked more l i ke a member of Colby's woodsmen's team (he was, his first year) than one of the hottest chefs in 0:"ew York. " B ut a t the end of the day it is only food, " the former phi losophy major said
grapes and diced cucumber. Slice scallions thin and soak in iced water to curl, place on top of clams.
p h i l osophically. "You can't take it too seriously." C O L BY
2 0 01
By Frank Bures San Francisco photos by Viviane Oh Mexico City photos by Bernadette Pampuch In dm1·ntown San Francisco, Ch ris Arnold '92 wakes up to the radio. H e rolls over and
looks at the clock: 6:-+0 a.m. H e knoll's the 1·oice coming from the radio, even though his mind i s th ick with sleep. I t's repeating words he's heard a hundred times over the past week, about Stephen B ri ght, a big-shot \Vashington lawyer who gave u p h i s practice to revive the Southern Center for H u man Rights. The l'Oice cuts to Brigh t talking about an HIV-positive man who was arrested for shopli fting, put in a ce ll with tubercular cell mates, denied hjs AI D S medication, then, months later, kicked out onto the street at midnight. Eighty pounds l i ghter, unable to walk, he died soon thereafter. The radio cuts back to the voice-Arnold's own. I- I i s mind goes back over the week of interYiell'S and edits, of cutting and pasting sound waves on h i s computer. Now, at 6:-+0 a.m., here is the final product. And even though Arnold has been hearing h i s voice on the radio for fi1·e years, he still isn't q u i te used to it. \V hen he th i nks of the 10 mill i on other people listening, it feels stranger sti l l . Fi1·e years ago Arnold (opposite, left) was h i red a s a Tational Public Radio reporter in the Bay .\rca, the sil icon nexus of the new world economy. He took th e job-reporting on entrepreneurshi p in .\meri ca-ll'ith a littl e dread. Arnold knew as much about business as most English majors. But in those file �·cars, he's been digging for the human side of business-the sacrifices, the p<lssion, the courage and the insanity of these people who throw their whole l ives into buil ding someth ing out of nothing (in Bright's case, a nonprofit). ln a sense, i t's been A.mold's job to report on the \merican Dream.
For National Public Radio, This is Chris Arnold and Gerry Hadden F i fteen hw1dred m i les south and east, Gerry H adden ' 89 (above, right) s i ts i n the glass enclosed l i brary on top of his house. Around him spreads Mexico C i ty, one of the l a rgest collections of human beings on earth . Looking om, he can see the Chapultapec Castle, the nearby Parque Espa11a a nd tl1e hazy h i l l s south of the city. For tl1e last year, Hadden has been
ational Public Radio's foreign correspondent in Mexico
Ci ty, reporting not only on tl1e 20 m i l l i on people around h i m but on major events in the region, from tl1e U . S . border to the Soutl1 American jungles and the islands stretching out to the Antil l es. Covering such a n expansive beat can be overwhe lming, but H a dden says somehow i t all works out. An example: After j ust three days i n Mexico Ci ty-fres h from Los Angeles-Hadden was in
a hotel, sti l l l ivin g out of his suitcase, u-yi ng to fi nd a n apartment when he got a cal l : h e had to Ay to H a i ti to cover tl1e coun try's congressional elections. H adden got off tl1e plane i n Port-au- Prince and b l i n ked. He di dn't know exactly where he was and didn't speak a word of Creole. Around him was a cow1try deep i n crisis. There had been several recent pol i tical k i l l i n gs. The electoral system was i n chaos (especially where ballots were delivered by donkey), and for more than a year there had been no functioning government. H a dden hit the grmmd runni ng-and was hooked. "It was exhi l arating," he said, "because you land and you go, ' Okay, what tools do I have? I have four days to get m y first piece on the air and I don't know how to ask for a taxi . How am I goi n g to do tl1 i s ) ' And you know it j ust a lways works out somehow. I don't know h ow, but somehow in the last m j n u te it a lways works out." Witl1in a few days, H a d den's voice was conling through radios across America, i ntervi ewing soda vendors, boys washing cars and a m a n who pulled two pieces of shrapnel out of his arm from when he had walked by an exploding grenade. H a dden went out i nto the cow1try si de-wading through swollen rivers where jeeps couldn't go-to i n tenriew peasants who were forming cooperatives to help themselves. Those were his fi rst reports for N P R 's i nternational desk, and a fter a trial by fire H adden came out a correspondent.
2 00 1
T n the begi n n ing, radio was like magic. A telegraph without poles. .1.A telephone w ithout \1ires.
In 1 90 1 , I ta l i a n mYentor Gugl i elmo ,\ I arconi sat on a cliff in
?\Te"foundland listen i n g to his earphone and heard a famt pip pip
pip from his other machine across the Atlantic. The Morse letter "s"
signaled a new era. The world was stwmed by Marconi 's 1 , 700-m i l e transmission. Alexander Graham B e l l refused to believe i t . B u t
\1·ithin three decades science fiction had become a daily fact, and the world \1·as glued to the radio.
"'hen the Depression hit America, radio provided a cheap escape
the l istener. I t was "photoj ournal ism for the ear," i n the words of co-founder \Vi lliam Siemering .
S i nce its first l ive broadcast, of the 1 97 1 Senate Vietnam hear i ngs, � TF R has grow n . Today, the $9 5 - m i l l i on -a-year network has 490 affiliate stations, 16 m i l l i on l isteners each week and almost 80
reporters across tl1e globe. In th e com muting era, i t has succeeded i n becoming one of tl1e most respected n e w s agencies in t h e worl d .
o h o w do y o u get t o be part of t h i s orga n i zation-this e l i te corps of reporters? It's a question Chris Arnold gets a l l the t i m e . It's
from rea l ity. The popularity o f Amos 'n' Andy, The Lone Ranger
one he never knows q u i te how to answer.
e\'e n i n g l i fe .
English degree-got t o be a national busmess reporter personally responsible f o r i nterpreting one of the most i m portant periods in
and F D R 's fi reside chats soared, and the sho,1·s became fixtures of But radio a l so became somethi n g more. I t w a s on radio that F D R
The only one Arnold can give i s how he-a rmed only w i th h i s
announced t h e bomb i ng o f Pearl Ha rbor, that Ed\\'ard R . i\ 1u rrow
American busi ness h i story: the rise of the I nternet.
the bombing of H i rosh ima and 1'agasaki . Radio became our livi n g
right when i t started, right when Netscape fi rst happened. And you
made h i s war d i spatches from Europe and that Truman announced
connection t o t h e worl d .
Accord ing to some, i n 1 9 50 radio w a s j ust coming of age and
was on the \'erge of becoming a higher art. Then, disaster hit: a
hypnotic new medium, called "radiovision" by some and "television"
" I t's been kind of nuts to watch," h e said, "because I was here
could see i t build, a n d watch how this i nsane wave of i rrational
exuberance spread, and how everybody got caught up i n it. At first it didn't make any sense to me, or a lot of the people i n th e valley. A
lot of the venture capitalists said, ' I don't know how these companies
··..r-:_\_ 1 '
h) other'>, '><>On robbed radio of its biggest stars and most of its audi
ence. \merica 's entertainment hifted from word to image; from \\'hat '' a'> hemg '>aid
the person '' ho said it. To paraphrase one critic, it
'' ent from the theater of the mind to the theater of the mi ndless.
'fo '>Un I \ e, rad i o nern orks began fragmenti n g i nto niche markets:
ne\1 ., '>t<ltlom, ta lk stations, m usic statiom, etc. By the mid- I 960s, rad i o h,1d l o'>t I t'> \l<l) .
I n I <J6 - , 1 11 re.,pome to '' hat Federal Communications Commis
'1on C h a 1 rnun '\.·e,1 ron \I i no\1 ca l l ed "the ' ast wasteland" of televi
,ion, the Co rpor<mon f o r Public Broadcasting \1 as f o rmed. Lyndon
J o h n.,on (\\ ho m1 ned
rad io station) proposed a rnd i o component ,
and th ree ) C<lr'> Luer '\,1uon,1 l Public Radio '' as born , '' i th an eye W\I .1rd re\ i u l i 1 1 n g the a u r,1 1 med i u m .
\ l m o'>t 1mmedutc l ) . '\ P R '>tarted attracting I i . tener'>. Sho\1 s l i ke
Ill I /i1111f,'
mon nc\1
Co11.11drn·d a n d
\ lon11111t,
Dlaio11 pioneered the nm1 -com
nuga 1 i n e f ornut. \ccord m g to r<1d10 h i storian Susan
Dougl.1 . '\, P R ··re' I \ ed the '>Ort o f e� e\1 i tne'>s <lCcount pioneered
b� CB
m cht. Lne I
<J3() " ;111d U'>ed .un l m: n t '><>und� to tr<111'>port
are goi n g to m a ke any money,' way back i n 1 996 or 1 99 7 . And by
1 999 the whole world had gone crazy, and i t j ust created a rea l i ty of
i ts own. I t was an i n teresti n g kind of h u n d red-year-flood to watc h . " I t was a n actual hundred-year-flood t h a t fi rst got Arnold i n the
door at N P R . After working at Col by's \iVM H B , where (with an eye toward his resume) he'd put together a news departn 1 e nt,
thought rad i o m i ght be a good way to put his i n terest i n writing together w i th his other i n terests, i n cluding ra d i o and news.
So after grad uation, h e fol lowed his girlfriend to San Francisco
(they later broke up), and
mold was tem p i n g two days a week at
a hospital and ru n n i n g around with his tape recorder the rest-fi rst
for a local commercial statio n , then volunteering, stri nging and free lancing for KQED, the San Francisco pub l i c ra d i o stati o n . Wl1en
den1stating noods hit northern C a l i f o rn i a , h e was sent to cover them . lt ,,·as there that h e a l most blew h i s big chance.
"They sent me up there i n a pickup truck," h e re members, "and I
got in there j ust before they closed the roa d , a n d the
P R reporter
cou l d n 't get i n . So the � P R ed itor started cal l i n g me on the cell
phone, saying, ' You have to do a story for Morning Edition.' " I w a s totally young and I said, ' I can't, I have t o do a story for
KQED.' I said I'd do stories for them, and since I'm a youn ger, not-so experienced reporter, I th ink the most prudent thing to do is to tell you I shouldn't do the story.' There was a pause, and the national editor kind of laughed and said, 'That's really cute, Chris, but we need a story for tomorrow morning. Three and a half minutes .' And he hung up." As the only reporter in the Aooded area, Arnold found h i mself filing l ive reports on a cell phone from a canoe on swollen rivers. H e
a Fulbright Scholarsh ip. After f o u r mon ths in L. A . , H adden found himself in Mexico City, looking for a place to l i ve . P R are as vari ed as th e stories you hear on it. B u t The paths to one rule is always t h e s a m e . "You can't j u s t graduate from school a n d apply and g e t a job," s a i d Arnold. " I t's totally a trade. I t's L k e be ing a carpenter or someth i ng. You've got to learn it, and you've got to wade in and you've got to make absolutely no money for a few years . . . . You've got to bust your ass for a few years and get tl1rough a lot of crap to get to the point where you're good enough that somebody
homes while th e water rose to electrical outlets. At tl1e end of the
would actually hire you. But the tl1ing is, even a fter you do that, tl1ere's absolutely no guarantee you're going to get h i red. There are five good
year, he won several awards for his reports and his use of sound.
people for every job."
watched people g e t helicoptered off roofs and stand on tables in their
But most important, he got noticed at N P R. Six montl1s later, when a position opened up on tl1e national desk, Arnold applied and got it. As a yow1g man, Gerry Hadden also went west. After graduating
I n other words, you work hard, you get a break, and you take it. Both H adden and Arnold know how l ucky tl1ey are, a n d both seem to love their work-m ining tl1e sounds and voices and stories
tl1en moved to New York, where he worked in publishing because he
around them and shaping these into sometl1 i n g for us to hear. Not only that, but they seem to have fun and to love the way tl1 e i r work
lmew he wanted to be a writer. Only he didn't know what kind.
has opened their eyes.
from Colby with a degree in German, he u·avelcd the world for a year,
" After three years in book publishing," said Hadden, "I had
" I t's a free pass to walk i n to people's l i ves a l l across tl1e coun try,"
learned, I think, what I was going to learn about how to get pub
said Arnold. "I j ust love it. I 've a l ways loved it. I love tel l i n g stories.
lished. And I was dying sitting behind a desk. So not !mowing exactly
Eve1-y few days, or every week, I get to go out and meet some tota l l y
J ll
j _ -� j
'· -� -
.. - ·-
-� J ----
new person and ask them any question I want about their l i fe a nd
what else to do, I did a big tl1ing. I j ust shook everything up and moved to the otl1er coast and said, 'I want to be a writer. I don't know
then come back and turn that i n to a story for otl1er people to hear.
what tl1at means exactly, but I can't stay in this inertia that I'm in ."' For about a yea r, H adden bum med around Seattle, doing temp
other people to learn from and think about . "
work, writing fiction (which appeared i n Sto1y and learns magazines) and bragging to his Tew York friends tl1at he l i ked to work tl1ree
to have l a nded i n , " he said. "You can m a ke a people or a country o r
I t's like tlu·ow ing people's personal stories out there on the a i r for H a dden agrees. " I feel l i ke it's t h e greatest, m o s t creative n i che
weeks and take tl1e fourth one off. But soon a new angst settled i n . "After a b o u t a year, I realized t h a t I w a s more ambitious t h a n I
place come t o l i fe for somebody in a way that p r i n t and TV can't. I
had tl1ought, and I started to feel antsy, intel lectu a l ly. Then I j ust stumbled i nto an i n ternship a t tl1e local N P R station. And tl1e first
radio can touch people o n a deeper level . " And despite me stress
day I w a l ked i n tl1e door, I thought, ' I 'm going to do everything in my power to never leave this worl d . ' Because i t rea l ly fe l t l i ke the
his half-continent beat for a desk job. The eirpanse for which he is
fi rst job i n my l i fe that I l i ked, besides being a taxi driver." And aside from two months he took off to write tl1e text for Home Tre e Home, a book about how to bui l d treehouses, he's never l e ft that worl d . H adden's i n ternship evolved i n to s o m e " c u t and copy" work
(writing tl1e news), tl1en reporting. And tl1en he got called to fi l l i n for M a nda l i t Del B a rco, w h o l e ft her post in Los Angeles f o r
th ink TV is ind ispensable on certain levels. But in general, I mink of having such a h u ge a rea to cover, Hadden still wouldn't trade responsible is even a blessing. " Because the region is so huge," he said, "it frees me u p to cover the most i m portant stories or tl1e most i n teresting stories or to rea l ly . poke arow1d and try . to show the face of a country . or culture that people might not be used to hearing about. And fi n a l ly, when I start
to get overwhelmed, I remind myself mat I get paid to travel and be curious and tel l stories. I t's tl1e greatest job i n the worl d . "
2 00 1
Th e A
Reexamination of Diversity at Colby Opens the Door to New Possibilities BY STE P H E
C O LLI N S ' 7 4
Colb, Bates and Bowdoin students listen to a speaker during one of the workshop sessions at the CBB Diversi9 Conference at Colb.
E fl
"'!Then Ten nessee \\ atson '03 arrived l'l' a t Colby two years a go from a
u l e and a biology and art double major.
d i ffer. In the fe rment o f campus l i fe ,
She often wondered, " \V hy can't I be
shared m e aI s , forums about d iversity and
suburb of Rochester, �.Y., she con fi
as positive as these other Colby kids? "
c l a ssic l at e - n i gh t d o r m - ro o m d i sc u s
dently threw herself i n to tough academic
Com i n g fro m a sol i d w or k i n g- c l a ss
sions, these two close friends d iscovered
courses and settled on a double major
fa m i ly from a sma l l tow n outside o f
t h a t w h a t m a d e t h e i r e x p e ri e n c e s a t
in Lati n A merican studies and govern
L e w i ston-Aubu rn , she fou n d a code
Colby s o d i ssi m i la r w a s the d i fference
ment. I n her fi rst semester she p layed
and sensibi l ity on campus that she now
in their backgrounds and, in particu l a r,
soccer on weekends with i n ternationa l
characterizes as "subu rban" and that she
d i fferences i n socioeconomic class .
students and m a d e up f o r relative i nex
si mply did n't get. " Everyone d resses a
avigat i n g the a ffronts and frustra
perience on the field with tenacity. I n
lot a l i ke even though a lot of kids can't
tions that a re pa rt of day-to - d ay Ii fe,
t h e w i n t e r s h e w o n comp e t i t i o n s a t
rea l ly a fford to do that," she said.
" I 'd be a mused, a n d she'd be en raged," Watson sa i d . "It [this rea l i zation] rea l ly
Sugarloaf i n the boardercross-a sort
The two women h ave been room
of snowboard-race-meets-rol ler-derby
mates si nce m i dway through their fi rst
l most i nstantly, Colby was her
year. They're both bright, a r t i c u l ate,
H i l l said, "Te n n y was clueless, a s i n
oyster. "I saw it as a pretty homogenous
engagi ng, c u rious, wh ite, progressive.
' Everybody 's happy, just l i ke me.' I was
em·ironment and real i zed it was comfort
And each now cha racterizes hersel f as
l i ke, 'Who a re these k ids a n d where d o
able for me," she reca I led th is spri ng.
having been "clueless."
t h e y c o m e from ? "'
broke down wal ls for me."
A l l yson H i l l '03 of ;\ f i not, M a i ne,
Vlhat led to this conclusion was not
Now they both tel l the same story as
a r r i v e d a t the s a m e t i m e a n d s p e nt
what they share but rather where they
a n example of how d iversity at Colby has
much of her fi rst two years
wonderi ng why she didn't
a ffected them a n d their C O N FRO NTE D THE M O ST D I FF I C U LT
feel she fit i n . To fi l l her
work-stud r req u i rement
she took jobs i n
wash i n g d ishes and cook i n g omelets and struggled
This is n o t your clas
S P O KE . . . . TO DAY W E C HALLE N G E D O U R S E LV E S . Justin Ehrenwerth ' 0 1 , an organizer of the first CBB Diversity Conference
There was high voltage in the
s i c c a s e of d i v e rs i t y i n action-i n
socia I
c l a s s h a s o n l y rece n t l y been i ncluded i n d iscus-
"Experience of Religious Students
reception that Justin Ehrenwerth '01
on a Largely Sec u l a r Campus," "Ori
received when he welcomed Bates,
gins of Hiphop" and "The Chal
Bowdoin and Colby students to the
lenges of E n rolling Diverse Stu
keynote address of the 2001 CBB
dents" (to see the complete confer
Diversity Conference. And there was
ence schedule go to www.col by.edu/
a lot of whooping mixed in with the
a p p lause when he credited fellow
As the crowd enth usiastically
students who hel ped plan the two
acknowledged in turn organizers
day event in March.
Ehrenwerth, Soun u n Tek '03, Lee
·we put together a conference
Rankin '03, Rob Ta rlock '01 and
together that we can be proud of
Rob Henzi '01, it was clear that fou r
for the rest of our lives; E h renwerth
months of planning h a d paid off.
told the crowd of about 900 peop le that packed the Page Commons Room to hear actor a nd activist D a n ny G lover. Despite an early-
v iew of the world .
E h renwerth, who is white, had
Dan19 Cloier, the actor and social actw1 t who delivered the krynote address at
been t h r u st into Colby's discussion
the CBB Dweni!J Con rence, discussed issues with students ajlerward.
of diversity as a mem ber of the
1998 Tas k Force on I nstitutional
M a rch snowstorm, h u ndreds of CBB students had showed u p on
Racism and one of the student group that occu pied the president's
a Saturday morning for 13 workshops-what E h renwerth cal led
office in 1999. He knew, he says, t h at a missing element at Colby
·the true su bstance of this conference"-with topics that incl uded
was a forth right and intensive student-to-stude nt dialogue about
"A Panel Discussion on Sexual Preference; "Racial Stratification ;
diversity, and he knew it couldn't be i m posed by the administration.
a n e x a m p l e of how d i ve r s i t y i n t h e
concerns i nclude (but a re not l i m i te d
student body e n riches t h e educational
to) recru i t i n g a d iverse student body
Some d i mensions of d i versity have
experience at Colby. Much of the con
and fac u l ty; e x p a nd i n g the canon of
cha l l enged students and en riched Col
versation about diversity has been about
A ffa i rs Jeri Roseboro.
i m por t a n t , teachable work s ; m a k i n g
by's ed ucationa l experience ever si nce
race, and when you consider d i fferences
the community welcom ing, respectfu I
the Col lege was founded in the e a rl y
in race, national ity, gender, sex ual orien
a n d comfortable for people from a l l
1 9th centu ry. n u t as America exa m i ned
tation and religion that are i ncreasingly
backgro u n d s ; a n d , a s i n the cases o f
notions of eq u a l ity d u r i n g and si nce
part of the m i x , it's a rich stew i ndeed.
Watson and H i l l , lea rn i ng how t h e world
the Civil Rights movement, especi a l ly
both looks and operates for d i fferent
along racial l i nes, diversity has presented
people who have d i fferent perspectives.
mu ltiple a nd peren n i a l chal lenges for
iversity is a term that gets used a lot these days, particu larly a round
" T h e n u m b e r o n e reason [ fo r a n
l iberal arts colleges, particularly those in
h i gher education. There is perhaps no
i nstitutional i n terest i n d iversity] i s the
northern I ew England. I ow there's a
si ngle more i mporta nt issue at col l eges
educational benefit," said Associate Dean
strong sense on campus, based on events
l i ke Colby, and at the same time there
of Students and D i rector of l ntercu ltu ra I
of the past year, that decades of i nterest
are few words that have such a diversity
in and work on these issues have brought
of mean i ngs. At Colby a lone, d iversity
d iversity
a new
level of p ro m i nence a t Col by. I nterest, activity and com mit-
Last fall, working i ndependently from his role as Student Govern ment Association p resident, Ehrenwerth and sophomores Tek and
others-about u nderstanding minority students in ge nera l . What was the bridge between them?" he said. He felt that different
Rankin contacted students at Bates and Bowdoin to organize the
groups of students often didn't seem to u nderstand each other and
joint conference. Kate B u r ke, a sophomore at Bates, recruited about
weren't even trying to talk. "That was one of the reasons I wa nted to
20 Bates students to help promote the conference because, she
be involved in planning this diversity conference."
said, "I know people at Colby, Bates and Bowdoin who don't feel comfortable in their campus com m u nities:' Thrilled with the success of the event, Burke said, "We'd love to host it [at Bates] next year or the year after:' Praise for the conference came from faculty, administrators and trustees as wel l . " I t was by far the most positive and encouraging
Rankin, an African American from Rhode Island, said he hopes the success of the conference w i l l help Colby draw additional students from different backgrounds and races: " People w i l l read about this and say there is a contact mode here and they rea l ly do care about my guys and what I ' m going through." More im mediately, Rankin says he's seen positive results on
effort to address these difficult and i m portant issues that we have
campus since the conference. "Before the conference there was
witnessed in our ten years at Col by;· professors Mark Ta ppan and
never any talk about diversity-only among some small homoge
Lyn Brown wrote to students who orga nized and participated in
neous groups, amongst the black kids or the Asians or the Jewish
the conference.
students; he said. " Now, even within my own dorm, I 've had conversa
"I think it definitely had a lot of im pact;' said Tek. "Diversity is a key to u nderstanding �ach other and the world in general." An Asian American from Philadelphia, Tek said he was surprised when
tions with people who I had never spoken to about diversity before." "The conference did more to bring up the q uestions rather than solve problems; Eh renwerth concluded when it was over.
he a r rived at Colby that it often seemed like "a strain for minority
Between the conference and other diversity i nitiatives that have
students to be on friendly relations with the majority students."
taken shape, "This year has been good in terms of sta rting dia
"I was j ust curious about how people felt about u ndersta nding
logues; he said.
Diversi!J History 1 0 1 In 187 1 , when C o l by adm itted M a ry
ment on the part of students, faculty and
open ness of learners, w h i l e it a l so w i l l
admi nistration are at an a ll-time high .
promote u nderstanding o f the i nevitable
7\ Iost visibly, i n March, Colby students
fa lse starts and temporary setbacks of the learn i n g process."
Low, it breached the gender barrier a fu l l
i nitiated and played host to a two-day
century before most other New England
Colby-Bates-Bowdoin Diversity Confer
In t h e context of l i be r a l l e a r n i n g,
men's col lege s . Ad am S i m pson G reen,
ence exploring race, religion and sexuality
d iversity i mpl ies open ness to a bro a d
issues at the three col leges (see "Va l u i n g
spectrum of ideas, l ibera l a n d conserva
D ifferences," page 16). I n April, President
tive, on the subject o f d iversity a s on
American gra d u ate s . From the begi n n i ng,
\Vi ll i a m D. Adams issued a letter outl in
a ny topic, a n d it rema i n s a n u nderlyi n g
the B a pt i sts who fo unded C o lby e n s u red
i n g the Col lege's goa l s a n d objectives
principle o f the i n stitution for people
re ligious fre e d o m . Before Bro Adams
(page 19) and more than a dozen concrete
w it h w i de-ra n g i n g ph i losop h i e s to be
tackled d iversity, B i l l Cotter worked
i nitiatives for u ndersta ndi ng, enhancing
heard a n d to be part of the debate.
C l a s s of 1887, a n d M a rion Thom pson Osborne, C l a s s of 1900, were respec tively the fi rst male and female African
for 2 1 years to im prove the cl i m ate
and welcom ing d iversity. And during the
Roseboro notes that d iversity was h igh
school year, students and faculty sponta
on the agenda of the Board of Trustees
tions before them actively recruited stu
neously sta rted a variety of d iversity
a nd the presidenti a l sea rch comm ittee
dents of color.
suppor t i n g i n it i at ives and events (see
that recruited Adams, and she expressed
"Ta k i n g the I ntiative," page 20).
optimism about future progress. "There's
for u nde rrepresented m i norities a n d to i n c rease their n u m bers, a n d a d m i n i stra
B u t diversity can mean " d i sagree ment" as well as "variety," and the h i s tory of diversity at the C o l lege includes periods of conflict. I n 1970 black stu d e nts took over Lo rimer C h a pe l a n d demanded a b l a c k studies c u r r i c u l u m a n d cha nges i n C o l l ege policies. I n 1994 Students of Color U n ited for Ch ange expressed its frustration with the status quo and c a l led for sepa rate mu lticultura l h o u s i ng. I n 1 9 9 8 a series o f c h a rges aga i nst the i n stitution leveled by Mayra
a quote from one of the h i gher education
t here \\'as widespread agreement when
jou rn a l s I read that says, ' Re a l chan ge
Adams, i n h is i naugural address, ca l led
requi res more than new rhetoric and well -
Kate Bu rke, Bates '03, an organizer of the first C B B Diversity Conference
Diaz '98 led to a Task Force on I n stitu
for a heightened awareness a n d u nder
i ntended add-ons to current practices,"'
tional R a c i s m , a n d i n 1999 a student
stan d i n g of diversity issues. " \Ve a re i n
Roseboro said. "That's exactly where he
gro u p occupied the president's office
t h i s together," h e said. " \Ve can not get
has taken us. The steps he's ta ken a re the
for n i n e hours, presenting a l i st of 16
to where we want to go u n less we a l l
ones that had to happen ."
demands related to d iversity and rac i s m . Working from the prem i se t h a t a fu l l accounting o f t h e past is necessary
u nderstand ou rselves t o b e pu l l i ng on the same rope." H e c h a rged everyone
o w hy a re students catch i n g fi re a n d
for the C o l l ege to move forward in its
with putti n g d iversity at the head of the
q u est for i n c l u s i o n and e q u ity, several
agenda. " Everyone," h e said, "needs to
tives) B ecause "The world is a diverse
students p l a n to spend the s u m m e r
be on this tra i n a l l the t i me."
place," said Tremaine \Veekes '0 1 , stu
researc h i ng a n d w r i t i n g a h i story o f
getti n g i nvolved i n d i versity i n itia
Ada ms puts "improv i n g t he campus
dent co-ch a i r of Colby's Multicultural
c l i m ate" first on h i s l i st of objectives,
A ffa i rs Committee. " I t's an i ntegral part
to ensure that every i ndividual is a fu l ly
of your education to learn to work with
m e m b e r s o f Students Orga n ized Aga i n st
p r i v i l ege d , e m powered , com for t a b l e
people from di fferent backgrou nds."
R a c i s m ( SOA R ) , a re working with Associ
mem ber of t h e Colby com mun ity. H e
" D i versity is a key factor for A mer
ate Professor of Education a n d H u m a n
a l so sa id there m u s t be a " w i l l i ngness
i c a ," s a i d Lee R a n k i n ' 03, one of t h e
d 1vers1ty, r a c i a l conflict a n d activism at C o l by. Jeff C a l a reso '01, Te nnesse e Watso n ' 03 a n d R y a n Swa n k ' 0 3 , a l l
Devel op m e nt M a r k Ta ppan a n d others
to admit that all of us, regardless of our
organ i zers of t h e C B B D iversity Confer
backgrounds or cu rrent com mitments or
e n c e . The resu l ts of the 2 0 0 0 c e n s u s
places in the i nst itutional structure, have
u nderscored t h e fact t h a t a l l Americans,
i n st1t u t 1 o n . " C a l a reso said. The domi n a nt
a great deal to learn about t h i s matter
today's students i ncluded, w i l l h ave to
h i storical record c a n erase people a n d
and it'> c.:omple.\ ities. Seeing ourseh-es as
be capable and com f ortable <lea l i n g with
events. a n d i t ' s i m portant that futu re
lea rn ers '' i l l be hel pfu l i n at least t \IO
people who a re d i fferent from them in
h i stories i nc l u d e everyone. he s a i d .
\1 ay'>: 1t '' i l l gi ' e
fu ndamental ways, he said.
o n the project. " The proce s s of u ncovering this h 1 s ory a n d exposing it is i m portant to the
A l l of these developments suggest
the eagerness and
Adams Initiatives
G e t t i n g to t h a t c o m p e t e n c e a n d
that fi nd i n g com mon ground was d i f
c o m fo r t l ev e l re q u i re s c o n fro n t i n g
ficult. " He a lways responded with a ngry
subtle a n d i nsidious forms o f racism,
ti rades and with how the world looked
sexism, homophobia and other prejudice
to h i m ," Calareso sai d . "But ! eventu a l ly
of professors and a d m i n i strators, President
t h a t exist i n societies, i n stitutions
started l i sten i n g to h i m and it turned
Adams shared a plan to broaden diversity
a n d i nd i v i d u a l s-pre j u d i ces m a n i fest
me a ro u n d . I feel l i ke [ h e ] taught me
at Colby and to i m prove the i n stitutional
i n w e l l - me a n i n g a s s u m p t i o n s about
how to do th is."
In Apri l , following meetings with a group
c u lture on campus to better su pport diver sity. The plan contained th ree pri ncipa l
d i fferences and in a s s u m p t i o n s that
The new i nsights helped turn Cala
d i fferences simply don't exist when they
reso i nto an activist on behalf of social
do. "We can't conti nue to not address
j ustice. H e did an internship at a Boston
t h e c a m p u s c l i mate f o r a l l unde r
the issue," said Roseboro. " We need to
a re a c i v i l ri ghts orga n i z a t i o n , Com
represented groups and ass ist every
look students in the eye a nd say, 'what
munity Cha nge Inc., wh ich led to h is
does racism look l i ke to you ? '"
participation in a national con ference on
goa ls a n d objectives : •
" Fi rst, w e m u st i m prove su bsta nti a l l y
member of the comm u n ity in appreci ating the value and challenges of an increasi ngly diverse commun ity."
The prejudice and oppression are rarely
raci a l pro fi l i ng. He took an education
flagrant or overt enough to m a ke the news
cou rse titled Revol utionary M u l t i c u l
or cause a public stir, but they are often
tural ism last fal l and decided t o spend
by's recruitment and rete ntion pol icies
transmitted in what Professor Margaret
this summer research i ng the history of
and practices (for students, faculty and
McFadden (American studies) refers to
d iversity at Col by, goi n g back to the
as "micro-insults"-little things that by
first A fr i c a n -A m e r i c a n student, who
themselves don't seem worth fighting but
graduated i n 1 8 8 7, a nd exa m i n i ng racial
cumulatively can u ndermine someone's
confl icts i n the Col lege's past (page 1 8) .
sense of self-worth or legiti macy.
Ryan Swa n k '03, from Hol l a nd, Pa.,
" Second, we m u st enha nce the vigor, consistency and effectiveness of Col
staff) in l ight of o u r diversity goa ls." •
"Third , we m u st revise Col by's i n stitu tional po l i cies and practices in ways that will support these goa l s . " Adams's initial plan conta i n s 16 specific
initiatives as we l l as the promise for an
a rrived at Colby fu l l of anticipation for
annual report on diversity. The memo con
prejudice, privilege and oppression, but
tack l i n g d i versity i ssues a fter h a v i n g
ta i n i ng the plan i s o n l i ne at www. colby.edu/
it's not about "what can we do for them,"
read Why A re All the Black Kids Sitting
Va l u i n g d iversity req u i res fi ght i n g
president; articles/ diversity. shtm I .
said Roseboro. I t 's about what can be
Together in the Cnfeterin as the fi rst-yea r
done to benefit t he whole society. I t 's
book two sum mers ago. "Com i ng onto
Aga i nst R a c i s m ) a s a n outlet for h i s
about " t h e e d u ca t i o n a l benefits, the
campus it was so exciti ng. It was a bra nd
activism. " I feel there are a lot o f students
u nderstanding and explori ng."
new way to look at the world," he said.
b u rn i n g to get i n to t h e s e k i n d s o f
And it's not a problem that can be irre
Afte r heari ng author B everly Tat u m
conversations,'' h e said.
vocably solved and put to bed. "There's
spea k , he w a s c l i sappointecl w h e n the
" D i scussion i s an i nt e g r a l part o f
never goi n g to be a point where we' l l
conversation d ied clow n . Then he dis
change ," Roseboro s a i d . She rec a l led
b e able t o rest content," said Professor
covered SOAR (St udents O rga n i zed
a rriving at Colby i n 1 994, the fa l l fol-
Robert We isbrot, a h istoria n of the civil rights movement.
low i ng protests by Students of Color Un i te d for C h a n g e , a n d fee l i n g that n o one wa nted to t a l k about
n t h e d i n i n g h a l l s , c l a ss
d iversi ty. That group a sserted
rooms, dormitories a nd t h e
that s t u d e nt s o f color a n d
special forums, efforts t o learn
their concerns were margin
about d iversity continue. Jeff Calareso '0 1 , from Sioux
alized and ostracized at Colby. " I h a d a head resident tel l
C i ty, Iow a , r e c a l l s a r r i v i n g at
me, 'Oh, you can't t a l k about
Colby a nd getting i n to a d iscussion
that.' These were h ighly vola-
with a gay African American. "I met
tile issues that were best left
h i m a n d I i m m e d i a t e l y sta rted a rg u i n g w it h h i m," C a l a reso
a lone." S h e a n d o t h e rs h ave
s a i d . T h e two students h a d
worked h a rd t o g e t p a s t t h a t .
such d i fferent perspectives
" Students st i l l a rrive n a ive,
but t hey're more recep
" AN
ti Y e to l i s t e n i n g," s h e
s ay i n g
h a d been ashamed of her sel f a n d her fa m i ly.
t h ey're w i l l i n g t o c h ange.
TRUTHS . . . .
B u t I t r y t o put t h e m i n situations o f creatiYe
s a i d , rec a l l i n g h o w s h e
She went on
\"\Th e n t h e � l u l t i c u l
h e l d a pub! ic for u m o n
t h e role of soc i a l class i n
. . . l
social class, more t h a n 5 0
people showed u p fo r a n 8
a . m . d i scussion a n d heard P ro fessor
B row n
ll' h o
c h i l d development . H e r o w n experience gave h e r a con n e c t i o n to p e o p l e in
m a rg i n a l i ze d
groups in the c u l t u r e ,
she s a i d , add i n g, "Th at's
Actor/ Activist Danny Glover,
(education) expl a i n how students
has subsequently done p i o n e e r i n g r e s e a rc h o n
tural A ffa i rs Committee
get a
doctorate at H a rvard a n d
ten s i o n . "
what I bring to coa l ition
keynote speaker at the first CBB Diversity Conference
b u i l d i n g."
h aY e n 't And
teach i n g, s h e m i g h t h ave
gro\1·n up 11· i t h access to the m i d d l e
of modest means in Down East N l a i n e .
class code of h o w t o s p e a k , a c t a n d dress
H e r fa t h e r s h oveled coa l o n r a i l ro a d
a d d e d . A s Brown spoke at the forum on
tend to su ffer from "a sense of i l l fit"
locomotives. \Vhen she w e n t to col lege
soci a l class, A l lyson H i l l and Ten nessee
ll'hen they get to college. \\'hen it comes
she found that her classm ates and pro
Watson l i s tened attentively, and a piece
to d i\'ersity, a lot of attention i s focused
fe ssors t a l ked d i ffe r e n t l y from w h a t
of their puzzle fel l i n to place. Later H i l l
o n g e n d e r, r a c e , re l i g i o n a n d s e x u a l
s h e w a s used to, u s i n g a n u n fa m i l i a r
wou ld say: " vVhen I got to Colby I h a d
orientation, she s a i d ; "Class i ntersects
i n d i r e c t n e s s i n s t e a d o f s ay i n g w h a t
n o idea," referring t o the role of soci a l
them a l l , a n d ll'e don't k n oll' how
t h e y m e a n t . " I d i d n 't h ave access to
c l a s s a t Colby. " I d i d n't k now h o w to
t a l k about it." Broll'n said she came from a fa m i ly
the m i ddle-cl ass code of how to speak
deal with it. I d i d n't even k now what it
a n d how to act.
was the fi rst two yea rs."
fel t stupid," she
Taking the Initiative In addition to the CBB Divers ity Conference, a variety of events and
was sponsored by the Colby Republicans and the C u ltural Events
i n itiatives sponsored by students and faculty this year addressed
Com mittee, and students who di sagreed with D' Souza's views
d iversity issues. Among them: ·
Vol u nteer faculty mentors will work with students of color to
organized a teach-i n . ·
help ensure their success at Colby. The program was formed in response to a fee l i ng among some faculty that there's a gap
I n the residence h a l l read i ng seminars, professors chose books
Losing Matt Shepard Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris.
between recruiting students of color and providing sufficient sup
dea l i ng with issues of diversity, among them
port once they're on campus, Professor J u l ie de Sherb i n i n said.
by Beth Loffreda,
A Peer Mentors program run by the Dean of Students Office assigns interested first-year students of a l l races an upperclass
Students and faculty want to develop and strengthen a gay-lesbian
advisor to help them navigate academic and social l ife.
bisexua l-tra nsgendered network of a l u m n i , students and faculty so
A proposal to revam p the academic diversity req u i rement has
that, for example, a student might contact an alumnus or a l umna
been sent to the Academic Affa irs Committee for consideration.
to find out if a company provides a workplace where it is safe to be
A group of students call ing itself the Coalition for Equal ity met with President Adams through the year to seek additional sup
openly homosexua l , according to Professor Ma rga ret McFadde n . ·
port that members had found lacking for students of color. ·
A petition was circulated among students, and the Student
The Student Government Association passed a resolution to end the a n n u a l " Screw You r Roommate" dance, which had been iden
urging adoption of a gay, lesbian , bisexu a l , tran sgendered stud ies progra m , known in academe as · q ueer studies."
Project Ally, w h i c h provi des su pport t o gay, lesbian and b i sexual students, entered its third year.
Government Assoc1at1on President's Council passed a motion,
Concerned male students started a group called M * A * S * H , a n acronym for Males Aga i n st Sexism and Homophobi a .
tified as offensive to gay and lesbian students and to women. ·
The Col lege's M u lticultural Affa irs Committee held four public
On May 2 Dinesh D' Souza gave a lecture titled " Racism Is Not
forums to d i scuss issues of gender, social class, sexual orienta
the Problem." The ta lk by the controve rsial conservative pundit
tion and religious differences.
From the H i l l
president's page
Diversity and the Future ofAffirmative Action Wi l l iam D . Adams, President
I \\
/ '\ �\
T h e i ncrea s i n gl y n oisy p u b l i c debate ove r t h e r o l e o f a ffi r m a tive a c t i o n i n h i gh e r education took a decisive t u rn this year in two separa te court cases involving the University of Michigan. In l i gh t of the nature of those cases
and the opinion s they produced, i t now seems a l most certain that the
I \\
number of students from underrepresented groups, includi ng, i m portan tly, student s
from A me r i c a n raci a l m i n o r i t i e s . B u t our pursuit o f diversity has not stopped
there. By growi n g our fi n a n c i a l a i d resources, w e have been a b l e to recruit and e n ro l l s t u d e n ts from diverse socioecononi.ic backgrounds, even as
U . S . Supreme Court w i l l once a ga i n address t h e matter, nea rly a quarter century after its l andmark decision i n Regents of the Unive1"Sity of
Califo1·nia v. Bakke. The outcome could affect profow1dly the admission practices of colleges and wi.iversities for many years to com e . T h e cases a t Michiga n focused on adni.ission policies i n both the C o l l e ge o f Arts and S c i e n ce s and the Law Schoo l . In both cases, plaintiffs claimed that the universi ty's
the cost of private higher education has increased dramatically over that ti me. In more recent years, we have increased dramatically the number of international students on tile campus, as well as students from outside the nortlleastern
ruted States. And we have
always sought a diversity of talents-athletes, bassoorusts, debate rs-as a n important element in tile construction of each class. All of these differences have educational value
and sigruficance for our students and faculty.
practices violate d provisions of the equal protection clause of the
Wli a t m a k es the prospect of the S u p r e m e C o u rt's review o f
1 4th Amendment and Title VI of the Civi l Rights Act of 1 964. The
a ffi r m a tive a c t i o n n o w m o r e l i k e l y a n d w o r r i s o m e i s t h e d e e p
judges i n the separately argued cases arrived at perfectly contradictory
disagreement in tl1e Michigan rulings over t h e force a n d mearung o f
conclusions regarding tl1 a t claim, in one case upholding (tl1e College
Powell's defense of diversity i n Bakke. I n Gratz v . Bollinger, Federal
of Arts and Sciences) and i n the other striking down (the Law School)
D i strict Court J udge Patrick ] . D u ggan concluded strongly t h a t
tl1e adni.ission policies i n question. The key issue in the M i cli.igan cases concerns the lati tude colleges
" u n d e r Bakke, d i vers i ty consti tutes a co m p e l l i n g gove r n m e n t a l interest . . . justifying the use of race a s o n e factor i n tile adni.ission
and w1iversities have in pursuing diversity as a goal of tl1e admjssion
process." In tl1e case a t the Law School, Judge Bernard
process. In Bakke, Justice Pow e l l 's tie-breaking and solitary opinion
ruled i n exactly tile opposite d i rection. "The court does not doubt,"
A. Fri edman
affirmed the legi timacy of tl1e goal of diversity and penru tted col lege
he observed, "tl1at racial diversity in tile law school population may
and university admission processes to consider race as one of a number
provide . . . educational benefits. . . .
of factors in adni.ission decisions regarding specifi c candidates. Since
tllat tile attainment of a raci ally diverse class is not a com pelling state
onetlleless, tile fact remains
that time, and increasingly over time, many institutions, Colby among
interest because it was not recogn j zed as such by Bakke and it is not a
them, have sought to recrujt classes composed of students from diverse
remedy for past discrini.ination."
backgrounds in keeping with Powel l 's decision in Bakke. U n l i k e a ffi r m a t i v e a c t i o n i n e m p l o y m e n t p r a c t i c e s , w h e r e
Since tile Supreme Court has not revisited the essenti a l issues i n
Bakke f o r more tl1an 20 years, i t is impossible t o say with certainty how
remediation o f t h e e ffects of past discrimination h a s been tile primary
it will receive new challenges to the diversity argument. But the court's
p h i l osophical and l egal j us t i fi ca tion, a ffi rm a tive action in college
recen t rulings on the scope o f affirmative action i n e m ploym e nt,
admission has been tightly l i nked to the educational mission. That
combined w i th the i n herent ambiguiti e s of Bakke, give p l e n ty of
l inkage is grounded in tl1e notion that students learn more and more
reason for concern.
powerfu l ly w h e n they a re l iving and l e a rn i ng in a n environment
Stated in tile broadest possible terms, that concern is this: any serious
composed of indivi duals from very different backgrounds, perspectives
and broad legal reu·enchment on tile legal argument for diversity would
and experiences. VVhile identifying individual students of acadeni.ic
be very damagi n g to American higher education. Though we have
ta l e nt and merit, adni. ission processes should also attempt to create an
some distance left to travel, our colleges and universities have made
i ntell ectually challenging mix of students from the pool of qua l i fi ed
important gains on tile diversity front i n recent years, and tile education
applicants. It is this essen tially pedagogical claim for diversity that
we offer is far better as a result. Our students know more about tile
Justice Powell confi rmed as a "compe lling interest" in his opiruon.
world because of tile differences tlley encounter in college life, and they
At Colby and most other rughly selective liberal arts coll eges, tile
are better prepared for tile challenges tllat wait for tllem beyond our
pursuit of diversity ove r the past several years has meant several
campuses. \iVe must not back away from our obl igations to tile future
things. vVe have focused very djrectly and intensely on increasing the
and to the broader public good we are comni.itted to serving. a
200 1
I 21
From the H i l l
o n ca mpus
0 . A1 ternat1ve Dennis Ross sees negotiation as the only way to e nd M ideast violence
or more t h a n a d e c a d e , A mba ssador Den n i s Ross w a s able
conti nue but escal ate. I n
to see peace on the distant ?- I ideast hori zon . The key player
h i ndsight, Ross s a i d , h e has
in peace negotiations a nd ;.\ l ideast policy m a k i ng under four
lea rned lessons that apply to a ny e ffort
C". S . presidents, Ross saw his d re a m of an end to host i l ities between
to end the hos t i l ities in the future.
Palesti n i a n s and I s rae l i s v a n ish l i ke a m i rage l ast year as then-Israeli
For one, he poi nted out that the process w i l l conti nue. But there
Prime :\ l i n i ster Ehud Barak and Palesti n i a n Authority C h a i r m a n
w i l l be neither i mposition of an agreement from outside parties nor
Ya sser A r a fat s t o o d at t h e bri n k of a p e r m a nent s o l u t i o n to t h e
a u n i l atera l agreement of any k i nd . " Wi t h a l l the m i l itary power
Palest i n i a n quanda ry. The opportunity s l ipped away.
the Israel i s h ave, they c a n not use force to e x t i n g u i s h P a lest i n i a n
"A l l the p o s i t i ,·es were a \•a i l ab l e ," Ross s a i d i n the i na u g u r a l
aspi rations," Ross said. " I t w i l l not happen. B u t the Palest i n i a n s a lso
G oldfa rb Lecture :\ l ay 1 a t Colb�·· " You couldn't g o a ny further. You
h ave to learn that violence doesn't work. There a re some a mong
cou ldn't do a ny better, and the a lternative was very stark."
t h e P a l e s t i n i a n s who t h i n k t h e H ezbo l l a h m o d e l works because
se,·en months of \'iolence have shown just how stark the a lternative \1 ould pro,·e to be. Yet Ross, spea k i ng to an overflow Page Commons
H e zbol l a h forced t he I s rae l i s out of Lebanon . Those w h o t h i n k that a re dead wrong."
aud ience, offered a rem i nder of how much progress has been made
egotiations must continue, he said, but they w i l l not succeed i f
i n the 'l l ideast in the past decade a nd said both sides in the con fl ict
the two sides say a t the barga i n i n g table that they a re com m i t ted to
k n o'' t h e y h a ,·e n o a l t e r n a t ive
peace but a re not comm itted in their actions apart from negotiations.
nego t i a t io n a n d , u l t i m a te l y,
a peace a g reem e n t . "As b a d as it becomes-look at the c u rrent sit uation-they keep com i n g back to trying to fi nd a way out."
Palesti n i a n s can not i ncite violence; I srael is c a n not "soc i a l i ze hos ti I ity and grievance" through their policies. I n h i n d s i ght, Ross s a i d , M i d e a s t p o l i c y m a k e rs s h o u l d have
Ross a nd others-then-President
promoted more " p eople -to-people" p rogra m s , l i ke one on goi n g
Bi l l C l i nton among them-thought
e ffort t h a t l i nk s 2 50 I sraeli a n d P a l e st i n i a n teachers. Unable t o meet
they had fo u nd a way out l a s t y e a r
i n the current c l i m ate of violence, t hey continue to com mun icate
w h e n B a r a k a nd A ra fat hovered over
by phone . " I n the end t h i s is goi n g to have to be a peace of publics,
a deal that would have given Palesti n
not just of leaders, a n d to do that you h ave to break stereotypes,
i a n s an i n d e p e n d e n t s t a t e in G a z a
you have to end demonology, a n d you have to break the ba rriers
a n d I s r a e l i s e t t l e r s a n u n d i s p u ted
between people," Ross said.
place \1 ith i n thei r country's borders.
I n fact, America can encourage those developments but can not
The a g reement was the p ro d uct of
dictate them, and that is the paradox of American involvement i n the
t h o u s a n d s of h o u r s o f d i s c u s s i o n
M ideast peace process, he said. " I ronica l ly, when the parties a re at the
a n d debate a n d represented the best
point where they can deal with existential questions, that's when we
outcome possible for both sides, Ross
should be supportive, but we should not be the ones who a re running
said . . \ r a fat turned it dow n . "Chair
negot iations," Ross said. "These go to the heart of who they are. They
nu n \ r;1 far i., nm ca pa hie of doing a permanent dea I \1 ith the I srael is,"
both have to be ready to make these decisions. In the past, I used to hear
Ro.,., ., a i d . " Doc., it mean he\ aga i mt peace \1 ith the I srae l i s ' 1'o. l
people say we need to give them an excuse to say, ' I didn't have a choice.
t h i n k he hcl 1 c\ C'> 1n i r . I r h 1 n k he hcl i c, es in a t \1 0-state solution . . . .
The Americans made me do it.' I t's the easy way out.
I r \1 ,h roo lurd f or h i m to
redefine h i m .,e l f. I t was too hard for h i m
g 1 1 L u p t he "> t ru gglc." \ 1 nlc r h cn, Rm.,, no11 a [ ) 1 ., u ngu ishcd Fellm1 at r he \ \ 'ashin gton
[ n .,r 1 ru t c fo r '\. c,1 r F ,1 ., c Pol 1c� , ha
M 'A
" T h is w i 1 1 not work if it's somebody e l se's a g reeme nt . It h a s t o b e thei rs. They have t o bel ieve in i t . They have t o i nvest i n it,
\1<Jtchcd the s t ru ggle not o n l y
they h ave to be prepa red to defe n d it, because it won't be easy."
-Gm}' Boyle ' 78
Just Wo ndering .
A Rare Lecture, Important Lesson For college students in post
Why is the blue book blue?
modern A m e rica, where being
George Coleman, registrar: This goes back i n to
cool, detached, i ronic, self-re l iant,
at least the 1 9th century. So, you know about blue
u nemotional a n d u ncomm itted is
books? \Ne l l , I know that way back when I was
de rigeur, " It's h a rd to be good."
in college there were blue books. What about the
That was the title and premise of
color? Oh, i t's an okay color. Ooookay. Stephanie
a n add ress by Ma rgaret McFadden
Hicks '03: I don't like blue books. They just
(American studies) as she received
induce stress when you see a blue book com i ng.
the 2001 Cha rles Bassett Teaching Award, presented each spring by
Ahhh! Sorry, flashback. Nancy Reinhardt, special
the senior class.
collections librarian : We l l , the earliest use of the
"I t h i n k it is, i n our current
term "blue book" (as cited by the OED) is 1 6 3 3 .
cultural moment, very d ifficult to
This usage refers to official reports o f Parliament
decide how to live an ethical l ife,
that were issued i n blue paper covers. The phrase
to be clear how to m a ke choices
"blue book" continued i n use, in Great Britain
about your l ife that are i n keeping
and in the U . S . , to the present day. Therefore,
with your core values a n d the
since exam books are issued i n uni form format, it is not surprising that they were issued in blue paper covers and called "blue books." Wow! You know your stuff. From the 1 7 th century onwards
Margaret McFadden, recipient of this year's senior class teaching award, sits with Charlie Bassett, the award's namesake, prior to her address.
thi ngs that matter the most to you;' she told her aud ience in Page Commons Room.
"Cynicism is easy;· she said. " I dealism and the hope a n d commitment a n d faith and
blue was a typ ical color used by printers as
sense of com m u n ity required to sustain it-they're hard, especially i n the face of this
a temporary binding for pamphlets. Why blue
powerful message against even tryi ng."
and not red? I ' m not sure. Thanks. Reynolds
Manufacturing Co., paper mill, Holyoke, Mass. : No answer. Barb Shutt, book division manager, bookstore: My i n teresting fact on blue books is that we sell them to departments but they're not for display i n the bookstore. Why? I can only presume that's so students don't take them and fill
The message is delivered non-stop in our culture, said McFadden, who researches popular culture and the effect of its messages on society. " Most forms of mass media exist solely to bring you, the consumer, to commercials or ads, and what advertisers want is what shapes the content between the commercia ls," she said. "If you l i ke the current status quo, then consuming popular culture should provide noth ing but pleasure to you-nothing but reinforcement about what you a l ready believe about the world:' She urged students to decide what's truly important to them and to live their lives conscious of what they know is good and bad. "What often motivates us to ask these
them out ahead of time. Hmmm. Where do the
questions, what jars us out of our comfortable worlds and changes our perceptions, is a
blue books come from? \Ne get ours from Roaring
difficult or traumatic event. In my case," she said, "it was being diagnosed with cancer when I
Springs Blank Book Company. Apparently we
was a graduate student at Yale. At that moment I had a wonderful life . . . and then suddenly,
have some on order so you can ask where our order is. Jim Lucey, director of operations, Roaring Springs Blank Book Co., Roaring Springs, Pa. : \Nell it's rea l l y funny tl1at you're ca l l ing, because we had a call from die newspaper i n Albany and they were doing a research project on tl1e h istory o f the blue book. So, what do
out of the blue, I had to confront the very real possibility that I wouldn't live to see my thirtieth birthday. Such things bring the question of who and what is really important to you very sharply into focus:' "I do not recommend getting cancer;' McFadden told students. But she strongly
advised them to ask, "What do I want the effect of my life to be," and then to organize their lives and priorities accord i ngly. Introducing McFadden at the presentation, Matthew Reeber '01
you know? Not much. The fe l l a 's name was Paul
called her "the most influential
Grondahl. Unfortunately, what he found was tl1at
person i n my development at Colby
tl1e people who are sti l l in business making blue
. . . a friend, a mentor and the best
books, which aren't many of us, haven't been
professor I've had." The American
doing it all that long. You know we've been in business forever, si nce 1 8 87, but we've only been making blue books for about 10 years. So, I don't know. No one knows, Jim. Maybe Mr. Grondahl was able to ta lk to somebody who did. Paul Grondahl, Albany Times Union : The blue book's
studies major cha racterized her teaching style as informal and discussion-driven, and he told the aud ience, "A McFadden lecture is a rarity, so please pay attention."
Previous winners of the Senior Class Teaching Award, now namedfor Professor Emeritus Charlie Bassett Charles Bassett - 1 99 3 Cedric Bryant - 1 994 Robert Weisbrot - 1 99 5 David Findlay - 1 996 Paul Greenwood - 1 997 Robert LaFleur - 1 998 Laurie Osborne - 1 999 James Boylan - 2 000 Margaret McFadden - 200 I
h istory is as murl'Y as an i l l - prepared undergrad's final exam answers.
c0 LB y
s u M M E R
200 l
I 23
wit & wisdom
" M ost of t h e p e o p l e w h o go to t h e
"Th is is yo u r fi rst co m m e n ce m e n t
p rotests a re not a nt i-gl oba l i zati o n ,
a n d t h e re n ever w i l l be a n other
t h ey're aga i nst t h e way t h i ngs
o n e l i ke it. Yo u we re m e a n t to
a re go i n g n ow. They fee l t h a t if
e nj oy it. It is s i n gu l a r. It is u n i q u e .
we globa l i ze i t m u st be d o n e to
B u t for t h e rest o f you-my
h e l p a m aj o rity of the wo r l d , not
l e a r n e d col leagues in d ra g to
j ust the few:'
the l eft and yo u r p a re n ts a n d
V isiting instructor Jonathan White (sociology), speaking about the protests against the FTAA conference in Quebec City, April 2 1 .
frie nds-t h is is a ltoget h e r
"I'm in t h e Guinness Book of
a ve ry fa m i l i a r sce n e ."
World Records now for the l e n gt h
2001 commencement speaker
o f a n otebook t h row d u ri n g a
Rev. Peter J . Gomes.
n egot i a t i o n . T h e re were m o m e n ts
" W h e n we were i n t h e P h i l l i p i n es,
of great frustra t i o n b u t a lso
we met with an e ight-yea r-o l d boy
" . . . The n o m i n a t i o n system
n a med J e p , a n d I asked h i m . . .
is a n a ti o n a l d isgrace. I t
' h ave yo u ever been to sc h o o l ? '
encou rages b u l l ies a n d e m bo l d e n s
A n d h e sto pped fo r a l o n g t i m e ,
dem agogues, si l e n ces t h e voi ces
a n d he l o o ked u p t o h i s father
of respo nsi b i l ity, a n d n o u rishes
w h o was worki n g right n ext to h i m
the l owest forms of p a r t i s a n
a n d h e aske d , 'What i s school?'
c o m b a t . I t uses i n nocent c i t ize n s
c l ose co n n e ct i o n :'
N ot only h a d h e n eve r been to
as p a w n s i n p o l i t i c i a n s ' petty
sc h o o l , h e h a d n ever o n ce l eft the
ga mes a n d sta i ns t h e re putations
ga r bage d u m p w h e re h e l ived :'
of good peopl e."
Craig Kiel burger, founder ofFree the Children,
Cal Mackenzie (govennnent) in the
\Vash i n gton Post '.> Outlook section, April
speaking 011 the state ofchild pove11y.
" U n l i ke F l o r i d a , every vote
"What isn 't d i st i n ctive i n the West is sl ave r y, but what is d i st i n ctive is
c o u n ts h e r e ! "
the a b o l i t i o n of s l avery:'
Dean of St11de11ts rmd V ice Presidem Joi· St11de11t Affairs Janice Kassman, explaining thflt the SCA nm-off election for presidem and V P was decided by seven votes, treasurer by 1 0 and sen ioi· class officers by five.
Const•11.:11ti;:e author and poliq maker D i nesh D ' Souza, on the hi.rro1y behind
11ffirm11tn:e action in . lmericn.
U.S. Ambassador Dennis Ross, toking questions on Mideast negotiations after delivering the Goldfarb Lect11re on May 1 flt Colby.
" I t h i n k I fee l a task fo rce co m i ng o n :· Randy Helm, vice pi·esidentJoi· college relations,
flt a meeting to discuss how Colby should archive electronic documents and Web pages.
"So, n ow i t is a l m ost over. I t is a m e l a n c h o l y t i m e . There a re m o re neckt i es a n d d resses. Yo u r voice-m a i l m essages-o nce q u ite c r u d e-have beco m e t h e o h-so smooth voi ces of p e o p l e l o o k i n g for work:' Earl Smith, who 111oves from dean ofthe college
to special assistant to the presidellf, speaking at the 1 7th annual Se11io1· Banquet.
Lecture Marks 1 75 Years of C o l by Economics J a n I f ogcndorn, C ro'>'>man Profc.,.,or of f�cono m i c�. had a fc\\ m d c.,tonc'> to m a rl...
hen he '><lt de }\\ n to
rite h i ., a n n u a l
( , r<>'>'> m a n I ecru re l a'>L '>pnng. '\" 1 -.-.ic C ro.,.,man ' 3 2 , \I ho en do\1 ed
those i n cen ti\'es, T Togendorn's lecture examined the h i story of the teac h i ng of economics a t Colby. The lecture i s posted
t h e ch.1 i r that I l ogcndorn hold-., died l a'>t � ca r. I l ogendorn\
in its enti rety a t www.colby.edu/colby.mag/ issues/sum01/
long-t i m e col l eague and colLibora tor, I l a n k Cem cr� . Pugh
oncampus/3grossman.shtm l .
F.1 m i h Profc.,.,or of Fcon om ic'>, \1 ,,., ,1bour
w a s the I 7 5 th a n n i versary of economics a t Colby. With
ret i re . \nd i t
The Principal Principle I t a l most seemed t h a t Morton A. Brody had a hand i n selectin g t h e first
t h e O t h e r i n t e rv i e w
recipient of the award established i n his name.
Mark Serdjenian '73 is associate dean of
B rody, a U.S. District Court j udge, and husband of Associate Dean of
students and has been men's soccer coach
Admissions and Financial Aid J udith Levine Brody ' 5 8 , died in M a rch 2000.
since 1 976.
A long-time vVatervi l l e resi dent, he appeared in a video i n terview shown
What's your favorite place on campus?
Apri l 1 8 at the presentation of the first Morton A . Brody Distinguished
There are some great spots on c a m p u s ,
J udicial Service Award, a n event attended by many members of the iVIa ine
b u t it's tough t o beat the soccer fields for
j udiciary, Coll ege o ff cials, students, Brody family members and friends. i
"J udges are called upon to make balancing tests a l l the ti me," Brody said, "but the most i m portant balancing test of all, i t seems to me, is maintaining the human qualities of th e person w1der th e robe and the professional responsibil i ties of the robed j u dge who sits on the bench . " The fi rst recipient of the award, G uido Calabresi , h a s endeavored to pass that test.
me. On the practice fi elds, we have good, c l ea n , hard fu n . And on the game fie l d s , I 've b e e n fortunate to witness s o m e a m azing moments over the past 25 years. I eat l u nch up there somet i m e s and remi ni sce with myself. What's your favorite movie? ( 1-3 choices)
I love movies a nd I'm not too fussy. I enjoy anything from Rocky to Simon Birch to Tombstone and Braveheart. And yes,
An I talian i m m igrant, United States Circuit j u dge and former dean of
that's four.
Ya l e Law Schoo l , Calabresi said he was particularly pleased to be chosen for
What's the last book you recommended?
the award because of the qualities that Brody exemplified. "I tried as clean
Actually, I j ust fi n i shed this s u m mer's reading for the C l a s s
to make excell ence, with humanity and decency, be the motto of my school," Calabresi said. "I would say to the students, 'Excellence alone is evi l . ' 'tVhen you put excellence together with decency, humanity and compassion, then you have hope. Then you have what we su·ive to be." H e went on to discuss the Supreme Court decision that, in e ffect, awarded the presidential election to George W. Guido Calabresi
Bush when the court found a violation of
equal protection under the law but did not send the ball ot-cow1t case back to Florida officials. Calabresi saw l i ttle excellence in that decision, cal l i ng .i t "unprincipled" a n d "an opinion that doesn't stand f o r anything." Calabresi acknowledged tl1at there are times when a judge must ru le in order to achieve the right result, even i f there is no legal principle to support the ru l ing. This was not one of those cases, he said. " I f i t had been Bush. v. H i tler . . . , " the judge said. H e acknowledged that the Supreme Court was working under time pres sure, but he mai ntained tl1at pressure does not exonerate it or excuse a decision \vi tl1 no legal underpinning when tl1ere were principled options avail able, i11cl uding sending the case to Congress or Florida, sending tl1e election back for a recount wi tl1out time consu·aints or letting tl1e vote stand. H ow to arrive a t a right decision ? " You wake up in tl1e middle of the night and you su·uggl e," Calabresi said. "And you try
see i f tl1ere is a
principled way of com i n g out in tl1e way you tl1ink is right. And you wrestle witl1 it. You work harder. You tl1ink and you argue witl1 yourself, you look and you dig . . . . There are times when tl1ere is nothing you can do about it . . . . " I t's frusu·a ting because tl1e law is not die way you woul d want it. But you are l i m ited by th e principle and you follow it." The art of judging, he said, " is waking up i n the middle of the night, wrestling witl1 it, because you are l i m ited, because principle guides you. I f you d o tl1at, you are a j u dge i n tl1e memory, style and maimer o f the man we
o f 2005, Galileo 's Daughter, and found it fascinating on m a ny levels and an excellent choice. What's the strangest piece of music/cd you own?
Both Chaski {the haunt i ng sounds of the Andes) and The Songs of Phil Ochs are controversial with my fa m i ly.
Do you have any hobbies/interests you are passionate about?
Garden i ng . I check the vegetables d a i ly, if not hourly, for cha nge and progress. What would people be surprised to know about you?
That b e i ng a Boy Scout was a big part of my l ife growing u p .
I was Rhode I s land Scout o f t h e Year i n 1966. A l s o , perhaps, that I didn't play soccer in high school. What is your favorite saying or motto?
I use many quotes in coaching, and one of my favorites is from Ralph Wa ldo Emerson, "The greatest gift is a portion of thyself." What have you learned from your students?
That they a ppreciate hard work, a moderate sense of h u mor and someone who cares about them as a perso n . What i s t h e best advice your parents gave you?
Always a i m high. When did you know you wanted to be an educator?
After student tea c h i ng w h i l e at Colby I knew that I wanted to be an educator. What is your best moment as a coach?
It's hard to pick a " best," but the biggest, most pleasant surprise so far was w i n n ing the New England ECACs in 1978; no one thought we'd be very good. If you weren't a dean/coac h , what would you like to be?
An artist, working with pen and ink and paste l s . What d o you t h i n k t h e biggest change at Colby has been since you graduated?
Opportunities for female students; there is certa i n l y sti l l work to be done, but Title IX and the e l i m i nation of fraternities have gone a long way toward m a ki ng Colby a better place for wome n , i n m y o p i nion .
honor today. "-Gen)' Bo)'le '78
C 0 L BY
From the H i l l
\ faculty
On The roun
Guilain Denoeux teaches democracy in M ideast,
orth Africa
ne\'er wanted to be a n armchair political scientist," said Guilain
problems if I had n't consulted w it h the State Department," he said.
Denoeux, associate p rofessor of government. Instead, Denoeux
H i s research on legislation in the A rab world has resulted i n numerous
has deftly incorporated h i s main areas of expertise, i\ 1iddle Eastern
books, chapters and a rticles. Some of that i n formation i s con fidenti a l
and i\'orth African poli tics, with his three main i nterests-teaching,
and can't be divulged. " You know you've got t w o o r three ju icy stories
re earch and consulting. The result is a syne rgy of academics a n d
and you can't publish it," he said. "That's maddeni ng." Denoeux says he retu rn s from h i s trips energized, a n d he passes
political acti on. In add ition to professori a l responsibi l ities, Denoeux serves as a
that i ntensity on to his students. Nicole D a n nenberg Sorger '96 says
regu l a r consu ltant on democracy bu i l d i ng a nd U . S . policy to the
she was a lways i mpressed by Denoeux's abi l i ty si m u l ta neously to stay
i nvolved in the world and rem a i n com m itted to the success of h i s
. Agency for I n t e r n a t i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t (
C.. .
S A I D ) and the
tate Department. From 1 996 to 1 998 he helped the
produce a democra t i zat ion framework for developing cou ntries. " I t's a methodology," a i d Denoeux of the 50-page plan. " I t lays clown the
"There's n o substitute in my m i n d for exposing stud ents to those w i l l i ng to make change i n c o u ntries."
students a n d rigor of h i s cou rses. " H e demanded far more t h a n my other professors, which I rea l ly a d m i re d ," she s a i d . T h i s p a s t J a n u a ry, D e n o e u x a n d P rofessor o f Fre nch S u e l l e n
ground rules o f how you m i ght
Diaconoff took 1 2 students to Morocco
get i nvolved."
and service orga n i zations. "This was a blow-your-m i nd ex perience,"
meet w i t h women's advocacy
S i n c e d e ve l opi n g the p l a n ,
said Diaconoff. " I t's the l iberal a rts experience at its fu l lest, and it would
Denoeux has been a team leader
not have taken place without Gui f a i n ." Through Denoeux's contacts
on assessments of Senegal a n d
the class i nterviewed major leaders and met the U. S . a mba ssador.
Lebanon a nd t h e sole assessment
"There's no substit ute in my m i nd for exposing students to those
con s u l t a n t for � Io rocco. T h i s
w i l l i ng to m a ke change i n cou ntries," said Denoeux. " You c a n t a l k
spri ng, w h i l e o n sabbat i c a l , h e
about women's change i n \Naterv i l le, b u t it won't matter. O n e of t h e
tra\'elecl to Bulgaria
rea l problems i n academics is w e have a d i scon nect."
work aga i n
as a team leader. H e w a s t o return to
Bulga ria
resume his work
in June.
Students in a democracy assessment independent study that Denoeux taught from 1 998 to 2 0 0 0 were f orced to breach t h a t d i sconnect between academic theory a nd rea l ity. Th rough a Ford Fou ndation
D e n oe u x
"Crossing Borders" grant Denoeux taught a dozen students the USA I D
"com p a r a t i ,· i s t " a n d j u m p s a t
fra mework he helped develop and then sent them abroad during Jan
Pl ans and semesters. The students visited such countries as Zimbabwe,
him elf
s t u d y other countries,
" h 1ch 1 m:lude I ra q . Tu n i s ia and J .,rac l . " I t\ eaS) to be a one-country
Boli,·ia, Chile and
e \ pe n ." he .,,ml. ·· But I t h i n k it\ a bo i m pm erishi ng."
people i n the field, think as practitioners and offer concrete ideas.
I n h1'> comult<lnt roles Denoeu\ ha-, gai ned access
ganda to behave l i ke consultants, interact with
"The students had a very i m pressive range of in terviews," s a i d
member.,, open floor debates, gO\ ern mem com m i t tees and m i l i tia
Denoe u x . "They a p p l i e d concepts t o r e a I-world situations. T I o w i t
member'>, ,1 11d th at acces'> ha'> <l'>'>l'>ted h i '> academic research. "There
changed t h e m was quite grat i fying. T t re Aects more on our students
i'> no \Ll\ I \\ Ould h,l \ e been .1hle
than me." -Alici(f Nemiccolo i\,- /(fcLe(fy ' 9 7
M ,I [ R
get i nto t he i n ner \1 ork in gs and
how we teach Barbara Kuczun N e l son ' 6 8 , a ss i stant professor of Spa n i s h , strives for " i Ya caigo ! " (Now I get it! ) moments in her cla ssroom . She'll act out heart attacks, have students d i agnose medical a i lments and w i l l seize the opportun ity to d i sc u s s a sneezing student, a l l to enhance the day's voca b u lary lesson on medical term s . " Sh e ' l l turn herself i n side out to
!vlovingfar beyond the traditional workbook, Barbara Nelson (Spanish) has developed a17 interactive ., �
� ':'��.� �� �� -"'.� .e, �-�1�������[ii �ll� /iVeb site that includes self. �.!�� .. .
: �-- � ,.�,,--
have you learn the s u bject," said Larry N o l i n , a retired Waterv i l l e doctor a n d c l a ss a ud itor. "And she makes it fu n . " Nelson's enthusiasm and good humor alone c a n sustain a class, but about four years ago she was frustrated by the traditional workbook exercises that didn't address different learning styles. "We didn't have enough stim u l i ," she sa i d . So, with the help of a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Nelson began developing an i nteractive Spanish language Web site i n 199 7 .
coincting grmm11m · exercises,
sPmrsu cRMtMAR rXERcrsrs
videos a11d onliiie joun/{/ls.
,...roi• N,/jon
:.!'!�!!�!�C::!' O lotb.r• ll Ht-
,...... 1o... .....
v...... a. G.1.r i:::anc...-Hj.,,..rlen "n•IOlp.,,c""(ter""411 (-•-.lperloctU•t ,,....,. ,..,hnto•• =t'rl:!,"'u'"'"" " .
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The site (www.colby.edu/-bknelson/grammar.html) now includes interactive self-correcting grammar exercises complemented by cu ltural videos, songs,
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'Top SOu•b<-t"-·
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translations, on l i ne journals and more.
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" Sometimes people use the Web and it doesn't increase the effectiveness
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of what you're learning," said Nathan Boland ' 0 1 . " Hers does."
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N e l s o n says she has seen a n i m provement i n student progress
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bul •-• _....., , ...-
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s i nce the site's i ntroducti o n . " They take more respon s i b i l ity for their own learn i ng," she said. She a d m its she wa s n ' t " a technology perso n " when she appl ied for the Mel lon grant a nd that her students would have cl a i med she c o u ld n 't even run the cl assroom V C R . But Nelson began teaching herself straight HTML code and attended workshops. " I j u st started u s i ng it and seeing
" What B a rb a r a 's d o n e i n terms o f the Web s i te a n d tec h n o l ogy i s incred i b l e," said Betty Sasa k i , associate professor o f Spa n i s h a n d c h a i r o f t h e department. B u t she says N e l s o n wou l d define herself a s a teacher
d i fferent ways to use it," she sa i d . Her site has been rated o n e o f t h e t o p three grammar sites on the I nternet and gets an average of 1 , 000 visitors a day. Nelson now i n structs
first. " S he has been the backbone of our la nguage progra m for the last n i neteen years."
other l anguage professors in how they can use technological resources.
N e l s o n h o p e s to get s t u d e n t s m o re i nv o l ved by prod u c i ng v i d e o
Among the groups she a l lows to l i n k to her site is the Un ited Nations i n
a n d a u d i o c l i ps i n t h e future. " I never imagi ned I 'd get t h i s i nvolved .
V i e n n a , which requested use o f the site for the International Atomic Energy
Technology doesn't domi nate" though, she sa i d . " It's sti l l me. I ' l l never
Agency's intensive l anguage tra i n i ng program .
let technol ogy replace me."
Love of Labor Lost Henry Gemery's office, tucked under the roof of the front porch of Miller Libra ry, is chock-a-block ful l of th e stuff of some 40 years of teaching and scholarship. File cartons bulging with course notes. Shelves crammed with books and periodicals. Folders stuffed with research materials, most relating to Gemery's specialty-economic 11-istory. " I t tends to pile over time," he said with a modest snule. "The only solution now is to move me out." Gemery, the Pugh Fanuly Professor of Economics, retired this spring -+ 3 years after he arrived at Colby with a freshly printed H a rvard M . B . A . T h o u g h G e m e ry says he n ever expected to have just one employer in his career ("There are probably three or four of us out of a
[Harvard Business School] class of six hundred who stayed with the initial circumstance"), he has no regrets. "It was essentially satisfaction with the combination of research and teaching that was available here." Both on and off Mayflower H i l l , Gemery h a s r a n ged far a n d w i d e as he exa m i n e d the forces that have shaped econom ic history-and he has encouraged legions of Colby students to examine those f o rces, too. Roving from indentured servants of the 1 7th century to i nternal migration during the Great D e press i o n , Gemery h a s picked away like an archaeo logical economist, gleaning the data that reveal the facts behind the anecdote. Ofren the projects were sparked by con\'ersation, usually over
tea or lunch, said Jan Hogendorn, Grossman Professor of Economics, who coll aborated with Gemery many times over the years: " I 've al ways found it easy to talk to Hank-an d fruitful . Somehow t h e ideas just sparkle when we talk." Over the years, fellowships took Gemery to Harvard and the U1Liversity of London, as well as the niversity of Pennsylvania, but the rewards of teaching "graduate-student cal iber" students at Colby always brought him back. Now he's looking forward to time at home in S i dn ey, where he and his w i fe, Pam, keep bees and raise blueberries, and at his summer home in Georgetown, on the N l aine coast. Gemery w i l l continue to ask-and attempt to answer-the puzzles of 11-istory. How, for i nstance, d i d Depression-era workers know \\' here to move? "Can i n d i v i d u a l s forecast \\'here they might gain'" Gemery aid. "It raises 11-ice, interesting questions for economics." At Colby, he did the same.
C 0 L BY
I 27
Studies and assistm1t past01·
representation on the school board . . . I 'm not saying it was Nirvana but there was a certa i n level of com muni ty l i fe. I grew u p i n a m u l ti ethnic neighborhood s o I grew up w ith Greek Americans and Italian Americans. ,\ I y l i festyle also revolved around being i n a choir, and on Sunday afternoons there was always a program to go to where
of Union Baptist Church in
we sang. So I was i n and out of Methodist churches, I was i n and out
Cambridge, ,\ lass. She recently
of Baptist churches. I was i n and out of H ol i ness churches. I was i n and out of Pentecostal churches. All of these churches i n this m ulti-denominational world of bei ng, quote, unquote, "colored," because that was the terminology then. So that's not the normal urban upbringi ng-the intensive i m mersion i n the church and i n the
Che1)'I Iinrnsend Gilkes is the John D. rmd Catherine T .\.lacA11hur Professor ofSoci ology and rlfricm1-Ameriwn
chatted u·ith Colby about teaching, ministering and places u·here the two intersect. Do you love being a minister?
Yeah, I do. I 'm not the only faculty member here at Colby who is a minister. \\'hen I came here there were three and nm1· there are two, because one retired. I mean, l '\'e taught in seminaries. It's not an odd i t) because a lot of the scholars that I work with are also ordained clergy, some more actil'e than others. l do 11·hat most ministers do. \\'e teach. And I teach here, the stu dents. Occasional ly, if they're taking my course on African-American culture i n the n i ted States, and they're learning about the spiritu als, you also ha1·e to explain the difference between the Old and New Testament to the m . 'Come back and tell me what these Africans and their descendants were trying to tell you with these spirituals, all of 11 hich ha1 e some Bibl ical connection . ' I say, 'Okay, el'erybody knows 11 ho Sampson is, righ t ? ' ;\'o. So I ha1·e tel l them who Sampson is. Are you amazed b y that?
\\'ell , I sort of n udge them. I say, \1 hat would you have done if they had these questions on the S..-\Ts : ' See, I come from a culture and background 11 here it is sti ll a 1·ery big part of the l i festyle, especially i f 11 e'rc talking about 11 ho ends up going to college. Church kids arc the ones 11 ho kno11 all that. For those of us who are African \merican, 11 c sti l l kno11 all that. But for other segments of the culture, the majorit) of the cul ture, that's not a highly elaborate component of the cultu ral e.\ perience. If I 11 ere in the South it would be •1 different s to � . E1 er} bod) i n the classroom would know. Both the hL1ck o,tudcnts and 11 hire students. But this is the 0-'orth and it's a more o,ecula n 1ed di mension of life. Do they know more after they finish your course?
'-.omcttmcs the) k nm1 a l 1 ttle h i t more. [She laughs . ] :-\obod)' kncrn s 11 ho ( )bad1ah " · i )o 1 ou kno11 11 ho Obadiah is: No
It\ .1 hook in the B i ble. It\ onl) one chapter long. But I don't proo,cl) t i !L. \ \ hen I 11 ult to col lege I usual l) 11 as tt·} ing to get a11 <1 ) from people l i h me. !Colh) -,rudcnr-,J are not Ill ) parish. Speaking of your parish, what was it l i ke growing up in Cambridge?
I h,1 1 L to •1) t h ;H gro11 111!! up \fnun \men<.an 111 Camlmdge had ccru i n pri1 i lcgc.,. \ I) fi fth grade tccJChcr 11 ,10, hL1ck. \ I } e 11 �hrh gr;1de re.u:her 11 .i.. black. I grc11 up in a com m u n i t) 11 here t here 11 a � ;1h1 ayo,
on ministering, teaching and im mersion in the church
communi ty with a high level of surveillance . . . . \t\Talking to church on S unday meant leaving the house, meeting friends on the corner with a mother who could look out the window and see us connect, who could also call on the phone and tel l my Aunt Ruthie, whose apartment i n the housing project was around the corner and wasn't within eyesight, 'She's on her way.' Now, my parents moved when I was i n high school to a place called N l iddleborough, Massach usetts. I was the only black wom a n . There w a s o n e other black student b u t he w a s a big sports star so he had an entirely differen t experience than I did. There were other people of color but they were not perceived as being black. And so their experience was not the same as mine, which was racial harassment that continued until the pol ice were called i n . How did that experience shape the person you are today?
I t's an experience that makes you very conscious about how the world works. What do you think of the current initiative for more diversity at Colby?
One of the thi ngs that happened this year that I thought was abso lutely wonderful was the diversity conference that students them selves organized. Unfortunately they discovered that not all of their fel low students agree with them. \ Ve've also seen some mischief maki ng, e.g., the i 1witation to [a uthor and commentator] D inesh D'Souza, which I found appalling. It tells us that issues of tolerance and diversity are sti ll contested issues i n our society. I do a lot of thinking sometimes when I 'm driving to Cambridge. I 'm dri1·ing along and I ha ppen to have classical music on and [ 11 as doing an exercise in my head j ust simply identi fying all the imtruments. And it hit me. r thought of a l l the trouble my parents \1 ent through to expose me to all kinds of music, to make it possible for me to understand every si ngle instrument i n the symphony orchestra \I hen it was playing and \\ hat its job was. I say to myself, 11 ell, isn't human appreciation even more important' \\ ' l1y shouldn't I be able to hear all these 1'oices in our world that come from these cultu res? It 11 as li ke, ' O h " That's part of what motivates me. I really 11 ant to hear and appreciate the m u l tiple stories that make up our societ) . \nd I honestly think that i f people at least know how to hear one another, that \\ e \1 ill be on our way to a better situation.
From the H i l l
develop ment
Another Side A I RE grant gives undergraduate
research a voice
mong the speakers at Colby th is spring was perh a ps the only \Vestern w i t ness to m a ny of t h e even ts of the Kamaiya bonded-labor l i beration movement in Nepa l . E l i c i a Carmichael ' 0 1 stayed in t h e squal i d refugee camps where these d i splaced farm workers l ive in h u ts made of hay and sticks. Traveling alone to isolated villages in Nepa l 's western lowlands, she i n formed some workers that a movement was underway to free them from what was essentia l l y sl avery. And she examined the ways some non-governmental organizations helped the l i beration movement and others hindered it. Presenting her findi ngs at Colby would be a different sort of chal lenge: " Everything I 've been studying for a year in twenty minutes," she joked as she began her presentation. There was a reason for brevity. Carmichael, a senior i nt e rn a t i o n a l stu d ies m a j o r from ewmarket, N . H . , was j ust one of more than 2 00 studen ts from 2 1 Colby programs and departments w h o took part i n the second
annual Col by Under graduate Research Sym posi u m , M a y 3 -4 . Sponsored by the clean of fac u l ty a n d the ational Science Foun dation Award f or I nte gra t i o n of Resea rch a n d Ed ucation ( N S F A I RE ) , t h e event was a two-day showcasing of students' research. The topics were as varied as the Colby curriculum, a nonstop Learning Channel i n Roberts Building that explored everything from creationism in Kansas to the impact of global change on mammals in the African savanna. Ever consider The Pogues folk/pm1k music in terms of mock - h e ro i c n a rra t i v e ? G reg Robinson '02 has. O r pote n t i a l m i crob i a l pathogens from hatchery-grown salmon? That fell to Jennifer Rutkiewicz '0 1 and M ichael Kleinman '0 1 . The topic l i st went on for seven pages, ranging from debt-for-nature swaps in Central
A Topic o r Two
sampling of projects Colby student researchers have tackled this year:
The Effects of Repandiol, Extracted from Hydnum Repandum, on l nterstrand Cross-Linking of DNA
J1111ko Goda 'O J and Associate Professor Julie T ,Uillm·d, Depm1711ent of Cbe111istry Debt-Driven Financi ng: A Conservation M i racle? An Analysis of Factors Affecti ng the Success of Debt-for-Nature Swaps in Mexico a n d Central America
Stepba11ie Grnber 'O J, Intematio11al Studies Liste n i n g for Queer Voices: M e a n i n g in Pou l e nc's "Trois Chansons de Ga rcfa-Lorca"
Sarn Gross 'O J, Depm171!ent of,Uusic Cognitive Dissonance a n d the Detachment of Risk Factors from Risk Perceptions
A urn Jan:,e 'OJ and Associate Professor 1'Villim11 Klein, Depm1111ent of Psycbology Global Cha nge a n d Temperate Forest Ecosytems i n North America
Aarnn J legq11ie1· 'O J and Knm�)'ll Pm-:,ycb 'O J, Depm1111e11t ofBiologi1 The Therapeutic Va l u e of I nternet Forums i n the Healing Process of Ex-Cult M e m bers
Sarnb Richards 'O 1, Depm1111e11t of Religions Studies
America (Stephanie Gra ber 'O l ) to a study of sel f-concept and competitiveness in male h i gh school athletes ( D rew Johnson '0 1 ). The academic mixer gave students and faculty a chance to cross departmental lines and sample the research being done across campus-and the worl d . And people did turn out. "Over the course of two days, every single room was standing-room only, " said P h i l i p Nyhus, N S F AI R E Fellow in Environmental Studies and one of the event organizers. y h us said the symposium was modeled on scienti fic or scholarly research con ferences where scholars meet to share their researc h . I n t h e case of t h e Colby event, students from all academic disciplines were i 1witecl to share research clone in independent study, J a n Plan, as honors projects or i n class. In the case of Carmichael, research began d u r i n g a s e m e s t e r a b ro a d in 0-' e p a l a n d conti n u e d the next semester a t Colby a n d during a return trip to l"epal f o r h e r J a n Plan this year thro ugh a gra n t fro m the David I l unt Foundation . Her advi or, ,\ l a ry Beth i\ l i l ls (anthropology), noted that Carmichael not only was able to experience the l i bera tion movement fi rstha n d but that s h e a l so came a w a y w i t h a good u n d e rs ta n d i n g o f t h e complex politics at p l a y at moments of pol itical and economi c change. "She certainly h a s a lot of experience a n d perspecti,·e o n t h e s e i s s u e s t h a t i s u n u s u a l a n d p e r h a ps unique," i\ 1 i l ls said .-Gm)' Boyle ''";8
C 0 L BY
20 0 I
From the H i l l
stu dents
The Art 0 f ora
Jacqueline Johnson '01 takes Watson Fellowship to former French colonies
y the time Jacque l i n e J oh n son ' 0 1 gradu ated i n M ay she h a d tudied a t t h e LomTe, t h e Sorbonne and t h e Tate Gallery a n d had i nterned in \Tenice at the Peggy Guggen heim Col lection. And those were just supplements to her studies at Colby. I had studied a lot of art h i story here," J ohnson said recently. "I wasn't overwhelmed by the art h istory aspect of [study in Europe ] . I was ovenvhelmed by the opportun i ty to see everythi ng i n person . " \\'e l l , n o t ei•e1)'thi11g. After exploring the well-trodden gal leries of tl1e world's most visited art museums, John on was about to set off this spring on an exploration of an art movement that is far less famil iar. Thanks to a \Vatson Fellowship, Johnson plans to investigate firsthand tl1e world of art now being created in the former French colonies f ,\ 1ali, :\ 1 adagascar, Guadal upe, Tahiti and '\e" Caledonia. The seed "·as planted ,,·hen Johnson read a commentary on Cuban and I l a i tian artists and tl1e cultural uncertainty that some say is part of tl1e legac� of those countries' col nial history. "There is a search for identity," Johnson said . "That's basically '' hat �·ou see in most of their art." But '' hi le some critics see artists in neocolonial cultures as struggl ing '' 1 t h feel i ngs of inferiori � , Johnson disagrees. She sees art from these countries as powerful, filled '' ith imagery and symbolism: "I want to show that the people there are doing e' eryth ing that we're doing." First she h.1d to sho'' the admin istrators of the \\ 'atson Foundation that her pro1ect ,,·as '' orth� and that she was likely to see it through. "
The l u re of a relatively u n c h a rted a rt move m e nt-a n d the coveted Watson p rize-was e nough for J o h nson to turn down a s u m m e r tea c h i ng job at Oxford and to defer graduate studies at U C LA, w h e re s h e was to enter an a rt criticism p rogra m.
Jacqueline Johnson 'O J, 1·ight, has set out to examine the art of Madagascar and otherfo1we1' F1-ench colonies, including the work at left by painte1· Noel Raznfintsalmna, the fint Madagascnn 111aste1; who died in 1 9 93. Thrnugh a Watson Foundation fellowship, Johnson plans to i111111erse herself in conte111porary art and conside1· how it ma)' have been shaped by post-colonial culture.
Johnson did both with aplomb, according to
teaching job at Oxford
M ichael Marla is, Col by's J ames M . G i llespie
and to defe r graduate
Professor of Art, one of Johnson's advisors
studies at UCLA, where
(with Adria1ma Pal iyenko, associate professor
she was to enter an art criticism program She
and to get into the art scene in the conntries
o f F r e n c h ) a n d a m e m b e r o f the Watson
leaves in August for M a dagascar, the island
she visits. I n preparation she was beginn i ng to
s e l e c t i o n c o m m i t t e e at C o l b y . "J a c k i e 's
nation off the southeast coast of Africa, where
learn Malagasy, the l a nguage in Madagascar.
was w e l l - though t-out, w e l l
she will stay three months before traveling on
" I 've got French, German, Italian and a l i ttle
written, clear, cogent, intellige nt-a l l of those
to the other cow1tries on her Watson iti nera ry.
bit ofJapanese under my belt," J ohnson said.
things," Marlais said.
This spring she was in the process of getting
"I'm hoping that I'll pick tl1is up as we l l . "
proposal . . .
visas a n d vaccinations a n d contacting the
H e r trepidation aside, Marlais predicted
art at Colby, but past fel l owships have been
U.S. Embassy i n M a dagascar for advice on
that Johnson's fe l l owship w i l l be a success,
for historical art rather than art that is being
housing. " I 'm a l i ttle scared," J ohnson said.
that she w i l l fi n ish i t with her art horizons
created now, he said.
" H opefully I ' l l have some contacts when I
expanded, that she will become "even more
get there."
poised and i n telligent than she is a l ready.
The Watson Fellowship wasn't the first for
The lure of a relatively w1charted art move ment-and the coveted Watson pri ze-was
With or witl1out contacts, she intends to
enough for J olmson to turn down a sununer
spend time w i th artists a n d ga l l e ry owners
"And tha t's great," Marlais sai d . "That's what the Wa tson is for. " -Gerry Boyle '78
Quebec City Protest An i n formal exir poll of outbonnd seniors this spring turned up some students stil l nndecided about their p l a ns and others headed directly to jobs or graduate or professional schools. Members of the Class of 2001 will serve as:
Ad m i n i strative assi stant to U . S . Senator Chuck Hage l , Washi ngton , D . C . Physics and b i ology teachers, Teach for America , M is s i s s i p p i , Southern Lou is ian a P u b l i c health and Engl ish teachers, T h e Peace Corps, Ma lawi and The Gambia, Africa Research technicia n , Dana Fa rber Cancer I nstitute, Boston, M a s s . Special projects a s s i stant, Metropolitan M useum o f A r t , N e w York, N . Y. Vice president of operations, Leavitt & Parri s , I n c . , Portland, M a i n e Online fi nancial services analyst, FleetBoston , Boston , M a s s . Research a s s i stant, M a r i n e Biological Laboratory, Woods H o l e , M a s s . Cl ient manager, Salomon S m i t h Barney, N e w York, N . Y. Research ass istants ( 2 ) , H a rvard U n iversity B i po l a r Research C l i n i c ,
From l e ft, M aia Campoamor '03, Rebecca Di Savino '04 and Tennessee vVatson '03 regroup after being exposed to tear gas during demonstrations against tl1e Free Thde Area of the Americas agreement
(FTAA) i n Quebec i n Apri l . About
C a m bridge, Mass. Associate d i rector, progra ms and development, Free the C h i ldren, Bosto n , M a s s . Equ ity s a l e s and trad i ng analyst, Deutsche Bank, N e w York, N . Y. Financial analyst, Credit Sui sse First Bosto n , New York, N . Y.
30 students joined the protests, while a group of students i n
Assistant scientist, Pfizer I nc . , Groto n , Con n .
Professor Phyll i s Mam1occhi's An1erican D reams class m a d e a
Comm unications associate, National Women's Law Center,
documentary video of tl1e demonstration.
Washi ngton, D.C.
· S U M M E R 2 0 0 1 I 31
From the H i l l
His oun Holl1e
Kurt Wolff '84 traces the evolution of country music in a new Rough Guide
music reacted a ga inst other musical geru·es,
\ i\To l ff writes, "This i s a man who fi r s t s a w the
'8-+ started worki n g at the College's
l ike big bad rock ' n ' rol l and country's own
blackness of a coal m i n e as a chjld, who had to
a l te r n a tive m u s i c station, \\li\ 1 H B ,
pop hybridism. Even now there i s room for a
dodge bullets on the streets of his hometown,
and went o n t o spend two years a s the station's
w i de range of artists, from the revered \i\Ti l J j e
and fo r whom a ten-day drunken b inge was a
mu ic d i rector, e x p l o r i n g new a rti sts a n d
Nelson t o t h e Dixie Chicks.
spiritual reu·eat. I t's the twentieth centu1y, but
s a fres h m a n a t C o l by, K u rt \ Vo l ff
genre . I t w a s i n h i s senior year that Y\Tolff fi rst t u rn e d
c o u n t ry m u s i c . H e n e v e r
turned back.
\Volff sets up the vol Wll e chronological ly, and each chapter has an overview essay fol lowed b y biogra phical entries of individual
it's also a time a n d place fa r, far away." \i\Tol ff's com panion volume, Count1y:
Essential CDs, the Rough Guide, is an a l phabeti
\ \To l ff s l o \\·ly d i s CO\'ered c l a s s i c a r t i s ts
artists. H e gives credit for help to a squad of
cal who's who o f country music, from Roy
l i ke George J ones, i. Ierle H a ggard and Lee
researchers, friends a n d i n dustry members,
Acuff to Dwight Yoakam. The last few titles
H a zlewood. i\'ow a country music buff and
inclurung the Country M usic Foundation in
are anthologies, including a n a l bu m from tl1e
a n Fra n c i sco, he has
Nashvi lle. "An important focus of this book,"
rustoric Bristol , Ten n. , recordi n g sessions in
compiled almost 600 pages of histoty, trivia
w r i tes v\To l ff, "is to h e l p re i nv i gorate the
1 92 7 . Few musical genres have as precise an
and anecdotes i n to the d e fi n i tive-and mam
music's rustorical thread-to show connections
origin a s b l uegrass, d a t i n g to B i l l M o nroe
from one era to the next. " About Dock Boggs,
and the B l ue Grass Boys' debut at the Grand
fre e l a nce \H i te r i n
moth-Co1111f7)' .Husic: The Rough Guide. \ \ To i ff ays country music retains its own d i�tinct quality e,·en when it'.s dressed up with
an Appalach i a n b l uesrnan from the 1 92 0s ,
Ole Opry i n 1 9 3 9, or rockabi l l y, when Elvis showed up i n the sw1m1er of 1 954.
'>lick techno-rock and sexy music \'ideas. " I t's
C o u n t ry m u s i c is a s m a r k e t - d r i v e n a s
sti ll counny ," he said in a telephone inten�ew.
anything e l s e i n t h e n e w economy. As a result,
"Someone like Faith J ! i l l is \'ery popular, and
healthy a l ternative cow1u-y music scenes are
be hard to tell the difference, but there
recogn i ze d in San Francisco, C h i cago a n d
'>Ometh ing in their \ Oice and in what they're
Austi n , Texas. "Alternative counuy stuff i s
'>1 11ging about that ties them to counny' music."
goi n g t o continue to fl ourish , " Wolff says.
Fmerging in the 1 92 0s, " h i l l b i l ly" music
"Most of tl1e people who buy G a rth Brooks
ra p1dl) rran.,formed itsel f '' ith man)' a passing
and S h a n i a Twa i n buy s tu ff that they hear
i n fluence: urban jau, \ \'estern C0\1 boy and
on the rad i o . "
l llg band "" in g. · r c \as fiddler Eck Robertson
A good exam p l e of where countiy music
and C : i, ii \ \'ar ' eteran I l en r) C i l l il and '' ere
may be headed i s Rodney Crowe l l . After his
rhe h r'>L coum� mu.,icians
be recorded, in
J u ne I <)_ 3 . Commercial rad i o broadcasting to •l mass a u d ience a fter \ \ o r l d \ \ J r I, and " 1 t b r o u g h t p e o p l e of
beca me J \ a d .1 b l e 1
•I f) m g locale., crnd economic cla., es roge rher
'' J) t h .i t no product of the i ncrea.,ingl)
a l b ums stopped sel l i n g, h e w e n t
an i n d e p e n d e n t l a b e l , a n d 1 0 years l a ter " h e 's in tl1e a l ternative country worl d . " And, com i n g full ci rcle, Wol ff says that a l t e rn a t i ve country m u s i c i s less l i ke l y
a i r o n c o m m e rci a l
1 n d u s r ru l i 1ed \merica n '>OCi e t ) had pre\ i
stations a n d more l i kely t o b e heard
OLI'>I� manJged,"' \ \ olff '' nre .
on col l ege radio. -To1-y Haiss
· S
Later coum�
Joining the Club Richard ] . Moss, t h e J oh n ] . a n d Cornelia V G i bson P rofessor o f
H istory, once heard a h istorian l i st the things w e know noth ing about. The American country club was number five. " I t seemed very odd that there were thousands of clubs and no one had ever written about them, " said Moss, a golfer, country club member and former cadd i e . In Golf and the American Country Club M o s s sets o u t t o d iscover how
country clubs and the game of go l f took root i n America . AJ though the earliest counu-y clubs were devoted to horse-related
Empire Falls
Richard Russo P'04 Alfred A. Knopf (200 I ) I n h i s fifth novel, R u sso, former professor
of creative writing at C o l by, e x p l o res l i fe
in a down-at-the-heels M a i n e m i l l town. As is the case with h i s earlier nove l s , notably
activities, by the m id - 1 890s the relatively inexpensive sport of golf was
Nobody's Fool, this book l ives because of
the dominant force behi nd the creation of new clubs. I ni tially clubs
Russo's sympathy and respect for people for
were i nformal groups of friends playing golf in pastures and orchards.
whom t h i ngs never go qu ite right. I n Empire
From 1 890 to Worl d War I, though, upper- and middle-class Americans
Falls, c h a racters l ive with failed m a rriages,
increasingly adopted golf, and country clubs became draped in "instant" history and prestige. Discretionary time a11d income increased in the 1 92 0s, and many people adopted new values that justified leisure and pleasure. This "golden age" saw the growth and improvement of courses and expansion of the counu-y club's role and facilities. M oss was amazed by the rapid rise of clubs through 1 9 3 0 and thei r decl i n e from 1 9 3 0 t o 2 00 0 . "In t h e 1 92 0s i t looked l i ke the counu-y
d i m i n i shed expectations, dreams for friends and fam i ly that seem less and less l i kely to come true . In R u sso's deft prose they are a lways left with their d ignity intact. The Nation 's Tortured Body: Violence, Representation, and the Formation of a Sikh "Diaspora"
Brian K. Axel '89
was going to be covered with clubs, " said Moss. " People once rea l l y
Duke U n iversity Press (20 0 1 )
l i ked the idea of u s i n g private voluntary associations t o g e t things
Axel uses ethnogra phic a n d archival research conducted i n India, England
done. Now they rely on the government and corporations to provi de
and the Un ited States to explore the formation of a Sikh diaspora. The
things like golf and social l i fe . "
text focuses on violence i n the tra n snational fight for Khal istan (an
Golf and the American Count1y Club covers a raJ1ge o f history and topics: from the introduction of the term "golf widow" i n the 1 890s and television coverage in the 1 9 50s to social class issues, discrimination
i ndependent Sikh state), colonialism and postcolonial conditions, and i mages of Sikhs around the world. It is the h i story of displacement, Axel argues, that has created the concept of homelands.
against women and m inorities, the caddie's role and the i ntroduction of
Night Crossing
the golf cart. ("The golf cart i s an abomination," writes Moss.)
Don J. Snyder '72
Moss's com mentary a lso touches on the professionals responsible
Alfred A. Knopf (200 1 )
for gol f's changing cha racter-Arnold Pal mer, Tom \Natson, who
I n h i s newest novel Snyder takes on Northern
resigned from his c l ub i n 1 990 because of discrimination, and, of
I re l a n d 's political turmo i l by te l l i n g the story
course, Tiger Woods.
of the 1998 I RA bombing of the s m a l l city of
\/Vhi l e current country clubs are at oddly different junctu res-some have i mmense prestige while the institution is clearly in decl i ne-golf
Omagh. The suspenseful story i ntegrates real C R O S S I N G
gets bigger every day. The sport and i ts code of principles have a place
holding her 3-year-old da ughter's ha nd-with the
i n modern American society, Moss concludes. "That this code became entangled w i th excl usive, aristocratic practices and principles i s a
victims-a s l a i n mother pregnant with twins and main characters, including
British inte l l igence
captain who sees only one way to end the violence and struggles with
great tragedy," he writes. " B u t that should not give us reason to
his decision. When a n American woman litera l ly wa l ks into the center
condemn the game a n d those clubs that truly support i ts values."
of the events of the bombing, she cannot leave the city until she is
-Alicia Nemiccolo MacLeay '97
changed. U lti mately, the reader, l i ke Night Crossing's characters, must question whether the ends always justify the means. The Notorious Astrological Physician of London: Works and Days of Simon Forman
Barbara Howard Traister '65 U n iversity of Chicago Press (200 1 ) Q u a c k , c o nj u re r, s e x f i e n d , m u rd e re r- 1 6 t h - c e n t u r y u n l i ce n sed phys i c i a n , astrologer and magician Si mon Forman has been cal led all of these thi ngs and worse. Tra ister exa m i nes Forma n , who was i m p l i c a ted after death in the p o i s o n i ng s c a n d a l of S i r T h o m a s Overbury, through h i s medical records a n d m a n u scripts, w h i c h were never i ntended for p u b l i c a t i o n . Fo r m a n d i sc l o s e s eccentric a nd exotic personal deta i l s a m id mundane deta i l s of London life. Ranging from the stench of a privy to the para lyzed l i m b s of a c h i l d , the Golf and the American Country Club
Richard J. Moss ( h i story)
works cover astrology, alchemy, gard e n i ng, giants, theater, creation and more.
U n i ve rs ity of I l l inois Press (20 0 1 )
0 L B y
s u M MER
200 1
I 33
From the H i l l
Rebuilding year turns into " a pretty amazing spring"
Down the Stretch
onnie Beal '03 's best shot put throw of the year came at the right moment. Her hea,·e of -+ 3 ' 5 31-+" earned se,·enth place and All -America honors in the finals of the �CAA Di,1sion l I I i'\ational Championshi ps held at the end oL\ l a y i n Decatur, I l l . Beal and \ l ichelle Keady ' 0 3 also competed i n the hammer throw a t t h e meet o n t h e strength o f their 1 3 th and l 0th national rankings. \\Ith onl�· three seniors on the women's track and field team and a number of j uniors abroad, "I thought it would be a rebuilding season, but I was wrong. \\'e really had a pretty amazing spring," said coach Debra ..-\itken. .\itken's charges \\'On the Aloha Relay .\ \eet at Bowdoin College essentially the \1 omen' state meet-\1·ith 1 8 1 /2 points to the host's I 2 1 /2 . _\ lt. l l olyoke, Southern "\ l aine and Bates followed. Co-captain J acqueline Johnson 'O l '' on the 100-meter dash ( 1 3 .26), Tiffany Frazar '() I rook the 5 ,000-meter run ( 1 8.-+ 1 .82), and Chyaru1 Qli,·er '0-+ won the 1 0 0-merer hurdles ( 1 6. 56). The .\ l ules ran off ,,·iJ1s in both the -+\ I 00 and -+\800 rela1·s with times of 5 1 . 3 7 and 9:59.8-+. Beal snared all f our Aloha throwing e,·ents-discus, hammer, J<n elin and shot put. Going inro the i'\E C.\C hampionsh i ps at \\.esle� an Cni, ersi� . Beal\ best hammer throw was 1 5 7 ' 8 " , her school-n:cord discus toss Sto()(I at 1 3 9' 1 1 " and she'd reached -+2 ' 1 1 " 1 11 thl'. shot put, a school sophomore record. She came away from the '\ I �C \C meet '' i th second-place finishes in the shot put (-+ I ' 1 12 "), d i scus ( 1 2 - · ) and i<l\ e l 1 11 (her thrc l\I of l n' 2" \\·as a personal best) .ind a t h in ! 1 11 the h,1mmer \1 ith a thro'' of 1 -+6' 7 " .
school -+OO-meter run record as a sophomore with a time of -+8. 7 2 , turned i n a -+8.97 i n earning a victory i n t h e state championship meet held at Colby. A week l ater hjs -+9.24 won the J\TESCAC Champion ships at \Vesleyan ruversity. I n c l u d i n g trials i n both t h e 2 00 a n d -+00, Beers r a n fi v e races on t h e day, fi n i s h i n g fourth i n t h e 2 00 and running legs on both the -+x i 00 relay and the -+x-+00 relay. Rankin took second in the hammer throw a t the NESCAC meet with a toss of 1 7 7 ' 8". The following week his 1 7 6' 8 " a t the New England D ivision I I I meet at Connecticut Coll ege earned Rankin another second place. H e finished sixth at the ew England Divi sion I Championships a t the U n iversity of Con necticut w i th a toss of 1 72 ' 5 " . " Pretty good for a sophomore," said coach J i m Wescott. "At that level of competition he fared very wel l . " \\rith a hammer throw best o f 1 80' 5 " a n d an 1 1 th ranking in the
l'.\I FngLrnd 1 ) 1 \ i w >n I [ I Ch,1m pionshi ps, al though \itken said "we '' Lrl'. surpnsnl. , not co perform better. Beal took fourth i n the �hot put .rn d fifrh 111 thl'. JJ\ e l 1 11 and '' on the hammer th ro\1 '' hi le Keady, holdn of the school h.1mmer t h rc m record <H 1 6 1 ' 3 " , rook fi fth. Liz I redl'.nd '() \ , school reco n l -holtkr 1n the pole \ a ult '' i t h a leap of I O ' :-, " , t i l'.d f or t h i rd •ll I O feet . 1'. a n ma L mnuh '(H \1 as second in
nation, Rankin also competed in the CAA ational Champion ships i n I l l inois in M ay. at Brown 'O-+, who ran in the national cross-country meet last fal l , finished third in the 5 ,000-meter run at the state meet but zeroed in on the steeplechase after finishing third at the state meet and fifth in the i\"ESCAC Championships. A week later in the New England Di ,·ision I I I Championshi ps at Connecticut Col lege, Brown dropped his steeplechase time to 9 : 3 2 .9 5 , only seconds from the provisional �C. \.. \ standard and the sixth-fastest Colby time ever in the event.
thL high j u m p .rnd \1 on the tnplc 1ump <l t 3 6 ' - 1 /2 " , a ne\1 school outdoor record. \ kn · r r.1ck and field co-c:1pca111s Le \rnlre\1 Rankin '() \ <111d J a rl'.d Beers '( ) I led the '' <1� 1 11 the men\ spring se•N >n. Beer-., '' ho set the
\ \'ith three years ahead of h i m , Brown chose to pass up the '\ e,, Engl and Di, ision I Championshi ps, but \ Vescott bel ieves " h e could\·e placed. T T e 's a n a tu ral at it. T l e has great competitive in�ti ncts." -Robert Gillespie
I hl'. ream fini shed o n the heels o f second-place .\ l iddlehu ry in the
sports shorts
Women's Lacrosse Bounces Back The women's lacrosse team may have begun its season with resounding losses against the top three teams i n N ESCAC-M iddlebury, 15-4, Will iams, 16-6, and Amherst, 14-3-but by the time Colby entered the i naugural N ESCAC women's lacrosse championship tourna ment i n May it was another story. The team had won eight of its last n i n e games, had a n 8-4 regu lar season record a n d was seeded n u m ber four i n NESCAC. I n fi rst-round N ESCAC tournament play Colby and Tufts swapped the lead several times and were tied at 13-13 with 37.9 seconds remaining when attack Marcia I ngraham '02 scored the game-winning goa l . I n the semifinals Col by faced u ndefeated Middlebury, not only the top seed i n N ESCAC but also in the nation. Middlebury's strength was too much for the White M u les, who were defeated 16-8. It was then on to the first rou n d of the ECAC tournament (2001 was the last season of post-season ECAC competit ion for N ESCAC schools), w h e re second seed Colby faced seventh seed Bates. The teams were tied 4-4 at the h a lf, but C o l b y ret u r n ed from the b r e a k to o u tscore Bates 13-2 a n d pick u p a n i mpressive 17-6 win. The victory earned the team yet another tournament fi nal four appearance and another meeting with Tufts. Like their last match-up, this game was also tight. Colby led 4-3 at the half, but Tufts ma naged to emerge with the w i n , 7-6, to end Col by's season. The team finished the season with a 10-7 overall record. Three players were na med national Brine/IWLCA All Americans by the I ntercollegiate Women's Lacrosse Coaches Association-Angela Pappas '01 to the second team and I ngraham and Anna Schierberl Scherr '03 to the third. All three were IWCLA first-team New England regional All Americans, and Ally King '03 (attack) and Katie Lee '01 (midfield) were second team regional All Americans. Ingraham, who led the team in scoring with 36 goals and 16 assists, was named NESCAC player of the week after scoring five goals against Connecticut College, and Pappas and Valerie Cooper '01 were na med to N ESCAC's Al l-Academic tea m . W h e n athletic awards were presented t h i s spring, Pappas, w h o graduated cum laude as a biology major with a concentration i n cell and molecular biology, received the Marjorie D. Bither award, for outstanding athletic abil ity, leadership and academic accomplishment. Cooper received the Warren J . Finegan Award for behind-the-scenes contributions t o Colby athletics.
In SOFTBALL first game pitcher AMY LISAVICH '04 tossed a one-hitter against powerful H u ntingdon C o l l ege of Alabama . The White M u l e s beat Lawrence U n iversity of Appleto n , Wi s . , f o r t h e first time i n a n a i l-biter, 1-0. Pitcher STACY THURSTON '03 gave up j ust one h it . Other highl ights i ncluded a double-headGr win over Tri n i ty, 9-1 and 3-1 . Lisavich and STEPHAN I E G R EENLEAF '01 each pitched th ree h itters. The White M u les ended the season with a 10-15 record . Lea d i n g t h e t e a m in hitting t h i s year were KATE TRASHER ' 04 , Lisav i c h , KIM CHADWICK '02 and MARCY WAGNER ' 02 . . . . BASEBALL ended its
season by w i n n i ng six of seven games and the C B B title by sweeping Bates and taking two of three against rival Bowdoi n . H a m pered by April snows, the team was forced to practice indoors and play m a ny early games on the road. A tough sche d u l e and road games led to a 12-13 record , 6-6 in N ESCAC. Leading the team in offense wa s outfielder/ pitcher JON LORD ' 02 . Ca pta i n ANDREW TRIPP '01, LOUIS DISTASI '01, JAY JOHNSON '03 , KEV I N BRUN ELLE '03 and E R I C ROY '04 a l l were key contributors t o t h e tea m 's offense. The pitc h i ng
staff was led by BRANDON ROYCE '04 , JAMES GARRETT '02 , OWEN KENNY '03 and PHILIP GEIGER '04 . . . . M E N 'S TENNIS fi ni shed
the year with a 9-4 record. The team lost a 4-3 h e a rtbreaker to No. 5 regionally ran ked Bates but went on to upset NYU and Tufts . Other team highl ights i nc l uded wins over Skidmore , Carnegie M e l l o n , Wesleyan and Connecticut. T h e team m i s sed q u a l ifying f o r t h e NCAA Regional Team Tournament by one spot. In si ngles, CLINT MORSE '04 advanced to the se mifi n a l s of the B S i ngles Flight at the 2001
M i ddlebury Invitati o n a l , OWEN PATRICK '01 advanced to the fi n a l s w h i l e J O H N MCMANIGAL ' 0 3 and Morse advanced t o t h e quarterfi n a l s of t h e 2000 Bates I nvitational tournament. JASON B I DWELL ' 0 2 u p s e t regi o n a l ly ranked opponents to complete a n i m pressive record of 10-8 at N o . 1 s i ng l e s . Patrick received the 2001 C l a rence C . Chaffee Award , given to the ath lete who best demonstrates c h a racter, leadersh i p and sportsma n s h i p . T h i s was the first year that a student athl ete from Colby has ever won this award . . . . After a successful spring tra i n i ng trip to Oak Ridge, Ten n . , during spring break , the Colby CREWS j u mped right into racing. With a l most 60 student-athletes
practicing every day and racing every weeke n d , it wa s the l a rgest squad in the h i story of the tea m . It also saw the first-ever u ndefeated season for a freshman women's crew, who went 6-0 through their racing season. They were fol lowed closely by the varsity women, who went 6-1 while com p i l i ng their best d u a l racing season record ever. T h i s spring Colby a l so brought home the first New England Rowing Championships Gold Medal for a freshman women's crew. . . . M E N ' S LACROSSE continued to reb u i l d this s p r i n g and fi ni shed 3-9 overa l l ,
posting wins against Wooster, 17-7, Trin ity, 13- 1 2 , a n d U n iversity of Southern M a i n e , 24-2. The M u les lose j u st four of 3 1 members to graduation , including co-capta i n s MATT COHEN '01 and B I LL GETTY '01, JONATHAN LAY ' 01 and JEM ISON FOSTER '01 . . . . SAM CLARK '01 saw another punctuation of his stellar C o l by BASKETBALL career
this spring when he was named a Division I l l All-American . The forward was named to the second tea m , the only N ESCAC player to a c h ieve Al l-American sta t u s . He is the 1 5th p l ayer in C o l by h i story to b e named a n All-American . . . . DREW JOHNSON ' 0 1 in May received the Scholar Athlete Award from the Maine cha pter of the National Footba l l Foundation a n d Col lege H a l l o f Fam e . Johnson was co-captai n for the
Angela Pappas '0 1 , Division 1 1 1 All-American, celebrates with teammates after 1 4- 1 3 win over Tufts in the first round of the 111augural scorino " in Colby's ESCAC tournament in May.
7-1 N ESCAC and CBB cham pion footb a l l team, but i n presenting this award , the Hall of Fame noted his 3.5 GPA. honors work i n h i story and eight semesters on the Dean's List.
s u
200 I
I 35
Ra , 40n A Cappella
From the H i l l
a l u m ni
Ill uOW
-.; ..,,,._.......
Ge nerations of Colbyettes mark
50th with celebration in song
years ago, a Colby j unior named Janice "Sandy" Pearson asked Professor Peter Re if she could start an aU-female a cappeUa group. Re approved, and the Colbyettes were born. On April 2 1 they came home-and Re, now retired, was there to l isten. i x t:y past a n d present m em bers of the group uni ted i n Lorimer Chapel f or a gala of song and memories. Pearson, now Sandy Pearson .Anderson 5 2, was there with two other original Colbyettes, Ginnie Falkenbury Aron on ' 5 3 and Carolyn English Caci ' 5 3 . ix more members from the ' 5 0s were joined by e ight members from the '60s, one from the ' Os, 1 2 from the '80s, 1 5 from the '90s and 1 4 from the 'OOs. The groups were color coded by decade, resulting in what sometimes looked l i ke an a cappella rainbow. l f i gh l i g h t from t h i s e m o t i o n a l event i n cl uded the resu rrection of "Colbiana," a �ong '' ritten and arranged by Re. Al l of the Col byettes, with help from the men of the Col by Eight and another a cappel la group, the _\ l egaloman iacs, joined in singing this song, once in the middle of the program and again a� a �pontaneous encore at the encl. From "I la\\ aiian \ \ 'ar Chant" to "Java J ive"
a n d " Passionate K i sses," the songs performed in the Colbyettes 5 0th reunion concert reflected the changes of the past decades. "\Ve sang sn-aight Members of a half-century of Colbyettes join to perform at Lorimer Chapel barbershop," said Kathie at the group's 50th reunion in April. The singers wore brightly colored Flynn Carrigan ' 5 5 . Ann T-shirts to denote their decade. Segrave L ieber ' 5 9 con Current Colbyettes J anice Greenwald '0 1 cluded that in comparison to their successors, and Meghan McKenna '02 worked for months the ' 5 0s women " l ooked n i c e b u t had no planning the reunion, recruiting past members, swing . . . . \Ve just stood there with our hands ui our pockets. You guys are up there shaking distributing m usic to a l umni to rehearse at your tambourines." home. "Janice has been dlliucing about this suice The '80s 'Ettes were the ones really shaking before she was born," said Yuki Kodera '0 1 . their tambourines, drawing particular atten G re e n w a l d r e m a rked t h a t the concert tion from die audience with their swiglasses, met her considerable expectations. "I real l y choreography and comedy. The '80s were wild, cou ldn't have asked for a ny more," s h e said. said die singers, but Eleanor Pumam Dunn A fter rece i v i n g two s ta n d i ng o v a t i o n s '83 reassured die older Colbyettes, remarking, during t h e concert, Sandy Anderson pulled "\\re ne\'er got dirown out anywhere." aside M e l issa Tra chten berg '99 (who per \Vh e n the concert e n d e d , the s i n g i n g formed her solo, "\tVhy," with die '90s and conti n u ed a t a post-concert reception i n 'OOs) to offer her own support. "You have to the Robe rts B u i l d i ng, w h e re Col byettes do something professional ly," Anderson said. performed impromptu renditions of "Senti "You are wonderful." mental Journey," "California Drea1nin"' and That n i g h t t h e fee l i n g w a s u n i v e rs a l . "i\Iood I ndigo" widi the Colby Eight. -Erin Rogers 'O 1
Joachim Nominated Alumni Trustee
A Not So Little Get-Together
The A l u m n i Counci l "s nominating committee has nomi nated Nancy Joac h i m '98 to serve a s Young Alumni Trustee beginning in October. Joac h i m was chosen from a field of more than 50 candidates. The Young Alumni Trustee must be elected for h i s or her first term within seven years of graduation. Nominated for a renewable three-year term, Joachim lives in New York and graduated from Fordham University this spring. She served a s associate editor of the
Fordham Journal of Corporate and Financial
Law and was active with the Black Student Law Association. Joac h i m maiored 111 French and 1 11ternat1onal studies and was a R a l ph Bunche Scholar at Colby. She graduated c u m laude with d1st1nct1on 111 both maiors. I n accordance with the by-laws of the Alumni Association, other nom1nat1ons may be made by pet1t1on to the executive secretary of the Alumni Council with the signatures of one percent of the members of the assoc1at1on on or before September 1. 2001. If no nom1nat1ons are received by pet1t1on. the above candidate will be declared elected by the chair of the Alum111 Counc i l .
Signs at the read\ , alumni prepare for the annual parade of classes during Reunion Weekend, June 9. The weekend was blessed with blue skies, enthu s1ast1c participants and events that, by all accounts, went off like clo kwork.
' 20s/' 30s- 1 940s
Louise Chapman Dibble '27, ret i r i ng a fter 34 years serv i ng on the board of d i rectors of the Westbrook (Con n.) Public L i bra ry, was w ritten up i n the Essex, Con n . ,
!V lni11 Street News.
Honored in
by the Association o f Con n ecticut Library Boards as trustee of the year, D i bble has contributed for decades to the Westbrook com m u n i ty as educator a n d author. She taught Engl ish, French and Latin at Old Saybrook H i gh School for
4 1 years -:· Bern Porter
' 3 2 , a physicist who worked on the M a n h attan Project a n d went on to a career as poet and a rtist, is one of Bel fast, M a i ne's "colorful c h a racters," accord i n g to a When he moved to Bel fa st in
Bm1go1· Dni61 News featu re
l a st J a nua ry.
1 97 2 , Porter brought a l ong the I n stitute
for Advanced Th i n k i ng, "a 'th i n k ta n k ' for the avant-garde." "My major focus," he sa id," i s to carry on some of the pri nciples of fusing physics with poetry and h u m a n i ty."
Marjorie Rowel l Shane '27, Apr i l 25, 2 00 1 , in Port land,
M a i ne, at
Elwood J . H a m mond '28, October 6, 2000, i n
Weldon R. Knox '28, December 26, 2000, 94 ·:· Oscar M. Chute '29, Ja nuary 7, 200 1 , i n Evanston, I l l . , a t 9 2 ·:· Vinal G . Good '29, December 2 3 , 2000, in Sebago, M a i ne, at 94 ·:· Jean M . Watson '29, J a nu a ry 23, 200 1 , i n Fort Myers, F l a . , a t 9 2 -:· Evelyn Maxwell Bubar ' 3 0, M a rch J 8, 2 00 1 , i n Northampton, Mass . , at 93 : Merle C . Ryder ' 3 1 , 1\1 a rch 1 3 , 2 00 1 , i n Mystic, Con n . , at 9 1 ·:· Frances Rideout White ' 3 2 , October 6, 1 9 99, at 89 : William Malcolm Wilson ' 3 3 , Apr i l 5 , 2 00 1 , i n Waterv i l le , M a i ne, at 89 -:· Mildred Keogh Ti n ker ' 3 4, February 10, 200 1 , i n G a rd n e r, Mass., at 88 ·:· Charlotte Bates Brooks ' 3 5, M a rch 26, 200 1 , in Calais, Maine, at 88 ·:· Shirley Vincent Whiting ' 3 5, Feb rua r y 2 2 , 200 1 , in Bristol, Con n . , at 8 8 ·:· Lewis N. Brackley ' 3 6 , February 1 7, 200 1 , i n Farmington, M a i ne , at 86 ·:· Margaret Grover Jaffee '36, Apri l 2 1 , 2 00 1 , in H a l l a ndale, F l a . , at 86 : Merrill E . Powers '36, J a n ua ry 8, 2000, in Glens Fa l l s , N.Y., a t 86 -:· Edward M. Hooper '38, December 5 , 2000, in C h a rlotte, N . C . , at 83 ·:· Adele Bosco Nichols '38, December J 7, 2 000, i n H a l lowel l , M a i ne , at 86 ·:· El izabeth Solie Howard '39, April 8, 2 00 1 , in Worcester, M ass., at 82 ·:· Erwin R. Kaufman '39, M a rch 5 , 200 1 , in Cambridge, Mass., at 83. Lacon i a ,
. H . , at
i n Layton sv i l le , M d . , at
'20sf30s Please send your news c/o 1\1eg Bernier, Colby College Alumni Office, \ Vaten�lle, i\ Iaine, 0490 1 .
Congraru lations ro Joan Gay Kent on the recent publication of her new book, Oiscoveri11g Snnds Point: its Histo1y, its People, its Plnces. It is truly fasci nating ro read . . . . Helen Strauss ducked New Yor k 's late w i nter weather with her a n nu a l trip ro Florida, i n c l u d i ng a v i s i t w i t h A n ne Lawrence Bondy '46 and Gene. Helen, Muriel Marker Gould and I arrended New York's reception in J a n u H y f o r P r e s i d e n t " B ro " Adams. Everyone there was obviously i mpressed by h i m, his good \\'ishes a n d h i s i mporta m goa Is for t he Col lege. 1' l u riel and I are slated for a J u ne c ru i se of the Norway coast, round-trip from England \\'ith srops
along the way, going as fa r north as L on g y e a rbyen in t h e N o r t h Cape . . . . "Thanks a lot" ro Bill W hit temore for using th is magazi ne's class news questionn a i re. He reports that last year he and Al ice not only visited Egypt a nd I ndonesia (ro upgrade scientific equipment he i nsta l led in 1 965) but also rook a trip around the world, with srops i n Romania, Japan, H a noi, Ho Chi i\ l i n h Cit)' (Saigon) and D a l at. They w rapped up Y 2 K w i t h a cruise o ft h e French Polynesian islands. During the course of all that, the \Vh irremores celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary'· . . . Dee Sanford 1'1cCunn and I a n (t\\'O more major travelers) planned ro ,·isit some ofian's fa mily in Scotland in .\ Iapnd Paris <l lld \'enice as \\'el l .
-Xno711i Collett P11gn11elli
Thank ! ou, thank !·ou, .\ larie,
Norma, Betty and Fred. Si nce I love read i n g you r news, I know your classmates will, roo. Perennial .\ lanhat tanite Marie Kraeler Lowenstein checked in first via e-mail "because you sounded so desperate." I was. She and Larry were just back from London and Paris-"great \leather, great time. Saw good theater in London including Life x 3, The Caretnke1; Long Oay'.r Journey into Night and ,Werrily We Roll A/011g Marie's work ing as senior consultant in development at the Fieldstone School preparatory to retiring in June after years of raising money for the school. . . . Norma Taraldson Billings, "'ho sounds as though she's fi nally retired, reports that Dick '47 is recuperating wel l , with h i s sense of humor sti ll i n place, after surgery for a brain aneurysm. G ra ndson S e a n , a fter gradu a t i n g summa c u m laude from t h e University of New Hampshire, joined the Peace Corps and last Aug·ust journeyed ro Uzbek istan, where he teaches English ro elem en ta ry school students. He picked up the language easily; l i kes the people; is enjoying a great experience. \Vatch for Gurney's seed catalogue w ith a photo of Dick hold ing big sweet potaroes that he and Ji II grow successful l y in 1' l a i ne . . . . \\'hen th is was being written, Elizabeth Scalise Kilham was planningan April move ro a new retirement community. By now \\'C hope Betty is happily ensconced in Brooksby Vil lage in Peabody, Mass. "Time to be carefree and just do as I please," says Betty. Happy Days' . . . All news wasn't as happy. Fred Leshane in 1' l iami is coping· with multiple health problems. He is minister emeritus of the First Unitarian Chu rch of Miami and visits the Unitarian Universalist Fello\\'ship i n Franklin, N.C., during the summer. He and Phyllis hope ro drive in thei r handicap-ele\'ator van ro their cottage in Hiawassee, Ga., this summer. Fred has a 5-year-old grandson in G a i nesv i l le, Fla., and a 2-year-old great-granddaughter in \'ista, Calif. Phyl lis writes, " Fred is no longer able ro speak or " rite but stil l votes h i s 'compassionate l iberal ,·ie\\'s' by absentee ballot with h is legal X." So, Rev. Dr. Fred, \\'e're sorry you \\'On't make reunion but glad ro hear your heart is al"'ays \\'ith Colby. \\'e admi re your courage, and \\'e'll be thinking of you . . . . Ar th is \\'riring in .\ larch, \\'e ha,·e no \\'Ord of reunion, but by the rime you read this it \\' i l l ha,·e come a n d gone. D i d \\'C ha,·e a good ti me or \\'hat'
-.../1111e Lnv:rence Bondy
/ Alumni
at La rge
1940s Correspondents 1940 Ernest C. Marriner J r. 10 Wa l n ut Drive Augusta ME 04330-6032 classnews1940@alum .colby.edu
1941 Bonnie Roberts Hathaway 400 Atlantic Avenue #34C Leom i n ster, MA 01453 978-343-4259 classnews1941@a lum .colby.edu
1942 1943 1944 c/o Meg Bernier Colby College A l u m n i Office Watervi l l e , ME 04901 207-872-3185 classnews1942@a lum.colby.edu classnews1943@a lum .col by.edu classnews1944@a lum .colby.edu
1945 Naomi Col lett Paga n e l l i 2 Horatio Street #5J New York, NY 10014-1608 212-929-52 7 7 class news1945@a lum .colby.edu
1946 Anne Lawrence Bondy 771 Soundview Drive Mamaroneck, NY 10543 914-698·1238 classnews1946@a lum.colby.edu
1947 Mary " Liz" H a l l Fitch 4 Canal Park #712 Cambridge, MA 02141 61 7-494-4882 fax: 6 1 7-494-4882 classnews 194 7@alum.colby.edu
1948 David and Dorothy Marson 4 1 Woods End Road Dedh a m , MA 02026 781-329-3970 fax: 617-329-6518 classnews1948@alum.colby.edu
1949 Anne Hagar Eustis 24 Sew a l l Lane Topsham, M E 04086 207-729-0395 classnews1949@a lum.colby.edu
I regret h a ,· i n g to report the death i n December of Lillian H i nckley Worcester, the result of a stroke following surgen·. L i l l ia n "·as one of t h ree si ters \\'ho a l l arrended Colb) . She leaves her husband and three sons. . . . ..\ few y-ea rs ago, Beverly Ben ner Cassara helped to e tabl ish the Sen ior Yolu n teer
c0 L B y
s u
M M ER 200 l
I 37
A l u m n i at Large
1 940s- l 9 5 0 s
a l so went
Cleari nghouse i n Cambridge, ,\ l ass. This orga n i zation's function is to
T h re e m o nt h s after open-heart su rgery, Robert A. Slavitt '49 was back practici n g l a w in t h e offices o f Slavitt, Connery & Va rda m is i n
m atch w o u l d - b e ,·o l u nteers w i t h orga n i z a t i o n s t h a t c a n u s e t h e i r
O r l a n d o to see her
granddaughter w i n a medal i n the h i gh jump i n the Ju nior Olympics. The Dyer fa m i l y now has a t h i rd
i\orwal k, Con n . : "Total i m mer ion," decla re d a fea t u re a rticle i n t h e • orwa l k (Co n n .) Hom: SJa,·itt, who w rote t h e origi n a l d o c u m en t s
generation at Colby: Matthew Bacon
sa lvage t h e Titnnic, h a s owned r a c e horses,
Dyer Bacon '54, and her husband,
col lected a n tiques, h istorical a r t i facts and pottery, w r itten a book about a local potter and rem a i n s a raconte u r of a necdotes stem m i n g
Robert, spent his first semester at
enjoy i n g bei n g on the publicity com m ittee with her. If an)· Colb)· a l u m n i
from h i s l i fe-long i n terest i n Jewish a n d I ri s h h istory.
k i l l s . B e ,·erl)· works n e a r l y fu l l t i me i n
e,·eral d i fferent capacities
creati n g t h e r i g h t s
for the clearinghouse, co-cha i r of fi,·e committee
i n t h i s a rea
among them. I 'm
sum mer on May 10 and planned to pri l 10, 2 00 1 , i n " aterv i l le,
School of Nursi n g at the end of .May.
Richard H . Bright '4 1 , Apri l H, 2 00 1 , i n O l d
At t h at t i me she expected to see g r a d u a te d from t h e Ya l e School
be more than glad to find the perfect
Denths: Caroli ne Piper Overfors '40,
spot for you . . . .
,\ l a i ne , a t 8 3
Shi rley Lloyd
i ng account of her trip when she
James A. Daly '4 1 , November 7, 2 000, in Seattle, "'a s h . , a t 81 ·:· Maurice D. Rimpo '4 1 , Febru a ry 5 , 2 00 1 , i n C am b r i d ge, i\ 1 d . , a t 8 2 ·:· Ruth Doris Peterson Stan ley
returm . . . . As I write, John and
'4 1 , A p r i l 8 , 200 1 , in Neptu n e , N.J . , at 81
I plan to be i n northern Spain in
'42, i\ I a rc h 1 9, 2 00 1 , in A m herst, � lass., a t 80
.\ l ay. \\'e especial l)· look forward to
Main '43, December 1 , 2000, in B rooksv i l l e , F l a . , a t 79
Saybrook, C o n n . , a t 8 1
T h o r n e has recently left for ,\ l a lta. I hope she w i l l gi,·e us an interest
,-i,iting the Gett)' ,\ l useum in B i l bao
Stedman B. Howard ·:·
Charles Frederick :
M i lton Stillwell Jr. '43, October 20, 2 000, i n New Jersey, at
and a side trip to the medie,·al wal led c i t y of C a rcassonne in sout hern France. Later I 'l l be ,·isiting a son
Albertie Allen Stetson '44, M ay 1 2 , 1 999, in Vi rgi n i a , a t
Marsha l l B . Hammond '46, October 24, 2 0 0 0 , i n P i t tsfi e l d ,
,\ I a i n e , a t
and h is fa m i l y in Germa n)-. . . . It's
E i leen McMahon Bills '47, Februa ry 2 5 , 2 00 1 , i n
,\ le r r i m ack, N. H . , a t 74
getting i ncreasinglr d i fficult to get
2000, i n Timon i u m ,
ne'' ' for the col u m n . Plea e help
Dennis F. D u n n Jr. '48, September 29,
1d., at 75.
of Nursing. Five years ago Ma rie received the school's Outsta n d i n g A lu m n a award . . . . I n early 1\1arch we heard from Elaine Brow n i ng Townsley that her former roommate H a ze l Huckins Merri l l was in the Peabody Nursing Home in Fra n k l i n , N . H . E l a i ne u rged h e r t o recover so that they could attend reunion i n June. E l a i ne and her son, D u d ley ' 7 2 , were going to Florida for a short
Gil Taverner w rote t h a t i n 1 98 1 h e
re u n i o n s h e w a s a m a z e d at t h e
went t o the S t . G eorge's School i n
Rowen Schussheim Anderson and
enjoys watch ing t h e games . . . .
/-in/I Fitch
M a r i e Machell M i l l i ken, who a l so
vacation. She wrote that they had had
me bring your friends up to <late on
-.\ !my "Li:.,.
niversity of Salama nca and in
February moved to the campus. Betty
attend her 50th reunion at the Yale
. \ \'e'd
your acti\ itie .
was to retu rn to R hode Island for the
pot t h e a n nouncement
and \\ Ould l i ke to ,-olunteer, don't he itate to c a l l (61 - )
'04, son of Bett y's si ster, l"ancy
enough snow for a w h i l e .
transformation. H a n na's daughter
\\'e l l , '' e reached a m i lestone,
�ewport, R . L , fo r a semester. I n
her husband, Steve, a n d c h i ld ren
o u r 5 0 t h '' e d d i n g a n n i ,·e rs a r y .
February o f 1 0 0 1 h e completed 2 0
Sydney and Eric visited Colby last
\\'e c e l e b r a t e d b r goi n g
-Dnvid nud Dorothy 1Wnrso11
o new news from any of you
or the A l u m n i Office, so as promised in my last col u m n I w i l l report on
)·ears o f affi l iation with the school.
s u m m e r from D a v e n p o r t , T o w a .
Dorado Beach Re O r t in Puerto Rico
Alt hough now J i ,·i n g in Concord,
Rowen teaches texti le arts a n d design
the long letter from Jack
accompanied b)· R ichard and Yi,·ian
.\ l ass., i n semi-retirement, he is still
at Augustana College i n Rock I sland,
Jack l ives i n \Vayne, . M a i ne, west
M a h o ney.
\ I ar'>Oll (brother and sister- in-law)
the school h istorian and has written
I l l . , and found the Colby art collec
of Augusta, on A ndroscoggin L a ke.
and one of our <laughters, .\ l a rsha
two \'Olumes of the school's h i story.
tion to be extensive and world-class
H is whole career was spent in the
\ lol ler. and her husband, Ed. The
The newlr renovated, state-of-the
q u a l ity. . . .
Fish and \Vi l d l i fe Service and the
\1 Cather '' a
great, " ith S\\ i m m i ng,
a rt G i lbert Y. Ta,·erner Arch i\'CS
Corke Myers spent five weeks on
Bureau of Commercial Fisheries on
golf, good food and '' i ne . On J u l r 3
,,·ere dedicated i n ,\lay . . . . Everett
S a n i b e l I s l a n d on F l o r i d a 's west
both the west and east coasts. So is it
t l w , ) car Doroth) reaches another
Rockw e l l wrote that they had a fun
coast. She had lu nch in 1 ovember
l ittle wonder that when he reti red he
h1 rthda)
'' i nter. He worked on a project i n
with Deanie \\'hitcomb \Volf '49
became i n terested in environmental
h ich a group of volunteers built
and 1' l arsh a l l at their condo in Vero
issues in general and the health of
m i lesto n e ! . . .
,\ l a rv i n
Jo l o " '' rote from h i ; h o m e on
E l i zabeth Coombs
\ Li n h .1 \ \'me) arc! t h at he and Bett)
forms, poured and fi n i shed 3 ,600
B e a c h . L a s t su m m er s h e v i s i te d
A n d roscoggin L a ke in partic u l a r.
a l ,o u:lehrated their -oth \1 edding
feet of golf cart paths. He said that
w ith Nancy Ardiff Boulter '50 i n
For eight years he has been a volun
.r n n i \ cr-.ar) \1 i t h 1 n t he last year. \ s
people \\ere worried about "u
Rockport, ,\ lass. To h e r surprise she
teer l a ke monitor testing for water
man) of ) OU Ill.I ) rec.i l l , \ I a n in i'> a
codgers" out there working, but he
di scovered that Nancy owned the
tran sparency and total phosphorous,
\ OI U ntl'.er fi refi ghter, tm1 n constable
i ndicated that they \1 ere none the
house that E l i zabeth rented for a
ch lorophyl l and d i ssolved oxygen
.1 nd ch.1 1 r of l he loca I ion i ng boa rd of
''orse for the effort. Little theater
fa mily reunion in
determin ations.
.1ppe.1k \dd1t tona l l ) . he ! '> Jn elected
and <le!>sert theater were O\'er for
says that she t h i n ks of Colby daily
has been undertaken to attempt to
offici.11 on no le" r h an fi, c up-i.,land
the '' i nter, hut the choru
\1 as st i l l
becau e she wears, with pride, her
determ i ne the ca use of a tota I a I gae
ho.1 rd -.
pra c t i c i n g f o r a n e n d of ,\ l a rch
"st u n n i n g Seiko watch" designed for
bloom in 1 999. Besides the biologica I
u ken l he_lo, lm" on an e\c1t1 11g rour
concert. I l e say
Colbyites . . . . From
Betty Dyer
pol l ution, the l a kes o f V T a i ne a re s u f
of t ht: 'iout h \1 0.:-.r . e-.pcc 1 a l l )
ha\ e to ]c;H e t he park for want of
Brewster we received "greet i n gs
fering from chemical pol lution . Jack
'>Omet hing to <lo . . . . H a n n a
from Paradise," otherwise k nown as
reports that h i s lake,
li,e a
�aples, Fla. She is enjoying ten n i s ,
is cont a m i nated w ith d io x i n , a noted
\ l ore recent r ra , c l s h a \ e '.;c\1
\ l c \ lu 1 .rn d \ n 1ona . . . . \\ e rcce1\ c<l an c - m .1 t l from
, enc H u nt er, \1 ho
that he doe
c h u s h e i m cont i n ues
19 6. E l i zabeth
watershed su rvey
nd roscogg i n ,
rct·end) h.ul .1 tolJ I h 1 p replacement
hu') l i fe
Dupont C i rcle in the
gol f, S\1 i m m i n g a n d bridge. S h e
carcinogen. T h ree paper m i l l s on
and \1 .1' recm e r i n g at home. I l e
natton \ tap1r a l . . he rem inisced about
h a d a '' onderful m i l le n n i u m (2000)
the Androscoggin R iver release it
\ I J) flo,1 cr 1 l t l l 1 11 l <J4
and J'>ked
celebration i n Naples with 1 5 fa m i ly
d a i l y in their m i l l ions of ga l lons of
Litl'.r. C . enc 't i l l co.1 che-. the l . 1 11coln
'' h 1ch buildi ng., \1erc fi r'>l U\t.:d for
members, i n c l u d i n g her bro t h e r,
d ischarges. Jack states t h at this is a
\ I 1ddk 'ithool g i rl-.' lu-.kctllJll rea m .
cla.,.,c, on the nc\1 c.1mpu•,_ (Seem'> to
Dick 0) er '41 . I n 1 999, Betty visited
health issue but that the federa l a n d
and t hl'.I t i n l '>hed '' i r h a n 1 1 - � record .
me 1r \\ a-. c he \\·omen\ l'11 1on, no\1
.'pa i n , Port uga l , England, l rela n<l ,
s t a t e govern ments do l i t t l e about
I le 1 11d 1urcd th .n ir \\ .1 -. tournament
R u n n a l -. , .rnd later \ ! t i ler L1hra r ) . )
\\';1 le., and Scot land. Last fa l l she
it-and t h at these big corporations
\ l .i 1 n c .111 J t il J t he ,t i l l
\\ hen -.he ret urned f o r h e r 'iOt h
\1 ent
\\ i l l do not h i n g until forced to. J ack
m .l )
h ,1, L' the o l her h i p rcplaccd
r i me 1 11
the Caribbean. I n :moo she
goes on to say he enjoyed our 50th and t h a t you girls l ooked pretty s p i ffy, even w i t h o u t y o u r bobby sox . . . . By the time you read this, I w i l l have moved permanently to M a i ne , and we w i l l be e n j oy i n g s u m mer. I n t h e mea n t i m e , don't forget to send me you r news even i f it seems t r i v i a l t o you.
-Anne Hagar Eustis
I received a lovely letter from Margaret ( Peg) RodgersJones w ith some great news. On February 1 7, 200 1 , she married her bridge partner, I rv i n g ( Nick) Nichols, w h ich, she com ments, "says a lot about h i s generous and forgiving nature." (As a bridge pl ayer, I a l so appreciate those q u a l ities!) Fred '49 and Grace Rutherford Hammond were a part of the celebration as wel l as Deb Smith Meigs ' 5 1 and Bess and Jack Keough ' 5 1 . . . . I was su rprised and sorry to learn from Jack Alex not long ago that we lost Richard Arm k necht. Jack w ro te, " \!\Then R ichard A rmk necht recently passed away our class lost a very valuable member. vVe had a n extremely suc cessful 50th class reu n ion m a i n ly due to the hard work of Dick. The class book was the l a rgest there had ever been. Dick was well k nown atthe Col lege for h is loya lty and hard work a nd w i l l be greatly m issed."
-Alice Jennings Castelli
Henry Fales writes that he is
75. H e holds a part-time job ringing a cash register at Staples, teaches i n t roductory computer u s a g e to seniors at the local COA, a nd t he second week i n M a rc h he bega n teach i n g amateur radio a nd fourth grade science to a group of youngsters at the Orlea ns ( Mass.) Elementary School. . . . Shirley Raynor Ingra ham was one of t h ree ladies who represented their chapter of Florida L i fe Care Residents Association on the legislative tour of the capito l i n February. S h i rley took photos as 1 50 sen iors visited 78 legislators and left each w i t h a copy of the points assembled by Lt. Gov. Brogan's task force on issues a ffect i ng the elderly. S h i rley says that l iabil ity i nsurance prem i u ms for Florida's long-term care providers a re eight times the nationa I average. Florida law i s used u n fa i rly to sue nursing homes a nd a s s i s ted-l i v i n g faci l i ties f o r h uge amounts, she says, a n d tort reform is necessa ry. S h i rley v isited Rep. K i m Berfield and had a special v isit
with Sen. Jack Latva la. She a l so led Clearwater residents to m a i l 400 letters to Ta l l a h a ssee. Legislators started heari ngs on March 6.
Prisc i l l a Leach, Fra m i n g ham, Mass., reports that she practices tai chi each morn i ng, power walks t h ree mi les t h ree days a week and between breaths is a volunteer at a sen ior center a nd the police station 1 She is work i n g on her fam i ly genea l ogy, having traced her father's l i ne back to 1 22 7. On her way for a two week visit to Star Island last sum mer, P r i s c h a n ced to m e e t a n d v i s i t w i t h Betsey Smart Merriam on t h e dock of t h e I s l e s of S h oa l s Steamship Company i n Portsmout h, N. H . . . . Helen Torr Exton, \Vash i ngton, D.C., a longwith her husband, is now retired from the diplomatic service. Their five chi ldren l ive a l l over t h e world, from H o n g Kong to London . Helen is teaching part time at a school that focuses on learning d isabi l ities . . . . Janet Hewins, Ph . D., San Francisco, a semi-retired c l i n ical psychologist, is taking the summer off to do some traveli ng, London in particu l a r. . . . Bob Ryley, who had a bit of su rgery last fa l l , claims to be healthy once aga i n . To prove it, he's back on h i s two-mi Jes-a-day wa I k regimen. . . . Tot mea n i ng to turn this colum n i nto a who's on/who's off the sick list bulletin, I nevertheless w i l l tel l you t h a t Bob H o o p e r c l a i m s n o t t o feel 7 0 i n spite of a quadruple by-pass i n March 2000 and angioplasty and a stent instal lation in J a nuary 200 1 . . . . Carl and Muffie Morgan Leaf,] udy and Herb Nagle, Jean and Bob Lee ' 5 1 and Sheila a nd Don Hailer have periodic d i n ners out together. They a re joined by C h arlotte a nd Lum Lebherz when the latter are not practici n g snow avoidance i n Florida . . . . Ellen Lewis H u ff, Old Tow n , M a i ne, besides playing t he viola in t he University of M a i n e orchestra and work i ng i n a food pantry, is active i n Literacy Volu nteers of America. She is cur rently tutoring a m id-50s person who has readi n g problems . . . . I asked our president, Norma Bergquist Ga rnett , to contribute a closing paragraph: "Greetings. Here we are1 Less than one yea r to go u nt i l our C lass of 1 95 2 w i l l be gatheri ng on J\ IayAower H i l l in recognit ion of our graduation from Colby o n ly 50 years ago1 Several class members a n d the A l u m n i Office staff have been
p l a n n i n g specia l events and items to provide us with an outsta nding 50th reu n ion i n 2002 . A pleasant a n d rel a x i n g two-day pre-reun ion event in Boothbay H a rbor. A fu l l a n d i n formati ve reu n ion pub I ication, w h ich everyone w i l l h e l p w r ite th rough a compi lation of persona I photos and messages. A Thur day even i n g d i n ne r party put on by Colby j ust for us. Activity schedules for Friday and S a t u rday that i nc l ude somet h i ng for everybody, especially t h e t r a d i t i o n a l S a t u rd a y a l u m n i pa rade a t noon a nd o u r banquet a n d program that eve n i ng. i\ Iore deta i l s w i l l be mai led in the fa l l . Remember t h e charm o f Joh nson Pond on MayAower J f i l l ? Let's plan on gatheri n g a ga i n by its gent le b a n k s a n d re-experience i n 2 002 Colby's n a t u ra l beauty, academ ic vigor and the great traditional spirit of its a l u m n i ' Ciao, orma."
-Paul ill. Aldrich
1950s Correspondents 1950 Alice J e n n i ngs Caste l l i 6 S a l e m Road Madison, CT 06443 203-245- 7 7 2 5 cla ssnews1950@a lum .colby.edu
1951 Nancy N i lson Arc h i b a l d 1 5 L i n d e n Ave n u e Scituate, MA 02066 781-545-4987 classnews1951@a l u m .colby.edu
1952 Paul M. Aldrich P.O. Box 2 1 7 Bristol, M E 04539 207-563-8744 classnews1952@a lum .colby.edu
1953 Barbara Easterbrooks M a i ley 80 Lincoln Avenue South H a m i lton , MA 0 1982 9 7 8-468-5110 978- 7 7 7-5630 x3310
Larry Taber resides f o u r
houses from where he grew u p i n Madison, N.]. Larry moved there from New York City after work i ng 3 0 years for Union Carbide a s a computer consultant. He has volu nteered for the M adison Shade Tree Authority, wh ich was responsible for planting 1 1 ,000 trees. Now he serves as com missioner of the Madison Housi ng Authority and a lso serves on the fi nance committee for the Episcopal Diocese of Newark a nd as treasurer for the A I D S Resou rces Center. \\Then he is not busy with a l l t h i s volunteer work, he can be found either in his greenhouse or garden . . . . An i mpressive com m ittee has a l ready started work on the 50th reu n ion gift:
Barbara Best Berg, Frank King, Paul Wescott a n d Nick Sarris, all under the leadership of Chase and Nan Murray Lasbury. . . . Ed Fraktman has a l ready had some fun conversations with such classmates as Roger Olson , Buddy Reed, Dick
classnews1953@a lum .colby.edu
1954 Helen Cross Stabler 206 C restwood Drive North Syracuse, NY 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 5-457-5 2 7 2 classnews1954@a lum .colby.edu
1955 Ken Van Pragg P. O . Box 87 ( M ay-early Nov) G rafton , NY 12982 207-873-3616 22 Gold Drive ( Early Nov-May 6) Pt. St. Lucie, FL 34952 classnews1955@a l u m .colby.edu
1956 Kathleen Mcconaughy Zambello 135 l d u n a Lane Amherst, MA 01002 classnews1956@alum .colby.edu
1957 Guy and Eleanor Ewing Vigue 238 Sea Meadow Lane Yarmouth , M E 04096 207-846-4941
Skel ley, Paul " Rocky" Appelbaum , Robert " B ato" G ordon , D i c k Hawes, Gordon Marquis and t he late Phil Hussey, who I am sad to
cla ssnews1957@a lum .colby.edu
report passed away last ,\ l a rch 1 5. Ed and h i s w i fe, .\ larilyn, became grandparents for t he first time t h is past year. They have two gra ndsons: Aiden (born in Apr i l '00)-Ed aspires to see h i m a star goa l ie for t h e I rish Rovers-and lexander (born l a s t J u ly .+), a s t a r q u a r te rback i n - t ra i n i ng. Ed sars he a n d h i s " lovely" ,\ l a r i l y n celebrate t heir .+0th
M a s s a pequa Pa rk, NY 1 1 7 6 2
1958 M a rgaret S m ith H e n ry 1304 Lake Shore Drive 5 1 6-541-0790 classnews1958@alum .colby.edu
1959 Ann Segrave Lieber 7 Kingsland C o u rt South Orange, NJ 0 7 0 7 9 9 7 3-763-6 7 1 7 cla ssnews1959@alum .colby.edu
R 2 00 I
I 39
Alumni at Large
1 9 50s- 1 960s
J n n i ,·er.,ar)· t h i J une. Congratula tions! . . . ,\l a rcia Curtis has been retired for I 0 1·ea rs a nd h a been enjm ing t i m e \\·ith her fam i l y of n ieces and nephews a \1·el l a s tra1·el i n g and keeping up "·ith old high school a n d college friends . .\ I a rcia till I i , e s i n Charleston. .C., but come back to :\"e,1 England to spend summers i n \\-aten·ille \·al le)·, � . H . She h a s taken up watercolor painting a n d belongs to the l i fe-long learning center of the College of Charleston. \ l a rciJ remembers ome h i gh point of her college days: the footba 11 games (someti mes in the now), singing in t he Glee Club, especially perform i ng "The \ l essiah:' and planting a smal l p i n e tree o n A rbor Da)' i n 1 95 3 , \1 hich i'> no11 4 0 feet h igh. \\'hat great memorie 11 e all share . . . . Ray Ducharme \\ i l l become professor emeritus at Smith College on June >O. �0()1 . . . . l heard from Barbara " Bobbi" Studley Barnette i n J a nu ar) . he said she " as wear)' of tra1·el1 11g b) a i r across the C-. . 1·isiting her fa rrnl) and glad to be on the Cape aga m , and ... he and I made plans to -,pend '>Orne time together after the -,no\1 melt ,,• I a h1 a)·s look fon1 a rd to h ,l\ mg ;ome persona l time from mr comen aror;h ip duties. . . Keep the ne\1 s com i ng. I f an) one '' a n t s Ill) e - m a r l address. j ust l e t m e kno\\ .11 1d rl l a n'" er.
811rb11m Easterbrooks .\ lailey
I \\ J'> 'addened to learn that Barbara Fi her Dorfman ha'> died. ">ill " a ' a fell< J\\ Fnglish ma1or, a nd I n:rm:mher her at C :olb) <ls fu l l of Lncrg) and fu n . . . . bbott Rice, '' ho II\ e' in I l ml'>on , '\," _ l I . , has been lnr 1 " 1t h h" loca l church a nd the to\\ n \ code ofeth ic'> comm 1 nee '>i nee hr rl'.l l rcmuH from 'orthern F'>'>e\ ( r tmmtlll l t ) College f our ) ear' ago. I k .1 11d h" '' r fc. \ n n rc . a J .,o a rc .ll t l \ e 1 11 t hL \\ an.1 11 1d. ( , range 1 11 I l ud " >n 'anq \ lo) er ono, er h.1 hccn t r.1, c l r n(! to '>OlllC unu'>ual 1lc '! 1 11,ll J I >11 ' ' "iill \I Clll LO \ J 1d\1 a) \toll I<> oh,l'.n e goonc) h1nJ., a nd hl'.lped 1 11 .1 'tud1 of 'p1nner dolph in' ,l f tl'J p.1 r1 1np.n 1 11 g 1 11 t he \ muon P111k Dolph 1 11 "il'.n rcc .1 couple of } L.lr .l!l,<>. ( .ont.ll'l' 111.1de t h rough I l d e r h < > , t L I l e d h e r to d o l p h i n t ud r c . I n .1dd 1 t 1on. h e h,1, hcl'.n l >1 � J ll !! ,1 round outhl'.rn llohem1.1 I p11t l l n!! ch.1 ntcrelk· mu,h room' 1 \\1 cdcn. I r ke ot ha, of u,, ,he .i J,. , Jl rL .1round t he l ">. ' ' ''t ill !! h <r d 1 r ld n:n rn . d !!r.111dch rldrl'.n. " ith l \1 1 1 nc\1 l llll'. h,l\ rn g .1rrl\ l'.d JU't l.1 t
C h a i r m a n o f \Va l nu t Asset .\ I a nagement L L C Peter Bedel l '59 was fe atu red in a Philadelphia lnq11ire1· story tout i n g the success of the com p any. "'a l nut m a nages a bout $ 5 0 m i l l ion pri m a ri l y for fa m i l\' accounts and was lauded for its focus o n customer service, stron d iscipli n e and v a l ue i nvest i n g in a time of m a rket volati l ity.
Deaths: \Vi l l iam A. Tippens '50, Feb ru a ry 9, 2 00 1 , i n i\ I i l l i nocket, .\ I a i ne , at _/ : Vernon Core l l Jr. ' 5 1 , October 2 1 , 2 00 0 , i n Yorkto\1·n Heights, NY., a t 1 ·:· Richard F. Joh n son '5 1 , .\ l a rch l l , � 00 1 , i n Boston , ,\ I ass., a t l : Oscar Rosen '5 1 , p ri l ?, 20 0 1 , i n S a l e m , ,\ I ass., a t 7 8 : Philip W . Hussey Jr. '53, M a rc h 1 5, 2 00 1 , i n ;\aples, Fla., a t 69 : Kay Vivian M i les '57, February -+, 2 00 1 , i n \\'i l m i n gton, \'t., at 65 : Lucia Joh n son Stuart ' 5 8 , J a nu a ry 24, 2 00 1 , in G r a n d Rapids, M ich., at 64 : John B . Shoemaker '59, February H, 2 00 1 , i n P a l m etto, Fla., at 6+. ··
year. . . . \Vinnie Robertson l i l ler '' rote at Christmas that she and Nate '55 were plan n i ng a trip to Prague and Budapest. Last December was a special month for them "·irh the birth of their fourth grandch i ld . . . . Art Eddy and his ,,-ife, An ne, have sold their house on Cape Cod and a re mm·ing to Lake,· i l le, Conn., to be closer to fam i l y. . . . Joyce 'Witham S p e n c e r and C h u c k ' 5 3 l i l'e i n Colorado. They enjoy !>k i i ng right there in Colorado, too, but ha,·e been t r<n-el i ng a round the coun t ry ,·isiti ng friends and fam i k Their chi ldren and gra ndchildren ]i,·e in Las \'egas and Houston. This year the pencers plan to ,-isit Colby friends in Florida, t hen tnl\·el to Co ta R ica and cruise through the Panama Canal. \\'hat a tr<l\ el log our classmates cou Id concoct together' Please send your news. -I le/en
Christian School. This summer they w i l l be ,-o l u n teer i n g at a fa m i l y c a m p i n t h e mou nt a i n s o f l\'ew ,\ lexico . . . . Al Clapp stays so very busy with his second career in health care t hat he has no plans to slow down and take it easy. I- l e says he met Colby's new president at the Stamford, Conn., a l u m n i gatheri ng and was most impressed . . . . Charlie Morrissey is a lso busy i n a second ca reer-at Pepperdine as a professor of i n f o systems. Two of his k ids and fi,·e of h i s se\'en gra nddaughters a re sti l l i n the East, so he gets back this way often to see them, unfort u nately ne\'er at reunion time. He has stayed in touch with Colby-a son a n d daughter-in-law a re graduates-but has only attended one reun ion that I k now of. . . . i\ Iy next colu m n w i l l be our reunion news.
Cross Stabler
Dear classmates, thi " i nter '' e attended ma n)· sports e\'ents at \m herst C :ol lege whene\ er Colby was i n to\1 n . \ \'e had a great time " arch ing the '' omen's basketbal I team beat \ m herst and then \\'el lesle) to \1 i n t h e FC :.\C : D i,·ision l l I champion -.h ip'>, \1 hich \1 ere pla) ed here at \ 111 hcr'> t . \ \\ onderfu I cont ingent of C .olh) parents and grandparents .l! tclllf., hoth ha.,ketb,1 I I and hocke } , a n d ll " a h1 a� '> fu n t o don o u r C .ollll '>\\ Catsh 1 rt'> and root f o r our tcam'> . . . . .\ I a rgaret Da rby Per on rnd her hu-,llJl1d, Roger, a re ;ti 11 J j , ing a nd t r<l\ t:l r n g fu l l rune 1 11 their motor home. ' f he) con1 1 nuc their 1 olt11 1tcl'.r \\ ork " 1t h ( ,,1 111pc.:r'> On \ I r ,J< m . <l ll<l t h i -, '' r m cr found t hem 1 11 I loml.1 . \I hl'.rc t he� helped hu r ld .1 lll'.\I f.1Crl 1 t ) for ·r hl'. \ \ 1 11ter I LH en
-Kathy ,\ /cC011a11ghy Zmnbello
athan Adams sent a very n ice note catch ing me up on h i s l i fe. His w i fe, n nel iese, ret i red from her position at the Austrian Embassy i n \\ 'ash i ngton i n June 2000. Then Nate and An nel iese moved "kit and kaboodle to our new log home near Ennis, ,\font., a small town i n the ,\ J adison Va l ley some 75 mi les north ofYel lowstone Park." Nate reti red in 1 99-+ a fter a 26-year ca reer a s a senior staff editor of The Reader's Digest research ingand 11 ritingi nl'estigative features on tra ns-national orga n ized crime ( R ussia) and terrorism (.\ I idd le East) and getting "fronted off" on the CBS fa·enmg .\'eu•s, Good .I lorning . /111enm, PBS, etc. I le also appeared before ' a riou<, congres'>iona I security, 1ntcl ligence and foreign affa i r'> com mrttees. �ate '>ay'> he -.rill does '>Ome
security and risk a n a lysis studies for i nternationa I clients. I Iowever, he is h appy to be back in a part of the country where he spent h i s child hood. I f anyone i s ever i n the area, d o look h i m up . . . . Bob Saltz (rsa ltz@am rresearch.com) and his w i fe sti l l l ive i n Swampscott, 1' 1ass., but spent th is past wi nter in Scottsdale, A riz. They loved it so much that they bought a place on Gai ney R a nch and w i l l spend winters there. Bob has spent the last two years fighting prostate cancer, had two operations a nd radiation but at the time of writing had the good news that for the moment he is w i n n i ng the battle. He now spends some time counse l i n g others confronting this d isease. He retired from h i s l atest business venture, A M R Research, i n April 2000 but sti l l mainta i n s a n office i n Boston and a spot on the advisory board. Bob's daughter Judy has given him a 2 -year-old grandson , and h i s son was ma rried i n late w inter 2 0 0 1 . . . . Carol H a l l H u i and her husband, David, and daughter K i m are still living i n Sun nyva le, Calif., land of the rol l i ng blackouts. Carol "retired" from her work with a local bal let company because the company had gone i nto Chapter 1 1 . She had been work i n g w i t h the company si nce 1 985, get t i n g it i n to better funding categories. Dave a lso had a career cha nge but i s sti l l i n t h e computer fiel d . T h e i r daughter i s a n emergency room technician a t t h e loca I hos pi ta I i n San Jose . . . . I know you a re out there; let me hear from you.
-Jvlargaret S111ith Hemy
J essica and Bob Cockburn sti l l l ive i n ew Brunswick, Canada, where Bob is a professor of English. H e edited the book Toward ,\ /aguetic
North: The Oberho/t-::,er-i1 1agee 1 9 1 2 Canoe Journey to H11dso11 Bny, which was publ ished last October . . . . New Hampshire resident David Russell, who spent two years with us, ran for a seat i n the state representative race. He had served as a state represen t a t i ve si nee M a rc h 2 0 0 0 a n d i s interested i n land conservation and funding for education. Did you win, Oa,·id' . . . B i l l and Edo Foresman Donaldson have courageously ta ken the R\' plunge. They old their house last] une a nd have t raveled more than 1 0,000 m i les, seeing a nd learn ing a lot i n the process. They have a home base with rhei r daughter i n Connecticut, s o it is t h e best of both
worlds. And they can choose whatever weather suits their mood ' . . . Please write to me, folks. I love hearing from you a nd am del ighted to report your activities to our classmates.
-Ann Segrave Lieber
Ralph Nelson's news, wh ich a rrived in early November, com mented on the "i nteresting" time that I must be having with the politics i n Florida and Mexico (because I l ive in Florida and my husband, Juan, worked on Vicente Fox's election campaign in Mexico). I admit ! fou nd the situation in Florida so d isturbing that I m ight even become i nvolved in politics ' Ralph reports that on June 2 l he and h i s wife were blessed with a n eight pound, three ounce grandson, D a n iel Ross Nelson. I n October, Ralph a n d h i s wife traveled to Morocco for two weeks of touring the medieval markets a nd Roma n r u i n s , camping· i n t h e desert a n d m a k i n g many home v isits. R a l p h continues t o be active i n t h e Sons of the American Revolution, this year a s a mbassador for overseas recru itment, working with people in New Zealand, M icronesia, Canada and I re l a n d . . . . J o h n Kel lom recently reti red and moved from New England to H i lton Head I sland, S.C. He worked at Raytheon Company for 34 years, pri marily as a software engineer developing and testing air traffic control systems. Although e m p loyed in M a s s a c h u s e t t s , he worked on i nternational programs and had the opportunity for travel to Norway and Hong Kong. Now that they a re settled into their new home, he is busy work i ng on the "honey do" l ist before getting too i nvolved in church and music activities . . . . June Chacran Chatterjee and her hus band had a wonderful time at our very special reunion and are look ing forward to our future reunions. After the weekend, they drove th rough Tew England visiting fa m i ly and fri e n d s . Recently they ret u r ned from a six-week trip to India. They usu a I ly m a ke a 11 thei r own travel arrangements, but everything was clone for them during one week they spent travel ing th rough Rajasthan on the Palace on 'l\Theels, traveling by n ight a ncl seei ng the sights during the daytime. Their tra i n took them to palaces and forts in places such as Jaipur, Jaisa lmer, Joclhpur, da ipur and the Taj Mahal. They say they had their own beauti fu l compartment with private bathroom , the food
was fantastic, the staff took care of them I i ke fami ly, and they wou Id be happy to provide more i nformation to anyone interested . . . . It is now 1 0 years si nce Peter Shays joined the pub I ications clepartment at Pri ncipia, a private educational i nstitution with two campuses-one for chi ldren pre-pre-school th rough h igh school in St. Louis and the other a liberal arts college j ust up the M ississippi River in Elsah, I l l . He started as editor and has been d irector for the past six years. He adores the work that, in addition to print publica tions, i nvolves both video and 'l\Teb communication. He a nd his wife of al most 3 5 years love the St. Louis area . . . . P. Anna Johnson survived the Seattle earthquake on February 28; here's a part of her description. "The jury on which I am serving in the Federal Courthouse had just been cal led back from a 1 5 m i nute break . . . when I felt the first tremor. . . . [T]he fel low juror seated to my right literally Aew over me on his way to the open doorway on my left. . . . I too leaped, and landed crouched on my k nees. . . . There must have been l 2 or 1 5 ofus huddled together on the floor, our a rms around one a nother. 'This looks l i ke a footba l l huddle' passed through my m i nd. Next to me on the right, a young woman . . . was terrified and I felt sorry for her. The woman said, ' I have a two-year-old daughter. I 've got to get home,' in a tone of voice that told me she didn't expect she ever would . . . . I hugged the woman tightly and said very calm ly, ' I t's OK. \l\Te're goi ngto be a l right.' . . . Chunks of plaster began fa 11 i ng from the cei l i ng and I rea lized this was l i ke no e a rt h q u a k e I h a d ever been in. This was i ndeed 'the big one' we have a l l been waiting for. The whole bu i l d i ng was being shaken apart . . . . Holding the young woman more tightly I said, 'You're a beauti ful person. You're a very beautiful person.' She was qu iet. Then the building stopped rol l ing.". . . Nancy S h o e m a k e r D a rgie h a s fi n a l l y retired (her words) from the U.S. Forest Service a ncl relocated to Forest, Va ., to be near part of the fam ily-who are scattered a l l over si nee she had seven chi ldren. Current count is eight gra ndch i Id ren and more expected. She spent Than ksgiving and early December \\'ith t\\' i n sister Carol Shoemaker Rasmussen at her lovely home on North Pond in Sm ithfield, Mai ne. Carol has become
a grandmother of a beautiful baby girl, who lives with her parents i n Pennsylvania. They a re wel l a nd a re glad to have been at the reun ion a nd to have seen so many wonderful class members. Carol has visited with Judy Sessler about once a month since our reunion . . . . Dick '58 and Susan M acomber Vogt began their latest biking adventure on March 20, this time traveling from Key vVest to M a ine with a scheduled arrival date of sometime i n May. . . . I can add South America to the continents visited by our class si nce our reunion as I have just returned from a business trip to Sao Paulo, Brazil, where I found the Brazilians to be as energetic as ever. I hope to get lots of e-mail
this Slt1117/Je7: -Jane /-loldeu Huerta
Our 40th reunion by now has become a memory for those who attended. I f you d i d n ' t m a k e it this ti me, you have only five years to get ready to attend the next one' . . . Speaking of memories, I was del ighted recently to fi nd in my e-mail box a long, nosta lgia-inspiring message from Diane Sadler Martin . This was prompted b y a phone call from "a fresh young voice from the Colby campus," as Diane described it, asking for a contribution to the Alumni Fund in honor of ou r reunion year. Although Diane left us after two years and graduated from the University of Virgi nia, she contrib uted some money to the fund. And some memories to t h i s col u m n : a m i nd-expa n d i ng course c a l l e d Problems i n Creative Th i n k i n g; Col i n MacKay's advanced freshman English course; roles in Powder and Wig productions of Under Milkwood, for which she learned to play the recorder, and A !Vlidsmmmr's Night Drea111, i n which she played Puck. Perhaps most memorable for Diane, a sou therner, was sno w ' To the consternation of roomm ates a n d staff, she i nsisted o n walking i n it, playing in it and even jumping i nto it i n a bat h i ng suit. . . . From H awaii comes word that Diane Scrafton Cohen Ferreira has received the U n i versity of Hawa i i 's Board of Regents' il ledal for Excellence in Teach i n g, which recogn i zes the i mportance that students, the faculty a nd the a d m i n i stration place on quality teaching. This a\\'ard pays tribute to faculty members for their extraordi nary level ofsubject mastery and scholarship, teaching effecti\·e-
1960s Correspondents 1960 Jane H o lden H uerta 2955 Whitehead Street M i a m i , FL 3 3 1 33 305-446-5082 classnews1960@a lum .colby.edu
1961 D i a n e Scrafton Ferre ira P i h a n a k a l a n i Ranch P.O. Box 249 Pa ' A u i l o , Hawa i i 9 6 7 7 6 c/assnews1961@alum .colby.edu
1962 Patricia Farnham Russell 16 Sunset Avenue H a m pde n , M E 04444 207-942-6953 classnews1962@a l um.colby.edu
1963 Karen Fors l u n d Fa l b 2 4 5 Brattle Street Cambridge, MA 02 138 6 1 7-864-429 1 classnews1963@a l um.colby.edu
1964 Sara Shaw Rhoades 76 Norton Road Kittery, ME 03904-5413 207-439-2620 classnews1964@a lum.colby.edu
1965 Richard W. Bankart 20 Va l ley Avenue Apt. D2 Westwood , NJ 0 7 6 7 5-3607 20 1-664-7672 classnews1965@a lum .colby.edu
1966 c/o Meg Bernier Colby Col lege Alumni Office Watervi l l e , ME 04901 207-872-3185 classnews1966@a lum.colby.edu
1967 Robert G ra c i a 295 B u rgess Avenue Westwood , MA 02090 781-329-2101 classnews1967@a lum.colby.edu Judy Gerrie H e i ne 21 H i l lcrest Road Medfi e l d , MA 02052 508-359-2886 classnews1967@alum.colby.edu
1968 N a ncy Dodge Bryan 7 Weir Street Extension H i ngha m , MA 02043 7 8 1-740-4530 classnews1968@alum.colby.edu
1969 Sari Abul-J u b e i n 2 5 7 Lake V i e w Avenue Cambridge, MA 02 138 6 1 7-868-8 2 7 1 classnews1969@alum.colby.edu
· SU M M E R
I 41
A l u m n i at Large
1 960s
n e s s a n d creat1nty a n d personal ,·alues beneficial to students. D iane i s a profe or of English at H awai'i Comm u n it�· College, where, accord i n g to the press release about the award, she i s a bril liant and masterful teacher known for her passion for teachi n g and helping students suc ceed, her dedication to her profession and her leadership . . . . A note from Regina (" Reggie") Foley H aviland mentiom that she and Carole Pope ha,·e been friends since j u nior h igh school, majored in French at Colby, roomed together one year i n \ \'ood m a n H a l l and upon graduation
taught French (once i n adjoi n i n g classrooms!). Ther decided t o cel ebrate t h e i r 6 0 t h b i r t h d ays a n d Regi na's retirement from teaching t h i s p a s t J u n e . They spent two ,,·eeks i n France tra,·el ing from Paris t h rough Lron and Pro,·ence and ending up in � ice. ;\ lost of the t i me was spent being shown the sights by friends i n each of these loca les, who rook them to places they would ne,·er haYe seen on their own . They were e\·en chal lenged to a match of petn11q 11e or boules i n the vil lage square, but the French couple had the advantage. A re-match is scheduled
gardner g0"0
this year at Kennebunk Beach, ii l a ine, where Reggie a n d her h u s b a n d , Gerry, spend their sum mers. ( C a role and Regina a re practicing.) Reggie is enjoy i n g having time to spend with her three grandch i ld ren, who live nearby. . . . At t h i s point I don't know who will replace me as class correspondent, but you can always e-mai l your news to classnews l 96 1 @ alum.colby.edu a n d i t w i l l automati cally be forwarded to whoe,·er the class correspondent is. A l t h ough dragging news out of you i n time to meet publ ication dead l i nes has sometimes been frustrating, O\'era l l
I have rea l ly enjoyed my term as you r class correspondent. Please ca l l or stop by i f you a re i n the Orono/greater Bangor a rea-we can write a note about it to the new class correspondent!
-Jur�J' Hoffman I lakola
Our .+Oth reun ion com m i ttee is a l ready at work pla n n i ng a great Reun ion \\'eekend for June 2002. You should be hearing from Rich Simlci ns with more deta i Is . . . . El mer Bartels of Bedford , Mass., is com m i s s i o n e r of t h e ,\ J a s s a c h u s e t t s Rehab i I itation Comm ission . E l mer, a
He may have been a fly boy once, but today he's as down to earth as
And G ray knows herds. At one point he had
they come. No longer nav1gat1ng harrowing combat missions a bove Vietnam,
more than 30 horses on h is ra nch. U ntil his back
Gardner B . Gray '64 has traded his aviator glasses for a cowboy hat. These days, G ray can be found watching over his thousand-acre ra nch 1n the southwest corner of South Dakota, though finding him 1s easier said
started acting up, he saddled u p with the best of the m . It's not a cattle ranch, s o maybe that ma kes him ineligi ble for t h e title, but Gardner G ray is as close to a cowboy as they come. He only wears
than done. It's a 20-mile d rive from the nearest town, and that's 20 miles of
Wrangler jeans, because Levi's are too politically correct. Cowboy hats are
South Dakota d riving. Gray makes the rounds in a d iesel-churning Dodge
the only headgear he owns. He drives a tractor and shoots the sa me
pickup truck with 185,000 miles on 11. He says it's going to hit 500,000
vintage single-action rifle as Will Rogers.
m i les without a problem, which is good since he has to cut through his
With three grown children a nd lots of time on his hands, G ray says he's
neighbor's cow pasture iust to find a road into town. "Genera lly, when people come here, we either know they're coming or they're completely
got everything he needs. "After you've lived for a period of time where any
lost," he said
with your name on 1t, well , you get used to that existence," he said .
That's how this Colby cowboy likes 1t.
time you go out could be your day, where they could have just made a bullet " It's qu ite an a mazing prospect, that you can die tomorrow, but it takes
Tucked away alongside B lack H i l ls National Forest with his wife, Lyn n ,
your c i rcle of req uirements and it na rrows it dow n .
and a hand ul o f horses, h e says 1 t doesn't take m uch t o keep him happy.
If you 've got th ree square mea ls a day, a roof over you r head a nd you r health, everything else is
It's a lesson he learned early. Fresh out of Colby, Gray io1ned the Navy and found his way into the VFP 64 fighter squadron. After more than 100 combat missions, his squadron
had he grisly d •st1nct1on of having the service's highest fatality rate. When he wasn· in combat. he was flying reconnaissance, sk1mm1ng iust over orth Vietnamese strongholds 1n a plane fitted with cameras. After he war, he took a JOb as a pilot for Trans World Airlines, flying ou of Boston and New York City. Once you've barnstormed mobile infantry, however, he says flying the "friendly skies" 1s a cinch . " There'c; no comparison to having an e1ght-m1le straightaway in o S
Louis and trying to land on an a ircraft earner while the
hing s p1 Ching en degrees u p and down, '' he said. " I t's night and da p1lo 1ng is a young man's game, he said "The older you harder
is to s art again, to start a nything over "
�a s exac ly wha he did in 1990, packing his bags a'1d sh pp ng ou o Sou h Dakota os p ople
ouldn t hke 1
Th y'd say it's too q u iet.
oo rell".o e , ' he said " M ost people want t o b e surrounded by people I don· know why they do, but we're very herd or1en ed "
gravy. "-Matt Apuzzo '00
real-! i fe role model for everyone w i t h a d isabil ity, was recen t l y honored by the Massachusetts Comm ission A ga i n s t D i sc r i m i n a t i o n for h i s sign i ficant contributions, w hich have had an i mpact on the h u m a n and civil rights of countless i ndividuals. E l mer, who suffered a broken neck playing hockey at Colby, persevered and returned to Colby to graduate w i t h our class. \tVe a re pro u d to claim h i m . . . . Samuel Cohen of Waldoboro, M a i ne, has been elected to the board of Un ion Trust Co. A former d irector of the \tValdoboro B a n k , w h ich was recently pu rchased by U n i o n Tru s t , S a m h a s b e e n v e r y active i n com m u n ity a ffa i rs i n Waldoboro a n d h a s h a d a law practice i n that tow n for 31 years. H i s son P h i l ip, who joined h i m as a partner i n 1 995, h a s a son, M atthew, in the Colby Class of200 1 . . . . Bruce Kingdon is one of the first 10 to be i nducted i n to t he M a i ne Baseba l l Coaches Association H a l l o f Fame. B ruce coached boy's baseba l l a n d served as t h e school's a t h letic c l i rector at Mt. Ararat H igh School. . . . Al ice Webb l ives in Readi ng, M ass., w i t h husband B i l l . T h e i r s o n M ichael is to be m a rried i n October. A l ice worked on the recent election campaign of a loca l cand idate, w h i c h she says proved to be a lot of fun . Bi l l is about to retire from home health a id work . . . . Judy Hoagland Bristol should be returned from a t h ree week trip to Thailand. She and H arry enjoy being retired and doi ng their own thi ng. They just bought a new toy-a jet boat-a "last fl ing" to use at their l a ke house. J udy remi nisces aboutgoingto the Spa between classes to d r i n k coffee a nd play bridge and about catching rides to a nd from the campus from the chu rch downtown . H o w times have changed-now a l l the students have c a r s ' . . . Paul H ickey of ew York City has once agai n been nomi n ated for the Annual Daytime Em my Awards for outs ta nd i n g achievement i n set design for the drama series As the World Turns. Paul has been a set designer for C B S for the past 2 5 years, a nd this is h i s 1 0 t h nom i n at i o n . H e won t h e coveted award in 1984, 1 985 and 1 990. The 2 8 t h a n nu a l a w a rd s w e re to be presented at Radio City Music H a l l on May 18 . . . . Colleen "Jo" Littlefield Jones, who lives in Skowhegan , i\ 1 a i ne, cont i n ues a s a spec i a l ed teacher. Her son, A a ron, is a body bui lder and model. . . . Kathy Hertzberg of Contoocook, N . H . , plans to retire
from teac h i n g next year. She h a s taken up kaya k i n g a nd white-water raft i n g w h i l e keeping up with her chorus group. . . . Lynn Kimball has retired ful l time to New H a rbor, M a i ne, where she is active in area chorus groups . . . . \tVe Russells a re enjoy i n g l i v i n g in H a mpden, M a ine, where we can be close to our grandchildren. Our fam i ly continues to be active skiers, snowshoers, bikers, h i kers and maple syrup m a kers. We spend summers i n the shadow of Mount Katahdin at the l a ke and enjoy returning to our M i l l i nocket home frequently. We have a number of '62 ladies now retiring to and l iv i ng in M a i ne. It would be fun to have a luncheon some fal l Saturday-maybe in conjunction with Homecom i ng? Let me lrnow if you might be i nter ested . . . . For those of you who send Ch ristmas letters, put me on your m a i l i ng l ist. I can only write what I receive.
-Pnt Fnrnhn111 Russell
Ann Bruno Hocking would l i ke a l l those interested in pla n n i ng our next reu n ion to meet with her th is com i n g February in the Boston area. Please contact her at a n n hocki ng@ calcagni.com or 860-H9- 8 1 32. A n n is sti l l busy w i t h volu ntee r i n g a s president of t he \Va l l i ngford, Con n., K i w a n i s Club and w ith her real estate busi ness and is far from ret i r i n g. Her son Ross is gradu a t i n g from Suffolk Law Schoo l , and her son Ben ma rried a Colby graduate . . . . Fred Sears h a s l ived on H i l to n Head I s l a nd , S.C., w i t h h i s w i fe, Mary H ugh, si nce 1 992 . A retired I BM senior engineering manager, Fred spends t h ree months a year as a volunteer consultant overseas with Agriculture Cooperative Develop ment I nternation a l / Volu nteers i n Overseas Cooperative Assistance, a private, nonprofit group dedicated to i nternational agribusiness partner sh ips. His reward "is giving other coun t r i e s m a n agement advice on how to organ i ze, prepa re and support t h e i r in formation systems." Fred h a s w o r k e d o n b o t h i mp rov i n g fa rm i n g i n Ethiopia a nd i n building publ ic parks i n Bolivia . . . . William \tVitherell e-m a i l s that since 1 977 he h a s been l i v i n g a n d worki n g in Paris, where he i s the d irector for fi n a ncial, fiscal a n d enterprise affa i rs at the Organ i zation for Economic C o o p e r a t i o n a n d D e ,·e l o p m e n t , w hich is made up of some 30 advanced i ndustri a l country members. B i l l
m a nages a la rge i n ternational secre tariat team of economists, lawyers a n d s t a t i s t i c i a n s respon s i b l e f o r c a r ry i n g out t h e O E C D 's pol i c y a na ly s i s a n d rese a r c h , i n c l u d i n g mandates such as countering bribery in i nternation a l commerce, money l a u n de r i n g a n d t a x e v a s i o n a n d strengthening corporate govern a nee world-wide. He enjoys the i n terna tional travel i nvolved, but he and his w i fe, Edie, now reti red from teach i n g, l o o k for w a rd to t h e i r reti rement years-they hope back in New England and closer to their five gro w n - u p c h i l d ren and f o u r grandchi l d ren . . . . Marsha Palmer Reynolds con t i n u e s commu t i n g from Stamford, Con n . , t o e w York City, where she teaches middle school science at The Chapin School. As t he Class 6 supervisor, she meets with all the parents of the grade a n d oversees the general wel l-bei ng of the 55 girls in Class 6. Her husband, John, is a teacher at the Tri nity School 1 11 .Y.C. They had a wonderful visit th is past fa 11 at their sum mer home i n Biddeford, M a i ne, with Cile Tougas Nix, her new husband, Ken, and their two dogs. They are a lso sti l l close with Myriam i\ 1ontrat '94, who spent her Jan Plan w ith them, and enjoyed a memorable visit to Myriam's family i n Ivory Coast a few years ago. . . . A note from James McConchie says that " I am spending less time at the office and more time with my fam ily. My m a i n pursuit conti nues to be development of the Susan B. Anthony birthplace museum in North Adams, i\ 1ass., where we hope to start some of the h istorica l renovations next spring." . . . Coral Crosman expects to be t h rough her "day job" a n d on to a nother related to her o w n writi ng/publishing business, Porphy r i o n Press, w h i c h p ro d u c e d h e r
Re111e111be1'i11g the F11t11re; Poems ofPour Decades, 1 9 57-97 i n 2000. She hoped to go to Mexico this spring to visit her son and new daughter-i n-law, who is doing a Fulbright i n arts-related research there. I n her free t i me she enjoys her two grandchildren a nd has been reading an excellent biography of Herman i\ Ielville, the subject of her '63 Jan Plan-which gives her this "fu l l circle" feeling. . . . Pauline Ryder Kezer w rote at Christmas that it had been a healthy year-no more cancer' And she loves the flexibil ity of her own consulting business. She was a l l set to teach in Jordan a nd I srael for three weeks this past fal l but cancelled when the violence broke
out in Ramallah, where she was to be teach i ng' She is sti l l singing i n t h e church choi r a nd i s busy with all the children and grandchi ldren . Her husband, Ken, is contemplati ng retirement from teach i n g i n June . . . . Karen Beganny Bryan has enjoyed her position as class representative to the A l u m n i Counci l . And through her Colby connections she renewed her acquaintance with Don "Skeeter" Megat h l i n '59, and they a re engaged to be married and w i l l l ive in Cotu it, M ass. She had news of Dee Dee Wilson Perry, who has been recover ing from both broken shoulders a nd a broken leg from a fa l l last l ovember. Dee Dee spent t h ree months in the Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston and is fortunate at this point to be back a t w o r k . K a re n a l so h a s seen Bev '6 1 a n d L i z Rowe Lapham , who l ive in Mered ith, . H . , where Liz m a kes t h e "most beautiful baskets." . . . The Falb news is that we are buying a house in Cumberland, M a i ne. I am also busy keeping up with school activities. A wonderful Ch ristmas gift came in the form of a n early college acceptance for o u r older daughter. . . . Barb Haines Chase looked forward to an Elderhostel trip to Costa Rica this sprin g. This w i nter she a nd B i l l skied at Okemo for free as he is a volunteer i n t h e i r first aid station. She a nd her roommates Sally Morse Preston a nd M a ry Michelmore Hayes, who is i n the process of a s low recovery from pneumonia, p l a n ned a reu n ion t h i s spring. B a r b had a f u n t i me bei n g o n e of Al Carville's a ides f o r fun d raisi ng, as did Thomas Thomas, who called me. Bot h , and I 'm sure A l , too, s a y t h a n k s t o a l l who contributed and especially t h a n k s for the time spent chatti n g.
-Karen Fors/1111d Falb
I t ried m y fi rst a l l - e - m a i l survey t h i s mont h . I m a iled to 92 addresses and received 16 a nswers. That's an u n heard of I percent. I have space to reproduce o n l y a part of the a nswers . . . . From your favorite say i n gs: " I nte l l i gence is l i ke a four-wheel drive; it enables you to get lost in more remote places." "You need ch aos in your s o u l to give birth to a d a ncing star." " I t's not the h o u rs you put in that count, what counts is what you put i nto the hours." . . . Some edited a n swers to how we can reduce teenage vio lence. "� [ ake the parents/guard i a n s responsible for damage a n d i nj uries
c0L B y
s u
200 1
A l u m n i at Large
1 960s
a s "· ell a s t h e perp (police jargon' )." " T h ere a r e t wo m a i n a re a s for pre,·ention-get rid of the guns and i ncrease parental contact, especially fathers. There i s a 1 most a 1 i n e a r relationship between gang member s h i p a n d no father in the home. In communities "·here fatherhood i s ,·alued and encouraged and big b ro t h e r/ b i g s i ster programs a re p l e n t i fu l , g a n g membersh i p a n d ,·iolence a re reduced for both boys a nd girls." " . . . we ha\'e to tra i n a l l i n t h e school com m u n i t y to recogn ize and report incidents or comments, which mar signal upcom i n g ' iolence . . . . Educators ha,·e to be fa r more sensiti,·e to the fact that ' i n cro\1 d' rejection of certai n people and groups is unacceptable. Di\'ersirr is more than race or gender-it is the acceptance of others regardless of ho,1 they d ress, what music they l i sten to, bod�· pierces. hairs�·les, economic statu , etc." . . . ome news came along " ith the sun·ey. .\ Iari lyn a nd Ben Beaver's son John '9:2 was m arried last summer, and after a fe,1 rears in the fi nancial ser\'ices bu;iness has returned to school for an .\ l . B .. \ at Babson. Their younger son , Da' id, is '' orking in the Boston a rea. Ben say h i s business, Executi\'e Search, "sti l l seems strong in pite of the cries regard i ng the economic s\0,1 do\1 n." Ben ha been asked to ta kc o' er the class agent role from Karen Knudsen Day, and he Sa)'S he .. ,, i l l no doubt be pestering you from time to time to support the
Jim B u n n ing, R-Ky., and living in A l e x a n d r i a , ''a ; d aughter Chapin g r a d u a t e d from Boston Col l ege Carroll School of Business with an .\ 1 . B .A. in .\ Iay. The ;\ lechems enjoy seeing Paul '68 and Adele Fac i n i .\ Ia rtin '68, Frank Parker and Jon Choate. Jack \\Tote: " Doris, this w i l l be the year we bury the 'curse of the Bambino"" . . . Jim Simon has a patent for a medical device, # 6 , 1 8 9,533, wh ich can be seen on "''1·w.uspto.go\' (the U. S. patent office \\'eh site: click on search and search for existing patents, then i nput #). Basical ly it i s an i mprovement for ER docs, p a ramed ics and E .\ I Ts and for m i l itary use-for i nt ubation with built-in suction and l ight. J im's 1 7-yea r-old son, who contributed the idea of chemical lumi nescence (such as H a lloween l ight sticks-type technology), shares the patent. J i m says, "hope I c a n find a manufacturer. H a,·i ng a patent is I i ke b e i n g a h a l f- w i t ; you a re on l y h a l f way there." . . . ,\ ladie and J i m Harris spent �ew Year's weekend in Long Beach, \\'ash., near the mouth of the Columbia R iver. They stayed at a world class bed-and-brea kfast, the Shelburne I n n , which features the Shoal water, a "·orld-class restaurant. Jim was there because his company is distributing a cookbook titled Best of Tbe Ark & .Hore produced by the owners of The A rk-yet a nother world-class restau rant in n e a rby ='ahcotta. " I f it sounds l i ke we ate wel l," Jim writes, "we did1 There are
JAMES SIMON ' 64 What he does Flight doctor a n d i nventor. What he i nvented A device that i l l u mi
nates a n d clears a patient's obstructed trachea at the same time. Who teamed up with h i m His son R o bert, a high school J u n ior in Ti buron, Ca lif. H o w it works Using chemical l u m inescence. H ow the idea was hatched When R o bert Simon sai d , " Why d o n 't you use those Halloween lights?" What J a mes S i m o n says ab out that
That was the breakthrough " What happened next A patent was issued to father and son earlier tr s year m o m ent
C o l l ege.·· . . . Ja k .\ T ec h e m 1 ' cni< >) I ll !_! ,I ccond CHcLr I ll C \CCU l l \ L ,c.1 rch . rnd con,ulrmg w the com mun lt) .11 1 d region a l l u n l.: mg 1 1 1du,tr) I ll r hc '-orthc,i ...t. �on John '<H " pre" 'ecruar) to L . . Lnaror .
'c' cr.1 1 ot her tern ti( c;111ng places in the .1 n : ,1 that horder on '' orld class at \1 hich \I C d1d /IQ/ CJ[ hcC,J USC or umc rnnstr.1 1 nt s onl) ." . . . Betsy rocket t T� son- m i t h\ nc\1 pro 1 cc t , t he \ ·1rgm1.1 Thu rston I lea I mg C .ardcn,
I nc., an educational nonprofit offer ing psychosocia I support a nd comple mentary therapies for women with breast cancer, opened i n m id-Apri l . S h e added, " I hope it becomes a dancing star for many others with breast cancer." . . . i\ 1 a rtha and George Shur purchased a condo i n Sa rasota, Fla., and hope t o spend a n i ncreasing a mount of time there. Their son, A a ron, i s work i n g i n cancer research a t the niversity of \\'ashi ngton and w i l l be applying to med school. Becky is a jun ior at ,\ l ia m i of Oh io, majoring i n graph ic design. George is sti l l general counsel at Northern I l l i nois niversity and says he has been fortunate to be able to travel a round the country pre senting papers at professiona l meet ings . . . . Joan Phillips Thompson's sons a re working in Boston so the clan is united geograph ical ly for the first time in more than a dozen years. She a n d Stephen a re h a v i n g fu n now that he's retired. They made a trip to Austral i a/Kew Zealand last yea r and a Kenya safari this ,\ I ay. "'Cultivating our garden,' as it were," she writes. "My writing is sporadic; as age encroaches I find the short story becomes very appealing." . . . Dick Friary responded to the "favorite saying" question with a couple of H . L. .\ lencken's bon mots: "For every problem, there is a solution-si mple, neat a n d wrong" a n d " d u ! te r y is time-consu m i ng, expensive and l i kely to be humil iati ng." Dick writes, " I must have expended 5,000 words on fai led efforts to work this latter quote i nto my last book, for the tasks of drug d iscovery, development a nd registration share the same features as adultery. But l had to give up before fi nding any form u l ation s u i table for young ears, si nce the senti ment expressed was negative. A fterall, I was rel I ing them that the pharmaceutical i nd us try was a source of decent jobs for entry-level chemists."
-Snrn hnw l?bondes
. . . So I 'm driving back on 1 -95 from Ch ristmas with ,\!om on Cape Cod . I 'd just had a n ice lunch '' ith Susan Brown 1usche, her hll ,band ' and my old roomie Frank '66, and Jay Fel l '66, and 'long about �e" London, Con n., there a re loud C\plo,ion� under the hood and the '72 E.ldorado C :\' roll� to a halt. A1\A rescue' me and say,, " \ \'e'l I look at l l tomorro\\ ." So ''here exact ly am l? \ frer some deep thought-an ep1phan) . Rick a nd 1 ancy ·win slow
Harwood must l ive around here since he was recently i n the subm a rine bu i ld i ng busi ness and I 'm near the G roton s u b m a r i n e store. Says 1 , "would you b e able to put m e u p for the n ight ' " A friendly voice says, " Yes, i n deed ' " and that's how I came to spend two del ightful days with the H a rwoods i n t h e i r beauti fu l home i n East Lyme, Con n . vVe h a d a chance t o do some birdi ng. On a frosty December a fternoon we spotted bald eagles, Brant geese, com mon and hooded grebe. R ick and Nancy were i n the final stages of planning yet a nother trip to visit George Hooker i n Thailand. As I was leaving in my rental car (repa i rs took 1 9 days) to ret u rn to New Jersey, Sunny Coady appeared with a gigantic dog for a New Yea r's weekend visit. She is fi nishing her term a s board cha i r w i t h i\ 1 a ssachusetts Easter Seals and enjoying a travel fi l led retirement, i ncluding St.John, V. I . , w ith the H a rwood s a nd England and Italy with a n iece . . . . The Alumni Office forwarded a n e-mai l from David H atch (dav i d h atch@ hotmail .com). Dave is teach ing high school Spanish at Burli ngton H igh School in T assachusetts. He has been a volunteer fu nd raiser for Cystic Fibrosis for the past five years, and he conti nues to volunteer for one professiona l ten n i s tou rnament a year at the I nternationa l Ten n is H a l l of Fame in Newport, R . I . He says, " I 'm just a n usher, but T get to see some great tenn is." . . . Whitfield Robbi n s reports that he is sti l l with the confectionary division of Nestle and work ing on i nternationa l projects. He and Pat have six grand ch i l d ren and a re active in t h ei r chu rch in Delaware, Oh io, where Pat's parents moved four years ago. He says they enjoy Oh io but also enjoy getting back to New England " i f o n l y once a yea r now-maybe more after reti rement." Their youngest daughter is in grad school at I ndiana University. . . . Gayle Lenz M itch e l l was na med to the Coldwell Banker I nternationa l P resident's E l ite i n J u l y 2000. T h a t p u t s her i n t h e top -+ percent o f 70,000 sales associ ates worldwide for this fu ll service provider of rea I estate services. She is acti\•e i n singing i n the Tri n ity Church chancel choi r, chairs the community mea Is program and is past president of the ewcomers Club and PTO for Northborough M iddle School. . . . Elfie Hinterkopf's book,
lntegmting Spirituality in Co1111seli11g,
was published recently in a Japanese translation. . . Pat Campbell was one of three Colby graduates chosen to e x h i b i t at the 2 0 0 1 Port l a n d , M a i ne , M u s e u m of A r t bien n i a l t h i s past spring. H e r work a lso was featured in the 1 998 bien nial (math majors may detect a Y2K program at this point, but that's what they gave me) . . . . I 'm saddened to report that Susie Walker Ostrem's husba nd, Don, passed away i n May 2000. Her new address i s 24077 East L a keshore, Bigfork, MT 599 1 1 . . . . In 1 997, during their first meeting in more than 30 years, Jerri Hamilton Bost and A llen '66 andJanet iVleyerTh roop '66 talked about walking across the Golden Gate Bridge. A yea r later Jerri was diagnosed with bone ca ncer. On July 7 last year the group rea l ized thei r goal on a celebratory w a l k . Two other survivors o f major surgery d u r i n g the last few years, Elena a n d Peter A n derson '66, j o i n e d the w a l k a n d t h e celebrations after wards . . . . Tom Donahue sent a long Ch ristmas letter with news that he's in his 22nd year at Harvard-Westlake School in North Hollywood, Calif., where he teaches five sections of advanced placement Spanish l itera ture in this exclusive prep school. He said, " We a re in the happy position of being the only real game in town . . . so can conti nue to take about one in four applicants, mea n i ng that anyone who m a kes it to the senior year, where I teach them, combines the best qual ities of Einstei n , Lassie and Faye D u naway." Tom spends sum mers doing I ndian stud ies: "Sleeping in a teepee that had remarkable a mounts of scurrying animal l i fe once the fire was out and eating a Blackfeet diet (meat, meat, stew, meat soup, stew a nd more meat) and sleeping on a buffa lo robe he! ped rem ind me of how glad I am we Irish i nvented civilization." . . . Hope you've had a chance to respond to Harold Kowal's request on beh a l f of the A l u m n i Fund . . . . H a i l , Colby, H a i l ' -Ricb11rd vV Br111 k11rt
Ted Houghton w rites that he and Liz are look ing forward to reti rement in the fa l l , after 30 years of civ i l service with the govern ment. For the past 10 years, Ted has been chief of meteorology for the A i r Tariona l Guard-lorsoffun, h e says, and lots of friends. Their challenge now is figuring our what's next. They have a great home right on the shore of the Chesapeake Bay and hate to
Diane Cohen Scrafton Ferreira '6 1 ,
a professor o f English a t Hawai'i Com munity College, received the niversity of Hawaii's Board of Regents' Medal for Excellence i n Teaching. The award pays tribute to her extraordi nary level of subject mastery and scholarship, teaching effectiveness and creativity, and personal v a l u e s b e n e fi c i a l to s t u d e n t s : The M a s sa c h u setts Com m i ss i o n A ga i n s t Discrim i nation recognized E l m e r C. Bartels '62 with the Comm issioners Diane Scrafton Ferreira'61 Award, which honors i n d ividuals who have made significant contributions to the human and civil rights of conununity residents. B a rtels has been commissioner of the Massachusetts Rehabil i tation Commission, a state agency devoted to helping people with disabilities, since 1 97 7 : Bruce W. Kingdon '62 has been i n ducted i n to the Maine Baseball Coaches Association H a l l of Fame. Baseball coach at Mr. Ararat H igh School, ]{jngdon was selected for his i n tegrity, professionalism and a b i l i ty teaching the game. ··
M111 Ti11ges: Elfie Hinterkopf '65
to Stephen Biles.
De11ths: Daniel F. Madden J r. '60,
February 1 9, 2 00 l , i n Ayer, Mass., at 63 ·:· J udith McCarthy Truax '64, March 24, 2 00 1 , 111 Chatham, Mass., at 5 8 : Gary W. Elliott '68, April 3, 2 00 1 , i n Hamilton, Ohio, a t 5 5 . ··
leave. However, their twins, Kate and Geoff, and four (soon to be five) grandch ildren are a l l back in western Massachusetts, so they w i l l probablv head back up that way. Ted's worst memory of Colby was swea t i n g out comprehensives, a n d t h e best memory is of snowy w inter evenings. Ted's phi losophy: life is great and way too short-have plenty of good laughs and enjoy it a l l . H is hobby rem a i n s the sa me-st i l l bu i ld i ng model R R s . . . . Terry Saunders Lane writes that she has recently changed jobs and is now the di rec tor of pol icy, research and eva lua tion at The Boston Foundation. Congratulations, Terry! . . . Robert Sears sends greetings from J\ I a n i la, Phi I ippines, where he is the executive d i rector of the American Chamber of Commerce of the Ph i i ippi nes, Inc. He reports that he plays lousy go! f on some of the world's best courses-but it's great fun . . . . Janice Holt Arsan w rites that she and Noyan have moved to Istanbul, Tu rkey, where Noyan is work ing at Koc Uni,·ersiry reach ing fi n a nce and accou nti ng. Janice continues to work for Georgia Stare Un i,'ersir�· (Atlanta) but from her home office in Tu rkey and on ly
on a ha! f-ti me basis.Jan ice is charged with laying the groundwork for an i nternationa I fund-ra ising program a n d depends on e - m a i l a n d the I nternet to do much of her work. Jan ice loves worki ng part time and the chal lenge of developing a new program. Ir has been a pretty smooth transition to Turkey for the Arsans as Jan ice had spent a total of eight years in Tu rkey back in the '60s and '70s. Their daughter is starting a master's program in teaching Engl ish as a second language and plans to retu rn to Tu rkey once she completes her degree . . . . Susan R umsey Strong i s the i nterim pro,·ost at Alfred niversity this year. She is a lso vice president for enroll ment management at the university. Hus band Pau l '6-+ conti nues as Kruson Disti nguished Professor of English Literature and d irector of the uni versity honors program at A l fred. T h e i r son, ..\ l i ke , i s work i n g i n J\ l a nhattan for Sothebys.com. Their daughter, who completed her Ph.D. in Engl ish literarure ar l\'C-Chapel H i l l last rear, married Oa,·id Yan Hook at their summer cottage on the coast of ..\ Ia ine in June 1 999, and they now l i,·e i n ..\ laine with their
golden retriever puppy. David runs the \Vine Spectator \Yeb site. Pau l and Susan enjoy trave l i ng to Italy, France and other locales together, someti mes enticing thei r c h i ld ren to go along. -Nat11lie Bowen11rm Zrn'e111 b11
On a cold Saturday in January the 35th reunion pla n n i n g committee held its first meet i ng in Bosto n . Class president Phyl lis Jalbert was joined by Lee Potter, Lou McGinity Richardson, Patty W h ittemore J e n k i n s , B i l l Va nderwe i l , Bob Gracia a n d J udy Gerrie Heine. That's a committee sure to get thi ngs rol li ng' Mark your calendar for the fi�t weekend inJ une 2002 so thar you can be part of the events . . . . Nic k Hadgis e - mailed that he is dean ofthe School of Hospitality J\Ianagemenr at \ \Tidener University ( Robert ]. Bruce '59 is president') Last yea r Nick's i nternational consulting took him to U k ra i ne on a SA I D project to help the U k rai nians develop a strategic plan for the development of thei r tourism i ndustry. He enjoyed giving guest I ecru res at a few of thei r un iversities as well as conducti ng workshops for i ndustry and publ ic sector leaders. On news closer to home, his son Demetrios graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and is work ing for Bloomberg i n N .Y. C. His daughter, Ch rissie, w i l I graduate m agna cum laude from niversiry, and his son American ,\ l ichael is a sophomore at Fra n k l i n a n d ,\ l a rs h a l l . H i s w i fe , A n n a , cont in ues a s head of the lower school at the Shipley School in Bryn i\ Iawr. N'ick says anyalumni passing th rough the Phi ladelphia a rea are welcome to stop for a visit. . . . Painti ngs by Ann Christensen were exhibited in Oaks Bluffs on ,\ l a rtha's Vi neyard, ,\ lass., last sum mer. She became a graph ic designer after graduation a nd later studied at H ar\'ard and the Boston ,\ Iuseum school, and in 1991 she was the w i n ner of the Faber Bi rren Nation a l Color Award for expressive use of color. An article about the show sars that her work has brought her to the forefront of the a rt community and is collected worldwide . . . . Chop Hardenbergh is sti ll in Yarmouth, ..\ l ai ne, publish ing h i s twice-month l y newsletter on operat i n g ra i l roads, "At l a n t ic Xortheast R a i l s and Ports." The Cnita rian Cni,·ersal ist Church there prm·ides a commun ity for his fam i ly (his wife a nd k ids Ch loe, 8, a nd C ,
. s u M M E R
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I 45
A l u m n i at La rge
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1 2). Chop shared a b i t of h i s n e w l i fe phi losophy: " H itting 56 ga"e me the i mpetus to t h i n k about death. Xo,,· I use my new socks right away i nstead of waiting for the old one to wear out ! " . . . Irv Faunce and his ,,·ife,Jan, a re busy raising Kathy, 1 3, Gordon, 1 2 , and Sasha. JO, "the three k ids we brought i nto our l i \'es in 1 997." I r" is a d m i n i straror of the Kennebun k ;'\ u r i n g a n d Rehab Center, where he ays deli,·e r i n g health care to the elderly i an ad,·enture e\·ery da)'· I n addition, :\ l a i ne go,·ernor Angus K i n g appoi n ted I n· t0 the State Board of Em·ironmental Protection l a st s u m mer (ch a i r of the board i s John Tewhey '65 ) . Jan is sti l l a teacher at Biddeford H igh School a nd acti\'e with the Ken nebun kport Conser\'ation Commission and the Growth Plan n i ng Board. I rv says, "Xo retirement in sight! How about a Colby Rock for the person who has started o,·er the most: ee you at the 35th i n 2002. Didn't t h i n k I would be i nterested i n the chi ldren's program at the reu n ion , but I a m 1 " \\'e l l , I n·, '' e're sti l l expecting you t o be our d i n ner :\ lC and to orga n i ze that traditional oftball game . . . . " Be i ng a grandparent is awesom e ! " Sally Ray Ben nett tel l s us. Sal ly's son .\ lat the'' and h i s '' ife, Sandy, presented SJll) and Charlie with their firsr grandch i l d , a girl n amed Abiga i l . W h i le a l l ) continue i n her posi r ion 1 11 school gu idance at South K i ngstO\\ n , R . T ., Charlie has been de,elopi n g h i s c u l i n a r y sk i l l s a s he mo, es i nto h i s second year of reti rement . S i nce C h a r l i e e njoys '' ooth\ ork i n g i n addition to cooking, he m ight ha,·e rime to create some l[erm for bab) \higa i l . Sall) 's other '>On, \ l 1chael, recent!) mcl\ ed from R hode 1.,I and to \'irginia, '' here he teache., 111 rhe '>ame <,chool '' here hi., brother \\ Orh. La'>t Jul) Sal ly\ daughter, K n '> l l , <l lld her hu<,band, '\; e r l , ' 1.,l[ed fa rn r l ) 111 R hode I sland " h r le the) \\ ere on \ acanon from thc1 r po.,mon., at the Bnn.,h '>Choo! 1n \then'> . . . . Rhode 1.,Iand seems to bL a theme 111 m) l i fe . Recent!) a' Carol and I '• ere '' a l k mg do'' " \ \ 1dcndon 'It rcct 111 PrO\ 1dencc I hLJ rd 111) ru rnc ca l ied. I tu rned to 'Ct thL radiant ,mrle of Rut h incon cagu II a ,he '' J\ ed .lt U'> " hr le .,he " .11t nl for .1 tn >lle) . Ruth ha, been I I \ 1ng .llld \\ ork 1 11g i n Prm 1dcnn: ti>r 'omc time and ":em ., to Im e rhe . '"col lege . . u rno , p here 'o prc.,ent 1 11 t h H p a r t o f t h e C i t ) . C a ro l and I " ere i n Prm idcncL' look ing
· s
for furniture for our recently pur chased sum mer/soon-to-be-reti re ment house i n Charlestown, near the R hode Island south shore beaches. fa·en this e\·ent had a Colby twist as we d iscO\·ered that our realtor i s a K D R , Ray .\ Iott '69. . . . Do you (or )·our techie offspring) have some time on your hands' \\'e'd l i ke the Class of 196 to enter the digital age and have its o,,.n \ \'eb site on the Colbr page. Let us k now i f you can lend a h a nd.
-Robe11 Gmcin n11d]mfr Ge1Tie Heine
L i fe In c o m e G i ft P la n s I nvest You r M oney i n C o l by and Watch It G row
l'fo e-mail from a ny ofyou; just a couple ofnews items forwarded from the Alumni Office. Ken Young has been named Lewiston's downtown development manager. In addition to O\'erse e i n g i m plementation of the downtown master plan, he w i l l a lso m anage a n d direct downtown de,·elopment, encourage new busi ness i nvestment, ma rket a nd promote the downtown a nd provide s t a ff support to the 1 5 member Downtown Ad,•isory Board . . . . Ken Davis has been h i red by Ocean National Bank as lendi ng and business development officer based in Portsmouth, N . H . He has more than 20 years of experience i n the commercial banking i ndustry t h roughout southern i\ I a i ne and J\'ew Hampsh i re . Congratu lations to both Kens . . . . Classmates, please send news1
-Nancy Dodge 81yr111
G reet i n g to a l l classm ates. :-\o, this is not another solicitation for the Annual Fund; l have taken on the duties of being your class correspondent. This is my first time doi ng this, so please bear with me. l ha\'e a bunch of notes from many of you . . . . Cathy Seymour Nelson di' ides her spare time between the presidency of the \ 'ermont chapter of the Lupus Foundation of America and helping with her 87-year-old mother. . . . ue Newbert Goodrich's daughter Sara was accepted to the Colb) Cla!>; of '05. I l er other daugh ter, K<1ren Lee '96, i engaged to Stuart Brigham \ \'ales '96 (I thought I '' a'> '' nung about the Class of '691). \ la rge Colh) '' edd ing i> plan ned for 'leptemhcr. . . . Scb \ l amo ·�o a nd R id Lc\1 "' '6 a rc looking to get i n touch '' 1 t h member'> o f the '' i n n i n g C o l h) track team for a po'>'>lhlc reun ion thi., '>pnng. \n) '69cr'> on r h at team oughr to contact R ick at r.,] )()@aol.com. ! "hat lllU'>t mean ) OU , Tom \ l a� n a rd ' . . . C h ri
I f you are age
65 70 75 80 85
and you g i ve ( for a g i ft annu ity )
2 5 ,000 2 5 ,000 2 5 ,000 2 5 ,000 2 5 ,000
your charitable deduction would be
and your annual i ncome would be
8 , 3 66.00 $9, 362.50 1 0, 394.00 1 1 ,503.75 1 2 , 5 1 9.00
1 ,6 7 5 .00 1 ,800.00 $ 1 ,97 5 .00 2 , 2 2 5 .00 $ 2 , 600.00
When you invest in Colby through a life income plan, your money helps u provide cholarships to deserving tudent , u tain gifted faculty and build our endowment. At the ame time you may be able to reduce your e tate taxe , le en or eliminate capital gains l iabi lity and increase current income. To fi nd o ut how easy i t is to set up a l i fe i ncome arrangeme nt, contact: Steve G reaves, D i rector of P lan ned G iv i ng C o l by C o l lege Waterv i l l e, M a i ne 04901 p h o n e 207-872-3210 o r fax 207-872-3073
C hristensen is now spl itting h i s time between serving as a selectman in M e r r i m a c k a n d serv i n g as a representative in the New Hampsh i re l e g i s l a t u re . T h i s past year Dave enjoyed extensive travel. Sounds l i ke reti rement to me . . . . Bill Lyons has been appoi nted The R ichard H . Larson Professor of Tax Law at the University of Nebraska and this spri ng was a visiting tax professor at the Vermont Law School. But Bill is not the only tax lawyer i n our class. Rob Rudnick is a busy and successful tax atto rney in the Was h i ngton, D.C., area . . . . Phil Johnson and his wife, Brenda, are in the Ch icago area, where Phi I is a pastor for two Seventh-day Adventist churches in the western subu rbs a n d Brenda works as a chapl a i n for Hospice. . . . James Barys is the master teacher at The Academy of M athematics and Sciences, where 86 exception a l ly talented high school students attend. The a c a d e m y is a col l a b o r a t i v e effort o ft h e Commonwealth of M a s sachusetts, \iVorcester Polytechnic Institute and the school systems of the state . . . . Donna Massy is a l ive and wel l a long with her three k ids and the new pup, Simon . . . . Ted Williams continues his successful writingca reer in fish and wildlife mat ters . . . . Lee Woodman was former executive producer of Smithsonian Entert a i nment. During her 1 6 years she produced a n d d i rected m a n y award-wi n n i ng exh ibitions, films and television specia Is. Lee a lso consu ltecl f o r The Patriot, the M e l G i bson movie set duri ng the Revolutionary War. The John F. Kennedy Center recognized the former teacher as a M a s ter A r t i s t Te a c h e r i n t h e Visual a n d Perform ing Arts . . . . My Casablanca Restaurant in H a rvard Square has been the meeting place to many of my Colby classmates and friends. Recentl y I enjoyed v isits w i t h D ebbie ( \iVi l l i a m s ' 70) a n d Steve Anderso n , Moses Silver man, Robert Hark and Douglas Kant . . . . Please keep your news comi ng, and you are always welcome to v isit me at the Casablanca.
-Sari Alml-J11bei11
S o m ehow I s e e m to h a ve missed the last couple of deadl ines for this column. I have enjoyed hea r i ng from everyone, and I apologize for missing my com m i tment. I a m still teaching seventh grade math in public school and teach ing business part time at Roger 'Vil Iiams University.
Plus I 'm sti ll doing the volunteer work for the homeless and getting ready for m y 1 0th I ro n m a n t h i s sum mer. . . . Rob \iVi lson wrote a long time ago that he was getting married to Marion Abrams, an art teacher in Am herst, Mass. His stepdaughter w i l l be look ing at Colby this year. . . . Susanna Hofm a n n McShea was written up i n the Ridgefield Press on the publ ication by St. M artin's Press of her new mystery novel featuring R idgefield persona I ities . . . . Charles Colgan was quoted recently in the Morning Sentinel as he offered his v i ews on the s t r i k e at the Bath I ron 'i\Torks . . . . One of Margaret Shehan McLean's co-workers wrote an article in the Ha111ilton- We11hr1111 Chro11icle about her recovery from her recent stroke . . . . I also got a news clip on Paul Spiess's candidacy for M assachusetts state representative from Am herst. . . . Fred Osborn has returned to the Episcopal Church Foundation a fter two years with the Nature Conservancy of New York. H is first granddaughter, Lila, was born to his oldest son, Hank (the juggler), daughter Ellie was married i n '99, his youngest son, Graham, is finishing at Vanderbilt University, and his wife, Ann, just fi n ished a master's in forestry at Ya le . . . . Mike Smith writes of DKE actions to get rooms at the old D K E house for the reu n ion. H is daughter Chelsea is sta r t i n g at t h e U n iversity of South Carolina. His older daughter, Daniel le, is a sen iorat Syracuse. M ike ran into Dickie '70 and Cath Delano Moss i n South Carol ina . . . . Ted Weissman, presiclentofBeta Corpora tion, a small biotech recruiting firm, recently visited Sue Lieberman i n southern California. She is the sole proprietor of Paris 1 900 in Santa Monica's unique Main Street section and sells Victorian dresses and other fine period items . . . . I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion '
-James Hawkins
For this column i was forrnnate to receive e-ma i ls from several of you and also some news articles from the Col lege . . . . Twirl i ng to the Latin beat, Susan and John Koons were photographed during dance lessons i n Fairfield, i\ Ia i ne . . . . Photographed and featured in the Quincy, ,\ Jass., Patriot Ledge1; Bruce Haas detai led the work of b a n k lenders. As a corporate lender h i ms e l f, B ruce explained the personal, technical
and marketing sk i l l s used i n his a rea of work . . . . Cathie Joslyn was i ncluded i n an article about Clarion University's faculty a rt exhibit i n Clarion, Pa. I n addition, I 've learned that Cath i e has been awa rded a Fulbright scholarship to teach and study mounta i n tex t i les i n Peru during spring semester 2002. \i\Tow1 And over the Ch ristmas holidays she v isited Colby sculpture professor Ha rriett Matthews, who was on sab batica l in Athens, Greece. . . . Donna Power is getting married as I type this i n March' After today, she is Donna Power Stowe. Congratula tions, Donna. She continues as VP of research and design for Earth Force, which is a national env i ronmental and c i v i c e d u c a t i on a l nonp ro fi t headquartered i n Alexandria, Va . She reports a "fabulous experience this past September as a fellow at the Salzburg I nstitute i n Salzburg, Au s t r i a , a t te n d i n g a week- l o n g i n t e rn a t i o n a l sem i n a r on youth and civic participation." She regu l a r l y sees Debbie C h ristensen Stewart . . . . Sti l l teach ing skiing at Vai l , Colo. J im Colburn says he has "added the third 'M' to my l i fe (The three M 's are Marriage, Mortgage and Management)-stressfu l, but I enjoy the responsibi lities of manage ment (including profitabi l ity)." H e added a favorite memory: "the Valone brothers as homecomi ng 'queens,' a humorous, w i ld, upside clown kind of thing to do." . . . Kathy McGirr visited Egypt for two weeks over C h r i s t m a s to celebrate t u rn i n g 5 0 and says, "\tVhat remains after 3,500-5,000 years is nothing short of astonishi ng." She writes that she has "made the fi rst steps to re-organ izing my life for the future. \i\Th i le sti l l i n a responsible position a t Fidelity I nvestments, I have moved to a VS schedule starting April 1. My hope is to use my Mondays off to garden, play ten nis, do various charitable acti' ities I am i nvolved i n , take time to 'smell the roses."' Kathy has had contact with Linda Wackwitz (lawyering in Denver) and Jennifer Dean (now Kurtz), who is living outsi de I n d i a napol is. Kathy says Jamie Aronow is sti l l in N.Y.C. work ing for a radio-advertising fi rm, Steve Sullivan is at Raytheon i n govern ment property accounti ng, and Judy Berringer runs a travel agency in N.Y.C. . . . I had the good fortune of speaking on the phone to a few of you. Judy Ioreland Spitz coached me t h rough the col lege
1970s Correspondents 1970 Brenda Hess Jordan 141 Ta nglewood Drive G l e n E l ly n , IL 60137 630-858-1 5 1 4 classnews1970@a l u m .colby.edu
1971 N a ncy Neckes D u m a rt 19 Deergrass Road Shrewsbu ry, MA 01545 508-842-1083 classnews1971@a l u m .colby.edu
1972 Ja net H o l m Gerber 409 Read ing Avenue Rockvi l l e , M D 20850 301-424-9160 classnews1972@a l u m .colby.edu
1973 Jackie N ienaber Appeldorn Mohonk Mounta i n H o u se New Paltz, NY 1 2 5 6 1 914-255-4875 classnews1973@a lum.colby.edu
1974 Robin Sweeney Peabody 46 Elk Lane Littleton , CO 80127 303-9 78-1129 fax: 303-904-0941 classnews197 4@alum .colby.edu
1975 Bruce You ng 20 Applewood Aven ue Bi llerica, MA 01821 978-443-64 17 classnews 1975@a l u m .colby.edu
1976 Jane Souza Dingm a n 8 0 5 River Road Leeds, M a i n e 04263 207-524-5701 classnews1976@a lum.colby.edu
1977 E l len D. O ' Brien 205 Fernwood Ave nue Dave n port, IA 52803-3606 319-359-4665 classnews1977@a l u m .colby.edu
1978 Robert S . Woodb u ry 484 Bridge Street H a m i lton, MA 01982 9 7 8-468-3805 fax: 6 1 7-951-9919 classnews1978@alum .colby.edu
1979 Cheri Bai ley Powers 6027 Scout Drive Colorado Spri ngs , CO 80918 7 19-532-9285 classnews1979@a l u m .colby.edu
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1 9 70s
adm issions process, as I a m new to this with my fi rst h igh school senior parenti n g project. She has been t h rough it twice \\"ith her two oldest boys. She also shared stories of teaching fi rst grade in a religious p r i \·ate school n e a r her home in \ \'aterford, Conn . . . . Sandy 1'1anoo gian Pearce i s head of the Engl ish department at :\ lorehead Uni\·ersity in Fargo, � . D . . . . John Cresson l i \·es in Rorersford, Pa., happi l y married f o r 1 2 years t o \\·i fe Cheryl. They a re both eagerly learning to sail, taking lessons along the :\ la ryland coast and a n x ious for another :\ [ ai ne \·acation . . . . Ed Morin and Barbara
\Ne l d o n - M o r i n l i ve i n B r i s t o l , ,\ l a i ne, where they have been since 1 987. Ed does l arge construction projects at the Portsmouth Navy Yard, and Barbara i s a consultant to fi nancial i nstitutions managing l a rge enterprise-level projects . . . . From your several e-mails . . . Joyce Bemak H a nes writes: "i\ Iy big news i s that after 2 0 years in a l ittle house, Lee and I have moved to a la rger house in Old Lyme, Conn., mostly to have a bea uti fu I showcase for our collection of antiques. \Ve continue to e x h ibit in 2 0 antiques shows national ly, and I am also doing some freelance writing. I see Sally Chester Wil-
l iford at some of the shows i n the Balti more/Pen nsylvania area, and we 'do lunch' whenever we get the cha nee and I can escape from my booth. Turning 50 was a bit traumatic, but a year of celebrations-including a weekend in ew York with Kath Foley certai n ly helped." . . . And from C a rolyn Dewey came t h i s e-ma i l : "After l i ving i n orwich, Vt., for the past 1 2 years I a m sel l i ng my home. Great place if anyone i s i nterested. I w i l l continue t o study cran iosacral therapy until June of 2002 . However, I a m not sure where the winds of change a re going to set me down at this point." . . . May the -
winds of change and the pa�sage of time be good to a l l of you. Keep the messages com i ng.
-]flnet /-10/111 Gerber
Greetings to a l l of you as we collectively approach that milestone bi rthday. I k now some of you (mysel f i ncluded) w i l l seek out Colby friends to help celebrate (comm iserate') the i m mi nent a rriva l of those i nvites from A A R P. I 'd also love to pass along words of wisdom from any of you about this major l i fe transition. E-mail me at jnappeldorn@cs.com. . . . Tow some updates from several classmates who have e-mai led news. Jonathan
2 When the prod ucer of a Discovery Channel doc
exact moment he fel l in love with hockey at a Colby game. Melpignano says
umentary, a feature film or a television commercial
he was sta nding behind the goal when Ben Bradlee '70 skated down the right
wants specific footage, he can turn to David Melpig
side and drove a slap shot into the goal's upper left corner. "I was hooked
nano '72 and his Boston-based company Stock Video. From acrobats to
for life," Melpignano said. He now makes hockey highlight films for local high
Zorro, cityscapes to wildlife, sports action to time-lapse sequences, Stock
schools ( " It gets me into a lot of games , " he said) and incl udes a special deal
Video owns 10,000 archival newsreels, educational and industrial shorts,
on his Stock Video Web site for anyone who calls and says, "Go Red Sox . "
travelogues, documentaries and feature films. Add to that nearly 12,000 hours of film and video news footage dating back to the early 1970s and there's a good chance Melp1gnano can find what you need-within reason. "We have a list of the most bizarre requests that come i n , " said Mel p1gnano, who founded Stock Video in 1985. "Some a re funny. People
During the past 2 5 years Melpignano has seen the industry change most d ramatically in the technology it uses. "Today the same effects that it took me four days, a roomful of equipment and $30,000 to produce can be accomplished inside a porta ble d igital camera costing $900 , " he sa id. But h igh-tech equ ipment will only get you so far. "The technology
JUSt don't think a bout them . " They include requests for women picking
changed , but the sa me skills that worked in the past will work just as well
spaghetti from trees 1n Italy or a point-of-view shot from a small plane flying
now," he sai d . " If you can be creative, if you write well and if you enjoy
over an Iowa field at night. All of his business 1s Internet driven, he said, with 10 to 12 requests for footage coming in every hour. The company 1s able to fill approximately 70 percent of those, although some are 1mposs1ble.
tel l i ng stories with images and sounds, you can be successful in the fi l m a n d video busi ness. " Melpignano's introduction to film and video prod uction came from his father, who shot home movies of birthdays, anniversaries and the like. "Somehow it seeped into my bloodstream , " said Mel pignano. "He
Melp1gnano doesn't JUSt d uplicate footage for others, though. He's also pres1den a nd executive producer of Stock
exposed me to some of the mechanical aspects of shooting and splicing fil m . " Last Christmas Melpignano gave his
Video's parent company, Greystone Produc
mother a fil m he edited from his late
ers Corp., which produces commercials,
father's unused footage.
corporate and public relations films. docu mentaries and more. When choosing what stones to tell in doc umentaries. Melp1gnano says that sometimes 1 comes down o economics. "When we did gambl ng 1 was coming u p for a vote 1n Massachuse s and we fel we could sell prior o he elec ion , " he said MeJp1gnano has ,us started a documentary on Bos on's 1n he new
men's oo ball
enthus1as who remembers he COLB" · SU
.1 l [ R
time, wants to devote some creativity to his own feature film work. " Earl ier I was much too busy trying to pay the bills with contract film work to be a ble to put the energies and finances together to do a fiction feature fil m , " he sa id. " Now that much of our business revolves around l icensing stock footage I have more time to devote to some of my own projects. "
league. a natural or a sports
Now Mel pignano, who writes short stories a nd nonfiction in his spare
-Alicia Nemiccolo MacLeay '97
Mil ler began h i s message w i t h t h i s i ntrigu i n g open i ng: " I n 1 9 7 3 1 moved to Cam bridge, M ass., and thence to
author of Fly Rod Crosby: The Woman
between M assachusetts a n d Europe
Who Marketed Maine (Ti l bury House,
for severa I years, studyi ng meditation
Gardiner, M ai ne), the story of Cornelia
a n d coffee h o u s e s a n d a r t . " H i s
Thurza C rosby ( 1 8 5 4- 1 946), wh ose
message goes o n to describe lots of
n e wspa p e r c o l u m n c h ro n i c l e d h e r
h appen i n gs si nce gradu a t i o n . He
hunting and fishing exploits i n Maine's
s t u d i e d phys ics a t the U n i versity
wilderness for nearly 3 0 years. Issued the
o f \!\Ta s h i n g to n ; t h e n be c a m e a
fi rst Maine Guide l icense in 1 89 7 , she
computer progra m mer in Colorado, a
also toured the
s k i i n structor, a pilot, then a husband
Denver. H e worked with a Boulder
ortheast promoting
M a ine a t various sportsmen's e x p os i
and, i n 1 989, a father to Jonah, now his law degree a t the Un iversity of
news clipping when '67 should have
Earle G. Shettleworth J r. '70 is co
Switzerl a n d a n d I t a ly, a lternat i n g
in the s i x t h grade. In 1 994 he ea rned
crew apologizes for send i n g me the
Earle G. Shettleworth Jr. '70
tions ·:· Vaccines are val uable i n prevent ing disease before antibiotics are needed,
said Frank ]. Malinoski '76, assistant vice president, clinica l affairs,
gotten the cred i t . . . . I had lunch with
Linda K ro h n Ki ldow, a nd
she tells me she is in e-m a i l com m u n i c a t i o n w i t h a group of o u r classmates . . . . Send me a n update or two, guys' Happy s u m mer!
-Robin Sweeney Penbody
After I wrote about Deborah Marson's longevity with G i l lette a couple of issues back, Kevin Manion w rote in to chal lenge Deb's record. He just celebrated h is 2 3 rd a n n iversary with Presray Corp,, a manufacturer ofengi neered rubber products. Kev in
law fi rm for six years and then last
vaccines, at Wyeth-Lederle Vaccin e s in Radnor, P a . Interviewed i n
is di rector of western sales and has
November hung out his own s h i ngle
Product Management Today, Malinoski said today's vaccines are a key
been l iving in C a l i fornia si nce 1 980.
in Boulder, where he practices i ntel
weapon i n the fight a ga i n s t i n fectious d isease.
On the personal front, Kev i n got
lectual property a n d computer law
ma rried last year and bought a home
and business investment as well as business, cri m i n a I and tort I itigation.
i n suburbia. The ma rriage not only brought Carrie i nto h is l i fe but a l so
H e w rites, " We l ive i n a l ittle house in
Deaths: Francis S. Merritt H '7 1 , December 2 7 , 2000, i n Belfast,
the trees on a h i II with lots of a n i m a l s
M a i ne, at 83
i ndoors a n d outside. \Ve s a i l , s k i ,
Was h i ngton, D . C. , a t 48.
r i d e , read, view and l i sten ." . . .
Barnes e-mai led a generous i nvita R ick G a w t h rop a n d Roger Sherman w o u l d l i k e
Reginald G. B laxton '74, M a rch 1 1 , 2 00 1 , i n
-Jackie Nieunber Appeldorn
7, a n d
Jeffrey, 5. Kevin says t h a t he enjoys playing M r. Mom each day w h i le Carrie works in Los Angeles, but he
you tackle these i m portant issues.
tion to our ent i re class. H e w rites, " Robi n Ba rn e s ,
Carrie's two sons, D a n i e l ,
Con n . , serving as V P and r u n n i n g a
wonders what some of h i s classmates
JO-branch reta i l banking div ision i n
m ight m a ke of h is transformation.
Hudson, M a ss. Daughter Carrie i s
Kevin occasiona lly hears from Terry
a j u n ior at Sewanee in Ten nessee,
Reil ly, who teaches at the Un iversity
t o a n nounce t h a t t h e M a y flower
received a newspaper article about
and daughter Li ndsey is a freshman
of A l aska in Fa i rbanks. He says t h at
Metaphysical Society has extended
Michael Roy, O a k l a n d , M a i n e 's
at Pomona Col lege i n C a l i f o rn i a .
Terry and h i s fam i l y have adapted
m e m b e r s h i p re t ro a c t i v e l y to t h e
town m a nager, who received The
Their horses, clogs, cats, gol d fish
quite well to life in Alaska a fter moving
ent i re Cl ass o f ' 7 3 , i nclud i n g even
M a i ne Town a nd City Ma nagement
a n d rabbit a l l stayed home a n d
t h e re from Flori d a ' . . . Another
C h a r l i e H o ga n . vVe l c o m e , new
Association's 2000 Leaclersh ip Awa rd.
seem prepared t o l ive forever' . . . I
classm ate who is still i nvolved in
members' \Vh i le the M M S req u i res
M i ke has been one of the driving
received a n ice note from
forces beh ind the region a l business
Cheryl Booker Gorman. I n response to
academia is Ted Snyder, who is i n his
no clues, we do expect strict ad herence to the ru Jes, which a re self-evident.
p a rk to be bu i l t i n O a k l a nd . He
m y C h r i s t m a s letter ment ion i n g
Virgin ia's Darden School, a business
Wel l , we might have to expl a i n them
s t i l l plays ice hockey, and both h i s
o u r son's freestyle s k i i n g activities,
school located i n Cha rlottesvi l le. He
Greetings from Colorado'
t h i rd yea r as clean of the University of
to Hogan." Anyone else who needs
teammates and work associates say
Cheryl ind icated that she and her
is a lso kept fa i rly busy with his fa m i ly,
a n expl a n a t ion can reach Robi n at
it is his spirit of teamwork that h a s
fa m i ly have never sk ied out west and
w i fe Kim and kids Al ison , Jeff and
robarnes@davidson.edu . . . . Gary Lawless w rites that during the l a st
m a d e h i m successfu l . . . . G a i l Chase is a lso in M a i ne and h a s been
hope to come our way next year. I
Kev i n . Teel proudly reports that he
w i l l be e-m a i l i ng recom mendations,
is president of basketba l l operations
year he h a s given poetry readings at
serv i ng as M a i ne state auditor. G a i l i s a former legislator a nd certi fied
Cheryl ' . . . MaryAn n Sartucci Andrews e-ma i l s that she is fi n is h i n g
for A l i son's s i x t h grade basketba l l
festivals in Ita ly, Latvia and L i thu ania. H is latest book,
i ntern a l auditor. She l ives in Unity,
up her master's degree i n education
assistant coach.)Jeffis t a k i n g a fter h i s
tea m . (The fancy t i t l e translates to
was published in Naples, T ta ly, i n
M a i ne . . . .
Steve Kelsey w i l l begin
w ith a specialty i n human resource
father and is developing i nto q u i t e a
2000. Congrats, G a ry. . . . And the
a new job i n Ju ly, travel i n g all over
d e v e l o p m e n t at C o l o r a d o S t a t e
run ner. Kevin is also t a k i n g after h is
press i ncluded i n formation about
Tew England as coord i nator of a
Un iversity. S h e says work i n g fu l l
father, but in h i s case he is struggl i n g
Margaret McPartland Bean, who
project for the Episcopal Province
t i m e a n d studying f o r a m a s ter's
t o p l a y gol f a s w e l I (?) as Ted . . . . Mary
now holds the i mpressive position of
of New England cal led " H a rvesters
degree has been tough. She won't be
\i\Thiting has been named an associate
deputy d i rector of t h e Maine State
Partnership." T h i s is a col laboration
darken i ng t he doors ofa h igher learn
to the Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow
Housing Authority. Appoi nted last
of all seven Episcopal dioceses of
i ng i nstitu t ion aga i n soon '
fa l l , M a rgaret h a s held a number of
the six
positions i n the M a i n e State Housing A u t h o r i t y si nce s h e s t a r te d w i t h t h e agency i n 1 994, a ncl s h e a lso worked f o r the state of M a i ne as an educa tion coord i n ator f o r the b l i n d and visua l ly i mp a i red. I n her newest position, J\l[ a rgaret w i l l focus her energies on such housi ng issues as homelessness, s e n i or hou s i n g a n d downtow n rev i t a l i zation. Kudos to you, Ma rgaret, a n d best of luck as
Fou ndation board of t r ustees for
Bicknell Christensen declares, "A l l
t h i s year. Si nce the foundation was
seminaries and the national church
is delightful here i n Florida." A n n
establ ished in
offi ces t h a t w i l l be d e v e l op i n g
a l so wrote t o correct a n error i n
Dr. Herbert Dow, founder of the
ew Engl a nd states, t h ree
. .
i n wh ich s h e received
1936 i n memory of
Dow Chemical Co., it has donated
resources a nd new models of m i n is
the last
try. Steve w i l l continue to l ive in
plaudits for an exh ibition of her art. " I
more than
only wish that the newspaper clipping
orga n i zations and programs, i nclud
Durham, Con n., at least until h i s daughter fi n i shes h igh school. H is w i fe continues to work for t he Yale C h i l d Study Center as a c l i n i c a l social worker. . . .
Jeff Barske sent
me a brief, albeit amusi ng, e - m a i l saying he is s t i l l i n Thompson,
287 m i l l ion to various
about 'my' a rt accompl ishments were
ing ge n e ro u s s u p p o r t for h i g h e r
true1 I have the a rtistic talents of a
education. As an associate, M a ry w i l l
gnat." The "real" A n n Ch ristensen
b e i nvolved i n board d i scussions and
is Class of '67 and a J\l lassachusetts
the program selection process. M a ry
a rtist whose paintings are shown a nd
s t i l l l ives i n
collected worldwide. The magazine
rently serves as t h e c h a i r of t h e
c0 L B y
. s
1 a i ne a n d a l so c u r
I 49
Alumni at La rge
1 9 70s- 1 980s
b o a r d of trustees for her c h i l d ren's
her 2 5 t h year in P h i ladelp h i a . A big
school . . . .
B i l l W h idden o n ly
booster of her adopted hometown,
h a d t i me to drop a q uick note from
she wou ld love to give a ny fel low
the P a c i fi c l\"onhwest, as he a n d
Colby fol k s a tour. J u l i e works as the
DAVI D REA ' 7 1 H i s j o b English teacher a n d department chair at Laconia ( N . H . ) H igh Schoo l .
h i s fa m i l r ("· i fe Heather, daughter
"telephone goddess" at First Consu Ir
Cou rmer,
, and son I a n , -+) were
i n g G r o u p , a d ,· i s i n g c o m p a n i e s
b u s y s p e n d i n g t i m e t r a ve l i n g i n
on t h e telephone e q u i p m e n t a n d
Baja, .\ lex ico, a n d play i n g a lot of
sen-ices they need a n d helpi ng them
ten n i s . . . .
Pam Bradley B urton has
i mplement t h e i r use. !\"ext household
One way he d i sti nguishes h i mself i n
been appoi n ted senior vice president
project i s to c o n s t r u c t a m o s a i c
t h e c l a ssroom By teach ing students the
of m a rketing for the Protege Group
o u t o f b ro k e n t i l e s a I I o v e r t h e
Charleston to i n terest them i n The Great
in London . She w i l l be responsible
back garden wa l l s w i t h t h e help o f
for de,·elopi ng strategies and services
h e r partner. . . . R e a d i n t h e local
for P rotege's client in Eu rope and the U.S. Prior to t h i s position, Pam ,,.a
( Portland, .\ I a i ne) press about Kevin Carley. .\ lore than 2 1 /2 years ago
What he shows stude nts stu dying The
president of Global Buzz .\ I a rketing,
Kevin left i nvestment m a nagement
What h e w o n The Colby Col lege Out sta n d i ng Ed ucator Award for exce ptional d i sti nction i n the classroom.
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn A photo of h i mself boating down Messalonskee Stream on a handmade raft, part of a Colby sophomore year project.
a n i n ternational services company
firm R . .\ l . Davis for a sabbatical i n
t h a t supported technology companies
B e l i ze with h i s fam i ly a n d stints with
global l�·· . . . Special congratulations a re in order for B i l l a nd Cat hy
nesia and P a l a u . H e was recently
What h i s principal has to say " David Rea is one of the finest faculty
McGerigle Taylor, who celebrated
n a m ed exec u t i ve d i recto r of the
members that I have had the pleasure to work with , " sa id J o n
t h e i r 2 5 t h wedd i n g a n n i\'ersary i n
.\ l a i n e
\\'aten· i l le late l a s t year. Cathy and
recently a ffi l iated w i t h t h e national
the ;\"arure Conservancy i n 1' 1 icro
u d u b o n S o c i e t y, w h i c h
M e mber of The ba nd " Twisted Teachers , " which has performed at school talent shows.
Freema n . " H e is a n i nspiration t o his peers a n d students because of his u nselfish service and enth usiastic teac h i n g . "
B i l l were m a r r i e d in the .\ l i l l e t
Audubon. Between t h e ]v l a i ne soci-
A J u m n i House on campus not long
ety's eight chapters and 1 7 sanctuar
c h i l d ren, E l i sa , 1 1 , and Angela, 8 .
after graduation, when most of us
ies, Kevi n is in cha rge of-+O employees
T h e y l ive i n Cornwa l l -on-H udson,
i n col lege t h i s past fa l l , M ichael at
were wondering why the "real world"
(85 in the s u mmer), 1 0,000 members
l'\.Y. Charles is a partner i n a law
wasn't what we had a n t icipated. A n d
and 3,000 acres of land . . . .
fi r m in New \Vi ndsor, h a n d l i n g real
at San D iego State. T h i rd son, Bria n ,
you're one o f the lucky ones who'\'e
Peter Labombarde wrote that Maureen Kel liher has joined Citizens B a n k .
figured it out, write in and share your secret with you r classmates.
s o m e of us are s t i l l wonderi ng. I f
(tw i n s) started t he i r fre s h m a n year
U of Colorado a n d Ch ristopher
estate, estates a n d trusts. H e reports
1 1 , i s i n t h e s i x t h grade. J o a n ne
that he is sti l l passionate about s k i i n g
w ri tes, "of course we a re a l l too
Peter continues t o work on h i ri n g a
a nd s o i s h i s fa m i ly-they spend their
you ng to rea l ly have k ids i n college,
new artistic d i rector/conductor for
w i nter weekends at S k i \Vindham i n
righ t ) " R i ght 1 To keep her m i n d
-Bruce Yo.1111g
the l\"ew H a mpsh i re Symphony and
t h e Catsk i l ls. They a lso love to play
off her nearly e m p t y nest, s h e m a n
has agreed to act as plan ned giving
ten n i s , i n - l i ne skate a n d bike. H e
ages h e r o w n busi ness, I n formation
Heather Fin ney Eng wrote
agent for our class. Kudos to Peter
l a ments (is t h i s our c l a s s l a ment ? )
Tech nology P a r t ners, a h i gh-tech
that she and husb a nd J a mes ha,·e
a nd h i s w i fe, I rene, who w i l l cel
that there just doesn't s e e m t o b e
executive search firm in Forest City,
! i , e d in s u b u rb a n P i t tsbu rgh f o r
ebrate t h e i r 2 0t h a n n iversary i n
enough t i me for "all the demands,
C a l i f. (www.itp.com). Along w i t h
t h e p a s t H )·ears w i t h t h e i r two
August . . . .
req u i rements, meeti ngs, activities,
s o n Brian s h e i s pl a n n i ng t o add a n
kid , Da\ i d , 1 3 , a n d Rob i n , 1 1 . After
a long a special hello to roommates
hobbies and sports t h at now fi l l
additional four-legged member t o
spend111g the fi r t IO years of their
B i l l Campbell, Wal ly Gorman and
t h e calendar." He is rea l ly look i n g
the fam i l y (they a l ready have two
D a n Dittman sends
. , Heather works
Lew K i ngsbury '77. Dan and his w i fe
forward to our 2 5 t h c l a s s reu n ion
dogs and two cats), a puppy t h a t
ar the Cni, ersity of Pittsbu rgh in the
a re sti l l ''ery busy in Seattle with
in June 2 0 0 2 . So, all ' 7 7s, f o l low
t h e y w i l l t r a i n a n d soc i a l i ze f o r
G raduate School of Public I lealth,
their company, Dittmann Graphic
Cha rles's lead, m a rk you r calendars,
t h e i r newest endeavor, G u i d e Dogs
do111g medical research computing,
Design and Advertising, completing
get away from all those requ i rements
for the B l i n d. J o a n n e wou ld love
\1 ork 1 ng " ith Ji, er t ransplantation
their debut
and demands and come to the 2 5 t h . I t
to hear what
re.,ca rch and t r;n e l i ng to transplant
Sticksh i ft A n n i e and the Overdrive
w i l l b e great1
u p to . . . .
center'> 1 11 San Francisco, the .\J ayo
and playing in \'a rious festivals and
tow Howell ( a l ex a n d ra . l . howel l @
cohen@ rock m a i l . sru.edu) is a n asso
Cl 1 11 1c and Omaha, '-.'eh. In the last
,-enues i n \\'a s h i n gton state. ;\'°ow
d a rtmout h . e d u) w rites t h a t she i s
ciate professor of S p a n i sh and I t a l
fe,1 \ ca r'> ,he h a ., <lone more '' ith
t h a t the earthquake is over, D a n
sti l l work i n g in H I V/A I D S resea rch
i a n a t S l i ppery Rock University i n
'>OC10-p,� cholog1cal and qualit) of
i m ires e' eryone to "come o n o u t to
at the VA Hospital in \ V h i te R i ver
Sl ippery Rock, Pa . Last October she
m a rriage i n :\.Y.
D for the blues band
Alexandra Levin
Kathleen Keegan is Deb Cohen (debora h .
\ l 1 h e 1 mcr\ p a t i e n t '>
Seattle for a gig." . . . After nearly four
J u n c t i o n , Vt . , and teach i n g p a r t
tran slated a J\1exican play,
.rn d t h e i r c a re g l \ Cr'>, q u <t l i t ) of
years Ii' ing and work i n g overseas in
t i me at Dartmouth iV T ed ical School,
and di rected it under the title 011/y
l i fe for older paucnt'> \1 ho req u i re
Zagreb, Croatia, for the U.S. firm
where she is a n associate professor
Vo11. The play was a great success,
11H:ch a n 1c.1 l \ Cn u l at 1011 , t reatment
\I PR l , J ed Snyder has returned to
i n the department of m icrobiology
and she was able to get fu n d i n g to
l i fe '> t u d 1 c '>'.
for depn:"1011 , <:tc. )he reports t h at
\\ 'a <,h 1 11 g ro n , D . C . _ \ s of J a n u a r y
th<: 111 u,1c d<:gr<:<:
2 . 2 0 0 I, he i'> employed " ith the
not forgotten a '>
and medicine. She and her husband,
bring the playwright, Felipe C a l van,
Scott, a re stayi ng very busy with
to campus for the world premiere i n English. In addit ion to trave l i n g
, h <: h a ' t u rned t o '>1 11 g 1 n g, p n m a n l )
D ) nCorp corporation i n \ lexandria
n1 0 teenage sons, Cameron , 1 7, and
F n gli,h l·hor;t l mu,1c 1 11 t h e i r '> m a l l
J'> a '>enior national securit) ad,·i
l\"are, 1 5 , and a daughter, C a roli ne,
freq uently t o Mex ico, s h e has a l so
F p 1 ,copa l i a n church choi r. a nd h a ,
'>< >r. . . . Don't forger to <,end a long
5. They spend most of their off-work
visited I ta ly and Spa i n recently a nd
renu i ned i n contact \I 1th frc:.,h m a n
\ ou r ne\1 ., <,o 1t can he '>hare d '
Butler I Lt l l huddK' JO) \ l u l l i a.111 . K a t h ) Je\\ e t t l a n d . J u l ie '' a l lo''
t C \1 J r t
u t her
.111 d
\\ e n d )
'>p<:a k l llg
\\'i l l i a m s
- I Ii/rm• Jones
a" ) er
hours reno\'ating their Lyme, N . I I . ,
w i l l be goi n g to A rge ntina a nd B ra z i l
home a n d d ri,·ing t h e boys t o hockey
t h i s s u m m e r for the first time.
k e l <cfra n l.; e l
<: a rt h l l ll l.. . n et) la'>t
that "if anyone i'> in the a rea, please <,top b) and ' isit." . . .
K a rl i n
nuded rn . d
'>ept<:mhcr. I k h.1 ., het:n m a rried
G i u d ic c l l i (joane@itp-i nc.com) I ives
report' t h a t , h <: ' l l he cddir.t u n g
to Deni'>e for 1 5 ) t:Jr'> and ha'> n1 0
i n Ca l i f o rn i a . I !er t \1 0 oldest boys
of J u l ie '>t<:\1 ;1 rt. ,he
v ·
games C\ er) '' here. Alexandra write<, I heard from C h a rles Fra n
O 'Brien
T fyou wrote a n d don't see your
ne\\ s for an issue or two, keep the fa ith. f'll get to it. A n d keep those
e-ma i l s and letters comi ng' . . .
graduation in October 2000 on an
hear that they rea l ly m iss the good
Oppen heimer in Boston from S . G .
8 0-clegree clay. She gets a k ick out of the fact that students now get a
ol' U.S.A1
Ron D e s b o i s r e ce n t l y j o i n e d C I B C
Cowen's B o ston office. Ron i s a di rector-investments and w i l l assist h igh net-worth i ndividual and i nsti tutional cl ients with thei r in vest
took the break unscheduled . . . .
-Robe1·t S. Woodbmy
1980s Correspondents
Great news. I 've got a
fu l l satchel for next time.
" fa l l brea k" after only having been there for about four weeks and feels we were tougher' Of course, some just
Lyn n C o l l i n s Fra ncis 16 Oakridge Road
Deb Clark
elson l i l'es in
Darien, Conn. She works part r i me
ments. H e and his w i fe, Carl a , l ive
Dugan has two new chapters for
at General Reinsurance Corporation
in \Vest Newbury w i th their t h ree
a geology text titled
The Earth ls
while squeezing in room parent duties
Sudbury, MA 0 1 7 76 classnews1980@alum.colby.edu
1981 Stephanie Vrattos
sons, Andrew, 1 3 , Leo, 1 1 , Jack, 9,
Shri11king. I n August 2000 she was i n
and trips (six r i mes a week) to the
and daughter M a rgot,-+. Ron coaches
84 Crescent Street
Cambodia for a regional conference
local hockey rink with her t h ree boys.
Auburndale, MA 02466
youth soccer, basketba I I and baseba 1 1
that included delegates from 1 2 or so
She reports that Andy Huber '79 is
in West Newbu ryand stays fi t by serv
di fferent countries th roughout Asia.
running one of their Darien Youth
classnews1981@a lum.colby.edu
ing as a member of the National S k i
Two of the participants contracted
Hockey leagues and rhar she l'isitecl
Patrol at nea rby Bradford Mountain
ugly a i l ments and needed medical
in H a v e r h i l l . He has c o m p l e ted
attention, so she wh isked them to
several triathlons and t h ree Boston
the SOS clinic in Phnom Penh. The
Peter Forman on Cape Cod last sum mer. . . . Jane Dibden Schwab is the senior pastor
M a rathons. In h i s spare t i m e he
atten d i ng doctor was J i m Cousins
of Covenant Chapel in \Varervi l le,
6 1 7-492-1002 classnews1982@a lum.colby.edu
with Dawn and
h i kes as a member of the Appa lach i a n
'75, whose daughter is now a Colby
M a i ne.Jane, her husband, David, and
Mount a i n C l u b. . . . Nancy Piccin has
fresh man. Liz called it "serendipity
fam i ly recently purchased a home in
a new job with a brokerage/market
person i fi e d . " And L i z's a s s i s t a n t
North Vassalboro. She enjoyed the
research company ca l led OTA/Off
a t t h e I n t e rn a t i o n a l Rep u b l i c a n
inaugural festivities for " Bro" Adams
T h e R e cord R e s e a rc h . S h e is a
I n s t i tute i n \Va s h i ngton, D.C. , i s
at Colby last fa l l .Janecan be reached ar
senior technology reporter, wh ich
Peter J\ 1 acken zie, w h o i s t h e son
covch @mint.net .
. .
Everett Briggs
ancy describes as a cross between a
of Colby Professor of Government
has been on an educational adventure
reporter and an a n a lyst. OTA/OTR
Cal Mackenzie. Liz is happy, wel l ,
cal led the
p e r fo r m s m a rketpl ace checks on
"wicked" busy a n d sti 11 h a s fond mem
The goal of the project is to l i n k
various compani es, i ndustries and
ories from Foss-\Vood man . . . .
citizens, educators a n d students o f
sectors, attempting to con fi rm or
Winer says another Than ksgiving
50 cities in 2 2 countries along h i s
refute \Va I I Street expectations by
has passed so it must mean it's t i me
bicycle r i d e route. Everett hopes
Tew M i l lennium R ide.
i n terview i n g custo m e rs, di stribu
for the V\Tiner fa m i l y to move aga i n .
that h is journey has provided great
t o r s a n d o t h e r p e o p l e who a re
T h e i r k i nderga rtner told h e r teacher
opportu n i t i e s for s t r e n g t h e n i n g
k n owledgeable i n speci fi c a re a s .
that i nvas one of the fa m i l y traditions
international a n d inrercu lrur a l under
They t h e n com p i le t h e i nterviews
to move every year. The most recent
standing between people of the U. S .
i n to a 2 , 0 0 0 -worcl report t h a t is
is a short move from one side of
and other countries. Stories, jou rnal
presented to thei r salespeople, who
Denver to the other, where they a re
articles and pictures taken have been
then present i t to cl ients, primarily
work i n g on yet another dream house
loaded onto the expedition's \Veb site
portfolio man agers at in stitutional
that they hope w i l l be ready to move
at www.new-m i l lenium-ricle.org. He
investors (mutual funds, hedge funds,
into by the encl of 2 00 1 1 A l l fou r
has completed h is bicycle tour and
Taney loves two t h i ngs about
k ids a re in public school i n stead of
is now settling into h is Connecticut
her new job. 1) She can work at home
b e i n g home-schooled so t h a t h i s
home . . . .
but sti I I put her 4-yea r-olcl daughter,
w i fe, Don na, can recover her l i fe .
enjoying the gender imbalance in h is
Rachel, i nto day care ( " I s a nyone
G a ry is now with I B M after being
home. He and his wife, J u l ie, have
t a k i n g m a rk e t s h a re - Oo11 't
eveu thi11k about taking that paim into the livi11g room-away from Sun in your
"purchased" earlier t h is year. . . . Nick
two daughters, ages 3 and
cl ient base ? " ) 2) The company has
David Perry reports
I . . . . Amy
M i m i H. Rasm ussen 2 19 Lexington Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138
1983 Sally Lovegren Merchant 24 Easy Street Mt. Desert, M E 04660 207-244-0441 fax: 207-244-9445 classnews1983@a lum.colby.edu
1984 Cynth ia M. M u l l i ken-Lazzara 18 Sunshire Avenue Sausal ito, CA 94965 415-332-3542 classnews1984@alum.colby.edu
1985 Sue James Geremia 87 Centre Street Dover, MA 02030 508-785-8366 classnews1985@a lum .colby.edu
1986 c/o Meg Bernier Colby College A l u m n i Office Watervi l l e , ME 04901 207-872-3185 classnews1986@a l u m .colby.edu
Levintow sent an increclibly i n terest
Page Oberg and her husband, David,
i n g e - m a i l from L a gos, N i geri a .
have been married for 20 years. They
He's been there si nce September
have six c h i ld re n , rwo in college
Jane Nicol Manuel 8 Wentworth Drive
a rea l l y awesome pleasure trip once
1 999 with h i s fa m i ly for a two-year
and four teenagers. Amy works in
a y e a r. No s t r i n gs a t t a c h e d , n o
gig with the State Department as
Providence, R . I . , ar t h e ! a ll' fi rm
meetings, just a b i g party. Sounds
a l a bor/pol i t i c a l officer w i t h t h e
of H i nck ley, A l len & Snyder doing
Alix Land wrote
U.S. Embassy in Lagos. I t i nvolves
corporate, business and tax mergers
from Por t l a n d , O re . , where she's
a n a lysis and reporti ng on political
and acquisitions and rax a1·oidance
l i ved with her husband, Barry, for
and l a bor events and i s sues a n d
counsel. She reports that her l i fe is
the last 10 years. Two yea rs ago
. S . i n terests with respect
a great combination of fa m i l y and
c/o Meg Bernier
l i ke J a n Pla n ' . . .
she opened a private practice prov id
to core labor standards, pri1·atizarion,
ll'Ork . . . .
i n g mental health counsel i n g for
trafficking, H I V/A I DS traini ng, ere.
and her husband, Earl, established a
i nd i v iduals and couples. By choice,
Pol itica I officers a !so serve as glorified tour guides for h i gh-lel'el l'isitors,
mi I itary Christian center at Fort Bragg
she and Barry have no k ids (sounds terri fic) and lots of freedom to enjoy the t h i n gs they love- h i k i ng, kayak i ng, garde n i n g, tra1·el i ng, read i n g voraciously. . She sees a l l the '78ers ll' ho h a ve tll'O o r t h re e k i ds a n d ll'Onders i f there a r e others o u t there who took her path. S he ret u rned to Colby for t h e fi rst t i me s i nce
Linda Clark Hammons
Beverly, MA 01915 9 7 8-921'-6084 fax: 52C-833-62 1 4 classnew!;1987@a lum.colby.edu
Colby Col lege A l u m n i Office Watervi l l e , ME 04901 207-872-3185
in Fayettel'i l le, �.C., in �m·ember
classnews1988@a lum .colby.edu
and Nick's clone pieces of 1·isits br
l 997 to share the Gospel ll' ith sen-ice
,\ l acleleine A l bright, Dick Gephardt, "'h ite House Fel i ows a n d , most
men and ll'Omen, pro1·icl i n g Bible
Anita L. Terry
studies, friendship and home-cooked
501 Wa rwick Street
recently, h i zzexcellencr B i l l C l i nton.
meals. L i nda and Earl hal'e learned the
St. Pa u l , MN 5 5 1 1 6
Nick says that Nigeria is fasci nating and deep!)' troubled. Y\'h i le it's an
sacri fices made br the men and women
65 1-698-9382
incredible experience for l'\ick, Kar hr and h i s th ree k ids, it's no surprise to
who sen·e our country. . . . Larry ' 1 and
Tina Chen Starke recently
fax: 651-848-1 182 classnews1989@a l u m .colby.edu
mol'ed from H ou s t o n , Te x a s , to
· S U M M E R
I 51
1 980s
Alumni at Large
\Vayne, i'.]. T i n a i s a senior geosci
is in t ra i n i n g to swim in a couple of
is a n av a l a rc h i te c t . T h e y e n j oy
EJ is t a k i n g leave from teac h i n g at
entist w i t h Foster \\'heeler Environ
marathons . . . . Tony Cunningham is
sa i l i n g in the s u m mer on Buzzards
t h e University of Colorado Col lege
mental i n ;\ lorris Plains, and Larry i s a
a professor of phi losophy at St. John's
Bay. . . .
regulatory affa i rs scientist w i t h Orga
University i n M i n nesota. He spent
president of profession a l services at
non, I nc., in \\'est Orange . . . .
the fal l semester of 2000 teaching in
Broadbase i n
atick, Mass. Nancy
t h e architecture a n d design fi r m he
l l ison l ive i n
Spiddal , I reland, and plans to teach
and her husba nd, Fred, recently went
founded eight years ago. The fi rm
C h icago, I ll . ;\ l i ke is the senior \'}>
at the
otre Dame i n
on the Broad base president's club trip
h a s grown
of sales for Antee Corp. They had an
Fremantle, Austra l ia, i n the fal l of
to Kona on the B i g I sl a nd of H awa i i .
t h e y a r e work i n g on p ro g re s s i ve
early C hristmas present last year when
200 1 . He has a book com i n g out t h i s
They stayed a t t h e YVa i koloa V i l l age
designs for residenti a l , commercial
Quaid Grayson C h i l ders arrived i n
fa l l on eth ics a n d l i terature from
and snorkeled a n d saw lots of fish.
a n d i nstitutional projects arou nd the
Ta ney and Fred's t h ree c h i l d re n
country. J\lluch of the work is i n the
C h i lders a n d w i fe
n i versiry of
Nancy Welsh Isbell is vice
of A rc h i t e c t u r e a n d Pl a n n i n g
pursue development of Arch Eleven,
e i g h t pe rson s , a n d
one o f Chicago's snowstorms o n Dec.
1 1 , weigh i n g in at 9 lbs. 1 oz. Congrats
\\rhen not teachi ng, he is lea rn i ng to
a r e B r i a n , Scott and Kate.
\t\ 'est, and they are strivi ng to build
to the new parents1 ,\ l i ke adds that he
play the fiddle . . . .
Geoff Becker is
Campbell and I are joint godmoth
i n a sensitive, sensible way i n this
rea l ly enjoyed t i me spent at reunion
teach i n g creative writing at Towson
ers to Kate. All t h ree c h i l d ren a re
landscape. "'' h en not on the job, E .] .
last June . . . . Here is a n addendum
University in Balti more, i\Id. One of
i nvolved in hockey a n d skati ng, which
spends t i m e s k i i ng w i t h h i s older daughter at the loca l h i l l , snowshoes
Herb Perry's news previously
n iversiry of C a l i fornia Press.
his stories, " B lack Elvis," was selected
keeps Nancy and Fred very busy. . . . I
reported. \\'h i le h i s job as editor at
by E . L. Doctorow for
Best A111e1·icn11
just had my 14th a n n iversa ry work i n g
occasi o n a l l y and m o u n t a i n b i k e s .
Short Stories 2000.
I f you are ever i n
fo r \Vest Group, formerly k nown
As he reflects on h i s teac h i n g experi
York Weekly
keeps h i m busy, he
is i nvolved in d a u g h ters H a n n a h
Fells Point, stop b y to hear Geoff play
a s \-Ve s t P u b l i s h i ng. I work w i t h
ence, he says he is gratefu I for the
a n d Jen n i fer's sports and activities.
the blues on his electric guitar at the
the company's on l i ne product cal led
teach i n g a n d patience exh ibited by
H i s w i fe, Kath�·. i s a professor of
Ful l ;\ loon Saloon.
\Vestl aw, wh ich is used by attorneys,
Bob Reu m a n , Pat Onion, R ichard
-Lynn Collins Francis
judges, law students, l ibra rians a n d
Moss, Harriett Matthews a n d others
just about anyone who needs t o d o
d u r i ng his t i me at Col by. H e took
Charles Gordy took the posi
l a w research. My accou nts i nclude
their example q u i te often in front of
in the Class of '80. Gerry '79 and
tion of di rector of planned giving at
l a rge and medium-size law fi rms i n
his own classroom a n d hopes that
Catie Fulton Teeven l ive i n Coral
n iversity last M a rc h . Charles
Boston . . . . This is the last col u m n
his words and actions have s i m i l a r
Spring , F l a . , w i t h t h e i r chi l d ren,
reports that the new job i s going very
I w i l l b e writing f o r o u r class. I have
resonance . . . .
Casey, a h igh school sophomore, and
wel l and that he and h i s w i fe, Jane,
rea l ly enjoyed hearing from you over
news from Heidel berg, G e r m a n y, where he has been stationed si nee
occupational therapy at the Univer sity of i'ew England in Biddeford, ,\ l a i ne . . . . \\'e ha,·e some educators
Ali, a seventh grader. Catie is a social
were expecti n g their second ch i l d
the past 10 years, first by m a i l and
studies teacher at a local h igh school.
i n ,\ 1ay. Their first ch i ld, C l a i re, i s
lately by e-ma i l '
She enjoys m a k i ng a d i fference in her
3 . They l ive i n G u i l ford, Con n . , i n
tudents' l ives and reports that she is
a n 1 4 0 Cape that Charles says suits
1 998 i n t h e V Corps G - 4 ( Logistics).
-Beth Pniewski Wilson
Paul Veil leux sends
In Apr i l of 2000 he was deployed to the B a l k a n s for six months to work i n
a better student than she was at Colby
them wel l . . . .
a she takes courses toward a master's
and her husband, Dave, recently built
@ m a i l a ndnews.com) continues part
Macedonia (a
he sti l l runs every morn i n g
a bea u t i fu l new colo n i a l home in
t i me work as a school nurse i n a new
with personnel from 19 countries).
Ellen Owens Dion
Ann Ren ner Stillwater (astill
the H Q o f K F O R R E A R i n Skopje, ATO headquarters
" it h their dog, B e l l e , a boxer. A n d
;\ 1 a rion, ,\ 1ass., designed by Dave's
district at Claymont midd le school
D u r i n g this t i me Paul's w i fe, Andi,
Gerry, Casey and A l i ha,·e a l l been
dad, an architect. El len and Dave
in rural Ohio. She says she's trying
took ca re of their two boys, C h ris and
i m m i n g c o m p e t i t i ,·e l y, C a s e y
have t h ree c h i ldren, A my, Andrew
to work proactively a n d will offer
Ryan, thei r cat and a golden retriever
ran k i ng nationall�· i n h i s age group for
and Benja m i n . El len is work i n g i n
stop-smok i n g classes-for the eighth
puppy. "'' h i le in Macedon ia, Paul
the backstroke and butterfly. Gerry
t h e .\ Ia rion school system, a n d Dave
graders who want to quit! Her husband
received the news that he was selected
is a h igh school science teacher in t h e
to be the professor of m i l i tary science
S \\
MAURA SHAU G H N ESSEY '83 What she manages M FS I nvestment M a nagement's $6 bi ll ion Capital O p por
h e d id in the Bal kans. On Iovember 1 , 2000, Pau I was promoted to I ieutena nt
nomics, Amos Tuck School of B usi ness
geological s i te s . They 're a l ready
colonel. . . .
Ad m i n 1strat1on , the Federal Reserve
begi n n i ng plans for a trip to Alaska in
of Paris i n spri ngtime-massive ra i n
2002 and welcome input from others
a n d local flood i n g w i t h a promise o f
who have driven there. .
. I was
wi nter being left beh ind. Kam h a s
pleased at the response to my last
been l iving i n Paris since 1 9 8 3 . Her
prospects. Why she s e l l s a stock The valuation m a kes her u neasy or there's a cha nge 1n the stock's funda menta ls. H o w she c h a n ged her fund's strategy when she took over Dlversiflca1on. "I h i n k my No. 1 pos1t1on 1n the fund 1s like a 3 percent weigh ing. I don't think one stock 1s good enough to be 12 percent of any fund B ut that 1s iust me " What M o r n i ngstar I n c . said a b o ut her '"The fund's success owes much to Sha ughnessy's d•sti nct1ve strategy. Although its occasion a l l y la rge stakes overseas could spike volatility, there's reason to believe this fund wil del iver. "
Meritorious Service Medal for the job
west a n d d i scovered lots of great
ative to its history, peers a nd growth
a l so has been awarded the Defense
bling in Rei k i , yoga and homeopathy. The fa m i ly took a 1 0 -week trip out
tive va lue-how a stock 1s tra d i ng re l
and activities, and Ann has been dab
The route t h a t t o o k her there Colby eco
Her strategy for evaluating a stock Rela
C ') L B Y · S
and ROTC batta l ion com ma n der at the University of Connecticut. Paul
tu nities F u n d .
B a n k , H a rvard M a nagement Co.
s a m e district. Their t w o chi ldren, ages H a nd 10, have myriad i n terests
Kam McCully writes
re q u e s t from ce r t a i n c l a s s m a t e s
daughter, Lucie, just tu rned 9. Kam
b u t am embarrassed t h a t I did not
keeps in touch with
David Condon to w rite; I 've
Catie Hobson Kathleen Shea and would love
been wondering where he is these
to hear from other people . . . . Paul
days . . . .
E.J. Meade writes that he
and his w i fe, Bridget K l auber, have
S a r a h Perry beca m e PA D I
Divemasters last sum mer. They spent
been spen d i ng a lot of t i me with their
a week diving and tou ring the island
mo daughters, El iot, 5 , and
of Kauai last September and found
Ferris ,\ leade, born August 29, 1 999,
it a n amazing place to scuba dive.
at their home in the mounta ins west of
Some of the underwater h ighl ights
Boulder, Colo. The weather at 8, 500
i n cluded seeing tu r t I es, dolph i n s ,
feet abo' e sea level is fickle-though
frogfis h , t w o l ionfish, a mon k seal
E.j. say� the spruce, pine and snow
and a Spa n i sh Dancer nud ibranch
rem i nd him o f .\1 a i ne. After 10 years,
and s w i m m i n g in a cave with sharks.
Th is s u m m e r t h e y ' l l spend seven
been t a k i n g some t i m e to catch up
days d i v i n g in the Red Sea. A fter
and contemplate his next moves. He
work i n g as a payroll m a n a ger, with
remembers that Pre�ident \i\Ti J l i a m
Peter Forman '80 has been appointed
processi n g payroll being her p r i m a ry
Cotter encouraged us a lways t o have a
chief o f staff by Jane M. Swift, acting
duty for the past eight years, Sarah
book at h a nd and has enjoyed m a k i n g
Republican governor o f Massassachu
was excited about starti ng a new job
a d e n t i n h i s extreme backlog o f
as a compensation an a lyst at Fidel
read i n g. . . . Usua l l y I report what
at Banknorth Group, Inc., i n Portland,
ity Investments in M a rch.
Andrea Brantner joined Sarah for a drive to Diane Zavotsky's island s u m mer
I hear from you, but here's one case
planning processes and procedures for
the future. As I write t h i s column i n M a rc h (one son i s fra n t i c a l l y
a n n i v e r s a r y. . . .
studyi n g w h i le t h e other is off with
David S t rage
Maine, recently expanded to i n clude
where I feel at l iberty to project into
home to celebrate D i a ne's wed d i n g reports that i n August 1 99 8 , he,
my husband at an a l l-star basketball
h i s w i fe , L a u r a , and t h e i r t h re e
practice) I 'm singing with Andrea
d a u g h t e r s - S o n y a , l 1 , K a t y a , 9,
Boce l l i'scompactdisc, wh ich reminds
and M i sha, 7-moved from Geneva,
me that in Apri l , the Colbyettes w i l l
Terry Smith B robst '82's duties
commercial admin istration throughout Banknorth, where she is a n assista nt vice president in the commercial depart ment
E l izabeth E . J o hnson ' 8 5 ,
director o f Strongest Link AI DS Services,
Terry Smith Brobst '82
I nc., was featured in the Danvers Herald
for her work with the Da nvers, M ass., agency, which offers H IV
Switzerland, to Sevenoaks in Kent,
have a reunion at Colby. Colbyettes
England. David l e ft Digital when
from the classes of the '50s to the
it was taken over by Compaq and
present are to gather on campus to
joined A ndersen Cons u l t i n g (now
enjoy each other's company, si ng,
Accenture) as a n associate partner
perform and reu n i te. From our class,
i n their electronics and h i gh-tech
Barb Leonard, Nora Putnam Dunn
group. Laura is currently senior vice
and I are to be joined by Pam E l l i s '8 1 ,
guilty. Morin has since begun forensic dentistry work for the state
president of H R for the A merican
L i z Yanagihara Horwitz '80, Sally
medical examiner i n Augusta.
I nternet Company Digitas. Unfor
Ludwig-\Vhite '84, M a rt y MacM i l
tunately David h a s had a recurrence
lan ' 8 1 , A n n Brach man Meltzer '84
of the brain stem tumor that fi rst
and Dorcas Benner R i ley '80. \Vatch
appeared in 1 996, and he's currently
for photos' . . . The w i nter in M a i ne
related education and provides support services for people living with the disease
Wate1-ville, Maine, orthodontist B rian ]. M o rin
'85 aided in a homicide investigation when he made im pressions of the teeth and teetl1 bites of a murder suspect and matched them to
bite marks in another attack to which the suspect had pleaded
Mm-ringes: Catherine J. Palmer '80 to Daniel T. Smitl1 in New
trea t i n g it w i t h severa l cycles of
was truly wi nter-ish this year, u n l i k e
London, Con n . ·:· Joshu a D. S ha p i ro '87 to Suzanne J uster
c h e m o t h e ra p y . . . . I hope t h a t
m a n y p r e v i o u s w i nters i n rece n t
a t M ayfai r
everyone h a s m a de a note o f t h e
h i story. I heard from
dates of our reun ion-June 7-9, 2 00 2 .
H oc h w a l k i n New York,
It's a b i g one-our 2 0 t h 1 You' l l be
\'Vaterv i l l e and own land in Vli nslow,
recei v i n g i n formation in the m a i l
that s k i i n g and snowshoeing were
t h roughout t h e y e a r a b o u t p l a n s
s t i l l enjoyable due to the bounty of
Dan Marra
Barb Leonard, w h o l i ve i n
f o r t h e reu n ion, s o m a r k i t o n your
snow. Barb a l so said that Dan is
calendars now'
"neck deep" i n law school. I a m sure
-1V li111i H. Rns11111sse11
I can tel l you that it was excellent to see Dan and Barb at the Colbyette
T h a n k s to t hose who took
the time to write or call w ith news'
Noble Carpenter wrote in M a rch 2 0 0 1 that he was to ski with Tyger Nicholas out in Va i l , Colo. \Vhile
reunion in Apri l ' . . . Kevin and Anne Geagan McGrath sound wonderfu l . T h e i r son, Patrick, who w a s i n a strol ler last t i me we saw h i m at our Colby 1 5t h reu nion, has now tu rned
there, they hoped to see Gates Lloyd,
3. .
B i l ly Lloyd's bro t h er. Tyger was
La J o l l a , C a l i f. , w i t h h i s w i fe, J a n ,
. Chip Rooney now l ives i n
bringing his son, H a rry, and Noble's
a n d t h e i r s o n , C h a se , 2 ; a n e w
c h i l d ren Nicole and Ned were also
baby daughter arrives i n J u ly. Chip,
goi n g. Noble is m a naging d i rector
who moved last yea r from Boston
Farms, N.]. ·:· Brian G . Kaplan ' 8 9 t o Lambeth N.Y.
Bii-ths: A daughter, Katherine " Katie" Domar Ostrow,
to Alice D. Domar '80 and Da1rid Ostrow ·:· A son, Asa Ford Merri l l , to M a rdee Sanchez and Benjamin B . Merrill ' 8 1 ·:· A son, Camden \Vhi p p le Filoon, to Gretchen and John W. Filoon i l l '83 ·:· A son, Ethan I s aac S n yde r, to Susan Goldstein and Ian M. Snyder '84 ·:· A daughte r, Betl1 C h ristine Ni les, to Andrew and S haron D u cey Niles '87 ·:· A son, \Vi lliam Wi lder Brown, to C h ristopher F. '88 and Elizabeth Wilder Kerney Brown '88 ·:· A son, Jordon \i\Ti l l iam Samuel Cassel, to Steven and Melissa Ruff Cassel '88 ·:· A daughter, Sienna \i\Thite Probert, to Sharyl A. White ' 9 1 and B rian W. Probert '88 ·:· A daughter, Heather Lee Baughan, to Max and Robin Tren d B a u ghan '89 ·:· A daughter, Julie Rose Brewer, to Paul and Kim Murphy B rewer '89 ·:· A daugh ter, Caroline "Ca l l ie" Decker, to M e l a n i e and Byrne J . Decker '89 ·:· A d a ughter, Ca mille Eva Serat Gilvar, to Leslie Middleton '89 a n d .Ma lcolm
A daughter, Phoebe de \'oe Tomplcins,
Katherine and
C h ristopher R . Tompkins '89.
at J ones L a n g L a S a l l e A me ricas,
a n d loves C a l i f o rn i a , remembers
I n c . . . . Check out the \Veb site
t h i n k i ng d u r i n g a rugby tour to
Deaths: B radley A. Livermore ' 84, December 1 9, 2 000,
w w w.electri cmotors.com to get a
L a Jol la in 1 9 8 1 over spring brea k ,
gli mpse of Mike Col l ins's Cal i fornia
" \i\fhat a great place t o l ive ' "
Madison, \i\Tis., at 3 8 .
compa ny, Adva ntage M a nu factu ri ng.
he's l i v i n g proof. . . . T h i s J\ l a rch I
J\ 1 i ke's w i fe, Lya n n , sent a messag·e
t a l ked briefly with
John Lemoine,
that M i ke is wel l a nd busy at the
whose fa m i ly had been outside-yes,
company and that t hey a re raising
you guessed it-m a k i ng snow men.
four sons i n I rv i ne, Calif. . . . Duncan Gibson is currently in New H a mp
They were all wel l , and John and Dianne (Gru ndstrom '84) are busy
Lynch, Paul a Donahue Kerwi n Andy Hanson.
-Sa/fr Lovegren .\ Jerchnnt
l i v i ng and work i n g i n Hol l y woo d, Ca I i f. He's i n "the business." Gregory i nv i t e s e\•eryone to take a l o o k at h i s \\'eb s i t e (www.gregoryleek
1 a rsh a l l
enyon.com). I looked i n , and it's very
w rote t O say that she and husband
wel l done; i t looks as i f Gregory has
Kathy M u sser
s h i re t a k i n g some w e l l -deserved
a n d p ro d u c t i v e l i v i n g i n S a c o ,
Gordon '83 had their first child, a boy,
been doing some independent fi l m s
t i me off. He'd been w it h Business
J\ l a i n e . . . . I n m y ne,·er-end i n g
on ;'\"o,· ember 2 7, 2000. \\'elcome
a n d theater i n southern C a l i forn i a
Express a i r l i nes, wh ich was bought
search f o r helpers as associate class
to Aidan :\ IacGregor :\ I a rsh a l l . The
a n d pre ,· io us l y i n :-; e w E n gl and .
by American Eagle. D u ncan's New
agents, some of the classmates I heard
:\ l a r s h a l l s relocated to Pom fret,
Anyone looking for the c l assic lea d i n g
H a mps h i re headqua rters were closed
from were Diane Pete rec Reynolds,
\'t., from Boston i n 1999, and both
m a n should gi1·e h i m a buzz . . . . David
al most a yea r ago, a step D u ncan
A n ne Edwards \Vesterman, Aviva Sapers, Peter Scheetz, Theresa
are exploring new career possibi l i
Rosenberg w rote a n update t h a t
t i e s.
he h a s t h ree beaut i fu l d au ghte rs :
anticipated well i n advance, so he's
. .
Gregory Lee Kenyon is
200 I
J 53
Al u m n i at Large
1 9 80s
Shelbr, 9 , Amanda, 7 , and Whitney, 3. Da,·id a n d h i s w i fe, K a ren, ,·isited C indy and Warren B urroughs i n Japan l ast summer. D av i d reports that Nath a n Emerson is trying to get on the buy.com golf tour, Nils Gjesteby is i nto one of the "purer" martial arts and is a serious body builder, John K aroff ' 5 has a career in rea l estate and is a local publ ic speaker on stress m a nagement, a nd Brian Hesse is doin g well and at l a s t report was teach i ng h i s k ids gymna tics. . . . Deborah Sleeman D a n i l o ff h a s mO\·ed to the B a y area. S h e and h e r husband a nd their
three children moved to ;\ fountain View, C a l i f. , a fter h e r h u s b a n d w a s recruited for a new j o b with a biotech comp a n y in Palo A lto. iVelcome to the San Francisco area, Deborah . . . . Tom Delea wrote from Swampscott, ;\ lass., where he's l iving with his wife, Pearl Singhakowinta, his son, Jackson (born at the end of 2000) and his Bermese mounta i n dog, Fanny. Tom is a senior consultant at PAI , a n economic research a nd consulting organization located in Brookline. Pearl sel ls real estate in Boston's Back Bay and South End. They have fi n ished the fi rst phase
of a rehab to their home and plan to start the next phase about the time this column gets to you. Tom enjoys the location of their house-he's able to go to the beach a l l year long. He's been doing a lot of s u r fi n g a nd has m a d e surf trips t o Costa R ica, Mexico and H awaii. He and Pearl p l a n ned a trip to Portugal this April . . . . A n n "Feta" Poolos Bai ley is living in the D.C. a rea with her husband, Stephen, and her two daughters, A lexandra, 7, and Stepha n ie, 3 . She works "virtu a l ly" for VHA, I nc. as di rector, health i mprovement. It's an a l l i a nce of not-
j ennifer massen gi Ce es8 I
The idea of treating d isease and inj u ry with
for-profit hospit a l s headqua rtered in Dallas, but she does qu ite a bit of trave l i ng. She's been keeping in touch with quite a few people from Colby but is wondering what has happened to Lore S t u rgeon Davis . . . . Sally Lee has started a \Veb site for our class; let her k now ( lee@m it.edu) if you want to help or have a ny ideas . . . . Ian S nyder is currently acting director of defense and i ntel l igence analysis, BTG I nc., in Fai rfax, Va. In 1 999, a big year for I a n , he bought a house i n May, got his doctorate i n i nternational relations from the n iversity of i\lla ryland,
where you wa nt them to go. "
a routine 1nject1on of raw human cells was
Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, spinal cord i nj u ries,
once iust a pipe drea m . For neurobiologist
strokes and other serious cond itions would bow
Jennifer Massengil l '88 and her pioneering
before such powerful medicine, she predicts.
biotech colleagues at ViaCell Inc., it's
The sou rce of the cells also can
moving closer and closer to reality.
be a h u rdle. ViaCell obta ins its
"There's a real bottleneck in cel l ular medicine, and we've developed the technology
material by the com paratively con troversy-free method of conserving
to break the bottlenec k , " said Massengi l l , a resea rch sc1ent1st at the Massachusetts-based biotech firm. "We're on what some people would ca l l the cutting edge 1n cell a m pl1f1cat1on . "
blood from otherwise d iscarded -
u m bilica l cords. Some leukemia patients a l ready receive injections of the cord blood in the hope that
Massengill earned a P h . D. in neurobiology at the Univer sity of California at Irvine a nd went on to become one of four original path-breakers at Breeders, Inc., when 1t was born 1n a Worcester b1otech
its stem cells wi l l help beat the d isease. Massengill and her colleagues a re trying to supercharge that pro cess by m ixing pla i n cord blood with
incubator su1 e 1n 1997. She 1s now one
the purified material made by ViaCe l l .
of 100 employees a t V1aCell, the merged
"We a re going t o b e a ble t o treat ma ny, many d iseases, " she said, looking i nto the
company that conducts both cellular
research and re all ban king of cord blood. •lli•••••llilil•••il• future. " I have faith in the medical com The merged company, which formed 1 n m u nity. The technology is com ing. " 2000 and quickly obtained $60 million in venture capital, expects to ViaCell also is a retail bank for cord blood . For a fee, parents can conserve conduct c' n ical tests of its cell expansion technology in h u mans this year. The race 1s o n .
the blood cells of their child's own umbilical cord as a sort of futuristic insur
"We're not alone." Massengill said, " but there aren't m a n y compa nies. It's in he single d1g1ts " Forbes magazine put the n u m ber at i ust two when 1 c ed V1aCell as one of the leaders in the d rive to produce pure a nd
Though excited by the u pcom i ng cl inical trials and often still working in a wh ite coat in the lab, Massengill j ust as often finds herself in the field ,
mass1 e quan 1 1es o rare und1fferen 1a ed h u ma n cells. Scientists believe he pristine material could be a key to the future of medic ne because he raw cells could be programmed for specific iobs or, al ernat1vely, would sim ply know what o do all on their own , given the nght env1ronmen
" I you can ge enough o
hese cells a nd enough of them to
be pure enough , " Massengill said, "you ough to be a ble to get them to go
C. C L tJ Y · 5 U I.<
ance policy that could be invaluable if medicine can master its manipulation.
p1tch1ng for V1aCell's patented process to expand the treasured stem cells of human biology. She credits her Colby education with helping her fill a particular niche at V1aCell, giving her the opportunity to work both in and outside the lab with sc1ent1sts and nonsc1en!lsts and, she hopes, to bridge the gap between the m . " I can't emphasize enough how i m portant a l i bera l arts education has been to me," Massengill sa1d.-M. F. Chip Gavin '90
a l s o i n i\ l ay, a n d m a r r i e d S u s a n
a re j u s t t i red ! " . . .
G o l d s te i n i n November. H e a n d
sent a note in late February '' ith
Susa n l ive i n \ ' i e n n a , Va ., a n d have
news of a second ch i l d on the way.
a son, E t h a n I s a a c S nyder, born
He and h i s w i fe are l i v i n g in s u n ny
October 26, 2 0 0 0 . . . .
S o u t h e rn C a l i f o rn i a w i t h t h e i r
K. Biro( w rote to s a y that he, h is
2-year-old . . . . Lastly, hats off to
m e rci a l l e n d i n g w i t h Fi rst ,\ l a s
\\'a l t h a m , ,\ [ a s s . , P e t e r ' s C o l b y
w i fe , Cheryl, a m i ssiona ry, a n d thei r
Leslie Woron Corner, who w rote i n
sachusetts Bank in Fitchbu rg, i\ l ass.
roommate, is a l so a regu l a r visitor
Tom Vali note
to figure out where I a m i n time and
Sandy Calhoun ' 9 1 of .\ lystyc l'\ew
space. Stay tuned.
.\ ledia in Portland, and J i l l Taylor
nd write.
- �Venc�y Lapham R11s
I [ a r r i s o n ' 8 8 , who O\\ ns Fitness \ \'orld, a gym i n Lewiston .
P h i l i p P u rcel l is i n com
Stephan B r u e c k n e r of B a y Fi n a n c i a l i n
I O -year-old son, A l len Herbert, are
after a 1 6 -yea r si lence ! . . . As al ways,
He l ives i n M a rl borough with his
to f , .-A., where he is sign i n g up new
l i v i n g i n Vi neyard l l aven, M ass. Tom
you r news is greatly appreciated.
w i fe, J u l i e, and two ch i l d ren, Sarah,
clients. Peter a lso keeps i n touch with
-Sue Ja111es Geremia
6, a nd Ph i l i p A nt hony, 2 . . . . Greg C iottone a n d h i s w i fe , A m a l i a ,
f o r m e r room m ates Dr.
I have a weird feel ing writing
a n d t h e i r t h ree c h i l d ren J i ,·e i n
t h i s , because I 'm writing it i n .\ l a rch.
was promoted to station m a n ager of
\\'est m i n ster, ,\ l ass. I l e h a s joined
icholas Papapetros and h i s '' i fe, ,\ n d rea , Ted Jobes a nd h i s ' ' i fe, L i z , and larten Jenkins. Peter a nd h i s " i fe
G i l l ( j ames-p-gi l l @
By the t i me you read it, it w i l l be
the fac u l t y a t l l a r v a r d ,\ l e d ica l
just built a ne"' home on four and a
hot m a i l . com) w rote recently from
June and our 1 5t h reunion will have
School, where he is d i rector of the
h a l f acres in ,\ l i not, just outside of
Austra l i a . After backpack i n g for t wo
passed. Yet I have no way of k nowing
divi sion of internation a l disaster and
Auburn. The i r c h i l d ren a re Tyler, 9, A lex, 7, Olivia, 6, and A ngel ica,
. S . A i rways faci l ity.
- C)l/lthia 111. ,1 /u/likw-Lrr:::::,a1Y1
8 5 James
a n d a h a l f years a round the world
if I will have successfu l l y coerced
emergency medicine. I l e m a nages
and then l i v i n g in London for five
another member of our class into
v a r i o u s p ro g r a m s in e m ergency
5. . . .
yea rs , J i m and his w i fe, Pa u l a , moved
t a k i n g over this job or if I will s t i l l
and d i saster medicine a round the
Q u i n n i\ l atthew was born last Au
Merridith Belden Mol loy's
to Paul a's hometown of Brisbane,
be stuck with it-oops-I m e a n still
world, i nclud i ng overseeing 14 EJ\ ! S
gust, j o i n i n g brother J a mes, 5 , and
Austra l i a , in M a rch '97. H e h a s t h ree
h a ve t h e honor o f con t i n u i n g a s
t ra i n i n g centers across t h e former
sister E r i n , 3 . ,\ lerridith and Todd
c h i l d ren u nder 5 a n d seems to love
your class correspondent. A n d I can't
n ion. I- le a l so works c l i n i
'86 sti l l l i ve i n Cumberland, .\ T a i ne.
t he Brisbane l i festyle. As he puts it,
rem i n isce about the reunion because
c a l l y a s a n e m e rgency p h y s i c i a n
,\ lerridith reports that Dan and Lucy
" t he weather is great, cost o f l i v i n g is
it hasn't happened yet, w h i le at the
at l i a rvard and i s serv i n g a s t h e
Lennon Tucker just had their t h i rd
fi ne a n d the I i festyle is laid-back." J i m
same t i me I can't u rge you to attend
president of Emergency ,\ Jedicine
boy, R i ley, i n February. She sees
is now work i n g f o r Legato Systems,
because i t has a l ready h a ppen e d .
\'isions I n ternational, a non-profit
Lucy often a nd regul arly talks to
an A m e r i c a n s o ft w a re c o m p a n y
Y i kes, T 'm con fused, so I better just
corporation t h a t speci a l izes i n
Connie Gal lagher Loescher, who is
based i n C a l i f orn i a . . . Bev Rice Tedeschi had a nother baby-a boy,
do the news for either the last or
emergency a n d d i saster m e d i c i n e
nestled i nto H a no,·er, � . 1 1 . , '' ith her
the 20th time . . . .
Brigid Hoffman
t ra i n i ng f o r u n i q u e appl i c a t i o n s
husband, Peter. ,\ lcrridith a nd Lucy
Troy l icholas-in i\ l ay 2000. She
ma rried John Patrick M u rry I l l in
around t h e globe. On top of t h at, h e
a nd her grow i n g fa m i ly built a house
September in New York City. . . . Fred
com m ands i\ 1 A-2 , a federal d i saster
i n Plymouth, N . H . , near where she
'87 and
medical assista nce team that operates
teaches h igh school biology. . . . Tom
had a baby girl , L i l a , in December.
as part of the Nat ion a l D i sa st e r
Claytor is s t i l l in Southeast Asia .
Lila joins sister Bridget, -+. G a i l is
.V ledica l System . . .
\ Vhen t h i s col u m n was written, he
the ,·ice president of global content
Bill and Erin Borgeson Castelli l i ve i n ,\ ! a ryland
visited Con nie and Jen Erlandson Ayers two sum mers ago . . . . Sharon D ucey N i les recently spent t i m e with Cheryl Lindenberg 1cCue and Alison Como Goyette and t h e i r
had been Fl y i n g a long the Bu rmese
at Zagar S u n·ey, w h e re she is i n
with their chi ldren, E m i ly, 6,Jul i a , -+,
border work i n g on a fi l m for
charge of t h e editorial department
and El ise, 2. Erin h a s worked for The
due in .\ l ay and h a s Cassie , 7, Drew,
called " E x t i nction." He a l so had been
of the popu l a r restaurant and travel
Nature Conservancy's international
5 , and J o h n , 3, at home. Cheryl, \\'ho
assisting with a project cal led " i\ 1 iss
guides . . .
has t\\'O daughters, Taylor, 7, a n d
Thomas Outerbridge Paul Tu rci con t i n ue to r u n
program for t he past 1 2 I /2 years and
S i a m " by Fl y i n g a 1 92 -+ Trave l a i s
is t he d i rector of annual givi ng. B i l l
Dayne, 3 , l i ves in R a y n h a m , ,\ l ass.,
biplane across T h a i l a n d , Laos and
t h e i r New York-based environmental
is t h e V P/director of go,•e rn ment
a small rural town \\' ith horses and
Vietn a m into China. He h a s been
co n s u l t i n g b u s i n e s s , City G re e n ,
affa i rs for the ,\ l a ryland Association
cows on the same street. Great for
work i ng as well to help set up the Tim
I nc. T h e y w rite, " C i t y Green is now
for Realtors. He h a s one more semes
raising kids a nd easy to get i nvolved
m issa rtok Fou ndation . . . .
competing to develop a composting
ter of law school at the
as she has done '' ith her daughter's
Worthi ngton w r ites t h a t he a n d
faci l ity in the Bronx, a glass recyc l i ng
of i\ l a ryland at Balti more and then
h i s w i fe, Kathy, h a v e j u s t adopted
facil ity in upstate New York and a
t a kes the bar t h i s sum mer. . . .
t hei r second l ittle g i rl from C h i n a . Kearney is 5 1 /2 a nd i\ I ason i s 3 .
Gail Glickman Horwood
n iversity
k id s . A l ison has a I -yea r-old, Kate, and was due i n ;\ J ay. S h a ron was al o
G i rl Scout troop . . . .
Melissa H ruby Bach continues to '' ork a s a n a rt i st
barge-to - ra i l waste export facil ity
A. Steele and h i s \\' i fe, Laurie, started
and o"·ner/operator of her O\\ n tou r
to serve N.Y.C. after the closure of
a biwee k l y n e \\'s paper,
A n d rew encourages a nyone i n ter
Fresh K i l l s Landfi l l ." . . .
ested i n adopt i n g from C h i n a to
Shapiro h a s recei,·ed tenu re as a
c o n t a c t h i m at a w o r t h i n g t o n @ home.co m . A n d rew is now a partner
T11'in City
two years ago in Le\\' iston
business, G loucester G u ided Tou rs . T h e business h a
recei,·ed a l l k i nd s
Aubu rn , the second-la rgest metro
of press a n d i
profe s s o r of p h y s i c s at G u i l ford
politan area i n ,\ I a i ne. " \ \'e used to
pick" designation i n
Col lege in Greensboro, l'\.C. After
m a ke fun of the L.-A. a rea when
l lmkee .1/agrr::,ine Guide to Xeu· England. l l e r other
given a n "ed i tor's
i n a software com pa ny special izing in
Colby he earned h i s doctorate i n
\\'e \\'ere at Colby, but no,1 it is the
jobs i nclude perso n a l secretary to
education a l software for secondary
geophysics from i\ I I T a n d a !so taught
best place to be in the state," Peter
a choreographer a nd home h e a l t h
schools. His " m a i n product" i s a fu I ly
at Colby. . . .
w rote.
ch ronicles
a i de to a y o u n g lady '' i t h s p i n a bifida.
v i s u a l b u s i n e s s s i m u l a t i o n ca l l e d
of 55 contemporary art ists chosen
the re,·iral ization of the Le'' iston
.\ l e l i s sa's son, O ' .\ l a l l ey, is now
\'i rtual B u s i ness. Feel free t o check it
to exh ibit t he i r work i n t he 2 0 0 1
Aubu rn area and features the mo,·ers
7. . .
out a t w \1· w. K nowledge,\ [ atters.com.
Port l a nd ,\ I useum of A r t Bien n i a l in
and shakers responsible for its rebi rth.
st i l l l i,·ing i n Guada l a j a ra , .\ Iexico,
. . .
Portland, ,\ I a i ne .
Andrea Sarris was one
Twin City Times
Elseke Membreno-Zenteno is
. . Robin Clisby Pelczar recei,·ed her general bank
After a ne\\·spaper career on Cape
e n j o y i n g l i fe w i t h h e r h u s b a n d
sends excit i n g news of another a rrival
Cod and i n Boston, Peter is pleased
a n d two ch i l d ren, .\ l a r i a n a ,
-N'at h a n iel R ic h a rdson Sch m uch
i n g diploma t h rough the American
to be back in .\ I a i ne-Peter has run
A l fonso, 3 . Both c h i l d ren are i m olved
Karen Killam Schmuch also
7, and
I n stitute of B a n k i ng i n .lune. She and
i nto se,·eral Colb�- a l u m n i i n L.-.\.,
in gym nastics, and her daughter was
with her fa m i ly in Rowley, ,\ I ass.,
her husband, Ted, hope to mo,· e i nto
i nclud i n g �ancy Briggs .\ [ a r h a l l ' 2
get t i n g ready for her first compet i
where "big sister ,\ l a deleine i s enjoy
t he i r newly built house i n Center
of�a nc�· .\ la rshall Commun ications
t ion. Besides t h e c h i ld re n , El seke
i n g her l it t l e brot h e r, t h e dog i s
I b rbor, K T-I ., t h i s fal l . . . . \\'e l l , that's
i n K i n gfield, Ken You ng '6 , t he
fee l i ng neglected, and ,\ lorn a nd D a d
it, so T guess T ' l l go back to trying
do,1 nto\\ n m a n ager of Le" iston,
chocolate L ab, K e n y a , a n d o t h e r
was born on July !-+, 2 000. She Ii,·es
bu y " it h her ga rde n , h e r
su M M E R
200 I
I 55
Al u m n i at La rge
1 980s- 1 990s
motherly duties. H e r brother, Poncho '89, and h i s w i fe, Jess, had a baby g i r l , E l i s a C l a re , on D e c e m b e r 3 1 . . . . Nancy A . Di Bernado h a s been n a m e d d irector o f sales f o r The Setai Resort & Residences being built i n i\1iami Beach. After receiving her master of arts from Emerson, Nancy served with BC, I nc., i n New York City for more than 1 1 years i n marketing and public rela tions, most recently as d i rector of corporate projects and synergy. She a ls o completed t h e program for developing m a n agers at S i m mons College in Boston . . . . M ichael M a n n i ng was named a partner in the firm of i\ixon Peabody LLP i n Boston . He received h i s law degree from Suffol k n iversity. . . . Remem ber to support Colby by sending in a gift to the A l u m n i Office, and start m a k i ng plans to come back to :\ laine next J u ne for our reu n ion .
-Jane .\'icol .1ln11uel
Scott Tu rtel w ro t e from Tokyo, where he has worked as a fi nance manager for I mel for the past year. cott a nd Erin ( DeChristopher '8 ) had a baby bO)' named :\ Iatthew Caleb on December 26, 2000, and also have a 3 -year-old, �athaniel. . . . Liz Schwartz nderson got married i n eptember to ;\ l a r�· Anderson. They li\ e in Edina, :\ l i n n . , and Liz i'> the marketing coordi n ator with a sales support team at Dain Rauscher, an i m·estme nt firm in t he Tw i n C i t i e s . L i z reports t h a t i n J u l y J i m 1 ovick a n d h i s w i fe , :\ l eg, had a bah) , -\ ri Joshua . . . . The ubiqu irous Andrew "J\1arty" Dodge ha., publ i<,hed mo books, i ncluding a romance 110\ el. You can check them out at '' '' \\ .lupusandco.com . . . . h ri LeG a u lt ha. mo, ed from \ l 1a m i back to '\e'' England-not a good '' i nter to do that, Chris. I l e \I orb i n \ \"oods Hole for the �Jt10nal \ l a n ne Fi.,heries . en ice. I le a n d h 1 ., \I 1 fe , D i a ne , ha' e a daughter, \1 ho \1 d i begin k i ndergar ten r h i ., fa l l , ,111 d a '>Oil, '' ho\ not fa r heh i n d her. . . . Chmnne ( \ l urph) '<) ( ) and Tom bbat i e l l o recenrl) mm ed to \ L id 1.,on, Con n . , and Tom '>t arred \I ork for Oracle Corp. do111g h u " n e " d C \ e l o p m e n t . ·1 om a n d C h n'>t l lle ha' e rn o l ittle one'>, Cb re, �. rnd Ben. :'i mont h'> . . . . Jen n i fer Jo eph '>pent tht '\e\1 ) e,1r 1 n L . \ . '' n h Jeff Bero-er. then \1 em to �t. Thoma-, 1 11 [·cl1ruar) . Je n n 1 fer 1 . '>t i l l J nunagt:r \I 1 t h C a p C r c m 1 11 1 frmt � i oung. . . . Robin Trend Baughan
L 6
O !
reports that she a nd her husband had their t h i rd (and last) child i n ;'\'°ovember. Robin keeps up with B i l l Carr, w h o w a s recently promoted a t Amazon.com . . . . Melissa Trend Staid also had a baby recently. Little Holly was born two d ays before C h ristmas . . . . Scott Wentzell and h i s wife, Lisa, had a son, Scott \Ye n t z e l l J r. , l a s t No,·ember 1 7. The \\'emzell s l ive i n Farmington, :\ I a i ne . . . . Brad Schlang is married, has three sons a nd l ives in Cleveland. He is a partner at Eton Financial Ser\'ices and w rites that " i f a nyone is i nterested i n the best way to gift $ 1 m i l l ion to Colby, let me k now." \Ve' I I get right on that, Brad . . . . \Vord has it that Mark Cosdon, Tim Burton and John Reynolds were spotted together in N".Y.C.John is a busy guy, writing for "Celebrity Death match" and showing his short fi l m to audi ences in Ph i l ly. :\Iy mother spotted Tim on 60 ,Uinutes a few months ago. He is participating in trials for a vac cine for A I DS . And i\ lark, I presume, i s sti l l teachingat Augustana College in Rock I sland, I l l . . . . As for yours truly, I am awaiting a visit from Tracy Gionfriddo. \Vish us luck as we try to get tickets to the Final Four right here in :\ I i n neapol is. And don't forget to send me your news 1
- Anita L. Terry
Kelly Cogan wrote in with the happy news that she married Ed Calnan i n February i n Salem, Mass. Mya-Lisa King and her husband, Jack, were in attendance with their new baby boy (they a l so h ave a 3 -year-old daughter, Tessa). Other Colby connections at the wedd i ng included Kristen Fryl ing '91 , Jay '89 and Jess Butler Stabile ' 9 1 and the ,·enerable Charlie Bassett. I n a d d i t i o n to celebra t i n g her own nuptia ls, Kelly attended the wedd i ng reception for Kristen Pettersen and Da\·id ;\ f i l ler i n �O\'ember 2000 i n 1\ nchorage, ,\laska. Kristen and D a,·id had a s m a l l ceremony last June on a mountai ntop i n Alaska and are no'' J i, ing i n Eagle Ri,·er, near \ nchorage . . . . \n editing error in the la t ColbJ had Dyanne Kaufman marr) rng J a me'> I [ ayes ' 9 1 . She's marr) ing a.James l l aye'>, all right, but her O\\ n Jame'> I I aye'>, not Colb) \. "I hope," .,he declare'>, "m) clas'> marcs \1on't he surpn<,ed to '>ee a d i fferent J•lllle'> I la) e'> at the \1 ed d r ng '. " . . . Doug H a l l I'> '>t i l l Ii' ing 111 PortLrnd, \ L u nt:, and \\ Ork 1 n g as a firefighter. I l e al.,o ha ., heen coach ing
Bergen & Pa rki nson in Ken nebu n k , diving at Colby, where their senior M a i n e , a s a n a s s o c i a te attorney male placed t h i rd at ESCAC and with the busi ness and real estate made it to nationals. Doug recently law group. H e lives i n Scarborough purchased a three-fa m i l y apartment with h i s wife, M ichelle, and thei r building i n Portland-on Waterv i l le daughter, Laura. Street-and by fun ny coincidence -Laura Senier one of his tenants i s also a Colby grad and two others grew up i n H i a l l 1 I am very much look ing \Vaterv i l le. Doug i s happy t o report forward to seeing you at reun ion that Dave Freed and M a rc Enger this year. Because this is m y fi n a l '89 are engaged, although not to each column, I a lso hope you w i l l consider other. Both are planning fa ll wed volunteering for the class secretary d i n gs . . . . Beth Kubik is completing p o s i t i on or nom i n a t i n g a fr iend her doctoral program in c l i n ical psychology at t h e n i versity of who can m a k e the com m itment. I wou l d be happy to answer a ny J\ I a i ne a nd will do a year-long fel low questions you m ight have about the ship at Boston University next year. position . . . . Some "old" news: Lori I n the sum mer of 1 999 she married Wright w rote that she is work in g Tucker H anson, a M iddlebury grad as an attorney, senior manager o f who shares her love of s k i i ng. Beth regulatory affa i rs at M C I vVorld writes that Amy Farmer-Michaud com. She joi ned Chip Smith there and Mark Michaud were expecting in 1 999. . . . A my Davis was mar a baby in Apri l . They a re l iv i n g r i e d on M a y 2 8 , 2 00 0 , to A n d y i n Burlington, Vt., where Amy i s Brydges . . . . Ch ristine Tuccille d irector o f membership, volunteer Merry was ma rried back i n 1998 to programs and special events at the Shelburne i\ luseum (a large art and J i m Merry, a nd she l ives in t he San Francisco Bay area. She completed outdoor h istory museum s i m i lar to her master's degree in design at San i\ Iystic Seaport). Mark is the executive Francisco State University i n 2 000 di rector of the Vermont Democratic and was hopi n g to b i ke t h rough Party ( l isteners to Vermont radio Eu rope after graduating. . . . J i m wi II often hear h i m i nterviewed on McVay wrote i n l ast yea r that he was pol itical happen ings). Beth also tel ls living i n Pittsburgh and had gradu me that Chandra Goldsmith i s a ated from West Virgi nia Un iversity landscape architect in the Ch icago law school . At t h a t t i me he was area and recently won a national work ing for his father, and he'd had competition for one of her designs small roles i n several movies (Suddeu for a state park in M ich igan . . . . Joe Death withJean-Claude Van Damme Li lore is living in Los Angeles, work and Ki11gpi11 with Woody H arrelson ing on a book about gender theory a n d R a ndy Q u a i d ) . He a l so h a s and work ing as a \Veb site producer been coach ing a high school hockey for Bold New \ Vo rid (www.bnw.com). team ( Bethel Park) that won the He spent five years after graduation 2000 A A A State Championsh ips i n teach i n g at a i\ 1ontessori school, Pen nsylvania . . . . Shawn Crowley then, as he says, "dropped out" to is happi ly married to Kristi n , and pursue art and activism for three they live i n .Y.C. H e is a V P at Fidel years i n Tucson, then moved to L .A. ity, sel l i n g their proprietary 40 I (k) to fi n ish the book and develop a program to smal l/m id-si zed employ one-person multi media performance ers i n the N .Y.C . area . . . . Karie piece. H e encou rages any Colby B utton H a m bly was work i n g on friends who are pass i n g t h rough \Va l l Street but left last year to Southern Cal i fo rn i a to look h i m study at the Columbia n i versity up. . . Rudy and Erika Dresser i\1edical Center to become a nurse Pe nczer are l i v i ng i n Bethel, M a i ne, practitioner. She hopes to special ize where Rudy teaches mathematics at i n pediatric oncology. . . . Jim H ayes Gou Id Academy. Erika i s at home sent me news last year that he has been with their 2-year-old son, Nicholas, studyingat Columbia n iversity Law and their new baby, Rebecca, horn School in N.Y.C. Last s u m mer he got i n February. . . . T.J . and Melissa a job as a s u m mer associate at W i l Organek D upree celebrated the liams & Con n a l ly i n vVashi ngton, birth of their daughter, Charlotte D. ., and he will be clerk i ng for Chief L o u i s e . T h e ) a re I i ' i n g in t h e J a m a ica P l a i n section o f Boston, Justice \tVi l l i a m You ng i n Boston starting in January 2 002 . . . . Mer and T.J. i s '' ork ing at the Boston edith Palin left 1.Y.C. last year to Consulting C roup . . . . G lenn K. Powel l recent I) joined the la\1 fi rm of pursue an M . F.A. in costume design
at the Ya le University School of D rama and i s now l iving i n New H aven, Conn . . . . Thank you aga i n t o a l l of you w h o sent i n news. I m iss you a l l and hope you are healthy and well.
-Jennifer Wood Jencks
Sarah Hamilton Barringer just gave birth to her fi rst child, H arold H a m i lton Barringer. . . . M e l i s s a S m a l l i s s ti l l l i v i ng i n Kents H i l l , M a i n e , a n d work i n g o n her d issertation i n educational psychology from UConn . Meli ssa, h u s b a n d S t e p h e n a n d t h e i r son Joshua just welcomed their second son , Isaac, to the fam i ly. . . . Helen H op k i n s K e l logg was m a r r i e d t h i s p a s t fa l l a n d n o w l i v e s i n Newburyport, Mass . . . . Tracey McCormick h a s spent the past five y e a r s l i v i n g in and around Denver, Colo. She's back i n school pursuing her master's in English at the University of Colorado, Denver. Tracey writes that getting her degree w i l l be the ful fi l lment of a pact she made with Julie Trodella Bruneau the n ight before graduation-to be i n Colorado in 10 years and teach ing at a u n iversity. Julie and Tracey w i l l finish up at the University of Colorado at the same time, and w h i le J u l ie w i l l most l i kely head on to a doctoral progra m for medieval studies i n English, Tracey expects to share her newfound k nowledge with her bar customers "or somet h i ng similarly profound." . . . Chris and Karen Larson F l i nt recently bought a new home in Barrington, R . I . They have a 2-year-old son, Andrew, and were expecting child number two i n April. Karen works for Textron Financial in Providence, and Ch ris is coaching at Bryant Col lege i n Smithfield . . . . Jen Kosek Walker and her husband welcomed thei r second child, Sara Madeleine, last November. . . . A n ne Maddocks and B i l l M ichels '93 were married i n Dorset, Vt., i n M a y 2 000 w i t h more than 60 Colby alumni present' Best man Torin Taylor was accompanied by groomsmen M i ke Rosenblum '93, Scott Reed '93, Marshall Dostal '93, Tyler Merritt '93, Ed Ramirez '94 and Chris \l\Ti lder '93. Bridesmaids i ncluded Kristin Wal lace Livezey, Sura Dubow, Molly Beale, J e n Nehro Patriacca a n d Elaine Bue足 schen. A n n e recent l y gradu ated from medical school at Columbia University and is curreml y a n ob-gyn resident at New York Presbyterian
Hospital . B i l l is a 1 998 Columbia Busi ness School graduate and i s employed i n business development at VCommerce Corporation . . . . Tanya Nygaard is l iving in San Francisco and working for UC Berkeley Exten足 sion, managing and coord i nating the travel/study programs around the world . . . . Rob DeLello and wife Kathy have been married for six years and have two children, A n n ie, 2 1 12 , and Tom my, I . Rob recently visited with E r i n (Kelly ' 9 1 ) and Chuck DiGrande at Chuck's 30th birthday party. Chuck and Erin have a 2-year-old daughter, Maggie, and were expecting their second child i n May. Other party guests included Terry Reidy, an assistant d istrict attorney in Boston, Greg Mahoney, who recently bought a house with his wife in Walpole, Mass., and Jim Dionizio and his wife, D i na, and their son, Nicholas. Jim had been tra i n i ng rigorously for the Boston Marathon . . . . Todd Alexander compl eted the master's program in city and regiona l plan n i n g at Cornell (May 2000) and now l ives in Portland, Maine, working as the d irector ofnew business development for Maine & Company, a private, statewide economic development orga n ization.
-Michelle Fortier Biscotti
Marshall Dostal is l iving i n .Y.C. and writi ng comedy fo r a \l\Teb site ca l led Heavy, which can be viewed at www.doctorcomedy.com. Marshall sees a lot of B i l l Michels, Dan Harris, Chris Wilder and Mike Rosenblum, who also l i ve i n M a n hatta n . Spea k i n g of D a n , Emily Muldoon, who just recently got engaged, said she was listeni ng to ABC News recently and recogni zed the steady, reassuring voice of one very poised reporter' I , too, have seen Dan on TV and I just have one question: was he that good looking at Colby? . . . Also i n .Y.C. is Tim Merrigan, who is a district manager for EMC. He recently caught up with a few of his Colby buddies at the Superbowl and reports that Eric DeCosta is l iv i ng in Baltimore and is the head scout for the Balti more Ravens; Steve Hatch is begin n i ng h i s residency as a proctologist i n Oregon; Bob Ward is a l s o i n L.A., perform ing i n com mercia l s ; and Gregg Suffre d i n i just opened a chai n of pizza restaurants in Boston cal led Surfy's Sl ices. Tim h i mself j u s t m i ssed the fi n a l roster cut
play i ng football i n the XFL for the N.Y. H itmen. I checked, and Tim
confirms that this is all true. Pretty i mpressive, guys ' . . . Mark Radcliffe is a copy writer at an ad agency cal led Nerve in Portl and, Ore, w r i t i ng commercials, radio, print ads and finishing his fi rst novel. . . . Also i n Portland, Ore., is Scott Greenfield, a senior fi nancial analyst at I ntel. He has seen Nive Filipo, who works for Intel in Santa Clara, Cal i f. Scott attended Jen Bierwirth Shurman's weddingin ovember i n Phi ladelphia and said it was "very elegant." Also attending were John Poirier, Karen Lipman and Sarah Inman. Scott and h i s w i fe a re plan n i ng a trip to I srael this sum mer. . . . Lots of weddings and babies! Amy Duncan and Jason Kirkfield were engaged last summer and w i l l be ma rried October 6, 200 1 , on Cape Cod . . . . Mike Tracy marriedJennifer Conley in Boothbay Harbor, M a i ne, last July, and they moved to Hamilton, Mass., after honeymooning i n I re足 land . . . . Catherine Coyne is l iving i n London a n d was getti n g married this spring to Nlat Lown. This romantic Englishman proposed to Catherine and then whisked her off to Boston to celebrate with friends Stephanie Goff '94, Tracey Hardman '92 and Marty Hergert. Catherine works for the I mperial Cancer Research Fund . . . . Jason Soules married Piper Mc Tealy in February and is l iving in Cambridge, Mass. Jason sees a lot of his ex-roomies, who were his best men. Jack Higgins is l iving i n Cambridge as wel l, Dana "Doogie" McClintock is working at CBS i n T.Y.C. and expecting a bundle of joy i n June, and Dan O'Grady is up at UNH "playing with lobsters" and finishing up his Ph.D . . . . Libby Repass Dumas and her husband, Dave, had a son, Caleb R ichard, i n October. . . . Simone Cella Miller gave birth to Catherine Julia on February 28. Simone received her M.A. from Teachers Col lege at Columbia last year and is l iving i n Springfield, .]. . .. Laura Steinbrink Novak had a baby boy, Brandon Scott, last September. Laura is the executive di rector at Cleveland Bridge Build足 ers, a nonprofit organ i zation she co-founded, which offers leadership s k i l l s tra i n ing for civica l ly active young professionals. She writes, " I keep i n close contact with Brandy S h a fter C h ap m a n , w h o w o r k s fo r Liberty Mutual a n d l ives with her husband, Pau l , in H i ngham,
1990s Correspondents 1990 Laura Senier 38 Pitts Street Natick, MA 0 1 7 60 508-653- 7 9 2 7 cla ssnews1990@alum.col by.edu
1991 Lesley Eydenberg Bouvi e r 6 1 4 C M a i n Street Winchester, MA 01890 J e n n i fer Flynn 16 Lakev i l l e Road #12A J a m a ica Pla i n , MA 02130 cla ssnews1991@alum .colby.edu
1992 Michelle Fortier Biscotti 8232 Arbor Drive S h rewsbu ry, MA 01545 508-845-6507 fax: 508-845-6483 cla ssnews1992@a lum .colby.edu
1993 Beth C u rran 64 Dane Street #1 Somerv i l l e , MA 02143 classnews1993@a lum .colby.edu
1994 Tracy K. Larsen 3 7 56 Normandy Drive La Canada, CA 9 1 0 1 1-4155 classnews1994@a lum .colby.edu
1995 Yuhgo Ya maguchi 124 Oxford Street #4 Cambridge, MA 02140 617-354-0289 classnews1995@a lum.colby.edu
1996 Kim Schock 3201 Copper Mill Trace Apt. J Richmond, VA 23294 classnews1996@a lum.colby.edu
1997 K i m berly N. Parker 72 Prescott Street Everett, MA 02149 classnews1997@a lum.colby.edu
1998 Allison L. Brown Flynn 6948 Avery Road Dub l i n , O H , 4301 7-2865 classnews1998@alum .colby.edu
1999 Lindsay Hayes 130 Long Neck Point Road Darien, CT 06820 203-655-4664 cla ssnews1999@alum.colby.edu
2000 H i lary Smyth 29 Marl borough Street Apt. #5 Bosto n , MA 02116 6 1 7-266-5440 classnews2000@a lum.colby.edu
LBy .
s u M M E R
I 57
A l u m n i at Large
1 9 90s
k' 4
m ala
Cause a nd Effect
to the Women's R ights Network-an orga n iza
As a fourth grader in Dubai, Mala Rafik '94 was asked in school what she
tion designed to em power women a round the
wanted to be when she grew up. Rafik answered without hesitation. " I want
world with the knowledge of thei r human rights.
to be a lawyer," she wrote, "so I ca n help people out of hard situations. "
She beca me the program d i rector for this i nternational h u ma n rights
Today that's what she is-and does. That scrawled statement from fourth grade ha ngs on the wa l l of Rafik's
orga n ization prior to joining its board of advisors, on which she conti n ues
law office in Boston, the latest stop on her career path as a h u ma n rights
to serve today. In add ition to serving the Women's R ights Network, Rafik
attorney. That she's achieved her child hood goal is remarkable, though not
also gained va lua ble experience i n the law as a n attorney for the American
entirely u nexpected . "Growing up, it's all I ever wanted to d o , " she said .
Civil Li berties U n ion. Today she is a n attorney with Rosenfeld & Associates of Bosto n , a fi rm
Rafik was raised 1n Dubai in the U nited Arab Emirates by an I ndian Catholic mother and a Pakista n i Muslim father. For as long as she can
ded icated to sec u ri ng hea lth care coverage, pa rticula rly for those suffering
remem ber, she says, she has objected to the injustices that everyone,
from chronic i l l nesses. Rafik sees the work that she does now as h u ma n
especially women , 1 n Ara b countries must accept. There is no freedom
rights work. "You can't have civil rights u n less you have you r hea lth , " she
of speech in Duba i , let alone freedom of the press, says Rafi k, reca l l i ng
said. In a ca reer that req uires her to deal with d istressing and emotional
the frustration she felt as a young girl when the letters of protest she
situations, her consolation is the knowl-
a nd her mother sent to the nationa l and local newspapers were
edge that she is making a d ifference in
systematica lly ignored.
the world . -Anne Garinger '01
B ut at Colby, Rafik sped along her chosen path. M idway through Rafik's freshman year, the G ulf War broke out. At a town meeting-style d iscussion a bout the conflict in the M iddle East, Rafik met P rofessor Kenneth Rodman (government) for the first time. A bond formed , and Rafik took all of the classes that Rod m a n taught while she was at Colby. Rodman remem bers being im pressed by Rafik's idea lism with respect to 1nternat1onal h u ma n rights issues. With Rod ma n 's guidance, Rafik com pleted a senior honors thesis on the international responses to the Cam bodian genocide. "I credit P rofessor Rodman for encouraging my passion for human rights work, " she said, " [for) teaching me the fundamentals that I would take into the working world and making me thi n k 1n a more global perspective a bout human rights and how so much can be seen as human rights work . " Following graduation from Colby, Raf1k earned a law degree rom Northeastern U niversity. Her course of s udy, which focused on feminist a pproaches to i nter national law as well as on 1nternat1onal law, led Rafi k
\ l .w •. , a n ti " 1 t h
r i s i e Col e m a n
i m c h oc k . " h o
t h e i r ne\1 horn.
. . Carrie S m i t h
a n d is edito r at Computer \\'orld.
D u p u i s moved t o J\ 1o n t a n a , where
rece n t l y ret u rned from a n adven
he i s focu s i n g on h i s w r i t i ng. I -le is
Fidel i t ) . She " rites, "T ' i s i ted \1 i t h
t u re with him in C h i n a , where he
l i v i n g w i t h Beth Fi a l ko a nd Sarah
K r i s t i n e D e u p re e C r a m e r on
demonst rated the e ffect i veness of
Poh l '9+. Ta-TanishaJa mes i s l i v i n g
\ l a rr h a \ \'i neyard this past s u m mer.
the ' J\ longo l i a n \Var Cry' in fight i n g
i n N.Y.C., fi n i shed h e r l a w degree from Ford h a m and is work i n g for a
\1 1 t h F i d e l i t )
i '> il n asc,oci ate 1ned i a d i rector at
,1 n d recent l ) g o t a not her promo t io n . . . .
l a u d i a Tejada I '> I I \ 1 n g a n d
\1 ork 1 11 g 1 11 t h e D.C. a re,1 .111d \1 ork'>
I '>
for Defender-, of\\ d d l i fc . . . . \nd 110\I
She \l a'> out ea'>t after spend i ng t he
off d a n ger." . . . Lesl ie Campbe l l
f or t he proud lbd-, ' Jeff " B i sc u i t "
<, u m mer i n t h e Caribbea n lead i ng
a l so sends news from
Ko�c a n d h I '> \1 1 fe \I elcomed 1 1 a n n a h
P {. , where
judge. A l ison Davis h a s been l i v i n g
'>t udent'> on a program i n \I h ich she
she recent l y "became a vict i m of t h e
i n B u e n os A i res t h e p a s t c o u p l e
\1orkcd 1 11 t h e local com m u n i t )
_l .1 11e
i nto t h L \I orld o n October � 5 . J e ff
dot-com laroff c a rn age c u r re n t l y
o f years a n d cont i n ues t o work i n
a l c,o
happe n i ng." S h e \I rites, " I a m r a k i ng
adve r t i s i ng. L e s I ie occasion a I l y hears
t rnuss, \I ho I '> I i ' i n g i n
t h e r i me off to r n k e advant age of
from Rob McCarley, who graduated
t h e cu l t u re in 0:.Y. C : . a n d to become
from med school in D.C : . a n d h a s been
.1 l m l e I I J n n .1 h ( 1· l i n he t h ) . t o o '
F n k \ lonen .,on '9-t. L e s l i e Fry m ier
a tcmporar) member of r h e ' l a d i c'>
doi n g h i s residency i n Bosto n .
Rod " .111 eight h grade te.1 cher 1 11
1 -,
\1 ork 1 n g for r he \ J u� l a n d Stare
\I ho l u nch' cro,1 c l ," a n d s h e says
1i, 1ng
'>he\ accept i n g ne,1 med ia job lealb
,111 ;J t tOrlle) .II
\\ d d m ;l ll , f l a rrold,
\I len , D1 \on i n Ch 1ugo . .rnd
a n d ace K i I I mer Core) h.n e
Y.. rmout h .
\ l .1 1 ne. ,rn d C.rn dace j .,
ra k 1 11 g c.ire of h u ' 1 n e " •H h o m e \ I 1 r h
h e l p c l e a n up t h e bc,1che'>. .,a,1
t aci
C . n:errn 1ch, Con n . , a n d I '> engaged
\,,emhl) and
I '>
u m ner L e m o n I '> i n
\ n napo l 1 , .
I fong
1 11 " .Y.C. She reports t h a t K e i t h
-Beth C11rm11
A n d ie S u l a k i s work i ng o n her
,\'L S . i n environ mental science a n d
graduated from t h e U n i versity o f
2000 he moved to M a i ne and joi ned
T h i s past August she left the rat
policy at the University o f C a l i f o rn i a
M a i n e School of L a w i n '99 a n d for
race of M a n hattan and is now back
at Berkel ey. A n d i e wrote thatJ eff '93
K PN IG Consulti ng as a m a n ager i n
a yea r had h i s own cri m i n a l defense
Connie Huffine Zlot moved
the h i gh-tech practice. H i s clients
i n Boston. Si nce then she's opened
law practice in \V i n t h rop, i\l l a i ne.
M a r i n C o u n t y i n Novem b e r
a re all Japa nese fi rms so he travels
the Boston office of K RC, bought a
In J a n u a ry 2001 he joi ned the law
to Tokyo often. He was to marry
townhouse a nd is engaged to 1\ 1att
firm of Petruccel l i & M a r t i n , L L P,
Doyle (congrats) and p l a n n i n g a
Emily Chapman started
Tomomi Uwasu, h i s girl friend of s i x
in Portland as an associate attorney.
M ay '02 wedding. Jen says
a new job at M I S Tra i n i n g I n stitute
years, in Te nri, Japan, on A p r i l 14.
He l i ve s i n B r u n s w i c k , M a i n e ,
in Fra m i ngham, i\l lass., writing and
w i t h h i s g i r l fr i e n d , S h a ron H i g
2 000. Con n ie is work i ng f o r Genen tech . . . .
-Th1cy K. Lnno11
Deirdre Brochu is j uggl i ng med school and work a t a local a rea hospita l . . . . Jami Fisher h a s been a l l over the place
editing i n m a rketing commun ica
gins . . . .
tions. She i s s t i l l singing a n d acting
studying at D a rtmouth a long with
I now have the specifics on Sandra Lund. She is an associate at
i n loca I chorus/theater. In August she
Jay Sutherland. Last spring he went
Brown Bros. H a rri m a n i n Boston,
Florida and now back to P h i l ly with
saw Marine!
to Nicole Farkas '92 's weddi ng to
she is engaged to \Vi l l i a m S a rgis
her husband, J o h n C l a rk . They were
Ken Mogul and saw K a ren Oh '93
son, a nd they have plan ned a Novem
m a rried last J u ne. She was teac h i n g
(she l i ves i n M a i ne on a fa rm), Eric
ber wed d i n g . . . .
American S i g n Language at a local
Mateo, who i s living in C h icago. She a lso wrote that D.C. Gagnon got m a rried last s u m mer and that Andy Carlson is getting m a rried this J u n e . . . . K imberly Valentine is l iv i n g in Denver, Colo., and work i n g for J anus as a m a rketing
Andrew Kulmatiski is
M i les '93 and
Betsy Maclean (both
l i v i ng in Brook lyn). He plans to go
Erika Moore ma rried John Coombs in an Apri l wedd i n g . . . . Cyndi Pomerleau
si nce graduat ion : P h i l l y, Boston,
public h igh school. . . . Stephanie Mann rem a i n s at the Un iversity of
on a climbing trip that he won to Mt.
m a rried Corey LeClerc last J u ly.
,\ l ichigan, p l a n n i n g to complete her
K i l am a n j a ro with h i s gi rl friend . . . . l n
Cyn d i is a physical t h e rapy grad
chemi stry P h . D. in the s u m mer of
m a n ager. She went to Jeff
December 2 000
C a ro l y n Read
student at the University of M i nne
'02 . She, too, is engaged, to Aaron
wedd i n g in August a nd saw
graduated from the University of
sota . . . . Sarah Christie m a rriedJohn
G abel n ick, and has set an August 'O I
M ich igan with a master's i n publ ic
Caro l a n '95 last J u ne i n H i ngham,
date . . . .
h e a l t h a n d a m a s t e r ' s i n soc i a l
J\ l ass . . . .
tant art di rector at Action ,\ l a rketing
Carter's Matt Lapides, Matt McGowan, Tor i n ' 9 2 and Anika Smith Taylor, Ed a nd Kara Gilligan Ramirez, Kevin O ' G rady, Kent B on h a m , Pete DelGreco, John Utley and B i l l '93
Anna Thomson is an assis
work. She is l iving i n Ch icago and
Kelly Wi nchester is engaged to Matt Nelson, and the
coord i n ates a h i gh school-based
two have plan ned a May '02 wedding
Burgener rem a i n s with Accenture
health cl i n ic and health education
i n K i awa h , S . C. . . .
(f ormerly A n d e rsen C o n s u l t i n g) .
and A n ne Maddocks M ichels '92 . In
p ro g r a m for t h e C o o k C o u n t y
is engaged to Jessi Schwarz. He's
! Ie plan ned on q u i tting h i s job t h i s
September 2 00 0 K i mberly attended
Department of Public Health . . . .
in h i s second year of law school at
s u m mer to pu rsue h i s ,\ L B . A . a t
A l l i s o n G u t h We l l s's we d d i n g a nd saw Elizabeth Labovitz, Jes sica Matzk i n , M ichelle Tadros, Abigale K n app '93, Laura M i l ler Thompson, Stephanie Goff a n d I ri na McCreery. . . . Ben Morse
Elizabeth Wal lman i s sti l l teach ing Tatick H igh School i n
Temple . . . . Congrats also to Larisa Jovanovic and Rick Unru h , who a re
School of Busi ness . . . .
Natick, Mass. She w i l l b e traveling
getting m a rried in C a l i f o rn i a t h i s
to the Ga lapagos Isla nds i n J u ly and
year. . . . Yawa
lead i n g a h i k i ng trip i n Colorado
m a id of honor for
at BU. . . .
in August . . . .
who i s tying the k not in October
,\ l a nchester, N . H . , a n d works for G a r t n e r i n i t s \1 o r l ch1 ide e 1·ents
ecology at
Kevi n O'Grady is
Al Madrid
Duse-Anthony i s t he Vanessa Newell,
Group in Boulder, Colo . . . . Matthew
the U n i 1·ersity of \'irg i n ia's Da rden
Meredith Wa l ker resides in Boston and is worki ngon her m a ster's in art h istory
Tom Beedy l i \·es i n
a nd h is w i fe, K ris, bought a house i n
fi n ishing up h i s master's in earth sci
in Ipswich, Mass. Yawa works for a
Topsham, M a i ne. He is work i n g as a
ence at U N H . H i s study of the geo
small transportation pla n n i ng firm
di vision . . . .
process engineer at Fi rstTech nology
chemi stry of deep-sea hydrothermal
in Andover, Mass . . . . Jenny H iggins
l ives i n Burli ngton, \'t., where s h e
Alexandra Cornell
in Standish, developing automotive
vents, or "black smokers," has ta ken
is s t i l l in Atlanta work ing on a joint
i s i n the U \' i\ 1 Col lege of ,\ ledi
s e n s o r s . T h e y h a ve a baby g i r l ,
h i m on two research cru ises that
degree at Emory University: a Ph.D.
cine. She sees a number of Colby
Megan, a n d were expect i n g a second
have used the research subma r i ne
in women's studies and a master's
people, among them R i ma Carlson
g i rl at the encl o f May. . . .
A l v i n to collect the hydrothermal
in publ ic health. She a l so has a part
R ic h a rd s o n h a s b e e n l i v i n g i n
A u id samples from the bottom of the
t i me position in the reproductive
'96, Pete ,\ l a n n i ng '98 and Kelly C u e m a n . . . . S i m one K a p l a n
western North Carol i n a si nce '95,
ocean . . . .
Lisa Conley i s teach i n g
health division of the CDC, work i ng
recei\'ecl her m aster's i n jou rn a l ism
w o r k i n g f o r the N . C . O u t w a r d
sevent h and e i g h t h grade rea d i n g
on i mprov i ng contraceptive accept
from Northwestern, \I here she hung
Bound School as a field i n structor
and Engl ish at a m iddle school i n
abil ity in countries in Sub-Saharan
out with
and course d i rector. She is currently
Ba ngor. S h e a lso coaches field hockey
A frica a n d t he i\ l i d cl le East. She
fi n i s h i n g, Si mone mm-eel back to
Jennifer O'Neill. A fter
the associate pro g r a m d i rector at
and track and co- d i rects the school
traveled with
Sarah Muzzy th is past
Boston and is a staff \1 riter at C/O
NCOBS's Cedar Rock Basecamp. l n
musica l . She fi nished an i ndiv idua l l y
Jan uary t h rough J\ lexico, dri n k i ng
t he fa l l of 2 000, she joi ned with 50
designed master's program in educa
papaya j u ice and doing yoga on the
magazine in Fra m i ngh a m . . . . Greg Moody is a staff 11 riter/media rela
other women to take part i n G i rl s
tion in December at the University
beach . . . .
ofJ\ 1 a i ne at Orono . . . . T nJ u ne Kathie
Carter Davis l ives with Steve Kidd i n Cambridge, ,\ l a ss.
t i o n s coord i n a ro r on t h e p u b l i c
o n t h e Move, a 3 , 8 8 3 - m i l e b i ke ride Tew York,
Pooler wi 11 complete her residency
Carter i s studying for the G i\ I AT
lege . . . .
N.Y., a special project of O ut w a rd
i n e m e rgency m e d i c i n e a t J o h n s
and getting in lots of s k i i ng. Steve
husband sold their restaurant and
Bound . . . . Bruce a n d Sue Benson Panilaitis purchased t h e i r Ii rst home
H o pk i n s H o s p i t a l i n B a l t i m o re .
is work i n g on a nove l about h i s
celebrated t he t h i rd birthday of son
I n J u l y s h e is m a rrying D r . Sean
experiences i n ,\ I a laysia while also
Zane in Boca Raton, Fla . . . . On the
i n Tewksbu ry, Mass. Sue conti nues
Toomey at Colby's Lorimer Chapel.
t ra i n ing for the Boston ,\ [ a rathon
T I ran i nto
a s a k i n d e rga rten teacher in t h e
After a honeymoon to Hawai i , ther
and the 5 5 - m i le Starfish Run t h i s
works at Digitas and still l i 1·es \1 ith
Chelsea public schools. Bruce w a s to
w i l l move to Seattle . . . . John
fa 11 i n Providence. Carter a lso added
Jamie Harris. I also saw Bob Doak at
receive h i s Ph . D . i n biology i n May
fi n ished his P h . D . i n chemistry at
that he is in touch w i t h
a bar i n Boston. He was \'ery relaxed
from Tufts Un iversity and w i l l begi n
Pri nceton l a st fa l l . He now l ives in
Marnie Eckelman . . . . Jennifer Robbins
work t h is spring on a postdoctoral
\\'el lesley, ,\ lass., and recently began
moved to New York to work for
still l i1·es i n S} racuse, co1·ering cit}
fe l l o w s h i p , a l s o at Tu ft s . B r u c e
h i s postdoctoral at H a rvard in the
former President C l i nton's pol lsters,
a n d Sue h a v e two foster s o n s , Rob,
astro-physics department . . . .
Penn, Schoen
6, a n d M i k e , 5.
Underwood was a business de\·elop
years and one Lewi nsky scandal,"
the H i l lary Cli nton-Rick Lazio race.
Sue's sister, l ives i n t h e D o m i n ican
ment m a nager at Pandesic (a joim
she mm·ed on to work as a di rector
She is teach i ng a reporting class at
Republic. . . .
venture oflntel and SAP). In October
at K RC Research & Cons u l t i ng.
yracuse, where she recei\·e<l her
from Portland, Ore., to
Sa ndy B e n s o n ,
B rad Patters h a l l
Berland. "After two
relations staff at S11 eet B r i a r Col
Robin Pearah Gee and her
Doug Elli nger, \I ho
and 1·ery h appy. . . .
Eri n Duggan
hall and writing about politics for the
Last fa l l she CO\'ered
s u M M E R
200 I
I 59
A l u m n i at La rge
1 9 9 0 s-2000s
i\ l .A., a n d i s hopin g t o move t o "N"ew York in the future . . . . Remember: our reu n ion i s next summer. If you want to join tbe p l a n n in g committee, p l e a se contact B u ffy C l i fford at blcl i ffo@colby.edu.
. Parker
On b e h a l f of t h e C l a s s of '9 I want to begin with a special remembra nce of Ben L ing. Ben passed away on ,\ l a rch 1 7 fol lowing a n i mmensely courageous battle with cancer. O u r thoughts and prayers go out to the L i n g fam i l y a s we remember a good friend. . . . fter two years with the Peace Corp i n ,\ lorocco, where she focused o n health e d u c a t i o n , water a n d s a n i t a t i o n , Kristina Straus traveled i n Spai n w i t h Kendra A m m a n n and Darren Perry, who both l ive in Kew York City. En route home, Kristina stopped in Boston to see Joan Giblin , who's work ing at \Ve l ie ley College, and Peter l a rk , who i s teach i n g at Brewster Academy in v\Tolfeboro, l\'. H . . . . icky Moody reports that she shares her Portland, Ore., neighborhood with Deb Shea, Brian Golden '97 and Aaron Bean '97. EJ Levin came to visit for a week from :\".Y.C ., ended up staying for three weeks and, after having such a good time, relocated to Portland a week later. EJ also writes that she, Deb hea, :\'icky ,\loody, Rebecca A l len and Mignon Winger vacationed in \\' h i tier together. Becky lives in \'ermont and works as a jun ior high math teacher, and ,\ l ignon i i n fi lm 5chool in i':e" York . EJ a lso adds her congratulation to Ken Raiche and Leah e t, \I ho a re getting married this June . . . . Jackie Bates, who is in nur i ng school i n pokane, \\'ash., and ski coaching on the weekends, \1 as ma rried on eptember 9 to i':e\1 Zea la nder , reg J lughe. . Jackie looks forn <lrd tc> returningto i':e\1 Zealand 111 the fa ll of2003 . . . . Back in Boston, a ra Rigelhaupt i5 a5 istant di rector ofannual gi, ing at La a l le College, a 1oh .,he wok after much soul sea rch ing la'>l summer. I !er role is similar to her fu nd-ra 1 s 1 11g respon ihil iues " h i le \1 ork 1 11g J l Colhy. Sara 1s engaged t0 C .eoff Cramer, a musician a nd record mg eng 1 11eer, and plannmg an October 2002 \1 edding. . . . arah vergaag Eno I I \ es \I 1th la i re 111 C :a mbndge, \ l a . . and \I orks at I l a n a rd L n l\ erslt) 1 11 the de, elop ment office. ,' he \1 ntes that she ran a half marathon a longside Brian i l l , ndrew inell ,1nd Pere Felmly la s t
C0lB Y · Su
200 I
fal l . Pete is a fi rst-year law student at the n iversity of Southern 1 a i ne and is l iv i ng i n Portland. Brian, who has been pursuing a m aster's at BU, planned to apply to medical school this spring. Brian l ives with Andrew, who also plans to enter med school this fa l l . . . . Andrea Bassi is still in Boston fi nishing up her t h i rd year of optometry school and w i l l start her one-year clinical externships i n June. Her last six months of rotations will be i n i\liami, Fla., where she looks forward to seeing Meghan Hauptli. Meghan l ives i n South Beach, where she teaches i n n e r - c i t y c h i Id ren . . . . Kevin Thurston is working in Boston and plans to attend graduate school in the fa 11 . . . . After three yea rs in Boston l iving in Davis Square with Erika Ayers and Emily Record, KC McClelland decided to move back to her hometown of Los Angeles. KC is looking forward to spending a few months traveling before she settles down i n California . . . . David Stern spent thesummer of2000 i n northern M i n n esota as a c a m p cou nselor leading canoe trips in Canada. Si nce then, David has moved to Denver, Colo., and is enjoy i n g l i fe in the mountains . . . . Marc Hachey is an engineering tech n icia n/sta ff geolo gist for a geotechn ical-engineering fi rm. Marc l ives i n Enci nitas, Calif., with h i s room mate from Hawa i i . . . . Julie Fidaleo is finishing her first year of law school at the University of I ndiana. She w i l l be i n San D iego working for a district attorney for the summer. . . . Alexander Sobel moved out to Columbus, Ohio, last fal l for his t h i rd year of medical school. . . . Shannon Baker was mar ried in Columbus, Ohio, on December 30 to her h igh school sweetheart, Brad Kleme ru d, an F- 1 6 pilot. Amy Forrer and Jill Marshall were bridesmaids, and Fran Berry, Leslie Record, Sarah Ostermueller, Danny K.ipervaser and Holly Grochmal were a l l i n attendance . . . . Karl Dahlfred is teach ing nglish to ages 1 0-2 1 in Thailand. I I e reports that "the food i great, spicy a nd chea p 1 " Heather olding, 1 a ria Thompson a n d I ssa i a c o b b e j u s t g o t back from Qu ito, cuador, \I here they ' isited Karen chle i n , \1 ho h a s been Ii' ing there since :\'o' e m her. \ lyssa compares the trip ro a " I 0-day COOT but 11 irh l lama'>, Ecuadorian poltce a nd cheap tequ i l a ! " . . . ndy mith is in his second year of la11 school ar L Penn and still lo1 es it. I le m11 elctl up to Colb) for tht: Blue • • •
Lights i nvitational concert ("wh ich was a blast' ") with Oppie, Tielman Van Vleck '99 and Jon A l len '00. Andy plans to start work at a law firm .Y.C. t h is summer. Next fa ll he m plans ro relive his Colby \Vriters' Center days when he teaches a fi rst year law research and writing course at Penn Law . . . . Devin Colman i s sti l l working at the M a ca lester Col lege art gal lery and m a k i ng his own art-mainly sculptures and drawings. H e says he's looking forward to being neighbors with Rob Gold '96 when he moves to St. Paul this summer. . . . Also in the art world, Vanessa Hernandez, an art and antiquities dealer, is the assistant di rector of the Morning Star Gallery in Santa Fe, N.M . . . . Thanks to everyone for the updates' Keep writi ng1
-Allisou Brown Flym1
It was fantastic seeing Kristy Gould and B i l ly R iley i n .Y.C. recent ly. K ri s t y sti I I works as a graphic designer for a fash ion aclver tisingcompany i n Boston. Billy enjoys his work at an IT consulting firm a nd l ives i n Charlestown with Ray Lang '00, who works for American Express Financi a l . . . . Tony Pasquariello moved to New York from Bosron for a n i ne-month tra i n ing program as part of his advancement at Goldman Sachs. . . . Heather Fine sti l l works hard for Senator Lieberman in D.C., and she's considering law school for her furn re . . . . Lt. Dave Nasse's wife, Nancy, is clue i n m id-August. . . . Alex Parrillo works i n Boston for the I nt e rn e t c o m p a n y J e n zaba r a n d t ra v e l s n a t i o n w i d e for b u s i n e s s development. . . . Emily Etchells teaches Spanish and horseback riding and coaches a defending Ca lifornia state championship lacrosse team at the Thacher School in southern California . . . . A n ne Nettles is with Read Boston meriCorps*V I STA at the South Boston Neigh borhood House, where she assists in promot ing and i ncorporating literacy i nto loca l chi ldcare programs . . . . Larry Spollen is a pre-school teacher and says he loves h i s job. . . Tri n ity College hi red Matt Williams as an a5sistant coach for men's lacrosse and men's soccer. . . . Penjani Mphepo, 11 ho l ives in D.C., spent last spring in I long Kong, Si ngapore and ,\ lalaysia ; Penjani i work ing t o develop a n r nternet device gca red f o r develop ing count ries . . . . Jack Coombe1· lives in i': .Y.C. and works in publ i;h ing. . . . Jessica Gilbert I ives in ,\ 1 a i ne
and works at Sunday R iver. . . . Abby H e a l y is work i n g at Rockefe l l e r n iversity i n I.Y.C. . . . Ron Russo moved back to .Y.C. . . . Aaron W h i t m o r e i s s e t t l i n g i n to t h e Southern C a l i f o r n i a l i festyle a n d havi ng fun . . . . Martha Rogers works at Houghton M i fA i n and l ives with Greg Parzych i n Somerv i l le, M ass. They enjoyed a six-week European j a u n t last spri ng. They often see Ben Sigm a n , who l ives close by in C a mbridge , M a ss., a n d works for a n envi ron me n t a l consu l t i n g fi rm . . . . B r e n d a n B l o o m a n d C h ri s t i n a H o l m e s t r a v e l e d i n Southeast A s i a f o r fou r months and a re moving ro San Francisco t h i s spri ng. . . . Ben Armiger is l i v i n g on his fam i ly fa rm in M a ryland and has a job with a boat charter. He spent the sum mer work ing for OLS i n Alaska, where A n ne H utch inson joined him for the road trip back east. A n ne, who has a new puppy named Banjo, is look ing into graduate schools . . . . Abby Manock has made the career move from self-proclaimed ski bum to starvi ng a rtist. Abby's doing some i l l ustration work, and she l ives i n Portland, M a i ne, with Caroli ne Savory. Caroline loves her job at an executive search firm. She m i sses John Bishop and M ichele M ach a l a n i , who were l iv i n g i n Portland but took off for l epa l . On the way to Nepal, Joh n stopped in Nigeria to visit with h i s parents, and on the way home this spring John and M ichele planned to swing th rough London . . . . Cate Tynan enjoys I i fe i n the subu rbs but com mutes into N.Y.C. for her job at Broad way Books, a d ivision of Ra ndom House . . . . Chasey Hewes also works for R andom House in the special markets department. . . . Ch risti na S c a n n ap i e go is fu r t h e r i n g h e r education at t h e San Francisco Col lege of Art while tend ing bar at a Haight-Ashbu ry joint. Christina lives with Dan Rizza, Peter Edwards and M i ke Baru . . . . Laura Neale spent last year in Culebra , Puerto R ico, and then took off for Cuba and Central America. She now lives in Sa nta Fe, l .M . . . . John " Rocki" Ku rucz works at a n environmental mon itoring company i n Port land, Maine, and spends much of his free t i m e recon structing an old Land Rover and pla n n i n g a boat-bui lding project for the summer. . . . After spend ing much time in the Pacific l orthwest, Doug Connelly was raking the OLS i nstructor course
The Houston Chro11icle recently reported on the career of Corbett Bishop '93 , who leads six to 1 2 photo safaris a year in East Africa and Tanzania. Bishop previ ously led more tl1an 40 trips up Kenya's Mt. Kil imanjaro for an adventure-travel company. " To g·et i nto those a reas where you can find true adventure and exploration," he said, is "what I have been pursuing a l l my l i fe" · · Ma rk D. Radcliff '93 contrasted "Western" casualness witl1 "Eastern" assertiveness Carrie L. Clough '98 in a Maine Times article last J anuary. Compared wiw laid-back attitudes developed in the less-wreatening western climate, we Portland, Ore., ad writer concluded, we rugged weather of his native Maine "humbles us, challenges us, forces us to . . . better prepare ourselves for what l ies ahead" Carrie L. Clough '98 sang in College choral groups and in operas and now has won plaudits from The San Frn11cisco vVeekly for her "elastic, auworitative . . . elegant and worldly tones" in tl1e self-titled debut album by Call and Response. The quintet was cited for "crafting some of the most persuasive pop to come along in ages."
:: :
to M ichael Mullen in Melrose, Mass. · · Sandra A. Sundwall '9 1 to Stephen L. Phillips in Hartford, Conn. John M. Beaver '92 to e a w er A. Shaff in Belmont, Ma ss. Ronald C . Martin Jr. '93 to Kristen M. Johnson in Chatl1am, Mass. Lawrence M. Rulison II '94 to Jennifer A. Manganello · · Mark C. Gallagher '94 to Christa N. FigLiolini in Cumberland, R.I. · · Kristen M. Hanssen '95 to Edwin B . Goodell II ' 9 2 in Lexington, Mass. · Matthew J . Morrissey ' 9 5 to Kristen E. Healy in Tewburyport, Mass. · Karen E. Spires '95 to Derek M. Finkelman · Patricia A. Benson '96 to Brian Bechard in Concord, Mass. · · Sarah E. Hamlin '96 to Gregory T. Walsh '95 in Chawam, M ass. Sherrie A. Sangster '96 to Benjamin G . Bielak Jr. in Hanover, Mass. · · Rachel K. Wol f '96 to Brian Thomas Preti in Daronouth, M ass. Catherine C. Neuger '97 to Gregg A. Le Blanc '96 in vVh ite Plains, N.Y. · · Katharine S. Williams '97 to Shawn T. Bauer in Tiverton, R.I .
Maniages: Michele A. Friel ' 9 1
: : :
:- :
: ::
: :
Births: A daughter,
Grace Chrisikos Arendell, to Robert L . Arendell · · A son, Collin �Wil liam A son, John 'Tardio, to Corrine Hauser '9 1 and Douglas Tardio Robert Quinn, to Robert and Patricia Shepard Quinn '91 · A daughter, Sienna vVhite Probert, to Sharyl A. White '9 1 and Brian " W. Probert '88 · · A son, Nicholas "Nid·y Mauran Zuccotti, to A daughter, John "Andy" and Margaret Mauran Zuccotti '9 1 Corrigan Mairead Farnham, to Erin Minear '92 and Timothy A daughter, Emma Rose Kane, to Martin and Farnham ' 9 1 Joselyn Hiller Kane '94 · · A daughter, Madeline Baker Perfetti, to Michael and Sara Palmer Perfetti '95 . '9 1 and Stephanie Christikos-Arendell
Deaths: Benjamin D. Ling '98,
1 7, 2 00 1 ,
in Tulsa, Okla.,
at 2 5 . this spring. . . . Eric "The Goat" Cook has been teaching math at the \Vatervi l le Va l ley Ski Academy and will go back to the A l\ 1C tra i l crew for a t h i rd sum mer. . . . Newt Briggs
moved from O a k l a n d , C a l i f. , to Las Vegas, Ne\'., after an exciting tour of the Southwest on his new motorcycle. He works for Habitat for Human ity and plans to move to
Texas this summer. . . . I 'm still l i v ing in N.Y. C . and h ave t a ken on a new job as the youth d i rector for sixth t h rough 1 2 th graders at St. Lu ke's Parish Youth Program i n my hometown, Darien, Con n . I love it. Graduate school awaits for the fa l l , but I haven't yet decided o n schools. Keep your updates comi ng' -Lindsay Hayes
I hope that you are all doing well. I am sti l l working at Testa, H urwitz & Thibeault, L L P, as a corporate paralegal and am living in the Boston area. I often nm into Colby grads and can report that Kristyn Morrissey and Eric Wallach have recently moved to San Francisco, where they l ive near Travis Keeling and Catherine Pinkerton. Last fall Eric worked as a production assistant for the movie The lvlexicn11, a n d although h e wasn't in the credits his foot was in the movie' . . . Jeremy J(jdde, who is also living in San Francisco, sent the following news. "I am now engaged to my girlfriend of four years, Beth (not a Colby grad)' \,Ye are planning on being married next summer. I also ran into Mike Siegel at a bar in San Francisco in February. vVe had a great night but just a bit too much to drink." . . . Bradley R u s s e l l is l i v i n g in Somerv i l l e , Mass., and i s working a t The David Rockefeller Center for Latin Ameri can Studies at Harvard University. Last summer she and Chris Con nell drove across country to Califor nia . . . . Michael Farrell is working as an admissions counselor at Babson College in vVellesley, Mass., and says that it's much nicer (and more fun) to be on the other side of the college process' . . . Megan Davis is working for AmeriCorps*VISTA as the men toring coordinator for the Burlington School District and is LivingwithJared Woodward- Poor i n B u r l ingto n , Vt. J ared is working f o r a 'Neb hosting company in South Burling ton . . . . Chris Bonafide is in his first year of med school at Penn State College of Medicine. H e also reports that Matt Davis and Rachel Palmer '99 are getting married in J une1 Congratulations, ,\ Iart! . . . Ken Allen is working for T. Rowe Price in Baltimore and often talks to Tom Donahue and Sambit Pattanayak, who are both li,·ing in N"ew York City. . . . Matt Smith is working at Credit Suisse First Boston on the corporate trading desk in N"ew York a n d is l i v i n g ,,· i th M ark Edgar,
who is work ing at Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown . . . . Whitney Lawton reports that things are going well in Siberia and that she is heading back to the States in J u ly . . . . L1 December Cipperly Good completed a 1 7-da y transatlantic voyage from tl1e Canary Isla nds to Antigua, and she is cur rently doing AmeriCorps and teach ing museum studies to high school sn1dents at the Good \Viii-Hinckley School in H inckley, Maine . . . . Jaime Cassidy is going to E l Salvador in ] une with the Peace Corps . . . . Carrie Russell and Greg de St. Maurice are both teaching English inJapan . . . . Lisa Cardillo, also teaching English, is living in Rome . . . . Meghan Matschke and Tracy Freuder are both working a s e n v i r o n m e n ta l con s u l ta n ts in Washington, D .C. . . . Christine Dorr is also living in \ Vashington, D.C., and is doing tl1eJune Aids Ride from Raleigh, N.C., to D .C. with Wendy Heywood . . . . Mari Masuda graduated from the U.S. Navy Officer Candidate School in October and is currently in Corpus Christi, Texas, for primary pilot training. . . . Krissy S w a n s o n is l i v i n g in Port l a n d , Ore., and i s working a s a research assistant/tech at Oregon Health Sci ences University. . . . Vanessa Wade recently finished her master's in psy chology atTufts niversity . . . . Laura Van Gestel is working at the Perkins School for the Blind in \iVatertown, Mass . . . . After living in Los Angeles, Amanda Ganong moved to Boston, where she is working in research at the Channing Laboratory, which is associated with Brigham and v\To men's Hospital. She will be working on vac cine development and drug screen ing for new antibiotics . . . . David Ferguson has been working as a production assistant and was working on a project for a David Copperfield show. . . . vVill Kendall is living in Boston with Tom Reynolds, Geoff Mason and Darren Powell. \Vi i i wanted to report that Darren i s now working at \Vellington Management and spends many nights volunteering at the Brighton animal park, where he feeds the geese. Thanks for the update, "'ill. . . . Laura Gagne is Ii,•ing in N"ew Orleans and teaching 2 5 "highly energized" first graders ,,;th the Teach for America program. he misses Colby but enjoys living in i'\ew Orleans and survi1·ed her first Mardi Gras . . . . Take care and keep i n touch.
-f-lilmy Smyth
· S U M M E R
2 0 0 1
I 61
artist in canvas and paper, oils, acrylics
.\larjorie Rowell Shane ' 2 7 , April 2 5 , 2 00 1 , in Portland, :\ laine, at 96.
ser.·ed in t h e Na1-y during \Vorld
Mancle F. C o l e ' 3 3 , J a n uary 1 8, 200 1 , in Sebec, ,\ Iaine, at 93 . After
h e was a homemaker \\·ho raised
\\'ar II and the Korean Conflict. A
senring in the Na1y he managed the
Sherrymike Pottery in H a l lowe l l . She
graduate of
,\ L H . Fishman Store i n Brnttleboro,
is survived by her daughter, Cheryl
three children after her hu band wa kil led in the \\'a r I I . J a n et
outh Pacific i n \ \'orld
ur.i,ing are her daughter,
. Heyer, two on , Loui P. and
John R .
hane, i x grandchildren and
1 1 great-grandchildren.
200 1
in :\'ewto\\·n, Conn . , at 94. H e
tonier Graduate School
\'t., for many years before managing
Tichols, her son, Michael Nichols,
the company's stores in Houlton and
a sister, tliree grandch ildren and a
Calais, ;\ Iaine. An <wid outdoorsman
great-grandch i l d .
years a t Colonial Bank & Trust. He
a l l h i s l i fe, h e is survi1·ed by nvo
of Banking, he retired in
I 97 1 a
senior 1·ice president and western regional manager after more than
er.-ed on numerous local committees and commissions and was an actil'e
Elwood J. Hammond '28, October 6. 2000, in Lacon i a . � . H . . at 94.
supporter of the C o l l e g e . H e i s
He recei,·ed his D.:\ I . D . from Tufts
:\ l i ller
chool i n
and conducted
and collage. For 4 3 years she operated
su rl' i ,·ed b)· t w o s o n s , Te rri l l S .
and Lyndall L. Mil ler, a
stepbrother and
Elizabeth Solie Howard '39, p r i l 8, 200 1 , i n \Vorcester, Mass., at 82. She
half-sisters, a half brother and se1·eral nieces and nephews.
worked at H a rvard University and
�'illiam Malcolm Wtlson ' 3 3 , April 5, 200 1 , i n \Vaterville, i\ laine, at 89.
Connecticut General L i fe I nsurance
\\'inner of tl1e Condon i\ 1edal at the
botany professor Richard Howard.
Co. before her marriage to Harvard
College, h e lettered in tennis and
She traveled the world assisting with
23, 92 .
was AJl-,\Iaine in footba l l and AJl
collecting, discovered a tropical plant,
America in hockey. H e was a teacher
Pitcnimia eli-::.abethae,
he recei1·ed a master's degree i n
and coach before ser.ring in the Navy
in her honor and was coauthor of
\\'eldon R. Knox 2 8 , December 26. 2 000. i n LartonS\· i l le, :\ I d . , at
mathematics from Columbia Uni1·er
during \Vorld \Var I I and later worked
six botanical publications. She was a
sity and taught at se1·eral schools,
for l 111·estors Di,·ersified Services,
generous supporter of the College.
94. After recei,·ing a ma ter's degree in
including Ricker Classical I nstitute,
I nc. As a member of the board of
Her husband and nvo daughters, nvo
education from the Cni,·ersityofCon
Ricker College and \Yilliams ,\ lemo
di rectors of the National Alliance for
sisters, a brother and six grandchildren
necticut he er.-ed as a regional super
rial Institute in :\'e"· London, Conn.
the ,\ lentally Ill he was a national
survive her.
intendent of Connecticut schools. H e
She was a Colby trustee and member
crusader for ser.rices to aid people
also taught matl1ematics a t Canterbury
of tl1e Alumni Counci l . Predeceased
who suffer from mental i l l ness. I n
School in '\e" .\ I i iford before retiring
b)· her sister :\ Iary \\'atson Flanders
1 982
in the earh L 9 '0 .
a dental practice in Laconia, ;\T. H . , unti l his retirement in 1 9- 1 .
include hi daugh ter, Carol Hopkins.
Uf\i,·ors include his
Jean 1. \\Tatson '29, 2 00 1 , i n Fort ,\ l)·ers,
she is
January Fla., a t
un·i1·ed by her si ster
daughter'>. Barbara \ \'ood and Ph)·l l i s
E l i zabeth \\'atson Gern·
Losa\\ . a si'>ter, i x grandchildren and
se1·eral nephews and nieces, including
eight great-grandchildren.
,\nne Ger�· Gasset
that was named
Viola Economu Moran ' 3 9 , J anuary 1 5 , 200 1 , in San Di ego, Calif. , at 82.
h e was awarded a Colby Brick.
H e is survived by his wife, Barbara,
She senred in t h e
t\l'O sons and a daughter, a sister and
Corps during \Vorld \Var
sel'eral ni eces and nephews.
Korean Conflict, reach ing the rank
and a grand
. S . Navy Nurse
and tl1e
of lieutenant. Later she worked as a
niece, Lisa Collett Hook '
Mildred Keogh Tinker ' 3 4, Febru a�· 1 0, 200 I , in Gardner, ,\ l ass., at 88.
public healtl1 nurse. Survil'ors include
She taught English in \Vestminster,
her brother, Efthim Economu '44.
and from
Evelyn l\laxweU B u b a r '30, ,\ l a rch 1 , 200 1 , in :\'orthampton, ,\ lass., at 93. A homemaker, she is sun·il'ed
)'ears taught a t Gardner H igh School.
I 9r to l 966 " a<, <>uperintendent of
b) her son, Jeffte)' Bubar, and nieces
Predeceased by her daughter, Joan
Sheila] ellison Tennant '40,J anuary 1 8, 200 1 , in Boston, J\ 1ass., at 82.
the F 1 ans ton school di trict, \\ here he
and nephews.
Ti n ker \Vood
'62 ,
she leaves her
After serv i n g a s a C i v i l D e fe n s e
years, John Tinker,
l ieutenant in J\i letl1uen, J\i lass., during
0 car .\L Chute '29, J a nua�- 2 00 1 . 111 E, ,111 ton, I l l . . at 92. He earned a doctorate in education at the L nin!r'>lt'I of l l l inoi
ach oc,1red integration and con olida
tum of '><.:hools. .\fter retirement he '>Cf\
ed the commu111n as a member
husband of
i\Ierle C. Ryder '3 1 , ,\ l arch 1 3 , 200 I , i n .\ Iystic, Con n . , a t 9 l . During
rn . d le.1C lt:r of man) ci' ic organiza
\\'orld \\'ar I I he sen·ed in the Coast
uon . \ur. " or' mclude his daughter,
Guard Re en-es . • \fter the war he was
\ 1 1 1'cm \ \ .11 tle) . three grandch i l d ren 1.11d t h ree gre,n-gr,111dch1ldren.
,\ l a s s . , for four years and
her husband, ,\ lorell ,\ loran, a son and
a son, three grandchildren and four
\Vorld \Var I I , she began a career as
a homemaker. She is sm-vived by her daughter, Priscilla Herrington, nvo sons, Peter and Paul Ten n a nt, eight
and market
Edward 1 . Hooper '38, December 5, 2 000, in Charlotte, �.C., at 8 3 . H e
i n g for the cl�· cleaning company
sen·ed witl1 tl1e i':al'y in the Soutl1
sister and brother, three nephews, a niece and numerous cousins.
1 ice president of sale
grandchildren, a great-grandson, her
F. L . \\'atkin . Later he \\Orked for
Pacific during \\Torld \ \ 'ar I I , then
Flectric Boat in Groton, Conn . I I e is
worked as a sales representative in
111 \ehago. \ L ime, a r 94. I l e
sun i1 ed by h i s 11 i fe of 64 years, .\.lice
Cha rlone until he started Edward
I 0th \ \ ounta111
Rrder, a son, a daugh ter, a sister, a
I)" '''on duri n g \ \ orld \ \«ir I J ,111d later
.\ 1 . Hooper & Associates, where he
James A. Daly 2000, in Seattle,
brother, n i n e grandch ildren and I 0
was president and C E O until h i s
Col by, where he e a rn ed A l l - r ew
grea r-gra ndchi Id ren.
retirement in
Yinal 2000 ,
'29. December
,en ed 111 thL \nn) ' \\ .1'
1udge J<h c >eare ar Fort \ I cade,
\ f.>T.1 du.1 te of "orrhea'>tern Lrn
\ Id
1 98
. Predeceased b y h i s
first \\·i fe, Helen Le\\ i
I l ooper
'4 1 , November 7, \Vash . , at
l . After
England honors in football for three
years, he served in the Navy during \ \'oriel \Var I I . H e had a long career
\chool. hL ,111d h" 111fe. Dorot h ) .
H arry _\ I .
3, 200 1 ,
he is suffi,·ed by h i s w i fe, Carol
O JlLrJtnl l "hL
111 Farm i n grnn. \ J a i n e , a r 9 2 . ! l e
T l ooper, a daughter and son, a grand
in Seattle commercial banking and
'en ed 111 the
daughter, four stepch ildren and I l
retired from the Bank of America as
a 1•ice president. I le is sm-vived by his
eh,1go \gene) . a re.i i
e'r.ne a nd 1 11 u r.11 1ce bu 1ne'>'. for
H u ff ' 3 2 . J anua�
\rm) during \\'orld
1111 1rL th.111 4 0 ) e.1 r- I le ,i1,o 'en ed 111
\ \ ar IT and 11 a'> a ded icated member
thL \ l. 1 1nL '>en ate and " a' a member of
of rhe
''" .:r.1 l
oni.1 111 z.1 aon,. I l e lea1 e'
of h" career he 11 orked 111 1 anou'>
h1, 11 1te. a 'on. a d.rnghrer, a grand,on
po'1t1om for the st•He of \ l ame. I l e
Adele Bo co Nichols '38, December 1 - , 2000, in Ha llo" e l l , .\ [ aine, at 86.
�he attended Cooper Union for the
cl\ Il
F mesr F. \ l i l l e r ' 2 9. _lanua� � l .
\mencan Legion. For mmt
,ur. I \ e d I>) h 1 ., 111fe, F l i nheth, a
wife of 5 1 years, Sally Da ly, a daugh ter,
'' rer, numerou'> 111ece' and nephc" .,
\th ancement of
.rnd four 'repch ddren.
'\e11 York Cit) and was a multimedia
cience and \rt in
a son and five grandsons.
Charles Frederick Main '43 , Dec 1 , 2000, in Brooksv i l l e, Fla., at
79. I le served 11 ith the Coa t Guard
in the Pacific during \Vorld \Var I I . After teaching a year a t the Col lege, he earned M.A. and Ph . D . degrees at H arvard and for almost 40 years taught at Rutgers University.
John Milton StillwellJr. '43 , October 20, 2000, in New Jersey, at 78. He served in the Pacific during World War I I with the First Marine Air Wing. He retired in 1 99 1 afrer a 3 5 -year career as salesman and vice president with the New York textile products company Morgan-Jones, Inc.
Albertie Allen Stetson '44, May 1 2 , 1 999, i n Virginia, a t 7 3 . She owned and operated Security Reali ty in Van Nuys, Calif.
Richard F. Armknecht J r. ' 5 0 , December 1 8, 2000, in Concord, Mass., at 72. After service as a Navy lieutenant during the Korean ConA ict, he received an M. B.A. from Harvard in 1 954. From 1 969 to 1 985 he was vice pres i d e n t of fin ance for the Wi l l i a m Carter Co. of Needham, Mass., and later was associated with the sports marketing and financial services firm Kazmaier Associates of Concord. H e leaves his wife, Ruth Armknecht, his daughter, three sons, a sister and brother, 10 grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.
Elizabeth Pierce Braley '50,January 4, 200 l , in Augusta, Maine, at 74. She graduated from An dover-Newton Theological Seminary and for 3 0 years taught elementary school i n San D i ego, Calif., and in Bridgton, Rockland, Augusta and South Port land, Maine. She is survived by her daughter, Darlene Farr, a grandson, her sister and brother and a nephew. David G. Montt '50 , January 1 3 , 200 1 , in Hyann is, Mass., at 78. A \Vo rid \Var I I Army Air Force veteran, he was a New England district sales manager. He is survived by his wife, Leila Montt, rwo sons, rwo daughters, including Sandra Montt Carter '82, and six grandchildren.
William A. Tippens 50 , February 9, 200 1 , in M i l l i nocket, M aine, at 78. He was a radioman in the avy during \Vorld \Var I I . For many years he worked as an insurance and real estate broker in M i l l i nocket, where he was active in civic and fraternal organizations. Predeceased by h i s brother, Frederick E. Tippens '-+8, he is survived by h is wife of 52 years, '
Shirley Tippens, a daughter, a son, five grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.
Vernon Corell Jr. 5 1 October 2 1 , '
2000, i n Yorktown Heights, T.Y., at 7 1 . He served i n the Army during the Korean ConA ict, then began a long career in the oil industry that culminated with Exxon. He is survived by his brother, Paul Corell, and a nephew and niece.
Richard F. Johnson ' 5 1 , March l l , 200 1 , in Boston, Mass., at 7 1 . He was director of music at several churches in the Boston area. Previously he founded Johnson-El ms, a diamond blade manufacrnringcompany, and later worked in fimd raising for Ketchum Corp. in Pittsburgh and in sales for Presmet Corp. in Worcester, Mass. He is survived by his three daughters, Kara Johnson-Craven, Mary Johnson and Disa Cheston, a sister, six grandchildren and nephews and nieces. Philip W. H ussey Jr. ' 5 3 , March 1 5, 200 1 , in Naples, Fla., at 69. Following service in the Navy Seabees he took over the family business, the Hussey Seating Co. in North Berwick, Maine, and as chairman ofthe board and chief executive officer led the company to worldwide prominence. Active in numerous civic organizations, he was a lso a trustee and long-time benefactor of t11e College and was awarded a Colby Brick in 1 99 3 . His efforts to promote business develop ment in Maine and New England were honored with the Philanthropy Award for Northern New England in 1 998. He is survived by h is wife, Mart11a De \Nolf H ussey ' 5 5 , three sons, i nc l u d i n g Ti mothy ' 7 8 and Richard '89, his daughter, Anne E. Hussey '80, his brother, Peter A. H ussey '57, his sister, his stepmother and eight grandchildren.
Barbara Fisher Dorfman '54, Janu ary 2 1 , 200 I, in New Britain, Conn., at 68. She received a master's degree in education from Boston University and taught second grade. Later she worked for RSVP in H a rtford, Conn . , a n d w a s active in numerous com munity organizations. She leaves three daughters, Kim, J i l l and Susan Dorf man, four grandchildren, a brother, many nieces, nephews and cousins, including Carol Plavin Shapiro ' 5 5 , a n d a friend, J o h n Baker. Kay Vivian Miles '57, February -+,
2 00 1 , in Wilmington, Vt., at 65. She taught in schools in New York and Vermont before earning an M . L. S . a t the University o f vVashington. Afrer several library posts in ew York and M assachusetts she received a residential care manager's certificate and constructed, owned and managed And Miles To Go, a residential care home for th e elderly in Vermont. Survivors include her brother, Wil liam Mi les, two nephews and a cousin, Janet H. PAeger '42.
companies, including I n ternational Paper and James River Corp. He leaves his wife, M ary J a ne Elliott, his mother, a son, two daughters, a brother and sister and two nieces.
Valerie ]. Noble '69,
2 5 , 2 000, in Cape Cora l , F l a . , at 53. She was an elementary school teacher for 25 years i n Cumberland and Phippsburg, Maine. Surviving are her mother, 1V1i ldred Noble, two sisters, a brother and many nieces and nephews.
J udith H. Wiggin '57, February 7, 200 1 , in Sanford, Maine, at 6 5 . S h e received a master's degree from Harvard University and taught grades three through seven in t11e Lexington, M ass., school system for 3 5 years. She was a member, secretary and deacon at First Baptist Church in Sanford. Surviving are her mother, Jeannette \Viggin, and several cousins.
Daniel F. Madden Jr. ' 6 0, February 1 9, 2 00 1 , in Ayer, M a s s . , at 6 3 . H e received a master's i n guidance counseling from Boston College and after teaching social srndies was a counselor at the Acton- Boxborough Regional High School for more than 30 years. He also coached football, tennis and Little League baseball and was an avid runner. H e is survived by his wife, Katl1erine Kies Madden '59, a son, t11ree daughters, four sisters and three grandchildren.
George E. Bitgood '6 1 , December 1 2 , 2000, in Old Saybrook, Conn . , at 63. H e was employed with Cummins Metropower, Inc., and served the Cummins Engine Co. for more than 3 0 years. He leaves his wife, Paulette Bitgood, three daughters, two sons, five grandch i l d ren, a brother and several nieces and nephews.
Judith McCarthy Truax '64, March 2-+, 200 1 , in Chat11am, i\1ass., at 5 8 . S h e worked as a foreign service officer for the State Deparanent for many years before reti ring i n 1 99 7 and moving to Chatham from Havana, Cuba. S urviving are her husband, Terrance Truax, her mother, two sons, a daughter, a granddaughter and several nieces and nephews.
Gary W. Elliott ' 6 8 , April 3, 200 1 , i n Hamilton, Ohio, at 5 5 . H e was a quality control engineer and field tech ni c a l representati,·e o f Smart Papers in Hamilton. He was previ ously employed by se,·eral paper
Reginald G. Blaxton '74, March 1 1 , 200 1 , in \Vashington, D . C . , at 48. He received a master's degree from the Episcopal Divin ity School in Cam bridge, Mass., and was an Episcopal priest who served as special assistant for religious affairs to two mayors of Was h i ngton , D . C. He helped found the Washington AIDS Partnership and was vice president for programs at the Greater \ Vashington Urban League. He is survived by his half-brot11er, Wi lliam Colley Jr.
Bradley A. Livermore '84, December 1 9, 2000, in Madison, \Vis., at 3 8 . He earned master's degrees in philosophy and social work at the University of \Visconsin and lived in Madison, where he succumbed to complications of diabetes. He leaves his parents, Shaw Jr. and Nancy Livermore, his former wife, a daughter and a sister.
Benjamin D. Ling '98, ;\1arch 1 7, 200 1 , in Tulsa, Okla., at 2 5 . A member of Phi Beta Kappa and a magna cum laude graduate of the College, he was a legislative assistant on agriculnire policy for . S . senator i\ 1 i ke Enzi. He leaves his parents, Richard and Margaret Ling, following a coura geous battle with cancer. Francis S. Merritt H 7 1 , December 2 7 , 2000, in Belfast, Maine, at 8 3 . He worked as a painter and printmaker and was the founding d i rector of Haystack Mountain School of Crafrs. '
Survi,�ngare his wife, Priscilla,\ lerritt, two sons, a brother, six grandchildren
and seven great-grandchildren. 1orman S. Smith, February 2 8 , 2 00 1 , in Portl and, ;\Iaine, a t 9 7 . H e was a n associate professor o f education a t tlie College from 1 945 to 1 968 and a long-time resident of Peaks Island, ;\ laine. Sun,iving are two cousins, Philip Shearman and :\ Iarjorie Burns.
s u M M E R
200 1
I 63
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I d idn't really intend to stay this long. Stil l , in 1962 Colby seemed like a good place to begin . The lure of hometown h a d something t o d o with 1t. So d id the handsome annual salary of $5,000. Ha ppily, 1t was not sim ple inertia that kept me. I nstead, the real magnetism has come from the excitement of being associated with a gritty Col lege that, for all this time, has been stead ily rising 1n the constellation of the nation's oest colleges. In fact, the excitement bega n my first month of work-J une, 1962. I had no more than settled at my refinished WPA desk when President Bob Strider called faculty and staff into Lovejoy 100 for an " i m portant announcement. " What he had to say was certainly important a nd-to a 23-year old new hire-somewhat stunning. The Ford Foundation, he sai d , had chosen Colby as a national "center of excellence" and had awarded the College an astonishing $ 1 .8 million challenge grant. That same summer, the museum's show, Art m Mame, was credited as one of the finest new exh1b1t1ons 1n the world. I was hooked, not only on a career that would take me through 1 1 Jobs 1 n 40 years at the same place but also on the rich and fasc1nat1ng story of Colby. In the 1960s, job descriptions for many adm1nistrat1ve apprnntments included the ending phrase ··and other duties as assigned . " Officially a photographer and tub-thumper. I very often worked under the rubric of "other duties." My fasc1nat1on with Colby history began 1n that offbeat way, an attraction I attribute mostly to two men: Dick Dyer and Ernest Marriner. Class of 1913. Dyer, my firs boss and assistant to the presi den . was an exac 1ng and demanding man (he had 23 secretaries 1n he seven years I worked for him) He often bemoaned the fact that Colby was 1n such haste o move to Mayflower H ill that 1t le beh nd oo many art1fac s of he old campus. He once dragged me w1 h him to follow a Colby ruck o e local dump There we pawed through a depos1 o ma enals reiected by the College librar ian and brough much o it back o campus Dyer laugh me precision and ski Is as a pack rat. As a a e 1lle bo . I knew of Ernest Marriner e en be ore I came o Colby H s popular local radio program , Little Talks on Common Thmgs on TVL, was a Sunday staple. H is career had
go_ od place
By Earl
included stints as dean of men ( 1929-1947) and dean of faculty ( 1 947-1957). He " retired" in 1957 but continued as College historian. I n this role, he held in his head or on his bookshelves all that anybody would ever want to know a bout Colby. By 1962, his definitive History of Colby College was nearly finished. He was past 70 and his friends (especially his neighbors) were begin ning to worry about his driving-a broad-beamed 1950s Oldsmobile as I reca ll. Dyer would ferret out the dean's travel plans, whereupon I would be assigned to offer services as a chauffeur. It was a delicate matter. One look would tell you he was every inch a proud man. These were wonderful assignments, tooling the dean around the state in search of bits of information for his radio program or the history. Along the way he would infect me with a love of Maine and Colby lore. On one of these trips we went to the cemetery at Bean's Corner (near Jay) to find the headstone of President Franklin Johnson's mother. The quest led us stumbl ing 1 n and around the neglected ancient graveyard overgrown with weeds and vines. He found the stone. I photogra phed it. He would not have been more pleased if he had found the Holy Grail. On the way home we stopped for ice cream. Now 1t is my turn to gather facts and write a story of Colby. I will pick up the story in 1950, near the end of any use of the old campus, and continue through to the end of the centu ry-the story of Mayflower H i l l . I will endeavor to place the College and its people in the social , cultural and historical context of these decades, which saw so many changes 1n the world , in this coun try, in Waterville and at Colby. In this somewhat daunting task I plan to seek out and talk with many alumni and other Colby friends. At the same time, I will welcome any and all reflections and recollections of this period, sol1c1ted or not. I ndeed, your help 1s 1nv1ted. Earl
711ith ;L'i// lem:e the post of de1111 of the
College i11 Ju�)' rmd will serve during the next 11wde7llic year as exerntii:e assistallf to Presidem . ld11111s. There11fte1; be <rill "retire" but continue 011 11s College b1stori1111 mu/ begin his v:ork 011 the llf'"<l' Coll'.)' lnsto1y. 1 1 l·ite to hi711 in the Presidents Office or 1•-111111/ ebs111ith@coll'.)'. ed11.
Dean Ernest Marriner ' 1 3
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Your class correspondent is looking for news for the next issue of Colby magazine. Please take a moment to respond to the questions below and on.the back to let your classmates in on what you've been doing recently or hope to be doing eventually. Have you moved ? Changed careers? Traveled ? Read a great book? This new questionnaire will be in each issue of the magazine, allowing alumni to contact their class correspondent four time a year. The past system for collecting news, sending separate letters once a year, was unwieldy and time consuming for the small staff in the Alumni Relations Office and the postage was expensive. Now we look forward to hearing from you more than once a year! Please mail or e-mail your news
directly to your class correspondent. The correspondents' addresses are listed within the
Alumni at Large section of the magazine. Keep the news coming! Basic Information
Address: ( p lease indicate if recent change ) : -----Occupation ( and t i t le , if applicable ) :
Spouse's/Partner's Name ( if applicable ) :
Spouse's/Partner's Occupation ( if applicable ) : Family Unit: children, friends, pets:
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[ Your recent "mile tone " have been (grad chool, new job, chi ldren/grandchi ldren, le sons in l ife, etc. ) :
What are your favorite reunion o r homecoming memori es ?
Attach a n additional sheet i f necessary. Please mail this questionnaire or, if possible , e-mail this information to your class correspondent . Correspondent names , addresses and e-mail addresses ( if available) are listed in the Alumni at Large section of this magazine .
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2002 Schedule Lawre nce H ayden D raw i n g J a n u a ry-M a rch The J o a n \Vh i t n ey Pays o n C o l l ec t i o n Fe b r u a ry-J u n e S o l o Fac u l t y Exhibit Fe b r u a ry-A p r i l l\Iaine Decoys M a rch-A p r i l O l d l\ I a st e r P r i nt s fro m t h e Perma n e nt Col l ect i o n M a rch-A p r i l
A d m is s i on i s f rec. ::.\ Iuseum hour: Monday through Saturday: 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Sunday: 2 p.m.-4:30 p.m. For m o re i n fo rmat i o n ,· i s i t us o n l i ne at \nnr.col bY.edu m us e u m or ca l l :201.81:2 .3:2:28
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A Matter of Degrees C lass o f 2 00 1 gets a break from the weather足 and a reminder of the "necessity of virtue. " Page 5