We place the success and wellbeing of students and an outstanding student experience at the heart of our choices, decisions and priorities. 2
WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION This three year strategic overview lays down the thinking which drives the Corporation’s aims for the next strategic period. It seeks to articulate its plans against a national framework laid down by successive governments to improve the employability particularly of young people, and increase the skill level of the nation’s workforce. Colchester Institute since before its incorporation as an independently managed body in 1993, has a record of providing a real and equivalent opportunity for young people to the purely academic route. It is passionate about providing opportunities to learners of every range of ability to maximise their acquisition of knowledge and skills from entry to post graduate level. The common theme of our work is to help people into the best job or career possible for them. Since the economic problems from 2007 onwards, public policy has reduced the level of government grants available for further and higher education. There is an increasing shift away from public-funded education paid
for from general taxation, towards self-funding by learners either from their own funds or through loans. During the next three years we see no prospect of that changing. This strategic period also sees the completion of the raising of the age of compulsory participation in training and education from 16 to 18. We will continue to strive to do more for less, but we recognise that the days when we can offer any programme demanded irrespective of viable numbers is past. We will focus on what works; what is needed; and what we can provide at good quality. This involves working with other bodies and employers in a collaborative and productive manner. It requires the continued commitment of our loyal and hardworking staff. And it demands the support of family members and employers as well as real commitment from the learners themselves.
Alison Andreas
Christopher Bridge
Principal & Chief Executive
Chairman of the Corporation Board
For Colchester Institute to be widely acclaimed as an outstanding provider of highly responsive, top quality vocational education and training; raising aspirations and building brighter futures for its students and the communities it serves.
›› W e place the success and wellbeing of students and an outstanding student experience at the heart of our choices, decisions and priorities. ›› W e have high expectations of ourselves, our students and our partners and aim for excellence in all aspects of our work. ›› W e value and recognise the skills and significant contribution made by all our staff, in achieving our goals. ›› W e respect each other, promote equality, celebrate diversity and break down barriers to success. ›› W e are responsive, and adapt our provision to meet the needs of our students, the local economy and local and national priorities for skills development. ›› W e act responsibly, with honesty, integrity and openness, safeguarding the future health and success of our organisation.
MISSION To continue to develop a learning culture that is inclusive and aspirational and which focuses on assuring the best possible outcomes for every student. This means successful achievement of qualifications, progression to the highest possible level of study and a positive destination for every College leaver.
S T R AT E G I C A M B I T I O N S 1. To provide motivating, rewarding and aspirational
learning opportunities which equip our students with the skills which enable them to lead productive and fulfilling lives and to build successful careers.
2. To deliver excellence in teaching, learning and
assessment and in all aspects of the student experience.
3. To become a community nucleus responding to local
need and establishing productive partnerships with employers, key community leaders, and local providers of other educational and non-educational services to help drive economic development.
4. To create an organisational culture which recognises and
develops the skills, expertise and commitment of College staff, as reflected in today’s most effective workplaces.
5. To ensure a long-term future for Colchester Institute, by
maintaining and growing financial health and enabling the College to respond to new and emerging challenges and opportunities.
SECTION 1 ACHIEVING OUR AMBITIONS 1. T o provide motivating, rewarding and aspirational learning opportunities which equip our students with the skills which enable them to lead productive and fulfilling lives and to build successful careers. This will be achieved by: 1a Ensuring that all students are on
programmes of study which provide genuine opportunities for positive outcomes and progression, and which will assist them to meet their individual aspirations and goals.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Regional and national priorities are reflected in the curriculum. Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) demonstrate clear link between student goals and learning programme. High proportion of students progress into training, further study or employment.
1b Enabling students to develop the
skills to make them independent and lifelong learners.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Shift in emphasis from acquisition of knowledge, to development of the skills required to access information and develop learning.
1c Providing significant skills
development and training opportunities in areas which positively impact students’ employability with particular attention to English and maths, enterprise skills and the generic and specific skills and attitudes that will make them ‘work ready’ in their chosen occupational area.
› › SUCCESS INDICATOR Increasing volumes of work experience opportunities as part of Study Programmes. Destination data shows higher levels of positive destinations year on year.
1d Fostering in students, positive values
which help them to establish healthy relationships, positive citizenship, sound economic wellbeing, to value diversity and to make a positive contribution to the Green agenda.
SUCCESS INDICATOR ›› Students, parents and employers give positive feedback on these additional elements of a student’s learning programme. Positive destinations. Improving levels of engagement and behaviour. 7
SECTION 2 ACHIEVING OUR AMBITIONS 2. To deliver excellence in teaching, learning and assessment and all aspects of the student experience. This will be achieved by: 2a Establishing a Teaching and Learning
Hub to support staff to offer engaging and innovative provision, allowing students to achieve outcomes which reflect their full potential.
› › SUCCESS INDICATOR Improved student outcomes and student experience. Positive feedback in student surveys. nsuring that teaching, learning and E assessment is consistently Good or better, shifting the balance, over time, to being predominantly Outstanding. ›› SUCCESS INDICATOR
An increase in the number of Good or better sessions, as evidenced through observations, with expected positive impact on learning outcomes. 8
etting aspirational targets for S students within individual sessions, for units of learning and across whole programmes of study – and working collaboratively, to maximise students’ ability to achieve these.
2e Supporting students effectively, and
reducing the impact of the wide range of barriers to learning that they may experience.
roviding students with opportunities P to shape and influence their experience and that of those who follow them.
I LPs being used to maximum potential and available to parents/carers, for all full-time Further Education (FE) students. Improved outcomes.
2d Providing facilities and resources
that are fit for purpose and reliable and which support and enable Outstanding learning.
Increase in percentage of category A and B accommodation year on year. Capital spending priorities agreed annually to reflect industry standards.
Students with specific needs continue to receive high quality support which results in good outcomes; the best possible outcomes for all students are evident and achievement gaps narrowed.
A comprehensive range of mechanisms to hear the student voice exists, with clear outcomes mapped to these.
2g Providing accurate and up-to-date
College and course information to prospective students, which enables informed decision making and positively promotes Colchester Institute.
› › SUCCESS INDICATOR Regular revision of publicly available course information to ensure consistency, and accuracy wherever it appears.
2h To provide high quality, individualised
and impartial information, advice and guidance to applicants and students on current and future career and study options.
Incidents of early withdrawal and transfer are minimised; positive student destinations increase; internal progression through FE, and onto Higher Education (HE) show an improving trend.
2i Providing a fast and efficient
application and admissions process, which places students onto the most appropriate programme to meet their needs, and instils confidence and trust in the College from their earliest point of contact.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Positive feedback from employers, parents, carers and students; learner survey results show improved experience at application and admission stages. 2i
2k Aiming not for ‘customer satisfaction’
but for ‘customer delight’ in all that we do whether our customers are colleagues, students, employers or others.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR An increase in the amount of positive feedback received through accepted feedback mechanisms eg. comments, compliments and complaints procedure, employer and student surveys. 2k
2l Continuously seeking ways to
improve our service and encouraging staff, at all levels and in all roles, to contribute to this process.
2j Working with parents, carers and,
where relevant, employers to provide a holistic approach to student achievement and success.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Improved student outcomes, positive feedback from parents. 2j
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR An increase in the amount of positive feedback received from students and other customers. Higher levels of job satisfaction among staff. 2l
SECTION 3 ACHIEVING OUR AMBITIONS 3. To become a community nucleus responding to local need and establishing productive partnerships with employers, key community leaders, and local providers of other educational and non-educational services to help drive economic development. This will be achieved by: 3a
Supporting the government agenda to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) subjects, by investing in the development of facilities and curriculum to support these growth areas.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Additional facilities to support a broader curriculum offer and more learning opportunities in STEAM areas. 3a
Making a meaningful contribution to local and regional economic growth and prosperity, by providing a curriculum offer based on the stated skills development needs found in key local development plans*.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Increase in student numbers as a result of higher capacity to deliver, through campus developments at Braintree and Colchester. A minimum of 10% increase in 16-19 FE and in HE, between 2014 and 2017.
3c Expanding, in particular, our Apprenticeship offer to meet
the needs of more local, regional and national employers at Intermediate, Advanced and Higher levels. 3c ›› SUCCESS INDICATOR To increase the number of Apprenticeship starts by more than 50% between 2014 and 2017 and to embark on provision of Higher Level Apprenticeships in defined areas to meet local need. 3d
Building relationships with employers which will lead to the provision of more, high quality work experience, Apprenticeship and full employment opportunities, for our students and graduates. To include exploring the possibility of providing an in-house ‘recruitment agency’ to assist in this.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Developing new funding opportunities for employers. Delivering greater volumes of provision in direct response to employer needs. Increased numbers of Apprenticeships as above. Extension of activities into new sectors, in particular, but not exclusively, in engineering technologies. 3d
* South East LEP, Growth Deal and Strategic Plan, March 2014; ECC Economic Plan for Essex (EPfE) Autumn 2014; Tendring Economic Strategy, October 2013; Braintree District Council: Our Plans for the District 2014/15; Colchester Economic Development Strategy 2010- 2015
3e Providing locally-delivered skills development opportunities
to those who are NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) and unemployed, in particular addressing the higher levels of worklessness found in the Tendring and Braintree districts.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Increased volumes of students on programmes directly aimed at NEET and unemployed. 3e
3h Establishing employer-led advisory boards in all curriculum
areas, and gaining employer endorsement to ensure a relevant curriculum offer in all subject areas and at all levels.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Industry boards established, meeting twice per year and providing useful insights for curriculum planning and delivery. 3h
3f Providing appropriate learning programmes and
environments for those seeking further opportunities to access education or learning in order to improve their life chances.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Establish Braintree Learning Shop. Continued growth in all five Learning Shop locations. 3f
3g Embracing the positive impact of globalisation in the
opportunities that we offer.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR International element introduced to curriculum in relevant areas. Staff and students taking exchange opportunities through initiatives such as Erasmus and Erasmus+ and other direct links with overseas establishments. 3g
Consolidating the College’s employer brand, via businessto-business marketing; establishing our offer as one which will improve the business health of customers.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Engagement with a larger number of local employers and higher levels of repeat business from existing business customers. CRM system fully established and effective in improving customer communications. 3i
3j Promoting College facilities as community assets
accessible to local people and groups.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR A stand-alone web page and associated documentation to promote campus facilities, resulting in greater uptake on lettings. 3j
SECTION 4 ACHIEVING OUR AMBITIONS 4. T o create an organisational culture which recognises and develops the skills, expertise and commitment of College staff, as reflected in today’s most effective workplaces. This will be achieved by: 4a Enhancing the performance potential
4c Inspiring high levels of enthusiasm for
4a ›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Improvements in KPIs through enhanced performance; improved levels of morale evident through recognised staff feedback mechanisms eg. staff surveys, appraisals.
of all staff through effective leadership, support, training and development.
Recognising and rewarding performance which positively contributes to the organisation’s strategic ambitions.
4b ›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Implementation of performance rewards; measurement possible both in terms of number (of awards) and significance of contribution towards improvement.
all aspects of our work, creating a pride in our College.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR An increase in research-led projects; external recognition for Colchester Institute as a place of excellence, for both work and study.
4d Encouraging innovation and enterprise,
and the confidence to challenge traditional thinking and ways of working.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Staff feel able to make suggestions and operate creatively, entering into discussion about change with immediate and other College managers. 4d
4e Recognising the value of investing in personal and
professional development and establishing a workplace in which staff wellbeing is promoted and proactively supported.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Staff absence is reduced; staff morale shows improvement. 4e
4f Communicating regularly and openly with staff and through
management actions, demonstrate that staff are valued as the College’s most important asset.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Range and frequency of communications increases. Staff feel better informed and able to influence the direction of their department and the College. 4f
SECTION 5 ACHIEVING OUR AMBITIONS 5. To ensure a long-term future for Colchester Institute, by maintaining and growing financial health and enabling the College to respond to new and emerging challenges and opportunities. This will be achieved by: 5a
Improving the College’s Financial Health over the period of this plan.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Minimum of ten point increase year on year on Financial Health total point score, with the aim of moving to ‘Good’ over time.
5c Maximising opportunities to receive
capital funding by maintaining an up-to-date property strategy and associated development plans, enabling a rapid response to funding opportunities.
5b Aligning investment in further
development of the College’s estate, facilities and resources to the College’s strategic ambitions.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Successful receipt of regional and Governmental support for capital funding. 5c
5d Utilising public funds responsibly and
effectively by ensuring that value for money remains central to decision making and that all activities of the College are assessed regularly for their value for money and return on investment.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Fulfilment of Property Masterplan ambitions. 5b
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Meeting or exceeding the annual target for efficiency saving across all collegiate activities. 5d
5e Seeking to remove loss-making
activity unless, exceptionally, this can be justified as essential to meeting strategic priorities.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Curriculum and other activities robustly assessed for value for money and decisions taken accordingly. 5e
Engendering a culture of environmental sustainability within all College practices, including the recycling and minimising of waste, and other activities to reduce the organisation’s ‘carbon footprint’ as outlined in the College’s Sustainability Policy.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Good progress made against the College’s sustainability implementation plan including investment in technologies which will achieve a reduction in the reliance on the national grid by 20% on the 2012-13 baseline. 5f
5i Seeking out efficient ways to deliver learning, including
reviewing class sizes and, in accordance with Government expectations, the provision of blended and online components to programmes of study.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Increase average class size year on year and volume of on-line delivery, where practicable. 5i
5g Collaborating with other providers and organisations
to achieve business effectiveness and efficiency where appropriate.
5g ›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Opportunities are sought to improve efficiencies. 5h Optimising income by diversifying revenue streams to
reduce reliance on government funding.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Year on year increase of 1% of funding from non governmental sources from current level of 26% to 29% by 2017. 5h
Producing a marketing and communications strategy which outlines the way in which the College will raise its profile and strengthen its reputation in each of its key market segments.
›› SUCCESS INDICATOR Existence of strategy, regularly updated at strategic and implementation plan level. 5j
C U R R I C U LU M D E L I V E R Y P R I O R I T I E S P R I O R I T I E S F O R 1 4 – 1 9 F U R T H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O V I S I O N Colchester Institute will be the destination of first choice for those seeking education and training opportunities which relate to the world of work.
During the period of this Strategic Plan, we will:
Our curriculum will provide the opportunity for young people to gain a wide range of skills and knowledge, including the skills and knowledge required for specific areas of work and the more generic skills which are of value in all areas of employment – and self-employment – such as enterprise, creativity, team-working and development of English and maths.
›› Ensure that there are clear progression pathways from entry or foundation level to level four, in workbased and College-based learning programmes. ›› Establish ‘Study Programmes’ at all levels which are suitably individualised and prepare students for employment in regional and national priority sectors. ›› Provide a highly respected alternative to A Levels, through the provision of ‘Tech Level’ qualifications in as many subject areas as possible. ›› Establish ‘Traineeships’ or an equivalent provision, as a preApprenticeship offer.
›› Extend the range of Apprenticeship programmes offered in accordance with local need. ›› Develop an English and maths strategy which articulates the College’s approach to developing and extending ability in English and maths for all of its students within funding and other Government guidance. ›› Develop a work experience policy which articulates the College’s approach to the inclusion of work experience and work-related learning in order to develop readiness for work. To aim for work placement for all level three students initially, extending to intermediate and foundation levels in the future.
›› Examine the opportunity to offer cross-College programmes of activity to maximise the resources available for enrichment activities and develop the College as an integrated and vibrant learning community. ›› Review delivery methods, including the volume of work delivered online or through blended learning. ›› Review delivery patterns, including class sizes, the length of the academic year and the College day/week to improve efficiency and reflect the world of work.
›› Work with schools to establish an appropriate part-time offer for 14 –16 year olds, which meets both the schools’ and their students’ requirements, reflects current best practice and success measures for the secondary sector, and provides genuine progression opportunities at 16. ›› Work with schools to establish a suitable full-time ‘alternative education’ provision for those 14 – 16 year old students whose needs are best met in a more vocational learning environment.
›› Improve the collection of 14 –19 destination data and use this to underpin curriculum planning and marketing.
C U R R I C U LU M D E L I V E R Y P R I O R I T I E S P R I O R I T I E S F O R A D U LT P R O V I S I O N Colchester Institute aims to deliver a range of vocational and professional education and training opportunities that are responsive to the needs of students, employers, communities and the economy. Our aim is to offer flexible modes of delivery with entry points during the year where this is practicable. The main focus of our offer will be around programmes to enable adults to progress in their careers, to change careers or to gain or regain work following unemployment or a break to fulfil family or caring responsibilities. Additionally, we will respond to the needs of local employers by ensuring a curriculum which meets their current and future skills needs, providing training for current employees as well as more generally ensuring a supply of work-ready individuals in their business sector. Where possible, funded options will be offered, but where requests are made for training where funding is not available (through grant funding or 24+ loans)
full-cost provision (qualification or non-qualification) can be developed and offered. We aim to ensure that we offer the most cost-effective route to training and education. During the period of this Strategic Plan, we will: ›› Revise our adult curriculum to deliver a framework of high quality learning opportunities, in order to support employability, social inclusion and lifelong learning. ›› Work with employers, through advisory boards, to identify training needs and develop a further and higher education curriculum offer that meets these needs. ›› Extend our provision of ‘workplace learning’ to new sector areas and new employers. ›› Extend the breadth and volume of Apprenticeships and identify areas where Higher Level Apprenticeships would be a welcome addition, or
alternative to, our current degree programme offer. ›› Strengthen our partnerships with local referral agencies such as the Department for Work and Pensions. ›› Evaluate the success of recent changes to Learning Shop and Learning Centre curriculum offer, and seek to expand this into other employment related courses and qualifications. ›› Improve the collection of adult destination data and use this to underpin curriculum planning and marketing. ›› Seek innovative ways to market our offer, reaching employers, employees and the unemployed.
C U R R I C U LU M D E L I V E R Y P R I O R I T I E S P R I O R I T I E S F O R H I G H E R E D U C AT I O N Colchester Institute’s Higher Education provision is recognised as an example of excellence in the provision of College-based HE, and justifies the 2013 judgement of the Quality Assurance Agency that the Quality of Student Learning Opportunities is ‘commended’. During the period of this Strategic Plan, we will: ›› Work with employers, through advisory boards, to identify training needs and develop a higher education curriculum offer, which includes Higher Level Apprenticeships, that meets these needs. ›› Offer an increasing number of ‘niche’ and ‘cutting-edge’ degree titles, whilst rationalising that which is found most commonly in other providers.
›› Seek to validate Access to HE pathways which align with our own higher education offer.
›› Ensure that our public information exceeds the statutory regulations laid down for the sector.
›› Continue to improve our strong relationship with our partner Higher Education Institution (HEI) and with other HE providers and awarding bodies.
›› Identify Colchester Institute’s unique selling points and ensure that the marketing strategy reflects and promotes these.
›› In accordance with the strategic aims of our HEI, seek to ensure a research element to the full range of HE courses.
›› Use destination data and other market intelligence to inform curriculum planning and the validation of new higher level programmes of study.
›› Develop a College research community which places researchinformed teaching and researchbased learning at the heart of our HE provision. ›› Raise the level and quality of HE marketing so that it is comparable with the best providers of College HE and many HEIs.
Sheepen Road Colchester Essex CO3 3LL T: 01206 712 000
Church Lane Braintree Essex CM7 5SN T: 01206 814 000
Church Road Clacton-on-Sea Essex CO15 6JQ T: 01206 712 234