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www.sjifh.com San Juan Island Food Hub is an online marketplace for local food and agricultural products. Customers on Lopez, Orcas, and San Juan Islands can buy directly from farmers and food producers across the county on one convenient storefront and receive their orders at a weekly pick-up on each island. Support local businesses who feed the community and provide access to fresh local food during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Visit sjifh.com to create an account, meet your local producers, and shop online!
Aurora Farm is committed to providing outstanding, organic, sustainable food for local families and individuals. Following organic practices and producing on over 100 acres, their polyculture farms build soils naturally while producing high quality, delicious, pastured meats (beef, lamb, pork, and goat, poultry), produce (incredible vegetables, berries, and fruits) and herbs with the greenhouses and field crops all year round! Their flowers and value-added products add to the bounty and beauty of their Bed and Breakfast Farm stay, seasonal dinners, events, education, tours and more. Aurora Farm offers internships for individuals who are serious about organic agriculture and farming as a sustainable business and lifestyle. As of May 2021, the onsite farm store is open Saturdays from 9-4 for a full selection of products! Please contact the farm for current store and farm hours along with current Covid-19 protocols. Check out Aurora Farm’s website and get in contact with them via phone and email to see when the store is currently open.
www.aurorafarms.org | farm@aurorafarms.org | 360.378.0233

Dancing Seeds Farm has been growing some of the best vegetables, fruits, flowers, and herbs on San Juan Island since 2018. You can join their fruit, veggie and flower subscription programs, stop by the farm store, visit Dancing Seeds Farm booth at the SJI Farmer’s Market, or find their products in select restaurants around Friday Harbor. Each member of the team brings a unique set of passions and interests. Together, they have developed a vision that incorporates land stewardship, healthy food, a love of learning, and appreciating the inherent joys of being on the land. Dancing Seeds Farm uses ecology as their guide in growing nutrient-dense food while also creating an ecological habitat, working with nature as a partner rather than opponent.
www.dancingseedsfarm.com | greg@dancingseedsfarm.com | 360.622.2330

Federico Farms has been family owned and operated since 2012, supplying sustainably grown fruits and vegetables. Federico Farms offers pasture raised chicken and duck eggs, along with a year-round farm store open daily (9am-6pm). The store offers a variety of goods produced from the farm along with value-added products. Microgreens, Jams, Biscotti, and many other items from local artisans. A bounty of fresh cut flowers, potted plants and vegetable starts are available throughout the spring and summer. The change in season from summer to fall brings enjoyment for all to partake in the harvest of their u-pick pumpkin patch. Federico Farms uses organic & natural practices on all their crops and animals. Composting, crop rotation and polyculture are all common daily practices.
www.federicofarmstore.com | federicofarms6@gmail.com | 360.298.4480
The Farm at Krystal Acres is a 40 acre alpaca farm on scenic San Juan Island in Washington State. Started almost 2 decades ago by the Olson family, the farm is under new ownership. Committed to the legacy of Krystal Acres and the care of their animals, the Olson’s are now passing their experience operating the farm to the Brahic-Kusner family who is excited to learn and take over the stewardship of the property, and care for these gentle animals and the land they graze. Stop by and enjoy the pastoral views dotted with over 50 alpacas. Take a stroll and learn a bit about the alpacas, and how they are one the most eco-friendly livestock animals in the world. Afterwards, come visit the store and shop for knitwear, blankets, toys and more all made from alpaca wool, one of the softest, most sustainable, cruelty-free, environmentally friendly fibers on the planet.
www.krystalacres.com | info@krystalacres.com | 360.378.6125
New Hannah Farm is a small, diversified vegetable farm on the west side of San Juan Island, WA. New Hannah Farm focuses on growing high-quality produce for local residents and businesses. They also hope to serve as an educational resource for aspiring farmers. Although they are not certified organic, New Hannah Farm uses organic growing practices and OMRI listed products. The mission of New Hannah Farm is to cultivate community around local food and the continuous pursuit of quality, education, and sustainability on every level – psychological, physical, economic, and ecological.
www.newhannah.com | newhannahfarm@gmail.com | 360.298.1746
Pelindaba Lavender is a leading grower of lavender plants, distiller of lavender essential oils and handcrafter of lavender-based products. Pelindaba cultivates all their lavender flowers in their own organically certified fields and extract the essential oils from these flowers in their own on-site distillery. The lavender fields are open daily to visitors to enjoy while maintaining safe social distance. Admission to the farm is free. Parking, restroom, and picnic facilities are available. For those visiting after hours, please feel welcome to take a walk through the fields. The fields are never closed. Harvest your own beautiful bouquet of lavender from the Cutting Field when the flowers are in bloom. Browse the over 200 lavender products, handcrafted on the farm at the Gatehouse Farm Store. Explore the Demonstration Garden where they cultivate over 50 different varieties of lavender. Blooming begins in early May and some varieties are still in bloom in October! Bring a Picnic to enjoy and be sure try our lavender lemonade, iced tea, ice cream (gluten-free) or cookies!
hwww.pelindabalavender.com | admin@pelindaba.com | 360.378.4248

The Roche Harbor Farm came into fruition in 2018. Tate Brumsickle took over the project in its second year and maintained Roche Harbor Farm as his own local business. Tate uses sustainable organic practices and regenerative agriculture to bring you the best produce. The garden is now celebrating its third year providing guests and locals with non-GMO, pesticide, and herbicide-free vegetables. Local favorites include beets, radishes, carrots, microgreens, salad mix and many other delicious produce selections. Check out the vegetables, flowers, and vegetable starts that are featured in Roche Harbor Resort’s restaurants and grocery store. Roche Harbor Farm is open to the public, but please reach out to Tate Brumsickle via Instagram or Facebook to set up a time to visit the farm. You can also keep up to date with all of Roche Harbor Farm’s growing projects on Facebook and Instagram. A produce stand will soon be introduced at Roche Harbor Farm for locals and visitors to enjoy!
www.rocheharbor.com/resort/farm-garden www.facebook.com/Roche-Harbor-Farm-420830785144866 @rocheharborfarm on Instagram and Facebook
Sweet Earth farming practices are “beyond” organic, based on a belief in balance, harmony, and sustainability. Sweet Earth Farm adheres to organic practices in their farming operation, using only OMRI certified products/soil amendments, but do not use any type of organic insecticides/sprays. They believe in working with nature and the principles of ecology to create a productive landscape that improves the soil and supports the health of the plants and animals and our human community. Regenerative agriculture and permaculture are the guiding philosophies. The 20-acre farm includes pasture for chickens, ducks, and kune kune pigs, a diverse fruit orchard, herb garden, vegetable, and berry production. Sweet Earth Farm follows the best organic and sustainable farming practices and are proud members of Island Grown.
www.sweetearthfarm.com | sweetearthfarm.sji@gmail.com | 360.378.6690
Mama Bird is a 6 acre ethically minded farm nested in the center of San Juan Island. Mama Bird Farm loves their wild birds, salamanders, bugs, and natural ecosystem, so they do not use any synthetic pesticides herbicides, or fungicides, ever! They rotate and grow crops to enrich and add nutrients to their soil, practicing healthy, sustainable, and organic methods of farming. Mara Lawrence and Lars Johnson started Mama Bird in 2014, as second-generation farmers who are motivated by their love of land, growing food, and desire to move away from the industrial food system, towards a healthier sustainable farming practice. Mara and Lars grow fresh food that tastes alive and fills you with goodness! They specialize in growing heirloom tomatoes that burst with real flavor and rich color. They also love growing a diverse and delicious spring greens mix, buttery crispy baby spinach, English cucumbers, and a variety of other vegetables, cut flowers, veggie starts, and flower baskets. Mama Bird strives to grow and deliver the freshest produce, usually harvested and delivered all in the same day!