1902 Vol. III Journal of the Executive Council of Porto Rico

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JUL I U 19..1 t r..

FRBRUARY 17, 1902.



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FEBRUARY 17, 1902 TO DECEMBER 31, 1902.


17, 1902 .



The Council met at 2:30 o 'clock p. m . Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and answered to their names: M

rs. Barbosa , Benitez, Brioso, Cintron, Cr6sas, Elliott , Harlan , Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby ...... ro Absent :. . ... . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Committee on Education reported House BiJJ No. 51, entitled " A Bill to prohibit the exploitation of minor children and for other purposes," favorably with amendments, which report was adopted and the biJJ ordered to have a second reading. The Finance Committee reported House Bill No. 23, ~­ titled "A Bill in relation to school funds and payment thereof by the Ayuntamientos, '' favorably with amendments, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reaiffifuoteea c;.u.ral

U. P. B. _, 15 19&11






CIL. FEBRUARY 17, 1902.

Finance C mmitt reported Council Bill No. 5, entitled vid a s tern o accounting r. r the municipalities of o ico," favorabl with amendm nt , whicb report .wa.s p ed , th bill rdered tt n lated, typewritten and to have a nd re ding. The Finance Committ rf'poated House Bill No. 7 entitled Bill to remit certain munici 1 taxes", recommending that furth r "deration the'reofbe indefinitely postponed . the qn tion " ball thi report be adopted? " the roll a called "tb the r. llowing result: ,. tin in th affirmative ere : . Barbosa , Benitu, Brioso,"Cintr6n , Cr6sa , Elliott , Gar· ri n , Harlan , Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby .. 11 ative-None. majorit of the ... embers of the Council having voted for the adoption of the report, it wa declared adopted and further con id tioo of id bill a indefinitely postponed. Ho Bill No. 37, ( a amended by the Executive Council ) entitled, " Bill to tabli b and maintain an asylum for the the indi nt blind," ' a taken up and read a third time at length . n the qu ·tion " hall tbi bill p ?", the roll was called with th folio ing result: Th voting in the affirmative ere : . Barbosa, Benitez:, Brioso, Cr6sas, Cintron, Elliott, Gar· ri n , Harlan: Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby . . 11 In th negative-None. A majority of the members of the Council having voted for the ge of the bill, it was declared passed, title agreed to d the Clerk directed to tran mit the bill to the House of Delega~ , and to inform that body that the Council ha passed the e. Ho Bill No. 22, entitled " A Bill defining the privileges and immnniti of members of the Legislative Assembly, " was taken up and read a third time at length. on the qu tion "Shall thi bill pa ?" the roll was c~lled, with th following result: Th voting in the affirmative were: . Barbosa, Benitez:, Brioeo, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Gar· ri n, Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . . 11 In th n ative-None.


A majority of the members of the Council having voted for the passage of the bill, it wa declared passed, the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to tran mit the bill to the House of Delegates and to inform that body that the Council ha passed the same. On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council resolved itself into Committee of the Whole for the con ideration of bills. The Council resumed and Mr. Hartzell, the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported House Bill No. 51, entitled "A Bill to prohibit the exploitation of minor children and for other purposes," favorably with amendmenu, whicb report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a third reading . Mr. Hartzell, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported Council Joint Resolution No. 4, entitled "Joint Resolu· tion authorizing the Governor of Porto Rico to give a quit-claim deed to the Municipality of Mayagiiez:, certain land deeded for school purposes to the People of Porto Rico on April 29, 1901, by the Municipality of Mayagiiez:," And House Bill No. 23, entitled "A Bill in relation to school funds and payment thereof by the Ayuntamientos," favorably without amendments, which report was adopted and the same ordered to have a third reading. The following communications were received from the House of Delegates at the hands of its Secretary: HOUSB OF DELEGATES PORTO RICO .


P . R.,



Honqrable President of flu Executive CDUnci/, San Juan P. R Sir: I have the honor to inform the Executive Council that the Honse of Delegates bas concurred in the amendments to House Bill No. 18, "A BilJ authorizing civil suits for damages for libel and slander," whicb has been finally approved. Very respectfully, SALVADOR

G. Ros, Secnlary.




FEBRUARY 17. 1902.


ORTO RICO . AN jl'AN P . R ., FEBRl'ARV 17TH, 19Q2 .


ruble Praidmt of lit Exeodive Council, San Juan , P . R ir

House of Delegates , upon suspension of the rules , for voting in second and third readings, has approved without amendments House Bill No. 83, '' A Bill for an Act to revoke and terminate such rights and privileges of the New York and Porto Rico Steamship Company as may be claimed o~ deemed to be effective and still in force in the harbor and harbor shores of San juan , and for other purposes. •' Very respectfully,

h ve the honor to tran mit to the Executive Council rlemorial No. 2, "A Memorial to the Congres of the tat requ ting that there be imposed a bounty on coffee," hich has been approv~ by the House of Delegates "thout amendment, after suspen ion of the rules for it voting in second and third rea<lings . Very respectfully, SALVADOR



N jUAN , P . R ., FEBRUARY 17TH, 1902 .


Ho,.orable Presidmt of tile Exuwlive Council , Sanjuan, P . R . ir I have the honor k> inform the Executive Council that House Bill No. 67, '' A Bill to create the office of Director of In ular Telegraph ;to organize the telegraph rvice of the Island , and for other purposes ", by Mr. Todd , ha been approved by the House of Delegat a amended, which I herewith enclose . Very respectfully , ALVADOR








Honorable President of the Executive Council, San jua1t, P. R .

Ros ,



AN , P . R ., FEBRUARY 17TH, 1902.

Honorable President of tile Executive Council, San Juan, P. R . ir I have the honor to inform the Executive Council that the

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith House BUl No. 18, "A Bill authorizing civil suits for damages for libel and slander," signed by the President of the House of Delegates, requesting that you sign and return same to this House to be forwarded to the Governor for his approval. Very respectfully , SALVADOR



Secretary . The President signed "An Act authorizing civil actions


rec~ver damages for libel and slander.''

Hon5e Bill No. 67, entitled "A Bill to create the office of Insular TelegrAphs, to organize the telegraph service of the Island and for other purposes," was read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on Finance. House Memorial No. 2, entitled "A Memorial to the Congress of the United States praying for the granting of a bounty" was read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures. House Bill No. 83, entitled "A Bill for an Act to revoke and terminate such rights and privileges of the New York and Porto Rico Steamship Company as may be claimed or deemed to be effective and still in force in the harbor and harbor sh ores


of n Juan, and for other purposes, " wa read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on Franchises. The Committee on Franchi reported House Bill No. 3, entitled " Bill for an Act to revoke and terminate such right and privil of the New York and Porto Rico Steam hip Company may be claimed Ql deemed to be effective and still in force in the harbof\ and h rbor shores of San Juan, and for other pUrposes, " favorably without amendment, which report was a~opted and the bill ordered to have a second reading. On motion of Mr. Harlan, the rules were u pended and the Council resolved ' i If into Committee of the Whole for the con ¡deration of said bill. The Council r umed and Mr. Hartzell , Chairman of the Committ of the Whole, reported House Bill No . 83, entitled " A Bill for an Act to revoke and terminate uch rights and privil of the New York and Porto Rico Steamship Company as may be claimed or deemed to be effective and still in force in the harbor and harbor hor of San Juan and for oth~r purposes, " favorably without amendments, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a third reading. nder u pension of the rules, upon unanimous consent, House Bill No. 83, entitled "A Bill for an Act to revoke and terminate uch rights and privileges of the New York and Porto Rico teamship Company as may be claimed or deemed to be effective and till in force in the harbor or harbor bores of San Jnan and for other purposes", was taken up and read a third time at length . On the question " Shall this bill pa ?" the roll was called with the following result : Thoee votiflg in the affirmative were : rs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . .................................... I I In the negative-None. A majority of the members having voted for the passage of the bill, it a declared passed, the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to tran mit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Coun~il has passed the ame. On motion of fr. Elliott, the Council then adjourned. CBAS . HARTZELL,



February 18th, 1902 .


'!'he Council met at 2:30 o 'clock p. m . Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and answered to their names: M

rs. Barbosa, Brioso, Benitez, Cr6sa,, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartz~ll. Lindsay and ~illoughby ...... Io Absent: I Mr. Cintr6n ...... ..... ........ ... ... .. .... House Bill N.o . 23, entitled "A Bill in relation to school fund and payment thereof by municipalities ", was taken up read a third time at length. By unanimous consent, a new paragraph was substituted for Paragraph 2 and remaining sections ren'flbered accordingly. On the question "Shall hall thi bill /pa s? " the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: ~ ' Mes rs Barbosa, Brioso, Benitez, Cr6s , Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell , Lindsay and illoughby .... .. 11 In the negative-None . Absent: Mr. Cintr6n .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A majority of the memben. of the Co neil having voted for the pa age of the bill, it was declared p ssed, the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to transmit th bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the ouncil has passed the same. House Bill No . 51, entitled "A Bill t tion of minor children, and for other p and read a third time. On the question " Shall this bill pa ?" the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Brioso, Benitez, Cr as, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell , Lindsay an~ Willoughby . .. .... IO In the negative-None . Absent: Mr. Cintr6n ..... .. ............. . . . .................. . A majority of the members of the the pa age of the bill, it was declared


FEBRUARY 18, 1902.

to and the Clerk directed to return the bill to the House of Delet nd inform thllt body that the Council has passed the same. Council Bill No. s. entitled " A Bill to provide a system of ccounting for the municipalities of Porto Rico". was taken up nd read a third time at length . By unanimous consent further con ideration thereof was deferred until to-morrow . The following messagls were received from the House of Del~ates t the hinds of its Secretary: HOUSE OP DELEGATES PORTO RICO .


SAN jUAN, P . R .• FEBRUARY 17TH, 11}02.

Ho11orahk of tlte





SAN ]UAN, P. R ., FEBRUARY 17TH, 19Q2 .

Honorable Pren'dent of tile Executiv~ Coundl, Sanjuan, P . R . Sir: I have the honor to send to the Executive Council House Bill No. 6o, !'A Bill to provide for schools in the jails of the Island,'' introduced by Mr. Egozcue and passed by the House of Delegates without amendments. Very respectfully,.


Cou11&il, Stm jUIIn, P . R .




Ros ,


I have the honor to send to the Executive Council- substitute House Bill No. 61. " Authorizing a Committee of Teachers to admini ter the teachers ' pension fund", which has been passed by the House of Delegates in the enclosed form . Very respectfully, SALVADOR




SAN jUAN , P . R . , FEBRUARY 17TH , 19Q2 .

Ho11orable Pr~n·ant of tlte Exuutiv~ Coundl, Sanjuan, P . R . Sir: I have the honor to communicate to the Executive Council that the House of Delegates has named the Speaker and Messrs. Colom and Tou as a Conference Committee to confer with a like Committee of the Executive Council on the amendments by the House to Council Bill No. 10, " Authorizing the Supreme Court of Porto Rico to make Rules of Procedure for the trial of causes over which it ha jurisdiction ." Very respectfully, G.




SAN ]UAN, P. R ., FEBRUARY 17TH, 1902 .



of tlu Executiv~ Ctmndl, San juan, P . R.

Ros . s~&r~tary .



Sir : I have the honor to communicate to the Executive Council that th~ House o~ Delegates concurs to the amendments by the Executive Connell to House BiJI No. 16, "A Bill to regulate the slaughter of cattle and the ale of meats for public consumption " said bill being passed finally . ' Very respectfully, SALVADOR



Suretary. House Bill No. 61, entitled "A Bill authorizing a committee of teachers to administer the teachers' pension fund " was read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on Education. House Bill No. 6o, entitled "A Bill to provide for schools in the jails of the Island," was read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on Educatiou. Mr. Harlan was appointed Conference Committee to confer with similar Committee appointed by the House on HoUR amendments to Council Bill No. 10, entitled "A Bill authorizing




FEBRUARY 19, 1902.

the upreme Court of Porto Rico to make ~~ a~d . r~ations r the conduct of ca over hich it has JunsdicUon. n motion of r. Elliott , the Council then adjourned . CHAS. HARTZELL,


The Finance Committee reported Council Bill No. 2s, entitled ''A Bill to authorize and provide for the purchase or acquisition of land for the u of the United States Agricultural Experiment Station in Porto Rico," favorably without amendment, recommending that the ame be considered in Committee of the Whole and pa sed, which report was adopted and tlle bill ordered to have a second reading. The following mes ages were received from the House of Delegates at the hand of its Secretary :






February 19th, 1902 . The Council met at 2:30 o 'clock p. m. Upon the calling of the roll , the following members appeared and ana ered to their names : rs. Barbosa, Brioso, Benitez , Cr6sas, Garrison, -Harlan, Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby.····· · · · · · · · · 9 Absent : rs. Cintron and Elliott .... . ..... . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 2 The minutes of Monday and Tuesday were read and approved. "I B"ll N The Committee on Printing reported Counc1 I o. 29, entitled " A Bill defining the offence of contempt of court and providing for the puni hment thereof,'' . And Council Bill No. 2 , entitled "A Bill to authonze and provide for the puFchase or acquisition of la~d f~r ~e use th.~ United States Agricultural Experiment StaUon 1n orto co, And Council Bill No. 26. entitled "A Bill to p~ovide a municipal law for the Island of Porto Rico, corr~tly pnnt~: Council Bill No. 26, entitled "A Bill to prov1de a mUUJClpal law for the Island of Porto Rico, " . . And Council Bill No. 5, entitled " A Bill to proVIde a system of accounting or the municipalities of ~orto Rico,'' ":ere referred t the Committee on Municipal and Ptivate Corporations. Council Bill o. 29 , entitled "A Bill defin~ng the offence ~~ contempt of court and providing f?r the punishment thereof, was referred to the Judiciary Commtttee. . . Council Bill No. 28, entitled "A B1ll to authonze 1Uid provide for the purchase or acquisition of la~d f~r the use o.f th~ • United Stat gricultural Experiment StaUon JU Porto Rico, as referred to the Finance Committee.


P . R.,


1902. }

HonoralJ/e President of tire Executive Ccuncil, San Juan, P . R. Sir : I have the honor to send you Honse Bill No. 16, "A Bill making rules for the slaughtering of cattle and the sale of fresh meat for public consumption, " and House Bill No. 59, "A Bill concerning the language to be used in the departments, courts and offices of the Insular Government, '' which have been signed by the Speaker of the House, and I pray you to sign and return the same that they may be sent to the Governor for his approval.




Vl!ry respectfully, SALVADOR

G . Ros, Secretary .


P . R.,


19TH, 1902. }

Honorable President of tire E~eculive Council, San Juan, P. R . Sir : I have tlJe honor to send you House Bill No. 22, "A Bill to provide for the Parliamentary immunity of the members of the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico, and for other purposes,'' which has been signed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates,


FEBRUARY 19, 1902.

d I pray you to ·gn and return the same that it may be sent to the Governor for hi approval. Very r pec:tfully, ALVADOR G. ROS , Secretary. HouS OP DELEGATES · PoRTO Rico . A Ju , P . Jt ., FauRUAttv 19TH, 1902.


I have the honor to send to the Executive ouncil House Bill o . 4 , "A Bill to provide for the con truction of works n ary to protect the City of Ponce from inundations of the Portugn River", and Honse Bill No. 70, 1 A Bill to provide for the celebration of Arbor Day by the children of the Public School of Porto Rico ", both of which have been passed by the House of Delegat without amendment . Very respectfully,



Honorable Prtsidmt of tlu ExeCNtive CI)Uncil, San Juan, P . R .

I have the honor to communicate to the Executive Council that ~e House of ~egates concurs in the amendments by the Council to Honse B1U No. 22, "A Bill to provide for the Parliamentary immunity of the members of the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico, and for other purposes", and to those to House ·Bill .No: 37, "~ Bill to establish and maintain an asylum for the tndigent bbnd of Porto Rico ", both of said bills having passed finally.

Very respectfully, SALVAD,9R




Ros , ·


Secretary . HOUSlt OP DELEGATES PORTO Rico . SAN jUAN, P. R ., FEBllUAI!.Y 19TH , 1902 ·

R. , FEsRuuv 19TH, 19Q2. }


Ho11fl /Jle l+tsidn~t flf tlu Exeetdive CoN11cil, Sa11 jNa11, P. R .



.f .


l+tsidmt flf tlu Ex«141ive Council, Sanjuan, P . R .


Honorable Prtsidmt of tlu Executive Council, San Juan, P. R. Sir:

ir: I have the honor to send you House Bill No. 83, 1 1 A Bill for an Act to revoke and terminate uch rights and privileges of the New York and Porto Rico teamship Company as maybe claimed or deemed to be effective and till in force in the harbor and harbor bores of an Juan and for other purposes", which ha been igned by the Speaker of the House of Delegates, d I pray you to sign and return the ame that it may be sent to th Governor for his approval. Very r pec:tfully, ALVADOR



Stcntary .

I have the honor to send to the Executive Council House No. 27, " A Bill to cree.te an industrial school in San,Juan", mtroduced by Mr Egozcue, and passed by the House of Delegates, as amended, and House Bill No. 55, " A Bill providing for the payment of the value of animal found to be suffering from glanders and which are ordered to be killed " , introduced by Mr. Egozcue, an passed without amendments.


Very respectfully, SALVADOR

G . Ros. Secretary.






P . R. ,


FEBRUARY 19, 1902. }

19TH, IC)02 .

Hon ra6/e Presidmt of tAe Execwh've Council, Sate Jwan, P. R .

ir :


1 have the honor to send to the Executive Council , Honse Bill o. 64, " Bill to provide for the education of certain young men for the profo ion of trained nurses ", introduced by Mr. Domenech and pa by the Hou of Delegates with amendments in the form inclosed. Very respectfully, SALVADOR


G. Ros, Secretary.


P . R .,


FEBRUARY 17TH , 1902 .


Prtsidmt of tlu Execwtive CD~~ncil, Sate Jwan, P. R .


House Bill No. 55, entitled " A Bill to provide for the payment of the value of animals found to be suffering from glanders and which are ordered to be killed, '' was read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on Agricultulture and Manufactures. House Bill No. 48, entitled " A Bill to provide for the construction of works nee ary to protect the City of Ponce from inundations by the Portuguese River", was read twice by its title and referred to the Finance Committee. The President igned Honse Memorial No. I, entitled "A Memorial to the Congress of the United States by the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico " , and Honse Bill No. 22, entitled "A Bill defining the privileges and immunities of the members of the Legi lative Assembly," and House Bill No . 83, entitled "A Bill to revoke and terminate such right and privileges of the New York and Porto Rico Steamship Company as may be claimed or deemed to be effective and still in force in the harbor al!l:l harbor shores of San Juan, and for other purposes," and House Bill No . 59, entitled "A Bill concerning the language to be used in the departments, courts and offices of the Insular Government ,'' and

Sir: I have the honor to nd you House Memorial No I , " A emorial to the Congress of the United States by the Legi lative Assembly of Porto Rico'' and I pray you to sign and return the same that it may be sent to the Governor for his approval . Very respectfully, SALVADOR

G . Ros, Secretary.

Ho Bill No . 27, entitled " A Bill to create an industrial school in San Juan ," and Ho Bill No. 64, entitled "A Bill to provide for the education of certain young women for the profession of trained n " and H~use Bill No. 70, entitled " A Bill to provide for the celebration of Arbor Day by the children of the Public Schools of Porto Rico", ere read twice by their titles and referred to the Committee on Education .

House Bill No. 16, entitled "A Bill to regulate the slaughter of food animals and the sale of fresh meat. '' On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council resolved itself into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of bills. The Council resnmed and Mr. Hartzell, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported Council Bill No. 28, entitled " A Bill to authorize and provide for the purchase or acquisition of land for the use of the United States Agricultural Experiment Station in Porto Rico, " . favorably with amendments, which report wa adopted and the bill ordered to have a third reading. By unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and Council Bill o. 28, entitled "A Bill to authorize and provide for the purchase or acquisition of land for the use of the United States Agricultural Experiment Station," was taken up and read a third time. On the question "Shall this bill pa ?" the roll was called with the following resu lt: Tl!ose voting in the affirmative were:


, Benitez, Cintron , Cr6sa , Elliott, Garrison, H rlan , Hartzell, Lindsay d Willou hby . : . .... 10 tive-Non r. Barbosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 m jority of the members of th Council having voted for of the bill , it w declared pa , the title agreed Clerk directed t& tranmtit the blll to th House and inform that body that the Council has pal!led n motion of

r. Elliott, the Council then adjourned. CHAS . HARTZELL,



February 2oth , 1902.


The Council met at 2:30 o 'clock p. m . Upon the calling of the roll , the following members appeared and ered to their names: . Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintron, Cr6sa , Elliott, Garrison , Harl!n, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby .. 11 A nt: .............. . ...... . .... ............. ..... ... o The minutes of the Ia t m ting were read and approved. The Judiciary Committee reported Hou Joint Resolution o. 3, entitled " Joint Resolution praying for the establishm nt of Postal avings Bank and to encourage mall savings in Porto Rico, '' recommending th t in tead of passing said resolution, e ch Ho send a separat resolution to Honorable Federico tau, Commi ioner of Porto Rico to Washington, requestin him to call the matter to the attention of those Committees of the Senate and Ho of Repr tativ of the United States th t have the proposed legi lation under consideration . On motion of r. Harlan, the report was adopted. and further con.derati n of aaid lution indefinitely postponed. Th Judiciar Committee reported Council Bill No. 23, entitled "A Bill in relation to trade-mark , " with th recom-


20 ,



mendation that its con ideration be taken up in the Committee of the Whole in connection with report of the Conference Committee on the Political Code. The report was adopted. The Conference Committee on Council Bill No. 10, entitled " A Bill authorizing the Supreme Court of Porto Rico to make rules and regulation for the conduct of causes over which it has jurisdiction," ubmitted a substituted bill with favorable recommendation . On the qu tion '' hall this report be adopted ?' 1 the roll was called, with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott , Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby .. 11 In the negative-None. A majority of the members of the Council having voted for the adoption of the report, it was declared adopted, the title amended to read ''A Bill authorizing the Supreme Court to make rules and regulation for the dispatch of busines before it, and for other purposes, " the Clerk directed to ...notify the House of Delegates accordingly, and the bill referred to the C01:nmittee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills. The Committee on Education reported House Bill No. 70 entitled "A Bill to provide for the celebration of Arbor Day by the children of the public schQOls of Porto Rico (with amendments), and • House Bill No . 61, entitled "A Bill authorizing a Committee of Teachers to admini ter the Teachers' Pen ion Fund" (without amendment) favorably with the recommendation that the ame pa , which reports were dopted and the bills ordered to have a second reading. Mr. Hartzell introduced Council Bill No. 30, entitled " A Bill to prevent cruelty to animals", and Council Bil No. 33, entitled "A Bill regarding corporations " , which were read twice by their titles, orderM translated, referred to the Committee on Printing and ordered printed. Mr. Benitez introduced Council Bill No. 31, entitled "A Bill to establish a Penal Code for Porto Rico", and Council Bill No. 32, entitled "A Bill to establish a Code of Criminal Procedure for Porto Rico ", which were read twice by their titles and referred to the Joint Committee on Codes . The following messages were received from the House of Delegates at the hands of its Secretary:




ir :





AN Ju N , P . R . , FBBRUARY 19TH , IC)02 .

Hnwrahu l+esidnrt of tile Exuvlit!t! Co1mcil, Sa11jua11 , P . R .


SAN ]UA • P . R . • FEBRUARY 20TH, IC)02 .

Honorah/e President of Ike Exee~~tive Cou11d/, San juan, P . R .

I have the hon~r to tnn mit to the Executive Council Hou Bill o. 63 , entitled " A Bill to aboli h the Board of Public Works, to provide a new organization for the insular public ork.s and.for other purposes", introduced by Mr. Domenech and pa by the Hou of Delegates with amendments, in the form hich I inclose. Very respectfully , SALVADOR


Ros ,

Secretary . Hous OP DELEGATES PORTO Rlco .

Sir :

I have the honor to advise the Executive Council that the House of Delegates concurs to the amendments to House Bill No. 51, entitled "A Bill to prohibit the exploitation of minor children, and for other purposes,'' and that it concurred to the report by the Conference Committee on House Bill No. 25 entitled "A Bill to regulate autopsies and exhumations aqd to provide for the. payment of fees therefor,'' providing for the establishment of rules governing the payment of the same, and that both of said bill have been passed finally. Very respectfully,







Honorahu l+esitk,.t of lk Exee~~tive Cou11dl, Sa,.· Jua11, P . R . ir :



SAN JuA • P. R., FEBRUARY 20TH, IC)02 .

I have the honor to tran mit to the Executive Council Ho Bill No. 71 , entitled " A Bill to prohibit certain games", which h been p by the House of Delegates as amended: House Bill No. 75 , entitled ' ·A Bill to provide for appeals again t the deci ion of registrars of property " , has also been passed as amended . House Bill No. 78, entitled " A Bill to secure the effectiveDes& of judgment ", has also been passed a amended. I also return to the Executive Council , Council Bill No. 20, entitled " Bill to define the right of the people ", which has been p by the House of Delegat with an amendment to the title thereof.

I have the honor to return to the Executive Council, Council Joint Resolution No.4, entitled "Joint Resolution authorizing the Governor of Porto Rico to give a quit-claim deed to the Municipality of Mayagiiez for certain land, deeded for school P~ t? the People of Porto Rico on April j9• IC)OI, by the Mun1c1pallty of Mayagiiez," which has been passed by the House of Delegates without amendments. Very respectfully, SALVADOR




Very respectfully, SALVADOR

Honorah/e President of Ike Exee~~live Council, Sanjuan , P . R . Sir :




House Bill No. 63, entitled "A Bill to abolish the Board of Public Works, to provide a new organization for the I nsular



Public Wor , and for other purposes ," was ·read twice by its titl and referred to the Committee on Roads and Internal Improvement . Ho BiJI o . 75 , entitled " A Bill to provide for appeals a t the deci ·on of Regi trars of Property, " and Hou Bill No. 7 , entitled " A BiJI to ure the effectiven of judgment , " ere rea<\ twice b their titles and referred to th ommittee on¢ Judictary. Ho Bill o. 71 , entitled " A Bill to prohibit games" was read t ic by its title and referred to the Committee on Municipal and Private Corporations. On the qu iion "Shall the. uncil concur in the House amendmen to Council Bill o. 20, entitled "A Bill to better define the ri ht of the people,'' by triking out the word ''better' ' in said title, the roll was called, with the following result: Thoee voti g in the affirmative were : . Barbosa , Benitez, Brioso, Cintron, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan , Hart:r.ell and Lindsay .......... · · · · · · · · 9 In th negative: rs. C and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 A majority of the members having v ted for concurrence in said amendment , the same was declared concurred in, the title amended to read " A Bill to define the rights of the People,'' tl!e clerk directed to notify the Hou accordingly and the bill ret. ned to the Committee on Enrolled and Engr Bills. Council Joint R lution No. 4, entitled "Joint Resolution authorizdng the Governor of Porto Rico to give a quit-claim deed to the unicipality of Mayagiie:r. for certain land, deeded for school purposes to the People of Porto Rico on April 29, 1901, by the unicipality of ayagiie:r. ," w referred to the Committ on Enrolled and Engroeaed Bills. The Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures reported Honse emorial o. 2, entitled "A Memorial to the Congres of the United tat praying for the granting of a bounty on coffee " favorably without amendment . ' r . Elliott, the minority member of the same Committee, also ubmitted the views of the minority and moved further consideration of aid Memorial be indefinitely postponed. On th qn tion "Shall further con ideration of this Memorial be indefinitely postponed?' ' the roll was called with the following result :




Those voting in the ffirmative were : rs. Elliott, Garrison, Hartzell , Harlan, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 In the negative : M rs. Barbosa, Benite:r., Brioso, Cintr6n and Cr6sas . . . . 5 A majority of the members having voted for the adoption of said report, it was declared adopted and the clerk directed to notify the House that further consideration thereof ha been indefinitely postponed. Mr. Barbosa offered the following resolution : EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. SAN JuAN, P. R ., FEBRUARY 20TH , 19Q2 .

RBSOLVBD that the Honorable Frederick Degetau, Commi ioner of Porto Rico to Wa hington, be advised of the great need of the People of Porto Rico for in titution where their earnings and savings may be kept with security, and that he be requested to use his bes~ endeavors with the proper Committees of the Senate and House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States to have the benefit of any le'g islation for Postal Savings Bank extended to the People of Porto Rico : RBSOL BD further that the President of the Executive Council be requested to send a copy of this resolution to the Honorable Commi ioner, with such observations in support of it as the President may deem proper to make. On the question '' Shall thi regolution pass? ,'' the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were : Messrs. Barbosa, Brioso, Elliott , Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby .... . .......... . ....... 8 In the negative: Mr. Cr6sa .... . ..... . ........ . . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Absent : M rs. Benitez and Cintr6n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 A majority of the members having voted for the adoption of the foregoing resolution, it wa declared adopted . On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council resolved itself into Committee of the Whole for th con ideration of bills. The Council resumed and Mr. Hartzell, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported Honse Bill No. 70, entitl~ "A Bill to provide for the celebration of Arbor Day by the children of the Public School of Porto Rico,'' and




Hou Bill o. 61, ent itled " A Bill authorizing a Committ of Teachers to admini ter the Teachers' Pen ion Fnnd, " fa r bl ithout am ndm n , hich report a adopted and the bill ordered to have a third reading. n motion of I r. Elliott , the Council then djourned . CHAS. H A RTZ E LL ,



Febru ry





The Council met a t 2:30 o 'clock p . m . pon the calling of the roll , the following members appeared and an ered to their nam : rs. Barbosa, Brioso, Benitez, Cr6sas, E lliott , Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby ... .... 10 A nt : r. Cintr6n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 On motion of Ir. Cr6sa , the reading of the minutes of the t eeting wa di pensed with . communication from the {ayor of Arecibo , requesting the Council to name a member to represent it in the exercises on W shington 's birthd_!y, wa read. On motion of Mr. Lindsay , r. Hartzell wa unanimously ected as uch representative . The Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures reported House Bill No. 55, entitled " A Bill providing for the payment of the value of animals found to be suffering from glanders and which are ordered to be killed ", favorably without amendments , hich report w adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading. The Committee on Public In titution and Property reported Council Bill o . 19, entitled " A Bill providing for the appointment of a Director of Health , defining his duties a such and tablishing a Cou ulting Board of Health , and for other purposes" , favorably with amendment , hich report was adopted, the bill ordered to be re-tran lated and typewritten and to have a ond reading.

21 , 1902.


The Committee on Finance and Appropriations reported House Bill No. 20, entitled " A Bill to tum over to the Treasury of Porto Rico all fees collected in the offices of Registrars of Property and to provide salaries of the aid Registrars " , favorable a~tion on .substi~ute bill therewith ; which report was adopted and aJd ubstitute btll ordered translated and typewritten . House Bill No . 70, entitled " A Bill to provide for the celebration of Arbor Day by the children of the Public Schools of Porto Rico ", wa taken up and read a third time at length . By unanimous consent, the word " exercises " in line I I was substituted for the word " exercise" and the word "December" in line I wa substituted for the word " April ". On the question " Shall this bill pa ?" the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby ....... 10 In the negative-None. Absent: Mr. Cintr6n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A majority of the members of the Council having voted for the passage of the bill , it was declared passed , the title agreed to and the clerk directed to tran mit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Councij. has passed the same House Bill No . 61 , entitled " A Bill authorizing a Committee of Teachers to administer the Teachers' Pension Fund", was taken up and read a third time at length . On the question " Shall this bill pa s?" the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas , Elliott , Garrison , Harlan, Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby .. . .... 10 In the negative-None. Absent: Mr. Cintr6n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I A majority of the members of the Council having voted for the passage of the bill, it was declared passed, the title agreed to and the clerk directed to tran mit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council ha passed the same. The following messages were received from the House of Delegates at the hands of its Secretary:






J H.

Hou of Delegates has concurred to the amendments agreed upon by the Conference Committee on Council Bill No. 10, entit1~ " A Bill authorizing the Supreme Court of Porto Rico to make roles and regulations for the conduct of causes over which it ha jurisdiction", of which said Council Bill , in the form reported , I enclose a copy .


ble Pruideni Dj lite E ecu#ve C11U11cil, anjua11, P . R .

Very respectfully,

I hav the honor to tran!;lllit to the Executive Council House

Bill • o. 57, entitled "A Bill to regula the use and on of fire rm and concealed e-.pon ", introduced by Mr. Domeby the House of Delegates as amended in the nech and pa enclosed r. rm. \'ery r pectfully, S LVADOR G . Ros , Secreta Hoo E OF DELEGA TJtS PORTO RICO.



Presidmi of the Executive Cquncil, San jua11 , P . R .

Very respectfully, SALvADOR

G . Ros, Secretary.

oF D:sutGAT:ss PORTO Rico .


SAN JoAN, P.R., FEBRUARY 21sT, 1902.

Honorable President Dj lite Exenuive CD#IIcii, Sanjuan, P . R. Sir:

AN P . R., F'EBllOAllY 21ST, 19Q2.


Prtsidmi Dj 1M ExeculitJt Uu1fcil, Sa11 jua1r, P . R .

ir· I have th honor to advise the Executive Council th

I have the honor to tran mit to you House Bill No. 37, entitled " A Bill to establish and maintain an asylum for the indigent blind of Porto Rico", and House Bill No. 51, entitled "A Bill to prohibit the exploitation of minor children , and for othe; purposes ", both of which have been signed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates, and I pray you to sign and return them so that they may be sent to. the Governor for h!s approval.


G. Ros , Secretary .



G . Ros , Secretary .

Sir :

AN , P . R ., FEBRUARY 20TH, 19<)2 .




HtntDTdk President Dj tk Execw#ve C11U11cil, a11 Jrum, P . R . ir I have the honor to tran mit to the Executive Council, Hou ill •o. 66, entitled "A Bill authorizing injunction ", introduced by r. Com ell, and passed by the Hou of Delegates amended, and ~ouse Bill No. 26, entitled " A Bill concerning leaves 01 absence of Di trict jud and_Fiscal ",introduced by Mr. Santoni and also pa sed by the Hou of Delegates a amended in the enclosed form . Very r; pectfully, ALVADOR

21, 1902.


I have the honor to advise the Executive Council that the House of Delegates has concurred to the amendments by the Executive Council to House Bill No. 23, entitled "A Bill in rela-





ti n to h I Fund and payment thereof by the Ayuntamien t " and 1d bill p finally .



Very respectfully , ALV



G . Ros,

Secrtlary . Bill o. 57 , entitled "A Bill to regulate the use and ion of fire rm and concealed eapons ", was read twice b it title d referred to the Committee on !lunicipal and Private Corporation . Hou Bill ' o . 66 , entitled '' Bill authorizing injunction , '' and o. 26, entitled "A Bill concerning leaves of abSence of i trict Judg and Fi al " , were read twice by their titl and referred t the Judiciary Committee . Ho Bill o . 37, entitled " A Bill to establi h and maintain an a lum for the indigent blind of Porto Rico ", and Hon Bill o. 51, entitled "A Bill to prohibit the exploitation of minor childr nand for other purposes " , were igned by the Pr ident. n motion of ir. Elliott, the Council resolved itself into ommittee of the \ hole for the con ideration of bill . The Council resumed and fr. Hartzell, Chairman of the Committee of the hole, reported Honse Bill No. 55, entitled " A Bill providing for the payment of the value of animals found to 6e nffering from glanders and which are ordered to be killed ' ', favorabl 'thout amendm t, which report was adopted, the bill referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bill and ordered to hav a third reading. Council Bill No,. 31, entitled " A Bill to establish a Penal Code for Porto Rico " , and Council Bill No. 32, entitled "A Bill to establish a Code of Crimin 1 Procedure for Porto Rico " , were taken up and read a ~eeond time at length . On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council then adjourned to meet onday morning at 10:00 o'clock . CHAS. HARTZELL, President.

February 24th, IC)02.


The Council met at 10:00 o 'clock a . m . Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and answered to their name!!: Mes rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby ..... .. 10 Absent: f Mr. Elliott The minutes of the last Pleeting were read and approved. The Committee on Enrolled ond Engrossed Bill reported House Bill No. 55, entitled "A Bill providing for the payment of the value of animal found to be suffering from glanders and which are ordered to be killed," correctly engrossed. The Judiciary Committee reported Council Bill No. 29, entitled "A Bill defining the offense of contempt of court and providing for the punishment thereof, " favQrably without amendment, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading. House Bill No. 55, entitled "A Bill providing for the payment of the value of animals found to be suffering from glanders" , was taken up and read a third time at length. On the question "Shall this bill pass? " the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison , Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . 10 In the negative-None Absent: Mr. Brioso.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A majority of the members of the Council having voted for . the pa age of the bill, it was declared passed, the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the ame. Mr. Willoughby introduced Council ;Bill No. 34, entitled "A Bill authorizing municipalities to i ue certificates of indebtedn in payment of their obligation incurred prior to July 1, 1902, outstanding and unpaid," Which was read twice by it title, ordered tran lated and •••























Committee on and ordered printed. m ere received from the Hou of at the hands of it Secretary: HOUSB OP DBLEGATBS

Ju Ho

PBBR.UAR.Y 24 , 1902.

POitTO RICO . N, P . R., FBBRU av 24TH, 1902 .


. cil Bill No. 22, entitled" A Bill for the relief of certain employeev and former employees of the United States District Court for the Di trict of Porto Rico," by Mr. Garrison, which has been passed by the Honse of Delegates withont amendment. Very r pectfully, SALVADOR

rdle Pnsidncl of Tlte Exentlive Ctlllnci/, Sa11 ]114n, P . R .


'r :

the Executive Council that the ithout amendment the following


Ho o. 65, entitled "A Bill regarding the cancellation of ipal debt by the Trea ury of Porto Rico," introdnced by r. Quifion ; Honse bill No. 69, entitled "A Bill to cancel certain indebtedn of the Ayuntamientos to the Treasury of Porto Rico" introduced by r. Sanchez orales; Ho Bill No. 76, entitled . "A Bill to amend General Order o. 15, Series of IC)OO, " introduced by Mr. Blondet; Ho Bill No. 8x, entitled "A Bill to turn over to the tre ury of the City of Ponce one half of the money that the In nlar Treasury shall collect from W. S . H . Lothrop by virtne of the con ion gTanted him by the Executive Council for the co tmction of an electric tramway in the said city, •• introduced b r. Besosa, and H Bill No. 7. entitled " A bill to create a school of win and painting in the City of San Juan, introduced by . Serrano. Very respectfully, SALVADOR G. Ros, Secretary. Ho Slt OP DBLBGATES PORTO Rico.


SAN JuAN, P . R . , FltBJtuAII.v 24TH, 1902 .

Htmtlrdle Pnsidncl of 1M Exentliw Ct1W1m·1, Sa11 P.R. ir : I have th honor to return to the Execnti e Council, Coun-


G. Ros, Secretary,


P. R.,


FEBRUARY 24TH, 1902 .

Hon!lra/J/e Pnsidenl of lite Execuli'lle C()Undl, San juan, P . R.

Sir : I have the honor to return to the Executive Council Co neil Bill No. 28, entitled "A Bill to authorize and provide 'for the purchase or acquisition of land for the use of th United States Agricnltural Experiment Station, •• introduced by Mr. Garrison, which has been passed by the House of Delegates without amendment. Very respectfnlly, SALVADOR

G. Ros, Secretary .


P . R.,



Honorable President of lite Execuli'lle Council, San ]114n, P. R.

Sir: I have the honor to advise the Executive Council that the House of Delegates has passed the following bills, without amendment: House Bill No. 82, enftled "A Bill fixing the terms of the Supreme Court of Porto Rico," introduced by Mr. Com well ; House Bill No. 85, entitled " A Bill to provide for the ~rotection and policing of the insnlar highways of Porto Rico," mtrodnced by Mr. Domenech, and House Bill No. 86, entitled "A Bill authorizing the sale or

FEBRUARY 24, 1902.

-------iron pier nd certain adjacent lands belonging to the Goverament of Porto Rico, at fayagiiez, to the Navy Department f the n1ted tat for Naval purposes, " introduced b r. om ell. Very respectfully, ALV DOR G . Ros, ecrdary. o . 2, entitled " A Bill ing the terms of the ourt of Porto Rico," and Bill o ;6, entitled " Bill to amend General Order o, 15, ri of 1 , " ere read twice by their titles and referred to th Judiciary Com{Ilitt . Ho Bill ' o. 69, entitled "A Bill to cancel certain 1nd btedn of the A untamient to the Treasury of Porto Rico" And Hou Bill No. 65, entitled " A Bill regarding the cancellation of municipal debt by the Trea ury of Porto Rico," ere read twice by their titl and referred to the Finance Committee. Hou Bill o . 5, entitled ' 'A Bill to provide for the protection and policing of the In nlar highways of Porto Rico,'' re d twice by it title and referred to the Committee on Roa<h and Internal Improvement . Ho Bill o . 6, entitled "A Bill authorizing the ale or le of the iron pier and certain adjacent lands belonging to the Go emt!Wlt of Porto Rico at layagiiez to the Navy Department of the nited tates for Na~al purposes, " wa read twice by it title and referred to the Committee on Harbors, Public Lan and Mining. H Bill No. 7, entitled "A Bill to create a school of drawing d painting in the City of an Juan," was read twice by i title nd referred to the Committee on Education . Ho Bill No. 81, entitled "A Bill to tum over to the nry of the City of Ponce one half of the money that the In u1 r Trea ury shall collect from W . S . H. Lothrop by virtue of the cone ion granted him by the Executive Council for the con truction of an electric tram ay in the aid city, " was read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on Franchises, Privil d Con ion . Council Bill o. 22, entitled " Bill for the relief of certain employ and former employees of the United States Di trict Court for the Di trict of Porto Rico," and


, Council Bill No. 28, entitled "A Bill to authorize and provide for the purchase or acquisition of land for the use of the United States Agricultural Experiment Station," were referred to the Comriiittee on Enrolled and Engro sed Bills. On motion of Mr. Willoughby , the Council resolved itself into Committee of the Whole for the con ideration of bills. The Council resumed and Mr. Hartzell, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported Council Bill No. 19, entitled ' 'A Bill providing the appointment of a Director of Health , defining hi duties as such, and establi bing a Consulting Board of Health, and for other purposes,' ' favorably with amendments, recommending that the bill be re-tran lated and re-printed, which report was adopted, the bill ordered to be retranslated, reprinted and ordered to have a third reading. Mr. Hartzell, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported Council Bill No. 29, entitled "A Bill qefining the offence of contempt of court and providing for the punishment thereof," favorably without amendment, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a third reading:" By unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and the bill was taken up and read a third time. On the question "Shall this bill pa ?" the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Brioso , Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby. . . .. 10 In the negative-None Absent: Mr. Benitez ......... .. .. . ....... .. .. . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . A majority of the members of the Council having voted for the pa age of the bill, it was declared pa sed, the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has pa sed the same. The Conference Committee on Council Bill No. 24, (Political Code) submitted report. On motion of Mr. Harlan , aid report was adopted, with the exception of it l'ecommendation as to article 149, in which article the Council proposes to insert the word "chief" in lieu of the word "director"; except also to paragraph 6 of the same article, in which the Council does not concur relative to the thirty per cent. clause; and that the


ouncil in i t upon the retention of uticle 152 as amended b th Council u alao article 107 . The bill wa recommitted to the Joint Committee on Cod t' further considuation . 0 motion of r. Elliott, the Council took a rec until 3:00 o'clock .

FEBRUARY 25, 1902.


of Porto Rico coffee into Cuba, ubmitted report recommending that the matter should be left in the hands of the Governor, which report was adopted and the Clerk directed to notify the Municipal Council of Mayagiiez , accordingly . On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council then adjourned. CHAS . HARTZitLL ,



The Council wa called · to ordu at 3:00 o'clock, quorum present. • The Committee on Printing reported Council Bill No. 25 , titled "A Bill to pt-ovide for election in Porto Rico," correctly printed. . . ·Council Bill No. 25, entitled "A Bill to provide for elections in Porto Rico'', was refet'fed to the Judiciary Committee. The Judiciary Committee reported Council Bill No. 25, entitled "A Bill to p ovide for elections in Porto Rico, " favorably without amendment, which report as adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading. On motion of r. Hadan , the Council resolved itself into Committee of the Whole for the considuation of bill . The Council r umed ' and Mr. Hartzell, Chairman of the ~mmittee of the Whole, reported Council Bill No. 25, entitled "A Bill to provide for election in Porto Rico", favorably with amendment , which report as adopted and the bill refet'fed to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills. • r. Hartzell, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, havin undu considuation- Council Bill No. 24, ( Political Code) reported pro and a ked leave to sit again. The Confuence Committee on Council Bill No. II, entitled " A Bill in relation to labor", reported the ame with amendments and the Cluk directed to furnish copies of said bill in accoro nee ther with to the members of the Council. Th Committ on Education reported House Bill No. 27 , entitled "A Bill to create an Industrial School in San Juan ", favorably with amendment , which report wa adopted and the bill ordered to be tran lated and typewritten . The Judiciary Committee, to which as referred the resolution f th unicipal Council of ayagiiez in relation to a petition to be addressed to th P ident of the United States p ytng that in the event of ugar being admitted free into the United Stat , provi ion should be made for the free admi ion bein


February 25th, 1902.


· The Council met at xo:oo o'clock a.m. Upon the calling of the roll , the following members appeared and an wered to their names: Mes rs. Brioso, Cintt-on, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrlson, Hartzell, Lind ay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Absent: M rs. Barbosa, Benitez and Harlan .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 On motion of Mr. Cr6sas, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with. The Committee on Printing reported Council Bill No. 30 entitled " A Bill to prevent cruelty to animals," correctly printed and the bill referred to the Committee on Education . The Committee on Education reported Council Bill No. 30, entitled "A Bill to prevent cruelty to animal , " favorably without amendment, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading. The Committee ·on Harbors, Public Lands and Mining reported House Bill No. 86, entitled "A Bill authorizing the sale or lease of the iron pier and certain adjacent lands belonging to the Government of Porto Rico, at Mayagiiez, to the Navy_ Department of the United States for Naval Purposes, " recommending that the Governor be requested to state what disposition should be made from the funds ari ing from said sale or lease. The report was adopted, the cluk directed to transmit a copy thereof to the Governor and the bill recommitted to the same Committee.





FEBRUARY 25 , 1902.




Bill No. 48, en-



H111111rahle Pre iden/ oj lite Execulivl Council, Sanjuan, P . R. ir : , C as, Elliott , Garri n , Hartzell, illonghby .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the neg th¡e- on .



. Benitez , Cintr6n and Harlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A majority of the members having voted for the adoption of the report , it a declared adopted and the Clerk directed to notif th Hou of Delegates accordingly . T following m ages were received from the House of at the hand of it Secretary: Hou E OF DELE GAT E S PORTO RICO.


N j UAN , P . R ., FEBR ARY 25TH , )()02 .

Hon11rable Pnsidm/ 11j tJu E xecutive Council , San Juan , P . R . irI have the honor to retu to the Executive Council , Council Bill o. 7, entitled " A Bill to provide for the revi ion of the ment of property nd the a ment of property not here, of Porto Rico, for purposes oft xation as providtofore a ed for b the act entitled " An Act to provide revenue for the People of Porto Rico, and for other purposes, " introduced by r. Willoughby, and Council Bill No. 2I , entitled ''A Bill making appropriation to upply deficiencies in appropriations for carrying on the Government of Porto Rico for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two , and for prior years, nd r. r other pUrpoo!eS, " introduced by Mr. Garrison , which has been p by the Hou of Delegates u amended. • Very respectfully, ALVADOR




I have the honor to send you House Bill No. 23, entitled " A Bill in relation to school fund and payment thereof by the " Ayuntamientos, " and House Bill No. 25, entitled "A Bill to regulate autopsies and exhumations and to provide for the payment of fees therefor," which have been signed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates and which I pray to you to igu and return that they may be sent to the Governor for his approval. Very respectfully, ALVADOR




R .,



Honorable Presidm/ OJ lite Executive C11uncil, San Juan, P . R . ir : I have the honor to transmit to the Executive Council, House Bill o . 92, entitled "A Bill defining the duties of the Municipal Boards of Health," introduced by Mr. Egozcue and pa sed by the House of Delegates in the form enclosed . Very respectfully, SALVADOR



Secretary. House Bill No. 92, entitled "A Bill defining the duties of the Municipal Boards of Health," was read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on Municipal and Private Corporations. On the question "Shall the Council conc:ur in House amendments to Council Bill No. 21, entitled" A Bill making appropriations to upply deficiencies in appropriations for carrying on the Government of Porto Rico for the fiscal year ending June 30,

- - - - )0 llNAL OP TUB BXR


1902, nd prior e~rs. and r. r other purpoees, " the roll was called ith the following result: Th tin in the affirmative were: . B rbosa, Benitez, rioso, Cintron, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garri n, Harlan, Hartzell, Lind y and Willoughby .. 11 In the n ative- one. A majority of the members of the Council having voted for concnrrence in said amendment , the same ere declared concurred in, the bill referred to the Co ittee on Enrolled and En· Bill d the clerk directed to notify the House accord-

u tion " hall the Council non-concur in House amendment to Council Bill No. 7, entitled " A Bill to provide for: the re i ion of the ment of prOperty and the ment of property not heretofore in Porto Rico, for purposes of taxation?" the roll wa cilled with the following result: Those voting in the ffirmative ere: . Bar a, Brioso, Cintron Cr6sa , Elliott, Garrison, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby. ....... 9 In th negative-None. Absent: . Benitez and Harlan ... .............. ... .... ... . 2 A majority of the members having voted for non-concurrence in Ho amendments to aid bill, the same were declared not concurred in, the bill referred to the Committee on Finance as a pecial Conference Committee and the House requested to name a li e committee for the consideration thereof. Hou Bill No. 23, entitled "An Act in relation to school funds and payment thereof by mnniciPalities, '' ~nd Ho Bill No. 25, entitled "An Act defining the method of the rendition and ~pproval of claims for medical autopsies and exhumatio and providing for regulations governing the payment thereof, " ere igned by the President. On motion of Mr. Willoughby, the Council resolved itself into Committee of the Whole for the con !deration of bills· hereupon the Council resumed and r. Hartzell, Chairman of the ~~ttee of the Whole, reported Council Bill No. 30, entitled Bill to prevent cruelty to animal , '' favorably with amendment, which report w ~dopted and the bill ordered to have a third reading. By unanimous con n.t, the rul were s pended and Conn·


PBBRUARY 25, 1902.


cil Bill No. 30, entitled "A Bill to prevent cruelty to animals," wa taken up and read a third time at length . On the question "Shall thi bill pass? " the roll was called ·th the following result: Th voting !n the affirmative were: M rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison , Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby 10 In the negative-None. Absent: Mr. Harlan ......................................... . A majority of the members having voted for the pa age of the bill, it was declared passed, the title agreed to, the clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the same. The report of the Conference Committee on Council Bill No. 11, entitled "A Bill in relation to labor," was taken up and read at length. On motion of Mr." Elliott, the Council then took a recess until 3:00 o'clock. AFTER RECESS.

The Council was called to order at 3:00 o'clock, a quorum being present. The Committee on Agriculture and Mannfactures reported House Bill No. 5, entitled "A Bill to create an Insular Board of Agriculture and to encourage, develop and propagate the agricultural and horticultural resources of Porto Rico," recommending that further con !deration thereof be indefinitely postponed. On the question hall this report be adopted?" the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Cintron, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby...... ro In the negative: · . ... .............. ... . . [ Mr. Brioso A majority of the members having voted for the adoption of the report, it was declared adopted and further consideration of the bill indefinitely postponed and the clerk directed to notify the House accordingly. Mr. Harlan, for the Conference Committee on Council Bill No: 24 (Political Code) reported that the Joint Committee on Codes were unable in further conference to agree to retain Article

.. . ... .

.. . . . .. . .. .






od a amended in theE ecutive Council, or ncur in the ouncil amendment to Article 152 , triking out "not e ceeding fifteen years, '' or to concur in the am ndment to Par graph 6 of Article 149, requiring per cent of dock and harbor collections to be turned over municipaliti of 1ayagiiez, Ponce and an Juan, and 1d ommittee h d agreed to ub titute for the word "direct r '' in th Paragraphs of Article 149 the word "chief, " which re rt a ordered filed . ouncil Bill ' o. 24 ( P litical tode) was taken up and read a third tim . n th qu tion " hall this bill pa · ?" the roll wa called with th following r ult : Th voting in th 1\,flirmative were: . M · Bar , Benitez , Bri , Clntr6n, Cr ·as, Elliott, Garri n , Harlan , Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby 11 In th nege,th·e-- 'one. maj rity of th members having voted for the pas age of th bill, it a declared pa , the title agreed to and the clerk directed to tran mit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council ha pa d the same . The Committee on E nrolled and Engrossed Bills reported Council Joint Resolution No. 4, entitled Joint Resolution a uthorizing th Governor of Porto Rico to give a quit-claim deed to the unicipality of Mayagiiez for certain lands deeded for school purposes to the People of Porto Rico on April 29, 1901, by the Municipality of layagiiez, " Council Bill No. 10, entitled " A Bill authorizing the Supreme Co rt to make rnl and regulation for the despatch of busin before it, and for other purposes ,'' Council Bill No. 2 , entitled "A Bill to authorize and provide for the purcha or acqui ition of land for the use of the nited tat Agricultural Experiment tation ," and Council Bill No. 20, entitled ''A Bill to define the rights of the People, " Correctly enrolled, hich were severally igned by the President. The Committee on Franchi reported House Bill No. 8, entitled "A Bill to turn over to the T rea ury of the City of Ponce on half of the money that the Insular Treasury shall collect ion granted 'him from W . . H . Lothrop by virtue of the con by the Executive Council for the construction of an electric

- - - - - _ _ _ _ _P_E_B_R _U _ ARY 25 , 1<)02.


tramway in the aid city," recommending that further consideration of said bill be indefinitely postponed . On the question "Shall this report be adopted?" the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: Mes rs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby I I In the negative-None . A majority of the members having voted for the adoption of the report, it wa declared adopted, further con ideration thereof indefinitely postponed and the clerk directed to notify the House accordingly . Mr. Harlan presented the following resolution: JOINT RE OL TION NO. 5· As to the enrollment and engro ment of the Political , the Civil, the Penal and the Criminal Procedure Codes reported by the Joint Committee of the legi lative Assembly .

Be it resolved by the Executive Council a1zd the House of Delegates of Porlo R ico assembled in the Legislative Alfembly: That a printed copy respectively of the Civil Code, the Political Code, the Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure , reported by the Code Commi sion appointed under the Act of 1901 , a the same shall have been amended in the Legislative Assembly, \vith the said amendments indicated on the said printed copies in manuscript, type or pen writing, shall , if duly passed, be igned by the President of the Executiv~ Council and the SpeaJ,.er of the House of Delegates and it s1all not be necessary to enroll and engross the text of the said Act as amended, but the signatures of the presiding officers attached to a printed copy of the aforesaid Acts, with the amendments indicated as aforesaid, shall h_ave the same force and effect as though attached to an enrolled and· engrossed copy, and the printed copy of each code signed as aforesaid shall, on receiving the approval of the Governor, be deemed and con idered as the original and the duly enrolled enactments of the Political Code, the Civil Code, the Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure respectively . Which by unanimou consent, under suspension of the rules, was taken up and read a first, second and third time. On the question "Shall thi resolution pass?" the roll was called with the following result:


otin in the affinnati e were: . Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cintron , Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willon hby I I In the n ati e-- one. majority of the mell)bers having voted for the pa ge of the resolution , it wa declared p , the title agreed to and the clerk directed to tran mit the r lntion to the House of Delegat and inform th at body that the Council ha passed the ame. The teport of Conference Committee on Council Bill o. I I, entitled " A Bill in relation o labcfr," as taken np for further con "deration . On the. qu tion " hall the Council non-concur in House amendmen to thi bill? " the roll wa called with the following result: Th voting in the affirmative were: . Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintron, Cr6sa , Garrison, Haria , Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby.. . . . IO In the n alive: r. Elliott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I A majority of the members of the Council having voted for non-concurrence in aid amendment , the same were declared not concurred in and further conference thereon requested. The Committee on Roads and Internal Improvements reported Ho Bill No. 5, entitled " A Bill to provide for the protection and policing of the In nlar highways of Porto Rico,'' favorably with endments, which report was adopted and the bill orciered to have a third reading. The Judiciary Committee reported Honse Bill No. 82 , entitled " A Bill fixing the turns of the Supreme Court of Porto Rico," favorably without amendment , which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a third reading. On motion of r . Willoughby, the Council resolved itself into Committee of the Whole for the con !deration of billa, whereupon the Council resumed and r . Hartzell, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported Hon Bill No. 82, entitled " A Bill fixing the terms of the upreme Court of Porto Rico,'' and Ho Bill No. 5, entitled "A Bill to provide for the protection and policing of the In nlar highways of Porto Rico," favorably without amendment, which report as adopted and the bill ordered to have a third reading. By nnanimon consent, nuder pen ion of the rules, House






Bill No. 82, entitled "A Bill fixing the terms of the Supreme Court of Porto Rico ," was taken up and read a third time . On the question " Shall this bill pa s?" the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: M srs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cintron , Cr6sas, Elliott, Gar. rison, Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby .. u In the negative-None. A majority of the members having voted for the pa age of the bill, it was declared passed, the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the same. By unanimous consent, under suspension of the roles, House Bill No. 85 , entitled "A Bill to provide for the protection and policing of the Insular highways of Porto Rico," was taken up and read a third time at length. On the question "Shall this bill pa ?" the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr as, Elliott, Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby .. I I In the negative-None. A majority of the members of the Council having voted for the passage of the bill , it was declared passed, the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the. same. On motion of Mr. Elliott the Council then adjourned . CBAS. HARTZELT. ,



February 26th, I9Q2 .


The Council met at Io:oo o'clock a . m . Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and answered to their names:



, Benitez , Bri , Cintr6p, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garri , Harlan, Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby .. 11 motion oC Mr. Cr6&a , the reading of the minutes of the t meeting a di pen with . The Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills reported Council Bill No. 25 , entitled "A Btll to provide for elections ill Porto Rico," correctly engrossed, and Council Bill ~o . 22, entitled ··A Bill for the relief of certain emplo ees of the nited , tates District Court of Porto Rico ,'' correctl etlrolled . The Judiciary Committee reported House Bill No. 75, entitled "A Bill to provide for appeals against the deci ions of regi trars of property , " favorabl y with amendments, which report adopted and the bill ordered to have a secon d reading. The Committee on Municipal and Private Corporations reported Honse Bill • o . 71, entitled ''A Bill to prohibit certain gam , " favorably with amendments , which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading. Council Bill No. 25, en itled "A Bill to provide for elections in Porto Rico, " was taken up and read a third time. On the question " ball this bill pass? " the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in he affirmative were : I rs. Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell , and Willoughby .... 10 In the negative-None . Absent : Mr. Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



SAN jUAN, P . R. , FEBRUARY 26TH , 1')02.

HomJrah/e Pruideni of ilu Extcuiive Council, San Juall, P. R . Si r: I have the honor to transmit to the Executive Council House Bill No. 72, entitled "A Bill for an Act to provide for the regulation and government of the Insular Police of Porto Rico,'' introduced by Mr. Veve, and which has been passed by th e House of Delegates in the amended form en closed . Very respectfully, SALVADOR

G . Ros, Secrl!iary.

HOUSE OF DELEGATES PORTO RICO . SAN JUAN, P . R ., Honorah/e Presidml of flu Executive Cou!lcil, San Juan, P . R .


FEBRUARY 26~ H. I9Q2 .

Sir : I have the honor to send to the Executive Council , House Bill No . 94, entitled "A Bill au thorizing Municipalities to dispose of certai n mun icipal property not requ ired for munici pal use ," introduced by Mr. Colom, and passed by the House of Delegates in the enclosed form . Very respectfully,


A majority of the members of the Council having voted for the p age of the bill, it was declared passed, the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed t he same . The President siilled Council Bill No. 22, entitled "A Bill for the relief of certain employees of the United States District Court for the District of Porto Rico.'' The following m ag were rectiTed from the Honse of at b of ita Secret ary :




R os,

Secretary . HOUSE OF D SLEGATES PORTO R ICO . SAN } UAN, Ho~torllhle

of tlu



R ., F E BRUARY 26TH, I ')02.

P rtsidenl Execuiiw CD¥nci/, San Juan , P . R .

Sir: I have the honor to send you House Bill No. 55 , entitled ''A Bill providing for the payment of the value of animals found


FEBRUAR \' 26, 1902.

to be utTering from glanders and wh1 ch are ordered to be killed ," and House Bill No . 61, entitled " A Bill authorizing committee of te chers to administer the Teachers ' Pension Fund " both of which have been signed by the Speaker of the Hou of Delegates, and I pray you to sign the same and return them so that they ma y be sen t to the Governor for his approval. \ ¡ ery respectlfll y . ALVAUOR . Ros ,

On the question "Shall this bill pass?" the roll was called w1th the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs . Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott , Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby ... 11 In the negative-None . The majority of the members of the Council havmg voted for the passage of the bill, it was declared passed, the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the same . By unanimous consent, under suspension of the rules , House Bill No . 75, entitled " A Bill to provide for appeals against the decisions of registrars of property, " was taken up and read a third time . On the question "Shall this bill pass? " the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs . Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby .. 11 In the negative-None . A majority of the members of the Council having voted for the passage of the bill , It was declared passed , the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the same. By unanimous consent , under suspension of the rules, House Bill No . 71, entitled " A Bill to prohibit certain games ", was taken up and¡ read a third time . On the question " Shall this bill pass?" the roll was called with the following result : . Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs . Barbosa , Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby . 11 In the negative-None . A majority of the members of the Council having voted for the passage of the bill , it was declared passed, the title amended to read "A Bill to prohibit certain games of chance, and to provide penalties for the violation thereof " and the Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Delegates and to inform that body that the Council has passed the same .

s~cr~tary .

House B1ll !'\o 94. entitled .. A B1ll auth orizi ng municipalui to di pose of certam municipal property not required for municipal use," was read twi ce by title and referred to the COmmittee on Municipal and Private Corporations . House Bill No . 72 , entitled " A Bill for an Act to provide for the regulation and government of the Insular Police of Porto Rico ," was read twice by title and referred to the Judiciary Committee . The President s1gned H ouse Bill !'\ o. 61, entitled " A Bill authorizing a committee of teachers to administer the Teachers' ¡ Pension Fund ,'' and House Bill o. 55, entitled " A Bill providing for the payment of the value of animals found to be sufferi ng from glanders and ord red to be killed ." Honse Bill o. 20. entitlei " A Bill requiring the registrars of property to account for all fees collected and fixing the m~ximum amount of the compensation and expenses of their respective offices ," wa referred to the Judiciary Committee. On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council resolved itself into Committee of the W'hole for the consideration of bills . The Council resumed and Mr. Hartzell , Chairman of the Committee of the Whole , reported House Bill No . 27, entitled " A Bill to provide for the establishment of Industrial Schools in Porto Rico ," and House Bill No . 75 , entitled " A Bill to provide for appeals against the decision of registrars of property ,'' and House Bill No . 71, entitled " A Bill to prohibit certain games ," favorably with amendments , which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a third reading . By unanimous consent , under suspension of the rules, House Bill No . 27, entitled " A Bill to provide for the establishment of Industrial Schools in Porto Rico, " was taken up and read a third time .




motion of Mr. Elliott , the Council then took a recess until 3:00 o 'clock .

PBBRUARY 26 , • 20 ,

Council Bill No.

and Council Joint Resolution No . 4· Very respectfull y,



The Council met at 3 : o 'clock , a quorum being present. The Judiciary Committee reported House Bill No. 20 , entitled " A Bill requi ring registrars of property to account for aU fi collected and fixing the maxim~ amount of the compention a.ud expen of their• respective offices " , favorably ~thout amendment , which report was received and further con tderation there.ol' deferred until to-morrow . The Committee on Printing reported Council Bill No. 33, entitled " A Bill regarding corporation ", correctly printed and the' bill referred to the Judiciary Committee . The Judiciary Committee reported House Bill No. 72, entitled " A Bill to be entitled ' An Act to provide for the regulation and government of the In ular Police of Porto Rico", favorably with amendment , wh ich report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading . The Committee on Roads and Internal Improvements, reported House Bill No . 63 , entitled " A Bill to abolish the Board of Public Works, to provide a new organization for the Insular Public Works and for other purposes " , which report was adopt ed a.ud the bill ordered to be retran lated , reprinted and to have a .econd reading. . The Committee on Municipal a.ud Private Corporations reported House Bill No . 57, ~!I! titled " A Bill to regulate the use a.ud possession of firearms and concealed weapons ", favorably with amendments, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second read ing . The following mes ages were received from the House of Delegates at the hands of its Secretary: H OU SE OF D E LEGAT£S PoRTO Rrco. S AN J u AN , P . R . , FEBR U ARY 26TH , 1902 .

Honoraeu Presidmt of 1M Executive Council, San Juan , P . R . ir: I have the honor to return , sigued by the Speaker of the House of Delegat , Council Bill No. 10, Council Bill No.


ICJ02 .




Secretary . HOU SE OF DELROAT£S PORTO Rrco . SAN J U AN , P . R ., FltBRUARV 26TH, 1<}02 .


Honorable President of tlu Executive Council, San juan, P . R . Sir : I have the honor to send you, igued by the Speaker of the House of Delegates, House Bill No. 70, entitlP.d "A Bill to provide for the celebration of Arbor Day by the children of the Public Schools of Porto Rico' ' , and I beg you to sigu the same and return it to this House that it may be sent to the Governor for his approval. Very respectfully , SALVADOR



Secretary . President sigued House Bill o. 70, entitled " A Bill to provide for the celebration of.Arbor Day by the children of the public schools of Porto Rico " . Mr. Barbosa introduced Council Bill No. 35 , entitled " A Bill to regulate the registration of electors" which was rea<! twice by its title, ordered translated , referred to the Committee on Printing and ordered printed . On motion of Mr. Willoughby , the Council resolved itself into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of bills, :;vhereupon the Council resumed and Mr. Hartzell, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole , reported Council Bill No . 33 , entitled " A Bill reg rding corporations,'• and House Bill No. 72, entitled "A Bill to provide for the regulation and government of the Insular Police of Porto Rico ," favorably with amendments, which reports were adopted and the bills ordered to have a third reading . Mr. Hartzell, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported House Bill No. 57, entitled " A Bill to regulate the possession of firea~s and cOB cealed weapons'', recommending ·' that




FEBRUARY 27, 1902.



the bill be re- ref~ to tbe Judiciary Committee, wbicb report a adopted. B unanimou consent, under suspension of the rules , Bill To 33, entitled " A Bt11 regarding corporations" wa t ken up and re d a tbtrd time . On the qu tion "Sbal1 this bi11 pass? " tbe ro11 was called ith the following result Th \·oting tn tbe aflirn1at1ve were · M rs. Brioso , r6sas, Elliott, · arrison, Harlan, Hartzell an..d Wi11ougbby ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 In tbe negative-Xone . Absent · M rs. Barbosa, Ben.itez, Cintron and Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . 4 A majority of tbe members of tbe ouncil having voted for tbe p ge of tbe bi11, it was declared passed , tbe title agreed to and the Clerk directed to transmit the bi11 to tbe House of Delegat and tnform that body that tbe Council bas passed the a me. By unan imou!> con!>ent. under ,;us pension of tbe rules, House Bt11 Xo i2. entitled "A Bill to prO\·ide for the regulation and government of tbe In~ular Police of Porto Rico ", was taken up and read a third time On tbe que;,tion "Sbal1 this bill pa !>, " tbe ~oll was called wltb tbe followtng result · Th voting tn the affirmative were : M r . Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso , Cintron , Cr6sas, Elliott, . Carn»<>n, Harl an , Hartzell and Lindsay .. . ..... 10 In tbe negatn·e-Xone. Absent Mr Wtlloughby . . . . . . .. ................. 1 A majority of tbe members of tbe Council having voted for tbe pa - age of tbe bill, it was declared passed, tbe title agreed to and tbe Clerk directed to transmit the bill to tbe House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council bas passed the same. On motion of Mr. Elliott, tbe Council then adjourned .

Upon the calling of the roll , the following members appeared and answered to their names: Messrs . Barbosa , Brioso, Benitez , Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby . 11 On motion of Mr. Cr6sas, the reading of the m inutes of the last meeting was dispensed with. The following messages were received from the House of Delegates at the hands of its Secretary :


Very respectfully,


PORTO RICO . SAN jUAN , P . R ., FEBR UA RY 26TH, 19Q2 .


Honorable President of the Executive Council, Sarz Juan, P. R . Sir: I have the honor to transmit to the Executive Council, House Bill No . 68, entitled "A Bill establishing ..quo-warranto ", which has been passed by the House of Delegates as amended. Very respectfully , SALVADOR


Ros ,



SAN j UAN, P.R ., FEBRUARY 27TH, 1902 .

Honorable Preside11t of the Executive Couucil, Sanjuan, P.R . Sir: I have the honor to advise the Executive Council that the House of Delegates has passed House Bill No . 103, entitled " A Bill for the consolidation of certain municipal districts of Porto Rico ", in the enclosed form.



Ros ,

Secretary .

February 27, 1902 . The Council met at



o'clock a . m .


FEBRUARY 27, 1902.





Council to House Bill No . 85, entitled " A Bill to provide for the · protection and policing of the Insular highways of Porto Rico '' . Very respectfully ,

SAN ]VA· . P . R ., FEBRUARY 27TH, 19Q2.




Nile fusidml •JIM Extn~h"w C~~t~•crl, Sanjuan . P . R

G . Ros , Stcrtlary .



I have the honor to advi

the Ibecutive Council that the House of Del«:gates bas appomted ~Ies rs . Sanchez Morales, Bellosa and Domenech as a Conference Committee on Council Bill No. 7, and M rs. anchez Morales, Mendez Martinez and Bellosa as a Conference Committee on Council Bill No . 11, relative to ork . Very respectfully, SALv ooR G . Ros , Surdary . H OUSE OF DELEGATES PORTO Rr c o .


AN ]VAN P . R ., FEBRUARY 27TH, 1902.

Htmorahlt Pruidmt of the Executive Council, San Juan , P . R . Sir: I have the honor to advise the Executive Council that the Hons;e of Delegates has passed House Bill No. So, entitled "A Bill to provide for the government and administration of the cities of Porto Rico " in the enclosed form . Very respectfully, SALVADOR





Honora/Jk President of lilt Execuh"vt Coutzcil, San Juan, P . R . Sir: I have the honor to return to the Executive Council, Council Joint Resolution No . s. relative to the enrollment and engrossment of the Political, Civil and Penal and the Criminal Procedure Codes, report on which was made by the Joint Committee of the Legislative Assembly and which has been passed, by the House of Delegates without amendments.

Very respectfully , SALVADOR

G . Ros, Stcrtlary .



Honorable President of lilt Executive Council, San Juan, P . R .




SAN JuAN , P . R ., FEBRUARY 27TH, 1902 .


R ., FEiltOARY 27TH, 1902 .

Htmorahlt President of/M Executive COlltuil, Sa11 Juan, P . R . 'r :

I have the honor to advise the Executive Council that the House of Delegates concurs in the amendments by the Executive

Sir: I have the honor to inform the Executive Council that the .House of Delegates has passed without amendments House Bill No. 97, entitled "A Bill for an Act authorizing the Governor to co-operate with t e Director of the United States Geological urvey in making a topographic survey and map of Porto Rico, and making an appropriation therefor'' .

Very respectfully, SALVADOR



Stcrllary .


jl' N , P . R . , F£BRl' ARY 2jTII , 1<)02.

H o11ora6le President of llu Execuliv~ Cout1 c11. an Juan , P . R I have the honor to return to tllf E . ecull\·e Coun cil, Council Bill o. 25 , enlltled " A Bill to pro\'! de for elections in Porto Ri co '', which has been passed by the H ouse of Delegates as amended . \ ' ery respectfully ,




R os ,

Secrtlary . House Btll ~o . I OJ , entitled " A Bill for the consolidation of certain mun ictpal di tricts of Porto Rico", was read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on Municipal and Private Corporations. l\1 rs. Willoughby and Barbosa were appoin ted a special Conference Committee on H ouse amendments to Council Bill No 11.-entitled " A Bill in relation to labor ". House Bill ~o . So, entitled " A Bill to provide for the government and administration of the cities of Porto Rico ' •, was read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on Munic· ipal and Pri\·ate Corporations . Council joint Resolution o . 5, relath·e to the enrollment and engr ment of the P~litical , the Civil, the Penal and the Criminal Procedure Codes , was referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills for enrollmen t . House Bill No . 6 , entitled "A Bill establishi ng co-war· ranto " was read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on the judiciary . Honse Bill No . 97, entitled " A Bill for an Act authorizing the Governor to co-<>perate with the Director of the United States Geologi~al Survey in ~ak. i ng a topographic survey and map of Porto Rico, and maktng an appropriation therefor ' •, was read t ice by its title and referred to the Committee on Finance. On the question' 'Shall the Council concur in House amendmen~ to Council Bill No . 25,. entitled "A Bill to provide for elections in Porto Rico? " the roll wa called with the following result :

FEBR ARY 27 , 1902.


Those voting in the affirmative were : Messrs . Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sas, E lliott , Gar· rison, Harlan , Hart zell , Lindsay and Willoughby 11 In the negative-None . · A majority of the members of Coun cil havin g voted for concurrence in House amendments to said bill, the same were dec lared concurred in and the Clerk directed to notify the House accordingly , and the bill referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills . The Committee on Munici pal and P~ivate Corporations reported House Bill N o . 103, entitled " A Bill for the consoli dation of certain Municipal districts ·of Porto Rico ", favorably without amendments, which report was adopted, and the bill ordered to have a second reading. On motion of Mr. Willoughby , the Council resolved itself into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of bills ; whereupon the Council resumed and Mr. Hartzell , Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported House Bill o. IOJ, entitled '' A Bill to provide for the consolidation of certain municipal districts.of Porto Rico " , favorably wi th amendments which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a third , readi ng. By unanimous consent , under suspension of the rules , the bill was taken up a nd read a third time. 'on the question "Shall this bill pass?" the roll was called with the followin g result: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso , Cintr6n , Elliott, Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . .... 10 In the negative : · Mr. Cr6sas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A majority of the members of the Council having voted for the passage of the bill , it was declared passed , the title agreed to o~nd the Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform thatf body that the Council bas passed the same. On the mo ion of Mr. Elliott, the Council then took a recess until 2 : 00 o 'clock . AFTE R RECESS

The Council was called to order at • being present.


o 'clock , quorum


FEBRUARY 27 , 1902.


The folio ing m ages were received from the House of egat at the hands of its retary · HO USE OF DELJ>GATF.S P ORTO RICO. N j UAN , P . R .• F E BRt"A RV 27TH , 19Q2 .

Ho•orahle Pru idml of /M E .uOlliz.'t!

Cou~t cll

anjuan , P. R



have the honor to return to the Executive Council duly "gned by the peaker of the House of Del gat , Council Bill No. :2:2 , entitled " A &ill for the relief of certain employees of the . nited tates Di trict Court for the District of Porto Rico " , and I &I nd herewith for yonr signature H ouse Bill ro . 8:2, entitled " A Bill fixing the term of the upreme Court of Porto Rico " , hich has been igned by the Speaker of the House of Delegates, and I pra y you to sign and return the same that it may be sent to the Go\·ernor for his approval. \ 'ery respectfull y. AL\' ADOR


R o s,


Surtlary . H OUSE O F D E LEG ATES PoRTO Rico. SAN j UAS , P . R ., FEBR t' ARY 27TH , 19Q2.

fl.onorablt Prtoidml of /M Exu utivt Council. San j~UJn , P . R .

S1r : I have the honor to advise the Executive Council that the House of Delegates ha passed House Bill No. 100, entitled " A Bill for an Act to divide Porto Rico into Road Di tricts and to pr-ovide for building, maintaining and repairing country roads " , u amended . Very respectfully , SALVADOii

G. Ros, Set:rtl4ry.

House Bill No. 82 , entitled "A Bill fixing the terms of the Supreme Conrt of Porto Rico", was igned by the President . Council Bill No. 22 , entitled ''A Bill for th relief of certain employees of the United States District Court for the Di trict of


Porto Rico' ' , was referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills for delivery to the Governor. House Bill No . too, entitled "A Bill to divide Porto Rico into Road Districts and to provide for building, maintaining and repairing country roads", was read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on Roads and Internal Improvements. The judiciary Committee reported House Bill No. 53, entitled "A Bill to establish a system of contracts and registries of original titles relating to real property, based on the Torrens system '' , recommending that further con ideration thereof be indefinitely postp<;med . On the question "Shall this report be adopted? " the roll wa called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Benitez, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby. ....... . . . .. 9 In the negative : Mr. Brioso ......... . . . . ..... . .. . .... .. . .... ..... . .... . Absent : Mr. Barbosa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ... ...... . .. ... . A majority of the members of the Council having voted for the adoption of the report, the same was adopted and the Clerk directed to notify the House of Delegates accordingly . The Committee on Roads and Internal Improvements re· port~ House Bill No . too, entitled " A Bill to divide Porto Rico into road districts and to provide for building, maintaining and repairi ng country roads " , favorably with amendments, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading. The Committee on Harbors, Public Lands and Mining reported House Bill No . 86, entitled "A Bill authorizing the 10ale or lease of the iron pier and certain adjacent lands belonging to the Government of Porto Rico, at Mayagiiez to the avy De· partment of the nited States for Naval purposes " , favorably with amendments, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading . The Judiciary Committee reported House Bill No. 66, en· titled " A Bill authorizing injunctions " , favorably with amendments and the bill ordered to have a second reading. The Committee on Printing reported Council Bill No. 34, entitled " A Bill authorizing municipalities to issue certificates of indebtedness in payment of their obligations incurred prior to july I, 1902, outstanding and unpaid", correctly printed and


FEBRUARY 27 , 1902.

the bill referred to the Finance Committee . The following messages were recei\路ed from His Excellency , the Go\'ernor.

and approved an Act, entitled " An Act to define the right of the People ". Respectfully ,

ExEC l'TI\'E ~IAN S I O N } PORTO RI CO. SAN j l' AN , p R ., F EB Rl' AR\' 2jTH , 1<)02 .


E ur uht路~


an juau, P R

.C Tlr~


Gov~nzor .

ExECl' TI\' E MANSI O:o-: } PORTO RI CO. SAN jl'AN, P . R ., F F. BR L \RY 2jTH , I<)02 . Tlte Pru idml of lJu Exuuliv~ Counnl.

Sanjuan , P. R . ir 路 I have the honor to inform you that I have this day signed and approved a Joint Resolution , entitled " Joint Resolution a"Cith ::>rizing the Governor of Porto Ri co to give a quit -claim deed to the funicipality of Ma yagiiez for certain land deeded for school purposes to the People of Porto Rico on April 29, 1901, by the Municipality of Mayagiiez ". Respectfully , WM. H . HUNT, Gov~nwr.



Tlte Pruidml

of tilL Exuutive Council.

Sanjuan , P . R . ir : I have the honor to inform you that I have this day signed


of the

I ha\路e th e honor to mform yo11 that I have this day signed

and approved an Act , entitled " An Act to authorize and provide for the purchase or acquisition of land for the use of the United tates Agricultural Expenment tation ." Respectfully , W:~~ . H HUNT ,

H . HUNT, Govenzor.


Tlte Prmdml

of IIlL



Coun cil.

Sir : I have the honor to inform you that I have this day signed and approved an Act, entitled ''An Act authorizing the Supreme Court to make rules and regulations for the despatch of business before it, and for other purposes". Respectfully,

WM. H . HUNT, Governor. On motion of Mr. Willoughby, the Council resolved itself into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of bills ; whereupon the Council resumed and the Committee reported progres and asked leave to si again, which was granted. On motion of Mr. Elliott, it was ordered that during the remainder of the present Legislative Session debates be limited to five minutes . On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council then took a recess until S:oo o 'clock p. m . EVENING SESSION . The Council met at S:oo o'clock. Upon the calling of the roll, the followi ng members appeared and answered to their names: Messrs. Barbosa , Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby . .. . .... . . . . . . 9 Absent: Messrs. Benitez and Harlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The Committee on Finance reported House Bill No. 97 entitled " A Bill for an Act authorizing the Governor to cooperate with the Director of the United States Geological Survey in making a topogr:tphic survey and map of Porto Rico, and


ma in an appropriation therefor ", fa\·orably with amendments, hich report was adopted and the btll ordered to have a second r ding. The Finance Committee reported Council Bill No. 34, en · titled " Bill authorizing municipalities to issue certificates of md btedn In payment of th eir obligations incurred prior to Jul 1, 1<)02 , out, tandmg and unpaid ", fa,·orably with amendment as shown on copy of the bill, wh ich report wa adopted and the bill ordered to have a secind reading . The C:omnuttee on J'ri ntmg reported Council Bill No. 19 as amended by th e Counci l, enti tled " A Bill providing for the appointm nt of a Director of Health , defining his duties as such and establi hmg a uperior Board of Health , and for other pu rpo:>es " , correctly ·printed . · Coun ctl Bill No . 19 , entitled " A Bill providing for the appointment of a Director of Health , defining his duties as such and e.tablishing a uperi or Board of Health , and for other purpose>. ", was taken up and read a third time . On the question " hall thi bill pass? '' the roll was called with the following result : Th voting in the affirmative were :

rs . Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sa , Elliott , Garrison , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negati\·e- ~one . Absent : M rs . Barbosa , Benitez and Harlan .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A majority of the members of the Council having voted for the passage of the bill, it was declared passed, the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the a me . On motion of Mr. Lindsay , the Council resolved itself into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of bills; whereupon the Council resumed and Mr. Hartzell , Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported House Bill No . 64, entitled " A Bill to provide for the education of certain young women for the profi 'on of trained nurses ", and Hou Bill No. 86, entitled " A Bill authorizing the sale. or leue of the iron pier and certain adjacent lands belonging to the Go ernment of Porn> Rico, at Mtyapez, to the Navy Department of the United tat for Naval purpoees, " favorably

FEBRUARY 27 , 1902.


without amendment , which reports were adopted and the bills ordered to have a third reading . The Committee of the Whole, having under consideration Council Bill No . 31, ( Penal Code ) reported progress and asked leave to sit again , which was granted . Mr. Hartzell, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole reported Council Bill No. 34 , entitled "A Bill authorizing municipalities to issue certificates of indebtedness in payment of their obligations incurred prior to July 1, 1902 , outstanding and unpaid, '' and House Bill o . 66, entitled " A Bill authorizing injunctions ," and House Bill No. 20, entitled " A Bill requiring registrars of property to account for all fees collected and fixing the maximum amount of the compensation and expenses of their respective offices, '' and H ouse Bill No. 100, entitled "A Bill for an act to divide Porto Rico into Road Districts and to provide for the building, maintai ning and repairing of country roads, '' d Council Bill No . 26 , entitled " A Bill to provide a municipal la w for the Island of Porto Ri co, " favorably with amendments, which reports were adopted and the bills ordered to have a third read ing. By unanimous consent, under suspension of the rules , Council Bill No. 26, entitled " A Bill to provide a municipal Ia w for the !~land of Porto Rico ," was taken up and read a third time . On the question " hall this bill pass? " the roll was called with the following result : Those in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso , Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby. 11 In the negative-None. A majority of the members of the Council hav.ing voted for the passage of the bill, it was declared passed , the tttl" agreed to and the Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the same . By unanimous consent, under suspension of . ~e rules, House Bill No. 1 oo entitled "A Bill for an Act to divtde Porto Rico into Road Di trlct and to provide for building, maintaining


and repairing country roads, '· wa taken up and read a third time. On the que;,uon " ' hall this btll pass? · the roll was called wtth the followmg result Tb~ voting tn tb affirmative were rs . Barbosa , Benttez. Bno.;o, Cintr6n . Cr6sas, Elliott, Garnson , Harlan . H art7ell. Lindsay and \Villougbby . 11 In the negatl\'e-:\one i A majonty of the members having voted for the passage of the bill, it ·was declared pa~sed . the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to tran;,m tt the bill to the H ouse of Delegates and inform that body that the Executi\·e Coun cil bas passed the a me By un antmous consent, under suspension of the rules, House Bill :\o. 6, entitled "A Btll authorizing the sale or lease of the iron pter and certatn adjacent lands belonging to the Government of Porto Ri co at Mayagiiez to the Navy Department of the United tates for naval purposes ," was taken up ~tnd read a third time . On the question "Shall this bill pass) " the roll was called with the following result : Th~ voting in the affirntati\·e were: M rs . Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby. 11 In the negative-:-.;one. A majonty of the members of the Cou ncil having voted for ihe pa age of the btll , tt was declared passed , the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Delegate;, and mform that body that the Executive Council has passed the me . H ouse Bill ~ o. 64 , entitled " A Bill to provide for the education of certain young women for the profession of trained nurses, " was taken up and read a third time . On the question "Shall thi s bill pass? " the roll was called with the following result : Th~ voting in the affirmative were : Messrs . Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n , Elliott , Garrison , Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby .. . ... 10 In the negative: · fr . Cr6sas.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A majority of the members having voted for the pa age of the bill , it wa declared passed, the title agreed to and the


27 , 1<)02 .


Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the same . By unanimous consent , the rules were suspended and House Bill No . 20, entitled " A Bill requiring registrars of property to account for all fees collected and fixing the maximum amount of the compensation and expenses of their respective offices , '' was taken up and read a third time . On the question "Shall this bill pass? " the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were : Messrs . Barbosa, Brioso , Elliott, Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative: Messrs. Benitez, Cintr6n and Cr6sas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A majority of the members of the Council having voted for the passage of the bill, it was declared passed , the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the Honse of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the same. By unanimous consent, under suspension of the rules, House Bill No. 66, entitled "A Bill authorizing injunctions," wa s taken up and read a third time . On the question "Shall this bill pass?" the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: ~!essrs . Barbosa , Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott , Garrison, Harlan , H artzell, Lindsay and Willoughby .... . . 10 In the negative : Mr . Benitez .......... ...... .............. .. A majority of the members of the Council having voted for the passage of the bill, it was declared passed, the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the same. By unanimous con~t. under suspension of the rules, Council Bill No . 34, entitled " A Bill authorizin g municipalities to issue certificates of indebtedness in payment of their obligations incurred prior to July 1, 1<)02, outstanding and unpaid, " was taken up and read a third time . On the question " Shall this bill pass? " the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were :


. Bar a, ~itez, Brioso , Cintron, r6sas, Elliott, Garri n, Harlan , Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby. 11 In the negative-. one . motion of Mr. Elliott , the Council then adjourned .




th ,

1902 .



SAN jUAN , P . R ., FEBRUARY 28TH, 1<)02 .

of tlu

Very respectfully ,


The ouncil met at 10:00 o 'clock a . m . Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and an wered to their 'names : · M rs . Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sas , Elliott , Garrison, H arlan, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby .. 11 On motion of Mr. Cr6sas, the reading of the minutes of the Ia t meeting was dispensed with . The following messages were received from the House of Delegates at the hands of its Secretary :


that the House of Delegates declines to approve House Bill sub 'stitute No. 20, entitled "A Bill to compel the registrars of property to render accounts of all fees collected and fixing ~he maximum of compensation and expenses of tbetr respective offices", a Conference Committee having been appointed, made of Messrs. Tons and Besosa . I hope the Council will be kind enough to appoint another Committee to this effect.

Pruidmt Executi·•e Cou11cil, Sa11juan , P . R .






SAN j UAN, P . R .. FRBR UA RY 28TH, 1902 .

Honorable Presidmt of the Exuutive Council, Sanjuan, P. R . Sir : I have the honor to inform the Executi ve Council that the House has passed with an amendment to the Spanish te_x t, Council Bill No . -29, by Mr. Hartzell, entitled "A Btll defintng the offense of contempt of court and providing penalties therefor ''· Very respectfully,

Sir · I have the honor to inform that honorable body that this H ouse has decided to concur in the amendments to House Bill No. 100. Respectfully , SALVADOR




SAN jUAN, P. R . , FEBRUARY 28TH, 1<)02 .

H01t0ra6le Pruidntt of tlu Exuwtive Council. Sa1t j~ta1t, P . R .

Sir: I have the honor to communicate to the Executive Council


SAN jUAN , P . R., FRBR UA RY 28TH, 1<)02 .

Surdary . PORTO RI CO .

Ros ,


R os,



·Honorable President of tlu Executive Council, San Juan, P . R . Sir: I have the honor to return to the Executive Council , Council Bill No. 2 , entitled "A Bill to provide for the organization, establishment, regulation and examination of Bui~di?,g, ~an and Saving11 Associations in the Island of Porto Rico , whtch



FEBRUARY 28, 1902.

bas been pa b y tbe House of Delegates with the amend ment a per enclosed copy .

The House also declines to concur to the amendments to Honse Bill o . 75, entitled" A Bill to provide for appeals against the decisions of regi trars of property " , and invites the Council to appoint a Conference Committee , Messrs . Cornwell , Tons y Soto and Santoni having been appointed by this House . The House has concurred to the amendments of the Executive Council to House Bill o . 103, entitled "A Bill for the consolidation of certain municipal districts '' , and to the amendments to House Bill No . 7I, entitled "A Bill to prohibit certain games ", having finally approved both bills. Very respectfully,

Yer) respectfull y, SA LVADOR G . Ros , Suretary . H oesl! OF DB ~GAT I!S Po,R TO RICO. AN j l' AN , P . R ., F EBR l" ARY 2 TH , 1902 . }

H tm orahle Pru •dmt of tlu Exu•~hve Coun e~ l , San juan , P . R

SALVADOR G . Ros , S u rclary .


I have the honor to return to the Executi,-e Council , Council B1ll N o . 30, entitled " A Bill to prevent c ruelty to animals ," h ich has been pas d with amendments by the House of Delegates . \ ' ery respec tfull y, ALV ADO R G . Ros , Surdary . H oeSE OF DELEGATES PoRTO Rico . AN j t.; AN , P . R ., FEBR t: ARY 28TH , 1902 . }

Htmorah/e Prestdmt of t/r.( Exuutive Council, Sa11 Juan , P . R . If .

I have the honor to communicate to the Executive Council that the Honse of Delegates declines to approve House Bill No . 72, entitled '' A Bill to provide for the regulation and government of the In ular Police of Porto Rico ", and invites the Council to JYlpoint a Conference Committee , having been appointed by this Honse Mes rs . Veve ( Santiago ), Cornwell and Besosa. It likewise decl1 s the honor of concurring to the Council's amendments to House 'Bill No. 27, entitled "A Bill to create an indu trial school in Porto Rico " , and invites the Council to appoint a Conference Committee , M rs . Egozcue, Cornwell and Colom having been appointed by thi House .


H onorable Presidmt of the Executive Council , Sat1 Juan , P . R . Sir : I have the honor to communicate to the Executive Council that the Honorable Governor did not approve House Bill No . 16, entitled " A Bill regulating the slaughter and sale of meat for public consumption '', which was approved by both Houses by the reasons stated in the copy of the message which I enclose ; a nd the House of Delegates, following the advices of the Governor, substituted House Bill ro . 16 by House Bill No . 104, with the same title, which wa~ approved in the form included . Very respectfully , SALVADOR G . Ros, Surelary . HOUSE OF DELEGATES } PORTO RICO . SAN jUAN, P. R ., FEBRUARY 28TH, 1902 .

Honorable Presidmt of IM Executive Council, San Juan, P . R. Sir : I have the honor to communicate to that Honorable body'that


u of Delegates decline the honor of concurring to the am ndment proposed to House Bill No. 6, neither to House Bill ; having appointed a Conference Committee on said bills, r. r th r. rmer, Messns . Com well , Torregrosa and Colom , and for th latter, fessns. Domenech , \"eve and Cornwell . Tru ttng that body will appoi n t the proper Committee . Respectfully , ALVADO R

G. Ros , Surdary .

n the question '· Shall the Council concur in House amendment to Council Bill ~ o. 2 ( Substitute Bill ), entitled " A Btll to provide for tlte organization , establishment, re~lation a_n d examination of Co-operati\·e Buildtng, Savings and Loan iation in the Island of Porto Ri co ," the roll was called with the followin result : Th voting in the affirmative were : I . Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sas , Elliott , Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby . 11 In the negative-None . A majority of the membens of the Council having voted for concurrence in said amendments , the same were declared concurred in , and the Clerk directed to inform the House of Delegates accordingly and the bill referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bill . On the question ' hall the Council concu r in House amendments to Council Bill No. 30, entitled 'A Bill to prevent cruelty to animals?' '' the roll was called with the following r

ult ·


voting in the affirmative were: rs . Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso , Ci ntr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott, Garri n , Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby . . 11 In the nega tive-None . i

A majority of the members of the Council having voted to concur in said amendments , the same were declared concurred in , and the Clerk directed to inform the H ouse of Delegates accordingly and the bill referred to the Committee on Enrolled and E ngrossed Bills. M rs. Barbosa a nd Garrison were appointed a Special Conference Committee on Council amendments to House Bill No. 72 , entitled " A Bill to provide for the regulation and govefnment of the Insular Police of Porto Rico.''

FEBRUARY 28 , 1902.

Messrs. Lindsay and Brioso were a ppointed a Special Conference Committee on Council amendments to H ouse Bill \ o. 27, " A Bill to establish industrial sc hools in Porto Rico ." Messrs . Willoughby and Elliott were appointed a Special Conference Committee on Council amendments to House Bill :\o. 75, entitled "A Bill to provide for appeals against the lec isions of registrars of property.' ' On the question " Shall the Council concur in House 1 mendments to Spanish text of Council Bill No. 29, entitled .\ Bill defining the offence of contempt of court and providing for the punishment thereof? ' " the roll was called with the fo llowi ng result : Those voting in the affirmative were: :\!essrs. Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott , Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby .. I I In the negative-None . A majority of members having voted to concur in said amendments, the same were declared concurred in , the Clerk 1lt rected to inform the House of Delegates acco~dingly and the bil l referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills . House Bill No . 104 ( Substitute for House No . 16) entitled · · .-\ Bill to regulate the slaughter of food animals and sale of fresh meats,'' was read twice by its title and refe~ed to the Committee on the Judiciary . Messrs. Lindsay and Garrison were appoi nted a Special Conference Committee on Council amendments to House Bill :\o. 86, entitled " A Bill authorizing the sale or lease of the iron J•ler and certain adjacent lands belonging to the Government of Porto Rico, at Mayagiiez, to the Navy Department of the l'ni ted States for naval purposes ." Mes rs. Harlan and Matien zo were appointed a Special Conference Committee on Council amendments to House Bill \ o. 64, " A Bill to provtde for the education of certain young women for the profession of trained nurses .'' Mr. Garrison was appointed a Special Conference Commi ttee on House Bill No. 20 ( Substitute ) entitled "A Bill 1equi ring registrars of property to account for all fees collected and fixing the maximum amount of the compensation and expenses of"their respective offices .'' The Judiciary Committee reported House Bill No . 104, ent itled " A Bill to regulate the slaughter of food animals and the sale of fresh meat," favorably without amendments, which

- - - - JOl'R


report as adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading . The Conference Committee on Council Bill No . 7, entitled Bill to provide for the revision of the assessment of property and the a ment of property not heretofore assessed in Porto Rico , for purposes of taxation, " submitted report with amended bill a agreed upon in conference . n the question " hall th1 report be adopted? " the roll was c lied with th followmg result · i Those voting in the affirm.ati\·e were · M rs. Itarbo a , Benitez, Bnoso , Cmtr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell , Lmdsay and "Willoughby. 1I In the negative-::\one . A majority of members of the Council having voted for eoncurrence in said amendments, the same were declared concurred 10 , the Clerk directed to notify the House of Delegates accordmgly and the bill referred to the Committee on , Enrolled and Engrossed Bills. On motion of Mr . Harlan , the Council resolved itself into Committee of the \\'hole for the t:onsideration of bills; whereupon the Council resumed and ~ir. Hartzell , Chairman of the Com mittee of the \\'hole , reported House Bill No. 97, entitled "A Bill for an Act authonzmg the Governor to co-opera te with the D1rector of the l'nited tates Geological un·ey in making a topographic sun·ey and map of Porto Rico, and making an appropria uon therefor,·· And Council Bill ::\o. 31, ( Penal Code ) with amendment . House Bill No . 104, entitled "A Bill to regulate the slaugter of food ammals and the ale of fresh meat, " favorably wtthout amendment , which reports were adopted and the bills ordered to have a third reading . By unanimous consent, under suspension of the rules, House Bill o. 97, entitled ' ' A Bill for an Act authorizing the Governor to co-operate with the Director of the nited States Geological Survey in making a topographic survey and map of Porto Rico , and making an appropriation therefor, " wa taken up and read a third time . On the question " hall this bill pass?" the roll was called w1th the following result: 'Ph voting in the affirmative were : rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . . I 1 In the negative-None.

FEBR l'AR \' 18.


A majority of the members having voted for the passage of the bill, it was declared passed, the title agreed and the Clerk d "rected to transmit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the same. By unanimous consent, under suspension of the rules, Council Bill No. 31, ( Penal Code ) was taken up and read a third time . On the question "Shall this bill pass? " the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: :\Iessrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott , Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby ...... 10 In the negative : Mr. Cintr6n. .............. . ....................... . A majority of the members having voted for the passage of the bill, it was declared passed, the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Delegates and mform that body that the Council has pa sed the same. By unanimous consent, the vote by which Council Bill No. ~6. entitled " A Bill to provide a municipal law or the Island of Porto Rico ,'' was reconsidered and the bill further amended as follows: By adding to section 66 thereof the words '' PrO\·ided that until the councils as provided by this act are duly constituted and the Mayors are elected and qualified in accordance with the provisions herein, the existing councils shall continue in existence and the existing Mayors shall continue to hold office and ~uch councils and Mayors shall exercise all the powers conferred • upon them by this act. " Line 2, Section 25, after the word " thereof" were added " at the same time and assume office at the same time as the co uncils provided for herein. '' On the question "Shall this bill pass as amended?" the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, H arlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby. 11 In the negative- one. A majority of the members having voted for the passage of the bill, it was declared passed, the title agreed and the Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Delegates an d inform that body that the Council bas passed the same.

PRBR ARY 28, 1902.


2 '00

n motion of fr . Elliott, the Council took a rec o 'cl k .






SAN JuAN , P . R ., FEBRl'ARV 28TH , 1902 . FTF.R RECESS.


ouncil met at


o 'clock.


quorum being present. ~

H oes£ OF D ELEGATES P ORTO Rn;o. S .\'1


\'1 ,

p R .,« FF.BRl".\RY 2l!T II , 19Q2 .

Ho~t oru.IJ/~

Pustdt!llf of 1M E t nuftz•t! Counril. San Ju.alt, P R

ir I ha\·e the honor to ;,end the Executive Council , House Bill o . 79, eatitled " A Bill authorizing the Municipalities of Porto Rico to le\·y a special tax on property to be known as a school tax ,'· whi ch has been passed by the House of Delegates without am ndment~


R os,

'arda1y . H ot:SE OF DELEG ATES P O RTO RICO . .\'1 ]l' A'1, P . R., FEBRIJARY 28TH, 1902 .

Ho110rah/t! of flu





Council, an Juan , P . R .

ir :




been passed by thi House with no other amendments but those made in the n.nmbering of it sections in the English copy, which did not conform with the Spanish copy. Very respectfully ,


Ros, ~N?tary.


H o11orab/e Presidmt of flu Executive Council, San jua11, P. R. Sir : I have the honor to forward to the Executive Council C. B . ;q , "authorizing municipalities to issue certificates of indebted· ness in payment of their obligations incurred prior to July first , nineteen hundred and two, outstanding and unpaid ,'' which has been passed without amendments by the House. Very respectfully,

I have the honor to forward to that honorable body Council Bill No. 33, entitled "A Bill regardmg corporations, " which has



SAN j UAN, P. R ., FEBRUARY 28TH, 19Q2.

\'ery respectfully , At,\'ADOR

Ho11orable Pr~sidmt of Ike Executive Council, Sa11 jua11, P . R . Sir : I have the honor to return to the Executive Counc'l, Council Bill o. 6, by Mr. Guzman Benitez, entitled "A Bill to regulate the admission of attorneys and counsellors at law to the practice of their profes ion before the courts of the Island of Porto Rico, '' which has been passed by the House of Delegates as per enclosed copy . Very respectfu lly,





PoRTo Rico . jUAN, P . R ., FEBRUARY 28TH, 19Q2.

Hono1able .Pnsitienl of tlu Executive Cownci/, San Juan, P. R . Sir : I have the honor to communicate to the Executive Council



FEBR UA RY 28 , 1902.

that the Hou , of Delegate.. ha passed as per the inclosed form H . B. 95, entitled " A B11l relating to th e lia bilit y of employers (. r damag u tamed by their employees while in their service .'' Th Enghsh text ts th e s am e as the Spanish text , which mended \ 'ery respec tfu lly, SALVA DO R


1'. R .,

F EBRl'.\R Y 2llT II ,

1'}02 .

Hon orab/~ Pr~sidmt


Corm ol, an J uan , P . R .

fir~ Exuufiv~·

ir · I ha\·e th e h no r to ad vise you that the House of Delegates

conc urs in th report o f the Conferen ce Committee on the amendmen adopted to C . B. i, entitled " A Bill to provide for the Revi ion of the Assess ment o f Pro perty and the assessment of pro perty not he reto fore assessed tn Porto Ri co, for purposes of taxation ". Respec tfull y, SALVADOR


R o s,

S u lWtary . H O l ' SE OF DELEGATES PoRTo AN Hon orab/~



N, P.

Rrco .


FEBRl' ARv 2 TH , 1902 .


Pru idmt

tlr~ Exuutiv~

Council , San Juan , P . R .

ir : have the honor to tran mit to the Executive Council H . B. 98 and H . B. 10 1 , respectively entitled "A Bill declaring champertous con racts to be void", and " A Bill for the approval of Municipal Accounts and the cancellation of Bonds," which have been passed by the House of Delegates . Respectfully , SAt:VADOR



PoRTO Rrco . SAN jUAN, P . R., Honorab/~


FEBR U ARY 2 8TH , 1'}02 .


fir~ Exuutiv~

Council, San Juan, P . R.

Sir : have the honor to transmit to you H . B. 71 ; entitled "A Bill to prohibit certain games "; and H. B. 85, entitled " A Bill to provide for the protection and policing of the insular high· ways of Porto Rico " , which have been signed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates, and I pray you to return the same that they may be sent to the Governor for his approval. Very respectfully,

H ot·sr: or D !l J. E<; .\ TEs l'~ Jno RI CO ' A:-; j L \:-; ,


Ros , Sur~far v.


Ros ,

s~cr~tary .




Secrdary . On the q uestion "Shall the Council conc ur in House amendments to Council Bill 33 entitled "A Bi regarding cor· porations? " the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were : Messrs . Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Hartzell and Willoughby .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. In the negative--None . Absent : Messrs. Barbosa , Benitez , Garrison , Harlan and Lindsay . 5 The majority of the members of the Council having voted for concurrence in said amendments , the same were declared concurred in, the Clerk directed to notify the H ouse accordingly and the bill referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills . House Bill 98, entitled " A Bill declaring void the agree· ments known as champertous contracts ,'' was read twice by title and referred to the Judiciary Committee . House Bill 101, entitled "A Bill to provide for the approval of municipal accounts and cancellation of bonds ," was read twice by title and referred to the Committee on Municipal Corporations . House Bill 71, entitled "A Bill to prohibit certain games of chance, and to provide penalties for the violation thereof,'' and



- - -- -

5 , entitled " A Bill to provide for the

protection and policing of the In nlar highways of Porto Rico,' ' were signed by the Pr ident . Honse Bill 95, entitled " A Bill in relation to the liabilities of emplo ers for injuries sustained by their employees while in their service,' ' was read twice by title and referred to the Judiciary Committ~ . House Bill 79, entitled " A Bill authorizing the municipalities of Porto Rico to levy a speci property tax to be known a "School tax ," was rea twice by title and referred to the Finance D>mmittee . Council Bill 34 , entitled '' A Bill authorizing municipalities to i ne certificates of indebtednes in payment of their obligations incurred priOI' to July 1st , nineteen hundred and two out tanding and unpaid ," was ref~rred to the Committ~ 0~ Enrolled and Engrossed Bills. On the question " hall the Council concur in House amendment to Council Bill o . 6 , entitled 'A Bill to regulate the admission of attorney and counsellors at 1aw to practice before the Courts of the Island of Porto Rico ?" the roll was called with the following result : Th~ voting in the affirmative were : M rs . Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n, Cr6sas and Hartzell . ... ........................ 6 In the negative: M rs. Lindsay , Elliott , Harlan and Willoughby . . . . . . 4 .Absent: Mr. Garrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A majority of the members having voted for concurrence the same was declared concurred in, the Clerk directed to notify the House accordingly and the Bill referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bill . The Conference Committ~ on House Bi11 27, entitled "A Bill to provide for the establishment of Industrial Schools in Porto Rico, '' submitted report recommending the follo wing amendment to Sec. 2 : " The first thr~ of said schools to be established by the Commi ioner of Education under the authority hereby granted shall be located in the Cities of San Juan, once and Mayagiiez, respectively in the order herein named," the remainder of taid aection to read aa palled by the Council. On th qu tion " hall this r~rt be adopted?" the roll wu called with the following result :

PRBRUARY 28 , 1902.

75 --------

Those voting in the affirmative were : Mes rs. Brioso, Lindsay, Cintr6n , Cr6sas , Elliott, Harlan , Hartzell and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None . Absent : Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez and Garrison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A majority of the members having voted for the adoption of the report, the same was declared adopted the Clerk directed to notify the House of Delegates accordingly and the bill referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills. The Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills reported Council Joint Resolution No. 5, entitled "As to the enrollment and engrossment of the Political, the Civil, the Penal and the Criminal Procedure Codes, reported by the Joint Committee of the Legislative Assembly, " and Council Bill No. 21, entitled "An Act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in appropriations for carrying on the Government of. Porto Rico for the fiscal year ending June 3o, 1902, and prior years, and for other purposes, " correctly enrolled, and the bill were signed by the President. The Committee on the Judiciary reported House Bill No . 68, entitled "A Bill establishing Quo Warranto", favorably \\'ithout amendment , which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading. The Judiciary Committee reported House Bill No. 95, en titled "A Bill in relation to the liability of employers for injuries ~ u s tained by their employees while in their service '' , which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading. By unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and House Bill No. 104, entitled "A Bill to regulate the slaughter of food animals and the sale of fresh meat '' , was taken up and read a third time. On the question " Shall this bill pass? " the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were : Messrs. Ben itez, Brioso, Cin tr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Absent: Messrs. Barbosa, G arriaou an d Lindsay. . . . . . . . . 3 A m ajority of th e members havi ng voted for the passage of

FEBRUARY 28 , 1902.



the bill , it a declared passed , the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to return the a me to the H ou~ of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the same . n motion of Mr . illoughby, the Council resolved itself in o a Committee of the \Vhole for the consideration of bills ; hereupon the Coun cil resumed and Mr . H artzell, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole , reported House Bill 63, entitled " A Bill to abolish the Board of Public \\' orks, to provide a new organization for the Insular AAlic \\'or!.::,; and for other purposes' ' , favorabl y without amendment , which report was adopted and the bill ordered to ha ve a tbtrd reading . By unanimou consent. the rules were suspended a nd House Bill No . 63, entitled "A Btll to abohsh the Board of Public \Vorks, to provide a new organtzation for the Insular Public W orks, and for other purpose» ", was taken up and read a third time . On the question " ball this btll pass) " the roll was called wtth the followmg result . Th~ voting in the affimatt\·e were· M rs . Benitez , Bnoso , Cm tr6n , Cr6sas , Elliott, H artzell and Willoughby . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 In the negatiYe-~one Absent · Messrs. B rbosa, Garrison, H arlan and Lindsay . . . . . . . . . 4 A m jority of the members bayin g \"Oted for the passage of the bill, it was declared passed, the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to return the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the same. i r. Harlan introduced Council Bill ~o . 36, entitled " A Bill to amend the Cidl Code of Porto Rico " , and Council Bill No . 3 , entitled " A Bill to establish a Code of Criminal Procedure for Porto Rico "'. which were read twice by their titles and referred to the Committee on Codes . Mr . Harlan, for the Committee on Codes, reported Council Bill ~o . 36, entitled " :\. Bill to amend the Civil Code of Porto Rico··. and Council Bill ~o . 3 , ent itled " A Bill to establish a Code of Criminal Procedure for Porto Rico '', with amendments, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to ha\"e a second re ding. On motion of r. Harlan , by unanimous con~t . the rules sns nded and the Council resolYed itself into Committee

of the Whole for the consideration of said bill ; whereupon the Council resumed and Mr. Hartzell , Chairman of the Committee of the Whole , reported progress and asked leave to sit again , which was granted . The following message was received from His Excellency , the Governor of Porto Rico : ExECUTIVE MANSION PORTO RICO . SAN jUAN,

P . R .,



Honorable Presidml of Ike Executive (ounci/. San juan , P . R . Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I have this day signed and approved an Act , entitled "An Act for the relief of certain employees of and former employees of the United States District Court for the District of Porto Rico ". Respectfully , W~t.

H . HUNT ,

Govtnlor. On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council then took a recess until 8:00 o'clock . E\'ENING SESSION.

The Council met at 8:oo o 'clock , all members being present. The Conferen ce Committee on H ouse Bill o . 72 , entitled ·· A Bill to provide for the regulation and government of the Insular Police of Porto Ri co", reported the same with amendments. On the question "Shall this report be adopted?" the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby. tt In the negative-None . A majority of the members of the Council having voted for the adoption of the report, the same was declared adopted, and the Clerk directed to notify the House of Delegates accordingly . The Conference Committee on House Bill No . 20, entitled " A Bill requiring registrars of property to account for all fees collected and fixing the maximum amount of the compenution

)Ol' R



FEBRUARY 28 , 1902.

- -- - - - -

d expen of their respective offices " , reported the same with endments. On the question " Shall this report be adopted? " the roll as called with the following result ¡ Those voting in the affirmative were: M rs. Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n. Cr6sas, Elliott, Garri n , H rlan , H artzdl , Lindsay and Willoughby .. 11 In the negative-None . A majority of the membe of the Council having voted for the adoption of the report, the same was declared adopted and the Clerk directed to notify the H ouse of Delegates accordingly. The Judiciary Committee reported House Bill No . 78, entitled " A Bill to secure the effectiveness of j udgments", favorably with amendment , which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading. The following messages were received from the House of Delegates at the hand of it Secretary : HOUSE OF DELEGATES PORTO RICO . AN jUAN , P . R., FEBRUARY 28TH, 1<)02 .


Egozcue as members of a Conference Com mittee on C. B. 26, en~i tled " Municipal Bill " . . Respectfull y , SALVADOR G . Ros, Secrdary . H OUSE OF DELEGATES PORTO RICO. SAN jUAN , P . R . , FEBRUARY 28T H, 1902 . }

Honorable President of the Executive Council. San Juan, P. R . ir : I have the honor to advise the Executive Council that the House of Delegates has declined to concur to the amendments to H . B. 63, and bas appointed as a Committee on Conference on said Bill Messrs. Domenech , Arroyo and Coil y Toste , and hope that the Executive Council will appoint the members to represent it on said Committee. Respectfully ,

H onorable Pruident of 77u Exen4tive Council. San juan , P . R .

SALVADOR G . Ros, Secrdary.



I have the honor to return to the E xecutive Council C . B. 36 , which has~ passed by the House of Delegates as amended. Very respectfully, SALVADOR G. Ros , Surelary . HOUSE OF DELEGATES } PORTO RICO. SAN j UAN, P . R ., FEBRUARY 28TH, 1<)02 .

Ho11 . Pnsidmt of 7"M Exen4tive Co11nciJ, San j1um, P . R.

Sir: I have the honor to a.dvise the Executive Council tha.t the Ho of Delegates has appointed Messrs. Colom , Serra.no a.nd

Honorable President of the Executive Council , San Juan , P . R . Sir: I have the honor to advise the Executive Council that the House of Delegates has approved H . B. 105, entitled " A Bill making an appropriation for the relief of the victims of the fire at Cabo Rojo on Feb . 12 , 1902 ," as enclosed . Very respectfully, SALVADOR G . Ros. Secretary .




H OUSE OF DELEGA TES } PORTO R~o . AN ]l' ~ . P. R ., FEBRUAKY 28TH, 1902.

FE BRUA RY 28 , 190>.


31, 1901 , which has been passed by the H ouse of Delegates in the amended form enclosed . Very respectfully , SALVADOR G . Ros, Surelary .

Htneorahle President Df 1M Exuuh've Council, San Jua11, P. R .

Sir: I have the honor to send to J he Executive Council H . B. 89 , entitled " A Bill for the rtv1sion of the Civil Code of Porto Rico", which h_is been passed by the H ouse of Delegates as enclosed . Very respectfull y, SALVADOR G . Ros , Secretary . HOUSE OF DELEGATES } PORTO RICO. AN jl'AN , P . R ., FEBRUARY 28TH, 19Q2. H onorahle President of llu Exuulive Cou11cil. San Jua11 , P . R .

HOUSE OF DELEGATES } PORTO RICO . SAN jUAN , P . R., F EB RUA RY 28TH, 1902. Honorahle President of llu Executive Couttci/, Sa11 Juan, P . R . Sir: I have the honor to advise the Executive Council that the House of Delegates has passed , as amended, H . B. o . 58, en· titled " A Bill authorizing the contraction of a loan ". Very respectfully ,


Sir· I have the honor to transmit to the Executive Council as passed by the House of Delegates H . B. 1o6, en titled " A Bill to modify the act providing revenues for the People of Porto Rico'', approved January 31, 1901.

\' ery respectfully , SALVADOR G . Ros, Suretary . H Ol'SE OF DELEGATES PORTO RICO . 'AN jUAN , P . R., FEBRUARY 28TH, 19Q2 . H onurahle Pusidt:nl of lk Executive Council, San Juan , P. R. Sir:

I have the honor to return to the Executive Council C. B. No. 14, entitled "A Bill to amend the act providing revenues for the People of Porto Rico and for other purposes ", approved Jan .

Hon orahle Presidml of llu Exuulive Co1mcil, Sa11 Jua11 , P . R . Sir: I have the honor to advise the Executive Council that the House of Delegates has concurred to the amendments by the Executive Council to House Bill No . 66, entitled" A Bill author· izing injunctions ", and to those to H onse Bill 97, entitled " A Bill to authorize the Governor to co-operate with the Director of the Geolog-ical Survey of the nited States in making a topo· graphi c survey and map of Porto Rico, and making an a(lpro· priation therefor'', both of said bills havi ng passed the Honse finally. It has also concurred to the report of the Conference Com· mittee on H . B. No. 27, entitled ·' A Bill to create industrial schools in Porto Rico ", and has passed said bills finally. Very respectfully ,

SALVADOR G . Ros , . Secretary .

FEBRUARY 28, 1902.

BilJ No. 5 , entitled "A Bill to authorize the cQDtractin of a loan, '' was read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on Finance . ns. Elliott and Brioso were appointed a Special Conference Committee on House Bill No. 63, entitled "A Bill to abolish the Board of Public ·works, to provide a new organization for the In ular Public Works and for other purposes", and the Clerk directed to notify the House accordingly. Honse Bill No . 9, ( Civil Cod ) was read twice by title and referred to Judiciary Comlll 'ttee . Ho ·Bill No . 105, entitled " A Bill to appropriate a sum of money to help the town of Cabo Rojo " , was read twice by it title and referred to the Finance Committee . On the question ·" Shall the Council concur in House amendmen to Council Bill No. 26?" entitled " A Bill to provide a municipal law for the Island of Porto Rico ", the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: None . In the negative : M rs. Barbosa , Benitez .. Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott, Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby . 10 Absent : Mr. Garrison ...................................... . A majority of the members having voted not to concur in said amendments, the same were declared not concurred in and the Chair appointed as Conference Committee on said bill Messrs. Willoughby and Cr6sas. . The Finance Committee reported House Bill 79, entitled '' A Bill authorizing the m nicipalities of Porto Rico to levy a special property tax to be ~nown as school tax '', favorably with amendments , which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading. House Bill 1o6, entitled '' A Bill to amend the act entitled ' An Act to provide revenu~ for tbe People of Porto Rico, and for other purposes '", was read twice by title and referred to the Fin.uce Committee. On the question " hall the Council concur in House amendmen to Council Bill No . 14?" entitled " A Bill to amend an act , entitled 'An Act to prqvide revenue for the people of Porto Rico, and for other purpoaes' ; approved January 31, 1901," the roll was called with the following result : Thoee voting in the affirmative were-None. Those voting in the negative were:

Messrs . Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell and Lindsay........ ....... .... ....... .. ..... 9 Absent : Messrs . Garrison and Willoughby ... ..... ................... . . . . . 2 A majority of the members having voted not to concur in said amendments, the same were declared not concurred in, the Clerk directed to notify the House accordingly and the Finance Committee appointed a Special Conference Committee thereon . Mr. Harlan introduced Council Bill No. 37, entitled "A Bill to provide for the compilation and arrangement and publication of the Codes and other laws" , which was read twice by as title and referred to the Judiciary Committee without printing. The Judiciary Committee reported Council Bill No. 37, entitled "A Bill to provide for the compilation and arrangement and publication of the Codes sod other laws favorably without amendment , which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading. By unanimous consent, under suspension of the rules,.Conncil Bill No. 37, entitled "A Bill to provide for the compilation and arrangement and publication of the Codes nd other laws ", was read a second and third time . On the question "Shall this bill pass? " the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were : Messrs . Benitez, Cintr6n, Cr6sas , Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby.. .. ...... . .... ..... 9 In the negative-None . Absent : Messrs. Brioso and Barbosa ..... ....... .... ........ .. ... .. ... ........


A majority of the members having voted for the passage of the bill, it was declared passed , the title agreed to and the bia ordered translated and transmitted to the House . The Judiciary Committee reported House Bill No . 89, ( Civil Code) favorably without amendment, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading. On motion of Mr. Willoughby, the Council resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for the consideration of bills; whereupon the Council resumed and Mr. Hartzell , Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported House Bill 79, entitled " A Bill authorizing the municipalities of Porto Rico to levy a

]0 s~ial


' property tax to bt known as school tax '' , with amend -

ments. And House Bill No . 95, entitled "A Bill in relation to the liability of employers for injuries sustained by their employees bile in their serv1ce " , and Ho Bill No. 6 , ntitled " A Bill establishing quo warranto", without amendment , which reports were adopted and the bill ordered to have 11 third reading . By unanimou consent , under! suspension of the rules , House Bill No . 79 . entitled " )3ill authorizing the municipalities of Porto Rieo to le\·y a special property tax to be known as school tax ", wa taken up and read a third time . On tile question " hall. tbi bill pass? " the roll was called with the following result : Th voting in the afliriilla ti \-e wen: · 1es rs. Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott, Hartzell and Willoughby.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 In the negative .-None . Abselft · Messrs. Barbosa , Garri~on, Lindsay and Harlan .... 4 A majority of the n embers having \·oted for the pa age of the bill, the same wa~ <l.eclared pa sed , the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to tra011mit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body tba~ the Council bas passed the same . By unanimou con nt , under suspension of the rules , House Bill No .6 , entitled " A Bill establishing quo warranto, " wa taken up and read a lhird time . On the question " Sliall this bill pass? " the roll was called with the following re»uft : Those voting in the aflirmatin were · Mes rs. Benitez, Cintr6n, Cr6sas , Elliott , Harlan , Hartzell and Lindsay ..... 7 In the negative .-:!'< one . Absent: 1 . Barbosa , Brioso, Garrison and Willoughby . . . . . . . 4 A majority of the members of the Council having voted for the p age of the bill, it was declared passed , the title amended to read ''A Bill establi bing quo warranto proceedings, '' and the Clerk directed to tran mit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council bas passed the same. By unanimous con ent, under suspension of the rules, Home Bill No. 95 , entitl <l "A Bill in relation to the liability of



1 , 1902 .

employers for injuries sustained by their employees while in their service," was taken up and read a th1rd time. On the question "Shall this bill pass? " the roll was called "1tb the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were : ~lessrs . Benitez, Lindsay, Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott , Harlan, 8 Hartzell and Willoughby ... . .. . In the negative . -None . .-\b~ent :


Barbosa, Brioso and Garrison

..... · · · · · . · ·


A majority of the members of the Council having voted for

the passage of the bill, it was declared passed, the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Jlelegates and inform th at body that the Council bas passed the :-"a m e.

On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council then adjourned to meet to-morrow morning at nine o'clock.



1st, 1902 .

The Council met at nine o'clock. Upon the calling of the roll , the following members appeared and answered to their names : ~Iessrs . Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso , Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby 11 The Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills reported Council Bill No . 29, entitled " A Bill defining the offence of contempt of court and providing for the punishment tb_ereof, " correct ly enrolled, and the same was signed by the Pres1dent. H oUSE OF DELEGATES


P . R.,


1902. }

Honorable Presidmt of the Executive Council, San Juan , P . R . Sir: I have the honor to return to the Execu tive Council , Coun -

MARCH cil Bill o. 29, entitled ''A Bill defining the offen ce of contempt of court and providing for the punishment thereof, " the same havi n been duly signed byl the peaker of the House . \'ery respectfully, SALVADOR G . Ros. Sur~l~ry .

Ho t:SE Of DELEGATES PORTO RICi> .-\:-1 )lA · , P. R., MARCH 1ST , 1902 .


Ht~tumziJ/e Pruidmt of tlu Exu-uln·~ Council 1 San }~tan, P. {? . r:

I have the honor to tra, mi t House Bills Nos . 66 and too duly signed by the peaker pf the House . Please sign and re: turn the ame that they maJI be presented to the Governor. \ 'ery respec tfu lly , ·

SALVADOR G . Ros, Surtla ry . HOUSE OF DELEGATES } PORTO RICO. SAN jUAN, P. R. , FEBRt:ARY 28TH, 19Q2. Honorable of IM

Pruui~nl Exuuliv~

Council anjuan , P . .R.

ir: I have the honor to r•nsmit House Bills Nos. 27, 103, 9 7 and 104, duly igned by the peaker of the House. Please sign ud return the same that thejr may be presented to the Governor. Very rj!Speetfully , SALVADO R G . Ros , Secretary . HOUSE OP DELEGATES } Pol11i> R1co. SAN jUA~ . P . R ., MARCH 1ST, 19Q2 . HtmoraiJ/e .l+~si.dmt of tAe Exee74tiw: Council, Sanjuan, P . R , ir: I have the honor to re!jttm herewith Council Joint Raolu-

1, 1902 .

tion No. 5 and Council Bill No . 2, both duly signed by the Speaker of the House . Very respectfull y, SALVADOR G . Ros, Surtlary. The President signed House Bill o. 66 , entitled "A Bill authorizing injunctions,'' and House Bill No . 100, entitled " An Act to divide Porto Rico 10to road districts and to provide for building, maintaining and repairing country roads ," and House Bill o. 27, entitled '' An Act to provide for the estab· lishment of Industrial Schools in Porto Rico, '' and House Bill No. 103, entitled "An Act for the consolidation of certain municipal districts of Porto Rico, " and House Bill No. 97, entitled " An Act authorizing the Gov· ernor to co-operate with the Director of the United States Geo· logical Survey in making a topographic survey and map of Porto Rico and making an appropriation therefor, " and House Bill No. 104, entitled '' An Act to regulate the slaugh· ter of food animals and the sale of fresh meat. " Council Bill No. 29, entitled " An Act defining the offence of contempt of court and providing for the punishment thereof, ''and Council Joint Resolution No. s. entitled "Joint Resolution as to the enrollment and engrossment of the Political, the Civil, the Penal and the Criminal Procedure Codes, " and Council Bill No. 21, entitled " An Act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in appropriations for carrying on the Government of Porto Rico for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1902, and prior years, and for other purposes, " Were referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills for delivery to the Governor. The following communication was received from the House of Delegates at the hands of its Secretary: HoUSE OP DELEGATES PoRTO R1co. SAN jUAN, P . R . , MARCH 1ST, 1902 . } Honorable .l+uidmi of ilu Ex~culive Council, Sa11 Juan, P . R . Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith House Bill No. 90,





- - --

entitled • •A Bill to prevent QOnt agious and infec tious diseases ,'' hich has been approved by the H ouse of Delegates with amendment in the form herewith ¢nclosed . \'ery respectfully, ALVADOR

G . Ros, Surdary.

House H11l ~o . 90, entitled "A Bill to pre,·en t con tagious and infectious di a , · · waa read twice bv its title and referred to the Judiciary Committee . ' The following communit:atiOn was recei\·ed from the H ouse of Delegat by the hands of Its Secretary · HOUSE OF DELEG .\TES ' PORTO RICO . SA:s ]UA:-1, P . R . , :'.1.\RCH

} 1ST, 1902 .

Honorablt! Pruidt!nl ofllrt! E.ruulivt! Council, Sanjuan , P . R.

ir· I have the honor to retiU'n to the Executive Cou ncil, Coun cil Bill No . 24, Political Code, which has been approved, except following amendments made by t he Cou ncil : That in article 77, where reference is made to article 188, it be stricken out , because in the latter article what has been done 1D the case of the employees i distinctly set forth . Article 107 must be stricken ou t because in the municipal law which has just voted the ma nn er jn which the accounts of the municipalities are to be examined by the Treasurer 1s set forth . Article 148 and 149 passed in t he manner that they were amen !led in the text. Article 157, stru ck out that the Director of Charities i · under the jurisdict ion of the Commi ioner of the Interior . Article 167 , paragraph 8, to remaJD and paragraph 10 to be stricken out. \' er r ~pectfully, ALVADOR

G . Ros, Surda ry.

On motion of Mr. Harl~n , the Council decli ned to con cu r in House amen dments to Council Bill Xo . 24 ( Political Code) and the House requested to name a Conferen ce Committee for \he con ideratiou thereof. On otion of the same q~ e m ber, Mr. Hart zell was appointed t the Council in co nference on sa id bill. to rep

The Judiciary Committee reported House Bill No. 90, entitled " A Bill to prevent contagious and infectious diseases ," favorably without amendment, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading. On motion of Mr. Willoughby , the Council resolved itself into a Committee of the Whofe for the consideration of said bill ; whereupon the Council resumed and Mr. Hartzell , Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported House Bill No . 90, entitled " A Bill to prevent contagious and infectious diseases ," fa vorably without amendment, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a third reading. The Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills reported Council Bill No . 6 , entitled " A Bill to regulate the admission of attorneys and councellors at law to practice before the courts of the Island of Porto Rico '', correctly enrolled and the President signed the bill. On motion of Mr. Willoughby , the Council resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for the consideration of Honse Bill No. 89 , entitled " A Bill to establish a Code of Civil Procedure "; whereupon the Council resumed and Mr. Hartzell, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole reported House Bill No. 89 , entitled " A Bill to establish a Code of C1vil Procedure" , favor ably with amendments, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a third readi ng. Mr. Harlan , fo r the Joint Committee on Codes, reported Council Bill No. 32 , entitled " A Bill to establish a Code of Crim~ ina) Procedure of Porto Rico ", with amendments, which re• port was adopted and the bill ordered to have a third reading. By unanimous consent , the rules were suspended and Council Bill No. 32 , entitled " A Bill to establish a Code of Criminal Procedure for Porto Rico '', was taken up and read a third time. On the question " Shall this bill pass?" the roll was called wi th the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez , Briaso , Cr6sas, Elliott , Harlan, Hartzell and Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative: Mr. Cintr6n . .. .. . ... . .. . ............. . ... . ... · . · · · · · Absent: Mt;S-o;rs Garrison and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 A majority of the members having voted for the passage of the bill, it wu declared palled, the title agreed to and the Clerk


directed to tran mit said bl11 t~ the House of Delega.tes and inform that body that the Council has passed the same. The Committee on Pri.ting reported Council Bill No. 35, entitled "A Bill to regulate ~e registration of electors", correct· ly printed and the bill referrefl to the Judiciary Committee. The Judiciary Committef reported Council Bill No. 35, enti· tled " A bill to regulate the regjstrationof electors ", favorably with· out amendment , and the bill ordered to have a second reading; whereupon the Council , on Qlotion of Mr. Willoughby, resolved itself into a Committee of the! v.; ole for the consideration of said bill . The Council resumed anp Mr. Hartzell , as Chairman of the Committee of the Whole , reported Council Bill No. 35, entitled ••A Bill to regulate the registration of electors'', favorably with· ;,nt amendment, wliich repoJ1; was adopted and the bill ordered · to have a third reading. On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council then took a recess nntiJ 1:30 o 'clock . APTI!I;R RECESS .

The Council wa called to order at 1:30 o'clock . Upon tht calling of the roll, the following members appear· ed and answered to their names : Mes rs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso , Cr6sas , Cintr6n, Elliott, Gar· rison , Harlan , Ha~ell, Lind ay and Willoughby. 11 By unanimous consent, t)Je rules were uspended and Council Bill No . 35, entitled "A Bill to regulate the registration of .electors ", was taken up and r,ad a third time . On the question " hall this bill pass?" the roll was called with the following result : Th011e voting in the affirmativ' were : M rs. Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell and Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative--None . A bRut : essrs. Barbosa, Gamson a,nd WiJloughby ....... . ...... 3 A majority of the membel:s having voted for the passage of the bill, it wa declared passed!, the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to transmit said bill to the House of Delegates and Worm t,hat body that the Cou~cil has passed the same. The Conference Commit~ on House Bill No. 64, entitled "A Bill to provide for the eduqation of certain young women for


I , ICJ02 .


the profession of trained nurses ", submitted report accompanied by a Substitute Bill, entitled "A Bill to establish schools for trained nurses ", with recommendation that such substitute bill pass. On the question "Shall this amended substitute bill pass? " the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbo a, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas , Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell and Lindsay ...... . ..... . 9 In the negative--None . Absent: Messrs. Garrison and Willoughby. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 A majority of the members having voted for the passage of the bill, it was declared passed, the title agreed and the Clerk directed to transmit said bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the same. The Committee on Municipal and Private Corporations re· ported House Bill No. 101, entitled "A Bill to provide for the approval of municipal accounts and cancellation of bonds ", favorably with amendments, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading. The Finance Committee reported House Bill No. zo6 , en· titled "A Bill to amend the Act entitled 'An Act to provide re· venue for the People of Porto Rico, and for other purposes' ", with the recommendation that further consideration thereof be indefi nitely postponed. On the question " Shall this report be adopted?" the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Harlan , Hartzell and Lindsay ................... . 8 In the negative-None. Absent: Messrs. Barbosa , Garrison and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A majority of the members having voted for the adoption of the report, it was declared adopted , further consideration thereof indefinitely postponed and the Clerk directed to notify the House of Delegates accordingly . On motion of Mr. Willoughby, the Council resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for th.e consideration of bilJs; whereupon the Council resumed and Mr. Hartzell, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported




H Bill No. IOJ, ~titled •'A Bill to provide f<>l" the approval of municipal ac:co ts and caucellation of bonds,'' and H Bill No. 7 , entitled " A Bill to secure the effectiven ofjudgments ", Favorably with am ents, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a third ~ading . By unanimous consen.t, the rules w~ su pended and House Bill o. 90, entitled ''A Bill to prevent contagious and iufectio diseases", was ta.ke.q up an,!!. ~ad a third time. On the question " Sh~ll this f>ill pass? " the roll we.s called with the fgllowing result : Thoee voting in the affirtnjltive w~ : W: . Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay ~tnd Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . In the ne&"dive-None. Absent : Bubos~t , Benitejt, Brioso ~tnd Elliott ..... ... . . . . . 4 ~ m.~tjority of the me111bers h~tving voted for the passage of the bill, It wu declllfed p~ssed , the title agreed to and the Clerk ~ted to tran mit said bill to the Honse of Delegates and Inform that body that the Council hu passed the same. By unanimous con~t . the rules were suspended and Ho ~ll No. 101, entitled "A Bill to provide for the approval of mun1cpal accounts and cancellation of bonds '', was taken up and read a third time. On the question " Shall this bill pass? " the roll was called with the following result : · Thoee voting in the affirmative ~e : Messrs. Barbosa , Cintr6n Cr6su, Gllfrison , Harlan, Hartzell , Lindsay llDd Willoughby ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Absent : Messrs. Benitez: , Brioso and Elliott . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . 3 ~ m.ajority of the members having voted for the passage of the bill, tt wu declared passed, the title agreed to and the Clerk directed to transmit the bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body th~tt the Council has passed the ume. . By unanimo consent, the rules were suspended and Hotllle B1ll No. 78, entitled " A Bill to secure the effectiveness of judgmenta " , wu taken up and ~ad a third time. On t~ qnest:ioa "Shall this bill pus?" the roll wu called with the fOllowiJag IaU.lt Thoee voting in the affirmative were:




Messrs. Barbosa, Cintr6tr, Cr6sas, Garrison , Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None. Absent: Messrs. Benitez, Brioso, and Elliott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A majority of the members having voted for the pa!!Sage of the bill, it was declared passed, the title a~ to and the Clerk directed to transmit said bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the same. The following communications were received from the. Honse of Delegates at the hands of its Secretary: Hous:& oP DBl.EGATKS

PORTO RICO . SAN ]UAN, P . R ., MARCH 1ST, 1902 .


H onorable l+esident o/ tire Executive CllUncil,

Sanjuan, P. R . Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the House has appointed Messrs. Domenech , Arroyo and Coli y Toste members of the

Special Conf~nce Committee on amendments to House Bill No. 63, ( Abolishing the Board of Public Works). Very respectfully, SALVADOR G . Ros, Secretary. HOUSE OP DJtLEGATES

PoRTO RICO . SAN J uAN, P . R ., MARCH IST, 1902.


Honorable President of the Execvtive CtJUncil,

Sanjuan, P. R . Sir: I have the honor to inform that honorable body that the House of Delegates has appointed Messrs. Sanche:z; Morales, Veve and Domenech as members of the. Special Committee on conference conc:eming Co1mcil Bill No. 14, entitled "A Bill to amend an act entitled •An Act to provide for the People of Porto Rico, and for other purposes ', approved January 31, 1901. " Respectfully , SALVADOR

G. Ros, Secretary .


--- ---

---- - - - -

1 , 1902 .


- - - - - - --'--




PORTO RICO . N ]OAN, P . R . , MARCH IST, 1<)02.


Ho11orahle Pruidml of 1/u Execufit•e Counnl, Sanjuan, P . R . Sir I have the honor to inform t e Executive Council that the House concurs in Coun~il amendments to House Bill No. 79, entitled "A Bill authorizing the municipalities of Porto Rico to levy a pedal property tu: , to be known as school tax''.

Respectfully, SALVADOR



SAN jUAN, P. R., MARCH 1ST, 1<)02.

Honorable President of tlu Executive Council, Sa11 Juan, P . R. Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the House has adopted the report of its Conference Committee on House Bill No. 86, entitled ''A Bill authorizing the sale or lease of the iron pier and certain adjacent lands belonging to the Government of Porto Rico at Mayaguez to the Navy Department of the United States for naval purposes" . Respectfully,


Secretary. Mes rs . Elliott and Brioso were named as a Special Conference Committee on Council Bill No. q , entitled " A Bill to amend an act entitled 'An Act to provide revenue for tha People of Porto Rico, and for other purposes ', approved January 31, I<)OI ".

The following commu nications were received from the House of Delegates at the hand of its Secretary : HOt•SE OF DELEGATES PORTO RICO . SAN jUAN , P . R . MARCH 1ST,

'90' }

H onorable Pusidenl of 1M Exuuh"t•e Council, anjuan, P . R .




R os,

Secretary. H OUSE OF DELEGATES POR'ro RIC O. SAN ]rAN , P. R. MARCH 1sT, 1902.

1/onorable Preside11l of Ike Executive Council, San jua11, P. R . ir: I have the honor to inform the Council that the House con· curs in amendments to House Bill No. 95, entitled "A Bill in relation to the liability of employers for injuries sustained by the ir employees while in their service '' . Respectfully , SALVADOR




Sir: I have the honor to inform the Executive Council that the House ha adopted the report of its Conference Committee on House Bill No. 64, entitled "A Bill to provide for the education of certain young women for the profession of trained nurses' '.

Respectfully , SALVADOR


Ros ,




SAN jUAN, P . R . MARCH IST, I<)02 .

Honorable President of Ike Executive Cou11cil, Sa11 jua11 , P . R. Sir: I have the honor to inform the Council that the House has appointed Messrs. Rossy and Tous Soto a Conference Committee



M~CH I , 1902.


on Council amendments to Council Bill No. 24, entitled " A Bill to tabli h a Political Code for Porto Rico" . Respectfully , SALVAoo• G . Ros , SureU.ry . The following message wa received from H is Excellency . the Governor of Porto Rico: ExEC UTI VE ANSION } PORTO R ICO. SAN ] t:AN, P . R . MARCH 1ST, 1902 .

1lf J+tsidlrct 11j tM Execwliw CoNttcil. Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I have this day signed and approved an Act , entitled " An Act defining the offense of contempt of court and providing for the punishment thereof ''. Respectfully, WM . H . H UNT, Governor. HOUSE OF DELEGATES PORTO RICO . SAN ] UAN, P . R . MARCH 1ST, 1902.



Pruidmt of 1M Execwtive Council, SanjJUJn , P. R .


I have the honor to inform you that the House has adopted the report of its Conference Committee on Council Bill No . 14, eutitled " A Bill to amend an Act entitled " An Act to provide revenue for the People of Porto Rico and for other purposes ", approved January 31, 1901. Respectfully , SALVADOR G. Ros, S«reU.ry . A Conference Committee on Council Bill No. 14, entitled " A Bill to amend an Act eutitled ' An Act to provide reveuue for the People of Porto ~ic:o, and for other purpoecs ' , approved J uary 31, 1901, " ubmitted report by which it was propoeed

to adjust the matten of differeuce between the two houses rela~ tive to said bill. Upon the question , "Shall this report be adopted? " the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Benitez , Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Harlan , Hartzell and Lindsay ...... . ........................ 6 In the negative-None. Absent : Messrs. Barbosa , Brioso, Elliott , Garrison and Willoughby . 5 A majority of the members having voted for the adoption of the report, it was declared adopted, the bill referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills and the Clerk directed to notify the Bon accordingly . The following communications were received from the House of Delegates by the hands of its Secretary: HOUSE OF DELEGATES PORTO Rico . SAN JuAN , P . R ., MARCH 1ST , 1902.


Hmora!J/e Prtsidml of Tkt E x aulivt Council, San}Nan, P.R. Sir: I have the honor to return to the Executive Council , Coun· cil Bill No . 14, entitled " A Bill to amend an act entitled 'An Act to provide revenue for the People of Porto Rico, and for other purposes ,' approved January 31 , 1901 ," which has bee.n signed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates . Respectfully , SALVADOR G . Ros , Stcrtlary . HOUSE OF DELEGATlitS PoRTO Rico . SAN JuAN , P . R. , MARCH x, 1902 .


Honorabk Prtsidml of Tilt Extcwli"t CO*ncil, San juau, P . R . Sir: I have the honor to \ransmit to the Council House Bill No. 91, entitled "A Bill to fix the legal rate of interest on all obliga-



" and to inform you that House of Delegates has passed me in the form herewith enclosed .

Th~ Ex~culiv~

House Bill No. 91, entitled "A Bill to fix the legal rate of interest on all obligations, " wa read twice by its title and referred to Judiciary Committee . The judiciary Committee reported House Bill No. 91, entitled ''A Bill to fix the legal rate of interest on all obligations, •• favorably ithout amendment, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading. By unanimous ~onsent, the rulj$ were suspended and the Council resolved into a Committee of the Whole for the conideration of the oil! ; whereupon the Council resumed and Mr. Hartzell , Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported the ame favorably with amen~ents, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a third reading . By unanimous consent , the rules were suspended and House Bill No. 91, entitled "A Bill to fix the legal rate of interest on all obligations, '' was taken up and read a third time . On the question "Shall this bill pa ?" the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were :

rs. Benitez, Cintr6n , Cr6sa , Harlan , Hartzell and Lind6

rs. Barbosa , Brioso , Elliott, Garrison, and Willoughby 5 A majority of the members having voted for the passage of the bill, it was declared passed, the title agreed to , and the Clerk directed to transmit said bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the same. The Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills reported Council Bill No. 33, entitled "A Bill regarding Corporations," correctly enrolled and the bill wa signed by the President. The following communications were received from the House of Delegates by the hands of its S<cretary : M

Pruidmt of Cou11cil, San Juan , Porto Rico.


ALVADOR G . Ros, urdary .

ay .............. . ....................... .... In the negative-None . Absent :



Respectfully ,


1 , 1902.

Sir: have the honor to return herewith Council Bill No. 35 ( Registration of Electors ) which has been approved by the House without amendment. Very respectfully, SALVADOR G . Ros, Secrdary . HOUSE OF DELEGATES PORTO RICO . SAN jUAN, P. R ., MARCH 1ST, 1902. }

Pruidmt of Executive Council, Sa11 jua11, P. R .

Honorab/~ Th~

1r: I have the honor to return C. B. 6, which has been signed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates. Very respectfully, SALVADOR G . Ros , Surdary. Council Bill K o . 6, entitled "A Bill to regulate the admission of attorneys and counsellors at law to practice before the courts of the Island of Porto Rico," was referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills for delivery to the Governor for his action thereon. Council Bill No. 35 , entitled "A Bill to regulate the registration of electors," was referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills. The Council resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for the consideration of bills. Whereupon the Council resumed and Mr. H artzell, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported House Bill 89, entitled "A Bill to establish a Civil Code for Porto Rico," favorably with amendments, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a third reading.

MARCH 1, 1902.




By unanimous consent, the rules were su pended and House Bill 89, entitled ' ' A Bill to establish a Civil Code for Porto Rico,' ' wast up and retld a third time. On the question " Shall this bill pass? " the roll was called with the following re~nlt : Those voting in the affinnt.ti ve were: essrs. Benitez, Brioso , Cr6sas, Elliott , Harlan , Hartzell and Lindsay ..... .. . .. .. . .... . . · .... ····· · · ······· 7 In the negative: Mr. Ci!'tr6n . . ...... .·. . . . . . . . . . . ........... .. .. . ... . . Absent: rs. Barbosa , Garrison and W illoughby .... .. ..... ... 3 A majority of the members voted for the pa age of the bill , it was declared pasSed, the title agr.eed to, and the Clerk directed to transmit said bill to the House of Dekgates and inform that body that the Council has paliSed the same. The following communication was received from the House of Delegates by the hands of its Secretary: H OUSE OF D ELEGAT ES PORTO RI CO. SAN J UAN, P . R . , M A RCH ·IST , ~ Pr1sitlmt



Exut~ five

Co111Kil, Sa n j11an, P . R .

Sir: I have the honor to return to the Executive Council C. B. 33 , which has been igned by the Speaker of the House of Delegates . v ery re~pectfnll y. SALVADOR

G . Ros , S ecretary.

Cotmeil Bill No. 33 , entitled " A Bill regarding corpora''' w referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills for delivery to the Governor. The Con;unittee on Education reported Honse Bill No. 87 , entitled ••A Bill for the creation of a school of drawing and paintiDg in San Juan ," recommending the pusage of substitute bill bmitted therewith , entitled " A Bill to provide for the teaching of m ·c , drawing and painting in the public schools of San Juan,'' Wlth am ndmen , which ~port was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading.

The Council resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for the consideration of bills ; whereupon the Council resumed and Mr. Hartzell, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, favorably reported House Bill No . 87 , entitled " A Bill to provide for the teaching of music, drawing and painting in the public schools of San Juan, '' with amendments, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a third reading. By unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and Houae Bill No. 87, entitled "A Bill to provide for the teaching of music, drawing and painting in the public schools of San Juan, " was taken up and read a third time. On the question " Shall this bill pass? " the roll was called wi th the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were; Messrs. Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott , Harlan , Hartzell and Lindsay .. .......... .. . .. . .. · · · ·· ·· · · ·· ···· · ·· 1 I n the negative-None. Absent: \ Messrs. Barbosa , Benitez , Garrison and Willoughby. . . . . . 4 A majority of the members having voted for the passage of the bill , it was declared passed , the title agreed-to, and the Clerk. direc ted to transm it said bill 'to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the same . The following communication was recei ved from the House of Delegates by the hands of its Secretary : HO US E OF D ELEG ATES P ORTO RI CO .


SA N J UAN , P . R ., MARCH IST , 1<)02 .

Honorable Pruidmt of tlu Executive Coundl, San Juan , P. R . Sir: I have the honor to return to the Executive Council C. B. 19, which has been approved by the House of Delegates, with amendments. Very respectfully, SALVADOR

G. Ros, Secretar;y.

On the question "Shall the Council concur in Honse &Diend· ments to Council Bill No. 19, entitled 'A Bill to provide for the




appointment of a Director of Health , defining his duties as such , and tabliahing a uperior Board of Hea lth, and for other purpot~e~? ' " the roll wa called with the following result : Those voting in the negative were : rs. Bri , Cintron, Cr6sas , Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell and Lind ay ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 In the affirmative- 'one . Ab nt : M rs . Barbosa , Benitez , Garrison and Willoughby . . . . . . 4 A majority of ihe members ~ aving voted for non-concurrence in House amendments 'to said bill, the same were declared not concurred in, the House wa requested to appoint a Conference Committee thereon, and Messrs. Elliott and Cr6sas appointed to represent the CouQcil in said Conference . The following communication was received from the Honse of Delegates t the bands of its Secretary : HOUSE OF DELEGATES P ORTO RICO. SAN JuAN , P . R ., MARCH Htmorabl~

of tlu

IST , I9o 2 .


1901 .


The Judiciary Committee reported House Bill No . 26, entitled "A Bill concerning leaves of absence of District Judges and Fiscals, " with the recommendation that further consideration thereof be indefinitely postponed . On the question "Shall this report be adopted? " the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas , Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None . Absent: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez nd Garrison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A majority of the members having voted for the adoption of the report, it was declared adopted, further consideration thereof indefinitely postponed and the Clerk directed to notify the House of Delegates accordingly . The following communication was received from the House of Delegates at the bands of its Secretary : H OUSE OF DELEGATES PORTO RICO.




Cotmcil, Sat~juan, P.R .


R ., MARCH IST, I9Q2 .



Presidml of tlu Executive Cou1uil, San Juan, P . R .

Sir: I have the honor to send you H . B. 64, 79 and 86, which have been duly signed by the peaker of the House of Delegates . Please return to tbi House that they may be sent to the Gover nor for his action . Very respectfully , SALVADOR



Surdary. House Bill No. 64 . entitled " A Bill to establish schools for trained nurses ;" House Bill No. 79, entitled " A Bill authorizing the munic ipalities of Porto Rico to levy a special property tax to be known as ·School Tax '"; and House Bill ~o . 86, entitled " A Bill authorizing the saie or lease of the iron pier and certain adjacent lands belonging to the Government of Porto Rico, at Mayagiiez, to the Navy Department of the United States for Naval Purposes, " Were signed by the President.

Sir: I have the honor to inform your Honorable body that the House of Delegates concurs to the amendments proposed by the Conference Committee to C . B. 'o. II, relative to work . Very respectfully, SALVADOR



Surdary. The Conference Committee on Council Bill No . II, entitled " A Bill in relation to labor, " submitted report on the matters of difference between the two houses on said bill. On the question "Shall this report be adopted? " the roll was called with tl:le following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Brioso , Cr6sas, Elliott, Harlan , Hartzell and Lindsay ..... ..... ..... .. ........ ············· · 7 In the negative-None.

R.NAl. OP THll B


. Benitez , Cintr6n , Garrison and Willoughby. . . . .. . 4 A majorit of the members having voted for ~ adoption of the report , it as declared adopted, the bill referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bttfs and the Clerk directed to notify the Ho accordingly: A Conference Committee on House Bill No. 63, entitled "A Bill to aboli the Board of Public Works, to provide a new orpnization r. r the In ular Public Work , and for other purposes," bmitted report on the matters of difference. between the two ho · on id bill . On the qu tion " Shall thi report be adopted?' ' the roll wa with the followin result: voting in the affirmative ere: . Barbosa , Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell and Lin<!say ..... ... . .. • . . .. · .. . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 7 In the negative--None. Absent: . Benitez , Cintron , Garrison and Willoughby . . . . . . 4 majority of the members having voted for the adoption of the report , it was declared adopted and the Clerk directed to notify the House accordingly.

call Th

The Judiciary Committ eported House Bill No . 98, entitled " A Bill declaring void the agreements known as "Champertous Contracts, ' " recommending that the further con ideration thereof be inddinitely postponed. On the qu tion '' Shall this report be adopted?'' the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative ere: esars. Barbosa, Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell and Lindsay ... .. . . . . . . ..... ... .... . .. .. · . · · · · · · · 7 In the negative--None. Absent: n . Benitez, Cintr6n, Garri10n and Willoughby....... .. 4 A majority of the members havin voted foc the adoption of the report , it as declared adop ed, fnrt.ber consideratioa thereof indefinitely postponed and the Clerk directed to notify tbe H of Delegates accordingly. The following communication was received D-o. 'the Hoa.e of Delegat at the hands of its Secretary:





SA~o;;:~~.0R., MARCH 1ST, 1902.




Honorable Presidmi of ike Execu i~ve Council , San Juat~, P . R . Sir: I have the honor to send to the Executive Council C. B. 18, which has been amended and approved by the House of Delegates: Very respectfully, SALVADOR G. Ros, Secretary . Council Bill No. 18, entitled " A Bill making appropriations for tbe necessary expenses of carrying on the G~emment of Porto Rico for the fi cal year ending June 30th, 1903, and for other purposes, " was referred to the Judiciary Committee for consideration of House amendments thereto. The following commu.nications were received from the House of Delegates at the hands of its Secretary: HOUSE OF DELEGATES } PORTO RICO. SAN J uAN , P . R., MARCH 1ST, 1902. Honorable President of Tke Executive Council, San jWJn, P . R . Sir: I have the honor to send you herewith H . J . R. 4, which has been approved by the House without amendments. Very respectfully, SALVADOR G. Ros, Secretary. HOUSE OF DELEGATES PORTO RICO. SAN JUAN, P . R., MARCH 1ST, 1902. } Honorable President of ike Executive Council, San Juan, P. R . Sir: I have the honor to inform the Council that the House has



ppointed . E zcue and Colom members of Conference Committ on Council Bill To. 26. \ ' ery r pectfully , SALVADOR



Secntary . Hou Joint Resolutiod No . 4, entitled "Joint Resolution authorizin the Governor of Porto Rico to appoint a person to devote himself to the propagation of coffee of Porto Rico in the United t t ", read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on Finance.· · The Committ on Fi~ance reported con ideration of House amendments to C uncil Bill No. I , entitled "A Bill making appropriation for the nee ary expen of carrying on the Government of Porto Rico for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1903, and for other purposes'' , ubmitted report recommending that the Council concur in said amendment with the exception of th therein specifically se out. The report a adopted, the Hou requested to name a . Conference Committee to con ider the matters of difference in said bill and the Finance Committee appointed to represent the Council in aid co ference. The Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills rePorted • Council Bill No. 2 , entitled " A Bill to provide for the organization , tablishment , gulation and examination of co· operative Building, Savings and Loan A iations in the Island of Porto Rico"; Council Bill ' o. 35 , entitled " A Bill to regulate the registration of electors"; and unci! Bill No. 7, entitled " A .Bill to provide for the revi 'on of the ment of property and the ment of property not heretofore a in Porto Rico, for purposes of taxation "; Correctly Enrolled. And the Bills ere severally igued by the President. The following m ages were received from His Excellency, the Governor of Porto Rico:







R., MARCH IST, 1902 .


Honora/Jie President of flu Executive Council, San fua1z, P . R. Sir : I have the honor to inform you that I have this day signed and approved an Act, entitled "An Act regarding corporations". Respectfully, WM. H . HUNT,


902. }

Honora/J/e President of flu Executive Council, Sanjuan, P.R . Sir: I have the Honor to inform you that I have this day signed and approved an Act, entitled "An Act to regulate the admi ion of attorney and counsellors at law to practice before the Couns of the Island of Porto Rico.' • Respectfully, WM. H . HUNT,

Governor. The following communications were received from the House by ,the hands of its Secretary: HOUSE OF DELEGATBS PORTO RICO . SAN ]UAN,


R., MARCH IST , 1902 .

Honora/Jie Presitkt~t of 1M Executive Council, San Juan, P . R. Sir: I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the House of Delegates agreed to concur to the amendments pro·

MARCH 1, 1902.

the Conference

o!DfDittee to Bill 63, relative to public

Very r

pectfully, '



Ros ,

House has appointed M rs. Veve, Tou y Soto and Torregrosa as members of the special Conference Committee concerning amendments to C. B. 19. Very respectfully,

Secrtlary . Hoes



PORTO RICO . f S N jUAN\ P . R ., M

Ros ,

Secretary .


H11n ra6/e President l1j tile Execulitoe Ctnmci/, Sa11 ]114n, P . R .

ye the honor to inform your honorable body that the ha approved the amendments introduced to

The Judiciary Committee reported House Bill No. 57, entitled "A Bill to regulate the use and pos ion of firearms and concealed weapons'', favorably with amendments, which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading. The following communication wa received from the House of Delegates by the hands of its Secretary: HOUSE OF DELEGATES





SAN jUAN, P . R ., MARCH IST, 1902.





H11n11ra6/e President 11j llu Executive C~~Uncil, San fuan, P . R .


H111fl1ra!J/e President l1j tile Executive C11uncil. Sa" jua11, P . R. ir:' I have the honor to info your honorable body that the Ho of Delegates ha appointed M rs. Egozcue, Arroyo and Cornwell members of the peci~ Conference Committee concernin~ amendments to C. B. 18, in reference to the general appropriation . Very respectfully,


SAN jUAN , ~ · R. , MARCH IST, 1902.



SAN jUAN , P. R ., MARCH IST, 1902.

Ros ,





Very respectfully,

ra!J/e Presidmt l1j tile Executive CI1Jmcil, Sa11 P. R .


Sir: I have the honor to inform your honorable body that this

I have the honor to inform the Council that the House has concurred in the report of its Conference Committee on Council Bill No. 26 (Municipal law). Very respectfully, SALVADOR



Secretary .

The Conference Committee on House amendments to Council Bill No. 26, entitled "A Bill concerning municipalities ", sub-

mitted report on matters of difference between the two houses on sajd bill. On the question "Shall this report be adopted? " the roll wa called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: M rs. Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Hartzell, Lindsay, and Willoughby ............................. · 7 In the negative-None. Absent: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez , Garrison and Harlan . . . . . . . . . 4




A majority of the members havin voted for the adoption of th report, it w declared adop~ed, the bill referred to the Committee on Enrolled and En Bill and the Clerk directed to notif the Hou accordingly, The Council lved itself ~nto a Committee of the Whole for th con 'deration of bill ; whe upon the Council resumed and r. Hartzell, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported Ho Bill No. 57 , entitled "A Bill to regulate the use .and ion of firearm and conceal~ eapons", which report as adopted tnd the bill ord'er to have a third reading. B unanimous con t, the rul were u pended and House Bill ·o. 57, entitled "A Bill to regulate the use and ion of firearms and conceal~ eapon ", a taken up and read a third time. On the qu tion " hall thi bill pa ?" the roll was called with the following ult : Th voting in the Birmative ere: n. Brioso, Cintron, Cr6sas, Elliott, Harlan , Hartzell and Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 In the negative--None. A


. Barbosa, Benitez , Garrison and Willoughby . . . . . . 4 majority of the members having voted for the pa age of the bill, it was declared passed, the title agreed to, and the Clerk directed to transmit aid bill to the House of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the same . • The following communications were received from the House of Delegates: HOUSE OP DELEGATES POitTO Rico. SAN JuAN , P.



MARcH IST, 1902 .

Hnwra6u Prtsirimt of tile Execuh've Covncil, SanjJ~an. P.R. Sir : I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the Hou of Delegates has approved C. B. 37, with the amendments herewith included. Very r pectfully, SALv&ooit

G. Ros, Secntary.

I, I9Q2.





{ARCH IST, I902 .

Honorable President ojtlte Executive Council, · San Juan, P. R. Sir : I 'have the honor to inform the Council that the House has concurred in the Council amendments to House Bill No. 101 ( Municipal account ). Very respectfully, SALVADOR

G. Ros, Secretary .

On the question " Shall the Council concur in House amendments to C. B. 37, entitled 'A Bill to provide for the compilation and publication of the codes and other laws'"? the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmati~ were: Messrs. Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell nd Lind ay .... .. ........................ ·. · · · · · · 7 In the negative--None . Absent: 4 M rs. Barbosa, Benitez , Garrison and Willoughby . . . . . A majority of the members having voted for the adoption of the report, it was declared adopted, the Clerk directed to notify the House accordingly and the bill referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills. The Committee on Municipal and P~vate Corporations reported House Bill No. So, entitled "A Bill to provide a Constitutional Charter for the City of San Ju n, " recommending the passage of substitute bill ubmitted therewith, entitled " A Bill to provide for the application of the act entitled 'An Act concerning municipalities ' , approved March I, 1902, to municipalities having an urban population of eight thousand inhabitans, or over, with certain modifications ", which report was adopted and the bill ordered to have a second reading. The Council resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for the consideration Qf said bill; whereupon the Council resumed and Mr. Hartzell , Chairman of the Committee of the Whole,



reported the arne fa,·orably with amendment , which report wa adopted and the bill ord red to have a third reading. B unanimou con nt , the rul ere u pended and House Bill ·o. , entitled " A Bill to provide for the application of the act entitled ' An ct concerning municipalities ', approved arch 1, 1902, to municipaliti having an urban population of eight thou and inhabitant , or over, with certain modification '', w taken up and r ad a third time. On the qu tion " ball thi bi11 pa with the folie ing result : ' Those voting in the affirmative were :

?" the roll was called

, Cintr6n , Cr6sa , Elliott, Hartzell and Linday ........ •................ .. ........ .. ... ... 6 Ia the negath·e-None. Absent : M

. Bri


·rs. Barbosa, Benftez , Garri n , Harlan and Willoughby. .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 5 A majority of the members having voted for the pa age of the bill, it wa declared passed, the title agreed to , and the Clerk directed to return id bill to the Hou of Delegates and inform that body that the Council has passed the ame . The Conr. renee Committee on Council Bill No. 24, (Political ode) ubmitted report on matters of difference between the t o hou on aid bill. On the qu tion " hall tbi report be adopted? " the roll called with the following result : Those voting in the affirm a 1ve ere : . Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell and Lindsay ...... .. . .. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 In the negath·e-None. A t: M


rs. Barbosa, Benitez , Garrison and Willoughby. . . . . . 4 A majority of the member having voted for the adoption of the report , it was .declared adopted, the bill referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engr sed Bill and the Clerk directed to not ify the Hou accordi ngly. The following communication was received frorn the House of Delegat :






SAN ] UAN, P . R ., MAKCH 1ST, 19Q2 .

Honorable President of Ike Executive Council. Sanjuan, P.R. Sir : I have the honor to inform the Council that Council Bill No. 31, ( Penal Code) and Council Bill No. 32 ( Criminal Procedure) have been passed by the House without amendment . Very respectfully, SALVADOR


Ros ,

Secretary. Council Bill No. 31 , entitled "A Bill to establish a Penal Code for Porto Rico," and Council Bill No. 32, entitled " A Bill to established a Code of Criminal Procedure for Porto Rico, '' were referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills. The Committee on Enrolled and Engros Bills reported Council Bill No. 31, entitled " A Bill to establish a Penal Code for Porto Rico "; and Council Bill No . 32, entitled " A Bill to establish a Code of Criminal Procedure for Porto Rico"; Correctly enrolled And the bills were signed by the President. The Conference Committee on Council Bill No. 19, entitled '' A Bill providing for appointment of a Director of Health , defining his duties as such and establishing a Superior Board of Health , and for other purposes ," submitted report on the matters of difference between the two houses on said bill. On the question '' Shall this report be adopted?' ' the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affimative were : Messrs. Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sas , Elliott, Harlan , Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby ........... .. . 9 In the negative-None . Absent: Messrs. Barbo a and Garrison . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 A majority of the members having voted for the adoption of the report, it was declared adopted and the Clerk directed to notify the House accordingly.


The r. Llowin communication a received from the House of Del ates by the hands of its Secretary : Hou

OF DELEGATES } PoRTO RICO. S N JuAN, P. R ., MARCH IST, 11)02. H111111rable Prtsidmt 11f tJu Execwtive C11uncil, San ]Nan , P . R . ir : I have the honor to inform the Executive Council that the HoU5e of Delegates ha concurred to the amendments proposed by the E ecutive Cou~ciJ to H . B. So (Substitute) ol which no COI?Y i tran mitted. ery respectfully, SALVADOR G. Ros, Secretary. The Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills reported Council Bitt No. II , entitled " A Bitt in relation to labor," correctly enrolled and the bitt wa igued by the President . The following communication wa received from the House of Delegates by the hands of its Secretary : Housa OF DELEGATES } PORTO RICO. SAN juAN, P . R ., MARCH IST, 1902 . Hi,.11rah/e President 11f ~ Executive C11muii,Sa1t Juan, P. R .

Sir : I have the honor to in orm the Council that the House has in Council amendments to House Bitt No. 57 ( Carry-


ing firearm ) . Very respectfully , SALVADOR G. Ros, Secretary. The Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bill reported Co.ucit Bill o . 34, entitled " A Bill authorizing municipalities in payment of their obligato · ne certificates of indebtedn tion incurred prior to July 1st, 1902, outstanding and unpaid, " correctly enrolled and the bill as igned by the President.




The following communications were received from the House · of Delegates by the hands of its Secretary : HOUSE OP DBLEGATES PORTO Rico. SAN JUAN, P . R ., MARCH IST, 11)02.

Honorable President of the Executive Council, San Juan, P.R . Sir: I have the honor to report to your honorable body that the House of Delegates does not concur to the amendments proposed to H . B. 20. Very respectfully,

SALVADOR G. Ros, Secretary. HousE oP DaLEGATES PORTO R:ICO. SAN JuAN, P. R ., MARCH I~T, Honorable Prtsident of the Executive Council Sanjuan, P.R. Sir : I have the honor to inform the Executive Council that the House of Delegates has approved the report rendered by the Conference Committee regarding amendments made to C. B. 24, in reference to the Political Code. Very respectfully ,

'90' }

SALVADOR G. Ros, Secretary. Council Bill No. 24, entitled "A Bitt to establish a Political Code for Porto Rico," was referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills. The Committee reported the same correctly enrolled and the President signed the bitt. The Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures reported House Bill No. 36, entitled "A Bill to modify Paragraph 6 of General Order No. 78 of April 10, series of IC)OO," favorably with amendments, which report was adopted and the bitt was ordered to have a seeond reading. Whereupon the Council resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for the consideration of said bill. The Council


unanimou con nt , the rules ere u pended and Hon Bill. •o. 36, entitled " A Bill to modif paragraph 6 of General pril 10, ries of 1900," WI/. taken up and

n the qu. tion " ball t'bi bill pa ?" the roll was called with the r. llowin r ult · Tb \'Oting in the affirmative were : . Barbosa , Benitez , Cr a , Garrison , Hartzell, Harlan, and Lindsay, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 In the ne ative-- •one. nt : . Brioso, Cintron , Elliott and Willoughby ..... ... . 4 A majority of the members having voted for the pa age of the bill , it wa declared passed , the title agreed to , and the Clerk directed to return said bill to the Honse of Delegates and inform that body that the Council had pa sed the ame . The Committee on Education reported : Hou Bill No. 2 , entitled '· A Bill regarding the diplomas and Iicea of principals and teachers of the graded and rural school of Porto Ri , '' and Ho Bill No. 6o, entitled " A Bill to provide for schools in the •jail of the I land ,'' Recommending that further con ideration of said bills be indefinitely postponed. n the question , " Shall thi report be adopted? " the roll a called with the foLio ing result : Those voting in the affirmative were : ' rs. Barbo a , Benitez , Brioso, Cr6sa , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 In the negative--None . Absent : 1 . Cintr6n , Elliott , Garrison and Harlan . . . . . . . . . . . 4 A majority of the members having voted for the adoption of the report , it a declared adopted , further con ideration of the bill indefinitely postponed and the Clerk directed to notify the Ho accordingly. The Committee on Finance reported Ho Bill No. 67, entitled "A Bill to create the office of Director of Insular Tele-

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M _ ARCH


1902·_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _1_..:. 17

graphs and for other purposes, ' ' recommending the further consideration thereof be indefinitely postponed. 0n the question "Shall this report be adopted? " the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were : Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Cr6sas, Elliott , Garrison , Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative : ifr. Brioso . . . . ... . . . .. ... ... .. .. . . .... . . . . . ... . . .. .. . Ab nt: M rs. Cintr6n and Harlan ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 A majority of the members having voted for the adoption of the report, the same was declared adopted, further consideration thereof indefinitely postponed and the Clerk directed to notify the House accordingly . The Committee on Finance reported House Bill No. IOS, .en· titled "A Bill 'to appropriate a sum of money to help the victims of the fire which occurred in the town of Cabo ojo on February 12, 1902, with the recommendation that further consideration thereof be indefinitely postponed. On the question "Shall this report be adopted? " the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were : Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso , Cr6sas , Elliott, Garrison, Hartzell, :Gindsay and Willoughby ... ..... . . · · · · 9 In the negative--None. Absen : Messrs. Cintr6n and Harlan ... . ...... . ............. · · · · 2 A majority of the members 1taving voted for the adoption of the report, the same was declared adopted and further .consideration of the bill indefinitely postponed and the Clerk directed to notify the House accordingly. . . The Committee on Finance reported House B1ll No . 2, entl· tled "A Bill to establi h a hool of commerce, " with the recommendation that the furtlier consideration thereof be indefinitely postponed. On the question shall thi report be adopted?'' the roll was called with the following r ult : Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby · · · · · · · · · · · · 9 In the negative--None.


. Cintron , and Harlan .. . . . ........... . ..... . ... 2 m jorit of the members having voted for the adoption of the re , th m declared adopted , further con ideration find ffnitely postponed, and the Clerk directed to notify the Hon accordingly. Th Committee on Finance reported Hou Bill No. 6-5 , entitled " Bill regarding the cancelfation of municipal debts b the 1'te nry of Porto Rico'', with the recommendation that the further con iderati thereof be indefinitely postponed. n the qn tion " hall thi report be adopted?" the roll called with the follo~ng r ult : " ting in the ffirmative were: . Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas , Garrison , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In negative- on . Absent : 3 . Cintr6n , Elliott and Harlan .... . ... . . . . . . . . A majority of the members havin vot~ for the adoption of the report , the ame wa declued adopted , further con !deration thereof indefinitely postponed and the Clerk directed to notify the Ho accordin ly. ' The Committee on Finance reported House Bill No. 6c), entitled " A Bill to cancel certain indebtedness of the Ayuntamientos to the Trea ury of Porto Rico ' •, with the recommendation that the further con 'deration thereof be indefinitly postponed . On the qu tion " hall · report be adopted? " the roll wa called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: rs. Barbosa , l3enitez, Brioso, Cr6sas, Gurison, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None. Absent: . Cintr6n, Elliott and Harlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A majority of the members having voted for the adoption of the report , the same was declued adopted, further consideration thereof indefinitely postponed, and the Clerk directed to notify the Hov.se accordingly. The Committee on Finance reported House Bill No. 1, entitled " A Bill to create and tablish in Porto Rico a reform ICbool for juvenile delinquents", with recommendation that the further consideration thereof be indefinitely postponed.





On the question "Shall this report be adopted? " the roll wa called with the following result: Those voting in the aflirmative were: . M rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas, Gamson, Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None. Absent: M srs. Cintron, Elliott and Harlan ... . ...... . . .. . ... _.. 3 A majority of the members having voted for the ad~ptton_ of the same wa declared adopted, further constderatton h t e repo rt , · ·ry th thereof indefinitily postponed, and the Clerk directed to non e House accordingly. The following communication were received from the House of Delegates by the hands of it Secretary: HOUSE OF DELEGATES PORTO RICO .


SAN JUAN, P . R . , ~RCH IST, 1902 .

Honorable President of tlu Executive Council, San Juan, P. R . Sir: 1 have the honor to return to the Executive Council the following bills: C. B. 7; C. B. 35 ; C. B. 2; C. B. 31; C. B. 32 ; C. B. 24; C. B. 34; c. B. II. H Which have been duly signed by the Speaker of the ouse of Delegates . Very respectfully, SALVADOR G . Ros, Secretary . HOUS:S OF DELEGATES } PORTO RICO. SAN JOAN, P . R., MARCH IST, 1902 .

Honorable .Pnsidmt of tJu Executive Council, San Juan , P . R. Sir: I have the honor to send to the Executive Council the following bills which have been signed by the Speaker of the Honse of Delegates:


H. B. 95; H. B. 101 ; H. B. 90; H . B. 6 ; H. B. 63 ; H . B.

7 to th

ou to i n and return them so that they may be overnor for hi approval. ery


pectfnll y , LVADOR G . Ros , Surelary.

ouncil Bill o. 7, entitled " A ~ill to provide for the re iton of the ment of pro~ y and the a ment of property not beret fore in Port Rico, for purposes of taxation a provided r. r by the act entit ' n Act to provide revenue for the people of Porto Rico, an!i oth r purposes ', approved Jannary 1, 1901 "; · ouncil Bill No. 35, entit'ed "A Bill to regulate the. regi trati n of electon~ "; Council Bill o. 2, entitled " A Bill to provide for the oranizati n, tablishment , regulation and examination of Building, Loan and avings A iation in the I land of Porto Rico .. ; Council Bill No. 31, entitled "A Bill to establish a Penal Code for Porto Rico "; Council Bill No. 32, entitled "A Bill to establish a Code of Criminal Procedure for Porto Rico "; Council Bill No. 24, entitled " A Bill to establish a Political Code for Porto Rico ": Connell BiU No. 34, entitled "A Bill authorizing municipalities to i ue certificates of indebtedn in payment of their obli lion incurred prior to J4ly 1st, 1902 . outstanding and unpaid "; and Council Bill No. 11, en itled "A Bill in relation to labor"; Were referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bill for delivery to the Governor. . Ho Bill No. 95, entitled "A Bill in relation to the liability of employers for injuries sustained by their employees while in their service"; ' House Bill N9. 101, entitled " A Bill to provide for the approval of municipal accounts and cancellation of bonds"; House Bill No. 90, entitled "A Bill to prevent contagio and info tio diseases"; Ho Bill No. 68, entitled "A Bill establishing Quo Warranto";

121 •

1, 1902.

House Bill No. 63, entitled "A Bill to establish the Board of Public Works , to provide a new organization for the Insular public works and other purposes "; and Hou Bill No. 87, entitled "A Bill to provide for the teaching of mu ic, drawing and painting in the public schools of San Juan" ; Were signed by the President. The C01pmittee on Enrolled and Engros d Bills reported Council Bill No. 14, entitled "A Bill to amend an Act entitled 'An Act to provide revenue for the People of Porto Rico, and for other purposes', approved January JISt, 1901", correctly enrolled and the President igned the bill. T e Committee on Finance reported House Joint Resolution No. 4, entitled " Joint Resolution authorizing the Governor of Porto Rico to appoint a person to devote himself to the propagation of coffee of Porto Rico in the United States ", recommending the further con ideration thereof be indefinitely postponed. On motion, the report was adopted, further consideration of said Joint Resolution indefinitely postponed, and the Clerk directed to notify the House accordingly. The following communication was received from the House of Delegates by the hand of its secretary: ~ HOUSE OF D&LEGA TES PORTO RICO. SAN JUAN, P . R ., MARCH 1ST, 1902.


Honora/Jle Pres£dent of tlu Executive Cquncil, San Juan, P . R . Sir : I have the honor to inform the Executive Council that the House of Delegates has declined the honor to concur to the amendments proposed to H. B. 36, appointing a Conference Committee composed of Messrs. Egozcue, Veve and Rodrlguez, to discu said amendments with another like Commission apP,Ointed by the Executive Council. Very respectfully, SALVADOR G . Ros, Secretary. M rs. Cr6sa and Lindsay were appointed a special Conference Committee on House amendments to House Bill No. 36,





entitled " Bill to modif paragraph 6 of General Order No . 78, of pnl 10, f 1900". The onli rene ommitt on Council Bill No. 1 , entitled "A Bill making appropriati ns for the n ary ex pen of n the \'ernment of Porto Rico for the fiscal year Jon 3 th , 1903, and for other purposes ", submitted n matter.> of differen between the two houses on aid qu ti n " hall, thi re~rt be adopted?" the roll "ith the li llowi ng r nit : Yoting in the affirn1ative were : intr6n , r6sa , Elliott, Garri n , H artzell , Lind ay and \ illougbby ...................... .............. · · .... · · 7 th


In the n


ative-. on .

, Barbosa , Benitez , Bri and Harlan .. ............. ... 4 majori ty of the membel'6 having voted for the adoption of the r port, the am wa declared adopted, the bill referred to the mmittee on Enrolled and E ngr Bills, and the Clerk directed to notify the House accordingly . The r. llowing comm un ications were received from the · Hou of Delegates :



Htmorahle fusident of ilu Executive Council, San Juan , P . R .

Sir : have the honor to inform the Executive Council that the House of Delegat has concurred to the amendments to C. B. 1 , ( Presnpuesto) of the Conference Committee . Very respectfully , SALvADOR

MARCH 1, 1902.


G. Ros, Secretary.





SAN ]UAN , P . R ., MARCH 1ST, IC)02 .

H onorable Presidmi of lite Executive Council, . San juan , P . R . ir : I have the hon r to inform you that the House has reconsidered the Act entitled " An Act to fix a legal rate of interest on all obligations ", and ha decided to amend section 1 b adding at the end thereof the following: "When the agreeme~ is for money or its equivalent and for a larger sum than five hundred ( soo) dollan;, and when an agreement for a sum Jess than five hundred dollars is in question , a rate of interesr may be agreed upon which shall not exceed twelve dollars annull.lly on every hundred dollars ". Very respectfully, ALVADOR


Ros ,


Suretary . Council Bill No. 18, entitled "A Bill making appropriations for the necessary expenses of carrying on the Government of Porto Rico for the fi cal year ending June 30th , 1903, and for other purposes", was referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills. On motion of Mr. Harlan , the Clerk was directed to inform the House that the Council declines to concur in House amendments to House Bill o. 91, entitled '' A Bill to fix the legal rate of interest on all obligation '' , and that the Council suggests that the rate of interest that may be agreed upon in all cases be fixed at not to exceed twelve dollars annually on every one hundred dollars. The following communication was received from the House of Delegates by the hands of its Secretary: HOUSE OF DELEGAT ES PORTO Rrco .


]UAN, P . R ., MARCH

} 1ST , IC)O:Z .

Honorable President of Tlte Executive Council. San Juan, P . R . Sir: I have the honor to return herewith Council Bi11 No. 14,







bein a bill to amend 11.n act to provide revenue for ,The People of P rto Rico , and for other pu , duly igned by the Speaker fthe Hou . Very r pectfully , ALVA DOR


Ros ,






A N , P . R .,' MARCH 1ST, 19Q2 .


Tile Prtsident of lite Executive Count:£/, njuan, P . R . ir : I have the honor to inform you that I have this day signed and approved an Act , entitled " An Act to provide for the or anization , tabli hment , regnlation and examination of co-operative building, avings and loan associations in the Island of Porto Ri co.' ' Respectfully , WM . H . HuNT,

Governgr . The following comm ication was received from the House of Delegates by the hands of its Secretary: HO USE OF DJtLEGAT£5 P ORTO RICO . ' AN j UAN ,



from Barros to ~orozal and also for the construction of a bridge at Reyes Cat6hcos, Toa Alta , and House Joint Resolution No· · 6, relative to citizen of Porto Rico who may now be confined in Spanish Penal Institutions, and to inform you that the same have been passed by the House of Delegates. Very respectfully,

The bill wa referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engr Bill for delivery to the Governor for his action ther n . • Tb~ follp ing m age w received from His Excellency, the Governor of Porto Rico:


MARCH 1, 1902. - - ----------

R ., MARCH 1ST, IC)02 .

Hon able President oftlu Executive Count:£/, San Juan , P . R . Sir: I have the honor to tran mit herewith.House Joint Resolution No. s. 110liciting the Governor to secure a prompt allotment of a ufficient um from the fu.Dd exi ting for public improvement in the I land of Porto Rico, for the constmction of a road



Ros ,

Secrela1y . House Joint Resolution No. s. entitled "Joint Resolution requesting the Governor of Porto Rico to secure a prompt allotment of a ufficient sum from the funds existing for public improvements in the Island of Porto Rico for the constmction of a road from Barros to Corozal, and also for the construction of a bridge at Reyes Cat61icos, Toa Alta, " was taken up and read at length. On the question "Shall this Joint Resolution pa ?" the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Brioso, Cr6sas , Elliott, Garriaon, Hartzell and Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 In the negative-None. Absent : Mes rs . Benitez , Cintr6n, Harlan and Willoughby . . . . 4 A majority of the members having voted for the adoption of the resolution, it was declared adopted and the Clerk directed to notify the House accordingly . • Ho)lse Joint Resolution No. 6, entitled " Joint Resolution authorizing the GGvernor of Porto Rico to take through diplomatic channels whatever steps may be necessary for the purpose of obtaining that such citizens of Porto Rico as are now confined in any penal institutions of Spain while under savereighty of Spain be turned over to the authorities of Porto Rico that they may continue to serve their sentences in the peniten tiary of Porto Rico," was taken up and read at length . On the question "Shall this Joint Resolution pass?" the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Hartzell and Lindsay. . . . . . . . . . ... . .... . . . . .. . . . .... . . In the negative-None.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M _ ARCH


. Benitez , intr6n, Hart n , and \ illoughby .... .. 4 maJ nt f the members having voted for the adoption of Inti n , it wa declared adopted, and the Jerk directed to not if' the H u according! . h Conference ommittee on House Bill No . 36, entitled Bill to modify paragraph 6 of General Order No . 78, of pril 10th, ri of ICJ<X>, " ubmitted report on matters of difference bet een the two hou Of aid bill. n th q tion " hjlll thi report be adopted?" the roll lled ith the followi ng result : voting in th affirm tive were: . B rbosa, Brio , Cr as, Elliott, Garrison , Hartzell and Lind y ..................... . ......... 路 路 7 fn the negative--. one. nt : . Benitez, Cintr6n, Harlan and Willough by. . . . . . . 4 f maj rity of th members having voted for the adoption of th r port, it wa declared adopted . and the Clerk direc ted to notify the H ou accordi ngly. The following communitation was received from the House of Delegat by th hand of its retary :

1, 1902.

127 路- --

Council Bill No. 37, entitled "A Bill to provide for the com路 pilation and arrangement and publication of the Codes and . other law ; " Correctly enrolled , and the bills were signed by the President. The following mes age was received from His E x cellency , the Governor of Porto Ri co: ExECUTIVE MA SION PORTO RICO .


SAN j UAN, P . R., MARCH 1ST, 19Q2.

Tltt!Prt!ndmt of /Itt! Exuutive Cou m:il,

Sa11 Juan, P . R .

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I have this day signed and approved an Act en tit! d " An Act to amend an Act entitled 'An Act to provide revenues for the People of Porto Rico; and for other purposes ,' approved j a unary thirty-first , nineteen hundred and one.' '

Very respectfully, \V~t. H . HU NT ,



RCH 1ST, 1902.


Honorahu Prt! id~nl OJ /Ju Exuuliw Council, an Jua1t, P.- R. ir : I have the honor to inform your H onorable body that the Ho of Delegates ha concurred in the amendments proposed to H . B. 9, regarding the Civil Code. Very respectfully, ALVADOR



Surelary .

The Committee on E nrolled and E ngrossed Bills reported: Council Bill o. 25, entitled " A Bill to provide for election iu orto Rico; " Council Bill o. 30, entitled "A Bill to prevent cruelty to animal ; " and

The following communication was received from the House of Delegates by the hands of its Secretary: HO USE



P ORTO RI CO. SAN j UAN, P . R ., M A RCH IST, 19Q2 .


Honorable President of lite E xecutive Council, San Juan, P . R .

Sir: I have the honor to inform the Executive Council that the House of Delegates has accepted the amendment proposed to H . B. 91 , in reference to rate of interest.

Very respectfully, SALVADOR






On tb qu tion " h all the Council concur in Honse amendment to Hou Bill o. 9 1, entitled ' A Bill to fix the legal rate of inte t on all obligation?'" the roll was called with the folresnlt : ,·oting in the affirm tive were: Barbosa , Cr6sa , Elliott , Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell and Lind ay . ..... . , ... . .... . . . . .. · · · · · · ·. · · · · 7 In the ne tive- ooe. Absent : rs. Benitez , Bri intr6nt and Willoughby . . . . . . . . 4 1 majority of th memben! having voted for concurrence in 'd amendment , the ame were declared concurred in and the Clerk direc ed to n tlfy the Honse accordingly . The following munication were received from the Honse f Del ates by the hand 'of it Secretary: Ho




R ., MARCH 1ST , 1902 .

HD1Wra6le Pretideni Dj Lite Executive Council. San ju11n , P . R .

Please sign and return the same that it may be delivered to the Governor. Very respectfully, SALVADOR





R., MARCH 1ST, 19Q2 .

Honora6le President of lite Executive Coundl, San Juan, P . R . Sir : I have the honor to return herewith House Bill Nos. 8o and 78, signed by the Speaker of the House. Please ign and return the same that they may be delivered to the Governor. Very respectfully, SALVADOR G. Ros, Secretary, }

SAN jUAN , P. R ., MARCH 1ST, 19Q2.

I have the honor to inform tlte Executive Council that the Hou of Delegat h a approved the report made by the special Committee on Conference regarding amendment to H. B. 36, modifying paragraph 6 of Genl!f'al Order No . 78 , of April 10, ' 900· Very respectfully , ALVADOR





N , P . R ., MARCH IST, 1902 .

HDnDra6le President Djllte Executive Council, , Sa11juan , P. R ,

ir : I have the honor to tran it to the Council , House Bill No. igned by the Speaker of the Honse.

8c) ( Civil Code) duly

1, 1902 .



SAN j u


Honora6/e President of Lite Executive Cou1uil, Sanjuan , P.R . Sir: I have the honor to return, duly signed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates, the following bills: C. B. 30, to prevent cruelty to animals; C. B. 20, to provide for elections; C. B. 37, for the codification and publication of the laws. Very respectfully, SALVADOR G . Ros, Secretary . HOUSE OP DELEGATES PORTO RICO .


SAN jUAN, P . R . , MARCH 1ST, 19Q2.

Honora61e President of lite Executive Cou:ndl, Sanjuan, P. R . Sir: I have the honor to send you H. B. 57, for the purpose of






bein igned, " Bill regul ting the the carryin of concealed H . J.R.6andH . B. o. 1

and and

Very r pectfully,


I }-


Trlble Presidnrl xeCNtit•e Council, n jupn, P. R .





ir: I have the honor to inform you that the House of Delegates has concu rred in the amendments of the Council to H. B. No. 72 ( Insular Police) having finally passed it.

Very respectfully,

of tile

SALVADOR G . Ros, Secretary.

ir: I have the onor to send to your honorable body, signed by the peaker of the House of Delegates, H . B. 36, modifying paragraph 6 of Gen r I Order No. 76 of April 10, 1900; and I beg on to return it in due time.

Very respectfully, ALVADOR G. Ros, Surtlary . Ho


Honorable President of Ike Executive Council, a1t Juan, P. R.

ALVADOR G. Ros , Surelary. Hou E OF DELF.G TES PORTO RI~ . AN J u N, P . R., MARCil 1ST, 1902 .




Honorable Pruidtnl of tile Executive Council, San juan, P . R . Sir: I have the honor to inform your honorable body that the H of Delegates declin the honor to concur to the amendment proposed by the pecial Conference Committee regarding C. B. 19.

Very respectfully, ALVADOR G . Ros, Secretary.

House Bill No. 89, entitled "A Bill to amend the Civil Code of Porto Rico "; House Bill No. So, entitled "A Bill to provide for the application of the Act entitled 'An Act concerning municipalities', approved March 1, 1902, to municipalities havin~ an urban population of eight thousand inhabitants or over, with certain modifications ''; House Bill No. 78, entitled "A Bill to secure the effectiveness of judgments "; House Bill o. 57, entitled "A Bill to regulate the use and possession of firearms and concealed we a pons"; Hou Bill o. 91, entitled ''A Bill to fix the legal rate of interest on all obligations "; House Bill o. 36, entitled "A Bill to modify paragraph 6, of General Order No. 78, of April 10, series of 1900"; House Joint Resolution o. :S. entitled "Joint Resolution requesting the Governor of Porto Rico to secure a prompt allotment of a sufficient sum from the funds existing for public improvements in the I land of Porto Rico, for the const,mction of a road from Barros to Corozal and also for the construction of a bridge at Reyes Cat6licos, Toa Alta "; and House Joint Resolution No . 6, entitled " Joint Resolution authorizing the Government of Porto Rico to take through diplomatic channels whatever steps may be necessary for the purpose of obtaining that such citizen of "Porto Rico as are now confined in any penal institution of Spain while under sovereignty of Spain be turned over to the authorities of Porto Rico

1 2




that th rna continue to serve their sentences in the penitenti of Porto Rico "; Were verally signed by the President . Council Bill o. 30, titled " A Bill to prevent cruelty to imal "; Council Bill No. 25 , entitled " A Bill to provide for elections in Porto Rico ";· and · Council Bill No. 37, entitled " Bill to provide forth~ compilation and arrangemen~ and publication of the Codes and other I •:; \Vere referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bill for delivery to the Gov ruor. Council Bill ·o. ' 19, entitled " A, Bill providing for be appointment of a Director of Health , denning his duties a such and tablishing a Con ulting Board of Health and for other purposes", a referred to the Committee on Enrolled and EnBill . The following m age wa received from His Excellency, the Governor of Porto Rico: ExECUTI B MANSION PoRTO RICO. AN JuAN, P . R ., MARCH 1ST, 1<)02 .


Ho11orahle President of lire Executive Council, San Juan, P . R . Sir: I have the honor to inf. rm you that I have thi day signed and approved an Act entitled " An Act to provide for the compilation , re-arrangement and publication of the Codes and other Ia " Respectfully ,



The following communication wa received from the House of Delegates by the hand of it Sec'r etary :





Honorable ~sident of tlu Executive Council, San Juan, P . R . Sir : I have the honor to inform your body that the House of Delegates has approved the last report of the Conference Committee regarding C. B. 19, and concurred to the amendments. Very respectfully, S




Secretary. The Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills reported: Council Bill No. 18, entitled "A Bill making appropriations for the neces ary expenses of carrying on the Government of Porto Rico for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 19<>3, and for ~ other purposes' ' ; Council Bill No . 26, entitled "A Bill to provide a municipal law for the Island of Porto Rico "; and Council Bill No. 19, entitled "A Bill providing for the appointment of a Director of Health, d~ning his duties as such and establishing a Superior Board of Health , and for other purposes''; Correctly enrolled , and the Bills were severally signed by the Pr ident. The following communication were received from the House of Delegates by the hands of its Secretary: HOUSE OF DELEGATUS PORTO Rrco.


SAN JUAN, P . R., MARCH 1ST, 1<)02.

\VM . H . HuNT,



Ho110rahle President of the Execuh've Cou11cil, Sanjuan, P . R . Sir: I have the honor to send to your Honorable body House 'Bill No. 72, concerning the In ular Police, which has been sign-




ed b th peaker of the Hou of Delegates, and I beg you to and r tum the am in due time. Very respectfully, ALVADO R G . Ros. S u rd ary. H ou E OF DELEGAT ES PoRTO R ico. AN j UAN , P . f ARCH 1ST, IC}02.


Ho11ora6/e f?Yuidtml if life E xtcvlive Coun cil, all j ltall , P . R .

ir: I have the h nor to return to th · E x ecutive Coundl signed by the peaker f tb Hou of Delegates, C. B. 19, providing for the a ppointm nt of a Director of Health , etc ". Very respectfu lly, ALV DOR G . Ros , S ecretary. H OUSE OF DELEG ATF.S PORTO RICO . N j AN, P . R., MARCH 1ST, 1902. } Ho11 ora6/e Pruidml of life £.1-uu/ive Council an j1tan , P . R. ir: I ha \·e the honor to ' nform you r body that the House of Deleg a t h a pproved the report of the Conferen ce Committee in regard to House Bill 75· Very respectfully,

ALVA DOR G . Ros , Secretary . Ho Bill No. 72, entitled " A bill to prov ide for the regulation and government of the Insular Police of Porto Rico " , was igned by the President. Council Bill o. 19, entitled " A Bill providing for the appointm nt of a Director of Health , defining hi duties as such and tabli bing a uperior Board of Health and for other puras referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bill for delivery to the Governor.

1 , 1902.


On the question ' ' hall the Council concur in Conference l}mendments to House Bill No . 75, entitled 'A Bill to provide for appeals against the decisions of Reg?strars of Property?' '' the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: Mes rs . Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sas , Elliott, Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby .. 11 In the negative-None. A majority of the members having voted to concur in said amendments, the same were declared concurred in, the bill signed by the President and the Cler • directed to notify the House accordingly . Mr. Barbosa offered the following resolution : "RESOLVED: That the thanks of the Executive Council are hereby tendered to the Joint Com~ttee on Codes for the valuable work which said Committee ha performed in the revision of the Codes and the presentation of the same in an intelligible shape to the Executive Council and the Hou of Delegates which ha resulted in securing the enactment of' a Code of Laws which cannot but result in lasting good to th~ People of orto Rico ". On motion of Mr. Brioso, the foregomg resolution was unani mously adopted . Mr. Barbosa offered the following resolution : "RESOLVED: That the thanks of the Executive Council are hereby tendered to its Presiding ffice~. the Honorable Charles Hartzell , for the able and impartia l manner in which he has presided over the deliberations of the E xecutive Council during the session of the Legislative Assembly now drawing to a close and for liis uniform kindnes and courtesy to the members of the Council ''. On motion of Mr. Cr6sas , the foregoing resolution was unanimously adopted. The following communications \fere received from the House of Delegates by the hands of its Secretary : HOUSE OF DELEGATES } PORTO RICO. SAN jUAN, P . R . , MARCH IST, 1902 . Honora6/e President of life Executive Council, Sanjuan , P.R. Sir: I have the honor to send to the Executive Council H. B. 75






(R trars f Property ) , which ha been signed by the Speaker of the Hou of Deleg t and I beg you to sign and return the am e.



for the necessary expenses of carrying on the Government of Porto Rico for the fiscal year ending June 3oth, 1903, and for other purposes''.

ery respectfully,

Respectfully ,

SALVADOR G. Ros, Secretary.

WM . H . HUNT, Governor.


le Pnsidml t~/1114 Execvh"ve Ct~Jmcil, Sa11 Jva1C, P . R .

ir: I have the honor 'to return herew.ith C. B. 18 and C. B. 26, dUly signed by the peaker of the House of Delegates. ery respectfully, · SALvADOR G . Ros , Secretary . The President signed House Bili No. 75, entitled "A Bill to provide for appeals ag inst the deci ions of Registrars of Property ". Council BiiJ No. 18, entitled "A Bill making appropriations for the n ary expenses of carrying on the Government of Porto Rico for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1903, and for other purposes " ; and Council Bill No. 26, entitled "A BiJJ to provide a municipal llfw for the Island of Porto Rico", Were referred to the Committee on Enrolled and Engrossed Bills for delivery to the Governor. The following m a es were received from His Excellency, the Governor of Porto Rico: ExECUTIVE MANSION } PORTO RICO. SA JuAN, P . R. , MARCH 1ST, 19<)2. H111C11ra6/e Prtnilnlt II/ lk Execvtive Ctnmcil, S111e Jva11, P . R . ir: I have the honor to inform you that I have this day signed and approved an Act entitled ''An Act making appropriations


EXl!CUTIVE MANSION PORTO RICO. SAN JuAN, P . R . , MARCH 1ST, 1902. } Ho11orab/e President tif Ute Execvh"ve Council, San Juan, P . R. Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I have this day signed and approved an Act entitled "An Act providing for the appointment of a Director of Health, defining his duties as such and establishing a Superior Board of Health, and for other purposes ". Respectfully, WM . H . HUNT, Governor. EXECUTIVE MANSION, } PORTO RICO. SAN JU4N, P . R., MARCH IST, 1902. Honorable Presidml of Ike Execvlive Council, San Juan, P. R . Sir : I have the honor to inform you tha I have this day signed and approved an Act entitled "An Act concerning municipal. ities". Respectfully, WK. H . HuN'r,






R ., MARCH 1ST, 11)02.


1, 1902.


Rico for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth , nineteen hundred and two , and prior years, and for other purposes ". Respectfully ,


.Prrside111 Dj 1M Execvlive Ctnmcil. Sanjuan, P . R .


H . HUNT ,


ir · I have the honor to inform yo~ that I have thi .day igned and pproved an ct e~titled " An Act to provtde for the ..,.oc.:ow"''nt • of property and th a ment of property not in Porto Rico, for purposes of taxation ". Respectfully, WM.






R ., MARCH 1ST, 1<)02.

Honorable Presidmt of lite Executive Council . San juan, P. R . ir: I have the honor to inform you that I have this day signed and approved an Act, entitled " An Act to est blish a political code for Porto Rico ". Respectfully,

PoRTO Rico. AN jUAN , P . R ., MARCH 1ST, 1<)02 .

WM .




HDnDrahle President Dj Ute Execvlive Council, San /uan, P. R .




ir: I have the honor to inform yon that I have this day signed and approved an Act, entitled "An Act in relation to labor".

Respectfully , \VM . H . H UNT,


R. , MARCH 1ST, 1<)02 .

I have the honor to inform you that I have this day signed and approved an Act , entitled " An Act to provide for elections in Porto Rico ". Respectfully ,

WM . {ARCH 1ST, 1902 .



ir : I have the honor to inform you that I have this day igned aud approved an Act, entitled " An Act making appropriation to supply deficienci for carrying on the Government of. Porto




Presidmt Dj 1/u Execwtive Ct~unciJ, San jWJn , P. R .


Honorable President of the Execulive Council, San juan , P . R . Sir:






R., MARCH 1ST, 1<)02 .


.Prrsidenl of tlu Executive Council, Sanjuan, P.R.

ir: I have the honor to inform you that I have this day signed




nd approved an Act , entitled " An Act to prevent cruelty to animal " Respectfully , WM . H. HUNT ,


Htmorable. Presidml of 1M Exettltive Council. Stm juan, P . R . ir: I have the hon~r to inform you .th at I have this day signed and approved an Act, entitled "An Act to establish a Penal Code for Porto Rico' '. Respectfully , WM . H . HUNT , Governor. ExttcoTIVE MANSION } PoRTO Rico. SAN JoAN , P . R ., MARCH IST; I9<)2 .

Htmorabk Presidmt of 1M Exettltive Council, Sanjuan, P.R. ir: I have the honor to_inform you that I have this day signed and approved an Act, entitled " An Act to establish a Code of Criminal Procedure for Porto Rico " . Respectfully , WM . H . HUNT.

Governor. ExECUTIVB MANSION } PORTO RICO. SAN J uAN , P . R ., MARcH IST, I9Q2 . Htmora!Jk Pnsidntl of tire Exettltive Council, San juan, P . R . Sir: I have the honor to inform yon that I have this day signed


1, 1902.


and approved Joint Resolution entitled "Joint Resolution No . 5 , as to the Enrollment and Engr065ment of the Political the Civil, ~e Penal . and the Criminal Procedure Codes , report~ by the Jotnt Committee of the Legislative Assembly " . Respectfully , WM. H . HUNT ,


Honorable President of 1M Executive Council, San Juan, P . R . Sir : I have the honor to inform you that I have this day signed ~~d app~oved an ~ct , entitled "An Act authorizing municipalIties to Issue certificates of indebtedness in payment of their obligations incurred prior to July first , nineteen hundred and two, outstanding and unpaid ". Respectfully , WM . H . HUNT,

Governor. EXECUTIVE MANSION PORTO RICO SAN J oA ' P. R. , MARCH IST, I9<)2. Honorable Presidm/ of tire Executive Council, San juan, P . R . Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I have this day signed and approved an Act , entitled " Au Act to regulate the registration of electors". Respectfully , WM . H . HUNT ,

Governor. Messrs. Harlan and Barbosa were appointed to wait upon His Excellency, the Governor and inform· him that if he has no further business for the Legislative Assembly, the Executive Council is ready to adjourn .



TIVB COU CIL_._ _ _ _

. Garri n nd Benitez ere appointed a Committee to ait upon tb Hou of legates and inform that body t~at if the Hou ba no further bu in to transact , the Executive Council i read to adjourn . The ommittee appointed to wait upon the Governor reported that it bad complied with its duty , having "been joined b a imilar Committee from the House of Delegat ; that. the Governor tated that he h ad no further m age for the Legt lati e A bly nd had requested• ~e. Committee to ~xpr to e cb f the Hou hi d p appreciation of the splendid character of th ir work , and hi belief that it would redound to the credit of the Legi lature and the continued happines and pro perity of the people . The ommittee -appointed to wait upon the Hou reported ·that it bad performed it duty and tliat the House wa ready for final adjournment . The hour o t ve o 'clock having arrived , of th 6oth day of tb ond on of the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico, the President declared the Executi ve Council adjourne? sine die .

FEBRUARY 17, 1902.



The Council met at 4:00 o 'clock p. m . Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and answered to their names : Mes rs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby .. 11 Ab ent.-None. A communication from the Alcalde of Toa Baja tran mitling copy of portions of ruling by the Treasurer to the effect that the license taxes recently authorized by the Executive Council can only be collected for the Ia t two quarters of the fiscal year, was read and referred to the Committee on Finance. A communication from the Treasurer requesting authority from the Executive Council to employ uch temporary clerical aid at a renumeration not exceeding sixty dollars ($6o) per month in any individual case, within the limit of the $6oo transferred by authority of the Governor, as stated in said communication, was read and approved . On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council then adjourned . CHAS. HARTZELL,



The Council was called to order at 4 :00 o 'clock p. m . On motion of Mr. Cr6sas, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with . The following mes age was received from His Excellency , the Governor of Porto Rico : EXECUTIVE MA SION PORTO RICO . SAN JuAN ,

P . R. ,


FeBRUARY 15TH , 1902 .

To Ike Executive Counc£1, San juan: P.R. Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the

FEBRUARY 25, 1902.

name of Gustavo Nin , of Vauco, P . R ., for the position of the Police Jud of that municipality , vice Mr. Pa arell, resigned. Respectfully, WM. H . HuNT, GtnJernor. And referred to the Judiciary Committee. r . Harlan, for the Judiciary Committee submitted verbal report recommending that the mination of Gn tavo :Nin for position of Police Judge bf Vauco, P . R. be confirmed. On motion of Mr. Elliott , the report wa adopted and the nomination confirmed . On motion of ¥r· Elliott, the Council then adjourned. · CBAS. HARTZltLL, Pres-idml.

EETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL FEBRUARY 21ST, 1902 . Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and ans ered to their names: ns . Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso , Cr6!-as, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Haruell, Lind ay and Willoughby .... ........... . 10 Absent: Mr. Cintron . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A communication from the Commi ioner of Education requesting the approval of the employment of one extra clerk in that Department at an a nnual alary of $c)oo, beginning J auuary 24, 1902, was read and , on motion, the same was approved. On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council then adjourned. CHAS . HAitTZELL, Presit/mi. MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL FltBR.UARY 25TH, l9Q2. The Council met at s :oo o 'clock p . m . Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and an wered to their names: . Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cintron, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby ... r r


On motion of Mr. Cr6sas, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with . A communication from B. H . Osterhoudt, Director of Charities, requesting leave of absence with permission to visit the United States on account of serious illness in his family was read and approved. A communication from the Director of Charities, submitting for approval of the Council the name of Dr. F. R. Goenaga , Superintendent of the In ane Asylum, during the period of his absence in the United States, was read and approved . FJtBRUARV 24TH, l9Q2 . Honorable President of the Executive Council, San Juan , P . R . Sir : Having received a cablegram calling me to the United States on account of serious illness in my family, I respectfully request the Executive Council to grant me leave of absence from February 26th, with permi ion to visit the United States. Very respectfully, B. H . OSTERHOUDT, Director of Cltan"ties. FEBRUARY 24TH, 1902. Honorable President of the Executive_ Council. Sanjuan , P . R . Sir : During my absence in the United States I respectfully submit for approval by the Executive Council the name of Dr. F. R. Goenaga, Superintendent of the Insane Asylum, as Acting Director of Charities during the period of my absence. This appointment carries no additional salary to the one he is now receiving. Very respectfully, B. H . OiTJtRHOUDT, Director of Charities. On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council then adjourned. CHAS. HARTZltLL, Presidml.









RY 26TH , 1902.

ouncil met at 2:30 o 'clock p. m . pon th calling of the roll , the following members appeared and an red to their n rues: . Barbosa , Benitez , Bri , Cintr6n , Cr as, Ellii>tt, Garri n , Harlan , Hart zell , Lindsay and Willoughby, I I n motion of Mr. Cr a , the reading of the minutes of the t meetin ' a di pensed ith . • communicati n £.-om Hi Excellency , the Governor, tran mittin"g a communication from the Alcalde of Ponce in relation to the dif!i r n besween the 1unicipality of Ponce and the Electnc Railro d Company of that City , wa read and referred to the Franchi Committee .. communication from Bla Laguna of Manatl, a king for mediation in the matter of hi petitL n to the Governor, requesting a u · d o conduct a hool of mu ic in the penitentiary, was read and rei; rred to the Committee on Education . communication from the Port America Company request· lng an ex ten ion of twenty day for the beginning of the work nuder the fran chi heretofore granted to it , was read and on motion of 1r. Harlan th same w granted. A communication from the Porto Rico Railroad Company ubmitting map ho' ing the routes of the proposed railroad lines in compliance with Section 1 of the Ordinance passed by the Council on ctober :z , 1901 , was read and ordered filed . n motion of 1r. Elliott, the Council then adjourned. CHAS . HARTZELL,



The Council meet at 3 :00 o 'clock p. m. pon the calling of the roll , the following members appeared and an wered to their names: Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso , Cr6sas, Cintr6n , Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsa and Willoughby . . .. .. 10


nt : r. Elliott. ......................... ........... .. ................ .. ..... . .

MARCH 4, 1902.


In the matter of the communication of the Alcalde of Pe· tiuelas, dated February 15 , 1902, accompanied by a supplementary tariff of special taxes for the approval of the Council, the Committee on Finance submitted report recommending that the said Alcalde be informed that the original tariff as approved must stand and that the municipality be requested to submit a tariff of pecial taxes to meet any deficit, which report was adopted. Communications from the Alcaldel of Ponce transmitting resolutions of the Municipal Council of that city relative to the construction of electric tramway and bridge across the Portuguese river, were referred to the Commissioner of the Interior. The reque t of M . Luzunari for authority to employ a photographer at the penitentiary at a rate not t>xceeding 36o per annum , was approved. The application of F . P . McCurdy for franchise to operate a line of steam ferry boats between San Juan and Catano wa referred to the Committee on Franchises. In the matter of the communication of the Alcalde of Toa Baja of February 14, 1902, relative to the retroactive effect of certain taxes , submitted report recommending that the Alcalde of said town prepare a supplementary tariff of ~pecial taxes on such indu ·tries as are not already burdened to provide for the dt:ficit in the budget , which report wa~ adopted. Communications from the Alcalde of Ponce tran mitting for approval of the Council the form of bond coupons, notice of redemption and form of seal to be affixed thereto in the matter of the bond issue of that City, were read and referred to the Committee on Finance . The Finance Commi tee thereupon examined and submitted verbal report upon said documents, recommended that the same be approved, it being understood that the seal to be affixed to said bonds shall be an impression and not a printed seal. The report was adopted. . . . A communication from the Alcalde of Arec1bo, transm1ttmg the resolution of that Council making award of proposed bond i sued to Ceballos and Company of ew York, and copy of the notarial act of sale, was read and referred to the Committee on Finance, which Committee examined and submitted verbal report thereupon recommending that the arne be approved. The report wa adopted. . . In the matter of the Ordinance awardmg the bond IS ue OI



the City of Ponce to Ceball and Company of New York, and pro I received on aid bond i ue , the Committee on Finance ubmitted report recomm ding approval by the Council. The report was adopted . The Committee on Franchises ubmitted the following rdinan n ordinance granting M rs . J . C. and William McCormick: the right to use the waters of the brook Baldrich for the irri at ion of land in the Municipality of Arroyo, and An ordinance granting i~nte Usera y Seda the right to u the ater of the river Jueyes for the irrigation of land in the Janca wird in the hnicipality of anta Isabel. On motion of lr. Harlan, the foregoing franchises were granted and the same ordered spread upon the records of the Council. On motion of Mr. latienzo, the Council then adjourned to meet at the call of the President. CHAS . HARTZELL,


17TH, 1902 .

The Council meet at 3:00 o 'clock p . m . Upon the calling of the roll , the following members appeared and an wered to their nam : M rs . Barbosa, Benitez , Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell and Willoughby. ... .. ..... .... .... ... 9 A r Brioso and Lindsay .. ............ .. ............. .... ...... .. 2 On motion of Mr. Cr6sas, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting wa di pensed with . A rommunication from the Secretary of Porto Rico, requesting a re-adjustment of alaries in hi Department to provide for the employment of an additional clerk at $1,200 per annum, w read and approved. A communication from the Porto Rico Railroad Co., prot ting again t further exten ion of time to the Port America Co. in hich to"begin work under its franc hi for railroad con tructiou, w referred to the Franchi Committee. The reqn t of the Commi iouer of the Interior that the alary of one clerk, Divi ion of HstrhoT"R 1nd Dock , be fixed at

MARCH 17, 1902. 149 ---------------------------------

$900 a year, was read and consideration deferred until the organization of the Bureau of Harbors and Docks. The application of Vicente sera for a concession of forty additional litres of water from the Jueyes river, was referred to the Franchise Committee. The resignation of Felipe Janer as messenger was accepted and the .e lection of a messenger deferred to a later date. The Commi sioner of the Interior submitted rules and regulations for the government of the harbors and docks of Porto Rico. On the motion of Mr. Harlan, the same were approved and referred to the Judiciary Committee for con !deration. The application.ofWalter M. Yeager and Morri D. Beneway for franchise to construct an electric railway from Catano to Ponce, was referred to the Franchise Committee. An ordinance pa sed by the City Council of Arecibo on March 7, 1902, relative to a tax for the payment of interest on the $1oo,ooo of bond i ued by that City and to create a sinking fund for their redemption, was referred to the Finance Committee. A communication from the Commi sioner of Education , requesting the approval of a mle providing r the payment on and after March 1, 1902, of the travelling expenses of school supervisors, was read and the rule approved. The applications of the Porto Rico Railroad Co. for the following franchises, were referred to the Franchise Committee: For authority to continue public use of the telegraph and telephone lines of the Company . For the exte.n sion of a railroad track at the Playa of Ponce. For permi ion to grant use of Company 's telegraph poles to Sobrinos de Ezquiaga for hanging telephone wires. The Port America Co. requested a further extension of 30 days for the beginning of work under its franchise. On motion , a further extension of 6o days was granted to said Company with the understanding and upon the condition that no further request for extension of time will be made by said Company. The following m age was received from His Excellency, the Governor of Porto Rico:










P . R. , M

RCH 17TH, 1902.

Htmora61e l+esidml of lite E ecutit•e Cuuncil, an Juan, P . R .

ir : hav the honor to ubmit forth approval of the Council th following nam form mbefs of the Insular Police Commis ion created by recent Act 'of the Legi lati\·e A sembly: Ricardo f. Hernandez , for term of one year; Benjamin F . But! r, for term of two years; Fernando uiiez, for term of three years. Very resPe<:tfully, WM . H. HUNT,


n motion, the rules were uspended and the foregoing nomination confirmed without referenc to a Committee. pon the recommendation of the Judiciary Committee the legal impediment agai n t the marriage of cou ins was waived and di pensation granted to the following parties : Antonio Candia Cardenas and josefa Candit. Benitez; Segundo Gonzal y Gonzalez and Valentina Suarez y Gonzalez; Alberto li Mon ga and Marla del Carmen Monagas; and Vicente Ortiz y Lopez and Paula Ortiz Rodriguez. The Committee on Finllnce and Appropriations recommended that the r~est of the municipality of Fajardo for permi ion to negotiate a 10,000 loan be denied. The report a adopted. The Committee on Finance and Appropriations recommended that the request of the municipality of Morovis for permi ·ion to negotiate a 3,000 loan, be denied. The report w adopted . The Committee on Finance and Appropriations recomm nded that the resolution of the Municipal Council of Yauco in relati~n to contracting a loan of 100,000 be approved, subject to certain modification therein set out. The Clerk wa directed to communicate with th Mayor of Yauco with a view to a certain hether or not the modification enumerated will be accepted by aid municipality .

_ _ _M _ ARCH 17, 1902.

The Judiciary Committee recommended that the request of jose C. Schroeder for return of Protocol belonging to 'otaries be filed and the writer notified ihat this is a proper matter fo the attention of the Legislature. The report was adopted. The Committee on :Finance recommended that the communication of F. Oller, r~lative to the sale of an oil painting of Hon . W. H . Hunt , Governor, be referred to the Governor with the request . that he communicate his view in the premises to the Council. The report was adopted . The President igned "An Ordinance granting to Vicente Usera y Seda, his heirs and a ign , the right to u the waters of the river Jneyes for the irrigation of hi lands in the jauca ward of the municipality of anta I abel' ' , and the Clerk directed to tran mit the same to the Governor for his action thereon. Without objection, Mr. Elliott was granted a leave of absence with permission to visit the United States. On merion of Mr. Elliot, the Council then adjourned . CIIAS . HARTZELL,


The Council met at 3:00 o'clock. Upon the calling of the roll , the following members appeared and answered to their names: Mes rs . Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell and Willoughby. .............. 9 Absent: Messrs. Elliott and Lindsay.. ... ... ............... .... . 2 The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved The request of Jose Gonzalez and others for the construction of a road from Ciales to Juana Diaz, was referred to the Commis ioner of the Interior. The Commis ioner of the Interior submitted a list of employes of the Insular Telegraph, with their respective salaries, and requested approval thereof. On motion, the arne wa approved. The petition of Ram6n A. Torres and j . C. Pasarell for payment for certain medical autopsies performed both prior and subsequent to American occupation, w s referred to the Attorney General.


The applic tioo of the o Juan Light and Transit Co~paoy for permi i o to e tend it track and trolley to the wharf In Sao Juan , a referred to the Franchi Committee. The requ t of the ttorney Geo ral that the salary of the tran Ia tor required to tran I te the deci ions of the Supreme Court and th o ited tates Di trict Court, under the terms of H. B. 14, be fixed at 1 o per month and the salary of a typewriter be per month , wa approved. . be fi~ed at The petition of Geo. W . Fi hbac • for a fran chise to con· trnct a ystem of telegnph h es, was referred to the Committee n Franchi . ' A m age from His Excellency, the Governor, informing the Council that he has approved and signed an ordinance granting to i<:ente Usera y Seda, his heirs and a ign , the right to u the waters of the ·river " Jueyes " for purposes of irrigation, read and ordered filed . The fo lowing m age was received from Hi Excellency, the Governor. ExECUTIVE MANSION } PORTO R ICO . SAN JUAN, P . R ., MARCH 20TH, 1902HD11Dra6/e Presidmt of tile Executive Cou11cil,

San Juan, P. R . ir : I have the honor to herewith submit for your approval the name of Jose Tous y Soto as Fiscal of the Di trict Court of Ponce, Porto Rico. Respectfully , WM . H. HUNT, Governor.

On motion , the rules were u pended and the foregoing nomination confirmed without reference to a Committee. The Judiciary Committee recommended that no action be taken npon the protest of the Porto Rico Railroad Company against the further extension of time to the Port American Com· pany for beginning work onder it franchise. The report was adopted. The Committee on Finance recommended that the resolution of the City Council of Adjnntas, on February 8, 1902, relative





to a proposed loan and issue of bond · by said city in the sum of $so,ooo be not approved . The report was adopted . The Committee on Finance recommended that the ordinance adopted by the City Council of Arecibo on December 11 , 1902, authorizing an is ue of bond by said city be amended so that the same hall read ''The ·aid bonds shall be i sued in denomi nations of 1000 each, " and that " The said bonds shall be numbered from one to one hundred, inclu ive", said amendment being in accordance with the terms of a resolution adopted by the City Council of Arecibo, at an extraordinary session held on March 4th, 1902. The Committee further recommended that a copy of a formal amendatory ordinance, ubmitted with the said report, be transmitted to the Alcalde of Arecibo, the same to be returned to the Executive Council for approval when it shall have been finally adopted by said City Council. The Committee on Finance recommended that the ordinance adopted by the City Council of an Juan on the 12th of March, 1902, respecting the disposition of the premium of r8, J75 , realized on the sale of the bonds of said city, and the further sum of $639 .61 interest accrued on sums d~ited with J. M. Ceballos & Co ., making a total of $19,014.61, be approved. The report was adopted . The Committee on Finance uhmitted a form of ordinance similar to that adopted by the city of San Juan recommending that the same be transmitted to the Alcalde of Ponce with the req uest that the same be adopted by the City Council of said city in lieu of the ordinance which was adopted by said Council on December 26, 1901, said ordinance providing for the levy of a special tax to pay th interest on a series of bonds aggregating $::zoo,ooo to be i ued by the City of Ponce and to create a sinking fund for their redemption . The Committee on Finance recommended that the ordinance adopted by the City Council of Arecibo on the 7th of March, 1902, fixing a special tax for the payment of the interest on its bonds, and to create a sinking fund for their redemption, be returned to the Alcalde for the correction of a clerical error, and that the formal action of the Counci l approving said ordinance be deferred until the same shall have been corrected and returned . The report was adopted. The Committee on Francnises recommended the adoption of the following rule in relation to the granting of Franchises.




II ordinan gr nting franchi~ sh II be presented by ommitt to th E . ecutive ouncil in printed form, the t thereof to be born by the petitioner, and seventy -live copies of th ordin nee a finaHy pa hall be lodged in the office of th ret ry . '' The rule w adopted. rr. \ illougbby presented the following memorial : "


"Mmro1ia/ to lM l '11ill'd lalu House of Repruetativu: R LVED sv THE Ex~ TIVE CouNCIL: "Th E . utive euncil of Porto Rico respectfully prays that in th • t n ion of tariff cone ions to Cnba some reciprocal be gi\' to Porto Rican coffee exported from Porto Rico to nba . nder present Cuban tariffi a revised last pt mber fi rmer 'll.dvantag giv~n by Cuba to Porto Rico were repe led, and all coffee import d into Cuba was puf upon equal footing . Tbi practically but the Cuban market to Porto Rican growe . It i believed time is now favorable to regain benefit nban market by conces ion from Cuba to be secured to Am rican coffee in ny tariff mea ure about to be adopted, and e a k con id ration ccordingly . "And your memoriali t will ever pray. " \ hich was adopted . rd red that the foregoing resolution be tran mitted to the Governor, with the request that, if be approve arne, it be cabled to the Chairman on Way and Mean of the United States Hou of Repr ntativ . n motion of fr . Cintron, the Council then adjourned,






The Council met at 3:00 o 'clock . pon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and an wered to their nam ~ M rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sa , Harlan, Hartzell and Willoughby . . .. .. . .. .. ... . . . . . . . . 8 Absent: I rs . EUiott, Garrison and Lindsay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 n moti n of Mr. Cr6sa , the reading of the minutes of the Ia t meeting w di pensed with .

MARCH 24 , 1902.


An amended resolution of the City Council of Adjuntas dated March 13, 1<}02, relative to a proposed loan, was referred to the Finance Committee. !he ordinance pa sed by the City Council of the City of Arec1bo on the 7th of March , 1902, fixing a tax for the payment of the interest on a series of 100,000 of bonds, and to create a si nking fund for their redemption, was referred to the Committee on Finance. The resolution of the City Council of Arecibo adopting the form of bond and coupon to be used in its bond i sue of 100 ooo was referred to the Finance Committee . ' ' The resolution of the City Council of Arecibo au thorizing the Trea urer of Porto Rico to continue collecting the municipal property taxes until the bonded indebtednes of $wo,ooo to J. M. Ceballos & Company of ew York, and designating said Ceballos & Co. to receive the interest and redemption of the loan of 100,000 contracted by the City of Arecibo and agreeing to pay therefor the sum of J( of 1 per cent, was considered, and The Clerk was directed to inform the Alcalde of Arecibo that the Executive council will not approve th e' payment of any com mission for this service . The resolution of the City Council of Arecibo appointing the United States Mortgage & Trust Company a trustee of the sinking fund for the payment of its loan, was referred to the Treasurer of Porto Rico, with the request that be communicate with the Alcalde of Arecibo relative thereto. The ordinance pa sed by the City Council of the City of Mayagiiez on March 10, 1902, levying a special tax for the payment of interest on it $200,000 bond issue and to create a si nking fund for their redemption, and substituting bonds of the denomination of $1000 in lieu of 500, was referred to the Committee on Finance. The supplementary ordinance pa sed by the City Council of Mayagiiez providing for an official seal and the insertion of a redemption clause in bonds, were referred to the Finance Committee. The President signed " An ordinance granting to Messrs. J. Charles and William McCormick, their heirs and a igns, the right to use the waters of Brook Baldricb for the irrigation of land in the Municipality of Arroyo ", and the Clerk was directed to transmit the same to the Govenor for his action thereon. A communication from the Chief Clerk requesting the


tenographer and Typewriter by the Conncil, n motion, th Presid nt a authorized to make m nt ILUd the salary wa fixed at the rate of 1200 per annum fr m pril fi t, H)02. . communicati n fr m Federico Degetau acknowledging th ~eipt of a r lutiou adopted by the Cou~cil relative to tabli bing a t m of P tal avt ngs Banks in a re d and ordered filed. Jr. Cintr6n, e Council then adjourned. CH S . HARTZELL,





MARCil JIST, 1902.

The Council met at :roo o 'clock p . m . pon the calling of the roll, the following members appear¡ ed and an wered to their names: M rs. B rbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas, Garrison, Harlan Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby ... . . . . . . . . . . . 9 A nt: f rs. Elliott and Cintr6n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The following m ag wa received from Hi Excellency, the Governor of Porto Rico:



P . R .,


MARCH JIST, 1902 .

Tlu Honorah/e Tlu Executive Council, n Juan, P. H.

Gentlemen : I have the honor to ubmit herewith for your approval the following nomination for Alcaldes and Councilmen : Alcaldes: iequ : Lui Amedee Bonnet . Aguada: An nio anchez Ruiz . uncilmen : Adjunt : Antonio Tacoronte, jose Cobian Rivera. Agu Bu n Pio Rechani.


MARCH 31 , 1902.


Aibonito : Juan Merly, jose Rivera Torres, jose A. Bigles, Ger6nimo Rivera. Arecibo: Lui de Ealo . Caguas: Julio Santana. Carolina: Ramon Rodriguez . Cayey: Arturo Diaz , Antonio Ramirez. Coamo: Julio B. Martinez . Fajardo: Jose A . Veve , Fau tino Quinones . Humacao : Juan E . Rivera, Santiago Rodriguez. Manati: Antonio Ro ado, Jaime Padr6. Maricao: Antonio Bonelli. Morovis: Heraclio Rivera. Rio Grande: Francisco Trinidad . Rio Piedra : Enrique Burgos . San German : Tomas Agrait Font. San juan : Manuel Paniagua Oller, Carlos M. Soler, Tulio Larrinaga . Toa Alta : joaquin Diego , Francisco R . Romero. Vega Baja: Manuel Lopez. tuado: Jose Dolores Echevarria. ~ Respectfully , WM . H . HUNT,


By unanimous consent , the rules were suspended and the foregoing nominations confirmed without reference to Committee. The request of the Commis ioner of Education for the employment of a stenographer for April, May and June at the rate of $1~ per month , was read and approved. The request of the uperior Board of Health for authority to appoint two temporary clerk , was approved. The application of Ramon Valdez for extension of time for the completion of work under Comerio water franchise , was re¡ ferred to the Franchise Committee. On recommendation of the Judiciary Committee, the impediment of law against the marriage of cou ins was waived and di pensation granted to the following parties: Ramon Lorenzo Rodriguez and Juana Maria Medina. Pedro Franaschi y Gotay and Juana Ferrer y Gotay. Antonio Pascasio Torresola Vargas and Josefa Torresola Rodriguez. Nieves Nniiez y Bravo nd Evarista Nuiiez y Hernandez.

- - - - - - - MARCH 31, 1902.

R Jative to th sugg tion of Conrado Palau in regard to ft tin Joan by the ond cia towns of the island it wa ord red that the writer be advised that the scheme as set forth b him i deemed impracticable~nd contrary to law, and that no further. action \ ill 'taken thereon. Th Finance ommittee reported consideration of the form of bond adopted by the City Council of Arecibo on March rst, IC}07, to be u in th proposed i ue of bonds in denominations of 1000 each, aggre ating 100,000, to be used by said city. Th Committ a) ubmitted a form of bond modeled after that adopted in the tter of the an Juan Loan, and recommended that the ame be tran mitted to tbe Alcalde of Ar cibo with the requ t th it be dopted and a certified copy thereof transmitted to the E ecutive Council. The report was adopted . The Committee on Finance reported consideration of a certified copy of the ordinance adopted by the City Council of Aiecibo on llarch 7, 1902, fixing a pecial tax for the payment of the proposed i ue of bonds of aid city, aggregating 100,000 and creating a inking fund for their redemption , and comparison thereof with a imilar ordinance adopted in the matter of the an Juan Loan and approved by the Executive Council. • aid ordinance being amended to conform strictly to that adopted by the aid city Council of an Juan, was ratified and approved. The Committee on Finance reported that the ordinance adopted by the City Council of Arecibo on March 26, 1902, providing for a change in the denomination of the bonds to be i ued by aid city from 500 to 1000 each, and for a corresponding change in the numbering of aid bond , was in every respect iruilar to the form of ordinance prepared and approved by the Executive Council on March 20, 1902. aid ordinance wa ther upon approved. The resolution of the City Council of Mayagiiez providing r. r the adoption and preparation of an official seal to be used on the series of bond aggregating 200,000 to be used by said City was approved, it being understood that aid seal shall be an

- - - -159

engraved ¡ seal, made by impression without the use of ink or other like preparation . The Committee on Finance submitted a form of ordinance providing that the denomination of the bonds to be i ued by the City of Mayagiiez be changed from 500 to $1000 and recommending that the same be transmitted to the Alcalde of the City of Mayagiiez for adoption and return of a certified copy thereof tb the Executive Council for approval. The report was adopted. pon recommendation of the Committee on Finance, it was ordered that the resolution adopted by the City Council of Mayagiiez on March 24, H}02, authorizing the Trea urer of Porto Rico to continue collecting such taxes as belong to said City durng all of the time required to pay off its indebtedness to J . M. Ceballos & Co. of New York, be transmitted to the Treasurer of Porto Rico. The Committee on Finance submitted a form of bond to be i ued by the City of Mayagiiez in denominations of 1000 each with the form of endorsement embodying the redemption clause attached thereto. The report was adopted and the City Council of Mayagiiez requested to adopt the same wi bout delay and transmit a certified copy thereof to the Executive Council for approval. On recommendation of the Committee on Finance, action upon the proceedings of the City Council of Mayagiiez with respect to the award of bond issue of 200,000 to J . M. Ceballos & Co., was deferred pending the receipt of certified copy of the proposals of the said J. M. Ceballos & Co. for the purchase of said bonds. Tbe resolution of the City Council of Mayagiiez to insert a clause in the form of bonds authorizing their redemption was ordered filed, the form of bond prepared, including the necessary endorsement embodying the redemption clause. Tbe Committee on Finance submitted the form of an ordinance fixing a special ta,x for the payment of interest on the issue of 200,000 of bonds by the City of Mayagiiez and to create a sinking fund for their redemption recommending that the same be transmitted o the Alcalde of Mayagiiez for con ideration and, if adopted, that a certified copy thereof, in English, be tran mitted to the Executive Council for approval. The report wa adopted. Tbe arne Committee recommended that action be deferred


n th ignation of the depository for th si nking fund for nd of the it of 1ayagiiez. The report wa adopted . a taken upon the ordinance adopted by the ouncil of ay giiez, d ignating the nited tales Mort· • Trn t Co. a th depository for the sinking fund to be tzd for the redemption of said bond . n motion of Mr. H rlan, the Council then adjourned to t to-morrow afternoon at 3:00 o 'clock . CHAS . H




The Council met at 3:00 o 'clock p . m . pon the calling of the roll, the following members appear· ed and an ered to their names: · B rbosa, Benitez , Brioso , Cr6sas, Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell and Willoughby ............ ........ ........... 8 A nt: r rs. intr6n, Elliott and Lind ay.. .... .. ...... .. .... .... .. .... 3 On motion of Mr. Cr6sas, the reading of the minutes of arch 24 and larch 31 wa dispensed with . The ommittee on Finance ubmitted report upon the or· dinance adopted by the City Council of Adjuntas on March 13 , relative to a proposed loan and the letter of the Mayor of Ad· junt of March 24, 1902, in which exception are taken to the report of the Committee on Finance of March 20, 1902, recom· mending that the proposed loan be not approved. The Commit· tee recommended that the former action of the Council disap· proving of the loan be adhered to. The report was adopted . Upon the recommendation of the Judiciary Committee, the mpediment of law again t the marriage of cousins was waived in the following ca Reyes Rodriguez and Encarnaci6u Rodrignez ; Modesto Aponte y Hernandez and Clindida Aponte y Sanchez ; Rafael 1unoz and Epifania Hernandez funoz . The Judiciary Committee, to hich wa referred the Harbor Rul and Regulation heretofore approved by the Council, sub· mitted a printed draft of aid rules, with amendment . n the qu tion " hall the Harbor Rules and Regulations


1 , 1902.

as amended by the Judiciary Committee be approved? " the roll · was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were : Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cr6sas, Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell and Willoughby ...... ...... .... .............. .. 8 In the negative-None. Absent: M rs. C~ntr6n , Elliott and Lindsay.... ...... .. .... ....... ...... 3 The satd rules and regulations were thereupon declared adopted. The Franchise Committee ubmitted report recommending that a. franchise b_e gr.an~ed toW . S. H. Lothrop for the right to es.tabl~ h a.nd mamtatn tn Ponce a plant for furnishing and dis· tnbutmg light, power and heat in the Municipality of Ponce. The report was adopted and a printed ordinance submitted therewith, entitled "An Ordinance granting to w . s. H . Loth· rop, ~is execut~rs, .administrators and as igns, the right to es.tabl~sh a~d matntam an electric plant for furnishing and dis· tnbutmg hght, power and heat in the Municipality of Ponce" was taken up for consideration . ' On the question " hall this ordinance be .granted?" the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cr6sas Garrison , Harlan and Willoughby ............................................. 7 In the negative: Mr. Hartzell .... .. .................................................... .. Absent: Messrs. Cintr6n , Elliott and Lindsay ............................. 3 Said franchise wa thereupon declared approved and the right mentioned therein granted , all as more fully shown in the said printed ordinance. The request of the Commi ioner of the Interior heretofore filed for the employmet!t of a clerk in the Bureau of Harbors and Dock at a salary of $9oo per year, was taken up, consider· ed.and approved, the same to take effect from the date of ap· p01ntment and qualification, and the salary thereof to be paid from the Trn t fund created by the said Harbor Rules and Regulation hereinbefore approved. On motion of Mr. Willoughby, the Council then adjourned. CHAS. HARTZELL,



I 2






The Council m t at 3:00 o 'clock . p . m. pon th calling of the roll , tl.e following members appeared ered to their names: rs. Benit z, Bri · , Cr6s , Garri n , Harlan , H rtzell, Lindsay and \ illoughby .............. .... .... · · ·· · · · · · · · · 8 1

. B rbosa , Cintr n and Elliott ........ ... .............. ····· 3 n motion of fr. Cr6sa , Jhe reading of the minutes of the t m ting di ~used witll . . . Th prot t of the Chamber of Commerce agamst certain of the Harbor and Dock Regulations heretofore approved b the ouncil, as referred to the Judiciary Committee. communie«tion fr m the Alcalde of Arecibo tating that the omi ·ion of the word " all" iri the Arecibo tax ordinance was a clerical error, was read and ordered filed. The Fin nee Committee ubmitted report recommending approval of the r. llo~ ing resolutions and ordinances relative to the loan of th ity of Ponce: n Ordinance fixing a pecial tax for the payment of intert on id bonds and to create a inking fund for their redemption . The form of the conditional bond or provi ional receipt to be i ued for the purpose of receiving the purchase money tog ther \ ith premium and interest. The r lution designating Mes rs. J . L Ceballos & Co . of Te\ York a the depository for the payment of interest on said bond . \! hich report wa adopted . The action of the City Council of Ponce , allowing the above named bankers a commis ion of one-fourth of one per cent, a di approved . The Finance Committee ubmitted report recommending approval of the amended form of bond adopted by the City Council of Arecibo on April the 2nd , 1902, which report was adopted. The Finance Committee ubmitted report recommending that the r~lution adopted by the City Council of Yauco on larch 25 , 1902 , providing for the elimination of the floating indebtedn of aid City from the purposes of the proposed loan, and for the funding thereof by the i n nee of certificates of indebtedn , be approved . The report was adopted.

APRIL 7, 1902.

The same Committee submitted report upon the resolution of the City Council of Yauco of January 9, 1902, and the amenda· tory resolution of January 14, 1902, authorizing said City to contract a loan of 100,000 and to issue bonds as the evidence of such indebtedness. The Comm~ttee submitted with its report a form of preliminary ordinance similiar to that adopted by San Juan, Ponce, Mayagiiez and Arecibo, with the recommendation that a copy thereof be transmitted to the Alcalde of Yauco, and that, if approved by the City Council of aid City, said action will be ratified by the Executive Council and authority thereupon given to advertise for proposals for the purchase of said bond issue. The report wa adopted . On the recommendation of the Judiciary Committee, the impediment of law agai nst the marriage of cousi n was waived in the following cases: Angell Pia y Vila and Julia Vila y Mayo ; Dionisio Rodriguez y Vega and Eusebia Munoz y ,Rodriguez . The Committee on Corporations recommended that the Mayor of Maunabo be informed that the Executive Council is without authority to take further action in relation to his protest again t annexation to Yabucoa . The following resol ution was read and a'd opted, subject to the transfer by the Governor, of an amount sufficient to cover the increase named: "RESOLVED , that the salary of the Chief Clerk of the Executive Council be increased to the rate of 1,980 per annum from March 1, 1902 . to June 30, 1902. " On motion of Mr. Willoughby , the Council then adjourned. CHAS . HARTZELL, Presidmt.

MEETING OF THE EXEC TIVE COUNCIL APRIL 9TH, 1902 . The Council met at 3:00 o 'clock p. m . Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and answered to their names: M rs. Barbosa , Benitez, Brioso , Cr6sas, Hartzell, Harlan and Willoughby . ...... ....... ········ ·· ··· ··· ··· · · ··· ······ 7 Absent:

en•. intr6n, Elliott, Garri n add Lind ay .. . . . .. ... . ... 4 moti n r. a , the re ding of the minntes of the t m tin a di pensed with . Relative to the resolution of the Mnnioipal Council of Gurabo concerning an alleged arcity of male cattle, the Clerk was dincted to notify the Alcalde that the Executive Council ha no jnrisdiction therein . The commnnication of the Mayor of Ponce relative to the application of certain Act of the Legislative A sembly regarding nnicipaliti , wa referred tothe Attorney eneral. Franchi. o'mmittee recommended th t a franchise be granted to Frank P. Me urdy to establish and maintain a ferry ice bet n an Juan and Catano, all more particularly t forth in prin,ted form of ordinance being entitled: " n Ordinance granting to Frank P . McCurdl the right to tabli h and maintain a C. rry service between the municipalities of an Juan d Catano ". n the qu tion " hall thi ordinance be adopt~?" the roll wa cal~ with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: rs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cr6sas, Harlan, Hartzell and Willoughby .. . ....... .. ...... .. ......... ... .. .......... . 7 In the negative-None . Absent : M rs. Cintr6n, Elliott, Garrison and Lindsay ....... . . . .... 4 The aid ordinance was tbereupon declared approved and the Pr ident igued the same. On motion of Mr. Willoughby , the Council then adjourned. CHAS . HARTZELL,



-~---------A -PRIL


II, 1Cj02.

On motion of Mr. Cr6sas, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was di pensed with . . In the matter of the petition of Manuel A . Pen a for dispen· sauon to contract marnage, the Judiciary Committee recom· mended that the .petitioner be advised that the relation hip being that of fifth cousms, no authority i necessary . The report was adopted. The Judiciary Committee reported that imon Algarin and Ca~en Medero had been married by some ecclesiastical dispensation, and made no recommendation . The application of Juan A. Blondet, Police Judge, and Luis B. Cap6, Secretary of the Police Court of Guayama, for increase of salary from July first, 1902 , was referred to the Finance Committee. The Committee on Finance submitted report recommending that the following ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Council of Mayagiiez, relative to a proposed loan of $200 ,000, be approved : An Ordinance changing the denomination of bonds from Jsoo to 1 , 000 each. An Ordinance fixing the form of bond and endorsement. An Ordinance fixing a tax for the payment of interest on a series of $200,000 and to create ll sinking fund for their redemption . A resolution appointing J . M . Ceballo & Co . of New York to receive the semi-annual interest on the bond issue of Mayagiiez . The foregoing report \\>as adopted and the said ordinan es and resolutions duly ratified and approved . A form of provisional receipt to be executed by the cities of M yagiiez and Arecibo in the matter of their respective bond issues, was duly ratified and approved . On motion of Mr. Cr6sas , the Council then adjourned. CHAS . HARTZELL ,


APRIL I ITH, 1902 .

The Council met at 3 :00 o 'clock p . m . Upon the callingofthe roll , the following members appeared and answered to their nam : M: rs. Barbosa, Brioso, Cr6sa , Garrison, Harlan and Hart· zell... ....... ......... ............................................ 6 Absent: rs. Benitez, Cintr6n, Elliott, Lindsay and Willoughby, 5


The Council met at 2 :00 o'clock p . m. Upon the calling of the roll, the foilowing members appeared an andswered to their names:




APRlL 29, 1902.


rs. B r a , Benitez, Btioso, Cr6sa , Garrison , Hartzell , Harlan , Linds y and\ illoug hby...................... 9


Cintr6n anp Elliott ..................... ...... . .. ...... .... 2 n motion of Mr. Cr6s , the reading of the minutes of the Ia t meeting w di pen d with . The following m ges were received from His Excellenc , the Governor: E



AN jUA .• P . R ., APRIL 19TH, 1<)02 .

have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of fr . Henry W . Dooley as a member of the City Council of an Juan , P . R. R pectfully, NT,

Govenzor. MANSION



Honorable Presitknt of the Executive Council, an jua11 , P . R . Sir : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Francisco Selles as a member of the City Council of Hato Grande, P . R .


ir :


A.N , P . R . , APRIL 19TH , 19Q2.


Honorable President of tlu Executive Council, San Juan, P . R . ir : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of h . Jose Gomez as a member of the City Council of Hato Grande, P . R .


WM . H . HuNT, Governor.



Honorable Pus/dent of 1/u E.ruulive Gnmcil, an jua11, P. R .

WM . H . H


H . HuNT, Governor.

On motion of Mr. Cr6sas, the rules were suspended and the foregoing nomination were confirmed without reference to a Committee . A communication from the Director of Prisons requesting permission to employ a photographer at the nitentiary at a per diem compensation for services actually rendered in lieu of a salary of $36o per annum, as heretofore approved by the Council, as read . The request was approved . A communication from W . S. H. Lothrop, accepting "An Ordinance granting toW . . H . Lothrop, his executors, administrators and assigns, the right to establish and maintain an electric plant for furnishing and distributing light, power and heat in the Municipality of Ponce " , was read and ordered filed . A communication from L . G . McGuig:m, favorably endorsed by the Acting Commissioner of the Interior, Superintendent of Insular Telegraphs, requesting authority to increase the number of employes and requesting permission to open telegraph stations at certain points therein named, was referred to the Finance Committee. The Judiciary Committee recommended that , in the matter of the petition of Ram6n Negr6n, relative to a certain judiciary order authorizing the Treasurer to pay a debt and alleging that the same had not been f=Omplied with, the writer be informed that the Council is not able to take any action in the premises. The report wa adopted. The request of the Commissioner of Education for authority to pay the sum of ro a month to any teacher regularly engaged


APRIL 29, 1902.

referred to the

the roll voting in the 'affirmative were : rs. Bar , Brioso , r6sa , Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell, Linruay and WiUoughby ............ ... .................. . 8 In then gativ~: fr . Benitez ......................¡................................... ... . . Absent: ' f rs. Cintr6n and Elliott ...................................... .... 2 The ame wa declared adopted , igned b the President, and th Clerk directed to tran mit the ordinance to the Governor for hi aetion . The Committee on Franchises recommended that the application of the Porto Rlco Railway Company for permi ion to use th Company' ¡ telegraph poles for the purpose of erecting a private telephone line to be used by the firm of Sobrinos de Ezquiaga bet een their warehou in an Juan and their estate of '' Buena Vi ta '' near Carolina, for private business only , and prented an ordinance grantinr aid right. On the qu tion " hall thi ordinance be adopted? " the roll was called with foll9 wing result : Th voting in the affirmative were: I rs. Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso , Cr as, Garrison , Harlan,, Hartzell , Lindsay and W illoughby........... .... .. .... 9 In the neg ative--None . Absent: M rs. Cint r6n and Elliott ................ . 2 The am a declared adopted , igned by the President , and th Clerk directed to tran mit the ordinance to the Governor for hi action . The Judiciary Committee submitted report recommending that the impediment of law again t the marriage of cou ins be aived in the following ca J Rey Laureano and Paula forales Alicea; Juan Alva-


rado Rodrlguez and Cipriana Alvarado Co16n ; Leandro Monyanez y Parrilla and Juana Orosco Parrilla; Fernando Nin and Mariana Nin ; Miguel Mnfioz Garda and Trinidad Ramirez Munoz ; Juan Agu tin Chico y Cordero and Catalina Cordero y L6pez ; Geraldo Cantillo y Camps and Asunci6n Blanch y Camps ; Jose Ram6n Velez and Juana antiago. The report was adopted. The Judiciery Committee recommended that no action be taken on the application of F~lix Alfaro y Calvo and Felix Cantarisio Alfaro y Calvo, the ame having been withdrawn . The report was adopted . The Judlciary Committee ubmitted report recommending that the following petition for waiver of the impediment of law in order to contract marriage be not granted: Ger6nimo Paxot y Torrellas and Clotilde Torrellas y Ramfrez; Pedro Santiago Rivera y Berrios and Marfa Emelia Barrio y Barrios; Jose Cueva and Satumina Rosado y Cifri; and Ricardo Dfaz y Rosa and Marla L6pez y Dfaz . The report was adopted. In the matter of the application of Jose Cabrera y Cabrera and Encamaci6n Cabrera y P~rez, the Judiciary Committee recommended that the petitioners be informed at no authority is needed for them to contract marriage, they being second cousins and not coming within the law. The report was adopted. In the matter of the application of M. Munitez for authority to substitute a four inch water pipe from his estate to the military reservation at Cayey for a one inch pipe now in use, the Franchise Committee submitted report recommending that the request of the petitioner be granted. On the question " Shall this franchise be granted? " the rail was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas, Garrison , Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby ..... ................ 9 In the negative-None. Absent: Mes rs. Cintr6n and Elliott ... ... . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . ... .. .. . . . . . . . . 2 The said franchise was thereupon declared approved and the Committee 0t1 Franchises directed to prepare a form of ordinance covering said grant. It was ordered that all franchises heretofore granted and not printed, be printed under direction of the Secretary of Porto Rico.



APRIL 29, 1902.

fi llowing resolution, which was "\VB It an emergency exi t in the municipality of Camuy o ing to a large am unt of illn now prevalent among the in di nt poor of the aid municipality, and it is neces ary for the maintenance nd proper attendance upon uch ick pen;on that cert in fund hould be temporarily advanced by the In ular to en ble the maintenance thereof by the Municipal auth titi TH£REF RE, BE IT RESOWED BY THE ExECUTIVE COUNCIL th t th~ ti n of the Governor in causing to be transferred to said municip lity a um not to xceed Four Hundred Dollars ( oo) for the purposes m nti ned herein, i hereby approved by the Executi e ouncil ith the expret; understanding that the aid um of moo hall be repaid by the id municipality and that the Tre urer of Porto Rico hall be duly authorized resolution of the aid Cou cil of Camuy to deduct such sum from any funds to be received from taxation in said municipality and apportioned to th aid municipality , the um to be so deducted at such time and in such manner as tbe Trea urer of Porto Rico may deem ad vi ·able. " A communication from the Collector of Cu toms relative to n alleged conflict between the rules and regulations formulated b the Executive Council relative to Harbors and Docks and the nited tat Custom· and Navigation Laws, was referred to the Judiciary Committee. The request of the Mayor of Barros to be informed on cer· tain point in connection ith. the Municipal Budget and the a~­ plication of the Act <?..D lunicipalities, was returned by the FInance Committee with the recommendation that it be referred to the Trea urer of Porto Rico. The report was adopted. The requ t of Juan A. Blondet, Police Judge, and Luis B. ap6, retary Police Court, of Guayama , for an incr~ase of salary aft r July first , together with the report of the Ftnance ommittee thereon , wa referred to the JudiciaJy Committee. The Finance Committee ubmitted report on the resolution of the City Council of Aguadilla , proposing to contract a loan of so.~, recommending that the same be not approved, which report wa adopted . Upon recommendation of the Committee on Finance, the following ordinance adopted by the City Council of Yauco on April 17, 1902, a approved:


·:An Ordinance to provide for the contracting of a loan by the Ctty of Yauco for the purposes of the construction of an aqueduct and filter, for the construction and equipment of an electric lighting plant, and for the construction of an iron market house in said City ." On motion of Mr. Cr6sa , the Council then adjourned. CHAS. HARTZELL, Preside1z l.

MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MAY 5TH, 1<)02 . The Council met at 3:00 o 'clock p. m. Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and answered to their names: Mes rs. Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby .... .. ..... ... ... ................. 8 Absent: Mes rs. Barbosa, Cintr6n and Elliott ........._........ .............. 3 On motion of Mr. Cr6sas, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with . The following message was received from His Excellency, the Governor: EXECUTIVE MANSION } PORTO RICO. SA.N Jul\N.- ·P . R., MAY 2ND, 1<)02 . HIJnorahle Presidml of the Executive Council, San Juan, P . R . Sir:

I have the honor to submit for the approval of the Executive Council the name of Henry F . Hord, Esquire, as Associate Justice of the District Court in and for the District of San Juan . Respectfully, W!. H . H UNT, Governor. Under a suspen ion of the rules, by unanimous consent, reference of the foregoing nomination to a Committee was waived


be confirmed? '' the voting in the affirmative were: . ..,_ .IX:Dl·t ez, Bn· , Cr a , Garri n ' Harlan , Hartzell, Lin and Willough by .. .... ... .. . .. . .. ................ . 1! tive--None . . Barbosa , Cintr6n and E lliott .······ · · · ····· · · · · ·········· 3 nomination wa accordingly declared duly confirmed. Mr. V illoughby offered t~ following memorial :


I N THE E x Ec TIV E Cot;NCIL PoRTO Rico. AN J uA •, P . R . . MAY 5TH , I9Q2 . " temorial of the Executi ve Council of Porto Rico to the Con of the United tates in relation to the ~ght of corporati n to own real tate in the I land of Porto Ric.o . . v HERitA , the condition under which certam agnc_nltural operation must be carried on in the Island of Port~ R1co are uch that u cc Ul return can only be secured by their prosecution on a large scale ; and . WH ER s, thi i especially true of the mdustry of the cultivation of ugar cane and the extraction of the sugar thereform , a thi can only be accompli bed to advantage where large .el!tablishment equipped with modem machinery for the crushing of the cane are erected c pable of cru bing the yield of several thou and acres of land yearly ; and . WHEREAS it i a matter of general knowledge that the lnv tment of t~rge s of money in the erecti~n. of such -est~b­ lishments has been prevented owing to the provisiOns.of. t~e J omt Resolution of Congr , approved May 1, 1901 , hm~ung the amount of land that may be owned or controlled by a smgle corporation to five hundred ( soo) acres; and . V HXR AS the Chambers of Commerce of the more Important citi of the I land have petitioned that thi feature of the aid Joint R lution hould be repealed; and . . WHEREAS , it i the opinion of the Executive Co~mc1l of Porto Ric~ that thi r tnction is unwise and acts as an obstacle to the industrial development of"the Island: Now, THEREFORE , Be it R esolved, that Congre_s ~ her~ by petitioned to amend the aid Joint Resolution, ~h~cb I~ ent1~ tted " A Joint Resolution to provide for the admin1 tration o

-~---------M -AY

5, 1902. - - - - -


civil affairs in Porto Rico pending the appointment and qualifi cation of Civil Officers provided for in the Act approved April 1 2, 1900, entitled ' An Act temporarily to provide Revenue and a Civil Government for Porto Rico , and for other purposes, ' •• so that it shall be legal for corporations to own and control not to exceed five thousand ( sooo) acres of land in Porto Rico. And your memorialists will ever pray." On the question " Shall this memorial pa s? " the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: Mes rs. Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sa , Garrison, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . 7 In the negative: Mr. Harlan ........... . ..... ........................... . ... . .... ... .. . ... . Absent : Messrs. Barbosa, Cintr6n and Elliott ... ..... . .... .. .. ...... .. .... . 3 The memorial was declared passed and the Clerk directed to tran mit the same to the Governor for his action thereon . The Committee on Finance recommended that the Alcalde of Manatf be informed that the Executive Council is without authority to annul a decision relative to the proper interpretation of the municipal excise tariff heretofore approved by the Council. The report was adopted . The Committee on Finance recommended that the special tariff schedule submitted by the Alcalde of Aiiasco be not approved, and that all the Alcaldes of the Island be informed that no snch schedule be considered if submitted at any period subsequent to the going into effect of the ordinary budgets. The report was adopted. The Judiciary Committee recommended that the petition of Roberto Vivas y Bon and Josefa Guerrero y Arroyo for marriage di pensation be denied. The report was adopted. The request of the Treasurer of Porto Rico for authority to use $1000 of a surplus fund of $1831.97 that will remain available out of the appropriation "Salaries, Office of the Treasurer, I90I-I9Q2, " for emp oyment of temporary help in carrying through the revision of the a ment of property and preparation of tax receipts forth coming fiscal year, was approved. The Judiciary Committee recommended that the following parties be advised that they may be married without action by the Executive Council : Candelario Perez Rivera and Celestina Rivera y Maricha.l;







MAY 15, 1902.


A co~muuication was read from E. Lugo-Viiia, informing the Counctl that work ha been commenced on railroad from San Juan to Caguas, under the franchise granted to the Port America Company . the parties ma contr ct marriage: . J Cordova y Dlaz and Herminia Dlaz y Viera ; Gabnel Cintron Angueira and Gertrndi Angueira Pineiro; Jose ~bel ol n and nobia Jiron ; Anto~io Aldarondo y Ramos and Ntc?1 Juarbo y Cob n ; Ernesto ~lalaret y Rodriguez and Amelta Iriurry Rodriguez ; Jesu M. Ram and Monserrate Ru{z ; Dama 0 de 1 ngel Rivera y Velez and Fidela del Carmen Velez y Riv a ; F.~lix Juarbe y Caban and Josefa Juarbe Aidarondo; nd Angel David Lugo y Ca tillo and Marla del Carmen a tillo. The report wa ~dopted . In the nratter of the bedule of rates to be levied on butcher tall in the building provided by the Municipality of Mauna~, the Finan Committee recommended that the Alcalde be tn¡ formed bat the approval of the Executive Council is not required. . . n motion of Mr. Willoughby , the Counctl adjourned . CHAS. HARTZELL ,



The Council m t at 3 :00 o 'clock p . m . ' pon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and a.n wered to their names: M rs. B rbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison , Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . I I Absent-None. On motion of Mr. Cr6sa , the reading of the minutes of the Ia t meeting a di pensed with . . . A communication from Gen . Roy tone reqnesttng exten ton of time in bicb to commence ork under the franchi to the Port America Company and a like communication from W. W . Hal y Co. of Ne York , ere read.

No action was taken therefore on the extension of time

~bove requested by the Port America Company .

In the matter of the request of the Acting Commi ioner of the ~nterior for the approval of salarie of additional employes req~red for the Bureau of Insular Telegraph, during the rematnder of the present fiscal year, and the li t of Insular telegraph stations authorized to be opened in addition to those already establi bed, the Finance Committee recommended approval. The report was adopted . .The Finance Committee recommended that the tax of 400 imposed by City of San Juan on electric lighting companies be not approved and that the matter be referred to the Franchise Committee for further report. The Teport was adopted. In the matter of the request of the Judge of the United States Court that the salary of the Deputy Clerk at Mayagiiez be fixed at the rate of $1000 from and after May 12, 1902, the Finance Committee rec9mmended that the 4Ja me be approved, the necessary transfer having been made by the Governor. The report was adopted .


The Judiciary Committee recommended that the Police Judge and Secretary of the Police Court of Guayama be informed that the Executivs Council is without authority to take any action on their application for an increase of alary from July rst, 1<)02. The r~port was adopted. In the matter of the petition of the Ponce Chamber of Commerce by Carlos Arm trong, it Pre ident, relative to the amount of land that can be owned by corporations in Porto Rico , the Judiciary Commiitee recommended that the petitioner be informed that a memorial to the Congress of the United States in relation thereto was passed on May 5th, 19'>2 . The report was adopted. The Committee on Corporations recommended th:tt the Alcalde of Hato Grande be informed that the Executive Council is without auth rity to change the name of that City to San Lorenzo, the same being a matter for the Legislative Assembly to consider. The report wa adopted . In the matter of the communication from the Mayor of Ponce relative to the application of the Municipal Law to muni-

MAY 15, 1902. 177 ------------------~

176 having an urban 'population of 8ooo inhabitants or Committ on Corporation recommended pa age of ng lotion : I

THR ExEc TIVE Co NCIL P PORTO RICO . A' J A:S, P . R .• M v 15TH, 1(}02 .

"R Jution of th Executive CouncilofPorto Rico, regardin application of the Act entitled " An Act concerning municipaliti ", approved hrch 1,•1902. \VHER A , the ' Act entitled "An Act to provide for the application of th Act, entitled 'An Act concerning municipaliti ', pproved March 1, 1902, to municipaliti having an urban population of ~ght thou and or over, with certain modification ", pproved March 1, 190:z., authorizes the Ex cutive Council of Porto Rico to make all nee ary regulations and to decide all q1,1 tio ari ing in connection with the application of both of the Act relating to municipalities, approved March 1, 1902 ; and WHR RA , a qn tion ha arisen as to the applicatiJn of Section 2 of the unicipal Law, which permit of an ordinance being p sed over the veto of a Mayor of a municipality upon a vot of ix members of the Council of such municipality, to municipalities which have an urban population of eight thouand (8ooo) inhabitant , or over, and therefore, are permitted to hav a Council of fifteen ( 15 ) members; and \VHR EAS, it wa th; purpose of Section 28 to require a two third (~) affirmative vote of all the members of such Councils to p an ordinance over the veto of the Mayor, and that, therefore , the ame-£equirement of a two third (~) vote should obtain in respect to municipalities having Municipal Councils having fifleen ( 15 ) members . Now THEREFORE, Be it Resolved by tlu Executive Council of Porlo Rico: That , ction 2 of the Municipal Law hall apply to municipaliti having an urban population of eight thouscnd (8ooo) inhabitan or over, with the modification that an affirmative ote of ·ten ( 10) members of the Council shall be required to pa an ordinance or a resolution which ha been returned to such Council by the ayor with hi di approval.'' Which a agreed to. r. '.1 illoughby offered the following resolution :

IN THR ExECUTIVE CouNCIL } OF PORTO RICO SAN j UAN, P . R., MAY 15TH, 1902 . " Resolution of the Executive Council of Porto Rico regarding the application of the Act entitled "An Act concerning municipalities ", approved March I, I902. WHEREAS, the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the application of the Act entitled •An Act concerning municipalities', approved March I, 1902, to municipalities having an urban population of eight thou and or over, with certain modification ' ", approved March I , I902 , authorizes the Executive Council of Porto Rico to make all neces ary regulation and so decide all questions arising in connection with the application of both of the acts relating to municipalities, approved March 1, I902: and WHEREAS a question ha arisen as to whether the municipalities in framing their budget for the fiscal years beginning July I, 1902, should or should not frame them so as to take into account the new system of government and the new obligations under which they will be in virtue of the said acts: Now THER.EFVRE, Be it Resolved by tlt.e Executive Council of Porto Rico: I. That the municipalities of the isl· nd should do everything in their power to permit of the immediate application of the laws on July I, 1902, to the fullest extent possible. 2. That they should therefore, frame their budgets so as to make provision for all requirements for the new system of government provided by said acts. 3· That the mode of procedure for the framing of the budgets provided for in said acts should be followed as far as the present organization of municipal government will permit. 4· That municipal authorities who may find themselves in doubt regarding the details of procedure to be followed in respect to the framing of their budgets in order to carry out the general policy required by this resolution shall lay the quesitons concerning which they are uncertain a to what should be done before the Treasurer of Porto Rico and said Treasurer is required to decide such matters. •' Wbich was agreed to. The Franchise Committee submitted report recommendi ng the granting of the following ordinance: "An Ordinance granting to the Compaiifa de los Ferrocarriles de Puerto Rico, and to its successors and as igns, the right






to con ruct a pur a branch raih ay track n t to exceed eighty m t in length on th C rretera real of Ponce''. The Committee ubm itted therewith a printed form of ordinance cov rin aid gr nl. n the qu tion " hall thi franchi be granted?" the a called ith the folio\ ing result: ting in th affirmath•e were: . B rbosa, Benitez , Brio , Cintr6n , Cr6sa , Elliott, Gar· ri n, Harl n, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby .. 11 In the negati ve-~on . • aid franchi ~as thereupon declared granted, the Preid nt igned the m , and the Clerk directed to transmit the ordina ce to the Governor for his action thereon . The Judi cia.ry Committee recommended that the waiver of the impediment of law again t the marriage of cousin be granted in the following ca J anN . iartinez Torado and Dolores Rivera Torado; CarD. Barri y Zapata and Rosa M. Ramirez Zapata ; Bernardino Gonz lezy garra and Francisco Pagan y Segarra; Jose am wnon and Basili a Maldonado Quinones; Juan Lopez and Felicia Rodriguez; Hemeterio Gaud Montalvo and Jacinta Gaud y arga ; Juan Gonzalez Velez and Juana Col6n Velez ; Alejandro Figueroa y Gutierrez and I abel Alfaro y Gutierrez ; Rafael Betancourt and Flora Betancourt; Claudio Borrero and Juana Paul Borrero ; Luca Rodriguez Diaz and Maria Vasquez Rodriguez; and Delfin Lopez de Victoria and Antonio del Valle y Lopez . The report wa adopted. The Judiciary CPmmittee recommended that the following parties be notified that they may be married without the consent of the Executive Council, being related within the fifth degree: J Gimenez Collazo and Tula Gimenez y Hernandez; brtin Alfaro y Calero and Zoila Calero y Mena ; and Vice.u te Rivera alentin and Beatriz Lloren y Rivera . The report a adopted. The Judiciary Committee recommended that the following petition for aiver of the impediment of law again t the marriage of cou in be denied , the petitioners being double cou in : Antonio Yordan a nd Amelia Yordan Rodriguez ; and Serafin Alfaro and hrgara Alfaro. The report w adopted . A communication from the Director of Charities relative to

MAY 15, 1902.

- - ---


the inspection of institutions under his charge, as required by section 147 of the Political Code , endorsed by the Governor, requesting the President to name some member to act on said Committee ( he having named Dr. Zeno Gandia ) was considered. The President appointed Mr. Cintr6n as a member of said Committee. With respect to the request of tjle Commi ·sioner of Education · for the approval of the payment of the sum of 10 per month to any teacher regularly engaged by that Department as night school teacher, the Judiciary Committee submitted report recommending that it is competent for said Commi sioner to appoint aid teachers a night teachers by special appointment in writing, it being neces ary that the two appointments of the same party must be absolutely distinct . The report wa adopted. On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council then adjourned. CHAS. HARTZELL , Prtsidm t.

MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MAY 20TH, 19Q2 . The Council met at 3:00 o 'clock p. m. Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and answered to their names: Mes rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby ............. 10 Absent : Mr. Harlan .................................... .......................... 1 On motion of Mr. Cr6sas, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with . Mr. Willoughby offered the following resolution which was agreed to: IN THE EXEC UTIVE COUNCIL OF PORTO RICO. s J UAN, P . R., MAY 20TH, 19Q2. ''Resolution of the Executive Council of Porto Rico regarding the application of the Act of the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico, entitled "An Act to provide temporary revenues for the Municipal Districts of Porto Rico" , approved Jan nary 31,

1 H)OI,


L 0


nd continued in force by the

funicipal Law approved

1, ¡1<)02.

~ H R , the ct entitled ' ' n Act to provide temporary rev nu (. r the lunicipal Di tricts of Porto Rico", approved J nu ry 31, IC)OI, a d continued in force by the municipal law approved arc:h 1, 1902 , empowers municipalities, upon receivin the approval of the Executive Council of P')rto Rico, to 1 vy nd collect pedal taxes when sufficient revenue cannot e obt ioed for their resJ*ctive budgets from other sources of revenue permitted by Ia ; 6Id ~ HER it i" desirable th t the municipalities in availing of the provision of this act shall pursue a uniform

o • THE~EFORE, Be il Resoh~d by /he E eculive Council of Porlo Rico: 1. hat, the muni~:ipalities in framing their ordinances providing for the levying of the special taxes in accordance with aid act, be requested to make use of the following form of ordinanc , with such modifications thereof as the special requirement of the municipality may make nece ary. 2. That, the ordinances in relation to this matter that have already been pa sed by tertain municipalities but which have not yet received the con ider tion of the Executive Council, be returned to the respective municipalities pas ing them with a copy of the present resolution, requesting them to re-enact their ordinanc in accordance with the aid resolution. ' ' The form of ordinance accompanying the foregoing resolution a likewise agreed to. The Finance .COmmittee recommended that the apportion ment of the 22,000 appropriated by "An Act to establish and maintain an ylum for the indigent blind of Porto Rico ", for salari , sub i tence and incidental expenses for said asylum, as contained in the letter of the Director of Charities under date of ay 16, 1902, and the aries of the employees named therein , be approved. The report wa adopted. The Finance Committee ubmitted report recommending approv .1 of the ordinance adopted by the City Council of San Juan, May; 12, 1902, fixing the rate of pecial tax to be levied for the payment of the interest and providing for the inking fund, on account of a series of bond aggregating $6oo,ooo isned by id City and authorizing the Trea urer of Porto Rico to collect aid tax and pay over the proceed of the regular tax


20 ,


upon property for municipal purposes. The report was adopted and the aid ordinance declared approved. The Finance Committee submitted report recommending approval of the ordinance adopted by the City Council of Ponce April 30, 19C2, fixing the rate of pecial tax to be levied for the payment of the interest and providing for the sinking fund, on account of a series of bonds aggregating 200,000 issued by said City, and authorizing the Treasurer of Porto Rico to collect said tax and pay over the proceeds thereof in the same manner as he now collect and pay over the proceeds of the regular tax upon property for municipal purposes. The report was adopted and the said ordinance declared approved. The Finance Committee submitted report recommending approval of the ordinance adopted by the City Council of Arecibo, April 18, 1902, fixing the rate of pedal tax to be levied for the payment of the interest and providing for the sinking fund on account of a series of bond aggregating 100,000 i sued by said City, and authorizing the Trea urer of Porto Rico to collect said tax and pay over the proceeds thereofin the same manner as he now collects and pay over the proceeds of the regular tax upon property for municipal purposes. The report was adopted and the said ordinance declared approved.The Finance Committee ubmmitted report recommending a~proval of the ordinance adopted by the City Council of Mayagiiez, April 28, 1902, fixing the rate of special tax to be levied for the payment of the interest and providing for the si nking fund on account of a series of bonds aggregating $200,000 i ued by said City, and authorizing the Trea urer of Porto Rico to collect said tax and pay over the proceeds thereof in the same manner as he now collects and pays over the proceeds of the regular tax upon property for Municipal purposes. The report was adopted and the said ordinance declared approved. On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council then adjourned. CHAS . HARTZELL,


2JRD, IC)02 .

The Council met at 2:00 o'clock p. m . Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and answered to their names:


1 2



Bar a, Beoite~. Bri r , Elliott, Garrison, Harl o, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . .. . . . 10

r bsent :

intr6n .. . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pon m tion of fr . Cr6sa , the reading of the minut of th Ia t meeting dispensed with . Relativ to the petition of Jose L . Hernandez, Police Judge at u bradilla dated February 1 , 1902, the Finance Committee ubmitted report recommending that if money appropriated is not u by th municipalllti in the payment of alari pro· vid fi r in the butlget , tht breach of propriety bould be cor rected b the ret ry . The report was adopted and the peti· retary of Porto Rico . Th req'\ t of the Commi ioner of Education that the Council approve the appointment of three trained nurses at a lary of ix hundred dollars per annum each, under the provi· ion of an " ct to establ" h schools for trained nurses", wa approved. The requ t of the Commis ioner of Education for the ap· proval of the ppointment of one principal of night chool, an Juan, t a lary of 30 per month, three night boo! teachers, n Juan, at a alary of 25 per month and one Engli h teacher in the night · boo!, an Jn n , at 10 for each month, that said teacher may receive a alary as teacher of English in the day school and 25 per month for such months as aid teacher may not be mployed in the day school ; the appointment of one night boo! teacher at Cayey at a salary of 10 also keeping open any of the night school during the ummer or vacation month wherever.. in the judgment of the Commis ioner of Education , local condition may justify the same, was approved . Th following m ages were received from Hi Excellency, th Governor of Porio Rico: E JtC TIVE M l'SION PORTO RICO . AN J AN, P . R., MAY 21ST, 1902.

Honorable President of/IlL Executive Council, njuan, P.R . iJ : I ha\'e the honor to nbmit for your approval the nomination

MAY 23, 1902.

of Mr. Arthur E . Linhart as associate judge of the District Court at Humacao, vice Mr. Valdez tran ferred to Mayagiiez . Respectfully, WM. H. HUNT, Governor. EXECUTIVE MANSION } PORTO RICO. s N J AN, P . R., MAY 21ST, 1'}02.

Honorable President of ike Executive. Council, Sa1l Juan, P. R. ir: I have the honor to submit to the Council the nomination of Mr. Ulpiano Valdez, now associate judge of Humacao, to be fiscal of the District Court of Mayagiiez, vice Mr. Vallecillo resigned. Respeotfull y, WM. H . HUNT, Governor. ExECUTIVE MANSION PORTO RICO. AN jUAN, P.R . , MAY 22ND, 1902. Honorable President of Ike Executive Cou1uil, San fuan, P. R . Sir: I have the honor to submit for the approval of the Executive Council, the nomination of Jesus Pereyo as Councilman at Na· guabo: Respectfully, WM . H. HUNT, Governor. EXEC TIVE MANSION } PORTO RICO. SA JUAN, P. R., MAY 22ND, 1'}02.

Honorable President of tilL Executive Council, Sanjuan, P.R. Sir: I have the honor to submit for the approval of the Executive


• MAY 28, 1902.

Council the nomination of jesu M. Amadeo as councilman at T Ita . R pectfully, WM . H . H UNT, Governor. E EC TIVE MANSION PoRTO Rico. AN } U N, P . R ., MAY

} 22


IC)02 .

Ho11orahle fusidmt f o.f /lie E xeculivtJo Council , an Juan, P . R . ir: I ha e the honor to submit for your approval the nomination of Rafael Tirado as fi al of the District Court at H umacao, vice J u To y to, tran ferred to Ponce. Respectfully ,

WM . H . HUNT, Govenzor . On motion of Mr. Cr6sa , the rules were suspended and the foregoing nomination con idered without reference to a Committee. On the question " hall these nominations be confirmed?" the roll called with the following result: Tb voting in the affirmative were: M rs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso , Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby .. . . . ro In the negative--None. Absent: lr. Cintr6n .. .......................................... .................. . The nomination were declared confirmed . On motion of fr . Elliott , the Council then adjourned. CHAS. HARTZELL, Pres¡i dmt.

Messrs. Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Absent: Messrs. B~a, Benitez , Cintr6n and Harlan . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Upon motion of Mr. Cr6sas, the reading of the minutes 0 ( the last meeting was di pensed with . In_the matter of the application of the City of Humacao for authontyto contract a loan for One Hundred Thousand Doll th F . C . ars, e mance omm1ttee submitted report recommending that th Mun.icipal Council of Humacao be requested to furnish mor: detatled and specific information relative to the purposes of said loan, as full! set out therein . The report was adopted. Mr. Elliott , presented the following resolution , which was agreed to: . " :WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Executive Council of Porto Rico, 1t would be extremely beneficial to this Government to have all questions affecting the public lands in Porto Rico and the title thereto determined at the earliest possible moment: Now, THEREFORE, be it resolved hy Ike Executive Council: That we request that the bill relating to public lands in Porto Rico, which is now pending in the Senate of the United States, be urged for favorable consideratilfn, believing that the pas age thereof will be of great benefit to the Insular Government in the determination of important questions which have arisen respecting the same. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Governor of Porto Rico be requested to forward this resolution by cable to Senator Joseph B. Foraker at Washington ." On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council then adjourned . CHAS. HARTZ ELL , President.


MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MAY 28TH , IC)02. The Council met at 2:00 o 'clock p . m . pon the c..Uing of the roll , the following members appeared and an wered to their names:


IC)02 .

The Council met at 3 :00 o 'clock p. m. Upon the calling of the roll , the following members appeared and an wered to their names: Mes rs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso; Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby . . I I Absent-None.


pon m tion of ilr. eros ' the reading of the minutes of the Ia t m ting wa di pensed with . The Committee on Franchi ubmitted report upon the application of rs. Franci o Parra and C rio Cabrera for a licen to con trnct a temporary cane road on the side of the public highway bet een alinn and Santa Isabel , recommending that aid licen be granted. The Committee submitted with aid report a form of ordin nee covering the proposed license. The report was adopted. n the qu tion " hJ ll this license be granted? " the roll a called ith tl\e following r ult: Th • voting in the affirmative were: . Barbosa , Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sa , Elliott, Garri n , Harlan , Hartzell , Lind ay anc!Willoughby .. 11 In the negative-None. aid licen wa therenP<>n declared dul~ granted and the Presid nt igned the ame. The Committee on Franchises ubmitted report on the application of the American Railroad Company of Porto Rico for authority to con truct a branch track from its main line to the City of .Arecibo, recommending that authority be granted, and presented an ordinance covering the same. The report was adopted. On the question ' ' hall this ordinance be approved? '' the roll wa called ith the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were : M . Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cintron, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby .. I I In the negative-None. Said ordinance was thereupon declared duly approved, and the President igned the same. The Committee on Franchises submitted report upon the -application of F . P . McCurdy for an extension for a period of ninety days of the time in which to accept the ferry franchise granted to him on the ninth day of April , I9(>2, recommending that said exten ion be granted, and presented therewith a resolution covering the ame. The report was adopted . On the question " Shall thi resolution be adopted? " the roll as called with the following result: Th voting in the affirmative were: . Barbosa, Benitez , Brioeo, Cintr6n, Cr6sa , Elliott, Garri n , Harlan , Hart~ell , Lind ay and Willoughby .. I I



In the negative-None. Said resolut~on wa t~ereupon declared duly adopted. The . Franchtse Committee submitted report upo n th e severa 1 . communications of General Roy Stone and Halse Y & co. o f N ew · 1 · Y ork• 10 re atlon · work . to an exten. ( ion of time lior co mmencmg under the ordman:ce gr~ntlng a franchise to the Port America Company to estabhsh _, , . .railroad line in Porto Rt'co , re commenwng that, the Cou~c1l havmg been advised of the commencement of work under a1d franchise, no action be taken on said application. The report was adopted. The following messages were received from His Excellency ' the Governor: ExECUTIVll MANSION PORTO RICO . SAN ]UAN, P. R ., jUNE 2ND,

I9(>2. }

Honorable President of Ike Exuu/ive Council, Sanjuan, P. R. Sir : Pursuant to the Act of the Legislative Assembly relating to the Revision of the Asses ment duly appro~ed March ISt, I9Q:Z, I have the honor to nominate the following named persons as members of the permanent Board of Review and Equalization for the purposes of revising the assessment or re-a sessment of real and ~nal property, as provided by the Act of the Legislature aforesaid and for the purpose of passing upon all claims made by tax-payers in respect to the assessment of their properties, namely: Wm. Riefkohl of Maunabo and Carlos Cabrera of Ponce. Respectfully, W~1.

H . H UNT ,


P . R.,

} J u NE JRD ,

1902 .

Honorable President of Ike Executive .Council, Sanjuan, P.R . ir : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the


nomination of anuel Got 'i as a member of the City Council of Bayam6n, P . R. Respectfully ,


Wx . H. HuNT, Governr1

By unanimous consent, under su pension of the rules, the foregoing nomination ere con idered without reference to a Committee. On the qu tion " hafl the foregoing nomination be con~ed? " the roll wa called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: { . Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Garrison, H~rlan , Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby .. .. .. 10 In the negative--None. Absent: Mr. Elliott. .... . .... .. ....... . The nominations were thereupon declared duly confirmed. Th Finance Committee recommended that the chedules of municipal taxes ubmltted by the cities of Aguada, Cayey and Agua Buena be returned to the respective Alcaldes to be formulated in accordance with the form heretofore adopted by the Executive Council and furnished to the Alcaldes of the Island . The report was adopted. In the matter of the communication from the Mayor of Ponce under date of May 26, 1902, relative to the request of Ceballos & Co. that a resolution be adopted by the Municipal Council of Ponce and approved by the Executive Council designating them to pay the bond _at maturity or at uch time as the redemption of aid bonds may be deemed proper , the Finance Committee ubmitted report recommending that such a resolution wa deemed unnec ary and that no further action should be taken by the City Council of Ponce, or the Executive" Council, in this respect . The report wa · adopte-d . In the matter of the communication of the Alcalde of San Juan relative to the imposition of a tax upon electric lighting compani , the Finance Committee ubmitted report recommending that the documents in question be referred to the Franchise Committee. The report wa adopted . Communication from the. American Railroad Company of Porto Rico , informing the Council of the transfer to it by the Compafifa de los Ferrocarril de Puerto Rico of the operation .




management and control of its existing lines in p rt R. 11 th · 0 0 !CO, as we a e construction work of proposed extensions thereto and of the acceptance by said Company of an ordinance dated M ' t' 'dC ayls, 1902, gran mg to sat omp~ny the right to construct a spur or branch track not to exceed etghty metres in length on the Carretera of Ponce, were read and ordered filed. The r:Judiciary Committee recommended that the ,o r 11 • . • • owtng pet1!,)on 10r waiver of the impediment of law to contract · be denied : mamage Juan Asencia y Irizarry and Ramona Irizarry y Asencia; and Esteban Vega y Velez and Julia Velez. The report wa adopted. . !he Judici~ry Committee recommended that the followi ng ~t1t1on for waiver of the impediment of law to contract marnage be granted: Domingo Rivera y O ' Ferral and Adelina O'Ferral y Ri . . Lo G vera, J ose .A n t on1o pez Y erena and Juana Elena Espiet y Gerena; antiago Bu~edas y Badia and Mercedes Masso y Buxedas; ~edro Mercado y Gand{a and Cristina Esponda y Gandfa; Agustin A~aro Y Calero and Marla Ana Calero y Roman; Gumercindo Asencio and Eugenia Irizarry Asencia · Sim6n Rodrigue d pr · . • zan e 1c1ta Rodriguez; Roberto Vivas y Bon Mid Josefa Guerrero y Arroyo; and Francisco Rodriguez and Rosa Ruiz. The report was adopted. The Judiciary Committee, to whom were referred the rules and r~gulations governing the ports and harbors of Porto Rico, sul;>m1tted report recommending the adoption thereof as amended by said_ Commit_tee, said amendments and alterations being fully shown tn the pnnted copy of said rules and regulations filed with the re,port . On the question " Shall these rules and regulations be adopted?" the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby .. 11 In the negative-None. Said rules and regulations for the ports and harbors of Porto Rico were thereupon declared duly approved. On motion of Mr. Willoughby, the Clerk was directed to communicate with the Alcalde of San Juan for the purpose of ~ertaining whether or not a resolution has been passed by the C1ty Connell of aid City authorizing the payment of an y sum to


rs. Ceballos Co., a commi ion on the $6oo,ooo loan heretofore negotiated by the City of an Juan . and, if ~¡ to request that a copy of uch resolution be forthw1th tran m1tted to the Executive Council. On motion of r . Elliott, the Council then adjourned. CHAS. HAli.TZitLL, President.




EXBCUTIVB MANSION PORTO RICO. SAN JuAN , P. R., JuNE 7TH, 1902 . HOMra!JJe President of Ike Executive Council,

San juan, P. R . Sir: I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Jose Pons as a member of the City Council of Ponce, P . R . Respectfully,


The Council met at 1o:oo o 'clock a . m. Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and ans ered to their names: rs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Gar¡ rison, Harlan, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby .. I I Absent-None . On motion of Mr. Cr6sa the reading of the minutes of the Ia t meeting was dispensed with . The following m ages were received from His Excellency, the Governor: ExECUTIVE MA SION } POltTO RICO. SAN JuAN, P . R., JUNE 7TH, 1902. Ht~nDrdle


Dj 1M Executive

w . H . HUNT, Governor.

JUNB 7TH, 1<)02.


Sanfuau, P.R.

Sir: I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Ventura Barnes a a member of the City Council of Ponce, P . R . Respectfully, W . H . HUNT, Gtlvenwr.

By1ftlanimous consent, under suspension of the roles, the foregoing nominations were considered without reference to a Committee. Upon the question "Shall these nominations be confirmed?" the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6 , Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby .. 11 In the negative-None Said nominations were thereupon declared duly confirmed. In respect to the communication of Jose Rojas Cortes, Police Judge of Barros, relative to transfer of funds from municipal Courts to Courts of Ju tices of the Peace, the Finance Committee submitted report recommending that there is no legal authority for the transfer of money appropriated for clerical expenses of Municipal Courts to Courts of Justices of the Peace. The report was adopted . The Judiciary Committee recommended that the impediment of law against the marriage of cousins be waived in the following cases: Edelmiro Mendez Serrano and Adela Acevedo , and Pedro P. Romany Gonzalez and Maria D. Mendez y Gonzalez. The report was adopted. The request of the Superior Board of Health for authority to employ a clerk for the month of May and June , 1902, for the purpose of compiling the necessary vaccine statistics, with salary of$67.50 pet month, was approved. A communication from the Mayor of San Juan, stating that


no resolution has been pa by the City Council of San Juan authorizing the p yment of any commi ion to Ceballos & Co., for procuring the $6oo,ooo loan to aid City , wa read and ordered filed. The qu tion of the lection of a Supervisor of Elections was taken up for con ideration . It a moved that a Committee of three be appointed to con ider and report upon applications for said position, which motion wa agreed to. The Chair appointed l n aid Committee M rs. Harlan, Barbosa and Will~mghby . • The application of B. F. Butler, ~· P . Lippitt and Llewel· lyn Brown for the position of upervisor of Elections, were refi rred to the foregoing Cpmmittee for con ideration and report, together with any further applications that may be received. Without objection , rr: Lindsay was granted a leave of a nee with permi ion to vi it the United tates. On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council then adjourned. CHAS. HARTZELL,



The Council met at 10:00 o 'clock a . m . Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and an wered to their names: r rs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cr6sas, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Absent : . Cintron , Elliott and Lind ay ...... .. ........ ·-. 3 On recommendati0111 of the Judiciary Committee, the follow· ing petition for waiver of the impediment of law in order to contract marriage, were granted: Franci o Colon y Reyes and Mercedes Cordova y Reyes; Epifanio ega y ~z and Juliana Sierra y Ruiz; Julio Romero y N~gr6n ~nd Man.uela ymofana y Negr6n; Vicente argas and Mana Catalina Rivera; Ramon alentin and antiago Torres; J~ teo ega y Cabrera and Rosa Vega y Cabrera; Calixto D . Alfaro y Prats and MariaM . Zayas y Nazario; and


12 , 1902.


Carmelo Figueroa y Garcia and Inez Garcia y Rodriguez. On recommendation of the Judiciary Committee, it was ordered that the following parties be notified that they may be married without the consent of the authorities, not being within the degree prohibited : Guillermo Aldarondo and Rosario Cordero ; Jose I. Rivera y Muiioz and Mariana Rivera y Alers; and Pedro Colon Soto and Juana Colon Alayon . The Finance Committee submitted report on the resolution adopted by the Municipal Council of Humacao on May 13, 1902, relative to a proposed loan recommending that the Mayor af Humacao be requested to furnish certain further details, set out in said report, and a revised statement of the purposes of the proposed loan. The report was adopted. The Committee on Franchises submitted report recommend· ing the granting of a franchise to Mes ·rs. Carlos Cabrera & Co., for the use of certain water rights in the Florida creek, for the purpose ofirrigation and ubmitted therewith a form of ordinance covering aid grant, the same being entitled "An Ordinance granting toMes rs. C. Cabrera & Co. , their successors and assigns , the right to use the waters of Florida creek for the irrigation of lands in the municipality of SanJ;oa Isabel de Coamo ". On the question " hall this franchise be granted? " the roll was called wth the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were : Messrs . Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell and Willoughby. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None . Absent: Messrs. Cintr6n, Elliott and Lindsay ........ · · · · · · · · · · · · 3 Said franchise was thereupon declared duly granted and the President signed the same. In the matter of the franchise heretofore granted to Francisco Parra and to Carlos Cabrera, authorizing the construction of a temporary cane road of appro imately three kilometers in length on the side of the public highway between Salinas and Isabel, Mr. Harlan moved that wherever the words "Isabel " or "Isabela" occur in said franchise, the same be stricken out and there be inserted in lieu thereof the words "Santa Isabel" · On the question "Shall the said franchise be amended. in accordance with the foregoing motion?" the roll was called with the following result:



Ba.r a, Beni z:, Bri , Cr6sas, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

In the negative-- one . t: . Cintron, Elliott and Lindsay . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 'd ameadment wa thereupon declared adopted and the Clerk directed to notify th Governor, the Secretary, and the petitioners acoordingly . f • The request o{ the Commis ioner of the Interior that the alary of a m nger for the office of the Captain of the Port of n Juan be fixed at $300 per annum to date from June 15, 1902, a app ved . • The requ t of the Trea u_rer of Porto Rico for authority to u an unexpended balance of 2,000 of the appropriation " alaries, Bureau of Internal Revenue Agents, 1901 - 1902 ", for the employment of temporary a istance in said Bureau, at a rate of c mpen ation not to exceed $6o per month in each individual case, a approved . The pecial Committee heretofore appointed for the purpose of con idering all nomination for appointment to the position of In pector of Election , ubmitted report recommending the appointment of Benjamin F. Butler to said office. The report w adopted. On the qu tion " hall the nomination of Mr. Benjamin F . Butler a Inspector of Election be confirmed?" the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirn1ative were : M rs. Barbosa~ Benitez:, Brioso, Cr6sas, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell, and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None. A nt : M rs. Cintr6n , Elliott and Lindsay ......... . ... . . . . . . . 3 The nomination wa thereupon declared duly confirmed . n motion of h . Garrison, the salary of the In pector 01 Election wa fixed at the rate of 3000 per annum from July 1, 1902 .

Mr. Willoughby moved that a Committee of three, of which the Pr ident of the Executive Council hall be Chairman be appointed a Committee on Election . The motion wa a~eed to.

12, 1902.


The President requested to be allowed until the next meeting to complete said Committee. The request was granted. On motion of Mr. Willoughby, the Council then adjourned. CHAS . HARTZELL,

President .


The Council met at 10.00 o'clock a . m . Upon the calling f the roll, the following members appeared and answered to their names : · Messrs. Barbosa, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Garrison, Harlan and Hartzell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Absent : Messrs. Benitez, Elliott, Lindsay and Willoughby.......... 4 On motion of Mr. Cr6sas, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with . The Judiciary Committee submitted report recommending that the impediment of law against th marriage of cousins be waived in the following cases: Andre; Rodriguez Barril and Carmen Amador Barril ; Jose Gimenez Velez and Elisa Gimenez y Sanchez; Rogelio Santana and Francisca Santana ; Cosme Arana y Rios and Ana Marfa Rubio y Arana ; Ram6n Rodriguez and Carmen Rodriguez ; and Loreto Ortiz y Perez and Gregoria Perez y Otero. The report was adopted. On recome dation of the Judiciary Committee, it was ordered that the following parties be notified that they may be married without the consent of the authorities, their relationship being in the fifth degree: Gervasio Arocho and Nemesia Arocho; and Cecilio Ignacio Cuevas and Marla Sotera Cuevas. The Judiciary Committee submitted report recommending that the following petitions for waiver of the impediment of law to contr ct marritge be denied : · E teban Vega y Velez and Julia Velez . On the qnest'on "Shall this report be adopted?" the roll was called with the following reSult : Those woting in the affirmative were :


Barbos , Bri

TUNE 25, 1902.

', Cr6sas, Garrison, Harlan and

Hartzell............... . ... ...... . . . .... .. ............ . 6 In the negative : r. Cintron .. .. .... .. . . . . .. . .. . ........... .. . ·· ..... · · · · Absent: . Benitez, E liott, Lind ay , and Willoughby ...... ... 4 The report as th reupon declared adopted. The folio ing m ages were received from His Excellenc the Governor:


r. R.,

} ]ONE 7TH, IC)02.

Ho1torahk Presidmt of tlu Executive Council, San Juan, P . R.







SAN JUAN, P . R., ]UNE I9TH, IC)02.

HoMrable President of tlu Executive Council, San Juan, P . R . Sir: I have the honor to submit for the approval of the Executive Council the nomination of J. M. Amadeo as AlcaldeofToa Alta. Respectfully, W. H . Hunt, Governor. EXECUTIVE MANSION PORTO RICO.


SAN JuAN , P.R., JuNE 13TH, IC)02 .

ir: I ha e the honor to submit for the approval of the Executive Council the nomination of Francisco Gerald as councilman at Toa Baja. Respectfully ,





Honorable Pruident of Ike Executive Council, San Juan, P . R . Sir: I have the honor to submit for the approval of the Executive Council the nomination of Mr. Pedro Arroyo as member of the City Council of Barros. Respectfully, W~1.


H . HUNT, Governo~.


Honorable President of tJu Executive Ct1uncil. Sanjuan , P . R .


SAN J u AN, P . R . , JuNE 14TH , 1902 .

Sir : I have the honor to submit for the approval o. the Executive Council the nomination of Mr. Nicasio Reyes as Councilman ofToa Baja. Respectfully,




Ho1zorable Pruide1zl of Ike Executive Council, San Juan , P . R . ir: I have the honor to submit for the approval of the Execu ive Council the · nomination of Mr. Jose Aguilu as member of the Municipal Council of Coamo. Respectfully, WM. H. HUNT,



consent, under a us pension of the rules, the ruin ation were con idered without reference to a qu tion " h 11 these nominations be confirmed?" a called ith the followi ng result : voting in tbe affirmative were: . Barbosa , Brioso, Cintron, Cr6sas, Garrison, Harlan, nd Hartzell 7

• . Benitez, Elliott, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . 4 aid nomination ere thereupon declared duly confirmed . The Finance Committee ubmitted report recommending that the requ t of the Commissioner of Education , dated June 7 ~ 1902 , r. r a re-adju tment of certain salaries in his office whereby three clerks may be employed ln the place of four and at hi her rate of alary than those provided in the General Appropriati n Act approved f:~rch 1, 1<)02, be granted. On the qu ion " hall thi report be adopted? " the roll called ith the followi ng result: voting in the affirmative were: . Barbosa , Cr as, Garrison, H arlan and Hartzell ... 5 In the negative: I . Brioso and Cintr6n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 A rs . Benitez , Elliott , Li ndsay and Willoughby. . . . . . .. 4 The report wa thereupon adopted. The request of the Commi ioner of the Interior that the Executive Council fix the alari of one Chief of Bureau of H rbors and Dock at 1 ,6oo per annum and one clerk at $c)oo per annum in the Bureau of Harbors and Docks, wa approved upon condition that said alaries shall be paid out of the Harbor Jmprovem nt Trust Fund . The Franchi Committee , ubmitted report recommending th t the right be granted to the CompaiHa de lo Ferrocarriles de Pu rto Rico to open it telegraph line to public u between cert ·n point not now included in the In ular Sy tem, and ubmitted ith aid report a printed form of ordinance covering m , entitled "An Ordinance granting to the Compaiila de los Fe~arril de Puerto Rico, and to it uc rs and a igns, th nght to take and receiv for hire telegraph mes ages between certain points long its right of way ". The report was adopted .

JUNB 25, 1902.

Upon the question "Shall this franchise be granted?' ' the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa , Brioso , Cintr6n, Cr6sas , Garrison, Harlan and Hartzell ...... . .. . ............ ..... ... ..... . ( . . . 7 In the negative-None . Absent: . Mes rs. Benitez , Elliott, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . 4 The foregoing franchise was thereupon declared duly granted and the President signed the same . A communication from the Alcalde of San Juan informing the Council that a draft for 18,ocx:> has been sent to J . M. Ceballos & Co. in payment of the interest for the first six months 01 the current year on the bonds i sued on January 1, 1902·, was read and ordered filed. The Finance Committee submitted reports recommending that the tariffs of special taxes ubmitted by the Ayuntamientos of Agnas Buenas, San Sebastian , Nagnabo, Lajas, Arecibo and Hato Grande for the fiscal year 1902-190J, be approved subject to certain modification fully set out in said report. The reports were adopted and the foregoing"tari ffs of special taxes declared duly approved. The Finance Committee subm itted reports recommending that the tariffs of special taxes submitted by the Ayuntamientos of Guayama and Morovis for the fiscal year 1902-3 be approved in the form submitted. The reports were adopted. It was ordered that the Alcalde of Cabo Rojo be informed that Mr. Emesto Cuesta mu t appl y to the Executive Council for ~rmission to construct a telephone li ne between the " La Aurora " plantation and the business place of Mr. Juan A . Seda . The request of the Commissioner of the Interior, dated June 17 , 1902, for authority to increase the number of employes in the Bureau of Insular Telegraph and fixing their salaries as therein set out, wa approved . With respect to the tariff of special taxes subm itted by the Ayuntamiento of Manatl for the fiscal year 1902-1903, the Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the Alcalde of Man at! ~ directed to transmit a copy of the budgets for the fi cal years 1901-1902 and I902 - I90J, to the end that it may be ascertained whether the increase hown over the preceding fiscal year is justified. The report wa adopted. With respect to the application of the Deputy Marshal of


. Court of an Juan for ati increase of alary from $~000 to 1200 per annum from July 1, 1~2, the Finance Committee bmitted report exp ing the optmon that the tran fer asked for ma be properly authorized by the Governor ~er July I, 1902 , should he deem it expedient, an.d further ac.uon by the Executive Council will be nee ary 1n order to mcrease th ary of aid officer. The report a adopted. With respect to the comments of the Chamber of Commerce upon th Harbor and Dock Regulation her~tofore appro~ed by the Council , the Judiciary Commlttee ubmt~ted report express· in the opinion that in tlJeir present form atd Rules and Regulation ov~rcome the objection alluded to by the Chamber of Commerce. The report wa adopted . . The Franchi Committee ubmitted report recommending that th schedule of maximum rates be charged for electric light .and power rvice in the municipality of Ponce un er date of Jun 4, 1902 , under the franchi granted t? W. S . H. Lo~~op on April 1, 1902 , be approved pro forma ubj~t t~ the condition that hen aid Company i ready to supply a1d hght and power another hedu e shall be ubmitted for final con ideration and approval b the Executive Council. The report was. adopted .. The American Railroad Company of Porto R1co filed 1ts acceptance of an ordinance heretofore granted to the CompaiHa de 1 Ferrocarriles de Puerto Rico and to its a igns to construct a branch track from it main line to the City of Arecibo. With respect to the communication from the Alcalde of San Juan , dated June 4, 1902 , ubmitting a schedule o.f license t~es for the fi at year 1902- 1903, the Finance Comnuttee submitted nport recommending certain modificati-on therein, a~d th~t the City Council of an Ju n adopt a schedule of s~tal !teen~ taxes in the form heretofore prescribed by the Executive Counc1l, transmitting the ame thereto for approval. The report was adopted. " ith r pect to the communication of the Alcalde of San J n, under date of May 19 , 1902 , reJative to a tax on vehicles, the Finance Committee ubmitted report adhering to the opinion expr 10 1 report of May 15 , 1902 , that it would be unwise policy to levy uch a tax so near the end of the fiscal ~ear, and tating that the Alcalde of an Juan , upon full con tderation , cone in the view of the Committee. The report wa dopted. Th Presid t named M rs. Elliott and Barbosa to rve with him on the pecial Committee on Election

On motion of Mr. Cintr6n, the Council then adjourned . CHAS . HARTZELL ,

Prt!Sidmt _


The Council met at 3:00 o 'clock p. m. Upon the calling of the roll, the following member appeared and answered to their names : Messrs. Absent :

Bar~a, Benftez, Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sa , Elliott, Gamson, Harlan, Hartzell and Willoughby . . .. . . 10

Mr. Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



On ~otion of ~r. Cr6sas, the reading of the minutes of the last meet1ng wa dispensed with . The !udici.ary Committee submitted reports..,recommending Impediment of law against the marriage of cousii;IS be WaiVed In .the f~llowing ~ases, which reports were adopted : Fedenco Rtvera Orttz and Leonor Rivera Ortiz ; Juan Vega Y antiago and Obdulia Miranda y Santiago ; Augusto Veve y Ram6n and Rosa) . C. Brunet y Ram6n. Agu~tfn Davila Carri6n and Marfa F . Davila Rodriguez ; San~1ago Bello Y Medina and Mercedes Bello y Gonzalez; Manano Sanchez and Cecilia Nieves · J~ Regina Ramos and Juana Franci ca Ramos · Pedro Ram6n Tollens and Pilar Ram6n y Rosada' · Florencio Nieves y Caballero and Asunci6n Vergaro y Nieves; ·

th~t th~

Enrique Garcfa and Rosa Lopez y Rodriguez ; Gabriel Pagan Si~arra and Teresa Sigarra y Magall6n ; ;Herm6genes Camllo y Maldonado and Cipriana Ayala y . Camllo; Bias Fernandez y Nieves and Marfa Vergara y Nieves; Delffn Barreto y Feliciano and Josefa Aldarondo y Ramos; Juan Cardona y Lugo and Vitalia Cardona y Ginester; Isafas Ramfrez and Dolores Boria Ramfrez. On ~otion of Mr. Elliott, the vote by which the petition of Ger6n1mo Patxot y Torrellas for dispensation to contract


roll Th


---------- J


ith lotilde Ramirez, 'wa reconsidered and by unanint id petition a t ken up and further discussed. n the qu tion " ball th i di pen ation be granted ?" the a c lied with the follo wing result : v ting in th £linn tive were : · . Benitez , intr6n and C as ... ... . ... . . . . . · .. · . 3 voung 1n th negati,·e were : Barbo:.a . Brioso , Elhott , Garrison , Harlan , H artzell nd Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·. · . · · · · · · · · · · 7

nt · f 1r. Li nd y . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . · .. .. I Th 'r, going petition wa thereupon declared denied and the lerk. directed t notify the pa rt ies accordingly . It w ordered that the following parties be notified that their rei ti n h ip ing with in th.e fifth degree , they may be married ' ith ut di,pen ation . E teb n R mirez y Arroyo and Nicolasa Ramirez Quinones; Edu rdo Mala Rodrigu z a d Clotilde Mato Ramos. T h requ t of the Treasurer of Porto Rico for authority to u of the appropriatio " alaries, Bureau of Internal Revenue Agent , 19Q1· 19Q2 " , for employment of temporary i tance in aid Bureau at rate of compensation not to exceed per month in each in dividual case, was granted. The commun ication from W . S . H . Lothrop, informing the Council of the tran fer by h im to the Ponce Railway & Light Com pany of a fran chi to con truct and operate an electric treet ra ilwa y in Ponce and a franchise to establi h and maintain an electric plant in Ponce wa read and ordered filed . On m ti n of :\i r. H arlan , the Director of Prisons was au thori zed to accept th1! followi ng bids for furnishing rations for pri n rs in the Presidio and in the jails at an Juan and Ponce and Hnmacao for the fi~a l year 1902- I903: 11-7 IO cents. Pr ·idio, Gorbra & Co. tt -7/I o an Ju an Jail , Gorbra Co . I I-I 2 Ponce jail , Emilio Cortada 12 Hum cao jail , j i artinez pon the recommendation of the F inance Committee, the tariff:· of pecial taxes of Aiiasco, Ciales, Rio Piedras, Lares, San German , ieques and Coamo, for t he fiscal year I9Q2· I903 were approved a ubmitted. n recommt:ndation of the Fi nance Committee, it was ordered hal the Alcalde of Aguadilla be directed to submit a




E JO, 1902 .


substitute tariff of special ta x es for th e fi sea 1 yea r 1902. 1903 d · li an In ormed that no tariff of Co mmercial and I d t . I ' will be d · n us na taxes . ap~rove In exc of th e rates authori zed by the E xecu tl v~ Council for the fiscal year 1901 _1902 . . With ref~rence to the spec ial taxes adopted by the Municipahty for the fiscal year 1nn . was ordered th t of Patlllas be .,- 2· I903r~ It ad ' ame returned to the Alca lde of Patl'lla li ed · or amen d ment as lrect In a report of Finance Committee submitted therewith . _o n recommendation of the F ina nce Committee the tariffs of special li h fitaxes of abana Grande ' Aibonito • Humac ao an d Cayey or .t e seal year I9Q2- I9QJ, were approved with certain modificai.Jon . a fully set out i0 th e accompanying · reports of said Co mnnttee. Tb~ req_uest of the Treasurer of Porto Rico for authority to employ In his office one at . clerk at 16oo per annum an d one c Ier k 1200 per annum In place of two clerk at $1400 each a ~~~ ,ws

On motion of Mr. E lliott , the Councl'l then adjourned to meet to-morrow morn ing at 10:00 o 'clock . CH AS. H ARTZ E LL ,

Pru idm l



1ST, 1902.

The Council met at xo :oo o 'clock a . m . Upon the calling of the roll , th e following members appeared and answered to their names: Messrs . Barbosa , Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas, E lliott , Garrison, Harlan , and Hartzell .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Ab ent : Messrs. C~nt r6 n , Lind ay and Willoughby. .. . . .. .. ... . . . 3 On ~otlon of Mr. Cr6sa , the reading of the minutes of the last meetmg was dispensed with . The following nomination were received from His Excellency , the Governor:



E 'EC TIVB 'M N ION PORTO RICO . J • P . R ., Jt' LY 1ST, 19(>2 .


_ _ _J_U_L_Y

~ .

Counril, Juau , P. R .


, ntlem n : I hav the honor to submit for our approval the nominati n of Juan J. p rea, A · iatlfl Judge of the District Court at n Jna,!l ·

Respectfully ,



H . H UNT,

flonora61e , Tne Exuutive Council, San Juatl, P .

I have the honor to submit for your approval the nomination of Juan Jordan as Councilman of Toa Alta , Porto Rico. Respectfully, WM. H. HUNT,





Tltt Exuulivt Council, an Juan , P . R . Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit for your approval the nomination of Juan Morera Martinez as presiding Judge of the District Court at 1-'an juan, vice Juan R. Ramos, resigned . Respectfully , W~1.

H . H UNT. Governor.

The foregoing nomination were referred to the Judiciary Committee, which submitted report recommending that the same be confirmed. On the question " hall these nominations be confirmed ?" th roll was called with the following result : Tho voting in the affirmative were . M rs. B rbosa , Benitez , BriOl>O, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan , and Hartzell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In th negative-~on . Absent · . Ciutr6n, Lind ay and '1J illoughby ... ........ .. · 3 I The foregoing nomination were th r upon d clared duly confirm


Gentlemen :




. The following nominations were received from His Excellency , the Governor:

lltmorahl~ . Tit E.uculit·~

• (w

I . 19(>2.

Tlte Honorable , Tlte Executive Council, Sanjuan, P . R . Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit for your approval the nomination of Mr. Pedro Lopez as Councilman of Toa Alta , Porto Rico.

Respectfully, WM . H. HUNT , Governot .

By unanimous consent, under suspension of the rules, the foregoing nominations were confirmed without reference to a Committee. On the question ' ' Shall these nominations be confirmed? '' the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbdsa, Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison , Harlan and Hartzell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None.

Absent: Messrs. Cintr6n, Lin dsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___:_J_U_LY


The foregoing nomination ere thereupon declared duly confirmed . Tb following nominations for Ju tice of the Peace were received from Hi Excellency, the Governor, and referred to the Judiciary Committee! E



Tile Honorable, Tile .Execuh"ve Cowttcil, an J•an , P. R .


of Mr. Lorenzo Bosch for Justice of the Peace of Adjuntas, P.R. Respectfully, WM . H . HUNT ,

Governor. ExitCUTIVB MANSION PoRTo Rico .


, P. R . , JuLY IST, I<)02.




R., }ULY




Gentl men : I have be b..onor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Ramon Martinez Sapia a Ju tice of the Peace of Agu dilla, P . R. Respectfully,

I h~ve. the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomtnatlon of Mr. Teodoro Gonzalez as Justice of the Peace of Aibonito, P . R. Respectfully, WM . H . HUNT ,

WM . H . HUNT,




PORTO RICO. SA jUAN, P . R . , jULY IST, 19Q2 .

Tlu HonoralJle , Tile Exuvtive Council, Sanjwn, P . R.

Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr.· Fernando Caballero as Justice of the Peace of Arecibo, P. R. Respectfully,

PORTO RICO . SAN jUAN, P. R ., }ULY 1ST , 19Q2.


Tire Honorable, Tire Executive Council, San .Juan, P. R.

Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith 1or your approval the nomination of Mr. Jose P. Santiago as Justice of the Peace of Ciales, P . R . Respectfully, WM . H . H uNT,

WM. H . HuNT ,




Tire Honorable, Tlu Executive Council, San.Juan, P.R. Gentlemen :


SAN jUAN, P. R . , jULY IST, 19Q2 .

T1u H tmora1Jle, T1u Executive Cowncil, San jwn, P . R. Gentlemen : I have the honor to ubmit for your approval the nomination



P . R ., jULY

} IST,

19Q2 .

Tire Honorable, Tire Executive Council, San .Juan, P. R . Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval





the nomination of r. FranciscQ Lopez Cepero a the Peace of Humac o , P . R. Respectfully ,

Justice of


nomination of Mr. Juan Roig as justice of the Peace of Yanco, P . R. Respectfully .

WM . H . Hu T ,

WM . H . HUNT,

GovU?Jor. E ECUTIVIt MANSION PORTO Rico. AN Ju , P . R ., J u LY IST , 1902.

Governor. }

TilL H o11oriJDie, Tile Executive Council , • Sanjutm , P .' R . Gentlemen : I have the honor to ubmit herewith for your approval the n minati n of r . ..Felix Seijo a Justice of the Peace of Utuado, P . R. Respectfully , WM . H . HuT,

EXECUTIVE MANSION } PORTO RICO. SAN ]UA • P . R., jULY ' 1ST, 1902. The Honorabk, Tke Extculive Council, Sanjua1t , P. R. Gentlemen: I have the honor to sulnnit herewith for your approval the nomination 6f Mr. Jose Badn as justice of the Peace of San Juan . Respectfully, WM . H. HUNT,



} E EC TIVlt MA SION PORTO RICO. SAN ] UA • P . R ., jULY 1ST, 19Q2 .

TM Honorable , Tlu Execvlive Covncil, Sanjuan, P . R . Gentlem n : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the ominatiou of ir. anuel Munoz Sauri as Justice of the Peace of ega Baja , P . R . Respectfully , WM . H . HUNT, Governor. Ex CUTIVIt MA SION PORTO RICO. SAN J A • P. R., j ULY

I, 19(>2.

} 1ST, 19Q2.

Tlu Honoruhk, TM Executive Council, San jva11 , P . R . Gentl men : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the

Ex£CUTrvE MANSION } PORTO RICO. SAN jUAN, P . R ., ] ULY 1ST, 19Q2. The Honorable, Tke Executive Council, San Juan, P. R . Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. A. Kopel as justice of the Peace of San juan: Respectfully, · WM . H . HUNT,

Governor. } ExECUTIVE MANSION PORTO Rico. SAN jUAN, P . R., j ULY 1ST, 19Q2. The Honorable , Tile Executive Council, San Juan , P. R . Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the




nomin t" n of Mr. Leandro Aponte a Justice of the Peace of Yabuco , P. R. Respectfully, WK. H. HUNT, •

I, l!j02.

nomination of Mr. Eugenio O'Neill as Justice of the Peace at Vieques, P. R : Respectfully, WM. H . HUNT,



ExECUTIVE MANSION } PoR.TO Rico. SAN JuAN , P . R. , JuLY 1ST, 1902. Tile Honora/Jk , Tile Ex~cuh"ve Council, , • San Jxtm, P . R . Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Eugenio Perez as J.ustke of the Peace of Toa Alta, P.R. Respectfully, WM. H . HuT, Gov~rnor.



EXECUTIVE MANSION PORTO RICO. SAN JuAN, P . R ., JuLY IST, 1'}02 . } Tile Honorable, Tile Execuh"ve Council, San Juan, P.R. Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Guillermo Velazco as Justice of the Peace at Sabana Grande, Porto Rico. Respectfully , WM . H . HUNT ,





C_,mcil, SanJwm . P . R .

Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Fortu!!ato Vizcarroudo as Justice of the Peace of Carolina, P . R. Respectfully, WM. H . HUNT, Governor. ExECUTIVE MANSION PORTO Rrco. SA JuAN, P . R ., JuLY 1ST, 1902.



Tire Honorable, Tile Executive Council, San Juan, P. R. Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the

ExECUTIVE MANSION PORTO RICO . SAN JuAN, P. R., JuLY 1ST, 1902. } Tile Honorable, Tile Execuh"ve Council, San Juan, P . R. Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Sebastian Quintana as Justice of the Peace at San German , P . R .

Respectfully, WM . H . HUNT,








I , 1902.


}UAN, P . R . , }ULV 1ST, 11)02 .


7M Htltt 6/e, 1/u Exuw#w CDWncil, Satt fun , P . R . Gentlemen : I have the honor to ubmit for your approval the nomination of lr. Enriqu Colom a Ju tice of fbe Peace at Ponce. R.espectfully.

}UAN ,




11)02 .


Gentlem n : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Victoriauo Davila as Justice of the Peace at Patilla , P. R.

Respectfully , WM . H . HUNT, Gwernor. EXBCUTI MANSION PORTO RICO . }UA •



R ., }ULV

1ST ,

11)02 .

7M Ht1nora6le, Tlu Execwb'w CDWncil, Satt Juan , P . R . Gentlemen : of




H. H


Goven1or. PORTO RICO.

R ., }ULV

Tlu Ht111t1ra6/e, 17u Execwb've Ct~uncil, Sanjuan, P. R .





R .,

Tlu Ho11ora6le, The Executive Cou11cil, San Juan, P . R . Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval-, the nomination of Mr. Gerardo Gonzalez as Justice of the Peace of La Marias, P . R . · Respectfully ,

WM . H . HuNT , Gwernor. E


I have the honor to submit for your approval the nomination r. Severo ald u Justice of the Peace at Manatf, P . R . Respectfully , WK .







R ., } ULY 1ST, 11)02 .

The llo110ra6/e, The Executive Council, San Juan, P. R . Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Charles E . Foote as Justice of the Peace of Juana Diaz, P . R. Respectfully, W~t. H . H NT, Govenwr. ExECUTIVE MANSION ORTO RICO . SAN jUAN , P. R .,



tV 1ST, 11)02 .

The Honorable, The ExeC'Itlive Council, Sanjuan, P . R . Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Jose L. Rafol as Justice of the Peace of Isabela, P . R . Respectfully ,



H . Hu T, Governor.





I, 19(>2.



J 77u


AN, P . R ., jULY 1ST, 19Q2.



SAN jUAN, P . R. jULY 1ST, 19Q2.


The Honorable, The Executive Cotmcil, San Juan, P .' R .

Til~ Et~culitttl

Council, an fwan , P. R .

ntlemen · I hav the honor to submit herewith for your approval the n mination of Mr. Enrique fontafiez justice of the Peace of H to Grand , P . R. • Respectfully ,

GentleDJ.en : I have the honor to submit for your approval the nomination of Mr. Roderico Ramirez as Justice of the Peace at Cabo Rojo, P. R . Respectfully, WM . H . HuNT,

WM. H . H UNT,









SAN jUAN, P . R . jULY IST, 19Q2.

' P . R., jULY IST,

The Honorable, The Executive Council, Sanjuan, P.R.


Tk Exuulit-e COiincil, San Juan, P . R .

Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit for your approval the nomination of Mr. Eugenio Lopez Curet a · justice of the Peace at Gu yama , P . R.

Gentlemen : . I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Raimundo Faura as Justice of the Peace at Caguas, P . R . Respectfully ,




\VM . H. HUNT,





PORTO Rrco .


N jUAN, P. R ., )ULY 1ST, 1902.


Tk Honorable, "Til~ Exuuth-e Council, an Juan P . R . Gentlemen :

I have the honor to ubmit for your approval the nomination of jose Ve"e a ju tice of the Peace at Fajardo, P . R. W

. H . HUNT,




R ., jULY 1ST , I9Q2 .

The Honorable, The Executive Cou~tcil, San Juan, P . R.

Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit for your approval the nomination of Mr. Carlos E. de Leon as Justice of the Peace at Comerlo, P. R. Respectfully ,

WM. H.







EC TIVE M' ION PoRTO Rico . • ju N




R .,



The Honorable , Tlu Executive Council. San Juan P . R .

• R pectfully ,

Gentlemen : I have the honor to ubmit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Julio Echandfa as Justice of the Peace of Camuy, P.R . Respectfully,

\VM. H . H UNT,

WM . H. H UNT.




1 .


N, P . R ., jULY 1ST, 19<>2 .

T4.e Hono1able, The E ruuliu Counn'l, n jua1z, P . R . Gentlem n:



R ., JuLY 1ST, 1902 .

Tlte Honorable, Tlte Execulivt! Council, San Juan P . R .

I have the honor to ubmit for your a pproval the nomination of f r. Lui \ "adi antoni as Ju tice of the Peace of guada , P . R. Respectfully,

Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Ram6n C. Diaz as Justice of the Peace of Aguas Buenas, P . R . Respectfully ,

WM . H . H u T,









SAN JuAN, P . R ., JuLv 1sT, 1902 .


I ha\·e the h nor to ubmit for your approval the nominati n f - r. Emilio Lopez as Justice of the Peace of Bayam6n, P. R.




T4.e Honorablt' , Til Etu uti:·e Counn'l, an Juan , P. R .

I , 19Q2.



AN] AN, P. R . , jULY IST, 1902 .

Tile Honorable, T4. Eucultt•t' Council, San Juan, P . R Gentlen~ n ·


SAN JUAN, P . R ., JuLY 1ST, 19<>2 .

The Honorable, Tlte Executive Council, Sanjuan , P . R . Gentlen~en :

I have the honor to ubmit for your approval the nomination of h . 1 Andr61 fa aro a justice of the Peace oi aricao, P. R. Respectfully , WM . H . H NT,


I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Demetrie Rodriguez as Justice of the Peace of Aiiasco, P . R . Respectfully , WM. H . HUNT ,


• I









Tilt H 01torahl. , Tilt £ucwlivt CounciJ, n Juan, P.R.

Tltt Honorahlt, Tltt Extculivt Couttcil, au Juau , P . R.

entlem n : I ltave the honor to ubmit herewith for your approval the nomination of lr. Jose Rojas ~ortes a Ju tice of the Peace of B . P . R. Respectfully ,

Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Manuel Torrregrosa as Justice of the Peace of Lajas, P. R . Respectfully, W~l.

WM . H . HUNT,


Exec uTIVB MANSION PORTO RICO . AN JuAN, P . R., JuLv tST , 1902 .


H . H NT , Govtn/Or.


Tlu H oncrahlt, Tlu E tculh't! Gnu uil, an J uan , P . R .

Tlu H01wrahlt , Tlu Extrolivt Council , au Juan, P. R .

Gentlemen : I have the honor to ubmit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Manuel A. Rivera a Ju tice of the Peace of Como, P. R. R pectfully ,

Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for you·r approval t,he nomination of Mr. Pedro Jose Rivera as Justice of the Peace of Morovi , P . R . Respectfully ,

WM . H . HUNT ,



ExEC u.T IVE ;IANSION } PORTO RICO . AN JUAN , P . R., JuLY 1ST, 19Q2 . Tlu Honorahlt , Tltt Extcwlivt • Cou11cil, San jva11 , P . R .


Gentlemen : I have the honor to ubmit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Luis Benet as Justice of the Peace of Cayey, P . R. R pectfully, W11.. H. HuNT, Govtrnor.

H . HUNT, (;tn'enlor.

ExECUTIVE MANSION } PoRTO Rtco . SAN J AN , P . R., J ULY 1ST , 19Q2 . Tlu Htmorahlt , Tltt Extculivt Council, San jua11, P . R .

Gentlemen : I have the honor to ubmit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Francisco Llavat as Justice of the Peace of Mayagiiez, P. R. Respectfully, WM . H. HUNT, Govtrnor.

JULY ExKCUTIVI: A ION PoRTO Rico . A Ju.AN , P . R ., JuLY IST, 1902.

I , 19(l2.






SAN J UAN, P . R . , JULY 1ST, 19Q2 .

17u Hono1abk, Tke Exenllit~ Council, San Juan , P. R .

The Honorahk , Tile Executive Council, San Juan, P. R .

Gent! men : I have the honor to ubmit herewith for your approval the nomination of lr. Joaquin L .f Mir6 as Ju tice of th Peace of guabo, P . R. Respectfully ,

Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Artagarges Cebollero as Justice of the Peace San Sebastian, P . R . Respectfully,

WM . H . HUNT,

WK . H . HUNT ,






N , P . R ., )ULY IST, 1902 .



R ., JuLY 1sT, 1902.

Tlte Honorabk , Tke E eculive Council, San Juan , P. R .

1 ke Honorable ,

Gentlemen : I have the honor to ubmit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Pedro Serra Soto a Justice of the Peace of Rio Pi dra , P . R . Respectfully ,

Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Juan Vals Descartez as Justice of the Peace of Santa Isabel , P . R . Respectfully,

Tke Exuulive Co1mcii, San Juan , P. R.


WM . H . HUNT ,

. H . H uNT ,


Governor. ExE~UTiva MANSION


PORTO RICO . SAN Ju N , P . R ., JuLY IST , H)02.



SAN J UAN, P , R . , J uLY !ST . 19Q2.

Tke Honorabk , Tlte Executive Council, all Juan , P. R .

Tile Honorable , Tke Execrttive Cou1zcil, San Juan , P. R.

Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of r. Manuel Mellado as Justice of the Peace of Rio Grande, P . R. Respectful! y, \VJ4. H . H UNT, Governor .

Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Aurelio Mendez Martinez as Justice of the Peace of Lares, P . R . Respectfully , WM . H . HUNT,



J ' R AL





Th J udiciary Committee ubmitted report recommending that th r. r goiu uomiu tiou for justices of the Peace be confirmed . u the qu ti u " hall thi report be adopted? " the roll was ith the following result: voting in th affirmative were: rs. Barbosa , Benit z, Brioso , Elliott, Garrison , Harlan , and Hartzell .................................... ············· 7 In the negative- one. bsent :· • f . Cintron , Lind ay and \ illonghby. ............ ......... 3 \ ith~nt objection , upon his own request , Mr. Cr6sa was e cused from voti n on the foregoing nominations. The aid nominations were thereupon declared duly confirmed . The folio ing m age wa received from His xcellency , th Governor: E


}UAN ,

P. R . .


1ST, 19Q2.


Tlte Ho11ora6lt Tlt:e Euculit-e Cou11cil, Sa11jua1t, P . R .

Gentlemen : I have the honor to ubmit for your approval the nomination of Dr. Ricardo M. Hernandez a Director of Health . Respectfully , WM . H . H UNT,

Govenror . By unanim u consent , under suspension of the rules, the foregoi ng nomination wa con idered without referepce to Com mittee. On the question " hall this nomination be confirmed?" the roll was called ith the following result : Th voti ng in the affirmative were: rs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison , Harlan and Hartzell ................................... .... 8 In the negative-None . Absent: rs. Cintron, Lind y and Willoughby ...................... 3




The foregoing nomination wa thereupon declared duly confirmed. On motion of Mr. Elliott , the Council then adjourned . CHAS . HARTZELL,



The Council met at 3:00 o 'clock p. m . Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and answered to their names: M rs. Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sa , Garrison , Harlan, Hartzell and Willoughby .... ......... ... ... .. . 9 Absent: M rs. Elliott and Lindsay. ......................................... 2 On motion of Mr. Cr6sas, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with. The Franchise Committee submitted report recommending that the application of Geo. W . Fishback for a franchise for the construction of a system of telegraph lines in the Island of Porto Rico , and for the lea ing for the term of fifteen yearS of the Insular Telegraph System, be denied. On the question " Shall thi report be adopted? " the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Benitez , Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell and Willoughby............ .......... ...... ................. 7 In the negative: Mr. Brioso ........ ............... ..................... ··············· ···· Absent : Mes rs. Barbosa, Elliott and Lindsay ....... .... ........... ······· 3 Said application was thereupon declared denied . The Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the Mayor of Yauco be advised that if there is a reasonable probability that by ad,·ertising again for bids, satisfactory proposal may be secured for the purchase of the proposed issue of bond , at not less than their par value, the Executive Council will approve uch re-advertisement. The report was adopted. The Committee on Municipal and Private Corporations ubmitted report recommending that the Alcalde of Yabucoa be




directed to appoint a retary to the Commi ioner for the anne ed di trict of aunabo. The report a adopted. The folio ing m age was received from His Excellency, the Governor:




]UA '

P. R .,

} jULY 8TH,


Tlu Prtsidml

of flu



S.m jua:t, f. R. ir : I have the honor to submit for the approval of th Executive Council the nomination of Manuel Irizarry as conncilman of Yauco, P . R. R pectfully, WM . H . HUNT, Goverttor. By unanimou consent, under a suspension of the rules, the foregoing nom nation was considered without reference to a Committee. On the question "Shall thi nomination be confirmed?" the roll was called with the following result : Those voting in the affirmative were: M rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell and Willoughby ................. ... .. 9 In the negative--None. Absent: rs. Elliott and Lindsay... ..... . . .. . .. . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 aid nomination was.-thereupon duly confirmed. A communication from the Director of Charities, submitting for the approval of the Executive Council the name of Elenor C. Clark Superintendent of the Girls ' Charity School at a salary of 1200 per year, to date from July 1, 1902, was read. On the qu tion " hall thi appointment be approved?" the roll wa called with the following result : Th voting in the affirmative were: M rs. BarJ:>osa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n . Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell and Willoughby.. .............. .... .... ........ 8 In the negative: ' fr. Cr6sa .............................................................. .. . Elliott and Lin

ay ........................................ ..




The appointment wa thereupon duly approved . The request of the Commissioner of the Interior that the salary of the Captain of the Port at Mayagiiez be fixed at $6oo per annum, from July 1, 1902, was approved on the condition that the same shall be paid out of the Harbor and Dock Improvement Trust Fund. Mr. Harlan offered the following resolution : " RESOLVED that the Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Dock and Harbors of Porto Rico a amended on June 3, 1902, be ex.te~ded to the Port and Harbor of Mayagiiez and that the Comm1 1oner of the Interior be authorized to put them in operation at that Port forthwith. " On the question "Shall this resolution be adopted? " the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell and Willoughby ...................... 9 Absent: Messrs . Elliott and Lind ay .......................................... 2 The same was thereupon declared duly approved. The request of the Attorney General of Dorto Rico that the salary of the law clerk in his department be fixed at $2000 per annum instead of 1200, as stated in the budget for the fiscal year 1902-1903, was approved. The President requested authority to employ a stenographer in the office of the Executive Council from July 1, 1902 to December 31, 1902, at the rate of $1400 per annum. On motion , said authority was duly granted and the Governor requested to transfer the sum of $700 from the appropriation " Contingent Expenses, Executive Council, 1902-1903, " to the appropriation "Salaries, Executive Council, 1902-1903, " for said purpose . The salary list in the office of the Executive Council for the fiscal year 1902-1903 was fixed as follows: 2,200.00 One Translator 2,000.00 Chief Clerk 1,6oo.oo One Clerk One Stenographer 1,400.00 Oq Messenger 36o.oo On motion of Mr. Willoughby, the Council then adjourned. CUAS . HARTZELL,

President .

J LV Ric~.

]l'LY l:ZTH , 1902 .

The ouncil met at 10: 00 o 'clock a. m . l pon th callin of the roll , the following members appeared nd n wered to th ir nam ·: rs. B r a , Benitez, Bri · , Cr6sas, Garri n, Harlan, H a rt z 11 and Willoughby .................. ... ... . ........ 8 . Cintron , Elliott and Lindsay ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 3 n moti n of 1r. Cr6sas, ~he reading of the minutes f the Ia t m ting' a di 'pensed with . The ommittee on Finance ubmitted reports recommending that th tariff: of pecial taxes submitted by the Ayuntamiento f C gu nd Veg Baja be approved a ubmitted. The ~epo were adopted and the said tariffs declared duly approved. The ommittee on Finance submitted reports recommending that th tariff ubmitted by the Ayuntamientos of Bayam6n and P tilla be approved, with the modifications set out in aid r port . Th r port were adopted and the aid tariff: declared dnl adopted. Th Am rican Railroad Company of Porto Rico filed its ac ceptance of an o dinance granting authority to said Company to t ke and receh·ed for hire , t legraph or telephone messages between certain point along it · right of way . In the matter of the proposed i ue of bonds by the City of Humacao, th Finance Committee ubmitted report recommending that the Alcalde of Humacao be requested to transmit uplicit information and detail relative thereto . The report w adopted . Mr. Harlan offered the following resolution : " \VHERE the Executive Council of Porto Rico is informed that con id rable um of money are due to the Compaii{a d I Ferrocarriles de Puerto Rico by the Government of the nited tales for its servi e in transporting the United tales mail , troops, police and military supplies from point to point in the i ·land by the railroad during the period following the military occupation of aid i land by the United tat up to the present time; and that other sum are due by the United tales to aid Company for the repair and renstmction during the me period of the military telegraph line ou and adjacent to the right of ay of aid Company: "Tuaa FORE , o~ it Rtsolved 6y IJu Exuutivc Council of Porto



12. 1902.


that the attention of the Postmaster General of the United tates and of the Congress of the United tates be called by this Government to the said claim with an expression of the hope on the part of this Government that the said claim will be taken up at an early date for adjustment. "o~ it furtlur Resolved, that in the opinion of the Executive Council it would tend to the general welfare of the island if a definite contract wer entered into by the Post Office Department of the United tales with the said Company {or the carrying of the United States mail in the island o( Porto Rico to and between the various cities and municipalities along the line of its railroad, upon uch term as may seem reasonable in view of the condition now exi ting in this i land. " R ESOLVED FURTHER, that the matter be referred and copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor of Porto Rico with the request that he will, in such way as he may deem best, lay the matter before the Postmaster General and such other Federal a~thorities a may be necessary to the end that the claim of the Company may have proper consideration and adju ·tment ." On the question "Shall this resolution be adopted?" the roll was called with the following result: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell and Willoughby ........ . ................... .. ... 8 In the negative- one: Absent: Messrs. Cintr6n, Elliott and Lindsay ..... .. .. . .... . ....... ........ 3 The same was thereupon declared duly adopted. The Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the protest of Agu yo Bros . and others of Caguas, again t an ordinance passed by the City Council of Caguas, providing for $5,500 additional to cover deficiencies in the budget for 1902•903. be not su tained. The report was adopted . In the matter of the communications of various Alcaldes relative to the construction of certain sections of the new municipal law, the Judiciary Committee ubmitted report recommending that, no question being involved of which said committee or the Executive Council ha any administrative jurisdiction, inasmuch as it i within the administrative juri diction conferred by law upon the Secretary of Porto Rico , the same should be returned to the Secretary, as also any further si"milar communi cations , for his resolution .




- ----

r. Harlan offered the following resolution : " \VHI!RBA!I , from the petition of the Ponce Railway & Light Company , heretoli re filed , it appears that , through no fault of i own , but through obstruction due to the wires and poles of La Compaiifa An6nima de Luz Elktrica de Ponce, it has been unable to put in operati , although the track and road bed ha e been completed , that portion of the road authorized by an ordinance of the Executive Council approved February 27, 1901 , hich forms the loop in the urban portion of the City of Ponce: •'THBRBPOR , Be it R uDivetlthy 1/u Executive Council of Porto Rict1, that. the time for putting the said portion of said cone ion in operation be, and it i hereby extended to November first , 1902." On the questio!l "Shall this resolution be adopted? " the roll as called with the following resnlt : Those voting in the affirmative ere : . Barbosa , Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas, Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell and Willoughby . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negati e-None. Absent: rs. Cintron , Elliott and Lindsay ........... ........... ... .... 3 The aid resolution as thereupon declared duly adopted. The upervisor of Elections requested approval of the following alary li t in hi office from July I , 1902: One upervisor 3,000 per annum . One A i tant Supervisor 2,000 " One M nger 30 per month . One Tran lator and Interpreter 100 '' Four Clerk 6o '' On recommendati; n of the Committee on Elections, the foregoing list was approved . On motion of Mr. Willoughby , the Council then adjourned . CHAS. HARTZELL, Presidcll.

iEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL JULY 21ST, 1902. Th Council met at 2:oo o 'clock p. m .


21 , 1902.

Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and answered to their names : Messrs. Barbosa Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison Harlan Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby, ........... :. ...... . ~ Absent ; Messrs. Benitez and Cintr6n ....... ........... .. ... .. ...... ........ .. 2 On motion of Mr. Cr6sa , the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with and the same were approved. Th·e Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the schedule of special license taxes adopted by the Municipal Council of Maricao for the fiscal year 1902-1903, be approved subject to modifications fully set out in aid report. The report was adopted. The Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the schedule of special license taxes adopted by the Municipal Council of Camuy for the fiscal year 1902-1903, be approved subject to modifications set out in said report. The report was adopted. The Finance Committee submitted reports recommending that the schedules of special license taxes adopted by the Municipal Councils of Toa Alta, Fajardo and Utuado for the fiscal year 1902-1903. be approved in the forms bmitted by said Councils. The reports were adopted . The Finance Committee submitted report upon the resolution adopted by the City Council of Caguas on June 25 , 1902, · with respect to a proposed loan of $5o,ooo and the i · ue of bonds for said amount , recommending that said proposed loan be disap proved by the Executive Council. Upon the question "Shall this report be adopted? " it was decided as follows : In the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbo a , Brioso , Cr6sas, Elliott , Garrison , Harlan, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby .. ............. ...... 9 In the negative-None . Absent: M rs. Benitez and Cintron .... ......... ... ....... ..... .. ........... 2 The President thereupon declared said report duly adopted. The Finance Committee ubmitted report recommending that the schednle of special license taxes adopted by the Municipality of Manat£ for the fiscal year 1902-1903. be approved subject to a reduction of 25:' of each one of the rates therein pecified. The report was adopted.







Committee submitted report recommending f pecial licence ta es adopted by the Municipal ouncil f hyagiiez for the fi al year 1902·1903, be disapp \'ed and that the Alcalde of f yagiiez be informed that no hedul of ' ]>ecial hcen ta es, the rates of which exceed those appr ved for the fi al y ar I90I · 1902, will be given considera ti n b • the E ecntive Council. 'pon the question " hall thi report be adopted? " it was decided a fi ll \ : In th .. ..........


nitez and Cintron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Pre!>ident thereupon decla;ed said report dUly adopted. Th Finan e ommittee ubmitted report upon the communicati n f th Alcalde of I abela dated :lay 2 , 1902, request· ing to be inti rmed if it i , permi ,jble to impose the tax on horses and cattl referred to in eneral Orders No. 176, series 1899, recommending that the impo -ition of the tax therein mentioned could not be regarded a her than an additional tax on person · al property, and a uch is illegal. n the question " hall thi report be adopted? " it was decided a follows : In the affirmati\·e were : . Barbosa, Brioso, C · as , Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby .... . . . . . . . . . . 9 In then gative-None. A nt: f rs. Benitez and Cintr6n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The Pr id nt thereupon declared aid report duly adopted. The Finance Committee ubmitted report upon the commuuation of Emilio Pares , in relation to the payment of hi alary Police Judge for the aboli bed ~unicipality of Naranjito for th month of :lay and June , 1902 , amounting to o, recommending that the petitioner be advised that the payment of aid claim i provided for and required by the Act "For the consolidation of cert in lunicipal Di trict of Porto R" o ", approved • farch 1, 1902, by th Municipality of Bayam6n, to which aid abolished lunicipality of Naranjito ha been ann xed.

21, 1902 .


On the question "Shall this report be adopted?" it was decided s follows : In the affirmative were: Mes rs. Barbosa, Brioso, Cr6Sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 In the negative-None . Absent: Messrs. Benitez and Cintr6n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The President thereupon declared said report duly adopted . The Finance Committee ubmitted report upon a communication from Hi Excellency, the Governor, and letters from the Marshal of the U. S. District Court of Porto Rico relative to the tran fer of 200 from the appropriation for "Contingent Expenses, U.S. Di trict Court for Porto Rico" 1902·1903, under the sub-head of "Incidental Expenses, Marshal ' Office, " to the credit of the appropriation for " alaries, . S . District Court of Porto Rico ", 1902·1903, for the purpose of increasing the salary of the Deputy Marshal at an Juan from 1000 per annum, the rate fixed by the appropriation act for the current fiscal year, to 1200 per annum. The Committee recommended that the Council advise the Governor to authorize the transfer of $100 as' above indicated, for the purpose of increasing the salary of said Deputy Marshal at an Juan from 1000 to 1200 per annum, from July I, 1902, to December 31, 1902 . On the question " hall this report be adopted? " it was decided as follows : In the affirmative were: Mes rs. Barbosa, Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott , Garrison, Harlan , Lindsay, Hartzell and Willoughby . ............. 10 ~ In the negative-None . Absent: Messrs. Benitez and Cintr6n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The President thereupon declared said report duly adopted. The Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the request of the Director of Health for authority to use the salary of 1000 per annum appropriated for a Regi trar of Vital tatistics for the current fiscal year, in the employment of two Clerk at the rate of $Boo per annum, so far as the said $1000 may be available to pay the same, be approved . On the question "Shall this report be adopted?" it was decided as follows :

2 2


Harlan , 9

..... . .... ...... . .. · · · · · · · 7 The Pr ident thereupon declared aid report duly adopted . The Finance ommittee submitted report upon the request of th ommi 'oner of the Interior for authority to continue at the an Juan Telegraph Office four m ngers at r8o per nnum and further requesting fthe following re-adjustment of aJ ri _in that Department in order to provid for the ame: .f

. Benitez and Cintr6n

Five m ge at Four m ngers at In tead of eleyen m


per annum each .


o per annum each . ngers at


per annum each .

The Committee recommended' that the request be approved. pon the question " hall thi report be adopted? " it a decided a follows : In the affirmative were: f rs. Barbosa , Brioso , Cr a , Elliott, Garrison , Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby ...... .. · · ·. · · 9 In the negative-None. bsent : M rs. Benitez and Cintr6n . . . . . ... ......... .. · · · · · · · 7 The Pr ident thereupon .declared the report duly adopted and the said re-adju tment duly approved. The Judiciary Committee ubmitted report upon the communication of the Registrar of of Aguadilla, requesting to be informed a to the proper manner of delivery of certain books belonging to hi office. to the Regi trar of Deeds at ~ecibo, recommending that the Regi trar of Deeds to whom saJd ~ks and papers are to be tran ferred by virtue of the Act consolidating certain municipalities, hall , at the time of making ~e r. rmal requ t for delivery , furni h the means of tran portatlon therefor, the expense thereof to be a charge upon the municipal trea ury of the consolidated municipality, provision for the me to be made in the Mun icipal budget. The report was ~.ed . . The Judiciary Commit ee nbmitted report recommending that th petrtlon of the following parties for waiver of the impediment of Ia to con~act marriage be returned to ai • petitione with the informa~on that jurisdiction i11 those matters

21, 1902.


bas pa d from the Executive Council to the several district courts : Maria P . Tena; Antonio Yordan y Rodriguez and Emilia Yordan y Rodriguez; Emilio Ramos Ayala and Regina Cintr6n y Ramos; Jose R. Velez and Juana antiago; Jacinto Rosario Hernandez ; Juan Gonzalez Velez and Juana Col6n Velez ; Juan Francisco Carreras and Marla Laureana Carba; Florencio Rodriguez and Ramona Rodriguez; Amelia Gordian y Ortiz and Santiago Ri vera y Col6n; Jose anchez elez and Ramona Sanchez y L6pez; Jose Roman Bruno and Juliana Trinidad Bruno; Eduardo Bayron and Celestina de Jesus; Encarnaci6n Zambrana Rodriguez and Cristina Rodriguez Rodriguez; Antonio Argrizones Rivera and Baudilia Rivera Argrizones; Gregorio Vargas Col6n and Librada Castro y Cubana; Ram6n Rivera and Dominga Yucbausty y Gonzalez ; Manuel Romero Quinones and Marcoli a Muiiiz Quinones; Pedro Valentin y Bonilla and Filomena Valentfn y Melendez; Juan Aponte y Gonzalez and Josefa Aponte y L6pez; and Celestino Gonzalez Mendez and Tomasa Torres Mendez . The report was adopted . The Judiciary Committee submitted report upon a communication from the Alcalde ol Humacao , relative to a prosecuti n against him upon a charge, as he states, arising out of the performance by him of an order received from the Treasurer of Porto Rico , recommending that as said matter is now being ventilated in the courts , no action by the Council is necessary at this time. The report was adopted . The Judiciary Committee ubmitted report recommending that the rules and regulations, submitted by the Attorney General, under date of July 17, 1902, for the government of municipal and insular penal in titutions, be approved in the form ubmitted. On the question "Shall this report be adopted? " it was decided a follows :


In the affirmativ .J


cr· a , Elliott , Garri n , Harlan , nd Willoughby ... . ... · · · · · · 9

. Benitez and Cintr6n ...... . . · · · · · · · · · · · 2 p id nt thereupoq declared the report adopted and the · and regul ation. d uly approved . ubm itted report upon the ommlllee on Franchi appli at10n f rio-. Annstrong, Jr. for pemtl . ion to build a the Caii · river between f.tlometers 4 and n bridg acr 5 n tb .road fr m Adjuntas to Ponce , recomm . nding that _the m be granted d pr ntlng therewith an ordmance covenng aid grant. n the qu ti n ' ' Shall this report be ado pted and the ccompanying ordlnance appro~?' ', it was decided as follows : In the affirmath· were : M ·rs . Barbosa , Bri . , Cr6;,a , Elliott, Garrison , H arlan , Hart z 11 , Lind~ay and Willoughby ........ . . · · · · · 9 In the negative-. one . bsent :


rs. Benitez and Cintr6n . . . . ........... . · · · · · · · · · 2 The President thereupon declared the report adopted, the permi ion granted , and the aid ordinance duly approved . . Th Franchi Committee u bmitted report upon the appltcati of the !\1unicipality of Humacao for a franchise to take thirty litres of water per second from the Humacao river by me n of a public water ;,y tern , for supplying the inhabitant of that municipality with water. The Committee presented with aid report a form of ordinance entitled "A n Ordinan ce granting to the Municipality of Humacao the righ t to take from the Humacao river thirty litres of ater per :;econd for the purpose of upplying the inhabitants of that mun icipality with water. " ' pon the question " hall this report be adopted? " it was decided a folio In the affirmative were: 1 rs. Barbosa, Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison , Harlan, l:J.artzell , Lindsay and Wittoughby .. , .. . ... . . . . . 9 In the negative-None. A t: rs. Benitez and Cintr6n ...... ... ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The President thereupon declared aid report duly adopted.

) UL \'

21, 1902.


Upon the question " hall this franchise be gra nted and the accompanyin g ordinance be appro\'ed?" it was decided as follow ·: In the affi rmative were : Mes rs. Barbosa, Bri , Cr6sas , Elliott, Garrison , H arlan , H artzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 In the negative- one. Absent: Messrs. Benitez aud Cintr6n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The President th ereupon declared the franchise gra nted and the said ordinance duly approv d. The Committee on Franchises submitted report on the application of Vicente U ·era y eda for an additional grant of forty litres of water per second from the jueyes river, recom· mending that said franchi se be granted, and submitting with said report a form of ordinance entitled " An Ordinance granting to Vicente Usera y eda, his hei rs and assign ·, the right to use forty litres per second of the waters of the rh·er Jueyes in addition to the prior grant of sixty-five litres, for the irrigation of his lands in the Jauca ward of th e muni ci pality of Santa Isabel.· · On the question " hall this report be ad pted, the franchi e granted, and the accompanying ordi nan ce approved? ' 'it was decided as foll ows : In the affirmative were: Mes rs . Barbosa, Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell , Linds y and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 In the negati ve-None. Absent : Mes rs. Benitez and Cintr6n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The President tbereupon declared the report adopted, the franchise granted , and the said ordinance duly approved. The Franchise Committee submitted report upon the petition of the Compaiila de los Ferrocarriles de Puerto Rico for the consent of the Executive Council to the construction of its proposed line of railroad from Ponce to Guayama by a separate and subordinate Company to be called the " American Railroad Company of Porto Rico, Central Aguirre Operator," recoinmending that the petition be granted and presenting therewith a form of ordinance entitled : " An Ordinance granting the consent of the Executive Council of Porto Rico to the a sigument by the Compaiifa de los




Tl E C U


d Puerto Rico to Henry De Ford, his bejrs , execot , d ioi tr tors and a ign5, and to a proposed corporation to be d igoated od known a _' The America.n Railroa~ Comp n f Porto Rico , entr I gutrre ~rator.. of the nght to 0 truct , operate and maintain the ratlroad hne from Ponce. to ua ama authorized b a certain ordinance of the Executive Council of Porto Rico duly enacted on the 2 th day of October, " 1<)01 , and ~ r other pu~. tioo •· ball this report be adopted? " it was 0 the qu d ided a folio ': In th affirmative were: • . Barbosa, Bri , , Cr6sa , Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, • Hartzell , Lind ay od Willoughby ........ · · · · · · 9 In the negative-- one. A ot: rs . Benitez and Ciotr o ............. · .... . · · · . . · · 2 The Pr ideot thereupon declated aid report d\Uy adopted. o the qu tioo " hall thi franchise be granted and the accompanying ordinance approved? " it was decided as follow : In th affirm tiv were : 1 rs. B rho a, Brioso, Cr6sa , Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby ... ········ ·· · 9 negative--• one.




rs. Benitez and Ciutr6o . ........ . ..... .... · .. · · · · · 2 The President thereupon declared the franchise granted, the aid ordinance duly approved, and signed the same. The Committee on Franchi submitted report upon the application of Ram6n Vald z for an exteo ion of time for the compl tioo of a plant for utilizing the Comerio Falls for the eratioo of electric l!ght and power, as provided in an or~­ oaoce entitled "A Franchi granting to Ram6n Valdez, bt bej and a igo , the right to use the waters of the Rio Plata d to develop the arne into water power for mechanical purposes to be applied to the generation of electric energy ; also aotiog permi ion and authorizing the said Ram6o Valdez, his bejrs and a igo , to build, coo truct, erect and maintain lines of ir fi r trao mittiog and di tributiog electric current for the purpose of lighting, motive power and beating, " enacted by the Executive Council of Porto Rico on the 17th day of December, 1900, and approved by the Governor of Porto Rico on the 1 th day of December, I9QO, recommending that said exteo ion be not granted .


21 , 1902.


The Committee also recommeded that the Executive Council should not insis~ on the forfeiture of the bond given by the said grantee and that the Treasurer of Porto Rico be authorized to return the ame to him forthwith. On the question " ball the extension of time prayed for by the said Ram6n Valdez be denied, as recommended in the foregoing report? '' it was decided a follows : In the affirmative were: Messrs. Brioso, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 In the negative were: Messrs. Barbosa and Cr6sas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Absent: Mes rs. Benitez and Cintr6n... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The President thereupon declared the further extension of time prayed for by the said Ram6o Valdez be denied. On the question "Shall the aid bond given by Ram6n Vald61 be returned to him' by the Trea urer of Porto Rico, as recommended in the foregoing report?" it was decided as follows: In the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Brioso , Cr6sas, Elliott, Harlan . Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby ...... . _,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative was: Mr. Garrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .... ... ..... ... . . •. ... Absent: Me rs . Benitez and Cintr6o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The President thereupon declared that the said bond should be returned by the Treasurer of Porto Rico to the said grantee, Ram6n Vald61. Mr. Harlan offered the following resolution : ''RESOLVED Tb t the Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Docks and Harbors of Porto Rico, as amended on June 3, 1902, be amended by striking the word "burden" from sections 6<) and 70 thereof wherever the same appears." On the question "Shall this resolution be adopted?" it was decided as follow : In the affirmative were: Messrs . Barbosa, Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, H rtzell, Lindsay and Willoughby. . . . . . . . . . . . 9 In the negative-None. Absent: M rs. Benitez and Ciotr6o .. . .. .......... · . .. · . .. . · . · 2


J l'R .\L OF THE EXECUTIVE C UNCIL. Th Pre,id nt thereupon d~clared the said resolution duly d pted. c mmuni cation from the Commi, ·ioner of th Interior ~u ting th at larie.. of employees on the steam launch in charg of th Bur u of D k and Harbo , be fi ed a follow to date from july 12, 1 2· not to xceed per annum 6oo " 36o "

each read . n the qu ti n " hall saidhalaries be fixed as requested ?" it w d~cided a folio , subject to the condition that the same all be paid from the H arbor Improvements Tru t Fund: In th affirm tive were: . Bar a , Brioso , r6sas, Elliott , Garri n , H arlan , Hart zel), Lind ·ay and .W ' llioughby .... ........... .. . 9 In th negati \·e-None . nt : r . Benitez and Cintr n .............. ..................... .. ... 2 Th P ident thereupon declared said request approved and th !aries fi ed as above set out. communication from the Commissioner of the Interior recommencling that the Rules and Regul ations for the Governm nt of the Dock and Ha rbors of Porto Rico be extended to Arecibo', Agn dilla , Guanica , Ponce, Guayanilla , Jobos , ( Port America ), rroyo , Maunabo , Hnmacao, Yabucoa , Fajardo and ieqn , was taken up and considered . Mr. Harla n offered the following resolution: " RESOLVED That the Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Docks and Harbors of Porto Rico, as amended on June 3, 1<)02 , and a fUrther amended on this day, be and hereby ar extended to the Ports and Harbors of Arecibo , Agnaclilla , Guanica , Ponce , Gnayanilla , Jobos ( Port America ), Arroyo , aunabo , Humacao, Yabucoa , Fajardo and Vieqnes, and that the Commi ioner of the Interior be authorized to put them in operation at aid port forthwi th ." On the qn tion " h 11 thi resolution be adopted? " it was decided a follow : In the affirmative were: rs. B rbosa, Brioso, Cr a , Elliott , Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby .......... ........... 9 • In the negative- one. t:

21 , ICJ02.


Mes rs. Benitez and Cintr6n ....................................... .. 2 The President thereupon declared the resol ution appro ed and the aid Harbor Rules and Regulations duly ex tended to the ports therein named . Mr. Brioso offered the following resol ution : " Bt it Ruolvtd by the Exuulh-t Council of Porto Rico : " That the Committee on Election , selected by the Council, is hereby authorized and empowered to pa s upon and approve or disapprove, modify or change, any action which may be taken by the General npervisor of Elections; " That said Committee shall be authorized to approve of the employment of such a sistance as may be required in the office of the said upervisor; and ' " That said Committee shall report to the Executive Council its acts hereunder ." On the question " hall this resolution be adopted? " it was decided as follows: In the affirmative were: Mes rs. Barbosa , Brioso , Garrison , Harlan , H artzell , Lindsay , and Willoughby .................................. ............. 7 In the negative were : Messr . Cr6sas and Elliott ......... .. ...... .. ... ...... ............... 2 Absent : Messrs. Benitez and Cintr6n . ... . .. . . ... .. . .. . . ... .. . .. ... .. . .. ...... 2 The President thereupon declared the resolution duly approved . The following messages were received from His Excellency , the Governor: ~


} 14TH , 1902 .

Tht Honorablt , Tht E xtrolivt C011ncil, Sanjuar1, P.R .

Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit for your approval the nominatiop of Mr. Guillermo McCormick Hartman as councilman of Gnayama . ; Respectfully ,


WM . H . HUNT, Govtrnor.



21, 1902.


foregoing nominations were taken up and considered without reference to a committee . On the question "Shall these nominations be confirmed? " it was decided as follows: In the affirmative were:

Tlte Ho11ortJ6/e , Tlte Exe&Nb've Cou11cil, S4" }144", P. R .

G ntJemen : I have the honor to ubmit for your approval the nominafufioz Vatquez, a councilman of Guayama. tion of fr . J Respec ly, WM . H . HUNT, Governor. EXECUTIVE MANSION } PORTO RICO . N Ju N, P . R ., J uLY 17TH, 1902. Tlu HonortJ6/e, Tile Exultlit•e Council, San jutJn, P. R.

<kntJe en : I have the honor to submit for your approval the nomination of Mr. Julian ilva a councilman of San Juan . Respectfully , WM . H . HUNT, Governor. ExEC TIVE MA SIO PORTO RICO . AN J AN, P . R. , JULY 17TH, 19Q2 . Tlte HonortJ6le, Tile Execub've Cout~cil, S411ju411, P. R .

<kntJemen : I have the honor to ubmit for your approval the nomination of Fidel Guillermety councilman of San Juan. Respectful! y, WM. H . HUNT, Governor. Without objection, under a

uspen ion of the rules, the

M ¡ rs. Barbosa, Brioso , Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby .... ... ... . ... 9 In the negative-None. Absent : Mes rs. Benitez and Cintr6n .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The President thereupon declared said nominations duly confirmed. Without objection, Mr. Harlan was granted a leave of absence from July 22 . Without objection , Mr. Elliott wa granted a leave of absence from July 30. Without objection, Mr. Garrison was granted a leave of absence from September 10. The Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the request of the Treasurer of Porto Rico for authority to use the sum of $roo of the appropriation "Salaries, Office of the Treasurer, Bureau of Internal Revenue, I90;f.. I903", in payment of salaries of temporary clerks at a rate of compensation not exceeding $6o per month in each individual case, be granted. On the question "Shall this report be adopted?" it was decided as follows : In the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa , Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby ........ 9 In the negative-None. Absent : Messrs. Benitez and Cintr6n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The President thereupon declared said report duly adopted. On motion, the Council then adjourned to meet to-morrow morning at 9:00 o ' clock . CHAS . HARTZELL , Presidml.


'R. AL OF Til


9 '


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J:.._l' LY



ouncil met at q: o'clock a . n1. pon th calling of the roll, the following members appeared nd an · red to their nam · M B rbosa , Bri . , Cr a , Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby ............................... . Ben it z, Cintron and Elliott....................... . . .. . . 3 n motion of 1r. r a , ~he reading of the minutes of the t m ting' di pepsed with, and the same were approved. Th. r. IIO\ ing m ages were received from Hi Excellency, th Governor:

AN jUAN, P. R. , ]l'I.Y 21ST, 1902.

The Honorable, Tilt! Exuulive Council, an Juan, P. R.

Gentlemen: I'_have the honor to ubmit for your approval the nomination of Caltxto Carrera as Councilmen of Sabana Grande. Respectfully , \V . H . H NT, Governor. EXECUTIVE MANSION





P . R.,



jl"I.Y 22'irl, 1902 .

.\N }l'AN ,

22 . 1902 .


}l' LY 21ST, 1902 .


AN, P . R ., ]l' I.Y 21ST, 1902.


The Honorable , 7/u Exuulive Council, Sanjuan, P.R .

Huuorablt , Tit~ Eurult<·e Couucil, ."-·au Juau, 1'. R .

entlem n : I have the honor to submit for yonr approval the nomination of Jose Rodriguez as councilman of Adjuntas. R pectfully,

W. H. H

Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit for your approval the nomination of Diego Nazario as Alcalde of Sabana Grande. Respectfully, W~1.



H . HuNT , Goventor. ~



f {

AN jUAN, P . R ., j ULY 21ST, 19Q2.

Tlte Honorable, TM Executive Cozmcil, San Juan, P. R .

AN j UAN, P . R ., jtLY 22ND, 19Q2.

The Honorabu , The Executive Council, San jua1t, P. R .


Gentlemen : I have the honor to nbmit for your approval tlle nomination of Jose Victor Bosch a councilman of Adjuntas . Respectfully,

W. H.



I have the honor to ubmit for your approval the name of Manuel V. Domenech as Ju tice of the Peace of the Municipal· ity of Ponce, Porto Rico. Respectfully, WM . H . HUNT,





TI B iiANSION } PoRTO Rtco. N J u N, P . R., } ULY !l2ND , 1902 .


Tlu Honorable, Tlu Execvtitoe Council, an Juan , P . R . Gentlemen : I have th honor to nbmit for your approval the nomination of 1r. Florencio alina as Ju tice of the Peace at Guayama, vice lr. uret r igned . Respectfully ,

WM . H. HUNT, Goventor.

B unanimo!l con$ellt , under suspension of the rules, the ing nomination were taken up and con idered without reference to a committee. n the u tion " hall these nomination be confirmed? " it a decided a follow : In the affirmative were: I . Barbosa , Brioso, Cr6sa , Garrison, Harlan , Hartzell, Lind ay and Willoughby. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None . A nt: 1 . Benitez, Cintron and Elliott .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The President thereupon declared aid nominations duly confirmed . A communication from Ram6n Valde1. protesting against the action of the Executive Council in revoking the franchise heretofore granted to him for the use of the water of the Rio Plata river, granted o; December 17 , 11)00, was read and ordered filed . A communication from His Excellency , the Governor informing the Council of the approval by him on July 22, 1902: of " An rdinan ce granting the consent of the Executive Council of Porto Rico to the a ignment by the Compaiifa de los Ferro · carri.le:' de Puerto Rico to Henry DeFord, his heirs, executors , ~tnt trators and a ign , and to a proposed corporation to be d tgnat~ and known a the American Railroad Company of Porto Rt o , Central Aguirre Operator, of the right to construct, operat~ and maintain the railroad line from Ponce to Guayama authonzed by a certain ordinance of the Exec~tive Council OJ

r. re


' LV

22 , 1902.

Porto Rico duly enacted on the twenty-eighth day of October, 11)0 1 , and for other purposes ", wa read and ordered filed . Mr. Hartzell offered the following resolution : "B~ IT. RESOLV~D by the. Executive Council that the judges of Elec~10n 1~ the vanous ~recmcts of the island , acting as Boards of Regt tratlon, shall recel\·e as compensation for such services at the rate of 2.50 per day , for not to exceed four days and shall be allowed for one meal. per day at not exceeding ( 7S¢) seventyfive cent per ~eat, dunng the four days of regi tration ." On the question " hall thi resolution be adopted? " it wa decided as follows : In the affirmative were: Mes rs. Barbosa, Brioso, Cr6sas, Garrison , Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Wi loughby . .... . . ............ 8 In the negative-None. Absent : Messrs. Benitez, Cintr6n and Elliott ........ . . .. .... . ... 3 The President thereupon declared aid resolution duly adopted . • Mr. Harlan offered the following resolution : " ~HE~EAS in the Election law and in the law relating to the regtstratlon of voters, both of which acts were passed at the second ses ion of the Legislative Assembly dt Porto Rico, there appears to be some ambiguity or conflict as to the qualifications necessary in order to entitle persons to have their names added to the registration lists a at present constituted , in order to be entitled to vote at future elections in Porto Rico ; and the Executive Council has been asked to construe such ambiguity or conflict for the guidance of the General upervisor of Elections in the performance of his duties: " ow THEREFORE , Be it R u olved by the Executive Council of Porto Rico that the said , the General Supervisor of Elections, be advised that it is the decision of the Executive Council that any person in Porto Rico shall be entitled to have his name placed upon the registration lists of Porto Rico, for the purpose of enabling such person to vote at· future elections in Porto Rico, who shall have any one of the qualifications prescribed in the fourth section of the act entitled 'An Act to prepare for elections in Porto Rico ' approved March tst , ti)02 .'' On the question " hall thi resolution be adopted? " it was decided a follows : In the affirmative were:


In th



B Lin ative-Xon .



s, G rri n , Harlan , Hartzell , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !l

~ghb .

.- . Benit z, intr6n anu Elliott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Pr 1dent tb reupon declared said resol ut ion duly u pted . :\l r Ha rlan offi red the fOllowing motion : That the,.. Jan~ of Clerk~ f Ju tic of the Peace be fixed at an am unt not to e. ceed o per month and that the or be requ ted to authorize a transfer of funds from ppropriati n " Salaries, ~f4tnicipal Court " 1902-3, sub-head " I ri I E . pen . ··, to th credit of an appropriation to be d nominated ". alari~. Court;, of Justices of the Peace", 1902· 3, ..,ub-h au " I rica I Ex pen; ... n th qu~tion " hall this motion be adopt d? ", it wa dec1ded a, foliO\\ . · In th flirmativ were: . I ,.. . Barbo:.a , Bri rosa,.., Garrison , Harlan, Hartzell , Lind;,ay nd Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In th negath·e-X ne. Ab>oent · I e.. rs. Bemtez, intr6n nd Elliott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Th Pre,..ident thereu pon declared said motion adopted , and al ri . duly fixed a, therein ,tated. n motion of Mr. Willoughby, the Council then adjourned . CHAS. HART ZELL,



]IJLY 28, 1902.


LV 2 Til, 1902.

The Council met at 2:00 o 'clock p . m . pon the calling of the roll , the foll o wing members appeared and an wered to their names. I rs. Barbosa, Cr6sa , Elliott , Garrison, Hartzell , Lindsay a nd Willoughby ..... ........... ..... .... ... ... .............. 7 A nt : M rs. B nitez, Brioso, Cintron and Harlan ................... 4 On motion of ir. Cr6s , the reading of the minutes of the Ia t meeting ' a eli pen d with and the arne were approved.


The President stated that in v iew of the obligations imposed upon him as cting Governor during the absence of the Gov· ernor , the Council should elect a President pro tempore . Mr. Cr6sas, wa · nominated as President pro tempore, whi ch was duly seconded. On the question " hall Mr. Cr6sas be elec ted President pro tempore of the Executive Council to ac t during the absence of the President? " it was decided as follows: In the affirmative were : MeSsrs. Barbosa , Elliott , Garrison, H art zell , Lind ay and Willoughby ........ ................... .. .. ..... ............... 6 In the negative was: Mr. Cr6sas .. ........... .... .. ...................... . Absent: Mes rs. Benitez , Brioso , intr6n and Harlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The President thereupon decla red Mr. Cr6sas duly elected President pro tempore to act during the absence of the President. Mr. Cr6sa · took the chair. The request of E. S . Wilson, nited tates Marshal , that the salary of the nited tates Deputy 1arshal at an juan be increased from 1000 per annum to 1200 per annum from July 1, 1902 , to December 31, 1902, was taken up for con· sideration. Mr. Garrison moved that the sa,!]•e be approved . On the question " hall the motion be adopted? " it was decided as follows: To the affirmative were: Me srs. Barbosa , Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Lindsay and Willoughby ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 In the negative-None . Absent : Messrs . Benitez, Brioso , Cintr6n, Harlan and Hartzell .. . . 5 The President thereupon declared the motion adopted and the salary of the United tates Deputy Marshal at San Juan fixed at $1200 per annum from july 1, 1902 . to December 31, 1902 .

The Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the tariff of special taxes adopted by the Ayuntamiento of Aguada for the fiscal year 1902-1903, be approved in the form submitted by said Ayuntamiento. On the question '• hall this report be adopted? '' it was decided a follow : In the affirmative were:

AUGUST 8, 1902. CIL.

B rbo a, a , ~lliott, Garrison, Lindsay and \ illoughby ..... ,.. .... . ...... ... . 6 alive-None. . B nitez, Bn · , Cintron , Ha rla n and Hartzell .... 5 Pr ident thereupon declared the report adopted and aid schedul duly approved . The Finance Committ subm itted report recommending that th tariff of ·pecial license taxes adopted by the municipal Council of djunt for the fiscal year 1902- 1903. be approved, ubj t to cert in modificati · f!lly t out in aid report. :h qu tion '•' hall thi report be adopted? " it wa d ided a· follow : In the affirmati\·e were: M rs. Bar a , rosas, Elliott, Garrison, Lindsay and . ........... . ............ 6 \ illough by .....

. Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n , Harlan and Hartzell .... 5 The Pr ·ident thereupon declared the report adopted and the wd hedul duly approved in the form recommended therein . The Finance Committed submitted report recommending that the tariff of pecial t xes adopted by the Municipal Council of anta I abel for the fi al year 1<)02- 1903. be approved subject to certain modification fully set out in aid report . n the question " hall thi report be adopted?" it was decided a follows : In the affirmative were: M rs. Bar a, Cr6sa , Elliott, Garrison , Lind. ay and Willoughby. ...................... ........... 6 In the negative-None. A nt : f rs. Brioso , Benitez, Cintr6n , Harlan and Hartzell . . . . 5 The Pr ident thereupon declared the report adopted and the aid hedule duly approved in the form recommended therein . n motion of fr. Elliott, the Council then adjourned . ANDREs CR6SAS ,

flresidekl pro lt!mpore.



A uGusT 8TH, 1902.

The Council met at 10:00 o 'clock a . m . pon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and answered to their names: M rs. Barbosa, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Garrison and Willoughby... ............................... .... 6 Absent: Messrs. Benitez , Elliott, Harlan , Hartzell and Lindsay ... 5 On motion of Mr. Willoughby, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was di pensed with and the arne was approved. Mr. Willoughby offered the following resolution : " WHEREAS, the act entitled, "An Act to provide for the application of the Act entitled 'An Act concerning municipalities ', approved March I, I902, to municipalities having an urban population of eight thousand inhabitant or over, with certain modifications ", approved March I, I902 , authorizes the Executive Council of Porto Rico to make all necessary regulation and to decide all questions arising in connection with the application of both the acts relating to municipalities approved March I , I902 ; and "' "WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Executive Council of Porto Rico that certain municipalities with which other municipalities have been consolidated in virtue of the act of the second es ion of the Legislative Assembly consolidating municipalities, have acted on the assumption that they come within the terms of the said act relating to municipalities having an urban population of eight thousand inhabitants, or over, iu consequence of the fact that the aggregate of the urban populations of the original municipality and the annexed municipalities not exceed eight thousand inhabitants; "Now, THEREFORE, be it Resolved by 1/u Executive Council of Porto Rico: " (I) That it as the plain intent of the said Act relating to municipalities having an urban population of eight thou and inhabitant , or over, to apply only to the municipalities of San Juan, Ponce, Mayagiiez and Arecibo. which municipalities at that time had a population of that number : '' ( 2) That the action of other municipalities as if they came

2 0

}0 ' R. AL OF THE

' thin the term of tb ill al :


a id ac t is c ntrary to the law and is

That the mayors of the respective municipalities of furnished with a copy of tbi resolution and be intructed to regul t their action in accordance therewith . " n the qu t ion " ba ll this resolution be adopted? " it wa d ided foliO\\ · ffirm at ive were : ·rs. Barbos , Brio , Cintr6n , Cr6sas, arrison and Wil· loug bby ... ......................... 6 In tb n g at ive-Xo ne . f A ent · f rs'. Benite2:, Elliott , H a rlan , Hartzell and Lindsay .. . . 5 Tb id nt declared the resolution duly adopted and lerk to tran smit a copy thereof to each Alcalde of


A ommuni cation from H nry De Ford accepting ' 'An Or· dinanc grantmg the consent of the li ecutive Council of Porto Rico to the a tgnm nt by the Compaiifa de los Ferrocarriles de Puerto Rico to Henry De Ford , his heirs , executors, admini tra· to and a ign , and to the proposed corporation to be designated and known a " Tb American Railroad company of Porto Rico, Central Aguirre Operator ' ' of the right to construct, operate and maintain a Railroad Line from Ponce to Guayama authorized by a certain ordinan of the Executive Council of Porto Rico duly enacted on the 2 th day of tober , 190 1 , and for other purposes ", a read and ordered filed . The Finance ommittee nbmitted report on the communi· cation of th Alcald of Barros, dated June 11! , 1902 , relative to th law pro viding for the consolidation of municipalities, recom· m nding no action , the law having gone into effective operation. The report was adopted. The Final)ce Committee nbmitted report on a commu ni ca· tion of the uperintendent of the New ork & Porto Rico teamship Company dated July 1 , 1902 , presenting to the Council a aim gain t cbarg and collection from said Company by the Captain of the Port of an Juan . The Committee expressed the opinion that it i the intent of the Harbor Rules and Regulation to ascertain and compute the dues to be paid for the use of harves and bulkhead in the harbor according to the gr ton· na of v · I , and recommending that the con truction having • been placed upon aid Rul and Regulation by the Captain ot



1<)02 .

the Port of an Juan, the same be approved, and that the claim of the New York Porto Ri co Steamship Compan y be dis· a pproved . n the question " ball this report be adopted? " it was decided as follows : In the affinnative were: .ilessrs. Barbosa , Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sa , Garrison and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 In the negative- one. Ab ent : Messrs. Benitez, Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell and Lindsay .. . 5 The President thereupon declared the report duly adopted. The Finance Committee submitted report upon the com· munication of the Alcalde of an Juan dated July 26, 1902, requesting authority to transfer $25,<XJO appropriated in the budget of the Municipal Loan for au A ylum for the poor to a Hospital for the indigent sick of the municipality, recommending that aid request be not approved by the Executive Council. On the question " ball this report be adopted? " it was decided as follows : In the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa , Brioso , Cr6sas, Garrison and Willoughby . 5 In the negative : Mr . Cintr6n . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . ...... . .. .. ........ . Absent : M rs. Benitez, Elliott , Harlan, Hartzell and Lindsay .. . 5 The President thereupon declared said report duly adopted . The Finance Committee submitted report upon resolution adopted by the City Council of Humacao, and other papers in relation to the proposed loan by that Municipality of tOO,<XJO, recommending that further action thereon be suspended until such time as the full membership of the Executive Council may be present, and that the Alcalde of Humacao be requested to furnish certain information relative thereto as fully set out in said report. On the question " hall this report be adopted? " it wa decided as follows : In the affirmative were: Mes rs. Barbosa, Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sas , Garrison and Wil· loughby ... . ... . . . ..... . .. . . ... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 6 In the negative-None . Ab nt:

____________________A_u_G_u_sr_s_._,_~_2_._________________2~ 53


. Benitez , Elliott, Harlan , Hartzell and Willoughby 5 Pr ident th reupon declared aid report duly .. dopted. Finance ommittee :ubmitted report recommending hedul of pecial licen taxes adopted by the of omerio and Isabela for the fiscal year 190%-190 , d ted pectively Jul 1 and July 19, 1902, be ubmitted by s id municipal councils. hall these reports be adopted? " it was


In the n.egative- on e~ A nt : M rs. B nitez, Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell and Lind ay . · · 5 The Pr id nt thereupon declared aid reports duly adopted. The Committee on Finance ~bmitted report on the schedule of pecial licen taxes adopted by the municip council of Barr for the fi al year 1902- 1903 , under date of July 23, 1902, recommending that id schedule be approved in the form ubmitted b aid coun cil, except in so far as relates to Clas 4 thereof. the taxes pecified therein bei ng authorized by existing legi lation and not requiring the sanctioJl of the Executive Council. n the question " hall thi report be adopted? " it was decided a follow : In the affirmative were: f . Barbosa , Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Garrison and Willoughby ........ . ........... . . .. ..... . . 6 In the negativ~None . A nt: { . Benitez , Elliott , Harlan, Hartzell and Lindsay . . . 5 The Pr ident thereupon declared aid report duly adopted. The Fiftance ommittee ubmitted report recommending that the following alaries of employees of the Department of Education be fixed as requested by the Commi ioner of Education under date of July 30, 1902 , namely: ne In pector @ :zooo per annum Four A t . In pectors not to exceed 1200 '' '' each ne Draughtsman @ 48o per annum to be p id from the Tru t Fund appropriation denominated " School Exten ion in Porto Rico."

On the question " Shall this report be adopted?" it was decided a follows : In the affirmative were: Messrs . Barbosa, Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sa , Garrison and Willoughby.. ......... .......... ..... ... ... ...... 6 In the negative-None. Absent : Messrs. Benitez, Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell and Lindsay . . . 5 The President thereupon declared said report duly adopted. 'the Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the re-a ignment of alaries of the employees ol the Girl • Charity St:hool , as set out in the communication from the Director of Charities, dated July 29, 1902, be approved, to take effect August 1, 1902 . On the question " Shall thi report be adopted? " it was decided as follows: In the affirmative were: Messrs . Barbosa, Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Garrison and Willoughby ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 In the negative- None. Absent: Messrs. Benitez , Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell and Lindsay. .. 5 The President thereupon declared said ~eport duly adopted. The Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the list of salaries to be paid during the fiscal year 1902-1903 from the appropriation for " Pay of Supervising and Laboring Force on maintenance of roads ", and c:if employees paid fro~ the Trust Fund allotment , as set out in the communication of the Acting Commissioner of the Interior, dated August 4, 1902, be approved. With respect to the employment of laborers at a per diem rate of compensation, the Committee recommended that the number of same to be employed and the compensation to be paid thereto be left, as heretofore , to the di cretion of the Superintendent of the Bureau of Public Works, and the approval of the Commi ioner of the Interior, provided always that the total am,punt appropriated shall not be exceeded. On the question " Shall thi report be adopted? " it was decided a follows: In the affirmative were ; M rs. Barbosa, Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Garrison and Willoughby .............. .'... ···. ····· ·· 6


tbl;, report be adopted?'' it wa In the affi rm ative were : M ·sr;,. Bar a, Brioso, idtr6n, Cr6sas, Garrison , and Wil .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 loughby .. ' In th n gath·e-. ·one. nt · .I . Benitez, Elliott, Ha rlan, Hartzell and Lindsay. . . 5 Th Pr ' ident thereupon declared aid report duly adopted. The Finance ommittee ubmitted report recommending the adoption of the following amendment to the Rules and Regulation fi r the Government of Harbors and Docks ( approved Jun 3, 1902 1: Am nd · tion 73 by addi ng after the words "Captain of the Port ", "and ball pay ann u al license fee of 3.00 payable quarter! in advance. " mend the Regul tion by adding ction 86 a, as foll ow : tion 6 a. Every ves I engaged solely in carrying cugo or p ngers between port in the I land of Porto Ri~o , Viequ and Culebra, that enters, uses or mak fast to any p1er \ barf or bulkhead in any harbor of Porto Ri co or entering and using a harbor and not u ing Of making fast to any pier, wharf or bulkb ad, but u he public wharf or bulkhead or shore for the purpose of loading or unloading merchandise by means ?f lighte , shall pay for each fiscal year for the use of such pubhc property an annual wharfage fee a follo\ : • •ot exceedi ng 15 ton 20.00 Exceeding 15 ton , not exceeding 25 tons 30.00 Exceeding 25 ton , not exceeding so tons so.oo Exceeding so ton . not exceeding IOO tons 75 .00 For each additional ton over 100 ton .25 Tb cbarg ill be based on the vessel ' gros ton nage, to be ascertained from v I ' regi ter , licen or other official


T 8,



documents, and in the absence of such documents, upon the esti mate of the Captain of the Port, and will be payable quarterly in advance. On the qu lion '' ball this report and the forego ing amendments be adopted? " it wa decided as follows : [n the affirmative were: Mes rs. Barbosa , Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Garrison and Willoughby ..... . . . .. .... . ................... 6 In the negative-- None. Abse~t:

Mes rs. Benitez, Elliott, Harlan , Hartzell and Lindsay. . . 5 The President thereupon declared the report and said amendments duly adopted. On motion of Mr. Barbosa, the Council then adjourned . A NDRBS CROSAS, Pruidmt pro tempore.

MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COU CIL AUGUST 15TH, 1902 . The Council meet at 2:00 o 'clock p. m . Upon the calling of the roll, the followin g members appeared and answered to their names: Mes rs. Barbosa , Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Garrison, and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 6 Absent : Messrs. Benitez , Elliott, Harlan , Hartzell and Lindsay..... 5 On motion of r . Willoughby, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with and the sa me were approved. The Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the salary of the Captain at the Port at Ponce be fixed at 1,ooo to date from Augu ·t 1, 1902 . On the question " hall this report be adopted? " it wa decided a follows : In the affirmative were: Mes rs. Barbosa, Brioso , Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Garrison and Willoughby ............................. ··········· 6 In the negative-None . Absent:




nitez, Elliott , Harlan , Hartzell nd Lind ay . . 5 Th P 'dent thereupon qeclared s id report dnly adopted. The Finance ommittee ubmitted r port recommending that the requ t of th lea ide of Cayey for authority to di pose of the pp priation m de in the budget for the payment of alari of nit ary fficers , in the payment of fees charg d by phy icians and practicanl for medical services, be denied . the qu lion " hall thi report be adopted? " it wa d ided a folio In th affirm tive were : . Bar a , Brioso , intr6n , Cr6sa , Garrison and Willoughby .......t. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 6 In th aegative- on . ot voting : r. Lindsay ........................... . ............ . A t: rs. Benitez, Elliott, Harla-n and Hartzell ............ 4 The report a declared adopted . I the tnatler of the communication of the Director of Charities tating that Dr. F. R . Goenaga i incapacitated by inflammato rheumati m from the u of his hands and cannot write and has designated Leopoldo R . Carmona to sign necessary p pers in hi tead, the Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the d ignation of aid Carmona to sign for the uperintendent be approved, on the condition that uch authority hall not extend to any admini trative acts which are by Ia or regulation made a part of the special duties of the uperinten ent , bnt hall extend only to such acts and duties which the aid uperintendent may lawfully delegate to another. n the qu tion " haU thi report be adopted? " it was decided a folio In the affirmative were: f rs . Barbosa, Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6s3:5, Garrison, Lindsay, and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 In the negative-None . A nt : ! rs. Benitez , Elliott, Harlan and Hartzell . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The report as declared adopted . Th Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the tariff of pecial licen taxes adopted by the municipal council of Aguadilla tran mitted under date of Augu t IO, IC)02, be approved in the form ubmitted.

AUGUST 15, 19<>2.


On the question "Shall this report be adopted? " it was decided as follows: In the affirmative were: ? Mes rs. Barbosa, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas , Garrison , Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 In the negative-None. Absent : Messrs. Benite, Elliott, Harlan and Hartzell . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The report was declared adopted . The Finance Committee ubmitted report recommending that the employment of one night school teacher at Trujillo Alto, one at Quebradilla , and two at Mayagiiez, from June 23 to August 3I, I902, and one in Barro from May 27 to June 30, IC)02, at a alary not to exceed so cents per day for each school day , be approved . On the question "Shall this report be adopted?" it wa decided as follows: In the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa , Brioso , Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Garrison, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 In the negative-None. Absent: Mes rs. Benitez, Elliott, Harlan and Hartzell . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The report was declared adopted. The request of the Commissioner of Education dated August 15, IC)02, that the salaries of teachers in the Industrial Schools, as provided for by an ''Act to provide for the establishment of Industrial Schools in Porto Rico ", approved March I, I9Q2 , was taken up and considered under suspension of the rules, without reference to a Committee, as follows : Supervising Principal of Industrial schools at a salary not to exceed for the school year ....... .. $2,000 2 Principals of Industrial Schools at a salary not to exceed for the school year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ,soo Supervising Principal of Sloyd work at a salary not to exceed for the school year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,Boo 2 Teachers of Sloyd at a salary not to exceed for the school month , each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOO 3 Teachers of Domestic Science, each at a salary not to exceed for the school month . . ...... . .. ¡ 75 3 Teachers of English and mathematics or Drawing, each at a alary not to exceed for the school month. ............ ... . ......... . . . .......... 100



AUGUST 15. 1902.


3 75 ub-


75 Jan ito , ach at a ~alary not to exceed for the ool year.. . . . . ·· ·········· 36o n the que.tion " ball the salaries of teachers in the Indu tri al boob be fi ed as above set out? ", it wa decided a 3

r.u affirmative were : Bar a, Bri , Qintr6n , Cr6sas, Garrison, Lind ay nd \Villoo bby. . . .. ...... ... · · · · · · · 7 In th. negative-None . nt : M . -.rs. Benitez, Elliott, Harlan and Hartzell ............ 4 Tb id ;;alaries were d lared approved . The Finance Committee .su bmitted report recommending that th alaries of the following employees of the Bureau of Public W orks be fi ed at the monthly rates tated, instead of at yearl r t~ . as approYed by the Council o n August 8, 1902 , namely : (tl 75.00 per month each . 16 verseers . . . ... @ 6o.oo '' 4 30.00 34 Foremen . . . . . . . . @ 20.00 150 tionmen . . . . . ........ @ 5 Engi ne dri\·ers.. . .... . 6o.oo '' 5 Watchmen ............... . . G_t JO.OO 2 •..•....... . @ 20.00 n the question " ball th is report be adopted? " it was decided a follow : In the affirm ative were: I . Barbosa, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Garrison, Lind ay ... ....... ............ 7 and W illoughby In the negative-Non . Absent: . Benitez , Elliott, Harlan and Hartzell ·........ . . . 4 M The report wa declared adopted . The Finance Committee ubmitted report recommending that the ·alari of the two rural school teachers of the Island of Cul bra be fixed at o per month each , k>r the school year 1<)02-1903·

n the question " hall this report be adopted?" it was decided as follows : In the affirmative were: Mes rs. Barbo a, Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Garri on, Lindsay and Willoughby .. . . . . . . . . . .... . ....... . 7 In the negative-None. Absent : Messrs. Benitez , Elliott , Harlan and Hartzell .. . ........ . 4 The report was declared adopted . On motion of Mr. Cintr6n, the Council then adjourned. ANDRES CROSAS,

~ rs.





t~mpor~ .


A GUST 29TH, 1<)02 . The Council met at 2:00 o 'clock p . m. Upon the calli ng of the roll, the following members appeared and answered to their names: Messrs. Barbo a, Benitez, Brioso , Cr&<as, Garrison , Lindsay and Willoughby ......... ... .............. 7 Absent : Mes rs. Cintr6n , Elliott, Harlan and Hartzell .......... . . 4 On motion of Mr. Willoughby, the reading '6f the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with and the same were approved. The following nominations were received from His Excel lency , the Governor: ExEcuTrvE MANSION PORTO RICO.

SAN jUAN , P . R., AUG UST :!9TH, 1<)02. } Tit~ Honorab/~, Tit~ Executiv~

Council, San Juan, P . R.

Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A _ U-GU T 29, 1902.

Executive Council the nomination of Mr. Julio Pinto for member of the City Council of Manatf, Porto Rico .

nominati of orovi , P.R .

R · pectfully,



Acting Governor.

Acting Governor. ExEcuTIVE MA SIO PORTO RICO . AN



AN, P . R ., AuGUST 29TH, I9Q2 .

Tlu Honorable, Tile Execwhve Council, Sanjuan , P. entlemen : i h ve the honor to ubmit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Americo Rodriguez for member of the City Council of Adjunta , Porto Rico. ' Respectfully, CHAS . HARTZELL ,


SAN }UAN, P . R ., AuGusT 29TH, 1902 .

Tke Honorable, Tile Executive Council , Sanjuan , P.R . Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Gregorio Rodriguez for member of the City Council of Camuy, Porto lOco . Respectfully,



j UAN, P . R . , A UGUST 29TH, I9Q2 .

Acli1lg Governor.

Tile Honorable , Tire Execwlive (ouncil, San Juan , P . R . Gentlemen: I have the honor to ubmit herewith fQr your approval the nomination of Mr. Francisco D. C6rdova for member of the City Council of Utuado, Porto lOco. Respectfully, CHAS . HARTZELL,




R ., A UGUST 29TH, 19Q2 .

Tlte Honorable,

Tke Execufl've Council, San Juan , P . R . Gentlemen:




SAN jUAN , P . R ., A UGUST 29TH, 19Q2.

Tlu Honorable, Tile Executive Council, San Jwm , P . R . Gentlemen: I h•ve the honor to ubmit herewith foe the approval of the

I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Juan Irizarri for member of the City Council of Aguada, Porto Rico. Respectfully , CHAS . HARTZELL ,

Acfl'ng Governor.





' CIL.

AUGl'ST 29, 1902.




R . , At•Gt' T 29TH, 1902 .


Tlu Hon rahl~ , Tlu £ ~mtjt-'~ Counal, • an Juan, f'. R.

. /cling

Gov~nzor .


ntl men ·

AN ju N, P. R ., AuGPST 29T11, I90 2 .

I hav th honor to ubmit herewith for your approval then ruination of :\lr. juan Eulogio \'inceote for member of the it • ouncil of Las !II aria~. Porto Rico.




Horzorabl~ .

Tit~ Exuutiv~ Cout~cil,

Sa11 juan, P. R . Centlemen :

R pectfully , Gov~or.



AN jUAN , P . R. , At'GUST 29TH, IC)02.



the nomination of. Mr. Vincente Rodrigu ez \' azquez •or r . member o f t h e C tty Council of Cayey, Porto Rico. • Respectfully,


I h~ve . the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nom10at1ons of M_es ·rs. VIrgilio Martinez and Jose R. Mojica for members of the City ' unci! of abana Grande, Porto Rico. Respectfully, CHAS. HARTZELL,



Honorabl~ .



Tit~ Exuutiv~

Cotmcil, anJuan , P . R .


SAN jUAN, P. R., At:Gt'ST 29TH, IC)02. Tit~ Ho1zorabl~ .

Gentlemen : I h ve the honor to ·ubmit herewith for your approval

the nomination of ies rs .. laouel R. Rodriguez, Jose Santiago Rivera nd tero Burg G rcia for member of the City Council of aula I abel, Porto Rico. Respectful y, CHAS . HARTZELL,


Tit~ Ex~culiv~ Cout~cil ,

Sa11juan, P .R. Gentlemen : I h~ve _the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nom10at1on of Mr. Ricardo Roca for member of the City Council of Toa Alta, Porto Rico. ' Respectfully ,



Acting- Govanor.


PoRTO R1co . AN Ju N, P . R ., AUGUST 29TH, IC)02.


7 lte H onorabl~, Tlu Exuuliv~ Cou1tcil, San Juan, P . R . Gentl mea : I have the honor to

ubmit here ith for your approval

PORTO Rrco . SAN juAN, P . R., AuGusT 29TH, 1902.


Tit~ Hot~orabl~.

TM Ex~culiv~ Cou11cil, Sa11 Juan, P. R . Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval


U ClL.


the nominati n of Mr. J guila for member of the City C uncil of Co mo, Porto Rico. Respectfully,. CHA . HARTZELL, Acting Govemor.

the nomination of Mr. J ose Victor Bosch for member of the City Council of Adjunta , Porto Rico . Respectfully, CHAS. HARTZELL , A ctiug Governor . ExECUTIVE MANSION } PoRTO Rico. AN jUAN , P . R. , A UGUST 29TH, 11)02 .

Ex ECUTIVE M SION PORTO RICO . N J AN , P. R ., A G ST 29TH, 11)02 .

Tlte Ht1Norahle, Tile E ecutive Council. an Juan , P. R .


Gent! men : I have the honor to ubmit herewith fo r your approval th nomination of Mr. Manuel Betances Pagan for member of the ity Council of fiasco , Porto Rico. Respec.tfully, CHAS. HARTZELL , Acting Governor. EXECUTIVE MANSION } PoRTO Rico . N JuAN, P . R ., AuGuST 29TH, II)02 .

Tlr.e HDnDrahle , Tlu Executive Council, SanJu~n , P . R . Gentlemen : I have the honor to ubmit herewith for your approval the nomination of Mr. Francisco Pinares for member of the City Council of La Maria , Porto Rico. Respectfully, CHAS. HARTZELL, Acting Govemor. EXEC TIVE MA SION } PORTO RICO. AN j UAN, P . R ., AUGUST 29TH, 11)02.

Tlte JonDrahle, Tlte Executive Council, San Juan, P . R . Gentlem n : I have the honor to ubmit herewith for your approval

T 29 , 1902.

The Honorable , The Ext:eutive Council, San Juan, P . R . Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval the nominations of Mes rs. antiago Sambolin andJo~ Velez for members of the City Council of San German, Porto Rico. Respectfully , CHAS. HARTZELL, Acting Governor. By unanimous consent, under suspension of the rules, the foregoing nominations were taken up and considered without reference to a Committee. On the question " hall these nomination• be confirmed?"! it was decided as follows : In the affirmative were : Messrs. Barbosa , Benitez, Brioso , Cr6sas, Garrison , Lindsay and Willoughby ....... . .... . . .. . . .. . ... . ·.. . . 7 In the negative--None . Absent: Mes rs . Cintr6n , Elliott , Harlan and Hartzell . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The nominations were declared confirmed . The Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the tariff of special taxes adopted by the Municipal Council of Carolina, transmitted under date of August 11, 1902, be appr'>ved in the form ubmitted. On the question " Shall this report be adopted?" it was decided as follow : In the affirmative were: Mes rs. Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso, Cr6sas, Garrison , Lindsay and Willoughby .. . .. ..... . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 7


intr6n , Elliott , Harlan nd Hart zell .··· · · · · · · · · 4 report a declared adopted . . Finance ommittee ubmitted report recommendtng that th Alcalde of Lares be informed that the consent .of the E ecutive Council i not neces ary to enable that town to tmpose

a t

on peddle n th qu tion " hall thi

· report be adopted? " tt


decided a folio In th affirmative were : . L' d 1 . B rbosa , Benitez , Brioso, Cr6sa , Gamson , m ay and \ illoughby ... •· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 7 In the n. gative- one1 A nt : 4 intr6n , Elliott , Harlan and Hartzell .·· The report a declared adopted . . . The Finance "Committee ub'?itted report on the petttton of • 1J alder6n of recibo in hich he alleges that he per~n~ · d · th ~ fi ed the duti of the Secretary of the Court unng e mo ~~uly , 1902 , and claiming to be entitled to payment of the alary of the retary . The Committee recommended ~at the id alder6n could not be paid any extra compen atton for performing ·uch duties during the time he held the office of fficer of ala and wa paid a u ch . n the qu tion " hall this report be adopted? " it wa de-


folio cided ln th affirmative were: . . 1 . Barbosa , Benitez, Brioso , Cr6sa , Gamson , Lmdsay , a d \ illoughby ......... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 7 In the negative-None. A nt: M rs. Cintr6n , Elliott , Harlan and Hartzell · · · · · · · · · · · 4 The report was declared adopted. . The Finance Committee ubmitted report recommendmg that the alari of the following temporary employees of the Bureau of Public Work. be fixed as tated: ne A i tant urveyor 50 per month ne Ora ugh man 50 ' ' One Photographer 75 n Clerk 30 ne Timekeeper 50 Teamster 50 ne Team ter' helper 25


On the que tion " Shall this report be adopted? " it was decided as follow : In the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas , Garrison , Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 In the negative-None. Absent : Mes rs. Cintr6n, Elliott, Harlan and Hartzell ... . . . . . . . . . 4 The report wa declared adopted. The Finance Committee ubmitted report on the communication of the Mayor of Humacao dated Aug. 15, 1902, relative to a proposed loan of aid City of IOO,CXX> recommending no further action until the full membership of the Executive Council may be present, when the same will be taken up for final action . n the question "Shall thi report be adopted? " it wa decided a follows : In the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas, Garrison , Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 In the negative-None. Absent : Me srs. Cintr6n, Elliott, Harlan and Hartzell. ........ . .. 4 The report wa declared adopted . In the matter of the communication from Henry W . Dooley, and the protest of A . Castaiier and others of Mayagiiez , against wharf tax , the Finance Committee submitted report recommending that inasmuch as the municipal wharf at Mayagiiez wa taken charge of by the In uJar Government on July 1st, 1902, and that the wharfage dues or taxes for the current fiscal year will be collected by the Insular Government, the question of municipal wharf taxes for said year is already settled. On the question " Shall this report be adopted? " it was decided as follows : In the affirmative were: Mes rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas, Garrison , Lindsay and Willoughby ... . .................. · · · · · . · · · 7 In the negative-None. Absent: M rs. Cintr6n, Elliott, Harlan and Hartzell . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The report wa declared adopted. The Committee on Education returned the following documents with report recommending no action:


------tuado for \'aile for the League of Owners of gainst th House Bill authorizing

. B rbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cr6sa , Garrison, Lind ay and Willoughby . . ... f ... . · · .. · . · · · · · · · 7 In th n atlve-- on . ' A . Cintron, Elliott, Harlan alfd Hartzell .. ." ... .. ·.·· 4 The r port were declared adopted. The ommittee on Election ubmitted verbal report recommending that th otice of Election to be held on Tuesday, ovem~r 4th, 1902, as prepared and submitted by the upervi r of Election under date of Augu t 27, 1902, be approved and that the upervisor of Election be directed to take the n ary teps for the publication thereof. n the question •• ball thi report be adopted and the otice of Election approved?'' it wa decided a follows: In the affirm tive were: rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brio , Cr6sa , Garrison, Lindsay and Willoughby ......... ... · ..... · · · · · · · · · · · · · 7 In the negative--None . A t: ! rs. Cintron, Elliott, Harlan and Hartzell .... ·. · · · · · · 4 The report wa _declared adopted and the aid notice approved. On motion of Mr. Willoughby , the Council then adjourned. ANDREs CR6SAS,

President pro tempon:.


The Council met at


o'clock a. m.

l<J02 .

Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and answered to their names: Mes rs. Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Garrison, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Absent: M rs.· Barbosa , Elliott, Harlan and Hartzell. . . . . . . . . . 4 On motion of Mr. Wllloughby, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with and the same were approved . The Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the· substitute tariff of special license taxes adopted by the Municipal Council of Mayagiiez, for the fiscal year 1902- 1903 tran mitted under date of August 15, 1902, be approved, said schedule being the same a that approved for the fiscal year 1901 and 1902. On the question " hall this report be adopted? " it wa decided as follows: In the affirmative were: Messrs. Benitez, Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Garrison, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 In the negative--None . Absent : Messrs. Barbosa, Elliott, Harlan and Hartzell . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The report was declared adopted. The Finance Committee submitted ...report recommending that the salary of the Librarian of the Free Public Library of San Juan be increased from $720 per annum to $<)oo per annum, to take effect from and after September 1, 1902 . On the question "Shall this report be adopted? " it was decided as follows : In the affirmative were: Messrs. Benitez, Brioso. Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Garrison , Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 7 In the negative--None . Absent: Mes rs. Barbosa, Elliott, Harlan and Hartzell ....... · . . . 4 The report was declared adopted. Relative to the complaint of Eduardo G. Caneja and Marcos T . Calfeja that the Captain of the Port of San Juan had demanded the payment of $36 on two boats belonging to them, which had already paid a tax to the municipality of Bayam6n, and asking that the same be refunded, the Finance Committee submitted

'EPTElltBER 9, 191>2. ~port

that m be referred to the Judiciary Committee for con iderati n and report and that id Committee take into con ideration the advi ability of mending the Harbor Rules and R lation . The ~port adopted . Th Finance Committee ubmitted report on the claim of C rl de EI' iio of an Juan that he hould be paid the di1f~nce in price for building a hool hou of tone in tead of bri , a called for in his contract with the Commi loner of Education , recomm nding that the functions of the Executive Council do not extend to the settlement of claim of this character, that the claimant be advised accordingly and that the communication be refe~ to the Commi ioner of Education for appropriate action and reply.41 The report wa adopted. The Finane Committee submitted report recommending that the· pecial licen taxes adopted by the City Council of n Juan forth fi al year 1902 and 1903 be approved with certain modification and reduction fully t out therein . fr. Willough):)y , of the arne ~ommittee, offered o submit to the Council a report containing the views of the minority of id Committee relative to the levying of pecial license taxes by th municipality of. an Juan for the fiscal year 1902· 1903· The Pr 'dent decided that a report cannot be made from a minority of a Committee , a a minority i not a Committee, that the paper offered a not a report authorized to be made to the Council by authority of the Committee and could not to be ~ved a a ~port from the minority ; and that , consequently, It w not in order to offer the arne. The Chair further held that the receiving of a minority ~port i a mere matter of courtesy . r. Garri n , of the Finance Committee, moved that the report of the Committee be adopted and that the minority report offered by fr. \ illoughby be received . n the qu tion " hall thi motion be agreed to? " it was decided a foLio In the affirmative were : f rs. Barbosa , Benitez, Bri , Cintron and Garrison ... 5 In the negative: f . Cr6sa , Lind ay and Willoughby .... . ..... . ... . . 3 . Elliott, Harlan and Hartzell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 rep<>rt a declared adopted and said license taxes dul_ approved .


The following election order was approved : "BE IT ORDERED by the ~xecntive Council that authority IS hereby granted to the Supervisor of Elections to travel throughout th~ I lands of Porto Rico , Vieques and Culebra and to autho~ze travel _on the part of his subordinates, when he may deem 1t for the mterest of public bu ines connected with his 'bed office and that reimbursement shall be at the rate · h · I prescn 1D t e c1rcu A.r dated April 19, 1902 , signed by His Excellency the Governor of Porto Rico, and ' .

"BE IT FURTHER ORDER ltD that the members of the Boards o~ ~lection who may serve out ide of the municipalities or di tnct where they habitually reside, ·hall be entitled: "1.. To their transportation while going nd returning from the1r homes and said municipality or di trict. "II . To their tran portation while travelling in their district or to the Capital on public service. " III . While absent from their homes, either while travelling or living away from their homes, of a per diem to be fixed by the upervisor but not to exceed two dollus and fifty cents ($2 .50) per diem. " The following election order was approved . , "Notice Concerning Nominations of Candidates to be VotM for in the General and Muuicipal Election of November 4, 1902. " Attention is drawn to Section 22 oft~ Act entitled "An Act to provide for Elections in Porto Rico," "Section 22. The Executive Council shall cause to be printed on the official ballot the names of candidates nominated by the conventions of any party that cast five per cent of the total vote of Porto Rico at the last election held, as the names of the candidates nominated may be certified to the Secretary of Porto Rico by the presiding officer and secretary of the. convention or C(lucus or committee making such nomination, and also the names of any candidates for any office when petitioned to do so by the electo qualified to vote for such candidates; Provided nomination by petition for officers to be elected under this Act shall be made by at least five hundred signers to said petition who are regi tered as qualified voters for aid election "In case of a nomination by petition, no petitioner shall be counted uul his residence and post office address be designated and unless such petition states the name and residence of the candidate; that he is legally qualified; that the subscribers desire and are legally qualified to vote for aid candidate and may

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _s_E_PT _ E_M _ BER 9,

ignate a brief name or title of the party or principle which aid candidate rep.r nt , together with any simple figure or d vice b hich h shall 'be d ignated on th ballot. aid device may be the figure of a tar, an eagle, or some appropriate ymbol , bnt the co t of arm or the al of Porto Rico, or of the United tat , the national flag , or any other emblem common to the people at large hall not be used as such device . of the death, r ignation or removal of any canuent to omination unl a upplementt.l certificate or petiti n of nominati n be filed , the President of the Central Committee of the party hall fill u qh vacancy . " ertificat and petiti n of nominatiQns shall be filed with the r tary of Pt>rto Rico not more thajl sixty days and not I than twent days before election day . " Th Executive Council h ll can th names of all candidates for the Hou of Delegates in the ~ trict in hich uch candidat ma be running an,d the names of the candidates for Commt 'oner to the United tates and al other candidates, to be printed on one ballot with names placed under the title and de ce of the party or petitioners a designated by them in their petition or certificate, or if none be designated, under some title and device . " Petitions nominating candidates, as stated in Section 22 of election law , mu t be filed not more than sixty day and not I than twenty day before the day of election . " No' petition will be received unless it tales distinctly the name and addres of the candidate, the office for which he i nominated and he is legally qualified to hold the said office . " The petition , to be received , must be signed by at 1 a t five hundred ( 500 ) voters whose names appear in the registry and who are legally qqalified to vote for the person named in the petition . Thi must be stated in the petitiQD . " Every igner of the petition mu t state his residence and post office addr and mu t ign the petition with his own hand ." By order of the Executive Council. BENJAMIN f . BUTLER, SupenJisor of Elections . The following election order wa appro ed : " HEREAS, it ha been brought to the attention of the El[ecutive Council that many person qu lified to vote under

1902 .


Clause " B" of Section 4 of the Act, entitled "An Act to provide for Elections in Porto Rico", aid Clause reading a follows : " Clan e ' B' . '\Vho , on the day of registration, own real estate in hi own right and name; or who on said day , is a banifide member of any firm or corporation or co-partnership which owns real estate in the name of such corporation , firm or copartnership ;' poses no titles or publicly registered documents showing their ownership in the land, and " WHEREAS it would be a hardship to require them to have such holding evidenced by public documents; " BE IT ORDERED by the Executive Council that any person desiring to qualify under the above section may do so by presenting to the Board of Registration private document or titles to the land he is known to occupy, provided he accompanies it \vith an affidavit sworn to before a notary public or other officer entitled to administer oaths, setting forth that he is the owner in good faith mentioned in said private documents, and it shall be the duty of said Board of Registration to place his name on the registry . In the event of his registration being challenged, the Board of Registration may examine his neighbors under oath as to the correctness of his statements and if a majority of the Board are satisfied that he is the owner of the land, they shall cause his name to be placed on the registry .'' "' The following election order was a pproved : " WHEREAS , under section 16 of the Act, entitled "An Act to provide for Elections in Porto Rico'', authority is given to the Boards of Election in each election district to appoint as Judges of Election three person in each precinct . " BE IT ORDERED by the Executive Council that the Boards of Election may at their discretion select one at least of the said Judges of Electio for each precinct from persons residing outside such precinct , but in the same municipality ." The following election order was approved : " WHEREAS , under the Act , entitled "An Act to provide for Election in Porto Rico ,' ' authority exists for striking out names of voters regi tered in nineteen hundred ( 1900) under certain contingencies; "BE IT ORDERED by the Executive Council that all demands for striking names from the li t of registered voters shall be made on the first day of registration , October 14th, 19(>2, in order that any person whose name is wrongfully stricken out of said registry






ma appear on th ond day of registration, ctober 2 th , 1902 , nd b mak ' ng affida~it cause his name to be again placed on id regi try . " The foliO\ ing election order wa appr9ved : " B IT ORDERED b the Executive Coqncil that whenever the vi r gi tration ceed fiv hundred ( oo) voters in any one p inct, th di trict board , or a majority of them, or the General npervi r , rna , if they deem it proper in ~rder to afford opport· un it r. r every regi tered voter to vote , est bli h additional vot· in booth in id precinct and there shall !>e allowed as many pi in the room as there are voting booths bot no more , pro· vided that no more than i\: booth ' be establi hed in any one precinct. '' The folio ing election order was approved: "WHERE . it has been brought to the attention of the Executive ouo cil that some doubt exists in the minds of electors a to th meaning of Clause " " Section 4 of the Act , entitled ct to provide Elections in Porto Rico '' , which read as folio · : " lau ' C '. 'Who, on said day of rtgistration, produces to the bo rd of regi try of the district whertin uch elector may be entitled to vote, a tax receipt bowing t;he payment of any kind of ta es for the Ia t ix month of th~ year in which the election i held , hall be entitled to vote i' the di trict where he may r ide, provided hi name appears on the registry list as provided by law . " But nothing herein contained shall re<Juire a new registra· tion or impose new qualifications for thoSe electors who were re· gi tered during the year nineteen hundred ( 19<><>) who are hereby declared to be qualified to vote without new ~egi stration . " BE IT ORDERED by the Executive Council that any person d iring to be regi tered onder thi clause may present a receipt for any f< nn of municipal, indu trial or in ular tax and that the pr ntation of thi receipt hall be prima fa~ia evidence of his right to regi tration or to " te, and it shall be the duty of the board of regi tration to place h i name on the regi trrtion li t and the judg of election to receive hi vote, but the presenta· tion of a receipt hall be a requi ite ;nd it i hereby held that certificat of r gi tration or patentes bearing tamps for registra· lion f< or internal revenue tamps are not tax receipt and do not entitle holders to vote. "

EPTEMBBR 9, 1902.

Without objection , Mr. Willoughby was granted a leave of ab ence for sixty day . On motion of Mr. Barbos a , the Council then adjourned . ANDRES CR6SAS , President pro tempore .


The Council met at 2 :00 o 'clock p . m. Upon the calling of the roll , the following members appeared and an wered to their names : ~1es rs. Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sas and Lindsay . .. . ... . ......... ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Absent: Mes rs. Elliott, Garrison , Harlan, Hartzell and Willoughby 5 On motion of Mr. Barbosa, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting wa dispensed with and the same were approved. The Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the request of the Commi ioner of Education for authority to appoint an additional Inspector of Build gs at a salary of 1200 per annum , to be paid from the School Extension Fund, he granted. On the question '' hall this report be adopted ' ' it was decided as follows : In the affirmative were : Messrs. Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sa and Lind· say . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 In the negative-None . AbSent: Messrs. Elliott, Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell and Willoughby 5 The report was declared adopted. Upon the request of the Director of Charities, the name of Dona Rosa Matos as Acting uperintendent of the Girls' Charity School during the absence of the Superintendent, was approved. The Commi ioner of E dbcation requested the adoption of the following rule relative to the assignment of teachers within the jurisdiction of the local board : " The location or ignment to a particular school of the


JO ' R



t ch rs ithin the jurisdiction of a local board hall be d termi ed b the id board and the school supervisor of that In ca where the local board and school supervisor f it to agr , the matter hall be referred to the Commi ioner of Education, hose decision , after due and proper investigation of the fact in the ca , shall be final. Thi rule applies only to the location or a ·gnment of teachers who hall have been duly nominated b the local board, approved by the Commi sioner , and elected by the local board ''. n the question " hall thi rule be adopted? " it was ecided a follovo : In th affirmative were : • ,N: rs . Bar a, Benitez , Cintr6n, Cr6sas and Lind ay. . . 5 In the neg tive : Mr. Brioso ....................... . ......... . ........ . rs . Eitiott, Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell and Willoughby 5 The rule wa declared adopted. Th Committee on Election ubmitted verbal report recommending the following named parties for appointment as Di trict Board of Election : DISTRICT OF SAN JUAN : Independent Chairman . James H . Harrison Republican Cayetano Coli y Cuchi Federal Eduardo Acuna Aybar DISTRICT OF ARECIBO : Independent Chainnan. Charles B. Hobert Republican A gel Figueroa Velez Federal antiago Seijo DISTRICT OF GUAD!L.LA: Independent Chainnan . Gregory G . orton Republican ureo Antonio anchez Federal Fernando Ac ta Gonzalez DISTRICT OF AYAGiiEZ : H . icLeary Hutchin n Independent Chainnan. ieliton langual Republican Ramon Quinones y Quinones Federal DISTRICT OF• PONCE : Independent Chairman . Benjamin J . Horton Pedro Juan Rosati Republican Toma .lon anto Bartolla Federal

EPTEMBER 17, 1902.


DISTRICT OF GUAVAlllA : Independent Chairman. Chandler H. Pier"e Republican Julio Brenes Federal Jose Manuel Castillo DISTRICT OF HUMACAO : Independent Chairman . Byron W. Bates Republican Franci o Roig Bayonet Federal Fernando Gonzalez On the question "Shall this report be adopted?'' it was decided as follows : In the affirmative were: Mes rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas and Lindsay .. . ... . . . .. .. . ... .... . . .. ... . ... .. .. .. . ... 6 In the negative-None. Ab nt: M rs. Elliott, Garrison, Harlan, Hartzell and Willoughby. 5 The report was declared adopted and the appointment of the foregoing District Boards of Election duly approved. The following election order was approved: "BE IT ORDERED by the Executive Council that all persons whose names appear on the registration of nineteen hundred ( 1900) are entitled to vote unles they have "ed, changed their residence from the municipal district in accordance with terms of Section 11 of title II of the Political Code, been convicted of felony or committed some other act, which under the law disfranchises them . "The question of qualification having been determined at the time of registration in nineteen hundred ( 1900) , Boards of Regi tration and Judges of Election shall refuse to accept challenges so based.'' On motion of Mr. Cintr6n, the Council then adjourned. ANDRES CR6sAS, Pr(sident pro /(mpor(.



At 10:00 o'clock: a. m. the Council met. Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and an wered to their names:



, Cintron, Cr6sas and Lind· Barbosa , Benitez, Bri 6 ay .... . ... . . . . ...... .. ... ... ... .. ...... . Elliott , Garri n , H rlan , Hartzell and Willo~ghby 5 motion of :lr. Barbosa , the re ding of the mmutes of the Ia t m ting wa . dispensed with and the ame were ap· proved . d" The Finance Committee ubmitted repo~ recommen ~~g that th requ t of the Commi ioner of Education for authonty to appoint the following teachers , be approved: i ·tant in the Kindergarten chool of an Juan at a 1t alary not toe ceed .c:l> per month . ond istant in Kind rgarten hools at an Juan 1t a~ a alary not toe ceed .oo per month . 40 .·ight School Teachers , regularly employed a day teach· ers at a al ry not to exceed 10.00 per month each . 10 Night Teachers, not employed a day teachers, at a alary not toe ceed 25.00 per month each . " . On. the question " hall this report be adopted? It wa decided a folio\ : Voting in the affirmative were: · , Bnoso · 1 rs. Bar a, Benitez , C1"ntr6n , Cr6sa · and Lind6 ay .............. . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In the negati\·e- •one. A

nt : d W "ll hb rs. Elliott, Garri n , Harlan , Hartzell an I oug Y 5 The report wa declared adopted . • . . fr. Barbosa , for the Committee on Elections, offered the following resolution , which were read at length : " \VHERE , under ction 16 of an Act entitled "_An Act to Provide for Election in Porto Rico ", it states that tt hall be the duty of the said Board of Elections, at least fifteen d~ys before the day of election, to appoint a Judges of the Elec~on thr pe n in each precinct and, so far a it may be pra~t~ca ­ ble , aid Judg of Election hall not be all of the arne polttlcal party , and . . " WH EREA some doubt exi t as to the interpretation of tht section : " BE IT ORDERED by the Executive Council that, followi~g the precedent univ ally tabli hed in the n~ted St~te:s, of gtv·, in the m jonty party at the I t previous elect ton maJont! reprentation in the electoral colleg , the Boards of Election are M


2 , 1902.


hereby in tructed to follow this rule in making such appointments, such being the spirit of the law . " BE IT ORDERED by the Executive Council of Porto Rico that the Judges of Election regularly appointed Election Board have prior right to serve on November 4th . If any were substituted on October 14th or 28th because tardy or ill , Judges who were appointed by District Board still have the right to serve on the 4th, if on hand a law requires. If not on hand, other Judges may appoint third Judge on that day as provided by order of Council dated . . .. .. , in case third Judge fails to be present as required. If two judges present are of oppo ite political parties and cannot agree upon third judge, they shall select a third judge some one of the same political party as the absent judge represented . If judges of arne politics, they mu t select third judge of opposite politics. " BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Council, that the Judges of Election in the various precinct of the Island, acting a Boards of Registration, shall receive as compensation for such services at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents ( 2.50) per day for not to exceed four days and hall be allowed seventy five (. 75 ) per day for subsi tence in lieu of actual meals furni hed during the four days of registration . "BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Counci'l that the Judges of Election and the poll clerks of election in the various precincts of the Island , shall receive as compensation for such services at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents ( 2.50) per day for not to exceed two days, and shall be allowed one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) for subsistence in lieu of actual meals furnished upon election day .


"BE IT R ESOLVED by the Executive Council that the resignation of Charles B. Hobart, as Chairman of the District Board of Election, Arecibo, be ac epted, and that Adam C. Haeselbarth be appointed to fill the vacancy. "BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Council that the Assistant Supervisor of Elections be hereby empowered to approve vouchers covering di bursement in the office of the Supervisor of Elections, and that the signed approval of said Assistant upervisor of Elections upon such vouchers be con idered in all manner as carrying the ame authority for payment as does that of the Supervisor. " BE IT ORDERED by the Executive Council that, if any precinct upon the day of regi tration fixed for the Tuesday three


precedin nd upo~ the Tu day preceding ~lection, viz: r 14th and 2 th, . . 1'}02, or upon Election D.ay, ~o­ . m r th, . D. IC}02, a\ the hour of opening the regJ tratlon or th poll , a majorit of the regi tration ~~ent or of the Jud appear, they hall proceed without waitmg l?nger. than t n minut for the third member of the Board of RegJstrauon .or ofth Bo rd of Judg ; And if at the expiration of the ten m~n­ ut after the openi g of the regi tration or of the poll , the third judge d n t appear, then the two who have appeared and w.ho are pr nt, may d ignate a third person to act a Judge WI~ th m ; uch third person may be selected from the by- tandeB 1D about the poll ; provided always, no person hall be selecte.d a uch third person who i at::andidat , or :elated: to a can~date wi4tin the degr • of con anguinity mentioned 1D the quahfication r. r J ud of Election . •'The third person so selected shall immediately take the ame oath of ffice ~at ha previously been taken by the other J.u~ges of Election . Either of the Judges of Election may adm1n1 ter uch oath and a minute of his appointment shall be made by the Jndg upon piece of paper to be attached to th.e poll book , and aid third Judge so ap:x>inted hall be Judge With the. a~e power and authority as if he had been named b~ t~e ~~ tnct Board of Election, and he hall in all respects act 1D s1gnmg the regi ters of election or poll book or lists ; and in doing so and all act required to be done by Judges as the other Judges may do. "In ca only one Judge be present at the opening of registration on the said 14th and 2 th of October, or in case only one Jud be present at the opening of the poll on election ~~y, before proceeding to register or receive votes and after waiting for the pace of ten minutes , if no one of the other h~o Judges or Regi tration Agents who have been regularly appomted, appear, the aid one Judge hall forthwith proceed to designate one or other person to act with him a a member of the Board of Regi tration or the Board of Judges of Election, as the case may be. ncb person lected may be from the by-standers in or about the poll , and the one Judge pr nt and ready to act shall ad mini ter the o th of office to the first Judge whom he has thus selected. Ther upon the two Judges shall forthwith proceed to ect a third Judge, and he shall be selected from the by- tanders in and ~bout the polls, and one of the Judges hall administe_r to uch third person the oath of office to act as a Judge of ElectiOn,


2, 1902.


d the Board so constituted shall proceed and such persons or a majority of them hall constitute a quorum with full power and authority to do any and all things neces ary and proper to be done under the election laws, and shall ign the registration lists or poll books or return , a may be proper and requisite. "In all cases where Judges are selected from by-standers in about the polls, if it be practicable the new Board to be constituted under the provi ions thereof hall not be entirely of the arne political party . '"If upon the days of registration, viz : October 14th and 28th, A. D. 1'}02, or upon Election Day, viz : November 4th, 1'}02, no member of the Board of Registration or no Judge of Election should appear within one hour after the time set for the opening of registration or of the polls, it shall be lawful for the by-standers at the expiration of one hour after the time set for the opening of the registration books or polls, to select one Judge from the by-standers, and such Judge so selected shall proceed to select a second Judge from the by-standers and the two so selected shall thereupon elect a third Judge from the by-standers, an done of the three persons so selected is hereby authorized to administer the oath of office to the other two persons to act as Judges, and after the said two other persons may have taken the oath, one of them may administer the oath to t!le first pwson so selected, and after all three have qualified as in this section provided, they shall constitute a Board of Registration or of a Board of Judges, with full power and authority to proceed to do any and all acts necessary and proper to be done under the provisions of the election laws; and for the purpose of carrying out such law they shall be regarded a clothed with all \he power with which the Judges named by the Di trict Board of Election are clothed. "If in any instance the Judges are without the registration li:sts or lists of voters, to enable them to carry on the work required to be done pursuant to the registration and election orders, it shall be lawful for them to use a copy of such registration lists which have been certified to and posted in the precinct as required by law, and in order that they may obtain such copy, if it be necessary, they are hereby authorized to remove the same from the place or places where the same may be posted and they shall proceed with ncb lists and allow voters to be registered or to vote, a tlJe case may be. " In cue any poll clerk or clerk fail to be present within ten minutes after the opening of the polls, the Judges of Election are


OCTOBER 24, 1902.


orders and resolutions be

and Lind ay ... .... In the neg tive · Mr. intr6n ................................................. ............ ..




. Elliott ,' Garrison , Harlan , Hartzell and Willoughby ......................... ...... ............... ......... 5 The arne wer declared adopted. n motiop of . 1r. Cintr6n, the Council then adjourned. ANDR ES R6SAS. Pruidmt pro tempore .



Tb Council met at 10:00 o 'clock a . m . pon the calling of the roll , the following members appeared and an ered to their names : M rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Cintr6n, Cr6sa , Elliott, Hartzell and Lind ay ............. ............ ....... ... 8 A Garrison, Harlan and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 On motion of Mr. Cr6sa , the reading of the minutes of the t meeting wa dispensed with and the arne were approved. The requ t of the Commissioner of Education for authority to employ an additional bookkeeper in the department of Education from ovember 1 tat a alary of 750 per annum, and the fi.xing of the al ry of one tenographer in the ame department from January 1 t at 1400 per annum in tead of 1200 per annum, w granted by the following vote: In the affirmati\'e were :

Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso , Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Hartzell and Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None. Absent : Mes rs . Garrison, Harlan and Willoughby ...... ... ....... 3 The Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the re-assignment of salaries at the Boy ' Charity School, presented by the Director of Charities under date of October 16, 1902, be approved. By unanimous consent, no action was taken on said report and the communication was referred to the Committee on Public In titution · and Property . The following election orders : " liE IT ORDERED by the Executive Council, That when it i establi bed to the satisfaction of the Committee on Election or of the upervisor that pnblic convenience or public good will tie atisfied by changing the location of a precinct, that they may proceed to make ·ucb change, giving ample notice to all the electors of such change , as well as to the Judges of said precinct. " BE IT ORDERED by the Executive Council that Judges of Elections of Members of Boards of Registration , who may be on duty in precincts other than where they may have been previously registered or other than where they may eside, may register and vote in the precinct where they: are on duty . " BE IT ORDERED by the Executive Council that challengers a ppointed by the party " Republicanos Puros " shall be admitted to all the precincts in any distri ct where representatives of said party appear on the official ballot. ' ' Were read and approved by the following vote: In the affirmative were : Mes rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sas , Elliott, Hartzell and Lindsay . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None. Absent : Mes rs. Garrison, Harlan and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Committee of Elections submitted report as follows: "To the Executive Council. In the matter of the registration of voters on the 14th and 15th days of October, 1902, in precinct number 38 of the district of Arecibo in the municipality of Utuado, it ba been bown to the Committee of Elections, without contradiction, that at three or four o ' clock in the afternoon of the fourteenth of October the two Republican



members of the Regi tration Board in said ·precinct were, by order of the Ju tice of the Peace of tuado , placed under arrest, were taken from th regi tration.'piace and confined in j il where they continued to be confined during the balance of the fourteenth and all of the fifteenth d ys of October. After the said Judges ere removed from the regi tration place as aforesa:d there appears to be some dispute as to the politic of th~ Judges who ere lected to it with the Federal member of satd Bo rd, but our Committee i of the opinion that the illegal act of the Jn tice of the Peace in can ing the arrest and imp_rison~ent of aid election judges, during the time when such regtstration ~a bein m de, has vitiated ~entire work of said Board dun_ng id da and that the same should be set a ide by the Executive Couhcil, and a ne~ regi tration in said precinct should be ordered on the 2 th day of October. " \Ve therefore recommend that the Supervisor of Elections be in trncted to prepare a new li .t of voters in aid precinct and to tran mit the me, together with the proper documents and tationery to the President of the Board of Regi tration originally selected for aid precinct , with in tructions that the Judges originally lected by the District Election Board of Arecibo shall on the 2 th day of October proceed with the registration of voters on the new li t to be prepared by the Supervisor and at the place selected by the District Board of Election for holding uch regi tration , and that when such list shall have been completed and properly certified that it be declared to be the only legal li t of voters, and hall be used in conducting the election in said precinct on the fourth day of November, IC)02 ." Whi h wa approved by the following vote : In the affirmative were : M rs. Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Hartzelt"and Lindsay . . . . . . . ....... . .. · .... . · 8 In the negative--None. Absent : t: rs. Garrison , Harlan and Willoughby ........ · · · · · · 3 The following election order wa read : " BE IT ORDERED by the Executive Council : That all salaries paid in the Department of Election of a I amount than IOO per month hall be calculated at the flat rate per month of thirty day an·d hall be paid at such rate without reference to the Government salary tables." And approved by the following vote :

OCTOBER 24 , 1902.




In the affirmative were : M rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n . Cr6sas, Elliott, Hartzell and Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negat ive--None. Absent : Messrs. Garrison, Harlan and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Committee of Elections submitted report as follows : "To the Executive Council. ''In the matter of the registration of voters in precincts I I, I4 and IS in the Municipality of Aguadilla, the Committee of Elections of the Executive Council, after hearing the evidence with reference to the conduct of the registration in said precincts on the fourteenth and fifteenth days of October, IC)02, and having fully considered the documentary evidence offered in connection therewith, finds the facts to be: "That through a misunderstanding, two registration places were opened in each of aid precincts during said days. "That in order that a proper regi~<tration may be completed for said precincts, the Committee is of opinion that the Supervisor of Elections should prepare from the lists of registered voters returned from all of the registration places in said precincts, a new list of registered voters for each of said precincts, containing the names of all electors who are registered 1ln either of the lists prepared in each of said precincts. "That said new lists so to be prepared by the Supervisor shall be properly certified and delivered, together with the necessary stationery, to the Chairman of the Board of Registration first selected by the District Board of Elections of the Aguadilla di trict, and that the same shall be used on the 28th day of October for the completion of the registration in said precincts at the places designated by the District Board of Elections for holding such registration , and by the three Judges in such precinct who were originally named by the District Board of Elections.' ' Which was approved by the following vote : In the affirmative were : Messrs. Barbo a, Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas, Cintr6n, Elliott, Hartzell and Lindsay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative--None. Absent: Messrs. Garrison, Harlan and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Committee of Elections submitted report as follows :




Ot' . CIL.

"To th E ecuth·e Council. " In th matter of the. regi tration of voters in precincts , 44, 4 and 46 in the Election Di trict of an juan 1 in uni cipalit • of Toa Alta, as conducted in aid precinct$ on fi urt nth and fifteenth days of October, 11)02, our committ of Election ha con idered the complaints preseJtted 'th r fi renee to id regi tration and has li tened to evid nee fi r nd again t ~aid complaint , and ha con idered also the documentary proof: oBi red in connection therewith, and upon u h hearing th ommittee begs leave to report that they are of th opinion that the following fact are establi bed with refere:nce t s id pr CJDCt : • ."That th 1i t f voters, together with the tationery and document nt by the npervisor of Elections for lthe conducting of th regi tration in aid several precincts \ ere d li\·ered in each case to the Federal judges of Election a nd re by uch judges retained until the morning of the fourteenth of to r. " Tha the place for holding the registration in said v3ral precinct w re lected by the Commi ioner of the Alcalde r id· ing in C rozal , three of said registration places being pia ed within the lcaldia building, and the fourth place in another building adjacent thereto . " That on the afternoon of October 13th , the four Federal Judges who had said documents were duly advised of tlhe location of id regi tration places, as were also the Republican Judg , comprising said Board . " Th t on the morning of ctober qth, the Republic n judg who had been selected in each of said precincts were p e· nt at the hour of eight o 'clock in the morning at t~e pia which had .been selected for holding uch registrati$, but that the Federal judges in each of said precincts in te~d of coming to uch regi~tration places each selected a pollibg place or regi tration place for himself, separate and remov~d from the pla::e which bad been selected theretofore for a(id purpose , and each of aid Federal Judges without seeking to fi11d or to the proper regi tration place or to find the Republica who had been lected to it a members of aid Registrati n Board unlawfully organized regi tration board in each place ected ·by aid Federal Judges, aid Board in each ca con i ting entirely of membe111 of the Federal party ; and th t with uch unlawful organization the aid Judges continu d


24 , 1902.

the inscription or registration or voters during the entire day of the fourteenth day of October. "That the said Republi can Judges, after they ascertained that the said Federal Judges were not comi ng to the place select· ed for said registration with the li ts and documents in their pos· ses ion, advised with the justice of the Peace of Toa Alta and in company with aid Justice went to each of the places where aid Federal Judges were illegally conducting such regi tration, and demanded the right of exercising their authority as judges under their appointments, which demand wa entirely refused by said Federal Judge , and the Republican Judges were so excluded from any participation in aid registration. "On this state of fact your Committee is of the opinion and begs to recommend to the Exec utive Council that the regi tration held on the 14th day of October in said precincts 43, 44, 45 and 46, of the District of an juan, i:1 the Municipality of Toa Alta, be declared to be null and void, and that it be set aside, and that it be ordered that new lists of voters be prepared by the Supervisor of Elections and furnished to the President of each of the Registration Boards in said precinct for use on the 2 th day of October, and that the Judges who shall be named for said purpose by the District Board of Elections for the District of an Juan shall take said' lists and continue the registration thereon during the said 2 th day of October, at the places designated for holding such registration in said precincts, and that the lists so to be prepared by the Supervisor, and used on the 28th day of October, when completed and properly certified by the Board of Registration in said precincts shall be declared to be the proper lists of voters in said precincts, and used as such at the election to be held on the 4th day of November, 1902 ." Which was approved by the following vote : In the affirmative were: M rs. Barbosa, Brioso, Benitez, Cintron , Elliott, Hartzell and Lindsay ........ .. . . ·············· ·· ···· 7 In the negative: Mr. Cr6sas .... ... .... . ......... . ..... . ... . ..... .. . . . Absent : rs. Garrison, Harlan and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 M The Committee of Elections submitted report as follows: "In the matter of the com plaints respecting the registration on the 14th and 15th day of October, i 902, in precincts No. 11, 12,


13, 14, 15 and 16, in Election Di trict of Arecibo, Municiptlity of ial , the Co~t~mittee qf Election of the Executive Co~cil ha li tened to e\•id nee for and again t su h complaints, n has al con idered the documentuy evidence that has been o ed in th matter of ·uch complaints, and after con ideration th reof the ommitt of Election i of the opinion that the folio ing re tablished: " That the li t of voters and blanks is ned by the Supe!Y'isor of Election , ere delivered to the Federal member of the Regi trati n Boards in each of said precinct . " That on the morning of th 14th of October the ~uly appointed President of eich of aid Board demanded the • ion of id • papers from the Federal member to wllom the arne had been delivered, which demand was refused. ''That on the morning of the 15th of October, the Republi~an Jnd in aid precincts were not notified of the order of the upervi ~ of Election lhat regi tration should continue n the fifteenth day of October, until hartly after eight o'clock in the m rning, and that the Federal Judge in each of !laid precinct , ithout right or authority, constituted a new Boud of Regi tration ignoring the rights of aid Republican Judges; said boar in each in tance being illegally composed entirely of Federal , and that with such Federal Boards registration was continued throughout the 15th of October. " That in the afternoon of the 15th ol October a peremptory order, i ned by the upervisor of Elections, was presented to each of said Federal Judges, reqciring him to turn over to the duly appointed President of each of said Boards the li t and document in hi posses ion , which order of the Supervisor of Elections was refused by uch Federal Judges, who retained possession_ of all of such list and document , and ho till have the ame in their posses ion. " n thi tate of fact your Committee is of the opinion and begs to re<:ommend to the Executive Council that the regi tration held on the 14th and 15th days of October, in aid precincts be declared to be null and void, and that it be set aside, and that it be ordered that new li t of voters be prepared by the upenoi r of Election and furni bed to the Presiden t of eaci)l of the Regi tration Board in aid precinct for use on the 2 th day of October and that the Judges who shall be named for aid purpose by the Di trict Board of Election of Arecibo shall take "d li and continue the regi tration thereon during aid 2 th


1902 .

day of October, at the places designated for holding such regi tration in said precincts ; and that the lists so to be prepared by the Supervisor and used on the 28th day of October, when completed and properly certified by the Board of Registration in said precincts, hall be declared to be the proper lists of voters in said precincts and used a such at the election to be held on the 4th day of November.'' Which was approved by the following vote: In .the affirmative were: Mes rs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Hartzell and Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None. Absent: Messrs. Garrison, Harlan and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a The Committee of Election · submitted report together with instructions to Judges of Registration and Election Officials, as follows : " Your Committee of Election has been engaged in the consideration of a large number of complaints, which have been presented before it with reference to occurrences in connection with the registration of voters on the 14th and 15th days of October. " As to several of these complaints they have seemed to be of such specific importance as to demand the separate action of the Council thereon, and your Committee presents herewith certain resolutions relating to such specific cases. ''The great mass of complaints which were represented before your Committee related to individual cases of improper registration by registration Judges of those who should not be registered under the law, or the improper refusal of the registration judges to register individuals who were clearly entitled to registration under the Ia w. "As to complaints of this character your Committee has no reason to doubt but that many of the complaints are well founded, and that in some cases the Judges of Re~stration have failed to register those who are properly entitled to be registered and in other cases they have registered persons who were not entitled to be registered under the law. "It has been found impos ible however for your Committee of Elections to take any action which would grant specific relief in any cases of this character, and after a short consideration of the situation, we have united in tlfe view that the most prac-

J l'R




ticabl a to ~medy complaint of this character would be for th E ~utiv Cottncil to 11dopt resolution covering the condi· t1 n under which the registration hould be conducted on the 2 th day of ct ber, and particularly instructing the Judges of R · trati n to the manner and method of removing illegal regt tr tion and of demandtng legal regtstration on that day, calling th ir attention eecifically to the right of electors to be · tered , and defining the requi ites for that purpo ; al o in tructing ;.uch judg · a to their duties in removing names of pe n. who ba\·e been improperly registered on the former days of r gi ·tration . "\V , tb refore, beg leat·e to ubmit herewith instruction to jud es of regi tratton especially applicable to the conduct of r gi trati n n Tu day , ctober twenty·eighth. In a compli nc with the ·trict enforcement of these in truction and tb ir o rvance, the regi tration judges will r ·ult in remedying the greater part at least of \he matters complained of before our ommittee as hereinbefore tated ." " ln. t cti n to Judges of Registration and election official!\, pecially applicable to the conduct of registration on Tuesday, the 2 th d y of ctober, 1902 . " The law provides that the board of regi llation shall meet on Tnesday of the week preceding the day of election in their r ~tive election pr cincts at the place designated for holding the poll · of the election , for the purpose of revising, correcting nd completing said regi tration li. t ; and for thi purpose they shall meet at o'clock in the morning and remain in ses ion • until 6 o 'clock p. m . " Tb I w further provid · ' The proceedings of the board of regi try ·ball be opt>n and all person residing and entitled to vote in ·aid precinc ball be-entitled to be beard by said board in relation to corrections and addition to said regi ter. One of the 1i t to be kept by one of the board as aforesaid, shall be used b them on the day or days of making correction or addition for the purpose of.completing the registry of such precinct .' "It i further provided by law- ' It shall be the duty of aid board at th ir meeting for revising and correcting said 1i t , to era ther from the name of any person inserted therein who shall be proved by written affidavit of two legal voters of said pr~in ct, ·to the atisfaction of aid board, to be non -resident of id precinct or otberwi not entitled to vote in aid precinct at the election then next to be held ; and also that any elector



residing in said precinct and entitled to vote therein who bas not previou ly personally appeared and been registered, may appear before said board on said day and, upon proving his qualification , may be added to the registration list.'' " These are the portions of the registration law relating t$pecially to the duties of the boards of registration on the 28th day of October, 1902 , and it i for the purpose of enlightening the j udges comprising said board upon the fair and proper construction .of this law that these in<;tructions are issued and published . " In the matter of the removal of names from the registration list on the 28th day of October, great care should )>e exercised by the judges in order to see that no injustice hall be done. In e\·ery case where a demand is made for the removal of any name already upon the registration list, such demand should be accompanied by the affidavit of the legal voters of the precinct wherein the board is sitttng, setting forth the reason for such demand and the disqualification of the person whose name is sought to be removed, and ·uch affidavit should be sworn to before a Ju tice of the Peace or some officer authorized to administer an oath, and. no such affidavit should be received which seek the removal of more than one name from the registration list. This is necessary in order that person making false affidavi ts may be duly punished for such ~ ffidavits as to each individual whose name may be wrongfully removed by their action. Provided , that no nam e which was placed on aid lists in 1900 ball be removed therefrom unless such person shall have removed from the municipality , or shall have died or been convicted of felony . ''The law does not require that a name shall be removed from the registration list upon the filing of such affidavit, but it requires that the board, in addition to the filing of such affidavit, shall be satisfied that the person whose name is sought to be removed, is a non -resident of the municipality or otherwise not entitled to vote in such precinct at the next election. And no board i authorized to remove any name from the registration list on aid day without the production of such affidavit, unless the board i satisfied that uch name is wrongfully on the regi · tration list. "Some confusion was created during the prior days of regi tration in the construction of the law relating to the removal of names of person who had removed from the election precinct wherein their previous registration appeared.

OCTOBER 24 , 1902.

"Th upon thi qu tion, as con trued by the Executive ouncil, i " A person wb,ose name appears on the regi tration li t, ma remov from on precinct to another within the ame municip lity, ' ithout losing the ben fit of such regi tration and it i improper to remove from the regi tration list on the ground of chan e of r idence the name of any person who has changed hi id nee from one precinct to another but who till resides in th ame municipality . " Therefore, if ny person hall appear and atisfy the judges of election that they have continued to reside in the mtmicip lity wherein they have been regi tered, the nam of such pe n shall not be remat;ed from the regi tration list, and if th hav been retn ved on the grounds of change of residence, th • hould be at once restored to the regi tration li t. " In the matter of new registration on the :z8th day of ctober, 1902 : " New rejp tration hall be made on the :z8th day of October upon the ame qualifications as those which were required for the prior dat of regi tration , viz : That the applicant is a male citizen of Porto Rico or of the United tales ; of the age of twenty-one years or upward ; and ha resided in Porto Rico for on year next preceding the day of election , and for the last ix month of aid year within the municipality ( municipal district ) h rein the election is held, and in addition possesses any one of the following qualifications: ·•A . Who i able to read and write ; or " B. Who , on the day of regi tration, owns real estate in hi own right and name ; or who, on aid day i a bona fide member of a firm or corporation or co-partnership, which owns re 1 estate in the name of such corporation, firm or co-partnerhip ; or " C. \Vho, on aid day of regi tration, produces to the board of regi tration of the di trict wherein such elector may be entitled to vote. a tax receipt sho ing the payment of any kind of tax for the last six month of the year in which the election i held . to the foregoing qualifications, yon are instructed that any person who produces evidence of his qualifications under either of the three foregoing requirements, and who in addition thereto, upon being challenged , makes the oath showing such qualifications a p ribed by the election law, uch person 11 be regi tered.


"With reference to the first of said qualifications, viz: the ability to read and write, the board of registry should construe this language fairly and honestly and in a reasonable manner. It should not be required, in order to comply with this requirement, that a person should write skilfully, or that he hould be able fo read without hesitation . It shoul d be ufficient to satisfy this requirement if the applicant can write sufficiently legibly to enable a person of ordinary education to decipher such writ!ng and if such candidate can read ufficiently to state fairly the conditions of any ordinary printed document. Severe tests should not be made, but the Executive Council urges a liberal policy, at the same time recommending that a fair and reasonable test, as above explained, hould be required. "A to the question of the ownership of property, it is the opinion of the Executive Council that in order to qualify to register under thi paragraph there hould be produced to the board of registry either a public document showing the title to real estate in the applicant or the firm or corporation of which he is a member; or there hould be produced a private document executed by the former owner thereof showi ng such ownership, and in addition thereto an affidavit stating that the applicant is the owner of the real estate described therein in good faith . And if such private document and the affidtvit of the applicant as to the ownership of such property shall be produced and in addition thereto the party offering the some shall upon challenge take and subscribe the oath required by law, such person should thereupon be registered . " As to the third qualification, viz : A person who produces a tax receipt showing the payment of any kind of taxes for the last six months of the year. This language has been given a most liberal construction by the Executive Council in the instructions heretofore issued. It has been construed to authorize the presentation of a receipt for the payment of any form of municipal, industrial or insular tax. This has also been held to include municipal taxes for license to carry on any form of business or industry within the municipality, no matter how insignificant such tax may be in amount . It has also been construed to include taxes paid for licenses on dogs. "One form of municipal dues which should not be accepted under this cia , is that relating to the registration of cattle brands, nor should any document be accepted under thi section bearing stamps for regi tration fees ·or internal revenue stamps,


RN 1.



are not receipt fi r ta. ' ithitl the meaning of the Ia w receipt und r thi section of ~e law, to authorize it~ b the board •as ba i for regi tration , hould be a receipt i ued by th municip I trea urer, th In ular ta x c 11 ting authoriti ·, or ..ome public officer duly authorized by Ia\ to collect in~ular or municipal taxes and gh·e receipts th r fi r. "In view of the fact that the twenty-eighth day of October i th Ia t day on which regi ·tration can be made according to law, it h been deem d proper to c 11 the for going in \ructions to your ttention and to urge upon you the necessity of a strict c mpliance not only with the letter but with the ·pirit thereof. "Tb Executh·e ou&cit ha ad pted th in \ruction for · vr guid nee ufx>n that occa ion and you will be held to a trict ace untability for any refu al or failure or neglect in complying th rewith . " \'our ~ttention is also invited to the fact th;tt a refu al tv comply with these in.truction , which by their adoption by the E ecutive ouncil become a part of the Election Law, will ubject y u to criminal pr · cution involving se,·ere penalti " By order of the Executive Council. C. H . M AGEE, Clriif Clak, Exuul/z•( Cozmd/. "Appro\·ed: CIIA





Commillu of Elutions.

\Vhich were approved by the following vote: In the affirmative were: .I . Barbos , Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott, Hartzell and Lindsay ................ . 8 In the negative-None . Ab;,ent : I . Harlan, Garri n , and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The nam of Pedro Ca tro, Angel Acosta Quintero and J Hemand z Zeno to fill vacancies in the District Board of El lion caused by the r ignations of Cayetano Coli y Cucbi, Tom Mon nto and Franci o Roig Bayonet in the Di trict of an Juan , Ponce and Humacao, r pectively, were approved by the following vote:

OCTOBER 24, 1902.


In the affirmative \ ere: Messrs. Barbo a, Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott Hartzell and Lindsay . . . . .................. 8 In the negative-None . Absent: 3 Messrs. Harlan, Garrison and Willoughby. . . . . . . Without objection, M srs. Hartzell and Lindsay were granted leaves of absence with permis ion to visit the United tat . On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council then adjourned . ANDRES CR6SAS, Pruidenl pro lunporl.



OVEMBER 7Tll, 1902 . The Council met at 10:00 o 'clock a. m . Upon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and answered to their names : Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr(rn, Cr6sa · and Garrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Absent : Me rs. Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay, and Willoughby 5 On motion of Mr. Barbosa, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with and the same were approved . Mr. Barbosa offered the following resolution : "WHEREAS the Honorable Charles Hartzell, Chairman of the Committee of Elections of this Council, bas been granted a leave of absence by the Co neil and has left the Island, "BE IT RESOLVED: That the Hon. Wm . H . Elliott be, and he is hereby appointed Chairman pro tlmporl of the said Committee of Election during the absence of the said Chairman or until such time a the same hall be di ·missed; and as such be is hereby authorized to approve vouchers for expenses incurred in connection with the late election in Porto Rico." Which was read and adopted by the following vote: In the affirmative were: M rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas and Garrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6


In then


ative- one.

. Elliott , Harlan ,'Hart zell , Lind y and Willoughby 5 Bar offered the followin resolution ; " ~ H litE son the venteenth day of September, 1902, the appointment of members of District Boards of Election was dul appro,¡ed by thi Council , nd " \ HERE s the election having been held , we are informed that there i no furthl:'r necessity for the services of the majority ofth gentlemen , " BE IT ORDERED That the services of the Republican and Federal members of the Di trict Board of Election be di pensed "th from to-day .and that the services of the Chairmen of the Di trict Boards of Election be dispensed with a soon as it may be ordered by th~ upervisor." Which a read and adopted . The CouBcil proceeded to the con ideration of the canvas of the return of the election of Nove.m ber 4th , 1902. On motion of Mr. Barbosa , the Council took a rec until to-morro morning, November 8th, at 8:30 o 'clock . ANDRES CR6sAS,

Pruidmt pro tempore.


NOVEMBER 8, 1902.



ican In titute of Mining Engineers, from the Appropriation for Miscellaneous Expenditures subject to the approval of the Governor, hould the Institute hold its annual meeting in Porto Rico, in February, 1903." Which was read and adopted by the following vote: In the affirmative were: M rs. Barbosa, Benitez , Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Brioso, Elliott and Garrison .................. . ..... ..... ... ..... .. 7 Absent: Mes rs. Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby ... .. . 4 The following resolution was read and adopted: "REsOLVED, That a cordial invitation be extended to the American Institute of Mining Engineers to hold its annual meeting in February, 1903, within Porto Rico; and that the Governor be requested to forward a copy of this resolution to the Secretary of the In titute urging upon him the pleasure it would give the people of the ::: land to receive the members of the Institute .'' The Council proceeded to canvas the returns of the general election held on November 4, 1902 , it being agreed thereto by the following vote: Mes rs. Barbosa , Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott and Garrison. .. . ....... . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Absent : Messrs. Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . 4 The following nominations were received from the Governor:

The Executive Council, San juan, P . R . Sirs :

The Council met at 8:30 o 'clock a . m. Upon the calll,yg of the roll, the following members answered to their names: Messrs . Barbosa, Brioso, Benitez, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott and Garrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Absent : M rs. Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . .-, On motion of Mr. Barbosa, the reading of the minutes of the Ia t meeting was di pensed with and the ame were approved. 'Mr. Garrison offered the foUowing resolution : " R SOLVED that the Executive Council recommend that the Governor may, in hi discretion, defray such expenses as may be nee ary for the proper official entertaintment of the Amer-

I have the honor to submit for your approval the nomi nation of Mr. John L. Haas as member of the Ponce City Council. Respectfully , WM. H. HUNT,

Governor. The Executive Council, Sanjuan, P.R. Sirs : I have the honor to submit for your approval the nomi-


nati n of

fr . ] . Niev

Rivera a

TIVB COU CIL. _ __,__


member of the Ponce City


unci!. R pectfully , WM . H . HUNT,

GovenuJr. n motion of lr. Benitez , the rules were n pended and the foregoing nomination con idered without reference to ~om ­ mitt n the qu tion ·' ball these nominations be confirmed? " it decided a follow : In the affirmative were : • . M rs. Bar a, Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elltott and Garri n .. ............ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 7 In th n gative- one. Ab nt : M rs. Ha'rlan , Hartzell , Pndsay and Willongbby . · · · · ·• 4 The arne were declared confirmed The following m age was received from the Governor, read, and ordered filed : Tile Exec-utive Council. San }tlan, P . R . Gentlemen : I have the honor to inform you that the Secretary of State at Wa hington ba advised me that the President on the 27th of October gave hi approval to the ordinan~e ~a sed by the Executive Council on July 21 t, IC)02, granting It consent to the a ignment by the Compaiila de los Ferrocarriles de Pu~o Rico to Henry De Ford, his heirs and others, and to ~ pro~d corporation to be designated and known as. the " Amen~~n all· ro d Company of Porto Rico, Central Agu1rre Operator , of the right to con truct operate and maintain a railroad line f om Ponce to Gnayama . Respectfully, WM . H . HUNT, Governor.

The Conncil at 12:00 o 'clock took a recess until next onday morning at 9 o 'clock . ANDRES Ck6sAS, President pro tm~pore.

10, 1902.


NOVEMBER lOTH, IC)02 . The Conncil met at 9 :00 o 'clock, the following members ap· pearing and answering to their names : Messrs. Barbosa, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott and Gar· rison ... ............ ..... ... .... ............... .. ............ .... 6 Absent: Mes rs. Benitez, Harlan , Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby .. ........................... .... .......... ............ 5 The reading of the minute of the last meeting was dis pen ed with and the same were approved . Mr . Garrison offered the following resolution: "RESOLVED, That the Heads of the Departments of the Insular Government, the Jndge of the United tates District Court for Porto Rico and the Chiefs of all Bureaus or offices not connected with and under the supervi ion of some department of the Insular Government, are hereby requested to prepare a soon as posible the estimates of appropriations required for the service of their several departments, bureaus and offices, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, IC)OJ, and ending June 30, 1904, and to tran · mit the same without delay to fr. J . R . Garrison, Chairman of the Committee on Finance and Appropriations, Office of the Auditor of Parto Ri co, an Juan, Porto Ri co: " That the said estimates hall follow, as nearly as may be po sible, the titles and cia sification of the appropriations for the current fiscal year, and where new appropriations are required or increased amounts over the appropriations for the current fiscal year are estimated for, the reason and necessity therefor shlt.U be stated in explanatory notes accompanying the estimates : "Thllt the Committee on Finance and Appropri tions shall arrange the estimat in proper tabulated form , and submit the same to the Executive Council for approval, and after such approval, formulate the same in an appropriation bill to be submitted to the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico at the coming session . "That the Chairman of the Committee on Fit1ance and Appropriations is hereby authorized to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Head of each Department and to snch other officers as may be required to tran mit estimates of the appropriations required for the next fiscal year. " Approved by the Execntive Council, Nov. 10, 1902 , after being read and adopted by the folrowing vote :


_ _ _;_J_O RNAL


In the affirmative ere : . Bar a , Bri ~. intr6n , Cr6sa , Elliott, and Garri n ........ .. .... .... .. .. .... ... .. .. ........ .. .... ...... 6 In the negative-- one. A nt : Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and it.. .. .. .... .. ........ .... .... .. ........... .. ........ ... 5 Wh reupon th ouncil proceeded to the further con i~ra­ tion and canvas of the returns of th~ general election held on ov mber 4th , 1902 . t 12:00 o 'clock the Council took a recess \llltil 2:30 ~is ft rnoon . • FTE R RECESS

The Council met at 2:30 o 'clock , the following members appea ed and an ered to their names : B rbosa , Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sa , Elliott and Garrison ...... .............. .. .. ......... . . .. .. ........... 6 t: A ~ rs. Benitez, Harlan , H a rtzell , Lindsay and Willoughby ....... . .... . .. . ... . ........... .. .. . . 5 The Council .Proceeded to the further con ideration ~nd canva of the return of the general election held on Novemper 4th , 19Q2. At 4:00 o 'clock the Council took a recess until to-morrpw morning at 9:00 o 'clock . ANDRES CR6SAS

Prtsidmt pto tempore



1 ITH , 1902 . At 9:00 o 'clock the Council met, a quorum present. The Council proceeded to the further canva of the retnrp of the election of November 4, 1902 . At 12 :00 o 'clock the Council took a reces until thi · afternoon at 2:30. At the conclu ion of which , the roll wa called when the following members appeared and an wered to their names : M . Barbosa , Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott and Garrison. .................... . . .. ....... . ... . . 7 Absent: NOV E MB E R


11 , 1902 .


Messrs . Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby...... 4 The Council proceeded to the further canvass of the return of the election of November 4, 1902 . At 4:00 o 'clock. the Council took a recess until to-morrow morning at 9:00 o 'clock . ANDR~S CR6SAS,

President pro tempore .


12TH , 19Q2 .

The Council met at 9:00 o 'clock, the following members appearing and answering to their names : Messrs. Barbosa , Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott, Harlan and Garrison .... . . . ......... . . . .... . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Absent : Mes rs. Benitez , Cintr6n, Lindsay , Hartzell and Willoughby .......... ..................... 5 The Finance Committee offered the following resolution : " RESOLVED: That the Chief Clerk of the Executive Council is hereby instructed to immediately il!form the Alcaldes of the Cities of San Juan , Ponce, Mayagiiez and Arecibo that the Executive Council requires from each a statement showing the name and location of the bank , or trust company, selected and designated by the respective municipal councils of said ' Cities as the depositary, or depositaries, to receive the annual remittances on account of the inking fund for the redemption ot the bonds issued by said Cities ; also the rate of interest proposed to be paid by such banks, or trust companies, together with such information as may be available as to the financial soundness and tanding of such banks, or trust companies, and the additional security , if any, required to secure the deposits to be made on account of said sinking fund . The Alcaldes of said Cities be informed that it is highly important that the designation of some bank or trust company as the depositary for the sinking fund, for each municipality, shall be made without delay, since the ordinances adppted, providing for the issue of bonds by aid Cities, require that the first remittances on account of the sinking fund shall be made in time to be received by the designated depositary on or before December 31, 1902 ."


-----\Vhich \ a read and adopted by the following vote : In the affirmative ere : . B r a , Brio , C a , Elliott, Garrison and Harlan ............................ . . . . . . . . . 6 In th



Messrs. Harlan , Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby. . . . . . 4 The Council proceeded to the further canvass of the returns of the election of November 4, 1902 . ' At 4.00 o'clock the Council took a recess until to-morrow morning at 9:00 o 'clock . ANDRES CR6sAS,

Ben itez, Cintron , Hartzell , Lind ay, and Willoughby ........................ ...... . .......... . ........... . . .. ... ... . 5 ouncil proceeded to the further canvass of the returns lection of ~ ovember 4 , 1902. t 12 .00 o' clock the Council took a recess until 2:30p.m. t the conclu ion of whlfh the roll wa called, the following m mbers appearing 41nd an wering to their names: 1 n.. Barbosa , Benitez, Bri();l() , Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, and Garri n................. .............. ...... .. . . . . .. . . . . . 7 Ab nt : I rs. H rlan , Hart zell, Li~dsay and Willoughby .... . . 4 The Council proceeded to the further canvass of the returns of the election of November 4 , 1902. t 4 :00 o 'clock the Council took a recess until to-morrow mornin g at 9:00 o 'clock . ANDREs CR6s AS ,

President pro

t~mpor~ .

MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL • 'OVEMBER 13TH , 1902 . The Council met at 9 :00 o 'clock , the following members appearing and answering to their names: I . Barbo a , ~nitez , Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sa , Elliott and Garri n .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . Harlan , Hartzell , Lind ay a nd Willoughby . . . . . 4 Council proceeded to the further canvass of the return of the election of .'ovember 4, 1902. ' At 12 :00 o 'clock the Council took a rece· · until 2:30 p. m . At the conclu ion of which the roll wa called, when the following members appeared and an wered to their names: I . Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott and Garri n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 A nt :

President pro


MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL NOVEMBER 14TH, 1902 . The Council met at 9:00 o'clock a . m . , the following members appearing and answering to their names:

Mes rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sa , and Garrison .. . ....... . . . ...... . ..... . .... . ... . . . . . . 6 Absent : Mes rs. Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby 5 The Council proceeded to the further canvass of the returns of the general election of November . 4, 1902. At 12:00 o 'clock the Council took a recess until 2:30 p . m . At the conclusion of which the roll was called when the following members appeared and answerec\..to their names: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas and Garrison .. . .... . .... ... ............. . ... · ... . ···· 6 Absent: Messrs. Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby 5 The Council proceeded to the further canvass of the returns of the general election of November 4, 1902. At 4:00 o 'clock the Council took a recess until to-morrow morning at 9:00 o 'clock . ANDRES CR6SAS, Pr~sident


t~mpor~ .

MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL NovEMBER 15TH, 1902 . The Council met at 9:00 o 'clock, the following members answering roll call: Mes rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, and Gar· rison .. . ... . ..... . . .. ...... .. .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · 6 Ab nt :


. Elli tt , Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby s The Council proceeded to the further canva of the returns of th eral election of bvember 4, 1902. 11 :oo o'clock the Council took a rec until next onda morning at 9:00 o 'clock . ANDRES CR6SAS ,

l+esidmt pro tempore .


19(>2 .

Th ouncil met at 9:ooo 'clock , the following members ap· pearlng nd •n ering the roll call : Barbosa , Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sa , Elliott and Gar· rison ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 A nt : rs. Harl n , Hartzell , Lfnd ay and Willoughby . . . . . . 4 The Council proceeded to the further con ideration and canva ofthe return of the election of November. 4, 1902. At 12:00 o 'clock the Council took a reces until 2:30 o 'clock. At the concln ion of which the roll wa called when the following members appeared and an wered to their names : 1 Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso , Cr6sas, Elliott and Garrison ... . ... . .. . ..... . ..... . ............ .. . 6 Absent : . Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby .. ... .. 4 At 4:00 o 'clock the Council took a recess until to· morrow morning at 9:00 o 'clock . ANDRES CR6SAS .

l+esidmt pro tempore .


19(>2 .

The Council met at 9:00 o 'clock , the following members ap· pearing and an ering the roll call : M Barbosa , Benitez, Brioso , Cr6sa , Elliott and Gar· rison .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Absent:

NOVEMBER 18, 1902 .

Mes rs. Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby .. . . . .. 4 The Council proceeded to the further consideration and canvas of the returns of the election of November 4, 1902. At 12:00 o 'clock the Council took a recess until 2:30 o'clock. At the conclu ion of which the roll was called when the following members appeared and answered to their names: Mes rs . Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cr6sas , Elliott and Gar rison .............. .... ...................... 6 Absent : Mes rs. Harlan , Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . 4 At 4:00 o 'clock the Council took a recess until to·morrow morning at 9:00 o 'clock. ANDRES CR6SAS,

President pro tempore.


The Council met at 9:00 o,clock, the following members appearing and answering to their names at roll call : Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott and Gar· rison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 6 Absent: Messrs. Harlan , Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby... ... 4 The Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the schedule of special license taxes adopted by the Muni· <;ipal Council of Ponce for the fiscal year 1902· 1903, be approved, all as fully set out in said report , which was read and adopted by the following vote: In the affirmative were: M rs . Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Elliott and Gar· rison... .. . ...... . .......... . . .......... 6 In the negative: Mr. Cr6sas .... . ...... .. ............. . ..... · · · · · · · · · · · · bsent: M rs. Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby ..... . 4 The following m age wa received from His Excellency, the Governar of Porto Rico:



Tlu H. ora61e, The E.xu 11fiu Council, t~jzta7l ,

P. .R.

entl m n : I hav the honor to ubmit for your approval the nominati n of Fr nk H . Richmond to be a sociate judge of the District urt of an Juan , vice Henry F . Hord , resigned . Respectfully , WM . H . HuNT. Governor. n motion , the rules f were u pended and . the foregoing n ruination con id red without reference to Commtttee. • n th qu tion " hall the nomination of Frank H . Richmond, to be iate judge of the District Court of San Jua , be confirmed? " it wa decided as folio\ In the affirm tive ere: 1 rs. Barbosa, Benitez , Bn · , Cintr6n, Cr6sas , Elliott and Garrison ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Absent: :1 rs. Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby .. ··.· 4 The arne wa decl red confirmed . The Finance Committee ubmitted report on the petition of tanuel F . Calder6n for a recon ideratio n of his petition requesting payment to him of the alary of Clerk of the Court of Justice of that town , while he held the Office of Officer of Sala, and was paid a - ncb , recommending that the claimant be ~~vised ~at the Committee finds no reason for modifying the dectston amved at on Augu t 29th , 1902, and that his recourse for the additi~nal alary c1 imed i with the Legi lative Assembly of Porto Rtco . The report wa adopted by the following vote: In the affimative \~re : M rs. Barbosa , Benit z , Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sas, and Garri n ......................... 6 In the negative--.. ' one . Absent : M rs. Elliott , Harlan, Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby 5 The Finance Committee ubmitted report on the petition of Alvaro Padial Quinones , torekeeper at the penitentiary, for an increase of alary , recommending the petitioner be advised that in order to receive an increa of lary the nee ary appropriation mu t be provided therefor by the Legi lative A sembly of 00






OVEMBER 19, 1qo2.



Porto Rico, and that his petition hould be addressed to the Hon . Attorney General, through the Director of Prisons, in order that the same may receive con ideration in connection with the estimates for the next fi ·cal year. The report was adopted by the following vote: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas and Garrison. ..... . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ab ent: Mes r . Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby 5 .The Finance Committee submitted report on a resolution of the Municipal Council of Bayam6n asking authority to pay to the School Board the sum of 122 .81 owing by the Municipality of Naranjito on June 30, 1902, recommending that the act of the Legi lative A mbly of March 1, 1902, providing for the consolidation of certain mun'cipalities of Porto Rico, grant ample authority to the Municipality of Bayam6n as it now exists, to settle all demands or claims of the late municipality of Naranjito, and that special action of the Executive Council is not necessary in this case. The report was adopted by the following vote : In the affirmative were: Mes rs. Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n, Cr6sas and Garrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Absent : ~Ie rs . Elliott , Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby 5 The request of the Attorney General of Porto Rico for authority to employ a clerk in his department for four months, at the rate of sixty dollars per month, was approved by the following vote: In the affirmative were : Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso , Cintr6n, Cr6sas and Garrison ....................... ......... .. ......................... 6 In the negative-None . Absent : Messrs. Elliott, Harlan, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby 5 The Council proceeded to the further consideration and canvass of the returns of the election of November 4, 1902. At 12:00 o 'clock the Council took a recess until 2:30 o'clock. At the conclusion of which the roll was called when the followi ng members appeared and answered to their names: Mes rs. Ba,rbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott and Garrison................. ..... .... ...... ........ .... .. ........ .. ... 6 Absent :







111. H rlan , Hartzell , Cintr6n , Lindsay and Willoughby 5 The Council proceeded to the further con ideration and canv of tb return of the election of November 4 , 1902 . t 3: o the Council .took a reces until to-morrow morn in at 9:00 o 'clock . ANDRftS CR6SAS. Pr~sidm l pro /empor~.



NoVJt BBR 20TH , 1<)02 . The Conncil met at ~ : oo o'clock , the folio ving member appearing and an wering ~e roll call : M rs. Bar~a , Benitez, Brioso , Cr6sas, Elliott and Garrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 nt: M . Harlan , Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby . . . . . . 4 The Council proceeded' to the further onsideration and canva of the returns of the election of November 4, 1902 . At 12:oo o 'clock the Council took a reces until 2:30 o 'clock . At the conclnsion of which the roll was called when the fol Io ing members appeared and answered to their names: rs. Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso , Cr6sas, Elliott and Gar6 ri n A nt · M rs. Harlan , Hilrtzell , Lindsay and Willoughby .... 4 At 4:00 o 'clock the Council took a reces until to-morrow morning at g:oo o ' clock . ANDRES CR6SAS, Pr~sidml pro umpor~. 00












MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE CO NCIL NovEMBER 22ND, 1902 . The Council met at g:oo o 'clock a . m ., the following members appearing and answering to their names at roll call : Messrs. Barbosa , Benitez, Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr as, and Elliott ............... ... . .. . . .... . ... .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . ... .. .... 6 Absent: Messrs. Harlan , Hartzell , Garrison , Lindsay and Willoughby ................................ ................... ........... . 5 The Council proceeded to the further canvass of the returns of the election of November 4, 1902 . At 12:00 o 'clock the Council took a recess until next Monday morning at g:oo o'clock. ANDREs CR6sAS, Presidmt pro t~por~.

NOVJtMBER 24TH, 1<)02 .

The Council met at g:oo o 'clock, the following members appearing and an wering the roll call: Barbosa , Benitez, Brioso , Cr6sas , Elliott and Garri n .............................. 6 Absent: ..

Messrs . Harlan , Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby. . . . . . 4 The Council proceeded to the further con ideration and canva of the election of November 4, 1902. At 12:00 o 'clock the Council took a recess until 2:30 o'clock . At the conclusion of which the roll was called when the following members appeared and answered to their names: Messrs. Barbosa, Benitez Brioso, Cr6sas , Elliott and Garrison ........... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Absent : Mes rs. Harlan , Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby ... . . . 4 At 4:00 o 'clock the Council took a reces until to-morrow morning at g:oo o 'clock . ANDRES CR6sAS, Pr~sidml pro /~mpor~ .




21 , 1902.


The Council111et at g:oo o 'clock a . m ., the following members appearin and answering to their names at roll call: M rs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas and Elliott .............. ... ....... ................................. 6 Absent:


)0 ' R




Harlan , H rtzell, Garrison, Lind ay and Willoughb ........ ················· ····· .. :.... ... ... ..... ..... . .... ..


The Council proceeded to the further canv of the returns of th election of ovember 4, tc)02 . t 12 :00 o 'clock the Council took a reces until 2:30 to-morrow afternoon . ANDRES CR6SAS,

Pruidml pro

umpor~ .


25, tc}02.

nations of Clotilde Aponte, Pedro Lefebre and Guillermo Dros as members of the City Council of Coamo. Respectfully , W~J.

H . HUNT , Govtrnor.

Tke Exuutive Council, San Juan, P. R. Gentlemen : I herewith submit for your approval the nomination of Miguel Mariana, Felix Rodriguez and Francisco Antongiorgi as members of the City Council of Yauco.



BER 25TH, 1902.


The Council m t at 2 : 30 o 'clock p . w . pon the calling of the roll, the following members appeared and an ered to their names : M rs. Benitez, Brio Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison and Harlan ................. ........ ....... .......... ....... ..... 6 A nt: M rs . Barbosa , Cintr6n , Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby ............. .. .............................. .. .... .... ... ... 5 The following m ages were received from Hi Excellency, the Governor of Porto Rico :

TilL Exuutivt Council, San Juan, P. R .

H. HUNT, Gov~rnor.



Ctnmcil, San Juan, P . R.

Gentlemen: I herewith submit for your 4pproval the nominations of Espartano Franceschi and Rafael E. Vazquez as members of the City Council of Juana Diaz.

Respectfully , WM. H . HUNT, Governor.

Tke Executive Cou11cil, San Juan, P. R.

Gentlemen :

Gentlemen :

I herewith ubmit for your approval ihe nomination of em io entura and Jose Marin as members of the City Council of Ponce. Respectfully,

I herewith submit for your approval the nominations of Ventura Fomet and Jose Mniiiz as members of the City Council of Aguada. 1 Respectfully ,


WM . H . HuNT, Governor.





Council. San Juan, P. R.

Gentlemen : I have the honor to ubmit for your approval the nomi-

Tke Executive Council, Sanjuan, P . R . Gentlemen: I herewith suhmit for your approval the nominations of

_ _ _..;. JIJ


rnte Alfaro as members of

juan C. th City

Respectfully, WM . H . HUNT , Governor. Tlu E eculive Council, anjuan, P . R .

G ntlemen : I herewith ubmit for your approval the nomination of J~ )om~ Burg and J~ ~iguel Rivera as members of the City onncil of forovi espectfully, WM . H . HUNT, Governor. On motion of Mr. Harlan, the rules were supended andl the for oing nomination were con idered without reference to Committee. On the qu tion " ball these nominations be confirmed? " it wa decided a follow : Votin in the affirmative were : rs. Benitez, Brioso, Elliott, Cr6sas, Garrison and 6 Harlan .. . . In the negative-None . Absent : .f rs. Barbosa, Cintr6n , Ha,rtzell, Lind ay and Wil · Jougbby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · 5 The ame were declared confirmed . h . Harlan offered the following resolution : "R LVED, That pending the employment of a regular tenographer for_ the Supreme Court of Porto Ricn, the appro· priation for "Stenographic and Typewriting services, at a rate not to exceed one hundred dollars per month to any employee, twelve hundred dollars", included in the appropriation for salanes of the upreme Court of Porto Rico for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1903. may be expended by the Judges of the Supreme Court of Porto Rico for the tran ient employment of typewriters, ubject to the limitation provided in aid appropriation, that ~e rate shall not exceed one hundred dollars per month to any employee and that the expenditure for such transient service may

be allowed upon the certificate of the Judge paying the same, and monthly reports of said expenditures for transient services sbalJ be made to the Department of justice and to the Auditor of Porto Rico.'' Which was read and adopted by the following vote : In the affirmative were : Mes rs. Benitez , Brioso, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison and Harlan . . . . . . . . . 6 In the negative- one. Absent: Mes rs. Barbosa , Cintr6n, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S The same wa declared adopted. . In the matter of the application of A. I.,. Arpin, Ram6n \ aldez and Walter Yeager for a franchi for the use of the Comedo water fal~s ~or t~e development of electrical energy to be u~ for the d1 tnbutlon of light and power, the Franchise Committee sub~itted report accompanied by a comparative statement covenng the proposition of the said applicants. The report and statement were read at length . ~he applications submitted embracing the proposed const~ctlon of both railroad and electric plants, on motion of Mr. ~lho~~· th~ Co~ncil proceeded to the consideration o the question \Vh1ch IS most to be desired and will prove of greater benefit to the I sla nd, an electric plant for the distribution of light and power, or a railway line? " ~ Mr. Elliott thereupon offered the following resolution : "RESOLVED, That it is the sense of the Executive Council that a~ electric railroad across the Island from an Juan to Ponce IS of a greater public benefit than the erection of a plant for tb~ general distribution of light and power, and that the Com~mttee on Franchises, Privileges and Concessions be so advised 1.11 co~nection with the applications now pending before that committee for a concession for the development to the Comedo water falls .'' . W~ich was read and adopted by the following vote : Votmg 1n the affirmative were: Messrs. Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas , Elliott Garrison and Harlan . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . 6 In the negative-None. . .. .. Ab nt : Messrs. Barbosa, Cintron , Hartzell, Lind ay and Willoughby. 5





m ' a declared adopted. nncil then proceeded to the further consideration and of the return of the general election of November

canv 4· 1<)02 . nd tber upon the Fr ident declared the aid canva· to b full nd finally completed . arri. n brought to the attention of the Council the ti n of the return to W . . H . Lothrop of the bond of beretof< re deposited f, r the faithful carrying out of the of fran chi · for the con truction of an electric rail war in , it appe ring that the grantee ba complied with the terms ther f, and that the aid railway is in operation. The following resolution wa offered by Mr. Garrison : " \VnERE .\ , \\'. . H . Lothrop was heretofore granted a francbi b the Execut~e Council of Porto Rico for the QOnstructi u and operation of au electric treet railway in the City of P nee, Porto Rico ; and " WHER EAS, the said \V. . H . Lothrop bas complied wiU. all the tenu an(i conditions of aid franchise for the faithful performance of which be d posited with the Treasu~er of Porto Ricp a Bond of • .ooo, -.nd the said electric treet railway is in active


rati " BE tT RESOLV ED. That the Executi e Council hereby au and approves the return of said bond of 5,000 to the said . H . Lothrop." The ame wa adopted by the following vote : Voting in the affirmative were: 1 rs . Benitez, Brioso , Cr as , Elliott, Garrison and Harlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 In tb negative--None . Absent : { rs. Barbosa, Cintr6n, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · · · · · · .. 5 The same w declared adopted. n motion of 1r. Elliott, the Council then adjourned. ANDRES CR6SAS,

President pro tempore.


2 , 1902.


MEETING OF THE EXEC TIVE COU1 CIL DECEMBER 2ND, 1<)02 . The Council met at 10:00 o'clock a. m . Upon the calling of the roll the following members appeared and an wered to their names: Mes rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison and Harlan ................................. . . ... .. ... . Absent: Messr . Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby.... . ............... 3 On motion of Mr. Barbosa, the reading of the minutes of November IIth, 12th, 13th, qtb , 15th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21 ·t, 22nd, 24th, and 25th, wa di pensed with and the same were approved . The Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the salary of the storekeeper at the penitentiary be increased from per annum to 720 per annum to date from November 1, 1<)02, and that the Director of Prisons, be authorized to employ an additional clerk in his office, the salary thereof to be fixed at 36o.oo per annum . The report was adopted by the following vote : \'oting in the affirmative were : Mes ·rs. Barbosa, Benitez , Cintron, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison and Harlan ...................................... ..... ......... 7 In the negative: Mr. Brioso ............................... ..... ~ .......... .... ... ........ . Absent: Messrs. Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby.. ................... 3 The Finance Committee reported that careful consideration had been given to the communication and papers heretofore referred to it, relating to certain protests made by Messrs . Fritze, Lundt and Co. and A . Ca tafier, of Mayagiiez, against the payment of wharfage and cartage dues to that municipality. The Committee recommended that all of the document on file in the office of the Council be tran ferred to the Governor for consideration in connection with papers on the same subject heretofore transmitted to him by the Treasurer of Porto Rico . The report wa adopted by the following vote : Voting in the affirmative were: Mes rs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison and Harlan ................ ... .................... 8 In the negative-None. Absent:




. Hartzell, Lind ay and Willoughby .... .. ..... ..... .... .. 3 Finance mmittee ·ubmitted. reports recommendmg that th hedule f pecial licen taxes for the fi cal year 1<)02 · , adopted by the muni~ipal councils of Rio rande and Ya · be pproved in the form ubmitted . . Th report were adopted b y the followmg vote: \'oting in th affirmath·e were : . , 1 rs . Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso , Cintron , r6sas, Elliott, G rri n and Harlan .................. ······ ············· ·· 8 In th n gath·e-:'\one. nt : .1 rs . Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby ....... .......... .... . 3 The Finane Committee ubmitted report recommendmg that the uppl mentary t cff of pecial taxe for the fiscal year Coamo be not 1902 • 190 3 ad pted by the Municipal Council of _ apprO\·ed . The report was adopted by the followmg vote : Voting in the affirmative were: 1 . B r a, Benitez , Brioso , Cintron, Cr as, Elliott , G ' rri n and Har~an ................... ...... · · .. · · · · · · · · · · In the n gative-None . nt : M rs. Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby .······ ·· ··· ····· ···· 3 The following rues age were received from His Excellency, the Governor of Porto Ri co: EXEC TITE )!A:-:SIO N PORTO RICO . 'AN


N , P . R ., DECE IBER 2ND,

1902 .

Th~ Honorahl~ ,

Th~ Exuutiv~

Council, an juan , P . R .

entlemen : I here~ ith submit for your approval the nomination of Lui aballero a jn tice of the Peace at Ponce, to fill the vacancy caused by the r ignation of Manuel V . Domenech. R pectfnlly, WM. H . H








PoRTO R1co . SAN jUAN, P . R ., DECEMBER 2ND ,


Tit~ Houorahl~.

Tke Exuuth•e Council, Sau juau, P . R . Gentlemen : I herewith submit for your approval the nomination of Emilio Cortada as Ju ·tice of the Peace of Ponce, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Enrique Colom. Respectfully, W~1.

H . HUNT, Goven1or.

By unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and the foregoing nominations con idered without reference to Committee. On the question " hall these nomination be confirmed?" it was decided as follows : \ 'oting in the affirmative were: . essrs. Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cintron, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison and Harlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None. Absent : Mes rs. Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . 3 The same were declared confirmed . A communication was received from the Governor, expres ing the hope that the Council would by formal resolution extend an invitation to the Progressive Union, a mercantile association of New Orleans, to visit Porto Rico. Moved, That a committee · consisting of the President, Mr. Elliott and Mr. Brioso, be appoi nted to consider the same and that the Committee be directed to prepare a resolution in accordance with the desire expressed by the Governor. referred by the following vote: \ 'oting in the affirmative were: Mes rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cr6sas, Cintr6n, Elliott, Garrison and Harlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None . Absent: Messrs. Hartzell, Lindsay anq Willoughby. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3



2 , 1902.


In th matter of th forcibl e propriation and occupation of cert in lands in th 1unicip I di trict ~f Guayama and anta metican Rail road ompany of Porto Rico , Cen tr I , guirre perator, her 't ofore referred to the Council by the \'ern r, the Judici ry Committee submitted report thereon , recommending th at the Council should give its sanction to the e erci by the ompa n y in qu ·tion of its right under the law f e propri tion to take ufficient property to enable it to proceed ith the rection of it road , and submitted therewith the follow . lution : " \ II EREAS, the American Railroad Company of Porto Rico ebtral guirre perator, being the owner of that part of the fran chi · of th Porto Rico ~ail road Company heretofore granted t it. fi r th con tructi n and operation of the line of railway bet ·een Ponce and ua yama , \ hich portion of said franchise tran ferred to the 1id merican Railroad Company of Porto Rico, C ntral Aguirre perator, by the Porto Rico Railroad omp ny, by the authority and consent of the Executive Council b it ordinance of Jul y 21st, H)02 , bas previou ly ubmitted to thi go ·emment a li ·t of the persons interested in the expropriation and occupation of certain portions of real estate belonging to na Enriqneta Anes de Calimano ; na fa ria E peran za Diaz de Texidor ; Dona Concepci6n Diaz Fraticelli de Pales ; Dona Rufina ~olinari anchez de Cividanes ; nor Don M . Cividanes; hich id real estate is ituated in the municipal districts of of Guayama and anta I abel , Porto Rico, according to the plan on file in the office of the Board of Public Works, and which has been approved b y thi government ; and " \! HEREAS, t e provi ion of Articles 16 and 17 of the Law of Eminent Domain ( Ley de Expropiaci6n Forzosa) and the regulation thereof, hav been complied with fully and in all repect · and all of the person above named pave been duly notified in ~ riting by the Governor more than fifteen day of the proposed declaration f n c ity of the occupation of their said properti a aforesaid for the purpose of the const ruction and operation of aid rail ay ; and '' \VH REAS, there ha · been no opposition made or claim filed a to uch proposed occupation ithjn uch period, a provided b Ia ; and

" Wu~REAS , t~e Go~emor has submitted all of the foregoing facts to thts Council for tt consideration and resolution : " Now TH EREFORE, in pursuance of the provi ions of Article 1 of the said Law of Eminent Domain ( Ley de, Expropiaci6n Forz~a ) and for the purpose of exercising such powers as this Council may have thereunder, taking into consideration that it ~as previo_u ly declared the proposed work to be of public utilIty , there I now declared the necessity of the occupation of the parts of the lands of the above named owners as afore aid in order th~t ·aid company, the American Railroad Company of Porto Rtco , Central Aguirre perator, may give effect to and carry out the franchise and pri vi leges conferred in the franchise heretofore granted by this Council on the 28th day of October, •90•·'' The foregoing report and resolution were adopted by the following vote : \'oting in the affirmative were : Mes r · · Barbosa , Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison and Harlan ............................................ 8 In the negative-None. Absent: Messrs. Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby ....................... 3 . ~he Franchise Committee submitted report upon the application of Justo Barros for a concession for the construction of a small wooden bridge over the river J a~agua ·, recommending that the ·arne be granted . The Committee submitt d therewith a form of ordinance entitled : " An Ordinance granting to Justo Barros, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, the right to construct a wooden bridge over the river J acagnas for the transportation of

cane ''.

On the question " hall this report of the Franchise Committee be adopted and the ordinance submitted therewith be approved?" it was decided as follows : \'oting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sas , Elliott, Garrison and Harlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None . Absent : Mes rs. Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby ............... 3 The report was declared adopted and the ordinance duly approved .



AL 0



The Fr nchi ommitt ubmitted report upon the apphcati n of John D. H. Luce li r a cone ion of the right to barf in the harbor of Ponce recommending that the anted . Th ommittee ubmitted therewith a form rdin nee granting to J . D. H . Luce, hi heirs, e ecutors, adrnini trators and a · igns , the right to construct and oper t a landing pier or wh rf on the east side of the harbor of P nee and on the -.h res thereof and for other purposes ' ' . tr. Harlan ont!t o:J. tb t! iollowmg resolution touching tile granting of the abo\·e francht : "R£ L\'1>0 that the ordin nee entitled "An Ordinance granting to J . D. H . Luce , ji heirs, executors, admini trators nd a ign , the rigpt to c nstruct and operate a landing pier or bar{ on th ea t ide of the harbor of Ponce, and on the bores thereof, and for other purposes ", be now put upon it pa a e and that when the grantee shall file his acceptance th reof with tbe Executive Council it hall be deemed to be a provisional ac eptance only, to become a null it in case , upon con ultation with his licitor, objection shall be fonnd to any of i tt~ ."

Thi r · lution was adopted by the following vote : Voting in the a ffirmative were: .I r . Bar a , Benitez, Brioso , Cintr6n, Cr6sas , Elliott, Garri n and Harlan .......... .................. ..... 8 In the negati\·e-None . Absent : . I . ·rs . H artzell , Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The report la~t above set forth and the accompanying ordinance were ta ken up and considered . n the questi n " hall this report of the Franchise Committ be adopted and the ordinance submitted therewith be approved? " it wa decided as follows : Votin g in th affirmative were : . 1 · ·. Sarbosa, Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sas , Elliott, Garri n and Harlan . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None. Ab nt: I rs. Hartzell , Lindsay and~ illoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The r port wa declared adopted and the ordin nee duly approved . , Ir. Garri,on brought to the attention of the Council the

2 , 1902.


matter of the designation by the various municipalities that have contracted loans, of a depositary for the si nking funds thereof : presenting a telegram from the Treasurer of Porto Rico requesting that no action be taken in the matter until his r tum. On the question " hall action upon the matter of the designation of depositaries for the sinki ng funds of the various loans contracted by the Cities of Porto Rico be deferred until the arrival of the Trea urer?' ' it was decided as follows: Voti ng in the affirmative were ; Messrs. Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott , Garrison and Harlan .. . . .. ... . . . . . .. . ............ . .. ... .. . . 7 In the negative: Mr. Barbosa Absent: Messrs. H a rtzell , Liuds'ly and ' illough by . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Action was thereupon deferred as above stated. The Attorney General ( Mr. Harlan) requested authority to fi~ the salary of one of the stenographers in his office, appropnated for at I ,400 per annum, at I ,300 per annum and to increase the salary of the pani h stenographer in the same office from 1,000 per annum to 1, \oo per ann um , to date from December r, 1902, no increase in appropriation being required. The request was approved by the following vote : Voting in the affirmative were: ~les · rs . Barbosa, Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n , r6sas , Elliott, Garrison and Harlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None. Absent : ~1essrs. Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby . .......... 3 Mr. Elliott offered the following resolution : " WHF.REAS, the Executive Council has finally concluded its canvass of the returns of the general election held in Porto Rico on the 4th day of ovember, 1902 ; and "WHEREAS it appears from said returns and the canva ·s thereof that Federico Degetau, Candidate for the office of Resi dent Commi ioner to Washington, received 73,823 votes; and that Felipe Cuevas, also a candidate for the same office, received 34,6o5 votes; "THEREFORE, Be it Resolved by ilu Executive Council of Porto Rico: That the said Federico Degetau, having received the highest number of votes cast for the office of Resident Commissioner from Porto Rico to Washington, be, and he hereby declared duly elected to the said office. •














LVED, That the election of the said certified to th Governor of Porto · adopted by the f< Bowing vote: ffirmath·e •ere: , Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, E11iott, GarIn th n g ti\'e--~one . nt · M rs. H rtz II , Lindsay and Willoughby .............. 3 Mr. E11iott offered the fo11owing resolution: "\ HERE , theE ecutiv Council has fina11y concluded its c n\' of th return of the general election held in Porto Rico n the 4th d y of. ovem~r, 1902 ; ·' Bt it Rt'soh·td 6y tlu Exto~lit•t CoUiuil: • " That the pe'rson receiving the highest number of votes for m mber, of the Honse of Delegates, and for al1 district and municipal ffice. as !;bown by the list prepared from said return , and he after to be set out in detail, be and they are hereby declared duly elected; •o BE IT Ft:RTIIER RESOLVED, That certificates of electi n ·igned by the President and Chief Clerk of thi Council is ue to id pe ns. Wllich w adopt d by the fo11owing vote : In the affirmative were : M rs. Barbosa , Benitez, Brioso , Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott , Garrison and Harlan .. .............. . ... . ... .. . In the negative--~one . bsent : ~ rs. Hartze11, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Without obj ction, Mr. H rlan was granted a leave of absence for thirty days with permis · ion to visit the United tat n motion o£. Mr. E11iott, the Council then adjourned. ANDRES CR6 s . Pruidml pro ttmport .


1902 .

MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE CO NCIL DECE IBF.R 4TH , 1902 . The Council met at 9:00 o 'clock a . m . Upon the ca11ing of the ro11 the fo11owing members appeared and answered to their names : Mes rs. Barbosa, Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr a ·, E11iott, Garrison and Harlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Absent: Messrs. Benitez , Hartzell. Lindsay and Wi11oughby.... .. ... 4 On motion of Mr. Barbosa, the reading of the minutes of the Ia t meeting was di pensed wtth and the same were approved. The Franchise Committee submitted report upon the application of the Municipality of Guayama for an ordinance granting to it the right to erect a telephone line between Guayama and Arroy? for public purposes, recommending that the same be granted. The Committee submitted therewith a form of ordinance entitled "An Ordinance granting to the MuQicipality of Guayama the right to con tmct a telephone line between Guayama and Arroyo and to operate the same for public purposes." On the question '' ba11 this report of the Franchise Committee be adopted and the ordi nan ce submitted therewith be approved? " it was decided as follows: \'oting in the affirmative were: Mes rs . Barbosa, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sa!f, E11iott, Garrison and Harlan . 7 In the negati\'e-~one . Absent: Messrs. Benitez, Hartzel1 , Lindsay and Willoughby .... .. 4 The report was declared adopted and the ordinance duly approved. Mr. Harlan, for the Franchise Committee, stated that neg~ tiation. bad continued between Walter Yeager and that Committee relative to a franchise for the Comerio water-power franchise; that he had cabled to the company represented by Mr·. Yeager and bad received no direct answer, although the representative in San Juan had been informed of the deposit of $10,000 as a guaranty of the acceptance of the ordinance ; the Committee has also recei ed information that the money was on deposit at the boose of De Ford & Co. After reviewing the facts of the proposed grant, and the negotiations had , Mr. Harlan offered the fo11owing motion :

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _D_E_CEMBER 4. 1902.

]0 R.' L


be a ertained from the cable company whether, nt by the ommittee bad been received and whether n ,,. r ba been ;,ent to the bairma·n of tb Franchise ombeli r the cable office cl d on December :znd; that if f Dec mber 6-rst was not rec ived, or if an answer tb ret wa nt before ix o 'clock on December :znd, that the petiti n f 2\fr. \'eager be con ·idered as still pending, otherwise a ab nd ned ; a nd that the Committee on Franchises, Privileges and Cone ion be directed to proceed with the consideration of the tb r t~ o petition,, and to bring in their report at an early dat . " The m ti n wa agreed to by the following vote: Voting in tb affimtati\·e were : .I . B r a, Brio;..o• Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott, Garris n and Harlan . . . . . . . . . . . .................. · · 7

. Benitez, Hartzell , Lindsay and Willoughby ...... 4 The Francbi;,e Committee submitted report (verbal) upon the pplication of Benjamin J. Horton, for a concession of the right to con truct and maintain a y tern of long distance teleph n in Porto Rico, recommending that the same be granted. The ommittee submitted therewith a form of ordinance entitled: ''An rdin nee granting to Benjamin J. Horto~ the right to operate and maintain a sy tern of long di lance telephones ex tending through the Island of Porto Rico and connecting various cltl and towns thereof, together with local telephone exchanges in uch cities and town s". The ordinance was read and con 'dered . Mr. Elliott moved to sttike out that section of the said ordinance giving to said grantee the right to use, upon the consent of the Commi - ioner of the Interior, certain telegraph poles belonging to the Insular Go\"emment for the purpose of banging the \ ir of ·aid antee. The Council declined to agree to this motion by the follow -

3 a, Brioso, Cintr6n and Harlan .... ......... .


rs. Benitez , Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby .... . .


The question recurred on the adoption of the report of the Committee and the appro\"al of the ordinance . On the question " hall this report of the Franchise Committe be adopted and the accompanying ordinan ce approved?" it was decided as follows : \'oting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa , Brioso, Cintr6n, Garrison and Harlan .... 5 In the negative: Mes rs. Cr6sas and Elliott .. ...... .. .. .............. . .. . 2 Absent: Messrs. Benitez, Hartzell , Lind ay and Willoughby ...... 4 The report was declared adopted and the ordinance duly approved. The pedal Committee heretofore appointed con isting of :\Iessrs. Cr6sas, Elliott and Brioso, to draft a resolution inviting the Progres ive Union of New rleans to vi it Porto Rico, submitted a favorable report accompanied by the following resolution : " WHEREAS the Executive Council is informed that the Progressive Union, a mercantile a sociatiun of New Orleans i considering the advisability of a visit by its members to P;rto Rico, for the purpo ·e of informing themselves of the needs and prospects of the Island , and of developing closer commercial relations between the business interests of Porto Rico and New Orlean ; therefore be it " RESOLV ED, That the Executive Council of Porto Rico hereby exten<Is to the Progressive Union ofNew Orleans a cordial invitation to end representatives to Porto Rico, assuring them a hospitable welcome and ample opportunities to acquaint them;,elves with the conditions of trade and commerce, with the hope that they may find here ample t'ncouragement to establish close relation with the bu iness interests." The report and resolution were adopted by the following vote: Voting in the affirmative were: Mes rs. Barbosa, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison and Harlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 In the negative--None . Absent: :\Ies rs. Benitez, Hartzell, Lindsay and Willoughby ..... . 4 On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council then adjourned. ANDRES CR6SAS, Presidmt pro tempore.









DEC EMBER 5TH , 1<)02 . The pon d an w 1 n..

ouncil met at 3:00 o ' lock p . m . tb lling of.tbe roll the following members appear d red to their n me. : . Bar a , Benit z, Bri _ , Ci ntron , r6sas , ~lhott , Garnson and Willoughby ................ ............ .. ... ~

H arlan Hartzell and Lind><ay ...... .. .......... .. .. .. .. · :> n :Uot i n ~f ~1r. \\'illougbby , the reading of the niinute. of tb )a, l meet in~ was di. pen sed with and the same w~re approv~ .

. . .1 r . arri n, for the Finance Committee, to wb1ch wa h~ret for ref< rr~ an ordinavc adopted by tb ~unicipal coupc1~ of an Ju n, entitl d " n rdinance to des1gnate the bank~ng liou · of De Ford • ompany a · th depositary for the Inkin g fund for the payment of bond aggregatin g ix hundred thou and lla ( ,ooo l i,;,ued by the ity of an Juan on the 1 t of J nuary, 1902", brought the me to the attention of t~e Executive Council by yerbal 'report , tating that Mr. Willoughby d ir~ to bring certain informa tion to the attention of the Conn it f, r Its con,ideration . Ir. Willoughby blat~ at length the re ull of a c?nteren ce bad with J _ ~L Ceball and Co . of 'ew York relative to th e d ignati n of a depositary for the si nkin g funds ?f the lo~t~ s of n Juan , Ponce , 1ayagu z and Arecibo, ex pres 1ng the ol>1n1on that the propooition of De Ford - Co. of an Ju an was pre~rable to that made by said ~ew York firm. The above entitl~ ordinance was thereupon taken up for con ideration and read at length . l\ r. Garrison mo\-~ to amend aid ordin ance a apqroved b tb municipal council of an Juan so that ame shall read as follow : "An Ordiuance to designate the banki ng bouse of De Ford and Company as the depositary for th e inking lund for the paym nl of bond aggregating ix Hundr~ Thousand Dollars ( ,ooo ) i u~ by the City of an Juan and bearing date of January 1, 1<)07 .'' . . " \VHERB a number of the banking houses a~d bank1pg JD · tituti n toe t~ in the City of an Juan Porto R1 co, hav~ ubmitt~ to the Municipal Council of the City of an Juan ropoiti n tting forth th rate of interest to be paid and the kind



and character of guaranty security to be given in case any one of said banks ball be selected by the Municipal Council of San Juan as th depositary for the si nking fund to be creal~ for the payment of the principal of the issue of bonds, aggregating six bundr~ thousand dollars (S6oo,ooo ) authorized and made by said municipality ; provided such selection and designation shall be approved by the Executive Couneil of Porto Rico ; and ' ·WHEREAS , the proposi tion submitted by the bank;ing hou of De Ford and Company of an Juan is the mo ·t favorable and sati factory : " THEREFORE, Be it Ordained and Resolt•ed by the Jlfum'cipai Council of the City of San Juan : " That the said banking house of De Ford and Company of the City of an Juan , be selected a · the depositary for the sinking fund to be deposited with aid bank and held in trust for the payment of the principal of said bonds, provided that the said banking house of De Ford and Company hall pay interest semi-annually on the amount deposited at the rate of four and thirty -five one-hundredths ( 4-35) 100) per cent per annum as agreed upon in the proposition submitted by aid banking bouse of De Ford and Company; the said interest to be deposited semian nually to the credit of the sinking fund . account and credited to the same. "And Provided Further that the said banking house of De Ford and Company hall give bond for the faithful execution of its trust as depositary for said sinking f11nd and the safe keeping of all moneys deposited with said bank on account of aid sinking fund in the sum of fifty thousa nd dollars ( so,ooo) for the first deposit of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000 ) to be made on or before the first day of Jan nary , 1903, on account of said sinking fu nd, and the amount of said bond to be increased in each and e\·ery yea r thereafter on or before the first day of January, in the sum of forty thousand dolla rs (S-J.o,ooo ) during the continuance of the trust hereby created with the said banking house of De Ford and Company ; the said bond to be secured by the Fidelity and Deposit Company o( Maryland , as surety thereon, or by some other fidelity and surety company of the nited States of like financial standing and of equal financial strength as that of the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland ." " I, Ramon Negron Flores, cretary of the City Council do hereby certify that the above i a true copy of the ordin nee adopted by the City Council of an Juan on the .. . . .. day of Decembe , A . D. 1<)02 .


J l'R.




Th am ndments offered to aid ordi nance were adopttd by th folio\ ing \'ole : Voting in the affirmati\·e were : 1\I n. . Barbo-,a. Benitez, Bri , Cintr6n, Cr6sas, E(liott, Garn and Willoughby ............... . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . 8 In th n g Uve-~one. A . Hartzell , Harlan and Lindsay... ...... .... .. . .. . . . . .. . 3 id ordinance, as amended , was read and put u ~ ge nd appro,.\), being in the words and figures ve tout: On the qu ' liOn '' hall the foregoing ordi nance as a me be appro,·ecl by the Executive ouncil? " it was decideP. as 14 llow · \·oting in the affirmative were : a, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott , 1 . Bar Garri , n and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None . Ab n : A rs. Harlan , Hartzell and Lindsay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The aid ordin nee was declared d uly approved. Mr. Willoughby thereupon offered the followi ng resol ution , which wa, read at length : IN THE EXEC TIVE COUNCIL OF PORTO R ICO DECEMBER 5TH, I9Q:2. ~1r. Willoughby offered the followi ng resol ution , which was un an imously adopted: "\ HERE s... it is understood that Messrs. De Ford and Company, the designated depositary of the si nking fund of the municipality of an Juan has made the offer to act as the d positary of the sinking fund of the mun ici palities of Popce, fayagiiez, and Arecibo on the arne term as for an Juan ; and "\VHER£ s, no eq ually advantageou offer has been sub· mitted by the aid municipalities; and " \ HERE s it i the opinion of the Executive Council that the pro ition of De F rd and Company i as advantageous a i likel y to be obtained; and


" WH£RltAS immediate action is necessary : " Now TH~tRltPORJt , Be it Resolved: That the Clerk of the Executive Council be directed to forward to the Alcaldes of the municipalities of Ponce, Mayagiiez and Arecibo drafts of or· dinances similar to that adopted in the case of the designation of the depositary of the sinking fund of San Juan , with such changes as are necessary to meet the peculiar circumstances of each municipality , with the expression of opinion on the part of the Executive Council that the said municipalities should take action in regard to such ordinances immediately. •• " I , Chas H . Magee , Chief Clerk of the Executive Council of Porto Rico: " C:eRTI PY: That the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution passed and approved by the Executive Council on the sth day of December I9Q:2 . CHAS. H . MAGJtlt, Chief Clerk. '' On the question " Shall the foregoing resolution be adopt· , ed?" it was decided as follows: Voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison and Willoughby ...... .. . ,................ . . . . . . 8 I n the negative-None. Absent : Messrs. Hartzell , Lindsay and Harlan ... ,.. .................... 3 The resolution was declared duly adopted . Mr. Brioso , for the Franchise Committele , stated that the investigation directed at yesterday 's meeting relative to a cablegram fro~ the Vandegrift_Construction ~o . bad ~n made ; that the Chairman of the Fmance Committee bad received the reply to the messa~e therein mentioned , that all the terms proposed by the Committee had been accepted and the deposit of $Io,ooo made ;_ and that the Council should proceed! to the granting of the aid Comerio franchise to Walter Yeage~ as proposed. No action was taken . On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council then adjourned . ANDRES CR6sAS, President pro tempore.

DECEMBER 13, 1902.

DECIU IB R IJTH , 19(>2 .

The Council m t at 10:00 o 'clock a . m . pon the calling of th'e roll , th following members appeared and an ered to their names : M rs. Barbosa , Cintron , Cr6sas , Elliott , Garrison and Willoughby ......................................... ..... .......... 6 nt: rs. Benitez, Brioso , Harlan, Hartzell and Lindsay...... 5 The reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed ith and the am were approved. The following m ag were received from His Excellency , the Governor :


ECUTIVE iiANSION PORTO Rico . N j UAN , P . R ., DECEMBER 4TH, 1<)02 .

By unanimous consent , under suspension of the rules, the foregoing nominations were considered without reference to Committee . On the question, "Shall the foregoing nominations be con firmed? '' it was decided as follows: Voting in the affirmative were : M rs. Barbosa , Cintr6n , Cr6sa , Elliott, Garrison and Willoughby ........... .............. .................... .. ....... .. 6 In the negative-None. Absent : M rs. Benitez , Brioso, Harlan , Hartzell and Lindsay .. . ... 5 The ame were declared confirmed. The following mes ages were received (rom His Excellency , the Governor :


Tile H1111orable , Tile Executive Council , San Juan , P . R .






AN jUAN , P. R . , DECEMBER 4TH , 1902 .


Th e Honorable, The E xuulive Cowui/, San Juan , P . R .

ntlemen : I have the honor to ubmit herewith for your approval the nomination ofT . Cruz Mangual, as justice of the Peace at San Lorenzo. Respectfully , WM . H. HUNT,


Sir : I have the honor to inform you that I have this day ·igned and approved an ordinance granting to ~ D. H . Luce, his heirs, executors, administrators and a ·signs , the right to construct and operate a landing pier or wharf on the east side of the harbor of Ponce, and on the shores thereof, and for other purposes.

Respectfully , ExECUTIVJ! MANSION } PORTO RICO . SAN jUAN , P . R . , DJtCJtMBJ!R 4TH, 1<)02 .




Tilt Htmora61e , _ Tile Executive Council, an Jvan, P. R .


Gentlemen : I herewith ubmit for your approval the nomination of jp!l(! V. Rios, a jn tice of the Peace of Patilla .

R . , DECEMBER. 4TH, 190 2 .

The Honorable, The Executive Cou11cil, San Juan, P. R . Gentlemen:

Respectfully , WM .






I have the honor to Inform you that I have this day approved "An Ordinance granting to Benjamin j. Horton the right to



DECEMBER 13, 1902.


con truct, operate and maJDtain a tem of lo~g di tan ce te.lephon lin extending through the I land of Porto Rico and connectin v riou citie~ and town · tbere6f, together with local tel phone e chang in such citi and town '' Respectfully , WM . H . HUNT , Gov~rnor.








19(>2 .

Ho11orabl~ ,

Tit~ E:x«t~/iv~

Cou11cil,• Sa11 ;.-" . P . R .

Gentlemen : I have the honor to inform you that I have this day a pproved " An rdi nan.ce granting to Ju to Barros, hi heirs , executors, admini trators and a igns, the right to coq:;truct a wooden bridge over the river J acagnas for the transportation of cane ''. R pectfnlly , WM . H . H UNT, Gov~or.

The ame were ordered filed . Mr. Garrison offered the following resolution , which was read and adopted: IN TR £ ExEC TIV £ COUNCIL OF PORTO RICO ,

DecEMBER 13TR , 1902 .


Proposals for L~gis/a/iv~ Printing f or lh~ Ex~cu/iv~ Council. RESOLVED :

•' 1. That the Chief Clerk of the Executive Council is hereby authorized 11.nd directed to request from each of the printing ofli or printing tabli bment of the City of San Juan sealed proposal for executing and delivering the printing of all bills , resolution and joint resolution which may be introduced into the Executive Council during the next ion of the Legi lative A mbly of Porto Rico: ucb proposal to be made out upon the form here ith , dnly signed by the party or parties submitting


the same and transmitted or delivered to the Chief Clerk of the Executive Council. " 2. uch propo als shall be sealed and endorsed " Proposals for Legislative Printing for the Executive Council '', and shall be transmitted or delivered to the Chief Clerk of the Executive Council on or before the hour of three o 'clock p .m . on Monday , December 29th, I<J02 . Proposals received after said hour and date hall not be considered . '' 3· The Chief Clerk of the Executive Council shall receive such proposals and, without opening the same, shall endorse upon each proposal the hour and date of the delivery or receipt tflereof. '' 4· As soon as possible after the hour and date herein fixed, namely , the hour of three o'clock p.m. of Monday , December 29 , 1902, the Chief Clerk of the Executive Council shall tran mit, unopened, all proposals received, to the Chairman of the Committee on Printing of the Executive Council. "5· It ball be the duty of the Committee on Printing, as soon as may be practicable after the receipt of such proposals by the Chairman of the Committee , to meet a nd open said proposals and schedule the bids submitted and report the results to the Executive Council .' ' The Finance Committee submitted report recommending that action upon the preliminary ordinace adopted by the City Council of Guayama , providing for a loan and issue of bonds to the amount of $150,000, be deferred until the full membership of the Council may be present. The report was adopted . The Finance Committee report recommending that the ordinance adopted by the Municipal Council of Ponce , designating the bank known as CrMito y Ahorro Ponceiio as the depositary for the sinking fund for the redemption of the loan heretofore secured by the City of Ponce, be not approved. The report was adopted by the following vote: Voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa , Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott , Garrison and Willoughby .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 In the negative-None . Absent: Messrs . Benitez , Brioso, Harlan , Hartzell and Lindsay .... 5 The Finance Committee submitted report recommending that the ordinance adopted by the Municipal Council of San

jO R





juan, on December 11 , 1<)02 , d ignating ~ rs . De Ford & Co. the d positary of the sinking fund for the redemption of the n juan loan , be approved ; aid ordin.a nce being in the form and m nner approved by the Executive Council on 5th in tant . The report a adop.ted and ordinance approved by the folic. in vote: in the affirmative were: . Barbosa , Cintr6n , Cr as , Elliott , Garrison and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 6 In the negative-None . Absent: . Benitez, Brioso, Harlan , Hartzell and Lindsay . . . 5 The report of the Committee for the inspection of charitable in titntion in th I land u tained by public fund , transmitted by the Governor nod r dat~ of july 3. 1902, and referred to the CoiUmittee on PuBlic In titution and Property on july 7, tC)02 , wa returned by aid Committee and ordered filed . Mr. Elliott offered the following resolution : " WJIBR~s. the Executive Council has , by resolution , heretofore canva sed the return of the general election of November 4th , 1902 ; and " Wll'ERE s , the parties found to have received the highest number of votes at the aid election have been dnly declared elected ; and " WHEREAS, a full , final and complete summary of the votes cast for e ch and every candidate at said election has been prepared, which aid ummary accompanies thi resolution : ' ' Be it Resolt.~d 6y llu Exe~live Council, That the follow ing li t of candidates at aid election , the number of votes received by each and the candidate duly elected thereat, be entered pon the minutes of this Council a the full , final and complete li t , and the result of the said election and the canva s heretofore made as required by law: Th foregoing.,-esolution was adopted by the following vote: oting in the affirmative were: M rs. Barbosa , Cintr6n , Cr6sa , Elliott , Garrison and Willoughby ......... . ................ .......... .. 6 In the negative-None . Absent: rs. Benite , Brioso, Harlan , Hartzell and Lindsay . . . 5 The following i the li t referred to in the above resolution and hich accompanied the arne:


DRCRMBRR 13, 1902.






Republican Candidate Federico Degetau Federal Candidate Felipe Cuevas Arredondo FOR MEMBBRS TO THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES

10,320 5,410

Republican Candidate Manuel F. Ro y '' '' juan R . Ramos Santiago Veve Lufs Sanchez Morales Juan Hernandez L6pez Federal Candidate Acisclo Bon y de la Torre jose H . Amadeo Eduardo Giorgetti Jose de J. Tizol Francisco J. Marxuach FOR ROAD SUPERVISORS:

10,312 10,303 10,313 10,314 10,310 5.412 5,419 5,4o8 5,412 5.4o6

Republican Candidate Fidel Guillermety '' '' jesu Maria Amadeo Sebastian Davila Federal Candidate Jacinto Seijo jose S. Cestero Molina Guillermo Rengel FOR MAYOR OF SAN JUAN :

10,309 10,305 10,298 5·325 5.328 5·322

Manuel Egozcue Cintr6n Henry W . Dooley

Republican Candidate Federal ~andidate

3.39 1 937

FOR MUNICIPAL JUDGE OF SAN JUAN: Francisco Soriano Miguel Caiiellas Emigdio Ginorio Jose H . Boneta

Republican Candidate " " Federal Candidat~

3·389 3,392 926 922


FOR SUBSTITUTE MUNICIPAL JUDGE OF SAN JUAN : Luis Freyre Barbosa Republican Candirlate Americo Salas " " jose C. Rodriguez Cebollero Federal Candidate Manuel Palacios Salazar FOR MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF SAN JUAN :

3.391 3,392 922 923

Republican Candidate

3.401 3.386 3.388 3.389 3.396

Ram6n Latimer jose P. Miranda Rosendo Rivera Noa Enrique Aquino Cayetano Coli y Cuchl







DECEMBER. 13, 1902. Votes


Republican Candidate



Federal Candidate

3.391 3·392 3.395 3·395 3.393 3.391 3.393 3.390 3·390 3.392 922 928 925 923 922 927 922 926 925 925 927 920 929 920 923


Namet~ .

VotH .

Jose R . Tibot Segundo Mlis Hermenegildo Gonzalez Medardo Rivera Jose Orraca Ceferino Nevarez Franci co Serrano Luis Abril Manuel Braiiu las Justino Diaz Alfredo Archilla Joseph Anderson Manuel Davila JnilD Herran Gregorio S61la Jose Ramfrez



Federal Candidate

3.985 3.985 3.985 3.985 3.985 3.985 3.985 562 562 562 562 562 562 562 562 562


Virgilio Davila Manuel Gotay Jesus Gonzalez Agustfn Stahl Manuel icente Otero Francisco Arroyo

Republican Candidate



Federal Candidate

3.985 3.985 3.985 562 562 562



Ram6n Falc6u Jose c. R y Ram6n Negron Flores Emiliauo Diaz Cuev Ezequiel Martinez Quintero Eugenio J . Iglesia


Republican Candidate '' '' Federal Candidate

3.389 3.392 3·393 928 925 925

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

3.985 562

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate UBSTITUTE MUNICIPAL JUDGE OF B YAMON:

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate FOR MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OP BAYA tON:

Jose L . R y Raimnncj.o Rodrlguez

Republican Candidate


I ,739 539


Juan Quintero Felix Monclova

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


,739 539


joaquin Diego jose C. Cabrera

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

I ,739 539




Republican Candidate Federal Candidate



Juan Mateu Garda Ram6n antiago

Ricardo Roca Manuel Velilla

3.985 562

Juan Maria Jordan Jose Guemarez Francisco Perez Pedro L6pez Andres L6pez Eladio Miranda Francisco I. Rodrlguez Pllicido Nevarez Trinidad Llauger Virgilio Morales Evari to R arlo

Repu~lican Can~date

Federal Candidate II

I,740 I,739 I,739 I,740 I,739 I ,739 1,739 1,740 1,739 539 539






539 539 539 539 539 539 539

iguel ntos &end lio E ndero Guillermo Perez R m6n Ibaii z arcelino Concepci6n J Hem ndez orberto Morales FOR SCHOOL TRUSTERS OF TOA ALTA :

ann I Perez Celedonio Blanco ndres Rivera Franci o A . Romero

Republic n Candidate tl


Federal Candidate




to fora!

1,739 1,740 1,739 539 539 539


irgilio Ramos elez Franci o V:isquez Col6n rturo Quio_tero FOR MUNICIPAL J

Juan Ramos Casellas Agu tin Guardiola Juan A. Ramos FOR

Republican Candidate Rep. Puro Izquierdista



1,120 53 1,020


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate Rep . Puro Izquierdista

1,120 51 I,OJO



Name .

VOl H .

Manuel Rodriguez Cubano antiago RQdrlguez Cubano Gabino del Pozo Jose Rivera Tom:is Cebollero Jose Reyes Ram6n Perez iera Juan March:in Hilario Caso Juan Santana Joaquin uro

Federal Candidate Rep . Puro I zquierdista II



Republican Candidate Federal Candidate Rep . Puro Izquierdista


Francisco Casella Delfin uro Franci o Menendez alvador Freytes valdo Freyt Evari to Camacho ndalio Marrero ariano Uviiia Joaquin uro uci&O Padilla Jacinto Gonz:ilez Gonz:ilez anuel Bal&eiro Correa Ram6n Fern:indez Alvarez Jaime Padr6 Campos Ram6n March:in Munoz Julio Pinto

1,120 52 I ,OJ1


Republican Candidate ,, ,,

Federal Candidate



Manuel Blasquez Jose Miranda C:indido Acevedo Clemente Ramirez Antonio Pinto Julio Candia C:indido Acevedo J'lSe Rivera Miranda Enrique Velilla

Republican Candidate '' '' Federal Candidate Rep . Puro Izquierdista '' ''



I ,120

I ,120 51 51 51 I,OJI I,OJI I,OJI


Joaquin Perez Acosta Jose F . N:iter Gonz:ilez

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


J&cime uro Rafael Gandla C6rdova Juan B. Zeppenfeld

51 49




Alejandro Perez Pedro Gimenez Santiago

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate




1,120 1,120 1,120 1,120 1,120 1,120 1,120 1,120 1, 120 51 51 51 51 51 51 51

Jose Vidal Ramos Ram6n Mel6n Ramos

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate




juan Forteza Agustin Garcia Braulio Coello Guillermo Perez Tomb Landr6n Jose Ram6n Gonzalez Emilio Miranda Negr6n Jaci nto Seijo Garda Emilio Escalera Garda antiago Davila Carri6n

Republican Candidate



Federal Candidate


1,947 1,94 1·949 1,949 1,949



DECEMBER 13, 1902.


341 Vol~ .

Nam~ .





30 30

Republic n Candidate

Julio Phez Francisco tero Franqu Franci B rrera Rafael Fernandez J J . ater Giron a Franci o L . Amadeo

l l

Liborio C6rdova jose Martinez L6pez jaime Sifre jose de Diego Martinez Tulio Larrlnaga Ram6n Nadal Santa Coloma Manuel Perez Aviles Francisco Coira


2 ..

I,94\l 1,9,. l,9,.9

Federal Candidate


3.. 1,109


Gumersindo Carmona J A. antia R S

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

34 1,109


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


8,279 8,279 8,279 8,279 8,279

Federal Candidate

I,JJ6 I 1 JJ6 I,JJ6

8,278 8,278 8,278


Manuel Martinez Rose116 Bernardo Huici y Marin

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

77 J 1 210



J Rosa armona Lui R. antiago Dom'ngo Romero Antonio B. Romero Julio Torres Cel tino Phez Rivera od to Cobi6.n Artemio mpierre Cirilio Cruz J Vega

3.. 3.. 34 34 34

Republican Candidate



Federal Candidate

1,109 1,109 1,109 1,109 1,109


Lui Plo sanchez Ce1 tino Perez Rivera Juan Bautista Carmona Lui Plo Sinc11ez Juan Bautista Carmona Gum indo Carmona 2ND DISTRICT .

Republican Candidate " " Federal Candidate

33 34 34 1 ,109 1,109 1 ,110



Federico De etau Felipe Cueva Arredondo FOR ME

. .

Republican Candidate

juan Delgado V.entura Montes Montes Manuel Meglas Manuel alencia Francisco de C6rdova Zen6n Rivera


uint!n Rivera J A . antia o Guillermo Viner

Federal Candidate

I,JJ6 I,JJ6 l,JJ6


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

J Franci o Carmona Joan antiago

Republican Candidate ..

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Vicente Roura y Ambert Miguel Marquez

Republican Candidate " "

1,337 8,279

Prudencio Martinez Jose Ines G6mez Padilla

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

77 J,2IO



L6pez ~ontano Adolfo Balsetro Aldao

Republican Candidate Federal Qandidate

'17 J,2o8


A. H. Lambert Felix Santoni alvador Ledesma Francisco Olesa Fernando Echagaray Ram6n Velez Bernardo Caamafio Antonio Antomatey Domingo Martinez Zeno Miguel Cortiella Alfredo C. Alfonso Francisco Torres Cordero E teban Mena Lucas Hero y Classen Jose Arvelo Manuel Ledesma Adrian Padilla Arturo 'ij , D!az Ulises Calcafio

Republican Candidate ''

77 77 77 77

77 77 77 77 77 77 77

77 77



77 77 J,2IO J,2IO

J 1 210 J,2IO

DECEMBER 13 , 1902.


No a

Fede~al Candidate

3,210 3·2 3,2o8 _,,2o8 3,21 0 3,21 0 3,21 0 3,2o8 3,2o8 3,2 3.209

343 Vote.


Federal Candidate

Jose E . Vega Gregorio Rodriguez



Republican Candidate Jose de J . y Ru!z de Porra Francisco Camacho Quinones Emigdio Rivera Tosado Federal Candidate Luis Abrams Arturo m pierre Julio de Jesu

255 255 255 1,944 1,944 1,944



lanuel J . Calderon • Ju n P r z Gey . Jtafael rdova Juan L. Rodriguez anuel A tol Julio L6pe~ Ga tambides


Republican Candidate ,1


Federal Candidate

77 77 77 3,210 3,210 3,210

Genaro Nazario Velez Pedro Rivera Collazo FOR

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

370 1,415


Manuel Cortes Nieves Luis P!o Toro

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


370 ,417


370 ,4 17



Jnan Bauti ·ta Lacomba Laurentino Estrella

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

255 1,94-1

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

255 1,9-H


Conrado Colmenero nofre Morey

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

255 I



J d J . y Gil de Taboada Jose ilartlnez L6pez ar Rafol Lui Bru i 1annel I rquez Luc Rosa Frand o elazquez Rafael Igartua J Catalino Monroy Ram6n lilian Honorio Hernand z Fernando Led rn a J B. Cordero Franci o R. avedra Felix Lamela Pedro Gonzalez 1 na

Repu~lican Can?,i date

255 255

255 255

255 255

255 255

255 Federal Candidate

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate



J L. HernanJe~: Jesu onz:Uez

Juan del Toro Cancel Pablo R. Cr6

1,945 1,945 1,945 1,945 1,945 1,944 I ,945

Vicente Bernacet Adolfo Santoni Francisco Cancel Abelardo Julia Elizardo Hernandez Manuel Perez Juan Almodovar Ram6n Roman Manuel de Le6n Ramiro Martinez Manuel Rivera Esteban G6mez Ram6n Gonzalez Gilves Angel Espada Juan Ramos Osvaldo Alfonzo Jose Ram6n Exclusa Jose Rodriguez


Republican Candidate

Federal Candidate


A. Servia Ma.nuel R . Megias Juan San oni Adrian Cueto


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 1,416 1,.p6 I ,417 1,416 1,416 1,415 1,416 1 ·4 1 5 1,415

DECEMBER 13, 1902. 4

JO 1lN L


Vote .


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

juan Montes lunoz jose iev Maldonado


FOR lll


Francisco Tuxench Lorenzo Vel z • i es

477 457


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

valdo Niev Antonio Corretger

477 457

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

Republican Candidate



Federal Candidate

Republican Candidate



Federal Candidate

477 457

477 477 477 477 477 457 457 457 457 457

477 477 477 457 457 457


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


ignel Orona Francisco Rivera

137 137 137 137 137 1,017 1,017 1,017 1,017 1,017

Republican Condidate •• Federal Candidate


1 37 137 137 I ,017 1,017 I ,017



Federico Degetau E'elipe Cuevas Arredondo

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Luis A. Torregrosa Pedro S . ivoni juan Mattey Jose Gimenez Dado J. Rota Ram6n Mendez Cardona Manuel S. Comins Rodrigo Font Rafael del Valle Rodriguez Manuel P . Rufz


Republican Candidate

Federal Candidate

14,024 14,024 14,025 14,026 14,024 4,1 '4 4,114 4.1I5 4,114 4,II3


137 1,017


Eduardo Cacho impticio Cordero

Federal Candidate

an to. Megi!ls !franc! o Gimenez f'rancisco Guerrero ~elix R . Munoz lanuel Morales Jose Fontan


nuel Barbert Pedro J . Rivera




juan Gonzalez Galvarln Herm6genes Dlaz Manuel VillaJovos EmiliQ Davila Jaime Padr6 Olivero Raimundo Rodrlgnez


Republican Candidate

Juan Ba. Delgado Mariano Cacho Franci co Miranda Teodoeio Mato Tom!is Rosario juan Laureano aeraclio Rivera Julian de Jesu jose alome Burgos Jose Miguel Rivera



Eduardo Barrera Ram n Montes Gonzalez Ram6n fontijo jo qu(n Hernandez Ventura Padr6 Lui Aguilera Ignacio Hem ndez J aim Figueroa Rogelio Archilla Arturo Nuiiez


Federal Candidate FOR


C_IL _ ._ __

137 1,017

. Federal Candidate .

Republican Candidate



Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

A.lejandro Franceschi Jose M. Pietri Francisco elez Pedro Medina Jorge Romani Silvestre Efrece

137 1,017

1~ M. Deliz

amesto Rubio

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

14,023 14,022 ~4.021

4,114 4,114 4,114





cou CIL.




Republic n Candidate Federal Candidate


Rodulfo Hern ndez L6pez im n R. erezo


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate GUADILLA:

Republican Candidate



Federal Candidate


4,186 3o6



4,186 4,186 4,1 6 4,1 6 4,1 6 4,186 4,186 4,1 6 4,186 3o6 3o6 3o6 3o6 3o6 3o6 3o6 3o6 3o6

Republican Candidate '' '' Federal Candidate

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

4·1 6 4·1 6 4,186 3o6 3o6 3o6

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


,338 330

Republican andidate Federal Candidate


Federal Candidate

1,338 1,338 1,338 1,338 1,338 1,338 1,338 1,338 1,338 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330


Eduardo Rey Aurelio M. Serrano Valeriano Asenjo Francisco Sein ' alvador Picornell Leonardo Lugo

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

1,338 1,338 1,338 330 330 330

Tomas 0. Santoni Luis Cbiancbini

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Francisco Pieraldi ~fanuel T. Morales

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

2,916 t .oso

Gustavo Nin Francisco Inucb Negr6n

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


,338 330


Cri ·tino Latorre J T . Gonzalez

Republican Candidate



J Collazo Juan \' . Vilella


lues Castro Manuel S . L6pez Emiliano Pol inforiano Segarra Enrique Ramos Leonardo Arvelo Antonio G. L6pez Ignacio Ostoloza Francisco Vazquez Paplo Vilella Pol Manuel de J . Gonzalez Felix A. Rodriguez Bai16n Gonzalez Ulpia no Paoli EDJilio Hernandez Vi¢ente B. Ortiz juan B. Romero Arturo Arana



Ju to L Martinez Aatonio C. Ortiz



Julio 0 . bril nton io Torregr a igu I Urquez Juan lercader JuliAn Benejan Carl ~ . Rolan



Ern to E.G 11 Fern ndo Y . Marin FOR

DECEMBER 13, 1902.

I ,338 330

Luis Morales Miguel Mariani Felix Rodriguez Fra~ci co Antorgiorgi El01zo Cuprill antiago llaverry Francisco Catala


Republican Candidate

2,916 2,916 2,916 2,916 2,916 2,915 2,916



DECEMBER 13, 1902.

CIL. Votr-.


Republit:an Candidate ,, ,, Federal Candidate

2,916 2,91 6 I ,052 1,051 I ,052 ! .OS !

1,051 1,051 1,051 1,052 1,052 F R SCHOOL TRUSTEES OF Y

ndres 1att i antiago Viii n,neva Ra( el Ddgado Arturo Lluvera J . Torr Pa ual egroni


Republican Candidate II


Federal Candidate

2,915 2,91 6 2,91 6 1,051 1,05 1 1,051


valdo E. de Ia Rosa Emilio Gond.lez F R

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

,651 395



ba tian Banuchi Eduardo Quevedo

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


,651 395


Paulino Pamias J G. Garda Chaves

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

1,651 395


Felipe Alfaro Juan C. lonclova J R . de Ia Cmz Franci o G . Chaves Pedro f. Alfaro autos Deli I aac Rom n Agapito lartfnez lejo Guevara Federico Cordero

Republican Candidate '' ''

Federal Candidate

" ·"

t,6St t,651 I ,651 1,65 1 l ,651 395 395 395 395 395


icent Roura Franci o Cordero ugusto uarez

Republican Candidate " ''

1,651 1,651 1,651

349 Votes .

Name: .

Federal Candidate

Ram6n R . Velez Elfas Gonzalez Marcos Hernandez

395 395 395


Pedro A. Echandla Medina Jose G. Hernandez

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

149 1,673


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

Ram6n L6pez Rlos Narciso Rabell FOR SUBSTITUTE

149 1,673


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

Pedro E. Velez Jose R . Quinones


Juan B. Gonzalez Segundo V. Esteres Ram6n Vargas Pedro A . L6pez Wenceslao Echandla Juan F . Caban Francisco Roig Rufo Echevarria Pedro Betancourt Basilio Rodriguez

Republican Candidate



Federal Candidate

148 148 148 148 148 I ,674 1,674 1,674 1,674 1,674


Ceciho E . Velez Ram6n Font Manuel R. Cabrero Angel Franco Soto Miguel R. Cansio

Republican Candidate '' '' Federal Candidate

148 149 1,674 1,674 1,674


Manuel Garrastegui Enrique Col6n

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Juan C. Bosch Garda Francisco A. Ri era

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


antiago L. Velez Luis Santaella

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

1,266 361



Tl E




DECEMBER 13, 1902.




Nam~ .

,263 ,262 I ,262 I ,262 I ,262 361 361 361 361 361

Francisco Marla Quinones Federico Cornwell Paf;casio Fajardo Loreto de J . Montalvo Jo R. G6mez Luis Montalvo Rafael Arrillaga Garcia F~lix Matos Bernier j~ A . Fleita julian E. Blanco Sosa

,264 ,262 I ,261 361 361 361

Francisco Linares Franci coP. Quinones juan de Mata Rivera joaquin B. Ramos Ram6n Rose116 Emiliano Quinonez


Mateo Fajardo Cardona Vicente Pagan Aco ta


nimo P . Luciano Juan G~rald z Bosch Pedro garra Padill Ign io M. rcia ef< rino R . T rr Juan G . Beren~r Emilio P~r z Zaragoza Fern ndez igu I \ '. a aDO\' & Jo qufn Rodrlgu z


Federal Candidate



Federal Candidate



Federal Candidate

13,200 13 , 194 13,198 13,197 13,199 , 3,130 3,130 3,130 3,130 3,131



B. L6pez f . 1artin z \'lizquez . Rivera ' J . Rlv r Juan E . Tacoronte Pedro Cond

Republican Candidate

Republican Candidate II


Federal Candidate


13,197 13,200 13,198 3,131 3 1 130 3, 129


Eu taquio Balsac FOR l\1


Republican Candidate I !PAL J U DGE OF LAJAS :


Republican Candidate

am6n Ponce


Lorenzo Martinez huvinas Rafael Mangual Delgado



Bias Garda

Idren Agustin Rose116


Republican Candidate

Franci o P . Yrizarri luau A. Rodriguez Fernando Calder Emilio Alvarez Juan C. rtlz



2,515 2,515 2,515 2,515 2,515


Republican Candidate

Juan Ramirez Pedro . Ramirez Virgilio Zapata TH





Federico Degetau Felipe Cuevas Arredondo

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Republican Candidate

Juan 0 . riartlnez

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

13,204 3,131


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Carmelo Carlos Pedro Grau Ram6n Riveras Francisco Martinez Otero j~ B. Ortiz Eugenio Forestier \'ictoriano Rodriguez Francisco Solano Aquer6n Alfredo Salgado Julin E. Rivera I aac Irizarry Sasport Juan Ca tera Luf Fajardo Juan Balsac Jose B. rtiz

Republican Candidate II


4.486 4 .486 4.486 4·486 4.486 4.486 4 .486 4.485 4.486 4.486 4.486 4•486 4,485 4.487 4.485




Federal Candidate

942 943 943 943 943 943 943 942 943 943 943 943 943 943 943


ictor Primo Martinez ico!As Gim nez Genaro Cort~ hrtin Travieso Quijano Franci Basora Franci o Vicenty .Blanco

Republican Candidate II


Federal Candidate


J A . Vivoni Juan ~ ~ Palmer~ Irizarry

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate



Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Franci o Felui li regori lana rtiz J Fermin Nazario J \ ' lez ntia o ambolfu icente Velez Eduardo • azario Jose aria Ac t Tom:i Quiiion Guzm:in juan rtiz Luca Paglia y Seda

Republican Candidate II


Federal Candidate

A. Sanabria Juan N . Matos Matos Germ:in Lugos Torres Jo~ M~ P . de Izaguirre R.am6n Gonz:ilez Ortiz 'icohis Agrait y Font

Federal Candidate


Enrique J . R sy juan Bautista Biaggi Tom:i Vivoni Joaquin Servera y Nazario Joaquin N. de Figueroa alvador Ti6 y Malaret

' Republican Candidate II

2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,476 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 152

152 152


2,478 2,476 2,477

Federal Candidate

152 152 152


R. Badillo Antonio S:inchez Ruiz FOR

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Eulogio Gim~nez Domingo Acevedo Rulz

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

Agapito E . ~ontalvo Enrique 0 ' 'eill L6pez


Carmelo Rosado Ram6n Quinones Gonzalez


Ernesto Fo~ tier anabria Euli



4.486 4.486 4·4 5 944 945 945





R1card mez alvot ju n Bianchi I ador ada! Alberto Bravo Gondlez Adolfo Robert Arturo Gigante D:i\'ila Pablo Gonce ju n Vicente Ram \ ' tcente 1'r 11 Oliva er rdo 1onefeld Emeterio Baron C rmelo Albino \'ictor Honor~ Ju n R. 1artinez • ju n Torruella Ramirez

tcp2 .

Ram6n Gim~nez Ventura Tornet Pedro J . L6pez J~ Muiiiz Pedro Rosa Caban Donato Gim~ez Rodriguez Francisco Ruiz Espinosa Fructuoso Caldas Gonz:ilez Genaro Chaparro Andr~ Villarubia





Federal Candidate


] . Celestino Moret Federico Torres juan Rivera D9mingo antoni Alfredo Ruiz Santoni 1lguel Torres Mirle

Republican Candidate II


Federal Candidate


A$-ust£n Pesante Paz

Republican Candidate







DECEMBER 13, 1902.

CIL. NamH.


Ern toE lev z

Federai 'Candidate


uarch Rivera Maria Rodriguez FOR


Republic n Candidate Federal Candidate


A1 jandro mingu z lano Gonz lez

CO: 1,450

6 56

FOR Ml' NICIPAL COl' NCIL OF AN SCO : 1,450 1,450 1,450 1,4SO 1,450

6s6 6 56 6 56 6 56 6 56


Republican Candidate " " Federal Candidate

Juan Rivera E trada Pedro Rosell6 e Irizarry

6 56



Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Alfonzo Rivera ntiago Rodriguez FOR MU

423 311


Antonio Guillot Rodulfo Alay6n -Ramirez R

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


hnnel Monsegur J nlio Olivieri Pedro. iuiioz Domingo autos elez inforiano Bayron

424 311


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

. ..

Republican Candidate

JI1 Jll J12 312 JI2


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

424 424 424 JI2 JI2 JI2


Toma Molini Adolfo Han

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

FOR liiUNICIPAL JUDGE OF ~afael Quinonez Lufs Zuzuarregui

FOR 1,450 1,450 1,450


FOR 111

Americo Om ulsona Manuel Velez Rivera Santiago Rivera arnesto Visepo Cuevas Andres Lavergne Juan E. Vicente


gio R Ednar o a alduc Leoc dio Garda anchez Manu I Guzman Rodriguez Pedro F. Garcia de Quevedo Franci o L . Rodriguez

Federal Candidate


Republican Candidate F era! Candidate

Federal Candidate


LUis ulsona I~aac Bernard Monserrate Alay6n Julio Vicente Jose Juvenal L6pez


Republican Candidate ,, ''




V. Arroyo J&.:;C A. Caparr6s

soB 72


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate




Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

soB 72



Eugenio Padilla Luis Marfa Marfn Jose P . Rodriguez Domingo Simoneti Bruno Perez Arturo L6pez Mateo Riveras Jus to Lacour Eugenio Barca Sim6n Simonetty

Repu~lican Can~~date

sos 504

S07 Federal Candidate

soB soB 72 72 72 72 72


Alfonso Casta Felipe Very Quinonez Francisco E. Martinez Eugenio C6mas Enrique Han Pedro Cordero

soB soB soB

Federal Candidate

72 72 72


Jose A. Busig6

Republican Candidate





Federal tandidate

1m n P. Bonelli ICIP L ,Jl' DG





Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

lanu Irizarry rturo Rodrfgu z


DECEMBER 13, 1902.


1,442 254

Vote .

Name .

Celedonio Carbonell Casabo Juan Pab6n Alvarez Pedro Colberg Pab6n Higinio Pab6n Rivera Felix Berenguer Hernandez

Federal Candidate


544 544 544




Clemente to lmodovar Jo qufn Garda

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


lixto Carrera J . Virgilio fartfnez J A . hrtfn z • nu I to Almodovar tana io rtlz arcial 'antoni Hip6lito Garda naro pt\lveda Pedro G . Pietri Ram6n Almodovar FOR

DE :


Republican Candidate


1,442 2 54


Federal Candidate

1,442 o442 1,442 1,442 I o442 254 254 254 2 54 254 I


Republican Candidate '' ''


Ti6 y hlaret anuel Antongiorgi Clemente Vazquez J~ Carlo y C rio Francisco aavedra Julln Casta Delgado FOR

Federal Candidate


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

Julio P . astro Gregorio R. Velez FOR M

,442 1,442 1,442 254 254 254 J

I ,923 544


Toma V. del Toro ba tian P . A viTbl

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

I,923 544

Delfin Ramirez Severiano Ramirez Enrique L6pez Delgado Juan M. Toro Torres \'ictor A. Carbonell ltero Ram6n Vega

Republican Candidate 11


Federal Candidate


1,925 1,924 1,925 544 544 544



Federico Degetau Felipe Cuebas Arredondo


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


:>I anuel V. Domenech Ulpiano Col6n Carlos Cabrera Aristides Diaz Diaz Tomas Carri6n j ~ R. Becerra Baldomero San Antonio Eusebio Corona Eugenio Astol Busati Carlos Ca anova Ram6n Torres Alvarado Domingo Sepulveda Hip6lito Usera Tomas Blasini Manuel Zeno Gandia

Republican Candidate



Federal Candidate

Rep. Puro Izquierdista



16,458 16,459 16,457 16,454 16,454 2,525 2,525 2,527 2,525 2,525 1,756 1,758 1,756 1,758 1,758




E . ilvestre Toma M. Mllrini Ramirez FOR M NICIPAL CO

Franci o Coma Ortiz Felix Irizarry Gregorio Ramirez Acosta Juan Vigiilll Felix Ayala

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


,923 544


Republican Candidate " "

I ,924 1,924 1,924 1,924 '1,924

Juan Cortada Marcelino Torres Ram6n B. Le6n Eduardo Valdivieso ]~ Larrauri Aponte Cri ·tino Ciuro Esteban Vidal Rlos Juan Dios Torres Ram6n B. Le6n

Republican Candidate II


Federal Candidate Rep. Puro Izquierdista 11


I6,459 16,455 16,481 2,552 2,524 2,525 I,757 1,755 I t756

jOt;R, AL



DECEMBER 13, 1902.


359 VotH.

Name-e .

FOR M VOR OF PO CE : Nan:a u

Vote .

nt nio ria nne uill rmo huck E.du rdo Torres FOR

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate Rep. Puro lzquierdi ta ll' NI CIPAL Jl' DGE OF PONCE :

r id ro riarte Eu t quio Torres Juan Prfncipe

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate Rep . Puro lzquierdista

FOR S l ' B T ITl' TE MU

far ial :lforales . Iiguel B uz:i jaim B F ll !II


5 , 301 1,942 I ,747


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate Rep . Puro Izquierdista


Republican Candidate

Federal Candidate

.. Rep . Puro Izquierdi ta I I


Rep. Puro I zquierdista II


1,748 I,j48 1,747 1,747 1,747 1,747 I,748 I,747 1,749 1,748 I ,748 1,749



"em Juan iev Rivera Bu naventura Barnes Fernando V ndrell J B. rtfz J Iorfn l nuel B. venan J mingo Jordan J Pon juan Ha Juan C mpo Eduardo ' ali ch Ro ndo ol6n alvador faldonado joaquin S . Lugo Lui Lloren Torres Ant nio Clavell Carl ~oral Alvarado Aci lo ubir y Ramirez Guillermo Cortada Henninio rm trong Eug nio Rodrfgtaz J Ram6n Gondlez Tom:i fartfnez Rivera Guill nno Conde C rl Pacheco Lu ia Pedro uffant Figueroa Juan ix R aly Lui . ta Ferr r, FranCJ o Rufz de Porra Libertad Torres Grau gu tin Bla ini Justo Barr

Jose Monllor Francisco antos l\bnuel Col6n Luna Juan Cintr6n Juan L6pez Juan Domingo jordan Jose R. Vall Gumen~indo Beltran F~lipe Vaillant John Ha Carlos Espinet A~tonio Sanchez

5,301 5.299 5,301 5,302 5o302 5,301 5,300 5.300 5,301 5,301 5.300 5,301 5路300 5.299 5,301 1,942 1,942 1路942 1路943 1,944 1,943 1,942 1路942 1,942 1,942 1,942 1.942 1,943 1,942 1,943 I o748 1,750 k,75I

Antonio Morales J oaqufn C stillo Pedro J. Fornier Ermeli ndo Salazar Dt. Vidal Vilaret Ram6n Dapena Isidoro Co16n Co16n Justo Rivera E bri Gabriel Villaronga Pa aret

Republican Candidate I I


Federal Candidate Rep. Puro Izquierdista '' ''

5,298 5.299 5.298 1,945 1,942 I,942 1,748 1,747 1,751


Ramon T as \ ' ictor Gutierrez L6pez FOR


Jose Zambrana Luis A. Catoni ~'OR

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

5 ,61 3 431


Delfin Co16n Ram6n Mora

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

5,6r3 431


Espartano Franceschi Faustino D!az Rafael E . Vazquez 1~ Ma. Rodriguez Pio Baled6n Jose Davila Santiago Hernandez Felipe Co16n Dlaz atividad Guzman Manuel Ferrer Torres Juan Ba J?acheco Pablo Davila

Republican Candidate '' ''

Federal Candidate


5,613 5,613 5,613 5 ,61 3 5,613 5 ,61 3 5 ,61 3 5 ,61 3 5 ,61 3 431 431 43I








Names .

Federal Candidate

Rep. :,uro Izquie.~di ta

431 432 432 432 432 432 6


Pedro 1onclo,·a Leandro iliricbi Vicent ponte lirl Dfaz Brink • Benigno ol6n,Pacheco ()limpo fartinez Pedro G. de Quevedo ci lo iercado tividad de Guzman

Repu.~lica n





Federal Candidate Rep . Puro Izquierdista '' ''

s,6r 3 s,6r 3 s,6r 3 431 431 43 1 6 6


Juan de Mata Aponte ~anne! Jesus Diaz Quintin Col6n Ulpiano Rodriguez

Federal Candidate

622 622 622 622


ilvestre Torrens Risach Joaquin Col6n Rafael Morales Davila C:irlos J. Marrero Jose Ma . Rivera Velasquez Genaro Ortiz Cruz ·

Republican Candidate ,, '' Federal Candidate

') "

-.J "

4o2S2 4o2S2 4o2S2 622 622 622


Manuel Betances Zoilo Ma. Col6n

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate



V. Ubaldino Co16n Edelmiro Matos

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate



Pedro rroyo antana J Ventura Forti

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

Juan R. Jusino Jesus Aquilino Ortiz


veriano Arroyo Alicea fanuel Torres


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

Placido L6pez Dlaz baldino Font FOR


J a. Rivera Col6n Franci o Carrera Bou Roberto Viva Bou Juan Bauti ta -Latorre Marcelino Maldonado, J J u Melendez Ortiz Andr Gonzalez Melit6n Col6n Melendez niceto Berrios Rivera Juan J Ortiz Miranda Miguel Co!6n Domingo Torres Juan Torr Col6n Juan de Mata Col6n

Republican Candidate '' ''

Federal Candidate

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

4o2S2 4 o2S2 4,2S2 4o2S2 4o2S 2 4o2S2 4o2S2 4o2S2 4o2S2 622 622 622 6:22 622

Clottlde Aponte Jose Aguilui Pedro Lefebre Fernando Miura Guillermo Dr6s Jose R. Larrauri Julian C. Rivera Jose Maria Guevara Quiterio Rodrigues Pedro R . Col6n

Republican Candidate



Federal Candidate

I,S23 I,S23 I,S23 I,S23 I,S22 ISO ISO ISO IS2 ISO


Leonardo Igaravidez Benigno Torres Brigido Gimenez Eeli~ Rodriguez alvador Bou Anselmo Santiago

Republican Candidate



Federal Candidate ·l

I,S23 I ,S23 I,S23 ISO ISO ISO




DECEMBER 13, 1902.

6TH Dr TlllCT .



. .. .

Votes .

Federico Degetau · Felipe Cueva Arredondo

Republican Candidate Feder I Candidate

13,311 4,018

FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF DELltGATES: Fernando Nuiiez eo. \V . Fishback J R . Aponte Pedro C. Timothee J Gordil lirlos Marla Soler Jose Barrera Padro Cel tino Dominguez briano Abril • antiago Igl ia

Repu~lican Can~date

Federal Candidate •

13,30<) 13,309 13 0 311 13,309 13,307 4,020 4,019 4,019 4,019 4,019

FOR. ROAD SUPltR.VISOR.S: anuel Gimenez Cruz Juan Pon ' eot6n Jose luiioz V zquez Jose J . Vidal Jose B. Cintr6n Manuel L . Aponte

Repu.~lican Can~date

Federal Candidate

13,304 13,304 13,305 4,018 4,019 4,016

FOR. MAYOR. OF GUAYAMA : Fernando Lugo iiia Julio Betancourt

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Francisco Virella Francisco Virella Uribe Domingo Pales Federico Ortiz 1ose Bern art Modesto Ramos Lufs Addock Emilio Calimano Carlos Antonini

VotH .

Federal Candidate

FOR. SCHOOL TRUSTEES OF GUAYA111A : Rafael Suliveras Republican Candidate Luis de Jesus '' '' Antero A . L6pez julian V. Guillot Federal Candidate Francisco L6pez Curet Jose S . Rivera

4,724 4,724 4,724 671 671 671

FOR. MAYOll OF CAVEY : Ricardo de Ia Torre Tamain Republican Candidate


FOR. MUNICIPAL JUDGE OF CAVEY : Ricardo de Ia Torre Republican Candidate




FOR MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF CAVEY : Francisco C. Aponte Republican' Candidate Anuro A . Delgado \ 'icente R . Vazquez antiago R. L6pez Francisco Solis Pedro Juan Vazquez Manuel Cintr6n Vazquez Lufs Cap6 Muiioz Francisco Ramos

3,271 3,271 3,271 3o271 3,271 3o271 3,271 3o271 3,271

FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEES OF CAVEY : Juan Ortfz Willimk Republican Candidate Manuel S . Nufiez Benigno Ga de Quevedo

3o271 3,271 3,271




Guillermo A . Sanchez Jose L. Curet

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

FOR S BSTITUTE MUNICIPAL JUDGE OF GUAYAMA : Ezequiel Rivera J de los San~os Vazquez

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

FOiol MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF GUAYAMA : Guillermo G rean J Delgado antos Lebr6n Tomas . Curet Juan B. Guzman Guillermo McCormick Eugenio L. Curet Julio uarez JuanS. Rivera

Republican Candidate



4,724 4,724 4,724 4,724 4,724 4,724 4,724 4,724 4,724




FOR MAYOR OF CAGUAS : Juan Gimenez Republican Candidate Gerva io Garda Dfaz Federal Candidate FOR MUNit:I.PAL JUDGE OF CAGUAS : Pedr6 G. Sicard6 Republican Candidate Jose Molina y Mufioz Federal Candidate


1902 .



N am H .




Emilio T . Moral Fernando Pu' g nger.

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Franci Nicolao Jo quln G . Crnz Joaqu in P . ~ora tes Ennque DaviltL P . Gonzalez J Marla Cu r Rafael R. Delgado Genaro ila antana Crnz Carr uillo Rufo J . Gonz lez • Juan R . Quinones • Juan D. Hernandez Federico Dlaz L6pez Cel tino Sola En 'qne ,Moreno icota J . Aguayo Man! icente V . iuiioz Barrios Antonio de Jesu

Republican Candidate 11


161 161 161 161 161 16o

Federal Candidate

161 161 161 2,367 2,367 2,367 2,367 2,367 2,367 2,367 2, 367 2,367

Harry Johnson

Republican Candidate " "

Fernando M . Roig J~ T . Alvar z Mayml Rafael Arce y Rollet Hguel M. Ferrer


Federal Candidate

162 162 163 2,36 2,36 2,36

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

1,422 253


Leocadio T<Jtres Aponte

J~T .

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

1,422 253


I aac Mangual Ram6n uiioz

Republican Candidate II'

Republican Candidate

Jose G6mez Jose Gutierrez Miguel Morales Jose Sell~ Sebastian Aponte Francisco Col6n



Federal Candidate

1,422 1,422 1,422 232 253 -53


Republican Candidate



Angel B. Torres

Republican Candidate


Republican Candidate

Pedro Mora


Republican Candidate

Lino A . Burgos Jose Santiago Julio Mercado Lino Laboy Sotero Burgos




j uan Ba. Hitee !.gu tin Cuesta Francisco Zambrana

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

Republican Candidate 11


1,422' 1,422 1,422

Jose Sicart Ma ary francisco Zenbn Geli

518 sr8




Delfin ila Francisco Brngueras Francisco Iglesia

Federal Candidate

1,422 1,422 1,422 1,422 1,422 1,42• 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253 253



Francisco anchez Fernando Aponte

Republican Candidate ,, ''


Manuel R . Rodriguez


J~ J . Estera

Juan C. Mangual Miguel Arill J~ Galvez Morfi Manln Carrasquillo Manuel J . Torres E ladio Delgado Jose R. Sejo Ignacio Aponte Jose Arzuaga A velino Falero Fernando Vazquez Juan Hernandez Jesus Ma. Cortez Eugenio Pagan Francisco Selles 2nd .

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate




Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

Juan Latallada Fr ncisco Pic6n POll SUBSTITU'f'a




Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

atalio Olmeda Paulino Rodriguez

I ,2

Republican Candidate " "



36 36 36 36 36


Republican.. Candidate II


,283 1,283 I ,283 I

36 36 36

Federal Candidate


Ger6nimo Martinez

Republican Candidate


Sebastib Rivera

Republican Candidate

I ,242

Republican Candidate '' ,,

Teodoro Gonzalez Fernando Pons Zapata Ram6n D. San Miguel


I ,242

I ,242

Republican Candidate '' ''

450 37

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

450 37

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Jacobo C6rdova Pio Rechan Ram6n M. Diaz Jose del C. Dlaz Jose D. Davila Ram6n Muiioz Carazo LUcas Daumont hidro Falc6n ~artln Acevedo Esteban Fines

450 450 450 450 450 37 37 37 37 37

Republican Candidate " "

Federal Candidate


Alfredo Bonser Liborio C6rdova Jose R. Muiioz Alfredo U. Vouser Luis Daumont Marcelino Hernandez 7TH DISTRICT .

450 450 450 37 37 37

Republican Candidate " " Fede1al Candidate


Republican C~ndidate Federal Candidate

5,135 7.134


I ,242 I ,242


Francisco Flores Salustiano Daumont

Federico Degetau Felipe Cueva!; .Arredondo

Republican Candidate


Gil Roman Gonzalez Guillermo A. Cruz Juan F . Rodriguez Juan A. L6pez J. Teodoro M. Rodriguez

Apolinar Dlaz. Jose E . Morales



anne! Pelaez

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


1,283 I ,2 3 I ,283 I ,2 3 I ,283

Federal Candidate

Belen Lebron J D. Carminely Hip61ito endez J~ D. Chouden Jose D. Carminely Ezequiel Martinez

Buenaventura Diaz Ram6n Caballero



Eugenio Pacheco Alejo Claudio Lufs Eraticelly lartln Cin tr6n Cruz Suarez Arturo Ricci Juan B. Crescioni .Gaspar E. Negron Manuel Gond.lez Francisco Ortiz

Votes .


Antonio Roig Torruellas J~ Acosta L6pez Manuel Martinez Rose116 Jesus L . Pereyo Correa Felipe Serrano Santiago R. Palmer M11nuel Camu!ias Herminio Diaz Navarro Juan de Guzman Benitez Oetaviano Garda Salgado

Republican Candidate '' ''

Federal Candidate

5,071 5,071 5,070 5,070 5,070 7,097 7,097 7.097 7.097 7,096


Republican' Candidate II


Feder I Candidate

Eu aquio Milland Julian A . Co16n

1,0I5 474

Gavino Vel:isquez Alejo Ramirez

1,0I5 474

Manuel Argueso Lui~ Riefhohl Federico Hem:indez Rafael Sierra Pedro Nazario Julian Ortiz 1? Manuel Surillo Jose Rosel16 JosedeJ . D:ivila 1? Rafael C. Ortiz Lebr6n Vicente Ortiz L6pez Martin Martinez Joaquin A . Garcia Jose Marla Carrillo Jose E. Garda Pascual Lamb Murg6 J . Gumersindo Sugraiier

• Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

I,015 474


VIcente L6~z hrtlnez J u Dominguez Juan N . H errero Juan I. arquez Florencio G . Lebr6n Franci o L . Leduc VaJetln Lebron Mauuel G . Ag to Jose M. E pino Lnf d C. Alqui~r Emilio Cuadra Eulalio G . Garcia Flor Hem ndez Jose S. Janer J Ramirez A velino Ramirez Franci o ega J~ o a Julbe

Republican Candidate II


Federal Candidate

I,OI5 I,OI5 1,015 I,OI5 I,OI5 I ,OI5 I ,015 1 ,OIS 1,015 474 474 474 474 474 474 474 474 374


Ram6n F . Noya Francisco L6pez Vicente 1. Dominguez Pedro de Aldrey J ~ Marla Cuadra Felipe Otero

Republican Candidate II


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Federal Candidate

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

82 I ,9II



J Herrero Cintr6n Lui G . Toro

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Antonio Aguilar lora Candido lartln z


Leandro Aponte Mariano Martorell

5,070 5,070 5,070 7 ,OC}S 7,I03 7,0C}6


Octavi no Ramirez Franci o B Cabrera

Names .

1,0I5 I,OI5 I ,O I5 474 474 474

Republican Candidate



84 87

86 84 83

84 Federal Candidate

83 83 I,9I I I,9I3 I o9I3 I ,9 11

I,9I2 I ,9 I2 I ,902 I,9I I I ,9I I


Joaquin A . Garda Jose T . Villafane Francisco R . G6mez Jose E . Berrios Agusto Gautier Jose P . Berrios

Federal Candidate


1 ,9 11

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate UNICIPAL JUDGE OF RIO GRANDE :

Vicente Dlaz Manuel Benitez Santana

I ,911



Manuel Mellado Jose G . Calder6n

84 84 84

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate






Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

Fr nci o del Valle Juan E . ru z FOR


Antonio Zecbine 16. J Alejandro Jn n L6pez ictoria arciso Mat ntos Jo qu{n Sant Lorenzo Rodriguez Pedro long carl Escobar Ram n Diu J Francisco A . Torr Santi&!~> Hero ndez anne! Pimentel Lui Calderon J A . Rexach David Carri6n Francisco Gimenez F~ipe JUvera

Republican Candidate II




Federal Candidate



529 529 529 529 ' 529 52Q 529 529 529 I,544 1,544 1,544! 1,544 1,544 1,5441,544 1,544 1,544


Repu~lican Can~.idate

Narciso Rodriguez Angel Quinones Rodulfo JUvera Alfredo de Ia Cruz Gerardo Baldrich Carlos Soegard

Federal Candidate


Jose Mendosa Pablo Maldonado

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Julio C. Garda Juan Perez

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

Robustiano Rodriguez Francisco Ram

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


J . elendez Serafin de Santiago

Republican Candidate II


Republican Candidate

Jose Cabrera Arturo Gallardo Ram6n Argueso Juan Silva Jose R. Torres Francisco Cordero Jose D. Melendez Antonio Corsino



Federal Candidate


JesUs Marla Perey6 Tomas Rodriguez Vic~oriano Lebr6n Ram6n Rodriguez Juan Nogueras Antonio Rotger

Republican Candidate II




Federal Candidate


Juan B. Blanco Manuel de Guzman

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

I ,592 I, I I7


Prisco Vizcarrondo Juan Penedo Benitez

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


529 529 529 1,544 1,544 1,544

Faustino Quinones Francisco Trilla

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


I,591 I, I I7


Rafael Veve Calzada Jose Garda Becerril Manuel G6mez Jn n Coca Vidal Juan L6pez G6mez Antonio R. Barce16 J. Modesto Bird Jesus iMoyano Jose A . Carreras Teodosio Mattas

Republican Candidate " "

Federal Candidate

I ,59 I I,59I I ,591 I,59I I o591 I, I I7 I, I I 7

I, I I7 I, I I 7 I, I 17






S. Belaval Jose G. Coca Juan de Dios Torres Jorge Bird Arias Manuel Marla Baralt Domingo Rivera Siaca

Republican Candidate II


I,59I I,59I I,59I

Federal Candidate

I ,II7 I,II7 I, I I7




Republican Candidate Federal Candidate ICIPAL J


Francisco Gimenez Francisco Gim nez Sicard6

126 941


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

126 941

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate epn~lican Can~date

Federal Candidate

126 126 126 126 126 941 941 941 941 94 1




Republican Candidate

T . Dlaz

Pedro Igl ias Antonio Matos arciso Font Guillot Francisco Ca tro Basilio Pinero

Fedt"ral Candidate

126 126 !26 94 1 941 941


Joaquin L . II Juan Caloca

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Ram6n Llovet r G . Salgado

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Eleuterio Landran atalio Moral

Republican Candidate Federal Candidate


Ram6n A . L6pez Evari to Quinon

Republican Candidate



Federal Candidate

729 729 729 588 588 588 588 588


126 941


Juan Cabeza Emilio Pinero R n~odrlgu z Felipe Rey Juan Iong Eng ni Malpica tero de Vizcarrondo Juan Gim~nez icard6 Ignacio Oliver nnel Suarez Rosa

Republican Candidate '' ''

Enrique Ubarri Vicente L6pez Cepero Pablo Bigio Manuel Castrillo William H. Hylan Jo~ Solis Amy Lucas Castro Pedro Toma Ubarri


ann 1 Lizardi Pedro Rodriguez


Name .


Rodolfo Gonzalez R m n H . Delgado



729 58

Republican Candidate

Franci co Esesumaga Pablo Ram6n Enrique Burgos Alfonzo Paniagua J~ Marcano E t~ban Padilla FOR



Federal Candidate


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

Luis Amedee VIctor 'Duteil FOR



de Santiago Santiago Dlaz

821 56


Republican Candidate Federal Candidate

821 56


Francisco Rulz Pedro Dams

Republican Candidate Federal Calfdidate

821 56


Gregorio Brignoni Abd6n Ramos Miguel Marin Jose Macfaline Florencio Alvarez Ezequiel Rivera Manuel P~rez 'Rafael Quinones Ventura Carrasquillo Carlos Ortiz

Republican Candidate



Federal Candidate

821 821 821 821 821 56 56 56 56 56


Modesto Rlos Trinidad Quinones F~ix Mir6 J~ Epifanio Benitez Nicola Molinari Gu tavo Bermudez

Republican Candidate '' ''


Federal Candidate

821 821 821 s6

56 56




declared elected. as hown by



li t :


Fed.~rieo Deg~t,au


G on dl~z .



y Luf nch~z: !orales Juan R m6n Ramos nti o \'~v~ Juan Hem ndu L6pez ] d Di~ Martin~z: Tulio Larrinaga Ram6n ada! y anta Coloma bnuel Peru Aviles • Francisco Coira Lui ·A. Torr gr a Pedro . Vivoni Juan Matt~

1st Di trict

2nd Di trict

4th District

5th District

~6n Riv~ ra

. . .

3rd District

Francisco Linares Franci co P . Quinones Juan de Mata Rivera Juan Cortada Marcelino Torres Ram6n B. Le6n Manuel Gim~nez Crnz ] uan Pons Col6n ]~Munoz Vlizquez Antonio L6pez Cuadra Enriqu~ Bird Arias Silv~rio Castillo

4th District s th District


6th District


7th Di trict

Manuel Egozcue Cintr6n Juan Maten Garcia Ricardo Roca Virgilio Ramos Casellas Jose F . Nliter Gondlez Juan Santiago

San Juan Bayam6n Toa Alta Manatf Vega Baja Comedo

Bernardo Huici Mann Laurentino Estrella Pedro Rivera Collazo Juan Montes Munoz Pedro J. Rivera

Arecibo Camuy Utuado ~i ales



6th District

7th District


M. Deliz Justo M. Martfne.z Tomlis 0 . Santoni Osvaldo E. de Ia Rosa J~ G. H~rnlind~ z Manuel Garrastegui Eu taquio Balsa

Aguadilla Lares Yauco Isabel a San Sebastilin Adjuntas Lajas


1st District


u Marla Amadeo bastilin Dlivila anne! al~ncia Franci o D. C6rdova


Al~jandro Franceschi ]~Manu~! Pietri Francisco V~lez



Fid~l Gnillerm~ty



3rd Di trict

J~Gim~u .

Darlo J . Rola Francisco M. Quinones Pasca io Fajardo Fed~rico L. Cornwell Lor~to d~ J. lontalvo J R. G6m lanu~l V. Domenech Ulpiano Col6n Carl Cabrera Arl tides Dfaz y Diaz Toruli Carri6n Fernando N uii~z ~ . W . Fishback Jose R . Apont~ Pedro C. Timothee J~ Gordil antiago R. Palm~r anuel Camunas _ H~rminio Dfaz Navarro Juan d~ Guzmlin Benitez Octaviano Garda Salgado

DECEMBER 13, 1902.

- ---

2nd Di trict

Mateo Fajardo Cardona J~ A . Vivoni J~ B. Badillo Agustin Pesant~ Paz Juan Rivera Estrada Toruli Molini J~ A . Busigo Julio P . 'Castro

Mayagiiez San Germlin Aguada Anasco Las Manas Maricao Sabana Grande Cabo Rojo

DECEMBER 13, 1902.





Ponce Juana Diaz Barr Coamo FOR l\IAVOR, 6TH DISTRICT:

Fernando Lngo iiias Arturo Diaz Vazqu z G rva io G . Diaz Franci o nchez anu I R. Rodrigue.~: J icart fa ari Geronimo lardnez Bu naventura Diaz FOR •

Guayama Cayey Cliguas Hato Grande Santa I abel Patilla Aibonito Aguas Buenas


Octaviano Ramirez Gond.lez ariano lartorell J G . Calderon Pablo aldonado Juan B. Blanco Ram6n H . Delgado Joaquin II Lu[ Amedee

Hnmacao Yabucoa Rio Grande Naguabo Faiardo Carolina Rio Pied;as Vieqnes


Franci o Soriano iguel Caiiellas J ller Diaz Juan Quintero Juan Ramos Casella Pedro Gim&lez Santiago J A . antiago

San Juan San Juan Bayam6n Toa Alta Manatl Vega Baja Comerio


J In6! G6mez Padilla J u Gonzlilez _ Lui Pfo Toro valdo Nieves implicio Cordero

Arecibo Camny Utnado Ciales Morovis


Emesto Echevarria y Gallart J Collazo Francisco Pieraldi b tian Bannchi Narciso Rabel! Cabrero

Aguadilla Lares Yauco Isabel a San Seba tilin

Juan Cmz Bosch y Gard:f Jose Ram6n Ponce

Adjuntas Lajas


Lorenzo Martinez Olminas Emesto Forestier Eulogio Gimenez Pablo Guarch Rivera Antonio Guillot Rafael Quinones Manuel Irizarry Tom lis V . del Toro

Mayagiiez San Germlin Aguada A fiasco Las Marias Maricao Sabana Grande Cabo Rojo


I idoro Uriarte Jose Zambrana Severiano Arroyo V. Ubaldino Col6n

Ponce Juana Diaz Barros Coamo


Guillermo Alvarez Slinchez Ricardo de Ia Torre Jose Molina Mufioz Leocadio Torres Angel B. Torres Juan Latallada Sebastilin Riveras Apolinar Diaz

Guayama Cayey Cligua Hato Grande Santa Isabel Patillas Aibonito Aguas Buenas


Antonio Aguilar Mora Julian A . Col6n Manuel Benitez Santana Juan Perez Prisco Vizcarrondo Francisco Gimenez Sicard6 Ram6n Llobet Jose de Santiago

Humacao Yabucoa Rio Grande Naguabo Fajardo Carolina Rfo Piedra Vieques


Luis Freyre Barbosa Americo Salas Rafael Burgos J oaqu!n Diego J ime Suro Ram6n Mel6n Ramos Guillermo Viner

San Juan San Juan Bayam6n Toa Alta Man ad Vega Baja Comerlo



Rodulfo Hernandez L6pe1 ri uno Latorre Gu tavo , ·in Paulino Parma J R. Quiii n antiago L. Velez Juan 0 . Martinez

Aguadilla Lar Yauco I abela an Seba tian Adjunta Lajas


Mayagiiez an German Aguada A fiasco Las Marias Marie o abana Grande Cabo Rojo FOR SUBSTITUTE MUNICIPAL JUDGE, 5TH DISTRICT :

.farcial Morale. Delfin Col6n Phicido L6pez y Dlaz juan R. Jusino FOR


Ponce Juana Dfaz Barros Coamo


Ezequiel Rivera Juan Romero Fernando Puig Anger I ac 1angual Pedro lora • atalio lmeda lanuel Pelaez Franci o Flores

Guayama Cayey Cagua Hato Grande anta I abel Patilla Aibonito Aguas Buena


Herrero Cintr6n Alejo Ramirez Juan G . Cruz Franci o Ramos Fan ti.no Quinones



,Arecibo Camuy tuado Ciales Morovi


DECEMBER 13, 1902.

Humacao Yabucoa Rfo Grand Nagu bo Fajardo

Pedro Rodriguez Eleuterio Landrau Francisco Ru{z FOR MUNICIPAL COUNCIL,

Ram6n Latimer jose Pilar Miranda R ndo Rivera oa Enrique Aquino Cayetano Coli y Cuchl Antonio Moreno y Calder6n Julian ilva Rafael Guillermety Americo Geigel abat Manuel Rodriguez E teban Moreno Sandalio Torres Monge Ru fino Lasalle Velilla Pedro Falu Luis Chevremont Jose L. Rossy Raimundo Rodrlgue1 Jose R. Fibot Segundo Mas Hermenegildo Gonzale1 Medardo Rivera Jose Orraca Ceferino evares Francisco Serrano Juan Marfa Jordan Jose Guemares Francisco Perez Pedro L6pez Andres L6pez Eladio Miranda Francisco J . Rodriguez Placido N evares Trinidad Llanger Franci co Casellas Delfin uro Franci co Mendez alvador Freytes valdo Freytes Evari to Camacho Sandalio Marrero Mariano Uvifias joaquin Suro Jose Ram6n Gonzalez Emilio Miranda Negr6n

Carolina Rfo Piedras Vieques 1ST DISTRICT :

an Juan "

Bayam6n "

1'oa Alta


,, Ve~~ Baja


Name .


J cinto ijo Garda E milio E calera Garda ntiago D vila Carri6n el ti no P rez Garda Rivera Modesto Cobian Artemio mpierre Cirilo ruz J Vega

Ve~~ Baja



1 nuel Ledesma dri n Padilla Artu ro E . Dfaz li Calcaiio J livill Joan . \ batt J u an Ro c Federico Ju arbc: Seba ti n Figueroa Anton io ulivera Ju an E . 1arfn Fran ci co Olivera T om Botleta Pedro Moral J u ti niano ClaveHn Ram6 1illans H onoria Hernandez Fern ndo P . Ledesma Jose B. Cordero Franci o R . aavedra F lix Lamela Pedro Gonzalez Men a J C. Vega Gregorio Rodriguez Ramiro Martinez Manuel Rivera E teban G6mez Ra m6n Gonzalez Gilves Angel E pada Ju n Ramos valdo Alfonz'O J Ram6n Exclu a Jose Rodriguez Edu ari:lo Barreras Ram6n Montes Gonzalez Ram6n ! on tijo Joaqu in Hern andez Ventu ra Padr6 J u an Laureano Julian de Jesu

DECEMBE R 13, 1902.



'' Cam uy ''

Utu ado

Cia les


H eraclio Rivera J o e Salome Burgos Jose Miguel Rivera



Julio A . Roque Emesto E. Acevedo Nestor C . Quifiones Tomas Babilonia Natalia Maysonave Victor Calder6n Jose L . Sosa Sanjurjo Demetrio Badillo .Manuel Gimenez Ines Castro Manuel L6pez Emiliano Pol Sinforiano Segarra Eugenio Ramos Leonardo Arvelo Antonio G . L6pez Ignacio Ostoloza Francisl!o. Vazquez Luis Morales Miguel Mariani Felix Rodriguez Francisco Antiorgiorgi Eloizo Cupril Santiago Sallaverry Francisco Cata la Domingo Antonmattey Victor Sa llaverry Felipe Alfaro Juan C. Monclova Jose R . de Ia Cruz Francisco G . Chaves Pedro M . Alfaro Ju an T . Caban Francisco Roig Rufo Echevarria Pedro Betancourt Basilio Rodriguez Ger6nimo P . Luciano Juan Geraldez Boch Pedro Segarra Padilla Ignacio M . Garda Ceferino R . Torres Ignacio P . Iri arry Juan A . Rodriguez Fernando Calder

Aguadilla "

L a res


I sabela

San Sebastian


La ~. a s



Emtlio Al varez Juan C. rt!z FOR lll ' NICIPAL CO NCIL, 4TH Dl TRICT :

Cumelo Carlos Pedro Grau Ram6n Rivera Fr nci o iartinez Otero B. rtiz J Eu nio Forestier Victoriano Rodrigu z Franci o lano Aquer6n Alfredo algado Ju n E . Rivera Isaac Irizarry a port Juan Ca tera c Lui Faj rdo • :Juan Ba) c J . Ortiz Franci o Telut Uli Gregori J f. 'rtlz Fermin 1azario J Velez anti go ambolin Vicent Velez Edu;u'do Nazario J Ia . Ac ta Ram6n Gim~nez Rodriguez Ventura Fornet Pedro J . L6pez J~ Muniz Pedro R. Caban Le6n Gardere Pedro 1andia Loren-zo Romero Manuel Betances Pllicido Polanco lanuel lonse er Julio Olivieri Pedro lunoz Domingo antos Velez inforiano Bayron Eugenio Padilla Lui Ia . Marin Jose P . Rodriguez Domingo imoneti Bruno P~rez Calixto Carrera J . Virgilio hrtlnez





]~A .

Martinez Manuel Soto Almod6var Ana ta io rtiz Franci o Comas Ortiz Felix Irizarry Gregorio Ramirez Acosta Juan Vinal Felix Ayala

Sabana Grande


Cabo Rojo


an German




Las Marias



Sabana Grande

Nemesio Ventura Juan Nieves Rivera Buenaventura Barn~ Fernando endrell J~ B. Ortiz J~ Marin Manuel B. Avenan Joaquin Domingo ordan J~ Pons Juan Hass Juan Campos Eduardo alich Rosendo Co16n Salvador Maldonado Joaquin S . Lugo Espartano Franceschi Faustino Diaz Rafael E . Vazquez J~ Ma . Rodriguez P!o Valed6n J~ Davila Santiago Herna ndez Felipe Co16n Diaz atividad Guzman J~ Ma . Rivera Co16n Francisco Carreras Bou Juan Ba . Latorre Marcelino Maldonado J~ Jesus M lendez Ortiz Andr~ Gonzalez Melit6n Co16n Melendez Aniceto Berrios Rivera Roberto Vivas Bou Clotilde Aponte Jose Aguitu Pedro Lefebre Fernando Miura Guillermo Dro


Juana ,, Diaz

Barro s


)Ol'R FOR li!U


DECEMBER 13, 1902.




Guillermo Gordrean ] lgado Lebr6n Tom V. Curet Jn n B. Guzman Guillermo lcCormick E u n io L. Curet Julio uarez Jn n . Rivera Franci co C. Aponte rturo . Delgado Vicente R. \ 'lhquez andalio L6pez Franci o If P¢ro Juan V'zquez fanu I Cintr6n Vazquez Lui Cap6 Munoz Franci o Ramos Rufo J . Gonzalez Juan R . Quinones Juan D. H ernandez FedericQ Dfaz L6pez Cel tino Sola Enrique l oreno Nicol J. Aguayo Marti Vicent B. Munoz Barrios Antonio de Jesus Defin Vila Franci o Brugeras Eranci o Iglesia ]nan E . hngual Miguel Arill Calves Morfi J fart!n Carrasquillo Manu I J . T orres Eladio Delgado Lino A . Burg ] antiago Julio lercado Lino Laboy Sotero Burgos Eugenio Pacheco Alejo Claudio Lui Fraticelly art!n Cintr6n ruz uarez Gil Ram6n Gond.lez Guillermo A . Cruz




Juan F . Rodriguez Juan A . L6pez J . Teodoro M. Rodriguez Jacobo C6rdova Pi6 Rechani Ram6n M. Dfaz Jose D. Davila Jose del c. Dlaz

Aibonito A~.as




Caguas "

Hato Grande

anta I abel



Vicente L6pez Martinez Jesu Dominguez Juan N. Herrero Juan M. M'rquez Florencio G . Lebr6n Francisco F . Leduc Valentin Lebr6n Manuel G . Agosto Jose M. Espino JosedeJ . Davila r • Rafael C. Ortfz Lebr6n Vicente rtlz L6pez Martfn Martinez Joaquin A . Garda Jose Ma . Carrillo Jose E . Garda Pascual Lamb Murgo J . Gumersindo Sugrafier Jose Ram6n Dlaz Francisco A . Torres Santiago Hernandez Manuel Pimentel Luis Calder6n Jose A . Rexach David A. Carri6n Francisco Gimenez Felipe Rivera Juan Silva Jose R . Torres Francisco Cordero Jose D. Melendez Antonio Corsino Rafael Veve Calzada Jose Garda Becerril Manuel G6mez Juan Coca Vidal Juan L6pez G6mez Eugenio Malpica Sotero de Vizcarroudo Juan Gimenez Sicard6



Rio Grande





arolina Rio Piedra

\ 'ieques


Ram6n Falc6n Joee c. Ro Ram6n Negr6n Flores Virgilio Davila Manuel Gotay • J u Gonzalez danuel Perez Celedonio Blanco Andres Rivera Manuel Blasque Ac ta 1iranda J Candido Acevedo Rafael Fernandez J N . Girona Francisco L . Am deo Lui Pio :incbez Juan Bta Carmona Gumersindo Carmona



an Juan Bayam6n T oa Alta Manati


Vega Baja Comerio


Juan L . Rodriguez Manuel Balseiro Julio L6pez Ga t!mbidez Lui Abram Arturo Umpierre Julio de. J eslls Adrian Cueto J nan Palop Soler Eduardo Igl ia Juan G . Galvarin Herrn6gen Dfaz Manuel Villalobos Felix ~- unoz ann I Moral Jose Fontan

Arecibo Camuy Utuado Ciales Morovi


Julio 0 . Abril Antonio Torregrosa Miguel Marquez Eduardo Rey Aurelio M. Serrano Valeriano Asenjo Andres Mattey Santiago Villanueva Rafael Delgado Vicente Roura Francisco Q . D . Gonzalez Augusto uarez Manuel R . Cabrera Angel Franco Soto Miguel R. Cancio Enrique B. L6pez Jose V. Martfnez Vhquez Jose A . Rivera Juan Ramirez Pedro V . Ramirez Virgilio Zapata


Lares Yauco Isabel a San Sebastian




V!ctor Primo Martinez Nicolas Gimenez Genaro Cortes Enrique J . Rossy Juan Bta Biaggi Toma ivoni Jose Celestino Moret Federico Torres Juan Rivera Sergio Ramirez Arellano Eduardo Casalduc Leocadio G. Sanchez America Oms Sulsona Manuel Velez Rivera Santiago Rivera Alfonso Costa Felipe Nevi Quinones Francisco E. Martinez Felix Ti6 y Malaret Manuel Antorgiorgi Clemente Vazquez Delfin Ramirez Sevetiano Ramirez Enrique L6pez Delgado

San German

Anasco Las Marias Maricao abana Grande






ntonio fora] Juan C. a tello Pedro J . Fournier Pedro Monclova Leandro ilirich i nte Aponte ilv tre Torren Ri ach Jo quln Col6n Ra! 1 L Davila Leonardo Igaravidez Benigno Torres Brigido Gim nez Rafael ulivera Lnl de J 6 Antonio A. L6pez Jua.P Ortiz Willinl Manuel . unez Benigno Garda de Quevedo J F . Alvarez Maim! Rafael rce Y• Rollet iignel M. Ferrer J G6tnez Jose Guti rrez liguel Morales Juan Banti ta Hitce Agu tin Cuesta Fratlci o Zambrana Belen Lebr6n J D. Carminely Hip6lito Mendez Teodoro Gonzalez Fernando Pons Zapata Ram6n D. San Miguel Alfredo Bon r Liborio rdova Jose R . Muiioz FOR.

Ponce Juana Dlaz Barros Coamo Guayama

" Cayey


Ram6n Rodriguez Juan Nogueras Antonio Rotger Ricardo S . Belabal Jose G. Coca Juan de Dios Torres Narciso Font Guillot Francisco Castro Ba ilio Pinero Francisco Eresumaga Pablo Ram6n Enrique Burgos ·Modesto Rios Trinidad Quinones Felix Mir6


" Carolina Rio Piedras Vie~u es

On motion of Mr. Elliott , the Council then adjourned.


ANDRES CR6SAS, Presidmt pro tempore .

Hato Grande Santa Isabel


Pat ill as Aibonito Aguas Buena "


Ram6n F. N oya Franci o L6pez FranciscO L6pez Vicente M. Dominguez Jose E . Berrios Augusto Gautier J P . Berrios Alfredo de Ia Cruz Angel Quinon Rod ulfo · Rivera

DECEMBER 13, 1902.


Yabucoa Rio G~~nde ( Naguabo)

1902 .

The Council met at 2 :00 o'clock p . m :~ Upon the calling of the roll the following members appeared and answered to their names: Messrs. Barbosa, Bposo, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott , Garrison, and Willoughby ........ .. ..... . . . ....... ..... 7 Absent : Messrs . Benitez, Harlan, Hartzell and Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . 4 The reading of the minutes of the last meeting was disensed with and the same were approved. The Franchice Committee submitted report upon the application of Walter M. Yeager for the right to construct, acquire, maintain and operate a railroad from Catano to Ponce, recommending that the said franchise be granted . The Committee submitted ith said report the followi ng resolution: "WHEREAS, application has been made by Walter M. Yeager under date of March t:, 1902, for the right to construct, acquire, maintain and operate a line of railroad from Cataiio to Ponce; and

DECEMBER 16, 1902.

39 1


"' IIRRR.\S, the xecutive Council, by resolution approved ov mbf'r 25, 1<)02, decl red that it was for the b t interel!t of the I land that the water-power generated by aid Falls of om rio bould be used for the operation of a railroad from P nee, rath r than for the generaJion of power for ·; and RE s, th mmlltee on Franchises, Privileg and on . ion h determined the pro\'1 ions and condition wh ich hould be included in any grant of the right to con truct a ra1lro d from Cat iio to P nee ; and " \VHRRE.\S, the grant a~d the Vandegrift Con truction ompan , with whum the gra ntee is associated , have accepted uch con-ditions and have made a cash deposit of ten thou and ( 10,000) d liars, • required by the Committee on Franchises, Priv1l g and one :oJOns; ... ' ow , TH ER FOR E, a~ it R tSohtd D)' tlu Et cntll'iX Council of Porto Rico Th at the right to construct , acquire, maintain and operat a line of railroad from Catano to Ponce is hereby granted to \\' :1lt r :\1 Yeager and the Committee on Fran · chi , Privile and Cone ions is hereby directed to draft an ordmance ttlng forth the e act nature and terms of th grant , in accordance with the conditions agreed upon between the grantee and the Committee on Franchises, Privileges and one ion ; nd furthermore, that the ten thousand ( 10,000) doll d posited by the Vandegrift Con ction Company, on behalf of the aid Walter L Yeager , hall be accepted by the Trea urer of Porto Rico as a trust fund , subject to the further ord r of the Executive Council of Porto Rico , to he held a a guarantee that uch ordinance a aid Council may en:~.c t upon the several applications of the ·aid Walter f. Yeager will be accept by him and suah bond as bas been agreed upon shall b executed nd delivered by the grantee withi n the time provided in the ordinance". The report of th Franchise Committee above referred to adopted by the followin g vote: ln th affirmative were: Barbosa , Bri , Cintr6n , Cr6sa , Elliott , Garrison , Willoughb nd Lind ay . . . . . . . . . . ...... . A nt .

rs. Benitez , Harlan and Hartzell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 On the que tion " Shall the foregoing resolution, granting a franchise to Walter M . Yeager for the construction of a railroad from Catafio to Ponce be approved?" it was decided as follows : In the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa , Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison , Lind ay and Willoughby ...... . .......... . ... . In the negative-None . Absent : Mes rs. Benitez , Harlan and Hartzell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Report of the Committee on Franchises and the said resolu· tion were declared duly adopted and approved . The Franchise Committee submitted report recommending that a franchi se be granted to Ju an Cabeza for the construction of a wooden bridge over the Loiza river for the purpose of tran · porting cane. The report was adopted. The Committee submitted with aid report a form of ordinance covering said grant, entitled : " An Ordina nce granting to Jua n Cabeza, his heirs, exec· utors, administrators and a signs, the right to con truct a wooden bridge over the river Loi za for the transportation of cane ''.

On the q uestion "Shall thi s franchise be granted? " it was decided a follows : In the affirmative were : Mes rs . Barbosa , Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison , Lindsay and Willough by ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ln the negative- one~ Ab nt : Messrs . Benitez , Harlan and H artzell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The aid ordinance was declared duly approved . The Committee on Municipal and Private Corporations sub· mitted report recommending that the Alcalde of anatl be aavised that section 23 of the Municipal Law includes, among other enumera ed powers of municipal councils, that of pas ing an ordinance relative to, and regulating the ,construction of buildings. The report was adopted . The Finance C,ommittee ubmitted report recommending that the ordinance adopted by the Municipal Council of Arecibo on December 12, 1<)02, designating the banking house of De Ford and Co. of San Juan as the depositary for the sinking fund




r th red mpti n of the bond of aid City of Arecibo , be appro,·ed ; aid orwnanc conforming in all respect to the f,,rm h ret fore , n the 5th day of Decemb r, 1902, approved by he Ex uth·e ouncil, and entered in the minut of the meet. :~g of ·d date. a adopted .' n th qu tion " hall the for going ordinance be approved? " it wa decided a folio\ : oting in the affirmative were: IS. B rbosa , Brioso, Cintr6n, r ·as, Elliott, arrison, Lin ay and\ illoughby....................... d

. Benit z, Harlan and Hartzell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The ordinance a declve<I duly approved. The following ~ ge was received from His Excellency, the Gbvernor of Porto Rico: ExECUTrvl! MANSION PORTO RICO. AN J AN , P . R., DECEMBER 13TH, 1902 .


Tlt:e Execulitoe Council, an Juan, P. R . irs: I have the honor to ubmit for your approval the nomination of jose Ramon Roig as Ju tice of the Peace at Utuado . Very respectfully, WM . H . HUNT, Governor. By un•nimou consent, under u pen ion of the rules, the foregoing nomination wa taken up and con idered without reference to Committee. · On the qu tion _" hall th~ nomination be confirmed? " it decided a follow : Voting in the affirmative were: M rs. Barbosa, Brioso, Cintron , Cr as, Elliott, Garrison, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative--None. Absent: r . Benitez, Harlan and Hartzell . .. ............... . 3 The nomination was declared duly confirmed.

16, 1902.



The following mes age was 'received from His Excellency, "

th~Governor .



} 1<)02 .

Tile Executive Council, Sa" Jua", P . R . irs: I have the honor to inform you that I have this day signed and approved "An Ordinance granting to the Municipality of Guayama the right to construct a telephone line between Guayama and Arroyo and to operate the same for public purposes" . Very respectfully, WM . H. HUNT Governor. Ordered filed. The Committee on Public Institutions and Property submitted report recommending that no action be taken on the revision of the budget at the Boys' Charity School for salary account, fiscal year I<}02·I90J, submitted by the Director of Charities under date of October 16, 1902, until such time as the said Director of Charities shall have submitted such amJ:ndments to the rules governing said institution as would justify the changes sought. ~ The report was adopted by the following vote : Voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa , Brioso, Cintron, Gr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Lindsay and Willoughby. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative--None. Absent: Mes rs. Benit'ez , Harlan and Hartzell ....... . . . . . . . . . . . 3 On motion of Mr. Elliott, the Council then adjourned. ANDRES CR6SAS, President pro tempore .

' R.



IEETI ' G DECEMBER 27TH , 1902. The Council met at 10:30 a . m . In th a nee of the President pro tempore , Mr. Elliott took th Chair. r. G rrison moved that Mr . Elliott be elected temporary iding officer of the Council until such ~ime as the ~resident p t pore hall be able to a ume hi duties. Mr. Elhott was unanim us! elected temporary presiding officer. nder the direction of the presiding officer, the Clerk called the r. :when th following members appeared and an wered to their nam M .B r a , Benitez , Brioso , Cintr6n, Elliott, Garrison, Lindsay and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Absent: rs Cr6sa' Harlan and Hartzell . . ..... · · · · · · · · · · · · 3 n ~otion , ;he readi~g of the minutes of the Ia t meeting a di pensed with and the same were approved. The following mes age wa received from His Excellency, the Governor : ExECUTIVE MANSION PORTO RICO . AN }CAN , P . R., DECEMBER 17TH, 1902 . Tile Honorahk , Tile Executive Council,

San juan , P. R . Sir : I have the honor to ubmit for your approval the nomination of Ceferino Rivera Torres and Antonio Yrizarri Quinones a members of the City Council of Adjunta . Respectfully, W111.

H . HuNT , Governor.

The rul were su pended and, upon the question "Shall the foregoing nomination be confirmed?' ' it was decided a follow : In the affirmative were : M rs. Barbosa , Be.n itez, Brioso, Cintr6n , Lindsay, Elliott, Garri n and Willoughby ... .. . . .. . . . . · · · · · · · · · In th negative- one. Absent:



Mes rs. Cr6sa , Harlan and H.trtzell .................. · · 3 So the said nominations were declared unanimou ·ly confirmed . A communication from Benjamin F . Butler, Supervisor of Elections, requesting a tran fer of $25,000 to meet the deficiency in the Election Appropriation for 1902, was read and referred to the Committee on Elections . The Finance Committee ubmitted a report recommending that the ordinance adopted by the Municipal Council of Ponce, December 20, 1902, and the ordinance adopted by the Municipal Council of Mayagiiez on December 15, 1902, designating the Banking House of De Ford and Co. of an Juan as the depositary for the sinking funds for the redemption of the bonds of said cities be approved ; said ordinances conforming in all respect to the form heretofore, on the 5th day of December, 1902, approved by the Executive Council and entered in the minutes of the meeting of said date . The reports were adopted. Upon the question " hall the foregoing ordinances be approved?" it was decided as follows : In the affirmative were : Mes rs . Barbosa, Benite:r. , Brioso, Cintr6n, Elliott, Garrison, Lindsay and Willoughby .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 In the negative-None. Absent : Messrs. Cr6sa , Harlan , and Hartzetf........... . ....... 3 The said ordinances were thereupon declared duly approved. Mr. Garrison offered the following resolution, which was agreed to: " RESOLVED : That the Banking House of De Ford and Co. San Juan, having been designated as depositary of the sinking funds for the redemption of the Bonds issued by the Cities of San Juan, Ponce, Mayagiiez and Ar~:cibo, and such designation having been ratified and approved by the Executive Council, the said Banking House of De Ford and Company, be and is hereby requested to forward the Trea urer and the Auditor of Porto Rico on the first day of January and the first day of July in each and every year, or as soon thereafter as possible, an itemized statement of the inking fund account of each of the said municipalities ; and also a like statement to the Alcalde of each of the aid municipalities. " It being shown that two certificates of election had been is-




u B. rti:r. and that one of aid certificates hould b&\' been i ued to J A . rti:r. , it wa resolved that a new rtificat should be i ued to the aid Joee A. Ortiz , Municipal Councilm n elect for the City of Mayagiiez . Th Finance ommittee ubmitted a report upon the request of th mmi ioner of Education that all money paid by the vera! municipalities for d k. furni bed to their chools and hich hav been paid for out of money appropriated by the 'slature under th item " Contingent Expen of Common hool " be credited to the ame account when received from id municipaliti . The Committee su bmitted with it report the following r lution : " RE LVED : That it is the sen of the Executive Council that the proceeds of the sales of desk. to municipa\!ties r~eived b the partmen~ of Edtkation , hall be depostted wt~ ~e Tre. urer of Porto Rico as a reimbursement to the appropnattcn from , hich uch d k. were purcha d , provided that in all such it ball clearly appear that uch ales were made simply as n ac modation to the municipalities and to enable them to obtain d k at lower rates and not a sales of unserviceable or unnec ary desks, no longer required for use . "A nd provided jwrllrer, that the Disbursing Officer of the Jkpartment of Education hall render to the Auditor a pro~ account for the receipts from all such sales and the depo tts made on account of ame to the credit of the appropriation from hich the school desk were purchased ." Which wa · agieed to by the following vote : In the affirmative were : M srs . Barbosa , Benitez , Brioso, Cintr6n , Elliott, Garrison , Lindsay and Willoughby ................. · · · · · 8 In the negati,·e-None . A nt: M rs. Cr as, Harlan -and Hartzell ........ · . · · · · · · · · · · 3 On motioe o Mr . \ illoughby , the Council then adjourned .

W . H . ELLIOTT, Prtsiding Officer.

DECEMBER 31 , 1902.




The Council met at 10.00 o'clock a. m . Upon the calling of the roll , the following members appear· ed and answered to their names: M rs. Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n , Cr6sas, Elliott , Garrison , Lindsay and Willoughby . ............. 9 Absent : ....................... 2 Mes rs. Harlan and Hartzell On motion , the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was di pensed with and the same were approved. The Committee on Printing submitted report on the propos· als of El Pai , San Juan News, Boletin Mercantil, Porto Rico Sun and Tuzo and Company, for the legislative printing of the Executive Council for the session of 1903, with a statement that the bid of the San Juan News was the lowest bid for aid work . The report was adopted. The bid of the San Juan News for doing said printing is as follows : For printing 100 copies of Bills, Resolutions and Joint Resolutions introduced in the Executive Council in Engli h and Spanish, per page . . . . . . . ..... .... .. 95 cent . For each additional 100 copies of the same, per page . . ... . .. . ........ . ... . .... . .... . . .. . ..... .. .. 10 cents. Mr. Garrison moved that the foFegoing bid of the San Juan News be accepted and that the legislative printing of the Execu· tive Council for the legislative session of 1903 be awarded to said firm, which was agreed to by the following vote : In the affirmative were: Messrs. Barbosa , Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, E lliott , Garrison, Lindsay and Willoughby ............. 9 In the negative-None. Absent: Mes rs. Harlan and Hartzell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The legi lative printing above referred to was thereupon declared duly awarded to the San Juan New , Hobart S . Bird , Proprietor. The Finance Committee submitted a report on the bonds given by the banking house of De Ford and Co. of San Juan , as depositary for the sinking funds of the Municipalities of San ' Juan, Ponce, Mayagiiez and Arecibo, recomending that the

DECEMBER 31, 1902.

meric n Banking aid bonds. The report wa In the ffirmativ wer : a, Benjt z, n , Lind ay

ltimore be approved as surety on dopted QY the following vote: Brioso, Cintr6n, Cr6sas, Elliott , and Willoughby . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


a wooden bridge over the river Loiza for the transportation of cane ''. Respectfully , WM . H . HUNT,

Governor. On motion , the Council then adjourned to meet next Friday afternoon, January 2, 1903, at 2:30 o 'clock. ANDRES CR6sAS ,

........ ....... 2 . H r1 n and Hart zell Ftn nee Committee ubmitted a report recommending that the E ecutive Council authorize and fix the alaries of the t o pecial primary teacbe of the new Model of Practice boo! at Rio Piedra t the rate of each for the school ear from February 1, 1903; also the alary of a janitor for the aid fodel of Practi School at the rate of $36o per annum ftom February t, '903 · The report was adopted by the follow ing vote: In th affirmative were : :\1 rs .•Barbosa, Benitez, Brioso, Cintr6u , Cr6sas, Elliott, Garrison, Lindsay and Willoughby ......... ...... .. ... 9

. Harlan and Hartzell ....................... ... . .. . .. . .. .. . . . 2 'I'he question of securing further quarters for the use of the Executive Council during the coming legislative session wa taken up and coo idered. By con ot , t he President pro tempou was requested to communicate with the peaker of the House of Delegates looking to the securement of certain quarters now occupied by the House . The following m age was received from His Excellency , the Governor: EXEC TIV£ MANSION

Rrco . P . R ., 0£C£~1BER




Tlu Htmorahle , Tlu Executive Cou11dl, Sa11 jua11, P . R . Gentlemen : I have the honor to inform you that I have this day approved " An Ordinance granting to juan Cabezas, hi heirs, executors, admini traton and a ign , the right to construct

President pro tempore.

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