Asimilación cultural/ Puertorriqueños en Nueva York: bibliografía

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Abrams, Charles. Ferbldden nelghbors; a study of prejudlce la houslng. New York, Harper [1955], UOU p.

Arán Gasaell, Patria. The Puerto Ricans In New York City. New York, 19^^5. 6kl nuaib. (Thesls (M.A. )-N. Y. U.)

Berle, Beatrice (Blahop). 80 Puerto Rlcan faailiea in New Yerk City; health and dlsease studied in context. Néw Yerk, Coluobia Uhiversity Presa, 1958. 331 p.

Brooklyn Council for Secial Pianning. Report on survey of Brooklyn agenclea reodering servlcea to Puerto Rieana by Brooklyn Council for Secial Pianning affillated with Welfare and Health Council of NOw Yerk City. New York, Brooklyn Council for Social Pianning, 1953. 23 nunb.

Brown, i^tle Irene. Changing matemity care patterna in migrant Puerto Ricana: a atudy of acculturation in a group of Puerto Rlcaa-bom wciaen In New Yerk City... [New York] I96I. Microfilm.

Burma, Hdm H. Spanish-apeaking groupa in the Uhited Statea. [norham, N. C. ] Buke iXaiverslty Presa, I95I». 21h p.

Cebollero, Pedro Angel. Reacticna of Puerto Rican children in New York City to payehelegical testa. San ^vmn, P.R., The Puerto Rico SchoOl Review [1936]. U p.

Chenault, Lawrenoe Reyce. The Puerto Rloan migrant la ifew York City. New Yerk, Coluaíbia univeraity preaa, 1938. I90 p.

Colán, Jeaiis. A Puerto Rican in New Yerk, and ether aketchea. NOw York, Main8tream,.a96l. 202.

cetto, Mhie* Ceraedn adentro. New Yerk, lliniaterio Hiapaao-Anericano, Iglesia de Riversido [1966]. 1^ p.

Imsiae, Leda. Same faetora in aati-aegre prejudice among iAierto Ricaa beys la NOw Yerk City. Aaa Arber, Mioh., IW-rerslty Micrefilma, 1956. Microfilm. (Theaia-N. Y. ü.)


Glazer» Náthan* Bey<n)d the meXting pot; the Negroes, Bierto Rlcaas, Jews, Itallans, and Irlsh of New York Clty« by NkthAn GXazer and Daniel Batrick Kipyaihan. Caabridgei Masa. M. I. T. Presa, 1963* 360 p.

GkÜdaen, Rose Kohn. Rierto Ricao algratlon to Nev York City; a stuiy In the procesa of nasa comunlcatlon In an inter-ethnic situation. [Rev Haven, Conn»] 1952. Microfilm.

Handlin, Oscar. The nevcomera: Régroes and Puerto Ricans in a changing metrópolis. Cambridge, Harvard Uiiversity Areas, I959. 171 p.

Lewia, Oscar. La vida; a Puerto Rican faaily in the culture of poverty: San JUan and Hew York. Ifev York, Random Hoose [0X966]. 669 p.

Lohkett, Edvard B. The Puerto Rico problem. ivew York, Eapoaltlaa Presa [196UJ. 196 p.

Milis, Charlea Wright. The Puerto Rican journey; New York'a neweat migrante, by C. Wright Milla, Clarence Sénior [and] Rose Kohn Obldsen. Nev York, Hárper [1950]. 238 p.

Nev York (City) Mayor'a Coandtte on fherto Rican Affaira. Interim report of the Ma^'a Coaaaitte on Puerto Rican Affaira in Nev York City, September, I9l»9 to September 1953. h2 i.

Nev York Uhiveraity. Giraduate School of Public Adminiatration and Social Service. The iipact of Puerto Rican migration on govwzBaental Servicea in Mtv York City [by] Rhoda H. Bwkowite [and othera] lav'dBSflc, Nev York Ctaiveralty Presa, I957. 71» p.

Aulilla, Elena. Up from Puerto Rico. Hév York, Columbia Ubiveralty Areas, 1956. p308 p.

Párez JUsino, David. A auggeated human relationa i>rogrcua fcr Puerto Ricana in Spaniah Harlem; a report of type B project. [Nev York, N.Y., ColuBbia ühlverslty Librarles] 1952. Microfilm. (Theaia—Columbia Uhiv.)

Puerto Rico. Department of Labor. Migration División. Arogreaa report on the Puerto Rican migrants, by Manuel Cabranea. Nev York [1950] 10 I. Ricana. NOv York, txford Uhiveraity fresa, 1958. 178 p.

Ribea, Tovar, Pedarleo. El libro puertorritueOo de Nueva York* Haadbook of the PiMrto Rloaa eipmiHlty. [NOv York, XI libro Biertorriquello] I968Y. 1.

Ruiz, Pmuita. Vocational aeeda of Puerto Rleaa mlipnuita. Río Hedraa, Xoeial Scieaoe Reaearoh Canter, Uhlv. of Alerto Rico, I9b7. 81» f.

Xeotford, jfalui Ryland. Withia theae berdera; ffpaaiah aiiabinn meoiloa iatheo. 8. A. NOv Terk, Prltndablp Proas [1953^. 15X ^

Senloor, Cl^ence OUson. Our oltiseas froa tht (Sa:Mbbean* St. IiOuiaf Webster División» Me (bmw-Hlll [1965], 122 p.

Sénior» Clarence OUson. The Puerto Rlcans of Nev York Clty [by Clareaesi Sénior asslsted by Carinen Isales] IMnr York» Nev York Office» Biployment and Mlgratlon Bureau» Rierto Rico Dept. of Labor [19^8¡r]. 102 p.

Sénior» Clareace OUson. The Axerto Rlcans: strangers-then nel^bors. Chicago» Pabllshed In cooperatlon vlth the Antl-Defaioatlou League of Brlth by Quadrangle Books [1965]. 128 p.

Sexton» Batrlcla Cayo. Spanlsh Harl«n; an anatomy of poverty. New York» Barper & Rcw [1965]. 208 p.

Wakefleld» Dan. laland in the cltyj the world of Spanlsh Harlem. Boston» Houghtoo Mlfflln» 1959. 278 p.

Werthaa» rrederlo. The clrcle of goUt. KOw York, Rlaehart [1956]. 2U p.

Cabranes» MManel* Fubllc welfare Is It aiqpUes to Foerto Rleasa in Hev York Clty... Fordhan Uhlverslty» 195?. 5 f.

Monserrat» Jos¿* La migración: realidad y problena en la ciudad de Rheva York. Ponencia leída en ócaclón de la novena convencida de Qrlentaolda Social* U.P.R.» 1955. 2if p. almo.

P.R. Dept. of Labor. M^gratloos División, Blbllogra]^iy oo Puerto Rlcans In the Chitad Statea. Nev York, April I959. 37 p.

Solmab» Angaste* The fherto Rioaa in Nev York. S 9.

Abrabas» Charles. Hev to reiisdy our )ft»erto Rioaa problsn*a Wboase it aróse: What to do. In: CosBMsntary» February» 1955, p, 120-I27.

Dunne» UvarA jr. ]^aerto Rlcans In Htw York. In: The CaaMmeal. vel. LXIV, No. IB, Augost 3» 1956, p. M>2.

Qeraes» Arthur C. Zaplleaolones de la eadgraolda pasriorrlfiiela. In: U Torre, vel. k, le, k3, Jaa.>Nsrtth, 1956, p. 97-Ul.

Hnwtt, dr. WeleosHii Panpers and criine* In: Scrlbner's COHMMitater vü. 7, Na» 5, noy I9A0, p. U-17.

Hev dees he HaeT Xit Chieage life, septeaber 15, 19^ ppaí,;^-l7. . BÍB^-iOGR^FlAg

lUich, ivtn* Puerto Bieau In Hev York. la: The ConMiiireil, vol. LXIV No, 12, JUne 22, 1956, p. 29»»-297.

Lewls, Oscar, Mother and son in a üñierto Blcan slum. in: Itorper's Magaalne, vol, XXm, No, 188?, Déc, 1965, p, 71-81+.

l^obst, Nathan, The rising Puerto Blcan problem. In: The Bar Balletin vol, 9> No, 5, Harch 1952, p, 5>12,

Bosten, NorBMW, Rierto Bicaas In New York, In: Holiday, Pebruary 1961, p, 1+8,

Why does he oosm? In: Chicago life, septwÉber 15, 1962, p. k-ll, Voodburg, CUyeiise, ©ur vorat aluiu Znt The American, rol, lk8, No, 3, p. 30,

Wev Book?'

Pern<nde7 Marina, F, The Sober neneration: rhlldren of operation bootstrap by B, FemándeE Marina, ü, von Eckardt [and] S. Maldoaado Sierra. Uhiversity of P.B, PTess, I969. 798 p.

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