
$mmk DE .CA EicnxciA 25 de Nüviembre al 1 úe diciembre 1985

"Cultivemos la familia; semilla germinal de nuestra sociedad."
Con motivo de la celebración de la Semana de la Familia a efectuarse del 25 de noviembre al 1 de diciembre de 1985 en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Ido Piedras se destacara a través de un foro el tema: Funcionamiento Familiar Saludable: - Alternativa para el Presente y el Futuro.
La familia representa uno de los pilares de nuestra sociedad, a la cual se le asigna una variedad de responsabilidades, tareas, desempeño de roles y trasmisión de valores» En la medida que la familia pueda responder a las expectativas que la sociedad establece, se veré reflejado su funcionamiento social. Utilizando esto como parémetro, a través del tiempo se ha ido señalando el aspecto patológico del funcionamiento familiar, quizas queriendo resaltar las fallas que ha tenido la familia. Sin embargo, debemos detemos a examinar los recursos y fortalezas con que cuenta la familia como insti tución social.
Concientes de la importancia de destacar el concepto positivo de la fami lia puertorriqueña nos hemos visto comprometidos a presentar esta bibliogra fía sobre: La Dinámica del Funcionamiento Familiar» Este recurso bibliográ fico tiene como finalidad ofrecer a estudiantes, profe-^ores, investigadores y la comunidad universitaria en general una serie de referencias bibliográ ficas que le provean un marco conceptual del funcionamiento familiar saludable que les guíe en las tareas docentes y estudios de investigación en dicha érea.

Este instrumento bibliográfico está organizado en tres secciones de acuerdo a su contenido por tipo de materiales: libros, artículos de revistas y otras fuentes de información. Se sigue un estricto orden alfabético dentro de cada sección» Estos materiales se pueden localizar en la colección de la Biblioteca Monserrate Santana de Falás de la Escuela Graduada de Trabajo Social y Programa Graduadt); de Consejería en RehabilitaciSn,
1961. 430p. TS (301.42.A182p3E)
Rand Me Kally, 1975. 412p. TS (301.42A211a2)
Albretch, Ruth E. and Bock, É, Wilbur, Encounter; love, marriage and family. 2d ed. Boston: Halbrook Press, 1975, ,461 p. TS(301,42A341e2)
Aldous, Joan. Family careers; developmental change in fainílies. New York; Wiley, 1978. 358 p. TS (301,42A364f)
Anshen, Ruth Nanda, ed, The family: its function and destiny. Rev, ed, New York: Harper, 1959, 538 p. TS (301.42A618fa)
Artiold, L. Eugene, ed. Helping parents help their children. New York: Brunner Mazeí, 1978. 420 p. TS (618-928H483)
Backett, Katyryn C. Mothers and fathers. New York: St. Martin Préss, 1982. 251 p. TS (301.427B126m)
Bell, Norman W., and Vogel, Ezra F. The modem introduction to the family. Rev, ed, New York, Free Press, 1968, 758 p, TS (301,42B434m2)
Bohen, Halcyone H., and Viveros-Long, Anamaría, Balancing .jobs and family life: do flexible work schedules help? Philadelphia; Temple University Press, 1981. 336 p. TS (301.420973E676b)
Bott, Elizabeth. Family and social network; roles, norras and extemal relationships in ordinary urban familias. 2. ed. New York: Free Press, 1971. 363 p, TS (301.42B751f2)

Burr, Mesley R, Free Press, 1979.
et. al. Conteroporary theories about the family. Nev7 Yor
art of working together to develop a healthy child. Nev; York: Delacorte Press, 1970. 229 p. TS (301.427B849s) k: TS (301.42C761)
Clayton, Richard R. The family, marriage, and social change. 2. ed. Lexington, Mass.: Ileath, 1979. 649 p., TS (301.52C622f2)
Conference on the Family in the Caribbean, 2d, Aruba, Netherland Antillas, 1969. The family in the Caribbean: proceedings/- editad by Stanford N, Gerber. Río Piedras, P. R. Institute of the Caribbean Studies, University of Puerto Rico, 1973. 167 p. TS (301.42C748f)
Davis, Margaret R. Familias in a working world: the impact of organizations on domestic life. New York: Praeger, 1982, 235 p. TS (306.85D263f)
Family Service Association of América. The futura of the family by Richard E. Forson... et. al. New York, 1969. (301.42F198f)

Farber, Barnard, ed. Kinshíp and family organization. New York; Wiley, 1966. 459 p. TS ( 301.42F219k)
Feldman, Francés L, The faitiily in today's ir.oney world. .2d ed. New York: Family Service Ássociation of América, 1976. 409 p. TS (332F312f2)
Fernandez Mendez, Eugenio. "Algunos cambios culturales, económicos y sociales que afectan la familia en Puerto Rico". En: La Identidad y la Cultura. 2d ed. San Juan, P. R.: Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, 1970. p. 229-239. TS (304F363i2a)
. "La familia puertorriqueña de hoy: como la ve el aiitropologo social". En: La Identidad y la Cultura. 2d ed. San Juan, P. R.: Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, 1970. pp. 207-228. TS (304F363i2a)
Garland, Dianna Riclimond. Couples Communication and negotiation skills. New York: Family Service of América, 1978. 121 p. TS (362.32.G233c)
Geismar, Ludwig L., ... et. al. Early supports for family life. Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 1972. 234 p. TS (362.82E12)
Family and communication functioning: a manual of measurement for social work practica and policy. Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 1971. 215 p. TS (362.82G313f)
Giraldo, Zaida Irene. Public policy and the family: wives and mothers in the labor forcé. Lexington, llass.: Lexington Eooks, 1980. 217 p. TS (301.42G516p)
Gross, Harriet, and Sussman, Marvin B. editors. Alternatives to traditional family living. New York:- Haworth Press, 1982. 128 p. TS (301.420974A.466)
Gutknecht, Douglas B., ... et al. Family, self and society: emerging issues, alternatives, and interventions. Lánham, Md.: üniversity Press of América, 1983. 392. p. TS (301.427F198.1)
Hoeflin, Ruth M. Nnrmag dp vida para la familia moderna. 1. ed. México: Editorial Limusa VJiley, 1966. 332 p. TS (301.42H693e3E)
Hutter, Mark. The changing family: comparativa perspectivas. New York: Uiley, 1981. 351 p. TS (301.423H983c)
Jackson, Donald De Avila, Comp. Communication, family and marriage. Palo Alto, Calif.: Science and Behavior Eooks, 1970. 289 p. TS (616.89J12c)
Kephart, William M. The family, society and the individual. 2d ed. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1966. 666 p. TS (301.42K38f2)
King, Raymond J. R, Comp, Family relations: concepts and theories. Berkely, Calif.: Glandessary Press, 1969. 218 p. TS (301.42K54f)

Lamb, Michael E. The rolé of thé father In chjld development, New York: Wiley, 1976. U07 p. TS (301.1427R7Í+5) ' • ■
Lewis, Jerry M. Hcrw's your family?; a guide to identifying your family's strengths and weak.nesses. New York: Brunnel/Mazel, 1979- 19^ P» TS (301.t|2L67i+h) ^ . í "
Lidz, Theodore. The family and human adaptation: three lectures. New York. International Uriiversity Press, I963. 120 ^ TS (301.^1715^)
Miller, Levi, ed. The family in today's society. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1971. iWF' TS t301.U2F19«;
Miller, Sherod, ed. Marriages and families: enrichment throvigh communication. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1975. 125 p. TS~C301.Í427M359) . ..
Mudd, Emily (Hatshorne) Sucess in family living. New York: Association Press, 1965. 25^ p"i TS (30l.42M943s)
Nye, F, Ivan and Berardo, Félix M. Emerging conceptual frameworks^tn-faMly analysis: with a new introduction for the 19S0*s. New York: Praeger Publishers, I9BI. 332 p. TS (301.U2N9U94e2)
Olson, David H. Families, ^h¿t makes them work. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 19^3. 312 p. TS (306.b5F198l)
Pederson, FrankA., ed. Father-infant relationship: observational studies in the family setting" New York: Praeger, 1900. I85 p. ^ TS (301.Í427F252)
Poster, Mark. Critical theory of the family. New York: Seabury Press, 1978. 233 pi TS (301.U2P857C).
Quiñones de Rodríguez, Carmen F. Families of working mothers in Puerto Rico. Columbus: Ohio. S.N., I976. I96 p. TS (301.it23Q7f)
Reiss, Ira L. Family systems in América. 2d ed. Hinsdale, 111.: Dryden Press, 1976^ 52 p. TS C301.U2R378f2)
Riley, Donald P., Apgar, Kathryn, and Eaton, John. Parent-child communication. New York: Family Service Association of América, 1977. 13h p. TS (301.l427R573p)
Satir, Virginia M. Peoplemaking. Palo Alto, Calif.: Science and Behavior Books, 1972. 304 p. TS (301.l42S253p)
Scanzoni, John and Szimovacz, M. Family decisionmaking: a developmental sex rol model. Beverly Hills, Calif.; Sage Publications, I98O. 309 p.
Seanzoni, Letha D. and Scanzoni, John, Men, woinen, and change: a sociology of marrxagg and the family» 2d ed» New York! Me Graw Hill, 1981
680 p,
TS (301.428S283m)
Schulz, David A. The changinp family: íts function and future. 3d. ed. Englewood Cliffs, N. J«: Préntice Hall, 1982. 407 p, TS (301.421S388c2)
Turnar, Ralph H, Family interaction. New York: lliley, 1970, 505 p.
TS (301.42T951f)
Wernick, Robert. The family. New York: Time Life Books, 1974. 176 p.
TS (301,42¿496f^!
Winch, Robert F. The modem family. 3d ed, New york: Rinehart and Winston, 1971. 654 p.
TS (301.42W758m2)
Winter, llilliam D, and Ferreira, Antonio J, Research in family interaction; readings and commentary. Palo Alto, Calif., Science and Behavior Book, 1969.
TS (301.42¿787r)

Acock, Alan C., and Yang, W, S, "Parental power and adolescents, parental identification," Joumal of Marriage and the Family, 46(2): 487-96, 1984,
Anderson, C, M. "Family communicatión: words, messagea and meanings". Smith College Studes in Social Work. 49(2): 91-110, 1979,
Argyle, M,, and Fumham, A, "Sources of satisfaction and conflict in longterm relationships." Joumal of Marriage and the Family, 45(3)t 481-96,1983.
Boulclng, E. "Families Faber: the family as the maker of the future." Journal of Marriage and the Family, 45(2): 257-66, 1983.
Bamhill, L. R, "Healthy family systems," Family Coordinator> 28(1): 94-100, 1979.
Beckett, J. 0., and Smith, A, D, "Work and family roles: egalitarian marriage in black and white families." Social Service Review, 55(2): 314-26, 1981.

Belsky J, "The interrelation of parental and spousal behavior during infancy in traditional nuclear familias: an exploratory analysis," Joumal of Marriage and the Family» 41(4): 749-55, 1979.
" , and Michael, R. "Social network Contact, family support, and the transition to parenthood," Joumal of Marriage and the Family, 46(2): 449-54, 1984.
Bird, W. G, and Bird, G, A, "Determinants of family task sharing; á study of husbands and wives." Joumal of Marriage and the Family, 46(2): '345-55, 19.84.
TS . ; . • , • .
Calhoun, J. A, "Developing a family perspective." Children Today, 9(2): 3-8,.1980.
Cooney, R ... et al. "Decisión making in intergenerational-Puerto Rican familias." Joumal of I-íarriage and the Family, 44(3): 621-32, 1982.
Cooper, Judith E. "Self-Steem and family cohesión: the .iniild's perspective and adjustment." Joumal of Marriage and the Family, 45(1); 153-57, 1983.
Englund, C. L. "Parenting and parentage: distinct aspectsof children's importance." Family Relations, 32 (1); 21-8, 1983.
Filsinger, E. E."A raachine-a-idcd marital observation technique: the dyadic' interaction scoring code." Joumal of Marriage and the Family, 45(3): 623-32, 1983. , : .
TS ^ , and Wilson, M. R. "Social anxiety and marital adjustment." Family Relations, 32(4); 513-20, 1984.
Glenn, N. D., and Mclianahan, S, "Children and martial happiness: a further specification of th^ relationship." Joumal of Marriage and the Family.. , 44(1): 63-72, 1982. .
Gottlieb, B. H., "Assessing and strengthening the impact of social support on mental health." Social Work, 39(4): 293-300, 1985.
Gubrium, J. F., and Lynatt, R. J. "Family rhetoric as a social order." Joumal of Family Issues, 6(1): 129-51, 1985.
TS , -

Hartman, A, "Diagramatic assessment of family relationships," Social . Casework, 59(8); 465-76, 1978.
Hesse-Biber, S,, and William, J. "Resource theory and power in families: life cycle considerations," Family Process, 23(2): 261-78, 1984.
TS ,
Howell, F. M., and Frese, W. "Adult role transitions, parental influence, and status aspirations early in the life course." Journal of Marriage and the Family, 44(1): 35-53, 1982.
TS ,
Johnson, P. J., and Firebaugh, F. M. "A typology of housebold work perfor mance by employment demands." Joumal of Family Issues, 6(1): 83-106, 1985.
La Rossa R. "The transition to parenthood and the social reality of time." Joumal of Marriage and the Family, 45(3): 759-90, 1983.
Leigh, G. K. "Kinship interaction over the family life Span." Joumal of Marriage and the Family, 44(1): 197-208, 1982.
Mederer, H., and Hill, R. "Critical transitions over the family life span: theory and research." Marriage and Family Review, 6(1/2): 39-60, 1983.
Melito, R. "Adaptation in family systems: a developmental perspective." Family Process, 24(1): 89-100, 1985.
Menaghan, E. G. "Coping with parental problema: panel assessments of effectiveness." Journal of Family Issues, 4(3); 483-504, 1983.
"Marital stress and family transitions: a panel analysis." Joumal of Marriage and the Family, 45(2); 371-86, 1983.
Moen, P. "Developing family indicators financial hardship, a case in point." Joumal of Family Issues, 1(1): 5-30, 1980.
Moroney, R. M., and Moroney, P. R. "The family and the professions; impllcations for public policy." Joumal of Family Issues, 5(2): 224-37, 1984. ^
Norton, Robert. "Measuring marital quality: a critical look at the dependent variable." Journal of Marriage and the Family, 45(1): 141-152.

E,, and Peiss, D, "Family concepta and their measurement: things are seldom what they seem." Family Procesa. 23(1); 33-48. 1984.
Peteraon, G. W., et al. "Social placement of adolescents: áex—role influences on family decisiona regarding the careara of youth," Joumal of Ilarriage and the Family. 44(3): 647-60, 1982.
Piotrkowaki, C, S., and Chriatop, P. "Women's joba and family adjuatment." Joumal of Family Isauea. 2(2): 126-47, 191,
Quin, W, H, "Personal and family adjuatment in later life," Journal of Marriage and the Family. 45(1); 57-74, 1983.
j .» Newfield, N, A,, and Pratinsky, H. O, "PdLtea of paaaage in families with adolescents." Family Proceas. 24(1): 101-12. 1985.
Rank, M. R., and Lecroy, C. W. "Toward a múltiple perspectiva in family theory and practice: the case of social exchange theory, aymbolic interactionism, and conflict theory." Family procesa. 32(3): 441-8.1983.
TS ■
Ricci, C.,and.Selvini-Palagzolie, M, "Interaction complexity and communication." Family Proceas. 23(2): 169-176, 1984.
Riley, M. U, "The family in án aging society: a matrix of latent relationships." Joumal of Family Isauea. 4(3): 439-53, 1983.
Schwartzman, J. "Family theory and the acientific method." Family Proceas. 23(2): 223-36, 1984.
TS ,
Shanas, E. "Older people and their families: the new pioneers." Joumal of Marriage and the Family. 42(1): 9-15, 1980.
Smith, J. R. "Social health concepta for family practice." Social Casework. 63(6): 363-69, 1982.
Smith, T. E. "An empirical comparison of potential determinants of parental authority." Joumal of Marriage and the Family. 39(1): 153-64. 1977.
TS ^
Stephen, T», and Markman, H. "Asaeasing develop ent of relationships; a new measure." Family Procesa, 22(1): 15-26. 1983.

Stoneman, Z., and Brody, G, H, "Family interactions during three programa; contextualist observations," Journal of Family Issues, 4(2); 349-368, 1983.
Stewart, Cyrus S, and Zaenglein-Senger, Mary M. "The parent-adolescent power contest," Social Casework, 63(8): 457-471, 1982.
Thomas, S, Albrecht, K., and VIhite, P. "Determinanst of marital quality in dual-career couples." Family Relations, 33(4): 513-22, 1984,
Tolman, R., and Rose, S. D. "Coping with stress: a multimodal approach." Social Work, 39(2): 151-59, 1985.
Valentina, D. "The developmental approach to the study of the family: implications for practicé." Child Welfare, 59(6): 347-55, 1980.
Van Velsor, E., and O'Rand, A. M. "Family life cycle, work career patterns, and women's wages at midlife." Joumal of liarriage and the Family, 46, (2): 365-74, 1984.
Weis, Roberts. "Men and the family." Family Process, 24(1): 49-58, 1985.
Winbom, Rebecca, "Adapting to parenthood: negotiating new roles." Social Casework, 64(10): 618-624, 1983.
Winkler, J., and Doberty, W. J. "Communication styles and marital satisfaction in Israeli and American couples." Family Process, 22(2): 22128, 1983.
Wood, B., and Talmon, M, "Family boundaries in transition: a search for alternativas." Family Process, 22(3): 347-58, 1983.
Zimmerman, S. L. "The family: building block or anachronism." Social Casework, 61 (4): 195-204, 1980.
"La familia en Puerto Rico." En; Informe Social; 1980/P.R. Junta de Planificación. San Juan, P. R. , 1980.
TS (Docs. - P. R.)
Lizardi de Fernández, María "La familia puertorriqueña; un sistema social en proceso de transición." Ponencia presentada en la Semana de la Familia, Universidad de Puerto Rico, 22 de noviembre de 1983.
TS (Lect. L)
Noriega de Santa, Carmen L. "La familia puertorriqueña y su fimcion de control social." Escuela Graduada de Trabajo Social, Universidad de Puerto Rico, (mimeografiado)
TS (Lect. N3)
Nuñez de Bunker, Celia. "La familia puertorriqueña; 1978."; datos para la discusión del tema en la primera sesión del Cursillo de Educación Conti nuada. Auspiciada por el Colegio de Trabajadores Sociales, 1979.
TS (Lect. N)
Quiñones de Rodríguez, Carmen F. "La familia como instrumento de felicidad." Ponencia presentada en el Colegio Regional de la Universidad Interamericana en Fajardo, 5 de mayo, 1982.
TS (Lect. Q)
. "La familia puertorriqueña de hoy." Ponencia presentada en la Conferencia El Niño Puertorriqueño en la Decada del '80, 22 de enero de 1982, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
TS (Lect. Q)
Suliveres de Martínez, Isabel, "Los ceimbios en el rol del hombre y la mujer en la sociedad puertorriqueña y su efecto en la familia." Conferencia dictada ante las esposas de los socios de la Asociación Medica de Puerto Rico, 22 de noviembre de 1980.
TS (Lect. S7)
Vales, Pedro A. "Familismo en Puerto Rico." Trabajo presentado en el Departamento de Servicios Contra la Adicción como parte de un ciclo de conferencias sobre la familia puertorriqueña, 1978.
TS (Lect. V7)

21 de noviembre de 1985
Compilada por ; Lillian 0. Morales Bibliotecaria