Educación ambiental: bibliografía selectiva (1996)

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Universidad de Puerto Rico

Recinto de Río Piedras

Sistema de Bibliotecas

Educación Ambiental: Bibliografía



Rafael Encarnación Navarro

Olga L. Hernández Ocasio

Karisa Orlandi Méndez

Jorge Ramos Feliciano

Elsa E. Rodríguez González

Bethel Rodríguez Rodríguez


Carmen J. Mir

Luis O. Pérez


Carmen M. Ramos

Arte: Edgar Jiménez

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Rohwedder, W. J. Ed. (1990). Computer-aidedenvironmentaleducation. Washington, D. C. : North Amerícan Association for Environmental Education.

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Roots, E. F. (1992). Environmental Information ; a step to knowledge and understanding : opening comments; Breaking the barriers to environmental information. (Special issue) EnvironmentalMonitoringandAssessment, 20 (2-3), 87-89.

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Rwangyezi, S., & Woomer, P. (1996). Promoting environmental awareness through performance education. Naíure andResources, 31(4),34.

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Sommerfeld, M. (1996). Environmental educationmaterials evaluated Education Week 15 7. ' '

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Lista de Revistas Sobre ElAmbiente

Acid Enviro

Acid Magazine



Ambiente y Recursos Naturales


Atmospheric Environment




Built Environment

Chemistry in Ecology

Clean Air

Coastal Management

Coastal Zone Management Journal


Conservation Education

Critical Reviews in Environmental Control

Current Advances in Ecological Seiences

Current Contents. Agrículture, Biology and Environmental Seiences en CD-ROM

E Magazine

Earth Island Journal


Ecological Applications

The Ecologist for U. S. & Cañada





Environment Advisor

Environment and Behavior

Environment and Engineering Geoscience

Environment and Management

Environment and Planning

Environment and Planning B:Planning and Design

Environment and Urbanization

Environment Magazine

Environment Repórter

Environment Today

Environment Watch:Latin América

Environmental Action

Environmental and Engineering Geoscience

Environmental and Experimental Botany

Environmental Comment

Environmental Conservation

Environmental Control and Safety Management

Environmental Education

Environmental Education and Information

Environmental Education Research

Environmental Ethics

Environmental Geology

Environmental Geology and Water Sciences

Environmental Impact Assessment Review

Environmental Law

Environmental Law (Portland)

Environmental Letters

Environmental Management

Environmental Manager

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Environmental Planning Quarterly

Environmental Policy and Law

Environmental Pollution, Serie A. Serie B.

Environmental Professional


Environmental Research

Environmental Science and Technology

IEnvironmentalistEnvironmental Solutions

Environmental Viewpoints

Environmental Waste Management

EPA Journal

Friends of the Earth

Geo-Info Systems


Global Environmental Change


Habitat International


Human Ecology

Indoor Pollution News

Industry and Environment

International Journal of Air Pollution and Hazardous Waste Management

International Joumal of Environmental Studies

International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education

Journal of Contaminant Hidrology

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

The Journal of Environmental Education

Journal of Environmental Management

Journal of Environmental Planning and Management

Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part C: Environmental Health Sciences

Journal of Forestry

Journal of Hazardous Materials

Journal of Soil and Water Conservation

i Journal of Soil Contamination

Joumal of the Air and Waste Management Association

Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

^ Journal of the Institute of Environmental Sciences

Joumal of Tropical Ecology

Joumal of Water Pollution Control Federation

Joumal of Wildlife Management and Supplement

Land Degradatíon and Rehabilitation

Marine Environmental Research

Marine Pollution BuUetin

Medio Ambiente

Natural Hazards

Natural Resources Forum

Natural Resources Journal

Ocean and Coastal Management

Our Planet

Pollution Abstracts

Population and Environment/Behavioral and Social Issues

Progress in Water Technology

Recycling Today

Remote Sensing of Environment

REPIDISCA-Red Panamericana de Información en Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ciencia del Ambiente

Research Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation

Resources Conservation and Recycling

Restoration Ecology

Select References on Environmental Quality

Solar Terrestrial Environmental Research in Japan

Third World Science & Environment

United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Air Pollution Abstracts

Water, Air and Soil Pollution

Water Environment and Technology(WPCF)

Water Environment Research

Water PoUutíon Research i

Water Research

Water Science and Technology

Wildlife Monographs (Supplement to Journal ofWiidlife Management)

Worid Environment Report

Woridwatch Papers


A continuación se ofrece una lista de direcciones que se pueden accesar a través del Internet y que ofrecen información sobre educación ambiental. Esta lista se compiló utilizando el banco de datos InfoseekNet Search. Entendemos que la misma será de gran utilidad para las personas interesadas en el tema.

NC Environmental Education

— (Score 68, Size l.OK)

North Carolina environmental education

Impediments to Implementing Environmental Education

-- (Score 67, Size l.OK)

This electronic document is provided by The EisenhowerNational Clearinghouse forMathematics and Science Education.

Environmental Education Network

~ (Score 67, Size l.OK)

The Environmental Education Network (EEN) is a collaborative effort among educators, the EnviroLink Network and the environmental community to bring environmental education on-line.

School Zone

~ (Score 67, Size l.OK)

Environmental Education Information . Environmental Education Grants Program . PA Earth Week Classroom Booklet (1995) Environmental Education Centers InPennsylvania

Environmental Education Section oíthe Cornell Education Society

- (Score 67, Size l.OK)

Wísconsin Center for Environmental Education Home Page

— http://www.uwsp.edii/acad/wcee/ (Score 66, Size l.OK)

Promote, develop, disseminate, implement, and evalúate environmental education programs for K-12 teachers

Introduction to EE-Link

-- (Score 66, Size l.OK) A gopher and World Wide Web site for environmental education.

Regional Environmental Education Resources

— (Score 66, Size l.OK)

Listed by state, information about EE programs and curriculum.

SEEK = Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge

-- (Score 66, Size l.OK) Minnesota's Interactive Directory ofEnvironmental Education Resources

Sierra Club-1995 SierraEcology

- (Score 66, Size l.OK) newsletter of the sierra club's national environmental education COMMITTEE 1995 1994 SPECIAL SERVICE AWARD TO PAT SUITERFROMTHE SIERRA CLUB

SSGP: Environmental Education

— (Score 66, Size l.OK) Environmental Education . Academic - Information - Research Institutions.

EETAP Overview

— http.V/ (Score 65, Size l.OK) Environmental Education and Training Partnership (EETAP).

Tennessee Environmental Education Association

— 65, Size l.OK)

Environmental education.

Eastern lowa Environmental Education

~ 65, Size l.OK)

Provide environmental education programs on a free or low-cost basis to schools, youth groups, families and adults.

EcoNet's Environmental Education Directory

-- 65, Size l.OK)

Environmental Education .

Welcome to EE-Link

~ 64, Size l.OK)

Environmental education


— 64, Size l.OK)

Environmental education on the Internet. Facts, data and activities for use in the classroom, from the National Consortium for Environmental Education and Training.

Sierra Club—Environmental Education

— 64, Size l.OK)

Newsletter ofthe Sierra Club's National Environmental Education Committee.

National Consortium for Environmental Education and Training

— 64, Size l.OK)

NCEET works to support, enhance and extend eíFective environmental education in grades K-12.

Literature, Articles, and Newsletters

- 64, Size l.OK)

Environmental Education . On-line Periodicals . Reports, Articles, Proceedings (Full Text) Publications-Descriptions and Ordering Information .

Rules,Regulations and Environmental Education

~ 64, Size l.OK) Environmental Education Publications.

The Commonwealth of Learning - Environment

~ http.7/ (Score 64, Size l.OK)

COL Home Page . The Commonwealth ofLeaming .Programme Updates . Environment. Survey on Public Attitudes on the Environment. Video on Sustainable Development.

Energy Education Resources for Parents and Teachers

~ 63, Size l.OK)

Environmental Organization WebDirectory - Education

— 63, Size l.OK)

Education . Colleges . Department of Education . Environmental Education Products . General Education K-12 Multimedia Universities.

Welcome to ERIC Clearinghouse

— 63, Size l.OK)

The ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education(ERIC/CSMEE) is one of 16 clearinghouses in the ERIC system.

Welcome to Environmental Media Corporation's Home Page

— 63, Size l.OK)

Design, produce and distribute media to support environmental education.

New on £E-Link

- 63, Size l.OK)

Environmental Education Link.

Environmental Communicator 62, Size l.OK)

Curriculum Greening: integrating environmental perspectives inte courses

- (Score 62, Size l.OK)

A resource pack for integrating environmental perspectives into courses.

Institutions and Organízatíons

— 62, Size l.OK)

The Global Rivers Environmental Education Network NATO Undersea Research Center (SACLANT).Internet Town Hall . An interesting place to fínd US Govemment documents.

Earth Matters

- (Score 62, Size l.OK)

EE-Link: Environmental Education on the Internet.

UMCEES Education

- 61, Size l.OK)

Education is a vital part ofthe CEES mission and the Center flilly participates in the University of Maryland System(UMS)education eífort.

Learning by Design

— 61, Size l.OK)

Environmental Education Program of The American Architectural Foundation at The American Instituto of Architects.

££N: Teacher Resources

— http;// 61, Size I.OK)

The Environmental . Education Network . K-12 Environmental Resources . on the Internet for Teachers.


— 61, Size l.OK)

Teacher Resource Materials Special OíFer . Activities To Teach Mathematics In The Context of Environmental Studies . Educating Young People About Water.

Global Thinking Froject

~ 61, Size l.OK)

The Global Thinking Project is an efifort to engage teachers and students in collaborative investigations oftheir local environment and in global discussions ofenvironmental issues.

Endangered Species on ££-Link — A User Survey

~ 61, Size l.OK)

National Consortium for Environmental Education and Training.

UCLA D.£.£.P. Information

~ 61, Size l.OK)

Defense Environmental Education Program at UCLA . Retraining Engineers for Environmental Careers.

Grants and Awards

~ 60, Size l.OK)

Grants and Awards for Environmental Education

St. Clair County,Illínois Soil & Water Conservation District

~ 60, Size l.OK) Environmental Education.

EEN: Teacher Resources

/.nviroed/env¡rokl2.htnil (Score61, Size l.OK)

- K-12 Environmental Resources. on the Internet for TU- T7 ; j._i -cAtjríitíOTl INOi" The Environmental Education Teachers.


. ,, . , .

edu/eric/csmee/new.html (Score 61, Size l.OK)

--http://,^.enose.oluo- MathematicsIn TheContext of Teacher Resource Matenals ak,.... leaener j^esource maiciia..

Environmental Studies Educating *

Global Thinklng Project

-http.//«^gc.apa^ teachers and students In coUaborative

The Global Thmking Project is <«» . • i u i j- ^ • i • investigationsoftheirlocalenvironmentandinglobaldiscussionsofenvironmentalissues.

Endangered Specieson EE-Link—AUserSurvey

-, Size l.OK) Natlonal Consortium forEnvironmentalEducation and Traming.

UCLA D.E.E.P. Informatíon

— http;// (Score61, Size l.OK) Defense Environmental Education Program at UCLA . Retraining Engineers for Environmental Careers.

Grants and Awards

— (Score 60, Size l.OK) Grants and Awards for Environmental Education

St. Clair County, Dlinois Soil & Water Conservation District

— (Score 60, Size l.OK) Environmental Education.

State Education and Environment Roundtable

— 60, Size l.OK)

Cooperating To Improve Leaming Through Environmental Cumcula

Key Principies ofEnvironmental Education

— 60, Size l.OK)

Environmental Education.

Environmental Lessons

— 60, Size l.OK)

A Guide to Environmental Education Resources .

EPA Mission,Background and Organization

— 60, Size l.OK)

Environmental Ethics: Reviews

— 60, Size l.OK)

EnviroNet Project General Information

—'project-info(Score 59, Size l.OK)

The EnviroNet Project EnviroNet is a network ofteachers, scientists, environmental educators and others who utilize telecommunication to enhance environmental science education.

Environmental sources

— 59, Size l.OK)

Integrated Environmental Education . A collection ofenvironmental resources on the Internet.

IR£N~£ducat¡on Resources

— (Score 59, Size l.OK)

Selected Internet Resources for lowa Educators The information and links to other resources included in this section are items ofpotential interest to educators inthe State oflowa.

NCEET's EE Toolbox

— (Score 59, Size l.OK)

TheEEToolboxisanorganizedcollectionofpublications foreducatorswho conduct environmental education (EE) teacher inservice programs.

Florida Audubon Society

— httpV/ (Score 59, Size l.OK)

TheFloridaAudubon SocietyisFlorida's oldest and mostinfluential conservation origination.

Wildlife Rehabilitation, Environmental Education

— (Score 59, Size l.OK)

Wildlife Rehabilitation, Environmental Education . Wildlife Rehabilitation

Higher Education Contacts

~ (Score 59, Size l.OK)

EEinHigherEducation. Guides. ASLEHandbookonGradúate StudyinLiterature&Environment . Directory ofEnergy-Related GradúatePrograms inU.S. Universities.


- (Score 58, Size l.OK)

List ofWWW Sites ofinterest to Ecologists

— (Score 57, Size l.OK)

EnviroNet(Síminons College, MA)

— http;// 57, Size l.OK) A network ofteachers, scientists, environmental educators and others. OfFers online collaborative projects.


— http://www.igc.apc.0rg/green/greeninfo.html(Score 57, Size l.OK) Environmental Education Network.

Environment on the Internet

~ 57, Size l.OK) The focus is on recycling and directories oflinks to other environmental resources.



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