Memorandum on Aspect the Organization and Administration of the University of Puerto Rico (1955)

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(Prepared by F loyd W. Reeves )








(Preparad by Floyd W. Reeves)

Introductory Statement In addition to the e.bili ty of a chief executive of a larga and complex university or uni.versity system to provide educational leadership to the university and the community, the effectiveness of the executive depends primarily upon three factors: (a) His ability to delegate most opereting functions to the h eads of the major operating units of the institution (b) The adequacy in terms of both number and qualific ations of his irnmediate staff of assistants (e) The extent t o which the organization of the primary units

of the university or university system is appropriate to the ne eds of the institution. An important matte r that n 0eds consideration in r elation to the

i mmediate staff of the chi ef executive of a university is the extent to which the members of that staff supplement , both in their qualifications and in their special inter e sts, the qualifications and speoia l inter es ts of the chi ef executive .

A head of a university, through the car eful

s el ection of the memb e rs of his own immediate s t. aff, may capi talize both upon their qualific ations and inte r e sts as well as upon those which he hims elf po ss os ses . Durinr.; the f ew weeks t hat I have been at the Unive rsity of Puerto Rico, I have discuss ed the organ i zation and administration of th e institution with a ll of the Deans or Acting Deans, with members of the staff




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heading up all important non-educational units of the Uni versity , with sorne dep<J.rtrnent heads, and wi th a number of members of the fe.cul ty.


have also examinad a numbe r of r eports preparad by Uni versity officials or by others dealing with various aspects of the Univers i ty or of its org,anization and adrninistre.tion.

As a resul t of these confe rences and

of consider ation of the materials r ead, I have reached a number of conclus ions regarrling ways through which the organization of the Unive rsity might be improved.

The most important of these conclusions relates to

the excessive burdens now resting on the Chancellor and the Dean of Administration.

This load under th e present form of organization is

greater than the pre s ent inadequate staffs of these two off ices can handle. As a resul t, the work of the Univer si ty is less effective than wo uld otherwise be true . Bccnuse Ă“f th e inability of the sta.ffs of the Chancellor and the De~n

of Administration to ke ep pace with the demanda plac ed upon them,

nee ded notions in sorne cas es h.ave been unduly delayed, and requests of deans and other administr ativo officers for author i ty to act h ave , at times, not been rorthcoming in ti me to mee t the n eeds requiring such actlon.

Unfortun at e delays in decision making , when they have occurr ed,

appear to have been due primarily to the e xc essive lo ads carried in the se two central offices of adrninistr ation.

I am co nvi nced tha t no administrator.

no matter how effici ent he mi ght be nor h ow long hours h e might wo rk , coul d effective l y carry the pr esont load of e ither of these offioes with no mor e a ssistanoe than is now provided.


A careful examination of the organization of the



Puerto Rico and a camparison of the size of the immediate staffs of the Chanoellor and the Dean of Administration with those of comparable offices in

of similar size and complexity in the continental United


States, confirma this conclusion. States,






I know of no institution in the United

is as larga and as complex as that of the

of Puerto Rico, that has a central staff as small as that of


If the University of Puerto Rico is to perform ita university-wide functions effeotively, its central administration ought not to be burdened with the day-by-day administrativa operations of any ene of its several units.

For example, the University should be provided with adaquate

administrativa facilities so that the Offioe of the Chancellor will not need to operate direotly, aotivities such as the campus educational programs, or the business activities of the Rio Piedras campus.

Insofar as

available qualified personnel make delegntion possiblo, the authority and responsibili~

for oonduoting day-to-day operations at every campus or

other unit of the University should be delegated to the administrativa heads of suoh units.



of Puerto Rico is now too larga for a

central administration to operate directly any one of its instructional, researoh, or auxiliary units. In an institutionwith deoantralized operations, suoh as is suggested for the University or Puerto Rico, it is nevar easy to seoure either


unity of purpose or unity of management.

Unity of purpose is aohieved

only when the various objectives of the several programB of the University


are integral parts of the largar purposes for which the institution exista, when no program of the University operates in oonflict with any other program, and when all programa supplement eaoh other in their oontributions to the aocomplishment of the overall purpose of the institution. Unity of management in a university means one manager and one overall plan for the operation of the institution.

Unity of purpose oannot be aohieved

without unity of management, nor can unity of management be aohieved without unity of purpose.

The two must be aohiaved together.

Eaoh is

oĂĄuse of the other, and eaoh is affeoted by the other. The


of aohieving unity within a university is relatad

direotly to a number of faotors such as:


(a) the size of a universit,y

and the oompliexity of its funotions; (b) the effioienoy of faoult.y and other personnel; (o) the geographioal dispersion of the aotivities of the universityJ _(d) the rapidity with whioh the university has grown and developed; and {e) the extent to whioh it is possible for the P,ersonnel of the contacta,


to oommunioate with each other in faca to tace

On the basis of these faotors the University of Puerto Rico

representa a relatively,oomplex situation.

In many respecta it is not

a single university, but a university system.

It resembles the univer-

sity systems that exist in California, Georgia, Hontana, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Oregon, eaoh of whioh states has university programa in operation on a number of oampuses.

The University ot Puerto

Rico, with three oampuses on whioh instruotion takes place* with an agricultura! extension servioe and an agricultura! experiment station operating in various parts of the Island, faces many organization problema


that do not exist in larga


where teaohing and researoh

aotivity are oonsolidated upon a single oampus • During the time that I have been in Puerto Rico I have given muoh thought to the problem of how many major assistants the Chanoellor of the University of Puerto Rioo needs in order to permit him to operate the institution with a maximum degree of effeotiveness and eoonomy.


attempting to reaoh a conolusion on this matter I have given oareful oonsideration both to the praotioes of other universities in the continantal United States of comparable size and complexit.Y and to the opinions of experienced university administrators. Among the experienoed university administrators exoeptionally well qualified to pass judgments upon the need of a university chancellor or president for assistants in his central offioe are two formar university presidenta, the late Frank L. McVey and Raymond M. Hughes.

Both McVey

and Hughes spent many years in univarsity administration.

In 1952 MoVey

and Hughas oollaborated in writing a book entitled PROBLEMS OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION.

In one seotion of this book Dr. Hughes

has disoussed at considerable length the topio "Assistants Whom the

Trustees Should Provide for the President". 1

In this discussion Hughes

states that the president of a large university with oomplex funotions (suoh as the University of Puerto Rico) needs to have five or six majar assistants attaohed to his central office. 1

He suggests that some or all

MoVey, Frank L, and Hughes, Raymond M., PROBLEMS OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION, Iowa, The Iowa State College Press, 1952, PP• 65-70.


of these assistants might well be designated vice-presidents.


Organization of the University of Puerto Rico

Chart I repres 8nts a of Puerto Rico.


organization for the University

Under the plan proposed the Chancellor will be provided

with six ass istants above the lev el of the four principal operating units repres e ntad on tho Chart, th~?. t is, th e campus at Rio Piedras (including thc Me dic a! School at San Juan)~ the campus at Mayaguez, the Agricultura! Experiment Station, and th e Agricultura! Extension Servioo.

Tho se six

assistants a r e a Dean of t he TTniYGrsity, a Tr easur er o.nd Busini'Jss Manager, a Dir e ct or of ?ublic R0l rtions, a Director of Pl onning, a Coordinator of


M:lYl Coll ege nnd Ag ricul t1.1r1ü

Agancies, and an Assistant to the Chancellor • l

Thc centnü r:.dmini¡:;trfltion of tho Univorsity under the plan proposed will r ete. in the r ospon s itili ty !'or the d eterminl3.tion of desirabl e st nnd ~ r ds

of opor n tion fo r Rll parts of tho institution.

Such standards

would be d8va lop 8d for oduc D. tional ndministro.tion, for busine ss and financi al ope r r.tions, f or p orsonnol managornent, for a ccounting and budgB t ary procociur e s, n11d fo r physic al plo.nt planning, construction, operl)tion nnd maintonnnc e .

Tho c entr al fl.dministration will nl so r etain

tho r esponsi bil i t y fo r npp rai s in r: tho integ ri ty wi th v1hich the approved stondards a r e being cnfo r cod in nll parts of th e institution end th o degr ee


Th e nnrticul ar titl e used in this memorandum for any one of the s e six p11si tions is not impo rtan t . For nny one of them th e r e a r e. oth cr ti tl e s th o.t woul d be eq1~nl ly 11ppropriato.


to which unive rsity pe rsonne l perform their duti es e.ffectively and efficiently. Under the plan proposed; the De ans and the Busin ess and Finance Of fic er at eech of tho campuses will be administr e tively r es ponsible to the Vice-¡Che.ncollor nt that campus.

The professional worke rs a.nd other

employee s in the Agricultura! Experiment Station and thos o in the Agricul tur al Extension Service will 1 ikewis e b e r e sponsi ble ei ther direotly or through other a dministrativa officers to the director of their r espec t i ve agency. At each of the f our principa l ope rating units of the Unive rsity, that is, the campus at RĂ­o Pi e dras, the campus a t Maya gu ez, the Agricultur al Experirnent

St~ tion,

and the Agricultural Extension Service , the

Business and F'inance Offic er will hav e a lin e r el ationship of responsi bili ty to th e h ead of his r espective un i t for thos c-J aspe cts of busin e ss and financ e for which oper ating autho rity has b een decentralizod, nnd n lino r cl ationship to th0 Tr easur er and Bus iness Manager for thos e aspeots of busin ess and fin nnce for which op erating authority r ernains c en tr a liz ad, For all aspects of his work, how ev e r, h e will r eoei ve his t echnioa.l sup e rvis i on f r om the offic e of the Tre asuror a.nd Bus ine ss

~an ager,

The Tr ensurer and Business Ma nage r of thrJ Universi ty and hi s c entr al staff will opGrate dir ectly r el atively f'ow functions.

Arnong thos o func-

tions which he will ope r at e dire ctly wi ll be sorne aspects of llc counting, auditing, purchasing , and the rnenagernen t of cl ass ifi ed pe rsonne l whi ch oither for purpos es of uniformi ty or f or purpo s e s of effioi enoy r oquire central oper atio n.

The Superior Educot iona l Counc::i 1


____ _ __ -~v~s~r~'..'~g:n~~es- _ __ _ _ _ ___

r--!I~O~U~e~O;?~Q~~~:.s· ~0~0_!!~ ----


- __



--- -- -

o; ... ;on a f General Studie1

~ ~ ~ H




Coll ege of e¿uco tion

1 1 Collegc of Natural Scí enccs

Co li Oll< of Pharmo cy

Coll ege of Bus. Admin .

1 1

1 1


Coll ege of low



College of Social Sci enc~

College of Humani ti es

Sehool of Medic ine

Dept . Air Se . & Ta cti cs

Oept. Mil. Se. & Tocti cs

~ s r

r r r




-- -


; 1

' 1' 1 1



Ext. Cenleo

E.< tr o_-Mur~l. ~Iones

Director Agricult ura! hperimrnl Sto t ioo


Univ. of P.R., Río Piedras






Dean of the University Director of Pub l ic Relotions Direc tor of Plonning Coordinalot of A.&M Co llege ond Agr iC1Jifu rol Agencies An i1tant lo the Choncol1or



- - -




- -


- - - - - ---- - --- - - --

---- -


' '''

Vice - Chanee:llor



Chonce llor


Univenity Board o f Rio Piedras University Board of Moyaguez Admin istrotive Advhory Council University Edueat ion Conferenc e Speciol Univer~ity Advisory Cemmittees

CHAR T 1: Administrativo orgonizotion proposed for Unlversity af Pu erta Rico (to be effe cted groduolly en quo lified pers.onnel moy be recru ited or w partiolly qva lified penoonel become quolified through odditionol educo tion and/or odministrotive expedence).


Deoo of Studen rs

Busi neu ond Finonc.e


1 1

Evenrng D•vruon

Dept. oF P h~ . Edv co ti on




Reg istra r

M edico! S er'l iccs

Guidance Center


~ ~

S pecio! Activ ities




UM cr the Businru ond Fi nonc c Offi cer wil l be groupcd oll of t he deccnholized a,pech o f thc followin a oct ivit ie$ ond possihly of ot hcrs relo ted lo th em.

Agricultural Extension Serv i ce

Univ, of P .R , , Moyoguez

(lack of li me hoi no t permitted cans idCfotion of the int erno! organizotion of the Agri cul tura! Experirnent Stoti on or of t he Agricuhural Exten sion Servic.e. lt is ouumcd t hot the Dircctors of eo ch of t hese a genci es will nccd 3 or 4 ouistonh in their central oHices with til les such os Associatc or ksistont Di re ctor, ond Assistanr to t he Director or Admi nistrotive Aui stont .)






Voletan> Seovk"' 1

Oept , A;, Se. & Toctics

3. Classified pcrsonnel

4 . Accol.f'l ling, budget ary auistonca, prc-oud it ing, ond fjnoncial reporting. su~r-

vhiot1 of s;tore$ and woref,ouses.


Sehool af Enginccr ing

Sehool of Science

2. Monagcment of t,e busin esl phoses of auxiliory cnterprise'.

octivit ie1.


Treos~.~' y

monagement inc. lodlna colle cti on of revcnue$, ond CU$Iody ond experu:fj ture o( funds .


JI School of Agricvl tur e

y, M;!. Se. & To clics



Un iv. Ext. Úl'l ler

Oi vh ion of Gmeral Studies

1 • Plont operotion, mo int enoncc, ar,d minar construction .

5. Purchasing ond Financio! A id

1 Vice~honcel 1 or




1 Director


J 1




Evening Divi1ian Summer s~ion

1 Oean of Studenl> 1


a.,,; neu & Finance OH icer

(Fum.rion.s similar to those ar Rio Piedras, but possibly grovped into fewcr divi sions. )




It is r eco gniz ed that the e ff ective spans of supervision of administr ativo officer s in a university--that is, th e number of porsons r oporting directly to an administr ative officer--wi ll vary gr ea tly both within a singl o univs rsity and among diff er ent i ns ti tutions.

In general ,

h owevor, tho optimum span of supervision for any adrn.ini str at i ve offic er t ends t o be r el a t ed dir ectly to a vari ety of f ac tors.

Among th e most

i mportant of thes e fo.ctor s a r e the tim e and em;rgy that an administrator c l'.\n give to his work , th e effici cn cy of his subordina t e s, the phys ic al proximity t o each oth er of the plac e s whe r c pc rsonne l ar e employed, the ext ent to which the organi?.a.tion of the univer s ity l ends its elf to s ecuring coordina.ti on of staff a ctiv ities and to the soluti on of administrativa probl e ms at lowe r l evels in the hi er archy, the r cl ative stability of


the organ iz ation, and the degr e e to which the administrator is i ntimately acqu s.inted with the probl ems and pe r s onn el of t he units of the organiz a tion unde r his dir oction.

The optimum spnn of supe rvi s ion of an ad-

mi ni str ator t ends to be r e l a t ad t nve rs cly to f actors such as the si ze of th0 org rmi zation undĂźr his supe rvision, th e c ompl exi ty of i ts functions, and the nwnbe r and impo rtanc e of the admini str ativ a decisions that tho administr n.tor must make pers onally. A gl anc e at Chart .l. sugge sts that a number of administr ativa officers within the Unive rsity of Pue rto Ric o bel ow the l eve l of the Chanoellor's offic c will probab ly need to have one or mor o ma jar ass ist ants in arder to admi n i ster thc functions of the ir office s effectively. such hel p for a t l east two obvious r easons:

They will need

( a ) because of the scope of

tho nctiviti es of t he or gnni zation units which they administe r, and


, 9.

(b) because of the large number of other administrativa officers whose activities they mu st supervise. The mo st outstanding example r epr esentad on the Chart of an administr at i va of ficer below the level of the Offic e of the Chancellor who will need one or more assist nnts to perform effectively the function of his office, is the Vice-Chancellor of the University atRio Piedras. As the Chart indicntes, there will be r eporting directly to the offic e of t his Vice -Chancellor 11 heads of colleges or oth er teaching units, a Libr a rĂ­an, a Head of University Extension, a Dean of Students, and a Business and Finance Officer--15 p ersons in all.

For the direct and

eff ective supe rvision of the pro gr ams of 15 a dministr ativa offic ers as important a s those unde r the di r ection of the Vice-Chanc e llor at Rio Pi edr as , it would seem to be almost s elf-evident that the Vi ce-Chancellor a t Rio Pi edr a s will ue ed at loast two and possibly thr ee or four a ssistants within his own of fic e .

One such a ssistant mi ght appropri a t ely have the

titl e , Dean of Faculti e s or Assistant Vic o-Chnncellor.

Any others

appoint ed might hav e ti tl es s uch e s, As sist ant to the Vic e -Chanc ellor or Admini s tr Rtive Ass istant. Th e Vi ce - Chnnc ellor a t Mayague z al s o will ne ed a ssista nc e to ope rate hi s offi c e e f f ecti v ely.

Hi s ne eds , how8ve r, wi1l not b e a s gr eat a s

t hose of the Vi ce -Chanc ell or a t Ri o Pi edr as. r easons:

This wi1l be true for t wo

( a ) the deans and other admi ni s trator s r epor tin g t o the Vi ce-

Chanc ellor at Mayagu ez di r e ctly ntLmber on1y l O i n s t e ad of 15, a nd (b ) the units whos e heads repor t t o t he Vi c e- Chan ce ll or a t Mayague z ar e i n most case s smal ler than t h e cor respon ding units at Rio Pi edra s .


The Director of the Agrieulturnl Experiment Station and the Director. of the Agricultura! Extension Service will also need assistance in the operation of their central offices.

Considering the size of the programa

of t h( s :: ::-.¡;•:·ü.:ü ,=: s, the vari e ty and disperse.l of their activi ti es, and th e numb ers of persons employed , it h:i.ghly ·probable that each Director wil l need from 3 to 5 assistants .

Appropriata titles for such

assistants might be, Associnte Director, Assistant Director, Assistant to the Director, and/ or Administrativa Assistant.

For the Agricultur~l

Extension Service addi tional suitabl e titl es might be , Assisto.nt Director for Agricultura! Extension, Assi stant Director for Home Demonstration, and Assistant Director for 4-H Club work. The propos ed pl an for t h e organization of the University as in-


dicated on th e Chart, calls for a number of organiz ation changas in addition to t ho s e previo usly mentioned.

For example , the University

Boards would be reconstituted in a manner suoh that their functions would be pur ely advisory.

Although the Chancellor would remain a s the Chair-

mnn of the Bo urd s , each Board would se rve primarily as an advi sory board to the Vic e-Chancellor of the campus at which it ope rates.

Several of the

members of the University Bonrd or of the University Board of Mny a guez stated that many of the actions taken by the University Boards deal with the

~tpp lic a tion

of Universi ty policies to particular cas os r ather than wi th

the f ormul a tion nnd deve lopment of educational policy.

It wa s stated,

for example, that routine matters dealine; wi th facul ty appointments, l e aves of nbs enc e or promotions, with the determination of the s alary that particul ar members in particul ar a at egories might r eoeive , a r e often


discuss ed and acted upon by the University Board. a

Unive r~ity

It is sugge sted that

Board or Committee is not the most eff ec tivo instrument

through which to exe cute Universi ty policy.

Commi ttees or Boards wi thin

a University r end er th eir be st s ervic e when they participate in the formul ation of policy r egording academic matters, and in advising those who bear tha r espon s ibility for the dotermination of such policy.


nr e l east effeotive when they spend their time in d ealing with the application of policy to specific cases.

Th e application of policy to

specific c a ses is an appr opriat e function of an administrativa officer nnd not of a committee or b oard. The propos ed plan for the organization of the University calls for


advi sory agenci es r e sponsibl e t o the Chancellor in addition to the r econstituted Uni ve r sity Boards . One of the new advi sory ag(3nci e s would be an Adminis trati ve Adv isory Council.

Tho functions of this Council would be advisory only.

Council would s erv e a s a Cabinet for the Chano ellor.


The membership of

the Administr at ivo Council would c onsist of th e Dee. n of the Uni verai ty, t he Di r ect or of Publ ic Re l ations, the Director of Planning , the Coordinator of A&M Coll cge and Agr icul tural Agencies, t he Tr casur er and Business Manager, the two Vice - Chanc ollors, the Director of the Agricul tur a! Experimont Station, the Director of the Agri.cul tur al Extension Servic e , and possibly the As sistant to the Chanc oll or.

The decision with r egfird to

whethe r or not t o include th o As sistant to t h e Chanc ellor a. s a member of the .Admini str Rtivo Council shoul d be bas ed upon the nE\ture of the activities that

th ~

Chancel lor assi gns t o this Ass istan t.

12 •


Tha pl an propo s ed c alls al s o for t hc e s t ablishment of a University Eduo ation Conf er ence .

Thi s Confe r ence woul d cons i s t of th e combined

membe r ship of t h8 two Univ er sity Bo ar ds and t he Adminis t r ati v a Advi sor y Counci1.

It is suggc st ed t hat tho Un i vorsity Educati on Conf er enc e meet

once or twi c e eac h y ear f or s essi on s of from one to t hre e do.ys each. Th e pur pos e of t he s e mse tings would be t o di scus s import ant probl ems r el nt ed to the future devel opmcnt of tho Unive r s i ty as a who1e and t o the ways thr oug h wh i ch unive rsity -widc c oor di nntio n of t he educat i onal, r e sen r c h, and service pr ogr nms of t hc Un ive rs ity mi ght b e s t be nchi ev ed. The Chnnc ollor of the Unive rsity mi ght well us e the Univc rsity Educ ntion Con f. e r enc e in

tl~ ee

wnys :

(1 ) to

ac qu~int

memb crs of th e

Conf e r ence with hi s own i deas rel at i n g to np propri at G ob jective s f or t h e Unive r sity and wnys and means of a ttai ning them; (b) to s ecure from membe r s of the Conf'e :re nc e t he b cne f its of their critica1 an alys e s of hi s suggosti ons ; and (3) to s ecur c sugge stions and advic e from member s of the Confe r e nc e indivi dunl l y nnd as a group wi t h r egar d t o any a speots of t ho Uni vorsi t y ' s pr ogr Am of educnt i on and r es•::J nrch which t hey wi sh to di ecuss .

The Ch onc cllor may u so t hi s Co nf0r enc e t oget he r wi th r eports

of t he Dir 0etor of Pl nnning , r ecoPmendntions of the Univcrsi t y Bo nr ds , und adv ice f rom De ans and ot her Uni ver s i ty ndmini s t r ative of f i c er s bas e s ror th e pr epora t i on of of f ic i al r e por ts and of


r ec o~aend ations


th e Superior Educat ion a l Counci 1 . I l lustr ative of t h e si gnifi oant i ssues t h Rt might be di sc u ssed by t he Uni ve rs i ty ' s Educ nt i on al Con f or enc o are th e f ol lowing : fut ur '3

e mph~"1.s i s

that s houl d


(1 ) the

pla.oE>d u t,o n gr ndtlAto ,nork. nnri th8 rt-•1 u~. i v"l


values or altemative organizations for the development or"'¡graduate programa; (2) the extent to whioh University enrollments should be limitad in various oolleges of the University, and the most appropriate wnys of effecting suoh limitationSJ (3) the organization of an ExtraMurals Extension program on a university-wide basis in a manner suoh that it may utiliza both the resources of the entire University and


resources within the Puerto Rioan community; (4) the advisability of establishing brenohes of the Universit,y in selected population centers of Puerto Rico and the natura of the programa that should be offered in University branohes if suoh branches should be established; (5) the naed tor the establishment of additional professional schools or in-servioe education programa for the preparation of professional workers1 (6) the


extent to which duplication of eduoational progrwms exista and the extent to whioh it should be permitted to continua at two or more oampuses of the University; (7) the relativa emphasis that should be placad upon general eduoation and upon specialized eduoation within eaoh of the professional curriculum offerad in the University; and (8) tha best ways throughwhich to seoure the optimum dagree of ooordination and cooperation between the Agricultura! Experiment Station and the Agrioultural Extension Service on the one hand, and the several eduoational and rasearoh


oonduoted on the orunpuses of the University at Rio Piedras, at Mayaguez, and o.t San Juan., Administrativa offioers and faculty members of the University who are not


among the membership of tha

ferenoe might be invitad to attahd



Eduoation Con-

meetings trom time to time


either as auditora or as consultante on speoial problema. Special University


Committees would be established as

needed to deal with problems atfeoting more than one of the major units of the Universit,y--that is, the campus units at Rio Piedras and


the Medica! School unit so long as it operates separately from the Rio Piedras .crumpus, and the two Agricultura! Agencies.

It is suggested that

the Medioal Sohool with ita affiliated units and any new sohools or col legas in the field of' heal th or medicine, suoh as a College of Dentistry,_ be inoorporated at an early date as a part of the program of the Rio Piedras campus. A new agenoy would be established on both oampuses to be designated


as the University Extension Center.

On eaoh campus this agency would

inolude an Evening Division and a Summer Session.

Also inoluded in the

University Extension Center at the Rio Piedras campus would be a unit ror the direotion of Extra-Mural classes.

This unit would draw upon

the resouroes of all parta of the University and or agencies outside the University to the extent that suoh resouroes are available. The Division or General Studies at Mayaguez would be administered by a dean, the Student Servioes and Guidanoe Office at Mayaguez would be oonverted into a Dean of Students• offioe, and both the Dean of the Division of General Studies and the Dean of Students at Mayaguez would beoome me.mbers of the Speoial University Board at


At both Rio Piedras and Mayaguez the Department of Air Scienoe and Taotios and the Department


Military Soienoe and Taetios would be


transferred from their present position in the organization to positions of independent departments reporting directly to their respective Vice-Chancellors. At both Rio Piedras and Mayaguez the Office of the Registrar would be made an administrativa uni t under the direction of the respective Dean of Studen ts. Not indioated on the Chart but, nevertheless, an essential part of the propasad plan for the organization of the University would be provision for a number of assistants to administrativa officers who

' report to the Vioe-Chancellors.

The number ot deans and other adminis-


trative officers who may need one or more such assistants with appropriate titles will depend in part upon the size and the complexity ot the programs which they administer, and in part upon the extant to which their respective


require clase coordination with other

within or without the University.



It will also depend in part upon

the administrativa effeotiveness ot the heads of departments or other . uni ts under their di reotion * No speotal provision has been made on the Chart for



may be needed to coordinate the activities of administrativa units at the Mayaguez o~pus.


with the aotivities of


units at the Rio Piedras

It seems olear, however. that it would be highly desirable to

seoure some degree of ooordination between programa or aotivities of a $1milar natura representad on both oampuses, suoh as the two programa

ot General Studies, the aotivities direoted


the two Deans of Studenta,


and the eduoational offerings administered through the University Extension Center recommended for establishment on each of the two oampuses. To soma extent, ooordination of activities at the two campuses may be secured through one or another of the Advisory Agencies to be attached directly to the Chancellor's office.

For exrumple, when the problem is

primarily that of developing a plan through whioh to seoure coordination, a Speoial University Advisory Committe_e might be appointed


the Chan-

oellor to study the problem and to report back to the Administrativa Adviso~·council

for action.

orto the Chancellor, orto both, with reoommendations

When, however, the need is for continuous coordination of ao-

tivities representad on the two campuses, the Dean of the University will


be assigned


primary responsibility for securing suoh coordination •

Sometimes he will aocomplish this directly sometimes through the aid of the Assistant to the Chancellor, the c'oordinator of A&M College and Agricultura! Agencies, ~~~or the Director of Public Relations, and sometimes through the establishment of a special mechanism for this purpose. It seams olear, for exnmple, that the admission of students to the University, the maintenance of student reoords·, and health examinations, are aotivities of a t.ype such that they should not be oonduoted with complete independence at the two teaohing branohes of the Universit,y.


should be feasible, however, for the person in oharge of suoh an aotivity at the Rio Piedras orumpus or his immediate


offioer at Rio

to be held responsible for the ooordination or such an aotivity at both oam.puses,



In cases in which an arrangement for administrativa ooordination of the type mentioned above is made, it should be clearly understood by all oonoerned that the offioer at Rio Piedras to whom suoh ooordinating responsibili~

has been assigned would, in his ooordinating oapaoity, be

operating as a representativa of a member of the staff of the Chancellor's Offioe, pref'erably of that of the Dean of the University, and not as a representativa of the Vioe-Chanoellor atRio Piedrao.

In his oapaoity

as head of nn off'ice atRio Piedras; however, this ooordinating offioer would, of oourse, still be responsible to the Vioe-Chanoellor at Rio Piedras, even though, as a coordina ting offioer, he would report direotly to the Dean of the University. Another aren in whioh the


of the progrwm on one


might be provided by the director of a similar program at the other campus is that of library administration.

The Librarian at Rio Piedras, for

example, might serve both in his oapacity as Librarian and as a Director

of Libraries for the entire University.

As Librarinn at Rio Piedras

he would be administratively responsible to the Vioe-Chanoellor of the University at Rio Piedras.

As Director of Libraries for the Universit,y

he would be responsible directly to the Offioe of tha Chancellor, reporting preferably direotly to the Dean of the University.•

, •

Qhart I does not indica te e.ny place wi thin the universi ty struoture

for graduate programa, including


whioh now exist or those whioh

may be developed in the futura.

So long as graduate programa are limited

primarily to those leading to a Master's Degree, it doubtful that any advantages would be gained through the·establishment of a single graduate


school for the entir e Unive rsity.

It app ears pr eferabl e for th e Unive rsity

to continue its pr e s ent pat t ern of op er oting one or more graduate schools within ea ch college that off ers gradunt e work.

A gr a duot e pr ogr am l ead-

ing to n Ma ste r's degr ee in Educ a ti on is greatly needed in Puerto Ri co, nnd the Uni ve rsity should equip its elf to offer s uch a pr ogr am at an ea rly dat e . At pr e s ent the De an of the School of Englneering at Mayaguez is also the Vic e -Chnnc ellor of the College of Agricultur a and Mechanic Arts.


the pre s e nt enrollment at May aguez and the r apid growth in enrollment that has b ee n pro jected f or that c ampus during the next thr eo -year period, indicat e ol early a need for a r eside nt Vic e -Chancellor who will devote his full time snd attention t o the functio ns of that of fic e .


t he School of Enginee ring now n eeds to have a full-time Dean, and th at need vlill i ncrea s e wi th the incr ea s ed enrollments in Engine erin g . i s suggos t ed

th~ t,


a s soon a s pos si bl e , ar r angemAnts be made to s e cura

a Denn f or t he Schoo l of Engineer i ng so t hot the Vi c e- Chanc ell or will no longer need to s erve in thnt cnpncity, I t is assumed tho.t oac h administr a tiv a posl.tion indic a ted on t he Char t will be fill ed by a pe r son who devot a s ei the r full time or a ma jar pa r t of hi s t i me to admini s t ering t he a ctiv ities of that pos it ion .


an in sti tut i on t he s i ze of t he Univ er s ity of Pue rto Ri co , t he number of admi nistrativ a office s shown on t he Chart r e pr e sen ta, i n my j udgment, t he mĂ­nimum number nee ded f or cffect i ve and e conomi cal oper at i on of the Un i vers ity.

I r eco gni ze , nev er the l e s s , t ha t it may be di f fi cult to cons ummat e

t h e pl a n pr opos ed wi thin a pe riod of one or two years, or possib l y even




of three y ears, becaus e of the difficulty i nvolved in s ocuring adequat oly qualifi ed p er sonnel f or all of t ho positions that would n eed to be fill ed. A be ginning in the

r eor g~niz ation

of the University should be made

a s soon as po s sible in arder t hat thc central off ic e s of the i n st i tution mny b e reli ev ed of their pr e sent exc essive burdens.

It is e ss enti al,

neve rthel ess, that no position in the or ganiz ation propos ed be f illed with an unqualifi ed person.

Until qualifi ed personne l ca n be found or

deve lo ped for t he i mportnnt admini s trativa positions c alled for under the propos ed pl an, it may be nec ess ary in sorne ca s e s to h av e one per son s e rve as the acting ndministrat or of one office nt the same time tha t he holde a r egular administr ativo po s ition in anothe r office .

For oxampl e , un-

s atisfactory though such a pl an would be a s a perman ent arrangement, it mi ght bo neoe ssary f or n pe riod of time f or the Deen of th e University to s e rve both in thnt onpac ity and as Acting Vio e-Chano ollor of the Rio Pi edr a s campus , or for the Coor dina t or of A&M Coll ege and Agricultur a! Agenci es to s erve in sorne oth or position in nn acting city. As a t emporary arrnn goment, it mi ght also be neoess ary, until a mor e s ati sfactory

p e rma n ~n t

arr angement c an be mnde , for the Tr ea surer

and Busine ss Me.n p.gor of the Unive rsi ty t o s e rve a s Acting Business and Finenc e Off i c er e t the RĂ­ o Pi edra s c ampus.

If this l atter a rrangement

should be medA, howeve r, it should be made ol ear to a ll cono e rned t hat the pors on appointcd for t he dual r ol e of Tr easur e r a nd Busi ness Man age r of th0 Unive r s i ty nnd of Busi nes s .~ nd Finan ce Offi oor A.t the RĂ­ o Pi edr a s campus is nctual ly ho l ding two pos i t ions.

As Business and Fi nanoe Offioe r


a t the RĂ­o Piedras c cmpus, the occupant of th ese two positions would be r esponsible directly to the Vio e-Chane ellor a t that campus, even though a s Treasur er


Busine ss Manager of the University he would be r esponsible

dir octly to the Chnncellor.

The OffĂ­ce of the Chanc ellor The Act of the Univer sity of Puerto Rico ( Act 135 of May 7, 1942) moke s the Chancellor tho Ex ecutive Dir ector of the Unive rsity.

This Act

assigns to him n numbe r of powers and duti es, both ge ner al a nd specifio, thut ar e approprinte fo r the chief executive offio e r of any university, nnd t hQt havo customnrily been as signed to the pr e sidents and ch anc ollors of public univ ersiti c s in the c ontinent Rl United Stat e s. The chi of cxecutive offic ors of mos t Americ an universiti es hov e e i ther th e t itlG Pr es i dcnt or Chnnc ellor.

Almost a lw nys thcy ar e he ld

r csponsible for tho eff ective And oconornica l op cr ation of all de partmAnts within tho institutions over whi ch t hey preside. The Pres ident or Chnnc ellor of u unive rsity i s the chie f adjuste r of all thos e difficulti es th a t muy devolop bet ween i ndi v i du als o r fu culti c s within the i nstitution that cannot be s ettl ed at sorne lowe r l ev el in the ndministrntivc hi e r nrchy.

Almos t alwnys h e i s held r e sponsibl e

for making r eco rnmendations to his Boord of Trustee s on all matte rs r e l ~ ting

to the wel f a r c of the insti t ution, including appo i ntments , promo-

tions and

tormin ~tions

of f aculty mcmbc rs and sal ari e s to be cstnblished

fo r nll pP. rs ons omployed by the ins tituti on .

He r opr es ents the


institution befare the general publio and before organizations of a

variety of types.

He presides a.t faoul ty meetings.

He presides at

meetings of his own oabinet whioh is usually oomposed either of administrativa offioers or of both admdnistrative offioers and faoulty members. H~

representa the institution befora larga donors and befare representa-

tivas of governmental agencies.

He has the major responsibilit,y for the

formulation of thé budget, for seouring its adoption, and for ita exeoution.

Most important of all, he provides educational lendership to

the student bpdy of the university, to the faculty, to administrativa o·fficers wi thin the institution, and to the public at large. The powers, duties, nnd accompanying responsibilities that hnve been assignad to the Chancellor of the University of Puerto Rico correspond, in general, to those of most of the Presidenta and Chanoellors heading state univsrsities and land-grant oolleges.

These powers, duties, and

responsibilities require the Chancellor to assume a number of roles and to perform personally a number of duties whioh no head of n university can wisely delegate to any person or officer on his starr. Among the duties and responsibilities that the Chanoellor of the Universi~

of Puerto Rico cannot


are the following:

1. His role as the leader of education at ita highest level in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. 2. His role as an educational leader in the United States, in Latin America, and in other arens of.the world. 3. Bis role as an eduoational leader within the Univeraity itself.


4. His responsibility f.or making final decisions on the most important educational matters, or on th e most important matters of administr Qtive policy and the execution of sucn limits of



within the

discretion granted him either by legislativa

aotion or by a ction of the Superior Eduoational Council.

This re-

sp ons i bility involves deci sion making regarding r eoommendations to be presentad to the Superior Eduoational Council for action. also, decision making on all aspects of administr ation.

It involves, Included among

the matters on which he must make deoisions are planning the futura programs of the University; pl anning the ways and means thr ough which such progr may b e achi eve d; recruiting and developing a faculty and orga nizing it effectively; providing ovorall direction of the a ctivities of all personnel wi thin the trnivers i t y ; developing me a sur es de signad to s ecura nn optimum degr ee of ooor dination and control of pro gr ama a nd activi ti es wi th an optimum degr ee of free dom for facul ty membe rs and admini str ators to functi on croatively . 5. His leadership

rol ~

in the fi eld of publio relations incl uding

mn t ters such a s the relations of the University t o a genci es of the Gove rnment of the Commonw ealth of Pu erto Rico and to thos e of the Federal Government, r e l a tions to nlumni, relo.tions to educ ation al founda ti ons, r e lntions to othe r educ ation al institutions and agencies both within and without Puerto Rico, and r el a tions to the general public and to the many speci al publi ca of which it is composed. 6. His r esponsibility f or par ticipating actively in securing fina noial support f or the Uni ver 8ity and for using th e funds s eoured in ways that wi l l be st s er ve th e n eeds of the institution.


7. His responsibility for reserving sorne time for r eflection upon matters such as the purposes of a university, the purposes of university


educntion, the validity of the goals that are a ctually determining education a t the Univ ersity of Pue rto Rico, nnd the ext ent to which the program of the University of to b e valid



Rico squar es with whnt s eems to him

for the institution.

8. His r esponsibility for reserving to himself sorne time for the pursuit of scholarly interests and for discussing such inte r e sts with stude nts, with f aculty members, nnd with other persons with whom suc h discussions might be profitnble. 9 . His r esponsibility for res e rving to himself sorne degree of l eisure to use as he s ee s fit. Although the Chancellor of the University of Puert o Rico h as been des i gnated ns th e

F~e cutive

Dir ector of the Universit y , at no time ha s he

been abl e t o function fully in that c npacity. for him to do so for two ¡ r ensons:

It ha s not been possible

( a ) a f aulty administr ativa structure

through which the Unive rsity is r equir ed by l aw to op erat e , and (b) an inadequa t e staff of qualifi ed p ers ons attnched direotly to his own offioe . Among th e ways in which the Unive rsity hns suff er ed bec ause of these defici enc i as ar e t he following: l. Public r el a tions of the University have at t i mes b een l oss than

so.tisfactory. 2. Pl anning for the long-range future of t h e Univ ersit y, including both pl anning to s ecure coordination of activi ti es and pr og r ams within the Univ0r s ity, and plAnning to s ecure ooordination of the i nstitution's


aotivities with those of other publio and private agencies is leas oom-


than is desirable. 3. The central administrativa offioes at Rio Piedras have not

always been abl·e to give adequate attention to programa at the 11ayaguez orunpus, the Experiment Station, and the Agrioultural Extension Servioe, or to the ooordination of suoh programa with eaoh other and with those of the oolleges at Rio Piedras and the Medioal Sohool at San ~·

Ju~ •.

Inadequate attention has been given to the relationship between

University programa and the programa of the elamentary and seoondary sohools, and to ways and means tbrough whioh eaoh may strengthen the other. 5. Inadequate attention·has been given to the possible advantages of seouring some degree of deoentralization of the eduoational programs of the University at the junior college level, as well as to the developmant of soma mechanism through which an optimum degree of decentralization might be seoured. The proposed


reorgnnization disoussed above in

oonnection wi th Chart I should go a long we.y toward remedying present administrativa deficiencias.

The assistanoe provided the Chanoellor through

the plan herewith proposed, together with the distribution to other offices of the :f'unotions of the Dean of Admdnistration, should make it possible :f'or the University o:f' Puerto Rico to remedy the weaknesses notad above in tha administration o:f' the institution.



not surprised that these

weaknessea exist with the present unsatistaotory university organization. I am surprised that the


regardless of


weakness in its

struoture and regardless of overburdened offioers in the central administration of the Universtty, has during reoent made a record ot


outstanding achievement equalled by few, if any, institutions with which I am acquainted.

The Dean of the Universit,y Under the plan of organization proposed for the University of Puerto Rico, the Office of the Dean of the University would be the second highest offioe in the institution, next in importanoe to that of the Chancellor. During the absenoe of the Chanoellor, the Dean of the·University would serve as Aoting Chanoellor. There are duties and responsibilities of a university President or Chanoellor, suoh as the nine listad in the seotion of this mamorandum

immodiately preoeding this one• that no head of a university can delegate to any member of his staff.

But althaugh he may not delegate final

responsibility for aotion on matters suoh as these, it should be possible for him to arrange to secura from well qualifiad statr mambers enough assistance to enable him to operate etteotively in his role as executive director ot a university. Under the proposed plan of organization, the Dean of the University would be the Chanoellor's principal assistant.

He would supplemant the

Chancellor in the management of the entire institution. would include, among others, assisting



Chanoellor in providing general

supervision over most or all of the following: sight.of all


His tunotions

the development and over-

of instruotion and researchs participation tn.the


proourement and development of faoulty and administrativa offioers; dealing with all matters relating to faoulty and to student affairs, suoh as the operation of libraries and museums, the admission and graduation requirements for-students,


organization, the stimulation

of the study of educational problema by faoulty members and administrativa offioers; and the ooordination of the business and finanoial affaire of the University with its eduoational and researoh programa.

The Dean of the Universitywould serve also as the principal budget offioer of the institution.

In this oapacity he would perform those

functions usually performed by a director of a Bureau of the Budget attaohed to the chief exeoutive officer of a municipal or state government.


would assist the Chancellor in the preliminary for.mulation of the University


and when revisions in the budget or in the proposed budget beoome

neoessary, either beoause Puerto Rico or



aotions of agencies of the Government of

of actions by agencies within the University, the

Dean of the University would assist the Chrunoellor in making such revisions.

He would assist him also in a liaison relationship

of the executive branoh of the Government



the budget offioers

Puerto Rioo and with committeea

of the Puerto Rioan Legislatura. Af'ter tha approval of the appropriation to the University by the Superior mauoational Council, and the traming of the budget by the University Board (if this function should remain with the University Board) the Dean

•• ••

of the University would have the principal responsibility, under the

general supervision of the Chanoellor, tor the execution ot the budget •

27 •

• In this connection he would


the Chancellor in revising the budget

a s needs may requir e throughout the yeo.r in which the budge t is in opm·ation. In th e formulo.tion and execution of the budget, 'he Dean of the University would b8 e. ssisted by the two


of the institu•

tion nnd by the Business Orfi oers and De o.ns reporting to them, by the ~ccounting

unit of the Office of the




Mo.nager of

the University, by tho ·University Boards so long _a s such Boarda retain their

pr~ s ent

functions, and by the Offic e of the Dir ector of Planning.

The Dean of the Unive rsi ty, under the l\rO'J'OS-ed

~l en,

would aasist ·

the Chanc 8llor in the conduct of his r el etions with the University Boarda, with th 0 Uni ve r s ity Educntion Confercrnoe. with speoi nl University advisory committees, with the University Faculty, nnd with the f aculti es of the s ever nl colle ges n.nd other eduo c.tionnl divisions of' the Univeraity. would s erv e as a member of both of the University Bonrds

~d . ~t


the ChQn-

c ellor' s r eque st he woul d pr eside ove r ei t her Boa rd. The Dean

of the Uni ve r si ty, aided prime.rily by the Office of the

Dire ctor of Public Rel ations, would a ssist the Chuno ellor in -hic: r e l a tions to the Alumni of the institution, to agencies of the Feder al Government of the United

St ~ te s,

to educ ational f oundations, to othe r organiz ations .

of e. v nrie t y of t ypes, e.nd to the gener al publio. Some of the duti es the.t would b e as ci gned t o the Dean o f the Uni v ers i ty wnul d be in th e natur e of lin e funoti ons , wh e r ens others would be stnff



Soma would constitute temporary assignments and others would

be more or leas permanent.

Beoause of the varying natura of these assign-

ments, it would be important that all members of the facult.y and or the administration concerned with such assignments understand clearly in ever,y case the natura of each particular tunotion that the Chancellor has delegated to the Dean of the University, including information as to whether the delegated function involves line or staff responsibility. The Dean of the University would assist the Chancellor in the performance of his administrativa functions of planning, organization, directing, s taffing, coordinating, and controlling the programa and aotivities of all units of the University.

In this connection he would

receive major assistance from the Coordinator of A&M College a·nd Agricultura! Agencies for those activities for whioh the Coordinator has responsibility.

The Dean of the Universi ty would the Chanoellor

also in giving direotion to the aotivities of the Treasurer and Business Manager· ot the University in order that suoh aotivities may serve most effeotively the eduoational and research funotions


the institution.

In addi ti.on. the Dean of the Uni ver si ty would assist the Chanoellor in coordinating the aotivities of all of the

oth~r admini~trative


attaohed directly to the Chaneellor's Oft'ioe as well as be assisted by suoh of'f'ioera in the performance ot his own ·funotions. · An additional funotion that


well be assigned to the Dean of

the University is to assi-t department heads, deans, and the Chanoellor in the disoover,y, reoruitment, and development of new raoulty members. He might pertorm this tunotion with th~ aid of a well qualitied aasistant


who is familiar with university needs, with universit.y administration,

and with personnel administration • It is good management in any organization for the recruitment of personnel to be active, searching, selectiva, and oontinuous.

A larga

number of concerns and a few agencies of government, as, for exwmple, the Tennessee Valley Authority, have or have had this type of positiva reoruitment.

In such agencies, personnel files are kept open

at all times for the adding of names and supporting information conoerning persona who may later be considerad· ror appointment.

Members ot personnel

departments reoognize active recruitment as one ot their major tunotions. They do not depend on voluntary applioations, nor do they wait until vacancias ocour, before trying to disoover qualified persons to fill positions in their organizations.

They continuously build their files through

a procesa of active reoruitment rrom many sourQes.

They prepare for con-

tingencias in advance, end, when a vacancy ocours, they are ready to act. I agree wholeheartedly with the thesis that


members and

department heads should be active in the recruitment of new faoulty members.

I do not believe, however, that raculty members and department

heads, either or both, should have a monopoly on the function of facult.y reoruitment.

Deans and presidenta or chanoellors also have soma re-

sponsibility in this oonneotion and should partioipate in the discovery or men and women with outstanding qualifioations for faoulty service. The suggestion that one staff member ia the Chancellor's Offioe, reporting direotly to the Dean ot the University, should devota part




time or full time to building up files of information ooncerning men and women qualified for appointment when vacancias ooour should in no wny


either faoulty members. department


or responsibility of the disoovery of new talent.

or deans of authority

The purpose of ¡such a

plan is to assist faoulty members and department heads, as well as the Chnnoellor and the deans, in performdng more effeotively their personnel funotions.

The sta.ff member in the Chanoellor's offioe devoting his time

to .facul ty personnel matters would the Dean of the Universi ty in disoovering qualified persona in all fields of instruotion and research. He would assist the Dean of the University in seouring information about men and women worthy of oonsideration for faoulty membership.

He would

be assigned soma responsibility for assisting the Dean of the University .,

in formulating plana for the development of faoulty members through inservioe education programe and through attendanoe at ather universitie,. He would not partioipate in the final seleotion of new faculty members.


of A&M


and Agrioultural


This position representa an extension of the duties, authority, and responsibilities attaohed to the present position of Speoial Assistant to the Chanoellor in Charge of Ag.rioultural Affaire. In most land-grant oolleges and universities there is no need for a position of this type beoause the agencies responsible for campus instruotion in agricultura, for agrioultural researoh, and for agricultural extension are located on the same campus.

Moreover, they are also on or

31 •

• near the campus on which both the basio sciences and engineering are taught.

A considerable majority of the land-grant colleges operate the

entire eduoational progrrun on or from a single campus center.


more, in many of them the three agricultura! programa are administered by the


person who reporta directly to the president or chanoellor

of the institution. Under the plan or organization proposed 1 the Coordinator of A&M College and Agricultura! Agencies would be responsible (a) for assisting


the Chanoellor of the University in supervising the activities of the Agricultura! Experiment Station nnd tha Agricultura! Extension Servioe; (b) for coordinating the aotivities of each of these agencies with those of the other and with the nctivities of the Sohool of Agricultura, of the Department of Hame Eoonomios in the College of Education, of the Social Soienoes, of the School of Soienoe at Mayaguez, of the School Dt Natural Soiences at Rio Piedras, and the School of Medicine; (o) for ooordinating all of the agricultura! notivities of the University to similar aotivities of government and industry in Puerto Rioo; and (d) for ooordinating the aotivities ot the ªohool ot Engineering at pre•t?ngineering

pTogrll'llle and grfJ.dua.+.e

ot engineering at Rio Piedras. ·





1)~ ~.el.o.+.~ ~ ~fl.


32 •

Director of




president needs a small staff attached direotly to

his offioe that devotas ita time and nttention to research on problems relP.ted to the operations of the institution and to the development of plana for its futura operations,

During reoent years a relatively larga

number of land-grant colleges and state universities have oreated offices of this type.

Soma of thesa offioes oonoern themselves largely with

immediate problema of en emergency nature.

Suoh aotivities are important,

but they do not meet the most important needs of most institutions.


important than studies designad to solve emergenoy problems are fundamental ...

studies that serve as bases for the long-range development of an institution and studies that lead to the development of mechanisms through whioh the variad and often widely dispérsed programa of a universit,y may be ooordinated with each other and with the relatad aotivities of other agencies.

In addition to the oonduct of studies of these types, every

university needs oontinuously to colleot and oollate statistioal data on many aspeots of its operations, suoh as, class size, teaohing loada, faoulty non-teaohing servioes, student enrollments, the utilization or physical facilities, and comparativa costa whioh will serve a usetul purpose in oonneotion with budget formulation and other aspeots ot eduoational planning. The Universit,y of Puerto Rico now has a small planning staff which,

until recently was a part of the Division ot Buildings, Grounda; and Plana, but whioh is now attached to the Offioe of the Chancelloro has


assembled, and interpretad muoh


This start that has proved

33 •

• to be particul arly valuable in connection with phys ic al planning.


of tho inf.ormation a ss embl ed is of a nature such as to be useful also for educationa l planning.

In some ar ea s of the Univorsity's operutions it

has t een us ed effectively for thnt purpose. Wi th an improve d internal organiz ntion of the Unive rsity. such as thot propos ed, informution of the type that ha s alr eady be en a ss embl ed could be more widoly us ed than is now tho c ase.

Moreove r, additiona l in-

formution of great import nnc e to the orderly dev elopment of the Univer sity is greutly needed, and som8 incr ens e in planning personnel will be n ecess ary


for that purpose . The orga niz ation r ooommended for th c University provides for a Director of Planning attached to th e Offic e of the Chanoellor. staff f or this Planning Offi ce need not be l arge .

The oontinuing

The Director of Planning

could and should draw upon the r esources of the entir e Unive rsity in connection with the colle ction of i nf ormation ba sic to i n stitutional planning. The r el ativ ely small staff within tho

Pl ann~ng

Office its elf should conduot

sorne studies of institution-wide significance, but a pnrt of its time and en er gy should b e devoted to providing necessnry cle ric al and statistical s er vic os to other units of the Unive rsi ty. The Pl anni ng Office should exero is e no admini stra tivo functions.


primary duty woul d be to a s s embl e basic da t a , to in t erpr et th o dat a assembl ed nnd to a ssist the c entr al a dministr "tion and th e h eads of the colleges nnd other administrative units t hroughout th e Univorsity.

Such ossista.nce

would i nclude the conduct of. r os ea rch on university probl ems in which the

administrativa officers may be interested and whioh would be helpful to them in making deoisions both of an advisory and of a polioy-making natura whioh appropriately belong to tham or to their ofticee. The budget or a universi'y is primarily a plan ror the Gperation ot the institution, stated goals.


in fiscal terms and designad to aohieve olearly

The budgat of the Universit,y of Puerto Rico as of all

universities should constitute the institution•s the period oovered by it.

Under the propoeod


of operations for


ot the


the Planning Oftice, through ita Director, would have an important runotion to pertorm in connection with the budget.

That function would be

that of providing the Dean of the University with suoh factual information as he may need for budgetary purposes. The Planning Offioe will need to have statistioal services available for its


at nll times.

It is suggested that the University establisp

a Statistioal Center in the Planning Office.

To this· Center would be

assigned the dual functions of conducting statistioal studies in


with the plnnning aotivities of the central administration of the University and ooordinating the statistioal operations ot the entire University in a manner designad to make the moat ef'fioient. U$e

and personnel available for such work.


both the machines




The Director of Publio Relations The quality of a university program and¡ the chnrao ter of the staff of a unive rsity are fundamental to sound publio rel ations.

This is trua

beo ause the publio r el a tions of a university are the sum total of all of the impr essions, good or bad, that a university makes and thnt are made upon it.

Such impressions result from e number of factors, such as, the

effectiveness of a university's program, the quality of its personnel, and the opportunity that is provided for a two-way flow of communication from the university to the general publio and to speoial publics, and from such publics to the university. Every university must have a cooperativa publio in arder to secure adequa t e support for its progrrum. oper at e intelligently.

Only a well-informed publio c an co-

Uninte lligent attempts to coop er ut e more often

thnn not are h armful r n ther thon h elpful.

To secura intelligent oo-

oper ntion, publio needs nnd desires mus t oontinuously be mude known to the univorsity.

Likewis e the well-oonsidered pl ans of the unive rsity

for meeting th e needs of the public, a nd for


those desire s of

the publio that seem to univers ity offici als to be l egitirnate. worthy of consider ntion, and wi thin the r esourc es of the unive rsity, must continuously be made known to the publio. agenoy

e ~n

No university or oth er publio

oper nt e eff eotiv ely without n well-ooordinnted and a wel l -

adrnintstered program of public rel ntions. Among the activities within a university that may be utilizad effectively in oonnection with its public relationa progr am is a General

r --

1 36 .

Inf ormati on Se rvi ce that utilize s the pre ss, r adio, and t el evi sion in an organi zad manner. pr ess r al eases,

This Servioe would hold press conferono es , pr epar e

bro ~ do as ts ov ~ r

r adi o and tel evisi on, pr epar e scripts

for r ndio and t el ev ision progr ama,


special articl es in newspap ers

and magazine s, an d mnke r eports of university needs, inter ests, and notiviti es of a v ari ety of typ es.

The most effe ctive instrumenta nvnil able

for ma ss communioation would be utiliz ad. An effeot ive public r e l ntions offioe within a lend-gr ant coll ege will find ways through which to s eoure edequr.t e oover nge for published materials of e vari ety of types, including the bull etins nnd other publications of

• f

its Agricultura! Extension Servic e , its Experiment Station and othe r agaH 6 i ~ s ~~ ~h in t i

e uni v or sity engngod in r ese nroh or in other eotivi ti e s

doo i gnnd t o r a i ae t h o

~ ener a l

Th e propos ed pl an


l ev e l of publ i c understnnding.

tho orgnniz ation of the Univer s ity of Pue rto

Rico prov i de s f or n Dir ector of Public Re l ntions ntt ached to the Off ice of the Chane ellor. tions of two typ es:

Tho Di r ect or of Publ i c Rel a tions will perfor m funo( n ) h e will nss i st the Chano ellor i n such a mqnn er a s

t he Chanc ellor mny det ermino in th e perfor manc e of t hose publ i o r el at i ons octiv iti e s whieh by t h ei r nnture canno t be del egat ad to ot h er s; cnd ( b) he will sorve a s the coo rdinntor of all of th o i nfor mation ser vice s of the Unive rsit y .

Such s ervic es ot t h e Uni ve rsi t y of Puer to Ric o i ncl udc , among

ot h er s, the nc tivi t i es of tho pr e s ent Edi t or i al offioe s , the multil i th s er• vic e s, the photogr aphic l abornt or i e s , all s ervi oes d eol ing with the pre ss, r edio , and t el evision, und nll publio a t.lons deali ng with the


n eeds , and achi evements of the Unive rsity a s a whol e and of a ll of. i ts s epara te parts •

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