UKIVERSrrY OF PUERTO RICO College of Edacaüon Center for Educational Research

Selected Bibliography
Part L - Puerto Rican Mgration
Abrams, Charles, "The Puerto Rican Airlift," in his Farbidden Neiqhbors (New York: Harper, 1955), Chapter 6, pp. 56-69.
Alers-Montalvo, Manuel. The Puerto Rican Miqrants of ISlew York City; A Studv of Anomie (Unpublished M.A. thesis, Columbia University 1959).
Anderson, Robert W. "Reñections on "Focus and Approach" for a Study of Social Change and Public Policy. A Seminar at the University oí Puerto Rico (Río Piedras: Social Science Center, University of Puerto Rico, 1968), pp. 17-23.
, "Annotated Bibliography on Puerto Rico and Puerto Rican Migration," International Migration Review. II (Spring, 1968), 96-102.
John P. Augelli, "San Lorenzo: A Case Study of Recent Interior Migrations in Puerto Rico," American Journal of Econcmlcs and Socioloav. Vol. n (January 1952).
Back, Kurt W. "The Change-Prone Person in Pi^erto Rico,"Public Opinión' Q.uarterlyXXn (1958), 330-340.
Back, Kurt, W. Slums. Proiects, and People: Social. Psychological Problems of Relocation in Puerto Rico (Durham. North Carolina, Duke University Press, 1962).
Bartlett, Frederic P. and Howell, Branden Puerto Rico y su problema de . población (Santurce. Junta de Planificación, Urbanización y Zonificación, 1946).
Benftez, Jaime. "El problema humano de la emigración," La Torre. IV, núm. 1? (enero-marzo, 1956), 13-22.
Borrero, Elviro y Vázquez, José L. La población de Puerto Rico. 1500-1964. Informe Especial (San Juan: División Registro Demográfico y Estadísticas Vitales, Departamento de Salud; Sección de Bieestadfsticas, Escuela de Medicina, Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1965).

Boarne, Dorothy and Boame, James K. Thirty Years of Change ia Puerto Rico. (New York; Praeger, 1967).
Brooks, Tom. "The Puerto Rican Story," Industrial Bulletin (New York), XXXK (June, 1960), 6-12.
Caplow, Theodore, Stryker, Sheldon and VJallace, S. The Urban Ambience (Totowa, New Jersey: Bedminster Press, 1964).
Carleton, R. "New Aspects of Puerto Rican Migration," Monthly Labor Review, 83 (Feb. 1960), 133-135.
Chenault, Lawrence. The Puerto Rican Migrant in Mew York City (New York Columbia University Press, 1938).
LAnard, Marshall B. "Notes on Urbanization, Urbanism, and Reviant Behavior in Puerto Rico," in Millard Hansen (ed)., Social Chanae and Public Policy. A Seminar at the University oí Puerto Rico (Río Piedras: SocialScience Research Center, University of Puerto Rico, 1968), pp. 24-36.
Cordasco, Frank M. and Covello, Leonard. Studies of Puerto Rican Children " in American Schools: A Preliminary Biblioqraphy (New York: Migration División, Commonv'ealth of Puerto Rico, Dept. of Labor, 1967). 24 p.
Cunningham, Ineke. "An Inventory of Research in Puerto Rico Relevant to Social Change and Public Policy," In Millard Hansen (ed.) Social Chanqe and Public Policy." A Seminar at the University of Puerto Rico (Río Piedras: Social Science Research Center, 1968), pp. 44-73.
Davis H. D., "Golden Door", New Statesman". L. (September 24, 1955), p. 355-56.
Davis, Kingsley and Sénior, Clarence. "Immigration from the Western Hemisphere," Annals of the American Academy of Poli*leal and Social Science. Vol. 262(March, 1949), 77-79.
Donchian, Daniel. A Survey of New Haven's Newcomers: The Puerto Rican_s (New Haven, Connecticut: Human Relations Council of Greater, New Haven, May, 1959). 36 pp.
Dossick, Jesse J. Doctoral Research on Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans (New York: New York University, School of Education, 1967).
. Workdshop Field Study in Puerto Rican Education and Culture," Journal of Educational Sociolocrv. XXVH (December, 195 4), p. 174-180.
Fernández-Marina, R., Maldonado-Sierra, E. D., and Trent, R. D. "Three Basic Themes in Mexican and Puerto Rican Family Valúes," Journal oí Social PsychologyXLVni(November. 1958), p. 167-181.

Fernández Méndez, Eugenio. "¿Assimilación o enquistamiento? Dos-polos del problema de la emigración transcultural puertorriqueña," La Torre IV, núm. 13(enero-marzo, 1956), 137-146.
Fitzpatriclí, Joseph P. "Altitudes of Puerto Ricans Toward Color," The American Catholic Sociological Review. XX (Fall, 1959), 219-233.
Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. "The Inteqration of Puerto Ricans." Thought (Autumn, 1955), 402-420.
, "Puerto Ricans in Perspective: The Meaning of Migration to the Mainland," ]hternational Migration Review. 11 (Spring 1968), 7-19.
Fleischer, Belton M. "Some Economic Aspects of Puerto Rican Migration to the United States," Review of Economics and Statistics. XLV (August, 1963), 221-230.
Francis, Roy. The Predictive Process (Río Piedras: UPR, Social Sciences Research Center, 1960).
Cernes, Arthur C. "Implicaciones de la emigración puertorriqueña al contiinente fuera de la ciudad de Wueva York," La Torre. IV. núm. 13 (enero-marzo, 1956), 94-111.
Glazer, Nathan. "NewYork's Puerto Ricans," Commentarv. XXVI(December, 1958), 469-47a
, "The Puerto Ricans," in Nathan Glazer and Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Beyond the Melting Pot (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard- M.J. J. Press, 1963), Chapter 2.
Goldsen, Rose Kohn. Puerto Rican Migration to ISlew York Citv (Unpublished Ph. D. dissertation), New York University, 1945).
Goldberg, Gertrude S., "Puerto Rican Migrants on the Mainland of the United States. A Reviev^ of the Literature." IRCD Bulletin, IV (January, 1968), 1-12.
Macisco, John J. jr., "Assimilation of the Puerto Ricans on the Mainland; A Socio-Demographic Approach," International Migration Review. n (Spring, 1968), 21-39.
Golob, Fred, "The Puerto Rican Worker in Perth Amboy, New Jersey," (New Brunswick, New Jersey: Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University), Occasional Studies ISlo. 2(March, 1956), 18 pp.
Gregory, Peter. "The Labor Market in Puerto Rico," in Wilbert Moore and Arnolds. Morre and Feldman, Labor Commitment and Social ChaaQe_in Developinq Areas (New York: Social Scieiice Research Council, 1960).

Hatnilton, Walton. "The Puerto Rican Economy Linked with the Mainland," Annals oí the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 285 (January, 1953), pp. 76-85.
Handlin, Oscar. The Mewamers: ISlegroes and Puerto Ricans in a Chanqinq Metrópolis (Garden City, Mew York: Anchor, 1959).
Hansen, Millard (ed.). Social Change and Public Policv. A Semirs.r at the University of Puerto Rico 20-24 February 1967 (Río Piedras: Social
Hernández-Alvarez, José. "The Movement and Settlement of Puerto Rican Migrants Within the United States, 1950-1960," International Miqration Review, 11 (Spring, 1968), 40-52.
Hernández Alvarez, José. Return Miqration to Puerto Rico (Population Monograph Series, no. 1; Berkeley: Instituto of International Studies, University of California, 1967). Published also by the Social Sciences Restarch, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, 1964.
Hollingshead, Augast B. "Attitudes Toward Slums and Public Howing in Puerto Rico," The Urban Condition (M. Y.: Basic Books, 1963), pp. 229-245.
Janer, José L., Vázquez Calzada, José L. and Morales, Nidia, Puerto Rico's Demoqraphic Situation: Some of Its Recent Chanqes and Their Transfer
Valué. (San Juan: U.P.R. School of Medicine, May 1962), 40 pp.
Jaffe, A. J. People. Jobs, and Economic Development (Glencoe, ILlinois: Free Press, 1959).
. Puerto Rican Population of Mew York Citv (New York: Bureau of
Applied Social Resea rch, Columbia University, 1954). 61 pp.
Kantrowitz, Nathan. "Social Mobility of Puerto Ricans: Education, Occupation, and lineóme Changos Among Children of Migrants, 1950-1960," Interna tional Miqration Review. II (Spring, 1968), p. 53-71.
Koss, Joan D. Puerto Ricans in Philadelphia: Miqration and Accomodative Processes. (Unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, Pennsylvarda University, 1965).
Lauria, Anthony I. "Respeto,' 'Relajo', and Interpersonal Relations in Puerto Rico." Anthropoloqical Quarterly. XXXVII (April, 1964), 53-67.
Leeden, F. van den. "Puerto Ricans In New York City," Geoqraphical Review XLIV (January 1954), 143-144.

Lewis, Gordon K. "Puerto Rico: Estudio de un caso cambio en una región subdesarrollada," La Torre, IV, núm. 13 (enero-ira rzo, 1956), 147-180.
Lewis, Gordon K. Puerto Rico: Freedom and Power in the Carribean (IÑiew York: Monthly Review Press, 1964).
Lewis, Oscar. La Vida: A Puerto Rican Familv in the Culture of Povertv: San Juan and New York (ISlew York: Random House, 1966).
Macisco, John J., Jr. "Fertility in Puerto Rico: An Ecological Study," Sociological Analysis, XXVI (Fall- 1965), 157-164.
Maldonado, A. W. "The Migration Reverses," The INiation. 198(March 16, 1964), 255-257.
Maldonado, A. . "Puerto Rican Tide Begins to Turn." New York Times Maqazine (September 20, 1964), pp. 84.
Milis C. Wright; Sénior, Clarence; and Goldsen, Rose. The Puerto Rican Journev: Mew York's ISlewest Migrante (New York: Harper, 1950).
Mintz, Sidney. "Puerto Rican Fmigration: A Threefold Comparison." Social and Fconomic Studies (Jamaica), Vol. IV (December 1955), 311-325.
. "Puerto Rico: An Fssay in the Definition of a National Culture," in United States-Puerto Rico Commission on the Status of Puerto Rico, Status of Puerto Rico: Selected Background Studies (Washington, D. C.: 1966).
• in the Gane: A Puerto Rican Life History (Rlew Haven: Yale University Press, 1960).
Monserrat, José. "La emigración: realidad y problema en la ciudad, de Nueva York," La Torre. IV, núm. 13 (enero-marzo, 1956), 73-96.
Morrison, J. Cayce. "The Puerto Rican Study: What It Is, Where It Is Going," Journal of Fducational Sociologv XXVm (December^ 1954), 167-173.
iMyers, George C. "Migration and Modernization: The Case of Puerto Rico, 1950-1960." Social and Fconomic Studies. XVI(December. 1967). 425-431.
Myers, George C. and Masnick, George. "The Migration Fxperience of New York Puerto Ricans: A Perspective on Return," International Migration Review," II (Spring, 1968), pp. 80-89.
Novak, Robert T. "Distribution of Puerto Rico's on Manhattan Island," Geogranhióal' Rpvípw, XLVI(April, 1956), 182-186.
O'Brien, Robert W. "Hawaii's Puerto Ricans: Stereotype and Realily," Social Process in Hawaii, XXni(1959), 61-64.
. "A Survey of the Puerto Ricans in Lorain, Ohi®" (Lorain, Ohio: Neighborhood. House Association of Lorain, 1954), 85 pp.
Opler, Marvin K, "Dilemmas of Two Puerto Rican Men," In G. Seward (ed.) Clinical Studies in Culture Conflict (New York: Ronald Press, 1958), Chapter 10, pp. 223-244.

Pagán de Colón, Petroamérica. Migration Trends (Mew York: Migration División, Dept. of Labor, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 1959). 15 pp.
. H.The Status of the Migrant: People with the Same Aspiration^ Vital Speeches XXVin(Mav 1. 1968), 445-44a
Philadelphia. Commission on Human Relations. "Philadephia's Puerto Rican Population with 1960 Census Data" (Philadelphia: Author, March, 1964).
The Puerto Rican Experience on the United States Mainland," International Migration Review. II (Spring, 1968).
Puerto Rico,Commonwealth of PuertoRico. Department of Labor. Special Report on Migration. 1961-B (San Juan: Author, 1961).
. Department of Labor. Bureau of Statistics. Characteristics of Passengers Who Travelled bv Air Between Puerto Rico and the United
States. Fiscal and Calendar Years 1957-1964 (San Juan: Author, 1958-65). Spanish-English.
Puerto Rico, Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. Junta de Planificación de Puerto Rico, Wbrme del Gobernador. Segunda Parte: Panorama Económico de la década 1960-1970(San Juan, Puerto Rico).
Puerto Rico. Department oí Labor. Migration División. New York Cit^ Office. Report of the Third Migration Conference (ISIew York: Author, 1958). 12 pp.
. A.Summary in Facts and Figures, 1964-1965: Progrese in Puerto Rico - Puerto Rican Migration (New York: Author, 1966).
Puerto Rico. Departamento de Instrucción. Emigración ... (Libros para el pueblo, núm. 8; San Juan, P. R.: René Marquéz por el Departaxnerrtxr tie. Instrucción "Pública, División de Educación de la Comunidad, 1955), Press, 1958).

Puerto Rico. Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. Departamento de Instrucción Publica. Programa de Trabajo Social Escolar, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico. "Encuesta relacionada con alumnos que asistían a es cuelas públicas en Puerto Rico durante el segundo semestre del año escolar 1966-67 y que procederán de escuelas en Estados Unidos," Unpublished mimeographed report (Author: 1968). 9pp.
Puerto Rico. Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rica Departamento de Trabajo. Negociado de Estadísticas del Trabajo. Características de los pasaieros que viajaron por la via aerea entre Puerto Rico v los Estados Unidos. Años Eiscaleo y naturales, 1957-1964 (San Juan: Autor, 1958-'965)- Spanish-English.
Puerto Rico. Office of the Governor. Puerto Rico Planning Board (Planning Area, Bureau of Economic and Social Analysis). 1967: Economic Report to the Governor (San Juan: Author, 1968).
Reynolds, Lloyd G. and Gregory, Peter. Waqes. Productivitv. and Industrialization in Puerto Rico (Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, 1965).
Rodríguez Bou, Ismael. "Significant Factors in the Development of Education in Puerto Rico," in United States - Puerto Rico Commission on the Status of Puerto Rico, Status of Puerto Rico: Selected Backqround Studies (Washington, D. C. 1966), pp. 147- (Migration: pp. 193ff.).
Rogler, Lloyd H. and Hollingshead, August B. Trapped: Families and Schizophrenia. (N^-w York: Wiley, 1965).
Rosario, Charles. "La emigración como experiencia vital," La Torre. IV, Núm. 13 (enero-marzo,,1956) .
Ruiz, Paquita. Vocational Needs of Puerto Rican Migrants (Río Piedras: Social Scieace Research Center, University of Puerto Rico, 1947). 84 pp.
Seda Bonilla, Edwin. "Patrones de acómodo del emigrante puertorriqueño a la estructura social norteamericana," Revista de Ciencias Sociales, n (Junio, 1958), 189-200.
. "Social Structure and Race Relations," Social Forces. (December, 1961(, 141-148.
Sénior, Clarence. "Migration and Economic Development in Puerto Rico," Journal of Educational Socioloav. XXVIII(December, 1954), 151-156.
. "Migration and Puerto Rico's Population Problem" Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 285 (Jan. 1953), pp. 130-136.

Sénior, Clarence. "Miaration to the Mainland." Monthlv Labor Review. (December, 1955), 1354-1358.
. "Puerto Pican Dispersión in the United States," Social Problems.n (October, 1954(, 93-99.
. Puerto Pican Emigration (Pío Piedras: Social Science Pesearch Center, University of Puerto Pico, 1947).
. Puerto Pican Miaration: Spontaneous and Orqanized (ISlew York: Migration División, Dept. of Labor, Ccinnionwealth of Puerto Pico, 1957). 14 pp.
. The Puerto Picans: Stranaers-Then Neiahbors (Chicago: Quadrangle, 1965).
" The Puerto Picans in New York: A Progress Note," Intemational Ivliqration Peview. II (Spring, 1968), 73-89.
. "The Puerto Picans in the United States," in Joseph Gittler (ed.) Understandinq Minority Groups (New York: Wiley, 1956), Chapter VE, pp. 109-125.
"The Sociological Approach to Assimilitian," Population Bulletin XXm(1954), 30-31.
Sénior, Clarence and Watkins, Donald. "Toward a Balance Sheet of Puerto RiCcin Migration," in United States-Puerto Pico Commission on the Status of Puerto Pico, Status of Puerto Pico; Selected Backqround Studies Prepared for (1966), pp. 689-795. /'Selected, annotated bibliografy, pp. 765-795/
Siegel, Arthur; Orlands, Harold: and Greer, Loyal. Puerto Picans in Philadelphia: A Studv of Their Demoqraphic Characteristics. Problems and Altitudes (Philadelphia: Philadejphia Commission on Human Pelations, April, 1954). 135 pp.
Sierra Berdecfa, Fernándo. "La emigración puertorriqueña: realidad y política pública." La Torre. IV, n(!im. 13(enero-marzo, 1956), 33-54.
. "Puerto Pico: Labor Unions and Labor Pélations," Monthlv Labor Review. (December, 1955), 1359-1372.
Simmons, W. R. and Associates. The Spanish-Speakinq Scene: Silhouette on New York Citv Today (New York: El Diario-La Prensa. February 1963)
Slocum, KennethG. "Puerto Pico's Labor Surplus Keeps Luring Manufacturers from Worker-Short U.S., Wall Street Journal (December 27, 1966.

Steward, Julián (ed.) People of Puerto Rico: A Studv la Social Aathropoloqy (Champaign, IHinois, University of niinois.Press, 1957).
Stone, Leroy, O. "Net Migration and Sex-Age Composition of Puerto Rico 1950-1960," Canadian Review of Socioloav and Aathropolo qy. 11(May 1965), 108-116.
"Population Redistribution and Economic Development in Puerto Rico, 1950-19CO," .Social and Economic Studies (Jamaica), XIV (Sept. 1965), 264-271.
^ Taeuber, Irene. "Migration and Transformation: Spanish Súmame Populations and Puerto Ricsns," Population Index. XXXn (January, 1966), 3-34.
Ti6, Salvador. "La emigración: cambios sugeridos en la política pública," La Torre. IV, núm. 13 (enero-marzo, 1956), 113-136.
La Torre, IV, núm. 13 (enero-marzo, 1956). A special issue containing nine articles on the theme "Realidad Problemática y Perspectiva de la Emigración Puertorriqueña." For individual references to the articles, see entries in this bibliography under: Benítez, Jaime; Fernández Méndez, Eugenio; Gernes, Arthur C.; Lewis, Gordon K.; Monserrat, José; Rosario, Charles; Sierra Berdecía, Fernando; Tío, Salvador; and Torruellas, Luz M.
Torruellas, Luz M. "La emigración: impacto sobre la estructura económica y social de Puerto Rico," La Torre; IV, núm. 13 (enero-marzo, 1956), 55-72.
Tumin, Melvin and Feldman, Arnold S. Social Class and Social Chanqe in Puerto Rico (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1961).
U.S, Bureau of the Census. U.S. Census of Population: 1950(Washington, D. C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 1953), Vol. II, Characteristics of the Population. Part 1: United States Summary, Part 53: Puerto Rico; Vol. IV, Special Reports. Part o, Chapter D., Puerto Ricans in Continental United States.
U.S. Census of Pop^ation: 1960(Washington» D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1961-1964), Vol. I, Characteristics of the Population. Part 1: United States Summary; General Popu lation Characteristics: General Social and Economic Character istics: Detailed Characteristics: Puerto Rico. ílnál Reports PC (1)-53B, C, C; Vol n. Subiect Reports. Puerto Ricans in the United States, Final Report PC (2)-ID.

United States - Puerto Pico Commlssion on the Status of Puerto Pico. Status of Puerto Pico: Selected Background Studles (Washington, D. C., 1966)
. Puerto Pico Commlssion on the Status of Puerto Rico. Status of Puerto Pico. Report of the... (Washington, D. C.: G.P.O., 1966)
Vázquez Calzada, José L. "El crecimiento poblaclonal en Puerto Rlcoi 1493 al presente," P^ñstp de ciencias sociales, XII (iív/Iarzo, 1968), 5-22.
. "Las causas y efectos de la emigración puertorriqueña" (Unpublished mimeographed manuscript; San Juan: Universidad de Puerto Rico, Escuela de ívledlcina. Departamento de Medi cina Preventiva y Salud Pública, Sección de Estudios Demográ ficos, October, 1968).
. "La emigración puertorriqueña: solución o problema?," Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Río Piedras, P. R.) 7 (4): 323-332.
. Puerto Rlco's Demograthlc Evolution (Unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, The Unlversity of Chicago, 1964).
Wakefleld, Dan - Island in the Clty (Boston: Houghton - Mlfñin, 1958).
Weiss, Samuel and Jaffe, A. J. - "Puerto Rico: The Labor Forcé and Level of Livlng," Monthlv Labor Revlew. LXXIIX (December, 1955), 1347-1358.
Wheeler, Helen - "The Puerto Pican Population of New York, New , York," Socioloqy and Social Research XXXV (Nov. 1950), 123rl27.
Wolf, Kathleen -"Qrowing Up and Its Price in Three Puerto Rican Subcultures," Psychiatrv. XV (no. <"), 1952.
Yinger, J. tVI. and Simpson, G. E, - "Integration of Americans of Mexican, Puerto Pican and Oriental Descent," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol, 304 (march, 1956), 124-131.

Part 11. - Vligration in General
Anderson, Theodore R. - "Intermetropolitan Migration: A Comparison of the Hypotheses of Zipf and Stonffer," Amerlcan Sociological Review, XX (1955), 287-291.
Beijer, Gunther - "The Brain Drain From the Developing Countries and the Needs for the Immlgration of Intellectuals and Professionals," International Migration. v (no. 3/4, 1967), 228-234.
. Rural Micprants In Urban Settincf (The Hague; Nljhoff, 1963).
. "Selective migration for and 'brain drain' from Latin América," International :\/[icTration IV (1966) 128-40.
Beshers, J. M. and Nishiura, E. - "A Theory of Infernal Migration Differentials," Social Forces. XXXIX (1960), 214-218.
Eisenstadt, Shmuel N. - The Absorption of Immiqrants (Glencoe, Illinois: Free Press, 1955).
Eldridge, Hope T. - "A Cohort Approach to the Analysis of Migration," Demography, I (1964), 212-219.
Foerster, Robert F. - The Italian Emigration of Our Times (Cambridge: Harvard U P, 1919), p. 104.
Form, V/illiam H, and Rivera, Julius - "The Place of Returning Migrants in a Stratification System," Rural Socicloqv. XXIII (1958), 286-297.
Germani, Gino - "Migration and acculturation," in Philip M. Hauser, ed., Handbook for Social Research in Urban Areas (Unesco Technology and Society Series; Paris: Unesco, 1964).
Goldstein, Sidney and Mayer, Kurt B. - "The Impact of Migration on the Socio-Economic Structure of Cities and Suburbs," Socioloctv and Social Research. L (1965), 5-23.
. "Repeated Migration as a Factor in High Mobility Rafes", Amerlcan Sociological Review, XEX( , 1954), 536-541.
Grimshav;, Alien D. - "Relationships Between Agrlcultural and Economic Indices and Rural Migration." Rural Socloloqy XXin (1958), 397-400.

Grubel, Herbert G. and Scott, A. - "Determinants of Migration: The Highly Skilled," Internatlonal 'X/íiaration. V (#2 1967), 127-138.
Handlin, Oscar - The Uprooted (Boston: Little, Brown, 1951).
Hansen, Marcus L. - "The Third Generation in América," Commentary XIV (Nov. 1952), 492-500.
Hauser, Philip M. and Duncan, Otis Dudey (eds.) - The Study of Popu lation: An Inventory and A peral sal, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1959).
Heberle, Rudolf - "Theorie der Wanderungen," Schmollers Jahrbuch fiir Gesetzqebunq. Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft im Deutschen Reiche, LXXV (1955), 1-23.
Heide, H. ter - "Migration Models and Their Significante for Population Forecasts," Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly XLI (1963), 56-76.
Heller, Celia - "Class as an Explanation of Ethnic Difference in Mobility Aspirations: The Case of Mexican Americans," International Migration Review. volume II (no. 2, Fall, 1967), pp. 31-38.
Hofstee, E. W. - So me Remarks on Selective Mipration (Research Group for European Migration Problems, Publications, No. 7; The Hague: Nijhoff, 1952).
Illsley, Raymond, Finlayson, Angela and Thompson, Barbara - "The Motivation and Characteristics of Interna! Migrants," part I: yol. XLI (April 1963), pp. 115-144. Milbank Mem. Fund Quarterly.
Internatlonal Economic Association. - Economics of Internatlonal Migration. ed. by Brinlejr Thornas (Londen: Macmillan, 1958),
Isard, Walter - "Migration Estimates," in Methods of Recfional Analysis (New York and Longon: 1960), Chapter 3,
Kindelberber, C. P. - "Emigration and Econimic Growth," Banca Nazionale de Lavoro Quarterly Review, No. 74 (September, 1965), 235-254.
. "Mass Migration, Then and Now" Foreiqn Affair XLIII (July, 1965) 647-657.

Kiser, Clyde V. (ed.) - "Components of population change in Latin América," Proceedincrs of the 60th anniversary conference of the Milbank Memorial Fund, held at the Savoy Plaza Hotel, N. Y. City, April 5-7, 1965. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterb XLIIIOct. 1965 1-384.
Lee, Everett S. - "A Theory of Migration," 47-57. III (1966),
Liovgren, Esse - "The Geographical í/fobllity of Labour: A Study of Migrations," Gecc;raxiska annaler, XXXVIII (1956), 344-394.
MacDonald, Hohn S. and Leatrice D. - "Chain Migration, Ethnic Neighborhood formation and Social Networks," Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly. XLII (Jan. 1964), 82-97.
Mayer, P. - Townsmen or Tribesmen: Urbanization in a Divided Society (Capetown: Oxford University Press, 1963).
Milbank Memorial Fund. - Selected Studies of Migration since World ^IIN. Y.: 4th nov., 1958.
Moore, E. G. - "Models of Migration and The Intra-Urban Case," Australian and New Zealand Journal of Socioloqy. II (1966), 16-37.
O, E. C, D. - Emiqrant Workers Returning to their Home Country. Final report, International Management Seminar, Athens, 1966. (Paris: O.E.C.D., 1967).
Olsson, Gunnar - Distance and Human Interaction: A Review and Bibliography (Regional Science Research Instituto, Bibliography Series No. 2; Philadelphia; 1965).
Petersen, William - "Migration: Social Aspects," in David Sills (ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences New York: Macmillan and Free Press, 1968), vol. X, pp. 286-292.
. The Politics of Population (Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1964).
. Population (New York: Macmillan, 1961).
Quijano, A, - "Contemporary Peasant movements," in Seymour Lipset / A. Solani (eds.). Elites in Latin América (New York: Oxford University Press, 1967), 301-342.

Ravenstein, E. G. - "The Laws of Migration, " Journal oí The Poyal Statístical Society, XLVIII (June, 1885), 167-235; LII (June, 1889), 241-305.
Richardson, Alan - "A Theory for the Psychological Study of Assimilation," International Migration Review, II (Fall, 1967), 3-29.
Rose, Arnold M, - "Distance oí Migration and Socio-Economic Status of Migrants," American Sociolocfical Review. XXIII (1958, 420-423.
Rossi, Peter H. - Why Families Move (New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1955.
Russett, Bruce M. et al. - World Hand book of Political and Social Indicators (New Hawen: Yale University Press, 1964).
Sauvy, Alfred - "Psycho-Social Aspects of Migration," in International Economic Association, Economics of International Migration, ed. by Brinley Thomas (London: Macmillan, 1958), Chapter 21, pp. 297-302.
Shryock, Henry S., Jr. - Population Mobility V/ithin the United States (Chicago: University of Chicago, Community and Family Study Center, 1964).
Simmons, James W. - "Changing Residence in the City: A Review of Intraurban Mobility," Geographical Review LVIII (October, 1968), 622-651.
Stillman, Bradfield - "Some Occupational Aspect of Migration," Econo mic Developrnent and Cultural Change vol, XIV (Oct. 1965).
Stouffer, Samuel A. - "Intervening Opportunities: A Theory Relating Mobility and Distance," American Socioloqy Review. v (1940), 845-867.
Tewfik, G. I. and Okasha, A. - "Psuchosis and Immigration," Post oraduate Medical Journal. XLI (October 1965), 603-612.
Thomas, Brinley - "Migration Economic Aspects, " in David Sills (ed.), International Encvclopedia of the Social Sd enees (New York: Macmillan and Free Press, 1968), vol. X, pp. 292-300.
. Migration and Economic Growth (Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1954).

Thomas, Dorothy S. - Research .Vlemorandum on Micrration Differentials (New York: Social Science Research Council, 1938).
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Tracy, Stanley J. (ed.) - A Report on World Population xVIiqrations (Washington: George Washington University; 1956).
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