Indices of Disorganizo.tion Average Annual Number of C�ses Ju.venile Dolinquency to 100,000 Children 10-17 years of age far Tho Territory far the two Yoars 1929-1930 l. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7.
Japanese 341 Chinese 812 White Y. 1250 Korcun 1391 Filipino 1664 He.wniic.n c.nd part Hnwaiian 1701 Puerto Rict�n 2810
Numb0r of Persons Employed by the Foderal &nergenay Rolief Ad ministration in Honolulu County in November, 1934, to each 1000 Man 20-54 Years of Age as Enumerated in 1930 15 l. Filipino 2. Japnnese 47 3. CMnese 57 66 4. White tt 5. Hawniian and partHawaiian 122 6. Korean 133 293 7. Puerto RicEn
11: On account of the character of the data it wns noces sary to combine the Hawaiian nnd pnrt-Hawaiian ínto oneJ group and nlso the Portuguesa, Spf,nish nnd other Co.ucasians into one group, the white. tt Far tho purposo of this corr,putation the men in military and navv.1 forvice werG excluded from the male population 20-54. yeo.rs of nge. Scurce:
Inte_IT-ª.Q..ial �i.cyrfoge in f.awai:i_, p. 283.
Puorto Ricans display the highest rates in both cuses. The Puerto Rican juvonile dolinquency rate v,i,s 8 times that of the Japanese; the relief re.te wcs 19 timos that of th0 FHipinos. Further evid0ncü on the lack of 0conornic success is found in the condition of the a.¡:;ed Puerto Ricans. There \'!ero 126 single Puer�o Ri cans over 50 in 1939, of which L�6 were in need of institutional ea.re. 'l'here are no comparable figures for other ethnic groups, but 36.5 pet 30 / cent would seem to be a high percentuge of indigenceo
Le.ter datn are not rof ined tul:, they seem to india ato that tbB Puerto Ricans aro still contributing more than their 11 ¡:¡haro 11 to arresits, di varees, criminal and juvonile coUrt e.mes. The pcrcent that Puerto Ri oá.ns representad of a11 adults arrestod in 1945 was 1.89; 191�6, 1.93; juveniles, 1945, 5.68; 1946, 5.78. Court cas1.'ls far 1946 showed the following e:xporfonce for Puerto Ricans: divo3'c,es, 8.3 of the total; criminal actj ons, l. 69; ,juvc-mile, 6. 08. The Puerto Ricans consti tute only 1.7 porcent of tho total population. 3� ,