Recursos de agua en Puerto Rico (junio 1995)

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J3os recursos de agua en Quería Jlico

Compilado por:

Sara Ruiz González

Colección de Documentos y Mapas

Sistema de Bibliotecas

Universidad de Puerto Rico

Junio 1995 puert-c


El presente trabajo ha sido preparado considerando la importancia que ha tomado el tema de la escasez de agua en Puerto Rico en los últimos años. Es nuestro propósito proveer información a la comunidad universitaria y al público en general, de forma que le permita conocer y evaluar las causas y la magnitud del problema.

Esta bibliografía recoge algunos de los documentos relativos a este tema y que están disponibles para uso mi la Colección de Documentos y Mapas. Esta colección contiene información de una gran variedad de temas de interés general publicadas por el Gobierno Federal de los Estados Unidos de América. Presentamos aquí, una muestra del tipo de información que está disponible en nuestra colección.

Los títulos incluidos en esta bibliografía están organizados en una sección especial en la Colección de Documentos y Mapas, donde se mantienen las publicaciones con temas relacionados a Puerto Rico.

Esperamos que la misma le sea de utilidad.

Montalvo, Lillyvette M. "Puerto Rican clean lakes program". Soil and water conservation news 10.10(1990)8. (A57.9/2:10/10)

U.S. Army Corps of Enginners. Water resmirces development by tbe U.S. Arrny Corps of Engiiiners ín ^erto Rico and tbe Virgin Islands of tbe Unlted States, January 1961. Atlanta, Georgia : U.S. Army División, 1961. (D103.351165-2-1 Jan.1961 PR)

. Water resources development by tbe U.S. Army Corps of Enginners in Puerto Rico and tbe Virgin Islands of tbe United States, March 1975. Atlanta, Georgia : U.S. Army División, 1975.(D103.351165-2-1 March 1975 PR)

„ . .

• Water resources development by tbe U.S. Army Corps of Enginners in ^erto Rico and tbe Virgin Islands of tbe United States, January 1979. Atlanta, Georgia : U.S. Army División, 1979. (D103.351165-2-1 Jan. 1979 PR)

U.S. Dep^ent of Health, Education and Welfare. Municipal water facilities:communities ^5,000 population and over as January 1, 1964. Washington D.C.: Govt Printins Office, 1964. (FS2.84 964) e • • ""vi. rrmimg

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Resource document for the ground-water monitoring strategy worksbop. Washington, D.C.: Govt. Printing Office,1985. (EP2.8 G89)

U.S. Geological Survey. Agua subterránea en Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.:U S Geoloeical Survey, 1985. (119.42/14:85-642) "

• Cbemical character of public water supplies of the large cities of Washigton, D.C. ; Govt. Priuttog Office, 1937. 1V.13140Ü~A a Iv/

• C®™P^on ofaquiferstoragecoeffitíents computedusing aniso019 42M P R^ n««íels. San Juan,P.R. ; U.S. Geological Survey, 1990.

iTnítna c# ♦ ground-water level measurements obtained by the United States Geological Survey in Puerto Rico, 195»-1985. San Juan P R u s Geological Survey, 1991. 019.7688-701 P.R.) . • • . vj.o.

r .V ^®P"atí®n of water-quality data for the north coast limeim aTsí ««'"'8"=»' «"""y.

• ®ff®cts ofchanging irrígation practices on the ground water hvdroCentral Puerto Rico. San Juan PR U.S. Geological Survey, 1994. 019.42/4:91-4183 PR) » • • •

IT c water use in Puerto Rico 1980-1982. San Juan, P R • U.S. Geological Survey, 1986. 019.42/4:85-557 PR)

U.S. Geological Survey. Geohydrology of the Aguirre and Pozo Hondo areas, Southern Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1992. (119.42/4:91-4124 PR)

. Geologic and hydrologic data collected at test boles NC-1 and NC-3, Guaynabo and San Juan,Eastern Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1991. 019.76:91-217 PR)

. Geologic and hydrologic data collected at test boles NC-4 and NC-14, Manatí and Vega Baja,Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.; U.S. Geological Survey, 1992. 019.76:92-126 PR)

. Geologic and hydrologic data ccdlected at test bole NC-8, Vega Alta, Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1994. 019.76:93-466 PR)

. Ground water in the San Juan metropolHan area. Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1976. 019.42/4:41-75 PR)

. Ground-water resources in L^jas Valley, IHierto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1991. 019.42/4:89-4182 PR)

. Ground water resources of the CaguasnJuncos Valley, Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1993. 019.42/4:91-4079 PR)

. Horizontal anisotropy of the principal ground water flow zone in the Salinas alhivial fan, Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey 1989 019.42/4:1989 PR)

. Hydrology, water quality, and potencial altematives for water resources development in the Rio Mqjada and Rio Lapa basins near the Albergue Olímpico, Southern Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey 1994 019.42/4:91-4174 PR)

. Hydrology and effects of devdopment on the water table aquifer in the Vega Alta quadrangle, Püerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey 1988. 019.42/4:87-4105 PR)

. Hydrology and water quality of tbe principal springs in Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1988. 019.42/4:85-4269 PR)

. Inventoryof publisbed and unpublisbed analysis ofsurface waters tai tbe continental United States and Füerto Rico, 1961. Wash., D.C.: Govt. Printing Office, 1964. 019.13:1786 PR)

. Low flow; cbaracteristics at selected sites on streams in Easteni Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1992. 019.42/4:92-4063 PR)

U.S. Geological Survey. National water sununary: hydrologíc events and water supply and use. Wash., D.C.: Govt. Printing Office, 1984. (119.13/3: 1984 PR)

Potentiometric surface of the alluvial aquifer and hydrologíc conditions in the Central Aguirre quadrangle, Puerto Rico, March 1986. San Juan P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1987. (119.42/4:87-4160 PR)

. Potentiometric surface ofthe alluvial aquifer ahd hydrologic conditions in the Guayama quadrangle,Puerto Rico, March 1986. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1987. (119.42/4:87-4162 PR)

. Potentiometric surface of the alluvial aquifer and hydrologic conditions in the Ponce-Juana Diaz area. Puerto Rico, April-May 1987. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1990. (119.42/4:89-4115 PR)

. Potentiometric surface of the alluvial aquifer and hydrologic conditions in the Salinas quadrangle. Puerto Rico, March 1986. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1987. (119.42/4:87-4161 PR)

• Potentiometric surface of the alluvial aquifer and hydrologic conditions in the Santa IsabeMuana Diaz area. Puerto Rico, March to April 1987. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1990. (119.42/4:89-4116 PR)

. Potentiometric surface ofthe alluvial aquifer and hydrologic conditions near Caguas, Puerto Rico, March to April 1987. San Juan, P.R.: U S Geological Survey, 1989. (119.42/4:89-4075 PR)

Potentiometric surface of the alluvial aquifer and hydrologic conditions near Gurabo and Juncos, March to April 1987. San Juan, P.R.: U S Geological Survey, 1990. (119.42/4:90-4059 PR)

. Puerto Rico ground°water quaiity. Wash., D.C • GovtPrinting Office, 1987. (119.76:87-0749 PR)

. Reconnaissance of volatile synthetic organic chemicals at puhlic water supply wells throughout Puerto Rico, Novemher 1984-May 1985 Wash., D.C.: Govt. Printing Office, 1986. (119.76:86-63 PR)

. Reconnaissance of ground-water quality throughout Puerto Rico, September-October 1981. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1982. (119.76 PR)

. Reconnaissance of the ground water resources of Vieques Island,Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey 1989 ai9.42/4:86-4100 PR)

Research plan for the investigation of water,energy,and the biogeochemical budgets in the Luquillo mountains. Puerto Rico. Wash D.C.: Govt. Printing Office, 1993. (119.76:92-150)

U. S. Geological Survey. Sedimentatíon survey of Lago Loíza, Puerto Rico, June 1985. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1989. (119.76:86-241 PR)

. Sedimentatíon survey of Lago Loiza,Puerto Rico, July 1985. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1989. (119.42/4:87-4019 PR)

. Simulation of ground-water flow in the Rio Yauco alluvial valley, Yauco,Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1986 ai9.42/4:85-4179 PR)

Simulation of ground water flow in the water table aquifer near Barceloneta, Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey 1985 (119.42/4:84-4113 PR)

Single-weli inyection and recovery of fi^hwater from an aquifer containing saline water at Arecibo, Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1989. (119.42/4:88-4037 PR)

. Suspended sediment data in tbe upper Rio Grande de Loiza basin. Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey 1989 019 42/488-342 PR) 7 • V • .

. Use of surface-geopbysical tecbniques for ground-water exploration in tbe Canovanas-Rio Grande area. Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1985. (119.42/4:83-4266 PR)

Water quality and bydraulic data, San Juan Lagoon System, Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1975. (119.76:75-2 PR)

. Water required, water used and potentíal water sources for rice irrigation, nortb coast of Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S Geological Survey, 1988. (119.42/4:86-4334 PR)

. Water resources investígatíons in Puerto Rico and tbe U.S Virgin Isiands 1986-1988. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey 1990 ai9.76;90-122 PR)

• Water resources investígatíons in Puerto Rico and tbe U.S. Vmgin Isiands. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1985. (119.76:85-556 PR)

• Water resources in tbe Humacao-Naguabo area, Eastem Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1989. (119.42/4:87-4088 PR)

Water resources oftbe Guayanilla-Yauco area. Puerto Rico San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1968. (119 PR)

U.S. Geológica! Survey. Water resources ofthe Juana Díaz area, Puerto Rico: a preliminary approvisal, 1966. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geológica! Survey, 1968.(I19W PR)

Water resources of the Rio Grande de Añasco,lower valley, Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geológica! Survey, 1987. (119.42/4:85-4237 PR)

. Water-use data coUection techniques in the southeastem United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Wash., D.C.: Govt. Printing Office, 1992. ai9.42/4:92-4048 PR)

. A well system to recover usabel water firom a freshwater-saltwater aquifer in Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1988. (119.13:2328 PR)

U.S. Soi! conservation Service. Soii and water conservation activities, Caribbean Area 1977. Wash., D.C.: Govt. Printing Office, 1978. (A57.32 PR)

U.S. Congress. Senate. Water irrigation and domestic purposes in Rio Piedras. Wash., D.C.: Govt. Printing Office, 1909. (61-1 S.Doc.27:Seria! Set 5571 PR)


CPR 614.7

E57c * 'T^ I '^

CPR 628.1

Ml48n CPR 917".29


CPR 338.377


E CPR 631.7


Engineerlng - Science, |nc. Control of potentíal sources of pollutlon due to proposed copper mlning operotions fn Puerto Rico. Prepored for the Mlning Commission of the Commonweolth of Puerto Rico. California, 1967. (Para uso en la Sala).

Me Guinness, Charles L. Records of wells In Puerto Rico. (Puerto Rico) Aqueduct Sewer Service, 1946. 129 numb. (Para uso en la Sala),

Pic6, Rafael. Nueva geografra de Puerto Rico. Ffslca, económica y social. (Rfo Piedras). Editorial Universitaria, 1969. 460p. (Disponible para préstamo).

P.R. Water Resources Authority Engineering and Construction División. Informe sobre el proyecto del suroeste de Puerto Rico. San Juan, 1948.

P.R. Isabela Irrigatlon Servtce. Estudio de los problemas económicos sociales que se han de presentar al iniciarse al funcionamiento del sistema de riego de la zona de Aguadillo e Isabela y medios propuestos para resolverlos. San Juan, 1927. 30p. (Para uso en la Sola).

diciembre de 1971 , b'b'-|Og'^a'^i'^s




CPR 551.49





P.R. Isabela jrrlgaMon Service. Informe. San Juan, Puerto Rico, Negociado de Materiales, Imprenta y Transporte. Años 1935-39, 1940-43, 1946. (Para uso en la Sala).

P.R. Water Resources Authority. Informe económico de la Autoridad de las Fuentes Fluviales, 15 de mayo de 1955. San Juan, 1955. (Disponible para préstamo).

P.R. Water Resources Authority. Report (San Juan, Puerto Rico) 4v. annual. 1925-28, 29-32, 34, 35-37, 1937-38, 1938-39, 1940-41, 1942-44, 1945, 46-47, 48-49, 1950-67. (Disponible para préstamo).

U.S. Geological Survey.

Public water supplies In Puetto Ribo by ' Ted Arnow and James W. Crooks, (n.p.) 1960. 34p. fold, maps, table. (Disponible para préstamo) .J"

U.S. Geological Survey.

Water problems of Puerto Rico and a program of water-resources investigations, by D. B. Bogart, T. Arnow and J. W, Crooks, (n.p.) 1960. 40p. 43p. maps, charts. (Disponible para préstamo).

CPR 551.49





U.S. Geological Survey.

Water resources of Puerto Rico; a progress report, by B. Bogart (and others). (Puerto Rico, Talleres Gréficas Interamericanas) 1946. I02p. (Disponible para préstamo). 0«

U.S. Geological Survey.

Water wells in Puerto Rico, by P.E. Ward - tónfb-iJíSfí.'ptócl'"-


Berrros, Angel Tomós. ') Conservando lo tierra y el agua a través de los distritos de conservación de suelos y agua. Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, Servicio de Extensión Agrfcola, mayo 1967, (8)p.

Guzmón, Ramón M,

Diiution is no solutlon to pollution (Reprinted from the July 1968 Issues of the American Clty Magazine)

P.R. Aqueduct and Sewer Authority. Informe anual 1966-70.

P.R. Aqueduct and Sewer Authority. planeamiento de los abastos públicos de agua potable en Puerto RicQpor Juan Labadie'Eurite. Washington, D. C 10 al 15 de (unió de 1962. 37p.

P.R. Aqueductond Sewer Authority. The role of Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority in water pollution control, by Juan Labadie Aurite. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Oct. 1964. Bp,

P.R. Aqueduct and Sewer Authority. Rules and regulations for the supply of water and sewer servíce and the recreatlonal use of reservoirs (San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1958).

P.R. Aqueduct and Sewer Authority' Woter supply planning in Puerto Rico, by Juan Labadie Eurite. Son Juan, Puerto Rico, 1963. 3lp.

P.R. Dqjqrfment of Heolth Datos de interés sobre la fluorldaclén de las aguas de Puerto Rico. (San Juan, Puerto Rico) 1966.

U.S. Department of the Interior. "Clean water" para ios usuarios de Puerto Rico. Atlanta, Georgia, U.S. Department of the interior (n.d.) I5p.

Santiago Vázquez, Antonio.

The water resources situation in Puerto Rico: an evaluotlon of published information. Research Proyect A-OR-PR. Technicaí Completion Report by: Antonio Santiago Vázquez (and others) 3anuáry> 1970.

Seminar on Urban Planning for Environmental Health

Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 1965. Final group reports. Jan. 27 - Feb. 24 1965. The Mayaguez Water System


Cuevas, Sergio,

The water supply of Puerto Rico. |n: Journal American Water Works Associotion, vol. 40, no. II, Nov. 1948.

'Nota: Disponibles poro fotocopiarse.

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