Guide to joining us as a Coleg Gwent Governor

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Be a Coleg Gwent Governor

Message from the Chair

‘As Chair of Governors at Coleg Gwent, I have the privilege of helping to lead an organisation that sits at the heart of the local community and plays a key role in the local economy. The Board of Governors plays an invaluable role. We are responsible for setting the educational character of the college and setting strategic priorities that will shape a relevant and responsive college able to meet the needs of both learners and employers. The Board is also responsible for financial oversight and ensuring the future viability of the College. We hold management to account and act as a ‘critical friend’. It’s a challenging but constructive, relationship and collectively, we are all committed to making Coleg Gwent the best it can be.

An effective Board is essential for any organisation and a Board is only as good as its members. We need Governors who are passionate and committed to making a difference. We actively engage in discussion, share our knowledge and ideas and when needed, we ask difficult questions. As a Board we are also committed to embodying the values of the College and to making it a place where everyone can succeed and where everyone feels welcome.

Volunteering your time and skills as a Governor is a truly fulfilling way to ‘give back’ and support the community. It’s a role I thoroughly recommend.’

Our Senior Leadership Team

At Coleg Gwent we are committed to excellence in leadership and governance. The college is led by the Principal/Chief Executive, Nicola Gamlin who is supported by three Vice Principals and a team of senior leaders, each responsible for an academic or functional area. They work closely with the Board in a productive relationship that supports our strategic goals.

‘The breadth of different perspectives, experience and expertise Board members bring to the table is invaluable to the college leadership team. Governors provide a robust level of challenge in meetings and keep us focused on achieving strategic goals and continuously improving Coleg Gwent for the benefit of our learners.’

Our ambitions

Our Mission To Change Lives Through Learning

Our Vision

By 2026 Coleg Gwent will be the college of choice, actively working with our communities, where all learners and staff are treated with respect, achieve their full potential and benefit from the best resources in an inspirational learning environment.

Our Values

Governors are expected to embody our Core Values:

• Respect for all

• Always learner first

• Act with integrity

• Solutions driven

We are an inclusive and diverse college where everyone is welcome. A place where you can be who you are without fear of judgement.A respectful environment, openminded to different cultures, attitudes, beliefs and outlooks, where everyone belongs.

As a Board we have committed to embed this inclusive approach across everything we do. This includes who we are. We have set ourselves targets to achieve a Board that more closely reflects the communities we serve.


Three academic Faculties across five unique campuses

We offer something for everyone

Our full-time learners are mainly school leavers who studyA Levels or vocational subjects (or both), but a significant number are adult learners looking to retrain or further their career.

Part-time learning offers flexibility and the opportunity to study on campus or at one of the community venues we operate in partnership with five Local Authorities. Other part-time provision includes Learn Welsh Gwent.

We deliver Apprenticeships in a range of sectors including Construction, Digital, Engineering, Motor Vehicle and Health Care.

Our Employer Engagement Team works closely with businesses to ensure our courses meet the needs of local employers and our students develop skills for the workplace. We also deliver a wide range of professional training that can be tailored to the needs of individual businesses.

Click on images to find out more

Our Governors

Our 22 Governors are unpaid volunteers and include 16 independent members recruited from across the region, as well as elected staff and students.

With responsibility for a turnover of c£78m, the Board needs Governors with a range of skills and expertise. Many of them come from local businesses and this provides us with good insight into what skills and qualifications employers are looking for. Each Governor also brings their own unique life experiences and viewpoints to our discussions and decision-making.

Under the leadership of the Chair, the Board is responsible for:

• Determining the educational character and Mission of Coleg Gwent.

• Approving the Strategic Plan

• Overseeing the college’s activities.

• Reviewing the arrangements for the academic work of the college.

• The employment, terms & conditions of service of senior post holders.

• Ensuring financial sustainability of the college

• Approving the annual budget

• Ensuring the effective and efficient use of resources.

• Ensuring the proper use of public funds.

• Setting a framework for the pay & conditions of service for all other staff.

What it involves

Governors are expected to attend around 10-12 meetings each year. Meetings mostly take place on Tuesday after 5.00pm. Additional reading and preparation time is also required.

Wherever possible, we aim to meet in person. Whilst it is an unpaid voluntary role, Governors can claim reasonable travel expenses.

Minimum expectations of the role are that you will:

• Serve on at least one committee

• Maintain a good level of attendance at Board and committee meetings

• Prepare for and actively contribute to meetings

• Apply your skills & expertise for the benefit of the college

• Respect the confidentiality of Board business

• Act in the best interests of the college

• Support decisions on the basis of 'collective responsibility'

• Avoid situations that create a conflict of interests

• Participate in development opportunities

• Take an interest in the wider life of the college

• Where possible, attend college events

• Act as an ambassador of the college.

How we work

The Board meets up 5 times a year and its work is supported by five sub-committees:

Audit Committee

Oversees the college’s risk management & internal control framework. Advises the Board and monitors the work of our auditors.

Finance & Resources Committee

Oversees financial management & performance and college infrastructure, including Estates, IT and Human Resources. Also monitors progress on major capital projects.

Curriculum & Quality Committee

Monitors quality improvement and oversees curriculum development as well as all aspects of the learner experience, including Safeguarding and Additional Learning Needs

Governance & Membership Committee

Oversees the Governor recruitment process and advises the Board on membership issues. Also monitors developments in the FE sector and advises the Board on governance issues.

Remuneration Committee

Meets annually to consider and advise the Board on the performance, conditions of service and pay of the Senior Post Holders (Principal, Vice Principals & Governance Officer).

What we’re looking for

Experience, Skills & Knowledge

It’s essential that you:

• Have leadership experience

• Can communicate clearly, challenge and debate

• Have the ability to absorb complex information

• Understand how businesses work

• Can identify potential risks and barriers to success

• Have an understanding of the regional economy and the needs of employers.

It would also help if you:

• Have previous Board/Trustee/Governor experience

• Know what Coleg Gwent does and understand our role in the community

• Have an understanding of the post-16 education & training sector

• Have good IT skills

Personal Qualities

It’s essential that you:

• Want to make a difference in your community

• Have integrity and high personal/professional standards

• Can commit to the Nolan Principles for Public Life and align to our Core Values

• Are enthusiastic, reliable & self-motivated

• Are a strong team player

• Have an eye for detail

• Have a genuine interest in education/training

• Can meet the time commitments of the role

• Are willing to engage in development & training

It would also help if you:

• Live or work in Gwent or SE Wales

• Have an interest in young people

• Can act as an ambassador for the college.

What you’ll get out of it

'Being a Governor means I can ensure our community is well served by the College. It's vital that people have the right skills to contribute to the local economy.'

'Coleg Gwent is an exceptional educational establishment and I'm excited to be able to share my skills and experience to support it.'

'I was looking to re-invigorate my own learning journey and being a Governor supports this. The college is such a dynamic and complex organisation, there's always something new to learn.'

'I'm passionate about the importance of education and Coleg Gwent aligns to my personal vision of a fairer society that truly invests in the future of its young people.'

'I've met some great people and hopefully given something back to my community.'

'It has opened my mind to the complexities of running a big organisation, and what it takes to deliver first class education and training'.

'I can offer in my own small way, my skills and years of experience to support and guide the college management team for the benefit of the students.'

How to apply

In the first instance, please provide a CV along with a covering letter that explains your interest in wanting to be a Governor and how you meet the requirements of the role. Send these to the Governance Officer, Marie Carter at:

Cole Gwent

The Rhadyr Usk


NP15 1XJ


Phone: 01495 333519/ Mob: 07967 307951

The Governance Officer will provide you with a Skills & Diversity questionnaire to complete.

Our Governance & Membership Committee will review all applications against the Person Specification and our current Skills Profile and priorities. If you are shortlisted, you will be invited to meet with the committee to discuss your application in more detail. Prior to the meeting, you will be asked to provide some further information about yourself and to complete a Declaration as to your eligibility to serve as a Governor (see below).

The meeting with the committee is a chance for them to find out more about you and how your skills and experience could support the work of the Board. It also gives you the opportunity to ask us questions to be sure this is the right voluntary role for you.

After the meeting, the committee will make a recommendation to the Board.


Governors of the College are both de-facto Directors and Charitable Trustees.As such, they have certain legal responsibilities. They are also subject to strict rules as to who can serve as a Governor. Eligibility criteria are summarised in Clause 7 of the Coleg Gwent Instrument & Articles of Governament and in rules set out by the Charity Commission under the CharitiesAct 2011.

In summary, you cannot serve as a Governor of the college if you:

• Are under the age of 18 (unless you are elected as a Student Governor)

• Are a member of staff of the college (unless elected as a Staff Governor)

• Are an undischarged bankrupt

• Have an individual involuntary arrangement in place to repay debt or are insolvent

• Have an undischarged conviction of any type

• Have previously been convicted and received a prison sentence

• Are on the Sex Offenders Register

• Are disqualified from being a company Director

• Have previously been removed as a Governor or Trustee

• Are a ‘designated person’ underAnti-terror asset freezing Regulations

This list is indicative only – full details of Governor eligibility can be provided on request and will be provided in the form of a Declaration to be completed by applicants who are invited to meet with the Governance & Membership Committee.

We look forward to hearing from you

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