1 minute read
Elis de Menezes Bergamo10
In this research it has been discussed what life on Earth is and the role of the human beings here, all the problems caused, the effect of Corona Virus, the quarantine, as well as the particularities of this planet. This theme is important because it is our planet and many people do not know all the impacts that they may cause on it, the consequences and how our action may affect the entire ecosystem. For this research newspaper articles, government websites and the internet were used In view of the research carried out, the quarantine might have positive effects on our planet, but people cannot be quarantined forever, but with small acts in everyday life, it can certainly help improve the planet. It is possible to see that technology can help and cause impacts on the environment, doing the work in a faster and more efficient way, but because of our disregard about the environment and lack of planning, these actions can have consequences like environmental degradation.
UOL. Nível de poluição na china cai drasticamente após epidemia do Corona vírus. Disponível em: https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/ambiente/2020/03/nivel-de-poluicao-na-chinacai-drasticamente-apos-epidemia-de-coronavirus.shtml MEGA CURIOSO. Curiosidades rápidas mais interessantes relacionadas com a terra. 2017. Disponível em:https://www.megacurioso.com.br/terra/103017-15-curiosidades-rapidas-masinteressantes-relacionadas-com-a-terra.htm PENSAMENTO VERDE. Saiba quais são os principais tipos de impactos ambientais causados pelo homem. 2020. https://www.pensamentoverde.com.br/meio-ambiente/saibaquais-os-principais-tipos-de-impactos-ambientais-causados-pelo-homem/
Elis Bergamo10 student of the 9 grade. 13 years old. Teacher Advisor: Fernando. 2020.