Booklet 2022 - 2023
General Calendar 2022 - 2023 July 24th, 2022 July 25th, 2022 July 26th, 2022 July 28th, 2022
August 3rd, 2022 August 9th, 2022 August 10th, 2022 August 11th, 2022 August 12th, 2022
Expats arrive General Services staff return Administration staff return Leadership Team and Deputies return All new staff and middle leaders begin (Whole school positions, Heads of Department, Heads of House, Level Leaders and Subject Coordinators) All teachers begin Pre-Kinder induction First day of school for Senior Secondary G8-G11 First day of school for Junior Secondary G5-G7 First day of school for Primary (G1-G4) & Tie Ceremony
August 15th, 2022 August 16th, 2022 August 17th, 2022
HOLIDAY First day of school for Kinder and Transition First day of school for Pre-Kinder
August 1st, 2022
September 23rd, 2022 October 10th to 17th, 2022 October 17th, 2022 October 18th, 2022 November 7th, 2022 November 14th, 2022 November 23rd, 2022
Staff training day October Break HOLIDAY All students and staff return HOLIDAY HOLIDAY Staff Training Day
December 8th, 2022
December 9th, 2022
Last day of school for all teachers and students (PK-G11, except those attending extension period)
December 12th to 16th, 2022 December 16th, 2022 December 16th, 2022
Secondary student’s extension period Last day of school for Secondary students (extension period) Last day of school for Administration and General Services’ staff
January 5th, 2023 January 6th, 2023
General Services’ staff returns Administration staff returns
January 9th, 2023 January 10th, 2023 February 13th, 2023 March 20st, 2023
HOLIDAY Students and teachers return Staff training day HOLIDAY
April 2nd to April 17th, 2023 April 10th to 14th, 2023 April 17th, 2023 May 1st, 2023 May 22nd, 2023 June 12th, 2023 June 14th, 2023 June 15th, 2023 June 16th, 2023 June 23rd, 2023
Easter Break for Pre-School, Primary and Secondary (except those attending extension period) Secondary student’s extension period All students and staff return HOLIDAY HOLIDAY HOLIDAY Last day for Pre-School students (PK-TR) Last day for Primary students (G1-G4) Last day for Secondary students and all teachers (except those attending extension period) Last day for Secondary students in extension period. Last day for Administration and General Services’ staff
Note: Training Days dates are subject to change. Día E, which is mandatory, is not in the calendar as it is only announced by the government a few days before it takes place.
Welcome to Preschool 2022-2023 Our aim is to educate happy, confident, inquiring children who are interested in life and enthusiastic about the challenges they encounter. Always cultivating our core school values: Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, and Solidarity. All members of the Anglo community are fortunate to be part of this exceptional School and we must understand that these privileges come with responsibilities.
Our Mission We have defined this mission as follows: “We are an IB World School, with a global perspective based on British and Colombian traditions that provides a well-rounded education and inspires its students to be driven, principled; as well as socially and environmentally responsible.”
Our Vision Our aim is to be the best IB World school in Latin America.
Our Slogan
“Open Minds, Happy Minds, Brilliant Minds”
Martín Salcedo Swans
A Page for Mum and Dad We have included a few pages of information to help you understand and feel comfortable with what we are teaching your child here in Pre-School during the first years at school. We encourage parental involvement in school not only in classrooms, but also in meetings and workshops. At the beginning of the academic year we will invite you to a Curricular Evening where we will explain everything we do in each subject area with a focus on the work each grade level will develop during the year. We arrange workshops for topics such as values, discipline and human development. There is also a Parent Council (Consejo de Padres) you can join which welcomes the involvement of new parents to the School. It would be great if you could spend some time reading about our aims and thinking of ways in which you can support our work as a school through what you do at home. If you have any questions or problems, or if you just want to chat about your child, do not hesitate to make an appointment to see either the class teacher or the Preschool Director. Please do not feel you are wasting our time; if your concern is important enough for you to worry about, it is important enough for us to know about. The most important thing for us is that your child enjoys the first experience in school. You can rest assured we will do our best to make our students learn in a happy environment. Regards, Preschool Staff Colegio Anglo Colombiano Lucas Molina
A welcome greeting Welcome to Colegio Anglo Colombiano Preschool. You are now ready to join us in our School's Preschool. We want you to have fun, have an excellent experience every day, make lots of new friends and learn lots of new things. In order to be ready when you enter our School, we have designed some activities before you start so that you can get to know your teacher, your classroom, etc. Valentina Aponte
This is Me
Please draw your portrait with your House T- shirt (Beatty, Nelson, Rodney or Hood).
Please Make a Drawing of Yourself
Meeting my Teacher Suggested activity to complete from August 5 to 8
Today I saw my teacher for the first time in a video that was sent to me.
My class is:
My teacher is:
What I Liked the Most About My Teacher Suggested activity to complete after the meeting on August 8 (KN &TR) or 9 (PK)
Draw a picture of your teacher and ask your parents to help you write what you liked most about this meeting.
Our Daily Timetable We manage our timetable in six-day cycles and not in weeks from Monday to Friday, i.e. if the first day of school is a Tuesday, it will be day one and the following Monday will be day five. The calendar will appear on the website with the number of the "Anglo Day", which corresponds to the day of the week, so that you and your parents can find your way around this system. Class hours are from 8:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and from 8:45 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. on Wednesdays. It is important to take into account the end time of classes in order to pick up the children punctually at the gate. As the organisation of the buses takes a little longer, it is important to note that these buses leave the school at 4:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and at 12:15 p.m. on Wednesdays.
The first days During the first week of school, your Mum or Dad should put on your sweatshirt jacket the badge we give you on the day of induction, which tells us your name, class, home address, telephone number and the bus route you will be taking or if you will be going home by car. This way your teacher will make sure you get on the right bus at the end of the day. If you are not going by bus, she will take you to the gate where you can be picked up. Antonia Vila Swans
Ontrack Platform
At the School we have a platform (Ontrack) to monitor the school bus route and to register symptoms of covid in case any student or employee has them. Your parents will be able to know if the route is about to arrive at your home, see where the bus is going on the route and know if your route has arrived or left the school. The symptom report form should only be completed in the event of symptoms.
Biosafety Protocols At school, your safety and that of all members of the community is our priority. Bearing in mind that we are still in a pandemic at the moment, we continue to follow the established biosecurity protocols. Should any of the protocols change by the start of school in August 2023, we will inform you. Our slogan is "I protect you, you protect me and together we protect each other".
Miranda Tigers
Our Uniform
Our uniform is very nice. We have to take care of it and be proud of it. It consists of a tracksuit (green trousers and, grey jacket with the school badge), shorts and t-shirt (Anglo green for daily use and house T-shirt for P.E. days), which your parents can buy from Caracolito’s or from the Fonanglo online shop. If your parents would like to see the uniform guide you can check it out on the PS Anglo Uniform Guide website. We also wear white socks and white tennis shoes. Remember to tell your parents to mark each piece of uniform (including shoes) clearly with your name and surname so that we can easily find whatever gets lost. The sweatshirts have a mark on them where you can write your name and surname in permanent marker.
Something very important in our School is that all children and their families belong to one of the four houses (Beatty, Hood, Nelson or Rodney), a very British tradition. If your family does not already belong to a House, you will be assigned to one during the registration process. This will allow you to wear your House colour T-shirt (Beatty - yellow, Hood - green, Nelson - red and Rodney - blue) on days when you have P.E.(Physical Education) lessons. On these days you should wear the School model shorts (no bike shorts) and the T-shirt under your Tracksuit, so that you will be comfortable when working and playing.
Depending on the new schedules (which are adjusted according to biosafety protocols), 2 or 3 days in the cycle you will have P.E class, you will also have Music and Art class during the cycle. The first week of school we will send you the timetable. In Preschool, we ask you not to wear jewellery (except for simple earrings for girls which can be worn daily, except on P.E. days) or bring money. It is much better if students with long hair ask their Mum or Dad to pin their hair back to come to school.
Gregorio Múnera
Our Cafeteria
Each day your teacher will give you a snack in the morning and take you to the Pre-school cafeteria for lunch.He/ she will also give you a very light snack in the afternoon (only in PK), which is taken outside the classroom (if the weather allows it). On a daily basis your parents can see the weekly menu on the website and know what you will be eating each day. Due to the early dismissal on Wednesdays, you will have a slightly larger snack at school on this day and not lunch.
Your Agenda is very important Only if you are in Transition, you will take home a school diary (agenda) every day where homework and notes from your teacher(s) will be written, so it is very important that your parents check and sign it daily. At the end of each week there is a space where your parents can write notes and communicate with your teacher.
If you bring your own lunchbox, you should bring sufficient and balanced food for these three times of the day.
Mariana Diaz
Aswan Marston
How to contact the school
Tell your Mum or Dad that if they want to speak to your teacher, they can call the Preschool Secretary on 601259 57 00 extension 1016 or dial 60155 67 76 and she will let your teacher know that your parents want to speak to her, or they can write to her directly through Phidias and arrange a virtual meeting. Your teacher will also contact your parents when he/she wants to talk to them. There will always be someone available to translate from English to Spanish or Spanish to English during the interviews, if necessary. The school diary (in Transition) and the electronic tools set up by the school are also a very useful way to establish direct communication with the school, especially with each group director. If your parents want to write an email to your teacher, they should do so through iSAMS, as they can do if they want to communicate with the Preschool Director or other members of the Preschool team. Another way to communicate is through the school emails. Below are the emails from: Amparo Lozano (Preschool Secretary), Marcela Rueda (Preschool Director) and Christianne Cowie (Deputy Director):
José María Flamingues
Transport If your Mum or Dad have any concerns about transport, they should contact the Transport Coordinator, who can be reached on 601259 57 00, ext. 1024 or 1072. He or his secretary will do their best to resolve your concerns. There is also a control centre where they can give your parents information about the routes in case they have been delayed for any reason. The telephone number for this control centre is 601 555 67 70 or 601 259 57 00 ext. 1009. At the School we have the Ontrack application so that parents or guardians can track their children's routes both in the morning and afternoon. This system also has a permit module to process changes to your normal transport routine. If for some reason you are not going home on your normal bus route and you are being picked up by your mum or dad, or you are going by car but you are being picked up by someone other than those registered, you will need to apply for a permit from the Ontrack permit module. The system will be open and available until 11:00 a.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and until 10:00 a.m. on Wednesdays. After this time(s), the system will not accept any permits. This means that permits that are not submitted through the system will not be authorised. Unfortunately, we cannot allow you to change bus routes because there is limited space for a certain number of children on each bus and we want to make sure that you are always safe and have a seat of your own. Also, for organisational and safety reasons, it is important that you travel on your own route. If you are always going to go home by car, your parents should ask for your school card during the first few days of school. The person picking you up (including your parents) should show the card to the School’s security guard and school staff at the gate, so that you are allowed to leave safely. If you usually go out by bus, but are to be picked up from school on one or more days a week, your parents must apply for a special permanent permission card and follow the same procedure as for the school's departure cards. In this case you will leave with the children who travel by car every day through the Preschool gate. The same procedure is followed after extra-curricular activities. In order to guarantee your safety when there are permanent permissions or when you leave by car, a special form must be filled out with the names and identification numbers of the only people who are authorised to pick you up. It is therefore important that the people who pick you up, in addition to your parents, carry and show their personal identification. It is also very important that whenever your departure routine changes, your parents notify the school through Ontrack following the established procedures. Remember that you may only leave through the Preschool gate.
Alicia Valencia Swans
Electronic Platforms In the School we have different electronic platforms and we are in the process of implementing a new platform for academic and communication use. These platforms include iSAMS, Toddle and Phidias. A general change is currently underway in the School for the use of these platforms. Initially the enrolment process will be carried out on the Phidias platform and once we have all the other platforms integrated and working we will send out instructions on how to use them properly.
The Library, a very special place If you like, you can visit the Library to loan books and take them home to read with your Mum or Dad before you go to bed at night. You will go to the Library at least once per cycle with the rest of your class and your teacher.
Colour the books in the library Julieta Carreño
On your birthday On your birthday your friends and teacher will congratulate you and sing to you. However, we do not celebrate birthday parties at school. Nonetheless, if your parents wish, they can send your birthday cake (closed, preferably individual cupcakes) on the bus or, if you usually come by car,your parents can bring your birthday cake and we will share it at snack time. No surprises nor sodas. Can be sent.
Valentina Súarez
Extracurricular Activities
We currently offer extracurricular activities after school hours from 3:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Taking into account some current restrictions due to biosafety issues, we offer only some of the activities we used to have and we are analysing day by day which ones we will be able to offer again. These include: football, tennis, parkour and pottery. Taking into account the length of the school day and the age of the Preschool students, we limit the number of activities that your parents can register you for. If you are in Prekinder, you cannot participate in these activities during the first semester of the school year and during the second semester you can only participate in one (1 day a week). If you are in Kinder or Transition you can participate in these activities from the beginning of the year, but we recommend that you only participate in one during the week, so that you have time to rest and play at home.
Luis Martínez Elephants
Although you will be in Preschool, we believe that attending school is very important. However, when you are sick it is best that you stay at home with the necessary care so that you can return to school promptly. The Preschool secretary, monitor, or nurse from our section will call your parents the day you are absent to find out what has happened to you. When you return to school it is important that your parents or the doctor send an excuse explaining the reason for your absence.
If you need to take any medication during the school day, your parents must send it with the doctor’s prescription or a written note specifying the name of the medication, the dosage and timetable so that our nurse can give it to you. As she is the only one authorised to give medications. The medicines must come in their original packaging in a closed bag. (if they are not in their original container, they will not be administered). Vitamins, cough drops, acetaminophen for children, etc., are considered medicines, therefore they will be handled in the same way.
Valentina Alvarado
School supplies and welcome The first day of school is August 16, 2022 for Kinder and Transition and August 17, 2022 for Pre-Kinder On Tuesday, August 9, families of children entering Pre-Kinder are invited (you and your parents) to visit your classroom and meet your new friends and teacher.Depending on the security protocols for the month of August, we will invite the whole group at the same time or in small groups. Once we are close to this date, we will send the invitation with the specific timetable for attendance to this activity. On Monday 8th August we will have a welcome meeting for new students entering the school for the first time at the Kinder and Transition levels. This meeting will take place in the Pre-school cafeteria. The invitation and induction programme for new students will arrive in the first week of August. If you are entering Pre-Kinder, Kinder or Transition, the School will provide your teacher with all the materials you need, with the exception of the school bag (which must be of a size that fits a legal size folder, without wheels), and the school diary only for Transition (Asopanglo gives it to its members and sells it to non-members).
Draw a backpack for the supplies
Manuela Villegas
Circulars and Webpage Our website address is It is important that your parents have access to our monthly newsletter and other communications. On the website you will find the School calendar, the weekly menu, different aspects of our academic programme and more information about our School. Circulars will be published monthly in the monthly newsletter which can be found on our website. Within the first four days of each month, your parents will receive an email confirming the publication of the monthly newsletter. This email will always include a link to the newsletter. In case you don't have time to read it when you receive the email, it will be published on our website by clicking on Community, "newsletter of the month". The newsletters are organised by two codes: • The grade code: The title of each newsletter begins with the grade to which it is addressed, in this way, we prevent you from reading newsletters for other grades in the section (for example: PK: Visit to the Farm - newsletter only for PreKinder). • Colour coding: In order to help prioritise the reading order, we have organised the circulars into three categories: - Red circle with the letter "R": circulars that require a response (example: authorise the child to go on a field trip), circulars that require a response (example: authorise the child to go on an educational outing). These circulars usually have an expiry date, so when the deadline for response is reached, they disappear from the newsletter. Once they respond, parents will receive an automatic email confirming that their response has been received. Your parents should note that when they respond to a field trip newsletter, this is valid as a legal authorisation for their child to participate in the activity. - Yellow circle with the letter "A": circulars inviting parents to attend activities and meetings. - Green circle with the letter "I": circulars that include general information but do not require immediate action. If your parents have limited time to read the circulars, these codes will help them prioritise their time and read them in the order that works best for them. To contact the Public Relations and Communications Department, please email For technical support, please contact the Systems Department at:
Some facts about our programme You will start learning 80% of the time in English and 20% in Spanish. The group director and the specialists will develop and implement the curriculum. As we are an International Baccalaureate school, we follow the PYP (Primary Years Programme) curriculum. The PYP is a holistic approach to education developed by the International Baccalaureate organisation, to form a foundation of skills, concepts, knowledge and experiences that develop in children a broad awareness and sensitivity to the experiences of others. At the heart of the PYP is the Learner Profile, which is designed to help teachers and students set standards of behaviour. We seek our students to be: inquirers, communicators, thinkers, risk-takers, knowledgeable, principled, caring, open-minded, balanced and reflective. The programme works through Units of Inquiry, which are derived from six organising themes, developed through a medium which is a Central Idea. The six organising themes are: who we are, where we are in place and time, how we express ourselves, how the world works, how we organise ourselves and how we share the planet. These are taught through: Language, Science and Technology, Arts, Physical Education, Personal, Social and Health, Social Studies and Mathematics. In Pre-Kinder and Kinder we only study four units of inquiry and from Transition onwards, there are six, each related to one of the organising themes. The PYP learning process has five essential elements. The aim is to give children the opportunity to develop attitudes, skills, actions, concepts and knowledge. For more information about PYP, tell your parents to visit
¡We are very happy to welcome you to our School! Tomás Arango Swans