Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER) English

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JUNE 2018 |


ANNUAL REPORT 2017-2018 GAIA DE DOMINICIS Head of Social and Environmental Responsibility

CAROL BETANCOURT Social Coordinator

SILVIA LILIANA CASTRO Environmental Coordinator

TANIA FONSECA Administrative Assistant


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CONTENT Introduction.................................................. 3 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Race Against Hunger.................................... 5 Food Waste Campaign and Rice Day....................................................... 7 Construction Brigades.................................. 9 Embellishment Brigades................................ 11 House Improvement Programme for Employees.................................................... 13 Bonfire.......................................................... 14 Special Olympics.......................................... 15 Best Buddies................................................. 16 Activities with Foundations........................... 17 Old2You New2me......................................... 19 ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY Eco Schools Programme...................................... 21 School Garden - Greenhouse.............................. 22 No Car Day........................................................... 23 Tapas para Sanar................................................. 24 Pilas con el Ambiente.......................................... 25 Waste management............................................ 26


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INTRODUCTION The Social Service and Environmental

This front also includes the development of

Sustainability Area of the School (SER) is

projects to benefit the internal Anglo

responsible for the design and execution of


social and environmental projects in the school. Its main objective is to strengthen the

3) Institutional: The main objective is to

students' social and environmental

execute environmentally friendly at the

awareness and promote action - taking

operational and infrastructure level in the

action that may have a positive impact on

school. These initiatives must be consistent

society and the environment.

with our environmental message.

SER is framed within the four Anglo values

In order to keep a focused effort in the

and aligned with the school's vision which is

projects that are executed, it has been

''to develop human beings with a strong

decided that SER will engage in projects

sense of integrity and consciously committed

within the following six United Nations

to their environmental.

Sustainable Goals: Housing, Nutrition, Peace and conflict resolution, Environmental

In order to integrate and consolidate

Sustainability, Education and Inclusion.

projects, SER works in an articulated way with the three academic sections of the School,

SER has a team that is constantly supported

as well as with other affiliates such as

by students and staff members who have an

Asopanglo and the Parents Council. Given

interest in social and environmental issues.

the scope of the project, staff and

The student and teacher representatives

students' involvement is essential for its

develop, support and get involved with the

implementation and the project's success.

initiatives and projects; they have played an important role in consolidating the School’s

In addition to encompassing the existing

Eco Committee as well as in the execution

initiatives of what was previously known as

of some projects such as the Race Against

FASAC and Go Green, the SER area is

Hunger, the Construction Brigades and the

responsible for developing and executing


the strategy through three fronts: Over the current academic year, projects 1) Teaching and Learning Process (Curricular

and initiatives outside the classroom were

Integration): The main objective is to

developed and will continue to be

integrate into the teaching and learning

implemented; these projects enrich students'

process the projects, initiatives, and actions

learning process, especially in regards to

related to social and environmental

action and social service. Specific evidence


of the projects and initiatives executed in the year 2017-2018 will be explained below.

2) Community work: The main objective is to work with external communities on designing, planning and executing mediumterm projects.

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Since August 2017 a strategic alliance was

Prior to both races, four awareness sessions

started with the NGO ''Acción Contra el

took place with the students where the

Hambre'', a global organization with more than

problem of child malnutrition in the world

twenty years of work in Colombia. The NGO’s

and the effect it has on human

goal is to fight hunger and malnutrition in four

development was shared with them.

regions that have been victims of the Colombian conflict: Nariño, Córdoba, Guajira

SER also to motivate the students to take

and Putumayo. Acción Contra el Hambre is our

the lead in promoting the Race and

strategic partner on the nutrition/malnutrition

sharing this cause among their friends and


relatives. SER counted with the participation and accompaniment of all

In order to raise awareness among the student

the sections of the School to ensure that

community, and raise funds for Acción Contra

both the awareness days and the Race

el Hambre and SER, two Races Against Hunger

were, a real success.

were held during the academic year. To learn more about Acción Contra el On the 30th of November, the first edition of this

Hambre, visit the website:

event was carried out, where Pre-School and

Primary school students and teachers participated. On the 19th of April the Race Against Hunger for Bach was held.

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Race Against Hunger Pre-school and Primary 30th November 2017

Race Against Hunger Secondary 19th April 2018

FOOD WASTE CAMPAIGN AND RICE DAY For the first time this year, we carried out the

This was a campaign originally planned

Food Waste Campaign in the School’s

and led by a group of students. Its

cafeteria. The campaign took place over a

objective was to raise awareness about

three week period, between the 12th and

nutritional inequality around the world.

the 21st of April. The general objective was to raise awareness about the impact of

Participation was voluntary and it was

food waste in our community.

gratifying to see that 96% of the student community (excluding preschool)

The specific objectives were to measure the

participated. The amount of food cooked

amount of food wasted in the cafeteria and

on that day is diminished because the

to motivate all those who consume food

majority (65%) of the participants

there, to be more conscious about the

consume rice. The savings that were

amount of food waste we’re making.

generated were donated to Acción

Participation and motivation were amazing!

Contra el Hambre.

Additionally, we carried out the Rice Day on April 12th of 2018.

Food waste from 12th to 24th April 2018


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CONSTRUCTION BRIGADES In the course of the academic year 2017-

Students and staff members donated

2018, the school worked consistently in

their time and effort for the construction

the housing front through the strategic

brigades the majority of students who

partner Fundación Catalina Muñoz. The

participated were from Eighth, Ninth,

foundation's main goal is to lead training

Tenth, Eleventh Grade.

processes through programs with social overview that generate changes in the

SER, through its fundraising effort, covers

life quality of vulnerable communities in

the cost of the brigades and the cost of


the houses built.

The Construction Brigades took place, on

To learn more about Fundación Catalina

average, one Saturday per month,

Muñoz, visit the website:

between 7 am - 4 pm in locations such as

Chía and Soacha, among others. Construction Brigades between August 2017 to May 2018

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EMBELLISHMENT BRIGADES Over the course of the current academic

The best majority of student volunteers

year, the School worked together with ONG

were the vast majority from Eighth, Ninth,

Habitat for Humanity, whose objective is to

Tenth and Eleventh grades.

contribute towards the improvement of the living conditions of underprivileged

We feel very proud of taking into practice

communities, executed its work in over 70

actions like these, that at the same time

countries around the world. This strategic

generate consciousness and social

alliance focuses on the housing front, carrying

responsibility in our students.

out embellishment brigades in public spaces and schools.

It is very gratifying to be able to work together with communities who benefit

The brigades were done, on average, one

from the construction of dwellings and the

Saturday per month, between 7 am - 4 pm in

beautification of neighborhoods where we

locations like Suba and Ciudad Bolivar.


Volunteers in embellishment brigades were

To learn more about Habitat for Humanity,

Anglo students and School employees.

visit the website:

Brigades Embellishment between August 2017 and May 2018

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On December 2017, the House Improvement

The assigned budget was $35 million pesos;

Programme for Employees was launched.

the funds were donated by SER, Parent's

This is a joint initiative with the Parents

Council and the Class 2017.

Council, the class of 2017 and SER. The class 2017 wanted to leave a thankful legacy for

The NGO Habitat for the Humanity carried out

the schools' General Services employees

the technical evaluations for the

that could be replicated and sustained over

improvements and has begun working on the


house improvements in May of 2018. Based on the schedule, the intervention of 100% of the

The SER area designed a pilot initiative that

houses will be completed before September

met the objectives of the class of 2017, and

of 2018. This project exemplifies the spirit of

that, in turn, could be replicable in the

service and solidarity of the Anglo


Community, in particular of its students.

This is how the House Improvement

IWith hope to continue counting with the

Programme for Employees was initiate;

support of the Anglo Community in order to

employees who were interested in

grow this valuable project.

participating and met the pre-established selection criteria applied. Eight employees and their families were selected in this first group of beneficiaries. JUNE 2018




BONFIRE The traditional Bonfire was held on March 10th of

3. To provide a space for artistic and cultural

2018. SER, together with the fifth-grade class and

expression of the body students.

the PR & Communications team, were responsible for organizing and running the event.

4.To raise funds for the social and

The Bonfire 2018 had four specific objectives:

environmental initiatives of the school.

1. To promote the sense of belonging of the

All the objectives were completely fulfilled

Anglo community identity through

and the event was a real success. We want


to give a special thanks to all the members of the Anglo community who actively

2 To create a space to raise awareness about

participated in this event.

the objectives and actions of SER.

Bonfire ''A Day in London To Help Others'' 10th March 2018

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SPECIAL OLYMPICS The partnership with Special Olympics was

During training time, respect and teamwork

kept during the academic year 2017-2018,

prevail in favor of a common goal: to

focusing on joint sports training between

enhance athletes of SO to become important

Anglo students and Special Olympics (SO)

figures in their sports competitions at national

athletes. Anglo students were from Tenth and

and international level.

Eleventh Grades. The training were held in the school on Saturday mornings.

To learn more about Special Olympics visit the web page:

The objective of this activity is to provide a space for mutual learning and training where athletes from SO can share learning spaces with Anglo students and School Staff. Training sections between August 2017 and May 2018

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Best Buddies Colombia is allied with the

The objective of this alliance is to promote

Anglo on two fronts

inclusion and raise awareness and respect in our Anglo community in relation to

1. Labor inclusion programme

people with cognitive disabilities.

2. Volunteer programme This alliance has had mutual benefit and Currently there is a Best Buddies member

provides shared learning opportunities, for

working in the administrative section of the

both Anglo students who participate in the

School. The volunteer program is composed

activities and for Best Buddies members.

of high school students who share several afternoons a month with Best Buddies

The purpose in the long run is to


consolidate and expand the institutional relationship, aligned with the schools’

In addition, the Anglo supports the annual

objective to be an institution that supports

Best Buddies Conference, donating the

and promotes inclusion in different areas.

space of the William Shakespeare Theater and other areas inside the campus.

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As it has been tradition in the school, along

2. Christmas party: On December 2017, SER

the year we continued running activities

invited a group of children from our allied

focused on solidarity, working in favor of less

foundations between 5 and 10 years of age to a

privileged communities, mainly in those who

cinema function donated by CineColombia. The

are responsable of low-income children.

school provided transportation and members of the team joined the children during the show.

This year we worked with the Fundación Mi

Later, children were invited to take a snack in

Dulce Refugio, ICAL, and Fundación San

the school’s cafeteria, where they also received

Mauricio. Specifically, three events for the

a personalized gift. It was an afternoon full of

benefit of these foundations were done:

singing and joy!

1. Children’s Day: Last October, children from

3. Primary Bake sale: In May 2018 Primary

the foundations named above were invited to

Students Leaders held a bake sale to raise items

the school to enjoy the "Monsieur Champiñón"

of utility to be donated to three foundations.

show, a performance also intended for Anglo

Items were delivered on 12th June by SER and

Preschool students to watch. Afterwards,

the Primary Students Leaders. We appreciate

some snacks were provided and some

the participation and solidarity of the families

play time was shared between the children.

who actively participated donating items for the

Children had the opportunity to attend

bake sale.

dressed up and enjoy to the fullest this moment at school.

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1. Children's day - October 2017 In donations of snacks and entertaiment

Donated for the activity

2. Christmas Part - December 2017

3. Primary Bake Sale - June 2018

Benefited with the activity


Old2You New2Me store handled by the

The commitment and time contribution of

Parents Council carries out two type of sales

the members of the Parents Council has

per year: used uniforms sale and clothing,

been fundamental to ensure the success

toys and other items. What is sold is donated

of this initiative.

by the community and is a revenue source to SER. Between August of 2017 and May of 2018 the store collected $10.5 millions pesos on sales. 50% of the revenue was addressed to the Housing Improvement Program for Employees and the other 50% to Construction Brigades.

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Global Citizenship






School Grounds

Sustaining Our World

Healthy Eating

Climate Change

The school decided to join an international

fronts for the next academic year 2018 -

program called Eco School Global in order

2019. These are:

to obtain the “Eco Schools Green Flag” and be part of an international network of

- Climate Change

environmentally responsible schools. Eco

- Global Citizenship

Schools aims to ensure that young people

- Litter

have the power to be the change for sustainability that the world needs, through

In Alignment with the Eco-Schools

fun, action-oriented learning.

Programme, the initiatives detailed below were carried out during the academic

The Eco-Committee (conformed by


students and staff) made an environmental diagnosis and identified the three action

To learn more about Eco Schools visit the web page: JUNE 2018 • SER |


SCHOOL GARDEN - GREENHOUSE Aiming to generate an experiential learning

The space design and the species that will be

space in sciences for the primary and

planted were thought to provide an

secondary sections, the construction of a

appropriate learning environment where

greenhouse garden within the school's facilities

students may apply knowledge and skills.

has begun. The project will be completed by mid-June 2018. The structure will be located

To the extent that the crops of vegetables are

behind the Omega building and will cover a

materialized, it will be possible to supply, to

space of 63 M2.

some extent, the school cafeteria and raise funds for SER projects.

The care and maintenance of the greenhouse will be in charge of the SER area, hand in hand

The design and construction of the structure

with students and teachers from science

was in charge of “Madriguera Ecológica”, a


company focused on promoting environmental


22| SER • JUNE 2018

NO CAR DAY The SER representatives from the previous

Taking into account this proposal, and

academic year proposed that high school

working hand in hand with the group of

students join the No Car Day organized by

student representatives, a route was

the Bogotá City Hall. The proposal was

designed so that bach students could go to

motivated by a desire to take concrete and

school by bicycle from a meeting point on

positive action in relation to the

106th street with 15th street. Students were

environmental issues of the city. According to

able to come in sportswear and join the

them, small actions count and students can

caravan, which was escorted by school

be part of the change.

security personnel.

1st February 2018


2018 • SER | 23

TAPAS PARA SANAR The School, through donations from staff

This is an initiative that is tied to the house

and students, supports the Fundación Sanar

competition of the School; the winning

Cáncer, through an environmentally

house in kilograms of plastic lids collected

responsible action: the collection of plastic

accumulates points towards the house cup.

lids. Through the “Tapas para Sanar”

We appreciate the participation of the

campaign, children and adolescents with

entire community in this noble cause and

cancer and their families are benefiting.

we encourage you to strengthen the participation in the following academic year.

The total amount of plastic lids donated to Fundación Sanar Cáncer was:


The percentage collected between August 2017 and May 2018 per house was:

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The School remains committed to the “Pilas

The School has a container specially designed

con el Ambiente” program, led by ANDI

for the collection of batteries in the main

Association which has national coverage. By

entrance, which has motivated and

collecting and properly disposing the

facilitated the donations. We invite the entire

batteries, the adverse impact is minimized

community to continue disposing the

since it prevents toxic components to be

batteries responsibly!

deposited in the environment.

Between August 2017 and May 2018

25 | SER • JUNE 2018

WASTE MANAGEMENT Between August 2017 and May 2018

The proper management of organic and

The school has a colored bin system to

inorganic waste is essential so that the

encourage the separation of waste from

School contributes positively in taking care

the source. Likewise, through a cooperative

of the environment. This is why specific

of recyclers, we are ensuring that use

measures have been taken at the

materials recovered at school (paper,

institutional level that promote

plastic, glass, and metals) are being

environmental sustainability through waste

reintroduced to the production system, thus


preventing them from reaching landfills.

In the same way, it is imperative that the

On the other hand, organic waste is

School comply with environmental

delivered to perform composting processes

regulations and follow the requirements of

and the used vegetable oil for the

the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of

production of biofuels.

Education regarding environmental issues.

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The following materials were recycled between August 2017 and May 2018

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