I am the world

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I exist

Is everything I experience, a play around me and through me and for me and because of me? Is enlightenment simply the realisation that reality is me?

I am an awareness… a consciousness… a mindfulness… an observer…. a witness of what is occurring before me.

No matter what I do, there remains a part of me that is detached, but always aware, a silent witness. A witness to a constantly changing reality, a fluid existence called life.

I exist and I am aware of my own being. I exist, I can’t speak for anyone else, I only know from my point of view.

I exist and I cannot imagine not existing. I exist in sleep, I exist in unconsciousness, I exist in daydreams.

Maybe everybody else also exists or maybe they are only fleeting images across my consciousness, no matter‌ I exist. I always am, I always have been, I always will be.

I exist as an outward expression called a body, behind that, in the stillness of my mind, I, the watcher, exists in silence, in timelessness.

I exist as the eternal observer, the immortal witness. Myself, the ceaseless awareness cannot die, I cannot disappear,I cannot not exist.


My past is a glimpse of a magnificent dream. It is a myth, a fairy tale. From infinite possibilities, the past has formed the present.

My future is a fantasy, a reassuring promise to myself, an attempt to fill the void of the next moment. The future lives in infinite, unformed possibilities.

Choice creates form from the unformed, this and that becomes the eternal moment. Instantly this moment becomes the past, which forever colours now.

The past is now, as the infinite moment. The future is now, as unformed potential.

Where is this past that caused my unhappiness? My remembered past is a myth. Where is this future I worry about? My imagined future is a fantasy.

There is only this eternal moment. Through this moment floats reality. A reality that is my state of mind. Now is an eternally changing reality. Now is the truth.

My past is a myth. This world is a myth. Belonging to a world or a nation, or a group is a myth.

Belonging requires belief in a structure somewhere, but there is no somewhere, there is no anywhere. Reality is whatever I experience in this infinite now.

I am the creator

I am my life. My experiences are myself. My thoughts are commands, sent into the eternal formlessness.

They am faithfully fulfilled as form. I am what I think. My world is my belief system in expression.

I am the designer of my own situations. I have the power to create heaven or hell. Nothing in the outer world is responsible for what I encounter.

I am the maker of my personal experiences. I can only bring before myself what I am. Doubts and fears tagged onto hopes and dreams, cause them to appear only partially fulfilled.

Hold to my ideals and life becomes an ever-changing miracle. I am where I have placed myself. I am in a world of my own creation.

I stand alone with my thoughts and feelings. I cannot be the creator of any life but my own. I cannot help anyone.

I refuse to be anything less than I want to be, there is no need to compromise. I am true to my feelings and true to my heart.

I will create a world that is perfect, perfect for me.

I am free

The outside world cannot set me free. Nothing I buy or possess can give me freedom. Only I have the power to set myself free.

My judgements make deeds naughty or nice. I have created every restriction and every freedom. I set the rules, I am the lawmaker, I am the believer.

Existence is impartial, it is the neutral fabric that I paint my life upon. Nothing has any value until I judge it.

I am free, free to create, free to destroy. I am free to create peace or problems, limits or liberty. I bind myself by accepting the outer world as my guide.

I can only blame myself for what I see as reality. My beliefs are my choice and my truth.

Freedom comes from inside. Freedom is knowing I am the creator of my universe, Freedom is knowing I am perfectly safe in this world.

Freedom is knowing everything is exactly as it should be. Freedom is knowing I can never miss out on anything.

Let life dance through my moments, fearlessly and recklessly. Then I will know the freedom that is my true nature. I am reality, I let go and watch it dance to my passions.

I am what I believe

Every aspect of my life is myself. I am as divine as the most spiritual and as wicked as the meanest.

My outside is my inside. My health, my relationships, my wealth, everything is who I am. I am never more or less than I experience.

If I want to change what I see, then I must change what I believe. There is no escaping my essential self. I am the world before myself.

When I am the same frequency of something, then I am that something. When I am that something, I see it as a reality. Reality is a reflection of my thoughts.

I cannot chase something to become it. I have to feel it to be it! By seeking, I imply separation. I have to be it to see it. If I seek it , I will not catch it.

The seeking of enlightenment, is the continual projection into the future, implying that I will find it later. I am already the truth of life. Sit still, it is in my face.

There are no secrets

The truth is right up my nose. It is smack against my lips. It peers through my eyes and screams in my ears:

“There is no more to anything… life and death, health and happiness, love and laughter, than what I already know right now!”

I am virtually swimming in the truth. I cannot escape from it. The simplicity of life is hidden in the shadows of my beliefs.

My holding to ideas does not make them truth, It makes them reality for me. My reality is not necessarily my truth.

Enlightenment is nowhere to be found, It is my natural state and the essence of everything. It is not a thing to be achieved or a target to hit. It is everywhere and everything.

Enlightenment is the only natural way to view reality. It cannot be forced, it is simply practical.

Myths and imagination have made enlightenment a mountain, but it is the air I breathe, the world I live in. It is a baby crying and a child laughing.

There is nothing hidden, there are no secrets to discover. I am looking for what I always have been. I am the secret I am searching for. Give up and I will fall in.

I am

I am nothing, I am neither the past nor the future. I am nowhere, I am neither in nor out, up nor down. I have no dimensions and no shape.

I am the totality of everything. I am the singular whole. Duality is the illusion I create. From this duality comes polarity and reality.

I am the void from which was born all opposites. Opposites are divisions, when they are united, I am all that remains.

Duality creates the illusion of separateness. Separateness creates the illusion of reality. I am living as a duality but centred in a non-duality.

I am dog and god, buddha and baby, christ and rice, the earth and my neighbour. I am the highest and the lowest.

I am is complete. I am is the simple truth, from which all other truth arises.

I am consciousness, I am awareness, I am god‌ I am whatever I believe I am at the moment. I have no purpose, no direction, no place to go... I am. I am playing within my own creation.

I am the centre of my universe. I am my universe! I am the creator of my world. All that I experience and all that I express is unique to myself.

I am the greatest and I am the least. I am the sacred and the cursed, the beautiful and the ugly, the weak and the strong. I am all, there is nothing more.

My face is facing me

I am not my personality…. I am not my body… I am not my past… I am what I focus upon. I am what I immerse myself in.

To myself, my face can only be seen as a reflected image. My real face, or my reality, is facing me.

If I want to see what I am. I only have to look at what I am experiencing! My face is staring straight back at me.

From my point of view, from where I look out into the world, From that dark hole called ‘head’, I have no face.

My face is not what I reflect, It is the image that I believe others see as me. My true face is what I am experiencing.

My face is the images and impressions, the smells, sounds and feelings that are before me at any moment. The things that are in my face, show the state of my world.

My reality is facing me. Everything I call real is felt from within. Every impression, every occurrence is myself.

My being is what I am feeling. The world is not felt by my senses. My senses create my impression of the world.

I am all faces as they appear before me. I have no face, I am a consciousness projecting outward through my senses.

I am the darkness, the nothingness, a void peering through the mask of my senses. The world is wherever I am.

Reality is created by my reactions to what I observe. This creates my next situation. I am a witness to my own reality. Everything I observe is equal in value, only my response gives it a value.

Everything I observe is a hologram, played out on the screen of my senses. Thoughts give personal value to my observations.

God is fun

If I love what I am doing, I am having fun. When I am doing what I love, I am having fun.

Any other way is unnatural. God, fun is expansive, open, creative, spontaneous. I can never have enough fun.

God is good, Fun is good, God is fun. Fun is natural.

Life is my fun park, my playground. God, fun, is the essence of this mysterious game. It is the stuff that is my existence. I am what I exist within.

I am that essence, I cannot exist outside of it. This essence is my play stuff.

I am free to use this essence to create fun and adventure, and a life full of the things I love, Things that are fun to me.

I am free to do whatever within this essence. If I create what makes me feel good, which is natural, then it is fun. Then life is good, naturally.

Reality is fun, naturally. If my life is not fun, then I am living unnaturally. Fun is only natural.

The joke is on me

I am in a reality of my own creation. I laughed as I immersed myself in this illusion of permanence. Part of me stayed above water part of me was submerged, which is reality?

Part of me observed the reflections Part of me thought they were real. I am in a reality of my own creation.

There was never anyone else to blame for my predicaments. There never was any danger, or any risk.

I can never miss out on anything, For I am anything and everything that I create. The joke is on me... and it always has been.

I have spent eons playing hide ‘n seek with myself. I am all that is ‌ So the joke was played by me, upon myself.

There were never any secrets to life, there was just me overlooking the obvious.

I do not have a past or a future, I only have this moment. I have always been a consciousness drifting through awareness.

Resistance is the cause of all my problems. Pain comes from giving my power to the outer world.

There is only me and my inner world, projecting my thoughts, my mindset, to create a life.

Everything is just as it should be and the only way it can be. Acceptance is the key to happiness.

Whatever I am doing is perfectly correct for me. My world is an inner world, the outer reality is a projection, a reflection of it.

I am my world... the world. Every person, every action is myself. How funny is that?

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